#not because i don't like him he's 'one of my fav characters' but we're struggling here.
icharchivist · 2 years
i find this conversation about popularity in the a3 fandom very interesting but it is another layer of fun how we’re discussing how Winter and Spring are so usually “second popular characters” and more unpopular in general (unpopular as in, “not on the fav top list”, not in disliked) while the whole conversation was sparkled by a friend who mostly knows my posts
because i still have the a3 sorter i made a while ago and i would still say it’s pretty accurate and so, you look at my top 12 (because i’m too lazy to edit it down to 10 <3) and it’s just, ah yes,
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the most representative ranking of the popularity in this fandom 
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humanpurposes · 2 months
I really feel like the writers of HotD could benefit from keeping in mind the phrase "don't play the ending."
At the end of season one, Alicent has Aegon crowned King and puts herself physically between him and a dragon.
And all through season two she's having a miserable time. From episode one she straight up dislikes her sons, is terrified of Aemond, is hooking up with Cole and feeling guilty about it, is feeling guilty about Rhaenyra, feeling guilty about the war, constantly being undermined... but is there actually a moment where the stakes escalate for her? Jaehearys dies while she was doing the dirty with Criston, but she already felt guilty about that. She feels sorry for Helaena, but she already struggles in her relationship with Helaena. She hates Aegon and thinks he'd be a bad King, but she already hated Aegon and thought he'd be a bad King. Then she doesn't want to start a war, but she already did that by naming her son King over Rhaenya. She gets dismissed from the Small Council by Aemond but in the first episode she's already aware that none of the men around her actually respect her. So what is she doing here? What does she want? How is she relevant to the story aside from looking sad and feeling all this guilt for a conflict that is way more complex than her misunderstanding the final words of her rotting husband?
At the end of season one, Rhaenyra learns that her son is dead after she's been hesitant to let the conflict come to all out war. In that final shot of epsiode 10 she's full of anguish and rage. I'm thinking "cool, so when the story picks up again she's going to be ready for war."
But then she's spent so much of season two stalling because she doesn't want to incite bloodshed because war is bad. And she can't justify getting revenge for her son but she can justify letting hundreds die because of some dream her ancestor had. She wants the throne but she's hesitant to fight for it.
There's such a disconnect between where we left off and where we picked up, because there's no starting point in the character arcs. Alicent will become haunted by grief and guilt, oh so lets do that from episode one. Rhaenyra wants to be Queen and was vilified by the fictional history, so lets absolve her of her wrongs and effectively remove her agency.
And my boy Aemond... I love the idea of him feeling remorseful about Luke's death but knowing that he can't appear weak, and so losing his humanity more and more to this image of a Kinslayer. But the execution leaves a lot to be desired for me. I would LOVE to have seen this through his family relationships. Let him have a conversation with Helaena, when her son was murdered as revenge for someone he killed. Let us see the distance growing between him immediately after he comes back from Storm's End. It was clearly the intention all along that Aemond was going to become "the villain" of the series and I love that, but if he's going to feel like he has no choice but to "dracarys" his brother, boot his mum off the Small Council and then leave his family undefended by flying off with Vhagar, I want that to feel earned. (also I want my fav to have more screen time obvs) but I would love for his scenes to have more room to breathe, like the only interaction he's had with Helaena was a scene that was one sentence long, I AM SUFFERING HERE.
In a season with only 8 episodes the pacing is crazy. We've skipped over what clearly was a crucial few days between 1.10 and 2.01. We've got characters stalling for no apparent reason. Simultaneously we're rushing through scenes and character interactions to move on to the next thing. It's genuinely frustrating to watch. Kudos to all the actors doing an amazing job with the script they've been given.
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desertfangs · 23 days
I haven't yet read the books (there's so many!) I've only watched the iwtv movie and TV show and I love Claudia in both but I've had people tell me in the books she's awful and considered to be one of the series villains. Idc about spoilers I just wanna know how true that is bc I dunno if I'd want to read that lol
Hi anon! I was excited to see your ask this morning because I'm gonna tell you something: Claudia was one of my first favorite characters in the series and her death devastated me. Louis was my first fav (understandable, he's literally the protagonist of the first book, we're meant to sympathize with him!) and when he lost Claudia and became numb in his grief, I related. I hated Armand for what happened to Claudia and I held a grudge for a long time.
Anyhow, I can't speak to the show so much as I've only seen season 1, but if you like the 94 movie, you will probably like the novel Interview with the Vampire. It's a pretty close adaptation.
To get to the heart of your question, no, Claudia not an awful villain. Anymore than Louis or Lestat are. If anyone is a villain in IwtV, it's Armand, and even he is not a mustache-twirling evil guy.* Everyone in this series in morally gray and does terrible stuff. I emphasize that because I've been in this fandom for a long time and I've seen all kinds of arguments about who is evil and who is not, and the fact is, all of our vampires do questionable things. That's sort of the point. So it's arguable how much there even is a villain in IwtV outside of Louis' own depression and grief, but Armand probably gets that honor.
Claudia in the books was turned around the age of 5. She is a very small, doll-like child who doesn't seem to retain much, if any, memory of her human life. She is more purely a vampire than Louis or Lestat can really fathom because she lacks that humanity and a connection to humans. She's a natural hunter and killer.
She doesn't understand Louis' sentimentality for humans, and resents Lestat for withholding information she knows he has about their kind. She is a complex and fascinating woman trapped in the body of a small child to the point where even Louis, who loves her dearly, cannot really see her as an adult and struggles to accept her agency. She does manipulate both her parents, in part because they don't often see her as a capable equal, which she very much is.
She does eventually rise up to kill to Lestat out of desperation. She believes he will not let Louis go and knows she can't travel around alone, given her appearance. Lestat himself is devastated by this and by her loss, and even says later he understands why she did it. That he probably deserved it for what he'd done to her, which was trap her forever in the body of a very young child, something he admits was selfish. (And something Marius had actually warned him against doing beforehand, LOL!!)
Like in the movie and the show, she does die at the Theatre des Vampires, and Armand is more responsible for that than I've heard he is on the show (he tells Louis he couldn't have stopped it, only to later reveal he orchestrated it, which Louis knew the whole time).
