#no name for him yet wah
jaythenugget · 1 year
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finally drew Crafir's patron properly + lil sketch of him using the borrowed powers she doesn't have a name yet wah...
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alexa-fika · 6 months
Stolen Help (Whitebeard pirates x gn!child!reader)
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A/N This is kind of a request? It was from a comment by @being-worthy on the His One-Piece story, this what Dokucha would be up to the following day; I love how I said little yet it’s the same length as my other fics 😂 let me tell you I was having second thoughts at first but I COOKED HERE
Reader here is replaced by dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/Saradika
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Dokucha grins, running out of the clinic with the stethoscope in hand
Vista turns to see the little child running towards him
“Dokucha? What are you doing with the stethoscope?” he asks with a chuckle
“I have to listen to your heart!”
“My heart?” he asks, tilting his head as he kneels downn to their height; he lets the little child run up to him and place the stethoscope over him
“Mmhm, mmhm, you have a pretty heart, Vista!”
He smiles, handing them a flower and tucking it in their stethoscope
“Thank you.”
“Take good care of it, Vista-nii! Umm, eat lots of vegetables so you grow strong!
“I don’t think… I will, don’t worry.”
The child gives them a thumbs up and runs off, leaving an amused Vista behind until a thought comes to mind
“Since when did they have a stethoscope?”
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“Ace-nii, Ace-nii!” The small child yells, running towards said commander
Ace looks up at the child and grins brightly
“Dokucha? Whatcha need?”
They tried to put the stethoscope over his chest, standing on their toes to make themselves taller, but even with their added height and stretching, they were unable to reach higher than his stomach
They put their heels back on the ground with a pout
“You’re too tall.”
Ace bursts out in laughter before lifting them up
They smile in response, putting the stethoscope over his chest and listening to the familiar drumming of his heart
The child nods approvingly
“Good heart!” They exclaim, putting one of their thumbs up towards the flame man and jumping off him, running off to find their next patient
Ace blinks, confused as to what just happened, turning around and scratching his head, trying to make sense of it
“Huh, must have decided to help Marco out,” he mutters
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Izou sat at one of the tables in the training room, meticulously cleaning his guns and making sure they were up to standard, turning his head at the sound of his name
The sniper looked up to see the little child racing towards him, the look of pure excitement on his face making him smile
“Dokucha? What are you up to now?”
“I need to check your heart Izou-nii!” The exclaims, climbing up in the seat next to him to put the stethoscope on his chest
“Okay,” he replied calmly; he tilted his head, letting the child place the stethoscope over him and listening to his heart
“Mmhm! Your heart sounds like your guns, Izou-nii.”
“Pardon?” he asked confused
“It’s going boom boom like brother’s guns!”
He smiles at the child, associating his heartbeat with his weapon of choice; he glances at the stethoscope
“Say, Dokucha, did Marco give you the stethoscope?”
They jump, startled at the question
“have to go!” They hurried out, quick to get themselves down from the chair and out of sight
He stares in the direction the child had disappeared to, letting out a chuckle and turning his attention back to the task at hand
“Someone is going to get an earful soon.”
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“Papaw, papaw!”
The Captain glances down and spots the small child making gestures to get his attention from down below
He grins easily, taking hold of them and raising them in his hand so he can see them better
“Come to tell me more about that checkup?”
They shake their head exited,
“I need to hear Papaw’s heartbeat,” they said, carefully slipping between his fingers and wrapping their legs around them in order to be able to put the stethoscope near his heart
“Wah, Papaw, your heart is slower, but it’s so loud!”
Whitebeard lets out a thundering laugh at their words, gently maneuvering them to the palm of his hand.
“My heart is not what it used to be, but it is still fighting!” he howled
“Pawpaw has the loudest heartbeat!”
Whitebeard laughs again
“I think that is to be expected,” he says with a grin
“Ah! I still need to listen to Thatch-nii’s Heartbeat!”
“Alright, he should be in the Kitchen getting ready for dinner; let me know if he has a louder heartbeat than mine.” He comments as he lowers the child to the floor
“Go ahead”
“Thank you, Pawpaw”
“Marco did lend you that, right?”
“Ha... Bye Papaw!” They said, quickly disappearing
He lets a snicker at their response, knowing what it meant.
“They are in for it now.”
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The only warning Thatch received before someone burst into his kitchen was the tiny steps in the wooden floors of the Moby dick
Thatch looked up, startled by the interruption to his cooking, setting aside the chopping board
“Geez, kid, you scared me!”
They ignore his statement, pulling a stool next to the chef and slowly making their way up to come eye-to-eye with him, placing the stethoscope over his chest and gasping
Thatch raises an eyebrow, confused, as he hears them gasp
“Uh, dokucha?”
“Thatch-nii! You don’t have a heartbeat!” The cry fiddling with the chest piece and moving it around in hopes of finding a heartbeat
“Thats bec- his explanation is promptly cut off as another voice joins in
“It’s because you can’t hear the heartbeat through multiple layers of clothing; the others had no obstructions, so you could hear them clearly.”
They still at the voice, slowly turning around with a nervous smile
“Umm, Hi Marco-nii…”
Marco stares down at the small child
Thatch glances between the two and the stethoscope that the small child held between their hand and quixkly understood the situation, letting out a snort
“Again, Dokucha? You know he’s always going to find out.”
“Shhh, Thatch-nii, I just thought I could use it before he noticed.”
“You were wrong,” Marco muttered, quickly throwing the child over his shoulder and walking off
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Dokucha sat once again at the examination table, trying to avoid the stare of their brother
“The longer you decide to ignore me, the longer you will be here.” he shrugged
They glance up at him
he narrows his eyes at the child
“That’s not gonna get you out of this one”
“I just wanted to play with it a little and help you, I was going to give it back…
He pinches the bridge of their nose
“That’s just it; it’s not something to play around, Dokucha; it is a medical tool for me to use in medical settings.”
“I just like the sound and wanted to hear everyone’s heartbeat, and I thought it would help you.”
He sighed
“I know you do, but you can’t just take my tools as you please; if you had asked, I could have lent it to you to use in the clinic under my supervision, where I can explain to you what you are looking for when you use it.”
“So, should we be taking stuff from my office?”
“Should you be taking stuff from anybody’s office?”
“Should you be taking stuff that is not yours?”
“What should you do next time you want to use something that is not yours?”
“Ask first…”
“Good,” he said, ruffling their hair
“So, can I go now?”
“Absolutely not”
“Since you seem so keen on helping, how about you help clean the clinic for the rest of the week?”
They whine at his words
“But Marco-nii~”
“Two weeks”
Their mouth drops at that
“That's too long!”
“Three weeks then.”
“Do I hear a month?”
They shake their head with a pout on their young face
“Glad we came to an understanding.”
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Okay so originally Thatcher was going to be one of the first one’s but the. I came up with the no-heartbeat and I look up at the other one’s and realize the whitebeard pirates just like showing off their chest and Thatch is the only one among them that has ir covered up in his layers of chef clothing
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yxngbxkkie · 2 years
valentine - hyung line
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i know valentine's day was a few days ago but i wanted to do an ot8 for it. i'm posting the hyung line first as i finish up the maknae line :) the premise of it is asking the other to be your valentine! and it goes back and forth. so, bang chan asks the reader and the in minho's the reader asks him. it alternates! anyway, enough rambling, i hope you enjoy! <3
bang chan
"What's the bear for?" Hyunjin asks, his brows furrowing slightly. His gaze moves from the large bear to Chan's face.
Chan becomes slightly embarrassed while setting the stuffed animal down. "I got it for Y/N. It's Valentine's Day," he mentions with a nervous chuckle.
"Ya, for real?! Finally," Hyunjin laughs and goes back to eating his lunch.
"Finally? What do you mean finally?" Chan asks in confusion. "I didn't tell anyone I was doing this, did I?"
"No, but we all know you have feelings for her. It's pretty obvious," the younger member shrugs his shoulders before scarfing noodles into his mouth.
Chan's cheeks blush and he grabs the bear from the couch. He quickly makes his way to his room and shuts the door quietly behind him.
You're still fast asleep on his bed, your face buried into the thick blankets. A smile comes to his face, loving how peaceful you're looking.
He sets the bear onto the bed carefully, making sure not to wake you just yet. Chan walks on his toes, stealthily moving around his bedroom to get everything ready.
A groan comes from your lips, causing the brunette to be still. He glances over his shoulder, watching you shift your sleeping position. 
"Channie," you mumble sleepily, your hand reaching out to where he sleeps.
His heart flutters in his chest, placing his hand on his chest. "Wah, you're adorable," he whispers to himself before turning back around. Chan crouches beside the bed after he grabs the other gift he got you.
"Y/N," he whispers out your name, his fingers brushing your hair back.
Another moan comes from your lips, feeling startled by his touch. Your eyes flutter open, seeing your best friend crouching in front of you. "What?" You whine, shoving your face back into the pillow.
Chan laughs and leans forward, pressing a kiss on the side of your head. "Come on. I have something for you," he mumbles while pulling back.
You sigh and move your body to sit up, rubbing your tired eyes with the back of your hand. You notice the giant teddy bear and furrow your brows.
"What's this?" You ask in a whisper, your heart skipping a beat.
"I was wondering," Chan pauses, pulling a card and a gift box out from behind him, "if you wanted to be my valentine?"
Your breath hitches in your throat, feeling him place the gift into your hand. "A-As a friend?" You stutter, shifting your gaze to the box.
"It doesn't have to be in a friendly way," he suggests, scratching the back of his neck.
His words replay in your head as you open the gift he gave you. A gasp leaves your lips as the necklace you've been wanting sits inside the box. 
"Channie…" you trail off, feeling the urge to cry.
"That's the right one, right?" He asks, leaning forward to see the necklace. "I know it's been a while since that day."
You set the box down and gently caress his face. His eyes meet yours before you lean forward to kiss him. His hands grip your thighs and kiss you back instantly.
"This is the most thoughtful thing anyone's done for me," you whisper against his lips, your forehead resting on his.
"So, does this mean you'll be my valentine?" He asks with a grin, nudging your nose with his.
A chuckle leaves your lips and you place a quick kiss on his lips. "Does this give you my answer?"
lee minho
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" You ask Han, glancing towards the blonde. You hold the three stuffed animals close to your chest, feeling your palms start to sweat. "What if he thinks it's stupid?"
Han scoffs and looks over at you. "Are you kidding? Y/N, this man adores you. You're the only one he's nice to," he explains, moving his hands around erratically. "And you're giving him stuffed animals that look like his cats."
A huff of breath leaves your lips and you glance down at the stuffed animals. "Okay, okay. I can do this," you start to hype yourself up, rolling your shoulders back.
"You got this. I believe in you," Han pats your back, a grin on his lips.
"I got this," you repeat to yourself and walk out of his apartment.
You walk across the hall before knocking on the door, kinda thankful the other four members live across the hall. This way you don't lose the courage.
Felix opens the door and you smile kindly at him. "I'm going to assume you're here to see Minho," he chuckles and steps to the side.
"It's that obvious?" You chuckle nervously, stepping into the apartment.
"The three cats really give it away," he mentions while pointing at them. "He's in his room."
You thank him and bow your head a bit, moving to walk down the hallway. You take a couple more deep breaths, repeating the question you want to ask him multiple times.
You tighten the grip on his gift before knocking on his bedroom door. "Min?" You softly call out.
"Ya?!" He yells, hearing his footsteps.
The door opens and your gaze meets his, lifting your hand to wave. "Hey," you smile.
"Y/N, hey," he smiles instantly. His gaze drops to the kitties in your arms. "What's this?"
You also glance down for a hot second before clearing your throat. "Can I come in first?" You ask him, not wanting the other members to watch or overhear.
"Yeah, of course," Minho mumbles, allowing you into his room. As soon as you step inside, Minho pokes his head out, noticing Jeongin and Felix quickly dash out of sight.
"Uhm, so," you start when he closes the door, holding out the stuffed animals. "I found these at a shop and they look like your cats…"
Minho's heart flutters in his chest, taking the stuffed animals from you. "They do," he smiles, feeling touched. His cats are his life.
"I was wondering if- maybe you'd want to-" you cut yourself off, the courage you had beginning to slip away. "I was wondering if you wanted to be my valentine?"
A surprised noise leaves Minho's lips, his head snapping up to meet your gaze. "W-What?" He stutters, and you notice the tips of his ears turning red.
"N-Nothing! T-This is so stupid," you laugh, thinking you don't have a chance with him. You turn to leave his room when one of his hands grips your wrist.
"Wait, don't go," he whispers, his thumb stroking your arm. "I do."
"You do?" You ask with wide eyes.
He smiles softly, nodding his head. "I do, yeah. Thank you for the gift. I love it," Minho laughs, squeezing you gently.
"You're welcome," you breathe out.
Minho leans down and places a kiss on the corner of your lips. "I'll have to get you something next year."
seo changbin
"Hey, do you know what kind of flowers Y/N likes?" Changbin asks Felix, holding the Samsung phone against his ear.
A laugh comes from the other end, causing Changbin to roll his eyes. "Ya, wait, are you buying her flowers??!" Felix counters with his own question.
"I was planning on it, yeah. Why's that funny?" He asks, furrowing his brows.
"It's just not like you. You've never really cared about that stuff," Felix explains.
"Yeah, well, I really like her," he sighs, dragging his fingertips along the rose petals. "Do you think she'll like roses?"
His friend chuckles before agreeing. "She'll love 'em, Changbin."
Changbin nods his head, bidding him goodbye. He slips his phone into his pocket before grabbing a bouquet. After quickly buying them, he leaves the florist shop and walks towards your apartment.
He's a little nervous at the idea of confessing his feelings for you, but he believes it's finally time. He just wants to hold you… romantically.
It takes about ten minutes to reach your apartment building and he quickly goes inside, heading straight to the third floor.
