#not kidding i'm? i mean i've got still A WHOLE lot left to write very many lmao BUT I'M ACTUALLY WRITING nobody move lest we break the spel
mythvoiced · 8 months
-. bro... i'm... bro this draft thing is actually working BRO- hehe~
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lilysbookshelf987 · 5 months
New camper: Percy Jackson x reader (daughter of apollo)
A/n: thank you so much for giving this a read! This is my first time writing for the PJO universe so let me know if you like it! Requests are open! No NSFW or Smut! Enjoy
"Good morning" Percy said tiredly, greeting his best friend Grover at the dining pavilion, taking a seat next to him.
"Morning" Grover replied, "hey did you see Annabeth on your way here? She's usually the first one here and I haven't seen her yet"
As if almost on cue she was walking towards the boys, an excited smirk painted across her face.
"Camp Half-Blood has a new camper!"
"What?!" replied Percy
"She showed up late last night, all alone. Chiron told me she had been hurt pretty badly but he took her into the infirmary and gave her some Ambrosia"
"She took it? So, she's definitely a half-blood?" Percy asked
"Yep! We should be meeting her later today" Annabeth was ecstatic, she loved new campers!
--time skip--
As the day went on there was still no sight of the new camper. Word had made its way around camp and people began to take their guesses as to who was her parent.
"I hope she's in our cabin!" A child of Aphrodite had said
"No! I bet she HAS to be in ours! Showing up without a Satyr by her side means she's a warrior"an Ares kid chimed
"As long as she's not in ours I dont care" a tired looking Hermes kid said.
It was almost dinner time when Chiron had found Percy, sparring with someone from the Ares cabin.
"Percy can I speak to you for a moment?"
"Yeah sure" he said, removing his helmet and recapping his sword.
"Im sure you've heard we've had a new camper join us."
"Yeah it's all over camp" he replied
"Ah yes. Well let's say she hasn't been thrilled to learn about her new family. Reminds me a lot of you when you first came here"
Percy thought back to his first few days at camp. He was confused, scared, angry, and very much overwhelmed.
"I was wondering if you could help ease her mind by speaking to her. You understand what she's feeling better than I can."
"And im not half horse" Percy smiled
"Yes there is that" Chiron chuckled
"Alright I want to meet her!" Percy agreed. He really did want to help, but he also knew how jealous Annabeth would be that he met her first. The two walked into the big house and there she was, staring down at her feet.
"Y/N, this is Percy, son of Poseidon. Percy this is Y/N. I'm sure you two will get long swimmingly" Chiron chuckled at his own joke, "I will give you two some privacy" with that, he left the room. Leaving the two teenagers alone.
An awkward silence filled the room, when finally Y/N broke the silence.
"Son of Poseidon, huh?" she asked
"That's me" he smiled, proud of the title he held.
"That's crazy, the gods don't exist!"
"They do exist. I know it all feels a bit insane at first but-"
"A bit?! My whole life i've had these things coming after me and I didn't understand why. I thought I was insane and seeing things, but apparently that's normal?! And my dad? The reason he's neglected me my whole life was because he was a god?! There's just no way"
"Hey, it's gonna be ok. I know how you feel. I felt like that when I first got here. All my life my dad wasn't someone I had thought about much because I had my mom, and thats all I needed. Then I find out that he's now the most important thing in my life? I had so many emotions, but if you just give this place a chance? I promise everything gets a lot less scary"
This seem to get to the girl. She started to tear up.
"Ok, i'll try." she whispered
"I'll show you around and it'll all be ok, I promise."
The two made their way around camp, Y/N was mostly silent. "The sun is so warm here, it's not like that where I'm from"
"Everything is a little bit stronger here."
"I can tell" she smiled
"So, do you have any idea who your dad might be?" Percy asked, careful not to poke at the sensitive subject.
"I think but I'm not sure. My mom used to talk about Apollo, a way she never did about other Gods"
"Ok then...then we have to find a way for him to see you! If he see's you, he'll claim you!"
"Yeah but how?"
"Gods dont claim you because they feel like it, you have to work for it" Annabeth said, inviting herself to the conversation.
"Y/N this is Annabeth, daughter of Athena"
"Hey" Y/n said
"Percy have you taken her to the archery field? Apollo kids thrive there"
"No I didn't"
"Seaweed brain c'mon!" Annabeth rolled her eyes, "Lets go" she led the two there and put a bow and arrow in Y/N's hands. The girl had fired it easily and hit the bullseye.
"Beginners luck?" y/n asked
"Go again" Chiron said, but before she could something came flying down at her, she shot it down easily.
"That could've killed us" Percy said, mouth agape, "and you shot it down with ease!" he said
"Look!" One of the campers said
Y/N was becoming engulfed in a bright light and a sun appeared over her head. She was now an official resident of cabin 7
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beep-beep-sunny · 1 month
It's done! I've finished My Daddy Likes Boys! I hope you like it! If people like it, I'm going to write a couple sequels in the same universe. Read here or on AO3.
Chapter 1: Two daddies?? Cool!
My daddy likes boys. I don't know why that's such a big deal. I'm not a dummy. I understand that they don't mean he likes boys just as friends like me and Hank from my class. Otherwise, mommy and daddy wouldn't have broked up. I get it. It's about in love. Like Aladdin and Jasmine. They aren't both boys, but that's okay. I'm sure there are other examples of boys I'm just not thinking of.
Mommy already sees other boys. Daddy comes to watch me when she goes on her "dates" and we watch Bluey on TV or play hungry hungry hippos. Daddy is great at games, but I'm better because I always win. Still, daddy deserves to play games with someone he can beat. Someone he can go on "dates" with. Maybe on a magic carpet. Daddy likes cars, and that's a very cool and special kinda car. I wanna ride on one. Maybe if daddy's boyfriend has a magic carpet I can ride in the backseat and fly up high. That would be cool. That would be super cool.
I started kindergarten in the Fall. I'm in Mr. Tozier's class. He wears funny, colorful shirts and does voices that make me laugh a lot. When we learned about animals he made all the sounds. My favorite was when he made the goose sound. Mr. Tozier is the coolest.
And a boy.
And daddy likes boys.
Then I had an idea. My daddy and Mr. Tozier could be in love! That's a great perfect idea. I just needed to find a way to get daddy and Mr. Tozier to talk. When they talked they would obviously instantly fall in love because they are both awesome and fun and they both love me. It would be the greatest thing to have two daddies!!
I started small. Daddy tells me every day that I'm brave and I decided to prove it. I made sure Mr. Tozier was close and I climbed up higher in the jungle gym than I had ever climbed. The other kids watched and some waved and giggled. By the time Mr. Tozier noticed how high I climbed and started running towards me, it was too late. I bent my knees like a frog. Mr. Tozier saying ribbit ribbit popping into my head as I hopped off the roof (where I definitely wasn't supposed to be) and fell hard onto the ground.
I yelled and yelled and yelled some more. How was I supposed to know it would hurt THAT much. Mr. Tozier reached me quickly with his kind blue eyes twisted up in worry. "Frankie!" He yelped. "How'd you even get up there?" He was concerned, but I couldn't help but notice he also sounded impressed. This was going perfectly according to plan even though my arm hurt a whole lot.
Mr. Tozier carried me to the nurse's office. "I'm gonna call your parents, okay? Just sit tight buddy." I made a froggy sound and his worry melted away just long enough to do an, admittedly much better, froggy sound.
He rushed out the door. Oh no. "Call my daddy!" I shouted after him, hoping it was loud enough. My voice was usually louder, but my arm hurt too much! I waited to let my tears fall down my cheeks for after Mr. Tozier left. He probably thought I was very brave. Mr. Tozier and daddy will talk about how brave I am all day long until they fall in love.
Daddy didn't come. Mr. Tozier must not have heard me. When I saw mommy come through the door with her arms stretched out like she was ready to clean my dirty cheek with her spit, I cringed a bit and then started crying. This time it wasn't from the pain. Well, it wasn't just from the pain. This was going to be harder than I thought.
Chapter 2: Frankie's Big Break
I had a lot of time to plan my next move while I was at the doctor then at home. My arm was broken and got put in a huge cast. It's so hard and heavy. I drummed on the wall with it when mommy wasn't looking, she always told me to stop even though it made the best sound.
That made me think of my next idea. I couldn't keep getting hurt and going right to the hospital. I'd be off too much school and all my bones would be in casts until I couldn't move. I can't make Mr. Tozier and my daddy fall in love like that! I need at least one limb free!
When I got back to school, all the kids wanted to talk to me and sign my cast. I noted that I'd let Hank sign it first, after I talked to Mr. Tozier. Unless Mr. Tozier wanted to sign it first. Then he could. Sorry Hank.
Mr. Tozier sat at a big desk with papers all over the top. I could just see over it. He looked down at me, looking over his big thick glasses. He must have a really hard time seeing with glasses that big. My eyes are perfect, everyone says so, but daddy probably doesn't care about perfect eyes. I tried to focus.
“Frankie?” Mr. Tozier said. “What is it?”
“Next time I get in trouble, can you call my daddy instead of my mommy?” I said. I thought if I was as obvious as possible that he would definitely get it right next time.
Mr. Tozier's brow furrowed. “Well, you weren't in trouble, Frankie, but why do you want me to call your daddy? Is something going on at home?”
I really thought about it. No, not really. Home has been kinda boring. Daddy always looks sad when I'm with him, but mommy always has boys around all the time. I just want my daddy to be happy too. Not with lots of boys though, just Mr. Tozier. I didn't like getting used to lots and lots of new boys because some of them smell funny and have weird mustaches.
“Frankie?” Mr. Tozier asked. Oops, I'd been thinking too much.
“No.” I said quickly and walked away. I didn't even remember to ask him to sign my cast. I guess Hank could do it first after all.
After all the kids got done signing my cast with lots of cool things, Hank drew a dinosaur, I went to work. I knew daddy would definitely come if I was in danger, but it didn't work the first time. I decided I had to do something different. I had to get in trouble.
It happened at recess. Mr. Tozier was watching everybody, but I wanted to make sure he was watching me. I took a big breath in and let out a loud scream. Mr. Tozier looked up but so did everybody else. I'd have to explain why I was doing it to all my lots of friends later. They'd understand. With all my might, I pushed over the big wood play kitchen and all the kids playing house ran away. The play plates hit the ground over and over one at a time. It sounded like rain.
Mr. Tozier rushed over. Yay! “Is everyone okay?” The other kids nodded. When he looked at me, he didn't look mad. He looked worried. That made me worried too.
He took me to the place I go to when I get off my bus and had me sit in the big plush chair. Once he was in the other room, I got up and pressed my ear to the door. He was talking to somebody. I think on the phone.
“I think something might be going on at home.” Mr Tozier said. I sighed. Not really. Just call my daddy. Say I'm in big trouble. “Oh, a divorce? That's gotta be tough on him.” It wasn't tough at all! What was tough was getting my daddy and Mr. Tozier in one room. Ugh!
Chapter 3: Why Does Everybody Ask if I'm Okay??
How was I supposed to know they'd just make me talk to some lady? That is not what I wanted at all.
“Frankie,” She said gently like she was talking to a puppy. I'm not a puppy. “Can you please tell me how things have been at home?”
“Why does everybody keep asking me that!” I knew it wasn't polite to shout, but I was getting so frustrated! “Sorry, things are just fine. I'm happy.”
Even though I told her I'm happy she still looked sad. What was going on? “Are you happy when you're with your mommy?”
