#no wonder poseidon roled his eyes so hard not only we had to give up a batrle but to his younger sibling who already thinks hes the shit
eternallovers65 · 8 months
Zeus going "i will make athena set up an appointment with everyone so we can tell them my swift and crushing victory" before saying KRONOS is back is so younger brother behavior
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imagine-loki · 3 years
The Bitch of Daggers
TITLE: The Bitch of Daggers  CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter Four  AUTHOR:  i-would-kneel-for-loki ORIGINAL IMAGINE:  Imagine there being someone else like Loki in the Avengers and them meeting, that could never go wrong, could it? RATING: NOTES/WARNINGS: Feel free to give me your ideas on the story and if there’s anything I should improve or write, would love to hear your thoughts! :) 
“Loki for fuck’s sake what are you doing?” I was incredulous. It had been a week since I joined and had been spending most my time with Loki since he was the most fun and less busy than all. We pulled some pranks that weren’t well received and that got us an earful from Cap and the Director.
“So Tony goes to see Pepper for two hours every day at 7 in the night, and during that time Bruce takes a coffee break while watching a movie in the living room. Rhodey is always sleeping at this time, meaning we can act without getting caught.” Loki began explaining his plan, he was bored so decided to prank the science bros. “We will go in and set the magical thin thread that will alarm me once they cross it. Then I’ll have the dead looking illusions rise from the ground. Do you understand?”
“Uh huh.” I nodded, unsure about all this. Though his scheming was great and I certainly admired it, I was not looking forward to their reactions that I was more than certain were going to be rage-filled. He rose his eyebrow, catching onto my sceptical tone. “But what if they get really pissed? Like, really really mad? You know? What if we get like, grounded or something?”
He sighed irritated, rolling his eyes and turning to look at Tony who was on his way to the lab. “Trust me gæludýr, if that occurs, it will be worth it.” He chuckled with a smirk. God, does he look beautiful, he looks so young and carefree, eyes glowing with mischief. I had only agreed to this because I wanted to see him smile, causing chaos and mischief seemed to always brighten up his days.
“Wait what?” I asked bemused. “What did you just call me?” But he completely ignored me, smirking he went back to his couch and resumed reading his book. I let it slide, sat on the other end of the couch and continued reading my book.
Time had passed and sure enough, at 7 PM, we saw Tony walk to the elevator, and Bruce came out 5 minutes after him. We left the library quietly, looking around to make sure that we wouldn’t get caught. We made our way to the lab, scanning the place to make sure no one was here and placed the thread. “God they’re gonna go fucking ballistics over this.” I muttered amusingly. Loki only laughed, clearly happy with his plan, he seemed right at that moment, as if he was where he belonged. Perhaps he was.
After finishing we went back to the library. Two hours later, screams and curses rang through the floor, I looked at Loki to see him grinning like a madman, happy. Seconds passed when suddenly we heard, “LOKI AND OCÉANE, YOU’RE FUCKING DEAD.” Tony was enraged. We got shit for it from mainly Cap and Fury, Bruce was scarred for life, he had also hulked out from the intense fear that coursed through him the moment he saw dead bloodied bodies floating around the lab.
“It’s simple fun elskan, no need to get worried.” He smirked. He has to stop calling me names I don’t understand, this was the second time in a row. “Do not tell me you don’t enjoy annoying them?”
“Oh I do, believe me. But what if Fury denies I see Flora because of this?” I whined stomping my foot. He looked up with furrowed eyebrows, his face studying me. “You know what? It’s almost midnight, I’m gonna go take a bath, see ya.”
I had just got out of the shower and was wearing panties and a bra when Loki charged in, completely oblivious and unaware of the term privacy. He looked at me and stopped in his place, looked me up and down then licked his lips, “Well what a sight for sore eyes.” His eyes darkened.
“What do you want horn boy?” I said with an eyeroll. As I was getting a shirt from my drawer, a hand snaked around my waist and pushed me against a wall. Loki was towering over me, his breathing heavy and body pressed against mine. “Loki,” I said shakily, “What are you doing? Get off.” But I didn’t make an effort to pull him off and he took that chance by taking my hands into one of his and pinning them above me, his right knee between my legs, rubbing me. He dipped his head in the crook of my neck and began leaving open-mouthed kisses.
All sense had disappeared when I felt his soft lips against me. “Do you truly want me to get off you?” He whispered in my ear, his voice like sin and silk. He rubbed harder against me and I gasped, rolling my head to the side when he began the assault on my neck again. I began breathing hard and whimpering when he suddenly pulled back, letting go of me and taking two steps away, a large grin on his face when he saw my hands still over my head. “Stark wanted me to get you down for dinner.” With a twinkle of mischief in his eyes and a lick of his lips, he walked out, leaving me wide eyed and panting. That little bitch.
I went down to the living room after wearing pyjamas then sat next to Loki and Peter on the couch, Scott came over right when I did, “What do you guys want?” He had an awkward father smile.
“What’s on the menu?” I asked with a smile. Scott was one of the sweetest in the team, he always took on the role of the father, especially with me. At first, I found it annoying and amusing, but now it’s become rather endearing. He handed me a leaflet and I skimmed through it, “Pizza please.” I then looked up at Loki and threw him the brochure, making him scowl at me, “Your turn to choose Loki,” then flashed him a toothy grin.
“Sushi for me.” He didn’t even look at the paper, then handed it to Scott. I was surprised he didn’t fling it at him, but then again Scott was always nice to him, I guess he didn’t find a reason to be rude.
“What about you Pete?” I turned to Peter who was busy building Legos with Ned, his best friend. He looked up confused, oblivious to our conversation. “What do you want for dinner?”
“Oh uh, I’ll have pizza.” Scott smiled with a nod, muttering ‘okay’ before leaving.
During dinner Loki sat opposite me, and as soon as we all sat down, he nudged my leg with his under the table, gesturing to Thor with his head, making me look at the latter wondering just what the trickster was up to.
The God of Thunder had ordered chicken wings, so when he went to pick up another piece, it flew from his hand and around the room. I burst out laughing at Thor’s shocked expression, a few others also laughed, but the bulky man soon turned angry. “LOKI!” He bellowed, “STOP WITH THE TRICKS.” But Loki was having none of it, he kept his little display of magic until he was satisfied with the amount of laughter that erupted from the table. When he put it back down in front of his brother, he turned and winked at me, causing me to chuckle even more. “Lady Océane!” Thor called out with his booming voice, making me look at him again, “How are you settling in?”
“I’m actually settling in pretty well,” I replied honestly with a grin, “I’ve enjoyed the last couple of days, it’s like a little family here.”
“Well that’s good to hear, we’re glad you’re enjoying it.” Cap said with a smile. “Nick Fury called this morning. Said he wanted you to see him first thing tomorrow morning.” I nodded.
“I’m glad we haven’t had missions this week. It’s good to have peace.” Tony added.
“Big mood Tony.” Cap said with a serious face followed by a sigh. I choked on my slice of pizza with laughter, Peter who sat beside me chuckled. Tony turned to him with a look of disbelief and anger.
“Peter we’ve talked about this.” Peter and I laughed at Tony’s amused but furious face. “Anyway, Poseidon, do you have battle armour?”
“Poseidon?” I raised an eyebrow. “And no, I usually just wear black clothes, any type of black clothes.” I ate another pizza slice. “Hey Cap?” Steve turned to me, “Did Fury say what he sought me out for?”
“Uh yeah, something about your little sister.” I was shocked, and apparently it was obvious on my face because Loki gave me a concerned look, but I gave him a small smile to reassure him.
After dinner, Loki and I were in the library when I quietly asked. “So I was wondering, if Fury allows me to visit Flora tomorrow, would you uh- would you like to… accompany me?” I looked up at his face to try and gauge his expression, he was shocked and I immediately feared the awaited rejection. “You don’t have to though, it’s okay. I was merely pondering, I’m sorry, forget I asked.��
“No it’s okay I- I would love to.” He had a small warm smile, and I flashed him one right back, ecstatic that he agreed.
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lifeofroos · 3 years
Part 48. I like Ariadne. 