"I was just wondering if you'd like to be my valentine," Changbin says to himself while walking up the steps. He groans, feeling a little embarrassed. "I sound so stupid."
He stands outside your apartment door, raising his hand to knock. Before his knuckles could touch the wooden surface, the door opens up. His eyes widen as your body slams into him.
"Oh!" You gasp, placing your hands on his chest. "Binnie! Hey!"
"Hey, are you going somewhere?" He asks you, his grip on the bouquet growing tighter.
"No! I was just checking to see if my package has arrived yet," you chuckle before dragging the black-haired man into your apartment.
Changbin smiles at you before holding out the red roses. "I, uhm, I got these for you," he mentions with flushed cheeks.
Your heart flutters in your chest as you glance between the roses and Changbin. "They're beautiful," you grin widely, placing your hand on your chest. You take the bouquet into your hand before giving them a quick sniff. You lean on your toes, placing a kiss on his cheek. "You're so sweet, Binnie."
His heart pounds in his chest, feeling glad that this is starting off well. "Would you be my valentine?" Changbin asks, clearing his throat afterward.
"Of course," you say happily, moving your hand to grab a hold of his.
The buff man lets out a sigh of relief, squeezing your hand. You take a step closer to him and rest your head against his chest. One of his arms wraps around your shoulders, holding you close.
"I was so nervous to ask you," he whispers, kissing the top of your head.
"Really?!" You chuckle, shifting your head to look up at him. "I could never reject you."
His fingertips tap along your shoulder, a smile coming to his lips. "Oh, really?" Changbin asks, a hint of tease in his voice.
You chuckle, gliding your lips along his shirt-covered chest. "Absolutely. I've loved you for so long," you sigh, pressing a kiss on one of his pecs.
Changbin brings his hand to your face, hooking a finger under your jaw. He lifts your face before placing a short kiss on your lips. "I love you too. I have for a while," he's relieved knowing that you feel the same as him. "Do you want to get dinner?"
"I would love to, Binnie."
hwang hyunjin
Another sigh leaves your lips as you sit back in your chair. "I'm never going to get this right," you mumble, having the urge to throw the small canvas into the trash.
You've been contemplating on asking Hyunjin to be your valentine, but you didn't know the best way to do it. Since Felix and Hyunjin are best friends, you decided to ask him.
"Hyunjin has been into painting lately, so maybe you could paint him something?" He points out before taking a sip of his Fanta.
You snap your fingers, liking the idea. "Oh, he'd love that. The only problem is that I'm not artistic… at all," you laugh while hiding your face.
"Do something simple! Hyunjin isn't picky when it comes to art. He likes everything. Plus, it's coming from you. He'll love it either way."
So, here you are. It's been two hours since you set everything up. Two hours and you still don't have a piece that you like. You carefully rub your face, not wanting to get any excess paint on your skin.
A loud knock echoes off of your walls, snapping you from your thoughts. You glance towards the clock and notice the time. "Oh, shit!" You curse, quickly picking up your things.
"Y/N!" Hyunjin's voice calls out, hearing the front door of your apartment open and close.
You continue cursing under your breath, managing to put all the art supplies away. "I'll be right out, Jinnie!" You yell, quietly shutting your closet door.
You quickly look yourself over in the mirror before exiting your bedroom. Your best friend lounges on your couch, his limbs all spread out.
"Did you forget about me?" He playfully pouts at you. "We were supposed to meet an hour ago."
A breathy laugh comes from your lips and you nod your head. "Yeah, I was doing some work and it slipped my mind," you lie to him, moving his legs to sit on the sofa.
Hyunjin sits up with furrowed brows, his gaze fixed on you. The smile on your lips falters a bit, wondering what he's thinking. "What kind of work were you doing? Coal mining?" He asks with a laugh, bringing his hand to your face.
His thumb wipes the mark off of your face as you stare at him dumbfounded. "N-No! Uh, my friend from work likes to draw with charcoal and we went to the art store down the street. I must've gotten some on my fingers and wiped it on my face," you stumble over your words, getting a little nervous.
"You gotta pay more attention, angel," Hyunjin giggles while wiping his thumb along his jeans.
"I'm pretty oblivious aren't I?" You smile at him, your gaze meeting his.
God, he's so… pretty.
"Hey, are you doing anything tonight?" You ask him, grabbing a hold of his hands.
Your best friend shakes his head, fiddling his fingers with yours. "Nope. Why?"
"I was wondering if you could teach me how to paint," you mention, gliding your thumb along the back of his hand. "Watching you draw and paint so much makes me want to try myself."
Hyunjin's eyes widen and his back straightens. "Really? You want me to teach you?" He asks in disbelief, causing you to chuckle and nod your head in agreement. "I-I mean, yeah! I'd love to."
Before you can say anything else, Hyunjin sprints up from the couch. You watch him erratically throw his jacket back on. "What's wrong?" You panic slightly.
"Oh! Nothing! I just need to get some things to teach you," he mentions, taking a mental note to get more brushes. "Uhm, come over in like two hours? I'll have everything ready by then."
Two hours later you stand outside the door to his apartment, carefully holding the finished painting in your hands. You knock on the door and a crashing sound comes from inside.
"Hyunjin?!" You call out, a bit worried.
"I'm okay!"
"God, you're so cute," you whisper to yourself while shaking your head.
Footsteps gradually become louder before the door swings open. He's already got the apron he uses for painting. "Hey, come in," he smiles at you.
His eyes look down at the canvas in your hands, reaching out to grab it. "Wait!" You panic, stepping back. "T-This is a surprise."
"A surprise? It's blank isn't it?" He laughs, looking a little confused. "I figured you brought it to paint on."
"Not necessarily," you sigh. You fully walk into the apartment and Hyunjin closes the door behind you. "I asked Felix to help me and he suggested this so-"
"Y/N, what are you talking about?"
You wet your lips before holding the canvas out to him. "W-Will you be my valentine?" You ask with a stutter, feeling your cheeks blush.
His lips part in surprise as his gaze moves to the painting you did. The vase is a little uneven and the flowers aren't as defined, but he didn't care. "You… painted this for me?" Hyunjin asks quietly, taking the canvas from you.
"Yeah. It's why I didn't remember meeting up with you earlier. I was very immersed in getting this right," you laugh embarrassingly.
"I love it," he whispers, his eyes meeting yours. "I love it so much, angel."
Your heart flutters and Hyunjin leans down to kiss your cheek. The blush on your cheeks darkens, his free hand reaching to grab yours.
"I'll be your valentine," he chuckles, smiling down at you.
"Yeah?" You grin, squeezing his hand gently.
He nods his head before connecting your lips with his. You place your hands on his face, bringing him closer to you. "Happy Valentine's Day, angel," Hyunjin smiles.
tagging: @spacegirlstuff @thewxntersoldier @reddesert-healourblues
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 11 months
Honestly,your works are really nice especially your Albedo/Zhongli!reader and i wanna request what if Albedo/Zhongli!reader like dogs? Like he have his own dogs and generally would give them a lot of affection and head pat like everyday. I wanna see the rest of yandere reaction,especially Dazai since he dislike dogs
𝘈:𝘯- 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘵! 𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘪𝘥, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺/𝘯 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘨𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘰.. (𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯).
𝘚𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘴 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘱𝘢𝘥 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨.
𝘐 𝘥𝘰 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘬 𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘱𝘢𝘥 𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘺.
𝘠𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘉𝘚𝘋 𝘷𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘹 𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘦𝘥𝘰/𝘻𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪!𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘱𝘢𝘥!
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨: 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘑𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘺, 𝘠/𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘨, 𝘠/𝘯 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘗𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘢 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘰, 𝘈𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘗𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘔𝘢𝘧𝘪𝘢 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶.
𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺 𝘪𝘵?
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The first thing how you got a dog was to take care of it, by the cafe owner which you often visit as the family seems to go on vacation leading you to take care of their dog, which is a he.
The dog was big, bigger then Chuuya height when he was attack I mean cuddle by the dog you brought in the Headquarter.
Mori was taken aback by sudden seen of the dog which you brought so... Suddenly.
Elise was practically on top of the dog back as he carried her around making the dog her new ride to roam around of sort.
Everything will be fine, even Chuuya was so happy to see a dog with friendliness as it love to pounce onto others and lick them happily.
But.. The main problem was..
Your divided attention.
The port Mafia's members doesn't mind at all, they think but the more days it stay the more you started to come less at headquarter and busy taking of the dog.
Which lead Mori to let the dog come to the headquarter so that you will do your job.
Which was practically researching or paperwork's.
During those times, either Chuuya look after the dog or.. Hirotsu.
"Wah.. But from where did you get him, Al-niisan?" Asked Elise curiously while letting the dog.
You briefly stopped on your tea drink as you glance at her.
"Oh, he is the cafe owner family dog.. They eventually went for vacation for some weeks"
"Ah no wonder you have been asking me to make tea for you.. More often" said Kouyou who chuckle slightly as you gently smile apologetically.
"Heh.. What's the dog name?"
"Did you even ask them his name?" Asked Mori as you squint your eyebrow and frown slightly.
"..so you did forgot" said the four of them.
"Either way! Elise-chan seems to like the dog a lot!"
"Hmm mmh! Since Al-niisan like him too!" Said Elise as you just drink your tea with thought swirll in your mind.
They should not feel jealous especially Chuuya who watches you just patting the dog while on one hand held the report.
He notices your gentle smile and often care for the dog and leave your work if the dog wants to go out for a walk.
He frowned as he shouldn't be jealous of a simple dog, but it annoyed him that you can divide your focus on both work and the dog.
And the most bothering thing was you stop patting him for doing a task complete. Which he won't admit but he wish you say, "good work" and a pat on his head but nope!
The dog have hogged your time.
But thankfully it wasn't just him.
Akutagawa was so close to just take the dog and leave it in a dark room lock so that it won't bother you.
His sister Gin was very much concern yet she too, wish the dog to STOp taking so much of your time.
You barely even bat an eye on her when she handed you the reports or even a nod, even if you do speak you would ask about bringing the dog food for the dog or even some toy for the dog to play with.
Ryounosuke is very much paronoid as his mind race in thought.
'What if L/n-sensei care more about the dog and stop acknowledging me..' He thought to himself as he can't even talk to you unlike some can, as he would wait for you to say something whenever he did a task and you often gave a pat on his head or a smile, even a word of advice for him to take care of his health of sort but...
Now you just hummed a small okay, and take the mission report or even given task to him as the dog been your main priority.
Though they are slightly glad that Elise like playing with the dog and even take him for a walk around hallways of the headquarter but... It also, annoyed them that you were very much into taking care of pets over them.
Even Kouyou was annoyed when she was talking to you while having tea you just ask her what type of dog treats are good.
Like hell she knows that! And the fact that your own thoughts and care was solely on the dog.
The worst case is the dog have weak immune leading you to often call the cafe owner on the first week making no time in Port mafia work and practically solely focus on the dog that got sick.
"When will this dog leave?" mutter Kouyou as Mori let out a sighed while massaging his forehead.
"Don't know the particular cafe owner which Y/n-kun often visit has still not came back from vacation"
"Huh..? Why does Sensei have to take care of the dog! And its annoying how his focus is only for the dog!" Muttered Chuuya who too took a cup of tea to drink.
"Hmm? Don't you like dogs, Chuuya?"
"I do, Ane-san but... This dog is not even sensei's and it belong to someone the worst is sensei is so attack to the hip of taking care of the dog... He doesn't even bait an eye when I gave him the report of the assassin!" Said Chuuya who frowned in annoyance as Mori sighed in agreeing.
"Y/n-kun didn't even frown or say anything like usual.. When I try to ask him to go for shopping with Elise-chan, he just said.. 'Can I bring him to then? Maybe he need another colar' shouldn't his focus be slightly diverted from the dog?" Said Mori annoyed that you didn't even look at him while speaking as you busy taking out the leech on the dog fur.
"You don't say, Ougai-dono, Y/n even ask me what dog treats shall he get for the dog, when I eventually ask if he want to go with me to the new bakery but his focus of attention was for the dog" said Kouyou recalling your distracted formed of trying to leave early with the dog to get the latest treat for him.
Well, they couldn't do anything and they just wish the dog owner come earlier or they might resort to... Just lock away the dog away from you of sort as it annoyed them all.
And the fact that even the detective agency was affected.
For example, Fukuzawa was awaiting for you to visit or perhaps meet to drink tea together which you both often does once or twice in a month.
But to only got rejected that you have a work to take care of leading you to kindly excuse it out and told you won't be having tea time together for some time.
He was unbothered yet, worried if Mori wanted you to stop visiting him as he frowned at the thought.
He barely has a friend whom he can have tea together with, and the fact that if Mori is the problem of you rejected about the tea he was in fact abit annoyed. Cause he love having tea time vacancy time with you.
And he often wait for the day to come to have a pleasant conversation with you, as you often have interesting (useless) facts to tell even stories that are interesting (boring) history which he enjoy listening.
But that thought went off when, One time when Fukuzawa was with Ranpo and Kunikida to buy Ranpo some of his sweet store to buy and a particular case around the area.
Ranpo was the one who point out noticing you alarming both of them.
There you were with a dog happily playing in the park throwinga disk and letting the dog catch it .
'Why is he here with a dog didn't he say he have urgent work or sort..' Thought Fukuzawa to himself trying to ignore it as he was slight curious and hurt of why you would reject to spend tea time with him that only happens one or twice in month.
"Isn't that.." Ranpo point at some group as Kunikida frowned.
"Why are they there and why all of them acting so suspicious?" Muttered Kunikida confused.
There they were most of the well know Members of Port mafia stalking you who was busy playing with the dog and patting it.
"I didn't thought.. Sensei like dogs.." Muttered Dazai alarming Kunikida as Atsushi awkwardly bowed and greet Fukuzawa.
With Yosano and Kenji who seems to just walk past and was confused of why.. Fukuzawa (who wasn't trying to hide), Kunikida and Ranpo (hiding in a bush)
"What do you mean?"
