#no one wants to ask her how she has that much headgear and she never tells so teehee
moeblob · 1 year
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Man the last few days have been stressful, have more OCs??
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yanderelionwrites · 1 year
Confession (Yandere!Eijiro Kirishima x Fem!Reader)
A drabble about the reader's inner turmoil involving the current situation Kirishima has put her in... Hope you enjoy!
Content Warning: (soft) yandere, implied kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, female reader
Word Count: 873
Kirishima made (Name) feel weird. It should be a bad weird, but it wasn’t, and that terrified her. It was a good weird, the kind that warmed her cheeks and made her heart flutter in her chest. The kind of weird she had feared would develop the longer she stayed here with the red-haired man.
(Name) had fallen for him. And she didn’t know how to feel about it.
She knows that she shouldn’t like him. He had so selfishly taken her for himself. Kept her cooped up in his home, away from any harm and away from any people. She hasn’t left the house in months. And she should hate him for that.
But she didn’t.
Kirishima is the nicest guy she’s ever met, despite what he’s done. He’s been so accommodating, making sure all of her needs are met and giving her whatever she asks for. He’s respectful too, never overstepping her boundaries and always asking for consent before touching her. (Name) can tell he loves her just as much as he says he does and it made her feel conflicted. She had never felt so much love from another person before, and she would find it sweet if it was under different circumstances. Kirishima’s the perfect guy…but he’s still a kidnapper.
(Name) groaned, burying her head in her hands. She never expected she would actually ever share his feelings! You’re not supposed to be in love with your captor! Maybe she’s just grown insane after being here for so long…
This was all so confusing. She’s dreamed of having a regular relationship for so long, but any chance of that happening has been thrown out the window. Maybe…maybe she should just take it for what it is? It wasn’t all bad staying here with Kirishima, and his place was nicer than any home she could ever afford. She had everything she needed here…and she would never have to worry about expenses again. Not to mention the presence of an attractive man who was completely devoted to her.
 Was it really okay for her to accept these feelings? Obviously no, but (Name) was too far gone to realize that.
She decided she should make it official. Let Kirishima know how she really felt about him instead of dancing around the issue any longer.
(Name) waited until it was time for Kirishima to leave for work. While it was still early in the morning, the both of them were wide awake and ready to face the day. (Name) remembers when she used to hate getting up, latching on to the covers whenever Kirishima tried to drag her out of bed. He had successfully turned her into a morning person, but she wasn’t complaining. It was better this way, as now she had more time to spend with Kiri before he went on patrol. She could actually give him a proper goodbye instead of the tired and mumbly one she used to say when she was still in bed.
“Well, I better get going. Don’t wanna be late,” Kirishima stood in the entrance adjusting his headgear before turning to (Name) with a bright smile plastered on his face. Giving her a thumbs up, he said, “I’ll see you real soon, babe. Have a good day! I love you so much!”
(Name) nodded and gave a small smile of her own. She could already feel her face growing warm as she stuttered out an unexpected response.
“You too, Eiji- Eijiro. I…I love you too.”
Kirishima had only opened the door just a crack before whipping back around. A bewildered look replaced his jovial grin, his eyes searching for any hint of dishonesty in her words. She’s never said it back to him until now and he wanted to make sure she meant it. He let go of the handle and stepped closer to (Name), heart fluttering at the sight of her embarrassed expression. She was just too cute for her own good.
“Do…do you really mean it? You love me?” He asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.
(Name) smiled softly and nodded. “Yeah, I mean it, Eijiro.”
Kirishima’s heart soared when she called him by his first name. He couldn’t believe that finally, finally she had confessed and returned his feelings. He never wanted her to stop saying those three words.
Happiness and excitement took over when he rushed to (Name), embracing her in his strong arms. She gasped and laughed when he picked her up and spun her around.
“You have no idea how happy that makes me!” Kirishima cried, giggling with her as he sheepishly put her down. “Sorry, I got a little too excited there.”
“It’s okay,” (Name) said, grinning ear to ear. “I’m glad I put you in a good mood.”
“Oh, I’m more than just in a good mood! I think you’ve just made me the happiest man in the world,” He leaned down to press his forehead against hers then, taking her hands into his. “Do you think…you could say it again? I wanna hear it a thousand times over.”
(Name) chuckled once more, reaching up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
“I love you, I love you, I love you. More than anything.”
Thanks for reading! Have a lovely day ya'll~
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@loturaweek2023 Day 6: Wardrobe Updates Welcome!
“My father never wanted anyone to go there. He says their customs were…” Allura trailed off.
“My father also wanted it left entirely alone, but that was because it was a world he couldn’t conquer, and never even came close.”
Allura chuckled, then turned her attention back to her advisor. “Coran, why do you know about their customs?”
“Nevermind all that!” Coran shouted, with something that could’ve sounded faintly like… embarrassment from the older man. It made Lotor and Allura turn to each other with discreetly raised brows. “Now, Zarkon was cautious of this place for good reason, the inhabitants are most assuredly dangerous when they decide to be, and there’s merit to Alfor’s… hesitance, as well. Their culture has very strict dividing lines across gender, age, class, wealth—which is not the same thing as class—vocation, marital and dating status, and even orientation. ALL these things are indicated from how a person dresses!
“These people have very little sexual dimorphism, being a lobster-like race—though without the pincers, I always did wonder what exactly made them so “lobster like”—anyway, so if somebody is wearing a nice blouse and a skirt, that person is a woman, no questions asked. Likewise, if someone is wearing pants, you can call that person “lady” all you like, these people are only going to think they’re a man! Royalty is indicated by headgear—and you must never be caught out of the house without some kind of headwear. In your cases, since you are princess and prince, Allura’s tiara and some sort of band for Lotor should be sufficient. If you were going for gentry, you’d need a tophat of some sort. Cap, band, headscarf, bandana, anything would work really, but to go bare-headed is far worse than walking around bum-naked!”
Lotor held Allura’s hand as they sat and listened to Coran’s increasingly specific lecture on fabric, materials, patterns, cuts, styles, and even shoelaces (apparently, stolen shoelaces were something of a code?), Lotor’s thumb stroking idly over her dark skin, and she leaned her head against his shoulder (which was a very good height for head-leaning, in her opinion). This all seemed far too convoluted. She understood why her father had sworn off the place, if going around without his armor was the only way to indicate that he wasn’t hostile.
It meant Lotor would need to go without his armor, too. “Will you be alright?” Allura asked softly, while Coran went off on a tangent about filigree.
“I am… not enthused by the idea,” he admitted, eyes on Coran’s frantic waving. “But so long as they do not grow hostile, I’m sure I’ll survive.”
The requirements of this system’s dress code meant, of course, that altogether new outfits would need to be tailored. Allura had no such thing pre-prepared, and Lotor had spent all of his adult life in armor and underarmor.
(Coran, interestingly enough, had attire of his own, perfectly fitted and requiring only slight alterations to denote his age. Hm.)
“It’s all a little… extravagant,” Lotor mentioned, seeming almost hesitant as he observed the thick fabric of his surcoat and gold embroidery throughout the cloth.
“Well, we are royalty. You heard Coran, we won’t look the part if we don’t dress per their rules.”
And so Allura kissed her paramour on the cheek and gathered her clothing up to go change. She slipped into the shift (lacey, despite the fact that no one but her would even see this), then corset, stockings, underskirt, overskirt, skirt cape, long sleeved blouse, vest, epaulets, no wait cape first then epaulets, low-heeled shoes, gloves, and then jewelry. Woof! It weighed as much as her armor did, and had none of the cooling functions. Oh but it did have so many pockets.
And so Lotor kissed Allura back and took his own clothes to change. Undershirt, boxers, stockings, pants, corset, shirt, surcoat, cape, second cape that was smaller and made of fur (oh, but, it made his shoulders look gorgeous in a way he’d been attempting to capture for millenia, maybe there was a point to all this), boots, belts, gloves, and jewelry. And, the last piece, a borrowed relic that did not belong to Lotor and he wasn’t quite sure he was worthy of: Alfor’s ringlet.
Allura nearly cried, when she saw him wearing it. He stood a little straighter.
“Nothing, nothing,” she said, swiping away at budding tears as he approached her, words of concern crouched in his open mouth. “It’s just—you look very handsome,” she said.
His hand came to rest on her elbow, and she looked up at him with wet eyes that shone brighter than the very birthplace of the stars.
“And you, more lovely than the dawn,” he said gently, and pulled her closer to press his lips to her brow.
The two gathered themselves, a moment, both looking radiant in their splendor, soft emotion passed between them. When Allura’s face was once again set and Lotor had drunk his fill of the view of her, they returned to meet up with Coran, who looked downright jaunty with his tophat and cane.
“Ahhh, you two make quite the sight! Now, I have some old codes from ten thousand years ago. No telling if they still work, but time moves slower where we’re going so, let’s give it a try!” he announced zealously, plugging in something or other into the command console of the castleship.
“Hello! This is Coran of Altea, seeking passage to a landing bay,” he greeted. “Two are with me, Prin—”
“Well well well, if it isn’t ‘Long Dong Wimbleton!’” the man on the other end greeted jovially.
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stickthisbig · 2 years
Fanfic writers of tumblr, it's time to celebrate your favorite supporting character OCs, those people you made to fill out Blorbotania and ended up loving very, very much
Under here are some of my favorite bits:
Hornsby, it's just the ride of your life
He looks between the two of them. "Wait, you're King in Yellow and she's Cthulhu?"
"Yeah, that's what it says on my holy symbol," Corazon says, though it is fair that Hornsby wouldn't be able to identify the Yellow Sign on sight. "Why?"
"Cthulhu gave you to her and not her to you?" Hornsby says with concern. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm quite sure," Corazon says.
"It's just she's like a twelve and you're a hard eight," Hornsby says. "Did she do something to anger him, or-"
"You fucking prick," Corazon says, as Hornsby laughs. Corazon indicates the man next to him. "This is Hornsby, and he's the worst."
2. Amanita/Rita, component parts (who is technically a canonical character, but you know how we do)
"What's the best way to shut somebody up?" Kasimir asks.
"Hm," Rita says. "It depends on what you need them to not say. If you just need a blind eye, cash is king."
"I meant, like, in a scene," Kasimir says.
"Ohh," Rita says. "Then it depends on how much they want to talk. A knot in a rag is fine if you want to remind someone they don't want to say anything, but I've gone as far as a bit and headgear when necessary."
"I don't like the sound of that," Kasimir says.
"I know," Rita says, unconcerned, and goes back to her sandwich.
3. Marlene Fortescue, the Duchess Aneste, the deep
In the exposition room, Marlene is eating breakfast, her feet kicked up; she found somebody's discarded tawdry novel and is flicking through to the dirty parts. Whoever belongs to this book, they don't have half bad taste. Surely it's not Barnaby's, but that's because it's quite broody and sensual and full of burning desire, and Barnaby likes the ones that are all sunshine and rainbows and silly misunderstandings. No accounting for taste.
A man is coming up the drive; he's shaped sort of like a juggling club, if you sat it up on its base, or maybe like an egg in its cup, much like the one she has here. She doesn't want to have to crack him, but she will.
He's fussing to the woman who's with him, who is, by Marlene's reckoning, ten years too young and much too hot for him. He manages to get all the way to the door, and he raises a hand to knock.
"Fuck off!" Marlene calls through the window.
4. Camille and Gustave Rousseau, high road
"What would you do if I moved to Volisport?" Gustave asks, after a few minutes of silence together in the warm, breezy night.
Camille shrugs. "Whatever I had to do to change your mind."
"You don't ever want more?" Gustave asks.
"I never stop wanting more," Camille says. "I just know that Volisport is less."
"Then why did we go through all of that?" Gustave says, gesturing to the streets below, even though they're miles away from the ones he means.
"To make them afraid and ashamed," Camille says, with a smug grin. "To make them suffer with the knowledge that they live on a lie. Now they knew it took nothing to convince them of a falsehood so overwhelming that it changed everything." She makes a grand gesture, like a sweeping curtsey. "Their government is in ruins. They've been made to kneel, and all it took was a pair of 'twins' with a righteous-"
Gustave waves a hand at her. "Get off your oil drum, it's only me."
Camille settles a bit. "Anyway, if their mayor got ousted because two kids from the sticks had an ax to grind, town's a bit shit, innit?" she says, like Papa or Maman would. She shakes her head. "I could never ask Danielle to follow me. She and Gia have never left Rouille-sur-le-Port." She brings one of her hands down on the railing. "There, I'm the eldest daughter of the richest family in town." She sets her other hand down a short distance away. "I'm news in Volisport right now." She pulls her hand back. "But next month, I'm no one."
"You never think that might be nice?" Gustave asks.
Camille smiles at him fondly. "My belovèd brother, you know I don't."
5. The dudebro ghost hunters, Their Own Devices
Newt starts the recording again. "Are we rolling, Ces?" probably-Max says. "Okay, we're approaching the house now."
"Nice little cottage, dude," Jake says.
"Oh my god," Anathema says.
"I didn't say I listened to it for fun," Newt says defensively.
"Let's just get into this back door," Max says, and there are faint sounds that are definitely someone illegally forcing a door open.
"It's cold as fuck in here, bro," Jake says. "What's our temp, Ces?"
"I'm reading 75 where I am, but 56 where you are," Cecily says.
"Do demons even cause cold spots?" Anathema asks.
"Not in the slightest," Aziraphale says.
"There's a reason this is a podcast, and it's not just because they can't get a TV show," Newt says. "It's good for jogging, because how much I hate it fuels me."
6. Everyone at the pirate courthouse, they all suppose what they want to suppose
"Call in the next witness," the judge, a hulking green dragonborn wearing a crown, says, just as the three of them are getting settled. Corazon steps into the courtroom, taking the witness stand. Prudence is just behind him, openly letting bits of arcane energy prickle at the tips of her fingers.
There's an old man sitting in a chair, to the side of the courtroom. He looks like he was dragged in from the sea itself, wearing what appears to be a discarded sail, shells visible in his bushy white beard. The judge nods to him, and the old man closes his eyes, both hands on his gnarled staff. He slams it against the ground twice, and a silvery dome covers Corazon, the judge, and the lawyers.
"What on earth is that?" Egbert says, shocked.
"I'm pretty sure it's Zone of Truth," Merilwen says dryly.
"Please state your name for the court, and any pertinent aliases," the plaintiff's attorney says. He and the defense attorney are kind of wearing business suits, in that each of them are trousers and vests that match, with gauzy shirts that hang open to the chest, laced insouciantly. Both of them have massive scimitars on their hips, which no one seems concerned about.
7. The furry artist discord but especially freelance herpetologist, slither on home to me
Brit-ish Wyrm: yeah the naga is his husband freelance herpetologist: WHAT THE FUCK
8. Melissa Devra, the forthcoming original thing I'm working on
"We are a communion based on love," Devra tells her. "I don't know why you refuse to believe that."
"You worship a cosmic horror who tears holes in reality," Emily says.
Devra looks at her blankly. "I don't see what that has to do with anything."
0 notes
bigskydreaming · 3 years
Okay, so you know “Justice League meets Batman’s kids, who they’d previously been unaware existed” AUs?
So picture that.....but this time, instead of them just having no knowledge of any of these other Gotham vigilantes at all....the Batkids all migrate to various cities as they get older and become known as their protectors - Dick in Bludhaven, Tim in San Francisco, Cass in Hong Kong, etc....
Meaning they’re all established figures, the Justice League are aware of them as solo local heroes who stick to their cities and so they just don’t interact with them much if at all, or else some are members of team lineups but are particularly vague about their histories or life outside of the team’s adventures....
So the big reveal isn’t that they become aware of all these other Gotham vigilantes all at once....its that some big conflict or whatever requires a huge team up of all available heroes, and in the aftermath, they figure out that like.....despite being known as solo heroes who work alone or loners outside of their team settings, 80% of these heroes all not only seem to already know each other, they seem to be related.
And so naturally they all turn to Batman, who has profiles on every known hero and they thus figure had researched these individuals too and just never mentioned this little detail, and they’re like, “Did you know about this?”
And then Nightwing turns to him too, arms crossed and is like, “Yeah Dad, did you know about this?”
And the infamous Red Hood is all: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have never met any of these people before in my life. Lives? Whatever.”
And then Red Robin moodily grates out “I have no siblings.” Since he’s nursing a grudge since Dick and Jason broke into his apartment the night before and replaced all his custom Red Robin gear with Darkwing Duck merchandise and his vengeance will be swift and also totally disproportionate because things escalate quickly in this family, that’s true in every universe.
Cass meanwhile has deftly skewered Jason’s lie by walking over to him and brazenly patting down the man with many many guns with no fear whatsoever. He squawks and futilely attempts to bat her hands away as she riffles through his many pockets, but he doesn’t seem shocked, just annoyed. Eventually, she pulls away and triumphantly reveals a box of Hello Kitty themed band-aids.
“So these are yours then? Just for you?” Black Bat asks smugly. Red Hood squints at the box.
“What the fuck? How long have those been in my jacket? Why are those in my jacket? Did you freaking plant them in my jacket just on the offchance you could at some point in the distant future use them at my expense?”
Black Bat frowns, puzzled. “Yes?”
“Oh come on, Dead Hood,” Spoiler says with an exaggerated toss of her head meant to convey she’s rolling her eyes beneath her own mask. She skips her way across the room to Black Bat and then drapes herself languidly all over the smaller woman. Who in turn doesn’t so much as twitch beneath the sudden added mass as Spoiler holds out her hand towards the box of band-aids. 
“One please. I have a boo-boo,” she says with easy familiarity straight into the intimidating cowl of Black Bat. Only then does she deign to finish her train of thought with Red Hood.
“I mean seriously, are you saying you don’t have potential blackmail set-ups, pre-rigged releases of incriminating material, and a random assortment of traps, pratfalls and mortifying scenarios in place for the express purpose of being able to humiliate any and all of your siblings at any given moment, without any need for additional prep time?”
