#no credits I found it all by myself 😊
blorbocedes · 6 months
hey idk if you've already talked about this but like in cars 2, i think, lewis hamilton shows up and i feel like this opens up a whole can of worms. if car!lh exists, does car!nico exist too? did car!brocedes have their 3/4 year long breakup? did car!lh and car!nico play mind games on each other? did car!crofty still call them "everything but lovers" on television? did car!brocedes still have their 2008 podium? do car!brocedes still live in the same apt? or garage ig in this universe? and if car!lh exists, do the other drivers exist too? i know seb exists, i think. does that mean car!markweb exists? does car!lauda exist? cat!villeneuve? car!senna? car!prost? car!button? oh my fucking god, car!alonso? does car!charles exist? what does the near religion of charles leclerc look like in this car world?
sorry if this is unhinged or whatever but i have not been able to stop thinking about this. please let me know your detailed thoughts on this, if it's not too much trouble. have a good day! <3333
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this is what the church of charles leclerc worships . the chussy
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ohwaitimthewriter · 16 days
The Memory Keeper
Chapter 6: Cruise
Pairing: Noa x human!reader
Warnings: None!
Summarize: A woman, allowed to live as long as the virus keeps running through her body, living on autopilot for 260 years, is going to see her life takes a new turn, finding hope in something that might come to put an end to her wandering.
Words: 3k+
A/N: Hi there! After all this time, I've decided to post the first part of this chapter. So it's not complete in what I wanted to tell entirely about this chapter. However, I find myself with a rather significant lack of inspiration and motivation, which has been going on for over a month now. I hope that working in this way will enable me to start the rest of this chapter under better conditions.
In the meantime, I hope you'll like this first part!
Enjoy your reading 😊
The Memory Keeper Masterlist / Planet of the apes Masterlist
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Gifs credit (1) & (2)
Your brain was about to collapse. Its cogs were running at full speed in an engine flooded by years of letting yourself sink. Reaching the bottom of the ocean and letting yourself be carried along by the sea currents, getting used to seeing nothing but the crushing blackness of the abyss. Getting the engine running again made the rusty nuts creak, and no matter how many times you jabbed the storm-shaken screws with a screwdriver, it felt as if every turn sheared through your temples.
And everything was suddenly too heavy. The weight of your head ended up in the palm of your hands as your fingers desperately tried to cling to the hairline that defined your forehead.
Your cogs floundered in the muddy sand of the seabed that had become your brain. A flooded, clogged and slimy wading pool that struggled to rid itself of the stagnant seaweed that had accumulated until it filtered out the slightest particle of emotion that dared to try and find its way back to the surface. Drowning in your own wading pool. In your own brain, so as not to see the immeasurable extent of the damage inflicted by the tidal wave that had left you shipwrecked.
Shipwrecked. Today, it was difficult to remember when the boat had capsized. Had it happened gradually? As each crew member fell overboard? One after the other. And despite the lifebuoys, despite the rafts, all you could do was watch them sink, helpless as the ocean slowly took what had always belonged to it.
Shipwrecked on a wandering ship, meant to stay afloat despite the shattered hull and torn sails. Sometimes you still wondered why the ocean had chosen never to come and get you. The one that decided to toss you around like a lost buoy in the middle of the blue vastness, the one that made you swallow water at will, knowing full well that salt water couldn't carry you off. The one that dragged you to the open sea with no promise of ever seeing the end of it. Now the ocean was offering you the chance to wash ashore on a white sandbank.
But how do you dock without a captain at the helm?
A broad hand came to rest on your shoulder, engulfing half your shoulder blade, and a few comforting taps pressed against your shoulder.
“How do you know his words?”
Raka. He seemed to have a better grasp of the concept of empathy than did his friend. But you couldn't blame Noa. Even you didn't know how to steer your boat. So to ask a near-stranger to trust you to navigate between waves and sea rocks and reach that sandbank…
And how could you dock without a captain at the helm?
The world was changing.
And the more you watched it burn away, the more you realized there was no one left. There was no one to tell the story. Radio, TV news, newspapers, books… no one would run them or write them. The human ability to convey an event around the world as we would slip a letter into a mailbox had gone to ashes when the virus had set humanity ablaze.
You no longer knew what the world was becoming, and only its progress could be observed directly through the lens of the camera you'd found in the ruins of a crumbling city center.
There was no one left to hold on to a lost humanity… except you. These history books, these tales of the years that modern society had never had the pleasure of exploring in its own lifetime, but only through the remnants that others recounted - in those historic eras of the birth of societies - were going to be the last. And the world you knew would eventually die in the memories of the few humans who would in turn die out without being able to ensure an offspring.
Only you would be left to remember this humanity. And if you dared to hope that the memories of the apes around you would be passed down through the generations, there was little hope that humans would live on in their memories and the tales you imagined would come to life around the rise of simian societies.
Perhaps that's what prompted you to bring back that camera. A Polaroid you knew would only last a year, or as long as you could find enough to keep it going between the batteries and photo paper it consumed with every click to capture an event, a group of apes fishing, or the sometimes gigantic wooden constructions rising several meters above your head.
Those pictures that were instantly printed would stay. They would tell the story. They would remember the time when humanity had been turned upside down and could not turn back. They would remember the new world that was being built under your admiring gaze. And they wouldn't forget. They wouldn't forget what the world had been, what humans had done and what the world was about to become.
It was important. You couldn't fully imagine how significant it was, but you'd been steeped in history classes and there was something comforting about knowing about a past you'd never witnessed. Perhaps because it was proof… the only proof of the existence of the past.
And if you'd been willing to give up the humanity you'd lived in, you weren't yet ready to forget its existence.
Through the lens, you could see the symbol made from pieces of wood hanging at the entrance to the village. A circle containing the shape of a four-pointed star. The symbol of Caesar, his words and the ideology he embodied. It was the kind of memory one shouldn't forget.
“Why… symbol?”
A sudden jolt.
Your finger pressed the button, completely out of focus on the image you'd just tried to center, and the click was followed by the distinctive sound of a photo printing. Your eyes turned for a second to the owner of the baritone voice as an amused sigh escaped your lips when you saw the blurred picture emerge from the polaroid.
“Because it's important.” You answered casually, a small smile on your face.
Caesar puffed through his nostrils, lips pursed in a brief upward movement as he tried to grasp the interest you had behind every picture you took. He'd seen it all before, thanks to Will. He knew humans liked that sort of thing even if it made no sense to him.
“It's important to remember.”
You went on, again looking into the lens to adjust the image of the symbol. This time, the photo came out clearly and the four-pointed star stood proudly in the center, the angle of the picture making it even more imposing than it was.
Caesar remained silent, his face eternally scowling, but you had a well-trained eye, you spotted a certain curiosity well hidden in the corner of his solemn gaze and you handed him the picture with a big smile.
“Long from now, the apes will be able to remember, thanks to this photo.” You carried on, lowering the camera to observe with your own eyes the life of the apes displayed in front of you.
Caesar listened carefully, and the ridge of his eyes hardened, puzzled by your words.
“Why… keep… the past?”
A very human notion, certainly. What's the point of remembering what yesterday was when today brings everything you need? And you seemed to be asking yourself the same question. Caesar didn't often see you with your eyebrows furrowed, your facial features slightly tense as your eyes sought a suitable answer to give him. Your hand went to the back of your neck to try and soothe the tension in your muscles, and he knew from this simple gesture that you were going to need time to build up a thought that you probably hadn't even considered yet.
You kept this attitude only in those moments when a simple question made you question again everything you were sure of, and Caesar took a certain pride in it. An ape making a human doubt. There was something exhilarating behind this feat. Even if you'd never seemed narrow-minded in your ideas, it was pleasant to see you reflect on a notion that seemed so obvious to you.
Humans were always like that. Sure of themselves and their beliefs. Confident that their values were the best, without questioning for a second their credibility or the nuances that might exist.
Why remember the past? What was the point of knowing about the advent of human societies? The horrors and destructive wars? The great names of men and women who have left their mark on history in one way or another? The great dates, whether of atrocity or freedom?
And beyond human history, and in the more mundane events of everyday life, what was the point of remembering our childhood home? Or that old aunt telling of her travels to the other side of the world? Or that birthday when nobody came?
