#no context because i just wanna to think about the fact that they still sleep in the same bed
lacallemojada · 2 years
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Maya and Carina //  Everybody Says Don't
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h1ghoffu · 9 months
WHEN YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW — Toji Fushiguro
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dad!toji x mom!reader
summary : celebrating baby megumi's first birthday as toji remembers the day he fell in love with you.
content warning: fluff, fluff, fluff! toji being a big softy for reader, megumi being a cute baby, mentions of foster care, reader knowing her worth.
word count: 2.3k
notes: I saw this video of a mom celebrating her daughter's first birthday like this and it made my heart absolutely melt. also, my obsession with toji is growing, especially soft dad toji like UGH GIVE HIM TO ME. i also think about the fact that he did change and the reason being a woman who showed what life could be like. my true roman empire fr. but to add a little more to the context of this fic, i chose the title because firstly the song, 'margaret' by lana del rey is about finding your person and the feeling of finding them. so i sggest listening to the sone while reading! anyways, enjoy!!!
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It was currently 6 a.m. and both your husband and baby were fast asleep still. You on the other hand were wide awake putting together a special surprise for your baby, Megumi, who was turning one.
You felt yourself get emotional as you get flashbacks of when he was just a tiny little thing. He still is your tiny little baby but he’s growing so fast it makes you wanna cry.
As you’re tying the ballon’s up to his crib, you hear him stir in his sleep. Your heart jumps for a second but then see his little eyes flutter open. Your gaze softens even more and a smile spreads across your face, “Good morning, baby,” You coo at him sweetly, and he smiles immediately recognizing his momma. His hands reach up wanting you to hold him and of course you could not say no to him.
You lift him up in your arms and hold him close to your chest. You press a kiss against his cheek, closing your eyes and swaying back and forth with him in your arms.
Toji groans as he feels himself wake up from his deep slumber. He rolls around in bed and reaches for something that isn’t there. His eyes quickly shoot open and he sees that you’re not in bed. *Did the baby start crying?* No because he would’ve heard it.
He then gets up leaving his room and making his way towards the babies room. He noticed the door is already open and when he peaks inside he sees you holding your baby swaying back and forth with him in your arms. His eyes then scan the room and notices the balloons above the crib along with the birthday decorations.
It was Megumi’s first birthday, of course. His eyes go back to you and Megumi and his heart accelerates. The sight was beautiful, he wanted to cherish it and keep it locked up in his head forever. God, you were so beautiful and you absolutely glowed with Megumi in your arms. He never knew how love could feel so amazing and how easily it stared him in the face when it came to you.
It was never easy for Toji to love especially since he’d never felt real true love for anyone. Not his mom and certainly not his dad, he was alone for as long as he could remember.
Of course he didn’t care, he could have any woman he wanted in a matter of seconds. No women could change him and he was fully convinced of that.
But boy was he wrong when he met you, everything changed. When you met you didn’t immediately flirt with him. You just saw him as a regular guy walking into your diner because that’s what he was. You treated him normally, not throwing yourself on him like other women. It was refreshing to say the least.
But he knew why, he could tell by the way you carried yourself that you knew you deserved something special. So when he first asked you out, you immediately turned him down without explanation. At first he was a bit offended but he brushed it off telling himself he liked a challenge.
He continued to ask you out after and still was met with the same answer. He did this for 4 months until he finally sat down at the diner and asked you, “Why won’t you go out with me?” You stare at him wide-eyed as you place a cup of coffee in front of him, “Well, you’ve never actually tried having a conversation with me, nor have you tried getting to know me, you like me because I’m pretty not for who I am,” She says cleaning up the area around him then leaving him there to think about what she said.
As she comes around to serve some costumer their food he stops her, “But I want to get to know you, that’s all I’ve been wanting these past couple of months,” Your face is blank, a bit irritated that he’d step in front of you like that, “Then prove it, actions speak louder than words,” You step around him continuing to do your job.
He let your words marinate for a second before he paid for his coffee and left.
It was now the end of your shift and all you wanted to do was go to bed. You sigh as you open the back door to leave, “Hey,” You jump at the sudden noise, feeling your soul leave your body. You look over at the noise, feeling a wave of relief that it wasn’t some freak, “Toji, you scared me!”
He was leaned up against the diner’s wall. He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, “My bad,” You shake your head before taking a deep breath, “What are you doing here anyway? The diners closed,” He shrugged leaving the wall and beginning to walk over to you, “I wanted to talk,” You raise your eyebrow in confusion, “To who?”
“To you,” He has a light smile on his face which causes you to smile, “About?” He laughs as he puts his hands in the pockets on his jeans, “I want to get to know you,” You narrowed your eyes at him, “How long have you been waiting out here for me?” Your question makes him tongue tied and red with embarrassment, “I-…since I left the diner,” He mumbles, but you heard it clear.
“That was 6 hours ago…you’ve been waiting here this whole time?” He nods looking away from you, already feeling so much embarrassment, “I didn’t know when you got off, so…I waited,” You didn’t understand why but you felt your heart flutter a bit, but you quickly shook it off. He noticed you think for a bit but quickly spoke up again, “Can I walk you home?”
Your snapped out of you thought, staring up at him blankly, “Sure, why not,” you didn’t feel threatened by him at all, you felt more safe around him then anything. One thing about Toji is that the many times he’s asked you out he’s never made you uncomfortable. He’s never made weird comments about you, he was cocky when you first met him which was off putting.
But after you shot him down the way you did he wasn’t so cocky after, “Would you like me to carry your bag?” He asks, noticing how tired you look, wanting to lift a weight of your shoulder, literally, “Oh, sure,” You handed him your bag then stretched your arms over your head and yawned, “I’m tired,” You say as you begin to walk, Toji hums before he asks, “How long have you been working there?”
“Mmm since I graduated high school,” Toji’s eyes widen a bit, you’d been working there for years and he’d never seen you, “Seriously? How come I only met you 4 months ago?” Toji had been going to that diner for a while now, ever since he graduated high school, “Well I recently graduated university, like 6 months ago but it’s been hard to look for a job so I asked to start working full time.”
Toji did take you for an educated woman, as whenever you were disrespected at the diner you never took it, always standing up for yourself, “Wow, what did you study in university?”
“Social work, I want to be a social worker for foster kids,” Toji felt his heart jump out of his chest, Toji was a foster kid. After he’d left the Zenin clan, he got into trouble shop lifting which let him to get put into the system. Which he was salty and angry about at first, it was as if he was just going back to where he was in the first place.
But to his surprise he was assigned a nice family and a great social worker who looked out for him, “Really? You know I was a foster kid,” his words make your ears quirk up turning your head towards him, “seriously? Was the system good to you?” The hope in your eyes is telling, he could see that you wanted to change things that went on it the system that were awful, “Fortunately yes, it was,” I smile spread across your face that made him melt instantly, “That’s great, I’m glad.”
The rest of the walk he learned more things about you, your favorite things, what you enjoyed doing on your free time, everything he could. You were right, getting to know somebody is so much more important than whatever they’d look like. Of course you were beautiful, no doubt about it but it was just a bonus to the beautiful personality you carried within you.
You soon arrived to your apartment complex. Toji scanned the area, it wasn’t the safest part of town but he knew it was affordable, so he couldn’t judge. “So, where do you see yourself in the future? You said you’re 22 right?” You nod as you both stop in front of the complex and sit on a nearby bench, “Well, I’ve always wanted a family, small or big. An amazing husband with a baby in a small house in the suburbs or by the beach, just living happily and peacefully.”
He noticed the way your eyes sparkled when you spoke. When you continued to describe what you wanted he couldn’t help but picture it. You, him, and a baby. His heart pounded in his chest at the image, when you stopped talking you looked into his eyes as he did you. That’s when he knew, he wanted to be everything you needed. He wanted to be the man for you.
So watching the sight of you and Megumi swaying back and forth, happily as ever is a sight for sore eyes. He felt emotional, never thinking he’d get to this point in life, this happy. Even though he was partially raised well he still had his flaws but you saw those flaws and mere things willing to stay and work on them with him.
You were his angel, his peace, and his everything. He finally decided to fully enter the room, placing a hand on the small of your back making you jump slightly, “Oh my gosh, Toji! You scared me!” He lightly chuckled before placing a kiss on your lips, “You weren’t in bed so I came up to see what was up,” You hum rubbing circles on Megumi’s back.
“I was going to wake you but you seemed exhausted last night,” He looks at Megumi, placing a hand on his head and giving him a kiss on his forehead, “Thank you, honey but I’m okay. Besides, it’s our little guys birthday, I could never miss that,” boy did this man have you wrapped around his finger, you fell in love with him over and over again every single day.
“Well since you’re here, can you grab the cake and candles that are in the kitchen so we can sing him happy birthday,” He nods giving you another kiss, “Anything for you,” You giggle as you watch him walk out of the room, you look at Megumi staring up at you, “happy birthday, my sweet boy,” you bring him up pressing your cheek against his.
Toji comes back with a cake and a single candle in his hand. Little Megumi coos at his dad causing Toji to laugh, “patience little guy,” he sits down placing the cake down as well, you follow first placing Megumi down then sitting yourself next to Toji.
Toji places the candle on the cake then lights it. Little Megumi’s eyes widen as he sees the small flame but then giggles and claps. You lay your head on Toji’s shoulder watching the sight that made your heart melt.
You began to sing happy birthday to him and he’d never smiled more, swaying back and forth to the sound of his parents voice. Megumi’s was only one but he felt the love that radiated off of his parents and how much they loved him, “Happy birthday to you, okay baby, now blow out your candles.”
Megumi’s face tilted in confusion, causing you and Toji to chuckle, “Like this,” you said as you blew softly, he copied your movement but no air came out of his lips. Toji laughed, “Okay try again,” he whispered but instead this time Toji blew slightly causing the candle to go out, little Megumi clapped thinking he had done it. You smiled at your happy baby, then at your husband, you lifted your head off of his shoulder giving him a kiss.
“Thank you,” You whispered lovingly, “For what?” He asked confused, “For this, for it all, for giving me the life I’d always dreamed of,” His heart swells at your words causing him to shake his head, “No, thank you, you accepted me knowing I had so many flaws…and you changed me…you’re the reason I am this way. You are my reason, Y/n.”
You look over at Megumi for a second, who moved himself to crawl, “Oh Toji,” You coo, cupping his face and giving him a passionate kiss, “I love you, I love you so much,” He whispered wrapping his arms around your waist and bringing you closer, “I love you, Toji,” You nuzzle your face into his chest holding him close, but in the corner of your eye you see something.
“Toji, look,” you tap his chest and point over to Megumi, who stood up. He always did that but what you didn’t expect was for him to take a couple steps forward. You both gasped, quickly sitting up as you watch your baby make his way to you. You feel your eyes well up with tears and you begin to clap excitedly, “he’s walking!” you cheer excitedly. Little Megumi makes it all the way to his parents. Toji is quickly to scoop him up and kiss him excitedly.
You both celebrate your babies big step in growing up. Which makes you so proud but so emotional, Toji is quick to wipe your tears. He kisses you once more and smiles, down at you then at his son, “My blessings,” He whispers.
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h1ghoffu - i do not allow my work to be reposted. please do not plagiarize my work or theme. reblogging and comments are welcome! much love! thank you for reading!
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astarions-wife · 10 months
Ranking BG3 characters on if I think they’re good at cuddles or not:
Astarion: 10/10, a little hesitant obviously but this man is touch starved for positive, gentle affection like this, so I think he’s super clingy and holds you while you cuddle. But he likes to be held just as much.
Gale: 8/10, he definitely gives good cuddles, probably especially after sleeping with someone. He is not the kind of man to leave after sex, he gives them the cuddles they deserve. Dare I say, while he’d never admit it, this is his favorite part.
Shadowheart: 7.5/10. She’s good at it when she tries! I doubt Sharrans are like, specifically taught how to be affectionate and snuggly, but she’s read enough romance novels to figure it out.
Lae’zel: 3/10. Why would she waste her time? At least for a good while she really doesn’t see the point of snuggling. Eventually a romantic partner night convince her (only bc Lae’zel definitely gets cold at night), but it wouldn’t be super reliable.
Wyll: 11/10, it doesn’t matter the context. He will be there. He will be THE cuddler. Cold? He’s got you covered. Snuggling just because? Anything for his queen/king. He would be thrilled if you suggested cuddles.
Minthara: 5/10. She would be very adamant about not enjoying cuddles, she’s probably not very good at it herself, but in the right circumstance? I think she’d enjoy being held just for a little bit.