She appears later in The Tale of the Body Thief mocking Lestat and acting as a sort of voice for his subconscious, but she is just his hallucination in he book. He's dealing with a lot of trauma and grief and that manifests itself as Claudia's ghost.
Where you might be hearing she's a villain is from Merrick, where both her diary and spirit appear and are... not very nice. I gotta say, I am not convinced that is actually the spirit of Claudia that gets conjured, and even if it is, it's possible she's been warped somehow. But I also haven't read that book in decades and often tend to ignore it, so I am not an expert on that score.
I hope this helps! I'm always happy to answer questions about the books! (They are my special interest, if you cannot tell.)
But I do want to say that if you are a fan of the show and curious about the books--which are very different!--I highly recommend you read at least the first few yourself. The best way to judge if you'll like the book versions of the characters and story is to experience it yourself. There's a lot of misinformation that gets passed along about the books, and a lot of misinterpretation due to that because people just repeat what they've heard without having read them. And hey, they still may not be your cup of tea, and that's totally fine! But you won't know if you don't try, you know?
Anyhow, thank you so much for the ask! 💖 Claudia is awesome and deserves more love in the book fandom, but because she dies so early on, she doesn't get as much attention sadly.
*And even when he is, we love him.
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triassictriserratops · 5 months
What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children?
How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter?
How many years apart between them in age?
Your headcanon for their name?
Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent?
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic.
Thank you :)
@curiousthg (thank you for the ask! I have to say, it's still wild to me that ANYONE gives a shit about my opinion AT ALL.) AS A DISCLAIMER. THESE ARE ONLY MY PERSONAL OPINIONS. I FULLY RESPECT OTHER OPINIONS AND HEADCANONS. THESE ARE JUST MINE, PERSONALLY. Q.) What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children? A.) Just a few things I kind of like to think about: - There is a third toastbaby born after the epilogue. - Toastbaby girl grows up to become a veterinarian. She's quiet and serene but wildly clever. Dangerously smart. And Haymitch Abernathy is probably her favorite human being in existence. - Toastbaby boy is a wild menace to society and makes Peeta specifically tear his hair out. Constantly pulling him off of cabinet doors, scaling building walls, pulling him out of hiding places where he camps waiting to scare someone (usually Peeta) They judged parents who used child leashes until they had their boy. Likes to follow the Cresta-Odair spawn everywhere whenever he's visiting them.
Q.) How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter? A.) Just based on the math from the book she would have been 32/33 when her daughter was born.
Q.) How many years apart between them in age? A.) In my mind it's about 3-4 years. Katniss says that her Good Things List is tedious after more than 20 years and mentions that they teach the Hunger Games in school and that Toastbaby girl knows her parents played a part in them, so i'd say she's about 7 in the Epilogue. And she specifically calls out Toastbaby Boy's "chubby toddler legs" struggling to keep up with his sister, and that he'll be learning about the Games too in a few years, so i'm thinking he's anywhere from 3-4 at the time of the Epilogue.
Q.) Your headcanon for their name?
A.) I'm so sorry to say this, i don't actually have any! I personally don't like to give them names. I FULLY AND TOTALLY respect the names other people come up with and I've seen some that are quite popular. But I've actually always REALLY connected with the fact that Katniss specifically chooses NOT to give us their names. She was forced to give so much of herself to Panem, to other people, even (on a meta level) to us as readers. Within the 1st Person POV we are privy to her every personal thought and experience. The capitol denied her autonomy and privacy. The rebels did the same. And, in the end, so did we as the reader. It's a FASCINATING lens to look at the books through! (Especially if you follow the fun idea that this series are her memoirs.) But here, at the end, Katniss is choosing to close the curtain. We're not allowed to have her children's identities. Because those are precious to her. Because they belong to them and them alone. I just find that kind of beautiful and so I've made a conscious effort to never pick names for them. Q.) Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent? A.) Toastbaby boy is the singer (and hunter). The third toastbaby is the artist. Toastbaby girl loves baking with her poppa.
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav Everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic. I'm going to be lazy and direct to this post I just wrote where I include a list of Post Mockingjay Fic Recs!!!
(BUT one VERY specific callout recommendation, just in case people don't click into the link, for Us Among the Living by the WONDERFUL @vasilissadragomir. It's beautiful and I have so much love for that story. The characters are lovingly preserved and the tone so realistic I sometimes feel like i'm reading something Suzanne Collins might have written. HIGHLY recommend!)
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too-much-otome · 5 months
Mammon Playlist
These can be for the original game or NB. most of them fit for both. I've had the playlists for a while but recently refined them. I hope you like them!
Explanations (Excluding Character Songs):
They Call Me Tiago (Her Name is Margo) - Tiagz
Not exactly a song about him but something I think he'd listen to and I think it fits his vibe. I just really think it fits him.
Go Hard (La.La.La.) - Kreayshawn
A bit unhinged and chaotic which always reminds me of Mammon. Also love that the first line is "I don't have any money..." Big Mammon energy. This poor bitch is always in debt.
Oh Yes (Rockin' With The Best) - Laidback Luke, Keanu Silva
Not only does it give off his kinda vibes but he's also very full of himself. I mean we're talking about "The Great Mammon!" He only comes in second to Asmo.
Jerk It Out - Caesars
Another one based on vibes. The instruments and vocals just give me something I feel he'd like!
Mine - Bazzi
This is 100% how he thinks of MC. That boy is just absolutely smitten with them! He adores them! He might be a bit selfish, careless, and let's be honest stupid but he always does his best when it comes to MC. He's always genuine and open with them! I just love him!
24k Magic - Bruno Mars
We all know if Mammon knew how to budget he'd be living a lavish lifestyle! He loves having nice things! Plus, some of you forget this but I didn't, one of the powers Mammon has is that If he likes someone they're bound to come into money and usually prosper wealth wise.
Tonight Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae
Party boy. Loves a good time and letting loose.
7 rings - Ariana Grande
Wants nice things and who can blame him. It's not exactly his style music wise but the lyrics definitely remind me of him.
Sucker - Jonas Brothers
I mean it's literally canon that MC can say one word and Mammon just falls in line. Even Lucifer struggles with that sometimes. He'd do literally anything MC asks.
