#no shame we legit are having fun here
Ok you gotta understand. As the guy who voted vauthry the very first time I did crown of the immaculate I was 1) MT (forced by my other tank friend) and 2) I did not look at a guide so I did NOT expect the phase two to be so targeted towards my, ahem, likes.
To the point I was so distracted I took a tankbuster unmitigated. I'm so sorry to the healers in that run.
Voidcast-dais is stronger than any marine. -Mod Fisher
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drowninginthoughts27 · 2 months
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socksandbuttons · 3 months
Swap AU Stuff
Alright let's jsut try getting down basics maybe
Also this maybe long actually.
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The obvious Swaps Lunar and Eclipse: Basically how we meet them in episode. I legit went along with thinking this Eclipse wasn't memory wiped the whole time so thats kinda- in the air a bit. But Lunar being the original body (I have a post showing how Eclipse looked then), Eclipse with the one he made (to be taller. He can't stand being small... Well shorter than anyone really. A shame he has Bloodmoon towering over him.) The Glamrocks: They are as Swapped so Chica is Freddy, Freddy is Roxy, Roxy is Monty and Monty is Chica (I love them immediately after giving them luscious hair im sorry). Rox and Sun are friends and he's quite protective of Sun, also a cowboy cause swap au/Foxy etc. Digi in the discord came up with this and i died cause it was so good actually. Eclipse and Lunar still go thru the whole October Arc with Moon and Sun. Moon being far more quiet but aggressive. Made Sun to hinder Eclipse. Let me paste my lil paragraph i had in discord
"Sun likely has more denial about moons treatment of him, however like lunar he does start questioning if its good for moon to get the star (like sort of getting the Moon Wont Stop so i need to do something he might hurt himself etc) plus lunar and eclipses treatment of sun would be a huge factor too, eclipse obviously is terrible at communcating and while he's a bit of a jerk, realizing sun might be in danger or hurt is something he might catch on faster. maybe. im thinking anyway sun catches attachment to both that outweighs his denial of moon being terrible actually. he's still grasping at things even well after. doesnt realize he gets awful panic attacks until someone points it out actually. and then i lost my train of thought but moon still loved sun just…. very clearly was not the forefront of his goals tho. feels very betrayed by sun after and likely wont fogrive sun. vs sun whos too willing to forgive despite his anxiety screaming at him NOT TO. i just wanna show a different thing to this cause lunar recognized halfway into october and let moon handle the rest and recognizes that eclipse was hurting him much sooner than sun wouldve (see the… current sun. og sun recognizes now but it truly took him a WHILE, communication Real now.)" Anyway, Sun does end up getting adopted by both Eclipse and Lunar. He's never gonna be taller than Eclipse. But as mentioned he's got a lot of things to work through about Moon (Roxy will kick so much ass for him.) Generally trying to grasp that yeah no it was pretty fucked up of Moon to do anything to Sun. Now the timeline gets a lil weird beyond this because like KC would've also been in this plot. KC unlike our Bloodmoon, is actually far smarter (Im sorry to bm fans), he DOES work with Sun but generally more for his benefit of getting rid of Moon. He doesn't really need to be bribed for this actually. Imagine KC being so pissed about Moon showing up in his systems and hes LIKE WTF MAN. Zappity Zap Zap Double Dee Moon Anyway Cue Bloodmoon arriving. And like bloodmoon does- He does technically hold Eclipse hostage but gets bored. So there is mild agreement. Bloodmoon does what KC did and FORCED themself out (like our OG boy!). They're uh... theyre not very keen on sticking around a daycare as fun as itd be to tear it up. They like lightly bully Sun but Roxy to the rescueee. Anyway, 'Does KC die in this au?' No he doesnt. He gets CLOSE to it but Bloodmoon just goes 'Hmn. nah son you're coming with me'. Lunar still feels incredibly bad about it though. Space arriving sooner actually more or less helps like avoid some certain issues here and there. Unlike Earth where she arrives much later (due to be literally distracted.) Space goes directly to the daycare. Thus kinda- changing some bits. He does meet Bloodmoon, hates him though. 'Why aren't you thinking this through' 'We wanna see how much they scream' 'You'll be electrocuting yourself before you get the chance' '...That means Eclipse gets electrocuted?' 'Put down. the fork.' KC handles Bloodmoon with much exasperation. Bloodmoon picked up this sucker and went 'our Spawn'. Baffles KC. Space ends up meeting Crater, Moon got annoyed with Space's presence being literally really hard to work around. Sends Crater, Crater and Space get along well enough that it wasn't Moon intention but this works too. Space (theres irony here) gets concerned with Crater and her not viewing herself with autonomy. She is still just a 'basic AI' as she puts it. Does what she's told. Bloodmoon doesn't really use her just kinda shoo's her off to Space or Eclipse. 'No you're no fun-' 'I have told to monitor you' 'WE DIDNT ASK MOON FOR A BABYSITTER' 'I am programmed to defend' 'We dont need defending either' 'You are still vunerable' '...Go away' 'Affirmative. Destination please?' 'DAYCARE'
Anyway How do i sum this up. Roxy and Sun are besties Lunar and Sun vibe. Eclipse is soft with Sun.
Bloodmoon has claimed ONE child. Doesn't really claim Moon but thats a later thing. Moon and KC despise one another.
KC didn't really want this fatherly figure but he begrudgingly accept them. Funny things happen with these three. Bloodmoon doesn't become pacifist, just more or less moves away dragging KC with them. A little bitter at Lunar's murder attempt but its fine. No one died there but heavily maimed.
Eclipse and Moon still ultimately hate one another. There is a Swap version of Solar thats Moon and- we'll get confused so just know its out there. Space and Crater are good friends and partly why both end up questioning their existence but both support pillars to one another that it just kinda isn't as devastating. Unless someone dies. Crater does end up having her own personhood, Moon does get attached to her even if he doesnt admit it. Space doesn't question creator enough but Crater does and vice versa. Bloodmoon(s) does have a name but ill reveal that later??? idk
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1anxiousbeancrying · 3 months
I love earth 65 so much, all of the character designs slap! Like we've all seen Gwen but here are a few others that I think are awesome.
Gonna start with gwenom
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This legit might be one of the best if not the best symbiote spider design, the tongue working as sort of a fifth limb, depending on the artist the hood changes from a white outline to venoms teeth. She has claws that put Miguels to shame, she also permanently has the claws out, which the normal symbiote spider man suit does not which is cool. I love how it looks like she has a biker jacket on, she's also very spikey which is fun.
Next is green goblin
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I honestly love this green goblin look, even if he doesn't appear for long in the comic. With Harry having shield training it makes sense for the goblin suit to act as armor instead of a costume. Also his little goblin robots are fun. The goblin feels quite serious in earth 65 which makes sense because his one goal was to kill spider woman.
Up next we have dazzler
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I don't know much about dazzler, but I'm very much enjoying her in the new comic. I think her look is quite similar to how she looks in other worlds I'm just including it because she looks nice in the art style.
Then we have mj carnage
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I love mj carnage shes so fun, I definitely prefer how she's drawn in the new comics then to how she was in Gwenom vs carnage. The jaws a bit off putting but it is carnage so I can look past it, the hair looks great and the additional blue and yellow stripes are cool I want to see more of her.
And the newest addition to the earth 65 roster is Orlando octavius aka doc ock
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I mean the coat slays, I like how the collar frills up. The yellow on the coat is really pretty. And I love the take on his mechanical arms, he's absolutely serving right now.
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aryxchse · 2 months
okay but this has consuming my mind lately… Percy Jackson x daughter of Persephone?
red rose is for i love you! / percy jackson x daughter of persephone! reader.
a / n : my lovely daughters of persephone, rise up!!
warnings : cursing duh
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- it all started with a dare
- and percy jackson is a dare king okay
- leo, who got his ass kicked by you, told that if percy would pick up a rose for him on the secret garden in the forest, he would do anything percy asked
- and percy, who loves challenges, said yes
- it's like beauty and best lmao
- so when he entered your garden to pick up your most precious, pretty, perfect rose, he got smacked by a vine
- "what do you think you're doing?" you asked, on top of some oak tree, making a flower crown for yourself
- percy froozed
- "i uh, i was picking up a rose?"
- yeah, way to save yourself boy, good job
- you effortlessly get down from the oak tree, giving percy death stare
- "move along before i hurt you, jackson."
- "yes ma'am."
- yeah he literally said that
- and left the rose
- this was the first time percy jackson backed down from a dare
- but he didn't backed down from you
- he had a new target now
- the pretties flower in the garden
- you
- okay that was cheesy wtf moving on
- next day, he had a clipboard
- "jackson."
- "hello pretty girl on top of the tree."
- you suspiciously got down again
- "why are you here?"