Your fingers traveled to your wristband, tracing the outlines of the polished bone pieces under Caesar's gaze. If not for this wristband, or this lame hip, what would drive you to remember why Caesar and his kind had taken you under their wings? There was nothing else. Your body had forgotten the torture and pain. There was nothing tangible to prove the existence of abuse apart from that wristband and that hip. The brain was quick enough to forget what was of no use to it or what was too painful to remain in living memory. And if the brain forgot, if there was nothing to remind it to remember, how could one prove the existence of what had been?
And… why should one prove it?
“Because it existed… and… if we forget, how could we do any better?”
Caesar snorted, and you watched his eyes widen dubiously. Had humans done better? He wasn't very knowledgeable about humanity's past, and on second thought, maybe he wasn't interested enough: whatever had been, good or bad today, that's what was important.
“Humans… have they done better?”
Caesar was skeptical, and had every reason to be. On second glance, perhaps humans were doing worse today. The lesson was never learned, and the human was diving headfirst back into his bad habits, making sure to choke on them. This made you smile. His skepticism was right in spite of you, and you even suspected that he knew more about the human species than you did.
“No,” you answered with a giggle. “But apes might.”
There was a glimmer of hope in your eyes. The human cause was lost, and had been for a long time. Even before the virus had spread, humanity had already begun to dig its own grave. Beyond the wars and hatred, the Earth itself was rotting from the inside out under the impact of the human hand. It had only ever been a matter of time before humanity came to the end of its reign.
You weren't even sorry to see your species die out. You were only sorry that it was taking everything else with it.
There was a form of supplication in your eyes. Let the apes do better. Better than wars, better than hatred, better than the destruction of nature, better than the aggressive ambition of some men, better than… the human species in all its consequences.
Caesar raised his head proudly. He was sure of one thing: apes were, in all their consequences, better than humans.
“Apes… don't need… to remember… to do better.”
His gruff voice was adamant, and despite his assurance, a twinge of anxiety settled in the pit of your stomach. How could one do better if no one remembered what had been? You looked up at him, and couldn't help admiring the self-assured features Caesar wore on his face. Broad-shouldered and imposing, his chest puffed out in defiance of anyone who wished to argue with him, what would become of simian society if he were no longer present in the minds of the apes?
You saw it every day. All you had to do was say his name and the apes would bend their backs without batting an eyelid. But none were afraid of him. Caesar had earned the respect of his people because they knew how, thanks to him, they had won their freedom. They respected him and his words, because they remembered.
“In 300 years, don't you want to become the legend of Grumpy Caesar?”
Your gently teasing laugh was greeted by a grumble, probably offended by the nickname you kept harping into his ears, but for the benevolent smile that followed every time, Caesar could never take it the wrong way. It was you, and he'd learned that your words of affection sometimes resembled those teasing words. Those words always followed by a slight, playful shove of the back of your hand against his biceps as your lips stretched happily. He'd also noticed that this was the only time you dared to touch him. And that made him smile.
To become a legend, there was no such thing in the minds of the apes. When his body had breathed the last breath of oxygen that life would grant him, and the sun had decided to stop shining on him, the apes would find another sturdy branch on which to stand. This was how it was meant to be, and his name would become nothing more than the caress of the wind, forgotten once it had gone by.
“Too faraway, apes will forget.”
Caesar preferred to sign these words. Sign language always seemed to have a deeper meaning. When audible words didn't speak loud enough to resonate emotions swallowed up far beneath the ribcage, signs spoke with more truth. A truth that seemed very heavy to you.
The apes will forget. Perhaps that was the truest and saddest thing of all. His name will crumble in the memory of the apes like wood devoured by growing flames. And once the wood has shattered, it will simply lie in a pile of ashes, waiting for the breeze to carry it away and scatter it as it pleases until there's nothing left.
It was his truth. At least, if there was nothing to remind them of him. Your eyes fell on the camera hanging around your neck before settling back on Caesar. He was looking at his people the way he looked at his sons, and if that's all it took to save his name, whether he understood it or not, you'd immortalize the little stones that were building his empire as many times as he'd let you.
An empire shaped like a ship to endure the years, and when it was the captain's turn to walk the plank to fulfill the ocean's call, the rudder had slipped into your hands. And you accepted it. You knew that sailing against wind and tide would be an arduous task. You knew it. And it seemed to you that you had fought well. Sails wide open to catch as much wind as possible and the remaining crew paddling hard against the pull of fallen anchors. The endeavor had been going on for a long time.
For so long.
For too long.
Every crew member was an anchor desperately dragged along by the ship you were trying to keep afloat until the mainsail gave way. The increasing weight and the fading wind had worn away the fabric until only the tatters floated scattered in the wind. And the boat that had sailed at full speed for so long found itself slowing down… more and more, until the natural swell of the blue vastness became its only driving force.
No matter whether you wanted to go to port or starboard, the ocean pushed the boat in the direction it thought best without ever consulting you, sometimes leading it into storms where the sea grew high above the masts. You often watched helplessly as the huge waves crashed over the deck, washing away the rubble that an earlier storm had caused, and soon, shipwreck would be bound to occur.
How long had you been at the helm before you let go? A rudder that had let you down long before you gave up. And how long had you just watched that rudder go from left to right at the mercy of the ocean without doing anything about it?
You weren’t sure how to act upon it. As natural as it had been in the past, navigating Caesar’s memory again across this ocean had become a mystery.
If time hadn’t run its best sprint, perhaps there would have been a time when explaining would have been easy.
But today…
Today, the sand bank on the horizon might just become a mere illusion.
Your glassy gaze fell on Raka as he watched your fingers run over the frame and brush against Caesar's image. Such a simple question demanded an equally simple answer. But was it really? Telling them that you'd known him would most certainly trigger a cataclysm that would turn your dilapidated ship upside down, and you were already lacking strength at the mere thought of having to put it back afloat. Swimming to the end of an endless journey was not in your plans, even if the countdown to impact was already ticking away in front of your eyes.
Raka's green eyes eventually found yours, and a series of soft hootings encouraged you to speak as you could only swallow as you spoke anxiously.
“ What about you… how do you know them?”
You watched his gaze slide from your eyes to Noa's, who was listening to your conversation with great interest. His curious stare dropped like a domino to the gauntlet on his left hand, and with a precise gesture, Noa pulled out a pendant crafted from what looked like white wood.
A pendant in the shape of…
“The order of Caesar, naturally!” Raka exclaimed as if it was an obvious fact.
A four-pointed star.
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Genshin Men react to Their Thirsty fanart?😊
Ooooooo oh my gosh I love this!!! I hope you liked the characters I picked! If you'd like to see others just let me know! <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Reacting to their thirsty fanarts~༺}
A/n: Slightly suggestive! A lot of characters this time because I went alittle crazy! (None of the artwork in this is mine! If you look in the reblogs the artists names are there! All credit goes to them and thank you again to that person who sourced them for me!)
(Includes: Diluc, Lyney, Albedo, Wanderer, Kazuha, Childe and Neuvillette!)
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Diluc would clear his throat, inspecting the picture while his cheeks became tinted with a light pink colour, his hand running through his firey red hair as he tried to think of what to say, settling with a safer answer. "Well...this is certainly a very amazing piece of artwork. It does however seem a bit...suggestive...flattering yes, but not very true to life. I've personally never held my claymore in that way or sat in that particular.. position. Still, I thank you respectfully for taking your time to draw me...even if it might have given others a bit to much...inspiration."
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Lyney would take one look at the picture, a smirk playing on his lips as his violet eyes clouded over with mischief and flattery, possibly even a tad bit of lust, "Seems I've caught the attention of some incredible artists, their work is truly magnifique! Hmm..., because they've drawn me so beautifully and one of the main things a magician is supposed to do is please his watchers, I'll do a little comparison between the art and myself...so you can all see it for real~" He'd tip his hat before starting to recreate the pose, arching his back slightly and winking in your direction, his finger up against his mouth as he shushed you, his other hand holding the ace of hearts just right so you could see it. Seems he enjoys the attention the fanarts give him, even to the point of hoping everyone will creat more~
(...is he wearing bottoms in this picture? Cause like I'm not gonna lie...I'm not really sure...)
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"Goodness..." Albedo would stare at the artwork of himself for a moment, trying to collect his words as even his pale skin turned cherry red. His voice would be shaky because of his flustered state and he'd mess up words whenever he glanced at the picture, but eventually he'd manage to say this,"I don't really know where t-to begin, I mean the art itself is impeccable, v-very stylised...and ehem...the artist clearly...k-knows their anatomy. I-...thank you for drawing me." He'd look away, his heart racing in his chest and his mind plagued with new thoughts like...would he actually look good in that situation...would people want to see it...should he...try it?
