#not once did she say she doesn’t want robin to have gf just so the focus can be on steve and steve only
keery · 1 year
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let her speak!!!
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thestobingirlie · 7 months
Hey ! I saw your post about stop in codependency and I am dying to know what are ur hcs on them bc I love disgustingly codependent stoning but they’re barely even best friends in some fics 😭 like give me them having no boundaries w each other please
(assuming you meant stobin lmao)
stobin bestfriendisms:
they spend so much time together that they’ve actually just started to know what the other is thinking. they “jinx!!” about a hundred times a day.
if they see a weird mole, or they’re concerned about a lump, they go to each other. it doesn’t actually help, because they both just stress each other out (especially robin. she could literally induce medical fears in anyone lmao), and they normally have to end up going to erica. she knows nothing about anything medical, but she is willing to slap them in the face and tell them to calm down.
they’ve peed in front of each other. steve once had to help robin hold her dress up because they were on a hike in the middle of nowhere. (why was robin wearing a dress? she was going through a femme phase and trying to attract this really hot dyke that loved hiking. they ended up dating, even after the pee thing)
steve once spat in his bosses face trying to get fired after robin had been fired for accidentally putting hazelnut syrup in some girls coffee (she was dangerously allergic)(he didn’t quit because he didn’t want robin to feel bad that she had been the only one to get fired)
steve lived in robin’s dorm room for about four months before anyone noticed. when they told robin steve couldn’t stay in her room, stobin found a flat to rent, and robin did not stay in her dorm room for the rest of the year.
the buckley’s have called steve the son they never had but always wanted <3
mrs h is a weird boy mom, and usually in competition with robin, until steve gets a gf they both don’t like. and then they’re allies. so yeah, robin isn’t like a daughter to the harrington’s <\3 mr. h still calls her pigeon sometimes. he says it’s an accident.
robin does tag along to one of steve’s honeymoons. and the marriage gets annulled within about a month lmao. stobin are both shocked.
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shysneeze · 2 years
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robin buckley (dating) headcanons:
warnings: swearing, fluff, mention of nightmares, kissing, cheesy romantic bs
(ik i’ve done a lot of these, but this one is a general thing of all the little things i think dating rob would include)
robin buckley is a needy gf i stg
always holding your hand: running her thumb over your knuckles at home whilst she talks, hands hidden in her pocket around town, linked pinkies in the break room at work
kissing all of her freckles on lazy sunday mornings???? oh my god
she likes to listen to music when you’re making out but god forbid a record finishes whilst you’re kissing, she will get up to flip or change it: she doesn’t like silence
“i know, but if i don’t flip it, we’ll miss the chain, which is arguably one of the best make out songs on the album-“
nothing stresses her like labels on clothes, you always cut them off for her and make sure they’re aren’t any loose threads to irritate her
she finds it really endearing that you know her well enough to do it for her
robin is the mostly little spoon because i say so
her favourite way to cuddle though is sitting on the sofa, head against your chest, lying between im your legs whilst you play with her hair
talks a lot when you’re trying to sleep, she remembers all the little things she was meant to tell you but forgot, and it all tumbles out at once
“did i tell you about the biker who rented cinderella today?”
“oh my god, i saw this little frog today-“
“i think steve likes eddie because-“
it’s a good thing you love her because that would drive anyone else insane, but it’s nice to listen to robin talk
steve drive you around for your dates
(accidentally elbowed the horn the when robin kissed you on the porch during your first date because he was so proud of her)
he loves teasing the pair of you at work, especially how you manage to make robin blush everyday
robin once tries to make you a romantic meal and burns her finger tips - only stops being embarrassed about it when you kiss each red finger individually and tell her you love her
it’s the first time either of you have said it and she nearly melts - you both spend so long kissing that you forget about the food entirely until all the smoke alarms are going off
( you order take away )
calling robin “bub” because i want to
and ‘love’
stealing her socks everytime you’re over until she starts to run out only to find out you’re hoarding them all at a drawer at your place
“they’re comfy and colourful”
“i totally understand that, babe, i bought them for a reason after all.”
