#not even my best friend. and i have tried to specifically state ‘woah my brain is being a little wacky this week 🤪’ like bro
sunnymarigolds · 2 years
i wish someone would just. realize that i feel like something is wrong with me lately. liek guys i’m not being normal compared to my usual self. please notice
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jiminrings · 4 years
hey hannah! hope you are doing great darling ( ˘ ³˘) ♡ i may have a request in mind, a university/college au with jock!jk and shy art major!yn or an olympics au? with olympic athlete!jk and olympic athlete!yn (you decide which sports!) thank you so much in advance ♡
never (k)not you
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pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 5k
glimpse: established relationship ft. jock!jk and shy art major!y/n, y/n gets an unexpected pep talk and jungkook doubts himself, and either so much tears or so much dUST according to kook
notes: baby ok FIRST OF ALL, i’m so sorry i only got to write this now :(( it’s been three months since you sent in this request bUT well it’s here now :D thank you so much for requesting and waiting!! i really hope ur still here or else i-i... will lose it
if you squint, best friend!tae is actually rich kid tae both from the art major drabble and insufferable!!
lunch with taehyung either makes the both of you the LOUDEST motherfuckers in the planet or it’s just comfortable silence
comfortable silence’s more common whenever the two of you are in public because to put it simply
he’s cold and you’re shy!! makes sense
but god just mention his girlfriend’s name oNCE and he’ll talk your ear off and you get genuinely excited when he is
he just needs to mention gouache for less than a second and you will genuinely freak
then suddenly the both of you are the chattiest beings ever and absolutely no one will yield until they get the final say
but this
this just feels weird...
because it’s lunch and you’re not talkative and the silence is most definitely not comfortable
you just know tae has something up his sleeve and will probably catch you off-
“are you and jungkook a thing?”
it’s never actually registered in your head that you and jungkook are a THING but absolutely no one knows
literally no one
not even the dust living underneath your bedframe!! or if guardian angels existed, then they’d probably be clueless as fuck
lol wait what was that cold gust of wind on ur arms
jungkook is the dreamiest man alive and he’s been your boyfriend for what?? two years now??
and the two of you, and more of him actually, insisted to keep it private
your relationship is none of anyone’s business and it uh.,. it literally seems to be that way because sometimes even yOU forget that you’re in a relationship
jungkook avoids you like the plague and you keep to yourself like you do with all your gouache
this dynamic of no one knowing has been so instilled in you that tae’s innocent (?) question is enough to make you spiral little by little
taehyung was just harboring an idea ok
because like two days ago when you went out with him and his girlfriend for ice cream, jungkook was there too by himself
and that just seems like pure coincidence
but then they dOn’t seem like coincidences anymore when he realizes on the same day how many classes he was in where you were in
and you don’t even have the same major!!!
or when he’s walking you home because your apartment is literally on the right side of his girlfriend’s (changbin’s on the left) and he’s taking every possibility he gets
but it just so happens that uh... jungkook’s always there from a distance? like when the two of you are walking and that guy just hAD to be there at the back??
goddamn it tae should’ve gotten his parents’ offer for personal security while he’s studying in campus :((
“woah woah wOAH what’s the matter?” you panic when he shoves you inside your apartment the moment you manage to open it
“this fucking jungkook guy is either stalking you or me and it’s starting to get on my nerves!!”
“... taehyung-“
and then he realized that oh... ok... i see
what if this guy has a crush on you??
but it didn’t make sense because why would this soccer guy (no offense) that’s a jock (no offense) who always either looks high with how giggly he is (no offense) or bereaved with how he scowls (no offense) could POSSIBLY like you???
you who’s the art major (no offense) with your clothes almost exactly like he is (no offense) that he has an inkling that either you were copying him or him copying you (no offense) and the shyness that you absolutely wouldn’t talk to anyone unless they go first and tHAT even became a tough cookie for him!! h i m
on another thought...
that does make sense
you and jungkook are more likely to be a couple than anyone else more alike to either of you, no offense :D
and the way now that you’re frozen and scoffing like ur voicing mater’s engine in cars
“w-what? FUCK no!!”
yeah that’s the spot
taehyung means this in full offense but you’d be absolutely bankrupt if ever you wanted to try your hand at poker when your tell is literally cussing in capital when you’re flustered
this is the equivalent of your mom leaving you by the line to the cashier at the grocery when she needs to get something and you’re next at the line and you have no money on you and you’re too hesitant to tell the person behind you to-
“why? are you thinking of asking him out?”
he hears you seethe and that’s only the second time he’s heard you actually do that so he may have straightened his posture a lil
you wouldn’t hold it against taehyung because jungkook is one fINE specimen and tae doesn’t stare from that description anyway
you just can’t help but feel a lil.....
because you know that jungkook is yours and when it comes to things like these, you can’t do anything about it
how could you??
fine... if taehyung tries to-
the fact that your friend has a gigantic palm for one doesn’t soothe the gears in your head
you’re positive that your brain actually shook inside your head for a split second
“i already have someone, dumbass.”
taehyung has to remind you again to which you immediately awe in remembrance, a sheepish smile on your face bc for a moment, you actually considered begging for tae to back the fuck off without making it seem you’re already with jungkook
he waves you off because you’re about to coo at him again, a small smile on his face because he wouldn’t forget how he’s so lucky
it’s nice to be in love!!
you should probably try it some time
but then again, taehyung’s starting to think that you’ve been in a longer relationship with jungkook than him in one, so he thinks that he should be the one taking notes from you
“can i, uhm, ask how did you know?”
you don’t mind swallowing your pride because you already know you can’t bullshit your way out of this one, a timid look on your lap
tae’s pride seems to swell up because his suspicion’s right just by oNE singular try
“because i’m rich kid kim :) don’t you know that?”
see now this is only one of the few times that he’d gladly take his title
rich kid kim was coined by the courtesy of changbin, his girlfriend’s friend :/
it just seemed to STICK on everyone else after then
changbin was the first to narrate his actions like he’s the lead star of a poorly-produced netflix film
what’s wrong with rich kid kim? is his greeting every time he crosses paths with changbin
he was just pissy that oNE time!! it was ONE time
taehyung thinks of the whole jungkook situation and relates it to him as much as possible because ya know,,, he is the main star and koo’s just a second lead
ok changbin’s netflix narrations are really rubbing off on him
“think of jeon jungkook as an elitist that everyone wants to be close with, and yet he actually looks like one of the good guys — like me — and he looks like he wants to shoot himself in the foot when he gets offered caviar oNE more time, and then you’re like uh, the comic relief???”
he spews his interpretation all in one breath effortlessly and you’re just blinking slowly to try and digest it all
it’s oddly too specific
hol up now why does it sound like he’s been actually waiting for you to ask him that
“a clowN?” is what you react first and tae can’t believe that that’s the only thing you picked up from his perfectly sound analogy
“uhhhh like a bartender? a waitress? someone that isn’t a socialite,” he shrugs as he tries to make amends, remembering that the last time he went to a rich kid kim party, no one was technically in pennywise shoes nor juggling bowling pins
“are you trying to insult me tae?”
yIKES are u gonna cry
“what?? no!! no!!” he launches from his seat as if he was falling and that catches him a couple of glances from rich kid kim loyalists (there’s a lot of things he’s unaware of), about to punch the floor if only their lord and savior didn’t take it in stride, “i’m not trying to insult you, but it’s how you take it, y’know?”
his nonchalance puts you on the edge even more, launching from your seat and uh you don’t exactly have any concerned fanbase there to worry for you
“so i sHOULD?? tae you’re basically saying that-”
alright that’s it
he needs to actually get through you this time because more often that not, you are so fucking stubborn that it beats him
he glares at you, eyes looking comically large and pissy as he’s stopped in the middle of slurping from his cup noodles to talk some sense into you
it feels like an eternity until he finishes his noodles and you were almost tempted to just eat the remaining portion to fasten his pace
“in rich kid kim terms, or reality y/n terms?”
you’re almost too scared to answer but you already do before you can even process, raising two fingers
and for a moment, you think tae’s actually gonna go easy on you!
whew you definitely aren’t prepared if-
“do you come out together by the main door? or from the back?”
your eyes are as large as they could possibly be and if you stay in that same shocked and taken-aback state, you’d need to look for those creams with how much your eyebrows and your forehead are creased
u-uh well now that i think about it-...” okay maybe you and jungkook don’t come into uni by any of the several hundred main entrances at all, but that doesn’t mean-
“does he hold your hand? carry your backpack? doesn’t matter if you have a dumbbell in there or not, does he carry it?” tae lists item after item, racking through his mind as these were also all the things he does, and all the things he’s picked up from everyone
“does he bring your water? lend his hoodie when you’re not even sniffling? pick a fight when someone even looks at you the wrong way? read something relatively romantic in english lit, then text you about it? brag about you to his friends? does he-...”
you are awfully too silent for even your nature
tae was blissfully obvious just two seconds ago when he was enumerating boyfriend traits (that he himself exhibited, excuse you) left and right
then he started to realize that you weren’t stuttering nor interjecting on the side
he’s :O when you’re standing up from your seat, straightening out your hoodie, one that isn’t jungkook’s, that you’ve been anxiously wrinkling for the past ten minutes
“excuse me, tae. i have uh.. i have a lot to think about.”
everything he’s said made a solid number on you because not even distracting yourself becomes successful
not even your mini fixation on gouache helped you because so far it really sucks
it’s become a routine of jungkook to come over to your apartment almost everyday that it practically feels he’s living with you
he knows where you keep your milk and how cold you want the AC to blast and how you organize your groceries
and yet jungkook can’t-
“koo do you love me?”
it’s a question that was sprung so suddenly because come to think of it, you’re knitting and jungkook’s head is buried in your thighs while he tries to take a nap
he doesn’t bother trying to figure out your thought process because it’s a question that’s so simple that it seemed trivial
jungkook’s a dream when he nods and hums to your thighs, making you tread your hands on his hair instead of your roll of yarn
“mhmmm. more than life itself.”
he loves loves you!!! he doesn’t even know why you’re asking
“okay,” you hum back, crouching down to press a kiss on his nape that he appreciates because he’s a little ticklish on that spot, “hold my hand tomorrow then.”
jungkook launches from his position on your thighs, sitting up immediately that it’s gotten him dizzy
“... w-what?”
oh boy here it goes
you don’t feel like dancing around this issue anymore because after all, you do have the right to stick your finger in this!!
he’s your boyfriend i mean like what’s not clicking
“it’s not that big of a deal, jungkook. it’s not like i asked you to propose to me or something.”
his eyes widen more at that, his cheeks puffing out and it makes you realize that taehyung was right and it dOES look like he’s hiding a goldfish in there sometimes
you try to bite back a laugh at that but jungkook is devoid from any entertainment at all, looking like you just asked him to pick between you and the universe
“you uh want me to propose??”
he has his hand awkwardly caressing his nape and his cheeks flush as he’s trying to process things
yeah he DOES love you and he’ll marry you eventually but you’re doing this now!!! as in now??
how’s your wedding gonna work? god, can the two of you decide on the menu for your reception? does this mean your aunts and his aunts would mee?? no no that could not possibly be-
“you don’t need to,” you sheepishly mumble and you’re not gonna deny that marrying jungkook did cross your mind every once in awhile
you aren’t against it but marriage is not the issue at hand!! it’s just about him hOLDING your hand tomorrow and not forever now
“so you don’t want me to?”
...... christ where is this going to
there’s palpable tension in the air and you just feel like giving up, sinking further into the couch and koo’s reading TOO much into it
what if you slouching on the couch means you’re breaking up with him and you wouldn’t marry him even if he was the last person alive
“if you aren’t ashamed of me, or if you don’t feel like dYING when i’m five feet away from you and your jock friends-“
“lovie i-“
your ringless hand raises and prompts him to shut up, palms a little sweaty and fingers tired from stress-knitting
“then hold my hand. tomorrow. please.”
okay fine then
last night wasn’t exactly the best experience because you felt a little too distant even if he was enveloping you into his arms
last night, kook didn’t even dare to try and press mischievous kisses from your jaw to your shoulder because you felt untouchable with how wringed you were
then he had breakfast by himself much earlier and had to practically sHAKE you awake to whisper that he’s gonna leave earlier because he has a plan, and then proceeds to tell you to act as if you didn’t know that he has a plan, then go back to sleep and forget altogether that this literal rude awakening even happened
if you ask him, he is wearing the most boyfriend fit ever in this entire universe
which is uh his regular outfit of a fit shirt and a cool-looking jacket with chunk boots thrown on top of it
hear him out ok
he’s wearing a bracelet
uh huh
a bracelet...... that has the iNITIAL of your name
yuh how romantic is that
man both hallmark and netflix must be bankrupt because of jeon jungkook!! he’s sure of it
he just knows
the big deal of it all is jungkook waiting for you by the stairs, bouncing on heels out of displaced nervous energy because he’s too jittery to just coolly lean against the wall
you’re tilting your head at the sight, a little lost but more on fond as he smiles squarely 
“y/n! it’s uh, it’s you! wow!!” 
he exclaims but not without tucking his hands into his pockets and non-discreetly looking around your surrounding before he deems it clear enough, which is what you still find useless for him to even do it!!
the whole point of this is to not care!!
he’s gingerly placing himself beside you and although it’s not exactly what you asked for, it makes you sigh a breath of relief because it’s been tOO long that you’ve been next to him in this public atmosphere
he’s not exactly far, but he isn’t exactly bumping shoulders with you either
there are some glances alright 
jungkook has a loose grip on you but you could fEEL how his hand is so sweaty
he’s just looking at the floor and he allows you to guide him because if not for you, he would’ve been bumping into both lockers and people non-stop
u actually have first period together but you typically sit rowS away but now he’s just sitting on the chair right above yours
he isn’t next to you but he’s literally above you, so maybe you’ll take it
you can’t exactly text taehyung how it’s going because he could see everything from where he’s seated at
this was supposed to be an enjoyable time :(
a nice, giggly, warm enjoyable time with jungkook
but being this unrestricted meant him being so rigid that quite frankly, you’ve grown sick and wary of it in less than an hour
you’re making your way to the library and jungkook’s sTILL following you when you were sure he wouldn’t have
and if you ask him, he doesn’t know either why he followed you
he jus did it without thinking even if it meant him taking quick steps behind you with his head down 
he doesn’t know why you’re here and he feels a little guilty that he should know it if this was already a part off your routine
but this time, jungkook can’t look at you because this time, you’re the one who’s unreachable
who kNOWS what your empty stare could possibly mean
“we don’t have to do this anymore, y’know.”
that’s the quickest way to conclude it, nodding to yourself surely
meanwhile, jungkook is a millisecond away from a goddamn mELTDOWN
“w-what do you mean?”
“this!” you genuinely chuckle and even wiggle your hands around to make a point
he swears to god rn that he is gonna BLUBBER
“a-are you breaking up with me right now?”
his voice is already cracking and it reminds him that oh, yeah, the two of you are in the library and he’s about to cRY
you’re gasping when you take his trembling hand and jungkook wants to snatch it back and beg you to hold it tighter at the same time
oh no :-)
“it’s okay. i don’t mind anymore. and what, we’re gonna graduate like a year from now! doesn’t matter anymore.”
but wait it SHOULD matter
he’s gonna cry oh god oh god he’s gonna-
“you don’t need to change for me.”
so that’s what
jungkook cries and it’s from relief that no, you aren’t breaking up with him
“o-okay,” he nods as he wipes his own tears that are blurring his vision and there’s sO much that he actually worries if it would budge his contacts
he just wants a hug from you to console him like you always do
but instead, you look around, settle on tapping his chin, then standing up
“cheer up. i’m gonna go eat lunch with felix.”
and then yOU’RE the one leaving him
does he really look like a red-nosed, bleary-eyes, puffy-lipped mess??
say sike rn lads
jungkook clearly doesn’t look the best and he doesn’t exactly know what he was doing when he came out of the library and marched over to hang out with his friends like he always did
but something’s just different
he looks like someone whose world turned upon him and has nothing left to himself
surprisingly, it’s not hobi who’s the only one thinking of that
his friends are all ????
