#neurodivergent friends
adhd-chaos-queen · 1 year
Made a new friend on Saturday, we got along really well and we exchanged number.
Now today we were talking and she said she was invited by a mutual friend to an event soon...
It took me a bit to realise i also had been invited weeks ago already...
Anyways i texted "greetings from my ADHD and my forgetfulness"
And she was like "You too? no way!"
And i was confused for a sec and was asked "you have ADHD too?"
And she answered "welcome to the club"
And it was so funny, because be both came to the realisation WHY we were immediatly getting along and she wasn't weirded out by my infodumping...
it was quite literally this meme
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Anyways, this whole situation was so absurd and funny and i am so glad i found her
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Heyo! Im Zee, Im 22, and go by she/her. I have ADD and and really want a consistent group of friends to play games with! Im very easy going and a little bit shy at first, but even if this post is super old, please reach out anyway! Its so hard to find good people to game with, and quite frankly I’m very tired of men asking for feet pics every time I use my mic 😀
Im nonjudgemental, I just ask that you be over 16, but preferably 18, and everything stays gucci.
List of games I play:
Team Fortress 2 (please lmao)
Dead by Daylight
Animal Crossing
Certain Roblox games
Sims 4
Project Winter
Beat Saber
Gun Raiders
And there’s probably more. My Steam is “cat walking across a keyboard” if you’re interested in cross matching games! Or we can find something new as well.
Otherwise, I like memes, tiktok, thrifting, yard sales, and dissociating at 3am with my sleep paralysis demons while drinking apple juice. I like horror movies and action and sometimes Ill even binge a short tv show.
Thank ya! ✨
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and this my friends is the difference between (bad) neurotypical and (good) neurodivergent friends
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anylemontrees · 7 months
bro please send me essay length texts about your analysis of a song, yes i want to hear your in-depth knowledge of a specific artist, weird theories you have that are backed up by one or a million reasons, i want to hear the things you wished you had someone to tell
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divinemach1ne · 2 years
happy bi visibility day for yesterday btw :]]!
also i want to make more friends n mutuals so heres current interests of mine so feel free to interact if u like em too !!
markiplier content n series
(and youtubers related like eef n jack ect)
undertale / deltarune
the walten files
sam and max
dont hug me im scared
fnaf, though i do not like scott and not t o o fond of the fandom, i just like creepy animatronics
clowns , space n robots!
art n animation
liminal space things
video games in general tbh
also just feel free to interact if you want to lol, keep in mind im autistic so sometimes conversations with people im not close with are a little difficult! easier if we have something in common ^^ also prefer that youre around my age (so probably 16-21) but i dont mind limited interactions from others
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m-jay-gee · 1 year
today i turned around, took my friend's mouse tipex, turn back around to my desk, rummaged for my pen that is a cat, and then made them fight with very realistic sounds.
then she looked at me dead in the eye and said "have you been diagnosed with autism yet" and then in my stunned shock i dropped my new friends that are enemies and she said "yeah me neither, pls can i have my tipex back".
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asthefirerisesblog · 1 year
Hi friends! I don't do this often (meaning never) but i need more neurodivergent friends (i am autistic myself as I've recently realised) because I'm struggling to unmask around neutotypical people, plus it can get quite lonely to be around people who have a brain vastly different to yours, as I'm sure you know.
So if you want to chat I would love to! Or if you know any good resources, like discord groups??? Or like apps, I don't know, but yes if you do don't hesitate to tell me!
Also for more info I'm in college studying political science, I'm french, incredibly sentimental, and my special interests are music and star wars hehe
(also if you just would like to info dump please do it i LOOOOOOVE when people info dump to me I love learning weird details about stuff)
And lastly: no need to be shy, whoever you are I'll be glad to learn about your existence!
Um, bye! See ya hopefully
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thegreatgaygay · 1 year
Roxy's IRL Friends and Their Les Mis Experiences
right so the context is that i have been hyperfixated on les mis for two months and am insufferable and talk about it all the time with my friends, including my really specific in-jokes with myself (javert's 46 upsetting hats that he makes himself, javer'ts hat being huge/trying to eat him, a lot of hat related stuff actually, at this point it's just to make myself laugh), all the seperate canons i maintain (1-2rp canons, 3-5 fic canons, the one where javert personally knows and really hates shadow the hedgehog) and weird fandom bullshit (the one time i saw a piece of fan art that just absolutely snatched montparnasse's waist. good art btw. but just. he was so snatched and it stuck with me). and they just put up with it. so here's the post.
i have this one friend and she saw les mis on the west end in 2017 and remembers almost none of it but the things she DOES remember include: "two different blonde ladies" and at first i was like there are only three women in this show so it narrows it down but it took some prying to discover that these were, in fact, fantine and cosette.
master of the house is only song she recalls. the only song. out of all of the songs. (it objectively slaps but yall know how i feel about stars and she does too, she's read my stars essay). she said that "those guys [the thenardiers] got another song later on for no reason" which like is technically true i guess.
also, according her, "a guy died on a barricade". yes bestie many guys died on a barricade that's like half the fucking story
and she also got a nosebleed halfway through and spend half the show with her head tilted up so she wouldn't bleed everywhere so she didn't see anything. after she told me about this i explained the full plot of Les Miserables (1978) to her because i a, autistic.