In short: Nico gets therapy from Dionysus. In this chapter, Nico takes a minute to talk to Dionysus’ wife, Ariadne. The rest of the story can be found on AO3, FanFiction.net and in Tumblr tags like Dionysus, Nico di Angelo, Fanfic etc. 
This Might Be Crazy: Chapter 48: Rosemary Tea
I lit a small incense stick. The smell of pinewood filled my cabin. Just when I wanted to begin praying to get Ariadne’s attention, I already got it. One moment, I was in my cabin, the next I was on Olympus, looking out over a massive vineyard. 
‘Nico di Angelo.’
I turned around. ‘The lady of the house, I assume.’ 
‘Yes. You called on me?’
Barely. ‘Yes. I, well…’ I shrugged. I wasn’t entirely sure. I didn’t think I’d get this far. 
Ariadne put her chin up. ‘I can’t say I wasn’t expecting you one of these days. Why don’t we talk?’
I mean, that is what I had in mind. I nodded and she gestured that I could come into the palace. 
Dionysus’ palace was big. It took a good twenty minutes to walk to a sitting room on the other side. In the meantime, Ariadne chatted about the decor for a bit. It was clear she had been responsible for most of it (it was way too stylish to be done by Dionysus). 
We sat down in two comfy chairs, with a coffee table in between. Ariadne snapped her fingers. A pot of tea appeared. ‘Sorry for the long walk. The west flank of the palace is not under control by the headmaster, so I had to bring you there.’ 
Zeus. ‘Eh, I get it.’ So. Now that we sit and we’ve got tea, I was kind of curious about how you managed to live with Dionysus for thousands of years.
‘Lets get the obvious question of your mind: You are wondering how I managed to live with Dionysus for thousands of years.’ 
I nodded, a little perplexed, but mostly glad I did not have to open the conversation. 
She poured out two cups of tea and picked up her own. ‘I don’t read minds or anything, it’s just what they always ask. The short version is that he helped me when I was going through a hard time, the same way he is helping you now. The difference is that he somehow fell in love with me.’ She took a sip of her tea. ‘And, after some more time, which he gave me, I felt the same way. Got married, stayed together, end of story.’ She picked up her cup. ‘Yet, you probably already guessed that there was more.’ 
‘Well, Yes. I would say that the support he gives you goes further than with me. He once, kind of accidently, told me about the bond.’
She nodded. ‘Accidently? Oh well. Yet, yes, we have a bond. I’d say it connects us quite well.’
‘Quite, quite well, I’d say. For thousands of years.’ I picked up my own cup. ‘Hephaestus told me Dionysus treated him like a regular human… or god, whatever. Like he was more than a tool or a piece of garbage. That is basically how my therapy works. ’
Ariadne nodded. ‘We share that sentiment, you, me and Hephaestus, among others. We feel like we are worth something. Like someone does care about us. That is how it made me feel.’ She looked at the ceiling for a second. ‘Cared for, and like I was finally free to do and go where I wanted, gods! That means something after constantly being bound to something, either my chambers in the palace, or the island, or the men I was with. I still don’t know how I did confinment for twenty years.’ Her expression soured. ‘I do know why I went with Theseus. It meant... a change of scenary, at least.’ 
I sighed and slouched in the chair a little. ‘Ah, yes, sons of Poseidon.’ 
She raised an eyebrow. ‘Sons?’
I looked up. She didn’t know? ‘I thought Dionysus would have told you. Anyway, I was in love with one of those too, once. He just wasn’t a piece of garbage about it. Did not abandon me somewhere, at least, or bully me for it. He might have been a little confused, but, you know. I get that. He seems confused about most things, actually.’
She shifted. ‘It must have been Percy Jackson.’
I took a sip. ‘Yes. And, eh, sorry.’ Didn’t want to rub it in your face. I wanted to ask what she thought of Percy, but maybe that wasn’t…
‘I do not have anything against Perseus Jackson, if you were wondering about that.’ She raised her eyebrows. ‘I think Dio has more problems with that than I do.’
‘I think you might just be right.’
She sighed. ‘Oh well. Yet, I did hear you were accepted like you are in camp, son of Poseidon as your first crush or not.’
‘I was! Camp overall is pretty accepting, actually, that is nice. They even learned to trust Hades kids. And idiots who fall in love with sons of Poseidon. It took a while, but they accept Annabeth now.’
She chuckled and pushed her hair out of the way. ‘So many more things are getting accepted these days, even amongst the gods. There is a shift in their behaviour. I don’t know what the trigger was, after thousands of years, but I am glad it is this way.’ She twisted a curl around a finger. ‘Sorry, entirely different subject, but how did your talk with the elder gods go?’
‘It was weird, but it went good enough. Over the last few days, I have heard less and less of the voices from Tartarus, and more and more from the voices of where the Elder Gods are.’
She smiled and nodded. ‘Luckily. You know, admitting the elder gods is a central part of becoming immortal. Because of previous lives, something, something, even the lord of the heavens is not really sure, I had to talk to them.’ She sighed. ‘Basically, part of me is also an older god, which meant that I was supposed to fill this role as a goddess right now.’ She rolled her eyes. I snickered. ‘I hardly understand what it means.’
I adjusted my jacket. ‘Still, that must be strange, though, to know that part of you is just…’ I waved my hands around. ‘Somewhere in superheaven.’
‘You get used to it.’
‘Still, it seems weird.’ 
‘To me, it seems weird that you visit the Underworld so often.’ She shuddered. ‘For me, it wasn’t a very good place. After I was killed, I was sent to Elysium. My father, king Minos, kept trying to control me and I missed Dio terribly. I would have chosen rebirth if Dionysus hadn’t taken me out of there.’ 
‘Oh yes, bringing people back to live, the thing he tells me is unhealthy to do.’
She gave me a mellow smile. ‘The difference is that he is immortal and you are not.’ 
Maybe. ‘Not yet. And I met king Minos, too. He was a nasty piece of work, sorry not sorry to say it. He tried to control me into his evil villian plans.’
‘I am not offended. He was a bad king, a bad husband to my mother and a bad father to his children.’
‘And a bad partner to raise the dead with.’
‘I am going to pretend I did not hear that.’
‘Thanks. Although my therapist is already aware of it.’ I took a sip. ‘Then we can both agree that he was a huge dirtwad.’
‘We quite certainly can. I still do not forgive him for marrying off my youngest sister to some old king who died not even a year later. She was then forced out of the palace to make room for the new king and queen, just so Minos could get the bridewealth payments.’
‘Oh yes, that is a very dirtwad thing to do.’ We both sighed.
Her expression grew dark. ‘I used to think my mother was better. She tried to protect her children, even Asterion. Yet, that was before she tried to take my labyrinth and use it against who I am. What she did a few years ago, raising it without my permission…’ she clutched her fist. ‘She had no business doing that and getting me wound up in it again. Before that, the labyrinth was a memory, safely far away from the human world. Now...’ She looked at her teacup. 
I nodded. ‘Eh… my sister was the one who handled Pasiphae in that encounter. I think she is gone, now…’
‘She isn’t, Nico, and she never will. She harnesses too much power to just be gone.’ 
I fell silent for a second. ‘I think I believe that,’ I whispered. 
‘I hope you do, but I also hope you don’t have to deal with her in your lifetime anymore.’
I was fifteen. On average, there was a lot of lifetime left to meet Pasiphae a second time. But I did not want to think of that right now.
‘If there is anything you take away from this, let it be that women in mythology, and not uncommonly men too, often fled, because the situation at home was chocking them.’ She had a flicker in her eyes, which suddenly left. She shook her head. ‘You probably don’t want to think of that right now. Say, have you ever tried this tea before?’
Now she was just trying to change the subject. I played along. ‘I recognise it. Rosemary?’
‘Yes! We grow it in the garden, actually, or better said, my garden. His garden is more or less... taken.’ She smiled again and looked out the window, at the vineyard that spread all around the castle. 
‘Guess that makes sense.’
