#accepting his unseelie self is for him
not-poignant · 1 year
I really hope Ash doesn't end up feeling towards humans the way Augus does 🥺 What makes him my favourite character is is capacity to love and accept anyone no matter their species. It would be a shame for him to lose that part of himself. I understand he has to eat humans and detach himself from them in order to do that but I pray he doesn't become completely cold towards them. But of course he's your character Pia so I'll accept whatever choices you make regarding him xoxo
I mean, you'll never see most of those changes because they're all purely theoretical at the moment. I don't plan on writing anything past The Ice Plague.
More thoughts about Ash under the Read More.
The thing is, Ash was the perfect exaggerated example of someone who keeps everyone happy except for himself.
He sublimated his own personality, his own wants and needs, and hurt himself and tortured himself in order to accept everyone.
He's literally the sign that doing this is actually really kind of unhealthy for you, even if everyone else wins.
Ash will always be extremely body positive, and body accepting. Augus is too! Fat fae, thin fae, ugly fae, beautiful fae, you name it, they love it, and support it. This is never going to change. On a physical/aesthetic level, they can accept all fae, all species of fae.
But Ash directly harms himself by accepting and loving all humans. The whole arc of his character and story is that this is bad for him, and actually bad for everyone to do. The Raven Prince finds him so disgusting because he's like 'you'll literally destroy yourself for humans. Why won't you respect who you are as a fae?'
It's good and healthy for him to lose that part of himself. If he one day sees his prey as prey, then that's... appropriate, and healthier than the complexity of him making random one-off companions all the time, never seeing these people again, and having sex with them because he's literally starving himself and in a constant state of starvation.
His 'niceness' hid an extremely feral eating disorder, self-rejection, self-hatred, and an inability to accept himself. He gave everyone else what he refused to give himself, and the Glashtyn suffered for it, and he suffered for it too.
Ash is like... the ultimate People Pleaser. He's just a recovering one now.
He'll always enjoy accepting fae where they're at, and making them happy, but that's not all he is. And it's the reason Augus was so disapproving of it, and also the Raven Prince, and also Mosk. Anyone who got to know Ash better was like 'oh shit.'
Ash's arc in the canon universe is to literally start to respect himself more than he respects the food he eats. To love himself just a little bit more than the food he eats.
That might be off-putting to you, or something that saddens you, or something that you don't like about him, but imho to me that's a really powerful message, especially for chronic People Pleasers. Imho, the whole Unseelie arc and the reason I was largely writing about Unseelie characters was to highlight the ugly humanity in them, and then be like 'they still deserve love, and comfort, and to keep growing, and to keep being comforted actually, no matter what.'
And that's especially true for Ash, who is the least connected to his Unseelie self out of all of them.
Ash still accepts all the fae he meets. But yeah, his relationship to food has changed, because his relationship to himself has changed. I think he's sad about it sometimes, and still wishes he didn't have to eat humans sometimes, but...he does.
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fernsplaysthings · 1 year
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It she. The Baldur's Gate 3 girl.
Elysia Taveriel \\ Half-Drow \\ Archfey Warlock
Also goes by Elly, Lysi, and (for no good reason) with Gale, Lyssa.
A girl with self-acceptance issues. Grew up with too many people acknowledging the Drow in her and expecting evil, despite trying very hard to be good, kind, and caring. Her Patron, a questionably Unseelie Archfey Lord with a lot of moth symbolism, picked up on her struggle to not just give in and become what people expected of her. Saw a lot of itself in her, drew in by her fey roots and iron eyes, and offered it's powers with no explicit sacrifice.
Elysia knows that there'll have to be payment sometime, and the fickle nature of the Fey means it could be anything for any reason.
Despite maturing, her strong ties to the Fey solidified her playfulness and love of whimsy, although a little more refined and subdued.
Just absolutely stupidly fell for Gale the second she realised this smartass, overly well spoken, goof got stuck in a rock, and then continued falling when he let his over the top facade of confidence slip. Magic or no, she's so in love with him she'd do anything to stop him from destroying himself.
Epic romance, potential tragedy, power couple stuff. You know.
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magioffire · 2 years
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
weirdly specific headcanons ; accepting
OH PLENTY. there are a lot of things that are entirely expected of him as archmage that he either hates, or outright refuses to engage in. theres a lot he will do to fit into the unseelie court, but even valeriu has his boundaries. one of the things he refuses to engage in is flesh gardens -- grotesque sculpture-like displays created using depraved magic and the flesh of other creatures. its like bonsai, but if youre absolutely fucked up and have absolutely fucked up magic. granted, even among the dokkalfar, its considered a pretty extreme thing, and most 'flesh artists' only present their sculptures and 'art' to those who are already...in the scene. its a secretive sort of thing, but people still know the flesh gardens exist, and fear one day becoming apart of them.
another thing vali refuses to engage in is some of the things the most gluttonous aristocracy of dokkalfar eats. he likes the decadent things in life -- but he draws the line at foods that are outright cruel. hes no vegetarian, he understands that the act of killing is nessecary to consume meat, but he cannot excuse outright cruelty in the preparation of food. a notable example is edible dormouse drowned in honey. and thats not just a saying, the poor dormice are literally drowned to death in a pot of honey before they are cooked and served.
theres even a dokkalfar saying that goes along the lines of 'like a dormouse in honey' which is kind of akin to 'like a pig in shit' aka to describe someone who is very self-satisfied, but it also has a deeper, more sinister meaning -- someone who is so self satisifed they do not see their oncoming doom, likely at the hands of the same thing they take great pleasure in. contrary to the idiom, though, those poor dormice are not gaining any pleasure or self-satisfaction from being drowned in honey, and he refuses to eat it. granted, hes not the only noble that has reservations about such foods, but they are still popular enough to persist on the tables of dokkalfar nobles. he would have a similar opinion of fois gras, ortolan (basically a wild bird that is force fed until it doubles in size and then is drowned in a type of sweet cooking wine. yeah. its. yeah.), and basically any other 'delicacies' that require cruel and unusual cruelty in order to achieve the 'desired' results.
something vali once had to engage in, in order to complete his education within the lyceum, was preforming vivisections. you know, cutting open live people and animals to study their insides. hes not at all unfamiliar with it, he knows his way would the internal innards of most common creatures and humanoids from his years of studying anatomy and physiology within the lyceum. and he understands that a lot is learned from the medical theaters of the lyceum. but again, the cruelty of it all, he cant stand it. vali even takes measures to make sure *bugs* are humanely anesthetized or euthanized before he starts cutting them open, much less something much more complex. but...if he has to...he will. he just will hate every moment of it, if he can he will do what he can within his power to reduce the suffering of that of which he is cutting open, and then afterwards likely excuse himself to go throw up. its a thin tight rope to walk. needless to say, he doesnt teach apprentices in the medical theater of the lyceum much anymore.
you know theres A LOT of things about vali's society he doesnt agree with and either does everything within his power to avoid engaging in it, or engages in it EXTREMELY begrudgingly. he begrudgingly engages in the sharp edged drama and titillating gossip of the unseelie court, for if he does not stay on top of it, those sharp edges could be used against him just as easily. he begrudgingly has to appeal to the sensibilities and rationale of his peers, even if they are wrong, even if they severely look down on him because of his past, because if he doesnt, it will just be another way they discredit him. he begrudgingly engages in all the lying, and the scheming, and always appearing like hes truthful and never up to something, else the facade that kept him alive for so long will crumble. hes gotta play by their rules because despite his position as archmage, as a member of the tribunal, hes on very thin ice, and he needs to keep up appearances and be accepted into the fold just as much as he needs to appear like an untouchable object of fear and desire.
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17, 29, 40 any OC!
I got distracted with BG3
I'm also gonna include Lorzios and Lixkasalor (my BG3 Dragonborns) as well as Slips, Ja'ava, Cheese man and Rorin.
Heads up for Spoilers for BG3!
17. What positives did they extrapolate from the worst moment(s) of their life? I can't talk much about Slips-Through-Obliivon because spoilers for the fic but the positives they got from their time in Sovngarde is that they understand Cicero more with him being alone and them having only [redacted].
Ja'ava's worst moment was probably
Cheese Man is a spoilt bastard and his worst moment was getting kicked out of the Thalmor, and like, look, it is a big thing, he's lost his family and those he was close too because they wrongly thought him a traitor. He's learning to be less racist though and that people can and will help just because they're able.
Rorin is currently living through the worst time in his life. He sees no positive whatsoever in comparison to the pain he's feeling.
For Lorzios her worst moment was letting Orin get the better of her. Still, what she's learnt is that even without memory of being Father's Favourite Golden Child (Literally, she's a golden dragonborn), she's just as, if not, better at killing now.
And finally Lixkasalor, my Tav. The worst thing that happened to them was when they were denied a job as Court Jester of the Queen of Neverwinter, so they made a pact with the Queen of the Unseelie Court; they are her Jester and her Jester spreads will. They don't learn anything 'positive' in a regular sense, they learn that if someone denies you what you deserve, you take it. And well, what do they deserve more, than to rule the world on their own, with their own Elder Brain obeying every command.
29. They have a chance to get a tattoo: what would it be? Slips would get a tattoo either of the Black Hand or like, An ebony dagger for Cicero.
Ja'ava would get anything Dwemer related, maybe a Dwemer Automaton.
Cheese Man wouldn't get a Tattoo. He's not one of those "my body is a temple" but he gives off that energy.
Rorin would get one of his partner Iireden.
Lorzios wouldn't get a tattoo, her skin needs to be fresh for each time it's covered in a new coat of blood.
Lixkasalor probably has their own name on their back or something just as self-centred.
40. What is their celebrity crush? How would they react if noticed by said crush? Slips doesn't have one, they only have eyes for Cicero and everyone in Skyrim aside from DB and Ja'ava's crew pisses them off.
