#no thoughts head amogus
acornwinter · 2 months
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based off of Blasphemous Rumors by @boundinparchment 🫶 i love u thank u for feeding me (i’m 🐁 anon btw hi it’s nice to meet u i think.)
art moment
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krysmcscience · 1 year
@crinklytinfoil Ask and ye shall receive ;)
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What do you mean this isn't what happened
Not pictured: White shoving his entire spooky ghost self into Brown's suit because How Dare anyone ignore him
That being said, WHITE'S BACK WHITE'S BACK WHITE'S BACK, I shoulda known this fucker wouldn't stay gone for long!!! White, my guy, you died like SIX YEARS AGO, have you been haunting Brown this WHOLE TIME??? I'd say get a life but I wouldn't want to give you any ideas - no, NO, I don't CARE if possession is nine-tenths of the law, that isn't what that even MEANS D:<
In other news, I am 100% convinced White has been perving on Brown by watching him whenever he gets it on, but is really bored and annoyed at how Brown always tops now, so every time it happens, White just keeps yelling dumb shit from his Boring Ghost Limbo like 'put a fukken dick up your ass already! >:['
Brown and Co. in upcoming chapters, probably:
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I don't know how they think those knives are gonna help. Guys. Guys. He's already DEAD. What are you doing
the amazing alien ghost cube is so amazing that it can be whatever size is most convenient for the joke to work
Got one more doodle incoming soonish (plus a five page comic uhhhh In Time - look, it's a big project, okay???), but in the meantime, I actually have been working on my own original stuff, too, I promise. See, I have this doodle of Shio sans headcovering here and- why is it under a read-more? ...No reason :]
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Aren't they beautiful? :3c
Fun fact, Shio doesn't even have to look like that, they could literally shear off the fucked up bits and spend a few months regrowing it, but NO. They just- choose to be horrifying. (It is very useful for scaring the bejeezus out of unsuspecting humans, after all...)
I don't know how to end this post BYE
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skyllion-uwu · 5 months
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sparkly-caroline · 8 months
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Putting GF from FNF in the Rodamrix Alternate Universe and making Red Impostor her new friend, and possibly beat the crap out of Fortegreen/Olive.
Why? Idk, my brain makes no sense sometimes... or all the time lol. I just randomly thought "funny demon lady giving head pats to the depressed red amogus bean" and then boom, this happened.
Hope you like it :)
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pineappleciders · 2 years
can i get RW omori characters (separately) with a reader who is like mari where they’re sort of the mom friend but the character walks in on them relapsing with SH??🧍
TRIGGER WARNING: self-harm, blood, blades
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when sunny had first witnessed it, he was dissociating. 
you? of all people? SUNNY looks up to you dearly, and you were so caring. to think you were in serious pain, yet concealing it?
he felt terrible. you were so kind, and always put others before yourself. now he knew why.
he'll slap the blade out of your hand and stare at you, unable to speak.
you awkwardly shift to cover your arm. you couldn't let innocent SUNNY see you like this. he saw you as a big sibling, a parent, even.
he hugs you, still speechless. you don't want to bloody his shirt, so you only hug back with one arm.
afterwards, he feels so bad. he always relied on you, but now that he knew you were struggling, he always lends an open ear to you.
you don't want to, but you end up venting to him. he tries his best to understand. 
he tries to not rely on you anymore after that.
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KEL swings open your bedroom door, only to find you curled up in bed, bleeding.
his mouth hangs open, and he doesn't say anything.
he was going to ask you if you wanted to come to the beach with everyone else. but, seeing you like that, it had completely left his mind.
"hey, Y/N! do you wanna- ...."
you could see the gears turning in his head, and you immediately sit up to cover yourself with your blanket.
"h-hey, KEL! what's... what's up?"
but it was too late. he'd seen the blade, and the blood coating your arm and the towel.
he slowly walks to you. "Y/N? you're bleeding.. are you okay?"
you frantically nod your head. "yeah, i'm fine! don't worry! what were you gonna ask?"
KEL hesitates, but he continues. "um, okay. i was gonna ask if you wanted to come to the beach with everyone, they're waiting outside."
you politely decline. "oh! i'm sorry KEL, i'm not feeling too well. maybe another time?"
he is very suspicious, but he decides not to pry. 
"okay.. well.. um.. let me know if you need something, 'kay?"
you smile and nod. "i will."
after that, KEL tries to pay more attention to you.
he noticed you wear long sleeves all the time, and that you always seemed to put others before yourself.
he didn't really understand, but he knew something was up.
he tries to help you out more, but he really doesn't know what to do, so he keeps quiet.
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she walked into your room, and your eyes meet.
she sees the blade, she sees the cuts, she seed right through you, and you know it.
i personally hc that AUBREY used to self-harm as well, so she'd be very understanding.
despite this, as soon as she realizes what you're doing, she cries.
AUBREY knows the pain and suffering that would cause someone to do this. the last thing she wants to imagine is you hurting like that.
she thought about how caring you were, and how motherly you'd act to everyone, but she knew you never really got that king treatment. she almost felt like she'd been using you.
she'll immediately hug you, and repeatedly ask, "why?"
she can't help but feel that this is her fault. that her and everyone else never paid enough attention to you and your needs.
after that, she'll always keep your mental state in mind. she talks to you more, and will offer to do things for you, like running errands. she tries her best to not stress you out anymore.
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he had walked in, and for the first time, he'd forgotten to knock.