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Wanderer would look at the picture, his eyebrows furrowing and his mouth hanging open for a second, "W-what the hell is this?!? Why am I w-wet in it??? Perverts!" He'd clench his hands into fists, putting on quite the show as he tossed the drawing behind him and stomped away like he's just been highly offended...even though deep down, he found it slightly...appealing. To think someone actually had the nerve to draw him so scandalously...perhaps he'd have to find the artists who had done so, just to show them how wrong of a choice they'd made~
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"Oh my..." Kazuha would say, a blush spreading across his face and his calm personality faltering for just a second, before he quickly recomposed himself, scratching the back of his neck nervously as he chose the best words to say, "The art is very beautiful, I must say they've flattered me alot though...I don't truthfully look like that...not nearly as handsome. As for the marks...on the n-neck, I don't currently have any..." He'd probably mean that last sentence as a means to say he wasn't currently in a relationship, but to anyone who had heard it...they took it as a invitation to give him some~
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Childe would smile happily, leaning back against the wall with his arms crossed and his chest slightly puffed up with pride, "Comrades please, you all make me blush, the art is wonderful and in no small part because I'm in it...,but I assure you the real thing is better. I win, even in regards to myself.." He'd wink at you, leaving you captivated by his charm even though what he had said sounded silly.
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Neuvillette would look at the art for awhile, his purple hued eyes widening as he scanned it into his memory and rested his chin in his hand, his long white hair drapping over his shoulders as he wondered if someone had caught him changing, since how could they make something so accurate otherwise... "Apologies, but where did you get this again? The drawing itself is indeed very beautiful and well crafted, I believe the artist who made this should be very proud...I'm just curious how they know what I look like shirtless...and who else might know as well."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚I hope you enjoyed*⁠.⁠✧
(Open!) Taglist: @kiokiee
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simlicious · 7 months
Personal update about my anxiety
Time for another personal update! At the moment, I'm not really in a creative mood and my projects are all resting.
I am working on more stuff in my real life, including cleaning/decluttering my apartment and working through an anxiety app which will hopefully get me to start exposure (though I shudder at the thought alone). The funny thing is, the app is for social anxiety, and I do have some social anxiety, but I think I mainly have agoraphobia (but there is no medical app available for this at the moment, so I took the next best thing). The app said: "Let's make a gradual steps plan, you first choose a very easy step, then one that is a little harder and harder, and so on until the hardest step comes at the top." And for the easiest step, it actually suggested one of my hardest steps: going into a store, buying something, and interacting with the cashier. Checkouts give me such anxiety. I once had a full-blown panic attack because I couldn't remember the PIN number for my credit or debit card. And I very rarely get panic attacks. Luckily, my brother was present and he was able to pay for me while I almost hyperventilated and tears were streaming down my face. Generally, I start sweating and get shaky hands which does not help while handling cards and remembering pin numbers. I get tunnel vision and cannot focus on anything that is going on around me. Sometimes, blood rushes in my ears so I have a hard time picking up whether someone is saying anything. Then, all items need to be put into bags at lightning speed, and I always fear that I am not fast enough and that everyone else in line is annoyed and angry with me and this makes me even more nervous. Putting things away with shaky hands is tough! So I send my boyfriend shopping for me or buy online most of the time. If I absolutely must, I can go shopping with one of my loved ones because I feel a tiny bit calmer and know I have a safety net with me. They can also help me put stuff in my bags. But alone? That's nightmare fuel for me. Same thing with using public transportation, I just can't do it. I also have a very hard time sitting in waiting rooms at the doctor's office, I get so tense and do not know what to do with myself. Oh, and I also have severe anxiety when I need to make a phone call 😫 But all that is seriously impacting my life, as you can imagine. And I want to change something.
Since the app is not helpful with suggestions for my gradually harder steps to take, I have to come up with my own, and it is harder than I thought! All the things I think about are really hard for me, I cannot think of less hard steps to take 😣 Even just going outside without a destination/going out by myself is also anxiety-inducing for me. I feel like I am watched all the time, I get tense and my thoughts start racing or going in circles. This also happens while I am in a store to shop for something. I get paralysed sometimes with decision fatigue and if someone else comes into the same aisle, I have the urge to run away instantly. I get so distracted that I need to spend way more time in a store than usual and this is of course not making me calmer. I am just super exhausted after going shopping! I am proud that I leave the house twice a week now to go for a walk with my best friend though. We have just established a second day of the week this year, and we still do not go twice every week, but pretty often, which is great. And I love to walk in nature, it calms me (if there aren't too many other people around). 😊 I am also making progress with my borked sleep cycle. I am a night owl 🦉, but being awake the whole night clashes a lot with my family's plans. I have tried for months to shift it, but in the last one to two weeks, I actually made real progress and went to bed 2 to 3 hours earlier than normal, which is really huge for me! I found out that there are lots of free audiobooks on YouTube that authors upload themselves. So one hour before I want to sleep, I put one on, set a shutdown timer of 60 minutes so it will turn off after that time, and then go to bed and listen to it until I fall asleep. This has motivated me enough to actually go to bed earlier.
As a result, I get more daylight and I am more inclined to do housework, which I also struggle with in general, so this is really great! I am focusing more on that now. I also started playing Subnautica again, but I can only play for a few hours on end because it can get pretty intense. I kinda want to play Sims 4 again (weird, I know). My anxiety app wants me to think more positively, so instead of thinking that it is no use updating my mods because the minute I do, another patch drops anyway and I have to start all over, I should think more positively. I will probably drop the game after playing for a day anyway, so it does not need to stay updated for long! Maybe downloading and updating mods is more fun than actually playing anyway? 😆
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peakyltd · 1 year
Hello, Daisy! ❤️.
May I request this prompt "I can braid your hair for you- I mean, only if you want." + Arthur? I know this man has a soft side 🥺. Maybe he's telling that to his wife/girlfriend?
Thanks in advance 😊. Have a beautiful day!
Hi Flor! Thank you so much for your request!🥰 Gosh this prompt is so fitting for Arthur, I love his soft side 🥹
A/N: Here's some pure fluff for all of you. I loved writing soft Arthur. I take no credit for the GIF! This GIF is made by @alicent-targaryen and you can find the full post here!
Warnings: None
Word count: 1532
Anything for you
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(Y/N) shivered as she entered the house. She had just finished feeding the chickens after a day full of gardening. It was getting colder and although she loved to be outside in the sun, she couldn't wait to spend more time inside in front of the fireplace with Arthur.
She took her coat of and hung it on the rack, making her way to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. As she finished it, she took the cup and moved to the living room.
The fireplace had warmed the cosy space, a clear difference with the temperature outside. She sat down on the sofa and took her book from the wooden side table.
She was focused on the words in front of her when the sound of the creaking door got her attention. “Ello, love.”
(Y/N) turned around and saw Arthur standing in the room. “Hello, darling.” She smiled. “I didn’t expect you to be this early. How was your day?” She asked him as she put her book down on the sofa.
Arthur kissed the top of her head before sitting down next to her. “It took less time than I thought.” He smiled. “It was good. Busy.” He answered as he leaned back, his arms leaning on the back of the soft cushions
“Would you like a cup of tea?” “Yes.” He answered. “It’s chilly outside.” “It is.” (Y/N) agreed, getting up to get a cup of tea.
Arthur took her book from the sofa, curious what she was reading. While he inspected the book, (Y/N) walked back in. “There you go.”
He looked up at her and put the book down, taking the cup from her. She leaned down to give him a kiss. “I’m glad you’re home.” She told him while sitting back down.
Arthur smiled. “How was your day, love?” “Good, I finally finished the dress I was working on and I did some gardening today."
“Really? The green one?” “Yes!” (Y/N) excitedly answered. “I will show it to you later. It’s very pretty though I say so myself.”
Arthur took a sip of his tea, chuckling at how excited she was about her dress. “It took me ages to finish it.” She added. “Then I have to take you out sometime, don’t you think?” Arthur asked.
“Oh yes, I would love that!” She exclaimed with joy. “How about Friday night?” He questioned her. “Sounds like a plan.”