“y’okay man??”
namjoon’s the first to break the silence and everyone sighs because they were all holding a breath just by looking at jungkook’s distraught state
“yeah! just, uh, just —“
he’s back to being preppy in an instant but he can’t establish eye contact, swinging his arms by his sides and looking around just to look natural and gOD IS THAT YOU??
you’re you
you’re there, walking with felix and your backpack on hIS shoulder
.,., the same backpack that he’s bought you one birthday ago, on tHIS dude’s shoulder strewn as if he didn’t panic in between which variant should he buy for you
you look blissfully unaware that he’s cried himself just by thinking about you and your words and lack of actions just awhile ago
jungkook grits out and suddenly, he isn’t sad anymore :D
just uh
just a lil frustrated :D agitated :D or maybe feeling a little inadequate and outraged :D
this other mini breakdown going on his head doesn’t go unnoticed because here he is, so close to injuring his fist with how tight he’s clenching it
the guys, however.,.,
seokjin whistles and goes as far to squint his eyes intentionally that he looked like a distraught chihuahua, immediately grabbing jungkook’s actions as he nods his head to your direction
“y/n, right?”
jungkook froze and everyone is just waiting on him, mouths a little parted because they’ve caught on jin’s little plan and somehow, he might’ve struck a chord sO hard that-
“keep your fucking dick in your pants, seokjin.”
everyone’s reacting to his seething like a flock of seagulls to a piece of bread
yeah they’ve seen the youngest of their group mad, but not tHIS type of mad that he looks like he would’ve hit his hyung with a skillet upright if he had one onhand
everyone’s visibly offended besides seokjin, the man mentioned just amusedly shrugging his shoulders with a dimpled smile that unintentionally provoked jungkook even more
“told you,” yoongi gives up his last batch of cookies to namjoon, a long-winded bet finally coming to an end because of what was only supposed to be a harmless question by jin
“if y/n was your girlfriend, you could’ve just said so!!” 
jin ruffles his hair and it doesn’t exactly take a genius to see how he cares for you!!
jungkook looks out for you in ways he couldn’t even notice doing
he always had two umbrellas in his backpack and when it was raining, he’d leave one on purpose by the front of this specific locker
hoseok actually borrowed an eraser without permission from kook once, but then he found a combination of tampons n napkins that he grimaced because what :// those aren’t even the good brands!! he has a sister and now has a handful of knowledge about monthly visits, so he takes note to talk to jungkook about it some time
there’s even an extra sweater in his backpack that always remains unotuched
one time, jimin complained that he was cold and turned to jungkook, full-well knowing that the fucker had oNE more sweater tucked in his bag, who just plains-out ignore him and even tch!s him under his breath
they somehow had a clue all along and now that jungkook realizes, he may be a little dENSE
that’s entirely stoopid of him
what was the reason lmao
this time, jungkook’s more than eager to make it up to you
eVEN if you’ve insisted that nothing was wrong!!
it was just the last day before christmas break so it went by considerably fast-paced because even the professors were a little antsy to come home!!
that didn’t stop him, because clearly, jungkook holds your hand tight this time and he’s looking straight ahead
he looks proud
he feels natural and giggly the whole day that you couldn’t stop either because it’s a complete 360 from yesterday
wouldn’t absolutely stop holding your hand and following you
even kisses the top of your head like a kitten repeatedly
something’s up with jungkook alright
the two of you are back again on the couch — you knitting, and him buried and napping on your thighs
it’s a bit of a shock when he grabs your hand all of a sudden, a half-sleepy and full-on dreamy look on his face when he’s looking up at you from being laid down on your lap
a red silicone band :D
you’re still speechless when he’s sliding it on your ring finger, admittedly getting the wrong finger the first time which is why he’s sheepish and holding back a giggle
unsurprisingly, it looks good on you
he seems to think so himself when he’s giving you another one, holding his hand out and you’re doing the same without even an explanation present
“it’s a placeholder :)”
a placeholder?? hold on ur heart is a lil fragile
your eyes widen and your lips downturn on instinct, making him giggle as he smushes your cheeks to just let him explain
“all this marriage talk just had me thinking-”
“are you PROPOSING right now??”
both the mix of panic and excitement stains you clearly, mouth dropping open as you try to fumble for atleast something to wipe your face with
“maybe i am, maybe i’m not :)”
jungkook’s such a romantic it’s SICKENING
his mind drifts off and you can’t blame him!!
his family’s well-off so maybe he could cash in his next ten birthdays for a loan or maybe even a house to help ease the two of you in
maybe the two of you could even build it from the ground up
the two of you could also move into this nice apartment after graduation!! he’s been eyeing it for quite awhile actually
“you wanna get married early?”
“maybe i do, maybe i don’t :D”
jungkook’s faux nonchalance makes you grin yourself, the both of you knowing what answer he’d yield anyway
“as long as it’s you,” you declare surely, bending down to press a kiss on his nose that tickles him and makes his heart full
“as long as it’s me?”
jungkook smiles cheekily at your statement pressing kisses on the top of your thighs that’s got you fumbling at him to just embrace you immediately
he’s a little bulky with all the muscles he’s gained and worked on, a little pressured when he’s sitting on your lap upright and won’t absolutely stop kissing you sweetly
“you should start on knitting your wedding garter now :D”
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Top Surgery
Oneshot about (trans) Remus Lupin getting top surgery. Bit of wolfstar as well.
Disclaimer: To all my trans boys/trans masc people reading this. You are no less trans, nor are you no less male/masculine if you decide against top surgery, or if you don’t/can’t get top surgery. This goes for bottom surgery, binding, hormones, etc. Your body doesn’t define your gender, nor does what you decide to do with it. <3 ~ Remus wasn’t allowed to get top surgery until he was seventeen. Well... “top surgery” was the muggle name for it. In the wizarding world, a simple spell would do the trick. But there was a law in the wizarding world stating that parts of the body weren’t allowed to be removed from an underage wizard or witch unless said body part was detrimental to the child’s life, say, an unfixable limb, or a gangrenous leg. And despite Remus’ adamance that his chest was a detriment, specifically to his mental health, (when would the wizarding world take mental health seriously? He regularly thought to himself), the law disagreed. So he had to wait until he was of age.
In the meantime, he simply wore a shirt with a binding charm put upon it, which did the trick to make his chest look flat with his clothes on, but he was desperate to just be able to take his shirt off, in the hot weather or in bed. He forwent ever swimming in the lake with his friends because he couldn’t swim with his binder on, but he didn’t want his chest to be noticeable. So he had to sit by the edge of the lake instead, his feet dipped in and his friends splashing at him from within the water.
Another problem Remus faced was that, even when he did turn seventeen, he had no idea where to go to get top surgery. He lived in 1970s Britain. There were simply no resources, muggle or wizarding, and he didn’t have the money anyway. And Madam Pomfrey couldn’t do it. She was a school nurse, she wasn’t allowed to perform procedures. She could only give out potions and fix up bones. Procedures were for St Mungos. And St Mungos didn’t have top surgery as an option.
The days leading up to Remus’s seventeenth birthday made him rather depressed. He’d soon be of age, but it wouldn’t make any difference. He was stuck. Stuck in the wrong body, and there was nothing he could do.
Of course, he had been on hormones since second year, or at least the wizarding version of hormones, which was just a transfiguration potion, and luckily for him, it wasn’t against wizarding law as long as he had his parents’ permission, which he did. And the potion had changed his body considerably. His voice deepened, he had facial hair and he tried hard to work out so he had abs and muscles, which he knew wasn’t exactly necessary, and he didn’t go overboard, but really he was just trying to offset the dysphoria he got from his chest by making the rest of him look as masculine as possible.
He was in a similar situation with bottom dysphoria, but at least he was able to hide it. Getting surgery for that wasn’t as pressing as his chest, and because of the potion he at least didn’t have to worry about his periods anymore.
Compared to Remus’s misery before his seventeenth birthday, Sirius, James and Peter were clearly happy about something, but they wouldn’t tell him what it was, even when he threatened to hex them; a threat he regularly used but never went through with, so it didn’t do much to get them to talk.
But he soon found out what they were whispering about on the day of his seventeenth. Sirius handed him an envelope, unlabelled, and said “It’s from all of us.”
“You know, for two rich people, you guys can be real cheapskates.” They just continued smiling expectantly until Remus opened up the envelope and looked inside.
There wasn’t a card like he was expecting, but some sort of advertisement, or pamphlet. He read through it, and his eyebrows knitted together as he read further down the page. The ad was for a wizarding clinic, specifically aimed at trans wizards and witches. It was set up by a guy named Gray Jacobson, who was a trained Healer, and trans himself, and offered all different kinds of things, including top surgery.
“I... don’t get it?” Said Remus eventually, pushing down any hope that was making its way up through his body.
“What’s not to get?” Exclaimed Sirius, no longer containing his excitement. “It’s a secret clinic, away from the ministry and St Mungos and shit, and surgery is affordable. Free even, if you really can’t pay. But don’t worry about that, because we all chipped in-” he was talking a mile a minute.
“Woah, woah, slow down, Padfoot,” interrupted Remus. ““How do you know this clinic is trustworthy.”
“If we didn’t think it was trustworthy, mate, we wouldn’t have shown it to you,” said James. “We’ve been researching it for months, Sirius and I even visited it last half term. The guy, Gray, is really nice. He told us all about it. He can tell you as well. The procedure for getting rid of your chest is so easy. Takes a few minutes, then you have to take a potion every night for a week until you’re all healed up. But then it’s done! No more chest!”
“No more binding!” Grinned Sirius. No more chest. No more binding. God it sounded brilliant. Too good to be true.
“Really?” Was all Remus could manage.
~ Half term was already upon them, so Remus and his friends were able to visit the clinic the next day. And James and Sirius had been right, Gray was very nice. And Remus loved meeting someone else like him. He’d never met another trans man before, and Gray gave him hope for his future. The man seemed happy, content. Remus wanted that.
It didn’t take long for Remus to view the place as perfectly legit, even with his usual paranoid, distrusting self. And according to Gray, the spell really did only take a few minutes, even if he did have to be placed under a sleeping charm while it happened, and he wouldn’t be able to see his chest until a week later. That didn’t bother him at all. What was a week after six years of waiting?
He booked the next appointment for the following Monday, and he really couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this excited. When he left the clinic, Sirius immediately hugged him, and James joined in, until Remus couldn’t even move under their combined weight.
~ The day of the appointment, Remus was nervous. Excited, but nervous. His friends had all agreed that it would be a little overwhelming if they all came with him, so it was decided that Sirius was to be the one to accompany Remus. He was Remus’s boyfriend after all, and besides, wild centaurs couldn’t stop Sirius from being there to support his best friend.
Remus didn’t know what to wear, and he couldn’t help but feel very self conscious at exposing his chest, even for a few minutes. But it was the price he had to pay, and he chose a button up shirt and jeans. Nothing special.
“Here’s the sleeping potion,” said Gray, handing Remus a bottle of silvery liquid. “You’ll be asleep in a matter of minutes, and then awake in another matter of minutes. The only difference is, when you wake up, there’ll sure be a huge weight off your chest.” Sirius snorted from behind the man, and even Remus grinned at the stupid joke. It was definitely something his friends would say.
They were in the clinic now; they’d arrived around twenty minutes ago, and hadn’t needed to wait that long. Sirius held Remus’s hand the entire time, though he seemed to be more nervous than Remus was. Remus was nervous, but the nearer the surgery came to actually happening, the more impatient he felt. He wanted this to be over with, so he could finally feel like himself.
Remus uncapped the potion and drunk it down in one, and within seconds he started to feel light headed and drowsy. Gray helped him to lie back on the bed that he was sitting on, and the last thing he saw before falling asleep was Sirius giving him a very cheesy double thumbs up.
Somehow, within only a few minutes, his brain managed to conjure up what felt like hours of dreaming, although it was so nonsensical that Remus couldn’t make heads nor tails off it, and by the time he’d woken up, he couldn’t remember anything.
It took him some time to come round properly, drowsy as he was, but when the fog from his head finally cleared, he immediately looked down at his chest.
It was wrapped up in bandages, but one thing was certain: his chest was flat.
He ran his hand across the bandages. Yup. Absolutely flat. He almost started crying right then and there.
“Hello, love,” greeted Sirius, seeing that Remus was now awake. Remus stared up at him.
“It’s flat,” he croaked. Sirius grinned.
“It sure is.” Gray walked over to them. He’d been tinkering around with some vials, and he handed one to Remus.
“Take a sip of this every night for a week, it will help your chest to heal fully. Then you can remove the bandages. And if you need anything else, any help, or you have any questions, you know where I am.”
“Thank you.” Remus hoped the man could see just how grateful he was, as he was unable to form full sentences for the moment, the affects of the sleeping potion still lingering. But Gray let him and Sirius go on their way, and like last time with James, Sirius waited until they were out of the clinic, this time using the floo network in the clinic’s fireplace to take them home to their tiny apartment, to throw his arms around Remus. This was it for Remus, and he couldn’t stop himself from breaking down in tears. Good tear of course. Happy tears. If this was what he was like now, he’d be a wreck after a week.
And if Remus was impatient before, he certainly was now. Sirius had to constantly stop him from trying to unwind his bandages early.
“Keep doing that and I will personally pin you to the ground,” Sirius warned.
“Is that a threat or a promise?”
“In this instance it is solely a threat.”
After what felt like years, the week was finally drawing to a close. And James, Lily and Peter arrived to see the big reveal. It was an audience that made Remus feel a little self conscious, but a part of him didn’t want them to miss this.
They were all crammed into the bathroom, the only place in the apartment that had a mirror. Rather than cutting off the bandages with magic, immediately revealing his chest, he opted for unwinding them by hand. His nervousness had returned to replace his impatience and he wanted to take it slowly.
As the last bandages fell away, he started into the mirror, and his friends cheered beside him. His chest was completely flat, and it looked exactly how he wanted it to look. It was a chest that could be shown off. A chest he could take a shirt off of and go swimming with. Finally. He never had to wear his binder again. He’d never smiled this much in his life, and it only faltered as he tried not to once again start crying. He failed. Sirius went over to kiss him, and soon all his friends were hugging him.
And the first thing he did when half term ended and lessons at Hogwarts were let out for lunchtime, was take his shirt off, and go swimming in the lake with his friends.
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cheonjeolmi · 3 years
Kisses and Cuddles
Request Status: Open !!
Pairing: Hange x GN! Reader
Word Count: 749
A/N: Once again, requested by @xijjhkbhk​ ! I hope you like it and don’t be shy to send more of your ideas if you’ve got some ! I’m more than happy to write them <333 also have some fluff after my last post-
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There you were at your desk groaning as you stared at the pile of papers Erwin sent for you to do, specifically asking for you to submit it to him before the end of the week. It was Thursday-
“How the fuck am I gonna finish all this by the end of the week?” you groaned in annoyance as you rested your head on your desk, not wanting to do paperwork, something you always dreaded. You raised your head up from your desk, once again staring at the monstrosity in front of you, glaring at it as if it would just magically disappear. 
Though you really prayed it would-
You sighed in defeat, finally tackling the stack of papers as you went over it and wrote your answers, which was what you did for the whole day. You worked hard on finishing all the paperwork before the end of the week to the point where you had begun to overwork yourself, barely getting a wink of sleep or eating any semblance of food, and to top it all off, you had never once left your room, only standing up to go to the restroom. 
Moblit, your best friend and also your secret lover, Hange’s assistant would always barge into your room and tell you to eat something since he hadn’t seen you in the mess hall for what felt like ages.
Levi had even stopped by once and commented on your appearance, saying you looked like shit before telling you to get some rest and eat something even if it was just small. Which made you stare at him in awe as you knew he wasn’t a very expressive person, but him showing he cared for you in his own way made you feel soft.
As soon as you finished half the paperwork, you looked at the pile and sighed as you barely made a dent in the stack. “Is this how I die? Cause of death, too much paperwork?” you sighed as every part of your body screamed in agony “When is this gonna be over?” you complained, setting your pen down harshly as you glared at the papers once more. “I hate you so much-”
At this point, you were pretty sure you were losing your mind as you found yourself talking to a stack of papers. You grumbled and stood up from your chair, wobbling slightly as it’s been a while since the last time you’ve gotten up. 
“Woah-!” you almost stumbled but luckily caught yourself in time as you straightened yourself laughing as your stomach rumbled “Oh, well that’s my cue to get some food. Maybe some bread would suffice?” you asked, before nodding to yourself and went over to the mess hall.
After a few minutes, you arrived at the mess hall and as you were about to get some bread rolls, you hear a very recognizable voice call out your name.
“Y/N!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! I WAS WORRIED SICK” Hange screamed as they ran full speed to you and stopped just in time as they backed up a little and gazed at your eyes with their light brown ones.
You looked at Hange meeting their light brown orbs and soaked in their taller figure. You weren’t sure if it was due to your exhaustion or simply your brain not deciding to work at that moment, but you found yourself leaning in to kiss them as your body unconsciously pressed up against their figure, your hands now wrapped around their waist resting against the small of their back.
Hange’s eyes widened as they now looked like saucer plates, as they backed away trying to regain their composure, although that didn’t work out as their mind replayed you kissing them and pressing up against them.
“Y-Y/N- Wh-what’s gotten into you?!” they stammered as they tried to hide the heavy blush starting to form on their face “Wh-what happened to- to keeping us a secret?” they asked as they moved closer to whisper into your ear.
“I- I don’t care Hange. Now kiss me already” you stated as you pulled them by their collar to kiss them as they returned the kiss, the two of you not caring about who was watching as you were the only ones in each other’s worlds.
You pulled away smiling at them, to which they smiled back.
“I’ve fallen so hard for you, Hange Zoe”
“And I’ve fallen hard for you as well, Y/N L/N”
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pepperonyspizza · 4 years
soulmate au where you touch your soulmate for the first time it leaves a handprint that's how you know they are your soulmate
well, this went kinda out of hand and ended up way longer than I wanted it to be lmao also this didn’t give me any specific ship so I went with pepperony :) I hope that’s what you wanted! ~*~ There is this rule that Tony has: Do not touch Pepper. Ever.  He’s not sure how it started but something about their ‘professional’ relationship has put that barrier over the years - but that doesn’t stop Tony from testing just how solid said wall is every now and then. The media isn’t calling him a sleazy asshole for nothing and it’s not like he’s being too obnoxious about it. 
A nudge of his shoulder against hers, his hand a fleeting pressure on the small of her back, always with a securing layer of clothing between them. That’s it. Nothing more. 
Tony tells himself that he doesn’t push it any further because, deep down, there is something that resembles a gentleman, not because he’s scared to drive them to a point from which there is no going back. 
But that fear (not that it’s actually that) isn’t enough to keep Tony from wishing that things could be different, especially during a moment like this one when Pepper is tearing into him about yet another board meeting he’s missed and he wants nothing more than to shut her up. 
It would be so easy. Tony can imagine it in his head perfectly. He would reach for her, wrap his fingers around her slender wrist and she would stop talking in an instant to stare at him in shock.  
More would happen after that, at least according to his fantasy. They’d kiss and stumble out of the messy workshop to continue what they had started upstairs in his bedroom. His real bedroom, the one only he gets to see. Well, and Pepper of course when she interrupts his peaceful sleep with her nagging—
He blinks out of his daydream, realizing that he’s been staring at a bland wall for the last minute. The woman he’s been ignoring is looking everything but amused and not even the charming grin he shoots her way can calm her down.
“Yes, dear?” 
“Have you listened to anything I just said?” 
“...something about a board meeting that is scheduled for today?” 
