#nods solemly
oneluckygoose · 6 months
It’s my headcannon that the Bad Kids (+company) all collectively made an agreement NEVER to tell Jawbone about what they saw in the nightmare forest because Jawbone would 100% sit them down and attempt to have a full therapy session that takes like 12 hours with each of them.
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conceptofjoy · 3 months
anyways can i use this unhinged birthday pass i hsve lying around i LOVE your unhinged posts. make it extra unhinged maybe
ok listen. imagine this. dirk giving himself The Talk through lil cal and its a whole acted out thing.
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Sorry I am just so curious, how would Prison Skull and Prison Copper react to each other?
Awh. Well, surprisingly, they'd actually be fast friends.
Skull looks at Copper, and he sees another lost Soul who's been through hell. Copper doesn't posture or fuss or talk too loud/fast like Red, he doesn't reek of power and lies like Sans. He's a fellow survivor, a fellow monster, another person who threw themselves entirely into the void in a last-ditch attempt to stay alive. For the first time in a long time Skull meets someone who's in an undeniably worse state than him... it makes Skull want to protect him. Stay close, guard his back, make him something to eat when things quieten down. Brotherly feelings, if you will.
Copper? He looks at Skull and he sees someone who understands the pain he's been through. Sure, Copper loves Mc so much it's difficult to comprehend, but he's aware of the fact that her pity comes from a place of kindness... not understanding. He didn't think anyone could really get the agony he's been through- until he looked at Skull. He smells the burning stench of tranquillisers still clinging to Skull's clothes, he sees the mask buckle scars on his jawbone, the slight defensive hook to his claws and the crack in his cranium. He sees the eyelight swollen with deep scars... and he feels at home.
They also have their mutual adoration of Mc, too. That helps.
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diableriepervert · 1 year
Just had a dream that my friend thought I was a vampire so she sent the impractical jokers to kill me
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chushanye · 5 months
some smaller moments from this episode I highly enjoyed:
K2, Kristen and Riz loading that fucking canon -> imagining this trio stressed is so funny but also NEVER say to me that Kristen doesn't have Riz's back
"remember when we died?" "it might happen again!" first of I love that Gorgug uses this as a point of connection with Kristen. second, I love when Kristen's overconfident facade breaks. third death besties -> after death did us part and then until never again.
*Breadsly gets a cocked die* "we gotta bring in the expert" *Murph leans over and nods solemly* "you gotta honor the cock"
"ooh baby i love your waaay everyday"
the guitar playing in the background at 1h 37min needs to be injected into my bloodstream
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apoetsworld · 2 years
Marlene: Hey whats wrong with Jamie boy?
Lily: My breathtaking girlfriend took his literal breath away
Mary: *nodding solemly*
James *fighting for his life gasping*: S-SHE PUNCHED ME IN THE BLOODY STOMACH
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ofallthingsnasty · 5 months
Ah, but being a party girl... Getting to your late 20s/early 30s, feeling that shift within you; knowing that hey, this can't go on forever... Starting something light with Crocodile, maybe aiming for a little fun in the spring, just someone proper to take you out for dinners and to warm your bed - testing the waters, so to speak. You want to settle down soon, just not right now, just want to see how it is as an item. He's handsome, has a certain air to him and a lot of money to spend - so why not?
tw.minors dni, a little dark twist at the end bc it's crocodile 🤭
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Of course, you butter him up. He's right at that age where his type of man gets a little wistful, would like to have a wife, a house, maybe a kid if it's in the cards, still? Twenty-some years of 50 hour weeks will do that to you, will show you that your body doesn't just bounce back like so when you step over a certain threshold. Well, he wants someone to put a ring on; you want some fun - so, selfish as you are, you play along. Humor him. Hang off his arm and entertain those silly thoughts of his - a vacation together, moving in with him after the summer's done (because well, why not smile and nod when you'll be long gone by then), pointedly ignoring the way he keeps burying you in expensive gifts. You should feel bad, the guilt should probably eat you alive, because as the weeks pass you can tell that he's really, really smitten with you while you're secretly texting some other guy your age when you return home from yet another chic Italian restaurant-
It's such a sad thing, really. He'll make some other woman stupid happy, especially if she's been yearning for a rich husband; he's the perfect example of the broody, grumbly type who mumbles on and on about her expensive taste but would rather die than NOT to buy her exactly what she wants. There is a certain appeal to him (or else you wouldn't have spent this much time with him) and he'll be just fine after licking wounds once you're gone, you're sure of it. It's definitely nice to have someone around who is serious about you - after years and years of boyfriends (emphasis on boy) who were only good for long nights of drinking and summer vacations, you feel spoiled and terribly grown to have a handsome man downright worship you, to plan a future with you after such little time. He's committed and doesn't play around. Yes, you think, you could get used to this, but you still need a few more years of being free before you'll let yourself be tied down - because as much as it is flattering, it can also be a little scary. The thought of you in a white gown and a matching ring on your finger in just a year is making you antsy; and with how fast he's moving he might just want to opt for a December wedding.