- "first of all, ouch. second of all, i'm here for good reasons!"
- he told you that he had to write essay about flowers and their meanings for his homework
- good lie buddy
- so you shrugged and helped him, having a chance to yap about your flowers
- and he visited you like this for a month
- "how long is this essay, really?"
- "good work comes with great hardworking.. skills.."
- "what are you even saying-"
- you tried to pay no mind, but you both were getting closer each day
- his evil plan working perfectly
- kidding he isnt evil hes just in love
- and he learned the flower meanings just for you
- he got the chance to learn your favorite flower too
- he hated winter
- because you went underworld to visit your mother
- my boy legit thought getting himself killed by a monster to enter underworld
- but the little reasonable side of him stopped
- because you would be sad then
- and he had school anyways, so he was going to see you on summers anyway
- hes just sad that his date plan got cancelled
- moving on
- it was the last day for his fake essay to finish, and you were kinda sad
- because percy was a fun guy, even though nico was a huge hater
- "percy? really?"
- "boy shut up at least i have a chance with him"
- ouch okay
- "okay so, did we really leave magnolia to last? wow what a shame of us, okay so the magnolia means-"
- "i love you"
- "no that's not-"
- "im talking about you. i love you"
- okay this was a bit sudden
- not saying he wasnt late already but
- like this was sudden
- moving on to you both dating
- your favorite flowers on your door in each special occasion
- but it's usually comes with the roots, with the help of demeter kids
- because he knows how much you hate when someone picks up flowers and just kills them
- you took him to the underworld
- no one was happy tbh but you were so no one didn't said anything
- the garden dates happens often because you usually need help
- and hes your wonderful slave boyfriend so
- kidding (no im not)
- long story short, you guys are the cutest okay??? the best couple fr fr
- and he definetly dreams about opening you your own garden in the mortal world once you both get old
- like you know, selling flowers with their meanings and stuff
- the dangerous flower girl with her slave fr
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sotwk · 2 months
Who's ready for some super amateur fanart??
I made something, and because I want to practice what I preach (learn new things, don't give up, be proud of small wins, don't be afraid to do bad art, be brave and share your work!), here goes my first "SotWK Does Art" tag!
Behold my first attempt to sketch in oh....probably 10 years?
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Maedhros the Contemplative
I truly started off just trying to practice sketching with the aid of an art book. (Why I decided on a side-face, I have no idea.) It wasn't until I was done that I decided it kinda looked like Maedhros (the gaze), so I slapped on red hair. I guess my first Tolkien fanart is a Silm subject!
There are a thousand things wrong with this, but I'm telling myself it's not terrible for a first run and very little practice. (I have NOT been practicing like I said I would. Shame.) I hope I have enough patience to keep practicing, and (1,000 sketches later??) I believe I can get better! Besides, I forgot how fun drawing can be!
Btw, A.I. can't make those ugly pencil/erasure marks. XD So you know this is at least legit.
But also: I'm all for reblogging, but please don't feel obligated to reblog my practice art, guys. Seriously. We don't have to foist amateur hour on people's dashes. Save that for the real art. Seriously. Hopefully someday maybe I'll make reblog-worthy stuff.
Tell us again, Bob Ross!
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hello! The pre-A24 leaks anon again
Here's link to the leaks I was talking about
Plus the twitter thread i got it from
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So this... doesn't line up with the copyrighted list of titles I got an ask about earlier. I mean, Rosie's presence checks out, and Heaven's gonna have a role too, but other than that, even if this was legit when it was leaked things have been evidently changed around since. But the storyboard art does look rather Vivziepop. (Also, I think Baxter has been scrapped entirely. For shame. Would've loved to meet the goober.)
Ep 9's left drawing is supposed to feature the Deadly Sin council, so is that a Satan concept glimpse I'm seeing? Hmm. Lowkey reminds me of Lord Hater from WOY. Didn't the same design feature in the pilot though?
A lot of these sound like fun plots, to be honest. It's odd that they were rolling with such an episodic slice-of-life comedy vibe here when it's been confirmed since that Hazbin is supposed to be the more story driven show. Maybe that adjustment in direction also necessitated some changes.
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...We could've had a Pentious vs Baxter showdown? Really?!
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Not just the title, but a certain other sharp-toothed green bastard ex looks to be a case of repurposing an old concept.
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Husk actually being somewhat influential himself? (And multilingual.)
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The Charlie and Vaggie focus could've been nice... too bad we didn't get that. Also indicates that these would've had some form of continuity.
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geekyhistoriansunite · 4 months
Man Suang is a pretty good and solid movie!
Ok, putting out there. I got involved in Thai drama due to Kinnporsche the Series, no I have no shame about it. It was fun, it had good looking dudes, and even though it initially seemed over the top in acting effort, the actors started to flow into their characters better and it was a fun show. Kinnporsche had amazing behind the sceens stuff that actually got me interested in the actors, especially Apo and Mile, who are freaking cute together. But all good things must end and so did the series.
But then there was a ray of hope! A glorious teaser was released.
Please note: Absolutely none of this teaser was in the movie, which I find both exasperating because I love every bit of it and the music, but also hilarious, because they caught your attention.
Please note pt. : All the BL lovers from Kinnporsche were salivating hard and if they said they weren't they're lying liars who lie.
So attention was given. And it took a long while, but then they released on official trailer at the Cannes Film Festival! Oh shnap, we got some extreme legitimacy here. This was not going to be cheap film, this was going to be quality. And all the BL lovers are still crying in anticipation at seeing their boys back together again.
Please note pt. 3: We still have NO idea what this movie is about. Just have the visual, which are gorgeous and a couple written lines teasing, but still no actual plotline. That's ok, the interest is still strong.
And one thing Be On Cloud does VERY well, is know how to advertise and keep people's interests. And it finally releases almost a year later. And lots of people cry. Not because it's a bad movie, but because there's no blatant BL storyline. There are hints, teases, looks, but that is not the main storyline. People are crying online, they've been deceived, there's no BL!
Please note pt. 4 (I'm having way to many please notes): Be On Cloud NEVER said it was BL. It was inferred since both Apo and Mile were pared in a movie together and the fact that Bo On Cloud only had the one series with mega BL plotlines.
The only reviews I could read (In English, which is all I read. I know, I should try other languages but I legit have tried 4 languages and I just can't) mostly complained about the lack of BL storyline and that it was slow at times. No synopsis, no breakdowns. Full stop. I was sad. I kept checking on my tried and true Tumblr, which normally doesn't disappoint, but nada, bupkis. I was sad. Again. There was no release date I could find with English subtitles. Again, sadness ensued.
But finally, glory be, it was announced that Man Suang release on Netflix. Today. Yay! And after work I sat and watch it all, and here is my review...finally.
Man Suang is actually a pretty good movie. Most of my knowledge of Thai culture comes from BL shows, which helped a little but I did have to pause occasionally to look something up (the betal nuts for example) and I'm sure I missed a lot of things, but I got a pretty good understanding of everything. The pacing was a bit different from movies in the US, and that could be jarring, but I got used to it. Overall it was a good movie. I'd watch it again (which is a big deal for me, I watch once and then remind myself with fanfiction).
Thoughts (spoilers below):
Everyone was in a fucked up position. Except, Tiang, fuck him.
Khem: Sweetheart, just trying to take care of his friend. The finale probably fucked him up a bit. I like to consider Chatra comes back and gives him some comfort.
Please note (Please don't ask me what number this is): There's now going to be a BL series called Shine which is going to follow their relationship. See? Just had to be patient.
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Chatra: Yeah, I'd be concerned if my father was a traitor and my whole family was going to pay for it. (On a side note: What is the Thai repercussions for that? Ancient China had death of the whole family for so many generations, but I'm not sure what they are in Siam.)
Wan: Baby...honey...that was fucked up. I get where you were coming from with your severe PTSD but trying to blow everyone up is not the answer. But I do hate that he felt betrayed by Khem.
Hong: Look at my sheltered little man turn into a Bossman! I see good things in his future.
All the aunties and women in the show: Couldn't have done it without you and I love seeing all of you. Especially auntie who put the mean boss in his place while trying to feed the two newcomers. (Boss: Don't flirt with my woman! Auntie: I flirt with who I want to, go sit in the corner until you're repentant! Boss: Yes, ma'am).
And finally: Absolutely gorgeous set design and costumes. Like, super wow. Loved it all! It was interesting to see the crossover of Thai and western design, like Chatra's suit and cravat top/traditional pants combo at the end. Jarring, but I imagine that time period was jarring with all the different influences happening as well. Much like the differences in hairstyles which helped you identify Chinese descent from Thai descent (using the Queue hairstyle instead of fully or partially grown out hair).