“Was,” Pepper corrects, sighing deeply. “It was scheduled for today, Tony. 3 hours ago. I told you about it this morning.”
“Oops?!” He gets up from his chair but she’s close on his heels even as he moves further into the large space of his workshop. “That’s all you have to say after I spent the past thirty minutes cleaning up your mess?” 
It must have been something important for Pepper to be this angry at him. He must have missed at least four other meetings this week alone and she’s barely done so much as lecture him about those. 
Tony whirls around with his hands up, “Woah, easy now. It’s not that big of a deal, right?” His grin is all teeth as Pepper’s nostrils flare. “Okay, that was the wrong thing to say. Let me try again. I’m really sorry. I forgot.” 
She crosses her arms and huffs but she isn’t yelling anymore. 
“Let me make it up to you,�� he continues with a smile, “How about dinner? Just the two of us and some fancy food.” 
And just like that, he’s back to square one The fire in Pepper’s eyes is back, brighter and more deadly than before. Tony can’t believe that he’s said the wrong thing again. 
“Dinner? Are you serious?” She throws her arms up, looking both annoyed and exhausted, which makes Tony feel like he’s getting scolded by a teacher. “Thanks to your little stunt, I’ll most likely be dealing with this all night. I won’t have time to indulge any of your antics.” 
“If you are so desperate for a nice dinner, how about you show up for the one you have scheduled for tomorrow evening?” 
“Because, and I swear to god, Tony, if you miss anything else this week, I’ll—”
Tony barks at least, too tired to continue this argument any longer. He absentmindedly reaches for her, settling one of his hands on her forearm before he can think twice about it. 
It takes less than a heartbeat for Pepper to react. She goes silent, not because he told her to but because he’s literally holding onto her, which has never happened before. 
Her skin is all smooth and soft, such a strong contrast to his own. Tony wants to slap himself for only finding out now when he could have been touching her for all those years. 
But then Pepper’s eyes go wide and she jerks back like he’s burnt her. Tony lets go without comment, although the five steps she takes back aren’t necessary. He won’t jump her. They are friends, aren’t they? Friends touch each other casually. 
“Come on, Pep. I promise that I’m not infectious.” He does his best to grin as he shows her the palms of his rough hands. “And no oil or grease stains either. See?”
She doesn’t look down. In fact, it doesn’t seem like she’s looking at him at all but rather straight through him. Tony frowns, a little concerned and very much confused. His gaze drops down to where Pepper is clutching her arm and his eyebrows almost shoot into his hairline when he sees what her small hands are trying to cover up. 
Tony takes a step towards her, waiting for her to take one back and keep them apart. She doesn’t. Pepper only snaps out of her frozen like state when he’s already close enough to pull her arm out of the way. 
There, covering a good part of her forearm is a crimson handprint. Not any handprint but Tony’s. He puts his hand right on top of it to check, to make sure that it hasn’t been there before even though he already knows so. 
His hand fits perfectly on top of it. His eyes snap back up to Pepper’s face when she fails to respond to… well, anything. Frankly, the woman looks like she’s seen a ghost. Any other time, Tony would have been insulted but given the current circumstances, he kind of understands. 
“Are you going to say something?” “Mr. Stark, I—” 
Mr. Stark. She’s just found out that he’s her soulmate and she’s trying to go with formal titles? Hell no. That’s not how they are going to play. 
Tony cuts her off for the second time that day but instead of snapping, he kisses her. It’s not his proudest moment and he’ll blame his poor impulse control for it later. Pepper lets out a surprised squeak that’s muffled by his mouth pressing against hers but otherwise makes no move to stop him. 
It will happen eventually, Tony is absolutely sure of it - but until that happens, he’s going to take full advantage of her hesitation. Kissing Pepper has been his number one fantasy for so long and now that the knowledge of him being her soulmate hangs above them, the fire inside him has only grown hotter. 
Her hand comes in contact with his body just like he’s expected but not to push him away but to fist her hand into the fabric of his tank top and pull him closer. Tony realizes with a start that he’s kissing back. 
Pepper is kissing him. With quite a lot of enthusiasm, he might add. 
Tony doesn’t know how long the kiss lasts or at what point Pepper’s free hand has moved to his neck. He does notice the sudden and unnatural warmth that spreads over his skin where she’s touching him. It’s much warmer than the heat radiating from her hand should be, so much that he breaks the kiss with a startled yelp. 
The woman in front of him pulls her hand away quickly as her eyes snap open. If Tony wasn’t so scared about what the hell was going on, he would have been smug about the dazed look on Pepper’s face and the state of her lips. She opens her mouth to say something but then her gaze drops down to his neck. Whatever she sees there is enough to keep her quiet. 
“What?! What is it? What is happening?” Pepper only stares. “Potts!” 
“I am sorry,” she says, already in the process of reaching out again before she thinks better of it and drops her arm back down to her side. “I am so sorry, Tony. I didn’t think about...”
She trails off and Tony panics. What the hell has she done to him? His skin is no longer burning but the part she’s touched is still warm. It’s a calming heat but with how nervous Pepper looks, even that is not enough to keep him from freaking out. 
He dashes across the workshop and towards the full-length mirror in one of the corners, expecting the worst. The handprint he finds on his neck is completely logical and yet baffles him. He’d been so distracted by the mark he’s left on her that he’d forgotten about this part. 
Not only is he her soulmate but she’s his soulmate as well. 
Tony turns around, the biggest grin plastered across his face as he watches Pepper approach him, “Potts.”
“This is a disaster!” His heart drops. Isn’t she happy about this? It’s everyone’s dream to find their soulmate… or maybe it’s not that she’s finally found hers but rather who it has turned out to be. 
“There is no way we can cover that up unless you’re wearing a turtleneck to every single one of your meetings from now on.” 
He frowns. “What?” “This will be a P.R nightmare.” 
“Are you seriously thinking about the stupid company right now?” Tony asks with annoyance and the slightest bit of hurt in his voice. “We’re soulmates, Pepper. You kissed me!”
“Actually, you kissed me.” “And you kissed back!” He points at the handprint on his neck and yeah, its location will make it impossible to hide. Not that Tony minds that. “Look how you claimed me. Everyone will see this and know that you did it.” The speed at which she turns red has to be some sort of record.
“I didn’t mean to! Besides, no one will know that it’s my hand.”
“Nope, at least not until I tell them. And I will.” 
“I’ll tell everyone, Potts. And you better tell any schmuck that tries to flirt with you that you already found your soulmate.” She’s quiet as she observes him. Tony doubts that she’s aware of the fact that she’s biting her lip but that doesn’t stop his lizard brain from wanting to kiss her again. The mark on his neck tingles, sending a shiver down his spine. 
“We have to talk about this. We can’t just… this will get complicated.” 
“We’ll figure it out,” Tony promises as he settles his hands on her hips. “I’m a genius. You’re smart. We got this.” He leans forward, his breath ghosting over her face. “We’ll have all the time in the world to talk. Later.” 
Before Pepper has the chance to object, he kisses her. This time, it takes not nearly as long before she’s returning the kiss, both her hands buried in his hair. It feels amazing. Like it is destined to be. 
In some way, Tony thinks that it is. 
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sunnywritesstuff34 · 3 years
At Times,
(Oh boy oh boy, another installment in the “Sasuke is raised by the Akatsuki au” yay. This one is a little weird and underdone but I. I tried. Also sprinkled some mythology in there because i wanted to. hurrah. Anyway, here is some fluffy stuff, yeah. good ole fluffy. next one probably won’t be. but you know. also I am jumping all over the place this timeline is not linear i will be jumping all over the damn place so you know. @ghostjellyfishheart i made another one.)
TW and CW for: child injury, semi-gratuitous depiction of serious injuries, sort of amnesia, fucked up sleep schedules/habits, kidnapping, distress, probably ooc characters, this is a long one brace yourself but its mostly fluff i swear, tell me if I missed anything. 
Sasuke woke up alone, for some reason. He opened his eyes carefully, sitting up. That action wasn't without pain of course, suddenly it felt like liquid fire had been poured into his veins, specifically his arm. He hissed through his teeth and looked blankly at it. His arm looked the same as the last time he looked at it, except a lot worse. A lot worse. Broken, it was clearly broken at the elbow. Well, it looked like he wouldn't get to sleep in afterall. Sasuke looked around him to try and get a grasp on his surroundings, and found that he was sitting in the middle of the woods, propped up against a tree. He groaned as he tried to get to his feet, scanning his surroundings again. He didn't see anything or anyone, but forced his sharingan away regardless. What happened? He couldn't remember. He must have gotten separated from the others, he’d been on a mission with Sasori and Deidara, right? And then… something happened. Sasuke felt panic grow in his chest. There had to be somewhere close he could go to collect his thoughts. His arm was beginning to scream, the numbness from unconsciousness wearing off. He was awake now, and the pain was only going to get worse. He gritted his teeth. Oh well. He’d been through worse. Conveniently, when he looked around, he found a path not too far from the tree he’d woken up at and began to follow it. He felt… heavy. Sasuke reached into his pocket, trying to figure out what he had on him should the need to defend himself arose. A couple of kunai that he nearly stabbed his fingers on when he reached into his pocket, and… something else. He pulled it out and his face twisted in disgust. A Hidden Sand Village headband. Was that who found him? Maybe? He was half tempted to throw the band into the brush but decided against it, tucking it back into his pocket. Not too far away, he came to a town that he… recognized. Degarashi Port, he realized. How did he get to Degarashi port? That's in the land of tea. Where is Sasori and Deidara? Itachi? Where is… anybody? Fuck, he’d really stepped in it now. He couldn't remember if something had happened, couldn't remember how he ended up here. Well that's head trauma for you, he thought bitterly. He probably had some type of head trauma. That was a good explanation. He was wearing his traveling clothes, his cloak and a sun hat he could use to cover his face if he needed to. Walking through the town, he tried to go over what he could remember. He’d been with Deidara and Sasori in tea country to assassinate some major leader. They had been scouting out a piece of land to see if they could camp there. And then… and then Sasori shouted something, and the scorpion tail, and then Deidara’s face looked more alarmed than Sasuke had ever seen it… and then nothing, for a while. And then… he paled. Fuck. something had happened, something bad. He’d been captured by someone who recognized him somehow, for what he was, who he was. Something about his eyes, something about the sharingan, forcing him to show it to them. Somehow he managed to get away; either he killed them and ran or stole away. Either way, he was in public now, so getting kidnapped wasn't so much an issue anymore. No one would snatch a kid in broad daylight in front of everyone, or at least, he didn't think so. 
He meandered down the road, trying to clear his foggy head and look for a plan of action. His broken arm was tucked under his cloak, safely out of sight. Other than that, he didn't look like anything out of the ordinary, for the most part. He turned a corner into an alleyway, leaning back against the wall. He knew this place like the back of his hand because of how many times he’d been there, it was kind of ridiculous how many bloodthirsty people there were in a place called the land of tea. He needed to get back to the land of Wind, he needed to get back to the lair. Deidara and Sasori had to be somewhere else. Whoever captured him had been smart, they probably led them to somewhere that was a dead end. He had to get back on his own, and Sasuke could do that. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully. No, he had to. He would. He would get home. Whatever happened was important, he knew that. He had to get back home because of… because of what? Couldn't remember, whatever it was, he had to get back to the Akatsuki lair. When had he started calling it home? 
“Oh my god, hold on, I know that kid!” Sasuke turned around just in time to lay eyes on four people. One of them was tall, white haired with an eyepatch and a bored expression. The other three were kids, around his age. One of them was dressed in a long sleeved crop top and his skin was so pale and grey Sasuke almost thought he was dead. After a few seconds of looking at him, he understood better. Black hair, serious eyes, fake smile. He's seen that before. The third person is a girl, short pink hair and wide green eyes. And the fourth… he felt his heart jump up into his throat. Blond, blue eyes. A stupid, stupid fucking smile. His mind flashes back years to being stranded at a boring hotel with an obnoxious boy around his age. Part of him wants to disappear, and the other part is grateful to see someone who’s just a little bit familiar. The blonde ran over to him. 
“Sasuke!” he called. “Hey, hey Sasuke! It's me, it's Naruto!” He remembered that name, and he remembered that face from a long time ago out in the country side. Sasuke must have been around twelve then, bored out of his mind because of how long Kisame and Itachi were taking to get a job. He didn't have a single friend his age at that point, (he still didn't, but he wouldn't think about that) so it was kind of refreshing to meet someone else like him. Even if it came in the form of a loud annoying boy with the brain of a toddler that screamed his name constantly and had no idea what it meant to keep his voice down. 
“Naruto,” Sasuke said bluntly. “I um- I can tell. That it's you.” The other three people followed behind and Sasuke did his best to figure them out. The girl, pink hair, is looking at him with something like admiration. He couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. The other two seemed more cautious, the black haired one still smiling blankly but more on guard and the white haired adult… Sasuke got the creeping feeling that he was being analyzed right back. He tucked that into the back of his mind for later. This person was dangerous. He knew that much. 
“Who’s this, Naruto?” the girl asked. Naruto glanced at her. 
“Huh? Oh! Sakura, this is Sasuke.” He turned back to his friend. “And Sasuke, this is Sakura, Kakashi, and Sai. Sasuke’s a friend from a while ago, on that journey with Jiraiya?” Sasuke’s head was turning particularly slow. He blinked. 
“J-Jiraiya? Like the legendary Sannin?” Naruto’s smile grew wider. He probably thought Sasuke was impressed by his trainer, but in reality, Sasuke was thinking well, the last time I met a Sannin, he tried to cut out my eyes and/or use me and Itachi for creepy ritual stuff, that was not a good time. Of course, Naruto didn't need to know the inner workings of his mind. In his confused and half delirious state, Sasuke wondered idly if Naruto had a similar experience with Jiraiya. He doubted it, frankly. 
“Hello. My name is Sai,” the black haired boy said robotically. Sasuke didn't trust him, and he didn't trust that smile. At all. Still, he gave a half wave with his good hand. 
“Sasuke knows Ninjutsu!” Naruto said proudly. White hair, Kakashi, raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh? And what village is he from?” Naruto frowned. Sasuke tried not to grimace. He remembered his interactions with Naruto very, very clearly. They traded techniques, beat the hell out of each other a little bit, had a lot of fun and shared memories and thoughts they hadn’t ever shared with anyone before, and then… and than Sasuke noticed the leaf headband and disappeared without a word. He used any excuse to be anywhere else, because this kid was a leaf ninja. He couldn't risk it. He could never have been friends with someone like that. 
“Hey, I never gotta ask. Where ya from anyway?” Naruto asked.
“H-Hidden Sand,” Sasuke said quickly, pulling the almost forgotten badge from his pocket and showing it to them. Kakashi seemed to approve, and Naruto smiled. 
“Damn, Sunagakure? I've got some friends from there, that's-” 
“What's a Sand village ninja doing this far south?” Kakashi asked contemplatively.
“Lets just say I got… separated from my squad,” Sasuke told them, a plan beginning to form in his foggy mind. “I know the area here, I could help you get back to Fire Country. Do you think you can help me get back to Suna? I… erm… a sort of… diplomatic mission?” Naruto smiled wider, something Sasuke hardly thought was possible. 
“Sure! Gaara’s the Kazekage, he’s like, my best friend. No problem at all!” Kakashi sighed.
“Okay, what could possibly go wrong? Just a little pit stop at Suna, nothing more, nothing less…” Sasuke felt himself let out a breath of relief. At some point they started walking back towards the woods after Sasuke pointed to a couple of spots on the map, and at one point or another, the pain in Sasuke’s arm began to build. He stumbled on the forest path. 
“Woah there kiddo, what's going on?” Kakashi asked. The sensei gently moved him to a tree and had him sit down against it. The girl, Sakura, moved forward, and after examining him for a second or two she uncovered his arm. Kakashi raised an eyebrow as Naruto and Sakura winced. 
“Y-You're arm is broken!” Sakura exclaimed. Sasuke blinked at her blearily. 
“Uh… y-yes,” Sasuke managed. “It… it is.” She picked up his arm gingerly and began to look over it with a solemn expression. “I need to set it, and then apply some medical jutsu. It's a bad break. Why didn't you say something earlier, stupid?” she demanded. Sasuke blinked at her again. 
“S-Sorry. Today has been… rather trying,” he muttered. 
“Yeah, sure seems like it,” Naruto muttered. “We should make camp, the sun’s setting anyway and it's dangerous to go down these roads in the middle of the night,” he glanced at Kakashi who sighed and nodded his ascent. 
“Hate to admit it, but you're right. Sai, come on, let's go find a clearing.” Sasuke looked over at Sakura, the pink haired girl. Her eyes were clouded with worry, concern. He didn't understand it. He didn't know her. Why was she… Sakura sighed and put a hand to his forehead. 
“Sleep, okay?” she breathed. “You look exhausted, and it won't do the healing process any favors if you try to stay awake. Just rest, you're safe now.” You're safe now. It had been so long since anybody had said that to him. He didn't know if he liked it. He wasn't safe. Sasuke… was never safe. He had never been safe, never would be. But then chakra flowed from her fingertips, and he was lulled into… something. His eyes closed. Consciousness slipped through his fingers like sand. 
When Sasuke woke up, he was more tired than he had been in a long time. His periods of rest were typically dreamless and seemingly endless, unless they were plagued by nightmares that left him screaming for help and tasting blood. This time, he woke up slowly, almost… gently. He woke up to a forest ceiling made of leaves belonging to trees he had never seen before. He sat up slowly, not wanting to strain himself. 
“You're awake, teme!” Sasuke blinked and looked to his right, just to find a very enthusiastic Naruto looking back at him. He frowned and his answer was instinctive. 
“Of course I am, dobe.” Naruto only grinned more. He looked like he did when they met all those years ago. That pale kid, Sai, walked over. 
“Hello,” he called, and Naruto turned to look at him. 