“Is this true, Little Wing?” Nightwing whirls on the larger Red Hood with a faux-scandalized gasp. The founder and leader of the Titans, formerly the Teen Titans, renowned for his stratagems and calm competence when directing squads of supers in the heat of battle while he keeps pace with nothing more than naturally acquired acrobatics and a utility belt that apparently uses the same technology as Wonder Woman’s invisible jet....now appears to be....staggering with the back of his hand pressed to his forehead, moaning about how he felt....faint? 
What is happening right now, several dozen superheroes want to know. Is this a drill? Are they supposed to be checking for signs of a mental ambush from undetected psychic saboteurs? Did they all hit their heads at the exact same time and are now experiencing some kind of shared mass concussion?
Look, that wouldn’t be the weirdest thing to ever happen on the Watchtower. 
“Have I failed you so utterly?” The veteran child hero bemoans with a dramatic twirl - that when contrasted with his stern demeanor of a mere ten minutes ago - makes the fears of telepathic infiltration seem less paranoia and more....concerningly probable. “Did you learn nothing from me? Did you learn nothing from B?”
He stops and jabs a finger up at the sky. “Quick, everyone! What is the very first rule of Living While Batty?”
As if by rote, over a half a dozen voices chime in from all over the room, causing various heroes to jump. Spooked by yet more and more vigilantes joining in some kind of mass recitation like they and they alone have some kind of clue what the hell is going on and everyone else just hadn’t been invited to the party. Which is just rude, honestly. Nobody likes feeling like they weren’t invited to the party. Not even superheroes. 
“If you’re not going to bother preparing for every possible contingency and at least six impossible ones, you might as well just stay in bed.”
Even the Red Hood joins in the Illuminati chant or Cub Scout pledge or demonic ritual or whatever the fuck that just was, though his slumped and exasperated posture gives away every hint of sulkiness his headgear otherwise would have kept safely hidden. He’s surprisingly more...expressive, than most who’d only known of him by reputation had expected him to be. The day continues to yield surprises.
“Of fucking course I do,” he growls out, snatching the box from Black Bat. She doesn’t even fight to hold onto it, just lets it go with a knowing smirk. “I wasn’t surprised by the idea of it, I was just surprised she bothered with such a weak effort. Like yeah whatever, actually those could be mine. I use those all the time at home. So what?”
He aggressively yanks one of the band-aids out of the box, fumbles with the peel-off strips with one hand and he roughly rolls up the sleeve of his jacket with the other. Then just slaps it on his forearm and raises said appendage high, showing it off this way and that. “See?”
“Oh yeah, for sure,” Signal drawls from the other side of the room, nodding his head approvingly. “Totally convincing. Nice job walking that one back, you really showed them.”
Red Hood’s head snaps in his direction with ominous intent. “Watch it, Day-Glo.”
Signal just snorts.
“Yeah, like I’m gonna take constructive criticism on my name and costume from a dude who’s spent the last several years calling himself Red HOOD while running around in a freaking HELMET.”
“Its not meant to be literal, you fucking pedant.”
“So wait, its not literally a helmet? Huh, does it at least protect your head literally, or just like...symbolically? Like if Bane were to clock you across the head, would your concussion just be a metaphor? What’s the treatment protocol for a metaphorical concussion? Fluids, bedrest and a philosophical prescription of two chapters of Chicken Soup for the Soul as needed?”
“Laugh it up, KC and the Sunshine Band,” Red Hood bats back. “You just got yourself disinvited from Thursday night’s poker game.”
Signal just grins and folds his arms over his chest cockily. “Please. You’ve been looking for an excuse to ban me for weeks, cuz you know until you can prove I’m using my ghost vision to cheat, you can’t actually bring suit against me for it in Family Court.”
“That, and also Family Court isn’t a real thing, you toddler. Stop validating Wing-a-ding-ding’s obsession with Shitty TV Nostalgia and just call it that thing where Oracle traps us all in a room until we settle our latest fight without anyone getting stabbed.”
“Yeah, but like, say that five times fast,” Spoiler pipes up. “Its just not practical. Family Court’s way easier.”
“Says the one who’s not even in our fucking family.”
“And yet I grace you all with my sublime presence anyway,” she blows a kiss at him, beatifically unbothered. “You’re welcome.”
The Red Hood scoffs and rounds on his heel, zeroing in on Batwoman in the far corner.
“Hey Auntie B, my siblings are all dead to me and I just helped stop an alien invasion so I deserve nice things like a fun Saturday night. Can you get me into Dad’s fundraiser so I can crash it? He won’t put me back on the list until I promise not to bring any C-4 with me and I won’t promise not to bring any C-4 because he should just trust me that I won’t when I say I’m not gonna and he won’t trust me that I won’t until I admit I shouldn’t have brought any to that sting last month where three tiny little yachts blew up through barely any fault of my own, and I’m just not gonna do that ever because I have convictions and I feel I shouldn’t have to be punished for that. Y’know?”
Batwoman blinks at him. “Kid, I’m not gonna lie to you. You’re my nephew and I love you, but I stopped listening three seconds into all that.”
“Ugh, fine. Can you help me crash Dad’s event tonight so I can teach him a lesson about why he should just trust me not to make a scene so I don’t have to always make a scene to make a point.”
“Tempting as you make that sound,” she says wryly, “I have a strict policy for dealing with you lot and your......everything. I only worry about tolerating one of you at a time, and there’s seven of you, and seven days in the week. You each get your own. You know perfectly well its Robin’s day today. You get me on Tuesday, just like always.”
“Auntie B, we’re not like other families, are we?” Red Robin’s delivery is sarcastically childish and his question clearly rhetorical. Most of his attention is fixated on whatever it is he’s doing with his wrist-mounted computer. 
“No sweetie, we’re all severely fucked in the head and a little bit too comfortable with that.”
“Just checking. Oh hey, Hood, I just emailed you a patch for the hole in your firewall I exploited when replacing all my shit using your accounts just now.”
“You did what?”
“Used your accounts to pay to replace all my stuff that you fucked with last night?” Red Robin says slowly. “Did you not realize that I’ve been sticking within ten feet of you for the past five minutes just so I could clone your devices and do all that while BB and Spoiler kept you distracted? I gotta say, bro, I feel like that’s on you then.”
Red Hood swivels his helmeted head in the direction of the aforementioned two. Black Bat waves. Spoiler shoots him an utterly unrepentant thumbs up.
“You’d side with your ex over me? That’s what its come to?”
“My only allegiance is to chaos,” Spoiler says brightly. Black Bat shrugs.
“Plus he bribes better.”
“Hateful,” Red Hood points at Black Bat, moving on to level the same finger at Spoiler, who curtsies in acknowledgment: “Hateful-er.”
Then the finger rounds the bases to aim judgmentally at Red Robin. “Hateful-est. And that was all Nightwing’s idea anyway, not mine.”
“Oh, I assumed as much,” he says casually. “Your idea of a prank tends to have more of a Carrie vibe. Or be a literal literary reenactment.”
“Its called an homage, 4chan.”
“Whatever, plagiarist. And anyway, I couldn’t go after ‘Wing for payback on this one. He used an Immunity card. If you didn’t want me getting back at you, you should have used one too."
Red Hood looms aggressively. Red Robin ignores willfully. Round and round they go. Superheroes who can survive excessive G-Forces are getting dizzy just watching them have a largely motionless stand-off. That shouldn’t be how that works, but whatever. All the most infamously reclusive and isolated heroes in all hero-dom are apparently part of the same one big reclusive and isolated family of fucked up weirdos and they’re all officially bonkers. Nothing makes sense anymore. Reality broke. Try another stall.
“Okay, but see, in order to have an Immunity card, I would have to participate in one of you losers’ stupid Immunity challenges,” the Red Hood drags out with exaggerated patience. “And I’m just not going to do that, on account of those all being fucking stupid. You see the problem there?”
Red Robin just shrugs. “I don’t know what to tell you, bro. You can have principles or you can have an Immunity card. You can’t have both.”
Meanwhile, on another side of....the same room.....look, its like, an octagonal room, probably. It has a lot of sides. Robin fends off questions from an aggrieved looking Superboy.
“You never told me you had a bajillion brothers and sisters!”
“Yes but I never said I didn’t either.”
Superboy rolls his eyes. “Oh yeah, so I should just assume everyone I meet has a bajillion secret brothers and sisters?”
“Well clearly it would have worked out in your favor in this instance if you had, now wouldn’t it?”
“Assuming of course that you can trust what has been said or implied here today and I am actually related to any of those numbskulls. Which I am not actually admitting to,” Robin tacks on hastily.
Superboy eyes him dubiously. “You joined in the same creepy chant all the others did and then got super self-conscious and looked around to see if anyone had noticed. Which uh. I did.”
“First off, your interpretation of body language is abyssmal. I do not get self-conscious,” Robin says with a delivery that probably could have benefited from being a little less self-conscious. “And second....that proves nothing. I guessed what they were going to say.”
“Word for word,” Superboy says super-skeptically.
“I’m very good at guessing things. You know this.”
“Okay. Guess how much I believe you right now then.”
Robin glares and folds his arms grumpily across his chest. 
“And what was that anyway? Was that like....you guys’ family motto or something like that?”
“Oh no,” Spoiler pipes up. “That’s much shorter.”
Superboy balks at that. “Wait, you guys actually have one of those for real?”
“Yup,” Steph says, counting out the words with her fingers. “He who laughs last....probably works for the Joker. So tranq him just to be safe. See? Only sixteen words. The first rule of Living While Batty is way longer, and what we said was just the abridged version. You should hear the original, before Black Bat put her foot down and refused to memorize it unless sizable edits were made.”
Superboy hovers between her and Robin now, both in mid-air and on the verge of taking Spoiler’s words as an invitation to hear just that. A low growl arises from Robin’s direction.
“Must you?” He asks the older vigilante, with a most put upon expression.
She looks at him pityingly. “Do you actually need me to answer that? Like, we’ve met, right? Hi, I’m Spoiler.”
“Wait, so Robin said that I just never specifically asked him if he had a bajillion brothers and sisters, and that’s why he didn’t tell me, so that means he wouldn’t have just lied and there’s not some code of secrecy that flat out forbids telling other people stuff, right?” Superboy realizes excitedly.
“Yes, excellent direction. Go on,” Spoiler says, steepling her fingers. Robin buries his face in the palm of one hand.
“Soooo, what other stuff could you tell me about Robin’s super top secret family that I wouldn’t think to ask about but that he would tell me about if I knew what questions to ask?”
She claps once, lightly but with emphasis. “Well done. You’ve passed the first barrier. Untold secrets await you behind just a few more.”
“I’ll get you for this,” Robin vows calmly. She waves a hand at him.
“Yeah, yeah. Just make sure you do it before January 1st, remember? You’ve promised retribution like ten times already this year and those don’t roll over, y’know. Rules are rules.”
“Enough!” Thunders a voice then, from the front of the room. Well one of the fronts anyway. Like sides, it has a lot of them, but this is the one where Batman’s standing. All eyes snap to him. Which is kinda just what eyes do when Batman says stuff like that. Its like his superpower, except he doesn’t actually have superpowers, which is what makes it scary. But where the snapping of the eyes (directional) is usually followed by Batman saying something else besides just “hey look at me,” here he pauses in the wake of his own call to attention’s waning reverberations. Uncharacteristically silent.
Not that, y’know, he’s normally Mr. Talkity Talk, but usually his silences feel like he has the words to fill them, he’s just withholding them. This though, this feels more like he doesn’t have any words at all. And he’s as confused by it as any of them, and most everyone else is confused by Batman being confused, and its this whole trickle down economy of confusion and its wrecking havoc on the value of the golden silence standard.
Of course, not everyone present is rendered spellbound with confusion.
“C’mon B,” Nightwing cajoles, leaning forward and practically radiating delight. “I think you know what you have to do now. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Its not likely to come around again.”
Red Hood snickers beneath his helmet and chimes in. “Yeah Pops, go ahead. You do this and you’ll actually have my respect for a whole twenty four hours. No, wait. Sixteen. No! Eight. Yeah, eight. Still a good deal.”
“Carpe diem, B,” Red Robin grins, leaning back as if to enjoy the show.
“Hey! Infringe on my trademark one more time, dude,” Signal throws a faux-glare at the former. Red Robin just quirks an eyebrow.
“And what, you’ll start saying Yum every time you eat a burger? Oh no. I’m hoist by my own petard.”
Signal flips him off with a grin and then redirects his attention back to Batman. “Yeah seriously though B, you kinda gotta do it now. Because if you don’t do it, then you’ll forever be the guy who didn’t do it, and you don’t want to be that guy, do you?”
“Yeah you really don’t want to be that guy,” Spoiler shouts out. “Nobody likes that guy. He’s the worst.”
“Do it, do it,” Black Bat starts chanting beside her, steadily picking up speed and volume. Several others start joining in. Even Robin appears to be slightly anticipatory, albeit trying very hard to hide it.
Batman sighs, and somehow everyone manages to hear it. Stills. Waits for....something? Nobody but them seems to have any clue what, but the air is thick and heavy with portentiousness. Something is about to happen, and all most of the heroes present could say for sure is it was something they never would have in a million years seen coming.
Finally, Batman straightens with the resigned air of a man about to have oh so many regrets. He crosses his arms, shakes his head, and in an absolute deadpan monotone, says:
“You are awful children. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing your father.”
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funtimebunnyblog · 3 years
Hi!! I’ve got a request. I’m not sure if you’ve seen WandaVision or if you watch MCU movies, but I have one that relates to it. How do you think the pillarmen would react to their lovely s/o having abilities like Scarlet witch? Telekinesis, Telepathy, manipulation of reality, force fields, etc. S/o can also technically have flight by using her telekinesis powers too. She’s incredibly powerful! But isn’t physically powerful.
Oh yes! 😮😍🤩 I love Marvel! I grew up watching the movies a lot (you can thank my older brother for that 🤪) and I LOVE this idea, Anon! ❤❤❤
However, I have not seen WandaVision 😭😭😭 IT LOOKS SO GOOD! But I have cruddy internet due to the fact I live far out into the woods 😔 (and the internet has once again thrown spoilers into my eyes like pepperspray) sooo... I can only hope one day I will get the chance to enjoy it 😅
Either way, I do hope you enjoy this! I'm so sorry this took a little longer than anticipated 😅😇 I promise after this request we'll be back to our regularly scheduled writing!
The Pillarmen (separate) with an s/o that has abilities similar to Scarlet Witch...
(Under the cut for length...)
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• Kars always found your powers intriguing to say the least.
• Even when he first came to the realization that you possessed some sort of "super human" abilities, he found himself wanting nothing more than to study you.
• Perhaps you had done this to yourself by craft or perhaps not...
• In either case, you both were a couple with same differences.
• You could be out there trying to rise to greater power or status (much like he had done crafting his stonemasks), or even go so far as to try and take over the world with your abilities...
• The only problem being that you only found real use for them when reaching for the T.V. remote when it was too far away or manipulating time itself when you were late for work.
• Kars considered giving you some encouragement in using your powers for more but you held no interest in being "powerful" despite the fact you were already powerful!
• And then there was also the matter of you putting your telepathy to use...
• "Are you in the kitchen?" The ghostly whisper of your voice echoing through his mind never failed to send a shiver down his spine.
• "Yes." He replied, frowning into empty air. "Bring me a popsicle." Came the mental command, only making him sigh aloud. "Why can you not just get up and get it yourself? The living room is literally one room over!"
• "You're closer." The simple reply only made him roll his eyes. "And you're the one with super Human abilities, dear." He responded, unable to stop the curl of his lip into a little smirk.
• He was certain he had you now.
• The massive Pillarman could only blink as the fridge to his right started to emanate with a glowing crimson mist, the door suddenly swinging open by itself.
• A single blue popsicle encased in the same mist picked itself out of the freezer and dangled in the air before him before flying out of the kitchen and into the living room before his very eyes.
• "Thanks for reminding me, honey!" Your cheery voice chirped, echoing off the walls of his brain.
• Kars supposed he just had to be content that you were happy with yourself by doing what you wished with your powers...
• Even if it only encouraged you to be lazy.
• Esidisi, much like Kars, finds you to be a fascinating creature indeed.
• He had no idea that Humans could do such wonderful things without the aid of some kind of craft; like the stonemask that blessed him his own powers.
• He finds it hilarious, not to mention adorable, that you had all sorts of incredible abilities at your disposal and yet... you carried out your life like a normal Human.
• You went to work and paid bills for crying out loud.
• Even from the moment you two met, he always asked you to do things both crazy and (a lot of the times) not a little dangerous.
• He'd ask you to levitate off the ground to reach for something even though he was tall enough to get it, simply because he was amazed you could do so.
• Or he'd plead with you to take him to another reality so he could fight with the robot-pirate empire.
• The man especially got a kick out of the probability manipulation part of your powers.
• "Say, what's the probability my bathtub will be overflowing with rubber ducks when I go in?" He questioned with a grin.
• You pursed your lips, only half paying attention as you were invested in a video game. You hadn't exactly heard his question but still chose to give an answer.
• "Hmm, 170%." Came the reply.
• That was all the Pillarman needed to hear before Esidisi was excitedly scurrying towards the bathroom, practically bouncing as he stopped to make a grab for the doorhandle.
• It was only in that moment when his question truly sunk in with you, making you blink olwishly as you spun around in your seat to stop him. "--WAIT!"
• Too late.
• The flood of rubber ducks hitting him and sweeping him away down the hall as soon as he flung open the door was highly unexpected but very much welcomed by him.
• If anything, you were happy he didn't have a way to obtain these powers himself; then you would have to really use your powers to fix even more problems he made with them.
• However, you wouldn't deny he helped you get some good practice in when making all sorts of requests...
• Your powers made Wamuu view you as a worthy opponent for a Human, even long before he fell head over heals for you.