Check Yes, Juliet - We The Kings
Oh, this is so him! He's so the type to do the cliche throwing rocks at his partners window then asking them to sneak out for a late night impromptu date. Hes also just so stubborn and honestly, we love it. I just feel like this is very much what he'd be like in a relationship.
Hard Times - Paramore
This man is always in the red. He is struggling financially and his brothers constantly belittle him, this man is just living in a constant state of hard times. My fav may not be Mammon but the day I don't immediately jump to his defense in a cold day in the devildom.
Make You Mine - PUBLIC
Once again, this man is smitten! He just loves MC so much and it's so sweet I'm gonna cry-
First Date - blink-182
As much as he likes to show off and brag and act cool he is always a bit nervous around MC. He wants to impress them and look cool but he can't help but blush and stutter when they flirt back. It's adorable.
Treasure - Bruno Mars
I truly believe that in a relationship Mammon would put MC over everything. I know it's a stretch...but I think even Goldie would come second! WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME IM RIGHT!!
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
Jealousy. That's it. We all know Mammon is extremely protective and jealous when it comes to MC. It makes sense for the Avatar of Greed. But I also think the lyrics can apply to how Mammon might feel watching MC with his brothers. Because even if you don't necessarily want to romance Mammon he is still clearly pinning after MC.
Chaotic and unhinged. What more do you need?
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cwacomfan16 · 5 days
I know I missed day 5 but it's okay but I continue with this day which is about which is your favorite episode of the series... Well as you know, the most obvious my comfort ep is The Kid's Got Moxy (how much I loved that ep the first time I saw it </3). I know that i have a LOT of fav ep of this series but i choose that ep because yes
So to not make so much fanart I decided to make a short fic regarding that chapter. Enjoy!! :D
The Kid's Got Moxy
(Continued from the ep)
Mayor Shelbourne and Gil were leaving Cannery High School after a moment of reconciliation thanks to Flint Lockwood with that moxynator invention. Shelbourne and Gil are walking on the wax and Gil of course was still crushed by the piece of the roof of that school so Gil was struggling to remove that piece of the ceiling so Shelbourne rolled his eyes when he saw his son trying to get out of there so Shelbourne let out a heavy sigh and told his son
Don't be stupid Gil –Shelbourne said with frustration– Don't you see that we are walking in the middle of the city of this island?
I'm sorry Mayor dad, it's just that- –Gil did not continue his prayer because he felt like he couldn't breathe– Help, help, I can't breathe!!
Don't be exaggerated!! I told you we were going to get some ice cream when we left school and now you don't want to because you 'can't' breathe?? –Shelbourne asked with a bit of excitement in his voice– I don't understand your life.
Mayor dad, seriously –Gil said those words with the very little strength he had– take that dumb piece of the school roof off me, please!!
Shelbourne rolled his eyes in great annoyance and proceeded to remove that big piece of the ceiling that was crushing his son with a kick. Gil began to catch air too quickly and leaned on the ground still without stopping for air, then Gil stretched his legs and arms to recover even more and let his blood flow better despite being crushed by a big piece of roof of Cannery High School
Stop stretching like a fish!! –Shelbourne snorted, somewhat annoyed– We're running late to the nearby ice cream parlor.
Sorry mayor dad, I'm letting my blood flow in my body –Gil said with a clumsy smile as he gets up– Ready, I'm up, now let's go get ice cream!!
One way or the other!! –The mayor said as he began to walk– That day was crazy, we fought over anything.
It's because I obviously have a lot of moxy –Gil said boasting– but thanks to that Flint Lockwood invention I realized that it is an honor for me to be controlled thanks to you, Mayor Dad.
You know what, my son! You know yes –Shelbourne smiled as he watched his son act that way– There is nothing that makes me control more than you!!
Are we still having that effect? –Gil asked anxiously without being completely sure if it was real or just a dream.
I have no idea but the most important thing is the money and the company of a moxy like you even though it sounds so out of character and I regret having you –Shelbourne responded
I wish you could really love me like that effect you have thanks to moxynator –Gil said sadly– although I know it won't last forever.
Obviously it won't last forever you dumb but at least we're together looking for an ice cream to pass the time –Shelbourne said confidently although deep down he is dying knowing that he doesn't like that effect at all and that he knows that he doesn't like his son but tries to keep his cool.
Gil felt an immense indescribable joy, so immense that some tears came out of his eyes as a result of surprise, he knows that Shelbourne is never going to give him affection but he loves the effect that Flint's invention left on the Mayor, it is like a small opportunity that Gil does not able to let go, for Gil it is like a dream that he does not want to wake up, he has never felt so loved until now thanks to Flint Lockwood and thanks to him for coming to help.
Gil, having tears in his eyes, asked his father something.
Mayor dad... Do you really love me?? –He asked with hope
I would say no but I don't want to sound like I don't have a heart either, I don't like you to a certain extent but I tolerate you, I would say that.... Uhh not that much but not more or less either –Shelbourne responded
Are we still having that effect? –Gil asked the same question once again
I hope so or if i wasn't dead!! –Shelbourne said making a uncomfortable face– But I want you to know I will always tolerate you!!
Afterwards, Gil gave his dad a hug while enjoying that moment. He had never had a conversation like that with his father before, but thanks to Flint Lockwood, that invention changed his mind but he knows that in a few minutes the effect of the Moxynator level L of Love will wear off. At first Shelbourne doubted Gil but without further he reciprocated his son's hug, letting himself get carried away with the effect of the hug even though inside he doesn't like it at all and wants the effect to end but on the other hand he also enjoyed that moment even though it was difficult for him admit.
Never wake me up from this dream –Gil said in a low voice while still hugging his father and also still having some of his tears.
But at the end of the day it was never a dream, nor an illusion but the reality that changed Gil forever and that achievement he had was fulfilled with reality, dreams come true if you take the first step
The End.....
