#no wonder none of the past battles i had didnt do anything new with that quest cuz well-- it wasnt the right path
aria0fgold · 2 months
Siffrin is Breaking. And I'm here clutching my hair cuz oooohhhh boooooiiiii isabeau.........
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ninjas-and-coffee · 3 years
WU SUCKS but not the reason you think
I'd like to preface by saying Wu has made a lot of mistakes and should be held accountable. But like the main arguments against Wu be like.
1: Morro
2: Traumatizing kids
3: Keeping secrets
4: Mot treating his nephew like is damn nephew.
5: Flirting with his brothers wife.
And the thing about that needs talked about. 1:Morro. First off getting kids hopes is not cool. It can be detrimental to development depending on the age of the child. BUT. Not a single soul told Morro to train tirelessly for 60+ years after his death to take revenge and be the green ninja. Absolutly no one. Wu had compassion for his failings and wanted to show Morro he could still he great without being the green ninja. But the little brat ran tf off and got trapped and died. And he got cursed, how- we dont know. But its implied that it's either intentional entrapment or you have to be a terrible person, guess which category he probably falls into. Mind you Wu also told our OGs that they could also be the green ninja and none of them went off the rails to settle some invisible score. Morro made his choices and he made shit ones. Wu was an influence but not the problem. Morro is unstable, dramatic, and holds grudges Wu didnt cause that.
2: the traumatic experiences the nina go through are also not exactly his fault. He didnt just pick them off the streets. THERE WAS A PROPHECY. Ok? Yall with me. Fate isnt uncontrolled by anyone the ninja needed to be trained to help Lloyd fight the Overlord. That wasnt his decision. And yall act like the ninja couldn't leave whenever they wanted to. He didnt gaslight them or belittle them in anyway that wasnt for teaching. Please bring me receipts if you think otherwise. I do admit he could help a little more, be more clear, but when has a old magic teacher character ever been straightforward. With that logic fuck Dumbledore, and Gandalf, and any wise old teacher that goes to find chosen one who once again are chosen by fate not the master himself. Yall literally cant blame Wu for Child's Play and you cant blame Wu for their experience with Nadakhan either. The enemies that go out of there way to attack the ninja are not a direct cause if Wu himself. Usually. It be like blaming Garmadon for Chen. Yes they had history but it's still not his fault
3: Secrets. I will admit there is next to no reason for keeping secrets from the ninja. Considering history always has kind of score to settle. But considering his age and the apparent imprisonment or death of his past enemies there no way to predict every problem that comes back to screw him over. The Time Twins for example. Yes they came back for Wu. But he did remove their powers and separated them over 20+ years ago. They were not exactly threats to his new students now were they? Again with Aspheera, who was literally locked in a tomb why take the time to educate the ninja on a problem he had no idea was going to come back for him. Same with Morro to a more confusing degree. MORRO DIED. How was he to prepare the ninja for that? Yes please tell me how they were supposed to prepare for a dead guy. I'll wait.........k. he should be more forthcoming with the ninja, about things he knows could harm them, like the Serpentine after Lloyds released them, Chen, the Overlord, the effects of Travelers Tea, Tomorrow's Tea, Oni, Etc. But most of the time the ninja go and do it first then wonder why Wu didn't warn them.
4: His nephew. Wow his parenting sucks. Morro is not his damn child let's start there. Comparing their relationship is unfair. Wu cared for Morro the way he cares for Kai and Nya. He never accentuates a paternal relationship with then. Cause they are students, students he has to train with he intent to send them out onto dangerous battle fields and mind games. He was alone so yes it looks different but it's also a leap to just assume that Wu viewed Morro as his own despite treating him the exact same way as his 6 other students. Now back to Lloyd. Why didnt he get his nephew from Darkleys where it was known he ran away from multiple times? I DONT KNOW. No one does. That is a bad move I can only theorize about. Maybe Misako said something about staying away, maybe he wasnt kept in the loop about his nephews whereabouts due to idk KICKING HIS FATHER INTO HELL. C'mon yall. Now in the later seasons my best guess is that he doesnt know how to differentiate his nephew from the chosen one side and the goofy child side. Hes never had a child and his early relations with Lloyd were scarce and when Lloyd came to live with him. It's not due to some familial obligation, destiny literally called for it. Putting some definite strain on their relationship. I'm not excusing it he should try better, but he'd have to build a relationship from nothing and most people know their immediate family upon birth or during childhood which is not the case here. Wu treats his nephew more like a vessel of power than a person which isnt cool but knowing that the kid might not come back after every fight is a good damper on happy relationships is it not?
5: Misako. Good lord I don't have to explain this one. No excuse. It shouldn't be happening. BUT. After Garmadons death she was a free woman as gross as it is. It's more a flaw on her than it is him she chose to have a baby with one brother and still try to get with the other. And I know it takes two to tango but dont get mad at the idiot that the cheater is cheating with. Be mad at the cheater. The thing people really dont get about love triangles. The "other guy" brings on the questions/options but the person who cant choose or screws with both parties is the one in the wrong. Lloyd seems ok with it. Because Tommy said so. I dont particular give two shits about his take on the show half the time. If Lloyd were actively against it the Wu would probably stop. If the Fsm family acted like a normal ass family we probably wouldnt be here. But their priorities are a little screwy compared to typical nuclear families. Not an excuse just some perspective
NOW, why he is a bad character despite all of those arguments. he chooses to train soldiers rather than care for impressionable teens. Yes the situation called for it but the pressure could he alleviated if he decided to actually help before the world was on fire. He chooses to teach by experience than be upfront. Which works sometimes but not when actual lives are at stake. His trial by fire teaching works but the possiblity it could go wrong is to big to be brushed aside. His seemingly unreachable vault of empathy is hard to swallow. He rarely actually feels things for other people, his lack of enthusiasm when they pull through something hurts to watch. His lack of empathy about raising his nephew to attempt to kill his father is frightening. The pride he demonstrates by choosing not to disclose his past until it's too late is dangerous. He doesnt directly put down the ninja unless he has to and its more implied than anything and is on his students and this fandom for taking it so harshly. He trusts them a lot because he doesnt see them as kids anymore. They are warriors and it was necesary. He should have more compassion. He should be more straight forward, he should try to act like a person and not some ethereal being of elsewhere that doesn't have time to appease feelings or care about people until after hes wronged them. His values are off kilter sometimes which is whatever until it starts to hurt people
But yall need to stop blaming him for other people actions. Morro was a mess to begin with. His problems are in the past because he took care of them already. Misako came onto him. (He should have resisted but he didnt start shit she did). He needs to try to be an uncle alongside being a teacher. He needs to act like a fucking person more than the infinite cache of wisdom and unforeseen unused power that he acts like. And also it's a kids show. How many children think the way yall do?, we're teens/YAs we're reading into things. A LOT which makes everything more complicated. Comments rebuttals open. There's a collection of little mistakes hes made along the way that dont fit into these categories but these are the main reasons I know people hate him and the little things add fuel to the fire. I will legit talk about anything Except for the morro thing I am so tired of seeing it Morro made his choices hes a fucking Villain Wu didnt make him that way being a bitter asshole did that. Thanks for reading!! :3
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"Well, kid, you'da loved to see the assortment of folks at the farm yesterday.
sure I know you were with us, just not in the way so you could take more of your selfies with us all.
I tried to give you so many words over the years.
I guess these are my words for you.
Thank you to Tom for hosting us today,
Thank you to those friends he had at Fright Farm for welcoming the rest of his haunt family into your house.
And thank you to all his Real Life family for sharing him with us.
I am honored that people call me Steves mentor. But we would be remiss if we didnt mention another kid I mentored when I could, and who did the same for Steve, even before I got him.
His great friend and big brother in all this, Ethan Turon.
From his 1st day at 100 Acre Manor, till days before he left, Ethan was there for him.
Let’s start with a quote from an old black and white monster movie. One of the ones I forced Steve to watch for some horror roots and set design education.
The way you walked was thorny, through no fault of your own, but as the rain enters the soil, the river enters the sea, so tears run to a predestined end."
Maleva the Gypsy
1940 The Wolfman,
I think there’s been plenty of tears in the last 2 weeks. And no doubt we all have some more ready to go.
But with someone like Steve, every time I feel myself getting upset, it’s so easy to bring up a good memory, something cool, sweet, funny, or just dumb and goofy, to bring me back. I’m sure
you can too. If not now, you will..
Because he was easy to like, to love and to get close to.
In my case, I didn’t choose him. He chose me. I had no say in the matter. He was gonna be my friend and bring his brand of haunt magic to Castle Blood whether I liked it or not.
He was like a 10 month old golden retriever, How could I not get taken in by him, become close to him, and end up with such a bond
He was Romantic about Halloween. The love, the magic, the escapeism, the fantasy. I would warn him about that. Don’t love something that can’t really love you back. And he would then read back a list in his head of all my stories, and things I’ve done in the name of Halloween, and the consistency it brought to my life.
And I would reply with the loses, the hardships, divorces, bankruptcies, missed chances and lost loved ones. And he’d ask, then why is it almost 40 years and you keep going.
I would answer, How can I not, and I’d smile, how can I not be romantic about Halloween. It’s given me everything, just like it has you.
And he’d laugh at me and I’d tell, him the controller on that animation still wasn’t working. Shut up and what do you want for lunch.
He collected friends in the industry like other kids collect baseball cards.
He wanted the old ones. to learn from, understand the industry history, and the how and what and especially the why of things. I told him always look for WHY people do what they do.
And he wanted the new ones, to get energy from youth, to bond with fresh ideas and new materials and new ways to do things. He got that from so many of you.
And in his head he tried to figure out how it all made sense and blend it together into how he wanted to see things.
It’s why he could collect and discuss cute Halloween decorations from 20 years before he was born, with the same enthusiasm as a new formula for blood, or what the latest big ass prop was at a haunt convention and how he could chop the poor thing to pieces and make it move.
Its why he would work on the Castle in a style that is meant for all us weirdos to want to live there, and the next morning be at his real gig doing a room that makes people stop and say, NNNNope I’m not going in there.
Duality. It’s a tough one to deal with. Sometimes we just say, well HE was a textbook gemini wasn’t he.
But we’re here today because it went deeper than that.
I believe we only honor him if we realize that.
When you take your love of Halloween and decide to go pro, and especially when you find work in as many haunts as he did, it’s a very tough thing.
He worked in no less than 6 different haunts in the past 2.5 years. Not counting all the haunts he just sold props to.
When you do that, you pick the owner. And he was only once in a while wrong in that. But you don’t often get to pick your surroundings or even your co workers. For someone that needs safe and trusted friends, that’s hard.
He did make great friends everywhere he went, but not everyone is gonna like the new slick hired gun that just came onto their turf. You just cant please everyone.
That 10 month old golden retriever we spoke of earlier, didn’t understand that.
We make Halloween everyday, for MONEY. why would anything need to be bad?
I don’t know kid.
This world we live in, surrounded by spoopy all day everyday, is not for everyone, not even close.
We are all on our own island of misfit toys. Every haunt, anywhere in the country.
We would all do well to realize and remember that. We come to this interest, whether livelihood or hobby, trying to find joy and happiness by latching on to the dark side of life.
That’s probably messed up, but I am as 100% guilty of it as we all are.
Should we be careful of the wierdos? Mister, we ARE the weirdos.
Do you know what they call an everyday average well adjusted person in a haunt?
They call them a customer.
As we remember Steve, we should remember all the good times and tell his stories and show his pictures, and crazy videos.
And honor him by realizing the next kid that walks into our lives wanting it all, Loving Halloween, may need help too.
Now lastly , I know, Lastly, thank god, I’d like to read you part of this coming seasons opening speech at Castle Blood. We hope you’ll come see it. None of you have any other commitments in October, do you?
I wrote it a week before he left, but he was obviously already in great distress. As I wrote this I didn’t realize how he was already affecting me.
The tour had already been named Labyrinth, and he was already working on effects for it.
We’re all travelers of one sort or another in this world.
Often wondering about the path we’ve chosen, the obstacles we find, the private battles we face, and what inside, drives us to continue.
We all make it to the other side one way or another.
It’s what happens along the way that matters.
We are all travelers.
And remember, we all get lost sometimes,
So there ya go. I miss you"
~ Ricky Dick's eulogy to Steve Guild
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lvmosity · 4 years
saviour | harry potter
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pairing: harry potter x muggleborn!hufflepuff!reader
requested: yes! by @scoofpoof​ thank u ♡
request: can i request for a harry potter x muggleborn! hufflepuff! reader? reader doesnt know harry potter (gasp) but he does bc they grew up in the same place and he lowkey has a crush on her. reader still doesnt know harry potter in school n is one of the top students. harry knows that she is physically strong bc she plays muggle sports n knows self defense. shes kind but not a coward so one time harry asks for help when he is being bullied n she agrees... reluctantly. u can choose the ending. thanks!
genre: fluff maybe?
word count: 3.4k (ok i didnt expect this to be long)
warnings: bullying, mentions of blood & scars, reader is a badass
tags: @sadhwstudent​ 
credit to the owner of the gif
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It had only been less than two months since the news of Lord Voldemort’s supposed return from the dead had spread throughout the Wizarding World and all Harry Potter could do was watch in frustration as people branded him as a liar and deranged. He had to thank the Ministry of Magic, primarily Minister Fudge who took full control of this and covered up what he thinks to be complete utter nonsense. It wasn’t a surprise to him really as the Ministry of Magic were, after all, corrupt and incompetent.
Whilst Harry lied in bed feeling extremely alone and lost during those months, he did not get a single letter from his two best friends; Ron and Hermione, despite their promises. He was starting to wonder if they too had turned blind and decided their friendship wasn’t worth it but after finally meeting up one day for an explanation, he realised it was done so under Dumbledore’s orders which made the situation worse.
Then the events that followed after made it harder to cope with. He had discovered an old alliance formed by Dumbledore during the First Wizarding World and that half of them had either died or were seriously harmed. His godfather Sirius Black had informed him that the Dark Lord was in search of a special object that he had no access to during his previous attack, along with the mysterious actions of his headteacher who has ignored him throughout the summer. The pressure was starting to be a heavy toll on him, and he was forced to deal with it.
Unfortunately, it also became a difficulty attending school. His classmates had started eyeing him weirdly, growing awfully distant with him to which they would immediately stop talking once Harry entered the room, and some of his other so-called-friends had removed him from their lives. It also couldn’t help that certain students, none other than Draco Malfoy and his goons, had begun to bully him more than ever, hitting him with nastier remarks as well as the constant push and shove tactics.
Harry felt isolated and disorientated, felt as if no one had truly believed the words that came out of his mouth, felt as if he was made a laughing stock to the Wizarding World, felt as if Voldemort had already won the battle and it had barely even started. Ron and Hermione tried their best to cheer him up and distract him from reality but it would end in failure each time.
He was starting to lose hope, starting to think he was better off buried twenty-feet deep under the dirt since he knew his parents were the only ones who wouldn’t judge him, starting to accept the many labels plastered on him; he was a liar. 
He just had spent a strenuous hour-long detention session with Professor Umbridge in the afternoon due to his apparent cheek talking as well as spitting ‘false’ information about the Dark Lord’s return. Feeling emotionally drained, Harry found himself making a bee-line to the school’s library to have a moment to himself, he wasn’t prepared to face his friends and hear their worries.
Night had already fallen meaning everyone would be asleep by now, the hallways had also gotten dark. Luckily enough, the candles were the only light source as it made it slightly easier for Harry to find his way through the darkness. However, he wasn’t able to see anything further down the hall and he worried that a prefect or a professor on duty might catch him and drag him back to the dorms. Although, he’d rather bump into them than Filch.
And soon enough, once he had turned a corner and heard hurried footsteps approaching up ahead in the darkness, he started to panic. It was only a matter of time before he suddenly collided into something hard and he desperately hoped it wasn’t any of the two. Waiting to hear a grumpy voice scold him, he hears a high-pitched squeal instead.
The unknown figure in front quickly whispers a ‘lumos’ before being blinded by a bright light. Harry hisses at the sudden flash and squints his eyes to see past it expecting to see Filch or a professor. To his surprise, he realised it was just a girl but it wasn’t just any ordinary girl, it was you.
