#norwegian spruce
zoeflake · 3 months
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For as much as I love snow—and as indescribably beauitful snow-cloaked trees are—these wet, heavy snowfalls can be so damaging. The original part of our house was built in the mid-1800s, and a semi-circle of Norway Maples was planted nearby, likely soon after. Their average lifespan is 150 years...and sadly, two have recently died. The snow brought down some large limbs on others—we're hoping they'll survive the loss. Our black walnut trees may be even older, their lifespan can surpass 250 yrs. Altho' persimmon trees have a much shorter lifespan—an average of just 60 yrs.—the 5th largest known one (DCNR confirmed) in Pennsylvania is on our little farm. Every substantial snowfall brings a mix of excitement, and worry for these awesome old trees.
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faye-tale · 1 year
I really don’t want to undress and kick to the curb the handsome 6ft Norwegian in my living room…
…but it is time to take down the decorations 🤷‍♀️
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dropsofsciencenews · 15 days
Podcast episode 9 is OUT!
🇮🇹 L'episodio 9 è finalmente online! Parleremo di stagni, anfibi, pino silvestre, sistema nervoso e molto altro! Come sempre, una condivisione è più che benvoluta. Trova la tua piattaforma di ascolto sul nostro linktree. 🇪🇸 ¡El episodio 9 está finalmente en línea! Hablaremos de estanques, anfibios, pino silvestre, sistema nervioso y mucho más. Como siempre, una compartición es más que bienvenida. Encuentra tu plataforma de escucha en nuestro linktree. 🇬🇧 Episode 9 is finally online! We will talk about ponds, amphibians, Scots pine, the nervous system, and much more! As always, sharing is more than welcome. You can find your listening platform on our linktree.
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huariqueje · 1 year
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The Christmas tree   -   Theodor Kittelsen ,  n/d.
Norwegian ,  1857 - 1914
Pencil, pastel and watercolor on thick paper ,   32.5 x 26 cm.
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View of Oylo Farm, Valdres by Johan Christian Dahl, 1846.
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ifindus · 29 days
Norwegian Regions - Regional flowers and landscape.
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Østlandet (city) - Blåveis (anemone hepatica), county flower of Akershus. Low hills covered in forests and fields with many cities around the Oslo fjord.
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Østlandet (rural) - Skogstjerne (lysimachia europaea), county flower of Innlandet. Steeper hills and valleys with vast spruce forests.
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Sørlandet - Solblom (arnica montana), county flower of Agder. Beaches and islands and rocks, very coastal with inland forests.
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Vestlandet - Revebjelle (digitalis purpurea), county flower of Sogn og Fjordane. Fjords and steep, green mountainsides.
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Trøndelag - Reinrose (dryas octopetala) county flower of Trøndelag. Several valleys with forests and fertile farmland centrered around the Trondheims fjord.
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Nord-Norge - Rødsildre (saxifraga oppositifolia) county flower of Nordland. Steep mountains straight into the sea, less vegetation.
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rose-edith · 1 year
Going shopping with Gibbs to buy things for his house as you've just moved in together ☺️ hope you're well xx
I’m altering this one slightly/taking a liberty and hoping you’ll like it-I think that I know you well enough by now that you should like it? I hope…
Christmas decoration shopping with Gibbs:
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•what Jethro very quickly realises as you drag him into what must be the fourth store in twenty minutes, is that this will be a long day of shopping so you can find exactly what you’re after.
•and he doesn’t mind that. But he does need coffee. So a coffee shop is found and a very large coffee imbibed. And then he’s raring to go again.
•you’ve come prepared- in the pick up truck, which is absolutely essential because the tree you pick out is a real Norwegian spruce, a big bushy, vibrant, green tree! And it smells incredible! And it just about fits in the back of the truck.
•Jethro can’t help but laugh as he sees the glee in your eyes, the way you’re bouncing from foot to foot as he ‘struggles’ (aka demonstrates his powerful strong manliness) to put the tree in the back of the truck by himself.
•next up is baubles and tinsels. And you dither and dally between choosing, but eventually settle. And Jethro is happy to leave the colour selection up to you! Because you pick out the most perfect decorations he’s ever seen.