So you do what you do best: smile, kiss him goodbye after yet another lovely date and- ghost him. You avoid his neighborhood for a few weeks, go private on all your socials, block his number, duck away whenever you see that telltale black shock of hair that is dragging smoke behind it, act like he never existed. And it works, as it always does.
At least that's what you think. Because the one night you finally dare to venture out again ends abruptly and with you waking up in an unfamiliar room. You can barely lift your hand to rub your tired eyes because suddenly there is a weight on it and a familiar face is staring you down solemly from the bedside, that all too familiar smell of cigars all around you. Turns out, leaders of crime syndicates who operate behind the innocent fronts of bussinesmen don't like to be deceived and made a fool of, especially by naive little playgirls who think they're smarter than the rest of the world and when they weren't even able to glean that there was more to the person they chose to goad. And spoiled brats like you need to learn not to toy with other people's hearts and egos, both of which are dangerously fragile. You reeled him in with promises of marriage and love and that's exactly what you'll give him now, just without all the luxury that you could have had if you hadn't been dishonest from the start.
Time to grow up, princess.
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agenttommykinard · 2 months
have some more of my OUAT 911 AU... part one here
* * *
The forest seems to move around them, the nature of its ancient depths unknown to all of them. This wasn't just an ordinary forest-
"Keep going!" Captain Gerard yells through the heavy storm. "We're not leaving until we find the Queen!"
Their group continues on, their numbers now merely seven, when at the begining of their campaign they were twenty men strong. Its disenheartening, watching thier brothers in arms get picked off one by one, but their Captain was a hardened man and he didn't allow any of them to grieve.
It sits like a rock, heavy on his chest, but Thomas pushes forward.
If they don't complete this quest, then all of their deaths will be for nothing.
"I hate it here," Salvatore grumbles under his breath. "It's been nothing since rain and darkness. My armor is rusting-"
Thomas smiles despite himself, shaking his head at his closest friend. He bumps his shoulder into Salvatore's own and gets the other man to smile. Even in the dark, Thomas can see it as a challenge.
Salvatore pushes back and for a moment they're both just young men who grew up together, finding joy when they can when their world was hard. Thomas almost laughs, but he restrains himself from doing so.
"You'll get the Captain's attention," Thomas says, and what brief joy he had falls from his face. "We both know what he's like."
Salvatore looks at him, and nods his head solemly.
They know what their Captain is like when he gets an idea in his head, stubborn to the point of being dangerous. The King sent them on this quest, to capture the Queen of the Fae so that the King could control magic. So that their country could never be in danger again.
It's the ultimate honor, to die for their King and Kingdom.
But looking around at what's left of the people Thomas had grown up with, withering away from the months of travel, shaking from the cold and jumping at their own shadows in fear-
He's starting to have his doubts.
"Come on Men!" Gerard yells. "We're so close! We can get that Fairy, put and end to this quest and come home as heroes!"
The men all cheer as much as they can, their voices carrying throughout the trees. It feels like a battle cry of sort, though Thomas doubts they would win in any fights with how exhuasted they all are.
And still, Thomas joined in their cheers.
The forest twists endlessly in front of them, blocking their view. Thomas swears they've been walking in circles. It feels endless.
They're tired, exhausted and in such poor spirits that even Gerard agrees they should try and camp out for the night.
They find an area where the forest is so dense, that they are covered from most of the rain, and Thomas is sent out to try and find anything dry enough to use for firewood. He gives Salvatore his sword to watch after and grabs an axe. Gerard won't let any of them go in pairs with how few of them are left.
"Come back," Salvatore says grips Thomas' forearm weakly. Thomas has noticed how he had begun to visibly shiver hours ago, and that he was hiding his coughs from the others. "Don't make me come save your bastard ass."
"I can handle myself." He promises. "I always do." Thomas smiles and sits his friend down, giving him his waterskin. Salvatore tries to push it back but Thomas is stronger and they've both been taught never to show weakness and Salvatore gives up and takes the water. "Rest. Please." Thomas urges quietly.
"Fine," Salvatore huffs. "If only so I have the strength to cary you out of this cursed forest." He gives Thomas's arm another squeeze.
Then Thomas is off.
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moon-alight · 9 months
Hello admin! I hope all is well:D
I was wondering if I can request an &team maknae line recation to prom dress shopping with there s/o?
Thank you so much if you can fulfill this request,if not I totally understand ❤️
HAPPY NEW YEAR! My blog exists a whole year now and I'm back! I hope to post every now and then so leave asks in my inbox! (Also, I have done all members 😘)
General Masterlist
&Team Masterlist
&Team shopping prom-dresses with their s/o
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Warnings: fluff (reader is female)
Word Count: 899 words
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-You mentioned you'd be going to shop for your prom dress and he overheard this. Kei decided he wanted to come along just to help you carry your bags lol.
-Walking from store to store, he did not seem to get impatient at all and almost had as much fun as you did. There was a constant smile on his face and he looked intrigued every time you held up a dress.
-Offered to pay for the dress that made your eyes sparkle because he knew you'd look so so pretty in it.
-He would be complimenting you every second as well and just enjoyed spending time with you.
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-My man is solemly there to support you because he knows how much you look forward to prom.
