#not my thing mist of the time but i am curious
thoughts on horror movies?
My....mirror? Alternate self?
It largely depends on the type of horror. Pointless jump scares are dull, and unneeded. Gore-fests do not bother me particularly, but I can not watch them with Cykes-Dono, as it is upsetting to her. though Fool-bright and I do enjoy picking apart inaccurate scenes in them, it's amazing how many ignore how blood actually works.
Phycological horror is, at times, a fascinating exploration of the human mind. To plunge into the abyss and see what lurks underneath. Unfortunately, it is not always as easy to climb back out. For this reason, I tend to steer clear except for occasional films, lest my paranoia become crippling. Of course, that is only if it is done well, not poorly. A poorly written film is easily cast aside.
That said, anything with faces disappearing or being removed is not welcome in our home.
I would be interested in hearing your thoughts, and if you have any you particularly like. Are you a great watcher of these films?
-Simon Blackquill
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myillicitaffair · 4 months
Somethin’ Stupid | Charles Leclerc
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Summary: while being interviewed by his former lover, bottled up feelings find their way out.
Warnings: english not being my mother tongue, lots of angst, some swearing, arguments.
Notes: this is the first time i’m ever posting anything on here, i hope you enjoy it xx
1.5k words.
Letting myself fall into his abrasive webs was surprisingly easy. His green orbs, pervasive and curious, piercing my soul.
We had our ups and downs, unbridled passion slowly dying with each tear shed, magnetic attraction burning my lungs.
We found ourselves in a hiatus, which found a way of prolonging itself further than I would have liked to. Perhaps he managed to keep himself occupied with his busy schedule; trainings, special dietary requirements, public relations… as for me, I rather hold my silence.
My routine was overflowed with his voice, with how much I missed his touch on my lower back, guiding me through the crowds, our hands intertwined in a tacit promise.
However, life demanded to continue with apparent normality. Dinner parties surrounded by friends, rounds of drinks avoiding alcohol… The last thing I needed was to degrade myself into a melancholic drunkenness.
Was he also having a hard time with the abysmal coldness on the other side of the bed or the loneliness of not having anyone to dilute your sorrow over morning coffee with?
My days had fallen into a sort of routine; waking up while missing him, showering while missing him, having breakfast while missing him… I think you get how thing are.
This particular morning, Silverstone was extraordinarily cloudy, the mist engulfing my view from the hotel room. How fitting!
Running away from my surreptitious misfortunes, I head downstairs, soaking up the competitive environment prior to every race. Emboldened as an agitated swarm, my colleges and me descended on the designated circuit.
Tedious security controls accompanied the anticipated fun, a hammer already pounding into my head at the thought of seeing him face to face once more.
Walking towards the space where the press was condensed, I check the days schedule for the last time. I am lucky enough to maintain friendly interactions with most drivers, so as to achieve fluid interviews, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.
The only reason I can find as to why that fateful name is written on my list of drivers to interview was that God and I clearly have some unresolved business… funny timing to make me pay the price though!
A lump gets stuck in my throat just by thinking about it, preventing regular air flow.
The countdown only stuns me, even though my duty doesn’t start until the last lap. The smell of burnt rubber, product of speeding wheels, fills my lungs while intoxicating my nostrils.
The continuous lights turn red with overwhelming precision as seconds go by, lightning up the faces hidden with baklavas and iconic helmets.
Unconsciously (or maybe not so much), my eyes crawl back to the speeding number “16” that, red and furious, slides around the circuit while attempting to memorize every bump and curve along the way.
Chasing the sequence with collective looks of astonishment, a collision comes rushing down, disabling Piastri and Norris by the arrogance that only clear disagreements gives you.
Without further issues, the race concludes with a podium conformed by both Red Bull Racing drivers, trailed by seven time world champion Lewis Hamilton.
As possessed by group madness, the journalists rush into the victors. Microphone in hand, cameras shadowing us, content hunger gushing from our pores.
Driven by a exacerbated sadness, I shift my focus from the winners to him, returning my gaze with clouded tear ducts, bottled up frustration visible in his features.
With a touch on my shoulder, I’m brought back to reality by a co-worker, who, with a subtle shift of her head signals my awaiting obligations.
I head towards my press conference, where I take a seat with my name on it, psyching myself up for what I’m sure will be the most awkward interview of my whole career.
Dressed in Ferrari clothing and constantly stalked by flashes, both pilots near the platform where I await. They settle into their designated spots, holding still until the cameraman says otherwise.
I steal one last glance at my premeditated questions and hide my true feelings behind a focused frown.
“Welcome dear viewers! We find ourselves in the eleventh race of the year, accompanied once more by our friends from Ferrari, Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz.”
I desperately try stabilizing the noticeable shake in my voice.
“Friend”- the Monegasque interrupts my monologue with a mocking remark.
The puzzled look his teammate throws in his direction doesn’t go unnoticed by the former, who insists on jointing his glistening irises with mine.
I decide to ignore the brief impasse in the speech, running away from his calculated sarcasm as I force the corners of my mouth into an attempted smile.
“so, Carlos… do you think driving behind two cars that crushed ruined your performance?”- I question, tripping over my words under Charles´s scrutiny.
“It´s safe to say it wasn’t an unexpected accident”- the Spaniard pronounces, doing his best at minimalizing the awkwardness- “for at least a couple of laps, Oscar and Lando were teasing each other, clearly trying to gain advantage over the other. They were lucky enough neither of them got hurt.”
I nod absent minded, vibrating due to the pounding against my ribcage.
“Charles, what can you tell us about your engineers’ strategy for this race?”- I swallow loudly, praying he can´t notice the mesmerizing effect he has on me.
“I guess you could say I’m not entirely satisfied with my team´s execution this season”- he confesses, minimizing the tingles of frustration running down his spine- “It would also be quite unfair dumping the blame on my team when my failure has more to do with me letting my emotions get the best of me.”
The tension is intercepted by a longing sigh I didn’t know I was withholding. The world seems to stop in its euphoria simply to hang in his every sentence.
“A broken heart is no joke… even less when you have to patiently wait for the piece they decide to donate you”- he reproaches without saying my name but making it perfectly clear that I was indeed the recipient of his raw address.
My anxious movements become motionless, forgetting the when and where, just to focus on the displeasure bubbling in my stomach.
“Guys, I really don´t think it’s appropriate to discuss this now”- intercepts the Madrilenian, proposing a ceasefire.
Mi hand goes up in the air before I can help it, shutting him up mercilessly.
“I wonder where I must´ve learned it…”- I reply, drowning in the unexpected harshness of my tone- “don´t forget who was the one to suggest this ´no strings attached´ bullshit between us.”
The drivers face shines with a scandalous blush in response to my bravado. Right here and there, I comprehend the dept of his anger, making its way through his collarbones, until it climbs up his cheeks.
“Just because I thought that’s what you wanted”- he spits out his resentful response.
From the corner of my vision, I perceive Carlos´s discomfort by reading his body language; the friction of wiping away the sweat stagnant on his hands, his shoulders pouring forward in a clumsy attempt of hiding from the cameras, his chair weakly shaking under the constant bouncing of his extremities.
Madness atrophies my reasoning, blinding me enough as to not have merci on his apprehension. I took this way too far, it would be useless to swallow my feelings.
“how in the world could you think our agreement benefitted me? Really, Charles, you couldn’t be any more stupid!”- I scream back, jumping up from my seat.
The swing of my feet gets ahead of my thoughts, allowing me to run away from the premature conflict before it blows up in the air.
Mi face heats up from the warmth of my own tears, that start rolling down my cheeks. With each involuntary spasm of my jaw, sobs escape my gasps for air. I don’t dare to slow down.
“Can you please just listen to me?”- a voice behind me shouts, trying to stand by my side.
I turn around to face his scrunched up brows.
“you have nothing else left to make up. You may convince somebody with the whole ´heartbreak boy´ façade you’ve got going on, but you have genuinely driven me mad”
“You and I both now that isn’t true! Have you ever wondered why I always seem to take a step back after every show of affection?”- he manages to freeze me to the core- “How come you never noticed my excessive efforts to stay away from you? I can’t even behave like a functional human being if I’m not feeling you, touching you, having you with me.”
In the middle of the paddock, with every pair of eyes set on us, events unfold the way I’ve been dreaming of, however I can´t even react.
“I know I´m not in a position to ask you anything, but please, strip me from the torment that uncertainty means… even if that means to completely destroy me”- he whispers with renewed fragility.
My smirk slowly becomes uncontrollable laughter, reducing me to unbridled chuckles. I shelter the vestiges of my giggling in between his arm, until It ceases in its intensity.
Without noticing, I search for his lips with my own, craving the heat they irradiate.
“I think you know perfectly well how my soul aches for you”- I manage to sneak in between kisses, stumbling across his smile, displayed in all its glory.
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wolfjackle-creates · 4 months
broski I beg of u to tell me about your Danny is Clark’s nephew wip im so intrigued
@hailsatanacab also asked about this one! I shared two snippets for them so check out Part 1 and Part 2. (about 900 words total between the two asks.)
This was inspired by the discussion on a prompt you made ages ago, actually! Here's the post. The main prompt isn't the inspiration, however. It was the comment about Danny joining the JL and [insert spiderman meme here].
Let's see if I have anything I can add. (I changed things enough when posting the first bits that everything else I have doesn't fit anymore.)
Eh, fine. Just went through and wrote another 600 words.
Danny winced. “Yes, Uncle Cl— Kal. Uncle Kal.” Danny glanced next to him and realized Constantine had moved several feet away and was deliberately trying to not attract attention. He bit back a smile and pulled on the Prince Phantom persona Queen Dora had forced him to learn. “Thank you for your assistance, Laughing Magician. I now declare our deal complete and will make no further claims on you.” He waved his hand producing a piece of parchment which he handed over. “As promised, your payment.”
Constantine grabbed the paper and backed away quickly. “Great. Glad to do business with you, your highness. Hope your family reunion goes well. I’ll just—” he jerked a thumb over his shoulder, then changed something and disappeared through a portal even as several of the League members present tried to yell at him to stop.
Danny rolled his eyes as he fell back into his more relaxed demeanor. “Oh, please. What more did you want from him? I’ll talk to Uncle Kal and he can decide what is important to pass on. Magician Constantine already told you most of what he knows.”
“Just… come on, Danny,” said Uncle Clark. “We need to talk.”
Finding a place to talk to Danny wasn’t the problem, Clark quickly realized. Shaking off his coworkers, however… Bruce in particular did not want to be left out. And Wally was too curious to be put off.
“Danny?” called Clark when he realized the kid wasn’t with him.
“By the viewing window,” said Bruce. “He seems to enjoy the view.”
“Right. Should’ve guessed.” Clark cursed himself silently for forgetting how much the kid loved space. “Batman, please. I know you like to know everything. But can I just talk to my nephew alone? I’ll explain everything I can after, but I need to know how this situation could’ve happened in my own family without my knowledge first without you being there inserting Opinions.”
“Very well. I’ll collect Flash and we’ll leave the two of you alone. But I expect a full report after.”
“I’ll make a peach cobbler, Ma’s recipe, and head to the Manor tomorrow to tell you everything.”
“I’ll let Nightwing know.”
Clark sighed. “I’ll make two cobblers.”
Bruce’s lips twitched upward, but he turned without saying anything more. “Flash! Since this matter is going to be delayed, I believe you still have to file your report on the incident last week.”
Clark chuckled as Flash protested. But he didn’t listen to their discussion, instead joining Danny by the viewing window. He settled an arm around his nephew’s shoulders. “Beautiful, aren’t they?”
“I can’t believe you get to come up here and look out at the stars any time you want.”
“I don’t get up here as much as I’d like, I’m afraid. And when I am up here, it’s because something somewhere is going wrong so I don’t get to appreciate it as much as I’d like to.”
“So, if you’re an alien, does that mean Dad’s an alien, too? Is that why he is the way he is? Am I part alien?”
Clark laughed and ruffled Danny’s hair. Like this, it felt almost insubstantial, like passing his hand through mist. “Fraid not, kid. No one knows why your dad is the way he is. I can’t remember how often he was tested for the meta gene.”
“Once a year every year from the time he was six until he was twenty-two and graduated undergrad and started living on his own. Then he stopped for a few years. Until he started dating Mom. He accidentally broke her apartment door once and she insisted he get tested again.”
Clark wanted to laugh, but all he could remember was Danny’s earlier statement. “Danny… Are you…safe with your parents?”
Again, anyone is free to continue this! If anyone wants, I can combine everything into one post to make it easier to do so.
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xx-adam-xx · 2 months
nsft / oral / blasphemy / religious kink
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a nun, tending her duties. alone. the cathedral is dark. quiet. not for long. i've watched her from afar. from the shadows. patient. waiting. the others are far enough away. we are alone. together.
i'm not rude, though. i know better than to arrive in blazing flames or to try and sneak up on a lady. i do the polite thing. the stained glass above rattles in its frame. the cathedral goes utterly still. she notices it: the way the air itself seems to thicken, almost flex around her.
her back is to the pews. i stand among them. twice her height. powerful. humanoid enough. i am a darkness. a mist, creeping up towards her. i smell her fear. i can hear her heartbeat quicken.
i approach. slowly. she is frozen as she hears my steps. as my barbed tail swishes across the floor. my horns curve up proudly. my eyes are blacker and deeper than the night itself. my hand is clawed, skin smooth and unnaturally warm, as i clasp my hand over her mouth. i'm real. i'm right here. you know what i am.
"sister..." my voice is quiet. a velvety murmur in her ear. "where are your manners? is this not a house... for lowly sinners to be welcomed?"
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i can smell her sweat. she swallows. her hands drift up to her rosary, clutching it tightly, muttering prayers, rebuking me, even in my polite approach. tch. my hands take her forearms, slowly pushing them down. she resists, but i'm much stronger than her, and she realizes quickly that it's useless: her reward is the meeting of my hips behind her. my stiff dick against her black garb. she gasps, and though she tells herself it is only out of fear, we both know better. she tries to rebuke me again, and i silence her with my fangs nipping at her neck, barely drawing blood. i lick it up, tsking at her quietly. "god isn't here, sister. and you... well... the sort of faith to repel a creature like me..." our little secret... my voice lowers to a whisper: "is the same faith you gave up in that lovely dream last night."
i continue, voice shifting to all reassuring tones. i don't want to scare off my little bunny too soon. "such a shame, too, sister. you'd done so well... so many years of such strict chastity... tell me you aren't curious, sister. tell me you don't want a proper taste." i grin at her, teasing, mocking. "tell me you aren't completely desperate, driven mad with lust." one of my hands is on her hip. the other drifts between her legs. her breath quivers. "but lying is a sin, isn't it?" her legs tremble. i smile. her breath shudders with anticipation.
