#no seriously though. its not his business that these people built their lives around a lie. when it all falls apart he does NOT wanna be-
askcometcare · 5 months
OOC: since Scrap is an ESPer does that mean they know about the hospital and all that??
OOC: yes, he knows. He vaguely referenced it at the beginning of the arc when talking about Eve's parents (somebody asked how he felt about Eve's family). He also mentioned that he never discloses anyone's private thoughts no matter the circumstances so it's not like he's going to tell her or anyone else
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baronessvonglitter · 3 months
Cherry, Cherry 🍒 Chapter 1 🍒 “Austin"
pre-outbreak! AU!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Word count: 2K
Summary: new to the city, you befriend Sarah, and in a time of need you befriend her dad Joel
WARNINGS: this particular chapter is safe for everyone to read, but future chapters will contain smut; mild cursing, little bit of flirting; age gap (reader is 18, Joel is 35); reader is tomboyish but otherwise no race specified and will not be throughout the series; until otherwise specified, this story takes place in the summer of 2003 and is AU with no outbreak, no use of y/n.
Author's Note: this was the first fic I ever wrote, after months of lurking on AO3. It's one of my favorites to write and probably my most popular on AO3, so I'm bringing her to the party. In this particular chapter Joel fixes a sink, and I did minimal investigating into the world of plumbing, so obviously any mistakes are just gonna be there.
Series Masterlist
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Austin is quiet. So much quieter than where you came from: Houston, the city on the bayou, where there's always something fun to do. Not that Austin is without its charm, it just kind of feels like living on the moon after the hustle and bustle of your hometown, the fourth largest city in the US. But the people are friendly, the vibes are mellow, and you soon begin to feel at home.
Soon you'll be starting college at the University of Texas, a school you've had your eye on since fifth grade. Your mom, overprotective but meaning well, allowed you to stay with your older cousin Sofia rather than living on campus. And you're excited about it because even with a roommate, this is your first time on your own, away from home, about to really live your life.
School starts in a couple months, so in the meantime you get a job at a new Starbucks in town, providing you with a little spending money. The first few days are a blur, making drinks, learning the register. But it keeps you busy, A few times a week a younger group of kids come in, ordering the cheapest things on the menu. One of them, a girl 13 or 14 years old, approaches the counter. She studies the overhead menu with an air of seriousness. "What's in a frappuccino?" she asks.
"Um, coffee, espresso, milk, ice, and syrup blended together, basically. Comes with whipped cream on top. I could give you one to try," you offer, as your manager is out that day.
"Sure," the girl answers eagerly.
You make the cold, frothy drink and hand it to her. "I'm still pretty new at this, so if you hate it, I'm sorry," you joke.
She smiles and walks back to her friends, sipping the frapp.
You work until evening and pick up some fast food on the way home, Getting out of the car with your food you lean back against the vehicle, stretching a little, trying to wake yourself up a bit. Then you hear the sound of a truck coming up the driveway next door and the engine shutting off. There are a couple of voices you hear as the people begin to exit the truck.
"Hey, she's the one who gave me the free coffee today," you hear, and though it likely isn't meant for you to hear, you glance over and see the young girl from earlier today, climbing out of the truck. From around the driver's side you see a man, mid-thirties, tall, well-built, a black t-shirt clinging to his torso. Dirtied jeans and work boots complete his attire. It takes a moment before you realize he's looking at you.
Immediately you glance back at the girl, obviously his daughter. "Hey," you smile and give a quick, awkward wave. She waves back politely and he gives a curt nod and quick wave. They make their way up the front porch and you hear his gruff voice: "You had coffee? Great, now you'll be bouncin' off the walls all evenin'," before the door closes behind them.
"Guess I met my neighbors," you mutter, making your way inside as well.
Over the next few days the girl, who you now know as Sarah Miller, comes to Starbucks, ordering the same frapp every time. "Don't tell your dad I'm giving you all this caffeine," you tell her, hiding a smirk.
Sometimes you give her a ride home from the cafe, though she claims to use the bus now and then. You come to see that Sarah is a lot more mature than you were at her age. You hang out from time to time, swim in your backyard pool, go to the mall, and every time you drop her off you catch a glimpse of her dad, always a figure in the background. You exchange a wave or polite smile and move on.
It's your day off, a Sunday. You intend to spend the day lounging, watching TV. Maybe Sarah will stop by. After making a quick breakfast for yourself you do the dishes. When you're finished, you realize the class ring you'd set on the counter is gone, likely washed down the sink. "Damn!" you exclaim, and text Sofia, who has just left for work.
Go next door and ask Mr. Miller if he can take a look and get it out. He's helped around the house before your cousin replies.
You sigh and put the phone down.
You're a little hesitant going to speak to him. His truck is in the driveway so you know he's home. You knock on the door, feeling self-conscious about your first interaction with him, and Mr. Miller opens the door.
"Good morning," you introduce yourself. "I'm Sarah's friend.. from next door."
"Nice to meet ya, I'm Joel Miller." He extends a calloused hand and you shake it. You've always assumed him to be a man who does hard work for a living, but in your first time seeing him up close you admire his tousled, dark brown hair, his deep brown eyes that seem serious. "What can I do for ya?" he asks in his gentle Texan drawl.
You smile. "Well, I was told you're pretty handy around the house, and I lost my ring in the sink just now." You chuckle at your mistake. "Would it be possible for you to come over and take a look?" You feel really shy about asking this of a man you barely know.
He takes a moment to think, clears his throat, raises his brow. "I suppose I could stop by." His tone is gruff but his manner seems warm enough. "I'll give it a shot. I'm no plumber, but I'll see what I can do." He shrugs.
You smile and sigh with relief. "Of course. I mean, even you just checking it out would be a big help.. whenever you can stop by I'll be here." You don't want to make demands on his time.
"All right.. I'm not doin' much right now, so I could swing 'round if you like. Just let me grab my toolbox."
Once inside, with minimal conversation Joel gets on the floor, under the sink, and gets to work. You wait nearby, trying not to hover, but also wanting to be available in case he needs anything. Plus he's good looking. You watch as he works. His shirt rides up, revealing his torso, and a hint of the waistband of his underwear. Your eyes wander lower until you force them away. To distract yourself you start putting things away in the cupboard.
"Sarah tells me you're new to Austin," he says as he works.
"Yeah, I'm actually from Houston. I'm starting UT in the fall, and staying with my cousin in the meantime. I take it you know Sofia?"
"I do. She's nice. I keep an eye on her place when she's away. Even when you're there."
You mean to say something in reply, maybe 'thank you' but you're thinking about him keeping a protective watch over your home while you're inside, unaware.
"So you're starting university? How old are ya?" he asks.
Something about his question makes you feel like a deer in headlights. "I'll be nineteen in September. On the twenty-sixth."
You can almost hear the smile in his voice. "No shit? That's my birthday. Except I'm far from nineteen. Small world, ain't it?"
"Yeah," you say, sneaking another glance at his torso.
"What're you studyin'?"
"English," you answer, excited to talk about it. "More specifically Literature. I want to write, and maybe one day work at a huge publishing house."
You hear Joel give a grunt. "What do you write?"
"Poetry sometimes, short stories, I have a few ideas for novels."
Another grunt. "You don't look like the type.. the writer type.. no offense."
"What type do I look like?" Your heart races as you realize he's categorized you already.
He peeks out from under the sink and his eyes fix on you in a way that makes you shiver. "I don't know yet. But you're young. Maybe you're the rebellious type." He goes back to work.
You sit on the floor, your back against the fridge opposite him. "How am I the rebellious type to you?"
He's quiet, and you see the gleam of his eyes from where he's under the sink. "Haven't quite figured it out yet.."
You can tell he's having fun with this, and there's a vibration in the air, a palpable chord struck, and you wonder if he feels it too.
"Anything I can do? Feeling kinda helpless over here," you chuckle.
"Just stay out of the way," his voice is more gruff than maybe he intends. Frowning, his eyes focus on an item lodged in the P-trap. He reaches in and pulls out your ring. It's covered in gunk and grime but you recognize it immediately.
"Oh shit! Thank you..." It's your class ring. 'Class of 2003' is engraved on the side, with a princess cut sapphire on top. You put it aside to clean it later.
Joel smirks. "No problem."
"I really owe you one."
"I dunno about that. Just don't go throwin' away your valuable stuff next time, okay?" He's teasing, almost playful.
You laugh "Okay.. hey I'm working at the cafe tomorrow. If you come by I could get you a free coffee." You put the offer out there, testing the waters though you aren't sure why.
"Free coffee? Careful, girl, between giving away free stuff to me and Sarah, you're gonna run Starbucks out of business," he grins. "But yeah, I might have to stop by."
You walk him out, even though Joel says it's not necessary, but you can tell he enjoys your company. "I guess I'll be seeing you around Joel.. Mr. Miller."
He stifles a chuckle. There's a touch of amusement in the way he speaks to you, but he hides it behind a warm, open expression. "Call me Joel. No need to be so formal around me."
"If my mom was here she'd say I was being disrespectful, calling you by your first name." You can't help a little blush.
"I won't complain about respect," he smiles again.
"She's pretty protective of me," you describe your living situation, your freedom that is being given in increments.
"Well your mom might've done you a favor there." Joel looks out past your front porch. "That's probably a wise decision, ya know? What about your dad? He ok with you living far from home?"
You shake your head. "He's not.. really in the picture. My parents divorced about five years ago. My dad went up north, Minnesota I think, and I haven't seen him since.." You feel a little vulnerable revealing this.
Joel's brow furrows and his expression darkens. You wonder if he's thinking about Sarah. You don't know much about her mother and haven't felt okay to ask. "I'm sorry to hear that. Are you all right?"
You shrug. "I guess so. I've managed this long without him.." You give a smile that doesn't reach your eyes. "I shouldn't be bothering you with all this.."
"No problem, I don't mind listenin'. Do me a favor," he says suddenly. "Be careful out there, okay?"
Something about this catches you off guard. "Of course I will."
He smiles. "Good. I'll see you at the cafe tomorrow," he phrases it like a hopeful question.
"Bright and early," you say, feeling a few butterflies in your stomach.
He laughs and nods. "Til then."
You watch him leave and though you cringe at how young, foolish, childish you must appear to him, you can't deny that you feel something, even for a brief moment. Maybe it's nothing. But something about him sticks with you, an odd feeling in your chest. But it's just a dumb, knee-jerk reaction. He has a family, he's twice your age. You're focused on school and your future. Joel Miller is the last person you should be thinking about...
next chapter ->
divider by @saradika-graphics 👑
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smilesrobotlover · 9 months
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Chapter 2- ten-years-old is a big deal
“There’s been three reports of a missing person in the past week.”
Zelda looked at the captain who was dropping papers on the table, her advisor and husband, Edmund, all stared blankly at the mess.
“That would make twenty-three missing persons this month, I think it’s safe to say that this is alarming, hm?”
The captain glared at Zelda’s advisor, who had been brushing off the disappearances as nothing serious. The advisor would say that disappearances happen all the time, and that there was nothing they could’ve done, but the captain was determined to persuade him. Zelda picked up a paper and skimmed over it. This was a woman who lived in Kakariko village, she just opened up her clothes shop there. She glanced at another paper, this one was about an older man, who was working at Lake Hylia. He worked on carriages, canons, or anything that needed fixing. Zelda hummed as she compared the two reports of the missing people, not finding much similarities between them.
“This is certainly alarming,” Zelda’s advisor said almost mockingly.
“Captain Hoz,” the prince consort of Hyrule started, ignoring the advisor’s rude tone, “are there any connections between these missing people that we can use to find them?”
Captain Hoz sighed and sat down. “The only connection I could find was that these people disappeared when they were traveling across Hyrule. That tailor from Kakariko? She was visiting home in Castle town. The handy man down in Lake Hylia was traveling to Gerudo desert to work on a home. The Goron from Death Mountain was heading to Zora’s domain for a vacation. None of these people were seen again.”
Zelda frowned and Edmund sighed. That sounded about right considering the other twenty reports sitting on her desk.
“This is tragic for sure,” the advisor said rather indifferently, “but what do you expect us to do about it?”
Hoz looked at him with disgust. “We look for these people of course! And find who’s responsible!”
“We do not have the resources to search for these people. We’re busy enough providing food and other necessities for our citizens,” the advisor stated, looking bored.
“If we don’t do something then we won’t have citizens to take care of! We need to save these people!” Captain Hoz rebutted.
“And who will save them? Hm? The hero of Hyrule? He’s been very useful lately,” the advisor said sarcastically, giving Zelda a look that made her skin crawl.
“The knights of Hyrule will save them! That’s why we exist!”
Zelda heard Edmund snort a little and she cringed internally. He was the second prince of Labrynna, a kingdom that was known for its military. Though he didn’t lead the army, he was involved with the battles Labrynna had, until the arranged marriage happened. When he came to Hyrule, he was unimpressed with the cowards that called themselves knights here. Some of the men, like Captain Hoz, took their jobs seriously, but they were so scarce that it didn’t make a difference. Captain Hoz glared at Edmund and stood back up.
“I’ve been training my men vigorously, your highness, I promise you, we can save these people.”
Edmund rolled his eyes. “Have your men faced terrifying monsters and kept their heads on their shoulders? Have your men faced death and walked it off? For a kingdom that is built on courage, there sure are a lot of cowards—“
“Enough!” Zelda stood up and glared at her husband. She turned to Hoz who was red from fury. “Captain, what exactly do you need to find these people?”
“Uh, I’ll need men, of course. Maybe around ten. It might depend on what is causing these disappearances.”
“I can have you take five men with you, but my advisor is right, we are spread thin, so you’ll have to make do.”
Captain Hoz sighed and bowed his head. “Thank you, my queen. I’ll make plans as soon as possible. These people will be found.”
“Thank you captain,” Zelda gave a nod back, “is there anything else that needs to be discussed?”
“No, that is all my queen,” Hoz gave another bow.
“There’s nothing I can think of,” the advisor muttered.
Edmund only shook his head. The queen nodded.
“Then you are all dismissed. Thank you.”
Hoz and the advisor stood up and silently walked out of the room, and Zelda glared at Edmund, who was casually leaning back in the chair. He glanced over at her.
“Throwing insults at my kingdom was unnecessary.”
“They’re not insults, they're observations. You can’t deny that your army is nothing special.”
“No, but calling them cowardly and weak is unfair. You don’t know what some of these men went through. Captain Hoz fought hard to get where he is and I trust him. He’s one of our best.”
Her husband rolled his eyes again. “Fine, so the captain is good, that doesn’t say anything about the rest of your army.”
Zelda stared at him for a moment before gathering the papers. “I suppose not,” she muttered, wanting to end the conversation. Edmund sighed and walked over to her, resting his hand on her shoulder which made her freeze.
“Look, I’m sorry that I insulted Hoz. He is without a doubt, one of the best. But this seems like a serious situation and I feel like you’re not taking it as seriously as it sounds.”
Zelda glared daggers into him and he backed up, his hands up defensively.
“Don’t be upset with me dear, I’m just saying that Labrynna would’ve had this problem fixed within a week.”
I don’t care what Labrynna does.” She spat, and she turned back to the papers, trying to get Edmund to leave her alone. He was silent, but he didn’t move.
“Why don’t you send your… hero to do the job? From what I’ve heard, he’s a one man army,” he asked, and Zelda looked up to stare at the double doors in front of her. She has called for Link whenever Hyrule needed help. In fact, she called all of the resistance. They’ve worked together and have helped Hyrule in a way that Zelda couldn’t. But no one knew who Link really was, nor what he looked like thanks to his refusal to be public, so the people, especially the nobles, figured that Link was a fake, or a lazy man. Though she and Link didn’t get along, it made her sick. He suffered so much for Hyrule, and that was how they repaid him?
“Zelda, why don’t you send your famous hero to do the job?” Edmund repeated, and Zelda spun around, her frustration getting the best of her.
“I will consider it. Now get out while I organize this mess.”
Edmund glared at her and left the room, leaving Zelda alone. She collapsed in her chair, already exhausted even though it was morning. There was so much to do, so much to worry about, so much complaining that was done. Even though she was raised to do this work since birth, she still felt like she didn’t know what she was doing. She looked down at the papers on the table and sighed, grabbing some blank paper and a quill. She wouldn’t be able to search for the people herself, and she knew that Hoz would need all the help he could get, so she decided to reach out to the only people that she could trust.
The resistance.
“Kori! Come up for breakfast!”
The little twilian rubbed his eyes open, looking at his room in the basement. It was dark, and it took him a moment to adjust to the light shining from the door that led upstairs, where his father looked down at him.
“Heeeyyy sleepy head. Come on, it’s time to get up.”
Kori groaned at the light and tried to snuggle up more in his blankets.
“Oh no ya don’t. Get up Kori.”
The twilian groaned again, burying his face more into the blankets. The blankets were so warm… and he was so comfy…
He felt two hands grab him and he squealed as he was thrown over his dad’s shoulder.
“NOOOOO! Let me go! I wanna sleeeeeep!” Kori cried, but his father did not listen as he climbed up the ladder, and Kori hissed as the bright sun assaulted his eyes.
“Oh quit bein’ dramatic.”
His dad set him down near the fire where breakfast was cooking, the desire to sleep more melting away as he grew hungry. He looked at the pan over the fire, staring at the food cooking on top of it.
“What is it?”
“Eggs of course!” his father grabbed a plate and dished up some of the food to give to Kori.
“Eggs! I love eggs! We only ever have them everyday!” Kori joked sarcastically, shoveling his breakfast into his mouth.
“Oh complain about the breakfast all ya want you rascal. But luckily for you I have a great supper planned!”
“What are you making?” Kori asked, his mouth full.
“Only your favorite meal ever! Pumpkin soup!”
Kori gasped. He loved his father’s pumpkin soup. The thought of eating the pumpkin soup suddenly made the eggs tasteless and bland.
“Bleh, if only if it were supper time right now.”
“Hey now, I don’t need to make the soup tonight,” his father waved his utensil around, a teasing smile on his face. “I can just save it for later or give aaaall of it to grandpa Rusl and Colin and—“
“No! Don’t do that! I’m sorry papa thank you for the eggs now please don’t give away my supper!”
His father chuckled and ruffled his boy’s hair. “I’m just teasin’ ya, I would never do that.”
Kori giggled and ate his eggs a little more gratefully.
“Why are you making the soup anyways papa? You only make it for like… holidays and stuff.”
His father raised an eyebrow at Kori. “You don’t know? A little birdie told me that a certain child is turning 10 today.”
Kori chewed for a little bit before the realization hit. His birthday… It was today! How could he not know that?
“My birthday! I’m turning 10!” Kori shouted, waving his fork around.
“Hey now, don’t make a mess!” His father scolded, but he gave a light chuckle after Kori put his fork down, “you’re a full decade old! Isn’t that somethin’? How do you feel?”
Kori giggled and started to focus.
“Not much different really.”
His father chuckled and ruffled his hair.
“Give it a few years, you’ll feel older,” he said with a wink. After they finished Kori’s birthday breakfast, his father slapped his knees and stood up. “Welp, you ready to herd some goats?”
Kori frowned at his father. “It’s my birthday! I don’t wanna herd goats!”
“But farm work doesn't stop for birthday boys, Kori.”
Kori crossed his arms and pouted at his father. They stared each other down for a few moments before his dad started laughing.
“Alright alright. I’ll let you have today.”
“Yeah. Go play with the other kids, I don’t care. Happy birthday Kori.”
“YEAH!” Kori shot up and ran outside before his father could say anything else. He practically jumped down the ladder, gave Epona a pat on the snout, and ran into the village where everyone was. He jogged around Fado’s house, ran quickly past Beth’s parent’s house, slowing down to a halt when he saw his grandpa Rusl standing outside his own home, reading something. He crouched down and smiled. Target spotted.
Kori moved around so he would be in his grandpa’s blind spot, then he ran as quietly as he could, ready to jump him, until his grandpa turned around and gave him a stern look, which stopped Kori dead in his tracks.
“And what do you think you’re doing young man?” He asked, his hands on his hips. Kori looked down awkwardly.
“I wasn’t gonna do anything!”
“Really? You weren’t plannin’ on tackling my legs?”
His grandpa glared at him for a moment, then let out a laugh. “Oh it’s never a dull moment with you Kori. Good morning kid.”
Kori giggled and hugged his grandpa, and he received a tight hug in return.
“So, Kori,” grandpa Rusl knelt down to look him in the eyes, “I hear it’s your birthday yeah? What do you have planned for today?”
“Well papa said that I don’t have to do my chores today! So I was hoping to play with…” His eyes moved over to spot his uncle exiting the house. “UNCLE COLIN!”
His uncle looked over to where Kori was sprinting towards him. “Wooooah hey now slow down or else you’ll—”
Kori tackled him to the ground, hugging him tightly as he laid there. Grandpa Rusl chuckled and walked towards them.
“Uncle Colin! It’s my birthday and I don’t have to do my chores! Wanna play?”
Colin rubbed his head and looked down. “I’d love to Kori, but I do need to do my chores.”
Kori’s smile dropped. “Aw what? Why?”
Colin sat up, with Grandpa Rusl taking Kori off of him and helping him up. “It’s not my birthday,” he explained simply, looking at Grandpa Rusl who nodded.
“What about auntie Rela? Can she play?”
“Sorry Kori, she also has chores to do,” Grandpa explained. “But she’ll be done soon.”
“Aw… but I wanna play now!”
Colin knelt down and put his hand on his shoulder.
“Maybe Beth or Talo could play with you!”
Kori looked down, contemplating this. Beth was fun to play with, but she was taking over the shop and was always busy, not to mention her scary parents who didn’t like him. And Talo was also fun but sometimes he was gone and his dad didn’t like him all that much. Malo was closest to his age but Malo hated everyone so he didn’t want to play with him. But it didn’t hurt to try. “I guess I’ll see if they can play…” he finally said.
Colin smiled, guilt clearly written on his face. “I’m sorry kiddo. I’ll try to get done as soon as possible.”
“Ok.” Kori gave the two of them another hug and ran to Talo’s house. He’d have better luck with him anyways. When he ran to the house with the water wheel he stopped at the smell of something sweet. He saw a pie on a windowsill and gasped. It must’ve been pumpkin pie, which Pergie made occasionally. He ran over to where the pie was and stared at it, mouth watering as the smell got stronger.
“Excuuuuuse me!”
Kori flinched at the sudden entrance of Pergie, who was standing protectively over her pie. Kori put his hands behind his back and shrunk a little, trying to look innocent.
“Were you thinking of eating my pie?” Pergie asked, resting against the windowsill.
“You do know I’ve been spending all morning making this right?”
“So I wouldn’t want someone to mess with it before it’s ready, right?”
Kori looked down, then at Pergie, then at the pie. Drool dropped out of his mouth and he wiped it away, embarrassed. Pergie let out a hearty laugh and patted his head.
“Oh you sweet little stinker. Here, I can give you a slice.”
Pergie cut a small slice of her pie and handed it to Kori on a plate. Kori gasped at the random gift and smiled at her.
“Happy birthday, Kori.”
“You remembered my birthday?”
“Well you never let me forget,” Pergie teased, poking his nose. Kori giggled at the gesture and started to eat the pie with Pergie watching.
“What are you doing here anyways boy?”
“My papa said that I don’t have to do my chores so I was wondering if Talo wanted to play.”
“Oooh…” Pergie tapped the windowsill and clicked her tongue. “Talo left this morning to Kakariko dear.”
“Aw what? What’s he doing there?”
“Delivering our pumpkins to the folks there of course!” Pergie leaned closer to him, a teasing look on her face. “He’s also wantin’ to court the girl there, so he’s there for that as well.”
Kori stared at Pergie and nodded, not at all understanding what she meant.
“If you want, you could play with Malo!” She turned around and called for her youngest son. “MALO! Get over here!”
Kori frowned and put the plate on the windowsill. He did not want to play with Malo, and when Malo showed up, he could tell that he didn’t want to play either.
“Malo! It’s Kori’s birthday! Why don’t you two play games together!” Pergie suggested for the two boys. Malo glared at his mother.
“Mom, I’m taking care of my shop, I don’t have time to play,” he mumbled, annoyed. Kori has heard Malo talk about the three shops he’s opened up several times whenever he tried to hang out with him. He never understood any of it.
“Malo, I know how much you love to play shop, but you should play with the other kids!”
Malo groaned and glared at Kori. Pergie has always tried to push her son to socialize and make friends, but Malo took his job very seriously. Kori smiled at Pergie politely and stepped back.
“I’m actually gonna go see if Beth can play… thanks for the pie!”
“Oh, wait, Malo go with him!” Pergie gestured for Malo to follow him but he just rolled his eyes and walked away. Kori took that as a sign to run towards where Beth lived.
“You have a great birthday sweet boy!” He heard Pergie yell after him, and he turned and waved at her, smiling.
Pergie used to scare Kori when he was younger. She clearly feared him and thought he was strange, not liking it whenever Talo hung out with him. But as Kori got older, he noticed that Pergie got kinder towards him, being sweet and caring towards him whenever he lingered near their house. The same couldn’t be said about Sera though, Beth’s mother.