-Whenever you hold up a dress he tells you how much he likes it even if it is the ugliest dress on Earth.
-To him you look good in everything and even the ugliest pieces of fabric can become artworks when you wear it. He is such a cutie.
-He does laugh at your excitement because he just gets internally happy whenever you are happy
-Unlike Kei, he does not offer to pay he just does. This man would shove you out of the way to pay for your dress lol
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-This man has the time of his life looking through the many dresses and imagining you wearing each and every one of them.
-Enjoys to hear you rattle about what kinds of fabric and style you're looking for and will interpret your wishes as he helps you look.
-Deadass gets pouty if you don't like one of the dresses he picked because he really liked it.
-Almost falls of his chair when you come out in the one but manages to catch his balance last moment.
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-Idiot treats this shopping spree as though you were looking for a wedding dress instead of a prom dress.
-Likes to keep his options open and comes along just to see what color you will be wearing so he can get a suit to match.
-Does not understand anything you say when you describe the pattern or style you wish to wear but nods as though he does.
-Enjoys matching jewelry with the dress you choose just so everything about you can sparkle at prom.
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-Complains that you had dragged him down towards the mall because he really did not want to come.
-Once he's there and sees how excited you are, he calms down and just follows you around like a lost puppy for a while until he finds the excitement inside of himself.
-Once he sees a dress he loves he would constantly comment it to make you notice it. He would never outright say that he wants you to wear that dress but he would make it very known.
-Disappointed if you choose a different dress but comes around when you show it off because you're right, that one does compliment all your curves perfectly.
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-He comes along but kind of forgets why he's there and keeps wandering off to different directions to which you have to pull him back because he keeps getting distracted.
-Does actually not care what dress you choose. You could be showing up in a carton box and you'd still be the prettiest to him so he just kind of wanders behind you.
-Whenever you ask his opinion on something his answer would always be the same: "You look so pretty in it, sweetie."
-He is actually happy when you get your dress so you two can enjoy some ice cream lol.
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-MY MAN! The price for the guy who has the most fun dress shopping with you goes to Harua!
-He had looked up different dresses on pinterest and made an entire mood board with them so he knew what to look for.
-He drags you down the aisles and points at the dresses he likes. To your surprise they are actually really cute too.
-Would be so so happy if you choose one he had picked out for you. You'd be attacked by hugs and kisses hehe.
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-He is the second most excited to go dress shopping with you. Not because he likes this so much but because you trusted him enough to come with you and to ask his opinions.
-Carefully contemplates every choice as he does not want to disappoint you. He is the most helpful out of all &Team members.
-Honestly reviews each dress until he comes across one he just cannot say anything bad about because it is simply perfect.
-Treats you to Starbucks or anything you like to drink afterwards because he believes you two made a great choice together. And you did!
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-He is so unserious lmao! Agreed to come with you but honestly, you regret asking him very quickly because he points out the most ugly ass dresses in the world.
-Will constantly compliment you though but don't be fooled, he'd tease you every chance he gets as well.
-Remember Nicholas almost falling? Yeah, well, Maki actually falls off his chair when you walk out wearing the most beautiful dress. His mind changed about the whole dress shopping because he is glad he came along.
-Cannot wait for prom because he'd be able to dance with you all night.
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
Hello I was wondering if you’d be able to write a Genloss Ranboo x Gender neutral reader, where the reader dies, and how Ranboo would react to that? :) (also would I be able to be 💠 anon please?)
ah yes of course!! ; and welcome to the family !!! hope you enjoy our very full and chaotic household
GENLOSS! RANBOO ; sun killer
summary ; your death
warnings ; death, language, talk about Ranboo pulling on the mask/kinda gore but not really, influence by spiritbox bc I love them
track ; sun killer ; spiritbox
word count ; 1.6k
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[I also recommend this song bc I love Linkin Park and I hold this and she couldn't dear to my heart]
You'd been trapped on the SAW carousel of death, alike many of the others you'd come to know a bit better, having been trapped for hours and hours here. You were surrounded by a large gate, trapped by a man who thought he was attractive, joined by two human sized rats who could speak English. Somehow, his wasn't the weirdest situation you'd ever gotten into.
Finally, Ranboo, your savior, enters the room.
He gets the carousel up and running, deciding to get a little imput on who to bring with him on his adventure, which would include lots of puzzles and thinking. Both of which you weren't good at.
You sit next to Niki, whom could apparently sob for hours on end. She wears a bright red outfit, paired with a bucket hat. It contrasted her split dyed hair, which looked very nice on her.
You were the next to try and convince Ranboo on why they should take you with them.
"Uh, hello, I'm Y/n. I'm not great at puzzles, but uhm... I'm good at being funny! And I think really deeply about things, and I mean, if there's a deeper meaning to things, then I can definitely solve your puzzles! I-I just wanna go home, I'm gonna be honest. I miss my family and my pets, and I wanna live. I really wanna live, I've barely gotten to experience life yet, please"
Ranboo looks at you solemly, looking over at the man in charge. He looked at you like he knew you, but you'd never seen the masked boy before. It was so weird, but you felt like something deep inside of you recognized them too. You just didn't know from where. It was like the scent of something familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it.