"oh, sister." my claws rip through her habit with ease and she squeaks for me, muttering fervent prayers. my claws digging in, drawing blood, as i grab her thigh, finally spinning her around to face me. i recognize her excitement. i smile with a mouth of sharp fangs. i let go of her thigh, guide her by the hips. my little plaything. "let me take care of you, my dear. i can tell how long you've ached for it. craved for it. stared at that ceiling with fire between your legs. denying yourself."
i pin her against the alter. she's breathing quickly. "and for what, darling? if the heavens heard you... where are they? what rewards have you reaped?" my grin widens, sharp. "i'll save you some time, sister. there is a god. and he's right... here..."
i sink to my knees. a long tongue, prehensile, forked, long, unfolds from my fanged maw. i savor the look in her eyes as i drag my tongue up her thigh, swiping up the blood from the scratches. i whisper. "just relax, sister. i'm going to make all your dreams come true."
i lick my way up her thigh, i smell her arousal. i breathe in her heat. her scent. her sheer, overwhelming lust. the very same scent that had brought me to these lands at all: she'd called for me. i'd answered. we were a match made in heaven— or hell, if you wanted to be cute about it.
"so wet for me already? my, you are eager, aren't you?" i tease, smiling up at her. i easily push her legs slightly apart, holding onto her inner thighs with reverence. my claws discard of any fabric interference. i lean in, eyes half closed. my tongue slides between her folds. thick wetness teasing and toying with her already stiff clit. her will crumbles into mine. her hips push into my face.
as my tongue slips into her pussy, her moans echo through the cathedral. her pleads for more are music to my ears. her vows, discarded. my tongue goes deeper and deeper inside her, thrusting sloppily, paying plenty of attention to her needy clit. my tongue just keeps unfolding, thick and tentacle-like.
saliva can be a powerful thing: the saliva of an incubus that is. i feed on her lust. i amplify it, i make it louder and louder until all that fear just evaporates. you humans are just so cute like that. she's dizzy with need and her knees give out: she's never felt so good, so much pleasure, all at once. she cums for the first time since taking her vows. years upon years of effort. of prayer and worship.
i swallow her essence. i grin up at her. her respite is brief, my lavish attentions pausing only to speak. "so many years to make up for, my darling. how many times shall i make you cum before your knees give out entirely? my bet is on three. you?"
she smiles sheepishly, dazed, dizzy with new sensations, legs trembling in my grip, holding herself up by leaning on the alter. she laughs, quietly, and answers with "two." which earns a laugh from me and a large, mischievous grin.
"well let's find out, shall we?"
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tj-dragonblade · 3 months
Rated: G Word Count: 849 Tags: Fluffbruary, Fluffbruary 2024, fluff, sap, established relationship, Hob Gadling loves Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Dream of the Endless | Morpheus loves Hob Gadling, kisses, parting is such sweet sorrow, flower symbolism
Fluffbruary Prompts: Day 16 neighbor desire horse Day 17 magazine tactile curtains Alt prompts: evening, caress
Additional inspiration taken from a couple of these kisses
Title credit and musical accompaniment: Before I Go by Yanni (Spotify link)
Summary: Season-of-Mists-style visit, some time later in their relationship
On AO3
It is a lush and expansive garden where Hob finds himself on a beautiful summer evening—flowers climbing the trees and blooming in every direction, nocturnal birds twittering their songs in the branches overhead, crickets chirping accompaniment in the undergrowth. The stars twinkle brightly in the blue-velvet sky and the moon shines full and brilliant, a silvery wash of illumination over the landscape. The path under Hob's feet winds between flower beds and lovely stone borders, toward a burbling stream running musically beneath the trailing branches of a willow tree. He follows along to a little wooden bridge arching over the stream and across, to a decadent little bower of trellises wreathed in climbing ivy and dripping with twilight-purple wisteria.
There's a familiar figure waiting there for him, and he smiles as he draws near. "Hello, love."
"Hello, Hob." Dream's eyes glitter softly like the stars, just as dark and depthless as the sky, just as beautiful. The moonlight illuminates him like a work of art, pearlescent skin and raven-feather hair, smoke-shadow robes draping him in regal refinement. He looks ready to hold court, to receive an audience, and Hob is awestruck all over again that this unfathomably powerful otherworldly creature deigns to be his friend, to be so much more; to accept his affections, to return them. He is so very lucky, and he knows it.
He looks up at Dream, who is currently half a head taller than him, and he can feel the fondness shining in his own eyes. "I'm not awake, am I."
"No." Dream's tiny little smile is both affectionate and regretful. "I apologize for usurping your dream; there is something I must attend to that will keep me away for some time. I did not wish to leave without making you aware."
Hob furrows his brow. "It's not Hell again, is it?"
"No. Nor do I anticipate any danger or risk to myself, my realm, but there may be. Delays. In resolving the matter."
Hob knows better than to ask for specifics in this sort of thing when Dream has not given them, regardless of how curious he may be. "Will Matthew be with you?"
"Then I know you're in good company and I'll hear from you if needed." He wishes, in some deep fundamental part of himself, that he could accompany Dream on these sorts of errands, but in this also he knows better. There are so many things in existence that are far beyond what his immortal-but-still-mundane mind can comprehend.
Dream steps forward, closer. "Dearest Hob. I would bring you with me, were it advisable. But as it is not—" he lifts a hand to Hob's face, touches him in the gentlest caress "—I will bid you farewell, and promise to return as soon as is feasible."
Hob places his own hand over Dream's, holds it there as he leans into it. "I'll be waiting, dove. Be safe."
Dream makes no reply, just gazes at him tenderly, leans in until his forehead rests against Hob's. He tangles his fingers with Hob's, splays them behind his neck and tilts in slowly until their lips meet.
It is soft, sweet, short, this kiss; and then another, a gentle farewell before Dream draws back. His hand drops from Hob's face but Hob can't quite let go, following it down, clinging; he is full to the brim with a dozen different emotions and all he wants to do is kiss Dream again, so deeply and so thoroughly that Dream will still taste him long after they've parted, will carry his love with him on whatever this errand is and know that Hob is waiting faithfully for his return.
He's leaning back in already, helpless in the face of this desire, but redirects at the last second, planting a soft kiss on Dream's cheek instead. He won't demand more than was given, not when Dream has duty weighing heavy on his mind, not when Dream has shown such consideration in making sure to take his leave. He is respectful of Dream's time and Dream's responsibilities and he will not do anything to make Dream think otherwise.
But Dream's eyes flash as Hob draws back, and then Dream has seized Hob's bicep and yanked him back in, is kissing him soundly. Hob can't help a delighted smile, at that, but it's quickly lost in the fierce parting of Dream's lips, the yearning wanting lament of his fervent mouth, and Hob loses himself in returning the sentiment.
That. That is a proper kiss goodbye, Hob very carefully does not say aloud, blinking as Dream lets him go.
"Until I return, devoted mine," Dream breathes, the stars in his eyes blazing, and steps back.
"I'll be waiting," Hob says again, the 'as long as it takes' and 'I'll miss you' and 'I love you' unspoken.
Dream smiles, the tiny kitten-soft smile that Hob knows is just for him, and takes his leave.
Hob stays, beneath the twining ivy and the curtains of clinging wisteria, and watches him go, the music of the crickets rising gently in his wake.
= Drafted: 2/17/24 Posted: 2/17/24
Why did I pick wisteria? Gosh I'm so glad you asked! Because it's pretty, and it made for lovely visuals. BUT then I looked up meanings also, and serendipitously I found:
1. Purple wisteria symbolizes royalty and undying devotion or love that transcends time 2. Victorians would include a cluster of delicate purple blossoms in their bouquets when they wanted to send a message of overwhelming desire and passion. In particular, the Wisteria was considered to say “I cling to you” as it would cling to the branches of other trees. Wisteria sends such a strong message of romance in most cultures that they’re usually best used for declarations of devotion or for wedding arrangements. 3. Wisteria—Welcome; Meeting you means so much to me 4. Wisteria gives a symbolic representation of beauty, love, long life and immortality, grace, bliss, honour, patience, endurance, longevity, releasing burdens, victory over hardships.
(There are relevant meanings to the the ivy (fidelity, everlasting life) and the willow (flexibility, adaptation) as well)
Sources: 1 2 3 4
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infinity-wiccan · 8 months
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[GenMui week day 5: After the war]
Dear Nemi,
How are you? I hope that wherever you are right now, you are the happiest you could ever be. I'm sorry that we didn't have more time to spend together but I'm glad that even life was cruel, it gave us one last chance to be together before death took me.
But I won't talk about that today. Nemi, I have news for you.
Uhm, guess what, I got married today. Surprising, right? Hehe. What if I told you that I married the former Mist Hashira? Oh, I could totally hear you screaming bloody murder right now but it's true.
If somebody would tell me years ago that I will end up falling in love with the kid Hashira, and a boy at that, I would rather believe that the boar-masked weirdo is a genius. But I guess trivial things don't matter here anymore. Mui, I mean Muichiro, (that's what he wanted me to call him, okay?) had been there for me since day one. I thought that he would disappear forever but then fate threw him right back at me.
And then one day, he told me, "Genya, did you know that you could wish for anything here?" I wished that you and Mother were here with us Nemi, but Mui said, "In due time." and I guess he was right, so together, we wished for the next best thing, a home in a paradise we could call our own. A world we would also share with Mui's family. We thought of a big home, an abundance of trees and the sea and the sky.
It is beautiful and forever, Nemi.
Oh, you're curious how Mui and I fell in love with each other? *That is a story for another time.
But hmm, let's just say there were denials, tons of sibling teasing, an angry twin brother (shocking) and the realization that we were meant to be together. To become something more.
Life didn't give us the chance so death did.
Nemi, I am now married and Mui is right here in my arms as we watch the endless blue sea before us. Everyday he tells me how much he loves me and I make him the damn happiest ever. Children? We couldn't on our own but our siblings and his older twin brother are difficult enough for us to handle. Haha.
And from this moment on, everyday, I will wake up to my lovely husband, the golden sunrise will bathe his gentle sleeping face, the birds will sing us their morning songs and the trees will keep rustling in the wind to remind me of you. Then we, me, Mui my love, our siblings, Mui's family, would all run to the sea to greet the waves.
Dear Nemi, the memory of living in a rough neighborhood in a household filled with rage and abuse is long gone. As of speaking to you right now, we are all lazing together, laughing together. My rough, ugly scarred hand entwined with Mui's calloused battleworn one and he couldn't be more beautiful under the afternoon sun.
'I love you.' He says to me, I whisper it back to him.
Nemi, my dear brother, we are finally free.
"What do you mean, you want me there too, you jackass! And marrying Tokitou, really, Genya?!"
Few heads turn to the three men settled on a bench outside of a Dango shop. Rather, two men were busy grazing on snacks and one is peacefully dozing off on a separate bench beside them. Until an ear-splitting yell made everyone in the vicinity jump in surprise.
Giyuu Tomioka tries to shake the white-haired man awake and when he couldn't, Tengen Uzui opted to kick the poor wooden seat he was lying on. "Oi, Shinazugawa, are you sleep talking? Hahaha!"
Sanemi groans and slowly sits up, fingers rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. "More like a fucking nightmare. My brother got hitched to Tokitou." Uzui starts laughing hysterically and in confusion, bites his tea cup then attempts to drink his dango.
"Are you okay?" Giyuu asks in a low voice, only audible to Sanemi. Although he had formed a friendship with Giyuu and Uzui, it was only the former who knew about the dreams he had of Genya.
The dream he just had, were different from all others. Because somehow, it felt real. It felt as if it was Genya's soul talking to him.
Genya, living in some paradise with the people he love...Genya, living the life that Sanemi had dreamed for him, even if his partner was Tokitou, even if his children were their siblings....
Relief rushes within him. A lump forms in his throat and his light purple eyes start glimmering against the high noon sun..
"Tomioka, come help me pay at the register, I don't know how to money.." Maybe they have underestimated Uzui's way of understanding things. He and Giyuu wordlessly get up.
The moment they were gone, tears start cascading down the former Hashira's scarred face. Sanemi savors the feeling.
And only heard by the Wind, he joyfully sobs, "Congratulations, you morons."
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cosmerelists · 6 months
Ranking Cosmere Planets By How Cool I Find Them
[Contains spoilers for all Cosmere! I'll list the books in the title so you can skip the ones relating to books you haven't read]
The Cosmere has some very cool planets: but which are the coolest? In this list, I will rank them by my own definition of cool, which I'm defining here as "Planets where my interest in past or future stories is chiefly driven by the nature of the world itself."
#13: UTol (From Yumi and the Nightmare Painter; this entry also contains a spoiler from The Sunlit Man)
UTol is the sky planet that Painter can see from the surface of his world, Komashi, and we get a glimpse of it just right at the end of Yumi. It's also possible we get a glimpse of the same world right at the end of The Sunlit Man, but I don't think that's confirmed. Anyway. It's an ocean world, and the inhabitants have four arms and may have originally been from Yolen. But we don't learn anything cool about the world itself, really. I guess the fact that it can always be seen even through the shroud that otherwise blankets Komashi--that's cool. But I don't know if that's UTol's doing. Maybe when we get more info, it will turn out this planet is super ultra cool and then I will look like a fool. But for now--eh. Oceans. With water? Yawn.
#12: First of Sun (From "Sixth of Dusk")
First of Sun is a hostile world with jungles and oceans and magic birds. It's cool--as all Cosmere worlds are in my opinion--but none of it had any special, extra coolness for me. I suppose I've never been much interested in parrots, and also its only feature story so far was quite short.