"Y/N? are you-"
BASIL's mouth is a bit agape, but he doesn't say anything. 
he was aware that some people do this, but he wasn't too versed on why.
he awkwardly stands there, staring at your cuts and the bloodied blade.
you froze. you knew it wouldn't be of any use to hide from BASIL. you look away, staying silent.
he slowly approaches you, scared that if he makes any sudden movements he might trigger you.
carefully, he sits next to you, and puts a hand on your leg. he looks at you, silently telling you he understands.
you begin to cry, and hug him, mindful of staining his shirt.
he listens to anything you have to say, and tries his best to give advice and comfort you.
in the following weeks, he'll do small things for you, like give you paintings, or give you flowers. 
BASIL has always been semi-aware that you really didn't have many people that could care for you, the way that you cared for others.
so he'll make sure to listen when you speak, and make little things for you, just to try and brighten your day, even if it's only a bit.
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he opens the door, knocking as he does, but it was too late. the door was open, and you had no time to tell him to shut it.
your head shoots up, and you rush to cover your arm.
HERO didn't see the cuts, but he thought it was weird that you immediately covered yourself.
"oh, is it a bad time? i'm sorry, i can-"
"no, no! it's okay, HERO! what were you going to say?"
he's suspicious, but doesn't pry. "i was gonna ask if you wanted some cookies? i tried to teach KEL to bake them, but i ended up doing most of the work, so i promise they aren't bad!"
you chuckle. "i believe you! i'll have some in a bit, i need a minute."
his head slightly cocks, and he fidgets. "is.. is something up?"
you dismiss it, but he knows better than that. 
HERO walks over to you and sits down on your bed. he has suspicions, so he hovers his hand over the blanket, and looks at you, seemingly asking for permission.
you begin to sweat, and come to the conclusion that he knows. you look away.
taking that as a yes, HERO moves the stained blanket away to reveal your injured arm. 
"oh, Y/N.." he says in a sympathetic tone.
he'll rummage through your stuff for a med-kit, and patches you up before hugging you.
he definitely feels responsible for this. he was supposed to look out for all of you.
after MARI's passing, HERO kind of felt like a mother to the rest of the kids, despite everyone splitting up. so he somewhat knows what it's like to feel alone.
but he reassures you that they love you, are care for you very much.
he tells everyone else to be kind to you, and give you more attention. he'll cook you breakfast in bed a lot :)
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MARI swung the door open, with a soft smile on her face, and her picnic basket in hand.
"hi, Y/N! the others are downstairs, do you wanna have a picniiiiiicc..." her sentence trails off once she sees you crying and bleeding.
she rushes over to you, and drops the basket, her face filled with concern.
she inspects your wounds, swiftly pulling band-aids and cleaning gel out of her basket and fixing you up.
she takes the blade you were using and puts it in her back pocket.
she's crouching now, looking up at you. she places her hand on your cheek and wipes your tears away.
"please, Y/N. don't do this to yourself. we love you so much, i don't know what we'd do without you."
she hugs you and lets you cry into her shoulder.
you and MARI had always been the mom friends of the group, and she's often the one who takes care of you the most.
afterwards, she'll be mindful of her words, and subtly scan you for any wounds.
she cares for you and everyone else dearly, she can't afford to lose you.
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amogusthingss · 24 days
hi. i think ive made it pretty clear that this is my page for among us. anyways, im here to just have fun and maybe try to improve my drawing skills by doodling some silly little walking beans.
i could even... DRAW YOUR BEAN?! since im pretty uncreative most of the times, you can send me your amogus character in the ask box. Some reference pics are preferred, but you can also just describe it with your words! Just remembered that it might not turn out exactly how you expected.
I'm also not a native english speaker, so if i make any grammatical mistakes or my sentences seem a little wAcKy, please let me know!
Blah blah blah (future plans) ↓
I mightt start a comic. This thought kind of been floating in my head ever since I've seen Rodamrix's vids, since I can't animate I thought I'd just draw. Honestly though, I think it's such a good idea because amonguses are easy to draw. I'm not making any promises here, but I think it might be cool! So just give me a few months to actually have a storyline :)
Wowsers, you've read to the end? Have this silly not-so-well-made small animation of my in-game character as a reward.
I really don't think anyone will recognise me while playing by this Tumblr account, but just in case, my nickname is cherry.
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serotonincemetery · 2 years
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Engineer!Mark x Reader
TW//Obsessive behaviour, toxic relationship, angst, blood, death, GORE
Okay so I had an idea a couple days ago, and it was, ISWM but.. Amogus? You get my drift?
Imposter!Mark x Captain!Reader
(yandere? maybaps..)
Aboard the invincible II, it was so peaceful. Everyone did their assigned jobs, you made sure no one got hurt or nothing went wrong. Everything seemed peaceful for a long time. Of course every good thing has to come to an end. In this case, the "good thing" was how smoothly everything was running. Things began to malfunction, people got hurt.
Lights began to go out more, systems failed, like asteroids or the reactor nearly blew itself up every few days. Everything started to take a long time to do because something was going wrong.
Then came the deaths. 
First was Gunther
His body was found in ADS, blood spattered all over the control panel and blood running up the walls. His face beaten, nose broken, dried blood, running down his face.
When you saw his body, his stomach ripped open. A very precision-based slice from the middle chest down to just below his ribs. His small intestine spread out all over his body on display. 
Cieci gagged when his body was found. When everyone had a meeting in the bridge, you had been leaning against the control panel, arms crossed, your mind whirring. 
“Captain?” Mark asked softly, nudging your arm. 
You snapped out of your thoughts and raised your head and noticed everyone was standing there, watching, waiting for your order and response. 
