#batman x hawkgirl
darthvashtique93 · 4 months
Return of the Hawk
Final Chapter
Shayera stood awkwardly among the other league members in the Watchtower. She didn't know what to do with herself. She was, again, the subject of harsh and weary stares. Shayera shook her head as she realized she was most likely going to get blamed for everything by the governments of the world. Superman can deal with them, she thought, not my problem. "Are they ever not going to look at us like that?" Shayera heard from behind her. She turned to see Chey-Ara sporting a few bruises and cuts here and there. Shayera could only shrug. Chey-Ara looked down at the broken helmet in Shayera's hand. "That's Issi's," Chey-Ara pointed out. "Did you kill her?"
"No," Shayera breathed. "Contrary to what you may have heard, I did not hate Issi." Shayera looked up at the younger hawk. "I may not have liked her; but I didn't hate her."
"What are you going to do with it?" Chey-Ara motioned to the helmet in Shayera's hands.
"Trash it. Unless, you want it," she held it out to Chey-Ara.
"No, thank you."
"I heard you moved in with J'ohnn," Shayera said, changing subjects.
"Yes," Chey-Ara's eyes brightened. "He took me to this…mall. He bought me clothes and a bed. He's helping me with my alias."
"Have you picked a name?" Shayera asked in interest.
"Kendra. Kendra Saunders. Kendra was my mom's name, and Saunders is the name of this small store near J'ohnn's house. I think Kendra Saunders has a nice ring to it." Shayera smiled. "What are you going to do now?" Chey-Ara asked.
"I don't know," Shayera answered honestly after a moment.
"Maybe you can stay with your mate."
"My mate?" Shayera echoed.
Chey-Ara nodded. "The guy wearing all black with the triangles on his head."
Shayera threw her head back and laughed. "They're ears," Shayera explained with a smile.
"Well, whatever they are, they're on their way here," Chey-Ara pointed out.
Shayera turned to see Batman making his way towards them. The crowd of superheroes seemed to part for him. "Shayera," he said. He turned to the other Thanagarian and greeted her. "Chey-Ara."
Chey-Ara continued to stare at Batman's cowl. "Do you hear out of those?" Chey-Ara pointed to the pointy tips of Batman's cowl.
To say Batman was taken off guard at the candor by which he was being addressed was an understatement. He wasn't offended; he was just shocked. Other leaguers were usually afraid to sneeze in his presence.
"I'll explain later," Shayera said to Chey-Ara in Thanagarian. Chey-Ara shrugged.
"The founding members are debriefing," Batman said to Shayera.
"I'm no longer a founding member," Shayera replied. Batman said nothing. He turned and walked away. "He wants me to follow him," Shayera said as she handed Issi's helmet to Chey-Ara.
"How do you know?" Chey-Ara asked in awe.
"I just do," Shayera said. "I'll catch up with you later."
Shayera sat at the table with the rest of the founding members as they began to debrief hours after the invasion. "Katar said he would deal with General Trogaar," Shayera finished as she recounted her fight with Issi.
"Do you trust him?" Superman asked.
"I don't think there's anything he can do," Shayera said instead of answering.
"The Lantern Corps will deal with Trogaar," Green Lantern said sternly. "I'll get on it as soon as we're finished here."
"J'ohnn," Shayera turned to the Martian, "thank you for pretending to be him."
"I didn't think it would work," Flash stated lightly.
"I know," J'ohnn said to the speedster. "It was the only thought on your mind the entire time we were discussing it."
Shayera smiled.
"Reports are coming in from all over the world," Superman said. "Not as many human casualties as before, but still…"
"Are world governments calling for Shayera's head?" Flash asked worriedly.
"I don't know," Superman answered, "but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."
"Are we going to serve her up on a silver platter again?" Flash asked crossly.
"Barry," Wonder Woman chastised.
"It's a fair question," Flash held his hands up.
"No, Flash," Superman answered, "we aren't going to serve Shayera up on a silver platter."
"Just checking," Flash looked over at Shayera. Shayera gave him a grateful smile.
"I'm needed in Gotham," Batman said, "are we done?"
"We are – "
"Wait," Flash stood to his feet. "You said we'd discuss it later. This is late."
"Flash?" Shayera said warningly.
"It's a yes from me," Batman spoke up. Everyone turned to look the caped crusader.
"He didn't even ask a question," Superman said.
"Actually," Flash said slowly, "I was going to bring up Shayera's reinstatement, so…yeah."
"Well," Superman said, "now is as good a time as any."
"No, guys," Shayera said uneasily, "this can wait. We're all tired and –"
"I vote yes," Green Lantern interrupted.
"John –"
"I agree," Wonder Woman said. "I think you've more than earned your place with us," she said kindly.
"B-but –"
"It's a yes from me," J'ohnn said. Shayera opened her mouth to retort, but Superman said, "And it's a yes from me."
"Guys," Shayera tried again.
"Congratulations, Shayera," Superman said. "Welcome back to the Justice League."