#11: Braize (From Stormlight Archives; this entry also contains a spoiler from The Sunlit Man)
I am legitimately curious about Braize, Roshar's "Hell" where the Fused were imprisoned by the Heralds. Like, what is Hell like in a material sense? I want someone to visit it (and I really want to know if Sigzil has been there himself, based on his mentioning a Hell visit during The Sunlit Man), and my curiosity makes it seem more cool. But not too cool, because for all we know, Braize is super boring. We just don't have enough info yet.
#10: Nalthis (From "Warbreaker")
Nalthis has some interesting things going on, planetarily. People don't always properly die, which anyone who cheated and already looked at my #1 planet already knows is something I enjoy. It has some unique cultures, which is also something I enjoy in a Sanderson world, although the differences are painted in pretty broad strokes. It's colorful. I don't know. I'm not super into Nalthis, but it definitely has some cool aspects.
#9: Taldain (From White Sand)
I have a shocking confession that I forgot to include in my authorial confessions list: I haven't actually read White Sand. At least, not more than a few pages before I got frustrated with how hard it was to read it on my phone, which is where I had access to it. Anyway. I do think the general set up of this planet is legitimately cool: tidal-locked, I think, with a Dayside and a Nightside which each have their own magic system. There's a lot of sand. Water matters. I think there are magic tattoos. So I can't rank this too highly myself simply because I don't actually know much about it, but it does seem "Top 10" cool.
#8: Scadrial (From Mistborn)
Scadrial has an advantage because it has Time Periods, and really is a pretty different world in Era 1 vs. Era 2. I have a dark fascination with Era 1 Scadrial: the ashfalls, the mist, the slow but inevitable apocalypse constantly creeping closer...would NOT want to visit, but it's cool to read about. Era 2 Scadrial is bright and shiny in comparison. I'm not much of a Wild West gal myself, but there are giraffes, and that ups any planet's coolness, even if it has lost its brooding volcanos. Oh! And I hope we hear more about the Southern Scadrians too.
#7: Sel (From Elantris and The Emperor's Soul)
I've been trying to judge these planets based on the planets themselves rather than on their magic systems...but on Sel, can you really separate those? The magic is based on geography, after all! Anyway, I like Sel because of the wild things going on with its pooled investiture. I don't understand computer programming and so I may or may not really get its magic, but I like the fact that it ranges from the stately, sometimes assholish Elantrians to Soul Stamping. It's all very cool.
#6: Lumar (From Tress of the Emerald Sea)
Lumar is very cool. Like, color-based aether seas that each react differently to water? Rain as a deadly but necessary thing? The color borders where one aether sea meets another? Sailing on something other than water?? I ate it all up. Tress's world is wild and creative and definitely lots of fun.
#5: Roshar (From Stormlight Archives)
It's hard to separate Roshar the planet from the people and stories there, as I think it's the Cosmere planet I've spent the most time on, metaphorically speaking. But I gotta say, the idea of a constant, world-spanning storm that spits out magic and death--that's cool. A whole world that's inhabited only by crab-versions of things? Well, I hesitate to call that cool exactly, but it is...something. Plus, so many different cultures and religions and ideas on Roshar, which I really enjoy.
#4: Canticle (From The Sunlit Man)
Listen, I love Threnodites. Wherever they pop up, they are doing wild things and refusing to properly die and having names that are...let's say unique. And Canticle is quite the interesting planet. Imagine--not being able to stay in one place because you're constantly fleeing from the deadly sun while trying not to get too far ahead lest to stray into the constant fire tornado. Imagine powering your ships with dead-people batteries and doing engineering with your captive ghost engineers. The place is tiny and super invested and also an incandescent lightbulb or something. Again, I would NOT want to visit but that world is damn cool.
#3: Komashi (From Yumi and the Nightmare Painter)
I think my love of Threnody really affects these top picks. Komashi doesn't have Threnodites, but it does have the weird creepy shadow monsters which I apparently...love? (Learning much about myself writing this.) But in all seriousness, I really like Komashi and I am so curious about it. The idea of Virtuosity and how she manifests as both magical paintings and magical rock stacking. I am so curious about the magenta and cyan coloring and how Sanderson says its based on printers somehow and that yes there is one color missing (what??). The way the inhabitants just lived in a thick shadow sludge with lights creating small habitable zones...like, again, horrifying but such a cool and creative world to explore.
#2: Yolen (No books so far)
Maybe Yolen is super boring. But it is SO mysterious that it can't help but be cool. I mean, this is where the Shattering happened! I think it's where Hoid is from. I think there are dragons. It's just gotta be cool, right?
#1: Threnody (From Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell)
But my favorite planet, for whatever reason, is Threnody. I am dying for another story set on that planet. I am so curious about what the Evil is, and I want to hear more about the people living in the literal Forests of Hell. The Shadows and the rules that you have to follow to survive them, the use of silver, the fact that Threnodites just can't catch a fucking break. I am fascinated by all of it, and I think that Threnody is the coolest planet in the Cosmere.
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jkeuphoriadreamland · 2 years
Cathexis 🜍 PJM 🜍 1
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🜍Title: Cathexis 
ca·thex·is/kəˈTHeksəs/ noun: the concentration of mental energy on one particular person, idea, or object (especially to an unhealthy degree).
🜍Summary: Possessing a power that was genetically passed onto him, Jimin has to face life’s struggles managing this burden alone. He finds himself back in a town he vaguely recalls , where he hopes to find some semblance of peace, but what he doesn’t expect is to come face to face with his past.
🜍Film: Firestarter
🜍Pairing: Jimin x reader
🜍Genre: Slight Yandere 🜍 Firestarter au 🜍 Thriller 🜍 8.8K words
🜍Warnings: future smut 18+M, angst, pining, bullying, slight yandere themes (to come), childhood trauma, mentions of alcohol and being tipsy, emotional trauma, mentions of death, angst, depression, shy Jimin. (these will become darker in the next chapters)
🜍A/N: It’s finally here. This one was a lot of work and I am so in love with her. Please love it just as much. Thank you to my wifey @outromoni​ for the banner and for reading this over and always supporting me. I’d also like to thank the lovely @multiplefandomsfangirl and @chick-who-runs-parched-lips for beta reading and leaving comments and suggestions that really polished this fic. I appreciate you so much! Your support and love means the world to me. ***italics are past***
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moodboard by @multiplefandomsfangirl​
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“Leave him alone!” 
You yelled at the bully who was currently pulling the hair of the quietest kid in your class, Jimin. You watched on as the bully twisted Jimin’s locks tighter, snickering when the smaller boy cried out at the pain. It made you angry that most of the kids called him a freak and treated him like an outcast. Ever since kindergarten you tried to keep all the bad kids away from him even though you weren’t really friends. Everyone called him a freak, but you could never do that— you saw no reason for him to be labeled a weirdo. Sure he was a little bit different, but he seemed really nice, and you didn’t understand why everyone else hated him.
“Are you gonna make me?” spat the sniveling ten year old snot. It was obvious the brat was too big to even be in the second grade. He’d probably been left back a few years. An insult was on the tip of your tongue, but you held it back knowing that it would only anger the bully more and cause Jimin to pay the price.
“Let him go or I’ll tell the teacher!” You did your best to sound intimidating, but your voice wavered, and even with hands fisted at your sides you didn’t think you were intimidating enough, but you still challenged him with a stare.
The bully simply snorted and watched as your best friend Lisa ran off to do the very thing you just threatened. Not wanting to lose his recess time, he released his hold and rolled his eyes. “He’s a loser and a freak anyways.” he spat before turning to leave. .
As he walked off you gave his back a deadly glare before turning your attention back to Jimin who was still on the floor with head bowed down. You watched as he stood up from the kneeling position he’d been put in and shook his beautiful black hair out. It took a minute before he lifted his face only to turn away quickly.
“Thanks.” Was all he could manage to whisper before running off. He was incredibly embarrassed, but only because he’d finally gotten your attention…just not in the way he wanted.
It was curious to you how after all these years of being bullied he could still treat others kindly. It takes a special kind of person to be able to do that. As he walked down the hill away from the playground area, you blinked a few times unsure if your eyes were playing tricks on you. There seemed to be a smokey mist surrounding his figure, almost like a fog, and it had you completely transfixed.
“Hey, I told Ms.___ .” Lisa interrupted your focus.
“Yea,” you mumbled, still curious about the loner who was currently sitting in the grassy area in the distance. There was something different about him, this was true, but it wasn’t bad. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he just wanted to be liked. As Lisa recounted the almost fight you had both saved Jimin from, you continued to observe the very person, noticing how he wiggled his fingers near the ground. You watched on and thought for a moment you saw some rocks levitate, but Jimin’s eyes were suddenly on yours and you turned away quickly.
“Y/N, are you okay? Let’s go play on the monkey bars.”
“Yea…ok.” You dared sneak a peek back in the direction where Jimin sat but he was already gone.
“Jimin, baby, I’m sorry, but we have to go now.”
Jimin’s parents scrambled to pack the small amount of items they owned and were quickly loading them up into their small station wagon. Jimin did as he was told, always ready to be on the run because that’s what his parents had taught him to do since he could remember. Dejected, he turned to look around at the small apartment he and his family had stayed in for most of his life. He’d gotten used to the comfort of it —in truth he knew nothing else. From how his parents behaved, it seemed like they’d finally found somewhere they could call home, but that was before the letter that came in the mail that morning.
His parents explained that the bad people they’d been running from had finally caught up to them and that they wanted them to turn themselves in immediately due to the large number of strange behaviors they’ve noticed in the other participants of the experimentation they had also been a part of. The signature on the letter was what made it all the more scary. It seemed that the government was now involved which made matters worse. Jimin had been sheltered from all of this and the fact that they were now discovered was incredibly dangerous.
“The military wants to use us to do things for them because of our abilities and…if we do not comply, they will take you from us, Jimin. Do you understand?”
Trying to process all of this at a young age, Jimin nodded innocently, and the rest of the day was spent getting the hell out of town. In the back seat of the car, looking above the boxes that were piled up in the hatchback, Jimin could see the place he called home slowly fade away. Maybe someday they could come back. Not everything in this town was awful, you especially. He really liked you. He turned to face forward and sighed. Hopefully he’d be able to come back, but he knew that would never happen.
An annoying sound roused Jimin from his sleep and he glanced over at the clock on his dash and groaned. Fuck. He was already running late. Pushing himself off the worn out mat he slept on, he complained as the muscles on his back and neck ached. It wasn’t exactly the best sleeping quarters, but it was enough. It’s not like he had a choice.
Carefully, he stepped out of his jeep and looked around, stretching his cramped muscles happily. He enjoyed the silent mornings in the woods knowing that there wasn’t a single person around for miles. Although he didn’t exactly choose this loner lifestyle, it was something he’d gotten used to, and so far it’s worked out perfectly for him.
Checking the large jars of collected rainwater he had mounted up on a tree, he smiled when he realized there was enough water for a quick shower. Thank God it had rained last night. With one tug on the strings in front of him, he tipped the jars over and icy shards cascaded over his form making him hiss out loud. If he wasn’t awake before, he was now. Lathering the soap in his hand, he made sure to scrub over his skin thoroughly. He’d been waiting a while for this much water so he made sure to clean himself well. Who knew when his next shower would come?
He wasn’t much for complaining, but on occasion his mind would wander into the deepest parts of his repressed memories, and the traumas there would sneak up without him realizing. As he scrubbed his rigid body, his thoughts wandered into the past and his anger began to rise. His mind took over and the air around him became hotter. With clenched fists and eyes closed, he didn’t realize how upset he’d gotten until the once cool water he’d been showering with turned hotter. Snapping out of his trance, he glanced up and swore under his breath. He really needed to remember to keep his emotions in check or next time he’d scald his entire body.
Ready to tackle the rest of his day, Jimin covered the items at his camp, tucking whatever he could into his jeep before taking off to work. He didn’t exactly love his job, but it was decent work and it paid him enough to sustain his rugged outdoor life. He didn’t need much, the truth was he’d been saving all his money just in case.
Arriving at work, Jimin mindlessly moved around the large pieces of steel and worked out every muscle in his body without wanting it. He knew it was doing him good though because in the last few months he’d become incredibly fit. Sure he could have made it easier on himself with just one thought, but he did his best to lay low. Barely anyone knew his name and that’s how he planned on keeping it.
Today should have been like any other day, and it would have been, except that his eyes caught several strangers at the office of the construction site. It was obvious the visitors were looking for someone, and it didn’t take him long to realize who that someone was. When he saw his boss point in his direction, he knew that this job was over.
Jimin always parked in a far away lot in case of emergencies like this knowing it was easier to make his escape. He never let down his guard, not even for a moment, and right now was a prime example of why he had to live this way. Stealthily, he drove out of the covered location and headed back to his camp hoping to quickly gather whatever items he could, but he didn’t even make it within a mile of his camp’s location when he saw the familiar government vehicles. Fucking assholes.
Glancing at his gas tank he cursed under his breath. Mistakes like this could cost him. Knowing he had no other choice, he turned away from the place he’d called home for the past three months and prepared himself for whatever journey lay ahead. Because of his quick wit, Jimin wasn’t seen and so he drove on completely disassociating himself. There was no point in dwelling on the place he once called home. Why should he? The reality of it was that he was used to this, that’s why he never got attached. What was the point?
When he was finally far enough away, he fueled up his jeep and continued driving. At the moment he didn’t have a plan, but there was never really any place he could settle in for long anyway. The last place he’d been “settled” at with his family ruined the rest of his life. They thought they could see Jimin graduate high school…give him a future…give him a chance…
The truth was they’d become too soft, let their guard down hoping that the chase had come to an end, but the real end was with their lives. He sighed. He really missed them…
It didn’t even matter. He’d been alone for the past ten years anyway, so being on the road for months was no problem at all. Ten years…ten fucking years ago he’d become an orphan unwillingly. At the tender age of fifteen he was forced into this unwanted life…running alone…
Always alone.
Mindlessly he drove without thinking and for a few nights he stayed at roadside motels. He had no real plan this time, he honestly had no idea what he was going to do. It was like his mind was on autopilot and his body just followed. He was tired. Tired of running, tired of thinking, tired of watching his back…he just wanted to hide in a deep hole never to be found again. Would it even really matter if he disappeared? Who would even know? Who would care? It’s not like there was anyone alive that loved him.