Halsin: 11/10. Have you seen him? He’s like Wyll but with bigger abs. His chest is basically a pillow for you. He would suggest the cuddles most of the time, he wouldn’t want to sleep any other way.
Karlach: 9/10. It’s amazing. Someone can touch her, be close to her? Of course she’s holding them tight, running her hand through their hair. It’s great. She sheds a tear when someone does the same for her.
Minsc: 6/10. I desperately wanna say he would be good at it, but like… let’s be for real, Boo would be involved with this cuddle pile. Sure hamsters are cute, maybe not romantic though. Of course cuddling can be done in a non sexual context (and for this thread, most commonly is), but still… waking up with a hamster in your face every morning is, interesting.
Jaheira: 8/10. She would hold you so tenderly. She’d probably braid your hair before bed if it were long enough, and then she’d pull the blankets up around both of you.
Aylin: 10/10. Except maybe remove two points sometimes, because I think she holds Isobel so tight that Isobel very gently has to tell her that while she’s in love with her, she needs to be able to breathe too.
Isobel: 9/10. Normally she’s the little spoon, but one time she got to pull Aylin close to her, and I think Aylin shed a decent few tears.
Orin: 1/10. Maybe if you really let her heal, she would like to BE cuddled, because she’s definitely touch starved. But giving them? She only knows knives and swords, the fact you’re even sleeping so close is a wonder.
Gortash: -3/10. It doesn’t matter the context. For warmth? Get away from him, your feet are cold. Romantic? Ew, that’s gross. After sex? Bold of you to assume he sticks around.
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c0rpseductor · 3 days
random fic thots. and also fatphobia thots. and sexuality thots. Lots of topics
morningstar is just kind of about a lot of stuff that’s important to me bc it’s lestat appeal fic, and one of the things i’m planning to unpack in it is just a bunch of shit about fatphobia and desirability and eating disorders and so on and so forth
so pfeil has disordered eating habits that mostly revolve around restriction, but is still fat. he’s often on that ‘one meal a day just enough food to kinda shakily maintain basic functioning’ grind. it’s not entirely about his body image, but of course like, he’s aware he’s fat and is self-conscious about it, so it’s still relevant.
obviously this is why we need chubby chaser emet. in this narrative. emet likes fat guys. he specifically finds pfeil’s fatness attractive. it also majorly concerns him that pfeil is like…quietly and almost incidentally starving himself in the way a lot of people with eating disorders do when they’re not actively restricting. And he and pfeil just kind of naturally settle into a fairly low stakes D/s thing.
what i’m saying is i think “Please eat and don’t die” may end up getting tied up in their sexual dynamic, and between that and the general focus i feel like i’ve given to both the Idea Of Fatness and what characters are eating day to day, i’ve been kind of worried that if and when things head there readers are going to be like “what is this weird gross feeder shit all about!! Fatphobic! fetishizing! blocked and reported!”
it’s mostly a dumb concern, i think it’d help if i got some sleep lol, but like, idk. what i really want to write here is a story about a very traumatized guy coming to reclaim the idea of having a body and a sexuality and part of that is necessarily going to have to deal with the fact that he’s fat and does not eat in order to punish himself. and it like. just fucking frustrates me that i feel like if you try to touch on that in a sexual context At All then suddenly everything you do and say is suspect and fetishistic and weird and evil and fatphobic. even if you’re fat. Please make that make sense.
like. idk. food is such an important part of daily life bc without it you fucking die. eating together is a very basic human social activity. im very of the dungeon meshi mindset with this. food is a major arbiter of daily rhythms and social bonds and the way characters interact with it says a lot about them and their relationships to themselves and others and denying oneself pleasure related to eating is like. psychologically bad for you. sharing food with other people is a gesture of intimacy and affection and care. you don’t break bread with bitches you hate. Do you see where i’m going with this.
i’ve thought about just not including that dynamic bc of the way people view fat people having basically Any sexuality that acknowledges being fat as Weird Predatory Degen Fetish Shit unless you’re self-flagellating about your weight, but like. I don’t think i want to do that actually. i think maybe i am saying something important about inhabiting one’s own body and also about loving a person who is very ill.
idk. i feel silly making a long defensive post about stuff i haven’t even written yet. i think it’s more kind of like, i just wanna be able to kind of sift through my thoughts, and i wanna be able to express frustration about The Whole Thing. i think it’s kind of fucked up that i don’t feel at all nervous talking about wanting hot guys to put cigarettes out on me or hit me in the face or whatever bc that’s typical kink but the minute im like “i am fat and recovering from atypical anorexia and i would like a hot guy to think it’s hot that i’m fat and encourage me to eat because he thinks that’s hot and not care if i gained weight recovering” it’s the scariest thing in the world bc there is a significant number of people out there that think this is inherently dehumanizing of fat people. and will be offended. or just disgusted. im not even into weight gain i literally just want to be encouraged not to starve myself But Sexy. idk bro it’s fucking nuts that people take issue with this
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starzgaze · 1 month
hope you don't mind me ranting rq--
i constantly think about your yan!Hae-In and yan!Jinwoo ideas because they're so fun to mess around with.
bc what if the readers honest to god reaction to either of then confessing to then was "i don't feel the dame way.. you wanna see this cool bug i found?"
that OR the reader is a little freak of a poet and writes romance novels with concerningly detailed cannibalism scenes and is more interested in the shadow ants than either of them.
also i'm planning on writing a fic about the cannibal poet reader, but it's going to take a while because i'm shit at writing-
LMFAOO IDC IF U FLOOD MY INBOX ITS FINEEE more people to talk to anyway because im a bit of a pussy to talk straight up to my mutuals sigh
also thanks i actually have alot in my drafts its just most of them are unfinished and i have no idea if i should let them see the light of day or not... same with w.jc , chi, and sjw sick day fic LMFAOO uhhmm anyway!!
that's actually something i lovvee experienting with lowkey especially as someone who takes a big looong time to realize 'oh they liked me" and it's been fucking months since they confessed but anyqay I actually act like that most of the time it's pretty bad anywaaay this is funny as hell with yandere jinhae who's TRYING their best to make you swoon even if they're not the best with romance but you still don't... budge... bur hey you'll show them some cool colored bug you picked off the side walk! that's hopefully not a mutated monster that escaped a dungeon.
anyway more on the first idea this probably either ends really well or horribly depending on how both jinwoo and haein receives this ooooooorrr the circumstances really on how much they both value you but since im a freak for borderline this is insanity why are you writing this type of literature let's say that if you rejected then you have one swordswoman who accidentally fucks you up psychologically (I don't see haein someone who would do it willingly or deliberately gets enjoyment from it) but with jinwoo its a bit complicated to say because each person has a different take on how jinwoo perceives romance and how he processes feelings but since its my post im going with it's probably borderline fucked up if we consider the fact the more he levels up or grows the more apathetic or inhumane he becomes! im gonna abuse the hell out of this concept
but anywya with jinwoo u're probably gonna either get straight up kidnapped OR because you're lowkey desensitized and carefree that maybe kidnapping doesn't really have any affect on you then he might just sends weird eldritch horrors depictions of death and darkness when you're about to sleep so now you need a cute bug themes night light to sleep because no way you're letting some death incarnate screw up your sleeping schedule.
also those two as an attempt to maybe sway you might get into bugs or whatever little interests like jinwoo is having small consultations with beru or has him on standby everytime he spends time with you or haein overcoming her trauma (this takes place after jeju island) and learns and starts to love bugs just for you to reciprocate her feelings then these two quiz eachother on who knows more and what not it's literally amusing to see them debates over fuckinf caterpillars when you returned with take out because they insisted hanging out with you
anyway now on the latter I LOVE LOVE grotesque depictions of love especially like with murder OR cannibalism like how probably eating eachother is like a way of showing affection and how now your love will always be inside of them (literally) or something along the lines!! it's actually so cool how it's portrayed in media i need some suggestions actually anyway in the context of jinhae and mc being a poet uhmmm I'm not sure because i suck at making poems so im not the best on how to... make this work... i hate writing poems but I'll stick witj the theme of being a romance horror writer but not what you think of like colleen hoover or whomever the fuck wrote haunting adeline (god please i hope those books gets SMITED off the face of earth because this has stained dark romance to the point i dont even wanna acknowledge dark romance as a genre).
if you're a popular horror writer who specializes on creeping out your readers but still somehow delivers a good message or screwedd up message in between the lines of ripped boddies and intestines then jinhae has probably heard of you before like definitely.
like the themes of your books or poems to other people seems to be very disgusting or only written for the shock value but maybe to jinwoo or haein they have a whooole different meaning or one of your books/poems struck them really deep they got into a bit of a rabbit hole going through your collection as an author. i can definitely see both of them becoming fans and attending meet and greets.
oh my god a thought came to me and it's basically how would these two act in the internet if your name was beinf slandered like because your books or poems is not well perceived by all because you would occasionally write screwed up romance that you do not condone at all!! it's all for the sake of symbolism and experimentation with the material but anyway these two would have different reactions to this
for example haein seems to be the type to not be sooo like... like how do i explain this shes the type to have an anonymous account and goes to those forums to have actual discussions and tries to be civil as she can be when she tries to convert these haters why they should like you because i can't see her going as far to try to find this individual's address BUT but im just saying if ever that same hater was in the same dungeon raid as haein, there's no guarantee that haein will probably let them... die and say it was an accident.
anyway jinwoo is less interactive on the internet and is more of a lurker but he's probably the definitely the type to send ominous messages and then appear on their doorstep next morning or even minute if they're that unlucky LMFAO. another case of missing people otw!!
oh and i lowkey love the whooole idea of if you have a writer darling no matter how screwed or how fluffy their stories are the person or people who loves them will try to recreate this. yeaaah i can see this happening with jinwoo and haein and the tiny competition they have is who performed it better.
like for example if you written a poem about the elegant slashes of a sword on how it glides so easily through certain monsters, haein would try to replicate the feeling and explains to jinwoo that she obviously is better at portraying at this because she is a certified swordswoman or something along the lines and honestly jinwoo can't exactly argue against that because she's right but he won't admit it
then with paragraphs that depicts the most grueling experience of death and what not is something jinwoo is really familiar with and he's the type to copy it by doing it on random monsters he encounters in dungeons or even certain monarchs if they're that unlucky or jinwoo feels a biiit experimental LMFAO yeah okay what my brain is fried.
oh talking about darling being a horror romance writer, the moment jinwoo introduces his shadows or you find out about you become absolutely infatuated with them and the whoole idea like especially they're permanently serving death that's a pretty neat idea to you.
you start to write more and talk less to jinwoo and mooore to the shadows, it's pretty funny to see but you didn't notice the fact jinwoo is fuming in the background as he watches you get into in depth discussions with igris and bellion about their past lives and how you'll implement their experiences in a poem
yeha kay thats it my brain wugh dead bye uhm yeah talk to me more i love this sm thanks for food for thought
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fittlebottom · 2 months
I know I just posted about pip but back when I was waiting for my contacts to come in I was like very blind for a day or two. And during that time I only drew once. No joke this drawing, if you can even call it one, has taken over my life. I've thought about it everyday for almost a month straight.
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Washing the dishes? Where the geese at. Folding laundry? Where the geese at. Trying to read? Where the geese at. Trying to draw? At least one Where the geese at clone made. I have had to stop during multiple conversations with friends and family to hold back a giggle if I'm even remotely reminded of this fucking image. When I drew it originally I genuinely thought I was the funniest person on the face of the planet and everyone else, every comic every comedian, would need to pack up and go back to Alaska. The worst part about it to me is that no one else gets it. It's a fucking inside joke with MYSELF. You know how the trolls guy when he got arrested said under his breathe "this is gonna ruin the tour..." quite literally I have done that so many times but with "where the geese at". I was giving my grandmother a pity visit because she's senile now and acts like she's still in the '60s. We were looking at a physical map and she said something along the lines of "where is *insert place from my county*" . I, without thinking, whispered under my breathe "where the geese at." And her, being the Christian woman she is, thought I was chanting the devils incantations. And now for the next 2 Sundays I have to go to church with her. ALL BECAUSE OF WHERE THE GEESE AT. PIP BERNADOTTE YOUVE RUINED MY LIFE I AM DONE FOR. Genuinely I feel as if I can't draw anymore because all I want to do is where the geese at. I feel like I'm being brainwashed by this fucking drawing. I'm not a religious person but I think I've been possessed by an evil spirit that just wants to make me miserable. I took a break from drawing for a few weeks after finishing a piece that left me very burnt out. You wanna know what brought me back? What motivated me to open up my program? I was going through where the geese at withdrawals. I only came back because I was getting angry at the fact I hadn't drawn where the geese at in days. I am addicted to this drawing like it's black tar heroin. Where the geese at has rotted my brain to the point of no return. It's only been a month of its life and so far it has only made mine worse and worse. I eat, sleep, breathe where the geese at. I feel the need to use my own tears as paint and draw where the geese at all over my metal enclosure. I see him everywhere I go. Thinking about it and writing this all out has made my face flush red with rage maybe? Frustration? Geese withdrawals? Lord please save me from this curse I cannot live like this.