Emotions began creeping into her chest. "Guys," she whispered, "I don't know if…if this is what I want." Everyone but Batman looked at her in shock. "Don't get me wrong," Shayera became suddenly nervous, "I love fighting crime and helping people and – "
"Shayera," Superman smiled at her kindly, "we understand. Just know, should you ever want to return, we will welcome you with open arms."
Shayera smiled as tears gathered in her eyes. "Thank you," she smiled.
"What now?" Shayera asked Batman as they made their way to the teleporter.
"Several inmates have escaped from Arkham," Batman replied. "We need to round them up."
"And then?" Shayera asked.
"Then…you let me take you on a date."
(a few days later)
Shayera's eyes fluttered open. Slowly removing the muscular, tanned arm from around her waist, she rolled to the edge of the bed and blindly searched for an article of clothing. Finding a silky dress shirt, she picked it up and slowly began to dress. As she was buttoning the fine shirt, she jumped when she felt an arm snake around her waist. "Bruce," she breathed feeling his lips on her neck.
"Sneaking away so soon?" he pulled her into his hard body.
"I wasn't sneaking away," Shayera blushed.
"Enough of me already?" Bruce gently bit her ear lobe.
"No," Shayera gasped as tried not to melt into the heat of Bruce's body. "I'm just trying to hmph." Bruce tilted Shayera's head back and connected their lips. Shayera sighed as she relaxed into Bruce's body allowing him to deepen the kiss. "Bruce," she chuckled and squirmed as his hands began to wander over and underneath the shirt. "How are you not tired?" she asked breathlessly. "You were patrolling until 2 a.m. Then you came back and we…we…."
"We…?" Bruce smiled, maneuvering Shayera onto her back. "We…what did we do?" he chuckled deeply as he stretched his naked body over hers. Shayera continued to blush as she remembered exactly what had taken place in that bed hours earlier. She wasn't completely ignorant on the subject of sex per se. As a member of the ruling family on Thanagar, she was taught that sex was a means to an end – that end being a child or two. Sex as an intimate act between two people who cared deeply for each other was a foreign concept. Shayera's blush deepened as she remembered Bruce showing her all of the different ways to have…intimacy. They'd barely left the bed the last few days. "You just can't stop blushing," Bruce smiled as he began to unbutton the shirt she was wearing. "Blush any harder, you may rupture a blood vessel."
"Shut up," Shayera playfully hit him before rolling out from underneath him.
"Early morning flight?" Bruce asked, rolling onto his back. He placed his hands on the back of his head, laying stretched out in all of his naked glory.
"Early morning flight," Shayera said, grabbing exercise clothes.
"Stay safe," Bruce said.
"Always," Shayera smirked at him.
"I'll be here, waiting," he gave her a heated look.
"I know," she blushed once more.
After grabbing her mace from the batcave, Shayera changed into her new uniform and attached her wings to her back. She then took off from a secret entrance. Flying high above Gotham, she flew to her newfound favorite spot several miles away. It was a hilly region, several miles away from civilization. Sitting atop one of the hills, Shayera thought back on her life. She thought about her life, her now temporary status as a Leaguer, her new relationship with Bruce. She smiled with realization. She didn't need to have it all figured out. She had Bruce; she had her wings; she was content. Would she ever rejoin the League? She didn't know, but that decision could wait. For now, she was just going to enjoy soaring.
Stretching her wings, she took off once more. Shayera laughed as she flew over the ocean, staring at the dolphins and whales beneath the surface. She closed her eyes and simply enjoyed being.
The sun had begun to rise when she began her flight back to the manor. She soared through the air, basking in the morning sun's rays. She took notice of the mother birds feeding their young while others kicked their young out the nest…literally. As she flew through cities and towns, she listened as a few spectators pointed at her asking, "Is that Hawkgirl? Is she back?" Shayera smiled at their questions. Am I back? She wondered briefly, then decided. Yes, I am back. And it felt oh so good.
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satoshy12 · 1 year
Batman vs the World!
Danny was created like a Bio Android, think of Cell. Kind of like Amazo but more in a biological way, then mechanical. While they search for ghost and making sure they are not ghost... Don't ask how they were just able to do it.
As example how miscellaneous the choices are: It goes from Lex Luthor, Reverse Flash, Harley Quinn, Ares, Hawgirl/man, Scarecrow, Circe, Wonder Woman, Vandal Savage, Geo-Force Prince Brion Markov, Killer Frost, Count Vertigo, Prometheus, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Cheetah, Poison Ivy, Black Adam, Aquaman, Queen Bee, Deathstroke, Mera, Lois Lane, Killer Croc, Brainiac, Vixen, Black Manta and Green Lantern.
Just not
Klarion and the Whole Batfamily any Child heroes and the Joker. Even the Fentons are not that stupid to be near him.
So while Danny was kind of unhappy how his life was going, it had not gone better. He wished that his parents would understand his problems.
Well Desiree heard his wish and granted it, his genetic parents would learn what he has been through. With letters or a dokucment. From his portal meeting, his bad Christmas and every event of his life and the enemy fights, from. From the fanatical ghost hunter parents talking about to torture his ghost half, about the billionaire who tortured him and cloned him, the hunter who wants to skin him alive.