Overall, solid job on Man Suang, I recommend it to anyone who is interested in new cultures, pretty people, and just an interesting storyline.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
Nsfw headcanons but, like, not horny. Potentially "gross"
Cait; So much pubic hair. It mats and needs to be shaved off, has broken razors and shavers. Has gotten dangerously close to clipping her labia. Prone to acne down there, and prone to UTIs. Nothing wrong with that, we don't body-shame here. See a doctor though, that can't be comfortable. Gets way too hung up on topping and being a top. A lot of kinks are a hard no for her, no matter what side of it she's on.
Curie; Doesn't get...horny? But still likes sex, if she ever has it. It's the same kind of enjoyment you'd get from, say, roller skating or something. Probably has said "This is fun!" in bed conversationally, with no ~heat~. It's very clinical, but Curie likes clinical stuff. If you refer to parts incorrectly, will correct you. Hope you weren't into dirty talk. Knows more about sex than you and God help you if you take a patronizing tone with her.
Danse; Erectile dysfunction, and struggles to get it up even if he's DTF. Nothing wrong with that, we don't body-shame here. He doesn't really notice anyway. Very worried about consent and what you want (good!) that he ends up not doing anything without being explicitly told to (can get tiresome). Please just make him be a dead fish bottom. Needs intense aftercare/cuddling every single time. Angry/hate sex would legit traumatize him, not trying to be funny. It would fuck him up in a bad way.
Deacon; Also has a bit of ED, but is more embarrassed about it. He knows how easy and fun sex is when you're able. Likes role play but it always goes off the rails. Sex with Deac has plot twists and third-act breakdowns. Its fun, but don't go into it requiring an orgasm. He's now invested in the story he's crafting. Skin is...pretty unpleasant to touch. Very leathery. His genitals have undergone lots of different operations even when he wasn't changing his sex. On one hand, will change it to suit what you like. On the other, feels really weird.
Hancock; Also feels really weird. His body fluids are irradiated and unsafe to...be around, really. Don't swallow. A condom is needed for safe sex, in a major way with Hancock. That and some rad-x and rad-away. His dirty talk is always too much for whatever you've got going on. Likes his sex spontaneous but also really worried about consent. Ping-pongs between 'lets surprise them' and 'if I so much as move their limb weird I deserve to die.'
MacCready; Smaller side. Nothing wrong with that, we don't body-shame here. He just gets...kinda hung up on it...he can also be pretty immature when it comes to sex. Like, cartoonishly so. Most likely to use hand gestures and charades to refer to genitals. Giggly in the bedroom. Ultimate sexual fantasy is being kidnapped by the Mistress of Mystery and Silver Shroud and...'interrogated.' JO'd to assaultatrons once. The post-nut clarity on that one, oh boy...
Nick; has to wear an oven mitt on the one metal hand and a plastic glove on the 'flesh' hand. The flesh hand attracts dirt and filth like nobody's business and doesn't wash easily. He is not sticking that thing in you. Basically needs a condom for his hand. Will quote poetry at you and its 50/50 if its weird or lands. Lacks genitals, so you've only got voyeurism or wireplay to satisfy him. I do believe DiMa has a dick though; why else would he wear pants?
Piper; her periods are nightmarish. Needs so many pads. Always ends up bleeding through. And it's never just one little spot. It fully looks like she crushed someone's head between her thighs. Has gone with that story before. Needs a lot of lube for penetrative sex, and God help you if you try to use your hands with dirty nails, or your mouth without brushing + flossing. Really insecure about how she smells and tastes. Girl. That was bullshit before the nukes.
Preston; takes so long to finish, often doesn't. He's chill with it. Doesn't make noises during sex and its honestly kind if off-putting, even if his expressions line up. Has a lot of skin tags and moles around his thighs, and a scar from where a molerat almost ruined his bedroom habits, so to speak. Wears, like, three cups. Very low libido, once a blue moon is in the mood. Has a thing for prominent veins.
X6-88; Asexual. It's not a courser thing, a surprising amount of them have sex. Was really weirded out when he figured this out about himself, despite always lacking interest in sex. Except for porn. Porn is fucking hilarious to him. Gets really into analyzing what literary elements he can, psychoanalyzing the characters in the 'plot.' Would totally be into Fifty Shades of Grey and other hot-mess porn media. If anyone found out about this interest, he would commit a murder-suicide.
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fountainpenguin · 10 months
So I'm genuinely curious over how Leonard is one of your favorite characters in the series. In both Pahkitew and RR, he was around for only one episode with his shtick being that he took larpring so seriously that he legit thought they he was a wizard with that mentality being the reason why he was the first to be eliminated in both series.
Yes, and he SOLD IT. I'm a fanfic writer and I'll always fall for the characters who are legitimately fun to write. I would make him a main character in a story any day (and have, and they're some of my faves). I actually use Leonard as my base inspiration for several characters even in my current fanfics because he is THAT strong of a character (to me).
He's a shameless, charismatic sweetheart of a team leader who will grab fast food with you, spill all his secrets, and give you the world unless you mildly inconvenience him, and then he'll instantly swivel to "Wow, I literally do not respect anything about you :)" and I'm in love with it.
Also I'm just gonna say it: I will ALWAYS go for the character who wants to summon a dragon to destroy everyone who's ever wronged him. Leonard is SO conflict avoidant but also he's down for everyone who's ever been mildly rude to him to suffer a horrific death. Do not excuse him from his crimes; we all saw him make multiple attempts to commit murder. Smh.
This is the same guy who throws confetti when he's excited. The duality of man. He WILL dance on your grave.
This is Leonard's actual audition tape. This is what he submitted to the producers. It's him complaining about how someone stole his unicycle. Why did he submit this? Why is he like this? Love him.
(Cnt'd Leonard ramblings under the cut. You will regret this.)
It's the way he chuckles at his friend and takes a moment to clarify that no, he's not made of paper. Like. If his friend asked him to come over and then the follow-up question was "Are you made of paper?" then you know this is someone in Leonard's friend group and you know he was 100% willing to whip out his unicycle and go to his friend's house in his full LARPing gear. He has no fear of judgment, no shame, and he must have incredible balance and I just think that's fun. This boy lives for himself. I love characters who are unapologetically all-in with what they love and who they are.
It's the way he says "I'm making a video" as if he's just... doing something unimportant. WHY did he submit this? He's already set up as this character who brushes off the professional side of the competition in favor of doing whatever the heck he wants, and that's hilarious. The amount of confidence he oozes every time he's onscreen is just... palpable. We know he was canonically bullied in school, but man oh man, that clearly does not stop him. He fears nothing and I fear him.
Most of the characters let Chris push them around because they'll do whatever it takes to move to the next episode and try to win a million dollars. Leonard is ONLY here to play and make friends. He made the active choice to be stubborn and throw away his chance at the money because if he couldn't play the game his way (in character) then he didn't want to play at all. And that is so interesting.
Look at his bedroom. Look at how into this aesthetic he is. He's heating a cauldron on an electric burner. He's got candles. He's got scrolls and a crystal ball. He's got so many books. He LOVES what he does and he's unapologetic for it. He's so authentic and pure and good and I love him for it.
Leonard runs around in his full-on robes, his fake beard, and... converse shoes. He's committed to the outfit in so many ways but he needs comfy shoes to be happy and I respect that.
Look how cute he is... his body language is just. fun. Just stands there all smiles while his girlfriend throws confetti. Having a fantastic day.
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Then that next scene where Tammy keeps throwing confetti on him and he just stands there with his eyes pinched shut and he's trying not to hurt her feelings is... super cute.
Leonard brings a "Let's have a good attitude and be loyal and friendly" vibe to the team that Dave specifically cannot stand. Every single other person on that team liked Leonard. Dave is just mean.
Leonard's first interaction with Dave was walking up to him and trying to cleanse him of evil, which is so funny to me. Dave is "the normal guy," Max was sitting right next to him and just gave his spiel about how evil he was, and Leonard took one look at Dave, who was sitting there and doing nothing, and said "No, THIS is the one who needs cleansing." Absolutely savage (and he was right).
His parachute failed. Everyone else is screaming. Leonard shows no fear. Tries to save himself with magic. He has a whole spell book. Went straight for the wing spell. Still falling to his doom. Just chilling. His commitment to the bit is unparalleled and I love him.
Leonard's super compassionate, I think... Threw himself in front of Dave and ordered him to crawl to safety, then grabbed a weapon and readied himself to face his enemies. Leonard is way more dramatic than he needs to be, but you can tell he's super loyal because he's willing to put himself in the line of fire for others. For no reason.
