#none of that pizza looked appetizing
wow-an-unfunny-joke · 4 months
Silly Game Time: Describe the perfect pizza.
Don’t get mad okay.
We’re all pizza lovers here, okay?
Im not trying to start anything!
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We all love pizza here
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No hate for a fellow pizza lover, right?
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illiterateaffairs · 1 year
pairing: jamie tartt x f!reader (ted lasso)
rating: T
word count: 1,403
summary: you and jamie bond over board games. takes place between chapters four and five of distractions.
A/N: missing scene number two is here! and happy ted finale day :( everyone please feel free to message me about the show after you watch. have a feeling we’re going to need to cope together <3 distractions official next chapter will be out friday for us all to disassociate with and keep the show alive! when distractions the series becomes our distraction >>>>>
distractions masterlist
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When you asked Jamie to grab a sweatshirt from your closet, there were a million things he could have fixated on. 
He could have teased you for your Grey’s Anatomy Grey Sloan Memorial tee-shirt. 
He also could have questioned why you had hoarded a few of his own pieces of clothing - you were thankful he didn’t notice those. 
If he really snooped around, he could have also found old journals full of short stories, poems, and notes you had jotted down once upon a time. 
But no, what he found the most exciting you would have never expected. 
After hearing some suspicious shifting, followed by a thump and quiet yelp, Jamie called out to you. 
“You have Monopoly?” 
You barely processed what he said as he bounded back into the living room and enthusiastically showed off the board game. 
“Oh, yeah?” you looked up from the couch with eyes pinched in confusion. 
“We have to play,” he declared, already moving things off of your coffee table to make room. 
“I thought we were going to order dinner?” you asked, though an amused smile played at your lips. 
Jamie shrugged, as he knelt down on the floor and started taking out the game components, “We could just have some snacks while we play? Whatever you have here is probably good.” After a second, he paused and looked up at you with big eyes, “Unless you don’t want to play, because we don’t have to.”
“No!” you’re quick to console, and you’re not even sure why, “No, let’s play! I can throw some sort of appetizer in the oven and grab chips. Let's do it.” 
“Cool,” Jamie smiled. You got up as he sorted the Monopoly money before dropping it suddenly, “Shit.”
From the kitchen doorway, you curiously watched him jump over your couch and jog back to your room, only to return moments later with the sweatshirt you originally asked for.
“M’lady,” he mock-bowed and presented it to you.
You snorted but thanked him appreciatively.
Forty-five minutes later, you were knee deep in a game of Monopoly, and even deeper in the bag of Pizza Rolls you’d smuggled over from America. While it wasn’t uncommon for you and Jamie to hang out fully-clothed as of late, this night felt different. It felt casual. Simple. Domestic. And none of it was doing anything to help those pesky little feelings you were starting to develop for him.
Jamie had put on music while the two of you waited for the Pizza Rolls to heat up, and you two sang horribly off-key to Alanis Morrissette. And then when you two sat down to play the game, Jamie made himself right at home on the floor. He immediately called playing as the Car piece, and you happily chose the Thimble. He also explained that in the U.K. they have a London version of the game, so he was excited to play with the American version. 
You played peacefully, intermittently exchanging little pieces of small-talk. Though, it was hard to concentrate since you found how much he enjoyed the game so adorably endearing. 
“I’ve got to say, I would have never seen you as a board game kind of guy,” you eventually mused aloud. 
You noticed a slight redness in Jamie’s cheeks, as he looked thoughtfully at the Monopoly board instead of at you. 
“Dunno,” he shrugged, “I find them comforting I guess. My mum and I used to play stuff like Monopoly and Clue all the time when I was a kid.”
You smiled at this little nugget of information about his childhood. “I feel the same way. My dads are board game fiends. We’d have family game night every Friday.”
Jamie’s brow quirked and he looked back over to you. “Dads?”
You nodded, “Mhmm. Two dads. They adopted me when I was a kid. In fact, as a welcome home gift, they actually bought me Monopoly, but it was the Disney Princess version. They upgraded me to this one when I went off to college.”
Jamie smiled, “That’s nice. What do they think of you being all the way over here? They’re in Chicago, right?”
You bit your cheek a little. Telling him you’re actually from Kansas, just like Ted, might be a little too specific to pull off as a coincidence. Instead of lying, you bypassed the question all together, and focused on his first.
“I think they’re happy I’m trying something new, and that I’m doing something for myself. They don’t know most of the story about why Mason and I broke up because I do not need them to worry, but I think they know it's better that we’re not together. I think they probably wish I lived closer, but if I’m happy they’re happy.”
“And are you?” Jamie asked softly, “Happy, I mean?”
You thought about it for a second, but it wasn’t a hard thing to answer. You had never been surrounded by more loving and kind people, and never had a job this exciting. You’re also reluctant to admit that you’ve never been around a boy who makes your stomach flip like Jamie does, but it was true.
“Yes,” you finally said, “I’m very happy here.”
Jamie nodded, his own small smile forming. 
“I think part of me feels guilty though,” you found yourself admitting, “The whole time I was in Chicago, I hardly saw them. I spent a lot of Christmases and Thanksgivings with Mason and his family, because he insisted. I’d make time for them occasionally on my own, but it was hard with my old job. I didn’t really think about being even further away after taking this job. And leave it to them to be more than understanding, and volunteer to come here next time they have the chance. I feel like I don’t deserve them.”
Jamie shook his head, “Don’t say that. Your dads clearly love you. And you definitely deserve it.” He sighed lightly before continuing, “I think it's nice they’re so supportive. My dad…he’s not…”
As you watched Jamie struggle to articulate his thoughts, you didn’t hesitate to take his hand in yours and give it a squeeze. It wasn’t the first time he’d made reference to his dad, but it was usually a sarcastic comment, nothing of depth.
“Jamie,” you interrupted softly, “You don’t have to talk about him if you don’t want to.”
“I know,” he nodded, staring at your intertwined fingers, “He’s just…not the best person. It’s a long story, but we haven’t really talked in almost a year now. And I feel guilty about that sometimes, myself, but I think it's probably for the best. At least for now. But your dads sound amazing, and they’re probably so proud of you for coming out here and trying something new. So I wouldn’t worry about letting them down. I mean, I can’t see how you’d let anyone down, so…” He trailed off quietly.
You smiled and gave his hand an extra tight squeeze. “Thank you, Jamie. And even though you never have to, you can always talk to me about anything with your dad if you ever need to,” he nods, still staring at your hands, “...and I’m sorry if talking about my dads made you feel uncomfortable, I don’t..”
“No, no.” Jamie quickly reassured, turning to face you again, “I promise you, it didn’t. I liked hearing about your dads. Like I said, they seem great.” He gave you another small smile, before continuing, “Maybe we can start doing something like Friday Game Nights? I feel like the team would love it. Beard and Ted too, and we can drag Roy along. I’d pay money to see that guy play charades.”
You giggled. You also tried not to show how touched you were at the offer. Images of Ted at family game nights growing up flash through your head, and you’re sure he’d love a piece of home here, too. 
“I think that sounds perfect.” You gave his hand one last squeeze before reluctantly pulling away, and picking up the dice, “Alright, my turn right?”
Jamie nodded and shook off any remaining anxious energy. As you took your turn, Jamie cleared his throat, “I also saw Jenga in your closet, can we play that next?”
You laughed, “If you’re okay seeing me lose my shit every time I inevitably knock everything over, then sure.”
Jamie grins, “I can’t wait.”
A/N: let me know what missing scenes you’d like to see next! and don’t hesitate to let me know how y’all are doing after watching ted!!!
Taglist: @atabigail @boundtomyfate @sammysgirl1997 @lil-tracys @shephard17895 @alaspice @itsbarbraann @redpool @drmeghanjones @straightforwardly @alex-sulli @aiyaiy @artemismaximoff @roadtoself-love @theloud-yet-quietone @forcesofgrief @kirisimpster @geek-and-proud @grippleback-galaxy @lalla-04p @gabbycoady13 @royalestrellas @qardasngan @creationcitystreet-em @percysaidnever @emily-b @mrfitzsimmons @k-n-e @agentstarkid @legobatmans9thab @mrsprongs25 @escapismqueen @sokkigarden @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @dollfaceyourfear @dicgohargreeves @heyitz-julia @vampirodelascajas @grxcesmind @lizziel1410 @bcon24 @looooooooomis @queen-of-dumbasses @moseyluvs @alipap3 @amachira @respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog @daphneblakeswife​ @chelseamount​ @k0z3me​ @lickitandsendit3​ @miakreid​ @shimmeringfrenchie​ @meg-ro​ @selmasemlan​ @hellfire-babez​ @rockchickrebel​ ​@spookysins @a-sweet-little-fangirl @optimisticsandwichgladiator @marveltg365 @ringpopdust @gcidrvsh @beardsplitter @scaramou @ibong-adarnaaa @piper570 @eviemae263782 it wouldn’t let me tag the last few of you, let me know if its something with your settings, otherwise i can keep trying in future updates! <3  ​
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copperbadge · 9 months
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[ID: A photograph of a building in Chicago through my window; in one corner my spider plant is photobombing the image. Through the window, snow can be seen falling against the urban backdrop.]
It's snowing in Chicago for New Year's! Everyone who bought a cute cocktail dress to wear out to the parties tonight, I'm so sorry. Maybe invest in some kind of dramatic greatcoat that will keep your butts warm.
Me, I've put the stracotto di manzo on to slow cook (fourth dish I'm cooking, third course in the Festa Alla Cinque Cibi) and I'm about to sit on the sofa and not do much for a bit.
The stracotto di manzo recipe, like the burik recipe, comes from Portico, a Jewish-Italian cookbook (there's an online version here) and I did make a few alterations; I hope people know that whenever I talk about changing a recipe it's because I'm changing it to suit my tastes or laziness, and that's not a critique of the recipe. In this case, I halved the recipe since I'm only one man and four pounds of pot roast is too much. I also replaced the sauteed onions-celery-garlic mixture with my Special Sauce, but mainly because I had the Special Sauce handy and it's the same flavor profile more or less. No celery note, but I'm indifferent to celery.
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[ID: three images; left, a photo into the instant pot, showing a golden-brown mess on the bottom; center, a bottle of Bay Bridge Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon; right, the "special sauce" after the wine has been added, which is now a surprisingly appetizing-looking green liquid flecked with gold.]
