#not canonly but- i genuinely don't care
Derek is a short king.
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orengejoshi · 25 days
I can not believe im asking you this but I saw a post about flug having eggs or something? Is that like mpreg? I kinda know what it means bc I've seen sans au x sans au before. But whats with the eggs? Im not offending you its just idk that much in mpreg and i also don't draw any of it. (This is not to offend anyone im just curious.)(also love how you draw flug Hes my favorite character.)
Haha yeah it kinda is! I made a few arts this year where Flug takes care of eggs.
Don't worry you're just curious, that's cool💛 I don't feel offended
there's no other thing I get as many requests for as for mpreg with Flug so I feel like it's a good time to say:
I know it's called mpreg in fandom terms, but I for one don't even think of it as that inherently suggestive trope; I genuinely just think it's cute and silly. pregnancy is a beautiful thing in my eyes, and not a kink for me personally. there's no issue with it, but I'm saying that's just not my motivation. I headcanon Flug is a transman who still wishes for an own baby, like me. it's kinda coping for me to draw Flug going thru smth I wish for irl as well. I relate to him bc he's taken on such a good parent role for 505
this reasoning is gonna be super rare, most people who enjoy/draw this explicitly do NOT want children irl. idk why others draw it tbh... but this is just me.
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so the reason I usually always choose eggs is bc I mostly draw the paperhat ship... and since Black Hat seems to have more reptile or insect features I figured his offspring would probably grow in eggs instead of live. he's basically an alien, right
you can canonly have Black Hat's offspring! in the old orientation video on youtube "Los casos perdidos del futuro" exactly at minute 7, Demencia hints to the fact that by drinking his saliva you can have his spawn.
they never actually showed anyone doing that but I'm just assuming they'll come in eggs.
his spawn does not look like this^, Alan has drawn it in a livestream; it's just an eldritch clump of eyes, teeth and tentacles on the floor. in reality Black Hat is the only one of his species and he's unable to create another independent sentient creature like him.
so I drew what I imagine them looking like if he could (a lot of people asked for that anyway)
Thank you for loving my art💜
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robin33r · 5 months
Uhh warning this gets p detail-e
Warning for just mainly getting in detail w abusive relationships
Tired of pretending saurtis / tauram would've been healthy ngl. They are fr eachothers nightmares in the best way possible "Sam's insane and looney" okay but idk if you realized it was TAURTIS who was unhinged first. HE encourages Sam's shenanigans too. He influences it so so much.
I've seen people say Sam took after Yuki by resorting his problems using violence however.. Taurtis even at the start of the series suggested violence even for sam to use violence to get love. He tells Sam that he should be doing "chop chop" to make Sookie love him and he even thought it was too far at the time. I feel like now that's partially influencing his behavior in the reboot and how he's spreading the ideals onto his friends just like how taurtis influenced him subtly.
Now this isn't saying taurtis doesn't care and is only tryna negatively influence Sam. Taurtis cares about Sam but they're both codependent and they both reflect off of eachother, however Sam's a LOT more dependent and reflects off of taurtis much more than he does to Sam. Sam physically needs taurtis, almost like a dog and it's owner.
Sam and taurtis both have normalized unhinged thoughts that for ANY normal person would find it intrusive. They've straight up bathed in eachothers blood fir fun and normalized it. To anyone who thinks their love would be gentle and romantic I HEAVILY doubt that realistically it'd be that. They'd be the triple C's, cannibalism, confinement, and codepdency. They'd hurt eachother for the ballistic fun of it and ngl I even forget how often those two fight or hit eachother. They'd probably even carve out little shapes off if eachother even if it's immature, why? Because they can! There's no "gentle talking" with them, it's straight to the point and sometimes even mockery, if it isn't it's stern. They both love so roughly they almost *cant* be gentle, neither of them wanted to be either, they're just there for the fun and sake of it. Taurtis can be just as sadistic if not MORE sadistic than Sam sometimes even and ngl it's such an underrated thought of how much of a little shit he is.
Sam copied so much of previous behaviors from Yuki and Taurtis and it's so funny to me how the impact is so obviously hard. Sam would give taurtis EVERYTHING if jt meant to be with him, dead or alive. That desire could even probably lead Sam into grabbing his dead body and finding ways to bring it back alive/delude himself into believing the body. Most of the time he was unstable it was because of taurtis not being there and he's canonly always uneasy without taurtis, in which this could DEFINITELY Influence his behavior in the reboot.
The way he acts in the reboot is definitely twisted as ro how he normally acts without taurtis or when he's seemingly unstable and he pushes those ideals onto coolment and sometimes even owl. He's physically unable to handle himself holding the memories of what he had with taurtis yet not having him around. The absolute pain kf losing your favorite person and then having tk restart at the same place where hell went down and when things went down. Good lord only knows he probably hallucinates taurtis ' voice
This is a bit of a stretch but because of how little those two take eachothers mental health, injuries and pain seriously I'd even argue that hell maybe they'd even encourage ut and/or do it together or just laugh awkwardly st it. At MOST is the fact that taurtis did seem genuinely concerned at Sam's alcoholism but I don't know. This is just a huge stretch but god I love saurtis/tauram I sure wish toxic and doomed yaoi was real.
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krispdreemurr · 6 months
What do you think is Kris' relationship with Ralsei? Kris seems to genuinely like and care for Susie, and we know they are old friends with Noelle, but the player doesn't get much clues to how they feel about Ralsei. I hope Kris can see Ralsei as a friend and Ralsei learns to value himself a bit more.
i think kris struggles with getting close to people they don't instantly Get. they and Susie are on the same wavelength, but they canonly have been weird around Noelle basically their entire lives to the point where she doubts the friendship. that hasn't prevented them from slowly getting closer, but it's clearly been a trickier process.
i imagine that's generally been the case, and in particular I suspect that Kris struggles to deal with figuring out genuine vs fake kindness. with what we know about their childhood where they did have their naivete taken advantage of (fuck you bratty), and with how they tense around big gestures of affection, I think it takes time before they can sort out "genuinely nice person" vs "person who is faking it to manipulate me/because they pity me/because they have to be around me/etc". their general low self image doesn't help.
so probably their closeness w family - and Asriel in particular - was a slow build thing. they know and trust Asriel to be genuinely kind to them and can rely on him.