I felt a big frown on my face. “Yeah, I guess!” I folded my arms. Things were fine. Mommy was just kind of boring sometimes. She just wanted me to dress up nice and be polite. I was so sick of always being so polite.
“What about your daddy?” She asked.
I smiled. “Well, daddy is the best. We play games and watch TV but he's lonely and needs a boyfriend like my mommy has.”
The lady's eyebrows raised up like they were gonna bump into her hair. “A boyfriend?” She asked. “Maybe you mean a girlfriend.”
I rolled my eyes. “No! My daddy likes boys!’’
Talking to that lady was so pointless. She didn't even help me with how to get Mr. Tozier and my daddy together. I hoped I never had to see that lady ever again.
My mommy drove me home and fussed with my hair when she buckled me in. “What did you say to the nice lady?” She asked me.
“I told her daddy likes boys.” I explained, getting a little tired of always having to explain myself.
Mommy's eyebrows did the same thing as the lady. It's a little silly for her to be surprised. I knew she knew that already. She didn't say much else. She just got in the front seat and drove us home.
When Daddy came to pick me up the next day, I was so excited. It was the weekend and Daddy always planned a fun activity. I wanted to see the new Sonic movie and get lots of popcorn.
It was taking mommy and daddy a really long time to come get me in my room, so I hopped off my bed and sat on the top of the stairs looking down at them through the bars. They looked upset. They had angry eyebrows and folded up arms.
“You told him about your little perversion?” Mommy said. I didn't know what that meant, but what did daddy tell me about? Maybe about the big black cats at the zoo.
Daddy held up his hands. “No, I didn't tell him anything about that. I don't know how he found out.” Maybe not about the big cats after all.
“Well, tell him you don't. Tell him you like women like you're supposed to.” I opened my eyes really wide. Was this about daddy liking boys? What's the big deal! Mommy likes boys too!
“Daddy can like boys if he wants to!” I ran down the stairs to stand up tall next to daddy.
They both looked down at me with their mouths hanging open. Close your mouths, gosh! “It's not normal.” Mommy said in a calm voice. I was so sick of people talking to me like a puppy or a baby or something.
I held out my hand. “Daddy, I wanna go.” I didn't feel like talking about this. I had important things to do.
Daddy looked down at me, surprised. Mommy looked mad. They looked at each other for a few seconds before daddy grabbed my hand and we started walking out. I smiled wide.
“Wait!” Mommy called after us, but we didn't stop or look back.
We were gonna have a wonderful, awesome time watching Sonic and eating popcorn and then after that I would think about my next plan. Daddy and Mr. Tozier were gonna be happy if it was the last thing I did!
Chapter 4: Hank's My Best Friend Ever!
"Okay Hank, this is very important.” I started to explain. It was nap time, so I had to whisper. I had my mat pulled up right next to Hank's. Hank had a big smile while he listened. He was always a good listener. Probably because I told lots of good stories. “My daddy likes boys.”
“What else would he do?” Hank poked his cheek. “You're a boy, so if he didn't it would be really sad actually.”
“No, no.” I waved him off with my cast. “I mean he likes boys like mommies like daddies.”
“Woah.” Hank said. “That's so cool. I wish my daddy likes boys too.” I knew I could count on Hank to see things my way. My daddy was pretty cool after all.
“I think my daddy should be in love with Mr. Tozier.” I explained and smiled a lot. It was such a great idea.
Hank didn't smile, he looked worried. “But Frankie, he's our teacher.”
“So, what?” I folded my arms.
Hank seemed like he really had to think about it. That made sense because he was being silly. “It's weird.”
“That's a horrible reason, Hank.” I shook my head. I really expected more from my best friend ever.
“What if he treats you different?” Hank pushed his fingers together.
I huffed. What a dumb thing to say. “It would only be good different cause he'd give me less work and maybe let me go home early.” I hadn't thought about any of that, but a teacher daddy had to have perks.
“Woah.” Hank said. “Okay, what do we do?” I knew Hank was a good friend! Now I had a whole helper! We'd definitely make it happen!
“Well, I already tried this.” I proudly held up my cast.
“You did that on purpose?” He asked, scrunching up his face. What was the big deal? It didn't even work.
“And when I knocked over the kitchen.” I smiled wide. They were all very good plans, so the next one would definitely work!
Hank frowned again. “That broke off the sink and now it doesn't fit.”
“It was for a good reason.” I said. “My daddy needs love!”
“I guess so.” Hank still pouted, so I made a funny face and oinked like a pig. That's what Mr. Tozier would do.
Hank giggled a lot until a girl on the mat next to us said, “Shhh!” That just made us giggle more.
We put my plan in action just after nap time. Hank went up to Mr. Tozier and got his attention. “Look, Mr. Tozier!” He said, then started trying to put his whole fist in his mouth. I had to try really hard not to laugh. At first, Mr. Tozier watched, but as I expected, he tried to stop him after that.
That's when I made my move! I slipped behind the cubbies on the wall. There was just a tiny little bit of space, but I slipped in like a super spy when no one was looking. I could still see everything! My plan was working perfectly.
A few minutes later, everybody got their bins from the cubbies to start working. Hank went straight back to Mr. Tozier. “Excuse me, Mr. Tozier?”
“What's on your mind, Hankster?” He winked. I sighed. What was my future other daddy doing giving fun nicknames to other little boys? Very inconsiderate!
“Have you seen Frankie?” Hank asked. The smile grew wider on my lips. I tried hard not to giggle. Mr. Tozier's smile went away completely. He hopped up and started looking all around. I held my breath. He checked in the lockers. Good thing I decided not to hide there! That was a close one. He checked in the trash can. I definitely wouldn't have ever hid somewhere like that. Unless I got really desperate to think of a good spot I guess.
Mr. Tozier looked back at Hank. “Hank, do you know where he is?” I crossed my fingers in both hands. Hank, please don't be a tattletale at a time like this! “If you do, please tell me. Neither of you will be in trouble.”
Hank shook his head. “I think you could call his daddy.” Hank added. Yes! I knew Hank was my bestest friend ever for a reason! We did it! My daddy was about to meet the love of his whole life!
Chapter 5: They Meet and I'm Cute
It got a little boring waiting in my hiding place. My back hurt too because the plug on the wall was poking it, but it was all worth it for my daddy!
Mr. Tozier had been pacing around and Hank was obviously trying really hard not to look over at me. He was doing a very great job.
It felt like forever and ever, but finally I heard someone stomp in the room. Daddy! I could tell it was him. I was so happy I almost gave up my hiding spot. I put my hand over my mouth just in case.
“Unbelievable.” My daddy said. “Your one job is keeping the children in your care safe and my child breaks his arm and then goes missing! I hope you don't like your job.” I frowned. This wasn't right. They were supposed to fall right in love at first sight!
“Sir,” Mr Tozier started talking, surely he would fall in love with my great, awesome daddy! “With all due respect, this is not an easy job. They haven't replaced my classroom aide since he quit.” I remembered Ms. Ramsey. She snorted when she laughed. I always wondered when she'd come back. “Trust me that the welfare of my students is the thing I care most about.”
“So, is it just my son that you are lax with?” Daddy said, still sounding angry. This wasn't good!
“No. I care very much about your son.” Yay! I knew I was the favorite. He'll definitely love my daddy just so he can be my other daddy. I'm so cool. “I've actually been very worried about him. He's been acting out a lot.” More like I've been trying really hard to get you two knuckle sandwiches to be in love! Give me a break.
“Of course he has been with this level of instruction and look at this deathtrap!” My daddy held up the broken part of the play sink and waved it around.
“Frankie broke that actually. He just shoved it over while other kids were playing with it.” I smiled, a little proud even though that plan didn't work.
Daddy frowned and crossed his arms. He had the line in his face he got when he was worried and the other one he got when he was mad. “Well, can't you watch him better? If you just-” Daddy put a hand over his mouth. Mr. Tozier put a hand on daddy's shoulder. It was happening! Frankie Kaspbrak you genius! “I'm sorry.” Daddy said. “This just isn't like him.”
“From what I understand, he's going through a lot right now.” Mr. Tozier said with his kindest tone.
Daddy gasped. “Are you trying to blame this on the divorce? You're the one that lost my son!” Daddy's voice squeaked like it did the time I found a baby rat and brought it in the house as my pet.
“I'm not blaming it on anything.” Mr. Tozier was so calm. I wanted him to make a cool animal sound so my daddy would stop being so mad. “I think he's probably hiding. It seems like it's been about attention. It's like he wants me to call you. Specifically you. I don't mean to pry, but has the divorce made it difficult for you to spend time with him?” That's not it at all! I do want to see daddy more and everything, but that's not why I was making these really smart plans. Clearly I was doing something right because it worked.
“No. That's ridiculous. We should call the police. A kidnapper could be getting further and further away by the second.” No! That wasn't what I wanted at all. It was time to make my great reveal! They'd both be so happy to see me and we'd all laugh and smile together.
I started trying to wiggle out of my hiding spot, but when it got to my arm with the cast with lots of decorations on it, it didn't budge. Uh-Oh.
Chapter 6: Stuck (but Being Really Brave About it)
My cast made a loud smacking sound as I tried to pull it free. Before I got my arm unstuck, everyone looked up from talking and stared at me. They had big eyes like owls, hoot hoot, Mr. Tozier might say.
Daddy's eyes were all watery and he rushed over. “Frankie, oh my god. Have you been here this whole time?” He gave Mr. Tozier a really mean look. “He's been here the whole time and you couldn't find him? How is that possible?”
Mr. Tozier shrugged. “I said I thought he was hiding, but I'm very sorry about all this.” He still looked very stressed out and his eyes were all red.
“You can't just relax because you think something is true when my son could be in danger.” Daddy always talked with his hands and started to talk really fast when he was mad, so he was probably very mad.
I kept trying to wiggle free, but it wasn't happening. Oh no. “I'm stuck.” I said interrupting their boring conversation that wasn't even about being in love.
“Stuck? Oh God. Your arm?” Daddy asked. I nodded. It was very obviously my arm, but whatever. “Does it hurt?”
I shook my head, but it was kinda hard cause there was barely space to breathe. “No, it doesn't hurt even a little bit.” I was super brave after all.
“How did you even get back there?” Mr. Tozier asked, he sounded pretty impressed.
“I just wiggled.” I said with a big smile showing all my teeth.
My daddy bobbed his head up and down like a gulping fish. Splish splash . “Have you tried to wiggle out?” Daddy wiggled as if I didn't know what wiggling was. I wiggled my whole way back here in the first place!
“Yeah, I did try it! I wiggled and wiggled, but I'm still stuck.” I pushed out my bottom lip. So frustrating! My plan wasn't working well at all.
Daddy chewed on his lips. “Your mother is not going to be happy about this.” He said it all quiet like he wasn't even talking to me, but he obviously was.
He tried to pull on my cast, but it hurt. “Ow.” I said.
“Sorry, I'm sorry.” He let go of me right after like it hurt him too.
“Excuse me, Mr. Kaspbrak?” Mr. Tozier called my daddy something funny, tapping on his shoulder. I guess he can't call him daddy, but my daddy's not even a teacher!
Daddy turned back to look. “What?” He breathed out really hard, like whoosh .
“Let me try, I have an idea.” Mr. Tozier said.
My daddy kept breathing loud. “Fine.” He stepped away from me.