We know Leonard watched the OG Total Drama series, because he grabs a pipe, whips it above his head, and tells Chef to "go back to the shadows of Wawanakwa." Sure, we can assume most of the contestants watched the previous series before they auditioned, but I appreciate it for Leonard specifically because he really looked at this show and said "Yes, this is a smart place for me to go LARPing." Considering how he threw in the towel in episode 2, refusing to break character, I think he watched the previous episodes and thought he would meet like-minded nerds rather than compete for money. He wanted to make friends :(
Leonard gets a bad rap for being bullied and unlikable, but like... he's SO charismatic. He's a natural leader who speaks up when he has ideas. Sugar, Ella, and Beardo are all over him immediately. Sky turns to him and asks him to take charge and when Leonard suggests linking arms and chanting in order to build a tower, Sky and Shawn are among those who cheer. Episode 1 Leonard was everybody's sweetheart <3
Leonard's not "the weird kid nobody likes." He's the flippin' team leader. And he did exactly what he promised to do, which was lead the team to build a wizard's tower (It's not his fault he didn't expect a moose stampede to knock it down).
Dave is a GROUCH in episode 1 and straight-up mocked the tower in front of Leonard, and Leonard is still all smiles and love and hugs. You can NOT fight Leonard's commitment to purity and sweetness. You will lose. I love him so much.
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Leonard is SO silly. He keeps getting in so many risky situations and walking away unscathed, and every single time he's like, "Yeah, I was fine because I'm awesome." I just think he's fun.
Leonard is just so ??? /gestures. He climbs on rocks and stands on them. Just because he can. He just kinda... touches things. And plays. Loves telling stories. Loves having fun.
It's the way that all his teammates are complaining about how they had to sleep on rocks last night, and Leonard rolls his eyes with a massive smirk on his face and says "Pfft. I levitated all night." Like. Why is he committing to this? He makes me laugh.
[It's the same subtle sass he flings around in R-Race when he has no trouble riding his camel and others are struggling. It's so uncalled for. He's just sassy sometimes.]
It's the way that Ella confuses even Leonard. Why is Leonard SO into his LARPing characterization but he still just... stares at Ella like he doesn't "get" her? He does this multiple times. They are not on the same wavelength. They do not vibe. It's SO funny to me because you would expect those two to adore each other, but... Ella likes being his cheerleader and Leonard's just kinda... not into it.
It's the way Leonard gets flattered when Sugar compliments him and then glares at Dave when Dave comes out swinging with his unrestrained Leonard hatred. Leonard doesn't get snippy with him. Ever. Even when Dave literally screams in his face that he thinks Leonard is useless. Leonard doesn't bat an EYE. Doesn't flinch. Just stares him down. Leonard never snaps, but always puts up with it... that character type always speaks to me. idk man. There's something about characters who simmer in silence, especially when you know how wild they can be, that always hooks me.
It's the way that Leonard has his little hand symbol that he keeps using over and over. Leonard was MADE to be eliminated early, that's his entire purpose in the show... he IS cannon fodder, but I think it's cute that he still had his own special body language.
It's the way Leonard was so shocked that he was in the bottom two on elimination night. It's the way he curled up, hugging himself and pleading to not be chosen. I just think he's cute. It's the way Leonard, who is SO TALL, gets thrown over Chef's shoulder like a sack of potatoes and Leonard just kinda... wails and stretches his arm back towards the campfire. He's baby.
Listen, I know his final act was attempted murder but he's innocent, your honor. Yes, I know he also tried to commit murder in R-Race but I demand you free my man. He did nothing wrong.
My favorite characters are the ones that are fun to write and/or practically write themselves. You get one taste of Leonard and that's all you need. He ingrains himself in your mind. You can have him do anything you want and you're right. That's the best kind of character when you're writing fanfics.
This one's probably not going to show up well, but here's a screenshot from my 'fic "The Story Where Courtney Takes Feral Zeke to Prom" (dA title; "Precious" on FFN)
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He's just. Leonard. He is SO funny. Just delightful.
Leonard can be swayed to do anything as long as it's fun. And he's a charismatic leader who can sway others to play along with him, especially in a post-elimination fanfic. He is bubbly and full of adventurous spirit, and once you put him back in a non-competitive environment where everyone's a little bit bored and looking for ways to stay entertained at the elimination station, there's no doubt in my mind that everyone would love him again.
He's NICE. He's FUN. This kid knows how to research. He knows how to reach out to people. He'll fight for you. He'll throw himself in the line of fire for you. He just wants to play and be your friend. He's a charismatic sweetheart and I like him. You will never write yourself into a corner as long as you have Leonard in the vicinity. He's too big and loud and will fight anything.
I adored Leonard so much already, and then R-Race drops and we find out he has a girlfriend?? And they met when they were stuffed inside the same locker?? And they absolutely adore each other?? His only critique about Tammy is that she throws too much confetti on his head?? Incredible, 10/10. Nowhere else can I get this character. When will I ever be this funny.
Seriously I cannot emphasize enough how much I love the Leonard/Tammy ship. They are SO in tune with each other. They just straight-up arrived to R-Race in full LARP gear sipping sodas. What. Right out of the gate, sets them up as the silly beans they are. You can instantly feel how much better Leonard vibes with Tammy than he did with Ella. Love that for him.
Leonard and Tammy just... love to play. They ran around the airport throwing confetti at people. That is a thing they actually did. Why are they like this. You just know their relationship is so, so good and healthy and they adore each other. When Tammy got eliminated, her first reaction was to cast a time reversal spell, which is the SAME THING Leonard did when he got eliminated in TD. I love them.
Leonard went after the outcasts in his attempts to make alliances. He went for the adversity twins and for Crimson and Ennui. Ugh. I love that. He knew nothing about them except "those are the ones who are going to struggle to have allies." He's so good.
Also, shout out to the R-Race animators for keeping Leonard's special hand gesture exactly the same in R-Race as it was in TD. That's my boy.
And if you're still not swayed, you gotta keep in mind that my niche when these seasons were airing was in writing post-elimination 'fics, told from the POV of the character first eliminated in each cast. Getting to the elimination area early cements you as "the guy who knows what's going on." Beardo was out first and he wasn't a talker, so Leonard slid right in there. Beardo's super introverted... but Leonard? Oh my goodness gracious, if you've never tried writing Leonard then you have no idea how useful to the narrative he is.
I LOVED the dynamic I wrote between those two in Beatin' Path. They instantly fell in as BFFs, because Beardo was super shy but would go along with anything Leonard wanted to do, because Leonard's charisma is off the charts and he is GOOD at making things fun. Leonard was very good at including Beardo in his play. Beardo is so good at being the sound effects hype man. They just... loved it. Had a blast. They were having fun, so I was having fun. That's the best kind of fanfic.
Look at my sons...
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Look at them... They're the worst.
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I love Leonard. He's so nuts.
So part of the charm IS the fact that he got out early (twice!!) and had an extremely charismatic personality. He only wants to play, so when you put him in a non-competitive environment where he is free to play, then he THRIVES.
I just play him as this super accepting, kindhearted character who wears every emotion on his sleeve. He will tell you all his secrets. Leonard has no shame. Here's one of my favorite scenes from a late chapter I never posted. This is quintessential Leonard vibes to me:
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Beardo can be going through the worst possible thing and Leonard is just so charming and charismatic that it's hilarious. I love him.
?? Leonard is Unapologetically Leonard. I am so in love with his... bizarre interactions. I know I'm posting a lot, but I just have so many things I love:
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I just ??? love him. He's simultaneously out of touch with reality and living in his dream LARPer world but he'll also grab sodas with you. He's so good.
One of my worldbuilding details in my Total Drama 'fics was that cartoon physics were very real, but I did it in a silly way. Everyone had one specific "gift" that they grew into during puberty (and Cody giving Beth "the Talk" about this was the subject of my one-shot "Of Ants and Cartoon Physics").
Leonard's gift was that he had an inventory and I also wrote him as a kleptomaniac. And it was SO fun. I LOVE Leonard.
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Like, I just wrote Leonard picking up random things and putting them in his sleeves. Sometimes he'd just put mice in his shirt and they would go into the void. He was the only character who had an inventory. He ran around with knives. It was lots of fun.
On a side note, the biggest reason why I stopped working on my R-Race elimination story (Lions Under Palm Trees) wasn't lack of time or passion, but... there's an entire arc about Junior hitting puberty and coming into his cartoon physics gift, which was generating extreme amounts of static electricity. I LOVE what I did with it, but I just kept dwelling on my 'fic and getting nervous that I had taken it too far beyond canon and people would be weirded out, especially since I was already making my POV characters two people the fandom had no love for.
Technically the gifts I gave characters match things that happen in canon (ex: Heather's gift was that she has retractable nail-claws, which she actually did in the New York episode of World Tour). Zeke's gift was that he's immune to food poisoning, which iirc was based on his character interview where he explains that he has a strong stomach, combined with the fact that it's implied he's had to live off raw rats in World Tour and possibly other seasons too. So my things were based in canon... I just felt like people would be turned off that there was SO. MUCH. of that kind of stuff in this 'fic. It kind of took over the plot and I just couldn't decide if that was the vibe.