• Before meeting you, he had no idea Humans could obtain such incredible feats and abilities.
• He was under the impression that Hamon was the limitation to Human powers.
• But it was more than clear to him that you weren't exactly a fighter despite the fact you could use them for battle.
• After a little persuasion on his part however, he managed to coax you into sparring or training with him in your free time, making the Warrior absolutely elated to see you in action.
• Fighting against you was exhilarating and actually a challenge to Wamuu, he greatly enjoyed every second of it.
• You could easily deflect sharp blasts of his wind with your force fields like nothing.
• To his astonishment, there was not so much as a hair out of place the time he decided to use his Divine Sandstorm on you.
• "Now, make sure you hold onto me and don't let go." You ordered, smiling softly as his massive arms wrapped around your body.
• Wamuu cocked an eyebrow curiously, frowning down at you where you also held him. You had brought him outside and told him that you were going to show him something.
• "What is--?" The Pillarman's words died on his tongue as he suddenly felt his feet lift off the ground, a weightlessness overtaking his body as if he were nothing but a balloon filled with helium.
• He looked down with wide eyes to find that you and him were hovering right off the ground... no, flying!
• The two of you were actually flying and without wings too!
• You could only laugh at his shocked expression, going higher into thee air with every second. His clothes and the wires of his headgear flapped in an invisible breeze as you took him all the way up into the sky.
• Wamuu finally found his voice, his shocked expression now carrying a HUGE smile as his eyes glittered with delight. "My beloved, you're-- You're something absolutely extraordinary!"
• Your powers and the way you use them will never cease to amaze and impress Wamuu. No matter how many times he sees them it always seemed like you had a trick up your sleeve.
• From the moment he laid eyes on you, Santana knew there was something very different about you.
• Something... magical. Out of this world.
• You weren't like any other Human he had ever encountered before (and he had definitely me his share of oddball Humans in his life).
• At first he thought that your super Human abilities were some kind of offspring or held some direct link to that "Hamon" ability he knew Humans practiced...
• But with more examination, more time spent with you and some reassurance on your part, he came to find it was in fact something completely different.
• Always curious, Santana liked to watch you use your powers even for just the little things like moving furniture or turning the lightswitch off from across the room.
• Crash! You had heard the vase break form the other room and weren't surprised to find Santana standing over the shattered remains of pottery.
• The red-head looked surprisingly sheepish, he hadn't meant to break it. "Sorry." Was all he said, baby blue eyes dropping down to the mess on the floor.
• A smile appeared as you waved your hand in the air, a bright red fog following your movement. "Don't worry about it," you hummed.
• Santana only stared, lips parted and eyes wide as the pieces suddenly reformed in mid-air. It was as if time went backwards before his very eyes and before he knew it, the vase was standing before him where the mess of shards once was; completely unscathed.
• "See?" You laughed, more than a little amused to see him so astonished. "No problem."
• A soft smile found its way to Santana's lips. You watched the Pillarman lean down and wrap his hands around the pottery gingerly, picking it up and turning it in his palms to check for any signs of breakage.
• "Impressive..." he murmured, making you feel a little boost in pride.
• You couldn't stop yourself from jumping, a yelp escaping your lips, in surprise as Santana suddenly threw the vase down hard on the floor, smashing it to even tinier bits than before.
• His eyes fell on you, still reeling from shock, as he pointed to the mess. "Again?" He questioned.
• ...with great power came great responsibility. And great messes to clean.
• You could only hope he wouldn't break all your plates next just to see you fix them.
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cal and reader broke up months ago and see each other for the first time again at a christmas party which was their favorite holiday together.
Gotcha! Reader Insert. 
Enjoy the Christmas 2020 Blurb Masterlist
Enjoy my full masterlist
Calum knew this was going to be a bad idea. The second Luke mentioned the holiday party, Calum immediately knew he wouldn’t be going. Or at the very least, he shouldn’t go. He should most definitely not go to a Christmas themed. Not one that he had a sneaky suspicion that you’d be at. However as the weeks passed and the guys assured Calum that from what they knew, you wouldn’t be there and even if you were, they’d make sure to be there for him. Not that he thought he needed it, but it was a Christmas themed party above anything and everything and that just made it harder. 
Calum leaves the safety of the group to grab a drink. He had been nursing an empty cup for almost an hour now, mostly he didn’t want to go too far tonight. If he went too far he was bound to find that sad wall. It was literally a sad wall, but more like the wall of sadness. He’d get too drunk and the sadness that he had been slowly dealing with would overtake him again. And he’d curse everything all over again and he’d wallow in despair all over again and he’d want to hide in his sheets all over again and that’s not what he needed. He was making progress and maybe it’s just fear. Maybe it’s fear of the sadness creeping back in that makes Calum keep himself in check. He could probably go ham but he didn’t want to. He didn’t want the damn wall of sadness anymore. 
“Oh, sorry,” a voice calls out. 
“No, it’s okay,” Calum says looking up. He's not even sure what someone would be apologizing for. He catches movement, a hand snatching back like retreating from a hot stove. You. He’s staring at you. 
“Sorry,” you state again and then turn your heel. 
Calum grabs the beer from the cooler and then grabs another one too. “Hey, no, two people can get a drink at the same time.”
You turn back around and see the bottle of bee he has extended out to you. You take it though it’s cold and dripping with a bit of water from sitting in the puddle of melted ice at the bottom. “Thanks.”
Calum nods, taking in the antler headband on your head. He chuckles just a little and you take in Calum. The leather jacket, tanned skin still inked in tattoos, his chubby cheeks and the Santa hat on his head. It’s the only you gave him that matches your antlers. “It appears we still enjoy Christmas.”
You laugh just a little. “Yeah, it would appear so.”
He leans into the wall next to the counter of booze and tips the bottle of his neck towards you. “Do you remember when I tried to bake you Christmas cookies and nearly smoked out the entire house?”
“Yes, because you tried to set a timer for 10 minutes and set one for 10 hours and didn’t catch it until about half an hour later.”
Calum nods with a bit of cringe. “Not my shining moment.”
“Not worse than the first time we can to this very Christmas party and I got drunk off my literal ass and I vomited on your new shoes. In front of pretty much any and everyone that could advance your career.”
“We were outside and it was dark. Not that bad.” You raise your bottle at him and take a sip. “But what was good was your tree decorating skills. I haven’t quite captured your magic, not for trying.”
“The secret,” you start only interrupted by a sip of your beer, “is my mother. She gets new decorations every few years and us kids divvy up the the goods.”
Calum laughs. “Ah, was always your mum.” He liked your mum. She was always warm to him, let him help her in the kitchen whenever he would visit. She always sent him cards too, little silly ones just to make him laugh. You did things like that too. But you were more food based, you’d make new recipes or his favorite meals for him and there never needed to be any rhyme or reason for it--you’d just do it out of love. 
To be honest, he still liked you. 
“I almost called you,” you confess and you know you shouldn’t say it. But you’ve been a few beers deep into the night, even a shot or three. And the words are just tumbling over your lips. “Last week, a friend of a friend told them about this Christmas party and they invited me along and I almost called you.”
Calum perks up at the confession, even sets his beer onto the table and steps in closer to you. He leans into the counter and you’re still leaning into the wall, but your shoes touch at this juncture. “Almost called me, and said what?”
“Almost asked you if we should show up with your Santa and reindeer headgear but it seems like we were already on the same wave length,” you tap his boot with the toe of yours. 
Calum chuckles, arms folded across his chest. “I was told to wear something festive and this was all I had that didn’t seem like I was trying to win the ugly Christmas sweater contest.”
“I take personal offense--I bought those sweaters!”
“We won that year and I thank you for that. But I wasn’t looking for a repeat. Besides, everyone would know.”
“Oh, screw them. Those were good ugly sweaters.” The two of you share another laugh and Calum sighs, staring at the cut of jaw, the slope of your cheek, how your eyelashes seem to move in slow motion when you blink. He drops his head. He shouldn’t ask. He should keep his mouth shut. 
“What happened to us?” he asks with a sad sigh. 
You sigh and stand up straight against the wall. This is not the conversation you wanted to have. And sure, skipping down memory lane was not the wisest choice the two of you made. But you are not going down this again. You couldn’t. “Calum I-I can’t.”
He sees your gears turning, knows you’re going to leave him again and he takes hold of your wrist. “Hey, no. I’m sorry. That was stupid to ask. I’m sorry.”
You turn to him and see the sad creases in his brows. “Time is what happened to us, Calum. Your career’s taking off. I’m finally figuring out what I really want to do with my life and time’s just not nice to people like us in this stage of our lives.”
“What about now? What’s time doing now for us?”
You sigh, finally looking up at Calum and your heart skips a beat. “I-I don't know. But I do know is that I do still have feelings for you Calum. And that’s not something I can lie about. Not to your face. But you’re going to be leaving still and I’m still going to want you there. And we will always be slightly misaligned.”
“No, don't say that. Please don’t say that. I love you and I hate that the universe is not being favorable to us. But goddamn, I can’t let you go again.”
And it’s just you and Calum staring at each other. You’re not sure if you want to set yourself up for potential heartbreak again. But it’s Calum. The man that even sometimes you wanted to ring his neck for not getting it sometimes, always managed to get in the end, the man that always knew what you needed with barely a glance and was okay with silence, but always ready to give you a good time when you wanted it. 
“Then don’t.”
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darthvashtique93 · 2 years
Return of the Hawk
Chapter 10
Chey-Ara nearly slammed her communicator into the wall, only stopping herself because it was her last one.
Did Lieutenant Issi not realize Chey-Ara had done everything she could? Chey-Ara had searched as much of Gotham as she could. She couldn't search during the day, but she had to be careful at night. Of course, nighttime was the best time for her to search. But, unfortunately, nighttime was also when Gotham's defender prowled the rooftops.
Chey-Ara had never fought him personally, but she'd seen plenty of footage to know she did not want to mess with him or his brood – or were they a clan? Whatever.
She'd been stuck on this planet for almost three months. Her SO had promised an extraction two months ago, but she changed her mind and wanted Chey-Ara to stay put. So, here she was, stuck on a planet she didn't like… although living in Gotham's underbelly, sleeping on the streets and alleyways was no different from her living quarters in Lower Thanagar.
Chey-Ara placed her communicator back in the same grove that still hid her wings. She was beginning to hate her SO. Today's weekly report to Lieutenant Issi went as well as usual. Chey-Ara would let her know that Shayera had not been found; Lieutenant Issi would have a fit; Commander Katar would calm her down. Immediately, Lieutenant Issi would storm away leaving Chey-Ara to continue with Commander Katar.
(Chey-Ara had never met the traitor personally. But from past observations, it was apparent the traitor was much calmer and more level-headed than her dark-haired sister.)
Chey-Ara wanted to ask her SO why she was so confident about Shayera's whereabouts? Was there really no possibility that Shayera could be hiding elsewhere? Metropolis, for example, was another major city where Shayera could seek refuge. An ideal place to hide because Metropolis had a Kryptonian protector (weak on Krypton, powerful everywhere else). That guy was a force to be reckoned.
In conclusion, there were many places for Shayera to hide. But Chey-Ara valued her life too much to question her lieutenant's decisions. If her SO said Shayera was in Gotham, then Shayera must be in Gotham. She did not want to be on the wrong side of Lieutenant Issi's anger.
A crash followed by a terrifying scream echoed through the hall. "What now?" Katar asked his wife with an eye roll as he entered the command center. Shayera had never been this temperamental.
"My scout has found nothing," Issi growled, throwing another PADD into the wall. Katar watched it shatter to pieces.
"You know that those aren't easy to make, right?" he asked.
"Katar!" Issi glared at him with wild, green eyes. Shayera's eyes. No, he immediately thought, Shayera's stare wasn't both empty and crazy simultaneously.
"Why do you think she's in Gotham?" Katar stood at the hologram map in the center of the room. "Batman isn't the only hero in the Justice League."
"Oh, please," Issi stared at him as if he was an idiot. "You saw them; you were in the room, too. Batman and the Martian were the only ones who rushed to her. The others immediately began fighting us. And when the fighting stopped, not a single one of them offered to assist Batman."
"Maybe they realized he had everything taken care of…him and that Martian," Katar shrugged.
"No," Issi answered confidently, bringing up an eye-recording of that specific day. "Here," she froze a frame. She had only glanced at him briefly, but it was more than enough for her to read his body language with their technology. "Watch." She then played it frame-by-frame, everything magnified times 1000.
"He reacted first," Katar said.
"Exactly," Issi zoomed in on the minute expression… the twitch of his lip. "He was about to snarl but stopped himself. I've studied this recording 100 times over. At first, I thought he was snarling at how pathetic she was. But then he fell to his knees," Issi let the recording from her headgear play at average speed. "The Dark Knight of Gotham has emotions."
"Hmm," Katar replied, clearly impressed with her work.
"I also went through her notes from her first year on Earth. This Batman does not trust his team; he doesn't trust anyone. No way he was going to place Shayera's recovery in the hands of those she betrayed."
"So you have thought this through," Katar stated, almost admirably.
"Think what you will of me, husband," Issi sneered, "we went through the same training with my father, only I was always better."
Katar didn't respond to that. "What now?" he asked. He didn't like deferring to her judgment, but if things went bad…well…he'd never have to see Issi again.
"Since my spy is too inept to do anything, we'll have to outsource. Send a message to Lobo," Issi commanded. "I have a job for him."
Shayera sat up with a yawn, stretching as she did so. She was in a good mood, surprisingly. Her lightened mood probably had something to do with the fact that her back no longer hurt as much as before. The last tear was two weeks ago, and Bruce had done an excellent job patching her up. Alfred checked her back last night. He said there would be scars, but other than that, she was "coming along swimmingly." Just last week, she'd been able to rotate her shoulders, albeit slowly. But it was still something.
She could now move her legs and wiggle her toes without a searing pain shooting straight up her spine. It was great! It was torture. Shayera loved being able to move around somewhat pain-free. But it didn't matter. She was sfigurat, disfigured…handicapped…weak. And…there goes my happy mood, Shayera thought bitterly as the depressing thoughts ran through her head one at a time.
Theoretically, Shayera knew concentrating on all of the things she would no longer be able to do was terrible for her mental and emotional health. But wallowing was easier to do and more fun.
Humans had a saying about misery and loving company. Shayera didn't understand it. She was miserable, and she wanted to be left alone. Unfortunately – Knock! Knock! – the two people on the other side of that door weren't going to leave her alone or let her wallow. "Come in," she said half-heartedly.
"Good morning, Miss Shayera," Alfred greeted her with a smile.
"You look well," Bruce added, taking note of Shayera's upright position.
"Yep," Shayera popped the p. "I'm all sorts of cured."
"There's that sarcasm that I missed so much," Bruce smirked, folding his arms as he looked down at her. Shayera only shrugged. Bruce's face grew serious as Alfred set about, opening the curtains and whatever else he did in the morning. "How are your pain levels today?" Bruce studied her in a way that made shivers run up and down Shayera's spine.
"It's better," she answered, "almost non-existent."
"Excellent," Alfred joined the two. "On to phase two, I suppose?"
"Phase 2?" Shayera looked back and forth between the two men.
"Standing, walking," Bruce replied, his piercing blue eyes penetrating her soul.
"Oh yay," Shayera looked anywhere but him, "I can't wait. Standing, walking, and then running. What joy! It's almost as fun as flying," she nearly sneered at the end.
Alfred and Bruce exchanged looks but remained silent. They knew when to engage the temperamental Thanagarian. According to J'onn, they'd probably be dealing with sudden mood changes for at least another month. Bruce was worried about the after – when the emotional pain of losing her wings hits her sane mind.
"Do you think I'll ever look back at this and laugh?" Shayera asked him.
"Probably not," Bruce answered honestly.
"I agree. Okay," Shayera stared at Bruce with resolve, "when do we begin?"
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Kiro’s R&S - Stunning Young Idol (Eng Translation)
🍒This R&S (惊艳的少年偶像领军人物) was part of the Dream Heart Lake event which will unlikely come to EN🍒
Context: An article in a Japanese magazine
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Cancelled Kiro R&S:
> top experimental subject (by another user)
> stunning young idol ♡
> youthhood
> heaven’s home for children (by another user)
[ Chapter 1 ] 
Our interview with Kiro went very pleasantly. No one who attended the interview disliked him. Even our photographer, who has always been averse to young male idols, was full of praise.
Come to think of it, it’s no easy feat for this child to maintain such a transparent and innocent heart in an industry where crooks mix with honest folks. Readers who know him are definitely aware that he debuted in France at the age of six.
Back then, he accepted an interview in Paris for a television program. His tiny frame was seated in the large sofa, his legs not long enough to touch the floor, and were dangling in the air.
Many people were afraid that we wouldn’t be able to find this precious video clip. It was only through the recording Agent Savin sent that we could obtain this young and tender moment of Kiro.
Although the video clip has already been kept by Kiro’s agency and not accessible to the public, I can disclose it slightly through this interview.
The person who interviewed Kiro was Eva Saidel, a French female singer who was tremendously popular for a time. The beautiful Eva had asked Kiro if he could perform a song for her. Young Kiro nodded, obedient and filled with a gentlemanly demeanour as he responded, “Yes ma’am.”
[ Chapter 2 ]
Kiro performed Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata”. It wasn’t surprising that he liked Beethoven - all pianists definitely like Beethoven.
Saidel asked if he knew how to play other instruments. He replied by saying he also knew the violin, but was afraid that his neck would become crooked if he kept practising it. Everyone at the scene started laughing. Ms Saidel laughed excessively as well, and it was evident that she liked this child very much.
At the time, Kiro was wearing an adorable checkered shirt and a small, adorable hat. He even wore an official-looking tie. His cute appearance was sure to attract the attention of many.