I feel really bad if anyone reads this at all. I have no hellsing friends so I haven't been able to mourn my loss of sanity with context to anyone. I am very truly deeply sorry for anyone who reads my rants of a madman my dehydrated dying words.
Where the geese at amiright folks? I'll be here all night.
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itsyagurlchip · 5 months
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aha. i see... the post you tagged me in.... AND I SHALL DELIVER!!! kitty-delivery is at your service!!!!!!!!!!!! MYUHUHUUUUUU AWAWAWAWAAAAA (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦)
OKAYOKAYOKAY— so!! hmmmm.... what's up with gasty boy? what's gonna happen now that he's actually present and existing instead of scattered across everything everywhere all at once?? he's giving mad scientist but how far does the mad scientist go????? i'm interested in him 'cause i don't think i've ever read a sans au fic like this where the OG gaster was there too and i love the way you write them all!!!!!! or if you wanna do something else,, take this as an opportunity to infodump about anything you want!!!!! WAVE EMOJI WAVE EMOJI LOVE YOU CHICHIIII!!!! (≧▽≦)/ (≧▽≦)/
alright, you already know that he's a mad scientist, but as i've said before, he's morally gray, which means a lot of things don't deter him of completing/doing experiments.
which is why the lil 'oopsie daysie' happened with machine, and that's why there are alternates at the manor.
sans and papyrus, at the least, are pissed about it. but this discovery makes gaster's nerdy big boy brain hyperfixate on anything relating to the topic of alternative universes (humans in this universe dont have much research about it other than the occasional movie that makes you think, and the theories.)
and if i go further into this id spoil some of the plot (which i already did enough of) sooo, lets think of some hypothetical scenarios and headcannons!
id say that reader (you) would get into the lab a lot. and while you can be a great lab assistant, lets be honest, you touch too much shi 💀💀
gaster would have this thing where he'd put you in he corner for 5 minutes before letting you interact with the work again.
when i think of gaster's experiments, not only do i think of vials of dangerous liquids, but i also think of a SHIT ton of notes just neatly organized into notebooks on a metal shelf
a lot of the pages are more about ramblings and tiny details rather than general info
so if you try to read it, please get some context dear.
i know most ppl have the headcannon that sans gets his sleepy eepies from his dad, but he completely developed that on his own
gaster has a schedule set to where he sleeps for 8 hours, and only has 3 hours of free time.
which means if you see the other 13 hours blocked on his schedule he will not acknowledge you unless you are helping him progress
Going back to his interests, i think his favorite part about science are the details that most people miss that just really bring the whole theory together into a fact.
bro prolly has some national scientist awards and threw that shi straight into the trash.
its not that he isnt proud of his achievements actually, not at all.
he just doesn't need someone else, better yet a human to tell him so
so he tries to ignore the public despite their incessant please for his presence ✨
Since gaster actually exists, he is still labeled as the royal scientist, despite not being apart of a monarchy anymore, and does favors for the king when the curiosity allows it.
I want him to be a grandfather figure, who rambles on about success in life, who is also emotionally repressed, who also takes many risks that a man his age shouldn't.
his ideas and experiments are very "out of the box" per say. Like, if you told him you cant see souls at all (which is most likely gonna happen) dudes gonna strap you down and ignore your cries of pain as he extracts the your soul from your chest. poking and prodding at it to compare it to a monster soul.
i mean, he has the real thing now! no need to rely in outdated textbooks and theories right? why not test it for himself? and if you resent him for the rest of your life for it, he would tell you how lucky you are to still be alive and that he got what he wanted without losing a "potential specimen".
which makes you wonder what other lives has gaster been liable for??...oh well!
And noowwww back to the reader!
since reader is now gonna be a big part of his life- he'll allow certain things to slide. as you live more and more with him and the gang, he'll call you assistant or human and not by your real name.
i dont think gaster would spend much time around you during his scheduled hours (he kicks you out half the time)
but during his free time, and since you're human, he is very curious.
he asks about you, what it's like being a human female, what makes your skin darker than other humans, and why'd you conjoin your hair-
just lots of general questions about your appearance and how humans literally dont use INTENT at all.
and yes, INTENT, DETERMINATION, ATK, LOVE, and much more terms from undertale will be used in this fic. so i suggest getting into the fandom vocab a bit when you can-
but to put it simply, INTENT is like another way of language for monsters. it's pretty much what it says, but to break it down: intent is something that you do with purpose.
personally, i headcannon intent to be more intune with emotions and how the user feels and/or wants to feel in the moment. for example "aggressive and murderous intent" or "caring, sweet, and loving intent." and INTENT carries magic within it, hence why monsters are so in tune with internal emotions while humans aren't. and that's why monsters re more in danger with humans than any other creature, because humans used unknowing intent that could kill a monster in one hit.
Surprisingly enough he doesn't like to spend his breaks at home in his bed.
instead, he goes out to muffet's for a very specific coffee order, and a spider muffin.
half of the time he'll make you pay with your own money, crippling your pockets.
other times he'll roll his eyes when you "forget" to bring your wallet and get you only a drink off the menu.
if you catch him as he's leaving out for a break, gaster may sometimes not go to muffet's at all and find a park to watch kids trip at.
or maybe a grass field during golden hour.
im not gonna say that gaster hates kids, but it's moreso that fact that they...are underdeveloped, and therefore harder to understand in his eyes.
as ive said before, this guys ignores his feelings, so he gets uncomfortable when people show theirs.
so when you cry, or get angry in situations that dont seem as big to him as it does to you, he lowkey cringes a bit.
but since.. *sigh* you're now his pupil, as well as someone who takes his work more seriously than others (DESPITE YOUR TENDENCY TO TOUCH SHIT)
he has to take of you now! and *gags* comfort you
bro cant comfort for shit (which is one of the reasons why they dont have plants at their house)
so when you hug him with your snotty face... and your...wet tears, he shivers aggressively but tries to keep still
yea he doesn't hug back at all, its bad enough he has to watch you!
(or maybe it's bc he doesn't know how to hug back 👀)
In this au, the reader is canon to the universe. not isekaid, not transported, no. she lives there and the code is accurate. so any and all timelines will include her.
and timelines are gonna be a "what if", or maybe a chapter for angst. idk yet. And in this fic, imma make the choice for flowey not to remember resets. but only due to his will (cool right?).
frisk isn't really gonna be included much into the plot, only when it calls for it.
oh shit- back to gaster
not sure if i said this before, but warming up to gaster even the littlest bit is like reading a 100 chapter slowburn.
it's gonna take a long time, hell, maybe a year or so, for him and reader to start actually building a granddaughter/grandpa relationship. so while youre still getting to know him, it's like he's avoiding you, (but you clearly don't read his schedule enough sooooo)
and when you guys finally get to that point, you guys are like buddies. he'll ramble to you about certain topics, while you sit and listen.
you'd watch movies with him as he overanalyzes characters and plots, only to fuck it up and end up with something different, claiming "he could write a better one".
gaster loves helping you study
even if it's for a 5 question quiz, he'll help you out as much as he can!
plus, id be a shame if the ✨Smartest Man On the Surface ™✨ let his little human fail!
nuh uh, not happening!!!
he's very proud of you everytime you get an assignment back with an A with lots of praise from the teachers.
he'll even try to get you in a routine (which rarely works often, as easy as it seems)
gaster chuckles every time you make him a homemade snack, or lunch meal, it warms his little heart ❤️
Other times he can't stand your attitude
Why cant you control yourself in situations that aren't bigger than you make it seem?
it racks his big brain so much, that he bans you from the lab for 3 days when stuff like that happens.
he really hates it when someone has a tone with him, it grinds against some part of his brain the makes his more "violent" and intrusive thoughts.
its not noticable at first, at least not to him, but after the 1st hour he begins thinking
"humans have skeletons right?"
"what would skin all in a pile look like?"
"what would happen if he gripped, squeezed and strangled a soul made of pure determination?"
of course, he already knows that answer to those. and if you dont, just ask frisk.
im sure they remember very well.
but after the intrusive thoughts go away, he's just left seething in anger.
i feel like gaster (,similar to donnie from rise) has a hard time understanding other people, because he's been alone for most of his life.
and that makes him jealous of you.
but in the end, you'll always be gaster's little assistant ❤️
(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @spongejuice @amorisbackandbetterthanever @cyb3r-st4r if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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discluded · 1 year
Mile has tons of skills and talent I am envious about but the top one is for sure time management. 1 peak at your schedule sir. 1 PEAK! It must be colour coded and planned down to the minute (my planner brain needs to know)
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(giggles and kicks my feet at eepy kitten apo in the background shaking his hair and with daddy protecting him)
Translation by MileApo Safe place:
[P: Let’s talk about discipline first because…] M: I think the word ‘discipline’ is a word that can be said easily, like ‘Yeah, I wanna be discipline’ or if others tell us to have/be disciplined is easy. But the most important thing is.. Whether we want to do it or not, and if we don’t want to do it, how would you maintain the discipline, is the important thing. Because phi think that, every work/project, regardless of it not being about/in the entertainment industry, if it’s work, you're going to have to come across it/the work that you don’t want to do. (For instance,) shit head coworkers*… uh, no, I’m saying the truth, you’re going to come across it, naturally *Coworkers in Thai is “puen ruam gnarn” which has the word “puen” or ‘friends’, so Pond is making a joke on the word “puen” P: Ah, talking about coworkers/friends, wake Po up too M: No, I didn’t mean Po. You’ll see things like this, it’s only natural, we have to understand, I’m saying the facts first, and… even the people you’re not working with us, they’re even worse than you’re coworkers, these people/things will make the various things we’re doing, (we) get distracted
*long sigh* I think the most frustrating part of a video like this is that Pond has very poor understanding of the optics of fandom despite being embedded as long as MileApo. A stray comment like that could easily be taken out of context by toxic solos who dislike Apo if Mile weren't quickly out there to defend him.
And when it comes down to it, Mile knows Apo is very serious about his work, and can buckle down and get down to business.
Does attending this random ass interview about THC even count? This very much feels like Apo showing up in Episode 3 to pour water and being sugar baby AF, showing off. Why would he have to be serious when daddy's got it covered, go back to sleep kitten 🤪
As for the time management part - yes! But also, my dad used to chastise me the time about how I was "undisciplined" because um. *checks notes* I'm not very good at time organization. (I am very disciplined in other aspects, but my ability to manage a project is like / <- most of the project gets done at the end.)
Turns out that is a key feature of ADHD that went undiagnosed for a long time, so like, honestly also don't feel bad if it's just something you're unable to do. Mile is peak performance when it comes to time management. Also Mile's a chronic insomniac, i s2g he gets stuff done just because he doesn't sleep sometimes 😑 it's incredible his skin still looks fairly amazing, considering that.
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larcenywrites · 1 year
Since Tony's birthday is near (May 29th), could we get some headcanons for celebrating birthdays with him? Maybe waking him up with breakfast in bed and birthday cupcakes, just something small and intimate, just the two of you before y'all gotta go to his official birthday party with like half of the town in it or maybe a bigass birthday party his parents are throwing for him if it's young!Tony?! Young!Tony or regular Tony, whatever you prefer. Fluffy (and smutty if you want heheh birthday boy also deserves some bday sex)
EEEE, I knew I should do something for it today, but didn't have the time or energy to plan out any good one-shots or anything! And I do wanna do both :3
Warnings: sexual references
Celebrating His Birthday
young!Tony Stark
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💠Tony takes any excuse to party! So your first thought is that you may have to chain him to a tree to keep him from going too crazy when his birthday comes around! Wait... when is his birthday? You still don't know even after you've been together after quite a few months. Hopefully you haven't missed it :( but when you ask, he whines grumpily and rolls over, but not because you missed.
💠"May 29th," he finally grumbles after you poke around (and poke him) a little. His obvious dip in mood has you deflated, lying limply over him. Tony hates his birthday. He'll tell you outright, but he won't really give you a reason. "So you don't do anything?" College is out, so he can't even go to some party or throw one, his one friend isn't from around here, and you weren't around until recently, soooooo the answer to that question is no.
