#no clue what tags to gives this
thegreatgaygay · 1 year
Roxy's IRL Friends and Their Les Mis Experiences
right so the context is that i have been hyperfixated on les mis for two months and am insufferable and talk about it all the time with my friends, including my really specific in-jokes with myself (javert's 46 upsetting hats that he makes himself, javer'ts hat being huge/trying to eat him, a lot of hat related stuff actually, at this point it's just to make myself laugh), all the seperate canons i maintain (1-2rp canons, 3-5 fic canons, the one where javert personally knows and really hates shadow the hedgehog) and weird fandom bullshit (the one time i saw a piece of fan art that just absolutely snatched montparnasse's waist. good art btw. but just. he was so snatched and it stuck with me). and they just put up with it. so here's the post.
i have this one friend and she saw les mis on the west end in 2017 and remembers almost none of it but the things she DOES remember include: "two different blonde ladies" and at first i was like there are only three women in this show so it narrows it down but it took some prying to discover that these were, in fact, fantine and cosette.
master of the house is only song she recalls. the only song. out of all of the songs. (it objectively slaps but yall know how i feel about stars and she does too, she's read my stars essay). she said that "those guys [the thenardiers] got another song later on for no reason" which like is technically true i guess.
also, according her, "a guy died on a barricade". yes bestie many guys died on a barricade that's like half the fucking story
and she also got a nosebleed halfway through and spend half the show with her head tilted up so she wouldn't bleed everywhere so she didn't see anything. after she told me about this i explained the full plot of Les Miserables (1978) to her because i a, autistic.
but that's it that's all she remembers from the musical. she also insisted on pronouncing javert JAV-ERT for a month just to piss me off. including while i was dressed as him for halloween. i also have a running joke of people mis pronouncing his name but it used to specifically really get to me for some reason. but like i said my friends put up with so much bullshit from me and i get to hear about fallout 4 and sonic in return, neurodivergent people are so powerful.
my OTHER friend knows the plot of les mis and the songs well enough to torment me still further. he has invented a character named Maurice who does not exist at all ever and he brings Maurice up everytime I bring up les mis at the dinner table (which is often, some would say every single day with few excpetions). he says that his "favorite part of les mis is when maurice goes in the sewer and says 'it's mauricin' time' then her maurices all over the sewer" because we decided that's where maurice lives. i hate my friends so much. love those guys.
my OTHER OTHER friend who i know irl and talk to online said to me recently that they "forgot javert wasn't a real guy" which is hilarious and also reminds me that this person has never listened to les mis or consumed any les mis related media and must have such a fucked up idea of the plot at this point oh my god. they have seen all my memes and all my weird fic stuff but just...they do not know the plot. i wonder what they think happens in les mis???????????
and furthermore, some of my friends and i have discovered that like five of us all have special interests/hyperfixations set in France or that are France related in some way, so i have made a handy graph to hekp us keep track. it's not perfect but i love graphs so much. this is what i get for meeting every single one of my friends at the special move-in day for disability services or at special ed high school. only one of us is straight and only one of us is neurotypical, but it's the same guy and we like him anyways. here's the graph, with names removed but anyways the point is i love my friends but we're all terrible autism people. i'm The Crusades, FORMERLY Hamilton and Les Miserables, if you couldn't guess.
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I just had to join this trend, I’ve been craving drawing them ever since I finished my last drawing lol
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Theyre my favorite fucker
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barawrah · 3 months
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oversaturated little guys
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milfygerard · 3 months
but fr outside of my contracted madness i absolutely refuse to give joe alwyn gold rush like how is that song at all related to their relationship the lyrics clearly spell out a relationship that either never existed or only existed in implication and fantasies and maybe-maybe nots and its so bitter and yet desperately soft in the bridge where it almost projects a sense of envy, of wanting to be them as much as you want them. It continues an interesting oft ignored lyrical trend of taylor wanting just as much to be her lover as to have them, envying their easy charisma (you were flush with the currency of cool/i was always turning out my pockets) or quiet dignity (your integrity makes me seem small) dating back to her earliest songs (the kind of flawless i wish i could be). Theres a projected self hatred and yearning to be better that twists itself into both romantic and sexual lust for her partners thats so fascinating and speaks to how all of her songs regardless of who theyre about are also an act of self reflection on who she is and who she wishes to be.
