#not bringing my laptop on my trip so i won’t get to play or see my beloved wol until monday ;-;
lavampira · 4 months
normal pre-travel behaviors like /doting on @hythlodaes’ emile multiple times and then leaving d’alia at the forgotten knight for the week that I will be away
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Good guy [Simpbur x reader]
Pairing: c!Wilbur Soot x Gender Neutral!reader (Simpbur x reader)
Summary: Simpbur being a domestic Simp for his streamer!reader. Companion fic to Nice Guy
Warnings: Fluff, Simpbur being a Simp
Words: 1.1K
Masterlist: Wilbur’s Masterlist - Full Masterlist
A/N: Here is the companion fic to Nice Guy (Also requests are still open! Click here!)
Wilbur opened his laptop, needing a bit of noise in his room while he cleans. It has been a while since the last time he did laundry anyway. Maybe he could do a bit of yours too, he did owe you one.
He hums to himself, as he searches for a specific video. The video series of yours holding a special place in his heart. He had given you the game of Prey as a birthday gift after you had mentioned it to him. And well, if he would give you the world, if only he could. But for now, seeing you smile was the world for him.
A pair of Bluetooth headphones on his head, and a click for the video to start. That is all it takes before your voice floods his brain.
“And I am live chat, welcome to!” A short pause follows. “If you’re new here, I’m SapphireSaffy, and today we’ll be playing Prey. So… my roommate is actually the one who recommended me this game.”
He smiles at the mention of him, even if you just said he had recommended the game. Wilbur knew how easy rumours spread, and how hurt you had been when a lot of your fans had been after you the first time Wilbur was revealed on stream.
He didn’t want you to be hurt like that again, he still remembers the tears you shred over the hate sent your way. Although in reality, the hate had been sent about him, and to him. Wilbur knew this, but you had tried to shield him from it by saying it was directed at you.
A hand goes through his hair, emptying his head for thoughts. He didn’t need to be reminded about those tears. Shred for people who didn’t care.
Your voice brings him back into his room. The video playing, and he remembers the cleaning he wanted to get done. First, his table; wires and cameras lying on it, he had gotten it from his programming class. They were meant to experiment with encrypting and decrypting video files.
A task he had already learned some time ago but never thought would be a handy skill to have. He wonders if the wireless function could reach your room.
A whiff of air leaves him as his hand waves into the air, chasing the thought away.
Where did that come from?
If anything, he should start thinking about dinner. You had talked about starting stream early, to get more hours in, which means you would most likely be skipping dinner, and that wouldn’t happen on his watch. But he would have to be quick to grab your laundry then.
He cleans his desks, and decides it’s enough cleaning if he wants to get the laundry done.
Your voice leaving his head as the laptop closes, and he takes off his headphones.
He is quick to cross the small 3 room apartment, to knock on your door.
“Come in!”
He sticks his head in.
“Just wanted to hear if I should do your laundry, also any specific things you want for dinner? Else I’m thinking about chicken, maybe some roasted carrots!” Wilbur is quick to say, wanting to get all the words out before he would stumble over any of them
“Slow down there.” You giggle out, “Sure, you can take my laundry, I’ll be streaming soon though, so no dinner for me.”
Wilbur lets out a disappointed click with his tongue.
“Alright alright, chicken and whatever else you cook up sounds wonderful to me.”
He smiles at that reply, before walking in to gather your laundry. Noticing a pair of panties that has fallen to the side. He picks them up, and puts them with the rest.
“If you need me, I’ll be back in 20 to get started on dinner.” He calls out behind him.
And he keeps to his words, 20 minutes and a trip to the common laundry room in the basement later he’s pulling out ingredients from the fridge to cool up a new recipe. You had recently mentioned to him, that your dad used to make chicken with cornflakes when you were a kid, and you kinda missed the taste of it.
There for Wilbur had of course tried to make it once when you weren’t in the apartment, so when he finally got the change to serve it for you. It would be perfect. You deserved nothing less.
And for the most part it goes like planned, save for a mishap with the flour. But everything else was fine now. Although he should get around to cleaning the kitchen when he was finished now. It wasn’t exactly on his plan for the evening, but you shouldn’t have to see such a kitchen after a stream.
He knows how drained you can be, and how much you usually just want to curl up with a blanket and either sleep or watch a show in the living room. And he wanted to make sure it was the most pleasant for you to do so.
While the chicken is in the oven he makes the trip to the laundry room. Hanging up his and yours clothes to dry. Once again spotting the pair of underwear that caught his eye earlier. He tears his gaze away by running a hand over his face and into his hair.
He should really get over himself.
Wilbur finished up the laundry hanging, and just in time for the oven to chime when he steps into the apartment.
He plates the food for you, leaving the rest for him to take a portion afterwards.
He knocks on your door once more.
No response.
He knocks again.
“Come in!”
He opens the door and gives out a quiet “Dinner.”
“One moment chat.” You tell your stream, before waving him over. He follows along like a puppy, handing you the plate, he watches your face light up.
“You remembered!” A smile is evident on your face, going all the ways to your eyes. “How did you?”
He chuckles at this. “Don’t worry about it, just thought you wanted to taste it again.”
“Why don’t you get your own plate, you can join stream, c’mon.”
“I’m not-“
“C’mon I promise chat won’t bite.” You smile at him. He smiles back.
“One moment I just need to grab myself a plate.”
And with that Wilbur is out the door, listening as you tell chat about how your awesome roommate has cooked you a childhood dish, and is going to be joining for stream, although out of camera. And Wilbur is thankful for that. He knows you like the cameras. And you know he doesn’t.
Everything is pretty alright, Wilbur has done good in his life befriending you.
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sunkissedpages · 3 years
dirty reflection || th x reader
Summary: fulfilling a long held fantasy with your boyfriend (cockwarming him in front of a mirror)
Warnings: swearing, smut (18+)
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: this was a piece for @honeymoonlover's birthday that i inserted tom into :)
"Tell me!"
“No, I’m too embarrassed!”
You turned away from your boyfriend on the couch with your arms folded across your chest in protest. If there was anyone who could get you to spill something it was Tom, but you were determined not to break.
“Please, baby?” he asked again, and walked around to the other side of the sofa so that you could see his big brown eyes.
You squeezed your own eyes shut, as to not let him guilt trip you and shook your head stubbornly. Tom let out a sigh of frustration and you thought that maybe he had given up until you heard him chuckle above you.
“Fine, then I guess we won’t have sex at all.”
You opened your eyes again and stared at your boyfriend in disbelief. He smirked.
“You heard me.”
You narrowed your eyes. “You’re bluffing.”
“No,” he insisted, doubling down. “If you won’t tell me what you want, we won’t have sex until you do.”
“You know what I want! You already know how to make me feel good.”
“I thought I did,” he huffed, sticking out his bottom lip in a pout.
“You do!”
Tom raised his arms above his head, bringing the hem of his t-shirt up to reveal a small strip of his stomach and the elastic of his Calvin Klein’s. You sucked in a breath and pursed your lips, ignoring the sight before you.
“But not this!”
The this he was referring to was just a silly fantasy of yours, one that you had purposely kept secret because you were embarrassed to admit to wanting something so... filthy. You had never planned to fulfill it- you were more than content to simply imagine the scene playing out when Tom wasn’t home, and use your own hands instead of his to take the edge off. But as of 20 minutes ago that wasn’t an option anymore because your boyfriend had come across your messages with your best friend about that very fantasy.
He hadn’t meant to pry. He had just gotten home from shooting and grabbed your Mac off of the coffee table to check Twitter. You weren’t around, but he always used your computer to scroll through social media anyway so he figured he didn’t need to ask. Your last iMessage conversation with Sloane was still up, and he went to minimize the window when he read his name at the top of one of your blue bubbles. He knew he shouldn’t have been reading your private messages, but he couldn’t stop himself.
s: you should just tell him
y/n: idk how to bring it up
s: it’s not that hard
y/n: would it be weird to ask you to tell him for me?
s: bitch yes
s: i don’t want to talk to your bf about your sex life
y/n: tom knows you though! You could just sneak it into conversation casually yk?
s: i’m not telling him you want to be-
That was as far as he got before you walked back into the room and he slammed the laptop shut in panic, looking like you’d just caught him watching porn- which to be fair, you had done before.
Before you could say anything, or even process what had just happened, Tom flipped it around on you.
“What aren’t you telling me?”
Your brain still hadn’t processed the situation so you furrowed your brow in confusion. “I don’t know what you mean-”
“Why are you talking to Sloane about our sex life?” he demanded. It finally clicked. “And what about it is so terrible about it that you don’t want to tell me yourself?”
“There’s nothing terrible about it!” you assured him.
“Then what?” His face was starting to turn red like it did whenever he got worked up. “Have you been faking-”
You could feel your face starting to heat up as well at the implication.
“We were just talking about a dumb fantasy of mine, that’s all.”
And that’s what led you to where you were now, staring each other down over the edge of the couch, daring the other to be the first to break. The room was still filled with tension, but there had been a shift in context.
Tom's eyes were dark and nearly unreadable in the dim light of your living room.
“You’re really not going to fuck me until I tell you?” you asked. He nodded again in earnest, and raised his eyebrows expectantly. “But what do I get out of telling you?”
He gave you a look like it should have been obvious. “We’re going to do it.”
You hesitated. “What if you’re not into it?”
He shrugged and brushed off the possibility. “I’m into whatever you’re into.”
“I don’t know about that.”
“I promise,” Tom said and pressed a kiss to your lips as if to seal it. “I’m not going to judge whatever it is you want me to do to you. No matter how gross it is.” You scoffed and swatted at him, but he dodged your hand easily.
“I can’t stand you,” you muttered.
“Oh, is that why you’re always kneeling for me?”
“Do you want me to tell you or not?”
The smirk fell from his face as he hastily cleared his throat and beckoned for you to continue.
“You know that mirror we have in our bedroom?” you asked.
Tom nodded, a grin playing at the corner of his mouth as if he had an idea about where this was going.
“I’ve always wanted to cockwarm you while we sit in front of it.”
Your boyfriend was smiling from ear to ear now. He had you right where he wanted you.
“Is that all?” he asked.
“I mean, pretty much, yeah.”
“Pretty much?” The next part you mumbled under your breath. “What was that?” Tom asked, leaning over the couch so that he could hear you.
“Yes,” you bit out and clenched your jaw in a pathetic sort of pout.
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” he teased, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “Okay, get up.”
“What, why?”
“I’ve got some lines to read over. You can keep my cock warm while I do that.”
“Right now?”
“I thought that’s what you wanted?”
“It-it is.”
“Then get up.”
You did as you were told and stood up from your spot on the sofa, watching as Tom grabbed the back of one of the kitchen chairs and began dragging it behind him.
“I don’t want to ruin our armchair,” he said as an explanation and jerked his head in the direction of your bedroom, motioning for you to follow him.
The mirror in your bedroom was one of your favorite things in the house. It sat on the floor leaned up against the wall with a large ornate frame encompassing it. It was almost taller than you, and weighed about sixty pounds. Its gold paint was chipping in the corners and it was a bit scuffed up, but it was still the best find you’d ever made at the antique fair and you stood by that. You still remembered carrying it home the day you bought it. Tom had filmed the process instead of helping, watching you struggle with the newspaper-wrapped package through the screen on his phone with a smug grin on his face the entire time.
Tom set the chair on the floor in front of the mirror and began to strip, pulling off his hoodie first before shimmying out of his joggers. You followed in suit by unzipping your skirt and letting it fall to the ground. You stepped out of it and went for your shirt next, yanking it over your head. Your hands went for the clasp of your bra after that before thinking twice.
“Do you want my bra off or-”
He seemed to think about it for a moment before answering. “Leave it on.”
You nodded and dropped your hands back by your side, watching him grab his notebook from the desk and settle on the chair. He was completely naked now, and you were left in just your underwear, a scene you both were intimately familiar with.
He spat into his palm and took his cock in his hand, pumping a few times before you stopped him.
“Let me,” you offered, kneeling on the floor in front of him.
He groaned and handed over his control easily. You grinned to yourself before taking him in your mouth. You knew he’d never pass up an opportunity to have you suck him off.
You worked slowly, taking your time, enjoying the feeling of him getting hard on your tongue. Tom gripped your hair with one hand and clutched his notebook with the other. He fought to keep his eyes open, to keep his head upright. In the mirror he could see the back of your head bobbing up and down on his lap, the expanse of your back, every scar, freckle, and mole he’d seen a thousand times before but now from a different angle.
You hollowed out your cheeks and took him to the back of your throat, trying not to laugh when you heard him curse.
“Stop,” he breathed out, pulling you off of him by your hair. “You’re a menace.”
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and smiled. “Thank you.”
He glared at you for a moment before flicking his gaze downwards.
“I’d ask if you want me to return the favor, but I don’t think I need to.” He reached out to prove his point and brushed a couple fingers over your panties, ignoring the way you trembled as he did. He held his hand up to you to show you the wetness gathered on his pointer and index before bringing them to his lips and sucking it off. “You’re plenty wet already.”
You suppressed a moan and pursed your lips, nodding in agreement.
Tom didn’t have to say anything for you to know what he wanted next. You slipped out of your panties and tossed them to the side. He wrapped an arm around your waist as you straddled him and lined yourself up. You both sighed as you sank down onto his cock. He kissed you deeply, winding a hand through hair and moaning your name. You let your head rest against his shoulder and tried not to rock your hips forward. Your boyfriend was having similar issues, hips stuttering underneath you, head falling back in pleasure.
“T-tommy,” you gasped.
“Don’t,” he warned through gritted teeth. You clenched around him involuntarily and whined. “What did I just say?”
“Sorry, can’t help it.”
He took a deep breath and began flipping through the pages of his notebook. You craned your neck to look back at your reflection in the mirror, smiling weakly at the sight. Tom had an arm slung loosely around your waist still. His cheeks were rosy and warm to the touch. Your ass was on full display at this angle, but you didn’t mind. You knew it was your boyfriend’s favorite view anyway, and you weren’t ashamed to admit that you could see why.
The way you were seated on his lap made it look like you could have just been cuddling. The reflection didn’t show Tom's cock buried deep inside your pussy and your breathing had slowed to somewhat of a normal pace.
Tom began to recite his lines to himself and you turned your attention back to him, admiring how he looked while he was concentrating. His eyelashes were so fucking long, it was something you had always been jealous of. The light filtering into the room made them look blond...
You were doing so good. You were relaxing comfortably, lost in your own thoughts, when Tom moved for the first time. He was just scratching his ankle, but the sudden movement made you yelp.
“Don’t do that!” you cried.
“What, this?” he asked and bent down to scratch his ankle again.
“Yes, that,” you growled.
“Why not?”
“You know why.”
“What about this?”
He leaned back and stretched his arms above his head.
“That’s worse!” you hissed.
“No you’re not.” He just shrugged and tossed his notebook on the bed. “Don’t you have work to do?”
“Could use a break,” he replied simply, “and it’s hard to focus with distractions.”
The last part was pointed at you and you narrowed your eyes.
“I have been perfectly still.”
“Yeah, but your... impatience is, well, physical.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re soaking, love.”
You looked down at Tom's lap and suddenly realized what he meant. Your arousal was quite literally dripping onto his thighs and the chair beneath you. That was why he didn’t want to use the armchair. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment and buried your head in your boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Fuck, I’m sorry!”
He chuckled and rubbed a hand up and down your back comfortingly. “Don’t be! I know you can’t help it, and it’s honestly really fucking hot.”
“You’re not just saying that?”
“No,” he promised and shook his head adamantly. “I like that I have this effect on you.”
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t let it go to your head.”
“Too late.”
“I know.”
“So this fantasy of yours,” he said, clearing his throat. “How does it end?"
“On what?”
He raised an eyebrow. “What about me?”
“Whatever you want.”
“I get to pick how it ends?”
“Mhm. I usually leave it up to the imagination so it’s open-ended.”
“You mean when you masturbate to it you cum before it ends so you lose interest?” Tom clarified.
“I know you,” he said cockily.
“And like I said, you know what I like.”
“I like to think I do.”
“So tell me what to do.”
“You just like being bossed around.”
“And what about it?”
“Brat,” he spat.
Tom smiled and jerked his hips the slightest bit, making you whimper. “Stand up.”
You tried not to show your disappointment, but did as you were told and stood up, wincing at the empty feeling that followed.
“Just for a minute, baby,” he assured you. “Turn around.”
You turned so that you were facing the mirror and let yourself be pulled back onto your boyfriend’s lap. He slid his cock back inside of you almost immediately and praised you for taking it so well.
“I thought you should see yourself,” he whispered against your shoulder.
You moaned, only able to nod in agreement. You were positioned at a bit of an angle now since you were facing forward, but any discomfort you felt evaporated when Tom kissed the back of your neck. He unclasped your bra and let it fall to the floor.
“Look at you,” he murmured as he urged you to start riding him, “fucking yourself on my cock like a slut.”
“Fuck, Tom.”
You forced yourself to look at your reflection, straining your neck so that you could see clearly. You made eye contact with yourself only to see a stranger stared back at you. The person in the mirror looked like a fucking pornstar, tits out, legs spread, but also fucked out of their mind.
“Feels so good,” you panted.
“I know, baby, I know.”
Tom brought a hand down to your clit and started to rub in circular motions, a clue that he was getting close. Your legs were shaking at this point and you could feel your own orgasm starting to creep up on you as he slammed into you from behind.
“You look so fucking hot like this,” Tom grunted.
You met his eyes in the reflection and gave a weak smile. “I know.”
“Fuck, y/n!” He came suddenly with a moan of your name. You watched in the mirror as his eyes screwed up and his whole body tensed underneath you.
“Can I- can I cum?” you begged, not even sure if you’d be able to hold out if he said no.
A mere nod of his head was all it took for you to tip over the edge. Tom weakly fucked you through it, still riding the end of his own high.
“So good for me,” he managed in broken breaths.
You arched your back against his chest as you came, mumbling profanities the entire time. You tried to keep your eyes open to watch yourself fall apart, but you only caught glimpses.
You collapsed back against Tom as the aftershocks of your orgasm subsided, gasping for breath like you had just finished running a marathon.
“Thank you,” you whispered.
Tom wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, kissing the top of your head gently. You were both covered in sweat and cum, but neither of you could find the energy to care.
“Of course.”
You let yourself relax against his body for another moment, observing your reflections in the mirror. Your hair was a tangled mess, but so was Tom's. Hickeys were already beginning to bloom on your neck and shoulders, reminders to follow you in the days ahead.
Your eyes wandered up to meet your boyfriend’s, who was already gazing at you tenderly. You shared a brief look and smirked at each other.
“Round two?”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
dirty reflection || hvc x reader
Summary: fulfilling a long held fantasy with your boyfriend (cockwarming him in front of a mirror)
Warnings: swearing, smut (18+)
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: this is for @junsol happy birthday tiff!!
“Tell me!”
“No, I’m too embarrassed!”
You turned away from your boyfriend on the couch with your arms folded across your chest in protest. If there was anyone who could get you to spill something it was Vernon, but you were determined not to break.
“Please, baby?” he asked again, and walked around to the other side of the sofa so that you could see his big brown eyes.
You squeezed your own eyes shut, as to not let him guilt trip you and shook your head stubbornly. Vernon let out a sigh of frustration and you thought that maybe he had given up until you heard him chuckle above you.
“Fine, then I guess we won’t have sex at all.”
You opened your eyes again and stared at your boyfriend in disbelief. He smirked.
“You heard me.”
You narrowed your eyes. “You’re bluffing.”
“No,” he insisted, doubling down. “If you won’t tell me what you want, we won’t have sex until you do.”
“You know what I want! You already know how to make me feel good.”
“I thought I did,” he huffed, sticking out his bottom lip in a pout.
“You do!”
Vernon raised his arms above his head, bringing the hem of his t-shirt up to reveal a small strip of his stomach and the elastic of his Calvin Klein’s. You sucked in a breath and pursed your lips, ignoring the sight before you.
“But not this!”
The this he was referring to was just a silly fantasy of yours, one that you had purposely kept secret because you were embarrassed to admit to wanting something so... filthy. You had never planned to fulfill it- you were more than content to simply imagine the scene playing out when Vernon wasn’t home, and use your own hands instead of his to take the edge off. But as of 20 minutes ago that wasn’t an option anymore because your boyfriend had come across your messages with your best friend about that very fantasy.
He hadn’t meant to pry. He had just gotten home from rehearsal and grabbed your Mac off of the coffee table to check Twitter. You weren’t around, but he always used your computer to scroll through social media anyway so he figured he didn’t need to ask. Your last iMessage conversation with Sloane was still up, and he went to minimize the window when he read his name at the top of one of your blue bubbles. He knew he shouldn’t have been reading your private messages, but he couldn’t stop himself.
s: you should just tell him
y/n: idk how to bring it up
s: it’s not that hard
y/n: would it be weird to ask you to tell him for me?
s: bitch yes
s: I don’t want to talk to your bf about your sex life
y/n: vernon knows you though! You could just sneak it into conversation casually yk?
s: i’m not telling him you want to be-
That was as far as he got before you walked back into the room and he slammed the laptop shut in panic, looking like you’d just caught him watching porn- which to be fair, you had done a number of times before.
Before you could say anything, or even process what had just happened, Vernon flipped it around on you.
“What aren’t you telling me?”
Your brain still hadn’t processed the situation so you furrowed your brow in confusion. “I don’t know what you mean-”
“Why are you talking to Sloane about our sex life?” he demanded. It finally clicked. “And what about it is so terrible about it that you don’t want to tell me yourself?”
“There’s nothing terrible about it!” you assured him.
“Then what?” His face was starting to turn red like it did whenever he got worked up. “Have you been faking-”
“No!" You could feel your face starting to heat up as well at the implication. “We were just talking about a dumb fantasy of mine, that’s all.”
And that’s what led you to where you were now, staring each other down over the edge of the couch, daring the other to be the first to break. The room was still filled with tension, but there had been a shift in context.
Vernon’s eyes were dark and nearly unreadable in the dim light of your living room.
“You’re really not going to fuck me until I tell you?” you asked. He nodded again in earnest, and raised his eyebrows expectantly. “But what do I get out of telling you?”
He gave you a look like it should have been obvious. “We’re going to do it.”
You hesitated. “What if you’re not into it?”
He shrugged and brushed off the possibility. “I’m into whatever you’re into.”
“I don’t know about that.”
“I promise,” Vernon said and pressed a kiss to your lips as if to seal it. “I’m not going to judge whatever it is you want me to do to you. No matter how gross it is.”
You scoffed and swatted at him, but he dodged your hand easily.
“I can’t stand you,” you muttered.
“Oh, is that why you’re always kneeling for me?”
“Do you want me to tell you or not?”
The smirk fell from his face as he hastily cleared his throat and beckoned for you to continue.
“You know that mirror we have in our bedroom?” you asked.
Vernon nodded, a grin playing at the corner of his mouth as if he had an idea about where this was going.
“I’ve always wanted to cockwarm you while we sit in front of it.”
Your boyfriend was smiling from ear to ear now. He had you right where he wanted you.
“Is that all?” he asked.
“I mean, pretty much, yeah.”
“Pretty much?” The next part you mumbled under your breath. “What was that?” Vernon asked, leaning over the couch so that he could hear you.
“Yes,” you bit out and clenched your jaw in a pathetic sort of pout.
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” he teased, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “Okay, get up.”
“What, why?”
“I’ve got some lyrics to work over. You can keep my cock warm while I do that.”
“Right now?”
“I thought that’s what you wanted?”
“It-it is.”
“Then get up.”
You did as you were told and stood up from your spot on the sofa, watching as Vernon grabbed the back of one of the kitchen chairs and began dragging it behind him.
“I don’t want to ruin our armchair,” he said as an explanation and jerked his head in the direction of your bedroom, motioning for you to follow him.
The mirror in your bedroom was one of your favorite things in the house. It sat on the floor leaned up against the wall with a large ornate frame encompassing it. It was almost taller than you, and weighed about sixty pounds. Its gold paint was chipping in the corners and it was a bit scuffed up, but it was still the best find you’d ever made at the antique fair and you stood by that. You still remembered carrying it home the day you bought it. Vernon had filmed the process instead of helping, watching you struggle with the newspaper-wrapped package through the screen on his phone with a smug grin on his face the entire time.
Vernon set the chair on the floor in front of the mirror and began to strip, pulling off his hoodie first before shimmying out of his joggers. You followed in suit by unzipping your skirt and letting it fall to the ground. You stepped out of it and went for your shirt next, yanking it over your head. Your hands went for the clasp of your bra after that before thinking twice.
“Do you want my bra off or-”
He seemed to think about it for a moment before answering. “Leave it on.”
You nodded and dropped your hands back by your side, watching him grab his notebook from the desk and settle on the chair. He was completely naked now, and you were left in just your underwear, a scene you both were intimately familiar with.
He spat into his palm and took his cock in his hand, pumping a few times before you stopped him.
“Let me,” you offered, kneeling on the floor in front of him.
He groaned and handed over control easily. You grinned to yourself before taking him in your mouth. You knew he’d never pass up an opportunity to have you suck him off.
You worked slowly, taking your time, enjoying the feeling of him getting hard on your tongue. Vernon gripped your hair with one hand and clutched his notebook with the other. He fought to keep his eyes open, to keep his head upright. In the mirror he could see the back of your head bobbing up and down on his lap, the expanse of your back, every scar, freckle, and mole he’d seen a thousand times before but now from a different angle.
You hollowed out your cheeks and took him to the back of your throat, trying not to laugh when you heard him curse.
“Stop,” he breathed out, pulling you off of him by your hair. “You’re a menace.”
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and smiled. “Thank you.”
He glared at you for a moment before flicking his gaze downwards.
“I’d ask if you want me to return the favor, but I don’t think I need to.” He reached out to prove his point and brushed a couple fingers over your panties, ignoring the way you trembled as he did. He held his hand up to you to show you the wetness gathered on his pointer and index before bringing them to his lips and sucking it off. “You’re plenty wet already.”
You suppressed a moan and pursed your lips, nodding in agreement.
Vernon didn’t have to say anything for you to know what he wanted next. You slipped out of your panties and tossed them to the side. He wrapped an arm around your waist as you straddled him and lined yourself up. You both sighed as you sank down onto his cock. He kissed you deeply, winding a hand through hair and moaning your name. You let your head rest against his shoulder and tried not to rock your hips forward. Your boyfriend was having similar issues, hips stuttering underneath you, head falling back in pleasure.
“H-hansol,” you gasped.
“Don’t,” he warned through gritted teeth. You clenched around him involuntarily and whined. “What did I just say?”
“Sorry, can’t help it.”
He took a deep breath and began flipping through the pages of his notebook. You craned your neck to look back at your reflection in the mirror, smiling weakly at the sight. Vernon had an arm slung loosely around your waist still. His cheeks were rosy and warm to the touch. Your ass was on full display at this angle, but you didn’t mind. You knew it was your boyfriend’s favorite view anyway, and you weren’t ashamed to admit that you could see why.
The way you were seated on his lap made it look like you could have just been cuddling. The reflection didn’t show Vernon’s cock buried deep inside your pussy and your breathing had slowed to somewhat of a normal pace.
Vernon began to hum to himself and you turned your attention back to him, admiring how he looked while he was concentrating. His eyelashes were so fucking long, it was something you had always been jealous of. The light filtering into the room made them look blond and you thought back to all of the colors he had dyed his hair before.
It was brown now, with remnants of the previous black still fading, but he had gone blond once before. You still remembered how shocked you had been when he came home from the salon that day.
You were doing so good. You were relaxing comfortably, lost in your own thoughts, when Vernon moved for the first time. He was just scratching his ankle, but the sudden movement made you yelp.
“Don’t do that!” you cried.
“What, this?” he asked and bent down to scratch his ankle again.
“Yes, that,” you growled.
“Why not?”
“You know why.”
“What about this?”
He leaned back and stretched his arms above his head.
“That’s worse!” you hissed.
“No you’re not.” He just shrugged and tossed his notebook on the bed. “Don’t you have work to do?”
“Could use a break,” he replied simply, “and it’s hard to focus with distractions.”
The last part was pointed at you and you narrowed your eyes.
“I have been perfectly still.”
“Yeah, but your... impatience is, well, physical.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re soaking, love.”
You looked down at Vernon’s lap and suddenly realized what he meant. Your arousal was quite literally dripping onto his thighs and the chair beneath you. That was why he didn’t want to use the armchair. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment and buried your head in your boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Fuck, I’m sorry!”
He chuckled and rubbed a hand up and down your back comfortingly. “Don’t be! I know you can’t help it, and it’s honestly really fucking hot.”
“You’re not just saying that?”
“No,” he promised and shook his head adamantly. “I like that I have this effect on you.”
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t let it go to your head.”
“Too late.”
“I know.”
“So this fantasy of yours,” he said, clearing his throat. “How does it end?”
“On what?”
He raised an eyebrow. “What about me?”
“Whatever you want.”
“I get to pick how it ends?”
“Mhm. I usually leave it up to the imagination so it’s open-ended.”
“You mean when you masturbate to it you cum before it ends so you lose interest?” Vernon clarified.
“I know you,” he said cockily.
“And like I said, you know what I like.”
“I like to think I do.”
“So tell me what to do.”
“You just like being bossed around.”
“And what about it?”