You're left tied to the carousel once they leave with Nikki and Sneeg. You, Austin, Ethan, Vinny, and Frank sit in silence, pondering of when the three sticks of dynamite wrapped around your necks would explode. Frank would be the only survivor, but he's also a rotting corpse, so I mean... Eh.
But, they never exploded, surprisingly. Vinny was actually the next one to be able to leave, somehow. You strike a conversation with the New Jersian surfer bro Charlie, laying on a stretcher a few feet away.
"So, like, why were you eating non-edibles, and how'd you even shove them down your throat?"
"They just slid down, man. Like that one scene from Stand By Me, I ate a bunch of raw eggs right before that" He answers with a nod, "My eyeballs hurt"
You nod and mumble a "Same"
Austin and Ethan are next to be untied, traveling through some Coraline door tunnels, leaving you, Frank, and Charlie alone in the carousel room. You sit silently, hoping you'd be able to escape.
Maybe that's what the game was, a puzzle game to freedom.
Your hopes for freedom shot through the roof as you sit in silence, begging and pleading in your head for the rats to come back for you. Charlie seemed to be pretty dead at this point, considering all the... blood. Everywhere.
But, alas, came your time to shine. You were never the bright one of the group. You just kind of looked at things and reached way too far into it. I dunno, maybe being instructed to solve puzzles with dynamite around your neck wasn't the most chill environment where you'd be thinking level-headedly.
But, you powered through, trying to get your way out of the final door.
You were with Austin, Ran, and Sneeg, with no sign of Ethan, Vinny, or Niki. There was a target on one wall, a button with a large sign that read to not push the button, a TV covered by static, and random trinkets and games lining the shelves.
The first thing you all thought about was the target, considering apparently Jerma said that the challenge would be hard. Hitting the one hundred on the tiny target would've been hard, so he and Ranboo try their best to do it with no luck. At one point, Austin decides to just mimic the suction cup arrow hitting the one hundred, which did nothing, either because he cheated or it just wasn't the way out.
You and Sneeg look around while you try to think that maybe certain items had to be in certain places, leading to you frantically organizing all the trinkets and games. Ranboo looks at you with worry, seeing your face full of fear. It was like they almost knew what was coming next but didn't know how to help you.
Ranboo turns around and stares at the button while Austin and Sneeg almost discourage him, considering a couple sticks of dynamite lay right under it. It wouldn't make sense to use reverse psychology, but it also wouldn't make sense to put it there solely to kill whoever was near and damage the room.
The boy with the mask quickly presses the button, waiting for the explosion that never came. You turn to see the door opening across from you, and you look back at the tall boy with a light smile and thumbs up. You place the board game you were carrying across the room down, seeing that you didn't need it anymore.
A voice (The Puzzler) speaks over the loudspeaker, informing you only one could fit through the hole, which was just a lie? But only one of you was supposed to progress.
Austin tries to fight for the exit and Sneeg pulls him back while the floor slowly moves him through the hole. The lights turned off, and you didn't remember anything after that.
Or even before that.
You woke up a new person, streaming in your room until Ranboo, who you didn't even see for a solid minute, interrupts you by pulling your headphones off.
"Holy shit! Dude, I'm streaming" You speak, jumping out of your skin.
"We need to go, come on!" He exclaims, "You can get back to it later, but we need to go, now!"
You look around, seeing you were inside one of the malls food court shops behind the counter. Your setup was nearly the same, but behind you was a bunch of posters and meal menus. You quickly stand up, trusting the boy you called a friend, hopping over the counter.
"What the hell is going on?" You ask him and Charlie.
Charlie shrugs while Ranboo turns around.
"Do-Do you not remember the cabin thing? Th-The warehouse? It's all just been a show, I mean-"
He's cut off by silence as you approach a funeral/grave inside one of the shops nearby, the headstone reading 'RIP THE PUZZLER'.
"Okay, Ran, what's going on? What do you mean it's been a show? Who the fuck is The Puzzler?" You ask them, trying to make sense of your confusion.
"Wait, no, we aren't the only ones, are we?" Charlie asks, his hands on his head, "There's-There's Sneeg and- shit! There's Niki and Ethan, and, uhm, fuck! We- We have to find them! We need to help them!"
Ranboo tries their best to calm him down, but has to resort to the last option.
"There is no saving them! We have to go, now. We just have to get out of here, maybe we can find help, I dont know!"
The three of you try to progress towards the stairs but slowly back away after seeing some... person (?) standing in front of the doors, back faced towards you.
"What are those?"
"I-I don't know, back up"
"Please explain what those fucking things are"
"I-I've been told that they're human, I think! It's some type of facility, I don't know what's going on"
"What if we find one of those map things?" You suggest, "To find where we are and to find another exit."
"Good idea"
Ran quickly leads you two to a mall map, where Charlie finds the 'you are here' dot. The two try and find an exit while you do a little exploring into the dark, and notice some feet down to your right.
You slowly look down, being greeted by one of those guys from earlier, head banged into the back of the directory, blood dripping down the screen. You slowly progress forward, seeing a silhouette in the distance.