“Yes?” You replied. 
“What do we do?” He asked, his voice, seemingly calm, too calm. 
“I-I..” You start. “I don’t know.” You sighed. You pinched the bridge of your nose. “Just, everyone do their job, I’ll deal with his body.” You muttered. 
Cieci sighed. “Captain we need to do something solid! Someone on this ship is murdering our crew! How do we know that they aren’t gonna go after the colonists!?” She shouted. 
“Hey!” Mark seethed. “The Captain has made his orders. Follow them out!” He commanded. 
You sighed. “Dismissed.” You murmured. “Cieci, please stay back.” You watched as Mark still stood beside you. You looked at Mark as everyone filed out of the room. “Mark you too.” You sighed. “I want to talk to her alone.” 
“Are you sure Captain?” He asked, seemingly annoyed, but trying to cover it with concern. You nod. He sighed as well. “Just holler for me if you need me.” He grumbled as he walked to the door, it opened before him and he walked out the door closing behind him. 
You wait before looking to Cieci. “There’s something wrong with Mark.” You whisper. 
Her eyes went wide. “I know! He’s begun to become more possessive over you. Not to mention the fact that he didn’t seem phased when Gunther died!” She whispered. 
“We need to do something, quickly.” You muttered. “He believes I’m talking to you now for standing up to me earlier. Or at least I hope he believes it.” 
“Sorry about that Captain..” She mumbled sheepishly. 
“We need to keep an eye on Mark from now on, make sure he doesn’t go near the colonists. If it is him. I’m afraid of what we’ll have to do.” You sighed. “Lock him in the airlock if push comes to shove.”
Cieci let out a breath she had been holding and nodded. “Do not tell the others.” 
The next death was Burt.
He died in his cryopod. What looked like to be stabbed in the gut, his cause of death was a wound in the back of his neck, a knife wound, not surprising. But it hadn’t gone all the way through. His blood ran from where his neck would’ve been and ran down to the floor, his eyes were bloody, pushed in. 
Cieci was beginning to be on edge. While you and Cieci were on the bridge looking out the window, you tried to comfort her panic. The computer’s voice came over the com. 
“Imminent Danger, reactor has reached extreme temperatures, calculated time until destruction. Sixty seconds.” Computer said right as several alarms started going off around the ship. 
You and Cieci looked at each other before quickly running out of the bridge and down the hallway, others quickly trying to make their way there as well. You pushed past and shoved your way through and began to quickly tap on the control panel. 
Finally getting the menu pulled up, you placed your hand on it and you watched Cieci rush to place her hand on it as others ran around and grabbed various things, and someone quickly pointed out that the main power tube had been cut. 
You grabbed one of the other crewmates’ hands and placed it where yours was and rushed over to the tube and quickly started pulling the wires apart to retwine them together. After zapping yourself a couple of times you finally get them twined together and quickly grabbed a roll of tape from a crewmate’s belt and quickly taped it together. 
The alarms turned off and you let out a sigh of relief leaning against the wall and ran a hand over your face. 
Everyone was in shock from what happened. 
“Dismissed. Everyone go take a breather.” You told them. They seemed to understand and left, still in shock. 
You looked at Cieci, she had the same thought as you. 
Mark didn’t show up. Where is he?
You and Cieci pulled Mark into what was a bunk room. Typically on the ship everyone sleeps in their cryopod, but you had urged them to put some beds in for the few crew working outside of cryogenic sleep. 
You pushed him back and blocked the door with your body. 
“Where were you when the reactor almost blew us up?” You asked. 
“When I was working on some wires in the security room, the alarms went off and it freaked me out and I pulled the wrong wire and it disabled the door.” He explained. 
“I don’t believe that.” Cieci grumbled. 
“Yeah I don’t either.” You backed her up. “What about when Gunther and Burt died?”
“I was in the bridge when Gunther was found and in this room when Burt was found.” He started getting defensive. “Honestly Captain, I never thought you’d accuse me of being a murderer. Have I not proved I care as much as everyone else on this ship?” He asked harshly. 
“No! Because I know for a fact you’re lying! Me and Cieci were on the bridge when Gunther’s body was found! We were there! Not you!” You outreached your hand to point at him accusingly. 
Mark had seemed to have nothing to say, being caught in his lie. 
“Grab him.” You ordered. Cieci quickly seized his right arm and you reached and seized his left. “Mark, by my Captain’s authority, I am placing you under arrest for murder of Gunther and Burt.” You said, almost hesitant. 
You couldn't believe you had to do this to your head engineer. 
You and Cieci walked him to the airlock, he seemed to panic. “Y-You’re really not thinking of throwing me out the airlock, do you, Captain?” He asked quickly. 
“This is the only restrained place. We won’t eject you, but you need to be put away from the rest of the crew to stop you from hurting others.” You explained. 
“I don’t think so Captain..” He growled under his breath before he easily shoved Cieci off and back into the wall before he grabbed the airlock door, and threw you in harshly. 
You hit your head against the wall and felt your brain spiral, your thoughts become jumbled before little black dots ensnared your vision. 
“Wakey wakey, Captain..” Mark’s voice ran through your head. “Come on Captain, it’s time to wake up~” He cooed. “You’ve been sleeping all day!” He exclaimed softly. 
Your eyelids felt heavy. When you opened your eyes, Mark was crouching in front of you, you seemed to be leaning against the wall, and from what you could tell, you were still in the airlock. 
“There he is.” Mark grinned. “Are you feeling okay?” He asked quietly. 
“Mark, what the fuck is going on?” You asked. “Did you kill Gunther and Burt?” You asked. 
