#no but I was typing so fast about ford trying to get the thoughts out
aceofstars16 · 10 months
Things I did yesterday
1) finished rereading The Silver Eye. It was a MUCH needed reread and now everything makes so much more sense, my lore knowledge has been restored and I am not as confused as I was 😂
2) wrote an almost 3,000 word essay about Ford…not just about him but me lowkey defending him against some of the things I see the fandom say about him…yeah I had *thoughts* and honestly I mostly just wrote it to get the thoughts out of my head lol
3) I went outside cause the sun FINALLY came out, and it’s still out today, I am happy ☀️
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themoonweaversden · 1 month
Messeges that were found so far: STAN / STANLEY PINES / STAN PINES / STANLEY (spoilers)
This is just to collect all the codes that you can type in in thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com and their effects only (please click images for better quality)
Masterpost with all messeges / codes
You have to keep spamming it to get all of these links
Eventually you'll get this:
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If you click EX-WIVES
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Old Goldie Vegas wedding to a cursed gold-toothed antique.
Marilyn Fakenamé Vegas wedding to a cursed gold-toothed antique.
Brenda Chuggins Shack attraction for having "World's Biggest Thumb." (Carny Tip: Never date your own freaks. She used that thumb to hitch-hike off with Johnny Snakes 3 days later)
Sandra Sweetmeadow A kind beautiful Amish girl eho made Stan choose between her and his "sinful gold chains." He chose the chains.
Someone named "Burline" Stan has no idea who she is, but he found her wedding ring in the Shack Lost & Found, put it on, and it got stuck forever. Physically binding. Might be legally binding!
His childhood poster of "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman" (8 year old Stanley drew a ring on the poster and made Sixer witness.)
Natalia Annika Ömanövv Totally un-suspicious turist from a country that no longer legally exists. She took Stanley's creedit card and social security number while he was sleeping and still "checks in on him" via hidden cameras. Ah, love!"
If you click FEARS
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The IRS Finding Out
Soos being the one to find Stan dead and taxidermying his body. (Soos would consider this an honor)
The cops calling Stan's fingertips "unusually little."
Betting Dipper in a poker game (and losing.)
Word getting out about Stan's little fingertips, people discovering that they're littler than Ford's.
Stan being dubbed "Baby-Fingers Pines" by the media and having to look into black market finger enlarging."
If you click SECRET SHAMES
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The time Wendy beat Stan in arm wrestling. 3 times in a row. She never has to work overtime as long as she never tells a soul.
The fact that no one came to his fake funeral except his mom and an IRS agent who whispered to the coffin "this isn't over."
The quick cash Stan made in 1975 posing for a "Hunky Drifters Catalogue" that wasn't as tasteful and classy as the job listing made it sound.
Was the baby mascot for the "Fussy Boy" Brand diaper rash commercials. (Claims that was Ford.)
Writing His Duchess Approves erotic fan-novel: "The Duke's Temptations at Oglebottom Estate.""
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The time Stan hit Toby Determined with his car and just... kept driving.
Illegally breeding wolves to create a "super wolf." You should hear this thing howl.
Pretending to be a veteran to get a discount on PEZ, then having to invent an entire fake war in a fake country to keep the ruse going. Stan still has a "Remember Operation Enduring Excuse" bumper sticker, and regularly updates the Wikipedia page for the "People's Grepublic of Grunklestan."
Shooting out the tires of the Mythbusters Van after they axposing him for "looking kinda doughy" on tape.
Selling his heart medication to Children claiming it was "metal-flavored candy!"
Accidentally inhaling too much taxidermy glue, black out, and waking up to discover that he had somehow managed to rob himself. Still tracking down the lost boot buried by his arch-rival "Glue Stan""
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The "Wishy Washy!" - A washing machine that somehow makes your clothes dirtier.
The "Counter Fit!" - A rubber band you attach to your kitchen counter to exercise while doing dished. INJURY TOLL: 27
"Welcome to Gravity Town!" - A cartoon show pitch which was unanimously rejected by every network for "blatant Illuminati references."
"Flavored Lottery Tickets!" - Turns out that the kind of people who think they can win the lottery are the kind of people who ignore "do not swallow" instructions. LAWSUIT TOLL: 48
"THE SAD SHACK" - A burlap bag to cover your head so no one can see you rendomly crying during the day. Cheaper than therapy!
A soda called the "Drippy Stanley!" INGREDIENTS: Pine Sol, wood glue, & expired sun tan lotion. Soos tested it and now he can't remember the year 2000."
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That time he somehow got an F- on a history test, which teachers thought was mathematically impossible. Filbrick made him stand on the lawn for two days holding a sign that said "Estra Stan, 3 dollars or better offer."
When "1998's Best Tourist Traps in Oregon" listed the "Mystery Shack" as #99 below "The world's bigest fence" and "the dog that might be thinking human thoughts."
His birthday the year before he met Dipper & Mabel. No one came to "Mr Mystery's Mystery-Age Party & Used Wolf Pet Sale" He'd spent hours writing comedy roasts of employees who never came, burned off one of his eyebrows attempting to make a cake, and drank the night away skeet shooting Sixer's old Beethoven Records.
The day after he met the twins, he overheard them debating whether they should escape out the window and report him to the FBI. Mabel shook a Magic 8-Ball and tey stayed.
Stripping for edible flour in Tijuana Please don't make me elaborate."
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Pin all my crimes on Soos"
If you click HOW HE BEAT ME (You have to keep spamming)
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"HOW STAN BEAT ME LOOK the gambler got a lucky break, alright? A lifelong LOSER was due for ONE freak royal flush! What does it mean? NOTHING! LESS THAN NOTHING! NOT WORTH EVEN THINKING ABOUT!"
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"HOW STAN BEAT ME WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY? That a guy who once tried to EAT THE DECORATIVE POTPURRI out of the bowl in the bank OUTSMARTED ME?! PLEASE! Goofus was just following Gallant's LEAD! It was SIXER'S PLAN, PTSD BARNUM is just a side character, a resume-inflating, cheap trick loving, past-denying overgrown child protected from failure only by a force field of DENIAL AND shamelessness! Sixer ate Stanley's potential in the womb, and the only thing interesting that ever happened to him started when I entered HIS head! END OF STORY! PERIOD. And I have NOTHING MORE TO SAY ABOUT IT!!!!"
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"HOW STAN BEAT ME AND ANOTHER THING! Ever since that pathetic excuse for a 5-sensed three Dimensional one lifespanned skin-puppet was barfed into the universe, he was nothing but a carbon copy of a better genetic duplicate, and he knew it! A trillion years from now when I've broken out of this place nd taken over, he'll be remembered as the special bump under the cement truck of my inevitable triumph asterisk next to an asterisk next to an asterisk next to an asterisk who would be a joke if he was capable of understanding comedy whehich he OBVIOUSLY isn't, I mean, have you heard the hacky matreials he does on his tours, I've been inside his dreams, he WORKSHOPS that material, he PAVES over it, and the best he can do are some puns that would make a third grader cringe and vaudeville that were hack before they were even invented! Its an insult that showed to wear a suit and tie, he should be in a BARREL with SUSPENDERS!
Transcript for this image in specific taken from this Google doc
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"DO Y Ou even fAThoM ho W muCH pAIN IM"
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"sOMeTIMES when i CLOSE my eyE i caN"
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"I cAN STiLL sEe (encoded in alchemic sipher, author's cipher, theraprism and color cipher (in that order))"
Decoded messege: "The eyes of everyone I've ever"
(last three images)
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billford-dump · 1 year
Bill finishes a round of torture with Ford. But instead of leaving, or trying out some new way to make him give up the equation, he lets Ford drop to the ground, removes the chains, and heals him up.
"It's pretty impressive that you're still holding out, I think you deserve a reward."
And then he gives Ford an offer:
One hour, to do anything he wants to Bill. Torture him, kiss him, tie him up, talk to him, use him as a footrest, whatever his little mortal heart desires. Bill even gives Ford a little bit of his power, calling it a preview for when he finally decides to join him.
Ford refuses, of course, but Bill keeps needling him and annoying him, asking if maybe he'd like to use the hour to play chess, just like they used to, until he lashes out. And it's like the floodgates have opened, Ford goes absolutely ballistic, tears Bill apart with his bare hands and demands that he regenerate so he can do it again, over and over. He uses that little bit of power Bill gave him to chain him up and electrocute him (and Bill screams like he's in pain, plays along for his sweet little Sixer), he's being downright sadistic by the end of it.
And then the hour's up, and Bill chains Ford up again and regenerates properly this time, not purposefully weakening his form for Sixer's benefit. Ford is still going feral, struggling, growling, snapping his teeth at Bill who just snickers and puts a glowing muzzle on him.
And then makes a wall disappear to reveal the rest of the Pines family, who just watched Ford spend an hour tearing Bill apart and torturing him as best he could.
The moment Ford sees them he freezes. He's still covered in Bill's blood, it even stains his teeth some nightmarish color from when he decided to start biting the demon because his hands weren't doing the job fast enough. He goes completely pale and he can't look away from them.
"Oh, you didn't think this would be straightforward, did you? You really are stupid sometimes IQ." A gentle, amused hand running through his hair. "You know, Fez was already pretty iffy about letting you around the kids. He already thought you were dangerous, how do you think he feels now? Do you think Pinetree still looks up to you? Would Shooting Star still call you 'one finger friendlier than normal'?"
No response.
"If you're still feeling stubborn, I can tell them about some of the worse things you've done. People you've killed, innocents you threw into the line of fire to save yourself… you've done some terrible things, Stanford Pines. I wonder what they would think if they knew all of them."
Torture and pain wouldn't break Ford, he's too stubborn for that. But fear of rejection by the most important people in his life? That would do it.
And Bill is the type to use every dirty little trick in the book to make Sixer give in, including either making a fake version of his family to fuck with his head or capturing his actual family and making them watch Ford try to kill him with his bare hands.
That, plus Bill making Ford part of it. "You're the one who decided you wanted to hurt me, Sixer. If they're scared of you now that's your fault. And even if you move past this, they'll still know what you're capable of."
"If you give me that equation though... you can definitely make them forget. I'd agree quickly if I were you, before it moves to their long-term memories. Removal starts to get tricky the longer you wait."
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bomberqueen17 · 1 year
car shopping part 1
ok i had capslock on when i started typing this and i startled myself, lol. i am. a bit tired and punchy. BUT. All hail my lovely middle-little sister, who volunteered to come take me to car dealerships last night.
Here are my extremely scientific notes on how that went, so that I can narrow down my car choices for definitely for sure:
1) Honda: we went to a Honda dealership, and my mom has a CR-V which I've driven and it's... fine, so I tried the HR-V, which is smaller. The sales guy immediately without asking was like "here you want this one" and had me test-drive a used 2020 model-- low mileage, nice car, but used. "Won't be here in a couple days tho, act fast," he said, and gave me his card. I'd told him this was the very first car of my search and I wasn't in a hurry. He didn't show me anything new, or tell me about anything new, but did say there were often quite long waits for new cars. Gotcha. Like, I'm not mad, but I'm also not going to pay $23,9 for a three-year old car when the current year's model is $24k. You know? I don't care how long the warranty is.
2) Subaru: we went because it was right there. Wandered around the parking lot. Crosstreks look... lower now?? somehow?? than mine? Much lower, don't know why. Specs said same ground clearance but. I'd have to look up what the specs were in 2014. Sales guy came out, asked if we wanted to see anything. M-L said I should try the Forester, so I was like sure, why not; one of the farm workers has a 2020 Outback I figured I'd ask his opinion on, and actually the part time veg helper guy has a recent Outback too, so there's no shortage of those around. So I test-drove a Forester. And like. I hadn't even got out of the parking lot and the guy was like, all casual, "so how's the visibility," and I really looked around and was like holy shit okay i can see through time so I really liked it. It was a higher-end package (had a huge sunroof, i actually really liked that, i'm a shallow bitch i guess) and kept trying to nanny me about leaving the lane on the winding back road but the guy reached over and pressed the button that disables that and it stopped yelling at me, which was great. Anyway. I did not expect that. M-L and I theorized about what kind of guy I'd be to be a Forester guy. "A middle-aged wealthy lesbian with a lot of large dogs," M-L said, and I was immediately depressed to realize that only one of those things is actually applicable. I have no wife and no large dogs. These are major failings of my life. But. I mean. We don't always end up the person we thought we'd be when we were nineteen.
3) Then we got to the Ford dealership, and a guy named Joey was like "ay what's up," and i listed the cars I was interested in and he was like "i can't get those or those but I got Broncos, let's go see one" and walked incredibly fast out into the parking lot without looking like he was hurrying, seriously it was eerie how fast he walked while looking like he was just ambling, and he led us to a "cactus gray" Bronco Sport, said "you wanna try this one? aight hang on" and went back into the building. I was like uh sure, we poked around the parking lot, and then he came back, handed me the key, was like "yah you two go for it, you know the roads around here? yah go see if you like it, I'll be here til eight." and off we went, slightly bemused. But yes, we were quite near M-L's house so she led us around a winding path. The Bronco's hood takes up rather a lot of the view out of the windshield. I raised my seat, which helped slightly. I could not find the right edge of the car and kept straying over into the shoulder. It was so boxy. The visibility out of the windows wasn't fantastic. But it had a lot of zoom and handled all right. Not terrible. I'm not a Ford Bronco guy I don't think, but I liked the Ford dealership folks, they were funny.
The sales manager came out and talked to me briefly and was like "well i mean how many cars are you looking for" and i was like "i have a spreadsheet" and he was like "a what now" and i got my phone out and showed him the spreadsheet Dude made and he was like "your guy is something else" and i was like "i mean, he sure is", and I did feel better about not being a wealthy middle-aged lesbian with large dogs if this is what I have instead but like. I mean. The road not taken etc.
"take notes," M-L said as we got home (after i bought her a sushi dinner bc there was a place right by the dealership and also i wanted sushi), and i was like "yah ok" but this is my notes. i'm sure i'll be able to make sense of them later.
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ambientbroth · 2 years
Undiagnosed Autism Entry 1
I came across this video today
And spent the last 12 hours typing out my experiences in my notes app and staring into blank space traveling down my memories. Reading certain traits that I strongly identify with.
I know how people feel about self diagnosing but I also know I’m truly the only one that knows myself. I’m not acting a certain way if there’s no audience and I find myself doing all these traits alone by myself.
Today I realized how much I actually stim and how it’s just been over looked by everyone, including myself. I CONSTANTLY rub my feet under the covers and actually EVERYTHING is about my feet. Fuck recently I can’t shut the fuck to about them. I just discovered washing-my-feet-instead-of-my-whole-body-to-feel-good and I will bring it up anytime I can. I can’t have them outside the covers or I will have a ‘overreaction’. I hate wet surface on my feet or anything stuck to my feet, I will GAG!!! They are almost always interlocked with each other, big toe with big toe. When my feet are cold that’s all I can talk about and I can’t focus unless I can warm them up with water. I will do it 5 times if I need to. I can’t walk on hard surfaces with wet feet.. too many particles.
I also stim by doing finger dances to music and breaking out into full arm and hand choreography. If I know all the words it’s a bonus point and it must play all the way through. My partners car has a fucked up radio (stupid Ford carsFUCKAMERICANMADEANYTHING) so it skips every song after like 12 seconds or sometimes it’ll play it all the way -ITS SO UNPREDICTABLE AND IT KILLS ME INSIDE
I also Overshare a lot and I go into a lot of detail when I talk. Recently I’ve become very aware of how I talk to people. I avoid small talk as much as I can. I info dump as fast and excited and as in much detail as I can. I also try to make them as excited as me which never works on 30 year old cis men unless they are drunk (I sweep and mop a bar every morning as a ‘job’ and sometimes hang out and eat there for free :) they are like my uncles but all different races and faces) but that’s not really oversharing. I do Overshare like bathroom stuff, my digestive problems. My ex gf would call me her “gassy girl” because when she would ask how I am that’s usually what I would start with “well I’ve been farting a lot today extra stinky” and it didn’t like hit me until she gave me that nickname, I talk about gas too much.