The two quickly notice your disappearance and see the dead guy, calling for you as they see whatever thing in the distance stand up and growl. You don't listen, like you couldn't hear them, and progress onwards.
"Y/n! Come on, we're leaving!" Charlie shouts as you fade into the darkness in silence.
You're thrown back by a compelling force, being thrown all the way back to the escalator past Ranboo and Charlie, hitting your head to knock you out. The two run to your aid, your eyes closed.
Ran quickly notices that most of your midsection was torn away, revealing your ribcage. He's only able to stare as Charlie quickly pulls him away, seeing the creature that hurt you was gaining on them.
They run as fast as they could.
Ranboo pulls at their mask, just wanting out.
He sits on his knees, pulling and pulling, feeling the wires pulling inside them.
"Get off of me!"
They cry, feeling their eyes roll back into their skull as they pull the mask further and further away from their face. Their hands grip at the top of the mask, trying to rip the back off of their neck.
They'd cut themselves over and over again on the metal, their hands bloody, staining the contraption that controlled them.
They didn't want to live. They wanted to die. Why didn't they let him die? Why did he have to live? He didn't want to be like this. He didn't want to do this! He didn't want to live like this!
They scream in agony, making one final pull on the mask before they drop to the floor. Wires tangle in their throat, the final backing piece of the mask snapping in two.
They lay on the cold, hard, floor, blood pouring out of any extremity possible. Wires hang about, halfway pulled out of their body.
"Just kill me already, damnit"
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midnightbrightside · 5 months
Do you have any fluff to balance out your delicious angst?
i gotchu ❤
kristoph doesnt know when the wrights became part of his saturday morning walk with vongole, but they've somehow slid far too neatly into his routine. usually trucy is the conversationalist between the three of them, and today she's chatting about all kinds of space facts, apparently that's what she's been learning about in school recently.
turns out trucy loves the stars and would be able to see them all the time when she was travelling with her first daddy. she doesnt mean for that to come out like it does, but something flickers across Phoenix's face, something soft and helpless.
kristoph offers to drive them out of the city to see the night sky clearly, without any of the light pollution here in the city. the words leave his mouth before his brain has the chance to stop them. trucy looks ecstatic and she starts begging phoenix to take uncle kristoph up on the offer; of course phoenix agrees, and the gratitude shines in his eyes and weighs heavily on his shoulders.
it takes them a bit to find a a night where all of their schedules line up (phoenix wont let trucy stay up late on a school night), but it happens. the drive there is filled with chatter from trucy, she reminds kristoph of a younger klavier with all her noise and her grand way of speaking, bubbly and endlessly entertaining.
they arrive at a field and all 3 of them lay on the blanket as trucy chatters excitedly about miscellanous space facts and points out the constellations she recognises from her books, kristoph chips in with his own knowledge, and phoenix makes some up. trucy giggles and calls him silly, then she leans over to Kristoph and stage-whispers, “daddy doesnt know any of the stars." and kristoph nods solemly.
phoenix chuckles, "hm, i guess i don't. you'll have to teach me” an open invitation that trucy gladly takes.
her enthusiam is infectious and the two men are utterly charmed, she keeps going until she tires herself out. it's so quiet in the field now, it feels like it just the 3 of them in the entire world.
phoenix is the first to break the silence, “thank you, kristoph. this meant a lot to trucy” and me goes unsaid but heard nonetheless. “i owe you one” he says a little quieter.
“nonsense, i enjoyed myself, that's payment enough” and it should be a lie, but it doesnt feel like one.
it goes quiet again, and kristoph feels phoenix's hand brush against his, soft enough to be an accident. kristoph darts his eyes to the side without turning his head. phoenix is still looking intently at the sky, it's too dark to make sense of his expression. the gentle, barely-there contact burns at his fingertips and spreads across his body, he can feel his heart thundering in his chest like it wants to escape. he wants to escape. he doesnt move closer, he doesnt pull away either. Neither does Phoenix.
they stay there in perfect stillness for a while, it's almost dreamlike. for perhaps the first time, kristoph's head is empty. he could stay here forever.
trucy stirs, and phoenix blinks back to reality, "we should probably head back," he says. kristoph agrees and drives them home. they all linger in the doorway as trucy sleeps in phoenix's arms, he gently jostles her awake “say thank you to uncle kristoph."
trucy mumbles a tired “thanoo….” and phoenix smiles down at her, so full of love. kristoph has the strangest urge to kiss him.
he doesnt. instead he says his goodbyes and heads back to his car, the moment the door thuds closed the spell is broken. he grips the steering wheel and wills his chest to stop aching.
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cocoagenie · 8 months
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"24 hours." Hoseok, the mad hatter flickered his colorful eyes between yours in a race to capture your attention. You glared at him solemly and moved your gaze downward into the glistening mass of berry colored water.
He invited you over to swim in his large teacup pool. And you nearly forget why you truly excepted it in the first place.
"12 hours," He renegotiated and dipped his head down to catch your eyes and slowly leaned up with the way you raised your head.