Everyone was pretty hostile towards Kori, but Sera in particular has been very cruel towards him. Beth was a blast to be around and happily watched Kori when he needed to be watched. But Sera believed that Kori was a demon, here in Ordon to hurt her daughter. His father and grandpa told him that monsters hurt the kids in Ordon, so they were paranoid about anything different, but Kori couldn’t help but be scared of Sera. He was terrified that she would hurt him because of her own fear. Beth’s influence always helped calm her mother down, but Kori still felt her distrust towards him. He stopped in front of Beth’s home and took a deep breath, praying that it was just Beth in there. He opened the door and peeked through the crack, seeing both Beth and Sera behind the counter. He went to quickly leave before he was noticed but Beth called out to him.
“Kori! Is that you?”
He stopped and poked his head further into the home. They seemed to have been deep in conversation; Beth was smiling at him while Sera stared at him coldly.
“It is you! Hi there!” Beth leaned against the counter and gave him a grin. “How are you? Heard you’re turning ten today, right?”
Kori nodded quietly, glancing at Sera who wasn’t moving.
“What’re you doing here? Did Link give you money to buy the famous slingshot?” She gestured to the toy section where a slingshot sat. Kori was tempted, but he had no money.
“I was wondering if you wanted to play,” Kori he started, talking softly while occasionally glancing at Sera, “I don’t have to do my chores today.”
“Oh,” Beth got off the counter and looked at her mother who was scowling. “Sorry dear, I’m working right now. You can go play with the kitties though!”
Kori gasped. Beth and Sera’s cat went and got another cat pregnant, leaving them with adorable kitties. Beth had let him play with them before, but never alone.
“Beth,” her mother spoke up, a dark expression on her face.
“Mom, it’ll be fine, Kori knows to be gentle, right?” Beth gave Kori a look and he nodded.
“How do you know he won’t eat one of the babies?”
Kori looked down, the words stinging. He hated how she saw him as a monster. Kori had sharp teeth, which was different from everyone else’s, but he’d never want to hurt anyone, let alone any kitties! He started to back away from the two, walking towards the door.
“I—um— wanted to play with someone not with the cats,” he lied, reaching for the handle, “I’m just gonna see if someone else wants to play, bye Beth!”
“Wait Kori—“ Beth called out for him but he snuck out of the room. He heard Beth and Sera erupt into an argument, but he chose to ignore them, nearly ramming into Beth’s father, Hanch.
“Oh, um….” Kori shrunk away from the short man. “Sorry.”
Hanch stared at him for a moment, his expression was always filled with anxiety, but he nervously smiled.
“Hi Kori. Happy birthday,” Hanch said before running into his home. Kori stared ahead very surprised as the nervous man always avoided Kori out of fear. He stared at the entrance to the clearing where his home was, knowing his father wasn’t home. He sighed not knowing what to do or who to hang out with. He glanced at the entrance to the Ordon Ranch and decided to head there to hang out with people he knew liked him.
Link ran around on Epona, herding in the goats with Fado keeping any stragglers from running away. On Epona, the goats feared Link due to how big he looked, and they would obey him as he herded them in. Fado however didn’t need a horse since he was so tall. The goats would just see him and run away. Though Fado has always struggled herding in the goats, Link has noticed that with Link’s many absences, he’s gotten much better at doing it all on his own. He almost didn’t need Link anymore.
He sighed when all the goats were finally in the barn. Just like yesterday… and the day before… and the day before…
“Thanks for your help, Link!” Fado called to him and Link waved it off.
“Just doin’ my job.”
“Well you do a good job at it!”
Link smiled at his good friend and got off his horse, giving her a loving pat on the neck. Though Epona was a strong horse, he was worried about overworking her, especially since she was getting much older. He wished that Illia was still here so she could pamper her…
“Hoo boy, we got done in under a minute! Now what do we do?” Fado put his hands on his hips and looked at the ranch from inside the barn. “I feel like we can just lay around right now!”
Link gave a small smile but it quickly disappeared. Though it was a beautiful day, Link was already bored at the idea of sitting around. He walked out of the barn and looked around, noticing a little figure walking towards the ranch.
“Hey, isn’t that your little tot? I thought you said he wasn’t working today?” Fado asked, coming up from behind Link. Link shrugged and walked over to his son, whose head was hanging. When he got closer, Kori looked up and smiled at his father.
“What’s going on Kori? I thought you wanted to play?”
Kori shrugged. “Everyone is doing their chores today! They can’t play.”
Link frowned and patted his head. “Oh, I’m sorry Kori. They won’t be working all day though.”
“Yeah… but still…”
Link frowned and guilt started creeping in. He was hoping that he’d have a fun day, but he didn’t think about everyone else having to do their chores. He gave Kori a slight squeeze.
“Can I hang out with you until someone’s ready to play?” Kori asked.
“Of course, you can just watch me, you don’t need to work.”
“Thanks papa.”
The rest of the day was fun for Kori. His aunt, Rela, finished her chores relatively quickly, sothey played together until the sun began to set, and everyone started to return to their homes for supper. Kori looked up from the tadpoles he was playing with and saw his father walking to his grandparent’s house, arms full of different ingredients. Kori jumped up and started sprinting towards him.
“We’re eating at gramma’s house?” Kori called out as he nearly rammed into his father’s legs.
“Hey! Kori! The reek fish ain’t easy to get at this time of year!” His father warned, dodging his hyper son. “And yes, we’re eating at gramma’s house this year, she has better cooking supplies than me anyways.”
“Will Midna be here?” Rela came running up to the two of them. Kori’s father gave a nervous smile.
“I guess we’ll see!”
Kori frowned. “Mom should be here!”
His father only shrugged. “I don’t know when she comes kiddo, but I did tell her to try to make it today, so we’ll see.”
Rela looked at Kori who only shrugged. His mother was from a different world, and according to his father, she had to do very important things there, so she couldn’t stay in Ordon. Kori wished that she could stay here though. He missed her everyday that she wasn’t here. What was worse was that he never knew when she was coming, she could be there everyday, or she could be gone for weeks. So it was just a guessing game for them. But he hoped she would be here. She usually was on his birthday.
Kori was bouncing off the walls from excitement when supper came close to being ready. The family were all together inside except for grandpa Rusl, his father and gramma chatting about boring adult stuff while he and Rela were playing, and the smell of the pumpkin soup made him restless. When his father was finally done with the soup, Kori was right by his side, eyeing it as if it were his prey.
“Spirits above, Kori, don’t make me spill this,” his father warned, setting the soup gently on the table while Kori practically hung on him. Gramma Uli set a cake down next to the soup, and Kori began vibrating with excitement even more.
“Sweet Ordona, I think he’s about to explode!” Colin chuckled, walking over to the table to help set things up.
“Yeah, I think so too, and there’s gonna be an accident if he doesn’t calm down.” His father dragged Kori away from the table as he reached for the food, and the little twilian pouted at his father.
“I just wanna look at it,” he said, making his eyes as big as possible.
“Yeah sure ya do. You can’t look at it until everything’s ready though.”
“But whyyyyy,” Kori leaned towards the table while his father nonchalantly held him in place.
“Sweet spirits above kid, I’ve never seen anyone get this excited about food.”
“Oh, Link,” Gramma Uli started, giving Kori a smile, “what’s there not to be excited about? There’s soup and cake! Though I am sorry that the cake has no icing this year, Kori.”
“No, ma it’s a good thing. I think Kori would literally explode if there was.”
“No I wouldn’t!” Kori shouted, and the family all laughed. His father dragged Kori back over to where Rela was playing, and sat him down.
“Just stay there ‘till things are ready, ok Kori?” His father insisted, and Kori pouted again, glaring at his goat plushie Billy. He was ravenous now from the smell of the food, and it was driving him mad. The door opened and Kori saw grandpa Rusl enter the home, and he jumped up and rammed into his grandpa’s legs.
“Ow– good goddesses Kori!” His grandpa yelled out as he nearly stumbled to the ground. Kori only buried his face into his legs and gave him a tight hug.
“Papa isn’t letting me eat my fooooood,” he complained, his voice muffled in grandpa Rusl’s pants.
“Oh?” Rusl quickly recovered from nearly having his legs taken out and gave Link a smirk. “Well that’s not fair, it’s his birthday.”
“Supper is not ready yet, pa!” Kori’s father rebutted. “And the soup is piping hot! It’ll burn his li’l tongue off and he won’t be able to eat anything for the rest of his life!”
Kori gasped and looked up at Rusl in horror.
“Will it really?”
Rusl rolled his eyes. “No. I mean yes your tongue will burn but it’ll be fine after a day. Quit scarin’ your kid Link!”
Kori’s father only shrugged and returned to setting up dinner. Grandpa Rusl began to walk over to the kitchen where gramma Uli was, but Kori stopped him.
“Is my mommy here?” He asked, and Rusl paused, looking away.
“Oh… no I haven’t seen her just yet.”
Kori sighed sadly. “She’s always here for my birthday. Why isn’t she here?”
“Oh, come now kiddo, I’m sure she’s just late or something. I doubt she’ll miss today.”
Kori rested his head against Rusl’s leg. “I hope so.”
Rusl stood there for a moment, playing with Kori’s hair as if to comfort him, but he finally moved towards the table, which Kori found to be completely set up, with a beautiful plate of rolls added to it.
“Supper’s ready,” his father announced, and Kori’s worry over his mother disappeared as he ran to his seat, nearly tipping it over as he sat in it. “Sweet Ordona kid, would it kill you to slow down?”
Kori’s grandparents both chuckled as they sat down, and Rela hopped into her seat next to Kori. Colin sat down next to Link, which left one seat empty for his mother. Kori sighed.
“Well then, let’s give thanks,” Uli said, and the others around the table bowed their heads. “Thank you Goddess Din for the earth you created, so that we may have a warm home together. Thank you Goddess Farore for the life you blessed the earth with, so that we may have this very meal before us. And thank you Goddess Nayru, for the wisdom you gifted to us, so that we may be able to prepare this meal, and so that we may grow stronger everyday. Thank you.”
The others muttered a thanks and Kori quickly grabbed a roll, dunked it in his soup, and shoved it all in his mouth. He chewed happily as the others watched in shock.
“Wha’?” He asked with his mouth full. His father gave him a look.
“Reaching across the table like that is rude, Kori. And so is talking with your mouth full.”
“Oh it’s his birthday, let him be a little feral today,” grandpa Rusl said, grabbing a roll for himself and digging into the meal. Kori’s father rolled his eyes with an amused smile on his face, and Kori couldn’t help but giggle.
“Ok fine, I’ll give you today, Kori,” he said with a smile, and the rest of the family helped themselves to Kori’s birthday supper.
Link stared blankly at the empty seat beside him as everyone else ate. He finished rather quickly, an old habit he developed from his adventure, and all he could do was think about Midna. Her not being here worried him. She was a very stubborn person, and when she wanted to do something, she was going to do it, even if everyone else was against it. So there was no way that she would be missing Kori’s birthday, unless something happened. Link’s gaze was averted to Kori devouring his cake, and he rolled his eyes. Since when did he become such a messy eater?
“Kori, for Din’s sake slow down. I don’t want you to choke.”
Kori stopped for a moment and glared at him, gesturing aggressively at Link’s own bowl and plate.
“Hey, I know how to not choke on my food, alright?”
Kori rolled his eyes and Colin snorted.
“Remember the time you choked on a carrot—“
“Shut up Colin!”
The table erupted into laughter as everyone began making fun of Link.
“I told you to chew your food all the way, Link,” Rusl playfully poked Link’s arm as Link glared ahead, annoyed.
“Yeah, and yet he still couldn’t do that,” Colin joined in. “I had to try to get it outta you.”
Link shot Colin a smirk. “Yes, but if I remember correctly, your weak, noodly arms couldn’t do nothin’!”
“My arms weren’t weak and noodly! You’re just so dang thick!” Colin jabbed at Link’s ribs which caused him to yelp and flinch away, right into Rusl.
“Oi! Watch where you’re jumpin’, Link!” Rusl yelled and shoved Link back into his spot. The three of them erupted into loud laughter as they started to playfully shove and poke at each other, until Uli’s glare caught their eyes.
“Boys, not at the table,” she said in a low voice, and three men quickly calmed down and returned to eating.
“Geez, you guys are so annoying,” Rela grumbled, taking a sip of her water. Kori only giggled.
Link cleared his throat and kept his gaze low, and he glanced at Colin who was hiding his face.
“Colin started it,” he mumbled.
“I did not!”
“You did too.”
“Did not, you liar!”
The two stopped as Uli glared at them, and they tried to hide their chuckling.
“Goddesses Link, your ten-year-old son is acting more mature than you are!”
Kori sat up straight and beamed at the praise, and Link couldn’t help but laugh. How embarrassing for him. The family returned to their more quiet supper when suddenly there came a knock to the door.
“I’ll get it!” Rela volunteered herself and hopped off her chair, jogging to the door. Link couldn’t help but be hopeful when Rela opened the door, but there was no one on the other side.
“Uh, what?” Colin muttered in a confused tone. Suddenly, a shadow jumped into the room, and Midna appeared in the middle.
“Hope you don’t mind me crashing this party?” She said in her sing-song voice, and Link couldn’t help but smile.
“MOMMY!” Kori yelled and rammed into her legs. Midna picked him up and showered him with kisses while he giggled.
“Midna! You’re here!” Rela exclaimed, and she hugged her legs. The rest of the family got up and greeted her, all happily chatting and giving her small hugs.
“I’m so sorry I’m late, I was… busy,” Midna explained, a strange look on her face when she said “busy”. Link brushed it off and walked up to her, and she pecked him on the lips. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Link smiled and kissed her back. Kori made a gagging sound and started to squirm out of Midna’s hold, and then two parents laughed.
“We saved you a seat, Midna!” Uli gestured to the chair next to Link’s. “I can warm up the soup so it’s nice and hot for you!”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
“Of course I do! You’re a part of our family!”
Kori giggled and started to tug Midna towards the table.
“C’mon mommy! We can eat together!”
“Hold on now, Kori you’ve already eaten!” Link protested, but Uli and Midna gave him a look and he shut his mouth. Rusl chuckled and stood slightly behind Link, resting his hand on his shoulder.
“I was starting to get worried,” he muttered, quiet enough so that the ones at the table didn’t hear him.
“Yeah, me too,” Link sighed as he stared at Midna, a big smile on her face as she spoke with Kori. Rusl nudged him slightly towards the table.
“C’mon, let’s join them.”
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hiddenfolk · 1 year
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Its my son (mr capitalism)
Bio under read more
Lazuli Decarabia • Rank 7
Bloodline ability: Chandelier
The Decarabia family has the ability to create crystals. Since these crystals are made up of pure magic, they double as an incredibly effective mana source. While they have the ability to create larger crystal structures, Decarabias are mainly trained to concentrate their magic into creating high quality magic stones.
While they typically have middling to low mana pools, they take full advantage of their ability to stockpile magic in advance to perform complex spells.
The Decarabias are a merchant family who have built their fortune off their ability to create magic stones. Over the centuries they have become well respected in noble circles, earning a place in high society. A ruthlessly business-minded family, they've structured their entire family around it- every family member is raised with an express role to fulfil, and as soon as they can produce high quality enough crystals, they are expected to. The family is also rather hierarchical- while everyone is expected to contribute to the larger family business, individual family members are expected to pursue their own business ventures outside of it. Respect is earned through success, and family members who fail to profit may be financially cut off.
The Decarabias are also famed for their information network. They breed a rare kind of bird familiar that they use as messenger birds, able to transmit information faster than anyone else (before the advent of modern tech that is). They tend to do their familiar summoning ceremony privately and most Decarabias summon birds.
Lazuli is the fourth of five siblings. In the hyper-competitive enviroment he was raised in, he never really found a niche, and ended up falling behind. Perhaps that influenced his decision to go into teaching rather than remain in business?
Lazuli teaches Economics, and is also the school's Careers Advisor. Since he mainly works with seniors, he mainly stays in the fifth and sixth year buildings, so juniors may not see him around too often.
Lazuli is a consummate professional. Unflappably polite, incredibly competent and always on top of everything he needs to do. There is never a flaw in his work, a hair out of place or a crack in his armour.
Here's the thing though: that's not just what he's like when he's working. He is always like this. Lazuli lives his life according to some rather rigid standards and lives up to them flawlessly. That isn't to say he's humourless, he'll definitely join in if invited to do something, but he doesn't ever 'cut loose.' He maintains pretty much the same personality no matter what.
Lazuli also tends to take what people say completely seriously. Not in the sense that he automatically believes everything people tell him, but he will very sincerely think through what they're saying and respond accordingly.
Despite what you'd expect, Lazuli is very close to his family (or at the very least his siblings.) He takes pride in his family and will often define himself in relation to them or the family rules. ("As a Decarabia..."). Surprisingly, he's not insecure about being labeled a 'failure', according to his family's standards. He carries himself with an unshakable dignity; since he takes pride in who and what he is, his composure will not shatter from others trying to bring him down.
•It's a family tradition to completely drain all your magic into crystals before sleeping. This brutal regimen ends up increasing their overall mp.
•The colour of their crystals actually corresponds to their main elemental affinity! Lazuli's is water.
•He joined Babyls at the same time as Aion, and the two are incredibly (platonically) close. They tend to nap together a lot.
•Speaking of sleeping arrangements: Lazuli's bed is more like a burrow. It is covered in blankets and covers, so many that he cannot be seen once he's in there. This is less comfortable than it sounds, because Lazuli is hoarding a lot of crystals under there.
•His eyes display asterism.
•Money (he will tell you this 100% sincerely. 0 irony.)
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senjuushi · 2 years
Event Translation — Brand New Journey ~Italy Expedition Volume~
Episode 8: Galleria Umberto I
—After their one full day of sightseeing was over, (Player Name) and the others returned to Naples.
A recently built arcade stands right in the middle of a street lined with shops both new and old. 
Marks: There are so many people out, even though it’s nighttime. 
Carcanore: Hey, look, it’s Galleria Umberto I. 
Marks: ...? What’s that?
Benetta: This shopping gallery. It was built in the 19th century, during the large-scale redevelopment of Naples that followed the cholera epidemic. 
Benetta: After that, problems such as deterioration did come up, but it’s still the foremost shopping gallery in Naples, and always bustling with people. 
Carcanore: The domed ceiling is fifty-eight meters tall, and isn’t the mosaic on the floor gorgeous? It depicts the twelve constellations. 
Carcanore: You can find everything from fast-food restaurants to menswear stores with a century of established history here. There are other such galleries and shopping districts around, but I think this one is the most “Naples-like” of them all. 
Benetta: Precisely. —ah, that reminds me. 
Benetta: I have some business at the shoe store. Did you receive the items you ordered? 
The boutique Benetta went to was one of an ultra-luxury brand. 
Cutlery: H-Hold on a second! Is this... Salvatore Gamoferra*!?
Carcanore: Yep, Benetta only wears Gamoferra shoes.
Cutlery: I thought you were wearing super well-tailored clothes...! How much do your wardrobes even cost...!
Benetta: Sorry to keep you waiting. 
Marks: Is this store really that impressive? 
Cutlery: It’s a first-rate brand! It’s beyond expensive. 
Benetta: We hold Bella Figure in high esteem, and that means maintaining a pristine appearance.  
Benetta: Wearing products made by a trusted brand that represents Italy is only natural. 
Benetta: All of your clothes are from this brand as well, aren’t they?
Cutlery: Eh! Seriously!? You gave clothes like that to tourists who were just passing by...
Benetta: I couldn’t bring shame to my guests, could I? Especially when they saved Bonito’s life. 
Carcanore: Anyway, wanna take a little break and hit up a bar? There are some places here that are famous for their cannoli. 
Benetta: Before that... Bonito. 
Bonito: Yeah? 
Benetta: Go put these shoes in the car, please. It’s not becoming to walk around with a large number of shopping bags. 
Bonito: ...a-ah! No problem at all. 
Carcanore: ......
The bar was crowded with a large number of people. Tourists and residents of Naples all mingle together. 
Today’s been fun. 
We were able to enjoy Italy to the fullest thanks to you. 
Carcanore: We should be thanking you too! You gotta come again sometime. I can show you around way better next time. 
Cutlery: Yeah. ...I thought bars like this only served alcohol, but there’s all kinds of food here too, huh?
Carcanore: Yep, everyone here in Naples has their favorite bar. 
Marks: The pubs in England feel totally different. This place is lively, but still relaxed... 
Benetta: That’s also Bella Figura.
Marks: Really?
Benetta: Indeed. Well-becoming behavior is also essential. 
Benetta: That’s why, even when going to bars, it’s unheard of to dress poorly or disgrace yourself with intoxication. 
Benetta: My gun, as you can see, also honors beauty. 
Benetta placed his gun on the table. The upper third of the slide is missing, and the barrel is exposed. 
Marks: ...the barrel looks off. What does that mean for how it functions? 
Benetta: It means that it’s beautiful. 
Marks: ...beautiful... Master, do you understand? I don’t get it at all. 
Benetta: It’s fine if you don’t understand. ...is Bonito not back yet?
Carcanore: Should I pay now? Umm... I wonder if I have one for this place.
Carcarnore pulled a pouch out of his bag— stuffed full to bulging with its contents.
Cutlery: What’s that?
Carcanore: Hold on a sec... got it! 
The pouch had all kinds of discount coupons inside, and Carcarnore took one of them out. 
Carcanore: I got this coupon half a year ago! The expiration date is... wow, just in the nick of time! It’s today, how lucky~♪
Cutlery: ...is this Bella Figure too?
Benetta: No... 
Benetta: Carcanore is a fine person, and fundamentally Bello. However, I don’t think this frugal behavior is ideal... 
Carcanore: I can’t help it. Even I don’t know why I do it— it’s just my nature, at this point. Or maybe a habit? 
Carcanore: Also, can you cut it out with the “frugal behavior” jab? I just understand the value of money! Isn’t it smart to think like that?
Benetta: I’m not going to answer that. 
Bonito: Sorry for the wait! The shoes are in the car now. 
Bonito finally returns. Instead of sitting down, though, he took a step back. For an instant, (Player Name) feels a chill run down their spine. 
Marks: —nh! 
Benetta shot Bonito. 
Cutlery: ...huh?
*“Salvatore Gamoferra” is an altered version of “Salvatore Ferragamo”, a real (and also highly expensive) Italian brand.
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terastalungrad · 11 months
Feeling nostalgic, so I'm looking back at past Big Brothers. See how strongly I remember them.
2000: BB1
Caught the last two weeks of this, and was HOOKED. I learned of the existence of this show because a teacher built a school assembly around its popularity.
2001: BB2
Watched from launch, utterly obsessed. All the spin-offs, loads of live streams.
2002: BB3
Really into the metagame by this point. Love the nominations. Started studying psychology in school, now believe I'm brilliant at analysing people.
2003: BB4
Very cosy memories of this one. Watched it with my mother and brother, really rooted for lovely Cameron to win. My last summer before uni.
2004: BB5
Big Brother goes evil! My mother sends me VHS tapes so I can watch at uni. While watching the live stream one night, my brother steals my passport to run away to America. It's okay, we get him back.
2005: BB6
Doctor Who's back by this point, so Big Brother's no longer my favourite TV show. I find this one tougher to watch. I don't warm to many of the housemates.
2006: BB7
I auditioned for this one! So glad I didn't get in in retrospect. How different would my life have been? Can't imagine doing standup as a former Big Brother housemate.
Loved the series, though. Two Welsh speakers!
2007: BB8
Strong start to this series - I liked the idea of putting all the women in first, and slowly trickling in the men. But it's won by Brian Bello - very funny, I liked him, but his victory felt like a sign of reality TV becoming more constructed.
2008: BB9
Didn't watch this one. Furious when I found out the winner was Welsh. I turn my back for one minute!
2009: BB10
Enjoyed the series, but once again annoyed by the winner. Which seems strange now! I think today, I'd love the series to be won by a glamour model. Would I? I still gravitate towards the freaks and misfits, but I take a lot more pleasure in the victories of people who incur the snobbishness of the public.
2010: BB11
Skipped this one. It had been too long since I'd really loved a Big Brother, so I decided the magic was gone.
2011: BB12
First Channel 5 series. I'm freelancing by this point, so two weeks before it ends, I watch it all in one go. Loved it!
2012: BB13
All-time favourite series. The winner's a grumpy trans man from North Wales, how could I ask for more? Such an exciting series. And the first one I watched in full while on Tumblr.
2013: BB14
Didn't watch this one. Why not?? Maybe BB13 had been so perfect for me, I didn't have room in my heart for another series. I suppose I was also taking standup a lot more seriously by this point. Maybe I was too busy.
Furious when I found out the winner was Welsh. I turn my back for one minute!
2014: BB15
Very patchy memory of this series. I remember being extremely grumpy about the final. I was away visiting friends, so couldn't watch it live, and then had the winner spoiled for me in the most annoying possible way. Didn't love the winner either.
2015: BB16
Didn't watch this one. Too grumpy from last year. And I bet Jim Davidson had won Celebrity Big Brother by this point, an all-time low point.
I don't know a single thing about this series. Checking Wikipedia, turns out a Welshman came second. I turn my back -
Oh, except I did post a weird joke about this season. I don't think that was based on knowledge, though. I probably just saw people posting about BBUK and posted my own silly gag.
2016: BB17
Didn't watch. Don't know anything about it.
I wish I was a recation videos guy, because I just looked up this series and found out it launched the rise to fame of Andrew Tate!! Woah. First to be evicted, apparently.
