#not even the most wincest line in the song
hurricanejane · 1 year
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red-meat-my-beloved · 9 months
Happy Wincest Wednesday! I have a few questions for people to answer. Feel free to answer them all or just one (or none at all) even if you’re not tagged!
what song describes samdean the most?
if spn was set in europe, what country would the Winchesters be from? What language/languages would they speak?
if they didn’t have the impala, what car would they drive?
is there a project you’re working on currently? Do you have a line or sketch from it to share?
what’s the first fanfic for supernatural you’ve written? Did you publish it? Or if you don't write: what's the first fanfic you remember reading?
is there another codependent/emeshed duo from a different fandom you enjoy? Are there parallels to Sam and Dean?
what type of wincest dynamic do you currently enjoy most? (sexual, platonic, dark, fluffy, early seasons, etc.)
@luminescent-chorus @applecrumbledore @digitalmeowmix @baronsamediswife @fandom-hoarder @lorehouse @ruinedsam @fungal-waste @youchoseeachother @s2e11playthingsyuri(did you get sniped by staff again??)
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Hi Maven!! Same q to everyone this week: what are your top 3 wincest episodes, and why?
ok im gonna cheat and do this in 2 ways hehe
a) top 3 sam/dean episodes
3. A Very Supernatural Christmas: has the samulet (their engagement ring, obviously!), you can palpably feel the isolation, the neglect, it's very two-children-in-a-motel-esque. and of course, the final scene, where i think, if there was any point in the series aside from the barn scene in which they would have said "i love you," it would have been there. the deep long stare, the watery eyes, the fact that they both know dean will be gone within the year, and then... "do you feel like watching the game?" ahhhhhhh drives me nuts
2. Swan Song: their love literally!!!!! saves the world, i mean come on. it has the whole wincest montage that you could literally set a richard siken poem to, or a taylor swift song to (look i know those are vastly different things but. bear with me), and it would just feel right. dean finally lets sam do things on his own. he lives because sam tells him to. sam manages to revoke his possession consent because of how much he's in love with dean, even as his fist is smashing dean's face into a pulp. ok i have to stop or i'm going to start crying in this goddamn airport.
Playthings: obviously. gothic horror episode of all time. picture-perfect family in the outside, secret sibling hidden upstairs. the way sam and dean's codependency is paired with that of the grandmother and her ghostly sister. the face-stroking. the almost kiss. god i swear it always looks like they're gonna kiss. sam writhing on the bed. dean staring at him like that. the subtext was about to bust through the screen, what with the acting and the way the plot and the meta-plot fit together perfectly. catherine tosenberger said it much better than i can, go read her article in TWC about wincest if you haven't!
b) top 3 family-horror-what-the-incestuous-freudian-fuck-is-going-on-here episodes
2. Devil's Trap: azazel uses john's body in a sexual manner against both sam and dean--primarily the latter but sam gets it, too. it's a chilling scene and really cements that this is what spn is about: never being able to escape the family. sam learns partly of azazel's plot, dean gets his daddy issues flayed onto him, and all through the eyes of the father. it's so well done.
3. Skin: imo the most damning thing the shifter says is, "i will be sorry to lose this skin. your brother's got a lot of great qualities. you should appreciate him more than you do." uh...what? the way he ties up sam and plans on torturing him also aligns with the shifter's pattern of turning into the husband and beating up the wife. another HMM moment actually comes from dean himself, when he tells sam that none of his friends will ever understand him and that dean's the only one who can...it's very isolating, kind of abuser tactics, and just. whew. this was episode SIX!!
In the Beginning: come on you knew i was gonna say this. aside from the obvious moments of "mom is a babe" (and remember, dean invokes sam into this moment as well..."sammy, wherever you are..."), samuel!azazel leaning over dean and smelling him, and samuel!azazel kissing mary--passionately returned(?), may i add, the plot itself sets up the winchester family as this enclosed, inbred unit. mary's kiss with her possessed father seal's sam's fate as part of azazel's army. the sexuality she shares with her father makes her son's blood diseased and cursed. the family line is tainted by incest. her kiss is what allows sam and dean to grow up that way, to become so codependent, what allows the moments of avsc, swan song, and playthings to happen! in the beginning. this begins the cycle of selling and saving souls--mary for john, john for dean, dean for sam. it's literally THEE spn episode, perhaps even more than playthings. even though sam's barely in it, his fate hangs over the whole episode, and this is full house of wincest at its finest.
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flownwrong · 9 months
ask game yay
Happy Wincest Wednesday! (or Sunday in this case) I have a few questions for people to answer. Feel free to answer them all or just one (or none at all) even if you’re not tagged!
what song describes samdean the most?
man. i used to have a painstakingly crafted playlist with like narrative and all but it's been rendered obsolete in the couple years since by the change in both my taste and my perception of them. if i had to choose one right now, i'd go with you and i in unison by la dispute, because la dispute are 1) good poetry 2) good at longing and devotion 3) this particular song is about grief but not loss of love so it feels like a post-finale song (i encourage you to listen or read the full lyrics)
I will sing sweetly, hope that the notes change but
I do not need it to happen. I’m not resigned to it. And
If they never do I’ll sing your name in every line
Just like I did throughout this, just like I’ve always done
In every gun, the empty church, and every tortured son
In all those giving up, in all those giving in
Until I die I will sing our names in unison
my other go-to artists for them would be mount eerie and, ig, townes
if spn was set in europe, what country would the Winchesters be from? What language/languages would they speak (+ what car would they drive if not the impala, kinda)
haha okay i don't have any strong headcanons but i can tell you about a specific russian au we had going with friends and even meant to ttrpg the setting a little but it never worked out
dean was driving an old volga gaz-21 third series (which might have connotations that do not need exploring at this juncture but i'm actually very bad at both cars and soviet history lol) which would be pretty damn cool if lovingly maintained all the way from 60s to 2005 and of course dean would call it "lastochka" (a common endearment for beloved cars) only i have no idea how possible it would be for hypothetical john to get one in the first place
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and he wouldn't really have grown up on bootlegs of western music so much as the likes of Kino and maybe even Grazhdanskaya Oborona which was weird af but also massively beloved across different classes subcultures and backgrounds so
talking monsters of the week, i'd love to see their ass kicked by a rusalka (mermaid but creepier) or even a domovoy for comedy (those are generally helpful but mischievous) and get into all kinds of trouble with an array of superstitions while helping the babushkas who give the superstitions power by relying so strongly on them, especially in little villages...
is there a project you’re working on currently? Do you have a line or sketch from it to share?
maybe? i hope to rework one of my longer wips into a short but finished (god please) fic but don't hold your breath
what’s the first fanfic for supernatural you’ve written? Did you publish it? Or if you don't write: what's the first fanfic you remember reading?
yeah, i've published it. was for first-time fest, where you picked an episode and did a first-time. coincidentally, i was going through my drafts and found a 2+ years old reblog of it i never posted, so since i didn't even reblog it for timezones then, have a link now (if you read it and like it feel free to reblog this blast from the past haha)
is there another codependent/enmeshed duo from a different fandom you enjoy? Are there parallels to Sam and Dean?
jesus. dunno, i don't think so? they have quite a unique combo of wholesome/dark/devoted
what type of wincest dynamic do you currently enjoy most? (sexual, platonic, dark, fluffy, early seasons, etc.)
the same one i've always enjoyed most — late seasons kind of bittersweet but securely established relationship vibe (in spirit of self-promotion, do check out my ao3 for more of the same haha!)
tagging whoever wants to be tagged etc etc. @prince-of-elsinore tysm for tagging me—it was fun!
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prince-of-elsinore · 9 months
@luminescent-chorus tagged me to respond to the following. Thanks friend! I know it's not Wednesday, but hey, we need our Wincest fix between Wednesdays too, right? :)
Happy Wincest Wednesday! I have a few questions for people to answer. Feel free to answer them all or just one (or none at all) even if you’re not tagged!
what song describes samdean the most?
if spn was set in europe, what country would the Winchesters be from? What language/languages would they speak?
This is such an interesting question to think about! The possibilities that first come to mind are: Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Poland. On a superficial level, this is probably because Sam and Dean look Anglo-Saxon, and these countries have climes and landscapes not too dissimilar from damp Vancouver, where the series is filmed. But there are some cultural reasons, too.
First, Ireland/Scotland: (ignoring for now that supposedly the BMOL made hunting in the British Isles obsolete) There's a ruggedness to parts of the countryside and, stereotypically, to its working class inhabitants, that I think fits John and Dean quite well. It's easy to imagine young Dean being (or rather, posturing as) one of those mad lads at the pub, you know what I mean? While Sam went off to Dublin or even, God forbid, London, for school. I could maybe even see them being from Wales or Northern England--I could imagine Dean with a Mancunian accent. And when he picks up Sam from school, Sam's developed this posher, southern accent that starts slipping the longer he's on the road with Dean. This AU opens up a whole rabbit hole to explore: is Dean a bit of a chav? Or is he, in his anachronistic way, more of a skinhead (in the original British, not neo-Nazi sense)? Is he more into punk than classic rock? Aesthetically, it could make sense, but did John listen to that? And what does it mean for Sam to consciously distance himself from that?--etc.