“Sasuke’s awake!” Kakashi walked over too, surveying all of them.
“Yes, it appears that's the case,” he mused. “I hate to say this Sasuke, but you should probably try to go back to sleep. These idiots only have a few more hours of sleep left before we have to head out.” Sasuke only nodded. If there was one thing he was familiar with, it was weird sleep schedules. He was used to waking up at the crack of dawn or the middle of the night at the drop of a hat. That's just how he’d lived and had to live. He suspected that these ninjas must have lived a similar way. It certainly seemed that way. He had to fight the waves of rage that crept into his chest at seeing their headbands. Leaf soldiers. They were leaf soldiers. In any other circumstances he would slit all of their throats and run, but he needed them. And besides, he didn't know if he’d ever be able to do that to Naruto. Ever. It was disturbing, how averse he was to hurting this Konoha dog. It didn't feel right. He only nodded at Kakashi’s instruction and laid his head back down on the bedroll, frowning. 
“What… where did you get this extra bed roll?”
“It's mine! I let you sleep in it,” Naruto chimed in. Sasuke blinked at him. 
“And… why did you do that?” Naruto rolled his eyes.
“Uh, you were injured. You obviously need it more than me.” Sasuke couldn't help but smile. 
“That's… thank you.” He rolled over and froze after a moment. He sat up again. “Where’s- where’s my sword?” Naruto frowned and went rummaging on the other side of his sleeping area. He produced the chokuto, scabbard and all. Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Geeze, all that for a blade?” Naruto muttered. After a few seconds of looking at it, he asked another question. “Why’s it so important?”
“I made it myself. Forged it with some help. It's called Kusanagi.”
“That's a cool name.” Sasuke closed his eyes and laid down. 
“It means grass cutter.” He mumbled, thinking of old stories his brother used to tell him in the dead of night. “There’s a whole story about it. Once there was an old god who roamed the plains of earth. He met some younger gods when they told him about a giant snake that terrorized them and kept eating their daughters. They offered their daughter’s hand in marriage if he could defeat the snake. When he did, he found out that there was a sword embedded in the snake's tail, a sword that could control the wind. He used it to ward off flames rising in the dry grass plains, that's why it was called grass cutter.”
“Wow,” Naruto muttered. “That's a cool story.” 
“Mhm,” Sasuke mumbled back. “It was one of my favorites.” They both nodded off soon after, and Sasuke fell asleep oddly well for being with the enemy. Better then usual, anyway. 
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bellamyblakru · 4 years
this was requested by a friend on tumblr!! they sent me a very detailed prompt and asked if i would be willing to write a full-fledged fic for it (i was willing LOL). the main premise is all credit to them, and i appreciate them being so chill with my little additions and writing style.
it was an honor to write this for you, thank you so much for asking :') i hope you like it!!
here it is on ao3 and under the cut!! :) enjoy!! (hopefully lmfao)
Merlin didn’t want to go hunting—no surprise there. He had a bad feeling about this trip, but when he told Arthur about it, he just got a scoff in return and a “Sure, Merlin. We’re leaving at dawn.”
So, that brings Merlin, who was freezing in the bright winter morning, huddled near their horses, Honey and Llamrei, shivering from head to toe waiting for King Prat to come down. He would use magic to warm himself up a bit, and he would if he was going alone, but it would be too suspicious if Arthur was also going to freeze his arse off.
He was told to pack for a three day trip as Arthur wanted to get away from the castle for as long as was allowed. Merlin understood the need to escape—truly, he did, but he would be more sympathetic if it wasn't in the dead of winter. Merlin sighed at the thought, wanting this to be over with.
Arthur came galloping down the stairs of the castle, already giddy at the prospect of leaving the cage behind. Merlin couldn’t stop the smile forming at Arthur’s excitement. I guess I can suck it up, Merlin thought defeatedly, for Arthur.
Everything is always for Arthur—and Merlin wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Perk up, Merlin! This will be good, I know it,” Arthur beamed at him, taking Llamrei from him.
“Of course, sire, I can’t wait to kill frozen little innocent animals,” Merlin said sweetly under his breath.
Arthur rolled his eyes but didn’t respond, hopping on his horse, looking up at Leon, who was on the top step smiling at them and waving.
“I trust you will take good care of my kingdom, Sir Leon,” Arthur smiled at the man who bowed deeply.
“Of course, Sire,” and then Leon looked at Merlin, “Take care of our King, Merlin. Though, you never disappoint.”
Merlin heard Arthur mutter under his breath, “never disappoint, pff,” but Merlin gave Leon a true smile, “Of course, Sir Leon! I know you’ll do great here.”
Leon nodded at him, a small smile on his face at the praise, and went back into the warm castle.
Merlin heard Arthur go towards the gate, and with one last long suffering look at the warm castle begging him to stay, he went off after his King.
A few hours in and Arthur was still radiating excitement. Being away from Camelot always scared him a little, but it was necessary. Sometimes it felt too much like a dungeon with no room to breathe. But here, in the brisk, winter air, it felt like he was flying.
He did feel a little bad about dragging Merlin in the cold, but he knew if he told Merlin to stay home, then he would have just followed anyway. Said man was prattling on about what patients he helped Gaius with this week, and Arthur smiled. He wouldn’t say it out loud, but having Merlin with him was always exciting.
Merlin never made anything dull. Arthur didn’t want to bring the roundtable on this trip, wanting to go back to the good old days—adventuring with his best friend at his side.
Arthur wanted to go to a specific clearing a few more hours away, but the journey was also part of the fun. Merlin was currently joking about what Gwaine did at training yesterday, but then they hit the river that Arthur had forgotten about.
They both stopped short, staring at the frozen water.
“Oh, yeah, I might have forgotten about this,” Arthur stated as innocently as he could, I’ll cross first without my horse to see if it’s stable enough.”
But as he got off his horse, Merlin beat him to it. Of course Merlin felt the need to go first, Arthur sighed internally, thinking about how Merlin always shows little to no self-preservation.
He gaped at the man, who just stepped on the ice.
Merlin turned around and smiled at Arthur, “See, everything will be okay. I’ll make sure it’s safe enough for us, just wait there.”
Arthur reluctantly nodded, “Be careful, Merlin.”
Merlin gave a small laugh, facing the other side that looked to be about twenty feet away, “Woah, Arthur. That almost sounded like you care for me, sire.”
Arthur tried to smile at the attempt at humor but it fell short—especially when he could hear the ice cracking a little.
Merlin makes it about halfway when he turns around to face him, “See! I knew it was strong enough, sire, you should trust me more.”
Arthur let out a rough laugh, “Yeah...yeah, you’re right Merlin. Hurry up, I want to get there soon.”
He meant it to sound annoyed, but it definitely came across more nervous, scared that their good luck wouldn’t last.
He was right.
Three more steps forwards, and Merlin fell through the ice—tumbling fast into the cold, unforgiving water without a sound.
He stared numbly where Merlin just plummeted. Time felt like it slowed, everything freezing in its tracks.
No, no, no, no. No.
Violently, time began once more when he saw Merlin’s head bob out of the water.
“MERLIN?!” Arthur took a fast step forwards, shaking with his palpable fear. He saw Merlin flick a terrified glance his way when Merlin’s frozen, wet arms started flailing on the broken ice around him—the panic obvious in his movements. Even from here, Arthur could see how shakey Merlin’s arms were, how little of his strength remained after it was sapped out of him when he fell.
Slowly now, terrified that Merlin would hurt himself more, Arthur started advancing onto the ice—carefully placing his feet to balance out the cracking. Merlin, still flailing in his panic, was almost blue, his body slowly draining of any color. He tried to heave himself up once more, but failed again when holding himself used too much energy that he didn’t have.
“Merlin, stop, look at me,” Merlin reluctantly listened, holding onto a piece of floating ice to stay stable, “You have to stop doing that. You’re wasting too much energy, I’m coming. Don’t worry, I’m coming.”
As he said that, he didn’t, wouldn’t, break eye contact with Merlin. Arthur steadied himself, trying to emit the strength and stability Merlin needed.
“Ar-Ar-tur, d-don’t,” Merlin stammered out, face draining even more.
Arthur faked a scoff, “You forget I’m the king, right? You can’t order me.”
Stepping slowly, Arthur reached the edge of the broken ice.
“Merlin, swim to me. We’re almost there, we’re going to be fine, and you’ll be cleaning my room in no time.”
Merlin obeyed and swam sluggishly towards his king. Arthur mumbled small praises the whole time, “That’s it, Merlin. You’re almost there.”
Arthur uncliped his cloak and bent down at the edge of the water. When Merlin reached him, Arthur didn’t hesitate. He grabbed Merlin from under his arms and heaved him out onto the unstable ice around them—crackling at the weight.
Arthur breathed a stream of curses, picking Merlin off the ground, covering him with his cloak, and ran to the horses. Once he reached Llamrei, he dropped to his knees, rolling Merlin towards him.
“Merlin?! Merlin. Come on, wake up,” he hit Merlin’s blue face slightly. They were both shaking so hard that Arthur couldn’t tell if Merlin was breathing or not. Raising a shivering hand, he touched Merlin’s throat, looking for a pulse.
He felt nothing.
“No,” Arthur shook his head vehemently, “No, you’re not dead. I don’t allow it. No, no, no, no.”
Arthur didn’t feel his tears through his frozen exterior as he started banging on Merlin’s chest.
“Please, please,” Arthur rambled, “please save him, please.” He repeated it, again and again, his tears blurring his eyes, “I’ll do anything, please, no, no.”
Arthur wouldn’t stop trying, and when he lifted up his fist again, a soft golden gold violently encompassed both of them.
Arthur stopped, and looked at the light in shock. It felt peaceful, safe, and warm. It was so warm.
He looked everywhere around them before landing on Merlin himself—a gasp escaping him.
Merlin was radiating the light. Did someone answer my prayers? Arthur wondered in pure awe, putting his fingers back to Merlin’s pulse when his shaking subsided enough.
He sobbed out in relief—it was there, weak but fast. He gathered Merlin in his arms, not fearing the power surrounding his servant, and put Merlin on Llamrei before he followed behind him. Grabbing Honey’s reins, he searched for a cave. They needed to recover, and Merlin needed time to heal.
And Arthur needed time to figure out what just happened.
It was still snowing, and Arthur growled at the sky because of it. Merlin was still unconscious laying against him, no longing glowing, and Arthur wished he would wake up—at least once. He should’ve stopped Merlin from going to sleep, he knew sleeping was never a good sign...we need Gaius, his brain added unhelpfully. First, they need shelter. Camelot was too far a journey with Merlin in this condition.
That strange light saved his life for now, but Merlin was still shivering and blue. Arthur couldn’t stop replaying that scene in his head: Merlin tumbling into the frozen waters without a sound, time stopping and beginning, and that light that saved their lives—Merlin’s light. He was terrified when he realized that Merlin might not make the night. But that wouldn’t happen...he wouldn’t let it happen. Never—not on his watch.
After what felt like hours, he found a cave large enough for the four of them, and he raced towards it.
Quickly, he built a fire inside—rather difficult when everything is soaked, but he managed to find some dry wood—placing Merlin directly next to it, then he made sure the horses were comfortable enough for the long night before he returned to Merlin.
The man in question was still soaking wet, and Arthur frowned at Merlin’s shaking. Deciding that he would be warm enough quickly by the fire, he took off Merlin’s shirt and the cloak wrapped around him, placing them on the other side of the fire to dry, and gave Merlin his own shirt—the quality much better than the strings holding together Merlin’s shirt.
I’ll buy him better clothes, Arthur thought grimly, he should have warmer clothes. He mentally kicked himself for forgetting how little Merlin spends on himself, and he stared at the shivering man, who was turning less blue every second.
The light replayed in his head, and without the adrenaline and panic flooding his system, he truly thought about it. And it stopped him dead.
Magic. That was obviously magic. He couldn’t help but back away from Merlin, years of lessons at the forefront of his mind. No, Merlin couldn’t have magic. Magic was evil, wasn’t it?
He wasn’t so sure, especially not now. What he felt, it wasn’t cruel, or menacing, or dangerous. It was pure, warm, and light—similar to the light that led him out the cave all those years ago. It felt like a hug from someone you love dearly. This went against everything his father taught him, but then again, don’t I already think magic isn’t wholly evil? He pondered that thought with a small frown.
Before the purge, magic was used to heal—Gaius being the prime example—and used to grow crops and help others. But, it was also used to aid in people’s greed, for fighting, for gaining the upper hand...but didn’t swords do that, too? A tool to be used by those who knew how to wield it, and in the wrong hands, it leads to destruction—no different than someone who masters a sword with expert skill and ability.
That Dragonlord was magic as well, Arthur thought back to that adventure focusing on how distraught Merlin was when the man died. Maybe they had a connection through their magic? But that brought the thoughts back to the man in front of him. How long has he practiced magic right under Arthur’s nose? For what purpose?
Merlin isn’t evil, but why lie to me? And that’s what hurts the most. The lying. Arthur thought they told each other everything. Merlin was his brother in everything except blood—they were stronger together, always. Arthur knew Merlin kept secrets, especially by the way Merlin’s moods would drastically shift one day to the next. Arthur knew that Merlin was hiding something, but why did it feel so bad?
Thinking back on their adventures, Arthur could clearly see now that Merlin had magic. The branch that would accidentally hit the bandit behind Arthur’s back when he wasn’t looking, the creatures that can only be killed by magic dying unexpectedly, the way Arthur sometimes healed faster than he thought was possible. All things that aided Arthur.
His mind suddenly flashed the scene in his head of him almost killing his father after finding out what his father did to his mother, and to magic users, and Arthur paused this time on Merlin. Merlin didn’t deny the vision of his mother during the long journey back...he almost seemed saddened by the whole thing, taking it to heart. But the minute Arthur was going to kill Uther, Merlin was the one to stop him. Merlin, who has magic, stopped Arthur from killing the man who spent his reign committing a genocide of a whole group of people—Merlin’s people.
He did it for Arthur, he had to—just like everything else Merlin did and continues to do. That confused Arthur even more, if he was being honest. Why protect the son of the King who murdered innocent people for a decade? What does Merlin get from that?
As if Merlin could feel Arthur’s inner turmoil, he groaned and tried to open his eyes. Blearily, he managed to open them and he stared at Arthur, a confused look adorning his features. He tried to sit up, but failed miserably, groaning from the exertion.
Arthur rushed to him, placing his hand on Merlin’s, helping him sit up more, “Stop moving, you dollophead.”
Merlin didn’t retort back, making Arthur frown again, and asked, his voice gruff with pain, “Ar-Arthur. What happened?”
Arthur leaned slightly away from Merlin, sitting on his heels facing the fire still burning brightly, “You fell in the water, and I got you out.”
“Thank you, Arthur,” Merlin breathed, eyes filled with nothing but gratitude, but then, at the thick silence, he narrowed his eyes at the king, “That’s not all, is it?”
Arthur, still watching the flames, answered quietly, “No.”
Merlin’s breathing went into short, fast puffs, and he eyed Arthur’s sword at his side, moving back from Arthur as nonchalantly as he could, “No?”
Arthur missed nothing. He saw the panic, the pure, unadulterated fear flooding through Merlin—almost a tangible thing in the air. Arthur sucked in a quick breath when he realized that Merlin thought Arthur would kill him. Arthur threw his sword to the other side of the cave, and put his hands towards Merlin like a wild animal being tamed.
“Merlin. Merlin, look at me,” Merlin, whose tears were already falling, did so slowly, “I would never hurt you. I promise.”
He heard Merlin’s breathing hitch, but he continued, “I don’t know why or how, but you saved us from dying out there. When I brought you back to land, we were both shivering so bad that I couldn’t even check your pulse. We were going to die, but we didn’t. You...you emitted this golden glow, and it felt like you. So you, Merlin. It felt familiar, warm, and safe. I’ve never felt safer.”
Merlin’s eyes never left Arthur’s, and Merlin sobbed once more, and stuttered out, “Arthur, I’m so, so sorry.”
Arthur started shaking his head, but Merlin plowed on, “I was born like this. I was able to do m-magic longer than I knew how to walk. I-I wanted to tell you for so long, but I didn’t know h-how you would react. For a while I thought you would kill me, but then I thought y-you would send me away. But I need to protect you, to save you, to serve you. It was the reason I was put onto the Earth. My magic is yours, Arthur, only yours—as it always has been.”
Arthur was speechless, staring at Merlin like he was a puzzle that was just solved.
“I believe you,” Arthur said softly, moved beyond comprehension. They had a connection, Arthur already knew this, but to this degree? To this loyalty? Arthur smiled at Merlin, “I don’t know why you place such loyalty in me, but, thank you Merlin. For protecting me.”
Merlin gave Arthur a small nod, still crying softly. Arthur saw Merlin look down, with his face going red in embarrassment at what he saw.
“Arthur, you shouldn’t have,” Merlin said gently, pulling on Arthur’s shirt, “I’m supposed to be saving your sorry arse, not the other way around.”
Arthur scoffed, “Right. I should’ve let you, what? Drown and shiver to death...no thank you, I am a King for a reason, Merlin. I am supposed to help the helpless.”
Merlin’s face went beet red again, apparently not used to being saved. Arthur would help fix that, before Merlin ended up killing himself by his self sacrificing ways.
Arthur retrieved some food that was packed in their bags and came back to Merlin, who refused at first at being served, but then he obliged after Arthur didn’t move.
“You know, Merlin,” Arthur started, still feeding them both, “getting help every once and awhile is a good thing. It’s okay to ask for help when you need it. No one should go through life alone—especially when there are people willing to be there for you.”
Merlin, still shaking from the fall, looked up at Arthur, “Yeah?”
Arthur sat back, next to Merlin, again looking at the fire, “Yeah. You scared me pretty badly out there Merlin. I thought I lost you.”