“Brat,” he spat.
Vernon smiled and jerked his hips the slightest bit, making you whimper. “Stand up.”
You tried not to show your disappointment, but did as you were told and stood up, wincing at the empty feeling that followed.
“Just for a minute, baby,” he assured you. “Turn around.”
You turned so that you were facing the mirror and let yourself be pulled back onto your boyfriend’s lap. He slid his cock back inside of you almost immediately and praised you for taking it so well.
“I thought you should see yourself,” he whispered against your shoulder.
You moaned, only able to nod in agreement. You were positioned at a bit of an angle now since you were facing forward, but any discomfort you felt evaporated when Hansol kissed the back of your neck. He unclasped your bra and let it fall to the floor.
“Look at you,” he murmured as he urged you to start riding him, “fucking yourself on my cock like a slut.”
“Fuck, Hansol.”
You forced yourself to look at your reflection, straining your neck so that you could see clearly. You made eye contact with yourself only to see a stranger stared back at you. The person in the mirror looked like a fucking pornstar, tits out, legs spread, but also fucked out of their mind.
“Feels so good,” you panted.
“I know, baby, I know.”
Vernon brought a hand down to your clit and started to rub in circular motions, a clue that he was getting close. Your legs were shaking at this point and you could feel your own orgasm starting to creep up on you as he slammed into you from behind.
“You look so fucking hot like this,” Vernon grunted.
You met his eyes in the reflection and gave a weak smile. “I know.”
“Fuck, y/n!” He came suddenly with a moan of your name. You watched in the mirror as his eyes screwed up and his whole body tensed underneath you.
“Can I- can I cum?” you begged, not even sure if you’d be able to hold out if he said no.
A mere nod of his head was all it took for you to tip over the edge. Vernon weakly fucked you through it, still riding the end of his own high.
“So good for me,” he managed in broken breaths.
You arched your back against his chest as you came, mumbling profanities the entire time. You tried to keep your eyes open to watch yourself fall apart, but you only caught glimpses.
You collapsed back against Vernon as the aftershocks of your orgasm subsided, gasping for breath like you had just finished running a marathon.
“Thank you,” you whispered.
Vernon wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, kissing the top of your head gently. You were both covered in sweat and cum, but neither of you could find the energy to care.
“Of course.”
You let yourself relax against his body for another moment, observing your reflections in the mirror. Your hair was a tangled mess, but so was Vernon’s. Hickeys were already beginning to bloom on your neck and shoulders, reminders to follow you in the days ahead.
Your eyes wandered up to meet your boyfriend’s, who was already gazing at you tenderly. You shared a brief look and smirked at each other.
“Round two?”
happy birthday again tiff!! love u, mean it <3 (lmk what you thought i always appreciate feedback)
shoot me an ask if you'd like to be added to my taglist
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bokutosworld · 3 years
convenience store stranger | suna rintarou
pairing: suna x f!reader  word count, genre: 2.1k words, college au. fluff. another meet cute story lol.  warning: none  summary: in which your late shifts become less boring and more interesting when a cute stranger stumbles in at 2 AM.  a/n: my first time writing for suna god im scared but i really liked how this turned out!! 
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The first time he meets you happens on one of his late night convenience store runs. It was exams season and Suna’s been pulling all-nighter after all-nighter. To say he was exhausted would’ve been an understatement. 
He’s barely making it through on the third night and if he didn’t take a break soon, he was sure he’d have passed out on his desk. With his mind hazy from reading too many words and trying to understand a semester’s worth of lessons in one night, he decides to stand up and get some fresh air. 
Which is how he found himself currently standing at aisle four of the only convenience store that was still open near his apartment. He scans the rack for something that can wake him and his brain up. He doesn’t know how long he’s been standing but he could definitely feel eyes burning holes in the back of his head. 
He settles on a pack of jelly sticks and a cup of spicy instant noodles and heads towards the counter. You mutter a greeting when he reaches the cashier and begin scanning his items. 
When he hands over the cash for payment, your fingers brush with his cold ones, making you recoil harshly as if he was repulsing.
“Something wrong?” He laughs when he sees your reaction. “I know I look like a mess now but I won’t bite you.” He bends his knees slightly, tilting his head to get a look at your embarrassed face.
“No, I’m sorry.” You avoid his intense gaze, continuing to pack his purchase. When you look at him, he’s still staring with his piercing eyes that it almost takes your breath away. 
Shaking your head to bring yourself to reality, you give him his items. “Your hands felt cold and I was just shocked.” You feel that same electricity sparking between you again when he takes the bag from you. “I.. well.. thank you. Have a great evening.”
“It’s 2 AM,” Suna chuckles and you sigh before correcting yourself and bowing to him in goodbye. “See you around,” he shouts over his back as he walks out the door. It was the first time he saw you in that store and he was sure it wasn’t going to be the last. 
The second time he’d actually planned it according to your shift. If his past trips to the store were anything to go by, he’d learned that you always took the evening shift. It was something he discovered after being called out by your co-worker on the third time that he restlessly looked around the store during a visit. 
He should be on his bed, phone in his hand as he mindlessly scrolled until he fell asleep. But with the memory of his interaction with you lingering on his mind, he wanted to see you.
“Hey, got time for a customer?” He greets the moment he steps inside the empty convenience store. You look up from the book that you were reading and quickly stand to welcome him. “What are you reading?” 
Hiding the book from his view, you retort, “Aren’t you going to buy something?” 
He grins, taking in your tired disposition and the bags that had formed under your eyes before retreating to the shelves. When he returns, he slides over a can of energy drink, iced coffee, and a large bag of chips. 
You assume he’d leave immediately once he’s paid for everything. You certainly didn’t expect him to take out the coffee and give it to you. 
“This is for you.” He opens his own drink and leans by the counter. “Doesn’t it ever get boring here? I mean it’s midnight and you’re alone. I’m betting not many people even drop by at this time.” He faces the door, crossing his arms around his chest and staring at both of your reflections at the glass. 
Worn out from your classes in the day, you take his coffee offering, instantly feeling the rush of caffeine flow through your veins and waking you up. “The job pays relatively well. Besides I can’t really work in the mornings, I have uni.”
“So you’re a college student too.” He turns around and extends a hand out to you. “I’m Suna Rintarou.”
You introduce yourself as you shake hands with him. And as soon as pleasantries were exchanged, he immediately launched into a story about how his earlier day went. He was a natural conversationalist and despite this being your first time talking with him, you didn’t feel an ounce of awkwardness. You didn’t know what it was about him but his presence made you feel comfortable. 
You learned about what he was studying (to your surprise, Psychology), how he spends his weekends playing volleyball (he was a middle blocker and an excellent one at that, he boasted), and how he ended up here during the night he first saw you (the all-nighter went well and he passed all his exams). 
He rips open the chips he bought and offers you some as you lay your story before him. He munches as he listened to you rant about how you loathed your course (Business Management) and the many case studies and papers you had to do each day. He nods his head in understanding as you explain why you needed this part-time job (to pay for apartment fees). 
You were having so much fun in his company that you didn’t notice the time pass by. (He arrived to the store at 12:32 AM. The clock on the wall now reads 2:32 AM). And for the duration of his stay, you were surprised that no one ever came by. He only ever left your side when a taxi driver walked in. 
Suna steered clear from the counter and kept his distance as you did your job. From your peripheral, you could see that he watched you like a hawk from the side and it made you somehow conscious. When the customer exited, you playfully threw a tissue at him, 
“I couldn’t concentrate when you were standing there and looking at me like that!” 
He went back to his position but this time, he leaned close with his hands on the counter. “Like what?"  
Well how could you say to him that you thought he looked effortlessly hot in his sweatshirt and track pants? And was that an adorably messy bedhead? How could you say that you liked the teasing smile that he’d been giving you throughout the night?  
You chuckle and shake your head, “Nothing.” You reach for the book you were reading prior his arrival and took your seat. “Don’t you have classes tomorrow? You should go back.”
“Do you not want me around anymore?” 
“It’s not that, I…”
He cuts you off, “Good, then it’s settled. I’m not going anywhere. I like talking with you too much to go back home. Let me entertain you some more.” He sits down at the chair on one of the tables near the counter and then goes back to chatting with you. 
Since that night, Suna had been scheduling more trips to the convenience store. Sometimes, he’d really only visit to bother you. At times, he’d bring his books and laptop with him so he could work on a paper while you restocked the shelves and cleaned around. On rare occasions, he’d help you out on a business plan and the customers who’d enter the store would be amused at the sight of you and him huddled behind the counter with your serious thinking faces on. 
He’d become a part of your life that it felt unnerving not to have him around on your shifts. And it certainly showed on your face how disappointed and heartbroken you were when consecutive nights passed without his visits. Your co-worker even called you out on it. 
“So where’s the cutie been?” She asked one time when the two of you were at the back lounge while you logged in for your shift. You groan at the nickname she gave him and she laughs at you.
“How would I know?” 
“Don’t you guys talk almost every day and night?”
“Only on nights that he visits me.” You pause, thinking about the possibilities why he could’ve stopped coming. And before you knew it, you were ranting. “God, are we even friends? I don’t know his number. Did he ghost me? Is this considered ghosting? It’s been a week. I’m scared I did or said something.” 
She’s watching you pace around the room. “Maybe he got bored of me. Or maybe he realized I’m not really worth his time and dipped. Sleeping is much better than hanging out with me at 1 AM anyway.”
You’re stopped in your tracks when she suddenly grabs your shoulders. “Overthinking is not a good look on you.” She makes you take deep breaths to calm down. “I’m sure he’s just busy right now. He’ll visit again soon.” 
“I don’t know why I’m being like this.” 
The look she gives you is incredulous, her mouth gaping wide at your statement. “Are you serious?” 
“What?” You ask, not anticipating the next words that would come from her. 
“It’s obvious that you like him.” 
The next time you see him was on campus. You don’t know how long it’s been since he last spent time with you on your shift. (Though if you were counting, you were definitely sure that it’s been two weeks and three days since then.) 
You tried not to think too much about what his absence could mean but the pang in your heart never left. Those two weeks that he didn’t show up allowed you some time to think about your conversation with your friend. You like him. 
Back then, you were too quick to shut down the idea. Denying any ounce of feeling for the boy as you saw him as no more than someone who had too much time on his hands to bother you on your shifts. A good friend is what you specifically used to defend your relationship with him. 
So then why was it that your heart was beating so rapidly as Suna waved at you from across the cafeteria? Why couldn’t you stop smiling as you watched him make his way to your table and sit down beside you?
“Hey there.” He slings his arms around and pulls you for a side hug. “Long time no see.” 
You almost couldn’t hear him over the loud thumping of your heart in your ears. He’s still smiling and waiting for you to reply. “Yeah, been a while. I’ve gotten the peace and quiet back in my shifts.” 
He breaks out in laughter while opening a snack bar. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to stop by. I just came out from a major presentation that I’ve been preparing for during the past weeks. And guess what?” 
You perk your eyebrows at his question. “What?” 
“Our group did great.” He raises a hand for a high-five and you indulge him. “The teacher liked our slides and our analysis of the topic. Ah, I feel so good right now!” He leans back with his hands behind his head, but he suddenly jerks. 
“We should go out!” Suna grabs your hands and looks at you expectantly. “You’re free the whole day tomorrow right? You’re not working the shift? Let’s celebrate. It’s my treat!” 
Feeling overwhelmed by his invitation and his overall excitedness, you laugh and pull back. “Calm down, Suna. I don’t know about tomorrow.” 
“Why? Are you busy?”
“Not really but..” 
“Then it shouldn’t be a problem.” He tucks a loose hair behind your ear, leaning close with his voice barely over a whisper, “It’s perfect. I’ve wanted to take you on a date for a long time now.” 
“What?” You stare at him wide-eyed. 
“Come on, you’ve never thought about us?” He finds the situation entertaining. Your flustered reaction reminds him of the night that he met you. 
“Why do you think I’ve been coming to the convenience store when I could be sleeping at that time? I like being around you. My day doesn’t feel complete if I don’t at least see you or tell you about my day or listen to you rant about the latest episode of your favorite series.”
You like him. 
“Go out with me.” He kisses the back of your hand. “Please?” 
The corners of your lips unconsciously curves up and Suna sends your heart doing somersaults when he says something about how he’s finally got to see the beautiful smile he’s been wanting to see for weeks. 
Your friend was right. You do like him.  
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mugi-chan · 4 years
❞ 300 Follower special~!❝
ლ  Tea Order: All the boys: When you wear his clothes!
ლ  Warnings: None!
ლ A/N:Thank you all so much for 300 followers! I didn’t know what to do for 300 followers so I made this! I lowkey had a burnout around Pomefiore, I hope you guys don’t mind! 
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Ace was going to be a little late so he told you to chill in his room 
His other room mates weren’t there as they had chores to do. 
Bored out of your mind you decided to look around his closet
You found his NRC jersey laying there 
You decided why not wear it to see how you look 
It was clean thank goodness and wearing it made you feel a little bit good about yourself
You grabbed the basketball and pretended you were Ace 
You didn’t notice Ace walked in, you shot the basketball in the hoop and cheered. 
Ace’s goofy smile was on his face and he snuck up on you
He gave a you a big surprise hug from a behind 
A squeak came out as you turned to be meet by a kiss from Ace
“Ace, I didn’t know you came in!” 
You quickly try hide your face by leaning into him 
You felt the vibrations from his chest as he laughed. 
He ruffled your hair a bit 
“Yeah I came in when landed that crazy shot!” That tease you called a boyfriend.
You just groaned and turned away
Ace just laughed and kissed the top of your head
“I think you look really cute in my jersey”
It was night time and it was only Ace, Deuce, and You 
His two other roommates decided to have a sleepover with other members 
Ace was fast asleep as basketball practice killed him 
And you completely forgot to bring a change of shirt 
“Hey Deuce is it okay if I borrow one of your shirts?” 
He face flushed bright red 
Y-you want to borrow his shirt? 
“S-sure” He tried to play it cool 
It was dark and you couldn’t see well 
So when you found a nice soft shirt you grabbed it 
When you got into bed with Deuce, he was scrolling through magicam 
He let the light from his phone illuminate the bed so you can get comfortable and know where your going
When he realized what you were wearing, he had a bright blush on his face.
You were wearing his pink cheetah shirt 
“Ah I didn’t know you were going to wear that” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I didn’t know you were going to wear the shirt I take care of the flamingos in” 
Then the realization hits and your face was so flushed that you both were stuttering
Then suddenly a pillow hit Deuce’s side 
“Can you love birds, keep it down?” It was Ace I guess you two were a little too loud. 
A nice unbirthday party was in motion
Well it was nice for a little while until something tripped a student and tea was spilt all over you
You were drenched in tea, Riddle got up and quickly walked over to you to drape his cape over you to keep you warm 
As the student was getting a lecture from Cater and Trey, Riddle helped you to his room to change. 
When you got to his room you still had his cape around it was nice and warm
Riddle was rummaging through his closet trying to find clothes that could possibly fit you 
While you sat on his couch waiting for whatever Riddle was doing
He grabbed you a dress shirt and a cardigan
“Here these should fit you” 
Riddle gave a soft smile as he left the room to give you privacy
When you changed into his clothes you hugged yourself letting everything sink in  
When you walked out Riddle’s face went red 
He knows it’s his clothes but when you wear it you look so cute! 
He coughed in his hand trying to calm himself down as he gently grabbed you hand and kiss your knuckles
“You look lovely” 
You two sat in silence for bit until Cater came in asking if they're okay
You and Trey where enjoying some nice cuddles on his soft bed 
All was fine until Cater knocked on his door asking for him to come help as some of the first years did a big oopsie. 
A tired sigh and quick kiss and he's gone 
Now all alone you looked around Trey’s room seeing if there was anything to entertain you 
His little Fedora collection 
There were three little stands, one was empty guessing that’s the one he’s currently wearing, you grabbed the one to the right of the empty stand. 
A nice olive green fedora with a blue ribbon going around the hat
You placed it on your head and looked at the mirror 
The hat looked a little off, but then it clicked. 
That’s right Trey wear his hat at an angle 
Angling the hat was most likely the hardest thing for you to do
You were to focus on the hat to notice Trey came back into the room
A big smile was seen as he walked up behind you and softly angles the hat correctly on you 
“There now it looks perfect on you” 
You quickly turned around to reveal a smiling Trey while you were a stuttering mess trying to explain yourself. 
He gives you a sweet kiss on the temple and whispers 
“It looks good on you”
Cater is off doing his light music club stuff leaving you alone on his laptop watching movies on there 
It was summer and the temperature in the Heartslabyul is not forgiving. 
You looked around and notice that there was a nice fluffy robe sitting on his bed 
You grabbed it and slipped it on 
It was so warm and soft and plus it had a nice scent to it 
Cater knows how to take care of his clothes well 
The warmth of the robe started to make you pretty sleepy 
As a yawn threatened to escape of your mouth 
You decided that it’s time to take a quick nap
You know for sure that Cater won’t be back for a while and you understand that 
You drift to sleep letting the warmth take over you 
When Cater did come back he was a little loud but as soon as he saw your sleeping figure he immediately went quiet 
He quickly pulls out his phone snapped a quick photo of your sleeping figure 
Cater looked at the picture he just took 
He went to his desk and sat there watching your sleeping figure
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You always admire the necklace that Leona always wear
 One time Leona had them off and set aside on his desk
You were cleaning up his room a bit, at least putting his clothes were their  suppose to go 
You notice the necklace sitting on the desk and decided to try it on
He always wear it why not see what it looks like on you
You were deciding which one to wear the colorful beads or the one with teeth 
You decided the one with teeth since that one looks the most interesting
Gently taking the necklace off the desk and head over to a mirror and tried to put it on 
When you finally got it on it was a little to big on you
 Leona woke up from his nap hearing you talking to yourself
 He peeked what you were talking about and saw you wearing his necklace
 A smile as plastered on his face thinking about how he would mess with you 
“You're wearing my necklace aren’t you?”
 Your reactions was priceless 
 You froze in your tracks and turned around to see Leona awake and getting up
“Yeah I am, I thought it was so interesting and I wanted to see what I would look like in it”
“Hm okay” 
And there he goes back to his nap 
You just smiled and shook your head and went back to cleaning up his room 
Winter break was coming near and you were going to stay on campus 
Sad that Jack was going to visit his family
He decided that he would leave you with some of his clothes to at least to make you a little less lonely 
It was one of that lonely nights
You were texting Jack while in one of his green shirts Jack was talking about his siblings and their antics, while you were talking about the movies you were watching 
Then a facetime popped up and you gladly answered it 
When Jack’s face came into view he saw what you were wearing and blush formed on his face 
He coughed into his hand and said that you looked lovely 
A smile formed on your lips and show him how his shirt pretty much drowns you 
He’s very embarrassed but will compliment you 
You two would try to continue having a conversation but Jack only looked at the shirt you were wearing. 
The sun was setting and you and Ruggie where taking down laundry from on top of the savanaclaw 
You spotted Ruggies leather jacket and decided to see how it would fit. 
Once Ruggie finished grabbing his clothes from his side he turn to see you in his leather jacket 
“What are you doing?” 
“I always wanted to wear your leather jacket, it makes me feel like a bad boy” 
You flex showing him how cool you look 
Ruggie laughed as he walked up to you 
“Well if you want to wear it, at least wear it properly” 
He fixed his leather jacket 
You just let out a laugh and was going to take it off
“No no, keep it on you look good in it” 
He steals a quick kiss and picks up the basket with folded clothes 
“Come on”
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Azul was looking around the mostro lounge
Where did he put his outer coat? 
He knows he lay it down somewhere and now it’s gone 
Jade and Floyd refused to help Azul 
He knows they know where his jacket is
The only place he didn’t check was his own room 
But he’s for sure he didn’t see his jacket there because he had it with him the whole time 
Just in case he went to check 
And oh no this boy just had a heart attack over the cuteness that was going on
He saw you sleeping ontop of his bed and his outer jacket 
Your sleeping figure is already cute enough but with his jacket OOH MAN THIS MEAN IS WEAKKKK
He was trying contain his flushed face as he entered his room 
He checked if you were asleep and when he confirmed that you were 
He quickly took out his phone took a quick picture of you and swiftly left his room 
He curse Jade and Floyd for not telling him that you had his jacket 
All they had to respond was with their wicked smile.
It was very cold day in the mostro lounge 
And you completely forgot your jacket 
Jade was to busy at the bar to help you out so you left lounge and headed over to Jade and Floyd’s room 
When you got there Floyd was chilling there
“Floyd what are you doing here?” 
“I don’t feel like working today” 
And Oh escaped your lips and looked around the room
“What are you doing here anyway? Jade is at the mostro lounge” 
“I know, it’s just cold today and I forgot my jacket” 
“Oh then take his scarf, its over there” 
Floyd pointed at Jade’s bed where his scarf was neatly hunged
“Are you sure?” 
“Eh he wouldn’t mind it, he might find it adorable” floyd cooed 
Rolling your eyes you took it and wrapped around your neck letting Jade’s scent and the warmth take over you
You left Floyd in his room and walked back to the mostro lounge 
When Jade spotted you enter the mostro lounge with his scarf his classic smirk was plastered on his face 
Having to keep the gentleman act he complimented your scarf asking where you got it. 
Of course you rolled your eyes and playfully punched his arm.
You didn’t come to visit the Mostro lounge and this annoyed Floyd 
Why weren’t you here? Floyd wanted to play with you 
He told Jade he’s going to look for you 
Before Jade could protest Floyd was already gone. 
He found you sitting underneath the apple tree crying
Crying? Why are you crying?
He stops right in front of you where his shadow covered you 
When you saw Floyd you quickly hid your face again not wanting him to see you cry 
Floyd thought about it for a second and took off his scarf and hat and put it on you 
You looked at what was on you and then looked up at floyd 
He had his goofy smile on and laughed 
“Aww (y/n) look so cute with my clothes!” 
He plopped himself next to you and comfort you until he saw
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You were looking around Kalim’s room looking for something to wear
You had to go to school to grab something but the school sometimes really cold 
You found Kalim’s Cardigan that he always wears at school 
You quickly grabbed it and headed out 
Kalim came back to his room seeing his closet open and you not there
“Huh where’s (y/n)? Jamil do you know where (y/n)?” 
When you got back to Scarabia you everything was quiet a little too quiet 
You walked back to Kalims room who was taking a nap 
Ahh so that’s why the dorm is so quiet the Jamil is probably out and Kalim is taking a nap 
When you take one step inside his room Kalim is already up and pounced on you
“Ahaha! (y/n) there you are!” Kalim gave you a big bear hug 
“Hello Kalim!” 
When Kalim pulls back to see you better he finally noticed that you were wearing his cardigan 
“Wah! (y/n) you look so cute in my cardigan!” Kalim gave you a kiss on the temple 
“You should wear my clothes more! In Fact I’ll get you the same Cardigan so we can match!” 
Oh Kalim this big goofy baby otter is too lovable.
Ah again Jamil is busy 
Kalim did something again that needs Jamil’s attention
Sadly this was when you and Jamil was having a cuddling session 
When Jamil left you became lonely 
You missed Jamil already, even though he just left
So to fix that why not take one of his many hoodies?
You found the hoodie that he always wore to school 
When you put it on Jamil’s scent surrounded you 
And the warmth made it feel like he was still there
Is it a little desperate? Maybe 
But when you miss Jamil anything works
You drifted to sleep as the warmth and tiredness was taking over 
It took a couple of hours for Jamil to fix whatever Kalim did 
When he got back to his room he noticed that you were in his hoodie
A small blush crept on his face as he walked over to your sleeping figure
When he noticed that you were a sleep Jamil didn’t wake you up
He just sat down at his desk and do some homework 
Every once in a while he would glance at you in his hoodie
Maybe he should let you borrow his hoodie often
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Now where did Vil put his crown?
 Ugh this is annoying, he was looking around where he could have possibly put it He looked around his peacock throne to see if he could left it there
 Nope it wasn’t there either 
“Rook, ROOK” 
“Yes Roi de Poison”
“Have you seen my crown?”
 “Ah I do believe you gave it to (y/n) to wear”
 Then it clicked, he was busy doing his makeup that he didn’t notice he agreed to let you wear his crown
He was little mad but not at you
 Rook informed him where you were
 Luckily you were just walking around the Pomefiore premise with Epel 
When he does see you with Epel he would keep his calm collective himself
 “My sweet darling Potato I do believe you have something that belongs to me” 
You turned to see Vil with his classic smirk
 “Ah you mean your crown?” You gently took it off your head
“Yes, I was looking all over for it” Vil took it out of your hand and place it on his head
“I think, I should give you some of my old jewelry you looked marvelous with my crown” was all Vil said before leaving  
Rook noticed that you were down in the dumps 
He tries to coax it out of you but you refused to say anything 
He wants to see your smiles again but it’ll have to wait until he figures out what’s wrong 
The idea he came up with was to give you his hat 
A sweet gesture he hopes 
When you felt his hat placed on top of your head you looked up seeing Rook
“Rook what’s the matter?”
“I should ask you the same thing mon amour”
Rook sat right next to you holding your hand 
You two sat in silence 
“I think you look beautiful in my hat mon amour” 
You just gave a simple nod 
“Can you tell me whats wrong” 
You told him what happened as he sat there and nodded. 
“I have heard enough Mon amour,no more gloomy days! Let us go and turn your day around” 
Rook kept his hat on your head and swoop you away to pomefiore
You were snooping around Epels room 
Mainly looking at the photo’s Epel had hanged up on his room
After looking at the photo’s Epel had you looked around and saw his closet door open
Curiosity got the best of you and you went and looked around his closet 
Looking around the closet you see this big fluffy knitted sweater 
It looked really fluffy, a quick look around seeing no one around you grabbed it and put it on 
It was really clunky and was  warm 
Epel was coming back from a very tired day of Vil’s manner works
Dragging his feet to his room he could hear small commotion coming from his room 
Little squeals?
When he opened the door he saw you on his bed rolling around squealing a bit 
He immediately notice you were wearing his clunky sweater his parents gave him 
A small smile was plastered on his face as he tiptoed his way to you  
When he got close enough he tackled you
You let out a squeal and quickly turned to see your purple haired boyfriend 
You two let out a laugh as Epel relaxed where he was
“Heyy at least take off your shoes!” 
You heard Epel whined a small “noooo” as he cuddled you close to him 
“You look cute in my sweater you should wear it more” 
A small pat on his head is your response
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“Come one come on dude!” 
Is what you normally hear when you chill with Idia
He hasn’t even got off his game in hours
I mean it’s not like you don’t mind it’s just some attention would be nice 
So what can you do to relieve the loneliness you were feeling 
Simple, he was wearing a tank top and not his school jacket so 
Anyway Idia likes to have his room cold for some odd reason so wearing his jacket would be perfect 
Your body heat kept you warm and you were practically swimming in his jacket 
“Ayeee gg gg” 
Idia’s round finally finished
He took off his headset and turned to see what you were doing
His pale face went as red as riddle’s hair 
A million words per second where coming out his mouth 
He trying to compliment you but also like really embarrassed 
He wanted to say “You look pretty” and “why are you wearing that” 
But what came out was “WHY ARE YOU PRETTY” 
Oh boy this boy wants to die now 
You burst out laughing 
Idia just layed on the floor covering his face
Poor Ortho came in seeing you punching the bed laughing while his older brother was crying on the floor
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Of course Sebek was off doing whatever Malleus was doing 
But he left his little hat he wore all the time 
It was neatly placed on his desk and it was so tempting to try it on 
He strictly tells you to not touch his uniform as he wants to make sure nothing is wrong NOTHING
But temptation got the better of you and you grabbed his tiny hat a placed it on your head 
Now Sebek had to go outside and needs his hat as it’s part of his uniform 
He remembered that he left it on his desk
When he walked in he saw you imitating him 
He stood there in shock at first but quickly recollect his composure
That scared the living soul out of you 
You quickly turned to see a angered Sebek 
But you notice a very slight tint of red on his cheeks 
You know he isn’t mad at you 
“I’m sorry I wanted to try on your hat it looked so cute!” 
The red tint got even more red by your statement as he coughed into his hand and outreached his hand
“May I please have my hat back?” 
You took his hat off and tried to gently place it on his head 
It was a little crooked but Sebek fixed it 
Sebek gave you a quick kiss on top of your hand and left 
Well a ‘thank you’ would be nice, but a kiss on your hand isn’t that bad either
It was a rainy day and you totally forgot your umbrella 
You were already half drenched as you made it halfway through campus before taking refuge at a nearby tree 
You were looking at the weather app to see when the rain would possibly stop 
It seems like your going to be stuck at the tree for a while 
Well you thought so until you felt a jacket go over your shoulder 
You looked up seeing silver with a smile on his face and an umbrella
“I heard from Sebek that you were stuck in the rain, of course it would be shameful for me not protect you from something that can harm you” 
“But rain can’t harm you” 
“Why of course it can, you could possibly get sick from the rain”
You burst out laughing at how absurd that statement was 
Silver looked a little confused but opened up the umbrella and put it over you 
“Shall we head back?” A short nod and you two were heading back to Diasomnia 
Once you two got to diasomnia you were still drenched in rain but Silver quickly fixed that by handing you a t-shirt and a fluffy jacket 
“Here change into these so you don’t get sick”
For sure Lilia would have told him all these crazy lies 
When you finally changed into his clothes it was big on you but not to big where you were swimming in it
When you got out Silver had a nice smile on his face as gave you a gentle kiss
“You look lovely in my clothes”
“Thennn is it okay if I steal them?” 