•the only thing he does 100% insist on is that you get two tall nutcracker figures to stand near the fireplace- they’re wooden, painted, feathery and glittery, and utterly perfect!
•he carries the shopping, tells you silly jokes to make you laugh as you keep choosing the rest of the decorations.
•and no expense is spared! Jethro and you pay 50/50.
•then the fun can start! Once you’re home, your shared home, you two can set up for your first Christmas together in your home! With the Christmas music cued, more coffee made, and all your purchases in the house and the room ready to be made over for the festive season, let the fun begin!
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thebibutterflyao3 · 1 month
Day Twenty-Nine - Victorious @sapphicmicrofics
April Daily Series - 858 words
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
“Who are we pigifying?”
Dorcas couldn’t help smirking at James’s truly bewildered expression. “Don’t worry about it, Potter.”
“Right, you lot are terrifying,” he said, sliding into the seat next to Regulus.
Without hesitation, he lifted his boyfriend into his lap as though it was entirely normal for the two of them. Perhaps it was and Dorcas just hadn’t seen it yet. Regulus didn’t seem to mind, if anything he curled into James’s shoulder. It was a surreal moment, and one that hit Dorcas with a pang of envy. She and Marlene were like that once. Marlene pulled Dorcas into her lap regularly, even though she was significantly taller.
“I have to ask,” she said, nodding at them. “How did this start, exactly?”
James smiled fondly and pressed a kiss to the top of Regulus’s head that was somehow sweet and victorious. “He was pissed and I was warm.”
Regulus shrugged in vague agreement. “True, but I was drunk because of him. After one heated moment, this git was jealous when I talked to another bloke.”
“Ah, yes. That is the key to your heart, isn’t it, Reg?” Dorcas teased. “You always were a sucker for the possessive type.”
“Protective,” James corrected.
Regulus silently placed a finger to his lips to shush her, then patted his boyfriend’s cheek affectionately. “That’s right.”
“Cas? Where did you wander off to?” Marlene called, her voice tense. “She didn’t leave, did she?”
“In the kitchen, Marls!” James replied.
Marlene appeared a moment later and sighed with relief when she spotted Dorcas. “I thought I’d sent you running.”
“No. That’s your move, McKinnon,” Dorcas snarked. It was petty, but necessary to maintain some level of control.
“Not anymore.” Marlene crossed the room in three steps and reached for Dorcas’s hands. “Come on. We’re going for a walk.”
“What? Why?”
“Can you just trust me? You don’t want to have this conversation here.” Marlene glanced at Regulus and tapped her nose.
He sat bolt upright in James’s lap, bashing his head into his boyfriend’s chin. “Ow! Oh that hurt! Go on, Dorcas. Fuck, am I bleeding?!”
“Hold still, mijo. Let me see.”
Dorcas was dragged out of the kitchen while the pair sorted out their injuries. “Shouldn’t we check—”
“Nope! James is certified in first aide.”
“First aide?” Lily repeated. “What happened?”
Dorcas gestured at the kitchen and Lily rushed past her with a grateful wave. It was reassuring to know someone had the common sense to be concerned. James’s jaw had snapped shut with a loud crack on contact. She was still reeling from the shock of it.
“Where are you going?” Pandora asked, frowning at Marlene as she charged toward the door with Dorcas in tow.
“What I should have done a year ago.”
Pandora’s mouth dropped open and her eyes blew wide. Before she could say another word, Marlene led the way out of the flat and kicked the door shut behind her. She remained determined and confident as she towed Dorcas down the stairs and onto the pavement.
When she finally regained her senses, Dorcas pulled back until Marlene slowed her steps. “Where are you taking me? Am I being kidnapped?”
“No, no.”
“Then, where—”
Marlene grinned mischievously and looped Dorcas’s arm around hers. “You’ll see.”
As they approached Trafalgar Square, Dorcas allowed herself to relax. The holiday decorations strung between buildings were lovely, as was the immense Norwegian Spruce strung with vertical lights cascading to the ground from a star at the top. She hadn’t taken the time to admire this year’s gift from Oslo, but seeing the grand tree now filled her chest with pride. Christmas in London was always magical.