Mr. Tozier did the thing where his fingers make little cracking sounds. I giggled. He was so silly. “Okay, Frankie. Are you scared?”
Of course not, I was obviously being very brave. “No.” I said.
“Alright, let's see…” He looked all around the small, dark place where I was. I tried not to think that it was so small and dark, but it was hard not to think it. “Do you think you can jump out of there really fast when I say go? You can race to your daddy.”
I smiled wide. That sounded like a fun game. “Okay!”
“What are you going to do?” Daddy asked.
Mr. Tozier winked at him. “I have a plan, just stand back.” My daddy's face seemed kinda blotchy and red. I hoped he wasn't getting sick cause he was so worried about me. That would be bad. He nodded and took a few steps back.
Hank looked up at my daddy. “Is Frankie going to die?”
Daddy just looked at him with a crinkly face, but Mr. Tozier said. “You trust Mr. Tozier, don't you, Hankster?” Hank smiled and nodded a lot. Me too. He was gonna be a great other daddy.
Mr. Tozier pushed something that made a loud clicking sound and wrapped his big, huge arms around the cubbies that were making me so stuck. He leaned back with all his might making weird little sounds that were pretty funny. I could see more light after that. “Go Frankie!” Ready, set , go and Frankie Kaspbrak was off like the flash! I did a really cool job coming out by kicking off the side of the cubbies.
I ran up to daddy and jumped up into his arms. We both smiled a lot, but then, there was a big, loud crashing sound. I looked over from daddy's arms and I saw Mr. Tozier being crushed under the big, heavy cubbies.
Hank pulled on my daddy's pocket. “Is Mr. Tozier gonna die?” He asked. Good question. I hope not. How could he be my new daddy if he died!
Chapter 7: Two Tomatoes Make a Salad!
No, no, no! I started rushing over to Mr. Tozier, but daddy put his hand out and I stopped. Daddy went over really slow.
“I'm a-okay!” Mr. Tozier said from under the cubbies. “Don't worry about me! I have a hard head!” Mr. Tozier definitely did cause he ran into stuff all the time! He always said ‘it’s okay I have a hard head ' or ‘another bruise for my bruise collection' . I had a bruise collection too.
Daddy made grumbling sounds and bent his knees next to the cubbies that were crushing Mr. Tozier's whole body. “Don't be ridiculous. You should definitely be seen by a doctor after this.”
“Nope, years of being reckless have made my head basically a head of steel. Nothing could penetrate it now. My brain is well protected.” Said Mr. Tozier. Yeah! He had to be right. That made sense.
“That's not how it works at all, dummy.” Oh. “Once you get one concussion, every one afterwards gets worse and worse and worse. How many have you had? Maybe I should call an ambulance.” Daddy held a hand to his head like he did when he was about to put me in time out. Mr. Tozier was about to be in time out.
“Please don't do that.” Mr. Tozier said. He really didn't want to go to time out. I didn't blame him. It's super boring in time out.
“What's a concussion?” Hank asked. It was a good question. I could have answered it, but I let daddy feel smart.
“A brain injury. It's very serious.” Daddy said quickly.
“What's an injury?” Hank asked again.
Mr. Tozier answered that question from under the pile. “A booboo.” He said.
“Oh!” Hank said. I already knew that, but that answered the question for Hank. Mr. Tozier and daddy were very smart.
Daddy shook his head fast like a dog. “That's enough of this foolishness. We're getting you out of there.” He rolled up his sleeves and started pulling on the cubbies. “What on earth? How could they possibly weigh this much? I should definitely call someone.” He said.
“That won't be necessary, Mr. Kaspbrak.” Said the voice of Mr. Tozier from under the pile. He was really stuck good. “Can you just pull and I'll push?”
Daddy breathed loud like a dragon. “Okay, fine. We can try your idea first.” He tapped his foot fast like a bunny. He was being lots of funny animals!
The stuff moved probably because Mr. Tozier moved, not because there was a bunch of friendly mice trying to help. Sad. “Good. On three.” Mr. Tozier said. “One, two, three.” Daddy pulled up breathing hard and turning red as a tomato, but the cubbies were going up that time. I could finally see Mr. Tozier. He was pushing. He was all red too. Two tomato faces. We just needed green lettuce for one of mommy's salads. Icky. I giggled.
“Is this funny to you, Frankie?” Daddy asked, breathing really hard. I nodded, still smiling, and he made an even funnier crinkly face. I loved my daddy so much. He was so funny.
After Mr. Tozier pushed all the way up, daddy moved over to help push. Push, push push. Then it was all the way up, but the stuff was still all over the ground in a big mess. Mr. Tozier was definitely gonna get grounded.
“Thank you.” Mr. Tozier said, but he turned around and he slipped on a notebook like it was a banana peel. Woosh . He tumbled and bumbled into my daddy and they both did a funny dance before falling down on the ground. Mr. Tozier was crushing my daddy cause he was way bigger.
Oh, no!
Wait, no. This was perfect! They were basically hugging! That's what people that love each other very much do. It was working! I was a love genius.
Chapter 8: Friends??
They both got up really fast and rubbed down their clothes like mommy did to me right before school. “Are you in love now?” I asked because I was getting very tired of waiting.
Daddy got a weird expression on his face like when he told me he wasn't gonna be with mommy anymore. I started to feel scared because I didn't know why he looked at me like that. “Oh my god.” Daddy said.
“No, Frankie.” Mr. Tozier smiled, so that made me feel a little better, but it meant I didn't do it yet.
“Is that what all this has been about?” Daddy said. I nodded. “You want me to be in love with your teacher?” I nodded again. I really did want that. “Oh my god.” He closed his eyes really tight. “I am so sorry, Mr. Tozier. This is all very embarrassing. Maybe we could talk in the other room?”
Mr. Tozier nodded. “Just for a minute, okay? I don't have an aide right now.”
“Sure, that's fine.” Daddy said.
Mr. Tozier looked at us kids and put two fingers from his eyes then to point at us. “Don't do anything I wouldn't do.” We all giggled because it was funny, but I felt bubbly in my stomach. Maybe my plan would never ever work.
Daddy went with Mr. Tozier out the door. When the door shut, I ran up and poked my eye under the door. I couldn't see anything really, but I could hear a tiny bit better.
“I'm so sorry about this.” Daddy said. “He must be taking the divorce really hard.” I was not.
“I understand. I'm flattered he seems to want me as his step parent. Maybe that means I'm doing something right.” Yeah! The rightest ever!
“I hope this isn't overstepping telling you this, but he found out I was divorcing his mother because I'm gay. I didn't tell him, but we must not have been careful enough talking about it.” Gay? No. It was cause Daddy liked boys! That's all. Gay was something bad mommy talked about.
There was time with no talking, but I couldn't see why. “Oh.” Mr. Tozier said. Good, they were still there.
“Oh God, it was totally over stepping, wasn't it?”
“No, no. Actually, I was thinking maybe he somehow found out I'm gay and that's why he picked me.” Gay? What was it with all this gay?
There was another long time with no talking. “Oh.” Daddy said.
“Sorry, maybe now I'm the one talking too much. I do that a lot actually. I thought since you were too, it might be okay, but I promise I would not usually tell a parent of one of my students that.”
It sounded like Daddy laughed a little but lighter than usual because he usually sounded like a cackling witch. “It's fine. It's nice to not be the only one. I wasn't exactly in the community before now.”
“Well, I'm free to talk anytime after 3pm.” Mr. Tozier said. Daddy did that different laugh again. Like a kitten laughing. It was weird.
“What are you saying?” Daddy asked. Mr. Tozier was pretty clear. That's because that's when school ended.
“If you want to come here around then or shoot me an email that would be fine by me. It's easy to feel lonely when you're entering a brand new community. I'll be your first gay friend. If you want. No pressure.” Gay.. hmm. If daddy and Mr. Tozier were gay it couldn't be bad.
“That does sound nice.” Daddy said. “I’ll think about it.”
“Frankie is a great kid.” True. “Maybe if you have a talk with him about it, now that we know what's been going on, he'll stop. Divorce is confusing for a kid.” Mr. Tozier said all that, but I was not confused at all. I knew exactly what was going on.
“Sometimes it's best, that's what my therapist says. I actually kind of wish my parents divorced.” Daddy said. That was weird. Daddy only had one parent. Grandma. She pinched my cheeks too hard.
Mr. Tozier laughed a little. “Is that so?”
“Oh, no. That was totally too much, right? You don't need my life story.” Daddy said his voice was going fast.
“It's totally fine. What are friends for?” Mr. Tozier said.
“Thanks.” Daddy said. Friends? Friends?? That's not in love at all! Friends are what I was with Hank. That was not going to end with Mr. Tozier being my other daddy. What a nightmare!
Though, I guess it wasn't so bad. Daddy needed friends and I really really liked Hank and all my other friends. I guess if that made daddy happy, I could be happy too. What are sons for? I wanted to be a great son. That's why I did it all in the first place! Daddy and Mr. Tozier were gonna be good friends and that was that!
Chapter 9: That Was Fun, but I'm Bored Now
After that day, daddy came to get me from school all the time! It was so great! I guess mommy didn't mind staying at home and relaxing while daddy picked me up. He really was best friends with Mr. Tozier. That was great.
They talked and talked. Blah, blah, blah I had important stuff to do. At first, I listened in. I'm a growing, curious boy, but it was all just boring stuff I didn't care about.
Still, I loved daddy having a friend and coming to get me. I got to play with all the best toys all by myself. Daddy did the weird kitten giggles, but I was happy his witch laugh came back sometimes too. He must have been getting more comfy with Mr. Tozier. That's nice. Mr. Tozier would say something very funny and daddy would punch him in the arm and do his witch cackles.
After they talked and talked, sometimes they would both come over and pretend to be giant monsters that came to get me and pretend destroyed the play kitchen. I laughed and laughed as they chased me.
One day, Mr. Tozier almost knocked the cubbies over again. Daddy got really upset and did a karate chop in the air talking about safety blah blah blah , but Mr. Tozier showed daddy that it only came off the wall if he flipped this switch thing. Cool! He clicked it and daddy squeaked like a scared mouse, but Mr. Tozier clicked it back before the cubbies crushed us all forever.
Life was pretty great until we started staying at school later and later and I was missing my favorite shows like teenage mutant ninja turtles. I liked watching it before we had to eat dinner. “Come on, daddy.” I said because we'd been at school for at least sixty hours.
“Just a minute.” Daddy said. He was playing a boring card game with Mr. Tozier. Mr. Tozier kept losing. That was good. Daddy deserved to win since I always beat him at all the actually fun games.
Mr. Tozier put down his cards showing all their faces which was probably bad because daddy could see all of them in his hand. “It's okay, we shouldn't keep him.”
“But,” Daddy started. No, daddy. Time to go.
Mr. Tozier smiled wide with lots of teeth. “Maybe you can beat me at cards at my place sometime?”
Daddy smiled a little too, but just like a little c, not with lots of teeth. “Really?”
“I think it's a good time.” Mr. Tozier said. It was a good time because it was the time I would usually be watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Daddy took a long time to respond, then when he did, he was quiet like a whisper. A whisper for no reason. “Okay. Frankie will be with his mom all day tomorrow.”
“It's okay daddy, you can see Mr. Tozier without me.” I said. I thought it was nice of me to say that. They were trying to find a time that I was free too, but I can't always be babysitting them. Daddy had to learn to hang out with his friends by himself once in a while.
Daddy and Mr. Tozier smiled. “Thanks Frankie.” Daddy said.