‘I wouldn’t mind more flowers. But hey, I knew what I was getting myslef in to, back when I moved here.’ We kept looking out the window. I noticed a few panthers lazily roaming about. Ariadne didn’t even blink at seeing them. Just a regular day in Dionysus’ palace, apparently. 
‘I don’t know if I will tell Dionysus about this encounter.’
‘I think he already had a hunch it was going to happen, because I did. Bond and stuff.’ I nodded. ‘If you already told him you were in love with Percy… well, that is an easy link to me, I’d say.’
Maybe. Ariadne studied me, before she stood up. ‘If your finished, maybe you should get back. They might begin to miss you. 
I looked up at the clock and jumped up when I saw it was already past eight. Ariadne telling me the clocks were mad and did what they wanted did not calm me down. 
While we walked back to the mystic Zeus-free west flank, she said: ‘I am glad I could finally meet you. You seem like a nice, smart young man.’
‘Thanks. Eh, also, thanks for the talk and thanks for the tea. It was good tea.’
‘I’ll give you some. I am kind of proud of it, actually. It is one of the only teas that isn’t brewed by Demeter.’ 
A/N: My first draft of this felt clunky, it is better now. Still, I find it strange that it turned out the way it did. That Ariadne of all people is the goddess who keeps her distance for a bit, aside from the things she has in common with Nico.
As I said before: I need more Ariadne fanfiction I am being denied my RIGHTS the first hit when I google it is my own fanfic of two years ago and one chapter in Weezl’s drabble doc. 
Legit, Ariadne is the ‘mistress of the labyrinth.’ Don’t know how RR missed that. Be prepared because this fact WILL come back in a later chapter. 
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griffinsandpeacocks · 4 years
A Tie And A Cry
A/N: A cute fluff story regarding domesticity. @piersthepenguin for the prompt idea. The list of ideas on a Pinterest prompt post that we liked and agreed to do together is a previous post I made after i was tagged by Penguin; link here to their post: 
This one is Adjusting the other’s jewelry or tie as well as the one for reacting to the other crying about something. I decided this was going to be a romantic ship but it’s pure fluff and no smut; just cute tender moments between a tailor and the King of the Underworld. Once I started I couldn’t stop and realized I did a two for one. So here it is.
Lumiere saw Hades fighting with the charcoal tie and chuckled. He walks up and gently smooths the now rumpled cloth. He smiles as Hades stills and let’s the tailor close his brown eyes warm with fondness as he affectionately swats the god with the tail of the tie then carefully does it and adjusts it to fit snug but not too tight against Hades’ neck, then folds the collar down and smooths it. 
“Brat.” Hades chuckles his own blue eyes filled with affection as he grins and the slight wrinkles at the corners of his eyes remind Lumiere of how deceptive the youth of this god is. Hades was an ancient god, and he had carefully ruled the Underworld for ages beyond what Lumiere could fully grasp due to just how far back his lover’s history extended. 
He was glad this ancient beautiful man loved him. He loved how much faith and trust Hades had in him and how easily he was able to return that same trust and faith. It was no struggle to trust Hades’ word, Hades was careful with them after all. As easy as it was to love the god though; he was ancient and had had many loves but when he chose a lover it rarely went in his favor and Lumiere wanted nothing more than to prove to Hades he was not like any of them. Yet it was hard to do that as much as Hades showed he loved him he was still jaded in some ways and though never distant or rude to him Lumiere at times felt like he knew little of his lover. So Hades trusting him with new facts or information about his past or himself was like gold for the once candelabra.
He even knew, as odd as it may sound, Hades had a fear of being stuck in an enclosed space that was dark. Hades had explained to Lumiere only recently why that was after getting panicked when a storm had knocked out power and thus the soft light Hades had in his room. He’d summoned a blue flame in a knee jerk reaction and had looked started and afraid. Lumiere had wondered what had him so scared and Hades had shut his eyes shaking as he took steadying breaths.
“Hades... Are you crying?” Lumiere had hesitated to ask but seeing wet trails reflect in the flame light made him too concerned to stay quite. Hades swallows and meets the worried dark eyes and he doesn’t know what to do a long moment of silence reigns between them. Without breaking it Lumiere lifts an arm out offering Hades his side to hide in. The god paused but moves closer.
“How much do you know about greek myth?” Hades had asked sitting by his lover on the bed and leaning into his side staring down at the fire in his hand. Lumiere had wrapped an arm around him watching the soft caramel give a strangely pale glow in the blue light. Hades looked ashen in his own fire light, it was oddly discomforting though Lumiere couldn’t say why.
“A bit. Not much I am afraid I know a few names and their roles.” Lumiere admits and Hades takes a deep breath shaking and smiling softly but brittle as glass when Lumiere tightens his arm around him.
“Do you know about the Titans?” He asks and Lumiere shakes his head Hades sighs and swallows thickly. He almost wished Lumiere did so he can skip the backstory.
“Long ago, before many things were even walking across the world, Gia and Ouranos made a union and gave rise to the titans, one of those titans was my father... Kronos. He was the king among them after castrating his father. He started a union with Rhea. My mother. A prophecy came one day... Like his father he would be usurped by his own son. This caused him to become... Paranoid. My mother did her best to keep me away from him and protected. One day he had enough he came before she could hide me and swallowed me.” Lumiere makes a disgusted sound and Hades chuckles shivering softly as he looks up and Lumiere sees a haunted look so keeps his words silent but his eyes worriedly watch as Hades takes another moment before he continues.
“I spent years alone... Trapped in a dark void only occasionally spoken to by my father mostly so he could mock me. Then one day he informed me I had a brother. Poseidon. Like me he was trapped with no way out and he like me would be left forgotten except by him. It was twisted and disturbing. To know I had a sibling somewhere... With no way to find him unless Kronos wished it. It was years before we were freed by Zeus. Even longer for my body to heal from the escape given he well... Took several snaps at us as we were fleeing. I... When it’s dark even knowing where he is I hear him and I-” Hades shakes violently and Lumiere carefully and gently pulls him into his lap and wraps him in his arms to avoid burning himself or accidently setting Hades on fire. 
“I have the sense that I wouldn’t last a second against him though I want to swear to defend you I know I am far feebler than you. Unfortunately I am a mere mortal and you are far more capable of protecting anything than I am. However, I do promise to listen when you need me to or to merely be here to hold you and talk to you to remind you he is nowhere near you and will never be again. You had to have made sure of that given he isn’t around anymore.” Lumiere says gently into the soft white and blue hair. Hades chuckles and leans into his lover. Though Lumiere was slighter than him he was taller and he fit snuggly against his chest. 
“My brothers and I sealed him and many other Titians within Tartarus. So long as the gate remains sealed, he is trapped. To be honest no Olympian would ever open that door especially Poseidon and I. Mostly becuase none of them like the Underworld.” Hades had said and he had looked up at Lumiere who had never stopped watching him worried and though tired he wasn’t going to fall asleep when Hades was shaking like a leaf in his lap. 
“It might help that there’s a bident wielding God King that would handedly kick their sorry hides back out of his kingdom if they even tried.” Lumiere says smiling and Hades gives a crooked smile back his features relaxing greatly as he carefully sets the flame in a bowl he grabbed from the kitchen which he places on the desk across the room and he lays down and pulled Lumiere close. They had slept that night with a few jolts from Hades but he calmed down quickly seeing Lumiere there each time. A small reminder the Titians were long gone.
Back in the present Hades carefully adjusts the chain his ember hangs on around Lumiere’s neck. He gently tucks it under the collar of the tailor’s button up then fiddles with the cravat at his throat smirking as he knows the Frenchman was quite talented with his hands.
“You know... I can’t imagine you in a wig.” Hades says hands shifting to playing with the tied back blond hair and Lumiere chuckles. His smile lights up his worn features and brings out the youthful scoundrel's demeanor Lumiere was still well known to have even in his twilight years.
“I can’t imagine you lit up in fire yet apparently you used to do that frequently. Hot head.” He teased affectionately. Hades chuckles and lightly bumps their foreheads together.
“Alright Candelabra, we’re gonna be late if we don’t go soon.” He says and they slide their hands together matching rings easily resting beside one another that Hades had gotten them when he had decided to show he was dedicating however much time he had with Lumiere to the mortal.