You look at Harry with a bewildered look to which he returns. Opening your mouth to question his presence, your head quickly whips back and a small gasp escapes from your lips. Both of you hear another set of footsteps approaching from behind and you instantly grab Harry’s hand and rush off to find a room or a spot to hide in.
After locating a random closet room, you hastily pull Harry inside with you and shut the door from behind. Harry leans against the wall and starts to pant but you hush at him indicating to keep quiet. You whisper a ‘Filch’ to him and he nods in realisation but mentally facepalms seconds later because you couldn’t see it anyways since the room was completely dark.
Several minutes pass by and no sign of footsteps or a grouchy voice could be heard meaning the coast was clear. Relieved, you flick your wand and a light illuminates from the tip of it, now the room was bright enough to see.
You turn to Harry and smile at him sheepishly, feeling embarrassed for grabbing a stranger’s hand. “Sorry about dragging you here, I had to make sure the both of us didn’t get caught, you know how Filch is.”
Harry shakes his head rapidly, “It’s fine, I appreciate you looking out for me though.”
“No worries...” Your words falter at the end waiting for him to introduce himself as you had no knowledge of the boy standing in front of you.
“Harry, Harry Potter.”
“Ah, well,” The sides of your eyes crinkled as you give him a friendly smile. “You’re welcome Harry, Harry Potter.”
You burst into fits of giggles, finding your small joke amusing. A faint blush creeps onto his face and Harry’s head shifts to the side in an attempt to hide it as he found you it adorable. Fortunately for him, you didn’t notice it but you noticed something instead and it wasn’t fortunate for him.
“Harry! Your hand’s bleeding!” You gasp as you reach out to his hand, lifting it up to your face to inspect it.
Harry winces at the sight of the blood, his scab had cut open supposedly from the harsh grip you had on him whilst you were running away before. It was only a minor cut and it didn’t really bother Harry whilst you reacted differently by shrieking as if he had lost a hand.
“What happened to your hand? Why do you have a scab?” You eye it closely, “It looks recent too.”
Harry scratches the back of his head with his other hand and stays silent, unsure on how to explain it to you that Professor Umbridge is a vile, old bat that enchanted a special quill to cut into his skin when he uses it. He also didn’t want you to worry too much and snitch on her to Dumbledore in case you would get in trouble.
Slightly frowning at his choice to ignore your question, you gently push him back to sit on a random obstacle as you rustle inside your school robes only to pull out a tiny first-aid box and kneel in front of Harry. You pick up a wound spray out of it and spritz it on his cut causing Harry to hiss at the slight pain.
Mumbling a quiet ‘sorry’ to him, you continue to dab the blood away, taking extra care not to deepen it. Once you saw that the cut was cleaned up, you pick up a plaster and place it on his cut, softly smoothing it out so that it sticks on properly.
Harry watches you intently as you smile to yourself feeling proud at your work, even if it simply was just tending to your aid. Harry lifts his hands up and stares at the plaster, it was girly for his liking as it was coloured a pastel purple and had a daisy pattern. He found it cute.
"It’s my friends,” Harry looks back at you. “Mine recently ran out so my friend lent me a few since I’m always getting into fights.” You bite your lip and look at Harry, waiting for a shocked reaction from him, he probably doesn’t expect you to be a troublesome girl.
“B-but for a good reason! I only fight the bad guys, y’know the bullies and all.” You stutter, trying to defend yourself. You began to bring up past events of you arguing with a Slytherin called Pansy and how it ended badly, showing him old bruises on your arm that were close to fading away. You then bring up another fight including a boy from your house and rambled on about how he blamed you for messing up a potion to which you secretly made it blow up in his face out of annoyance.
As you continue to rant, you didn’t notice Harry’s gaze on you. He knew all about you and how you are as a person, he knew this because he’s observed you for years. Harry figured that you didn’t know him too well as you saw him as a stranger but to him, you weren’t.
The two of you grew up in the same neighbourhood, practically living across from each other but a few houses down. Both of you also attended the same school and shared most classes together, yet throughout the years you didn’t seem to acknowledge his presence until now. 
This wasn’t a surprise to Harry as he was a quiet child and didn’t get on with the others in his year. He stayed reserved, spending most of his time in school sitting inside class with his teacher during break and lunchtime watching other children have fun. The teacher wouldn’t pay much attention to Harry but it didn’t bother him as he was much interested in watching you play on the field outside.
He was captivated by you. You were different from most girls in his year; you loved playing muggle sports as you would constantly single-handedly beat the boys at football. Gradually, he developed a crush on you. He would consistently hear stories from his classmates of how you would beat up bullies and stand up to anyone making fun of your friends, or rather anyone. You were strong for your age, in fact, you were always strong. 
Growing up, the stories would get crazier and Harry got a chance to witness it come alive. During one chilly December night, he stumbled upon the scene of you being harassed by two men. Irritated by their actions, Harry was about to call them out but in a blink of an eye; you quickly grab one of their arms and twist it, launching him over your shoulder and slammed him down on the ground. 
The other man shrieked in horror and ran away, bumping into Harry’s shoulder in the process. Satisfied, you calmly walk away from the groaning man and left a speechless Harry. From that moment onwards, his admiration for you tripled.
Not only were you strong, but you were also freakishly intelligent. Scoring ‘Outstanding’ grades in most of your classes to which you were one of the top students in Hogwarts, always positioning a place higher than Hermione (she hated that). 
Harry was abruptly pulled out of his thoughts as he sees you with your head tilted to the side, staring at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Hey, I asked if you were alright. Something wrong?”
“Oh, er, n-no. I was just thinking about something.”
“Ah,” You place your chin in both the palm of your hands, looking up at Harry. “Say, you haven’t told me how you got that scab. What happened?”
Harry sighed. “Umbridge.”
You roll your eyes, “Of course, I’m not surprised.” You stand up and sit beside Harry who scooches a bit to the side to make space. Although, due to how small the obstacle you guys were sat on, your hands were lightly brushing up against each other and Harry tried his best to keep calm and fight the uncontrollable blush.
“I don’t know why I’ve only just realised this but you were the guy that was with Cedric the night he died, right?” Harry turns his head to you, startled at the sudden change of topic. “And you’re the one who keeps saying that the Dark Lord has returned.”
No answer. Harry stays silent, he had a feeling that you were also going to make fun of him, call him a liar and walk off; forever ignoring his existence. But instead, he hears a soft giggle.
“Don’t worry, I believe you.”
Harry shoots you a confused look, “What, really?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”
“It’s just... mostly everyone doesn’t, and they bully me for it.”
You frown at the new information before your face relaxes. “I’m so sorry that’s been happening to you Harry...” Harry shrugs and you couldn’t help but start to feel bad. “I wish it was different. If there was a way for me to help, I would--”
Harry’s head perks up; “Then help me.”
“What? Harry, I barely know you.”
“But I know you.”
“You don’t even know my name--”
“Y/N, your name is Y/N Y/LN.”
“Okay, now that’s weird.”
Harry shakes his head, “It’s a long story but we grew up in the same neighbourhood and attended the same primary school.”
“Oh,” That made sense. You were beginning to think you had a stalker. “How come I’ve only just met you today?” 
“Must be a magic spell I put on myself to be invisible.”
You playfully nudge him. “Oh shut up, a kid that young wouldn’t have been able to learn the spell for it yet.”
You both laugh and for a moment, Harry’s troubles had disappeared and he was enjoying the company, your company. As the laughter fades away, Harry turns back to staring at you and you question him, “What?”
“So, will you help me? With the bullying?” 
You bite your lip and ponder for a few minutes. An hour ago, he was just a stranger to you (and whoa, has it already been an hour?) yet it felt like you guys had already met before, like fate had brought him to you and perhaps offered you both to initiate a friendship or more. Wait, what were you thinking? You’ve only just met the guy!
Your eyes meet up with his once more and he gazes at you softly, waiting for an answer. You couldn’t help but feel even more bad for Harry. What were you going to say?
The next morning had arrived and like always, Harry had to deal with the usual weird looks and whispers from the students that passed by him in the halls. Ron and Hermione would instantly glare at them to which they’d shut up and walk off but they knew they’d start whispering again once they turned their backs away.
Frustrated at her best friend’s ignorance, Hermione pulls Harry’s arm back causing the three of them to stop in their tracks. “Harry, aren’t you going to say or do something about this? You can’t just ignore them!”
Harry whips his arm out of her grasp causing Hermione to frown. “It’s nothing to worry about, I’ll be alright.”
“Alright?! How could you possibly feel alright when everyone is going around making a mockery of you--”
“Well, well, if it isn’t Potter.” The three of them turn to see Draco and his two other delinquent friends walk up to them, a smug look plastered across Draco’s face. “Finding it difficult these days, aren’t we?”
Ron scoffs, “Screw off Malfoy.” He nudges Harry and a mumbles a ‘let’s just go Harry.’ as him and Hermione start to walk away but Harry stays put.
“You know, I’m surprised you haven’t had enough and dropped dead just like poor Ceddy. You can both die as cowards.”
Harry steps closer, glowering at Draco. “Don’t you dare talk about Cedric like that.” 
Draco also steps closer, their foreheads almost touching each other as anger boils up within them. “Or what?” He shoves Harry back by the shoulders causing him to lose a bit of his balance but luckily enough Ron and Hermione were a few meters away to catch him in time.
Standing back up, he was about to lunge at Draco with his fists clenched up ready to land a punch but before he could, he was interrupted by shouting. 
“Hey Draco!”
Everyone turns around and sees you up behind Draco whose head wasn’t turned around in time. He didn’t get the chance to acknowledge who the person calling his name was as you punched him square in the face making him stumble back in pain and tripped on his feet, landing hard on his back. 
The rest stood there in horror and utter shock, their mouths slightly opened as their minds were trying to register what had just happened. Harry couldn’t believe it, you stood up for him. Were you watching the situation unfold?
Draco groans and looks up at you, pinching the sides of his nose bridge in an attempt to control his now bleeding nose. “What the fuck--”
“For your information blondie, Harry and Cedric aren’t cowards.” You slowly lean over Draco, peering down at him with narrowed eyes as you smirk. “And neither am I.” You wink and reached into your robes before throwing tissues at him, Draco watches them fall to the ground and your figure walks away, a pleased look on your face.
You make your way to the trio whose eyes were focused on you. You stand in front of Harry and hand him a potion. Harry, still speechless, stares at the unknown potion in his hands.
“It’s Murtlap Essence,” You lightly tap the sides of his hands that had his scab from last night. “Soak your hand with that, it’ll heal it.”
A warm smile appears on his face, the sides of his eyes crinkled making it more genuine. He was so thankful, he couldn’t seem to think of words to express his gratitude. For years, he was yearning for you to acknowledge his presence and the time finally came, better than what he expected it to turn out to be.
But his smile was enough for your heart to flutter and you started to notice his presence was stronger than ever before, you didn’t know why you hadn’t known him before but at least from now on; the image of his smile would burrow itself in your mind. This would be enough to want to know him more.
The two of you stare at each other for what seems like forever and the other two clear their throats, feeling awkward and unsure what to do or say. You and Harry switch back to reality and the realisation of staring at each other for a while makes you both flustered.
“Thank you Y/N, for everything. You didn’t need to punch Draco though,” Harry laughs and so did the rest of you.
You shake your head, “Nah, that pompous brat deserved it. I made sure to punch him hard so his father would hear about it.” You joked, giggling afterwards.
You faintly smile and point past the trio, indicating that you were going to take your leave. “I’ll see you soon Harry, yeah?” 
He nods and you stroll past him, but not even several meters away until Harry calls out for you: “Hogsmeade. This Saturday, would you come with--”
You hastily answer back without stopping or glancing back but the both of you knew each one had supported an excited smile, both now looking forward to the date that was soon coming up.
As Harry watches your figure get smaller further down the hallways, he felt his admiration for you become extremely stronger. He saw you as his saviour, back then when he was young and vulnerable but managed to make his childhood happy despite the problems occurring in his household. He saw you as his saviour right now, where he is older and still vulnerable with the bullying and all, but once again, you made his life worthwhile; he didn’t have to worry as much anymore.
He has you by his side now, and he’ll do anything to protect you in return as an act of kindness. Just like what you did by defending him back then.
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spiftynifty · 5 years
TeeVee Podcast’s Voltron s8 review
I’ve been waiting eagerly for TeeVee’s review of s8. If you recall, their s7 review was what gave us the man getting choked up about Shiro’s relationship. 
The link to the podcast is here but if you’d prefer a sort of transcript, here are some of the highlights for me. I didn’t always catch who was speaking but I wrote down initials where I could. S=Shanon, A=Antony, M=Moises, C=Chip D=Dan. The panel is divided on their feelings on the season. 2 of them seem to have hated it, one liked it, one thought it was fine, and one feels mixed about it. Anyway here we go, some great quotes ahead. 
Under the readmore cuz it’s long. 
S: "After 7 seasons of a show that was going to be one of the animated series of the decade, they not only did not stick the landing, they fell on their butts, rolled off the mat, off the lines, into the judge's table and their leotard popped open"
"A lot of the plot was callbacks to things from seasons ago that we really probably didn't need to see again." "I wasn't entirely sure that they weren't gaslighting me."
Man Shannon is calling out some great points. She's calling out the dropped druid plot thread, and wondering what the point was of showing Lotor's past when he's dead, and nothing can change in his present and his redemption can't really happen.
A: "endings are hard. I was disappointed with this season [...] it was let down by poor plotting and that final battle made me throw my hands up in despair most of the time. But I have enormous sympathy for the EPs. Maintaining a longform episodic story is hard. And to pull off an ending that satisfies even MOST of the audience is harder yet. and let's not forget they were always upfront that vt always had 'editorial interference' from up top. Toys, the fact that it's aimed at children, corp resistance to some of the more modern social issues that they've tried to tackle. THAT SAID, we don't know what happened on this production, who had the final say, what they argued over. and I say this cuz a lot of the fandom drama over it assumes a LOT over how media and entertainment like this is made that simple ARE. NOT. TRUE. Some of the stuff I've read has been ABSURDLY offbase, like that there were different writers rather than just 1 the whole way through which ignores how TV is made. And if you think these writers just go off and write a script without talking to anyone first and then they come back with something that must be filmed without any changes, THAT'S NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS. [..]we don't know who made these decisions. The studio isn't always the bad guy. Sometimes they rescue things that would otherwise have been a horrible mess. And unless you were IN THE ROOM, you don't know, and neither do any of us. So let's all bear that in mind. [...]You can't lay the blame OR credit on any one person. For any of this." 
They're laughing & making so much fun of the final 3 episodes and how baffling they were. 
"Don't even get me started on Voltron merging with Atlas [and the crew disappearing] that was a bad, bad idea." 
"But that was the ONE time Shiro was back with the team!"
a couple dudes are relatively ok with the Allura death because we've never seen a WOC heroically sacrifice herself for the universe and usually it's the Shiro hero character D: They also point out that technically she wasn't fridged so.. yay?
Antony and Shannon vehemently disagree. 
A: "My problem with that ending was more just that it was... not. good." he makes a comparison to RotJ where Vader still dies and it's his SON, who lives, who 'redeems' him. "This was none of those things. It felt like a terrible lesson. You can be so evil that you kill literally billions of people for 10k yrs but if you say sorry just before you're about to be executed it's alright, dw about it, we'll put the universe back to rights. NO, that's a terrible lesson!!"
S:"They had the LIONS. That's my problem. Throughout this series we've had stakes going up but there has always been a trading of ideas, what can we do, what can we figure out, up to the point where they wind up sacrificing the castle, but they go through steps before that 'is there anything else we can do’. And here, there's not even... she didn't even get to say goodbye to Coran! This is the one character, WOC, and she has sacrificed throughout this entire series. She lost her planet. She lost the last connection she had to her father in the AI. She kept LOSING things over and over to the point where she sacrifices her crown to help Shiro. and the thanks she gets is that she has to turn around and say nope I've got to away and fix all of this and apparently never see you all again. It really, REALLY REALLY bothered me. All of my friends who have CHILDREN who watch this show, universally the kids were upset and angry and tearful and HATED that outcome. This did not feel like a triumph. Having to lose Allura like that robbed any kind of triumph in the success of saving all the universes. And I think that's one of the reasons that this last part of the season sits so poorly with me. I feel like it should have ended in a triumphant way. even if it meant losing a couple of the team members or the lions. Of course that takes away the toy aspect which is why that's not an option. We already had several tragedy arcs in this series. Zarkon, Honerva, and Lotor had tragedy arcs. Why does Allura have to have one too? We've had enough." 