At first it was a really confusing moment for the parents, till they understood what had happened! Over the time they got only short text what was new and when something special happen like a danny build a invention or had a new power. Or was hurt by a fight.
The parents started to form groups to find him, quarrels too as it was so many. So they fought each other or worked with each other, but all accepted he should be taken from the dangerous place he was. It goes from the royals for the young prince, the criminals and powerful people and even the Gods.
Danny never learns about it, he thought Desiree failed as his parents said nothing and just lived his life.
Here Comes in Bruce Wayne, after so many of his friends wanting him to find the child. He finally found him, and Bruce left to check on him before telling the rest about him.
It took Bruce a bit to find the young boy, Danny Fenton. He notice he was new and showed him around the town. And be even saw his hero from, looks like most of the DNA had gone to his transformation.
….Well He has black hair and blue eyes, it's JUST DIBS. The rest should accept it. He found him first.
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dalekofchaos · 1 month
Injustice au:Batman's regime
Been thinking of an alternate Injustice where Batman goes bad and leads an authoritarian regime.
Instead of Joker nuking Metropolis and Superman killing Lois. What starts it off is Selina is pregnant and it's Bruce and Selina's wedding. Joker shoots Selina killing her and Bruce's unborn child. Joker leads them on a merry chase to Metropolis and then the nuke goes off in Arkham.
Bruce kills Joker.
Clark, in horror. "Bruce, what have you done"
Bruce, full of heartbreak and in a fit of rage. "What I should have done a long time ago"
Bruce regroups with the only surviving members of the Batfamily. Damian and Cassandra. And decides to do what he should've done a long time ago.
Bruce seeks out Ra's and Talia. Bruce finally gives in and agrees to lead the League Of Assassins. Bruce kills Ra's and takes the LOA for himself. Talia takes Diana's place as his lover and second in command.(while Diana thankfully isn't cartoonishly evil)
Batman is known as Khuffash(translates The Bat)
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Art by Richard Quintero
Bruce's plans would be what Superman was in Injustice canon. Build a better world. Cleanse crime, end war and destroy everything Batman represented and make the Bat a symbol for the whole world to fear and if the Justice League dares to stop him, he will enforce his contingency plans on a world wide scale.
Bruce's regime council would be the following
Talia Al Ghul
Amanda Waller
Lex Luthor
Lady Shiva
Damian Wayne
Cassandra Cain
Ocean Master
Villains implanted with suicide squad type bombs being enforced to follow the Regime
Solomon Grundy
Black Adam
Killer Frost
He gives the Justice League a chance. Join him and help him bring justice and order to the world or die out with the cleansing fire.
The Justice League are the insurgency. They will stop their old friend or die trying.
Unbeknownst to Bruce, Barbara survived. She's been helping the Justice League with her Oracle network. Barbara broke through to Cassandra and Cassandra has been working on the inside out to save her father from himself.
And instead of Lex always working with the Justice League, it's Amanda Waller working with the League.
Bruce has Gotham rebuilt using the Wayne fortune and Arkham rebuilt set to imprison the Justice League.
Bruce imprisons almost all of the Justice League.
Clark causes a breakout and Barbara and Waller disable the bombs in the villains, thus causing the tide to shift against the regime.
Wonder Woman defeats Talia
Aquaman stops Orm.
Cassandra defeats Damian
Eventually the whole regime is neutralized, until it's just Bruce.
The villains have Bruce at their mercy and Bane breaks him. But to their misfortune, Bruce had planned for this and had a Lazarus Pit built in New Arkham. Bruce crawls into the Lazarus Pit. Game over. He destroys them one by one.
The final fight would be between Superman and Head of the Demon Batman.
Batman has Superman where he has him. And as he has his Kryptonite sword at Clark's throat, Bruce gives him TDKR speech
"I want you to remember, Clark…in all the years to come…in your most private moments…I want you to remember…my hand…at your throat…I want…you to remember…the one man who beat you.”
And then Cassandra stabs stops him. Together Clark and Cassandra take him down together.
Cassandra Wayne dedicates her life as the new Batman to clean up her father's mess and dedicating her life to making the bat to be a symbol of hope. While Damian swears revenge for his sister's treachery.
Bruce and his cohorts is kept in the bowels of new Arkham, being insured they will never escape, while Bruce vows to come back and finish what he started, while Clark vows he will be there to stop him.
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romancemedia · 1 year
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DCAU and Tomorrowverse - Couple Counterparts 2.0
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lily-s-world · 6 months
I honestly think the only way James Gunn can fully sell me his new DC universe, is if he gives me WonderBat and GreenHawk. Like, those ships are the main reason I became obsessed with this comic universe, and I can't deny myself watching any content related to them.
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myimaginarymary · 1 year
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I hope that with Justice League and Justice League Unlimited now on Netflix, more people of all genders and ages can get the experience of watching the DCAU. The animated series are not only targeted for kids but can be enjoyed at all ages. I hope with the return of some DCAU shows on Netflix, young kids not yet introduced to good quality superhero shows will get a chance to watch and enjoy the show. I was the kid that was addicted to these shows and distinctly remember watching JL: Unlimited way past my bedtime on my DS. I hope people can get the same joys and experiences I get when watching.