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pinkomcranger · 7 months
Previous anon, thank you so much for your voice about Saga and her space in the fandom. Your reply was amazing. I honestly can't even add to it, you said so much and hit it right on the head in every regard. I think you made a valid point too, there are fans who don't create but want to see her represented in the fandom space too. I didn't think of it like that. I'll focus on that and for the future share Saga and Andercase content not just because of that but love em so much too. I say this as someone who loves all the chararcters and multiple ships outside of her but I treasure her and the ship so much so makes little sense not to show that. My stuff isn't quality but still can share lol I should back up my words and show it with content. Also, thank you for inviting me to talk in your inbox about anything with Saga/Andercase. I'll be sure to when ideas strike and hope it can encourage others too! Would love to see the fan base show her love like every other chararcter gets. Not completely unrelated but would love if people cared about Mr. Door too. There was a ship fic with him and Alan but it's lost now and like Saga he's often on the back burner despite how interesting he is too (insanely interesting tbh). Besides, I'm sure the actors and would be just as appreciative as thr others have been to already loved chararcters.
You're very welcome! I still have many thoughts regarding Saga and her place in fandom, I might create a part 2 at some point. When I finally entered this fandom, I fully thought there would be so much dedicated to Saga, because here we had such a beautifully written and portrayed character, that it felt like a no-brainer. To see that wasn't true, to see her glossed over for characters like Casey and Zane bothered me on every level.
It's one of the reasons I came out of my near-decade hiatus, if I didn't see what I wanted, and I could create at least a little, then I was going to do that. I was extremely hesitant, mostly because I was late to the game (hah, Saga would like that pun), I didn't dip my toes in until last December. I wanted the fandom to see that Saga was still appreciated, she was still seen, it wasn't just Casey/Alan/Zane.
To see you're willing to throw your hat back in the ring pleases me beyond words, but I'll try to find them regardless. First and foremost, please don't think whatever you create is less than when that couldn't be further from the truth. I know a lot of us content creators tend to hold ourselves up to others, if we don't get as many likes/reblogs/kudos/comments as other's ships or favored characters, that MUST mean we're not good enough, right? It's hard to believe, and something I still struggle with, but it's not true.
There's various reasons why it seems our content might seem to be skipped over. Maybe the idea doesn't hit right for some people, maybe they can't connect, maybe they don't relate, or maybe it's just not their fav character/ship. That's certainly their right as fans.
Secondly, at the end of the day, sometimes you just have to create what you want to see. It can be annoying, to wonder why you have to create something that should be so obvious to everyone else. But that's the thing about fandom, sometimes you just have to show you're here to stay.
I guarantee you there will be others who love your content, even if you don't think it's that great. I had to be reminded of that myself, by two great friends and basically pioneers of writing for Saga and Andercase (@wondrouswendy and @hearts-are-connected ). I know they're some of the great ones, and they'll always cheer me on, and I know they'll extend the same courtesy to you.
Man, Warlin Door is a whole different topic for me! He's EXTREMELY interesting, well-written, and portrayed. To see him ignored even more than Saga sucks, another character I thought would get love. I would love for the actors to see that they're seen and heard as much as Ilkka and Sam are. They deserve nothing less.
I very much look forward to seeing your content! You have a very eager fan here.
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oatflatwhite · 8 months
HI LIZ plz may I trouble you to share any thoughts at all about mota 🎤
ok so we're only a couple eps in but i am already <333 about so many of the characters. bucky and crosby especially my beloveds. i really love all the comparisons being drawn between bucky/nix buck/winters and crosby/webster but i also love how the mota boys are distinctly their own characters. i don't want to say they're cocky and full of themselves because like... some of the easy boys are too lmao. but it's a very different dynamic between the characters than i'm used to seeing in the other hbo war shows and i am living for it
on that note i was a bit wary about most of our main charas being officers but after 2 eps i don't mind a bit! honestly sometimes it's hard to tell rank with all their goddamn fleece lmao but i love how despite being a literal honest to god major bucky is still so chaotic. bless him. the singing scene took me out, and the bike race when they crashed and he and buck were like pulling at each other's clothes to try and get in the lead before the air raid siren went off..... cinema.
can't believe they called out the heavy petting <3 the raf boys are just like me fr <3
crosby is such a silly goose thank you for the silly goose representation. he really works as the narrator and i love him bc he is genuinely so relatable, my overthinking bestie. also him still being starry eyed over his wife signing her name mrs jean crosby oh my word.......... it's giving harry dragging his reserve chute halfway around europe for kitty's wedding dress <333
i also really love the variety of characters/roles in the war they're showing! there's obviously more scope to do that than in bob but also it's a different television landscape and i am so excited to see ncuti on my screen <3 i hope we get a lot more of lemmons too! i can't remember who made the post but someone compared him to doc roe and i was like OH that's why i liked him so much uh huh uh huh. so true. also NINETEEN YEARS OLD?
i had a hard time adjusting to austin butler in ep 1 but he really pulled through in ep 2 for me and i'm very keen to see where he takes the character! and i have LOVED callum turner since channel 4's glue (which i watched a fucking decade ago but still think about bc of how powerful it was and he was in it) and he is absolutely killing bucky. it's giving nix without impulse control. honestly all the cast are amazing, the only one i really struggle with still is isabel may as buck's gf......... i literally cannot see her as anyone but katie from alexa and katie, so in my mind she's literally still a 15 year old girl. but who knows, she could win me over in the future
the score and title sequence are so good too!!! the pacific still has my absolute fav opening titles and band is second but even though the score is obviously new it still feels a bit... nostalgic, i guess? similar vibes to the other shows and i am HERE for the way it makes me feel <3
there's like so much more but that's all i can put into words rn. cannot WAIT for the rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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jennifersminds · 1 year
1, 2, 3, 4, 15, and 18 for the most recent ask game!
the character everyone gets wrong
I mean, do I even need to say it? Elena Gilbert. Constantly being burnt at the pire of internalized misogyny and media illiteracy. I maintain that not everyone has to like/stan Elena but if I could hear one justification for it that wasn't 'she hurt my favorite grown adult teenage baby boy' that would be nice.
but since that's the obvious answer I'll also add a slightly more controversial one which is Jennifer Humphrey, another unfortunate victim of the babygirlification of trash boy r*pists and some unfortunate writing. I will forever maintain that nothing she ever did was worse than anyone else on GG and she will forever deserve better, both on the show and in the fandom.
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
okay, this one I'm actually struggling with because (obviously if we're dealing with favs we're dealing with Elena or Elijah) and I can see them both playing both sides on this tbh,,, however-,
for humour's sake,
Elijah always bottoms and Elena always tops. He's old, he's tired. Elena deserves to have some control for once. Getting daggered by her in season two really turned him on. For whatever reason, he's down horrendous and on his knees. Eats pussy with every meal. (plastic crown Elijah in particular).