Germany/Poland: the blue-collar aesthetic is intrinsic to spn, and it's interesting to me to think of that in an Eastern Bloc context. If they were German, they'd be from the East. Their childhood was spent behind the Iron Curtain, and part of escaping that life, for Sam, would be going west, maybe to Munich or even (*gasp*) Paris. Dean's romanticization of the past would be tied up with Ostalgie. Maybe they drive a Trabi, or a Polski Fiat 126p (lol). Would we get gopnik/dresiarz tracksuit-wearing Dean (bigger lol)? Or maybe he idolizes and emulates icons of Western pop culture (a precious commodity for him growing up) just as much as in canon. Maybe he loves "Eastern/Red Westerns" and Bruce Springsteen. As far as languages go, I imagine hunting would take them across borders all the time, so they'd both have a working knowledge of several Central European and Slavic languages. Dean's English would be learned entirely from pop culture and would reflect that, while Sam's would be much more academic. Sam would speak much better French than Dean (and than canon Sam *cough*) and probably Italian, Spanish, and Greek as well.
if they didn’t have the impala, what car would they drive?
is there a project you’re working on currently? Do you have a line or sketch from it to share?
I am currently working on a multi-chapter post-15x19 thriller! He's an excerpt:
What it comes down to is that he’s Dean fucking Winchester, and he should’ve known that would catch up with him sooner than later. Not because of the enemies he’s made, but because he wasn’t built for good things. He’d let himself forget that. Because he and Sam beat God and saved the world, and for a moment it’d felt like they had a new lease on life, and they got a dog for Christ’s sake because the worst was supposed to be behind them and they were finally free—what a joke. Freedom doesn’t mean the good life. Freedom is just a nice sounding way of saying that the rug can be pulled out from under you at any moment and you’ll never find a satisfactory answer why, because there are no rules, no guiding principles, no divine design behind your suffering.
what’s the first fanfic for supernatural you’ve written? Did you publish it? Or if you don't write: what's the first fanfic you remember reading?
is there another codependent/enmeshed duo from a different fandom you enjoy? Are there parallels to Sam and Dean?
Dennis and Dee Reynolds from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and Rick and Morty. Both of these duos have a considerably less healthy dynamic than Sam and Dean, but I think disentangling themselves from each other would be just as unthinkable as for the Winchesters. They also all have an element of "this person knows me better than anyone else, and we've shared experiences no one else could possibly understand."
what type of wincest dynamic do you currently enjoy most? (sexual, platonic, dark, fluffy, early seasons, etc.)
Mostly sexual (especially developing feelings), usually somewhere between dark and fluffy (bittersweet, melancholy, or hard-earned happiness), and often pre-canon or post-15x19.
These were fun! I tag @flownwrong, @mannequin3thereckoning, @thegoodthebadandtheart, @zmediaoutlet, @flashbulb-memory, and @nigeltde-fic, if you feel like it :)
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
happy ww, z! i'm gonna throw your question back at you, because it's a fabulous one and i'm very curious about the answer: what are some things that *you* love that you think Sam/Dean would like too?
happy wincest wednesday with the uno reverse card! hmm -- this is actually pretty hard, haha, because I try to resist this as much as I can when I'm writing... but hell, let's do it:
music: I still think Sam basically doesn't like music. Sorry. I mean he's not like a superfreak, of course there are songs he likes more or less than others, plus he's got that whole weird 80s glam thing he's apparently into, but -- I think generally speaking it would not *occur* to Sam to put music on most of the time, he's not searching it out, etc etc. Music is Dean's sphere. So, related to that, (self-indulgence projection time) I think that Dean might have liked the early 90s grunge scene more than he might have let on. It's easy to have him say 'ugh, those dudes are all whining about their feelings -- what are they, chicks?' -- and he may have legit thought that about Kurt Cobain, lol -- but some of the heavier Pearl Jam/Alice in Chains/Soundgarden/Mudhoney songs might have pulled him in when they played on the radio, and then he might have found himself singing along to lyrics that weren't just fast car/pussy magnet etc but something like something's gotta turn out right, and... He had a lot of reasons to love grunge in the early 90s, let's just say that, lol.
books: I think Sam read a SHITLOAD of crappy fantasy novels with those gleaming-tattered covers as a kid. I mean, he was gonna read the Game of Thrones books -- that's clue enough. David Eddings, Anne McCaffrey, the whole shebang. And even when he got a little older and realized how many of them were basically copy-paste trope adventures, I think he still really loved them because they were... simple, and the monsters got dealt with, and magic helped, and the day was saved. (This is the same reason Dean loves action movies.) ((Here I guess I will tack on my Dean-and-reading headcanon, though it's not a z-projection: much as music is Dean's sphere, Dean feels that academics/reading is Sam's sphere, and he's specifically a little embarrassed to read for fun, which is specifically why Sam's always surprised when Dean mentions reading something at all -- so, he also reads, but mostly only when he's alone, and what he reads is stuff that has strong emotional utility -- aka westerns and poppy sci-fi and easy murder mysteries and romance novels. He wants a day to be saved, too.))
movies: idk if this counts as projection because I think it's pretty borne out by canon, but both Sam and Dean love the whole range of 70s-80s comedies that came out when they were kids and they can quote large chunks of them. Mel Brooks, Harold Ramis, National Lampoon, old SNL Best Ofs they put out on VHS, etc -- this is the language that wraps around how Dean talks, and even if Sam doesn't drop lines as much he understands the context and meaning whenever Dean does and it doesn't even count, really, as joking when they do it -- it's just how words work. It's good to be the king. Cheeburgah cheeburgah cheeburgah. When someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES. (that last one would come in handy with Jack.)
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luminescent-chorus · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday!! can you say a few things about the sam/dean vid(s) you're most proud of or other ideas you're working on?
Hello ! Happy wincest wednesday to you !! :)
Thank you for the question !
Out of the 9 wips I have, 4 are sam/dean. The songs used are :
Devil in her heart by The Beatles : the lyrics work perfectly as a dialog between Sam and Dean about Ruby, with Dean trying to warn Sam (listen can't you see/she's got the devil in her heart/she’s gonna tear your heart apart) and Sam refusing to see the signs (oh, no, no, no, this I can't believe/no, no, nay, will she deceive) because Ruby swore she could save his brother (she’s an angel sent to me).
The song allows to revisit not only Sam’s obsession to keep Dean safe to the point of deluding and losing himself but also Dean’s obsession to keep Sam just for himself. The lyrics could actually be read as Dean trying, time after time, to convince Sam, that the woman he is currently interested in, is dangerous. The things is : for him, they don’t even have to be monsters to be wicked, they just have to threaten to take Sam away from him.  
Jenny by Studio Killers : the line 'we should be lovers instead' 👌 Pure pining. Perfect for both of the Winchesters but the vid will focus on Sam, infatuated with Dean. Sam who wants more but isn’t ready to risk it all since it may ruin their bond. The eternal dilemma of : should I confess and tell you why I can’t stand the men and women gravitating around you ?
Should I stay or should I go by The Clash : many doors slammed in this one. It’s all about them loving each other to death and still hurting each other like no one else can. It’s all about them fighting and disappointing their brother to the point of driving him away. Just to be lost when he is gone.
Brother by Nam Hye Seung : this instrumental is used to edit the podfic of this little story that captures so well how alone in the world they are :
It's only them. They are the center of each other's world :
‘You share blood and history, motel rooms and diner booths and the front seat of the car; when you don't know where he is, you are unsettled, on edge’.
There are so many great lines like this one in this fic ❤
I've made lots of SPN vids (about Dean and John, Sam and demon blood, their childhood, etc.) but the 5 that are my favorites so far are specifically about Sam and Dean. I don't know how many vids I will do in the future but one thing is for sure, their relationship will always be fascinating to me.
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my ultimate Sam and Dean are soulmates playlist | 61 songs, 3 hr 59 min
I started putting this together over my summer SPN re-watch, and I thought I'd share it with you all, so we can all cry over our Wincest feels together. It has all the usual cliché songs, and some of my own favourites. (Very country-heavy, so if that's not your thing proceed with caution.) I'm a writer, so lyrics are very important to me - I linked them for every song. All songs are individually YouTube linked, alternatively you can find the Spotify version above. I included some comments and explanations for all my choices, as well as quotes from the show. Happy listening! | Last updated: 18 November 2020
Carry On My Wayward Son by Supernatural: The Musical Cast // lyrics // Cliché and all that, but a good place to start.