"I hate dogs! And why is the dog licking my handsome sensei face! Ah! It almost touch his lips!!" Exclaimed Dazai accusingly.
As you and the dog started leaving as The Port mafia members approach them.
"Oh? Dazai-kun, Fukuzawa-dono Yosano-chan and.. The other agency members I didn't thought we would encounter here" said Mori as the air tense around them.
"Oh? Neither did we? Is there a specific reason why the port mafia here... Stalking your own executive?" Said Fukuzawa as Mori chuckle.
"Well, Can't we? After all he is part of port mafia! Especially looking after the members is what make me a great boss"
Whereas, Chuuya glared at Dazai who held a stiff smile.
"Ayaya~ Chuuya what's with the grumpy face"
"You still don't learn do you, Mackarel"
"Oh? And what do you mean by that?"
"Stop.. going around stalking sensei last time you try to double suicide with him" said Chuuya as Dazai blink twice and let out an mocking sigh.
"Why can't I? After all Sensei and I are close I'm just following wherever my teacher walk no?"
As Yosano stare at Kouyou who gave a smile.
"Oh, I didn't thought I will see the doctor Yosnao here"
"Huh? Oh arent you the women who was injured and capture by us weeks ago"
"Indeed, what brings you agency here in the park?"
"It is a public park can't we wander around our wish?"
"Ohoho~ indeed indeed, but the timing is too accurate.."
As their stare make Kyouka and Gin to flinch and slightly back away from the older women's staring off contest.
Atsushi just want to be buried alive By the intense glare of Akutagawa who seems to be in murdering mood.
'What did I even do!?' Cried Atsushi in his mind.
"Are you all going to just glare off? That researcher have already bygone somewhere" said Ranpo annoyed that he lost sight of you.
The glaring continues.
"Why are the Port mafia even interested in knowing where the researcher go?" Said Fukuzawa with raise eyebrow as his eyes look down at Mori who smile evily with a tick mark on his for head.
"And what brings the agency to pry what we Port mafia does?"
"Some young girls are talking to the.. researcher"
Like a switch they all rush to where Ranpo stood who let out an annoyed sighed.
"Why are the agency interest on who those womens are? Huh? Is it some of your members to manipulate our executive?"
"Huh? As if! we don't stoop so low, perhaps it is your own members trying to sway him onto dealing and stay more in port mafia"
"Huh! He have his own life and privacy"
"Yes, he have his own privacy but that does imply to port mafia as well to stalk him"
The argument stopped when they notice your discomfort by been surrounded by some two-three high schoolers that are trying to sway in by just saying the dog is so cute to literally flirting with you.
Your eyes held discomfort as you try to be polite.
"You know, I don't like co-operafing but.. Will you help my partner y/n removing those girls from his side?" Asked Kouyou to Yosano who raised an eyebrow as she side glance at Fukuzawa who gave a shook.
"Argh! Comeon, Help us with this we can't just scooped and kick those girls it will literally asking to be jail"
"Alright... in one condition you tell us why you are here in first place"
"Same goes to you too... then"
You don't know why and what just happen as Kouyou and Yosano just came between and sweet talk with the higschooler girls who squeak in fears and left running.
You just went to focus on the dog.
"You alright?"
"Yeah didn't thought the-/should it be you-" they both stopped as they frown when they notice you just patting the dog and smile when he bark and wave his tail happily.
"Good boy, are you hun-"
"Oh, Right... Thank you? Akiko and Kouyou" You unsurely said as you don't know what to say, as the highschool girls that they chases away were only asking what the dog eat to be this big and what breed it was Or even how old the dog was.
You were discomfort because it wasnt your dog and you have no clue what the owner of the cafe gave to the dog to make the dog to be this big in size.
Maybe, Because of its breed you are not sure.
"Is he often like this?" Asked Yosano to Kouyou who let out a sighed.
"Unfortunately his focus has often been with the dog"
"What why?"
"Not sure.. he seems to take care of the dog more.. Especially he started to side tracketed in his own works"
"Pity, But how long had you guys raise as I doubt he suddenly just love the dog after raising it to the point to just stopped caring about work and focus on the dog"
"Well that dog was been taken by y/n to take care of by the cafe owner which he often visits as they went on vacation"
"How long has it been?"
"A month now, and he havent come to Port mafia headquarters for a week because of the dog"
"Heh.. Why not just take away the dog"
"...do you think that.. is easy"
"Hmm.. I barely know him but.. Yeah it won't be easy and-"
They both stop talking to see you already left so does the other members alarming them both.
"Ah! Come on they seriously left us?"
"Meh~ Ranpo have an weird interest on the researcher so yeah"
"He? That's.. Weird even y/n have interest on you"
"How so?"
"He calls your.. first name"
"So.. did he call yours"
"Because.. we are partners since 14, I think but.. He doesn't know you much right?"
"...I guess.."
And so does it perk Yosano interest as they both left in search of where you left.
The whole up-and down came to an end as they finally saw you leave the park to go home with the dog happily barking .
As the evening fall they all tiredly stood there.
"So he rejected to drink Tea meetinf for the dog?"
"Yeah... He even didn't came to work for a week"
"You know.. The owner should really take away the dog"
"First time I agree with you"
As silence felt over.
But soon they both shook hands with the other members to agreed.
"We will find where that Owner of cafe left of too and quickly let them take away the dog"
"And.. we will try to make Y/n-kun not to be around the dog 24/7 so that he won't missed the dog when it truly left."
"Also what do you mean by Tea meeting, Fukuzawa-dono? Are you trying to steal my executive, Y/n-kun?"
He just gave a dead paned look and departed with the agency.
So, does the port mafia with one goal in mind.
'Never in million we will bring another pet so that y/n won't be distracted with it again'
:n- that's all good day/night to all hope you take care!!
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renranram · 4 months
I just need to say I absolutely love your account 🤭 I am now definitely a regular on here🙈 I was wondering if you could make a one-shot where Jschlatt and reader meet through a friend and they instantly click with some flirting here and there :))
Party Talking
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fem!reader ( very awkward n chill )
a typical confession love story wah wah wah
use of y/n!
“ you need to socialize more “ that's the last thing you heard from, ted, your childhood bestfriend stated before dragging you to a party thst you aren't fond of
you sat on the couch, awkward as you drink your fruit punch, hating the taste of beer on your lips
you fumble with your fingers as you sigh out, glancing at the open door but seeing ted playfully glaring at you, not wanting you to leave yet
you groan out in defeat, as you stand up about to refill your fruit punch, before bumping into schlatt, “ hey lil lady, watch where you're going “ he chuckles, “ you alright? “
“ oh uh yeah “ you mumble, slowly nodding as he looks at you before patting your head, “ ive never seen you before, name's schlatt “ schlatt introduces himself
you nod again, stating your name, “ nice to meet you schlatt “ you gave him an awkward smile before chuckling, “ you look tense, did someone drag you here? “ he jokes noticing the empty cup before offering, “ you want fruit punch? i can fill some for you “ he offers as you nod slowly handing him the cup
“ ted dragged me here “ you mutter, “ he said i should socialize “ you added as schlatt scoops some fruit punch, “ oh i get it, you're an introvert? or you just don't like big crowds? “ he asks
“ both “ you reply, muttering a small thank you as you get your cup back, “ … wanna be friends? “ schlatt asks, looking at you as you nod again
“ im sorry if im pretty awkward.. im just not good with talking “ you state as schlatt gave you a small nod, “ i understand, not everyone has good socializing skills “
the two of you sat on the couch again, “ …do you like cats? “ he asks, surprised seeing your eyes sparkle in interest, “ i have a cat actually! “ you smile brightly
and god, the two of you talked and talked for hours until the party was over, “ y/n? y/n? “ ted calls out for you, interrupting yours and schlatt’s conversation as he finally spots you both
“ woah, what do we have here? “ ted raises his eyebrow as you chuckle softly, “ i got my same a new girl friend “ schlatt shrugs, smug, as ted nods, “ im so proud, seeing both of my best friends getting along “ he dramatically faked a sob as schlatt playfully yet gently punches him causing the three of you to laugh
“ but fun’s over now, ill drop you home y/n “ ted hums, showing you that it's 11pm now “ oh… dang “ you slowly stand up watching schlatt as he gave you a reassuring nod, “ well… i guess i gotta go home too “ schlatt states, sighing as he stood up
as you got home, you got confused receiving a chat from a random number
*** ***** ****
< hey! this is schlatt from
the party, i forgot to ask
for your number so i
asked ted 😁
oh hiii >
uhhhh >
this is awkward >
< lol it's totally fine can i
ask you something?
< if you don't mind of course
< haha
yeah of course sure >
< you down… to go with
me? there's a new cat
café opening somewhere
it's fine if you don't want
to go but yeah if you're
free at saturday id be
happy to go with u 😁
oh! >
i'm definitely free >
of course ill go with u! >
what you didn't know was schlatt was staring at your message, kicking his foot like an anime girl, a small blush on his cheeks, rolling around his bed
this continued on for weeks, meet ups here and there, small dates, the both of you just clicked and god it was making schlatt crazy how you two are just friends
but he knows one day he needs to man up, grow some balls, and tell you how he felt and that day, was this one
the two of you stroll at a nearby park, taking both of your cats for a walk, he steals glances at you, he tries to act non chalant but he tremendously fails, him stammering his words, almost slipping, it was getting bad for him
“ you alright jay? “ you ask him, a tone of concern in your voice, “ you look red… like really red “
he breathes out, shaking his head, “ no god hahaha… it's nothing.. it's just so hot “ he mumbles, looking away, “ schlatt… it's winter “ you state as the two of you pauses, chuckling in unison
“ okay okay im sorry “ he breathes out, “ ive been thinking about something” he mumbles, looking at you
“ about what? “ you ask, as you two stop, looking at eachother, was this the right time? is she okay with this? does she even like me back? schlatt mentally asks himself
looking at your eyes with adoration and anxiety, his fingers fumbling, jambo’s and soup’s lead, “ holy fucking shit “ he whispers
“ you okay? “ you ask, gently resting your hand on his arm, thinking he was cold, as schlatt reddens more
“ fuck okay, i need to tell you something okay? “ he breathes out, looking at you intently
“ … okay? “ you chuckle softly, rubbing your hand on his arm
“ i like you y/n… i know it's been weeks of us just meeting but god you're the most amazing woman i know, you're kind, sweet, friendly, just… everything about you is just so lovable it's making me insane to think that we're just friends… im so glad you attended that party because if you didn't i would've never met you- “ he rambles, but you gently cut him off with a peck on his cheek
“ i like you too schlatt “ you smile, “ more like jared “ you manage to tease him, getting a loud laugh at him, lifting you up as he spun you, smiling cheek to cheek, “ holy shit i love you so much “ he rains kisses all over your face, fixing your hair as he smiles at you endearingly
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scaralvr · 2 years
first word scaramouche x gn!spouse!reader and more of baby kuzushi! (modern au, fluff)
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kuzushi turned onto his tummy, pulling at the blanket beneath him for assistance. he added a few of his chubby fingers inside his mouth, babbling. on a saturday morning, this was routine for both you and scaramouche. kuzushi would be the first one to wake up and would do the same to you two by crying if he got bored.
but it seems he has a plan of his own this morning. the one-year-old sloppily crawled to the other end of his crib that faced the bed you were sleeping in with scaramouche.
scaramouche's arms were wrapped around your waist, your back facing him as you enjoyed the warmth of his presence. kuzushi held onto the bars, slowly standing up. and, bingo! the sight of his pacifier next to scaramouche's head caught his interest.
kuzushi experimentally poked his arm out through the bars, hands opening and closing as an attempt to reach for it. yet it was just too far from the whiny baby.
he began to fuss, quietly crying. kuzushi sucked on his bottom lip and started climbing to escape the isolation of his crib. scaramouche, however, began to move in his sleep, and in no time was he fully awake.
his eyes fluttered open and he grinned before pressing a kiss to your neck. you lazily mumbled, "g'mornin', kuni..." scaramouche laughed, and the vibrations of his chest against you caused your lips to quirk up into a smile. "sorry, my love, did i wake you?"
you shook your head, "mmh, it's fine. for once, i'm surprised i didn't awake to you tending to kuzushi's needs." scaramouche nuzzled his face into your shoulder, "he must be exhausted, poor thing."
little did he know, the said child was crawling on the floor towards the bed. kuzushi grabbed at the sheets, hoisting himself onto the mattress. scaramouche felt the bed's weight slightly sink and he turned around, startled at seeing kuzushi loose balance and fall onto the bed, face first.
"aiya, kuzushi," scaramouche sat up, pulling the crying baby into his lap. kuzushi bawled as scaramouche cradled him. you instantly arised, frowning, "oh, dear. what happened?"
scaramouche placed the pacifier into kuzushi's mouth, kissing his forehead. "his face hit the mattress, love. no big deal-" you panicked as soon as scaramouche explained, "no big deal!? he could have a concussion!"
scaramouche paused before smirking, "my love, please, he'll be just fine." he kissed the pout off of your lips and kuzushi angrily whined, pushing at his father's face. you giggled, "looks like he's having another jealousy fit."
kuzushi suckled on the binky, extending his arms out to you, "mm, mm." scaramouche sighed, rolling his eyes, "i need attention from my spouse too, you know." you cooed, "aw, isn't he a cutie, kuni?"
scaramouche gawked, offended in a joking sort of way, "do you love him more than me?" you scoffed, "don't say that, darling. i love the both of you, and i always will. besides, kuzushi's just a little baby, he's barely competition to you and who knows, maybe you'll be his favourite parent as he grows up."
"maybe." scaramouche enunciated, smiling as kuzushi curiously looked up at him.