Antony & Shanon KILLIN IT on this podcast y'all.
C: "This series relies so much on 'oh wait, there's a new upgrade', 'oh wait, there's this new thing'" A: "Well that was the entire final battle." C: "So there's this handwavy Allura has to sacrifice herself. The heavy lifting wasn't done to make this an earned moment."
S: "I do think, whether it was at the direction of DW or WEP (Vld IP), without those little epilogue cards, there is the potential opening that Allura might be able to return.[..]It was open to interpretation."
One guy likes the Shiro ending for the surprising progress aspect, even though he's not thrilled about how it was put together. also he isn't convinced the epilogue wasn't planned. He likes a lot of s8 but all the stuff he likes is tied to stuff that he really didn't like.
S:"The shiro card is the other reason that I think those things were shoved in. For me, that turns Shiro's entire character into a token when he wasn't before. When they introduced his sexuality, it was done BEAUTIFULLY. There was this conversation with his significant other a mature relationship that ran into its problems and therefore couldn't happen anymore. Adam could've been Adele, and nothing would have changed about that conversation. It was not the defining characteristic of Shiro. It was just something else about him."
S: "And then s8 happens and Shiro is divided from everybody on the team. There are so few interactions of any kind that aren't just barking orders. or making plans. Keith is the prime example. Their friendship had been a backbone of this series and suddenly they can't even stand more than feet 5ft from each other. 
A: “It’s barely evident, yeah.”
M:”And the same with the rest of the main cast. And if they had set that up at the end of s7, that he’s going to go into the background a bit, it wouldn’t have felt as weird.
S: “And they didn’t! S7 was miraculous in the fact that even though he’s no longer in a lion, he’s still got a vital part to play in the series. And s8 erased that. It pretty much neutered him! And the kind of message is once you've revealed this character to be gay, we've gotta keep him out of the way. And if they had not put those end cards in, again the fact that he's a gay man is just the fact that he's a gay man and it's not any bigger or smaller aspect of his character, but they did not EARN him marrying random bridge crew member #3."
A: "and RETIRING! A man who LEFT adam because he felt he had to go and fight."
A: "He left the guy he loved before because of his devotion to"
S:"To fighting to making things right"
A:”To being a soldier and doing the right thing.”
C:”Isn’t the whole point then that he achieves that?”
M:”The fighting’s over and he can leave that behind and he can actually be happy.”
S: “He wouldn’t’ve. I don’t see it.”
M: “I violently disagree.”
C: “I think it was a nice endcap for his character."
Moises also likes this because it’s not a BYG scenario and he gets retired. Shannon is extremely exasperated by these takes. 
S:”For me, it’s like Tangled. You go through Rapunzel and Flynn, going through their adventures, getting closer, getting to know each other, they save each other, things like that. And then she’s reunited with her parents and then we get and endcap that says ‘for political reasons her parents decided they needed to marry her off to the prince in the next county, sorry’. That would’ve had people RIOTING. Thats not how you do a story with characters that people care about. And to shove shiro off onto this random character that we--his name is never spoken!”
A:”No he had like 3 lines in the entire season.”
S:”He had 3 line sin the season, you don’t know his name unless you watched the subtitles, and in the audio narration for the visually impaired, they called him Adam in the endcap. They called him Adam! They fixed that now. It feels like a hugely clumsy attempt to grab the woke points for a character that didn’t need them.”
Moises then talks a little about Shiro and Keith and how he and Shannon both thought there was something there, and still do, but they can’t know what happened behind the scenes and to theorize on the intent of that relationship is “conspiracy theory land” and trying to decide what the writers were prevented from doing is like “reading tea leaves and chicken bones”. He references people extracting things from his own writing. 
M: “As much as I wanted to see that relationship flower and flourish, the fact that it didn’t, look, it’s one of a million times that’s happened for me, with fiction, where things didnt turn out the way I wanted to see them.”
S:”I’m talking about 2 different things, as far as Shiro’s character, vs shipping  issues. I feel Shiro’s character was done a disservice that if they were going to end him in a relationship with another man, they didn’t earn it by throwing that little endcap on.”
M:”Yeah, they could have brought back one less robeast or something.”
S:”The other thing is, I think there is enough out there as far as interviews with JDS and LM to show that at the very least I think they meant to leave it openended. Again  if you take out that endcap, the last shot includes a shot of just Shiro and Keith, together, same screen, looking up as the lions go away, without saying anything further. I know I pie in the sky hoped that they were gonna kiss this season when we did our s7 recap and yes that was the shipper in me talking. I truly did not expect that they would be able to go that far. What I did not expect was for them to tear it down. And I feel like that’s what they did. Between the complete absence of interactions in s8, and then throwing that epilogue in there.”
Dan doesn’t understand how that could be because he sees no reason for them to do that. Shannon patiently explains about DW’s history with LGBT characters but Dan insists that the creators told the story the way they wanted to and he’s fine with Shiro getting a marriage even if it’s a character they don’t know. 
Overall the panelists love the show still, and in most cases prefer to consider it in the realm of s1-6 with a weak final double season (7&8) or that the show ends after s7. They would all love to know how long the NDAs last, a making of perhaps, to know what the heck happened and what changed along the way. Big mood my dudes. Big mood.
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jamesbucktitybarnes · 6 years
Chapter one
Pairings: Bucky x reader, avengers x reader, Steve x reader (platonic)
Summary: Y/N is known as Autum, the newly hired receptionist for the avengers. Behind her cover she is an enhanced individual, she can shape shift- along with qualities such as quick healing and increased stamina. She quickly bonds with all the avengers but especially the two infamous super soldiers. Can she maintain her cover without exposing her true self, the secrets that she doesn’t tell anyone? But things start to unravel when Bucky starts to recognize her for who she truly is, the girl he fell in love with when he was sixteen.
Warnings: none for this chapter:)- I’m still deciding where I want to go with this but more warnings may be in the future chapters
A/N: super exited to start this new series!! Writing is still new to me so I apologize if the writing is bad! Also this chapter is basically how Bucky and y/n met- lots of fluff!
Series masterlist
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I watched as tall buildings flew past my window, amazed at the fact that anything could be so tall. I had been sitting in the back of the car for who knows how long- it felt like forever, when it finally came to a halt outside of a dingy apartment building. After living in Ohio for all my life, which was a grand total of fifteen years, my father got a job opportunity in Brooklyn. So we sold our house and moved to the glorious state of New York.
Brooklyn isn’t what I thought it would be- it’s defiantly greyer and there is a distinct smell of garbage lingering in the air. Back in Ohio, we were in the suburbs of Cleveland, and we had a quaint little house that had a good sized yard. Now in our new place, we were in an even smaller apartment that was squished between two others. Well this was definitely a change to say the least.
After moving our luggage to the apartment, I decided to wander around- and try to find something redeemable about this place. Our apartment only had one bedroom, a living room slash kitchen area, and a bathroom. After looking at everything it dawned on my that the cot shoved in the corner of the living room was for me. Great. I sighed dramatically before leaving the small place and went to see what my neighbors were like.
I wonder if they’re old, young? Or if there’s anyone around my age at all. Would my closest neighbors be noisy- and how thin are the walls? Based on the quality of the rooms I would guess pretty thin. Most people back in Ohio were pretty nice- I wonder if they were the same here in Brooklyn, or if the drabness of the city affected their attitudes.
Walking past all the apartment doors, wondering who lives behind them, I turn a corner and run into someone- falling backwards in the process.
“My apologies miss, oh god I’m sorry,” I heard a voice say. Looking up I found a brunette around my age holding a hand out to help me up.
“No worries,” I said, trying to hide my blush-he was actually kinda cute, “it was my fault, I wasn’t looking where I was going”
“Are you new here?” He asked and I giggled slightly and nodded, “I’m James- but everyone calls me Bucky and welcome to the most extravagant apartment complex in Brooklyn!”
He said it so enthusiasticly that I raised my eyebrows and let out a dry laugh, “I’ve seen the building and I must say, what’s so extravagant about it?”
“Well me of course! They always say that it’s what’s inside that matters” he smirked and I found myself blushing deeper at his attempt at flirting.
“I should probably get going, we just got here and my parents need my help unpacking. I’ll see you around James,” I said, not able to wipe the smile off my face. As I turned to walk away I heard James say something.
“You can call me Bucky, ya know!” I could see that he had the same smile on his face that I had on mine. I didn’t say anything but I gave him a wink and I could swear his ears turned pink.
Going back to my apartment, I could hear two voices arguing - not already- I thought. My parents never really got along- they only stayed together because of me, And the fact that divorce is not something you do without people judging you. Another reason why we moved to Brooklyn was to get a fresh start, and it looks like it didn’t work because they are already going at it. I sighed as I sat outside my door waiting for them to finish before I walked in.
It never ended well when I tried to intervene, the few times I did I always left with bruises. You see, my father gets his way by abuse. There have been countless times where the fighting would end with my mother having a black eye. I always begged her to pack up our stuff and leave, but she thinks we need him because he brings in all the money. After years of this, I gave up. The will to try and make things better has left me, and now I’m just waiting till the day I can move out.
Even though my parents have certainly put a dampener on my mood, I still fell giddy about my earlier encounter. Maybe Brooklyn isn’t going to be as bad as I thought.
Hearing my alarm go off, I groan and blindly reach out a hand to stop its torture on my ears. Dragging myself out of bed, I start getting ready for work.
I start working at the avengers compound today as their secretary- crazy I know, why do the avengers even need a secretary? Anyways I may or may not have hacked into the stark network ensuring I got the job after I applied.
I had to because of one reason- I’m not just super eager to be a secretary, frankly the job is boring as hell, I’m actually working with the avengers to see the two people I met in the 1930s - Steve and Bucky.
But the catch is they won’t know that it’s me, I’m going under the alias of Autumn, a twenty eight year old girl who grew up in Vermont. You’re probably thinking that they would recognize me, right? Well you see, I’m not like your average joe. I am a mutant, and along with some other traits I can shift my form to look like anyone else. So instead of looking like me, I’ll take on the form of a short brunette with brown eyes.
The reason why I can’t tell them who I am is because they think I died in 1937, when I was twenty. But in reality I was captured by hydra and experimented on. While I was captured, I was pumped full of drugs that gave me superhuman strength, agility, and healing abilities. I was the first person not to die when they gave me the serum. And the only reason that I didn’t die was because I had different genes than normal humans. I was a mutant, but I didn’t know it at the time.
Soon after the serum worked, I was trained to go into battle. As unwilling as I was, they threatened my family, so I cooperated fully. After years of training they deemed me good enough to go into the field. It was around this time that I noticed my mutant abilities.
I tried to keep them a secret, because if I showed them what I could do, I couldn’t use my ability to escape. When I was finally sent out on a mission, I saw the opportunity and took it. I shifted into a civilian, and I got lost in a crowd. Hydra didn’t know what happened, until I planted a bomb that blew up an entire building, and faked my death.
After escaping the claws of hydra, I went as fast as I could back to Brooklyn to see my friends and family. But when I went back I found that my parents had been killed the same day I was taken, and that both Steve and Bucky went to war and were missing in action. I was devastated and I went into hiding, ashamed of my abilities.
As the years went by, I saw that Steve had become captain America and just when I got the courage to see him, he flew a plane into the ocean and he was lost again.
I spent the next years shifting into different aliases, trying to find a purpose in life, but I was still so heartbroken from my past that I couldn’t bring myself to do much of anything. It was a few years before they found Steve, when nick fury found me.
I still don’t know how he did it, but he knew exactly who I was and what my past was. He tried to recruit me to sheild, but upon seeing my current state, he gave me his number if I ever needed anything and he left me alone.
Even after Steve was found, and the public found that the winter soldier was Bucky, I still never called. The fact that hydra replaced me with Bucky made me feel sick that I didnt know, or that I didn’t do anything about it.
When I found out that the avengers compound was hiring a secretary, I called fury and asked for his help making a solid cover and getting me the job.
And that leads me to where I am now, driving to the avengers compound. To say that I’m nervous to be seeing Steve and Bucky is an understatement. I haven’t seen them in eighty years, and they won’t even know who I am.
Taking deap breaths I get out of my car and walk towards the building. I can feel my heart rate increasing the closer I get to seeing them. As soon as I’m inside, I’m greeted by pepper, who shows me where my desk is and tells me all the general things I need to know.
While we are making small talk, we walk into a room that I assumed was just another office space that she was showing me, but boy was I wrong.
All of the avengers’ attention was on me as pepper introduced me to the group as the ‘newbie in the compound’. She started talking more, but I don’t hear what she was saying because my eyes were locked with a pair of icy blue eyes from across the room. James.
@classy-sassy-enjolrassy @k-n-e @galaxykidtilltheend
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sinrau · 4 years
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When I say “the modern world”, what do you think of? Probably a great city somewhere, with broad avenues, spacious parks, art and culture, old museums, people buzzing about, public transport thrumming.
Now think of America. People dying for a lack of insulin. Young people who can’t afford to start families of their own. The average person living perched right at the edge of ruin, one missed paycheck, one illness, one emergency away from disaster. Kids massacring one another at schools. Infants on trial. Politicians who proclaim “God is a white supremacist!” An endless and gruesome list of stuff that’s beginning to put the dark ages to shame.
Here’s what I think. American never joined the modern world. It’s the modern world’s first failed state. It became something like a weird, bizarre dystopia, replete with falling life expectancy, hand-to-mouth living, relentless and legendary cruelty, instead of a truly modern society instead. But why?
The creation of “modernity”, as intellectuals sometimes call it, was one of history’s greatest accomplishments. But what is this strange word, “modernity”? What does it mean to be “modern”? I don’t think that we need grand abstruse theories to really get it. I think it hinges on one simple, crucial, and deceptively beautiful insight.
Poverty unleashes animal spirits in human beings which lead to ruin, catastrophe, and war. That’s the essence of modernity — I’ll come to precisely how this great insight changed the world. First, I want you to understand how we learned it.
You might think — “well, that’s simple! Duh!” Ah, but the truth is it’s anything but. For millennia, human beings didn’t understand that, did they? So the world was run by a long succession of feudal and tribal systems. Poverty was enforced, created, and managed. Some people were peasants and serfs. Others still were slaves. And atop them sat a tiny number of nobles, or owners, or kings. What was the result of this model of social order?
It was endless war. Societies had to compete for land, for “resources”, which mostly meant new slaves and peasants. But why? Because the vast majority of people, being poor, couldn’t create much. They couldn’t, for example, build great hospitals, discover antiobiotics, and then pioneer healthcare systems. They were just peasants. And when the peasants grew angry, the nobles had two choices. Revolution — or war. And usually, war was easier than fighting off a revolution. So: centuries of endless, bitter war. While the world went precisely nowhere, in terms of how well people lived, until the industrial revolution.
After World War II, human beings learned a great lesson. Germany, driven to poverty by war reparations, had turned to fascism. Finally, a set of great minds made the link. Poverty. Ruin. Extremism. Fundamentalism. Fascism. Authoritarianism. War. All the gravest ills we know of, all the diseases of the body politic, are caused by poverty, which is the deprivation of possibility. And they understood, too, that poverty isn’t just financial — but it can also be a deprivation, for example, of social bonds, of opportunities, of meaning, of status, of purpose. There are many kinds of poverty, and money is just one.
(So these great minds set about rebuilding a world — yes, a whole world — which would be free of poverty. The explicit goal was to end war forever. Utopian? Sure. We’ve forgotten that today — they don’t teach it to us. Have you ever wondered why? It’s because today’s wise men are cynics, and cynics are fools. But I digress. A world without poverty, and thus a world without war. Were they successful? The world has in fact made long strides to eliminating extreme poverty. And that’s a result of the institutions these great minds created. The World Bank. The UN. And so on. A limited, but meaningful success. The point of these institutions was to invest in poor countries — and break the vicious cycle of violence which had come to rule the world.)
