#not a great day but i think this helped me to feel better
halfmoonaria · 23 hours
pairing: tara carpenter & female reader
summary: you didn't have a reason for it, except tara was the reason.
words: 2.3k
warnings: violence, ghostface, gore, language, sensitive topics.
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Her heart was pounding, legs shaking, breath hitched and voice trembling.
Tara was frightened, terrified.
Everything had happened so fast.
First Quinn had died, shortly after Anika was gone. Then Ethan and Mindy got left behind, being forced to take another train.
Now it was just her, Sam, Chad, Kirby and you. And four people would've been enough to fight the killers, technically.
However, now both Chad and you were gone.
Tara didn't know where you were, and it was starting to worry her. What if you were dead?
Oh god, she wouldn't be able to live with herself if you were. Especially not since the last conversation she had with you ended so acrimoniously.
She knew why it did, and she knew it was entirely her fault. But she was going to make it okay again, she was going to be better. For you.
Although Tara also knew that there wasn't any ways to make it better. Not at all.
Tara felt totally unreasonable. Disgusted with herself.
She couldn't reverse the situation or turn back the clock on what had occurred. She couldn't change what happened. Not even the slightest.
She couldn't even change the thoughts of remorse and guilt that had been rotting in her head for days. What made her think she could change the situation?
Tara did cheat. And you saw it. She couldn't change that.
She couldn't change the way you ran out of the apartment before Tara had the chance to open her mouth. She couldn't change the fact that you hadn't spoken to her ever since she chased you down the street.
She couldn't change anything. And it was hurting her to bits.
"Kirby stop!" The fiddling with a gun brought Tara out of her own thoughts, "Get away from the girls."
Tara could feel her lips shaking out of fear. Legs almost too wobbly to stand. Her mind was too fuzzy she could barely focus on the conversation between Kirby and Bailey.
All she could find herself thinking about was you. The look on your face when you had seen Tara on top of Chad. The tears that were flushing down when she made eye contact with you.
The way you were probably dead right now.
It wasn't until Ghostface popped up behind Bailey that Tara finally got pulled into the moment, the thoughts about you being pushed aside as she heard the gunshots towards Kirby.
Bailey shot Kirby. In the shoulder. Twice. Making her fall to the ground in an instant.
Strangled gasps escaped from both of the sisters, their glances turning to Bailey and the masked killer next to him.
"Great job" Baileys raspy voice spoke proudly as he lowered the gun to his side. "Both of you" he finished as another Ghostface walked up behind him.
That was when it all clicked for Sam and Tara. There had been three of them? The entire time?
Tara's mouth couldn't help but move before she could think." You?" Her voice laced with nothing but disgust and betrayal.
Bailey grimaced, acting like this was some kind of fun, sick joke. "Yeah, Of course me."
Her mouth was left open out in aghast. Bailey would've been the absolute last person Tara would've excepted, and it seemed to be that way for Sam as well.
In fact, even Anika would've been a better suspect than him.
"Frankly, I expected more from the two of you after what you did to us."
And even though Tara felt so incredibly lost and confused at the moment, the sentence made it possible for her to become even more bewildered.
Sam didn't say a word, her figure just showed that she was breathing heavily in the corner of Tara's eye, either to calm herself down or because she was feeling suffocated by all the overwhelming emotions.
"What do you mean 'us'?"
At that, the person standing on the right side of the detective pulled of the hood, tugging off the mask shortly after with the gloved covered hand.
When the mask had arrived off, Ethan was revealed.
Ethan Landry.
The dorky guy that screamed like a girl whenever scary movies was shown, stumbled over his own feet while walking or always rambled about stuff nobody actually cared about.
Tara felt the need to laugh, she actually didn't think the boy could hurt a fly even if he had to. But her face remained frozen, it didn't dare to move.
Ethan had a proud, big smile on his face, like he had really accomplished something. Tara wanted to punch his face for looking so smug.
He had been anything but slick with it all. Technically everyone in the group had been suspecting him at least once, perhaps not Anika, but she hadn't blamed anyone.
"Mindy was right." He spoke as if it was funny. But in reality it was ridiculous. Mindy was never right about anything when it came to the killers, not a single right last time, which was precisely why nobody believed her now either.
Which was why the fact that Mindy was right made Ethan look nothing else but foolish.
"It was easy to juke the roommate lottery." He continued, probably expecting a response from any of the sisters. But Sam's mouth seemed to be just as unable to move as Tara's.
"I mean all I had to do to meet you? Was room with a conceited, condescending alpha, literally named Chad. Fuck, it felt good to kill him." 
Tara felt her breath hitch for a second, swallowing hard enough to make head turns.
Chad was dead?
Although before Tara had the chance to speak or ask anything she was going to regret, Ethan spoke up again, this time with his Ghostface mask raised in his hand.
He spoke about how it was Sam's grandmothers, how it ran in the family; nothing Sam hadn't heard before. Tara either for that matter, and she couldn't care less. Sam wasn't a killer. Tara knew that.
"Talking of family." He voiced again, the smug smile never leaving his features.
"Wait for it!" Bailey interrupted milliseconds after.
The two of them were smiling like absolute maniacs, like they were waiting for a well known jump scare in a movie.
"My name's not Ethan Landry.. is it dad?"
"Dad?" Tara spoke up in utter disgust. Shame filling her veins for not noticing that sooner. But how could she? They looked nothing like.
It was impossible to try and find any similarities between them now, looking at them made Tara feel the need to throw up.
The way they were laughing and smiling big, the way Bailey was stroking Ethan's hair like he had a reason to be proud of him.
"Wait.. If its you two that just leaves.." Sam spoke for the first time since the reveal.
The third and final killer turned their masked face to Sam, curious to see who she'd guess. "Mindy?"
Tara felt goosebumps form on her whole body at the guess. Was it really?
Both Bailey and Ethan turned their head eagerly to watch the reveal, even though there was no doubt they already knew who it was.
Hood off.
Glove covered hand up. Grabbing the chin of the mask. Pulling it off.
There it was.
The hair and face Tara had seen a million times before, the features she admired so deeply. The eyes that met hers, that used to be filled with light. Now looked empty.
It was you.
Under the mask. It was you.
Tara felt like her heart stopped. But at the same time she could hear it beating like it was placed next to her eardrum.
You smirked as you could hear Tara let out a sob. Sam gulped heavily at the sight of you in the dark robe.
"Hello Tara." Your voice sounded sweet, like a whispering breeze. It made Tara want to crumble to her knees.
"Didn't see that one coming did you?"
Tara's lips were quivering too much for her to reply.
But of course she didn't see that coming. You were her girlfriend. Were.
Ringing covered her ears, blocking out everything else that left Bailey's mouth, making it all inaudible.
All she could do was follow your figure as you walked behind the glass boxes of souvenirs. Holding up the mask, your mouth moved. But Tara couldn't make out what.
All she could focus on was all the questions that were raised in her head. Why would you do this? How long had you been a part of this?
Tara's mind was shutting out all of the conversations that was held between Bailey and her sister, Ethan adding stuff in between.
She was watching you instead. How your eyes looked nothing like they once did. How your knife was directed towards her, almost ready to stab her whenever you got the chance.
Her mind was fuzzy, and she felt as if she couldn't focus on anything besides you.
You were walking closer. Too close for Tara's liking, but she couldn't find herself moving. Her legs straight up refused.
When the top of the knife was in faith contact with her chin, you stopped. Same as Ethan had done with Sam. Nothing Tara paid any attention to.
Instead she focused on clenching her jaw, trying to direct her head upwards. Although your voice startled her enough to stop.
"You look pretty with a knife like this." You spoke. "Maybe we should've done knife play more often." Your voice was hushed. As if nobody else was allowed to hear.
Normally it would've made Tara feel warm and comfortable. Now it made her eyes water even more.
"Although I guess you just would've used it for real huh?"
Tara gulped. She knew what you meant. She knew what you were referring to.
"You would've used it in the back right?" You spoke through gritted teeth. Making sure to remind Tara that the knife was still in your hand, pressed against her skin.
"Backstabbing cunt." You spit. Making Tara close her eyes, gulping yet again.
However when she opened them again, her eyes met yours. And she was surprised when she only saw sorrow in them, not a single thing in there showed malevolence or anger.
Tara couldn't help but plead and beg for forgiveness. Your eyes had that impact on her.
"Y/N I'm so sorry..Please- I - We can fix this." She stuttered out, way too much for her own good. "It doesn't have to happen like this."
She was trying to fix it. She didn't want to get her sister killed by you because of a decision she had made herself. A mistake she had made.
But she knew it was too late to solve things. The way your mouth smirked showed it more than enough. And Tara only made it worse by letting her mouth get the best of her.
"It was a mistake."
You felt the need to laugh, and you did. A cold hearted laugh escaped your lips. Your laugh was normally something Tara could listen to like music, like angel soft music. But this sound scared her.
"It wasn't a mistake. You know well enough it wasn't." You pressed the knife harder to her skin, millimeters away from drawing blood. "You knew it the second you chose to take of your clothes. Well enough kiss him."
And Tara knew that. She was completely aware of that.
Everything else became a blur. Everything had gone steeper downhill so fast that Tara couldn't process anything.
Maybe it was her foggy mind that didn't allow her to think straight. Maybe that's why she had lost her steady grip on the railing.
Sam had taken Ethan, and Tara had been forced to take you. Against her will.
Her mind was too focused on saving her sister that she didn't realize at what cost that might've been. She didn't realize that stabbing you meant killing you. She didn't realize that until it was too late.
She realized it when she had harshly impaled the knife in your mouth, twisting it seconds later. When your wide, beautiful eyes had stared up at her in shock. When your blood had splashed in her face. Your blood.
When your limp body fell to the floor. When she shook your shoulders, begging for you to wake up. Begging for you to forgive her.
Sam told Tara that it was for the best. That it was either you getting killed, or Tara herself. Tara tried listening, telling herself that it was for the better.
But there was just something about the way you laid there. The way the blood on your body was once used to fill your veins. The blood who once existed for your heart to pump.
Your heart, the most benevolent and thoughtful heart to ever exist. A heart that wouldn't hurt anyone, even if it was forced.
You weren't a killer. You didn't have a reason to kill. Except you did. She was the reason. Tara was the reason.
She had made you into a murderer. Tara was the reason for it.
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falmerbrook · 3 days
How are the Falmer hitting me with arrows? (headcanons on how Falmer navigate and hunt/fight)
I'm keeping up the Falmer headcanon momentum.
So Falmer in Skyrim (the game) have a blind effect applied to them and fortify sneak. As I'm sure anyone who has plundered a Dwemer ruin has experienced, despite their blindness, those buggers sure can shoot and arrow. As a matter of fact, they have a surprising amount of archers in their communities. There's also a question of how they are able to navigate the often treacherous Dwemer cities filled with dangerous guarding contraptions and tall drops. So here's my thoughts on how they get around and navigate/fight/hunt so well.
You know what other (real life) creature has poor eyesight, big ears, and is able to pinpoint small targets for hunting? Bats.
I like to imagine that Falmer are in the early stages of evolving echolocation. While they don't have the precise echolocation capabilities of bats, I headcanon they can use it to get a general picture of the size and shape of their surroundings, so they can get a decent idea of obstacles, the size of a room/cavern, if there is a gap or cliff, and if an object or creature is moving around. Falmer moving about will use echolocation to navigate (akin to using something like a cane to just detect obstacles or walls), and while on guard or hunting they can use it to scan an area to get a baseline for what the area is like and therefore if something changes within it.
Bats that have evolved echolocation tend to have large ears to better pick up the reflected noises, and strange looking wrinkles and folds in their faces to help reflect or project the sound to the ears better. This could explain the wrinkles on Falmers' faces and the larger ears (I also tend to make their ears bigger than in the games in my drawings for that reason).
That all being said, for your consideration, please imagine if Falmer's faces looked like this:
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(Wrinkle-faced bat, white-throated round-eared bat, vampire bat, horseshoe bat, great stripe-faced bat, slit-faced bat)
And if they sounded like this (as I picture it, it would be a sort of secondary noise set alongside their normal vocalizations that we hear in-game):
(in real life, this is more of a noise you can feel in your head than hear)
(this one is slowed and pitched down so we can hear it)
I've often wondered (these are the sorts of things I think about while I'm working) how clairvoyance would work in-universe, but I think it could be useful to someone (or a group of someones) who can't see. For those who don't know, clairvoyance is an illusion spell in Skyrim (the game) that shows a blue magical path towards the current objective (quest marker). They way I like to headcanon it, the way clairvoyance works in-universe can vary, but it’s mostly used for giving the mind’s-eye an “image” of the route/location of what the caster is thinking about. It’s like a mix of a clarity of understanding (a “eureka!” moment) and a mental picture. It’s a spell that requires pretty heavy concentration and mental training, since it requires not only casting the spell but maintaining a certain objective in your mind.
Falmer have figured out how to use it to “see” (understand) their surroundings in a way that allows them to fight, hunt, and navigate complex architecture. It’s not a replacement for sight though, just a way of adjusting without it. This is the skill that allows them to use bows with fairly good accuracy. They understand this spell more as a navigational skill than what the above world sees it as (a spell). I imagine they have their own very different system of understanding and classifying magic since they've been so separated from the rest of the world, but that's a post for another day.
While echolocation is mostly used for purely navigating and scanning the environment to get a sense of scale and placement, clairvoyance is used more for a specific purpose, whether that be to navigate to a specific point, navigate difficult terrain, pinpoint the position of a target/enemy, find something (an object they lost, a friend or family member, etc.), etc. While a guard or hunter may use echolocation to scan, they may then use clairvoyance to pin down a potential threat. Usually, unless one is very skilled in magic, they can only focus on a single target or subject at a time using clairvoyance, and it is a learned skill that most individuals have at least a basic grasp on, but only those more skilled in magic can use for complex, frantic, or stressful situations. They don't see it so much as a spell to learn and master, but rather a basic skill of life, like how we may see learning to read and write.
Of course, part of their ability to navigate also just comes down to having been born that way and just naturally learning the placement and arrangement of things in their environment. They don't know what they're missing, and like a blind person or animal, could adapt to it in their own non-magical ways as well. The magic and evolution just help them thrive.
Anyway, thanks for reading another Falmer Post™!!
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xxspringmelodyxx · 2 days
That Girl’s A Liar~
Satoru Gojo x F!Reader
Here is part III! I hope you all enjoy<333 Part I Part II
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The school bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I headed towards the library, where Kai and I had planned to meet up and go over his strategy to ask Amai out. My mind was still buzzing with thoughts of Toru and the missed chance to talk to him earlier. It had been such a strange, disheartening day. For the first time since we became friends, Toru and I hadn’t exchanged a single word.
We never even crossed paths, our schedules seemingly conspiring to keep us apart. That or we were just too busy with school work to talk. It felt as if a crucial part of my day was missing, leaving an empty void that gnawed at me. The absence of our connection cast a shadow over everything, making the day feel unusually long and painfully lonely.
Entering the library, I spotted Kai at a table near the back, surrounded by books and notes. He looked up and waved me over with a relieved smile.
“Hey, Y/N!” Kai greeted me. “Thanks for coming. I really need your help with this science project, and… you know, the other thing.”
“Of course,” I replied, setting my bag down and pulling out my notebook. “Let’s get started.”
As we began reviewing the material, I noticed Toru entering the library. He paused at the entrance, his eyes scanning the room. When he saw me and Kai sitting close together, his expression shifted. Instead of approaching, he decided to observe from a distance, his curiosity and jealousy piqued.
“So…do you think Amai likes coffee or tea better? I’m thinking about asking her if she’d like to get something with me sometime this week…or maybe next week.” Kai asked, glancing at his notes to mask the question.
I leaned in, whispering back, “Probably tea. She seems like a tea person.”
Kai chuckled, shaking his head. “You think so? What makes you so sure?”
I gasped dramatically, placing a hand over my heart in an exaggerated manner. “You doubt my finely honed abilities to discern whether someone prefers coffee or tea? That is blasphemous!” I declared with mock seriousness, a playful glint in my eyes. “My skills in beverage detection are unparalleled. I can read the subtle signs and nuances of a person’s taste preferences with unmatched precision.”