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jrlunaart · 1 month
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Memorial Day sale is ongoing right now over on my Etsy and Storenvy shops. Get your Marvel and DC art prints 30% off!
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paradisechid800 · 11 months
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vicstwashington · 2 years
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I forgot new DC Animation at SDCC 2022 was announced for 2023.
Legion of Super-Heroes
Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham
Justice League x RWBY: Superheroes and Huntsmen Part One
Justice League: Warworld
Legion of Super-Heroes
There was a rumor a show was supposed to happen on HBO Max. But after the news a week or 2 ago. I don't know if that'll happen. Although we did see Three Legionnaires Appear on Young Justice. The logo has Superman's signature “S” emblem. So likely center on Superman.
Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham
The Doom that Came to Gotham was a three-part miniseries from DC Comics published in 2000. It's an Elseworlds story... But from what I remember Its story about Bruce's parents are killed & he leaves Gotham & 20 years later he returns & the city is run down.
Justice League x RWBY: Superheroes and Huntsmen Part One
DC is no stranger to creative team-ups and crossovers. I've only seen clips of RWBY & reactions on YouTube. But from what I've seen its really cool. I know they've teamed up with the League before in the comics.
Justice League: Warworld
What I do know about this movie, it's bringing all the Superheroes we've already met in the new DC animated movie universe or what it's being called as Tomorrowverse. So, we'll see Superman, Martian Manhunter & the Flash from Superman: Man of Tomorrow. Wonder Woman from Justice Society: World War II. Batman from Batman: The Long Halloween. Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Adam Strange (Maybe) & Hawkgirl from Green Lantern: Beware My Power. This movie will most likely center around Mongul the ruler of Warworld.
Which one are you most excited for?
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darthvashtique93 · 6 months
Return of the Hawk
Chapter 35
J'ohnn eagerly watched as Chey-Ara studied the inside of his house. For some reason, he really wanted her to like it. He looked around. The decoration was minimal. The house was painted white. His walls were bare for the most part. A few picture frames of himself in his human disguise were scattered throughout. He frowned. There wasn't much to like about his bare place. She was bound to be unenthused.
Chey-Ara inspected the bare house. She looked back at J'ohnn. Instead of a green alien with red eyes, she was staring at a dark-skinned male with no hair on the top of his head. Bald is what the humans call it. In this human form, he was called John Jones; he was also a homicide detective. He had her remove her wings before entering the house just in case a neighbor was watching. She walked the downstairs. It was roomy and empty. Spacious.
She turned back to him. J'ohnn motioned for her to follow him upstairs. Reaching the second floor, she looked around with interest. There were four bedrooms, each sporting one full-sized bed and one dresser. "Why do you have such a big house?" Chey-Ara asked. "You live alone."
J'ohnn shrugged his shoulders. "It was the only house available at the time," he stated calmly.
"I would like to live here," Chey-Ara stated firmly. "With you. Not alone. Not because I'm scared, but because I am new to this planet." She crossed her arms.
J'ohnn gave her a subtle smile. "Of course," he said. "We can move your things here – "
"I don't have things," Chey-Ara said. "The clothes the League provided me, along with the ones I came to Earth wearing, are all I have. The knives you personally confiscated are also mine," Chey-Ara fixed J'ohnn with a hard stare. "But that is all I possess…and Coco cookies."
"Well," J'ohnn placed his arms behind his back, "I believe the next logical step is for me to take you shopping.
"Shaw-ping? What?" Chey-Ara was very confused.
"And if you intend to stay on Earth, you will need an identity – a new name. What would you like to be called?"
"I don't know," she frowned.
"Well, I'm sure you'll think of something. For now, let's make a list of things you'll need."
Shayera rotated the two, thin long swords in her hand before facing her opponent. "Are you sure you don't want me to use the practice ones?"
"You need to get used to using these weapons. They're lighter than your mace."
"They will snap in half once they come into contact with Thanagarian weapons."
"No, they won't," Bruce said, gripping his bo-staff with two hands. "Clark forged them from metals found on his planet. They won't break."
"You asked him to do that…for me?"
"You always look surprised whenever someone, mainly me, does something nice for you."
"I am just used to earning everything," Shayera explained. "I have never had anything given to me out of kindness."
"You need to get used to it," Bruce said as the two began to circle each other. "You're dating a billionaire. Depending on the day, I may drown you in gifts."
"Are we dating?" Shayera asked. "I was not aware," she smirked.
"Now you are," Bruce replied.
All humor left Shayera's face. "I do not want to hurt you," Shayera said, holding up her two weapons.
"You won't hurt me. I trust you."
"Are you sure?" Shayera wanted clarification.
"Yes, now let's begin."
Shayera charged at Bruce, who easily dodged her attack. He rolled underneath her before swiping her legs with a bo-staff. "Ugh!" Shayera landed on her back.