Dorcas was struck suddenly breathless at the sight. The beautiful tree was framed by the rushing water of the fountains and the monument behind it, which seemed to blur the temporal boundaries of this place. She was here now, in the past, and the future all at once.
“Oh, it’s so lovely,” Dorcas whispered.
Marlene nodded, leaning her head on Dorcas’s shoulder. “Enthusiasm for the holidays was one of my favourite parts of living here.”
Dorcas idly wondered if they looked as lovestruck as the other couple had while crossing the street. It was a foolish thought, but she didn’t dismiss it out of hand. Marlene called her the “love of her life.” Dorcas didn’t think that Marlene felt the same way about her, about them.
She’d begrudgingly accepted the fact Marlene was her soulmate after she left. Dorcas never felt more herself than in Marlene’s arms. Without her, Dorcas’s protective walls remained up at all times. The vulnerability that Marlene exposed in her was rarely allowed to surface since.
Why didn’t she tell me about the ring? Was she afraid that I’d say “no?” When did she plan to ask?
As her mind filled with questions, Dorcas turned away from the busy square to admire Marlene’s smile in the glow cast from the tree’s golden light. She wished for a glimpse inside her mind. A chance to see for herself if this certified MenaceTM still loved her too.
Is this real? Can we be us again?
Final Part>>>
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eoieopda · 1 year
I’d love a Drabble where namjoon takes me to see the tree lighting in NYC for the first time !! I’m a chubby reader btw!
nothing says christmas quite like mlk day! 🥴
established relationship au; ice-skating; namjoon is cold and you’re a lil clumsy, but wow does he love you.
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It’s the kind of cold that shocks his system, standing in the middle of his first Manhattan winter. Namjoon had, of course, seen snow before, but not like this. So perfectly soft, falling like miniature clouds as if he’s standing in the center of a snow globe. None of the Hallmark movies you’d shown him did any of it justice.
And that’s saying something. Thanks to you, he’s seen a lot.
There aren’t adequate words to describe it, but Namjoon would settle for picturesque. Ahead, there’s an eighty-foot tree — a Norwegian spruce, he’d read — weighing fourteen tons. That’s the equivalent of eight cars, he’d told you on the subway trip over. It’s wrapped in eight kilometers’ worth of wire, bearing 50,00 LED bulbs. I feel bad for whoever pays that bill, you’d commented.
Still, Namjoon struggles to believe that anything could light up the way you had when you saw it.
Or the ice rink spread out before it. Or the crowd of people, dressed far more warmly than he was, buzzing nearly as excitedly as you. Or the pairs of ice skates Namjoon presented to you after slipping away without you — in your giddy trance — noticing his absence.
You take it all in with a wide-eyed wonder that heats him from the inside out. A warmth second only to your mitten-clad hands on his stinging bare fingers.
“I can’t make any promises that I’ll remain upright,” you warn him as you follow him onto the ice. You’re clinging to him for dear life as he glides backwards, pulling you gently with him as he goes. “But I can apologize in advance for potentially taking you down with me.”
Namjoon tries not to laugh, but it’s getting harder and harder to do. Your grin is laced with an adorable thread of panic as you wobble — a baby deer on legs you’ve just discovered for the first time — and it doesn’t dissipate as you continue moving.
He has to give you credit, though; you say yes to things that make you nervous — like this — because they make you nervous. That takes a special sort of fearlessness. The fact that you’ve got it in spades is just one of the thousand little things Namjoon loves about you.
There’s a moment where your right skate threatens to slip out from under you, but he grips you tight before that tiny squeal can properly exit your mouth. Your face burrows directly into his woefully thin jacket, where your self-effacing laughter tickles chest.
“You good, sweets?” Namjoon asks with an easy grin spreading over his face. He tilts his head to glance down at you as you glance upwards. He realizes then that he could stand perfectly still on this ice all night, looking at you instead of his surroundings, and the trip would still be worth it.
Pink-cheeked, either from the cold or your embarrassment, you return his smile. You chuckle, “I mean, I’m still upright, aren’t I?”