A large proportion of Europeans knew of a mixed-race child who spoke fluent French, and would occasionally appear on the television to sing for them, or play classical pieces. They also gradually knew that his name was “Kiro” - this was a stage name he called himself when he debuted.
Eva Saidel, who had once interviewed him, liked him very much. Kiro said that he would always remember Ms Saidel’s luxurious and spotlessly white mansion. He would sit on the sofa in the mansion and listen to the old albums played by Ms Saidel.
Saidel also hired an incredibly renowned celloist from France to teach Kiro how to play the cello. I think many people don't know about this period from his past.
As of today, Saidel is already in her sunset years, and still remains in contact with Kiro.
When Kiro held a concert in Paris last month, the first person he invited as a guest was Saidel. He also played the song “Träumerei” using the cello she gave him.
“Back then, it was as though I returned to my childhood years. Ms Saidel is very kind, like a mother. She is extremely giving towards me.”
[ Chapter 3 ]
After junior high school in France, Kiro listened to Ms Saidel’s advice and studied in a high school in California. The intelligent Ms Saidel predicted everything - Kiro’s talent would be discovered very quickly.
After one performance, he was signed on with the renowned Warner Music Company. At the time, he was in Year Three, but never forgot his homework, and even entered Berkeley University with stellar results.
By the time he was in Year 4 (in contrast to Japan, high school in America spans four years, while elementary school spans five), he had already formed a band and was touring in various places. Warner Music is an experienced company with incredible foresight, and they allowed Kiro to return to France to begin his music career.
The number of fans Kiro had in Europe was astounding. The women in Europe found his mixed-race looks and his breathtaking voice unforgettable. Their concerts drew large crowds, and it would sometimes be difficult to obtain tickets. 90% of the females were there for Kiro. Such attractive force was rarely seen.
Actually, when we were interviewing Kiro, we could also feel the charisma he exuded. It’s a kind of magic which renders people unable to resist.
With just a smile, he easily won our hearts.
We have no idea why that’s the case. Perhaps it’s because he’s Kiro. 
On the topic of whether he gleaned anything from his four years in Berkeley University, Kiro spoke without reservation and commented that he felt a lot of stress as there were many elite students. Hence, he had to fork out even more effort than usual to face each examination.
When he was in Year Three, Kiro continued touring with the band. He disclosed that he used to do his homework on the plane. When his band was touring the entirety of Europe, his band members would spend their spare time exploring the picturesque towns while Kiro would be holding his books and revising in the hotel.
When we asked why he was so hardworking, he replied by saying that he didn’t want his professors to stop liking him because of a drop in his grades.
In reality, every teacher who has met him like him very much. But because of this, Kiro always remained in fear. From beginning to end, he felt that the love and care from people was akin to smoke - surging at first, but dissipates gradually.
[ Chapter 4 ] 
Kiro told us that he had felt very scared when he made the sudden decision to return to China after graduating from university. After all, there were many excellent artistes in China, and he was afraid that he wouldn’t receive love from fans.
But reality is always unexpected. His act of returning to China to develop was extremely correct. It allowed people in Asia to notice his radiant light. The artiste from China that the media in Korea likes reporting on the most is Kiro. Every now and then, he would cause a sensation there, but they would be for issues that aren’t important.
In Japan, he truly stirred a sensation through “Three Kingdoms”, a movie he was in half a year ago. He played the role of Sun Ce.
“The History of the Three Kingdoms” enjoyed widespread popularity in Japan.
This movie adaptation of “Three Kingdoms” was incredibly well received in Japan, and everyone was enthusiastic about the contents of the movie.
Even now, Kiro can recall how life was like with the cast and crew. in order to play the role of Sun Ce, he had to dye his golden coloured hair black, wear headgear, don extremely thick armour, and he had to put on brown contact lenses. His headgear was very cumbersome and heavy. If it hadn’t fit, it would have squeezed and pressed on his head, turning him into a “Flat Kiro”.
In the process of filming “Three Kingdoms”, his favourite scenes were the ones where he was on a horse, because the horse could help share the weight of his armour, and the horse would always end up gasping for air. His most deeply etched memory was when he didn’t control the amount of pressure when riding the horse, causing it to toss him onto the ground. His chest was almost trampled by the horse, and he almost lost his life.
He rarely shares this incident with others. “It’d be so embarrassing if other people knew about it,” he laughed while telling this to us. Even now, I can still remember his brilliant smile. “The agent gave me a scolding after he found out about it. The director and assistant director also said that I had angered the horse, which is why it took revenge on me.”
Afterwards, the crew and cast from “Three Kingdoms” specially came to Japan to promote the movie. During that time, “Three Kingdoms” ranked number one in the box-office ratings. And this was even though Kiro didn’t have many scenes in the movie - he only made an appearance for ten minutes.
But because of this short opportunity, movie fans in Japan started to know of Kiro. Looks like our meeting with Kiro was also destined.
He said he could never forget the image of how numerous fans rushed to Haneda Airport to receive him when the crew and cast just arrived in Tokyo.
Kiro confessed that he had never thought that he’d receive such a large fanbase in a foreign country.
The enthusiasm of the fans in Japan caused him to feel extremely flattered. And his trip to Japan this time was no exception. There were even more fans who received him at the airport than before.
Precisely because of this astounding attractive force, Kiro became a superstar who could perform in the Tokyo Dome. 
[ Chapter 5 ]
At this point, I think everyone has some basic understanding of this adorable boy. He isn’t just a pretty face (even though there are many such artistes nowadays).
I highly recommend his latest single, “Ash”, which has a somewhat heavy metal rock music style. But he has recently started shifting towards pop music, and has clearly stated that he would spend even more time on music, and would temporarily reject a few invitations to variety shows or television dramas.
This means that for now, we might not see an invigorated Kiro on television screens. Fans will definitely grieve over this, but there’s no need to be too upset, because Kiro will bring a new album to us. During the interview, he revealed that the first song in his new album would be a heavy bomb!
The composer who was involved in producing this song also noted that this song could potentially alter what “popular music” is in Asia.
So, let’s look forward to the surprises this youth will bring us, and letting us know from this interview --
That we should never underestimate this youth.
The concert at the Tokyo Dome will commence a week later. Although tickets have already been swept up, there’s no need to feel discouraged. This magazine still has a lucky draw activity for fans. We will select three lucky readers and give out three front-row tickets to the concert at the Tokyo Dome. More information can be found on our official website.
Other cancelled R&S: here
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dayables · 4 years
Why Killing Kanna Could Be an Emotional Choice.
I frequently see the idea that killing Kanna is only the emotional choice for the player, playing a game where she is fictional but from Sara’s POV it’s a choice made majorly from logic. 
I agree, that if we want to catagorize these events as Logic v Emotion. Killing Kanna is the logical choice as it ups Sara’s chance of survival. The naming could also have to do with how the characters sway you, as I rambled: here. However, I think the concept that it is one and not the other is false. 
When people look at this through Sara’s eyes, we aren’t just seeing a guy who wants a kid he’s attached to, to be safe and A kid who thinks her life is worth nothing. Because when we look at it like that, killing Kanna is just cruel. 
We’re also seeing two people who we know near nothing about. We only have what we can infer from what they tell us and they haven’t told us much at all. And we have to choose one to live and one to die. We have no idea how they’ll react afterwards. We have no clue if they’re going to live and we have no idea what waits for them if they do walk out of the death game alive. 
So we have to infer. 
We can guess a shocking amount from what we get told.  TW: Discussion of mental illness’ Su//cidal thoughts, etc...
We can make a guess Shin doesn’t haven many friends, that he’s paranoid for the return of the real Sou Hiyori and isn’t over him. He’s a freelancer but it doesn’t pay much so he works another job. His only form of exercise is going to his job and back. He’s close to his parents but too prideful to ask for help. He was close to his parents but have recently grown distant and doesn’t want to go for them. He can’t afford therapy and won’t be able too for some time. Most of his days are spent on a computer doing something. He’s isolated and hella touch-starved to a point he avoids contact. So no friends, no one close enough to miss him on the level he misses Sou, 
We also have a grasp on Kanna. She’s clingy and likely has abandonment issues. People find her headgear weird and she’s picked on. Kugie meant the world to her. Kugie who is now dead. Her adopted parents are potentially emotionally detached from her. She’s never been told she’s good enough and likely had a pre-existing mental illness before the death game. She’s never lost anyone close to her (yes, I am aware she’s adopted but look me in the eyes and say a like 6 year old wouldn’t be screaming for their parents if they were close). Not actively suicidal but likely has considered it. She shut down after Kugies death and while she is a growing and maturing, when out of the death game, this will hit her like a truck. 
TW: Over
Then we could also compare this to Joe’s death and the aftermath of that. He’s dead and Sara is carrying the burden of it. These two are trying to die for each other and whoever lives is going to carry that burden that the other died because of them. We’ve seen how Kanna reacts to death she sees as her fault and remember that Sara has no clue how she will react. She could bounce back like she does, or she could crumble down. Does Sara save Kanna the pain that could come so no one else has to deal with it? Or does she spare Kanna the feeling and keep Shin alive. Neither option is nice, but who would you rather condemn/
so, who is it crueller to keep alive? From Sara’s POV, is it logical to keep the guy who’s harder to predict alive or the girl who is going to keep pushing through until she breaks? Looking it from a future perspective and what would happen to that characters if they survive? It’s logical to kill Shin and keep the majority happy. On the flip side, it’s emotional to hope he has something to go back through if he’s kept alive. Is it emotional to run the risk of everyone being ended to end the suffering that’s going to come for Kanna who in my opinion, is going to have it worse? 
I still agree that killing Kanna is ‘logical’ but there are more layers to the choice and it depends on what you focus on.
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em0uvante · 3 years
Chapter three
I love you all, enjoy.
"remember the sorting hat ceremony bubba?" i ask draco, interrupting his boring lecture. he grunts, ending his sentence.
"asshole, but yeah, i do. what about it?" he mutters the beginning, gradually getting louder.
"i don't know, i just want to go back. i miss it." i huff, laying my head on draco's lap.
"but we still go to this school? what do you mean?" he pets my hair gently, making sure not to pull on it.
"i don't know. i guess i want to go back in time, before everything went in the gutter." my eyes well up with tears which i pat away with my palms.
draco lifts me off his lap into his arms, holding me tightly. i quickly wipe my tears on his clothed shoulder. i sit back up. draco takes my chin in between his index finger and thumb, staring into my eyes. his soft lips meet my cheek, cooling my nerves. i let out a prolonged sigh, eyes closing shut.
"it's over now annie, you're safe know. i'll never leave your side. promise." draco holds out his pinky finger, i take it in mine. our foreheads meet, resting against each other.
"sorry i got your shirt all wet." i sniffle waiting for draco to reply.
"i wasn't gonna say anything because you're sad, but yeah, pretty gross." we share a low chuckle, draco pokes at my side. i squirm myself off his lap, falling to the floor. draco only points his finger and laughs.
"you are so mean! ugh, why do i have to live with you?" i shout from the floor, draco holding out his hand to pick me up.
"well, i have to go to potions, and you need to get yourself to herbology. walking with me or not annie?" he slides his robes on, waiting for an answer.
"yeah, i'll walk with you. but only because you have no other friends." i stick my tongue out at him, face contorting in a confused manner.
"says you! i'm your only friend you prune," he remarks stubbornly. "and for your information, i have blaise, and- um..." draco trails off while i collect my belongings for class. i shake my head at him, chuckling to myself. i hear a subtle knock on the door. my eye rests against the peephole.
"hey mister popular, astoria greena- i mean uh astoria greengrass. she's behind the door, waiting for you."
"oh! i didn't know she was stopping by." he scrambles to ruffle out his hair. my eyes roll to the back of my head out of disgust. astoria greenass has draco wrapped around her finger.
the pair met when they were put together for a potions project last year. he was amazed by her beauty, and fell head over heels in love with her. this is what i assume, of course. they have been inseparable since. i'm not sure why, but i really really hate astoria.
"your hair looks fine bubba." i say, peeking my head out of the bathroom where i was hiding from the devil herself.
"don't call me bubba! astoria is here!" he whisper-shouts, opening the door for astoria. draco's pale complexion lights up when he sees astoria's. i feel a wave of heat flows down my spine. her presence ignites a strong fire inside of me.
astoria is wearing her robe, tie, and her long brown locks are tied with a emerald colored ribbon. i don't know why draco fancies astoria to such extent. although, her lack of personality and gorgeous genes are probably enough for him.
"pepperpup! i missed you so much!" draco engulfs her into a hug, astoria wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
"aw i missed you as well babe." she replies, kissing his cheek softly. i notice draco's face turn beet red when her lips touch his upper jaw bone.
"babe? i didn't know you guys were snogging! good thing draco got headgear when he did." i wittily interrupt. their heads whip around towards the couch, huffing at my comment.
"we're no-"
"indeed we are. we have been for a month today." she grins, pulling draco into her arms for the second time today. draco's face goes blank, his eyes glued to my hands. which were fiddling with the snake ring on my left middle finger.
"oh really? that's so cool! i'm thrilled for you both," i manage to mutter out, counting down from fifty in my head to control my growing rage. "anyway, i have to go to class. have a good day you two. i'll see you tomorrow for the quidditch game." i quickly gather my bag and sprint out the door, slamming it behind me.
"are you feeling alright darling? you look, sickly." my friend aera asks. her hand caresses mine in a soothing manner, snapping me back into reality.
"yeah! i'm good. wanna grab something to eat? i'm starving." aera's fingers stop and her face holds an unconvinced look. aera is far too intelligent to believe my lies.
"do you think i'm a bloody imbecile? i insist you tell me what dilemma you are facing this instance." she states, all whilst lacing her shoes to go to dinner.
"no i don't, but there is nothing wrong with me aera. really." she raises her eyebrow quizzically. her alluring eyes stare deeply into my soul, searching for the truth. aera's head slowly turns as the rest of her body goes still.
"fine! draco and astoria are dating but i hate her stupid brat face! ugh, i hate her so much!" i scream, allowing anyone in the common room to hear.
"divulge me in your problems. toni, why do you loathe her to such extent?"
"i literally have no idea. maybe because draco is obsessed with her, and is a dickhead to me when she is around. or because draco calls her pepperpup, god that's so stupid. pepperpup, like she's a fucking dog. i'm sorry, excuse my language, they just make me so angry!" my feelings pour out into the world while i scream my lungs out. aera just stays silent and nods her head, waiting for me to finish.
"thank you for sharing with me. let's head to dinner." she takes my hand in hers and leads me to the great hall, which is jam-packed full of ravenous students.
"can we eat in your dorm? i don't want to sit by him tonight." i ask, hiding my face in the beanie i'm wearing.
"i'm afraid not hun. besides, i have a date tonight. goodbye!" with that, aera is gone like the wind. just like that i'm standing by myself in the middle of the great hall.
i try my best to be discreet while getting my dinner plate. ham, carrots, a bun and some mash are what i grab to eat. after gathering my food, i eat it as fast as possible making sure not to draw attention to myself. i hear blaise call my name, meaning draco was near. i turn my head to the person next to me, pretending to be in a conversation.
as i'm trying to 'converse' with the girl next to me, i feel a harsh tap on my shoulder. i look up to find blaise zabini roughly tapping me, signaling for me to sit with them. them being blaise, pansy, astoria, and draco.
"nettie! come on and sit with us mate! draco won't stop asking for you." he mumbles the last part so only i could hear. i shrug, pick up my plate and walk over to the group. draco's glum expression lights up, his eyes filling with joy.
"nice to see you again antoinette! we were just chatting about the quidditch game tomorrow. ravenclaw versus slytherin! should be a good one." astoria states, her bright smile never dropping. i ball my fist when i hear my full name come out of her mouth.
"don't ever call me antoniette you dumb bitch!" i shout, standing up from my seat. my hand nearly collides with her face, but someone's hand stops it. draco's eyes bore into mine, telling me to calm down. i let my hand fall back to my side, the same angry expression plasters my face.
"i-i'm sorry, i didn't know! i swear!" astoria cries, pansy holding her tightly. the disappointed face on pansy grows.
"if you didn't know, maybe you could have fucking asked! did you not notice the fact that nobody around calls me fucking antoinette!?! jesus christ astoria, are you that fucking stupid!?!" i scream, tears spilling from astoria's eyes. i feel like i could punch a hole into the earth with my one fist.
"oh my god toni, take a rest. you sound fucking crazy." blaise says calmly, only fueling my fire more. i hate that word, hate it. draco knows that. i tilt my head to the side, thinking of all the ways i could kill everyone at this table. draco clears his throat, finally stepping in.
"annie, let's go to our room. i'm growing very sleepy. come on darling." he takes my hand in his, but i pull back from him.
"are you fucking joking? i will tie your brain stem to your shoe laces, you stupid fucking idiot. god, why are you friends with such brain dead morons? call me crazy again zabini, do it. i dare you. come on, little bitch, do it! i'll kill yo-" draco looks at me again, signaling that he needs me to leave with him.
"what, you can't take being called crazy? astoria didn't know any better! what, are you mental?"
"blaise, enough! i can't believe how fucking childish you're being right now. fucking prick." draco shouts at him, blaise flinching at his harsh words. i'm already halfway across the great hall, taking my plate with me. draco runs to catch up with me, not looking behind himself once.
"annie, you okay in there? i'm sorry about what blaise said. it was out of hand." draco knocks on the door gently. three knocks. just like mum. i hate when he does that.
i'm crying when draco started knocking on the bathroom door. i quickly wipe my eyes and let myself out. i sit down on the satin green couch.
"i'm completely fine draco. it was my fault. i'm a horrible monster, just like mother said." i state calmly, grabbing my wand polish. draco shakes his head and sits down next to me.
"don't be like that annie. don't try to hide your feelings from me." he takes the wand polish from my hand. i give my attention to him, which i know is what he wanted.
"she didn't deserve that. i know she didn't mean any harm. she's a real sweetheart. i'm just an asshole." i admit, twirling a piece of hair between my fingers.