Mark sighed and pushed himself up to full height, looking down on you. “They had it coming.”
You tensed. “How did they have it coming!? What did the do to drive you to fucking murder!?” You shouted as you went to push yourself up, Mark quickly raised his boot and pushed you back. 
“Don’t stand, Captain, you are still just waking up, we don’t want you to hurt yourself now do we?” He asked tauntingly. You took it as a sign to listen. Considering he killed two people! He could kill you too. Mark sighed as he brought his foot back down and his eyes started to wander the small room. “You know, what makes you different, is that right now, you aren’t cowering in fear, like Cieci.” He smiled and his gaze landed on you. 
You look past him, seeing the door open behind him to reveal Cieci, dead against the wall parallel to the door. Her mouth sewn shut as her eyes were pushed in and her throat was slit deeply. Her hands covered in blood from trying to stop the neck wound, ultimately failing and covering herself and her clothes with more blood. 
You covered your mouth to stop yourself from gagging. 
“What did you do?” You asked quietly. 
“They all disobeyed your orders, showed you hostility, and disrespected you.” His voice started to get aggressive. “You should show some more appreciation, I did this for you!” He took a step towards you. 
He watched as you flinched. 
You flinched because you were scared of him. 
“You know, I was wrong, Captain, you are just like the others, cowering in fear.” He sounded angry. “You seemed different, you seemed like you’d put up a fight.” 
You glance around to see what could aid you in your mission to escape. You see nothing, only the helmet on the wall, and the only way that could work is if you got past him. You made a quick split second decision and pulled back your leg and kicked up towards his knees, quickly bringing your other boot to just barely hook behind his heels. 
That knocked him over onto his back as you quickly scrambled up and grabbed the helmet and whipped it towards his face and quickly staggered to the panel to close the door behind you and lock it. 
You quickly saw Mark back on his feet and banging at the door. “Captain! Let me out!” He shouted through the door, banging his fist at the tempered glass window on the door. 
You backed up, your foot hitting something, you turned to see Cieci’s body. You cringed before staggering to the left and made a quick turn, towards the Cryolab. You pushed open the door, rushing to the panel and opening the shields, to see the cryopods where the colonists were supposed to be sleeping, was covered in spilt blood. 
Your eyes widened and you stumbled back. Flinching as you hear a loud crash. Mark got out. 
“Captain!” He taunted in a coo-like voice. “Where are you Captain?”
You forced yourself out of shock and quickly closed the window shield and went to find the door into the colonists hallway, finding the door, you remembered it being particularly loud. You let out a breath you’d been holding and opened the door, it let out a particularly loud gust of wind and you quickly bolted down the hallway, beside the cryopods. 
The moment you heard the door open again you ducked into a cryopod. 
“Captain, you do remember I am the head engineer of this ship? Right? I did most if not all the wiring and thus I know where every panel is and which cord is where. It was easy to find which wire was connected to the door’s lock. 
You mentally cursed yourself, sinking lower to the floor where the glass was non-transparent as to not be seen immediately. 
“Captain, you know how easily it would be for me to find you. This is just a game of cat and mouse.” He snickers. “But when all is said and all is done, I won’t kill you. Why would I? I did all of this for you!” He shouted. 
You heard him get closer and you covered your mouth with your hand to still your breathing. 
“Captain, can’t you see I did all of this for you, because I love you?!” He called out, his words echoing through the hallway. “I would do anything for you! Be your one and only! Just us on this ship, no one else to interfere!” His words sounded desperate as he passed your cryopod. 
You let out the breath slowly and heard him stop. 
“[Y/N]..” He chuckled softly. “I know where you are, sweet boy.” 
You felt your heart almost beat out of your chest, your nerves were on fire. You fucked up, you breathed too hard and he heard you. You heard slow and evenly paced footsteps towards your cryopod. 
“[Y/N], Captain, why do you hide from me?” He asked ever so gently. 
“Why do you hide when all I want is to love you. And for you to reciprocate those feelings.” Another step closer before his shadow appeared over you. 
He looked through the glass and looked down at you, only now, in this light did you notice all the blood staining over his suit, a small chunk of flesh stuck in his collar. And when you looked at his face, he smiled softly. 
“Oh, [Y/N].. I only want to love you, why don’t you see that?”
“Because you’ve murdered thousands!” You shout. 
“All because I wanted to prove my love and loyalty to you! They didn’t deserve you! You were a bright moon in the night sky and they were small stars millions of light years away. They were taking away from your admiration!” He ranted. “So I put those stars out so you, my moon, will be the only one who is focused on.” He looked at your terrified expression with a gentle face so full of love and care. 
It was honestly sickening that he could look like that while drenched in the blood of thousands. 
He reached around and opened the door to the cryopod and stood above you. 
“Moon, why don’t you come out from the clouds so I can admire you?”
//If you like this piece, consider checking out my other oneshots! I just recently got more into the markiplier fandom so if you like this, be sure to check out my other oneshots of the other egos! My requests are open as well!!//
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lavemintusa · 2 years
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𝚂𝚑𝚞 𝚈𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚘 𝚡 𝚐𝚗!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚋𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗: 𝗱𝗼𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝘂, 𝗱𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗽𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗹, 𝗟𝘂𝘅𝗶𝗲𝗺’𝘀 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘀.