and now Ralsei has come in and is acting in an affectionate caring slightly-coddling way, very much acting like a member of Kris' family, and Kris is bristling because they met him two days ago,,,
they don't Dislike Ralsei. but they need time and space to be able to be comfortable around someone who acts like he does, and they're not getting it. this isn't at all helped by the player who can make them give hugs and praise Ralsei and generally act like they're besties forever. Ralsei doesn't have bad intentions but he can't pick up on Kris' signals because 1) he barely knows people and 2) Kris is being kept from communicating, so he just keeps pressing on as Kris is like GIVE ME THREE SECONDS HERE
If kris were given room to communicate their needs, i think Ralsei would listen and understand; he's already grown past his weird early relationship with Susie, and he has the potential to be a great friend. just right now Kris doesn't know what to make of him and Ralsei understandably can't know what Kris is thinking
ill end with the note that my general headcanon for Kris tasting Ralsei Tea is that it tastes a lot like store bought hot chocolate packets made with water. it's okay, but it's not what you actually want to drink, no matter what people might claim.
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shadowuserannie · 1 month
KOTLC Miraculous AU (pt. 2)
Did not expect the people saying they would actually read it;
So fun fact, it's been a hot minute since I last reread KOTLC (well aware the graphic novel doesn't Really Really count). So now I'm making a list of Fitz character flaws that I want to use my narrative to punish him for, so that he can grow, in my AU.
Because Fitz isn't just the angry golden boy. He's someone who doesn't realize all this privilege is a privilege. The Vackers may fight for 'good' but they still largely benefited from the KOTLC system. Playing back into why Plagg is a good match for him-in canon, both Adrien and Keefe don't care about the status that being Mari/Sophie's boyfriend comes with. But Fitz does.
So Detruire is flirty towards Ladybug. Because who better to impress and benefit his status than the superheroine of Paris?
Then the attraction stops being superfluous. He gets a vibe check-from LB or Plagg, maybe both. Plagg has had too many holders to count, and too many who were angry but angry because of their low status in life because of where they were born/born into poverty. Fitz is angry because of his pressure and lack of freedom (in this AU)-which while is equally valid, means that Plagg will be able to vibe check Fitz's privilege. Will be able to question him, call him out, get him to realize the superfluous reasons why he chases Ladybug.
So that he falls in love with Sophie. The clumsy, funny, slightly awkward classmate who smiles just a little crooked and tugs on her eyelashes and isn't all-powerful, isn't all-seeing. Just Sophie.
(Not the perfect Ladybug. Not the perfect Moonlark.)
(fixing character issues ONE BY ONE)
wait but then see Sophie realize Fitz isn't perfect. She screams in Detruire's face that Ladybug isn't perfect, she's not perfect, it's not possible for anyone to be perfect and chasing such an ideal is stupid. See her realize her own hypocrisy. Let Ladybug watch as Detruire changes, stops flirting and gets more genuinely joking instead. Treating her as a real person and not something to attain. LB watches Detruire change, and she starts to fall for someone who has proven they can. Because Detruire listened, and Detruire is trying, and fuck SHE JUST GOT HIM TO QUIT FLIRTING WITH HER-
(extra torture when I reswap the square yay)
Also before you ask, no this is not going to be some kind of s5 swap. Idk when I'll insert this in, BUT IM DEFINITELY NOT GETTING STAMINA TO EVEN THINK OF THAT RN so it'll likely be earlier in the timeline
Rayni as Lila; I saw this in a reblog, AM ADOPTING!! (thanks @ohmygoly) I dislike extra salt and I like the tentative beginnings of Rayni's canon redemption, so let's see if I'll get there before SM either hits or misses in canon!
(also @tiana4evahh I have Plans with Dex and the Lila thing hahahaha hes one of my favs)
Biana as Kagami; BEFORE I GET SHOT. Remember that canonly badass Della will have to be Emilie Agreste. So while Fitz is homeschooled (and I already have a plot reason worked out why Della agrees) Biana Vacker is sent to multiple boarding schools from a young age. When she returns, she doesn't like Sophie trying to make moves ON !HER BROTHER!! So for a while, Sophie sees her as an enemy. (also that means no Kagami/Adrien will exist in this AT ALL JUST TO CLARIFY UTTERLY)
Biana eventually befriending Sophie despite disliking her at first. Biana seeing her brother's indecision and making HER MOVE. Short Sophie/Biana while Soph tries to get over her current thing for Detruire. Biana TELLING HER OWN BROTHER NOT TO HESITATE IM TAKING LUKANETTE AND MAKING IT KAGAMINETTE I DO WHAT I WANT
Btw yk how in canon Mari and Adrien don't question their powers? Sophie and Fitz are too nosy not to HAHA AND THEY START HUNTING DOWN THIS AU'S MASTER FU ALONG WITH HAWKY
Also side note that's kinda irrelevant; When Tam and Linh eventually come in when I finally figure out how to include them, assume they are either already adopted by Tiergan (this will be indicated by their last names being Alenefar and them being proudly introduced as such) or have yet to be adopted by Tiergan and thus the plotline will come later (not introducing themselves with last names)
(@tiana4evahh okay fine I won't scrap this, but I will likely make changes if I ever write in full ao3 fanfic form and not just bullet-pointed)
And finally! While I am taking suggestions for this AU, I'm not going to do stuff because one character in KOTLC matches one in MLB perfectly. That'd be boring. I put characters in slightly unexpected roles because I think the angle would be fun to explore and wouldn't be the same role, same character, same lines. This is adapting MLB's story and adapting KOTLC's characters. I'm not looking to make perfect comparisons and copies (hence my reasoning why Keefe is not the Chat Noir/love interest in pt 1) I'm trying to make a new story where everything is not a repeat of just one of the stories it's adapted from. Not just a copy of MLB but with different names. So please do not expect as such.
Go ahead and rag on me for repeating this too much, but I've always preferred story value and not surface comparisons, which is why I am trying to make this completely clear. I'm not going to make one KOTLC character be the exact same role they had in KOTLC. This is why I am exploring the temporary Sophie/Biana. If you tell me the roles don't perfectly match, then okay! Go create your own AU! (this is not sarcastic) I just don't want getting comments on the whole [but it's not the same thing] because it's not MEANT to be an exact match, and again, sorry for being repetitive. I may include this on all posts of this AU until I finally start writing and fire spoilers.