In fact, omg - he's the first ever MAN to be the first evicted housemate.
2017: BB18
I weirdly DID watch this one, and I have no idea why. None of my friends were watching it. In fact, I'd forgotten I'd watched it until. I went to file my charts for the current season, BB20, and found that my folder included detailed data for BB18. I didn't just watch it, I kept my most detailed ever diagrams.
2018: BB19
Didn't watch this one. Who knows why?
A Welshman came second. I'm not even surprised at this point.
Pre-lockdown: BB1
Managed to get hold of this series and watched the whole thing. Really interesting to see it through modern eyes - how our values have changed!
2023: BB20
This one's on right now. I'm enjoying it a lot.
So let's recap my gaps - BB9, BB11, BB14, BB16 BB17, BB19. I'd enjoy watching some of these one day.
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jakestravels · 2 years
Europe 2022 - Day 9 - Hornberg & Schweighhausen
Philipp and I both got to sleep in, and then he had to go and get ready and play with his football team, VfR Hornberg. They are in the 9th tier of Bundesliga, which is the German professional league. Every town has a soccer team, and much like in the premier league, every single team has the ability to move up the ranks and make it to the big time. however, given the limited resources and players who play for the love of the game (these guys don’t get paid to be here) it’s very unlikely that small town teams will rise to the top. Ask any German footballer though, and they can regale you with stories of German villages that went up perhaps higher than they should have.
I planned on going to Philipp’s game, but in the meantime, I got to have his father, Roland, show me around the Black Forest.
Let me back up a sec here - Philipp and his family have been in Hornberg for a very long time. His mother’s side is 7th (8th?) generation in a tailor/clothing business. They have a location just outside of Hornberg, and the family lives in a 200 year-old building where the old tailor used to be, complete with sewing machines for the workers, more than a hundred years ago. The family oozes Hornberg. So it was incredible to not just see history, but get told by a family that helped make it. Roland started off by showing me the platz of Hornberg, which just so happened to be hosting its annual mushroom festival. I know Oregon does mushrooms, but damn, check this out:
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And this:
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And also this:
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And so on. There were people to educate others on mushrooms, and each mushroom was given a color label to describe if it was edible, non-edible, or poisonous.
After wandering around the festival, we took a seat next to Philipp’s mom and Roland’s wife, Kristina, as well as their respective parents and some of their friends. I had a plate full of mushrooms cooked in wine, flammkuchen (flame cake), which is a regional dish, somewhat similar to a Napoli-style pizza, but with creme fraiche, speck (somewhat similar to bacon), and onions. And that’s it. The dough does not have yeast, so it’s a bit more like a flatbread, but is cooked similar to that Napoli pizza to give a crispy crust. I also had more new wine (known as Neuer Wein - I did not know the German word until just now).
One of the interesting things about this whole region is how incredibly close to France they are. This is not really something Americans tend to think about, but if you look down to our southern border with Mexico, you see a confluence of cultures. The rest of the US rarely thinks about it, but just think about Tex-Mex food. The cultural exchange is built right into the name. Apparently over the centuries the French and German cultures (and other cultures before that as well) have had an impact on one another, so you get food like flammkuchen, made with French creme. Or French cities with incredibly German names like Strassbourg. The border has changed between the countries over the years as well, so there are people from the area that were considered German one day, and French the next. And according to my former host Gabi, if these people were German and suddenly became French their prior-fellow Germans no longer liked them. And flip that, and the other side then dislike them. So it is no wonder that these people are independent and loyal to their own region.
Oh, and did I forget to mention Hornberg is f**king beautiful? I’ll likely post more about this gorgeous village down the line, but here’s a picture of the creek/river that runs right through the center of their town:
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Seriously. Incredible.
After the festival, Roland and I made the drive to Schweighhausen, where Philipp was playing his village’s soccer team (VfR Hornberg) against a local city team. Actually it’s two cities: They decided to pool resources, and the home games are split between the villages of Schweighhausen and Dörlinbach. I brought the wrong type of lens for sports shots, but here’s one anyway:
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I’ll call it, “The Moment Right Before a Dude Gets a Knee to The Head.”
Afterwards, it was back to Hornberg for a lovely dinner (and I got to help), some beer, and bed.
0 notes
redrobin-detective · 3 years
Ben 10 lore that exists in my heart regardless of canon
- Ben’s personality in his mid-late teens is a mix of his Alien Force and Omniverse self. On the surface, he’s very cheerful and kind even if he is a bit of arrogant showoff. He makes jokes and plays around and acts as if he isn’t bothered by the things in his life. Those who know him best understand a good portion of his outward confidence and cockiness is just a facade to cover up his insecurities and to project the ideal, effortless hero. While sometimes seen as immature, most beings know Ben 10 means business as he takes his unofficial job and people’s safety very seriously. He’s clever, adaptable, charismatic and empathetic which makes him a formidable opponent and a loyal friend. Doesn’t open up easily but if you get to him, he become so dearly attached. 
- Drinks smoothies so much for several reasons. Comfort food go brrr, reminds him of the good easy times with him Gwen and Kev. It’s also a light but generally nutritous food to give him energy for heroing. Anything too heavy and he’ll be puking (both from physical and emotional stress). Though he jokes about his mom’s health foods, his are a crazy concoction of add in proteins and vitamins/minerals bc he knows he’ll out and out collapse without it. (Still has on occasion bc boy still doesn’t eat right/enough)
- While Fame is exciting for him at first he soon begins to detest it. Not the fans, no, he can’t bring himself to hate the people who look up to him. But he hates the constant attention, that he can’t walk outside without being mobbed. the only place he feels safe is his hometown where most people are so used to him and his weirdness that they don’t react much anymore. Takes to wearing a cape and face shield when going out anywhere so he can actually get things done without being recognized and mobbed.
- Part of the reason Bellwood isn’t concerned with Ben is partially because ben’s been weird and alien for as long as they can remember but also many don’t realize how famous/powerful he is. Yeah that’s just Ben Tennyson over there, sometimes he turns into funny creatures- wait what do you MEAN he’s the savior of the universe?? He cried over a spilled smoothie the other day.
- Does mostly online schooling by the time he’s 15. At first he tries to do half day things to maintain something of a normal life but it quickly becomes overwhelming and dangerous him/the school. Finishes his GED early but the Plumbers and Azmuth make him take additional college level and alien courses to prepare him for his future role. Ben gripes but really does love learning all these things, especially on his terms (ADHD and stress + the public school system do not always go hand in hand). He’s a quick learner when he deems the information important and is made accessible to his learning needs.
- Ben definitely has ADHD speaking of which, it was nearly uncontrollable as a child bc his free-spirited parents didn’t believe in medicating. Ben convinced them he needed it and after some trial and error, found meds that worked. As he became more involved in heroics/growing up he had to change his medicine regimen (resulting in him being a bit more off the rails in OV) and needed antidepressants and therapy to manage it better. As an adult he has a whole litany of coping mechanisms (good and bad yes) and regularly checks in with his therapist and doctors to keep things under control. 
- Has a complicated relationship with his necrofriggian children. Considers himself their mother and worries after them. They too feel a connection to their parent despite this being unusual for their species. A few visit (some more than others) while they grow while others maintain distance. Ben never breathes a word of them to the media for fear of them being targeted. Still he keeps an eye on them and ensures all 14 mature to adulthood (another rarity for the species). Checks in every now and again with the ones who don’t want to see him and those that do. Two join the Plumbers and Ben is both proud and worried. His youngest becomes partners with Rook Ben.
- Just in general loves kids, they’re his favorite fans and while he’ll grumble at pushy adult fans he always smiles and kneels down for the little ones. Not so secretly wanted to have children of his own but knew it was a risk overall and used a lot of that energy with mentoring and teaching. Eventually had Kenny later in life (late 30s-40s) and was over the moon, becoming such a loving and doing parent or as much as he could be with his hectic schedule. 
- Omnitrix can’t come off, never has at any point since it first latched onto Ben’s arm. Azmuth tried and failed to get the device off, doesn’t let Ben know for many years as he feared the consequences. The watch loves and protects Ben even beyond it’s programming making him much more durable to damage and releasing energy charges when he’s threatened. Not even removing Ben’s arm would separate them. They’re stuck for life.
- Ben does have Anodite heritage but the Omnitrix actively suppresses it and uses the built up energy to power the transformations which is why ben is mostly unaffected by what should cause a massive energy drain on him. Theoretically if Ben learned to harness and safely use his Mana at an early age like Gwen he would have been fine but letting it build up without safe outlet meant activation would have killed him. Omnitrix Ben, however, went his whole life not knowing of his latent abilities and how the watch saved his life.
- Ben’s eyes get more green and glowy as time passes from the Omnitrix. At first they think its a trick of the light but by the time he’s an adult his eyes are pretty much glow in the dark. His veins light up too after long stretches of using the Omnitrix. Its vaguely unsettling to people who aren’t used to Ben.
- Max and the Earth Plumbers work so, so hard to keep teen Ben on Earth when half the universe is blowing up their comm lines asking for The Ben 10 to help with whatever problem of the day. Ben himself doesn’t quite understand when he’s younger the prestige and expectations on his shoulders. Max throws up a million and one roadblocks so Ben can live as normal a life as possible while he still can. Still, while doing that he Still overloads Ben with expectations and responsibilities on earth and beyond. He becomes a soldier again with Ben as their greatest weapon. He never forgave himself of losing sight of his grandson underneath the hero esp after Ben’s breakdown. 
- Rook partnership with Ben ends not long after Omniverse with his promotion to Magister. Ben tries to play it cool but the thought of another loved one/teammate leaving his tears him apart. Max revealing that Ben most likely wouldn’t get a new Plumber assigned partner since he’s almost an adult and won’t need it and Rook accidentally missing their last smoothie run due to a scheduling mishap causes Ben to snap and have the nervous breakdown that had been building for almost a decade. He completely loses it for a little while and needs to take an extended leave of absence from school and heroics that lasts about a year. Spends time recovering both on Earth and Galvan Prime, does some diplomatic training, learns about aliens, actually confronts the stress and loneliness of his life. He comes out the other side stronger but still fragile and exhausted.
- Ben’s above mentioned breakdown brings him closer to all his friends who didn’t quite realize the extent of Ben’s burden. Rook had been under the impression Ben didn’t like him all that much so the knowledge that his departure was the final straw for friend/hero’s collapse was shocking. Ben and Azmuth also become closer, the Galvan becoming fiercely protective of the boy seeing as his Earth family didn’t do well to keep him safe. It takes years for him to get over his anger at Max for putting so much on his grandchild. Ben makes more friends, in and out of the hero business, finally gets a therapist and gets some of his burdens eased a bit. It’s not a sure fire fix and Ben has several smaller breakdowns the rest of his life but its something.
- Azmuth was straight up suicidal before he met Ben for the first time. Ben gave him back hope for the universe and his ability to create items for peace not weapons. The boy infuriates him, frightens him, frustrates him but Azmuth cannot deny in his heart of hearts that he loves Ben dearly. He’s very upset at Ben’s breakdown and doesn’t know how to handle the worst of the initail outbursts. Azmuth talks Ben down from a suicide attempt. He reaches out to Ben that he Too felt overwhelmed by pressure, thought himself only good for war. Ben’s arrival in his life saved him and now he will do the same for Ben. It’s the first positive step forward in Ben’s recovery.
- For no other reason than I like it, Azmuth primarily refers to Ben as Benjamin (mostly to annoy the kid but he likes the way it sounds too) and Ben in softer, more serious moments. 
- Professor Paradox continues to flit in and out of Ben’s life. He says its because Ben is the most equipped to handle universal peril (true) but he’s also just very fond of the boy. Ben, existing in so many forms and having such importance also exists a beat outside of normal reality which Paradox identifies with. Ben is naturally attuned to time related problems because of this (instantly IDing Spanner as from the future before being told later deducing him to be his unborn son). Plus Ben named him, way back when. He’s just drawn to Ben.
- Adult Ben, while being seen as an impressively skilled fighter and champion, really has his strength as a universal diplomat of sorts. Based out of Earth, he helps mediate and defuse conflicts, advocate against tyranny and overall preserve peace and balance. He’s not perfect, he makes mistakes and sometimes is forced to become violent (and yes kill) but overall is regarded as a peacekeeper, something younger ben simply couldn’t understand. 
- Gwen gets her degree and primarily does work with advocacy and teaching about magic/alien culture. While she and Ben are still close, there’s a bit of a frustrated divide in that she isn’t helping him share the burden of the universe. Gwen never wanted to be a hero and has enough worth to not shackle herself to a job that’ll burn her out. Ben loves heroing but gives too much of himself away trying to fix everything. They get into screaming arguments that it wouldn’t be so bad out there if she just helped him but she refuses to budge and says he shouldn’t make himself do so much. They always make up and thy still are each other’s closest relationships.
- Ben marries Kai in a political move, Kai is Asexual and Ben Aromantic. They didn’t love each other but they got on well enough and Ben was really feeling the stress of carrying the hero burden so Kai also being involved made him feel like he wasn’t alone. Both were also so tired of the universe constantly asking about their love life and said ‘fuck it we’re married leave us alone’. Gwen was always mad about it feeling Ben deserved better but the two of them were happy with it. They had separate rooms, mostly separate lives but they became strong friends and supports with their strictly platonic marriage. They had Ken via Invitro in an incubator and were loving if extremely busy parents. 
- Also from the moment he appeared, Ben knew that Spanner was his future son, Kenny. He played ignorant and then was kind of deliberately teasing him in future encounters. He knew the rules of time and didn’t want to disrupt things further even if he was angry and worried as heck about why Ken felt the need to time travel. When future Ben catches up in the timeline, Kenny gets SUCH a lecture. 
- Ben isn’t quite immortal but he’s also not entirely human anymore either. The Omnitrix not only keeps him safe from most harm but it lightens the effect of aging. Ben 10 is active many, many years when most humans would have been forced to retire. He’s not sure how long the watch will keep him alive and it terrifies him. Gwen too is functionally immortal however she ages like a normal human, then when her natural death came, shed her skin and became a fulltime Anodite. So in the end, it was her and Ben together wondering which of them will die first. Gwen has trouble retaining her humanity as pure energy and swears she’ll let herself fizzle out when Ben goes. When that’ll be however...
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cloudenthusiast2 · 3 years
To be a human - Scaramouche x reader - Part 4
You knew committing to a relationship with Scaramouche would be no easy task but you loved him dearly and unlike others, you believed he wasn't evil. But as a mortal and the devoted protector of your village you were too much of a good person, too much of a human compared to him and your differences slowly start to show.
Previous: Part 3 Next: Part 5
Length: ~1000 words
Trigger warnings: yelling
A.n.: Sorry I was a little late with this. But as a compensation it's really long! Here ya go, have some angst
You have been walking around in circles for almost twenty minutes in the kitchen when you finally decided you needed some fresh air.
You grabbed your spear - which was an essential to have even in times like this - and ran out of your home.
The house you lived in was built on a cliff so you could see everyone and everything well. Qingce with all of its beauty and treasures laid in front of you.
The first thing you noticed when you stepped out was the lack of agents.
The fatui has left the village.
Sudden pain stabbed into your heart. Before this all you felt was anger and confusion, but now... it's become official and somehow clearer too.
'What have I done?'
You covered your lips after these words tumbled out of your mouth. You desperately looked around, trying to find someone, trying to find a little shilouette with a ridiculous, huge hat...
But he was gone.
The only people standing around were the people of Qingce village. They tried to pretend they were just working or talking with each other but you could see them taking quick glances of you.
Finally one of them, an elderly, sick man you helped out multiple times looked directly up then started approaching your house.
You took a step back and realised you didn't want to talk to anyone at that moment. It didn't matter whether he wanted to thank you or ask what happened. You wanted and needed to be alone.
As rude as it may have been, you turned around and started walking in the opposite direction. Towards the huge mountains.
You escaped into the forest. Your steps became faster and faster - and suddenly you were running.
Loud gasping echoed in your head. Your hands were shaking, not being able to grab anything properly. A wet, itchy layer blurred your vision as you stumbled through bushes and rocks.
It was a miracle that you got up on the mountain in one piece. You didn't even know how you did it - in one moment you were still climbing and in the next you were standing on the cliff, looking down and being dazed by the height.
You came to this spot on days when you had nothing to do. You liked to write letters, sharpen your spear and most importantly, think everything through here.
For a minute, you were just standing there still, breathing in and out the chilly, fresh mountain air. The rough wind blew through your hair, lifting then letting it go. It fell down and covered your face. You slowly rose your hand and fixed it, staring into the distance.
The sun has reached the top of the sky. But it was still cold around you.
You had hoped the cool weather would be able to clear your mind but it helped nothing. Instead, it made you feel like you were breathing in nothing - like there was no oxygen in your chest at all.
You were suffocating.
Your lips opened to gasp for air but it felt like you were still drowning. Your legs started shaking and you immediately fell on your knees. This broke an invisible gate. Tears started streaming down your face.
He left...
Oh, how much you suddenly regretted your harsh, angry words. You could've just talked it out, you could've just explained it to him calmly...
But would he have really understood?
Loud screech as you clenched your teeth. You did everything to hold back the tears, but it was too late now, you had lost. You sobbed desperately, painfully, alone, in an abandoned top of mountain.
Scaramouche loudly slammed his hands on the table and there was no mercy in his ice-like eyes as he stared at the agents in front of him.
'How many times do I have to say this?! Don't start fights the Millelith! We already have diplomatic issues with Liuye Harbour because of that damn incompetent Tartaglia!'
'Apologies, my lord' a pyro agent bowed in front of him while the mirror maiden followed his example. 'We thought...'
'I couldn't care less about what you think' Scaramouche cut in enraged. 'Just follow your orders or I'll make sure you won't ever see the sun coming up again!'
Deep silence followed his words in the tent.
Scaramouche tossed his hat back to glare up at the agents. But they didn't dare look at him. They were always wary of the harbinger who was probably the most powerful and surely the most unpredictable among the Tsaritsa's followers. It wasn't hard to notice how angry he was that day as well.
The cicin mages in the camp were sure it was because of that Liuye girl but most of the agents refused to believe that. It seemed impossible that he would be so upset about splitting up with a mere mortal like you.
Scaramouche let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes for a moment to rest and think a little. He stood there silently with crossed arms and wrinkled brows.
The Millelith. A pain in the neck. How could they possibly avoid them while taking advantage of the small villages around Liuye? Villages who don't have protectors should be an easy prey...
He didn't even realise what a dangerous direction his thoughts were going. He just found himself thinking about you all of a sudden.
This was the hundredth time this day.
It's been almost a day since he turned his back on Qingce. He left the village without looking back, thinking he was free again and that he would be able to finally focus on his work.
But why were you still turning up in his thoughts over and over again? Why did he feel a constant knot in his throat? It didn't loosen, even when he yelled or coughed. He tried both multiple times.
He felt impatient. His body ached to move on, his mind tried to make big plans for the future...
But something in him still didn't want to think about anything or anyone other than you.
This was so stupid.
So unnecessary.
When did stupid humans become so important to him? He killed them off with handing out delusions not so long ago without any hesitation. It was the right thing to do. He never doubted that. Not even for a second.
You were so stupid to say otherwise! Why did you say otherwise?
For a weak moment, he tried to think from your perspective but even then, he understood nothing. All he could think of was that you were just crazy.
Humans deserve nothing. They born, they live so their superiors can make use of them.
You were no exception, he decided. It was ridiculous of him to even think you could be more than just a tool to him.
Why did he even start seeing you?
Memories started to emerge and they invaded his mind in a blink of an eye. And suddenly that weird feeling around his stomach started to strengthen again.
He remembered your smile, the playful and incredibly disrespectful way you greeted him when you two first met. He was out on a quest, alone but still recognisable. You knew he was a harbinger yet you acted like he was a regular mortal.
He hated Liuye. He got lost on his first day in the mountains and who knows what might have happened if you didn't run into him on your way back home.
After making fun of the fatui and its "clumsy" harbingers you offered to be his guide and that had to accepted even though he couldn't stand you at all. You were teasing him all the time, never taking him seriously. And most unforgivable of all, you messed around with his hat.
On the first day, he absolutely despised you.
On the second day, after you have dealt with multiple treasure hoarders without any of his help, he had to admit you were a pretty good fighter.
He was in denial on the third day. You picked violetgrass for him and put them in his pockets, claiming that they suited the boy. He threw them away in a second, getting ready to face your anger. Instead, he was shocked to see you laugh it off. You had... a not so horrible laugh.
Fourth day. Your smile was not that terrible either, he realised.
Day five was the day he saved your life. You were cllimging a mountain together when you saw a Qingxin and reached out to grab it.
He caught you by the arm in the last second. Called you stupid but couldn't hide his blush when you rewarded him with the beautiful, pale white flower.
Then the quest came to an end and he went back home.
Only a month or two have passed when the harbinger came back. He went directly to your door to tell you he will be seeing you. It was not a regular ask - he literally ordered you to go out with him.
No one could tell who was more surprised when you still said agreed to it.
You two were an odd, hard to manage couple but a powerful one.
You could've been happy.
Why does it... hurt so much?
'She's just a stupid human' Scaramouche told himself. The thousandth time that day. 'Completely... replacable.'
These were the words you were the most hurt about. But he tried not to care any more and repeated it to himself.
'My lord!'
Scaramouche flinched and looked up as if he had been dreaming all along.
He realised he had been standing there the whole time thinking about you while the agents did not leave yet.
'What is it?' He grunted loudly and all of his weird, almost sad feelings got replaced by anger again. 'What do you want?'
'Your order to stay away from the Millelith' the mirror maiden dared to speak. 'Does it apply to the Abbys as well?'
'The Abbys?' Scaramouche frowned. 'What business do we have with them?'
'It's just that we've recently stumbled upon them multiple times on our quests' she started to explain but the harbinger wasn't patient enough to listen to the whole story.
'Hurry up.'
'Yes, my lord.' The mirror maiden hesitated for a moment but when the pyro agent nodded to her she continued. 'We just think that they might about to target villages next.'
'What are you talking about?' Scaramouche growled at her. He couldn't stand still any more so he started walking around in the small tent.
'The Abbys gathered a lot of hilichurls and monsters together lately. We suspect they might attack a bigger village or town.'
Scaramouche stopped as if he got frozen in his place. The maiden continued to explain what kind of disadvantage that might be for them but he heard nothing of that.
He turned around slowly, barely being able to move his own body.
'What... places will they attack?' He asked in a hoarse voice.
'We can't be sure' the pyro agent answered. 'But Mingyun village is a possibility. And... Qingce probably as well.'
Scaramouche stared at the ground.
So many emotions. Most of them he couldn't even name since he has never felt them. The only familiar ones were anger, confusion... and fear.
Deep, overwhelming, terrible fear. It started in his stomach and slowly reached out to grab his throat with its icy fingers.
He opened his mouth but at first no understandable words left his lips.
'My lord...?'
'Get ready' he finally found his voice.
Scaramouche turned his back to them so he could hide the fact he was shaking. Something terrible froze everything inside him but the fire lighting up his eyes was burning hot when he said:
'We're going back to Qingce.'
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solarwonux · 4 years
Illicit Affairs || Jeonghan 
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lawyer!single father!jeonghan x laywer!f!reader x mentions of seungcheol x f!reader
warnings: single father jeonghan, cheating, angst, cursing, smut, phone sex (kind off), Seungcheol is literally an asshole I’m sorry, fingering, slight oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex. (also I edited this in rush so I’m sorry for any mistakes)
note: Happy New Year, I decided to start this year off with a bang. Please enjoy I’m actually pretty proud of this one so let me know your thoughts. Also this is kind off a continuation of my other fic: In Another Life, so if you wish to know a little more about the relationship between Jeonghan and the reader be sure to check it out. If not enjoy :)
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“Are you sure you don’t need a ride home?” 
Jeonghan came up beside you, rolling the small suitcase you had taken on your week long business trip beside you putting a gentle hand on top of your shoulder making you jump. “No it’s fine Seungcheol said he would pick me up.” You nodded grabbing the strap of your falling purse and placing it onto your shoulder again. “Bomi is waiting for you, so you should go home.” You smiled fishing your phone from your purse hoping to see the on my way text from your fiancé. Instead it sat empty with the picture of you and Seungcheol the day he proposed staring back at you.
“She’s staying at my mom’s. I won’t pick her up until morning.” Jeonghan quirked an eyebrow watching as you stared at your phone screen hopelessly. Your grip getting tighter and tighter each second that passes. “I can take you home, it's really no big deal.” He reassured and moved his hand away from your shoulder before stuffing it in the pocket of his long black coat. 
You ignored his offer unlocking your phone and clicking on the message app, revealing the thread of texts between you and Seungcheol. The last one he had sent before he ghosted you for the remainder of the week was that he loved you and that he would see you at the airport when you got back. That was on Wednesday, it was now Friday and he was nowhere to be found. With a deep sigh to keep yourself from growing frustrated you sent him a quick text asking him if he was on his way before locking up your phone again and throwing it into your purse. 
“I’m sure he’s stuck in traffic. I'll be fine, you should go home, you haven’t gotten any sleep because of the time differences.” You waved a hand dismissing all his offers before grabbing your suitcase handle and rolling it closer to your body. 