"wah!" kuzushi yelped, slamming his hands onto the table of his high chair. scaramouche had a deadpan expression as the puree kuzushi smacked landed on his face. kuzushi giggled.
scaramouche grabbed the handkerchief and wiped his cheek for the several time. "kuzushi, please just... eat." he pleaded, nudging the spoon of food near his mouth. kuzushi looked elsewhere and slapped it away, the cutlery landing on the floor, "hmp!" he pouted, brows furrowed together.
scaramouche groaned, crouching down to clean up the mess. he swore, everytime friday came and it was his turn to take care of kuzushi while you were at work, he went through a war with his own child.
"come on, kuzushi. you're not coming with me to pick up (preferred parent name) later if you don't eat." scaramouche bargained with a forced grin. kuzushi sniffled, "n... huh." and in only a few seconds, did he start crying his eyes out.
scaramouche was in the midst of panicking, picking up the baby from his high chair and steadily rocking him in his arms. "shh, shh..." he tutted, patting kuzushi's head. kuzushi's cries quieted down to soft sobs, his tears and snot staining the shoulder of scaramouche's shirt.
kuzushi hiccuped, "p... pa." scaramouche tensed up. he held kuzushi before himself to take a good look at him. "papa." kuzushi whimpered, tears rolling down his red face. scaramouche paused. his mouth slowly opened, "aah..."
kuzushi repeated, reaching for scaramouche's face. scaramouche loudly gasped then laughed, "that's right, baby, i'm your papa! you're such a good boy, aren't you?" he praised, tickling kuzushi in his arms as he giggled.
kuzushi gurgled, adorable, doe eyes glancing at scaramouche in awe. "i'm going to tell your (preferred parent name) all about this when they get home, yeah? 'cause my baby boy kuzushi's been so good for papa today!" scaramouche carried the laughing baby into the living room, instantly forgetting all about breakfast.
© scaralvr.
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arisewanekosuki · 1 year
So for little traveler helper
I want travel with aether,ayato,tighnari and klee in seirai island..
Anyway congrats and thank you
Thank you! I hope you like it! (*^ v ^*)/)
Event Masterlist -------------------------
[Traveler's little helper event] [Aether, Ayato, Tighnari and Klee in Seirai Island]
When Tighnari with the rest of your group stepped on the beach of Seirai Island, he couldn’t help but feel worried. Not only there are storms around the Island, there seems to be one at the center as well. The sounds were unpleasant for his sensitive ears but not unbearable yet. -“Will you be alright Tighnari?” you asked, with worry written over your face. The Forest Ranger really like how you pay attention to everyone well beings, but still you’re the last person he would like to worry. -“Thank you for your concern but I’ll be fine.” Before you could say anything else, the young girl in red hat asked. -“Is Mister Fluffy not feeling good?” You and Paimon couldn’t help but giggle, Tighnari crossed his arms, clearly embarrassed at how Klee called him. He coughed into hand and then crouched in front of the young girl. -“My name is Tighnari, not Mister Fluffy.” -“Oh! Klee is sorry, didn’t wanted to make Mister Flu-.. Tighnari angry.” She looked sad, hiding her hands behind her back. -“I’m not angry, I just wanted to remind you of my name.” He patted her head. Klee smiled and then started to look around. You can tell she’s excited to be here. Ayato approached you and asked with a smile -“So what plans do you have for us today?” You thought for a moment. -“Hmm… we need to gather some Amakumo Fruits and get some Spectral Husks from Specters-” -“Don’t worry (Y/n)! Klee will find it!!” before you could react, the little girl started running deeper into island. -“Wah! Klee come back here!” you started to run after her. -“What are you waiting guys! Let’s go!” Paimon shouted at the boys and fly after you. Ayato and Tighnari looked at Aether who shrugged his shoulders and started to follow after you. -“It seems today will be very interesting day, don’t you agree Mister Tighnari?” Ayato asked with a smirk. Tighnari’s ear twitched, he didn’t like the look the Head of Kamisato Clan was giving him. -“We should catch up with them.” After that the forest Ranger started to run in direction your group went. Ayato chuckled and followed him.
Only little parts were left behind of Ruin Cruiser and Defender after the machines were meet with Klee’s bombs and Aether’s sword. Paimon gathered the parts that were laying on the ground and give them to Aether, while you were talking with Klee -“Klee please, don’t run away alone. We all should stay together, okay? Ah I don’t even want to know what Albedo and the rest would do to me if something bad happened to you.”  The little girl perked after hearing you mention her brother name. -“Klee will be okay!! Klee will protect (Y/n)!  So Albedo can-“ The girl stopped, remembering something. You looked at her with confusion -“So he can?” Paimon suddenly asked with curious look on her face. -“Ah..um…T-that’s a secret!” Klee started to wave her hands in front of her. -“Hmm… now Paimon is even more curious!”   Klee was avoiding looking at Paimon, while Paimon was saying that she promise to keep it secret. -“If it’s a secret you shouldn’t pry, Paimon” Aether finally spoke, the flying girl pouted but then she looked around. -“Where is Tighnari and Ayato?” -“I’m here!” Tighnari came, holding something in his hands. “Is this what you need?” He gave you Spectral Husks. -“Oh! Yes! Thank you! ... But wait… where is Ayato?” You looked behind Tighnari, trying to find blue haired man. -“Oh no! Did he got lost?!” Paimon panicked. “What are we going to tell Ayaka?! What if Shuumatsuban-!” -“Please don’t think like I’m already dead just because I took small detour.”  Ayato stood behind Paimon. -“Ek?!” Paimon screamed and hid behind Aether “D-Don’t scare Paimon like that!!” She said.
Ayato only smiled and then approached you. -“I found some Amakumo Fruits for you.” -“Oo! Thank you Ayato!” You took the fruits and put them with the rest in your little pocket dimension. Klee was looking between you and Yashiro Commissioner, then she suddenly hugged you while still looking at Ayato. You were surprised by little girl actions -“Is something wrong Klee?” You asked her. -“…” She was still looking at Ayato and then she spoke “(Y/n) is Klee big sister! You can’t take her away!” Everyone in group was surprised, then Ayato chuckled. -“Little Miss Klee, I’m not going to steal your ‘sister’. “ Klee nodded and then hold onto your hand. You never saw her behaving like this. The atmosphere felt awkward, Aether coughed, bringing everyone attention to him. -“We still need to find more fruits and Husks, so let’s go. (Y/n) stay close to me.”  -“There is no reason for her to be close to you, we all capable enough to protect her too, you know.” Aether stopped in his track, turning around to look at Kamisato who put his hand on your shoulder. Klee after seeing this started said. -“Klee and Dodoco will protect big sister!” -“I know you all strong but I feel better when she’s close to me.” Aether added. -“Yeah! (Y/n) is our companion after all!” Paimon joined. -“We all are companions now, aren’t we?” Tighnari's ear twitched with irritation. To your dismay the four people started the passive-aggressive argument. You noticed how Klee become silent and with one look at her face you could tell she was feeling uncomfortable. Finally you spoke. -“Alright! That’s enough! You all make Klee sad!” All the guys and Paimon looked at little girl, they started to feel bad for upsetting her. “ I don't understand why you even argue, let’s just all stay together, okay? And don’t separate like before! “ you sighed after that “I know I can’t fight but you all should be more concerned of yourself and each other than me…I would hate if something happened to any of you because of me…” you mumbled the last part but they still could hear it. -“(Y/n) is right, we all team now and we all should take care of each other.” Tighnari said and approached Klee. “I’m sorry Klee that I upset you, will you forgive me?” The girl looked at him and nodded with smile -“Yes! Klee forgives Mister Fl- Tighnari!” -“Paimon is sorry too!” -“I’m sorry too Klee.” Both Paimon and Aether apologized to the little girl. Klee smiled and said that she forgives them. -“I apologize for my behavior, little Miss. I hope you’ll find in your heart to forgive me as well.” Ayato smiled towards Klee, who took a bit of time to finally nod and accept his apology. After that, the whole group went on, together.
You all found a place where more Amakumo Fruits were growing, so you all started to collect them. You noticed how Tighnari was crouching in front one and writing something in his notes. Curious, you approached him. -“What are you writing, Mister Fluffy?” you ask him with lighter voice. The Fox boy looked at you, not amused how did you called him just now. -“I could only read about Amakumo Grass so this is good occasion to study them by myself before we leave the Island. It’s really interesting how this plant can only grow on Seirai Island with such environment.” He ripped off one fruit and motioned you to come closer “Come here, can you hear it?” Tighnari held the fruit close to your ear, you could hear it crackling with a tiny current. -“Oh! I never knew there is noise coming from it!” The Forest Ranger smiled, then opened the fruit. -“If you open it, you can see small electrics coming from it. This fruit is not edible for humans, only elemental creatures can consume it. It interesting that people still didn’t find anything they can use this fruit for… well expect you, of course. I suppose you do need them for something?” -“Yeah! This fruit will help me make my friends stronger. “ -”I thought so, are they perhaps use electro vision?” -“Well… one yes, other uses Dendro and is a Yōkai!” -“I see! That’s interesting… Dendro and Electro works well with each other so maybe-“ And Tighnari started to ramble. You don’t mind it, for you, Tighnari always looks cute when he speaks about flowers or plants, hearing the excitement in his voice and seeing smile on his face always put smile on your face too. Tighnari stopped talking after he realized how you were looking at him. Your lovely eyes focusing now only at him and your smile that he adores so much, make his heart beat a bit faster. He only hopes you won’t notice how his tail started to wag. For some time Tighnari wanted to invite your for a date but most of the time he’s busy or Aether and Paimon are by your side, they always too invite themselves to your both’s hangouts. Now the two of you are alone, this is a good chance to ask you. -“(Y/n), I been wondering, after we come back to Teapot would you-“ -“Big sister! Mister Tighnari!” Klee interrupted, running towards you two “Mister Ayato said that we have enough fruits! Let’s go search for monsters!” Tighnari looked behind him, there stood Ayato with that smile he disliked so much, waving at him.  You said ‘Coming!’ and got up, following the girl. Tighnari could only sighed. -“Maybe next time…”
Your group couldn’t find anymore Specters so you started to search for them on islands around Amakumo Peak. The boys held some competition, who will get more Specter Husks. What they didn’t expect is that Klee was the one who win in the end. With big smile she gave the Specter Husks to you. -“I’m sure brother would get more but Klee did good job, right?” -“Yes, of course! What would we do without you Klee?” you laughed and patted on the head the little girl. Then you turned towards the boys “But you all did good job too! Thank you boys!” Ayato was the first to respond, showing you his lovely smile -“Anything for you (Y/n)~” Paimon noticed how you were staring at the Kamisato so she flew in front him, to block his face from your view. -“How about a break and eat something? Paimon is really hungry!” she make puppy eyes and hold onto her stomach. You laughed and shook your head with a smile. -“Paimon is right, let’s find some pot and take a break.”
Aether was the one who volunteered to cook for everyone. The rest of the group fond some logs to sit on it, Klee quickly took place by your left side while Paimon sat by your right side. Mostly Klee and Paimon filled the air with their talks, sometimes Tighnari would join to the girls conversation. Ayato would go check how Aether cooking is going and you would only listen to girls talk and respond if they asked you something. After awhile the food was ready, Paimon called Aether and let him sit by your side while she smirked towards other two boys. They didn’t said anything but she could see their displeased expressions. Then Paimon said -“Aether makes the best food! Right (Y/n)?” you looked at her chewing the food and nodding with big smile.  “Fufu~ Future Aether’s wife will for sure be happy to have husband like him! Don’t you think (Y/n)?” Aether slightly blushed after hearing that, he took small glance at you, to see your reaction to what Paimon said. But you were only continue to smile. When you swallow the food you said. -“I think so too! His future wife will be so lucky to have him as a husband!” this made Aether red as tomato. Before other boys could say anything Paimon continued. -“He’s strong! And good looking! And let’s not forget that he’s the one helping in every nation with their problems!” -“Paimon I think that’s enough…” Aether covered his face with hands, feeling embarrassed. -“Aw don’t be shy Aether, Paimon is right! You’re truly incredible!” you patted him on his shoulder, Aether’s heart skipped a beat. He heard many compliments from many people but only yours make him feel this warm. He only wished the other guys wouldn’t be present now, he can tell that both of them are annoyed that he gets your attention. Aether really miss those days where only three of you would travel around the nations, yes, you still do that but lately it seems more and more people find time just to join to your group. Or worse, you tell him to relax in Teapot cause he has been ‘overworking’ himself while you take some people with you to do commissions so you still gain some mora. As long you go with girls he’s not worried but if you go with guys he can’t relax at all. He can tell how his male friends look at you, how they try to steal your heart. He can’t help but be afraid that you'll fell in love with one of them and decide to stay with them, just this thought make him feel sick on his stomach. When you got up, Aether come to reality from his thoughts. With a smile you said. -“There is one more place I want to take you all!”
