#not a winning message imho
kp777 · 1 year
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qqueenofhades · 4 months
Hi just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to thoughtfully respond to these anon messages. I work in dc w a fairly wonky set and i cant overstate how haunted the DC Professional Thought Havers are by the spectre of the "low propensity voter." I think these ppl (myself included LOL) thought we had everything figured out ahead of the 2016 elections and then never recovered from the way it ended up going......i feel like in all the years that followed.....the liberal bubbles.....the coastal elites.......the hillbilly elegies......the real america....the ohio diners....the pennsylvania diners.......the polls......the 2020 horserace....while part of an earnest attempt to understand What Happened, were primarily self-indulgent, self-flagellation for being "out of touch" bc of a self-diagnosed "elite" status that then turned into ANOTHER myopic view of the world, just opposite, where the "libs" are hapless and everyone else remotely to the left are primarily victims to the unstoppable supernatural forces of the Right. Then in 2020 the narrative flipped AGAIN and once again, instead of taking the opportunity to expand a worldview and having the bravery to confront their own shortcomings, the opinion havers and wonks and beltway pressers have decided to groupthink their way into writing off democracy altogether. Its BEYOND frustrating to see! Like damn volunteer at a soup kitchen or smthn instead of being obsessed w the fact that i vote lol
Yes, and there are several reasons for that. First, despite all the factors that contributed to Trump's shock win in 2016 (anti-Clintonism, white backlash to Obama, general low voter enthusiasm, Russian disinformation, etc) we should never forget that until James Comey decided to announce 10 days before the election that he was reopening the EEEEEEEMAILS case, even though we all knew there was nothing there, she was leading fairly comfortably in the polls. And while we will never know how the 2016 election would have gone without that, which imho was one of the most unforgivable acts of blatant sabotage by a public official in American history, it's also true that we saw her poll averages start sliding almost in real time, as people who hadn't really been keen on voting for her anyway decided firmly not to and Trump was able to scrape out 16,000 votes across PA, MI, and WI to take the Electoral College. Which... we all remember how we felt that night, right? (Or in my case, early morning, since I was overseas?) We don't, we really, really don't want to feel that way again. Just saying.
As such, the media (which had already beat up Clinton nonstop during the BUT HER EEEEEMAILS saga) drastically overcorrected and as you say, began writing endless angsty handwringing pieces about Trump Voters in Rural Ohio Diners and giving endless sympathetic airtime to how "economically left behind" they felt, regardless of the fact that open racism, especially Obama backlash, was and remains the principal animating feature of Republican politics (since their only economic platform is that which makes very rich people even richer and Democratic economic policies are the only ones actually targeted at helping ordinary people). The hangover was so strong that even when Democrats had a massive 2018 midterm result and flipped the House blue for the first time since the post-ACA backlash lost it in 2010, the Conventional Wisdom was now beyond any doubt that Democrats were doomed for a generation or something, and not that Trump had squeaked out a fluky win (while losing the popular vote) due to endless Russian/Comey/third party-etc interference and wasn't actually that powerful. Even in 2020 when Biden was leading fairly steadily and things were going to hell with Covid, etc. etc. TRUMP IS UNSTOPPABLE, TRUMP IS GOING TO WIN.
(And now. Like. I know Trump thinks Trump won in 2020, as do a large majority of his cultists, but that doesn't mean he did.)
Even after that, when Roe went down in 2022, that made no difference to the RED WAVE COMING!!! narrative, and the amount of smug white male pundits insisting that abortion just wasn't very important and people weren't going to base their entire vote on it reached truly disgusting levels. We're now seeing the same thing with the constant "people won't vote for democracy and/or abortion rights" blast, when as you say, this narrative has just been completely made the fuck up by a lot of groupthinking DC media who are determined that this time, Trump really is going to win and then they get to be principled chroniclers in opposition or something. Not to mention, the basic principle of "democracy and abortion rights are good" do in fact win by thumping margins every time they're on the ballot, including in deep red states. But there is literally not a single piece of empirical evidence despite the massive amounts of it supporting the truth (i.e. that Democrats are doing historically well in competitive elections since 2018 and there's not really a major reason to think this will change in 2024) that will get the media to change the "Democrats in disarray and Biden Iz Doomed" horserace BS they so love. They don't like Biden because he's boring and competent and just does the job without being insane, because it's totally a great idea to treat American government like a reality show! (Recall the infamous comment by the CBS CEO who literally said that Trump was bad for America but great for CBS, because he pulled in high ratings and therefore lots of money and visibility for CBS. We live in the worst timeline.)
As such, the mainstream media has a vendetta against Biden, is determined that this time Trump is super definitely going to win and everyone will see how genius they are, and not-so-secretly wants Trump back because a) he's good for money and ratings, and b) because the media conglomerations are owned by oligarchs who have a vested interest in making sure that Democrats and their policies never get too popular. Notice how the once self-proclaimed centrist independent Elon Musk has turned into a rabidly alt-right fanboy ever since the Democrats really got serious about taxing billionaires as a key part of their platform. Likewise, insisting that Biden Iz Doomed makes Democrats nervous (and thus more likely to tune in) and Republicans gleeful (and thus more likely to tune in), so there's literally no incentive for the media to even try to report things accurately. You could create a very different narrative of the 2024 election if you just remotely bothered to write about things that have actually happened as they have actually taken place, rather than bending over backward to insist that Biden being four years older than Trump is a worse crime than 91 felony indictments, 2 impeachments, 1 insurrection, 450 million dollars and counting in punitive jury verdicts, more major criminal trials coming down the pipe, and just demonstrably being the worst human being alive in so many ways. I mean. Wow.
The good news, as I said in my other post, is that when people actually vote, these utter bullshit narratives get routinely blown out of the water, and that's a good thing. Because it turns out that unlike Super Smart Beltway Pundits' Super Smart Predictions, the average American does actually like democracy and freedom for women to make their own personal healthcare decisions, and they vote accordingly. So while yes, it's being made harrowingly much harder than it needs to be because of how much the media simply refuses to report that basic fact, and there is no amount of evidence that will convince them otherwise, at least we're trending in the right direction and, if we all pull our weight, can do it one more time. I realized the other day that I hadn't heard a fucking peep about Ron DeSantis in the last two months, and oh, how glorious it was. I yearn beyond words for the day (God willing, soon) when the same is true of Trump as well.