"I have never seen you move so slow," Bruce stated smugly.
Shayera rolled to her feet. "It is the wings," she said. "They are hindering me." Concern marred her features. "What if I cannot get used to them?" she asked Bruce.
"Maybe it's a mental thing," Bruce said, attacking first. Shayera successfully blocked his first punch and at least 80% of the other combination attacks he threw at her. Unfortunately, not even one of her swipes, strikes, or kicks landed. He dodged, blocked, evaded, parried. She felt faulty, and the wings felt heavy and awkward. Flying through large hoops was easy, but fighting was a different story. She felt slow, defective, and tired.
The fight came to an end when Bruce's bo made contact with her leg, then upper arm, which he followed with a spinning kick to her face. Shayera's head hit the mat hard, bouncing a few times. She glared at Bruce from the floor, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. "Your guard was down," Bruce smirked.
"You are lucky I no longer have a helmet. Your foot would be broken," she motioned to Bruce's bare feet as she stood to her feet. A giant, red mark covered the side of her face. She brought her swords up once more.
"Maybe we should stop," Bruce suggested. "You only just completed the obstacle course."
"Don't get soft on me," Shayera pointed a sword at him.
"Fine," Bruce didn't argue. This is what she wanted. They lunged for each other at the same time, with Bruce easily gaining the upper hand. Seconds later, he had Shayera in an easy arm bar. She fought to get out of it, but with her wings flapping out of sync with each other, tapping out was her only choice. Bruce released her, and she screamed into her hands in frustration. "Let's try something else," Bruce suggested. He sat cross-legged on the mat and motioned for Shayera to do the same. She sat across from him, mimicking his position. "Close your eyes," Bruce ordered gently.
"Is this some type of yoga thing?" Shayera asked skeptically as she obeyed.
"No," Bruce scoffed. "Something I learned while training at a hidden monastery in the Himalayas."
"The Himalayas?" Shayera asked. "You traveled a lot."
"Yes. I- "
"Did you make it to the top of Everest?"
"I wasn't there to climb- "
"Wait. There's a hidden monastery in the Himalayas? Do you know how many times I flew- "
"Are you going to keep interrupting me or can I continue?"
"Sorry," Shayera apologized bashfully.
"As I was saying. I think the problem is you. You're fighting your wings."
"Through my many conversations with Carter, in which he did all of the talking, I learned some things about Thanagarians."
"Like what?"
"Well…you guys don't lay eggs, contrary to popular belief," Bruce said with a smirk.
"Seriously?" Shayera said, "People really think we lay eggs?"
"Since you are bird-people, people assume you lay eggs."
"Humans call us 'bird-people' and hawks. Everybody else calls us Thanagarians because that is what we are."
"Back to what I was saying - for the wings to work, you have to form an emotional connection."
Shayera immediately burst out laughing. Bruce raised an eyebrow, not that she could see. "Oh, you were serious," Shayera said when Bruce didn't respond.
"Yes. Sit up straight. Breathe deeply. Answer my questions. First thing that comes to mind. What do you like most about flying?"
Shayera sighed. We're really doing this. "The freedom it brings. The feeling of weightlessness. The wind in my face as I soar through the air," Shayera answered honestly with a smile. "I also enjoy looking down on everyone else. I feel…powerful."
"What do you like most about your wings?"
"They are white and soft and fluffy. My favorite thing to do is curl up in a ball and wrap my wings around myself," she finished enthusiastically.
"Hmm…Imagine yourself soaring. Imagine yourself wrapped in the safety of your wings. Imagine all of the things you just told me." Shayera again listened. "Breathe into your memories. Dive into them. Allow them to surround you." Shayera did. She relived every flying moment that brought her joy; Bruce's soothing voice helped. After a few minutes, he asked, "Are you okay? You relaxed?"
"Good. I want you to remember that I am right here with you. You are safe with me," Bruce emphasized.
"Okay, yeah."
"Good. So…are you soaring, or are you wrapped in a ball?"
"Soaring," Shayera answered immediately.
"I want you to imagine yourself soaring through the clouds when suddenly…your wings are torn off your back," Bruce finished quickly.
"Bruce!" Shayera shouted in horror. She was not going to do that.
"Trust me, Shayera!" she felt Bruce grab her hands. "Just do it."
"We've already had this conversation!" Shayera retorted. Her breathing became shallow as her mind brought her back to that wretched day.
"Shayera- "
"Why do you want me to relive this?" Shayera almost cried as she began to panic.
"Shayera," Bruce said her name firmly. "Trust me." Shayera felt Bruce caress the palms of her hand with his thumbs, trying to calm her. "You're strong, and you're safe here."
Shayera's panicky breathing returned to normal. "Okay," she whispered.
Bruce interlocked their fingers (something he never thought he would ever do with anyone). "You were soaring," he continued. "Your wings were just torn off your back. What's the first thing you do?"
"I start screaming…and – and – and flailing."
"What are you feeling?"
"Fear…p-pain." She saw herself on the ground, screaming in pain. Inconsolable. "Alone," she paused. "D-death," she breathed out as she felt Bruce gently kiss her knuckles. "And then darkness."