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(Y/N) was looking at herself in the mirror, satisfied with how she looked for tonight. The dress that she had worked on for so long, complimented her figure and her make up highlighted the features of her face.
She couldn’t wait to show Arthur the dress, she had kept it to herself a little longer so she could surprise him on their date.
“Arthur?” (Y/N) called out for him. “Yes, love?” A muffled voice came from downstairs. “Can you come, please?”
She heard footsteps coming up the stairs, as soon as she heard him approach the door, she opened it. There stood Arthur in his black suit, a surprised expression on his face.
“Bloody hell, (Y/N).” Arthur looked her up and down. “You look fucking gorgeous.” He breathed out, earning a giggle from her. “And you made it all by yourself?”
“I did.” She smiled. He couldn’t help but stare at her, he still couldn’t believe the beautiful woman in front of him stuck with him for such a long time and loved him for him.
“Arthur?” She giggled. “Hm?” “I asked if you found your cufflinks already.” She answered. “My- oh yes.” He lifted his arm to show her the sleeves of his dress shirt. “Right there.” He added while tapping them.
“Great. Lets see if I didn’t forget anything.” She said as she walked back to her vanity table to get her clutch. Arthur watched her, a smile on his lips.
As she made her way back to the door, she catched Arthur looking at her. “Are you ready to go?” “Almost, I just need to do this.” Arthur said before pressing a firm kiss on her lips.
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Their night had been amazing. They danced and had a few drinks, their minds occupied with each other and forgetting about their daily troubles.
(Y/N) loved going out with Arthur, whether it was an event for the company, a night at the Garrison or just a simple walk, she didn’t mind as long as he was there.
The same thing went for Arthur. He enjoyed his night with her. His heart swell at the sight of her laughing about something he told her and he loved to see the smile on her face when they were dancing.
He wouldn’t admit it to her but he liked to show her off. He liked to see the faces of the men who were watching them. Showing them that they would never have a chance. Although somewhere he was scared she would suddenly change her mind someday.
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Once they arrived home, (Y/N) decided to go upstairs to change. She took off her shoes and sat down on the bed, a content sigh falling from her lips.
“Did you enjoy your night?” Arthur asked her as he walked into their shared bedroom. He took of his suit jacket and sat down next to her.
“I did, I loved it.” She smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips. Arthur returned the favor. “Me too, love.”
“What if I’ll get changed and maybe we could have a drink downstairs after?” She asked him. “Can’t say no that that, eh?” He smiled at her.
(Y/N) took of her dress, with a little insisted help from Arthur. She put on her nightgown and robe and sat down at her vanity table. She took her brush and carefully brushed her hair.
Arthur watched her, the serenity of what was in front of him made him feel calm. He could watch her do the simplest things and it would make him feel at ease.
(Y/N) put down her brush and starting braiding her hair to keep it from knotting. She started the braid on the back of her head but soon enough her arms started to become tired.
She sighed as she started over. Her next attempt didn’t turn out for the better and she let her arms rest on the table for a minute.
“I can braid your hair for you.” Arthur offered. “-I mean only if you want.” (Y/N) looked at him trough the mirror. “Really?” She asked. “Yeah.”
“Well, okay.” She smiled at him. “Do you know how to braid?” She asked, not too sure about his ability. “A little bit, I’ve braided Ada’s hair before when she was little.” He told her, a smile forming on his lips.
“I didn’t know that.” “It’s my secret talent.” He joked. “Oh really? Do you have more secret talents.” She asked. “Most of them you already know, love.” He said as he got up, a small smirk played on his face.
(Y/N) chuckled, shaking her head. “I guess I’m very lucky that my man has so many talents then.” “That, my love, you are.” He agreed, brushing his fingers trough his hair, separating three strands.
Arthur carefully braided her hair, it felt soft between his fingers. These kind of moments reminded him of simpler times. Sometimes he wished he could go back and live a peaceful life together with (Y/N). On the other hand, they would never had achieved what they have now.
As Arthur was in deep thoughts, a strand of her hair got stuck between his fingers which resulted in him pulling it a bit too hard. “I’m sorry.” He immediately apologized to her. He looked in the mirror, making sure she was okay. “Don’t worry, it didn’t hurt that much.” She assured him.
He carefully continued until he finished the braid. “You’re all set.” He said, proudly looking at her braid. “I’ve still got it.” He smiled.
(Y/N) took the braid and put it over her shoulder. “It’s so pretty!” She smiled, turning sideways to look at the rest of her hair in the mirror.
“You’re amazing!” She happily exclaimed as she got up. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome, love.” Arthur replied, sneaking his arms around her waist as hers found their way around his neck.
“You do know that this won’t be the last time you’ll have to do this?” She jokingly questioned him. “I don’t mind, I’d do anything for you.” He told her as he stroked her back.
“What did I do to deserve such an amazing man like you?” She wondered as she looked into his eyes. “You mean what did I do to deserve you.” He corrected her.
“I love you so much.” “I love you too, darling.” Arthur smiled as they stared in each others eyes.
The loving gaze of the woman in front of him made him feel so many things at once but one of the best things was, that a man like him could be loved by a woman like her and he never had to worry about her changing her mind.
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cdmagic1408 · 24 days
Hey peeps, Quest Masters, followers, and all!
I know I've been gone for like...a YEAR. Life's been super crazy, you have NO idea. But not gonna get into all that. Just gonna say I’ve been good, been healing, then really good, happy, and off social media (it’s never really been my thing, so…) 😄
But I promise you I'm not dead! Rather, I've come back from the dead to say that I looked at today's date and just so happened to realize— OMG! It has been exactly three years since I published the first chapter of my Onward fan-novel, If You Trust Me! Wow!
I have found myself in other fandoms as an observer in this last year (maybe I’ll share what they are someday, but not yet), but first, I just wanna say that Onward is still my favorite Pixar film AND my favorite film ever, that hasn’t changed. I still think about it everyday and love it very much. But yeah, I have moved on to other things these days…
Second, and most importantly— I have decided that today, on the anniversary of IYTM’s publishing phase, I wanted to make a very teeny tiny adjustment to its title…
I have always called it, If You Trust Me - An Onward Fanfiction. But in the now-three years since I first shared this story with you all, I’ve come to realize that it really is much more than just a fanfiction—it’s a fan-NOVEL. 33 chapters, plus a prologue and a mid-credits scene. A year and a half to write. A story I wanted to make as authentic as possible to the world of Onward we know and love. It is no mere fanfic.
That said, I hereby rename the long title of this story to If You Trust Me - An Onward Fan-Novel! And to my fellow QMs, if any of you are still out there and reading this, I have you all to thank for it. You guys were the first to really call it a "fan-novel" in the first place, and now in official type, it IS a fan-novel! I know we’ve all kinda moved on and everything, but seeing as it's been a while, I just wanna take the time to thank you all for being there for me in the Onward era of my life. You know who you are. Whenever I look back on all the times we had together, I think of only the good times. There were many good, if not great, things we did and accomplished together as a fellowship and I'll never forget that. As rough as life is and as strange as this world is and will continue to be, I can confidently say now that after taking some time, I only see the good in what we experienced in the end ❤️‍🔥
Lastly, there really aren’t enough words or thanks I can give to show how grateful I am of this fan-novel. Writing it, publishing it, having it read, shared, liked, and all that. I haven’t forgotten about that either.
I am still very proud of this story, and always will be. It helped me grow as a writer, and it was something I wanted to do for myself and for all Quest Masters/Onward fans out there. So to put it simply, thank you. And if there’s anyone who hasn’t read it yet and would like to, by all means! Trust me (no pun intended) when I say that it is a LOT better than all of the incest fics combined. If You Trust Me is a story for anyone who absolutely loves the world of Onward and is looking for something that totally feels like it! ✨
I guess the very last thing I’ll say is, I am well aware that this coming March, Onward will be turning 5 (AHHHHHH! I was Barley’s age (19) when this first came out, whaaaaaaaaaaat) and since that is a big year, I might want to do something special for that. I’m not sure what it will be yet, but I believe I could do something. A long in-hindsight written reflection perhaps? Or an ensemble cast drawing? Both? I haven’t decided yet.
But yeah, that’s it from me for now. I am not planning on posting anything more later, tomorrow, or anytime soon. This isn’t an “I’m back and here to stay” post necessarily. More like a “hello, it’s been a while, but I’m doing well and I just wanted to let you all know that, plus it's an anniversary” post 😊 That’s all folks!