Ja'ava doesn't have a Celebrity Flush Crush; she has a Celebrity *Pitch* Crush. It's some teacher at the College of Winterhold where her darling girlfriend (unnamed aoy), and her cousin (J'zargo) go to. They claim to know more about Dwemer than her and it rightly enrages her. These two are kept apart because while Ja'ava doesn't usually accept murder as a suitable option, this person definitely deserves to be heavily maimed.
Cheese Man crushes on like, all of the Aldmeri celebrities. *ALL* of them. Rorin's celebrity crush is Waughin Jarth. He's a big Jarth Head. He'd probably ask Waughin to sign a book. He'd be pretty ecstatic about the whole thing.
Lorzios thinks her Father Bhaal is absolutely incredible. She kills in his honour every day, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, dusk, night twilight, dawn. She has been noticed by her Father; do you not see her Incredible Slayer form? Minthara thinks she's incredible.
Lixkasalor, despite being self grandiose and would never admit it, very much loves Volo's works. They're tsundere and very mean to him, but they wouldn't let any harm come to Volo. He's one of the few people they wouldn't care to manipulate because he's fine enough.
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dev-the-dm · 3 years
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NPC: Baron d'Avariss, Aristocrat of the Unseelie Court
"Few of the Unseelie Fey are as well-known as Baron d'Avariss, nobleman of that cursed Court, patron of collectors and the affluent. His warlocks know him as an intelligent, although self-indulged and egocentric being. But below the guise of bestowing magical abilities on those who worship him and helping the rich expand their hoards, the Baron has a secondary purpose. His place in the Court is that of High Treasurer, and he expands his influence upon the Material Plane, too - placing the sin of endless greed and desire upon the hearts of mortal men, twisting their desire into materialistic wishes until they rot to the core, forever tainted by the Baron's cursed touch."
Father of greed. The Baron started as a simple fey - a changeling boy left to steal on the streets. He owned nothing for many years, but upon the acquisition of his first gold piece, picked from the pocket of an unnamed god posing as a man, something changed. A certain desire was lit within his heart, and even as he grew and expanded his glimmering hoard, it could not be enough. When another urchin stole from him on the street in an act of pure luck and courage, the changeling condemned the child, and promised his Fey ancestors that he would give anything immaterial for the return of his possession. The Seelie Court refused, but the darkness that had already grown within him did not go unnoticed by the Unseelie Fey, who accepted his bargain, and raised him to the status of archfey, and he became the Baron.
Impostor amongst men. The Baron, now in charge of inciting eternal greed in the non-fey, does not seek out his targets, but simply waits for the right person to pass by him. He travels to the Material Plane, where he poses as a rich noble, parading his wealth until covetous eyes find him. Convincing his targets that wealth is the answer to all their problems is easy, and he bargains with them until they agree their never-ending servitude in exchange for riches beyond measure in this lifetime. The gold provided by the Baron is cursed, and infects the owner with gold-sickness, each coin disappearing eventually, until nothing but empty promises, lies, and cobwebbed vaults remain.
Archfey patron. As a warlock's patron, the Baron ever bargains with his warlocks. Their powers always come with a prize, and the Baron no longer covets only gold and riches. Each of his followers has something to offer them, and he lures them with promises of power and magic to attain what he desires.
Special equipment. The Baron wears a robe of stars and carries a wand of enemy detection. He also always carries a bag of holding filled completely with illusory gold, gems, and other treasures that look, feel, and smell real to anyone other than the Baron. His magic items aren't included in his stat block.
Friends and companions. The Baron is loyal only to the Unseelie Court and the Queen of Air and Darkness, although each of the Court's members schemes against each other Court representative. The Baron allies himself with his warlocks, as their patron, but is fiercely paranoid and does not trust any of his allies.
Requested by anonymous!
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saberies-stuff · 3 years
so karamel finally shows up…in a story full of racism and slavery. not shocked, mon-hell is right at home here.
but seriously, this has to be one of the most problematic things i’ve ever read. what even possessed you to write this. you’re using slavery as a throwaway plot point just to show how evil lex is, you’re not even addressing it as an issue. it’s just an accepted part of your world and it’s disgusting. and the whole concept of the courts, where one race is always evil and one is always good…seems like a pretty racist idea, no? nice to know the kind of bigots that are writing for karamel these days.
Well, this takes Olympic gold, in the field of mental gymnastics. Kinda expected something like this now that the Karamel is officially present.
First off, anon, this fic isn’t done yet. It’s not even close. How do you know I’m not addressing the issue of slavery within this story’s world? Unless you’ve hacked my laptop and gained access to my outline- unlikely- you can’t possibly know what I am or am not planning to include. I think I’ve already made it pretty darn clear that the way the faeries treat humans in this fic is a Very Bad Thing; however, if I immediately fix every conflict or problem that I introduce, we run into a little issue called “what would be the ever-loving point.” I’m well aware of Chekhov’s Gun here, and I promise, every issue I bring into this fic is going to be dealt with. But if you fire the gun the minute it shows up, you end up with a bunch of explosions and not a story. I’m attempting to accomplish the latter.
Second off, the Seelie and Unseelie Courts are not races. I think I was pretty obvious about this one as well. The Courts are societal groups that people are born into, but are able to leave if they choose (hence why the Wildfae even exist). I’m also pretty clear that both Courts have their issues. One is darker than the other, but neither is fully good. And once again, you don’t know where this story is headed. You have no clue whether some “good” Unseelie or some “evil” Seelie could be showing up down the line. As a matter of fact, we will be seeing some of that. But for the most part, the good-and-evil dynamic of the Courts will remain the way it is, because that’s how they work in the myths and legends I grew up with as someone of Celtic descent. I take pride in those stories and I’m going to continue to honor them, no matter who tries to turn them into something offensive.
On the subject of your little crack about Mon-El: I would just like to point out that this story’s Mon-El, much like his canon self, has been called to action by his love of the most morally upright person in the whole cast of characters, and responds to that call by becoming a force for good (which we’ll see him do much more of as the fic goes on). Lena, meanwhile, is a spoiled, arrogant princess benefiting directly from all the evil her brother perpetrates, slavery included, while facing zero consequences because of her wealth and position…also much like her canon self. So that taunt falls as flat as an overcooked soufflé.
And finally: are you seriously reading my fic just to hate on it? You clearly dislike the ship, and you clearly dislike me, not to mention that you take offense to several very large portions of the premise, so why, just WHY, are you reading?! Why are you purposefully seeking out something that you know isn’t enjoyable for you? I beg of you, anon, before you send another message like this, pick up a book. Bake some cookies. Go outside and touch some grass. Just do something that will make you happy, so you can stop trying to make other people miserable.
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melkyt · 3 years
Request: Fae AU Wintersberg
Where Heisenberg made a deal with Miranda who is an unseelie queen for powers in exchange for when she calls for him, he will ride in the hunt and be at her call.
It is Samhain (around Halloween for those not familiar) And there is an event going on at the bar.
Ethan is on vacation somewhere in europe visiting less known towns, a self proclaimed urban explorer. So he has been in liminal spaces where the fae dwell, so he is infected with their magic, but has been lucky not to get killed or pulled into their world too much, as far as he remembers. (The events of the baker house still happen but with fae magic and trauma, it is just a hazy thought to him)
This fact makes him a tasty meal.
He wonders into Heisenberg's bar out of curiosity and sits down at a table.
Whatever happens that night he does not remember but he finds his wedding ring missing. Which being a sentimental object with a heavy history, is a target no fae would ignore.
He goes back to Mia at the hotel cottage and tells her all about it. She gets angry that he lost the ring. Ethan promised to get it back tommorow when he feels better. She thinks that whoever took it will have sold it. They argue until Rose starts to cry.
He sleeps on the couch that night.
Rose's crib is in the bedroom with Mia.
When the sunsets beyond the trees there is a loud thud on a roof.
Ethan being a light sleeper all his life, snaps to attention.
There is a creek followed by Rose crying. He scrambles to his feet and runs into the room.
It is in disarray. Mia and Rose are both gone.
Neatly placed on the pillow is his ring and a single gear, next to then is a note that reads.
Your payment is not accepted, and insulting, as such we will take all that is owed us and more.
The night at the bar comes flooding back. The stranger in sunglasses who listened to his problems about how he and Mia had fallen out of love, how Ethan wished he could do something but anything he tried just made it worse.
The stranger offering to fix it all, to help him, for a small price.
Ethan drunk and at the end of his desperation to keep the fanily together asks the stranger to tell him more.
He remembers the kiss tasting of iron to seal a deal Ethan does not remmeber making. Was he really so careless with his words or did the stranger trick him somehow? The ring being handed over as payment and the regret setting in.
Then nothing, just waking up in the alley.
Ethan sinks to his knees. "What did I do?"
So starts his quests to look for his child and enter again the world of the fae. He will blame himself the entire time, when in reality he did not make a deal.
Heisenberg just wanted the ring as a snack to remind him off the odd mortal he met. He collects charged objects like this often.
But then Miranda got a smell of the ring, and she recognized a mortal (Mia) she made a deal with who was hiding in such clever ways to refuse payment and she was ecstatic and ordered Heisenberg to return the ring then take Mia and Rose.
(Requests for short fics or small idea drabbles like this are open, send an ask)
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thehessianx · 2 years
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They need an enemy, who better than me?
Have you seen JACK around Faerune? They’re a FAE [DULLAHAN] who SUPPORTS the Unseelie Queen’s reign. People have heard they’re CUNNING, AMBITIOUS & SELF-SUFFICIENT but can also be VICIOUS, ABUSIVE & UNTRUSTWORTHY. We’ll see where they fall when the revolution arrives, but until then they can be found working as a ENFORCER, TORTURER, AND QUARTERMASTER.  