Somewhere Only We Know by Lily Allen // lyrics // Even as children - as tumultuous and layered their relationship has always been - it was just the two of them, alone, in their own little world. I Found by Amber Run // lyrics // I found love where it wasn't supposed to be.
Fade Into You by Mazzy Star // lyrics // Unhealthily codependent Weecest vibes.
I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys // lyrics // Secrets I have held in my heart / Are harder to hide than I thought. Something's Gotta Give by Christian Kane // lyrics // Wanting to get out of town as a metaphor for Dean wanting to act on his feelings for Sam? Yes, please. Christian Kane being a country god? Absolutely. The fact that this man was actually on SPN as Dean’s freaking love interest, and Jensen and him got to sing together still makes me the happiest person on this planet.
Don't You Wanna Fall by Frankie Ballard // lyrics // So, I love the lines Fall down here where an angel should know better than / To walk around this world with me, because god, Dean so often thinks he belongs in Hell, and is terrified of forcing his little brother into anything he doesn’t want. But still, he can’t stop himself: Don’t you wanna fall? (Shoutout to any Destiel shippers out there, because what a perfect song for you guys too, wow.) Thinking of You by Christian Kane // lyrics // Dean, just before Sam leaves for Stanford. (Link is for the Leverage version, because I love that show, and because Eliot Spencer is an angel. Funnily enough, Alona Tal was actually in that very episode, and did actually sing this song - you can find that here.) Hold On by Limp Bizkit // lyrics // I'm waiting for you, I know you're leaving / I'll still adore you, you never need me. LOST BOY by Troye Sivan // lyrics // Thinking about little Sammy’s stolen college admissions guide. Arms of a Stranger by Niall Horan // lyrics // Some jealous!Dean, while Sam is at Stanford angst.
Walking Away by Lifehouse // lyrics // Silence is all we have to give / And the memories of a life I wish we'd lived.
San Francisco by Niall Horan // lyrics // Listen, it’s a song about pining and not being able to let go and love in San Francisco. I mean, where do you expect my mind to go? Stanford Wincest all the way. How Did You Know? by Jedward // lyrics // I don’t wanna hear a bad word about Jedward, they are good lads. It’s a cheesy song, but hey, I love it. Sam comes back. Well, here I am / I couldn't stay gone. Drive by Halsey // lyrics // All we do is drive / All we do is think about the feelings that we hide. And the California never felt like home to me line! So perfect. "We made a hell of a team back there." (01x01 Pilot) Belong by X Ambassadors // lyrics // This is where Sam belongs, really. Riding shotgun, in his brother’s car, on the open road. Link is a fanvid that makes me feel things. Go and watch it, because it’s everything.
You Could Be Happy by Snow Patrol // lyrics // “Sam, you were right. You gotta do your own thing. You gotta live your own life.” (01x11 Scarecrow) Do the things that you always wanted to / Without me there to hold you back, don't think, just do.
Big Black Car by Gregory Alan Isakov // lyrics // "Who was that?" "My brother." "What did he say?" "Goodbye." That soft, disbelieving, confused look on Sam's face when Dean tells him he's proud of him. When it turns out Dean loves him enough to let him go. It should make him feel happy and free, it should make him loathe his childhood, defiance should fill him to the brim. Instead it makes him run straight back to Dean. (01x11 Scarecrow) Hey Brother by Avicii // lyrics // Faith. (01x12) Link is a fanvid, because reasons. Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you / There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do. Sober Me Up by Frankie Ballard // lyrics // Sam always seems to make the world all fall into place. (Sort of 02x03 Bloodlust vibes?) But baby when you kiss me all the demons seem to disappear.
Always Gold by Radical Face // lyrics // “Killing this demon comes first, before me, before everything.” “No, sir. Not before everything.” (02x07 The Usual Suspects) And they said you were the crooked kind / And that you'd never have no worth / But you were always gold to me. Sold My Soul by Zakk Wylde // lyrics // Bit on the nose, but my god, how fucking real. (02x22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2) Let Me Sign by Kirk Matthews // lyrics // "Well, then let it end!" & "I'm gonna take care of you." (02x22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2) Follow You by Bring Me The Horizon // lyrics // “I mean, you sacrifice everything for me.  Don’t you think I’d do the same for you? You’re my big brother. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” (02x22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2) Say Something by A Great Big World // lyrics // "I just wish you'd drop the show and be my brother again. Cause... just cause." (03x07 Fresh Blood) Take Me To Church by Hozier // lyrics // “This obsession to save Dean? The way you two keep sacrificing yourselves for each other? […] Dean’s your weakness. And the bad guys know it, too.” (03x11 Mystery Spot) Outlaws of Love by Adam Lambert // lyrics // "You're my weak spot. And I'm yours." (03x16 No Rest for the Wicked) Everywhere we go we're looking for the sun / Nowhere to grow old, we're always on the run / They say we'll rot in Hell, but I don't think we will / They've branded us enough, "Outlaws of Love". Wanted Dead Or Alive by Bon Jovi // lyrics // Well, I had to include this one, for obvious reasons. (03x16 No Rest for the Wicked) In Other Words by Ben Kweller // lyrics // Dean's going to Hell. Sam's not okay. In his eyes I see the fear. Real With Me by Cady Groves // lyrics // Dean is not dealing well with remembering Hell. Sam is upset that he's not opening up. And it was never about what you were not / But I don't know how much longer I can hold on. Devil's Backbone by The Civil Wars // lyrics // None of it matters. Leaving for Stanford, choosing Ruby, the demon blood, that he’s Hell’s chosen. Dean will always come for his brother, no matter what.   Stay by Florida Georgia Line // lyrics // Sam leaves. It's fucked up. "Hey, you, uh... wanna take the Impala?" Dean doesn’t trust him, not like he used to, but he would say anything to make him stay. (05x02 Good God, Y’all) Hotel Room by Calum Scott // lyrics // They die in a motel room. They find out they share a Heaven. Sam can't find the words to explain. He wishes Dean would just give him time. (05x04 The End) So I kind of wrote a ficlet about this...? Read it if you fancy. Here Tonight by Brett Young // lyrics // The Wincestiest Wincest song to ever Wincest. The lyrics! Sometimes they can just take a minute to sit on the hood of the Impala and watch the stars, Apocalypse be damned.
I Hold On by Dierks Bentley // lyrics // “Sam, it’s okay. It’s okay, I’m here, I’m here. I’m not gonna leave you.” (05x22 Swan Song) Dean believes in his brother, and I’m a sucker for pick-up truck metaphors Lifeboats by Snow Patrol // lyrics // The look on Dean's face when he hugs Sam, when he realises that Sam's back, that he's alive. (06x01 Exile on Main St.) Potentially also some Purgatory vibes. Wild Horses by The Rolling Stones // lyrics // The moment Sam turned up on his doorstep, there was no question he'd choose him. Choose him over Lisa and Ben. Choose him over everyone. “But the minute he walked through that door, I knew. It was over. You two have the most unhealthy, tangled-up, crazy thing I've ever seen. And as long as he's in your life, you're never gonna be happy.” (06x06 You Can’t Handle The Truth) Heavydirtysoul by twenty one pilots // lyrics // “Pick one... Sam’s soul or Adam’s.” “Sam.” (06x11 Appointment in Samarra)
H.O.L.Y. by Florida Georgia Line // lyrics // Oh, this song. A bit of religious irony and whatnot, but my god. The lyrics are everything. You're the healing hands where it used to hurt immediately makes me think of how Dean helped Sam turn the pain from his scar on his palm into “stone number one, and build on it”. (07x02 Hello, Cruel World) I mean, Sam can't even tell what's real anymore, but he trusts his brother. Blindly and with everything he has, because that's who he is. But then there’s also Dean making his promise in the church, and Sam choosing him over dying in 09x01 (I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here). God. Just. I love this song for Sam and Dean.