The "special sauce" is a mixture of caramelized onions, roasted garlic, and my homemade pesto (roasted cashews, fresh basil, salt, roasted garlic, olive oil). I browned the beef chunks in olive oil and removed them, added the special sauce just long enough to get it good and hot, then added the wine and deglazed the pan. They say you should only ever cook with wine you'd drink, but I don't like wine at all, so like a good San Francisco boy I bought some California Cab in the $5-$10 range and hoped for the best. When it arrived it turned out it had been on markdown, so that is right there some of your finest $2.50 wine. I'll use the rest in a ragu sauce or to thin paint or something. How long does jet fuel keep in the fridge?
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[ID: A shot into the instant-pot of large chunks of beef bubbling away in a red sauce, bits of gold "special sauce" still visible here and there. None of you can smell the garlic and basil I'm smelling right now but I wish you could.]
Anyway I didn't get a photo of the beef browning, but once the special sauce and red wine were on the boil, I added a massive can of tomato puree and the browned beef, brought it up to bubbling, then switched over to slow-cook. I've got it on the lowest possible setting but that might be slightly too low, so I'll check the temp in two hours and re-evaluate. It's just feeding me and I have no set time to eat, so if it takes all day it takes all day.
All that's left now is the second fry on the Carciofi Alla Giudia, which will be the last thing I do because you serve that warm and there's no real way to re-heat it after the second fry.
Breakfast was a slice of homemade pizza and like four amaretti cookies, because I am only ever classy by appointment.
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anthracite-writes · 1 year
Obey me! Oneshot - Duty Calls
NB! Satan x gn! reader || SFW & Angst || TW//CW: spoilers for Obey Me Nightbringer & mentions of pineapple on pizza.- General Summary: You're summoned by Lucifer to the House of Lamentation after your norrmal working hours, upon the tantrum Satan has at dinner that night.
NOTE // I do throw in my personal headcanon of Beel being able to enjoy anything as long as it's appetizing. Yes, in his headcanon Beel like pineapple on on pizza - I humbly apologize for this headcanon but we're using it as the plot device.
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“Y/N, Apologies for summoning during your off hours, but please come to the House. It’s Satan… Again.” You recalled Lucifer’s voice over the phone when you were in the middle of preparing for bed. Reluctantly, you put on more presentable clothing than what your PJs were before you leave for the house. Once stepping through the threshold of the main entrance, Lucifer and his brothers were waiting for you - the absence of the blond demon obvious. You listened to the brothers recall what happened at dinner and want you to check on him, none of them wanting to anger him any more than he was currently before you walked off.
You let out a soft sigh as you walked down the familiar halls of the House of Lamentations you’ve known, it looked exactly the same as the one in your time, just less family photos and paintings on the walls than what you're used to - especially the lack of photos with the Avatar Wrath. The Satan in the past was much different than the one you knew in the present - a completely shut in and refused to connect with his brother. Scratch that, he didn’t even consider the rest even his family because of how different he was from them. This Satan in this timeline completely felt alienated from the others, not understanding things as he adjusted and learned about the world he has just entered. He wasn’t a Fallen Angel like Lucifer and the others, he was just a plain old Demon-born like Diavolo or Barbatos or any other lesser demon in the Devildom. And as the attendant of the 7 brothers, you tend to spend more time with Satan - trying to calm him down or help him eat when he's chained down to his bed, restricting him from causing any more damage to the house from his rampages over minor things. This was no different. You approached the door of Satan’s room, knocking your fist gently against the wooden surface, “Hey, Satan… It’s Y/N, you know - the attendant. Lucifer summoned me to check on you.”
You can hear his shift around in his room, no sounds of the chains that usually hear when he’s upset like this. He was clearly ignoring you like he usually does, you let out a sigh, “Satan, I know you’re in there… I can hear you through the door.”
There was a pause before you heard him from the other side of the door, “It’s open…”.
Your hand turned the knob and slowly opened the door, stepping into the book-cluttered room, being careful where you stepped - being sure not to accidentally touch one of the many cursed books that he deliberately lays out for Lucifer. “Hey, Satan… how are you holding up?” You said in a soft tone as if talking to a child, pushing the door closed behind you and standing in the only empty area free of the book-clutter.
“What is it?” Satan said with a hiss in his voice, not doing a very good job of hiding the annoyance as his emerald green eyes glared daggers at you and your presence in his room.
“Um… your brothers filled me in and told me you had another rampage and tantrum at dinner tonight, is that correct?” You said, keeping a hand on the knob just in case if the young demon lunged at you. “It was over the fact your pizza order had pineapples on it… corrent?” You voice quivered as you brought up the situation, seeing Satan’s glare harden.
“Yes.” He said bluntly, clearly annoyed. “Is there a problem with that?”
You let out a soft sigh, easing your nerves but staying near the door if you needed to make a break for it. “No, there’s no issue with that. Everyone has they’re only taste and opinions on what belongs and doesn’t belong on foods” you started, keeping a watchful eye as you tracked his every movement, no matter how minor it was. “But, going ahead and absolutely flipping out over a minor thing, leaving the whole dining hall a mess is completely unacceptable behaviour.” you scolded him with a soft tone, trying not to set him off by accident.
Satan’s expression didn’t change, still grumpy yet you can feel the tension in the air die down just by a tiny bit. “Yes, yes… I know… but I hate pineapples on my pizza and I’m sure Lucifer is the reason behind it. He’s always trying to push my buttons - thinking he’s so high and mighty over me just because he created me-”
You sigh, cutting off the demon mid-sentence. “Satan. If I remember from you brothers recount of the situation-”
“They’re not my brothers.” Satan hissed at you.
 “-is that you grabbed the wrong box which was the one that contained pineapples. Lucifer isn’t plotting against you or trying to get on your nerves. It was a simple mistake, which will happen in life. The proper response you should of had was ask who order it among your brothers-”
“They. Are. Not. My. Brothers.” Satan said in a sarcastic tone, his temper slowly rising.
“-Not going ahead and turning the whole dining all upside down.” You finally finished, not letting Satan’s childish remarks stop you from getting your point across. Silence filled the room, Satan hugging his knees to his chest as he shifted around his bed.
“You and I both know better than that… Lucifer loves making this ‘accidental’ mistakes… he put the box in my spot at the table. He knew what he was doing…” Satan said through a pout, trying to keep his temper at bay, “... you know he hates seeing me happy.”
You couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle at Satan's attitude; acting like he was an angsty teen against his father. “Fine, fine. Say what you want, call it what you want - but I’ll stop with my rambling.” You said with a slight smile, leaning back against the door’s surface as you crossed your arms, looking at the demon on the other side of the room. “I was just sent here to do an assessment check on you, see if you’re calm and if there’s any need to chain you up. I’ll quickly finish that and I’ll be on my way.”
Satan stared at you from his spot on his bed before looking away from you, “Fine, yes… go ahead.” He said, humouring you.
You stare at him, trying to gauge how he was on his temperament scale before speaking, pushing your back off the door, ready to leave. “Okay, assessment done, I’ll be leaving now.” You say, turning around on your heels and opening the door.
“W-wait…” you hear the demon call out to you, making you look over your shoulder. He was sitting at the edge of his bed, his head turned away.
“Yes?  Is there something you need from me?” You watched as the demon’s shoulders tense a bit as if he was holding himself back, a faint dust of pink on his cheeks.
“Could you, uh…” Satan paused, gulping down his embarrassment, “... stay with me? Just for a bit… I’m not in the best of moods and usually you help a lot with those.”
“Are you sure? Usually, it’s kinda advised to not be around you when you’re in a mood, especially after you had a rampage.”
A tensed up ‘tsk’ escaped his lips when he heard what his brothers had warned you not to do, taking a breath, “I know… But, please… I don’t want to be left alone right now…”
You lean back against the door once more, crossing your arms in a comfortable manner, “Okay, I’ll stay here but I’ll just stand here near your door, is that okay with you? I want to give you your space.”
Satan gave a slight nod, turning away from you as he picked up a book from the many stacks that surrounded his bed, “That’s alright… thank you.”
It was silent, a peaceful kind of silent. Satan finally felt the rage subside within him, comfortable laying back against the headboard of his bed, staring over at you as his thoughts wandered elsewhere - seeing you starting to nod off as you stood at his door, your head resting on your shoulders, leaned back and eyes closed. Waiting for the blond to dismiss you.
“...Y/N?” He called out to you in a soft tone, making your eyes flutter open at the call of your name.
“Hm…? Yes? What is it, Satan?”
“Can I ask something of you?”
You stretch slightly, feeling your muscles were tensing up from the position you were standing in, stretching your arms over your head, “Go ahead, what can I do for you?”
Satan hesitated slightly, biting the bottom of his lip as he looked at you, “Uh… could you come over here, please?” “Oh. um… sure.” You stand up straight from your leaning position against the room’s door, carefully walking over to him, being mindful of the horde of books scattered on the wooden floor of his room - not wanting to accidentally stepping on one of his books or activating one of his cursed book, finding yourself standing before the demon by his bedside.
Satan fixed his lying position on his bed, facing you completely yet his eyes looking down at the floor beneath you, avoiding any contact with you. “Could… could you perhaps sit down with me…?”
You sit down on the edge of his bed, looking over at the demon, “Is that all you had wanted to request from me…?”
Without a word, Satan sat up and scooted close to you before laying his head down on your lap, being mindful of his horns, “Just… Can you listen to me for a while…? Like, no judging, no interrupting… just listen. Okay?”
You felt your face heat up as you watched Satan shift around in his lying position as he got comfortable, “O-okay… I’ll listen to you.” you said with a shaky breath, shifting to get more comfortable in the position Satan wanting you in.
For a moment, Satan stayed silent - mustering up the courage to talk in such a vulnerable position, keeping an eye on the door as if one of his brother would be busting in to tease him again mixed with the embarrassment of being in the position he put himself in, “You know, I just… never really had anyone to talk to, so uh… I want to get some stuff off my chest. Is… is that okay with you?” He glanced up at you with a bit of uncertainty in his eyes. You simply nod in your response, gently running your fingers in his golden locks, Satan taking a breath to begin speaking only to find himself unable to speak from feeling your gentle touch, enjoying the gentle caress.