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fandoms-x-reader · 26 days
Feel so much of that! Tsundere are nice, if you're into them. I need someone to tell me "Hey, I like you" so I know they don't hate me. And we all know if we only kiss one of the brothers, that one will have the worst punishments waiting once they all get home and don't have to play nice for MC.
My faves are Levi and Belphie. Because I love manga and games and merch, and hate leaving my room if I don't have to. And he treats his goldfish right, boy did his research what the fish needs! And while Belphie does have a rocky start, it's not like he has no reason. He saw one member of his family die due to humans influence on them. Is he supposed to sit by and wait for it to happen again? The lectures I wanted to hold Lucifer and Diavolo... Anyway, and this is probably my bad trait: I like Yanderes. And Belphie is canonly one so...
When I first started I was so convinced I'd dislike Asmo. Because, Avatar of Lust, and how media likes to portray that. I was so convinced he'd be lewd and make constant NSFW jokes or try that with MC. But no! He's one of the most respectful, and kind and caring. And next to Mammon the only one who never really tried to harm MC.
Yeah 😂
Levi and Belphie are excellent choices 🥰
Even I did that with Asmo at first honestly. I feel like as the Avatar of Lust it's so easy to be discouraged from him and while he can be pushy at times, he has such a sweet side and genuinely just wants to love MC and be loved by MC.
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zurajanaizurakoda · 9 months
So, I decided to write the Katsura side of Big Spoon, wrote like 8k words in one day, and then crashed.
A week later I had a discussion where I realized I was sleeping on Katsura's unhoused period. Like, the onigiri thing is probably food insecurity, right? That fucks you up as a kid. He must have been using his own resources to make food, even as a poor orphan, because he knew what it was like to starve and have no one care enough to feed you, and he does it without prompting because he's got his pride and it's humiliating as shit to beg for food so he wants people to have the food without having to ask. And of course Gintoki the corpse robber would pick up on that shit immediately and understand "hey, this kid's seen some shit."
and I wrote this sequence, and I didn't like it, and I crashed again and stopped writing. I think it's interesting, though, I don't know how unhoused people were treated in ye olde Japan so it's more based on modern outlooks and prejudices, but it encapsulates what I think about that period of his life. Vaguely Ginzura, but they're kids so it's nothing really. And canonly his classmates did complain he reeked of poverty.
One last thing animals seek warmth do you think he ever woke up with random strays curled on him on cold mornings. Do you think that's part of why he likes them so much FEEL SAD ABOUT BLORBO
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If you think about it his obsession with the umai sticks could also be food insecurity
One day Gintoki sat down next to him out of nowhere when he was resting by himself on a log far behind the school, just thinking.  It was a favorite pastime of his, and normally he would be annoyed with the company, but Gintoki was Gintoki and you couldn’t expect him to behave like other people.  The other boy just flopped down like he’d been specifically summoned and pulled out a parcel wrapped in bamboo leaves.  He untied the string around it to reveal two onigiri, offering one without comment.  Katsura looked down at it, and then back up at the boy.  “What is this?”
“Onigiri, with plums.  You like those, right?” he asked without making eye contact.  “I don’t like plums.  You eat this one.”  He shoved half of the other one in his mouth messily.  “Don’t worry, there’s nothing weird in them or anything.  We just got them from the lady next door.”  He shoved the onigiri roughly in the other boy’s direction.  Katsura looked at it again without taking it, and Gintoki sighed.  He looked down like he was trying to gather courage, or maybe just keep from losing his temper.  “You were homeless, right?  When you were young.  One of the other boys was laughing about it.  How was it?”
Katsura considered the question and the boy asking it.  He was no stranger to being ridiculed about his life situations, but somehow he felt like Gintoki was being sincere.  He knew enough about Gintoki’s past to understand that the silver haired boy’s life had been much worse than his own. It wasn’t something he was fond of talking about, but it was more out of a sense of privacy than shame.  It wasn’t something other people readily understood, they responded with disgust or sympathy and Katsura wanted neither of those things.  With Gintoki, however, he felt like there would be genuine understanding.  He stared straight ahead and explained like he was reciting an old tale: “I lived with my grandmother, out by the graveyard.  There was a bamboo grove nearby where people threw trash, and we stayed there most of the time. People didn’t care about it so no one made us leave.  For a while there were tatami mats thrown out by a local restaurant, and we slept on those.  I always associate the smell of sesame oil with the bamboo grove.  Other times we slept on the ground.” He stared down at his feet, and felt warm.  They were difficult times, but he hadn’t been unhappy.  He’d had his grandma, and they had visited his parents every day.  He’d had people he cared about to talk to.  “Sometimes there were other people or families, but if there got to be too many of us together the authorities would run everyone out.”  Gintoki nodded without comment.  “I didn’t mind living there, though, there was a river nearby that we could wash at.  It wasn’t so bad.  Not like it was with you.”
“The town burned the tatami mats because you were sleeping on them, didn’t they?  It was unhygienic, they probably said.”
“How did you-”  Katsura stopped.  Of course he knew, he’d lived the same way.  “Yes they did.  I had a few books I’d left behind and they burned those too.  You had to keep things with you if you wanted to keep them.  Books were so hard to get, too.”
“Where did you steal food from?”  Gintoki asked in the same bored voice.
“We never stole!”  Katsura replied, eyes wide.  “I would never!  It goes against bushido!  I could never!”  He was surprised that Gintoki would even suggest it.  Had he given the impression of having such loose morals?
“Whatever.  Bushido is bullshit when you’re hungry.”  Gintoki said with a frown.  “What did you eat?”
“We… we got food from some of the local houses, or sometimes from a nearby temple.”  Katsura explained.  “There was a monk who would give me buns if I recited scriptures.  Sometimes there were leftovers behind some of the restaurants.  Sometimes…”  he paused, remembering how shameful it was that they had fallen to such circumstances.  “Sometimes my grandmother would ask people for food.  She had always said that the head of the Katsura household shouldn’t be reduced to begging, but sometimes… she would.”
“Bet the restaurants dumped the food in the dirt to keep people out of them.”  Again, the other boy wasn’t wrong.  “What did you do when no one would help?”  Gintoki seemed even more angry, for some reason.