“Sure, but not my dorm uniform” 
Lilia’s dorm uniform coat is always something to be interested in 
It’s so big on him how does he even fight in his dorm uniform 
You wanted to test it yourself 
When Lilia was at his light music club you asked Malleus if Lilia had a spare dorm coat
Sebek may have yelled at you but Malleus gladly told you where to find Lilia’s spare dorm coat 
When you do find it, it’s huge like if Malleus wore it he would fit in it 
When slipped it on you felt like Lilia for sure 
How can anyone fight in this jacket it’s crazy 
You could barely move around without tripping 
Lilia said his goodbyes to Cater and Kalim and teleported his way back to his room
When he got there he barely got there in time before you tripped over his coat and face planted
“Oh my are you okay darling?” 
He helped you up and notice that you were wearing his coat 
“Oh ho ho, it appears that you are wearing my dorm jacket” 
“Yeah I wanted to know how you are able to walk around or even fight in this!” 
Lilia gave a soft chuckle and kissed your forehead
“Honestly it takes time but eventually you get used to it and work around it.”
You were going to take it off but Lilia stopped you 
“No no darling keep wearing it I think you look beautiful in it” 
A small blush formed on your face as you quickly tried to cover your face with his jacket 
Malleus was who knows where and you were waiting for him to come back so you two can go to bed 
You didn’t have pajamas so you looked around the massive room he has to see what you can wear
The closet is a good place to look at 
When you opened it you spotted something that you can definitely wear 
A dress shirt 
When putting it on you understood what it felt to wear Lilia’s uniform 
You were drowning in his dress shirt 
You know Lilia’s lab coat SR? Yea thats you in his dress shirt 
Once you got it to where you were comfortable you crawled back into his big bed 
Malleus came back to his dorm after his usual late night walks to find you almost asleep on his bed 
You looked so adorable he wanted to take a picture of you but didn’t know how to 
He quietly summoned Silver and asked him how to take a picture on his phone
Once Silver showed his old man how to take a photo, he took a photo of you but forgot to put it on silence 
The loud click sound woke you up from half asleep slumber 
Malleus quickly tried to hide his phone from you and luckily you didn’t see 
“Malleus your back” 
“I’m sorry for being out to long darling”
Malleus removed his outer layers and crawled into bed 
You didn’t notice the small blush but seeing you in his clothes just makes him feel some sort of way.
and we’re done, omg this took forever I’m so tired ( ु⁎ᴗᵨᴗ⁎)ु.zZ
Thank you so much for 300+ Followers! You all mean so much to me!
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
Crash Course - Bucky Barnes
a/n: this one? im in LOVE with this fic and im not even ashamed of it. there is just something about the MC helping him get used to living in the new century and im a sucker for it. so please enjoy this fluffy piece!
pairing: Bucky X Reader
word count: 3.6k
summary: Bucky is a regular at the café where you work at and seeing him struggling with technology, you offer to help him, teaching him the basics while you are both thinking about taking it a little further than just a crash course.
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The time between the morning rush and lunch time is always quiet, the café is almost completely empty, that’s why Bucky prefers to go out during that time, tuck himself away in the corner of the small but cozy place, a black coffee steaming on the wooden table in front of him, his laptop or a book or his phone reserving his attention, whatever he decides to put his energy into that day.
Today has been a rainy day, therefore the morning was a lot quieter than usually, not many likes to make an extra trip for a coffee in the pouring rain, so you’ve been enjoying the calmness, the soft jazz music playing through the speakers as you are putting away the freshly washed cups behind the counter. As if he has an appointment, Bucky walks into the café with a laptop under his arm, his cap hiding part of his face, but you can still see the shy smile on his lips as he closes the door behind him, the little bell chiming for a second time at his arrival.
“Welcome back, the usual?” you ask as he heads to his spot.
“Yes please,” he nods, shooting you a thankful smile.
You try to ignore the little butterflies in your stomach at the sight of the man, it’s almost ridiculous how you still get nervous when you see him, even though he has been showing up every day at the same time for the past about two months. You just can’t help it, there’s just something in those ocean eyes and perfect manner he always treats you with, something you don’t often get these days. Not many take the time to ask about your day or wish you a good one after you hand them their coffee, but Bucky is different. The same question falls from his lips every time you appear at his table with his order.
“How has your day been going?” he asks when you place the cup next to his laptop that’s loading.
“Pretty quiet, the rain keeps people away,” you chuckle, hoping your blush is not as apparent as it feels. “What about yours?”
“Just the same as usual,” he smiles softly and you nod, though you have no idea what’s usual for him. He might be friendly and quite welcoming when he is sitting at the café, he often chats with you about anything and everything, yet still, you know near nothing about him and his life outside of this place. It’s clear he is the kind of person that prefers to keep things to himself, but sometimes you are so desperate for just the smallest crumb of information about him. With the lack of details, you often find yourself making up things about him, like what his favorite dish is, where he likes to shop, what shows he watches on the TV. You might be entirely wrong about all of these, but it’s all you have.
Moving back behind the counter you busy yourself with cleaning it off as Bucky’s attention shifts to the screen in front of him. There are only two more customers in there and they are quite locked away in their own world as well, a college student working on some kind of assignment on her second espresso and an old lady solving Sudoku at the table near the window, sipping on a nice latte.
You can’t help but glance in his direction every now and then as you move the muffins around on the counter. He seems deeply focused, eyebrows knitted together as he is clicking away on the computer. From the looks of it, he is solving some kind of enigma, but when you walk past his table you see that he has an email open on the screen, his cursor moving around kind of aimlessly.
“Not finding the right words?” you ask, stopping to clean the table next to his that was previously occupied by a young couple. His eyes snap up to you before he huffs shaking his head.
“No, I’m just… terribly bad at IT stuff and I’m supposed to “CC” someone on this email,” he explains, using his fingers to air-quote as he glances back at the screen. “But if I’m being honest I don’t even know what it means,” he admits with a nervous chuckle.
You find it amusing, even cute that he is like an old man with these stuff. You’ve seen him struggling to type in a text message before on his flip phone that’s from the last century for sure and now this.
Placing the tray of cups down on the table you move over to him, taking the free chair next to him as you reach for the laptop, but you stop before touching it.
“May I…?”
“Go ahead,” he gestures with a nod.
You turn the device towards yourself as you click a few times, bringing up the option to send a copy of the email to another receiver.
“CC means that more people get the same email. You can put their addresses here. But you can also BCC people, in that case, the original receiver won’t see if the email was sent to others as well,” you explain patiently. Bucky tries his best to focus on the screen and what you’re saying, rather than the way your lips are moving and how badly he wants to taste them.
You haven’t been the only one feeling flustered and like a giddy teenager and Bucky didn’t choose this café as his usual spot for nothing. He spotted you the first time he stumbled in and the way you smiled brightly at everyone and the sweet chiming of your laughter made him want to come back the moment he stepped out that day. So he returned the next day and then the next day again… and now he couldn’t even imagine a day without seeing your eyes light up when he walks in while he can only hope you are just as happy to see him as he is to see you.
You help him send his email and you cheer in victory once it’s done and sent.
“See? It’s not as hard as it seems,” you smile at him gently, patting his arm that’s covered by a hoodie and your eyes fall onto his gloved hands on the tabletop.
“Yeah, I just have a lot of catching up to do from the past seven decades,” he mumbles under his breath, though he immediately regrets not keeping his mouth shut.
Your eyes flicker to his hand once again, then up to meet his gaze and he knows he just outed himself. He is expecting the usual: disgust, disappointment, even fear. That’s how most people react when they find out who he really is. But as he stares back at you, scared like a little kitten, you just smile back at him softly.
It’s not that you haven’t heard of the Avengers, because it’s impossible not to know who they are. You were just not expecting one of them to become a regular at your working place. The few times you saw him on TV he had long hair and his face was covered with a mask, so you’re not surprised you didn’t put the picture together. But knowing now who he is, you don’t see him in a worse lighting. If anything, you feel a little sad that he had to go through so much in his extremely long life.
“Well, feel free to ask any more questions. I’m not an IT guy, but I can help you with everyday stuff,” you tell him and he is in awe at your very normal, very sweet reaction. All he can do is nod as you stand from the table and grab the tray you abandoned not long ago, moving back behind the counter.
When you glance up your gaze meets his as he is still staring at you, nervous, a little anxious, but definitely relieved by your smooth reaction to finding out his identity. You shoot him a bright smile before moving to the table of the old lady who asks for another latte and as Bucky follows your frame move across the room he can’t help the small smile that tugs on his lips.
Your offer doesn’t stay unused. In fact, Bucky shows up at the café the next few days with a handful of questions for you, genuine ones, and a few he already knows the answer to, but wants to hear you explain them anyway. And you help him with anything, sitting at his table whenever you have a few free minutes between customers. He asks you about the internet, social media, online data bases and sources, going through a list from the little notebook he always keeps with himself.
The times spent with him are your favorite part of the day. You always look forward to whatever issue Bucky is going to bring up, fearing that one day he might run out of questions, but that just never comes. And you don’t know it, but your little sessions are the highlights of his days as well, listening to your smooth voice as you explain even the smallest things to him with so much patience, he is convinced you should become a teacher.
He thinks about asking you out every day, the question is always on the tip of his tongue.
What are you doing tonight? Would you want to go out with me? Do you want to grab a bite with me after your shift?
However he just never gets to actually say the words out loud. He is growing impatient with himself, he used to have no problem with asking girls out, but seven decades and another life as a brain-washed assassin later, this task feels way too impossible.
You’ve been telling him to get a smartphone for the past couple of days and though he seemed adamant, one day he shows up with a brand new one, still in the box.
“Oh my God, is that what I think it is?” you tease him with a dramatic gasp. Chuckling to himself he nods as he places the box to the counter while you are making the order of one of the customers. Today has been a little busier than usually, probably because of the special offer of 10% off from the new Cuban coffee beans your boss ordered in.
“I need a teacher to show me the ropes though.”
“Oh, Bucky, I would love to, but today is a bit crowded,” you pout as you put the lid onto the paper cup and hand it over to the customer, another one already walking in, eyeing the offer written on the black board behind you.
He didn’t even think you wouldn’t say yes, it never occurred to him that the timing might not be the best. You see as his smile slowly disappears from his scruffy face and your heart breaks seeing him like this.
“Yeah, sorry. Don’t want to keep you up,” he mumbles feeling defeated, but before he could grab the box from the counter, you put your hand on it, your fingers brushing against his gloved one, the tiny touch making both of you flustered.
“But how about after work?” you suggest and his eyes immediately light up. Spending time with you without any customers interrupting? That sounds like heaven to him.
“Y-you sure? If you have something to do, I—“
“Nothing to do,” you smile at him. You grab a napkin from the counter and a pan from near the cash register, quickly scribbling down your address before handing it over to him. “I’ll be home by seven,” you inform him as he glances down at your handwriting, noting how well it fits your personality. He then looks back at you nodding, as if he was just handed the best Christmas present ever.
“I’ll be there,” he smiles gratefully before stepping away from the counter and letting you work.
 Five minutes after seven, Bucky is standing at your front door with a bag of Chinese food in his hands as he is trying to build up the courage to ring your doorbell. He found out that you live just a few corners away from the café, so he found your address easily.
“Come on, dude. Don’t be such a loser,” he mumbles to himself as he circles his shoulders before finally pushing the button. A short, buzzing sound is heard from the other side of the door and he stares at the 6B sign in front of you as he hears footsteps from inside. A few moments later the door swings open and there you are, still wearing the same clothes from earlier, a bright smile adorning your face as you beam at your guest.
“Come on in!” you gesture for him as he steps into the small apartment. “Tried to clean up a bit, but if I’m being honest I’m starting to grow out this place,” you chuckle as you push a box out of the way. It’s a small studio apartment with everything cramped into one space except the bathroom. You have a double bed pushed up against the wall in the corner, a small sofa with your wardrobe next to it, a TV, a tiny coffee table, a bookshelf and a dresser, a little dining table near the kitchen with three chairs and a pantry right next to the fridge that stands where the hardwood floor changes into checkered tiles. It really is a tiny space that holds a lot of stuff, but all the gadgets and clutter makes it cozy, lived-in, a place that’s so much like you that he feels like he is peeking inside your head as he walks farther inside.
“I brought dinner,” he shyly holds the bag up as you lock the door.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have!” you smile at him gratefully, because you didn’t really have time to buy anything on your way home since you had to make a quick trip to the post office after your shift, leaving you no spare time before his arrival.
“It’s the least I can do for all the help,” he smiles as you take the bag from him and bring it to the designated living room area of the place. Bucky joins you on the sofa and he thanks all higher powers your place is so small that you only have a loveseat, giving him the chance to sit close to you. Your thigh brushes against his as you hand him a box and make yourself comfortable as well, starting your feast while he asks you about your day, listening to your every word intently.
When the food is gone and you’ve grabbed two beers for the two of you, he pulls out the phone that’s the reason behind his visit. He bought a simple one, not at all one of the latest versions and it’s going to be the perfect model for him to learn the ropes on.
You help him put his SIM card into the new phone and then you set his account up before finally gaining access to the phone. You start with the basic features, showing him how to make a call or send a text before moving onto the different apps and possibilities while he listens to you as if you were talking about rocket science, but in a way, it feels like that for him.
“And here you can switch to the front camera,” you explain as you push the button and suddenly, the two of you come into picture on the screen. “Perfect for taking selfies,” you add with a chuckle.
“Oh, selfies. I’m not too good with those,” he huffs shaking his head.
“Because you probably haven’t found your angle!” you smirk. “Everyone has a good angle.”
“You think so?” you knits his eyebrows together.
“Mhm, look!”
Opening the contacts you go to yours, choosing the option to add a picture that will show up on the screen when you call him, and open the camera to take one instead of choosing from the empty gallery. Holding up the phone you position it so your good angle is in the picture before snapping the photo and saving it as your caller ID.
“See?” you smile at him before handing the device back to him. He just nods, even though he can only think about how all your angles are perfect to him and that now he has a picture of you in his phone. “Let’s take one together!” you beam and moving closer to him you take the phone once again, holding it up in front of you, trying to fit both of you into the frame.
Bucky tries his best to focus on the picture, but he can’t ignore how close you are to him, he can smell your shampoo and your cheek is almost pressed against his as you smile into the camera. The corners of his mouth curl up as his eyes fix at your reflection on the screen before you snap the photo. Opening up the camera roll you take a better look at it and it’s probably your favorite photo that has ever been taken of you. Mostly because he is in it as well, smiling so sweetly.
“It’s a good one,” you say and as you turn your head to the side you realize how close you really are to him.
“Yeah?” he breathes out, definitely aware of just the few inches separating the two of you.
“I-if you had an Instagram I would tell you to post it…” you stutter as your eyes flicker down to his lips, the urge to lean in and kiss him growing with each passing second.
Feeling a little dizzy, one of your hands fall to his lower arm, the one that’s made out of metal and your gaze drops to where you are touching him, a panic filled look flashing through his eyes.
He thinks that this is where the moment is ruined, where you realize the monster he really is and decide you don’t want anything to do with him. He almost starts to apologize for God knows what reason when you reach out and your fingers start to work on the straps of his gloves. It takes a few moments for him to realize what you are doing, and he tries to pull his hand back, but you grab it stopping him from doing it.
“It’s alright,” you smile at him softly, your eyes meeting his as you finish what you started and pull the glove off his hand revealing the metal underneath the leather. Then you move onto his other hand and do the same, dropping the pair of gloves to the floor as you take both his hands in yours, thumbs running across his knuckles, feeling the difference between his own hand and the artificial one.
You see his jaw flexing at the touch and reaching up you cup his cheek in your palm, making him to look you in the eyes. The strong and confident man you see sometimes is gone now, fear and hesitation taking over his expression as your other hand keeps holding his vibranium one.
“I’m sorry,” it falls from his lips as he closes his eyes for a second.
“For what exactly?” you ask with a soft chuckle. “There’s nothing wrong with you. You don’t have to hide yourself around me.”
“You don’t find it… scary?”
“Not at all,” you assure him. “You can’t be held accountable for what happened to you. Anyone who thinks differently is just an ignorant asshole,” you add grinning and it finally breaks his fearful expression, planting a smile on his handsome face.
Keeping your hand on his cheek you lean closer, your nose touching his but you stop before your lips could meet, giving him the chance to pull back. But he never does. Instead, he closes the gap between the two of you, pressing his lips against yours, finally making the fantasy you both have been daydreaming about reality. He starts off slowly, savoring each other gently, getting accustomed to the feeling, but it doesn’t take long before the kiss grows hungrier and your tongues meet in the middle.
Your hands rest at the base of his neck while his find your waist, pulling you closer until you swing a leg over him, sitting on his lap as you smile against his lips. His kisses feel delicate and soft yet very passionate at the same time, you love the dynamic you create, tugging and biting each other playfully, it feels like kissing him is the sole purpose of your life.
When it gets hard for you to breathe you pull back, eyes opening and finding his flushed face as he stares back at you with bright, joyous eyes, his lips slightly swollen, already making you want to go back to where you were just a moment ago.
“Who knew selfies could be so much fun,” he jokes making you laugh, his heart fluttering in his chest at the sound that’s so dear to him.
“I’m glad you liked my crash course on smart phones,” you grin down at him, your fingers tracing the sharp line of his jaw. “Do you have any more questions?”
Smirking his hand, his flesh one, moves up your back as he presses you closer, your lips almost touching his.
“Oh, I’ve got plenty,” he chuckles before kissing you again eagerly.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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Brahms's Lullaby ~ Brahms Heelshire x Reader
Note: Why do I love Brahms? Fuck if I know. Anyway, this is what happens when a a meek, cute girl moves away from her old life to turn the page and find herself once again...And yet, her dark past quite literally comes back to haunt her.
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'That's one huge manor...' Y/N thought to herself, the back of her neck straining as she scanned it from the bottom to the very top of the roof. The grip on her luggage tightened as she gulped in anxiety, and after taking a few deep breaths, she entered in this house, and immediately got greeted by the elderly woman who was the mistress of the house.
Y/N wasn't sure if it was her who was just nervous about the drastic change in her life, or if the woman was simply incredibly intimidating, but hey, as far as she was concerned, this woman won't be staying with her, so she will be all alone in the house, taking care of a child...How bad could it be?
Oh wait. Y/N hates children. They are so loud, bratty, obnoxious, entitled, rude...And the list could go on for ages, but she couldn't loiter in her mind any longer, and instead, she had to memorise where each room was, and what instructions the woman was saying.
She couldn't believe it, but she was glad she chose to wear a pair of comfortable sneakers, for she kinda got tired going up and down the manor...But what could she do anyway?
The kitchen got introduced to her, the woman told her to keep the leftovers in the freezer, told her about Malcom the delivery boy and how he's the only one allowed to bring her stuff. Weird, but what could she do? P'haps the child has a very strict routine that they must stick to, otherwise they'll feel weird and uncomfortable. Who knows?
And then, she showed her the music room, and while she wasn't paying much attention to the woman who turned on the music on the radio rather loud, Y/N looked around, inspecting the musical instruments, especially the piano, and the music sheets neatly displayed - "Brahms's Lullaby" it was called.
"Oh, is the child a fan of Johannes Brahms?" Y/N asked with a soft smile on her face, as she gently traced her fingers over the keys. "Yes, he is. In fact, the child is called Brahms." the woman spoke a bit sharply, looking her up and down with eyes that almost seemed...Judging, for some reason. "What a lovely name. When will I meet little Brahmsy?" she asked, and as soon as she used that nickname, the woman's jaw got set, and Y/N could swear she was gritting her teeth in anger at her. "...Brahms. His name is Brahms. You will meet him right now. Come on." the woman went on ahead and opened a room, where a doll was sitting in a chair, neatly dressed like a gentleman, while next to him, crouching, an elderly man, who she could only assume was the woman's husband, the master of the house. "Oh, my dear Brahms...This is Y/N, she is here to be your new nanny. Miss L/N, this us Brahms, and he will decide whether he accepts you or not." ...a doll? She...Has to babysit...A doll? Well...The pay is good, and she's veeeery far away from her old home, so...No new beginning happens within your comfort zone, right? "Hello, Brahms, it's great meeting you. I hope we'll get along well." with a sweet smile on her face, Y/N crouched down if front of the chair and took the little hand of the doll, shaking it carefully. "...Fine enough. Now, could you give us some time alone? Brahms will decide now." with that look on her face, while the old man looked at her with pity, and...Relief, maybe? Y/N exited the room, only to see a man standing in front of her, wearing an amiable smile. "Oh, hello there, you must be the new nanny. I'm Malcom, the delivery boy. Well, delivery man. Nice to meet you." very charming... "Ah, yes, I've heard about you. My name is Y/N, nice meeting you as well." she replied politely, although she could sense the flirt he was failing to put forward. "If you want, some day, I can show you around the town. It's small, but kinda pretty." he continued in the same manner, and Y/N replied with simple answers, until finally, the woman opened the door widely, with an even wider smile. "Brahms has decided that you are suitable to be his new nanny, congratulations." how the human behaviour can change so drastically, doing a whole 180, in a split second. "Thank you so much for accepting me, Brahms! I'm sure we'll get along well!" Y/N clapped her hands together to her chest in a cheerful manner, as the elder man left as well, allowing his wife some more farewell words with the doll. "Here, I made you a simplified list of rules you must follow. You don't have to wake up at 7 in the morning every day like my wife told you, but you must make sure all of these are taken care of, alright, miss L/N?" the man asked, handing her the paper which she attentively read. "Yes, of course, I will do as instructed without fail. Thank you for having trust in me with your dear Brahms. Have a lovely trip and I hope you get a well-deserved rest!" Y/N wished them, and for a split second, she almost thought the man's eyes flashed with shock and sorrow. What was going on anyway...? This family is...Peculiar, to say the least. Well, no matter, she will be paid weekly, and with the pretty generous amount she earned while working as a doctor, she should be able to afford anything she'd want, so she won't get bored.
And so, the Heelshires left, and she was all alone with the doll - Y/N decided to make her new bedroom to her liking, as much as possible, with Brahms sitting on a nightstand, as she was humming whatever tune that went in her mind, and swaying carefreely.
"You know, Brahms? I wasn't expecting you to be a doll. But frankly, I think this is better. Children are annoying...But you? You're really nice. And you're not loud or obnoxious. I think we'll be great friends." speaking to a doll...I guess that's how far in my loneliness I've gotten. Tragic, really...She thought as she realised how much of a crazy person she'd look like, were someone to see her. "Since it's already evening, let's go make some really good dinner, and then we can play the piano a bit? Maybe even watch a movie together?" she picked up the doll and went to the kitchen, and looking in the fridge, then at the utensils available, she put together a nice dinner, and put it split in two plates, one for her, and one for the doll, and to keep away the boring silence that hung painfully throughout the house, she put on some LoFi music on her phone, and ate, feeling more peace now than she ever did. "Hmmm...I know your mum told me to put the food in the freezer...But it's better eaten while still warm. I don't think you'll like it if it's stone cold...So, I'll leave it here, on the table, and see how it is. If you don't like it, and you want me to put it in the fridge, just tell me, and I'll do as advised." ...Just tell me? JUST TELL ME? Girl, are you out of your mind?! As if a doll could speak...
After she washed her plate, fork and knife, she picked up the doll once again, and went to the music room, putting the doll on the piano, and cracking her fingers, she let them glide over the claviature, creating a beautiful melody echo through the room, and maybe Y/N didn't realise, but she had a glowing smile on her face, and she visibly relaxed and felt at ease, as if she was flying through the fluffy clouds.
"I haven't done this in so long, I'm surprise I'm not rustier. I hope you liked it too, Brahmsy. Now, let's go to be. Do you want to sleep in my room? Come on, I'm a bit anxious to sleep by myself in this huge, creepy house." she mused as she got to her room, carefully putting the doll on her pillow and after going to the bathroom to change in her cutesy Unicorn Pusheen nightgown, and turning on her laptop, she put on Harry Potter, one of her comfort movies, and cuddling with the doll, she gave it a little kiss before getting engulfed in the story once again, and falling asleep without realising.
Everything was peaceful in the house in the morning, until Y/N reached the kitchen to make some light breakfast, only to find a paper on the table, with beautiful cursive writing in ink on it.
"Warm is better, thank you :) "
Frankly speaking, it freaked her our enough to get a panic attack and barricade herself in her room for the whole day, her bedroom locked and too afraid to leave that place for the whole day.
After this, days on end, and then weeks passed by uneventfully, as Y/N took care of Brahms with no problem, Malcom came by to give her the groceries, the pay and anything that she'd order online, she'd chat with some old friends, would watch movies, would go out to plant flowers and tend to the garden, would dance around, happy to bask in the warm Summer sun, would read whatever books she likes, with the doll in her lap, and she realised that she never felt more relaxed and free in her life.
It was pretty cool not having to work for money, huh?
But one day, when she was out in the garden, barefoot and with a cute, flower dress on, her long, beautiful hair, accessorised with a colourful flower crown, and she was dancing to the music on her phone, she noticed a figure somewhere from the forest. It was unmoving, almost as if it was staring, and it startled Y/N. It startled and frightened her so much that she quickly picked up the doll and went inside the house, making sure all windows and doors are properly locked, and the drapes are closed, so nobody could get in.
That night, she kneeled on the bad, an upset frown on her face, as she felt her eyes watering slightly, looking down at the porcelain doll of the little boy.
"It's moments like this when I hoped you were human, Brahmsy. Not a child...But a man. I'm scared...I'm so scared...I don't like being alone. There was some creep outside in the forest, and it was staring at us. What do I do, Brahmsy? What am I supposed to do...?" as she felt a few tears streaming down her face, she sighed, hanging her head down, raking her fingers down her face in mild desperation. "...Who am I kidding, you're just a doll, you're not human. Why the hell do I even bother. I'm going to die here, sooner or later..." her voice was filled with dread and resignation as she got under the covers, clinging onto the doll as if her very life depended on it.
Since that very day, she continued seeing the silhouette of a tall man, standing there, menacingly stalking her every single day, from different places, until she heard the phone ring, and reluctantly, she answered.
"...Hello? Who is there...?" she muttered, gripping the phone anxiously, awaiting and answer. "You don't recognise the voice of the man that made you feel good every night?" her breath stopped completely hearing that awful voice she hoped never to hear again. Instead of answering, she slammed the phone down.
But it rang again.
And again.
And again.
Until it drove her mad and she disconnected it completely.
It wasn't like anyone would call her anyway, and if they wanted to contact her, then they could text her on her private phone, or on social media.
Why can't she just get some peace anywhere? She just wanted to get away from all hell she was put through at home...But now, it seemed like Hell was inclined to follow her to the ends of the world.
The stress and fright from this increased when she received multiple pictures of herself from either outside the house, or even inside, which is when she realised the stalked from outside was, in fact, the one who called her on the phone. It was her horrible ex.
And one horrible night, as she gripped on the doll to dear life, walking down the corridors of the huge manor, checking for the thousandth time that everything is locked tight, she heard a noise.
What was she supposed to do...? She couldn't run out of the house, everything was locked...And could she hide? Not really, she was sure he'd check all the rooms without fail.
So...What could she do except try to hide in her room?
She waited in her wardrobe, knowing very well that, if he were to get inside her bedroom, he would check every nook and cranny, but even so, she felt safer in a cramped, tight place, than outside in such an open room.
Mere seconds felt like outright centuries, she heard the door slam open, making her jump in fright, her hand to her mouth, so she'd muffle any sound she'd potentially make from her hyperventilating. She knew, it would be long before he checked the wardrobe, but gosh...The anticipation made her anxiety skyrocket.
Until it finally happened.
Y/N found herself being dragged from inside her safe place by the hair, thrown to the ground, but not once did she let go of the doll that became some sort of a comfort object for her.
"So that's where you were, Y/N! I missed you! It's been a while, hasn't it?" oh no, that overly sweet voice...It's nothing but poison. It was so bad that her bottom lip started quivering with fear as she tried to crawl away from there, but obviously, to no avail. "Wheeeere are you going, darling? Didn't you miss me? Come on, give me a hug!" he grinned, grabbing her and trapping her in his arms, and she couldn't help but tremble in disgust and fear as she felt his hands roaming in places it shouldn't. "Why aren't you talking to me? Why aren't you saying anything? Come on, let me hear you voice! ...DO SOMETHING, DAMN IT!" ah, his facade crumbled much faster than expected, and that aggressive scream in her face as he roughly pushed her in the wardrobe door made her whimper and wrap herself around the doll, trying not to let tears fall down her face and just...Praying for all this to be over...To be just a nightmare..."What the fuck is with that doll anyway? Why do you cling on it, and not on me? Give that here." but she didn't let go, and seeing how she was opposing him, he forcefully grabbed her face before slapping her before snatching away the doll from her arms. "Sheesh...It's so fucking ugly. No wonder you stay with this, it's the only thing that would stay with someone like you. So ugly, dumb, annoying...You should be grateful that I'm here! Nobody in this world wants you! You're worthless and you deserve nothing. Do you hear me? You ARE nothing! Better thank me nicely for coming all the way here for you! Nobody would bother doing ANYTHING for you!" he yelled at her, as she cradled her face, crying, but also fearing being seen crying, remembering how bad it would get. "Don't her Brahms...Please...Please don't hurt him..." she begged and pleaded over and over, but it only seemed to ignite more anger in his eyes. "You only beg me with that sweet voice of yours...To save your stupid...Thing? Really, Y/N? You're pathetic. You're stupid. You're disgusting. Fuck you and fuck your stupid doll!" and with that, the jerk started slamming the fragile porcelain doll on the wall, ignoring the desperate pleas from the girl. "NO! NOOOOOOOO! No....! Brahms, no...! What has he done to you..." Y/N crawled to the place where the doll's porcelain head was slammed apart, and she let tears fall over as, with shaky hands, she tried to piece together the overly-fragmented head, only to get pulled back by the hair and slammed on the ground, as he pushed himself upon her, his hands grabbing at her exposed flesh, her light nightgown offering close to no protection from the lecherous predator, and her weak, noodle arms, just like before, offered no resistance to his significantly stronger, bulkier built, and no matter how much she tried to fight back, she knew...She knew that struggling never helped, no matter how much she tried. It never did. And it only made it hurt more.