You continue that for a while as you wait for him to speak, gently playing with his hair ever so gently to help him, tucking a couple strands of his hair behind his ear as you were hesitant to speak - not wanting to set him off.
“I just… never fit in with anyone down here… I don’t fit in with my so called ‘brothers’, I’m nothing like them… they’re former angels and closely knit together, I’m like an accidental stitch that appeared rather than being in the cluster of stitches…I don’t even fit in with other demons down here, they’re calling me a “celestial traitor” and turned me away before I became the Avatar of Wrath… I know me and the others finally got the respect we wanted but… I can’t help but feel like I don’t know my place in this world… Everyone rejects me… “I hate hiding parts of myself and only being seen as the one who has tantrums over mediocre things like not understanding something or getting frustrated that I can’t do something, and I don’t know how to stop…” Satan let out a shaky breath, “But… I guess I should be used to this… I’ll get used to the loneliness…”
Hearing this broke your heart, you wanted to tell him how he was like in the future, how bright and intelligent of a demon he’ll become in the coming years. But you couldn't risk messing up the timeline and causing a butterfly effect just because you wanted to comfort the demon who came to only just a year ago after the Celestial war broke out. You took a shaky breath, “Are you sure other people are rejecting you or are you the one rejecting yourself…?”
Satan looked up with eyes filled with curiosity as the question you proposed, his thoughts starting to ponder your words, “How… What do you mean by that?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his reaction, it is rare to see him this intrigued over something other than the cats that wander into the Devildom from the human world. “I mean… you are the one constantly isolating yourself from everyone, especially your brothers. You always deny you seven are brothers or even when one of them wants to include you in something they’re doing - you throw a fit which usually escalates to you exploding and destroying everything in your path till you’re restrained in your room. You’re always the one making up excuses or straight up ignoring them when you’re nose deep in a book, trying to keep everyone away from you. “It’s more like you're rejecting them alongside yourself at the same time. And I don’t think it’s because you’re a full demon while the six of them are fallen angels. It’s more like you’re scared of what you don’t understand. You should know, the 6 of them - Lucifer included, see you as their brother. They see you as family, despite being different. And I know you think you need to navigate the world by yourself, but you should know, your brothers are there to guide you when you need it.” You rambled, staring off a bit as you continued to gently run your fingers though the demon’s hair, your fingers occasionally tracing the edge of the segments of his horns as you spoke all while you were cautious with your words to not accidentally reveal anything in the future.
Satan looked at you wide-eyed in wonder, taking in every word you said. “I guess I never though of it that way… I… I’ll take that for food for thought, Y/N… Thanks…” he said quietly, his gaze drifting to the side “Are you feeling better now?” You say with a soft chuckle, Satan slightly nodding in response.
“I… I think so. If I was completely honest, I owe you an apology.” He said, his tone till calm and quiet.
“Why do you think that? You didn’t do anything to upset me or anything.”
He let out a sigh and shook his head, “I’m sorry for having lashed out at everyone at dinner… You’re supposed to be off duty and resting for the day, it’s my fault you were summoned here…” he mumbled in embarrassment, his cheeks turning red
“Hey, it’s really no problem. I meant it when I said I want to take care of you and your brothers as you all adjust to the Devildom…” You said in a soft tone, pushing the hair out from his face to look him in the eye, “And I want to see all of you thrive, that includes you… I know you’re having a hard time controlling your sin and still trying to navigate the world and understand everything around you. Don’t apologise for that, I understand okay?”
A small smile formed on Satan’s lips at your words, taking your hand that was on his head in his, “You’re… quite forgiving, you know that?”
“What? No ‘for a human’ to finish off that sentence?” You said with a chuckle, Satan’s cheek changing colour at your comment.
“You caught me… to be honest, I didn’t know humans as a whole were capable of understanding demons on the level as you seem to be on… I can’t wait for when I can go to the human world…” You let out a slight chuckle, “That’s a pretty big assumption, Satan… pretty sure most humans would be quite terrified if they even encounter a demon, even if it’s a lesser demon…” you paused in thought then smiled a tiny bit at your thought, “unless they were like… some cult leader or someone who practises magic and makes pacts like my roommate Solomon.”
The demon let out a light laugh, making you smile that he seems to be doing better than when you first walked in. “Really? Huh… then the human world shall wait till I learn more about your kind.” He looked up at you from his position on your lap, “You’re a pretty good attendant, Y/N. You should know that.” A genuine smile on his lips, showing you his rage has finally settled down to its lowest point.
“I guess you’re feeling better now, huh? And for curtain this time, right?” You said with a warm smile as you looked down at the demon laid upon your lap, running your fingers through his hair in a caring manner.
“Mhm… but um… I’m too comfortable now on your lap. Could you maybe… sit here a bit longer with me like this…?” He asked with a pleading look in his eyes that made you not want to say no to the young demon.
“I’ll be happy to stay for just a little longer, okay?” You said with a smile, “But only for thirty minutes max, I have to still rest for tomorrow you know”.
A slight pout forms on Satan’s lips as he turns over slightly, just enough to hug your waist as he looks up at you in almost a begging manner, “Stay a little longer? Please? Can’t you just make it an hour max instead of thirty…?”
The way he acted was as if he was still a child, despite being a fully grown demon, you couldn’t help but give a caring smile, patting the top of Satan’s head as his spiked tail slightly swayed in satisfaction. “Okay, I’ll stay for an hour but that’s the maximum.” You said with a soft sigh of contentment, “Lucifer might scold you if he finds out you made me stay longer than required”
“An hour later…” He mumbles, a hint of happiness in his tone as he laid on his back, his head on your lap as he let the comfort and content take over the emotions of rage. A small smile on his lips as he felt you ran your hand through his hair as he looked back into your caring eyes.
Only a couple minutes have passed in the time since the two of you sat in complete silence when you heard Satan break the silence, “Could I ask for another favour…?”
“Go ahead, I’m all ears.” You said, leaning back slightly on your free hand gently fixing the hair of the male laying on your lap. You notice Satan’s cheeks rosy up as he took a shaky breath,
“Can… Can you hold me?”
The request surprised you, you never would have expected such words falling out of Satan’s mouth. Without a word, you gently lift up the blond in your arms from his laying position on your lap and holding him in your arms. Satan was speechless, not expecting you to accept what he had requested for, instantly  melting in your arms, pressing his face into the crook of your chest, feeling safe, warm, and comforted. You place a hand behind his head, pulling him closer to your body as you feel him nuzzle your chest, wrapping his arms around you and clinging to the back of your clothes.
“Y/N…” Satan muttered against your chest, nuzzling it a bit more
“I… I want to stay like this for a bit… if that’s okay with you,” You can hear a slight yawn in his tone.
“Okay… we’ll stay like this till you call asleep, okay?” You said with a sigh, holding him closer to you, seeing him look up at you with a tired yet content smile.
“Thank you…” He said as he slowly closed his eyes, pressing his face into his chest. You felt his breathing become slow and even before starting to snore quietly having fallen asleep in a matter of seconds.
‘Guess your tantrum did drain a lot of energy from you… Huh, Satan?’ You thought to yourself, letting out a quiet sigh.
You slowly and carefully got up and laid him down on the bed once you were sure he was fully asleep, gently pulling the covers over the sleeping demon, watching his sprawl out and his tail swaying as he slept before turning over on his stomach and burying his face into his pillows. You carefully make your way back to the door, looking back at Satan to make sure he didn’t stir awake. Gently opening the door, ensuring to not make any loud noises, you step out into the hall and close the door carefully. “Goodnight Satan, sleep well…” You say quietly to yourself, letting out a deep sigh and start to make your way to the staircare to go report back to Lucifer and head home for the night.
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dreamylittlesugarcube · 10 months
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Genre: EXO AU
Characters: Yixing x Female Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Your holiday stint as a food delivery worker isn’t going as well as you’d hoped. Will a chance meeting with a handsome bartender be just the gift you need? 
A/N: A very happy Secret Santa reveal to my giftee, @leewalberg. I hope this brings you some holiday cheer! It’s been great getting to chat with you about Yixing and our mutual love of baking and food! @exols-silver-christmas
*Please note: I do not own the image used, so credit should go to the original creator/owner.*
“I specifically said ranch, not mustard, you idiot!”
Sauce packets bounced off your helmet and for the millionth time tonight you wondered why you were subjecting yourself to this. 
Oh, that’s right–Christmas presents. Times were tough in this economy and gifts didn’t buy themselves. 
“ –um, HELLO, are you even listening to me?” Unfortunately. 
Restraining yourself, you fished a copy of the receipt out of your pocket and held it up for her inspection. “I’m sorry ma’am, but the receipt specifically said mustard and–”
“ –well you should have known what I meant!” she sputtered. “Who eats mustard on a pizza anyway? That’s so stupid!”
“Ma’am, I don’t tell anyone how to eat their food, I just deliver what’s in the bag.” You started to back away towards your moped, ready to be done with this conversation. “If there’s a problem with your order, please contact Food2You support and they’ll be able to offer you assistance.” With that, you got on your moped, strapped on your helmet, and backed out of the driveway, as the customer continued to scream about “lazy, good-for-nothings, don’t think you’re getting a tip”. 
And true to her word, you did not get a tip. She’d gone into the app and removed it. Sigh. 
Thankfully, the rest of your deliveries went without a hitch. You’d even scored an extra large tip from a heavy order of sushi platters to a penthouse suite downtown. With enough cash to add to your Christmas Fund, you figured you deserved a little treat of your own for what you’d had to deal with tonight. 
The craft beer passport burning your roommate had gotten you for your birthday was just burning a hole in the button of your purse, so you figured you might as well use it. Flipping through the pages, you noticed one included location was not far from here: The Black Sheep Bar & Bistro. It advertised itself as having local, custom brews paired with bites to complement the individual notes of each beer. Right up your alley.
As busy as it was downtown, you were lucky to find a parking spot not too far from the bar. From the outside, the bar looked welcoming with festive Christmas lights Upon entering, you were greeted by a friendly host, a tall dark-haired man who told you his name was Chanyeol. The dining room was dimly lit with pale yellow twinkle lights on the ceiling and a variety of booths and small tables that gave it a cozy, intimate atmosphere. Situated on the other end of the room, was a shiny, mahogany bar. The low hum of conversation was quiet, surprising, since it seemed like all the tables were filled. 