𝙴𝚛𝚒’𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎: 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚋𝚋𝚕𝚎, 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚢 🤍
Mon 09/12/20xx 08:39
Dear diary,
Another headache, I opened my eyes, another day suffering in the hospital. How long did I stay here ? Maybe 4 months, maybe 6, I don’t even remember. I press the button to call out for nurses and waiting for them, I’m going to write something here. I guess today will be the same as everyday, the doctors and nurses will come and bring me to the MRI* scan or several checking, say things like “You will recover soon with our radiotherapy and chemotherapy” or “You don’t need to worry, we will start the surgery soon.” Look as if i believe it, there are no doctors in the neurology dept are “brave” enough to converse with me or help me out of this brain tumor, they pity me for having this, they afraid that I will pass away from the surgery because of their lack of experiences. So what, let me go through hurt by prolong my life until they find some good doctors...
*-short of ‘magnetic resonance imaging’  is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body.
Tue 10/12/20xx 07:10
Dear diary,
The medicines they gave me don’t work, I still have a headache. And as always, no one talk to me, I asked myself what if I disappeared nvm, these thought make me so tired. .Oh and I had a dream last night about an angel helped me with my condition, but I guess there won’t be any of them in real life although if they want to use me for something.
Wed 11/12/20xx 06:21
Dear diary,
They said I should wake up early today since someone is coming, I will continue to write this after I meet them. Hopefully not my relative or parents because I know they just want to sneer and complain about how much I have spent staying here, they don’t care about my matter...
Dear diary (again)
I have met that person, he is a doctor from a big city that my short-term memory cannot handle, he will in charge with my case. His name is Shu Yummy something, sound amusing huh ;) Yeh, he gonna stay here until my surgery finish, quite young but seem to be experienced and reliable. He has colorful hair, I asked and he said it’s natural (doubt). Expectantly we will get along.
Thu 12/12/20xx 15:32
Dear diary 
He saw my yesterday diary page and chuckled a bit, said that I had written his name wrong, it’s Yamino not Yummy something as I said last day. Welp....it’s quite embarrassing. And his smile feels warm, no, his appearance already feels warm. He resembles a big brother to me. His checking was gentle and he brought me some candies, it’s grape flavour, shiny and crystalize, beautiful, just like him.. I need to go now, he will check again at 4pm with another dept’s doctors, I think I will be fine if he’s there lol 
Fri 13/12/20xx 04:43
Dear diary
I CAN’T SLEEP, Shu told me to go to sleep soon and patted my head last night. I know he just want me to be comfortable but it makes me feel weirdge in my stomach. Also diary, I will have my tumor’s surgery by the end of this month, Shu’s going to be the lead surgeon, I really look forward to it !
Sat 14/12/20xx 23:54
Dear diary
So basically this morning, Shu did some daily checking on me, we talked for a while and I asked if he had another schedule, he said he didn’t so he was there with me (so if he has, he won’t stay there ???). He also called his friends who move with him to this hospital, I think his name is Ike Eveland and Mysta Rias from different depts. Oh and they allowed me to call them by their first name. They’re all hilarious and friendly, they also said some words that I don’t understand, probably amogus backward or pilk... Shu said that I shouldn’t know them, hmm it’s make me really curious dear my diary. 
Mon 16/12/20xx 12:06
Dear diary
Yesterday was amazingggg, Shu took me outside for a small picnic near a pond of the hospital. I guess he’s not really that busy huh. He tried to “rick roll” me by a poem, I dodged it by saying his hair looked like banana. I thought Shu will get angry but he just giggled ><. Oh and he scolded me for stayed up late, I didn’t mean to Yummytoe :(
Tue 17/12/20xx 21:17
Dear diary
Shu sang several songs during his break for me, the best one are “fukujusou” and “tabacco”, his voice was so sweettt. He messed up some words too, that’s adorable. Hey Shu, if you keep looking me with those amethyst eyes I’m going to faint, and pls don’t smile, you gonna make both my heart and brain stop working, jk keep smiling Dr Yamino 
Wed 18/12/20xx 10:28
Ayo diary, Vox who also Shu’s friend said that I might have a crush on Shu, but we just meet for a week....
I will ask the other later then
Thu 19/12/20xx 19:39
Dear diary
I have been thinking a lot and I might have a crush on Sh-
“NO I DON’T OMGGGG” I yelled out of sudden make Luca choked on his pringles.
“WTH why are you yelling ???” he gulped down then stared at me in shocking.
“No, there’s nothing” closing my diary, I laid down and shut my eyes, feeling something poked my cheek. 
“It’s not really hard to confirm your feeling toward someone, especially the one that straightforward like Shu” As Luca knew what I was thinking about, he nudged the spoon at me, started to stir his coffee.
“NOOO, you won’t understand, if I say something wrong, our relationship will collapse or being really weirdddd” I whined, rolled on my bed, Luca sighed and sipped his coffee. 
“I will call Shu” he stood up, quickly went to door looking for his friend only to met Shu staring at him, ready to open it, I didn’t expect to see him this hour.
“What are you doing here Dr Kaneshiro ?” Shu asked while looking at me, Luca hugged him right away.
“Oh my lovely Shu, this room is so comfy and warm, also I want to find you for something, actually they are the one who want to find you” Luca wiggled his eyebrows looking at me, Shu came in, asked me why I looking for him, but for god sake I cannot even looked in his eyes. Luca saw that situation and started to talk
“They want to ask if they are in love with this pers-” “LUCA” I threw a pillow toward his face, but I guess Shu already heard it all. His voice was steadily, he stared at me and asked: 
“So what about that person ?” 
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macksting · 9 months
Long ramble infodump about El Goonish Shive
Oh where do I start.