-“Uwaa! There so many kitties!” Klee said and then run to play with the cats. -“It’s interesting how the weather is…different here. It’s like we not even on Seirai Island anymore.” Tighnari looked around, surprised at how he can't hear any storms, but he’s not complaining about it. -“So this is Asase Shrine? How interesting.” The Yashiro commissioner was watching Aether and Paimon approaching Black Cat. You smiled and patted Ayato’s arm. -“I like to call it…a cat island! I know you’re more of a dog person so if one day me and Aether find ‘dog island’ you’ll be the first I’ll show it to you!” Ayato chuckled and come a bit closer, whispering to your ear.. -“I hope you’ll keep this promise~” -“O-of course!” you stuttered, not expecting his face to be that close. Ayato was pleased with your reaction. You’re always adorable in his eyes. How much he wish to spend more alone time with you but with his busy schedule it’s hard. And even if he gets some time, there is always Aether by your side or other people. But now it seems others are busy. Tighnari talks with some adventurer that already been here when they come, Aether with Paimon spoke with Black Cat and little Klee is playing with other kittens. This was a chance. -“Would you like to take a small walk with me?” you looked at Ayato and nodded. He held his arm for you to hold on it, you hesitated for moment but then you put your arm around his and start walking on the small beach, of this part of island. When you both were walking, Ayato thanked you for being such good friend to Ayaka. -“That time you invited her for this…’pajama party’? When she came back the next day she was so happy, but she didn’t wanted to share what you girls were doing back there.” You laughed after hearing that. -“Well this is secret between girls!~ “ -“Hm, I expected you will say something like that.” Ayato chuckled and there was comfortable silence. You loved moments like this with your friends, no fighting, forgetting about all problems and just relaxing with people dear to you. And Ayato couldn't help but appreciate your beauty. You two stopped, watching the sea. The cool breeze caressed your skin.  -“How about coming to Kamisato residence and stay for a night? I’m sure Ayaka will be happy if you visit us.”   -“Thank you but I wouldn’t want to be burden-“ -“I would never think like that about you and the same goes for Ayaka. Even…Thoma… will be happy to see you.”  -“Hmm…” you hummed, deep in thought. “Then if it’s really not a problem I-“ -“There you are (Y/n)!!”  Paimon shout, flying towards where you and Ayato were standing and then she got between you too.  “We already done for today so Aether wants to come back to Teapot!...Hm? What are you two were talking about?” Paimon asked, looking innocently at Ayato. -“Oh! Ayato invited me to his house!” Paimon gasped -“We are going to Ayato’s house?! Yay! Paimon can’t wait to eat some delicious food!!” you sighed at that and shook your head “Paimon, please , stop thinking about food for a moment! So…when we can come, Ayato?” Paimon smirked at him. He knew she was doing it on purpose, but he doesn’t mind, after all Aether and her will be on his ‘territory’.  He smiled towards little girl. -“How about tomorrow?” -“Alright, I’ll go and tell Aether about our plans!” you replied with smile and went towards the Shrine. Paimon looked at Ayato and pouted. -“Don’t even think about stealing (Y/n) from us! Hmpf!” and with that she flew after you. Ayato only laughed at that.
When you all come back to Teapot, Klee immediately ran towards Albedo’s room. -“Thank you for today, later I need to go brush my tail…” then he whispered to your ear “if you want you can help me with it~” You looked at him surprised -“Really? Can I?” Tighnari doesn't let anyone touch his tail or ears but for reasons unknown to you he sometimes ask if you want to help brush his tail and you always accept to do so. -“Of course, just came to my room when you'll be ready.” And after that he went towards his room. Ayato approached you, putting his hand on your shoulder. -“Don’t forget about tomorrow.” He didn’t even waited for your reply and just went towards the kitchen. You sat on the couch, after so much walk your legs hurt. Aether joined to you but then he placed his head on your lap. You starter to play with his golden locks. -“Tired?” you asked. He only hummed in response, closing his eyes and enjoying your touch. After a moment Aether said. -“But today wasn’t that bad…” -“Yeah, we got so many Husks and fruits, we won’t have to visit Seirai for awhile~” That's not what Aether meant, he was glad that the other guys didn’t had too much time to speak with you alone. But the thought that there are more of them , just waiting for any chance to steal your lovely heart, makes him feel tired even more.
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82mitsu · 4 months
{18Trip} <CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A: Sun will R1ze!> 001-A04 Dependable(?) founding employees
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A translation of 18TRIP's CHAPTER 001 SIDE-A by 82mitsu. ENG proofreading by sasaranurude.
TL Note:
As mentioned in Kafka’s interview: The dog is named Shumai which is Siu Mai, a chinese dumpling. 
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Kaede: (The first day of work is finally here! The other new employees will be here too, right… I’m nervous.)
Kaede: (That reminds me… I ran into Renga-kun here last week—I wonder if he turned out to be okay. He wasn’t looking too good there.)
Kaede: (Not that I can do much just sitting around and worrying! Alright, time for work!)
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Daniel: Nah, what’cha making all these faces for. Someone’s a busy fella as always.
Kaede: !? Eh, Da-Daniel-san!? What are you doing here!?
Daniel: Ah? ‘Cuz this is my workplace, duh.
Daniel: Lemme take it from the top again, I’m director of HAMA Tours, Iwabuchi Daniel Hiroshi. Nice to meet’cha~
Kaede: …! …! …!
Kaede: (Y-you have got to be kidding me… Does that mean he’s my boss again…!? This guy who doesn’t lift a finger…!? Kafka, why did you hire him of all people…)
Daniel: While it’s our new workplace, you better be working till ya drop~ Chief-san♪ ‘Kay, I’mma head off first.
Kaede: D-Daniel-san, you are one of the founding employees, remember!? So please actually put effort into working this time around, okay!?
Daniel: Wahaha, I’unno ‘bout that.
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Sakujiro: A good morning to you two, Chief, Director.
Sakujiro: Chief, we received the flowers you ordered. Thank you kindly for your consideration.
Kaede: Sakujiro-san, good morning to you too! So the flowers arrived safely then.
Sakujiro: Indeed. Young Master… Pardon, the President is most delighted with these.
Kaede: (...Oh, I see now. Sakujiro-san’s also one of the founding employees. Working together with someone who has been looking out for me since I was a kid—it does feel a little bit strange…)
Sakujiro: I am no more than a mere newbie of an ordinary employee, so please do give me orders regarding anything, even miscellaneous affairs at work.
Kaede: Eh… that’s really a bit too…
Daniel: Gotcha, Sakujiro. I’ll let ya take charge of all the annoying things.  
Kaede: Daniel-san… Don’t you have any common sense…!?
Daniel: Gotta use whatever’s at your disposal~
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Kafka: Good morning. Everyone’s in high spirits already. Chief-chan, thanks for the flowers ♪ Could it be that you got these arranged in my image?
Kaede: Ah, Kafka, goo-
Daniel: Top of the mornin’ to ya, Bossman. 'Nother day of you looking all spiffy there.
Kaede: (Daniel-san, your tune sure changes with Kafka…) 
Kafka: Good morning. The other two who will also be founding employees are already here. Allow me to introduce them.
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???: Good morning, Chief-san and Director-san if I’m right. 
Kaede: (Wah… A calm, proper looking fine young man!)
Kafka: He’s Kitakata Nayuki. He’s an old friend I connected with back in the investor community. This time I brought him on board as the manager for accounting.
Nayuki: If there are any problems related to accounting, please don’t hesitate to ask me about anything. I will properly follow through with you.
Kaede: (Woah, a genuine guy who has it all together…! Thank god…)
Kaede: (Hm? I kinda… feel like I’ve seen him before… Where was it again, like a magazine interview or something…)
Kafka: By the way, Nayuki also has experience establishing JPN’s biggest metaverse service mahorova under the role of COO under his belt. He’s your go-to guy to rely on. 
Kaede: Ah…! You’re the boy genius who created mahorova at the tender age of 12…!?
Nayuki: That is something from 11 years ago. Currently I’m a mere section manager for accounting so please treat me as such without reservation.
Kaede: (Such an amazing track record, yet so friendly and humble… Kafka, you actually hired a respectable guy…!)
Kaede: (...Honestly, why come to our company with a background like that? is what I’m thinking, but… maybe it’s because he’s friends with Kafka?)
Kaede: (...That also reminds me, something’s telling me I heard “Kitakata” somewhere else… What was it again?)
Kafka: Well, Nayuki will be taking on another job besides accounting sometime soon. Leaving that aside for now…
Kafka: There’s one more person, a guy that I employed as an intern but…
(Sounds of glass breaking and rattling)
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???: Wah, uwaaaaah, I fell over and the flower vase is………..Guh! Hweeehsorrysorrysorrysorrysorry—--!!!
Sakujiro: Oh good heavens. The flowers we received from Chief are a mess.
???: P-picking them right now!!! Ouch!!! There’s blood from touching the vase shards… bloooooood~!!  
Kafka: Sigh… Sakujiro, lend him a hand, and put the flowers back together.
Sakujiro: I shall wrap this up within three seconds. 
Kaede: (T-they’re the perfect picture of a clumsy boy and overpowered butler…!?)
???: Ah, awawawah, I blinked and there’s band-aids… G-God, was that you~!?
Kafka: Yachiyo. Come here. Those flowers are VERY! important to me so you better not be coming near them ever any time soon, okay?
Yachiyo: S-s-sorry… I won’t ever be in the same room as them ever again… 
Sakujiro: Fuefuki-kun, if I may. Once you open the door first look to your right, and then to your left. Then proceed to keep a one meter distance from anything that seems breakable on impact. 
Yachiyo: Ye-yeshhhh!!! I’ll write it down!! I’ll make a memo of exactly every single spoken word!!!
Daniel: Oooh, whatta hard worker, takin’ proper notes and all. Intern-kun fella.
Kaede: (It’s kind of like… another unique person joined the bunch…)
Kafka: This is Fuefuki Yachiyo. The details of his application form were unusual and funny so I hired him ♪ Do get along with him.
Kaede: (Hired because it was funny… Kafka, your bad habits are coming out again!)
Kafka: And~ last~ but~ not least~ Ta-daaah, our poster dog Shumai.
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Shumai: Borf!
Kaede: Eh, where did Shumai pop up from!? Wait, why did you bring him here!?
Nayuki: What a cute little doggy. Are you acquainted with him, Chief?
Kaede: Uuh, more than knowing him, we found him injured in the courtyard of the hospital Kafka was staying at back in the day…
Kafka: Chief-chan and I rescued him and looked after him at the hospital. I took him in my care when I got discharged from the hospital. Since he came running after me, and all.
Kaede: Really? It’s been so long, I’m glad to see you again, Shumai.
Shumai: Pant pant, boworf!
Kafka: Ah~ so unfair. Only wrapping your arms around Shumai. You should embrace me like you used to in the past, Chief-chan.
Kaede: W-what are you saying, geez…
Nayuki: Fufu, the president and Chief sure are good friends.
Kaede: Eh, no no it’s because we’re childhood friends…! Sorry for messing around at work…!
Kafka: It's not like we're messing around for the hell of it, this is how good friends act ♪ Manager Nayuki, don't go making eyes at Chief-chan, okay.
Kaede: (No, but seriously, what are you going on about, Kafka…)
Yachiyo: Do not make eyes at Chief… I-I jotted that down!!
Kaede: Yachiyo-kun, you don’t gotta take notes of that!
Kafka: Now then, given how all founding members have come together… Suppose it’s time to hold our first strategy meeting.
<<previous chapter / next chapter>>
chapter 001 side A directory: TBA upon completion
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
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Almond Tofu
bottom!ftm Xiao x top!masc Reader
↳ W.C: 1,095
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↳ [Event Request] | AFAB Language Used
CW: Non-Con, Aphrodisiacs, 69 Position, Riding, Creampie
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Xiao was so grateful that you made him a delicious plate of almond tofu that he didn't even consider the fact that you could've laced it. He even trusted you to bring him somewhere to rest when he started to feel ‘sick’.
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Xiao feels an odd sensation in between his legs, a throbbing need for something he doesn't know. He mumbles your name, you’re the only person who can satisfy his need. But what need? Why do you need to satisfy him? He doesn't understand.
He’s lying down on the bed, waiting for you to come back. He's too horny to stay still, he has to somehow take care of the feeling in his pussy, so he pulls his clothes off and spreads his legs slightly open. He slides two fingers down his cunt, surprised at how wet he is. He touches his clit, feeling good from it, and circles his digits around it.
“Need…need more..” He whines. “Please- please-” Tears threaten to fall from his eyes.
You finally re-enter the room, greeted with the sight of his wet pussy. “Xiao…” You place your hand on his leg. “Let me help you.”
Xiao moans from your touch. “Please..”
You lie down on the bed and pick Xiao up, having him sit on your face. Xiao’s eyes widen as your tongue works his needy little pussy. He rocks his hips and moans, needing more than your tongue.
He notices a bulge in your pants and feels drawn to it. He leans down and pulls your pants down and then your underwear. He gets slapped in the face by your thick length, a loud moan escaping his lips. If it were possible, Xiao would have hearts in his eyes. His tongue darts out to taste your pre cum, moaning softly as he goes in for more, sucking on your cockhead.
Meanwhile, you're drowning in his juices. You can tell he's about to come but he's barely acknowledging it, too focused on your cock to do so. You keep on going, tongue fucking his sloppy wet hole. Xiao's body shakes and his eyes widen as he squirts on your face, tightening around your tongue.
You pull him away from your cock, making him whine, and turn him onto his back. You, towering over him, waste no time sliding into his sopping wet pussy. You can't believe how good he feels.
Xiao comes again just from your entrance, squeezing your cock with a smile on his face. He finally feels better, the only thing he needs now is your cum. Unfortunately he doesn't know that yet. “More! Ple- please~!” He whines. All he knows is that he wants more.
You grab his waist and thrust into him aggressively, giving him what he desires. You watch his tits bounce with each thrust, making you want to grab at them. Xiao rolls his head back, gripping the sheets as you fuck into his tight warmth knowing you’ll never have the chance to do it again.
“You’re so pretty, Xiao.” You compliment him, earning a squeeze from the adeptus’ cunt. “You’ll look even better when I come inside you.”
Xiao moans wantonly, finally understanding what he's been craving. “Ple- please~!” He begs. “Please- please- please–!” He repeats it over and over like it’ll do anything.
“Look at you, begging like a cum slut.” You laugh. “Be patient.”
Xiao sobs, needing your cum more than anything. You weren't expecting the aphrodisiac to work like this but you're not complaining. It's likely because of the ingredients you added into it…
You turn Xiao onto his stomach and shove his head into the pillow. You raise his ass up and fuck him deeper than before. His moans are muffled by the fabric, hiding his whoreish sounds. The pillow is drowning in his tears.
You spank his ass. “Such an impatient little cum slut. I might not come inside you anymore.” You lie, moving your hand away from his head.