Europe took a special lead, though. After the war — quickly — it redesigned its societies to be places of equality, opportunity, and fairness. It understood that poverty had caused its ruin, opening the Pandora’s box of extremism, racism, hate, fascism. And so it quickly gave all its people — at least richer European countries — exactly all those things you thought of when I asked you “what do you think of when you think of a modern place?” Public healthcare, transport, media, finance, housing, safety nets, and so on. The time, money, and freedom to live with dignity. As a simple example, Britain’s NHS was the world’s first public healthcare system — created in 1948. Europe was trying to create a place where everyone had the bare minimum of a decent life — so war would never again recur. This was the birth of a truly modern society. It was a European creation — though in a way, I suppose, America lent military might. But the ideas, the will, the innovations — all these were European.
What was happening in America at the same time? It was still a segregated country. Europeans were building great public institutions — NHSes and BBCs and pensions systems, for everyone. America was building drinking fountains for “colored people”. How could it build a modern society? So while the world was becoming modern, eliminating inequality, poverty, injustice — America wasn’t. It was stuck in the past — and that is where it remains. Segregation might be gone — but America never really became a modern society in the way that we discussed earlier. It’s more like a failed modern state, a state that failed at being modern. It started late, and even then, took too few strides, too hesitantly — and is now collapsing before it reached the goal. Are these things linked, somehow?
Now you know what modernity is. It’s the idea that poverty causes ruin, and so the primary job of a modern society is to eliminate poverty, of all kinds, to give people decent lives at a bare minimum — and a social contract which does all that. Hence, Europe became a place rich in public goods, like healthcare, media, finance, transport, safety nets, etcetera, things which all people enjoy, which secure the basics of a good life — all the very same things you intuitively think of when you think of a “modern society” — but America didn’t.
But the question we still haven’t answered is why. Why did America never join the modern world? The answer goes something like this. Americans never learned the greatest lesson history taught. That poverty causes ruin.
You see, in America, poverty was seen — and still is — as a kind of just dessert. A form of deserved punishment, for being lazy, for being foolish, for being slow. For being, above all, weak — because only the strong should survive.
So Americans devised a very different kind of society. It didn’t have a social contract — a set of public institutions which manage public goods for people, healthcare and transport and finance and childcare and so on — it’s thinkers supposed it didn’t need one. It only had markets. If markets rewarded the rich — while crushing the middle class and poor — so much the better. Markets were the truest judges of the worth of a person. And if a market thought a person was worth a billion dollars, and another one nothing, that was because the first person must be a billion times better a person than the second.
So in America, poverty wasn’t seen as a social bad or ill — it was seen as a necessary way to discipline, punish, and control those with a lack of virtue, a deficit of strength, to, by hitting them with its stick, to inculcate the virtues of hard work, temperance, industriousness, and above all, self-reliance. The problem, of course, was that the great lesson of history was that none of this was true — poverty didn’t lead to virtue. It only led to ruin.
So what was the inevitable result of a nation which didn’t learn history’s greatest lesson, which though poverty was good for people? Unsurprisingly, it was….poverty. The old kind: 40 million Americans live in poverty, while 50 million Mexicans do. Surprised. And a new kind, too. The middle class imploded, and Americans began living lives right perched right at the edge of destruction. Less then $500 in emergency savings, having to choose between healthcare and educating their kids, a without retirement, stability, security, or safety of any kind. America never joined the modern world in understanding that poverty leads societies to ruin — and so it quickly became the rich world’s first poor country.
What happened next? Well, exactly what history suggested would. That imploding middle class, living lives of immense precarity, sought safety in the arms of religion, superstition, and myths, at first. And then in the arms of extremism. And finally, in the arms of a demagogue, leading a nationalist, proto-fascist movement. It was exactly what happened in the 1930s — and it still is.
So. What has anyone learned? Funnily, sadly, as far as I can see, not much. America never joined the modern world — that is why its people live such uniquely wretched lives, paying thousands for ambulance rides, which even people in Lahore or Lagos don’t. But the consequences weren’t just poverty. They were what poverty produces — nationalism, authoritarianism, fascism, social collapse and implosion, as people, enraged, lost trust in society to be able to protect and shelter them. But no one has learned that lesson. Not America’s intellectuals, certainly. Not its politicians, leaders, thinkers. Not its people, either, unfortunately.
So here America is. Modernity’s first failed state. The rich nation which never cared to join the modern world, too busy believing that poverty would lead to virtue, not ruin. Now life is a perpetual, crushing, bruising battle, in which the stakes are life or death — and so people take out their bitter despair and rage by putting infants on trial. History is teaching us the same lesson, all over again. Americans might not even learn it the second time around. But the world, laughing in horror, in astonishment, in bewilderment, should.
July 2018
Why Didn’t America Become Part of the Modern World? #web #website #copied #toread #highlight #link #news #read #blog #wordpresspost #posts #breaking news# #Sinrau #Nothiah #Sinrau29 #read #wordpress
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battlewhiskers · 6 years
★☆★Guild Wars 2 Asks!★☆★
REMAKING THIS FROM THE PAST Bold answers are updated! (Keep the original text, if you want)
Stole this from @toomanycharr :3€ 2016 :F
1. When did you start playing? December, 2015.
2. What was your first characters race/class (profession)? Charr, Warrior.. But he died by felling off a cliff in Ascalon.
I’m sorry, but he was too ugly to play with
3. How many characters do you have? Nathia Rawsphere (Me, Engineer), Ragnar Nordvik (Charr, Warrior), Amelia Nouctune (Charr, Theif), Samantha Nouctune (Charr, Mesmes), Elizabeth Stonehawk (Charr, Guardian) and Karl Eckerberg (Fleshbag/Human, Hunter) I have about 18 now?? Didnt count copies from EU to NA server. Also Elizabeth and Ragnar are gone :x
4. Whats your favourite race? FOR THE TAMINI.
Ok, Centaurs are still great but Skritts are babys ❤ ❤ But Orges are cool too !!
5. Whats your least favourite race? Kraits.
Ugh all the bleeding and PULLS. Im so sick of spiders immobilizing and pulls from PoF. But I dont hate all spiders, tiny ones are good
6. What do you prefer PvE or PVP? PvE.. but I have hate-love to PvP
What about WvW ? 8)
7. Have you spent IRL money on the gem shop? LODSAEMONEH
8. Whats your favourite zone? None really, but I want to die in Caledon Forest.
I’ve gotten a better relation with Sylvari, its not that terrible anymore. But I still dont know which is my favorite zone
9. Whats your favourite city? Lion’s Arch
Still is! But Crystal Desert is also nice :3
10. Whats your favourite PVP map? Battle of Khylo and Temple of the Silent Storm
Give me Alpine or Desert Borderlands thx
11. Whats a piece of gear you always transmute because you love the look of it so much? All of it, trying to keep the same look..
Fashion is still VERY important!!
12. How many achievement points do you have? 1799
EU: 9551 NA: 1171
13. Is it okay to ask to RP with you? Sure!! I’d love to.. even if I’m not the best at it
Tbh I only had 1 RP between this posts, I did watch one recently tho!
14. Is your guild open to new members? Probably, my main guild is Corrupted Freaks
Corr was eaten up by Divined Knights of Baltazar (Looooool now with PoF) I left them shortly after.
CRC (Charr Roleplaying Community) is open for more members :3c
15. Have you ever been really angry at the game? why? Story mode.
Ugh WvW and Aetherblade JP
16. Do you enjoy jumping puzzles? Depends how much I plan to fall down.
Hurt me plenty
17. Whats your best guild wars experience? Running Ascalonian Catacombs with my warband, It were a hell but we had so much fun! … Also running fractals first time with Reesa were nice :3€
Taking time, and watching every cut-scene of the first/core story, I get to emotional and it feels just amazing
18. Do you have a favourite character from the lore? Elders? Only old I know and like is Almorra Soulkeeper :3€
Canach u spicy cactus also Marjory is wonderful
19. Is there a class you like the idea of but the gameplay doesn’t match up for you? I.. don’t know.
I just CANT play guardian now matter what i do >>
20. How far have you made it in SAB (Super Adventure Box) if you had the chance to play it? 3rd level, with a lot of help from Reesa, Swift and Toni
I dont remember, 2 world maybe?
21. Favourite weapon skin? I like the Pact Shotgun which I’m using right now.
Mists weapons and glittering!!
22. Do you have a legendary? Which one or ones? None :C
I have three pre-cursors: Dawn, Rodgort’s Flame and Storm! Also completed Bolt
23. Whats your favourite legendary? .. I don’t know any :D
I cant picckkkk
24. Is there a race you hate with a passion? Asuras..You angry little people. Sorry, not sorry.
I am sorry to every Asura I know and dont know, Quaggans you are the worst
25. What class do you hate to face in PVP? Theifs
Mesmers and Daredevils in WvW, Im so sick of everyone just run away so fast they get 75% health. >>
26. Are there any players you look up to? Reesa and Swift ♥
I dont look up to anyone any more because I grew some muscles myself lol
27. First memorable friend you made through guild wars? Though question.. but I think it were Swift
28. Do you play with sound on or off? On!
29. Do you stream GW2? If so where can I watch you? Nope, not planning to either.
30. Are you obsessed with in game fashion? …*cough*
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
31. Do you have a favourite dye? Black Cherry is pretty but Wine and Midnight Purple ♥
So many i cant pick
32. Whats the best glider skin in your opinion? Not sure
Ironclad and Crystalline
33. Have you ever had to block someone? pvp-bank and a douchebag that thought it was OK to disrespect my gender identity instead of just leaving it be and shut up.
I can forgive but never forget
34. Weirdest map chat experience? None
Things I reblog from shitgw2playerssay :F
35. Do you have 100% map completion on any of your characters? Having 53% at most >~<
100% on my mesmer~
36. What type of player are you? Hardcore, Casual, Semi-hardcore, Barely online. Obsessed, you can find me from 5 am to 11 pm on weekends, from 5 pm to 10pm on other days. (GMT +1)
Still online every day, if you dont find me on EU check in NA ~
37. What are the top three tips you would give someone just starting to play? !! Save !! !! ALL !! !! Crafting material !!
38. Best memory in guild wars? Finishing “My story”
Pride March omg so colourful and love  ❤
39. Do you stick to one character mostly or are you an altoholic? 90% playing as Nathia.
Uh, trying to stick with one character but i can switch :3
40. What bothers you the most about the game if anything? How far away the Charr helmet/masks can be from their face.
Still relevant ;p
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ruvatia · 7 years
Anonymous asked:
Hi, could you do a Shiro with an asexual s/o, like how he would react? Thanks! xx
Not a problem! Sorry for how short and rushed it is I’m a little busy this week ;-; Please correct me if I got the definition wrong! I’ll write another one if I got it wrong.
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“You’re what?”
“I’m asexual.” you repeated, thankful that his reaction seemed more like confusion than anger or shock.
“Okay, so I heard that right. That means you’re not attracted to me?” he asked, frowning a little bit. You had been dating him for a while, so this information caught him very, very much off-guard.
“Well, I am, and I’m not. To put it simply, Takashi, I don’t want to hop on your dick, but I do want to spend some time with you.” you told him, forcing a smile and putting a hand on his arm. It wasn’t the best place to talk about this and you knew it, but if you didn’t say anything now you were sure that you’d keep it inside of your throat and in the future it would croak out quite vugarly. Besides, it looked like Takashi was much more focused on trying to understand what you were saying, and you appreciated that.
“But that’s what I want too?” he replied, letting his hand fall on top of yours. Naturally, your fingers laced and he chuckled. “I don’t get it, I don’t need you to hop on me just yet.”
“I mean I won’t ever want to hop on it, Takashi.” you said, tilting your head to the side a little while giving him a sly smirk.
“Ouch.” he smirked back, making you hit him with your free hand. He laughed before letting you continue speaking.
“I don’t do sex. Or anything sexual in general. Even fapping isn’t in the dictionary.”
“For someone that doesn’t like sex or anything related to it, you’re quite open about such vulgar words there dear.” he said, bringing your hands to his lips. You just shrugged in response.
“It’s better to be frank than to beat around the bush. You’re aware more than anyone that I’m not the type to just go out and shout out to the world what kind of porn my friends watch.”
“At least not when you’re sober.”
You stifled a laugh threatening to erupt. If you so much as giggled, it would boost his ego and that wasn’t what you needed right now. “Listen, that was Lance, not me and you know it.”
“Suuuure.” he replied, rolling his eyes. “So, I guess it’s safe to say you’re not attracted to me because of my awesome battle scars, but for well… Me?”
To that, you couldn’t help but giggle. You leaned against him and tightened your grip on his hand. “Yeah, that’s a good way to put it.”
“Huh. That’s… Ideal.”
“Ideal?” you repeated, lifting a brow. “How so?”
“Some people I’ve dated in the past actually just approached me because they wondered if I could rip their mattresses or not. I guess knowing that you were genuinely interested in what lies under and just that when you agreed to see me again makes me feel…. Nice? It’s new and I honestly don’t know how I’m going to handle it in the future, but right now, I feel nice.”
“Your face is just a bonus to me, Takashi.” was all you could think to say. You knew of the people that had “dated” Takashi before. Honestly speaking, none of them were any good for him. You weren’t the most confident person and yet you could see that, which said a lot.
“Oh wow, that definitely didn’t just ruin my mood.” He rolled his eyes as you stepped forward to grab your drinks. You quietly thanked the barista at the other end of the counter and instead of holding hands on your way out, you linked your arm with his.
“Not gonna lie it is going to take some time to get used to the idea.” he said as you stepped outside.
“That’s alright. I’m prepared to give you the time you need, baby.” you smiled, lifting yourself up on your toes to kiss his cheek.
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ryodan · 7 years
I was wondering what interested you about your religion enough to convert to it,I'm sorry if This is to personal a question,and I hope I haven't offended you.(I myself am not religious)
I am fine with personal questions, anon, so it’s okay. Well to be honest with you it was a lot of things that drew me to Islam. First off, I’d like to say that I’ve always been a very logical person. I like clear cut, direct facts, and that’s why I’m a physics student haha. When I was first in my ‘religion search phase’, most of the ones I had come across were based off spirituality and all these lovely things that I personally couldn’t find a religion in as they seemed more like an ideology than a religion to follow. I gave Judaism some thought, but although I have come to have a soft spot for their familial values, It wasn’t enough for me to convert. As for Christianity, and I know a lot of Christians say this chapter is allegorical, but I was ready to rule it out by the first chapter of the book of genesis. As I said as a person who likes facts, reading something like the Earth and plants were created first and then the sun was a bit too far fetched to commit to. I did continue reading, and searching, but that only made me shy away from it further. I think the quote i’d use her is ‘so you began to follow a religion and called it “love” in disguise because love can be good but love can be blind’. The worshiping of Jesus is also a man made invention so again, Christianity is a religion I heavily shy away from. When I came to read the Quran (I am half arab so I started reading it in Arabic, altho it was very hard at times, it is the only way to see its beauty, none arab Muslims get shown this beauty by either going through the steep road of learning Arabic, or us Arab speakers doing our prophet given duty of teaching the message of God to humanity when they ask to ofc) I think I was really surprised by how phonic and beautifully strung it is. The internal rhythm, the rhyming that lasted an entire chapter, the words were always strong, never even remotely colloquial, and I always still say the book you truly feel the power of a God from is the Quran, in fact in the shortest chapter of the quran there are 11 linguistic devices used in 3 words, including a prophecy that came true. And that is not even a new concept to the Quran, the language of it in itself is a miracle, there is a nice example of this in a lecture i quite like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84Z25CLXE1w. And a good chapter showing how phonic it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WvHMNuhH3Y   I also really appreciated how even if the words were incredibly poetic, it was still a very direct book. I liked the morals behind it. Equity, freedom of thought, justice, freeing of slaves, kindness, compassion, pity, tolerance, brotherhood, love, it’s peaceful but it’s not pacifist, the power of God truly comes to show in the format that’s like ‘here is why you should believe, here are things you should keep in mind if you do..if you dont want to, there is no compulsion in anything, its not exactly like God who created this entire universe needs you, but if you do want to save yourself from a hell so gruesome it makes your days on earth feel like hours,then I suggest you have an open mind’. I also liked the story of creation, in the sense that it wasn’t a damnation onto Earth as in the bible, I also liked how the angels themselves predicted how humanity would act with the blood shed and corruption. Stories of prophets even though had their fair share of glittery miracles, were still logical. For example: Jesus’s birth in the Quran is a lot less fun than in the bible, there are no mangers or Josephs or singing angels, it’s a woman in hard labor, in the middle of the desert screaming in agony, at some point even hoping she would just die instead of face all of this pain and probable future humiliation on her own, until God comforts in a miracle her through her own child, and surprisingly it feels a whole lot more authentic and touching than a singing angel. I personally prefer this to be the first miracle rather than water to wine one haha ‘So she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a remote place.And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She said, “Oh, I wish I had died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten.” But he called her from below her, “Do not grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream. And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates.So eat and drink and be contented. And if you see from among humanity anyone, say, ‘Indeed, I have vowed to the Most Merciful abstention, so I will not speak today to [any] man.’ ”Then she brought him to her people, carrying him. They said, “O Mary, you have certainly done a thing unprecedented.O sister of Aaron, your father was not a man of evil, nor was your mother unchaste.”So she pointed to him. They said, “How can we speak to one who is in the cradle a child?”[Jesus] said, “Indeed, I am the servant of God . He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet. And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me prayer and charity as long as I remain alive And [made me] dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me a wretched tyrant.And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive.”