I ate pizza rolls and drank chocolate milk every morning for 12 years of my life… all through grade school and middle school that is what I did. I also ended my nights drinking a full 16 oz of 2% milk - every FUCKING night. I do not joke when I say this, this was every night. My grandma would speak words of concern for me and judge me and that’s when my mom started taking the milk away from me and switching up my breakfast, I did not compute well. It really fucked me up but so was eating that everyday so??? Idk probably for the best???
I have a lot more I wrote down but I thought I would share.. maybe this is a journey for me. Idk if I want to spend 2K to get a paper but also it’ll just confirm what I know about myself or not confirm it….?? I also know how long it takes for women to actually get a diagnosis, how much sweat and tears. It’s not a easy thing to do.
I wish I knew more people to talk to about this. So I share to the internet the start of something I needed very much as a child.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Was it a MISTAKE adding these mods to my 2023 C8 Corvette!" on YouTube
He owns the company's for the speed upgrades and we're not going to use his companies but it looks similar yet the rims look more like a super car rim these look like Corvette mags and we wanted to steer away from it and it looks like a supercar you can't tell the way he painted it it looks like a Corvette and we have super car paint like on the Ford GT it is different and it's a different type of striping and it does look different but it has kind of an effect like this people think it's cool looking and he was going for a Corvette look and he looks like a New Jersey shore guy cuz he is kind of and that's what it looks like he's violent towards our son and very dangerous seems to have calmed down but he has not and he's soon going to be gone and he's been abused his whole life and have thousands of years. My son was not abused when he was younger and he's growing up and he's nothing mentality of an adult Giant and it's horrifying to you but you don't realize it cuz you're pushovers for him but that's good we're going to start producing these tonight for sale tomorrow we are going to do sales brochures and leaflets and pamphlets and we will have a little show and he suggested traveling show and that's a great idea and he wants to go to meetups and try to go to raceways and rent some space even trying to go to raceways when they're not racing and have events for people to go to people don't have anywhere to go during the weekends it's a great idea the weekends coming up and we can do it Saturday and Sunday and He suggests Fontana maybe in the morning they have a race there but they start at 3:00 p.m. and we could go in there early 8:00 a.m. and they're actually interested and they want to see it and he's been there and it was a good time and he liked it and it was fun and they're riding in a real NASCAR and it was exciting for him and he went to a couple races you know he went to one but it was intense and it was with the same company he thought it was the best thing he's ever done even though he was going to pass out and we have ventilation systems we can sell and Fontana raceway is interested and what he says is we'll donate it so we can do the event there and they said wow that's awesome $50,000 item but the install is extra if they want to install themselves we would just hand it over and they say that's good we need instructions and we'll have a superintendent there throughout the project and it's one of your guys and they appreciate it and they're going to go ahead with it and they know who they are and they like it and they said that's intense you can't get any better it was the only thing you didn't like but now he's going to try and help and they said that car would be awesome if it looks better like the Ford GT that's even better and it's very fast he said they're on the track it's going to look intense because it goes so fast around the circle track so we're going to get our people together and trying to range it we're also going to go to smaller car shows and super car shows and they do have kit cars that arrive and the wonder what it is and we do have a name it's not corvalle it's something that is unique and it's like a manta ray it's not manta ray it's not a bad idea and just caught that and but we have a whole line of them well there's a Sea Ray manta ray but then again those are all about boats but that's what Corvette is about and that would be about summaries and submarines and it's sort of what we're talking about a lot and we need one more so we are going to talk about the Sea Ray is small the manta ray is pretty big and they have a really big one and it's called something else and it is not stingray it's like shark ray so we're going to go ahead with that it's a great idea and I was thinking of it a little but her so she came up with it so she came up with it and it's perfect and it was Hera. So we're getting on with it now
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
darkcitiesnluv · 3 years
hi babe if ure taking any requests, can i request roommates reader and taehyun studying tgt but ended up making out in the couch? ty!!!!
Hoped you like it! I really try my best to write(type) this nicely! @kkyubear
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" Taehyun and Y/n, y'all working together for this project, also class, don't forget to study this week for our exam on Friday...."  The flashback appeared back again for the fifth time today.
" Why did Mr.Kim, chose him as my partner....?" You mumbled to yourself as you took a sip from your strawberry boba drink. You're sitting at the boba drink restaurant by yourself, next to the window. You watch people pass by while thinking about the project, the exam, and.....that boy named Taehyun.
Why did it bother you so much about Taehyun being your partner for the project? Well.....Kang Taehyun is your roommate. He is a new student in the college you go to.....well for you he's new because you know half of the people on the campus and you have never seen him before until this year.
You remembered how surprised you felt when you saw the new super attractive silver strikes hair guy in your room, sitting at the dark blue sheet of his bed, reading a science book on his lap, a guitar laying next to him, his arms behind his head, showing his strong biceps that you couldn't take your eyes away from.
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You remembered how his natural beautiful big eyes suddenly looked at your side making your heart jump a little. He gave you a smile that lasted 3 seconds before turning back to his book. You remembered how you felt that moment. You felt a little nervous and you felt the feeling of butterflies flying around your stomach almost making it ache.
Taehyun was a quiet guy. When he was out, he would always try to come to the tiny apartment early before eight of the night so he wouldn't have to wake you up in the middle of the night with his noises.
Both of you would just do their things and would have small talks like the good morning greetings, the goodnight byes, stuff about school and that's it.
In the middle of the year, you two started to become a little more comfortable with each other. You remembered the first night you felt in a great mood and felt confident to ask him if wanted to study with you. Taehyun nodded kindly with his bright smile and agreed. Both of you would study on the couch, books on the table that stand in the middle of the tiny living room, and snacks around the books and papers.
It became a habit to study together like this whenever you two were having a test. Soon you two became friends and you no longer felt shy talking to him. However you still have feelings for him, for your crush, but you always made sure not to make it obvious. At first, you founded wrong to like your friend but you thought it as
" it's just a crush, it'll last for a while, maybe when you two become close friends you will no longer see him as a crush".
You were wrong!
Kang is too damn attractive and looks attractive in anything he wears and in anything he does. His personality is just.... amazing! He is funny, has sarcastic humor, a little savage, he is smart and speaks beautifully. No wonder why you too are studying communications together. Kang Taehyun is just perfect for you. You couldn't help it to feel so attracted to these men.
After you're done going through your entrance of memories and thoughts you got a message from Taehyun.
Hey!! Y/nieee~ come home to study! Where are you? 😅
You smile at the way he spelled your name cutely. You forgot to mention his cuteness is just something else.
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Ok! I'll be there in a few minutes :)!
" Here, I brought Gimbap, Kimchi, and some snacks...." He grinned as he takes out the boxes from the bag.
" Love Gimbap and Kimchi...." You smiled, sitting next to him on the couch. You got out your journals and books to study.
" Wow, This is easy.....imma ace this exam....." He smirks to himself still reviewing his paper. " As always?..." You rolled your eyes.
" Y/nnie~ open your mouth, say ahhhh" he teases as he grabs the Gimbap with his fork over his other hand so it wouldn't drop, and push it towards your lips. You widen your eyes and slightly blush when you saw that coming.
Still, you obey and opened your mouth taking the bite. "Mmm~" you nodded and smiled happily.
"Good!" You said while chewing, your cheeks getting puffy. Taehyun giggle and mumbled
" cute ..". Still you heard that and that made you feel some type of way you can't explain.
Some time pass both of you still studying together on the same couch. Taehyun was still enjoying his kimchi. You watch how he ate it deliciously making you hungry again. You watch his hand, his manly veiny-looking hands holding on to the fork, taking the fork towards his mouth and taking a bite softly. Your mouth was watering by just watching him taking the bite and chewing it slowly. He close his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows together forming tiny lines on his forehead. He shook his head slightly enjoying the taste of kimchi.
'lucky kimchi....' you thought without realizing it.
There were times where you would think about Taehyun. Thinking about him in a then not so-most innocent and pure way and you felt ashamed. Like you said before he is one handsome man with an amazing athletic body so sometimes he would wake a tiny fire of desire inside of you. As always you're very respectful and never try anything funny towards him.
However, today you can feel the heat coming back again. Seeing him next to you so close, where you can see his little imperfections on his face, neck, hands and still you find the perfect. You feel the heat rushing to your cheeks and your heart beating fast. The desire to kiss was getting stronger. You didn't realize how close you were leaning towards hi him until suddenly looks away from his book and looks down at at at at your eyes with an intense stare. His big eyes move from your forehead, eyes, lips,  and lastly your lips. While you just stare at his lips the entire time.
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" What are doing...." He whispered. His serious intense look not changing. His hot breath tickles your nose and cheek. You were feeling aroused by his stare, breath, and his whisper sexy voice.
" You should be staring down your sheet, not on my lips....." Taehyun said, leaning slowly towards you. " I know but I can't help it... would love to study your lips too..." You whispered back now looking at his eyes. Now you're no longer thinking straight.
" And how would you do that?" He whispered back staring back and ford on both of your eyes. He leaned even more closer making you lean away from a little. His hand sneakily touches your left hand that rested on the couch seat behind you. He clutched your hand tightly as his lips were centimeters close to your lips.
You couldn't hold it anymore and you are going to show him how to "study his lips". You slam your lips on his. It wasn't aggressive but not too soft, it was just right. Taehyun also attacks back, his left hand rested on your cheeks and neck, his other hand still holding your left hand. The slightly hard kiss became more passionately and rougher as now Taehyun press you against him so closely. His hand digs through your hair, and his other hand suddenly snakes around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your hands run through his silver and black hair pulling his locks of hair.
The kiss was hard, rough, and passionately almost as if you two were eating up each other's mouths.
You felt this wasn't enough, you wanted to feel him even closer to you. You decided to get on top of his lap. You wrapped your legs around his torso. Now you can feel his ripped body and his everything so close to yours.
" Ahh, ~ Tae..... *kisses* you're so...*kisses* hot....*kisses, lip biting from him* mmm~ Taehyun~~......I like you". You said as you immediately pulled away to take a breath. You just realized what you said covering your mouth.
" As my friend!" You said with a terrifying expression.
Taehyun chuckled and raised an eyebrow. " Are you sure?..... because friends don't kiss, especially like we did....." He whispered the last sentence, leaning close again to peck on your lips.
" I want more...." He whispered to you as he kiss your cheeks. You smiled shyly and look down away from his gaze. Your cheeks turning into a pink shade. Taehyun grabs your chin softly and made you face him. He leans slowly and kisses your lips. You melted into his kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck rightly, pressing your body against him even more. His hands roamed around your back and sides. Sometimes he'll run his hands through your hair just like you did with his.
You two enjoy this intimate moment with each other for while. Enjoying this new feeling you two discover together. Now, this is happening.....it makes you wonder what will happen next? What would happen to this relationship? You will decide what your fate with Taehyun would be in the future, for sure you two won't be staying like friends forever? Right?......
Thank you for reading!
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Hi, I was reading a post here in Tumblr about how Edward has two gifts, he can hear thoughts and is super fast, so I wonder what is your opinion about this topic?.
Furthermore, what others power might the Volturi's leaders and guards might have?
Edward has one gift, and it’s telepathy. Being fast isn’t a gift.
Strength, speed and even senses is varied among vampires. Some, like Emmett, are on the extreme end, but that doesn’t make Emmett gifted, nor does it mean that the rest are at an equal level. The Cullens have clear variations between them.
Physique appears to play a dominant role in how these variations play out: Alice, who was malnourished and never made it past 4′10″, is the physically weakest of the coven, while Emmett at 6′5″ and a mountain of muscles is the strongest. This is made very clear during the baseball game:
“Emmett was hovering close to third (base), knowing that Alice didn’t have the muscle to outstrip Rosalie’s fielding." (Midnight Sun, chapter The Game)
There’s also the fact that it’s taken for granted that Emmett would be intimidating to other vampires, and he is dismayed when James is more worried about Jasper, who is lean.
I suspect this disparity exists simply because a large frame means more tissue to have blood in. Newborns, animal, and human-eating vampires all having a difference in terms of strength is proof that blood has the final say in a vampire’s prowess, so Emmett being able to contain more of it than Alice and therefore being stronger makes sense to me.
This isn’t the meta for me to get into that, but I don’t think vampires have muscles in the sense we do. Or rather, we can’t know that they do. Renesmée is proof that Edward retains his human DNA, or she would be a clone of Bella. Nahuel is proof that Joham retains a Y-chromosome. Does this mean that vampires have different cell types? Does a vampire’s stone-like skin still contain human DNA? One would think yes - except, if you rip a vampire apart, you get rubble. The parts are all solid. There’s also Carlisle theorizing that vampires digest blood by absorbing it through porous tissue, which makes me wonder why he dismissed his digestive system (my guess: vivisection fun times with Aro in Volterra. Carlisle couldn’t have done it on his own, and Aro is the only one mad and curious enough to be down for that). I’m getting off-topic - what I’m saying is, we don’t know how vampires work, meaning I can’t build this meta off of the assumption that they have muscles. I simply can’t know for sure that they do.
The important thing is that a vampire’s physique is a deciding factor in how strong they are.
There’s also Laurent’s warning about James, that he has “unparalleled senses”, meaning some vampires are better at sight, hearing, and smell than others. I can believe that, because we have canon examples of vampires being bad at tracking.
There’s Edward in Port Angeles, who couldn’t track Bella’s, his singer, scent to her location, and (I admit this one is conjecture but it’s so probable that I say it goes) Carlisle’s creator, who after taking care of the mob must have realized he’d bitten one of the humans, meaning a newborn would soon be loose in London. This is punishable by death by the Volturi. The fact that he didn’t return to finish Carlisle off means that he was unable to find him. I remind the audience that Carlisle was bleeding and suffering the effects by a venom intended to paralyze the victim. To put it this way, Carlisle wouldn’t have survived James, or anybody with a trace of tracking competence. By comparison, Carlisle was able to locate a dying Rosalie by the smell of her blood, even though there wouldn’t have been a trail for him to follow, as her body had not been moved.
When it comes to these disparities in strength and speed among the Volturi, I imagine Jane and Alec are the physically weakest members of the guard, and among the slowest. They’re prepubescent, meaning no muscle for them, and their height (a humble 4′8″ and 4′10″) implies very short legs. They’re simply not going to get as far as an adult would, not in the same number of steps. Renata at 5′0″ is another tiny vampire lady who likely isn’t very strong or fast.
That’s not to say I think these physically weaker members of the Volturi guard are necessarily useless in hand-to-hand combat, Alec at least is a boy stuck in a playful age, and the males around him are trained warriors. He’s probably picked up a few things over the years.
As for the others, Aro is described as frail-looking, which hints at him being quite thin. I don’t think he’s weak, if he couldn’t win a fight he wouldn’t be around, but I do think he’s probably below average in terms of strength. Caius I picture as a Harrison Ford type, so of course I’m gonna think he’s a bit burly, but this is me headcanoning and not actually hinted at in canon. Marcus is 19, so I imagine he can only be so strong.
Back to Edward’s speed.
He’s a 6′2″ teen, that’s code for “very long legs”, though I’m actually going to go ahead and posit that he’s not actually that fast. Strap in for this next part:
The guy was a teenager who lay dying for an undisclosed amount of time. The fact that Carlisle had the time to get to know his mother points to a few weeks, at least. And Edward was very ill:
Elizabeth worried obsessively over her son. She hurt her own chances of survival trying to nurse him from her sickbed. I expected that he would go first, he was so much worse off than she was. (New Moon, page 21)
Muscles atrophy quickly, never more so than when you’re a teen ravaged by fever, on your deathbed. And as I’ve explained above, I think your physique in life ties directly into your vampiric prowess.
I think Edward is certainly the physically weakest of the male Cullens, quite likely weaker than Rosalie as well, maybe even Esme.