Through The Dark by One Direction // lyrics // "We'll figure it out, okay? Just like we always do." (08x23 Sacrifice) Leave Out All The Rest by Linkin Park // lyrics // Sam is okay with sacrificing himself. He is ready to die. When my time comes / Forget the wrong that I've done. Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance // lyrics // “There is nothing, past or present, that I would put in front of you... I need you to see that." (08x23 Sacrifice) Okay, but look at the lyrics, and try and convince me this song is not about Sam and Dean. Love Will Tear Us Apart by Fall Out Boy // lyrics // "You wanna know what I confessed in there?" (08x23 Sacrifice) TALK ME DOWN by Troye Sivan // lyrics // The look in Sam’s eyes changes, his face falls. "How do I stop?" He chooses Dean like he always does. (08x23 Sacrifice) Brother by Kodaline // lyrics // “Come on. You and Dean? That’s something special, don’t you think?” (09x08 Rock and a Hard Place) Link is a gorgeous fanvid, go watch it and cry. Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons // lyrics // Dean really messed up this time. Gadreel fall out stuff. Sam breaks up with him in a motel car park in Wisconsin. (09x12 Sharp Teeth)
better off by Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler // lyrics // "Something's broken here, Dean." (09x12 Sharp Teeth) & "No, Dean, I wouldn't." (09x13 The Purge)
I Can't Go On Without You by KALEO // lyrics // Sam taking Dean’s body home, laying him on his bed, drinking by himself in the dark. (09x23 Do You Believe in Miracles) I Won't Give Up by Noah Guthrie // lyrics // "I am going to save my brother." (10x01 Black) Sam never gives up on Dean. Brother by NEEDTOBREATHE ft. Gavin DeGraw // lyrics // “I never even said thank you, so…” “You don’t ever have to say that, not to me.” (10x04 Paper Moon) Link is another beautiful fanvid, because I can’t help myself. Sittin' Pretty by Florida Georgia Line // lyrics // Sam's sunshine and he’s endless planes of warm skin, soft long hair, and sometimes Dean looks at him. Really looks at him. (No, okay, but the Chevy line really made it for me.) Blood Brothers by Luke Bryan // lyrics // "I don’t need a symbol to remind me how I feel about my brother.” and "The two of us against the world!” "What she said.” (10x05 Fan Fiction) I don’t know, country songs just make me think of Sam and Dean, okay.
I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Daniela Andrade // lyrics // “This is my life. I love it. But I can’t do it without my brother. I don’t want to do it without my brother. And if he’s gone, then I don’t…” (10x18 Book of the Damned)
Golden by Fall Out Boy // lyrics // Dean is so so broken. “No, there is no other way, Sam. I’m sorry.” (10x23 Brother’s Keeper)
Church by Fall Out Boy // lyrics // This whole song screams Sam and Dean to me, and initially I thought of Sam’s Wall breaking down, but then I got stuck on the lines And if death is the last appointment / Then we're all just sitting in the waiting room / I am just a human trying to avoid my certain doom and that’s so clearly Dean killing Death, unable to murder his little brother in the end, because his devotion to Sam runs too deep. (10x23 Brother’s Keeper) In which the SPN writers and Pete Wentz really should get together and discuss over-the-top religious imagery. You are doomed but just enough. Right Back Home by Lifehouse // lyrics // “We are home.“ (11x04 Baby) Be There by Seafret // lyrics // "Bring him back. Bring him back and take me instead." (11x17 Red Meat)  You're my way out / You're my way through / And I can't, I can't / Be without you.
Only the Brave by Louis Tomlinson // lyrics // “I need him, he needs me.“ (11x23 Alpha and Omega) With or Without You by U2 // lyrics // The absolute poetic tragedy of 12x09 (First Blood). The way they don’t even have time to really look at each other after six weeks apart, that they are both ready to die for each other without a moment of hesitation.
I Won't Mind by ZAYN // lyrics // “I'm good with who I am. I'm good with who you are. Because our lives? They're ours and maybe I'm too damn old to want to change that.” (14x13 Lebanon)
Fine Line by Harry Styles // lyrics // "Just us.” (15x19 Inherit the Earth)
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flyingcatstiel · 4 years
1of2 Tired of metas blaming executives / defending writers. Writers can write horrible endings. Proof - GOT, HIMYM, Lost etc. Executives didn't force those bad endings. Reading all these conspiracy theories feels like I am listening to Trump. Executives are homophobic but ok with incestous ending? I asked my SO (who never watched SPN) to watch SPN final with me. I quote him "didn't you say they are brothers. It almost looks like they are going to kiss - Ewww - is this what you want me to watch?"
2of2 Even if we look at bottom line - Executives - apparently don't care the fact that Destiel was trending FIRST world wide - in middle of pandemic, middle of historic US elections - such free publicity to gain more viewers and money - but they care about incestous endings which grossed out lot of people. I wish these metas and conspiracy theorists stop baiting people and stop defending writers. Even before covid - Dabb had intended for this bad ending with proof that only 30% will like it.
Oh, nonnie. If you have sent this just 2 days ago, I’d be there with you, all salty about metas defending writers. Today tho, after going through some serious posts about the CW involvement with the show, about Russian market, about professional dubbing practices I have my thoughts in different order. 
So, from what I’ve seen so far (barely past midnight November 26 in the US as of writing this). Jensen went to re record audio stuff for 15x18, most likely Cas confession scene. Now we have info from Latin America (2 separate dubs)  that Dean actually reciprocated Cas’s love declaration and only after that The Empty took Cas. Nonnie, this changes everything. The first thing so many viewers noticed and commented on was the weird way the scene was cut and how little emotions Dean showed. The running gag on twitter was that Jensen is homophobic and Misha strong-armed him into that scene. Non shipper said that it was platonic love declaration from Cas, coming out of nowhere. But most importantly, we, shippers were robbed from proper celebration of our ship going canon. After 12 years of sticking with the ship, they still took it from us. This is totally on the CW shoulders.
But also, this means that destiel was at some point greenlit by the executives to be reciprocated in canon. Until someone at the CW backpaddled in late September. The writers are not responsible for this, they are victims of these changes as well. Dean’s answer changes the emotional beats of several scenes in 15x19 in addition to the scenes that were cut. 15x19 has that strange montage at the very end which most likely was added to cover cut scenes, say like Lucifer, Jack and Cas scene in the empty? Because if Misha was in 15x19, that would mean that the prank call was never meant to be his last contribution. I mean, the disrespect to the fans, the writers and Misha, all in one episode.
And then there’s 15x20 which looks so weird that a lot of fans immediately said that it is a butchered episode. Thing is, we have no idea what kind of script was written pre covid, how much it was changed and when, and how much was cut out from filmed episode. I’ve seen posts sayin that the script for 15x20 was still in rewrites when they finished filming for 15x18. Which is very, very late for a shooting script. I personally think that Dean’s death was the thing Jensen disliked so much, but even then - we don’t know how it was framed in earlier scripts and how they arrived at that horrific scene in 15x20. 
I’m not saying that SPN writers are the most amazing TV writers out there, and I look forward times when we will be able to discuss all problematic stuff SPN is filled to the brim with, but. We just don’t know what exactly happened in the SPN writing room and how much executives meddled with it. COVID happened. Nothing of this is normal. This is why the most important thing right now is to pressure the CW for some answers. Look at them throwing Misha under the bus today. That tells you bunches how well they know fandom and how to manipulate us. 
Now about that incestuous scene, aka Dean’s death, and why homophobic executives would be OK with it but not canon destiel. Under the cut we go, mostly for space reasons. 
Ok, this is so funny but I actually just finished writing my second answer about wincest in 15x20 and had problems posting it and that’s how I learned that we broke tumblr and destiel went canon in spanish. Here’s my post, check it out bc I’m not repeating it  here. 
I think wincest, aka incest between two able bodied, adult male brothers is something casual viewer outside the fandom is not even thinking about. If it was sister/brother deal with intimate embrace, people would notice faster. But two masculine, 6 ft tall macho dudes during the death scene? Nope. Here comes plausible deniability which viewers also use to ignore anything “funny” between Dean and Cas. I’m glad that you and your partner noticed incest vibes, but, I’ve see plenty people even in destiel fandom being fine with such scenes between Sam and Dean. I’ve seen some destiel fans saying that they really loved 15x20, so, there are viewers out there for whom it worked. 
Now let’s look at the bottom line. TBH, I’ve no idea where to look? Where is the projected revenues for a show that is ending? You say that Destiel trending during pandemic is a proof that our fandom is huge, but. No one knew that we had such power! And trending on twitter is not something that translates into money easily. And it happened 2 weeks before finale. There’s no time to change finale anymore. I personally think that destiel fandom has been shrinking for past couple of years, since so many folks left due to bad writing and queerbaiting. But they came back for tweeting. At this point destiel is bigger than it’s fandom. I personally think that the CW would have benefited from canon destiel, but they made different call.
I agree with you that in general, fandom should not defend the writers so much and ought to be more critical about the stuff they write, but today, November 26, 2020, the game is happening on completely different plane. I’m pretty sure that we got a butchered finale, and I’m very much inclined to believe that it is somehow connected to their efforts to promote The Walker show. Maybe Dabb’s original finale was really bad, but show me the script then. If destiel was supposed to be reciprocated, then they might have gone overboard with bro love in Dean’s death scene. Only now, when destiel was one-sided, that scene becomes very wincesty seemingly on purpose. A good creative writing, in it’s finished form, is a very tightly woven fabric. You pull out some threads, you unravel whole fabric. And that’s what 15x20 is. 
2 days ago I’d be roasting metas who defend spn writers, today I want to storm the CW. (pitchforks anyone?) Destiel shippers were robbed, queer love story was censored, this should be the focus of or anger today, not the writers or actors. We can do both - demand truth about the Cas confession scene and roast original Dabb’s ending if we ever get it. 