(she buys you some the next day - it solves the problem for at most a week)
holy fuck, her talking to you in different languages - i need it
she tries to teach you some french but you get too distracted and flustered, and she never stops teasing you for it
i mean just staring at her lips as she talks distracted, i’d be mesmerised
she feels the need to pick up every cool looking rock she finds (mood) and gifts it to you
and obviously you keep them, dotted across your dresser in your room
you pick her flowers and she presses them in her textbooks (because their the heaviest books she owns) before taping them carefully on the back of polaroids of the pair of you
that one was very specific but i would simply pass away if any did that for me
holding her through nightmares, stroking her hair and whispering reassurance in her ears.
“you’re okay, rob,”
“i’m here, you’re safe.”
“i wont let anything hurt you.”
kissing her tears away as you settle back down against the mattress, talking to her about everything and anything until she falls back asleep again
more cheery though: i reckon robin would be super comfy to fall asleep on, like it’s hard to make it through movie night without fall asleep on her shoulder
she loves it too, knows you must trust her to be that comfortable around her
anyway could do a part two but these are the general little things i imagine dating robin would include
taglist: @woahhhfidget @sireeeeee @lovelyy-moonlight @starselle @robinsprker @flourelle @robinbuckleysgfreall @robinbuckleyluvr @lesbiihoenestt @sumobug @milkiane
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rbuckley143 · 1 year
random Robin Buckley winter gf headcanons:
When it’s cold outside she always gives you her jacket
Even if you already have one on
Even even if all she has is a t-shirt under
You can see that she’s about to get frostbite or something but she still refuses to take her jacket back
She says that you need it more than her even if you have 5 layers on already
Since she won’t accept the jacket back you have to keep her freezing body warm somehow right?
Cue you holding her ice cold hands and/or wrapping your hands around her before speed walking towards wherever u guys were going
You don’t want your baby to freeze of course
When you see the biggest smile on her face (despite the violent shivering) as you hold her hand you realize that this might have been her plan all along
When you get home u remind her that she can always just ask to hold your hand
She stutters as she rambles at the speed of light trying to explain that that wasn’t the only reason she did it
You just think she’s so cute <3333
You shut her up with a kiss half way through a ramble about the different kinds of snowfall (how she got to that topic who knows) and she immediately stops and just looks at you with awe and bright red cheeks when you pull away
Even after 10 minutes inside robin is still shaking :(
You wrap her up in all the blankets you have and put her near a heater while you make her hot chocolate
After all that somehow she’s still cold and you ask her what you can do to warm her up
She asks for a kiss
Such a fucking flirt (affectionate)
Of course you eventually comply after slapping her shoulder and with your cheeks burning hot enough to be used as heat packs :,)
Yes she does place her freezing cold hands on your cheeks before kissing you
Extra short reader hcs:
One day you guys are outside and you see that Robin is starting to shiver in her jacket
You told her before you guys left to wear extra layers and a thicker coat because it was going to be really cold
She didn’t listen
Instead of scolding her (which you did later on once you guys were in the warmth of your house) you decide to do what she always does for you and give her your jacket
When you give it to her she somehow turns redder than she already was
Extremely shy and bashful
No one has ever done this for her before
A whole zoo in her stomach
She tries to put her arm in one of the sleeves and realizes
It’s too small :,)
Either it’s halfway up her forearm or she can’t even put her arm in at all
She tries her damn hardest to wear it to no avail
You realize what’s happening and you’re so embarrassed
You tell her to just stop but she keeps on trying because it’s such a sweet jesture and she doesn’t want you to feel bad (but it’s doing the exact opposite)
She eventually gives up but still thanks u profusely
Or she eventually forces her way into it and when u get ur jacket back later there’s either a giant rip somewhere or it’s extremely stretched out
You still love her tho
And you also start wearing more oversized jackets
First post, I hope it’s ok :) these hcs and Robin buckley herself have been living rent free for a long time lol. Hope u enjoyed :D
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sarcasticassian · 2 years
no Upside Down after season 3 or maybe ever or maybe it comes after all this has happened who knows AU where one day Chrissy is sat with Jason and the other popular kids in the cafeteria as always, twirling her food around her plate but not eating it as always, listening but not really joining in the chatter as always and Eddie has just finished his bi weekly tirade from the lunch table and the jocks and some of the cheerleaders and especially Jason are all saying rude, mean and homophobic things about him and the other ‘freaks’ and Chrissy snaps
she tells them they’re being awful, she’s only spoken to Eddie once or twice and he’s been nothing but nice to her and she’s watched him scoop up freshman that were struggling finding friends year after year and yeah maybe he’s a bit intense but a lot of people are, he just likes different things to them, so she stands up, grabs her lunch tray and speeds over to Eddie’s table, aware of all the eyes now on her
(if Steve Harrington can work up the nerve to commit social suicide and come out of it with seemingly a tight knit group of friends, even if some of them seem to be children, why can’t she do the same?) 