Okay, so if there are so many miracles which seem outside the scope of logic, and you are a person of science how did you convert? I think the actual time where I started crying realizing I was already a Muslim was when I was reading the verse ‘And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.‘. The Quran is full of science that in no way shape or form was known to the 7th century arabians living in a desert. From the expansion of the universe, to the embryonic development, to the orbit of the planets, to the reflection of light and to the finger prints we have. There is a video mentioning most of the scientific miracles of the Quran here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d16CpWp-ok&t=304s. It also predicted battle outcomes after the prophets death, and identified points in the land that were yet to be known to humanity and then it hit me that all of this was revealed to man 1400 years ago,to a man who could not read or write but would just recite what he was told. That was when I fell in love with not only the merciful God of islam (who said when he first created the universe he decreed upon himself that his mercy precedes his anger) but truly the greatest man to have walked this earth Mohammed Ibnu Abdullah. If I were to explain this mans appeal, and how strong his message was I’d use his followers to vouch for it, The first muslims were tortured severely, and the first martyr in Islam was  a woman named Sumayah, who was stabbed in her privates,spat on, and murdered but she still would not go back on her faith no matter what they did to her. Another story of a companion,a black slave called Bilal Ibn Rabah who was forced to labor with a sizzling hot rock on his back, as well as whipped and yet proclaimed ‘ahad, ahad’ ‘one God, one God’ to the pagans of Arabia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49SpfNxy4_8 
what drew them individually to Islam was (at first) the man who’s message demanded for womens rights at a time were women were buried alive, and demanded rights for black people saying that there is no difference between a black man and a white man except by righteousness and good action. He was soft and lenient, but still a respected leader. A man who he didnt even let animal rights out of his sight, forbidding his followers from even showing the cattle the knife when you slay it to eat it as not to scare it ‘you have no right to kill the animal twice’, a man who entered the city that tortured him, threw him out with his head hung low saying ‘today is the day of forgiveness’ , a man who walked through a city that stoned him until his shoe was filed with his blood yet harbored no ill feelings to the people, saying there might be a future believer among them, a man who just as God stated is ‘a mercy to all of man kind’ Here is a series about him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al8VKtn3ilI and a slam poem about terrorists tainting his name https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQVMdh6d3h0
Reading his stories, his sayings and the book of God that he recited made me whole heartedly believe in this religion. Islam brings me ease of mind, I love it more and more the more I read and search into it (i recommend the blog @partytilfajr for clearing up any questions you might have and I can help in any way too), it makes reasonable and scientific sense and yet it is such a beautiful miraculous message. It mixes ideology and faith, but still encourages free thinking and freedom and I am proud to say I have submitted my will to God and I bear witness that there is only one God and Mohammed is his final messenger 😊 
To my past atheist self I say
He Was The Creator of the Universe, for all we know even Moreand So Whatif we can’t see him, i mean what you acting like our universe is smalli mean there still so much we’re still yet to explorei mean there’s still so many things as human beings we still haven’tseentouchedheardor sawi mean our eyes can’t even handle the sight of the Sunso how can we possibly handle the sight of our Lord
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archafic · 7 years
“A dark force is brewing just beyond humanities reach. Behind the scenes, Crowley plots something sinister, unbeknownst to the Winchester brothers. Gabriel had been in hiding, he didnt expect to believe that anyone knew he was alive, and yet, here he was, front and centre. Gabriel was now nothing more than trapped and seemingly powerless, and swept up with him was that stupid girl, who had so accidentally been thrown in his world of angelic crazy.”
Word Count: 1500+ per chapter
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The truck smelt of campfire ash and alcohol, the seats we’re old and grimey, torn up and slightly singed. The car was very aged which was even more obvious by its interior, its windows roll down and only a cassettes player present. Though there was something homey about it, the car seemed well loved. Gabe sat in the front seat and chatted away to the strange driver, thus far he had sewn together a completely believable explanation as to why he and Wren had been wandering down an empty highway in the middle of the night. He had left little room for continuity errors, however was relying on the fact that the girl driving had not seen the imaginary car they had “abandoned” further up the road. Wren half wanted to spill everything to this stranger, to tell her “This guy might be crazy, call the police!”, yet she knew that an speaking of what occurred, with Gabe present, wouldn't be a good move. She was still ready to give Gabe a chance, but only one. He continued chatting with the driver in the front seat, Wren had guessed he was an excellent liar which made it even harder to trust him. She had her doubts about him, but when she pondered it too much, the strange “something more came whispering back.
Similarly, Gabriel too, was lost in thought; What was this new feeling? Incapability? Helplessness? Gabriel was experiencing so many new things all at once and was finding it hard not to crack under the pressure. How did he end up here? Gabriel didn't want this, not any of it. He had minded his own business for a very long time now. After his nigh escape from his brother in that last mighty battle alongside the Winchesters, he thought that was the end of his worries. He had escaped, Gabriel’s chess-piece had been taken off the board. He thought that almost anything sinister would leave him alone if he really just butted out for as long as he could. Gabriel even stopped messing with those pesky humans for a while, even the ones that deserved to suffer. He took a vacation of sorts, went even deeper into hiding. But then came the fall, his cover was nearly blown. Another nigh escape on his part, a slick pass, it wasn't easy to snap away from Metatron and the other dramas of that disaster, but somehow he managed. This time it was different however, he didn't have that handy snap of his fingers to pull him out of this mess, no, this was truly Gabriel's lowest, and he felt it too. He could feel that humany-weakness he so loathed running through his own veins. Sure, Gabriel had come to understand humanity enough to want to protect them from the literal Armageddon, but never had he wanted to join them. Now look at him? All of his mighty Archangel power sapped away leaving Gabriel with nearly nothing at all.
He may not have been able to convince people of fiction with the snap of his fingers anymore, but he could still lie through his teeth ’til the end of time, they did call him the Trickster for a reason, and that part of him didn't die when his grace was stolen. It came in handy when dealing with nosy humans like the one driving, she kept asking away about the two of them. Gabriel wished he could snap his fingers and take away her ability to speak, he wished she would just shut up. Given the situation, however, he humoured her. Oh, how easy it would have been to pull out Michaels Archangel blade from his pocket and stab the girl driving in the chest, he could have taken the car for himself and left that whiny human girl, Wren, behind. He could have gone into hiding and never be seen again. Gabriel pondered this thought for only a moment. He may have done some nasty things to humans in the past, but only to those that deserved it. Gabriel knew the consequences of leaving Wren behind would be disastrous too, Crowley would have her back in no time, and thus would have him trapped too. Though he had never dealt with him personally, Gabriel knew that Crowley was not one to make the same mistake twice.
‘So where were y’all headed before your car broke down?’ Asked the driver in a slowish manner, she was extremely composed. ‘Nowhere really, just sort of driving. A road trip, you know?’ Gabriel replied. ‘Road trip, eh?’ She spoke with suspicion ‘What are you gonna do now, since your car broke down?’ ‘Well, isn't there a mechanic in…, wait, where are you taking us?’ Replied Wren. ‘Strate, Vermont, just at the base of the Eindmont Mountain range. Little ski village town, its awful quiet during the off season. I s’pose y’all didn't plan on stopping through since ‘ya didn't know about it?’ ‘Yeah, sounds about right.’  Wren replied hesitantly, she wasn't quite as comfortable with lying as Gabe was, but that didn't mean she wasn't good at it. ‘Vermont sure is pretty, huh? We decided to, uh, road trip through here because of the national parks. The mountains sure are something else.’ ‘Were did ‘ya start yer trip from?’ The driver inquired. ‘Oregon.’ Replied Wren unthinkingly, she spoke the name of her home, not thinking much of it until the worlds had slipped from her lips. Gabe tilted his head around and made eye contact with her, making a “Why did you say that?” sort of face. Oregon was a spectacularly long drive away from Vermont, and the drivers suspicions of the two hitchhikers only heightened. ‘Oregon? That's quite a while away, I supposed you’d be suffering from tight quarters then? Sick of each other yet?’ She chuckled. Wren was thankful that she didn't think much of her “Oregon” reply, and was also relived to discover they were still in America. ‘You have no idea.’ Gabriel replied with as much sarcasm as he could muster, so much so, that it was made abundantly clear to Wren that he wanted nothing to do with her, as much as she wanted nothing to do with him. ‘What’re your names, by the way?’ Asked the driver. ‘Gabe.’ ‘ ’Names Wren.’ ‘Pleasure, I’m Vi.’ ‘Vi? Short for what?’ Gabriel cocked his eyebrow at her with that stupid token look, Wren had seen this quirk of his an abundance of times now, despite only having known him for a short time. ‘None of your business.’ Vi replied under her breath. ‘We’re nearly there.’
Turning a short corner, the wildwood they had driven alongside for many minutes now began to lessen. When they curved around yet another a corner, two giant mountain peaks came into view. Gigantic, like nothing the two had ever seen before. The scenery that surrounded captured even the imagination of Gabriel. The valley was wide and infinite in the distance, the moonlight masking each distant mountain peak in a unique way. Gabriel had traveled to places like this before, he never cared much for them, but something was different now. Before, he found that looking at the marvels of planet earth only reminded him of his father, and with that, the reason he fled his home. But right at that moment, Gabriel realised that he didn't want to think about his Father anymore. The vast endlessness of the valley before him made him feel so unimportant to the rest of the world, but in a strange, good way. In comparison to the gaping mountains and hillside that glared so triumphantly back at him, Gabriel was a tiny dot on the face of planet Earth, not the mighty, otherworldly being he had been earlier that day. Looking out to the vast valley, Gabriel was beginning to understand, that yes, the mountains really were a beautiful spectacle.
As her eyes drifted down from the mountain peaks, Wren too could see lights peppered off in the distance, a town. ‘Is that Strate?’ She asked. ‘Wow, she's a smart one, isn't she?’ Vi laughed sarcastically to Gabe. ‘It looks beautiful.’ Wren spoke, a genuine sense of wonder trickled through her words. They continued to drive on deeper into the quiet suburbia. Strate looked to be the sort of town where nothing exciting ever happened. It was serene, quite a spectacle. It seemed to posses a sort of warmth that a lot of small towns had. It didn't look extremely dull with the looming canopy of mountains on the horizon, but it was easy to understand that things could be very boring around here with such a small local populist. ‘I’ll just drop you into main street and be on my way.’ They turned another dim-lit street corner and a brightly lit main street opened up into view, bright neon lights and signs of stores lit up the sidewalk. The streets were odd compared to Wrens little home in Oregon, it looked a whole lot busier, for one. Bright yellow lights from one side of the road lit up the street, inside an old-fashioned building was a Bar. Many figures bustled around inside the windows, people standing on a make-shift stage danced around drunkly as their car passed by. ‘I thought you said it was quiet around here?’ Wren asked ‘Friday night. Must be Happy hour.’ Vi replied vacantly. Vi often visited the pub, but had obviously been preoccupied with something else earlier that night. The old truck rolled into a Motel car-park down the road from the bar. A bright pink neon sign flickered in and out outside its front, it read “VACANCIES”. ‘Hope this place’ll do.’ Said Vi, she couldn't really be bothered to drive these town stragglers any further. ‘Yeah, this is fine.’ Gabriel replied. Wren waited a moment for him to thank Vi, but nothing more was said, he just sat there smug-like. Wren went to open the back door of the truck, but found it wouldn't budge, she couldn't open the door from the inside. ‘Uh, Vi, I think the door is broken.’ ‘Oh, hold on.’ Leaving Gabe in the passengers seat, Vi opened the front door of the truck and went around the back to open the door for Wren. She yanked on the handle a little before it whirled open with a resounding CRACK! Gabe, too, got out of the front seat now, his first push on the door didn't budge it, his second however, shoved it open with yet another CRACK! ‘Thanks so much for the lift, don’t know what we would have done without you being there to pick us up.’ Said Wren in the most genuine tone she could. ‘It’s no big deal, I was passing through anyway.’ ‘Really, thank you.’ She replied sincerely. ‘Alright, I best be off. I live nearby, so, ‘dependin on how long you hang around for, I might see ‘ya again. See ‘ya later though.’ Vi returned to the drivers seat and drove off, leaving Wren and Gabe behind on the sidewalk. 
As she drove away, Vi thought very hard. She had her suspicions about the two, and for good reason. Something about their story didn't sit right with her, perhaps it was something about them, or perhaps it was the blinding flash of white light she had seen blasting through the otherwise ambient wildwood just before she met the two on her night watch. Vi was sure the supernatural spectacle had something to do with the two strangers. Instead of heading straight home that night, Vi drove back up the dark highway. It winded and cut through the national park she watched over regularly, her nightly patrols over the area every night had left her knowing almost every nook and cranny. Vi backtracked, looking for any sign of the Car that the two had “abandoned” farther up the road.  As she continued to drive she nearly passed the location of the spectacle she had witnessed earlier that night, the site of the white flash of light. Pulling up right by the site, Vi wandered forward into the brush. She instantly noticed that many trees had been blasted down leaving a clearing in the wildwood, a deeper crater marked the explosions centre. She turned on a very bright flashlight and searched the area. Shoving her hand in the dirt, she started at the explosions centre. Almost immediately her fingers met something metallic, she knew straight away what the object was; a mobile phone. Vi was the little towns of Strate’s protector, and she was never going to let anything or anyone threaten her town ever again. After discovering this little specimen, Vi came to realised that Gabe and Wren were certainly now very high on her threat list.
@pixierox101 @sumara62
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weekendwarriorblog · 5 years
February comes to an end with the Oscars on Sunday and another family sequel hoping to escape the fate of the disappointing The LEGO Movie 2, plus Fighting with My Family becomes the widest WWE Films release since John Cena’s The Marine back in 2006.
Just a reminder that you can read my box office analysis and predictions over at The Beat, as well as my thoughts on Black Panther’s chances at winning a few Oscars this Sunday.
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Written and directed by Dean DeBlois (How To Train Your Dragon,How to Train Your Dragon 2) Voice Cast: Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler, America Ferrara, F. Murray Abraham, Cate Blanchett, Craig Ferguson, Jonah Hill, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Kristen Wiig, Kit Harrington MPAA Rating: PG
A mere three weeks after the animated sequel The LEGO Movie 2disappointed at the box office, DreamWorks Animation returns with its first movie since 2017’s Captain Underpants, as well as the first movie under its new distribution deal with Universal. It’s also the first movie from DreamWorks Animation sans CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg who left after Comcast bought the company after building it up into quite a brand.