There was no doubt in your mind that something was wrong. That something had been seriously wrong for the past three months as Seungcheol started distancing himself from you more and more each passing day. You figured it was the stress of his new very taxing job as well as the wedding planning and the bi-monthly trips to the New York firm that Joshua had you and Jeonghan going too. You could only hope that it was just a small bump in the road. That’s everything would go back to normal now that you wouldn’t have to go on another one of these trips until February. 
“Last chance, take it or leave it I’ll even throw in a burger from that fast food place that you like.” Jeonghan winked, bumping your shoulder against his. “I know you’re hungry, you didn’t eat any of the airplane food.” His voice lowered with concern and your grip on your suitcase handle only got tighter.
He was right you were starving but you were looking forward to going to the 24-Hour diner by your and Seungcheol’s loft just like you had for the past three years whenever either one of you got back from a business trip. It had become some sort of tradition in your relationship, but now as you searched the crowd for your missing raven haired fiancé you weren’t sure if you even wanted the M&M pancakes the two of you always shared. Or the burger Jeonghan was offering because something was wrong and your gut was sending the warning flare signal all throughout your body. 
“Temping, but I’ll pass. Now go home before I call Joshua and beg him to let me switch partners again.” 
“You’ve been trying for five years darling, and look at where it’s gotten us.” He smirked, taking his hands out of his coat pocket and placing them on top of his suitcase handle. “But since its two in the morning and Joshua would murder us if you called him for such a trivial thing. I will leave, but I’ll stay close by just in case Seungcheol doesn’t show up.” 
You rolled your eyes before playfully shoving his shoulder causing him to stagger back dramatically, a scoff leaving his lips. “Yoon Jeonghan go home, I’m serious.” You crossed your arms in front of you as he raised his hands up in surrender. 
“Fine, but text me when you get home okay. I don’t like leaving you alone at this time at night.” 
“I’ll be fine, he’s just stuck in traffic.” You said. Jeonghan shook his head before turning around and waving you goodbye. His face full of concern as he started walking away, carefully dodging the small crowds of people that had gathered in reunion. You raised your hand and waved back until he disappeared out of the airport.
It was two in the morning, there couldn’t possibly be any traffic but it was the excuse you decided to go with because it was better than admitting the truth. Something was wrong and it terrified you knowing that you had an ideas as to what it was.
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The second your apartment building came into view your stomach dropped. 
You had waited outside of the airport for thirty minutes. Texting Seungcheol repeatedly asking where he was. The last message he had sent to you on Wednesday haunted you as you read the words he had written over and over again whenever you sent him a new message.
I love you. 
The doubt slowly crept in as you shoveled the fallen snow around the concrete pavement with the toe of your boots. Did he still love you? 
For months, Seungcheol had been acting strange. His smile didn’t reach either side of his face, he didn’t laugh at your obscure little habits or antics. He didn’t look at you like you were the delicate flower amongst the sea of dead weeds. He was there with you, sharing the same roof but he wasn’t present in any sense of the word. Every time he came home he ignored you and went straight to shower or bed. He had started to pick fights with you more often. Before you left he had blown up on you in the middle of the night because you had left the bedroom window open. He had never once minded before because he knew you did it on purpose, so that when the two of you slept he would hold you closer than usual to keep you warm. 
Though instead of holding you close that night he had yelled at you and went to sleep on the couch. Leaving you alone with tears pooling in your eyes and in the cold. You had felt that exact way as you waited for your uber to arrive and now that you were standing in front of your apartment building, gripping your suitcase handle as you pathetically competed in a staring contest with the entrance. The gnawing in your stomach growing to the point where you felt nauseous.
You contemplated calling another uber and just have the driver keep you company as you settled your overflowing thoughts. Over thinking never got you anywhere you wanted. And right now your head was a pool of doubt consumed by all the scenarios you didn’t want. For your sake and his you hoped he had fallen asleep waiting for your plane to land because if any of the scenarios that were currently playing in your head ad you made your way into the building and towards the elevator; you knew you would never be able to recover it.
With a shaky finger you pressed the number four in the keypad, watching as the elevator doors closed, shutting you out from the outside world. In seconds when the same doors opened again, revealing the narrow hallway that led to your studio apartment, you’d finally know the truth. One you had been ignoring for months on end because you knew, no you hoped Seungcheol still loved you.
Maybe he still did. Maybe you were overreacting but you had this horrible habit at never trusting your gut when it was always right and something deep inside you was telling you that you were. That what you had perceived was happening was the truth and that now all you needed to do was rip it apart like a bandaid. Dwell in the pain for a while and then move on like it never happened. 
After all he had started to act like you didn’t exist anymore.
The elevator doors opened at an agonizing pace, the scene playing out almost too perfectly that it was nauseating. You didn’t even have to step out and walk a couple of steps to the right for you to see what was happening right in front of you. Seungcheol’s eyes bulged out of their sockets. His mouth falling agape before the doors could finish doing what they were meant to do and the anger inside of you built to the point you were sure fire was coming out of your ears.
You were right. 
In front of you stood Seungcheol with bags under his eyes, his hand encased with someone’s that wasn’t yours. She was pretty, prettier than you could ever be, but that wasn’t what had you fuming. It was the fact that she was here in your building, in your hallway. You wondered how many times she had been here before reliving this same scenario. You wondered how many times she sat on your couch pressed to his side? How many times had she laid in your bed underneath him? How many times she had used your bathroom along with your things after nights of utmost pleasure? Seungcheol was a good lover, you'd give him that much but he had always been a shitty liar so he had to have known that whatever fantasy world he was living in, would come to an unpleasant end.
“Excuse me.” You said gripping your suitcase handle until your knuckles turned white and walked past the lovely couple. You could feel the panic radiating out of Seungcheol’s pores and you tried to keep yourself from laughing the bitter laugh that was bubbling up in the back of your throat. The warning Jeonghan had given you three years ago when Soonyoung had first introduced you to Seungcheol hummed softly in the back of your mind as you approached your wretched apartment. 
“Be careful, he’s not someone that’s capable of love.” 
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Your body had gone into autopilot the minute you stepped out of the elevator and entered the place you once called home. You didn’t notice the spent sheets lazily thrown in the overflowing laundry basket nor the messily knocked over wine bottles on the coffee table. Your main priority in your fevered state was to get as much as you could before Seungcheol came back with the excuses he came up with during the five minutes it took for the old elevator to reach the fourth floor. 
When the sound of the door shutting rang through the heavy air surrounding your old apartment you knew you had failed. You stopped dead in your tracks dropping the pile of clothes you had chaotically fished out of one of your dresser drawers and met Seungcheol’s unreadable expression. For some reason, even though you had a hole in your chest. You didn’t feel any sadness, just anger. Seungcheol’s indifference smugly painted across his face only made you boil inside. 
“What are you doing?” Seungcheol’s voice sounded richotteing of the plain walls and into your chest making the hole inside of you grow deeper. The two of you stood in the middle of the messy hallway. Clothes that didn’t belong you where all over the room in what seemed to be a hasty frenzy. It was like he had started to replace you already with someone who in his eyes was obviously better than in you every syllable of the word.
“That’s a stupid question Seungcheol.” You scoffed and leaned down to pick up the pile of clothes you had dropped. “I’m obviously not wanted here anymore so I’m leaving.” You rolled your eyes and walked past him bumping your shoulder against his, making him stagger back slightly. You reached the dining room table where you had sprawled open your suitcase and stuffed in the clothes in your arms before turning to face him. 
Your mind must have been playing tricks on you because you saw a small flash of fear dance around his irises before it was replaced with the same indifference you were met with before. “Don’t go, I can explain.” He closed the gap between the two of you. He raised his arms hesitating before putting his warm palms against your shoulders. The air in your lungs caught itself in the back of your throat when you felt the heaviness of his touch seep through the cotton of your winter coat. Now that it had been corrupted by the touch you had once burned brightly underneath, you wanted nothing more than to to peel it off as if it were your second skin. 
“Don’t touch me Seungcheol, I don’t want your excuses.” You spat out slapping his hands and walking past him. 
“She doesn’t mean anything to me please let’s just sit down and we can talk about it.” He voiced, the broken lint cracking through his poker face. He begged following you into the room. He cringed at his clothes hanging out from closed drawers, the unmade bed and the overpowering smell of roses that didn’t belong to you. 
You ignored him opening up another drawer grabbing everything that belonged to you and leaving behind everything that didn’t. “There’s nothing to talk about you cheated on me and probably have been for months now. The damage is done. End of story Seungcheol.”  You slammed the drawer shut and moved past him, he caught your arm forcing you to turn around at lightning speed. Water was now spilling down the corner of his eyes as he finally realized that the fantasy he had been living under was simply just a fantasy. That his reality was staring back at him with dull and broken eyes. 
It broke him.
You had hurt him in the same ways he had been hurting you. At least that’s what he told himself three months ago when you had left with Jeonghan to New York for work again. When he walked into the bar and met her three beers in. When he brought her home that night and all the other nights you were away. You were cheating too so why should he be the only to suffer if he could make you suffer the same he was. 
“Does it matter, you’ve been cheating on me longer than I have been on you.” He spat letting your arm go making you stagger. Your back hit the closet door as you stared at him in disbelief. You blinked rapidly making sure you had heard him right, a nervous laugh bubbling in the back of your throat. 
“I-I’m not and I have never cheated on you what the hell Seungcheol.” You clutched the few t-shirts you were holding against your chest, “Where is this coming from?” 
“Jeonghan, you’ve been seeing Jeonghan behind my back for months now.” He yelled making you flinch. He raised his arms before bringing them down and running his hands desperately through his jet black hair. “I’m not an idiot, I saw the texts where he told you that you couldn’t tell anyone your secret.” He sat down at the edge of the bed, head in his hands as he tugged at his roots. The weight of his illicit affair finally weighed heavy on his shoulders. 
You threw the shirts you were holding in his direction, missing him completely, “You are anidiot Seungcheol, I’ve never once kissed or slept with Jeonghan before. He just got divorced, his wife left him with a four year old. It’s none of your business but the big secret we kept was him taking his daughter to work when Joshua was out of town because she was sick.” You yelled, the anger you had felt for him earlier spilling out of your ears. “God, why didn’t you just come and talk to me about it, why did you have to go and ruin everything?” 
Revenge was never sweet and he was getting a taste of his own medicine. 
Seungcheol had fucked up he knew it the second his lips met the women he had met at the bar. Yet, he had somehow convinced himself that he was right all along. Now as he heard the sincerity spill out of your perfect lips he realized how wrong he had been for three months on end. He had ruined a future so sweet it gave him toothache whenever he thought about it and nothing he could say or do would fix the damage he had done. 
“I never want to see you again.” You whispered, bringing your hand up to your chest as you slowly removed the diamond ring from your ring finger, the last thing keeping you connected to him. He had made you a promise one you never saw him fullfilling.
Almost as if on instinct, Seunghceol raised his tear stained face. The panic ran through his once soft features as you placed the ring he had given you on top of the wooden dresser. It was over, he had known it the morning after he had sinned.
He’d have to endure the consequences of his actions by himself because you were two feet out the door with almost all of your belongings including his heart.
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“I think the coffee machine is broken, again.” Jeonghan spoke as he walked into your shared office with two styrofoam cups, “I got us hot chocolate instead.” He boasted proudly as he set the steaming cup on top of your desk.
The moon had been larger than usual tonight, so, as Jeonghan honorably offered himself to go get the two of you some coffee from the machine in the employees lounge. You had taken it upon yourself to give your brain a well deserved break after hours of looking over the cases Joshua had given you and Jeonghan before he left earlier. 
Joshua was quite possibly the best boss you could ever ask for. He gave out paid vacations to all his favorite employees, which was all of them. And gave some of the best advice known to men. But he was also sneaky and did possibly everything in his power to keep you and Joenghan at the office after hours and alone. You weren’t sure what kind of game he was playing nor had you cared at first but after Jeonghan’s nasty divorce. His game became even more obvious. You had called him out on it one afternoon when it was just the two of you in the employee lounge. With a knowing smirk he had refuted your claim. Though when he walked out with a jump in his step and whistling an unfamiliar tune you knew you had been right and that he wasn’t going to stop his scheming any time soon.
His wingman tendencies became more heightened when he had noticed your missing engagement ring three days ago. Joshua had cornered you in his office before closing that night causing you to embarrassingly break down in one of his lounge chairs in front of his desk. Since then he had given you and Jeonghan an unbearable amount of work and it made you feel terrible.
Jeonghan had a four year old that needed all his undivided attention. Everyday Jeonghan would rush to pick her up from school, sometimes leaving work unfinished when he realized he was running a few minutes late. Most of the time he brought her back to the office when his mother or sister were too busy with their own lives to look after her for a few hours. She would end her days falling asleep in her uncomfortable school uniform on the couch of yours and Jeonghan’s office. He then would carefully move her to the couch in Soonyoung’s office so your baseless bickering wouldn’t disturb her peaceful slumber. When you brought up your concern to your lovely boss he had simply brushed it off because apparently Jeonghan didn’t mind. Though the miniscule stress lines breaking through Jeonghan’s face and the light bags under his eyes indicated otherwise. 
“You’re thinking again, is it Seungcheol. I know something happened because you haven’t been wearing your ring lately...and you haven’t complained once about working overtime...” Jeonghan’s voice sounded causing you to plant your feet back onto Earth’s surface. “you can tell me if anything’s wrong. Joshua’s usually the one with top tier advice but I can try my hand at it. So go on what stupid fight did the two of you get into this time?” He finished leaning back in his desk chair, arms crossed in front of him as he eyed you closely. 
“You should go home, I can finish up here. Bomi needs her bed...you need your bed.” You sighed swirling the steam from your hot chocolate over your index finger. Jeonghan was the only one who didn’t know about Seungcheol’s affair. It wasn’t like many people knew just your parents, Joshua and Soonyoung since you were staying over at his place for the time being. But Jeonghan didn’t know and you didn’t want him to know. He wasn’t the biggest fan of your ex fiance and he had warned you numerous times, but you didn’t listen.
After everything you had gone through an I told you so from your best friend would be the unpleasant cherry on top.
“Stop changing the subject. He’s been calling you non stop for hours and you’ve ignored him. I don’t really care about what happened because I’m sure it’s nothing, but your ringtone is driving me crazy.” He joked dramatically, picking up his own cup of vending machine hot chocolate and brought it up to his lips. 
You placed your palm on top of your cup, trapping in the steam. The heat danced around your cold palm warming you up before you officially turned to face your nosey partner in the crime. “I left him.” You breathed out. Jeonghan’s eyes grew wide as saucers as he uncrossed his arms and slowly rolled himself and his chair around his desk and towards yours. “He had been seeing someone else for months and I caught them the day we came back from New York.” 
“I knew I should’ve taken you home that night.” He grumbled placing both his hands on either side of your chair turning you to face him. Your panicked expression met his angry eyea causing chills to run up your spine. “He had been acting like an asshole lately and I knew something was wrong. I just told myself not to get involved because I knew it would piss you off, but now I wish I did.” He took your hands in his and placed them on top of your lap. You could feel him shaking and it reminded you of the day Bomi’s mother had left the two of them. The anger he was feeling now you had felt it then too. 
“Jeonghan it’s okay, it’s my fault I should’ve listened to you when you said he wasn’t a good person then and I should’ve said something the minute I suspected something was wrong. I was just too delusional living in my own world and planning my wedding that I was afraid of being right.” 
He gripped your hands tightly nd shook his head. “Don’t ever say that, it’s not your fault, he hurt you. He choose to fuck someone else not once but for months right?” You nodded biting your bottom lip hard enough to almost draw blood as an attempt to keep yourself from spilling tears. You had cried enough nights over Seungcheol. He didn’t deserve your tears nor your heartbreak. 
“He thought I was cheating on him with you.” 
Jeonghan chuckled, shaking his head before letting out a deep disappointing sigh. “Where are you staying, not with him right?” He laced your fingers with his and placed your hands on his lap. 
“With Soonyoung he lives the closest to my old place so I just ran to him.” 
“Soonyoung knew before me?” 
“And Joshua and my parents.” 
Jeonghan looked up towards the ceiling taking a deep breath. “How are your parents?”
“Dad wants to kill him, mom has been trying to calm him down the last few days before I move in with them for the time being.” 
“I knew I liked your dad for a reason. Might have to call him tomorrow so we can plan our crime.” Jeonghan smirked, trapping you and your chair between his legs. The last time the two of you had been this close was when he had cried in your arms on yours and Seungcheol’s couch, after he came home to find Bomi alone in her room with divorce papers on her dresser and all of his ex wife’s belongings gone. It had made your heart race then but you had blamed it on your anger. Now as you stared into his warm eyes with your heart against the base of your throat you thought that maybe you had been wrong then.
“And mom and I will hold the two of you back, if not we won’t be visiting you guys in jail.” 
“I won’t go to jail. I’m a hot shot lawyer, haven’t lost a case yet I think I can represent myself and your dad and win.” He winked. He had started to lean in closer. The sensation of thumbs running soothingly across the palm of your hands didn’t help your beating heart. 
“Maybe this is the case that will finally bring you back down to Earth.” You shoved him lightly as an effort to make space between the two of you. Your efforts were deemed as unsuccessful as he didn’t budge. 
You and Jeonghan silently stared at each other and you hoped he couldn’t hear the hitches in your breathing. Slowly, he leaned in and before you could process what was happening his lips were on yours catching you by surprise. He moved them slowly, warming you up until you finally caved in and kissed him back. He smiled letting go of your hands and placed them on top of your knees, trailing them up your thighs until they found purchase against your hips and brought you close. He stopped kissing you for a second, giving you the choice to stop but when you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close, kissing him feverishly, he responded with the same amount of heat you were giving him. 
Year’s ago at an old musty bar in New York, Jeonghan had confessed that he had once harbored deep feelings for you. It was also the day you found out he was engaged to Bomi’s mom and the day you choose to push your feelings for him aside and move on. Tonight, those dormant feelings returned, along with the fire that accompanied them. You were desperate and needy to act up on them and now that you could, you didn’t want to stop. The feeling of his long crooked fingers traveling up thighs and pushing the fabric of your cream colored sweater dress up with them, made you want him more.
“W-Why...did you wear tights today?” He groaned and whispered against your lips making you giggle. He rested his hands against your butt, giving it an experimental squeeze before guiding you onto his lap. 
“It’s winter, I don’t want to die of frostbite.”  You smiled down at him before pecking his lips repeatedly. Your body had gone untouched for months but it felt like it was burning brightly underneath the light of the moonlight.
“I can just keep you warm.” He winked one of his hands traveling to the front of your body. His finger teasingly playing with the hem of your black sheer tights, itching to make you feel loved and beautiful just like you deserved. 
You shook your head at his innuendo before leaning down to kiss him again. Just when your lips were about to connect with his, Seungcheol’s ringtone started ringing. Jeonghan groaned in annoyance. “I told you your ringtone was annoying me.” The arm balacinging you on his lap pulled you closer. He attached his lips on to your neck again, biting down on your earlobe, a tiny almost inaudible moan escaped your lips. He let go of the hem of your leggings, the band slightly ricochetting of your skin making you suck in a breath. He retreated his lips and smirked before leaning over your body and grabbing your ringing phone, Seungcheol’s contact name blinking on the screen of your home page.
“Answer him angel.” He said handing you your phone before pecking your lips lightly. 
“W-What.” You took your phone in your hands and stared down at Seungcheol’s smiling face. 
“You said he thought we were seeing each other behind his back. Why don’t we prove his theory sweetheart.” Jeonghan took your phone and pressed the answer button an evil glint glimmering behind his eyes, “this way I don’t have to commit murder.” 
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“B-Baby I’m sorry for what I did and for what I said this morning p-please come home.” Seungcheol’s desperate voice came in through the speaker of your phone. Jeonghan sat back smugly holding on to you tightly as he urged you to speak. 
You swallowed thickly before opening your mouth, his mouth coming into contact with your cheek while he slowly raised your dress. “I-I’m not coming back Seungcheol, you fucked up.” Your arm around his neck loosened up. He brought your dress over head and threw it off to the side.
“I-I know, I-I know but I love you so much. I promise it won’t happen again just please come h-home.” Seungcheol’s voice breaks at the end making Jeonghan roll his eyes. There was not a doubt in your mind that Seungcheol was being as honest as he could be but he had broken your trust. He had chosen to sleep with someone in your shared home on your shared bed instead of sharing his falsely created suspicions with you.
“Cheol, I’m sorry,” Jeonghan’s hand trailed up your bare back and unhooked your bra. A small inaudible gasp left your mouth at the feeling of your freed your breasts, his mouth watering as his need to please grew. “I-I don’t trust you anymore.” He wrapped his lips around your nipple, swirling his tongue around it slowly. Your phone fell from your hand and onto your laps. You arched your back, pulling his head closer, your fingers hastily finding the top button of his dress shirt. Seungcheol was long forgotten as you quickly unbuttoned Jeonghan’s shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. The smoothness of his heated skin, underneath your palms made you desperate to feel more of him against you. 
“I’ll do anything I just need you to come back, you’re my everything.” Seungcheol all but begged as Jeonghan released your nipple and grabbed your phone from where it had fallen. He placed it on our desk before standing up and sitting you on top of it. He leaned down running his tongue over the shell of your ear, giving your temple a slight kiss, “keep talking to him angel, let him know I’m here that he lost the best thing he could ever have.” He whispered before leaving kisses down your body and pushing your legs open. 
Seungcheol was rambling but you were so focused and in tune with how soft Jeonghan’s lips and hands felt against your body that you had forgotten about him.
Jeonghan kneeled down in front of you, sending you a wink before grabbing the crotch of your tights and ripping it apart, “Jeonghan what the fuck?” You yelled and lightly flicked his forehead making him laugh.
Seungcheol stopped his incoherent rambling “Jeonghan is there?” The venom laced in his voice was prominent which only made Jeonghan laugh making his presence obvious and known. They were friends once, had gone to school and law school together. Had even talked about opening up their own law firm together after graduation. But Seungcheol had betrayed Jeonghan in ways you didn’t know as neither of them liked to talk about it. They had only tolerated each other because of back when Seungcheol was still your fiance and Jeonghan was only your coworker. Obviously that line had been crossed tonight the second you opened your mouth and Jeonghan’s hands found yours. 
“Umm, I mean Joshua left us a lot of paperwork so we--” 
“I’m going to make love to her and treat her the way she deserves to be treated.” Jeonghan spoke, cutting you off. He stood up, his hands planted in between your legs. He sent you a knowing look before moving your panties to the side. His index finger moved up your slit, a sound of approval left his mouth when he felt how wet you were. “She’s so wet, I bet if I wanted I could just slip right in and she’d be so tight around me.” 
“Jeonghan, mmh...stop.” You parted your legs further, going against your own words. There was just something about having Seungcheol on the other side of the line as someone else had their hands all over your body that turned you on even more. Maybe it was some sick form of revenge, but you were ready to succumb to Jeonghan completely if he continued to touch in the way you had been craving for months now. The vibrator he had jokingly gotten for you as your secret santa gift three years ago, had not been enough. You needed more. 
“I don’t think you want me to angel,” he inserted his finger inside of you. A choked moan left your parted lips as you arched your back. “It’s a shame you fucked up Seungcheol, I bet she looks so pretty when she cums.” 
“I was right. I knew you were cheating on me with Jeonghan. You’re a fucking li-” 
“Actually this is the first time we’ve ever stepped over our boundaries. She was telling you the truth...you’re just an idiot.” Jeonghan moved his finger inside of you slowly. He felt around your velvet walls teasingly before inserting a second finger, stretching you out a little further. Opening you up for him. “Isn’t that right angel?” He raised an eyebrow before picking up the pace of his fingers. You gripped his arms, digging your nails into his skin as you felt the slight pleasurable pain course throughout your body. 
“Y-Yes, mmh...fuck Jeonghan, yes.” You bucked your hips against the palm of his hand. Your clit lightly brushes up against ot making your body jolt, as his pace and your pleasure increased.
“I-Is this why you r-refuse to fight for us, because you want to be a slut and fuck Jeonghan without feeling guilty.” Seungcheol scoffed and Jeonghan rolled his eyes. The coil in the pit of your stomach tightened up and you found yourself getting lost in the delicious pleasure Jeonghan was giving you rather than Seungcheol’s words. The moment you walked out on him he stopped mattering and you couldn’t be happier. Especially if the outcome was with Jeonghan and Bomi. 
“Are you close baby? Are you going to cum for me so Seungcheol hears how good I make you feel? Jeonghan rolled his palm against your hardened nipple, his thumb circle around your clit adding to the pleasure his fingers were giving you.
“Fuck, y-yes...I’m going to come for you Jeonghan.” Your fingers threatened to break the surface of his skin and with one final thrust of his fingers you gonat came around then moaning out his name. He helped you ride out your orgasm mumbling praises against the crown of your head. Before taking out his glistening fingers making you whine. He raised fhem up to his lips and wrapped his tongue around them sensually, sucking them clean. 
You were panting, your chest heaving against his as you tried to catch your breath again. “Choi Seungcheol are you still there?” Jeonghan asked, making you roll your eyes, you buried your head in his chest, running your down the smoothness of your back. “She looks like a fucked out work of art right now and I’m not even done with her yet.”