I wasn't particularly sheltered, but Grace's flight (not literally) from the history class strikes a deep chord with me regardless. She read between the lines of what that book said and realized very quickly that there had been incredible scales of death and misery and horror, and even knew all too well a kind of person who might have brought that sort of thing about himself. In a recent chapter, Grace sees herself in her mind's eye, cowering and crying and helpless in a laboratory room, and she approaches herself and tells her words she'd've wanted to hear then, words she needs to hear now to heal that past self. I've done that. Or something akin? Sometimes in panic attacks I am simultaneously multiple people, much like Horselover Fat and Philip K. Dick in VALIS. It makes it easier. There's not much imagination involved, just one person comforting another, in the space of one's own body. Whatever. Point is, I felt like I was going crazy, but it helped. I don't know as it calmed me any faster, but that wasn't the point; the point was to get through it with less pain. And who among us* hasn't done a quick census in one's head and thought, wait a minute. What percentage of the population is straight? That's absurd. Or the moment when she was going to simply disappear from their lives without a word, leaving not even the clothing she was given, lest she endanger anyone by her presence again. The list of reasons Grace is my favorite is very long. I could go on for quite a while. * amogus I fall back on El Goonish Shive for things a surprising amount. Whether it's the harmful nature of secrets, or the shame in feeling used and foolish because we were taken in by a person operating in bad faith, or that awestruck feeling of "there's a name for it." That moment when Elliot sits reading the fan letters about the video review series and is struck silent thinking about the trans person whose letter he received. I remember in 2016 I was so worried for my trans friends, so afraid that either victory or loss would see violent riots from the Trump crowd, and what the next four to eight years would hold in that regard, and what was to come thereafter for them. Then two years later my own egg cracked, and I find myself in the same position. Was it the same, for Elliot to look back on that moment when he, en femme no less, read that letter and felt he must do something for them, that something could be done with what they had available? And to look at it from a future perspective, when he no longer identified as male at all, to realize he was fighting for himself too? Does it give him a headache like it does me? (excerpt from The Last Unicorn, by Peter S. Beagle) "Closer!" he grumbled, squinting through the dark. "Come closer. I want to see you." "Light a light, then." said Molly Grue. The calmness of her own voice frightened her more than the fury of the old wizard had. It is easy to be brave for her sake, she thought, but if I begin being brave on my own account, where will it end? (end excerpt)
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shuubaehisagi · 10 months
Current Gotei 13 Play 'Among Us'
Just something random I thought while me and our cosplay group were talking about some amogus jokes.
Komamura: I am the impostor.
Iba: Captain Komamura is not the impostor!
Komamura: It's fine, Tetsuzaemon. I cannot bear having to deceive our friends for the sake of winning a game.
Iba: C-CAPTAIN...!!!!
Shinji: But that's the point of the game?
Momo: Ssshh, don't ruin their moment, captain.
Momo: *sees dead Shinji*
Momo: GASP! *calls for emergency meeting*
Rose: What?
Kira: What?
The game eventually turns into an argument between Momo and Kira until they are both ejected.
Shūhei: Man, this feels awfully familiar.
Kensei: *is killed*
Shūhei: I-I'm sorry, captain!!!!!
Shūhei: I-It's not like I like stabbing my captains, too! It just happens!
Shūhei: I'm sorryyyyyy!!!
Shūhei: Oh it's just Rangiku.
Shūhei: ...wait.
Shūhei: *gets killed*
Rangiku: Easy win~
Kensei: Serves you right.
Kyoraku: *already knows who the impostors are but doesn't say anything. He would give hints during emergency meetings tho*
Kyoraku: *also pretty good at playing impostor until Nanao or Ukitake finds out*
Yachiru: *gets lost*
Yachiru: *has too much fun going through the vents*
Nanao: ...I think I found our impostor.
Kenpachi: *gets lost*
Kenpachi: *challenges everyone to a fight*
Kenpachi: What the heck, I'll just cut up everyone I see! The last man standing is not the impostor!
Ikkaku: I don't think that's how you play it, captain...
Soi Fon: Shinji Hirako is the impostor.
Shinji: Ehhh. What makes you say that?
Soi Fon: Your way of assassinating and trying to cover up your crime are lame!
Soi Fon: No, wait -- all of you are bad at this!
Soi Fon: Except maybe for the Head Captain because he's sly. But he's being lenient at times. You shouldn't do that!
Kyoraku: Uh... Thanks?
Yoruichi: Soi fon, chill, it's just a game!
Mashiro: *has been in game for seventeen hours*
Kensei: So that's what you've been doing at work, huh?
Kensei: Starting tomorrow, you're banned from using your phone at work!
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that-sims-four-blog · 4 months
And another slice of the playthrough...
(cw: plenty of violence and some blood further down below)
And on tonight's episode of Leeb, Leefuh, Love:
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Back at the Metallica household, Kirk and Lars share a top-bunk bed—partially because they're not gay, that one parody music video be damned.
Honestly, there is not much to tell, although Lars did say something about a case...
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Heh, heh.
No, it's not about Napster, although it was equally as scandalous as his case against it.
Furthermore, the royalty report for Lars' track finally came in:
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That's not quite a bad profit for someone who just started out their journey to become the new Skrillex, and there will be more, I am certain. Since the household has not seen anything interesting in quite some time, I don't think it'll get much attention in the following posts.
Moving over to Strangetown Strangerville, Sussus Amogus settles into sus residence at Slip 42. Yes, sus pronouns are sus/sus (singular: crewmate), although it's fine if you use they/them pronouns for sus for serious discussions.
