#no lo seas
3amdistress · 6 months
si, cuando soy una mala persona me doy cuenta y noto exactamente lo q hago mal. se donde y cuando me equivoque y ninguna excusa podria ser valida para semejante idiotez. no se como sea para las demas personas, si es la educacion o la sensibilidad q tiene uno hacia la gente de manera general. lo q si se es q un acto errado no tiene justificacion por mas q intentes buscar una… la logica independientemente de la q sea, hay mil y un maneras de actuar para hacerlo un poquito bien, y con la edad y la experiencia se va mejorando en eso. pero no me arrepiento. por mas q quiera hacerlo bien, no tiene caso. solo me queda seguir cagandola para poderle hacer entender q las cosas no pueden seguir asi y perdonar a alguien no es un juego de niños… no sere la gran cosa… es mas, probablemente soy de lo peor q existe en el mundo. impaciente y testaruda, el valor q le doy al tiempo y mi tan preciado razonamiento sobre hasta el mimimo detaille, me hacen ser terriblemente maniaca y perfeccionista por lo mas trivial, donde quiero ir y cuando debo desviarme o desaparecer para volver a comenzar. al final todo es absurdo y lo unico q cuenta es el camino. no es el comienzo ni el final de algo lo q vale la pena alcanzar, es el trayecto, pq es lo q mas dura, alli es donde uno debe sentir alegria y cuando no se disfruta ni un poco, hay q parar y cambiar de trayectoria. aun si puede parecer un error y q tu corazon no t va a seguir, en algun momento podras seguir viva aun sin el apoyo de tus emociones. pq nuevos sentimientos surgiran q t haran ver diferente a como estas acostumbrada. y estaras bien. no hay de q preocuparse. solo hay q tomar la puta decision de no morirte en mitad de un camino lleno de mierda. sal de alli, no importa q pierdas y piensa en ganar algo nuevo ahi afuera. algo q no conocias o se t paso. duele… duele mucho… pero no me voy a morir. no me voy a morir por el hombre q no le importaba ni lo q podria yo pensar de todas sus acciones. la daba igual y es lo q deberia ser normal. pero dejo de serlo en el instante en el q correspondio mi amor. el amor q tiro tan facilmente. perdon por no poder tirar esto mas q con lagrimas pero ni una pizca de desden. estoy saliendo del trayecto q me lleva a ti, no se si tome un atajo q me aleje mas o q me acerque a ti, pero q me hayas hecho tomar tal decision es como un toroteo del q apenas logre escapar. las balas siguen siguiendome a pesar de todo pero aunq me toquen, sobrevivire. las sacare de mi cuerpo una a una, y espero tener el coraje de no morirme primero. espero no me vaya a rendir con mi vida por alguien q en serio nunca me supo valorar. ojala seguir viva por mi.
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jack-o-laa · 7 months
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Another secret santa gift 🎁
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lasttarrasque · 8 months
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natjennie · 7 months
if someone doesn't make a lo-fi study night at seacaster manor playlist what's the fucking point.
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palskippah · 15 days
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AU where Goldenheart are two butch lesbians and everything else's the same
-Ballister is still called Ballister and the black lipstick is supposed to simulate the man's beard and mustache 😭 gave it my all.
-Ambrosius is called Ambrosia (just the feminine version of the name 😔) and she's literally just Ambrosius but with boobs and no lil' beard. And also very in love with her wifey Ballister 😭 gave it my all too.
-Nimona's still Nimona and she becomes Ballister's sidekick and they overthrow the government and stuff
-Balli using lipstick means she gets to leave kissy stains when she kisses, she sometimes ditches her 24 hours, waterproof lipstick just for this.
>She had to get one of those to begin with because once her and her girlfriend were making out and everyone noticed because Ambrosia's lower face was all stained.
>Same energy as a beard, she gets her lipstick off and Ambrosia's like omg who are you D:? because she always wears it.
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toshitc · 2 months
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Who did it??? 😤😤
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doodlingwren · 2 months
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Nah man what the heck?!
Drew something with the gemini twins for once. Have this one doodle as well because somebody was definitely there holding the camera.
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It's a very silly sketch ^_^
If anyone needed it, here's the original twitter post I used as reference for the first drawing!
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zaiofender · 10 months
a thousand years, in perfect symmetry (a thousand years, no getting rid of me) 🌊
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elbiotipo · 9 months
a nadie le parece que EEUU haciendo una operación militar llamada "Guardián de la Prosperidad" en Yemen con el objetivo de asegurar rutas de comercio y fracasando rotundamente en eso es un poquito un signo de un imperio en decadencia?
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marinememes · 1 year
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I don’t know who I would be without the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s lo-fi playlist
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thus-spoke-lo · 5 days
when mihawk finally collars you, he insists on handcrafting your collar himself. no more generic black leather like the one he has you wear when you submit, no more feeling like it's not quite right, no more feeling like it--or you--might be a placeholder for something better. no, this will be yours, all yours, a sign that you're his and his alone. that you belong to him. that you've surrendered to him, willingly and purposefully.
and for the gift of your submission, a collar made just for you by his own two hands. you choose the color, the style. you sit for endless fittings and measurings to ensure it's perfect. you sit, curled up in his workshop, and watch with fascination at how he furrows his brow, how the veins in his forearms become more visible on alabaster skin as he flexes, how sweat beads at his temples as he works for hours perfecting your present.
mihawk makes an evening out of presenting it to you--dinner, wine, longing glances over the table as you vibrate with anticipation. and when he finally acquiesces and smirks and says he shan't make you wait a minute more, you crawl on hands and knees to where he sits at the head of the table and kneel in supplication--hands in lap, palms up, head bowed.
he carefully places the collar around your neck with measured gentleness, large hands deftly buckling the collar. he grasps your chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilts your head up, encourages you to meet his gaze, even though it unnerves you still.
mi amor. the words leave his lips softly, said in hushed reverence at the sight of you. you have been his since the first moment he laid eyes on you, but now you have the adornment to prove it.
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genericpuff · 1 year
when were people gonna tell me that the person who creates music for the music-episodes of LO has been drawing circles around rachel and her team this whole time
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like wym this ISN'T persephone
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are you fr rn tahni because DAMN
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why are they making music for LO when they could be drawing for it, help- 😭
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avalyn444 · 2 years
Rereading Percy Jackson in my 20s has me like:
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nightbrisk · 4 months
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emo kuras tqm
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sudaca-swag · 6 months
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Sí, de hecho si sos psicóloga y querés meter tu fé a la fuerza para curar a un paciente es causal de que te apedreen en el patio de la facultad
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catinflight · 4 months
Under the sea blub blub blub
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If you know these sea creatures
Then you get a cookie 🍪🍪🍪
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