Xiao lifts himself up from his pillow. “Nn- no! Please!” He whines. “‘M sor- sorry~! Ah~!” He lets out a moan as you spank him again.
“You've turned into a complete whore.” You say, amused. “You want my cum this bad, baby?”
“Yes~! Wah- want your cum~!” He nods desperately.
“In your mouth, or in your pussy?”
“In- in my pu- pussy~! Please!” Xiao's cheeks burn red. “[Name], please~!”
Your thrusts become sloppier as you reach your peak and Xiao’s begging gets louder, thinking you're about to stop completely.
Thankfully for him, he feels you spilling your hot load inside him. Xiao rolls his eyes back, coming hard on your cock.
“Mo- more- cum please..”
“You're still not satisfied, huh?” You turn onto your back and pick him up, sliding him down onto your still hard cock. “Work for it.”
Xiao thinks of how you fucked him before, how your cock went in and out of his cunt. He’s never had sex before nor has he even ridden anyone so he has to take reference from your actions. He bounces up and down on your cock, his pretty tits bouncing with him.
“What a good boy.” You praise him, running your hands along his thighs. He twitches from your words and your touch, about to come again.
Xiao's movements become sloppy as your cock hits the best spots inside him, getting close to his climax. He stops before he comes, too weak to keep moving. Thankfully for him, you help him out.
You grab hold of his waist and bounce him on your length. “Can't even ride cock properly.” You chuckle.
Xiao rolls his eyes back, crying out in pleasure as you fuck him. All he can think about is how good it feels having you fuck your spend inside him, and how you’ll come inside him again.
He comes again, urging you towards your release. Since you already came, it won't take much more for you to do it again.
He can feel your cock twitching inside him, something he doesn't understand but loves. “Ye- yes-” Xiao whines. “So- so good~”
You slam him down onto your cock for the last time, filling him up for a second time.
This goes on for hours upon hours, up until Xiao passes out.
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Xiao wakes up alone, copious amounts of cum dribbling out of his cunt. He remembers everything that happened, he feels embarrassed that he acted like that.
And maybe it's the lingering effects of the aphrodisiac or that he truly wants it, but he wishes you were here, stuffing your cum inside him again.
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phenomenalgirl9 · 2 days
Boyfriend: Choi Yeonjun x Reader
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The more I get to know you, Can't tell the feelings I feel, Sometimes it doesn't feel so right.
“Air time in 5 mins” Pd-nim called out and you made sure all the cameras were in place in the monitor and showed a Thumbs up.
“Rolling” you said. “Enter TxT in 3… 2… 1” and as soon as you said the lights revolved and the 5 cheerful boys entered the studio.
“Welcome to our new Episode of Flower Village” Pd-nim said and they cheered and introduced themselves. A pair of Fox-like sharp brown eyes found yours from the other side of the camera and a smile came to your lips. As Pd-nim queued you to start the interview.
The interview went on “…That’s a cute concept. I wonder where Yeonjun-ssi finds his inspiration from?” you read from your script. You tried your best to not get distracted by his eyes and followed it peril-lessly.
He smiled, almost a flirty smirk, at the camera but if you didn’t know you’d think his smirk was directed towards you. “I draw experiences from the world, around me dramas and stories, people even” he said and as if on you noticed Taehyun and Beomgyu smile towards you and mumbling something to each other and chuckling. A blush rushed onto your cheek and you didn’t look up for the rest of the interview, not like anyone would care who’s behind the camera anyway.
“Pd-nim, Y/n Pd-nim” You heard your name being called and you turned around to find Yeonjun rushing towards you. This man will be the death of you, you thought. “Hello Yeonjun-ssi” you greeted bowing a little (To maintain etiquette mostly). “How have you been? You look tired” he stated, more that asking “I should be asking you that, You’re the one having a comeback and a tour followed by it” you said. “Do I look tired?” he said his eyes mischievous, feigning surprise as he touched his cheek and fake-frowned. “I made sure to complete my beauty sleep, for today” he added. Your mind raced at the way he emphasised on today, did he mean what you were thinking, hoping he means?
“Ah, No no that’s not how I meant it” you said and were about to explain further but your boss called you, saving you from further embarrassment and excused yourself.
You were almost done with work and were about to leave when your coworker from the editing desk called you.
“Do you think I should use this feed or this?” he asked and you helped him out. “Damn that look surely wasn’t for the camera” he mumbled “you were taking the interview, right?” he asked with a shit-eating grin. “It was for the camera, why else?” you said and were about to leave when you heard him say. “Yeah, lie to yourself”
It was another exciting day as your team was appointed to conducted the next Run Jin. Having worked with BTS many times before you were excited to meet Jin again after a long time.
“Y/n-ah” Jin cheered and shook hands with you “Look at you, you’re a Pd now. Wah” he added. You smiled at how he’s still so enthusiastic like old days. The whole day was fun.
“Yeonjun is literally fishing aspects to approach you. Why don’t you put the boy out of his misery?” the old man said. “what do you mean Pd-nim” you said averting your eyes towards Yeonjun who was already looking at you and smiled. “I’m old” You stopped the urge to say I know “I can read the way a person looks at someone and I think I see it clear in both your eyes” he noted with a smile on his lips. “Don’t be worry about other things so much, live in the moment” he added and winked and left.
On the other side of the room Jin to Yeonjun-
“How many years are you gonna waste just looking at her?”
“Huh?” Yeonjun looked at Jin, confused. “We can all see the way you look at her and she at you” he said. “I’ve looked at her since the day I first saw her, have looked at her all this time yet I think somethings stopping her, Duty? Public Opinion? She almost knocked out a light and was about to fall when luckily, I held her hand and stopped the accident-”
“And saved the day” you said having heard enough “It was a harrowing day, probably one of my first shoots” I chuckled and as if on queue Jin left. Not before winking and pointing at the two of you. “I was very nervous that day” Yeonjun said, “I felt relieved seeing you”  
“Seeing me knock down the lights?” you joked. “No, to know I wasn’t the only one. And that’s only grown” He added.
“Into?” You asked looking into his Sharp brown eyes. “Something I’d like to see more of” he said and smiled.
“Coffee?” you asked.
“That could be a nice start” he said and smiled.
So, why you looking at me like I'm your Boyfriend, boyfriend
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fuzzkaizer · 4 months
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Systech - overdrive
"Have you ever played a pedal that stuck with you forever, even though you knew in your heart it was totally weird, and nobody famous ever used it? For me, yeah, tons of them. But if I had to pick one that best fit these criteria, this one would be it. This is the Systech Overdrive. Before we dive in, let’s talk a little about where it was made.
There was a time when, of all places, Kalamazoo Michigan was an epicenter for musically related things. Apart from being a city referenced by Looney Tunes and the hometown of Glen Miller’s gal, Kalamazoo had the Sound Factory, which was a collective of sorts that featured guitar luthiery, a recording studio and electronic gear manufacturing. The facility sat front and center on Kalamazoo Avenue, smack dab in the middle of the city, and attracted visitors from all over.
Of course, if it was some random outpost of nobodies, the name wouldn’t carry any weight. However, the Sound Factory was shored up by three relatively heavy hitters of the early ‘70s. One such was Greg Hochman, Keith Emerson’s Moog technician. He was joined by Bryce Roberson, otherwise known as Uncle Dirty of Chess Records fame and a relatively unknown person named Charlie Wicks. If you’ve been reading this column for a while, you’ll recognize him as the man behind ProCo—the Ratfather.
Together, these three developed Systech, which itself was short for “Systems & Technology in Music, Inc.” That mouthful of a company was responsible for the Harmonic Energizer, a little-known yet highly influential effect that provided a deep filtered sound in addition to some crunchy drive and sharp resonant peaks. You might know it as one of Frank Zappa’s signature pieces. And while this Overdrive effect wasn’t that, it was derived from the Harmonic Energizer and shares a handful of characteristics.
Basically, if dialed in just the right way, the Harmonic Energizer will make short work of an entire speaker cabinet and anyone in the audience. This is because it was designed to provide a staggering gain of 55dB, enough to cause serious damage to your gear or hearing. The Overdrive was created to get some of those tones at non speaker-shredding levels.
If you’re thinking this unit is some kind of proto-Tube Screamer, think again. Because this was the early ‘70s, nobody had really decided exactly what “overdrive” meant. And though Maestro (coincidentally, also in Kalamazoo) had created one of almost every effect under the sun, pedal fever wasn’t quite here just yet, so Systech was essentially “winging it.” With that said, the Overdrive is actually a pretty aggressive fuzz sound. And to that end, the fuzz circuit is pretty unique. The entire affair contains two transistors—one a JFET input buffer—and one dual op-amp with a handful of other components. Even the topology is relatively simple, but the simplicity ends with the schematic.
The EQ control works unlike pretty much any EQ control you’ve ever fiddled with; as much an EQ as the whole unit is an overdrive. Instead of a simple tonal adjustment, the EQ control is actually an active bandpass filter, in the same family as a wah circuit. With a simple twist of a knob, you can adjust this filter from 122Hz to 900Hz. As you might imagine, the EQ control sounds relatively cocked-wah-esque, but the sound is much more aggressive than any wah on the market before or since. The reason has to do with the Q factor, essentially a bandwidth control. A wah’s Q is set by its 33K resistor and is much wider than that of the Overdrive, so the tone is a little more rounded. While a wah’s filter is a rubber mallet, the Systech Overdrive’s is a tack hammer. While the sound is curious, the thing really comes to life when you crank the EQ control, as it gives you a nice punch in the mids. You lose a little definition when you get to the bottom third, but man is it fun to play with.
“Distortion” is just what it sounds like, but curiously enough, “Gain” is about as close to a volume knob as you’re going to get. Much like Distortion, if you turn it all the way down it kills the entire signal, but it sits behind a final gain stage. If you have the guts to crank both Distortion and Gain, you’re richly rewarded with gobs of gooey sustain, but the flipside is that your amp is likely screaming “uncle.” Worth it? Your call. I say go for it.
Many people say Zappa used a Systech Overdrive, but alas, he did not. However, when you play it, you can definitely see the similarities between this unit and the fabled Harmonic Energizer. But as far as I’m concerned, it’s close enough for rock and roll."
cred: catalinbread.com/blogs/kulas-cabinet/systech-overdrive
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animatorweirdo · 2 years
Imagine trying to enjoy alone time in a tavern, but then ending up as the local therapist for an elf and his relatives.
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Imagine trying to simply enjoy some alone time in a tavern, drinking some beverage, and minding your own business till you meet this one elf and  became regular chat buddies. Now, the relatives of this elf keep coming to the tavern to talk about their problems with you. 
Warnings: reader’s sanity gets tested. 
Day 1
Maedhros: *Walks into the tavern, takes a seat, orders a drink, and slams his head against the table*
You: Now that sounds like someone is done with everyday life.
Maedhros: You have no idea. 
You: Which one for you, work or unbearable relatives?
Maedhros: Hmm?
You: Work or unbearable relatives? Sometimes it's the work that tires you out, but sometimes it’s the relatives– who do things that make you tick beyond measure. 
Maedhros: Hmm… both. Why would you like to know?
You: Just filling out boredom. Wanna have a drink? I can pay for you because you look like you need it. 
Maedhros: Well – that is nice of you. I am Maedhros. 
You: (Name)
After a week of meeting with Maedhros to shit talk about family, drink, and send each other off– not to be seen for another week. 
Maedhros: And yet again, I have to clean up after my brothers. 
You: Man, that sucks. 
Maedhros: Indeed. I have to go. It was nice talking to you. 
You: Bye. 
Maedhros: Farewell. 
Maedhros: *Walks out of the tavern after paying the bartender*
You: *Sits in silence, drinking*
Maglor: *Walks in and notices you*
Maglor: Excuse me? Are you (Name)?
You: Uuh – yeah? 
Maglor: I heard about you from my brother, Maedhros. He apparently likes to come here to talk and drink with you. 
You: And you are?
Maglor: I am Maglor.
You: Ah, the one that sings in the morning and never shuts up. 
Maglor: What?
You: Nothing! What do you want? 
Maglor: I will be honest. I need to relieve something out of my chest. And since Maedhros likes talking with you. I have been ha — *talks about his problems with his family*
You: *Staring at him, confused.*
You: Wha –?
Week 2
You: *Trying to enjoy peace after having talk sessions with both Maedhros and Maglor for a week. 
Caranthir: You!
You: Wah! What!
Caranthir: Are you (Name)?
You: uhm – yes? I’m sorry. Did I do something to piss you off?
Caranthir: No. Why would you think that?
You: You look angry. 
Caranthir: Well, I’m not. I am Caranthir. I heard about you from two of my brothers, Maedhros and Maglor. 
You: Oh, the grumpy one and the one that hoards all the gold?
Caranthir: What?
You: Nothing! What can I do for you?
Caranthir: I heard talking with you helps relieve stress and resolve problems. So, let me start –
You: And what if I don’t-
Caranthir: I will only talk about this once, so listen carefully. I am so done with my –*talks about his problems with his brothers and relatives and problems managing the money*
You: What?
Week 4
You: *Groaning while lying your head against the table*
Celegorm: You (Name)?!
You: What? Who — who are you two?!
Celegorm & Curufin: *sits on each side of you that you sat between them*
Celegorm: We belong to the same family as the rest of our dear brothers, who seem to like turning their backs on us in our time of need. 
You: That – doesn’t tell me anything. 
Curufin: His name is Celegorm and I am Curufin. 
You: Oh, The unhinged forest goblin and the cheap copy of dad?
Celegorm & Curufin: What?
You: Nothing! I assume you wanna talk and let something out of your chest too? 
Celegorm: Excellent! Then there is no need for an explanation. Let me tell you what kind of a rough week we had. 