Name: Unknown Aliases: Jack, The Hessian, Jack of the Lanterns, The Headless Horseman, The Crooked Man, ‘Mercy.’ Though most know him as simply “Jack” or “The Hessian.” Age: Unknown but he is surely well over a thousand years old. Affiliations:  Former Seelie and Unseelie Court member, though never a true courtier, he worked within their circles and did their dirty work for pay. Current Unseelie ‘Ally’ though his ties are loose and completely self serving. He doesn’t spend much time around Jonah anymore, thanks to the dome separating the city from his homestead. Occupation: Unseelie Enforcer, Torturer, and Quartermaster, using his talents with taming wild creatures of the feywild to serve the throne. Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male, He/Him Sexuality: Pansexual Aromantic Species: Fae- he most largely resembles the Dullahan, a portent of death from irish mythology, though he may predate the species on the whole by a substantial margin. Common Scents: Leather, hay, blood, wet earth and Feywild plants. The clinging scent of horses and livestock as well as smoke and fire. Quirks: A visible seam where head meets neck, harsh cyan eyes, tattoos across his entire body on every single joint of stitches and sewing lines, as if held together by string. When displaying his ‘true’ form, Jack’s head is alight with blue fire and he appears dead, milky white in his eyes and blanched gray skin. His hands, neck and legs are blackened with glowing blue fae writing marked into the darkened skin, the words for “Redeemer” and “Punishment” repeating several times, and his fingernails are sharper, more like a set of claws than true ‘nails.’ He does not frequently mask himself any longer, displaying his full fae appearance with exception of his ‘corpse like’ head and the flames. Marketable/Trade Skills: A skilled horseman and tamer of wild creatures, Jack offers his services to the fae of the city as a trapper and breaker of the various creatures in the Feywild, be this for an exotic pet or a beast of burden, if your pay is good and your bloodline is fae alone, Jack has little care for what you seek the creatures he tames for.
Not much about Jack has changed- The unholy Hessian of Sleepy Hollow has accepted that if he’s to be among the abominations and those with water in their blood, he may as well take solace in the knowledge that at the very least- they now sit under the rule of a proper fae. Hardly a man willing to give Opal or Dain any sort of due, Jack has, in the least, offered them his services the way he had once many millennia ago, taming steeds for the royal guard, taming feywild creatures to be kept as exotic pets by the courtiers and royals, and busting up any little chapters of rebellion he catches wind of. Taking it upon himself to ensure the citizens outside of the royal court are obedient by way of fear, Jack has once more taken up the moniker of The Hessian, and resumed his midnight rides.
Racing at top speeds through the streets of Faerune from 12 pm to 3 am, Jack attacks and punishes all those caught outside of their homes or a business, his head lashed to the saddle of his steed, Tuagh, and a grimacing pumpkin settled in its place. Those seeking to perhaps skirt the cruel fae will find their task far more difficult than perhaps initially assumed, the Dullahan’s trail through the city aided by the presence of several Cu Sith hounds braying and sniffing at the fiery cyan hooves of Jack’s beast of burden. bare-skulled and hued like the changing of seasons, overgrown with mosses and lichen, they howl and hunt with an unwavering obedience to their master, and Jack sets them upon the unsuspecting and bold enough to assume a hiding place among the alleyways could trick the snout of a beast bred only to serve the fae. The curfew stands until 6 am, however- as Jack may cease his cackling and taunting, but he still roams, watching for those without proper permission from the crown to move about in the later hours.
He’s resumed his presence at parties, though he largely only frequents those that are sexual or hedonistic in nature, no interest in playing niceties with courtiers who aren’t paying or servicing him in some other form or capacity. His farmhouse no longer sits in false dilapidation, and the farm has seen many boons, up to and including a foal born to Tuagh, named “Hatchet” and being raised to serve in place of her mother someday, as well as stables boasting various others of Tuagh’s species.
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detectivegoldstein · 2 years
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Have you seen JAMES GOLDSTEIN around Faerune? They’re a WEREWOLF who REJECTS the Unseelie Queen’s reign. People have heard they’re CARING, DEDICATED & GENUINE but can also be ABRASIVE, CYNICAL & GLOOMY. We’ll see where they fall when the revolution arrives, but until then they can be found working as a POLICE OFFICER.
NAME: James Raymond Goldstein ALIASES: James; former last name was Spencer until he was adopted at 16 by the Goldsteins; Officer (or Officer Fleabag/Dog Breath if you’re October); Handsome (mostly by October, but a few others have said it from time to time); Goldstein. AGE: 54 [Born January 6th] AFFILIATIONS: Senior partner to Connor Finley at the Faerune Police Station, current member of the Walker Pack; protected under Rex Vespidae; former Homicide Detective of New York City; member of Alphabet Mafia OCCUPATION: Police Officer of Faerune Police Station GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis Male, He/Him SEXUALITY: Bisexual, preference for particularly masculine men and all women. QUIRKS: Spattering of tattoos and scars, each having different stories to tell from James’ life. A bit of a goof once you get to know him.  Adores cats and hates that being a wolf means most felines he comes across aren’t too keen to be around him.  Takes hour long showers to try to scrub out the wet dog smell as best as he can.  Is incredibly good at his job but has two major fears: clowns and bugs.  Tends to be a workaholic because he genuinely believes in the good he can put out in the world through his profession.  Is adept at both boxing and ju-jitsu. MARKEKTABLE/TRADE SKILLS: While James doesn’t have an ounce of creativity in him (his own words), he is willing to offer up handyman services and car repairs for the new bartering system in Faerune.  
As a child, James had no idea what was awaiting him once puberty hit.  Without parents to ease him through the transition, dealing with his inner wolf was hell, even more shit piled on a child going through the system.  It made James bitter, scared to get close to anyone; at least until the Goldsteins adopted him at 16.
James kept his other half hidden from his new family; afraid they would think of him as a monster.  That they would hate him and his first and maybe only chance at happiness would be taken before he could really relish in it.  It was hard, having to explain away nights out every month.  The bouts of aggression.  But his family still gave him all the love and support they had, assuming James was still processing through a childhood of foster families.  
Adjusting to his wolf got easier as he aged.  James even felt a bit of gratification, self-acceptance, when he could use his abilities to work his way up through the New York force.  Six years working the beat, he became a homicide detective, and his family could never be prouder.  And maybe, just maybe, his biological parents felt the same way, if they could see him.  James wasn’t a spiritual man, but it still gave him a sense of comfort to think his parents looked after him.
Things went fairly well for James throughout his adult years.  Sure, his love life was abysmal, too many partners complaining of him already being married to his job, but overall, he was happy.  It was a good life, while it lasted.
James would never admit it to anyone but working Homicide for 16 years really was starting to take a toll on him.  He never talked to anyone about how it was affecting him, seeing the most depraved of humanity.  It was becoming harder to go into work each day.  
One particular case really hit close to home.  A foster kid was found dead, brutally tortured until they succumbed to blood loss.  It made him so angry, that 30 years later and still kids were going through absolute hell in the system.  It was the night before the full moon when James was on his way to arrest the son of a bitch who did this, and that should have set off all the red flags in his head.  But he was blinded by his emotions, exacerbated by his inner wolf baying for blood.
The arrest was going smoothly at first, until the perp had the balls to laugh and say no one was going to miss some orphan trash anyway.  James saw red, his composure snapped.  It took 4 officers to pry him off the bloody pulp of what was once a man, his fists raw with broken skin from each blow he had lashed out onto the perp.  Realization slowly crept up James’ spine, his head spinning as he fought back the urge to vomit.  What the fuck did he do?  
On instinct, he shoved off the other officers and ran.  The still rational part of his brain knew he would be even more dangerous locked within a prison.  They don’t know that he can transform into a monster.  That he was a monster.  
James went on the run.  He broke all communication with his family, sending one last text saying goodbye and that he was so, so sorry, before throwing his phone into the Hudson.  For 5 years he moved from town to town, working small jobs while he battled with his self-hatred.  
It was by chance that he ran into another wolf during his travels; they mentioned a place where beings like them were accepted.  James didn’t feel like he deserved to be in a place where he would be accepted.  If anyone knew what he’d done, surely, they would be just as disgusted with him as he was with himself.  But…he was tired of running.  So many years of being alone, of being afraid of being near another person.  Spending most nights drowning himself in liquor to numb the pain.  It was truly wearing him down.  
Faerune was nothing like he’d expected.  Maybe it was his own ignorance, but he half expected some Middle Earth-like place.  But no, it was a bustling city.  Sure, it was no New York, but it still was lively, full of people.  James wasn’t sure how he felt about that.  More people meant more chances to hurt someone.  
In bit of a dazed state, he walked into a police station, surprised there even was one.  He told the receptionist that he was new to town and used to be a cop.  Lead to the captain’s office, he gave them his work history.  James felt guilty, leaving out the reason why he left the force, but this might be his only chance to repent for his fuckup.  
He was offered the position of detective, but after a moment of consideration he declined.  James had loved his old job, but he recognized that it was one of the catalysts for him losing control.  So instead, he was assigned to work with Finley, an absolute rookie by comparison to James’ 20 plus years’ experience.  
The captain hoped he could shape the kid to be as “accomplished” of an officer as James was.  If only they had known that such a suggestion was a direct shot to the wolf’s heart.  Still, he would try his best.  If anything, he could make sure the kid turned out a better man than he ever was.
Now James has a daughter in his life he never knew existed and wants to be there for her in the way he never had the chance to.  He is also involved with Sloane and Atlas, which has helped him to lower his walls a bit and soften up a smidge.  He’s also taken it upon himself to teach Sloane and Zeke how to fight, so that they have the self-defense skills they may need in this new reign.  
He hates this new takeover but feels like his hands are tied due to his position as a civil servant.  That doesn’t stop him from performing acts of rebellion to aid his friends, especially if that means turning a blind eye to certain activities.  