(i don't have one for three sorry)
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
literally anything, this blog is my house, and if I don't like the energy I block. I honestly think it's the best way to navigate the internet. I always think when people send anons trying to argue with me about takes or posts I've made it's like,,, you know you don't have to see my posts right? like, the tvd fandom is a hellscape, we're always going to have discourse. why waste time crying in my inbox when I'm obviously not going to care? as if you calling me a cunt is going to magically make me a d*lena stan.
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
tbh, I'm not the best at seeing fanart. I think it's amazing because I don't have an artistic bone in my body so whenever I see it I'm usually just like 'aww slay'
that being said I see a ton of whitewashing, particularly in book fanart which is like,,, why? no? stop?
it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
JEREMY. ngl i've grown a new appreciation for him recently and I honestly think he deserves more appreciation. (particularly season one. he deserved to keep his emo era #freetvdmenfromflannels).
but fr he was the most realistic character on that show in s1, just wanted to be topped by his goth vampire girlfriend and he's so valid for that.
also, Bonnie Bennett. Just,,, everything about Bonnie Bennett. Bonlena deserves so much more love, they have such a complicated misunderstood love for each other that often gets sidelined by fandom wars. (you can love more than one woman at a time I promise the world won't explode). Also Bonnie and Kol or Klaus (I refuse to be silenced they would've slayed and if you disagree just dig down and ask yourself why that's so unthinkable if you have no problem shipping Elena or Caroline with them)
thank you so much for the questions @amandamonroe <3333
choose violence ask game
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I know we've talked about it before but never in depth really so I wanna know -- I think at least for me there's THOSE TWO BIG MOMENTS right:
the one where we instantly and impossibly imprinted on our VC faves like lost little ducklings
and then whatever followed that cemented that love for all eternity like- "oh yeah this is it, I don't even need to see or talk to anyone else, we're good"
so what were your Marius Moments? 🥹
!!!!! oh wow what a question!
I know for sure without a doubt that when Marius DEBUTS in TVL is when I was DONE FOR. Like the slow burn leading up to it with Lestat trying to find him and then when he finally shows up he's this like nurturing, comforting force that is so gentle with him!!!!!!!!
Like idk how everyone else feels but my first time reading VC I was just going in cold, like there was fandom on LJ and stuff but I wasn't really lurking (bc spoilers lol) so I was just going into each book completely fresh and ready for an adventure, so I remember feeling like TVL was this MYSTERY to me the first time and I was just so excited to even see what it was about. But TVL (even to this day) really takes off for me when Armand shows up and then like, Armand already intrigued me so much and I was like WHAT WHO * MADE * THIS GUY OH MY GOD and I was just mega excited to meet him.
And as for the second question, I'm not sure I really have an answer! Coming out of TVL he was my favorite character so any time he showed up I was so excited to see him. Again, to this day I think I kinda rank my enjoyment of the VCs depending how much Marius is in them. 😂 But when I first read VC, Merrick was the most current book and it took me a couple years to read and catch up (with the Mayfair detour bc Merrick was supposed to be a crossover lol) so B&G was my first VC that I got to like go out and buy when it came out and it was like THE NEW BOOK MORE VAMPIRES! And just wow like how exciting that I caught up in time for a WHOLE BOOK about my fav. 🥹🥹🥹
But reading B&G maybe cemented it? tbh it was such a long time ago it's hard to say. It's just kinda always been there. Like this all happened when I was 12-13 and it was my first like deep dive into adult books and like coming from reading kids's series and YA it was so weighty to me and gave me so much to think about. But like I vivdly remember the first time I read B&G I was in my room and I kept putting it down to cry because it made me so emotional. Like getting to really get that deep dive into his POV and understand how lonely he was and how conflicted he was about his beliefs.
As a 13 year old I think I connected to it with my own point of reference that's evolved over the years; I revisit the entire series every few years and get different things out of it each time, not just from getting older but also just being more educated as time goes on. And sometimes I wonder if he'd be my fav if I read it for the first time at 25, or even if I'd been born at a different time; like would I have felt the same way if I was 13 but it was 2017 and Tumblr was in full swing with radfem rheotric poisoning the well? idk. But I do know that every time I feel the same way, I still love him just as much, even when I pick apart more flaws I just appreciate this character so deeply.
Like yknow to read VC as a 13 year old who is severely bullied you connect with it as being about "outsiders". The year B&G came out a bully put me in the hospital by bashing my head open on a locker. Teachers at my school thought I was going to be a school shooter because I was goth and I liked horror films. So it's comforting to see someone who is an outsider and struggles with Christofascism but who is surviving. And reading B&G and hearing how much he struggled was so like grounding for me. I'm not sure I can explain it now without it sounding trite (and maybe it was trite bc I was 13). And like him being a savior & mentor to Lestat was so comforting to me like I think at that age my biggest fantasy was that a vampire could come steal me away from my difficult life LOL. I wanted someone to come save me!!!!!!!!!
And then you know, growing up, being in an abusive relationship, having people around me die, trying to understand how I identify as queer, how I navigate my relationship to my own creativity and what it means to me, growing as a person and trying to be the most mindful and empathetic version of myself that I can be; all of this stuff is all over VC and in that book in particular.
It just means a lot to me man!
And I love that VC asks us to empathize with bad people, it asks us to forgive people, it asks us if we're are only our worst deed and if we deserve love even when we've fucked up. Lestat and Marius have so much in common so I think these themes just permeate both of their stories so much in every book, but. Idk for whatever reason Marius is the one that stuck out to me and I've never been able to shake it!!!!!
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acourtofthought · 1 year
I'm so tired of the fact that FEYSANDS (!!!) want for Lucien to die or smth bad happens to him and never ends up with Elain... I mean I completely ignore E/riels for this bc its obvious why they want this to happen.
But Feysands who are mostly also Feyre stans would blame Lucien for the things that happened to her in Spring Court and that's it... they don't see what happened to him as well!! Like Feysand is my fav ship of all SJM couples but I still saw (and still see) Lucien and his situation, I don't want to get into details bc we've already been through it hundreds of times.