But then...Before she knew it, a loud noise, like that of an explosion, or destruction, came from somewhere in the room, startling the poor girl enough to make her scream in fright, while the predator jumped to his feet looking at the hole in the wall...
Only for a pair of hands to slowly creep out of the wall, tredging along the wooden walls, and then, a head wearing a porcelain mask creepily got out, followed by 2 legs and a body. It seemed to be a man, very tall - In fact, taller than her ex - , but while yes, his dramatic entrance startled the two, the man only got angrier, ready to fight the intruder, while the petite girl only got more frightened by the commotion, dragging herself in the safest corner of the room, shaking, guarding her head with both her arms, hoping again and again that this was all a nightmare, and it would end already - It was beginning to look so much more incredible, like a weird fantasy movie...This can't be real, right?!
"Y/N! Help me!" the voice of a child called out her name, almost strangled and desperate, and peeking at the brawl on the ground, she noticed her ex trying to strangle the stranger, whose head was leaning, his eyes fixated on hers.
He went out of the wall as soon as she got attacked...He was trying to protect her...Maybe? So...She got up, trying not to attract the attention of her ex, and taking ahold of the lamp on her nightstand, she brought it down hard against her ex's head, making him groan in pain...But he didn't fall. He didn't faint, like you see in movies. Instead, he got up, glaring at the meek girl and snatched away the lamp, throwing it away.
"You fucking bitch...Now you've done it." his voice was so dark that she was sure this was game over, so she bolted out of the room as fast as she could, but the labyrinthine house was impossible to navigate, and before she knew it, she found herself in a dead end, with no escape.
However, instead of seeing her ex with the wrath of a raging bull, she noticed the stranger slowly making his way towards her, his shoulder slouched, his dirty, once white, tank top now splattered with fresh blood, as is the rest of his outfit. But his hands were up, almost as if to say that he 'surrenders', as he stepped right in front of the trembling girl.
"Please don't kill me. Please don't hurt me. Please, please, please, I will leave you alone, I will go away, I will do want you want, please don't hurt me." even her voice was shaky, her arms crossed to protect her face, and her eyes closed in fear, so she didn't notice the curly haired man slowly crouching down in front of her, his head tilting slowly, before he gingerly grasped her wrists, pulling them away with such gentleness that she never knew. It was so weird for someone to be so careful with her body...With her...That she opened her eyes, doe-like, looking at the man's wide eyes that peered through his mask. "I am Brahms." but this time, his voice wasn't like that of a child, but not did it sound rough and hoarse, like her ex's. It was soft and delicate, masculine, but not too much. It was soothing. And what Brahms once saw to be the most frightened eyes, remembering how scared Bambi was when his mother died, yet now, they had more of a curious spark. "I won't hurt you. I promise. Don't leave." the once tense girl visibly relaxed under his touch, as he let go of her wrists and letting his knees touch the floor, he leaned forwards, between her legs, to get closer to her, and touched her face with both of his arms, wiping away her tears, surprised at how soft her skin was...Is it was a flower petal feels like? He remembers overly descriptive books where women are seen as different delicate things...A flower, a fawn, a butterfly, a nightingale, the Moon, and so many others...And he could finally understand why. "You are safe now." he continued, thinking it would make the girl smile, but instead, even more tears leaked down her face, and she threw her arms around his neck, bringing him closer to her, his body flushed to hers...And he stood there, stiff, shocked at the situation he was in.
What was he supposed to do now? Touch was so foreign to him...But he loved it so much! It was so warm, it made him happy! He wanted the girl to be closer and closer to him. He remembers what she did daily to his doll - What was it called...A cuddle? - Yes, he wanted that. He NEEDED that.
He hated that man touching her - He was hurting her - Only HE can touch her. He deserved to die. He deserved to fuck off. All he has to do is get rid of the body, and the rest can go on as it always has been - Except, instead of Y/N cuddling the doll, she will cuddle him every night, and she will kiss him.
"Thank you, Brahmsy. Thank you. Thank you so much." she continued thanking him over and over again, but he didn't answer. Instead, his hands slowly made their way on her waist, then went to the curvature of her hips, then to her thighs, and without any warning, he lifted her up, indirectly forcing her to glue herself to him even more - Not before hearing her cute squeal of surprise - And he carried her to one of the guest bedrooms, shivering a bit as he felt her warm breath on his bare neck - It excited him, but he didn't understand really what it was - But it was enough to make him bite his lip behind the mask and his grip on her thighs strengthened a bit, under the pretext of making sure she doesn't fall by mistake.
Luckily, he reached the bedroom and closing the door behind, he got in bed, holding her close as she stood in his lap, so close that he could feel her rapid heartbeat slowing down little by little. It was no misunderstanding, she was getting more and more comfortable around him. He was her protector, and he wasn't going to let anyone hurt her ever again. She was his. Nobody else's. Only his.
They stood like that for a while, just holding each other and calming down, before Brahms turned the both of them to the side, and he hugged her tightly to his chest, playing with her hair, not letting her go for the whole night. His embrace was warm, and Y/N felt so safe - As never before, not even in her parents' home. She felt...Good.
The next day, she woke up still in Brahms's arms. She wasn't sure if he woke up or not, but she leaned to plant a soft kiss on the forehead of the mask, as she raked her fingers through his dark, curly hair, but before she knew it, a pair of arms wrapped around her torso, hugging her close to his chest.
"Good morning, Brahms. Did you sleep well?" her sleepy voice was so cute...He wanted to wake like this every day...As an answer, he merely nodded. "I'm happy to hear that. Come on, we have to eat breakfast, then take a shower...And after that, we can do whatever we want. Sounds good?" she asked, getting up and holding his arms, urging him to follow her. "No shower!" ah, the childish voice again, I see... "Then...How about I shower with you? I have some cute rubber duckies, if you want." she tried to appeal to his inner child, which seemed to pique his interest. "...Only if you wash me." he muttered, making the girl chuckle. "Okay, sure, sure. Let's eat something first. I think there's some milk and cereal." she remembered how much she loved to eat that every morning before going to school, when she was little.
She prepared two bowls and they ate in silence, until Brahms muttered that he wants to hear the music she usually puts when eating - And grinning at him, she put on LoFi music once again, which seemed to make the boy happy too.
After that, they went to the bathroom, and while Brahms waited for the tub to get filled, Y/N went to get the clothes in the washing machine, while getting some fresh clothes for the both of them. Apparently, he actually had other clothes, he just didn't want to bother washing or changing...For who knows how long...
As Brahms got in the tub, only briefs on, playing with the duckies, Y/N kneeled by the tub, taking the flower-scented showed gel and the sponge.
"Get in the tub too." Brahms put his arms on the tub edge, leaning his chin on them, looking at her attentively. "We don't have much space in the tub." she explained, but he had none of it. Instead, he rose from underneath the water, picked her up with a weird ease, and got her in the tub, not before splashing her, so her nightgown was soaked so she couldn't protest anymore. "...Fine, you got me. Let me clean you, then." she shook her head with a sigh as she heard him chuckle, gripping her wrists and pulling her to sit on his lap. Did he really like it that much, she wondered. "Can I shave your chest and neck, Brahms?" she asked as she trailed her hands over his chest, shoulders and arms, scrubbing with a sponge, one hand always finding its way on either her hip or her leg. The answer came in the form of a nod, and she reached to the sink to get a shaving blade and very carefully, making sure not to irritate his skin, or cut him by mistake, she cut down the overgrown, stinky, unwashed hair. In the end, his skin was finally clean and soft and smelling like roses and vanilla. "Let me sit behind you, I have to wash your hair." he seemed pretty exited, feeling her legs on either side of him, his head leaning back so her fingers could work miracles - He felt in heaven - He was so spoiled, and he loved every second of it. The shampoo smelled really nicely too, he had to admit. But her fingers massaging his scalp...Ahhh, it was so perfect, he was almost sure he'd fall asleep. "Let me wash you too!" he said, and in a split second, he could feel the girl's body stiffen, her eyes going wide, and her face...It was beginning to turn pink...? Was she...Blushing? "Ah, uhm...Well...Y-You can wash my hair, if you want?" she was stuttering! So cute! So cute, in fact, that he pinched both her cheeks, and they felt like marshmallows. "H-Hey, stop, that hurts." she pouted as he teased her. He loved that. "Yay!" Brahms cheered as he got her back glued to his chest, his hand gingerly tracing her neck, making her lean her head back, just as he did...But why did he like the sight of his hand wrapped around her neck? He didn't want to hurt her...But the visual was getting him feel weird things.
He followed the same routine as she did to him - Massaging her scalp, putting shampoo, rinsing, then this...Conditioner? Oh, it smelled nicely...And this is called...Hair mask? Ah, this is coconut scented! And she is smiling! She has a kitty smile! She looks like a cute little kitty!
After the bath time was over, Y/N wrapped him in a bathrobe, and while he wasn't paying attention, she quickly took off her nightgown and put another bathrobe on tying it tightly, and guiding the man back to their room, so she could use a hair dryer to dry both their hair, before brushing it neatly, so they could dress up...And he insisted she dressed in that cute, flowy, flower-patterned dress
"There, all good. What do you want to do now, Brahmsy? Do you want to go in the garden and see the flowers?" she asked, a bright smile on her face, both her hands holding his, and he could see her eyes were basically glimmering, pleading him to go out with her...But he hated the outside...Hmmm...
He grumbled a bit, but ultimately, he let himself be dragged outside - He hissed a bit, as if he was a vampire getting burnt by the sun, but after a while...He didn't find it that bad...? And the flowers in the garden were so pretty...!
"Hey, Brahms, take off your shoes and socks. Feel the grass. It will make you feel so calm and peaceful...Here, how do you feel?" she asked, intertwining her fingers with his. "It's...It tickles." he muttered, looking down and wiggling his toes to get used to it. "Come sit down with me. Watching the clouds is really relaxing." she said, helping him sit down, then laying on their backs. Instead of staying apart, however, Brahms pulled her close to his chest, her head resting on his shoulder. "...But it's kinda boring..." he muttered, as he started kneading her arm up and down, massaging it from sheer boredom. "Look, Brahmsy, that cloud looks like a bunny, don't you think?" she put her finger up in the air, pointing to one of the clouds passing by. "Ah! You're right! And that one looks like a dragon! And that one looks like a butterfly! Look, Y/N, it's so pretty!" his boredom dissipated quickly and it got replaced by excitement instead - Very wholesome, the girl thought as she looked at the person next to her getting so happy over such simple things.
They stood outside until evening came, and they could watch the beautiful sunset, the sky painted with the most gorgeous shades there are. "Let's get inside, dear, it's getting cold. We don't want to get sick, right?" she smiled at him, only for him to hang his head down, and then he took off his cardigan and put it over her shoulders and pulled the girl between his legs, her back glued to his broad, warm chest and his embrace made her feel so warm and at ease. "Brahmsy...?" she asked softly, tilting her head up, before feeling his chin on top of her head, but she was met with silence. "The stars are pretty. You are pretty. Y/N is the prettiest, brightest star. Y/N is my star. I love my star." his soft voice was heard, almost whispery, and after a few more seconds, she felt the softest, sweetest kiss on her hair, then on her temple and on her cheek, before his chin found its place back on her head. "I love you, Brahms." she said, with teary eyes, intertwining her fingers to his, pulling his arms closer to her and squeezing his hands. "And I've never loved anyone more than I love you."
Needless to say, that comment made the man giddy and happy, for he, too, felt happiest now than he ever did before. When they felt tired, Brahms picked the girl up and got her back to their now shared room, dressed in their sleeping wear and cuddled, yet this time, Y/N was holding him, his head resting on her chest, as she played with his hair, soothing, and humming a lullaby to help him sleep.
It was Brahms's Lullaby.
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572 notes · View notes
keisurou · 3 years
build it up
(ft. koutarou bokuto)
minors dni. 
wc: 3.2k
Warnings: semi-public sex (in the locker room?), doggy style, mirror sex, mutual masturbation, blowjob, atsumu x kiyoomi ship, atsumu being a lil’ shit and drilling ideas into bo’s head, not edited. 
So my friends and I were fangirling discussing and apparently personality-wise, I’m basically a mix of Akaashi and Kenma, and it kinda makes sense because my top two comfort characters are Kuroo and Bokuto. Anyways, this is just a lil’ thing I wanted to try out, and again, this is not edited (i did edit it, and then my laptop just DIED so now its all gone. *sobs*) - does anyone want to be a beta-reader?? Because I literally went on a road trip with my family and just typed this in the car the entire time while my brothers screamed nonsense bs next to me. Hmu if you’re actually interested :) 
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“Babe,” Bokuto murmurs into your neck, drawing out the word, his hair still damp and smoothed down from his shower not too long ago. You’re trying to focus on the pile of research assignments in front of you, but the way your fiance is rubbing circles on your back has you rereading the same sentence multiple times. “I heard something I wanna try,” 
“Hmm?” You hum noncommittally, encouraging him to continue, but you don’t look away from the papers. He frowns, frustration clawing at his belly and lets out a small grunt as he paws at your thighs exposed by your silk pyjamas. When he doesn’t speak, you turn to him and run your fingers through his damp locks before ruffling them slightly. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you tired? You have practice tomorrow morning, don’t you?” 
He doesn’t respond, his gaze locked on your lips and the way your tongue peeks out ever so slightly to wet your bottom lip only for a second. Bokuto has been strung tight lately; he had just returned from a training camp after being away from you for an entire week. He had been so excited to come home to you; he missed your smiles, your soft agreements, the way you came apart and lost yourself under his touch. But instead, he came home to you fully decked out in your ‘no sex’ gear. That’s right, from the ten piles of papers you had to mark, and a brand new box of red felt tips, you were ready for five days of no sleep, no fun, and absolutely nothing frisky with Bokuto. Needless to say, he almost cried when he first stepped into the apartment. 
But now, with only ten research papers left, you were practically finished. “Babe, let’s cuddle tonight,” You give him a look, and he deflates only a little before quickly adding, “I’ll be good, I swear,” 
“Kou-kun,” you lean in and give him a soft peck on the cheek, and he’s so touch starved that he sits motionless, absorbing the way your lips brush against his skin for as long as he can. “You’re always good.” You move away, and he quickly grabs your hands, intertwining your fingers together. “But if I finish up here today, I won’t be able to see you play tomorrow,” 
He’s silent as he contemplates this and then promptly hooks a hand around your waist and pulls you to him. His lips slant over yours, and it only takes you a second to melt into the kiss, hands flying to the hem of his t-shirt to drag him closer. Your lips are warm, and he can taste the sweetness of cherries from the dizzying brush of your tongue. He leans back against the sofa, and you clamber onto his lap, your softness meeting the hard planes of his body as you kiss along the smooth column of his neck. There is nothing sexier than the way you press a kiss before nibbling along his jaw, and his hands automatically find their way under your sleep shirt to squeeze at a naked breast. 
You let out a strangled moan and immediately press your body to his chest, halting his movements. Bokuto’s eyes widen as he tentatively brushes a thumb on the underside of your breast, only for you to shudder. “Koutarou, wait,” you pant softly, grabbing at his arm to pull it from your chest. “I’m really sensitive today, and it hurts if you squeeze too roughly,” 
“I’m on my period,” you say simply, and he blurts out the first thing that pops into his head. 
“So, no sex?” 
You shake your head, and his erection throbs painfully in his shorts as it strains against the material, somehow understanding the situation but not exactly cooperating. You get up to clear the table, and when you stretch, he can clearly see the way your nipples poke through the flimsy fabric, almost as if begging for his attention. He’s up, wrapping his arms around your waist and breathing in the scent of your hair. “Can I massage them?” 
You pause, and when you don’t respond for a few seconds, he cups one breast through the shirt, palming it softly until you melt under his touch. “O-Okay, but no sex,” 
He murmurs out a thank you, his golden eyes sparkling, and he’s glad you don’t question his enthusiasm. Once in the shared bedroom, he strips your shirt off your body watches with hooded eyes as you crawl over to join him at the centre of the bed. 
His fingers brush against a peaked nipple before slowly pushing down on the nub, and you let out a soft whine before cupping your other breast yourself, rotating the flesh in small circles. 
Bokuto briefly wonders how long it could take to make you cum just from your tits, and he turns it into a personal mission for tonight. He pulls at the free nipple, and you gasp sharply. Your reaction brings a lazy grin on his face, and he brings you to sit on top of him, the outline of his erection pressing against your ass so he can feel at least some sort of friction. He swats your hand away and pulls a nipple into the heat of his mouth, suckling the flesh softly as your thighs tremble around his waist. The first contact of his teeth against your sensitive nipple has your breath hitching deliciously as you chant his name, and he does it again, wanting to commit the sound to memory. 
“K-Koutarou, please. I’m going to-”
He switches to the other breast and bites down on the nipple without warning. Your hands fly to the back of his head, pushing him closer to your chest as he soothes the abused skin with long strokes of his tongue. The way you pull at his hair sends sharp jolts of pain, and you realise that each time you tug at his locks, he puts his teeth to work. 
You tug at his hair again, and he smiles as he bites down for a second. He takes satisfaction in the way you tremble and grind against him when he tugs at a hardened bud with his fingers, twisting and rolling the nub until it borders on pain and pleasure. He’s going to make you come like this even if he doesn’t get any sleep.  
Minutes later, you tremble, your hands feebly pushing at Bokuto, and he leans back only slightly. He watches with wide eyes as you roll your hips, the movements unstable and shaky, almost frenzied. Your fingers squeeze at a breast and pull at the tip of the other, and you let out a breathy moan at the sharp streak of pain that quickly turns into pleasure. “K-Kou-kun. I’m s-so close. So close.” You whine out in both pleasure and frustration and reach for his hands so he can help you finish the job. “Please,” 
You don’t notice the way Bokuto’s erection grows bigger from under you. He loves it when you beg for him like this, eyes glazed with lust without a care in the world except for how quickly you’ll come. It’s so intoxicating, and you look so desperate that he can’t help but want to tease you until you’re ruined.  But tonight, there was no way; you wouldn’t be getting any help from him until he gets off on the image of you sobbing for his fingers and his tongue. 
He watches as your eyes widen when you see him take out his cock and grip himself at the base. The tip is red and weeping, and when he smears the fluid all over the head, he’s delighted to see the way you lick your lips and lean forward, entranced. “What is it, puppy?” He purrs and grips himself at the base before moving up to the tip and coming back down again. The way your eyes follow the movement is incredibly sexy, but it’s the tremble in your lower lip that has him growing harder. “F-Fuck. Shit, you want my cock? I thought you said no sex.” 
There’s a whine of frustration, and at this point, he can’t tell if it’s from you or him, but the way you rub your thighs together and tug at your nipples has him lifting his hips, craving the friction he can’t have. There are now tears in your eyes as you sniffle.  For a fleeting moment, Bokuto considers sliding your underwear to the side; your period be damned, and fucking you into the mattress until the bedsheet is soaked with your tears. His cock twitches in agreement at the mental image, and a shudder goes down his spine. 
Instead, he gives himself a few more rough strokes and closes his eyes, listening to your moans echo in the room before he groans, loud and low, as his release lands messily on the bedsheets. 
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Bokuto is restless at practice the morning after, and everyone knows this because his performance was downright terrible. On the rare occasions when he did score a point, there was no hey, hey, hey, no burst of confidence, no nothing. 
There had been days on end where the team would have done anything short of murder to shut Bokuto up, but now that he had, they had no idea what to do. Well, except Atsumu, of course. The setter sauntered over, his lips stretched into a cocky smirk. “Bokkun, what are ya mopin’ about for? Did yer girlfriend leave ya all needy?”
Bokuto grumbled sourly at the blonde before promptly turning away. “I’m not moping.” And when Atsumu raises an eyebrow, encouraging him to continue, Bokuto only sighs and leans back on his elbows. Surprisingly, that’s all the setter needs to understand the situation and begins to laugh. 
The entire situation is infuriatingly unfair, especially since it was, in fact, Atsumu who had drilled in the idea of having sex in semi-public places. Bokuto usually didn’t care to listen to the gossip of others much, unless it was related to volleyball or you. During the training camp, the blond setter had been describing how hot it was to do it in a semi-public place where there was a high chance of getting caught, much to Kiyoomi’s chagrin. Bokuto genuinely cannot bring himself to care because obviously sex feels good all the time, so why would doing it outside make it any different? Atsumu had just tutted when Bokuto explained this to him before asking him about you, and that definitely got his attention. 
“Bokkun, do ya know what kinks yer girlfriend has?” 
“She doesn’t have any,” Bokuto’s response had been immediate, and Atsumu just stared, wondering if the hyperactive male was just pulling his leg. But he wasn’t - Bokuto genuinely knew you didn’t have any because of course you would tell him as soon as you discovered one, right? 
“She seriously never told ya?” 
“Maybe she just doesn’t know.” 
Atsumu had spluttered indignantly to his excuse, equal parts horrified and insulted that Bokuto could even think about suggesting such a thing. 
Needless to say, ever since then, Bokuto has been trying to find out more of the things that make you tick in bed. He’d already found two last night, and his body was already tense, eager to find out more today. Especially since you said you’d be visiting after handing back all the papers to your students. They all wrapped up practice, with Meian giving Bokuto extra laps around the gym. By the time he had finished the required amount, Hinata and Meian were about to leave but had stopped to greet you for a few minutes. The sight of you leaning against the door, your lips pulled up into a soft smile filled him with restless energy and he took a swig of his water before making his way to you. 
“Hey, hey, hey!” His voice booms, echoing off the walls and you swivel around to grin at him. There is a collective sigh of relief from the other members as they leave the court gym and he sees the way your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He practically sprints to you and pulls you into a bear hug. He knows he’s sweating and that he probably stinks, but that all takes a back seat as your arms come around to wrap around his waist as you breathe in the feel of him. “Are you feeling better?”
You nod and lean up, puckering your lips to give him a short kiss, and his heart squeezes before he leans down to meet your lips halfway. When you pull back, your face is flushed, and you lean forward to whisper in his ear. “I’m sorry about last night. I’m all better today, we can go wherever you want and do whatever you feel like,”
His golden eyes glint dangerously under the low lighting of the hall, and you immediately know that you’re in trouble. “Now?”
He can see the way your breath hitches and throat constricts as you let out a little whimper. Your voice reaches a higher octave as you whisper out a “Now?” and he suddenly wishes that he could drag you to the locker room in front of everyone. He realises with a start that Atsumu had been right all along and expects the fact to rub him the wrong way, but the thought is pushed to the back as you let out a timid nod. 
That’s all he needs. He drags you into the locker room, too impatient to bother with the intricacies of the lock. Everyone had gone home anyway, so what did it even matter? As soon as he sits down, you push his thighs apart and situation yourself between them. Your hands fly to the hem of his gym shorts as you gaze up at him, and the whisper of friction that your fingers provide already has his cock swelling in his boxers. 
The first contact your tongue made with his cock has him hardening even further as he sinks his fingers into your hair. He can’t take his eyes off the way your hot tongue glides up the curve of his dick before swirling around the tip and- 
“Fuck. Fuck. Wait, baby-Don’t-”
You take him into your mouth, one hand softly massaging his balls, and all the protests die in his throat almost instantly. He chokes at the sight of you on your knees and your pretty, pretty mouth stretched around his fat cock. There are tears forming at the corner of your eyes as you struggle to take him in any further, and there’s nothing in the word that could make him look away. He thrusts his hips up only slightly, taking you off guard and forcing more of his length into your mouth as you gag around his size. 
You make a sound at the back of your throat as you drool around his cock, and it sends waves of vibrations throughout his length. Bokuto eases out of your mouth, and the stark coldness that hits the sensitive skin has him hardening even further. “You did so good, puppy,” he pants out his praise and comes up behind you before he pushes you forward so that you’re on your hands and knees. You’re such a pretty sight that he has to stop himself from entering you straight away. “Are you comfortable, babe? Think you can take it like this?” 
You nod vigorously and hold his gaze through the mirror. The head of his cock is leaking and angry, and he’s half tempted to bury himself balls deep inside you without warning. But the moment he pushes the tip inside your wet heat, you arch your back, and his hips jerked forward, craving the way your slick walls spammed around his length. 
“S-Shit—” Bokuto grits out, relishing the way the unmistakable sound of your arousal squelching around his cock echoes in the locker room. “God, you’re so fucking messy- baby, I can’t—” his words end on a whine and tries to push himself further inside you, his hands going to grip your hair to wrap it around his fingers. 
There’s a low guttural moan from you, and when he looks up, his gut clenches at the sight of your thoroughly fucked face. He wants to commit it all to memory - the way your tongue lolls out while your eyes roll to the back of your head as you cry out for him because he’s the only one who can make you feel like this. He pulls at your hair slightly and immediately feels you clench around him. 
He does it again, harder. 
Your whimpers thunder in his ears, and he leans forward until he has you completely underneath him, chest grazing the back of your shoulders as he braces his entire weight on his arm. His tongue and teeth are relentless on the flushed tips of your ear, laving the sensitive skin before nipping it harshly as he thrusts into you. “You’re such a pretty puppy, aren’t you? Fucked dumb and drooling on my cock,”
You sob at this, your words slurring. “K-Kou, s’close—” His thrusts become short and fast, reaching deeper as your walls dragging along his cock deliciously. The way you’re needy heat is sucking him in leaves him breathless, his hips stuttering with effort as he struggles to go faster and faster and— 
Your walls flutter around his girth, clenching down and squeezing so tightly that he can’t help but arch his back, hands gripping your hips to bring you closer, the curve of your ass flush against his abs. He ruts into you harshly, trying to fuck you through your orgasm, and it’s the loud slapping of skin on skin that mixes perfectly with your lewd keens that have his dick spasming and finally sends him over the edge. 
For a moment, all he can hear are the heavy breathing as you both try to catch your breaths, skin slick and glistening with sweat, but then his ears perk up at the telltale whisper of footsteps shuffling. Somewhere, right outside the door, a broomstick topples over something, and he swears he can hear the hushed bickering of Atsumu and Kiyoomi. 
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Thank you for reading :) 
Taglist: @lukehemmingsfan101​ @the-actual-audrey @Dontmindme:) @potaytopothato @jadasz @momoraen​ (those in bold could not be tagged). 
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4awny · 3 years
UPDATE ALERT: A Helping Hand
Cartman leaned in to get a closer look. "So that's where you've been."
"I'm running on fumes right now, so I need to get there tonight or I'm gonna be stranded out here."
"What the hell are you doing all the way in Nevada?" Kyle questioned and reached out to grab his laptop sitting on top of the dresser. The tips of his wiggling fingers just about made contact, when Cartman abruptly swiped it away.
"You asshole."
Cartman dropped the laptop onto his lap. "I'm trying to help you, retard."
Usually when the brunette did something nice, it was either to benefit himself or he expected something in return. Kyle eyed him like the sceptic that he was.
"I'll tell ya what. When I get back, I'll come and tuck you into bed, read ya a nice bedtime story and I can tell you all about my lil trip up here in The Silver State. Sound good?"
"Sounds great." Kyle agreed, despite wanting to know more. "Maybe then we could actually celebrate your birthday."
"Ah, and there's me thinking y'all forgot."
"I didn't forget." Cartman confessed proudly. "I knew and then made a conscious decision to not give a fuck."
"Heh." It took Kenny a moment to think of something to come back with. And then he remembered all about the juicy material he had on him. The smirk could be heard in his voice. "You got a habit of ignoring things, ya know that?"
Kyle was too distracted with setting up his laptop to notice the sudden change in the brunette's expression. "Cartman's got a lot of habits, Kenny."
"You know what, Kyle? You are so right, he does! You wanna know what my favourite one is?"
"Kenny." Cartman warned when he felt his face starting to flush.
"Okay, okay. Seeing as we're best buds and all, I won't go into it. Like the good friend that I am, I ain't saying nuthin."
He knew what game Kenny was playing. He knew, because he would have done the exact same thing if he managed to play his cards right. "Fuck you."
Kyle paid no attention to the conversation and assumed they were just talking shit to each other. "Photo's kinda blurry, dude. I'll fix the resolution and then I'll look for anything that stands out so I can pinpoint where it is. Might take a while."