💠His parents can hardly get him to eat dinner with them, and for once he doesn't want Things or Stuff. Because of this, it's just another day that Howard and Tony fight over, but Tony's been called ungrateful and an asshole many many times, so it's not going to phase him today any more than another. Well, obviously something is phasing him a little more today than any other day, but you can really only infer from context clues. He will never tell.
💠Even with you, he doesn’t want it to be a big deal. He’d prefer to lay around in bed all day tbh. Tony’s energy levels aren’t necessarily high to begin with, but he’s pretty low today :( don’t make him do too much too fast, don’t go crazy. In fact, let him sleep in for as long as he wants! Well, maybe not too late. He will sleep until the next day if you let him 😅 If you're feeling brave, slide under the covers to wake him up with a blowjob 😏 buuut he might go back to sleep when you're done... Maybe save it for later...
💠Instead, wake him up a little more gently that afternoon! Even he can't help but smile when you're kissing over his cheeks and playing with his hair 😘 Lie down on top of him and you'll probably be tempted to join him in bed, after all, but- no! Today isn't a day to be moping around!
💠But... wait. What do you get for the man that has pretty much everything and has done pretty much everything? Honestly, don't think about it too hard. Even if he's done it a thousand times, what makes him happy? Anything is better that letting his thoughts eat him alive in bed all day :(
💠If he's turning 21, even though he's already had his fair share of alcohol, be a bit of a dork and make him order a drink at a restaurant or go to a uncrowded bar. He can get it legally now! Amazing! He may even get a free one or two because it's his birthday! But it's also 2 in the afternoon, and his parents still want to do something later, so keep an eye on him and don't let him drink too much... or do and laugh your ass off when he's stumbling through the park, but you might get the cops on your ass 😒
💠You could take him to a liquor store, but those guys haven't been IDing for years 🙄 But you can make him try some weird shit like birthday cake flavored vodka or banana pudding moonshine! You can't exactly try it out now, but just because everyone else goes to bed doesn't mean you two will!
💠It may sound boring to you, but if you can find some thrift-like store that is just full of vinyl records and such, he'll be like a kid in a candy shop! Or maybe closer to a bull in in a china shop. How did he not know this was so nearby? He always pays for everything, so you could try to be nice and repay that this time, but be aware, Tony can rack up quite a big bill 🤧 Either way, he'll be pretty excited! If you can, try to get an album he likes that has limited addition cover art or maybe the record itself is a special color. His eyes will light up when you suddenly hand it to him to add to his pile, and you'll get a nice kiss right there in the shop 🥰 Tony might even find a way to hang it up or display it, he'll be so happy!
💠Hopefully you aren't tired of it, because somehow Tony is never tired of the aquarium! The penguin show? He's front row. The touch tanks? He's having more fun than the kids. The sea lions? Still scared of them. The reef sharks? Somehow knows another random fact about them. Get into one of those behind-the-scenes tours where they show off the water pumps and vet centers. He's never considered it before, and he'll be all over the machines back there! He's never been one for the gift shop, but get him a shark plushie this time 🥺 he'll act like he's too grown for that, but he'll be petting it the entire time he's holding it 😌
💠Head back home and, regardless of all the previous not-so-happy birthdays, Maria still tries to do something, bless her. She probably told you to bring him back by a certain time, too. She does a lot, but manages to keep it simple at the same time because she knows Tony will feel less weird about it 🥺 Probably just makes his favorite meal. Tony doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, and prefers fruitier flavors compared to chocolatey, so instead of a cake it's probably an arrangement of fruit-garnished cupcakes with a simple candle on the one in the middle :) that he really doesn't want to blow out because it makes him feel a bit weird and kinda gross :( but, fine, he'll do it for you guys 🙄
💠And of course she got a gift or two! Not much because she knows Tony will feel bad, but a few nice shirts for you to steal later and maybe another high-end watch that he needed another color in (or maybe matches these new shirts better than his other would 💅). If he's turned 21, she probably also got him some kind of high-end whiskey even though he literally drinks wine with them at home and stuff, so it's not a big deal... but it's all in good fun! Maria will even do a shot or two with him (and you if you join in) with whatever she bought 🤭
💠She's also cheesy and sentimental, and always takes a picture of Tony on his birthday even knowing he can't stand it 🤧 But this time, you get to be in the picture, and his smile is much more genuine and happy this time 🥺 That is, until she gets out the pictures from every other birthday to show you- including one taken only an hour after he was born! Tiny Tony!
💠Considering you both woke up late, it's definitely not sleepy time, even after all the fun, but those drinks will definitely make Tony a bit loud... Grand idea: sneak out to go to the beach and watch the sunset! With drinks in tow, of course! And maybe a cupcake or two.
💠There's a section for "kids," but who's to say you aren't allowed to use the swings too?? Force him to sit on the seesaw with you!
💠"This is stupid."
💠"Tony, we always do something stupid."
💠He'll gripe, but he'll have fun 😌 And by fun, he'll probably end up keeping you in the air while he's busy licking lemon icing off of a cupcake. Honestly, it's not a bad view, but pout about it just so he'll smile up at you 💘
💠Sit on the swings and cough in disgust at the cake flavored vodka, even though Tony will keep drinking it anyway and complain about how gross it is each time 🙄 You may need to cut him off before he falls out of the seat, but he's just as leaned over down in the sand, too. On you, of course! He's really not that bad off, just a little giggly 😆 His tolerance isn't as high as you'd think.
💠He's more interested in splashing you with water than the setting sun, but he better not get salty sea water on your cupcake! Give him a little kiss to calm him right down ;) and he'll just rest a cheek on your shoulder instead, and barely rest his fingers over yours like he's suddenly shy to hold your hand for the first time. Just cozy up to him and let him sober up a little more as the stars come out, and watch him still manage to point out planets and constellations despite the inebriation.
💠"I don't really know what it means, but mom said I'm a Gemini," he mumbles, pointing at a starry cluster. "I don't have a twin, though."
💠"I don't think that's what that means, Tony."
💠It's getting cold and late, so pack him into the car and sneak back into his room through the window, and he's already undressing before you can even close it behind you!
💠"Was it okay?" You, rightfully so, ask nervously. He hums thoughtfully, but the arms pulling you into him answer your question.
💠"It was much better than okay," he responds quietly, shyly smiling and looking down. Only your hands on his face and kiss on his nose can make him look back up at you. His nose crinkles, but his smiles does get bigger :) Too big actually...
💠"But I know a way you could make it better."
Tony Stark
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💠One might say that every day must be Tony's birthday. He always gets what he wants, he's always going places, he throws parties every other weekend and half the time he doesn't even show up
💠But the day of his actual birthday? Oh, you'll know when it is, but he still might not even make it to his own party 😅
💠But the craziness doesn't happen 'til sunset, or maybe just not until the weekend if his b-day is on a weekday. If it is, he always takes the day off even if he does literally nothing. He's entitled to the day, he says. I still haven't recovered from being born, so I need the time off.
💠No matter the excuse, you could never say no to having him in bed into the late mornings, nor to pampering him even though he's always spoiled af 😌
💠You should probably let a terminally exhausted man sleep, but he won't be mad at the tickling kisses to his neck, or the tongue trailing down his stomach... it's not very often you get the chance to wake up before him, so you're both more than happy with a little morning blowjob 😏 Coddle him and cuddle him when he finishes, wrap your arms around his neck and plant your lips in his hair. Let him lay in bed for a while longer 😌 Possibly into the afternoon because he'll return the favor and it's his b-day, you gotta let him have as much of his favorite treat as he wants 😘
💠But once you do finally get out of bed, it's mostly a relaxed day. Surprising, right? Sure, his party this weekend is going to be wild, but just in the house with you should be a little more intimate and loving.
💠It's rare that he can or wants to do actual cooking with you! Probably something easy, though, like waffles or pancakes. And he probably wants to make smiley faces in the batter out of blueberries or raspberries or something 🥺 And you know what? Who cares about eating in bed today! He still does a little, but- it's fine it can be washed if something does get dropped but please try not to
💠Make a few cupcakes just for fun! He wants to put on the icing, though! Beautiful might not be the word you'd use to describe them, but Tony doesn't seem to mind 😅 He might also terrorize you with the bag of icing, or wipe it off on you when it gets on his hands. You could compete with him if you want, but if yours look better he'll simply steal them instead! And swipe that bit of icing off his nose while you’re at it 🥺
💠The house probably already has gifts piled up in the living room, even from business and CEOs from the other side of the world! They're mostly complimentary things, though. Just cards or native plants, maybe a charm or two that are supposed to carry fortune and luck. It's fun to just go through them all! But you could quite literally spend hours doing it, and he'll likely have even more by the weekend! Honestly... most of it gets thrown out anyway, so don't feel bad about your own gifts 😌
💠In fact, you really don't need to get him anything. As much as he likes to get gifts just to feel ooed and awed and all, he has everything he could ever want right here, and that's fine! If anything, maybe get him a cologne that you really liked in the store 😏 or just get him a silly looking tie or boxers with fish on them or something lmao
💠Absolutely make DUM-E wear a party hat and make JARVIS sing happy birthday 🥳 While your at it, put a hat on Tony too! But if you want to light a candle on a cake or something, make sure no nearby robotic arms can attempt to put it out 🤧 Tony will not be very amused, but it does make a funny picture!
💠Have JARVIS design a card, and sign his name somewhere when he prints it! Maybe a simple but sweet message in the center, with love, from us, or something 💛 DUM-E will draw a very very beautiful heart that takes up an entire side of the card :) it’s a little jagged and lopsided, but it’s a lot better than last year’s! Sure, there’s probably a big guest book at his party that tons of people will sign, but this is different. These are the ones that actually know and love him, and can write personal messages alongside their names because there’s so few, and in their own favorite colors! DUM-E and U also sign their names right inside that heart, just as beautiful 😌 Tony will never admit it, but every year it still makes him want to tear up a little 🥲
💠Sit on the balcony at night and light the fire pit, cuddle in the fake grass with some shitty takeout like McDonalds or something. He can still point out every constellation, and he still doesn't really know much why it matters that he's Gemini or whatever. He doesn't even have a twin??
💠You may want to keep up his mother's tradition and add another photo to the album. Tony won't mind, and may not be paying attention anyway, but honestly today isn't the day that he wants to look back through it. It's probably been years, but one day he will. And, boy, he'll probably be shocked at how much he's changed 🥹
💠End the night with a nice bath, with vanilla scented bath bombs and maybe splashing water over the side of the edge of the tub and all over the tile floor... get him ready for another workday or two 😔
💠But with the weekend comes the day of the party! Which is probably now at some grand ballroom or hall after an incident at the house a while back 😒
💠Probably just me being a service sub, but dress him up for his party 🥺 wash his hair, get out that cologne you bought for him. Maybe he'll put his favored necklace on you, with a little kiss to the back of your neck 🥺 and this is exactly why he doesn't make it to his parties half the time...
💠Be prepared to drag a drunken Tony up a flight of stairs and into bed later! Just stay nearby to make sure he doesn't get into anything he shouldn't! Especially that tower of glasses full of champagne 😬But let yourself have some fun, too, if drinking is your thing, but you still probably won't be able to outdrink him!
💠He is going to want to cut the first piece of that very tall marbled cake. Hopefully it's done earlier in the night when he's not as drunk and properly wield a big knife. Otherwise, you might need to help him out 😅 Or just get Happy to do it because you might be a little under the table yourself. Tony might be pouty about not being the first to cut it, though >:(
💠Did someone say fireworks? Yep, a whole show of 'em! Any shape and color you can think of! But you both may be too busy making out in a nearby bathroom to catch it... ah, who cares? he can shoot fireworks over the ocean from the balcony anytime he wants!
💠You won't know most of the people. Tony might know about 40% of them. Why is this person congratulating you? Why is some asshole trying to strike a business deal with Tony-- and his drunk ass is agreeing?? Well thank god this isn't at your house this time because the people on the roof are not your problem 🤨
💠When Tony is more sober again by the end of the night, AKA 1am, he might ask you to dance with him ❤ He might still be a bit clumsy on his feet, but let him have his moment 🥺 and a few kisses!