It’s pretty amazing that DreamWorks Animation has gone ahead with this threequel after it’s been delayed seemingly for years, but clearly, Universal/Comcast wanted to get its dragons in a row before bringing them back for an epic finale, especially with the company’s mixed success with their last few offerings. (DWA’s 2017 release The Boss Babyactually did quite well, just slightly less than How to Train Your Dragon 2’s domestic gross.)
The good thing going for the latest How to Train Your Dragonis that DreamWorks Animation has been keeping the franchise alive with a number of animated series that have streamed on Netflix, and kids definitely know these characters well. They’ve also been able to bring back almost all of the cast, including Cate Blanchett, Kit Harrington (from “Game of Thrones”) and introducing F. Murray Abraham as a new villain named Grimmel and a new lady “Light Fury” to match with Hiccup’s dragon pal Toothless. This generally should help revive the animated company who has made such an impact in the early ‘00s. So far, reviews have been far better than anyone expected, and Universal wisely gave the movie a Fandango-only screening a few weeks back where it grossed $2.5 million.
Mini-Review: I’ve seen both the previous How to Train Your Dragon movies, and I liked them just fine, but not enough to warrant a rewatch before the third movie is released five years after the previous one. Fortunately, it doesn’t take long to get up to speed at least in terms of figuring out who everyone is, though it does take some time before it gets into gear as far as storytelling.
Things have settled down at Berk, as Hiccup and his pals continue to save dragons from trappers and being them back to their safe haven, but new villain Grimmel (voiced by F. Murray Abraham) who wants to kill the last of the Night Furies aka Hiccup’s own dragon pal Toothless. In order to do so, he uses a white female “Light Fury” as a honey badger to capture the lovelorn dragon, as well as all the other dragons in Berk.
The problem is that there are way too many unfunny human characters and even more dragons that are hard to keep track of. The film begins by throwing so much at the viewer, but not in a good way, and it took a long time for me to be even vaguely interested in what was happening.  Surprisingly, Abraham makes for an equally bland villain, especially considering how great he’s been in such a role in movies like Amadeus, but the storytelling is obvious and even corny at times that it begins as a disappointing finale to the epic trilogy.
Granted, this is still an amazing technical achievement with all of the colorful environments and creatures, yet the dragons are generally more interesting than the humans, other than maybe Hiccup and his girlfriend Astrid. The dialogue-free moments between Toothless and his paramour tend to work far better than the attempt at getting laughs using the annoying humans.
Where the film really starts picking up steam is in the last act where the action starts to build to a peak, and we’re finally reminded what made the earlier films so special. In some ways, it’s hard to believe a movie that starts off so grueling and boring manages to deliver enough of a third-act payoff to win the viewer over, and it’s quite an amazing recovery to end the series on a high note.
Rating: 6.5/10
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Written and Directed by Stephen Merchant (co-creator of “The Office” and “Hey, Ladies!”) Cast: Florence Pugh, Jack Lowden, Nick Frost, Lena Headey, Vince Vaughn, Dwayne Johnson MPAA Rating: PG-13
I’ve already written quite a bit about this comedic biopic already between my reviewand my interview with WWE superstar Paige, so I’m not sure how much more I have to say about this film which tells the story of how Paige came to the WWE. Produced by Dwayne Johnson, who also makes a couple appearances in the movie, this is a wonderful film that will definitely appeal to WWE fans, especially those who have been following the Women’s Revolution, but I think it will appeal to others as a fun inspirational story about an outsider making good. The movie opened in New York and L.A. this past weekend, but it will expand nationwide on Friday, and I hope that audience will give it a look, especially with so few strong movies in theaters right now and the box office being so dismal.
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One of the standouts this weekend is Suzannah Herbert’s doc WRESTLE (Oscilloscope), co-directed by Lauren Belfer, which just won two Hoka Award at the Oxford Film Festival last week, and that’s after winning awards at a number of other festivals. It follows five varsity wrestlers at a small-town Alabama high school who are competing to help take their school to the State Championships, but there’s a lot more at stake than a trophy. Each of the wrestlers has had domestic issues that has made going to college a struggle, and placing in the Championships would give them a chance for scholarships that would make a huge difference in their lives. The movie will open at the Village East Cinemas in New York on Friday with Herbert and Belfer in attendance to discuss this inspirational film. It will then open in L.A. on March 1.
I don’t know much (or actually anything) about the faith-based film RUN THE RACE (Roadside Attractions), hitting select theaters this weekend, but apparently it’s exec. produced by NFL star Tim Tebow and directed by Chris Dowling (Priceless). It involves two brothers dealing with the death of their mother and abandonment by their father as All-State athlete Zach’s hopes of earning a college scholarship are sidelined by an injury. With that, his younger brother David steps up to help get him and his brother out of town to a better future. (Actually, this movie seems to have quite a bit in common with the doc Wrestle.)
Metrograph Pictures makes its debut with its initial release, the French doc The Competition (Le Concours) from filmmaker Claire Simon, marking her first film to get a U.S. theatrical release. It takes a look at the entrance process for the prestigious French film school La Fémis, where hundreds of ambitious filmmakers in all aspects of the craft seek to be taught how to perfect said craft. I have to be honest that as I watched the movie, I didn’t realize it was a doc, because it reminded me of 120 BPM (Beats Per Minute) or The Class, where there was just so much talking and most of it just seemed like pretentious showboating by students trying to impress the entrance panel. In fact, the educators and filmmakers’ reactions to the students is far more interesting, but this only had a few moments that captivated me in its 2-hour running time.  You can find out where else it will play after its Metrograph debut Friday on the Official Site.
Opening at the Cinema Village in New York Friday and in L.A. on March 1 is Barry Avrich’s doc Prosecuting Evil: The Extraordinary World of Ben Ferencz, which takes a look at the last surviving prosecutor of the Nuremberg Trial who continues to fight for the law and peace.
Opening in Texas Friday (and expanding to other markets over the coming weeks including even MORE Texas theaters on March 1) is Ty Roberts’ adaptation of Tom Pendleton’s 1966 novel The Iron Orchard (Santa Rita Film Co.), starring Lane Garrison as Jim McNeely, a young man thrown into the brutal world of the West Texas oilfields in 1939, shortly after the Great Depression.
Lastly, there’s Stuart McKenzie and Miranda Harcourt’s adaptation of Margaret Mahy’s novel The Changeover (Vertical), starring Erana James as 16-year-old Laura Chant who lives with her mother (the always wonderful Melanie Lynskey) and four-year-old brother Jacko in a poor suburb of Christchurch, New Zealand and ends up in a supernatural battle with a spirit draining the life out of Jacko. Also starring Tim Spall, it opens in select theaters and On Demand Friday.
A couple festivals and film series worth nothing is the Film Society of Lincoln Center’s Neighboring Scenes: New Latin American Cinema, presented with Cinema Tropical, which will include Belmonte   from Uruguay, Carlos Reygadas’ Our Time, and many other films, none of which I’ve seen.
Also, the 22nd New York International Children’s Film Festivalbegins on Friday, running through March 17, opening with the East Coast Premiere of Chiwetel Ejiofor’s directorial debut The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, which will also premiere on Netflix on March 1. The festival will be spread out across the city from the Alamo Drafthouse in Brooklyin to the IFC Center to the Cinepolis Chelsea, Quad Cinema, SVA Theater and even the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria. You can find out more about the films and schedule on the Official Site.
Fresh from its Sundance premiere, Mark Duplass continues his relationship with Netflix, appearing with Ray Romano in Alex (Blue Jay) Lehmann’s PADDLETON, in which Duplass plays a man diagnosed with terminal cancer who asks his neighbor (Romano) to end his life before he dies from cancer.
This week’s foreign Netflix offering is Elizabeth Vogler’s French film Paris is Us, which involves a woman named Anna who misses her flight to Barcelona, which she misses, which starts her questioning reality and her relationships.
Because HBO is picking up so many great films out of festivals, I’m going to include them here whenever I can. Who knows? Maybe someone at HBO will see this and hook-up with a free HBO Now account. (And I’ll accept free Hulu, Amazon and Showtime accounts and any others while we’re at it, if those companies want to be included.)
One of my favorite films from last year’s Tribeca Film Festival was Madeleine Sackler’s O.G. starring Jeffrey Wright (who won an award for his acting) as former gangleader and lifelong inmate Louis, who is coming to the end of his 24-year sentence, when he takes the younger Beecher (Theothus Carter) under his wing, trying to keep him from him following the same downwards path he took. You can read more about my thoughts on the movie in my Tribeca Film Festival diary. O.G. will premiere on HBO this Saturday.
Produced by David O. Selznick concludes this week with screenings of The Third Man, Alfred Hitchcock’s Spellbound and one last screening of Rebecca, plus the Metrograph’s Valentine’s Day offerings continue, including Casablanca  (1942) and Heaven Can Wait (1943). Late Nites at Metrograph is the Anime Ghost in the Shell (1995) and the Playtime: Family Matinees  is Disney-Pixar’s Oscar-winning Inside Out (2015)
The Goldblum Variations concludes with screenings of The Life Aquatic of Steven Zissou (Thurs.), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Fri.) and Earth Girls are Easy, but there’s also the week-long New York premiere of the 2k restoration of Joan (Hester Street) Silver’s 1977 movie Between the Lines  (Cohen Film Collection), also starring Goldblum, along with John Heard, Lindsay Crouse and more.
Another busy weekend at Tarantino’s repertory theater with a number of Burt Reynolds double features, Hooper (1978)and Physical Evidence (1989) on Weds. and Thurs, plus his 1977 movies Smokey and the Bandit and Semi-Tough on Friday and Saturday. This weekend’s midnight movies are Tarantino’s Oscar-winning Pulp Fiction on Friday and the 1972 concert film Fillmore on Saturday.  The Kiddee Matinee of the weekend is Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis’ 3-Ring Circus (1954), and then Sunday and Monday, there’s a double feature of Sandra Dee’s Gidget  (1959) and Dick Clark’s Because they’re Young (1960). The Monday Matinee is Bill Duke’s 1992 thriller Deep Cover, starring Laurence Fishburne and Jeff Goldblum, and Tuesday night’s Grindhouse offering is Burt Reynolds’ 1987 movie Malone and his 1986 film Heat. (All that Burt Reynodls movies makes me want to live in L.A.!)
The downtown rep theater presents the 5 ½-hour version of Bernardo Bertolluci’s 1976 drama 1900, which will be shown in two parts, and this weekend’s Film Forum Jr. is the 1953 sci-fi thriller The War of the Worlds in a new 4k restoration.
The Egyptian screens Death in Venice (1971) on Thursday, as part of the Luchino Visconti: Cinematic Nobility series.
On Saturday night, the Aero is screening a triple feature of Don Coscarelli’s Phantasm (1979) – with Coscarelli and producer Paul Pepperman in attendance -- along with Three O’Clock High (1987) and 10 to Midnight  (1983), as part of its Cinematic Void 2019 series. Otherwise, the theater seems to be playing Jean-Luc Godard’s The Image Bookaround the clock.
Waverly Midnights: The Feds continues with John Woo’s Face/Off (1997), starring John Travolta and Nicolas Cage, Weekend Classics: Early Godard will screen the classic Band of Outsiders  (1964) Friday through Sunday, while Late Night Favorites will once again show Ridley Scott’s Alien. (It really IS a Late Night Favorite!)
On Friday at Midnight, the Nuart will show Panos Cosmatos’ Mandy, starring Nicolas Cage.
Sergey Bondarchuk’s epic 1968 film War and Peace continues to run (in four installments) through Thursday.
Starting Friday, BAM starts its ten-day Living with the Dead: The Films of George Romero, commemorating the life and career of one of the greatest horror filmmakers of all time, the late George Romero. It will be held together by a new 2K restoration of his 1968 film Night of the Living Dead, which will screen Friday night, Saturday afternoon and on Feb. 28. Other movies in the series include Dawn of the Dead  (1978), Day of the Dead  (1985), The Crazies  (1973), Monkey Shinesand some of Romero’s newer films. The series will also have special guests like Romero’s daughter Tina Romero and producer Richard Rubenstein over the course of the series.
Modern Matinees: Sir Sidney Poitier offers Norman Jewison’s In the Heat of the Night  (1967) on Weds, Blackboard Jungle  (1955) on Thurs and Stanley Kramer’s The Defiant Ones (1958) on Friday.
That’s it for this week… next week, Tyler Perry’s Madea is back in Tyler Perry’s A Madea Family Funeral, presumably the last Madea movie ever… be afraid and glad at the same time! Also, Neil Jordan returns with the psychological thriller Greta.
0 notes
[Closed thread: Twilight War]
LEANDROS, usurpxrregalis
If you want to join PM me and usurpxrregalis.
HYRULE, one month before the Twili Invasion.
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Captain Leandros smiled, glancing up at the warm, sun-soaked sky. It was a pleasant spring day, and a fair one for his small parade. Behind him, a small one hundred man band of mounted warriors trailed past him, recently reinforced with some new recruits from the northern provinces.
Leandros was preoccupied by a recent entanglement he had with lady Faralda, who had very nearly proposed to him during his brief stay in Castle Town. In addition, his family had its own charming dilemma’s he had to see to. He hoped his mother enjoyed the gift he had gotten her, and that his sister was well. There had been time even to briefly speak to the grave of his father. As far as his person was concerned, the Hylian captain felt blessed by goddesses for his good fortune. It was his favorite time of year, and after a good moment of relaxation, he had been given his favorite commission; border patrol on the eastern fringe.
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His patrol route would be a slow march from near the Temple of Time, on to Zora’s domain at the very end of his route in upper Lanayru. It was a route that guaranteed danger from Moblin warbands, many lesser beasts, Gerudo remnant, and possibly, if he was lucky the odd Darknut. His troops were adequate as well, suitably capable of survival training, and all able to ride. There was an above average number of women in the force, and Leandros made special note to ensure their safety amongst the other new male members of his band. He tolerated no dishonor or indiscretion amongst his ranks.
At his side, a bored man hummed a pastoral Hylian theme, the company standard casually hoisted in an arm, lying on his shoulderblade. Opposite him, his second in command rode alongside.
“Meridia” Leandros began, glancing over to the woman. “How was Kallus? You didnt mention how things went.”
“Kallus isn’t a man you need ask about any more my liege” Meridia snapped back, making a face wrenched in disgust.
“Hm? Did something happen? I had already picked  out your wedding gifts” Leandros said with a warm smile.
“That pig is unfit to lick my boot-heels! Can you believe I found him in bed with the help? I tossed him out of hearth with several kicks to his self-righteous rear! The lecherous bastard.”
Leandros huffed. “The nerve! To cheat on a maiden like yourself, and for common-born trash. Don’t worry Meridia. If you need anything I’ll be here.”
The two had been on three patrols now and were fast friends. Meridia. with her firey temper and drill-field voice being an excellent counterpart to the calm and aloof leadership style Leandros favored.
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The column left Hyrule Cast Town’s gates and the group glanced back to the seat of their government.
“I wonder what it is like to live up here, with the lords and the princess” Leandros wondered aloud.
“Much easier and far less important than the work we do, Captain. Those people know nothing about the hard work it takes to keep this peace!”
Leandros offered a shrug, and blew a whistle.
“COMPANY! Halt! Present arms!” The line of cavalry immediately drew blades, with no less than three sleepy recruits dropping their blades, much to Meridia’s seething rage and verbal admonishment. Leandros stifled a chuckle. Greener than a hero’s tunic. Keeping these children alive for the patrol would be a hard task indeed, but one he was thankful for.
Leandros could scarcely imagine this peace ever ending. As the wind picked up the banner of the company, and the triforce flew proudly, the old feelings of natrional spirit stirred within him. He loved his job, and his people.
With a smile, he led his men into the idyllic countryside of Hyrule field, waving at peasants and merchants as they made their way to the patrol route.
Three months Later, outside of Hyrule Castle.
General Vann glanced at the strange material clouding the sky, and then at the army summoned on short notice about him.
“This is all that we could find?”
“Yes sir, other army units were too far to reach. Reports are still coming in about attacks within Hyrule field. Shadow forces they say, with dark magic-”
“Stop your mewling. The Princess has commanded us to protect her people. That is exactly what I will do. Whoever they are we will beat them.”