Merlin slouched inwards, upset at himself as well, but didn’t respond. Arthur knew that Merlin knew that he (Merlin) had reckless tendencies, that he threw himself at danger all the time without any self preservation—they’ve talked about it before, actually.
Instead of addressing his continued self-sacrificing actions, he squared his shoulders and looked at Arthur, “Thank you again, Arthur. You saved my life today, and I will never forget it. It was also dangerous for you to go on the ice to get me, but you did it anyways. So, thank you, and,” he added softly, “thank you for not hating me.”
Arthur smiled at him and gave him a small nod, “Well, someone had to save your sorry arse from dying, and Honey wasn’t about to jump in the river to save you...and,” he paused slightly, tilting his head, “I don’t think I could ever hate you.”
Merlin tried to smile but he coughed and moaned a bit in pain, and Arthur rushed back to his side.
“Are you okay? Do you need anything?” Arthur asks, nerves spiking through him.
Merlin just shook his head and gave Arthur a warm smile before quickly falling asleep again.
Merlin woke up feeling better than he has in a long time. When his magic reacted to his fall, it healed him almost all the way. And throughout the night, his magic slowly knitted him back together.
He couldn’t believe Arthur knew about his magic and didn’t hate him for it, and he didn’t banish him, or kill him. Arthur even looked at him the same way, not fearing Merlin or thinking him weak in this state.
Merlin hated being helpless, but Arthur was right. It’s okay to get help when you need it, but Merlin needed to work on believing it more—especially since Arthur now knows about his magic, he should probably talk to the king now before secretly stopping someone evil, he mused.
Merlin smiled at the thought and looked down to see the King’s shirt still on him, with Arthur shirtless snuggling by the fire. Merlin quickly took it off, missing the nice tunic immediately, and spelled the shirt to be warm and fresh for Arthur once he woke up. Merlin slowly walked to the firepit, picked up his shirt that was now thankfully dry, and put it back on.
Arthur woke up with a groan, rubbing his eyes tiredly, but shot up when he saw Merlin cleaning up.
“What are you doing? How are you feeling? You should’ve kept my shirt, it would keep you warmer than yours.”
Merlin smiled at the rambling, and answered perkily, “I am cleaning up, I feel good, thanks to you, and it’s okay, sire. My shirt was nice and warm this morning.”
Arthur narrowed his eyes but nodded, and after a quick breakfast, they took care of the horses and rode off towards Camelot.
After a few minutes in comfortable silence, Merlin, with a curious look on his face, asked quietly in the slightly warming morning, “Everything is going to change now, won’t it?”
Arthur gave Merlin a true smile—a smile that had even destiny singing in the distance: “Yes, but I think it’s time for some change, don’t you think?”
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The Party
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*Not my Gif*
Request: Hi! Can I have a Draco Malfoy with prompts 6-11-18-25?? no specific story I just love your work!!
Requested by: @malfoyaddict
6. “God! I hate you! I hate you with everything in me!”
11. “Hold on. Are-Are you jealous?”
18. “How drunk was I?”
25. “I’m not gonna just be your backup.” “I don’t want you to be my backup. I just… I just want you.”
Paring: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Post Date: 6-14-19
Word Count: 3K
~Prompt List~
~Master List~
~Open Requests~
The noise of the party roared behind you as you staggered out of the room, cup in hand while your other is draped over the arm of your best friend, Hermione. You didn’t have many friends, but you and the smart Gryffindor clicked immediately. You both spent hours upon end in the library amongst tables of books and half written on parchments while you study, casually making conversation. It never fazed her that you were a Slytherin, in fact one of the reasons she like you was because of the legendary Slytherin ambition and resourcefulness. You always worked hard for your grades and refused to rely on your family name and house credit, and Hermione always thought you were different than all the other Slytherin’s at Hogwarts. But now here you were, the hard-working student, drunker than you’ve ever been at a party in Slytherin’s common room where someone had to literally go get Hermione Granger because you were too stubborn to leave with someone else.
“Come on H, the party’s back there. Can’t we go and have some fun? We deserve it.” You slurred as you stumbled your weight onto her. She gave you a little chuckle as you groaned.
“Well, maybe you could’ve stayed at the party if you hadn’t drunk as much as you had Y/N. Honestly, how did you even manage to get this drunk?” She asked as you hummed a laughter, trying to walk straight before stopping, leaning over to the wall to throw up. Hermione immediately rushed over to pull your long hair back from your face as she rubbed your back, trying her best to comfort you as you puke your guts out. When you finished you fell against the wall, slumping as Hermione used a cleaning spell to get rid of the evidence of your ‘fun night’ as well as getting the stench of puke off your breath.
“I don’t feel so good, Hermione.” You said as a tall figure made its way around the corner of the corridor. You glanced up before catching sight of Draco Malfoy leaning against the wall in front of you.
“Well, don’t you look like a ray of sunshine.” He quipped as you rolled your eyes, head falling onto Hermione’s shoulder.
“Oh, sod off, you git.” You groaned as you met eyes, lips pulled into a frown as his curled into a smirk. You held his gaze for a few seconds before the laughing of students filled the corridor. You finally turned away from him as Hermione tried to hold back her laughter. She knew Draco and you couldn’t get along if your life depended on it, but she also noticed the blonde-haired boy’s crush on you right away and even though her, Harry, and Ron despise the boy, she couldn’t help but feel bad for him that you seemed to hate him so much. She also knew that there was no way you’d even know he has a crush on you. She would always catch him staring at you when you weren’t looking, or she would catch a slight smile on his face when you would laugh, but whenever he had to talk to you in person it would almost always end up in fighting. But what she didn’t know was you had also fancied the boy, but you didn’t want anyone to know so you kept it a secret limiting your stares to when you were alone and playing off every conversation as if you hated him. She looked in between Draco and you, whose eyes were closed as your brows were knotted, trying to avoid Draco as much as possible. When an idea popped into her head she couldn’t stifle the laugh coming from her as she looked up at Draco.
“Ok Y/N. You want to go back to the party? Fine, go with Malfoy. Have fun.” She said as she nudged your head off her shoulder to look her in the eyes.
“Malfoy?! You want me to go to a party, where they already kicked me out once for being too drunk, with Draco bloody Malfoy?!” you whispered, voice alarmed as you grabbed her hand. She nodded then glanced up at Draco who was just as confused.
“What’s your angle, Granger?” he questioned, head tilted as he stared at her.
“Nothing, Malfoy. Figured she deserves it. Not everything is about you. Just let her have fun, hang out with some people, maybe… meet a guy.” She spat as she cocked her head, Draco widened his eyes as he looked at you. You hadn’t been paying attention as you were trying to get up at the moment. Draco immediately helped you up before you swatted his hands away.
“I can do it.” You grumbled as he chuckled at you. You shot your head up at the sound as his face grew red at being caught. “Alright. Malfoy, to the party.” You stated before grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the Slytherin common room for you second run of the night. Draco couldn’t help the feeling in his stomach as he watched you, hearing Hermione’s ‘have fun, but not too much fun, Malfoy.’ Comment before rolling his eyes. When he entered the room the smell of alcohol filled the air as he smirked at the way you picked up a random bottle and started drinking it before grimacing. “That was not good.” You muttered as you threw it behind you and poured yourself a better one, and one that was actually yours.
“Woah, Y/L/N. Think you should watch the drinking here. Don’t want to end up even more bloody drunk than you are.” He whispered as he pulled you into him, his mouth inches away from your ear and you could feel his breath on your skin. Shaking your head, you pulled away glancing up at the boy as you got close to his face, causing his breath to hitch before you smirked and stopped moving.
“Too late, Draco. I’ve already started.” You immediately took a swig of your drink before slowly backing away to the music filling the room as you found Zabini and started to dance with him. Draco watched you with a clenched jaw as you grabbed Blaise, hanging off his shoulder as you both chugged down another cup of some sort of alcohol because at this point Draco wasn’t sure what kind. He didn’t do anything until he saw Zabini wrap his arm around your waist and pull you flush against his body as he leant down to whisper something into your ear in which caused you to laugh. You moved your head before Zabini pressed his lips against yours and Draco watched as you quickly kissed back. He didn’t know what happened but one second, he was watching you from across the room and the next he was pulling you out of the room and up to yours and you were far to drunk to fight him on this. When you reached your room, you swatted your arm from Draco’s grasp before turning to face him.
“What the hell, Malfoy?! I was having fun and you ruined it!” you yelled, words slurred from the load of alcohol running through your system.
“Fun? That’s what you call it? You if you want to go and-and fuck Zabini and least don’t be bloody drunk when you do it!” he yells causing you to smirk at his words.
“Hold on. Are-Are you jealous?” you mocked thinking that the idea was preposterous until he faltered for a second causing your smirk to drop before he tried to defend himself.
“What are you talking about? I’m not jealous, and if I was, I wouldn’t be jealous over you. Throwing yourself at anybody that would take you at a party. Why don’t you just go back to Zabini. Have some fun.” He grunted as you just stared at him, eyes watering as you felt your lip begin to quiver. You stood up straighter as you began to walk closer to him, an almost threatening look on your face as he backed up against a wall.
“You know what, Malfoy? You are an insufferable, arrogant, pompous ass! God! I hate you! I hate you with everything in me! I can’t believe I had actually thought for a second, we could be anything more than this. Just leave Malfoy.” Your voice was harsh as you slammed yourself down on your bed, eyes falling shut so you couldn’t see the shock on his face before he left, wanting to turn back and tell you he wanted more too. But he managed to convince himself that it was just the drinks talking, that you didn’t mean it the same way.
The next morning, you woke up with a pounding headache. You take in your surroundings before realizing you were in your own bed, in your own room yet you had no memory of getting there. You remember drinking and dancing, but the last thing you could remember was hanging onto Blaise before turning around and seeing Draco’s distraught face. You got out of your bed, throwing on a green sweater and shorts before heading down to the common room. When you reached it, the first thing you noticed was how it looked like no party was ever thrown here, not a single thing out of place and the smell of alcohol that dominated the air was gone, leaving the familiar smell of the common room. You glanced around the room at all the kids, some sporting their own hungover looks while some looked to cheery for their own good. But what caught your attention was the Slytherin Prince who was staring intensely a the fire in front of him as Crabbe and Goyle chattered next to him. Sighing, you headed over and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around at your touch, eyes wide as he caught sight of you behind him.
“Look, I racked my brain trying to figure out what happened last night after you pulled me away from Blaise, so I have to ask. How drunk was I?” you quickly ask as Draco continued to stare at you wide eyed. You shift under his gaze before mumbling a forget it and heading back towards your room. You didn’t get far before you heard Draco calling your name.
“What do you want? If you aren’t going to tell me what happened last night, then I don’t want to- mmhp!” you stated before Draco’s lips cut you off. You didn’t kiss back at first while you tried to figure out what was happening, but when you did, you closed your eyes and immediately kissed back. When you didn’t kiss back at first, Draco was worried he had messed everything up. He was just about to pull away and apologize when he felt you kiss back and everything felt complete to him. You pulled apart when you needed to breath, forehead resting on each other’s as you met his eyes, your breath mixing due to the close proximity. “So, that happened.” You whispered as you both chuckled. Draco’s laugh died out as he looked into your eyes.
“Last night, you said you hated me… I don’t know if you remember that or not, but I do.” His voice was soft as you started to remember the fight, remember saying that to him as he said even more to you.
“Yeah, I remember that now. I also remember you had said… some things to me as well.” You said as your gaze fell to the floor. Draco shook his head as he pulled our face up to see his.
“I didn’t mean it. You were right, I was jealous. I was jealous because I saw you drunk and snogging Zabini. I was jealous because… because I wanted that to be me. I was jealous because I fancy you!” he yelled as he gained the attention of students around you. You just stared at him, mouth opened as you processed his words. “Look, I understand if you want to be with him. You and I never got along and I’m not gonna just be your backup-“ Now it was your turn to interrupt him as you threw your body against his. He caught you right before you slammed your lips onto his, silencing his rambles.
“I don’t want you to be my backup. I just… I just want you.” You whisper, eyes locked with his. He grips your waist as he pulls you into him for another quick kiss before smiling down at you.
“So, last night, when you said you hated me? That was a lie?” He joked as you rolled your eyes.
“No Draco, I wasn’t lying. Last night I hated you but now I don’t.” You shrugged as he looked at you confused. “I hated you because last night you were some git who said I sleep around but now you kissed me. So feeling a lot better about the situation now.” You gave him a cheeky smile and he frowned down at you.
“I didn’t mean that. Again I was- I was jealous.” He wrapped his arms around your waist as you threw yours around his neck.
“I know. I get it. But say that again and drunk and sober me will hex you like there’s no tomorrow.”you said as he chuckled.
“Noted. And trust me, I won’t.” He smirked at you as you ruffled his hair.
“Good. So I’m hungover and need water or something.” You grumbled as your head finally reminded you of last night. Draco led you to the couch to sit before heading off to take care of you, wishing that he would’ve just kissed you a long time ago.
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Dog DayZ - Part 2
Part 1
WARNINGS: Bestiality, talk of pet play, sloppy seconds
Taglist: @starkersenses @starkeristheendgame
Almost two whole weeks pass before Peter calls him.
Tony had almost been ready to write it off as some kind of kinky fever dream after going too long without sleep, if it wasn’t for the fact that Ace had morphed from his regular self back into the terror he was before that day.
“Sorry it took me so long to get back with you, Mr. Stark. Things have been a bit busy lately.”
“That’s understandable… I’m sure your services are in high demand. Shit! I meant your job - your real job. Dammit! Not that I think you go around doing… uh… that other stuff.. For fun. I mean, I hope you like doing it - wait! I didn’t mean that to come out the way it sounded! I jus-”
The softest puffs of laughter could be heard through the phone and Tony just sunk down in his chair and berated himself for sounding so stupid.
“I’m just gonna shut up now before I choke on my foot. How’s that sound?”
“Noo! You’re fine, Mr. Stark. I get that this isn’t a normal situation for you, so nerves are to be expected.”
Tony chewed on his bottom lip to keep from asking if this was normal for him. Because he wasn’t sure which answer he was hoping for. Besides that really wasn’t any of his business, right?
“Right! Well… Terms. We were going to discuss terms of… care for Ace… here.”
“Yes. While we still don’t have a formal program implemented at this time, we figured we’ll use this arrangement to… work out the kinks, as they say. But only if you agree, of course.”
There was definitely a little more than the average customer service smile in the way the kid said that. There was a bit of promise in the fine print that had Tony’s dick taking notice.
“Su-re.” Tony cringed at how high that came out. So he cleared his throat to try again. “Sure. Of course. A trial run is the best way to make sure something works. It’s just good business.”
“Exactly. I’m glad you understand and are willing to help.”
“Happy to hel-”
“Which day would work best for me to move in?”
“I’m sorry?” Tony’s brain short-circuited as he tried to reprocess the words he’d just heard.
“Move in date, Mr. Stark. What day works best for you?”
“Move in… You- you’ll be moving in?” 
“Of course, Mr. Stark. In Home Care happens in the home and it would be far too inconvenient for Ace if I lived elsewhere. That would leave him reliant on you or a set schedule for his release. We’re hoping this program can provide a natural full-access experience for our clients.”
‘Full-access’ burned hot and loud in Tony’s mind and dick. It took him a minute to remember how to speak.
“R-right. Yeah. Natural. Ok. uh… how about today? Is that too soon? I can-”
“Today works for me. I just need to make a couple stops, and I can be there by 5?”
Tony glanced at his watch to see that it was just before 3 then took stock of his desk still covered by paperwork that needed his attention. “Sounds good to me.”
“See you then, Mr. Stark!” 
As soon as he hung up the phone, Tony paged his secretary while stuffing proposals and contracts inelegantly into his briefcase.
“Angela, I’ll be working from home for the rest of the week. Push back all of my appointments and have my calls forwarded to JARVIS. Thanks! OH! And if you could, be a dear and call the cleaning service and reschedule tomorrow’s service for Monday. I can handle cleaning up after myself this week.” Tony racked his brain for anything else he might need. It was only Tuesday, but hopefully, a week should give them enough time to work out some sort of plan to properly fit this new development into his life.
He was definitely struggling given that most of his brain was focusing on his dick, but after a good five minutes of coming up short, Tony just said fuck it and left. If it was really that important, he would have thought of it by now.
When Tony steps off the elevator, Ace is there to greet him as usual. It doesn’t take him long to pick up on Tony’s frenzied state and responds in kind with extra enthusiasm - adding in bass-y barks to his excited jumping. 
Tony fends him off long enough to drop his briefcase off in his home-office and make it to the bedroom, stripping off his suit along the way. 
“Yes, yes. I get that you’re excited because I’m excited, boy. But just wait until you see why I’m excited.” 
Ace runs ahead and jumps up on the bed, eyeing Tony as he follows. 
Tony smirks as Ace flops over and rolls around in the covers while he continues stripping. “I think you’ve got the right idea there, bud, just not the right bed.”
As if Ace understood that, he rights himself quickly and launches off the bed. Only he misjudges the trajectory of his dismount and barrels into Tony’s legs just as the man is trying to step out of his underwear. The result is the two of them sprawled out on the carpet with Tony laughing.
Right up until Ace licks his dick.
It catches Tony so off guard that he nearly chokes on his own tongue as his body locks up.
“Hey! Woah!” Tony scrambles to his feet, covering his junk with one hand while the other struggles to push Ace’s insistent muzzle away, but it’s a difficult task when his hand isn’t covering much with how hard he is and Ace has a long tongue.
“Ace! C’mon, quit it! We’re taking a bath so you can be nice and clean for your therapist friend. Remember him? The pretty thing that jerked you off? Don’t you want to wait for him?” Maybe it was cheating a bit to pull out the baby-talk tone, but it got Ace’s attention like it always does and distracted him long enough for Tony to march towards the bathroom, all the while telling himself he was already this hard before Ace licked him.