"What's the one thing you would wish for in that moment?"
"My wings," Shayera said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Okay," Bruce intertwined their fingers again. "Your wings are back. You are now standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to test your new wings. Can you see it?" Shayera felt Bruce's fingers slowly slip from hers.
"Yes," she answered.
"You want to leap. You prepare to leap. But something is stopping you? What is it? The first thing that comes to mind," Bruce ordered.
"I – I – I am scared," Shayera admitted.
"I don't want to lose my wings again," she admitted. "It hurt so much the first time around. I…I cannot go through that again." She felt Bruce gently wipe tears from her eyes, which were still closed. She felt weird…different. "How do you feel?" Bruce asked.
"Weightless," she answered immediately.
"Shayera, open your eyes." She slowly blinked her eyes open, adjusting to the bright lights of the gym. Her legs were still crossed, and she was face-to-face, eye-to-eye with Bruce. Only, Bruce was standing on his two feet. If he was standing and her legs were still crossed, but she was at eye level with Bruce, that must mean – Shayera gasped as she looked down. She was floating, and she wasn't even trying. It was as if her real wings were…there. "How – how – " she looked at Bruce.
"This is all you," he said with a smile.
"How did you – "
"Something I learned at the monastery."
Shayera immediately wrapped Bruce in a tight hug. "Thank you," she whispered.
"Shayera," Bruce said in a strained voice, "you're still slightly stronger than me. You're crushing me."
"Sorry," Shayera said, quickly pushing him away. She landed gracefully on the floor.
"Want to have another go at sparring?" Bruce asked.
"You're going down," Shayera said, flying to the center of the mat.
"We'll see," Bruce followed.
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crossovermadness06 · 1 year
Imagine you work for the Justice League, but not as a hero, as their "Servant".
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Gn!Reader. Pretty much the whole Justice Leauge x Y/N but 99% of it is platonic.
I could write a thing tho, where Y/N pretty much has their own harem but with time.
Also, completely SFW, I know the title sounds suggestive lmao.
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☆ Servant is such a harsh way of calling your position, but you'd prefer it over "Maid" or "Jaintor" any day.
☆ How'd you be hired? You'd probably get the opportunity from a friend of yours, who you know is a hero.
☆ For pure simplicity, let's say you know Clark is the S-Man. He notices you're looking for a job outside of the daily planet, and confidentiality, the Leauge is looking to hire some clean-up crew.
☆ You get the job pretty much instantly. You had no family, few friends, so the qualifications for the job were simple. To keep you protected, you'd have to live within any place the JL works at, minus the Hall of Justice. Way too public.
☆ You'd essentially go missing for days on end, and no one would notice. Those days would be used cleaning, organizing top to bottom. This was a lot of work, especially for places like the Watchtower, Titans Tower, basically all the "Towers".
☆ You'd also be made to fetch coffee, donuts, or, maybe, print out documents if needed. Sometimes, you'd get "special missions," like hiding a flashdrive at under your pillow until the Leauge needs it back.
☆ The job was tiring and endless work. But for the paycheck Batman gave you weekly? You were surprised they weren't making you do triple the amount of work.
☆ The hardest part was keeping your composure at the start of the job.
☆ Before your life was filled with coffee stains and printed reports. But now you were seeing world-famous heros on the daily, visiting places never before seen, hell you went to space!
☆ Now you realize though.
☆ It's still a life of coffee stains and printed reports.
☆ Only now, the coffee is for any overworked Bat, and the reports are full of people the FBI is too scared to add on their wanted list.
☆ You're so used to the heroes around you, you've started treating them like any other co-worker you did back at the DP.
☆ They enjoyed the change, though. They seem to prefer it over your fan-behavior your first weeks there.
☆ The highlights of your work week mostly consist of cleaning over at the Watch Tower, walking any pets some Superheros may have, helping younger heros with their homework, and getting your two hour long break.
☆ You've also gotten close with the Superheros around you. Clark was always a friend of yours, but you also seem to get along well with the Flash, who asks you to just call him Barry.
☆ You also got along extremely well with Wonder Woman and Aquaman, expressing great intrests in their origin and cultures. Hawkgirl added herself to the conversation most of the time, which you never did mind.
☆ This isn't even beginning to mention how much sidekicks and younger League members absolutely enjoy your presence. Who knew Batman and Supeman had young sons? And who knew they would've liked you so much? You're like, their favorite person now!
☆ At first, you thought that despite all the friendships, you were still just an employee, replaceable and exchangeable.
☆ Sometimes you'd get their orders wrong. Sometimes you'd accidentally print too many copies, or forget to clean a spot, or fold a certain way, or wash with a specific detergent.
☆ Each time you messed up, you knew it was only a matter of time before they fired you. Replaced you.
☆ But one day, when you were taken by Scarecrow by pure coincidence while you were walking through Gotham, they soothed your fears.
☆ Scarecrow had no idea who you were and placed you in a cage with other victims. He had some evil plan that you were honestly too horrified to even listen to, but you were positive it had to do with some fear-inducing chemicals. It always is.