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not-poignant · 9 months
I really hope Ash doesn't end up feeling towards humans the way Augus does 🥺 What makes him my favourite character is is capacity to love and accept anyone no matter their species. It would be a shame for him to lose that part of himself. I understand he has to eat humans and detach himself from them in order to do that but I pray he doesn't become completely cold towards them. But of course he's your character Pia so I'll accept whatever choices you make regarding him xoxo
I mean, you'll never see most of those changes because they're all purely theoretical at the moment. I don't plan on writing anything past The Ice Plague.
More thoughts about Ash under the Read More.
The thing is, Ash was the perfect exaggerated example of someone who keeps everyone happy except for himself.
He sublimated his own personality, his own wants and needs, and hurt himself and tortured himself in order to accept everyone.
He's literally the sign that doing this is actually really kind of unhealthy for you, even if everyone else wins.
Ash will always be extremely body positive, and body accepting. Augus is too! Fat fae, thin fae, ugly fae, beautiful fae, you name it, they love it, and support it. This is never going to change. On a physical/aesthetic level, they can accept all fae, all species of fae.
But Ash directly harms himself by accepting and loving all humans. The whole arc of his character and story is that this is bad for him, and actually bad for everyone to do. The Raven Prince finds him so disgusting because he's like 'you'll literally destroy yourself for humans. Why won't you respect who you are as a fae?'
It's good and healthy for him to lose that part of himself. If he one day sees his prey as prey, then that's... appropriate, and healthier than the complexity of him making random one-off companions all the time, never seeing these people again, and having sex with them because he's literally starving himself and in a constant state of starvation.
His 'niceness' hid an extremely feral eating disorder, self-rejection, self-hatred, and an inability to accept himself. He gave everyone else what he refused to give himself, and the Glashtyn suffered for it, and he suffered for it too.
Ash is like... the ultimate People Pleaser. He's just a recovering one now.
He'll always enjoy accepting fae where they're at, and making them happy, but that's not all he is. And it's the reason Augus was so disapproving of it, and also the Raven Prince, and also Mosk. Anyone who got to know Ash better was like 'oh shit.'
Ash's arc in the canon universe is to literally start to respect himself more than he respects the food he eats. To love himself just a little bit more than the food he eats.
That might be off-putting to you, or something that saddens you, or something that you don't like about him, but imho to me that's a really powerful message, especially for chronic People Pleasers. Imho, the whole Unseelie arc and the reason I was largely writing about Unseelie characters was to highlight the ugly humanity in them, and then be like 'they still deserve love, and comfort, and to keep growing, and to keep being comforted actually, no matter what.'
And that's especially true for Ash, who is the least connected to his Unseelie self out of all of them.
Ash still accepts all the fae he meets. But yeah, his relationship to food has changed, because his relationship to himself has changed. I think he's sad about it sometimes, and still wishes he didn't have to eat humans sometimes, but...he does.
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this is quite random i'll admit, but your latest post got me thinking: if there would have been a proper crossover between ds9 and voy (not just a cameo like in the pilot), what would you have wanted it to be plotwise?
oh that's a very very good question! Honestly I'm not even sure if I'd want a proper, non-permanent (like, no one from DS9 gets stuck on Voyager) crossover episode, because imho it's hard to make them work well. But I can still see several options here:
it's a pre-Caretaker situation: we see the (OG) Voyager crew get the help of several officers and the Defiant in order to sneak up on the Maquis (Chakotay, B'Elanna and Tuvok), which we also follow as they try to outmaneuver Starfleet. I would love to see where Sisko and (a just promoted) Janeway agree and disagree on how to be in command, and I would love to also learn what kind of history Chakotay and B'Elanna (and Seska!) had with DS9 (did they know about Eddington? were they already receiving help from Kasidy Yates?). In any case at some point the Defiant leaves the Badlands and the events of Caretaker take place anyway
a random wormhole/space irregularity/whatever brings Voyager to the Gamma Quadrant and they immediately almost end up destroyed by the Dominion (which they only vaguely know about), has to hide in a nebula/land on a planet but ta-dahh! it's the Defiant who responds to the distress signal! Except they also almost get destroyed, and the two crews have to help one another to get back on their feet. The specifics depend on when this happens of course—if it's before "Message in a Bottle" the crew would have to learn about the war from the DS9 people and I can't imagine that going over well, especially with the former Maquis. In any case I can see a lot of tension between crews (in a "we were trying to get home and now you are in a war that killed our friends!" vs "you guys disappeared without a trace so you don't have a right to tell us that we made mistakes"). The kicker is that this would be a good opportunity for Voyager to finally get to the AQ but they realize there's no way they could sneak Voyager past Dominion forces towards the Bajoran wormhole, and they can't duplicate the cloak for such a big ship, so in the end the Defiant can only help Voyager go back to DQ (honestly heartwrenching just thinking about this lol)
This is not exactly a crossover, but: DS9 is a hub of research for wormholes for obvious reasons so what if we shelve the whole thing with Barclay and have Voyager contact the station instead? there could just be fun occasional interactions between the officers from the two shows I think.
Now what interactions would I like to see the most? Sisko and Janeway as I've said, Chakotay and B'Elanna reacting to pretty much all the DS9 Starfleet officers on one hand and to Kira and Odo on the other. I really, really would like to see Benjamin's reaction to Seven of Nine too, although I'm afraid it would be rather painful for him still. But I think he'd also be interested in hearing about a former drone that managed to escape. On a lighter note I would love to see Jadzia grinning her way into challenging Tom at a game of dares (and winning every one). Tuvok and Worf would HATE the madness of having two crews of strong personalities interact so much, and I kinda want to see them both and Julian work together on something. Perhaps Harry and Miles (and B'Elanna too, unless she is refusing to speak with the people from DS9) can have a nice chat about how hard it is to keep a ship/station running in such difficult conditions. If you want to hear people yelling I think you should probably pair Kira and Seven because they would NOT get along at all imho. There is just. SO much stuff that can be said and I haven't even touched upon!! A crossover like this is such an ambitious concept and I'm sure I forgot half the stuff that I wanted to say
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cosmomoore · 11 months
Barbie movie spoilers below! You have been warned!