“Fuck, I need sleep,” Jimin laughed at himself realizing he was spiraling again. Deciding to pull off at the next exit to find a motel, a sign on the road caught his eye. 5 miles to Asheville. Asheville? The name sounded oddly familiar and for some reason it brought a warm feeling over him. He worked his mind trying to recall why he got butterflies in his stomach just from the name—and then it hit him…he was eight, almost nine…his parents were running…leaving behind the first place he remembered calling home…he’d been here before.
Without a second thought, he directed his course toward a town he never thought he would see again. This was the last place he remembered feeling safe with his family…where they had been happy until they weren’t. It was strange how something like this could happen out of the blue. It was almost like a sign. If he didn’t go and see it for himself, it might be like it never happened at all. Going back would solidify that he had indeed been loved and that he had indeed been happy—if only for a short time.
Shaking away the harrowing thoughts, Jimin continued to drive realizing he didn’t know what the hell he was doing. If he was smart, he would drive away and find somewhere else, but where else? He had nowhere to go. He was exhausted and he knew Asheville. He felt comfort from it. This was the last place he’d been happy. Clenching his jaw, he gripped the steering wheel tighter and made up his mind. It’s not like he was going to settle here permanently. Maybe the fact that he had been here before eliminated the possibility of them searching it again. It would be stupid of him and yet curiosity got the better of him.
Before he knew it, he was at the local motel. Exhausted from being on the road for so long, he paid the attendant and went right to his room. He doesn’t remember going to bed, and when the morning came he felt a bit disoriented. Stretching his lean body, he moaned in pleasure realizing that this was the first mattress he’d slept on in a long time. He can’t even remember the last time he got a good night’s sleep. The other thing he couldn’t remember was the last time he’d had a nice warm shower. Smiling, he bounced off the bed and headed into the bathroom to get himself ready. If he was going to stay here for a bit, he needed to take care of a lot of things and one of those things was to find a job.
Of course he couldn’t just work anywhere, it had to be lowkey and temporary. Hopefully being in a small town would make it easy for him to find just the place. He hoped that the fuckers who had taken his family from him wouldn’t think to come back to this town, after all, why would Jimin go back to a place that he was already found before? It made perfect sense, or so he hoped.
As he showered, his mind raced and then suddenly memories of this place sporadically popped into his mind. He remembered he wasn’t really liked in school and that the kids were mean to him…and then he remembered you. He laughed thinking you probably wouldn’t remember him if you saw him now. He remembered liking you and that you were really nice to him. Hmm. Jimin shook it off, it’s not like you were even in this town anymore. Everyone grew up and most people left. It’s not like he’d run into you.
He made his way to his jeep wanting to get an early start, but first, breakfast. He was starving and the last thing he ate was salted peanuts and a bag of potato chips. He asked the motel attendant for good places to eat and was directed to a diner named Omelas. It was easy enough to find, and after having breakfast, he began circling jobs in the newspaper. There were a lot of promising opportunities and Jimin began to see a little light at the end of the tunnel.
It wasn’t until the waitress came back that he looked up and his eye twitched. This wasn’t his first waitress…no, this one was different yet familiar somehow.
“Thank you.” Jimin offered and the waitress smiled. That too was incredibly familiar.
Before she walked off Jimin stopped her. “Excuse me, miss. Would you happen to know where this location is?” He pointed at the paper and she quickly answered him. “Yeah it’s just up the block. It’s next to the only elementary school in town. The school where I used to go to.” She added, with a small giggle and that sound was even more familiar.
It was you. “I’m sorry, but…” Jimin realized he was fumbling his words before they even left his mouth. He also realized he was about to ask for your name when it was clearly displayed on your uniform. “Y/n…” he tested it on his lips and you smiled.
“That’s me. Well, let me know if you need anything else.”
As you walked off Jimin held his breath. After all this time he didn’t really think that his elementary school crush would still be here. Leaving his money on the table, he walked out hoping not to run into you again. If he could recognize you, then maybe you could recognize him, and he didn’t need anything complicated in his life right now—it was already complicated enough.
Pulling into the construction site, Jimin was greeted by a manager and within fifteen minutes he was hired. He didn’t waste time making it clear he preferred cash and that he couldn’t give more information than his name. The good thing about small towns is that most people didn’t care as long as you did the work and kept your nose clean.
The day stretched on and late into the evening the workers were sent home. Jimin quickly came to realize that there weren’t very many places to eat a good meal besides the diner he’d been in earlier. If he was lucky maybe he wouldn’t catch you often and for a while this worked, until your shifts changed. It was now a few weeks into him being there that he continued to run into you after working long hours. You didn’t always take his table since some nights you were in charge of others, but he noticed how you took notice of him, and it was mostly his fault. Jimin couldn’t keep his eyes away from you either. He followed you around, watching the way you smiled and served others as if being the kindest soul in the world was your sole purpose in life. He remembers you being that way as a child and if it weren’t for you, he may have had to deal with a lot more shit back then.
Tonight in particular you were hovering way more than usual. His table wasn’t yours but you couldn’t get the idea out of your mind that you knew him somehow. It was when you finally had a break that you ventured over noticing that he had also been lingering, his meal having been eaten a long while ago.
“Hey, back again?” It was a lame attempt at breaking the ice and when he looked up at you your courage faded. There was something so mesmerizing about his look and you suddenly felt stupid for interrupting him.
“Where else can I find such amazing food and quality service?”
You may have been imagining it, but the way he said service felt targeted. “I’m glad you like it here seeing as how this is really the only real dining place for miles.”
“That too.” He chuckled.
You turned to walk away already feeling like a nuisance, but his hand caught yours and a surge of heat flowed through your arm. “Stay a while. I don’t get to talk to many people in town.”
You glanced over your shoulder and smiled nervously. Why was he touching you when you didn’t even know who he was? “I can’t actually. I’m not on break.” You paused for a second wondering if you should ask him what you’ve been curious about this whole time. Taking a risk, you did just that.
“Actually…I wanted to ask…do I know you?”
His hand let yours go and he immediately retreated into his shell. “I doubt it.”
“That sounds an awful lot like you’re lying.”
At this Jimin deadpanned. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Came your quick-witted reply.
“Maybe you do, maybe you don’t. I wouldn’t know.”
He was smiling at you as he spoke, a mischievous look in his eyes that almost begged you to probe further. But then he did something with his hands, something you remember seeing a long time ago and it hit you immediately.
Immediately he stopped pinching the soft flesh of his hand and looked up at you in amusement. “Who’s Jimin?”
In the blink of an eye he was up and out of the diner leaving you with even more unanswered questions.
For the first time since Jimin arrived he got a weekend off; something about a Fall Festival. Apparently the whole town shut down so that everyone could attend. Even though he’d been invited he didn’t really want to go. It was already annoying that he had to deal with the questioning stares of so many people in the town. Everyone was incredibly curious about the new person no one knew anything about. Not to mention, Jimin didn’t even stay in the community. He’d always drive out and return in the morning to do his work. Why would he indulge them in more rumors by participating in their events? Although, he had to admit the flashing lights above the trees were really pretty. Even though the festivities were far off, the winds somehow brought over brain tingling scents that had him drooling slightly. He never had festival foods before, but he didn’t really need any of that. Not really.
The thing is Jimin had to be this way, just like before, hiding in the shadows of the neighboring woods in order to make a quick escape if needed. He wasn’t going to spend his money staying in a hotel when he had a perfectly good vehicle to sleep in. And he certainly wasn’t going to spend money on some silly event that wasn’t going to benefit him in any way. So he ignored it, or that is what he tried to do for hours, but the celebration happening hundreds of feet away was too loud and tempting. He was so close to falling asleep, but it seemed the entire town wasn’t going to let up the festivities any time soon, so Jimin decided to go see what the ruckus was about. In truth, he was secretly curious due to the fact that when he was a child he missed out on so many things. He flipped his blanket off of his body and blew out a frustrated breath. “Ten minutes, that’s it. In and out.”
It didn’t take him long to get ready and walk over to the festival. The environment was overwhelmingly crowded, the lights and music verging on overstimulating. No one gave him a second glance, and for that he was grateful. The smell of the fried foods and cotton candy had him biting back a smile. It was the first time he’d actually experienced anything like this. Most places he stayed at were small or too big and some were boring. It suddenly hit him why his parents had chosen this place. Maybe they’d been onto something trying to raise an innocent child in a place where he could find normalcy.
A child walked past him with a candy apple and Jimin’s eyes followed the path to the food stand. His feet guided him before he could even make a decision, and pointing at the delicious red treat before him, he was handed one instantly. Upon biting it, he melted at the taste. Is this what heaven was like? He was so enraptured by his treat that he didn’t notice you walking up with a friend.
“Hey, it’s Jimin, right?”
He was caught off guard, licking his lips and finishing the large bite he had just taken. When he realized it was you, a small heat began traveling up his back, and he closed his eyes for a second to tamper it down.
“I never said.” He smiled and looked around for a garbage bin, but there was none leaving him to hold the half eaten candy apple awkwardly in his hand. It was then that he realized you were not alone.
“You didn’t have to. I recognized you instantly. Gosh, I remember we were like six or something. Right, Lisa?”
Jimin was listening to you, but then his eyes flicked over to your friend and he smiled. He remembered how you’d both been best friends back then. It amazed him you still were, something he never got to experience himself.
“Yeah. How are you, Jimin? Why did your family leave? It’s like a ghost spooked ya’ll or something and then y'all were gone.” Lisa was quick to shoot out assumptions and Jimin froze.
You poked Lisa in the ribs with an elbow and Jimin laughed through his nose. “Yeah, a ghost…or something like that.” He humored her.
You felt embarrassed and wanted so badly to run, but something in Jimin’s amused eyes held your feet in place. “Sorry about her.”
“No, it’s okay. I honestly didn't think anyone would recognize me. Are you the only ones?” As much as he reveled in the fact that you remembered him, he couldn’t afford anyone else knowing. The point was to stay hidden and now that Lisa knew who he was he had a lot to worry about.
“I think we are? I mean, how many people have you talked to?” You smiled and Jimin returned it thinking you were quite smart.
“This is very true. Listen, I know we really don’t know each other much, but, could I ask you both to keep my return a secret?”
His request piqued your curiosity, but you knew deep down that what he was asking for was important, so you nodded your head and hugged yourself. “Sure. It’s not a problem at all. It’s really nice to see you though. Is there a reason you’re back? Is your family here?”
Jimin was going to give some tart reply, but at the mention of his family his countenance dropped. “Ugh, no…it’s just me.”
“Well! This has been fun. It was nice meeting you, Jimin. I gotta um…go see about those fish bowls.” Lisa quickly walked off, having felt like a third wheel and clearly seeing something going on between you and Jimin that you were both oblivious to.
“Yeah…ok…” You reached out weakly, begging with your eyes for your friend to help, but she was gone in a flash leaving you with Jimin.
“So…would you like some candy apple?” He gestured awkwardly at his half eaten treat.
You rubbed your arm at a sudden chill and laughed. “Yeah sure, why not?”
You both decided to walk around, the conversation limited since Jimin wasn't very open about many things. You told him about school and how things went with you and how now you were stuck working at the diner to get you through college so you could eventually leave.
“There’s really nothing much for me here. I want to visit New York and other places…see what the real world is all about. What about you?” Your words flowed effortlessly. Talking to Jimin felt comfortable and you didn’t know why, but it was like he understood you. It was refreshing.
“I’ve traveled quite a bit, but I have yet to venture further. I’m trying to save money so I can…” Jimin paused, not wanting to reveal too much. The thing was, if he told you anything you’d become an accomplice, and he didn’t want anyone else getting hurt because of him.
“So you can what?” You eyed him softly hoping to prod him enough that he’d spill, but he kept quiet and soon you found that you both had walked to the edge of the fair near the lake.
“Y/n, it was nice seeing you again, but I have to go. Will you be at the diner soon?”
“Yeah, I work tomorrow night. Where are you staying?”
Jimin’s eyes strayed over to the other side of the lake, and he shook his head. “Somewhere close.”
“You’re a man of many secrets I see.”
Your words were meant to tease, but for Jimin they came heavy. He didn’t like to have secrets or be limited in his interactions with anyone. In truth, he actually wanted to know what it felt like to have a friend, but he was already risking too much being nice to you.
“Something like that. Anyways, thanks for keeping me company.”
“Yeah, of course. I hope we can hang out again some time.”
“So do I.” Without warning Jimin reached out to your face and you flinched slightly not expecting it. He smiled and tilted his head teasingly. “You’ve got something…”
Gently he ran his thumb over your bottom lip, and without a second thought, he brought the tip of his finger to his mouth and sucked. “Candy,” He said matter-of-factly and your face began to heat up.
“Oh my gosh. How ladylike of me.” You tried to brush it off as a joke, but truthfully, your face felt like it was on fire. Thankfully Jimin had the grace to end the awkwardness first.
“You’re perfect.” He whispered, and then he walked off leaving you standing at the edge of the lake wondering how this man seemingly came out of nowhere and was already stealing your breath away.
For the next few weeks Jimin worked hard. He’d been pushing his body harder than ever and he knew it, but he didn’t care. Pushing always felt good. It was like all the anger and trauma he held subsided while his body and mind were busy. You, of course, were never far from his mind. He didn’t come to see you like he insinuated but the truth of the matter was that he couldn’t. Even thinking of you for a moment was bringing back his past feelings of the crush he held for you. As a child he knew you were unique…special…but he never let himself get too close because as his parents had warned him– Never trust anyone. Those that seem like friends may be wishing you harm. And Jimin never let go of that warning. Even now it kept him alive.
But soon canned tuna and ramen noodles weren’t enough, so he was forced to go grab a decent meal at the only place he knew. As he sat in his car, he peptalked himself before going inside. It wasn’t like he was a kid after all. He was an adult now, and whatever feelings he had as a child didn’t control him now. You were a temporary person in the line of many temporary people he’s met along the way. It was no big deal.
When he entered, he didn’t see you immediately, so he sat in the corner booth blowing out a sigh of relief. Opening the menu he began deciding what to eat when a voice he’d come to know and missed interrupted him.