“It looks like we’re fully booked tonight, so unfortunately I don’t have a table for you.”
You were about to say “no problem”, when Chanyeol’s gaze shifted over your head. He paused for a second, then smiled. 
“ –unless you wouldn’t mind sitting at the bar? Looks like a spot just opened up.” 
It must have been your lucky night, as you soon found yourself promptly seated at the shiny, wooden bar, perusing the many drink and food options. Beer flights, specialty cocktails, and appetizer pairings with an array of global dishes that changed monthly, according to the menu. 
“So, what can I get started for you?” 
You looked up to see a handsome man, probably in his mid-twenties to early thirties. Blonde hair, dark eyes. Cute. Not that you were looking. He’s here to ask you for your order, not for you to ogle like a piece of meat. 
You cleared your throat. “Ummm…it’s my first time here and there’s so many good choices…do you have a recommendation?”
He took the menu and flipped through to the entree page. “We do small plates here, but some are more generous than others. If you’re hungry, the beep tenderloin with garlic potato puree is very popular. More adventurous, I’d recommend the bison barbeque sliders. And finally, my personal favorite, the loaded mini hotdog bites. They’re stuffed with cheese and caramelized onions.”
You scratched your chin in thought. “Hmm, I think I’ll take the hotdog bites, you made that sound really interesting.” 
“And to drink?”
“Whatever you have on tap that would go well with the buns.”
He finished scribbling on his little pad of paper. “Sounds good, I’ll go put this order right in. I’m Yixing, by the way, in case you need anything else”. He winked then walked away. 
You watched him as he went. Yixing. You knew his name!
After hanging your ticket at the kitchen window, he went about his business, taking orders, making drinks, chatting with guests who were clearly regulars. It was calming to watch him move about the bar; it was rhythmic and he flowed as though a dancer might. 
Finally, he came to you again, holding a pint of pale liquid and a plate of little bites made of what looked to be puff pastry. He presented them to you with a flourish. “Our brewmaster recommends a nice, amber ale to cut through the richness of the meat and complement the cheese and caramelized onions. Both the chef and the brewmaster are very open to feedback, so please let me know if it isn’t to your liking.” 
You dutifully followed his instructions, and mindful of his watchful gaze, attempted to take a some-what elegant bite out of the steaming mini hotdog bites. Not expecting to heat, you reached for your beer and chugged a third of the glass. Smooth. 
“Sorry, sorry! I should have warned you. People usually wait for them to cool off a bit.” Yixing said, pressing his hands together in repentance. 
You swallowed. “That’s okay, it’s my fault. They just looked so good that I couldn’t wait.”
“I’m the same way,” he said, grinning. “I’d rather look like a fire-breathing dragon, than wait a whole five minutes.”
You smiled, staring at his face and wishing you were better at small talk. Come on, think of something. You did improv in high school and this is what you have to show for it?
“...well, enjoy your first couple bites and let me know if you need anything else, okay?”
You tried to say something to get him to stay, you really did, but all you could manage was a small smile and a thumbs up. Oh my god, really, that’s all the game I have? 
He raised an eyebrow, returning your thumbs up with one of his own. You could swear you heard him chuckling as he walked away. 
You tried to eat your food slowly, taking small bites and even smaller sips of your drink to make your time here last longer. After an hour, you’d finally finished your food, taking your time to people-watch, well person-watch, without making it too obvious.  The bar had pretty much cleared out and only a few diners lingered in the restaurant. 
“Kitchen’s closing in five minutes, so last call for orders. Do you want anything else?” Yixing asked. He stepped towards you from the other end of the counter where he’d been drying glasses. Which you had not been watching him do. 
You were, in fact, very full. And honestly, at this time of day, you’d typically smash a bag of salty kettle chips and call it a night. 
“I think I’m good, I usually finish out my night with junk food, so I’m not used to eating rich food so late. I’ll take another order of the hotdog bites to go though, my roommate would kill me if I didn’t bring anything home for her.”
Yixing nodded and headed over to put in the order, but instead of stopping at the window, he went through the doors and all the way into the kitchen. Moments later, he was back and walking towards you. He stopped and thought for a second before bending down behind the counter. You heard rustling, as though he was looking for something. Finally, he popped back up with a look of conspiracy on his face. His eyes darted around, as though making sure the coast was clear, before shoving a small box across the bar to you. 
Peering in the box, you saw a variety of packaged snacks: Lay’s chips, rice crackers, Pocky, Kit-Kats, cream wafers, pretzels, and many more snacks you’d never seen before. You furrowed your eyebrows, unsure of what was happening. 
Having seen your confusion, Yixing leaned forward, to whisper. “I love junk food, but the brewmaster, Xiumin, is my gym partner and he’s very strict about food. I hide these here so I can eat them when he isn’t watching. You want one?”
Mesmerized at his closeness, you reached into the box and grabbed a snack, not caring which one you actually ended up with. You smiled, fingering the waxy material. “Well, then I appreciate you sharing your secret stash with me.”
“And you can’t tell Xiumin, okay?”
“Of course. I will guard your secret with my life.” You made a serious expression, thumping your hand over your chest in promise. It didn’t even matter that you had no idea who Xiumin was. You just liked the moment you were sharing. 
The sound of a throat clearing made you jump and you looked up to see a short dark-haired man with glasses wearing a chef’s uniform. He held a white, to-go box, no doubt your hot dog bites. His gaze shifted between you and Yixing, almost like he knew something was up. “You better put that away before Xiumin comes in here and sees that.” He jerked his chin towards the box of contraband. 
Yixing nodded, the box disappearing as though it had never been. 
The chef placed your food on the counter and slid it towards you. “Here you are ma’am, have a wonderful night and thank you for stopping at The Black Sheep Bar and Bistro.”
Taking that as your cue to leave, you slipped on your coat and grabbed the box. Looking up, you locked eyes with Yixing. “Thanks, uh, for the recommendation,” you held up the box and your bag of snack, “ –and um, thank you for the chat.” 
Yixing smiled warmly. “You’re welcome. Feel free to come back anytime. I’m always here.”
You nodded, feeling almost light-headed, before awkwardly stumbling out the door. Chanyeol bid you farewell, smiling slyly as you left, like he hadn’t just watched you stare at his bartender all night. 
Outside, you leaned against the wall, fighting off an existential crisis. He wanted you to come back. To see you again. Had he been flirting? Or was he just being nice, the same as he was to all customers? Did he give special secret snacks to all the girls at the bar? You hoped he didn’t. You texted your roommate that you needed some “girl talk”, hoping she’d catch on that there was an emergency here. 
Trudging up the stairs to your apartment, you let yourself in. And as expected, Jessica was waiting up with ice cream and an expectant expression. Handing off the takeout, you went to change your clothes, happy to get into some comfortable sweats. 
“Hey, did you meet a guy or something?” Jessica shouted from the kitchen. 
“Yeah, why?” you shouted back.
“Come take a look.”
You padded out to the kitchen, where Jessica was waiting with a gleeful expression. 
Look!” she exclaimed, turning the open takeout container, so you could see the open lid. The open lid with numbers written on it. Numbers that looked suspiciously like a phone number. 
“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” you asked. 
“Yes!” Jessica squealed. “OMG spill, what happened? Because last time I heard from you you had mustard packets thrown in your face. This is SO much better than that!”
Jessica wouldn’t let you out of the room before you spilled all the dirty details. Not that there were any. 
“This is JUST like what happened in the drama I’ve been watching!” Jessica said, stamping her feet in excitement. “You HAVE to text him.” 
“And say what? ‘Hi, I’m the girl that you gave prohibited junk food to at the place of your employment that was staring at you all night because I think you’re hot?’ Besides, how do we know he even meant it for me?”
Jessica sighed. “Maybe because he wrote it on the back of your takeout container? Who else would it be for?”
“Okay, but what do I say?”
Jessica cracked her knuckles and patted you on the shoulder. “Thankfully, Big Sister Jessica is here, I don’t watch rom-coms for nothing.” She grabbed your phone and proceeded to type. 
You peered at the screen over her shoulder. “ ‘Hi, it’s Chips Girl.’  That’s what you came up with? No, ‘Hi, it’s Chips Girl, thanks for tonight, what are you up to? Want to get married?’.”  
“Nope, we’re giving an air of mystery, darling. He has to make the next move.” 
Your phone buzzed in Jessica’s hand. Jessica squealed while you tried to remember to breathe. She handed you the phone, staring pointedly, as you read what was on the screen.
“Hi Chips Girl ;). I was hoping you’d get my message. I was wondering…if you wanted more chips…maybe tomorrow at 6:00 at the movie theater next to the bar?”
“He asked you on a date, OMG!” Jessica screeched, running into your room. “Come on, let’s go,” she called, “outfits don’t plan themselves.”
You sent off a quick “Yes, that sounds nice!” text, holding the phone to your chest. 
Smiling to yourself, you thought perhaps this day hadn’t been bad at all. “Merry Christmas to me,” you whispered. A perfect present for a perfect Christmas. 
I hope you enjoyed reading “Delivery”. I love writing food and restaurant themed fics for EXO because it just fits so well! Thanks for reading!
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solvskrift · 1 year
if you're getting lost (i want that view) | bucky & sam after madripoor
whumptober prompt no. 4: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.” | shock | “You in there?” also on ao3!
Buck’s quiet on the plane.
He usually has that whole surly, stoic thing going on anyway, but Sam doesn’t like the look of him after all that shit in Madripoor. Zemo hands Bucky a cup of water, and Bucky takes it without looking at it, movements automatic. Measured.
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form,” Zemo had said, like it was funny.
Sam feels sick to his stomach.
He begins to wonder how wide a gap there is between programming and conditioning.
The hotel suite has three different rooms and a huge couch, so there really isn’t an excuse to be in each other’s way. But Bucky’s door is open and Sam shamelessly takes the opportunity to invite himself in and plop down next to him on the low bed.
Bucky’s eyes are trained on the TV despite the volume being barely audible.
“You good?”
Bucky just nods, arms crossed over his chest.
He still has his jacket on, and his boots.