Controversial opinion, I dare say, but the Barbie movie is surprisingly less about Barbie and more about Ken...
Like Barbie's character arc is minimal and unfinished when compared to Ken's and that's a bummer because it wasn't what I was expecting from the film.
I can't help but wonder if the patriarchy (read: male studio execs) actually did win overall because maybe the focus on RG-Ken's arc was made at their behest to actually get the film made/greenlit?
And, while I'm sure this has been stated already, the film isn't actually mean to men, it is rather kind to white men in particular in it's messaging (the film is actually pretty devoid of comments on race/racism).
The retconning of factual knowledge and history regarding Barbie as a brand was frustrating, but expected. Ruth Handler's inclusion was weird and I didn't really care for it.
The movie is feminist, I guess, but it focuses so much on and spends so much of its runtime on Ken nearly all of the female characters have very little depth and their arcs either go unresolved or have an abrupt resolution.
Also I hated RG-Ken and I think the film would have been better with less of him in it. It's funny to me that even Barbie is, technically speaking, a multiverse film.
The film was fine and could have been a lot worse. The casting was pretty good overall and it looks great, but the actual story was pretty lacking imho.
I think that Lady Bird remains my favorite Gerwig film and I like Birds of Prey and I, Tonya better when it comes to Robbie (even though I think she did fantastic in the role).
There is a lot more I could say, but this is the basic distillation of my thoughts.
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cancmbyn · 1 year
Today, I was driving home in a ❄️ ⛈️ and thinking about Next Goal Wins, Taika Waititi’s upcoming sports ⚽️ comedy film.
it is scheduled to be released on September 22, 2023.
Despite him being 🇨🇦, I have so many mixed emotions about Will Arnett replacing Armie in the film and being handed a bigger role to boot. Frankly, I’ve always thought Will is a better voice and voiceover actor than any of his in-person roles.
I know the reshoots are done and the film will likely come out with Will in what was Armie’s role. But gosh darn it all, do ever think that we should flood Fox Searchlight Pictures and it’s producers with messages to reinstate Armie’s cameo performance in the film.
Michael Fassbender, Elisabeth Moss and a host of NZ and Pacific Islanders are the REAL stars of the film. The presence and expanded role of Will is frankly just a distraction from the primary plot and that of main characters.
Boycotting the film is not the answer.
Of course, there are lots of reasons why an actor’s performance ends up on the cutting room floor. But imho, bullshit allegations of abuse and the pathetic maneuverings of a 🦎 ain’t legit reasons to cut out Armie Hammer’s performance from this film.
Any Charmies or Armie fans have any thoughts on this?
Too late? Never too late?
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If you like Gil so much does that mean you hate Finnegan X Lagoona?
Gil did nothing wrong but he is constantly being shit on for the opinions of his parents and that is not okay. His parents racism should reflect poorly on them, not him. If he was actually racist he wouldn't go out with Lagoona in the first place.
As for the Finnegan / Lagoona thing that sprung up out of no where, I don't hate it but I don't like it and here is why.
1.) we don't know enough about either of them in this generation to know if they are compatible. SO FAR Lagoona seems to be a rabid gremlin and Finn is the boy next door. we don't know until we know more about who they are.
2.) If it's NOT Gil I personally feel that putting Lagoona with another sea monster puts Mattel in a no-win situation. If they put her with a freshwater merperson they are opening her up to the same prejudice Gil had to face. But if they put her with another salt water monster it's just proving that Gil's racist parents were right and she needs to "stick with her own kind" which is a horrible message to send.
3.) Pairing her with another sea creature for no reason other than they are both sea creatures seems kinda racist...IMHO.
4.) kinda related but not really: Gil's parents sent him to military school for disobeying them and dating a fresh water girl BUT a few months later he came back with no explanation... My theory? Gil went absolutely feral at that military school in order to get himself kicked out so that his parents had no choice but to send him back to Monster High. Most common reasons people get kicked out of Military school are property damage, disobedience & not being a team player....so, do with that knowledge as you will.
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thefreeblog · 2 years
Do you like KP just for VegasPete or you like it for the other couples? What do you think of it overall as a show? Like acting / direction wise?Who is you favorite actor of them all? sorry toomany questions..
Don’t worry. Happy to answer all your questions anon.
It’s just not VP I like, it’s the whole show in general.
Rather whatever few Bls I have watched I have never liked all of the couples simultaneously, Kinn Porsche the series is the first one where I have liked the plot, the direction, the sets, all the actors, and all 3 couples.
I don’t have any specific preference as such but one thing that puts me off any show is bad acting.
And the acting is one of the strong points of the KP series. So it naturally reeled me in.
In general soaps or web series are low-budget projects, so there are many things you have to wave off. I generally don’t go much into the technicality of filmmaking. What I look for in a show is a good story, the message behind it, and acting.  
So KP wins in all these departments here.
Since I don’t know anything about books, the story so far is interesting. They have done well with the suspense part of it. The filler stories too, don’t look completely out of the place. Like all the mafia business stuff looks believable and adds to the character’s arc/stories. The comedic bits (barring a few) are alright too. Action scenes are awesome. Though the mafia is kindergarten and has their brains in their dicks (*cough kinn *cough) the world-building is believable.
BOC here has done a really good job in the casting department here.
I love all of them with few exceptions – Let’s talk about them (I’ll use character names where I don’t know their real names )
Kinn/Mile – He has grown on me, not so expressive. Acts with his eyes. Carries the role.  8/10
Porsche/Apo – Best. He lives the character tbh. Acts with everything he has. 10/10
Tankhun – He just eats up the screen with his presence. 9/10
Kim/Jeff – Good resting bitch face. Looks like he can pull off any role, but has not seen much of that in this series. 7/10
Porchay/Barcode- Huge potential. Looks like he will grow into a method kind of actor. 9/10
Pete/Build – He is a director’s actor. Great so far. 8/10
Vegas/Bible – He acts with his whole face, his expressions are on point always. He got lucky with this role. The range he got to play is rarely anyone gets in their first role and boy is he smashing it. 11/10 (extra point for his soft hands )
Yok – Man she is one of a kind. 10/10
Macau – Not seen much. Looks good. 7/10
Tae/Time – Can’t see the appeal. 5/10
Pol/Arm – Both good. 8/10
Ken – Good. 8/10
Big – I know, I love him, but if he keeps acting he will learn quickly. 6/10
Daddy ChessBoard – Meh, he is alright. 6/10
His bodyguard – DILF man DILF. They wasted his potential IMHO. From whatever we saw 8/10  
Daddy Gun/Scarfs – Good. Has a raw appeal to him. Sad, he is gonna die. 8/10
Let’s talk about the chemistry now –
Kinn/Porsche – Awesome together. I love how they match each other in every aspect. You just can’t decide who to look at when they are together.