but that's it that's all she remembers from the musical. she also insisted on pronouncing javert JAV-ERT for a month just to piss me off. including while i was dressed as him for halloween. i also have a running joke of people mis pronouncing his name but it used to specifically really get to me for some reason. but like i said my friends put up with so much bullshit from me and i get to hear about fallout 4 and sonic in return, neurodivergent people are so powerful.
my OTHER friend knows the plot of les mis and the songs well enough to torment me still further. he has invented a character named Maurice who does not exist at all ever and he brings Maurice up everytime I bring up les mis at the dinner table (which is often, some would say every single day with few excpetions). he says that his "favorite part of les mis is when maurice goes in the sewer and says 'it's mauricin' time' then her maurices all over the sewer" because we decided that's where maurice lives. i hate my friends so much. love those guys.
my OTHER OTHER friend who i know irl and talk to online said to me recently that they "forgot javert wasn't a real guy" which is hilarious and also reminds me that this person has never listened to les mis or consumed any les mis related media and must have such a fucked up idea of the plot at this point oh my god. they have seen all my memes and all my weird fic stuff but just...they do not know the plot. i wonder what they think happens in les mis???????????
and furthermore, some of my friends and i have discovered that like five of us all have special interests/hyperfixations set in France or that are France related in some way, so i have made a handy graph to hekp us keep track. it's not perfect but i love graphs so much. this is what i get for meeting every single one of my friends at the special move-in day for disability services or at special ed high school. only one of us is straight and only one of us is neurotypical, but it's the same guy and we like him anyways. here's the graph, with names removed but anyways the point is i love my friends but we're all terrible autism people. i'm The Crusades, FORMERLY Hamilton and Les Miserables, if you couldn't guess.
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maxgicalgirl · 3 months
Being a “Fun Fact !” kind of autistic is all fun and games until you get halfway through sharing an interesting tidbit and realize that it probably wasn’t appropriate to share in polite company and now you have to deal with the consequences :(
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queerasflux · 10 months
man I wish people understood how much it sucks ass to be neurodivergent and trying to find the middle ground where people like/tolerate you. like, I'm either "boring" (trying to wait my turn in conversations, holding space for other people, taking a back seat to let others get some spotlight) or "too much" (too loud/talking too much, getting excited to share, trying to participate in group conversations/activities). No one really talks about how much of being neurodivergent is just sort of trying to make yourself palatable.
I feel like so much of my life has been spent trying to find this effortless sort of middle ground everyone else seems to automatically already know, and I'm always swinging too far one way or the other. I'm lucky to have neurodivergent friends who grok me, but goddamn I wish that I could just like, exist without the constant background script in my brain that's like "you're being too loud. You're not talking enough. you're being self-centered. you're being boring. you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong." I feel like I'm back in high school trying to make friends but stuck as the eternal "weird kid"
it's just... lonely and sucks bad.
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gunkbaby · 6 months
autism & adhd
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starplatinumnun · 2 years
can you infodump to me? (i love you) is this overwhelming? (i love you) is this the right texture? (i love you) is it ok to touch you? (i love you) do you want the subtitles on? (i love you) do you want to go somewhere less noisy? (i love you)
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perhapsabean · 1 year
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Attention Fellow Neurodivergents!
For my birthday this year, I am hosting a "Neurodivergent Meet Up & Getaway", and you are ALL invited! Enjoy a fun and relaxing three day stay in a 5 star AirBnb in Lexington, Michigan ✨
👉🏽 6/9/23 - 6/12/23 👈🏽
⭐ Meet New Friends
⭐ Relax & Unwind
⭐ Enjoy A Range of Planned Activities:
• Cosplay Bonfire
• Silent Group Reading
• Talent Show
• Pajama Party
• Badminton Tournament
• Fun & Unique Games
• So Much More
⭐ Food Included For Entire Stay
⭐ Free Gift Bags
⭐ Prizes
➡ Please DM me if you're interested in attending or you want more information!
‼ This is by no means a "friends only" event! EVERYONE is welcome- let's all become friends at the getaway! 😊💞
✔ This is a 21+ event
✔ This event is ouid 🍃 friendly
✔ There will be alcohol at this event
✔ Neurodivergent only event
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desultorydenouement · 6 months
murderbot is peak queer rep because it’s about living as an inherently transgressive form of being, it’s about the complexity of passing, or the complexity of hiding, or the nuance of never fitting binaries and not wanting to even when fitting those binaries is seen as “better”, and it’s about making people uncomfortable just by existing, it’s about measuring forms of freedom and having to decide which you’ll save and which you’ll sacrifice. but most importantly it’s peak queer rep because murderbot is free for like five minutes and it immediately attracts the nearest supposedly-rare transgressive-illegal-superbot (ART) in a hundred light year radius to be its best friend, and what’s that if not your classic Queer On Queer Magnetism
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wanderingcritter · 1 month
god gives his most niche fandoms to his most autistic warriors
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itsaspectrumcomic · 7 months
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I learned recently that you're not supposed to turn up to a party exactly on time...
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