Mr. Tozier messed up my hair which is good cause I liked it best messy. “Yeah, buddy. I'm glad we have your blessing.”
“Nobody sneezed.” I said. I didn't say bless you to anybody, but maybe Mr. Tozier forgot that. They both laughed.
“So, tomorrow?” Daddy asked Mr. Tozier.
Mr. Tozier nodded a lot like a weird bird. Big bird, haha . “I'll text you the address.”
Daddy spent too long just waving at Mr. Tozier, so I pushed him along. It was like he was a broken toy just waving and waving. “Are you okay, daddy? Why are you doing that? It's weird.”
Daddy pulled back his hands and started to walk finally. “You think?” He asked me for advice, which was good because I gave the best advice.
“Definitely.” I said.
Chapter 10: Best Matchmaker: Frankie Kaspbrak
Daddy didn't pick me up every day after that, but still a lot. Mr. Tozier always went from happy to sad when he saw my mommy, but lots of people did that. I was happy if it was daddy or mommy because when it wasn't daddy every time anymore, it got to be fun again to stay at school and play with all the fun toys all by myself. Sometimes I wished I had Hank to play with too, but at least there wasn't a line for playing with the kitchen.
There was one day that Mr. Tozier was acting weird all day long, and he was just smiling at me, but not happy, more like scared. Weirdo. When Daddy came Mr. Tozier didn't seem surprised like he usually did. He'd say like ‘what a nice surprise' usually when daddy came. This day, he just lifted his hand in the tiniest wave I ever saw and daddy just did it right back. What was going on!
“Hey, Frankie?” Daddy said.
I felt my face scrunch up. “What?”
“We would like to talk to you about something, kiddo.” Mr. Tozier said. He kept rubbing his hands together. Weird, weird, weird .
“Fine.” I said and I plopped down on the beanbag. I liked the orange and blue one best and since it was only me, I could have whichever one I wanted.
Mr. Tozier and daddy pulled over two chairs. The one daddy pulled made a screech sound at first. “Sorry.” Daddy made a squeaky sound with his mouth instead of the chair and lifted it up to wobble like a penguin the rest of the way over.
“So, Frankie.” Daddy coughed and Mr. Tozier put a hand on daddy's shoulder. I was starting to get freaked out! What could be so important! I was scared because maybe my fish died cause he wasn't looking so good when he was napping on the top of the water in the morning.
“Gosh, just spit it out already.” I said, wiggling in the beanbag. If they were gonna tell me something bad I wanted it to be over so I could cry and get done crying in time for my show.
“Sorry, um,” Daddy coughed again.
“Are you sick daddy?” Oh no. Maybe daddy was gonna die! That's way worse than a fish.
“No, um, I,” He coughed again. No.
I started getting my crying out early. I cried and cried and yelled. “Daddy's dying! You're gonna say you're dying.” I cried some more just to be sure I'd get it all out.
“No. I'm fine.” Daddy said. “I'm not sick.” He said that, but his face was all red and Mr. Tozier looked worried. He was gonna lose his best best friend and my best best daddy. I cried louder.
“We're in love!” Mr. Tozier said and squeezed my daddy's shoulder more.
I hopped out of the bean bag like a bunny. “What?” I said.
“It's true.” Daddy held his hands out. “I'm not dying. We're just in love and going to be starting a new relationship. We wanted you to know. I know this is probably strange for you, but-”
I opened my eyes wide. It worked. I started laughing and daddy looked more worried, but my new future daddy smiled wide. IT WORKED! Of course it worked. I never gave up and it worked because I'm the best matchmaker in the whole world! “You’re welcome.” I said.
“What?” Daddy said, but Mr. Tozier Daddy laughed with me. He picked me up and spun me around until I was dizzy and daddy started laughing too. This was definitely going to be so super fun! I was glad they had me because if it wasn't for me, daddy might have been alone forever and ever and Mr. Tozier wouldn't have a great and very cute new son!
Chapter 11: Epilogue: My New Plan!
My name is Frankie Kaspbrak and now I'm seven whole years old and very mature. After helping my daddies fall in love, I helped them decide to get married too! Wow, what would they do without me?
The most important thing was, what was I going to be? Probably best man, ring bearer, flower boy, and guy that says you may kiss the bride! Though, they'd have to say something else this time. Would they say, you may kiss the groom? Maybe we should skip the gross kissing altogether. Ew.
My original, first daddy said I could only pick one and probably I couldn't be the priest without lots more work and school, and I didn't want to do that. I didn't want to tell them to kiss anyways. Papa Richie (that used to be Mr. Tozier) said I should live my dream and I could be everything and do the wedding as a one boy show. That might be a lot of work though. Maybe I'd be the flower boy because I like flowers and if I lost the ring, I'd probably be in big trouble.
Flower boy it is! I got lots of pretty flowers that I picked out and I helped my daddies pick off all the petals to put in a little white basket. I smooshed em when I took them off, but Papa Richie said it was okay cause I'd just be throwing them. I was excited to make a big flower mess.
Mommy wasn't gonna come to the wedding. I told her that was stupid because it would be fun and the best time ever. She thought I should still call Papa Richie, Mr. Tozier, but that would be confusing since he wasn't even my teacher anymore. Plus, my name might get to be Frankie Kaspbrak-Tozier! They said I could decide, but I was still thinking about it. It sounded pretty nice.
After all that was figured out, I had time to think about the real most important thing. Since I did such a wonderful job with my first plan of getting daddy and Papa Richie to fall in love, I decided I could basically do anything. It was a lot of power, but Spiderman says to use it for only good things, so that's what I was gonna do.
It was time for the wedding, and I was hiding under the biggest table with Hank. He was my plus one. We took a break from eating the cake that we took from the back of the cake so no one would notice. We had icing all over our fingers, but we could just wipe it on the table cloths, so it was fine. “Okay, Hank. I have a new really amazing plan.”
Hank sighed loud. “It better not be you getting stuck again. I was worried.”
I shook my head a lot. “No, no. Hank. I'm gonna get a baby brother.”
Hank smiled. “Is your mommy pregnant?”
I rolled my eyes. “No, Hank. Are we at my mommy's wedding right now? Gosh.”
He looked confused. Hank, you gotta think about these things. “But, who?” He asked me.
“My daddy is gonna have a baby with Papa Richie.” I said. “I’m gonna make it happen.”
Hank's mouth opened wide. “Woah.” He said.
“So, you're in?” I held out my pinky.
He wrapped my pinky with his pinky. “I'm in.” Hank was the best. Maybe I'd marry him one day too. He'd be pretty good at helping me with my plans for forever.
The plan was ready. Here it goes. I had all my flower petals in the basket and I tossed them and smiled and looked cute and everyone was looking at me. Then, Hank was free to go up to the stage. He whispered the secret plan to the priest (that's what they're called) and gave him a bag filled with a special surprise.
I smiled from ear to ear! It was all gonna happen! Just like last time! Daddy and Papa Richie got up to the front and I stayed where I was supposed to stand, then it happened.
The priest smiled. “This is a little unusual.” He said. “But a little boy told me you all had a surprise you wanted to share.”
“A surprise?” Daddy asked.
Papa Richie said, “Okay, sure, show us the surprise.”
He pulled out the surprise from the bag. It was a baby doll and long paper that said, ’it’s a boy' that I very secretly took from the store when I was with mommy. “Congratulations?” The priest said.
Daddy stared and turned red, then more red, but an angry red. He yelled. “Frankie Kaspbrak-Tozier!” It sounded nice, just like I thought it would! I told my daddy I decided that's what I wanted to be called just that morning, and I was happy he remembered. Papa Richie tried to cover his mouth, but I knew he was laughing.
I didn't actually think that would work of course, it takes a few tries like last time, but, eventually, I was definitely getting that little brother!
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otemporanerys · 5 months
Childhood friends rewrite snippet 👀
I'm ill and you all have to be nice to me
Anyway, I've been working on a rewrite of Playing the Long Game off and on for a few months now, and it's a lot of fun!
this is a bit from what's going to be chapter 3, they're about 13 and Shepard is staying at Garrus's place for the first time (minor cw child abuse)
It occurred to Garrus that it’d been a long time since he’d had a friend over, and she definitely wouldn’t want to play cops and robbers, which had been his go-to back on Palaven. “Do you wanna watch a vid, or…”
“I’m pretty beat, if that’s OK.” And yes, now that she mentioned it he could see the little dark circles under her eyes. When was the last time she’d gotten any rest?
“You take the bed,” he said, pulling a sheet down.
“Don’t be stupid,” she replied, as she peeled off her sweater. She had a thin little top on, one with shorter sleeves: her left wrist was purple and green. He was familiar enough with human bruising, having spent the last year or so tagging along with her, but she was fighting a lot less these days.
Garrus narrowed his eyes. “How’d you get that?”
“Oh,” she said, with too much casualness, “broke up a fight between two little kids before the caretakers could see.”
It was a lie. He could feel it in his gut.
She got under the sheets. “I mean it, you really could fit four of you in this thing.”
They were too old to be sharing a bed, but what was he going to say? Still, as he settled down next to her, he shoved a pillow between them, just for propriety’s sake. Once he’d gotten the barrier set up, he looked up and, spirits, there she was, her face just a few inches away from his. Garrus became very aware of his breath, how it was falling in sync with hers; his eyes flicked up to her smooth pale forehead, then down to her strange pink mouth.
“I wish you’d let me help you,” he said without thinking.
“There’s nothing you can do.” She was so resigned to it. She rolled away from him onto her side and propped herself up on one elbow. “Who’s that meant to be?” She was pointing at one of his posters.
“Tela Vasir,” Garrus told the back of her head. “She’s a –”
“Spectre,” Shepard sighed. She rolled back over to look at him, a small fond smile on her face. “You’re obsessed.”
Garrus shrugged. “No rules, get to do whatever you want your way. What’s not to like?”
Shepard squinted at him. “I guess.”
“Oh, don’t act like you’re better than me,” he teased. “I’ve seen that picture in your locker.”
Her cheeks went pink. “They’re N7s! They’re the best of the best!”
“Best of the best of the Alliance.” Garrus pointed at the poster. “The Spectres are the best in the whole galaxy.”
Shepard crossed her arms. “When I join the marines –”
“You wanna join the marines?” This was news to him.
“Beats bartending."
But she was so smart. “What about college?”
She pinched her fingers together and rubbed them. Garrus blinked, and she let out an exasperated sigh. “Credits. College costs credits.” She yawned. “I’d only have to do it for a few years. If I didn’t like it.”
He tried to imagine Shepard emerging over a hill, covered in armor and armed to the teeth. Terrifyingly plausible. “So one day you’ll be an N7, and I’ll be a Spectre.”
Shepard’s eyes settled closed. “It’ll be just like one of your dumb books.”
Garrus felt himself smile. “They don’t write about humans in my books.”
“Not yet.” She rolled onto her back. “Goodnight.” A soft pang of longing clenched his chest, then he shifted so he didn’t stare at her like a freak.