Katsura furrowed his brow.  It would be useless to deny that it happened, not with someone like Gintoki.  “We went to bed hungry sometimes.  It wasn’t uncommon.  Sometimes life is like that.”  Gintoki was silent, and he leaned forward.  “But there were a lot of good people.  Didn’t people give you food when you were homeless?”
“Hell no, people were assholes.  I was a demon, remember?  They’d throw stuff if they caught me hanging around.  I never asked anyway.  Why should I care?  They can live without a little.  I stole every day, and I’m as strong a samurai as you are now.”  he nudged the other boy.  “Did they throw things at you?”
“Not… very often.”  His hand went to a spot on the back of his head where there was a small ridge of scar that hair never quite grew back around.  He chose to see the good in people, but he would never forget that there was bad.
“But they did, right?  They called you names?  Ran you out like you were stinking up the place?”  
“Sometimes, Gintoki, but most people were nice.  And when they weren’t… it was okay.”  Okay was perhaps a bit of a stretch, but he’d long since made peace with those days.
“It wasn’t okay, Zura, and you shouldn’t have starved.  You should have taken what you needed, and when people called you things, you should have called them things right back.  When people hurt you, you should hurt them back.  You shouldn’t have to have someone else get angry for you.”
“It’s not Zura, it’s Katsura, and that’s not how a general should behave. How I behave reflects on more than just me.”
“That’s stupid, and you’re stupid.”  Gintoki replied in a huff.  “That’s why you’re always getting picked on.  You should fight.”  
Katsura looked down at his feet again, and this time he felt a little lost.  He didn’t need Gintoki’s support in the matter, but it was something that he would have liked to have had.  He felt strangely alone, knowing the other boy disagreed with him.  “We deal with things very differently, Gintoki,” he finally said.
There was a long pause.  “You need to take care of yourself, you won’t always have friends…"
"I've spent a lot of my life without friends, I don't need you to tell me I won't have them.  I'm okay on my own."  Katsura didn’t even try to keep the bitterness out of his voice.
"That's not what I meant," Gintoki protested, and he genuinely sounded a little hurt.  "I meant you need to stick up for yourself. I know you’re strong enough to do it.  I bet even Sensei would look the other way.”
“It’s not something I’m interested in doing.”
“Fine.  Look, getting bullied is one thing…”  Gintoki said, and then dropped his head back between his shoulders as if making a decision.  “But being hungry is something else.  If you’re hungry, come to me.  You don’t have to steal if you come to me.  I’ll get you food, I promise.  So don’t let yourself starve.”
Katsura turned, “why are you-”
“-It’s because you know what it’s like to be hungry.  That’s why you do the onigiri thing.  Because you know what it’s like to go to bed hungry and wake up hungry.  People tease you because they think you’re such a crybaby, but it’s because you’ve known what it’s like.  Those jerks think hunger is missing lunch, they’ve never chewed on scraps of leather just to have something in your mouth.  They don’t get when you’re trying to trick your stomach into thinking it’s eating because you know there’s no food today.  You don’t have to worry about what they say because you’ve been there and they haven’t.  That’s why you’re stronger than they are, Zura.  That’s why you should fight and not worry about being proper.  You’re better than them.”
"Sometimes I would chew on twigs, just to have the taste of something in my mouth."  Gintoki nodded encouragingly.  "But I don't let people bully me because I think they're stronger than me.  I know I'm stronger than them, that's why I should be the one who shows restraint."
"I still think it's stupid," Gintoki muttered, but then he smiled.  "But I guess if you're too stubborn to fight back, that's better than being too mopey to fight back.  You're weird as hell, but you're not weak."  He reached over and tucked a stray strand of hair behind the other boy's ear.  It seemed natural, but after a second Gintoki flushed slightly and slapped his shoulder.  "Your hair is stupid, too."  He crossed his arms, looking straight ahead.
There was a long silence, and then Katsura hesitantly reached for his hand.  “Before Sensei found you…”
“I don’t remember,”  Gintoki returned, looking away and picking his nose.
“You at least remember what it’s like to starve.”  Katsura pressed.
“-And someday I won’t.  I’ll forget everything bad that ever happened to me.  I probably won’t remember this conversation next week.  I definitely won’t remember the onigiri.  There’s nothing you can do about the past.  Someday we may not be friends anymore, and maybe I’ll forget all together that there ever was a mopey kid named Kotarou Zura.  But while we’re here, I won’t let them hurt you, and I won’t let you starve.  You're my friend.”
Katsura’s hands clenched on Gintoki’s hand on the trunk beside him.  “I’ll never forget you, Gintoki.  You’ll never be alone again, because you’ll always have me.  Even if we move on, and even if you forget me, I’ll always remember you.”
Gintokii chuckled.  “You stupid sap,” he said affectionately, smacking the back of his head.  “You’ll find someone else’s wife and you’ll have a dozen kids and do wherever the hell generals do.  You’ll be someone too important to worry about little demons.”
“Even then, I won’t forget, I promise.”  Gintoki just looked away, but in that moment, Katsura made a promise to himself.  As long as he was alive, there would be at least one person who believed that Gintoki Sakata was a good person.  One person who knew.
He heard yelling from over the hill.  “And that’s my cue to leave!”  Gintoki called lightly, slipping off the log.  “I’d get out of sight, just in case.  And eat the onigiri, they can’t pin anything on you once the evidence is gone!”
“Did… did you steal these?!” Katsura screamed in disbelief.
“Outta the way, Zura!”  Gintoki yelled, escaping in a flash.  Katsura blinked a few times in shock, then hid under a bush as the other kids rounded the hilltop.
“Gintoki went this way, right?”
“-He punched Ito out cold!  One blow!”
“Sensei is so gonna kill him!”
“It was like they were laughing like always, and then Ito said one thing about Katsura and he flipped!  I didn’t think they were even that good of friends!”
“Boys, boys!”  Sensei called.  “Fighting is bad, but gossiping doesn’t help!  Gintoki will receive the punishment owed to him, so why don’t you all just wait back at the dojo?”  Sensei stopped a little too close to the bush Katsura was hiding behind for it to be accidental.  “And we can all see this as a lesson, right?  The circumstances of Katsura’s birth are nothing to laugh at.  Neither, I think, are Gintoki’s.”  He led the group off in the other direction.