Vegas/Pete – The lock and key type of pair. Bounce of each other.
Kim/Chay – I never thought of them together as cute(chay is cute no arguments there), but there is something about them which clicks. Despite the age difference, they don’t give that hia / nong type of vibes, which I appreciate.
BOC has done a good job of breaking stereotypes in choosing their couples. No top/bottom or dom/sub kind of vibes when not needed. They just did that with Vegas/Pete sex scene, but that was expected and part of the narrative.
(Brownie points for choosing short kings in positions of power in the power imbalance trope)
So overall what’s not to love. Recommend 10/10.
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residentraccoon · 1 year
Esc 2023 Top 37
1. Moldova - Might be biased, might not, this is staying as my first, I love everything about this
2. Portugal - Man these upbeat, slightly retro songs with a touch of ethnic flavor are like a magnet to me, I'm absolutely loving this as well lmao
3. Latvia - How can such a soft and sweet song like this be so powerful at the same time. This is the Með hækkandi sól of this year for me, and I hope they'll surprise Q just like Systur did
4. Estonia - It gives me so much hope and confidence in myself, like it's empowering but not in a cheesy way. The instrumental is pure art as well
5. Czechia - Yes girls bring the harmonies. It's been playing in my head a lot lately
6. Norway - *sigh* okay I fell into liking this one, I admit. I overlooked the earworm-ness of this song and she carries the whole performance so well.
7. Australia - Had to put it in my top 10, dated dad rock never fails to dissapoint me (unless said dad rock is called Intention)
8. Iceland - Sounds a bit 80s which I love, she has so much energy on stage
9. Slovenia - Such a charming britpop, I love these guys
10. Finland - The power of cha cha cha has gotten to me, send help 🫣
11. France - What a neat bop, also love her style a lot
12. Spain - Sounds pretty bizarre and hypnotic, I actually like how hauting it sounds lol
13. Serbia - Same as Spain, his presence is also really cool ngl
14. Sweden - Grew off me a bit, I must say that the staging is really good, but in studio it really doesn't elevate to the same way it does live. As much as I like Loreen, her staging, and her song, which is good indeed, I don't really want her to win? It's weird I know lmao
15. Austria - I've seen this being very popular in the fandom but honestly beside the message and the vocals it just doesn't really do that much for me. It's catchy yes, but not something I'd go out of my way to listen tbh
16. Armenia - Didn't quite impress me but gotta appreciate that clumsy but sweet english used in her lyrics. They feel so real
17. Malta - Kinda grower?? The sax is too catchy
18. Italy - It's a very sweet, calming song. I noticed Italy is pretty underrated this year, which is a bit weird because they're always talked about
19. Germany - Wish I liked this one more but I feel it lacks more enthusiasm or power? Still I kinda like this glam rock style
20. Georgia - Oh my god girl what are those lyrics? Tag yourself I'm "love is a wordless". Other than that, I like the beat but man, those lyrics are giving me last stage dyslexia and totally ruin the song for me :(
21. Romania - It's not the worst song of this year 😤 I know most are put off because of that staging but listen the studio or his other live versions and I assure you it's more bearable this way. Even so, I agree that one might find the vocals grating or the pacing weird, but honestly I don't have a problem with that. It's a pretty competent song.
22. Denmark - Get rid of that awful vocoder and we'll talk later. I really like how colorful the music video is, and it's another one that I started liking a bit more, but still doesn't do that much for me
23. Netherlands - Yawned like 3 times listening to this, it's pleasant but that's it
24. Azerbaijan - Ahh finally they're sending something self-written and not produced by swedes. Even if it sounds like a camp rock-esque ballad that's a bit filler, I find it more heartfelt and authentic than literally everything else Azerbaijan wanted to bless us with in recent years, and hell, do I like this more than those ones
25. United Kingdom - A pretty nice pop song, but that's all I have to say. I think it will come alive more on stage
26. Ukraine - It's decent and catchy, nothing groundbreaking
27. Cyprus - Other than the chorus, it's extremely bland and way too polished imho
28. Switzerland - I quite liked the pacing of it, but those lyrics get a bit too much on the "war bad, give us points" side which rubs me the wrong way. That or I might be overanalyzing it
29. Lithuania - Too whiny for my ears, but the final part is pretty cute
30. Albania - What turkish soap opera is this, I need to know. Speaking of the song, I feel like it wants to be this grand, empowering ballad but falls flat and fails to be so
31. Belgium - Well, it's catchy and groovy and that's about it
32. Greece - Why does this remind me of Snap a bit? Maybe it's the rhythm or his pronunciation. I love how his voice sounds, but I feel like this song really doesn't do him justice. It kind of builds up to something but in the end nothing happens
33. Ireland - If the word "bland" would be a song. Just a typical, most Irish in Eurovision entry there is. No offense, their vocals are good at least
34. Israel - Sounds like 2012, not in a good way. Repeats the same thing in the chorus, tries to be a bOPppPp yassss grl powahhhh, we're bein phenomen femininallll today yassss dance break cuz we are quwueennzzz- okay sorry, this one has everything I dislike in a song ever. Halfway listening I wanted to close it, but I had to finish it to have a proper opinion and rank it
35. Poland - Same as Israel but somehow even less tolerable and more painfully generic, walmart Inna vacation at the beach kind of song I'd hear while taking a walk outside. Also the nf shitstorm helps me dislike the song even more, and I didn't even listen to Jann Gladiator
36. San Marino - Please this sounds like something I'd hear in Selectia Nationala in like 2017 that places last 😭
37. Croatia - This doesn't even remotely sound like a song, I'm sorry but could never listen to this more than the first minute
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mana-sputachu · 2 years