she taps Eddie on the shoulder and meekly asks if she can sit with them all and the freshman that had joined him that year all silently shuffle down to make room for her, she recognises Lucas from the basketball team and smiles at him and he gives her a sweet smile back
Eddie stares at her for a moment longer like he can’t believe that Chrissy Cunningham is sat at his lunch table then jumps into action, introducing her to everybody and telling her this isn’t the first time their paths have crossed, for once she eats everything on her lunch tray and doesn’t feel bad about it
later in her maths class Robin Buckley leans over to whisper to her that what she did at lunch today was really cool and Chrissy blushes for some reason but smiles and takes the compliment and they whisper for a while until the teacher tells them both to be quiet
Nancy Wheeler also smiles at her across the corridor as they all shuffle out of school and it catches Chrissy off guard because Nancy doesn’t usually go out of her way to be that nice to anybody, she’s not mean but she sticks to her circle, which just happens to be very small
she avoids Jason like the plague for the rest of the day and the next morning and at lunch she immediately makes a beeline for Eddie’s table again, who welcomes her with open arms, this goes on for about a week and then on Friday Dustin Henderson tells her they’ll be hanging out at the arcade the next day if she wants to come and she’d turned down an invitation to join a Hellfire so she says okay just so he’d smile
(she actually has a really good time and later in the afternoon when Eddie’s band members have ditched and the kids rush across the road ‘to visit Steve’, as in Steve Harrington?, Eddie offers to share a joint and Chrissy goes for it and soon she’s telling Eddie about how she wants to dump Jason and how she’d been avoiding cheer practice because she was afraid the other girls were going to be mean to her now and how does Eddie not care? Chrissy wants to not care!)
anyway Eddie ends up collecting another sheep and a bestie at that, Chrissy helps him pass his class, she dumps Jason, her and Eddie get pulled into the Party and co (for Upside Down things or just regular stuff who cares) and Steve would definitely help Chrissy with the whole being fallen teen royalty thing too and just let Chrissy be happy with her friends and maybe her gf Robin pls
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I just came to a realization lmao (I send you an ask an hour ago about my first few hater asks)
And well all those people have one problem and that's Steve. Like their faves, namely Jancy, they are allowed to hate Steve for what he did in s1. Despite Nancy in the show dating him for a year after that or Jonathan getting his ass saved twice (plus he got an apology and new camera that was probably much better than his old one). But as soon as Steve shows any negative emotions to those two, who without a doubt hurt him he's not allowed to do so. And if you point it out you're automatically anti Jancy or a misogynist. Same with when you make Robin defend Steve, they throw a fit even tho in the show Robin just wants the best for bff. But bc it's Steve they take away this part because how dare anyone say something good about him. It's funny how they insist he's the worst or always bring up Steve's mistakes from s1 when he is the only character out of those 3 who actually grew, owned up his mistakes and became a better person. Meanwhile Jancy is still stuck in their ways and are stagnant, like they still the same people acting the same. They never showed remorse for hurting Steve because they don't give a fuck. Jonathan never made it up to Steve for taking those photos of him, or for sleeping with his gf. And Nancy doesn't think she hurt him with the way she ended things and yet Steve in the show and fandom still loves them and probably has to make it up to Jonathan in s5 because other wise he would be perceived as an ass.