The General confidently strode in front of his forces. The current army was roughly 80,000 Hylians strong, mostly of the castle garrison and Town garrison, but some Hyrule field Interior regiments as well. Of the entire army this was but a small sum of the full might of the kingdom, but it would certainly be more than enough to crush whatever pathetic upstarts were upon the field.
“Sound the horn, alert the captains. I want an address with my men” General Van barked.
“Yes lord!” exclaimed a soldier, and soon all 80,000 soldiers fixed their eyes upon their commander, the knights and footmen gleaming in their fantastic arms and armor.
“Warriors, I’m afraid that we are gathered here to educate some fools on Hylian military discipline. So, in case any of you forgot, allow me to remind you why we will win here today, on this historic field.”
The general smirked. “We are the chosen warriors of the Goddesses, beloved most throughout all the world. We have Hylia’s blood in our veins, prayers upon our lips, and wisdom and courage within our hearts. Nothing has ever usurped our dominion. You stand atop the world, masters of all you see before you. Every dominion and every race bows to us as liege lords of this land. Our skill and discipline is unmatched and our weapons and armor are superior to any empires, now or before. With me as your commander, victory will be ours, and we will be personally blessed for our courage by her Majesty herself!”
The general nodded, thinking this to be a good start, then bellowed out a final rousing word “and the first of you to strike home gets a sack of my finest wine! Urrah!”
“URRAH!” the soldiers cheered, grinning. None, except perhaps the knights and a handful of infantry units, had seen combat at all. Only a few knights had ever participated in a organized field battle.
The army turned toward the west, and saw a great darkness emerge unnaturally on the horizon... The army waited, curious as to who would dare challenge Hylian supremacy...
[Your turn. This is going to be bloody. Be sure to throw in some professional Twili troops/mages along with the creatures.]
6 notes · View notes
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What number do you call to file an insurance claim with Verizon?
I flushed my phone down the toilet. sounds ridiculous but i managed to do it. i have insurance, what number do i call to file a claim?""
Young Person Car Insurance?
Hi there, I am currently looking for my son who is 19 and has just got himself a new job, i promised him if he gets a job he can have a car to get there. However i am very worried about the insurance quotes ive looked up on the internet which is looking at 3700 a year which is the cheapest i can find. Very worrying seeing his mates are 2500 which im happy to pay. He is looking for a old ford fiesta, is there any ideas where i could improve and seek a cheaper quote? Possibly phoning up companies or is the internet quotes better, any other suggested cheap car insurance websites? Thanks Fiona""
Will my children from a previous relationship get my husbands insurance?
basically myself and my 2 children were on food and medical assistance and i am now off it, i will be starting to get new insurance through my husbands work and so will our child in common...but i have 2 children from a previous relationship. im not sure if they will need to have my insurance or if they will still qualify for the government medicaid since there father pays child support.""
How do I cancel my Kaiser Permanente insurance?
A wise person once said you have to be the change you seek in the world. I am a fit young man that is fed up with the current health insurance scheme in the United States and want something like the system that Singapore has. My plan is to cancel my health insurance, save the money in a high yield savings account for emergencies and actually take a nice vacation every now and then. A vacation to a nice country would increase my overall health way more than health insurance. I will also take out catastrophic insurance for just in case I get into something my medical fund can't cover. It makes no sense for me to pay thousands of dollars every year into medical insurance when I haven't been to the doctor in over 2 years. Can I get my money back? My health is fantastic and I try very hard to keep it that way. I hate going to the doctor. The problem is my company is saying I am only allowed to make insurance changes once a year--in June! I think they have some sort of special deal with Kaiser. Is there anything I can do? I love my job and don't want to quit on principle.""
How can i get my car insurance down ?
I am 18, male, and just past my driving test, yeah the odds are against me already for insurance. I have Pass Plus, no convictions etc. I can't go under anyone's name because none of my parents drive. I work as a supervisor in retail. I live in Edinburgh and will be parking on a private driveway. No matter what car i choose, wheather it be a 1.6 Honda CRX Del DOL, the car I wanted (more chance of winning the lottery than getting insurance for it) or a crap 80's Fiat Panda 1.0 each quote is between 2,000 - 7,000, so should i just snap my Licence or is there something to bring it down ?""
Ca dmv insurance online?
heres the deal. i want to renew my tags online but it says my insurance needs to be on dmv file to be able to do that. so is there a online system i can file my insurance on or do i still have to go to dmv to do that
Can I still use my provisional car insurance?
I passed my test today, but my mum won't let me alter my insurance because she says I can still use my provisional insurance, as long as I have somebody in the car with me and don't go on motor ways . Is this true, or do I need new insurance?""
Car insurance?
im 16 years old own a 2007 lexus gs and never got a ticket how much will my car insurance be? (im not expecting a definate answer, just a guess)""
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
How is the Mitsubishi Lancer GTS classified by most insurance companies?
I've been researching insurance quotes in preparation for buying a new (used) car, mainly for various sporty compact sedans. When I got to the 2010 Mitsu Lancer GTS, I was pretty appalled at how much higher the quote was than the others, like the Subaru Impreza and Mazda3 Sport, despite having extremely similar horsepower, speed, safety features and crash test ratings. Is it considered a sports car or something? Does it get lumped in with the uber-expensive Evo because of the word Lancer ?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in michigan?
I am looking for cheap car insurance I live in battle creek mi. I am 22 years old and on ssi. I have autism diagnosis. And I want to be able to get a car I do not have a license right now. But can get one social worker told me that. I would be allowed to drive. I do not own a car right now. But I have $2000 save up for a car. Before I take anymore steps I need to find out if i can afford insurance. I have about $30-$45 to spend a month on insurance for a car. That cost about $2000 I only need the bare minimum that will allow me to drive with a license legally. Dose anyone know where in i can get cheap car insurance? Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks
How important is insurance to you?
Insurance companies sell them in many different forms. Life , Critical illness, Pet etc... We never used to have so much insurance in good old days but nowawadays we seem to have an insurance product to cover almost everything.Although the need for insurance is very much there do you think we are being tricked by the companies..? What are your thoughts / experiences? (well lets not talk about car insurance as its a must to have)""
What's the cheapest insurance for a 17-year-old male in New Jersey? I just need something affordable.?
What's the cheapest insurance for a 17-year-old male in New Jersey? I just need something affordable.?
Help! Being sued for auto accident and my liability was too low. What can happen?
I just received notice from my insurance co that I am being sued for an accident that I was at fault in last summer. At the time, there were no injuries reported and we each were able to drive away. It was a very low speed accident and I was allowed to take a driving class in lieu of a ticket. Now I get notice that I am being sued for $100,000. My liability limits were only $25,000. The insurance company is asking for more info and said they will provide an attorney, but since I would be liable for $75,000, should I retain my own attorney? Should I be worried? Also I was just about to sell my home (has very little equity by the way). Am I still allowed to sell once I am served? What happens if they win? Will they attach my wages? I have no assets. Thanks so much for any help! I am about to have a nervous breakdown!!!""
I need some Insurance Help?
My father, just yesterday tried to commit suicide by slitting his wrist, luckily he had called the cops, but he also had to take an ambulance ride and another ambulance ride to the county hospital where he will be held for 72 hours. He does not have insurance due to his work laying him off, and him not being able to afford it. Is there any kind of insurance that will cover this kind stuff. He has been suffering from depression and high blood pressure for quite sometime, so I don't know if those are pre existing things that would stop insurance...but him and my mother cant afford this at all right now. They live in southern california, if anyone knows of some kind of insurance, please please respond!""
Who is the Blonde looking for better insurance rates in the progressive insurance commercial.?
She works alongside Stephanie Courtney in the progressive insurance company commercials.
Failed driving test...will insurance go up?
I took my driving test today and I was just wondering if my dad's insurance rates will go up(I am 16).
Which is the best medical insurance policy?
which is the best medical insurance policy in india..? i need a mediclaim policy for my Family(3 members). lic ,star health, icici or any other else..? please suggest me.""
How can i get car insurance cheap ?
i am a young driver and car insurance is a joke how do i get it cheap without breaking any laws ?
Rear ended someone.. how much to get fixed without insurance?
i just got my car like 6 months ago and i was with my friend and he had to stop suddenly cuz of something runnin out in the road and i wasnt paying attention and i rear ended him.. neither of us wanted to get the cops involved cuz he had someone in his car and just got his license which is illegal and i didnt want me insurance 2 go up http://i44.tinypic[dot]com/5obq8[dot]jpg can't link so just replace the [dot] with a period . thats a pic of the damage i dont think its too bad probably just need a new hood bumper fenders and lights right? also if i did end up going through insurance how much would it go up about im 17 yrs old? my mom is paying for it right now but she said if i ever get a ticket or anything that i cant get out of then i gotta pay the difference so idk if itll be cheaper this way or something
My first car notes and insurance?
i'm 16 and plan on getting A JOB BY MAY 2008. I wanna buy a USED CAR at least a 1997 model -2000 model. Do you think I can afford the car note? Could i possibly get on my mom's insurance plan to make it cheaper for my car to be insured or am I just putting myself up for a future of bad credit??????
What happens in california if you are stopped without car insurance?
I read recently that 47 % of cited / stopped Drivers in California have NO License, NO Insurance, and NO Registration for the vehicle (of that 47 %, over 92 % were illegals). I am just wondering what the penalties are if you are caught driving without car insurance?""
What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car?
What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car?
Car Insurance Question- My daughter ........?
My daughter allowed a non licenced driver to move my car and got into a big accident. Am I still covered. Is my daughter in trouble? This is a New Jersey car, situation etc.""
Malpractice Insurance?
How much do Cardiothoracic surgeons have to pay in malpractice insurance. Are there certain rates for different specialties?
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Car insurance coverage - with temporary car drivers?
sir, i bought a car for my brother in india,on his name...he doesnt have any drivers license..so always had to rely on call drivers or temporary drivers for driving the car. in that case,if any acccident happens,will the claim still be honored even it is not driven by the owner..as long as the driver as the driver has a valid driver license. i came across a situation with my friend..where in the call driver ran away from the scene after the accident..can we still make the claim even in this case? i see in my car insurance it has owner-driver coverage...what is that.. is there any add on that i need to add to my insurance so that it covers even if driven by any temporary or call drivers..""
Illegal Immigrants and Helth insurance?
Do Health insurances check social security numbers to see if they are real or fake?
Car insurance under a company policy?
I've never owned a car in the UK and may be joining a company where I will need one. This company offers a car allowance and I'll probably use the car for business. Would I be covered under the company car insurance policy or would I still need to get a policy myself? I'm trying to avoid the massive bill given that I have no UK driving history :-)
How much would the car insurance for a Cadillac Escalade 2011 be?
The car is for an 18 year old and two other adults are included in the insurance plan for State Farm.
Is this a normal car insurance rate?
I got a car insurance quote today and said it would be $400 per month! Is that normal? I'm 18 so I get that it costs more for people who are younger, but do all young people pay $400?""
""NJ auto insurance (NJCURE), anyone ever have any problems with them?""
The new insurance offered to NJ (because our rates are the highest in the nation), anyone ever use them or have any problems with them? Any advice I would appreciate.""
What homeowner insurance?
What homeowner insurance is more affordable in California?
Whats the cheapest insurance for a mustang gt for a male 16?
never owned a car before got my permit about to turn 16 looking at this mustang on craigslist
Insurance for a new driver?
I'm hoping to get my driver's license this summer (am over eighteen) but do not plan to drive in the near future since the college I'll be attending next year does not allow freshmen to have cars. Does the insurance requirement for taking the behind-the-wheel exam in CA require proof of an insurance contract under my name, or is it just the vehicle I test with have to be insured? Could I borrow my parents' car for the exam and not get insurance for myself?""
""How much would car insurance be for a f, pa, 16?""
how much would pa car insurance be for a 16 year old, female driver car suggestions: -mustang -X3 or any car on the hyprid/luxury end?""
What is the best health insurance plan for my husband and I?
We're age 20 & 22. In school. Don't receive insurance through work. Live in Michigan. No health problems right now (that we know of) lol. We can afford about $50 to $100 per month. Looking for dental and a visit or two per year to a physician (checkups) for each of us and a deductible that can work around that and decent co pay.
Car insurance lapsed? opposing insurance sends letter saying im liable.?
Long story short my insurance lapsed. I got into a car accident where i was backing out of a driveway and as i shifted the car into drive i was backed into my side driver door by ...show more
Health Insurance N. Florida?
Health Insurance CHP (Capital Health Plan) Tallahassee FL is diagnosing me? Why did my health insurance company contact my primary doctor after a hospital visit? After a recent visit to the ER due to a esophageal stricter which scared us thinking Chest pain! Spent 16 hours being observed and tested! Finally send down to endoscopy for a esophageal dilation! Did the job!! I was sent home 4 hours later! Now two weeks later I get a phone call from my Primary care Doctors office manager saying that my primary received a memo from my health insurance (after my ER visit) company and I was instructed to call and make an appointment for alcoholism counseling???? The night of the incident where I couldn't swallow, and was in pain! we had guests over and had a few beers! I gave the attending ER doctor all information including I had drank beer an hour before I got there. OK, now, For the 16 hours at the hospital and the multiple blood tests, everybody including the Dr's said everything looked good! and the Dr. that discharged me explained to my wife in detail about my blood work, said things were fine. So, why would my CHP (Capital Health Plan) health insurance company be contacting my primary? Especially about alcoholism counseling, this has NEVER been an issue in the past! I'm so upset! I've been with my primary for over 15 years and due to a knee injury he prescribes me mild pain killers, and Florida Law makes him take a urine sample every 3 months! Again this has never come up. Is this normal for an insurance company to do??? I'm so upset!!!!""
Help with finding a good honest health insurance provider?
I am a college student looking for affordable insurance with decent coverage. (it's like a needle in a haystack, I know) I don't have any major health problems, so that wouldn't be an issue. I'm already looking into state regulated programs, but I was wondering what privately owned companies might have to offer. What companies have you had a good personal experience with? Or what companies have given you the run-around? What companies should I avoid? P.s. I live in central minnesota if that makes a difference.""
How much will it cost to get me listed on my mom's insurance?
And do I have to be on their? I only want to drive it once. Thanks.
How much did you pay for car insurance as a new driver?
Insurance for International Student in US?
I am an international student and right now i'm looking for an affordable health insurance for interntaional students, since the insurance they offer at my school is too ...show more""
Which part in california is the safest place to live?
and which part in california is cheap and afforable to live ??
Cheap and good car insurance in southern California ?
I'm currently paying $135 a month for state farm insurance. I am 20 Male, clean driving record, and no accidents. I drive a 97 Toyota 4 Runner. Is there any way I can pay leas for car insurance? Or switch to another car insurance?""
Why would a good car end up at an insurance auto auction?
Looking to buy a used 2009 vehicle right now with 9,000 miles. Seller states it was purchased at an insurance auction with a clear title. Autocheck confirms this info - single owner, no accidents, no thefts, no repossessions, clear title, etc. What might be the reason this car was at the auction in the first place?""
Pregnant with no insurance in houston?
Im married so i dont know if i can even get medicare and i also know that is a process that takes time and if my calculations are right i should be close or in the 3rd month already. it might be a complicated pregnancy because of the fact that four months before this i had a miscarriage at 4 mnths so i need to see a doctor soon. any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks.
How much would insurance for a motorcycle cost for a 17 year old?
How much approximately for a 17 yr old with a 250 ninja? what about a 600cc bike? I do not have my drivers license yet, only my permit and I would get a learners permit on my bike. How much do you think it will cost?""
""Can you take drivers ed after you get your license, and still get an insurance discount after the class?""
I have my driving test coming up, but have not taken the class or an ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation) approved driving course, and was wondering if i had to take it before i got my license to get better insurance rates.""
Help solve my High Car Insurance problem...?
Thanks everyone for your valuable opinions. I just purchased an '07 black Toyota Yaris with about 24 k miles. I am a 20 yr old male living in Texas. Well my insurance went sky high from my last vehichle, an old '90 clunker Geo. It went from like 100 and something to like 350! I have Farmers Insurance. What are my options on things to do??? The title of the car is in my name. I pretty much do not have any credit. My mom happened to mention something about changing the title over into her or my grandma's name...and then she could add me as a driver to her insurance. I really don't know, the situation is very confusing. Please help me know my options, I can't afford this! P.S. All insurance companies will charge me about the same givin my age, etc.""