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Chapter 5 - Catalyst
Fic series: The Final Straw (HP/PJO Crossover Fic)
Premise: A fight breaks out during first period.
Taglist: @ilvermornymascot, @lukecastellandeservedbetter
Word Count: 1,540
A/N: Back to our regularly scheduled programming! I was up all night last night working on the chapter because honestly sleep isn’t a thing anymore. I think this is my personal favourite chapter by far and yes it is absolutely because I made a “my father will hear about this” reference. Might bring that one up again, but we’ll see XD Hope you enjoy!
"What do you think it means?" Harry asked at breakfast the next day. "The prophecy. I mean, the bridge? What tether? The one I had to deal with wasn't this hard to decipher." 
"Our prophecies never mean what you think," Nova said. "Whatever the bridge is, it couldn't mean a literal bridge. Maybe it's a person. Someone that acts as a bridge to connect both sides." 
"So, you?" Percy raised an eyebrow. 
"Or, it could mean a God," she gave him a look. "Like Janus."
"I never want to deal with him again." The son of Poseidon complained.  
"You never wanted to deal with a prophecy again. Anything's possible." Annabeth said. Percy glared at her and scowled. Things hadn't been patched up between them since the previous night. "I wonder which of us will be the heroes. I hate to say it, but Percy and Harry are guaranteed to be involved." 
"It could be anyone," Hermione snapped. "Harry couldn't possibly be involved in another prophecy. Not so soon." Annabeth opened her mouth to respond until Nova held up a hand. 
"I'm going to stop both of you now before this gets out of hand." The rule Ilvermorny had about students sitting with others of different years and houses expanded to the wizards and demigods. So far Nova was overwhelmed by all the fighting happening around her and wanted to keep that at bay at her table at the very least. Especially while she was still waking up. "We should just drop talk about the prophecy for the time being. It's not helping anyone, and parts won't be figured out or revealed until the right time."
The table agreed and fell silent. Around them, were groups of students having the same conversation Nova just cut-off, or arguing with each other. It seemed that the various rooming situations either worked out really well or went very wrong. Rachel and Luna, in particular, had gotten along right away. "What's a wrackspurt?" 
Hermione scoffed, and Ron groaned at Rachel's question. Harry and Ginny, on the other hand, tried to suppress giggles. Luna's eyes lit up as she explained what they were to the redhead and barely looked up when Professor Lieberman, the Pukwudgie Head of House, handed over their schedules.  
When the Professor got around to Nova, she handed her a small envelope as well. "The Headmaster asked me to give this to you." 
"Thanks, Professor." 
After scanning the schedule, she headed to combat and duelling in the training grounds. The class had a mixture of students from all four houses, a few of which were the transfer students. She tried to mask her annoyance when she noticed Clarisse and Draco were in the class together. Something was bound to go wrong.  
The students made their way to the two professors teaching the class and listened to the introduction. "Hello, class. For those that don't know, I am Professor Sullivan, the flying and duelling instructor. I will be sharing a class with Professor Beaumont as it is vital we teach you, students, every form of fighting." 
"But demigods can't use magic," An Ilvermorny student called out.  
"And wizards don't have any weapons!" A demigod added.  
"Please leave questions and comments at the end of the lecture," Professor Beaumont commanded. The class quieted down, and the ones that were speaking out looked sheepish. "You both make good points. Although some Demigods can use magic, it is just different from the wizards."  
"Our goal in this class is to teach you how to fight against an opponent you would have never expected." Sullivan continued. "However, for today, we will have the wizards with me, and the demigods with Professor Beaumont. Is that clear?" 
"Yes, Professor," the class chorused.  
"Any questions?" 
Nova raised her hand, trying not to feel stupid. "For those of us that fit into both categories – because I know I'm not the only one – where do we go?" 
"Fan of flying?" Sullivan asked.  
"You know I'm not." Nova sighed.  
"Go with the demigods." The Professor smirked. "If you're not afraid of flying, you'll be with me today. If you are, join Nova." 
The groups split off, and Percy made his way next to Nova. "Flying?" 
"Yes, we can fly on broomsticks," Nova braced herself for the teasing. "No, they aren't the basic straw brooms in media." 
"I'm pretty sure I'm the first person to ask you about that," Percy mused. "And yet, you already sound annoyed." 
"I know you well enough to know that I'm aware I'll never hear the end of it," she rolled her eyes. 
"You two!" Professor Beaumont interrupted their banter. "Have something to share with the rest of the class?" 
"No," they said, sheepishly.   
"Great, then I'm going to assume you were listening to instructions," Cassia said. "I don't care who you partner with, just try not to kill each other." 
"Frank, what were the instructions?" Percy leaned over to his friend.  
"Get into groups of two, and practice combat," he told them. "We have an uneven number, though." 
"We could be a group of three?" Nova suggested. "Take turns fighting each other. Third person watches and dictates who wins each round." 
"Sure, why not," Percy shrugged, grabbing his pen from his back pocket. "You and me first, Nova? I miss training with you." 
"You’re on, Jackson," she removed a bronze hair clip and flipped it to reveal Harpe. Percy got into position facing her, and uncapped Riptide. Nova was a bit nervous facing off against Percy. He was the only one able to match Luke in a fight when they were twelve, and she remembered it well. He was skilled, and Nova planned to give him a real challenge.  
The demigod made the first move, almost losing his balance when Nova dodged him. She moved forward, forcing Percy to back up from where he stood. She managed to stay in control of the fight until Percy deflected her blade, and forced it out of her hands. Grabbing the hilt, Percy shrugged and tossed it back to her. Nova easily caught it, and they continued on.    
They parried for quite a bit, neither of them willing to give up. Weaving through the other teams, they swiftly moved across the grounds and stayed evenly matched with one another. Without realizing it Nova and Percy had moved closer to the castle walls. The roles of offence and defence were switching between them constantly. It was as though they were silently communicating as they continued to train.  
Percy was offence when he realized they were closer to the castle and saw it as an opportunity to overtake Nova. He maneuvered their fight so that her back was against the wall, and rested his blade against her throat. His left arm braced against the wall right above her head. "You know if you don't apply pressure, I could easily get out of this hold."  
"If I drew blood, I'd get in trouble," he replied. "And seeing as you have an advantage, why not use it?" 
"Catching my breath, I suppose." Nova lied, blushing.  
"We could stop the fight here." 
"What would be the fun in that?" 
"BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU THROW THAT THING!" Nova's attention moved from Percy to the students up on brooms. Draco was descending from his position and angrily marched up to Clarisse who had gone to collect her spear.  
"Better go deal with this," Nova groaned.  
"Clarisse may not listen to you, I should help." Percy insisted, moving away from the wall to let her go.  
"She won’t listen to anyone but Will," Nova shrugged. "Go train with Frank, I'll be fine." 
The Head Girl made her way to the two, as they began a shouting match. "I should be allowed to throw my spear wherever the hell I want, Pretty Boy." 
"And I should be able to have a friendly competition with my classmates without worrying about being killed!" He argued back.  
"Dude, a bludger has the potential to kill you," Nova intervened. "I get your point, but think realistically. Wizard sports are about as safe as weapons." 
"No one asked you!" Clarisse and Draco chorused.  
"Yeah, I don’t care," she crossed her arms. "Here's what's going to happen. Clarisse, you're going to throw your spear in any direction away from the wizards. Malfoy, your father will not hear about it, so shut up and stop being dramatic."  
Both parties stared at her completely speechless, Clarisse reeling in anger. Draco just looked shocked, not having said that phrase since his fifth year at Hogwarts. Harry tried to suppress his laughter as the crowd watched, but failed. "Seriously, Potter?" 
All the Chosen One could do was nod, too busy laughing to say anything. Everyone stood around awkwardly, not sure what was so funny. "Thank you, Nova, but we'll take it from here." 
Nova stepped back, and let the professors talk to the two of them and sort something out. "Since it's the first day, I won’t give either if you detention. However, I will deduct ten points each from Horned Serpent and Wampus."  
"Professor!" Draco whined.  