"is all I need to prove to you that we are meant to be. What's a relationship without its ups and downs, Sweetheart." Now his strawberry colored lips turned down, icy lashes blinking at you with consideration.
"No, you don't understand. We aren't compatible." You emphasized with harsh vowels and symbols, then you turned away from him and stood up to get out of the pool.
Hoseok was frozen, flickering his eyes from left to right, trying to digest what you said but in the meanwhile he stood up quickly as well and intended to continue talking to you. He couldn't let the love of his life walk out of the door like this.
"No I.. m-maybe, I—" you snatched your towel and slipped your feet into some slippers.
"Is it me? just tell me what I did wrong and I'll-" You abruptly turned around caused him to recoil, "fix.. it."
"There's no fixing this, hoseok I'm breaking up with y-" the moment you shut your eyes in frustration warm lips crashed with yours and endlessly mended. You could feel his slim hands holding your arms and bringing you to bump into his brittle chest.
You wanted to yell at him to stop but the demand never came and he had successfully coaxed you into a stubborn silence. With a few sloppy and misplaced pecks, hoseok leaned back.
"I don't know why you chose a friday to... tear me apart but, I can't let you go y/n. You're everything I–" he inhaled partially, eyes getting glassy, "I've ever wanted. Please give me the time of day to change your- your mind." You remain silent, biting hard on your toungue.
"And if you still feel the same way after..." Hoseok cast his gaze down and let your arms go, hands awkwardly clenching by his sides.
"We won't have t-to see eachother again." His traveled to the back of his neck and pushed back his bright fairy hair to keep from dangling in his face.
"Me, give you the time of day.." you rasped and hoseok nodded timidly.
"..Fine." He bit his top lip to keep himself from smiling but it appeared anyway. You crossed your arms and sighed deeply, "make it worth my while."
"Of course.." He looked up you with a smile so contrasting to your neutral expression. He believed you were ecstatic too why else would you give hoseok the chance. Lots of people in wonderland believed witches were the worst to date but Hoseok could learn you to the best of his ability, he'd take your heart as he'd already exchanged his own.
Just give him half the day.
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[Credits to whoever made the gif]
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honeybunniii333 · 6 months
(SORRY I'VE BEEN DEAD! Also i just realized I never see content for Dez and Ed. Like they have a sibling like relationship (even tho they're cousins), and they're supposedly really close in Canon! But I never saw anything for them, and I decided that needed to be fixed. SO! Here ya go!)
Again, her dad was in the hospital again. It had gotten to where he was there more than home, and that was scary and awful in its own right. But now, because of the sudden dip in his health. He can't take her to their yearly concert! They've gone to one every year since she was four, and it was her favorite part of the summer. They'd already bought their tickets and everything... and then he started getting sick again. Bad enough to land him in the hospital two days before they were supposed to leave... Dez was angry, to say the least. NOT at her dad. She knew better than anyone that the last thing the man ever wanted was to break his little girl's heart. She was mad at life for making this happen. Mad at the cancer for making her poor dad so sick and weak. He didn't deserve this. She felt so lost, so out of control. She didn't know what to do, she had to do something. She was SO tired of feeling powerless. She didn't even think about it as she grabbed the scissors from the counter.
Horror, she felt true horror as she looked in the mirror. Her hair, her pretty hair, was all over the floor and the sink. Oh god, what had she done... her knees buckled, and she sank to the ground, scissors long abandoned on the counter as she cried and wiped at her face. Her eyes were sore, and her throat was raw. She wanted her dad, but he was not there. And someday, probably soon, he'd never be there again, and that thought just made her cry harder. Dez was an independent person generally. She didn't like being genuinely reliant on anyone, but right now, she'd throw her pride aside for some comfort. Her head shot up at the sound of the almost totally open door, creaking the rest of the way open and a startled gasp following it. Someone stood in the doorway, eyes wide, and God did that make her crumble even further. But this time, there were arms wrapping around her, pulling her close and nails, raking through what remained of her hair. She buried her face into their chest and just let herself cry. She cried and cried until she couldn't seem to muster any more tears.
"Dez..." Ed's quiet response came after a moment or two of prolonged silence. "Desiree, talk to me." he insisted when he got nothing but a sniffle in response, pulling her back by the shoulders to get a good look at her. He frowned a bit and brushed some hair off of her cheek. "I..." She choked out. "Oh god, what did I do... my hair..." She sniffled, trying not to cry again. "Hey, hey..." he hushed "Cmon tell me what's up." he reminded as he pulled her with him to rest against the sink cabnit. Still supporting her with an arm around the shoulder. "I... Dad is sick again." She whispered, and he seemed to understand almost immediately. "Yeah..he is..." he nodded solemly.
"I miss him.." She added, closing her eyes and resting against the strong weight beside her. "I know ya do... he misses ya, too." he reminded, and she couldn't help but smile sadly at that. "He's not coming home anytime soon... and this week was.. supposed to be our concert week." She struggled to get her words out with that feeling bubbling up in her throat again. The feeling that everything was falling apart, Edward just squeezed her shoulder in response. "Yeah Tiá was talking about that earlier this week... you guys go every year..."