Katsura looked at the onigiri in his hands like it was a bloody knife.  In all his years, he’d never stolen anything.  If he’d found a wallet on the ground, it would never occur to him to check it for money before he turned it in to authorities.  It went against the fiber of his being.  Gintoki must have realized that… but it was a gift from Gintoki, and it wasn’t like he could give it back without admitting his complicity in things…
Corruption tasted surprisingly good.
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maochira · 2 years
Shouei Barou as your big brother
OKAY SO. I know Barou canonly has 2 younger sisters. BUT… Yeah honestly I just wanted to be self indulgent and write some sibling!reader insert with Barou.
Tags: gn!reader, fluff? I don't really know, Barou being Barou aka he gets a little mean sometimes
I'm not joking when I say Barou made me realize I have a big brother complex and I talked to my therapist about it.
Requests are open, by the way!
-having Barou as your big brother means he's your best friend and your biggest bully at the same time
-but to be fair, you're both his best friend and his biggest bully as well
-Barou is protective of you. Not overprotective, he has the perfect amount of it
-he's allowed to bully you but if anyone else did it he would threaten to beat them up (okay, maybe he's a little bit overprotective)
-Barou calls himself the King on the field. But who came up with that nickname? You! As kids you probably watched him play a soccer match and were so amazed by it, you told him it was as if he was the king on the field. And that stuck with him
-Barou would definitely not tell anyone why he calls himself King in case he is asked. He keeps that to himself
-we all know Barou is very strict about cleaning and keeping order in stuff. So whenever your room is messy he keeps bugging you to clean it. Whenever you don't, he ends up doing it
-this can end in two ways. Either you're very thankful, or you're mad at him for putting stuff into the wrong places. There's no in-between. But even if it ends up in the second way, a part of you will always be grateful for your big brother helping you <3
-but oh god. Don't clean together with him. He will get mad if you're too slow or if you're, in his opinion, not doing it right
-in general, Barou can be easy to irritate and you like to tease him with that. But be careful, because if you overdo it he will genuinely be mad and probably yell at you. Although, you think it's funny
-of course, he likes to do the same to you. But Barou can get too mean with his words and will hurt your feelings every once in a while
-whenever that happens, you hide in your room and refuse to talk for a couple hours
-Barou feels bad about it. After all, he's your big brother and he should protect, not hurt his little sibling
-he will find a way to apologize, sometimes with words and sometimes with little gifts or acts of service (getting you your favorite drink or food, buying you supplies you need for school or a hobby, etc.)
-you're so proud of him when he gets invited to Blue Lock, but you miss him every single day. I mean, who else will now make fun of you for organizing your desk in a specific way or the tiny (and not so tiny) messes in your room?
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likemosaic · 6 months
yotsuyu & canon interactions with zenos re: generally and what squeenix gives us. mentions of sex trafficking, suicide, and stormblood spoilers.
yotsuyu's experiences with men have all been capital b Bad. her parents died, her adoptive father was awful and sold her into sexual slavery, her brother tormented her seemingly for pure pleasure, and even men who promised to love her and take care of her and take her away from the brothel only wanted to use her--and yotsuyu knew it, so she took advantage of their kindness the same way they took advantage of her. being born beautiful was the worst thing in yotsuyu's life and after so many years of that being her only trait, yotsuyu doesn't know how to interact with a man outside of: 1) fawn on someone more powerful than her (zenos) or 2) torture someone weaker than her (doman citizens). it's why hien puts her into such a spitting rage: not only has his life seemingly been perfect and beautiful from her pov, but she's viscerally reminded that if she's not the viceroy and zenos has disavowed her, hien becomes above her, so to speak--and she's forced back into the fawning, simpering charade of ineptitude. and as evidenced by doma castle's destruction, yotsuyu would rather die than have that happen again.
by the time of stormblood, zenos is the only man yotsuyu has to "perform" this submissive fawning doman stereotype thing for as we briefly see in their cutscenes together, and even then...depending on the zenos i'm writing alongside, it really doesn't make a difference in his treatment of her. and canonly, in the end, he still discarded her without a second thought like an old toy once the WOL comes around. he was never really...dishonest with her? like he never promised her anything, and in a way, that was kinder than lying about affection or anything else. cruel to be kind etc.
but despite his flat out bluntness with her, she doesn't know how else to approach him, other than trying to manipulate him again and again! because powerful man trauma! and i don't think she can really process someone who doesn't fall into the "above me" or "beneath me" category. they seem like they would have a "powerful man and his beautiful mistress" dynamic and that's what yotsuyu expects and dreads....and then their dynamic DOESNT fit into that archetype, which perplexes her. it's actually incredibly kind of zenos to essentially let yotsuyu run amok in doma and get her vengeance without him breathing down her neck, even if its for a deeper more manipulative purpose.
so in the tsukiyomi trial, of course it makes sense that zenos comes to her at the final stage of "her life"; in the end, he was never really her lover, or even her friend or equal, but a means to an end: once for power, and in the tsukiyomi trial, as a means for suicide. and gosetsu following him immediately is really symbolic, because here's a man who didn't use her for ANYTHING, not for sex, not for doman oppression to find his perfect prey, he just wanted to be good to her and care for her...the first time anyone has ever done that for yotsuyu, ever. it shows that even zenos' "kindness" pales in comparison to someone who genuinely cares for her, and then that plays into his character in endwalker.....but that's a whole 'nother meta.
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domesticated-whores · 4 months
list of reasons why i kin angel dust
absolutely nobody asked or cares, and it absolutely goes into headcanon & projecting territory, but it's my void and i can scream into it how i please, so--
also, tiny note, i am loose and casual with kinning. i'm just saying heavily relate to the point that i can easily see myself parallel that character.
gay femboy supremacy 💅💅
nice tits (his are fluff, i'm transmasc and am too fem to care to go into debt over physical transition... either way, we got soft titties)
wearing pleasers ✨️exclusively✨️ (i also wear demonias, but they're owned by pleasers)
earlier iterations of him were more genderfluid but he's now canonly a cis man, i use to think i was more genderfluid due to being super fem (presenting) sometimes and being just meh about my body but am now confident that i'm just a really genderqueer trans dude.
doesn't overly mind fem language, *sometimes* intentionally uses it. refers to self decently androgynously (alternating between "fem" and "masc" shit)
pet mama 💕
my cats are my babies, i'd die and kill for them, genuinely one of the only lights in my life
animal lover in general, honestly!! babes, they're so fucking cute!!
i also prefer fucking ugly/weird animals like farm animals, trash animals (possums, raccoons, etc), some reptiles, and spiders
spiders are my very favorite creatures, so yeah i fw the spider character
overworked at a shitty job that there's no real way out of
like, i didn't sell my soul ig but i live in a small area and don't drive, and my cats need food and a roof over their little baby noggins, so mama needs a job no matter the cost
also, TOXIC fucking work environment. not comparable to workplace abuse, but FUCK--
and i ✨️ain't doing that shit sober✨️ bbgirl, i DRINK because of that place.