But I'd go back to my Leonard 'fics in a heartbeat if I had the time. There are some NASTY hard-hitting moments in there and I love them so much. Leonard is an angel. I mean he's the worst but I love him. Topher is a menace. Tammy makes bad choices. Ugh. I love it.
I love Leonard...
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mishapen-dear · 9 months
Am I the only one that feels icky about 4halo marriage? Both of them aren’t in their right mind and have both have said before they don’t want a relationship with the other.
Them being married even accidentally would be against what either of them want. I just don’t like to imagine them being in that kind of situation, a fake loveless marriage…
oh yeah you're free to be squicked out by it! I, however, love that dark shit, and will be gleefully and shamelessly enjoying it.
Heads up, btw- please don't send asks like this to anyone else who's enjoying the current arc. I don't know what your intentions were, but this comes across as very judgemental for what is, ultimately, a difference in what we enjoy. you find 4halo fucked up marriage squicky, i find it fun- that's cool. But there's two points to address here. The weaker point, first: canon basis of the ship doesn't matter. 4halo canonically has like. a Thing for each other (bad has said he wants to live with 4ever and skeppy, forever Literally Proposed while high off his ass on happy drugs). but i think codehalo is super fun too and that's NEVERRR going to canonically happen and would be even more fucked up than the current 4halo arc. it's fandom and we do what we want here because these are characters who are not real. and, because they're not real, what they want is Made Up by their creators. by playing in any fandom space you Make Up things about any character you touch, and if I want to Make Up facts about them sharing a bed and putting poison in each other's coffee, that's no worse than cellbit Making Up facts about his character literally eating people. second, MORE IMPORTANTLY so i will say it again: don't shame people for what they enjoy, dude. i hope you're having fun with whatever dynamics you do enjoy, and i wouldn't judge you for whatever they are, even if they're not my cup of tea. I'm really fucking disturbed and disappointed that you'd bring that puritanical bullshit to my inbox. you're not protecting these characters; you're using shaming language to make me, a real person, upset. that's not cool. legit questions i want you to consider for Personal Growth- what is the reason that you sent me this? is it a default disgust response? how do you identify the difference between a squick and something legitimately harmful? are you letting your emotions get in the way of being kind?
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moonlightcrusader · 1 year
Okay, so I have finally composed myself and I will say…man…the Mario movie was fun!
My overall review is its very funny, full of heart and the animation is gorgeous. There’s a lot of unexpected scenes that I found heartwarming and added to the characters/ plot.❤️
However…that being said…the pacing and script is my main concern. I know they have to fit a large chunk of lore for a good runtime, but there isn’t much development.
“But Moon, mario wasn’t all about story” I know, but a movie provides a chance to add story at a cinematic level.
Expanding the world and if not that the characters. If anything, I do not mind the simple plot. Mario needs to save Luigi and work alongside Princess Peach to defeat Bowser. Perfect.
However. I would have really liked more expanded characters. But I will elaborate below because that’s not my only critique.
Beyond here will be spoilers, read at your own risk!! My blog will start reposting/ talking about spoilers from here and now since it’s officially out!
-I wish the bros got more screen time. Their chemistry and brotherly love was amazing, and I was itching to see more of them together.🥺
-that fight at the end with Bowser tho WAS EPIC! But Luigi was super underutilized omg… I really thought he was gonna have another role in the movie. I think they missed out on the side characters having more of a role or even a conversation…
-Speaking of which, idk, I found Lumalee kind of annoying. I know it’s probably going to set up a future movie…but I thought at least we would get some insight as to why the Luma was captured, why it hates living so much, idk….lol. But I did love the voice of Lumalee, super cute :)
-characterization. Apart from Mario and a LITTLE of luigi, and DK, the rest felt bland… I feel like bowser could have been more fleshed out (but don’t get me wrong, I loved how he had a crush on peach, his song and planned on marrying her. AHHH I LOVED IT) toad could have been more fleshed out. What are his goals at least? Not every character has to have an internal conflict, but he just felt…there. And what a shame because hes charming!
-okay guys, but peachs characterization. I’m sorry, this deserves its own post, so I will hyperlink it here when I finishing writing that, but omg yeah I am not quite attached to her portrayal yet😅 what a shame too because I love her so much…
-wish we spent some more time getting to know Mario’s family😭
-not a fleshed out ending. Hoped that peach would have reacted being on earth, maybe a montage of Brooklyn adjusting to having this pipe that leads to another world. What was the cities response overall when it came to cleanup? I know they have HAD to had some questions why a huge gorilla with a tie was there…and talking! Lol…
now… drumroll please…
-Mario. Omg they freakin ACED Mario. His character flaws, his goals, aspirations, internal conflict, personality, everything I headcanoned/ hoped for. He’s a goofball who loves adventure, plumbing and loves his family. His determination, stubbornness, (RIZZ HE GOT THAT RIZZ!!!) and charm. Ugh. That affirms it. He’s my fav. I wanted to hug him through the screen many times SO BAD!!!🥺❤️
-luigi and Mario’s brotherly love/chemistry. Omg. The flashback of them as babies and when Mario was cupping Luigi’s face and almost crying out of relief. Like omg omg I’m so happy to that attention to detail😭🥺❤️ they love each other so much it’s just… *chefs kiss* I’m hoping for future movies we get more brotherly scenes, I’m still waiting for that piggyback ride🫶❤️
-baby peach. I just…I wasn’t expecting it. She was so cute and the fact that the toads just adopted her and raised her as their own tells goes sweet they are. 🥹 I’m so glad we got some of a backstory for her! But Omg…she was someone’s child then! :o I love lore…
-bowsers singing and the song peaches is a legit masterpiece. If my man don’t make a song like this and doesn’t sing it with that much enthusiasm I don’t want him!!😤😤😂💞but yep Jack black was awesome hehe he had me dying of laughter and he was super intimidating as Bowser!! He understood the assignment 💅🏼
-which reminds me. I love the plot of Bowser wanting to marry Peach and getting jealous of Mario. I wish we got Mario’s reaction of peach wearing the wedding dress tho I don’t think it really hit him that Bowser was trying to marry Peach…
- speaking of which…Mareach! We got a few cute scenes!! Nothing major, but I see that they are making it a slow burn romance 😏😂 okay, I can wait! While I wish we got more scenes, I loved how DK called out Mario’s attempts at flirting, Peach calling him adorable when he had his cat suit🥺🥺 and her giggles when Mario promises to buy her a pet turtle if she comes to Brooklyn. That was so freakin cute!!!❤️❤️🥹 you can tell Mario likes her, and peach has a fondness for him :)))
-the animation and the storyboarding. Everything art related. The score. I wanted to fly when I heard bowsers theme. I wanted to cry seeing the beautifully crafted action scenes and I can’t wait to see the storyboards 😭❤️ illumination went all the way!!! Also the character design!!! I love all of their designs!!!
-the pop songs were a nice touch and the humor was great. :3
-also like I headcanoned THEIR MAMA IS SO ADORABLE I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! No wonder they came out as sweet incredible boys 🥺🧡
-the soundtrack man. They were cooking up in the studio I’m telling you!!! I heard it’s on Spotify now so I’m gonna be listening to it lol
-luigi is so precious but I wish HE HAD MORE SCREENTIME
-DK and Mario’s relationship give me rowdy sibling vibes and I’m here for it
-I love how they can travel from Brooklyn to mushroom kingdom through the pipe, at first I thought it was a star VS the forces of evil thing and the worlds merged until I realized the ending… XD
-I loved all the voices!! I think everyone did an amazing job, I heard a few inconsistencies throughout the movie but meh, everyone seemed excited for their roles!!!🧡🫶
If I can think of anything else I will add, but yeah, I think I had higher expectations for the movie😅 I think if it had a bit more time to flesh out characters, it would have been SUPER great. I loved all the references inside the movie, you can tell it was crafted with passion and love❤️ it was a very fun experience and of course the BRAINROT increased💞
Of course, this is my personal opinions and such, if you have a different one, that's fine! This is just what I would liked to see/ what I thought would have been better in the movie. That’s all!! :3
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laulo821 · 4 months
to clarify my opinion on "proper" english, idfc how people write in their personal lives/to friends or family/etc, but in professional/published works- or anything that is meant to be understood by a wider audience i think the clarity provided by adhering to certain grammatical rules and structure is veeerrry important eheheh. for the sake of ease of communication!
i try to be pretty careful about my word choice and order allll the time for that reason, even if i drop a lot of proper spelling/capitalization/punctuation for casual dialogue.