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shera-dnd · 3 years
Well you better be ready, because I packed this one full of it
The campfire crackled between them, fire lighting their faces and smoke rising into the night sky. Silence had fallen over their camp, and none dared to break it. Belladonna, the Black Cat turned Black Knight, held her knees to her chest, tail wrapped protectively around her body. Though she easily towered over her companions, now she felt so small and frail.
“I knew there was something wrong with Taurus,” Amitola spoke first. She could still remember the way Belladonna looked at him like he was the most beautiful thing in the world, and how he looked at her like she was nothing more than a valuable asset.
“And I should have known much sooner,” Belladonna replied, quietly.
Weiss, for her part, stayed quiet. Amitola wasn’t sure if this was due to having her words taken from her, or out of respect for their conversation.
“He lied to us,” she said, and red tinged her skin as her anger rose, “he said the humans took you. That we should avenge your death.”
“Of course he did,” Belladonna sighed, though there was no disappointment in her voice, there was still sadness, “I shouldn’t be surprised that he turned my defiance into more fuel for his revenge.”
“When I saw you I thought...I thought you had faked your own death to escape us, that you had left us,” that you had left me, she thought, but did not dare say it out loud, “when you had only left him.”
“Could you claim you would have been more accepting?” Belladonna asked, looking her in the eyes, “that the court wouldn’t have slain me the moment I spoke of my plan.”
And once more there was silence, tense and agonizing. Holding the Black Cat’s gaze in that moment was like holding your breath, and there was only so long Amitola could keep that up.
“No, I cannot,” she spoke, red shifting into blue, “even now I doubt this plan will ever work.”
Belladonna let out a sad chuckle, “sometimes even I have my doubts.”
“Well, I don’t!” Weiss declared, breaking her silence. Though Amitola could only shake her head, the Black Cat looked at her with something almost like hope in her eyes. “You are a fae who has clad herself in iron, and refused to burn. You have done the impossible once, Lady Blake, I cannot see how you couldn’t do it a second time.”
“I appreciate your confidence, my lady,” Belladonna thanked, “but I have done nothing more than accept Lord Ozpin’s gift.”
“Then accept my gift as well,” Weiss insisted, taking the Black Cat’s hand. Jealous greens and reds marred her at the sight, “I shall take my father’s seat at the council, and my sister shall take Ironwood’s once she becomes the Witch of Winter. Together we can sway the council in our favor, we can reshape Atlas. We can build the bridge from our side too.”
Light returned to Belladonna’s eyes and she smiled, “I didn’t take you for the kind to have big dreams, Lady Weiss.”
“This isn’t a dream,” she countered, “it’s a plan, and my plans don’t fail!”
Amitola couldn’t help herself. “Haven’t your plans for the festival failed miserably?”
“Things have certainly not gone the way I expected, but I must say…” Weiss took her hands away from Belladonna’s and looked directly at Amitola, with a smirk on her face that set her skin into a riot of colors, “I much prefer it this way.”
Her body seemed to decide that yellows and pinks were the colors of choice for the moment, as much as the fae herself found it profoundly disagreeable, forcefully changing it back to its natural colors.
“This still doesn’t speak well for your planning skills, Schnee,” Amitola argued, “and here I thought your whole family knew how to scheme from birth.”
“Actually, we have a scheming tutor,” Weiss played along, “though I can’t say I paid much attention to mine.”
“I take it you were too busy daydreaming about sword fighting and rescuing damsels in distress to pay attention to your classes,” Amitola joked, finally getting her revenge by making the human blush for once.
“You are…not incorrect,” Weiss answered quietly.
This whole time none of them seem to notice the bright smile on Belladonna’s face. Genuine and full of joy, only growing as they continued to playfully argue. It was only when laughter escaped her lips that her cheer was brought to their attention.
“Are you well, Lady Blake?” Weiss asked, a little worried by the sudden display of mirth from the fae.
“I’m more than well,” she answered, another chuckle escaping her, “you two just reminded me of why I chose this path in the first place.”
Weiss looked oh so very pleased with herself, smiling back at the Black Cat. Amitola on the other hand was utterly disgusted at the implication, and at how happy it made the Schnee. She forced her skin to shift a sickly green, before faking a gag.
“Don’t be rude!” Weiss complained, nudging her with her elbow.
“Bite me, Schnee!”
Belladonna could only laugh at those two, comfortably leaning back and watching them go at each other once again, her tail swaying contently behind her. To see a Schnee and an unseelie play around like this, it made her mission feel just a little bit more possible, and the slightest hint more rewarding.
It was unfortunate then that Amitola did not quite see the value in Belladonna’s pursuit.
In the days that followed Amitola continued to fulfil her roles in Fennec and Corsac’s plan. It started simple, spying on the human nobility, taking on different faces so she could listen to their never ending gossip.
Then came the rumors, spread through words she spoke in the wind, or through faces that weren’t her own. Small things, little twists on the truth, small lies here and there to rile up the nobility. Soon fear would spread among them, the fear that there was a spy in their ranks, that one of the kingdoms was conspiring against the others, during a celebration of peace no less.
Amitola did not delude herself, she knew this wouldn’t be enough to spark a war between the nations, this was simply the first step, gathering wood so someone else may light the pyre of war. But once the fire was lit, she had made sure that it had enough fuel to keep on burning until Atlas was consumed whole.
And the Schnees along with it.
Not a month ago she would’ve been filled with pride at having a hand in the destruction of that damned family, and their accursed kingdom with it. Now it was difficult to find any joy in this. When every night she returned to that same smile from across the campfire, the smell of the meal she had prepared for them, the sound of that playful voice. It stripped her heart of any joy it could find, and in its place left only the terrible weight of guilt.
She knew peace wasn’t an option, that Belladonna had deluded herself, and that this could only end in war. This was her only option. If this could only end with one side destroying the other, then she had to make sure her side was the one to survive.
She had to do this. They had to burn so her people wouldn’t have to.
Even when Penny stumbled onto her again and again, every time offering little apologies riddled with that sweet giggle of hers.
They had to burn.
Even when the Branwen sisters sang and recited beautiful poetry about their home, their family, the people they love.
They had to burn.
Even when she saw that sparkle in Belladonna’s eye whenever she talked about the future and all the amazing things they’d achieve together.
They had to burn.
Even when Weiss smiled so sweetly. When she snarked and bantered with Amitola over something silly. When she gave Amitola space, because she knew when to back down. When she laughed. When they sparred. When she looked at her, her real self, as if she had never seen something quite so beautiful.
They had to burn.
But Amitola didn’t want to be the one to light that torch.
Days passed, and the tournament grew ever nearer, with now only two nights between them and the great event they had been waiting for. It was half heartedly then that Amitola continued her job, that she continued to don the faces of strangers and speak words she did not care to remember.
It was perhaps of this indisposition that she did not catch the pair of eyes that followed her as she left the tents of the vacuan emissaries.
“Lady Ilia,” called the last voice she wished to hear.
Amitola did her best to pretend not to hear it. She turned to leave, but there she was.
“I’ve been looking for you all evening,” Weiss informed her, “where have you been?”
“None of your business, Schn--Gigas,” Amitola snapped.
There was some annoyance in her expression, but she put it away and did not push. Curse her for being so understanding.
“How did you find me anyways?” Amitola continued, trying her best to stay angry at her companion.
“Mostly luck, but with some unwitting help from Lord Marigold,” Weiss answered, causing the fae’s eyes to go wide in attention, “he was attempting to spy on you for some gods forsaken reason, but I sent him scurrying away before he got the chance.”
Oh no.
How much had Marigold seen? How long had he been following her? Damn it all, if he saw something she couldn’t risk letting him tell anyone. But silencing him would require…
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay. He didn’t see anything,” Weiss assured, offering Amitolla her arm, “how about I walk you back to camp?”
Or maybe she could ignore the little lordling for now. It’s not like anyone with any real power actually believes a single word he says. Oh, curse the Schnee again for having this effect on her.
“I...wouldn’t be opposed,” she sighed, resigning herself to a fate of wanting to spend time with a Schnee and genuinely enjoying it.
And so they crossed the festival grounds, arm in arm in a way that Amitola vehemently refused to acknowledge. Part of her worried that people were watching them, making assumptions as to the nature of their relationship, but it was clear the festival goers could not care less about a single minor noble and her little knight.
Weiss on the other hand was trying her best to not look profoundly pleased by this turn of events. She was failing miserably, of course, but it was clear that she was trying. Another curse, this time for being so endeering in her awkwardness.
“You know, I meant what I said,” Weiss spoke, quietly, so only the fae could hear it, “the festival hasn’t gone the way I expected it, but I think I’m much happier with how things turned out.”
Amitola did not answer. It was hard to, when it felt like Weiss had just impaled her heart.
“As a kid I always wanted to come to the festival. I wanted to be a knight like my sister, and compete in the Vytal tournament,” she continued, unaware of the pain in her companion’s heart, “this is my first festival, and I’m glad I get to enjoy it with you.”
They had to burn.
“This is my first festival too,” she informed, voice naturally even, as she did all she could to hide the turmoil building inside her, “my parents used to show me the tents when I was a kid, and they told me that someday, when I had mastered my glamours, I would get to walk among the humans and enjoy the celebrations with you.”
“They must be happy for you then,” Weiss offered with a smile, but she was wrong.
They had to burn.
“I’m certain that they would be.”
There was a question stuck between Weiss’s lips, something she wasn’t sure she wanted the answer to, so instead she stayed silent. Thankfully they had reached their camp and Amitola finally had an excuse to escape the Schnee’s terrifyingly comforting touch.
“Where is Blake?” Amitola asked, trying to escape the topic.
“She plans to spend the night with Lady Yang,” Weiss answered, “I believe she wishes to tell her about her nature.”
“Of course,” was her only reply, now wishing for nothing more than sweet silence.
For a while Weiss obliged, focusing all her attention on making them both supper. Allowing Amitola to enjoy some momentary peace, even if her mind and heart denied her any. It was unfortunate then, that even this flawed blessing was also a fleeting one.