Celegorm: I was planning good things for our people, but they kicked us out because apparently we were evil, and I tried to force myself upon Doriath’s princess. I was only trying to show I would be a better option than that mortal man. She even stole my dog! 
Celegorm: Can you believe that? And all people claim we’re the most problematic people in Beleriand. 
You: Didn’t you try to kill them, though?
Curufin: And my son doesn’t want to be my son anymore? Apparently, I disgusted him so much that he decided to disown himself. 
You: —what?
Week 6
You: *Groaning even harder after exhausting weeks of listening to the feanorians’ problems*
Fingon: Excuse me, are you by any chance (Name)?
You: Please, don’t tell me you’re one of Maedhros’s brothers!
Fingon: Oh no, I’m not.
You: – really?
Fingon: I’m his half-cousin!
You: dammit!
Week 8
Fingolfin: You must be (Name)
You: Huh?
Fingolfin: Okay, let me talk about my kids and those problematic nephews of mine. 
You: Sir? Do I know you?
Fingolfin: My kids don’t listen to me, and my half-brother’s kids just do anything they like, causing problems and being a bunch of ruffians. 
You: Sir? Sir? SIR?!
Week 14
Maedhros: Hey, (Name). Sorry, I have not been visiting for a while. I have been busy with work. 
Maedhros: (Name)?
You: *You sit up, shadows and bags in your eyes, exhausted and looking like you were going to break down at any moment*
Maedhros: (Name)! What happened? You look awful!
You: You – and the rest of your family need to find professional help.
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tttewolves · 4 months
Chapter One: The Discovery
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Birds chirped happily as the squirrels and rabbits came out to play. The squirrels were playfully fighting over acorns while the rabbits were hopping around. Everything seemed peaceful until they stood upright, twitched their ears and saw a light blue wolf.
Freaking out, they all run away from the scene. The light blue wolf had no interest in hunting, but rather, taking a nice stroll. The wolf’s name was Edward. Edward looked up to the sunny blue sky as he took a deep breath and exhale with such content.
“It’s good to have some peace for once.”, Edward sighed as he smiled.
He continued his trail across the forest’s path when it’s suddenly broken by an unfamiliar sound.
Edward paused his track as his ears twitched. He turned his head sharply and gasped, “What was that?”
Without missing a beat, the light blue wolf darted as fast as he possibly could while following the distressful cry. He wondered what produced that noise. Was it a baby wolf? It can’t be as he knew that’s not how a baby wolf would sound. A baby bird? It’s possible but that’s one big cry from a tiny bird.
He stopped on the top of the rock nearby as he looked around carefully.
He looked towards the river nearby and followed the river. The more he travelled, the closer he got to the source of the noise. But before he could go any further, he tripped over something.
Groaning in agony, he slowly got up until he looked down a saw a trail on what appeared to be blood. He gasped as he followed the blood trail and noticed some paw prints that led him to something he would never forget.
He looked down and gasped in horror. There, lay a deceased woman, lying, brutally mutilated as she looked unrecognisable.
“Oh dear Lady.”, Edward whispered.
However, before he could continue to investigate a bloody scene, he heard the familiar noise.
Edward lifted his head with his ears perked as the noise was coming from behind the bushes. There, he slowly approached to the bushes until he popped his head from the other side.
What he spotted was a basket. Confused, he slowly walked towards the basket before it began to move violently as the crying noise continued. Edward stopped his track and gasped.
However, he continued to get closer until he sees a pink blanket, covering something that was clearly alive as it was kicking and rolling. Edward tilted his head in confusion before he grabbed the pink blanket with his mouth and removed it.
To his astonishment, he sees a tiny human being.
“It’s a she-human’s baby.”, he gasped in surprise.
However, before he could take any action, the baby stopped crying and rubbed her eyes before looking at the blue wolf. Edward tilted his head with a whining puppy noise as the baby mimicked him.
Curious, he put his muzzle in the basket and sniffed. The baby cooed and giggled before reaching her hands to his muzzle.
Startled by that, he lifted his head and slowly back away as the baby laughed. He was stunned. The infant seems to show no sign of fear. He couldn’t get it. Most human babies would get scared.
He pondered for a moment before he decided to walk away. But when he did so, the baby began to cry again. Edward’s ears folded as he closed his eyes. He couldn’t help but feel guilty to leave her all alone.
He looked back as the baby cried harder. He thought, “The poor dear. She lost her mother, yet we wolves fear humans. Yet, I can’t just leave her to die in the wilderness, and taking her back to any nearby village is NOT an option.”
After battling with his thought, he sighed as he slowly approached the crying infant as he gently licked her tears. The baby looked up, surprised to see him as she cooed and reached her petite hands to his muzzle.
Unlike the first reaction, he stood still and looked into her green eyes. Something was telling him that she was pure and innocent. Something also told him she has a big destiny awaits for her. The infant couldn’t help but giggle.
Slowly but surely, the baby girl win his heart as Edward smiled gently, “You’re now mine.”, he cooed at his ‘pup’, “You will now be raised as a wolf and be a wolf. But… I hope my pack will accept you. You are fragile after all.”
And with that, he picked up the basket with his mouth and carried the baby away. While the basket swayed gently, the baby let out an adorable yawn as she fell asleep. Edward looked down at the sleeping infant and chuckled. However, he looked forward and got worried. Will his pack accept this human baby to be part of the pack?
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cloudcountry · 1 year
you're beautiful
Genre/Tropes: Comfort (Reader to Azul)
Summary: The reader is hanging at the pool till aces ruff housing ends up with y/n falling into the pool and as they were trying to swim back up they got a cramp and started to sink deeper into the pool panicking and they hear a splash (the rest I’ll leave up to u author Chan but if u could sneak a kiss between them it would be super cute 🥰)
Author's Comments: didn't sneak a kiss oops but its very fluffy comfort C:
Maybe taking a solo trip with Ace and Deuce to Octavinelle’s pool wasn’t the best idea.
Ace kept running around on the slick tiled floors, bare feet slapping annoyingly across the gorgeous blues and greens. With Deuce still in the locker room, there was nobody to rein him in—even though Deuce would likely start running after him and it would be up to you to stop them. His laughs bounce off the walls and he comes skidding to a stop right in front of you with a mischievous smirk. Before you can say anything to him, he shoves you into the pool with his whole body weight, falling in with you as your body hits the water. The sting of chlorine in your nose makes you hack and cough and kick, which Ace seems to find oh so amusing. You make a gargled noise that was supposed to sound like stop, but it sounds nothing like that at all.
“Come onnnn, Prefect. Now is just the time to decompress!” he sighs, resting on his back in the pool and leisurely floating as if he didn’t just body slam you into the water.
“It’d be more relaxing if you weren’t here.” you shoot back, sending your scariest death glare his way.
Ace could be so annoying sometimes.
“Wah wah.” Ace whines mockingly, shooting you a smug grin as he lifts his head up, “Bet Deuce would whine less than you.”
“I beg to differ.” you huff, flicking some cold water at his face.
Ace yelps and wipes it away, glaring at you now, too.
“Bet. I’ll prove it to you.” he snickers, splashing over to the other end of the pool and climbing out in the most ungraceful way possible.
You open your mouth to remind him of the “two people in the pool at a time so they always have someone with them in case they start to drown” policy, but he’s already out the door. You roll your eyes and opt to get out of the pool too, because better safe than sorry, right?
You begin to make your way over to the stairs, but just then the unthinkable happens.
Your leg starts to cramp up.
You flinch and reach down to massage it, and in that split second you find yourself sinking. You thrash to try and keep your head above water, but your cramp is only getting worse and you can only make out a strangled help before you’re pulled under.
You try kicking furiously to reach air again, thinking of how stupid this is and how dumb of a way this is to die, but you hear a splash and suddenly you’re saved by two unfamiliar arms and a mass of black and a bare chest. You weren't underwater for long, but the panic you felt at the prospect of drowning has your head spinning.
You break the surface of the water and find yourself curling into your savior’s chest, but you almost fall back into the water when you see his face.
It’s Azul.
His skin is tinged purple with black designs twisting over his chest. He’s staring down at you with an expression that’s clearly a mix of fury and disappointment.
“Hey.” you smile awkwardly, shrinking in on yourself.
“What are you doing!” he hisses through gritted teeth, staring so intensely at you that you that you’d think he was trying to burn holes into you, “What in Urusula’s name convinced you that swimming alone was a good idea?”
“I wasn’t alone! Ace and Deuce are here, they just…” you cross your arms over your chest, “Well...Ace was here. He left to go get Deuce. I was trying to get out of the pool when my leg cramped up.”
Azul sighs, the sound so relieved and ragged that you feel a dagger of guilt pierce your chest.
“Legs…” he mumbles, swiping the thumb against your thigh over the wet skin, “So pretty, yet so useless in water.”
Your face goes warm. You’ll unpack that later.
You almost don’t comprehend the useless part. Almost.
“You’re lucky I was here…if I hadn’t…” he presses his forehead against yours, clenching his eyes shut, “Prefect, please never do that again.”
“I won’t. I’m sorry.” you cling to him too, partly because you feel the weight of what just happened bearing down on you and partly because it just feels right.
Azul breathes in and out slowly, and you follow his lead. The two of you are still floating in the pool, and briefly you wonder why Ace hasn’t gotten back yet. (Maybe this is all just an Octavinelle scheme and Jade and Floyd are running interference. Then again, maybe your boys are just strangling each other. Either one is plausible.)
Your mind shifts to Azul’s merform, and you turn to face him out of curiosity. He looks confused as you stare, but after a few beats of you just looking he seems to remember what form he’s in. He flushes a soft pink, clears his throat, sets you down on the poolside, and before you can tell him that you don’t mind and that you think he’s beautiful he’s diving beneath the water and leaving you alone.
You furrow your brow and shift positions to lay on your belly. The water ripples as you reach for it, dipping your fingers into the chilly pool. You’re disappointed when nothing happens. The reflection of your face is staring back at you, the overheard lights glaring against the smooth, crystalline surface. It’s so calm, you’d almost believe that Azul just teleported away.
“Azul.” you call out, waving your hand around in the water to hopefully entice him back up, “Azul, come back.”
“Azul…” you sigh, “Can you come back up here, please?”
You wait in silence for a few moments, staring down at the water as you crane your neck to see into the pool. When nothing happens, you flop back with a deep sigh. You wish Azul could feel more comfortable with you, but you aren’t sure how to get him to open up-
A tentacle curls around your wrist, and you jump in surprise. It rips away from you and a mass of black flinches away from the surface, but you jump up and thrust your hand into the water to let him know that it's okay.  You feel him take it and squeeze, but he stays underwater.
“I’m sorry, Azul. You just surprised me, that’s all.” you hum, “...you can touch me. I promise I’m not repulsed. I think you’re beautiful.”
“Do you want me to see you?” you ask, “Squeeze my hand once if no, twice for yes.”
He squeezes your hand. Once.
“But I already saw you.” you whisper, “You don’t need to hide. Here—come here, Azul. Do what you did before again.”
A few bubbles pop at the surface. You can only assume he just huffed, but he does what you ask. A tentacle curls around your wrist, this time more shy, and you slowly reach down to touch it. He flinches, and you stop, but he doesn’t pull away completely.
“Thank you for doing that. I mean it when I say you’re beautiful.” you say, rubbing your thumb over the slick appendage, “I promise nothing bad will happen if you let me see you again, Azul.”
And you link your pinky with his.
He understands.
His head pops up out of the water, and instead of the soft pink you saw earlier his face is red. A water droplet slides down his cheek, and you’re not sure if it's actual water or his tears, but you don’t pry. You take your hand away from his tentacle to reach out for him.
“There you are, pretty.” you smile, gently pressing your palm to his cheek.
“There’s no need to butter me up.” he huffs. A different tentacle lifts out of the water and curls around your arm.
“I like them. They’re pretty, just like you.” you say, and he knows you’re not lying because you don’t yank your hand away in disgust at the slimy texture or a suckers or the sopping limb that’s so unnatural.
“Ah…” he flushes again, sinking into the water and blowing irritated bubbles, “You’re a strange one indeed.”
“And you’re beautiful.” you say, and he dunks his head back in the water to hide his blush but you’re too busy laughing with glee to chastise him.
Azul will come around one of these days. You’ll see to it.
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nishloves · 1 year
f!reader x kyojuro rengoku // fluff, angst, smut (later in the series - skippable) // spoilers ahead! // masterlist
s y n o p s i s : the flame hashira said that you were like a sun; cheerful, warm and positive; it was the weirdest correlation you had heard but then, you strangely aspired to be as cheerful as rengoku made you out to be, which was weird because who could be positive in this cruel world? then you realised that maybe you were just fucked because of human emotions :)
w a r n i n g s (p a r t 1) : blood
w o r d s : 2k (approx.)
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | (3-10 coming soon!)
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when you saw him for the first time, you knew you could never even think to forget him, it was like looking at the sun, blinding and so empowering at the same time.
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Your hands were covered with blood, were they ever not? Dirt hung onto your clothes as you remembered just how you hated it when you got dirty, but now it's your lifestyle. You couldn't remember the last time you had relaxed in these past months; more so when you had become a hashira.
The nichirin blade slashed through yet another demon's neck as you watch it disintegrate and wailing for someone to save him too.
You sheathed your sword back, your black and silver haori swirling as you walked away from the demon, his sobs deaf to your ears.
"Fifty eight now, was it?" You mumbled to yourself as you watched the kakushi clear out corpses of humans who had perished before you came to their aid.
The demon wasn't even a kizuki.
You sighed as you sat on a nearby bench, your eyes fluttering close as you clutched your blade closer to yourself.
One more, kill more. More and more. Until you're a pillar, until you're strong enough— strong enough for him.
Now what? What after that?
"y/n san! Looks like you have finished your work!"
You opened an eye.
"Mitsuri," you smiled at the girl who beamed at you and pulled your hand towards herself, her soft palm enveloping yours.