Can Racing Seats lower Car Insurance?
If you have a car that has no airbags and you put in Racing seats with a 4-point safety harness would that lower the payments?
rhode island health insurance for low income
rhode island health insurance for low income
How much would a car payment be and insurance?
I know this is very broad but that is what Im' looking for...a ballpark estimate. I'm 20 years old been driving for 3 years with no accidents and no tickets. I have no credit and no one to cosign. Looking into a 2006 honda civic for about $18,000 or whatever car for about $18,000. How much would payments and insurance be I make about $1,500 each month with no bills to pay.""
Should I keep my insurance while lending my car?
I will be out of the country for 6 months and would like my friend to borrow my car. She is a licensed driver and stay at home mom. I called my insurance company and they said adding her to my policy would be no extra cost to me. However she told me that since she and her husband already own a car, it would just cost $20 for them to add the car to their insurance policy and I could just cancel my policy while I am out of country. But she is not on the title. So is she right? What should I do? Thanks!""
Do I need auto insurance in this case (I live in Texas)?
I'm looking a the Texas Minimum liability insurance requirements. They have a 30/60/25 policy. $30,000 & $60,000 policy for 1 and two people's medical, and $25,000 for property damage. Well I was interested in investing some money, and I'm absolutely SICK at the interest rates given at any bank or credit union. The best around here is .75% which STINKS! So I was curious if there is any type of insurance surety account. Basically, could I put $85,000 (which would cover 1 or two people's medical, and $25k in property damage into an account that I can't touch? Is there anything like this where I could prove financial responsibility , through a surety account of some type and gain my own insurance card this way? The way I see it, my insurance is currently around $800 a year for liability here. For my $85k investment into a binding surety or insuring account I could save $800 a year. That's like drawing nearly 10% interest in savings!!! LOL! I just wonder if anything like that exists? I mean they call it financial responsibility .... It's not called insurance by law.""
Insurance cost for teens?
What is the average insurance cost for teens?
Is it possible to negotiate the weekly premium deduction of company offered health care insurance?
I was told I could not enroll in the Affordable Health Care plan because my employer offered a health care plan that meets the requirements of the Affordable Health Care Act. However ...show more
Question about first insurance quote for a young driver?
Last week I used autotrader to search for numerous quotes and found one for around 1450. Today I passed my driving test, and went back to the quote but it had to be renewed since last week which is fair enough. The lowest value today was 1576 which I am alright with. I refreshed the page a while later to find that quote had disappeared and the cheapest was 1620, with the company for that quote (elephant) at the bottom with an unable to find a quote detail. I thought it would come back soon, so I refreshed the page and then suddenly the price increased to 2950 minimum and many of the cheaper companies were now listed as unable to find a quote. Strange, but perhaps the websites are too busy to send data. An hour on though and the price is still 2950. Did anyone else have this problem? If so when was it fixed, the same day or next day? Thanks""
Can someone recommend a good and affordable dental plan?
I'm trying to find a good dental insurance that is very affordable for a middle/lower class citizen like myself. Can somebody recommend anything for somebody in my case?
Proof of insurance?
My friend wants to use my car for his driving test here in california. I know the DMV will ask for proof of insurance. I have the insurance card in my glovebox, and am under my parents insurance, but im not the actual insurance holder with my name on the card. Im just a driver under there insurance. Is my friend still able to use my car, even though im not the primary insurance holder, just a driver on the policy? Do the parents have to be there in order for it to take place?""
Getting car insurance under parents name (Ontario Canada)?
I am 19, and I want to buy my first car, how ever I cannot pay 600 dollars a month for insurance. My dad does not want me on his insurances because he does not want the risk of his insurances going up if I get in an accident. So I was thinking, would my dad be able to insure my car under a different insurance company than the one he has now, and then just put me on the insurance. There for if I get in an accident, the insurance for the new car would rise, but the insurance for his car which is under a different insurance company would stay the same?. Theoretically speaking, if the above is true, and I do get in an accident, and the insurance rises to a price where I could not afford the monthly payment. Would my dad be able to just cancel the insurance?""
High cost of insurance for retirees which is using up pensions.?
I worked 33 yrs at McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) Aircraft Corporation and retired in 1996. I received a fair pension and insurance that I had to pay, which was affordable. What started out to be affordable in 1996 has now reached unaffordable in 2007. My pension is being quickly absorbed by the cost of my insurance, which is now $933 a month for just me. Needless to say my insurance costs outweigh my monthly pension allowance now. I am a cancer survivor since 1992 yet I am unable to choose another insurance provider because I am considered, like many other survivors and patients, high risk and uninsureable. I didn't ask to be dianosed with cancer. In fact, I have always taken care of myself. Why should I/we be discriminated against after 10 or more years of being cancer free.""
Car Insurance question?
about how much does it cost for a 16 year old to be added to parents car insurance? allstate
First time driver getting insurance quotes for  4.5k is this average?
Hi I've tried a few online companies for my husband he passed today and is trying to get insurance for a 1.1 Peugeot 206 2002 plate. He's 25 and this Is his first year with a driving licence but 4.5k seems unreasonable for 3rd party fire and theft or am I justnout of touch anyone willing to share there quotes so I can get an idea if these quotes are average?
Can you deny the other parent taking the kids because of no car insurance?
I have a friend who recently found out that his ex-wife doesn't have car insurance. He's telling her that she cannot come pick up the kids because not having insurance is illegal. It's stupid and petty, but would it hold water in court?""
What would be the average price of car insurance for a 18 yearold driving a scion tc in Florida?
Thinking about buying one, trying to see what the price of insurance would be like.""
Best Insurance cover for 18 years?
Kindly tell me a way so that I can ensure a fix monthly income of 20,000 Rs. What is the easiest way to achieve this ? MF ? LIC ? What should be my investment every month and for how many months ? Thanks..""
What is the average of full coverage car insurance for a chavy blazer 2001 in north Carolina?
I am planing to buy a chavy blazer 2001 used car. I know I will need full coverage insurance. I am a good driver, haven't have any accidents or traffic violations. How much would the car insurance cost in North Carolina?""
How do you find out if someone that hit you has insurance?
the insurance information i was given after someone hit my car turned out to be fake. my insurance company called his company but was told that the policy # does not exist. so is there a way i can find out through DMV or somewhere his true insurance information? if i can't find it, would this qualify as uninsured since i have uninsured drivers coverage? it would waive my deductible and it would pay for the injuries i suffered in the accident but only if he really is uninsured.""
Car insurance for a first time driver?
i am currently looking for cheap car insurance but i can't get it any lower than 3,060 does anyone else know companys that specialize in first time drivers ?""
Do you have health insurance?
If so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind if deductable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance, also do you suppport Obamacare?""
How much is the car insurance here in london? im 18 years old holding a provisional driving license?
How much is the car insurance here in london? im 18 years old holding a provisional driving license?
Where can i buy cheap car insurance?
Hello. Im 18 years old and im looking to buy car insurance for a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 sxi 60 plate costing about 8000. I passed my test last year April 2010 and have not driven any car so i have no NCB. Where can i get cheap car insurance for around 1000-1500?
Car accident no insurance?
Long story short- we were in a car accident because this lady was trying to turn left over a double yellow line into the gas station and we hit her from behind. Well we didnt have car insurance at the time because my hubby was out of work for 3 months and you pick and choose your bills at that time. So, the cop gave us a ticket and we did a little damage on her car. Her insurance company called and said we are supposed to pay 1500.00 to fix her bumper. Well they said that we can pay a big lump-sum now and they wont take us to court or we can do payments. NOW- i understand that we need to pay for her damages, my question is that can they garnish my husband wages now that he is back at work. Or if we go to small claims court will the cost will be more then what they are offering? I DO NOT think she had that much damage. I took many photos.""
Purchasing car insurance?
I need a step by step guide to adding another car and driver to my mom's policy. I have a 1995 Ford Contour. How long will it take for her to get coverage on my car? How do I get proff of insurance?
Car insurance Questions!! HELP!!!?
My wife and I bought a used car the other day. The car dealership didnt require us to have insurance on it before we left because we paid cash for it. Well on the way home she got into a wreck. It was her fault. Someone said that the dealership covers the car up to 30 days from the time you bought it?? Does anyone know abt this? Or know how I can have it covered? Thanks
How much does insurance cost for a chimney sweep business?
I am starting a chimney sweep company and I was wondering what is an average cost to have insurance for the business (bonus points if you can say all of the types of insurance I might need) I know the standard answer is to say there is no way of knowing since this all depends on a number of factors but I literally have no clue what it would cost so ANY estimate or guess is appreciated. The business will be in Maryland and have just 1 employee with revenue I am guessing would be about 60,000 a year if that helps.""
rhode island health insurance for low income
rhode island health insurance for low income
""If someone wrecks my car and I have full coverage, would that person have to claim on their insurance also?""
Today I went about an hour away to purchase a second car. On the drive back it began snowing and the roads got very bad. I was driving my old car and a friend was driving the new one. He was in front of me, the car he drove hit a patch of ice and slid into the curb, I tried to stop but when I hit the brakes my car slid too and ran into the back of the one he drove. I have full coverage on my old, and minimum coverage on the new one. If I claim this on my insurance to cover damage, will he have to claim it on his too, or would mine cover it completly? Because I don't want to file a claim if it will effect his insurance, since it was both my vehicles. Any input would be helpful. Thanks!""
Whats the best car to get to make your insurance cheap as possible?
I turn 17 next month and start my job this month, so i'll have money spare, so i'm thinking of getting a car, but i know insurance can be really expensive, so i was wondering what car is best to keep the cost of insurance down? Thanks for answers :)""
Canceling car insurance?
I paid my car insurance for a year but I have started a new job that I get a company car. If I cancel my car insurance will I get some money back?
Whats a ball park price on car insurance for.......?
18 year old, not married, perfect driving record, in Georgia, one car, and only me being insured..... not sure about the make of the car yet haven't decided what I want. I'm planning on buying a new car and paying for it WITHOUT MY PARENTS HELP!!! Around how much would that cost me per month?""
What is the cheapest van insurance for a 18 year old with no previous insurance with a full lience?
What is the cheapest van insurance for a 18 year old with no previous insurance with a full lience?
Car insurance so much money?
my car insurance when i was 18 was $155 a month for a 95 honda civic. now i am 19, in the military and im planning to get a 08-12 honda civic. i got a quote on progressive and it said $520 a month, wtf?! i then tried usaa and they quoted me around $250. is there anyway to get my insurance down? i dont even want a car if my insurance will be more than my car payment. any advice or help is appreciated.""
""Does term life insurance fall under Obamacare and if not, what IS available to provide for my family?""
I have a potentially fatal disease and want to buy term insurance to leave something for my family. I'm hoping this pre-existing condition will not cause me to be denied, but if it would, is there another type I can buy under Obamacare? Thank you.""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost me?
Age is 16, the bike is a Kawasaki Ninja 250R (250cc), in Ontario, Canada.""
I need help with car insurance?
My parents are divorced and i live with them each 50% of the time. I just turned 16 and was put under my dads insurance. When im at my moms house am i allowed to drive her cars even though i am not listed under her insurance and live in her house part time???
I can't understand this issue. I have been living in the uk since 2008. I used to pay 900 for the insurance, then it raised to 1200 and now they ask me for 2300 for the third year renewal. I never made a claim and I have a full UK license and an international license for 11 years. I am 29 years old and I am an educated with MSc in medical sciences and I never drink or smoke. Is it because I am a foreigner. My friend is a British and he only pay 490 and he just obtained his license and we live at the same building. I can't find an answer for this problem only that car insurance companies are racist toward foreigners.""
How much can I expect to pay in car insurance?
I am looking into getting my first car, but I have little idea how much I would be paying in car insurance. I live in Massachusetts. I am going to be 17, and I have taken a driver's ed course. I also get straight A's in school (I know that some insurers offer discounts for good grades). I am a new driver, so obviously I am at high risk for an accident; but if it makes a difference I also have a clean driving record. The kind of vehicle that I am looking into getting is a 2002-2004 Ford Focus Sedan with a value between $2,000 and $3,000. I know that it is impossible to give me a 100% correct answer, but if it is possible I am wondering what range would I be looking at yearly?""
Renting an Apartment: Is this cost per month affordable for my budget?
The apartment's rent is $750 a month...I'm living with 2 other roommates, so we are dividing that cost three ways. We'll each owe $250 a month...plus electric ($35 - $50 a month), plus cable t.v. ($30 - $40 a month), plus WiFi internet ($30 - $40 a month). So all together, each of us will owe around $275 a month, roughly. I make $32,000 a year before taxes and health insurance...I make a $250 car payment per month, and car insurance is $1000 (+ or -) for 6 months. This is my first time renting (I'm 20), so I want to be sure that I can afford this apartment.""
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
What are the local home insurance rates for London?
I am trying to do a project for a public health class and I was wondering what the home insurance rates for someone owning a home in London? It would be awesome if you knew about how much it cost around the Tower Hamlets area. Also, if you do know about what percentage of people have home insurance in London, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!""
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
What is another way to say free insurance seminar ?
My insurance office is going to host a seminar to the public explaining personal lines (home, auto, commercial...) insurance coverage. What is a catchy headline for the flyer?""
Where do i get a cheap auto insurance company?
Where do i get a cheap auto insurance company?
Whe will liberals admit the affordable health care act has made health care and health insurance?
More expensive already?
Worries about insurance with a tracker?
Being a 19 year old male who lives in London, insurance was clearly going to be a problem. I have however found some decent quotes which include having a tracker fitted. Now, I don't mind it too much but I do have some worries: a) The location/address: on the quote, I provided a relative's address which is outside of London (the address is about 40 to 50 minutes away from my actual address). Consequently, the price was cut by about half! The worry I have is that if I have a tracker installed, won't it be obvious to the insurer that this isn't my real home address when they see me parking and basically using my actual address instead of the relatives'? I won't be anywhere near the relative's address b) Speed limits: I once read somewhere that '90%+ people go over the speed limit' and although I don't know how true this is, it's clear from driving that in some areas, going at 30 causes delays and its a bit daunting when you're at the limit but everyone else is just speeding past. How much would this change the insurance? c) Price: is the price of the quote they provide the limit? What I mean is if they see bad driving with the tracker, could it increase the quote or is there a limit? Thanks for any help :) P.S Happy new year!""
How much would I pay for insurance?
I am a 17 going to be 18 on October next year I am going to go and study in FL and I wanted to know about cars would buying a new one be better than an old one? how much would I pay for insurance with either new or old? I want to know exact prices to compare if it would be better to buy a new car or a used one? How much would I pay per month on the insurance?
First car recommendations and insurance help?
I'm 17 and I'm about 3 or 4 months away from passing my driving test. I've been looking at cars and really like the look of a peugeot 206 or 207 or a new model renault clio. however, the insurance is at the cheapest 2,220 - that's with out any pass plus or other drivers on it. I was just wondering if there are any other cars you people would recommend for me (my budget is 1000 for a car) and any insurance tips. no-one be stupid please, I'm a good driver and yes i do need a car :-)""
What would car insurance cost in Florida for a 16-year old male with a 2006 Ford Mustang GT?
I am currently 15 years old and I plan on getting my first car next year for my junior year in high school. One car I have just fell in love with is the 2006 Ford Mustang GT that I plan to buy used from a used car dealer. My curiosity has led me to ask what would it cost for car insurance under my circumstances and desires. I only plan to drive to school everyday and sometimes in the weekends. Of course I would need to sign my insurance under my mother's since I'm a minor. How much would this cost for me?
How much should I expect from the insurance company for these damages to my car?
I have a 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my car was hit on the drivers side between the front and back doors. The front door is really damaged and the rear door has some""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
i have a 2005 mazada 6, and im just looking fot the cheapest car insurance in pa. dose anyone know of any?""
rhode island health insurance for low income
rhode island health insurance for low income
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