"you're not an asshole, annie. you can't control it. i know that, they don't."
"that's beside the point. i'm a bad person. that's the truth and it always fucking will be. astoria did nothing wrong." i get up, pacing around the room.
"she triggered you, whether she meant it or not." draco grumbles, pulling his hair loosely.
"it's fine. it's over now. i'm going back to my room." i get up and head out.
"annie, don't go. we need to talk." he mumbles, standing up from his spot on the couch.
"draco there's nothing to talk about. you and astoria are dating, you didn't tell me, and your friends are douches. goodnight." and with that, i'm out of the door, heading to my own room.
after taking off my school clothes i run a bath for myself. i grab the bath salts i bought from hogsmeade and sprinkle some in. i let the lavender scented salts absorb me completely, taking in the fragrance.
after the water is warm enough, i gently slide into the tub. the water relaxing my tense muscles. a long sigh leaves my mouth as i lather soap onto my body. once i rinse it off, i submerge myself under the water, making my body feel still and peaceful.
peace. something i never get to feel. water is peaceful. so calm and tranquil. maybe if i drown myself, the water will let me be peaceful. that's a good idea. death will make me peaceful. i want it so fucking badly. but i will never will.
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baku-no-alt · 5 years
by design: two
“So that’s his whole hero outfit, huh?”
You and Mei are stood in the gym, watching Red Riot finish up his training session. Mei had made a few modifications to his headgear, and he was testing them out for combat. 
“And he’s just shirtless all the time?” you whispered to her. 
“Excuse me, I’m trying to pay attention to the beautiful brain child I put so much love and work into,” she hissed back. 
“I don’t see how you get any work done when he’s around,” you elbowed her in the side and she shot you a disapproving glance. 
“I would have just linked you to his dating profile if I knew you were going to be like this,” Mei grumbled while taking a few notes on the performance of the headgear. 
“Red Riot has a dating profile?” His inbox must have been drowning in message requests. What even was the point? 
“Got everything you need, Mei?” Red Riot stepped through the door from the training area into the small observation area you and Mei occupied. 
“Everything looks great!” she replied brightly, giving him a thumbs-up. 
“It’s really great to meet you, Red Riot, thank you for meeting with me on such short notice,” you stuck out your hand and he took it, shaking it with almost too much enthusiasm. 
“You can call me Kirishima, and it’s no problem at all! Let me freshen up and we can head out to lunch.” 
You stared after him as he walked through the door.
“If you scare away my biggest regular client, I will destroy you,” Mei narrowed her eyes in your direction, but you laughed. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not trying to get in his bed. Thank you for setting this up. You won’t regret it.” You gave her your sweetest smile. 
Half an hour later, you and Kirishima were sat in a coffee shop, beverages and sandwiches in front of you. 
“So, you want to get inside Bakugou’s head, huh?” 
“That seems like a slightly nefarious way to put it,” you laughed, “I’m just looking for some tips on navigating his... personality quirks?”
Kirishima laughed. “He has a rough exterior, that’s for sure. Bakugou really is a good guy at heart, he just doesn’t let it show often and his pride and stubbornness get in the way of everything. Once you get past that, he’s a lot easier to work with.” 
“Seems like his life would be a lot easier if he just stopped yelling at everyone,” you mumbled. 
“Hey, you’re the one who picked the assignment,” Kirishima replied. 
“That... is a fair point. So how would you suggest I go about getting past his gritty exterior?” 
“You can’t do it one day, and you can’t do it with words,” Kirishima sounded a little more serious now, “You have to do it with actions. It’s the quickest way to his brain. If you can come across as trustworthy, capable, and don’t back down, he’ll eventually see eye to eye with you.” 
“Oh, so it’s really simple then?” You couldn’t help but let sarcasm coat your words. 
“It’s either that, or have a really powerful Quirk,” Kirishima shrugged and took a bite of his sandwich. You half-expected triangular shaped bite marks. 
You looked down at your hands. “Well... I never really learned how to use my quirk well, so proving my self-worth to a man with a piss poor attitude it is, I guess.” 
“What is your Quirk, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
In response, you took the lid off of your coffee cup and held the cup in your hand. After a few seconds, steam began to flow out of it. 
“You can boil things?” Kirishima guessed. 
You shook your head. “I can change states of matter on any non-living thing if I touch it.” 
“That’s a really powerful Quirk. Why weren’t you in the hero course?” 
“It’s a long story,” you said as you put the lid back on your coffee, “and not very interesting. Besides, being in the support course was great! My Quirk is really useful at my company for rearranging molecules and changing the shape of things.” 
Sensing the need to change the subject, Kirishima leaned back in his chair and said, “Hey, if it makes you happy! So... what else do you want to know about Bakugou?”
Finally back home after a long and grueling fight with a villain, Bakugou kicked off his boots and threw his gauntlets down on the couch. Peace and quiet, he thought, His small apartment had everything he needed, including the most important thing: solitude. 
Bakugou made himself some dinner and flicked through some emails on his tablet while he ate. One subject line caught his eye, and he opened the email. His nose flared in annoyance once he realized it was from you. 
“Subject: Nitroglycerin Compatibility Testing 
Thank you for replying to my previous email! I’ll be sure to work with the wealth of information you provided. 
Any modifications I make to the explosive gear for your hero costume will need to be tested for safety before the costume is presented at the Support Expo. If you cannot make time to test the gear out for me, I will find someone else capable of doing so. 
Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.
I look forward to working closely with you.”
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foxcantswim · 5 years
Timeless Jealousy
13th Doctor x Reader https://archiveofourown.org/works/22981072
A/N: Apologies if this idea has already been done! I also understand that this episode is set in the 1800s... So I can't promise that everything fits in with this time period.
Reader gets jealous after seeing Byron flirt with the Doctor...
You knew what Byron was playing at. And you didn't like it. Not. One. Bit.
You refused to dance, watching the Doctor and Byron getting just a little bit too close. You gritted your teeth, fists clenching.
"So... that was marvelous. Is anyone up for, I don't know, I'm spit-balling here, how about writing the most gruesome, spine-chilling ghost story of all time?" the Doctor quickly stopped the dancing, wanting to get straight down to business.
Yaz had come over to make sure you were okay, you nodded and assured her that you were fine. You both headed over to the Doctor. The Doctor began to speak, but your thoughts managed to drown out the Time Lord's words. You were focused on Byron who was on the other side of the room.
"Excuse me, Doctor. You broke a rule. Next, you'll be snogging Byron," Yaz stated. That made you flinch slightly. Just the thought made your blood boil.
"I was trying to get them back on track. Something's wrong here. This night, Byron challenges Mary, Polidori and Percy Shelley to come up with a ghost story-" the Doctor spoke. You caught onto Byron, he had been glancing at the Doctor every now and then.
Yaz nudged you to break you away from your stare, "Keep an eye on 'em," she said to you as the Doctor made her way over to Byron, "You and I both know how Byron can get."
She knew about your little crush on the Doctor. Well... 'Little' is an understatement. You decided to deny your crush again, "I don't need to keep an eye on them. The Doc can do what she want-"
"Shut up, (Y/N)," she rolled her eyes, "No matter how much you deny it, anyone can see it."
Well, the Doctor can't see it. Always so oblivious.
Yaz's eyes drifted towards the door, "Don't worry. You two will be fine," she assured before giving you a comforting pat on your shoulder, she then went to leave the room.
You tried to focus on the sound of the sonic screwdriver, anything to divert your attention away from Byron.
"She walks in beauty, like the night," Byron muttered.
The Doctor continued, "Of cloudless climes and starry skies."
"I'm intensely flattered you're familiar with my work, Mrs Doctor..." Byron grinned. You glared.
"Just Doctor is fine. I'm quite into Shelley's stuff too. He about?" she replied. The tension in the room was thick, and you were the cause of it. You were giving off a slight threatening energy which Byron had clocked onto. He knew that he infuriated you. And he decided to continue.
"(Y/N)?" the Doctor questioned.
Your attention quickly moved from Byron to her, "Y-Yeah?"
She stepped closer, a look of concern clearly present within her eyes, "You haven't spoken much today. Everything all right?"
You nodded, "I'm fine. Well... As fine as I can be in a place like this," you stated as a shiver ran up your spine.
"You sure?" she said, clearly not convinced.
Nodding again, "Cross my heart."
She shook her head, not accepting that answer. Stepping forward, she caught you off guard and grabbed your hand, "Give us a minute," she looked at Byron.
He gave a questionable look before standing aside. The Doctor dragged you out the room and into the hallway. She quickly released your hand before retrieving her sonic screwdriver. She stood close and began to scan you, practically backing you into a wall, "You've been off since we arrived..." she said as a red tint graced your cheeks. The Doctor then shone the sonic into your eyes, trying to get any sort of reading.
"Tryin' to blind me there, Doc?" you squinted, trying to tilt your head away.
She still had a look of concern on her face as she put the sonic away, "Something's bothering you," she decided, "Don't try to lie your way out of this one. I need you to be one hundred percent whilst we're here. Can't have you faltering."
You sighed, "It's noth-"
"(Y/N)," the Doctor glared, "Something is bothering you. You are never this quiet."
"Okay, okay," you said, trying to ignore the little space between you two, "I just... I don't like the way he's looking at you."
"Who?" she said, completely oblivious.
"Byron," you said with venom.
She sighed, before a playful grin replaced the frown, "Ah... I see. Don't worry about that," she stepped back, "We promised not to mess with history, and that's what we're doing."
That wasn't exactly the answer you were hoping for... If this didn't mess with history... Would she be interested in Byron. You shook your head, trying to get rid of the thoughts.
The Doctor's smile remained on her face as she reached for you hand again, "I'm not interested in him, okay?" she assured before dragging you back into the room.
You stayed behind the Doctor as you ran towards the drawing room, Byron was on your heels. You all arrived to see a... hand? Everyone managed to get the hand away from Ryan, Fletcher dished out the final blow. Dust now covered the carpet where the hand used to be.
"Great shot!" the Doctor announced before she made her way over to the remains. You and the rest of the 'fam' knew what was coming next. The Doctor leaned down to take a sample and lick it, "Hmm. 14th. No... 15th century-" the Doctor trailed off.
A smile spread across your face, finding all of the Doctor's little weird quirks fascinating.
"She licked it!" Claire exclaimed.
The smile on your face didn't last long at all, "She is the most baffling creature I've ever been acquainted with," Byron breathed out with a smirk. You glared once more... If looks could kill.
"If you ask me..." Yaz began as you all made your way towards Byron's chambers. The Doctor was up front with Byron, leading the way. You had stuck at the back with Yaz, "You should just tell her."
Rolling your eyes, you scoffed, "Imagine that. Me with an all mighty Time Lord. Never gonna happen," you were surprised that Yaz could hear you over the loud crash of lightning.
"Yaz is right," Ryan said, almost appearing out of nowhere.
Yaz smiled, "Never hurts to try."
You suppressed a groan, really not wanting to be a part of this conversation.
Everyone rounded a corner and soon they arrived. Walking into Byron's chambers made your skin crawl... Anything that related to him was bad in your books.
"It's a collection," Byron explained as people gathered in the room.
"Of what? Dead stuff?" Ryan questioned.
"Relics of war."
The Doctor began to wave the sonic screwdriver around the room, scanning for any abnormalities.
"From my travels..." Byron continued, "Reminders that we tread on the dust of empires. Crops now grow where blood was split. An innocent fascination, I assure you."
Anything he said really seemed to tick you off... You weren't jealous. Definitely not. No. Never.
You noticed the Doctor's face light up, she put on some headgear she had discovered, "What do you think?" she said, practically showing off her new helmet.
"Suits you," you offered her a warm smile, she smiled back in return - seemingly glad that you liked it.
"Well, he just turned sort of zombie and went into one," Graham said with concern.
"What do you speak of? What is a zombie?" Byron questioned.
The Doctor explained, "Kind of a dead person walking, but it won't be that."
"Hey, Doc?" you said, trying to get the woman's attention as she spoke to Graham via the fireplace chimney.
"How do you know?" Byron wondered.
She replied, "Because Polidori isn't dead, for a kick-off."
"D-Doctor?!" you said, your voice starting to tremble more as you noticed Polidori's figure walking in through the wall.
"Mrs Doctor!" Claire tried to get her attention too.
"Really, just Doctor is fine..."
"Doc, Polidori!" you said, now that she was listening. The blonde turned quickly to see him looking like a ghost.
Byron had decided to hide behind Claire, "Begone, demon!" he exclaimed. You glared at him in disgust before looking back at the Doctor once more.
The Doctor took a cautious step towards Polidori, "Doc-"
She cut you off, looking towards you, "It's okay," she assured before looking back at Polidori. The Doctor then raised a hand to check for a pulse, "Pulse? Check. Breathing? Check."
Byron's voice filled the room, "May I just say..." he started, "You are quite lovely in a crisis."
"No-" both you and the Doctor said. The Doctor looked at you in shock, you did your best to avoid eye contact. Byron and Claire looked between both you and the Doctor, unsure of what to say. Byron ended up smirking, understanding the situation quite clearly.
Claire decided to break the silence, clearing her throat, "So... He could just be- be asleep, correct? He walks in his sleep!"
Byron scoffed, "One does not sleepwalk through walls."
The Doctor quickly diverted her gaze away from you, "H-He doesn't just go through walls. He was downstairs a second ago," she looked at Byron, "What you said before..."
"About being lovely?" he smiled, glancing over towards. You bit your tongue.
The Doctor was growing annoyed, "Back a bit."
"Way way back," you added, glaring daggers.
Byron chuckled, "What a feisty one you have here, Doctor," he said, pacing the room.
"Byron-" Claire began to warn before he hushed her.
"We haven't got time for this," the Doctor groaned, "By-"
"Don't you see, Doctor?!" he said, "I can't think in these conditions. What with your pet staring at me all the time."
"You little sh-" you muttered before the Doctor cut you off.
"I would really appreciate it if you didn't talk to my friends like that," she said, clear anger lacing her voice, "We're trying to help."
"Help?!" Byron said, "All she's done is look at me as if she wants to kill me!"
The Doctor looked at you before you could stop yourself from glaring at Byron once again, "(Y/N)?" she asked, "He's clearly done something to upset you," she stepped closer, "What is it?" The Doctor wasn't too fond with having Polidori in his current state just standing there but she had to get to the bottom of this. Claire kept her eye on the unresponsive man.
"Nothing!" you exclaimed. The Doctor clocked onto your annoyance... "Absolutely nothing!" She also clocked onto the light sadness that glazed over your words.
"Come on, Doctor," Byron said, "We can solve this... Alone."
That was it. Byron was getting way too close to the Doctor. Thinking back on Yaz's words... You reached forward to grab the Doctor's coat, effectively pulling her closer. Your lips crashed onto hers just before she could protest her confusion. The lack of movement on the Doctor's end had you worried.
You could hear Byron's scoff of disgust and shock.
You were about to pull away, happy with your action - clearly showing Byron to back off. But, you were quickly pulled back by the Doctor who was now responding with eagerness - her arms had secured themselves around you.
"Erm..." Claire gulped, "D-Doctor, I-I don't want to... cut you short or anything. But shouldn't we be worried about Polidori."
The Doctor's face retreated from yours quickly, "Of course!" she exclaimed in triumph, her arms were removed from around you, "Why didn't I think of that!"
"Wh-What?" you stuttered, breathless.
"Have you figured all this out Doctor?" Claire wondered.
"Yes!" she said, excited.
Byron was now glaring at you this time as he spoke to the Doctor, "Well don't leave us in the dark. Enlighten us."
"Jealousy!" she shouted.
"J-Jealousy, Doctor?" Claire questioned in complete confusion.
You felt your cheeks heat up as a nervous laughter escaped, "N-Now... Come on, Doc... No time for joking around-"
The Doctor's brain finally caught up with all the recent events, her smile turning into a look of complete shock, "Ohhh... That's why you were acting like this."
She cut you off again, "You don't need to be jealous. Especially not because of him," she glanced at Byron.
"Can you two focus on the task at hand?!" Byron exclaimed, annoyed.
"I agree," Claire said, "Polidori is still... Not himself."
Everybody had regrouped in the drawing room after the Doctor had gotten everybody out of their endless loops, most were admiring the skull and hand under the glass that had been recently been captured.
Byron's eyes focused on the Doctor as she made her way over to you.
"Erm... Doc..." you started, leaning against a desk, "I wanted to apologise for my actions earlier. I just wanted Byron to stop interrupting the investi-"
"You have nothing to apologise for," she assured before a curious look appeared on her face, "Is that the only reason you did that? You weren't jealous were you?"
"Pfft, jealous? Me? Never."
"Terrible liar," the Doctor said with a soft smile. Her hand moved to gently cup your cheek as she kissed your forehead. Your heartbeat quickened in response, "Now once all the rubbish is over... and when we get back to the TARDIS we can talk about this."
"O-Okay," you nodded in agreement.
Just when you thought she was going to step away, she did the opposite. She managed to step closer and you soon felt her lips crash against yours, you felt relief wash over you as she portrayed urgency. Both of you knew that you had to deal with the problem at hand, which caused the Doctor to pull away. You missed the contact, but hopefully there would be time for this later.
Both you and the Doctor noticed Byron's glare, "I think it's Byron's turn to be jealous," the Doctor decided as she stood next to you and put an arm around your shoulders, you began to make your way over towards Byron and the others.
You were just itching to just get this over with. You were excited for what the future holds.
A/N: The sequel would just be Reader getting killed by Cybermen or something like that cuz I really like angst.
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BOTW Challenge Ideas
So, I made a giant list of botw challenges. They’re under the cut, because trust me, it’s looong.