“Alright big guy. Bathtime.”
By the time JARVIS announced Peter’s arrival, both Tony and Ace were squeaky clean, dry, and dressed down to give off a more casual atmosphere as they lounged around near the elevator- Tony donning sweats and an A-frame and Ace in full buff as his collar was left on the bathroom counter. 
It wasn’t long before the elevator dinged and the doors opened to reveal two men from Maintenance carrying a large box and Peter carrying two large shopping bags.
Ace immediately lost his cool composure and darted for Peter, greeting him like they were best friends… Not that Tony could really blame him. 
“Where’dya want this, Boss?”
“Uh…” Tony’s attention is pulled away from his dog and the kid and he eyes the box for a moment before looking back at Peter.
The kid doesn’t even look up from petting Ace. “Where does Ace usually sleep?”
“In my room mostly…”
“Then that would be the best place for all of that.”
Tony just shrugs and points them in the direction of the master bedroom. Once they drop it off, they head back to the elevator.
“Thanks again for the help, guys!” Peter goes to reach for his wallet and they wave him off.
“It’s no problem kid. We’re happy to help.” 
After they leave, Tony eyes the bags and then looks back towards his bedroom a bit confused.
“Where’s the rest of your stuff?”
Peter finally looks at him with an open grin that Tony can’t read for shit.
“This is all of it. I didn’t think I’d really need much, but if that changes, we can always have it sent up.”
Tony just nods because that totally makes sense.
“Right, ok. So uh, I’ve got three spare rooms for you to choose from. Personally, I’d go wi-” 
“Actually, I think it’d be best if I sleep where Ace sleeps.”
Tony’s dick also thought that was the best idea.
“My room? I mean yeah, I probably don’t sleep there 9 times out of 10, and even if I did, it is a king size so-”
“Oh, no worries there Mr. Stark. I’m not going to take your bed. I brought my own.”
Peter makes his way to the bedroom with Ace excitedly in tow, leaving Tony no real choice but to bring up the rear.
Tony watches from the door frame as Peter proceeds to pull out a massive lounge pillow and a large collapsed wire crate and set it up in the corner of the room, putting the thick pillow inside the crate.
“Ta-Da!” He turns and presents the setup like Vanna White and Tony takes way too long to put two and two together.
“You plan to sleep in that?!”
“Of course! By placing myself in a less-than-ideal sleeping area, it makes it easier to understand my role in the pack and how I’m to be treated.”
Tony couldn’t help but feel skeptical at this as he watched Ace give the kennel (a fucking dog kennel!) a cursory sniff before getting back to stuffing his muzzle between the kid’s legs. “Pretty sure he’s got a good idea of what you’re here for, kid.” 
“Maybe.” Peter gave another one of those soft, huffing laughs as he widened his stance a bit and gave Ace a light scratch behind the ears as the dog took advantage of the better access. “But it’s not just Ace that needs to get it.”
The way that the kid was looking at him now made Tony’s dick throb and his mind spiral. 
“What does that mean, kid? You want me to treat you like a dog?”
“Yes.” The intensity in that gaze told Tony that Peter was serious. 
Tony wasn’t really sure how to respond, but somehow “I don’t fuck dogs” found it’s way out his mouth before he could stop it.
Not that it wasn’t true, mind you.
The fire in Peter’s eyes dimmed a little, but he nodded just the same. “That’s your prerogative as our alpha. What matters most is that I fulfill my role for Ace.”
It felt like a bitter pill to swallow, but Tony accepted it just the same. 
“So when you say ‘treat you like a dog’, to what extent are we talking here?” Tony crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame - not because he was feeling vulnerable or anything, he was just getting comfortable.
“Preferably, I’d like to be treated with all of the same privileges and restrictions as Ace. Eat, exercise, and bathroom breaks at the same time. I brought my own gear and bowls, but I know some owners prefer to pick those out themselves.”
“What about food? I can’t exactly feed you the same stuff Ace eats.”
“You could if you wanted to. As long as it’s a brand that adheres to specific federal guidelines, it’s legally considered fit for human consumption.” Peter just shrugs, but Tony’s already shaking his head.
“No. I’m gonna have to draw a line there. That sounds too much like lawyer speak. I’ll have the cooks put together something nutritionally balanced but not too exciting so you’re not fighting Ace for your dinner every night.”
Peter nods and tries to hide the small smile he’s sporting, but Tony still sees it and makes him feel a bit better about the whole situation.
Ace catches Tony’s attention as he nips at Peter’s hands and shirt with a soft whine.
“He’s getting impatient.” Peter tries to calm him by petting him, but Ace ducks his hand and nips again.
“Yeah, well, Ace isn’t famous for his patience, but he’ll have to get over it. These kinds of negotiations are important to get in detail. Although, honestly, I’m fine with you having the run of the place as you like. Ace has it just the same. You know, within reason. Don’t shit on the carpet or anything like that. I’m really more concerned about emergency info and the like. I assume there’s some sort of record at your job that says you’re here?”
With Peter’s nod, Tony nods in kind and pushes up off the doorway.
“Ok then. Go ahead and write up a list of allergies, emergency contact info and all of that… and specific dog stuff you want/need for all of this. We can go over it tomorrow. Gives me time to wrap my head around all of this a bit more. And we can spend the rest of today getting to know each other better.”
“Sounds like a plan to me, Mr. Stark!” Peter’s face is back to that wide beaming grin as he pulls his shirt up over his head and starts unbuttoning his jeans. “Would you mind grabbing a towel again?... You know. We should probably look into getting a set specifically for this. It’d be easier to keep them on hand.”
Tony's body is moving before he even thinks about it, crossing the room towards the bathroom for a fresh towel. He steps back into the bedroom just in time to watch Peter lean over the kennel and pull a decent sized knotted dildo out of his ass. 
He must be making a specific kind of face because Peter gives him a sheepish shrug as he sets the used toy on the kennel and reaches for the towel. “I figured Ace wouldn’t want to wait, so I prepped myself earlier. I may need your help with this, Mr. Stark. Sometimes they have trouble getting it in.”
Tony is seriously questioning his own intelligence at this point, given the length of time it keeps taking for him to process any information Peter relays to him. Especially now, watching dumbly as Peter lays out the towel and kneels over it - falling forward onto all fours and arching his back to present his ass.
Ace is there an instant later with a quick snuffle and an even quicker tongue. 
From his viewpoint, Tony can barely see Ace’s tongue as it moves against (and sometimes inside) the kid’s hole, but he can hear it just fine - the wet lapping loud in the almost quiet room. There’s the soft little moans Peter’s making and the booming of his own heartbeat to contend with, of course. 
Tony’s about to ask how he can help, when Peter shifts his hips - just a bit- but it must serve as some kind of natural signal because Ace pulls back and paws at the kid’s ass while humping air. Peter shifts again and Ace makes a full attempt at mounting him, but it’s off center and Ace just ends up rutting against the back of the kid’s thigh. 
“I think you’re going to have to help line him up, Mr. Stark. If you can get him there, usually he should be able to handle the rest.” 
Tony’s mouth is dry and his dick is using up all of his brain power so he doesn’t say anything, he just moves forwards and tries to guide Ace’s hips in the right direction. He gets a light growl for his efforts.
“He thinks your trying to dislodge him so you can mount me instead,” Tony decides to save that mental image for later as Peter drops his front to the floor and uses one hand to reach under him. However, at his current vantage point, Tony can’t see what he’s doing. “Don’t worry, just push him a little more… and I can- AH! AHhAhhAH!” 
Tony jumps back as Ace’s hips start going at that frantic pace again and Peter keeps up the… screaming? Moaning? He can’t quite tell which it is and he’s not sure if he should try to stop what’s happening. Underneath the kid’s cries, Tony can hear the sloppy sounds of a slick fuck and he’s fascinated, scared and turned on - frozen in his indecision.
Thankfully, (or not) just as before, Ace stops thrusting not too long after he started and Peter quiets to a gentle groan as he rests his head on his forearms.
“Y-You doin’ ok kid?” Tony realizes that maybe he should have tried asking a little earlier.
“Mmh, yeah… it’s just… he’s a bit.. Mmmm… longer than I had… hah… anticipated.” The kid sounds out of breath like he just fucked a marathon rather than the bare minute.
“Did he hurt you?” Tony spares a glance to Ace perched on top of him - he looks tired too. 
“nnNo.. I’m fine… ‘is knot’s huge though…” 
Tony can’t help but palm himself a bit at that. “Yeah?” it comes out breathy and soft and Tony would probably cringe if he were in his right mind.
“Mmmhmm… it’s almost too much… but not quite… God… I can feel it… each spurt… it’s so hot…” The words sound like their almost being punched out of him and by the end of it, Tony has a hand in his sweats, stroking himself in earnest.
He takes in the complete picture they make together, this gorgeous boy stuck on his dogs knot - nowhere to go until Ace is finished dumping his load - and pumps his cock faster, the idea so foreign and hot that his balls are already starting to draw up and -
“Wait. trust me… wait… when we untie…. It’s so much better… I promise… don’t finish yet…”
Tony looks and sees Peter watching him and he immediately stops moving - feeling caught in the act of something he shouldn’t be doing. “Sorry… I shouldn’t’ve...”
“Mmn.. it’s ok… I want you to like it…” Peter groans as he shifts a bit to get a hand under himself, palming at his own hard cock. 
Tony can’t help but look now that it has his attention. It’s on the long side, but it’s pretty thin. Obviously cut and the tip softly flushed. It was cute. Just like the rest of him. 
Suddenly Peter whines high and sharp as Ace shifts above him. “Noo nonono.. Stay… staystay… c’mon Ace… Stay, boy” 
Tony reaches out to try and steady Ace, but that doesn’t really seem to help as the dog continues to try and turn himself.
“Grab his leg! Help him turn ov- AH!”
Tony quickly jumps to help get Ace’s leg over so they’re standing ass to ass and Peter’s back to panting about as fast as Ace. 
“You still holding up ok?”
“Yeah… I’m good...it’s pulling now… it’s still a bit too big… but soon… stay close Mr. Stark… you’re gonna love it…”
Tony’s already loving the view. He can see a bare bit of Ace’s cock where it disappears into Peter, but what’s even better is he can see where the knot’s pulling. The kid’s hole is fluttering, but also bulged out a bit. Tony also notices how Ace’s balls keep twitching alongside his cock. He can’t still be…
“Is he still coming?”
“Mmhmm…” It’s more of a whine than anything and Tony really wants to come just hearing it.
“Fuck... you must be so full now…” Tony can’t keep his hand off his dick any longer - stroking himself to the idea of that pretty hole overflo-
“I am… do you want to see?” 
“Fuck yeah!” 
“Keep watching… ooOOOHHH!! FUCK!!” 
Tony watched as Peter’s hole puckered open and stretched… and stretched… and stretched even more, revealing a part of the large knot inside of him, then Ace got the message and stepped forward, pulling himself free in one quick jerk.
The kid’s hole fluttered, trying to close, but it was no use - it was gaping and probably would for a while. 
The sound of rustling drew Tony’s attention to Peter digging through one of the shopping bags and then shoving a dog bowl into Tony’s hands.
“Here. Hold this under me.”
Tony wasn’t so slow on the uptake this time, holding the bowl under Peter’s ass as he sat up. He watched as a rush of dog cum filled the bowl, with more slowly dribbling out after. When Peter reached back to work his hole with his own fingers, coaxing even more cum from deep within him, Tony sat back and with full intentions of finishing himself off, but Peter stopped him. 
“Finish in me. I’m not a dog yet, right? You can fuck me.” Slick fingers teased along his dick and that was more than enough to break Tony’s non-existent resolve.
In an instant, he had Peter bent back over, and was lining himself up. When he slid in, there was no true resistance and it was as wet as a cunt, maybe even moreso, and it felt amazing.
With a bit of encouragement from Peter, pretty soon, Tony was driving into the kid at a pace similar to Ace’s, but he at least managed a reach-around and lasted longer than the dog did.
When he finally came, he pushed each spurt as deep as he could go, and after he caught his breath, he helped Peter add it to the bowl and then watched the kid lap it all up.
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I never thought I’ll be writing something like this, specifically the part of exposing myself in front of the people who follow me + the ones who don’t but still are checking up all the time. These pictures take me back to summer 2017. The worst year of my entire life. You couldn’t tell of course because I made sure no one wouldn’t be capable of noticing these kind of things. I posted positive, happy and silly things and I “became the best version of me” lmao. Now I can finally admit that was some huge ass bullshit and I’m mad no one said a thing. A few months before those photos were taken, I started to battle with my super toxic new old friend Anorexia, followed by her cousin Bulimia. I could remember having a goal: To be as skinny as possible. To look as good as I could ever look on a family trip to the beach (now that I think about it, it’s like, come on, it’s your family they don’t give a shit). Also, before that, I had my high school prom and you can guess what my new eating disorder did for me. Did you guessed? Yes, it made me bought a smaller freaking expensive dress! So that I could have a motivation to lost all the freaking weight I hated. I remember being asked by the lady in charge of the dress store “Don’t you want the L size? I think you could feel more comfortable” And my whole face started to burn. I felt awful. But I remained calm, laughed and said “I’m about to go on a diet. I’ll loose all this weight” and she ofc had to be this supportive “buy all my shit” kind of person. So she suggested me to get the S size. But around that time I was dumb, but like not that dumb after all because I knew that, there was no way in hell I could fit into that shit, even if I stopped eating for like a whole month. So I decided to get the M one. And yes, maybe M is kinda considered a fat girl size, but this dress was made of lace. fucking lace. Which means, it was tight and getting the M was sort of a big deal. That day I paid for my own dress (because my parents had no idea about my future plans) and went home all happy and excited because I finally had a goal to achieve: To fit in that dress, because I couldn’t afford to throw all my money away. So at this moment I’d like to state that I have a mild pill addiction (nothing serious, but sometimes they still appeal to me as candies or some shit) and it appeared around this time because this girl had an eye opening moment when she found out about...*drum rolls* LOSING WEIGHT PILLS. It was a whole thing. I was shocked. Like, I could lose weight by taking this lil pill? Everyone said “yes” forgetting that ofc It’s not that easy. So I started to take them daily, even surpassing the recommended dose. I began to let those pills solve my whole eating problems. I started dieting but sometimes I had these huge cravings (I could also say I’m kind of a compulsive eater?) anyways, I wanted to eat junk food, but I couldn’t do it. My whole brain was like “No honey” and then we started to have a battle and when I won that battle, I decided to choose the losing weight pills as my ally. So, in resume, I ate a lot of shit and then I’d let the pills do it’s job. And what job I’m talking about? Diarrhea LMFAO. I mean, I had to get used to be shitting my pants every single time because everything I ate ended up in the freaking toilet in a very gross way. The thing is, I learned to live with this awful thing. I made it look like something normal. But the truth is, it wasn’t normal and I could have gotten a serious disease by doing that. But as always, that wasn’t enough. And when I realized the pills process was kinda slow I decided to cut most of the foods I considered “bad”. I ate once a day, drank tons of water and detox tea; courtesy of my mom. Because, now that I realize all this stuff, I didn’t started all of this by myself. I let my mom help me develop it. She has always talked about losing weight methods, pills, creams, all the things that would help you lose weight, my mama knew. So I always had this fear of my mom targeting my fatness. I had the fear that she would be disappointed because of the weight I had after all the advice she gave to me and my sisters. I mean, she always had something to say about this losing weight thing, How could I be fat? She literally was giving me options to not be fat anymore. So to her, at first was kinda normal that I decided to go to sleep to avoid eating. I would literally had a small plastic bag with some granola for breakfast and water. Then I would eat tuna with lettuce and lemon and more water and then I’d have more tuna for dinner. And when I felt hungry as hell? I went to sleep. It helped me a lot to be a sick person at it’s fullest. But hey, I def started to lose weight. With all the things I cut and the pills I was this close to achieve my goal. I decided to join my mom on her gym routine and people there started to compliment me about how skinny I started to look. I was living the dream!! I started to push myself way harder on the gym (I also almost fainted like 2-3 times a week) but Hey, I needed to get toned! Being skinny wasn’t enough. So I started to realize I could get myself to look better. And guess who helped me achieve my skeleton look? My dearest friend, index finger. We had our first meeting one time at the bathroom. That time I didn’t thought I’d be capable of doing something like that. I was scared of the result. But somehow we managed to forget that rocky start and the first time I vomited I was like “woah so this is how it feels. My god, can’t believe I’ve missed this my whole life” and it was so easy. I didn’t even need to cut foods. I could eat whatever I wanted! And then It would be gone for good! And all I had to do was push my finger deep in my throat. So fucking easy. And that’s how I finally achieved my goal, by playing the girl from the exorcist movie in my bathroom every day after every meal. I should’ve been happy, but my ED said “nope” and I had a whole breakdown and missed my prom. I went trough a lot of changes, decided to cut and dye my hair and tried to become a whole new person while stile carrying my oldest two versions (The one before the ED, and the one who had the ED) and I felt like I became an actress in this movie called “how long could you keep it cool until you become crazy”. Around that time, I weighted like 43...42 kg. I was way under my weight. My legs were tiny and I loved them. I loved to feel my ribs, my hip bones. I loved to see how my clothes looked bigger on me. I even sent some of my clothes to be fixed so that they would be smaller and fit me and yet, they didn’t because I was too small now. And I loved it. No one said a thing. My family was like “Oh now you’re skinny? It must be from the gym” My mom was thrilled. She never said it, but I could tell by the way she looked at me when I asked her if she could send my clothes to her friend because they didn’t fit me anymore. She even started to buy me clothes on smaller sizes and we even joked about how now I would have to buy on the kid’s section because I was so small and I couldn’t be prouder. I took photos with the clothes that looked bigger on me. I had to have proof that I was tiny! I was having a moment. And people started to notice that I became tiny but never asked how I got to be ‘that’ tiny. So, they never asked. I never answered. Until now lol. So the family trip to the beach happened and there I ate all the things I couldn’t while achieving my goal, because what the hell I was already skinny, I could eat whatever I wanted. And I ate, and ate and yet, I looked good on the bikini photos. I MEAN, for the first time in years I bought a TWO PIECES swimsuit. I had a great time there, it felt like a culmination in my life. I took cute pictures in front of the beach house, my cousin complimented be about looking skinny and pretty and yeah, happy ever after. Back at home, the struggle wasn’t over. I started to eat normally again but always fearing about my weight. I was perfect. I couldn’t lose that. So it begins the journey of “eating and regretting and then vomiting and then regretting it and then sending everything to hell and eating once again” and that went on repeat ALL DAY. To summarize, this isn’t exactly a story with a happy ending. It got to a point where I realized “WTF DUDE. YOU’LL DIE FROM THIS” and I stopped doing all that shit. Even my parents noticed the whole thing before I could send it back to hell. Tbh I was kinda expecting them to be mad or anything but they were like “we could hear you vomiting” and that’s all. Um, so you heard? Uh, sorry? My mom was more worried about how the toilet looked after I threw up on it. She said the stains were awful. So, I’d like to say sorry to my mom for staining her toilet while dealing with all my shit. My bad mom. 