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The gentle stag Spell of Love
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The gentle stag Spell of Love
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Pairing: Keith x MC Part of : My Ikemen Valentine Gift Exchange hosted by @ikemenlibrary
Gift for @keithsandwich, I really hope you may like it 🤗
Tag: First Date Folk Festival Dancing Realization of feelings Confession of feelings Double personality First Kiss Fluff
Word Count : 3.696
Author’s Note: A festival in the countryside gives Keith a wonderful occasion to discover more about her Kingdom and about her, the one and only girl that captured his hearts.
His shyness and doubts left him prey to his anxiety as a more wicked determined side of him switched in to find a fitting epilogue to their sweet story.
All the while the romantic atmosphere of the festival and a slow dance pave the way for a romantic confession he didn't shy away from, obtaining a reward for daring so much with an unforgettable first kiss, prelude to many more, led by the powerful spell of love. 🥰
Side Note : All the images were found on Pinterest-Google and I was unable to find the source, please if any of you know the owner tell me and I will provide to give the artist the credit for the image.
I really hope you will like it and even though I worked it with MC I couldn't help but picture Maeve and Keith while writing that. 🤗
Tag list @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome  @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @natimiles @nightghoul381 @dragon-liquorice @candied-boys
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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“It's not a date.”
-Yeah, continue to tell yourself that maybe it will come true.
“Please.” I wail with no avail as he continues, relentless to speak his mind
-Come on, have you seen the way she looks at us?
“No I haven’t.” I told him, straightening my shirt a bit more forcefully than necessary, sighing heavily as I tried to brush out the wrinkles my fingers caused, hoping she wouldn't see them.
-You are even more dense than I thought you were then, failure.
“Please … stop calling me that.” 
I struggle to breathe properly. Urgently, I clutch one hand over my heart to tame its painful beating, stumbling in my hurry to turn away from the mirror I fell onto the bed.
Its softness welcomed my ungraceful tumble without complaints as I hid my face in my hands, no desire to see my pathetic self, eyes wet with tears, as usual.
After a minute of quiet I fret over going to the wardrobe to finish readying myself, with meticulous attention, I check every possible choice of clothing once again.
After all, I don't want to make her feel embarrassed.
I sigh softly, smiling at my reflection in the mirror, feeling confident in my choice of clothing.
‘What does she even see in me?” I wonder, my mood dropping slightly at the though but I quickly shook my head, trying to get rid of the depressing thoughts; I had to be in a good mood, I would hate to ruin our date.
Damn now that I called it that I can’t ignore it anymore. Even now, I have to acknowledge that it’s a date.                                                              I pace through my room trying to find an appropriate gift to bring her, even though I know she will tell me I don’t need to. I want to make her happy.
-You know she will like everything coming from you right?
“I do but I want it to be special.”
-Because it’s a date?
“Yes… No… I don’t know. You’re teasing me...” 
-There is no need to hide your love for her. After all, I am quite smitten with her too.
“Please don’t cause trouble. She is so kind and sweet I would hate it if she ended up hating us.”
-I know but I can’t help it’s too entertaining to see her flustered. 
“You should help me.”
-And why is that?
“Because … you said it yourself, you love her too.”
-The way we show love can’t be more different.  Moreover it's not like either of us have her complaining.
“No but… Please. I need your help.” I whine hoping for once he will listen to me because I couldn’t do this without him.
-Don't worry, I won't do anything that will scare her away. I would hate to see her scared of us.
Those last few words were murmured so softly I didn't think I heard it right but knowing him I let them fall instead of trying to convince him to repeat them, and explain more of what he meant.
“Thank you.”
-I’m doing it for her, not you. Just remember that.
“I know, but still, thank you.”
-Yeah that's all beautiful and all but now, focus on finding a gift for her, maybe something you could confess our feelings with.
“Great idea.”
The sound of a soft knock at the door sent me spiraling into panic in my haste to go to open the door for her. 
I trip over the sofa and as I lift myself back to my feet, I notice the clock signing the sun has already set.
She was probably checking on me to pick me up to go to the festival.
I hope she won’t think bad of me for making her wait.
I hope she didn’t come to tell me she changed her mind chosing me as her companion for the party, what if …
My gaze ran to the door as I heard it crack open.
I let out a sigh of relief at the familiar weary expression of Liam, looking back at me.
“She said she is ready and is waiting for you in the foyer.”
“Ah. Thank you.”
He must have noticed the state of misshapen I was in. It isn’t the first time he had to see such a pathetic side of me.
Luckily for me he never told anyone about it, limiting himself to reassure me with words I needed to hear, like now.
“She is pretty excited to go out with you tonight. I hope you will have fun too.”
“Thank you, Liam. I am happy to hear that. I will do my best.”
Right when I am about to ask him to escort me to greet her, my eyes fall on a vase of flowers on my desk, with confident strides I pick a bouquet of red roses and some daisies before wrapping a red ribbon around it, hoping from the bottom of my heart she will like it and also will understand the meaning of the flowers that I picked thinking only of her.
My heart raced faster in my chest at each step that brought me closer to her.
I was lost in my mind when I caught a glimpse of her stopping me on my track, as the air got stolen from my lungs at her sight.
She always looked beautiful to me … but now dressed in a jade long velvet gown hugging her curves to perfection she was utterly breathtaking.
Hesitancy taunts me as I follow my butler, feeling once more undeserving to be next to her let alone be the object of her attention.
“You are really beautiful tonight.” 
My words tumbled out of my tongue before I could stop them, gifting me a spectacle unlike any other, a light blush spread on her cheek, she did her best to hide behind her fan but in vain, while a bashful smile curl her soft red lips as she looked up at me.
“Thank you Keith. You are gorgeous too.” 
She really had a way with words, and even though I still don’t believe to be so handsome myself when she compliments me I start to believe I am, at least to her, and this to me is more than enough.
I scratch the back of my neck, before mustering enough courage to offer her the flower I hastily had hidden behind my back.
I do my best to not stutter but my voice remains but a feeble murmur as I hand her my gift, fidgeting with my fingers waiting with bated breath for her answer.
“These are for you. I heard here in  Rhodolite usually men bring flowers on their dates. They are not much but I really do hope you like them.”
“Oh Keith They are gorgeous.”
Her eyes lit up like a child as she bring them carefully to her chest raising them up to inhale their sweet scent, her smile  so pure and warm to outshone the sun, engulfing me in a cozy hug like the ones I rarely receive, her happiness the biggest reward I could ever receive shining bright piercing through the darkness of self doubt and insecurity in me.
After a while she spoke once more while a sparkle of excitement swam in her gaze.
“I really do hope today’s date will succeed your expectations. The countryside is such a spectacle in summer and I wished to show it to you, since you said you would have liked to know more about it. Aboe all I hope you will have fun … with me.”
I don’t miss the way the words tumble from her lips, almost as she is scared I will be dissatisfied with the visit, nor the way her pearl like teeth sank in her bottom lip, as she fidgete nervously with the hem of her sleeves.
I really am grateful for her thoughtfulness but there is no way I wouldn't like it if she was with me. Even if she were to bring me to the borest party in the world, I would still treasure that moment we spent together.
“I am more than sure I will like it. I trust your judgment about beauty far more than mine and this makes me even more eager to see it for myself.”
The sun returned to her features as she hooks her hand on the arms I offered her, chatting all the way in the long carriage ride that will bring us far from the city landscapes and into the wild, for a spectacle I am more than sure it will be worth the wait.
Once we reach our destination I am the first to descend from the carriage offering her my hand, she takes with a graceful bow of her head, thanking me in her sweet voice.
The scenery was like spots of paint in the vivid tableau.
Luscious green hills and trees extended before my eyes, reflecting in the light waves of the lake as a fresh breeze blew over it scattering petals in the wind along their sweet scent.
Everything was so beautiful and yet nothing was even remotely comparable to her.
As we walked side by side I stole a glance her way.
She really is the most gorgeous sight of them all.
Her soft curls cascading over her shoulder ever so softly while her bright trusting eyes looked at everything with so much wonder I  am left speechless almost as she was seeing it for the first time.
Even though I know it is not having discovered her identity, luckily, without retorting to anything I would have felt guilty of.
“I hope you will enjoy yourself tonight.”