“You gonna sleep in these?” Sam jokes, kicking lightly at Bucky’s foot. Bucky glances down at himself for a second before refocusing on the television. Sam sighs internally. “I’m ordering dinner, you want anything in particular?”
A shrug.
“C’mon, man, seriously - pizza? Salad?”
He half-expects a quip that they’re in Latvia, not Italy, but Bucky only shrugs again. “Whatever you want,” he says, rubbing his chin.
Sam’s noticed him doing that a lot in the last few hours. It seems significant, somehow, and Sam feels sure he’s missing something.
Sam returns to the room armed with six different boxes of appetizers from a place down the street and starts pulling them out of bags and tossing them to the bedspread.
Bucky has taken his shoes off. They’re lined up neatly by the side of the bed, but other than that there’s no sign that he’s moved.
“Here,” Sam says, settling back down and handing Bucky a plate of nachos and buffalo chicken wings.
Bucky unfolds his arms, takes the plate, and begins to eat.
Sam frowns, watching him. Bucky doesn’t like buffalo sauce - hates it, in fact - but he doesn’t complain about the flavor. He doesn’t even seem to notice it.
Sam’s stomach flips.
“You sure you’re okay?”
It’s automatic, like everything else about him at the moment, but at least he’s talking.
Sam munches on a quesadilla and studies him, at a loss for how to help. “I’m sorry you had to do all that again back there,” he ventures when his mouth isn’t full. “Be that again. None of this is fair.”
Bucky actually pauses at that. Sets his plate down slowly. Stares at the half-eaten pile of nachos.
God, Sam wishes Steve were here - he would know what to do, how to fix this.
Bucky flexes the fingers of his vibranium arm, watching them curl and unclench.
“It’s not who you really are, Buck,” Sam tells him quietly.
Bucky makes an odd sound at the back of his throat. “You sure about that?”
“Yes,” says Sam without hesitation. “Yes.”
Bucky’s quiet for a moment. He flexes his artificial fingers again. “I missed a spot.”
Sam blinks. “What?”
But Bucky slides off the bed without a word and heads for the bathroom.
Sam watches him go, uneasy, and he doesn’t realize he’s almost expecting to hear the sounds of things being smashed up until it doesn’t come.
It doesn’t make him feel any better.
He abandons the takeout and jumps up to follow, crossing the room in three long strides.
Bucky’s standing at the sink with the water running, scrubbing at his vibranium thumb. Sam steps up next to him, making sure to enter his field of vision slow and steady, but Bucky doesn’t look up. He just keeps rubbing a cloth against the same spot on his thumb, over and over.
“What are you doing?”
“Missed a spot,” Bucky mumbles again.
Carefully, Sam lifts a hand and presses it between Bucky’s shoulder blades. “There’s nothing there,” he assures him.
Bucky doesn’t stop.
“Hey,” Sam says and gently tugs the rag from Bucky’s fingers. Bucky freezes, and it’s such an eerie stillness that Sam feels panic begin to claw up his throat.
He reaches for Bucky’s chin to get his attention, and suddenly Bucky’s scrambling away from him, backing up until he smacks into the tiled wall.
“Don’t - ” Bucky chokes out. “Don’t - make me…” His eyes are hard and fierce, but they’re aimed at the floor like it’s not actually Sam he’s talking to.
The image of Zemo gripping Bucky’s chin flashes through his head.
“He will do anything you want.”
Sam holds up his hands to show he’s not a threat and tries not to vomit. “Hey,” he tries. “It’s me, okay? I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to do. You hear me?”
Bucky’s brow furrows. He doesn’t look at Sam, but his eyes flick back and forth like he’s trying to focus.
“You don’t belong to them anymore, Buck.” Sam swallows. “You never did.”
Bucky finally meets his eyes, and Sam dares to take a step closer. His fingertips graze the sleeve of Bucky’s jacket.
“You with me?”
Slowly, very slowly, Bucky reaches out. His expression doesn’t change, but he grips Sam’s arm so hard it’s painful. “I - I don’t…”
“It’s okay,” Sam encourages. “I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
He gives Bucky another minute then slips his hand behind his elbow to try to coax him away from the wall. Bucky leans into it, moving forward until his forehead comes to rest against Sam’s. Sam smothers his surprise even as his hand goes up instinctively to support Bucky’s back.
Sam certainly knows what it’s like to be intimate with someone, but somehow this feels like one of the most vulnerable things he’s ever done.
After a beat he allows himself to relax into it and breathes deep, letting his thumb smoothe over Bucky’s spine.
“It’s okay,” he whispers one last time, then lets the room fall silent around them.
Little by little, the lines of Bucky’s muscles begin to ease. He doesn’t speak, or move, but that’s alright with Sam. He’s prepared to be here as long as it takes.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Oooohhhh 26 double date, couples of your choice
Julie had to admit, one of the perks of being a rock star was the free stuff. Sure, a lot of brands sent her and the guys stuff hoping they'll promote them, or get caught wearing them, and sometimes Julies does-as long as Flynn thoroughly vets the company first. Swag from places that have values she doesn't agree with go to the trash or donated unopened.
It also made going places a little easier-well, in a way. Sure all she had to do was drop her name and she'd get a reservation right away, but it was always a guessing game if the restaurant would call the paps or help ushered them out the back.
But for this place? Julie was willing to take the chance.
The Silver Spoon was the hottest place in town, booked up for months, and the reviews were raves. And Julie wanted to go.
"Ooh, see if we can come too would ya?" Willie asks, somewhat jokingly. "We can double date!"
"Leave my aroace ass out of it!" Luke yelled. "That place requires sleeves and probably serves tiny portions at exorbitant prices. I'll enjoy a large pizza in peace!"
Reggie looked tempted at the thought of pizza, but smiled at Julie. "A chance to dress up fancy with my best girl and have a night on the town with two of my best buds? Count me in."
Flynn worked her magic, and somehow got them a fourtop in a week's time. "They will probably call the paps," she warned. "But like, the nicer ones, or even the entertainment rags. Might be good publicity."
"Thanks Flynnie," Julie replied with an air kiss. "Surprised that you didn't try to work in a table with you and Carrie."
"Eh, not really my scene, and Carrie is gone vegan this month, so she'd starve there."
Date night came and the four of them dressed smart, in nice suits, and Julie in a slinky gold coloured dress, her hair in a twisted updo, and flushed when Reggie gave a low whistle, spinning her around.
"Looking good darlin', as always."
Julie came and straightened his lapels, pressing a tender kiss to his mouth, then swiping away her lip stain. "You clean up pretty nice yourself."
"Yeah yeah, we all look hot, let's go," Alex grumbled, but he was smiling, so none of them were offended. Luke told them all to have fun, but he was still staying home with his pizza, his murder mystery movies, and his notebooks.
Julie was fairly certain he'd be happier that way, but she was excited to go out to eat.
Thankfully there was no cameras waiting outside the restaurant, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Even more so when the hostess treated them like regular people, professional, but not simpering.
The free bread was delicious, the water sparkling almost as much as the crystal it was served in, and Reggie looked almost afraid to touch anything. "It's like I'm gonna get charged for smudging the silverware," he whispered.
"It is really fancy," Willie admitted. "But super nice. So let's just eat and enjoy ourselves right?"
"Just start the the outside fork and work inwards," Alex said. The other three looked at him and he shrugged. "My parents made me take etiquette lessons."
"That tracks," Julie admitted.
They looked over the menu, which worryingly did not include prices, but they all found something that sounded appetizing. Willie went with a seafood salad, giggling with delight at the tiny octopi in it, even if he said the texture was a bit weird. Alex stuck with a simple ravioli dish, but admitted the truffles were buttery and delicious.
Julie opted for a dish of sole, in a spicy sauce and some glazed vegetables on the side, all of which almost melted in her mouth. She held a forkful up to Reggie who stifled a moan as he ate it, agreeing that she had made an excellent choice.
"How's your filet?" she asked.
"Deadly," he replied, cutting her off a slice and Julie was surprised by the smoky flavour and the softness of the meat.
"Oh wow, that is delicious," she said. "I see why everyone is raving about this place."
"Thanks for bringing us," Willie said, toasting his glass of rosé. "To good food and friends."
They all clicked glasses, devouring the rest of their food, chatting about their latest album, Willie's latest art piece, a few fellow celebrities they spied also eating there, and debating dessert.
"I'm stuffed," Alex said to Willie. "But if you get something, I'll share it."
"You mean eat half?" Willie joked. "Sounds good. I'm getting the tiramisu."
"There's a separate stomach for dessert, don't you know that Lexie?' Reggie joked. "I think I want the bread pudding."
"Can I have some if I get the cheesecake and share?" Julie asked.
"Of course darlin'," Reggie assured her. "My dessert is yours." He pressed a kiss to her knuckles. "As is my heart."
"You two are cornballs," Alex said.
"We're not much better," Willie admitted, pulling Alex in with a loud smooch to his cheek. "Right hot dog?"
Alex blushed and grumbled, but he looked so pleased and goofy that they all knew how he felt.
If dinner was good, the desserts were to die for, and Julie almost didn't want to share her cheesecake after the first bite, but grudgingly did, and was pleased by the sweet flavour of Reggie's pudding.
Finally it was time to settle the bill, and Julie was sure her eyes went wide at the price, even for just her and Reggie's portion, but they all admitted, the food was pretty darn good, but this wouldn't be a place they frequented, even with the amount of money they all had. Growing up valuing money had made them a bit more thrifty, despite their fame.
Alex and Willie went off in their own direction as they parted, saying something about a moonlight stroll, and Julie wished them a good night. She and Reggie headed back to the house, where Luke was waiting.
"Hey, good night?" he asked.
"The best," Reggie said. "Yours?"
"Not bad. There's pizza left if you want."
"Maybe for breakfast," Reggie replied, grinning as Julie lead him by his tie towards their room. "Night's not over yet."
"Gross." Luke stuck his tongue out at them and dutifully put on his noise cancelling headphones.
Reggie just laughed, and then scooped Julie up, giggling all the way to bed. They were a bit busy when Alex and Willie got in, but the next morning, over cold pizza and hot coffee, all agreed to many more double dates in the future.