A lot of people keep saying that T9 will have a large time skip similar to T3 and will focus on Jin and Xiaoyu's kid/s (imagine where a thirty-something Xiaoyu gonna be) but… it doesn't make much sense. Yes, I see it in the future maybe but not so early on? Jin's storyline is nowhere near finished and it would be sad to see him rendered to nothing more than the new protagonist's dad after so many years of struggle. He's always been an iconic character but I feel like we never truly saw him shine, if you get what I mean? When he's the sole focus of the story, he's either the cool Kazuya replacement with too much package (so just Kazuya replacement), or he was basically the villain. I want to see him heal. I know Tekken is a story not about good vs evil but evil vs another, maybe lesser evil, but damn it I want to see him a little happy. And it isn't about what I want to see, it also doesn't make sense to move so fast when so much of the story is still unraveled or needs to be told, and I doubt everything will be resolved in T8. They had the ability to do large time skip back in T3 days because people weren't as attached to the characters as we are now. A time-skip will change most of the roster (again, no older females in Tekken hah ha h a :/). And the fact that the last 57 Tekkens all happened in the same year? They are clearly drawing this out. Am I talking nonsense?? I've seen this theory way too much now i just… argh sorry for talking so much about this
Okay, first of all do not apologize for your message! It's been ages since I've got so many nice and interesting messages here on tumblr, and I'm having a blast responding and brainstorming (or just fangirling) with ya all! And Tekken is one of my fave things ever that is now taking over my brain (together with KoF) again, so it's all good here! If ya all want to keep message me, please feel free to do so!❤️
And I agree with your point of view, such a sudden time skip wouldn't make sense. Jin stated multiple times ingame that he wants to eradicate his remaining family members before killing himself (JIN NO), so having such a big time skip with a new Mishima, possibly his son/daughter seems... nonsensical. Jin wants to end his bloodline as of now, so I'd put that idea aside. And we're not even sure he'll be able to really kill/beat Kazuya this time.... hell, since it's Harada we're talking about, we're not even sure Heihachi is really dead. You know he's more than capable to revive him just because the old fart has tons of fans (especially among professional/semi professional players). When the trailer dropped, me and @askkrisachan were speculating about it, thinking Harada would be more than capable to revive him a la Jinpachi. ANYWAY. You're right in saying Jin's story is yet to be done. Even if he manages to win against his clan, there's still the Devil Gene. He seems to be somewhat in control of it in that trailer but... is that true? He seemed vaguely in control even in his T4 ending, managing to summon his wings only, but we know he wasn't thanks to his T5 prologue. He also seemed somewhat able to control it at the end of T7 (after that long ass beauty sleep) but again... how much of that is true? It's something worth exploring imho... and Claudio could be used for that. Something along the line of: with Kazuya and Heihachi gone for good, Jin is trying to do something good and restoring peace helped by Lee (and Lars, reclutantly), but Claudio helds a new tournament cause he's still interested in the Devil gene. Not the most brilliant plot BUT a step away from the whole Mishima saga and villain!Jin, and towards Jin's redemption arc, fighting once again for the good reasons... and still struggling with his inner demon, because we love angst and makes sense with his character and growth. And yeah, given how they're spreading 989882332 tournaments in the span of a few months, I doubt there will be a big time skip with T9. Maybe 2-3 years, but nothing like T2/3- As you said, at the time people weren't so attached to the characters yet, they weren't fully developed yet, ending were very short and the story felt more like a puzzle to put together. Probably it was like that for the team too, testing waters while deciding in what direction they wanted to go.
Granted, it's also Harada we're talking about, the man who once in a video intervew told that the creation of Alisa and Lars was basically "here's some random words, create two new characters based on those", so he might pull something like that if he's drunk enough... but I sincerely hope not.
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racingliners · 1 year
F1 Re-Watch 2022: Round 19 - USA
More mild shock because it’s a race I did remember to watch C4 highlights of!!
Granted, the bulk of my memories around this race were Lewis nearly winning, Seb leading for one (1) lap and Seb and Kevin’s INSANE last lap battle for P8.
Oh and once again everyone wore cowboy hats because Texas
So, grab your team coloured Stetsons and let’s jump in!
I think this race was good?? I mean I hope it is
I actually like COTA as a track, it’s pretty decent (and the best of all the current USA tracks by a mile imho)
(yes I’m saying that despite us being months away from Vegas bc what is the Vegas layout 😭)
Anyway, starting grid whiplash:
“Lots of drivers out of position thanks to penalties” 2015 McLaren Honda flashbacks
ouch Dan P15 & Charles P12.
I love it when the starting grid whiplash is actually nice
“This race could be anyone’s today” Really Crofty??? Really??? When the RB18 exists???
Helmet watch: Lewis’ neon yellow helmet with the purple visor >>>>>>
They had to change Lewis’ brakes before the start???? I really will be taking a sledgehammer to the W13 when I’m finished re-watching 2022
[Start/Lap 1]: Oh... a Merc murdered Sainz at turn 1
or not he’s gotten going he’s just at the back
oh it was Russell erguhaii
The saga of George Russell’s violence against the grid continues
anyway SEB UP INTO P5!!!!!!!!!
[Lap 2]: aaaaaaand Sainz DNF. 
Charles up to P9
LANCE IS IN P3??????
[Lap 3]: and 5 sec penalty for Russell t-boning Sainz
Meanwhile Albon has no grip, and has dropped to P10 from P8 and has Bottas all up in his business
“The Aston Martin is working well around here” Inject it, frame it, capture it, remember it
the AMR22 is a tractor no more!!!!
“Lightning reactions from Lewis Hamilton” Of course??? He’s a king, tell us something we don’t know
[Lap 5]: No George, don’t overtake Lance. That would be rude.
also boo Perez got past Seb
welp Lance demoted to P4
“Howdy Crofty!” HI TED!!!! 👋
[Lap 6]: aw no Nicky spun 😔
oh Perez’s front wing is not looking healthy, front wing endplate went poof
(Alexa play I Want to Break Free by Queen)
[Lap 7]: Meanwhile Lance and Seb are vibing in P5 and P6 as the unbothered Kings they are 💚
....Lewis is three tenths faster than Verstappen you say???
please tell me we get a Hammertime radio it has been SO LONG
[Lap 8]: I’m ignoring the Ferrari radio that came up telling Charles they’re already thinking about Plan B :))))))))
Perez v Russell... I fear much violence
[Lap 9]: Charles up to P7, the race seems to have calmed down for now
I may cry at the Seb and Charles battle though, I miss them 😭
[Lap 10]: and the gap is down to 8 tenths, @ TV director show me my boys!!!