ETA - after writing this up, I checked out some posts by blogs who debunk all conspiracies, including Spanish dub. They sound very convincing! But in that case we have to talk about long term queerbaiting that was taking place on this old CW show till the very last minute. Cas was used in promos for 15x17 he was not in. They (ppl who make promos) deliberately used Cas barn scene from 4x01 in those promos, then actual barn in 15x20 promo but somehow it is shippers who are delusional? Don’t start me on Song of the day. Angel with a shotgun for 15x19? What was that about? After 15x18 there was no official goodbye to Cas which made ppl to watch finale. Like? Even if the Spanish dub gets officially debunked by the CW and not some random blogs, we are left with the fact that destiel fandom was gaslighted during the last stretch of s15. And not only by writers.
And if this was the finale they so lovingly crafted and deemed to be good, where are the celebration of the SPN ending? Why we had to watch documentary before the episode? Why 15x20 was so short? Why Canada watched the episode first (and leaked spoilers online) They filmed after quarantine, the script had to be the usual length. And so on, fandom has been through all the things that didn’t match several times already. PITCHFORKS -> the CW
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cooloddball · 4 years
PS. I do not know how to make gifs and or use photos yet so feel free to add yours
I have said this before and I will say it again. I have been in this fandom for a month and I ship Destiel and Cockles anyone who has a problem with this then move along and/or if you are an anti and read this, keep your hateful comments to yourself.
That being said, I have read about almost all ships in the fandom but mostly Destiel, Cockles, Wincest, and J2. Through all the reading and discovery, I still have to say I ship Cockles and Destiel more than ever before. However, I have seen some things from the antis that did not sit well with me.
This is going to be a long post so brace yourself and it is mostly about the hate the antis (anti-cockles, anti-wives , and anti-Destiel Shippers spread). Also this is a rant so don’t mind me,
The hate on Destiel is massive. Mostly this is from Bronlies who hate Cas like he is the anti-Christ, and the Wincest shippers.
Now I am not trying to rain on anyone’s parade but come on. Cas is Dean’s best friend. Whether you ship them romantically or not, it is canon that Cas Dean’s best friend. We have seen time and again how miserable Dean is every time Cas dies. Dea has also expressly stated that Cas is his best friend and even said they are better together; all three of them including Sam. He has called him his family. So why the hate? Chuck himself has said that he has rebuilt Cas more times than anyone.
Now, people who believe that it is better to ship Sam and Dean who are literally blood brother but it is not okay to ship Dean and Cas what is wrong with you? Is it okay for someone to fuck their brother and/or be in love with them? I mean come on.
Before I was even a shipper, I always looked forward to episodes that Cas was in. He brought a different dynamic to the show in a positive way. Yes, I love the brothers but Cas is just deifferent and all the sass he brings makes the show, at least to me 10 times better. Sue me.
People saying that JA would never be comfortable with Destine because he is a Christian. I mean, he can call Chuck a dick, call angels dicks, make deals with demons and all other unchristian things but kissing another man is where he draws the line? If he was such a Christian, why does he let another man straddle him on stage or want to kill God?
Someone once said that JA supports wincest. I saw the video and I get what he said is that whatever floats your boat or something like that. So why is it so hard for him when it comes to Destiel? I don’t understand this man. He is a paradox.
I have seen antis, mostly those who ship J2 throw shade at MC saying that JA doesn’t like him, he just tolerates him and everything they do is for PR. I have not once seen anyone say that JP doesn’t like MC. You know why? I believe they view MC as a threat to their J2 ship.
So I stumbledupon this antis blog who had a whole analysis (much like am doing here) on why JA cannot be a couple. Here are some that I remember from the top of my head:
1.     That JA said that he thinks Matt Bomer is attractive.
2.     That JA moved to Austin to be live next to JP.
3.     That JA and MC have nothing in common being that JA plays golf and sings etc and that MC does woodwork, writes poetry and bicycle touring.
4.     That JA is with JP hence no. 2.
5.     That JA does not curse on stage but MC does.
6.     That MC does not take acting seriously but JA does.
Now now now. This beats logic. All the above things I beg to differ with not because I am cockles shipper but it is just common sense.
Being with someone or rather being in love with someone does not mean any of the above things have to be true. Hear me out.
1.     On finding Matt Bomer attractive. I have many celebrity crushes, there are also ordinary people that I find attractive. But then again, I have a boyfriend, who I am in love with; I have been with for six years. But he looks nothing like my celebrity crushes or the ordinary people I find attractive. Does that mean I am not in love with him? No. It means I have eyes and I can appreciate beauty and have a few fantasies but I chose to be with him because I love him. He also has other people he finds attractive that look nothing like me, does that mean he does not love me? I mean come on.
 Oh the most hilarious thing is that the anti said you cannot compare Matt to MC since Matt is way attractive. I mean come on; they may not look alike but they both have dark hair, blue eyes. Seriously people! And MC is so handsome and adorable at the same time. Sometimes I feel like he looks better than JA and JP. Sue me.
 2.     On JA moving to Austin. Lol. This means that he went to live next to his best friend. I mean come on. I have moved to live next to my best friend (bff) who is married. Does that mean I am in love with her? Hell no! But I feel safer knowing that she is there for me.
Also people need to understand, MC and JA could be involved romantically or not (pick your poison) but you don’t need to be next to your lover to love them or be in a relationship with them. Lond distance relationships anyone? They have families and kids and other priorities. Just because you are in a relationship with someone does not necessarily mean you live together or evn in the same area. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and also they are where they are now because of other priorities in their lives. So, living together or in the same town doesn’t make you more or less in love.
3.     On the issue of common interests. This made me laugh so hard. I mean comeon, People who are together do not need to share any interests. The diversity of their interests is probably what attracted them to each other. Also how can you say a poet and a singer have nothing in common? They are artists. MC can write poems that JA can sing. Oh also remember that video MC’s friend DM posted on Twitter where they did the whole bicycle touring in Germany? Uh huh? JA seemed to be interested in that a lot. So..
4.     I could say a lot about JA being with Jp. This J2 being married and their wives being beards is the weirdest thing I have ever seen. Seriously, J2 tinhats have gone ahead to hate of D’s posts and call her names. Telling her to stop pretending that she is JA. It is laughable and not in a nice way, really. Can they just stop? Before I became a cockles shipper I watched J2 videos where they interact be it cons, red carpet moments or even gag reels. It is just different. All I see are two bros; one that is really playful like a little puppy and the other one trying to be the big brother. As for JA and MC, it is different, there are things that JA is comfortable when Mc does that he is not comfortable when JP does them. Neck kisses for a start.
Also most of the J2 tinhats evidence about J2 being real is rarely backed up by visual evidence and if there is any, it is usually from years ago. I am not hating on antis, just stating facts.
5.     I mean, cursing on stage really? I curse all the time my bf doesn’t. Does that mean he doesn’t like me or love me? Hell to the Fucking No! Suck it!
6.     On Mc not taking acting seriously. Yeah I can guess why he doesn’t. It is not his only priority unlike JA who has chosen it as a career path. From what I have seen, MC’s priorities include making the world a better place through charities, politics, and oh, he is also a writer. Oh so forgive him if he is not obsessed with acting. Besides JA says that he likes how he acts as Cas because it is not like anything he has seen from other guest stars that have come on the show. I mean not being serious about something does not mean that you are not good at it. Would he have lasted 11 seasons if he was not good at what he does?
There was also hate that JA is only around MC for PR and he actually hates him. There were some photos and gifs so the apparent hate. So, if he cannot stand him, why is there so much evidence of JA going to MC to give some love, Neck kisses, intimate IG posts, face caresses, ass smacks, calling him his baby dadfy, heart eyes, even when they don’t know that they are being filmed?
Also why is it during the Vegascon 2020 all JA did was bring up MC unnecessarily even when no one, absolutely nobody asked him to. Come on! stop the bs and admit that Cockles is the realest ship in the history of ships!!
I swear bitches be crazy. How can you just hat someone for literally nothing? This is mostly from J2 tinhats at other J2 stans who do not ship J2 together romantically. I mean…comeon. You do not need to be a stan for the wives just because they are married to J2 but please stop with the madness.
I recently saw someone comment on various JA posts on IG asking why he is lying to the fans that he is with D when he is with JP. So many rude things have been said about the wives especially D that it breaks my heart.
Seiously? People have gone ahead even to say that she is with JA’s friend SC and that the twins are not JA’s they are SC’s since D and SC are ‘always’ hanging out together. My question is, so D is not supposed to hang out with their friends? And for Chuck’s sake, everyone can see that the twins especially the boy (idk their names, sorry) looks like JA’s twin. I mean come on people.