💠He's going to be pretty damn tired when you finally get home, but you probably are too. And whether you like it or not, you might have to help him undress or else he will just fall asleep as is. Shoes and all! But no matter how tired he is, it won't stop him from trying to get a little frisky when you start unbuttoning his shirt 😉
💠And eventually, that grand cake will be a small array of red and yellow cupcakes, raspberry and lemon if you must know! And eventually those party guest filter more and more into a smaller group that you'll finally know and actually be able to trust. Tony isn't too keen on the crowds anymore, anyway. Or the noise, or the drink. Plenty of gifts still pile up in the living room, but by now he hardly cares to look through them unless its from his small social circle. Besides, he probably has a much better gift in his arms that needs to be attended to first 😌
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cookie-waffle · 1 year
here are my new Zelink totk theories with added context from minor spoilers:
- The American localization is gonna cut out/change a LOT of the more explicitly romantic subtext because american parents are pretty notorious for getting super easily offended. Directly implying that Link and Zelda share a bed is probably not seen as a big deal at all in Japan, but I can def see some of the more conservative american parents having a problem with it.
- Zelda is NOT gonna have any kind of pregnancy reveal at the end. Not just for the aforementioned reason, but also because it would heavily imply that Link is assigned male and Auonuma has actually stated in an interview that he doesn’t want to 100% confirm Link as male. (it’s why we don’t see Linkle in the mainline games)
- NPCs are gonna be referencing/gossiping/teasing Link about the relationship at some points. Link may even get dialogue options stating that he’s taken or likes someone else already when he gets flirted with.
- I do not think Nintendo is likely to blatantly just say in the game that they’re an item. They’re likely gonna rely heavily on obvious subtext, even in the Japanese vers.
- If I’m wrong about the last one…. ya know, I had this VERY low on my “likely to happen” list, but, the fact that they’re sharing a bed means that them kissing in a cutscene is not off the table.
- Link is either gonna show MUCH more emotion in this game while interacting with Zelda, or, Nintendo is gonna chicken out and have him stand around like 🧍again in every single cutscene because they don’t wanna disappoint fans who don’t ship zelink. (Usually I’d sorta understand but, they REALLY wrote themselves into a corner here. If Link isn’t at least visibly comfortable with her then that’s just shit writing)
- No, they aren’t gonna bone. Nor will there be any sort of reference to sexual contact between them. But, I also think a lot of teen and adult players might just sorta automatically assume that it happens because not only are they living together domestically, but they’re also around 23-24 yrs old now. Lot of time has passed. More than enough to, ya know…. “do stuff”
- There are likely more of Zelda’s diary entries you can find that give additional context to the relationship. Maybe she has another secret one in Hyrule castle or hidden in Hateno.
- Zelda’s room in the castle might be renovated now. And if it is, it’s very likely that it’ll be built to accommodate Link as well. There may even be some very cute easter eggs in her room like in Skyward Sword.
- Paya is gonna have some shit to say in her diary FOR SURE lmaoo. Probably something like “I’m so happy for them!” *you see what look like water droplet stains on the pages*
-The two thrones in the castle may actually have some subtle implications behind it. But I’m still not super confident that we’ll see Link become king. I mean, it’s pretty obvious that it will happen. But I’m just not used to Nintendo being so on the nose about their relationship. Them sleeping in the same bed is EXTREMELY out of left field for this franchise.
- There’s gonna be a musical reference to, or perhaps even remix, of “Romance in the Air” from Skyward Sword. And you know what? I’m gonna scream and cry and fucking explode because oh my god that is so romantic.
- No, Zelda is not gonna die. This franchise practically spawns money directly into Nintendo HQ. They are not gonna kill off the character who’s bloonline ensures more Zelda games.
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mageofseven · 1 year
Oh oh! About the song things! I usually go on walks and listen to songs and daydream about them, and one of my favorite is Pray by Ryan Vasquez! I usually imagine it with Beelzebub because he's my bbg. Like fr I made a storyline in my head to it I LOVE him <3 sometimes I like to imagine it's when they were in the Celestial Realm, and other times I just funk it.
Omg, why would you do this to me???
This song is too beautiful 😭💕
I can definitely see why this makes you think of Beel
However this song makes me freaking grieve the fact that I'm awful at writing smut and this would be so fucking perfect for that.
But at the same time, it makes me wanna try??? I mean, it's been years since my last train wreck attempt (I think I was like 18? 19? And now I'm 26) and this song makes it so fucking tempting 🥺💕
To clarify though! This post will contain zero smut and will probably just be super fluffy! Maybe even a bit a suggestive, but nothing smutty.
Story context: Lilith never fell in love with a human, the Celestial War never happened, and the brothers are still angels (and MC still exists despite Lilith not becoming human).
Beel, like both his twins, often sneaks down to the Human realm, where he met and fell in love with MC. Having to keep it a secret from all of his siblings makes the big guy feel guilty, but he's so deeply in love with MC and worships her and every moment they are together.
This starts from the morning after they...did the smutty stuff 😂
Beel pulled the human closer, mind still foggy as he woke up in their bed. Sadly, he was conscious enough to know what day it was, making him tighten his hold on the sleeping woman.
Wake up in the morning when sun shines in
Half awake, half asleep until you chime in
The clock striking its final chords
So get up, get out, rise and shine for the house of the Lord.
Today was Sunday, his Father's day. It was just about the only day of the week most angels saw their Father and most still never interacted with him. They all come together each Sunday to praise Father for all he's done, but in truth, only archangels like Lucifer and Michael truly speak to Him.
The angel didn't want to go, to leave his love alone in the bed after such a wonderful night.
He watched his love for a moment, focusing on the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she slept soundly.
Beel closed his eyes, the night before flashing in his mind.
The man took a finger and lightly traced MC's lips, suddenly receiving a sleepy giggle from the human.
Cause as soon as I close my eyes
Brings me back to my temple in between those thighs
My mind does a full eclipse
And the world dissolves while I'm worshiping your lips
"Hey..." She smiles sleepily at the angel next to her.
"Good morning, beautiful." He slowly stroked her cheek, like he was trying to memorize every little detail from her skin's softness to the exact placement of her freckles.
Even after last night, he still felt the need to trace every inch of her body, leaving kisses along the way till he lands at the spot she truly wants his attention with.
The angel still felt like he could taste her on his lips and it just made him want more of her. What his man wouldn't give to just ask her for another taste, for permission to pray all of his love for her down below, but he knew he had no time for it.
MC frowned before laying her hand against his chest.
"It's Sunday, isn't it?"
Beel pulled her to his chest and stroked her hair.
He had to go home before anyone knew he was gone; before Lucifer could even suspect what he was doing now.
Father, son, and the holy ghost
I'm trapped with the people that I love the most
Bad things happened to angels who broke the rules, especially the major ones like...falling in love with a human.
Romantic love was forbidden in the Celestial realm, especially with anyone from the other races. No love is allowed to be greater than your love for Father. His family...they wouldn't understand this; they wouldn't understand the intense love he felt for this woman or why he'd risk his life to stay with her.
If Lucifer found out...he'd keep Beel locked up in the Celestial realm. He'd keep his younger brother's secret in order to protect him, but would never let him return to his love's side.
No matter how much he loved Lucifer and his other siblings, he couldn't sacrifice MC for them. This gentle and loving human had awoken something in him, something he could never let sleep within him again.
She completes him. How could he ever let his family steal him away from her?
"When...when will you be back this time?" She asked softly from within his arms.
"I...I don't know." The man started to draw circles lightly on the back of her shoulder. "At least a few days."
MC buried her face in his chest and he kissed her hair.
If he had a choice...Beel would worship this woman for the rest of his life. He no longer wishes to pray to and revere his Father, the One who decided such a relationship with his love was too great of a sin to forgive.
How could loving someone so soft, so caring be a bad thing? The angel once tried to convince himself of it, but no longer. This woman was more angelic than even him and this love between them made him feel a fullness within him that he had never known.
He needed her like he needed air to breath and food to eat. And knew she felt the same way.
I kneel at the shrine
I eat from the vine
Drinking your wine
I'm feeling your spine
Bending to my design
And it's all mine
I'm begging you for one more crawl
I wanna feel your waterfall, fall
Beel heard the human sniffle before she pulled back from his chest.
"I'll miss you..." She said tearful. "I wish you didn't always have to leave."
"I know." He rubbed her back. "I leave so I can always come back you to though."
The woman nodded and he kissed each tear that fell from her eyes, kind eyes that have pulled him towards her since they both met.
He hated leaving her, but come hell or high water, he will always find his way back to her. Always. And he needed to because this man could not even imagine how to live without her again.
He will do his time back in the Celestial realm, praying that everything lines up for him soon to safely make his way back to her.
For now, he gave her a long, sweet kiss before leaving her bed and heading out to her balcony, where he released his wings
and flew away, to the home that no longer felt like home.
Hush, don't make a sound
The service is over and the king's been crowned
I managed just a soft amen
Then I close my eyes to visit you and I again
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stoprobbersfic · 2 years
in every possible way
in every possible way (or: five things nancy wheeler learned about family by having her own)
for @jancyweek2022​ day 5: family 
this is set in my future perfect ‘verse, so that would be some good/necessary context for this, for what it’s worth. (and yes, i said they had 2 kids. this is just part of the first one.) 
read it on ao3
oh my life is changing every day in every possible way and oh my dreams are never quite as they seem never quite as they seem
1. some big decisions feel very small
They toss it around for years, the idea of it. In fact, for a long time an idea is all it is.
She’s the lowest reporter on the newspaper totem pole, working the shittiest stories in the shittiest neighborhoods at the shittiest times of day. He’s trying to fully establish himself as a photographer and picking up bartending shifts on every night he doesn’t have a shoot booked.
And of course there’s the weekends they “go away” for some private time investigating thin spots in the world that may or may not be gates. Their friends think they have an extremely healthy marriage, putting each other first above all else.
Nancy thinks they have an extremely healthy marriage, because after you’ve fought monsters and saved the world together everything else seems like a piece of cake.
Well. Most everything else. That one thing her mother always brings up when she calls, that’s more daunting to her than any Demogorgon or gate ever was.
They’re in no rush, really. And the timing never seems right.
Do you think we should have a baby? She asks him after she says goodbye to her mother and he studies the stack of bills on the coffee table. He smirks at her.
I think we should make sure we can pay the light bill first.
Do you want to have a baby? He asks her as they tuck themselves into the corner of her office baby shower, her manager glowing in the center of a circle of otherwise hardboiled reporters and editors who are – slightly drunkenly, to be sure – oohing and aahing over a hand-knitted set of baby clothes.
I’m about to do her work and mine – when exactly do you think I have time to be pregnant? She shoots back, and he chortles into his glass.
It goes like that for a while, over months and months, until one night Nancy finds herself at their kitchen table, contemplating the brown paper pharmacy bag with the familiar egg-shaped plastic compact inside. That’s where Jonathan finds her, the light around her dimming as the sun sets outside their windows.
“Is everything OK or are you just enjoying sitting in the dark?” he asks, flipping on the light and taking the seat next to her.
She’s quiet a moment, considering approaches, and then just blurts it out.
“I think I wanna have a baby.”
She keeps her eyes squarely on the table, not daring to look at him. Every past conversation they’ve had – short or long – feels ephemeral to her, like they were just playing with hypotheticals. She means it this time. It’s been nagging in the back of her mind for weeks, for probably longer, manifesting in lingering looks at women with strollers on the street and on the L, with watching the toddlers at the playground in the park up the street when she’s taking a walk. In daydreams on her commute – still watercolor blurred and amorphous in their own way – involving Jonathan’s wide palms on her swollen belly, or tiny hands tugging on his shoulder length hair, a little body cradled between them as they sing pop songs to lull it to sleep that have gone from occasional to daily to more.
She had refilled her prescription without thinking, gotten home, and realized she didn’t want to wake up the next morning and take a pill.
His hand, warm and rough, on hers snaps her out of her thoughts.
“Yeah, me too.”
Her head snaps up so fast she nearly gives herself whiplash.
His face is open, his eyes warm brown and dancing. There is no hesitation to be seen. “Yep.”
A weight she hadn’t even realized she was feeling lifts off her all at once, and she lets the smile break over her face. The one she gets in return is just as wide.
His hand is squeezing hers hard enough to hurt but they’re both giggling and she is giddy, practically vibrating with it.
Then a thought strikes her. It stops the giddiness in its tracks. It must show on her face because suddenly Jonathan looks very, very worried.
“Nance? What?”
“Oh god. Does that mean I have to get pregnant?”
She can barely register his laugh before she’s being pulled out of her chair, tossed over his shoulder and is suddenly enjoying a very nice, close up view of his rear end as he sets off down the hall to their room.
“I’m trying not to take that as an insult.”