I might add more, I might not. Didn’t do it on a google doc because google docs look horrible on mobile. Please note that challenge runs are for fun and you don’t need to adhere to these exactly, if you have an idea, or like one of these, but want to tweak it slightly, it’s your game, you should have fun with it. I’m not gonna hunt you down or anything. Anyway, I recommend you give it a look over anyway because I added in-universe justifications for Link acting this way and some of them are funny.
The more indents they have, the more difficult I think they are. Then again, I haven’t attempted all of them, so I don’t really know. Italics are the “rules”, Bold is the name, and normal is the in-universe justification. Idk if Tumblr actually did justice to my formatting, so you may have to ignore this entirely.
This took several hours to make, and several more to put into tumblr, because tumblr hates Quotev’s formatting.
Edit: Formatting is fine, but only for the desktop version :(
Limited Teleportation: Purah dared Link to do it, not thinking that he’d take her seriously. You pick 5 shrines, and those are the only ones you can use to fast travel.
No Teleportation: Fast travel makes Link very queasy, so he’s not going to use it. No fast travel.
Only Foot Travel: Link’s allergic to horses, and fast travel makes him want to throw up, so he’ll stick to the tried and true method of walking and running. No horse, fast travel, or bomb launches.
Random Limited Teleportation: Purah dared him to do it. She has the names of each of the shrines and randomized them, she didn’t think he’d actually do it. Input all the Shrines into a randomizer, the top five are the only ones you can use to fast travel to.
Horse Only: Link loves horses very much. They don’t make him want to throw up, and they’re faster than walking. Sure it may be a hassle to drag them up mountains, but he always has a friend, so it’s fine. No fast travel, get a horse as soon as you can, you must have a horse beside you at all times (excluding the desert or other areas where your horse is literally blocked from entry)
My Best Friend!: Link thinks it’s cruel to have a lot of horses and pay very little attention to them, so he decides to keep one horse so they can be best buddies! You get one horse and it needs to be by your side until you defeat Ganon (once again, excluding the desert), try to keep it alive, you only get one horse and I hear the trip to Malanya will take quite a while without your best friend. (Bonus points if you name the horse Epona) If your horse dies, you must go to Malanya IMMEDIATELY and abandon whatever you were doing. No fast travel! (Teleporting horse is yours to decide though.)
Farmboy: Link and his horse have befriended a wolf! Link decides to officially name it Wolfie, and they’re a trio of best friends! The above, except add the Wolf Link Amiibo to it. Same rules apply, keep them with you at all times unless they are forbidden from entry.
I Do What I Want Old Man!: Link is honestly just doing it to spite the old man for leading him on for so long. The Plateau isn’t even that tall, he can climb down! It was only the fog that made it look scary! No paraglider. That's it. Have fun.
Limited Upgrades: Turns out, the Great Fairies have limited magic, even with him supplying the materials. That’s fine though, He doesn’t want them to waste their magic on him when they need it for themselves. You can only upgrade 3 outfits (9 articles of clothing) though you can upgrade them to their maximum.
Restricted Upgrades: Turns out, he can’t find the last two fairies. He feels bad, but it’s fine, he’ll just restrict his upgrades to repay them. It’s not like they’ll ever find out... You can only upgrade 5 articles of clothing, and only half-way.
No Upgrades: What are Fairy Fountains? Link doesn’t know! He’s too busy looking for memories to chase rumors. Fairy Fountains are not to be used for upgrading clothing.
Limited Clothing: Link thinks the clothes are cool, but he doesn't want to waste money on them when he has a perfectly good doublet and perfectly fine pants. He'll have a backup pair, but anything more is just excessive. You get 2 Armor sets and that's it, you can mix and match, but you can only have 2 pieces of headgear, 2 shirts, and 2 pants.
Small Wardrobe: Several travelers have given him the advice to "pack light" and "only bring as many clothes as you need" but a girl also said that "mixing and matching clothes is the worst thing ever" so he'll play it safe and pack lightly but avoid mixing two different outfits together. They’ve been in this world longer than him, so surely they’re right? You get two clothing sets, no mixing and matching
It's My Favorite Outfit: Several travelers have said to pack lightly, and some even said that it was only worth it to bring the pair of clothes that you wear. Smell apparently doesn't matter if you're a wanderer, which is good to know. You only get one clothing set, and if you plan on getting Vah Naboris, you know which one it'll be.
Birthday Suit: Link doesn't like clothes, they chafe and they get in the way. Underwear are the minimum he needs to be decent apparently, so he can't completely get rid of clothes. Someday though, he'll do it anyway. No clothes. Period. I don't recommend combining this with No Meals.
Restricted Clothing: Link figures that "packing light" would mean that he only has one set of clothes. If he plays it smart, one set is all that he'll need anyway. You only get one headpiece, one shirt, and one pair of pants. Mixing and Matching is allowed
I don't like pants: If he's being honest, Link hates pants. He likes the breeze on his legs and the grass, or rocks or sand or snow, beneath his feet. Pants also restrict his movement more than a loose shirt does. He's far more flexible without pants. You can only wear shirts.
This is my favorite shirt: Link doesn't like pants. He also got attached to one specific shirt. He loves it and he's not changing. Sure, he'll take it off to wash it, but he won't put a different shirt on or anything. You can only wear one shirt. Choose wisely
Aren't I beautiful?: Link doesn't like clothes, but headpieces are fine. A lot of them look really interesting too! People keep saying they'll look better with clothes, but his comfort is more important than looking good to other people. He looks good to himself, and that's all he needs. Only headpieces are allowed.
Safety First: Link doesn't like clothes. They're a waste of time and they feel weird. He doesn't really like headpieces either, well, except for one specific piece. Only one headpiece is allowed. (The name is a reference to Hard Hats.)
Shirtless Chad: Link can admit that he likes the attention when he goes shirtless. He isn't particularly muscular, but he's made more than one person blush, and he counts that as a win. If it means he's less restricted when using his bow or a weapon, well that's just a plus. Become that one buff guy that never wears a shirt. Pants only.
I don't smell!: Link doesn't like shirts, and he doesn't like anything on his head that might pull on his hair or block his vision. Pants were a bit of a compromise, until he realized how painful it was to step on a rock barefooted. Still, only one pair of pants is actually comfortable for him, and he rarely takes them off. One pair of pants, choose wisely.
No Shops: Link...doesn’t like asking for things. It makes him feel stupid or greedy, so when he found out that there was a whole profession where people gave things to you if you asked, he didn’t want anything to do with it. Even if it was technically a trade, it made him feel bad. You're not allowed to purchase anything from any shops or wandering merchants.
No Gifts: The king said not to trust strangers too much, and after his first encounter with the Yiga, he understood why. He doesn’t know if they’d try to poison him or use money to lure him into a false sense of security, but he isn’t going to trust it. He’ll be polite, and then immediately throw it away once their back is turned. He isn’t going to let his guard down. If an NPC gives you something, you ain't allowed to keep it or use it. If that thing is rupees, spend them on bugs and set the bugs free.
No Selling: Link didn’t know you could sell things to the shop owners, and even if he did, he’d feel greedy and stupid for trying to sell a shopkeeper bugs and plants, so he’d probably avoid it anyway. You're not allowed to sell anything to get money, if you want money, win it from a mini game.
Wiser the Miser: Link doesn't like spending rupees, so he doesn't. If he can steal or get something for free, he will. Someone gives him rupees? Their loss. Who needs to buy things when there's a world full of resources? Don’t buy anything. If you want exceptions, like getting into Gerudo Town, it’s your call.
No Selling or Shops: Link doesn’t like stores. They make him uneasy. Enclosed spaces where people ask for your stuff? No thanks. You’re not allowed to buy from shops or merchants, and you’re not allowed to sell anything either.
No Selling, Shops, or Gifts: Link doesn’t trust anything that people give him. Maybe it’s paranoia, but it’s entirely justified. Shops are the same, people asking for his stuff when he has more important things to do than barter. Shops are honestly a waste of time when he can get everything for free, except maybe goat butter. If an NPC gives you something, you must drop it, or, in the case of a food item, use it at full hearts/full stamina and if it has an additional effect you will stand in the middle of an inn and wait for the effect to wear off. You’re also not allowed to sell or buy at shops or from merchants.
No Chef Here: Link can make a good elixir, but he can’t cook and he’s not even going to attempt it. He’ll make do with raw apples and meat and whatever else he can find. He’ll be fine. Elixirs are fine, apples and stuff are fine, cooked food is not.
What's a Cooking Pot?: Link doesn’t know what the giant bowl thing is, so he stays away from it. If people give him stuff to eat or drink, he tends to throw it away, because he’s smart enough not to risk being poisoned. If it requires you to use a cooking pot, you ain't allowed to ingest it. This includes gifts from NPCs because we all know not to take candy from nice strangers
Don't Eat Raw Food!: The king warned Link against eating raw food, so he isn’t taking any chances. If you want to eat something, you need to cook it first.
No Meals: Link doesn't understand why people waste time eating. Nor does he understand the whole hunger thing. Maybe it's a Shrine of Resurrection thing? Essentially, you aren't allowed to eat or drink anything, including elixirs.
I Can't Cook: Link thinks his cooking is pretty good. Sure, he thinks it's weird that people eat Moblin guts and wood, but who is he to judge, he doesn't really know anything, and he hasn't died yet, so it's fine! No elixirs or proper food, only Dubious food and Rock-hard food.
Insomniac: Link wants to sleep, but he can't, not when there're so many things he needs to do. He can sleep after he saves Hyrule. No beds, including the one in your own house.
No meals or inns: Link doesn't need to eat, and it's unsafe to sleep in a room full of strangers. Mipha has his back, and Hylia does too, if he rests, he'll do so where there aren't any strangers or wild animals to stab him in the back. You can only heal via Mipha's Grace, Heart Containers, or buying your own home.
No Meals or Beds: Sleeping wastes time, and he doesn't need to eat. He needs to save Hyrule, and he can relax when that's done. You can only heal via Mipha's Grace and Heart Containers.
No Meals, Beds, or Heart Containers: Link uses all of his Spirit Orbs for Stamina, because anything that makes him faster will also help him save Hyrule faster. He does wonder why Purah freaked out and tried to force him to sleep when he admitted that he hadn't slept since he woke up, or eaten for that matter. Eh, maybe Zelda will know, and the only way he can ask her is if he saves her. Only Mipha's Grace and three hearts, have fun!
Ew: Link refuses to drink elixirs when he knows exactly how they're made. It disgusts him, and he's not letting them anywhere near his mouth. No elixirs/tonics.
Normal Hylian: Link isn't some sort of god, he can't just freeze time in the middle of battle to heal or change his clothes or grab a new weapon. He can only heal or change after a battle and if he breaks his weapon, he can take cover and switch out or he can just use bombs. Like a normal person. No changing clothes or healing during battle, no flurry rushes or bullet time. If you break a weapon, take cover and get a new one, or use bombs.
Actual Normal Hylian: Aside from not being a god, Link also needs to eat and sleep. Sure he can go without for a day or two, but eventually he'll just crash. And whether it's five raw apples or a five course meal, he needs something to eat. He also needs to stay hydrated, but that's what rivers are for. Try to make him sleep in a bed once every three days at least, and make him eat one meal a day (it doesn't have to be cooked, but it is generally preferred). Also, let him go for a swim every once in a while to stay hydrated, because I doubt he's carrying around any water. (This one adds on to the one before it, though not combining them is totally your call!)
Carnivore: Link got messed up in the Shrine of Resurrection, and now he can't digest plants. You can eat it raw or cook it, but you can only eat meat. Inclusion of Elixirs is up to you
Herbivore: Link gets queasy when he has to kill innocent animals, so he's doing fine just eating plants. He refuses to drink Elixirs too, knowing what they're made of. No meat or elixirs.
Liquid-Only Diet: The Shrine of Resurrection messed up and now Link can't ingest solid food, he also happens to be lactose intolerant, so no milk for him. Elixirs only.
No Map: Link doesn't want to waste time climbing the towers, he'll figure it out. Don't get the towers (except the Great Plateau), you have to use your surroundings, get a feel for the land. Use of Minimap, Divine Beast Maps, and Teleportation is Allowed (No Hyrule Castle Map though)
No Map PRO: Link doesn't want to waste time climbing the towers and realistically, he doesn't have a HUD in the corner of his vision telling him where North is. No Map+Pro mode, so have fun with that. You'll be very reliant on Death Mountain and Hyrule Castle. Divine Beast Maps are still allowed
I'm Lost: Link promptly forgot about the fast travel function and he really doesn't want to climb the towers. You can get the shrines, which are recommended for the spirit orbs, but you aren't allowed to teleport and you must be on Pro Mode. Divine Beast Maps are allowed. You can get the towers if you want to waste time, but you won't be looking at the map, so it's not recommended
The Legend of Zelda: Link has no idea where he's going, but he figures he'll be able to figure it out the more time he spends awake. He feels like he's forgotten something though... We're going back to the NES days! No teleportation, no horses, no bomb launches, and absolutely no map! Have fun getting lost just like the good old days where tutorials didn't exist and maps were reserved for dungeons. And, like dungeons, Divine Beasts do have maps and you can in fact use them.
No Retreat!: Link isn't a coward and he's stubborn. He isn't running from a fight even when he probably should. If you hear the battle music, you can't run away.
No Rest for Heroes!: Link doesn't need to sleep and he doesn't really care that it's dangerous at night. He'll beat whatever stupid monster picked a fight in the first place. You can't sleep through the night to avoid monsters, and you must stay and fight if you hear the music. You have bombs if you run out of weapons
I'm Not Failing Again: Link is guilty and angry. He is Hylia's hero, Protector of Hyrule, it's high time he did his job. If you happen to be near a monster, attack it. Monster camp? Destroy it. It doesn't matter if they don't see you. If you see them, you kill them. Simple as that. No intentionally avoiding monsters either. Best paired with No Map, but I'm not your minder.
FOR THE FALLEN!: Link is the Hero of Hyrule and he will do his job. Sure, he has a problem with rushing into battle, but really, what hero didn't? It's essentially the same as I'm not failing again, but you aren't allowed to do Stealth Takedowns, you see a monster, you run in and do melee combat, bows are allowed if you're close range and the battle music is playing.
Boss Hunter: Link doesn't like boss monsters. Taluses especially are literal death traps for travelers. He's sure he'll get a reward too, they're called Boss Monsters for a reason, right? Kill every boss monster in the game.
Lynel Hunter: Link knows they pose a threat to the people of Hyrule. At least you can run away from most boss monsters pretty easily. For the safety of Hyrule, he will kill every single lynel.
Limited Weapon Slots: Link never meets Hestu. No Koroks to expand your weapon or bow slots.
Spears Only: Link didn't feel comfortable using a sword because he felt like he didn't live up to who he used to be. But the claymores and other two handed weapons were bulky, and he was horrible with a bow. And then he found a spear, and he's never regretted grabbing it. The only weapons you can use are spears, no bombs either. Have fun getting a spear in the first place. (The Korok Limitation does not apply to the rest of these unless you want it to)
Elemental Spears Only: Link likes spears, but elemental spears are way better, in every way. He's never going back. Spears Only too easy? Well now you can only use spears that have an elemental effect.
One-handed Weapons Only: Link's muscles have atrophied from the time in the Shrine. He'll have to make do. What it says on the tin, only use one-handed weapons.
One-Handed Swords Only: Link would rather not use a stick, he's been trained with a sword so by Hylia he will use a god dang sword! One-handed swords only.
One-handed Elemental Swords Only: Link hates that he can't handle larger swords because these elemental ones are great. They just seem way harder to come by than the bigger ones. These disappear the further you get in the game, so have fun with that I suppose. Rationing is going to be your best friend.
One-Handed Elemental Weapons Only: Link loves elemental weapons, but he still hasn't built up enough strength to use the big ones, and he wasn't great with spears or the bow, but the Wizzrobe rods are fun too. One-handed too easy for you? Have fun with this. Options are the Wizzrobe wands and the small elemental blades, the further you progress, the less of the weak blades that'll pop up, and the stronger ones are two-handed weapons, so you'll be killing a lot of wizzrobes if you want to keep a good supply.
Rods Only: Link doesn't really like swords or bows, or really any other weapon. He couldn't really pinpoint why. Until he grabbed a wizzrobe's rod. Power that he didn't know he had coursed through him, and he decided that he wasn't using anything but rods from now on. Only use wizzrobe rods. If it's easier, use any weapon until you find your first wizzrobe, whatever works for you.
Boomerangs Only: Link didn't like getting in close, but he also sucked at archery. Then he found his first boomerang. His aim was good and it came back! It didn't break upon impact, it was perfect! Boomerangs only
Two-handed Weapons Only: Link feels inferior to his Before-Calamity Self whenever he wields a one-handed weapon. Because BC Link was trained with a sword, so there's no way Post Calamity Link can ever compare. To get rid of that feeling, Link only uses two handed weapons, weapons that he's pretty sure BC Link was never trained in. Use only two-handed weapons
Claymores Only: The king, upon Link's inquiry, said that he used a royal claymore. In an effort to remember him, and an irrational fear that he'll forget everything again, Link decides to wield a claymore. Even when he finds out the less than stellar parts of the King's personality, he's too used to the claymore to give it up. Claymores only.
Korok Leaves Only: Link doesn't like swords or traditional weapons, and the Wizzrobe's rods are a bit too...hostile? Yeah, hostile. But the Korok Leaf's magic is quieter and more serene. It also seems...familiar, but he can't pinpoint why. It's also pretty hard for him to break, so he's fine with using it to blow opponents away. Korok Leaf Only, have fun beating Ganon, though Dark Beast is impossible with only a Korok Leaf.
Bow Only: Link likes the bow. He likes it very much. Past Link was good with a sword, but Present Link is not Past Link, Past Link is never coming back and Present Link will grow to become his own person. What better way to distance himself from Past Link than to specialize in a weapon that knights rarely use? Bow only
Normal Arrows Only: Link does not like the sensation he gets from using elemental arrows, and really, they are much too expensive, he'll stick to his normal arrows. Bow only, with only normal arrows.