And even though he doesn’t care for peppermint mocha, the smell of it on your breath might be his new favorite scent. When Namjoon leans down and kisses you, it might be his favorite flavor, too.
“Think you can survive until they light it up?” He peeks at his watch, then he nods towards the tree up ahead, “Only three minutes to go.”
You nod firmly, a newfound determination taking root between the brows you furrow in concentration. “I can do it. Just — just don’t let go of my hand, okay?”
Namjoon presses a cold kiss to your forehead, just underneath your hand-knit hat, and echoes your conviction, “Wouldn’t dream of it, sweets.”
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sarilolla · 4 months
Tempted to write a trolls fic in Norwegian (my mother tongue), both to practice my fiction writing in my own language and to write something for my sister (who is 9 and finds my Hanahaki au a bit too exciting), but my main reason is that the BroZone brothers have the most dork names in Norwegian 😭
Or, the three oldest do, Branch is just the literal translation “Kvist”, and Floyd is “Falk” which means falcon. So objectively Floyd’s the best one
Clay is “Karse” aka watercress (fitting honestly with his hair-)
Spruce/Bruce is “Barlind/Erling” aka Yew (a species of tree so fitting with Spruce) and a “more mature version” of the name
And John Dory is Jan Didrik. Which is the most dork name ever and doesn’t have a translation as it’s just a name.
So if anyone needed evidence for whatever reason that JD is a dork, just take the Norwegian name as proof-
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zoeflake · 5 months
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Winter Landscapes
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Through the Years → Mette-Marit, Crown Princess of Norway (787/∞)
21 May 2023 | Norway's Crown Princess Mette-Marit visits the Future Library Forest in the Nordmarka forest together with Oslo's mayor Marianne Borgen and German author Judith Schalansky, in Nordmarka, Oslo, Norway. For her art project, Scottish artist Katie Paterson planted in 2014 1,000 Norwegian spruce trees in the Nordmarka forest to grow the materials (paper) for a unique future library of hundred authors's books, which will be printed and read only in hundred years from its begin (2114). Authors are invited to deliver a manuscript, which are held in a specially designed room called The Silent Room in Oslo's main public library building in Bjorvika, next to the Oslo Opera House. (Photo by Frederik Ringnes/NTB/AFP via Getty Images)
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dear-indies · 1 year
Hello! I hope the holidays are treating you well! I was wondering if you'd be able to help me with some face claim ideas! I'm searching for something a little bit historical. (Female anywhere between 20s-early 30s. Aesthetic/vibe of Evelyn O'Connell from The Mummy movies.) Someone that might be befitting of a Adventurer and or treasure hunter! Thank you so much in advance!
Annet Mahendru (1985) Punaji Indian / Russian - her role in The Walking Dead: World Beyond.
May Calamawy (1986) Jordanian, Palestinian / Egyptian - her role in Moonknight.
Alba Flores (1986) Romani.
Ophelia Lovibond (1986) - her role in Hooten & the Lady.
Anupriya Goenka (1987) Indian.
Kelly Marie Tran (1989) Vietnamese - her role in Star Wars.
Kylie Bunbury (1989) Afro Guyanese / Swedish, as well as Polish, English, and German - her roles in Big Sky and Warning.
Hannah John-Kamen (1989) Nigerian / Norwegian - her roles in Resident Evil, The Stranger, and Killjoys.
Gratiela Brancusi (1989) Romani - 1883.
Nafessa Williams (1989) African-American - her role in Black Lightning.
Nathalie Emmanuel (1989) English, Saint Lucian, Dominican.
Kiki Layne (1991) African-American - her role in The Old Guard.
Tanaya Beatty (1991) Da’naxda’xw and Himalayan - her roles in Yellowstone and Through The Spruce.
Amanda Magalhães (1991) Brazilian - her role in 3%.
Sofia Black-D'Elia (1991) Ashkenazi Jewish / Italian.
Cynthia Senek (1991) Brazilian - her role in 3%.
Poppy Drayton (1991) - her role in The Shannara Chronicles.
Naomi Ackie (1992) Afro Grenadian - her role in Star Wars.
Medalion Rahimi (1992) Iranian, Mizrahi Jewish - did take a role in the Pam & Tommy show so use at your own discretion.