I believe that they hate D because she says how much she loves MC and that Cas is her favorite character and that they are also bitter that JA chose her and not them. Just my opinion, but what do I know. On JP and G. I don’t know much about them mostly because I do not follow either of them of IG or elsewhere but I have seen hate on G as well.
The antis have gone ahead to say that when JA said that he was hanging out with SC writing songs, that he was lying and that nothing was happening he was just trying to dampen the rumours. I wonder how they felt when the album by JA and Sc came out last year. Jokes on you haters. Bitches be crazy fr.
Oh, the antis also say that the same way JA looks at his wife is the same way he looks at MC. With contempt. I mean talk about hanging yourself with your own rope. What they are saying is, JA feels about his wife the same way he feels abouts MC. Aww! That is true love bitches.
If JA actually cannot stand MC, shouldn’t he have gotten him fired from the show or at least make sure he gets less screen time and that they don’t have any panels together being that JA is the star of the show and all. I mean Mark left and he was a major character to the plot so...
Also why would JA give and buy MC clothes if he hates him? Give him a ring, a bracelet? Huh? Explain it to me.
Oh, some anti also said that before every Cockles panel at JIBCON JA cries and has to be forced on stage by Daniella and JP has to give him a hug and that’s why he drinks a lot of apple juice. LOL. WTF? What do you say to such people. I cannot even..My question is, are we talking about the same Cockles panels that I have seen? Then JA deserves all the Oscars and Tony Awards for his impeccable acting skills when he is around MC. Must really hate him. *wink*
I know JA gives off mixed actions about MC. But I think it is to confuse people like us, shippers.  He does’t want to too out there so he tries so hard to be mean with his words. But his actions tell a different story. I mean, who gets a boner when their friend straddles them on stage and then goes ahead to post that chest to chest selfie on IG. That is the gayest thing I have ever seen.
Sharing clothes? I mean friends do share clothes but if it is like a daily thing. More than 20 articles of clothing exchanged between each other on various occasions even when they are apart does not make sense to me. And to make matters worse, JA does not deny it. One even had a tag on it. Lol. We are not children, we can see what is going on.
The 2014 DallasCon – Rob’s Birthday Party. WTF? Was all that between JA and MC? Why did he he swallow and react like that when he saw MC’s bare abdomen? Who does that? Also the looks when MC was leaving the stage. Come on.
Also what was up with the” I love you from the bottom of my heart” at the MTV top 10 in 2010.
The wife is my rock but I am glad to have some pebbles in my life.
Truth is, JA could post a video of him balls deep in MC and the antis could say that somehow MC manipulated JA to post it for PR.
People need to leave MC alone, he ie a human being who has made mistakes, JA and JP have too and I don’t see the antis hating on them. The double Standard s FOH.
I could write about this forever but the truth is JA loves MC, and D and V know that they love each other. All their friends know including JP and other castmates. I believe they know it is more than just friends and the antis can’t stand it because they also know it to be true.
I am not done but I am done for now. I could be here forever writing about this if I do not stop.
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polaraffect · 4 years
Oleander by mother mother but it’s sam and dean’s unhealthy relationship (in a 100% platonic way!!! wincest is bad) thoughts?
ANON you can't just send me mother mother asks unprompted!!! I will in fact go insane!!!
Analysis under the cut bc it's the Whole Song.
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The song starts off with these lyrics, and it's pretty obvious who we can connect this to: Dean. It's clear this is referencing Dean's violent tendencies, as he's known for throwing things and in general having outward bursts of anger. This is directed at Sam, because he's always the one picking up his messes. He's the mediator, he's the one that deals with the consequences of Dean's actions. Along with that, he's often on the receiving end of his violence. The "sweep it aside" is particularly important because it's exactly what Sam does; he lets things go, he keeps trusting his brother, he keeps doing things Dean's way.
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This, however, is from Sam's point of view, directed at Dean. Sam's the one that always seems to make- or is blamed for- "messes". This part makes me particularly think of s4 and demon blood, but it applies to pretty much any of Sam's plot points. "I'll be unclean/I'll be obscene" is very much from Sam's view that he is a "monster", and he believes that Dean is the better half who always deals with his bad plans and misinformed decisions. It's very align with Sam's low self confidence and smothered independence.
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I really don't think this needs an explanation but regardless: This line is sung after every section of the song. There's so many examples of both Sam and Dean saying/implying "I'd rather be dead together than see you die". Mystery Spot is a great example here. This very explicity shows the toxic state of mind both boys live under, in which they cannot live without the other. Textbook codependency.
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This one's a little more complicated. I think it can be interpreted in multiple ways, but I think it's from both of the boy's POV. A little convoluted, but stay with me: "I'm like a child / In a sty" is both of them describing their upbringing; not typical and rather like a pigpen. "I play with fire / I burn you right out" is in general a very siblings sentiment, but could be isolated to Sam saying this to Dean; maybe something to do with his powers and how it negatively effects Dean. "I burned your bible / You tried to cry / Put on a smile" is obviously the opposite, with Dean referring to Sam. This, in general, may reference the manner in which Dean has a habit of crushing Sam's aspirations and dreams, whether intentionally or not.
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Okay an Oleander is a flowered plant that is known for being very, very toxic. It's classified as one of the most toxic flowers out there. This is obviously a metaphor for the toxic nature of their relationship, which looks good and even healthy from the outside but is toxic from the inside. Also, there are various metaphorical meanings for this plant, some involving romance that we won't talk about, but one I found interesting was 'Destiny'. Sam and Dean's whole lives have been destiny in some way, composed and manipulated by demons and then angels and then God himself. It's all a very toxic cycle which contributes to the way the brothers treat each other. As well, Oleander leaves aren't actually white, but there is both a bug and a type of mildew that turns the leaves at least partially white, which plays into the toxic symbolism as well as the idea of outside interference making their relationship increasingly more unhealthy.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
Look - off her rockers Kelios thinking that line was about Dean and Lee cutting a woman in half and violating her parts says everything about her mental state. But I disagree that the only SANE and LOGICAL interpretation of sharing a woman is that they took part in a devil's triangle. It's possible. I am not saying it's not, at all. But that wasn't my immediate thought. Mine was Dean had sex with her. Then she went with Lee. Perfectly valid, non sane, non-gay interpretation. Why are YOU right?
*Yawwwwwns* Any other nonnies want to come out and show that they don’t understand their headcanon versus the text and literally the most straightforward reading of the content? Is this just a loop I’m going to have to deal with? “VINDICATE MY BITTERNESS BY PERSONALLY PERFORMING FOR ME, FOR IT IS I! GLASSESFACE MCNOBODY”.
Calm down anon.
I’ll eventually write about it.
Given, I have more important things to talk about, first, than teaching what median stats tells me is somewhere in the wheelhouse of either a 17 year old that has no idea how storytelling and production works that’s been gaslit to death by a 40 year old conspiracy theorist; or, alternately, you in fact are a 40 year old woman panicking about dicks touching and/or pissed that they didn’t get to see the dicks touching and/or intentionally misreading anything and hoping to justify that with to a  whole… *checks statcounter* 4 nonnies, probably all hiding in the same group chat and pretending to be unrelated while targeting different discussion angles from aggressive to sea lion – like, look. I’ve got mytharc meta to do. I’ve got general meta to do. I’ve got music videos to make.
“ELI5 what I already know better about but pretend the rest of the world doesn’t” is really not peak discussion.
But minding, of course, that I do often talk about things like false narratives, manipulated discussion and definitions, and fandom moving its own goalposts to a mix of idiot antis that already know better, a perceived GA resisting them that doesn’t exist in any metrix, and… *shrug* it’s about all you guys have to do anymore once you got lost to that bitter hole?
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I’m sorry if your entire fucking experience has been subsumed by talking down your own textual LGBT content just because you… want to collectively imagine there’s a bunch of other people that don’t get 2+2 and/or get 2+2 but want to argue with the content. And/or you’ve chosen to or been convinced that “high visibility, inarguable text” is the same as deadass “text”. Either way it’s ridiculous.
That’s a you thing.
Is it fair to want more visible text? Sure! That’s the nature of the LGBT battle! Totally fair!
You are confusing “unsatisfactory text” with “subtext”.
I’ll eventually include this very event in my inevitable fandom discourse, but there’s a certain amount I’m going to limit you intentionally wanky, anonymous fuckers disrupting my general talk and analysis of the show.
I’ll get there when I get there. And you’re probably not going to look kindly back on the memorial of your own anonymous reflection when I do.
But one thing I will absolutely not abide, and not be party in, is deleting text, thin and unsatisfactory to some as it may be, that does, indeed textualize an element that multiple bisexual people in my mentions have been lamenting y’all *choosing to delete their representative text*. No, it’s not “fine” because you’re bisexual too. That’ll never be fine. Microaggressions against your own are never fine. Your internalized issues are yours, and once they spray on other people, you’re bringing *your* garbage to *their* footstep.