“That’s why you hate my family, isn’t it?” Weiss asked, though she already knew the answer, “we’ve hurt you and your family.”
“Always so clever, Schnee,” Amitola mocked, half heartedly, “yes, your family is the reason why my parents and my entire village are gone.”
Shock and horror spread through Weiss’s face, “I did not know.”
They had to burn.
“Of course you didn’t, you were probably just a little girl back then,” Amitola offered, “I was barely old enough to understand what was happening.”
She only noticed she was crying when she saw the stains from the teardrops on her dress. It had been so long and yet that memory still wracked her with such terrible sadness. Even back with Taurus, when he insisted that she allowed that tragedy to fuel her rage, she could not find any anger in her, only sadness. Anger and hate were things she had to learn.
“Your family’s men had pushed my village further down river, so they could open up a new iron mine,” she told her through the tears, “for a while we thought that would be it, that if we just lived our lives away from your people, that maybe we’d be allowed to live on,” a sad chuckle escaped her, “but things just couldn’t be that easy. One day that mine flooded, and the iron your father had mined now poisoned our river, and my village burned.”
“I’m sorry,” Weiss whispered, tears streaking down her face as well, “I’m so sorry.”
They...had to burn.
“I know.”
Amitola couldn’t look at Weiss right now, she couldn’t bear to see the genuine sadness and worry in it, so she looked away. So she was surprised when she felt Weiss’s arms wrap around her in the terrible comfort of a hug.
“I--I promise I won’t let anything like this happen again. I swear it, I’ll do everything within my power to keep this tragedy from repeating itself,” Weiss swore once more. Yet another on the long list of oaths she has made to Amitola.
And yet, this time, she believed her. She genuinely and truly believed every word Weiss said. She was a human, a Schnee, and Amitola couldn’t help but trust her implicitly. But that wasn’t the worst part - no - the worst part was the revelation that came next.
“They would have loved you, you know?” Amitola said, voice cracking with every word, “my parents. They would’ve been truly happy that I met you.”
Weiss pulled away, just enough to look into the fae’s eyes. Perhaps it was all the tears clouding her vision, but to her the Schnee’s expression was unreadable.
“I would have been honored to meet them.”
She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t keep tearing herself apart, she couldn’t keep doing this.
“Curse you, Weiss,” Amitola whispered, “why must you be kind? Why can’t you be the monster I always thought you’d be?”
Weiss wiped away her tears, looking at her now with clear confusion, “what?”
“Things would be so much easier if you were some hateful monster. It would be so much easier if I didn’t care,” Amitola accused as she shoved her away, “but you had to be so trusting, you just had to be lovely, did you not? You had to make this hurt.”
“Ilia, I don’t understand.”
“I betrayed you, you fool!” Amitola shouted, “I’ve been spying for the fae for days now, and you just let me, because you were enough of an idiot to trust me!”
Weiss tried to stand up, but roots and vines had grown around her legs while she was distracted.
“Ilia!” She called, desperately trying to get rid of damned plants.
“Curse you, Weiss Schnee,” she repeated, more softly, with every hope that Weiss wouldn’t hear, “curse you for making me love you.”
She left for the woods before she could hear her answer.
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sparklyfairymira · 4 years
Prompt & Fic Updates (Updated 5/9)
Because I have a lot of fics and prompts upcoming, here is a list so you can see what's in queue and when my WIPs are set to update. Generally speaking, I will stick to this schedule as much as a I can, though it might change from time to time.
Chapter 3 (Final): 6/23/21
Chapter 3 (Final): 6/30/21
BELLARKE/MINTY/HARPHY Chapter 3: 7/7/21 Chapter 4: 7/21/21 Chapter 5: 8/18/21 Chapter 6: 9/1/21 Chapter 7: 9/13/21
Chapter 2: 7/14/21 Chapter 3: 8/9/21 Chapter 4: 8/25/21
Chapter 7: 6/25/21 Updating every Friday
See below the cut for my upcoming prompts
Expected publication date: 6/26/21
Seelie Princess Clarke is set to marry Unseelie Prince Wells, her childhood friend as has been arranged since their birth, but there is nothing less in the world that she wants to do. So she decides to run from the court but somehow ends up in the Shadow Court—somewhere that no Seelie should ever be. But then she meets the King of the Shadow Court Bellamy and something is drawing her to him. Bellamy can’t believe his luck with one of his subjects shows up at his door with a Seelie Fae and not just any Seelie, it turns out, but the Seelie Princess. He thinks that he’ll be able to use her to finally have his court recognized by the other two. He wasn’t expecting her to be his soulmate but as soon as their eyes lock, he knows. And he knows that he can never let her leave him.
Expected publication date: 7/3/21
Clarke is a nurse who works hella late nights in the ER and walks home. She’s attacked one night while walking home — nothing happened because a (tall, muscular) stranger happened to be nearby and pulled the guy off her. But the man in question, Roan she learns, tells her that if she’s going to walking home in the city at night she should learn how to protect herself. So she signs up for a self-defense class...and Roan ends up being the instructor. He teaches her how to defend herself, and she starts growing more confident in herself in general. Confident enough to ask him out after class one day. Let’s just say they never make it to their dinner reservation.
Expected publication date: 7/10/21
Clarke falls in love with Bellamy the moment she lays eyes on him. He's smart and handsome and has a fire inside of him that she finds mesmerizing. Sure, he's always been secretive, but his secrets are a small price to pay for his love. But then she learns what those secrets are, and suddenly the price doesn't seem so small. He's not what she thought he was, and even though she loves him, she plots to take him down
Expected publication date: 7/17/21
Their group consists of six. Bellamy, a convict with a thirst for revenge. Miller, a sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager. Monty, a runaway with a privileged past. Raven, a spy known as the Wraith. Clarke, a Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. Murphy, a thief with a gift for unlikely escapes. Somehow they managed the impossible heist only to be backstabbed and Raven to be kidnapped. They get Raven back and they get their revenge but nothing ever comes for free. "We were all supposed to make it, " Monty says softly. Maybe they'd been naive but they had never questioned their survival—no matter how dicey the situation seemed. But Bellamy is dying in Clarke's arms—the only place he wants to be—and Raven is telling her that she has to accept it. Only Clarke knows that she doesn't have to. She may not have the jurda parem but it's already changed her powers. She can do this. She knows she can. She pulls on all of the power that she can and forces it into Bellamy's body as the last breath leaves his lips. Or a Six of Crows AU that picks up at the end of Crooked Kingdom with slightly different results.
Expected publication date: 7/19/21
Emori isn't the sentimental type. When you grow up the way she did, you tend to learn to not get attached to things. When you get attached, that opens you up to loss. And she's had about all the loss she can handle. But then she meets Bellamy. He's a grad student at NYU, this hot book nerd whose hair is always a mess and who comes to her bar to do homework like some sort of weird. Says he grew up basically in a bar, and the background noise helps him focus when his apartment gets too quiet. And he's...not her type. He's got kind eyes and his hair is always a mess and he's getting a master's so he can teach history and he wants to travel the world to see all of the places he's going to teach students about in person. He wears his heart on his sleeve and makes stupid jokes and chats with everyone he sees. Meanwhile, she's got hard edges and a rough exterior no one's ever gotten close enough to even try to crack. Well, no one until Bellamy. And the closer he gets, the more she starts to think maybe the risk of opening up is worth the reward...
Expected publication date: 7/24/21
Riot Night changed Clarke’s life forever. A gang war between the Grounders and the Reapers had reached a head that night. The first riot began at the abandoned amusement park where Clarke and Raven were attending an underground MMA fight. Clarke makes sure that Raven gets away but finds herself in danger only to be rescued by three extremely attractive mystery men. Three mystery men that framed her as the ringleader of Riot Night. It’s eleven months later and she is coming back to Arkadia for the first time in the eight months since she was acquitted of all charges. As she arrives at her mother’s house she discovers that the three mystery men are her new housemates and they have no intentions of leaving. Now all that she desires to revenge—no matter the cost. When she finds herself in danger it is her new housemates that vow to keep her safe. Can Clarke learn to trust Bellamy, Murphy, and Roan? Does she need to trust them to sleep with them? Because it has been a long eleven months of celibacy and they are all stupidly hot. Based on the Madison Kate series, a reverse harem enemies-to-lovers story involving lots of sex and lots of violence.
Will be added to WIP list w/ expected publication dates after the first chapter is posted.
Expected Publication date: 7/31/21
Murphy is married to Clarke Griffin, a hotshot doctor who's on her way to becoming the youngest chief of surgery ever at Arkadia Memorial. But their marriage is more show than anything these days, and neither of them is in love anymore. She's constantly at work, and he's left to his own devices. That is until he meets Emori at one of Clarke's hospital galas. The affair they startup is supposed to be fun, a bit of distraction from Murphy's otherwise mundane life. But then real feelings develop, and he isn't sure how he's supposed to tell Clarke that he thinks he's found the one...and it's not her.
Expected publication date: August
Clarke, Princess of the Arkadian ocean, and Bellamy, Prince of the Mecha sea, were not supposed to ever meet—let alone fall in love. There were engagements to uphold, treaties to sign, and wars to win. But they do meet and they fall in love—deciding to leave it all behind. Before they can run away together their two kingdoms unite to banish the princess and the prince to separate oceans, to separate their souls, despite the sea witch's warnings. But soulmates always find a way back to one another. Can Bellamy and Clarke find each other and right a wrong from centuries ago?
Will be added to WIP list w/ expected publication dates after the first chapter is posted.