"Five more points!" Sullivan snapped. "Now get back to your activities and no more arguing for the rest of the period."
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author-morgan · 5 years
Phobia ☤ Alexios
ten - payments owed
“Be strong, saith my heart; I am a soldier; I have seen worse sights than this.”
Fate decrees two kindred souls from two different empires will find one another, and the spear shall be made whole again.
THE ADRESTIA DWARFS the merchant vessels docked beside her in Piraeus' harbor. Irene finds her captain at the helm, retouching the painted map of the Aegean with blue and green pigment. "Irene!" The captain greets, rising as quickly as his aging knees will allow.
Irene looks around at the ship. Compared to others she's sailed on, it seems more likely the Adrestia will sink then stay afloat in its current state. "What was she like when you first took command?" The princess asks, running her fingertips over a splintering part of the railing.
The captain turns to look up at the Adrestia's mast. He remembers the first time he saw the ship well. She was nearly as beautiful as the Paralus. Her hull was plated in iron and painted in Korinthian plum and gold. A dark grey sail emblazoned with Lady Justice. Years have since passed and now bare wood shines through what little paint remains. The sea has claimed most of the iron plating, and Lady Justice has since been replaced by a fading red eagle on stained white.
"A mighty vessel!" Barnabas remarks, eyes closed in evocation. "Sure to weather any storm." Some of the Cyclops' men claimed not even Poseidon himself could sink the Adrestia. Barnabas was a godly man, but even he had to wonder if there was truth in the claim.
If Alexios is to sail the Aegean in search of his mother, he will need the Adrestia as she once was -mighty. "I will sponsor any repairs or upgrades you see fit," Irene announces.
Barnabas isn't sure if the gods have taken his ability to hear -but Irene's words and expression are genuine. "You-" he stumbles over the words "-you are too generous, Irene!"
She takes both of his hands. "Consider it repayment for saving my life all those years ago." Irene knows if it had not been for his kindness, she would have never lived to see Athens. The Order would have found her and her fate would have been the same as Hydarnes. "And please," she notes with a reserved smile, "you and the crew are welcome to stay at the villa."
"NO!" IRENE CRIES through laughter, unable to believe the Eagle Bearer had been disarmed and cornered by a measly smuggler. Phoibe assures her it's a true story though -and one of her favorites about the trouble Alexios used to get her out of on Kephallonia.
"He had a blade at his throat and his stomach, but the smuggler never saw the bear!" Phoibe pretends to lunge toward Irene and it sends the princess backward in another fit of laughter. She would have liked to see these stories Phoibe spoke of first hand.
"If not for a certain girl we would have never been in that situation," Alexios says with a dry chuckle, appearing from the shadows. It seems Phoibe may have left out the part where she'd been caught stealing from the wrong person -and embellished the role of the bear.
"Alexios!" The girl exclaims, jumping to her feet -her wide grin does not diminish.
Irene notices he is holding his left arm at an odd angle, out of the light. Judging by the blood on his clenched right fist, he is trying to conceal a fresh wound. A frown crosses over her countenance, but it is hidden by the time Phoibe turns her attention back to her. "Why don't we finish trading stories another time?" Irene suggests.
The girl's smile fades, displeased at the thought of leaving so soon but Alexios nods toward the villa's entrance. "Run along, Phoibe," he says. She huffs in defiance but goes without verbal protest. Alexios has never seen her listen to him so easily or quickly.  
Irene rises and circles the misthios proving her initial observation correct. On his upper arm is a jagged cut. "Sit," she says, pointing at the edge of the fountain. Alexios does as he's told and lets his arm fall naturally. Blood begins running down his arm again. "What happened?" She asks, dipping a strip of linen into the water, sitting at his side.
"Caught off-guard by a bounty hunter," he answers, watching as she washes out the wound. The princess raises her brow, clearly questioning why he had run into another mercenary. "Sparta doesn't take kindly to people burning their war supplies." Irene rolls her eyes as she wipes away the blood -both dried and fresh- trailing down his arm. "It was an accident," he supplements but somehow she doubts it was truly an accident. The Eagle Bearer seems to be a glutton for trouble and punishment.
Her fingers prod the cut. "It's not too deep," she tells him. It wouldn't need to be stitched or burned, but it does need to be cleaned and bound. She wraps the cut tightly and begins picking winterbloom and rose petals from flower boxes to grind with dried yarrow. Alexios watches her work with the faintest of smiles –there is something about being in her presence that calms him and makes it feel as if the weight on his shoulders is not so heavy.
Removing the piece of linen, Irene presses the red-tinged, fragrant paste into the bloody wound. The insistent stinging fades almost immediately and the bleeding stops. "Where'd you learn to do that?" He asks –such skill would have come in handy more than a few times in his travels.
She doesn't break focus as she begins rewrapping the strip of linen around his left bicep. "Zephyr always said medicine was in my blood," she shrugs, tying off the dressing with a small knot, "but Theophilus taught me." Theophilus had been the only physician in Athens willing to take her on as an apprentice. As a student, she worked hard and learned quickly but her pursuits in medicine were soon halted by disapproval from elder members of the elite class. Irene wipes her hands on the dark chlamys covering a peplos of fine silk.
Alexios moves his arm, pleased to feel there is no lingering pain. "A fighter and a healer," he remarks, glancing from the neatly tied bandage to her, "that's a rare combination." Irene's smile is tenuous, her cheeks florid from his plaudit.
INSTEAD OF PAYMENT, the Eagle Bearer asks for information. Alkibiades is stunned by the proposition, though any surprise is quickly masked behind a taunting simper. He feigns hurt, clutching at his half-bare chest. "Are you sure you don't want to know my fancies, misthios?" Alexios crosses his arms, giving the lewd man a harsh glare. "Fine. Fine," he shrugs off the rejection.
Alkibiades steps back in deep thought. Perikles has proposed several matches for Irene in the past, as did Zephyr before the gods took him. Even Kleon has spent years hoping to gain Irene's hand. This mercenary is the first man outside of the Periklean Circle Irene seems to be able to tolerate. He decides to tell Alexios a few of the princess' favorite things in hopes it will make her happy.
"Seashells and pearls, sweet wines and pomegranates, poppies and roses," Alkibiades rattles off a list in quick succession. He could name more things the princess enjoys, but those were sure to win her favor -more so than luxurious gifts and insincere poems.
Alexios commits the list to memory and thanks Perikles' ward. "Most mercenaries don't concern themselves with anything other than a night," Alkibiades remarks offhandedly and stops the misthios in his tracks. "Why her, Alexios?" The Eagle Bearer finds he does not have an answer to give, only the involuntary feeling in his gut and heart.
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resurgence-rp · 6 years
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Under the cut you can check out all the players that have been accepted for their roles. Congratulations! Please take a look at the instructions at the bottom of the page. For those who haven’t been accepted this time around, don’t be discouraged! Send me a message if you want more feedback on your application and I would love for you to re-apply in the future! Congratulations again to all of you and Welcome to RESURGENCE!