It’s also seemingly fucking WIMDY at COTA
[Lap 11]: oh the #JustLewisThings of him saying he’s not happy with his tyres then proceeding to set a purple sector, nature is healing
ahhhhhhh there’s Charles v Seb!!!!
The fact that this would have caused me pain in 19 & 20 but now we’re rejoicing. Growth!!
[Lap 12]: Gasly pits, after Bottas pitted the lap before, overcut win!
and back to Charles v Seb
and Charles gets past pretty easily
Bono I’m sending you a basket of the finest pastries AND flowers
[Lap 13]: Lewis pits for hards??? I’m still recovering from the radio message so I’m not fully processing what’s going on
aw Lewis came out behind Seb after pitting
[Lap 14]: Verstappen and Russell pit, also both for hards
oh my days Lance trying to fight him GO ON MY SON
anyway this is a very early pit window, I can only assume it was a bit warm on race day
Charles up into P3, but he’s yet to stop
[Lap 15]: Perez pits for hards also
“Aston Martin running in the top 3 for the first time this season” *longest yeah boi ever*
[Lap 16]: And Lance pits for... mediums
And Lewis got past Seb for P3
and sets the fastest first sector. 
Esteban and Mick having a slightly spicy battle, mainly bc Esteban’s car got caught by some wind
[Lap 17]: “Plan E consider” p a i n 
I mean at least it came from Charles but Ferrari kindly fuck off
[Lap 18]: Yellow flag sector 3????
oh Bottas is beached in the gravel
OH shit Safety Car
ah AM Safety Car my beloved
Will Ferrari be smart and pit Charles under the SC??
[Lap 19]: THEY DO!!! They found their braincell!!!
“Plan EEEEEEE this is lucky for us!” I love Ted so much
oh Seb pits too!! nice!!
Charles in P4, Seb in P6. WE’RE VIBING FOLKS!!!
oh replay of the George on Sainz violence at the start again
[Lap 20]: First SC at Austin since 2015 apparently, a somewhat fun fact (That was a half wet race iirc??? I’m not sure)
fuck what is this drone footage I’m getting vertigo
Lewis still having brake issues, I will sledgehammer the W13 and then burn it
[Lap 21]: SC ending, boys please don’t be dumb I don’t want any carnage
Lewis the filling in a RBR sandwich... does NOT spark joy
phew no nonsense as of yet
[Lap 22]: SEB TAKES P6!!!!
And Esteban locks up and Mick takes P12 
that was not the fun whiplash fyi
And of course Crofty mentions the fact that we had future teammate on teammate violence
[Lap 23]: Also I’m sorry but Lance’s car is on the track and there’s debris everywhere, where is the red flag?????
Not Fernando hitting Lance’s rear and then doing a wheelie
that really did not spark joy
the various on-board replays of debris flying everywhere are also not sparking joy
[Lap 24]: This race has been surprisingly eventful despite not having that much actual racing oh my days
Lance walking alone through the paddock... Alonso you can meet my fists
[Lap 25]: SC ending, again boys please DON’T BE DUMB
I am anxious
restart 2 electric boogaloo - so far no carnage
[Lap 26]: “Sebastian Vettel gaining on George Russell” screaming, crying clutching my chest in euphoria
oh he is legit closing up on him 
go on Seb, get him!!!
[Lap 27]: 8 tenths of a second gap 👀👀👀
okay the gap is fluctuating between 8 tenths and 1.1 seconds but I’m on full hopium and delusion
[Lap 28]: DRS re-enabled
Nicky fastest on the speed trap. Goatifi intensifies.
also I heard Ted say news from McLaren and I immediately had the ‘McLaren news’ jingle from The Fast and The Curious podcast play in my head thanks Chris Hugill 
[Lap 29]: Seb now 2.2 seconds behind Russell, the hopium was fun while it lasted
Charles v Perez???? 👀👀👀👀👀
woot woooooooot!!!!
“And there’s a lot of fans here that will want to kiss Charles for that” yes and I’m one of them get in line
[Lap 32]: Meanwhile George still has a loose endplate on his front wing after his lap 1 violence
[Lap 33]: Verstappen apparently not very happy with the wind
Oh, Mick and Kevin both in the Top 10!!!! We adore to see it!!!
[Lap 34]: Why are we cutting to Ed Sheeran???? Show me the cars!!!
Mick and Yuki both pit
[Lap 35]: and Lewis pits, undercut maybe??
oh and Yuki’s undercut did work on passing Norris
[Lap 36]: Verstappen pits
and it’s slow 👀
More Perez on Russell fisticuffs
[Lap 37]: ah nvm Russell pits
[Lap 38]: Charles v Verstappen... spicy
both of them are on the mediums while Lewis is on the hards
[Lap 39]: Perez pits
Oh Charles doing the switcheroo on Verstappen, BEAUTIFUL
AND Seb P1, with Lewis P2. I know the end result and I do not care but STOP THE RACE!!
Seb leading his 3,500th lap, I love him so much 😭😭😭😭
[Lap 40]: Cut to Seb in the lead with Lewis P2, feels so good and SO organic
[Lap 41]: Lewis takes the lead, not surprising, but seeing them on track together one last time was very beautiful
and diving head first into the sea of delusion we go Lewis is def gonna win right? 🥲
this race has legit been so fun though
“Good to see Sebastian Vettel up there” preach it Ted!!!!!
[Lap 42]: 15 laps left. yelling.
slow stop for Seb 😭😭😭😭😭😭
16.8 seconds 😭
It’s okay Team Green I still love you
[Lap 43]: no don’t go back to the drone cam it’s not fun
Charles still in DRS range of Verstappen
[Lap 44]: But Verstappen goes half a second quicker than Lewis...
[Lap 45]: Perez going 1.5 secs quicker with a borked front wing??? What is going on in the House of Commons????
Seb watch: in P13 1.6 seconds behind Yuki
Norris v Ocon!!! Beloved midfield spice!!!!