((that's a half-truth, i don't go TO work drunk because i am not subtle, but the instant i'm out and have any money--))
i also work A LOT, honestly. icky, nasty, 'sgusting.
✨️inferiority complex and heavy masking✨️
feet are weird, i especially hate my own
don't touch my feet, don't look at my feet, if anyone's around imma be in socks or smth, feet are a hard no for me
let's 👏 talk 👏 kink 👏
into bdsm and generally kinky shit
✨️ SUPER sex positive ✨️
growing collection of ✨️toys✨️ that i'm becoming increasingly proud of
it's a part of life, so i really don't see any taboo in fucking??
willing to try almost ANYTHING if i stand to gain from it or just to see if i'm into it
✨️ switch ✨️
... or, alternatively DEGRADE ME
on the regular, i just want to feel safe and loved and lowkey spoiled--
but i also fuck HARD with the spicy stuff
honestly, hardcore things are more professional than intimate
((i don't do sw, but i am into kink in a very nerdy, special interest, academic type of way... fuck me so i can write an essay about the dynamics at play, daddy~!))
on that note,, ✨️ trauma ✨️
specifically, sa :)
sa that really changes how you see and use sex, and how you outwardly PRETEND to see and use sex
being manipulated by someone you cared about in some way
((luckily, mine was short-lived... only the aftermath was long-lasting))
there's also family trauma :)
the idea of going no contact--
i kin people that are no/low contact because FUCK~ it's a lovely concept. i personally can't for... reasons... but if i could
will make the cheap-shot sex joke
i vape only the fruitiest bullshit flavors and, like, rip angel you would have loved this straw-blueberry vape with this funky abstract art on it bby
that's just, like, off the top of my head. idk, idk. he's literally me. not on everything, but he's the character i've related to the hardest in a HOT SECOND.
also, love the fact that all of this is true but also valentino is my fucking all time favorite character and my pfp. like, i look at angel and am hit with most deep and profound sense of "this is a character a that i relate to and see myself in to an insane degree" and then i turn around and see his fucking abuser and, with my FULL fucking chest go "scrumbly wittle bpd princess man 💕, i wuvs him 💕, i couldn't fix him but i could break him and mold him into my little disaster housewife 💕" like a fucking insane person. it's fine, it's fine, their literally cartoons!! i'm delulu about drawings!! it's okay!!
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arttrampbelle · 7 months
villains have nuance.
There are layers to them.
Good,bad,noble,and absolutely despicable.
And if you wanna talk about how human a villain is. Especially if they are dark,tragic,and complex.
Then you need to talk about the characters positive traits as well as negative.
I tended to see this with some people be like this with frollo.
Ok so there is many media of him. But everyone is more familiar with the disney version. (My fave)
But even then all media,or at least some fans hot takes. Gets lost is translation of the main point of his character.
He is a victim of his own beliefs. Not nessicarly the religion. As the archdeacon is a kind man but is presumed catholic. But he doesn't do those things. So no,it's not the religion.
No frollo is a victim of a cycle of abuse. His mentors and potentially as a protege he was abused or instilled with legitimately the fear of god.
He lashes and takes it out on others because he has no real healthy outlet. He also more than likely would be not allowed or presumed by his own beliefs (more likely because again he was taught that by someone. Who? It's isn't said i believe but you can make something up. As this is a work of fiction after all) to enact in courtly love or gestures. And if he did,it would have to be away from public eyes but he feels the eyes of god and mary always on him. His neurosis and anxieties and fear got to him. (Again it's not that he isn't allowed per say. But he feels judged. Ironically he is also too....a judge. But that aside. He could participate in courtly love....if he got over himself)
He feels potentially the people needed a firm hand because he felt that way worked for him (it did not) this also is apparent in his relationship with quasimodo.
However there is things that he showed that is noble or kind. He always made sure quasimodo was fed,bathed,cared for. And only lashed out when he was angry or felt like he was being judged himself. His obvious decline in mental health and fortitude suffered really. Thus showing his darkest side.
(And if dude just jacked off we wouldn't be in this problem)
But even through it all. Frollo knew,he knew what he felt wasn't good. He didn't think he wa sin the wrong. But he didn't feel himself right either. And prayed god would forgive him for what he felt he must do (frollo you really didn't need to do that my dude).
Again going by my lovely knowledge and love of villains.
He got his comeuppance anyways. At least in the disney version.
So for others to add more context,their own hcs,or to play with the narrative a bit. Is fine to me.
1. He's fictional. He ain't real. And we aint talkin bout irl people. (I know there are some people out here like that,but he's not real. And people need to understand that and know it's ok.)
2. He canonly got karma for his deeds. (And it was beautiful!)
3. People are allowed to explore and Express themselves. (Especially when it comes to art. Not all art is fucking rainbows. Sometimes we like to explore the dark and macabre)
4. Even for those who wanna explore and enjoy things i personally do not agree with about the characters. (I.e certain ships,hcs,etc) i still find it fascinating to see what people come up with. And to each their own. ♡
And if you have a problem with people like myself or others genuinely exploring a dark tragic villain character and adding more or explaining said nuance and complexities.
Then you don't need to look, It's as simple as that. You cultivate your own online experience. So yeah.
I know some find him squick(rightfully so) but i find him fascinating(and the late tony jay voice absolutely delicious. R.i.p).
I love judge claude frollo. And for fellow frollo enjoyers,i enjoy your work too. ♡
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
Hey, so a few notes for these ppl based off memories.