"Yeah... and now we can't... " she choked harshly but pushed on. "I know it's dumb. I know he can't help it. It's not that big a deal it just.. it kinda made me realize that there's a good chance that we won't get to do a lot of stuff together, and I don't know... I just cracked, and now my hair is a mess, and I'm a mess.. everything's a mess..." She wiped at her eyes furiously as she spoke. "That's alright." He seemed to have decided. "It's okay to be a little bit of a mess sometimes..." And Dez briefly caught herself thinking about how Ed should probably take that sentiment to heart as well. "And I wouldn't say your hair is a mess..." he laughed a little, moving a bit to get a better look. "it's a bit choppy, yeah... but I don't think it looks bad on ya!" she seemed rather skeptical as she glanced up at the older boy. "Really?"
"Yeah! Just needs a bit of touch up, here..." he insisted, pulling her up and directing her to the mirror as he grabbed the scissors that had been discarded on the counter and immediately started cutting away. "Hey!" she tensed a bit, "Just trust me, Dez." he sighed with a roll of his eyes, and soon he set them back down. "See..?" she was a bit scared to look up at first but slowly she opened her eyes (which she hadn't really registered squeezing shut until now) and... he was right... it wasn't awful. "It'll take a little gettin used to, it is a big change." he hummed, fluffing her hair up a bit to check the length. "But I think you might end up liking it... and if you don't... it's just hair. It'll grow back."
She wasn't sure how to feel, standing there with a boy she'd for some reason expected to be mean when first meeting him.. it was a funny thought now. She stood there studying his work, his hands resting comfortingly on her shoulder... She didn't know how to feel, but another gentle squeeze cleared her mind. "Hey..." his voice was soft. "It'll be okay... I know it doesn't feel like it right now... everything's a bit hectic, and it's hard to see it, but... You'll be okay." And somehow, when Edward said it, it sounded a lot more believable. She couldn't help but feel better with the reminder that even when her Dad was gone. Ed would still be there... he was always there... whether she wanted or not... "Hey Eddie?" She whispered after another long pause. Ed had already gotten to cleaning up the mess she'd made. He seemed to do that a lot... "Yeah?" He hummed, not looking up from his task of sweeping up hair. "Would you wanna go to a concert this weekend?" He seemed a bit confused for a moment, but the confusion was short-lived, and he seemed to understand. He smiled fondly to himself and nodded.
"Yeah, I would."
Dez had a feeling that she'd be okay...
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anxious-witch · 1 year
This is so random but I was thinking about that interview where they asked the guys if they were taken and Jan and Bojan "avoided" the question, Nace and Kris said they were taken, and Jure said something like "these guys are my so" and I was like: ...poly!JO?? 🧐
(Sorry it's 3am and idk what I'm doing lmao but before anyone comes after me I just want to make clear that this is a joke and I love that they are able to set some boundries when it comes to their privacy and "idc" about their private lives <3)
*nods solemly* poly!JO
No, fr I love poly!JO as a concept sm. They'd be so chaotic, but would somehow fit so well. Bojan and Jure who'd keep getting into chaotic shit(and Jure running into walls), Nace and Kris who would try to stop them and fuss over them if they got injured. Jan who'd worry too but would probably wake up after the whole thing happened and then be: "huh?"
But probably ends up helping bc he seems least fazed by blood while Nace is getting them food after all that.
Bojan: are you going to give Jure stitches?
Kris: why tf would he know how to do that??
Bojan: true. You are the mom friend. Surprised you don't know
Kris: I am going to kill you with a needle
Jan: good luck explaning that to Nace. I am not covering for you
....anyway. please do send me your poly!JO hcs I'd love to hear them
(Bestie, I think you are okay with just saying these things on here. As long as no one goes into their comment sections and dms talking about rpf shipping, who cares? And especially on tumblr I think we are good)
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caterpillarinacave · 1 year
You know, as ready as Neo is to ascend, and as much as she wants to, I don’t think she would be willing to entirely forget Roman.
I think Neo tells the Blacksmith that.
“Don’t worry” says the Blacksmith “You, and your friend, would approve the life I have in mind for you”
So Neo ascends. She’s different now. She doesn’t know who she is, where she’s going. She’s just a person, wandering around the ever after. She’ll figure out what to do eventually.
She wanders around the Ever After. She meets people, fraternizes with them, and inevitably moves on. Some part of the every after will fit her, or She’s been told.
She’ll find it someday.
Eventually She stumbles across a glittering table in the woods littered with all sorts of things. The air smells like smoke, the various colored gemstones lining the trees beautifully eyecatching.
“Don’t set those on fire!”
Someone at the table has spoken, and She turned quizzically toward the clamor, where several pairs of eyes had fixed on her, all looking rather frantic, with the exception of the young man at the very head of the table.
“You could actually” He twirls a silver spoon around in his hand “Light them on fire, that is.”
“They’ll blow up!” Someone shouts.
“Some people” He leans lazily back in his chair “All up in a tizzy over the chance of an explosion.”
He meets her gaze, the lazy smile around his lips somehow deeply familiar.
The rest of the tables inhabitants return their clamor but She finds herself entirely focused on the person at the head, who continues looks at her with an odd sort of curiosity.