[Lap 46]: Lewis and Verstappen doing almost identical lap times on similar age of tyres, though on different compounds. STRESS.
[Lap 47]: 10 laps left 😬
Gap just under two seconds, love how I’m slightly stressed despite knowing the end podium 😂
It’s the ✨ emotional investment ✨
[Lap 48]: Now would be a great time for another Hammertime radio Bono just saying
He’s in P12 after Ocon pitted
He’s on the back of a DRS train on fresher tyres LET’S GET IT WELTMEISTER!!!
[Lap 49]: Alonso’s mirror just... fell off????
alrighty then
ughhhhhh Verstappen has DRS
I am stressed Angela and stressed Angela is me
[Lap 50]: Thank you Brundle I really needed you to list all of Verstappen’s car advantages 😭
But more importantly SEB INTO P10 KLAXON!!!!!
fuck me I did not breathe during Lewis’ and Verstappen’s battle
Lewis did not give up though and I love him for it
[Lap 52]: SEB INTO P9!!!!!!
and back down to P10, he’s having some fistcuffs with Albon
and round the outside, back into the points, that’s my 4 time world champion
6.3 secs behind Kevin with 4 laps left
It’s fun knowing what happens in advance sometimes
ohhh Seb let Albon back by bc he went off, that’s fair
[Lap 53]: Verstappen assigned track limits criminal by GP, Bono, and Lewis
and then Lewis gets a warning himself svuoheaugh
[Lap 54]: The one positive is that the RBR has not streaked off into the distance, the W13 has some rights.
I mean I’m still going to take a sledgehammer to it though
[Lap 55]: Seb watch: 3.2 seconds behind Kevin now
oh and already down to 2 seconds 👀
gap between Lewis and Max is three seconds though 😭
[Lap 56]: Ignoring the front and watching Seb on the running order, gap down to 1.5 seconds
...now 8 tenths of a second
(I know the overtake is coming but the hype is fun)
[Finish]: Verstappen wins, Lewis P2 and Charles P3!!!
now show me Seb!!!!!
go on go on go onnnnn
such a peach of a move like... Go off King you dropped this 👑
gonna celebrate with the biscoff ice cream mum just brought me 🥳
Well, that was actually a pretty fun race!!! You didn’t really know who was going to win until the last few laps, which could not be said for a lot of races in 2022 imho. Charles going from P12 to P3 was iconic af, Lewis making the most of his first proper chance in ages for a win was superb, and Seb was just doing iconic Seb shit... AND we got some midfield spice to boot!!
Overall, 8 front wings out of 10. Next race: Mexico!
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oftomorrow · 2 years
Clark’s Character Flaws
Personals and other non-RP blogs, please do not reblog this. Thanks!
A very common sentiment about Clark/Supes is that he’s “too perfect.” Not only is he incredibly powerful with only a small handful of physical weaknesses, but he’s just the goodest guy. He’s the Big Blue Boy Scout, after all.
And yes, Clark is a very good person. That’s one of the things I love about him. But he is not perfect -- something I have to remember as I write him. So I thought I’d make a list of his character flaws. Not any physical weaknesses or emotional points to manipulate him with -- honest-to-goodness flaws where Clark might not always do the right thing.
He can be overprotective and overbearing. Clark cares very, very deeply about the people in his life, and he has the power to look out for them at all times. Unfortunately, this can lead to him overstepping, badly. He swoops in to save the day when his help isn’t really wanted. His intentions are good, but he just winds up sending the message that he doesn’t trust people to take care of themselves, or invading their privacy by bursting in at a bad time or listening in on private conversations.
He can be judgmental. Clark holds himself to a pretty high moral standard -- he frankly has to. You can’t have his level of power and refuse to take responsibility for it, or you could do incalculable damage. The thing is, Clark often holds the people around him to those same standards, too. Sometimes this is a good thing, since it leads to him inspiring people to be the best versions of themselves. But other times it leads to him coming down way too hard on someone who just made an honest mistake, simply because he expected better of them.
He doesn’t forgive easily. On a similar note, if you’ve gotten onto Clark’s bad side, it can be very hard to get yourself out again. He can really hold a grudge, and unless something was very obviously a misunderstanding, it’ll take a long time and a lot of evidence of changed behavior to win Clark over again. He does believe that people can change, but some people have to jump through a lot more hoops to prove it to him.
He can be stubborn. This one is entirely inherited from his adoptive father, Jonathan Kent. Clark is generally pretty good about listening to those around him. But if he’s truly resolved himself to something, it can be very hard to change his mind.
He doesn’t do well with shades of gray. Clark is the kind of person who really wants things to be black and white. It’s not that he’s naive, exactly -- he knows that the world is messy, and people can make selfish choices right alongside selfless ones. But when you’re that powerful, and you’ve taken such a position of authority upon yourself, you want confidence that you’re making the right call. So situations where there isn’t a clear-cut right answer? Clark cannot stand them. Sometimes he just needs that assurance that the things he knows to be good and evil are still so, because how is he supposed to function otherwise? It’s not easy for him to have those basic assumptions challenged. So he might try to force a black and white solution into a circumstance that it does not work for, and that only ever makes things worse.
He’s bad at balance and prioritizing relationships. Clark takes so much onto his shoulders that he can’t possibly carry it all -- and unfortunately, when he has to drop the ball on something, it usually winds up being an important relationship. He’s had to dash out on Lois during a lot of key moments, which she usually understands, but of course that’s never going to feel great. He’s missed large chunks of his sons’ childhood, not to mention nearly all of Kara’s. This is basically the entire premise of S&L season 1, with the pilot essentially bringing Clark to a breaking point over this -- and he has to make the very conscious decision to put his family first, no matter what.
Lastly, a very obvious but also fairly minor one, imho -- he lies to most of the people in his life. It’s usually for their own good, and he has good reasons for keeping part of himself secret. But it does often mean lying directly to people that he cares about, and sometimes going to great lengths to do so. And he becomes so used to doing this that sometimes the realization that he could just trust someone with the truth doesn’t occur to him. This can lead to a lot of hurt when people realize that he’s been deliberately misleading them for years and years.