Now, speed is not the same as strength. However, for humans, the two are connected. It’s the muscle fibers in our legs that determine our speed. Basically, type I fibers make an enduring runner, type II fibers make a speed runner. So, assuming that vampires retain their human musculature, one could argue that Edward had a lot of type II in life. However, Carlisle when he was human was able to outrun the mob he was with:
He ran through the streets, and Carlisle — he was twenty-three and very fast — was in the lead of the pursuit. (Twilight, page 158)
Carlisle clearly had a lot of type II fibers, and unlike Edward he was in peak physical condition when he died. He was also an adult who’d had more time to develop musculature, while Edward was a seventeen-year-old. If musculature was a deciding factor, one would think they would at the very least be of equal speed, though realistically Edward should be slower.
So, if it’s not muscles, what is it that makes Edward faster than the others?
It could be a matter of technique. Except, the way Bella describes movement when she wakes up as a vampire, it’s all very automated. Her body knows exactly how to do everything, and executes it without much input from her:
After that first frozen second of shock, my body responded to the unfamiliar touch in a way that shocked me even more.
Air hissed up my throat, spitting through my clenched teeth with a low, menacing sound like a swarm of bees. Before the sound was out, my muscles bunched and arched, twisting away from the unknown. I flipped off my back in a spin so fast it should have turned the room into an incomprehensible blur—but it did not. I saw every dust mote, every splinter in the wood-paneled walls, every loose thread in microscopic detail as my eyes whirled past them.
So by the time I found myself crouched against the wall defensively—about a sixteenth of a second later—I already understood what had startled me, and that I had overreacted. (Breaking Dawn, page 251-252)
Growling, crouching - those are all distinctly vampiric, non-human ways to act. Bella didn’t learn this, her body knew it of its own accord. When she later runs, she explains it as happening the same way - she just does it.
The way Bella experiences it, vampiric movement is like a package she downloaded, and that executes her instinctual commands with no need for her to actually know how to do any of this. Her grace is another example of this - Bella Swan may be in charge of her own consciousness, but the venom is entirely in control of her body.
Given these facts, I don’t think it’s technique that makes Edward a better runner than others. His technique is likely similar to everyone else’s. If it isn’t, if technique is what makes the difference, then who is and isn’t fast is an arbitrary process.
With that, we get to my controversial theory about why Edward is the fastest Cullen: he’s not.
Running and being fast is the only thing about vampirism that Edward enjoys. This is for another meta, but Edward is extremely depressed about every single other bit of it. Every aspect of being a vampire torments him.
Except the running. He enjoys all of it, especially being the fastest, so much. And as a newborn, he would have been faster than Carlisle.
But after that, when his newborn strength faded…
I honestly think that Carlisle decided to just slow down a bit when running with him, let Edward have this. It’s no skin of his back, and it makes Edward happy, so why not.
Esme joins the family, and of course she would be down for this. Nothing is more parental, more maternal, than losing at checkers to make your child happy, after all. Could also be she’s not very fast herself, but even if she were then she would downplay it to make Edward feel like Jesse Owens.
Enter Rosalie, who would think it’s completely ridiculous, yes, but she would also recognize this excellent opportunity to call in a big favor from Carlisle later on. There’s also the fact that I think Carlisle has a gift (yes, yes, meta is coming, people) that makes him very persuasive people. And also that for all that Rose gets a lot of bad rep, she is very generous and loves her family, if being fast makes Edward happy then alright.
Emmett is an easy-going guy, he goes along with things. Alice adores Edward and would go along with it. She also has tiny matchstick legs and couldn’t outrun him if she tried. Jasper could not care less.
Bella does get outrun by Edward after waking up, but she also did zero exercise in life (listing this in case musculature matter), had Renesmée devour her from within rendering her emaciated, and then died like a slasher movie murder victim. There’s not a lot of blood in her, and what little blood there is doesn’t have a lot to work with. She does defeat Emmett at arm wrestling, so I’ll concede that. However, there are enough extenuating circumstances surrounding Bella that I think my “Edward isn’t that fast” theory survives his ability to outrun her.
So, I believe Edward is the fast Cullen because Carlisle told a white lie in 1919, no one ever corrected that, and now it’s too late.
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simp1021 · 2 years
What about head cannons for what type of cars the brothers/side characters would drive?
This is part 1, I’ll do part 2 (the side characters) later
Pt.1-type of cars that the brothers would drive :>
I feel like he would drive a 2022 black Dodge Charger
Why? You may ask. I have no idea I just get a feeling
Kidding, I feel like he can get around pretty fast and if there was a car the screamed ‘dominate’ that would be the car
He doesn’t drive it a lot since he works from home and the only places he usually goes is to RAD and the Lords castle.
He used to have a 2016 which looked pretty similar but Mammon convinced him to change it up so he looked more ‘modern’
“Heyyyyyy Luciferrrrr,” Mammon lazily said as he tried to catch up to Lucifer, they were walking to RAD and Mammon had noticed Lucifer’s car. Lucifer turned towards Mammon unimpressed thinking that he was gonna ask for his credit card back and was now ready to say no to him again for the 1000th time. “You should really change your car, 2016 was soooooo long ago.” Mammon said exaggerating the ‘so’ to make his point that 2016 had pasted a pretty long time ago. Lucifer raised his eyebrows taken by surprised that mammon didn’t ask him for the credit card, he looked forward again and throughout the school day he really thought about it. ‘There’s nothing wrong with my car? Why should I change it? It’s just a car I don’t even use it…Maybe MC will like it..hm maybe’ And as you know but the end of the day he ended up getting a new car. That night he invite MC for a drive around his favorite parts of the devildom.
Ok, from the looks of it he seems to have a 1969 Ford Mustang in his room
For me it seems that he like classical cars, no other reason than that in the human realm they are pretty valuable(money wise)
He pretty much drives a similar one since the one he has in his room is for ‘exhibit’
So what I’ve come to think is that he drives a 1955 chevy bel air
I know it’s way off from the 1969 Ford Mustang in his room but whenever I think about Mammon driving a car, that’s the car I imagine he drives.
“Yo yo yo! MC lets go drive around the devildom! I’ll even get us food, my treat!” Mammon grinned as he jiggled the keys to his car. MC smiled at him as they walked towards Mammon and followed him to his car. They both got on and drove around, stopped to get food, and hang around.
But for the sake of this head canon I’m gonna say 2021 chevrolet corvette
It seems super modern and easy to drive?
☹️that’s all I can think of
Oh but don’t forget the anime stickers all over
“H-hey MC, if you ever need to go somewhere…you can always ask me for a ride.”
Ok so like Levi, I feel like he doesn’t drive since He has very few places to go
But if I were to think of one it would probably be 2019 Honda Insight
It’s a pretty regular car, I don’t think he would really care about what kind of car it is
All he care about is that it works so there ya go
Satan had showed his car to MC for the first time, “Oh? It looks..normal?” Satan chuckles at their respond. “Well yes, it does the job of getting me around so I don’t really care how the car looks”
A pink limousine
This man can’t drive for shit, so he needs someone to drive for him
Probably gets one of his simps to drive him around with it
“Won’t you be a dear and drive for me?~” Asmo says as he winks at the demon in front of him. The demon of course takes the bate and does as he says.
A truck
That’s all
It’s a truck
But if you want me to be specific then a 2021 Ford F-150
Beel is big boy who needs a big veiahle
And a truck is the right thing for him
“Lucifer, I like this one.” Beel tells Lucifer as he puts his hand on the Ford. Lucifer saw that it was big and was pretty much the best for Beel. Lucifer nods as he guides beel to the dealer.
Thats all
And he once did
We was driving Lucifer’s old car and feel asleep, he crashed
Lucifer ended up giving him his old car since when he got the new one he didn’t know what to do with the old one
So in conclusion he would drive a 2016 black Dodge Charger
But like I said he crashed it so now they have it in the garage and Beel just takes him everywhere
Belphie yawns and he wakes up from a loud crashing sound, as he opens his eyes he sees his car and someone else’s crashed together. “Huh? What the fuck happened?” Belphie almost gets arrested if it wasn’t for Lucifer go got him out last second. Of course the first born thought it would have been a good punishment but Beel wouldn’t stop begging him.
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hxnmantii · 4 years
Class 1-A and their car habits
tw: crack/fluff, cursing
People: Bakugo, Shoto, Izuku, Sero, Kiri, iida, Mina x mostly gn!reader (Mina is the only one that’s implied female!reader)
Ratings: PG
A/n: yuuhh get into💋 I personally would like to ride with Shoto. I just wanna hold his hand👉🏾👈🏾 but not on no simp shit. Originally, this was going to be just boys but who would I be if my gay self didn’t add the queen herself? Anyways, Who would you like to ride with?
Bakugo does that sexy ass thing where he drives with one hand on the wheel and one hand on your thigh and when you don’t pay him enough attention he’ll lightly squeeze your thigh. This man does NOT share the aux....his stingy ass. He says he doesn’t wanna listen “to your trash music” but will play bxmb threat and NBA Youngboy at full capacity with the windows down. If you beg enough maybe he’ll play 1 Nicki song. But he will throw a fit and act like he doesn’t like Nicki even though he knows all of the lyrics. Altough he’s really uptight about his car, he enjoys driving and picking up the Bakusquad in it because he likes to feel useful and needed. No doubt about it, this man has road rage. He’s screaming outside the window and in the car about how someone cut him off and when someone screams back him, he’s like “Pull over right now cuz those sound like fighting words to me.” Now y’all in the back of a cop car and 30 minutes late to your dinner date. You are not, I repeat, you are NOT allowed to even think about eating in his car unless he’s got that plastic wrapping on his car. He treats his car so good (at some point you think he likes the care better than you) her name is Bethany. I-
Shoto has one hand on the wheel and one hand in your hand, stroking your hand from time to time and kissing the back of it. He had a sleek gray sliver car with a sunroom (he never actually uses) that goes fast and he likes going real fast because what they gon do, give him a ticket??? When his dad the number one hero??? Try again. He’s also the type to flick off the cops as he driving by because ACAB. He’s always wearing a gold Rolex and you got your nails done so when you hold his, the acrylics compliment his hand and watch.(like the pictures from Pinterest) You guys ride in comfortable silence. It’s so calming riding with him because although you’re slightly anxious with how fast he’s going, you’re at somewhat ease because he’s doing it so smoothly and you trust him. His windows are tinted because once again he’s the son of a pro hero and people are nosy, neither you or him like that. Although you don’t really need the assistance with Shoto being a living AC and heater in one, his seats have buttons for each seat and you can warm your bum. His car had the clean car smell...it just smells really clean. He’s got a bunch of condiments and napkins in his glove department. He doesn’t know where they came from. His whole vibe in his car is rich and elegant. He gets his car professional wash every Tuesday and you are required to come.
Kiri’s got a big ass red GMC truck and he gave the truck these monster wheels so it’s a force to be reckoned with. Her name is Sophie and like Bakugo, he loves her dearly but makes it clear to you that he’s love you more than her. He does the sexy ass thing where he’s got one hand on the wheel and one hand tightly holding on to your head rest so his arms flexing and he’s backing up with a concentrated look. that is so hot to me. He’s got a sticker on the back that says “honk if you’re manly” . He definitely would let you take the aux because you guys made a playlist of songs you chose together. He would be the type to start dancing when a good song came on, almost hitting someone in the process because he took both hands off the steering wheel out of excitement. He’s got road rage but not enough to actually start shouting or flicking someone off. In the trunk of Kirishima’s car, he’s got at least 5 different protein bottles as well a case of water and some jump rope. He says “You never know when I’ll need it to work out” but he has his personal gym?? Anyways, he has a specific section in his closet for red button ups because he likes to match Sophie when he drives her😭 I hate to say it but Kiri looks like a hill billy especially since he’s got those shoulder cut out button ups. He’s cute with it and he’s happy so you somewhat tolerate it
Izuku has more of a family car like a soccer mom car or a dark green Ford explore because he likes to pick everybody up to hang out and he needs space since he’s got a lot of them. Not to mention, he also likes to cruise and enjoy his time with you no matter where y’all go because we all know this man is a simppp. At every stop light, he’s gently grabbing your face and either kissing you on your cheek or forehead. He tried giving you a kiss on the lips once but he got so caught on the feeling that he ended up holding up the line and everybody was honking and made at him. He was so embarrassed that he now waits til you guys get to your destination to do all that extraness. Being the big fan he is, naturally he has some All might themed seatbelts and has all might stickers all over his steering wheel. He also has little all Might figurine on his dashboard that he prays to get him out of car trouble. Genuinely think it’s works too. Izuku in his trunk has a bunch of workout gear and gaze cuz he’s sexy like that. He does not have road rage at all....maybe a little. He might flick someone off but that’s as far as it goes. He definitely gives you the aux because he loves watching how lively you get it. (Y/n) “Do you know your Megan baby?”🥰 (ZuZu) “Y-yes?”
Now hear me out...Iida has a motorcycle. He’s got a need for speed that cars can’t really fufill because you can’t weave through other cars like a motorcycle can. His motorcycle has the highest tech on it naturally. It’s all black but has lights underneath it so he can change it by phone and ofc it’s always blue. You guys also have matching helmets that are Bluetooth so you’re able to talk to one another without having to yell very much. When you guise stop, he rubbing your arms to make sure that you’re okay and/if you need to pull over. Now when he’s not riding the motorcycle he’s got a Tesla. He preaches about the law and following the rules but when he get in the car, that’s a different story. With him you better either hold on tight to him or you better get double seat belt buckles for extra protection because he’s about to try and race the flash. (And you thought Shoto was bad) You get out thanking the universe for letting you touch ground again. Iida got the type of car that if you even breathe incorrectly around it, it’s going off and waking up the whole damn neighborhood. When iida first got his car, he read everything up on it so he would be fully able to use the car to its full potiential meaning that he’s got Siri set up, he can lock the door from his car, and watch the cameras on his house through the screen of his car. The Bluetooth is automatically connected to his phone so no you will not be getting the aux but you can play some tunes form his phone. He’ll even make you a playlist on Apple Music with his rich self.
Sero’s got a red convertible with tan seats and the weather allows it, his top is always down. His car always smells so good because he uses the wild cherry air freshener in his car. He blasts bad bunny and daddy Yankee as y’all are cruising slightly over the speed light. He also likes blasting Ski Mask. He’s the type to sing you the words while gently holding your face and singing to you with a lovey dovey smile on his face. He’s very respectful and turns down his music when entering neighborhoods because he doesn’t wanna mess with the vibes. You two have matching glasses that says queen/ king on yours and king on his. He definitely has some throw dice hanging from his mirror along with a picture of you and him taped to his dashboard cuz he’s also a simp. He’s always has a packet of Extra gum in his middle console along with warm water bottles. If police pulls him over, he definitely the type to start flirting with him so the officer just to make him uncomfortable enough to let him off with a warning. For a fact, he has the Puerto Rican flag on the antenna of his car. He has Led lights and likes them to be colorful rather than on one color. Sero definitely jogs around the front to open the door for you because he’s a jester and a gentleman in one. His part of his car is that the top can go down solely for the fact that the sun always highlights your skins so well.
Do I even need to say anything about the Pink queen herself?? She has a cute pink steering wheel case with matching pink seats and ofc she has a bedazzled stick shift. She has a Jeep. She the type of person to has matching glasses with her interior and when you get in the car, she’s putting her music on shuffle: a dangerous move because you go from Brent Faiyaz to Jhene Aiki to fucking Cardi B, Flo Mili, and etc. When you unbuckle your seat to start twerking in the seat, she’s automatically going to start hyping you up. She’s got one hand on the steering wheel and one hand on your ass smacking it as you fuck it up in the passenger seat. Y’all are literally swerving from side to side and let’s be honest here, Mina is not that good of a driver so you have almost gotten in an accident multiple times. She’s the type to pull over to take cute selfies or videos with you and post them all at once captioning it with “Late nights w/bae”. Underneath seat she an emergency packet filled with makeup, clothes, hair and first aid kit supplies. Although she’s not the best driver, she takes the rules really serious because she would hate to have an accident with you in the car. Like Sero, She has led lights in her car but they only flash pink. Mina is the queen of putting falsies on so she would mostly definitely put yours on (without tweezers) once you park as well as do your edges if you ask. She just has that talent. *chefs kiss* amazing
Reblogs are appreciated!