Adria Arjona (1992) Guatemalan / Puerto Rican - her role in Andor.
Laysla De Oliveira (1992) Brazilian - her role in Locke & Key.
Olivia Liang (1993) Chinese - her role in Kung Fu.
Maia Mitchell (1993)
Jessica Green (1993) - her role in The Outpost.
Ivana Baquero (1994) - her role in The Shannara Chronicles.
Taylor Russell (1994) Black Canadian / European - her roles in the Escape Room movies.
Ebru Şahin (1994) Turkish.
Natacha Karam (1995) Lebanese / Irish.
Jessie Mei Li (1995) Hongkonger / English - gender non-nonconforming woman - she/they - their role in Shadow and Bone.
Sophia Ali (1995) Pakistani - her roles in Uncharted and The Wilds.
Tsuchiya Tao (1995) Japanese - her role in Alice in Borderland.
Alexa Mansour (1996) Mexican and Egyptian - her role in The Walking Dead: World Beyond.
Brittany O'Grady (1996) Louisiana Creole [African, French] / English, Irish, as well as Swiss-German, German, Welsh, and Dutch.
Alba Baptista (1997) - her role in Warrior Nun.
Sisi Stringer (1997) African Australian - her role in The Vampire Academy.
Alaqua Cox (1997) Menominee and Mohican - she is Deaf and an amputee who uses a prosthetic leg - her role in Hawkeye.
Here you go!
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huariqueje · 1 year
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Birch and Spruce    -   Einar Sandberg , n/d
Norwegian,1876 - 1947
Oil on canvas , 49 x 47 cm.
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ellie-e-marcovitz · 2 years
Profile: Iðunn Larson
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FC: tbd
Nicknames: Miss Larson, Andersdottr, Indy
Born: 23 January 1973
2nd of three
Place of birth: Faroe Islands
Ethnicity: Norwegian
Nationality: Anglo-Norse
Blood Status: Pureblood (Magical)
House: Gryffindor, 1984-1991
Abilities: currently unknown
Wand: Norwegian Spruce, with dragon heartstring, 10”, unyielding
Appearance: dark blonde hair, dark brown eyes, scattered freckles, solid build
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Mother: Brynhild née Henrik
Father: Anders Larson
brewer, Larson Family Brewing
Older brother: Asgeir
Younger sister: Kristine
Cousin: Ingrid Larson
Friends:  Jasmine Fonseca, Annika Halvorson, Rose Whiteson, Ellie Marcovitz, Rowan Khanna
Preferred weapon is a bow and arrow, goes on the create the Hogwarts Archery Club (1986-1991)
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It's Christmas Time! - Accepting
🌲  ─  visit a tree farm to pick the perfect christmas tree
Rapunzel took in a deep, slow lungful of air. "It smells amazing!" she grinned. She always said that. Multiple times while they shopped for a tree, in fact. Why should today be any different? Rai grinned back affectionately.
"I want a really big one this year," she informed him. It wasn't always the case. Her artistic mood swung indifferent directions, year to year. Sometimes, she wanted something smaller and more intimate. Sometimes she wanted something grand.
"A'ight, but it still has to fit in the penthouse," he reminded her.
"We could always put it outside," she countered with a grin, and was warmed by his replying laughter.
They made their way through the farm, deeper, towards the larger trees in the back. "What are you thinking, noble fir? Douglas? Norwegian blue spruce?"
"Yeesh, how many kinds of pine trees are there?"
"Evergreens," she corrected without thinking. "And I can't even begin to tell you." She stopped in front of a ten foot tall tree and gazed up at it adoringly. "Oooh, look at this one! Can you give it a fluff up?"
Rai looked around a moment to be sure no one was watching them, then, with a flick of his wrist, a swirling gust of wind shot at the tree and blew up the branches, loosening any dried needles so that they fell like rain and letting the branches settle in a nice, appealing way.
Rapunzel circled it, making sure it looked great from every angle. She wasn't seeking perfection, but an overall straight trunk and not too many huge gaps in the branches was ideal.
"Well, it's no Árvore do Rio, but I think it'll do for our place," he winked.
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