She finds herself at the head of the table next to Him. Somehow She’s enjoying herself more in this random gathering than she has anywhere else in the Everafter.
“So you don’t talk much, huh?”
She thinks for a minute. She’s never talked before. It doesn’t seem like something she wants to do, so;
“How charming!” He grins. “Why talk talk, when you can talk without talking?”
She smiles. Some people have trouble listening without talking.
He nods solemly. He has no problem hearing her without talking.
What’s your name?
“Oh, my name? I can’t say I’ve ever thought about that. I’ll get to it later. You?”
Don’t have one.
“Well, you’ll find one. Coffee?”
She doesn’t know what coffee is, but she knows it’s not supposed to be in such a lovely cup.
She sticks her tongue out at him. He looks mock aghast.
She sticks around with Him. He likes to talk, talk with words, and seems to know everything about everything, but nothing about anything. Eventually, they start to wander, having a wonderful conversation about everything and nothing.
She pauses the walk to climb a strange looking tree while He happily looks on from below. “I think” He says “You are my favorite thing in the ever after.”
She grins back down at Him.
The feeling is mutual. “Where is it you belong?” He asks, pulling himself onto a branch next to her “In the Ever After, what section?”
I had been looking for it.
“Ah. Have you found it?”
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royalsunshinehotel · 7 months
first of all i love your writing. my request is maybe something inspired by ABBA's waterloo?? lmao it's such a catchy song. could be jay, joshua or anwar?
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Anwarterloo (Anwar x DWTS! Reader)
A/N: In this fic, Anwar is on Dancing With The Stars, and is partnered with the reader. This one is short because I am buzzing.
"Waterloo?? By ABBA??? Who did you kill to get that song?" shouted Keo as your friend twirled you around. The dance had been electric, Anwar was on his game, he'd somehow hit all his steps and never lost a moment of his elegance that kept people tuning in to see the two of you.
The air was buzzing. Against all odds, you'd gotten your little lanky diva to the semi-finals of this latest season. And your first season as a pro dancer to boot! GOD!!!
In your many years as a dancer, you'd been able to figure out what your most comfortable version of 'poise' looked like.
"How's the ankle?" Asked your partner as he put an arm around your waste. You'd been struggling the past few weeks, and he'd covered for you, flawlessly.
It was odd to have a man be helpful for a chance. In your city, men were usually pretty accessories, they were rarely productive. It didn't bode well. Dancing this much was too hard on your body, these feelings for Anwar made your brain hurt.
He's beautiful, next to you, silvery shirt open.
You don't want to be on TV, you want to bite his neck like a rabid dog.
Anwar could feel your eyes on him, but he's an Oscar-nominated actor, he can conceal things for a little bit longer. Season was almost over, Anwar knew you were barely hanging on, and the fist of his sparkly open shirt told him exactly how your joints felt.
His felt the same. His studio said he needed to do this as a promotion as a biopic. It was never supposed to get this far!!
Why, oh why, did he have to be naturally good at everything, he could with this fucking thing. Maybe his bones would pop out before then. How did people do dance as a job?
"Ugh, Americans," he thinks.
You take a moment to exhale, as the couples before you are called out on to the stage for the elimination ceremony.
"Arten, Taylor, Anwar, YN, You're our last couples tonight. We're letting American decide," Alfonso Ribero nods solemly at the audience and it's so deeply difficult not to hide your face behind your hands.
"Excuse me, Alfonso, I've got something to say!"
"Oh, yeah Anwar? What's that?" He's such a good sport, Alfonso was a perfect host for this show.
"I've reached my peak with dancing. I'd rather take my leave from Dancing With The Stars knowing I did my best, and that I'd rather be eating." Alfonso hides a laugh behind his hand.
"Taylor is the better dancer, anyone with eyes can tell, and I'd rather be taking this one out on a date. You promised when the season was over..." Your partner gives you the saddest, most large, wet eyes you could ever imagine, and it squeezes all the breath out of your lungs.
"Oh... yes!" You answer, blinking at him, asking 'Where are you going with this?' Dinner with Anwar, had you ever actually seen him eat?
"She said yes, so America, don't vote for me, I'm going to Five Guys because I'm tired!!" You roll your eyes in full view of the camera, hoping that the teens on Twitter could capture what on earth your Anwar was doing!
"Taylor, you're a dear friend," Taylor blew him a kiss, smiling, and he bowed, "goodnight everyone!"
The audience stands, for someone self-aware. As far as you were concerned, such charisma should be banned within city limits!
"You're ridiculous!" You cry, laughing as Anwar sees fit to pick you up like a bride, and sweep you off the fucking ballroom floor. Good riddance, it's time for something else.
You close your eyes, leaning into your chest as lights flash. The night is temperate, bordering on a light chill, and you stood on the pavement with your ass practically out in your leotard. This LA thing was for the birds, how did people do this?
"I am so proud of you. And thanks for that." You reach up and kiss his bearded cheek, as he plants you firmly on the sidewalk. The car you had waiting was going to take you to five guys. Whatever it was between the two of you had to be addressed, and you've got more than enough time now.
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