“Whatever, I hope you enjoy my sloppy seconds, she’s incapable of being loved anyway.” Seungcheol’s words tugged at your heartstrings and you could feel the anger radiating from Jeonghan's heated body. 
“Fuck you Seungcheol.” 
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Jeonghan carefully laid you down on the couch of your shared office, peppering kisses down your body. After Seungcheol hung up, an overwhelming and heavy silence surrounded the two of you.
“Do you regret it?” He buried his head into your neck. His hands that had devilishly devoured your body five minutes ago, hoovered over your lower back. His voice small, trapped in the back of his throat as he melted in your arms. 
“Leaving him?” You questioned and moved your fingers down the smoothness of his back. “I don’t, I don’t regret leaving him.”  
“No that,” He raised his head. His gaze burning intensely in yours, “me touching you do you...do you regret it?” Jeonghan finally touched you again, his cold touch sent shivers up your spine. He smiled tugging a strand of hair behind your ear, his thumb running over your earlobe gently before resting them against your cheek.
“No, I don’t regret it whatsoever.” 
“Good because I don’t want to stop touching you.” He closed the tiny gap between the two of you and kissed you gently. He ran his hands down the side of your body before hooking his thumbs underneath your torn tights. You giggled against his lips remembering how he had impatiently torn them. He leaned back against heels and helped you remove them before tossing them elsewhere. You leaned up against your elbows, watching as he lustfully moved his hands up your legs slowly. 
“I meant what I said, I’m going to treat you like the angel you are.” He whispered and took off your black laced panties throwing them behind him. He held your legs open before kneeling in between them “You’re beautiful.” He whispered leaving kisses up your thighs, stopping in front of your pussy. “I’m going to devour you.” He mumbled before running his tongue up your slit. You moaned arching your back, your nipples getting harder against the cool air of your office. 
“Jeonghan, w-wait.” You mumbled getting lost in the way his tongue moved against you, “no one’s ever done this before.” You confessed, threading your fingers with his dark locks pulling him closer. 
He looked up at you, wrapping his arms around your thigh and brought you closer to his mouth. He moaned, wrapping his lips around your clit, sucking harshly. His gaze found yours, the way you were looking at him, overcome by pleasure, made his heart sore.
He sucked, humming when your hips started bucking against his mouth indicating that your orgasm was nearing. If he could he would’ve stayed in between your legs for hours, especially after finding out that no one had ever given in to you the way he currently was, but his cock was straining against his slacks begging to be inside of you, so, he pulled away. A frustrated sigh running past your lips. 
“Why’d you stop?” You questioned sitting up on your elbows before teasingly running your palm down his chest. Your eyes caught sight of his bulge making your pussy clench over nothing. “Do you want to stop?” You sat up and played with his belt buckle, slowly unlooping it as you waited for his answer.
“I’d be crazy if I did.” He watched as you popped open the button of his slacks. Without a warning your hand found its way inside his boxers and wrapped around his length. Jeonghan’s body grew frigid as your hand slowly moved against him, his breath caught itself at the back of his throat, his body growing hot with pleasure. “Angel, I want to...fuck, I want to play a little longer but I need to be inside of you.” 
“Do you have a condom?” You kissed his neck, sucking hard enough to leave your mark, smirking against his skin knowing how the office will react tomorrow morning. The many questions he would be bombarded with.
“Fuck, I don’t angel. We can stop here, it's okay,” he threw his head back as your lips moved down his chest and your warm hand moved against him. 
“No. I trust you. I don’t want to stop.” You wrapped your lips around his nipple causing him to moan.Your hand stopped moving against him and tugged on his pants, signaling for him to take them off. 
“Are you sure?” He stood up, kicking his dress shoes off before pushing his slacks and boxers down, leaving him naked in all his glory in front of you. He looked beautiful, the milky white light of the moon filtering through your giant window made him look like had been sculpted by the heaven’s. His cock sat against his stomach, the precum slowly leaking out and your mouth watered, but just like him you needed to finally feel him stretch you out. So you pushed the thought to the side and laid down opening your legs further, inviting him. 
“Jeonghan, make love to me please. Make me scream out your name and forget about any other asshole that has used me in the past. I want to be yours only.” You said moved your hands up your body slowly before they found your breasts. You pinched your nipples gently moaning out his name in the process. 
Jeonghan had never seen or heard anything as beautiful as to what he was witnessing right now. He hoped that this wouldn’t be a one time thing, that he could finally love you the way he had been itching to do so. Otherwise working alongside you would be a lot more awkward now that the two of you had crossed into dangerous territory. So, he kneeled in front of you again, leaning his naked body against yours, feeling your hard nipples rub against his naked chest as he leaned down and kissed you slowly. The passion spewing out of your connected lips. This was better than what he had ever imagined. 
“You’re beautiful, I’m going to make you mine tonight and forever.” He mumbled before pulling away and snaking a hand down your connected bodies. He wrapped his fingers around his cock, spreading the precum around his angry head before looking at you. Slowly, he ran his head up your slit and stopped searching your face.
“God, you take forever. Just fuck me, Jeonghan please.” You smiled nodding your head pushing his hair away from his forehead. 
“I’m just trying to take everything in, I’ve pictured this moment many times over the years and I need to make sure it's real.” He winked and slowly pushed himself in. Your mouth fell agape, his moans sounded beautiful as he kept pushing inside of you before bottoming out. “T-Tell me when I can move.” He leaned down capturing your lips in another slow and sensual kiss. His kisses were otherworldly and addicting.
“F-Fuck Jeonghan move please.” Your hands fell down his back as you pushed him closer. The pain of him stretching you out hadn’t subsided entirely but you were desperate with need. 
“As you wish my angel.” He pecked your lips one last time before kissing your check and burying his face in the crock of your neck. His body was overwhelmed as he slowly started moving his hips against yours. The way he had fit so snuggly inside of you was driving him crazy and he hoped he would last a lot longer than what his body was telling him. Though with the way you had started to deliciously clench around him, he was positive you were riding the same boat as him. There would be other opportunities where he could shower you with ten times more love and take it as slow as he wanted. But right now was not the time, years of pent up sexual frustration between the two of you was oozing out of your pores and threatening to spill. 
“I-I don’t want to cum yet but I don’t think I can hold off anymore.” You whispered, moving your hand down his back and further pushing his hips into yours. His thrusts had started out slow, but the more he lost himself in your body the sloppier they got. Your pants and moans bounced off the four walls of your shared office, thankfully no one was around to hear how desperate the two of you were for each other. 
“Me too.” He grunted and raised his body. He gripped your waist tightly and started thrusting even harder into you. “W-Where do you want me to cum?” He threw his head back getting lost in sensation of your pussy clenching around him. Your second orgasm threatened to spill over the harder he fucked you into the leather sofa. 
“I-Inside me. I want you to fill be up...mmmh, f-fuck please.” You arched your back digging your nails into his hips as your orgasm broke. Your body convulsed, hips cantaning up as he continued to piston his cock into you. Your name breathly spilling out of his lips as his own orgasm overtook his body. His warm milky seed covering your walls, making you moan out his name like an incantation. 
The two of you rode out your orgasms. The fear of being separated seeping into your pores as he finally let his body go slump over yours. His face contorting in pleasure while your pussy continued to milk out of everything he provided you. Your chests raised slowly against each other, while reality finally seeped in. You had just fucked the man of your dreams in your office and silently you wondered why you had wasted your time hating him for years. While he silently loved you from afar, until you were too late.
“So much for finishing our paperwork.” Jeonghan broke the silence making you laugh. His head was against your sweaty chest, his thumb painting invisible pictures against your hips. 
“You’ve just given me the best orgasm, possibly ever, and all you can think about is paperwork.” You joked, wrapping your leg around his waist. His cock twitching inside of you. 
“I’m thinking about other things. I just wanted to state the obvious before I have you screaming my name again.” 
“Mhm, I see.” You kissed his forehead and ran your index finger over his tired face. You knew he hadn’t been sleeping for days and as much as you wanted him to stay buried inside of you until morning. Another reality check crushed your fantasies. He needed to take him and his daughter, who was soundly sleeping in the office down the hall, home. “I’d love to Jeonghan, bu-”
“Do you regret it, p-please tell me you don’t” His pleading eyes found yours and you could’ve sworn your heart had flipped over how cute he looked right now. 
“Let me finish talking first before you start jumping in to conclusions.” You kissed his forehead lightly, your index finger stopped moving against his face and you wrapped your arm around his neck pulling him closer then what he had already been. “I don’t regret anything but you need to take Bomi home and you need to sleep.” 
“Then come home with me. I promise all we will do is sleep, but I want to wake up next to you and I want to make for lost time. Plus Bomi would be so excited when she wakes up and finds out you’re taking her to school with me.” He beamed and you felt the tears start to well up in the corner of your eyes. Jeonghan’s daughter was quite possibly the sweetest little thing in the entire world and each time you remembered what her mother had done to her and the man who was basking in the afterglow of your desperate love making. You would be hit with an overwhelming sense of anger. 
“Jeonghan I want too, but we can’t be moving too fast. I want to be with you but I also need time to recover from what Seungcheol did to me, especially if Bomi is involved. I want to be there for you and her, but I can’t, knowing I’m not strong enough yet.” You sighed, blinking rapidly to keep the tears at baby. When they had started to fall Jeonghan leaned in and kissed every single one of them away. 
“Okay, the ball is in your court angel, I’ll go at your pace.” He grinned, you could tell he was slightly disappointed but the fact that he had given you the upper hand made your heart swell up with love. 
“Thank you Jeonghan.” 
“It’s no problem, Seungcheol was wrong, you’re more than capable of being loved and I will spend every waking moment from here on out proving to you how wrong he had been and if I have to wait for you to get over what that asshole did to you. Then I will. Even if it means waiting another lifetime for you angel. I would wait for that one and the next one until you’re ready to let me love you the way you should be loved.”
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Fix You - Caius Volturi x FemOC Three Shot: Part 1
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Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading. Hope you like the one shot. I do take requests! Please have a look at my list of characters, and the rules. Feel free to reach out.
Notes about the One Shot:
Summary: As Caius walked around the streets of Volterra, he came across a girl being assaulted and badly injured. He couldn't explain the pull he had towards her, but all he knew was that he needed to save her. Caius Volturi x Fem!OC. Mentions of blood, injury and death. Nothing too gruesome though. Also posted on my Fanfiction page.
Word count: 2679
Firstly, I don’t own Twilight, the Volturi, or the image used.
I sincerely apologize for my Italian and Greek phrases; I don’t speak a word of the languages and was at the mercy of Google Translate. 
Caius’ wife Athenodora does not exist. 
Also, imagine him how you want but I much preferred his appearance in New Moon, so that’s how I described him.
~ Enjoy :)
Cloud cover in Volterra was a rare sight. Most days the sun shone brightly, making the town not particularly an ideal place for vampires. Yet here they were, the powerful three, the ancient kings who were tasked with up-keeping and enforcing secrecy of the vampire world, in a town where they remained inside the walls of the Volturi Castle. Caius often wondered why the coven chose to remain there, and not move to a less sunny place. A lack of opportunities for outings meant that he was falling intellectually behind. One need not look further than his clothes, not to mention his mentality to see he was not one for modernity. Not that he cared. Humans and their achievements were so minuscule in his eyes. Nevertheless, he enjoyed the opportunity to venture out into the town, feel the cool breeze on cloudy days like today and observe the lesser kind. It was remarkable for him how the world changed since his childhood in Ancient Greece, yet the scape of Volterra harked back to it with its old buildings.
Caius was lonely. He was angry and cruel; many would even say sadistic. But no, the last part was not true. After over 3000 years of living alone, never aging, never moving forward, being forced to hide himself, and never seizing to hunger, it’s no surprise that one would become angry. But he was not a sadist. He did not enjoy the pain of others. He fed only when he could no longer contain his thirst, not over-indulging himself. But he understood the need for justice, and was not tolerant when punishment was due. This was often mistaken for sadism.
Volterra was extra busy lately due to an overwhelming influx in tourism. One could no longer walk in peace. The pushing and shoving of the crowded streets became too much for Caius. He looked around him, and noticed a less busy street to his right. The more he followed, the less people were there. He kept going until he was left alone, in peace, and stopped, and leaned his back against the wall, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, exhaling through his mouth. He took a moment to collect his thoughts. And that is when he heard it. 
From his right, came a feminine scream. It snapped Caius out of his thoughts. It sounded desperate, and then quieted down before he heard the female’s voice again, yelling in English with an American accent, “PLEASE! Somebody help me!” In one swift motion, Caius pushed himself from the wall and walked towards the pleas. He rounded a corner and between two buildings, there was a thin, dark alleyway. It was there that he found the source of the commotion.
A tall, heavy-built balding man had a significantly smaller female pinned up against the wall with his body. His left hand grasped her around the neck, while the other clutched a gun to her head. Caius spoke Italian - one of the many languages he’s mastered - so he understood plainly the filth coming out of the lowlife’s mouth as he barked at the poor girl. She, however, was clueless and sobbing, begging him to leave her. 
In the split moment that he observed the scene, Caius’ eyes landed on the female. She was small, about 5”2, looked to be in her early twenties and very slim. Her hair was golden blonde, long and fell in thick, luscious curls down her back. She did not appear to be wearing much makeup, yet her eyebrows were naturally prominent and neat, and her lips were full, petal pink in colour. But it was her eyes which Caius noticed immediately. They were large and the most captivating colour: a mix of emerald and sapphire. It was as if staring into the waters of a deep, stormy ocean. However, when they met his eyes, they were full of terror. She quieted her struggle and looked at him, as if calmed by his presence, mentally begging him to save her.
Typically, Caius did not give two thoughts about humans. Yet this time was different. The girl before him stirred something inside of his frozen ancient heart. His eyes shifted from the girl and landed on the lowlife.
“Togli le mani da lei, feccia.” (Get your hands off her, Scum.) he snarled.
The man jumped in surprise and turned towards Caius. When he saw him, the lowlife sneered. Compared to him, Caius did not look all that threatening. He was tall and well-built, but thinner than the scum. His fashion choices didn’t help either. His near-white blonde hair combed to perfection and pushed behind his ears. He wore a blood-red dress shirt, paired with a black blazer and black dress pants, topped off with a silky red scarf. He looked like an escaped runway model, not a man that could do damage.
The man Caius addressed continued sneering and chuckling. 
“Cosa hai intenzione di fare al riguardo, bel ragazzo?” (What are you going to do about it, pretty boy?)
Caius took a large step forward and retorted, “Strapparti la testa e bere il tuo sangue è divertente?” (Does ripping your head off and drinking your blood sound like fun?)
The man raised his eyebrows in surprise at the viciousness, but still obviously not taking the situation seriously. He laughed and turned back to the girl.
“Vedi, bella ragazza? Sta cercando di mettersi in mostra per te. Ma è solo un ragazzo. Lascia che ti mostri cosa fanno gli uomini.” (You see, pretty girl? He's trying to show off for you. But he's just a boy. Let me show you what men do.)
Before Caius had a chance to comprehend or react, within a fraction of a second, the gun pressed against the girl’s temple was lowered. The scum aimed it at her stomach and shot twice. She screamed in pain, and dropped to the ground, gasping.
Caius took a second longer than normal to realize what had just unfolded. The man had the gun pointed at him now. He aimed at his chest and fired. When Caius was hit, he did nothing but stand there. Then came the second shot and to the scum’s surprise, he did not drop. A smirk began to form on the vampire’s face, before he simply said, “Avresti dovuto scappare quando ne avevi la possibilità.” (You should have ran when you had the chance.)
As the man continued pointlessly shooting at Caius, the vampire closed the distance between them in less than a second. He grasped the man’s neck with his right hand and pressed him up against the wall, lifting him up with one arm. The man squirmed and groaned, futilely attempting to free himself. Caius didn’t enjoy hurting people. But this time was different. He snapped the man’s neck and threw him down, like discarded trash. He took a breath and turned to the girl on the ground.
She was no longer making sounds nor moving, but lay there motionless, face down on the ground. Caius could see a large red spot in her stomach area, with blood seeping through the thin fabric of her white summer dress, her blonde curls hanging like closed curtains over her face. Caius leaned down, extending a hand to gently move them aside. He pushed the curls behind her ear, running his knuckles down her soft cheek. Those beautiful storm eyes were closed.
“Can you hear me?” He whispered to her, but she did not stir. 
Caius felt a deep pain in the pit of his stomach, and a pressure rising up to his throat. He felt anger, rage, but most prominently sorrow. He had this feeling like he never wanted anything more in his life than for her to look at him and say she was alright. The situation was not made easier by the fact that her deliciously smelling blood was pooling more and more. 
Quickly, he reached into his blazer pocket and pulled out his iPhone. Alec had gifted it to him the year before, and this was the first time he’d use it. He couldn’t figure out the damned thing; books and scripts were more useful anyway. With some effort, he found the number he was looking for in his contacts and dialled it. The ringing seemed to go on for ages, until finally…
“Dr. Carlisle Cullen speaking.”
“Cullen. You are speaking to Caius.” He barked into the phone. A silence followed before Carlisle hesitantly responded, a hint of fear in his voice at what the Volturi king might want.
“Lord Caius. I was not expecting you. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I am with a human. She was shot with a gun in her stomach twice. There is a significant amount of blood. She is not responding to me. Her eyes are closed and she is not moving. What shall I do?” He spoke in a hard, fact-based tone.
“Well Caius, it sounds like she might be dead…” before Carlisle could finish his thought, Caius cut him off.
“You are foolish to think that I would waste my precious time calling you to hear something so unacceptable. Tell me how to fix her!”
“Okay, I’m not sure if she can be. But let’s try. I need you to put the phone on speaker.”
“What is that?! Talk quickly Cullen, her bleeding has not seized!”
“Okay, Caius, you see the small picture of a loudspeaker on your phone? Push it.”
Caius did as he was told. “Now what?”
“Put the phone down on the ground. I need you to turn her on her back. GENTLY! Don’t forget you’re a lot stronger than her.”
Caius gently pushed the girl’s shoulders and was able to turn her on her back, grabbing her head so it did not hit the concrete. It was then that the significance of the wound became apparent, as did the scent of her blood. It became nearly too much for the vampire. He was close to damning it all and indulging in her sweet taste. But then he looked at her perfect face. How he longed to see those beautiful eyes again.
In a struggling voice, he spoke, “Alright, it is done.”
“Now, take your index and middle finger and push both to her neck, under her chin, on the side of her throat. You should feel her heartbeat if she’s alive.”
Caius did as he was told, but initially could feel nothing. After a few failed attempts, he hung his head. Just as he was about to remove his fingers, he felt it. So faint and tiny, but it was there.
“I feel it! It is very faint! But I feel it.”
Carlisle waited a moment before speaking. “Can you describe the wounds to me? Where are they specifically?”
“They are both in the same place. One is at the base of her ribs to the left, and the second is just under it.”
Carlisle sighed and softly spoke, “Caius. She’s not going to make it. She’s on her last few breaths now, and we can prolong her suffering, but we can’t-“.
“No!” Caius cut him off, “She will not die. There must be something to be done!”
“Well… you could always change her.”
Caius let out a breath. He would not wish his own endless existence on anyone. Not to mention the unbelievably excruciating pain of the process. After 3000 years, there was one thing he remembered with vivid accuracy: his own change. But at the same time, he was in a panic. He was not sure what it was, but the thought of her dying was destroying him inside.
He swallowed and spoke in a gentler voice to Carlisle, “Is there any way to manage her pain during the change?”
“Morphine. It needs to be injected before the venom. Give it 5 minutes to take effect and then change her.”
“Thank you,” Caius whispered before hanging up.
He immediately gathered the woman into his arms, lifting her up with ease, and began running back to the castle. He made it in a matter of minutes, storming through the doors of the great gathering hall, where Aro and Marcus were speaking to Jane. Immediately, all eyes were on Caius and the little bundle in his arms.
“Brother,” greeted Aro with his child-like smile, “you came home with takeout, I see,” he cackled. 
“No! Do not approach me now brother. I wish to change her, and so it will be. No one comes near her!” Caius exclaimed. His two fellow kings looked at each other, befuddled. “Jane,” Caius turned to her, “find me a shot of morphine immediately and bring it to my chambers.” With this, he stormed out of the hall. 
Aro, with a confused look on his face, took a step to follow, only to be held back by Marcus. “He cannot just bring some random off the street and claim her as his own!” He exclaimed, but Marcus shook his head and smiled.
“I felt their bond. He has bound himself to her. Neither might realize this yet, but they are mated. She is his now.”
Caius rushed her to his room. He gently placed her on his bed, which he hadn’t used in years for obvious reasons. As he laid her down, the girl began to gain consciousness. She began feeling the pain of her injuries. Tears started fall down her cheeks and she softly, weakly moaned in pain.
Caius sat down next to her, brushing her tears away with his thumb, gently pushing her hair back away from her face.
“Shh, it’s alright. Breathe.” She seemed to respond to this by attempting to open her eyes, yet not having enough energy to do so. Caius was dying inside, seeing her suffer. He couldn’t explain why. This was the first time in 3000 that he cared so deeply about the well-being of anyone, let alone a weak human.
“Breathe for me. That’s it. You’re alright.” He whispered. She tried, but couldn’t. She attempted to say something along the lines of “I don’t want to die,” but was only emitting squeaks.
“Shhh, don’t talk. He’s gone, I’ve got you. There is not a place in the world safer than here with me.”
Just then, Jane burst through Caius’ doors with a large syringe filled with clear liquid. She quickly handed it to Caius and stepped back, lingering. Caius turned to her and harshly barked, “Leave!” She bowed and turned on her heels, heading out the door.
The girl had opened her eyes briefly and saw the large syringe. This frightened her, and she attempted to cower away. Caius returned his attention to her.
“Shhhh. Don’t be afraid. This will help you stop hurting. I will fix this. I will fix you,” As he spoke those words, a tear formed in his own eyes and rolled down his cheek. He was about to change her. Was it really fixing her, or was he selfishly wishing she would fix him? Give him companionship he so longed for? He didn’t care. He took the syringe and injected the morphine into her quickly, being as gentle as he could. Then, he waited. He needed her to stop crying. This would indicate the pain was gone and the morphine had taken effect. He held her hand, whispering sweet nothings to her. When she began quieting, he gently asked her.
“What is your name, omorfiá mou?” (My beauty), the last part in his native Greek.
She gasped and whispered, “Andromeda.”
Caius smiled and thought about how fitting the name was. The pain was gone now. He turned to her and brushed her hair out of her face. 
“Close your eyes, my beauty.” He gently brushed her hair back away from her neck. Leaning down, he brushed his lips on her ear, whispering “do not be afraid. You will live forever. You are mine now, and I will never let anything hurt you again.” 
With that, he sunk his teeth into her soft skin, and the journey to her transformation began.
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.16
No One
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 5,025
Warnings: angst, jealousy, crying, infertility, talk of pregnancy, trouble conceiving, smut, LOTS of fluff
A/N: I’m sorry this one took me a bit to get out. I know y’all tell me not to be sorry but I am still sorry lol I stopped taking my endo meds since I can no longer afford them with no healthcare, I got my period and my endo said FUCK YOU! I was in bed for the entirety of my period with no energy to do anything but lay there and do nothing. Anywho, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I’ve been excited to get to this chapter and I hope it’s worth the wait. Thank you for any comments or reblogs! xoxo
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Thor has never been so eager to get back to New Asgard. Even back in the beginning when Jane had been living with him in those first small houses that they’d built when his new Kingdom was nothing but a distant dream.
Even then, this sensation of yearning had not been so strong.
Every moment away from you has been unbearable. The detour he’d taken after just arriving only increased his desire because if seeing Jane has shown him anything it’s that he has indeed made the right choice.
He really hadn’t doubted it, but it’s nice to know that even with Jane standing inches away from him, his heart had not pounded. His breath had not caught. His fingers had not tingled as they once had in their wish to touch.
Her brown eyes, once beyond beautiful, are indeed still pretty. However, they aren’t yours. Yours that look at him with an innocent admiration. Love pours from them so freely. Eagerly.
You’re not afraid to show him how you feel and it takes his breath away how much you’ve given into loving him.
All he can do is try to return your love with the same fervor. So far he thinks he has been doing the job well.
As he struts forward towards your shared bedroom, he reaches into his cloak, down along his left hip to unhook a small leather satchel bulging with its contents.
Smiling down at what he hopes will be a welcome and pleasing gesture, he makes to open the doors to the room but finds them thrust out towards him.
Instinctively his hand twitches around the satchel, almost throwing his palm out to call his remade hammer, but he resists.
From his bedroom spill two beings. One Asgardian, one human. The doors swing shut behind them.
“Doctor Wilson? Alric?” Thor teeters back onto his right foot, completely surprised to see them. “What brings-?”
Both of them look grave and Thor’s heart hits the pit of his stomach. All of the strength in the universe leaves him in one terrifying instant.
“Is Y/N alright? Is she hurt? Injured? Has something happened?”
In his panic he begins to push through them and they move aside for him but before he can open the doors to get in to see you, Alric reaches out to place his hand on Thor’s shoulder.
“Just our monthly visit, nothing to fret about Your Majesty,” Alric assures him and yet, Thor’s squirming nerves are not put at ease. “Unfortunately things do not look well for an heir as of now.”