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fox-guardian · 8 months
please PLEASE we need more of that somewhere else au
hi i've been sitting on this ask for a hot minute cuz i've been trying to think of how events in this world would line up with events in the og timeline. like.
i'm trying to figure out gerry's family situation. because he bonds with this universe's martin over their mommy issues, but his mom couldn't have found and gotten obsessed with a leitner, since they don't exist in this world. so how could she become a killer? well, she does it The Normal Way. no spooky shit, she just kills people for her own purposes.
and what about eric? currently i'm thinking he was left in the dark about her whole Thing because in this world, he didn't have the pre-exposure to weird shit via the institute so he's just. basically clueless the whole time they're together cuz he doesn't wanna invade her privacy too much. especially since she gets so Defensive. until gerry gets born and he gets Concerned that his wife is focusing more on the hobbies he's allowed her to keep to herself than on caring for their own child, so then he confronts her and figures out about the murders, and tries to call the police, and she tries to stop him and in the scuffle she blinds him (that's right baby he Remains Eyeless in this au)
she manages to frame him for the murders and he's locked away for ~13 years ish and she raises gerry in that time, giving him So Many Issues and eventually she just. goes back to the murders. but more subtly. only since there's More Murders In The Area Again the cops catch her and free eric and WHOO GERRY HAS HIS DAD NOW and eric loves him so much. they bond and it's wonderful. (this is obviously where we've branched off from lining up with canon this is The Good Timeline)
gerry grows up with his epic and cool dad who bonds with him via music and shitty hair dye jobs and laments that he can't see his son's cool art but gerry still describes it to him and he's like "oh that sounds so cool. i'd get that tattoo'd" and BOOM. GERRY TATTOO ARTIST DREAMS BEGIN.
he starts at a shop, gets really good, his specialty is stylized horror-related tattoos and portraits. years go by, a new guy comes in and wants to start an apprenticeship, gerry takes him under his wing. dude is pretty good and they keep working together, the guy is really good at writing script so he does a lot of text and stuff, and a lot of line-heavy designs. that guy is Martin.
one day martin informs gerry that he's noticed him being off lately, he gets concerned for his health and eventually after a lot of nagging and a one-man intervention, martin manages to get gerry to a doctor and OH NO, THERE'S A TUMOR IN HIS BRAIN but good news is they caught it in time!! now gerry has a big cool scar on his head and owes martin his life.
and then fellas. Fellas. is it gay to open a tattoo shop with the man who you taught how to tattoo and now you feel is your equal in his own right and also who saved your life because he Knew You That Well.
eric thinks so. and he kept making annoying grins about it that only got worse when gerry told him they'd made it official ("dad please" "I KNEW YOU CRAZY KIDS WOULD MAKE IT WORK" "dad" "when's the wedding" "DAD")
can you tell i've been thinking about gerry and martin a lot.
to bring it back to the "somewhere else" part, OG martin works at a coffee shop trying to get by with OG jon and gerry and eric happen to come in one day, and then another day gerry comes in with martin, Excited To Share With Him The Barista That Looks Uncannily Like Him But Older. and OG martin is, of course, shitting his pants because Oh No This Probably Isn't Good BUT THEN HE LOOKS AT MARTIN. and he's SO mad. this martin looks SO MUCH COOLER THAN HIM. he has GOLD FACIAL PIERCINGS and a SLEEVE TATTOO of ROSES. AND HE DOESN'T LOOK DEPRESSED.
he brings this up to og jon and he's just like ".... did you want to get piercings. i mean you know you'd look cool" and jon is just feeling very 😳👀 about that part but martin is just "WHAT, AND COPY HIM?? I CAN'T DO THAT"
so uh yeah that's uh. that's the most detailed i've got so far. i've got a little bit of jon and sasha and surprisingly little for the stokers. but yeah <3 this got long <3
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contritecactite · 26 days
As ever, it takes the tiniest hint of encouragement (thanks @grimboigio ) to goad me into generating a wall of text. Well, actually, the wall was already there. Big big Hades II spoilers below in the form of messy half-baked notes I've been jotting down as I play. Some are just things that I got excited about, but there's a tiny sliver or two of theories and expectations.
I think we're headed for no happy ending, just acceptance—the battle is against Chronos, but it's really about *time* as a concept; for these gods, time really did take its toll and change the way mortals relate to them. Supergiant will never make another sequel for the same reason: things belong in their own time.
The lycaons *could* just be heralding Cerberus, but they somehow give me a sense of the trappings of Roman the Empire creeping in (in an intentional, storytelling way). Same with the emptiness of Ephyra and the hints of war in the mortal aspect. It feels like this is the fall of the cultures we now call "ancient Greece" as told through the eyes of the gods who get left behind or changed.
Apollo is giving me traitor vibes. He had a line about how we "have all the time in the world," and there's just something too carefree about him.
This feels like a lovely little patchwork quilt of Supergiant games. Homer is more reactive like the Bastion narrator. The music, the social bonding opportunities, and the inventory and lore screens feel a bit like Pyre. Some upgrade systems remind me of Transistor, and the mood reminds me very much of it as well. The writing and combat are still very Hades, and there are new aspects that speak of a team that has taken the time to understand what works, what doesn't, and what improvement and innovation should look like within their existing framework.
Echo's whole thing is fucking clever. Those gifts: Either repeats or diminishing returns—just like an echo. Holy fucking shit the way I vibrated when I met Echo the first time.
I love my randomly assigned college roommate who never goes to her classes and moves all my shit for no reason (Dora). If she were my actual roommate, I would feel a very different way about this.
Eris is perfect. I love her being mean-spirited mischief rather than brute force or accidental mischief; it feels like a unique character composition. She's awful. I can't stand her. She's perfect. She also reminds me of Spoiler from Pixie Tricks, a series I read as a kid (both in personality and, vaguely, design).
Nemesis and Artemis sound like they have a no-strings on-again off-again kind of thing going on and I love that for them. Also hope Charon and Hermes get to see each other again soon bc I'm rooting for them so hard.
I literally shrieked when taking out one of the sirens *actually impacted their contribution to the song*. I shouldn't have been surprised, but it was so much fun to hear it happen anyway. Very immersive! I'm also in love with Scylla. She reminds me very specifically of Ryan Stiles' Carol Channing impression and a little of Dolly Parton. Also. Her fucking hood. Jesus.
One of my favorite things about Hades is that there was nothing that an enemy or boss could do that you couldn't do through some combination of boons, weapons, and upgrades. The same seems to hold true here so far, and I just can't say enough how *cool* that is. The worst part of any combat-heavy game to me is the realization that the boss or even the cutscene of your character can do things that you, the player, can't initiate or control during a regular battle. Hades says "yeah, fuck that. It'll look different when you do it vs. when that sea serpent does it, but you can accomplish the same action/effect." Likewise, there's practically nothing your character can do that isn't also usable by at least one enemy. That keeps things balanced and combats the sense of "ah yes, you are the Most Special Chosen One" that's often inherent to RPGs. It gives the sense that skill matters a lot and makes me as a player feel skilled—I'm not visually doing anything that my enemies can't do, so... maybe I'm actually kinda good at this? (I am mediocre at best, but the game lets me *feel* skilled).
Additionally, just as in Hades, the enemies in an area are very informative about how upcoming bosses will behave. It rewards a player for paying attention and makes each enemy populating an area make *sense*.
After beating the sirens, ALL I wanted was for Melinoë to be able to have one single fan among the shades like Zagreus in the Theseus map. What I got was even *better*; the same type of interaction, but in a way that takes into account *her* task-focused, serious personality while still giving a little bit of levity. She is *done* with being here and ready for everyone to clear out, and that grumpy shade is not having it. He even makes a new little face! Love you, purple shade in the corner.
Oh, hey, charybdis, there you are
THE 2 IS IN *ROMAN* NUMERALS I'm having a moment
yeah that's it that's what I got. For now. My gaming buddy keeps falling asleep when I try to gush and talk through things, so Tumblr gets it instead.
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acaciapines · 2 months
hey! for the fic ask game: 3, 5 (for the wolf 359 daemon au), 8, 38 and 42?
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
somebody being a least a little bit nonhuman <3 but more broadly i really like writing about human/animal dynamics, both in the nonhuman sense obviously, but also even in my daemon aus--what do humans say about animals? how much is true and how much is just something humans have put onto the animal, rather than what the animal is?
i also think i write a lot about grief, and the ways grief and trauma both can manifest in ways seen as 'unpalatable.' how youre supposed to survive these sorts of things, and how a lot of times the answer is that maybe things dont get better, but they do get different. ie i have a lot of bittersweet endings and i dont think that'll ever change.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
oooh ive always hoped somebody would ask what the hell doug-nix and miranda-alphaeus would get up to after the epilogues, 'cause this never got in there (i dont think at least), but i've always had it in mind that they move out eventually! get a place of their own, which would leave minkowski, hera, jacobi, and sometimes lovelace whenever she stops by living together.
i just feel like. miranda and doug are outsiders to that crew, yeah? neither of them remember the people they once were, so. might as well try making something new and better together.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
this one is particularly topical 'cause a song is actually the inspiration for the current fic i'm writing! grand canyon by the wind and the wave. literally such a frisk and chara song, ALSO a really good roadtrip song, so ive meshed those together and now im working on a post-pacifist chara&frisk centric roadtrip fic! coming out....idk. may probably.
i also think twelve feet deep by the front bottoms could make a real fun onesided dessriel fic. something about 'i get left out of every plan they make / that is what i have to do / to be the only kid from highschool who is still in love with you' REALLY gets to me.
38. Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular (whatever that means to you)? Which ones? Why do you think they were so successful?
i think the one that surprised me the most was garden of earthly delights, which was my madoka magica daemon au. seeing as its been Forever since anything madoka has come out (plus daemon aus are Not popular anymore lol), i didnt know there was still an active fandom there, but there WAS, and all my commenters were amazing and lovely and it was so fun seeing everyone trying to uncover the mystery in real time!!! if i had to guess WHY it got popular, i think i'd guess it was the aspect of mystery...something to keep people coming back and commenting!
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
the comments that always stick with me the most are the people who come to tell me that it was my fics (usually either i know im not well or alterhuman) that either helped them feel SEEN as otherkin/therian, or helped them discover that this was a thing they even could be. i think thats been one of the most rewarding things about sharing those stories. theres not a whole lot out there in the ao3 otherkin tag, yknow? and it makes me so happy to know i've been able to help people.
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my friend just got me into Ted lasso earlier this month. slightly before 3×10 came out. it's already one of my favorite shows, which took me by surprise. the only sports shows I've ever liked before have been anime. technically i am half way through season 2 but I'm online so ive seen a lot of spoilers. including how they just handled the ot3 in the finale. and i have a couple thoughts.
before we started the first episode, one of my friends selling points was "there is an ot3 that might actually have a shot at going canon by the end and the end is soon" and before seeing any of it my answer was "you already sold me but don't get your hopes up. it's still made by two massive studios and studios are pussies. and then i watched the first episode and she showed me some clips of Roy and Jamie later in the series and some actor interview clips to explain the ot3 better and i said "I'll tell you exactly what is going to happen. they are going to pull a korrasami. it looks like the writers are writing towards it and the actors and everyone wants it to go that way, but they are at best going to get an episode close to the end where their 'friendship' develops with a few hints and then at the very end of the last episode they will throw an ambiguous bone that could go either way. because that is as far as those studios will allow" and i was exactly right. exactly fucking right.
and I'm happy we got as much as we did with them. it feels like the type of representation you get from a Hollywood movie in the 50s. subtextual but easily readable with a trained eye. and it feels natural for their development. even with the backslide of the fistfight. because real growth isn't linear and theirs has never been either. this feels like a very natural place for them to end and it feels like they are at the start of something that they as characters don't quite understand yet.
but there is a part of me that is still disappointed. the same way part of me was disappointed when i finished leverage and got korrasami'd by that ot3. it's always left ambiguous with polyamory. it's either an ambiguous ending that will go under the studios radar or it's basically a porn from the start (not that there is anything wrong with that side of it either, i just want more variety) Dani got to have 2 girlfriends. and they looked happy. and they were there for a few seconds and they were gone. and we don't know them. Roy and Jamie and Keeley have been at the center of the show since the start and they have been growing towards it the whole time. they deserve something more than being happy together at a celebration. something concrete. something that acknowledges where they are with each other properly.