“What’ll it be, stranger?”
Behind the shield of the menu Jimin cracked a smile. You’d always had a little attitude on you and he could appreciate that.
Bringing the menu down, he leaned back on his chair and lifted his chin. There was a lopsided smile on his lips and he didn’t even know where to begin because your face distracted him completely. How were you more beautiful now than just a few weeks ago?
“What do you suggest?”
“I suggest the avoidant sandwich, it’s really classy. Has all the fixins. It starts off with the no call, no show and the best part…the audacity to top it right off.” You lifted a brow and dared him to make up some lame excuse.
“Hm, sounds awful. I think I’ll just have the steak.”
“Coming right up.” You replied a little too snappy for his liking. When you turned to leave, he grabbed you by the elbow and pulled you back gently.
“Hey, I’m sorry. I got caught up at work. I just think we…this is just…”
“No need, Jimin. I read you loud and clear. You don’t owe me anything. You left long ago and what does it matter if someone from your childhood is trying to be nice to you and show you a little compassion? No one else around here knows who you are and you seem to be holding back a lot of things. I was just trying to be a friend. I just think it’s rude of you to just disappear all over again.”
Jimin wanted to agree and let you walk away, but there seemed to be a hurt behind your eyes that he never caught before. His emotions began playing tricks on him and before he rationalized what he was about to do, he pulled you out and through the side door of the diner. He glanced around making sure no one was nearby before pushing you further from sight. Continuing forward, he walked you backward until your back hit the wooden fence behind you. Leaning in close so that no one could hear, he set his face inches from your own and a chill ran down his spine. Perhaps it was the fall breeze that made him shiver, or the nervousness he felt from the proximity, he wasn’t exactly sure, but all he knew was that he’d never been this close up to anyone—ever. Realizing that he’d brought you out here for a discussion, he pinched at the skin between his thumb and index finger and bowed his head. All he wanted was to understand why you were being so unreasonable.
“Okay. I’m sorry. I get we had a good time at the fair and maybe we flirted here and there, but I cannot commit to anything right now. Not friendships or ….anything. I don’t know how long I’ll even be in this town. Why do you even care, Y/n? We were kids then.”
You thought for a moment on how to respond to him, his proximity throwing off the annoyance you felt for him. His eyes were intense and he was looking at you with such desperation you didn’t know what to say. You sighed and pulled up the apron that was now loose on your waist. “I know. I remember that I tried to be your friend back then too and you never let me. Why did you even leave, Jimin? I hated seeing you get bullied but I didn’t think it was bad enough for you to leave town. I may have been a kid but I was heartbroken. I didn’t stop talking about you for years until Lisa finally convinced me you weren’t coming back. I was so worried.”
Jimin was a bit shocked at your confession. The entire time he’d been at school he didn’t really talk to anyone, and you were the only person that had been nice to him. You even protected him. He just couldn’t understand why you were so upset now. “Y/n, this is crazy. I remember you too, hell I even cried for months at the thought of not returning but…I’m not even worth it. We barely knew each other. You really get attached to things, huh?”
“It’s a curse.” You confirmed sarcastically. “Listen, I’m not trying to be pushy here but, it’s not nice to lead a girl on, Jimin. I’ve been in this town for far too long and have dealt with every single idiot there is here trying to ask me out. I thought that perhaps you coming back was a good thing because I hoped you were still that nice kid, but it seems I misunderstood everything.”
Pushing him back, you walked back into the diner leaving Jimin standing there in the dark, hungry and now feeling more alone than ever. He wasn’t going to chase you this time because he knew you were right. Perhaps the tuna would taste better on crackers tonight, he thought.
After dinner, he tried to sleep, but it was impossible. Why couldn’t he just keep you out of his mind? Sure he’d basically lived his entire life without any real friends, and now he was all alone, but that’s how he liked it…right? It’s not like he could get attached. Look what that got him. His parents were now dead and as a child he cried more times that he could count over friends he was never able to keep. Being a loner was best. He only needed to work for another year and then he could take off and live in some remote location with a home and privacy. Just one more year.
As he sat staring at the little fire he made for his camp, a half empty beer can in his hand and body slouched in comfort, he was completely lost in thought as he always was. There was never a night of peace for him. He’d often replay that night…the night where he lost everything…over and over. If only he’d been older. If only his parents had let him use his powers…or whatever this was. He barely understood it himself. Whatever was coursing through his veins hadn’t disappeared. This ability has done nothing but torment him daily. The constant controlling and balancing of his emotions in order to avoid catastrophe was weighing him down, and the worst part of it all was that he had to endure it alone.
A snapping twig catches Jimin’s attention and the flame before him increases in height. He sat up more rigid and attentive now wondering why his alarms hadn’t been triggered. Whoever was there had gotten smarter at their attempt. Slowly he stood and walked backward toward his vehicle. Another twig snaps and this time the alarm on his wrist vibrates. He glances at the image and releases a sigh of relief. The flames calm as his body relaxes. It’s only now that he realizes he’s drenched in sweat. When you pop out of the bushes he pretends to act surprised.
“Holy shit, you scared me.” Jimin shifted on his feet and wiped his brow discreetly. “How did you even know I'm staying here?”
You rocked back and forth nervously, the fact that you were actually in front of him making you lose your words. “I kinda assumed after that night at the carnival when you gestured toward this area. I’m sorry. Have I overstepped?”
Jimin smiled and shook his head. “No, it’s okay.”
It takes you a moment, but you realize you came to him for a reason, and you weren’t leaving until you made things right. “Jimin, I’m sorry to come here unannounced like this. I wasn’t even sure if this was where you were…it’s just that…I wanted to apologize for earlier. I shouldn’t have been so rude.”
Jimin thought for a moment about how you really just took a risk in coming to his camp in the late hours of the night just to apologize. No one had ever apologized to him before. He bit his bottom lip to keep himself from smiling and opted for shrugging his shoulders instead. “It’s really not a big deal. I pretty much deserved it.”
You don’t agree with his words and move forward almost desperate to get him to understand you really were sorry. “No. You don’t deserve it at all. It’s just that, I don’t really know everything about you, but I can tell that you haven’t exactly had a nice time and I don’t want to be someone that adds on to your burdens. I want to be your friend, Jimin. I truly do. I know that’s not your thing but—.”
Jimin watches you speak, enjoys the way your pretty eyes flick down and back at him, how you wring your hands and attempt to move closer without violating his space. It was all so mesmerizing.
When it’s his turn to speak, he closes his eyes and inhales deeply before exhaling slowly. “Listen. I know you want to be my friend, but it’s just not something I can offer. I don’t stay anywhere very long and I don’t know how long I’ll be here. I don’t even know why I came back here at all.” The frown on your lips isn’t missed by Jimin. He really could be a dick sometimes. “Hey. I’m sorry.”
“No, there is no need to apologize. I shouldn’t have come anyway. I am clearly trespassing on your private time. It wasn’t right of me to come here without asking.” You go to leave but then Jimin feels his stomach twist. He can’t let you go like this. Why did he always fuck everything up?
“Y/n. wait. Please…just…do you want a beer?” Jimin’s smile is lopsided, but he really doesn’t know what to say to diffuse this situation. He knows you should leave, but something in him doesn’t want you to hate him.
The tender way you look at him stirs something in his heart and suddenly he feels a bit lighter.
“Yeah. I’d love that.”
You both settle around the fire and you dominate most of the conversation while Jimin sits and listens completely enthralled. All of your experiences and childhood moments sound like a dream to him. You ramble on about the town, about your friend Lisa, and about your life so far. Jimin is happy to just listen because somehow he’s living vicariously through your stories. He wished he could tell you his life, tell you how he doesn’t remember much about his childhood. He longed to tell you why he never settled anywhere for long and what his family had to endure during the times they were constantly on the run. He ached to tell you everything.
As young and financially desperate students, his parents had agreed to be participants of a questionable experimentation at their university that the head of the science department claimed could enhance academic ability. They figured they’d kill two birds with one stone since the pay for volunteering was a lot of money at the time. While there, they met each other, and after the testing was complete they continued their friendship which soon blossomed into a romance. Years later they were married with Jimin on the way.
They never spoke of the weird abilities they had discovered about themselves, how they could manipulate objects with just the thought in their mind, because the truth of it was, they were scared. When they had signed up to be test subjects they were told that if anything strange were to come up that they should immediately contact the chief doctor, but now that they had Jimin, they weren’t so sure they should reveal such things.
And so as Jimin grew older he started being able to do odd things as well. His parents kept this quiet for as long as they could, but it was getting harder to hide. Wanting to get away from the small town they knew would be quick to spread rumors, they ended up driving halfway across the country to a town called Asheville.
During his time here Jimin lived a quiet life with his parents, and when he turned five, he was able to attend kindergarten. Everything was fine until he started school. He didn’t need to tell you that the community quickly picked up on the quiet and unique family with a son who wasn’t like the other children. He also didn’t need to explain the kids, replicas of their parents, and how they made it clear they didn’t like him. Not that what the kids thought of him mattered. In fact, he didn't care. He knew he was different and that he had to control his emotions because of it. Miraculously, there was one student who caught his attention right from the start—and here you were.
“And well…that’s pretty much what’s been going on around her since you left. How about you?” You pause for a moment watching Jimin’s face twist into a reaction you can’t quite decipher. It took him much too long to respond and all you could focus on was the deafening silence in the darkened forest. Finally the silence was broken when Jimin shifted in his chair.
Huffing through his nose, Jimin took another drink from the can he’d been holding for way too long. The beer was warm now and he liked the idea of him being so entertained by you that he forgot his drink. It was astonishing that merely being in your presence could distract him from his pain more than the alcohol could. He laughed at himself and then stood up slowly. The world around him felt unsteady making him incredibly lightheaded. His face was flushed with the warmth of alcohol coursing through him and he became annoyed at the fact that he’d become this tipsy so quickly.
“I don’t really have much to say. There’s not much to talk about. I’m actually quite boring, but I really enjoyed listening to you. It’s nice to know you’re having an amazing time here. At least one of us got to live a happy life.” He paused to steady himself on a nearby tree and blinked his eyes a few times. This was literally the worst time to feel out of sorts. “Sorry. I think I had one too many beers. I had an early start. I should get to bed.”
You stood up as well and a wave of dizziness hit you. Whatever Jimin was saying didn’t quite compute. How much had you been drinking in between rambling on about your life?
“Yeah…me too. I should really…” You glanced around realizing you didn’t know where you were exactly. Where had you come in? Where was this place even? What time was it? As these thoughts aided your dizzying state, you took a step in a direction you hoped pointed home. Of course you were not successful. Your teetering only lands you in Jimin's arms. It was like a whirlwind before you realized where you were. His arms cradled your body as he held you tight to keep your drunken form from falling. You looked up at him and he looked down at you. That crooked smile back on his face, making your heart flutter once more.
"What happened?" You asked softly.
"You tripped on that branch around your ankle." He said, matching your tone. You stood and he let you go looking down at your ankle, seeing just as he'd described, a leafy branch had caught your shoe and was pulled taught to make you fall.
"Oh..." you said softly, and then looked back at him. "I'm sorry I fell into you..."
He laughed a little. "It's fine. I would catch you any day."
You faltered at his words before looking around again. "Um...shit. Which way was the exit again?"
“I think it’s over that way.” Jimin chuckled.
“Yes I know that, but…where is that way?”
“Um, I don’t know.” Jimin replied, confusing himself. You both looked at each other knowing this wasn’t getting anywhere.
“Okay…look. I know this isn’t … I mean….I would never do something like this but I can’t make it home right now.” You waved your hands around chaotically solidifying your point and Jimin followed your movements in a daze. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Jimin follows your hands and his body begins swaying in the same motion. He nods, not completely sure what you mean.
“It’s just that I don’t want to impose. If I go out there alone…who knows what could happen?” You're rambling like a mad woman and Jimin thinks it’s the most hilarious thing he’s ever seen.
"Y/n stop." Jimin laughs as he cuts you off. "What do you need?" He asks softly, calming you.
"Do you have another sleeping bag? I won't make it home."
“I have two sleeping bags.”
“Great. Could I use one, please?”
Your voice is laced with sweetness, the honey pouring out of it already achieving what you wanted. How could he even say no to you? Your pretty eyes bore into him in such a way he’d be a fool to deny you. “Yea, of course you can.”
Somehow you both managed to find his extra sleeping bag and settled it in his tent. Jimin, although tipsy, knew it wouldn’t be right to sleep in the same place, so he settled in his jeep after everything was quiet. Miraculously he fell asleep right away. It wasn’t until the light of the morning dawn cracked through his window that he remembered where he was. He groaned and turned, realizing that his entire body ached. Slowly things came back to him. He’d been drinking…you came…you both talked and…
Jimin shot up then, sitting rigid and stressed. You were here…outside…in his tent! He searched around for his clothes. When had he removed them? He must’ve gotten hot while he slept. He was always hot. Getting himself together, he stepped out of the vehicle and released a slew of tiny swears. Stretching, he found his water source and rinsed his face and mouth as best as he could. Most of his supplies were in the tent leaving him with limited options to make himself presentable.
What exactly did one do when there was a girl that slept over? This was technically the first time he stayed anywhere near a girl for the entire night and he was freaking out because even though you hadn’t slept together, seeing him like this would be…
Should he make breakfast? Should he clean up? A wave of pain shot through his head and he squeezed it tight. Perhaps he should hydrate and take care of himself first. Distracted by his task, Jimin didn’t see you step out of his tent. You came up to him and tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned around his stomach dropped.
The current state you were in was incredibly distracting and Jimin couldn’t stop himself from staring at you in a most inappropriate manner. His throat became dry and it took him a minute to relax before acknowledging you. The air around you both was completely still and he clenched his fists before breathing out and releasing them. Your hair was a mess, but not in a bad way, more like if you'd been tossed around in a bed after love-making way. He continued to scan over your face landing on your lips which he realized were swollen and his mind began racing with thoughts of him being responsible for it. He felt the heat creep up his spine first and then tingle at his fingertips. As his eyes continued the forbidden path down your body, his breathing became rapid and soon the air became warmer. You didn’t seem to notice since the mornings tended to be a bit frigid, but Jimin knew…he knew he’d better stop himself.