Expected publication date: August
Growing up Octavia never understood why the foxes would follow her around. It wasn't until she hit her teen years that she learned that she was a Kitsune—the Queen of the Kitsune. In a world where the supernatural is viewed as evil, she has to learn how to rule her people but also how to live in the world into which she was born. Lincoln is a dragon shifter—a warrior with one purpose: wipe out the Kitsunes. He doesn't know why their two people are at war but he has never approved. When he meets Octavia it is easy to forget that their people are enemies. Can true love overcome everything for these natural enemies?
Expected publication date: August
Octavia's father left when she was just six years old, leaving her feeling unloved. It is her big brother Bellamy that picks her up and helps her put herself back together again. He is the first man to show her that they don't always leave and that she isn't unlovable. Octavia begins modeling in her teens and her father shows up under the guise of catching up and getting to know one another—but really all he wants is money. Luckily her stepdad Marcus is there to help her put herself back together again. He's the second man to show her that they don't always leave and that she isn't unlovable. When Octavia meets actor Lincoln she is cautious, afraid to put herself out there but he wins her over. And then they're married and starting a family. When she gives birth to their daughter she vows that she will never be like her father and it is Lincoln that shows her what it truly means to be a father. Inspired by "Piece by Piece" by Kelly Clarkson
Expected publication date: August
Clarke and Murphy grew up together and they caused a lot of trouble together in their teens. They left Arkadia as soon as they were both eighteen and set out to make lives for themselves. They turned to robbery for an easy way to get some cash, but then a job goes wrong and Clarke gets caught and Murphy just runs. She’s spent the last six years in jail and he’s never once come to see her. Now she’s out and she wants revenge. But as soon as her eyes land on him, all those old feelings come back and she can’t decide which is stronger—her love for him or her need for revenge.
Expected publication date: August
When Octavia discovered her powers to control the weather she had been excited but a little overwhelmed. She tried to teach herself how to use them since there were no sorcerers or sorceresses in her village. Unfortunately, she’d lost control and massacred her entire village—her mother and brother included. When she was found out they tried to kill her, spewing hate and telling her that she is a monster. So she became the monster that they accused her of being. Years later when she meets a soldier named Lincoln who has been injured, something happens that she never expected—the ice around her heart begins to melt. Lincoln isn’t afraid of her and he is kind to her. She doesn’t understand it but she finds herself falling hard.
Expected publication date: September
Bellamy and Clarke have been married for five years and they're just as happy as the date they got married. They love their jobs, their dog, their friends, their life. When Clarke's childhood friend Roan begs Clarke to be his date to his mom's wedding, she and Bellamy decide what's the harm—especially with Roan willing to foot the bill and pay her for her time. Bellamy's only condition is that he goes to. Roan agrees which should be the end of it—until the couple realizes that they're falling for Roan.
Expected publication date: September
Clarke found the staircase in the middle of the woods—a place she’s been a million times before and it had never been there. Something was drawing her to them and as she climbed and climbed, clouds began to appear around her. When she pushes through the door she finds herself in a whole new world. Bellamy welcomes her to the City of Clouds and explains that the only way she could have found her way there is if she was looking for an escape. Clarke doesn’t want to admit it but she was looking for an escape from the pressures of her life—her mother’s expectations and pressure to marry Finn. It was all just too much. The City of Clouds is beautiful and she’s never known a place like it. And she’s never known a man like Bellamy before. And now she’s not sure that she ever wants to go home.
Expected publication date: September
Clarke, the Winter Queen, has only ever known cold and logic. Bellamy, the Summer King, has only ever known warmth and emotions. When their two realms suddenly start bleeding into one another they have to figure out how to stop it. If they happen to fall for one another in the process, who can blame them? Can he teach her how to feel? Can she teach him how to use his head and his heart?
Expected publication date: September
Bellamy Blake was seven years old when his mother was murdered and he and his sister were stolen away to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, and Bellamy desires nothing more than to belong there but many of the fey despise humans. Especially Princess Clarke, the youngest and wickedest daughter of the High Queen. To win a place at the Court, Bellamy must defy her and face the consequences. Consequences deep down he's not ready to face—like falling in love with Clarke even though he can't stand the mere sight of her. A Cruel Prince AU
Expected publication date: October
The sorceress of Arkadia, Raven, has only one job—to keep Prince Murphy alive until his coronation. There have been multiple attempts against his life and it has been decided that she is best equipped to protect him. She takes him far from the palace so that she can protect him. What she wasn’t expecting was to fall into bed and then in love with him.
Expected publication date: October
Clarke is the beloved queen of Arkadia and when Azgeda declares war on Arkadia, she is right there beside her soldiers fighting. During a battle, she is wounded and she’s not sure that she will survive but a man rescues her and nurses her back to health. Bellamy tells her of the chaos that the world has become since she went missing—water turning to blood & crops dying. It seems that there is some kind of curse on the land. Clarke immediately tries to drag herself from bed but she can’t even stand. Eventually, he agrees to see her home so that she can right their lands. And if he’s a little bit in love with her, who can blame him?
Expected publication date: October
A continuation of chapter 39 of "We are all caught in the in between (Of what's real and what's a dream?)"
Expected publication date: October
A continuation/epilogue for my fic A waking dream of life and light (hath left me broken-hearted)
Expected publication date: October
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century AU — Clarke grew up on the Ark with her parents and loves everything about her life in space. But after getting into trouble one too many times, her parents are sending her to spend some time on Earth with her Aunt Diyoza. To say Earth is a huge culture shock would be an understatement. But things begin to look up once she manages to make some friends, especially Bellamy, the cute boy who is fully fascinated by her life living among the stars. Everything is actually going great until Clarke discovers something that puts life on her beloved space station in jeopardy.
Expected publication date: November
Arkadia, once a prosperous land filled with magic is slowly crumbling beneath the darkness that spreads from the forest that borders their lands—the magic all but lost and forgotten. As the darkness spreads, Arkadians begin to sicken and die. Following his mother's death and his sister falling ill, Bellamy decides that he shall brave the darkness and destroy Wanheda. Wanheda, the Commander of Death, used to have another name—Princess Clarke of Arkadia. In order to keep her people and her lands from being overwhelmed by evil, she took it upon herself to keep the darkness at bay. Into the forest, she went and made her home in a tower far from anyone and everyone that she has ever known. For centuries she has taken the darkness into herself to save her people and it has slowly been seeping into her soul until she has forgotten her former self. Now all she knows is the darkness. Can Bellamy save Arkadia and Clarke?
Expected publication date: November
Clarke bought a little cabin in the woods so that she could get out of the city. She just can’t do all of the people and all of the constant going anymore. Everything is going well until she gets bit by a wolf and then on the next full moon, she turns into a wolf herself. She’s scared and confused—not to mention lost—when the black wolf finds her. She immediately knows that he’s like her—a werewolf. He helps her through the night until they fall asleep under the stars. When they wake up naked, she finds out that the black wolf is a very hot guy named Bellamy who has a proposition for her. Bellamy was born a werewolf, a gene passed down by his mom. He was raised as part of the pack and Marcus, the pack leader, was training him to take over when the time came. But then another pack came and killed most of their pack. Those that they didn’t kill they took prisoner—his sister being one of them. The only reason he’s alive is that Marcus had sent him out of state to meet with another pack. He knows that the wolf that bit Clarke is in this pack because he’d been watching her when she got bit—he just hadn’t been fast enough to stop it. Bellamy tells Clarke that he can help her get revenge on the man that turned her into a werewolf as long as she helps him get his people back. She doesn’t hesitate, her thirst for revenge and blood running too deep.
Expected Publication Date: November
Lincoln sets sail one week following his wedding to Octavia, promising to return in six months, leaving her with nothing but a paper boat. It's been two years and everyone thinks he's dead. But then rumors reach her of a man who looks likes her dead husband, swimming in the sea—with a tail instead of legs. So she steals her brother's boat and sets off to find her husband.
Expected publication date: November
Clarke finds herself in love with two people: Bellamy and Lexa. Neither of them can stand one another and it's probably at least in part due to the fact that she refuses to choose between them. Tired of the pair's fighting she tricks them both into coming over at the same time and tells them that she will not choose. If they cannot get along then they can both leave. It's either both or neither of them. Reluctantly they get to know one another and realize that maybe the other isn't so bad.
Holidate AU. FWB. June holiday. Expected Publication Date: 6/28/21
Holidate AU. FWB. July holiday. Expected publication date: 7/12/21
Holidate AU. FWB. August holiday. Expected publication date: 8/23/21
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Soulbonds and Fairy Dust
TITLE: Soulbonds and Fairy Dust (rewrite) CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 36/?
AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine one of the fae has been helping the Avengers, jumping in to help them on missions and vanishing before Shield can bring her in.  Loki joins the team and convinces her to come talk to the team and consider joining before Shield takes more drastic measures. RATING: M NOTES/WARNINGS:  This is a rewrite of the original work of the same name.  Also on AO3 here
Loki looked impressed. No wonder she could truename so much stronger than the other fae.  “Are you the only one with that power?” he asked.  He was always so curious and that didn’t change now.
Sig nodded. “I am, which makes it more dangerous when I truename things and when oaths are sworn in my presence,”
“Why is that?”
She paused and considered how to best explain that.  “Well, I can identify anyone and anything’s truename, which is dangerous enough, since that gives me at least some power over that being, as you saw me do to Jareth,” Loki was nodding along, so she continued.  “The other thing very, very few people know I can do and it takes a lot of power to do so, but I can change something’s true name, change their nature entirely,” she told him softly, sharing one of her secrets with him.  No one outside of Underhill knew she could do that and she wanted to keep it that way.  
Loki’s brows furrowed in confusion and disbelief. “Change their nature? That shouldn’t be possible,” he protested.
“And yet, I can,” she told him with a shrug. “I’ve only done it a couple of times, and it’s not something to be done lightly, especially since it takes a lot of power to do, but I can,”
“That is quite impressive,” Loki commented and thought it over before he found his next question. “What natures have you changed?” he asked gently, feeling that it might not be an easy story.   