2. impending fatherhood is sexy
They’re not going to be the first parents among their friends, and Nancy is immensely grateful for that as she climbs the steps to the home Ben and Michelle bought six months ago, halfway through their own pregnancy.
Nancy wonders if they need to start thinking about things like a house or a yard. There are no cul-de-sacs in the city, thank fucking god, but there are dead end streets. If they do have to move, they sure as hell aren’t moving to one of those. That’s too damn close.
She rings the bell without thinking and immediately regrets it when she hears a piercing wail from inside. Stupid, stupid.
The cry gets louder as footstep approach the door and she’s all set and ready to apologize to Michelle but instead finds Jonathan behind the slab of oak, a tiny bundle of blankets cradled in one arm.
“The bell, Nance? Really??”
She doesn’t reply; she can’t. He’s in a t-shirt, his hair’s disheveled, he’s holding a baby, and suddenly every hormone in her body – and man, there are an awful lot of them right now – is rushing to straight between her legs.
He steps aside and she enters on autopilot, trying to figure out the best way to tell him he should give the baby back to Michelle and leave with her, right now, because she wants to climb him like a tree.
“Michelle went to take a shower,” he says, briefly snapping her out of her reverie. “I told her I’d keep an eye on Emma and to take her time. I think Ben’s on his way home but I had just gotten her to fall asleep.”
“Sorry,” she sidles up to his bicep, trying hard to ignore how good he smells, especially mixed with the soft scent of baby powder and freshly laundered blankets. “Hello, Emma.”
“Hello Nancy, thanks for waking me up from my nap so I can scream bloody murder in Uncle Jonathan’s ear again!” He bounces the bundle in time with his high-pitched response.
“Mmm,” she nuzzles his shoulder. “’Uncle Jonathan’ has a nice ring to it but I think ‘dad’ is a lot sexier.”
He raises his eyebrows at her, still bouncing the baby as she starts to calm. “Well we’re not quite there yet but I’m sure you’ll get to fulfill those fantasies someday. Hopefully sooner rather than later.”
“How about today?” She reaches into her purse, fishes around until she finds the little Ziploc baggie and pulls it out. Holds it up so Jonathan can see the pink and white stick with two parallel pink lines on it.
It is both immensely gratifying and incredibly attractive to watch his eyes widen so much she thinks they’re about to pop out of his head.
“Really?” he whispers, almost like speaking too loud would make it not true. “Nance, are you serious?”
“The lines don’t lie,” she looks up at him through her eyelashes. “How long until Michelle is done with her shower, do you think? Because I want to take your pants off with my teeth.”
    3. unconditional love really means unconditional
The look on his face confirms to her she’s horrifying but to be totally honest she couldn’t give two shits.
“Did you get the salsa?” she asks as Jonathan closes their apartment door behind him. Eyes the paper bag he’s carrying like she suddenly has x-ray vision.
“I did.”
“And those Mexican candy spoon things? With the sour-sweet?”
“Tamarind,” he corrects absently, clutching the bag to his chest like it can protect him from something. “I did.”
She beams a him. “Thank you. I love you.”
“Oh come on,” she rolls her eyes as he edges into the room. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Um,” he tries, stops, and then just gestures in her direction with his free hand.
She looks down at herself. It’s pretty standard for her lately, 32 weeks into this bullshit ordeal: a pair of Jonathan’s clean boxer shorts, her most comfortable bra, one of his rattier button downs that has long be moved from his work wardrobe to “painting the house” duty, and which is big enough to accommodate her suddenly quite large belly. She swears up and down she blew up like a balloon; after weeks of morning sickness where the smell of just about any food that wasn’t white bread or oranges turned her stomach, she finally got her appetite back. But even then her belly had resolutely refused to show until about two weeks ago; now she suddenly had a little shelf to rest things on whenever she sat down.
Honestly, it was kind of convenient, even if sometimes their son’s kicking knocks over her plate or her cup.
Right now that belly shelf is home to a half-eaten Sara Lee cheesecake she had picked up in the freezer section of the corner store.
“What?” she asks.
He gestures again, this time more clearly toward her left hand. She looks at it, considers, then pops one finger into her mouth so she can eat the pitted black olive off the tip.
“What?” she asks again, a little muffled as she chews. Swallows, then follows it with a bite of cheesecake.
“That is disgusting.”
“It’s good!” she protests as he hightails it out of the room. She hears the rustling as he unpacks her latest cravings and eats another olive. “It’s like, a little salty and a lot creamy and a little sweet. Opposites attracting, like us!”
“Which one of us is the olive and which one of us is the cheesecake?” She can practically hear his shudder. “Nevermind, I don’t want to know.”
That gives her an idea and she swipes another olive, this one on her middle finger, through the cake, scooping up some. Pops it into her mouth and chews thoughtfully. Meh. It’s OK. Not as good as she was hoping for.
When she looks toward the kitchen again he’s standing in the doorway, looking as disgusted as ever.
“Oh come on,” she rolls her eyes, sliding the cake off her stomach and onto the coffee table. Stands carefully, one hand still half-occupied with olives, the other going to the half-done buttons of his ratty old shirt. “I’m not that gross, am I? I mean, you didn’t seem to think I was this morning before I left for work. Or when I came to see you on your dinner break. I believe you thanked me for wearing a skirt, and god for fixing the lock on the women’s bathroom door.”
“You weren’t eating olives off your fingers with cheesecake this morning. Or at the bar.”
“Well,” she pops the last two remaining olives into her mouth and the last two remaining buttons free with her other hand. “I’m not now, either.”
His keeps his arms crossed, his shoulders stiff, as she slowly starts to walk toward him, hoping she can still pull off seductive when her belly’s this big. His eyes are full trained on her (now much more ample, thanks pregnancy) cleavage, though, so she’s pretty sure she’s doing just fine.
“That’s true,” he allows and finally reaches out to her, slides his hands up her side and over her breasts before drawing her close and brushing his lips over hers once, twice, three times. She feels her knees go a little weak. “And I love you no matter what. But would you mind brushing your teeth?”
    4. what’s in a name?
Nancy wakes slowly, blearily rubbing at her face as she blinks back the afternoon light. Something feels strange, feels different, feels off—
The baby.
She bolts upright with a gasp, scrambling out from under the covers and skidding into the living room in a panic only to be confronted by the sight of Will sitting in the old rocking chair Jonathan had rescued from his mom’s house years ago and that is definitely coming in handy now.
Will’s got her beautiful baby boy held snugly in his arms, his head bent toward him and long still-bowl-cut hair hanging down like a soft curtain. She thinks it’s funny, all these years and he still gets his hair cut the way his mom used to do it.
She thinks Will maybe have been saying something to her son, or maybe humming, but he looks up when she arrives, a smirk already on his face.
“Forgot you have a kid now?”
“Honestly,” she says, hand on her chest as she tries to calm her racing heart, catch her breath, “I’m not used to getting so much sleep.” Approaches them. “Thanks for letting me nap, by the way.”
“No problem,” Will looks back down at his nephew. “Joe and I were having a great time together. Doing some rocking, singing some songs.”
“And what kind of taste in music are you trying to impose on my firstborn child, eh?” She reaches out and brushes her fingertips over the fine brown hair dusting his crown. She swears up and down every day that he looks just like Jonathan while he swears the opposite, but she does have to admit Joe got her coloring. His chestnut hair and bright blue eyes could come straight out of her own baby photos.
Will grins at her. “Oh, please, like I could ever displace his father’s influence.”
“And what am I chopped liver?” She hears the door open and close behind them, the thunk of Jonathan dropping his photo bag under the coat tree. Lifts her face to accept his brief kiss when he crosses the room. Doesn’t hide her grin when he does the same to the crown of Joe’s head.
“Want me to take him?” he asks his brother.
“You stink like chemicals,” she interrupts before Will can agree. “Go change, and then we’ll give Uncle Will’s arms a break. He let me take a nap, he’s earned it.”
“Excellent, I’ll be right back.”
“No you’re not chopped liver,” Will says like they weren’t even interrupted. “But, come on. You let Jonathan name him Joe.”
Huh? she thinks.
“Huh?” she says.
“It was my brother’s idea right?”
“Well yeah but, like, Joe’s a normal name,” she frowns at him.
“What were your other choices?”
“I liked Adam, but Jonathan didn’t, not for a first name. He also suggested Ian, which was nice, but I liked Joe more.”
Will’s smirk is bigger now, and it makes her suspicions rise.
“Joe?” he repeats. “And Ian?”
“Yeah, what’s wrong with Joe and Ian?”
“You really don’t get it?”
“Get what?” Suspicion is quickly turning to irritation and she suspects Will can read it on her face because he stops smirking quite so hard.
“Joe Strummer? Ian Curtis? The—“
“--Lead singers of The Clash and Joy Division,” she finishes for him, eyes wide.  Wheels around to find Jonathan standing in the doorway between living room and hallway, mid-frantic arm wave, as if he’d been trying to get his brother to stop spilling the beans. He freezes, then grins sheepishly at her.
“You like the name Joe, and anyway we already filled out the birth certificate weeks ago…”
Will cracks up as she huffs her frustrations at him, half-joking and half-not. Oh, she should have guessed. He was far too confident and clear about his name suggestions. Oh, she should have known.
Joe starts whimpering and whining as his own sleep is disturbed and as she chases Jonathan playfully around the room she hears Will still in the chair, singing through his laughter, “Should I stay or should I go now? If I go there will be trouble, if I stay it will be double…”
“So you got to let me know,” Jonathan joins in, cowering behind the rocking chair and his son and his brother. “Should I stay or should I go?”
When he stands up she makes sure the burp cloth hits him square in the face.
    5. it is possible to be this happy
Nancy gives the pot of sauce one last stir, lifts the wooden spoon to her lips and carefully blows before giving it a taste. Mmm. Perfect.
Jonathan may be the better cook overall but she’s learned a trick or two over the years.
“Hey Jonathan,” she calls, turning off the burner and putting the lid back on before walking back toward the living room, already starting to unbutton her shirt, “dinner’s ready, do you wanna hand him over to me so I can feed him while you’re setting the—“
She trails off in the doorway, taking in the sight before her. Jonathan is sprawled on the sofa, the light of the television airing Wheel of Fortune flickering across his face. He’s got Joe on his chest, his hand securely at his back. They are both fast asleep.
She does the two buttons of her shirt back up, considering whether she wants to wake them up. After a moment, decides against it. Dinner can probably wait.
It’s a little complicated but she manages to ease the pillow out from under Jonathan’s head and then maneuver herself so that he’s in her lap. Combs her fingers slowly through his hair, soft dark blonde strands she’s been playing with for well over a decade now.
She’s not sure how she got here. She imagined so many lives for herself, from dreams of women’s college with Barb to dreams of being a front page Pulitzer winning reporter. She’s saved the world and had her heart broken, almost lost everything and gotten it back again.
Her chest, her heart, her soul feels so full, like she’s about to burst from all the love in there, for this man and this tiny creature they made together, this tiny little human she would do anything for; walk over hot coals, throw herself in front of a train. From the moment his blue eyes looked into hers her world has felt like it is so full of love that it’s overflowing into a waterfall of feeling and all she can do is be swept along with the current, content to drown.
She thinks maybe that’s what people mean when they say they’re so happy they could die.
She shakes herself out of her thoughts only to find two pairs of eyes staring up at her, one brown and one blue. She smiles down at them both, reaching out to cup Joe’s head, stroke her thumb over the soft crown. Jonathan switches the hand holding his son to his chest and raises the other to cup her cheek.
Yes, she thinks, dinner can wait.  
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eluxcastar · 2 years
Hii I love you work!
I was wondering if I could request an angsty/sad scenario or something with Urd, Ky luc and Rigr?
Honestly I just wanna cry and I love your writing and these dude and i need smt to cry about💀💕
Some angst for you.