A/n: I’m lyin I definitely would be riding with Bakugo because I have major passenger rod rage lol and you definitely don’t wanna get your ass beat TWICE
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1engele · 3 years
daybreak | sal fisher x fem!reader - 3. frogger
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[warnings: cursing, smoking, light violence, blood]
"i don't want to be friends. i want all of you."
"Can I get your number?"
You and Larry both whip around to face Sal, the person who'd spoken that sentence. You're stood at the foot of Addison's Apartments.
"What?" You blink. "Me? My what?"
You assume Sal mirrors your nonplussed expression because he bats his eyes just as startled as you did. "Uh- your phone number. So we can be in touch easier. You know, for school and stuff."
Eager anxiousness in the form of butterflies batted their wings in your gut and your ribs. You reached into your back pocket, flipped your flip-phone open, and handed it toward the blue-haired boy. "Here," you blurted. "Put it in there." You gloss your eyes toward Larry. For some apparent reason, he's wearing a wide, shit-eating grin.
"You can put yours in too if you want."
He waves a tan hand. Your attention is on Larry, but it somehow drifts and you're glancing toward Sal. His veiny hands are jerking which each movement of his thumbs as he presses numbers on the keypad.
"No, that's okay," Larry replied, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I'll get it off of Sal."
"Here," Sal holds the flip phone out to you. It's small in his hand.
He has long fingers, you thought.
"Oh, thanks." Your fingers brush his as you reclaim your phone and return it to it's place in your back pocket.
Your heart is beating unnecessarily loud by the time they've walked you to your apartment. Your hands are in your coat pockets to conceal the mild trembling in your hands. You're almost nervous that they can hear the rushing of your blood as your heart rapidly pumps it through your body—because you know you certainly can.
"I had fun today," you smiled, your expression nothing but sincerity. "Thanks for everything. I appreciate it."
Larry grins. "That's cute. No need to thank us, alright?"
You twitch the corner of your lips upward and nod towards him.
Sal tucks a strand of blue hair behind his ear—you'll never get used to the color. In a good way. You could look at it for hours—and fiddles with his backpack strap. "See you tomorrow, yeah?"
"Yeah," you respond, your teeth making an appearance. "Goodnight, you guys."
With that, you're inside of your apartment and shutting the door behind you. You hear their muffled voices and unintelligible words through the wall as they retreat from your door and towards the elevator.
You drop your bag at the door and make haste to your room. You sit on the side of your bed and hurriedly open your phone.
The first phone number you'd ever had—save your mother, which doesn't count— was "c you tomorrow :)", sitting right beneath "Mom" on the contact list. After changing his name to "Sal :)" you breathed out shakily, and slowly pushed enter on his contact.
Should you send him something? Isn't that a bit weird? You'd just seen him a few minutes ago. Should you wait a little longer? What if he's still with Larry, and they see what you'd sent a message so quickly and make fun of you?
You shake your head. That was unlikely. All they'd been was great to you.
"c you tmrw."
You inwardly linger over the thought of pressing the send button.
Why the fuck were you so nervous, anyway? Because a boy with nice hands and a pretty laugh said he'd see you tomorrow?
Yeah.. okay, maybe that was it.
"c you tmrw." The message was sent.
You slapped a hand over your face. Should you have said something else? Should you just have not texted him at all? You fell back into the mattress, draping your arm over your face and blinking into your wrist. The feeling of exhilarated dread churned in your gut.
A subtle vibration reverberated on the comforter. It buzzed in your ears momentarily. You paused, before lurching upward and snatching the phone back into your grasp.
"you too. let's try not to rouse mrs. packerton's suspicions tomorrow like we did today lol."
You grinned, and replied before you could stop yourself. "might not be possible. you may need to answer another math question for me."
Sal replied after a pause. "can't say no to that. goodnight, y/n"
You breathed out slowly, typed out a goodnight message, and slowly dropped your hands back down to the comforter.
Your fingers shook and your heart was beating itself against your rib cage. Not long after, you dozed off into sleep thinking of the way your body felt when the warmth of his palm was flush against the nape of your neck.
Getting up the next day is a bit harder than getting up the previous one. You couldn't seem to rub the sleep away from your eyes, and, for some reason or another—you'd waken up in a cold sweat, and your sheets stuck to your body. Not only that, when you'd went to shower, the water was freezing, for no apparent reason. You'd come to terms with the fact that this building had multiple personalities.
Standing beneath the shower head felt like being pricked with itty-bitty pitchforks. Topped with miniature ice cubes.
You'd gotten dressed in an oversized black sweater (over a long-sleeved, black top for added warmth), along with an a-lined plaid emerald green and blue skirt on top of your sheer black tights. The skirt was not short—not amongst your standards, it was mid-thigh—but nowadays teachers were weird about how girls dressed so you'd have to keep an eye out about that.
Also, surprisingly—instead of the usual beat up and raggedy sneakers you usually wore you decided on some of your chunky Mary Janes you'd thrifted not long back. You'd never given them a go outside before. The only time they'd been worn was in your room and by yourself.
When you were fully dressed, you let yourself examine your outfit in the mirror. While doing so, your phone chimes in your hand. You snap it open hastily and read the notification.
"it's larry. sal gave me your number :P meet us outside when ur ready"
You grinned and walked out of your room. You grabbed your bag and made for the door. When you'd gotten outside, what greeted you there was not exactly what you'd expected.
"Oh! Ashley, is this yours?" You inquired, gazing over the pale silver Ford Fiesta that sat in the driveway. It was a cute car. Ash sat in the driver's seat with the window down and her forest green eyes attentive and on you.
"Yeah! My little brother had an allergic reaction while eating out at some big corporate food chain and we got it in compensation. We already have a family car so it was given to me."
What a nice story, you thought, making sure you maintained your pleasant expression.
"Oh," you passed your gaze over the vehicle again. "Cool!"
You noted Todd's place in the passenger seat. You met his eye and gently waved. He returned the wave, with that neutral look on his face he always seemed to have.
"You're going to be cold," a voice behind you says rather abruptly. You jump, whirling around.
"You scared me," you laughed, your face burning as you made eye contact with none other than Sal Fisher. "What do you mean?"
"Your skirt," he replies, glancing away momentarily. Your eyebrows raise comically.
"You don't like it?"
"No-" he rushes out, a bit too fast. "Uh, no. It's g- it's nice. I meant you're going to be cold in it."
He was right. It was nearing the end of August.
You pass your eyes over your legs, from the a-lined skirt, the sheer black tights, and the chunky Mary Janes. You return your gaze to his—not before catching a glinting glimpse of what seemed to be rings adorning his fingers—and shrugged.
"Oh well. All I'm worried about is being dress coded," you look to Larry, who's near Sal. "Good morning."
"You too," he grins. "Let's get in the car. It's chilly."
You all clamber into the backseat. You're in between Sal and Larry. Hot air blew from the car vents and hit you in the face as Ashley turned the temperature up further. While doing that, she turns on the radio and channel surfs until she's found some sort of soft rock station. She turns it up to a moderate volume.
A car freshener in the shape of a red tree dangled from the rearview mirror and swayed as Ashley put the car in reverse and pulled out of the driveway. It had a charming illustration of what resembled two strawberries on the front.
The car smelled nostalgic—like the smell of the hair on one of those Strawberry Shortcake dolls you owned as a child.
The wistful scent is abruptly overpowered by the smell of smoke and the autumn air. Larry had rolled a window down and had just lit a cigarette to your left. On your right, Sal has pulled out his flip phone and is playing some sort of shit quality version of Frogger.
Interested, you lean over.
"How'd you get that on there?"
He looks over at you. He's close. You can hear him slowly inhaling and exhaling through his nose. "Todd did it for me," Sal replies. He gestures toward you with the phone. The phone makes a sound. The digital frog had fallen into the water. "Wanna play?"
"Oh," you pause, and smile. "I like watching you."
His eyes flicker over your face. "Okay."
He returned to the game. Finally, you had an excuse to stare down at his hands. Multiple silver and black rings adorned his hands. They fit him perfectly—snug on his pretty fingers and accenting his veiny hands perfectly.
During your examination, you hadn't exactly realized it but your cheek was now flush against his shoulder and your hair was tickling his neck.
No, you weren't smelling him, but it was hard not to scent it when you inhaled through your nose. He smelled of delicate laundry detergent—fresh, clean—and of minty vanilla. Breathing that in made you feel what was probably the most at home you'd felt in months.
You glanced up from his hands, to his Adam's apple, to his prosthetic face—his gaze remained attentive on the flip phone, dark lashes moving along to accommodate his flickering eyes. You looked away before he'd noticed, and paid attention to the game.
"You're good," you commented.
He didn't reply immediately, almost as if he'd looked over at you. The side of your face remained on his shoulder and your hair still brushed against the skin on his neck.
"Well, it's only Frogger," he remarked. "I bet you're better. Try it."
The sudden scent of ashy smoke consumed your senses. Larry must have exhaled halfway inside of the car. The vapor floated for a moment before dissipating into nothing.
You took the phone from Sal's hands and shifted in your seat to sit straight up. You pressed play on the game, and within seconds your frog had fallen into the water.
"I suck."
"No, you don't. You're just not trying hard enough."
"Potato, Potahto," you reply, shortly laughing at yourself and pressing play again nonetheless.
Suddenly, the vehicle slammed to a halt. You held onto the phone tight in one hand and steadied yourself on the passenger seat in front of you with your other one.
Sal seemed to have the same idea, except he seemed to panic and had braced yourself on your knee instead. You could have sworn you saw white for a split second, your insides jumping and chills fluttering down your spine. He quickly retracted his touch, catching your eye immediately.
"Sorry," Sal uttered.
"That's okay," you'd done a fine job gathering yourself together. "Perfectly fine."
"Jesus Christ, Ash! What the hell was that?" Larry calls from your left, the cigarette between his pointer and middle fingers. He was halfway through exhaling his smoke when he spoke again. Vapor spilled from his lips as he stared at the front of the vehicle. "Trying to kill us?"
"Whoops! Sorry guys, I almost missed the red light."
"That wasn't very wise," Todd remarked from the passenger seat, turning his head to look at Ash. You couldn't help but shortly giggle, looking back down at Sal's phone.
You heard Sal slowly exhale a breath of relief beside you.
"Yeah, anything but fucking wise," Larry scoffed. "Thought I was about to die, dude."
"I said I was sorry," you could hear the roll of Ashley's eyes in her voice. "My parents would kill me if I got a ticket. Also, who told you that you could smoke in my car?"
"I did." In your peripheral vision, he was staring blankly. "What're you going to do about it?"
In the rearview mirror, Ashley squinted her eyes but said nothing.
"This is a shit show," Sal murmured, looking back to his phone in your hands. You'd returned to the game, still attempting at getting past the first level. The digital frog continuously leaped over lily pads and logs. It was almost therapeutic.
"Sorry you don't want me back here, Sal." Larry's tone had transformed from mildly annoyed to slightly bitter. His cigarette had been held unattended for a decent amount of time so it had begun to burn out. "I didn't ask to third wheel."
You blinked and convinced yourself you'd heard him wrong.
You weren't looking at Sal's face. He was silent for a few seconds.
"Just chill out, alright?"
"I'll say what I want."
"It's too early for this, Larry," Sal bit out. "Cut it the fuck out."
Your heart pumped furiously.
"Where do you want to take this, Sal?"
Ashley jumped in incredibly quick, the car jerking as she turned the wheel abruptly, pulling the vehicle into the school's parking lot. "Fuck no. What the fuck are you thinking, Larry? Going to fight Sal because you're in a pissy mood?"
"I'm not going to fucking fight him, Ashley," He shook his head. "It's just- apparently he's got some kind of vendetta against me today so I guess we could talk somewhere else-"
"That's in your head, Larry," Sal said honestly. "I don't know what makes you think I have something against you today, but I don't. I don't know how you want me to prove that to you."
Larry settles into silence as Ashley pulls the Ford Fiesta into a parking space.
"Just- put the cigarette out and calm down, okay?"
It didn't look like the smoke had much left in it, but Larry still drew one last hit out of it before he stepped out of the car and crushed it beneath his shoe. He throws his bag over his shoulder and slams the car door behind him.
You look over at Sal, who was reaching for the door handle. Ashley and Todd had already exited the vehicle, and Ashley was standing by and waiting for you both to get out so she could lock the car.
"Hey," you murmured before he could leave. The blue-haired boy turned his head and inquired you with raised eyebrows. "Try to be patient with him, when you two talk it out. I haven't known him long—but I can tell he's the sort of person that wouldn't act like that unless something's bothering him."
Sal looks down at you thoughtfully, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. You hear him swallow thickly. "Yeah," he muttered. "He is that type of person. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks."
With that, you both exit the vehicle and Ashley locks the car. Todd and Larry had already walked up a measured distance ahead of the three of you.
"Do you know what that might have been about?" Ashley asks, directing the question toward Sal by holding eye contact with him. You walk to Sal's left, looking ahead as to not be intrusive on the conversation.
"Uh.." he trails off. A cool breeze filters past your face and legs and it makes you shiver. "Not really. Usually, it's about his mom. Whenever they've argued about something, it puts him in a bad mood."
Ashley seems to give herself a moment to reply.
"Anything else?"
Sal does the same.
"Not that I know of."
Your eyebrows twitch downward.
Ashley walks slightly ahead of the two of you. She calls your name, and you look up from the ground, startled. "How are you liking the apartments? Anytime I've been there, they're kind of creepy."
You giggle. "Yeah. You could say that. I'd say they're alright—it gets kind of cold. The water was fucking ice cold today. Could barely shower."
Ashley mirrors your laughter. "Anything else?"
You pause. "Larry has this really great treehouse. I don't know if you've been, but it's honestly pretty cool. It's homey."
She looks up to Sal in surprise. "She's already been? When did you guys show her?"
He tucks a strand of hair behind his ear. "Uh, well, we didn't necessarily show her.."
Ashley looks at you curiously. You sarcastically pout towards Sal, finding his eyes to be twinkling with amusement. "I may have broken into it."
"Oh, you didn't break into it," Sal protests, exhaling sharply through his nose in a gentle chuckle. "You just didn't realize it was inhabited."
You look towards Ashley. "Long story short—I found a cool treehouse. Thought it was abandoned. Climbed into it. Coincidentally, Sal and Larry climbed into the treehouse while I was in it. It was embarrassing."
"It wasn't. It was funny," You could hear Sal's grin. "She smoked for the first time that day."
Ashley's jaw dropped in faux-astonishment. "You've tainted her innocence."
You smile. "It was honestly kind of horrible at first."
Before you knew it, the three of you had entered the school. After a few more minutes of banter and friendly conversation, you and Sal parted ways from Ashley to head towards your first class of the day: math.
Once again, Mrs. Packerton had given the class a math sheet. For god knows why she expected you to know all of these things off of the bat and get all of the questions right with barely any assistance. You were stuck on one problem like it always went.
Someone nudged your arm. You looked to your left and smiled at who was looking at you. He glanced down at your paper. "The answer's-"
"Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Mr. Fisher?"
Fuck, you thought, slowly looking up to your elderly teacher. Glancing over to Sal, his eyebrows were raised and he peered up at the woman at the front of the classroom with something akin to surprise in his eyes. "Uh-"
Before he could explain himself, Mrs. Packerton's entire facade did a 180 and her eyebrows were suddenly furrowed and her frown was deep-set. It was almost comical, and you strained to keep the laugh in. You weren't looking to break a rib, so you unfortunately giggled beneath your breath.
Her dark brown eyes slid over to you. After a moment of being examined and feeling extremely uncomfortable, she sighed.