"Wah! I really do love it when you call me by my name!" Mitsuri grinned as she leaned into you, her pink hair tickling your cheeks as you laughed.
"Isn't that why I call you, Mitsuri?"
The pinkette grinned at you as she fished out Sakura mochi for you, not again.
"You're taking up too much work, y/n san, you should rest once a while," she smiled at you passing on the dessert.
Rest, was it?
You weren't like this, you weren't a person who desired to overwork themselves to the bone, hell you've always wanted to run away from work yet now, when you have finally attained your goal, you're so scared that it will all slip away, slip away from your grasp as you stop to take a breath.
Was it enough? Was it really enough?
You didn't have any noble goals like other hashira, you just wanted to feel useful. Just that. You didn't really care about demons before you joined the corps, you don't even hate them right now— it wasn't their fault that they were turned into these disgraceful creatures.
"Are you in your head again?"
"Sorry Mitsuri, I am- just tired, yeah," you tried to smile at the newest hashira. You really did adore her a lot.
"Well! That's why I always ask you to take breaks! You wouldn't even stop exercising at the training centre!"
"Don't worry about me." You chuckled, "What are you doing here?"
"Oh OH i was on a mission and wow, that demon was really powerful, not a kizuki but strong! My kasugai told me that you're nearby so, after killing him, i came to meet you!" She exclaimed, her palms fisted in excitement as she blushed at you.
"Oh yeah? You did well, Mitsuri!"
"Thankyou so much, Y/N SAN!"
You laughed as you laid your head on the bench's headrest, your eyes closing by themselves as you realised just how worn out you felt from over three weeks long back to back missions.
"Oh? Rengoku san!"
Ren... goku san? Oh my god, Rengoku-san! Was I drooling? Do I look too much like a mess? AAAH! What should I do!?
"Kanroji! and l/n-kun!" You startled awake as you heard his booming voice, suddenly much more conscious about your appearance.
Did you smell? Was your haori too dirty? Did you burn your hair during the fight?
"Good morning, Rengoku-san," you smiled, trying to ease your mind, you're a slayer for god's sake, you can't look good after a fight!
"What are you doing here, Rengoku-san?" Mitsuri asked, passing another mochi to him as he gratefully took out and squeaked out a very loud "delicious" before answering.
You really wanted to sleep.
"I got a two day holiday because my mission went over a month! So I went out to walk."
"In a demon infested area?" You unintentionally mocked as you saw Rengoku's ears turning pink, he's gonna hate you now, isn't he?
"You got me there, l/n kun, as expected of your smarts!"
I am not really that bright though?
"I came here to meet you, l/n kun, it's been so long since we last caught up!" He said enthusiastically as his eyes trailed on your exhausted figure.
"Or let's not, i shall walk you to your cottage; you really need sleep," his bushy brows furrowed as he leaned down to examine you, his hand outstretched as if waiting for you to ask him for help.
"O-oh, I-I forgot that Iguro san was waiting for me at-at another city!" Mitsuri shreiked as she got up from the bench, fumbling and running away before you or Rengoku could say any word.
"Not really, Iguro-kun doesn't like waiting on others."
"I.." your speech faltered, did it even matter what you wanted to say?
You focused your eyes on the glinting red orbs of Rengoku as warmth spread over you; how could a pair of eyes be so earnest?
You slipped your hand in his.
"Thankyou for taking care of me, Rengoku-san."
"No worries, l/n-kun! We are friends right!?"
Friends, yes. Friends. You pursed your lips to refrain from showing any disappointment.
"Come on, don't look so glum, i will treat you to lunch!"
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"That was very fulfilling," you replied after an amazing (and embarssing because he wouldn't stop saying umai) lunch as you walked with Rengoku, his cheerful smile plastered on his face. You didn't know you were that hungry.
"Ha ha I know right? They have the best soba," Rengoku said, his hands buried under the cuffs of his kimono as you blushed slightly.
"Break day for y/n! Break day for y/n!" Your kasugai crow chirped as you winced at your bird, who flew and sat straight on your shoulders.
How far was your house?
"Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah i am," you tried to smile, you really did.
"But, you don't look fine at all," Rengoku said, directly looking at you, "I am sorry for overexerting you."
"Not at all!" You retorted, your hands flailing in the air as you scared your kasugai off who squeaked and flew off to a new tree... you would say sorry later. "I am so glad that you treated me to a meal! I'm pretty sure that i would have stayed hungry by myself." Because I'm too lazy to cook.
"You shouldn't stay hungry l/n-kun, We are hashiras! we should eat fully and keep track of our healths!" Rengoku remarked, his gaze travelling to your dark circles and your worn out haori.
What was Rengoku doing?
He crouched right there in front of you, his hands at his behind, "Come on, i will give you a ride!"
"W-we could call a cab! You don't need to do this!" You tried to explain, your face flushed as you looked at the gentleman who laughed at your stammering.
"And waste fuel for some measly three kilometer walk? We shouldn't do that! Now climb over, it's a way of me saying sorry for pushing you to get a meal."
You pursed your lips and climbed on Rengoku's back, your arms around his neck and his hand situating securely on your thighs as you blushed and looked away to watch the sidewalk.
"You didn't push me to get a meal, Rengoku-san; I was quite happy when you asked me to," you muttered, your voice barely above a whisper as you could feel his grip tighten slightly.
"I see! Still, let me help you, you just finished your mission!"
You let go of your complaints, you didn't want to make a good one either; you cherished the little yet meaningful time you spent with the hashira, his laugh and smiles always seeping warmth into your body, he could calm your very soul.
You leaned your head on his shoulder.
"Thank-you so much, Rengoku san."
"No worries, y/n!"
You didn't hear him saying your name as your eyes dropped and you drifted to sleep on the most reliable back of the world.
You remembered when you first met Rengoku, on the footholds of mount Fujikasane, among the numerous wisteria leaves as a particular bright haired man stood out amongst the crowd. You sensed that he could clear the selection easily.
"Me?" You heard his boisterous laugh, "Oh, I practice Flame breathing!"
Your family wasn't really affiliated to the demon slayer corps before you so it was a given that you didn't recognise the peculiar mane of hair, you wondered just why was this man so popular? But, it wasn't as if people like you would be, so you didn't complain; you remember sitting on the ground and trying to conserve your energy as pupils around you either chatted to relieve their nerves or had their teeth jittering.
You remembered the way his red eyes made contact with yours mere moments before the final selection started, he sent a nod towards you, as if wishing you all the luck, you could only nod back.
The week in the mountain was... a blur. You remember slashing off numerous demons, and hiding on the top of the trees or resting on open grounds during the day to save your energy. You and the demons both moved at night. Strangely, you didn't meet any slayer after the two initial days not that you cared a lot, but you found yourself wondering about the whereabouts of the flame breather. If he was... alright.
Only six had made out, one of them being you and the other being Rengoku, two of the other four being lucky enough to be saved by him.
You could see that he actually spent his whole time killing demons and saving people.
You scoffed, this was the final selection, if not now, they would die later, would he be there to save them again?
You remembered the way he trudged towards you, a gigantic smile on his face as he laughed, "I knew you would make it!"
Your heart melted.
"Why did you think so?" You asked in a small voice, intimidated by his happy demeanor as he said, "You look like you are very strong, and guess, I was right!"
You blinked at him.
"It's nice that you made it out too," really, is this the best that I can offer?
"Right? Let's save the weak!"
"Yeah... sure."
"l/n kun?" Was this sixteen year old's voice always this bold?
"l/n kun!" Wait, you didn't tell him your name yet in this flashback!
"l/n? Wake up!" The boy of your dreams who had just escaped Mt. Fujikasane shook you as your eyes shot open.
"AAAAAAAAH!" You cried out!
"AAAAAAAH!" He screamed too.
You looked at him, "Why are you screaming?"
"Why were you screaming? Did you have a nightmare?" The now man of your dreams asked, his brows furrowed in concern.
Yeah, it was a dream alright.
"Not really, it was fine- my dream was fine," you mumbled, your eyes adjusting to the light as you looked around the room; was it your living room? You frantically looked out of the window, it was dark!?
"Oh yes, here!" Rengoku passed your keys to you.
"You gave them to me while you were asleep! And then you said something about turning on the porch light?"
You didn't remember any of it.
Looking at your incredulous face, Rengoku laughed, "You don't remember?"
"I don't," you admitted abashedly. "What else did I ask you to do?"
"Nothing really, you said that I don't need to worry about you and that I can go, you even came to see me off and closed the doors after I left!"
"I-I did?"
"Yes! I asked you to lock the gates too!"
"I don't think I locked them," you winced.
"You didn't! I came to check up on you because you looked sick, and the door was unlocked, i thought an intruder had entered your house so I trespassed your property, sorry for that!"
"It's alright—"
"But then I saw you sleeping at your front porch, so I brought you in!"
You smacked your head, could you be any more embarrassing than this?
"I'm so sorry, Rengoku san—"
"It's alright, l/n kun! I like taking care of you!"
Your cheeks flushed as your eyes widened slightly, what virtues might you have done to ever meet a man like this?
"Thank you so much then," you could only offer him a smile for keeping up with you.
He grinned.
"Your house is... nice," he mumbled, looking around the garden where a bunch of colorful flowers were carefully planted to follow a colour scheme.
"No- I mean, your cottage—though small, is cozy and warm, it's almost like... home," he muttered his red eyes shining under the red hues of setting sun as he looked at you and gave you the warmest smile.
Did you really need sun if you have him?
"There's also this scent of cinnamon, I noticed it quite earlier but I can't find the root of it! Your house feels quite like home."
A bashful giggle erupted from your chest as you looked at his glistening hair against the sunlight, he was glowing, glowing in front of you.
"I bought cinnamon seeds to try and grow in my backyard and well, I got sidetracked so I—" you stood up, a blush caressing your face as you pulled out a drawer, which was full of bundles of cinnamon. "I-I liked their smell a lot!"
It was now Rengoku's turn to laugh, his eyes crinkling with delight as he took the support of the wooden floor he was sitting on.
"I see, l/n kun; you're a hoarder!"
"I am not!"
"But you are!"
You covered your face with your hands in embarrassment as you retorted quite chidlikely, "What's wrong in keeping more of things that you like? Huh!?"
"Nothing, I guess," he smiled at you, "It's good to keep things and people you like close to you, it makes you happier, stronger and more determined, because now you have more things to go back to."
You watched his face from the gaps between your fingers, he had such a calm smile that your heart fluttered like a giddy teenager's yet you felt more safe than nervous with him.
You pursed your lips, maybe if the situation of demons was over, maybe if you get stronger and on par with him, you would let him know of your feelings.
"Things and people to go back to," you mumbled, your eyes softening, "I suppose I do have them; but you have so many things to look forward to too, don't you Rengoku san?"
He looked straight at you with a faint smile on his face, "I do."
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more at chapter 2!
this was a rather short chapter and I wanted to leave it at a heartwarming note so <3 hope you liked it and thankyou for giving this fic a chance!
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kny tmi! - cannon (+added lore of the fic for y/n)
mitsuri was kyojuro's apprentice! she was 19 in the mugen train arc and rengoku was 20 and rengoku became a hashira while kanroji was still learning from him. considering that kanroji was 17 when she chose to work under demon slayer corps, rengoku became a hashira at 18! now rengoku and y/n's age in this fic is around the same but y/n isn't as strong as mitsuri or rengoku so it took her around three to four years to finally become a hashira while mitsuri took around 1-1½ years. but, y/n did become a hashira earlier than mitsuri, so we can assume that she became a hashira around 6-8 months before kanroji!
[ while rengoku defeated lower 2 of kizuki to become a hashira; y/n took the way of defeating fifty demons (which would take a normal and good slayer around five years)! y/n is talented but because she has people like rengoku, mitsuri and tokito around, she doesn't really realise that she does have a great deal of potential. ]
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spahhzy · 6 months
C.K: Alright, Jaune, my friend, it's time to start your training!
Jaune: Wah... but my mom and dad won't train me at all...they always said no.
C.K: Why do you think that is Jaune?
Jaune: ...I don't know.
C.K: Maybe it's because you're too weak? I mean, look at you, small and lanky.
He was just a kid, after all.
C.K: But don't worry, I have some super strong training regiments that my hero practiced with, so why don't you go pick up that stick and small piece of cardboard over their and we'll get started with the basics.
Jaune looked at the stick, unsure, but nodded much to the joy of C.K.
Jaune walked over and picked up the stick.
C.K. stood on a rock and looked at the young boy.
C.K: ' Alright, Jaune, follow these instructions Shield up'
Jaune raised the cardboard up.
C.K: 'Keep your grip tight'
Jaune tightened his grip on the stick.
C.K: 'Don't forget to keep your front foot forward!'
Jaune listened, but as he did, he felt confused...why did this sound so...familiar?
C.K: 'Ready?'
Jaune just nodded.
C.K: 'Go!'
Jaune just yelled and lunged the stick forward.
C.K: 'Again!'
Jaune just did what he felt was natural and spun before swinging the stick down...he stumbled a bit but caught himself.
C.K: 'and again.'
Jaune swiped down before dropping to a knee, already feeling tired.
C.K: Don't give up yet, Jaune, if your already that tired, what would happen if someone you love would be on the verge of death.
Jaune: Someone...I...love?
C.K: Namely me, Jaune, those bad people could pop up someday, and you'd be too weak to save me...
Jaune: No! I'll always protect you C.K. I made a promise and you're my best friend.
C.K: As are you, my hero, as are you. Now come on, let's keep at it!
And this training, coupled with other things C.K taught him, would last him onto his time to go to Beacon finally came.
In Vale's underbelly one, Trivia Vanille looked around, confused and sad, for it was supposed to be on this day outside of meeting the notorious Roman Torchwick that she met her childhood best friend, Jaune Arc.
Trivia: 'Where are you, Jaune?'
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