nonetheless, i think when people act intentionally obtuse just to shame people for speaking casually/colloquially/with slang/whatever thats stupid and evil etc. hate when people do that. i might not understand a lot of it, but it has the right to exist yk! it is just as worthy of respect ^_^
anyways i think this topic is very interesting as well its something i enjoy talking about :33
once again i dare ask, where does the professional/private begins and stops? thats a big debate we had in termonology class (terminology , the science of terms aka specialised & professional words). some terminologists argue that terms are only employed in the field by top-notch experts to top-notch experts and nothing else qualifies as a term. other terminologists argue that funk that: "spoonful" is a term because it belongs to the professional sector of cooking, disregarding how common/unspecialised it may be (they dont actually disregard it but yknow). also some guy who goes fishing as a hobby every week and starts talking about the components of his rod to his friends: not an expert (meaning doesn't work as a fisherman)! but using specialised words! should they count as terms or common words? should that be considered professional discussion cuz the terms or private discussion cuz he's talking to a friend? anyways it's just to say that the gap between professional and private discussions may not be so clear
on a same note, what is a wider audience? we're on the internet literally everyone could read that post, making it, by its nature, designed for a wide audience. should every tumblr post thus should have proper english? likewise, works that were only notes and scribbles, like Les Pensées by Pascal that were published post-mortem... it was not meant for a wider audience in that state and is not always using proper French. due to this, are thus Les Pensées not a piece of literature anymore? (kinda teasing w this paragraph hehe but you see the issue i'm poking)
like you said the most important task of a language is not to be proper. it is to be spoken but also to be effective. to enable communication. we could also go all in and dare say, funk the rules as long as a message or piece or literature is understandable, it is proper english!! arguably, every broken rule of proper english creates a new variation of english that could be its own proper variation english (like UK english, US english, NZ english, etc, coexist together as proper englishes)
also youre soso true about the shaming stuff. dawg that pisses me OFF. that's why fuck the Académie Française i wish i could dismember that bullshit of an institution. they are the ones "making the rules" of French but NONE OF THOSE FUCKERS ARE LINGUISTS AND ALSO ARE ALL 109 YEARS OLD HOW CAN THEY im cool im cool [insert the hades calming down gif]. anyways. language belongs to the people so whatever they do with it it's fine as long as they have fun and are themselves <3
on a final note i'm heavily arguing against you here but i think you're overall right nonetheless :p rigor may not always be needed in a language but languages need a strong basis and grammatical rules to exist and actually make the communication efficient!! i perfectly see your points and they are very legit
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tuiyla · 1 month
i trust your takes more than anyone else’s in the whole glee fandom. what would you say are the best kurtcheltana episodes?
Oh wow Anon that's very flattering considering I've dropped off the face of the Earth and barely interact with tumblr or the Glee fandom anymore, but I appreciate it! Because I've been basically gone for a year and abandoned my rewatch my Glee memory isn't what it used to be but I'll gladly go down memory lane with you.
Previously Unaired Christmas
As soon as I remembered this ep there was no question in my mind that it's the ultimate Kurtcheltana ep. Yes yes it's not even technically canon but I've famously never cared about that. For starters, it has their only trio song, technically a quartet that is admittedly a bit yikes but then also a final song feat Kitty and ND. Since it's "set in 2012" Santana doesn't even officially live with Hummelberry, she just chose to visit them and give them thoughtful and also Santana-esque gifts. I think that's really cute. And yeah, the Mall Santa stuff is a little icky but the three of them are so cute and fun. It's just a low-stakes Kurtcheltana adventure where they're being silly and young and delightful. I love the Pezberry moments, of course, but it also has some of my fav Kurtana shots and just in general they feel like a very cohesive trio. PUC is legit one of the eps that best showcases the chemistry between these three and I can't not love that.
2. Girls (and Boys) On Film
This ep is actually where I abandoned my rewatch and that's weird to me because I was really looking forward to seeing it again. Santana, following the iconic ending to Diva immediately establishes herself as a force to be reckoned with in Bushwick and it's so, so delightful. Her casual "yeah it's a thing I do" to going through everyone's stuff is something only she could pull off. There is some hostility here, of course, as Rachel and Kurt never actually invited Santana to live with them so they're understandably thrown off by Santana not only inserting herself into their flat but also firmly into their lives. Excellent moments for the whole dynamic, best of all being Santana's whole speech starting with "Kurt, sit down" and, of course, the final scene with Pezberry. That scene to me embodies so much of what makes Santana in her current state work as a ch, an agent of chaos who is ultimately trying to be there for her friends. It's an excellent showcase of what she brings to the NYC plot and a simply impeccable Pezberry scene. Really strong establishing ep for what having Santana in New York will be like. Actually, it's also a real shame because it introduces what this trio dynamic will be like and then there are barely any more episodes truly following through on it. Shame.
Honourable mention to the two subsequent eps as I consider this to be an NYC trilogy of Santana being accepted as a full-fledged member of the loft. Feud has her calling Hummelberry her family and Guilty Pleasures the wholesome scene of reconciliation where they really become roommates.
3. Love, Love, Love/Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
Unfortunately, in general we more so have episodes that have good Kurtcheltana moments rather than being Kurtcheltana eps. The Beatles two-parter is a good example, where the few Kurtcheltana bits we have are excellent but unfortunately they're less prominent as a trio and more so have duo moments, mainly Pezberry in the first half and Hummelberry in the second. But there's good stuff here, from Rachel and Santana during the engagement to their cute little promise to each other when Kurt starts working in the diner. As with many things Glee, this cute trio moment is soured in hindsight of the direction s5 ended up taking but nothing can take it away from us, or how Kurt and Santana celebrated with Rachel after that.
These are the only ones I feel like are worth actually ranking but some other honourable mentions:
Lights Out: overall I found Kurt and Rachel encouraging Santana to find her dream to be underwhelmingly executed but who doesn't love At the Ballet and the three mini-mes during the sequence
A Katy or a Gaga: the formation of Pamela Lansbury
Trio: gets a DIShonourable shout out as it should have been a strong Kurtcheltana ep but the Pezberry feud overrode all
Old Dog, New Tricks: honestly barely counts but it's the last of what I could even call an ep with a Kurtcheltana moments. The back half of s5 gives us a crowded NY scene with not NEARLY enough Santana, much less Kurtcheltana - i.e. Opening Night has Kurt call Santana as reinforcement for encouraging Rachel but they don't actually have a moment. Sigh. But 5x19 at least gives us the best hug and Kurt and Santana both supporting Rachel and Kurt being supported in return. It's wholesome and it's the very last trace of our favourite dysfunctional Bushwick family.
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Utter disgrace I can't name any season 6 episodes that would fall into this category but special shout out to Kurtcheltana starting us off on Home in 6x02, a moment I treasure very much. Thanks Anon, it was fun to think about all this stuff again! And now, predictably, I have Pezberry feels.
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justsome-di · 7 months
Nobody Ends Up Dead in a Bathtub, Everyone Keeps Their Organs: Chapter 35
Summary: Alex is an ordinary, highly-introverted office worker. He clocks in and out and goes home to his little apartment he shares with his younger sister. He hasn’t dated in years by the time his co-workers set him up on a blind date.
The only issue is he and his date are not on the same page. At all.
While Alex thinks it’s a normal date, Damián is under the impression Alex is a client who paid to be there. No-so-quickly, they realize something is up. It’s all a prank. Damián is a sex worker Alex’s co-workers hired as a sick joke.
After reassuring that they’re both okay, Alex decides he wants revenge for both him and Damián. The plan is to use the stigma of sex work and start a 6-week, scandalous fake dating scheme with a big finale at the office Halloween party. Alex’s co-workers will be too horrified to try to prank him again. At least, that’s the plan.
You can also read this on AO3. If you don’t want to wait for new chapters, the complete story is on Patreon for only $4 with bonus stories! If you’re enjoying the story and want to support me in other ways, consider dropping me a message in my inbox or reblogging this post!
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Fun fact about this chapter: on Patreon, there's an extra chapter that goes right before this one
The office had been transformed. Orange and black crepe paper and balloons hung from the walls. A few skeletons sat at desks, posing in a way someone thought was comical. It was still an office, but it was a festive office.
Alex got no joy from it. Not that he loved it all years prior. The decorations were tacky and always sparked some arguments about what was going where. The booze table was the best part of it all, and it filled Alex with such awful, gnawing dread as he watched the bottle slowly drain through the night.
“Damián’s not coming?”
Martin whispered it the first moment Alex was alone with him and Sam. Their sympathy and support would have been much more appreciated if they weren’t dressed in a confusing couple’s costume. Or possibly the same half of two costumes. They were both Luigi, complete with green hats and overalls. Alex preferred to not ask for any insight on their decision.
“We kinda,” Alex waved his hand, “called the whole thing off.”
“The whole thing like your revenge prank?” Martin asked. “Or the whole thing like whatever relationship you two were starting?”