The sweatpants he was wearing were doing him no favors as he felt himself getting aroused simply by standing there. He turned back towards the water and continued to splash his face trying to pretend you didn’t exist.
“Jimin…” you spoke groggily, wondering why he was acting so strange.
It took everything within him to swallow down the pathetic groan he was about to release solely at the sound of your voice. “Yeah?” His reply was weak, the pathetic attempt at holding himself together frustrating him.
“Sorry for crashing last night. I don’t usually drink that much. But…um do you have a restroom or something out here?”
Jimin turned then at the concern in your voice and realized that his bathroom wasn’t exactly ideal. He panicked. “Ugh…yeah well…no. I have this partition you can use to cover if you need. I’m sorry I’m not really set up for guests or anything.”
“Don’t be silly. It was my fault I got drunk off my ass and stayed. I’ll use whatever.”
Jimin nodded and dried his face with a towel. He found the equipment you needed and set up a privacy area several feet away from the camp. While you were away, he paced and moved about unsure of what he should do or say once you returned. Relationships have always been hard to come by and maintaining his composure without being awkward was becoming a real struggle. It didn’t take long before you arrived and the first thing you asked for was water. This was something he could do, so Jimin handed you a bottle, but then you both stood standing next to each other in silence.
“Um…so…thanks again, Jimin. You’re really a lifesaver. I might have gotten lost in the woods as drunk as I was.” You chuckled trying out some humor to break the tension and it worked because Jimin cracked a beautiful smile.
“It was really no trouble at all. Do you need me to walk you out now?” Again he bit his tongue after speaking, knowing he sounded rude. He wasn’t trying to kick you out or anything.
“No. I got it. But thanks. I’ll see you around?”
With a shy smile you walked off and Jimin watched as you did. It was the first time he’d spent this much time with anyone. And the best part was that it had been you. He caught himself smiling before shaking it off and forcing himself to remember what he was supposed to be doing—getting ready for work.
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(Oh my silly Jimin! What do you think is going on in his silly little head? Isn’t he just the cutest?👀)
↳ All works are ©️ jkeuphoriadreamland Do not upload, repost, copy, translate, steal any of my works.  
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violettduchess · 1 year
This is my 1st time making any type of request... I know you're busy...but if you're still taking Kiss requests, could I possibly ask for one of Jin Grandet from Ikemen Prince? Thank you. *bows*
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A/N: a rain-filled day has given me some free time and so I am happy to say I managed to fulfill your request! Tagging @randonauticrap because she requested the same thing 💜
Jin x f! reader
Word Count: 510
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Jin has held countless women in his arms. All sizes, all nationalities, women with social standings that span from barmaid to royal maiden and everything in-between. He has curved his strong fingers around bodies that melt into his touch, pliant with desire, lambent with need. His lips have traveled over the soft line between neck and shoulder, tasted mouths painted with expensive lipsticks and mouths colored only by the gentle stain of summer berries, and of course, most exciting to him, delved into the lush valley of various décolletages. He has appreciated every lover he has ever had. Maybe even skirted the dim line between lust and love. But he’s never crossed it.
Until you.
Now he understands the notion that one could have a thousand lovers, but when the right person enters your life, the memories of those ephemeral paramours vanish like mist in the morning sun.  You are that bright sunshine, banishing any thoughts of anyone else to the shadows, never to appear again. You are the only one he dreams of, the only one he wants, the only one who will ever be treated to the feel of his hands on your skin, the taste of his lips on your tongue. And the only one who knows that underneath the easy-going smile, under the rigid armor of his womanizing reputation, there is a heart of gold that beats with a desire not for sex, but for love. For tenderness. For acceptance. For forgiveness.
That is why for all his skill with fingers and tongue, teeth and hips, hugs and kisses, what you love most is when you take inititive and kiss him. The kind of kiss that starts when you catch his handsome face between your hands and lean forward, your mouth loving and gentle. It is this kind of kiss that robs him of his breath, that sends his heart into an unbridled gallop in his chest, the kind you can feel when you lay your hand there. You caress his cheek, smooth under your fingers, and you kiss the corner of his clever mouth, warm affection and satisfaction flooding you when his eyes close, his lips part, and he exhales, tremulous with disbelief. You love him. You love him and he does not know how he has gotten so damn lucky.
And then his mind empties of all thought because you are nuzzling his neck, running a hand over the back of it, pressing yourself closer against him. You hug him to you, his hard planes contrasting your soft curves, content to keep the feeling between you at a soft glow instead of stirring it into a roaring fire. You whisper in his ear how much you love him, how you will always love him, and his arms tighten around you involuntarily. Your fierce eagle. Your valiant protector. Your lover. Your best friend. He would be anything you need him to be if it kept you in his arms, murmuring luminous words of love into his ear that glide over him like warm drops of summer rain.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @aceuuuuu @scorchieart @bubblexly
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genopaint · 2 months
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This should be Week 9 of Daily Dragons! Apologies for the delay on updating this but I've been incredibly busy and stressed due to moving. And while things haven't settled down per say I am no longer on a time limit to move out so hopefully I can have the ball rolling on the daily dragon challenge a little better!
As always you can follow me on twitter where they’re posted daily
And read more info on each of them below the cut
Daily Dragon #56 - Fygar
Another cute, arcade dragon! Fygar was always one I was gonna do eventually, and I didn't have a huge oomph to draw tonight so I figured this was a perfect opportunity for a simple one! Tried to do a new take on it inspired by a few different designs :)
i know ive been posting these all so late into the evening, apologies, im all over the place lately lmao also, am i nuts or didn't there used to be grey fygar? i couldn't find ANY sprites of them so I guess I made it up. Oh well
Daily Dragon #57 - Percipitar
A mollusc-like dragon that swims through rivers and ponds, slurping up water to bulk up its pouches, then turns that water into clouds for fighting and hunting! Their shell is very hard, but the yellow flesh is VERY soft and gooey.
Since the last few were all redraws / fanart, I really wanted to make a brand new one today! Originally this was gonna be a poison mist spewing dragon, but I couldn't decide on a color/effect for the poison. And I eventually thought just regular water and mist powers were a little more interesting because we've already had a few poisonous dragons or dragons that spew stuff that has effects on enemies. Note to self, stop making dragons that produce some kind of toxic or mist???
Just for fun and some background because I have it here, this is the unfinished version of the picture when I was making it poisonous instead. I changed it at the last possible moment lol
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Daily Dragon #58 - Mega Charizard Z
"Its head splits into 3 to become a menacing Hydra. While its brain power is divided in this form, its fire power becomes multiplied!" Not sure what type I'd make it? Maybe Fire/Fairy or Fire/Electric or something idk
Also I already have ideas on how I would maybe tackle this design a little differently so, maybe we'll see Mega Charizard Z 2 in the future
Daily Dragon #59 - Feral Cave Dragon
My brother found some ANCIENT art of mine in an old book tonight, so of course I had to redraw all the characters on it!
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This is, as I'm sure you can tell, an old bookmark! From back when I used to read... Horrifying times! My brother said he found it in a book I was reading around 2011 or so?
Daily Dragon #60 - Dragon Girl Green
This fun little dragon is February's most popular dragon as decided by vote!! That means she gets new art! Soaring through the sky and flying by some migrating birds! Seems like she's having a magical day~
My personal favorite from February? There were a LOT of dragons I actually really liked. But ultimately I'm just really smitten with Percipitar! Been a rough month! March is gonna be rough too but we will get through it! Thank you all so much for your continued support!
That means there's like... 305 days left? 306 cause of leap year??? Roughly 300
In case you're curious about the votes:
Dragon Girl Green - 6 votes Three Frilled Clovradon - 1 vote Percipitar - 2 votes Howl Gravwyrm - 1 vote Shellizard - 2 votes Succubusaur - 1 vote Shelldrogon - 1 vote Dragostein - 1 vote Floofizard - 1 vote Neck Lizard - 1 vote
Daily Dragon #61 - Rawrnosaur
A large, feral dragon with some odd properties. It has chameleon-like eyes, salamander-like skin, gecko-like tail, and a long lizard-like tongue. They're often found in places with more humid climates and eat tons of food constantly!
This is yet another redraw of an INCREDIBLY old monster of mine! This one is even older than the Feral Cave Dragon (which I found out is from 2011-ish) as this would've probably been before I was even in Kindergarten. Crazy stuff!
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The original was found while we were helping my grandma clean her house, which is cute. Some things never change, I've been a reptile fan for life! I'm actually SO happy with how this redesign came out. I might have to go through and color it in later!
Daily Dragon #62 - Mountain Dragon
This dragon lives high on mountain tops, where it makes its lair. It rarely comes down to ground level, only occasionally to find shiny things to add to its horde or when food on the mountain becomes scarce. As such, they're a bit rare.
Been having a stressful week, so I haven't been having a lot of original ideas for dragons. So this is another redraw. This dragon from 2023 was just called "random dragon" in my files. So there wasn't much to work with aha
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chicaseptic · 3 months
IM SO CURIOUS ABOUT THEIR STORY.. SO im guessing carmine is fezendipiti and kieran is pecharunt..? is this an au where they ARE the pokemon or just... like corrupted by them ? idk. and wheres the other two :000
OMG FIRST ASK! YIPPIE! *bursts with happiness* Ok so: The untold story of Pecharunt happens but Fezandipiti uses its last bit of strength and takes Pecharunt to the crystal pool for safety. In there, their wish was to be reborn together. So Fezandipiti is reborn into Carmine and Pecharunt is reborn as Kieran. Up till the Teal Mask events, their lives are normal but the personalities in Teal Mask are nothing but a front. Pecharunt almost forgets about Ogerpon till the story is retold. ('Kieran' feeling a ping of guilt cause he didn't want Ogerpon's human partner to die.) So when Ogerpon and Florian plan to get the masks from the hall, Kieran and Carmine beat them to it(moreso Carmine as he uses his special mist to charm the town), and Kieran gets mad at Carmine for executing the plan too early. Florian and Ogerpon find the two with the masks and confront them. Ogerpon then realizes that 'Kieran' and 'Carmine' are Pecharunt and Fezandipiti. Florian fights them and gets the masks back. Kieran just hums and tells the two to wait for a bit. As a token of apology to Ogerpon, Kieran tells the true tale of Ogerpon but doesn't reveal his and Carmine's true identities to the town. He knows the risks but at this point, Kieran knew too much time has passed and sees no point in stealing the masks anymore....however, what Florian said to Kieran drives the other angry yet he also becomes infatuated with Florian, as his desire to be loved coming back like a storm...he hates just how weak he is in his human form so he goes back to Blueberry Acadamy and becomes champion, just like in canon. He also trains with his Pokemon to be able to use his chains more and more. Over time Fezandipiti gets visually worried so he tries his best to get Pecharunt to stop this nonsense but fails. Pecharunt wants not only to beat Florian but make the human his 'most prized treasure'.Kieran tries to make his moves on Florian at night, as to avoid any suspicious/unwelcome interruptions with a calm demeanor and slight insanity, Florian resists but struggles while doing so. Of course, Pecharunt loses to Florian and just...gives up altogether (Taking the break)but gets called by the director along with Fezandipiti. Since their identities as Pokemon were revealed, the director asks them what will they do. Both just agree to keep living as humans and keep attending the academy. The director is hesitant but seeing as they didn't really break any major rules, allows them to roam the academic grounds. The elite 4 are really scared of Kieran after that but eventually, warm up to him again. (Except for Drayton, their rivalry remains). Kieran just does his own thing and gets jealous when Fezandipiti admits she's in love with Amarys(The steel-type elite 4) and begins to date her. He wishes he could have Florian but knows he's selfish and can't have it all so he just minds his own business.
Still tryna to figure out how the second half of the Indigo Disk(The trip to the deeper part of area Zero with Terapagos)will play out in this AU.
I can't wait to draw/write the story to the best of my abilities and I hope you look forward to it! Some things may change in the future but only time can tell really.
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hiddenobject-fanblog · 2 months
His Soul (Chapter 10)
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Show and Tell
Summary: After saving the abducted collectors, you were trusted with Curioso's box. What seems like a dangerous possession slowly turns into an opportunity to learn more about this creature and his curse. Can you earn his trust, and possibly, his affection?
Pairings: Curioso/Reader, Curioso/The Detective
It took a bit of searching on your end, but you finally tracked down a translator who was able to make any sense of the book. You had reached out to several other people for a week, all of whom sadly informed you that they couldn’t understand it. Still, you remained determined and you were glad your patience finally wore off.
You were sitting in a small office across from a woman who wore a blue suit. Her eyes were wide as she read the book that you left open on her desk. You were still dumbfounded with the news she’d just given to you. 
“You can really read that thing? I haven’t met a single person who could.”
She nodded and leaned back in her seat. “You see, Detective, I used to delve into magic - divination back in my day. This book was written by an enchantress. I recognize the spell that is decrypting it from normal eyes.”
“Huh…” Your mind went back to the time Curioso disabled a concealing spell on that house in your last case. Had he done the same thing to this book to make sure Andrew couldn’t read it? “Are you sure it was an enchantress? Not a…creature of some sorts?”
“Her name is written right here. I can translate this for you, but I’m afraid it will take some time.”
“That’s fine; I’m in no hurry.” You waved your hand. “Just…do you know what it is?”
“Instructions, I think,” She rubbed her chin as she observed the pages. “But what they say and what they are for…I will have to get back to you on that.”
“Great. Just call me on the phone when you make any progress - I’ll pay you in advance.”
She stopped you when you stood from your chair, her eyes lit up in fascination. “I am curious, where did you get this book? I have never seen anything like it.”
“....A friend of mine gave it to me. I’d like to know what it says.” 
“Very well. Expect to hear back from me in a few days…thank you for such an interesting job. I will have fun translating this.”
You stood and dusted off your pants, relieved to have finally found someone for the job. You were antsy to know what this book contained…if she was right, then they could possibly be instructions for Curioso’s box. You desperately needed that, as you couldn’t keep relying on him for its codes and instructions. He lied to you about that before and you were sure he would do it again if it benefited him. 
You handed over some cash and shook her hand, already wishing time would move forward. 