But if you can forgive Rhysand for his deeds why can't you forgive Lucien? Yes Rhysand had a reason for everything he did but also Lucien he's not the bad guy here lol he never was! They can put themselves in Rhysands place and listen to him telling his stroy from his point of view but they can't do that for Lucien. They don't even want to hear his story!!! And the little we know from his past everyone ignores it...
They're morally gray characters FFS you can't tell me you can forgive Rhys and can't do the same with Lucien wtf
For whatever reason I assumed that most of the Lucien hate stems from those who prefer E/riel rather than it being Feysands and Feysand alone (more like Feysands who also like E/riel).
But anyone accusing Lucien of this that or the other thing is a pot calling the kettle black situation. I love Rhys. I love Feyre. I even like Amren. Az is fine too even though he's an idiot right now when it comes to women. I did struggle a bit with Nesta because the constant disdain and verbal abuse were for selfish reasons. With Rhys's questionable actions, his reasons were multi layered. He did benefit from them, yes. But he was also trying to save their entire land and help Feyre. With Lucien it's more of the same. Of course every action (or inaction) had a note of self preservation, I'm guessing he didn't want to risk Tamlin's wrath considering he knows for a fact what Tamlin is capable of. But he also told Feyre that it was important to the land and it's people that they present a united front. That those people were struggling after being held captive for 50 years. He also realized Tamlin was struggling and not coping well. There were bigger things at play than one females depression (sad as that is it was the truth), and Lucien was never going to be able to do what was best for all the people who looked to him to do what needed done especially because of the conflicting interests. Back to Nesta, her vitriol and hatred were a protective mechanism for the hatred she had for herself and her father and as a result, Feyre (for doing what neither Nesta or her father would do) and while I do understand that, her reasons were pretty much 100% selfish and all about Nesta versus characters like Amren, Rhys, Lucien, etc. who, while having a small percentage of their own interests coming into play, often were looking out for the greater good and the bigger picture.
Lucien again... People are doing the reading equivalent of selective hearing if they can forgive every other character and move on from the mistakes they made but not Lucien.
The more responsibility someone has, the more difficult it is to do what's right for everyone and it's impossible to handle things in a way where it only really benefits one person when multiple people are looking for their needs to be met.
Sure, he could have done more for Feyre but.....would that really be fair if it meant Lucien himself would be physically assaulted? Would that be fair if it meant Lucien would be causing more distress for a High Lord who was going through his own PTSD while trying to help the land of Spring to recover after Amarantha? Would it be fair if by causing more issues for Tamlin, it meant the people of Spring would suffer? Whatever action Lucien took, he'd be bringing about struggles for someone. We're meant to empathize with Feyre because it's her story but when you stand back and actually look at what was important at that time, I have to say, it probably wasn't making the needs of a 19 year old who had only been in their world for a few months the priority over an entire court of people who had been tortured and forced to do unspeakable things for 50 years or even Tamlin struggling to get everything back up and running.
That doesn't mean I'm a Tamlin fan or anything or that his inability to control his temper was excusable, but I am saying the entire situation was impossible and the only reason Rhys was able to give Feyre what she needed is because Rhys's people were not rebuilding in quite the same way since he kept them hidden and he was her mate, therefore she was his priority.
And when ACOMAF ended, Feyre knew she had Lucien by the balls because she was using Elain as a pawn against him. She used Lucien in her revenge against Tamlin.
To me, that's actually a worse offense because again, Lucien struggled to help Feyre more because he was worried about the state of Spring, he wasn't purposely trying to hurt her. But Feyre actively chose to hurt him with her schemes.
Do I hate Feyre for it? No, I understand why things happened the way they did. But when people claim she was a better friend than he was I cringe because he never sought out to use her, he was actually worried for her throughout the series (even when he tried to "kidnap" her back to Spring, he legitimately thought Rhys had brainwashed her which is valid considering Rhys wanted people to believe those things about him, he was under the impression she was being tortured) though his hands were a bit tied.
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thegeminisage · 6 months
it's early i know but kirk or sisko
EVIL QUESTION! sisko makes me happy every single time hes on screen. i always look forward to seeing him. he's a great dad and he supports his people - i think i've only seen him come close to dropping the ball a few times. he's the antithesis to (almost) everything that drives me nuts about picard so it's very cathartic in that regard. plus our fucking introduction to him (picard killing his wife, "you exist here") will be imprinted on my neurons forever. possibly the best intro of any star trek character yet excepting every single time we've seen spock.
so far though i haven't seen sisko struggle as much as kirk does, excepting of course re: his grief. i'm sure this is because i'm in the middle of his first season rather than say past the end of his run, but i also think the struggle helps make kirk interesting. sisko hasn't had his mirrorverse "not on my ship" moment for me yet, or any equivalent. they haven't unintentionally close encountered him nigh on a dozen times. most of his dilemmas so far have been ethical ones, not ones where his life and other lives are in physical danger. and, for all it was brought up in the first episode that the death of his wife has permanently changed him and he is still struggling to live without her, we don't actually SEE that struggle - jennifer has only brought up a couple of times. i have total faith that all of that is on the way, i just haven't got there yet. because we're watching in release order and ds9 never aired by itself we will always be flipping back and forth to either tng or voyager between it. it'll be a slow process.
also, there is the simple fact of attachment. kirk was the first trek character i ever fell in love with. my entry to this series were the aos movies, and while i liked spock a LOT in those movies and still do, quinto's spock can't really hold a candle to nimoy's - he can't QUITE capture what makes spock so important and unique in the same way. so in my very, very, VERY first encounter with star trek, i imprinted on dead dad guy. kirk, let alone aos kirk, is no longer my fav (tos kirk is superior to aos kirk any day) but put him against most people who are not spock and he will probably win.
that doesn't mean sisko isn't really great though. full ranking coming at the end of s1 but rn odo kira and sisko are def my top 3.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Do u have like a ranking of the characters starting from your fav
oh gosh like as in the rogues (i hope so because that's what i'm doing now)??? i like a very specific set of rogues (although it gets bigger every day lmao) but you asked for it so i will not PUNISH YOU in ways you never even thought possible by rambling on for quite some time 💚 so anyway feel free to suggest new rogues to me or try to change my mind because i listed rogues i don't care for and ones i wanna fall in love with too u-u
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ok let's start off nice and easy by saying i don't like catwoman. i find her hard to read, she's cold, she's mean and i she would make me cry. i hate her. and i also hate ra's al ghul god damn.