"Thanks, man. You're a big help. I would kiss ya if I could." He snickered and Cartman could sense a storm heading his way. "Actually, second thought, I better not. If I did that, Cartman might-"
"BAH BAH BAH, ENOUGH." He swiped the phone from Kyle's grasp and quickly switched off the loud speaker. When his ear met with hysterical laughter, his blood boiled and he growled out, like a bear protecting a secret. "I swear to god, you scrawny piece of shit, the next time I see you?! I'm gonna take a knife and kill you my goddamn self! Slow and painful, how about that?!"
"Ha! Bring it on, asshole. You're the one that outed me first. Mama always told me you get what ya get and you got what ya got. And you wanna know something? I have no fucking clue what she was talking about. Still don't. But I think I get it now. So yeah, you can go ahead and kiss my scrawny piece of shit ass. Yer fucking prick."
Cartman spat with pure rage. "You fucking-!"
Kyle's calm voice flinched him away from the phone. "What?!" He barked and regretted it immediately. Hearing the sound of the hangup dial, Cartman took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. He rubbed the bridge of his nose as a means of calming himself down before handing the phone back to its rightful owner.
Chapter 24 - A Helping Hand
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endeaavorr · 3 years
bokuto headcanons (if you were in fukurodani)
realistically, i’d imagine a scenario where you’re a third year too since i find those ‘pretty freshmen dating their popular senior’ cliché like the annoying kind of cliché bcs love like that either don’t last, or isn’t real.
bo was nearly late on the first day of highschool and the chair next to your were the only one left.
since that day onwards, for the whole three years you became chairmates.
idk about people but i fall in love easy so im sure i’d fall in love like after two weeks of school just because of subtle things like him reminding you not to forget your lunch or to check your drawer before you go home and he goes to practice, walking with you to other classes, the subtle accidental touches, yep what a simp.
but you didn’t confess because you wouldn’t want to ruin what you guys had.
so for the whole three years you were content being his really close friend, like you know the kind you trust so much and just have a default fond feeling for, the kind you remember to buy another box of milk for before going back to class.
he’s a natural athlete and is currently working on being a pro, but you don’t really enjoy physical things since you hate sweating.
you guys have complete opposite club activities.
as much as i like the thought of being fukurodani’s manager,, that’s not for this plot.
maybe a cooking club or debate.
but when your schedules collide, he accidentally meets you on his way out of the school, and gives you a toothy grin before offering to walk you home.
when you enter the third year of course things had to change, you have to prepare for college app and whilst he’s set on being a pro athlete he still needs to graduate first.
you stopped your club activities and on rare days when he’s not in the school gym, he’s at your house studying for finals.
your study sessions naturally became something you really cherished.
you get to see the side other people don’t.
the way his dyed silver eyebrows scrunch during math, the bright intimidating honey eyes that to you radiates only comfort.
the noisy remarks he made the entire 5 hours of study, the constant whine and complains.
the way he’d lean back to look at your ceilings after finishing a workbook page.
almost a year passed, it’s finally off season and he played his last match as fukurodani’s ace and captain.
you notice that your study sessions now feel heavier.
he’s still the same person with the same eyebrow scrunch and the same noisy whine and honey like eyes.
but you can’t help but feel like he’s slipping away.
finals are coming to and end and it’s time for your last study session, probably even the last in his life since, pro athletes don’t need to understand calculus to make living.
you feel like there’s this huge rock on your chest, it’s hard to breathe.
you don’t even bother to try and look at the abstract equations on your notes, you’ve done this your whole life, you don’t need to.
but him, the thought of a future where you’re not waking up at 4.30 am in the morning to see him, the thought of not being the person that he sleeps next to in class ?
he seems to catch on your silent distress and opted on a night walk around the neighborhood.
it’s 10 pm and the moon is smiling, you walk next to him on the inner side of the road, heart feeling full but not in a good way.
you were so drowned in uneasiness you didn’t realise the warmth next to you is gone, your heart tripped and look back for a second to see him 5 meters behind you.
the night is silent as he continues to walk to you, his eyes not leaving yours and oh how you wished this is how it’ll always be.
“talk to me, y/n.” he said with a voice almost bitter, as if he feels the same thing. you study his face with a visible shade of longing and even he too, felt his heartbeat start to falter.
you almost had it but again the suffocating fear in your heart brings your head down for a moment.
“it’s our last final tomorrow, and you did a great job studying today, i’m sure you’ll do great.” he smiled lightly at that, saying how it’s all thanks to you and it’s a debt he won’t ever be able to repay. but he knows there’s more.
“that’s not what i meant.” your head is still down but you feel his gaze avert back to you. you raise your head slowly to look at him and the feeling takes you back to the days he’d always sleep with his head on the table facing you on the second recess while you do some work on your laptop, the beautiful little feelings you hold so close to your heart.
you muster up enough courage to go on and finally say it, “i, i’m always the happiest around you, koutarou-kun, the last three years i spent next to you, even on things that don’t matter like when you fell asleep on recess, when forgot to zip your bag because you were too excited to see akaashi, when you dramatically whined about not getting the last serving of yakisoba bun, and even on important events like when you became the team captain, or when you won the preliminaries, or when officials from national teams would come to talk to you in between your matches in the nationals.. they.. they’re all about you yet it made me so happy i got to be by your side,” you can feel your mind clearing up and words came out of your lips just like that, “your future is set and i can’t be any happier, but still, with our path so different, i can’t help but fear i won’t see you again after the bell rings twice tomorrow,”
your eyes no longer sting and your heartbeat managed to be, you hold your heart in your hands and words again dripped from your lips, like it’s blood, like it’s love. “i’m not asking you for anything, but i’m glad i spent the beginning of my youth with you,” his eyes widen at the realization of what’s coming out next “koutarou-kun, from the bottom of my heart, i love you.”
you managed to give him your smile before you feel his strong arms engulfing you, the hold you’ve been yearning for these three years, you can’t help but hold him back and let out the silent yet violent sobs, you’re just so relieved, so relieved. and he said in a voice you’ll take to your own grave,
“wait for me, i’m coming back to you.”
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titan-fodder · 3 years
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Prima Vista Part V
[ previous ]  Rating: E (explicit; mdni) Pairing: Mike Zacharias x Reader, Zeke Jaeger x Reader wc: ~ 8.8k Warnings: pining, testosterone, Zeke being a dick (who woulda thought), subtle manipulation (both on Zeke’s part that goes unchecked and accidentally on Mike’s part) A/N: Well, we’re gettin’ there. We’re truckin’ along. I’m sorry for the last chapter. And, I’m sorry for this one. But, I do still hope you enjoy it. I think we’re at the halfway mark here. 
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Mike gets a text from you at nine PM three days before he’s supposed to go back to campus. It’s just a few words, a question that makes his heart drop to his stomach because you’ve never asked it before.
 Can we talk for a sec?
 He waits for a few minutes, tries to get rid of the panicked feeling rising in his chest, but he can’t get it to go away entirely, so he just bites the bullet and calls you. 
 “Heyyy,” you greet. Mike can already tell a difference in your tone. Something is definitely going on.
 “Hey, what’s up?”
 “I just, uh…” He hears you suck on your front teeth, a nervous habit he’s well versed in now, then you tell him, “I just wanted to give you a heads up before you get back here.”
 Mike swallows. “Heads up about what?” 
 Are you leaving? Did you fail your summer classes despite all his help? Did you get into some kind of accident?
 You let out a long breath that Mike wishes he could feel on his skin. He wishes he could see your expression, wishes he could hold your face in his hands and tell you that whatever it is, it’ll be okay. Seems like he’s always wishing for things.
 “Um, I—uh… I’m kind of seeing someone.”
 The floor falls out from beneath him, and Mike drops with it, sitting down on the edge of his bed. He grits his teeth, trying to breathe normally—in through the nose, out through the mouth. This is about the last thing he expected you to confess.
 It’s apparently taking too long for him to gather himself, because you say his name, “Miche?” and he has to squeeze his eyes shut.
 “I’m here. It’s, uh, fine,” he lies. “It’s fine.”
 “Is it?” You sound worried, as you should because while Mike isn’t mad, he’s extremely disappointed, probably the most he’s ever been. 
 Taking a page out of your book, he tries to play it cool, act like he doesn’t care. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
 “Well, you—...” Met your mom? Learned your secrets? Tried to tell you that he loved you? All valid responses, but you just dismiss it with a quiet, “Nevermind.”
 Mike hums, lets the line go silent for a while, then musters the courage to question, “Do I know him?”
 “Yeah, I think so.”
 “What do you mean ‘you think so’?”
 “I mean he’s mentioned you, so I figure you’ve had at least a few conversations.” You’re getting that sassy tone, the one that signals you want to drop the subject, but you can’t this time. You’ve already warned Mike that you’re off the god damn market. You might as well tell him who exactly he’s gonna see you holding hands and sucking face with. It’s the merciful thing to do. 
 “It’s not one of the Pike guys, is it?”
 “No, no,” you laugh and it makes Mike want to scream because he doesn’t find this amusing at all, and it only gets worse when you finally answer, “It’s Zeke Jaeger.”
 Mike nearly hangs up then and there, but he somehow fights the urge. He does hold his phone away from his ear, though, stares up at his ceiling for a few seconds and stretches his arm out, then brings the device back. “Cool. He’s a… Talented dude.”
 “Yeah, but I mean, I’m not exactly starstruck or anything. Not after hangin’ out with you all of last year.”
 Mike rolls his eyes so hard he thinks they might fall out of his skull. “You don’t have to make this about me, ba—...” He catches himself before finishing the pet name. He can’t do that anymore. He can’t call you what he wants to. He can’t flirt or smooth hair out of your face. He can’t pick you up and hold you against the walls of the house. He can’t show you how much he cares for you. 
 “I know. I just feel kinda bad,” you mumble. 
 “You shouldn’t. It’s cool.” His flat tone is anything but cool, and you can probably tell, but there’s not much Mike can do about that.
 You’re pouting when you question, “You’ll still be my friend?” Mike can see the expression without actually seeing it, the doe eyed look you’d be giving him if he were in front of you right now. He can also imagine looping his arms around you and smiling crookedly and kissing your forehead, and fuck, he feels broken. 
 “Yeah,” he sighs. “Shouldn’t even be a question.”
 You lapse into another silence, just breathing and waiting for the other to break. It’s you who does. You clear your throat and state one more time, “I just wanted you to know.”
 “See you in a few days.”
 “Yeah,” Mike is barely listening at this point, just looks at the poster on the wall and lets it fall out of focus. “See ya’.”
 You don’t hang up immediately, like you’re waiting for him to say something else, but Mike saves you the trouble and presses the ‘end’ button on his phone then tosses it on his pillow and falls back onto the mattress. 
 He just doesn’t understand. He doesn’t understand any of it. You’ve gone an entire year denying him, keeping yourself closed off and never once bringing up the possibility of actually being together. After all the time spent together, after all the date parties, all the sex, staying at each others’ houses. He feels like he knows you better than anyone else probably does. You let him in. You let yourself be vulnerable in front of him. You acted like you trusted him.
 So, why isn’t he your first choice? As soon as you realized you were ready to make a fucking commitment to someone, why wasn’t it him?
 Mike doubts he’ll ever get the closure. He’ll just have to cope with seeing you around campus with Zeke god damn Jaeger, have to pretend like everything is fine, like you haven’t ripped his heart out of his fucking chest. 
 Unbearable. It’s going to be absolutely unbearable. 
 Moving somewhere new always blows. It takes so much energy that Mike doesn’t have, yet here he is, hauling bags and boxes up to his new apartment unit. Honestly, he would almost prefer to stay in the frat house instead of having to make all the trips up and down these god damn concrete stairs, but at least now he’ll finally be away from all the parties. That will definitely come in handy this year considering he’s not gonna want to go to a single fucking one of them. 
 Once all of his belongings are stacked in his fairly small living room, Mike glances around his new haven, already thinking about how empty it feels without all the guys milling about and dicking around. He doubts he’ll miss the constant noise, but it’s still something that will take some getting used to.
 What he will miss is seeing you all the time, waking up in his old room to see you still fast asleep on his pillows, sitting in the main room with the others, heckling them as they play various games. He’s been focusing on the small things for the last couple of days, the things he never took the time to really enjoy. It feels like he didn’t stare long enough or laugh hard enough when he had the chance, and now he doesn’t know when his next opportunity to do either of those with you will be.
 Mike scrubs a hand down his face, scratches the hair he’s let grow out a little too much, then slowly begins to unpack his things. He’s being melodramatic, he knows, but he can’t help it. He can either let himself feel sad, or he can let the unbridled fucking rage take over, and out of the two, he prefers the former. 
 Mike’s class schedule gets pinned to the wall in his bedroom. His laptop gets set up. Textbooks are tossed into a corner. He really doesn’t care to do much more than that, but he figures he should make the place at least a little presentable. Who knows? Maybe he’ll find someone to entertain.
 The thought makes him a little sick to his stomach, but it’s a sensation he’s slowly getting used to as more time passes.
 Mike knows he needs to pull himself together, needs to put on a brave face. Pretty soon all the frats will be dealing with the dirty rushers, all the kids who weren’t able or didn’t think to suck up to the brothers during the spring. Then there’s inductions and hazing… Fuck, fall semesters are so tedious even without living in the house. He’s never been a huge fan of it all, but he’s had this image to uphold since he became a pledge.
 Now, Mike isn’t so sure he can keep that image in place.
 He stays locked away for as long as he possibly can, but eventually there’s a knock on his front door—Erwin who shoots Mike a broad grin and wriggles his ridiculous eyebrows. “You ready, bro? Got a place all your own with no one to bother you—”
 “You’re bothering me.”
 “Can do whatever you want,” Erwin powers on, completely unfazed. “Bring back whoever you want, no pesky frat boys to get in your way ‘cause fuck those guys, right?” He goes to grab Mike’s shoulders while laughing at his own joke, but Mike swats him away. 
 It makes Erwin scoff, and then he’s pushing past Mike to get into his new home, looking around for just a second and breathing out a little, “Eesh,” before turning back and giving Mike a look of condescension. “Don’t tell me this bad mood is because of your little toy finding someone else.”
 “Okay, firstly, fuck off,” Mike squints at him. “And, secondly, how do you already know about that?”
 Erwin examines his manicured nails, buffs them on his shirt and tells Mike, “Saw her and Jaeger walking out of the bookstore earlier. They looked pretty cozy. Pretty giddy, too, all smiles and—”
 “Shut. The fuck up.”
 The other man snorts. “Calm down, dude. I’m sure you can get her back or whatever you’re trying to do. Zeke’s an assole. Won’t take her long to figure it out.”
 “We’ll see.”
 This time Mike lets Erwin clap a hand on his shoulder before he walks out but not without suggesting, “You really should brighten things up a little in here. Hang some fairy lights or something. Girls love fairy lights.”
 Mike rolls his eyes, not bothering to remind his friend that he only started unpacking half an hour ago, then physically shoves Erwin out of his apartment.
 So, you’re already walking around campus flaunting your new little fling, he thinks. Perfect. He’s really looking forward to seeing that everywhere. 
 Mike eventually has to go by the PKA house for a meeting. Some of the members are already discussing plans for rush week and parties. Should they have lists or just keep them open and direct everyone to the yard? Are they gonna stick to their regular forms of hazing or should they change things up this year? Did anyone stick out from spring? Mike doesn’t pay much attention, just scrolls through his phone skimming through the same three social media apps over and over. He reads through the text thread he shares with you, the one he’s never deleted, and thumbs all the way up to a few months ago just to see if anything had been different back then, if he had said or done something wrong. 
 But, he’s gone through it a dozen times already, and he never finds anything. Maybe you just grew while he was away, experienced some kind of self-actualization that prepared you for an actual relationship. 
 Or, maybe Zeke just has something that Mike doesn’t. 
 Mike runs into you on the second day of classes. Thankfully, you’re alone, and as soon as you catch sight of him, you grin widely and launch yourself at him. It comes as a surprise, your full weight hitting him square in the chest when you jump, and he has to catch you like you’re an excited child.
 It’s too close. You’re too close. Body against his as you slide down to your actual height and rest your head on his chest.
 “I missed you, Zacharias.”
 He wants to lift you up again, lock your thighs around his waist and kiss you like he used to. Instead, Mike pats the top of your head and gently untangles you from himself. He makes sure to smile when you look up at him, and he’s glad you aren’t pouting or frowning, your expression soft when he tells you, “Yeah, I missed you too.”
 He asks how your summer classes went. You ask what his course load is like this semester. It’s just small talk, and Mike hates it. 
 “How’re your parents?” You question like you’re interested, but he can’t imagine you actually are.
 “They’re good,” he shrugs. “Dad got a promotion at work a few weeks ago. Mom is doing the same shit she always does.” Like, making his favorite meals to heal his poor little broken heart. Mike hadn’t even told her about the conversation he’d had with you, and yet, as soon as he came out of his room the following morning, she just knew. 
 “Glad to hear it,” you nod. “Hey, do you wanna grab lunch or something? My next class isn’t til two, so I’m tryin’ to kill some time.”
 “Actually, I told Erwin I’d meet him,” Mike lies through his teeth. He’ll be using excuses like that for as long as he can. “Sorry.”
 “No, it’s cool,” you wave him off. “I’ll just grab Hitch or—”
 “There you are.” Mike stiffens at the vaguely familiar voice ringing out from behind him, hand flexing by his side as the school’s golden boy walks right past him and to you. “I was looking all over for you.”
 “Well, here I am,” you laugh, but Mike notes how forced it sounds. It’s a laugh that stems from nerves, he thinks. But why? Is it because Mike is here? Are you afraid of how he’ll act? Or, is it that you’re still in the phase of this “relationship” with Zeke  that you’re still anxious around him?
 The other man doesn’t even acknowledge Mike for a full twenty seconds. He heavily considers just walking away without a word, but the blond does eventually turn around to look at him and shows a smile that Mike would describe as slimy but you would probably call charming.
 “Zacharias,” Zeke greets and holds out a hand. “It’s been a minute.”
 Mike doesn’t like the way he says his last name. He only likes the way his friends say it. How you say it. Even if it started off as a way to keep your distance, he grew fond of it. Not as fond as his given name, of course, but hearing those four syllables from your mouth, always laced with attitude, never fails to make him smile.
 “Yeah, it has,” Mike agrees, clasping hands with him.
 He immediately feels Zeke stick his index finger out over his wrist, an attempt of taking control of the shake. Mike has seen it too many times to count, the petty attempt to flip hands so that one man’s is on top of the other. It’s a terrible way to flaunt one’s masculinity or power, and it’s never worked on Mike. 
 His hand is quite a bit larger than most people’s, after all. It’s definitely larger than Zeke’s, so when he tries to turn it, Mike doesn’t have a problem keeping his wrist straight. 
 The blond has to look up at him, actually tilt his head back because Mike has a good five inches on him, and after a couple more seconds, Zeke gives up on the pathetic display of dominance. That doesn’t stop Mike from squeezing his palm just a little too hard, though, just enough to see the muscles in Zeke’s jaw twitch. 
 When he lets go he chances a glance at you, finding you rubbing your temples. You mumble something Mike can’t hear, probably about men being stupid because there’s no way that little show escaped your notice. 
 Zeke steps over to you once again and asks the same question you had asked Mike—”You wanna get lunch, babe?” 
 Hearing him calling you that causes Mike’s blood to bubble in his veins, blistering from the inside out. It’s time for him to leave.
 “Yeah, sure,” you nod. Eyes flicking back to Mike, you force another smile and tell him, “See you around.”
 The two of you walk off, and Mike watches for just a little too long as Zeke laces his fingers with yours. Once you’re both a safe distance away, the fucker looks back at Mike from over his shoulder and smirks at him.
 Mike has long legs. He could easily catch up to you and punch Zeke square in the jaw, make his head snap to the side so that he drops to the ground. 
 But, what would you think of that? There’s no way you’d be happy with him, and if there’s one thing that would  be worse than Mike having to see you parade around with someone who isn’t him, it would be you ignoring him completely.
 The first couple of weeks are honestly a blur. Too much is happening for Mike to focus on. The only thing that seems real to him is the ache in his chest. It distracts him day in and day out, through the late rushers and all the sucking up, through the first couple of parties, bid day and the first rounds of hazing. It’s just always there. 
 He is notably quieter when in the house, and it seems like everyone knows why. While Erwin pokes fun at him for his moodiness, Nile takes a more adult approach and simply asks how he’s doing, if he needs anything, going as far as offering, “You need me to punch that dude in the throat? Plant drugs in his bag? I’m pretty sure Gelgar has coke on his person at all times.” 
 He’s a good guy. Mike is glad he got voted in as PKA President this year despite Erwin giving him a run for his money. Nile is just personable enough to bring members in and have a good time at events, and just controlling enough to make sure things in the house are taken care of. Plus, Erwin doesn’t seem too broken up about getting Vice instead.
 It’s a relief when lacrosse starts back up, finally gives him a way to get some of his frustration out. The other teams have never been luckier to be wearing helmets otherwise Mike would have broken several noses within the first game alone. 
 The season has some overlap with baseball, games scheduled on the same day, sometimes at the same time. Mike keeps himself from looking into the stands to try to find you, scared that you’ll be there or scared that you won’t be, he isn’t sure.
 And, of course, Zeke’s face is plastered everywhere after he pitches a perfect fucking game. Mike wants to be angry, wants to spit on the flyers and punch every computer that’s displaying the college’s home screen, but if he’s being honest with himself, he knows that if it were anyone else, Mike would be impressed. Pitching a perfect game is pretty fucking cool, and the school is lucky to have a player as talented as Zeke, but god, what Mike wouldn’t do to just curbstomp him.
 Your name still lights up on his phone fairly often to ask how games went or how his classes are going. You’ve asked for help with homework on one occasion and lunch on another, but after Mike lies about only being able to walk you through the material over the phone and shoots you down for lunch, you seem to get the picture. 
 He doesn’t want it to be awkward between you, but he doesn’t know how to act now. His entire relationship with you started off as a drunken fuck, and it’s been mostly physical since then. How is he supposed to be able to spend time with you without touching you? Even the semester you refused to hook up with him, there were still times when you were both actively fighting the temptation. Mike can remember seeing it in your eyes all the time, probably just as often as you’d see it in his. You’d sit with a leg pressed against his, fall asleep on his arm every once in a while, and he wants that back now, but there’s no way the two of you can do that anymore. He doesn’t possess the same self-control.
 Over the weekend, you end up cracking and trying again, asking for help with studying for a quiz, and Mike has to contemplate it for at least fifteen minutes before he gives in.
 Coffee shop on 7th? you text him, and Mike chuckles to himself. The only places you’ve ever studied together is at the library or in his room, and while he could only get as far as a hand between your legs in the school building, he would usually end up in bed with you whenever going over something behind closed doors. 
 It makes sense that you want to go to a busier place, more eyes to watch you. It’s irritating, but he understands.
 Mike grabs one of his own textbooks from the previous year, the one he actually bought so that he could highlight and take notes in the margins, then makes his way to the little cafe.
 He’s been to this particular shop many times before, with you as well as the girls who came before—the ones that never mattered. Mike easily spots you at a little table by the window, your own book and several papers spread out around you. When you see him, you grin then hurry to clear a space for him, organizing what Mike recognizes as reading guides. 
 “Hey, stranger," you greet.
 Mike nods, eyes landing on the green hoodie you’re wearing, the one that covers too much of you, that spills over the tops of your legging clad thighs and hides your little hands. It’s his, but it’s always looked better on you. The fact that you still wear it makes Mike’s heart swell a tiny bit as he takes his seat. The sun is hitting you just right and making your face glow, making your eyes twinkle, and he doesn’t know if he can do this.
 “So, what d’you need help with?” He prompts before he can make up his mind to turn right back around. 
 You slide one of the guides over to him and point out several circled questions. The blanks are filled in, but you ask him, “Why?” dramatically. “None of that makes sense to me.”
 Mike laughs through his nose and glances at the page your textbook is flipped to so he can open his own.
 “Why’d you keep your book from last year?”
 He glances up before turning it to show the highlighted lines, the starred passages, the little annotations for better understanding. 
 “One, because I worked hard on making it better, and two,” he feels his mouth curl up, the teasing coming naturally when he tells you, “I figured you’d probably benefit from it.”
 You squint at him, scrunching your nose up, and Mike takes a mental snapshot to tuck away. 
 “Rude,” you utter.
 He raises his eyebrows and leans back in his chair. “I think ‘thank you’ is the term you’re looking for.”
 “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just explain this to me if you’re so smart.”
 “You know I’m smart.”
 Mike doesn’t understand where the casual back-and-forth is coming from. Is it easy because he's done it so many times before? Words tumble from his mouth before they actually cross his mind, and he’s both grateful (it’s better than the awkward small talk he thought he’d have to make) and worried. If he’s speaking without actually thinking things through, what else might he do before his brain catches up? Will he smooth hair out of your eyes? Will he brush his hand over yours? Will he stare at your lips for too long? All of those are habits he hasn’t managed to break yet, but he will break if he accidentally offends you by crossing any of these lines.
 He sits with his hands tucked between his legs, only moving to flip a page or point something out with his pinky finger. He's reading upside down, and you're leaning over the tabe, staring at the book then staring at him. Mike tries to look through you instead of at you, but it's hard as you let out a little oh! when something clicks or pouting when it doesn't. 
 "I still don't get it."
 So, Mike finds different ways of explaining things because he knows this information very well now. It's still pretty fresh in his brain, and he may or may not have reviewed some of it when he saw how many of your classes matched up with his. 
 "Okay, I feel a lot better," you sigh once Mike has gone through every page. 
 Mike is more or less sitting on his hands at this point, gritting his teeth behind the grin plastered on his face because this is the part where he asks if you wanna go back to the house. This is the part where you wind down together, watching dumb TV shows or pawing at each other, rolling in his bed and laughing and moaning. That's what's supposed to happen. 
 "Alright, well, if that's it, I should get going," Mike tries, stretching his arms out and nearly smacking the person sitting behind him right in the head. 
 You snort, cover your mouth, and look away. It's what you always do. You can't look at him when you start laughing or you'll just laugh harder and harder, and while Mike adores it, the general public usually does not. 
 But, then Mike is snickering because he can feel the stranger trying to burn holes in the back of his skull, has to bite his fist to keep himself quiet, and when you chance a glance and see, you slam your head down on the table, whole body shaking with giggles. 
 It's always the little things that get you. On one of the walks with Scout over Spring Break, Mike had tripped over a stick on the trail. He managed to catch himself, but Jesus Christ, you didn't stop laughing for ten minutes. 
 "God fucking—" he's starting to lose it too as he stands and gathers your supplies from the table, tucking them all under one arm then using his other to pull you out of your seat. "We have to leave before they make us." 
 You hide your face in your hands, trusting Mike to guide you by the shoulders, and once you're both outside, you belly laugh until you wave your arms and gasp, "I can't—I can't breathe—I can't breathe!" Your voice is all high pitched and hysterical, and all Mike can do is bring you to his chest so that you can let your giggles die off in the privacy of his t-shirt. 
 He can feel your breath through the material as you calm down, eventually looking up and wiping tears from your eyes as you continue to grin. 
 Mike tilts his face down to stare at you, aware that all of his affections are shining right through his eyes, but he doesn't care because you don't seem to. 
 “You’re a fucking dork,” he hums, has a fully conscious thought of touching your face—no accident, no impulse, a complete, coherent, thought, so he does it. He just does it. Palm over your cheek, thumb gently tracing to wipe away another tear from your little fit. 
 You let out a long exhale, close your eyes and hum, then reach up to cover Mike's hand with yours. 
 Your fingers lock into the spaces between his, and you hold on for a few seconds before letting your hand fall, taking his with it. And, just like that, all the good feelings that had grown inside of him over the course of the study session disappear.
 "Miche," you sigh, still holding onto two of his fingers. 
 He smiles in a way that makes you frown, then mumbles, "Yeah, I know."
 After handing your supplies back, Mike kisses you on the top of the head before you can stop him, then turns and starts walking toward the street his apartment is on. 
"Why are you always wearing that hoodie?" 
 You look up from your laptop just as Zeke steps out of his room freshly showered and shirtless. It's a sight that should probably make your mouth water, but instead it's gone dry at his question. 
 "Oh, uh, I don't really know," you bullshit. "It's just big and comfortable, I guess."
 Zeke uses the towel around his neck to dry his hair a little better, questions, "Well, whose is it?" while his face is slightly obscured. 
 If you pause, he'll probably be suspicious. If you answer, he will also be suspicious. And, you can't really blame him. People know you on campus as Mike Zacharias' friend or girlfriend or plaything or whatever. You assume Zeke having to walk around with that hanging over his head is pretty annoying.  
 "Oh, wait," he starts before you can answer. Squinting without his glasses, he grumbles, "That's one of the lacrosse hoodies, isn't it?" 
 You look down at the cracked logo and try not to smile at it. "Yeah. It's one of Mike's old ones."
 "Right." He pads over to you and takes your laptop from your legs despite your protests of being in the middle of an online assignment, setting it on the coffee table behind him. Then, using one arm to brace himself on the back of the couch, Zeke holds himself above you and takes your chin between two fingers so that he can tilt your face and kiss you. 