Now, I’d like to state that it’s been three years since that happened and my family and I still haven’t spoke about it. I had to seek help somewhere else. And you know, I’m not stating that my parents are the ones to blame. No, I was 17. I was totally aware of how awful having a ED was and yet I decided to participate. However, I totally believe they should have said something. I mean, it took a very short time for me to lose more than 30 kg and I slept all day. Wasn’t that weird for them? Maybe. But my parent’s weren’t exactly raised to be aware of people’s emotions. My parents were raised to be emotionless. They rarely show emotions and that’s something regular at home. So, if they ever felt worried they never expressed it because they didn’t knew how. And that’s normal, At least to me. 
Moving forward to 2020, I’m 21. I’m an ED survivor (hate the word but you know, I didn’t died so I guess I kinda survived?) and I’m still in recovery and def not fully healed. That’s why I said this didn’t exactly had a happy ending. Because when you have an ED you can’t just put it away and make it disappear from your life. Nope, it’s not that easy and if someone says it is. They’re big liars. People talk about how difficult is to recover and gain weight without having these awful thoughts but they never tell you how your relationship with food changes forever. Or maybe they do, but it’s very rare tbh. Now, 3 years after having an ED I can say I still have it in me. Every time I eat something, I can’t help to feel guilty. To have the urge to vomit everything or the amount of times I say in my head “You need to cut food again” I get a losing weight goal every month. And I have the same feelings and thoughts I used to have 3 years ago. I look at myself in the mirror and I don’t feel proud. I get the feeling I’m not having my best moment. And it sucks, you know? Because it’s tiring. Having your mind working 24/7 on the food you just ate and you could have replaced it with something healthier. And not being able to stop it. It also doesn’t help the fact that my mom is still obsessed with losing weight. She still has this habit of checking what I eat and making this “I don’t approve it” face. A month ago, I kinda had a relapse. I started to cut foods and then I was like “Hey, remember those pills? They still exist, you know?” But, I had no money. I couldn’t go outside to get them (bc quarantine, yikes) and I had no idea which ones would help me this time. So...I asked the expert; my mom. I’d like to state again I’m not blaming her. Anyways, I told her I felt fat and awful (she never said “you’re not fat” bc I have to admit, I am, at the moment) and asked her for her advice on losing weight stuff. She quickly recommended some popular diet pills she once listened a woman recommend in the radio. She even told me about a deal they had! Which included 3 bottles, all of them with 60 pills. Bro, I was in paradise at that moment. 180 pills plus having the opportunity to lose weight? WHAT A FUCKING DEAL My mom was thrilled, she even got the deal for herself (and both suffered from the same consequences, that my mom tried to cover up by saying that “it was the body’s reaction” and that we were detoxing our bodies” but I decided to cut that bullshit and stopped taking them bc I had awful results (and also, I wasn’t exactly losing weight which was the whole goal) 
Today, June 2nd. I reflected about this whole thing. I am proud I never went to the bottom and to the hospital. But I’m not proud on the fact that I still haven’t recovered. Not even a bit. I mean, yeah, now I have double thoughts before doing something my ED tells me to do, but I still have the urge of being skinny. I still compare my body and feel like that is the only thing I could offer. Most stories shared this day, are successful ones. Most have this cute ending with them still being skinny but now, reflecting on life and talking about healthy weight gain. But not all stories are like those ones. There’s people still struggling. Like me, I haven’t even recovered but yet, I’m sharing this shit. Because that’s the reality behind having a daughter, sister, friend, with an ED. 
We would never openly say “I HAVE AN EATING DISORDER” but it’s always in the little details. It’s in the way they read the menu and search for the healthy options and the calories, the way they express about their bodies, the way they constantly say how much they need to go to the gym. It’s in the way they look at food whenever you offer them, like if they could calculate how many days would it take for that food to get stuck in their body, specifically in the abdomen area. It’s there, but not many people gets to see it. It’s a matter of paying attention. And no, we do not want attention all the time, we do not want you to save us. It’s not about that. It’s about being aware that we are struggling and that we might need your support at least once. 
Personally, I do not want to be saved. I just want to cope with it. I want to be able to eat healthy without falling again into these crap. I want to be able to look back and say “I fucking did it”. If I’m totally honest, the thought of losing weight will always be here with me. I’ll always have this little voice telling me “You could be smaller, you know? “You could stop your dad from saying that you’d be perfect to play football again because you could tackle everyone with that body” “You could be as tiny as your sister” “You could show your ballet teacher that you do not look like a ball anymore” “You could make your mom proud because you have taken her advice” “You could fit in that shirt and those pants again” and the most important one “You could have it all” because sadly, in this world, skinny means successful. And while I still try to achieve being that successful, the ED thoughts won’t go away, not at all. And I’m being honest. Terribly honest. But at least, I’m not lying and saying I’ll do better. Because, I’ll be better, just not today and maybe not even in two years from now. But I’ll be one day. 
This story was shared to commemorate the World Eating Disorders Action Day (June 2nd) to spread awareness about what ED really mean and what they actually look like in real life. 
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sheepsandcattle · 5 years
Chapter 16
There’s a week in August that Jordan books off work so Curly can stay with him for a while. They never argue or even bicker (too new to it all to feel the need to) but he’s still not taking drugs when he’s at J’s house if he can help it and withdrawals make him cranky at the best of times.
He’s already feeling said withdrawals one night, when Jeff lets it slip.
“I just can’t believe how fast you got rid of him,” he says, and Curly thinks he sounds impressed. He tries not to pay too much attention though because they’ve been on about Rhys for a bit now and he’s so bloody sick of hearing about it.
But then Jeff adds, “don’t get me wrong, I mean, good for you man, but I remember when the four of us went to Feral. He was still living with you, right? Remember he threw that fit because you were out with Curls until—”
J just hums, specifically not looking in Curly’s direction as he interrupts his friend. That was The Night. That was when Jordan asked Curly out, and he was still living with some other bloke.
Curly keeps his mouth shut because nobody knows about them still. They’re still a secret. Exciting and sneaky and all that bollocks.
He stays quiet until they get back into J’s newest temporary car where, after a short silence, he leans over to turn the music down and says, “so you were still with Rhys when you asked me out, then?”
“Hm?” Jordan acts like the question’s taken him completely off-guard; like it’s come out of absolutely nowhere. “I mean, barely.” He gives a short laugh as he keeps his eyes on the road ahead.
“You were still living with him and you asked me out.” J doesn’t respond. “Were you ‘living’ with him when we went to Beverley’s?”
“No. No, Curly. God. I mean… Yeah, he lived with me, but I ended it for good on the night we were at the bar. He just didn’t have a place to stay.”
“Were you ever going to say owt?”
Curly has a banging headache. He’s been breaking out in sweats all day and his whole body aches and this is exactly what he doesn’t need.
“Say what?” He’s not sure why cocky, confident, unfiltered Jordan has reduced himself to playing dumb. Actually, he’s got some idea.
“Is that what you do? Move blokes in with you until someone else takes your fancy?”
“I bet you were fucking gutted when you realised I wasn’t putting out for you,” he pushes.
“Woah, hey, chill out, alright? It wasn’t like that. You know it ain’t like that.”
“I know fuck-all, apparently.”
Curly just can’t stop thinking about J trying to kiss him in the car and whether or not that’s all it was ever really meant to be - at first, at least. It makes him feel embarrassed and stupid and small. He wonders if Rhys gave him a good hiding for being home late on that night, too.
“Curls, we were on the outs. He was gonna move out anyway, jus’ not so soon. I told him that night he had the weekend to figure it out, a’right? Because I liked you, and even if I didn’t know where we were going, I didn’t wanna still have him at my place when I—“
“When you were trying to get me into bed?”
“What? No. Why are you—“
“So you spoke to me at the bar, went home, told your boyfriend he needed to leave, and—“
“He wasn’t my boyfriend then! He was already leaving in a matter of weeks! I just— Fuck, Curly, quit bustin’ my fuckin’ balls. This ain’t like you.”
“Just hope you got a last shag in before he left, cause it’s been— ‘ow long now?”
J decides not to answer, probably reckons it’s for the best, but then Curly adds, “well,” just to test him.
“Curls, I stopped fuckin’ around with him the second we got serious,” which was the absolute worst thing he could possibly have said, because next is a whole new argument about when exactly that was.
The argument is painfully unconstructive. By the time they get back to J’s flat, Curly’s pure fuming because now he knows that Jordan and Rhys met up twice (fucking twice) after their date.
They walk into the apartment in silence though, because they’ve exhausted themselves by then - or, Curly has exhausted both of them and Jordan’s dug himself so deep he’s stopped trying to dig himself out.
He doesn’t go back to his own place, but the rest of the evening is strained and awkward. J jumps from keeping his distance to suffocating Curly with sweetness but it’s not bloody working.
When they go to sleep, things are still tense, and at 3am Curly’s heaving into the toilet and shaking violently from head to toe.
Jordan promises that “it’ll be fine if you let it pass,” because argument or not, he’s seen it all before and he insists it’s not his fault. Curly just feels patronised and simplified, which never happens with J but he’s sick of him acting like he knows what’s going on as if he can read Curly’s bloody mind.
So now Curly’s physically withdrawing and he’s irritable and panicking and doesn’t know how he feels about the sort-of-secret he’s discovered which all translates to ‘MAD!’ in his brain.
“I can’t be arsed with this anymore,” he spits when he finally has it in him to stand. He shoves past Jordan, cutting back through to the bedroom and grabs for his belongings which he shoves into his bag with one hand as the other reaches for his phone. “You're doing my head in.”
“Oh get a grip, Curly. I’m tryna help, just— What are you doing?”
“Leaving. I’m sick of it.”
“Sick of what?” Jordan’s stood with his arms crossed over his chest beside the door. He’s not trying to stop him but Curly recons it’s less about him not caring and more about him being cocky enough to think Curly is only bluffing.
“You make me feel this big,” he snaps, holding up his hand as he almost-pinches his fingers. “I’m sick of it. I’m sick of feeling so bloody small and of you turning your nose up and… Babying me.”
So he’s talking some shit, maybe, but he’s mad and needs more reason to be so, so it can all feel justified — and it does feel justified. He just can’t figure out why. Jordan just doesn’t feel genuine anymore and he’s sick of feeling like he’s being picked up and controlled without even bloody knowing it.
“I’m helping you. God knows nobody else is.”
“Well, I don’t fucking want it!”
“If you go home it’ll get worse, you can’t— You don’t have control over this anymore and you know it, Curly.” Jordan crosses the room but it’s not to stop him, but instead to grab his glasses from the side, which he puts on as he leaves the room again, so fucking casual and unfazed. Is it denial or ignorance? From the lounge, he calls, “you’re not yourself right now. Just lay down and I’ll—“
“Oh do me a fucking favour, Jordan!” He's not crying necessarily (for once, he isn’t bloody crying) but his breathing is right off and his voice cracks when he shouts back: “That’s all anyone bloody says anymore: you’re not yourself. Nobody ‘ere knows who I am; that’s the problem! Don’t—“
“Hello?” Jules sounds tired and puzzled through the phone and, honestly, it had been ringing for so long that Curly had forgotten he was calling him, even with the device pressed to his ear.
“—Can you pick me up?”
Jordan must finally snap out of whatever daze he’s in because Curly hears a door slam and a glass shatter in the other room.
Within thirty minutes, Jules texts to say he’s parked up outside - probably in some car that he’s not insured on that Curly’s never seen before.
As he leaves the apartment, Curly hears Jordan shout, “he’s the one that got you into this mess,” but he never even bothers to follow him out; never even leaves the kitchen as Curly slips through the lounge and out of the door.
He trips over his laces on his way down the steps but descends them so fast that he’s caught himself before he even realises he’s falling. His bag’s open and his jacket’s over his arm rather than on his back but when he finally gets to the car and drops into the passenger seat, Jules just tuts calmly and says, “how did you get into this mess,” as he pulls away from the curb.
It was one of those things that he knew he was asking for but thought he’d dodged. Even as he took hits to avoid migraines and nausea, and told Jordan he couldn’t stay with him for more than a night or two at the very most, he thought he was just… Teetering on the edge of dependency.
He has a hit that night (morning) and calls Jordan telling him never to contact him again. Jules recons it’s for the best because he felt like he was losing one of his best friends.
Curly thinks, ‘yeah. Yeah, I was losing myself, wasn’t I?’
Jordan doesn’t even put up a fight. He says, “whatever, have it your way,” and is the one to end the call.
His mum says a similar thing the next day when he shows up twenty minutes late for dinner. He’s in no fit state to drive and walks to her house instead. She takes one look at him and just sort of… Knows.
She says, “either come in and stay until you're sober so you can apologise to Dom—” he forgot dinner was for Dom’s birthday, “—or you can leave now and come back when you’re clean.”
He doesn’t know how she knows, or for how long. He thought he was playing it off pretty well, but he’s too busy trying to prop the plant pot that he’d knocked over back up on the porch to give it much thought.
Curly says, “I can look after myself,” as he backs away from the house, jaw twitching, and she says, “suit yourself,” and shuts him out without hesitation.
He shouts a few obscenities through the closed door but by the time he’s out of breath, he can’t even remember half of it.
“You know,” Oz breathes, smiling at the backs of his eyelids although his head is tilted in Curly’s direction. “It’s actually good to have you back.”
The flat’s freezing again and the window by the cabinet won’t close properly. Doesn’t really matter though ‘cause, if things go his way, he’ll be half-numb soon enough anyway, and Oscar’s clearly already there; head lulled against the back of the sofa as he melts into it; the picture of bliss.
He smiles as he pulls his feet up onto the sofa and turns to look back at his mate. “Yeah? Why d’you seem so shocked? Didn’t think you’d miss me?”
His flatmate chuckles, shaking his head as he does. His eyes open then, darting to find Curly’s and he’s squinting as he asks, “where’d you go?”
Gaze still on Oscar and knees bent near his chest, Curly shrugs as he gives himself time to think.
He’s learnt that he’s allowed to do that; stop and think before he speaks rather than saying the first daft thing that comes to mind for the sake of dodging an awkward silence. He says, “can’t remember,” though, because it’s the truth.
It’s clearly not his geographical location they’re talking about here (even when he was home, his mates were asking where his head was at) but that makes the questions neither easier or harder to answer.
“M’back now, though. Back to square one,” and Oscar is still smiling even though Curly isn’t anymore, so he must think that it’s a good thing.
Maybe he’s right.
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solo-trio · 7 years
High Significance (Pt. 1)
Summary: After meeting the Solo triplets, you dialed down on your habit a great deal. What will they think of you when they catch you mid-puff ?
Pairings- Solo triplets x Reader
Words- 2.4K
Warnings- Marijuana use, Marijuana mention, Slight suggestive themes
A/N: My Laptop was in the shop so I haven’t been able to post new works, but I’ve had this idea for awhile and I’m excited for our triplets to break a few rules. Enjoy! Don’t forget to send in any requests you may think of !
You’d really dialed down on your habit after meeting the Solo triplets. Smoking weed used to be a four or five time a week activity for you. Nothing ended a great day like sitting down with your best friend,smoking a bowl, listening to music,and relaxing in comfy clothes on your plush couch. Food tasted better, jokes came across funnier, and every new strain you tried held a mysterious unique effect the both of you uncovered together. 
The boys had sauntered into your life unexpectedly, giving you no time to notice your steady dialing back. You never consciously made the decision to quit, but as you spent more time getting to know each of them and going on amazing dates, you had less time and less money to spend on your extracurricular activity. Kylo, Ben, and Matt had been the best things to happen to you and you never once expected that smoking would be present in the experimental relationship you found with the three of them. Not one of them had ever brought up doing anything worse than getting drunk on whatever alcohol was the flavor of the evening. You never pushed it, being more than happy to just use alcohol as a means for fun. You’d always prefer staying up late texting Kylo or being able to go for jog with Ben than lighting a blunt and eventually passing out. The change was even less noticeable while you still hung out with your best friend,  finding new hidden spots around town to explore. 
 Every so often though, you itched for a bowl though, to just be a little bad. You had always had a fascination with watching the smoke, as if your secrets were ghosts escaping from the portal that was your lips, dissipating into the air and no longer haunting you. You would go onto your balcony while your partners were at work or fast asleep to get just the right level of high and stare at the grey smoke as it rolled through the air and bent the moonlight making shadowy figures of its own on the ground. You disposed of any evidence thoroughly and quickly. It wasn’t a part of who you were anymore but the small instances when you could indulge yourself brought an extra glimmer of peace to your mind that you could never abandon fully. 