Number One: The Riddler
my beloved disgusting green man 💚 there hasn't been a riddler i've met yet who i wouldn't kiss on the head and then fuck hard and long like i am obsessed with every iteration of him. you want me to rank them, i can't, but please know that arkham and capullo are up at the top fighting each other (shirtless, covered in oil, maybe kissing too i dunno, maybe not just shirtless either maybe we're talking just hanging dong, bouncing around all over the place, rubbing against each other I GOT SO DISTRACTED HOLY SHIT LMAO)
Number Two: The Penguin
just something about a silly little guy with a silly little smile and a silly little tummy that does it for me. this is very specific to farrell and gotham penguins but honestly, i've just finished reading one bad day and i'd fuck him too 💜
Number Three: Scarecrow
i want him so bad you don't even know, like i want jonathan crane to read me a book, then fuckin fear toxin me and then i want scarebeast to rail me sorry but i'm also not sorry. he also just seems like such a nice man which don't even come at me
Number Four: Two Face
such a handsome, handsome, charming, well-dressed man battling his inner (outer) demons like??? what more could you really ask for??? get you a man who can do both, be super smart and cutie and also absolutely unhinged and hot
Number Five: Harley Quinn
i struggled ranking ivy and harley but ultimately she's so cute and bubbly and fun and i want her to squish my cheeks and let me touch her butt, like i don't like margot robbie something about her bugs me but i still loved birds of prey, that's the lure of harley ;-;
Number Six: Poison Ivy
yeah yeah ivy is hot everyone knows it, yes cool eco-terrorism sure thing, but ok so also while we're here, fat ivy. fat ivy fat ivy fat ivy. i would sell my fucking organs to fill my grabby little hands with her body >:(
Number Seven: Victor Zsasz
love you chihuahua man u-u mostly gotham zsasz because he radiates mischief, just a cheeky lil guy, visiting his bub and getting ice cream with his pals, and he's so funny???
Number Eight: Victor Freeze
freeze gets to be ranked on my list PURELY because he's a mad scientist, he's nice to his wife (romantic what????) and MOSTLY because of that one shot of nathan darrows in gotham with the low-rise fucking trousers like good LORD in heaven the stranglehold that has on my clit you wouldn't believe
honourable mentions of rogues i kinda fuck with but not enough to rate or rank yet:
black mask, but absolutely the fuck not ewan mcgregor
mad hatter, i want to love you
joker, i hate him but i want to fuck him sometimes it's complicated
professor pyg
hugo strange
solomon grundy
rogues i want to fuck with in future:
clock king
music meister
the creeper
batmite (what the fuck is he i love him???)
jeremiah arkham
rogues i know but don't give a fuck about:
killer croc
killer moth
king shark (except i wanted to fuck him in assualt on arkham)
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maochira · 1 year
As mentioned in my last post, for Barou's birthday (even tough it's still the 26th where I live) here's just me talking about how much and why I love Barou
Warning: I get a little bit corny and a bit personal
I think the first thing to start is obviously my big brother complex. And funfact, Barou was the character that made me realize I have one in the first place. I knew I had a father complex, but it took Barou to make me realize I have a big brother complex as well. I don't remember if I realized that after or before finding out he has two younger sisters but yeah.
I see Barou as a big brother figure to myself, I absolutely love writing big brother!Barou stuff and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.
I don't know what made me start liking him so much, but I quickly fell into having Barou as one of my favourite characters and while my taste in my favs has always changed, Barou is the only one who has stayed this high for this long (Ego would be right behind that, I think.)
I don't relate to much of Barou's personality. We're very very different as the type of person we are. But one thing that is just incredibly comforting to me are his urges to perfection and the compulsions that com along. I used to struggle with compulsions A LOT and one of them was having to open the window to let air in. I had a ritual in which I repeated 2 or 3 things (sometimes over and over) and one of those things was opening the window. That one scene where Baroutells Isagi and Nagi to let air into the room? Just a little scene, a little moment, but to me it holds a lot of comfort. I haven't struggled with any compulsions in a while, and I think Barou might have subconsciously helped me to deal with that because of the comfort this part of him gives me.
I know those things don't necessarily have to be interpreted as Barou having compulsions, but I interpret them that way.
Also, his perfectionism. I'm not a perfectionist anymore, but I use to be one to a point where I was upset with myself for "not perfect" grades. Probably a thing Barou helped/helps me with as well but not like as a conscious thing.
Barou is just my go-to comfort character for basically everything. I remember about 2 months ago, it was the day my ex and I would have had our 3 year anniversary if we hadn't broken up last summer. And I don't miss them anymore, but the thoughts and a bit of the pain just returned so,,, I wrote a oneshot of how Barou helps his sibling through a breakup. A few things in that oneshot resembled what happened to me irl but I changed a bunch so it's not accurate to my ex and me.
Whenever I write Barou as a big brother, I write him as the type of brother who's very soft for his younger sibling(s) and extremely protective, but he stays rational and thinks a lot about how his overprotectiveness could harm his sibling(s) so he won't accidentally hurt them. And if he does end up saying or doing something that hurts them, he ha a hard time apologizing but he always manages to do it in his own ways. But you've seen all of that in my big brother!Barou writings.
Barou resembles one of my old comfort characters who can no longer be my comfort character. It's mainly in looks, I genuinely can't think of a thing they have in common about their personality. That also doesn't make Barou a "replacement" for that comfort character I lost, but he certainly filled that hole that was left behind when I lost the other comfort character.
I love Barou's character development and he's one of the most interesting characters to me, even outside of headcanons and the stuff I write about him. In the manga and anime, he's super interesting to see and his dvelopment in second selection,,,, hnngg loves that so much. Alo his rivalry with Isagi is my favourite of all of Isagi rivals (yeah sure, Rin and Kaiser are cool. Bu tthe mutual respect Isagi and Barou have makes it more interesting imo)
All in all, I love Barou and I have a deep personal connection with him. Love him very very much and hhjsnnnnf the thing I'd do to have him be real or to have a friend who's like him. I think about Barou a lot every day and I do a lot of rps with him on c.ai (usually just "rewrites" of the same scenario over and over, things I've already written on here or just things that are way too specific or personal as self-inserts for me to write on this blog)
Anyways, that's it. I will give my Barou plushie a little kiss now.