 It makes you melt. It always does. Your heart beats like a drum in your chest for about two seconds before it relaxes into a subtle thrumming, a white noise that drowns out everything else. 
 You straighten your back in an attempt to get closer, but Zeke pulls away ever so slightly, makes you chase after his lips and you do. You do because you want more, want him. 
 It's been weeks now and the farthest you've gotten with him, the farthest he's let you get with him, was the series of harsh kisses he'd ladened you with up against his front door a few days ago. He'd pushed your shirt up and shoved a knee between your legs, giving you something to grind against, but it never progressed to anything more. 
 You don't understand. It's not like he's never had sex. You've heard girls talk about him on campus, how he'd been seeing so-and-so for a couple months in freshman year, fucked some other chick at a party, etc., etc. 
 Then you'd met his actual ex the other day, one he dated officially for a semester last year before breaking things off. Her name is Rhi. She's very pretty. And, she had pulled Zeke into a full blown conversation without looking at you once. The way she batted her eyes and smiled at him, twisting her hair and shoving at him playfully—Oh yeah. She's definitely seen him naked. 
 You didn't say anything about it for a while, just stewed in silence until Zeke finally sighed and asked, "What would you like to know?" 
 He'd given you the vague outline—met her in class, studied together, decided to date, left her to focus on baseball. That excuse hit a little too close to home, but you'd let it roll off your shoulders. 
 The point is Zeke has fucked other girls, but he won't fuck you, and you need to know why because you're starting to get desperate. It's not a good look. It's one you never wanted to wear, but the way he stares at you and the way he talks to you, always pointing out your strengths, encouraging you, complimenting you is intoxicating.
 When Zeke's eyes are on you, it’s like you're the most important person in the room. He has some ability to make you feel that way, to make everyone feel that way you realized one night after a game. People flock to him. They want to listen to what he has to say. They want to agree with him where he can see. 
 It's hard to explain to anyone who hasn't met him, but the best way you can describe it (a way only a few people will understand) is that he has a twenty for charisma. He's talented and smart and engaging, can convince anyone of anything the same way he's convinced you that he wants you. 
 Hand slipping behind your arching back, Zeke presses you against him for just a moment, then drops onto the couch next to you only to tug you on top of him. 
 You're already breathing too heavily, clutching his face in both your hands as you grind your hips against his. He squeezes your ass, smirking against your mouth when you whimper, then moves his hands to push both the hoodie and your shirt off. 
 You lift your arms, letting Zeke strip you as your mind grows hazy. He mutters more to himself than to you, a low, "Get this shit off," then carelessly tosses your clothes over the armrest. 
 Fingers climb up your ribs, almost tickling, making you squirm in his lap. You can feel that he's getting hard, thank god. This just might be the night, please fucking let it be. 
 You've never been a big fan of terms like ‘blue-balls’ or ‘blue-bean’, never even thought it existed, and it really doesn't; it's just a form of manipulation, of guilting your partner into sex, and you know this because you've had an entire rant about it prepared since high school, but right now, in this particular moment, you're aching. Your insides ache. Your clit aches. You just want—
 Zeke pinches one of your nipples hard enough to clear your head for a second, causes you to cry out and pull back. He lets go, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he watches you and flicks over the sore bud with a fingertip. 
 "Zeke," you breathe, body trembling. 
 "What is it, baby?" He coos. 
 He snakes a hand between the two of you, ridding you of any and all thoughts as he rubs over your covered pussy. You're almost positive that if he keeps doing it, you'll start to leak through your leggings, right into his hand. 
 Panting, an old track plays in the back of your head, a deep voice, breathy and promising, gonna fuck you dry tonight.
 You lean forward to kiss Zeke again, letting him suck and bite hard enough to make the frown on your face look natural, like he put it there. 
 Flames are licking up and down your legs, then your arms, but even though it's Zeke's lap you're sitting in and Zeke's tongue in your mouth and Zeke's fingers massaging your pussy, it's suddenly Mike you're thinking about, and well… That can't be good. 
 You tangle your hands in Zeke's hair, the different texture bringing you back to reality. His thick beard is scratching against your face. His bare torso is wiry with muscle and pressed to yours. He moves his hand and raises his hips to meet yours, a groan catching in his throat. It looks like he's finally losing his composure, cheeks flushed, eyes are foggy. When you break away, he licks away the string of spit holding you together, tongue running over his lip seductively.
 "Can we—" you start, but Zeke speaks at the same time. 
 "It's getting late."
 Blinking at him, you find yourself experiencing too many emotions to actually identify a single one. You feel your eyebrows knit together, but it’s more from your confusion than it is your frustration. 
 But, you don’t want to be frustrated. You don’t want to be or look upset about not getting sex. That would make you a terrible person, and you’re not about to make him feel bad for not being ready to take that step with you. You’ve been on the receiving end of that, and it doesn’t feel good.
 The amount of times you’ve had to masturbate in the last few weeks is a little fucking ridiculous, though. 
 Nodding mostly to yourself to get your thoughts back in line, you slide off of Zeke to stand up. Your hand is trembling when you reach for your clothes, heat still coursing through you, but you manage to gently grab them from the couch rather than snatch them. 
 Shirt and hoodie back in place, you gather your things, feeling Zeke’s gaze on you the entire time. You don’t say anything, just nibble on your bottom lip as you run over all the events that took place over the night, what you possibly did wrong, what turned him off or just failed to turn him on in the first place. 
 After slipping everything back into your bag, Zeke finally gets to his feet and takes it from you, walking with you outside to your car. 
 “I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” he tells you, the picture of calm and collected while your body remains buzzing.
 “Okay, yeah.” 
 He puts your stuff in the front passenger seat, shuts the door, and gives you a sweet little peck that you wish lasted longer.
 Zeke says good night, begins walking back to the building, but stops and calls to you right before you shrink into the car. 
 Even from this distance, you can tell he’s looking you dead in the eye, face suddenly very serious when he tells you, “You can go ahead and stop wearing that hoodie.”
* For the first time since the semester started, lacrosse and baseball games do not overlap one another, and you're able to spend the warm afternoon in the stands, cheering on the friends you made over the last year. 
 The home team is dominating, Mike and Erwin are too fucking quick for their opponents to get in the way of. The way the ball just flies back and forth between them, like a game of keep-away, shows just how on-the-same-page they are. The other guys are good too, doing a spectacular job of staying one leg ahead, defending their star players and assisting in the offensive effort. 
 The last goal is made by Mike who launches the ball from the center of the field right into the goal, and both the crowd and the teams lose their fucking minds. 
 You're up on your feet screaming and clapping, voice breaking as your shrill cry tears your throat. You know you're being drowned out by everyone around you, but as Mike gets lauded for being the god he is—putting up with backslaps and hugs and a headlock from Erwin—he still manages to find you in the second row, grinning in that crooked way you love so much. 
 You don't know exactly when that started happening, probably sometime after Spring break. Or, maybe it was there since the beginning, just laying dormant at the back of your head so that you could focus on denying him. 
 It doesn't really matter now since you're actually with someone. That someone isn't around right now, but he's in your thoughts as your chest fills with affection and pride for your friend. 
 Erwin is shouting about another open party, and your mind is made up to not attend because Zeke wouldn't appreciate it, but then Mike is suddenly lifting himself onto the raised, concrete stands and pointing at you, and before you know it, you're hopping down the next bleacher without a care for the fans who have to lean out of the way. 
 He's incredibly sweaty as you wrap your arms around his neck, but you don't mind. You were so convinced he would be mad at you or try to avoid you. 
 You're very aware that you had hurt him by getting with Zeke, and while he had been pretty guarded for the first few weeks, he's opened up some since that day in the coffee shop, when you'd nearly giggled yourself to death. You hadn't expected that to be what cracked his walls, especially considering how that visit had ended, but you're glad that it did. 
 "Haven't seen you cheering for me in a while," Mike laughs next to your ear. 
 He's dizzy with adrenaline, swaying back and forth as he squeezes you, and you tell him, "If you make us fall, I will beat you up, I swear." 
 "Okay," he says in a stupid voice of obvious disbelief, "Whatever you say." 
 You've been texting more, going over homework together, though you haven't needed his help in-person since he had switched books with you that day. It had been so smooth and subtle, you didn't realize until you opened it to study the following day, immediately noticing all the notes and highlights. 
 It had made you cry like a little bitch in the middle of your dorm, and you called Mike to thank him without bothering to hide your tears and hiccups. 
 "Come to the party tonight," he demands, but it's so soft, like he's still giving you a chance to say no. 
 The crowd is still yelling, so you have to keep speaking into each other's ears, and you ask, "Why? All the Pike parties are sticky and gross."
 "'Cause we haven't gotten drunk together in a while," Mike states in the form of a whine. 
 You snort, feeling his hair dripping onto your shoulder. You should probably be disgusted, but it's not the first time you've gotten sweaty with him, and it's definitely not the worst bodily fluid he's made a mess on you with. 
 "You know what happens when we get drunk together," you remind him with a smile he can't see. "Can't do that anymore."
 "I promise I'll behave."
 That's not the problem. You don't know if you can behave. You've been wound up for over a month now, and it is driving you insane. No matter how many times you get off alone in your room at night, you still ache as if you're being edged. 
 So, getting fucked up with someone you know for a fact can fuck you stupid… probably not the best idea. 
 "Miche," you protest, drawing his name out. 
 "Just think about it."
 He leaves you with that, hopping down and walking away with his arms in the air as everyone surrounding you cheers for him until he disappears. You just stand there amidst the noise, shirt now wet as you contemplate the pros and cons of going to another PKA party. 
 As always, Zeke asks what your plans are for the night, but for the first time since you met him, you lie. * King's Cup and Rage Cage and Beer Pong galore. Party-goers are pooling onto the lawn, and you're just waiting for campus police to show because of the chaos, but you're not necessarily scared of it. So you go to jail for a couple days. Worse things could happen. 
 Currently, you and Mike are sitting on the sidewalk nursing beers and giggling at the new pledges who keep running around the house in less and less clothes. 
 "Honestly, this isn't that bad," Mike tells you. "Erwin suggested we make them all watch snuff together."
 You give him an incredulous look as you raise the glass bottle to your mouth. "Erwin is a god damn psychopath, what the fuck."
 "We had to do it and didn't turn out too bad."
 "And, just like that, I'm scared of you."
 Mike laughs before sticking two fingers in his mouth and whistling as a brawny blond speeds past in nothing but boxers—Reiner, you think his name is. 
 There are only a few new guys who stick out to you—that one, a long-faced kid named Jean, freckle boy Marco, and, naturally, Zeke's younger brother, Eren. He sorta skeeves you out, so you've been doing your best to stay out of his sight despite never formally meeting him before. 
 "Kid's kind of a prick, a little too cocky. Always talking about how he's related to Zeke, or should I say your lo-ver," Mike chuckles, sounding amused, but he still downs the rest of his beer afterward. 
 You let out a little growl, just drunk enough to be too honest, and grumble, "Not my lover. Also, I would never use that term. So cringey."
 "What do you mean?"
 "I mean it's weird and dramat—"
 "No," Mike cuts you off, "What do you mean about him not being that?"
 You fall back on the concrete, bumping the back of your head a little too hard and scrunching your face up. 
 "We haven't had sex. The dude just will not fuck me for some reason."
 "Are you serious?" 
 You glance at Mike and find his eyes wide in alarm. 
 "As a heart attack. I have never been so frustrated in my entire life." 
 You probably shouldn't be talking about this with him, one, because you assume it's like twisting a knife right in Mike's gut and two, because the more you drink, the less self-control you have. 
 He grunts then tosses his bottle into the yard for some poor pledge to slip on. 
 "His loss."
 "Whatever. I'm sure he'll come around eventually," you sigh then sit back up. "And, until then, I guess I'm practicing celibacy or some shit."
 Mike laughs hard at that, and it makes you smack him on the arm. "Yeah, good luck with that."
 "Shut up."
 "I'm just saying," he raises his hands. "You're, like, the neediest person I know."
 "Excuse the fuck outta me?" 
 "In the bedroom, dummy. Obviously not all the time."
 This is not at all where you wanted this conversation to go. The more you think about it, the more you feel that ache, the more you want to quell it. 
 "We should change the subject."
 Mike looks at you, flipping hair out of his eyes and smiling like the cocky frat boy he pretends to be. 
 "Why? Gettin' all worked up."
 "You are literally the worst."
 You stand and finish your drink, throwing it a few feet away from Mike's as you tell him, "I need to get a little more fucked up if I'm gonna deal with your ass all night."
 "Uh huh."
 He follows you back inside, but while you make your way into the kitchen, Mike stops to talk with Erwin about one thing or another. It means he has to entertain the masses, talk about the game, and you post up against a wall to watch him. 
 You should leave. Mike is looking a little too attractive in his stupid fucking pastel polo, and you're supposed to meet Zeke for lunch tomorrow anyway. Zeke, your boyfriend. 
 Or, well, he hasn't said it explicitly, but you hold hands in public and ignore other people, just make it obvious that both of you aren't interested in anyone else. 
 Except when Mike sidles up to you with foggy eyes and a smirk he hasn't worn around you in a long time, you groan at the thought that you are interested in someone else. Even if it's just one night, god, you need it so bad. And, you know Mike can give it to you. Exactly the way you want it. 
 It's Zeke's fault, really. You know he knows how desperate you're getting. If he'd just explain why he doesn't want to have sex, you could deal with it much better than you are now, but he continues to leave you in the dark. It makes you think you're doing something wrong. 
 Then, there's the problem of feeling like the shittiest person alive every time you get frustrated. You've spent nights trying to rationalize it, but it's hard to think straight when you're so, undeniably horny. 
 "Don't look at me like that," you tell Mike with a scoff. 
 "Why not?" 
 "'Cause you said you'd behave tonight."
 He cocks his head to the side and makes a face. "Did I? That doesn't sound like something I'd say to you."
 "Oh my god, you're impossible. And, drunk."
 "I'm not really that drunk," he waves you off. "It takes more than a few beers to get me fucked up, remember? Downfall of being this large."
 Jesus, he really is rubbing it in your face now. Wide with muscle and so fucking tall. Not to mention his—
 "I really cannot do this, Miche," you try again, gritting your teeth when his pupils dilate. "Zeke would be so pissed."
 "So? Come on, just one more time. I didn't know the last time would be the last time."
 You hadn't either. You don't know what you would have done differently had you known—maybe just taken the time to appreciate his incredible body more—but it doesn't matter now. 
 You try to sound firm and irritated when you snap, "You know you're being kinda manipulative, right?" 
 Mike tilts his head back as if you just shoved it, blinks a couple times, then swears out loud. "Oh, fuck." He takes a step away, eyes clear for the first time in several minutes. "I'm sorry. I didn't even—"
 "It's fine," you wave. "I just wanted you to know. I'm drunk and you're hot, and I don't wanna fuck things up with Zeke."
 "Yeah, I get it. Fuck. If you, like, wanna leave, I won't stop you. It was a joke, and then it wasn’t a joke and—That was a shit thing to do."
 "Little bit, but you get a pass this time," you laugh through your nose. "Just don't go pulling that bullshit on some unsuspecting freshman or anything." 
 He runs a hand through his hair, red with embarrassment, and you think to yourself, Mike is a good guy. One of the best. You don't know of many who would take that kind of criticism to heart—how many would feel genuinely guilty. It is college, and every girl knows the trend of fratty sports players getting off scot-free after being charged with sexual assault. Given his status at the school, Mike could definitely do something like that and get away with it.
 But, he would never. 
 You push him gently to show you aren't mad, tell him, "I still wanna hang out with you. We don't get to as much as we used to."
 Mike's small smile looks relieved as he takes a deep breath. "This isn't exactly the best place to just chill, but—"
 "I haven't seen your new apartment yet." 
 You regret it as soon as it comes out of your mouth, your little tune changing ridiculously quickly, but you can't deny that you're curious. He's still your best friend, and you want to know what he's done with his new place. Is it bland like his old room in the house, or did he let his real personality show through? 
 "You sure?" He questions. 
 "Yeah. We can just, like, play video games or something."
 "Are you sure?" 
 He must feel terrible. You can relate.
 "If you don't want me over, just say so," you snort. 
 "No, no, of course I do. I just don't want you to feel weird about being alone or anything."
 "Nah, like you said, you're not really drunk. I'll sober up with water. We'll be fine."
 You don't know if you're trying to convince him or yourself. Without the presence of alcohol, you should be able to keep it together, and the distraction of Zelda or Mario will surely help. 
 "Okay, yeah," Mike nods. "Let's go then."
You don't even bother finishing your drink, just set it on a countertop and follow him out to his Wrangler. It's been a while since you've ridden in it. It's been a while since you've ridden him, your brain helpfully supplies, and as you pull up to the unfamiliar apartment complex, you once again begin to think that this was a bad idea.
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
The Instructor - Part 3
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Summary: Agent Walker starts your training.
Pairing: August Walker x Female Reader
Word Count: approx 3.2k
Warnings: smut, oral sex (m receiving), rough, fluff?
Part 2 Part 4
Part 3
The plane trip to DC was largely uneventful, for which you were grateful. You didn’t exactly have a fear of flying, you were only scared of crashing. You handled your fear well, except during turbulence.
The flight was smooth, barring one pocket of turbulence. You gasped as the plane dropped in the air and your heart leapt in your chest and you gripped the armrests. Agent Walker was in deep concentration, reading from his laptop. Without taking his eyes off the screen he, uncurled your death grip with warm, gentle fingers, and placed your hand on his thigh before covering it with his. The plane dropped again and your nails dug into his hard muscles. You felt him tense under your touch, sucking in a breath between his teeth, and gave your hand a light squeeze.
You released your pressure on his leg after a few moments of calm air, and removed it altogether after a few minutes. Walker gave a small, dissatisfied grunt when you pulled your hand away. You put your hand back, slipping it under his and were rewarded with a content hum. You left your hand there until you landed.
Now, after disembarking the plane, not a word passes between you and Walker as you follow him out of the airport and into a waiting car. He doesn’t introduce you to the driver, so you follow his lead and stay quiet. You pull up to a standard apartment building in the city, surrounded by other nondescript apartments. You both get out and enter the building as the driver leaves. You shadow Walker into the elevator where he pressed the 9thfloor. The elevator pings as it arrives at the desired level and again you wordlessly follow Walker to an apartment door where he produces a key and lets you in.
He drops his bag on the dining table and you do the same. You stand awkwardly, waiting for him to speak. Is this the room where surveillance would be set up? Is this his room? Your room? Would you be sharing the space?
A door opens and a woman in her late thirties came out. Attractive, well dressed in stylish navy pants and jacket with a knitted sweater, she had the air of confidence you have come to associate with field agents. She looks you up and down, getting your measure, probing for weakness in the same way Walker had on that first day of training. Learning from your mistake, when she meets your eyes you hold her dominant gaze.
She must have approved because she smirks and asks Walker, “Is this Agent New Girl?”
Walker raises an eyebrow and tells her your name.
She scrunches her nose up and says, “I like New Girl better.” She sticks her hand out and says, “I’m Thomas.”
You force a smile and say, “Nice to meet you, Agent Thomas.”
She laughed as we shake hands and says, “Come on, New Girl. We have months of boring listening and watching to do, just call me Thomas.”
Walker picks up his bag, and looking at you he says, “I’m in 907.” He looks at his watch. He continues, completely deadpan, “You’re on duty from six am. Be at my room by four am for a thorough briefing before you start. I suggest you sleep, it’ll be a rough start if you don’t.”
Your façade crumbles at his words and you bite your lip to supress the moan coming from your throat. The first words directed at you in hours were orders laced in seduction, a suggestive reminder of the power he had over you, both professionally and personally. The subtle undertones of his speech, the words he wanted to say were: “Sleep, my pet. You will need it.”
Alone with Thomas, you school your features as you face her. She has a knowing smirk, and although you’re embarrassed, she is light hearted. “Don’t worry New Girl, he has that effect on everyone.”
You allow a giggle to pass your lips, you had to laugh, to ease the tension in your body. Then you stop, curious. With burning cheeks, you play up the New Girl persona and ask, “Should I be worried?” You emphasise your innocence, but hide your desire by asking, “Will he, you know, take advantage?”
Thomas burst with laughter. You look at your feet, hoping the modesty ruse works. “Nah, he’s not like that. He’s hot as fuck, but cold as ice.”
No, you wanted to tell her, he’s not cold. He’s warm, but has locked that part of himself down. You remember the burning kiss he gave you as you left your apartment, there was nothing cold in that. But you also remember the way he pulled away from your touch when your fingers sunk into his hair. No, he wasn’t cold, he was shut down.
“Well, that’s a relief,” you say to Thomas. “Where do I sleep?”
Your alarm wakes you at 3.30 am. You had slept but it was fitful. You woke several times, once so aroused you thought you may have gotten your period you were so wet with anticipation.
You shower, dress, before going to his room, and hope Walker will offer you a coffee at some stage. You knock on his door, and pray your knees don’t give out.
He answers the door in pyjama pants. You see his chest for the first time, and you can’t help staring. You knew he was impressively built, but somehow his finely tailored suits hid his true size. His chest was covered in dark curly hair, and you wanted to sink your fingers into his fur. Would it be soft or coarse? Would it tickle your nose as you kissed him there? Would he allow you kiss him?
His face doesn’t give anything away as he greets you simply with a nod and says, “Agent.” Standing aside from the door, he lets you in with a gruff, “You’re early.”
You mumble an apology, and hear the door close behind you as you enter his apartment. You stand with your head down, waiting. You feel Walker’s breath on your neck and register the heat from his body as he moves behind you. You don’t know how long you stand there, but you don’t move, you wait, wait for him to say something, do something, anything.
“Did you read all of the report I sent you?” He says into your ear. He is closer than you thought he was, his unshaven lip tickles the shell of your ear as he speaks.
“Yes,” you reply, breathless as Walkers body presses into yours. You feel his hand wrap possessively around your throat, lifting your head. His other hand comes over your shoulder, sliding down your chest and into the top of your shirt.
“That’s my good girl,” Walker praises you. “We will have more time for your training,” he says as he slips his huge hand into your bra, cupping your breasts, feeling their weight, digging his fingers into your soft flesh.
You’re confused by his words, you don’t need any more training, not for this case anyway. It was a simple surveillance with express orders not to engage. One of the simplest field assignments you could get. You’re about to ask why you would need training when you feel his lips brush your neck and hear him sniff at your skin and hair.
“I like the perfume you use,” he smells you again and you feel him press himself into your back. “Keep using it, I will add it to the rules.”
At first the words wash over you as you melt under his kisses and hands. His soft warm mouth plays with your neck while his rough hand grips your throat and kneads your breasts.
“Wait,” you try to say, your thoughts are dreamlike under his touch, you’re not sure if you understand him. “Training? Rules?” you mumble.
Walker grunts, “You’re mine, aren’t you, pet? My girl needs rules to know how to behave.” Walker’s hand on your throat tightens and he bites into your flesh, “You want to please me, don’t you?”
Your body shudders, your heart’s rhythm becomes a faltering mess. Fear and excitement grow in your gut. You nod frantically, your voice is unreliable, you don’t trust yourself not to beg for him. If just the implication of his dominance makes you feel this way, you can’t imagine what it would actually be like under his control, under his rules, under his instruction.
Walker lets you go and makes his way to his dining table where his coffee and breakfast is laid out. He sits, his legs spread wide on his chair, the flimsy material of his pants, leave nothing to the imagination as you see the outline of his nearly fully erect cock. He studies you a moment, and says, “Take your clothes off, leave your underwear, stockings and heels.”
Taken aback you bite your lip a moment, and Walker tutted at your hesitation. Not wanting to annoy him further you take off your jacket, button up shirt and skirt. “Good girl,” Walker’s smooth baritone crooned with a gentle roll of the r. Your body warms and heat fills your wet core, both from the praise and the way his eyes ravish you. Then he taps one of his knees. “Sit,” he orders. Not wanting to be admonished for hesitating you go to him and perch yourself on his thigh, your legs resting between his. He wraps an arm around your waist, bouncing you slightly on his knee while he pulls you close. His chest is warm against your naked arm and his curly hair is soft as it rubs against your skin. You want to snuggle into him, but you resist and sit up straight.
“Did you eat before you came to see me?” Walker asks. You shake your head. Once again, he is disappointed. “No more skipping meals pet, you need your strength.”
“Sorry, Walker,” you say. You hated disappointing him, it upset you in a way you couldn’t describe, like it wasn’t just that he wasn’t happy, it was that you wanted to make him happy and any time you didn’t made you feel inadequate.
“When we are alone, I am August or Sir,” he tells you. With a grin he says, “Daddy, if you’re being playful.”
“Yes, Sir,” you reply, your brows furrow in confusion. August and Sir you understood, but Daddy? Usually, Daddy was for a softer Dom, and you hadn’t expected that from him. You knew he had a warmth in him, but you didn’t realise he knew he had it too.
“Don’t let me fool you, pet. I won’t accept bratty behaviour, I enjoy giving punishment. But, do what I want and I can be generous.” He leans over his breakfast and cuts a piece of egg and bacon off and brings the fork to your lips. “Open,” he says.
August alternates between the two of you, feeding you a mouthful then himself. He shares his drink with you too, although you usually like cream in yours, you drink his black unsweetened coffee when he lifts the glass to your lips.
You’re surprised at how turned on you are by sharing this moment with him. It’s almost a glimpse into a life with him, a life where you lived together, had normal lives, maybe even married. You wanted none of those things before, but sitting on August’s knee, having him feed you, you wanted it.
When you were both finished, August glances at his watch. His lips draw into a tight line and you worry you had done something else to disappoint him. Then he looks and you, his eyes on your breasts then moving down your body, mapping you with his eyes. His hand moves between your knees, pushing them apart until he can see your covered slit. You close your eyes, embarrassed, knowing what he would see. He doesn’t comment on the wet patch on your underwear, but you hear a small groan which makes your already throbbing core ache.
“Open your eyes, pet.” August orders. You open them and his bright blue orbs burn into you and you notice for the first time, the brown spot covering the top of his eye. It was as if he came with a warning label, there is a dark spot within him, but his darkness was as beautiful to you as the rest of him.
You lick your lips, your urge to kiss him is strong, you want to show him you want him. The flick of your tongue calls August’s attention away from your eyes and he studies your lips. Your lips part, you lick them again in a silent plea to him, the anticipation too much.
With a nearly indiscernible throat clear August says, “Get up.” His voice is deep and throaty and leaves no room for argument. He guides you to his bedroom and pushes you to your knees in front of him. “If you’re going to offer me your tongue, pet. I will take it.”
August reaches into his pants and pulls out his rapidly hardening cock. He tugs it a few times, you watched rapt as his huge hands twist over his head and down over his broad shaft. You moan as you watch him grow harder, the sight of him holding himself while looking at you is too much. You want to feel him in your mouth, make him feel good, pull from him the reward of his groans and his seed. He looks down at you with blazing azure eyes, and a menacing curl on his lip. His free hand grips your hair, guiding you to him. Without being asked you open your mouth.
There is no gentleness in August now. He presses you deep onto his cock, forcing himself into you until you gag and your stomach heaves. He pulls your head away as tears well in your eyes. “Beautiful,” he whispers.
Forcing you on him again, he fucks your mouth. Thrusting himself into you while pulling your head onto him, you fall into a daze. You keep your jaw open, trying to keep your teeth away from him, your lips fold over your teeth. The bruising action of his pumping cock cause your teeth to press painfully on your fleshy lips and you can feel them swelling. You can’t see August anymore, your sight is too blurry from your tears, but you can hear him. You can hear the grunts as he punishes your mouth, the breathy ‘fuck’ he moans as he uses you and you know you would let him do almost anything to hear him react like that.
His rhythm starts to falter and you prepare yourself for his orgasm, excited to know how he tastes. But he doesn’t, he pulls your hair back so your face pointed up to his, his lips are pulled back, his teeth bared, he sucks in breath which whistles through his teeth. You know he is close.
“Keep your mouth open,” he growls through his clenched teeth. He pumps himself now, and you want to watch but he forces you to look at his face. You watch his eye brows raise and his mouth open as his orgasm hits and the deep guttural cry of his release is followed swiftly by the thick ropes of his seed painting your waiting tongue. His pulse is uncontrolled as he decorates your lips, cheeks and chin.
A long rolling shudder moves over his body and he lets out a content moan. It was one of the single most erotic things you had ever seen. He puffs out a breath and smirks at you. You can’t help but smile back, he appears so relaxed now, almost happy. You’ve never seen him happy.
He tilts his head as he uses his fingers to gather this cum onto his fingers and feeds it you. You eagerly lick his fingers clean with a moan, you feel so proud that you have made him happy. When he has finished feeding you for the second time that morning, he tucks himself in his pants and checks the time. He pulls the covers back and gets into bed, patting the spot next to him, indicating you should join him with a flick of his head.
Sliding your shoes off, you slip in beside him, he lays your head on him stroking your hair a while. You press your ear to his chest and listen to his slowing heart rate, its low reverberation almost lulling you back to sleep. He doesn’t say anything for a long time and when he does speak you are surprised by his question. “Why did you join the CIA? The real reason, not the one in your file.”
Your heart skips a beat. Does he know? Is it his way of telling me? You think for a while, not sure of how to answer. “My aunt was an Agent. She went missing ten years ago. I didn’t want to follow in her footsteps. I wanted to know what happened to her.”