FEATURES: urd geales, ky luc, rígr stafford
CW: baby straight up dies beware, smug doctors, bad writing, reader is mildly a bitch to Lest in Rígr's
WC: 3.1k
NOTES: if I recall correctly I got a request like this a while ago but had no idea what to do with it, I have since made Neru (an unrelated character of mine who so happens to work really well in this context) so Rígr got spoiled because I had the opportunity to write about her (still x gn!reader but the storyline is hers), admittedly the other two are kinda meh but I'm not that comfortable with angst yet so I just need time
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₊˚⊹꒷ urd geales
you thought it would work, you really did. A pleasant doctor of a time when doctoring didn't mean what it does now, something based purely on your curiosity and the way you reacted to things you were never meant to witness that made him like you. 
initially a rocky start, he'd be more than glad to never have you shove your fingers in his mouth again. The sentiment was endearing though, someone he viewed as fragile by design that took a morbid interest in him as something that worked in the world of the living only a few steps away from death. You once thought it would be something that would 'change the medical field as we know it' but you came to understand all too soon his great reluctance to do so. 
it was the second time he'd drank your blood, the first time he'd lost control to do it, something he doesn't enjoy about being around you while you work is the lingering stench of blood in the air that follows you. His intention has never been to hurt you, the little doctor who won't seem to leave him alone, and he won't deny good company. Of course you're the first to react, clicking your tongue and tutting over the fact he bite somewhere you can't treat by yourself easily. All the while his head is in your lap sputtering his apologies as how he doesn't know the why or how he lost composure, and even a hand on his head and a quiet reassurance doesn't help. 
you say he worries too much, he says he doesn't worry enough. Something about you lessens his self-restraint, and he hurts you again and again in fits of blind hunger, like his own body resists the notion of having a Human around at all, but you won't leave and be can't force you, so each time you and your bag of tools and supplies arrive at his side he tries to accept it and maintain his composure. 
he can't figure out why you smell so strongly of blood, devising it must be your previous wounds or your patient's. You're happy again for a time, and the urges and impulses to hurt you stop, giving you time to return to the happiness and leisure you once enjoyed. He feels comfortable in himself again, and he relaxes just enough to let you close, sleep in a spare bed just a room away and wake up in the morning all within an alarming distance of him in the name of helping the people of this town in their time of need.
you take your patients elsewhere, and head off at dawn every morning, watching as the townspeople slowly improve and the sickness that had hit it began to stave off as you in all of your wisdom and perhaps dumb luck were charming the people back to health with your goofy little jokes and remarks.
you stay with him, the little doctor who ran into him in rather dire circumstances, saw a Vampire right before your eyes and decided you absolutely must investigate it and the body. He was so caught off guard by just the thought that you were standing there in awe staring into his eyes like they were a set of precious ruby jewels that he didn't even think to react, and like a little stray he had fed a scrap of food you followed him home and made it abundantly clear you were not to be trifled with. Like a child you'd stick your fingers in his mouth without warning, and ignore his scoldings not to do that in the name of research as you had already decided you needed to know everything there was to know about this ‘rare condition’ of his.
"I'm heading off tomorrow, this town no longer needs me." your words hit him like a shockwave, even if they make sense. You're a travelling doctor, so you go places you feel need help and find refuge at an inn somewhere, it just so happened you were enjoying a free stay with him. "Urd?"
he blinks, then looks up, "Already? It's only been—"
"For me that's longer than I've stayed anywhere, a few weeks is a lot closer to my welcome and any more than that has me overstaying. It was pure luck that I came across a dire situation." you try to explain it to him in a way someone not a doctor could still grasp, that people start to treat your services like commodities and come to you for the slightest of colds that don't require your assistance. You're too free spirited and curious to be held down for too long.
but the thirst returns, and it claws at his throat more than ever before, now working the opposite way than he recalls as you were doing exactly what he seemed to be wanting. 
you're so helpless fast asleep, and you're right there, like presenting him with a glass of aged wine and expecting him not to drink it when it's the exact bottle he wants so badly, and something about you will never leave him.
"I know you're there." your voice startles him, but he calms himself quickly, "Did you miss me already?"
"…Thirsty." he answers, hesitating and questioning himself before ultimately walking closer. "It came back."
"Then do it. You can sit that close, can't you? Stop making a fuss out of every little thing." 
the more he drinks the more he knows he should stop, with you the little doctor squirming under him in what you called discomfort but never pain. The less you squirm the less you feel pain, the less you squirm the less conscious you are and he knows that much, but every impulse that tells him to stop before he kills you tells him to drink until your blood sweetens with the verge of death drawing closer and your body slowly shutting down. Your squirming turns to a limp compliance perhaps not of your own volition but of a sense that even if you were to fight you'd hurt yourself, or maybe you've just reached the stage Humans start to wish they die.
and so you do, right there in his arms, and your lifeless body refuses to respond to any of his attempts to preserve your life once the regret comes to slap him across the face.
₊˚⊹꒷ ky luc
"Will you read a story for me, Papa?" your little hand passes the book you want up to him, and he pats his lap for you.
the times of the first are gone, though he leaves behind the children he created, and the children he rebirthed. Not all of them were victims, and not all of them completely let go, though he was warned that he shouldn't do what he had thought was such a wonderful idea at the time.
everyone hates their ‘parent’ at some point. He should've listened to that warning at the time, even when he just wasn't ready to let go yet, and while his love for you is frozen in time with him, yours wavers with the effects of being well past the age of maturity and still stuck in the body of a seventeen-year-old. Urd says it's temporary and agrees to try to help you calm down from this fit of rage you've gone into and won't come out of, you think it's forever and act like you'll never love him again at times. You have every right to be holding the things you were against him, he deserves every word you speak to him.
he misses when you were small and precious, your greatest care was the loud banging outside or the tree that scratched at your bedroom window and gave you a fright until you worked up the nerve to go wake your Papa up for help from the monster under the bed. These days you haven't a glance to spare at him, and he knows why—you feel abandoned by him, you miss your Mother, you don't understand why it had to be turned and not one of your siblings, why he had to curse you this way.
he doesn't know what you get up to in the daytime, given that you can wander as far as you please and simply don't care to listen to him. He's heard from one of the younger Vampires you went ‘back home’, not to your real home but to the place where Shikama Dōji once brought you all, and you're getting awfully close to his motives and into his business. He knows even if he worried until his head fell off he could never hope to defy that kind of influence.
you wilfully ignore his every plea to come home and let him fix things, be a better Father, work things out and try to give you the freedom you keep wanting without the need to worry about where you are all the time, and again all he hears is that you went home.
what strikes him more than anything is a letter, not from you but from the very same person who said you were there, and he's told the real reason you never answer is because you never see the letters at Shikama's own request, claiming something about how you were irritated by it and it was causing your hatred to swell and burn. It was for the best that he did not speak to you, and if you felt he was respecting your choices that you might come around quicker.
very soon, you would be leaving to go elsewhere with him, though the letter didn't say where, just that you didn't share the details and didn't intend to.
your hatred for him is one thing, but to possibly never see you or even know where you are in the world is too much to handle, and he finally makes the trip to go see you for himself to beg you to stay. 
you're already gone by the time he gets there, even Urd tells him so.
"Papa? There's a scary noise in my room like a monster under my bed." he will always recall your sweet little voice, the ones that made him so reluctant to let you go at all, "Can you look for me?"
he didn't want you to stay forever, he only wanted for you to keep coming to him when you were scared, to never be afraid that you were alone in the world, and somehow he managed to leave you there under the impression you were alone, and he was refusing to listen to what you wanted until you room it into your own hands and did it anyway. 
though he never could leave you, his dear child, you can leave your Father easily.
₊˚⊹꒷ rígr stafford
a feeling of betrayal, and it's worse than it had been before, now faced with the betrayer who smiles at you so joyously as he always did before, but a new face stares back at you. 
"Have you been well, darling?"
you have been anything but well and you have to swallow the urge not to slap him for saying something so heartless when he knows the answer already. You'd give anything right about now to wipe that smile off his face and stitch his mouth shut so you never have to hear another word out of it, another lie or another word of painful truth. You'd give the world if he never spoke again, even after waiting so many years to hear his voice just one more time.
"Very." is all you can muster, and you both know that's a lie.
"We have plenty of time to catch up now, don't be shy, I want to know where you went." again it would be nice to slap him right about now, but the cage between him and you courtesy of Urd is keeping him safe and you at a distance to avoid feeling the effects it causes.
"You're very glad to be caged up right now." you know he would be, naturally, surrounded by people who watch him and fear his reputation without having met the man a day in their lives, currently watching you bicker at each other like an old married couple, "However will I get to you when entering it could be debilitating to me?"
"Would you?"
"In your dreams."
the scoff that follows says enough, knowing you wouldn't set foot in there even if you were paid to. He seems to ignore it, along with the rest of your attitude and sass as he has been the entire time, perhaps just glad to get you talking even when you would think the last thing he'd want was to talk it out. 
"I'm staying here out of respect for Urd’s work, I could get out."
"Stop deluding yourself. You're lucky to still be moving your mouth." you only want to know when he will be back, because as of now you're not having much fun being the babysitter.
when he does come back however, you will be long gone from this cage to relax and let your guard down somewhat, seeing as you have been forced to remain on high alert since arriving by one circumstance or another. You've dealt with enough of that to last a good generation more.
if Urd could hurry up, that would be nice, and maybe then you'd know peace as he'd have something else from the past to bother. His regard for you is that of feigned interest, like he doesn't mean nor care about the things he says, perhaps because they're not the things he wants to hear at all. The things he wants are far too personal to be spoken in a place of so many strangers.
"Don't talk to him." Lest is at your side, even knowing you won't want to take him seriously, "He's dangerous."
"I know," you say, "it's just a bit of light banter, he's playing too coy to ask a real question anyway."
he bites his tongue at what he wants to say as you wave him off with a dismissive hand, though you can hear he doesn't move, at least in some way sensing it’s not entirely out of irritation with him specifically. Your current mood is very dependent on a certain someone playing ball, which he is clearly starkly against doing as he has his fun scaring those who made stories out of him in the first place.
you think he must've been talking to Lest behind your back as Ky fills the growing silence, and in a sense you wonder if he's trying to ease your response. "You know I heard all of the legends about him, but I never even met him because I was turned in a different region, though I was curious." 
"Oh? You never told me this."
"All the legends I heard, they're all very old. You knew him before, is he really all that powerful?" you bide his curiosity knowing he's as curious as anyone else around you, at least in your mind, the only difference is he thinks he's impervious to harm from him, "He lost to Ferid of all Vampires. I mean seriously?"
even you could tell that was pathetic, or calculated, by Rígr, that is, you know him too well to actually think that he would lose without reason. Ky is young, he doesn't know him the way he used to be. "He is, but right now his actions seem more akin to a little child, throwing a temper tantrum and running away from home until his dear little brother dragged him back to explain himself. That is what your grand plan is, isn't it? To abandon the notion of progress to fixate on the past."
his smile can get your blood boiling, like he’s amusing with himself, a giggling little child. "Is Urd angry with me?"
"Does the grass still grow on a Wednesday?"
"You're starting to sound like our Father, you know?"
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, for your sake."
"Maybe you should see where Lord Urd is!" as soon as you’re interrupted you can’t help sighing, though you know he’s right. You’re doing yourself no good standing here, and he’s only revelling in how angry he can make you, provoking you more. You heard from Urd himself he was enjoying doing it, but not knowing Ky makes it seem a lot more reasonable to assign him the job of babysitting him—he’d only get mad on Urd’s behalf, but wouldn’t act against his orders.
you find that even your word against Urd’s is useless, even when you argue with him he stands firm in his decision, falling to Rígr’s word and letting him free from the cage he had trapped him in. If only he wasn’t presenting some good ideas right about now you’d be digging a hole to bury him in, and you wouldn’t be letting him within the length of a ten foot pole of you let alone the arm’s reach he stands at.
"I don’t think I will ever forgive you." you manage to admit that much, "I cannot just move past the fact you left me for so long, not like Urd did."
he stops, and he clearly hesitates, "I know you won’t." he says, "I know you hold grudges too well for that."
"It’s an endearing trait."
"I know it is." he half chuckles to himself, though his arm drops back to his side and he makes a face something between disappointment and a solemn knowing look. A part of him knew even when he left that something about your relationship would never be the same, a distance between you he didn’t expect to take so long, but there was a choice he made between your safety and his own selfish desire to take you with him and run off somewhere you could plan your revenge.
it was a lot closer to being his revenge; you never did show an interest in the past. He truly was fixated, though part of that was on the things he would never do with you, and part of it became out of love, even knowing he was sabotaging everything. 
how was he supposed to be sure you were safe with the First roaming free? He could never rest thinking there might be a day you would both be caught up in his schemes again.
so he deemed it a necessary evil, and he left you where he thought you would be safe forever.
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sorrygotthesesacks · 11 months
Felt like sharing some out of context lines from various fics across various fandoms here on Tumblr.
Apologies to the three people who follow me here and on That Other App who have seen this before, but how else will my handful of Tumblr followers realize how hilarious I am? 😋
Some of the excerpts are a little crude (or canon typically violent, since most are from JJBA Part 5). Some are from AUs.
Proceed at your own risk. 💀
“Fugo’s like the diet version of your dad, Gio.”