I'm elated that we weren't told no. I'm elated that Keeley didn't let them make her choose. I'm elated that they looked happy in the end. that they were close. that something that would have been several episodes of drama in season 1 was solved with "fuck we're stupid".
but I'm devastated that it's happened again. that the comfort of the cishet target audience was valued over the narrative value of their growth together. that it's entirely my decision what the ending means yet again. that even in a show that has been bold with it's queer representation, polyamory with actual narrative strength and value is a step too far. that i fell into the same trap I've been falling into since i was a little kid watching avatar. that i saw it coming and was still hit with the full force of it. and I'm so tired.
but i can't wait to get properly caught up. i know it will be a gut punch, but i still love every second with these three. and with everyone else. this show has taken me by surprise in so many ways
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Update 27 Nov 2023
Things are going good. I don't know for how long, but for now they're going good.
And I'm in a really sappy mood, so probably fuck off if you don't want to cringe.
I just want to say thank you. From the deepest depths of my dark unknowable little heart.
And now I have over six hundred followers, a few fics with well over a thousand reacts, one with almost 4.2k, and my most recent has amassed more than 550 in less than two days. And it's really overwhelming honestly. I don't feel like I deserve this. But I write because I enjoy it, and seeing other people enjoy it just makes me so, so happy. And it's also helped me through a lot of shit I've been dealing with lately.
I decided to bite the bullet a couple months ago, toward the end of September, and start posting my writing publicly for the first time in well over a decade. I was incredibly nervous about it. I was and always have been that introvert kid that got talked into coming to the school dance by her extrovert friends and spent the entire time standing awkwardly off to the side hoping no one would notice I was there. Basically I'm horrible at social interaction, and putting myself out there terrifies me. I know I come across pretty open here, but it's the anonymity. It lets me be me without being freaked out about it. Which is really nice in itself.
As a lot of my mutuals know from my ranting and rambling and venting, the past few months have been pretty horrible for me on the whole. I lost my step-mother in early October, who was honestly one of my best friends, which brought me back to when I lost my mom at sixteen and kind of left me in shambles; and then on top that, my marriage nearly ended over the past week, and is still teetering on the brink, though things are improving at the present where that is concerned. Wrap all that in the ribbon of I'm still getting over the flu after three weeks of being sick, and needless to say...it's been rough.
It's been hell, honestly. It's been one thing after another and I've been reeling, hence the sporadic periods of nonstop posting versus radio silence. But things are starting to stabilize now. I can't say that means that my posting schedule will stabilize, but at the very least, things are stabilizing.
And I just want to thank everyone who has been here through all this stupid insanity. Every last one of you that have offered kindness and support and advice and much needed distractions from reality. I've been an absolute fucking mess, and you all have been just so wonderful and understanding and supportive.
I'm not sure I would have made it through this without you all. I've never in my life experienced this level of support and kindness. And I can't even begin to express how grateful I am for all of you.
Thank you guys. So, so much. I really mean it when I say that I love you all.
Because seriously. I love you all ❤️
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Hello :3 I have excuse to show someone my it ocs! >:D (None are human-)
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Nightwise, Jennywise, Ryinwise(Not related), Sonnet(Jennywise's kid), Milo(Jennnywise kid's), Pennywise(Yes they are fem/trans/genderfluid in my au/world they also need an update), Lanawise(Needs update), Thunder(Needs update), Dawn(Needs update)
And then we have the momma of them all(Minus Ryin)
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Midnight! (Yes, Also needs update)
I have lore about them too: Midnight is the momma of the family, She is the duaghter of Estelle and Slenderman (I duno don't ask it's just what me and my online mom have gone with this whole time)
She runs experiments on herself sometimes, Causing her kids' DNA to be so mixed and could be the reason behind a lot of things
Lanawise is the oldest child (121) of the family, She left with her father once they got divcored, While her other sibilings stayed with their mother
Nightwise is the second oldest (119), Not much to say about her aside she can eat like... Salads, Or flesh, Nothing else aside those or it'll poision her
Jennywise and Pennywise are the twins (117), Their father left after they were born because he didn't want them (Or that's what Midnight says)
They have the most about them
Their eyes n hair can change color due to emotions (I know it's dumb blame younger me)
They can only eat (human)flesh and any human food will poision them and rot them from the inside out, Killing them, Even though they are immortal
IT chapter 2 is canon, But right before Pennywise did die, Jennywise came and revived him, Giving them immortality (She ain't gonna lose her Sibiling, Fuck you /silly)
They have any power you can think of, Whatever scares you, They have to use
They both have kids of their own (Pennywise had Persephone and Holly and Jennywise has Milo and Sonnet)
And somethin silly is that they act like kids n fight like em but will literally (I mean it) rip someone into shreds if they hurt one of them
Dawn is one of the youngest kids (10)
We aren't sure how Midnight had her, As she didn't get with anyone after ??? Left her
She was taken away by someone when she was 2, But recently, Jennywise had found out and went to go bring her back, Successed
Thunder is the youngest (5)
I am still unsure if I am gonna bring him into this, Just because I'm not sure how it'd make sense if Midnight had another
Ryinwise is Nightwise's partner, That's all really, Duno how she came to be, But she can asexually reproduce and has a child of her own (Deriawise in my au, Dawnwise in qpr partner's, I changed the name cause I don't like reusing names)
WOAHHHH what these are so cool????
I've never really got involved with the OC part of any fandom, but I've always been aware of and admired people who make them. Bonus points go to you, though, dear ender-afton, because of the sheer effort that's clearly been put into the lore for these characters. I've come up with my own OCs that aren't anything to do with a fandom - just for writing purposes - and I can definitely attest to the fact that coming up with backstory fucking SUCKS! So I very much admire that not only have you got such a complex set of characters here, but you've thought about how they all tie together and have relationships and it's so so cool. I'm not sure whether you personally drew them or not, but I wanted to mention that if you did, I absolutely love the style!!
I think it's so interesting, too, how (if you don't mind me saying), you seem halfway through deciding on the story for some of the characters. (E.g. "I am still unsure if I am gonna bring him into this".) I loveeeee seeing the process of making things; it brings humanisation to the creator and I think it's so cool to know that there's a point when everyone has this period where they're still figuring out the loopholes and ironing out the details. I'm going off on a tangent but my point is it's all positive and awesome!!
Even the way you manage to tie in canon events is impressive, and the fact that it links into the familial relationships you've built is even better. Big, big kudos!
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a-sip-of-milo · 9 months
Sorry if you dont like me ranting in your inbox like this but your recent post really resonated with me
My old school was literally named after having a community, and it was all about community and loving each other and whatever. But it had such an...outcast- I suppose- problem that the staff literally barely did anything about. The students outcasted the "weird" ones (like me) and we always were made fun of. The school was very obviously against blatant bigotry, but they were really bad with anything discreet, even when they were told directly about it by kids like me. You know it's bad when the students literally felt safe enough to say the n slur (a white kid said it, against a poc) multiple times. Yet it always seemed they cared more about kids writing in the stalls in the bathrooms than the community they always preached about. (Literally they made a whole "write your name and time you went to and came back from the bathroom" thing because of that yet did a horrible job at "fixing" the bullying/outcast problem) Hell! My mom said how she got a little annoyed too that she was never invited to or told about the facebook group that the parents apparently had despite the school being all about community. One year, the year I left, the year that was too much for me, last school year, several new kids joined the school. Apparently they were a lot more blatantly bigoted and bulliers, and rubbed off on a lot of the other students there. So suddenly they had a big bullying problem ("oh no the outcast problem we've been told about so much is now too obvious to keep avoiding") Yet they still did barely anything about it. They acted like they were trying but they really weren't doing a good job. So much of the pressure was put on the teachers (god bless those teachers btw, especially the ELA teacher, they were literally the sweetest teachers I've ever known I hope they never have to deal with something like that again), who couldn't do much because they didn't have enough power. Also the teachers were struggling to teach (and they made lessons fun!!!!) bc of the students :( I was being very blatantly verbally bullied near the end of my time there, and I remember my bully shouting out her mean comments very loudly in class (while the teacher was trying to be silly with me). And I could see the teacher know he couldn't do anything except say "just ignore it." I could tell he wanted to do more to help but... he literally couldn't. Because guess who was ignoring it? The fucking staff. The motherfuckers who talked about community soooo much Oh yeah also very very blatantly ableism last year against another classmate of mine (or well, wouldn't come across as ableism to people who wouldn't know why but definitely obvious bullying), and the staff handled it so horribly (I could rant about another thing here but you probably dont wanna hear it and this has already gone on too long lol)
Very very sorry if this was tmi/oversharing or something it's just that what you said in that post sounded like it would've come directly from my mouth so I felt like sharing /gen
(I'd get if you didn't wanna post this btw 😅)
yes, this is exactly what i mean when i say that while individuals might care, schools as a whole generally don't. I'm so sorry your school experience was so bad, that sort of thing shapes so many aspects of your life going forward and in my opinion, it's extremely important for children and teens to have positive experiences at school.
my inbox is available for people to rant in, it's okay <3
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axailslink · 2 years
An Arthur Havisham x male reader fanfic
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So I have been obsessed with Joseph Quinn's characters and fell right back in love with his one after rewatching the show. Love a depressive gay drunk who just needs a hug.
summary: Arthur hasn't retund a letter to someone near and dear to his heart which makes this person also known as you panic and visit him only to find he is feeling very unloved. He's a wee bit dramatic.
Fem aligned do not interact please
Arthur reads the letter in hand and it gives him a sense of happiness it wasn't the first time he had read this one he got this letter over a month ago but had yet to reply. Heard from his childhood friend Y/n who comes from a family of money too. They hadn't really spoken since they were kids but they still remained the best of friends but only in letters. Truth is Arthur is nervous around him when he was a boy he just thought he was fond of Y/n thought he was sweet and soft but now he knows it's something more than that. He wanted to visit him truly but there was too much going on his sister hates him Compeyson wants him dead for ruining such a big chance for him... Actually, that might be just the reason for him to visit his dear friend maybe seeing him would make him happy again. A sudden loud and impatient-sounding knock breaks him out of his thoughts causing him to drag himself to the door and swing it open and stand on the door frame. He stands straight though when he sees you standing tall and annoyed "you've been avoiding me Havisham!"