Kai laughed, leaning back in his chair. "Alright, alright, I believe you. I just want to make sure I do this right. I don’t want to mess up any opportunities given to me."
I smiled reassuringly, leaning in a bit closer. "You won't mess this up, Kai. Just be yourself and show genuine interest in her. Trust me, Amai will appreciate the effort and sincerity. And remember, you've got me in your corner to help you out."
Kai's expression softened, his nervousness giving way to a grateful smile. "Thanks, Y/N. That means a lot. I guess I just need to relax and take it one step at a time."
I nodded, feeling a surge of warmth from our friendship. "Exactly. And who knows, maybe this will be the start of something really great for you."
Toru found a spot behind a bookshelf where he could watch us without being seen. He noticed the way Kai leaned in close, and how I responded with a smile and a laugh. His grip on his bag tightened as he tried to make sense of our interaction.
We both giggled at our own seriousness, finding some levity in the situation. Toru, catching the intimate nature of our conversation but not the details, felt his jealousy deepen. He struggled to maintain his composure as he watched us from the shadows.
“What the hell could he be saying to make you smile like that?” He thought
Kai nudged me, his voice low. “Do you think Amai likes science fiction? I’m thinking of recommending a book.”
I leaned in closer, whispering, “Yeah, I think she does. She mentioned something about liking scientific settings in our last class. Maybe you should talk with her about what her favorite book is or something amongst those lines.”
Toru’s eyes narrowed as he watched us, feeling a pang of jealousy. The way we were huddled together, whispering and laughing, was unsettling for him. What was going on between you two?
Kai looked at me with a mixture of hope and nervousness. “Do you think it’s too soon to ask Amai about her favorite books?”
I shook my head, smiling reassuringly. "Not at all. In fact, asking about her favorite books is a great way to show you’re interested in her likes and dislikes. It will make her feel appreciated."
Kai’s face lit up with relief. "Right. You’re right… I just… I don’t want her to think I’m some sort of creep."
I laughed, rubbing my hand on his shoulder, trying my best to reassure him. "For asking her about her favorite book? Kai, I think you’re being too hard on yourself. You aren’t going to sound like a creep as long as you don’t ask too many personal questions. Just keep it simple!"
Kai nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "Okay, got it. Keep it simple and genuine."
I patted his shoulder encouragingly. "Exactly. You're going to do great, Kai. Like I said, just be yourself and let the conversation flow naturally. Amai will see the real you, and that's what matters most."
He took a deep breath, seeming more at ease. "Thanks, Y/N. I really appreciate your help. I don’t know what I’d do without you."
I grinned, feeling the bond of our friendship strengthen. "Anytime, Kai. I'm always here for you. Now, let's get back to this science project and make sure we ace it."
As you two continued discussing both the science project and Kai’s plans for Amai, Aksana entered the library. She spotted Toru almost immediately and saw him staring at you. With a determined look, she walked straight over to him, her books clutched to her chest.
Toru continued to watch you and Kai, his frustration growing as he struggled to understand your guys’ interaction. Just then, Aksana appeared beside him, noticing his distraction.
"Hey, Toru, can you help me with my homework again? I’m really struggling to understand it," Aksana said, effectively blocking his view of me and Kai.
Toru hesitated, his gaze lingering on me for a moment longer. He wanted to focus on our interaction, to understand what was going on between us.
"Uh... sorry, Aksana, but I am actually—" he began, trying to excuse himself.
"Oh, please, Toru? I really need you!" she begged, sitting down next to him and effectively blocking his view of me and Kai.
He felt a surge of annoyance but forced a polite smile, trying to be nice despite his reluctance. "Alright, Aksana. What do you need help with?" he asked, though his thoughts were still preoccupied with me and Kai.
I glanced over, catching a glimpse of Toru and Aksana together. My chest tightened as I saw them, their heads close together as they worked on her assignment. The way his arm grazed against hers, the way his eyes looked at hers—it all made my stomach churn with an unfamiliar pang of jealousy.
Kai noticed my distraction and gently nudged me. “You okay, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied, forcing a smile. “Let’s get back to work.”
We continued studying, but I couldn’t help stealing glances at Toru and Aksana. Every time I looked over, they seemed more engrossed in their conversation, making my heart sink a little further.
The image of them laughing together left a bitter taste in my mouth. The day that had started with a missed connection now felt even more complicated and heavy.
I glanced over again, catching a moment where Aksana playfully nudged Toru. He smiled politely, but there was something distant in his eyes, a flicker of the tension I knew he was trying to hide. Yet, the way they interacted still made my heart clench with jealousy.
Kai’s voice pulled me back to our conversation. “So, when do you think is the best time to ask Amai about her interests? I don’t want to come off too strong.”
“Maybe start with something light,” I suggested, trying to keep my focus. “Talk about school, then gradually bring up hobbies and books. It will feel more natural that way.”
Kai nodded, absorbing my advice. We continued to work, but my mind kept drifting. I noticed that Toru would occasionally glance my way, his expression unreadable. Each time our eyes almost met, Aksana would say something to draw his attention back to her.
Eventually, Kai suggested a break. “Hey, Y/N, why don’t we take a break and go to the café down the street? My treat for all the help you’ve been to me.” Toru’s expression darkened as he overheard Kai’s suggestion. The mention of our usual spot hit him hard. He watched as I hesitated, torn between helping Kai and the implications it might have for Toru. Maybe it would be for the best. It would help keep my mind off of him and Aksana.
“Sure, Kai. Thanks,” I finally said, trying to keep my tone neutral.
Kai beamed, completely oblivious to the tension. “Great! Let’s go.”
We packed up our things and headed out, leaving Toru and Aksana behind. Toru watched you both leave, his hand breaking his pencil in half from the jealousy and frustration he felt.
I stirred my tea with my straw, struggling to drink it as I was lost in thought. My mind kept drifting back to Toru and Aksana, and the unsettling feelings it stirred within me. Kai took notice of my distraction and leaned in, concern etched on his face.
“What’s up, Y/N? You seem really out of it,” Kai asked gently.
“Oh, it’s nothing, Kai. Really,” I replied, trying to brush off my feelings with a weak smile.
“Come on, I know self-deception better than anyone. Now, what’s going on?” he pressed, his tone sincere and encouraging.
I sighed, putting down my straw and looking up at Kai. His eyes were filled with genuine concern, and I knew I couldn’t hide my feelings any longer. “It’s just… seeing Toru with Aksana today. It made me realize how much I miss talking to him. We didn’t even get to see each other at all today, and it felt so… empty.”
Kai nodded thoughtfully, a hint of realization dawning in his eyes. “Do you… like him?” he asked, a small smile making its way to his face as he saw me look away from him.
I felt my cheeks heat up, and I avoided his gaze, fiddling with my straw. “I… I don’t know, Kai,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.
“Oh, so you do like him!” he yelled, his eyes lighting up at the news.
“Will you keep it down, Kai?! The whole world doesn’t need to know!” I exclaimed, placing my hands over his mouth to muffle his excitement. My heart raced at the thought of anyone else overhearing our conversation.
Kai laughed, gently moving my hands away. “Alright, alright, I’ll keep it quiet. But wow, Y/N, this is big! No wonder you seemed so distracted today.”
I sighed, my shoulders slumping as I looked down at my untouched tea. “Yeah, it’s a lot. But just looking at him makes me feel so happy. His smile, his voice, his eyes…even his dumb jokes and antics make my heart flutter.
Kai laughed, making me look up at him.
”Why don’t you tell him?”
”I tried! But every time I try to, its like the universe always seems to find a way to stop it from happening.” I explained.
”Not only that… but stupid Aksana keeps butting in, so I can never get any time alone with him,” I finished, frustration evident in my voice.
As Kai was about to say something, he noticed the weather changing. The clouds began to circle around in the sky, making him look down at me with concern.
“Uh… Y/N?” he asked, pointing towards the outside.
I turned and rolled my eyes, realizing what was happening. “Damnit. Sorry,” I said, quickly taking a deep breath to regain control. Within a few seconds, the clouds disappeared and the sun began to shine once more.
Kai watched in awe, his expression a mix of surprise and admiration. “Wow, you really do have a unique and powerful cursed technique. I forget sometimes.”
I shrugged, feeling a bit embarrassed. “Yeah, it tends to react to my emotions. It’s something I’ve been trying to control better. But now Im seeing that I need to work harder on that…especially if something like this is getting to me.”
“Don’t feel bad about it. Love is a powerful thing. It can make even the strongest of people lose control.” He said, making me ponder.
”Listen, thank you for the tea, Kai. It was so sweet of you…but I better get going. I have some things I need to sleep on tonight. How about we meet tomorrow during lunch and we can go over the plan some more and you can finally get some interaction with her.” I said, quickly leaving the cafe, not giving him any time to respond.
As I stepped outside, the fresh air helped clear my mind. I walked all the way back to my home, my thoughts swirling with everything that had happened. Once inside, I went straight to my room and face-planted into the bed, letting out a long, frustrated sigh.
As I lay there, the events of the day replayed in my mind. Every missed chance to talk to him, every moment he spent with Aksana instead of me—it all seemed to point to one conclusion. What if the universe was trying to tell me something? What if Toru and I were never meant to be more than friends?
I shook my head, trying to push those thoughts away. I couldn’t give up so easily. I needed to talk to Toru, to clear the air and find out how he really felt. But the fear of rejection, of ruining our friendship, weighed heavily on my heart.
Rolling onto my back, I stared up at the ceiling, Why did things have to be so complicated? All I wanted was to be close to Toru, to share everything with him, to hear his voice….I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. “Get a grip, Y/N,” I muttered to myself.
I don’t know whats going to happen to us in the future…but I do know that I am going to make sure I get alone time with Toru tomorrow…no matter what. I need to see him…and just him. With that resolve in mind, I closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep.
—With Satoru—
“I don’t know what the fuck to do, Suguru! It’s like he’s completely replaced me!” Satoru exclaimed, running his hand through his hair in frustration. The usually composed and confident young man was now a bundle of nerves, his eyes reflecting the turmoil he felt inside.
Suguru leaned against the wall, arms crossed, watching his friend with a mixture of concern and sympathy. “Calm down, Satoru. Tell me what’s going on.”
Satoru sighed, pacing the room. “It’s Y/N. I’ve barely gotten to spend time with her, if any at all. She’s too preoccupied with that boy Kai. It’s like she doesn’t even notice me anymore. And seeing them together... it hurts, Suguru. It fucking hurts.” The words tumbled out of him in a rush, each one laced with the raw pain of unrequited love and the sting of jealousy.
Suguru nodded, understanding the depth of his friend’s anguish. He had witnessed the way Satoru looked at you, talked about you, even thought about you. He knew how much you meant to him. “Okay, first, you need to try and relax man-“
”How can you say that? You know how I feel about her. There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about her. I miss her so much…I love her so much.” He started, looking down at his bandaged arm where you helped him. The memory of your gentle touch and kind words only made the pain sharper.
”i just…I thought maybe she might’ve felt the same for me.” He said, his voice breaking in defeat. Suguru lifted himself off the wall and walked towards his best friend, placing a hand on his shoulder.
”Listen man, I get it. I know how much you love her, and maybe it feels like she’s slipping away. But I feel like all of this is just a big misunderstanding. Maybe there’s something going on between those two that you don’t know of.”
”Like what? Like them dating? Do you think they are dating?” Satoru interrupted, his eyes widening in fear at the realization. The mere thought of you being with someone else made his heart ache with a pain he couldn’t bear.
”What? No! I'm just saying that maybe there is more to the story than you think. You need to talk to her. You need to finally let her know how you feel. Maybe then…all will be revealed.” He suggested. To be honest, Suguru wasn’t sure what you were doing either. He could’ve sworn you were absolutely head over heels for Satoru just as much as he was for you…did he interpret your feelings wrong? Could it be true that you moved on from his best friend to another boy?
“It’s not that simple,” Satoru replied, his voice tinged with desperation. “Every time I get close, something or someone gets in the way. Trust me, I want to tell her! I want to be with her so bad, to just hear her beautiful voice, see her beautiful smile… but instead, I end up seeing her with Kai...and hes the one getting all of those things that I want. it’s like a knife to the heart.”
Suguru placed a reassuring hand on Satoru’s shoulder. “Then make her see it. Show her what she’s missing.”
Satoru's eyes lit up with an idea. “You’re right. Maybe if she sees me with someone else, she’ll realize what she’s missing. Maybe I need to make her jealous.”
Suguru’s eyes widened in alarm. “No, that’s not what I meant! I was trying to say that you need to be honest with her, not play games.”
But Satoru, being himself, was already forming a plan in his head. “Thanks, Suguru! You’re a genius. I’ll show her that I can move on too. Maybe then she’ll realize how much she misses me.”
“Satoru, you fucking idiot, wait—” Suguru began, but it was too late. Satoru was already heading out the door, determined to put his plan into action.
Ignoring Suguru’s protests, Satoru sought out Aksana. If making Y/N jealous was the way to get her attention, then he would go all in.
It didn’t take too long before Satoru found Aksana. There she was, in the library, engrossed in a book.
“Aksana, hey,” Satoru said, putting on his most charming smile.
Aksana looked up, surprised. “Oh, hi, Satoru. What’s up?”
“Do you want to hang out? Maybe grab a coffee or something?” Satoru asked, trying to sound casual.
Aksana’s face held a sinister smirk. Had all the work she put into getting close to Satoru finally paid off? “Sure, I’d love to,” she replied, her voice dripping with satisfaction as she sensed an opportunity unfolding before her.
As they walked out together, Satoru couldn’t help but glance around, hoping Y/N would see them. Suguru’s words echoed in his mind, but he pushed them aside. This had to work. Y/N had to realize what she was missing.
Meanwhile, Suguru watched from a distance, shaking his head. “This is going to backfire spectacularly,” he muttered to himself. He could only hope that Satoru would come to his senses before it was too late.
”What the hell is he doing?” Shoko asked, showing up out of nowhere. Suguru looked down at her and shook his head.
”Something he's going to regret.”
—With you—
Well…your plan to get alone time with Toru plan went to shit. Weeks had passed, and you hadn't had a single opportunity to be alone with Toru. Each time you attempted to get close, someone inevitably interrupted—most often Aksana. It was almost as if she had a sixth sense for when you wanted to speak with him because she was perpetually by his side. The way she clung to him made it appear as though he were her boyfriend, the two of them always in close physical proximity. People around you even started saying how cute of a couple they would be.
If you wanted to talk to him before class, it was too late—Aksana had already walked with him to school before you even had a chance. Trying to catch him during lunch was futile because Aksana had preemptively whisked him away to a nice place to eat. Attempting to speak to him after school was equally hopeless since she was already monopolizing his time, ostensibly to get help with her “homework.” It was driving your emotions into turmoil, and consequently, the weather seemed to mirror your inner state.
Days that were forecasted to be sunny turned out to be rainy, and days that were supposed to be mildly windy saw unexpectedly strong gusts. There were even some days that would have a mix of both snow and rain. All because of you. Shoko, Kai, and Suguru quickly noticed the change in you and attempted to reach out, but you were so consumed by your own emotions that you began to shut them out. The frustration and longing were driving you to the brink of insanity, and you could feel your sanity slipping away with each passing day.
What made matters worse was that you started to notice how much closer Toru and Aksana were getting. Almost too close. You still remember the day you were in the lunchroom with Kai, preparing him to go talk to Amai, only to see Toru and Aksana leaving the school premises together. They were laughing with one another, their heads close as they shared a private joke. The sight made your heart ache, a deep, painful throb that you couldn’t ignore.
Kai, noticed your sudden silence, and he followed your gaze. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked, his voice tinged with concern.
You tore your eyes away from the scene, forcing a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you lied, the words tasting bitter in your mouth. “Just lost in thought.”
Kai gave you a skeptical look but didn’t press further. “Well, if you need to talk, you know I’m here for you, right?”You nodded, appreciating his support but feeling helpless. “Thanks, Kai. I appreciate it.”
As the days passed, the growing closeness between Toru and Aksana became increasingly difficult to ignore. They seemed inseparable, and every time you saw them together, it felt like a dagger twisting in your heart. You felt a mix of emotions—hurt, jealousy, and a strange sense of betrayal. Why was Satoru spending time with Aksana? Had you misread the situation all along? Did Satoru really not feel the same about you as you did about him? The thought was almost too painful to bear. You could’ve sworn he…you thought he…well maybe…maybe he just didn’t love you after all….