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fat-slobby-gamers · 9 months
"Please take a seat miss." Without another word, the chair scooted into Aqua, causing her to sit down on it, a seatbelt quickly snapping her into the seat. "Now on your way to the food court, please enjoy the ride." The robot said before the chair began to go off on its own... All around Aqua was nothing but obese people, who were eating what looked like food from a cup, as Aqua entered the main area of the ship, revealing several floors and areas, mostly with food and even more food... The chair brought her in front of a large machine with several buttons with food on each button.
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"Great..." Aqua muttered as she was strapped down into the hover chair which admittedly was rather comfortable but the keyblade master would never admit it. "Guess I'm going to have to play along unless I want to cause a scene. Food in a cup? Isn't there anything solid to eat?" She asked herself looking over the options on the machine. Pizza, turkey, pasta, cake? None of them sounded particularly appetizing. "Oh! Breakfast special, that can't be too bad right? I am a bit hungry after the flight..." Aqua said pressing the button and watching as the machine swirled and whirled with mechanical sounds.
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 3 months
Our Hearts Collide - Chapter 39 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
While I would've loved nothing more than to cut the night short and enjoy Vince's company in the comfort of our home, I could tell being here with everyone was something he needed more.
Seeing the relief and joy these people brought by simply wishing him a happy birthday was completely worth keeping it a surprise.
Sending him off with Sam and not being able to explain at least why to him was pure torture and it didn't help that Xavier's execution wasn't as smooth as we rehearsed.
I really hoped Sam would be the sensible one to surprise Xavier with a proposal because it was Goddess-awful watching that train wreck in the council room.
Not that I'd tell him that, he was stressed enough as it was when it came to helping coordinate everything else for the party.
Which went well, might I add, the baking and food portion.
He was way too into decorating the apartment with party streamers and everything.
Xavier strolled up next to us with the excitement of someone meeting their favorite band, Sam, right behind him.
"You don't know how hard it was keeping it a secret."
Vince huffed.
"That's why you told me to hang out with your boyfriend?"
Xavier rubbed the back of his neck.
"Look, I know it wasn't the most subtle of moves but we had to get you away from Simon and the pack, do you know how difficult that is?"
Vince laughed.
"You could've sent the both of us on a grocery run."
"But he needed to make the cake."
Xavier talked with his hands, pointing to the kitchen.
"You know I can't do anything in the kitchen and I wasn't about to just buy one. It's meant to be homemade and I still had to decorate the place and get everyone...."
He was getting more flustered as he rambled, but Vince wrapped his arm around his shoulder instead of teasing him further, bringing his brother into an awkward semi-hug.
"Thank you, Xavier."
"Oh, well... right. I just figure it would be nice for once to..."
Vince shushed him.
"Just take the thank you."
"It means a lot."
Xavier hummed as he squirmed.
"Okay, this is getting awkward."
With one look at Sam, we had the same idea and before the two could part, we joined in with a group hug.
Sarah and the kids joined and while Aspen shook his head, he begrudgingly joined in too.
"Alright, I can't breathe," Xavier said from the middle but none of us were too eager to leave the group hug, letting it linger more than necessary.
He exaggeratedly gasped for air as we parted before saying...
"Let's eat, everyone."
The kids had already been digging into the appetizers and a few of the Betas had made plates too but Xavier had forbidden them from touching the main dish I made until Vince arrived.
"No," Vince said, his mouth gaping at the plate before him.
His eyes were wide as saucers as he looked between us.
"You did not."
"I did," I drawled, glad Xavier was filming his reaction.
To think he'd be this shocked and excited about having Carbonara on his birthday.
"Still your favorite, right?"
"Of course. I thought we were doing pizzas."
I laughed.
"Well, it wouldn't be complete without pizzas but I figured I'd have time to make some while waiting for the cake to finish baking."
Vince's eyes widened at the sight of the stack of pizzas on the counter behind Xavier.
I'd need to remind myself to save the video from Xavier later.
He made a pouty face, one I couldn't help but poke at as he said...
"You really didn't need to do all this."
"We didn't but it's your birthday," I reassured.
"I'd make a plate before the rest of the hungry Betas beat you to it."
That got him moving, cutting in a line of Betas and Thetas for the pasta.
They smiled and allowed it, greeting themselves and wishing him a happy birthday.
Most were likely Xavier's friends but Vince knew a few of them from when he was younger, muttering old stories.
It warmed my heart knowing Vince hadn't had these pieces of normalcy but I couldn't wait for this to be the new normal.
He deserved it.
Aspen cleared his throat behind me, bouncing Rowan on his hip as Sarah was busy fixing a plate and talking to a few female betas in line.
"He looks happy."
A creeping smile was on his face, which I knew was unintentional, and he'd drop it if I so much as mentioned it.
"He does. Thanks for helping with this."
"Anytime," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"When Vince is happy, you're happy. When you're happy, so am I."
I laughed, rustling Rowan's hair.
He giggled before resting his head back on Aspen's shoulder.
"Aw, he's growing on you."
Aspen raised a brow and looked at his son.
"He is."
I gave him a look.
"You know what I meant. Vince is."
Aspen shrugged.
"Maybe a little. Don't tell him that, though. It'll go straight to his head."
I elbow him, and Aspen's smile grows.
He added...
"I'm glad I was wrong. About him. Well..."
"No takebacks," I told him.
"I should've recorded it."
He rolled his eyes.
"I'll admit it. I was wrong about him at first. He was a dick and did terrible things but I was wrong about saying you didn't need him. I've realized you need him and he needs you just as much, if not more."
My lips jutted out into a pout.
"You do like him. Aspen..."
"No..." he cleared his throat, realizing his volume.
"No, I didn't say that. I still very much do not like him."
"Just admit it."
I sighed but Sarah swooped in right on time with a devilish grin.
"That's not what you said last time. I very clearly remember you saying you like the oblivious ex-Alpha and that..."
Aspen coughed loudly, gathering the attention of some of the Betas.
"Honey, I was very much drunk when I said that. Clearly, I would not have said that if I was sober."
"Keep telling yourself that," she said before turning to me.
"He totally said it. The Ring cameras picked it up. I'll send you a copy."
I grinned.
"You're the best."
Aspen groaned and accepted his fate before helping Sarah with the plates of food.
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margariandmikespizza · 4 months
Slice of Heaven: Exploring the Delicious Offerings at Mike's Pizza and Catering
When it comes to satisfying cravings and delighting taste buds, few things compare to the comfort and joy of a delicious slice of pizza. And if you're lucky enough to find yourself in the vicinity of Mike's Pizza and Catering, you're in for a real treat. Nestled in the heart of town, Mike's is more than just a pizza joint—it's a culinary destination where every bite is a journey to flavor paradise.
A Brief Introduction to Mike's Pizza and Catering
Established over a decade ago, Mike's Pizza and Catering has become a beloved fixture in the community, known for its commitment to quality, freshness, and above all, flavor. What started as a humble pizzeria has since evolved into a full-fledged catering service, offering a diverse range of culinary delights for events of all sizes and occasions.
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The Pizza Experience: Where It All Begins
At the heart of Mike's culinary empire lies its iconic pizzas—handcrafted masterpieces that have earned a reputation for excellence far and wide. From classic Margheritas to innovative specialty pies, each pizza is a labor of love, prepared with the finest ingredients and baked to perfection in a traditional brick oven.
The Classics:
For purists and traditionalists, Mike's offers an array of classic pizzas that never fail to satisfy. The Margherita, with its simple yet sublime combination of fresh mozzarella, tangy tomato sauce, and fragrant basil, is a perennial favorite. Then there's the Meat Lover's, a carnivore's delight piled high with pepperoni, sausage, bacon, and ham—guaranteed to satisfy even the heartiest appetites.
The Specialties:
For those craving a culinary adventure, Mike's specialty pizzas are sure to impress. The BBQ Chicken Deluxe, with its tantalizing blend of tender chicken, tangy BBQ sauce, and caramelized onions, is a symphony of flavors that dance on the palate. And let's not forget the Spicy Hawaiian, a fiery twist on a tropical classic, featuring jalapeños, pineapple, and ham for a flavor explosion that's sure to leave you wanting more.
Build Your Own:
Of course, for the adventurous souls and creative minds, Mike's offers a build-your-own option, allowing customers to customize their pizzas to their heart's content. Choose from a variety of crusts, sauces, cheeses, meats, and veggies to create a culinary masterpiece that's uniquely yours.
Beyond Pizza: Exploring the Catering Experience
While pizza may be the star of the show at Mike's, the culinary offerings don't end there. With its comprehensive catering services, Mike's has become the go-to choice for events of all kinds, from intimate family gatherings to large corporate functions.
The Menu:
From delectable appetizers and mouthwatering entrees to irresistible desserts and refreshing beverages, Mike's catering menu is a testament to culinary creativity and versatility. Whether you're planning a casual backyard barbecue or an elegant wedding reception, you'll find a wide range of options to suit your tastes and preferences.
The Service:
But it's not just the food that sets Mike's catering apart—it's the service. From initial consultation to final cleanup, the team at Mike's goes above and beyond to ensure that every aspect of your event is handled with care and attention to detail. With a focus on professionalism, reliability, and customer satisfaction, they strive to make your event not just a success, but a memorable experience for all involved.
The Feedback:
And the feedback speaks for itself. Countless satisfied customers have praised Mike's catering for its exceptional food, impeccable service, and unparalleled attention to detail. Whether it's a wedding, a corporate event, or a birthday party, Mike's has earned a reputation for excellence that is second to none.
Conclusion: A Culinary Adventure Awaits
In conclusion, if you're in search of culinary excellence, look no further than Mike's Pizza and Catering. With its mouthwatering pizzas, diverse catering options, and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, Mike's is more than just a restaurant—it's a destination for food lovers everywhere. So why wait? Come on down to Mike's and experience a slice of heaven for yourself.