Elemental Arrows Only: Link finds them very effective, and very fun to mess around with. He kind of forgets that boring normal arrows exist. Bow only, only elemental arrows.
Bomb Arrows Only: Link likes explosions, and the ones he gets from bomb arrows are much more satisfying than the ones he gets from plain old bombs. Sure they're expensive, and sure the rain keeps them from exploding, but...really, after being killed and resurrected, he can afford to give into a few whims, right? Bow only, bomb arrows only
Ancient Weapons Only: Robbie said they were more effective, and Link'll be the judge of that. He'll have to scavenge a lot of dead Guardians, but it'll all be worth it for these supposedly more efficient weapons! Ancient Weapons only, go to Robbie's immediately after the Plateau, I don’t think you actually need the quest, until then, all weapons are allowed
Master Sword Only: Fi is calling out to him, and Link will get to her as quickly as possible. Get thirteen hearts without weapons or using bombs as weapons, then go straight to the Great Hyrule Forest to retrieve Fi. Fi is the only weapon you're allowed to use as a weapon. Other weapons can be used to cut down trees and such, but if they damage a living creature or a monster, then you must reload your previous save.
Trial of the Sword: Fi is weak, and Link hates seeing her like that, so he wants to help her as quickly as possible. It shouldn't be hard for a chosen hero, right? It’s essentially the above challenge, but you also do the Trial of the Sword immediately after getting Fi. Weapon rule is obviously exempt for the duration of the Trial.
Wooden Weapons Only: Link doesn't like the sound of clanging metal. He only uses wooden shields, bows, and weapons. He doesn't care if it makes Death Mountain difficult, his poor ears don't like the sound. Only use wooden weapons, shields, and bows, if it attracts lightning, it's not allowed. Korok leaves or other non-metal but still non-wood items are also banned.
Metal Weapons Only: Link doesn't like splinters, he'd rather be a lightning rod. He also doesn't really trust the durability of wooden weapons, so he'll avoid them like the plague and use only metal shields, weapons, and bows. Only metal weapons, shields, and bows are allowed, if it attracts lightning, it's good to go.
Nuzlocke: Turns out, Link forgets how to use weapons once he breaks them. It's an annoying little quirk that means Link can only use each weapon once. You break a stick? You can't use another stick for the rest of the game, same goes for all weapons, bows, and shields.
The Moon's Curse: Every Blood Moon, Link loses all of his weapons, shields, bows, food, elixirs, and items. He only keeps his clothes and the special items. Link thinks it's Ganon trying to stall his inevitable defeat. Every Blood Moon, clean out your inventory, your hands must be empty, whether or not you count clothing is up to you, and you can eat meals to get rid of them.
Tech Mage: Link....has forgotten how to use weapons. It's a bit unfortunate but the king told him to collect the runes for a reason right? And the Wizzrobes' rods just need to be waved around, no training needed, so he'll be fine! Runes and Rods only.
Techie: Link...doesn’t really know how to use weapons, which makes it hard to kill anything. But, he does know how to use the runes. He did just learn how to after all. He doesn’t...really need weapons...right? Runes only, no weapons, shields, or bows. Well, allowance of shields can be personal preference, since Guardians will probably be a nuisance until you get Daruk’s Protection, if you allow use of the DB Powers.
No Shields: Link finds them bulky and useless, he'll just go without. Simple as that, no shields.
Fragile: Link doesn't really find the need for heart containers when he's mostly running around. Besides, it's just more incentive to get better at fighting. No Extra Heart Containers. Divine Beast Heart Containers can either be kept or traded in for stamina at the Hateno statue.
Asthma: Link can deal with not being able to run for long periods of time. What he can't deal with is how fragile he is. If he hadn't had that fairy, the Moblin would've killed him in one hit! No, he needs to be way more durable than he is now. No Extra Stamina Wheels.
I Don’t Need A Goddess’s Help: Link looked at the statue once, and saw it as a waste of time to pray. He's failed once, he doesn't need a goddess's help to do what previous heroes did alone and on their first try. No praying to statues, so no extra Heart Containers or Stamina Wheels.
Zero Deaths: Link isn't immortal, Mipha's magic isn't as powerful, and fairies don't work on him after the Shrine of Resurrection, so Link has to be careful. He won't get a third chance if he dies again. Disable Mipha's Grace and don't collect fairies. If you die, it's over. Ganon wins.
Sorry, Your Gifts are Worthless: Link appreciates the thought behind the champions giving him their powers...but he can't actually use them. He's not a trained medium or anything, and he needs to communicate with them to make the powers work....soooo.... Don't use the divine beast powers.
I'll Be Quick: Link never got the memo that he was supposed to help the Divine Beasts, but, well, Zelda was alive and the champions aren't, and the only one actually causing any immediately dangerous issues was Vah Ruta, but the Zora will be fine, they're fish people. Defeat Ganon without the Divine Beasts.
Time for Fun: Link is bored, then he remembers all the mini-games around Hyrule. Get the best score on all the mini games.
Photogenic: Link likes taking pictures and getting information for things. It's a fun pass-time that also helps out Symin and Purah. Take a picture of everything, it doesn't matter if you fill your compendium, but you must take a picture if you see something new (obviously only starts once you get the camera rune)
Everything Breaks: Link finds breaking things fun, and if it keeps him sane, might as well indulge his urges. Make a list of all the breakable items in the game, and then break every single one. Maybe you'll defeat Ganon, maybe not. Vandalism is more important.
Economist: Link doesn't really know how to hunt, or which fruits are safe, so he collects things, sells them, and proceeds to buy things that he knows are safe. He buys all his clothing and food, weapons are perhaps the only things he can get for himself. He helps out NPCs too, on the off chance that they'll give him something. Once a city boy, always a city boy. If you pick it up in the wild, you can't use it unless it's a weapon. Sell everything you pick up, and instead buy all your food and clothing. Elixirs too. If you have a picture of a recipe from the stables, you can use those, but only those.
Eventide Challenge: Link is a bit of a completionist, but he also hates back-tracking, so, using the towers as a measure of his progress, he decides to do everything he can in one region before going to the next. You do all you can in one region, or as much as you feel like doing anyway, then you collect the next tower and get rid of all your food, weapons, shields, bows, meals, and clothes. You must make your way directly to the tower if you leave the region, collecting shrines or fighting monsters before collecting the tower is sort of cheating. (You can decide for yourself if previous regions are off limits or not. If they are, I recommend planning out which region would leave you in the best position for Ganon. If not, just have fun!)
Reverse Dungeon Order: Link expected the Divine Beasts to get harder as he progressed, but they got...way easier... Vah Naboris, Vah Ruta, Vah Rudania, Vah Medoh (people say Rudania is the easiest, and I can't even get past the puzzles, so...maybe Fireblight is easier, but Rudania kills me via my unintelligence and I did Vah Medoh in less than five minutes, just go for the hardest ones first and the easiest one last, since I guarantee someone found Vah Medoh to be challenging and Vah Naboris easy. This one is probably the most customizable.)
I'm Not A Hoarder!: Link doesn't like using his resources, because he might need them later and it's such a bother to backtrack and get more if he runs out. He collects things because he might need them later. And really, it's better safe than sorry. You see something, you pick it up. Don't sell anything, try to eat or use as little of it as possible, actively seek out more rupees via mini games.
I may have a problem: Link acknowledges that it isn't exactly normal to have so much of everything, and to immediately restock upon using some, but...he can't stop. Max out all your inventory space. 999 of everything. Max out your rupees while you're at it.
I'm Actually Not A Hoarder: Link doesn't see the value in wasting time picking up useless crap. He has bombs, and he doesn't need to eat, he'll be fine. Don't pick something up if you don't intend to use it immediately. Keep your inventory as sparse as possible. Only collect rupees if you intend to use them for something.
Speedrun: Link has a task he needs to get done, and he needs to do it quickly. Pick a speedrun category and do it. Don't compare to the world record, compare your time to your previous times and measure your progress that way. World record doesn't matter, only having fun does.
Where does this go again?: Link is currently in a pickle and has no idea where the blue flame is. He found one in Akkala and decided that it was the one Purah was talking about. He couldn't find it again when Robbie asked, but he did find the one in Hateno, so he used that one. Use the Hateno Blue Flame for the Akkala Lab, and the Akkala Blue Flame for the Hateno lab.
Impaired Senses: There has to be some consequences for resurrecting, and only losing his memories is a very light consequence. A blindfold is the most obvious one, though you can also turn off sound, which still has a little bit of impact, though it isn't as drastic.
Auto Saves Only: Link is subject to the whims of the goddesses. What it says on the tin, no manual saving for you!
Hunger Games: Link has the rules of the game outlined to him by a goddess. He can do nothing but submit, fearing her wrath. Pretend that towns and stables don't exist (avoid them like the plague), Master Mode, Only Foot Travel, the only time you enter a village is if you intend on completing the Divine Beasts and/or Memories for Impa. If you see an NPC don't interact, only wear clothing sets without set bonuses or special effects, if you see a Yiga, kill them, the Yiga are the only NPCs (aside from the Main Story NPCs) that you are allowed to interact with. Interacting with Koroks and Great Fairies is fine. Every blood moon, you choose one tab at random and completely empty it (special items tab doesn't count, Master Sword and Hylian Shield are exempt from this), and every time you collect a tower you can scan an amiibo, try to ration them.
Pacifist: Link doesn't like killing. Never has, never will, and he avoids fights like the plague. There's no need for excessive loss of life, he'll defeat Ganon and save the Champions, but that's it. Only kill the blights and Ganon and any other mandatory fights for the true ending (Like, I think Kohga is mandatory.)
I'll use this until it breaks!: Link doesn't see the need to stockpile weapons, not when almost anything can be used as one. He'll be fine. Essentially, you pick up the first weapon you see, you use only that weapon until it breaks, when it breaks you, again, pick up the first weapon you see, rinse and repeat. Master Sword is allowed, since Ganon’s going to suck without it.
100%: Link is going to do everything. He has no memories, and he's been dropped in this giant world. He's doing everything and nothing will stop him. You know exactly what this entails and I don't recommend it unless you're speedrunning, and even then, it's a bad idea.
Don't get hit: Link's stubborn, he doesn't like getting hurt, so he won't. Take no damage, even a quarter of a heart means you failed. Doesn't matter if it's a golden heart or not.
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fairymagicheart1 · 4 years
The Very Odd Couple
(It took a while but this is my first fanfic since I went through the passing of my grandma, so I hope you all love this! This is more of a buddy fic between my OC Tati and Donnie, and yes the title is a reference to the classic 1968 movie The Odd Couple.. for obvious reasons here. xD
Yes this is for saving our Rise boys! Please @nickelodeon @nickanimation @netflix please pick them up for continuing them!)
It clearly was supposed to be a peaceful night of pizza and Lou Jitsu movie marathon.. but there was trouble to that plan.
Standing between the last slice of pizza on the table was Tati and Donnie, clearly another of their usual competitions and bickering that has become common soon after Tati began living and training with them.
"Donnie, it would be easier with a duplication spell?" Tati said, she had a smirk and tried to pull the plate and ready to use said spell, but Donnie snatched the plate with one of the mechanical arms of his spider shell.
"A simple precise cut is much more easier and effective for the sharing of the last pizza, especially with my area of expertise with technology." Donnie bragged and pressed a button on his tech-bo to switch it to laser mode. "Oh and burn us like the last time?" Retorted Tati.
The remaining three turtles, Splinter, April, and Nessa were just helplessly watching the bickering. "Shouldn't we try to stop them?" April asked, frankly for all.. it was getting to be too much lately; Tati was just as proud of her mystical fairy abilities almost as much as Donnie's own abilities in technology. Splinter was even tapping his fingers on his arm rest in growing frustration at the constant arguments.
"At least it won't blow us off the roof of a 12 story building with your so called Air Swipe attack?" Donnie sarcastically said back, using air quotations and Tati learned on the table now doing a mystic spell/tech tug of war with the pizza slice. "THAT was an accident during practice and you know it Techy!!"
It was a pull and tug battle and it was getting heated.. until Splinter leaped from his chair and pulled the slice away and caused the two to land in a pile. "ENOUGH!! Both of you!" Called out Splinter, now both teens looked up to Splinter's steamed face; the argument clearly had annoyed him greatly. "You know it's kinda ironic how you two argue but can be so much like each other." Raph spoke up with a slight smile.
Though getting back up, they both spoke at the same time. "What me, him/her?! We're nothing alike!" They then both faced each other steamed.
Before another word can be spoken, Splinter jumped to separate them with a loud. "To your rooms! Tomorrow there will be training.. for you both only!" And with that, Tati and Donnie had no choice but to do so..
Through this silence, April spoke up and they all have a look that screams unease. "Uh Splints? You sure you got a great plan? I love them both but Donnie and Tati look like they're almost ready to tear each other apart." She said while Leo just leaned back. "Totally cheering for my girlfriend by the way." Though at that Splinter just made his chair tip over and fell to the ground with a yelp.
"Oh I have just the plan for this and it will take more than just one parent.." Splinter said with a grin and pulled out a hand sized crystal piece.. "I just need to make a call." He walked away, leaving confused looks on the group's faces.. though Nessa's face had more of a look of knowing.
It was the next morning when Tati and Donnie were already up in the kitchen for breakfast.. still clearly ticked off from last night though Splinter came into the room and wasn't alone as Tati nearly choked in surprise. There standing with her arms crossed was Tati's own mother Queen Himari. "Mother?! What are you doing here?" Tati asked in surprised yet slightly fearful..
"My daughter, Splinter called me here for my help on this training.." Himari explained.. now they told the idea... and the unison shouts came soon after from the two teens and it rattled the doors!
"WHAT?!?! Spend the whole day with HIM/HER?!?!" Cried both Tati and Donnie in horror, clearly obvious that this plan does not sit well with them and that was expected.. so Himari herself nodded, her hand raised to Tati and a zap came to her cloaking T-symbol pin. "This spell lasts for exactly 24 hours, this keeps you from using your mystical abilities." Himari explained and Splinter quickly grabbed Donnie's gear, his battle shell, gauntlet, his goggles and tech-bo! "And until then, Donnie will not be using his tech! You both must learn to respect each other as a team on equal ground." Splinter said in this moment of seriousness ans Himari nodded in agreement. "And for you both to respect your abilities, not to use them for ridiculous fights and competitions."
The two teens both clearly were to argue back.. if not the two parental figures have gave their stern glares (hence anime fires behind them) Donnie and Tati knew.. they had to spend the day together, so they were on the surface now; Donnie in his hoodie sweater and Tati wearing her jacket, walking together.
"Great, a full 24 hours without tech or even without even the use of phones?! The great Pizza Supreme in the sky may take me now!" Donnie exclaimed with such a dramatic expression. "You went on a full on mission without tech before.. Twice?" Tati replied, though rather being sarcastic.. then a cheerful voice piped up behind them.
"Never fear! Todd the Friendship Counselor is here!" Said the sweet and overly excited mutant Capybara Todd.
"Todd?! How did you-!?" Tati cried out in surprise. "Let me guess.. Dad and her mom called you in for backup?" Donnie asked with a deadpan expression and tone. In which Todd pulled both Tati and Donnie and a tight hug. "By the end of this day, I just know you two will become the best of buddies!" He said cheerfully, the two weren't as thrilled as he was.. even they know Todd means very well. "Yeah.. this is gonna end well.." Tati said in a deadpan expression.
Though it was from the shadows, three hidden figures smirked from the shadows..
Now at an outdoors pizza place, Todd had Tati and Donnie sitting face to face and both equally share a look of unimpressive expressions, arms crossed on the surface. Todd sat on the stool where he can face both of them. "So let's see, why don't one of you start off by saying something nice?" Todd instructed.. which still caused silence to follow.
"Donnie? Doesn't Tati have the cleanest hair?" Todd said, trying to start things off.
Taking a breath, Tati regained herself.. "Well Donnie is great with his tech.. if it wasn't for that S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. Milk Thief thing that nearly fried me?" She said in a passive aggressive way as Donnie just narrowed his eyes. "What you expect me to eat dry cereal?" Donnie just said equally as such.. they both glared, electricity zapping from all around. But Todd was undeterred! "Don't worry! We still got 12 hours of fun together!" He said as both teens have fallen backwards with exasperated groans.
"Well yes but she's always the one who ties up the bathroom for 3 hours every morning?" The technology minded turtle just pointed an accusing finger at the mystic fairy.
"Hey I was trying to get my makeup done, I like looking my best?" Tati snapped but Todd intervined. "Hey now we're trying to say nice things?" He said still trying to keep the peace.
*segue into montage*
After the pizza and through the daytime, Todd was making sure the two were doing buddy themed activities; video games at the arcade (getting into a competitive argument in between when Donnie cheated again.)
Basketball (Donnie still has a horrible toss and Tati made a basket which bounced off his head.)
And now a quick browsing trip in a clothes store. At this time both teens had finally managed to relax.
Tati was looking at some cute tops and dresses while Donnie just looked at some fabulous jackets. "You know this wasn't so bad.. never ever done this kind of day off before." Tati said offhand, which Donnie looked towards her at that.
"That's.. surprising.. I thought a princess like you got to do whatever and whenever you want at the snap of your fingers?" Donnie replied, Tati put away the dress. "Yeah right.. everyday was a constant and useless schedule of so called ladylike lessons, it was very rare that I even get to spend at least more than 3 hours with my mother and siblings." Tati explained, gritting her teeth at the memory of it.. but then looked back to Donnie, a flash of realization, if it wasn't for them.. she would've gone back to that life. "I'd give anything to have what you have.. even admittedly that skill in tech."
Donnie gave a wry smile, even chuckling at the memory of how hard it was for the mystic fairy to get around tech in the beginning. He's noticed that she now gotten some improvement.. even if the other day she still confuses the remote with the phone.