The following day, you decided to go to the cafeteria to grab something quick to eat. You and Kai were close to being done with the science project, and he and Amai were becoming closer and closer each day. He managed to build up enough courage to take her out to eat, so you were left alone. Now, you had some time all to yourself to just relax. It was a rare moment, but it meant that you got to actually sit with Shoko, Suguru, and Satoru.
As you made your way, the cafeteria’s usual cacophony of voices and clattering dishes seemed to fade into the background. You spotted Shoko and Suguru sitting together, but no sign of Toru. You went over to the table Shoko and Suguru were at, and forced a smile, trying to shake off the sense of dread that had been gnawing at you. As you sat down, you heard Toru’s voice from afar. Your eyes involuntarily drifted to the direction of his voice and found Toru and Aksana entering the lunchroom, talking amongst themselves about something random.
They were standing close, their heads almost touching as they shared a private joke, their laughter mingling with the ambient noise but somehow standing out painfully to your ears. The sight made your stomach churn with jealousy and hurt, a physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil that had become all too familiar.
Every giggle from Aksana and every smile from Toru felt like a dagger to your heart. The way they seemed so at ease with each other, so effortlessly close, was unbearable. You had always cherished the moments when Toru smiled at you like that, but now those moments seemed to be slipping away, replaced by this growing bond between him and Aksana. It was a bitter pill to swallow, seeing someone else enjoy what you longed for so deeply.
Suguru, sitting across from you, noticed your pained expression and turned to look at Toru and Aksana. He scoffed in disgust, completely in disbelief at what his best friend was doing. “Unbelievable,” he muttered under his breath, shaking his head in frustration. He couldn’t fathom how Toru could be so oblivious to your feelings, so wrapped up in his plan to make you jealous that he didn’t notice the hurt he was causing you.
Shoko, on the other hand, looked like she was ready to strangle both Toru and Aksana. Her eyes narrowed in anger as she watched them, her fists clenched tightly on the table. “This has to stop,” she whispered to Suguru fiercely, her voice barely containing her rage. She had seen the toll this situation was taking on you and it infuriated her to see her friend in such pain.
Both Suguru and Shoko had witnessed your frustration and heartbreak over the past few weeks. They had seen the light dim in your eyes and the smile that no longer reached your lips. It pained them to see you like this, to see someone they cared about suffering in silence. They exchanged a look, silently agreeing that something needed to be done to end this misery.
“Hey, Y/N,” Shoko said, her voice softer now as she turned her attention to you. “Are you okay?” Her eyes were filled with concern, and you could tell she was genuinely worried about you.
You forced a smile, trying to mask the turmoil inside. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you lied, though your voice betrayed your true feelings. The lump in your throat made it hard to speak, and you could feel the tears threatening to spill over, but you fought to keep them at bay.
Suguru leaned forward, his expression serious and earnest. “You don’t have to put up with this, you know. We’re here for you,” he said, his tone comforting yet firm. He wanted you to know that you weren’t alone, that you had friends who cared about you and wanted to help.
And you were grateful. Truly. But the emotions were overwhelming, and you couldn’t bear to delve into them any further. You sighed deeply and placed your head in your hands, trying to steady your breathing. “Can we not talk about this… please?” you asked, your voice cracking under the weight of your emotions. The sight of Toru and Aksana together was like a constant reminder of what you couldn’t have, and it was tearing you apart. You just needed a break. A break from it all.
“Of course...” Shoko replied softly, her worry for you still evident in her eyes. She exchanged a glance with Suguru, both of them silently agreeing to shift the conversation away from the topic that was causing you so much pain.
“Well, how about we talk about training then?” Suguru suggested, his tone lightening in an attempt to lift the mood. “I heard Sensei Yaga is having all of us go out later today for a practice exam on our form to see where we are at.”
Your eyes widened in surprise and mild panic. Was that today? Just when you thought you might get a break, now you were bombarded with the realization that you had to use your abilities to get a good grade. The stress of everything was beginning to weigh heavily on you, and the thought of the upcoming practice exam only added to your anxiety.
“Great,” you muttered, your voice tinged with sarcasm. “Just when I thought I could relax, now I have to worry about my form and performance.” You ran a hand through your hair, feeling the tension building up inside you.
Suguru gave you a sympathetic smile. “I know it’s a lot, but maybe it’ll be a good distraction. Focusing on training could help take your mind off things for a bit.”
“Yeah, and you’re really good,” Shoko added, her tone encouraging. “You always impress Sensei Yaga. Just think of it as another chance to show what you can do.”
You nodded, appreciating their attempts to cheer you up. “I guess you’re right. It’s just… everything feels so overwhelming right now. I’ll try to focus on the training and give it my best shot.”
As the conversation shifted to the details of the practice exam and various training techniques, you found yourself gradually relaxing. It wasn’t a complete escape from your thoughts about Toru and Aksana, but it was a temporary reprieve. For now, you could channel your energy into preparing for the exam and proving your skills.
The laughter and chatter of the cafeteria buzzed around you, blending into the background as you listened to Shoko and Suguru discuss strategies and tips. You took a deep breath, letting their words wash over you, and tried to find some semblance of peace in the midst of the chaos that had become your life.
Just then, your phone buzzed with a new message. Glancing at the screen, you saw it was from Kai. His words caught your attention right away.
“Meet me before our practice exam today. I’m going to finally ask Amai out… and to the dance… but I want to practice what I’m going to say. I need you to pretend to be her,” he wrote.
Despite the whirlwind of emotions you were feeling, a small smile grew on your face. At least someone in your life was going to have a good ending… hopefully. The idea of helping Kai with his romantic plans provided a glimmer of positivity in your otherwise turbulent day. It was a reminder that not everything was bleak and that happiness was still possible for those around you.
You quickly replied, typing out a response with a renewed sense of purpose. “Sure, I’ll meet you in our science class. We can practice there,” you texted back, feeling a bit lighter.
“Y/n…we need to tell you something. It’s about Satoru and what he’s been doing. Just please be ready to-“ Suguru started before being cut off by your voice.
“Hey guys, it was wonderful talking to you both… but something just came up and I gotta go. I’ll see you guys later today!” you said, not hearing a word they were saying before getting up and leaving, trying to muster the enthusiasm you no longer felt.
As you walked away, Toru’s eyes followed you, noticing the small smile on your face that barely masked your true feelings. His heart began to race with anticipation, a flicker of hope igniting within him. Were you finally going to come to him? Were you going to hug him and let him hear your voice that he had been longing for? He missed the way you used to laugh, the way you used to share everything with him.
Just as you made it a few feet away from him, your eyes locked with his, making both of you pause. For a brief moment, the world seemed to stand still, and all the noise of the cafeteria faded into the background. His heart pounded in his chest, a flicker of hope igniting within him. This was the moment he had been waiting for, the moment he had dreamed about during the countless sleepless nights. He wanted to reach out to you, to bridge the painful gap that had grown between you.
However, before he could make a move, you averted your eyes and walked in the opposite direction, directly ignoring him. He felt his heart shatter right then and there from your actions. The small glimmer of hope that had sparked in his heart was extinguished in an instant. Every step you took away from him felt like a crushing blow, each one more painful than the last. The rejection was a raw, agonizing wound that left him reeling.
“Y/n…” He muttered under his breath.
Part IV coming soon!
Taglist: @goreedo11
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Hi! This is my first time requesting so I’m really nervous and I’m sorry if my request sucks! I was just wondering if you could do another plus sized little reader but this time with Bucky? And she’s really embarrassed about being at the park because she gets hurt and so does peter but he gets picked up and she’s worried she can’t be picked up and snuggled because she’s too big and she’s just sad but then Bucky comes in and picks her up and reassures her that she’s still little and that he’s strong and that he still thinks she’s a little? Maybe she’s pretending to not be a little because she’s big again like you did in the last story but Bucky knows better and gives her a sweet band aid? Sorry this is so long you don’t have to do it! Have a good day!!!!!!!!
It's okay, Baby.
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Warnings - Talks of swing accident, talks of scrapes, band aids are used, as well as ointment, there's a talk of snacks at the end, and both Bucky and Y/n have a habit of sneaking around each others apartments.
Notes - It's been so long again since I've written something, but I hope you love this anon! Thank you for the request, and I promise you did a great job requesting!
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this blog, SFW
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The park at the compound was huge, it had tons of slides, climbing areas, and more. It was the coolest place Y/n had ever seen. As her friends played some imagination game, running around across the wooden plank bridge and sliding down the fireman's pole, she sat on the bench with the bunch of caregivers.
Y/n hadn't identified as either little or caregiver when she showed up to the compound a year ago. She had gotten rude comments and mean looks in the past when she told people she was a little. And she wasn't ready to see what those she lived with might have to say.
Everyone on the playground was small, pickupable, even if they were tall, and it made her feel like she didn't belong by the side of her smaller friends in a smaller headspace. "Y/n!" Peter yelled, hanging off of the rope swing waving her over. "Push me!" He giggled, swinging his legs as he tried to get some air.
Y/n smiled as she walked over, pushing down the bit of her that wanted to be pushed on a swing too. "How high?" She asked, giving peter a few pushes, only ever getting "Higher" as a response.
"Wait!" Y/n could hear someone say from the playground, she turned to check it out but before she could see who had yelled Peter and the tire swing swung back and knocked her on her feet.
Both her and peter were laid on the mulch, scrapes from the wood gracing their hands, tears trailing down both their cheeks. "I'm so sorry!" Peter cried, missing one shoe.
"It's my fault, I wasn't looking." Y/n tried to smile, tried to not slip into her little headspace as she often did when hurt. "I didn' mean to!" She sobbed, her pain bearable but her worry for peter making her chest squeeze.
Tony and MJ walked over to peter, Tony picking him up and MJ checking his ankle to make sure it wasn't hurt.
Y/n stayed seated, tears still dripping down her cheeks as she tried to will herself to stand up and walk away, but the aching in her chest as she watched Peter be worried over made her feel worse. "It's okay, Baby." Bucky said quietly, approaching her like she was an animal ready to run at the first sign of danger. "You got a couple of owies, huh?" Bucky squatted down, now level with Y/n.
"'M fine Buck." She tried her hardest to sound big, to sound put together.
"You're bleeding, Baby." Bucky helped her stand, brushing the mulch off of her before he looked over her hands. "Let's go get these cleaned up, hm?" He asked, waiting for Y/n to agree.
Y/n wasn't sure what was happening, or why Bucky was acting so sweet and kind to her. And she couldn't get his use of 'Owie' out of her head. But she felt hazy, not sure if she could stay big too much longer, her hands stinging more and more as the minutes passed.
The moment she nodded her head in agreement Bucky picked her up, one arm acting as a seat for her, Y/n's arms quickly wrapping around his neck. "Bucky!" She squealed as he walked them towards the compound. "'m too heavy, put me down!"
"I feel offended, Baby." Bucky chuckled, not out of breath or even slightly winded as he held her close. "I'm a super soldier, I can carry you no problem."
Y/n tried her best to think of a comeback, think of something to say to make him understand that her being picked up wasn't right. Yet the warmth his arms and body gave her, and the few forehead kisses he planted on her forehead as he walked made her disputes die the moment she thought of them.
"Okay." Bucky whispered, walking into his room then his bathroom, turning on the light before setting Y/n on the counter. "Let's get these hands patched up, okay?" Y/n nodded her head absentmindedly.
"T'anks." She said in a quiet voice, hands held out as Bucky cleaned her scrapes. "'m sorry for falling."
"Look at me, Baby." Bucky said, his hand resting under her chin. "You didn't do anything wrong, you just looked away for a second, it's okay, sometimes little's get distracted." He said calmly, quickly getting back to dabbing ointment on her hands.
"'m not a little!" Y/n said defensively.
"Y/n." Bucky looked her in the eyes. "Do you want a regular band aid? Or a princess one?" His words were said with a serious tone, and the look in his eyes made Y/n think he would definitely know if she lied.
"Princess Band aid." She pouted, hating that he saw through her. "Bu' maybe I jus' like princesses." She shrugged her shoulders.
"I know you like princesses, you have Princess blankets, and princess barbies, you also have a princess stuffie that you hide behind your bookshelf." Bucky said nonchalantly.
"How do you know all of 'dat?" She shook her head, looking at Bucky confused.
"I snoop when you go to the bathroom when we have movie nights in your room." He shrugged.
"Dat's creeping, Buck." Y/n giggled.
"Where do I hide my favorite gum?"
"The top shelf of the cupboard beside your fridge!" She cheered.
"Yes you creep, you know that because you sneak around when we have movie night here." He tickled her sides, making her giggle and forget all about her scraped hands.
"Okay, we can be creep buddies den." She held out her pinky.
"Creep buddies." He smiles, linking his pinky with hers, helping her off the counter, promising to turn on her favorite Princess movie if she had a snack. With the way Y/n giggled and smiled and seemed to come out of her shell, Bucky knew that he and Little Y/n would get along just fine.
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poomphuripan · 1 day
what do you think of the comments on mdl of my stand in calling ming a cheater?
hi nonnie []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* that's actually something i've been thinking to write about because i saw those remarks as well but it is such a controversial thing to discuss. if you don't mind, this discussion post will be filled with mild spoilers of the novel.
!!!!!! novel spoilers warning !!!!!!
alright so first of all, @ineffable-opinions wrote an excellent post about the danmei tropes in my stand-in (which i highly recommend everyone to read). this is a great post as they discussed the white moonlight trope presented in my stand-in.
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i don't consider ming, a cheater because as i see it, tong was simply ming's white moonlight. ming never established a physical nor emotional connection with tong, throughout his time knowing joe. tong was always an idealised fantasy, he's mistaken it for it to be love. in other words, i see it as ming looking up tong like a delulu fanboy with an idol crush than him actually having any substantive feelings for tong ever. i mean if you had a partner that looked like a kpop idol, and sex with your partner makes you feel like you're achieving your sexual fantasy, are you cheating on your partner? maybe? maybe not? probably controversial and debatable question but for me, i don't consider it 'cheating'. i do think ming took for granted joe's genuine feelings and did not fully appreciate joe's affection (ming you ungrateful bish, repent).
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during their time together playing pseudo 'not boyfriends', ming showed that he could be an okay partner. whether it's caring about joe's day at work, how hard joe's job as a stuntman, accepting joe's invitation to accompany him to his wrapped filming party.
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i mean it's really bare minimum but that's already quite a lot coming from the dude who's afraid as hell once joe started mentioning the 'faen' word, triggering his self-defense mechanism, depreciating himself trying to claim that joe wouldn't be able to stand him.
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i think one of the most obvious example of how afraid ming was to lose this relationship, was him using the word 'faen' in the last breakup fight with joe. this line was very ironic of him to say, because i'm sure even ming knows this line applies more to himself (how in this life, ming won't be able to find a better boyfriend than joe).
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i absolutely love ming's emotion progression in ep 4 because it encapsulates perfectly his 21 year old spoiled brat attitude. he was confused when broken up over the phone, then mad and started throwing tantrum trying to get joe to coax him (like joe always does), until he realized it wouldn't work this time and he started frantically begging for joe to stay so they could go back to playing house and being happy.
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personally, i don't consider it cheating because by around ep3/4, you can already started seeing ming settling down with the option that makes him "happy". some may even argued that by this point, he has 'recognized' his feelings (not me though, i think he just wanted his simple happiness/domestic bliss back, i still think it's during the period he lost joe 1.0 that he learned what love truly is).
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now the most important question of all: is ming cheating on joe 1.0 with joe 2.0 or vice versa?
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to quote chapter 63 of Professional Body Double (My Stand-In novel), i think the author puts it best how ming views joe 2.0.