You slam the door shut and walk into the room pushing with more force than you'd like to. Arthur rolls his eyes and shrugs "I have not and please do tell me you did not take a whole week's ride out just to see me..." Arthur was honestly flattered by that that you'd worried so much about him that you would visit him even in your busy state. "I was worried the last time you stopped contacting me your father had just found out about...our letters." Oh yes, the letters the ones you sent in secret as young men barely over the age of eighteen were sweet at first just friends missing friends. But over the years they became something stronger more flirtatious and loving. You two talked to each other as if you were in a long-term relationship your father didn't like that he knew you were thinking of each other in ways you shouldn't. He saw right through it and he put a stop to it he talked to Arthur's father and he forbade him to write he even made him chip in more when it came to working on the brewery so he didn't have time to plot against his father's wishes. "Oh now someone cares about me? Now someone cares about Arthur!?" You're not really all too surprised by Arthur's words he had this common act when someone hurt him he would easily convince that everyone else wanted to do the same so he hurt them first or tried to. You grab his arms and pull him to your chest "I've always cared about you Arthur you may be able to spout that bullshit to someone else but not me Arthur I won't take it. I've always cared about you" you state caressing his hands as he stares up at you he catches himself staring and plants that defensive look which he started putting on a lot more when Compeyson left. It was hard to trust anyone. "I'd bet you'd say you love me too" you sigh and shake your head "of course I love you just like your sister loves you" he groans and snatches his hands away "just like my sister loves me? Really? I don't think I'd be willing to have sex with my sister Y/n why don't you just say it? Are you afraid of what it'll mean?"
You had come to comfort him not to talk about your problems but now he was opening a whole bowl of crisps that you hid in the back of the cabinet. "I'm not afraid of what it'll mean I know what it means Havisham I really do but unlike you, I'm not afraid of what it means I'm not ashamed of who I am are you?" Arthur stands still and turns his head contemplating how deep that question could run through his mind over and over. You take him into your arms squeezing him in a tight hug that you know he needs the recent letters were not filled with joy and love you could read in between the lines he was hurt. As soon as Havisham feels your warm embrace he breaks down legs becoming wobbly and tears streaming down his face all you can do is hold him and rub his back. "I'm here Arthur it's alright" you just sit and hold him for an hour as he lets it all out of the bottled-up pain he's been keeping to himself all the bottled-up pain that only the alcohol knew of. When he pulls back he's staring at you in that way that you know your fathers would disapprove of looking into your eyes wishing you'd move first so he doesn't make a fool of himself hands slowly gliding from your shoulders to your waist. You slowly start to lean in overtaken by those sad eyes of his and those damn dimples but you quickly pull away not far just a bit "we shouldn't" you mumble he nods before speaking this time "so what's it's this time?" You pause and look at him and shake your head understanding what he's getting at "no one it's no one Arthur it will never be anyone else as long as I live and breath and I know you're doing the same" there go those waterworks again working their way into his eyes. "So then why won't you kiss me? I don't understand Y/n you send me these letters and visit me and tell me how much you love me but you can never deliver on it. I want the version of you that used to run around in the field with me not caring if we got caught I want him back at least he could kiss me." You grab him by his waist and pull him closer "oh Arthur I'd do more than kiss you more than the gentle things we used to do as young men but I just can't I have an image to keep" his stare of love turns into one hell of a glare as he pushes you with all his strength into the table "an image!? You can't even do it with me behind closed doors? So I'm just supposed to sit around and wait for you to be ready enough to deal with me is that so?" You shake your head and snatch the letters from the drawer you were just pushed into "you know I have an image to keep but nothing in these letters are fake I meant every word every disgusting word I know my father would disagree with! The things I said I'd do to you I would and you know it. Do not make this seem as if I don't love you!" Arthur looks at you and then shakes his head before grabbing his glass and swallowing whatever remained before throwing it at your feet. "You do not get to say that! you do not love me!" You crumple the letters and let them fall from your hands as you approach Arthur and grab him by both sides of his face keeping him still as you plant a kiss on his soft lips overrun with a salty taste from his tears. You haven't done this in so many years you're sure you won't stop now you start unbuttoning his shirt and pull away just for a moment to see if he's okay with this. He's crying again so you stop your hands laying still on his chest "I'm sorry you're drunk and I'm taking advantage of that.." he rubs his lips with the back of his hands "don't continue doing this if you aren't gonna be in my bed tomorrow Y/n I can't deal knowing you'd leave me" you take that to the heart feeling the guilt crawl into your ribs and flip your stomach that wasn't a promise you could keep but you were sure as hell going to try.
"I have a meeting tomorrow but I'll be sure to be back so let's not worry" you continue unbuttoning his shirt then drop to your knees to unbutton his trousers too you look up at Arthur hoping he's watching your every move because right now you were showing him exactly how much you wanted him but he wasn't you could tell he had a question burning his throat. "How many others have you done this with?" that wasn't quite the question you were expecting you know lying would only hurt him but telling him the truth would probably hurt him more. "Four I just don't see what that has to do with this moment Arthur" you answer so quickly you think he might not catch it. Still, he does and nods slowly before grabbing your hand that lays on his trousers "so you're a liar" you examine his hardened facial expression unsure of what he was speaking of. "What? Arthur, I would never lie to you" he glances at your hand then lets it drop to your lap "in your letters you lied y/n we were supposed to be each other first when it comes to lovemaking has it been so long that you forgot about that?" you hadn't forgotten actually it had been what you had been thinking of for the longest of years since you moved away but you had urges that you couldn't satisfy by yourself sometimes. "Arthur Havisham there is a difference between lovemaking and fucking someone beyond repair the thought of having you one of those nights led me to those actions. Now if you'll let me I want to make love to you tonight. Just you."
Arthur smiles at those words after many years it was like the wish he had wished so many times above a cake was finally coming true but he had to make sure. "you promise you won't leave me?" you stand up and take his head in your hands again "if I leave you're coming with me."
I @ a few people who liked the last post about Arthur Havisham it is here and now that I would like to say though if you are not he/him aligned this post or any post that I post with this character is not for you because it will most likely be male aligned. (Also one of the people I tagged is they/them if you'd like to be taken off please contact me.)
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purposefully-lost · 2 months
School is starting again soon. Its crazy to think that the whole summer is over already. I went on that camping trip I told you about. It was only for a night, because Steph and Claire weren't really interested in making it any longer and our parents agreed we shouldn't be out by ourselves for so long anyway. I don't know, I think we'd have been fine for another night. The day we went home, there was this rain storm in the late afternoon, and I'm sure the woods would've looked real nice in the aftermath of it. You know, when the sky is kind of gray, but everything else is a little more vibrant?
I did still get some cool pictures though! I'm sending a couple to you. I flipped over this log at our campsite and found it crawling with beetles and stuff- I think the colors in the picture look so bright. I don't think I've identified everything that was under there, yet. I was hoping maybe you could.
I hope you're doing okay. The talk about you seems to have died down around here since school ended. Which is kind of a good thing, people were being really mean, but I don't know, it kind of makes me miss you, too. I don't want you to get left behind, or something. I'm a little worried about getting back into school, but I'll let you know how it goes.
Your friend,
You'll never believe who I got as a chemistry teacher. It's Miller. He's still over the swim team, too, but it's a lot smaller than it was last year. I can see why you stuck with it if he was your coach, though, I really like him. He's been really lax about when we turn things in, which has been really nice. I know we're only a couple of months in, but I've been having trouble keeping up. They just keep piling more on top of us.
I actually spoke to him about you. I got pulled back after class because of a stupid fight- I'll tell you the details later- and you just kind of came up. He says he hasn't heard from or about you, either. Which I didn't really expect, but he did seem curious about how you were doing. He still seems sort of shocked about everything that happened.
I'm sending you a few more pictures. I haven't gotten back out to the trails, yet, but I've been taking a lot of walks past the park after school, and I've snapped a few photos of the birds there. My favorite is of the bluejay. Give it a look.
Oh! Do you remember that book I told you about, The Left Hand of Darkness? The author has this fantasy series, too. It starts with A Wizard of Earthsea. If you can, I think you should check it out. It makes me think a lot of you. I guess it's kind of more of a kid's book, but I still really like it.
I hope things haven't been too bad. I'll write again soon.
Your friend,
To whom it concerns,
Hi. My name is Christine Prescott, and I'm a junior at Greendale High School. I've addressed this to Jennifer Stanton, who I believe is a case worker for Jonathan Stone, but honestly, all that matters is that this reaches someone who knows him. It's very important. Jonathan was arrested almost eight months ago and, as I understand it, now resides in the city juvenile detention center. I've been trying to write him since then, but I don't know if he's been receiving my letters. I need you to tell me that he has. And if he hasn't, I need to know why.
I understand that his case and his trial were highly publicized and that, as a result, reaching him might be difficult. But he is my friend. I don't even really care if he writes back, I'm sure he's having a rough time, but I want to know that he at least knows that I've been trying to reach him.
Thank you for your time. Please write back. I have also provided a phone number.
Christine Prescott
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ilreleonewikia13 · 1 year
Before you read, I wrote the first draft of this post in October, then I resumed it in April, but then in May I decided to heavily re-edit it when I noticed the massive grammatical errors that I left. So the version you will read is quite changed from its original form. Starting with the decision to split it into more chapters and not in a single piece as I did before. I even tried to add more characterization to some events as I noticed that maybe I rushed up some important things, cause when I wrote this "fanfic that is not a fanfic" I didn't have a clear vision of the events in their complexity. Some parts were very detailed and explained well, while other parts are only briefly mentioned. As I re-edit it I tried to make everything more cohesive and pleasing to read. For this reason, unlike the first version, this post will only be about the disclaimers and the introduction of my "fanfiction not fanfiction", as the whole "story" will be published on AO3. As I'm writing this I've already posted 2 of the 5 parts, and right now I'm working on the editing of the 3th chapter.
The Doom in Our Blood Comes Back - the Fanfic of a Fanfic
When do you start to realize that a fanfiction stops being just a fanfiction and becomes a real work of entertainment?
For me it's when reading it makes you want to theorize about it as if it were a real book and even before it is finished: this is what happened to me with "The Blacks and the Greens" by @sweetestpopcorn a fanfiction (which almost every fan who started watching the series has read if like me you went looking for Daemyra fanfics on AO3 as soon as it started) that tells the story of the Dance of Dragons starting with the idea that Daemon and Rhaenyra got married as soon as their "affair" was discovered, thus an AU of the original plot leading to a completely different scale of events from the original plot of the series/book.
This story, still in progress (at the exact moment I’m writing this post it arrived “just” at its 170th chapter) has gripped me so much this past month that my brain convinced me that this was the real canon story and made me completely forget about the existence of the TV series: so if you are interested to read this AU I suggest you read the original fic, even if it’s a little bit long cause it’s totally worth it.
I thought about writing an actual story about these ideas I had but then changed my mind. It didn't make sense to write about one idea when I already had a bigger story planned that wasn't finished yet.
As I said before, the story from where I take inspiration is only halfway done and things might change a lot in the upcoming chapters as I write this post. This means that the characters I'll talk about in this headcanon might have died to are going to because I don't control the story, the author does.
As I write this post, my idea for "this story" went in a totally different direction than what the original author intended. It became its own separate version of the Blacks and the Greens, with a different set of rules and logic.
I am a big fan of the Black side in the civil war and like happy endings.  I wanted Helaena to be happy with her kids and for Rhaenyra to rule the Seven Kingdoms with her husband and raise her five children. In my imagination, the Greens give up quickly and Rhaenyra becomes the Queen without any fighting. She brings both sides together and makes the dynasty stronger.
This means that in this universe almost all of the Targaryen family is still alive and because the war didn't last too much the finance of the kingdom is not significantly damaged making the reign of the Black Queen very prosperous and full of innovations, technically and artistically speaking, making for them more effortless to conquest Dorn and made Westeros finally United.
The first idea for this story was to talk about Rhaenyra and Daemon's five children and their fun experiences instead of just focusing on Rhaenyra and Daemon's relationship, which is already the main focus of The Blacks and The Greens.