"I'm administering detention for both of you, after school. I will let you finish the test, but next time this happens it'll be an immediate fail for both of you. Understood?”
You and Sal exchange both equally supposed expressions, before nodding together.
Before class is over, you see Travis giving Sal another sour look. Oh my god, you thought, twirling your pencil around in between your fingers. Is this going to have to be another talk, Travis?
The bell rang. You and Sal jumped up and fled the class as quickly as you could.
"Oh my god," he breathed, as you both stepped into the hallway and began maneuvering through the countless amount of students flooding the halls. "She's super fucking scary. I was so wrong."
You abruptly laugh. "Yeah. She's got that look in her eye." You pause. "I'm sorry, Sal. You wouldn't be getting a detention if it wasn't for me."
Sal tilts his head just slightly. "It's no big deal. It was my fault, anyway. It's not like you asked for my help either times I helped you out. It's not like my dad's going to be mad, anyway—he'll probably be relieved. I've never really got detention for anything, especially involving talking to another person. Probably'll be glad I'm being more social, haha."
You frown. "I'm still sorry."
"I appreciate it, but you don't have to be-"
"If only your friend wasn't so dumb, Sally Face. It's a shame that your perfect record is all tarnished."
Sal appears as though he knew who was talking a few words in. He inhales, turns around to face the blond boy behind him, and backs up a step. "What do you want, Travis?"
Your fingernails sink into your palms. It stings. You told him yesterday!
"Nothing. Just wanna know why she's so stupid."
Sal's eyes flicker. "Mm, think you're forgetting about how close you were to failing mid-terms last year. You're not very bright yourself."
Travis grows a bit red but he looks as though he's trying to ignore his growing frustration. It boggled you—the fact he was so easy to anger because of the fact Sal was defending himself. Defending.. you?
"Whatever. Why am I fucking arguing with a fucking satan worshipper, anyway?"
That genuinely surprised you. What kind of insult was that? And where did it come from?
"Whatever, Travis. God doesn't like bullies, either. I hope you don't kiss your daddy with that mouth-"
You're glad the hall is relatively empty because the crack you hear when Travis' fist meets Sal's prosthetic face is loud and startling. Your heart is in your throat. You place your hands on Travis' chest and push him into the lockers. The metal cages rattle beneath the sudden weight.
"What the FUCK is wrong with you?" You shout, red hot anger coursing through your body and pumping through your veins. "Get the fuck away. I swear to god, I'll-"
Sal murmurs your name, gripping your wrist. "Stop. Don't push him."
You give Travis the bitchiest expression you can muster. He scoffs and walks away. You're surprised he didn't throw one last insult into the air—but he instead walked down the hall with heavy footing, turned around the corner, and disappeared.
As soon as you're done watching him down the hall, you whip around to Sal with wide eyes. He was cupping the place where the mask cut off, collecting blood that dripped down.
"He's got a mean right hook," Sal breathily laughed.
The rage you currently felt made your head hurt. You quickly grabbed him by the wrist and hurried him towards the restrooms at the opposite side of the hall. On your way, the bell rings. You couldn't care less whether or not you were going to miss your class—it's not like you didn't have detention already.
"Hey, what're you-"
You pull him into the girl's bathroom, which was empty. You make sure to turn him away from the entrance. His eyes are as wide as two dinner plates.
"Huh. Smells nice in here," he comments. The fact that's the first thing he says tells you he's clearly in shock from being clocked in the face.
You grab some paper towels and look him in the eye.
"I'm going to clean you up now,"
You reach around his head.
"Hey, I- wait, you don't-"
You unbuckle the clasps at the back of his prosthetic and pull the prosthetic off of his face. You set it aside, and set it on the edge of the sink.
He slowly meets your gaze. The amount of internal fear that's held inside of those eyes—fear you know that's been held in for so long—is astonishing to you. Your eyes soften. You slide your gaze over his face, and all you can feel is an unbelievable amount of happiness and satisfaction.
Butterflies swarm your insides and beat against your ribs at the sight of his mouth.
It's just as kissable as you'd imagined.
Shut the fuck up, you snap back at yourself. Not the time.
You're unable to hold in the large smile that grows on your lips as you bring the paper towels toward his face and wipe away the blood that dripped from his nose, down his mouth, and fell down his chin—there was so much of it that it had made its way down to the collar of his shirt, staining the material scarlet red.
"You can give that to me later," you uttered. "I know a thing or two about getting blood out of clothes, haha."
His lips twitched, but he remained silent and let you do your thing.
After thoroughly cleaning his face off, you return the prosthetic to him, handling it with care.
"Here you go."
After he'd put it on, you met his eyes.
"Hey, Sal, I'm-"
"It's okay." He peered at you sincerely. "That went.. better than I thought it would. I just hope you don't think of me differently."
The thought appalled you.
"No!" You exclaimed, a bit too forceful. You gathered your composure and tried it again. "No. Um- I could never. Seriously. Your face doesn't change who you are, Sal. It doesn't make me think of you any different. You're still you. Besides, I- um... I liked it."
His eyebrows jump and he jerks his head upward. "What?"
"I liked it. I liked your face."
He was silent like it was taking him a little bit to process that. Your eyes wandered during this time, and they landed on the collar of his shirt, again. You cursed.
"Shit. Hold on."
Suddenly, you'd crossed your arms around your midriff and began pulling the sweater upward. The noise Sal made was almost comical.
"No, uh, you don't have to! It's fine, I can-"
Before he could stop you, the shirt was up and over your chest and it was off of your head. Thank god that you'd remembered the black top beneath, or else you'd feel really bad that you couldn't give him the sweater—it wasn't like you could walk around in just a bra (as much as you'd like to sometimes.)
He grabbed the article of clothing from you, hesitant. "You're sure?"
"Alright," he murmured, cautious, pulling your sweater over his head and pulling it down his torso. Once he'd done so, he looked back to your eyes and inquired you with his own. "So? What do you think?"
Heart beating so loudly it thrummed in your ears, you replied: "You've never looked better," and grinned wider than you ever have before.
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artnigth · 3 years
Migraines Part 2
i made it!! Part 3 tomorrow BABY!! (probably) 
MIGRAINES PART 2: Raz was walking all the way back to the Questionable Area, more specifically his family’s camp in the campgrounds. It had been a long day, he agreed to cover Gisu’s afternoon shift since she apparently had an “appointment” or something. Norma and Lizzie kept pestering him to see if Gisu actually had a date of sorts, but he knew as much as they did on that topic so that fun little conversation went nowhere. He was finally able to go home and take a nap, he was ten after all (and very tired). “RAZPUTIN!” A scream coming from above breaking his line of thought. Raising his gaze, Raz saw just as Ford Cruller flew to the spot in front of him. The senior Psyconaut might have been very old, but after Raz had fixed his mind it seemed that the senior was back in his prime. “Your brother needs help.”- the tone of Cruller's voice was concerned but not surprised, neither was Raz. “What are you talking about?” “Your brother is lost in the forest and- “QUEEPIE GOT LOST IN THE FORGETFUL FOREST?!” “Your other brother Razputin. Dion, was it? He got lost in the forest and is having a Psychic overload.”- Ford’s tone was calm but a little tired. “Dion? Having a Psychic overload? No offense agent Cruller but Dion isn’t a Psychic. But I do believe he could have gotten lost in the forgetful forest. Let’s go tell my family to go and search for him.” Both of the Psychonauts ran all the way to the Aquato camp, encountering Agustus at the entrance. “Dad! Dion got lost on the Forgetful Forest, we need to go look for him!”- Raz was tired, his tone was halfhearted and kind of over the whole situation. Agustus’ eyes were wide, he stepped back a little at the sight of Ford Cruller. Ford stayed back for Agustus’ sake, he was clearly not over what had happened and Ford couldn’t blame him at all. “How did Dion get lost in the woods?”- Agustus decided to ignore Ford’s presence focusing on his middle son and the dilemma that had been put into focus. “So that’s where that boy is… His friend came here a couple of hours ago and both her, Frazie and your mother have been looking for him since.”- Agustus sounded tense, but neither of the Psychonauts minded. “Friend? Dion has friends?”- Raz was a little surprised but not too much. “Yeah, that was Frazie’s reaction as well. Let me call them, I’m pretty sure they’re gonna be happy to finally find out where he is.” . “HE WHAT?!”- Donatella did NOT sound happy about finding out where her oldest son had been all this time, scaring her children and husband even if just a little. Frazie, Donatella, Raz, Agustus, and Ford were now standing at the entrance of the Forgetful Forest, with Dion’s “friend” not being there yet. “UNBELIEVABLE. I THOUGHT WE HAD TAUGHT THAT BOY BETTER THAN TO GO INTO THE WOODS ALONE! IF YOU FOUND HIM WHY DIDN’T YOU DRAG HIM BACK, FORD?!”- Donatella kept rambling for a while her temper getting worse with each word. “That’s what I’m trying to explain, Dion seems to be having some sort of Psychic overload. His abilities being so overwhelming to his mind that he can’t control what he does. I had similar experiences when I was a young Psychic, everything was to much to deal with.”- Ford was still standing at a distance from the family, his voice calm but still concerned. “FRAZIE!! DID YOU FIND HIM?!”- a voice was heard from high into the sky. A figure suddenly falling from the sky on a skateboard and landing between Ford and the Aquatos. It was Gisu on top of her skateboard, who stepped off to be at the same level as everyone else. “Gisu?! Aren’t you supposed to be at an appointment??”- Razputin sounded ofended and blindsided. “Appoinment? I never said that.”- Gisu was clearly confused on that topic. “Adam said you had an appointment and that he needed someone to cover your shift, were you here all the time?” “Yeah… I just told Adam I was leaving early, I never said anything about an appointment.” “But… But… You know what, nevermind.”- Raz sounded defeated, Norma and Lizzie were right, and he hated to admit it. And a possible date with his brother out of all people, ugh. “So… did you found Dion, it’s been hours…” “Agent Ford did, Dion’s apparently having a psychic overload in the forest. So we are going to start a search party into the forest.”- Frazie’s tone was her typical sarcastic annoyance but concern was still heard as a shadow in her voice. “Ok, I’ll go high to try and spot him from above.”- Gisu sounded a little desperate to find Dion clearly concerned. But she was still her determined and confident self. She stepped on her skateboard and suddenly she was gone, flying into the sky. The rest of the Aquatos, and Ford separated into the forest to look for Dion. Raz and Ford went north, meanwhile, Donatella and Agustus went east, Frazie stayed back to look after the kids and just in case Dion found a way back to the camp. . . . . .
Gisu was hovering above the Forgetful Forest scanning the area below as well as she could. She was looking for that dorky acrobat that she had gotten to know for the past two months, wondering how could he had managed to hide this type of issue long enough to have such a breakdown. Throwing agent Ford from the middle of the woods all the way to the campgrounds wasn’t a small action, levitating someone that far was impressive for someone who has repressed their powers for as long as Dion has. Her thoughts were interrupted when she got close to losing her balance and falling. A force trying to push her away from an exact spot in the forest, a small clear in the forest where there was a boulder. Trees were being pushed so hard away from that spot that some were being uprooted from the ground. Carefully Gisu did her best to go as close as she could in her skateboard, eventually she had to descend to the ground since she couldn’t move forward anymore. Gisu moved forward slowly, every step felt like if she was pushing a boulder that was getting heavier and heavier with each step. By the time Gisu had gotten to the boundaries of the clear, she had to hold on to a tree or else she would have been thrown away. Looking at the boulder she could see a familiar figure sitting in front of it, with his knees covering his face and his hair being an unrecognizable mess. There was Dion, shaking and sobbing in front of that boulder. Gisu was stunned. What happened to him?! Is he okay?! “Dion?!”- Gisu’s voice echoed through clear, her tone concerned. “GO AWAY!”- Dion’s voice roared into Gisu’s ears, almost deafening the girl. “You need to calm down, you’re destroying the forest!” “GISU YOU NEED TO LEAVE, I DON’T WANT TO HURT YOU!”- misery emanated from the boy, in all of his seventeen years of life nothing like this had happened to him. He was terrified of himself and very much lost in his own despair. Gisu stabbed the ground with her skateboard, propelling herself forward and using said skateboard as a cane in order to get the closest she could to him.  Using her own telepathy she tried her best to counter the force of Dion’s own psychic energy. The closer she got, the stronger Dion’s energy became, it was crazy and she didn’t know how to handle it. “GISU LEAVE!” She kept walking onward taking no mind of Dion’s words, just a few more steps and she would reach him, but it felt as if he were miles away. “GISU, STOP!” Her strength wavered, all of his force suddenly focused on her alone. His mind was tormented by screams, guilt invaded his body. HE had thrown Ford Cruller into the sky. HE levitated an old man and threw him to oblivion. HE had killed Ford Cruller, all because of… because… “DION PLEASE LET ME HELP! I’VE SEEN THIS HAPPEN A MILLION TIMES BEFORE. YOU JUST NEED TO CALM DOWN AND BREATH!”- Her cries resonated through the clear, her skateboard started to crack under pressure, she needed to act as fast as she could. She increased the energy she was putting into protecting herself and she kept moving forward. Dion felt hopeless, he needed to get Gisu away or he would hurt her like he hurt Ford. “GISU, PLEASE I DON’T WANT TO HURT YOU TOO!” The whispers in his mind were long gone, replaced by screams of fury, guilt and fear. This time he knew all those voices were just him. HE was tormenting himself for what he had done, screaming into his mind until he broke and finally exploded. HE thought it was fair, he deserved to end like this. Not just for what he did to Ford but for how he treated Raz, how he annoyed Gisu with his stupid questions about psychics, how he treated the people around him, how he was bound to explode and no one, not even himself, could stop it from happening. But at least he would make sure to not take anyone down with him. Suddenly a soft sensation was felt on his shoulders, like a thin blanket. Dion looked up from his knees and there she was. Gisu holding on to her skateboard, her knuckles white from the effort. Her hair waving as if a storm was hitting her directly on her face. A soft smirk planted on her face. Her scarf missing from her shoulders and gently placed on his. Tears began to run down from his eyes, all the way to his chin. The pressure stopped, the screams wavered turning back into whispers and the world finally stopped spinning. Gisu took his hands and gently lifted them both to stand. Her hands were rough and cold from all of her mechanical projects with Otto, but for Dion they felt like a safe place, something he hadn’t felt from anyone ever since he was a child. “Let’s go back to the campgrounds your family is looking for you and it's getting dark.”- her voice was soft, a hint of relief on her tone. Dion nodded. They started walking out of the clear and reentering the forest. They had a long way back and Gisu knew it was better to hold her breath since the Aquato family were definitely going to have a rough night. END OF PART 2.
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
They’re Good Dogs, Stan
@forduary Week 2 is Fluff and Angsty, but this is ALL FLUFF! I’ve seen tons and tons of Gravity Falls AUs with Werewolf!Stan, but none with Ford as a werewolf. So I wanted to write one. I could’ve gone for Paranoid, pre-portal incident Ford and all the good angst that’d come with that, but I’m already a week behind, so pure fluff it is! * * *
Mid-September, 2013. Another summer has come and gone, the kids are back home in Piedmont, and the elder Pines twins are preparing for their next voyage. After a busy day of gathering supplies, Stan is ready to take the afternoon off. But Ford wouldn’t be Ford if he didn’t jump at every opportunity to study something strange. He’d gone off on his own, mentioning something about checking on a werewolf theory for Soos. Stan, after confirming that it was still a couple of days until the full moon, decided to stay home and catch a nap on the porch, enjoying the first cool evening in months.
It was now an hour later, and while the sun still hadn’t set, Stan was starting to get a little worried. If the supposed werewolf really wasn’t any trouble, surely his brother would’ve been back by now. Ford may have the tendency to get caught up in his work, but he wasn’t exactly the type to let a conversation or interview drag on and on.
In an effort to distract himself from worrying, Stan decided to help Soos wrap up the last tour of the day. He’d just seen the last bus off when he noticed a large, hump-backed animal moving through the forest. 