He has fallen to the point of looking for the shadow of that person in a substitute. This is his punishment. When he thought that he was using [Joe] as [Tong]’s substitute, he was not aware of the actual person who had entered his heart. He had failed miserably with this method but still could not help himself from wanting to try. There are no other reasons. Just that he was in too much pain. He can’t endure anymore. He was adamant that [Joe] is not dead but no one could confirm it. That little doubtful voice in his heart is getting louder and louder, but is roughly suppressed by him time and time again. To continually be persistent with this thought, he needed a lot of willpower. He knew better than anyone else. Even if this [Joe] could bring him a little comfort, he wanted to be close to him, just like a long frozen person wanting to be close to a matchstick. This can’t save him… but he couldn’t stop himself from taking that little warmth.
i LOVE this metaphor and this little inner thought of ming we got because we can see how he's very much aware that he's falling right back into the bad habit that got him into trouble in the first place but... he's a fucking fool... who resorts to spiritual shamans for hope...
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but also the familiarity he got from joe 2.0 is way too strong to joe 1.0. so for me, i'm seeing it as ming is using joe 2.0 as a means for comfort and relief as well as keeping him close to observe the similarities between him and joe 1.0, rather than viewing joe 2.0 as a replacement for joe 1.0 (because keep in mind, at this point he doesn't know they're the same person yet).
so !!!!!!!!! BIG WARNING of spoilers from the novel !!!!!!!!! if joe had considered joe 2.0 to be a direct replacement of joe 1.0, i don't think he would have had this conversation with joe 2.0 about joe 1.0.
Ming spoke right at this time. His voice sounded very faint and very soft, “Joe, are you hiding something from me?” Joe didn’t know what Ming meant by this. He asked cautiously, “I don’t understand what Khun Ming means.” Ming, “The feelings you give me is too familiar. It’s as if I’ve known you and have lived with you before. Why is this?” Joe forced himself to responded, “Maybe this is fate.” If it wasn’t because they are fated, they would not be in the predicament of today…with a relationship that is so unclear in both past and current lifetimes. “Joe. Tell me….If a person had been missing for more than two years, do you think he may still be alive?” Joe’s tensed up and smiled, “Most likely impossible. If still alive, he would have come back already.” “Why can’t he be alive? It could be that he didn’t come back because he doesn’t want to come back.” Joe is silent for a moment, “Khun Ming, are you talking about the other Joe?” Joe clearly felt Ming’s body stiffened. Then Ming asked, “How much do you know about him?” “I don’t know anything at all. I just heard from what others have said.” Ming quietly asked, “Then do you know what relationship I have with him?” Joe’s heart tightened, What relationship? You say, what relationship? He clenched his teeth in the dark, “I don’t know.” Ming’s voice is like the rising of the quiet abyss, cold and empty, “I feel that he’s not dead. He just doesn’t want to come back.” Joe heard his own voice dissociated from his thoughts and automatically asked, “Why won’t he want to come back?” Ming didn’t respond to his question, instead he tightened his arms around Joe.
i like that in the 2.0 timeline, we got ming learning but also not learning his dumbass mistakes at all. ming learned that he should be upfront about his feelings and be straightforward with his sexual partner, but at the same time he's still impatient, hot tempered and say hurtful things easily.
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so i think through and through the second half of the series, you'll see his fidelity to joe (the soul) only. while perhaps it was the shadow of a back that mesmerized ming in the first place, but it's the kindhearted soul of joe that ming truly fell in love with, the person that showed him what love means, the only period in his life where he felt happiness.
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© gif courtesy of the talented @alienwlw
you can also check out @befuddledcinnamonroll and @ineffable-opinions discussion on matters of transmigration, attachment of the soul with the body in their excellent posts, here and here. to sum it up, i think up kinda succintly puts it here in this interview.
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of course, this is not to excuse dating/fucking anyone who resembles your missing ex but then treating them like they're your object ;_; like i'm just saying i don't think what ming is doing with joe 2.0 can be categorized as cheating (for me). it's something scummy, foolish, dumb, really stupid but... not cheating ┗( T﹏T )┛.
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also if you notice, ming doesn't sleep around. surely he could have slept with dozen of nice looking man with similar physique to joe 1.0 to "keep the warmth" if he was that type of dude... but he doesn't... so for me, i see this proposal he has for joe 2.0 is not simply because of a physical attraction/similarity to joe, but it's the vibe/the aura/the ✨energy✨ that joe 2.0 radiates that is too similar to joe 1.0, drawing ming to him again.
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tldr: ming is a lot of things but for me, i would never characterize him as a cheater. ming is a scummy, spoiled, arrogant, entitled, hot tempered hi-so brat but also a foolish little crying bag with zero wife-chasing skills. his only tactic is begging and getting his waterworks flowing.
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ps: i'm not sure if this ask actually answers your question at all but hopefully some of my thoughts made sense ಥ_ಥ
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I don’t know why, but I cannot stop thinking of Tan hc’s of like caring for his partner and tending to her after she’s given birth (am I just feeling kinda fragile and thus just want Tan to coddle and care for me? Mayhaps)
you can’t just say that and expect me not to elaborate
dude omg!! and he'd kinda be a scatterbrain bc he's running on minimal sleep, and he's got dad scruff with his stache??????? and he looks all dishevelled and sleepy and and and CRIKEY!!!
I definitely think he's the kind that pours from an empty cup. he's tired and adjusting to the new baby etc, but he'd push himself further into discomfort to make you feel better. so like you're both tired, but he'd rather absorb your tiredness, so that you don't feel it. think im overcomplicating it?? basically he gives too much of himself so that you feel a little better
he suggests maybe sitting in the garden might do you both some good. so you're not cooped up in the house, and get some fresh air while still being safe (he's too paranoid about going out with new baby)
said this before, but he makes a mean spaghetti bolognese (it's not traditional, and it's very english) so he'd make that as a comfort meal for you. or if you don't eat meat, then forget what I just said. or gluten, then also forget what I said lol
although the new baby's needs are important to him, yours are a little above (if you're not taken care of, the whole system collapses kinda thing)
your time together as a couple is important, so you both want to utilise it. I have this cute thought of it being 3am, and you're both running on 2 hours sleep, and you're sitting on the floor by the door outside your bedroom (like in the hallway/ landing area) eating takeout food (pictured taco bell first, but that's not great for all tummies, so I'll let you imagine what you want lol) the baby is the basket beside your bed sleeping. and you're just having a cute little floor picnic. so you're still having quality time as a couple, and fitting it in where and when you can
he loves your new mum bod. says cute endearing things bc he's the cutest little lamb. he's developed father superpowers and suddenly knows how to do things (that's not to say he was incompetent (bc he never was) but things he didn't know how to do before, he can do) so he's helping you get ready for the day while you're feeding baby
cuddles on the couch with new baby sleeping in your arms??? him helping you bathe???? him helping you dress??? him trying his best to organise your things for you?? him suggesting things from the new fatherhood book he bought??? him staying up after you've fallen asleep so he can take care of baby and let you sleep a little longer??? him washing your hair??? him surprising you with deliveries he bought secretly??? him getting excited about buying baby new things?? him wearing just pj bottoms??? him just wanting to take care of you?? him?? him!! HIM!! i forgot how to breathe
DAMNIT OMG OK man woo okay okay. you've got me going on a tangent I LOVE DAD TAN sue me
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emjayewrites · 6 hours
Just Between Us - LH44
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SYNOPSIS: Sometimes two is better than one....
PAIRINGS: Lewis Hamilton x black!fem!OC (Sydney "Syd") x Miles Chamley-Watson
WARNINGS: sexual content, cursing, flirting, threesome. MINORS DNI (18+ only)
TAGLIST: @queenshikongo3 @cocobutterqwueen @mauvecherie-writes @galatially @a-moment-captured @yeea-nah @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @weetjy @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @perfecttrashface
A/N: Please let me know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist. The woman I linked to be a face claim for Sydney was something I've found on Pinterest. The headers/dividers are by @inklore
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Miles couldn't stop thinking about Sydney. She was perfect - beautiful, funny, intelligent. Everything that Miles wished he could find in a girlfriend. But there was one big problem - Sydney was already dating his best friend Lewis.
Miles had been trying to ignore his growing feelings for Sydney, but it was becoming more and more difficult with each passing day. Lewis was a great guy and an amazing boyfriend who treated Sydney with the utmost love and respect. He cherished her and their relationship in a way that Miles couldn't help but admire.
Yet as much as Miles cared for Lewis, he couldn't deny the crackling chemistry he felt with Sydney, their comfortable banter, the way she just seemed to "get" him. Every time the three of them hung out, Miles found himself staring at Sydney, getting flustered anytime she so much as glanced his way. He would distractedly nod along as Lewis and Sydney playfully bantered, Miles only half-listening as he studied the curve of her lips as she laughed.
He knew it was wrong to have these feelings about his best friend's girl. The bro code should have prevented Miles from developing feelings for her, yet Miles couldn't deny this profound connection with Sydney that felt like they were soulmates, as stupid as that sounded. Miles spent nights lying awake, torturing himself by imagining what it would be like to actually be with Sydney. To hold her hand, to run his fingers through her hair, to caress her soft skin. Would she taste just like the jasmine and citrus perfume she adored? How would her gentle curves feel under his embrace?
Lewis had noticed the way Miles reacted whenever Sydney was around. At first, it angered him - how could his supposed best friend be eyeing up his girlfriend like a piece of meat? But the more Lewis observed their interactions, the more he realized he couldn't exactly blame Miles.
Sydney just had that effect on men. She was gorgeous, with curves in all the right places, sun-kissed brown skin, and a brilliant smile that could make anyone's knees go weak. But it was her fun, effervescent personality that really drew people in, coupled with her whip-smart sense of humor. Lewis knew he was a lucky bastard to have landed such an incredible woman.
They had been dating for over a year now, and the passion between them showed no signs of cooling off anytime soon. In the bedroom, Sydney could barely contain her insatiable appetite, revealing a ravenous side that wildly contrasted her sweet, girl-next-door exterior. Lewis grinned remembering last night's escapades - Sydney was an absolute freak between the sheets, and she was always keen on doing more, which Lewis loved to oblige.
As they readied for the next Grand Prix race in Australia, Lewis couldn't help but notice the subtle way Miles' eyes lit up at the prospect of spending more time around Sydney while he had to handle pre-race duties.
"Babe, you know I hate leaving you alone in the paddock," Lewis murmured huskily as he pulled Sydney flush against his toned body. "Especially looking as gorgeous as you do in that little sundress."
His hands roamed appreciatively down the curve of her spine to grope her firm ass. Sydney let out a soft giggle, arching herself into him.
"You know Miles will keep me entertained while you're handling your racing responsibilities," she purred, batting her long lashes up at him innocently. "He's such a sweetheart."
Lewis threw a sidelong glance over at his best friend, who was studiously avoiding eye contact but failing miserably to hide how his gaze kept dropping to Sydney's cleavage. Miles shifted awkwardly, adjusting the front of his shorts, and it made Lewis inwardly smirk, thoughts already formulating on something worthwhile between the three of them.
"That's what I'm worried about," Lewis chuckled. "You two troublemakers alone is bound to lead to no good."
"Me? A troublemaker?" Sydney gasped in mock offense, bringing a delicate hand up to her chest. "Why, I'm just an innocent young thing!"
The low-cut neckline of her gauzy white sundress gaped open temptingly with the gesture. Both Lewis and Miles couldn't tear their eyes away from the tantalizing glimpse of her luscious breasts, the tawny peaks of her nipples straining against the thin fabric.
Lewis continued to squeeze Sydney's ass firmly, pulling her even closer until she could feel his growing arousal pressing into her belly. He claimed her mouth in a torrid open-mouthed kiss, his tongue delving aggressively to taste her. When they finally broke apart, Sydney was flushed and breathless, her lips swollen from his intensity. Lewis slowly dragged his gaze over to Miles, taking in his friend's dazed expression, the tent in his khaki shorts.
"Keep an eye on her for me, bro," Lewis smirked. "This one's a total handful."
He slapped her ass one last time, then sauntered off, leaving Miles alone with the gorgeous temptress. Sydney blinked a few times, still flustered from Lewis' passionate kiss as she regarded his friend with a shy smile.
"So…" she began slowly. "What should we get into while Lewis is gone?"
Miles swallowed hard, unable to tear his eyes away from Sydney's tantalizing form. She was a goddess in that little sundress, and his eyes were drawn inexplicably to the swell of her breasts straining against the flimsy fabric.
"Uh…w-whatever you want," he stammered out, mentally kicking himself for sounding so lame.
Sydney's smile widened as she took a step closer, giving Miles an enticing view straight down her dress. He felt his mouth go dry as her cleavage was put enticingly on display.
"You know what sounds amazing right now?" She looped her arm through his, pulling him along. "Corn dogs! I'm starving."
Miles blinked in surprise but allowed himself to be led towards the nearby corn dog stand. As they waited in line, Sydney chatted animatedly about her plans to finally open her own event planning business after years of slugging it out in corporate gigs she hated.
"Lewis has been so supportive," she gushed. "He's really pushing me to take the leap and pursue my passion."
"That's awesome, Syd," Miles replied with a warm smile, genuinely happy for her. "You're gonna kill it."
She beamed at his encouragement before turning a bit more somber. "The hard part is, I can't really eat stuff like this around Lewis." She gestured to the corn dog stand wistfully. "He's so strict about being vegan. Which I totally respect! But I do miss the fun fast food sometimes."
"Well, what Lewis doesn't know won't hurt him," Miles said with a wink, signaling for two corn dogs piled high with chili and cheese. "Your dirty little secret is safe with me."
Sydney laughed delightedly, giving his arm an affectionate squeeze as she accepted her treat. They found a nearby picnic table to settle at, Sydney closing her eyes rapturously as she took a big bite of the crispy battered frank.
"Oh my god, that's so good," she moaned around her mouthful. She opened her eyes to catch Miles staring at her fixedly. "What?"
He cleared his throat, refocusing his gaze. "Nothing, just…you looked really happy there for a sec."
"I am," she smiled warmly at him. "Thanks for keeping me company, Miles. It's always fun hanging with my favorite fencer."
Miles felt a flush of pleasure at her words. "Speaking of, you know I'll be competing in the Summer Olympics in Paris this year, right? Gotta start mentally preparing myself to kick some French butt."
Sydney laughed that bright, melodious laugh that never failed to make his heart stutter. "I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, as always."
"So have you settled on a name for your company yet?" Miles asked between bites of his chili-smothered corn dog.
"I'm thinking 'Exquisite Events by Sydney'," she replied, wrinkling her nose adorably. "Though Lewis says that's way too on-the-nose."
Miles barked out a laugh. "Well, I think it's perfect. When people see you've planned their wedding or party or whatever, they'll definitely remember a name like that."
Sydney's eyes sparkled with delight at his vote of confidence. "You always did have my back, Miles."
She reached across the picnic table to playfully nudge his arm. Miles's breath caught in his throat at her innocent touch, his eyes involuntarily dropping to her parted lips, still glistening with a stray smear of chili sauce.
Get it together, man, he scolded himself, dragging his gaze back up. This is your best friend's girl you're undressing with your eyes.
As if reading his mind, Sydney spoke up hesitantly. "You know Lewis and I both care about you so much, right Miles? You're like a brother to us."
Miles felt his face flush hotly at her words, a tight knot forming in his stomach. Of course she just saw him in a brotherly light - how could he let himself think anything else? He was Sydney's boyfriend's best friend, and that's all he'd ever be to her.
Clearing his throat roughly, he forced himself to respond lightly. "Haha yeah, you two really are stuck with me as the annoying third wheel, huh?"
Sydney laughed that bright, tinkling laugh that Miles loved, giving his arm a fond squeeze. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
Miles managed a genuine smile back at her, ignoring the slight pang in his chest. Having Sydney in his life as a friend was better than not having her at all. He'd learned to accept that was all they'd ever be.
For now, he thought to himself as he gazed warmly at Lewis's girl. There was still a part of him that hoped, one day.
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The mood was subdued as Lewis, Sydney, Miles, and Spinz arrived back at their hotel after the Australian Grand Prix. Lewis had DNF'd due to mechanical issues, furious at another race gone to waste through no fault of his own. He stayed mostly quiet through dinner, his jaw tensed in restrained anger.
Now back in their suite, they settled in to half-watch a movie together on Netflix, though the tension was still palpable. Spinz checked his watch and stood up with a stretch.
"All right, I should get going - early flight back to Toronto tomorrow to check on my mom," he announced.