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warrenwoodhouse · 4 months
Internet Slang Dictionary
BTW: By the Way
PTW: Play to Win
IMHO: In my Humble Opinion
IMNSHO: In my not so Humble Opinion
FYI: For your Information
IM: Instant Messenger
SMS: Short Message Service
LOL: Laugh out Loud
SOZ: Sorry
OMG: Oh my God
ROTFL: Rolling on the Floor Laughing
HMU: Hit me Up
UwU: cute face
SRSLY: Seriously
Git Gud Scrub: Get Good Idiot. The word scrub comes from the use in the 1400s for a low-stunted tree, eventually took on the meaning for someone not in a University College Athletic Team, later being adopted into the gaming community as a reference to a player who complains about tactics while not knowing how to properly counter them (Layman’s terms: a noob)
Git Gud: Get Good
LMFAO: Laughing my f**king a** (a**e) off
IIRC: If I Recall Correctly
L2P: Learn to Play
You can find more on Urban Dictionary
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I saw Godzilla: Minus One and I thought it was genuinely so so so so so so good but I'll real the very very end, like literally last six seconds, felt cheap after the message of the entire movie.
Still a very very good movie and I highly recommend it. Godzilla is always antiwar considering it's an allegory for the destruction and death and long-term residual turmoil from the nuclear bombs but IMHO this movie had a more hopeful and unique take on being anti-war than normal. Plus the extra view on PTSD and personal recovery after war and societal and self blame on the main character and the healing afterwards was just....really cool to see.
Also this wasn't my favorite godzilla by a long shot design and power wise. Shin Godzilla stays winning.
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Scorp anon again! I’m so glad you enjoyed my message! I think it’s important to let talented people know they’re talented, ya know? Especially when they write for under appreciated characters. But yeah, as awesome as SubScorp is, I like to see Hanzo paired with other characters, too. It’s unfortunate NRS studios never really gave him another love interest. And let me say your Oc is amazing! She’s sweet and kind and good without being annoying. Like, she’s believable in her goodness.
I’m actually writing a bit about our boy myself, and thinking of pairing him with his wife Harumi. Like she comes back from the netherrealm or something, idk, and he has to woo her all over again. Feel free to use that idea if you like. I may just pop back in your messages again if I come up with anything else, if that’s ok?
Yes exactly! The man's been alone and fighting for far too long, let him rest, give him some hot, sweet love for god's sake 😭❤️‍🩹
I also understand that people often pair him with Mileena, I mean... it's only natural. But I never wrote about them cause as kinky as the ship is, imho Scorpion is far too honorable to mess around with a gal like her 🙊 So I'm pretty much left with OCs! Glad to hear you liked the one I made for DE, I think it's a roaring accomplishment on it's own if the OC is not annoying, haha.
Your idea with Harumi is so incredibly sweet! Ah my heart. It would bring some pining and spice and lovely yearning to the ship to make Scorpion try and win her heart again 😍 I'm a sucker for pining. Like, all of it. Give it to me now. Please write this story! 💝
And of course you're welcome to bring your thoughts and ideas to my inbox anytime. It's so nice to see that the MK fandom isn't dead. Hopefully we'll see a new game soon 😍🦂
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Also I should probably make a tumblr account to talk to you (I stalked you here from your AO3 lol), I feel bad being anon and sending you hella lengthy ass messages like this with nothing to show for it 😂 but yes I adore your fics!! I got back into NIN over quarantine 3 years ago after previously not listening to them since hesitation marks came out and the hyperfixation just never seemed to go away!! Yes 100% the community for NIN RPF is soooo insurmountably tiny however of the very few people we have in this community, many of them seem interested in shipping Trent with M*nson and nothing/nobody else, with no consideration for other dynamics, which isn’t my thing, so coming across your content was LITERALLY a breath of fresh air. Your fics could stand to be a bit longer IMHO but they contain character (not caricatures), facts, and actually interesting plots unlike a lot of other NIN fics I’ve seen.
And man don’t even get me started on the general NIN fandom and its…rigidity and the pressures there are within it to be “perfect” somehow, while also managing to exclude other people and be stone cold af. I’ll always love the music but I left the fandom 2 years ago because of that. It just feels like one big overglorified clique nowadays. It’s funny ‘cause a lot of them act that way because they think it’s how Trent acts or that behavior will win them points with him when like.. that’s how ‘93 trent acted you fucking weirdos, it’s 2023. The best part is they’re doing so to try to meet standards that he himself doesn’t meet and doesn’t care to now that he’s a married father of five. Like the guy met his wife on Twitter, people. He’s on discord. He’s chronically online, just like us. He’s another person like we all are, so please chill tf out for ten seconds.
(and thus concludes my rant lol sorry for tormenting your poor inbox 🤣)
(My inbox is fine, don't worry! I always appreciate being able to talk fics with other people 😊 Besides, you're getting a long ass reply lmao)
I'm very glad you found this blog from AO3! I linked it on my profile and a few of my fics, but sometimes it makes me feel like a bit of a self-promoter, you know?
I had actually gotten into NIN about a year before COVID happened and during quarantine I decided to dive fully into the fandom.
If we can get more people writing NIN fic, that would be great tbh.
I was never into Trent/M*nson, and what actually motivated me to actually write after years and years of wanting to write for any fandom (not just RPF) was that I wanted to see Trent paired with people no one was writing about. At some point I realized that the only way I could read those fics was writing them myself - so I that's what I'm doing right now! And I'm glad that my efforts in doing that have paid off - "breath of fresh" is a wonderful compliment ❤
I do agree with my fics needing to be longer. I'm actually trying to find ways to improve my writing (including actually reading as much as my ADHD brain will allow me), so I'm glad you pointed that out. I might actually rewrite some of my fics in the future with that in mind. There's a reason why I developed the habit of writing very short fics, but I won't get into that here for reasons.
Oh, the NIN fandom...I'm not really going to go into that whole mess because I'll be here forever, but I will say that there are certain types of people, no matter the website, that I just avoid for the sake of my mental health. I'm sorry all that caused you to leave the fandom :( There's some really cool people in the fandom, but you're right that a lot of it is just like a clique.
Honestly Trent had the right idea to quit Twitter for good a few months ago. I'm sure when he deleted his account, the sun shone a little brighter for him once he was finally free.
Again, thank you for the lovely words about my fics ❤ I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate it! If you ever do make a Tumblr, come on by! 😊
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