☆ He never got the chance to, though. As it only took mere minutes for the Bat to barge in with an unnecessary amount of backup.
☆ The way Black Canary instantly was checking each part of your body for injuries had you feeling special. And the way other heroes crowded around you, each offering something to you.
☆ Wonder Woman had a blanket for you. The lanterns gave you water, and snacks. Both Kid and Regular Flash offered up heating pads and their super speed for some sort of massage.
☆ The way none of the other victims in the room got spoiled like this made you flustered. They all had their own places to protect. Why all cometo Gotham for you?
☆ They all like you way more than they'll ever let on. You're family now. You're a part of their schedules, a part they can't afford to change. Not now. Not ever.
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satoshy12 · 2 years
Danny liked it to spent time with Clockwork, and most fun are the missions he is send by the Old Ghost. Few are dangerous but most are pretty fun. He liked to see the other timelines and similiar helping the people and their lifes. Not knowing that he made a huge impact in that life and the hurt when he left.
As he was in this new Dimension the first thing he noticed was he was in his core. The one that finds him was Wonder Woman with the Justice League, they thought it was a Weapon that had fallen out of the Portal. Kind of like a Weaker Mother Box. They took him with them to the Watchtower. It took him not long to get outside the core like a chicken. While a meeting of the Heroes what to do with him.
They chose to let him stay in the tower and had stopped Batman from taking him just with him. Even after his dibs.
Once reborn of his Core, he aged himself up quickly into a child. Danny without a question was the biggest fan of Martian Manhunter. It was for him. Coolest uncle J'onn best Alien, Uncle Kal boring Alien, Cool Aunt Shayera, Granny Diana (she is SUPER OLD!), Batdibs, Funny Uncle Flash and Cool Uncle Lantern. Kal was not happy he was boring alien uncle for his human looks, but he got him over with applecakes. J'onn liked to talk about Mars, Danny loved to listen to it. Batman was the reason his first word was Dibs, but he was a good caretaker Hal Jorden was turned cool uncle as he learned he worked in the Airforce Flash was just funny and brought fast laughs for him Shayera was still cool Aunt, for she was a Alien Soldier even if she talked much about the evil race Gordanians. Maybe he will send a attack against them later. Diana had worked hard to get him to stop calling her Granny. She gave up after a time and gave Flash the Fault, she would have gotten mom but he just had to say she would be more a Granny then mother with her AGE! Yes Flash wasn't in Watch Tower for few weeks after that. And her mother Hippolyta was not happy that the Amazons are now Super Grannies as she visited Lord Hades because of his underworld nature.
After few months Danny noticed that a Portal had open up near him almost 1 feet, he was aged up to his original age and Clockworks hand pulled him out of the dimension as if he was never there in the first place only with the memories and the videos to see what happened.
The Justice League wants their boy back. Clockworks plan worked and they are now much deeper team like a whole family. They would do anything to bring him back to them.
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xxdjsunsetxdxx-blog · 10 months
Random Ships I Like In No Particular Order:
* Loubbie- Lou Miller x Debbie Ocean- Ocean’s 8
* Sabina x Elena- Charlie’s Angels (2019)
* Macgyver x Riley- MacGyver (2016)
* Magnum x Higgins- Magnum PI (2018)
* Shoot- Shaw x Root- Person of Interest
* Rizzles- Rizzoli x Isles- Rizzoli & Isles
* Wondercheetah- Wonder Woman x Cheetah- DC
* Camren- Camila x Lauren- Fifth Harmony
* Blackhill- Natasha Romanoff x Maria Hill- Marvel
* Xialing x Katy- Shang-Chi
* Peggy Carter x Dottie Underwood- Agent Carter
* Supercorp- Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor- Supergirl
* Daniela x Carla- In The Heights
* Mira Harberg x Laurie- Irma Vep
* Judy Hale x Jen Harding- Dead To Me
* Florence x Madeleine- Gunpowder Milkshake
* Ronance- Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler- Stranger Things
* Eleanor x Drea- Do Revenge
* Harlivy- Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy- DC
* Wenclair- Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair- Wednesday
* Meddison- Meredith x Addison- Grey’s Anatomy
* Emily x Stephanie- A Simple Favor
* Mercymaker- Mercy x Widowmaker- Overwatch
* Akko x Diana- Little Witch Academia
* Dovesso- Professor Dovey x Lady Lesso- The School for Good and Evil
* Cassie Lang x Jentorra - Quantumania
* Spideypool- Spider-Man x Deadpool- Marvel
* Superbat- Superman x Batman- DC
* Batman x Catwoman- DC
* Princess Audrey x Wonder Woman- DCAU
* Jon Stewart (Green Lantern) x Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)- DCAU
* StephCass- Stephanie Brown x Cassandra Cain- DC
* DinahBabs- Black Canary (Dinah Lance) x Oracle (Barbara Gordon)- DC
* DicKory- Nightwing (Dick Grayson) x Starfire (Koriand’r)- DC
* Wondermagic- Wonder Woman x Zatanna- DC
* Daphne x Velma- Scooby-Doo
* Cassie Dewell x Jenny Hoyt- Big Sky
* Choni- Cheryl Blossom x Toni Topaz- Riverdale
* Bechloe- Beca Mitchell x Chloe Beale-Pitch Perfect
* Khalopatra- Kleopatra x Frida Khalo- Clone High