After they said their goodbyes, Spinz headed out, leaving Sydney, Lewis, and Miles alone. Miles was sprawled out on the L-shaped couch, while Lewis and Sydney cuddled together on the opposite end. As the movie droned on, Miles could see Lewis's hands start to roam over Sydney's body out of the corner of his eye.
He trailed his fingers lightly up Sydney's bare thigh, drawing teasing circles over her soft skin. She shot Lewis a warning look and hissed under her breath, "Lewis! Miles is right there."
"So?" Lewis murmured back lowly. "It's not like he hasn't seen us be affectionate before."
Miles pretended not to hear their hushed exchange, keeping his eyes trained forward on the TV screen even as heat crept up his neck.
"Miles couldn't care less," Lewis said louder, making Miles's head snap over. "Hell, he probably gets off on it, the little perv has such a crush on you, babe."
"Lewis!" Sydney looked mortified, smacking his chest as she shot Miles an apologetic look. "That's not true, is it Miles?"
All eyes were suddenly on him. Miles felt like a deer caught in the headlights as he struggled to find his voice.
"Uh…I…um…" he stammered uselessly.
Sydney's eyes went wide as Miles failed to actually deny Lewis's claim. "Oh my god, you do have a thing for me, don't you?"
"What? No! I mean…" Miles could feel his entire face going red as he trailed off lamely.
Lewis let out a bark of laughter, not bothering to hide his amusement at his friend's predicament. He pulled Sydney more tightly against him, purposely letting his hand drift up to brazenly cup her breast.
"Don't worry about it, man," Lewis said with a cocky grin. "I'd probably have a crush on my girl too if I was you."
Lewis kissed Sydney's neck, his lips brushing against her skin with an intensity that made her shiver. Nearby, Miles watched on, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and curiosity. Sydney's hands tried to tear Lewis off of her, her voice trembling as she asked, "What are you doing?"
Lewis stopped kissing her neck, glancing at her, then over at his friend. "Do you like Miles, baby?" he asked, his voice low and teasing.
Sydney was at a loss for words, her mind racing to make sense of what was happening. "Of course, I do. He's our—"
But Lewis interrupted her, his gaze unwavering. "Beyond that. Don't you think Miles is handsome?"
Sydney looked at Miles, giving him a small, hesitant smile. "Of course he is. Any woman can tell that he's handsome. Lewis, what is the point of this?"
Lewis licked his lips, his eyes darkening with desire. "Remember when you said that you wanted a threesome?" Sydney nodded her head slowly, her heart pounding in her chest. "How about we have some fun with Miles?" Lewis suggested, his tone dripping with anticipation.
Miles's eyes widened further, his gaze locking with Sydney's. There was a flicker of something unspoken in his eyes — excitement, maybe, or a deep, simmering desire that mirrored Lewis's.
Sydney's voice trembled as she declared, "That's your best friend, Lewis. He's practically your brother."
Lewis's smile was slow and deliberate, his eyes never leaving hers. "Which makes it good, yes? We trust Miles, we love Miles. You think Miles is attractive. Makes sense to me."
Miles inched a bit closer, his gaze intense as it flickered between Lewis and Sydney. "Are you serious, man?" he asked, his voice low and incredulous.
Lewis nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of mischief and earnestness. "Absolutely. We trust you, Miles. I want this, Sydney wants this. Syd, what do you say?"
Sydney's heart raced as she looked between the two men, feeling the weight of the moment. Miles's eyes held hers, a silent question lingering there, as if he was asking for her permission, her final approval.
Slowly, Sydney nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Okay."
Lewis's grin widened, his hand sliding up to cup her cheek. "Good girl," he murmured, before turning his gaze to Miles. "Are you going to sit there being weird or are you going to move closer?"
Miles was still stuck motionless, his hesitation palpable. Lewis clicked his teeth in annoyance before his lips descended on Sydney's once more, the kiss searing and demanding. Miles watched for a moment longer, his internal struggle evident, before finally stepping forward. His hand gently rested on Sydney's shoulder as he leaned in, his breath warm against her skin, and he planted a chaste kiss on her temple.
Sydney's heart raced, her senses overwhelmed by the dual sensations. She could feel the heat radiating from Lewis's body, the intensity of his kiss, while the gentleness of Miles's touch provided a stark contrast. The blend of both their touches sent a shiver down her spine, a mix of excitement and trepidation swirling within her.
Sydney turned her head, capturing Miles's lips in a tentative kiss. It was soft and exploratory, the taste of him different but equally intoxicating. She could feel Lewis's eyes on them, his hands roaming her body with a possessive hunger.
The moment felt surreal, like a dream she hadn't dared to fully imagine. The forbidden thrill of it all made her pulse quicken, a heady mix of adrenaline and desire. She pulled back slightly, looking at both men with a newfound boldness in her eyes.
"This is… unexpected," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper, trembling with anticipation.
Lewis's gaze was dark and intense. "Sometimes the best things are," he murmured, his fingers tracing a path down her arm. "How do you feel, baby?"
Sydney took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. "It feels… amazing. Strange, but amazing," she confessed, her eyes flicking between them.
Miles finally spoke, his voice low and filled with a mix of emotions. "Are you sure about this, Syd?" His hand squeezed her shoulder gently, searching her eyes for any hint of doubt.
Sydney nodded, a determined smile curving her lips. "I'm sure. I want this. I want both of you."
Lewis grinned, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "That's all I needed to hear."
With that, he leaned in to kiss her again, his lips claiming hers with a fierce hunger. Sydney's hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer. She felt Miles's hand slide down her back, his touch sending electric sparks through her skin. When she broke the kiss with Lewis to turn to Miles, she kissed him with equal fervor, her tongue dancing with his as she explored the new sensation of his lips.
The room seemed to close in around them, the rest of the world fading away as they lost themselves in each other. Sydney could feel the heat building between them, an undeniable connection that pulsed with every touch, every kiss. She was caught between the two men, reveling in the attention and the way they made her feel alive and desired.
Lewis's touch was rougher and more insistent, while Miles's caresses were gentle and exploring. The contrast heightened her senses, making every touch, every kiss more intense. They moved in sync, undressing her slowly, reverently, as if unveiling a precious gift.
Sydney's moans filled the room, a symphony of pleasure as Lewis kissed a trail down her neck, and Miles's lips followed the curve of her shoulder. They took their time, savoring every moment, every sensation.
Miles cupped her breasts, his hands gentle but firm as he stared at them with adoration. His thumb brushed over her nipple before he leaned in to take it into his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue around the hardened nub. Sydney gasped, arching into his touch.
Meanwhile, Lewis's hands trailed lower, skimming over her hips and down to the apex of her thighs. His fingers stroked the juncture of her panty-covered pussy, teasing her through the thin fabric. "You're so wet, baby," he murmured against her ear, his voice thick with desire. "I can feel how much you want this."
Sydney's breath hitched, a moan escaping her lips as she felt him move her panties aside. His fingers found her wet folds, sliding through her slick heat with expert precision. "Lewis," she whispered, her voice a mixture of pleading and pleasure.
Miles glanced up from her breast, his eyes dark with lust. "I think we should take this to the bedroom," he suggested, his voice husky.
Lewis nodded, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Agreed. Let's make you even more comfortable, love."
Together, they helped Sydney up, leading her to the bedroom. The light from the streetlights of Melbourne played against her skin, casting a soft glow that made her look ethereal. Miles couldn't take his eyes off her, his gaze filled with awe and desire.
"Isn't she beautiful?" Lewis asked, his voice filled with admiration.
Miles nodded, his eyes never leaving Sydney. "The most gorgeous woman I've ever seen."
They made out again, their kisses heated and desperate. Sydney felt her knees go weak as she was caught between their bodies, their hands roaming over her skin, igniting every nerve ending.
With trembling hands, she undressed them, her fingers fumbling slightly in her haste. When she finally freed them from their clothes, she looked down to see Miles' erect penis for the first time, her eyes widening slightly at the sight. She felt a thrill of excitement at what was to come.
Sydney knelt before them, her hands wrapping around their lengths as she looked up at them with a sultry smile. She began with Miles, her tongue darting out to taste him before taking him fully into her mouth. His groan of pleasure spurred her on, and she bobbed her head, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock.
Lewis watched with dark, hungry eyes, his hand tangling in her hair as she switched to him. She gave him the same attention, her mouth working him skillfully as his hips bucked slightly. They both groaned, their sounds of pleasure mingling in the air, driving her wild.
Sydney's thoughts were a blur of sensation and desire, her body humming with need. She was lost in the moment, in the way their bodies responded to her, and the thrill of being the center of their attention. It was everything she had fantasized about and more.
Lewis pulled her up, kissing her fiercely as Miles pressed against her back, his hands roaming her body. "I want to taste you, too," Lewis murmured against her lips, his eyes dark with promise. He led her to the bed, laying her down gently as he kissed a path down her body, pausing at her breasts to suck and lick each nipple before continuing lower.
Miles joined him, his hands and mouth everywhere, exploring and worshipping her body. Sydney's moans filled the room as they worked in tandem, driving her to the brink of ecstasy. She had never felt so desired, so completely consumed by pleasure.
The room filled with the heady scent of arousal as Miles and Lewis took turns devouring Sydney’s pussy. Their tongues explored her folds, each lick and suck sending shivers through her body. Miles's mouth was relentless, his tongue flicking over her clit with practiced precision, while Lewis's strong hands held her thighs apart, his tongue delving deep into her. The combination of their efforts drove her to the edge, her moans growing louder with each passing second.
Sydney’s body trembled, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as the pleasure built to an unbearable peak. With a final, shuddering cry, she came, her body shaking with the force of her orgasm. The men didn't stop, their tongues continuing their assault, prolonging her pleasure until she was a quivering mess.
Lewis pulled back first, a satisfied grin on his face. He reached over to the bedside table, retrieving a box of condoms. He handed one to Miles, who took it with a hungry gleam in his eyes.
Lewis's voice was low and teasing as he asked, "Want to try Sydney out first?"
Miles's answer was immediate, his voice thick with desire. "Fuck yeah."
Both men helped Sydney move, guiding her to straddle Miles. She positioned herself above him, her breath still coming in ragged gasps. Lewis watched with dark, lustful eyes, his hands moving to his own cock, rolling on a condom and stroking himself as he watched.
Miles kissed every inch of exposed skin he could reach, his hands caressing her hips as he positioned himself at her entrance. "You're so beautiful," he murmured against her skin, his voice filled with awe and desire. "I can't believe this is happening."
Sydney felt the head of Miles's cock press against her, and with a slow, deliberate motion, she lowered herself onto him. They both moaned at the sensation, their bodies finally joining after so much teasing and anticipation.
Miles's hands gripped her hips, guiding her movements as she began to ride him. His eyes were locked onto her, filled with a mixture of lust and disbelief. Each touch, each kiss, each thrust was a reminder that this was real, that he was inside her, and it drove him wild.
Lewis moved closer, his own need evident in his intense gaze. "You look so good together," he murmured, his voice rough with desire. "I can't wait to join in."
Sydney glanced back at Lewis, her eyes dark with lust as she rode Miles. The pleasure was overwhelming, but the promise of what was to come made her even more eager. "Why are you sitting over there then?"
Lewis let out a chuckle, his voice a deep rumble. "I like watching you, baby. You look so good riding Miles' dick."
Miles groaned beneath her, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he thrust up into her. "Feels amazing," he panted, his eyes locked onto Sydney's. "So tight and wet."
"She's got the best pussy," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration, as he moved behind her. He placed a series of kisses along her neck, his other hand trailing down her spine to her ass. "But I think it's time we give her a bit more."
Sydney moaned, the anticipation making her even wetter. She leaned forward, bracing herself on Miles's chest, as Lewis's fingers began to tease her other entrance. He spread her cheeks, his thumb gently circling her tight ring of muscles.
"Relax, baby," Lewis whispered, his breath hot against her ear. "Just let me in."
She nodded, her body trembling with desire. Lewis applied more lube, his fingers working her open slowly, preparing her for what was to come. Sydney gasped as he inserted a finger, the sensation strange but not unpleasant. He moved it in and out, adding another finger to stretch her further.
Miles watched with rapt attention, his cock buried deep inside her. "You okay, Syd?" he asked, his voice thick with concern and desire.
"Yes," she breathed, her voice shaking with anticipation. "I want this."
Lewis smirked, his fingers working her open. "Such a good girl," he praised. He positioned himself behind her, his cock pressing against her newly prepared entrance. "Just take it slow."
Sydney bit her lip, leaning forward further to accommodate him. She felt the pressure as Lewis began to push in, her body stretching to take him. The sensation was intense, a mixture of pleasure and slight discomfort, but she trusted Lewis and Miles completely.
"You're doing so well," Lewis murmured, kissing her neck as he continued to slide in. "Just relax and breathe."
Sydney took a deep breath, her body adjusting to the dual sensations. Miles thrust up into her, his movements slow and measured, while Lewis continued to press into her from behind. The combination was mind-blowing, and she felt herself being filled completely.
Finally, Lewis was fully seated inside her, his hands gripping her hips. "You feel so good," he groaned, his voice thick with desire. "So tight."
Sydney moaned loudly, her body trembling with pleasure. She began to move, riding Miles while pushing back against Lewis. The rhythm they found was perfect, each thrust sending waves of ecstasy through her body.
"Fuck, Syd," Miles groaned, his hands roaming her body. "You're incredible."
Lewis echoed his sentiment, his breath hot against her ear. "So perfect, baby," he whispered. "You're taking us so well."
Sydney's mind was a haze of pleasure, her body moving on autopilot as she gave herself over to the sensations. The two men inside her, the way they filled her, the way they praised her – it was all too much, and she felt herself hurtling towards another orgasm.
With a final, shuddering cry, she came, her body convulsing with the force of her release. Miles and Lewis held her tightly, their own groans of pleasure mingling with her cries as they continued to move, riding out her orgasm together.
As the waves of pleasure subsided, Sydney collapsed onto Miles's chest, her body spent and satisfied. Lewis pulled out gently, placing a soft kiss on her shoulder.
"That was incredible," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration. "You're amazing, Sydney."
Miles nodded in agreement, his hands gently stroking her back. "Absolutely amazing," he echoed, his voice filled with awe.
Lewis and Miles gently eased Sydney off of Miles, laying her down on the bed with utmost care. Sydney's breath was still ragged, her body tingling from the intense experience. Lewis leaned in, brushing a strand of hair away from her face, his touch tender and comforting.
"How are you feeling, love?" Lewis asked softly, his eyes filled with genuine concern.
Sydney managed a tired smile, her eyes half-lidded with exhaustion and satisfaction. "Great," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Thank you."
Miles, still lying beside her, reached out to hold her hand. "You were incredible, Syd," he said, his voice warm and reassuring. "Just relax, we've got you, baby girl."
Lewis stood up and grabbed a towel from the bathroom, dampening it with warm water. He returned to the bed and gently cleaned Sydney's body, wiping away the remnants of their passionate encounter. His touch was soothing, his movements slow and deliberate.
"Just rest," Lewis murmured, his voice a gentle balm. "We'll take care of you."
Sydney closed her eyes, letting herself be pampered by the two men. Miles continued to hold her hand, his thumb stroking the back of it in a comforting rhythm. The room was filled with a serene silence, the chaos of earlier moments forgotten.
After Lewis finished cleaning her, he joined them on the bed, lying down on her other side. He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close to his chest. Miles shifted closer as well, creating a cocoon of warmth and security around her.
Sydney sighed contentedly, feeling safe and cherished between them. "You guys are amazing," she murmured, her voice filled with gratitude.
Lewis pressed a kiss to her temple. "You're the amazing one, Syd," he replied softly. "Just rest now. We'll be here."
Miles nodded in agreement, his hand continuing its gentle caress. "We've got you," he echoed, his voice a soothing whisper.
As the night wore on, the three of them remained entwined, their breaths syncing in a peaceful rhythm. Sydney felt a profound connection and trust with Lewis and Miles, and their shared experience deepened their bond. Eventually, exhaustion claimed them all, and they drifted off to sleep.