“You two were starting to date for real?” Sam asked. Her voice was heavy with sorrow. Apparently, she was aware of the scheme but wasn’t kept in the full loop of Martin’s speculation.
“It wasn’t a relationship,” Alex said. “I was just paying him to do dirty work with me. We decided it wouldn’t be good to have him here tonight.”
“Shame. I was starting to look forward to the look on Andrew’s face when he saw you two together,” Martin said. “And besides, I was really rooting for you two as a legit couple.”
Alex clenched his jaw. They would have never been a legit couple. Their whole relationship had been based on lies and money. It was stupid to think that anything healthy could have ever spawned from it. Everything after the night at Dorothy’s was enough to prove that Alex wasn’t good material.
“For what it’s worth,” Sam said, “you’re still welcome at our place anytime. Maybe Kris and Clara can help you find someone new.”
“Thanks, but I really think I’m giving up on the whole dating thing. It’s clearly not right for me.”
Martin groaned. “See, this is how everything started. You’re so miserable.”
“Martin,” Sam scolded.
“No, I mean.” Martin tried again. “You put yourself down so much. That’s why Andrew thought of the prank.”
“What? To give me new-found confidence?”
“He made some joke about how you’d probably turn someone down even if you paid them to ask you out in the first place.”
And Alex had proved him right. Great. Just when the night couldn’t get any worse, he had delivered an accurate punchline to a joke after a six-week build.
Alex couldn’t even entertain the idea of being with anyone else. Damián had been so perfect.
When he was putting out candy for the night, he thought about how much Damián would have loved it. The rest of the party planning committee set up Halloween decorations around the office, and Alex was reminded of Damián’s marigolds. Kyle from accounting said they were dressing as Princess Di for the night, and Alex craved a lobotomy and for the universe to cut him some slack.   
He wondered how Damián was doing. If he had physically recovered and if the drugging had taken a large toll on his mental health. He hoped Damián had managed to eat.
Alex’s phone was burning in his pocket. He wanted to text Damián and ask how he was, but he told himself that there was no way Damián would want to hear from him. He had blown his chance at being supportive, and he was starting to regret it. Not for his sake but for Damián’s. He deserved a better support system. But Alex didn’t deserve any second chances.
“No Marcus tonight?”
Alex looked over his shoulder. Andrew was approaching with some woman Alex had never seen before—and would probably never see again judging by the embarrassed look on her face. Andrew was drunk. Messily so. It was quite an achievement as the liquor table had been planned to keep everyone from getting anything more than slightly tipsy. If Alex had to guess, he would say Andrew had snuck in his own booze. Interesting as Andrew’s intentions were only to pre-game at the office and go off to other parties later.
Stu was nowhere to be seen.
“No,” Alex said.
“What? Did he have someone else to date tonight? Couldn’t pencil you in?”
“Fuck off,” Martin said.
Alex’s eyes widened. Sam looked startled but jumped in.
“Yeah, he’s with your mom tonight,” she said.
Alex’s eyes narrowed toward her. He supposed he adored Sam now, but her comebacks could use a lot of work. But it did serve its purpose. Andrew was upset.
“You’re better off without him,” he said, thumping Alex’s chest. “Just make sure you get tested.”
His date looked horrified. She was speechless. Her mouth hung open as she stared between him and Alex and Martin. She tugged on his arm, trying to get him to walk away. Alex felt bad for her.
“Andrew, seriously, fuck off. You’re making an ass out of yourself,” Martin said. “And seriously? Who gets drunk at a work party? That’s so pathetic. Why not go home for the night before you really regret anything?”
“Just because you’re woke all of a sudden, Martin—“
“Shut the fuck up,” Alex snapped. “Do you seriously hear yourself speak? Ever? You are such a narcissistic piece of crap. You don’t know what you’re talking about half the time, and you’re—you’re such a piece of shit. Someone has to tell you that. I’m sorry.”
Andrew scoffed, but he didn’t say anything else. He turned around and started his unsteady walk toward the door. His date was left behind, mouth still open.
“I’m sorry about him,” she said.
“When did you meet him?” Martin asked.
“This week. On Tinder.”
“Yeah, you might want to unmatch with him.”
“I might.” She looked at Alex. “And I’m really sorry if you’re going through a breakup. I just broke up with my boyfriend of two years. I get it.”
Alex politely nodded at the poor woman before she ran off. He hoped she faked sick or made up an emergency to get away from Andrew early.
“I don’t believe anything that happened between you and Damián could have been worse than what Andrew puts women through,” Sam said.
Oh, how she was wrong.
Alex watched everyone around him. Most everyone was in costumes. There were a few fellow people like him who weren’t dressed up at all or sported a headband with ears or horns. But everyone, except him, seemed to be enjoying themselves. It was nothing new.
Alex’s phone buzzed once. He assumed it was Eve, sending him the planned “I caught the kitchen on fire please come home” text. His excuse to leave the party, finally there.
But when he opened his phone, there wasn’t a text. There was, instead, a Venmo notification.
Marcus sent you $625
His phone buzzed again.
I don’t accept full payments that early in advance. It’s unprofessional and ruins my organizational system.
Alex locked his phone. Whatever Damián was scheming, it would have to wait.
His phone buzzed again.
Also, I’m outside. Let me in. It’s cold.
Maybe it couldn’t wait.
Alex pushed off from his desk.
“Where are you going?” Martin asked.
“I have a thing to take care of.”
“Are you coming back?
Alex shrugged.
He slid past a mermaid and a pink guy from Squid Game to get out the office door. He grabbed his coat on the way out and found a window in the narrow hallway to look out of. Damián was standing on the sidewalk, six stories down. He was a speck. But Alex recognized the coat and the way he held himself. His arms were crossed over his chest, annoyed and confident.
Alex rushed to the elevator. His heartbeat was crawling up his chest and throat and into his ears. Why had Damián come back? Alex had been cruel and made it very clear that he wanted Damián to keep his distance—for his own sake.
The second he stepped outside, a gust of wind slapped him in the face. Damián uncrossed his arms and shoved them in his pockets. His brow, which had been creased, relaxed upon seeing Alex walk up to him.
“Why are you here?” Alex asked.
The overhead lighting that came from the building cast long shadows over Damián. His eyes looked hollow, though they may have looked like that anyway considering everything he had been through. Damián tried his best to stand tall, but Alex could see the subtle way he hunched in on himself, the way his shoulders were rounded forward and the way his chin was so slightly tucked towards his chest.
“Let me talk,” Damián said. “Before you say anything, let me talk. I rehearsed this.”
“First, fuck you.”
Okay. Alex deserved that.
“How fucking dare you,” Damián went on, though it sounded like his anger wasn’t particularly aimed toward Alex. His words were harsh, but his tone was still soft. “I wanted you to see me the night I was roofied, and you say you never want to speak to me again?”
“I know—“
“I’m still talking. I was vulnerable. Letting someone see me that way was embarrassing. I wanted to see you for comfort, and you somehow interpret this entire past month as you being toxic towards me? What the fuck? Is that how low your self-esteem is? Do you think I had Leo call you as some sort of punishment?”
“Then why the fuck would you end things?”
“I don’t know, Damián!” Alex wasn’t one to raise his voice, but it felt like the only way he could get all of his anger out. Anger at himself, at the man who drugged Damián, at everyone who had ever hurt them both. “I got scared! I got scared that I was part of this whole system that gets you drugged like that, and I—“
Alex couldn’t talk anymore. He choked on his tears. Again, he was crying in front of Damián. And he half-expected Damián to step forward and comfort him like he had the times before. But Damián did not. He stayed where he was. It felt right. Damián shouldn’t have been the one doing the comforting.
“You have a thick head, don’t you?” Damián said. “How many times do I have to tell you that you’re not exploiting me? People… do things for power or bragging rights or whatever. And, yeah, they do it to me because they know they can get away with it. But when I take a safe, ethical gig, and you say that that contributes to the whole mess—that feels like you’re saying that my career choice is the reason someone would drug me.”
“That’s not what I’m saying.”
“I know.” Damián finally closed the gap between them. He took Alex by the cheeks. His hands were cold. “I know that’s not what you’re saying, but you’re thinking about this whole thing wrong. I’m a person who works with other people. Just because there are some issues in the industry, it doesn’t mean it’s all rotten. It doesn’t mean I still don’t get value out of the good parts of it.”
“But nothing. The good parts of the job are really good. Sex work can be amazing. I get to meet people I wouldn’t have otherwise met. Like you. I’m really glad we met. I’m really glad we’ve spent the six weeks together. And I don’t want that to stop just because you feel bad about what other people do.”
Alex nodded, still crying. He saw Damián’s point. And if Damián had gone all this way to come to see him, then he must have been serious. Words seem to have a deeper meaning when they came only a few short days after trauma, in the cold.