✦ Roman, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Heath Arlington & Cormac Newman. You chose two characters that are practically opposites, and yet you managed to bring them both to life. I was completely in love with both your applications! For Heath, I absolutely adored the way you developed the parallels between Cerberus and the underworld, and how much the club means to them. And for Cormac my favourite thing is definitely his identity crisis of sorts, and how he’s trying to solve it actually making it the topic of his thesis. I think there’s so much potential here and I can’t wait to start seeing them in action! Great job! (fcs: finn wittrock, thomas doherty)
✦ Marie, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Elena Lima & Pietro da Costa. Elena and Pietro are trouble in such different ways, but also in the best way. Elena with her almost naivety when it comes to romance, and her need for attention; and then Pietro, this reformed devastatingly charming surfer who’s out to break all of our hearts. It’s not easy to write two apps for two major gods like Aphrodite and Poseidon - but you managed to do it wonderfully! I can’t wait to start writing with you, and see what’s going to happen with them. Amazing job! (fcs: bianca santos, marlon teixeira)
✦ Shannon, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Valentine Wyght. I absolutely loved Valentine’s family history, and how much that impacted on his personality. How is rebellious ways started as a way of trying to belong, and the search for a place he could finally called home basically still follows him around. I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen to him now that he’s back and he’s clearly seeing things from a different perspective. Is the bad boy attitude over for good? I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Amazing job! (fc: sean teale)
✦ Harleigh, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Rhiannon Hébert. A champion returns! Lawful evil Rhiannon? Sign me up! One of the most interesting things about Hera as a goddess is how grey her morals are. Sometimes she’s a hero, sometimes she’s an icon, and others she appears like a true villain. I think your app for Rhiannon reflects just that. It’s hard to portray such a morally grey character in a modern setting, but you did a wonderful job, and I can’t wait to see the queen of Mount Wells in action! Drama is assured! (fc: paulina singer)
✦ Kiki, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Dorian Winslow. One of the things I love the most about Dorian is that he’s such a wild card. The way he’s written, mixed with the Dionysus’ soul component pretty much allows you to go anywhere with him. You saw this change, and took advantage from it flawlessly. From his passion for art, to his predilection for social media, to his commitment when it comes to equality; there’s a lot of potential there and i can’t wait to see him in action! Great job! (fc: avan jogia)
✦ Nat, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Naia Guerrero. What a lovely and refreshing application this was! I’m so glad that Naia is here to complete our trio! I love how determined she is, how passionate she is, her relationship with the ocean since the beginning, how her parents’ divorce affected her, and how she balances partying and having fun with starting her own life project. I think there’s so much potential there, for both development and drama, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for her. Wonderful job! (fc: bruna marquezine)
✦ Kat, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Vera Whittemore. I love love love how much thought you put into this application. You just need to read your occupation section to realise you’ve planned everything in Vera’s life to the T, and that’s absolutely amazing to see. You’ve managed to take the info in the skeleton, and give it your own twist, turning Vera into a complex character I’m so eager to see grow here. I can’t wait to write with you and see her in action. Congratulations! (fc: dominique provost-chalkley)
✦ Izzy, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Edith Pratt. There’s a Clover, and also an Edith, and I couldn’t be happier we got our terrible duo complete from the very beginning! I love the extra quotes you added to the app, but my favourite part were definitely the headcanons. The ones about her relationship with her mum in particular. I feel like you managed to keep the “villain” aspect of Edith but at the same time you made her realistic, and that was amazing to read. I can’t wait to see what she brings to the table! (fc: sky ferreira)
✦ Nella, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Nina Campbell & Thea Crawford. When I saw your apps for these characters, my first thought was that it was going to be difficult not to make them similar. Even though their stories and backgrounds are completely different, it would be easy to fall for that trap. However, you avoided it completely! You gave Nina a very defined personality, and you wrote a very misguided one for Thea, which I believe was key for both interpretations. I can’t wait to see what kind of situations they’ll both go through now that they’re making changes in their lives. Great job!  (fc: naomi scott, sofia carson)
✦ Dani, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Tristan Santiago. Finally a Tristan! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw your application. I absolutely loved how detailed it was. Tristan’s relationship with his family, everything to do with his biological father, and his reaction to this sudden fame he has gained after what happened - everything is so well thought and beautifully written that I could go on and on about all the parts I enjoyed while I was reading it. I can’t wait to write with you and see Tristan develop! Wonderful job! (fc: diego boneta)
✦ Mia, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Dera McClery. I absolutely love Dera. I think she’s one of the most interesting characters of this roleplay, and I’m so glad she has found such a passionate roleplayer to bring her to life. My favourite part of your app were definitely the headcanons. You managed to combine fundamental traits of her character with little things that also paint a perfect picture of who Dera McClery is. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for her and her abilities! Congratulations! (fc: saoirse ronan)
✦ Chloe, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Amdeus Minett. We have all of our love gods with us and I couldn’t be happier about that! Pretty much like Eros and Aphrodite themselves, Amadeus and Elena paint such a different picture of what love means, and I’m eager to see how that develops. I love how passionate he is about his art and how his creations seem to be the only true love he can keep (and let me tell you, I also appreciate that you went into so much detail about his art preference). There’s a ton of potential, and I can’t wait to see Amadeus grow as a character! Amazing job! (fc: joe keery)
✦ Caitlin, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of David Arevalos. A starving artist that works as a barista - I read that bit and I was already in love. David is simply adorable, and your application was a pleasure to read. I love his sensitivity, the way he thinks about art, and his interest in divination was such a good addition! Honestly all I could think while I read the app was that I want him as a best friend, please. I can’t wait to see him in action, and all that he’s going to bring to the rp! Congratulations!  (fc: tyler posey)
✦ Morgan, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Preston Carver. I was dying for a Preston! He’s definitely one of my favourite characters (maybe because I’m a gamer who plays D&D as well). I love that he’s the go to guy whenever someone is having computer problems (the text to his mum killed me), and on a more serious note, I really enjoyed how you balanced his gamer past with his present - how he enjoys interacting with people and how his personality comes alive when he’s on stream. Also I play a rogue, so much appreciated. Great job!   (fc: alberto rosende)
✦ Jane, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Zachary Bailey. I was so relieved when your application came because I was afraid we were going to start without our king of Mount Wells himself! Your interpretation of Zac is basically all that I would except in a modern Zeus, and more. Occupation: rockstar? Depending on his father’s money? Trying to drag his friends around towards every crazy scheme he comes up with? Just flawless. And to conclude, the text messages made me laugh out loud. Amazing job! (fc: michael b. jordan)
✦ Spooky, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Katrin Moreno (soul of Hecate). I love love the whole idea of Katrin. Their relationship with their parents, their grandmother, how they leaned on their friends, the fact that their background was so different from the usual one you’d find in Mount Wells - and yet they persevered and turned that into something magical; honestly I was hooked from the very beginning. I truly believe they will be a fantastic addition to the roleplay, and I can’t wait to see them in action! Congratulations! (fc: danny noriega/adore delano)
✦ Emma, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Clover Wald. This was such a difficult decision! Both applications had very good and different interpretations of Clover. Ultimately what swayed me was the amazing balance of her neutral evil nature. I enjoy a character who isn’t afraid to do morally grey stuff and is proud of it - and that’s exactly what Clover is about. There’s so much potential in her, and honestly I can’t wait to see how exactly she’ll shake things up. Wonderful job! (fc: courtney eaton)
✦ Aaliyah, you’ve been accepted to play the roles of Layla Dunn. Layla is completely and absolutely adorable. I love the fact that she’s very rational and practical, but she’s also got some pluck in her. I also find really interesting that she’s participating in the Science fair to possibly gain some perspective on what to do after she graduates. I feel that was a great way of giving your own interpretation and twist to the info in the skeleton! On a side note, the bit about Pottermore was fantastic; and I’m also addicted to Color Switch. Great job! (fc: jessica sula)
This is what you need to do next:
Track all of the tags (found HERE)
Make your character account send it in within 24 hours
Open up your askbox
If for any reason you need more time to get your account in, don’t hesitate to message me so I can keep your role open! If I don’t get a message from you then I will assume you’re no longer interested in keeping your spot. Once you send your account, you’ll be provided with the necessary links and we can get started! And of course; HAVE FUN!
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marysuereactors · 7 years
Jane Anemone Smith - Percy Jackson
Hi ! I’m sending you an Percy Jackson OC for a review, if you’re not too busy. English is not my first language and I’m translating this, so I apologize for the mistakes you’ll probably find here <.< Thanks a lot for your time !
Full name : Jane Anémone Smith
Interesting name, I like it.