As ever her sweet voice was like a wind chime ringing in the wind, soft and yet thrilling a light amidst darkness, taking me out of my overthinking habit. 
“I don’t doubt I will, everything is fun when we are together.”
She stopped right in her tracks looking up at me. 
The realisation of what I said sank in shamefully so.
I clamp my hand over my lips, paying no mind to my trembling fingers as I press them further into my cheek. 
Gosh I must have sounded like a creep, of course I have, now she will hate me… 
“Ahahah.” Her laugh interrupted my anxious thoughts spiraling out of control before they could lead me to switch. Feigning nonchalance, I slide my hand over my chest, hoping to tame the wild beating of my heart admiring the gorgeous smile shining bright on her lips, reaching that gorgeous gem her eyes were.
“I am so glad to know you think that because, you see… I feel the same.”
There is a hint of shyness in her words as she looks up at me taking my hand in hers. I’ve never been more aware of how delicate and yet strong she is all at once. 
Not like me, big and dumb …
My thoughts are once more scattered to the winds as I feel her plush lips melt on my cheek.
Wonderful. Now I am the one who is flustered, like it’s anything new to me, yet this time I find myself unable to tame the racing of my heart as that soft kiss still lingers on my skin and her perfume surrounds me. 
Sweet intoxication… I wouldn’t skip an occasion to lose myself in this moment,and so I do.
I close my eyes letting her sweet scent invade my nostrils reaching to cup her face with trembling fingers taking in the softness of her locks as I lay ever so softly my lips on her hair, revelling in the soft laugh escaping her.
Slowly I pulled back, a sudden rush of bravery surged in me. I took her hand in mine, smiling shyly as I felt her soft fingers entwine with mine paying little to no mind to everything else.
The village we found ourselves in was nothing short of a sight to behold, straight out from a fairytale.
Flowers of all colors cascaded from balconies, magical ornaments of golden and silver shined at each corner while lanterns hanged around the streets bathing it in a warm suffused light, a cacophony of chats and laugh reached my ears mixed with a suffused music I strain my ear to get where it comes from, smiling as the pleasant scent of cotton candy invaded my nostrils.
In no time at all we were both laughing like children, trying to eat a very soft and big cloud of it without mess … almost.
“I always loved cotton candy.” She sigh in satisfaction taking a bite out of it
“Me too, I rarely had the occasion to go to festivals but I remember always looking out for it too.”
A shadow of nostalgia clouded over the bright sun over my eyes, as I remember with fondness such an easy time when I didn’t feel like I was a failure… Not so completely as I did thereafter.
Startled by something warm pressing against my chest I look down, smiling fondly as I see her hugging me.
Mindlessly I took her cotton candy stick in one hand before wrapping one arm around her.
“Thank you.” I brush a soft kiss on her hair, reassuring her with a smile, missing her warmth the moment she stepped away.
To dispel the awkwardness she must have felt, noticing it in the bashful look she sent my way, I offered the candy cloud back to her, smiling at her soft murmur.
“Thank you.”
“My favourite flavour was caramel, but everything was fine to me as long as it was sweet. Yours?
“Strawberry.” Sun returned in her eyes as she gave a bite out of her pink fluffy cloud, smiling at me as to prove her point.
She really was so adorable I couldn’t help but reach to touch her cheeks, brushing off a dust of sugar staining the corner of her lips.
I would have been too startled from my own actions per usual but the sight of her blushing smiling bashfully at me and her gorgeous gaze filled with affection as she looked up at me occupied all my thoughts, making my heart race wildly in my chest.
As we wander a bit more around the stalls I raise my eyes to the sky, admiring the twinkling stars embroidered in the blue velvet blanket of the night, but looking carefully at them I see that the most glimmering stars of them all is the one at my side.
Her eyes reflected the whole galaxy in it as she looked up for her own, her smile so bright to outshone the sun as she beamed at me pointing out to me a constellation I taught her to.
The thought she took a liking to it because of me warmed my heart, the idea that someone could find happiness with me behind my wildest dreams and wildest odds, genty I squeezed her hand in mine, lifting it to place an ever gentle kiss on her knuckles.
“That is your reward for being such a diligent student.”
Even in the dimly lit alleway I could clearly see how bashful she smiled at me, hiding her rosy cheeks with her hand curled in front of her lips.
In that moment sweet notes swirl in the air, pushing me to follow her everywhere she went as she wandered in every direction to find the way where it came from.
Strange melody times carried away, memories of my first visit to Rhodolite came back in my mind along those sweet notes that spoke of a country life so different from my own and yet that I always secretly yearned for, finding little comfort in the spotlight and much more at home surrounded by animals.
Once we arrived at the town’s square we saw a rainbow of gown swaying in the breeze in time with the music, shily I glanced at her, pondering her thoughts and desire.
Yearning written all over her gorgeous feature as she sigh softly admiring the dancers waltzing on the ballroom floor.
I was almost too shy to approach her, compelled to admire but not to touch. But in that moment she turned to look at me, her bright eyes moving me to the core, like a siren enchanting me to give in to temptation, to cross the line of the forbidden and take her as mine.
A rush of courage pumped in my vein as I noticed a flicker of doubt in her gaze. 
I wouldn't have let her be the subject of that kind of insecurity, especially since I am far from not interested in her.
Dare I say I adored her with all my heart.
But even though she knows and gets along with me and him that didn’t write off the fact she may have been not interested in a romantic relationship with me.
After all, who could have loved a weirdo like me ? I brush off my doubts, smiling back at her, desiring to make her understand the depth of my feelings.
So I dare to take her hand in mine and let her guide me in the dance following steps unknown to me and yet so familiar, mirroring her own movements, laughing at each mistake on my part, taking delight in being taught something so fun by her.
The sweet melody accompanied our dance but I didn’t see anyone else except her. 
The whole crowd was looking at us and I was determined to give them a good show.
Alter Keith 
I really am guilty of switching in so suddenly.
Who am I kidding ? I love being in the spotlight.
I had to or else he would have kept beating around the bush with her and I can’t stand it, not when she reciprocated our feelings.
I had to do what he did not dare to, for our sake.
As ever I will grant your wish, but in my own way.
The moment was right it would have been a sin to let it slip by, and I certainly was not the type to quietly wait doing nothing.
The warm light of the lanterns and the sweet melody of the violins and the flute created a romantic atmosphere around us.
We were the only ones still standing on the dance floor, while the other flew away to the four winds.
It looked like we were the only ones in the world and to me we were, lost in our own world.
Her lips ever so soft curled in a gentle smile her eyelids fluttering as she gazed at me with so much affection in her eyes I don't know what to do but kept spinning around her, drawn like a moth to a flame 
Slowly I leaned over her, she didn’t pull back, ever so softly I melted my lips on hers.
I expected her to do anything, shove me away, even slap me anything but what she did.
The sweet sensation of her lips kissing me back.
I imagined it countless times and yet nothing could have prepared me for what it would have felt like.
The confines of my being blurred and for once I did not mind if I had melted into a kiss, feeling like I really did have felt a place of my own where to belong, in her arms.
Her body trembled against mine and I wrap my arm around her form, keeping her still, losing myself in that sweet kiss claiming my every sensation,
It tasted like a fresh herbal tea on a hot day, a ray of sunshine on the skin, a warm hug, a sweet treat.
And I wondered for the first time if it's what love felt like.
Because if it really was so sweet, I really didn’t mind growing a sweet tooth like him.
I pulled back, leaning my forehead to hers. er lips, oh so kissable, the thing I yearn to conquer again and again curled in a bright shy smile.
“I love you with all myself, my little bunny.”
“I love you too Keith, all of you.”
What a wonderful girl she was, loving us both.
I ignore his astoundment as he began to pace in my mind until he finally stops to mull it over in a corner
-Ya aren’t happy ? I moved things forward for us.
Of course I am but … You could have told me of your plan.
-So you could have stopped me ? Nahh. It was more fun this way I assure you.
She really is too patient with us, we don’t deserve her.
-Maybe we don’t but I won’t let anyone take her away from me, not even you so stay down and follow me if you don’t want me to ditch you.
Of course I don’t want that. I saw him sigh softly Alright, but only because she is on board with it too.
In the meanwhile I took her hand in mine as we made our way back to an inn, since it would be too late to go back to the palace.
I think to myself a smirk making its way to my lips, even though this is not the whole truth, the rumors of us being lovers will spread all over the Kingdom and beyond after we spend a night together, and I really look forward to make them real.