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
Hi again...I'm the anon that ask before.....My first ask is about Yuri on Ice....Who are your top 3 or top 5 fav characters from that fandom and why do you love them? What are your top 5 fav moments from the series? Feel free if you want to pick either or answer all the questions....Thanks if you want to answer....
These questions are a lot of fun!
My top 3 characters are the main three. I'm very much a basic bitch with that but!
5. Minami: I just love a good day of sunshine character and I love that he's Yuuri's fanboy
6. Phichit: he is such a wonderful breath of fresh air and such a joy to have on screen as well as Captain of the ship Victuuri
3. Yurio: I was a very angry teen back when I was one so I can empathize with Yurio. I also really like his character arc. The funniest thing for me is I hated him in the first episode but the moment he saw the tiger sweatshirt in Hasetsu and was all "awesome fashion" I decided I loved him and he was my adopted fictional son.
2. Victor: how can anyone not love Victor and how he can be serious and charming one second and a gigantic dork the next? He's such a goof and I love that about him. Plus he's so serious about trying to be a good coach
1. Yuuri: he's my pal, my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy.
Though seriously I just identify SO strongly with Yuuri and his insecurities and self confidence issues and anxiety. He also reads (in retrospect) very autistic to me so I project onto him even harder. He's such a grounded and realistic character to me. Plus his ambiguous relationship with gender is something I also really needed when I started watching it
As for top 5 moments....that's tougher....
I will admit it's been a little bit since I've watched the series (need to break out the dvd)
But! ...I need more then 5
6.. The beach scene were Yuri confesses his fears and asks Victor to be Victor. It's very touching and just such an important turning point
5. The carpark scene in China when Victor fucks up. Because we don't usually see him so out of his depth and panicked and it's a great (and rare) insight into his mind
4 Yuuri telling Victor to leave him at the competition to be with his dog. Even though he knows he'll struggle he wants what's best for Victor and it's a really nice moment
3. The kiss. It was such a shocking (in a great way!) moment because up to that point everyone thought it was probably just queer baiting us and BAM an actual kiss! Even though it was censored it a huge deal at the time
2. The proposal! We were all joking about it being rings but we're convinced it was talking about medals but then we get the rings! The fandom at that point lost our shit! It's really incredible and unlike a kiss they make it clear it's an engagement with "we'll get married when he wins gold
1. The reveal/flashback of Sochi where we learn about Yuuri getting drunk and that he asked Victor to be his coach and just how it reframed the entire series! It's still one of the best twists in media. It changes the context of everything and it's so beautifully done
Honourable mention: the Zombie Hug scene. It's just so fucking funny
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inklore · 1 year
What are your favorite things about each adam driver character?
oh jeez ok buckle up for the several long paragraphs i am about to write that no one's going to care about it because it's going to be feral nonsense ok <3 i'm just going to talk about my top favs since there's so many adc's and we'd be here all day.
— KYLO REN/BEN SOLO: putting our emo boy first because he's the first one i fell for (insane cause i went into the films ready to hate him because he killed off a fav of mine but then he took off his mask and i was like ....ima hear him out). as someone with both mommy and daddy issues it's no surprise i gravitated towards him and actually loved the dynamic he had with his parents because it's completely up to interoperation (i have read no sw books so exclude them), but han and leia both hint to them being not great parents. so thinking about the internal struggles that ben probably went through to become kylo and how easy it probably was to taint his mind because of absent parents or parents who didn't really know how to be their best for him literally sends me spiraling. not to mention this lil fucker is resilient as hell and he literally is just a ball of feelings and rage and doesn't know how to handle them because he was never taught how to and hellooo the call is coming from inside the house. his lightsaber is also superior (besides mace windu's). i will forever be bitter they focused hella on his relationship with rey than anything else (also this is no hate because i love rey ok). like i get it but also adam had the range to play as ben, to be something other than driven by trying to convince some girl to be on the dark side and take her down. like no hate but my boy deserved a bit better writing.
— ADAM SACKLER: i only watched girls for him and then i ended up really enjoying the show which was huge surprise but it just makes the rewatches that more special. but this little perverted freak is just so chaotic and toxic in his own way and it just makes me go dumb. because he's the little weirdo your girl friends will be like yeah stay away from him but he's the one who will love you so deeply to the point where it's a little scary and chaotic and toxic and dependent but he will also lift you up and do what he can for you and he's big as fuck and can carry you around everywhere, build you things, make you things, plus watching him in plays and little movies and shows ughhh. he's chaotic boyfriend material. a chaotic messy himbo if you will. he's just so unapologetically himself and has a lot more depth than one would think from first glance or the first two seasons of the show. and he's incredibly sensitive!! ok i'll shut up (but if we focusing on thirst um...the dirty talk?? yeah).
— PHILLIP ALTMAN: aka adam sackler's less-chaotic but a bit more toxic due to mommy issues counterpart (if we're being honest), i really have no real ground breaking explanation as to why i have intense feelings towards this man. it could be because the movie i really love the movie he's from?? like i don't know but when i think of him i just want to lay down and listen to lana and really think about how i could fix him by making him worse. i also think this character has hidden depth we didn't get to see and there's a lot of unspoken familial issues going on there and like he's a little lost (relatable). plus he's silly and his little dance hip thrust could convince me to forgive him of everything. plus the line "the stuff that's going on in fossil fuels is just really sexy" kills me each time.
— JUDE: i honestly think this character is insane. like he has a darkness to him that people either don't mention or just overlook because there's a kid involved. but even before said kid was involved he was...something else. like he's the worst baby daddy but also the best but also you get it but also you're like...do i get it because there's something off here?? like it's just one of those characters you're like do i like him? do i want him? is he okay? am i okay? what's even really going on with him? i just love it lmao.
— PATERSON: husband. boyfriend. material. that is all. you know the quiet soft boys that just make you want to scream into a pillow and be like 'when will it be my turn?' yeah, that's this man. he's everything!
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