"Still I thought.. you hated me or something.." Donnie said in a rare honest tone, Tati looked at Donnie with a shocked look. "Donatello why would.." Tati started but then the store lights started flickering and the floor started to shake. Totally means trouble and they both rushed out fast.
"Oh just typical New York stuff.. uh Todd, maybe you should go on ahead and we'll catch up?" Tati suggested with a nervous grin, she didn't want Todd in the crossfire..
There was a 10 foot tall robot with a shogan like headgear and large gauntlets (like something out of Gurren Lagann) Tati had her hand in front of her open gaped mouth and was wide eyed. Tati turned to Todd who came to join them. "What's the excitement?" Asked Todd, blissfully oblivious. Tati clapped her hands together fast.
"Okey-dokey!!" He skipped off, leaving Tati to sigh in relief.
"The one time we don't have gear or powers then trouble starts?! Sure this was a great idea Papa!!" Donnie exclaimed loudly and slapped his face covered.
"Aww is little tech turtle having a bad day?" Said a condescending female voice and both teens looked to see it was the Purple Dragon Tech Club! Kendra smirked with Jase and Jeremy standing behind her, Jase was the one holding the remote control for the robot.
Donnie shot a look but narrowed his eyes in distaste at the group. "I should've known.. the Purple Dragon Tech Club? Shouldn't you all be under house arrest?"
"Purple Dragon Tech Club? Those crazy kids you told me about?" Tati quickly asked before the robot had swung fast and knocked over Donnie and pushed Tati a fair distance. "And Ow!!" Donnie said holding his head.
Kendra smirked at the opportunity now to smash Donnie once and for all. "Jase, smash the turtle!"
Donnie held his head, looked up and stared wide eyed up at the impending robot arm about to hit him, but at that moment, a recovered Tati's eyes shimmered and screamed out "DONNIE!!!" She sprang up and ran so fast.. as if she was tapping into her Air powers now! She managed to push Donnie and both of them rolled out of the way as the robot just smashed the pavement.
"Ugh! Get them!!" Cried out an irritated Kendra, pointing towards the two.
The robot tried another swing but this time Donnie managed to react in time and sprinted fast enough with Tati. "Those guys.. seriously have issues!!" She cried out and now they ran before ducking into an alleyway to let the robot rush by. The two peeked out before stepping out.
As the robot came, Tati was waving her arms. "Hey down here!!" She goated and rushed towards a fire hydrant. While the robot turned towards her, Donnie took this chance before the Purple Dragons caught up, Donnie may not have his gear but this didn't stop him from ripping out the panel cover with the crowbar and he pulled the right wire to stop the leg from moving. "Boom! Ready!!"
"Hey thanks for that save.." Donnie said catching his breath, keeping a sheepish glance. "Donnie.. I know I was angry but I know I couldn't and never will hate you." Tati said, smiling to the purple banded turtle. "In fact, Todd was right.. I already thought of you like a brother." She looked at Donnie with a glance of sweetness that was shared.
"Yeah." Donnie said, Tati hugged him from the side, though now and stepped to face the oncoming robot coming back towards them. "Ok Techy let's come up with something to teach those brats a lesson.." Tati said while giving a look of determination which was shared by Donnie. "Hey Don? Their tech isn't waterproof?" She said as Donnie's lips turned to a smirk. Glancing from a nearby renovation site with a crowbar..
Tati pulled a thumbs up and did a dodge roll before the robot finally took a swing and hit the hydrant instead.
The stream of water hit the exposed panel and the robot couldn't move anyways so it shorted out and finally crashed to the ground.
"What?! How?!" Shrieked Kendra after running up, clutching her head in anger.
"You messed with the fam, you get retribution!!" Said in a loud tone of confidence from Donnie with Tati, arms crossed and smirking proudly. Then the sound of police sirens finally came rapidly.
They already got back ahead close to the manhole closest to their lair home, managing to pick up Todd along the way. "Oh man I wish I could've saw the look of their faces!" Tati laughed alongside Donnie. "I know right!" They both laughed then they shared a shared smile as Todd looked up at them both with shining eyes. "So does this mean you're both best buddies now?"
Before Kendra could try to even expose Donnie and Tati, they were already gone and left the Tech Club to their fate, getting arrested by the cops once again.
Though they both looked at each other then at Todd. "Well we could say for certain that we will be.. this is a start of it." Donnie said and Tati continued with "Yeah and besides, we're more like siblings now.. guess that's why we fought, siblings fight.." "But we'll always be family." Donnie finished as he and she shared a fist bump to Todd's joy as he hugged them both. "Friendship counseling mission complete!" He cheerfully said and the both teens laughed.
They both went home, even when they got their respective abilities and tech back, the next night..
"Donnie!" Tati said arms crossed. "Just say when Techy?" She finished actually using her levitation spell to life up one pizza box. "Ok now!" Donnie called out as each arm of his spider shell held up plates and Tati tossed up the box and duplicated every slice so that everyone got twice as much slices on each plate! Both teens now stood side by side, a grin on each face.
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melwritesbadly · 4 years
With Wings in All Black
After a tragic turn of events,  Kazama Kaori , AKA Hex, has her investigation swept out from under her by the #2 Pro Hero. Reluctantly she joins Hawks in the pursuit of justice. On top of trying to solve the biggest case of her career, Kaori is still a young woman struggling to find her place in the world. Life is turned upside down as her professional and personal lives start to blend.
Rating: T (subject to change)
Content Warnings: slight language, implied violence/death
Assistance Requested: Information and surveillance details urgently needed regarding reported missing persons. Suspected Vigilante involvement, or other syndicates. Please respond for additional details.
Status of current investigation: Ongoing
A Murder of One                        
Hex adjusted the dial on the receiver on her headgear tuning in to the frequency of the microphone planted in the bar below her. She hoped the ungodly amount of paperwork she traded for the device was worth it.  The other detectives at the station simply shrugged at her evidence- or rather, her lack-thereof.
Still it didn’t change the facts.
Fact 1- Low level criminals are disappearing.
Fact 2- People are disappearing
Fact 3- No one cared- but her.
Fact 4- Takei Kenji, one of the missing, had recently been seen in the area and was seemingly ‘not himself’ as described by the anonymous tip that was forwarded to her.
Takei Kenji, age 27. Minor invulnerability quirk. Last known occupation: ‘Nightwatchman’ for a warehouse commonly used for clandestine meetings for the local riff-raff. Reported missing by his mother 3 weeks ago.
After speaking with Mrs. Takei, she pieced together Kenji’s new schedule. After tailing him a few days he truly seemed like a new man, reformed. 
His dress was proper and pristine, clean shaven and hair combed and presentable. It was a stark contrast to the photo used on the missing person flier taped to her pinboard (along with all the other missing persons). With no discernible pattern, at least not to her, about the next victim(?) or the whereabouts of any of the others, Kenji was her best, and only lead.
Tonight, she could expect him to show at one of his usual haunts.  The bar below her. Not to her personal taste, the clientele of the more stabby nature. 
Earlier that week she managed to convince the bartender to spill a few snippets of the conversations between Kenji and the other patrons.
“The Bard this, The Bard that.” griped the bartender as he dumped the trash into the alley dumpster. “It’s pissing off my regulars and they’re pissy enough as it is.” 
He should have been here an hour ago though. Hex sucked on her lower lip, displeased as she scanned the road leading to and from the bar entrance. She’d give it another half hour then try and regroup on his trail in the morning.
“Cheers to another late night.” she muttered to herself listening in to the chatter and ambiance of the dive bar. 
Her 30 minutes go by and she huffs before finally switching the receiver off.  She’d go by tomorrow to get the mic back.  Just as she was about to stand from her perch Hex heard the unmistakable beat of wings above her, large ones, judging by the sound. 
It reminded her of her father. Probably one of the last people she wanted to see right now. Especially since her only lead ditched her for the night.
This night sucks.
 Hex thinks to herself, finally looking up intending to see the dark wings of King Crow finally come to drag her home but instead, she sees red.
This has to be the reason Kenji never showed. The thought bounces around her head angrily as none other than the number 2 Hero in Japan descended from the nightly heavens and landed on her rooftop.
This night really sucks.
“Yo!” Hawks held up a hand in greeting neatly folding his very noticeable wings against his back, shoving the other hand into his pocket.
“Will you get down!” Hex harshly whispers, gesturing him to stoop down and out of sight.
“Jeesh, hi, hello how are you? I’m fine, thanks for asking.” he jokes casually but still squats down feet planted on the ground resting his arms on his knees. Hex shakes her head and resumes her post looking up and down the street despite her previous resignation.
“You’re Hex right?” he starts “I’m-” She cuts him off not taking her eyes off the street.
“Obviously I know who you are. Everyone knows who you are. Especially every lowlife in the area who’ve probably fled after seeing your chicken legs flailing in the wind.”
“Ooo, ah, that’s my physical appearance. That hurts you know.” Feigning  being wounded, Hawks placed a hand over his heart but still kept the jovial tone. A smart smirk inching up his cheek continuing. 
“But you’re not after ‘every lowlife’, though right? Just the one. Takei Kenji?'' 
She turned to him and tilted her head, large round eyes finally meeting his sharper, more angled ones. 
“How did you...?” she trailed off, honestly surprised. It wasn’t common knowledge on how her ‘investigation’ was going. Uncommon because, well quite frankly… no one cared. Especially other Heroes. 
“Sorry Chickadee but I got some bad news.” Hawks stood back up and crossed his arms leaning against a nearby cooling unit.
Hex rolled her eyes
“Don’t call me that. What happened?” She looked up at him.
“Well, one of my guys found your guy in… not great shape.” 
Hex cursed running a hand through the back of her head, then sighed.
“How bad?” prepping for his answer.
“Morgue bad”
“Dammit!” cursing again, pinching her brow reeling from the implications.
“Your buddies at the station said you'd might want to know as a professional courtesy” brow pinched once more, Hex felt the annoying start of a headache between them.
“Courtesy? For what...” a thought flashing through her mind and she stood eyes going wide “Don’t you dare close my case!” jabbing a finger in his direction.
 He turned his head to face her more, still calm, still leaning, still observing.
“Close it? Oh no, wouldn’t think of it Chickadee. I’m taking over the investigation.”
Hex gaped. Momentarily at a loss for words. The frustrations starting to come to a point at the back of her neck, feeling an uncomfortable bristle forming.
“What no, you can’t! Do you know how much work” gesturing wildly with her hands “How much time! The favors I had to do, the resources I scrounged for-”
“Which are no longer a problem.” He blocked one ear with a finger and shot her what would have been an award winning smile “No need to shout Hex. Obviously I want to keep you,”  He paused, throwing a wink her way  “Keep you on the investigation that is.”
Hex scoffed,her head bobbing back as she shot him an incredulous look.
“I don’t do agencies, and I’m no one's sidekick.” she threw another annoyed jab of her finger in his direction.
“Ooo touchy. Freelance then. Sound good Chickadee?” Hawks held up his hand to maybe physically shield him from her ire.
“Stop calling me that and maybe I’ll let you help”
He smiled-no smirked again pushing off of the cooling unit he was leaning on stepping towards her shrugging his shoulders.
“That doesn't sound like a mutually beneficial arrangement to me.” Hex rolled her eyes and crossed her arms haughtily with a huff.
“And how does calling me stereotyped nickname benefit you, birdbrain.” 
Hawks chuckled. He didn’t expect it to be so easy to ruffle her feathers.
This was going to be fun.
“Isn’t that how these buddy cop movies play out? One hard-ass with a secret heart of gold and their handsome, comic relief partner put aside their differences to crack the case and learn the meaning of cooperation and friendship. Roll credits”
Hex tilted her head and shot him an unamused expression, opening her mouth to speak.
“I am not a hardass-” she stopped herself holding her palm up to stop the little banter she was getting pulled into. “Can you circle back, Takei Kenji?”
“Can we circle back to this team up? After all this is my case now?” 
Hex scrunched up her nose, not pouting, she told herself, and re-crossed her arms.
“Sounds like something a hardass would say.” she snarked and he grinned again, throwing his arms up bringing them down behind his head.
“You caught me. Hawks, the hardass with a heart of gold. Guess that makes you my handsome, no wait, beautiful partner then. So how's about it Chickadee?”
“Uhg” Hex clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes again. Squaring her shoulders she placed her hands on her hips
“I want a contract. Full access and authority over any and all future developments and details about my case.” Hawks nodded but shot her a finger gun.
“Our case.”
“Whatever!” she sighed looking up at the night sky hands still on her hips. 
“The agency manager can draft up whatever you’d like tomorrow. Let’s go see what Kenji had in his pockets shall we?”
Hex nodded reaching up to her headgear. She flicked the visor portion that was pushing her hair back over her eyes. The experimental mirrored tint softening the city night lights. She switched the setting on her earpiece making sure the seal around the was snug. Hawks floated a foot above the ground looking a little bored as he waited.
 Show off
Hex activated her own quirk, the bundle of jet black feathers at the base of her hair sending a shiver down her spine causing other inky feathers to erupt from her skin. The ebony plumes forming patterned rows along her arms covering them completely. 
Letting them creep upwards to the sides of her neck but stopped them before then could go any further on her body. Just enough for her to achieve flight. She did a small jump maintaining the upward moment with a strong flap of her feather covered arms and started for the station.
Harpy Hero: Hex
Quirk: Harpy- Half human, half bird! She’s able to do most things a bird can do and then some! Most notably, she can grow enough feathers to achieve flight.
There is no traffic in the sky and the previously chatty #2 Hero was silent during their flight. Hex was thankful, it gave her some time, however brief, to think.
This new development was...tragic. Someone would have to tell Mrs.Takei in the morning.
It should be me...
It’s just, Kenji was small time.  So why would he turn up dead?
And more importantly...
Hex cast a look in her periphery at the Fierce Wing Hero.
How did this fall into the lap of the number 2 Hero?
Hawks landed first. Not bothering to tame his windswept hair but did look up to observe Hex’s descent. She wasn’t quite as fast as him, well, then again, no one was. But she was graceful and skilled as she navigated the air currents. 
Fanning her wings wide Hex slowed her movements getting ready to land. A few more well practiced flutters and she also touched back down. Before she can remove her headgear she dispels her feathers. Casting them off with a quick flick of her arms. She hardened them into slivers then ground them to sand with another flick to minimize the mess and general rudeness of not picking up after your quirk.
She adjusted her headgear and hair and blatantly ignored the cheeky claps and nods of approval from the man besides her. She strode past him and up into the station. The night reception paid her no mind but did double take when they saw Hawks’s crimson wings engulfing their foyer.
Just outside the morgue waited a man with an impressive and well manicured mustache. He wore a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, suspenders and the first few buttons open.
“This her boss?” he asked in an accent indicating that he was from Australia. 
“Hex,” she offered “And you are?”
“Duke Amazing. Pleasure.” he greeted offering his hand. She was not expecting such a strong handshake.
“Given the circumstances…” she trailed off.  “You found Takei?”
“Well, what’s left that is…” Duke gestured to the door he was waiting in front of  “They’ve finished up for now. Just waiting on the bossman for the paperwork and whatnot.” He made another gesture in the direction of a door a little ways down the corridor.
“They’ve got his belongings in there”
“Perfect, cross the t’s and dot the i’s for me Duke?” before his sidekick could answer Hawks was already starting down the corridor. Hex followed close behind. 
Duke shook his head crossing his arms.
“June’s gunna pitch a fit again Hawks”
“Op, can’t hear you, the doors closing!” gently shoving Hex in the room and hastily closed the door behind them.
“Uhg paperwork” He bemoaned and leaned against the door
“Paperwork” Hex commiserated but was already looking over the items laid out on the small table.
There wasn’t much but everything was bagged, labeled and detailed on a piece of paper next to the items.
There was a small wallet, no money, a personal ID card. An older model cell phone, unusable. Most likely damaged in whatever altercation Kenji found himself in.
“Probably a burner” Hawks shrugged “Still, I'll get someone to pull the numbers.”  He made no move to examine the items himself but instead watched Hex very carefully as she examined each one. 
She cupped her chin as she looked at the final piece of evidence, brow furrowed.
“I’ve seen this before...” she commented, turning over the small business card over front to back several times examining it. 
While it was the same shape and card stock as a business card it held no information. No address, phone number, or even a business name. All that was printed was an indigo triangle.
“What is it?” He was curious because he had no idea what the shape meant either.
“I…” she started, brows still furrowed. “I have no idea, but I know I've seen this...” 
She placed the bagged card back on the table and leaned over it rubbing her hand to the back of her neck smoothing down her feathers there. The memory of where she’d seen this particular shape eluding her.
“Maybe at his apartment?” she muttered to herself, then sighed
“I’ll have to go back over my notes.” Hex leaned up from the table and unzipped her jacket pulling out her phone and snapped a quick picture on the item.
“How about we meet back up tomorrow then. Let me give you my number.” Hawks held out his palm asking for her phone. She was just about to hand it over but thought better and pulled it back causing him to catch air.
“No social calls, no memes at 3 in the morning, no unsolicited pictures.” her tone stern
“What if they’re tasteful?” he made a grabby motion with his hands and gave his brows a waggle.
“They’re never tasteful.” she quipped back but finally relented and handed over her phone.
Hawks flipped it over in his hands and quickly typed in his information jokingly setting the name for his number “Unsolicited dick pics” with an appropriate emoji next to it. He sent himself a quick text with her phone then clicked hers off and handed it back to her.
He was extremely pleased when she didn’t double check his contact info and simply zipped the phone back into her pocket. His little joke would be a fun surprise for the morning then.
“Send me where you want to meet tomorrow” She pressed her fingers to the back of her neck again “I’m heading out. Looong night” 
Hawks moved away from the door and let her pass, parting for the night.
“Well that led to a whole lotta nothing” He mused to himself finally taking his turn to look over the offending card stock.
“It’s never an easy mess to clean up is it?” He tossed the card back on the table.
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