"What is that, a moose?" He squinted through the trees, trying to get a better look at it to see if it was something dangerous. It definitely went on four legs, so not a Manotaur. The only other thing that big around here that went on four legs was that Bear-bear friend of Dipper's, and he was a dark brown color. Whatever this was, its fur glinted silvery grey in the late afternoon sun.
Whatever it was, it was moving fast, and making its way towards the clearing that housed the Mystery Shack. In just a few seconds, Stan thought he could make out what it was, but his cataracts had to be playing tricks on him.
It wasn’t a moose. It was a wolf the size of a moose.
The closer it got, the more weird details he noticed about it. He’d never heard of a wolf with curly fur, and was it wagging its tail?
Where the heck was Ford? He’d love to see this. This was probably some giant’s pet woofdle (Half wolf half poodle).
Stan looked up at the almost full moon hanging just above the trees as the sun began to set.
He looked back at the running wolf just in time to see it burst out of the trees and tackle him to the ground, knocking the wind out of him. 
The wolf licked his face enthusiastically as he tried to catch his breath again.
“Ford, you didn’t!”
The fact that the wolf looked guilty was all the answer he needed.
* * *
When Soos shared his theory that the mailman was a werewolf with Ford, the old researcher had jumped at the opportunity. Here was a man who, from the looks of it, would have been a child when Ford first came to Gravity Falls. 
This meant one of two things: One, there had been child werewolves in Gravity Falls when he first started his research here, and he somehow completely missed it; or Two, this man had been turned to a werewolf in the last 30 years, which meant there had been an increase in werewolf activity while Ford was on the other side of the portal. Either way, Ford was very excited to ask him some questions.
He’d dashed off from the Mystery Shack, barely stopping to let Stanley know where he was going and confirming that the full moon wasn’t for a few more days. 
Once he arrived at the mail-man’s house, Ford knocked enthusiastically. The seconds slowly ticked by as he waited, but no answer came. After counting to 100, Ford knocked again, a little more insistently. He heard something moving behind the door. He started pounding on the door, and didn’t let up.
Finally, he heard several bolts being undone. 
“Hey, you need to leave in the next…” The stout red-haired man flipped open his phone and checked an app, “Two minutes.”
“Oh.” Ford answered with mild surprise. “Well, I’ll cut straight to the chase then! I wanted to know if there was any truth to the rumors that you might be a werewolf!”
The man gave Ford a confused look before answering. “Stick around for another minute and a half and you’ll find out.”
“Really!? But it won’t be a full moon for another three days! And sunset won’t be for another hour and a half!”
“No, but the moon’s rising in about a minute. Seriously, you need to leave.”
Ford’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. “Would you be willing to let me observe your transformation? It would be an unprecedented scientific opportunity!”
“Nope, too dangerous.”
With that, the man slammed the door in Ford’s face. He heard several bolts and locks being re-done. For a brief moment, Ford was reminded of a less pleasant time in his own life, when he himself had locked himself in his own house like that, both for his own protection and for the protection of the world outside.
The old researcher shook the thought out of his head. This was nothing like that.
Honestly, he just wanted to observe. It wasn’t like he was looking for trouble. He had survived for years in the multiverse, he could just peek through the window of a werewolf!
Luckily there were plenty of windows on the second floor that had the blinds and curtains wide open, presumably to let in plenty of sunlight. Or perhaps to let in plenty of moonlight? That was one of many theories he’d have to ask the man about once the moon had set again. Whatever the case, these windows would be perfect points of observation.
Ford climbed a nearby tree to get a better look into the werewolf’s home. He couldn’t see the transformation from here, but he could see what appeared to be the entire hind leg of an elk hanging by a couple of ropes in one room. Interesting… obviously this man prepared food for his wolf form, presumably to prevent any chance of the werewolf hunting local townsfolk or livestock, but why hang it in such a position? It wasn’t so high that the werewolf couldn’t reach it, but it would obviously take more work.
Well, he wasn’t going to see the transformation for himself from this window. The old researcher readied himself to jump to the tiny balcony in front of the next nearest window. Hopefully he’d find what he was looking for there. 
The old man took a leap-- misjudged the springiness of the branch beneath his feet-- and crashed through the window.
Ford picked himself up off the floor with a groan. That window should not have broken so easily. Surely, the home of a werewolf should be better fortified! He would have to block the window with something if he didn’t want a werewolf loose on the town. He was looking for a bookshelf or cabinet he could push in front of the opening, when he heard a low snuffling sound, followed by an angry growl.
A reddish-brown wolf, twice the size of any Ford had ever seen, with an abnormally large cranium, was standing at the top of the stairs, glaring daggers at him. Ford was torn between reaching for his blaster to protect himself, or reaching for the new journal Mabel had made for him to start writing down observations.
Drat, I missed the transformation. He thought to himself. So it must be a rapid process. I wonder if that makes it more or less painful?
The wolf growled again, hackles raised, and Ford finally pulled out his blaster, being sure to set it to stun. After all, it wasn’t the wolf’s fault he’d stumbled into the wolf’s territory.
Unfortunately, pulling a gun, even a sci-fi looking one, was the wrong move. The wolf lunged at him before he could pull the trigger, fangs sinking into his forearm. Ford yelled with pain, punching and kicking the beast to get it to let go.
The pain of the bite was soon replaced with a strange twitching, rippling, itching sensation, that quickly radiated outward from the wound. He looked down and noticed the hair on his arm growing thicker.
Well, it looks like I’ll get to observe the transformation after all! He thought as he fell to his knees.
* * *
Stan was absolutely flabbergasted by the moose-sized wolf currently pawing at his fridge. It barely fit in the room, and he was pretty sure that wagging tail was going to knock the table over.
“Yeah, yeah, I get it, you’re hungry.” Stan muscled his way past the mountain of fur and pulled out an entire container of bologna that hadn’t even been opened yet. “Here.” he peeled the seal off the package and tossed a slice like a little frisbee. Wolf!Ford snapped it up in one bite. He looked expectantly at Stan and gave a pathetic little whine, hoping for another.
“Uh, I dunno if you should even be eatin’ this stuff when you’re like that.” Stan protested. “Pretty sure wolves aren’t supposed to eat people food.”
The wolf gave a little huff, but nodded in agreement. And wasn’t that wild, seeing a curly-haired wolf just make a human gesture like that?
The wolf headed back to the back porch door. He pawed the doorknob, like it was instinctual, but gave a little annoyed grunt when he apparently remembered he didn’t have thumbs. Next he tried to grasp the doorknob between his jaws.
“Oh no you don’t!” Stan shouted. “I don’t want teeth-marks all over my doorknobs! Or wolf drool, for that matter!”
Wolf!Ford shot him another guilty look and whined plaintively. Stan sighed and opened the door for him.
“I just let you in, what the heck do you want out again for?”
The wolf made a series of grunts and groans that were probably supposed to mean something, but Stan didn’t get any of what he was trying to say.
“Whatever, just don’t go too far.”
* * *
The wolf actually rolled its eyes. Stan didn’t even think wolves could do that. Of course, this was a werewolf, so maybe it could do things a normal wolf couldn’t. It dashed away into the forest.
“Hey! I said don’t go too far!” Stan shouted after him. The wolf was already out of sight. The old con man groaned. “Alright, fine, just be careful!” Stan yelled even louder, hoping his transformed brother could still hear him. 
Ford was hungrier than he’d been since coming back to his home dimension, and while the slice of bologna had been tasty, it had been far from filling. Besides, Stan was right. Wolves probably shouldn’t eat processed meats. He was going to have to go hunting!
He took in a deep breath, enjoying all the diverse smells that had opened up to him with his transformation, trying to differentiate the smell of wild game from the smell of Farmer Sprott’s farm animals. 
It’s probably a good thing Mabel took Waddles home with her before this happened. Ford thought. 
He was able to pick out the scent of what he thought might be a mule deer. He snuck through the forest, finding that he could be surprisingly quiet for something so large. He got close enough to the mule deer that he could see the tiny twitching movements of its nose sniffing the air when it finally noticed him. When it finally caught his scent, it bounded away in an instant, and Ford gave chase.
As exhilarating as the case felt, there was also a sense of wrongness to it. He knew instinctively that he shouldn’t, couldn’t hunt on his own, and he found himself wishing desperately that Stanley was with him, even if he knew on some level that his brother wouldn’t want to hunt a deer and probably wouldn’t be much help even if he did.
The wind changed direction and a new scent, strange yet familiar, caught his attention. It was the synthetic, sterile smell of a human mixed with the pungent, musky smell of a wolf, not unlike his own. And he’d smelled it earlier, right after his transformation.
It was the mailman!
Another werewolf, stockier and more reddish brown than silver gray, was running through the forest, scaring the mule deer back in Ford’s direction with a loud howl. Now he wasn’t alone. Now the hunt felt right.
The deer zig-zagged between the two of them before the mailman finally came close enough to latch his jaws into its hind flank. It tried to kick the wolf off, but it had slowed enough that Ford was able to catch up himself, and then instinct completely took over. Before he knew it, the deer was dead on the ground, and the two werewolves were covered in blood, happily sharing the meal they’d taken down together. The one doe wasn’t enough to feed two enormous werewolves, but it definitely put more of a dent in Ford’s hunger than the slice of bologna had.
As they finished off the last of the deer carcase, the other wolf looked at Ford, and although no words were exchanged, a form of communication passed between them.
“You’re the idiot researcher who broke into my house.” The mailman didn’t seem angry, just bemused more than anything.
“It was an accident.” Ford’s tail and ears drooped.
“I told you to leave.” The mailman’s ears flattened and he gave a small annoyed growl. “But it is nice to go hunting with someone. I usually just hang up an elk flank for my own enrichment, so the local farmers and hunters don’t throw a tizzy, but this was much more fun!”
“I agree!” Ford wagged his tail, and his ears perked up again. “I’m still hungry, let’s find another deer!”
The two wolves continued to hunt together for another hour or so, taking down one more deer and finding a large nest of ground squirrels that finally filled them up. Eventually, dusk passed into full night, and the time that deer were the most active had passed.
“Well, we’d better do our best to cover our tracks and clean up after ourselves.” The mailman stretched and began burying the remains of the ground squirrels. “The local farmers and hunters will throw a tizzy fit if they realize there are a couple of wolves in town.”
“Is that why you usually lock yourself in your house?” Ford asked.
The other wolf nodded, and Ford was reminded that this was a man most of the time. “I’ve been chased by an angry mob a couple of times. Even shot at with silver bullets.”
“Really? Is there any truth to those old legends?”
“Well any bullet will kill you if it gets you in the heart or the brain.” the mailman replied with a growl. “Silver bullets will force you to transform back to normal, so as long as it’s not a serious injury, you’ll just heal while your body rearranges itself. I got shot in the hind leg, so the bullet just fell out as I transformed.”
“Faciniating! What is it about silver that causes the change? Is it just contact with silver in general, or does it have to be a bullet?”
Ford hadn’t realized that wolves could give blank stares like that. “No clue. I’m not rich enough to have access to pure silver.”
“Oh, it’s actually quite easy to precipitate out of Silver Nitrate, which you can purchase through most industrial chemical catalogs!”
* * *
It was getting late, and Stan was getting tired, but he was not going to bed until he knew Ford was safe. His brother had run off almost an hour and a half ago, and Stan had seen enough monster movies to worry what would happen to his brother if he ran into anyone else.
Unfortunately, following the wolf through the woods in the dark seemed more likely to get Stan into trouble than to get Ford out of it, so he decided to just keep vigil on the porch for now. He’d heard a few howls in the night, but nothing that sounded like a wolf in danger. He was just going to have to trust that his brother could take care of himself.
It was nearly midnight when Ford finally trotted out of the forest and into the light of the Mystery Shack’s back porch, dragging a mostly picked-clean deer carcase behind him.
“What the heck did you bring that back with you for!?” Stan exclaimed in disgust, looking at the trail of sineu, bones, and skin that now led up to the porch.
Ford looked expectantly between Stan and the carcase, nudging a bit of ribs that still had some meat on them closer to his brother.
“What are you thinkin’!? I’m not eatin’ that!”
The wolf actually did a double-take, as if he was just now remembering that his brother was a human who ate cooked meat that had already been butchered and prepared and sold in a supermarket, not the raw, still bloody remains of a deer that had been alive just three hours ago.
“I hope you realize, I’m not letting you in the house while you’re filthy like that.” Stan gestured to the dark brown dried blood that was flaking off Ford’s curly gray fur. 
The wolf looked thoroughly shamed, and began licking the blood from his paws and muzzle, but there was a lot he couldn’t reach on his own. Stan rolled his eyes and grabbed the hose. It was way too late for this.
Ford gave a surprised yelp when Stan turned the hose on him, and he looked absolutely pathetic as he sat there and took it, the water making him look much skinnier and bedraggled. He whined pitifully as Stan placed his thumb over the end to increase the water pressure, and did his best to power-spray the remaining blood and dirt out of his brother’s fur. When he was finally satisfied that no deer guts would be tracked inside, he nodded with approval and turned the hose of.
The wolf’s tail hung low as he climbed up to the porch.
“Serves you right! You had me worried sick!” Stan reprimanded him. “And I should’ve been in bed two hours ago!”
The wolf gave another sad whine and tried to lick Stan’s face. He pushed his brother off, but also gave him an affectionate scritch behind his ear.
“Yeah yeah, it’s hard to stay mad at you when you’re a big fluffy dog.” He opened the door and let Ford back inside.
As soon as Stan closed the door behind him, Ford gave a tremendous shake, sending water flying everywhere, and absolutely soaking everything in the entryway, including Stan. 
“Oh, I see how it is! You were just faking bein’ pathetic to take your revenge, huh?” 
Ford wagged his tail and huffed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
Stan stomped up the stairs to take a shower, while Ford picked his way towards the laundry room. The wolf pulled a towel onto the floor and rolled around on it to finish drying himself off. He would help clean up the entryway, but he didn’t have any opposable thumbs, so there wasn’t much he could do.
* * *
Stan went to bed immediately after getting out of the shower. It had been an exhausting day. He’d deal with Ford’s stupid werewolf escapades in the morning. Hopefully, his brother would be back to normal by then.
He’d just been about to drift off to sleep when he felt something huge and hairy flop down on the mattress next to him. Apparently, werewolf!Ford didn’t want to sleep alone, and honestly, Stan was too tired to try and shove him off, so he just snuggled into the great mound of fur and drifted off to sleep.
A few hours later, a loud cracking sound, like someone popping all their joints at once, woke Stan with a start. It was still dark out, although the first few rays of light were appearing on the horizon. Stan realized he was suddenly colder too, as though someone had pulled a blanket off him. He suddenly realized that the giant furry mass that had been sleeping next to him all night had been replaced by plain old human skin and bones.
“Ford?” Stan asked, squinting in the twilight to try and see if his brother had indeed returned to normal.
“Ugh… ow… It’s like having all your joints dislocated and then relocated at once… Ah, so I’m fully capable of human speech again!” The old researcher stretched and felt himself over. “Oh dear… I seem to have left my clothes back where I first transformed!” He pulled Stan’s blanket over himself.
“S’not like I can see you anyway.” Stan yanked his blanket back. It was cold this morning, especially now that the living space heater werewolf form was gone! “Go back to your own room and grab your PJ’s.”
The bed creaked as Ford climbed out of it, and Stan saw the blurry silhouette of his brother pause in the doorway.
“Stanley, I… I’m sorry.”
“Didja get hurt?” Stan asked sleepily.
“No. In fact, it was an incredible experience!”
“Then I ain’t even mad. Just lemme go back to sleep, ok?”
“It’s just… I know I worried you. And I’m sorry for that.”
“Great. Apology accepted. Go to bed.”
* * *
After the craziness of last night, Stan didn’t wake until almost 10:30 the next morning. He stumbled into breakfast the next morning to find the kitchen table absolutely covered in Ford’s notes, and his brother in the middle of recounting his experience to Soos.