Godly parent : Lethe. The first reaction for most people about it is usually « Wait, isn’t that a river ? ». Lethe was/is actually also a goddess. However, the thing about Lethe’s children is that no one remembers them. Jane is always being forgotten, almost immediately. Actually, Percy and Nico remembered her. Nico because he’s the son of Hades and she’s linked to the Underworld through her mother ; and Percy because she’s linked to a river, which is… Well, water. Lethe, here, is considered being linked to the river. She can be seen as the human form of the river. It means that only sons/daughters of Hades or Poseidon, and eventually a few children of Hecate can remember her, but that still requires lots of efforts. And since there are plenty of sons of Poseidon and Hades… There aren’t many people to remember her. Lethe doesn’t have her own cabin - she’s probably been forgotten, or maybe she forgot to ask for it, and anyway, she doesn’t have many children. Or rather, Lethe might not remember who her children are. Lethe is an unbelievably vague person. Jane has never met any of her brother/sister. If she really spends a lot of time with people, they will end up remembering her, but if they stay away, they will forget everything about her again (it’s like learning something new : if you study it several times, you will learn it correctly, but you may forget everything if you don’t go back to it every now and then)
I... Well, yes the rivers used to be gods/goddesses and are capable of spawning children, but... rivers usually spawn nymphs if anything. I’m not entirely sure if you can get a demigod out of Lethe, but a nymph sure can... Just... I’m gonna continue reading.
Also I should mention, there was a nymph of the river Acheron (river of pain I think) and I don’t recall her giving pain to people who pass her by or see her. I give bonus points for creativity on the not remembering part, but, I think you should maybe check more into the rivers and having children. Meaning/origin of the name : Her father just liked the name « Jane », and he had an ancestor who was named « Anémone » (french). However, here, « Jane » can make you think to « Jane Doe », and in « Anémone », there is « nemo »,  which means « no one » or « nobody » in latin. As for Smith, it’s a very common name. And Jane is very common… [Of course, it’s just a coincidence. Her father wasn’t thinking « Hey, which generic name could I pick for her ? ». However, Jane finds it very ironic that even the part of her name that’s supposed to be original, Anémone, can be linked to that kind of things]
Hm... uh... Well, I guess it passes. I dunno, the Anemone part kind of bothers me but we’ve had other out of the world names in PJO I believe so it works. Nicknames : Mostly « Hey, you ! ». Her father calls her « Mona » sometimes, in reference to Anémone. Most of the time, people don’t remember her name anyway, so it’s already great when they call her Jane. Gender : female Age : 16 Appearance : Straight brown hair. She usually have a ponytail, because they’re long, but she prefers when she lets her hair down. However, in the Camp, it might be dangerous, so she just ties them up most of the time. She also has brown eyes. She doesn’t have any scar, piercing, tattoo, or any distinguish feature. If you do look at her very carefully, you can notice that she doesn’t have any beauty spot at all, on her entire body. It’s actually rather weird and can make you feel slightly uncomfortable, though it’s hard to tell why. Other then that, well, she’s exactly the kind of girl no one would remember. Normal height, normal weight, not looking ugly but not specially pretty,… Normal. Actually, changing her appearance could be a way to be more «  noticeable », but she has already tried it. She tried a lot of different hair colors, lots of jewelry, clothes from insane colors… The result is always the same. No one looks at her for more than a couple of seconds. Plus, she actually doesn’t like being noticed too much. Not that it ever really happened, so, well, she’s not used to it. When Percy or Nico talked to her or just remembered her name, she absolutely didn’t know how to react.
I mean... Okay. The appearance is fine and her changing her clothes often is pretty neat on the other hand. Still a little iffy about that last paragraph, but... I’ll see it to the end. Personality : she’s a rather shy girl, and that’s what most people see about her. Shyness. Truth is, she’s rather smart. She has an amazing memory, which is quite ironic. She thinks she should be used to people not remembering her, but she still feels bad about it when it happens. What hurts her the most is that, though Nico and Percy remember her, they don’t realize what’s really happening to her (but that’s mostly her fault, since she didn’t explain it to Percy). She’s also a very nice person, very empathic, and it comes from the fact that she spends most of her time watching people. She’s a good listener, but she can be a bit awkward and boring, since she’s not used to social interaction. She’s always wondering what her life would be if people could remember her. She’s not even blaming them anymore. What for ? They can’t help it. No one can, not even her mother. Sometimes, she just thinks it’s no one’s fault and takes it rather well ; but on other days, she just hates everyone and feels awful about it. She laughs very easily, and loves to laugh and to forget her life, even just for a few minutes. She really enjoys watching stupid videos on Youtube because she finds it distressing… She keeps on trying to be optimistic, and she gets stressed easily. It’s hard do describe her personality, since she doesn’t have so much specific traits. If she was to describe herself, she’d probably say she is common. To be more specific, she would probably add what she likes and doesn’t like, and wouldn’t find much to say to describe herself. She might say she’s a bit curious, and extremely calm. She could spend days into her room, alone. She had no choice but to become lonely, actually… She only has a few « friends » in the camp Half-blood, and one girl in her school (she has no idea how that girl can remember her).
Okay, at this point I don’t really think this whole “no one can remember her” thing is gonna work. It’s likely that rivers can only give life to nymphs, and even then, it doesn’t seem like nymphs really attain any attributes/features from the rivers they came from. I think you should just remove the whole remembering thing and maybe just say that she’s really inconspicuous and the least person to talk to when it comes to crowds and people. Bio : She didn’t know she was special or anything for a very long time. Her life with her father means everything to her, she really loves him, and the time she’s spending with him is what matters the most to her. They talk a lot, and also make the other one discover what they like (movies, music,…). She was a pretty normal kid, except she didn’t have many friends. When she grew up, it just worsened, and soon, no one would talk to her at school. She really didn’t understand why. When she was 13, she met her mother for the first time, and she explained her the situation. Her mother looked very pale, almost like she could disappear at any second. Actually, she did, immediately after she finished her explanation, leaving Jane angry and sad. Jane went to the Camp half-blood for the first time that summer, and she’s going there every year since that. She met Percy recently though. She made a few friends there, but it didn’t always end well… Just before Leo, Piper, Jason and Annabeth went away on the Argo II, her mother appeared to her for the second time, and told her she had to go with them. Jane said that she couldn’t because she wasn’t in the prophecy. Lethe told her that she had been forgotten in the prophecy [which is not completely true, it’s explained later]. Jane did as she was told and went to the New Rome with everyone. It was quite hard to explain, but they decided to trust her, on Percy and Hazel’s advice (Hazel being a daughter of Pluto, she can remember her as well). She already had a big crush on Leo at that time, and, slowly, the two became closer. Actually, they became « a thing », and there was some kissing, flirting and everything. That’s when Leo disappeared on Ogygia and met Calypso. When he came back, he was in love with Calypso and didn’t remember Jane at all (he had been away for too long). After this, Jane felt like she could disappear completely. Hazel really helped her going through it. Jane didn’t have any role at all in the quest, and when she came back, she really had no idea why her mother had told her to go. Later, Lethe will explain her that her children are here to keep memory of everything. To remember. When Leo will come back to life, weirdly, he will remember her, but it will already be too late and he’s in love with Calypso. Jane will actually completely disappear ten years exactly after the quest. It will worry Hazel a lot, but Nico will explain her that according to the legend Lethe’s children are just going back to the river, changing to water at one point. They only have one purpose, to remember, and when they’ve seen what’s important, they just go away. This is not exactly true. Lethe’s children are actually getting what they call a second chance : their life changes completely, for a reason that seems normal, and slowly, people seems to remember them. Really remember them. That’s what will happen to Jane, and she’ll never go back to her previous life as a demigod. She has the intuition that she ever tries to, even if it’s just calling one of her old friends, or texting them, or going in a town she used to go to, people will forget her again. She will have a husband and one child.
... What. I-- Huh? Big question: Is this OC for rping or for story? Either way, I’m not sure how you can effectively use this OC because, well... You really put too much emphasis on the forgetting/remembering part. It’s a questionable thing to begin with, but that aspect of Jane really covers up anything else about her. Literally, all I remember about this OC is that barely anyone can remember her, she remembers stuff, and she’s constantly changing her wardrobe. You need to put some more spazz in other parts of her, etc. Actually, the forgetting part might be the reason why nothing else sticks out for this OC. Easy on the remembrance, more on the character so she can grow rather than to be stuck to this one purpose and such.