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sweethoneyrose83 · 8 months
🍔Food Tag Meme🍕
40 questions
1. How do you feel about golden Oreos?
Love them
2. What is your favorite dessert topping?
3. What is your favorite flavor/brand of bubble gum?
4. Favorite cheese?
Cheddar 🧀
5. Favorite Lunch Meat?
6. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Birthday Cake/Cookie Dough
7. Best looking food?
Most foods
8. Best food to put cheese on?
9. Best sexual food?
Eggplant 🍆
10. Best tasting drink in the summer?
Lemonade or Sprite, Mtn Dew
11. Best tasting drink in winter?
Got Chocolate or Apple Cider
12. Best food for a night out with friends?
13. Best foods to eat with a roll?
14. Messiest food, in your opinion?
Powdered sugar pastries
15. Easist food to prepare?
Anything Microwaveable
16. Cheapest food you ever ate?
Frozen Pizza
17. Most expensive food you ever eaten?
18. Stinkiest food you ever ate?
19. Favorite dipping sauce?
20. Best pizza topping?
Sausage, Pepperoni with Mushrooms, Extra Cheese
21. Favorite potato chip flavor?
Sea Salt and Vinegar or Sour Cream and Onion
22. Most toxic substance you eat?
23. Most calories you ate in one meal?
That depends on whether I haven't eaten all-day
24. Favorite soda?
25. Favorite flavor of juice?
White Grape Juice
26. Favorite Vegetable?
Brussels sprouts, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, spinach
27. Favorite fruit?
Blackberries, Raspberries, Apples, Watermelon
28. Worst canned food?
29. Best side dish?
Mac and Cheese
30. Worst fast food restaurant?
31. Best restaurant?
Diner Food
32. Best smelling food?
Fresh Apple Pie
33. Favorite appetizer?
Salami and cream cheese roll-ups
34. Favorite cookie flavor?
Chocolate chip, or Sugar
35. Favorite cake flavor?
Red Velvet Cake
36. Favorite pie flavor?
Pumpkin, Cherry, Key Lime Pie 🥧
37. Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
Rainbow 🌈
38. Ketchup or Mustard?
39. Best food to have on a date?
Nacho fries
40. Most shareable food?
tagged by:
I tag:
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cookwjenny · 2 years
Perfectly Crispy Gluten-Free Pizza Rolls
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When it comes to eating gluten-free, finding delicious snacks can be a challenge. Sure, there are plenty of gluten-free options in the grocery store, but none of them can compare to homemade snacks. For those looking for a delicious gluten-free snack, look no further than these perfectly crispy gluten-free pizza rolls.
These pizza rolls are made with a gluten-free dough that is simple to make and oh-so-tasty. The dough is made with gluten-free flour, yeast, sugar, salt, olive oil, and water. Once the dough is made, it is rolled out and filled with whatever ingredients you desire. Popular fillings include cheese, pepperoni, sausage, and vegetables. The rolls are then baked in the oven until they are perfectly golden and crispy.
One of the best things about these pizza rolls is that they can be prepped ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. This makes them perfect for busy weeknight dinners or for an easy snack on the go. They also make a great appetizer for parties and gatherings.
These gluten-free pizza rolls are sure to be a hit with everyone in the family. They are easy to make, delicious to eat, and can be customized with whatever fillings you desire. So, the next time you’re in the mood for a delicious gluten-free snack, give these perfectly crispy gluten-free pizza rolls a try.
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cheat mountain pizza mod V0W3%
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Cheat Mountain Pizza Company, Snowshoe: See unbiased reviews of Cheat Mountain Pizza Company, rated of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #3 of Cheat Mountain Pizza Company. « Back To Snowshoe, WV. () Snowshoe Village, Snowshoe, WV Cheat Mountain Pizza in Snowshoe Village offers pizza, small bites, beer, and more in a casual and spacious environment. Cheat Mountain Pizza offers speciality pizzas, sandwiches, salads, pasta, cocktails and a selection of craft beer. Enjoy spacious inside and outside seating. 9 In the mood for some deep dish pizza and bar food? Cheat Mountain Pizza is your go-to. Located in the heart of Snowshoe Mountain Village, this is a restaurant you can't miss. Inside, it may surprise you how large the restaurant really is. There is plenty of seating and booths, large groups can be accommodated. However, Cheat Mountain Pizza does tend to get pretty busy. Outdoor seating is available depending on if weather allows. There is a self-seating bar area that includes high-top tables and chairs surrounding the bar top. We recommend sitting right at the bar-top if space allows, it may be tough to get the bartender's attention on the outer high-top tables. The pizza is made to order and takes at least minutes to come out, so expect a decent wait after ordering. If you're really hungry, make sure to order an appetizer to start! Wings always hit the spot, especially after a long day outside! You can choose between traditional or boneless style chicken wings. The cheese bread is pretty self explanatory, but it's not as simple as it sounds. On this bread is housemade marinara, mozzarella cheese, and monterey jack cheese. Prior to baking, the dough is seasoned with an Italian herb for that extra kick. This is a delicious shareable for the table! Looking for a fresh, cold entree option? Try the Italian Grinder Sandwich. It comes with Genoa salami, sliced ham, mortadella, provolone, crisp lettuce, roma tomatoes, cherry peppers, and house Italian dressing. During the warmer seasons, this is a refreshing choice. You can't go wrong with a margherita pizza. It's a crowd-pleaser! Cheat Mountain makes a delicious and well-balanced margherita. We highly recommend it! Alternatively, there are plenty of signature pies to choose from such as Hawaiian, meat-lovers, and more. Further, if none of these jump out at you, you can create your own pizza! As far as the bar and alcoholic beverages go, the list is decent. To no surprise, you have the most variety when it comes to beer. However, this is a full bar! There are plenty of liquors and cocktails to choose from. Back to Things To Do. Cheese Bread The cheese bread is pretty self explanatory, but it's not as simple as it sounds. Italian Grinder Sandwich Looking for a fresh, cold entree option? Margherita Pizza You can't go wrong with a margherita pizza.
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cheat mountain pizza new HYM!
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Cheat Mountain Pizza Company, Snowshoe: See unbiased reviews of Cheat Mountain Pizza Company, rated of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #3 of Cheat Mountain Pizza Company. « Back To Snowshoe, WV. () Snowshoe Village, Snowshoe, WV Cheat Mountain Pizza in Snowshoe Village offers pizza, small bites, beer, and more in a casual and spacious environment. Cheat Mountain Pizza offers speciality pizzas, sandwiches, salads, pasta, cocktails and a selection of craft beer. Enjoy spacious inside and outside seating. 9 In the mood for some deep dish pizza and bar food? Cheat Mountain Pizza is your go-to. Located in the heart of Snowshoe Mountain Village, this is a restaurant you can't miss. Inside, it may surprise you how large the restaurant really is. There is plenty of seating and booths, large groups can be accommodated. However, Cheat Mountain Pizza does tend to get pretty busy. Outdoor seating is available depending on if weather allows. There is a self-seating bar area that includes high-top tables and chairs surrounding the bar top. We recommend sitting right at the bar-top if space allows, it may be tough to get the bartender's attention on the outer high-top tables. The pizza is made to order and takes at least minutes to come out, so expect a decent wait after ordering. If you're really hungry, make sure to order an appetizer to start! Wings always hit the spot, especially after a long day outside! You can choose between traditional or boneless style chicken wings. The cheese bread is pretty self explanatory, but it's not as simple as it sounds. On this bread is housemade marinara, mozzarella cheese, and monterey jack cheese. Prior to baking, the dough is seasoned with an Italian herb for that extra kick. This is a delicious shareable for the table! Looking for a fresh, cold entree option? Try the Italian Grinder Sandwich. It comes with Genoa salami, sliced ham, mortadella, provolone, crisp lettuce, roma tomatoes, cherry peppers, and house Italian dressing. During the warmer seasons, this is a refreshing choice. You can't go wrong with a margherita pizza. It's a crowd-pleaser! Cheat Mountain makes a delicious and well-balanced margherita. We highly recommend it! Alternatively, there are plenty of signature pies to choose from such as Hawaiian, meat-lovers, and more. Further, if none of these jump out at you, you can create your own pizza! As far as the bar and alcoholic beverages go, the list is decent. To no surprise, you have the most variety when it comes to beer. However, this is a full bar! There are plenty of liquors and cocktails to choose from. Back to Things To Do. Cheese Bread The cheese bread is pretty self explanatory, but it's not as simple as it sounds. Italian Grinder Sandwich Looking for a fresh, cold entree option? Margherita Pizza You can't go wrong with a margherita pizza.
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jackalsprey · 2 years
Old Wounds
Hello sirs/madams/nonbinaries, I have your order of a happy, sweet appetizer, an angry drama entree, and a truckload of angst for dessert. Hope you enjoy <3 TW: homophobic slur, child abuse
When McQueen gave up his chance of making history in 2006, people knew he was great, for a rookie. When he won his first Piston Cup in 2007, they knew he was a great racer.
When he cleansweeped his second Cup in 2008, winning every race, everyone knew this kid would go down in history.
His donut was one for the record books. Bobby and Cal went all out for his victory prank: a silly string attack on his car and a key lime pie to the face. And now that the race was over and most were getting ready to head out, it was time for the quieter celebrations.
"Two on the shelf, third one next year?" Cal asked, examining the winged trophy with something akin to reverence. Most of McQueen's pit crew, including Mater, had gone out to pack up. It was only the Weathers, Swift, McQueen, Doc Hudson (with his face glowing from pride for his protege) and Sally, relaxing in the now empty Rust-EZE sponsors tent.
"You can bet on it," Lightning quipped, swiping his hard-earned prize out of Cal's hands. "And you can bet I'll have a ring on Sally's finger before you have your first kiss!"
"Hey! Y-You're the one who hasn't had been kissed!"
"Good comeback, Cal!" Bobby yelled from the cooler on the other side of the tent, where he was trying to grab some drinks.
"Well, you're wrong there, Stickers," Sally chuckled. "If you want to propose, you're gonna have to slow down for a bit."
"Slow down? Me? I'm sorry, you must have me mistaken for someone else."
The rest of the small group broke out into laughter. McQueen's grin was ear to ear as he put his arm around Sally's waist and started going on about his plans for their wedding, while she rolled her eyes and humored him. Bobby passed off a cold can of coconut rum to Cal with an Americano for himself and all seemed well. (McQueen didn't drink these days.)
"Well, well, well, ain't this just a big happy family?" A slurred, Southwestern accented voice drawled, seemingly out of nowhere.
Everyone's heads snapped up and looked around for the intruder. McQueen looked over his shoulder. His dark blue eyes went wide, his Piston Cup falling out of his hand.