“... And I’m not sure if it was some sort of telepathy that all werewolves share, or if my inner human consciousness was just translating the wolves body language and pheromone communication, but we were able to communicate perfectly, even about complex concepts like chemistry and legends and angry mobs!”
“Oh, hey Stan!” Soos greeted him cheerfully. “Turns out I was totally right about that mailman bein’ a werewolf!”
“Yeah, I’m aware.” Stan rolled his eyes and grabbed a packet of oatmeal.
“I promise, I only went there to observe!” Ford assured him, “I had no intention of turning into a werewolf myself. But now that it’s happened, I’ll actually be able to observe and study werewolves first-hand! Which is perfect, because there’s still so much we don’t know! Obviously, it doesn’t have to be a completely full moon to trigger the transformation, so how full does it have to be? How is the transformation transmitted from one person to the next?”
“How are you gonna take notes while you’re a wolf?” Stan pointed out.
Ford opened his mouth to answer, but quickly realized he didn’t have one.
“Oh, dude we should get you one of those sound boards like that one dog on the internet has!” Soos suggested. He pulled out his phone and showed them a video illustrating his point.
“Hmm, I’m sure I could ask Fiddleford to rig up something like this, but a full keyboard!” Ford nodded as he watched the video. “I’m still myself as the wolf, so I should be able to spell out what I want to say. We could even connect it to a computer, so I can type!
“If you’re still yourself, then why the heck did you try and bring me back a deer last night?” Stan asked grumpily.
“Ah…” Ford blushed. “Well, I still retain my typical level of intelligence, it just seems there’s quite a lot of wolf instinct that gets superimposed on top of that.”
“Great.” Stan pinched the bridge of his nose. “So, I get that you’re excited to learn more about how werewolves work and all that, but what about after that? Are you just gonna stay a werewolf forever, or is there a cure?”
“Well, last night, the mailman mentioned that getting shot with a silver bullet in the leg will change you back without doing any lasting harm.”
“Yeah, I’m not shooting you every time your transformation is inconvenient.”
“But he wasn’t sure if just any contact with pure silver would do the trick. That’s just one of many things I’ll have to research in the future!”
Stan swallowed a mouthful of oatmeal. “We’d better call the kids. I can’t wait to see the look on Mabel’s face when she finds out you transform into a giant silver poodle under the full moon!”
89 notes · View notes
itwoodbeprefect · 3 years
decided to just compile a bunch of comments about my sga 1x01 rising rewatch into a single post because i don’t actually want to make a hundred posts in a row, so here, under the cut, many rambles:
announcer guy does, in fact, speak english upon a second attempt. well done on not forgetting to not speak german, announcer guy.
“i’m afraid of the thing” elizabeth says, about the drone chair, while standing next to it and looking like she wants to fuck it
rodney in that orange sweater! very orange! very warm!
john is on screen. john’s first words are helicopters he knows how to fly. john KINDA LIKES IT in antarctica. john has barely done anything and i already feel like crying a little bit about this guy who LIKES ANTARCTICA because he just wants to fly
POOR CARSON when he almost kills two people. “ai told ya ai was the wrong pursohn” :(
i really love how john sees the drone coming at the (landed) helicopter and yells “get out!” and they throw open their doors and john JUMPS and then it’s just “ugh.” and he’s belly-down on the floor and still like, almost under the helicopter. an attempt was made, for sure. just not a very succesful one.
the way john looks around like he’s never seen a ceiling before when he enters the base is just. very funny. and then some guy in particular is looking at him because he’s a bit of a weirdo and john looks back and the guy sort of looks him up and down and john looks away as if to check if anybody saw that. hmm.
john’s face of “oops” after he sits down in the chair and it ACTIVATES and carson RUNS OFF to go get literally everyone and john is realizing he MAY have just made a very giant big mistake. PRICELESS
teyla: my people have long believed the wraith will come if we venture into the ancient city. sumner, when the wraith come after he ventures into the ancient city: [surprised pikachu face]
gotta love how john insisting on saving his people is what wakes up the wraith, and saving his people is also what landed john in antarctica in the first place because he tried it in afghanistan once before. which wouldn’t have happened if there hadn’t been an american war in afghanistan in the first place, which there wouldn’t have been if bush hadn’t thrown the us into it, which wouldn’t have happened without 9/11, so... bin laden woke the wraith?
on the other hand john would never have had to go on a rescue mission on his first day in pegasus if sumner hadn’t gone into that city against the wishes of the people that already lived there and had a history dating back thousands of years with the place, so more realistically, the expeditions’ colonizer mentality woke the wraith. and then they just kinda... kept going with that for the rest of the show, because it worked out so well on that first day.
anyway i’m not even there yet - puddlejumper! it jumps puddles!
have to love the moment john realizes the puddlejumper is pretty literally reading his mind and giving him anything he can think of that is within its power (so no turkey sandwiches, but that’s okay). john is already in love with it just based on the fact that IT CAN FLY AND GO FAST (“i kinda like it here”, restored) but then all the ancient technology just seems to know him and love him back and gives him way more than he even thinks to ask for. which, for john, who doesn’t really do well expressing desires? a FLYING SHIP that then READS HIS MIND? starstruck. love at first sight. john&puddlejumper, instant bffs. i bet it would have popped a compartment with some stray bits of wire if he’d asked for a friendship bracelet right then and there. ford sitting there witnessing this doesn’t even know how hard he’s thirdwheeling it in that moment.
now i am at the bit where sumner is taken from the wraith prison to see the actual wraith, and look, obviously they’re evil and feed on humans etc etc, but this particular wraith’s sense of dramatics? unparalleled. she has them bring her victims one by one to a large foggy room with a looong table set with a wonderful dinner and then she LEAVES a DEAD BODY sitting at the head of the table (implied to be the athosian that was taken before sumner?) and drops down from the ceiling while sumner has his back turned for no reason except the spectacle of it all, and dracula himself literally couldn’t have made a better display out of this. it’s maybe scary in the way that it makes clear she’s a cat toying with a helpless mouse before she eats it, but it’s also hilarious in the way that this is absolutely a very bored immortal being who had to stay up while the rest went to sleep and is inventing high school improv plays with her dinner for some diversion. don’t play with your food, wraith queen. you’re scaring your dinner.
life signs detector!!! ford didn’t get to name the puddlejumpers gateships, but that one stuck, no matter how much “we can name it later” john was trying to throw at it!!!
(god. there’s a ficlet somewhere in there about season 2 john having a moment where he realizes he’s on the hunt for ford using the thing they first discovered together and that ford gave its name.)
getting sidetracked here, but when john and ford find the group of humans caught by the wraith teyla goes “major!” and it makes me think that. well. how are the athosians supposed to know things like “major” and “colonel” are military ranks? what are the chances the pegasus galaxy uses the same designations? (don’t really know how the language thing works here - we’re hopefully not supposed to think they’re all speaking english, are they? i’ve never watched sg1, there’s probably lore about this, i assume. maybe alien titles somehow get perfect translations to earth ones and vice versa.) but i mean, teyla is too smart, she’d have it figured out already even if those words don’t exist in her galaxy, but some athosian somewhere is going to be very confused by this earth tendency to name way too many kids private and lieutenant, and then put all of them into the army. strange, to have your job decided for you at birth like that. earth people are weeeeird.
fjdkl john is like bye, gonna go find colonel sumner all on my own, run if you don’t hear from me in twenty minutes, and ford’s like “you’re the only one who can fly these people out of here” and “i’m saying i should be the one to go, sir” and john, with his savior can’t-leave-anyone-behind-gotta-do-this-personally-or-i-will-literally-die-from-not-almost-dying complex DOES NOT LISTEN to ford’s EXTREMELY ACCURATE objection. which is his right, as ranking officer, but is also a perfect showcase of why john Should Not Ever be in charge of atlantis, and why sam saying he was totally on the shortlist when she takes over command in s4 is funny but frightening if you’re on atlantis and like being alive.
sumner: “we travel through the stargate as peaceful explorers.” FDJKFD. god, that line, from that character, hilarious.
rodney comes to elizabeth full of enthusiasm about all the interesting stuff they’re finding in the city only to find her staring at the empty gate and when she says she should never have let them (the rescue party) go, he sobers up and says awkwardly “for what it’s worth, you made the right decision” and that’s GOOD that’s KIND.
back on the planet with the wraith everyone is running to the jumper while there are wraith darts whizzing through the air and teyla turns back, catches up with ford who was told to cover their six, disarms him (because he was firing at illusions, revealing their position), hands him back his weapon, pulls him in the direction of the puddlejumper, and PUSHES HIM ASIDE when they’re almost scooped up by a wraith dart, and i’m so here for teyla being allowed a moment of heroics that saves specifically ford, guy with a gun, and not a random athosian damsel in distress. teyla is fully on their level. teyla is perhaps above their level. thank you.
that scene at the end of this episode!! in which there’s a sort of party on atlantis and it’s all buzzing and relaxed while the athosians are mingling freely with the expedition members and they’re talking of friendship and ugh. UGH. there’s a better version of sga in an alternate universe where the expedition didn’t decide atlantis was totally theirs, actually, and they cooperate with the people that were already in the galaxy when they came there and learn from sumner’s mistake to actually respect what they have to say and form a single front and teyla takes over as head of the expedition in s4 when there’s a void left by elizabeth’s absence.
final thought that has always haunted me a little: john suddenly becoming the ranking military member on atlantis after sumner’s death is ?? one of those things where i wonder what the sgc was thinking in their personnel assignments. john wasn’t even supposed to BE THERE. if john hadn’t gone and sumner had still died (which was something they should have considered as a possiblitiy! they didn’t know what they were walking into at all! sumner is apparently the type to lead his own missions!), then what exactly would they have done? i don’t know much about how the us military operates but i’ve watched enough mash to have figured out the order of the ranks and it just seems. very odd to me? to take one (1) colonel on this mission and then ZERO lieutenant colonels OR majors (if john hadn’t stumbled his way into it, that is). like, are there any captains on atlantis? (i think there are?) or would ford, a lieutenant, have ended up ranking military member? this is like the surely-they-only-need-a-single-medical-doctor-right thing. WHAT IS THE SGC THINKING.
anyway. this was good. i liked this. i hadn’t rewatched the pilot in a while, and i only just now figured out how much of a while, because there was a bunch in here i didn’t remember. ON TO EPISODE TWO.
18 notes · View notes
Birthday Wishes, Birthday Kisses
Second place
by @penningpines
{ I know they turned 21 last year, but getting drunk for the first time on 21st birthdays is like v special to me }
Grunkle Stan guided the blindfolded twins into the kitchen, a hand resting on each of their shoulders.
“Alright, kids, you can take them off now.”
“Hardly kids now,” they heard Wendy laugh. They removed their blindfolds to find her, Soos, and both their Grunkles standing before the kitchen table, which was lined with brightly colored bottles and cans.
Mabel tilted her head. “What is—”
“Alcohol!” Stan exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air. “Booze! Man’s great equalizer!”
Ford, standing at the other side of the table, chuckled warmly. “He may have already had a bit. Happy birthday, kids! You are officially of legal drinking age now, so enjoy yourselves! But go slow. And hydrate!”
Soos raised a bottle in the air and beckoned Dipper over to him. “You’re a man now. Come try this shit.”
The dark brown glass bottle in Soos’s hand didn’t look like it contained anything terribly appetizing, and the closer Dipper got to it, the worse it stunk of yeast. He reached out to take the bottle from Soos, who was now holding it in front of him, and with another small sniff and a grimace, he reluctantly took a sip. Immediately after, he began coughing and sputtered out a, “this is disgusting!”, shoving the bottle back into Soos’s hand.
“That’s the taste of manhood,” Stan said proudly, clinking his own beer bottle against Soos’s. “It’s an acquired taste, like coffee and cigarettes and lake water. You’ll get used to it.”
“What was that last one?”
Stan narrowed his eyes. “Cigarettes?”
“N-no, after that,” Dipper replied, grabbing a bottle of water off of the table and chugging it down to get the taste of stale bread and dead dreams off of his tongue.
“Don’t worry about it,” Stan said, waving a hand dismissively.
Mabel watched in slight horror as the interaction went on. “Do I have to drink that, too?”
“No, thank fuck,” Wendy cut in, handing a colorful, foamy, multicolored atrocity to her. “I took the liberty of making you something a little more… you. It’s gonna be a total sugar rush, and you won’t be able to taste the alcohol at all, so be very careful.”
Mabel’s eyes widened as an excited gasp left her. She eagerly took the glass from Wendy, placing her lips on the colorful twisty straw she had stuck into it, and took a big sip.
A disgusted look remained on Dipper’s face as he turned to face his twin. “What?”
“You have to try this!” Mabel pushed the glass into his hands, eyes sparkling in anticipation as she waited for her brother to taste it.
Dipper raised an eyebrow, observing the foamy pink mess, before taking a small sip.
“What do you think?!” She asked enthusiastically.
He grimaced yet again. “This is so… I can feel my teeth rotting…”
“Sorry,” Wendy laughed. “I may or may not have literally poured like an entire cup of sugar in there after all the sodas and juices.”
“It doesn’t bother me,” Mabel boasted, snatching her drink back from Dipper and taking another swig.
“You’re used to running on sugar and boybands, Mabes,” he chuckled. “Of course it doesn’t bother you.”
“Try something straight with a mixer, then,” Ford suggested, tapping a finger against the lid of the vodka bottle closest to him. “Any soda or juice will mix with it.”
Dipper eyed the table, grabbing a peach Pitt Cola and an empty cup.
“You’ll wanna measure the hard stuff,” Soos advised, handing a shot glass to Dipper. “And use more mixer than alcohol, otherwise that’s all you’re gonna be able to taste.”
With an appreciative nod, Dipper filled the shot glass, poured it into the cup, and filled the rest with Pitt Cola. A single sip and he seemed satisfied with the mix. “Thanks, Soos.”
“It’s what I’m here for,” he smiled. He then deadpanned. “I am the keeper of alcoholic knowledge.”
Stan playfully slapped a hand against Soos’s back. “Sure are, big guy.”
“Oh, on that,” Wendy piped up. “Carbonation will filter the alcohol into your blood quicker, so be careful with your mixers.”
Soos cleared his throat as he stood from his spot and offered it to Dipper, Wendy mirroring the same action for Mabel. “Go on. Sit down. Drink. Talk about stuff.”
The twins took a seat, offering each other a smile across the table.
“Here’s to 21,” Mabel smiled, raising her glass to meet Dipper’s.
“21,” he repeated, tapping his glass against Mabel’s.
They each took another sip or two.
“Who do you wanna bet is more of a lightweight?” Ford asked, working away at his own bottle.
“Mabel,” Wendy responded instantly. “Definitely. No offense,” she laughed, turning her attention to the accused. “It’s just… in my experience, for some reason, alcohol tends to hit the bubbly ones first, and I’m pretty confident you’re a happy, giggly drunk.”
“What kind of drunk do you think I am?” Dipper inquired.
“Conspiracy theorist,” Stan offered easily. “I am fully expecting you to go on about lizard people once it kicks in.”
“Hey,” he laughed. “Not fair! Don’t conspiracy theorists sound crazy? I don’t think—”
“To be fair,” Soos interrupted, taking another swig of his drink. “Your book of crazy monster stuff sounds like some conspiracy type stuff a lot of the time.”
Dipper scoffed playfully in mock offense. “Gravity Falls is full of crazy shit. I am merely documenting and researching said shit.”
This time, Ford slapped a hand against Dipper’s back. “That’s my boy! Carrying on the family business, eh?”
Mabel giggled into her drink, lips pulling at her straw, perhaps a tad too fast. “You still need to find me a unicorn. Like a good unicorn. Not one that’s all full of themselves.”
“What if I find you a caticorn instead?” He offered.
“Even better!” Mabel laughed, raising her glass, which was now halfway empty.
Wendy raised hers to meet Mabel’s this time. “Slow down there, birthday girl,” she laughed, reaching for a bottle of water to offer her. “I told you this one was pretty strong, and you don’t want to make yourself sick.”