She sighed before she started, but she had agreed to answer questions, and she wouldn’t hide her past from him.  “Once by accident when I was a child, I changed the nature of one of the hunt hounds so it would be my friend instead of the savage hunter it was being trained to be.  I didn’t understand what it was I’d done at the time,” she explained.  Loki nodded.  Accidental magic among children was common and understood.  She hesitated before she continued.  “The other time, I’m not proud of…,” she told him softly, letting him know how difficult this story would be to tell.
“Tell me when you’re ready, darling. I won’t force you into anything,” he reassured her quickly, making sure she knew that he wouldn’t force or pressure her to tell him things that she wasn’t ready to. He was here to support her, not pressure her.  
She sighed, but pressed on.  “It was when I was being evaluated for my place in the court when I came of age.  One of the gray ladies had an evening with one of the lords of the unseelie court and her child wasn’t up to seelie perfection.  She claimed she had been unable to see through his illusion, but that didn’t change that the child was born covered in feathers. I was told to change the child’s nature to fit the standards of the seelie court or she would be killed for her imperfection,” she told Loki, admitting what she’d done with sorrow in her tone.  She hadn’t wanted to change her nature, but there had been no choice.
“What happened?” he pressed gently.
“I gave the child a new truename,” she told him simply.  She’d changed her to be seelie perfect as required.  It had been the only way to save her life. “The last time I saw her, she was a toddler with bright gold hair and eyes,” she told him, then sighed.  “Her mother catches her staring longingly at the sky though and I know I took it from that girl.  She will never fly, because of my meddling,” she told him softly, sorrow haunting her eyes at what she had done, though it was awhile ago.
“I’m sorry, love,” Loki told her gently, pulling her into his arms.  
Sig let him, accepting the comfort he offered.  “As I said, I’m not proud of it, but it was a choice between changing her nature or letting her be killed.  I made the only choice I could,” she said with a hitch in her voice.  It had been a difficult decision at best and she knew she cost the girl her wings and stripped the sky from her.  
“I understand, darling,” she heard his own haunted past in his words. “Some choices are not easy but they must be made,” he told her gently.
She nodded, glad that he understood, though she wouldn’t press him for the details on how.  He would tell her when he was ready. “The oath thing can have some interesting results depending on my mood.  I’ve had to witness thousands of weddings since coming into my dominion.  Needless to say couples who vow to remain faithful in my presence, will remain faithful,” she told him with a smirk and mischief in her eyes.  The fae weren’t known for their fidelity.
“That’s amazing,” Loki told her, sounding truly impressed.
She nodded.  “But it takes a touch of power and me actually feeling like enforcing the oaths, so normal everyday promises are usually safe in my presence.  Usually,”
“So I should be careful what oaths I make in her presence?” he teased.
“You’re safe.  I like you too much.  The moron who cheated on his girlfriend and swore to eat a million beetles to prove himself to her should have been more careful who was in the room when he made that oath…” she laughed at the old memory.  
Loki’s eyebrows shot up in shock.  “Oh wow. Note to self: never piss off Sigyn,” he teased, laughing at the poor fool’s misfortune.
She giggled.  “You’re just now figuring that out?” she asked him just as teasingly.
“No, but that really brings it to the forefront. You can be terrifying when you want to be,” he was teasing, but also shocked and awed that she’d done that to someone. 
“It’s not my fault he swore to eat a million beetles!” she protested indignantly.
Loki laughed.  “Did you stay and watch him follow through?” He asked, genuinely curious as to what had become of the man who had vexed Sig.
She laughed.  “That was a hundred years ago.  I think he’s still working on it.  He was halfway through last I heard,”
“Wow. And the girl? Has she stuck around?”
“Hell no. She was never going to forgive him anyway,” she said with a shrug. He’d been moronic to think she would.
“What an idiot. And now he’s stuck eating beetles for a few centuries,” Loki mused.  
She laughed.  “So he is.  Maybe he’ll learn not to cheat again when another girl deigns to allow him to court her,”
“If that ever happens. I’m sure rumors have spread about his infidelity,”
“They have.  He keeps having to explain why he’s eating beetles, and the fae can’t lie,” she reminded him. Sig was among the exceptions to that rule and she couldn’t lie well at all. “The court also learned to watch who was in the room before making rash promises.  I may have enforced some just because they sounded like fun…” she added with a hint of mischief in her voice.
He grinned childishly.  He loved mischief after all.  It was in his nature.  “Tell me about them? I love a little mischief,”
“A young lordling promised to profess his love for his lady in front of the entire court.  He had no intention of actually doing so and was just saying the words as romantic fluff,” she giggled at the memory.  “The poetry he read her was awful and the queen was livid at being interrupted by a lordling demanding he be allowed to recite poetry for his lady,” she told him as she laughed over it. 
Loki joined in her laughter. “He must have been so embarrassed,”
“So very, very embarrassed,” she agreed. “And then he was scolded by the queen for making such a rash promise in the first place,”
“Especially with you present,”
She nodded, then smirked when she thought of something.  “You’re not going to warn the warrior boys about that skill of mine, are you?” she teased.
“Not a chance,” he replied with a smirk of his own. 
She giggled. “Wonder what stupid thing Fandral’s going to say,” she paused.  “Or what stupid thing you’re going to goad him into saying,” she corrected herself quickly.
Loki chuckled.  “It could be anything. That man is the definition of the word imbecile,”
She paused in her laughter.  “Hopefully it’s not something Mama Frigga will be too upset with me for enforcing,” no one wanted to upset Mama Frigga.
“Don’t worry, love. I wouldn’t do anything to get you in trouble with Mother,”
“No, but Fandral might.  I think he’s offended I’m not swooning over him like the feather brained noble ladies,” she made a face, letting him know exactly what she thought of that behavior.  She wasn’t one to swoon and she liked to believe that she wasn’t one of the feather brained noble ladies who Loki so despised. 
“I would agree. Though the noble ladies love the attention,”
She rolled her eyes.  “He’s annoying and as featherbrained as the rest of them.  Not my type,” she made another face to solidify that point.
“I agree. I can barely stand being in his presence for a long period of time without wanting to smite him where he stands,” Loki grumbled.  He hated Thor’s moronic friends.  With the exception of Sif.
“Or drug him with fairy wine?” she teased with a grin.
He chuckled. “Or that,”
“Speaking of, did you want to try it?” she asked as she summoned the bottle.  The magic in the wine would help her recover. It wouldn’t help much, but any little bit was helpful, especially with how worried Loki was. 
Loki looked interested.  He was curious about everything, including the magic wine. “Sure,” he agreed.
Sig nodded and looked him over, gauging him and his magic before carefully pouring out a small glass.  She handed the glass over to him and poured a much larger wine glass for herself.  The wine wouldn’t hurt her and if Loki was careful, it wouldn’t hurt him. He took a small sip and she saw in his eyes that it was the sweetest, most delicious wine he’d ever tasted. On top of that it was mixed with magic, making it even better. Loki hmmed in pleasure over it. “That is exquisite,” he purred
She nodded and sipped on her own wine.  “That it is,” she agreed. 
Loki looked concerned as he took another sip. “How dangerous is this wine?”
“You saw what it did to the morons,” she reminded him.  “It’s dangerous, especially to those without magic.  It’s easy for them to get drunk on it, or addicted to the magic within it.  It’s also easy to influence them while they’re drunk on it.  They’ll follow whatever orders are given to them,”
He blinked and she saw his worry. “And to those with magic?” he asked, concerned, though he knew she wouldn’t hurt him, the concern was still there.
“Don’t fret, love.  I wouldn’t give you anything that would hurt you.  You’ll be fine as long as you don’t drink too much of it.  And it replenishes magic. Worst it’ll do to a fae is get us drunk,” she added before he could ask if she was in any danger from it.  
He seemed relieved but still said: “I know. I trust you,”
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magioffire · 2 years
(sins of the sea) Dropped over Valeriu and intended for him to spread around his closed ones is a basket wrapped up in colorful paper and tied with a bow. Should he open it, inside are gifts clearly from folks often out at sea: some puka shell bracelets; a little box containing dried coconut, mangoes, and tamarind candy; and a small bottle of baiju. Why baiju? It may give an idea of who the primary gift giver is. Hope the gifts have Vali and friends think of warmer weather and times. Merry Christmas!
Vali did not expect a gift -- in fact, he wasn't sure how exactly one would celebrate a holiday on a ship, so far from land. They were a busy group of people, afterall! He didn't even know half of the possible traditions and celebrations that might occur during this time of year upon Earth, so why would he expect anything? The crew of La Demonia Roja sure proved him wrong, for they sent him a shower of gifts directly to him! And so his days of Yuletide were full of drink and food, and gifts from friends, even of the most unexpected sort. The fae opened the box, barely able to contain his child-like excitement.
This necklace was so beautiful (who knew the remnant shell husks of cone snails could be so wondrous?)! He immediately put it on, playing with the shells in his right hand, before he opened the second box. His antennae and nostrils were pleasantly assaulted by the scent of sweetness, spice, and creamy coconut, conjuring a memory of hazy days spent on the warm coast of Pandemonium.
Then the bottle of baiju, wrapped and corked so perfectly that Vali didn't want to ruin it by opening up. He could guess each of the senders, just by the choice of gifts, but he also confirmed it with his antennae. Vali could still sense the little traces of themselves they left upon the gifts, like a forgotten wisp.
He would save these for a special occasion (like the coming new year, that was as long as his self-control would allow), and eat them sparingly, but the shell necklace was staying on for a while -- even if it didn't match his current outfit, that was how much he loved it. Now he had a taste of the long, blistering days of summer he missed so dearly. Trapped within the dead of winter, the Unseelie would treasure these gifts to bring him a little bit of solace. How would he properly repay them?