It was a fifty-something man, with a massive beer gut, receding brown hair, an unshaven face, wearing a black Piston Cup T-Shirt and stained jeans. His teeth, currently bared in a grin, were yellowed. He had the distinct look of a handsome man long since fallen to deadbeat status.
"What..." Lightning whispered under his breath, turning around. "What... in FUCK are you doing here?!"
He stormed over to the stranger, eyes blazing. Everyone else had no idea what to think. Lightning never cursed. None of them had ever seen this man in their lives.
"Jesus," the deadbeat chuckled. "You'd think after 6 years, you'd be happy to see me."
Lightning scoffed. "It's obvious 6 years hasn't changed you all that matter. Now answer the question. What the fuck are you doing here?"
"I came to see you of course. Thought I'd congratulate you on finally making somethin' outta yourself."
"Hah! That's funny, coming from the man who's spent 23 years on his ass, eating month-old pizza, drinking warm beer, and using unemployment checks on 70-year-old strippers."
"Oh, so you're all high and mighty now, hm? Are you forgetting who put a roof over your head and clothes on your back?!"
"If you can call a rusty trailer that leaked every five seconds and worn out rags a roof and clothes, no."
"Hey, uh, Strike?" Cal butt in, concerned. "Maybe we should go."
"Give me a sec, Cal, I'm not done here."
The stranger glanced over McQueen's shoulder; unsuccessfully, seeing as he was about half a foot shorter than him. Still, he caught sight of Sally, watching through narrow eyes in case she needed to get involved. "Who's the bitch?"
"Like I'd let you close to her."
"Have you told her that you're a fucking faggot who sits in his-"
"Sir!" Doc yelled, storming over. "That is far more than enough! Now I will ask you, one time, to leave this tent, and my racer alone, before I have security come in."
"Don't fucking tell me what to do, old man," the deadbeat spluttered, the smell of cheap alcohol stinking up the tent. "This is a free country and I'll-"
"Did he stutter?" Sally cut in, coming up as well. Bobby and Cal stayed well away. With all three of them fuming, this could get ugly. "Sir, allow me to rephrase for him. Leave, or not only will we get security, I will have my colleagues in the law industry prosecute you for trespassing and harassment."
The racer, lawyer, and doctor were a formidable trio when all pissed off at the same person. The deadbeat finally got the message and backed away out of the tent, but not before spitting on the ground at Sally's feet.
Bobby bent down and picked up McQueen's Piston Cup. Somehow, it didn't seem so shiny and precious anymore. "Uh, Lightning? You ok, man?"
The red racer sighed and ran his fingers through his light brown hair. "I will be once we get on the road. C'mon, it's late. We should've been on the road a while ago.
An hour later, McQueen was in his trailer, alone, flopped down on his pullout bed, not even trying to sleep. His mind was swimming with thoughts.
His small overhead transmitter came on. Mack's sun-beaten face came on, eyes dark and concerned.
"Hm? Oh, hey Mack. We stopping for the night?"
"Nah, kid. I've got enough coffee to make a sloth dance like a monkey. We ain't gonna have to stop for a while. I just...Moe radioed me."
Lightning silently groaned. Moe was Bobby's hauler. Of course he would have spilled.
"Did that happen?"
"...yeah. He showed up."
The truck driver bit his lip. "You wanna talk bout it?"
"I'd rather eat my own feet than waste anymore time on him."
"I get it. Still, ya need anything, just lemme know."
"Thanks, Mack."
With that, the screen went dark. Lightning sighed and rolled over. Memories were flashing through his brain... of cold nights without a blanket or even a hug, of bruises on his cheeks after middle-school fights because "boys don't cry," of a need, a drive to escape...and of a hole where a heart should have been.
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waywardnerd67 · 3 years
The Towel Drop
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Title: The Towel Drop Summary: After seeing videos on social media, Jensen decides to take part in a unique challenge. Paring: Jensen Ackles x Reader Word Count: 1376 Rating: X - Explicit Warnings: Fluff/Smut Square Filled: Jensen Ackles Bingo Card: Tell Me A Story Bingo - @supernatural-jackles​ A/N: None
Check Out: Tell Me A Story Bingo Masterlist
Jensen was sitting in his office killing time waiting for (Y/N) to finish her classes for the day. Currently he was down the Facebook videos rabbit hole. Cute pet videos, phony texts stories, but his favorite were the reaction videos from people walking in on their partners naked. He found himself sitting there for half an hour laughing at them. Then an idea popped into his head.
He walked into their master bathroom stripping off all his clothes. It was hard to believe that almost a year ago he was looking in the mirror as Dean Winchester for the last time. Now, his hair was past his ears. His beard was fully grown in and bushy driving (Y/N) crazy. His body was even forenign to him with a steady diet of protein and veggies along with weightlifting five days a week. As Misha had commented recently he Hulked up.
Turning on the shower, he stepped beneath the scalding water. Allowing the heat to relax his muscles he began his normal routine. Once he was out, Jensen wrapped a towel around his waist slicking his hair back with his hands. He glanced down at his phone seeing her last class of the day should be ending soon. The fluttering in his stomach sent waves of excitement throughout his body.
Jensen walked out of their room and downstairs to (Y/N)’s office. She could hear her laughter coming from behind the door. He was thankful that she had faced her desk towards the door so her students would not have to see if he walked in. Dropping the towel to the floor, he opened the door slowly peeking around the corner. Her eyes were focused on the two monitors filled with the faces of high schoolers.
He stepped inside the doorway placing his hands on his hips. (Y/N) virtual teaching during the pandemic had shown him how much he loved watching her work. For hours, he would listen to her teach about Shakesphere and Beowulf. By the time she would get a break he would be in desperate need of a release carrying her off to their couch and ravishing her.
“Alright, your research papers need to be ten pages, double space, times roman and twelve point font. Make sure you use MLA formatting and citation for your sources. This paper counts as half your final…”
She looked up to see him standing there naked his cock getting harder with each word she spoke. Slowly he wrapped his fingers around himself staring right at her.
She swallowed hard, “Um… this paper counts as half of your final grade. Are there any q-questions?” Her eyes trailed up his body biting her lip.
He could not hear her students due to the headphones covering her ears. Lazily he stroked himself leaning against her door frame. She shook her head, a beautiful smile spreading across her face.
“Yes Marie, that is a perfect subject for this paper. Okay, that is all for today. I will see you guys on Friday.” She finally tore her eyes away from him waving to her monitor before they snapped back up to him, “Jensen Ackles, what in the hell are you doing?”
He shrugged, still running his hand over his hard length, “I thought I would catch your reaction.”
Her laughter filled the room, “Oh my god, you’ve been watching Facebook videos again.”
“May-be.” He watched as she stood walking towards him, her eyes focused on his hand.
“Was my reaction everything you were hoping for?” She licked her bottom lip dragging it beneath her teeth.
He gently squeezed the base of his dick moaning softly, “Depends on what happens next pretty girl.”
A shiver went down his spine as she got on her knees in front of him and parted her lips, “What are you waiting for? I’m dying to taste you.”
He rubbed the tip across her lips before pushing into her mouth. His body trembled, sighing at the sudden warmth and vibration from her moaning around him. Her hands gripped his thighs digging her nails into them as he pulled out of her and pushed back in.
“Fuuuck…” He rolled his head back against his shoulders as she took control, bobbing her head along his length.
Gathering her hair in his hands, Jensen tugged her head back gently, her mouth popping off his cock. She groaned in disappointment, a trail of spit going down her chin.
“Babe… I wasn’t done yet…”
He chuckled, “I need to come inside of you and the way you were sucking me off I was going to make it.”
Jensen picked her wrapping her legs around him and made it as far as the stairs before she wiggled out of his grasp. He watched her remove her clothes quickly flinging them in every direction before kneeling on the stairs. He sucked in a breath as she parted her legs and stuck her perfect ass in the air. Her fingers slipped between her slick folds.
“Need you here, now.” She begged, pushing two fingers inside of her.
Jensen’s head was already spinning from desire watching her needily fingering herself. Placing one hand on the small of her back positioning himself right at her entrance. She tried to push back onto him, but he pulled back loving the growl coming from her.
“Jensen Ackles either fuck me or let me take care of myself!”
Gripping her hips, he inched his cock inside of her. The noises escaping her lips making it damn near impossible for him to keep from fucking her into the stairs like she wanted him too. He wanted her to come completely undone, begging him before giving in to his primal desires.
Each thrust was slow, deliberate and wonderful feeling her tighten around him. He dug his fingers into her hips pulling out of her then sinking back into her snapping his hips against her. Her hands were balled into fists pounding against the stairs.
“Oh god, Jensen please… please fuck me hard. Oh fuck, please Jensen!”
And he did. The sounds of their skin connecting echoed up the stairway. His heart racing in his ears chasing after the release he badly was in need of. (Y/N) moans shaking him to his core as she pushed against every thrust he made.
“Baby, I’m so close… need to feel you come with me.”
He bent over her, reaching his hand around between her legs. His fingers rubbing against her clit as she tightened around his cock screaming his name. That’s all it took for him to fall over the edge pounding into her until he felt her body go limp in his grasp. He pushed in her one last time, shaking as he did.
“Fuck… oh my god… oh my god…” (Y/N) mumbled into the stairs before groaning loudly as he pulled out of her, “Uhh… so empty now.”
Jensen chuckled slumping against the railing, “Shit baby, I don’t think I can walk right now.”
“Me either… I’ll just take a nap right here.” She laid out over the stairs.
Finally, he was able to get himself standing and carried (Y/N) up to their bedroom where they took a nice, long nap. Waking up as the night sky was showing off the stars, they made their way back downstairs for some dinner. (Y/N) went to grab her phone from her office as he ordered some pizza.
“Shit!” She yelled, coming out in a panic, “I forgot I had a staff meeting today. Great.”
Guilt filled his chest, pulling her into his arms, “I’m sorry, that’s my fault for distracting you.”
He felt her sigh before she looked up at him, “Honestly, you probably saved me from an hour of boredom that could have been an email. I’d say being unable to walk for hours and the most amazing orgasm of my life was well worth it.”
He laughed, lifting her up on the counter and kissing her, “Well we have about an hour before the pizza is here. I think I might be in the mood for an appetizer.” He knelt down spreading her legs and diving in.
“Oh god… thank you for this man being in my life.”
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