When I was reading the fanfic for the first time, I knew that liked Baela the most because of her personality: plus in my head, she's like a female version of Daemon for this reason, I decided to use her as the main character in my story.
She, in my mind, had the right characteristic to be our main POV, being, in my head, the “middle child” of the group - so the one who is between Aegon and Viserys (the boys) and Rhaena and Visenya (the girls) - and that belong to both of the two worlds, the feminine and the masculine, and have both these sides with her.  She, in my fantasy, will spend a lot of time with her two brothers, with whom she will share a very strong bond as a very strong rivalry for the attention of their father; with the girls too she will have a special relationship. Especially with Rhaena who is her twin, who is, in some way, her opposite and her complementary, especially in the way they decide to express their femininity over the years.  I think that in the Book-canon, Baela looks more masculine than what it was depicted in The Blacks and the Greens, and because this headcanon is heavily inspired by that fanfic, I decided to follow this vision more than the canon one. 
In this universe, she dresses like a combination of Queen Visenya, whom Baela really likes, and Queen Rhaenys. Baela is both strong and sensual like her mother Rhaenyra. She wears bright colors like red and loves jewelry.
I thought about what clothes would look good on her at the court. I imagined she would like dresses that were fun and sexy, with low necklines and tight bodices. These dresses would be like armor to her and would have lots of beads on them. I got ideas from the outfits worn by Anne Boleyn in the show The Tudors, which I really like.
She likes to show she is comfortable with her sexuality, without feeling ashamed for having fun with men as she thinks that both women and men should be able to act in the same way.  Besides her regular clothes, I also see her wearing softer and masculine tunics as she trains, showing how much she loves the culture of the East continents. Even though she doesn't like to study, Baela enjoys reading High Valyrian poems and listening to Lysene music, as she prefers to sing over playing it. I can imagine her spending time flying and staying with her dragon more than her siblings. She will become very fond of her dragon, Moondancer.  She will also train with her brothers with the sword and be very good at it.
Because Baela became a such strong and intense character in my mind, I started to think that she needed an equally strong and enigmatic counterpart that matched it, but at the same time opposed it and gave it a hard time: or in reality the opposite, that is someone she could challenge and confront, someone equally crazy and reckless, but by the opposite and darker energy. 
And so that at any moment this post headcanon "The Blacks and the Greens" has become somehow a story focused on Baela and Aemond, or at least with a particular focus on the relationship and the clashes between these two. 
Let me make it clear that the choice to "pair" these two characters were not based on a double interpretation of the original story, which clearly shows a strong dislike for Aemond and the Greens in general. The decision to highlight Aemond's character was solely influenced by the irresistible charm of Ewan Mitchell, the actor who played the role in the television adaption, which unfortunately clouded my judgment. To be absolutely clear, I have never felt any form of empathy towards him during my entire fanfiction journey, except for some mere pity.
There were multiple factors that led me to spare the lives of Aemond and Aegon, as I believed it would be more gratifying to let them suffer as they experienced the consequences of all the actions that they made thought the first half of The Blacks and the Greens and the accompanying disgrace of their defeat, rather than simply executing them on the spot.
In this headcanon, Aemond will undergo significant transformations, causing a profound shift in his mentality and character due to experiencing a series of intense and traumatic events. As a result, this version of Aemond will differ significantly from both the Bookcanon and the Blacks and the Greens.  The decision was serendipitously influenced by reading a particular sentence in the fanfic where the detestable Aemond ridicules Daemon for allowing Rhaenyra to mistreat him and become submissive to his sister, referring to him as a "slut." Aemond expresses his reluctance to ever allow a woman to control him as his uncle did.
Well, these two simple sentences made me decide that I need to create my own headcanon where Aemond would become the exact thing that he always derided his uncle for: a "loser" who would be bossed around by all the women in his life. And not only command but as a great misogynistic bastard who was, after touching the bottom of the funds, it would be a woman to save him and put him on track, making him feel indebted to her. 
So this is how this literary experiment was born.   
A simple and very banal enemies-to-lovers story with A LOT of drama and a bunch of dragons, but that needs the perfect setting to work, for this reason, most of the work I did was on figuring out how to set the side character and the background events in a way that could serve my goal.
As I specified many times in this exaggeratedly verbose disclaimer and in the tags this is not actual fanfic, I will not so use a prostatic style like many other stories in this platform, still, I want my readers to have a pleasing experience while reading this work, the result of a very elaborate mental wank and my pressing need to take my mind off my real duties, so I decided to write the whole thing as if it were a cross between historical writing and the introduction to a Greek tragedy. 
Imagine, just like in Fire and Blood, that an obviously bored scholar set out to write the memoirs of Rhaenyra and her deeds; as I tried to make up this story I even tried to figure out the timeline of our characters' birth, some of them are the canon ones used in the books, while the others are the ones I tried to calculate trying to use some mathematics and the information that the writer give us on her fic. This means that it's not very precise, but I hope it's remotely accurate.
Aemond= 110
Daeron =114
Larra= 115
Aegon III = 118
Viserys = 119
Daenaera = 120
Baela and Rhaena =121
Visenya= 125
Jaehaerys and Jaehaera = 123
Maelor = 127
Baelor = 130
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fanfictionfangirl · 3 months
Slytherin!Dick and why it won't happen 😭
(from me)
I want to cry. Dick Grayson literally has all the traits, the charisma, the pride, leadership skills and loyal personality traits that Slytherin is literally one of the houses he should belong to (let's be really he could go for any of them). And since I haven't found a single Slytherin!Dick fic, I decided to write one on my own.
Since I've decided to throw the whole Batfam into this, and I've decided that Damian is the only one who wouldn't just replace Harry and rain chaos into the world, he's got the honor of being the same age.
Now, since this is supposed to be a Dick-centric fic, I have to go back in time, where it makes sense for him to join Hogwarts. Through a lot of researching shenanigans and rabbit holes, I've come to the conclusion that he would have started his first school year in 1977. ...do you know what also is in 1977? The First Wizarding War. Not only that, but Harry's parents and Snape are still at Hogwarts. Which, awkward, but more importantly, WE'RE IN THE LATER HALF OF THE FREAKING WAR!!!!! And that's no problem, really, outside of giving me fascinating material to work with, a very interesting environment and Hogwarts being canonically unattacked, this only has perks.
Except, this is a war about pure-blood supremacists. Specifically, Slytherin graduates are in an all-time frenzy about getting rid of everyone who isn't as genetically "perfect" as them, which is a moral battle that leads to most major decisions made during that time.
Do you also know what this means?
It means that Slytherin is a pool of bigotry right now.
And guess who really has something against discrimination?
Dick Grayson.
Do ALSO know what that means?
It means that even if Dick is a perfect Slytherin, right now, in this social climate, there is nothing he could possibly be other than a Gryffindor!!!!!! I DON'T WANT DICK TO BE A GRYFFINDOR, I LITERALLY MADE THIS FIC SO HE WOULD BE A SLYTHERIN, DAMNIT!!!!!! And I can't even change my timeline anymore (I really don't want to rearrange history, I'd have to fill the plot holes and I'm not interested) because I'm now invested in Dick living in the war era. Even if he's 11 and Damian isn't even born yet. I'm invested, I literally have Tim partially ready to go, and he's like 3 right now.
... welp, that was a rant. Honestly, I'm just upset that there's still not going to be a Slytherin!Dick fic. I mean, the moment Dick gets to be a Slytherin, he's the main protagonist, the light of the show, the center piece really. A sunshine charmer, good with words, a leader, smart, a Quidditch prodigy (because if he can fly, he's doing acrobatics up there) social goblin that patches people together and makes it work. Obviously, kid Dick has anger issues, his birth parents are dead, Bruce is on the other side of the continent, and he's once again living with entirely unfamiliar people. Dear reader, this story writes itself. Give this a friction of plot and it's running on its own. Which is what I would love to read and write. That is, if there wasn't this FREAKING WAR. I love this war, but damnit does the social climate divide everyone from the Slytherins. Which would be fine, but I repeat, they're bigots! There's no way that the sorting hat would look at what is right now a radical supremacist environment and put in an eager and determined equality fighter. That would be like throwing oil into a fire. The explosion would never be worth it. So, Dick would end up in Gryffindor (freaking Gryffindor! Listen, I'm prejudiced and as such have something against Gryffindors) because I don't believe in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw Dick, and as part of an overeager house, he accidentally drags an army of friends with him. Which wouldn't be bad if I had any idea on what to do with them.
Either way, I'm now left with discovering what the frick I want to do with this. If anyone has a suggestion, I'm so open to it.
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anothersebastianblog · 7 months
I hear lots of people talking about the drama with Ellie and something about Brazil?? Can someone fill me in please :) I wasn’t part of the fandom back then x/
Ellie is one of the best friends of Allisa (Will's wife, will is -was?- one of Sebastian's besties), they knew each other from much before they dated (obviously because she and Seb were constantly in the same palaces/events because of their respective friends, there's even a photo of Seb ad margarita in 2014 and she's there 🤣) the thing is that in June 2018 we found out they were dating, I mean we weren't sure but they traveled in couples to north Carolina, then the next month in July 4th they celebrated together at Will's apartment and then she and Seb were together at will and allisa wedding that same month and days after someone caught them in a restaurant kissing. Seb traveled to Greece to shoot Monday in August, just days before his birthday, then he'd comeback to LA in Sep/Oct(?) to shoot "endings, Beginnings", after he filmed his part, he went to NYC and he was papped with Ellie in NYC in mid October, now, I don't know in which moment it happened but it was definitely before Brazil when some "fans" "discovered" (sorry, but 5 days later I'm still questioning how real those screen shots were😬) that she had said some questionable stuff years before dating Seb, for example calling a kid ugly (which lol, everyone has done that sorry) and supposedly writing the n word. now, the weird thing is that some "fans" talked with a friend of Ellie 😬 (those were the only very clear screenshots so I believe those were real) and she told them that Ellie would go to Brazil with Seb because they were going on vacation after the comic con he had to attend. personally I didn't believe it at first but then Ellie showed up in Brazil 😐, this friend of Ellie sent them a screenshot of a conversation with Ellie and the friend had asked Ellie of she was going to Australia for Christmas and she answered no because she'd be with Seb in Brazil or something like that and then shit exploded. while Seb and Ellie were in Brazil, someone took the Tumblr shit to Twitter (the n word thing) and it became something big, Sebs tag was full of people calling him out (surprise!!! calling him out for something he didn't do 🥱) and at the end, he ended up leaving Brazil after the comic con was over but he left the country alone, not Ellie in sight. I must say, Ellie denied what she was being accused of, she even said she'd take legal action against the people who started that but then she went private and eliminate all of us who were following her, she's been private since then. that same year, she went to Australia alongside will and allisa, I always thought Seb was meant to be in that trip but nope, he was photographed in Soho NYC December 24 🤭
now, I must say, the friend who supposedly passed the conversation to the "fans" is still her friend so I've always thought that those "fans" might have hacked the friend maybe, I don't know, it was weird.
i don't know if you wanted the whole story, sorry.
also, Seb said nothing he just moved on like he always does 😂
But he definitely got the confirmation his fans are freaks and i bet he started getting angry
First signal: during his rs with margo
Confirmation: this thing during his rs with Ellie
He had enough: during his rs with Ale
Decided he lives better sharing ZERO and that this also protect his partner: at 40 yo during his current rs
Character development, i am proud despite missing him
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