“They don’t exactly look bad either, Alric,” Doctor Wilson interjects. “We’re in uncharted territory, Your Majesty. We have to play this as it comes at us. I’m sure with Alric’s help we’ll find a way to make it work.”
Their words at the moment aren’t making any sense to Thor. All he wants is to see you.
“Right…” he says on reflex, but his voice is weak.
His mind on you and only you.
“She is a little melancholy after our news so, perhaps it’s best we let you go see her. Until next month, Your Majesty,” Doctor Wilson gives him a curtsy. “If you need us before then, you have our numbers.”
Alric gives Thor a bow and the two of them march off, Alric lugging a strange metal case along with him.
With nothing to hold him back now, Thor pulls the doors open and hurries inside.
He scans the room from the left to the right, expecting you in the bathroom but you aren’t there. Several of the doors to the balcony are open letting in a much warmer breeze than this morning but still very cool.
Thor finally spots you sitting at your vanity, your hand pressed to the inside of your elbow as you hold a small cotton ball against the point at which one of your doctors probably drew some blood.
Even that tiny sting of a needle piercing your beautiful skin makes his heart ache. Any pain you feel is his own and he can’t believe he forgot what today was.
You don’t look at him and instead keep your hand pressed tightly, fingers moving in slow and small circles.
He can’t see your face from here. You’re turned away, sitting with your gaze trained on the balcony doors closest to your vanity.
Thor can’t take you not looking at him. He sets his satchel on the chaise at the end of the bed and when he reaches your left side, he squats down so that he can look up at you, his right hand taking gentle hold under your left bicep. His left hand he places over your right one, pressed against the inside of your left elbow.
“I’m sorry about today. I forgot they were coming for your tests,” Thor confesses, feeling so guilty he could leap from the balcony and welcome the pain of any bones he might break.
The silence is heavy and he thinks he might really be in for it and opens his mouth to plead for your forgiveness when you give him relief, “So did I.”
He breathes in deeply and with a wave of relief releases his worries in a gust of air.
“Alric said that things did not look good. You’re not with child?”
Even though he knows, he still needs to hear you say it. He wants to know what you’re thinking to make whatever is making your face look so sad go away.
He takes his right hand and runs it along your lower back instead, rubbing in what he hopes is a soothing way.
Finally, you turn your head towards your vanity and he can see more of your heartbreaking expression. He hasn’t seen that loss of hope in your beautiful face since the night you begged him not to make a fool of you just before dinner on a night that feels a lifetime away.
“No, it-it wasn’t a no. The test was inconclusive.”
“Inconclusive? So, what does that mean? Does that mean they don’t know?” Thor asks, confusion twisting his handsome face.
“No, it just means that the test didn’t come back in any way that they could read it. We’re not exactly the same species even if we are compatible physically, we don’t know if we can even get pregnant. They took more of my blood and are going to do the test with more reliable equipment.
“They’ll call when they know something,” you sigh heavily, leaning back against your seat and trapping his hand between it and your body.
Thor tries to think of what he can say to make you feel better. What can he do?
And then what he has to say doesn’t matter as you turn to meet his gaze with your own full of betrayal and suspicion.
When your mouth parts, your words freeze him and his brain short circuits.
“I saw you with Jane earlier on the tower, Thor. I’m sorry but I-I thought you were going to come find me as soon as you got back, not your ex.”
You take a deep breath and Thor watches as your nerves spill forward, your lips trembling as you slowly exhale and all of your fears shine out through the depths of your eyes.
“Why are you crying, cherub?” Thor gushes, pulling his hand from your back to turn your seat to face him.
He cups both sides of your face, his large thumbs wiping away at the tears that spring forward.
It had seriously messed with you to see him and Jane so happy and close earlier. And then the tests and Doctor Alric and Doctor Wilson had no idea what was wrong with them so that was stressing you out.
All of your jealousy and frustration pours out of you suddenly. So fast and so unrelenting that with just this small bit of affection from Thor makes you shut your eyes tight as you sob two-three times.
“Y/N...no, my love, please. Don’t cry,” Thor begs, his own throat tight as he pulls you towards him.
You let him hold you because as insecure as you feel, as upset as this morning has made you, his love still feels real. The softness in his voice doesn’t sound fake and as much as he is the source of one of the aches in your chest, he’s your comfort now too.
How fucked up is that?!
He caresses the back of your head as you bury it against his shoulder, slumped down a little because of how low he is in his squat.
His other arm is wrapped all the way around you, firm. Possessive and eager to make you feel better. Can you trust this display?
Until this morning you had no reason to doubt it.
“We will have our baby soon, I know it. I can feel it. I’m not only the God of Thunder, you know? Trust me, cherub. I know these things. We’ll have our little one before you know it.”
He sounds so confident, so sure. He’s lost that tightness in his throat a little and he pushes you back so that he can look into your eyes, quickly wiping away at the saltwater stains on your cheeks.
“As for your former worry, I went to the tower because the lights were on. I wasn’t sure who was there so I simply went to check. I wasn’t expecting Jane out of all the people it could have possibly been.
“I’d hoped it was you, finally making use of the tower for your own office to write or perhaps your own personal library?” Thor’s instincts on what you might want a private space to be.
You suddenly feel foolish for doubting him for even a second. It makes you cry again, and you bury your face in your hands.
“No, my love, please don’t cry anymore,” he continues to beg. “Look, I’ve brought you a gift.”
He gets up suddenly and moves towards the package he’d been carrying when he came in. It wasn’t large. About the size of a shoebox.
“I thought of you when I was passing over Paris on my way home. You can eat them all at once or slowly, whichever you prefer,” He flips open the leather satchel and from inside pulls a thick and shiny rust colored box with a satin brown ribbon that delicately holds it closed.
It looks expensive and he doesn’t wait for you to take it since you’re too busy wiping at your cheeks and sniffling to grab it. He pushes the ribbon off of the box then removes the lid and places it underneath while tossing the ribbon onto your vanity.
“I’m not sure what each of them is, but you don’t have to eat the ones you don’t like. I’ll eat them for you,” he pushes fancy gold tissue paper aside to expose the contents within.
Inside the box is a tray of twenty-four chocolate pieces. Some of them have designs painted on them with what is more likely more chocolate in bright colors and patterns. Other pieces look to be decorated in plain chocolate with small embossed hearts, triangles, or teeny tiny bows.
The box is too thick for this to be all there is, so you’re pretty sure there are two trays of chocolates.
“Do you like them?” Thor checks, his voice light and rising at the end gently almost as if he’s talking to a small child which maybe should offend you?
But it doesn’t because you know that’s not what he means by the tone he’s using. He’s being as gentle with you as he can in your moment of sad anxiety and you love him so much for it.
“They’re so pretty…” you hiccup, wishing you weren’t so emotional and crying all over his lovely gift.
“That’s not all,” he tells you, putting the chocolates on your vanity to free up his hands to reach into his satchel again.
You quickly cover the chocolates, pushing the ribbon around the sleek container before they can be ruined.
Thor tosses the satchel onto the chaise with a flick of his wrist but draws your attention to him when he places another box on your lap. This one is much smaller, but wide and square.
“Happy two months of marriage, cherub,” Thor says softly, then carefully lifts the lid of his second gift.
Nestled within lush purple velvet is a beautiful platinum chain, thin, short so that the gorgeous lotus flower with your birthstone gem settled at its very center will sit just below your collarbone.
“It’s so beautiful, Thor.”
All of a sudden you’re crying again.
Thor smiles and rises again, taking the necklace from inside the box which he tosses onto the chaise too before moving around behind you to slip the necklace around your neck.
You reach up to place your fingers on the pretty flower, sniffling and trying not to make your crying too vocal but a sob or two slips out.
Thor moves back around you and takes a long look at your mess of a face before he takes your hand and pulls you to your feet, “Come here, love.”
He waits for you to stand then takes your spot on your seat but then leads you down onto his lap.
Reaching up with his hand, he gives the back of your neck a squeeze while his other hand finds a resting spot on your thigh.
“Is it Jane still upsetting you?” he guesses.
You nod, unwilling to say it aloud.
“Why? What exactly is it that’s troubling you?”
He genuinely doesn’t seem to understand. While he might understand your nerves about her, the reason you’re still crying is lost on him.
You don’t want to say, but Thor bounces you a little in his lap, taking his hand to caress the side of your face and hold your gaze.
“Nothing you can say will make me love you any less.” A promise.
“When I saw you two this morning, you just looked so h-happy,” your lip quivers. “You looked happy. Pleased. You were smiling that one smile that’s only supposed to be mine.”
For some reason Thor’s chest puffs up a little, a proud fix to his chin as he reaches up to grab yours and give your head a little shake.
“It is all yours, cherub. I am completely yours. I was so happy when I was with Jane this morning because I felt nothing of what I’d once felt for her. I had no stuttering in my heart, no butterflies in my belly. I wasn’t taken by her eyes or tempted by her lips.”
“Alright, I get the picture,” you grumble, hating everything he’s describing even though you know he’s telling you that he wasn’t feeling any of it.
He chuckles, bringing his hand down to rest on your hip.
“I was happy because Jane is no longer the source of all of that for me. You are. All meeting her so unexpectedly proved is that I am more in love with you than I ever thought I could be. You were my arranged match. The most I had ever expected was friendship. And when that turned into more, I wondered if it could really be more than what I ever felt for Jane and it is.
“Jane was always a dear love but you are family. It’s only been a short time since we married but you are more my love than Jane ever was. You’re my cherub!”
He doesn’t wait for you to recover from his little speech. He hooks his hand behind your neck and pulls you down for a kiss.
It quickly changes and shifts and the lonely night you’d spent tense and worried, missing him, explodes you onto him. You’re both a frenzy of movement, Thor ripping away at his armor until he’s in the plain dark undershirt and a very small pair of black briefs.
You’re about to push him onto your bed when he suddenly grabs you and tosses you around his massive body and onto the bed to bounce as you land with a gasp.
He shoves his briefs down, still kicking them away as he steps towards you and gathers the long skirts of your dress higher and higher around your hips.
“Thor…” you whisper, a gasp of anticipation which drives him a little wild as he yanks you closer to the edge of the bed and thrusts into you with a shaky groan.
He goes still for a moment, hooking his hands around your thighs more securely. He bottoms out, sheathing his cock within you until you reach down to scratch at the bottom of his shirt then his hands as you fall back against the bed.
“Please,” you plead and he quickly obliges.
He pumps into you, filling you to the brim with no intention of ever stopping.
You and Thor eventually come out of your room. You dressed in your carefully chosen dress and Thor a little less regal in a pair of crisp dark jeans, and layered up in a green sweater over a blue button up collar shirt over a plain white t-shirt.
Honestly though, even in his slightly more casual ensemble, Thor screams royalty. He’s so beautiful.
Both of you giggling like giddy kids, he pulls you closer and loops your arm through his.
It makes you happy that he likes you close by. He proves it now as he leans down to whisper so that only you can hear him as the palace staff moves about cleaning and fixing up the rooms that have been used throughout the day.
“I’m a little glad you’ve decided not to use the tower for a workspace.” Thor confesses.
“How come?” you wonder, turning your face to look at him, genuinely curious as to the change of mind. He’d been so insistent before about you having your own personal space to work in peace where no one could bother you and you didn’t have to give up writing your stories even if you were now Queen of New Asgard.
“I don’t know if I could stand having you that far away from me. Our night apart has only driven that home for me. I want you always at my side.”
His sentiment is sweet and you stop to turn and face him, reaching up to place your hands on his bearded cheeks to smoosh them because he’s so damn adorable. He’s massive so you have to push yourself up, lifting your heels a little to do so comfortably.
“Do you have any idea how incredibly lovable that makes you?” you ask.
He smiles despite you morphing his face, beaming down at you with a look that must mean he loves you. Everything he says has to be true. The more you think about it, the more you realize that your jealousy, while founded, doesn’t make any sense now that you’re married.
Not after everything the two of you have shared and been through. Not after all the time you’ve spent building this foundation with him. 
“Quite a lot more than I was before?” he guesses. “Only, maybe not when I go to the bathroom?”
Through your smile you tilt your head to the side a little, confused by his amendment to his desires.
“Why?” What difference does it make?
He drops his voice to a whisper and leans down a little closer to you, “Sometimes I have smelly poops.”
You’re not expecting that and throw your head back as a loud unfiltered laugh rips through you. The movement pulls you down flat onto your feet but Thor catches you with one arm around your waist to pull you back up onto your toes and against his hard body.
He’s laughing too as he dips down and kisses your laughing mouth, silencing you a little so that it’s only air slipping through your lips as you kiss him back.
It’s just a long held peck. He’s relishing in the feel of your lips against his as your body shakes with more laughter.
Still laughing with you, Thor pulls back and gripes, “Stop laughing and kiss me!”
You drop your head against his chest as you keep laughing, unable to help it because the cuteness of him being self-conscious about his smelly poops is too much for you to handle.
Especially considering that you’ve both already been in the bathroom together when the other is using the toilet.
He loosens his arm around your waist so that you fall down a little further but keeps his hand resting on the small of your back while the other hand he places on the back of your head, caressing it as you chuckle weakly from laughing so much.
The sound of a clearing throat brings both your heads turning to the end of the hallway.
Your visiting trio stand there, Tony smirking, Bruce smiling shyly, Jane averts her eyes.
“Uh, get a room?” Tony suggests, but you can tell from his tone that he’s only teasing.
“Where do you think we’ve been all morning?” Thor grins, readjusting with you to hook your arm on his elbow before leading you towards your guests.
“So that’s what those screams were,” Tony counters.
Thor wiggles his eyebrows at them but your neck burns and your mouth pops open in surprise and embarrassment.
You start to fret, hands fluttering up towards your new necklace as you look from Tony to Jane, who’s looking at her shoes, to Bruce who is smiling with his own laughter in his eyes.
“Was I-? I didn’t mean to-! Thor, I didn’t know that I was being-” your panic is real and your heart is thrumming a million miles an hour.
“He’s teasing you, cherub, don’t worry,” Thor assures you, dropping your arm from his elbow to wrap his own arm around your waist to pull you into his side again.
You turn to Tony and he’s laughing a little. Not maliciously, just purely entertained by your reaction.
“I-a joke?” you ask him, still uncertain.
“Sorry,” Tony says, nodding. “Just a joke.”
You swallow hard, trying to settle your heartbeat.
Thor kisses your head and like a switch is flipped, all of them shift into work mode.
“Have you started installing the security system?” Thor asks Tony and all together the five of you move down into the lowest level of the palace which actually happens to be a dungeon?
You’re not really listening to their conversation as you move with them, still flustered about you possibly letting all of your sex noises reverberate through the halls of the palace for everyone to hear, but when you reach a large vault-like door, you start to focus again.
As the heavy door slides open like part of some futuristic spaceship, you’re thrown into a large room about the size of the throne room where you’d had your wedding reception only it looks nothing like the rest of the palace.
This place looks more like the Avengers compound. High-tech stations line the walls, large monitors with readings you don’t understand and camera footage from places you recognize from around New Asgard and the palace itself.
There’s a full crew working all of the stations, Asgardians and humans, all of them wearing the same charcoal gray uniforms, splashes of gold and red like Thor’s cape on their shoulders and chests.
As you and Thor enter, they stop what they’re doing to stand at attention, bowing to both of you as Thor leads you to the center of the room where a large stone table is set with schematics of plans that you don’t understand.
Tony moves over to them and starts to sift through the many scrolls all laid out for viewing while Thor nods to the crew.
“At ease, my friends.”
He’s so nice. The crew fall back into their respective jobs.
One of them moves towards a large screen against the wall, a TV you realize, playing different news footage from all over the world.
He flips to another channel and you pull away from Thor to walk and stand beside the crewman who stands taller once you’re beside him.
He turns to you and gives you a quick bow, “Your Majesty.”
Turning to him, you smile and then look back at the screen, “To monitor any weird things happening around Earth?”
“Yes, m’am,” he asserts then flips the channel again.
This time it’s a documentary style report, you see a familiar scene. New York in shambles as Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, the Hulk, Captain America, and your Thor fight off the invading Chitauri.
Slowly another body settles beside you, its warmth drawing your attention to it.
“I still remember that day, sort of,” Bruce says gently, his voice always so easy and calm.
It’s hard to believe he can turn into the giant Hulk in seconds.
“Was it scary?”
“Sort of. I think for me, I was just worried that Hulk would hurt someone other than the aliens. But by then I think he understood what side we were on.” Bruce nods.
“But, aren’t you the Hulk?” His words confuse you a little.
“Well, yeah, but also no. He’s like another half of me? If that makes sense? I haven’t worked out how to combine both sides yet. I’m there, I’m just...it’s like someone takes who you are and reduces you to your most basic instincts.
“We’re almost like two different people but we’re also the same person. I’m working on understanding our connection better. Underneath the Hulk, I’m still me. I’m still there I think. I’m just trapped for some reason.”
The two of you watch the screen in silence for a moment then Thor shows up, blasting the Chitauri with his lightning. He looks a little different because he has both eyes and his hair!
“Thor had long hair,” you realize, gushing a little.
“Did I look better with long hair?” his deep voice slips into your right ear and you jump not having been expecting it.
“Not better,” you promise him, smiling at him before turning your eyes back on the TV. “Just different. It suits you.”
“Should I grow it back?”
With excitement, you turn to face him and he chuckles at whatever look you have in your eyes, “Would you? Wouldn’t it bother you?”
“If it will make you look at me the way you’ve been staring at me on that television, I will go out and buy a wig.”
You laugh and Thor leans down to give you a quick peck.
“It’s that time of year I guess,” Tony says, sliding over to stand on Bruce’s other side where Jane is already standing having moved over at some point.
She still hasn’t said anything.
“What time of year?” You wonder.
“Oh, in Spring they always start to play footage on some of the news channels about Loki’s party days in New York. Some type of anniversary celebration or something? Only it’s more like a wake.”
“It’s a memorium,” you realize, then look at Thor who seems to sense your upset.
He wraps his arm around you and settles in beside you, kissing the top of your head again.
“Where is Loki?” you ask him, frowning with worry and wondering if it must upset him to have one of his biggest mistakes thrown in his face for weeks.
“He’s tending to business with the guard. He’ll come find us when he’s finished,” Thor promises.
After a tense moment, Tony claps his hands and then pats Bruce’s shoulder, “Shall we? Pepper wants me home by Friday so that we can explore the wonderful art of tantric massage.”
As Bruce turns to follow Tony back to the center table where a new console computer has come from a panel at the center you hadn’t noticed, he gives him a skeptical look.
“Pepper? Are you sure it isn’t you pushing the tantric massage?” Bruce sounds like he already knows the answer.
Tony shrugs, “I’m not the bossy anymore.”
You look back at the TV, your worry only spiking at the thought of Loki coming down here and finding all of you watching.
“Change it to something else,” you tell the crewman. “Make sure no one puts it on that channel again.”
“Yes, m’am,” he bows his head in obedience and quickly changes the channel while moving to a small box hooked up to it where a small screen comes out and he quickly goes about pressing buttons hopefully blocking any and all sources of that footage so that Loki doesn’t accidentally have his face shoved into his past.
“Don’t worry, my cherub. Loki is well aware of what the Earth grieves at this time of year. He won’t be blindsided by it.”
“I still don’t like it,” you insist, unable to shake the frown from your face.
“Thor?” Jane’s voice interrupts you both softly.
He looks at her and you give her a glance before turning to look at the news reports on the TV.
“I’m gonna need one of these mainframes for the telescope. Which one can I take?”
“Right,” Thor nods, “Of course. Let’s find you a place to work.”
Before he leaves you he leans in and kisses the side of your head again, squeezing your hip before he moves with Jane away towards the many workstations in the very large room.
After getting everything sorted out this morning, your heart doesn’t even sway towards jealousy and even though you’re worried about Loki, you breathe a sigh of relief that your realization about Thor’s loyalty has really engrained itself into you.
He loves you and nothing will change that. Even as they laugh somewhere behind you, your confidence doesn’t waver.
You reach up and touch the lotus on your necklace, a shining reminder of Thor missing you on his very first night away from you since your wedding.
You’re sure now that no one will ever come between you and Thor.
No one.
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buildmeafairytale · 3 years
Female Reader x Male Selkie
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This is my very first commission! I was commissioned by @shy-basementchild for a birthday present for her friend, @anjhope1. They’re the sweetest and I’m so glad I got to write this for them! It was fun to write and a new experience to write for someone other than myself. I hope you guys enjoy reading it and if anyone is interested in a commission or monster match, my ko-fi is here. 
You leave your house in the afternoon and the cool air is nothing but a familiar comfort under the layers you have on. Like most days, the rocky beach beckons you to its shore. You manuvare the cliffs like you’ve done it a thousand times. You probably have by now. This place has been home for a while now. The town is more of a small fishing village but there’s a touristy block that has lots of shops that you frequent. It’s a cold and rainy place, but it just makes your house feel all the cozier for it.  
The beach is even colder, with the chill turning your nose rosie. You breathe in the crisp air, relishing in the way it stings your lungs. You gaze out towards the rolling waves only to see what looks like a head poking out of the water. It’s foggy and far enough away that you convince yourself it’s a seal, not dwelling on it while you take your walk. 
You’ve established a routine in this seaside village. You do a bit of freelance work in the mornings and leave the afternoons for your adventuring, finding the best coffee spots and shops in town. But the beach is your favorite by far. From the way the rocks crunch under your foot to the rhythmic sounds of the waves lapping the shore, this was your happy place. 
The next day is quite the same. You walk your beach, picking up stray bits of trash you find. This time when you look out to the ocean, the head that pops up looks much more like a man’s than a seal. Your breath catches in your throat and you can’t tear your eyes away. He’s still so far away, bobbing along with the waves and seemingly staring right back at you. And then he’s gone, just as quickly as he was there. As you walk the hair on the back of your neck prickles. You feel like you’re being watched but every time you turn to look no one is there. 
This goes on, but the next few times he seems to get closer. It takes some time to come to terms with the fact your mind isn’t playing tricks on you, but by the time he’s closer to the shore you can no longer deny it. You wave and he just tilts his head and stares. You’re confused and unsure about things, and feel a bit crazy. You wonder if the fishermen working the docks would know anything about the mysterious man in the water so you make a trip down there
The docks are several miles up the beach, and you always make a point to avoid it. It’s bustling with people going between boats emptying lobster traps and the air smells like fish. You're nervous and watching your feet, making sure you don’t misstep on the slippery wood underneath you. You feel like everyone is looking at you but hardly anyone has seemed to bat an eye at your presence, all of them too busy to worry about you. You keep scanning the crowd in hopes of finding someone to ask about your man in the water. You’re ready to give up when you lock eyes with a man. A man you would recognize anywhere, since you’ve seen him everyday floating in the waves.
He is a presence and something to behold. He sits high up on a fishing barrel and his feet are still firmly planted on the ground. Muscular legs connect to a thick middle wrapped in a classic fisherman’s sweater. Long chestnut hair is tied back from his face and he holds a knife and apple in his hands. You stare and he raises his hand in greeting. The noise of the docks retreats to a buzzing in the back of your mind and you hold your breath. Time stands still and butterflies build before you're being bumped into by busy workers. The spell is broken and you rush out apologies for being in the way. You turn and leave as quickly as you came, having even more questions than when you arrived. 
The next day you’re at your beach early with a book to occupy your time. You decide to stay there until you get some answers. You’re comfortable waiting and hope maybe he’ll come say hello. The grey eyes haunt you every time you close your own and you are restless. Was he some sort of creep, watching you from the water? He certainly didn’t look like the type to spy on women. He didn’t look like the type that would have to, gosh. Not that his good looks automatically made him trustworthy, but they certainly lowered your inhibitions. 
While you were lost in thought of the handsome stranger, he had materialized in the sea not a hundred feet away from you. It startled you, but you waved anyway. 
“Hi!” you yell out, tired of the voiceless staring contest that has been occurring. His lips twitch and he echoes your sentiment.
“Hi there,” he calls back, bobbing in the water.
“Isn’t it a bit too cold to swim?”
“A bit too cold for you, maybe,” he observes, his voice amused and carrying without strain despite the sound of the crashing waves.
You don’t know how to respond to this and the conversation fades when he dips under the surface, popping up a few feet away from where he was. His movements in the water are graceful and he swims in little laps not far from you. His upper body is bare to you above the black water, and he is thick corded muscle under a layer of softness that makes you want to touch him. He says nothing else to you but he doesn’t protest to your eyes on him. He seems content to be in your company and it isn’t for another while that he swims away and around the side of a cliff face, waving goodbye at you. You lose sight of him and while part of you is worried, the other part of you knows he must do this often and is obviously a practiced swimmer. 
He’s there before you the next day and chattier too. He tells you his name is Aegis and asks you for yours. He asks what you do for work and how you like living in the small town. You tell him about your house up on the cliff and how much you love it. For how brooding and intimidating you first had found him, he was quickly becoming a friend. The conversation flowed easily and was comfortable, the two of you bantering a bit too.
“There’s so much beach, too. I love to see the water.”
“Not much to do besides sit at the beach, yeah?” 
You shrug, “I like it here, it’s quiet. Or used to be, not that I oppose the company,” you jest at him, watching him take it all in stride. 
“I’d hope not,” he flashes you a grin, “can’t have my beach buddy getting sick of me so soon.” 