Gently I squeeze her hand in mine, meeting her gorgeous gaze filled to the brim with affection.
We have so many things to talk about, my personalities and my role, what would be expected of her, but for now all I want is to spend a pleasurable night with her, doing everything she feels like, testing the water before diving head down with an official engagement.
A promise we will do to her because nothing, and no one will ever dare stand in our way, we will protect her at any cost and prove everyone that indeed there is something stronger than everything in this world and this the unbreakable spell of Love.
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rememberwren · 28 days
Hi Wren! 🍀 Since you asked for some good news, I decided to let you in on mine (a quite personal topic)- because you are, to some extent, the reason. Yesterday, while scrolling through YOUR posts, I saw a reblog of the picrew/cod crush tag game. I created an image for fun and wondered which picture (of Soap) I would choose, how to credit the artist etc. when I realised that just choosing a single pic would be too difficult because I love all of them (and how couldn't I?😊)... I was about to simply stop going on with it when suddenly I had the thought that maybe I could draw something small myself. At this point it's important to mention that I fully stopped drawing more than ten years ago. So feeling that I might be able to pick up a pencil and just go ahead was such a surprise in the most overwhelming way... At first I was a bit scared of having to sit in front of an empty sheet of paper for hours, staring, too scared to even start because of being too afraid of finishing and the outcome - but in fact it only took me some minutes to choose how Soap was supposed to look - and then no second thought needed. My drawing is only a simple, tiny sketch with just a bit of shading. It's by far not what it could have been had my past me done the job, but nonetheless the 30min of creating were pure bliss in hindsight - because I wouldn't have expected to ever draw again. It was going through your blog that caught me in the right space of mind and made it possible for me to kind of head back into the direction of a road I abandoned ages ago (or maybe it abandoned me). So the good news is that I actually found a piece of happiness again and still today I feel satisfied when I look at that drawing. This means a lot. So thank you for being there and putting me in the right mood. I wish you all the best and hope that some happiness will find its way to you as well. 🍀🌻🌹🌻🍀 Take care
This thrilled me so much, more than I can say. Thank you for sharing.
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kenobster · 10 months
The work task I have right now is infuriatingly mind numbing... Thus, for my lunch break, I went rogue at work, installed gimp, and photo-edited some random American Heist screenshots in order to more vividly imagine what Anakin's face is about to look like in 5PE. 😍
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Also, FYI, you should thank me because I searched all of pinterest yesterday and found no photo edits of this scene. None. 🙄 Like sheesh, y'all, is the concept of whump entirely foreign to Pinterest peeps? Do I really gotta do everything myself around here? JFC. 😆
P.S. If the photo editing makes these look overedited, then I am blameless and innocent, and you should totally blame my shitty work monitor. 😊 It certainly had nothing to do with me being a dweeb who doesn't know how to photoedit, no sir, not at all.~
P.P.S. If you like the photo editing though, you can absolutely use these for whatever purpose that strikes your fancy, babes. You can make them your profile picture. You can repost them to your blog. Hell, you don't even have to credit me. Do whatever you want with this bloodied up blorbo material ❤️
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the-magiarcheologist · 6 months
I absolutely love your blog, and I enjoy reading your theories on the game. I particularly like the idea of a secret society connected to ancient magic, and whilst writing notes for a fic, I needed some more lore on Isadora to flesh out that part of the story. Your blog came to mind immediately, and I came back to read ALL of your posts.
My question to you is, would you mind if I used the Forgotten Witch idea along with the secret society in my story? I would, of course, credit you for the information in the posting of it. You have gone to such an effort to research all that detail out, and it deserves the recognition!
It would not be word for word, and I would put my own spin on things, but it is essentially your theory.
Also, do you have any thoughts on what the magical beasts are that could be linked to this society?
Thank you for such interesting content!
Raine x
Thank you for the kind words 💙 And I don't mind at all! In fact, I would be soooo happy to see anyone incorporating any of my theories in their fics and adding their own ideas to it! 😊
Honestly, I'm too lazy to write a fic about it myself right now so I would really enjoy reading about it in someone else's story :) I'll keep an eye on your blog when you post it 👀
About the role of magical beasts, I'm not too sure yet but I think maybe some ancient magic rituals might use some of the beasts by-products since those are imbued with magic. At first I thought maybe it was only dragons and phoenixes that could be linked to ancient magic since both those creatures are represented in the pages of the ancient magic book but several different types of magical beasts are also represented on banners, crests and murals found in castle ruins that also have the hooded statues and so are probably linked to the secret society. I think the place where the golden snidgets are kept also belongs to the secret society.
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You can see on the banners and murals there are also centaurs, unicorns, sphinxes, hippogriffs, kelpies, mermaids, gryffins, pixies, thestrals and several different types of birds!
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just finished listening to the newest hifuu and i gotta get my really immediate and unorganised first impression thoughts out there 😹 i'll put under read more though i think this most will be more just my gut feelings than any direct spoilers...
among the arranges of older songs, the first big thing i noticed is that i really really liked Smoking Dragon even though the original didn't leave a super huge impression on me. the remixes of crazy back dancers and the aocf necrofantasia are more low-key than i expected but it makes sense given the context of the story they're associated with. And finally i went in expecting to really like the newly done concealed four seasons and guess what? I really really liked it!!
but the new tracks are what i was really bracing myself for 🦻 I liked them all 😊
The first one to really set my mind on fire was tinkerbell of inequality, that machine like beat really reminded me in particular of the robot factory level from soul blazer of all things but done way better.
I kinda wish i had more to say about mugen noh ~ taboo marionette, because its kinda the title song and takes place at the big shift in the album's story, but i mostly like it for how good it is at setting the mood for the album's second half.
gonna skip right to talking about the last track, apparitions found even at night, and say in my current high off enjoying the whole album that its a perfect ending song, like i can totally picture it set to a beautiful credits sequence n_n
And i liked the story a lot! I've seen a bunch of fanart/fanworks involving renko going off to rescue merry from an uncertain fate so its kinda surreal to see it happen in an actual hifuu cd. It was so exciting to see the narration from both character's perspective on the topics of otherworlds and towards each other 🥰... and by the end theres the usual banter thats still good even eight years after their hangover from the previous story cd 😄
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sheepiling · 1 year
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Golden Trio + Silver Trio (+Myrtle) 
I downloaded Harry Potter sims! I’ve given them makeovers with CC I’ve been collecting, but I did not make these sims myself! Sim credits under the cut: 
Ron is from “Weasley family” by Mikka3 on the gallery! 
Ginny is also on the gallery, her household name is “Ginny weasley” by Lasanie4 
For Ron and Ginny I looked for Gallery versions that I think look more like how I envision these characters based on the book descriptions. I was never a fan of the casting choice for them. They need to be 10% cooler. 
All the other characters I found are based on the actors, though! I was happy with the rest of the movie casting~♡ 
Hermoine is by SirSIM on the gallery, her household name is “Hermione Granger Wizard” 
i changed her hair to be one of the super curly ones from island living 
“Moaning Myrtle” is from the gallery as well, she’s made by TheSimEmporium 
And she’s my favorite minor character! When I was a kid I dressed up as her to go to the Midnight Book Release Party at Borders for Order of the Phoenix! 🤓  i had recently gotten glasses that year... 😅 
Luna Lovegood is by @kamiiri (and IMO this is the BEST Luna EVER, she looks so good!~♡) 
You should also check out Kamiiri’s Sim Collection, she has a lot of pop culture & celebrity sims and they look so realistic while still being Maxis Match! Her sims are just the best! The only reason I didn’t download more of hers instead of gallery finds is just ‘cuz I don’t like stuffing my game with tons of sliders. But it was def. worth the CC explosion for Luna! She’s my #1 favorite character! 💖 
“Neville Longbottom” is by NetsFantastico82 on the gallery! 
And then I have both a Book Harry (Maxis Match) and a Movie Harry (Alpha). He was my first ever childhood crush so yes this was necessary to have both. 🤣 
Alpha Harry is by BAkalia on The Sims Resource! 
Make sure to tab over to the “Required” section to see all of the CC used on the sim! You have to download all of them separately unless you pay a subscription for TSR. (which i don’t so i just dust off my Sims Mobile while i wait...) 