It’s *fine* to want that more visible text. It is *not fine* to delete existing LGBT text and your own fellow LGBT community members just because it was not *satisfactory text to YOU*.
If your fight for “visibility” is motivated primarily by “but I want to win every argument ever online no matter how much of an intentionally stupid fuckface this anti that might as well be a MAGAtrollbot this person is being”, you’ve left the field of fighting for representation long ago. Either you resonate with Dean Winchester as a character, or you don’t. There is no in between. The text may not be high visibility enough, but if you resonate with and accept the character, the canon, and yes, the text, it is what it is. That’s representative. It’s not high visibility. But it’s representative. Not every rep point is high visibility. And it’s fine to want better visibility. But circle back to the other elements. 
And make sure you’re actually in this for representation. Not personal vindication for feeding the trolls under the bridge.
I am DONE watching y’all steamroll people’s representation in the interest of trying to push a line that is your personal satisfaction line. I’m done watching you delete actual fucking people in your course to prove… *checks list* Let’s see, Wincest or Samwitch at this point, the latter being a small contingent and not the sum of its fandom but a few pretty big names.
Yes, deleting Eileen is problematic too because it is *literally* a representation issue for disability, which Bobo went to the fucking NON-WB/NON-CW/NON-SPN DISABILITY REPRESENTATION PANEL TO LISTEN TO AND PULL SHOSHANNA ASIDE. AND INVITE HER BACK TO THE SHOW.
You know, the MIDDLE AGED LGBT MALE AUTHOR that y’all seem to fucking conveniently forget that while bagging on how he chooses to depict his queer content within his given regulations. For… a middle aged LGBT male character. So I’m curious, how many of you hit the intersectional demographic of “LGBT, male, age range” – I’m curious. All three. Everybody raise your hands. Nobody?
Jesus christ y’all. Stop and realize that your fanon ideals have made perception of canon and text become outright deranged, fucking hell. And it’s making you destructive to the representation we DO get.
So here’s how this works: You all forget we ever talked about this, or I ever said this, or even how you truly initially felt in the moment. You forget. You go back to writing agenda-based posts about some alternative ship and talk in circles. You end up fifteen yards right of canon, but at some point, some noncommittal “and then Jack comes back” clear as day like even a fucking toddler could see it coming, or IDK, you celebrate calling Dukes of Hazard as the song when literally several HUNDRED people on my list got it because it was clear as day, or *whatever* to make it sound like *your read is even in the ballpark of accurate and viable*, only to end up… let’s face it. Even people pretending they don’t, and making every bronly-esque excuse in the world around Saileen, fucking see it. People who wanted something else will continue to buy into the narrative as it falls apart more and more meagerly, and pretend common sense and text aren’t clear enough, for personally motivated reasons -- but it IS. WHAT. IT. IS.
But at some point some noncommital very general estimate of where the story inevitably goes on like a grade school level of story understanding will be used to try to prop up the rest of a crumbling narrative while you still don’t even understand how some people understood Michael was coming, or that Chuck was going to be the big bad, but damn if you won’t argue nonsensical headcanons against surface level text and then trumpet victory because *checks notes* Jack got possessed which 99% of us saw coming, but sure, good for you!
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spnfanficpond · 5 years
September Angel Fish Awards
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Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle or Mana to check and make sure we got your submission.
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Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Season Z (series) by @cr-noble-writes
I picked this up about halfway through the summer, and I’ve been hooked on this story like freaking crack cocaine ever since! It’s Destiel, but even if you don’t ship it, there’s plenty in this story to keep you occupied. (like Samwena! And zombies!) It picks up where season 14 left off, takes so many twists and turns, and brings back so many old favorites that I can only hope the actual canon season 15 is half as good! I can’t wait to see where this ends up! (Side note: I can’t even imagine collaborating with a group this large to write a story either. Special kudos for this group for making it work seamlessly!)
Ride With Me (series) by @katehuntington 
This AU is just simply gorgeous! The scenery, the feelings, the push and pull of wanting what you shouldn’t want... it’s all just beautiful. I’m not a horse person, but this story makes me kind of wish I were! And it’s Cowboy!Dean! I mean, who can resist Cowboy!Dean??? Crazy people, that’s who. He’s freaking awesome.
Nominated by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters 
Fire Between Us (oneshot) by @foreverwayward 
Well, what can I say? I’m a sucker for the ‘You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that’-trope. That was one hell of a way to make up after an argument and blow off some steam. I loved every bit of this fic. Especially the end. The way Dean is kind of hesitant to ask for what he wants most, but he still dares to be vulnerable. Beautiful.
Renegade (oneshot) by @princessmisery666 
I might be bias because I’m the one who requested this fic but, come on, it’s one of my favorite songs. And then there’s Billie(!!) And just the all out amazingly written POV. I was thinking of maybe quoting my favorite part but then I’d have to quote the whole thing. So here’s a well deserved AFA nomination instead (:
Nominated by @slytherkins 
Drink You Away (series) by @princessmisery666 
I’m digging this whole series, but this installment stood out for me. It’s so short, and yet there are so many feels. :p Very concise angst. I love it.
Nominated by @risingphoenix761 
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Might Get Me Laid (oneshot) by @slytherkins 
Tara’s on point with her characterization every time, and tbh I’m a little envious. This is a nice Destiel romp that’s sexy and hilarious with a dash of fluff (and if you thought you were getting away with no angst, you thought wrong). Dean is a smart ass, Cas is dom af and still a little clueless, but he knows what’s up. What more could you ask for?
Nominated by @manawhaat
Rescue (oneshot) by @crispychrissy
Wow. This fic is dark, sincere, honest, realistic in the realm of spn, and plays so well on so many aspects. The reader’s desperation where she rides that line of breaking is so human, and though the torture is untold it still wiggles in there enough to make you really feel the exhaustion and dull pain of it. The reassurance and just gentle tranquility that Cas and the Winchesters exude really gets ya. This all translates perfectly into the story and it’s one of the most balanced fics I’ve probably ever read. There isn’t too much or too little of everything, the length is perfect, the interactions with each character. Seriously. Incredibly balanced and just a wonderfully solemn fic with a ‘happy ending’. 
Loss (oneshot) by @impalaimagining
THIS. SHIT. IS. FUCKING. HEART. BREAKING. Holy fuck sticks. Every kind of hurt, emotional, psychological, physical, everything is represented in this fic in the saddest way. There is no hope, no silver lining, no love. It’s all broken and bleeding out. A tragedy cloaked in anger and cold to the touch with numbness. Fucking. OUCH. 
Like an Open Book (oneshot by @butiaintgonnaloveem
Oof! So much good tension. I adored this. It’s got all the teasing and snark, all that damn good smut, and all that attitude that Ketch has in him. If you love 1 (one) BMOL, this fic is the fic for you!
Nominated by @samsexualdeancurious
The Road So Far (series) by @manawhaat 
If you like kinky Wincest x Reader smut, this is the series for you. Every part covers different kinks and omg they’re all so good! You’re bound to find at least one part that floats your boat ;D
Dog-gone Witches (series) by @sofreddie  
I didn’t expect to love this concept as much as I do but omg it’s brilliant and I can’t wait to see where it goes!
Guise (series) by @crispychrissy  
I’m a little behind on this series but I love a monster!Reader and this one is already off to a brilliant start. I’m very excited to get caught up <3
I Got a Crush on You (series)  @saxxxology
Y'all should know by now that I love pretty much everything Saxxy writes and this is definitely a favorite. She always captures Sam so well *heart eyes*.
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
As with the BFAs, these are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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5typesoftrash · 4 years
Okay so you knew I was going to ask about our boys! All of the headcanons for FinnPoe and all of the headcanons for Wincest!! Thank you so much sweetheart!! ❤️❤️❤️
Who is the most affectionate? Sammy, mostly because Dean’s a little big scared to be.
Big spoon/Little spoon? When Sam’s about fifteen or sixteen, he finally surpasses Dean height-wise, and he pretty much manhandles Dean into being the little spoon.
Most common argument? “I love you more” “no, I love YOU more”
Favorite non-sexual activity? Dean playing with Sam’s hair
Who is most likely to carry the other? Sam carries Dean, usually from the car to the bedroom.
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? Dean loves Sam’s hair, even though he would never admit it, and Sam loves Dean’s shoulders because... because he loves them.
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? They start avoiding each other and being super awkward until they learn how to suppress their disgusting incestuous urges, DUH
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? Nothing that isn’t canon.
Who worries the most? Dean. Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean-
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Sam. He memorizes all of Dean’s orders even before they get together.
Who tops? sAMMY
Who initiates kisses? Usually Sam.
Who reaches for the other’s hand first? Dean mostly, because that’s like the one affectionate thing he can do in public without feeling too embarrassed, and he always wants to be affectionate with Sam.