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firewasabeast · 20 hours
Calm My Aching Heart
(Part 3 of my wedding series. You can start from part one here. They can all be read separately, or together.)
ao3 link or read below
With the wedding getting closer, Buck knew it was time to let the rest of his family at the 118 know that his parents decided not to attend.
Four days to the wedding, and the team was driving back from a call when Buck decided to let them in on what was happening.
It happened fairly naturally, which he was thankful for.
They were all discussing the rehearsal dinner, which was coming up in just a couple of days, when Chimney asked what time his parents were arriving in town. He had expected to hear from them by now, figuring they'd want to stay at his and Maddie's place.
“They're, uh, they're not,” Buck replied.
“Not what?” Chimney asked.
“They're not arriving. They're not coming to the wedding.”
They all stared at him for a moment before Hen spoke up. “Wait, are you serious?”
Buck nodded. “They have a- a cruise,” he explained for the third embarrassing time this week. “Which reminds me, I have two extra seats, and two extra plates of food that's been paid for, if you guys know anyone who could fill up those spot's that'd- that'd be great.”
“Hold on just a second,” Eddie said, waving his hand out. “You gotta explain this a little better. Your parents aren't coming to your wedding because of a cruise?”
“Yeah, that- that about covers it.”
“Does Maddie know?” Chim asked, paling.
“No. And do not tell her.”
“Chim, I'm gonna tell her,” Buck explained, “but I haven't been able to see her. This isn't something I can explain over the phone. I- I'm having lunch with her tomorrow. I'll say something then.”
“I'm supposed to hold this in until tomorrow?!”
“You're working until six in the morning,” Buck reminded him. “You'll barely see her before our lunch.”
“She's gonna call!” Chimney exclaimed. “She's gonna call and she'll hear it in my voice. She'll know, Buck. She'll know.”
“Get ahold of yourself, man,” Eddie said, smacking the back of his hand against Chimney's chest.
“Cap, you're being a little quiet about this,” Hen noticed.
“Cap actually already knew,” Buck explained as Bobby twisted in his seat so he could better face the group. “I told him a couple days ago.”
“A couple days?!” Chimney yelled.
“Buck filled me in,” Bobby replied, “and it wasn't my place to say anything, to anyone.”
“Bobby and Athena are actually going to walk me down the aisle in my parents place,” Buck continued. “Everything's been taken care of, except the extra seats.”
“I'm sorry,” Eddie started, a scowl on his face, “is no one else pissed about this? I mean, what the hell?”
Buck let out a humorless laugh. “I've had a few days to be pissed about it. And embarrassed. And sad. All those fun emotions.”
“Is that why you were so quiet the other day?” Hen asked. Her voice was always so calming to Buck when he was stressed.
“Yeah. I had just found out the night before. S- Sorry about snapping at you guys, by the way.”
“You don't need to be sorry,” Chimney replied. “I know a couple of people who do need to be sorry, but you're not one of 'em.”
“Should I call them?” Eddie offered. “I feel like it's my duty, as best man, to call them and make some very valid points as to why their reasoning is stupid.”
Buck rolled his eyes. “No one's calling them, and technically you're one of my four best people, because I couldn't choose between you, Maddie, Christopher, and Hen.”
Chimney gave him a smile. “Feelin' the love right now.”
“I can't help Tommy stole you to his side so we'd both have four people!”
“But we all know I'm the real best person and I can call them.”
“Tommy already offered that, Bobby and Athena did too, and I'm pretty sure at some point Athena even mentioned serving them with a warrant.”
Bobby nodded. “She did.”
“But no one is doing any of that. I- I appreciate the gesture, but no.”
Hen raised a hand, stopping the back and forth. “Serious question.”
“Do you think-” She paused, sighed. “Do you think they could be doing this because they're biphobic or homophobic?”
Buck shook his head, glancing out the window before turning back to them. “No, I think... I think they're doing this because they're them, and they'll always be them. M- Maybe they think about Daniel, or something? How he'll never have a wedding. I don't know. All I know is I- I can't let it ruin my wedding, because marrying Tommy is the only thing that matters to me right now.”
Bobby reached a hand back, patting Buck on the shoulder. “It'll be a perfect day, kid. We'll all make sure of it, won't we, guys?”
“That's right!”
“No doubt.”
“We've got ya, Buckaroo.”
Buck smiled. “Thanks, guys.”
As they pulled into the station, they filed out of the firetruck one by one. Silently, they waited for Buck to exit and, once he did, they pulled him into a big group hug. It made him both laugh and tear up at the same time.
His heart hurt. Thinking about his parents not being there for his wedding made him feel like gum on the bottom of someone's shoe. All those thoughts and feelings he'd worked through in therapy, often with his parents by his side, had come rushing back in the past few days. But, in these moments, when he was with Tommy, or Bobby and Athena, or his family at the 118, he felt loved. Truly loved.
When they began to break apart, Ravi, who was just starting his shift, walked up to them with a confused smile on his face. “I don't know what's happening, but I want in,” he said, stretching out his arms and forcing them all back into another group hug.
As they squeezed Buck even tighter, he felt a calmness that he hadn't felt in days, and he thought maybe if they just kept hugging him, it could take all the pain away.
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unholybacon355 · 23 hours
Bad Habits
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G!P Momo X Jihyo
Word Count: 7.8K
A/N: First of all I have to say that this wasn't my idea, I borrowed this for a friend. Thanks Kay for letting me write this with one of the great escenarios you always make, hope I made justice to your idea. Also have to say thanks to another person that help me with some things of my vocabulary, but i think you don't wanna be named here ahahah.
Second. originally this was supossed to be a X You story, but i thinks Momo suits better what I wanted to make here.
With all that being said, I hope you enjoy this.
It was a boring work afternoon in the middle of the week. It was pouring rain outside making the raindrops hit the office windows, which filled the place with the noise of tapping against the glass. Which is why Momo was listening to music with her headphones on, trying to silence the incessant noise of the rain. Maybe that was what made her not notice the incoming message on her phone, or maybe the fact that she was looking at the nearest window trying not to die of boredom due to the repetitiveness of her work that day. Anyway, Momo didn't notice the message until almost an hour later when she got up to get coffee and returned to her post. Just then a new message arrived, making the phone screen light up and catching her attention. The notification had a name that for no reason Momo would have expected to read that day, or any other day in the near future.
“Did you forget that I exist?” “I guess you're too busy to respond.”
Momo stared at the screen of her phone for a few moments without believing what she had just read. Had Jihyo really sent her those messages just like that? It was incredible that after everything she was talking to her as if nothing had happened, as if it were Momo who had simply decided to stop talking to her overnight.
At first she thought about not responding and forgetting about it, letting it go and diving back into her boring work. But curiosity got the better of her than the sudden anger she was feeling. She had always had a special soft spot for Jihyo, even though she knew they weren't real feelings. Rather, it was a carnal issue, something rooted deep inside her that forced her to respond to the call of the younger woman every time she wanted it.
But this time months had passed, and things were very different than they had been before they had that “little” argument. To begin with, Momo had decided to leave behind all those nights and days they spent together making love, in one of the two's apartments or wherever Jihyo had summoned her. They had been wonderful moments filled with pure lust, but they had come to an abrupt end the day Momo found out that Jihyo had a boyfriend.
It was just a few days after Jihyo begin to her new relationship. They had met up with friends they had in common and one of them congratulated Jihyo on finding a boyfriend. For some reason finding out like this didn't sit well with Momo. It wasn't like she felt love for Jihyo, or thought that they could to have something together, that had never been the deal. But it still felt like a betrayal that it wasn't Jihyo herself who told her personally, after all it was Momo who fucked her in the back of her car whenever Jihyo was in need. At least she deserved some honesty.
The argument that came when the two of them could finally be alone was not pleasant at all. After all, they were never a real couple, so Momo had no right to claim anything. From the beginning it had been something purely carnal, something to satisfy their intimate needs, and Jihyo emphasized very clearly that Momo was always aware of that. In any case, it hurt the Japanese woman not to have found out sooner, it even made her feel a little used. Well, a dating relationship doesn't happen overnight, and the two of them had made love a couple of times that same week. So clearly things weren't adding up for Momo.
Almost five months had passed since that argument, and in all that time they had not spoken. Jihyo's messages had been the first contact they had since then, which is why they took Momo by surprise. It was something that she totally didn't expect to happen that week, much less in that blatant way. Just as if nothing had happened, as if it were Momo's fault that they hadn't been in contact in all this time.
Again she thought about deleting the messages and continuing with her chores, but she found herself sliding her fingers across the screen to type in return.
“I was immersed in work, I didn't see your message.”
Which was true, but it still felt like a cheap excuse. Although she didn't need to excuse herself anyway, if Jihyo had contacted her out of the blue she was surely going to wait for a response no matter what it took. But the most curious thing about that message was that Momo had decided to play the same game as her “friend” by acting as if nothing had happened. As if they had only gone a weekend without speaking, and not almost five full months.
Momo put the phone down on the desk and tried to refocus on reviewing the reports she had received and appeared on her computer screen. When she realized that she had spent the last five minutes reading the same paragraph over and over without understanding anything at all, she gave up. She stopped resisting and checked her phone for a new message, but found nothing. Hadn't Jihyo seen her response? No, if she had spoke first it was sure she had seen it. Momo unlocked the device and verified that Jihyo had indeed read her message. Very typical of her to leave her waiting and force Momo to send another message, but not this time. Once again she left her phone on the desk and tried to get back to work.
Half an hour later Momo had only managed to advance one page in the report, of which she was not sure if she had understood a single word. She got up and went to get more coffee, trying to get as far away from her phone as possible. Trying her best not to send another message when she knew very well that Jihyo was on the other end of the line waiting for it. But Momo felt that inexplicable weakness for Jihyo, that weakness that forced her to write again.
“Looks like I'm not the only one busy at work.”
Momo hated that she had given in so easily, but there was nothing more she could do to resist. What she could do was go get more coffee once and for all, but before she could even lock the phone a new message appeared on the screen. Indeed Jihyo had been waiting patiently for another response from Momo.
“Actually I'm at home, I've taken a few days off.”
Now it was more evident than ever that Jihyo was up to something, it couldn't be that she just chose that moment to repair their friendship. Had she broken up with her boyfriend and needed a fling to get over him? Or was that what Momo wanted to be happening?
"All good? You’re not sick, right?”
A stupid question, because if that were the case Momo would probably be the last person Jihyo would turn to. She knew that very well.
“No, I just needed to do some things. But I solved them sooner than expected and now I have a couple of days free.”
What was Jihyo's game? She was usually much, much, more direct when she wanted sex. But it couldn't be anything more, the two of them had never really been such good friends. They were fucking all the time, that was true, but their relationship went little further than that. Outings to eat or have coffee alone were rare, They never told their problems or asked each other's opinions on something important. So why was Jihyo taking so long to ask the question?
“Your boyfriend is lucky because can have you more time for him these days.”
A pretty bold move on Momo's side, but if Jihyo wasn't going to do something she would do it first. Mentioning her boyfriend was Momo's little revenge for all that time without speaking to each other.
“Quite a bit, but Sungbin is out of town on a work travel.” “By the way, is anyone lucky enough to be your boyfriend or girlfriend?”
The messages arrived a few seconds apart, and the truth was that Momo didn't expect to receive that question as an answer. She had tried to make a risky move and Jihyo had won once again.
“Work keeps me too busy to think about that. I got promoted so now I have to work even harder.”
It was a sad reality, but it was the pure truth. Work consumed almost all of Momo's free time, so she didn't have the luxury of meeting anyone new. Much less try to start a romantic relationship with someone.
“That's a shame, considering how well you fuck. You should at least get a cute assistant to give you a head under your desk.”
There was. Finally Jihyo had tired of detours and had taken the first step towards what had always connected them most strongly. Always so direct, so to the point when she wanted something. A little bossy and severe for the taste of many, but Momo liked that. At least this way things were clear and not had confusions.
“That would be quite inappropriate… My office has glass walls, so everyone could see.”
A real shame because that took away a lot of Momo's privacy, but after all she wasn't in a position high enough to have a private office. There were also rumors that in the past they had caught someone doing just what Jihyo proposed, and that was the reason why the offices were not private now. Although the glass on the walls was fogged, you could still see clearly enough what was happening inside. But that was something Jihyo didn't need to know.
“The public didn't seem to matter to you when I was the one giving you head in the university library. Do you remember how much fun we used to have together?”
How could she forget all those times when Jihyo had simply disappeared under the library table to give her a blowjob? Momo had always had a hard time staying silent and pretending to continue studying for an exam when she had Jihyo between her legs giving a masterclass on how to suck a cock. On more than one occasion they had missed a sound that almost gave them away, but luckily no one ever discovered them. Not in the university library, not in the bathrooms, not behind the baseball team's locker room, or in any other place where they had carried out their obscenities.
“I get hard just remembering it.”
Momo sent that message without even thinking about it, without stopping to reflect that once again she had fallen into Jihyo's clutches without realizing it.
“Are you hard? I can see?"
The phone almost slipped out of her hands when she read that message. Not even in the wildest of her fantasies she expect such a bold move from Jihyo. Which it pained her to admit had been many during all that time that they had not spoken to each other.
“Jihyo, we shouldn't. You have a boyfriend."
Momo hoped that the mention of Sungbin could make Jihyo back off on her intentions, but since she had initiated this conversation she didn't expect to actually achieve it.
“It can't hurt him if he doesn't find out. Or do you need more motivation besides your memory?”
The real surprise of the afternoon came for Momo in the form of two photographs that arrived immediately after Jihyo's last message. In the images Jihyo could be see standing in front of the mirror in her room, a mirror that Momo remembered very well because many times they had done perverted things in front of it. The frame showed the reflection of Jihyo's room and in the center of the photos the woman posing only in her underwear. A simple but comfortable black outfit, with white details on the panties, that was all that covered Jihyo's humanity.
Momo swallowed heavily, her mouth suddenly dry. She needed another cup of coffee more than ever, so she left the phone on the desk and went to fill out her mug. As if getting away from her phone would magically make Jihyo's messages disappear. But when she came back they were still there, as real as they could be.
Momo picked up the phone and started typing a message, but deleted it before sending it. No, she couldn't say that now. She thought for a few seconds and wrote again.
“Wooow!! You look as great as ever.”
Momo was going to try to avoid the inevitable for as long as necessary, before finally letting herself be carried away by the lust that Jihyo awakened in her. But the truth is that she was failing miserably in this pathetic attempt to hide the fact that her cock had already woken up because of those photos.
“You can come take a closer look. You know where I live."
Jihyo was definitely serious about this. Which implied that she was actively looking for Momo to be cheat on her boyfriend. A certainly tempting offer, but one that did not completely convince the Japanese woman.
“Jihyo, we shouldn't do that to Sungbing.”
It was amazing that Momo was being the voice of reason here, but she really didn't want to be used as a toy and then abandoned again. It didn't sit well with her to be caught in the middle of some strange game between the couple, so she had to analyze her options very carefully.
“Forget about him, I already told you he left the city.” “The one I miss fucking is you. Sungbing doesn't do it as well as you. He cannot satisfy me.”
Jihyo certainly had a pretty big sexual appetite, and because Momo easily gave in to all her requests, she had always been her favorite companion. That for years, since they met at college, until a few months ago when Jihyo began her relationship with Sungbing. That had been the end of that non-verbal agreement in which they both turned to each other when they needed pleasure and their own touches were not enough.
But then that was what it was about, Jihyo needed her once again to satisfy her needs since her boyfriend was not capable of doing so. Which Momo had to admit made her a little proud, it boosted her ego that even though her friend was in a stable relationship she still had to turn to her for such matters. Although that also meant that Jihyo didn't value their friendship enough to try to repair things for any other reason, she only did it because she found herself in need of a good fling. In short, Jihyo was more interested in Momo's cock and the way she used it than Momo herself.
“We can’t anymore.”
Momo took as long as she could to write that message, always doubting whether she would send it or not. In the end she decided to do it and put her phone aside, but before she was even able to close the chat new photos appeared on the screen. Jihyo was clearly expecting a response like that and had a plan to fight back, because there was no way she would have taken those photos so quickly after reading Momo's message.