Please don't take anything 100% personal, this is just based off my memories and just a few notes I wanted to leave. Please stay safe out there guys. 🫶
Toby: god I miss you more than anything. You where my BEST friend. If I could bring anyone here it's you. You where my best friend then and I'm like 90% sure you would be my best friend now. I wish I could show you how much I care for you really.
I'm like also 90% sure we had a qpr thing going on but that's something different lmao.
But, I'm extremely proud of you. You where a brave man even with the trauma. I couldn't be less proud of you.
Ben: You were pretty close up there with Toby minus the qpr thing. You where BASICALLY my brother from a diff mother. You where the bitchy kind, yes, but you where special to me none-the-less. I hope youre doing good now man.
Also, thanks for letting me play a few games with you and win lmao. (I cheated fyi)
Nina: despite what the fandom says, you & I where like siblings. We both hated Jane but at the same time you would chase me around with the same hatred lmao.
I don't know if it's the same for ANY Nina fictionkins, but I do remember you & e.j having a kid (also canonly) and she really did take after your personality lol.
E.j: it was either you or l.j that I remember having a father son bond with. Can't 100% remember but I do remember us having a pretty good bond. You where an amazing friend and I can't be more thankful for our friendship.
Liu: I have mixed feelings about you. I miss you, but at the same time I want to rip your face off. I'm sorry for everything I've done, but at the same time I'm not. I'm not sorry for killing our parents. It was either me dying or them. And I chose them.
For dragging you in, I have no idea why. I guess the blood lust just fogged my head up.
I'm sorry for hurting you, but I'm not sorry for killing our parents.
Nurse Ann: I don't know much about you or your backstory, but I remember you being more of a mother than my own mother ever was. And that I thank you for.
I wish I knew more about you, but I genuinely don't. But I do remember you always scolding me like a mom and taking care of me, especially when I was around 13-17. And thank you for that.
Sally: I don't know much about you in my memories, but I remember that look you gave me when if first came. That was such a sad look.
I can't describe it well but it was like an empty stare, as if nothing phased you anymore.
I wish you're doing better now. You deserved the world kid.
This is all I remember at this moment, so I'm sorry if anyone else who isn't on here isn't on here. I'm sure I'll remember you in time. For now, stay safe and live life to the best.
-Jeff the killer fictionkin #⚠️👁❌
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xxtha-blog · 2 years
Fanon Dreamtale Tropes: Dream Tries a Negative Apple
One of my least favourite Dreamtale storylines that the fandom likes to drop randomly into their stories is having Dream try to eat a negative apple after Nightmare corrupts.
I don't really care that it's not canon or couldn't happen canonly, forget that for now, what I care about is how horrifically detrimental to a story it is. Like we do know what that implies, right? We can understand the gravity of that decision? How absolutely asinine it is for basically any character ever?
If it occurs after Nightmare corrupts, most stories, even super fanon ones, have already set up three things:
1. Dream knows about the corruption
2. Dream has a single positive apple
3. Dream is protecting that positive apple because it's the last one
If these are true, and you either make your Dream try or imply your Dream tried to eat a negative apple (regardless of it succeeds) you have just told the audience the following things about the character:
1. Dream is so self absorbed and selfish he'd rather the ENTIRE MULTIVERSE suffer and die than literally ANY other option
2. Despite suicide being an alternative better option because at least then there is no risk of him also being alive to cause suffering or suffer alongside everyone, (even if the result is the same positivity dies), he STILL didn't choose that first.
3. His goal is not to help anyone, not to understand anyone, not help anything, but rather, it is to watch the entire multiverse crumble by giving Nightmare exactly what he wants as there is no other genuine explanation for what he could think would happen should he actually be able to eat that apple.
I don't think I can properly describe to you the magnitude of that decision. It's so unhelpful to anyone, including Dream, that only the most evil, sadistic, piece of shit character would ever even, for a second, consider it. Even villains, even the most disgustingly repulsive characters, who would murder someone without a second though, at least have the self interest to not want THEMSELVES to suffer too. They want to at least be able to enjoy the suffering they cause. This, on the other hand, not only comes with the ultimate eternal suffering for literally every other person in the multiverse, but also comes with the suffering of the person who ate the apple themselves. At that point you might as well hope you die, in which case, what was the point?
It's so mind bogglingly evil, so incomprehensibly self destructive, that I can't even give you a proper 'evil' comparison. It's like suicide murdering an entire multiverse into a slow and painful death, only you suffer the slow and painful death with them.
And stories in this fandom will just casually suggest this! "Oh, Dream was feeling bad and he said why not?" HUH? And often times they move on without another thought. Others will set their entire story up on this premise and still write Dream as some sympathetic maybe a little evil but mostly sad character, it just doesn't line up in the slightest.
Dream knows exactly what will happen if a story already established Nightmare corrupted. Dream has the last apple if he's currently a guardian and you've set up no alternative story to contradict that. I don't know why this fandom enjoys this trope so much, but I strongly implore people not to drop the suggestion Dream decided to turn off all brain cells and attempt to plunge the entire multiverse into a positivity-less hell where the only emotions anyone will ever experience ever again are those of negativity because he was feeling depressed. I also cannot stress enough that depression, anxiety, ptsd, you name the bad emotion, doesn't suddenly make someone the biggest piece of shit in the multiverse right next to Nightmare and it is not a motivation nor an excuse for this action.
You've immediately destroyed whatever semblance of a good character you were trying to write in the first place and turned him into Corrupted Nightmare 2.0 only this time, he did it on purpose. There's no amount of 'oh he was sad, oh he just really wanted to know, oh he was curious' that can explain the magnitude of sadomasochistic pure evil that would have to go behind it. It's character assassination to the highest degree, and I'm not talking about canon, it's character assassination for almost any Dream you were trying to write in the first place.
All this to say, it's definitely my least favourite Dreamtale Fanon trope people use in this fandom.
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catboymoments · 2 years
I don't like using Anon because I don't like hiding from the person I wanna ask a question to, but I'm low-key kinda scared to ask this question in fear of getting smited by god.
I've been following your blog for a little bit, and I really like your art style, and your stuff on AO3, I just had a curiosity that's been eating me up for a while, and I don't really know who else to ask. I personally don't ship Komahina, because it makes me uncomfortable and I don't really understand why people ship those two together. I was wondering if you could explain it to me? It's totally cool if you're not comfortable with that, I completely understand. Sorry to bug you.