You returned to your office and sat down in your chair. If Curioso sensed that you had the book before, then he must know it was out of your possession now. When you looked up, you found his box lighting up from your shelf. A sign of his presence.
Before he could say a word, you beat him to it. “I don’t have it. Are you happy?”
“Did you destroy it?” 
“No. Just…loaned it to someone. I’ll get it back, but I still don’t know what it is.”
Mist pooled out and you found the projection of his mask greeting you from across the room. He tilted his head. “Who did you give it to?”
“A magician,” You spread your hands out theatrically. 
You thought he might take it as a joke, but that didn’t happen. “You’re smarter than you look, Detective.”
You narrowed your eyes with skepticism. “You still don’t want to tell me what it is? Even if I don’t have it with me anymore?”
“You should have gotten rid of it, that’s all I’m telling you.”
You paused. Something just occurred to you that you should’ve thought about before. “Just a silly question here, but…it’s not going to kill me, right? Or bring a sudden end to the world?”
“Only an end to mine.”
You jumped out of your seat. “It’ll kill you!?”
Curioso laughed really hard. It made you feel ridiculous as you slid back down into your seat. Your face was as red as a tomato for overreacting the way you did. 
“How kind of you to care about me..! But, no. That won’t happen. I’m sorry.” 
You groaned and tried to hide your face. “Believe it or not, I actually WANT you here. Otherwise, I would’ve given you right back to Andrew.” 
“Yes, that’s right. You want me here as part of your things …your collection. Your memories.” 
“No, I-” You were getting flustered over this and you didn’t know why. “I want to get to know you. Isn’t it obvious that’s what I’ve been doing?” 
“You don’t need a book for that. You can ask me all your questions, Detective. I don’t really have anywhere else to go.” 
Your face was still hot and your heart wouldn’t calm down. Something about this conversation was embarrassing you. You grabbed a piece of paper from your drawer and took a deep breath before walking over to Curioso’s box. You held it up and prepared to enter the correct pattern, then you hesitated.
“Do you…want to come out? I mean, if you’re not still mad at me?” Your voice was timid. 
“I always want a breath of fresh air.”
You gave a wryly grin. “You wanna’ watch me do paperwork? Do all the boring detective stuff?” 
“Please. The anticipation is killing me..!”
You chuckled and let him out of the box. The same bright flash ensued and he was standing before you again. You rubbed your eyes as you stumbled back over to your desk. It felt like getting your picture taken with the flash on. You wondered if there could ever be a way to change that. 
“Take a seat anywhere, you can explore my office. Just don’t touch anything.” 
You sat down and grabbed a pencil, preparing to do some work. To your surprise, Curioso didn’t stray very far and instead perched himself on the edge of your desk. He really wasn’t in the way of anything, but his close presence made you nervous. His set of sharp teeth was closer to you than you were comfortable with. 
“There’s another chair right over there,” You pointed across from your desk.
“Ah, but this is annoying you, isn’t it? He grinned. 
“It is, actually. Yeah.” 
“Then I’m not going to move anywhere.”
You began filling out paperwork in spite of his close proximity. You pretended he wasn’t there and you were just doing some work as usual. You were actually able to get a bit done. You paused to stretch your arms and crack your back, suddenly remembering Curioso was right beside you when you accidentally smacked your elbow on him. 
“Whoops - sorry…” 
“I like your name,” He whispered.
You blinked twice before glancing back at the paperwork and found your first and last name signed on the sheet before you. You hadn’t thought he was seriously paying attention to what you were doing. Who in their right mind would willingly watch someone fill out boring papers instead of looking at pictures of your heroic cases? Curioso, apparently. 
“Ah, thank you,” You grew warm again and cleared your throat to change the subject. “So I can ask you questions, right?”
His voice was dramatic. “I guess you can.” 
“Apparently, that book was written by a woman. Do you know who she is?” 
“Her name is in there. I’ll be able to find it soon. Is she someone I should get into contact with?”
“NO!” He exclaimed loudly into your ear. 
You flinched and nearly stumbled out of your chair. He noticed your state and withdrew into himself, moving away from your desk and into the seat across from you. He was deliberately trying not to face you.
“Alright, geez.” You rubbed your ear in pain. “So, she’s nobody I should know, apparently?”
“Detective.” His voice cracked. Your heart broke at the sound. “Don’t dig any deeper than you already are. You’re keeping that book despite my wishes - please listen to me and never find that woman.” 
It felt like you lost all your strength. “Okay…I won’t. I promise.” You waited a second before adding, “Can you at least tell me who she is? Why is she so bad?” 
“Patience is a virtue.” He tapped a robotic finger on the edge of the wood. 
You wanted to groan and throw a fit, but now wasn’t the time. He sounded like he was on the verge of crying. You didn’t know if that was possible or not, but you didn’t care to test it. Your eyes traveled down Curioso and you realized you’d never gotten such a good look at him up close. Observing him for too long hadn’t been your goal back at Andrew Collins’ house. You’d been too preoccupied worrying about him getting into anything to really study him before. 
He wore a blue-and-red jester costume, but it was torn in places and had many holes in its fabric. It was also dirty, like it’d been through hell and back. His top hat was in a similar condition, torn at the ends with its colors dull. When you looked at his hand, you found holes, scrapes, and cuts on his mechanical digits and palms. Even his mask, when he turned to look at you, was damaged and missing pieces of its decoration. 
You never noticed how… rough he looked. Like he was something someone had left outside and forgotten about for years - equally as damaged from the weather as he was from the neglect of his owner. Pity swelled in your throat. 
“Are you alright?” The jester queried. 
“I remember you looking a little different,” You confessed. Something was off about him…he was missing those little hats on top of his big one, and you swore he was more colorful before. “Did something happen?” 
“This is how I’ve always looked.” 
“But..” You leaned forward and squinted your eyes. You probably looked ridiculous doing this. You didn’t care. “Your mask isn’t supposed to look like that, is it? Your hands…they’re all damaged. Did…did something hurt you?”
He promptly moved his limbs out of your view. “Just wear-and-tear. I’ve been around for a long time.” 
“When we were in your box-” You pointed at him, the memories flooding back to you. “You looked perfect. Your mask was glittery, your clothes were bright, everything was fine…what happened?”
“I can bend anything to my will there. Anything I want.” His voice grew quiet. “Even myself.”
“You mean you made yourself look like that?” 
“Do you ever want to relive your glory days?” He threw his head back and grinned widely at you. His teeth still remained pearly white and as sharp as always. The only part of him unchanged and intact. “That’s how I used to look. I’m sure you remember a time when you were young and full of energy…” 
You shook your head and sat back down to give him some space. “Alright. I don’t know anything about your kind. But I’m going to assume that’s normal unless you tell me otherwise.” 
“Completely normal.” He insisted. “If you had to wear the same clothes everyday, you’d look just like me after a while.” 
“I don’t have holes in my face or my hands,” You pointed out. 
Curioso slouched in his seat. He clearly wasn’t happy that you were pressing this as much as you were. “They’re artificial. It’s not me. Not really.” 
“What do you mean..?” Why was it always a guessing game with him? Why couldn’t he explain anything to you? “Curioso, I don’t really understand what you are. Can’t you just tell me?” 
“I wish I could, but even I don’t know what I am.” 
“I still don’t understand…”
“What is there to know? I’m a jester in a box. I like collecting human souls and exposing their dark secrets. That’s all there is.”
“I don't think that’s the case. What were you at the carnival?” 
You could’ve sworn his smile grew smaller. He must’ve thought you’d forgotten about that detail, but you didn’t. He confirmed himself that what Andrew said was true. If you couldn’t find out WHAT he was, then you could at least learn where he came from. 
“I was a jester,” He responded. “Telling jokes, making fun, you name it.” 
That , you could believe. But it felt like he was only telling a half-truth. “Really? With all your powers, you only told jokes?” 
“They were good ones..!” 
“Tell me one.”
“ ‘Why don’t cannibals eat clowns? Because they taste funny !’”
“Yeah, there’s no way you were telling that to kids.”
“Maybe I didn’t perform for kids..?”
Now you are getting concerned. “Curioso-”
“-Honest, Detective! I was an entertainer at the circus. For both adults and kids! They loved my show, I’d been doing it for a long time.”
You went quiet as you tapped your pencil on your desk. You were neglecting your paperwork now, but you were far more invested in learning about your friend. Not many people could say they've held conversations like this one. 
“Did you like it?”
He sounded strained. “Of course.”
“Then why did you come out of your box angry? Why did you threaten Andrew? If you loved what you did, why did you want revenge-”
He did something you did not expect - which was to learn towards you, pinch your cheek in between two white fingers, and pull a little too hard.
“You’re so nosy.” He hissed. “Must you know EVERYTHING?”
“Ow!” You swatted his hand off and rubbed the red spot left on your skin. “You said it yourself - I’m a detective. It’s in my job description.”
“Hmm. And you’re putting together the mystery of my past ?” You swore you saw a small flame flicker in his mask’s eye socket. You blinked twice and it was gone.
“If you’re going to make it this much of a challenge, then I might as well.”
He tittered. “You’re so fun. That’s why I like you.” You blushed at his words and scolded yourself for feeling so flattered. “I suppose I can help you solve it, but…you may find things that you don’t like. Are you okay with that?”
“I found a room full of bodies in my last case.” You shuddered at the image left in your mind. “I’m sure that whatever it is, I can handle it.”
He hummed, looking at you for an awfully long time. Then, he said, “I’ll tell you when I feel that you’re ready.”
You wondered when that was going to be.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
An audience in the sky. We've done weirder things, to be sure.
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Their feet look like shoes. Are they wearing bodysuits or are they just... like that? Are they statue people? I have so many questions.
Do you want to do the talking, Garl? I might just wind up making offensive inquiries if I do it.
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Oh shit, that means they can hear me muttering too. >.< "Boy, these weird-ass bodysuit cloud giants and their confusing architectural choices sure are very normal and fine!"
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There you go, buddy. The Oracles already know it, but we gotta make sure everyone far and wide hears the legends of the greatest Warrior Cook who ever lived. I want people reading your fable and being inspired to master the frying pan long after you're gone.
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...okay, the last time someone singled out one of my friends for an attribute like this, I wound up threatening to drown a fish. I hope we're not about to go down that road again.
Because I'm protective of Serai, but I am very protective of Garl.
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Is this a big request? Gonna be honest, the answer to that question is no. We have no idea what we're asking. We just know that we need to do it so that I can strangle an asshole with his own tendrils.
Please, wise council, assist me in carrying out retaliatory violence against a godlike entity who was, himself, simply taking fair compensation for the incredible amounts of cheating we were doing!
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Does. Does the goddess Luana not count or something? I'm pretty sure I just vouched for him a moment ago and we're all pretty convinced that I'm Luana. I might even actually be, who knows? So.
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MIC. DROP. That's right, we speak with HIS authority!
Resh'an: She does not speak with my authority.
Garl has a full-ass god squad plus whatever Serai is! Truly, there has never been a mortal being in this or any timeline more blessed than he, so clench up your colossus-holes and sit up straight! You are in the presence of greatness.
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Hold up, what?
Huh. We didn't even know the Vespertine was important. I guess we're just.... very prolific looters....
You got any other trials to obtain shit I've already swiped?
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*proudly* We got so pissed off one time that we turned into balls and flew away. We have not been able to do it again, nor do we have any idea how we did it, but we DID and that makes us pretty awesome.
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I'm. Not sure. Why that's an answer to the question but apparently it is. Good job, Serai. Fantastic job of doing whatever it is that you did.
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I'm curious about that myself. Garl, you said you had some idea of a thing you could offer but this was all coming straight out of your visions so... how's this going to work?
And does your Borrowed Time expire once we get the approval, or after we do whatever we have to do to get the approval approval? I need to know if you're going to suddenly drop dead and flip over that railing the second this conversation's done.
(Which, also, by the way: Railings. See, Moraine? Was that so hard?)
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Garl's Elder Mist prophecy did say he would soothe a long-tormented soul. I wrote it off as referring to Malkomud but if it's still in effect, then that's another one he has to complete before he can die.
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Yeah, that one. That's the one.
He also told you to be mindful of your limitations but you still insisted on getting shot for me, you selfless fuck. T-T
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I only about 80% understand what they're talking about (Thanks, Teaks! It was in the Sleeper's fable!) but this is the boldest thing we've ever done. And we've done some bold-ass shit.
I love it. I'm excited to be a part of it. We should probably let the molekin know that we may or may not be about to wreak utter annihilation upon their entire civilization and they do not get a voice in the matter.
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starpirateee · 3 months
The price of magic (2)
@holloweaneweek day 7 - happy ending
This is part two of this prompt here
Warnings: none / read on AO3 here
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Holloway didn't think she'd ever know the feeling of having her memory stripped from her, no matter the capacity. But, as the light from the candle faded out, she took a breath, seeing it hanging in the air in a fine mist. Her eyes closed for a long second, and she felt something she couldn't identify wash over her mind. It felt like relief, like being released from something that had a hold of her.
By the time she opened her eyes again, the only thought remaining about the night that had transpired was why she was standing in an alleyway next to the old newspaper building, staring at a dumpster.
Maybe she’d seen something on her way home…
Whatever it was, it was gone now. She was alone in this alley.
The next morning was a cold yet inviting Friday. Holloway pushed open the door to her diner, ready to open up for the earliest crowd. She was more than used to this routine by now. It had been the same way as long as she could remember; open up shop early, start working on the batch baking before the bigger groups started arriving, and welcome in the early morning crowd.
One of the first people to arrive was a man who pulled up to the parking lot out front in a beaten up old station wagon. With just a glance, she noticed a large cardboard box in his passenger seat, filled with what looked to her like files, neatly packed into manila envelopes and stacked side-by-side until the box was almost full. She watched him intently as he sauntered in through the front door, neatly closing it behind him.
“You must be the famous Miss Retro, huh?” As he made his way towards her, a charming smile worked its way onto his face. He leaned forwards slightly, his elbows resting against the edge of the countertop. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Oh really? Nothing bad, I hope?” She hummed, curious. Regulars to the diner were one thing, getting to know and recognise faces as people weaved in and out of the doors on a daily basis. But to find herself in the company of someone new, that was even more exciting.