Your reply was an act of trust, the answer could get you thrown out of the Agency. You weren’t supposed to want to know things that were above your security clearance. Wanting to know something was dangerous. If the CIA thought you should know, they will tell you, otherwise, ask no questions.
August just hums and doesn’t ask anything else. For a few more minutes you lay on his chest, until he says, “Time to clean up, Pet and get to work.”
You moan and push your face into his chest, wrapping your arms and legs around him. “I don’t want to, August.”
“If you’re going to whine when it’s time to go, then perhaps we won’t be able to do this again tonight.” His threat gets you out of bed. You are sure August doesn’t make a threat he isn’t prepared to go through with. “Good choice, Pet. I admit, this morning was a little selfish, but tonight we will have longer.” He promises. You go to his bathroom, wash your face and when you return you find your clothes laid on your bed with a black velvet box sitting on top.
Curious, you dress first then sitting on the now made bed you open it to find a discreet day collar. It was gold and was a simple rigid, thin ring shape that required a special hex key to open and close.
“Will you wear it?” August’s voice came from the doorway. Stunned you look from the collar to him and back to the collar. You don’t know what to say. It was pretty and wouldn’t warrant comment, but you still worried about it. Glancing at August again, you couldn’t say no. Wearing his collar, having a sign of his ownership was something you hadn’t dreamed he would want. But you realised how wrong you were, when August owned you, he wanted all of you and wanted you to know it.
“Yes,” you say and take him the box. He opens it and places it around your neck, and you hear the mechanism click in place.
August’s eyes dance as he kisses your swollen and bruised lips. “Now you really are mine, Pet.”
Part 4
Tag List:
@henryobsessed @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @posiemax @nostalgicb-txh @moonlacebeam @anitababi @agniavateira @blakerogue @shadesofarrogance @mansaaay
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jungwonenthusiast · 3 years
Field Trip
A/N: I’ve been working on this pic for a while, I hope you guys like it :)
Pairing: Jake Sim x fem! reader
Word count: 5.2k
Genre: fluff, high school au
Warning: mentions of virginity loss and porn, occasional swearing, nothing else I think
“How many shirts should I take?” Jake asks you through your phone. 
“Uhm, we’re there for three days so take four just incase.” you reply and you pack your suitcase as well. 
You two were preparing for your five day field trip to New York which was happening tomorrow. 
You packed your favorite jeans and hoodies and even a dress just in case. You can't help but romanticize the hell out of New York after being stuck in this small town all your life. 
“How many pairs of underwear should I take?” he asks again and you giggle. He’s like a kid sometimes.  “How many times do you think you’ll change your underwear?” you say while sitting on your suitcase to get it to zip closed.
“Probably three but I’ll take four just in case.”
“What a quick learner.” you say and you hear him scoff. 
Jake has been your best friend since elementary school when you scraped your knee during tag and he took you to the nurse’s office. He’s been a sweetie since day one. 
“I doubt I’m gonna get any sleep tonight,” you sigh. “I’m too riled up.”
“Same,” he sighs. “I wonder how many flashers we’ll run into.”
You laugh. “Why is that the first thing you think of you creep.”
“Hey now,’ he chuckles. “I thought that was the stereotype.”
You hop onto your bed and pick your phone up, it looks like Jake’s doing the same. All you can see are his eyes and a bit of his nose bridge. His dark hair has started to grow out and it was poking at his eyelids. 
Your phone pings with a text from Jake. It’s a horrendous screenshot of you climbing over your phone to get into bed. You gasp.
“I’ll kill you.” you tell him as he’s holding in his laugh. “I will do it.”
His laugh bursts out of his throat, jolly and warm. “Why I love it.”
“I hate you so much. Delete it.”
“No way,” he bunches his brows. “You have an entire photo album dedicated to bad pictures of me.”
“And I also have an entire album dedicated to good pictures of you.” you roll your eyes.
“You do?” he asks. “That’s a bit fangirly of you.”
“Me? A fangirl? Maybe Madeline but not me.” you scoff.
“Madeline?” his voice perks up. “She likes me?”
“Yeah, I thought you knew this.” you swear that you’ve brought this up before. Maybe he just forgot. 
“Nuh-uh.” he says.
“Well...” you say. “do you like her back.”
“I mean she’s nice but,” he hesitates. “not really.”
“Why not? She’s smart and super pretty. I'm so jealous of her hair.” you say. Madeline was a tan ginger girl with curly fiery hair down to the small of her back. 
“You have nice hair.” he says nonchalantly. 
You touch it and rub it between your fingers. “It’s whatever.”
He scoffs. “You’re too hard on yourself all the time.”
“I’m a teenage girl, I can’t help it.” You defend yourself, but he isn’t lying. 
“I’m bored, can I come over?” he says suddenly. 
“Tonight? We have school tomorrow.” you reply. 
“Maybe I’ll just sleep over.” he says while turning over in his bed. “I don’t think our parents would care.”
Sleepover? You two hadn’t done that since you turned eleven. 
“Where would you sleep?” you ask him, already imagining how this would go.
“I don’t know on the floor.” he shrugs.
“I’m not letting you sleep on the floor I’ll feel bad.” you argue.
“I don’t care, I’m the one who suggested it, plus I miss you dude, I wanna hang out.” he says and you smile.
“I saw you on Friday.”
“Yeah, a whole two days ago.” he gets up off his bed. “Okay I’ll be there in ten.”
“What-” you start but he cuts you off.
He brings the camera up close to his face and he flashes you a smile. “Bye!” he hangs up. 
Your palms feel a bit sweaty and you brush them off on your pants. Why am I nervous? You guys have had plenty of sleepovers before but the rest of the boys were always there, probably passed out from beer or a sugar crash. 
You tidy your room up a bit and prepare a little blanket bed on the floor right next to your actual bed. 
You hear knocking at the door right when you expected, Jake was hardly ever late. 
“Hola~” he says as he walks in with his backpack on. He takes his shoes off before skipping over to your room. You giggle to yourself. 
He falls back onto your bed with a big sigh. “I missed being here.” 
“Why? There’s nothing cool here. Your house is way cooler.” you say and he smiles.
“Well I can’t deny that,” he shrugs and you punch him in the arm. “you’re the one who said it.”
“We get it rich boy.” you roll your eyes and sit down next to him.
“I’m just playing,” he sits up. “you know that.”
“I hope you showered after practice,” you say. “I don’t want you stinking up my bed.”
He whips his head to you, looking a little bit offended. “I am very clean alright? Here smell my hair.” he shoves his head into your face. 
You let out a strangled noise and try to push him away. “Okay, okay!”
“No smell it,” he keeps his hair up in your face, it’s tickling your nose. “smells like mangos right.”
Admitedly, he's right. It smells like mangos.
“Yes it does,” you squeak out. “now please respect my personal bubble.” you spread your arms out and create an imaginary bubble between you two. He tries to tug at your arm but you bellow in a robot voice. “PERSONAL BUBBLE PERSONAL BUBBLE.”
“Fine, fine.” he falls back onto your bed again, laughing. “Lets watch something.”
You follow suit and tug your laptop into your lap. 
“Hold on,” you get up and close your window, it was starting to get too cold.
You shimmy under your covers and pull up Netflix.
“Scary movie?” you click on the horror section.
“Sure but you probably won’t be able to sleep.” he teases and you roll your eyes. 
“That was years ago.” you start to scroll through the movies. 
“Mhm, and I’m never letting you live it down.” he says with pride. 
During freshman year the gang decided to go to Jay’s house to watch It together and it freaked you out so much that you went to sleep in the boys room rather than the guest room. 
You click on Hush, a movie you’ve been avoiding because it’s about one of your biggest fears, a home invasion. 
“I thought you hated this movie.” Jake says, crossing his arms.  “I do, but I need to face my fears eventually right?” you click on it and get up to turn the lights off. 
Jake soon gets under the covers as well. You both cringe and slap each other every time your feet touch. 
“Yo yo yo yo watch out!” Jake whispers and pulls his hood over his head, something you both do when you’re nervous. You weren’t wearing a hoodie so you settled with a spare blanket and draped it over yourself like a cloak. 
“Oh shit,” you whisper. “look behind you!” you yell at the main character. 
By the end of the movie both of your bodies are stiff and sore from being so tense for two hours straight. 
“I thought she was gonna die.” you sigh and you shut your laptop. 
“Nah, they couldn’t kill the main girl.” Jake says, comfy and cuddled up in your duvet. “She was so smart.”
“Yeah she was.” you yawn and then kick Jake in the side. “Go to your bed.”
He groans. “It’s warm here though.”
“Go and I’ll make pancakes tomorrow.” you say.
He perks up and follows your orders. 
You relax into your mattress, but you miss his warmth next to you. You ignore that. 
Your alarm goes off at 6:30 and Jake sleeps right through it. 
“How the hell does he get up in the morning?” you whisper. “Probably Leila.”
He’s sleeping on his side, cuddling a stuffed animal he must’ve stolen from your bed while you were asleep.
You stretch your back before washing up. 
Jake’s POV
My serene sleep is interrupted by pokes at my shoulder. 
“Get up poop.” she says. I almost forgot that I was at her house. I crack my eyes open to find her crouching next to me. 
“Good morning.” I croak out.
“You stole ginger.” she points at the stuffed bunny in my arms. 
“I was lonely.” I say before sitting up and rubbing my eyes. “What time is it?”
“7:30,” she says holding in a giggle. “go wash up so we can eat.”
“What’s so funny?” I ask her as she walks away. “You’ll see when you look in the mirror.” she says.
My eyes widen. Did she draw a dick on my forehead or something? I thought we swore to never do that.
I scramble to her bathroom to meet some gnarly bedhead. I have no clue how guys have good messy hair, my hair is either boring and flat or just messy. 
“Jesus.” I say to myself and try to run my head under the sink. 
I brush my teeth and secretly use her facial cleanser. 
“So fancy.” I whisper while lathering it up on my face. 
I can already hear her voice in my head when I’m drying off saying “don't forget to put lotion on, and face lotion, not body.”
A stack of pancakes is waiting for me in the kitchen, just as she promised. 
“Thank you mom.” I say to her before digging in.
She sits across from me with her own plate of flap jacks. She looks so pretty this early in the morning. Her face is fresh and sparkly and her eye bags somehow just make her prettier. It’s cloudy out and I can tell she’s cold she way her body is bundled up in her chair. 
I still remember the moment I realized that I liked her. It was seventh grade and we were at our town’s annual fair. She got a bit sick after a ride with a lot of loopdey loops so I stayed behind with her while the rest of the boys continued to go on every ride they pleased. She told me to go with them and that she didn’t want me to miss out but I said that it was fine and that I liked hanging out with her anyway. She smiled her bright smile at me and rested her head on my shoulder for a moment. Then she threw up on my shoes. Like projectile cotton candy, funnel cake, and other miscellaneous fair food vomit. And I didn’t even get that mad, I was more concerned for her. After that I figured I liked her, because if it were Jay I would’ve beat him up. 
“Did you have any nightmares?” I ask her and she shakes her head.
“Nah, I dreamt that Sunghoon married a dolphin. It was weird.” she sighs.
I choke on my pancakes. “A dolphin?”
“Yeah,” she laughs. “his name was Jerry.”
“And it was a guy too?” I hold my chest, trying not to choke.
“Don’t judge their interspecies homosexual marriage. It was beautiful.” she laughs and takes a big gulp of water.
I’m almost crying at this point. “Best dream ever. I can’t wait to tell Sunghoon this.”
“No!” her eyes widen. “He’s gonna think I fantasized about it or something.”
“What?” I cock an eyebrow. “Everyone knows that dreams are uncontrollable sometimes.” “Still it’s weird. Imagine if someone told you that I dreamt of you marrying a dolphin. It’s be weird.” she says through a mouth of pancake. 
“Did they have kids?” I cackle,
“I don’t know. How would that even work?” 
“Maybe they had a surrogate or something.” I suggest.
“Oh god,” she shakes her head, smiling. “we need to stop. I feel like I'm violating him.”
“Alright, alright.”
“Should I wear this shirt or this sweater.” she asks me as we’re getting ready in her room. 
“Sweater. It’s probably gonna be cold.” I say while tugging socks on. 
“Shit you’re right. Then I won’t be able to wear this dress.” she holds up a little dress that flows out a bit from the waist. 
“Bring it anyway and maybe you can wear it for a second so I can take pictures for you.” I suggest and she smiles. 
“Good idea.” 
We both settle of hoodies and jeans and say goodbye to her parents before hopping in my car. 
We get to school right when people start getting on the bus to the airport. We throw our luggage into the bottom carrier and get in line. 
“Yo!” I hear a familiar voice call as we get on. “We saved seats for you guys.”
Jay, Sunghoon, Heeseung, Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki have already gotten comfortable in the back of the bus. Niki was already asleep. Y/N couldn’t help but pat his head before settling down next to Jungwon. The bus wasn’t a school one but one of those fancy ones they bring out once a year. 
I sit down next to Sunghoon and dap him up. 
“What’s up.” I say while putting my backpack down by my feet. 
“Tired.” he says. “Valentina kept me up all night.”
I raise an eyebrow and he smirks. 
“For real?” I ask and he nods. “No way.”
“Yeah way.” he says and holds up a fist.
I fist bump him and pat him hard on the shoulder. 
“You’re a man now Sunghoon.” I congratulate him and he snickers. 
“What does that make you then?” 
“I’m taking my time alright? I’ll get there eventually.” I say, a little embarrassed. 
I look back to check out what she’s doing when we start to drive off. She’s fast asleep with her cheek pressed against Jungwon’s shoulder. He looks like he’s about to dose off too. Cute. 
Sunghoon and I watch a couple episodes of Death Note before we arrive at the airport. Sunoo shakes Y/N and Jungwon up. 
She’s still groggy as we walk into the airport and grabs onto my arm for leverage. My heart jumps a little. It’s not often that we touch despite how much I think about touching her. I could stare at her back all day. She could ignore me for the rest of my life and I’d still be happy to be in her presence. Mental note to all of you: do NOT let your feelings get to this point.
Soon we’re on the plane and she chooses to sit next me. I silently celebrate. Sunoo and Sungoon behind us, Heeseung and Niki next to us, and Jay and Jungwon in front of us. Sunoo pokes his head over her seat.
“Do you have chapstick I can borrow.” he asks with his blonde hair flopping over his forehead. 
She digs into her bag and hands him a small tin of lip balm.
“Thank you!” he says and she nods. 
“Are you that tired?” I ask her.
“Mhm,” she sighs and shuts her eyes. “I forgot to drink coffee this morning.”
I put in my AirPods and start to watch Lady Bird. She looks over and takes an AirPods out of my ear. 
“I wanna watch too.” she say and puts it in her own. 
We take off for the six hour trip and soon Y/N is sound asleep. Her head kept dropping forward so I pushed it up and pulled it to rest on my shoulder. This was not on purpose. I can’t help but snap a picture of her and add it to the good pictures of her album. She looks so peaceful and comfortable and gorgeous. I lay my head on hers for a moment before continuing the movie. 
After two hours of unsatisfying sleep, and hour of gossip with Sunoo, and three hours of chit chat with Jake you finally arrive. You sit up and stretch as best as you can in the plane. You pull you backpack onto my back and get you luggage down from the overhead bin. It’s already five p.m. when we get off and your stomach is growling. 
We take another bus to the hotel and you can’t help but admire the city life as we drive there. 
You’re roomed with two other girls at the hotel but you don’t even bother unpacking. You know you’re gonna be in the boys’ room anyway.
Mrs. Gilroy gave us tonight to do whatever we wanted as long as we were back at the hotel by ten p.m. 
You sneak into Jake, Jay, and Sunghoon’s room as soon as you can. And when you get there, it’s already a mess.
“Good lord.” you say as you’re met with clothes all over the floor and mini bottles of liquor on the beds.
“You guys are drunk already?” you scrunch your nose and drop your stuff in a corner of the room.
“No.” Sunghoon says to you lazily with a little smirk on his face. You can’t help but giggle. Sunghoon is pretty adorable when he’s drunk. 
“Are you drunk too?” you turn to Jake and he shakes his head. His pink cheeks give him away though. “You’re all bad liars.”
“Lets go swim.” he says excitedly. 
“There’s a pool? I didn’t bring a swim suit.” you say, bummed.
“Can we go later, I’m hungry.” Jay says and you agree.
“Me too.” 
Jake tugs at your arm. “Come on~ we can order room service or ask Jay to get us something.”
“We can get you guys something.” Sunghoon says, pulling a hoodie over his head. 
“Please?” Jake looks at you with shiny eyes. He’s and adorable drunk too.
You purse your lips and sigh. “Fine. But I don’t have anything to wear.”
“Just wear shorts and a shirt.” Jake says as he tugs his swim trunks out of his suit case.
“I didn’t bring shorts because you said it was gonna be cold.” you complain, crossing your arms. 
“Uhm,” he stops for a moment. “you can wear my boxers then.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Huh?”
“What?” he looks at you. “They’re basically shorts. And they’re clean.”
You hesitate but then comply as always. He tosses you a pair of black Calvins.
You steal one of Jay’s shirts and make your way into the bathroom to change. You’re wearing a simple cotton bralette which should be fine for the pool. You bundle up the rest of your old clothes and stick them behind your backpack before heading out with Jake. 
The pool is empty and huge and is only light by the lights inside. 
“It’s so cold.” you rub at your arms as Jake sets your towels down at a seat.
“I’m sure the pool is heated.” he says and dips a toe in. “Yeah, it’s warm.” Before you can even reply, he tugs his shirt off and canon balls in. You turn your face to avoid getting splashed.
“How is it?” you call out as he emerges from the water. He shakes his hair around like a dog. 
“It’s warm so come in, you look funny standing there.” he teases and you roll your eyes. You kick your sneakers off and try to make a peaceful jump in but you didn’t realize you were in the deep end. It takes you a moment to get your senses together and swim to the surface.
“Why is it deep?” you say, a bit out of breath. 
Jake giggles at you. “Remember when we used to play and you were the mermaid and I was the-”
“Turtle companion.” you finish his sentence. “Yes, as clear as day.”
“Why couldn't I be a mermaid too? Why was a I a lame turtle.” he fusses.
“I’m sorry okay?” you laugh. “I was a mean child.”
“Yeah you were. I’ll never forgive you for shoving that clump of dirt in my mouth.” 
You burst out laughing, flailing your arms in the water to try to stay afloat. “You deserved it!”
“I did not!” he protests. 
“You cheated in handball! It was one hundred percent deserved.” you say, swimming over to him.
“I barely cheated!” he calls out, starting to swim away from you.
“Barely? I would’ve won and been champion of our grade if you hand’t pulled that shit!” you say, still laughing and swimming after him.
“Why are you chasing me?” he says while hopping around the pool where he can touch the ground.
“So I can shove another clump of dirt in your mouth.” you try your best to get him but your heavy cotton shirt is holding you back. You don’t let it stop you though. 
You finally get to him and tug his arm. He yells as you push him underwater. He finds the ground though, and shoots up soon after. 
“Are you trying to drown me?” he looks at you, astonished but giggly. 
“Maybe.” you shrug before tackling him again. It had been a while since you two wrestled like this. 
You’ve got him under water for a bit until he finds your rib cage and plunges you in. It’s hard to hold your breath while you’re laughing. You feel around for him and pinch his thigh only semi hard. He lets you go after that. 
“I won!” you celebrate with your fists in the air.
“You used pain, that isn't fair.” he rubs at the area that you pinched. 
“Don’t be a sore loser. I won fair and square.” you cross your arms.  “Fine.” he admits his defeat. “that pinch hurt though, come kiss it better.”
Your face twists. “Nuh uh.” you say plainly. 
“Please?” he asks. “I will drown myself right now.” You laugh at him. 
“I will do it!” he insists.
“Okay, okay! I’m not to going to kiss your leg you weirdo but I’ll give you a hug.” you float over to him and wrap your arms around his shoulders. “I even pinched you lighter than I normally would.”
“I’m sensitive.” he says into your neck and you giggle. 
His arms feel so right around your waist and you struggle to decide when to let go, so you just don’t, and neither does he. He holds you decently tight and you feel him pat your back. 
You’ve hugged plenty of times before but it felt a little different this time. Probably because you’re pressed up against his bare skin. It makes you feel a bit sheepish. 
You pull away from him. “Feel better now?” 
He nods with a smile. His cheeks are pink, but this time it’s not from the liquor. 
Jake’s POV
I can’t help but feel disappointed when she lets go of me. 
I shouldn’t have patted her back that's a dad thing to do. 
Her makeup has started to run down her face which makes me giggle.
“What?” she asks.
“Your mascara is making you look crazy.” I say and her hands fly to her face.
“Shit I forgot I had it on.” she attempts to wipe it away but all it does is smear it across her face. 
“Here,” I say and float over to her. “I’ll help you.” this was not on purpose.
I hold her face as gently as I can in my hands and rub the runny mascara off with my thumbs. I dip my fingers into the water to get all of the bits off. 
I want to kiss her so badly, but I know that I’ll never do it. Sometimes I get irritated at myself for not being able to confess. I think Jay and Sunghoon get irritated about it too. 
“You talk about her all the time man just ask her out.”
I don't know why I can’t do it. If she rejects me she’ll do it nicely and things would go back to normal pretty soon. But I don’t think I could live knowing that my feelings would never be reciprocated. Sometimes I get a feeling that she likes me too but I can never be too sure. 
“All gone.” I say and she thanks me. 
She lets her self float on her back. She has a small smile on her face and she’s so pretty I could cry. There have been multiple times where I nearly cried over how much I like her.
“What are your thinking about?” I ask.
“You know I never know how to answer that.” she bleats. “My mind always goes blank when you ask.”
“Well try to remember what you were thinking about then.” 
“Us.” she says plainly.  “Us?” I questioned. “What about us?” “I don’t know, just how I met you guys and how happy I am to be friends with you all.” she says. 
Oh. She meant all of us. 
“Yeah me too.” I agree, trying not to sound down. “Who’s your favorite?”
She snorts. “I don’t have a favorite.”
“Of course you do,” I say. “and it better be me.”
“Why would it be you?” she jeers. 
I frown. “Because we met first.”
“I’m kidding, of course you’re my favorite.” she admits.
“And why is that?” I egg her on and she rolls her eyes. 
“Because we met first.”
I sigh. “Is that all?”
“Mhm.” she says. 
You’re met with InNOut that Sunghoon and Jay got and also a room full of teenage boys. The younger ones were laying on their stomachs on a bed together, watching something on a laptop. Sunghoon and Jay were trying to watch t.v. You say trying because of the furious clicking on the remote. 
“What the hell are you guys trying to do?” you and Jake plop onto the one empty bed.
“Trying to find the porn.” Jay grumbles.
“Infront of the children?” you look over at the younger ones.
“They don’t care they’re watching YouTube.” he says, still clicking. 
You take a bite of your burger. “You have an endless arena of porn on your phone why do you want the t.v. one?”
“The t.v. makes it special.” Sunghoon says. 
“Weird.” you mutter to yourself.  “They’re probably gonna make you pay for it too.” Jake chimes in. 
“Do you think it’ll go to the school’s credit card or whatever?” Jay asks with wide eyes.
“I don't know but if it does they’ll know it’s from our room.” he says through a full mouth. 
You grab pajamas out of your bag and head to the bathroom to shower. 
You come out feeling fresh and the younger ones have gone back to their room now. 
“My turn,” Jake says, walking into the bathroom. 
You sit next to Sunghoon on his bed and start scrolling through your phone. 
“Should I get this sweater or this one.” he holds his phone up to you and shows you light blue sweater and a black one.
“Second one.” you say.
“Really?” he questions. “I feel like it’ll make me look emo.”
“You should become emo honestly. It would look good.” you reply and he chuckles. 
“You’d have to help me with my eyeliner every morning.”
“Yeah,” you giggle “wait can I do it right now? I wanna see how you’d look.”
“Right now?” he cocks a brow and you nod. “Okay but don’t give me raccoon eyes.”
“I won’t I won’t.” you rush over to your bag and bring your make clutch to the bed. 
“Hold still.” you tell him as you give him smokey winged liner.
“It tickles.” he says, trying not to blink too much.
“Beauty is pain.” you clean up the wing with your nail. 
In a couple minutes you’re done. “Finished." you say.
“Lemme see.” he grabs a hand mirror from your clutch and holds it up to his face. “Hold on. This looks kinda good.”
“Right?” you had to admit it; he looked gorgeous.
“Why are you so pretty?” Jay says from his bed. 
Soon Jake came out of the shower and it was hard to deny how good looking he is especially with his damp hair. How could someone make a t-shirt and sweats look so good? He dumps his laundry by his bag. 
“Does Sunghoon have makeup on?” he asks, settling onto his bed.
“Yeah doesn’t it looks nice?” you ask and he agrees. 
“Y/N are you gonna sleep here or in your room.” Jay asks.
“I thought I would just sleep on the floor here.” you suggest and he furrows his brows. 
“No that’s mean. Share a bed with someone.”
“You should sleep with Jake.” Sunghoon elbows you in the side and you shoot him a dirty look. “We all know he wants you to anyway.”
“Fuck off Sunghoon.” Jake looks over at him with a piercing stare, a contrast to his pink cheeks. 
“Is it okay if I do?” you ask him and he nods.
“Yeah for sure.”
Sunghoon snickers. 
“I hate you.” Jake scowls. 
After a couple hours of watching movies and horsing around it’s nearly midnight and your eyes are getting heavy. 
You crawl under the covers and scroll on your phone a bit before trying to sleep. Despite how tired you are it’s hard to sleep with the boys chatting and snickering to each other. 
“Can you guys quiet down?” you ask them.
“Sorry.” Jay says. 
After maybe an hour of sleep, you feel someone get on the bed. Probably Jake, you think to yourself. His little sighs as he gets comfortable are cute. 
“You awake?” he whispers. 
“Mm?” you turn on your side to face him. “Yeah.”
“Cool.” he says. The room is dark but the moonlight helps you make out the outline of his face. 
‘What’s up?” you ask.
“Nothin.” he says and you giggle.
“Okay weirdo. Go to bed.” you close your eyes, stilling facing him though. 
“I’m not tired.” he says.
“Count sheep.”
“That never works for me.” he sighs. “Sing me to sleep.”
You try to slap him in the arm but you end up hitting his face. “Oh shit sorry!”
“Ow!” he whines. “Why do you keep hurting me?”
“It was an accident!” you whisper and rub at his cheek a bit. 
“Now I actually deserve a hug.” he pouts and you roll your eyes.
“You are not five years old.”
“I still want the hug.” he says plainly and you sigh.
“Fine.” you scooch over to him and pull him into your chest. You pat his back. “There there. Better now?”
He shakes his head. “It still hurts.”
“You’re embarrassing yourself.” you scoff. 
“I have no shame when it comes to your affection, you should know that by now.” he smiles.
You feel his arm fall over your waist and his hand slide up your back. It gives you goosebumps.
You’re cuddling with him. You guys are cuddling right now. You think to yourself. No you’re not, you’re just...hugging. Right?
Jake pulls away to look at you. “I need to tell you something.”
“Are you gonna say your mom again?” you ask and he shakes his head. 
“No,” he says giggling. “it’s something for real.” 
“Okay what is it?”
He takes a sharp inhale. “I like you.” he winces. 
Your heart jumps a bit. “I know.”
“What?” he laughs.  “You’re very obvious about it.” you chuckle.  “Are you rejecting me?” he asks and you shake your head. 
“I would never.” you pull him in by the back of neck and push your lips against his.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Victor’s Business Trip Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 出差之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
Note: This date features S2 Victor, but contains no main storyline spoilers!
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[ This date was released on 13 May 2021 ]
"This flight will be reaching its destination soon. Please fasten your seatbelts...”
Hearing the announcement, I shift my gaze away from the notebook laptop, rubbing my slightly swollen eyes.
The company recently took up an important collaboration, which is why I had to make final amendments to the proposal even in the middle of a business trip.
Drawing up the window at the side, what enters my vision is a patch of deep blue. Above the vast water, the small islands are reminiscent of dark emerald gems.
MC: So beautiful...
It’s as if I’m able to sense the greenery from across the window, and it adds a tinge of anticipation to this trip.
Even though the reason why I’m here is to attend an international meeting spanning three days.
The moment I step out of the airport, I see the apologetic expression on the staff’s face.
Staff: Hello, are you Miss MC?
MC: It’s me. Did something happen?
Staff: I’m incredibly sorry. Because of our negligence, the car that was supposed to pick you up is scheduled to arrive only in the afternoon. However, another guest has agreed to share a car with you to the venue.
MC: That’s fine, as long as the other party doesn’t mind.
When we reach the carpark, my brows arch at the sight of a long Bentley. I can’t help but criticise silently that the host would use a car with such high specifications.
The staff steps aside to pull the door open. I bend and enter the car, prepared to thank this important guest whom I have disturbed.
MC: Hello, thank you...
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Lifting my eyes, I meet an indifferent face.
MC: ...Victor?!
In the spacious car, Victor is wearing a black suit as he typically does, a thin picture album in his hands. 
Since Victor, who should be at another end of the earth, has appeared before my eyes, I’m unable to react immediately.
MC: ...what are you doing here?!
Victor: Why can’t I be here? LFG receives an invitation from the host each year. This year is no exception. 