BAkalia also made Alpha versions of Ron and Hermoine too! And the Required CC in Hermoine’s section will get you her Yule Ball dress! (which I def. downloaded!) 
Alpha Ron: 
Alpha Hermoine: 
(oh they have Alpha Voldy too) 
For Maxis Match Harry, I actually took Alpha Harry, used it as a base and edited the sim myself. So I actually made this one! 😊 
And then last, but not least, is my favorite Hogwarts CC Uniform that I found! 
Kiro_Hogwarts uniform set (remaster) +Kids version by @thisiskiro 
I can make a more detailed CC post later if y’all want one from me, but all the Harry Potter CC I’ve been finding & loving have been reblogged on my CC blog @sheepyshenanigans with the tag #hogwarts 
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swanimagines · 2 days
Hi! I saw your new post but it left me wondering? You have quite a few fandoms in your fandom list that had their peak quite some time ago but you have never posted anything for them? I haven't even seen you advertise most of your fandoms! For an example, I take Baldur's Gate 3. It was mad popular a year ago but yet you never said anything about it. Why is The Sandman any different?
Hey 😊
Yeah I get what you mean. Though most of my fandoms were added during their peak but never got requests, but I do have some fandoms I never advertised. The thing is, I added four fandoms silently during me being away from Tumblr for 1½ years, because of all that hate I got pre-leaving. And when I came back, I thought it's no use to advertise them now when I wasn't there at their peak. And I guess I was afraid people will get mad at me for "ignoring" their requests and just taking new ones in, or thinking I'm leaving x fandom because I've taken an interest in a new one. Like when I got into that big drama in Grishaverse x reader community, and I had to take a step back for a moment. People interpreted it as me not being interested in GV at all/quitting writing for it completely, and I lost a lot of followers and got dozens and DOZENS of asks and messages crying after me or alternatively calling me selfish for abandoning all my GV requests, and nobody listened to me when I tried to explain that NO, this is not permanent and GV was, and still is, my biggest love here and I have absolutely no plans to quit writing for it.
With BG3, however, the reason was that I wanted to write for it when the game was fresh out from the oven (or fresh out in Steam). I had some old Steam credits that were due to be spent by the end of October last year and seeing BG3 having tens of thousands of praises in Steam and the rating being "overwhelmingly positive" and it being a fantasy role playing game, I bought it, played it for a week and found myself really enjoying it. But when I searched for the x reader tag for it, all I saw was smut for Astarion and I was afraid that smut requesters will flood in and it's The Sandman situation all over again, meaning you'd see me raging at everyone again for not reading my rules. I had a lot in my mind and stress at that time, so I didn't want that = I added the game only at the start of this year and figured that it's no use to advertise it as the biggest hype had passed.
I tagged some BG3 tags below now though, because apparently the fandom is still alive and some people may be interested. Just remember that I have planned next fics forward already and new requests will not be among the next ones that will be published.
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etes-secrecy-post · 6 months
Once again, no #OnThisDay throwback post, only exclusive for super secret blog(s).
Aace 🐶🐺⭐: Wow, May! ☺ I'm weally gwad (really glad) you wiked (liked) my nowmal cwothes (normal clothes) that I gave you fwom ouwr (from our) Valentines day! 🥰🤗 And evewy (every) time I've seeing you, you're vewy (very) comfy and adowable (adorable) as myself weawing (wearing) youwr (your) cwothes that you gave me. 😊🤗 And yeah, you could weawr (wear) it as much as you desire, whethew (whethew) act as your new PJs, wintewr (winter), owr (or) anything in genewral (general). You'wre call! Because... *lower voice* I... Wove (love) you, May. 👉👈🥰☺
Me 🇵🇭: (Meanwhile) You know, I haven't touched my own GT7 experience, yet. But, thankfully I've already recorded my own via screenshots and recorded videos from the PS4 Pro. My experience will coming up, someday. Meanwhile, seeing alexander1301's GT7 scapes photos was outstanding, with seeing difference between a real life die-cast car model (from my favorite childhood die-cast brand "Tomica") and an impressive graphics game courtesy of the PS5 console. Kudos to the "Polyphony Digital" for adding this scene, though. 🙂👍 (Although, Polyphony should thank "Takara Tomy" for lending them credit, though.)
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Update to the blog:
Originally, I was uploading gifs I found from other sources to confessions, but not all of them fit as well as I'd like them to, or they simply didn't look as good as they could... so, I went back through and updated all confessions to have gifs I made myself. That means that, yes, if you are reading a confession and you look at the gif there, I am the one who created it! 😊
Feel free to use the gifs I make! Credit is always nice, but not something I'll ever be a stickler about. Scenes get gifs of them done over and over again, so it's never entirely original - I can't claim any ownership. Plus, I was initially also using other people's content, technically... Everything attached to this blog is wholly what I have made now though, besides reblogs and the confessions themselves.
Just wanted to let everyone know!
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How to Make a Pinned Masterlist
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Disclaimer: I am not a good teacher. 😂 I'm still relatively new to Tumblr myself (less than 2 years) and Tumblr likes to change things around some, so some things below may be wrong/changed by the time you see this post. Making it in Oct/22. 😊
I was chatting with my friend @fandomohana and said that I could help her make a Masterlist. (ML) Then it occurred to me that there might be others who would like to know too, and I know from experience that it can be tricky to figure it all out, how to make the ML and how to create links. So, I thought I'd make a post!
All the info is below the cut! 😊😊
So, I'm going to use the example of creating a pinned fic list, which will include sub MLs. Hopefully it will make sense with the examples below:
You create a ML like you would any other post. Click the little pencil to start.
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Mobile App: (FYI, my phone is in dark mode, hence the black background, your background may be white.)
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Once you've clicked the pencil, the computer will pop up a little row of circles with all the different things you can post. Click on "Text" and this screen will pop up:
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On the app, when you click the pencil, it brings you to this screen immediately:
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Go ahead and title your post something clever like "Masterlist" and include a cute/appropriate gif or pic. Reminder: If you use a gif/pic from outside Tumblr, make sure you include a link to where you found it. (Or just search for a gif through Tumblr like I did here, and they credit the creator for you.)
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Now you can start creating your pinned ML.
As I stated above, a pinned ML is going to include links to all of your fics that you've posted. In order to create links in your pinned ML, you'll need a ML for all the separate fandoms you write for.
For example, this would be a ML for someone who writes fics for Supernatural, Stranger Things, and Marvel.
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To be able to create links to all those fics in all those fandoms, each fandom will need it's own posted ML, like so:
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Now, if you look, I've also broken down the SPN fics into two categories - Dean fics and Sam fics. So, you'll have to create ML for each of them as well.
**If you only have two or three SPN fics all together, you may not want to bother creating separate MLs for Dean and Sam. In which case you'd just link all of them on this one page. But if you have quite a few of each (or if your planning on writing quite a few of each) you'd want to create a ML for Dean fics and Sam fics, and then link them here.**
Now for how to CREATE LINKS!
Let's create links for our imaginary Dean Fics ML:
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(Hopefully you've come up with more imaginative titles! 😜)
Now, go to your original post with the fic you want to link, (make sure it's not a reblog of the post, but the original) and click the three dots on the top right.
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Your computer will pop up this:
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And the app will pop up this at the bottom of your screen:
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Click on Copy link and then go to your Dean Fics ML and highlight the title of the fic you're linking. When you do, this bar will come up:
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Click on the little picture of the two joined chainlinks and this black bar will pop up.
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Paste your copied link into that bar and click "Done" on the computer or "Add link" on the app.
When it's been successfully linked both the computer and the app will have a little line under the title showing it's linked:
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Once all the fics have been successfully linked, you can hit "Post now" (or just "Post" on the app) and your "Dean Fics" ML will be created.
Then you can go to that post and follow the same steps to link it onto your Supernatural ML post. And once your SPN ML post is created, you can follow those same steps again to link it in your pinned ML at the top of your blog. Then you'd do the same for Stranger Things and Marvel.
Now, this all may seem really involved and confusing, and it does definitely take time to get it all together. But once you have that pinned ML and the sub MLs created, every time you make a new fic, you just have to "edit" the appropriate ML and add a new link to the list, and everything stays together, so that your beautiful, hard won fics don't disappear into the Tumblr ether. 💓
I hope all of this makes a certain amount of sense. Please don't hesitate to DM me, or send an ask, if you have any questions. I'll do my best to help!
Happy Creating! 😘😘
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