“Not usually. They say you make one hell of a pie…”
“You'd have to come back a little later for that one, then you can see for yourself if the rumours are true.”
He nodded, as if he was fully planning on holding her to that. “Depends if you can also make a mean coffee,” he answered, all too teasingly.
It was barely six am. He was the first face she'd seen all day, and it was likely the same the other way around. How could he manage to muster this much social energy at this time? She found it more than a little endearing, how cheerful he seemed.
“I think I can do that for you, sure,” she smiled. “How d’you take it?”
“White, please. Hold the sugar.”
Just like her.
Little coincidences like that brightened her day that little bit more. At least his order would be easy to remember if ever she saw him again. She gestured for him to take a seat as she turned around to make his drink, and he slipped onto one of the closest stools.
“Lotta files in that car of yours,” she remarked, making the more obvious of observations in an attempt to strike up a conversation. “What’s the story? Cop? Detective?”
“International super spy,” he answered smoothly. Alarmed, her gaze darted over her shoulder, and she caught his amused expression for a second before he burst out laughing. “No, nothing that interesting, I'm afraid. I'm a social worker.”
“That's exactly what an international super spy would say, too,” she teased as she turned back to the coffee machine.
“... Is it?”
“Everyone needs an alibi!”
“Shit. Well, there goes my cover… gotta think of something else now!”
She laughed. He really was a charmer, wasn't he? It wasn't very often a guy like him came about, and already she found herself absolutely enraptured by him. There was a tiny voice in the back of her head telling her not to get her hopes up, but at the moment, she could barely hear it.
“Well, here's your coffee, agent,” She neatly slipped the mug across the counter, and his awaiting hand wrapped around it slowly. Clearly, when she’d registered the cold that morning, she hadn’t registered just how cold it was. But, the stranger looked instantly relieved to have something to combat the chill.
“You’re a lifesaver,” he mused, staring into the swirls of colour in the mug. “Looks like that storm hit us faster than we thought it would… You know that means we’re probably gonna be snowed in by tomorrow, right?”
“I know,” Holloway frowned, having caught the back end of the morning weather report. “This place is gonna see a huge drop in the next few days, if it’s as bad as people are saying…”
Duke took a sip from the coffee he was holding onto. It was a relieving warmth that ran all the way down his throat, and made the outside chill seem less of a prevalent force. “You really do make a mean coffee… Is that cinnamon?”
“You seemed like the type for a little something extra, and I’m rarely wrong when it comes down to it.” A charming smile graced her face. Regulars, she had no problem with, but this guy was a complete longshot. But he was easy enough. She’d have to remember that one. Just make a coffee that she would order herself.
“You can just… Tell how someone takes their coffee?” He asked, amused.
“Not usually, but you take your order like I do, so I thought that extra little touch would do you a world of good.”
“Mhm, I think you’ve converted me.” He chuckled. At that moment, the door’s bell tinkled, and he absently glanced back towards the couple that had just walked in. Recognising the woman, he raised a hand in greeting, and watched her give a rather enthusiastic wave in return.
Holloway busied herself with taking the first of the batch bakes out of the oven, replacing them with the next lot, and then heading beyond the counter to take the couple’s orders.
In that time, Duke managed to drain the mug of coffee. He really wished he could stay for longer, but he’d only come in for a quick fix before work, and duty really did call. So, not wanting to leave without another world, he grabbed a napkin and scribbled her a note, then paperclipped a $5 to the back because he didn’t think to look for a tip jar amongst the various things on the counter.
In all honesty, she didn’t hear him leave. The morning rush always seemed to come at once, so she couldn’t discern one instance of the door opening from another. All she knew was that he was there one minute, and then gone when she next turned around. While that was rather disappointing, she noticed the scribbled on napkin out of the corner of her eye, and went to go check it out.
Sorry I had to leave on such short notice, business calls. The agency won’t wait for me forever… I could’ve talked to you all day, but I’m pretty sure someone or other would’ve killed me for that. You seem great, though, and I’d love to talk to you again sometime, maybe over the snowstorm?
Think about it, maybe?
The smooth bastard had even left his number. Holloway chuckled to herself and carefully folded the napkin into her pocket.
Somewhere in places unknowable, an old entity watched on from the cosmos. She was doing really well on no memory of who she used to be. Already, she’d met that man, and already they were hitting it off like they’d never forgotten each other.
It was infuriating. She was absolutely thriving. And he hated to admit that she was right about not needing her magic…
Just like Douglas predicted, the snowstorm only worsened. People started coming in brushing flakes off their jackets and out of their hair. The sky was completely white, and every time she looked out of the window, the blanket of snow seemed to grow larger and larger against the wall.
She closed early, and thanked the powers above that she’d driven to work that day. By the time she made it home, cold and miserable, she had only one thing on her mind.
She unfolded the napkin and picked up the phone. It rang for a while, and she tapped her fingers against the wall as she waited. Just at the moment she thought she wasn’t going to get an answer, there was a click on the other side of the line.
“Uh- yeah, hello? Hold on, Holly, I won’t be long…”
She briefly wondered who Holly was, but then immediately decided not to dwell on it, however curious it made her. “Hey, is this… Douglas?”
“Douglas, huh? Sure, who’s askin’?” Before she could think to give an answer that would make sense to him, he seemed to click to something. “Wait, wait, I know who this is! Miss Retro, right? From this morning?”
“How did you guess?”
“Nobody actually calls me just Douglas. Everyone who phones in either gives my full name, Mr Keane, or… Duke. I left Douglas as a kinda calling card, so I’d know when you called.”
“Smart. So it’s… Duke, then?”
“Douglas feels weirdly formal now, y’know?” He chuckled, and she heard him take a seat. “I’m just Duke. That’s more than fine. What about you, huh? I walked out without getting your name…”
The way his voice sounded reminded her of someone she swore she used to know, but she couldn’t place it for the life of her. He was at once familiar and unknowable, and the only annoying part was that she couldn’t place where she’d heard a voice like his before. “Holloway. Marisa Holloway.” She’d never felt so nervous about giving her name before, and she didn’t even know why she felt like that. It was just a name!
“... Beautiful,” he muttered all the same, which did a little to relieve those weird nerves she was feeling over absolutely nothing. “Well, Marisa, how’s business looking? You must be pretty bored if you’re calling me before you close…”
“”I closed early,” she admitted, twirling the phone cord around her finger. “Otherwise, I’m about convinced that I would’ve never gotten out.”
Duke did have a brief moment where he stopped to question why she’d rang him from a landline if she was at home. Was this the number he was going to save for her? He supposed it would be a good idea, after all, she’d rang him, and if she’d wanted him to have another number- or a mobile- then she’d have called him from that, surely. “Probably for the best. They’re laying us off tomorrow, this thing shows no sign of stopping.” He sighed. “And, to think, we were in for a good run.”
The next day was exactly the same thing. Holloway managed to keep herself busy, but for most of the day, her mind was set on Douglas- on Duke. She didn’t know an awful lot about him, but that made him all the more fascinating. She planned on making it her mission to know as much about him as possible, and she had his number now too, so that was a mission that she chose to accept gladly.
By the time the storm died down, she'd figured out that he was the kind of person that she could find a real friend in, and had satiated her curiosity for long enough to finally ask about Holly. An ageing ginger cat was not on the list of things she expected, but she was rather pleasantly surprised to hear it.
The next time the two of them reconvened was the other side of the weekend, the Monday immediately after the storm. Duke trudged in through the diner door, kicking the remainder of the sludge off his boots. It wasn't as early as it had been last time, and the place was already half full of awaiting patrons. He found a spot on the barstools, and the moment she noticed him, she made her way over.
“Heya, Duke.” She smiled, lifting the hand that wasn't occupied in greeting.
“Hiya, Marisa!”
People called her by her name all the time. But, for some reason, when Duke did it, she felt her heart swell with delight.
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thedarknesssings · 3 months
Dinner and Debt
Character: Ghost, pair of guards. Content Warning: Murder, thievery.
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Keep your eye on me.
A hand slides down the wood of a door, a simple interruption in the planned path to a desired destination. A few days of watching led him here, prepared to claim what he’s already decided is his. Silver eyes glimmer a hiccup before his figure melts toward the floor.
Keep your breath slow.
A fog seeps, a flowing river of dreaded mist beneath the cracks. No one ever wards for the air, for the mist. Everyone breathes and the motion inside the flat speaks loudly to the fog infiltrating the space. Every breath, every motion, quivers the slowly thickening mist. A cough, a shake of their heads. Curious, what is this? What’s going on? Is there a window open?
Keep your wits about you.
They never do. The tug at their souls elicits immediate fear, a dance of panic tapped out by the wayward feet of the men meant to guard. The mist’s little glacial fingers pluck at the roots of their being, unfasten mind from matter. The perfect assassin is one never seen, one the victim can barely wrap their minds around. Life is such a precious commodity. The mist sighs and a body thumps against the floor.
Keep taking me on.
Arms flail against the grey mist. The catch in the remaining guard’s throat accompany widening eyes. He stills in that space where the mind catches up with the inevitable. A wraith-like face ghosts across the mist hovering before the guard’s eyes. His scream locks up his throat, breath burning for release from his lungs. -No.- Silence permeates the room.
Keep taking me down.
Just two. The mist drifts through every ilm of the flat, stroking over each item it finds, seeking signs of life, of thought. Minds to touch, and yet all the Phantom Fog finds now is the quiet aether inherent in items blessed with intricate spell work. The pair of faces newly caught in the mist’s web open mouths on silent screams. Their features contort with the agony of death, of regret for what they left behind. One last view of what they gave their lives for and the fog swallows them whole.
Keep your words in my mouth.
If an eye follows him now, they find the fog coalescing in a single space. The mist spirals upward, forming the thief’s figure and thickens out. Solid is a curious state, close enough that most never notice he’s not. One hand curls around the hilt of a long sword, drawing it from its resting place. The other hand gestures, the empty corpses bursting into flames, a combustion centralized and heated to the point ash is all that remains in short order.
I am at the end of the world.
The ash swirls into the fog in his wake, a strange cloak that follows his silent footsteps through the flat. Glowing silver eyes scan the place, taking note of what else lies here. He was asked for only the one item, so no other becomes disturbed. No trace remains of his presence by the time he slips beneath the door. Not even the remains of the guards placed to prevent thieves like him.
And the last thing you will know.
There’s a reason The Phantom works alone.
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blxckbutterfli · 2 years
Xiao: We Can Eat It
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I am literally begging tumblr to let this show up in the tags. Tysm to @kiamei2010 for the help, let's hope it actually works this time.
—Characters. Xiao, gn!reader
—Contains. Fluff
—Note. I watched a simplynailogical video
A few bubbles formed and popped on top of the thick syrup over the kitchen stove, the sweet smell of maple wafting throughout the kitchen, and maybe to the reception too. You hoped Verr won’t mind the smell. Thankfully, the inn was less crowded than usual–while it might’ve been a little money lost from the boss–this means that Xiao could freely roam around the inn and you won’t have to sneak past the many guests.
Black mist formed behind you then out came Xiao holding a tray of snow that you asked for earlier. You giggle when you saw him, remembering how he grumbled when you first asked for him to do something before teleporting away with a barely audible “fine.” Yet he still did the job perfectly–a tray of perfectly clean snow leveled into an even layer without any bumps.
Seeing white particles on his hair, you reached your hand over to gently dust it off. Xiao gave you a curious look to which you responded, “you had snow on your hair”, with a smile. And like always, he grumbled and walked away, but not before you could see the light pink dust on his ears.
What a meanie, you thought as you lovingly gazed at his back, if you didn’t know better, you’d thought he hated your guts. Even with his reserved personality, he was still so polite to everyone else but always mean to you. Actually, you did think that once, but it wasn’t until Verr Goldet gave you hints about his past that you understood.
He was scared of hurting you if he stayed around too much.
Of course, after learning that, you dragged him on many more adventures whether you had to force him to or not… Which most of the time you had to. And him gathering snow was only one of the many things you asked–or rather begged– him to do over the course of your friendship.
But then that made you wonder, why does he treat that blonde traveler politely? Verr assured you he wasn’t playing favorites but it still stung a little. Oh well, you brushed the bad thought away, back to work.
“What are you making?” Xiao silently appeared behind you, peering over the look at the now boiling maple syrup. As if you never felt any sadness earlier, you heartily grinned as you recalled the fond memory of your childhood.
“Candy,” you answered, “back in my hometown, our winter carnival would sell this every year! I swear if I didn’t have my parents to stop me from eating this taffy, I would have rotten teeth by now.”
A concerned look appeared on Xiao’s face for a second before it disappeared as quickly as it came. It was another pointless human tradition, one that serves nothing but entertainment in a mortal’s short lifespan. But at least here, you can enjoy it together alone.
You poured the hot syrup over the snow in straight lines, and after waiting for a few seconds, you took a popsicle stick and rolled the syrup–now cooled down into a sticky taffy–onto the stick. “Tada! Adanac’s super-special-one-of-a-kind sticky maple syrup taffy with bits of snow stuck to it for some extra texture!”
Xiao did not understand half of what you just said.
Nonetheless, you shoved the stick into his hand, a determined look in your eyes seeking for his approval of your… ‘super-special-one-of-a-kind’ taffy. With a sigh, he brought it to his lips and took a bite. “See? See? It’s good isn’t it?” you egged him on.
“It’s not bad,” he said with a hum, to which you cheered, a hearty laugh, and a small jump at his approval of the candy. To tell the truth, it was nothing special, its taste nowhere near the deliciousness of almond tofu, and the sticky texture that stuck to his teeth slightly irritated him. But to see you this happy was enough.
You humans already lived such a short lifespan, he didn’t want to waste time making you miserable. You were like a little lantern lighting up a small portion of his dark night, and though it may not be significant in the long run, he hoped he could protect it as long as possible.
Xiao could only hope that you could stay with him just a little longer before his karma caught onto you too.
“It’s such a waste though,” he interrupted your cheering.
“Huh? Are you calling the candy that I made with so much love and care a waste?!” You pouted.
“No, we can’t just leave the snow, it’ll be a waste of food.’ After saying that, Xiao grabbed a fistful of snow and shoved it into his mouth.
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Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated ♡
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