If Damián was willing to give him another chance, then maybe Alex deserved it.
“I’m sorry,” Alex said.
“It’s okay.”
“I didn’t mean it when I said I don’t want to see you anymore.”
“I thought so.” Damián stroked his cheeks with his thumbs, wiping his tears. “I thought we had a good thing going.”
“Yeah. But if anything between us is going to work out, you can't feel guilty about every little thing. And I know that's hard. I know it's hard because we're queer and because I'm a sex worker and because I think we've been conditioned to believe people like us don't get to have happy relationships. But Alex, you have got to try for a happy life. You have to try to tell yourself that you deserve to be happy—because you do."
“I can try.” Alex pulled Damián’s hands away from his face and held them. “But you have to work on yourself, too.”
Damián faltered. Then he rolled his eyes. “Well, usually, I’m perfect—“
“That’s what I’m talking about! You can’t hide behind jokes.”
Damián looked a little caught off-guard. Like he wasn’t expecting the tables to turn on him or for Alex to be so assertive. Alex was still riding the high from telling Andrew off.
“What do I have to work on?” Damián asked.
“You shouldn’t fast for days. It’s really unhealthy. And I know that that’s a lot to deal with, but you’re asking me to work on my anxiety, and I want you to try to work on that.”
Damián was grinding his teeth. “I can try.”
“So, we’re both trying?”
A shiver ran through Damián. Alex looked behind him. They could still go in for the party and finish off their plan. Or they could just leave. It didn’t feel appropriate to go back up with Damián. There was no point anymore in making a big show about them dating. He wanted to spend the evening with Damián for reasons other than spite. And he didn’t want to bring Damián to a room full of jerks who would only stare in disbelief and disgust.
With the confrontation with Andrew just earlier that hour, though Andrew had left, Alex couldn’t stomach the thought of putting Damián in any uncomfortable environment.
“Do you want to go anywhere else?” Alex asked. “We probably shouldn’t stand out here all night.”
“Can we just head back to your place? I don’t want to be around too many people right now.”
“Of course. But I think we should Uber. You look cold.”
“I’m freezing.”
Poor thing. He had gone all that way to chase down Alex and was going to need to be thawed out by the time they got home.
They sat down on a bench while Alex called for a ride. Damián buried his hands into his coat pockets again. Alex scooted as close to him as he could to share body heat, and Damián leaned into him until there wasn’t any space between them. Alex let him initiate all of the contact, only letting their bodies touch where Damián wanted them to.
“I feel better now that we talked,” Damián said.
Alex did, too. He felt like a weight had been lifted, and he could breathe easily again for the first time in days. Or maybe ever. Though, a little ache that settled in him days ago didn’t let go.
“I was reading all of this shit after I saw you,” Alex said. “I was trying to find help for sex workers who get assaulted.”
Damián’s shoulders went limp. “That’s very kind.”
“But all I was finding were people in forums asking if—asking awful things.”
“Yeah, I know. I know what you’re talking about. It’s whatever.”
“It’s not whatever.”
“It’s not, but—I can’t let some randos on the internet get me down. They’re kinda pathetic for posting that shit in the first place.”
“How do you just go on with your day knowing that people hate you? And for such stupid reasons? For the most brainless, absolutely bullshit reasons?”
“The way I think of it is—I’ve been trying to do all this work on myself. And I really support myself and my career decisions. Deep down, past everything I regret doing to myself, I do love myself. I love myself way more than anyone else can hate me.”
Alex didn’t have much experience loving himself. That must have been part of what had attracted him to Damián this entire time. Damián was a lot of things Alex wished he could be.
And maybe that was part of the problem. Alex had learned to hate himself so deeply, had grown to believe that everything he did was wrong and embarrassing, that he thought the pure act of falling in love with someone had to be wrong.
But he did deserve to love someone. And he deserved to be loved back.
Damián looked up. As his head turned, Alex took him by the cheeks and kissed him, and Alex knew he had made the right move. For once.
“Wow. Did my tough love really work that well?” Damián’s hands were cold, but Alex didn’t flinch when he wrapped them around his face. “You are full of surprises, Alex.”
He brushed a fallen lock of hair from Alex’s forehead.
“You should have believed me when I said I liked you,” Damián said.
“I still don’t know why you.”
Damián scoffed. “Alex, you’re kind and smart, you’re incredibly down to earth, and you’re very cute.”
Alex scrunched up his nose. “No one’s called me cute before.”
“Well, my mom has. But I don’t think that counts.”
“You have very lovely, very big brown eyes. You could make me commit murder for those eyes—“
“That’s extreme. I would never ask you to commit more than light arson.”
Damián laughed. “You’re funny, too. And you have this cute, round face. And I noticed the other week that you have freckles. You’re cute all over. You’re like a little dumpling. I don’t believe that you can’t see it.”
“You shouldn’t be the one comforting me.”
“Well, I gave you the chance to comfort me, and you didn’t take it.”
Alex grimaced. He might as well ask. “Can I have a second chance at it, then?”
Damián sighed, dramatically. “I guess. What would you say to me if I gave you a second chance?”
“I’d ask how you’re feeling. You always check in with me. I should check in with you.”
Damián nodded. “I’m… okay. Not great. Physically, I’m over it, at least.”
“That’s something.”
“It is. It’s something.”
“Can I help? With any of the emotional stuff?”
“You’d be surprised by what simple company can do. Just don’t run away again.”
The Uber pulled up as a violent shiver wracked Damián’s body. Alex began detailing what they could do at home, thinking it should have been his burden to make those decisions for them both. He insisted they eat—that Damián try to eat—and could watch a movie. Eve would be out at her party for a while longer, but when it was over, she and Leo could make their way back, and they could all hang out together for the rest of the night if Damián was up for socializing.
Alex spoke quietly so the driver wasn’t forced to hear every single detail of their plans. All the while, Damián listened to Alex, his head on the headrest, his body relaxing in the heat of the car.
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latin-dr-robotnik · 1 year
So, there's this blogger lady who used to be a pretty major voice in the Spanish SonAmy community for at least a decade, and yesterday she posted a new entry about Kishimoto's tweet on SonAmy and the fandom reaction it attracted.
Content warning: I'm gonna discuss some very archaic, homophobic things said in that article.
And so far so good but I started noticing she was getting a bit too aggressive with some tweets and taking Sonic Twitter's daily rancid takes way too seriously, as if it was her first interaction with that part of the fandom. She went out of her way to grab some tweets, debunk them and publicly shame haters. Ok, I guess.
And then, out of nowhere, she went into a tangent about Sonic's canon sexuality and... like... she starts saying a bunch of biphobic shit??? Like, of all things to get mad about Sonic Twitter, she decided to lash out against fans writing about Sonic being bisexual, and she gets very defensive saying "Sonic has been canonically straight since the beginning" and some wacky shit like "if you think Sonic and Knuckles were flirting in Frontiers you should go to therapy because that's a very toxic relationship, and if that's what homosexual love language looks like, then I'm happy to be straight". I'm not fucking kidding you.
And I'm sitting here legit confused because I didn't know where the fuck that came from? Or the fact it was very unnecessary and homophobic on her part to say all of that? Like, what the actual fuck?
The article ends with her writing about Western canon fucking everything up and SonAmy's current canonical status, which is fine but nothing we haven't discussed in the past in the SonAmy fandom. And the whole point of the article was to discuss SonAmy as a canon thing, not to go after bisexual Sonic headcanons! That tangent was fucking horrible.
Tbh I used to look up to that woman because back in the day her blog used to be a shining beacon of light in the Spanish fandom, but man, this was a very rude awakening. I stopped reading her years ago when I began writing my own articles and researching the dynamic on my own terms, and to see her not only repeat points we discussed 5 years ago, but to also fully display her bigotry in this way... damn, what a letdown.
I love SonAmy, it's been my OTP for almost 20 years. I love SonAmy in every way, regardless of canon, gender or sexuality they may be represented. Fuck bigots, homophobes and transphobes in our community. I won't tolerate this shit even if we share a common ship. It is not the way to discuss SonAmy, and that article will certainly not help us at all in the fandom.
Also, as a bisexual myself, the fact I'm the one being told to "go to therapy" for engaging in some fun lighthearted SonKnux shipping stuff instead of the adult woman making a whole scene out of people shipping whatever the fuck they want and rambling about how proud she is to be heterosexual is very amusing to me.
If the thing that triggered this fandom figure so much was people sharing bi!Sonic fanart and headcanons on Twitter, instead of the fact some fans weaponize other ships to constantly attack, harass and "debunk" SonAmy fans, I think the one who has a big problem here is her.
Don't even tell her about transfem!Sonic fanart and mods, she might have a meltdown.
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