Also, I really think Jane should be a nymph rather than a demigod. Just do some more research on the rivers please, and make sure it’s possible to actually have a demigod be born from a river. I know PJO is really out there, but it still does keeps itself aligned with the basis of Greek/Roman mythology. Hobbies : Probably reading and watching movies. She doesn’t really likes sports, except swimming, and she does it only for fun. She hates competition. She also really likes writing, but she always feel like her stories are rather annoying. However, she’s very good at telling what she sees on her everyday life. She has a diary, but she only writes in it with something really special happens. She has a great culture when it comes to antic Greece and Rome, and a few other historical events, but she’s mostly a normal teenager.
Looks good. Likes and dislikes : Most people, looking at her, would probably assume that she’s the kind of girl who listens only to classic music and reads big, annoying books. Truth is, she loves funny songs, and especially rock. Sometimes, she dislikes the music but loves the lyrics, so she likes the song anyway. She loves it when she can yell the lyrics out loud (one of her favorite song is « Gives you hell »). She’s not interested in fantasy, because she says there are enough things happening in her world. She also loves detective stories, because they’re realistic, and are taking place in a world with only humans. Weirdly, it’s her way to escape her monsters-filled reality. She also likes to dance, even if she’s not really good at it. She enjoys walking in the forest with only her thoughts as well. She loves chocolate and french fries. Her favorite season is autumn, because it’s a season when everything feels dreary. It makes her feel a little more in her place. She also loves going to the cinema. She loves movies with a lot of action. There are also, of course, things she hates. One thing she hates, but she would never say it, is people who are amazing and… Well, noticeable. She’s totally jealous of them. She’s really trying her best to hide it because she knows it’s not right, but it’s burning her inside. She can’t stand Piper, for example. She doesn’t know how to feel about Annabeth either (truth is she had a small crush on Percy some time ago…). She doesn’t really like vegetables. She could probably live with only meat (if there wasn’t all those problems about vitamins of course…). She’s afraid of heights when she feels like she could fall. She doesn’t mind being on a tree, but she hates climbing. She hates fighting and is really bad at it. She also hates weapons - she doesn’t mind watching movies with weapons, but she can’t stand it in real life. She doesn’t really like blood either, but most of the time, she has no choice but to face it.
Mmm... Okay... I think this looks good. Powers : she has one power, and it’s to erase memories. She doesn’t control it at all. Theoretically, she should be able to chose which memory she wants to delete, but when she tried it, she felt like she would destroy every memory the person had. And since she’s never trying to, she isn’t getting better at it. Moreover, to do that, she needs to hold firmly the person’s head in her hands. Not very useful during a fight… She actually did it, once, on a men who attacked her in a street. Trying to defend herself and to push him away, she grabbed his head, and suddenly, she felt everything he knew. And she destroyed it. He backed up screaming. He didn’t even know how to speak, and he fell on the ground, because he couldn’t walk either. He looked like a baby who’s breathing for the first time. People said he had lost his mind, later on, and he was taken to a hospital. Jane feels horribly guilty… For not feeling guilty about it. Whenever she thinks about it, she just feels the rage and fear that ran through her at that time. And even if she believes what she did was awful, she doesn’t feel bad about it either.
That’s a pretty awesome power, but again, still not sure about the whole river gives life to demigod, so yeah... I still really like the concept of it, though! Relationships : - Her father : His name is John Smith, and Lethe probably fell in love with him because of how normal he was. He loves movies from Judd Apatow or the Farelly brothers, and has surprising tastes. He can be a bit annoying, but when he talks about things he likes, he becomes very interesting. He’s the reason why Jane truly believes everybody matters, and everybody can surprise you if you pay attention to them long enough. He never forgot her. Never. Jane will « disappear » after his death. She was 26 when he died, and he was 70.
Pretty sure Lethe is still a river. Lethe became a river a lonnnnggggggg time ago. They don’t exactly have a human form at this day and age, I believe.     - A demigod named Mary, who was a daughter of Demeter. They became really close friends when Jane first went to the camp. Mary is a very nice girl. She’s bubbly, and is a little overweight. She’s really adorable, always smiling and always trying to comfort everyone. She really helped Jane, and made her feel much better. When Jane will come back, a year later, she’ll go to see Mary, very happy to see her again, because she really missed her. And Mary will look very confused and ask her who she is… After that, Jane will never try to get close of Mary again.     - A demigod, named Lucy, daughter of Hecate, who thinks that Jane is « interesting ». She’s trying to find a magical way to free Jane from this curse, the fact that she’s always forgotten. Lucy doesn’t always remember her very well, but because of this, she writes down or record, every day, what they’re doing together. Jane really likes her and appreciates what she’s doing for her, but she feels that she’s too much like an experiment to Lucy to say that they are really friend. They do talk a lot, still, and Lucy would say that they’re friends.     - Another son of Hecate, Henry. He, like Lucy, is trying to free her from this curse, and he’s always fighting with Lucy on how to it. He’s very smart, and is always wiping his glasses. He enjoys talking to Jane, and she really likes him. They’re good friends, but, when Lucy and Jane talk about rather personal things, Henry and jane talk about their tastes, which movies they’ve seen, etc. Jane really cares about him. She will miss him a lot after changing her life, and she will always feel like they could have been more than friends.     - She doesn’t like Piper, for the reasons I’ve stated. During her « trip » with her, she will come to admire her, but they will never get very close, because Piper guessed that Jane wasn’t her biggest fan. Things are always a little awkward between them.     - She doesn’t know what to think about Jason nor Frank. She finds them scary and intimidating. She believes they’re nice persons, still, but she will never have a proper talk with them. The boys think she’s a nice girl, but don’t really know what to do in front of her. Jason knows that she doesn’t like Piper and doesn’t specially want to get closer of her. She probably could become a friend of Frank, but it won’t happen. Frank probably isn’t paying enough attention to her, and since she’s afraid of him, she’s not doing anything to get closer of him either.     - She will become a friend from Hazel. Though they don’t really know why, those girls feel very comfortable with each other. Jane will miss her as well when she will go away. Hazel is always very worried about Jane, she feels like Jane needs to be protected all the time. She’s not completely wrong about it… Hazel will be very helpful with everything Jane will go through, and Jane keeps feeling like  she’s taking and not giving anything. Their friendship is a bit unbalanced because of that.     - She would really like to get closer of Nico, since she really believes he’s interesting, but he will never let her a chance. And since she’s not very good to do this anyway, she will never succeed doing it. Nico, on the other hand, thinks that she’s not interesting. Still, he was one of the first person, if not the first, to notice her and to talk to her at the Camp. She wasn’t very afraid of him, but she can’t help, sometimes, to feel like he could do horrible things.     - Well, she will fall in love with Leo. She thinks he’s very funny, and a nice person, which is very important to him. She also likes how he’s not gifted with everything, like Percy or Jason, but is trying to make the best out of everything he has. He will start liking her as well, because she always seem to care and to worry about him. She always laugh to his jokes as well, and they will have sort of a relationship, until he goes to Ogygia.     - She used to have a crush on Percy, and she still have tender feelings about him. She thought Percy was cute and, well, he talked to her. She was never really « in love » with him, but she liked to picture him with her. When he started dating Annabeth, she tried to get rid of that feeling, and it was easy since they never talk or anything. Even if he can remember her, he will never give her any real attention. It’s not to be mean or anything, it’s just… He doesn’t notice her.
Okay, so...
I really think you should make her into a nymph. I’ve read other Rick Riordian books and I’ve seen nymphs from the underworld rather than demigods (I don’t think I’ve have even found a demigod that claims to be born from the rivers). I could be wrong, but the legitimacy has to be there. Fantasy or not, it’s gotta work with the mythology rules itself.
Another thing, that whole people can’t remember her thing... Interesting concept, but it doesn’t exactly fit with the whole premise of the fandom, I feel... It feels like she’s been dumped with the mist so that people can’t see her. If you plan to use this OC for rping purposes, I suggest you take that factor out of her and replace with a similar but less potent attribute. 
In all honesty, I really like the concept and idea you had for this OC! It’s just... It doesn’t exactly fit nor tie together the same myths as the actual stories either. 
I hope that helps you improve your OC! I like her, but to fit her within the frame of PJO, she’s gotta change.
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