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needleanddead · 3 years
how does true form van feel abt glamor van? beyond the annoyance/embarrassment does he ever think abt how they’re the same person & what it means 4 glamor van 2 want the things he does? does he ever think abt WHY mortal glamor van ends up w/ all these crushes. i like forcing characters 2 uncomfortably introspect- like it seems like the winter court would b pretty devoid of genuine connection so is he on some level trying 2 make up for that? i doubt he’d ever be willing 2 admit it 2 himself if so
True Form Van is a force of nature and chaos, and therefore much smarter than he seems. He doesn't really do 'introspection' because his position as a spirit of the forest means accepting that some things are strange and simply happen. However . . . he's a lot more aware of Mortal Glamour Van than he would like to be.
Van is beholden to the queen of the Unseelie Court. He is not the oldest creature in the woods; you could say that she's a matriarchal figure to him (certainly, she's very fond of him). There are a lot of contracts and unspoken rules in his world. Another interesting thing to note is that most fae are perfectly in control of themselves when in their mortal glamours; Van is susceptible to the wobbly brain partly because he has been alive so much longer than the metal and iron and smoke of the city has. What I am saying is; you could actually consider Mortal Glamour Van's fascination with humans, his longing for his crushes and connection and someone by his side (and his fervent desire to keep them safe and away from his 'true self'), as, actually, a need to escape.
He would never admit it, and has in fact gone the opposite way of vocally hating humans. It is easy to hate them for what they do to his forest, and because the rest of his kind hate them. He's powerful, but he is a servant in the grand scheme of things, and perhaps he does not want to be. Humans have more freedom than they deserve. Other creatures, ones not bound to the rules of his kind, are too free. That's why he keeps pets. Part of it, then, is a deep-rooted jealousy of mortality - one that does not fit in with what he does. You're very right in the winter court being devoid of connection; the courts are dangerous and violent and a constant game of political intrigue he has no interest in. Others there cannot be trusted. Van must be constantly on his guard, even with his status and the queen's favour on his side - mortality is so easy and real compared to it. Mortals wear their hearts on their sleeves. He wants to bite into those hearts until they spurt blood. He wants to gently cradle them and have someone cradle his in return.
These are all things he is vaguely aware of but is electing to ignore.
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Vines and Frost: Fae AU
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Characters: Virgil, Logan, Remy
Relationships: Familial AnxSleep
Additional Tags: Death mentions, le magical slavery, abusive parents, 
Word Count: fuck if I know.  jk, it’s 596
Summary: When Virgil’s ten year old brother is decided as the town’s Fae sacrifice, he takes his place, knowing that as bad as their mother’s abuse is, it’s better than becoming a Seelie’s thrall. Unfortunately, the Seelie don’t accept him and he’s stuck with a cold Unseelie that doesn’t really want him. or does he?
(cough cough, if Mahogany and Teakwood won’t give me endgame analogical, I’ll do it my fucking self.)
Notes: I know I said this would be out by five thirty cali time, but I got distracted lmao.  please reblog:)
Virgil really didn’t want to be sacrificed.
Well, at least it wasn’t his little brother on the culling block, wrists up and bound in vines.  It wasn’t the most ideal place to be on the spring equinox, and Virgil is slightly choking because when the people in his town dragged him out here, they forgot to loosen the vine around his neck.
In literally any other circumstance this would probably look odd, but due to the forest that their growing town is by, the creatures inside had started… asking for offerings to prevent them from razing the town to the ground.  So every equinox and solstice, one unlucky person was picked.
Four people a year was better than losing ten thousand in one swoop. At least, that’s what they convinced themselves.  Virgil thought it was dumb, surely there were other ways to appease the fae that didn’t involve murder.
“Mamma, where’s Vee?”  Remy looked up at his mother, waiting for an answer.  The bed that his brother usually slept in was empty and never in the ten years of Remy’s life had he seen it like this.  Yes, sometimes Virgil came home late from the forest, but his bed was always unmade, a mess.
Now it was made neatly, and his side of the room didn’t have anything left that reminded him of his big brother.  Mamma sighed.
“He’s not coming back sweetie.”
“It’s a long story.”
“Why?” Remy demanded, sitting up in his bed.  “I want Virgil!” “Virgil is doing something important for our people, and so you will go to sleep and forget that he even existed.”  Mamma snapped and Remy blinked at her outburst before falling into tears.
“He’s gone?”
“Yes, go to sleep.”
The shadows seemed to leech out of the ground and Virgil didn’t bother looking up as footsteps crunched towards him.
“What a pretty little gift!” 
Virgil didn’t respond as the creature sliced through the vines and gently tilted his head up.  Glittering silver eyes met brown and Virgil blinked tiredly.
“Oh, you’ve been out here for a good while.  Can you stand?”
When he didn’t react, the Fae sighed and brushed a finger across Virgil’s forehead.  “It’s very rude of them to leave me something so damaged, but I suppose I’ll make do with you.”
Then the Fae scoops the small teen off of the culling block, bringing him deeper into the darkness of the forest and the town is safe for another season.
Virgil knows that he isn’t though.  But he’s too exhausted to fight back or even snark, so he lets his head fall back limply, drawing a laugh from the creature carrying him.
The Unseelie knew that he really didn’t have a claim to this human, but when his brother refused to take them, he had to step in before the poor thing died.
It’s not that the Seelie are picky, well, they are and Remus and his twin are no exception, only taking the most favorable and it is clear that whatever this human is, they are not.  The Seelie like pretty things, things that are breakable.  
This human isn’t really pretty and he already looks broken, if the pale scars lacing his face and neck are any confirmation.  Add in the brown hair and eyes, even if he is pretty by Unseelie standards, he’s monstrous by Seelie’s rules.
The Unseelie looked down at his human, who had fallen asleep.  How annoying, he didn’t even have a name to call him yet.
Well, that could be sorted out in the morning.
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loominggaia · 3 years
Anon wrote a fanfic in the askbox, so I went ahead and consolidated it into one post:
“Okay fanfic time for Titania both finding love and getting her crap together. A war finally breaks out between the seelie & unseelie courts and the seelie is losing really hard. Unseelie force storm the seelie capital intent on capturing Titania to hand over to Morgause as a prized prisoner but last minute one of Titania’s generals tosses her through a portal to prevent her capture, no one knowing where the unstable portal would take her. End of part 1.
Emerging in a forest Titania is absolutely DEVASTATED! Having lost literally everything, feeling of letting her people down and all her self hatred and regret for her ultra violent conquest, now seemingly for nothing she has a fully blown mental breakdown. Her mental health hitting rock bottom she aimlessly wanders around the forest in a psychosis ridden stupor. She runs into some armed people and realizes alittle too late where the portal took her, it dropped her straight in evangline! End of 2
Captured by kelvingyard slavers, putting up little resistance. Titania is sold into slavery. Not a single slaver having a clue who they just captured, sell her off to the highest bidder and be done with the fancy looking elf chick they found crying & wandering in the forest. Just accepting her slavery, Titania believes she deserves to suffer as punishment for her past and failure to protect her people. She lives as a slave for alittle while untill something unexpected happens. End of part 3
One day while working the fields of her cruel master a invasion happens, a group of insurrectionsist and revolting slaves storm the farm, freeing Titania and all the other slaves and butcher the slave drivers and owners who resist them. Titania looks up and notices a booming voice from a human man riding atop the back of massive 3 headed hydra dragon commanding the forces below him. This man being non other the Lindist Jesus! End of part 4
Titania and LJ meet and it doesn’t take long for both to realize who each other are and that they are both divines. The freed fey slaves start looking up to Titania knowing her power and history but she resistant to this, never wanting to take a leadership role again. Her and LJ start getting to know each other and bond over their divine issues and regrets and failures of the past, Titania over her violent past and LJ over his church’s corruption. Over time something more begins to surface. 4
Titania and lindist Jesus fall in love but stay desperate at the time, Titania not wanting to join his side and inadvertently his war. Titania deciding she’s done with war, conquest and power in general. That’s until she discovers the true depths of Evangline depravity against fey like her and joins her lovers side in his conquest of evangline. Filled with a new fire inside her to save and lead they fey of Evangline she dives head long into her new life’s purpose, her second chance at life. 5
With the power of not one but two ancient, powerful divines Evangline and the house of humanity fall to the divine couples combined might. Together Titania and Lindist Jesus install themselves as new Evanglines rulers, freeing all fey and gaian slaves and granting them full rights and protections and reform the church to the ways of old after booting out all the corrupt priest and bishops. New Evangline becomes a place of peace and prosperity under their combined rule and are happy together. 6
Over a decade has past since the formation of New Evangline. The Titania and Lindist Jesus reign going smoothly and prosperous but all is about to be tested. Morgause knew that her old enemy was alive but realizing where she is she was content to leave her alone to suffer as a slave as revenge. But seeing Titania return to power and alongside another divine enraged and frightened Morgause, who at this point driven mad with power over her dictatorship of Omory ond declares war on new Evangline. 7
After a suprise invasion by the unseelie empire New Evangline’s thrust into a violent war. Bloody battles ensue as old anti-magic and anti-fey sentiments start to stir again among the populace as they question their ancient fey Queen and divine king. Reviving some aid from green witch and other allies Titania and LG beat back the unseelie empire and in a epic one on one magic battle against Titania and Morgause, Titania wins and kills Morgause, finally destroying her final ghost of her past. 8
The unseelie empire collapses with Morgause death and the mess is cleaned up by green witch and her spriggans. Forming the new great kingdom of Gaia’s Sanctum, a place for all fey, magic and nature to live unperturbed. With the ghost of her past finally gone, Titania is finally at peace with herself and her bloody history. Her and Lindist Jesus live happily ever after in each others arms ruling New Evangline together after their baptism by fire, cementing their rule. The end.”
Anon this is 10/10 loreposting. I really love this outcome for everyone! I love the callback to Lindist Jesus from the previous fic. This is so good! I’m gonna be thinking about this a lot lol.
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