Who kisses the hardest? Sammmmmmyyyyyyyyy
Who wakes up first? Sam. I put this in the Sastiel one but Sam’s used to getting up early to work out and run and stuff, but he wakes up and smooths down Dean’s hair and kisses his temple and like, leaves him a little note before he goes.
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? Always Dean. Dean is a lazy butt.
Who says I love you first? Sam, cause Dean’s an emotionally repressed fuck
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) Dean leaves little notes like “don’t forget your keys” and “your butt looks great today”.
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? Well, their entire family is dead, so...
What do their family/friends think of their relationship? Most people who know disapprove, but Heaven’s like ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Dean. Dean isn’t much for the emotional stuff, but dancing he can do, and he likes figuring out ways to become sappy.
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? Dean does/is. And Sam loves eating his food.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Still Dean.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Probably still Dean.
Who needs more assurance? Also Dean, poor guy.
What would be their theme song? Preseries I’d say One Year of Love by Queen, but in general probably Safe and Sound by Capital Cities.
Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Dean would. He’d sing a Zep song.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Think about each other obsessively.
one headcanon about this OTP that mends it morning kisses. Sammy waking up and softly kissing Dean awake and Dean just opening his eyes and going ‘mornin, gorgeous’ and Sam like melting into it and kissing him again and they waste like half an hour just gently kissing each other.
Who is the most affectionate? Finn. He never got physical affection as a trooper so now he craves it constantly.
Big spoon/Little spoon? Finn is the little spoon, Poe is the big spoon.
Most common argument? The best way to carry out whatever idiotic plan they wanna do next.
Favorite non-sexual activity? Flying.
Who is most likely to carry the other? Poe will carry Finn’s unconscious body as far as he has to to keep him safe.
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? Poe loves Finn’s lips; Finn loves Poe’s nose.
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? It takes a while, but once they do figure it out, probably they start constantly staring at each other.
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? Just your average, run-of-the-mill, cheesy-as-all-fuck petnames for your boyfriend.
Who worries the most? Finn. He lives in constant fear that one day, Poe’s going to fly into a space battle, and he’s not gonna fly out the other side of it.
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Finn. He’s thoughtful like that.
Who tops? Usually Poe, although Finn was SUPER dominant in one of our fics. ;)
Who initiates kisses? Finn.
Who reaches for the other’s hand first? Poe.
Who kisses the hardest? Poe.
Who wakes up first? Finn.
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? DEFINITELY Poe.
Who says I love you first? Finn. He’s just so honest.
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?) I HAVE NO BRAINPOWER RIGHT NOW BUT I SHALL TRY. Uh... Poe? And I think they say silly stuff like random fun facts about animals and stuff.
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? Neither of them really have family, but they pretty much come out to Leia, Rey, Rose, and the rest of the Resistance at the same time.
What do their family/friends think of their relationship? The entire Resistance breathes a collective sigh of relief and grumbles about their idiotic gay co-Generals who took so goddamn long to admit their feelings.
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other? Poe.
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking? Finn!!!!
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines? Poe.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times? Poe.
Who needs more assurance? Finn.
What would be their theme song? UGH this is hard. Run to You by Lea Michelle?
Who would sing to their child back to sleep? Finn.
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Cry.
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart Finn finding out about Poe and Zorii and thinking ‘this is why I’m not good enough for him’ and maybe having suicidal thoughts/behaviors
one headcanon about this OTP that mends it ESKIMO KISSES!!!
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fledgesfancies · 5 years
I absolutely adore salted caramel, in just about any dessert not just ice-cream. It is my favourite flavour, head and heels over the rest, and one I will almost always pick. That being said, there are so many wonderful flavours of ice-cream, and life would be boring if I only stuck to one. I also really enjoy coffee (especially if it’s strongly flavoured - I don’t do weak flavours, everything has to pack a punch!) and citrus sorbets, and sometimes I’ll fancy a bit of red fruit of some kind; and occasionally there’ll be an exotic variety I’ve never tried before, like honeycomb ginger for instance, and it will tickle my fancy at the time, and I’ll enjoy it, but still go back to salted caramel next time. 
And if anybody ever tried to tell me that I should stick to only one flavour out of all the amazing varieties on offer; or that because I enjoy other things, I can’t possibly like salted caramel as much as them, because they would never, ever consider eating anything else - well, I’d laugh at them. Wouldn’t you?
And in case you haven’t realised by this point, yes, this is a metaphor for fanfic. Salted caramel = Wincest (Dean’s the salt... Sam’s the caramel...) and Cas is coffee. I guess to keep strictly to the ice-cream analogy, Destiel would be dark chocolate chips in coffee, with Dean as the chocolate, or maybe actual coffee beans, because salted coffee does not sound like a good experience. In life, my ideal combination would be salted caramel + coffee + dark chocolate (omg heaven in a bowl!) but in fanfic that’s starting to get a little complicated, not that it’s off-putting, just that threesomes can be tricky. I definitely like Sam to be around in a Destiel story, even if he’s purely the platonic brother. Reading about Dean without Sam is a highly unnerving experience, I worry constantly about where he is, whether he’s safe, and when he’ll be coming back.
But out of all those gorgeous flavours, the salted caramel is the one I’ll savour the most and, if you line up two fics with different pairings - assuming similar writing competency and no personal triggers or hot buttons - I’ll go for the Wincest every time. It just draws me in, it’s my ship and my OTP, to the exclusion of other fandoms, it calls to me with its siren song. But it isn’t exclusive. Life, and art, and imagination - and ice-cream flavours - are just far too varied and enticing.
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homo-pink · 6 years
Sweetness, are you leaving tumblr, and if so, are there any other sites I can follow you on? With love and kisses, prettymouth xx
not leaving, no. at least not of my own accord. if i’m shoved out, then that’ll be something else. or if that ‘rescue plan’ ends up being a thing and everyone is actually moved over to whatever that other site is as a whole, if that’s truly possible, then i’ll head that way. but i do exist in a few other places, even if only loosely so.
ao3: homo_pinkpillowfort: homopink  (still just a blank area as of now, though)twitter: homopink 
and to keep everything of this nature more or less organized, i’m gonna toss in the other bits from my inbox here, too.
do you plan to delete your blog? i think i’ll miss you too much 3
you are such a sweetheart. i’ll be here for as long as i can, though. distressed and devastated over the loss of all the naked things i gravitate to most for quiet comfort and steady inspiration, but here.
What’s your pillofort?
mostly the same as here, only minus the hyphen because tumblr taught me a hard lesson about the dash in my name that i won’t soon forget. although there’s nothing actually over there since i don’t know my way around and i’m not sure if/when i’ll be using it so it exists in a maybe-one-day-if-i-need-it way.
but i’m here: homopink
and if anyone would like to drop their username so i can follow over there in the eventuality that i’ll need to fully move, please do. 
so scared of losing you and this community, especially the coven of depravity
@saltandbyrne has said her goodbyes but she’ll still be around on various other sites (with the same name) so definitely follow her. she isn’t someone i’d ever want to lose track of either. @exaggeratedspecificity is also leaving on the 17th as are her various other blogs — @brotherslovershunters and @fuckpigband 💔 and her porn blog, too—but she’s on twitter @ gojyochan and on ao3 here. here’s dolly’s ao3 as well and the whole collection of works in the fuckpig world.
if anything happens to my small space here, i’m still pretty easily found. 
and even when the piggy blog and the rest of it goes, know that hard-to-love jared and his easy-to-fuck little jenny are still out there on the road somewhere with skanky matching couples’ tattoos, trying not to get their dirty asses thrown in the slammer for indecency and public perversion, stinking up the bus with their constant, noisy romance, and that they’re in love, big in love, and jared is, for the first true time,—secretly, privately—happy. he thinks it’s a secret. even the roadies can all tell, though. how gross he is over that little bottle blonde kid with the crop tops and trashed up ho knees. it’s the kind of shit you write songs about, you know? music to be eaten out to. (jeff’s got him a line of honeywet boys and adri’s got herself a gang of good girls and one really bad, really sweet one. momo’s at peace and his highly regarded dick is never lonely. chad’s still chad.)
thank you for thinking of us and please know we’re thinking of you, too. thinking of everyone who showed that sick little pig world any amount of love, waited for the stories, created art for it, captured its style in mood boards, took time to leave comments and ask questions and let us write all the squirmy, raw things we wanted to write for as long as we wanted to write them. you’d all have gotten backstage passes and a possible fingering by the whole band. 💋🐽 extra thank yous to hellhoundsprey for the steady stream of gorg visuals they created for us and to barnsburntdownnow for smoothly and tirelessly running that beast of a blog. 
amazon-me-bitches: when the covan of depravity decide where you guys are moving to will you post it so i can still get my fill of Twinky Jensen/wincest things. please and thank you
i think most of us (all of us?) have backup pillowforts but even if they never get used, please do come find us elsewhere. ao3 is the safest bet, really. 
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