The first thing that Sussus did was to go over to the pub across the street and then... uh... break someone's nuts into a million pieces. I am sorry that I couldn't get any images of the event (I need to stop confusing the C key with S), so this anecdote is the only evidence I can offer, along with the fact that the victim was named Daiki.
By the way, I'm thinking of making Sussus' parts more chaotic compared to the rest—which means more violence, yay! So, yeah, I would suggest that you might want to tread carefully when coming to their parts.
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Excuse the mod's misgendering, but I think I have accomplished my goal of making Sussus an egotistical bastard. I have worse things in mind that would prove that sus is, like, really evil. Or rather, really suspicious.
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That is also Sussus. I don't like how sus turns bald every time sus enters the shower, so I decided to give sus a little Jack Frost disguise. So, there it is: Sussus Amogus, masquerading as Jack Frost—of Shin Megami Tensei and Persona fame—every time sus enters the shower or goes to work—as pictured, as a scientist.
As insane as it sounds, I'm thinking of giving sus a romantic interest. Because I can, and also that I found one of the Sims at Sussus' lab pretty cute.
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Pictured here is Sussus Frost at work, complete with the UI glory. I don't recall what her name was, but that's the Sim I'm thinking of pairing Sussus with.
Okay, lab aside, I'd like to mention one of Sussus' days—a really specific one that I thought was worth writing about.
After doing a really, really horrific thing at that Strangerville bar—let's just say that it was murder; I cannot go into further detail lest I get this blog deleted—Sussus decided to head to the Old Quarters' Inn. It would have been fine had Daiki not been the bartender there.
And, uh.
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Yeah, Sussus seems pretty hell-bent on making this poor guy miserable.
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I think it's clear in Daiki's eyes how really miserable he is, all because of some random crewmate who just moved in several hours earlier. Then came a fight!
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Sussus lost. It was too much for this one Imposter to handle. The next thing that sus did was to throw blood on him and then call the cops. Nope, they were too late. So, I decided to let Sussus take the matter into sus' own hands.
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You get the idea. Most of the aftermath of it is probably too... grisly to be put in here. I'm just going to give you a couple of images that I took in the aftermath of the incident.
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And then—
Wait, what?
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What the fuck.
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innytoes · 2 years
autumn prompts: 25 + polyphantoms
Ever since getting involved with Alex, and then getting dragged into his 'wait this isn't just a weirdly codependent friend group it's a polycule', Willie had been... well, happy. Happier than he'd been for a long time. He had Alex, of course, which would have been more than enough. But he also had adventures with Reggie, and cuddles with Luke and Bobby, and 'going to the thrift store to find fabulous outfits' with Flynn and Julie, and that one time he'd thought his old boss had sent a limo to kidnap and murder him but it was really just Carrie taking him for mani-pedis.
With the help of his new friends, boyfriends, and 'we made out one time but it was way too weird', he managed to... unlearn a lot of toxic stuff. Like how your manager wasn't supposed to make you practice your dancing waiter routine for six hours after hours until your feet blistered and then not pay you for it. Or how opening up wouldn't result in being mocked or shamed. And also the joys of deep-fried Oreos.
So Willie owed them. Like a lot. Even though they assured him he didn't owe them anything, they loved him. He still wanted to... he didn't know. Prove to them he could contribute. As more than just a pretty face or mani-pedi partner.
So when Willie found out they all went hard for Halloween, he did some research. He'd spent pretty much every Halloween since he was sixteen and had been hired at the Hollywood Ghost Club, working. But he was determined to do it right. So he got all the decorative gourds. He found the perfect scary and not-so-scary movies for them to watch. He even tried to make caramel apples. (Thankfully Bobby helped him put out the fire and clean up all the mess before anyone else got home.)
Another Very Important Part of Halloween, he'd learned, was the costume. This year, they'd all agreed to dress up as ridiculous 'Sexy' costumes. (With a very thick robe at the door in case of any trick or treaters who didn't see the 'take one (or two, we're not cops)' bowl of candy and cute little toys on the little table in front of the porch.)
So Willie did his best. Like, his very best. He'd seen the pictures of Halloweens Past, okay?
The party was a great success. Alex looked delicious in his Sexy Alexander Hamilton costume. Flynn and Julie looked amazing in their She-Ra and Catra costumes, while Carrie had gone for 'Sexy Carrie'. Not Sexy Carrie Wilson, which she'd wanted to at first, but horror movie Carrie. The sight was... unsettling.
Luke had somehow managed to make the little Among Us Amogus sexy, while Reggie had opted for Sexy Ghost, with a white sheet cut high enough to just catch a glimpse of his red panties to go with his black fishnets and red heels.
Bobby was met with some boos and dismay, seeing as he was just dressed as the fox from Robin hood, no fishnets or booty shorts in sight, just a regular costume with an added fox tail and ears. "The fox from Robin Hood is totally sexy!" he insisted. "He was Luke and Reggie's first crush so shut up!"
And hey, from the way Luke and Reggie were all over him, it seemed to be really working for him.
Willie had kept his costume in a bag until the last minute. He hadn't wanted to ruin Alex' upholstery on the way over. So he slipped off into the bathroom with five cans of spray on body-paint and the rest of his supplies.
When he came out, it was worth it. Alex gaped at him as he made sure his duck-bill wasn't crooked. His body paint matched the booty shorts perfectly, and it made the yellow fish nets and heels stand out. He'd put his hair up in a tight bun so he could whip his hat on and off dramatically.
"You're a... sexy... teal..." Willie turned around to show his tail. "Platypus?"