This specific day, for a reason you couldn’t decipher, all your mind could relish was the memory of your chest warming, your mind numbing, and the hope of feeling it again. It had been quite awhile since the last time you took time to yourself to breathe in the THC. Your eyes had been peering towards your dresser drawer more frequently. To icing the cake, work had progressed less than perfect. You’d been out of it and spent most of the day performing errands and completing busy work. A bowl sounded heavenly at this moment.
Standing in your kitchen, the clock read 3:15, only a minute had passed since you had last checked the time. You fidgeted with you hair and nails as you tried to subdue the want. The stress of fighting with yourself only added to the pressure that was driving you toward the drawer. You weighed out if doing it was worth going behind their backs again. You hated not telling them, but what would you say? “I don’t know if you guys are cool with weed but I smoke it once every three months” You chuckled out loud imagining your confession. Once every three months wasn’t even a statistic worth mentioning. You’d just get funny looks and a whole flurry of unnecessary questions. Other than relying on the substance, you tried some other activities you usually found soothing. After a chapter of a new book and an episode of Daredevil, you still found yourself yearning to create new smoke swirls. You dragged your feet to the kitchen and filled a glass halfway with water. Your fingernails were demolished from anxious biting and you had to busy your hands. As the water swirled in your mouth, you felt dissatisfied, knowing if you were high it would be a more vibrant sensation. Your eyes were pulled to the stove yet again as you downed the drink. 4:30, it read. It was now or never. You were aware this might be a close call but you resolved yourself to packing a small bowl before the boys came home. This constant internal fight wasn’t worth it. You dug in your closest, finding your stash. You felt the muscles in your shoulders cease their clenching as you rolled the sticky herb between your fingers. Your bowl was perfectly sized and, despite that, you packed it looser than usual. You figured it would take less time to burn through in that state. After you set what was ready to go on the nightstand, you changed. Any experience was better if you were comfortable. You perused Kylo’s closet. The tallest siblings shirts were the best dresses on you. You came across a hanging garment that had inspired a rather pleasurable night with your brooding boyfriend. The look on his face as you sauntered out in it was truly a rare sight that had you smiling fondly as you recalled it. You exchanged your professional work attire for that special T-shirt and panties underneath. 
Sauntering to the balcony, you connected your phone to your Bluetooth speaker and played the hardcore songs you truly loved but tried to limit in the presence of your beaus. You danced around your smoke, waving your hands through it and trying different tricks playfully. Your lungs felt on fire every time you inhaled. You had made it a contest with yourself to see how much you could take before adding to the cloud developing on the balcony. You had burnt through most of your bowl when you went for one more puff, knowing you had to be pushing it close to when you significant others would stroll through the door expecting a kiss from their favorite companion. You were headbanging when you heard the door frame squeak and catch repeatedly on the bottom track behind you. 
 You spun around expecting a burglar, hoping for a burglar, over who really witnessed you, pipe in hand. Your sweet Matt’s eyes widened as he took in the scene before him. While your breath stuck from shock, the smoke charred your throat and you started hacking uncontrollably after lack of proper exhale. You paused the music and your coughs grew louder among the stillness of your neighborhood. Matt rushed to your hunched over frame. “Woah (y/n) are you ok,” he asked, worried at your side. He was the only one of the brothers you saw in the doorway until your choking on air caused the other two to rush up and also witness the scene. You reassured Matt that you were fine once your body allowed you to breath enough to speak. All three gazes burned far worse than your airways. “What are you doing out here?” Matt, no longer worried about your wellbeing, perused the table. You decided against responding. You expected to see disappointment as you peeked from the ground to look at your boyfriends. Matt’s eyes were filled with a sentiment opposite from the disappointment that you expected to face though. You recognized a look of curiosity in his warm chocolate irises. Looking next to Kylo, he embodied the worst possibility of reactions. With clenched fists, he stood waiting for an explanation but wouldn’t meet your eyes. The only thing that held his attention was the now extinguished substance filling the blue and green glass pipe. Ben was your last focus. His eyebrows were raised and a smirk played at his lips as he stepped out onto the balcony to join Matt and you. 
“Why I do believe our precious girl is getting high.” His voice was light and teasing. You didn’t need to confirm his evaluation. He didn’t stop advancing until he was placed right in front of you with his finger under your chin,  stretching your neck so you’d have to face him. “Who knew you were such a bad girl,” he purred. Feeling hazy wisps of your impending high lick at the edges of your conscious, you felt yourself seduced completely by his reaction. His intense energy made you feel as if you were the only two people that were there before Matt interjected. 
“Wait...High like weed?” The blonde, again, only seemed to ask out of honest interest. Ben dropped his hand, annoyed by the interruption. 
“Yes Matty like weed.” Ben rolled his eyes as if he was dealing with a child. While your charming triplet was occupied responding to Matt’s questions, all you could do was stare guiltily at Kylo as he seemed to grow angrier.
 “What does it feel like?” Matt looked to you now to see if he could perceive any noticeable changes in your behavior or actions. Kylo finally blew. 
“Who cares. It’s for wastes of space who do nothing to contribute to society and kill brain cells for fun,” He sternly said. The onsetting buzz you felt caused you to take his outburst straight to heart. You looked at the ground sadly as a your lips melted into a frown. 
“Come on Kylo you know that’s not true. Lots of people do it,” Ben defended you. He pulled you close, his front pressed flush against back, and kissed your neck. Your brain took a bit to process the stimulation but you were grinning once again after you felt the comforting press of him at your side. After recapturing your interest, the flirt pecked your lips, and winked at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.“Now I know you know how to shotgun princess.”You lit up at his wanting to join you. 
“Ben you can’t be serious! I don’t know if you guys have forgotten but weed is illegal here! What if someone had found out and called the cops?” Kylo was now yelling, causing you to cringe into Ben as he put a protective arm around you. “It’s stupid and reckless. I can’t believe you’d hide something like this from us. Do you do any other drugs? What else have you lied about?” Kylo shot accusation after accusation at you. Being considerably high, paranoia started setting in. The other siblings did find interest in his last question and turned to you for answers. You were having trouble piecing together a response under pressure so you said whatever came to mind first, relying fully on your emotions. 
“No-no I would never. I only smoke and I barely ever do it. Once in a long while. I didn’t tell you because It’s not even a part of my life. I never smoke when we’re together or I have anything planned. Please believe me,” you pleaded, aiming your response to Kylo. Ben and Matt sighed in relief hearing the sincerity of your tone. Matt rubbed your arm reassuringly as he was the first to respond. 
“It’s ok (y/n) we all have different ways of relieving stress.” you sighed as you pulled the corners of your mouth up. 
“Thank you Matt I truly never meant to hurt any of you.” you needed Kylo to see how remorseful you felt. Ben kissed the side of your head. 
“You know you can tell us anything right? I’m a little disappointed you hid this but-“
“Ben please I’m so so-,“ you pleaded with him, praying he didn’t hate you. 
“- but,” he put a finger to your lips to silence you, “I understand. It’s not even worth mentioning” He got to finish. You sighed in relief pulling both boys to your height so you had access to their cheeks where you wished to plant kisses of gratitude. You waited hopefully for a similar response from Kylo. 
“Keep the shirt. The smells probably stuck in there.” He scoffed, turning to slam the sliding door shut behind him. You could feel guilt poison every atom in your being. Tears prickled your eyes as you lived out the worst experience of being high in history. Your emotions throughout the past moments had been a roller coaster of ups and downs. Your eyes stung with dryness and your body felt heavy from the prolonged weight on your feet. 
Ben and Matt tried to comfort you, accommodating the state you were in. They had convinced you to let Kylo sleep on it and let him have some space. They joked with and teased you, helping to turn your mood around and have a little fun. Ben even smoked a little with you and you both taught Matt how to hit a pipe. For the whole remainder of your elated state however, your paranoia never fully disappeared. It beat you down, whispering how excited Kylo was to finally leave someone as pathetic as you and how everything you said had only made it worse, making him hate you more. You all three popped in a movie as Ben and you were feeling the standard effects. Languidly, you leaned into Ben and bit his neck before licking up the side of the now reddened skin. Your body felt warm and your mind worked wonderfully slow as you hoped to get Ben riled up enough to join you in bed. Thinking about Ben and seeing his smile helped your doubts. He chuckled before raising his brows surprisingly at the ministrations of your tongue. You noticed Matt had excused himself leaving only you two in the living room. 
“Yes kitten?” Ben responded to the affection his neck was getting. 
“I bet you’d feel so good against me right now,” you whispered breathily into his ear. His neck twisted towards you. His eyes now seemed glazed over as he let himself glance at the outline of your breasts against your shirt. Your breathing grew heavier as you straddled his hips and starting making out with him. Your tongue tried to feel out every inch of his mouth as his fought you for dominance. You lowered yourself to grind against his thigh, craving stimulation. His hands wandered all over your body. He eventually settled for gripping your waist tightly with one handing and grabbing a handful of your ass with the other. Ben groaned feeling you against him and lazily rolled his head back. You gripped his shoulders and kept relentlessly at his neck while he groped you and moved you grind against him fully. Your sturdy love then hooked his arms under your thighs and you giggled into his lips as you were hoisted up. Ben granted your every wish in bed, the high adding an exciting new dynamic and helping you avoid the situation you’d have to remedy in the morning. 
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The Big Four--Through Moonlight--Book 1
Chapter 9--Pieces Coming Together
Why something decided to bring so many different people together from so many different places was beyond them. But it had to be for good reason. And that reason just happens to be an elusive enemy who is searching for a powerful artifact, one with an unfathomable amount of knowledge.
There was definitely one thing in question, however—was this enemy the real deal, or something else?
(AO3 version) (First chapter)
Gathered around a fire, both Régine and Chane stared into the dancing flames as Charles sat across from them. She missed home, and she knew the boys did as well. For all she knew, her parents were probably thinking she’s run away again, or worse. She wouldn’t blame them, really. She’s scared them once, and now she’s unintentionally scared them again. And of course she’s had her fair share of scares herself within the span of a few days. Speaking of scares . . .
“Chane,” Régine started.
“Yes?” he replied.
“I never really got the chance to thank you.”
Chane raised an eyebrow. “For what?”
She chuckled a bit. “You tried to save me from that dragon, even though you barely stood a chance against him.”
“Hmph. I didn’t know Her Royal Highness could be so humble.”
“Oh stop it!” Régine whacked his shoulder with the back of her hand. “It’s called being polite.”
“Ow! Exactly!”
She merely rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help a smirk from forming.
“Nice to see you two are getting along again,” Charles commented with a smile.
Angus raised his head as he looked to the other side of the water. The horse neighed softly, and the trio followed his gaze. Studying the path, the men slowly got to their feet and drew their weapons while Régine simply stood at the ready.
“This better not be another one,” she muttered.
Charles stepped forward as running footsteps came within earshot, and soon the owner of those footsteps came into view. “Oh.” He lowered his sword. “It’s just a boy.”
“With . . . a raccoon.”
The boy in question slowed down before resting his hands on his knees. “I think . . . we . . . lost them.”
The raccoon poked his shoulder, and the boy looked to him before looking forward. A way’s down were three people by a fire, the men putting their weapons away as the girl’s shoulders relaxed. He had to blink a few times after seeing the fire actually ease its antsy flickering.
Pretty sure I have very little oxygen flow to the brain.
“Who are you?!” Chane called.
“I’m Varian! What are you doing out in a swamp?!”
“I could ask you the same question!”
“Wouldn’t it be more civilized if he came over here?” Régine pestered.
Chane grumbled a little before cupping his hands around his mouth. “Join us so we can speak properly!”
“On my way!” Varian called. He ran down the path and slid down a small hill, stopping at the water that separated him from the small group.
“Hold on. We’re sending the horse!” Charles said. He mounted Angus and turned the horse toward the other side.
“Um Charles,” Régine started.
“Yes Your High—” He stopped Angus in his tracks as he watched Varian walk across a fallen hollow trunk that was sturdy enough to hold him yet light enough for him to have pushed it onto the water. “Oh.”
“I’m uh, pretty resourceful, actually,” Varian replied simply. “And, I’ve kinda been looking for you.”
The trio exchanged looks.
“You guys were being chased by this mass of rocks, and for a guy that doesn’t believe in magic, I uh had to see if I was actually . . . y’know, seeing what I was seeing.”
“Finally! Someone who shares my belief!” Chane said.
“Really? What you’ve seen hasn’t changed your mind?” Régine snapped.
“Not one bit.”
“Anyway, my name is Charles, and this is Chane and Princess Régine Rosalie of Vig—”
“Just Régine, Charles,” the princess sighed.
“Princess?” Varian immediately dropped to one knee and bowed his head. “I am so sorry for intruding on anything, Your Highness.”
“Rise, Varian. You’re not intruding on anything.”
He looked up at her for a few moments before standing with a small smile. “If you don’t mind, I’d like you to meet Ruddiger.” The raccoon gave her a friendly smile and a wave.
“How did you get all the way out here?” Chane asked.
“Well, if I told you, you probably wouldn’t believe me.”
“Try us,” Régine challenged.
                                                         ~ ~ ~
“So, when do you think we’ll run into these ‘other contenders’ that witch mentioned?” Hiccup asked as he parted a bush.
“It could be longer before we find them,” Merida replied, yanking a tussock sedge free. “An’ we don’t even know wot they look like.”
“Well for starters, they probably won’t be from around here.” Finding another glass bottle, he tucked it under his arm. “You ever wonder why this ‘man on the moon’ picked us, of all people, to look for what’s arguably the most powerful book in the world?”
Merida’s head turned a bit.
“I mean, he sounds so powerful and mysterious. Why doesn’t he just come down and find it?”
“Maybe he’s not able to.”
“But there has to be more than that. What do we have that qualifies us to find it?”
Merida rested her hands on her lap, keeping quiet. “. . . We’re not like many others.”
Hiccup opened his mouth before closing it. “I guess I can agree with that. I mean, I was the first Viking to ever even think about riding a dragon, let alone training one. And well, eventually that lead to our feud with dragons to end.” Toothless nudged him. “Now we live with them.”
Merida smirked as she faced him. “Well, ah don’t know if you’ve noticed, but princesses are not supposed to have weapons. That’s wot mai mother used to say. Ahm the best archer in the kingdom and I can best any man with a sword. But my mother an’ I . . . we didn’t always see eye ta eye.”
Toothless’s ears rose, and a few minutes later a sopping wet reindeer skid to a stop right in front of them. He howled in fear at the sight of Toothless, and he floundered away from them.
“Woah woah woah easy! Easy . . .” Hiccup tried to soothe. The Viking calmly stood between the two animals, and this seemed to catch the reindeer’s attention. With the wet animal standing still, Hiccup was able to spot a harness. “Looks like he belongs to someone.”
Heatedly the reindeer gestured over his shoulder while snorting and stomping.
“Uhh,” Merida started. “It wants us teh . . . follow it?”
He snorted again, and Hiccup and Merida glanced to each other.
“All right, uh . . . show us, then,” Hiccup said, unsure.
Without a second thought the reindeer bounded off, and the trio had to run to catch up with him.
“I think we’re about to find those other contenders.”
“Or someone lost their pet,” Merida suggested.
It wasn’t much longer until Sven stopped near a waterfall. There on the ground were three unconscious and very wet people, and the group didn’t hesitate in rushing toward them.
“They’re freezing!” Merida yelped, snatching her hand away from the strawberry blonde girl.
“We need to get them back to camp,” Hiccup stated. “Toothless?”
While the dragon helped Hiccup get the older woman onto the saddle, the blonde-haired man began to stir. Sven’s ears swiveled around, and his tail began to wag as his best friend began to raise his head.
“Anna . . . ?” He groggily glanced to Merida, Hiccup, and— “Aaahhh!”
“And you’re awake!” Hiccup yelped, nearly dropping Elsa.
Before Kristoff could jerk his pick axe out, Sven slobbered all over him. “H-hey! Cut it out!”
The reindeer huffed and groaned for a few moments.
“Wait what?”
Sven sighed and repeated his motions at a slower pace, but a quizzical expression still remained on Kristoff’s face.
“And you’re not at all afraid of . . . whatever that thing is?”
“Dragon,” Hiccup flatly corrected.
“Yes. Dragon.”
Kristoff warily studied Toothless.
“If you come with us we have a small camp that most likely has a fire by now. You look like you need it.” A few seconds of silence went by.
“Fine, but Anna and Elsa are going on Sven.”
                                                           ~ ~ ~
Fergus tailed his two Deerhounds as a group of five men on horseback closely followed their king. He could feel the vibrations of his horse pounding at the ground, his dogs’ barking mixing with the footfalls of the other horses. If anything were to happen to his little girl, he would make doubly sure that boy was sorry.
The dogs slowed their pace, making the men bring their horses to a stop. Both canines sniffed the area as Fergus dismounted. Strewn all over the area were dozens of rocks of all shapes and sizes. Chunks of tree bark were scattered everywhere, and both bark and rock bore scorch marks. Even patches of grass were scarred black, and the smell of burnt earth was very faint.
“What monster did this?” one of the men asked, his horse sensing his concern.
Upon closer inspection, Fergus noticed a couple of arrows lodged into a piece of bark, specifically where two apparent eye sockets would be. Yanking an arrow free, he fingered it as he examined it.
“There’s no doubt these belong to my daughter,” he concluded.
“Then she must’ve fought back against whatever beast caused this,” a second man added.
“What if that boy sent the beast on her?” a third asked.
Before Fergus could breathe a word, his dogs announced a lead. Both of them were standing at the hill’s crest, and a long way’s from where they were was a darkened area with thin tendrils of fog.
The dogs darted forward, and Fergus quickly gathered a few more arrows before mounting his horse.
“Come on!” Fergus ordered, and he whipped the reins of his horse.
(First chapter) (Next chapter) (Previous chapter)
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