You give him a goofy grin back, trying to tamper down the butterflies growing in your stomach. You sit closer to him and the water, finding a comfortable seat on a washed up driftwood tree. “Maybe when it warms up I’ll join you for a swim,” you speak softly, picking at shells and rocks you like. You squeal when cold water splashes you, Aegis laughing when he has your attention.
“You ass!” you squeal out, going to splash him back. He bobs under the water again to evade you, an unmistakable grin stretched across his face. Your hand goes in the water to splash him back but it’s so cold it hurts and stings at your skin. That snaps you out of your playful game, and when Aegis comes up and sees the serious look in your eyes he tilts his head. 
“What’s that look for?”
“Aegis, seriously, how the hell are you okay to swim? You aren't even wearing a wetsuit!. I don’t know how you don’t get hypothermia! ” You’re concerned and can’t help but reprimand him, unsure how he manages to not even have red skin from the water.
“I guess I’m just built different, lovely,” he says with an easy smile, leaning into a backstroke.  
“Oh, built to withstand freezing cold water? Yeah, you’re different all right,” you tease back, retreating out of the water’s reach. 
Things go on like this for days and the two of you get familiar with each other’s schedules, seamlessly working into the other’s routine. Aegis seems down today though, and he doesn't hesitate to inform you why. 
“I have to go on a charter for a few days. I won’t be back until Tuesday,” he pouts, his pillowy lips exaggerated. You try not to let them distract you too much but he smirks like he notices you looking. You play along, pouting back.
“Aw, you’re gonna miss me too much?” you tease, despite knowing the next several days without him aren’t going to be as fun. 
“Desperately,” he says back, in an all too serious way that makes your heart race. He winks and grins, dispelling the intensity and turning things playful again, something he seemed greatly skilled at. He flirts in jokes but never leaves any tension or pressure lingering which you were grateful for. 
The days he is gone feel as if they last forever. It’s silly, really, how fond you’ve grown of him in such a short amount of time. You avoid the beach completely while he’s gone, knowing it will just make you miss your friend even more. Despite the way the time crawls by, though, Tuesday morning eventually comes around. 
Something shocking greets you when you arrive at your beach that day. Aegis is there, but is perched on a large flat boulder. Instead of the thick legs you saw filling his jeans like you did on the docks, his lower half is that of a seal. It’s longer than his legs would be and heavy with blubber. He studies your reaction and you’re fascinated. You’ve heard talk of selkies before, the legend being popular in this part of the country, but you hardly thought you would see one in real life. 
You try to look less confused than you are, not wanting to hurt aegis with an adverse reaction. You can feel his eyes on you, watching you watch him. 
“Uh, hi?” you say to him, getting a calculating ‘hello’ back.
You nod to yourself while looking at him, “Okay, this makes sense? This is a better explanation than I had, at least.”
 “Trying to rationalize my swimming habits, lovely?”
“Trying to rationalize you, lovely.” you toss back, feeling better when the same devious grin he’s worn around you makes an appearance. It’s still Aegis, and this is who he is. Or part of him, apparently. 
“I wanted to show you, but I have a rule, lovely.”
“Rule?” you ask him, confused.
“Yes, a rule. Humans have taken advantage of my kind far too many times. So if I’m showing you this, and I’m going to keep coming back to see you, I need you to listen to me,” he tells you, full intensity focused on you. He goes on to explain the history of his people, the power of the sealskin, and the way humans would steal them to control selkies. He tells you in the past someone tried to steal his sealskin, but he could feel their intentions and replaced it with a fake, catching them in the act. These stories obviously pain him, and hearing about the kind selkies being taken advantage of in such a way is enough to make your heart clench. 
“Never touch my sealskin.” He says, informing you of his rule. 
“I would never,” you vow, throat tight with emotion. He nods at you, and then smiles. “Well come on then, out with the questions.” He doesn’t have to ask you twice, beckoning you close. You sit by him and let the questions start. They pour out of your lips and he answers them readily with a gleam in his eyes. 
You’ve never been this close to him and you really soak in his appearance. His tail is mottled with creamy spots and patches, reminding you a little of your own birthmark. His lower half looks so soft and squishy but you know it must be powerful. Hair dusts his chest and other human skin, the curls making you want to run your hands over them. 
It feels like some beautiful dream. You thank him for sharing this part of him with you and head home for the day, but as soon as you’re inside you're doubting that it really happened. But it did, and you see him again and again, each time feeling less like a daydream and more like a wonderful and magical reality. 
“Your hair is going to get so tangled like that,” you tell him one day as he swims, watching his hair trail after him in the water. You wince in sympathy when you imagine him picking out the knots. 
He grunts, “You’re telling me, I go through so much conditioner getting the knots out,” he responds, peeved. 
“Well swimming with it down would do that! Why don’t you let me braid it?” you offer, instantly regretting it. The thought of sitting that close to him, of feeling the heat off of his skin as you run your hands through his hair is enough to make you feel light headed. Say no thanks, you think, unsure how you’ll handle this. Of course, he readily agrees. 
“Okay,” he smiles, and you turn to let him get out of his sealskin and cover up. He sits in front of you and his shoulders part your thick thighs. You pick up his hair and it’s a matted mess. You don’t feel like running up to your house to get any tools so you slowly part the tangles with your fingers.
“It’s a knotted mess, Aegis,” you scold, trying not to hurt his scalp. He whines and exaggerates his wincing, acting as if you’re wounding him. “Big baby,” you mutter, sectioning off chunks with your hands. By the time it’s braided and secured with your extra tie the sun is going down. He’s slumped against you, sleepy. 
“It’s supposed to be nice tomorrow, pretty girl. Swim with me?” he asks, voice slurred. You’re hesitant, not because you don’t trust him, but you’re a bit embarrassed about the idea of him seeing so much of your body. 
“I have a birthmark,” you mutter, not looking at him. He turns and frowns at you with his forehead scrunched. 
“Okay, and? You don’t owe me anything, but you know I have a literal tail right?”
“Oh what, you showed me yours and now I show you mine?” you giggle at him.
“I don’t think I’ve shown you anything yet,” he winks at you, flirting back while he gets up. The two of you get ready to leave your beach, packing things away. Aegis grabs his sealskin, but instead of putting it on he neatly folds it. “Would you give me a ride home? If you don’t mind, I mean. All dried off and I don't want to get in again.”
“Of course, just let me get my keys.” 
The drive is quiet and comfortable, and his house isn’t far. To be fair though, nothing in this town is very far. When you pull into his driveway he leans over and kisses you on the cheek, eliciting a small gasp from you. 
“Goodnight, sweet girl,” he tells you, an easy smile on his face. You feel your own heat up and you mumble back a goodnight. Your cheek tingles with his kiss your whole drive home. 
In the morning you’re there earlier than normal and in your bathing suit trying not to look nervous about his reaction. Your birthmark stretches across and over a great deal of your skin, and while a lot of people assure you that it is unique and beautiful, you have been ridiculed plenty for it in the past. It makes you nervous to show new people and you only reveal it to those you trust. But you trust Aegis and he obviously trusts you too. 
It’s as if Aegis can sense your nerves because he doesn’t make you wait long and talks you into the water right away. He compliments you but doesn’t linger or talk about your birthmark, only pulling you in the water with him. The cold has you sucking in air and your nipples pebbling in your swimsuit but Aegis pulls you close. The heat coming off of his body works to warm you, making the swim much more doable. 
“You’re not luring me out into the ocean to drown me or anything, right?” you ask, legs bumping into his tail. 
“I’m a selkie, not a siren,” he tsks, “we’re much nicer, I might just dunk you a few times,” he retorts, swimming further out. 
“Um, are there sharks out here?” you ask him, suddenly aware of how far you are from shore.
“I’ve never had a problem with them,” he shrugs casually, doing nothing to assuage your worries. 
“Sharks eat seals, ya know,” you point out to him.
“Good thing I have you here to protect me then, huh?” he teases, curling your legs around his middle. Once you’re secure, he gives a few strong thrusts of his tail and sends the two of you back closer to shore. You play in the water most of the day and go up to your house to eat. He showers and you take him home again, only after he insists you re-braid his hair. 
You spend more time together and swimming with him quickly becomes the best part of your day. He kisses your cheek every time you drop him off at home too, his lips lingering more and more. The touches shared as you swim together have gotten less and less innocent as well. You find yourself falling for him and you think he likes you too, but one day the two of you reach a breaking point. You’re having a nice picnic after a long swim when things take a turn. 
You reach across Aegis’s lap for the pitcher of juice, rattling on about your day, when it slips out of your hand. It spills onto his seal skin, and you don’t think you’ve ever panicked so quickly. “I’m so sorry! Oh my gosh let me clean that,” you grab towels to try to dab up your mess, picking up his seal skin in the process. Apologies keep falling from your lips but then you notice that Aegis is just staring at you with a clenched jaw. You gasp and drop the sealskin, realizing what you’ve done. As soon as it falls from your grasp, Aegis has it in his own, finally able to move to do so. He stands and starts to walk towards the shore and already has the sealskin halfway wrapped around himself before you can belt out another apology. 
He wades into the water and you run to try to catch up. You get close, begging him to wait, until he finally turns to you. “I had one rule!” he barks out at you, seething. “You’re just like everyone else! How dare you!” His words are laced with venom, and you can’t help but step back as if he’s striked you. There is a block in your throat and you don’t say anything else, you only stand there and watch him leave, taking his selkie form and swimming into the depths. 
Pitiful whimpering noises start to leave you, and since you’re all alone you let yourself cry. You’re ashamed you slipped up and touched his pelt, unable to get the betrayed look on his face out of your head. You’re angry at him too for not listening or giving you the benefit of the doubt, though. Some friend he was, you pout, shakily hiking up the cliffside. 
You hope that Aegis will come around. The guilt is like rolling concrete in your stomach and you try to assure yourself that things will be okay. You just go through the motions to try to make yourself feel better, showering and taking your time brushing out your hair. Everytime you blink, though, his angry eyes are there, looking so accusatory back at you. It was an accident, you know you didn’t mean to, you tell yourself, wishing you could take back your mistake. 
You go back to your beach the next day, hoping he’ll be there. He isn’t, and he isn’t there the next either. Or the day after that. You’re getting fed up with him avoiding you. You just want to talk things out and have your friend back, but it seems as though he is  set on being stubborn about it. 
You’ve been stress cooking the last few days, and when you looked to survey the damage you realize that you made most of Aegis’s favorite foods. The plan falls together then and you package it up to bring it to him at work. This could very well be crossing some boundaries but you could deal with that if it meant Aegis would forgive you. 
Traversing the docks is just as nerve racking at it was the first time, this time maybe even more so since you’re carrying a hot dish with you. You duck under the arms of the people towering over you, and you finally get to the stretch of winding docks Aegis can usually be found dwelling on. And he is there, sitting right next to his boat like you expect him to be. What you don’t expect, however, is the stunning woman sitting next to him, stroking his arm in a too familiar way. She’s almost tall as he is with a scarf tied around her hair in an effortless way. You feel your heart sink into your stomach when they both turn and see you. 
All of the sudden you feel ridiculous and humiliated, standing on the docks with a tupperware of food for a man who has already apparently moved on from you. You’re a deer caught in the headlights, but the woman starts to stand and smile at you. You pivot on your feet and hurry back the way you came, maneuvering through the crowd with a level of ease provided by your small stature. The whole walk home your face is burning in embarrassment. This isn't some stubborn silent treatment after a fight. You had broken his one rule and now all the romantic gestures and sweet words meant nothing. 
You know there was nothing official or set in stone, hell, the two of you hadn’t even really kissed yet, but it certainly felt like things were leading that way. Your eyes burn when you think of the way his lips lingered on your cheeks and the way he let you wrap yourself around him in the water. You think of him doing those things with another woman and feel sick to your stomach. You enjoyed life just fine before you met him, and you tell yourself you will enjoy life just the same now that he wants nothing to do with you. It was an obvious lie, especially to yourself. You cry when you reach the safety of your home, wrapping yourself in a nest of blankets you refuse to leave. 
You eventually have to leave though, just to get some fresh air and try to shock yourself into feeling better. Instead of walking your shore, you end up at one of the cliffs looking down on the water. You don’t stray too close to the edge in fear of the height but it still provides you a great view of the ocean. You sit and watch the waves crash against the rocks below. 
While you’re up there, you hear a car sputtering in the distance. You watch it get close and pull into your driveway and out steps one of the friends you made in town. His name is Jamie, and he works at the touristy coffee shop you frequent. “Hey!” he waves, walking over to you on gangly legs. “I hope you don’t mind me stopping by, you’re always gushing about this place and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about,” he tells you, giving you a boyish grin. He’s sweet and you don’t mind him joining you.
It feels good to reclaim your beach like this, hanging out with a new friend. Jamie is nice and genuine and has no rules to follow when it comes to your relationship with him. He feels safe and easy. After the first day he comes by, you don’t expect him to come back. But he does, he comes back again with your favorite drink order in hand. “I got your usual,” he tells you, a bright smile on his face when you open your door to him. 
“Aw thanks, you didn’t have to do that!” you tell him, excited and flattered by the gesture. He just shrugs and smiles at you more, scratching at the back of his neck. “Let me just get my coat,” you say, ready for another walk on the beach. He is too, and you spend the day rattling on to one another. He’s a little awkward and it makes you feel awkward too, but it’s more endearing than anything. You can’t help that your gaze keeps wandering out to the sea, waiting to see Aegis between the waves. You don’t, though, even if you think you feel his eyes on you. 
“You okay?” 
You shake yourself out of your thoughts, “Sorry,” you smile, “just daydreaming a bit is all.” Daydreaming about your days here spent with Aegis, the sun shining in his ocean grey eyes. You miss him and wish things had ended differently. 
Jamie sits on a rock and you follow his lead, getting comfortable and enjoying the rare moment of sunshine. Jamie suddenly clears his throat next to you, catching your attention. “Would you,” he sputters on, his cheeks pink, “would you want to go on a date sometime? I’d really love to take you on one.” Your heart is pounding and ears are ringing. This sort of thing always makes you anxious but you’re stopped before you’re able to respond. 
A firm and angry voice sounds from behind you. If you thought you were nervous before, it was nothing compared to this. Jamie’s gaze is locked above your head and he looks confused. 
“Uh, I wasn’t asking you?” 
“She will not be going on a date with you. I’d say sorry but I’m not,” Aegis snaps out, and you stop yourself from turning to look at him. 
“Aegis, what the fuck?” The woman from before is there too then, and you finally look at them. They’re both dripping wet and carrying seal skins. The woman is a selkie too, then. Your heart drops and it makes sense he would rather be with her. She was gorgeous and surely easier to trust than a human. 
 “I’m so sorry for my brother’s behavior,” she scowls, “he can be a real dickhead sometimes.” 
“Brother?” you ask, shock lacing your voice. Aegis and his sister snap their attention to you, then, and his face morphs from a mask of fury to one of understanding and sadness. He comes closer after a pause. 
“Yes, sweet girl, my sister. You thought the worst of me, yeah?”
Jamie chimes in “Uh, sweet girl?” he asks “Oh! Oh shoot, sorry, gosh, sorry I thought you were single.” Jamie looks at you though, and sees your red cheeks and your inability to form a response and comes to your aid. “Actually, do you want to go home? You look uncomfortable.” You just nod and get your things, grateful to have a friend like him. 
“Yeah, I think I should head home. Um, I’ll talk to you later Jamie. Nice to meet you, by the way,” you say, polite and looking at Aegis’s sister.
“Were you...swimming? It’s freezing!” is the last thing you hear Jamie say before you’re rushing away.
Aegis tails you to your house, pleading with you. “Please, at least let me talk to you,” he begs, desperation clear in his voice. You’re out of breath from your quick ascent up from the beach and too flustered and embarrassed to talk to him. You’re angry that he thinks he could ignore you after blowing up on you and then come back acting like he had some sort of claim on you. 
“Not now,” is all you manage to say.
“Aegis! For fucks sake, leave her be!” his sister yells out, and you’re grateful for the intervening. You head inside your house and leave the rest of them outside. Jamie leaves and Aegis and his sister head back down towards the water, likely leaving the same way they came. Aegis looks back several times, catching your eye in the window. I’ll talk to him soon, you think. Just not right now, not until you sort out the mess of feelings you have. 
You can’t help but be conflicted. Seeing Aegis standing there dripping wet and all possessive over you stirred your desire. You have to remind yourself to be angry and stand your ground. He needs to learn how to communicate, not just act like a neanderthal and manage to win you back based on sheer attractiveness. His words still stung and he had lots of making up to do. 
As you busy yourself in your home, you see dark clouds gathering through your window. You turn on the local news and it looks like a bad storm is set to ravage your town. You’re nervous. You knew the rainy season could be bad here but the locals often discussed the occasional hurricane-eske storms that tear through. You are unsure how well your home will hold up. You try to secure what you can and get ready to hunker down for a while. 
Sure enough, thunder starts to rumble. It’s deep and shakes the earth beneath you. The wind and rain howl outside and you pray your generator holds up. You entertain yourself for a bit, curled up watching a movie, but soon enough the weather is too bad to concentrate on anything else. When an especially loud bout of thunder hits you start to feel panicky. It rattles your windows and you make a point to stay away from them. They rattle so loudly that you almost miss the pounding on your door. 
Almost, though. When you realize someone is knocking your heart beats even faster. You pick up the closest thing you could use as a weapon, unsure who could be here. You peek through and see Aegis standing outside, soaked to the bone. You’re relieved that it’s him, but not entirely happy he’s here. You wrench the door open and allow him in, the wind promptly slamming the door back into place. He settles onto a stool and you stay on the opposite side of the room, occupying yourself with looking outside.
“I wanted to make sure you were okay,” he explains, and you nod. “I’m sorry,” he says.
“I didn’t mean to touch it, Aegis. I really didn’t! And you know that and still left,” you manage to get out past the knot in your throat. 
“Aye, I know. I made a mistake, I got angry.” His voice gets softer, “I got scared, my sweet girl.” 
You sniffle and look away, annoyed at the effect he has on you. He crumbles down your walls one word at a time. 
“I was stupid and didn’t know what to do. My sister had to come talk some sense into me.”
“I didn’t think she was your sister,” you mumble and he nods, giving you a watery smile.
“I’m sorry for that, too. After I saw you with that man on the beach I was so angry. She reminded me I had no right to be, I had no claim on you. I didn’t like hearing that,” he says. He stands then, eyes locked on your own.
You are on the other side of the room, backed up against your wall. As if the space between you could stop the pull of your heart. Your eyes are wide and flooded over and you don’t care to hold your tears back anymore. He walks towards you and he holds his sealskin in his hands. The closer he gets to you, the more you can feel your knees buckling. You feel them lock right as Aegis locks an arm around your waist, wrapping his seal skin over your shoulders at the same moment. When the pelt brushes against your skin and envelops you in its warmth, you feel more at peace than you have in days. It is like Aegis’s very being is intertwining around yours. His essence permeates through your skin and curls around your cells, and you relish it and relax into his hold. You knew the sealskin had magic to it but you didn’t realize how much it would affect you.  
“What-what are you doing?” you whimper out, making no move to stop him.
“I want you to know I trust you. I want you to trust me too. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, sweet girl,” he says. “After my tantrum and being away from you, I realized I’d give you my damn sealskin if it meant I could be yours.” He wipes away your stray tears and brushes your hair out of your face, gentling you. “Shhh, I’ve got you. No more crying, not because of me,” he pleads. 
“O-okay,” you reply, wobbly and unsure what else to say. The euphoric feeling of his sealskin is still lingering and you know he’s speaking the truth to you.  
“My love,” he cooes, “won’t you let me earn your forgiveness?”
You sniffle and nod, stretching toward him for a kiss, a real one. He obliges you, his bearch a scratchy comfort to your flushed skin, grounding you. He tastes like salt and wind, his kiss flavored by the sea. It’s chaste but perfect and when lightning strikes and sounds you break away from his lips only to curl further into his arms. A fearful noise escapes you and you bury your face into his neck. His hands rub your back and you take some deep breaths. If your house has lasted this long then it’ll be okay. You’re safe in his arms with his sealskin warm around you. 
You pull back, intent on kissing him more thoroughly this time. He is eager too and pulls you flush against him. He pulls you away from the wall and shuffles you onto the couch, not allowing a centimeter space to form between your bodies. You kiss him over and over, soft moans leaving you every time his lips mould to your own. His hands find your skin under your sweater and you are eager for more, burying your own in his hair. . 
“Let me lay you down,” he says, “let me show you how much I missed you.” 
Heat has gathered between your legs and the tingling of the sealskin on your flesh feels as though it has concentrated itself there. You pinch them together and he notices, pulling a leg over his hip to grind into your center. You whimper into his mouth, his lips pulling into a smile. He strips you of your sweater and makes sure to plant kisses across your birthmark. You lose the rest of your clothes and as his hands wander, so do your own. 
You tease his waistband, slowly slipping your hand inside. He rumbles a deep encouraging noise and you take him in hand. His cock is thick and heavy, pulsing in your grasp. It’s bigger than anything you’ve taken before and you aren’t sure that it’ll fit. You tell him as much, looking up at him with wide lust filled eyes. 
“It’ll fit sweetheart,” he whispers, his fingers tracing the crease of your labia. “I’ll make sure you’re ready for me.” 
He parts your folds and coats his fingers, your legs spreading to give him more room. He dips the tips of his fingers just barely inside of you, becoming familiar with your entrance. You aren’t good at being patient, though, and his cock is so close. You arch and moan, shifting further toward him and presenting yourself only for him to halt your movements. “Don’t tease,” you whimper out, only earning an amused laugh from your selkie. 
“Alright then,” he kisses you with a smiling mouth, “no teasing,” he says, promptly thrusting two of his thick digits into you. A surprised moan is torn from your throat and he glides through your walls easily, aided by your arousal. He scissors and curls his fingers in and out, stretching you open for him and spreading around your wetness. His thumb finds you clit and your mouth falls open, making room for his tongue to tangle with your own in a sloppy kiss that makes your cunt tighten.  
“Please,” you beg him, “I want you,”
“You beg so pretty,” he relents, fingers retreating after a final movement. 
He places himself between your legs, bending to kiss you again as he does. He kisses your cheek too before rising back up. He presses and rubs himself between your lips, making sure he’s covered in your wetness. His hips stutter when the head of his cock meets your folds but you paw at his shoulders, wordlessly pleading with him to continue. As he splits you apart underneath him a shaky breath leaves his lips. He hilts himself and stays there for a moment, soaking in the feel of your velvet cunt pulsing around him. You tighten around him in an attempt to get him to move. You try to tilt your hips up but he grabs them, forcing them in place. 
“Don’t move,” he gasps out, looking strung out above you. His head is tilted back and his eyes are closed. He’s beautiful and all yours. The magic of his pelt connects the two of you on a deeper level that has you feeling floaty and out of control, but the stretch of his cock and feel of his hands ground you.
A whine leaves you and you clench down on him, hoping to spur him into action. “Fuck,” he sputters, pushing even harder into you. You can feel him so deeply and it’s impossible to tell where one of you ends and the other begins. 
“Aegis,” you moan out, “move, please.” you cry out, nails digging into him. With a clenched jaw he follows your request. He retreats then pumps into you again, slowly but forcefully. His pace starts slow and he fully hilts himself inside of you each time. Your hips twitch up and the head of his cock notches against a spot inside of you that has your eyes rolling up into your head. He notices and makes a point to angle his hips toward it. Your legs turn to jello as he speeds up, snapping his legs against you. You reach down and rub your clit, Aegis encouraging you. 
“You take me so well. Fucking made to be wrapped around me, weren’t you?” he says, “That’s right, take your pleasure,” he whispers, his hot breath on the shell of your ear. His words have a tightness building in your gut, the coil wrapping tighter and tighter until you cry out in release. With you cumming underneath him Aegis can’t hold back any longer. He drives into you with rhythmless thrusts and moans out above you, a high pornographic sound that has aftershocks running through you as he spills inside of you. Little jerks of his hips extend your pleasure as the two of you slowly sink together.
Aegis is twitching and cooing at you as the haze clears from your mind. He wraps his arms and legs around you, the heavy limbs tangling with your own. He nuzzles into you as content as can be. Sweat is cooling on your skin and he covers the two of you with a throw blanket, the storm outside long forgotten. Your face is peppered in kisses as you drift to sleep, his pelt still a comfort underneath you. 
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shepherds-of-haven · 3 years
If characters had a Game of Thrones style house banner and motto, what would they be?
Ooh, this is an interesting one!
House Bronwyn: "The Darkness Answers" or "Weapons in the Silent Night" - a silver wolf on a field of black, with a white blade piercing the background. Their house is known for operating as a kind of shadow military that influences and directs things from the shadows, and although the wolf has connotations of solitude and aloofness, they are actually extremely loyal "pack-animals" who form a tight-knit clan and unwaveringly answer the call of duty... no matter how bloody their hands may get from answering.
House Alder: "First in the Charge" or "Our Fury Shakes Them" - a gold lion roaring rampant on a field of red (so, yeah, Gryffindor I guess!). This one is fairly self-explanatory--the Alder house is known by others to produce some of the fiercest and most courageous warriors, though they also have a reputation for being brash and hot-headed. Alder soldiers are always sent in to "hold the line" and are infamous for never abandoning the field or retreating, even when it leads to certain death. "Our Fury Shakes Them" also refers to their propensity to use cannon-fire and gun blasts to destroy their enemies.