In the new images Jihyo was standing in the same place, in front of the mirror in her room, except now the poses were different. That in addition to the fact that her underwear could no longer be seen anywhere, but that, far from meaning that she had put on more clothes, was quite the opposite. Now Jihyo was completely naked, standing in front of the mirror as if she was showing off her outfit. But of course, there were no clothes to show. Just her humanity completely naked, just her and nothing else.
Momo couldn't stop looking at Jihyo's angelic face, but her friend's large breasts topped with brown nipples distracted her greatly. Her mouth was watering as her throat was dry, almost as if her own body was laughing at her. Memories of all those times she had played with those perfect breasts passed through her mind. The many occasions in which she had had them in her mouth and had felt firsthand how Jihyo's nipples hardened.
“I'll be there in half an hour.”
It was clear that after seeing those photos Momo couldn't take it anymore, she couldn't keep fooling herself with this false resistance towards Jihyo. To hell with everything, she herself was very aware of that carnal weakness she felt for Jihyo that forced her to abandon everything when the other one called her to fuck.
"I'll wait for you in bed. Use your keys.”
Momo quickly grabbed her things and left her office, telling her subordinates that something personal had come up and that she would take the rest of the afternoon off. Then she left, but not before making a quick stop in the bathroom, where she took the photo Jihyo had asked about earlier. A pretty decent snapshot of her cock as hard as it could be right now, in the photo it could almost be seen how Momo's shaft was throbbing with anticipation. But she din’t sent it, not yet.
Momo waited until she got into her Uber to send the photo to Jihyo, and as expected she sent her a new photo. This time Jihyo was lying on her bed, as she had said she would wait, with her legs raised, which is why you could clearly see her most private parts.
“I want to see how you touch yourself for me.”
Jihyo had really decided to torture Momo that day.
“I can't, I'm already on my way to your house.”
It was laughable to think that Momo would give in to that request, but then why was she putting her hand to her crotch? Oh, maybe it was because Jihyo had counterattacked with the most explicit image yet. The woman was still in bed, except now she had one hand resting on her head and her legs were open. The photo had been taken from her crotch, so Jihyo's private parts could now be seen in even greater detail. It was the definitive attack that Momo needed to be completely defeated, since the duality of Jihyo's serene and sweet expression contrasted greatly with the obscene nature of the photo. Momo was melting and was seriously thinking about sneakily stroking her cock over her clothes, but there was something else in the photo that made her reconsider.
She hadn't noticed it in the previous photo, since Jihyo's legs covered them, but on the wall behind the woman there were hanging several photos of her and her boyfriend. The sudden memory that Momo was on her way to the apartment that Jihyo shared with Sungbing, precisely to fuck her friend while her boyfriend was away, did not sit well with Momo’s erection. She could almost lose her sanity when it came to making love with Jihyo, but that didn't take away the discomfort she felt about cheating on Sungbing. Which is why she decided to put away her phone and wait to be face to face with her friend to settle this carnal matter.
Fifteen minutes after seeing that last photo, and ignoring all the messages she knew Jihyo had sent her, Momo was in front of the door of his friend's apartment. Firmly holding the key that would open that lock, as if trying to think one last time if this was a good idea. Of course it wasn't, but Momo was free to deceive herself as much as she wanted.
She put the key in the lock, a key that was incredible that she still held. Momo had thought many times during these five months about throwing it in the trash or getting rid of it in some other way, but she always ended up giving up. It was ridiculous how she even continued to carry it in the bunch of keys that belonged to her own apartment, as if she still harbored the secret hope of needing that key again someday. As if always carrying it with her was insurance, if indeed happened what was happening now, but that didn't matter anymore. For now Momo just sighed and entered the apartment.
Few things had changed in the room since the last time she was there, it remained practically the same. Except for a few additions that revealed that Sungbing now lived there, Momo was greeted by the same apartment she had been in a million times before. That apartment that belonged to someone who was not her partner, nor did either of them want it to be that way, but to which she still kept the key so she could sneak out when necessary.
Momo left her bag and keys on the small table near the entrance, hung her jacket in the place designated for it, and getting on the sleeves of her blouse headed to the room where she knew Jihyo was waiting for her. It wasn't very wide, like the rest of the apartment, but even so, a double bed could fit perfectly in the place, leaving enough space on the sides. The last time Momo had been in that room the bed was smaller, that was perhaps the most noticeable change she could see. Oh! of course, the bed and the many photos of the happy couple that were hanging on the walls. There was an entire section of a wall dedicated to the happy times they had together in these five months, which left a bitter taste in Momo as it reminded her once again of what she was doing here. She was simply as a lover, as nothing more than an adventure.
Jihyo was lying on the wide bed, waiting patiently with her legs spread like appeared in the last photograph, and with that angelic expression on her face. That expression that would never make you imagine that she had just called her fuck friend to cheat on her boyfriend. Jihyo knew that she didn't have to do anything more than lay there looking at her to activate in Momo that animal hunger she felt for her, the mere sight of the woman as she came into the world was already enough to drive Momo crazy. Especially after so long of being deprived of that beautiful image.
"You came."
"You called me."
A simple exchange of words that might seem banal, but they clearly showed that Momo was there because she had been summoned. Jihyo's messages had made her abandon everything in her routine day, and break into the couple's apartment.
After taking off her shoes, Momo walked on all fours on the bed, quickly reaching Jihyo's body and climbing on top of her. The scarf that the older girl was wearing tied around her neck like a tie tickled Jihyo as Momo left delicate kisses on her skin. Starting from Jihyo's belly and ascending slowly and ceremoniously until she reached her neck, where she sucked right at the point where she knew it drove the woman beneath her crazy. But she separated her lips from the tanned skin almost instantly, Jihyo's body had never been hers, and never would be, to mark and leave traces of love.
In situations like this, words were unnecessary between the two of them. They had spent so much time having those types of furtive encounters, satisfying each other's needs, that they knew each other and complemented each other very well. So it was not necessary to verbalize what they wanted, they simply needed a gesture or a caress to make themselves understood. Which is why when Momo felt Jihyo's fingers playing with the hairs on the back of her neck, she understood perfectly what she wanted. With a long lick she ran from her collarbone to behind Jihyo's right ear, another of her sensitive spots, earning a shiver and a muffled moan from Jihyo.
Also without saying anything, Jihyo fumbled for the zipper of Momo's pants and put her hand inside, playing with the Japanese woman's semi-erect penis while she continued giving hickeys on her neck. Even through the fabric of the boxers, Momo could perfectly feel the gentle touch on her member, how Jihyo's expert fingers caressed the right places. In the same way that Momo left kisses and hickeys where she knew they gave Jihyo the most pleasure, the latter caressed and squeezed where she knew Momo was most sensitive.
It was all simply a game to see who would give in to desperation first, to see who would be the first to blindly give in to pleasure. A game in which Momo lost most of the time because she was not able to endure Jihyo's caresses for long without practically melting. But at least this time the Japanese would try to make things different, she couldn't just fall at Jihyo's feet just like that after all this time. In that sense it was more a battle against herself than against Jihyo.
The kisses she was placing on the youngest's jaw gave Momo a small advantage, now she could practically feel the woman's wetness on the knee she had pressed against her center. Even through her slack pants she was able to perceive Jihyo's slippery moisture staining the garment.
As if it were confirmation, Jihyo pressed Momo's head pushing her away of her jaws and guiding it towards her crotch. She needed her to use her mouth somewhere else and she wasn't willing to wait.
With a smile on her lips, Momo gave a long, slow lick on Jihyo's slit, savoring the appetizing delicacy that had been denied her for such a long period of time. The small shiver that ran through the woman's body told her how needy she was for her touch, and the moans that followed confirmed that she was doing it right. With an expertise that had been given to her by all these years of pleasing Jihyo, Momo licked right where she had to, contoured the edges of her petals the way she knew she liked, and wrapped her tongue around her clit the way she knew drove Jihyo crazy.
After a few minutes of this Jihyo had the first orgasm of the afternoon, or at least what they both hoped would be the first of many. Between spasms and pressing Momo's head against her crotch, she climaxed in a way that she apparently had not achieved in these five months. All these years had made Momo an expert at pleasuring her, or maybe after all this time it was she who couldn't be satisfied any other way than how Momo did it. That was a dangerous idea that Jihyo didn't want to delve into right now, and maybe never.
“I need you out of your clothes.” More than a suggestion, it was an order to try to gain some control over the situation again. Anyway, Momo obeyed, as she always did.
The Japanese woman first got rid of the scarf tied around her neck, then continued with the blouse that was thrown to the side, and finally took off her bra, revealing her large breasts. Jihyo thought that somehow she looked imposing kneeling on the bed, wearing only her pants and looking at her with that voracious but contained hunger that her eyes reflected right now. Her black hair fell in cascades of strands over her shoulders, framing her torso, hiding a little more of her semi-nudity. Despite the cold of the room, Momo's skin seemed to radiate a heat that enveloped her completely, anticipation and lust protecting her from the winter weather.
Jihyo wanted to touch Momo's toned abs, caress them and run her fingers over them. She wanted to ride the Japanese woman's abdomen and rub against her muscles. Ride her and feel each of the reliefs of her powerful abdomen against her center until the pleasure made her explode, as she had done many times before. But she also had the overwhelming need to feel Momo's meat inside her, so she resisted her base impulses and took a condom from the nightstand while the Japanese woman it ended to undress
Now Momo's member stood in full in front of Jihyo, powerful and full of blood just the way she liked it. The Korean, who was now on all fours, placed a chaste kiss on the tip that was already dripping in anticipation. After that, she put the open condom on her lips and without using her hands gobbled Momo's penis completely, sheathing it in the process in the condom. No gagging, no nausea reflexes, no complications, she simply swallowed the member until she felt the latex pressing against her throat, until her nose touched Momo's pelvis. And without further ado, after moving the muscles of her throat to massage the member in her mouth, she withdrew and lay down as she was when Momo arrived to the room.
The Japanese girl didn't need a written invitation to finally do what she had come here to do, so she leaned over Jihyo and took her member in her hand guided it towards the warm center of the korean. With a slow but uninterrupted movement the folds finally gave way, giving way to the thick member that desecrated such a delicate temple of pleasure.
Jihyo gasped, adjusting to Momo's size, which earned her a proud giggle from the Japanese woman, a laugh that was quickly silenced by a passionate kiss. Jihyo could feel her own essence on Momo's lips but she didn't care, it wasn't the first time she had done something like that. Over time she had learned that the least she could do to reward the Japanese woman after she used her mouth to give her pleasure was to give her a kiss. So she was completely used to testing herself like that.
The kiss they shared was passionate and somewhat hungry, the fire ran through their bodies and forced them to gasp into each other's mouths while they continued moving their lips at a frenetic pace. Jihyo's hands burned on Momo's butt as the latter began to move her hips.
More gasps escaped Jihyo as she felt Momo pull out of her almost completely and back in all at once. Filling her and forcing her walls to adapt to the length and diameter of a member they knew very well.
There was no love in the act they were performing, they both knew it, but there was a lot of lust. A lot of desire for another's body, and that incessant hunger for more and more pleasure. Hunger that was very easy to confuse with love. Hunger that made Jihyo cross her legs behind Momo, as if trying to prevent her from going somewhere even though she knew very well that the Japanese would never abandon her in the middle of the act.
Even though Momo was constantly exercising, right now her abs were burning because of the constant swinging of her hips. But she loved feeling how Jihyo's body trembled with each of her thrusts, feeling how the Korean woman's breasts bounced and rubbed against her own, making her nipples harden in the process. Her muscles ached, yes, but the reward for that little pain was so great that it made it a minuscule price to pay.
The sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the small room mixing with the gasps and moans of both women, in a cacophony of lust and unparalleled pleasure that showed how committed they were to this. Oh, they were going to take this little adventure as far as they could, they would make it last as long as it was in their power because they were both hungry for each other in a way they had never felt before. Practically five months without touching each other left them starving for the pleasure that only they knew how to give each other. Hadn't it been Jihyo herself who had said that her boyfriend didn't satisfy her like Momo? For her part, the Japanese woman had not been able to find real pleasure in any of the few lovers she had had during this time, so much so that she had actually stopped trying after the second or third failed encounter.
But despite all that hunger and weakness they felt for each other, they both knew that there was no love there. It was just carnal pleasure and a physics codependency on the other that could be interpreted as something else, but that they knew was not. It was clear that they were not compatible as a couple, perhaps not even as friends, but in all these years they had come to explore each other's bodies so much that they already knew all the tricks and secrets they hid. They had learned where to caress, how to rub, or where to kiss to maximize each other's pleasure and fully fulfill their part of a silent treatment that they never really talked about.
They had met in their second year of university through friends they had in common and had almost instantly hated each other. But as if it were a bad romance story, after getting drunk and half-fighting on a night of partying, they ended up locked in a bathroom fucking as if their lives depended on it. That was the first time and after that night things between them were fixed, now they were friends with benefits. But they never really talked about it, never a word was said about their situation or what their role was in each other's lives. They simply had sex when one of them made the call, or both were so needy that they couldn't wait any longer. And so the days passed between furtive encounters and long nights of pleasure, days that quickly turned into years. It also didn't help that the only real partner any of them had had in all this time was Sungbing, so it was the first time they found themselves in that situation. Something that they did not resolve well at all.
And now they were here. Jihyo with her legs crossed behind Momo who put all her effort into penetrating her in a way that made her moan in a special voice tone. Once again having sex without having talked about their relationship or what this meeting meant for both of them. But what difference did that make when the pleasure threatened to fry their brains and simply make them addicted to each other's bodies.
“Let me do some of the work.” Jihyo said when Momo was finally forced to stop to rest. Of course the Korean was not going to let her stop cold at a moment like that, so Momo lay on her back on the bed and Jihyo faced her. The korean guided Momo's penis towards her own center, and descending quickly, she impaled herself on the Japanese woman's member. This time an actual moan left her mouth as the entire length was inside her soaked crotch.
Now it was Jihyo who was in charge of the movement, while the Japanese woman played with her breasts and reached out to kiss her or lick her neck, the Korean woman rode with great skill. Jihyo had her hands on Momo's worked abs, supporting all her weight on them; which allowed her to move without resistance and put Momo's meat as deep inside her as it had not been in a long time.
While Momo's moans were more like panting, sometimes even sounding like a dog trying to catch its breath, Jihyo's moans on the other hand were powerful. Right now the Korean was praying that the walls would contain the sounds she made, because if someone filed a noise complaint against her then Sungbing would find out about her little affair. But even by biting her lip she was not able to silence the moans that came out of her mouth, hoarse and deep noises produced in the depths of her lungs. Same sounds that turned into a high-pitched moan as Jihyo reached her second climax of the afternoon. Luckily for them, the relentless weather helped mask what was happening in there from the neighbors.
Outside the rain was hitting the window, and inside Jihyo was pouring her wetness on Momo's member. Squeezing Momo's abs with all the strength she had, Jihyo held herself upright as the spasms of orgasm coursed through her entire body. She knew she had probably marked her nails on the Japanese woman's belly, but she didn't care about that. Unlike Jihyo, the older woman had no need to hide the marks of her pleasure.
When she had finally calmed down enough, Jihyo fell on top of her friend, who received her with a hug and sweet caresses on her hair. The way Momo was kissing Jihyo's shoulder, and doing her best to comfort her, anyone would have thought they were a happy couple. Nothing further from reality. While the Korean had her face hidden in Momo's neck, the latter caressed her hair and back; helping her catch her breath after her orgasm.
“I can still feel inside me how hard you are.” Jihyo said, placing small kisses directly on Momo's lips. A gesture perhaps too romantic for their situation.
Momo, for her part, smiled, wrinkling her nose like she did when she was happier. “You can't blame me, I haven't cum yet.” Before continuing speaking she captured Jihyo's lips in a kiss that lasted longer than it should. "Want-"
“I need you to finish inside… With the condom on.” If there was one thing Jihyo didn't need right now it was a baby, much less one from Momo. And given the time she had spent without connecting with her friend, she didn't want Momo's cock anywhere else right now that would allow her to cum without using the latex barrier.
Squeezing Jihyo's buttocks and kissing her jaw again she whispered in an unnecessarily low tone. “In that case I want you on all fours, like the obedient pet that you are.” The cases where Momo showed such dominance were rare, especially with Jihyo, but she knew that on this occasion she could afford it. And as she predicted, she could feel how the Korean woman's center squeezed her shaft once more in anticipation, she could have sworn that she even felt Jihyo getting wet again because of those words.