“It’s just…who will think of the Cuties. That’s the funniest fucking thing I’ve heard all day.”
“I suppose I’d better go with you to make sure you don’t fall down a manhole or something.”
Hopefully, Mr. Brando hadn’t recognized Fugo with his wig and makeup and red clown nose glued to his face, or it was going to be very awkward the next time Fugo showed up for his internship.
Dio looked as if Giorno had whipped out his dick and pissed on the floor.
“I would fucking love to, Fugo, but there’s nowhere for me to fuck off to, now, is there?”
Giorno was singlehandedly keeping the ladybug brooch manufacturing industry in business.
Mista couldn’t help laughing, which led to Fugo saying fuck you to Mista and Mista’s dead relatives, along with those of his grandfather, his mother, and three-quarters of his apartment block.
Fugo looked bored. Or pissed. Or constipated. It was hard to tell.
It was the fact that they could do shit like stab one another with plastic utensils and still want to hang out afterwards that made their relationship so solid.
“It’s not the first time I’ve seen you looking less than perfect, ya know. I’ve seen you armless.”
Abbacchio and the Sprites. Sounded like a cover band in a dive bar with no cover charge but a two-drink minimum.
“Goddamn fucking dollar bill! Why did you do this to me?”
One of the last missions the two of them were on together had resulted in a little casual torture.
“So I'm sorry I was a jerk and threw my boobs at you."
Ghiaccio was a wild card. He might jump into the fight to help, or he might notice someone was wearing a t-shirt with a bad pun on it and fly into a rage about what was wrong with it. It was hard to say.
And last but not least, this excerpt from my “500 words of nothing but dialogue” disaster:
“Giorno’s not laughing, though.”
“Was I supposed to? Guido, ask me again so I can respond appropriately this time.”
(Why does this Giorno line remind me of Silver? Now I really do kinda wanna make Silver’s birth name “Giorno” and not just because of my Vento Aureo Sleeping Beauty parody.)
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nani-nonny · 11 months
Ch 17 was oh my god *chef kiss* i would kiss this chapter if it was a book!
The first Paragraph was a great info and i love; of course when leo wants to be alone he would go places he knows his family can't find him and the older he gets he not only can hide better BUT HE KNOWS OTHER PEOPLE'S HIDING SPOTS!! Like imagine; an young adult with some problems was in an area but vanished - let's say park - leo can think of where this young adult can hide!!✨✨
But all of this hard thinking wasn't needed as leo was behind a couch - big bruh - and he joined the train but very late on " i want to spend my time with big blue as my father figure " is both awe and funny.
A soap opera marathon is something i think good because i don't know much about soap opera but it's hella long and above that Spanish?! Yeah that would be difficult for me buddy.
April pointing out that big blue is like Jupiter jim is so beautiful - despite the fact that i HATE HIM - but still adorable, and he offered to take blue to see his older brothers and sister!! That's a great treat, now i wonder if other siblings can see the older ver of them or not somehow, someway...
BAM! Little blue enters the big blue core chat and meet his older siblings, seeing older April is THE BEST because god we need more big sis April!! Then mikey pull him like how a puppeteer catch a puppet and PULL his shell into the group pile LOL. (It would be funny imagine how the little turtles fight older mikey and he just tie them around chains and just throw them left and right XD)
Then here comes big raph AND HE'S BIGGER THAN LIFE ITSELF!! Awwwww seeing how baby blue go and try to hug him 🥺🥺🥺
Then comes Donnie... Oh Donnie the " not nice and more mean Donnie " LOL
He just picked him up, dropped few words before " okay am done with him " LMFAOO and mikey calling him " rude goods " XD
And the adusity of playing volleyball while big blue is SLEEPING!! Ahahaha it's like some loading screen or when you wait in elevator to reach your floor, and mikey just turned leo's core into sims 4 XDDD
I can't wait to see leo's react from " you're the turtle's dad now!! " more then anything!!✨✨✨✨
aksjakshak it’s fine just one kudo is more than enough :))))))
Leo being an unpredictable person in his family and able to predict what said family are doing down to a T really gets my brain going. It’s such an interesting concept that is so bittersweet in context.
You can’t leave little blue out of the peepaw itinerary lolll he’s the first of the brothers to witness the peepaw in action
The soap opera marathon will definitely be a doozy for me to write… if I planned to write it out but I won’t. Mainly to save time so that we dont get lost in the story and dive into the marathon with them (/j) but because it’ll be a pain in the ass to write. It’ll just be a time skip to the aftermath where they’ve accumulated weeks of stank /hj
April mentioning Little Blue’s childlike wonder to how he viewed Jupiter Jim made my heart warm :) and of course she doesn’t mean the way Jupiter Jim had treated them irl but to the excitement of their eyes locked on the screen watching all Jupiter Jim movies
(And we’ll have to see what happens in the future of this story in terms of the past turtles meeting the future turtles)
Raphael being the biggest, warmest, cuddliest teddy bear and so full of love but then there’s Donatello and Michelangelo being the “uncle figure that have a favorite and that one child is not the favorite” /j and really harnessing that “I will tolerate you for this amount of time but if you exceed that time then you can only blame yourself” /j
The future turtles playing volleyball makes me laugh a little too much because they have to do something while Leonardo is sleeping.
We’ll have to see where we go from here on hahah! Thank you for reading <3333
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landinrris · 2 years
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I missed wip wednesday last week because I was reading articles for class, but I'm back this week with a longer bit to make up for it!
Enjoy an out-of-context bit from ch. 2 (that I definitely haven't used part of before) of the uni au/sleeping with other people part 3 that I'm halfway finished with
Lando slows all too soon as they come up to a corner, the green fencing surrounding a stairway down into the pavement the tell-tale sign of a subway station— Lando’s by the look of the direction of his gaze. Carlos wants to pointedly march them both past it, unwilling to end their night so soon. It’s only been a handful of hours and they have years to catch up on. 
For the first time in recent memory, Carlos feels alive, and now he’s just supposed to let Lando go?
“You are going to break my heart now and leave, aren’t you?” Carlos asks, sounding only a little bit petulant.
“We’ve already passed like two stops I could’ve gone down. I should probably get back.” He looks like he’s waiting for something, anything, and Carlos fumbles for words.
“You will text me when you get home safely?” The way Lando’s shoulders fall is barely perceptible in the dim light. That’s probably not what Lando wanted from him.
“Yeah, ‘course.”
Lando does lean in then for what Carlos anticipates to be a parting hug. That’s safe enough, firmly friend-territory that shouldn’t be too big of an issue. He’s forgotten what Lando feels like in his arms. Except, Lando jerks at the last second, his face almost colliding with Carlos’ before he abruptly changes course and hooks his chin over Carlos’ shoulder.
Oh, Lando had gone in for a  kiss. And Carlos had offered a hug. Maybe it’s for the best that they’re ending their night here before Carlos can fuck it up any worse. Before he can address it, Lando breaks out into quiet giggles that quickly grow in volume with the escalating realization of what just happened. Carlos is weak to do anything but follow Lando's lead, his own quiet laughter morphing into genuine glee when Lando pulls back with a red face.
He’s covering his face with both his hands, and Carlos wants nothing more than to pull them away and maybe grant Lando’s initial wish, here, in the middle of a largely empty sidewalk on a street Carlos doesn’t even know the name of. They always did feed each other’s laughter way too easily. The fact that it’s still true of them, all these years later, has to mean something.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry. How fucking embarrassing.” Lando’s words are half-mumbled behind his palms, but Carlos understands them just as easily.
“I cannot believe this is the second time tonight that I—”
“No, it’s my second time being so awkward.” It’s another minute before they’re able to form actual sentences without the threat of laughter at the edge of their voices. “I think this is a sign that we should just try to be friends for now, yeah?”
Carlos wants to tell Lando that no, he is very much okay with trying again, with backing Lando up against the front of whatever store they’re in front of and kissing the daylights out of him— that he would be more than okay following each other back to one of their apartments and destroying each other. But maybe Lando’s right. Maybe it’s a sign that they shouldn’t be jumping into anything quite so serious again after reconnecting. Wasn’t that what Carlos was telling himself a few weeks ago as Isa walked out on him?
“I just don’t want to mess this up again," Lando rambles on before Carlos can speak. "And like, all the stuff with my ex and the meetings. I mean, like fuck, I kinda really wanna sleep with you, but everything we just talked about at the restaurant, and… yeah.”
“Lando, Lando, please breathe. I am okay with that— with all of that really. I know how you are feeling. Besides, I think it would be nice to have another friend around besides just Charles and Pierre. It gets exhausting, this third-wheeling all the time.”
The small relieved smile Lando gives Carlos nearly breaks his heart for everything he’s gone through in the past few months. “Yeah, I bet. Thank you.”
Carlos brushes the thanks away and shoves his hands into his pockets to keep from thinking about Lando’s smile for too long. This would probably be harder than he thought. “Maybe we need a codeword. You know, to warn each other when we are being too close to more than friends?”
“What, you don’t trust yourself?” Lando teases.
“Do you?” he fires back, just as obstinate. The simple answer is no, Carlos doesn’t trust himself. They’ve just established they should be friends, and yet if Lando let him, Carlos would go back on in it in five seconds.
“Fine,” Lando concedes after a brief staring contest. They must look ridiculous to anyone nearby. “What about something like… aubergine?”
Carlos levels him with an utmost insufferable glare. “Are you telling a joke? Because I know we have not seen each other in years, but there is no way you are this obtuse.”
Lando’s eyes go the slightest bit wide at the insinuation.  “Well, I don’t know! I’m just trying to think of a word that doesn’t get used a lot in normal conversation.”
“Maybe a phrase might be better. Something that will de-escalate the situation so you don’t embarrass yourself.”
“Embarrass myself?!” Lando practically shrieks. He has a smile on his face though that reassures Carlos he’s not offended by the remark.
Carlos just shrugs, the hint of a shit-eating grin threatening at the edges of his mouth. “You know, for the third time sometime soon. I am thinking of your own reputation here, you see.”
“I—” Carlos can see the gears turning in Lando’s head as he tries to come up with a retort. It’s embarrassingly endearing to watch. “Just as kind as I remember.”
“How about This is not very platonic of us, we should stop right now?” It’s not a serious suggestion, but that doesn’t stop Lando from giving him the most insufferable glare he can.
“You know, it’s a miracle you’ve made it as far in life as you have, I swear.”
Carlos can’t help but laugh. “It’s your turn then. What do you have?”
Lando thinks for a moment too long. The glint in his eyes seconds before he opens his mouth should warn Carlos of what’s coming, and yet nothing prepares him for Lando saying, “What about: Dick in a mousetrap?” 
Carlos actually chokes on his own spit. “Ay cabrón, what? How is this better?”
It’s Lando’s turn to smirk and shrug. “Are you saying that normally? Should I come up with something else?”
“We can maybe shorten it to mousetrap maybe. I do not want to be hearing that every time.” Neither of them mentions the fact that Carlos implies they’ll have to say it to one another.
“Just mousetrap?” Lando confirms. 
All Carlos has to do is agree and he can stop thinking about it. One simple word. And yet, he knows that as soon as he agrees, Lando will be gone for the night. Carlos sighs and agrees.
“Alright, I really should be going. I’ll text you. Or call you. One or the other, okay?” Lando’s already a few feet farther away by the time he’s done fumbling over his words. It’s so characteristically Lando, that Carlos can’t help but smile at the trip-up.
“Text me, or call me, or whatever when you get home, okay? I will be waiting by the phone only for you.”
“Hey— mousetrap, you dick!” 
Carlos is about to shout something back at him until a cab slams on its horn near where Lando’s currently halfway into the crosswalk. “Hey, watch where you’re going!” Lando shouts at the cab driver, a grand gesture directed at the driver Carlos can’t see from his spot unmoving on the sidewalk. God, he wonders how Lando’s not been killed in this city yet. 
“Are you okay?” Carlos shouts instead.
Lando gives him a thumbs up, a big, goofy smile just beyond it. 
He hears one last shout from Lando wishing him a good night as he descends down the steps into the subway station. Carlos half expects Lando to run back up the stairs and pop up to yell at him some more, but two minutes pass, quickly followed by three and four where he remains alone on the sidewalk at street level. 
The fleeting thought of going back to join Charles and Pierre flits through his mind briefly, but Carlos decides against it and turns in the opposite direction towards his own subway line. He wants to be home in case Lando decides to actually call him rather than text.
Despite how hard he tries, Carlos can’t wipe his own goofy smile off his face the entire ride home. Maybe this is a bad idea, but he doesn’t care anymore.
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