* Talia Burns x Margot Fairmont- First Kill
* Question x Huntress- DCAU
* SuperWonderBat- Superman x Wonder Woman x Batman- DCAU
* Wonderhawk- Wonder Woman x Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)- DCAU
* Dana Scully x Monica Reyes- X-Files
* Barbara (Barbie) Handler x Gloria- Barbie
* Julethief- Carmen Sandiego x Julia (Jules) Argent- Carmen Sandiego
* Seven Of Nine x Raffi Musiker- Star Trek
* Larissa Weems x Morticia Addams- The Addams Family
* Swanqueen- Emma Swan x Regina Mills- Once Upon A Time
* Alicia Florrick x Kalinda Sharma- The Good Wife
* Danny James x Cable McCrory- Bull
* Kim Possible x Shego- Kim Possible
talk to me abt them if you want :)
couldn’t fit all the tags lol
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zahri-melitor · 5 months
Why is it every time someone asks for a list of introductory comics for newbies to get hooked people lose their goddamn minds and start reccing: elaborate Elseworlds that contain triple strength Justice Leagues and which have NO obvious sequels; genre-interrogation pieces frequently written 30+ years ago (even Hush is now over 20); a list of things that very specifically insist they’re Graphic Novels not Comics; and things with Giant Genre Conceit in them that can be confronting to newbies.
Most of this list achieves nothing. ‘Acclaimed story’ usually means the fans love it or the industry loves it, neither of which are barometers for if a NEWBIE will love it.
(There’s also a feedback loop between ‘people who watch Batman movies being recced The Dark Knight Returns so people think that’s what comic and Batman movies should be and disparage a whole list of BASIC superhero concepts’ but I’m tired today)
A far simpler list of suggestions to finding a starter comic for someone:-
1. Something written after 2000. The art will be more accessible. I PROMISE you it will help. You want something with art the person will actually enjoy.
2. Unless you KNOW they’ll get a kick out of something heavily stylised, stick to stuff with clean lines, good colour, and normal human proportions.
3. Ask/think what this person’s favourite stories/TV shows/movies are and PICK A COMIC WITH SIMILAR THEMES.
4. A limited cast list oh my god. Solos or team books for teams with a max of 4 members.
5. Don’t fall into the trap of going ‘an anthology book would be a great sampler’ don’t DO IT, give them an anthology once they’re hooked. You are trying to form babby’s first blorbo, they need to spend exclusive time together.
6. Minis are honestly great in that they have self contained stories, but if possible pick a mini for a character who actually has OTHER real appearances nearbyish. I want to shove Hawkgirl into everyone’s hands but I also know that getting more amazing Kendra stories soon is…unlikely.
7. Alternatively a contained solo run with at least 24 issues. Long enough to hook someone, by the end of it they’re probably ready to to branch out.
8. Honestly, think of your ‘I don’t usually read X family/imprint but this was great’ list more than your all time faves list. Better density of titles that are actually accessible without needing backstory.
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indieyuugure · 2 months
Ever thought of a making a fan comic of TMNT 2012 x Justice League crossover? Kinda want to see the interaction between the Turtles and the JL members besides Batman. Like Mikey (Michaelangelo) and Flash bonding over Pizza. Donatello and Cyborg, and/or Atom (Ray Palmer) over their intellect. Raphael and Hawkgirl being the skilled warriors and about anger issues. As for Leonardo, probably taking advise about leadership from either Batman, or Superman, or Wonder Woman, depends on who is leading the JL.
I have not, nope.
I’m not really into the Justice League and the DC universe stuff. I don’t really know anything about it so apart from being something I wouldn’t really want to make I feel like I wouldn’t really do it justice. (Pun intended)
Sorry, just not really my thing :\
Good question! :]
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ayellowbirds · 11 months
5 reasons you, a sapphic person, should read Hawkgirl (2023):
Reason #1: g...girls.
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Kendra is very tall and very cut and in spite of this is an adorkable mess who feels that she has to cut short her meetup with a sidecut-bearing college buddy because she feels inadequate (in spite of being a reincarnated heroine from the dawn of time and a former Justice Leaguer)
Reason #2: Kendra is just that cool.
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She has Batman on speed-dial.
Reason #3: Galaxy!
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The rest of the cast are a wlw couple including transbian superheroine Galaxy and her gorgeous girlfriend Kat. Galaxy is a transforming space princess with a talking not-actually-a-dog guardian and is basically the trans magical girl you needed as a kid.
Reason #4: Yiff?
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The new villainess, Vulpecula, is an evil magic(?) werefox vixen with sinister plans. Look at those hands. Tell me you aren't imagining her running those claws across your skin.
Reason #5: Planet X
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Issue 2 is going to introduce Metropolis's biggest (and first canon) gay bar.
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