Immediately, heads popped out of doorways, Luke and Reggie and Bobby stacked on top of each other as if they were a cartoon. Reggie was grinning from ear to ear, especially when Willie donned the brown fedora dramatically. Alex still looked confused.
"PERRY THE SEXY PLATYPUS?" Luke and Reggie shouted in unison. Willie shot them some finger guns, doing the little Perry-the-Platypus rumble he'd been practicing for weeks now.
"Oh my god you ruined my childhood," Bobby said, half glee and half horror. "Well done."
Yeah, it was a pretty successful party. Even if the sheets in Carrie's guest room were absolutely ruined with teal body paint the next morning.
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nibwhipdragon · 2 years
Love how both you and Arrax asked for Joseph when I was asleep, I don't know who won now haha
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I'm normal about him
You know what's going to be under the read more. You know.
He is insane he makes me insane I go crazy whenever I see him oh my god
I want to eat him. I want to absolutely cover him in tabasco sauce and lemon juice and slurp him up I want to put him in a microwave with those popcorn bags and watch him dodge the micro waves and the exploding corn like his life depends on it I want to see him be carried off by a seagull when I take him to the beach because he's 2 inches tall I want to carry him around in my pocket and feed him scraps I want to tuck him into bed every night and kiss him on the forehead (PLATONICIALLY.) and read him a bedtime story and sing him a little lullaby and then wake up before him in the morning to make him a breakfast of scrambled egg and salmon on toast with a hot chocolate made of actual chocolate instead of the power with whipped cream and marshmallows and I want him to be as happy as can be
I want to hit him with a car so bad I want to see his body ragdoll in front of me I want to see him explode
You know how dogs thrash around the toy they have in their mouth really hard? Yeah I wanna do that, he would be squeaky I think I want to bite him so bad you have no idea
Has too many thoughts and none at the same time I love him for that you're sp funky haha
I love writing angst for him but every time he gets hurt in canon I get so upset like bro that's MY thing STOP BRO YOU'RE GIVING HIM IRREPARABLE TRAUMA CANONICALLY STOP
He has all the bitches but is simultaneously bitchless he's such a sopping wet mess of a human being and I love him for that I want to brush his hair I want to hold him lovingly in my arms and I want him to hold me lovingly in his arms (PLATONICALLY.) I want to go to a restaurant with him and kill like 30 people to get a table like i did in that one dream I had of him WHY do I get so many homosexual dreams about him I am LITERALLY aroace why is he so powerful why is he like this why is he british
Constantly in my head like 24/7, so many things remind me of him he's like the amogus effect to me but worse and I don't know whether I enjoy it or not
Why is he SO FRUITY like BRO. BRO WHY the first thing I thought hwnen I saw him in the first episode of battle tendency was "Why is he bisexual" because it was THAT OBVIOUS LIKE HE HELL he is my skrunkly bingus floppa djjdjsjsjsjjjsjjjjjsjsjsjdjdj
Nobody gets him like I do he is so. You agree
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akinachiri · 1 year
Chicken nuggets that kinda look like among us...
You may have them all if you like
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Also make sure to rest if you need to. It's also hard for me to take naps so I just lie in bed for a few minutes and it sorta helps (that or I just lay my head on my desk which somehow makes me lose track of time more)
amogus nuggets..... also yea im just trying to chill out. im trying not to think too hard but alas... hard to control my thoughts
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max1461 · 2 years
Unable to get this train of thought out of my head. Discourse drome had a post in their Econ tag about making an Al Qeada cryptocurrency and what if that but it’s someone’s liver and your pronouns are a contract agreeing to the sale of liver based cryptocurrency and also selling the rights to the story of the crypto in the format of an erotic ඞ stageplay
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notpukichosadly · 2 years
𓂺ඞMy name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. This is my confession. If you're watching this tape, I'm probably dead– murdered by my brother-in-law, Hank Schrader. Hank has been building a meth empire for over a year now, and using me as his chemist. Shortly after my 50th birthday, he asked that I use my chemistry knowledge to cook methamphetamine, which he would then sell using connections that he made through his career with the DEA. I was… astounded. I… I always thought Hank was a very moral man, and I was particularly vulnerable at the time – something he knew and took advantage of. I was reeling from a cancer diagnosis that was poised to bankrupt my family. Hank took me in on a ride-along and showed me just how much money even a small meth operation could make. And I was weak. I didn't want my family to go into financial ruin, so I agreed. Hank had a partner, a businessman named Gustavo Fring. Hank sold me into servitude to this man. And when I tried to quit, Fring threatened my family. I didn't know where to turn. Eventually, Hank and Fring had a falling-out. Things escalated. Fring was able to arrange – uh, I guess… I guess you call it a "hit" – on Hank, and failed, but Hank was seriously injured. And I wound up paying his medical bills, which amounted to a little over $177,000. Upon recovery, Hank was bent on revenge. Working with a man named Hector Salamanca, he plotted to kill Fring. The bomb that he used was built by me, and he gave me no option in it. I have often contemplated suicide, but I'm a coward. I wanted to go to the police, but I was frightened. Hank had risen to become the head of the Albuquerque DEA. To keep me in line, he took my children. For three months, he kept them. My wife had no idea of my criminal activities, and was horrified to learn what I had done. I was in hell. I hated myself for what I had brought upon my family. Recently, I tried once again to quit, and in response, he gave me this. [Walt points to the bruise on his face left by Hank in "Blood Money."] I can't take this anymore. I live in fear every day that Hank will kill me, or worse, hurt my family. All I could think to do was to make this video and hope that the world will finally see this man for what he really is.
what's that amogus doing at the beginning there
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