Hi anon! Don’t worry, I don’t mind! Tumblr glitched and I lost what I was writing so I’ll try to condense my thoughts but expand on them beyond “HRGRHRGGRR THEM”
Nagito, despite his convoluted ways of thinking, is a very genuine person. He doesn’t lie, and he wears his heart on his sleeve. He canonly loves Hajime despite everything, but he still clings onto a system that does him no good that he uses to cope with trauma. But postgame, Hajime shatters this. He becomes a beacon of true, genuine, real hope, and makes his own future. Nagito’s world is turned upside down, and Hajime is neither Izuru nor the Hajime he used to be. He’s someone entirely new, and so is Nagito- despair changes you. The NWP changes you. Postgame, they can reach a middle ground of understanding- something Hajime has always wanted despite everything. Hajime cares deeply about Nagito- evident in his dialogue about his well-being in game, and he persisted to bring him out of his mind in 2.5 no matter what.
The thing I love about komahina I think is the prospect of healing. They’re kindred spirits. They’re so different and yet so similar, star crossed and they’ve only got each other. From an omnipotent standpoint, they’re narrative foils…. Thinking about the intimacy and sweetness as they understand each other and help each other grow and heal makes me smile and kick my legs…. Their relationship is complex and beautiful and I love it so much.
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tired-fandom-ndn · 2 years
Juicy details on why the white beard pirates hate?? If you want, I'm mean. I am entirely ambivalent towards them and in my limited One Piece bubble only see the occasional Marco stan but you always have such good takes 😌
I talked about this recently but I'll rehash it because I think about it CONSTANTLY.
The Whitebeards are predatory. Straight up. This is canon. Just basing Ace's "recruitment" (which is treated as TOTALLY NORMAL by all the Whitebeards), Whitebeard and his crew deliberately target young and vulnerable captains, basically cornering them to absorb those captains and their crews into the fleet.
They canonly captured Ace, who was as far as I remember injured with his crew under attack, and kept him hostage for at least a few months by my guess. He was not willing, he didn't go with them by choice, and he was actively trying to kill Whitebeard. And then he suddenly. . . isn't. He agrees to join the crew, calls Whitebeard pops, and then the Spade pirates are not only absorbed into the fleet, they're separated. We don't really see any of the Spades post-Whitebeard except Ace and Deuce; I don't even know if they were all allowed to stay, considering Whitebeard doesn't seem eager to have "daughters."
I know that the implication in canon is that Ace just ended up liking Whitebeard and his crew but. . . it's all just very weird to me. It feels like it would make just as much sense in a canon context for Ace to be fucking miserable and terrified, possibly without even realizing it. Whitebeard using Ace's issues with Roger especially feels manipulative to me, deliberately targeting the most vulnerable parts of Ace to convince him that the Whitebeard is the only one who would love him as he is (which is wrong!! Luffy adores him and always has!!!) and the only chance he has at a family (wrong again!!!! Luffy get your ass over here!!!!!!).
And again, Ace wasn't willing to stay on the ship without being kept prisoner. He wasn't allowed to leave, he definitely wasn't allowed to go find and protect his crew. So canonly speaking, joining the Whitebeard pirates was Ace's only chance to regain some measure of freedom and reunite with the other Spade pirates. You can't even argue that he was too much of a threat to Whitebeard to let go; he was a teenager going up against an emperor and clearly had no hope of ever actually touching Whitebeard, let alone injuring him. If they actually cared about Ace's opinion, they could've just fucking dropped him off on some random island instead of giving him Stockholm syndrome.
And, again, Ace's treatment was treated as so completely normal that there is no possible way to interpret it in any way except for this being something the Whitebeards do on a regular basis, which would explain how Whitebeard managed to grow his fleet to such an absurd size. It would make a lot of sense if most of his fleet joined and stayed specifically to be close to the captains that Whitebeard stole.
So yeah, while the Whitebeards are framed as a loving family, it would be just as valid to use the canon information to interpret them as highly manipulative kidnappers who steal promising young captains and absorb their crews. Maybe Whitebeard genuinely cares about them but doesn't notice or care how his actions affect them, maybe he's deliberately trying to get powerful captains under his flag to keep them from becoming threats to his power, or maybe (and this is my favorite interpretation) he collects young and interesting captains as a sort of novelty for himself and sees them more as leashed and muzzled pets than his children.
(This darker interpretation of the Whitebeards also gives his crew member's jolly roger tattoos a much more somber meaning. When you see Whitebeard as someone who steals and claims captains for himself, the tattoos seem less like a sign of affection and more like a brand of ownership. A full back tattoo of an emperor's jolly roger would be a very difficult thing to hide or remove if Whitebeard's precious Ace ever decided to leave. . . . . .)
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depressed-orca · 2 years
opinions on the inspector gadget cartoon?
1983: 10/10. I love the show with my wholehearted being, it's silly and light hearted whilst also having some seriousness to it. There are some moments that haven't aged too well- but besides that, in my opinion it's the best of the cartoons and it has a chokehold on me. Also the animation is phenomenal, and some parts are so smooth and fluid it makes me go feral. As a bonus; gadget may be oblivious to a lot of things but he's at least rather competent. Also the family dynamic is wonderful.
The 1983 claw and gadget designs are also the best.
Inspector Gadget's field trip: I've only seen a few episodes as my partner had about three on dvd and it was.. something. The overuse of sound affects did make it very amusing though!
Gadget and the Gadgetinis: absolutely mediocre and bad in some places especially how any competency Gadget had was thrown right out the window with the might of god. They dumbed him down so much. HOWEVER . Digit, Figit and Colonel Nosehair (it's NOZZAIRE!!) carried that show. Also think it's funny how Brain ran away and convinced Gadget he was dead- not to mention he's canonly gadget-phobic- (I had to do a double take because I thought for a moment they outright meant he was homophobic against gadget).
2015-18: I have no words for this one. I managed to subject myself to four episodes and I couldn't watch it anymore. I liked talon but that was it. I don't like how talon got the brunt of Dr.Claw's wrath especially considering he seemed to care more for his other nephew Billy. As evil as he is I genuinely don't think he'd abuse his nephew or family for that matter.
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