“Pshhh,” Mabel laughed. “From sugar? I don’t get sick! My body’s built up a tolerance! A-after that whole Smile Dip incident…”
“From alcohol,” she smiled, pouring one of the water bottles into Mabel’s drink until it reached the rim. “This will help, trust me.”
Soos followed suit, pouring water into what little Dipper had gotten through on his own drink.
“Take it from someone older and wiser, little dudes,” he said, grabbing his own bottle to chug. “Hydrate or diedrate.”
“Or,” Wendy laughed. “Less drastically, hydrate or get super sick and have an awful hangover in the morning.”
“Speaking of,” Soos said, turning his attention to Stan and Ford. “Do you guys remember the first time you got drunk?”
The older twins exchanged a glance, and Ford was the first to speak.
“Times were different. Laws were different, too. We were 16, and—”
“—and you got fucked off of three beers,” Stan interrupted, pointing and laughing at his twin. “And then you got sick, but I never did. Alpha Twin!”
Ford rolled his eyes playfully. “You are not the Alpha Twin just because—”
“Ha!” Now Mabel was pointing at Dipper. “You’re the Ford, I’m the Stan! Alpha Twin!”
“Yeah!” Stan cheered, thrusting his fist into the air. “I got Mabel!”
“Hey!” Dipper laughed. “What about me?”
“I got you,” Ford proclaimed proudly. “Together, we will discover all the mysteries of Gravity Falls!”
“Like whatever the hell is living at the bottom of Stan’s sock drawer,” Wendy loudly half-whispered to Soos, who stuck his hands up in defense, chuckling, “I don’t even wanna know!”
“Grunkle Stan and I will… hmm…” Mabel chewed at the tip of her straw. “Take over the world!”
“Quite a tall order to fill, little miss.” He moved in closer to ruffle her hair. “I don’t know if my back can keep up with that.”
“Oh, shit, wait!”
They all turned their attention to Wendy, who was taking hold of Mabel’s hand and helping her to her feet. “You guys need to stand up for a minute. If you sit the whole time, the first time you get up, you’ll fall over. Happened to me my first time! Robbie started freaking out for a minute, but I thought it was hilarious!”
“I’m sure it’s not so— whoa!” Mabel clutched onto Wendy’s arm, trying to stabilize herself. “Okay, maybe it’s a little bad right now.”
Soos did the same for Dipper, helping him up, though he was much more stable on his feet.
“One to ten,” Ford said, addressing the twins. “On a lev- uh, a scale, I mean. How drunk do you feel?”
“We don't…” Mabel started, to which Dipper finished, “…have anything to compare it to?”
“That was a dumb question for such a smart guy,” Stan cackled, shaking his head at his brother.
“Yeah,” he agreed, matching his twin’s joviality. “Pretty dumb!”
“What was your first time being drunk like?” Wendy asked Soos, reaching out to playfully pluck the bottle out of his hand.
“It was fun,” he snickered. “…until it wasn’t. I got, like, mega sick, dude. But before that, I was having a good ass time!”
“First time sickness buds!” She exclaimed, reaching out for a high five with the hand that wasn’t supporting Mabel.
“Is it, uh,” Dipper, who had just been released from Soos’s grasp, chuckled nervously. “Is it possible to, um, not get sick your first time? Or ever?”
“Hydrate or diedrate,” Soos repeated.
“Hydration,” Wendy giggled, thumping Soos’s bottle against his arm before handing it back to him. “And pacing yourself, and eating before, during, or both. After is kinda debated but it seems to help me, so I do it after, too. Fresh air can help.”
Mabel looked up at Stan. “Is that why you had us each so much before this?”
“As is tradition,” he winked.
“Okay,” Dipper nodded, reaching for another bottle of water with a slight quiver in his legs. Still steady so far.
“Especially you,” Wendy playfully punched Mabel in the arm, causing her to stumble. “You’ve been going at that thing way too fast.”
“The Alpha Twin,” Mabel giggled, “does not get sick. I simply transfer all my sickness to Dipper. When we were little, I had chicken pox. As soon as mine went away, Dipper got them. I haven’t gotten them since, and if that doesn’t prove my theory, I don’t know what will!”
“Mabel, I’m pretty sure chicken pox—”
“Shhh.” She pressed a finger against Dipper’s lips. “No.” Her finger dragged down his body, quickly swiping it over his chest and arms and grabbing at his hand, which she pulled down with her as she dropped to the floor. “We’re gonna sit here now!”
The room, if only slightly, steadied once Mabel had to focus less on keeping her knees from buckling or her legs from otherwise taking her down. As she looked across to Dipper, though, he seemed to be swaying a bit. Or maybe she was— she couldn’t tell.
Stan began telling a story above them, but from down on the ground, and with her lack of focus, his voice sounded small and distant.
“I’m… mmm… mm… tired.” She yawned and reached out for Dipper, who was already staring at her. “Are you tired?”
He shrugged his response. “You wanna go to bed?”
“Yes. No. Mm-may—yes.”
“Okay,” Dipper laughed. “Then let’s go to bed.”
“Okay,” Mabel repeated, now loud enough for the rest to hear, holding onto Dipper’s arm with one hand and Wendy’s leg with the other. She maneuvered herself onto her feet, tugging Dipper up with her, and just about shoved her face into his chest as she stumbled forward and clutched onto him more completely. “We are going to have a meeting. It’s about our twin telepathy.” She turned slightly to face the rest of the room. “And only s-s-twins who are under the age of… seventy-b-billion are allowed,” she slurred. “Okay, bye!”
“That means bedtime,” Dipper laughed, supporting Mabel as he helped move her over to the staircase. “This… may present a problem.”
Mabel stared intensely at the staircase for a moment, studying it, before she looked up slightly at her brother and pressed her hands against his chest and pushed to distance herself from him. “I am the Alpha Twin. There is no obstacle too large.”
“You’re gonna hurt yourself, Mabes. Come on. One step at a time.” He took hold of her arm which, honestly, she hadn’t noticed, and began helping her up the stairs.
“I’m doing it!” She exclaimed excitedly. “I’m doing it! I’m—” she looked down and noticed Dipper’s grip on her arm. “Oh. Well, we’re almost up there anyway!”
“Mabel, we’re only three steps up the—”
“We’re almost u-up there anyway,” she repeated, lifting an unstable foot, setting it down, lifting it again, moving it to the side, and fumbling closer to Dipper.
Wendy came up behind them, placed a hand on each of their backs, and helped push them forward. With some slight coordination issues, more than a little bit of random ‘whoaaa!’s, and Mabel tripping over her own feet not once, not twice, but three times, they made it to the top of the staircase.
“Should be able to handle it now,” Dipper giggled to himself, pulling Mabel against his chest once again and guiding her (pulling her, more like) to their shared bedroom.
He got them to the door, which, of course, was shut. He fumbled with the doorknob for a moment before the door swung open, which startled Mabel, and got them inside. He led Mabel over to her bed, which she managed to get into without too much trouble.
“Perfect birthday,” she mused, “almost.”
“Almost?” Dipper questioned, kneeling beside Mabel’s bed to keep himself from falling down. He had managed to keep it together enough up the stairs, but now his legs were threatening to give out and deprive him of his favorite pastime of walking in a straight line.
“There’s oooone birthday wish I didn’t get.” She stared up at the ceiling, clutching onto one of her stuffed animals.
“And what’s that? Maybe I can help?”
“Mm…” she thought for a moment. “No. Never mind. Too embarrassing. G’night!”
Dipper laughed, shaking her shoulder. “Come on, Mabes.”
“You can tell me! I’m your twin. Come on, use the telepathy!”
She closed her eyes, placed a hand on Dipper’s forehead (well, mostly, and after a few tries), took a deep breath, and whispered, “I… wanted… a birthday kiss.”
Dipper scoffed, amused. “Is that it?”
“What do you mean ‘is that it’?!” She sat up quickly, opening her eyes and turning to look at him, face flushed. “It’s embarrassing! Aren’t you embarrassed?!”
“Mm… nope. Come on, you’ve admitted to me before that you’ve thought about it.”
“Thinking about it and actually doing it are two very different things, Dipper!”
He raised his hands up defensively with a soft laugh. “Alright, alright, just thought I’d offer.”
Mabel groaned playfully. She fell back into her mattress with a soft thud. “Okay… fine… come here.”
“Come here! I’m gonna close my eyes so it’s not so… weird… and you’re gonna kiss me like I’m a princess.”
She could feel the weight on her bed shift, signaling that Dipper had sat down next to her. His next question came softly, softer than she expected, and she had to strain her ears to hear it.
“Like you’re a princess?”
“M-mhm…” she felt a little shyer about it now. It felt more real than when she had proposed it. She kept her eyes shut, but she felt her body tighten and flinch as he moved closer to her.
“Actually…” she opened her eyes to find Dipper’s face about a foot away from hers, watching her with a loving gaze. A slight smile was pulling at the corner of his mouth.
“Okay,” she breathed. She couldn’t help but smile, reflecting her twin’s. “You can… you can do it now.”
She let her eyes flutter shut again, and he followed her lead, closing the space between them slowly, anticipation building.
His lips hovered above hers for a moment, soft breath matching her own, tension in the room building to a climax when he slowly, softly pressed their lips together.
Though anticipated, it took both of them a split second to process what was happening. Quivering lips steadied as they pressed against their matching pair, and for a moment, they were stuck there, until Dipper pressed his harder against his twin’s before awkwardly pulling away.
He opened his eyes, almost hesitantly, and watched as Mabel did the same. She blushed deeply before breaking out into a fit of giggles, forcing her head to the side so her hair would fall into her face and offer even the slightest bit of concealment.
“Perfect birthday,” she mumbled into her pillow. “For real this time.”
Dipper moved in again to plant another kiss against her face, this one a soft, loving peck on the forehead. “I’m glad,” he grinned. “I agree.”
A comfortable silence filled the room, until he whispered, “goodnight, Mabel. Happy birthday.”
She felt the weight of her mattress shift again as he stood up, crossing the room to get into his own bed.
“Um, Dipp?”
“Yeah, Mabes?”
Mabel rolled over onto her other side to face him. “Can… um… can I get birthday cuddles, too? Like old times?”
He simply chuckled, turning and walking back to her bed, which she had begun moving stuffed animals and pillows off of to give him space to lie down.
“Thank you, bro bro.” She nuzzled her face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head, breathing in her scent.
“Anything for the Alpha Twin,” he murmured, earning a giggle from his sister as she nuzzled closer to him.
“Best birthday ever,” Dipper repeated, mumbling into Mabel’s hair, arms tightening around her midsection in a protective squeeze.
Not bad, 21. Not bad at all.
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kingofthecon · 4 years
'Becoming a ghost is sad.' The comment caused Stanley Pines to startle and look to the one who'd spoken. His great nephew, Dipper, had been watching one of his paranormal shows on the tube and was either talking to himself or to the old man who was far too busy sitting on the living room floor marking up graph paper for what would most likely be another "riveting" night of Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons. 'Nerds,' Stanley mused as he walked through the wall to reach the gift shop where no one could see his form solidifying. Whatever conversation was taking place in the next room he didn't not wish to be a part of it. He knew more than he needed to about specters, being one himself gave him that keep sort of insight after all. Of course he couldn't have his way as the young man entered room still rattling on about his theory. "A ghost being obsessed with something to the point they stick around is so sad. It's also the same with unfinished business. In both those scenarios a ghost can possibly stick around forever and get stuck. I bet that's what happened to Ma and Pa Duskerton." Stanley sighed, resigning himself to listening to the kid and the old man that followed in afterwards - the thoughtful frown he wore disappearing when he saw his twin behind the counter where he'd "walked" to count the money in the register. "I didn't see you come in, Stanley." "Not surprising," he grumped at his twin without looking up from the wad of cash in his hands. "You've always had a bad case of tunnel vision." "I didn't see you come in either, grunkle Stan." "Not surprising," Stan repeated, only this time he did look up. "That's been a trend for the entirety of the summer." Dipper turned a bit red while Stanford looked offended. Neither nerd could talk, however, because Stanley's words were true. It made him smirk just a tad as he went back to counting. Meanwhile, Dipper got over his embarrassment and went back to his talk of ghost with his great uncle Stanford. "Between the Duskertons and the Lumberjack ghost there haven't really been too many opportunity to explore the--" "Kid," Stanley interupts drawing the attention of his brother and his nephew. "There's nothin' complicated about ghosts. They die and stick around because somethin's keepin'em around. Could be unfinished business like revenge for their deaths. Could be to protect someone. Could be just to play pranks or scare people for no reason. Some are weak. Some can be dangerous. End of story." Dipper and even Stanford looked unconvinced, though there was also a hint of suspicion that Stanley decided he wasn't going to stick around for. He probably shouldn't have opened his mouth - but after everything that'd happened up until bringing Ford back; including the part where he specifically told his dangerous know-it-all of a brother to stay away from the kids, he'd been a little high strung. And he knew the exact reason why. It didn't help that Dipper's preferred topic of the day hit a little too close to home for Stanley. Unable to look them in the eyes as he walked away, he didn't notice the way Dipper seemed to curl inward or Stanford's twitch - the chill that suddenly came over the two of them having nothing to do with Stan's cold shoulder.
His escape from the shack wasn't nearly as fast as he would have liked it to be, but he needed to act casual. In hindsight he had acted foolishly. His brother was a genius with 12 PhDs and could probably see through that act about as easily as if he'd been able to see through Stanley if he wasn't capable of sustaining his tangibility. It was why in the car, deep in the woods, he was able to drop the act. Gone was the old man only to be replaced by a younger man somewhere between 25-35 with a tattered red jacket and a mullet. His once vibrant skin had a blue tint to it and the outglow that his body had but was harder to see during the day became bright. Despite the unnecessity of breathing the spector still found himself releasing an exhale in an attempt to calm himself down. Why had he even panicked the way he had? Dipper was just being his inquisitive self. Was it because of Ford? Was it because Stanford could figure him out in a heartbeat if given the chance? With the Pines Twins classic being at odds with one another, even after their thirty year separation, would the remnants of their relationship last with Stanley becoming just another anomaly to Stanford who only stuck around because he had unfinished business? Would Stanford try to exorcise him - believing that Stanley was nothing more than an echo of a person he'd known long ago but had died - no body left to bury? Would he become even more insufferable; asking his stupid questions about ghosts and what it was like to be one and what kept him tethered to the world of the living? Stanley...didn't want to find out. Frozen fingers tapped gentle at the steering wheel - the car having a ghostly glow of its own as well - before simply gripping at it tightly. He couldn't very well run away from this - he knew that, but he couldn't continue to hide what he was from Dipper and Stanford. Between the two of them something would have to give, and Stanley wasn't ready to let it all go just yet. He wanted to make amends with Stanford. He wanted them to be friends again. He couldn't do that, he assumed, if he were to be found out. 'There's one place I can go...' he mused as he started the car and headed deeper into the forest until the trees became too clustered for the car to pass. He debated on simply driving through them anyway - his car took on ghostly properties when he was in it after all - they were practically one entity, but he chose instead to get out continue on foot so to speak. He could feel himself calm considerably as well as a bit of a boost of energy the closer he came to a cluster of rocks and boulders that seemed practically welded together - an old ruin of sorts he assumed. Once close enough the hum of something reached his ears. He merely placed the palm of his hand against the wall and let his body phase through until a swirling mass of light and dark greens came into his field of vision. 'The Ghost Zone' he thought as he shook his head. He'd only been there twice - when he first...died...and again when he realized there were certain advantages to having a ghost portal connected to other parts of the world - especially when that meant getting materials for another type of portal; a trans-dimensional portal that needed a specific type of fuel and power source. It was complicated. At least he'd found a supplier and had a network going. He wondered if, maybe, said supplier would be willing to give him any advice, or if the Cheese Head had other things going on. Either way, Stan was on his way to Wisconsin. @gamblealife
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