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He glances at the time on the television screen installed in the car. He taps his knuckles against the picture album, his tone calm.
Victor: Also, who else would be willing to wait fifteen minutes for you.
I clear my throat hastily, displaying a brilliant smile.
MC: I have to give CEO Victor a proper thanks for waiting patiently then! But I really didn’t expect you to attend the meeting personally. Didn’t you always refuse in previous years?
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Victor looks at me with slight surprise.
Victor: You remember these things really clearly. I happen to have time this year, and...
He pauses, his gaze landing on me.
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Victor: I wanted to see if a certain acclaimed producer is just as skilful and at ease when faced with an international collaborative partner.
Hearing the mildly teasing tone in Victor’s words, I can't help but crinkle my eyes into a smile.
MC: In that case, I definitely won’t disappoint CEO Victor. This meeting is really important to our company. I’m bringing out one hundred percent of my fighting spirit, which I haven’t done in a very long time.
While speaking, I scoot backwards into the soft chair. With Victor at my side, the tension that I’ve been experiencing is finally alleviated slightly.
MC: Fortunately, the host arranged for the venue to be at a resort. We can have a good rest too. I heard the scenery on that small island is pretty good. And there are lots of kittens...
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Victor: I’m guessing the reason why you came here to attend the meeting was for the resort.
Hearing this, I stare at the picture album in his hands. The page which has been flipped open happens to be the view I saw from the plane. It’s clearly a brochure for this place.
MC: CEO Victor, aren’t you looking at a brochure?
Victor: It was to while the time away while waiting for someone.
Even though I’ve exposed Victor, his expression remains unchanged. He closes the brochure composedly, which has a few images of cat paws on it.
Victor: Do you want to look at it?
MC: No need. Actually, the main reason why I came here isn’t for the resort.
Victor: Then what is it?
The expression in my eyes changes, revealing a smile.
MC: My reason is very obvious. It’s to expand our company’s influence internationally, and obtain a few more million dollars’ worth of LFG’s investments.
Victor doesn’t refute my words. Instead, he folds his arms in front of his chest and leans against the wall of the car, meeting my eyes calmly.
Victor: What do you plan to do?
MC: Before coming here, I noted down the organisers and brands, then wrote proposals based on their preferences and styles. But from the looks of it, there seems to be a faster method.
I smile while facing Victor, speaking unhurriedly.
MC: For instance... getting close to an extremely important guest at the meeting.
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Victor arches his brows, the upward curl at the corners of his lips softening his well-defined features. 
Victor: I’ll look forward to it then.
The meeting that spanned the entire afternoon finally comes to a temporary end. After politely turning down an invitation to the dinner banquet, I leave the venue, standing outside and taking in breaths of fresh air.
Victor: Why are you hiding here?
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Turning my head, I see Victor who appears to be leaving as well.
MC: I’m heading back to rest and prepare for tomorrow’s main event. What about you? What are you planning to do?
He glances at the insuppressible fatigue on my face, then continues walking.
Victor: Like you, I’m heading back to rest.
He doesn’t walk quickly, as though waiting for me to chase after him. Curling the corners of my lips, I speed up my footsteps and follow him.
In this resort surrounded by water, exquisite glass houses sit among the elegant scenery, reminiscent of illustrations from a fairytale.
Two small wooden signboards with cats drawn on them attract my attention, and I continuously turn my head around to peer at them.
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Victor: What are you looking at that has left you unable to walk properly?
MC: There’s a story written on these wooden signboards, and I find it interesting.
It’s a simple yet heartwarming short story: a mysterious kitten knocks on the door of guests, giving them a secret, warm gift.
MC: Do you think a kitten will knock on my window tonight?
I turn to Victor, saying this jokingly. However, he’s the same as always, shattering my imagination with his words.
Victor: It’s just an advertising tactic by the resort.
Kitten: Meow~ 
Before he finishes speaking, a soft sound drifts from the thick clump of grass at the side. My eyes brighten instantly.
MC: See? The Cat Resort lives up to its name.
Very soon, a calico cat leaps out from the thick grass, its black eyes seeming to scrutinise the both of us.
I squat down, wanting to reach out to play with it. However, it’s incredibly proud and aloof.
MC: ...what a cold cat.
The “cold” calico cat avoids my outstretched hand and goes to Victor’s feet, circling him in a clingy manner.
MC: Why is it only warm towards you?
Victor: Your earlier enthusiasm probably gave it a scare.
Kitten: Meow~ Meow meow~
The kitten lifts its tiny head, raising a paw and “condescendingly” leaves two paw prints on Victor’s trousers before leaving in a leisurely manner.
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Victor: ...
Watching it jump back into the grass, I retract my gaze, continuing forward with Victor.
MC: I didn't expect you to have an affinity with animals. Whenever I want to get close to the stray cats below the company building, I have to “give offerings” of cat food first.
The gentle evening breeze brushes past. In this leisurely atmosphere, Victor’s tone is casual and relaxed.
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Victor: Maybe the cat food you bought doesn’t taste good.
MC: I buy high quality cat food, okay?
Engaging in idle chatter while walking, we soon reach the houses that have been prepared for us.
Detached glass houses scattered in a disorderly fashion appear before our eyes. What surprises me is that the small house Victor is staying in happens to face mine.
The two windows aren’t that far apart, and they face each other, conjuring a carefree atmosphere. 
MC: I didn’t expect our residences to be so close by. This way, we could start chatting just by opening the windows.
Victor: ...I won’t do such a silly thing with you.
MC: I was just kidding. See you tomorrow! Rest early, CEO Victor.
Waving at him happily, I turn around and push open the door to the small glass house.
Everything in the small house is as exquisite as the exterior. Through the transparent ceiling, I can see the glow of sunset.
Now that I’ve returned to the residence, the exhaustion from the journey immediately spreads through my four limbs. With a “plonk”, I fall onto the soft bed.
It is only after releasing a huge breath that I think about shutting the curtains. When I walk over to the small balcony, I see the person standing opposite.
Victor is holding a cup of coffee at the window, and is currently meeting my gaze.
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He has removed his outer jacket and has his sleeves rolled up, making his entire person seem much more relaxed. I can detect a smile from the expression in his eyes.
Recalling how I looked sprawled on the bed earlier, my face instantly heats up.
MC: [whispering] That’s so embarrassing...
Pretending to be calm, I shoot Victor a smile, then tug on the thick curtains firmly.
The room instantly descends into dimness, and also covers the slight tinge of red on my face.
Buzz buzz - at this moment, my phone vibrates.
Victor: There’s a meeting tomorrow. Sleep early, and don’t get overly excited.
Upon waking up, the room is so dark that there doesn’t seem to be any light coming in. Drawing the curtains, I realise that the sky’s almost dark.
Warm yellow lights from the opposite house enter my vision, reminiscent of tender candlelight in twilight.
At some point of time, it had started raining outside.
And behind that curtain of rain, there’s an indistinct figure.
Victor seems to be reading documents while sitting by the window.
MC: He’s still busy with work at this time?
After thinking about it, I put on a coat and sneak out of the door.
MC: Thanks for your help.
Carrying the congee I purchased as a take-out, I walk down the glass-roofed corridors. Falling rain patters outside the corridor, embellishing the night with even more coldness.
Kitten: Meow~
At this moment, a calico kitten suddenly appears at the side, and it’s clearly the same cat Victor and I met before.
With the same happy and contented gait, it comes up to me, then lifts its head to stare at me.
After being confused for a few seconds, I lift the congee in my hand, and the kitten’s line of sight slowly shifts upwards too.
MC: Turns out you’re just a little greedy cat despite your aloof appearance. But I can’t let you eat this. I still need to feed a “big cat”.
Despite me leaving mercilessly, the calico cat follows behind me all the way.
MC: Fine, you can visit Victor with me then.
It lets out an excited “meow”, though I’m unsure if it understood what I said.
MC: I’ll take that as an agreement.
When I walk to the small glass house, Victor’s room is still lit. I pick up the cat and lean towards the window, tapping on the window with a thud.
The figure sitting in front of the window pauses. The curtains which weren’t closed completely are pulled open.
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Victor’s face appears in the window clearly. When he sees me and the cat in my arms, he’s slightly stunned for a moment, obvious surprise flashing across his face.
Warm light illuminates the room with a soft and comforting glow. Even Victor, who is sitting amidst the warm colour, seems to become much gentler.
Lifting the kitten’s paw, I wave it a few times in greeting.
MC: Hello Mr Victor. We’re here to give you a present.
He chuckles in resignation, the word “dummy” leaving his lips silently.
Victor sets the documents down neatly, then gets up to open the window. While supporting the window frame with a hand, he looks down at me with a scrutinising gaze.
Victor: What are you doing outside this late instead of sleeping?
MC: I should be the one asking you that. Why are you still working this late!
Hearing this, he lifts his hand and rubs the space between his eyebrows, but the veins in his eyes can still be seen faintly.
Victor: There’s an issue related to an acquisition by LFG. Goldman called and asked for my opinion.
MC: Is the issue serious? 
Victor: It’s manageable.
He sets down his hand and brings it to me. I stare at this unfurled hand, blinking in confusion.
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Victor: Didn’t you say you brought something for me?
Only now do I remember my official business, and I hide the thermal bag with the congee within it in my arms.
MC: Victor, are you going to take my congee and then ask me to leave?
Victor: ...when did I say that. It’s just that a certain someone has a “tough battle” to fight tomorrow, and has to maintain her vigour.
MC: I’m fine. I just took a nap and feel so much better.
While we’re talking, the kitten in my arms suddenly meows impatiently. Then, it leaps out of my arms. 
It jumps into Victor’s room deftly, then stands on his desk, licking its paw calmly.
MC: ...it really likes you. It doesn’t even want my congee now.
I grumble, and Victor suddenly chuckles softly.
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Victor: Didn't you buy the congee for me? I don’t intend to share it.
Hearing this, I recall the serious matter I came to attend to by making this trip.
I scan my surroundings. It’s still raining, and there’s quite a distance to the door. And this window happens to be sufficiently low.
After giving it some thought, I roll my wrists, then speak.
MC: Victor... move a little to the side.
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Victor: What are you planning to do now?
Victor arches his brows in a lack of comprehension. However, he follows what I said and shifts away from the window.
In the next second, I support myself on the window frame, hopping across smoothly.
When Victor sees the faint footprints on the windowsill, he’s silent for a few seconds.
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Victor: ...
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Victor: Looks like you truly had sufficient rest. You’re full of energy.
MC: This is a special situation. Scholars in the ancient times would leap over walls to meet beautiful women. Today, I’m leaping over the window to bring you congee.
I retrieve the piping hot congee from the bag, placing it in front of Victor.
MC: For you. Have some supper before continuing work.
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Victor lowers his head to look at the congee, the corners of his lips curling upwards indistinctly.
Victor: Is this what you called “catering to my tastes”?
MC: That’s right. So I hope CEO Victor would help me out tomorrow in preventing awkward silences.
Victor: It depends on your performance.
He picks up a spoon, stirring the slightly solidified surface of the congee slowly. The fragrance of rice makes my stomach grumble uncontrollably.
Smelling the fragrance, the calico cat circles our feet, meowing coquettishly.
MC: It seems hungry. The congee I ordered is pretty bland. Why don’t you share some with it?
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Victor: Looks like it isn’t the only hungry one.
Victor gives me a meaningful glance, then splits the congee into three portions. The portion that he blows cool is placed in front of the kitten, and another is pushed in front of me.
Victor: After you’ve finished eating, go to bed.
MC: I didn’t even say that I wanted to eat...
I can’t help but mutter to myself while happily taking a spoon and sending a scoop of congee into my mouth.
Victor: The proportion of water and rice is wrong, it wasn’t cooked long enough, and it doesn’t bring out the taste of congee.
Hearing VIctor’s comments, I pause in my movements, then release a soft ‘hmph’.
MC: I wasn’t the one who cooked it, so your words don’t hurt me.
Ten minutes later, three completely clean bowls convey the greatest gratitude towards the chef’s hard work.
The satisfied calico cat has long since found a space on the carpet and rolled into a ball, snoring and sleeping soundly.
Victor: It’s also time for you to return and sleep.
MC: I still don’t feel like going back. I just had a nightmare, so I don’t feel drowsy at all. Why don’t I stay behind and accompany you while you work? I could wait for tomorrow’s sunrise too.
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Victor: ...seems like you just want to use my room to watch the sunrise.
Seeing that he remains unmoved, I raise my hands, looking at him with a face filled with sincerity.
MC: I’ll definitely keep quiet throughout, and won’t disturb your work!
Victor doesn't say anything, returning to his documents. He seems to have tacitly allowed me to “run amok”.
I sit on a sofa chair at the side obediently, supporting my chin with a hand while sneaking peeks at him.
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Beneath the warm lights, the side of his face seems to become much gentler. However, his slightly furrowed brows reveal a faint sharpness.
Rain patters down outside the window, a stark contrast to the tranquility within the house.
Looking at Victor’s figure, my eyelids grow heavier and heavier...
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Victor suddenly senses a weight on his shoulder. He turns his head, only to see that the girl who claimed that she wasn’t drowsy is currently sound asleep, eyes shut tightly.
Victor: MC? 
The girl wrinkles her nose, as though she’s having a beautiful dream, or feeling nostalgic for the delicious food from earlier.
He recalls the story written on the wooden signboards earlier in the evening about the kitten which taps on windows and sends gifts. A soft chuckle rises from his throat.
Along the horizon, a hazy ray of light sneaks in through the window in front of them.
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Party Play
Chip Taylor x Female Reader
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Summary: After Reader gets Chip to voice one of his deepest desires Reader takes him to a play party Reader’s friend hosts.
A/N: This low key feels like the filthiest thing I’ve ever written 😂 This Chip fic is my ninth fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April event! This was the original request- I kinda ran with it lol- i was also unable to get this fic beta’d so forgive me for any mistakes I missed 🙈I’ve been curious as to what has been y’all’s favorite so far- feel free to drop it in my ask box here. Hope y’all enjoy this one 😏 I know I did lol 😂 Thanks for reading ☺️
Warnings 18+, Smut, This all happens at a play party, Sub Chip, Chip in a skirt and panties, Chip in a Collar and Leash, Thigh riding, Hand job, Oral sex (F and M receiving), References to suspension play (they don’t participate and move on), Unprotected sex, Hinted at sex with multiple partners
Main Masterlist Word Count: 3.7k
Chip had never had much luck when it came to girls. Sure he had girls flocking around him wherever he went, but any type of relationship with them had always turned into a disaster.
After the whole business with Liza Chip had sworn off girls, and any other type of long term romantic relationships for a good long while. People of all ages would still hit on him of course, that time an older woman had pinched his ass while behind him in line to check out at the grocery store still made him blush.
It had been around 3 years when someone had contested and eventually got him to break his promise to swear off any type of romantic connection. You had come in like a storm, turning his whole life upside down. Unlike with Liza he didn't mind when you came through to turn it upside down because instead of ruining it you had begun to put the prices back in place.
Your relationship hadn’t been a whirlwind romance, you turned everything upside down slowly and carefully. Each piece that was put back into place was given all the time that it needed to settle back in its place. Chip still got whiplash from the whole experience, any pure affection given without motive was an entirely foreign concept to him.
Sex had been one of the biggest obstacles in your relationship. He had wanted to wait until he felt like he could implicitly trust you with anything. Even after you had both gotten to that point Chip had wanted to wait a little longer as he still had trouble with flashbacks of his bad experiences with sex, most of them involving Liza. Not that you minded at all, you were there for the long haul. You wanted Chip to be completely comfortable with the idea of having sex before you took that step forward. Even when the two of you had an intense make out session with you straddling him you checked in on him at every new turn. It would be a nightmare to you if you ever even made him feel an ounce of uncomfortableness.
When you had eventually gotten to your first time you had made sure it was sweet and slow, giving him an experience he had never had before. Each time you had sex since then even though it had developed into something a little less than vanilla (that was an understatement), you made sure Chip was cared for, always.
Today you had both agreed on doing something that Chip had never gotten to experience before. He had felt too afraid to tell Liza and had been too shy to tell you until you pried it out of him with some light teasing, with a bit of love of course.
While he had been moaning underneath you had been goading him while rolling your hips, “Come on- tell me what you’ve been thinking about, baby boy.”
In a breathy whine he then broke down and admitted, “W-want to go- to one of those parties your friend hosts!”
A smirk had been evident on your face then, you knew exactly what he had been referring to. One of your closest friends often hosted play parties every month. Chip had found out about them when your friend had come over one day and had casually mentioned it. The thought of going to one with you must have been stuck in his mind ever since that day. You sped up the slow pace you had started with and had promised him, “Alright- I’ll take you to one. You’ll have to be on your best behavior, baby boy.”
Now that the day had come Chip was antsy, you could tell. He hadn’t had a job to go and work on today, instead opting to cling to you as you did your own work on your computer. You let him sit on your lap while you worked even though it was slightly awkward with his lanky limbs.
His clinginess had made you nervous, wondering if he didn’t want to go anymore. You carded your hands through his hair, fingers catching on a few knots as you soothed him. Making sure you were done with the last bit of your work for the day you closed the laptop. then you broke the silence that had been between you both while you had been working, “Do you not want to go? No matter what your answer is I won’t be mad, I promise.”
“No no no no-I do I promise!” He squeaked out and sat up rigidly, “Just a little nervous- the good type of nervous.”
“Alright- I’ll take your word for it pretty boy.” You leaned forward to whisper. There was no one around you both right now, no need to whisper, but Chip always shivered a little when you spoke to him like this, “Speaking of you being pretty, I think it’s about time to get you dressed up pretty as well.”
You wanted to look pretty for this event of course, you also wanted to dress Chip up as well. For yourself you had chosen a simple black dress that was hiding a set underneath in matching black as well. For Chip you had picked out a much more revealing outfit. He’d be hiding this all under a coat at first, but once you both entered the house you’d make him reveal what was underneath.
You got him dressed in a black skirt, with matching black panties underneath. That would be all he’d be wearing to cover himself besides his coat and combat boots, which he’d be shedding at the door. For an accessory you had brought out his collar and leash, also black in color (what can you say? You like black).
Once he was all dressed up and pretty you stood back to admire your work while he sat on the bed obediently. He withered a bit in shyness underneath your gaze, but when you cocked your eyebrows up in question he went right back to his original position.
“You stay right there looking pretty while I get ready.” Leaving no room for defiance you then left to get the outfit you had picked out for yourself. After you came back you slipped out of your clothes, standing naked in front of him before then getting your lingerie on as slow as you could, just to tease him. When you covered up your lingerie with the black dress on top and slipped on some platform heels he whimpered. Your response to the whimper was quick and biting, “Don’t complain, you’ll get to see it later if you’re good. Now help me zip up my dress.”
That made him quiet quickly, obediently helping you zip up the dress, hiding anything underneath out of sight until he was good. He continued his obedience when you had gotten your things ready and got into the car, already getting into his submissive state. He only made any noise on the car ride there when you asked him a question.
You had gone before to one of your friend’s parties with a previous partner, the one before Chip. Their house was huge, with multiple guest bedrooms plus some other rooms converted so people could play in them. Each room that was occupied had a sheet pinned up on the wall beside it listing all the things that would entail if you walked in through the door, plus hard limits set by the person running the room. If you wanted to join in, you’d write your names down and whether or not you were there to watch or join in. If you wanted to leave for any reason, you could with no questions asked and if the person running the room asked you to leave, you had to with no fight. There was something for everybody.
Some of the guest rooms had an occupancy limit, some had a small limit of how many people could join and some could allow a large group of people. Even before you could go up to the rooms you had to go through a coat check where you also confirmed who you were. Every person in the house had to bring ID and be on the list approved by your friend.
“Are you nervous?” You asked Chip quietly after you had handed the person at coat check your ID’s.
His cheeks flushed red at your question, shifting from side to side on his feet. You could tell that he was feeling exposed in his outfit, like you had intended. But, you had wanted to check in one more time before fully entering, wanting him to be flustered, not uncomfortable. You breathed a little sigh of relief when he answered in a small voice, “In a good way.”
It was silent between you two for a minute until the person came back with your IDs. When you were let loose and told to enjoy the party you wrapped one of your hands around the end of his leash to beckon him to follow you.
After the coat check and down a small hallway there was the living room connected with the kitchen in an open floor plan. People were mingling about, having light conversation with some people perhaps deciding if they wanted to pull them up into a room with them.
When you spotted your friend, who was hosting this at their home, you walked up to them while pulling Chip along.
“Hey! How are you?” Your friend greeted you once they were done with their previous conversation with another guest. Chip waited patiently and quietly while you both caught up with each other. You had set some rules before you had gone to the party, he wasn’t allowed to speak unless you asked him something directly or allowed him to speak to someone else. He slowly flushed a deeper shade of red as you both kept having a conversation, not acknowledging him standing there in practically nothing. Your friend then eyed Chip up and down after you had concluded telling them about your last work trip, “Well, I won’t keep you both any longer, enjoy the rooms.”
You gave your friend a thanks, pulling Chip along behind you towards the stairs that led to the guest bedrooms. The hallway of guest rooms was to your right after you made it to the top of the stairs. Loud moans from all the rooms were easily heard despite all the doors being shut tight.
You looked at the first sheet next to the first room, seeing if you both might be interested in this room. Other people around you were doing the same, some couples and some single people looking at each sheet down the hall. Once you had read over the hard limits of the room you decided that Chip might like this one. The rooms closer to the stairs were often the tamer ones, building up slowly to the last room, which was the largest and usually held the most people.
“I think you might like this one.” You said simply, then opening the door to let him have a look before you wrote both of your names down. Most of the people in here were watching the couple in the center, a woman being fucked from behind while her partner pulled her hair to arch her back.
His eyes were glistening and wide as he looked through the door to see if he’d be interested in this first room.
“I-I’d like to go in this one please.” His request was meek, you let it slide this time as you knew he was still nervous. After you had written down your names you entered, greeting the person running the room before sitting down at the closest armchair to the door. You wanted to sit closest to the door so you could bring Chip out in case he got uncomfortable.
You had Chip sit perched on your lap while he watched with wide eyes at the couple in the center. He also occasionally looked over to the people on the side touching themselves while watching. You let him get comfortable for a while before enacting your plan.
While he watched, his eyes still trained on the sight in front of him, you started to trail your hand upwards to go underneath the skirt he was wearing. The pair of panties you had him wear were already straining because of how hard his cock was. Cupping him through his panties you began to stroke him through them, not yet taking him out of them, that was for later.
“No, you don’t get to make a noise, not yet.” You commanded quietly when he opened his mouth out to moan after you had been stroking him for a while. He looked down at you with glistening eyes begging you to let him do something. You tugged his leash with your free hand to bring his face down to yours, “You can grind your hips on your thigh if you want to, but nothing else. You’ve got to earn more than that baby boy.”
He looked like he wanted to protest, but decided instead to take what he was given. Notching one of your thighs right between his you then began to stroke him again. He then began to grind down onto your thigh, taking what little you had given and running with it.
He kept quiet as he rode your thigh, not willing to break your rules today, he wanted a reward. He was careful to not put too much pressure as he swiveled his hips, just enough to push him closer to the edge along with your hand stroking him. His eyes were still trained in front of him at the couple who had now switched positions to have the woman riding her partner. When he got close to the edge, his hips bucking harder against yours desperately you stopped moving your hand. You also grabbed his hips so he would stop grinding against you. When he dared to begin to protest you yanked his leash again, your lips so close they were practically touching.
“No you don’t get to cum yet, we’ve got so many more rooms to look at.” When you revealed your plan Chip whined indignantly, which got him a slap on his inner thigh, “Don’t complain or I won’t let you finish at all tonight. Be a good boy for me?”
He nodded while biting his lip, his hair mussed up from you running your hands through it and tugging just the way he liked it. You didn’t let him linger any longer in the room, getting up to leave the room and pulling Chip along with you. He had already looked intrigued every time you had both walked into a new room, wide eyed and curious to find another that he would enjoy.
In the next room Chip had chosen a man who was being edged by his dom, just like you were doing to him while he watched.
You took him into your mouth this time to edge him, pulling his panties down to free him, though you had him keep the skirt on. Then you took him as far back into your mouth as you could while he watched. You could tell he wanted to make noise while you brought him closer and closer again with your mouth. The man who was also being edged at the center of the room was getting the same treatment, except he was allowed to moan, which only made Chip’s job harder.
Just as you could feel him come closer to the edge once again you pulled off of him with a pop, “I think it’s time you paid some attention to me, baby boy.”
He squirmed underneath you, an unconscious movement from when you removed any stimulation. Though, you also suspected there was a hint of defiance as well because of how hard he squirmed. That made you put off when you would let him finish just a bit longer.
You finally pulled off the black dress you had been wearing all night revealing the black set you were wearing. The crotch less panties you had picked out were perfect for this. You had him get on his knees with a tug of the leash, in the exact same position you had been in earlier.
Yanking on the leash hard you pulled his face close to your dripping core. You hadn’t been unaffected by all the things you had seen and done so far tonight. He looked up at you, waiting for permission to surge forward to use his mouth on you and you freely gave it, “Go on- if you make me cum I might let you finish in the next room.”
That made him almost feral as he dove into your heat, not starting with small kitten licks and teasing. He parted your folds with his tongue, gathering all the wetness that had accumulated. Then dipping back down he began to circle the hole of your entrance a few times, then pushing it inside you while nudging his nose against your clit.
Instead of holding back your moans like you had made Chip do, you let them fall free along with most of the other people watching the man in the middle. It was hard to focus on the sight in front of you while also looking down at Chip who was fighting for your attention as hard as he could. His hands had even dared to leave his sides even though you hadn’t given him permission. He moved them to grip hard around your hips to pull you closer, if that was even possible.
“Mmm, I’ll let that slide since your mouth feels so-“ You didn’t finish your sentence as it morphed into a high pitched whine, a signal as to how close you were getting from Chip’s stimulating movements. When he started to suck on your clit, your hips tried to fight his hard grip, the stimulation almost too much. Still, you commanded him to do more with a gasp, “Put your fingers inside me!”
He followed your command perfectly, letting one of his hands move away from your hips so he could push two fingers inside you. Once he had worked them inside you, he curled them to hit at the perfect spot. That combined with his lips wrapped around your clit triggered your orgasm swiftly. You praised him as well as you could through your moans, your grip also loosening on the leash a bit as your orgasm flowed through you.
“Good boy.” You praised again, this time more coherently after you had ridden out your devastating orgasm. His cheeks were covered in your arousal, glistening in the darker lighting of the room. Bringing him in for a long passionate kiss was to show your appreciation, but to also taste yourself on his tongue. When you separated from him you gave him something he had been waiting for all night, “In the next room we choose, I’ll let you cum as many times as you want.”
He almost bolted out of the room at that, though he stopped himself, waiting for you to lead him out with his leash.
“The collar isn’t too tight? And- you're still feeling good?” You checked in with him while you walked to the next room.
“Yes!” Any nervousness had vanished by now, plus he was chipper at the prospect of being able to cum. Giving him a kiss on his lips at his response made him blush, even though it was much more chaste than any others you had shared tonight. You always knew how to make him a little bit embarrassed, just enough to make him excited.
The next room we stopped in wasn’t suited to our liking as it had a girl suspended off the floor. Chip had seemed intrigued at first by it, but ultimately decided that it wasn’t his taste.
“What’s in that last room?” He had asked, intrigued by the last room in the hall.
“Why don’t I open the door and show you? It might be a little much for tonight, but if you want, we can go in.”
He nodded eagerly at that, prompting you to open the door to the room. You had been in this room multiple times when coming here previously, it was one of your favorite rooms.
At every party this one was the same, no one was just simply watching in this one. Everyone was touching each other, no couple strictly in the center for everyone to watch while playing with themselves.
It looked like utter chaos to anyone who was new, in your opinion that was one of the best parts. They even had three people in the room to see through the chaos, the only people just watching, to make sure everything was ok.
“I want to go in.” He hadn’t even waited for you to ask before he voiced his opinion. A bright smile made its way onto both of your faces out of excitement. You had him read all of the hard limits and rules of this particular room before you nudged him forward through the door frame, letting him lead for once tonight.
It was hard to focus on what was happening around you, everyone was really touching everyone, only a few groups splitting off to pleasure themselves.
When one of the couples trained eyes on you they beckoned you both to come closer. Chip unconsciously moved forward without your leash tugging him to do so. You side eyed him a little when he did so, he did stop his movements, waiting for you to tell him what to do. You turned so you were standing in front of him, blocking his view of the couple who were now eagerly waiting to see if you two would join them.
Tugging on his leash a little made him stumble forward a bit in surprise. Now that he was closer to you, you leant forward to ask with a whisper in his ear, “Do you want to stay in this room, baby boy?” Grabbing his hair with one hand you then tilted his neck slightly to the side, nipping on it a little before then asking another question, “Do you want to get used in front of everybody baby? And- have other people use you?”
“Yes, Miss.”
With his whimpered confirmation you let your grip on him go giving him one more command before joining in with anyone, “I want you to cum as much as you want baby boy, it’s your reward. And- I’ll let you make as much noise as you want.”
Ask Me Anything
Tag lists (message me if you want to be added):
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @takeyourleap-of-faith (I thought it worked and then it didn’t 😡)
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics @jareauswifey
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