House Ironwood: "Our Roots Run Deep" or "The First, The Last, The Eternal" - a golden oak tree on a forest-green banner with a trim of autumn red. Their house is among the oldest and was once known as one of the most powerful military forces on the Continent, with a cadre of skilled Elven knights being produced by that house, but as time went on and the world changed, the house fell into semi-obscurity or became more known for its archival work and love of history, causing some to look down on it as a house of scholars. Whenever they try to invoke the promises and alliances of old, others roll their eyes at House Ironwood's unwillingness to change and adapt to the world around it. As a result, House Ironwood tends to isolate itself from other houses, swearing only to trust their own kind. Their current scion gets them into a lot of trouble for challenging an heir of a Norm house to a duel for slandering the name of House Ironwood, and then killing him in the ensuing standoff. This has led to military reprisals against House Ironwood, and they find themselves in a precarious position of being surrounded by enemies and having isolated former friends.
House Acquell: "Faith is a Shield and Love the Cure" or "Many Hearts Beating as One" - a Celtic-looking knot or a chain of hands interlocking around a heart. This house is looked down upon by more militaristic houses for being a generally trusting, pacifistic house. Its holdings are small and its lineage is quite new, but the house is beloved by its own people due to its scions working as healers, clerics, and devotees of charity, often seen among the streets of their city and passing out food and coin. House Acquell is an extremely religious house, and many of its heirs and heiresses join the Church to become priests and priestesses. The founder of the house was first canonized as a saint.
House Syndran: "Out of Cruelty, Justice" or "The Cunning Conquer" - a black crow or raven spreading its wings on a field of royal purple. This house was built on mercantile roots, but its influence now stretches far and wide, reaching into all matters of business, politics, intrigue, and even war. Its scions are famed for their ruthlessness and willingness to go completely scorched-earth on their enemies, and for their ability to lie and manipulate even nominal allies with completely straight faces. The house leader always bears a gold-capped walking cane. Although its military power is weak, it makes up for it with the host of allies under its economic control. You can always make out the Syndrans at a party by the cadre of serious-faced, dark-haired heirs staring at the proceedings like they're a play under watchful critique. Although not known for being friendly, House Syndran also prides itself on impeccable etiquette and manners.
House Trinaeste: "If I Am Not Free, Then I Am Dead" or "Many Skills, Many Virtues" - a black cat on a field of gold, with two crossed daggers in the background and a key lying at its feet. The "Many Skills, Many Virtues" motto is something of an in-joke, because this house is known for its willingness to train its heirs in even unsavory skills--such as thievery and seduction--in order to ensure their survival. Many heirs are sent to special training at a secret academy on an island south of Conte--though what they are taught there, no one but the Trinaestes knows for sure. As such, this house is shunned by many for its unorthodox values and behavior, and not much is known about the inner workings of the house itself. The heirs and heiresses all seem like empty-headed fops who love to chase skirts (or whatever article of clothing they so desire), so no one ever takes them seriously... but that's their mistake, because House Trinaeste actually has the greatest network of spymasters and intelligence operatives this world has ever seen. They apparently have a lot of bastard children or sometimes even unrelated orphans whom they happily accept into their house anyway, which is another reason why the other houses shun them. They also supposedly have some ties to seafarers and pirates as well as a fleet of ships at their disposal.
House Antiqua: "The Road Not Taken" or "The World to Roam" - a golden globe on a field of deep scarlet/maroon/magenta, though from certain angles, the globe can also like the sun or moon (or all three). House Antiqua is composed of just straight up scholars. Sometimes a second son or a third daughter goes into military service or serves in a great battle and makes a distinction of themselves, but it's never on the level of an Alder, Bronwyn, Aescar, or Stormbreaker. By and large, they're known as a house of oddly-attractive, well-born nerds, more fodder for marriages and families rather than candidates that could bring about great change. They don't really get much of a say in anything among the greater houses, but that suits them just fine. They're like the classic Jane Austen-style families where they just hang out and read books and entertain visitors sometimes LMAO. They are neither very rich nor destitute; neither isolated nor up in everyone's business. They are on friendly terms with most houses, but no one takes them all that seriously when it comes to important matters like war or politics. They are known to serve as advisors and consultants in times of need, however. Many of their heirs leave the house and travel across the world using secret identities when they reach a certain age; it's something of a cliché among their inner circle. They eventually develop strong ties to House Syndran after one son casually beats the Syndran heir in chess during a party.
House Aescar: "The Wind is With Us" or "It Is Us Who Fly" - a tan flying eagle with a serpent-like staff clutched in its talons, soaring on a field of light blue. House Aescar is known for its terrifying use of theatrics in order to instill fear into the hearts of their enemies on the battlefield. They utilize war paint, war chants and screams, and unsettling war horns in order to rev up their soldiers before battle. Like House Alder, they have a reputation for not having a head for politics; they'd prefer you to just point them at the enemy and let them do their thing, and they have little patience for the trappings of politics and diplomacy. If the Continent were divided up into wards where certain houses were in charge of defending the borders from invasion, House Aescar would be the guardians of the West; House Prince, House Ironwood, and House Bronwyn would the guardians of the North; House Stormbreaker, House Trinaeste, and House Syndran would be the guardians of the South; and House Alder, House Antiqua, and House Naveen would be the guardians of the East. The fact that House Aescar is tasked with guarding the West alone is a point of pride for its heirs and scions. The youth of the house tends to be charged with going on a pilgrimage throughout their lands to observe how the common folk live. They are expected to return with worthwhile thoughts or findings about how to improve the house or its holdings, and if their opinions are interesting and well-thought-out, they are allowed a voice in the house's governing council.
House Prince: "Keepers of the North" or "Righteous in Wrath" or "Darkness Flees Our Light" - a white spear with a white shield behind it, radiating rays of light on a field of black. Not much is known about House Prince, except that its current heirs are a set of twin boys. Its military force is known for being utterly loyal, almost to the point of fanaticism, and the house has close ties to House Bronwyn due to their proximity to each other. House Prince is known among the other houses for being insistent on keeping its bloodlines pure and marrying its heirs to the Hunter scions of other close-knit families or even distant cousins, leading some to joke surreptitiously that the house is "incestuous." At one point in time, the older twin heir of the current generation disappeared for a year or two, forcing his brother to assume the guise of both twins to prevent the house from looking weaker to its outside enemies. Certain heirs of the Prince House are said to be cursed with a mysterious affliction that causes them to fall into fits of madness and rage, especially at the sight of blood, and for these reasons, many of them live in reclusive isolation in their castle, rarely seen by the outside world.
House Stormbreaker: "Thunder and Lightning" or "The Storm Stands Vigilant" or "From the Stars We Came, To the Stars We Rise" - a golden, starry ship sailing on a teal sea as lightning splits the banner in half and a dragon swims underneath the ship. House Stormbreaker is among the most sought-after houses for its explosive military prowess and strength, affording it a lot of political and negotiating power. Its heirs and scions are known to be gifted with extraordinary strength and a strange knack for avoiding almost certain death, serving with distinction as battlemasters, generals, and occasionally as knights and champions. A legendary sword is said to be passed from leader to leader, with no one but those of pure Stormbreaker blood being able to even pick the sword up. They are also known as a clan of sailors and are able to deploy their own naval fleet to defend the coastline as needed. Although they have a ferocious, proud, and hot-tempered reputation, heirs of the Stormbreaker house are sometimes not taken seriously in matters of court due to their strange pink hair. Despite this, scions of House Stormbreaker are among the most sought-after candidates for marriage, as people desire their mysterious superstrength and magic to be incorporated into their own houses. However, for reasons unknown, the House Stormbreaker is extremely strict with such marriages, and arrangements are often made three or more generations ahead of time in a careful curation of the bloodline.
House Naveen: "Gold in Peace, Steel in War" or "Not Without Thorns" - a scarlet rose on a field of lavender with two crossed rapiers in the background. House Naveen is the most powerful and influential of all of the Houses when it comes to sheer political power, rivalled only by House Syndran. Its military strength is only better than average, but its holdings, wealth, and political connections are vast and storied. Its current heiress is infamous for refusing suitors and continually denying her father's attempts to secure a marriage, focusing instead on joining chivalric orders and continually maneuvering situations in House Naveen's favor. House Naveen holds the honor of being among the last houses to continue ancient traditions such as jousting and knightly tournaments, but it's their celebrations and social occasions that the house is truly known for. The Naveens are said to employ a spy in the servants of every house aside from House Bronwyn, Prince, and Ironwood. What they do with that information, however, no one knows. On the surface, the Naveen house seems to be largely magnanimous and benign... Interestingly, they have offered an extension of aid to House Ironwood to get out of its dueling problem, but so far, House Ironwood has not given a reply.
House Naveen has also been largely matriarchal in the past, something that still informs its power structure to this day. This makes it a target of scorn by other powerful and male-led noble houses (such as House Eddon, Auberon's house), but it's something that the Naveens flaunt proudly with the rose as their insignia!
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
So, in the event, Rook has shown that he just carries rope with him. You may do whatever you wish with that information 👀
This was an ask from a few...weeks ago? I don’t remember exactly how long this was sitting in my inbox because I was waiting for the perfect time to answer it (//∇//)
Rook had been a very kind and helpful senior to you this year. You’ll be lying if you say that you didn’t think he was a bit strange like the others, but he has that certain charm in him that makes it difficult for you to complete look away from his direction. Besides, it got to the point where you just got used to him and even thought his actions were somehow entertaining...If you were the spectator, rather than the target that is.
Rook is a very doting person as well, you are by no means an exception to this peculiarity of his. He’ll appear when you least expected it, often startling you out of your skin just by a mere greeting alone. He would always talk to you as if he’s reciting a poem ever so often, making you think that you may or may not have completely lost his point here, it’s almost like he’s talking in a different language. He always acts like this towards you, and to everyone else as well, you could never know what he’s thinking or what he wants in the first place. Part of you just thought that he may just have been built differently than others, but then again, Rook is an elusive individual to begin with so everything could all be an act in the first place.
Long store short; you were both fascinated and terrified of this man.
But as strange and conflicting your relationship with Rook is, you still respected the guy as your senior to some extent. Say what you want about the the Pomefiore Vice Dorm Leader but you can’t deny his wide range of capabilities. When you are at a lost for things that you think you can’t do, he was the one who provided you with the advices and help that you needed during those times. Before you knew it, you had already owe him in many ways and yet, Rook had never once asked for anything in return.
“Worry not, mon petite chérie. For I am only doing of what I must.” He would say to you as an excuse, often filling you with guilt sometimes. Especially whenever he would ever so gently pat your head, chuckling to himself as he towers down upon you. “Seeing the beauty in your smile is enough to make my own heart flutter in happiness. Oui, believe me when I say that it’s that marvelous.”
Huh...So, people who accepts things like that as payment still exists in this time and age too. Forgive yourself from being too suspicious of his behavior though, you just don’t think a single smile is worth all that trouble but you guessed this was just another “agree-to-disagree” kind of situation. Who knows? The two of you did grew up in two different upbringings. Or quite literally, two different worlds.
Anyways, although you respected his choices after all this time, you thought it was just common sense to at least provide him with a simple gift in his birthday. You saw how everyone else such as Epel, Vil, and Trey were preparing their own gifts, so you don’t think he’ll be able to reject yours this time. You made your way through the Pomefiore lounge where the party was being held, but was unable to see a single glimpse of your peculiar senior around. It was a lively party and he may be busy with the other dorm residents, so you felt a bit out of place and proceeded to ask people you personally knew about his whereabouts.
“Rook? I was talking to him earlier but now, I have no idea where he went.” Vil said with a sigh as he crossed his arms. “That guy is as elusive as always, even I wouldn’t know exactly what’s running through that mind of his. It puts me in an unsettling position actually.”
“But it’s his birthday for goodness sake, he’s the main protagonist of the day. He should be the one to at least entertain the guest out here, not hiding in plain shadows, seriously.” You laughed nervously as Vil ranted in irritation, huffing by the end. He then glanced at you and soon took notice of the gift you’re holding. “If that gift is for him then, just leave it at his room. It’s unlocked, I believe. We stacked the other gifts he got earlier there too so it wouldn’t clog up the lounge.”
“O-Oh, is that so...Thank you very much.” Thus, ended your conversation with the Dorm Leader with a bow, watching as he walked away saying how Epel had been consuming way too much sugar for the night. With no more leads to follow, you chose to go with Vil’s suggestion and headed out to his room, still at a lost for where your senior could be.
It was true, the moment you spotted the room and turned the doorknob around, it easily spun open. “...Pardon my intrusion...” You slowly said as you took a peak before entering, unsure if anyone was actually inside. There was no one, just some elagant room design as expected with the Pomefiore dorm, with neat furnitures decorated all around. You could feel your own heart cry when you compare to your own dorm which trademark lies within the ghost residents.
You felt slightly anxious, it was your first time visiting his room like this so you couldn’t help but to gawk at some things you’ve never seen before. This was your chance to explore another man’s room, albeit only for a few seconds and by the looks of it, it really hits different that of Ace or Deuce. It has the exact same smell as Rook and the sense of familiarity was somehow calming, probably because you’re so used to being in close proximity with him now. His belongings were all well-organized, the books are neatly stacked on the bookshelves, along with some...questionable collection of bows and arrows stuck on the wall. You also noticed a spare hat and a single telescope lying on his desk, you could ask what it was for, but you preferred to keep the question for yourself.
You shook your head eventually, quickly but carefully prancing inside to place your gift on his desk. Finally, your quest has been conquered, although looking around, the other presents that Vil mentioned was nowhere to be found. Maybe he has them already opened and kept at a certain storage of some sort? Anyways, that wasn’t your problem now, you did what you needed to do, it was your time to bounce out of this room, feeling as if you’re invading too much of his personal privacy. Rook did told you that he never liked that in a person.
...Until, something else caught your eye.
You stopped, eyes blinking repeatedly at the slight tear in the wallpaper near his bed. There was something hidden inside, no, it doesn’t seem like it’s trying to hide at all. It was deliberately placed in a place like that for everyone to see. So, like a cat overwhelmed by curiosity, you stepped close to inspect it, even going as far as stepping on the neatly draped bed sheets of his to get a closer look.
“Eh...?” It was a mass of pictures of almost everything and everyone you can think of upon coming to this school. It was stuck inside the wall like a collection of some sort and it took you a while to actually get what all of this meant. “There’s so many pictures...Pfft...!”
You ended up laughing at yourself for feeling so tense, you honestly felt stupid for the amount of suspense you gave yourself. Of course, this was definitely something that Rook Hunt will do, what did you think it was going to be? Sure, it is creepy to think that someone is keeping tabs at everyone and everything through photography but this is just normal in this school. At least, to those who knew Rook to some extent, it’s not really a big deal nowadays, especially at this school. Anyways, you calmed your laughter down and stared back at the pictures to actually admire them as despite it all, every one of them are all well-taken.
Humming throughout your exploration, you thought it would be interesting to see if you could spot yourself in one of these photos. You looked around and at first, it was tough since you weren’t anywhere in the photos that the wallpaper could reveal but after a while you found a glimpse of your own face at the very edge. However, the tear in the wallpaper stops there so it filled you with disappointment to not be able to see the photo he took of you. “That’s a bummer...” You pouted slightly.
However, combined with overwhelming curiosity, your mischievous side couldn’t help but to come out. You peaked through the small hole inside the wallpaper and confirmed that there is more, as you expected Rook would have, just not visible from your angle. You didn’t want to damage anything but you carefully slipped your fingers in the small opening, trying to get a better look of the picture. You were mainly trying to shine light on them, just a little bit more and you could make out of its content. It got your heart pumping somehow, eager to see what kind of photo you were in.
Screaming almost immediately due to panic and shock, you made the mistake of instinctively gripping his wallpaper tight, dragging them down completely by accident. You turned around, face flushed and clutched your chest as your heart beats so fast that it feels like it could jump out at any moment. “R-Ro-Rook-san!?” You stammered out, your butt hitting the bed while your legs shook. “W-Wha-When...!?”
Rook only gave out a chuckle as you frantically try to calm your nerves, which was nearly impossible after the stunt that he just pulled. You knew he loved doing this and to think you’d be used to it by now, but this one felt so different than the other times you were startled by him. He was so close to you with that greeting, too close in fact. Just where the hell does he keep coming from, you didn’t even hear a single sound from your surroundings. Rook stood straight before glancing over at the mess you had realized you made when his expression turned that of worry.
You were still gripping onto the ruined wallpaper at this point so, you gasped and quickly turned around, preparing for any damage you may have caused. However, at that moment, you stopped once your eyes had finally caught what kind of picture were inside those wallpapers all along.
“Aah...To think mon chére fleur herself would be the one to unravel my collection! How embarrassing~!” Rook said, placing a hand on his slowly heating up his cheeks. He bats an eye to your direction, looking all embarrassed as you stared, unblinking at his work. He soon smirked and chuckled darkly, leaning in closer to you from behind, in which you shivered at. “...But how does it look in your perspective? Aren’t they all beautiful?”
Yes, they were harmless pictures, that’s all there is supposed to be on it. But these pictures striked a nerve in you, one such that you didn’t know could cause this much wave of alarming fear in your body.
They were harmless but they were not normal in the slightest. For almost all of what the wallpaper had revealed was all about you, and only you that it makes you sick to the stomach. Everything that you remember doing in your daily routine had been taken into consideration, from a picture of you yawning as you wake up in the morning, to a picture of you sleeping peacefully at night. Pictures of you seemingly eating, walking, talking, everything that you’ve been doing is pasted on the same wall before you, all taken in such high resolution. If that wasn’t enough, even a few photos of you in the nude was in there, bathing and changing, you unconsciously wrapped your hands around yourself as goosebumps quickly formed.
Rook had literally been watching your every movements, documenting your life with a camera and capturing everything, including things that hits way too close. Deeply disturbed, your eyes tried to glance everywhere but the pictures, only to find no escape to them. Some pictures had even been tampered with before taking the shot, like that one photo where his hands shows his hands deliberately spreading your legs for the camera as you slept. You shivered, unconsciously thinking about that other one where it was your breasts that was fully out for the world to see and oh, god...That one with your sleeping face covered with a suspicious white liquid, you almost gagged at the mental image.
“...W-What is this...” You slowly looked up at Rook with fear in your eyes, trembling like a leaf as the same guy looked down upon you with a chilling smile. It was honestly too nauseating that you instinctively brought a hand to your mouth, just in case something does come out.
“Beauty, my Love.” Rook purred closer to you, his eyes brimming with desire. “Your beauty.”
He caught your chin in a gentle yet tight grip. “I had it preserve in a memory that I would forever see. Just keeping them in my mind alone was not enough.” He said, closing in on you on his bed, preventing any possible escape routes. “...For I am a greedy man.”
And with that, you found yourself in his bind, pinning you down on the bed with your hands on each side of your head. “Now...The reason why you invaded my sanctuary was...?” Rook asked but he was not expecting you to answer at all. Instead, his eyes glanced to the side, eyeing the gift you left on his desk. “...Ah, of course. Vil must’ve given you permission to hand your gift in.”
You were as stiff as a rock, too tense to even act and move. The hands on your wrists doesn’t seem too tight but a feeling in your gut screams at you to not even try if you didn’t want to get hurt. You were left gulping down your own nervousness as Rook turned back to you with the same smile. “Merci. I’ll be sure to treasure whatever you have given me.” He whispered as he leaned closer, giving you a delicate kiss on the temple in which you squeaked at. “...But nonetheless, you trespassed on someone else’s territory, petite proie. A predator’s territory, on top of that.”
“I-I’m sor-“
“Non, an apology is not what I need. Someone as beautiful as you should not make that kind face.” Rook cuts you off, before suggestively licking his lips. He sat up, confident enough to let go of your wrist, knowing fully well that you wouldn’t have the guts to push him off. He straddled above your stomach, which left you confused and wary to wonder what he was planning to do. However, looking back at him, your eyes widened in caution as he suddenly pulled out a long and thick rope, one that would certainly burn your skin if you struggle too much. Where in the hell did he... “Lift your head up high and reap what you have sowed. That is the beauty that can justify your crimes.”
“Now...” You breathe heavily as he tightened his hold on the rope, biting his lip eagerly. You can’t even imagine how much he has planned inside his head. It made you visit the terrifying possibility that he was ready for this moment from the very beginning, curiated and planned. Your heart drops at the thought, if that is really the case, then...Just how much? How much further into the future did he plan exactly? “Allow me to indulge myself to this fine opportunity you gave me, beloved Trickster.
“...A fine opportunity, indeed. Beautifully so.”
Allow Yume to flex on her non-existing French skills along with her companion, Google Translate. i sincerely apologize to any French Darlings out there yume did not attend a single French class in her life lol
Someone teach me French so I can write more things about this sexy bitch.
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nowornever13587 · 4 years
My Dream SMP Headcannons PT 1
(By character but otherwise with no particular order. And just who I have hc's for.)
1. JSchlatt
- He's a goat hybrid. Does anyone remember what the mountain goats do in the next update? THEY SHOVE YOU OFF THE MOUNTAIN. Therefore, Schlatt has a natural instinct to randomly shove people off of things.
- You can vary the shoving people thing. Evil Schlatt always does it on purpose and laughs cruelly. Nice Schlatt laughs, apologizes and usually the other person doesn't mind.
- He's also both stronger and weaker than people think. He can withstand a lot of weight and strain but can't really use it anywhere else. Hence why he can't swim. His body is to dense and he sinks because of how his body is built.
2. SBI Family (overall)
- It is an adopted family, but a very loose kind of family. And I mean loose. Phil is the "dad" but it's pretty much because he's just the oldest and had his shit together before the others/ found them.
- I'm am fixing the fridge thing by saying the kids were all found on really cold nights and its a inside joke between them.
- Phil knew Techno first and the longest, but their bond is more friendly than parentental. Basically the kind of bond you'd get from spending years with someone, which they have. (Antarctic Empire I respect as part of my cannon)
- Wilbur has also been around a while, but not nearly as long as Techno. He is older but because Techno was there first, he considers him the older brother. Also Wil is slightly more "clingy" to Phil, meaning they have much more of a father/son bond.
- Tommy is the youngest but voraciously independent. He met Phil when Techno was starting to branch off, leading to the to them not having a close bond. (Hence the excitement when Techno agrees to help Tommy) And Phil was also starting to get a little tired of "home life" and urged Tommy to do whatever. Tommy fell much more instep with Wilbur but not entirely enough of a brother bond formed.
- Tubbo was found a bit after Tommy and the two got on much better as really good friends. Wilbur often took the two along with him on adventures while Phil was busy with his Hardcore career. (The Streaming/YT is their jobs but its more of a reality style thing)
- They all consider one server with their house in it, their home server. Their Home Crystals link up to it and that's usually where they got between living in worlds such as the SMP. [Will make a second post about the mechanics]
3. Philza Minecraft
- Avian Hybrid, parrot wise. Big wings and partially scaled feet with his sandals. Tends to eat less meat than most Players.
- Although he holds himself to honor and doesn't fly until he finds an elytra or something seriously bad happens. (Not a hard-core death but the server is collapsing, unnatural danger.) But he does flutter sometimes to get across wider gaps.
- He is more violent than people usually make him out to be. He loves watching chaos and sometimes causing it. Chaotic Neutal. He does things because they are funny.
4. Techno
- Piglin that was born as a Player by a rare code chance. Got kicked out of the Bastions and tribes pretty early on and took care of himself. He accidentally found a Nether portal and headed to the overworld.
- Loves gold, as he should, so he wears other little bits of jewelry besides just his crown. If he can makes something gold, he will.
- Is very competitive and loves to study combat. Phil taught him how to read and he also took very quickly to that. Reading is his favorite past time besides belittling some orphans in a mini game.
5. Wilbur/Ghostbur
- Normal human with a talent for music. Slight prodigy kid at it. But hated his og parents using him for it and ran off.
- Is an Admin, able to have power over the worlds he makes. Made a small business out of making challenge worlds for Players to be his subjects. This kick started his way into Streaming. (He has no power in the SMP though because Dream made it)
- Ghostbur is a Neutral Poltergeist. Able to move stuff of his own free will, not through emotions. Although this is weaker so his form will fade in and out and he will drop things
- Ghostbur still has the wound from death and blood, despite not having been killed in the outfit he wears. He also cries blood when you make him upset.
6. Tommy
- Human, got lost and became a runaway but with no real attachment to his family so he was never driven to find them again.
- But, one of his clearest memories with his og family is the record shop they had owned and how much he loved the music there. Tubbo is the only other one who knows about this and that's why a symbol of their friendship is the discs.
- Tommy is attached to the discs for both the memory they hold about his early childhood and Tubbo. His comfort items basicly.
7. Tubbo
- An extremely rare Moobloom hybrid. Was cast out because of it though. (Hybrids are mutations and sometimes genetic.)
- Again, like Phil, has a much darker side that people blow over. Tubbo follows the ideal of "you catch more flies with honey than vinegar" so he seems cheerful. But step wrong and Tubbo can and will wreak your shit. He will also be chaotic and wild if he sees no point in keeping up the innocent facade.
That's is for now but I do have much more. :)
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