#barry.txt#taylor swift#putting this in the tags as a form of self protection but make no mistake this is a gay thing to do especially in gold rush#which through simple context clues is Obviously About A Woman or maybe even women in general#whivh is a totally seperate post on how taylor constructs and uses gender identity in her music#her girlhood and femininity are earnest but also so carefully constructed and so high effort and kind of desperate#shes a deeply self concious and obsessive person who never looks comfortable in anything ever unless shes#onstage or like. by herself in loose jeans and a tshirt#i think thats one of the things that subconsciously irritate ppl when it comes to her shes constantly and clearly putting in effort#to appear As The Celebrity Taylor Swift and struggles not to self censor or overperform in interviews (when she gives them)#especially present in pre 1989 interviews where the interviewers really didnt have to respect her or worry abt how they frame her#if they didnt want to. Like the fearless era rolling stone interview where she almost has a meltdown over her mom buying eggnog instead of#milk. That whole interview is strange looking back not just bc of the weird misogyny but also because of what it does share#taylor is....weird. She has a strange and desperate vibe and always reacts slightly too much and uses slang poorly#shes media trained and has learned how to socialize but you can feel her discomfort whenever she doesnt have a guitar in her hand#idk these tags have once again gotten so unweildy. i just find it interesting that she finally feels some level of comfortable#in sharing that construction w us in songs like mirrorball and mastermind and imo gold rush#and scene#should i write this up and put it in the swiftieism zine#i should write something and put it in the swiftieism zine
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camels-pen · 5 months
ponder for a moment, zosanuso with Zoro realizing he likes pet names
Sanji and Usopp get together first. They are very lovey dovey and sappy because Sanji is lovey dovey and sappy and Usopp loves it, gets very swept away with it, and does his best to reciprocate. This shit is practically the bane of Zoro's existence. And that's not even getting into the pet names.
Some time later, he's got the realization that oh, huh, he likes Usopp. And oh, ugh, he likes the Cook too. And he might lament his own feelings about it, but eventually he tells them and then Zoro has two boyfriends.
And then one morning, Usopp comes to breakfast looking incredibly sleepy, and casually gives a "Morning, babe" to Zoro before taking his seat.
And Zoro finds he likes that. He really really likes it. And he's definitely showing it on his face somehow because soon after Sanji is ranting and raving about Zoro being an absolute hypocrite, because how dare he complain all this time about Sanji and Usopp calling each other honey and cher and darling, when he was just as bad as them-
Usopp is more awake now and trying not to laugh, for Zoro's sake. Zoro is very red and keeps trying to interrupt Sanji, but Sanji just talks louder over him. Zoro would start a fight, but Sanji hadn't finished serving breakfast yet and his arms are full of plates so he's forced to suffer.
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mortellanarts · 8 months
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Hmm... Akane witch design courtesy of Umineko brainrot anyone? 😳
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bearhugsandshrugs · 6 months
[Ended]: Em's BG3 Fanfic Give Away
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Celebrating absolutely nothing except my amazing followers, I'm doing a small give away of a oneshot of 2-3k words (maybe more, if inspiration grabs me).
Followers only (new + existing, I won't check)
Reblog or reply to this to enter
Give away closes December 15th, 06:00pm CET
I'll assign everyone a number and will draw with a random number calculator who gets it
Winner has 48 hours after notification to claim with a short prompt and pairing, or I'll redraw
Fic will go up here and on AO3 once I'm done
For the fic:
NSFW/Smut and fluff is okay, other prompts I might veto, depends! Let's chat
Kinks: I write almost everything including dubcon/noncon, feel free to check my AO3
Characters: strongly prefer Gortash, Raphael, Haarlep; while I will write most other characters, I might veto them if I don't believe I'll do them justice. Prefer Tav but can also write Durge!
I will not write Astarion. Writing him gives me headaches because I struggle with him
Have your prompts ready please in case you win!
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asleepinawell · 6 months
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oh no don't make her my problem haha that would just be so terrible I say shoving my women's wrongs scrapbook under my bed
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skeleton-monarch · 1 month
does anyone know good places to get plastic free yarn? i’ve already poked around for local places but they don’t actually sell yarn lol. it would be cool to support small businesses as well. if you’re selling yarn feel free to link me your shop too!
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bubbyisatitagain · 9 months
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Freedom fries au that I won't provide context for idk shout out
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mo-ok · 6 months
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cleaned up some of my gingaman sketches <3 <3 <3
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i did it. i did the funny thing-
"man shook you're real late to this trend" look man i started this a month and a half ago but then uh.
decided to take things a bit too far-
anyways, i modded peppino into 100% orange juice, it's fully functional with voicelines and you can get it on the steam workshop here (plus there's a few other things i changed but well... those are a surprise :]
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exercise-of-trust · 2 months
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i may be bad at boat riddles but that's never gonna stop me from being a little shit to friend and fairy queen alike every chance i get
(if you haven't played @lotrmusical's rescue at quickenheath, you ought to, it’s a short lil text-based game that works on mobile as well as desktop and it's delightful)
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flamingothing · 5 months
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Every "Too Many Spirits" drinks + My favorite moments | 1/∞ -> The "Boozy Beer-Gar-Ita"
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p0th · 4 months
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cant decide which one i like more so both r gonna be posted!!!
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