Jihyo obediently got off Momo, but not before moaning when she felt the Japanese woman's member come out of her, she hated feeling this empty. She got on her knees and leaning her weight on her chest used both hands to spread her buttocks, giving Momo a perfect view of the feast in front of her. Again, a strange case where Jihyo was carried away by Momo's demands. But the effect that whisper had had on her was inexplicable. Normally Jihyo was the one who took the lead, she herself had been the one who had asked to be fucked that way, but when Momo got like this a weakness awoke in her that she tried to hide at all costs and always failed miserably to do so.
The Japanese woman had to resist the urge to devour her friend's back entrance, she would have time for that later, and instead she concentrated on penetrating her again because she knew that Jihyo didn't like spending a lot of time without her shaft inside her. A single firm thrust was enough to have Jihyo moaning again.
The room quickly filled again with the obscene noises that both women were making. Momo's hips slapping against Jihyo's buttocks made a clapping noise that made it seem like an invisible audience was applauding their illicit act. That added to Jihyo's moans and Momo's grunts from the effort completed a symphony that was the perfect soundtrack for that situation. Something that contrasted greatly with the sound of the rain lashing the window.
After a few minutes the Japanese woman's muscles were burning again, but again she ignored the sensation and continued with the pleasant task of fucking Jihyo. Despite it being a cold afternoon due to the rain, sweat accumulated on her forehead; making clear the effort she was making. Jihyo's back was also beaded with small pearls of sweat, even though the time she had been moving had been less. But the heat they both radiated made them feel as if they were on a sweltering summer afternoon.
Now the Korean woman was only limited to moaning and clutching the sheets, while her face very clearly expressed the pleasure she was feeling. Jihyo found Momo's physical stamina admirable when they were in that position, or in any position where the Japanese woman was the one who had to make the most effort. They were the moments when the results of all those hours in the gym were visible, which were partly precisely to be able to gain resistance to please Jihyo. Who also exercised a lot, but in this position that only served to make her ass look rounder and more appetizing. Still Momo loved the sight of Jihyo's toned muscles, well defined but still soft enough to see them quiver with each of her thrusts.
It was curious how Jihyo's boyfriend also worked out a lot, much more than the two women combined, but it was still Momo who had the stamina to make her cum as many times as necessary. It was Momo who onslaught her with just enough force to make her buttocks bounce the way she liked and hit that sweet point that maximized her pleasure. At the end of the day it was only the Japanese woman who knew all the secrets of Jihyo's body.
Momo's chest was moving not only because of her thrusts, but also because of how agitated she was breathing. A small cloud of mist came out of her mouth every time she exhaled because the room was certainly cold, but still neither of them were able to feel it. How could they do it when pleasure ran through their bodies from top to bottom, and lust oozed from their pores. No, at times like this they forgot everything. The world around them disappeared and they only had eyes for each other. They were just two bodies dancing in an infinite mating ritual, as if the pleasure clouded their senses completely and enveloped them in a spiral of fire.
For Momo, seeing Jihyo reduced to a bundle of moans and tremors as a result of her thrusts was a separate satisfaction; it added something extra to the pleasure she already felt simply by fucking her. It was something like an extra reward because deep down, not so deep down really, they both knew that Momo was the only one capable of achieving that. They both knew that with her it was real and not something fake because in none of their encounters during all these years had Jihyo had to fake an orgasm. The countless moisture stains that had accumulated on Momo's clothes were reliable proof of that.
Jihyo's almost hoarse moans had given way to higher-pitched ones, confirming that she was once again close to the much-prized climax. Little by little the moans had risen to such a high pitch that normally she had to repress, but on occasions like these, when they were completely alone, she allowed herself not to. If there was no one here who could hear them, no one other than the neighbors perhaps, there was no point in trying to control her moans.
For her part, Momo could swear that she felt how her friend's insides were squeezing her more than before, how she was contracting around her in anticipation of another orgasm. An orgasm that took almost no time to arrive, but that didn't stop Momo from continuing to move her hips. If Jihyo missed being fucked by the Japanese girl so much, then that was what she was going to have. Between the spasms and contractions of Jihyo's body, between her high-pitched moans and heavy breathing, Momo continued to thrust, taking the Korean to a new threshold of pleasure. Momo was literally fucking Jihyo through her orgasm, and the only thing the latter could do was squeeze the sheets tighter, to the point that her knuckles turned white, and continue moaning uncontrollably.
The Japanese woman did not stop until she herself was on the verge of orgasm, then with one last strong thrust she buried her entire length inside Jihyo, and remained still holding onto her hips while she spilled her load inside the condom. Despite the latex barrier Jihyo could feel that familiar warmth flooding inside her, pressing against her walls as more and more of the thick fluid gushed out of Momo's shaft. The sheer sensation of being filled but at the same time not made her practically drip her own fluids onto the bed.
It was incredible how despite having had a third orgasm just a few moments ago, Momo was revolutionizing her hormones so much that Jihyo was ready to continue. Whether the Japanese woman wanted to continue pounding her, using her fingers or her mouth, or if Jihyo regained control and mounted her again, or even if Momo decided to use a toy to get another orgasm out of her. In any of those cases Jihyo was willing to continue with this illicit wrongful act in order to fill the void that these five months without fucking Momo had meant.
But the Japanese woman was tired, and although Jihyo didn't recognize it, so was she, so when her breathing calmed down a little, Momo withdrew from inside the Korean woman and fell back on the bed. For her part, Jihyo suppressed a small moan as she felt empty again, and feeling how her legs were flanking her, she also let herself fall onto the wrinkled sheets.
There they were both on the bed, one on her back and the other lying on her stomach. One with the member still hard and with the fluids staining her abdomen, and the other with her legs separated because the strong thrusts had left her with difficulty to move her lower extremities. Both in a cold room, where their breath formed mist, and the only thing that radiated heat was their bodies fueled by lust. Both in the room that Jihyo shared with her boyfriend, a boyfriend who of course was not Momo.
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kikitakite · 1 day
I was going to reblog some of your posts because I wanted to discuss your takes on Mystra, but then I found out you're a Christian conservative who hates gay people.
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No gay person thinks their sexual orientation is their identity, but it's absolutely PART of their identity, just as being straight is part of yours. You can claim otherwise, but it determines who you might love and marry and that person will one day become a part of you and your identity. It's inevitable. As a wife and mother of three, you should know that better than anyone.
But people from groups like yours shame gay people for exploring that part of themselves and that's why Pride Month exists. Pride isn't "propaganda". It's about marginalized people showing the world they exist and they're not ashamed of it. Parades are also a great way for gay people to meet each other. My bestie met her wife at a march 15 years ago and they've been together ever since. It's beautiful. They have two happy, gorgeous children who wouldn't exist without Pride, because their moms never would've met.
Pride also raises money to help gay teens who've been cast out of their homes and gay refugees who've had to flee their country because being gay is illegal there. It also provides support for gay people who need medical help, therapy for abuse, suicide prevention and more. It's a safe space for people who are often discriminated against and even KILLED just for being who they are. So sorry that seems to bother you.
Your take isn't brave, it's just ignorant and hateful. You didn't have to write that post. Nothing provoked it. You just WANTED to to air your allegiances. And then you turned off comments and reblogs lmfao. For the majority of the year, gay people survive just like us straights. They go about their day and don't even mention being gay. You picked the one month in the entire year that's dedicated to them to complain about their existence and call them "deranged". And then you have the audacity to say you "bear no ill will" towards them? Bullshit.
I can only assume the word "pride" scares you because you're a Christian and it's a sin, am I right? Well here's something ironic: lust is also a sin, yet your entire blog not only consists of Gale thirst posts, but you're also stealing Tim Downie's voice to make audio clips using AI. Hmmm, I wonder if God would approve of a married woman posting NSFW content and using a man's voice for her hedonistic writings without his consent. 🤔
And by the way, as a veteran DnD player I can tell you right now that Mystra has done some absolutely VILE shit to her followers. She's not perfect. None of the gods in DnD are. They're flawed and often cruel. I've seen you compare Mystra and Gale to stories in the Bible, but that almost feels blasphemous. Mystra has a history of evil deeds. She orchestrated Elminster's rape, made sure he had kids and never told him about them. She turned Volo into an anchor without his knowledge. She tortured a peasant because he refused to sleep with her, then killed his wife and punished him for crying about it. And don't even get me started on the "daughters" she created. The third Mystra (who has Mystra and Mystryl's memories) is cruel to Gale as well and the game gives so much context for that. Plus ALL the companions agree she's unreasonable and tell Gale to reject her, and if he does it leads to one of his most satisfying endings. He's happy, he's a teacher, he marries tav and everyone approves. Your way of playing isn't the only right way and people aren't wrong for criticizing Mystra. There's plenty about her that deserves to be criticized, as is the case with every god in the pantheon.
Speaking of, I have nothing against Christians, but I do when they use their faith to shame people and act like total hypocrites.
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sanjithesimp · 2 years
° — nanami as a bf - hcs . °
A/n: omgggggg i loved writing this. i've been making scenarios about nanami being my bf for like a week so here's the product of it...
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♡ sfw
nanami is a very serious and quiet person but when he’s with you he’s all giggly and talkative
he can’t wait to get home to cuddle next to you and cover you with kisses
the thing is the way to his heart is sandwiches, so every time you give him one is like you have given him the greatest gift ever. If he could he would marry the sandwich instead of you.
you’re his home, the person he can go back to and feel at peace.
behind those tired eyes, there’s a cheesy guy that loves giving you small gifts or surprising you with a small picnic on the park.
just imagine, nanami and you sitting on a park bench as the sun sets, his head on your thighs as you caress his blond hair as you both talk about your day.
he lovessss spoiling you, taking you the most expensive places you would never think of going.
♡ nsfw
he’s a gentleman ,but he’s a freak on the sheets.
he loves hearing you moan his name as he fucks you into oblivion.
nanami is wayyy too kinky, but he always asks you if you are up for it. never wanting to make you do something you’re not comfortable with.
he loves marking you or just leaving hickies on you is his way of showing you’re his and no one else’s.
imagine nanami taking you to the nearest bathroom, because you’ve teased him and now you’re going to pay for what you’ve done. he loves quickies.
he loves mirror sex, making you watch how good he’s making you feel, how much of a mess he’s made out of you.
he loves pleasuring you, watching you undone as he fucks you with his tongue and fingers until you cum all over his face.
nanami LOVES aftercare. mostly because he gets to take care of you, and cuddle with you until you both fall asleep.
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genshin-projection · 16 days
i don't think i can be normal about Sunday guys
#hsr#hsr spoilers#i haven't even FINISHED it yet but his ideology is so warped. i cheered when i thought Gallagher had killed him for real#im not upset he's alive though i do think it's a bit of a cop-out . but. ouhghhhh something is so wrong with his mind (/positive.)#it's successfully looped back around to loving his character though. when there's a fucked up guy in a story i either#1) get very hostile towards them because i feel like they aren't being portrayed enough like the villain i see them as#or 2) become Obsessed with them forever because they are just so fucking . Wrong. like .#ayato genshin impact falls into both of these categories simultaneously like a fucking electron.#but sunday. he has wholeheartedly landed himself in the second category. i need to dissect him and maybe like. idk. give him a cake (?)??#Come Experience The Joys. Idiot. and also maybe listen to your sister.#honestly i REALLY like robin i think she's super super great and has good ideas#i really really love the like. the.#the contrast between his like. his horrible pessimistic nihilistic ideology. and robins optimistic harmonious one.#like robin seems to kind of... not be able to understand that sometimes nihilism is the only way to survive and that it's a balance#survival is good but hard to break out of... you need to survive enough to be ABLE to live. she seems to idealize living in opposition to it#whereas sunday is like. there are people who can ONLY survive. sometimes living isn't an option because the world is cruel and we don't all#get that choice. sometimes surviving is all you can do. why not embrace that? why not build a place where people can postpone death?#if fulfillment isn't possible... then why not accept placation even if it is a poison to the soul? surely joyful prison is better than death#if all that awaits in the world is suffering then why not let the bird live the rest of its days in its cage... even if it is unfulfilling?#HE'S SO . RHGHHGHGHFHGHHVGJF#he feels like he's on the brink of a misanthropic suicidal breakdown to me. someone fucking help him (but not really)#(i don't think anyone should be subjected to his brain. but i would like to see him get better. actually i think robin is trying for sure)#anyway. very curious how this quest is going to end. i want to rip him limb from limb and then stitch him back together again after#my posts
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alasy · 19 days
From now on, I declare The Mirror Visitor is a trilogy. There's no fourth book, trust me. Just enjoy the first three and move on <3
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widowshill · 1 month
#// tbd#// personal#// vent#➤ ooc. ┊ she’s nauseous,she’s hysterical,and exhausted.#man it has been. sort of a rough day. i stumbled on some pictures accidentally and i. really miss the person i was then.#i miss the friendship i had with that person. i miss the excitement i had for the future; the fun i had with mundane things.#the sense of trust and belonging with them. the way i could communicate with them about anything.#in hindsight was it necessarily for the best that I always wanted their approval and to impress them? well. no.#but i was always pushing to be better. dress better. be funnier. be successful. driven. a better artist; a better writer; a better friend.#partly i think university burnt me out; or just. The State of Things. but I've been thinking so much about apathy.#how i struggle now to plan out anything even two weeks in advance; forget to make reservations til the last minute; miss out -#on buying tickets because i forgot. but the trip I had with them I was excited about and planning for *years*#i'm trying to be better at answering messages and keeping up with people it's just so. i don't know. i've been feeling very unmoored. void.#i've never been *great* at interpersonal relationships but that ... did not help.#i wish i would have handled things differently. i feel like these things aren't supposed to affect you 5 years later#and after you've gone through undergrad but it still ... does.#what they did hurt but they only acted that way because i didn't. get it. i didn't understand why i felt the way i did#or what it was i was feeling. and even when i did i didn't handle it well. so. natural consequence#and now i just have a weird reaction to *any* friends having a romantic life which is not. can't be like that. can't be doing that.#that's not realistic or sustainable for friendships.#and now that i don't have grades / faculty attention/approval to strive for and sustain me it's. well. it's something.#whatever. i'm sure my personal life being irreversibly tanked by this will all work out in the end.#[crunchy black and white mr. incredible dot jpeg]
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chemicalbrew · 6 months
achievement get (for the billionth time): take one look at an assignment and get severely overwhelmed AND discouraged for the rest of the day and do nothing
#it's so much and it's dishonest work!! literally dishonest because all i can think of is how bullshit a lot of it sounds. instead of#you know?#actually learning anything?#but this thorough lack of motivation is just gonna get me in trouble isnt it. how do i swallow my emotions and figure things out#its getting harder every year and the feeling that the few people i have close by do not ever truly understand - like at all - is horrifyin#yes sorry this is all i could think of for the past six hours. im having a great day (no im not. i also hate myself for feeling this way)#zero.txt#im sure it hurts the few people who care and who thought i'd actually go on to do things to see me constantly wallowing for reasons#that they refuse to comprehend or have compassion for.#just stop being sad! just get to work piece by piece! have some resilience#meanwhile all ive done is cry. maybe a part of me just likes feeling like this i DONT KNOW#and ofc so often im like. the only reason im still around is im quiet and they havent invented thought police#yet.#how can i have hope when the moment i decide to pluck a silver of it out of my core i read something that in a better world would not even-#-be a nightmare#like. you say things like that with your mouth and expect us to mindlessly repeat if we want anything in life...#fuck my stupid baka life <3#ugh im just going in yet another circle now when i know trying to put my feelings in words is not helpful. what IS helpful#negative#again sorry. at least you dont have to open this wall of tags#delete later#maybe
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quasieli · 2 months
I feel a little more alive today. I reached out to a crisis text line last night (just for any sort of guidance) and it did actually help a bit. I got some resources for job search and low cost therapy, and funny enough, the person I was talking to was also named Elijah. They were nice and I'm glad I spoke to them. It felt weird at first but talking did at least help distract me enough for my brain to settle down a bit. So thanks from one Elijah to another.
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