oh it is 100% because they don’t like steve! i made a post about this before but if steve did the things to robin that they want robin to do to steve they would 100% be saying that he should die and that he’s a horrible friend but people will let anything slide that gets done to steve i mean look at how everyone just ignores how nancy knew she wanted to be with jonathan yet is with steve and how everyone reacts to the bullshit scene. if it was steve who said that to nancy then ohhh fucking boy people would actually scream and not think twice about the trauma he’s been through but steve fans are painted as being hysterical or overdramatic for getting emotional about steve hearing that he’s bullshit, that someone he loves sees him as the killer of their bestie despite him not actually being responsible for said death, and etc. i’m 100% sure that people would not defend him or give him the same amount of sympathy that nancy gets.
honestly everything you said in here! honestly i’m dreading the jonathan and steve interactions that we may have in season 5 because once again it’s gonna be someone who doesn’t have any more reason to hate steve yet they’re gonna rehash it and people again are gonna do the ‘well steve was an asshole’ thing again and i genuinely do not think i can take it anymore. steve fans have to hear 24/7 about the supposed asshole he was in high school yet any of the asshole actions that the other teens do get swept under the rug cuz they’re seen as this ‘underdog’ or it’s holier than thou complex. honestly i wouldn’t mind seeing the teens do asshole actions if there wasn’t always this double standard of seeing jancy and other teens as perfect angels meanwhile steve fans get the ‘well you have to acknowledge that he’s an asshole otherwise you don’t like any of the other characters and what i said does for every single person regardless of what they actually post/how they think’ i’m just sooo tired of this double standard shit
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Mike comes out  to El , Mileven breaks up for good, and the future of byler (s4 theory)
*this is based off the stranger things movie inspirations they listed on twitter , in the show, or in interviews/other outside materials. All movies mentioned have been said to be inspo for the show.
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So I’ll be mentioning mostly the movies- sw*ngers, what women want, wet hot american summer and splash (and others). Along with Tootsie -which was shown in s4 bts.
Before I give a rough outline of what may happen. I have to specify I don’t think El will be “heartbroken” over mileven cause I don’t think she loves Mike romantically . I’ve already discussed why i think she doesn’t love him romantically at nauseam - but regardless  mileven brings out the worst in  El and Mike. And literally inhibits her character growth. So as an El fan- I’m super excited for mileven to be put to rest. SORRY.  I’ll trade El & Kali teaming up to get closure from their ab*ser ...over mileven any day of the week XD. 
I think Mileven broke up in s3 (and remained broken up) . But we’ll have more closure and a more official breakup in s4  when Mike visits the byers. (And Mike admits he’s gay to his ex )- before byler officially begins. Essentially, I think- Mileven broke up, but El still calls constantly .And Mike starts ignoring her calls so El demands an explanation and he admits to her he’s gay and doesn’t want to get back together. 
So first lets talk about Phone calls 
I think based off the movies and s3 we’ll see El call quite a bit in s4 (almost obsessively) . And Mike has had enough. In s3, he said he’ll call so often -she’ll have to turn her walkie off . But I believe it’ll be the opposite-with El calling so much he’ll turn it off.
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We see foreshadowing for this in s3 when Mike hangs up the phone after saying “El ? no, sorry, not interested.” Or when he hangs up on her multiple other times that season ( he even technically hung up the walkie on her in s2 , as well ). But, in defense of El,  given her lack of socialization (and seeing mike call her constantly between s1-2 I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought this was the norm).
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-In splash there’s a scene similar to s3 - a blond relative picks up another phone to eavesdrop on him talking to his gf. He yells at the blonde relative and when the gf asks if he loves her -he tries to dodge the question. But they break up and he admits to his relative he never loved her. Maybe confessing to Karen?
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* This reminds me of that supposed rumor with El saying “I love you” and Mike not into El just saying “I know” in return.Or Mike in s3 saying quickly “i miss you-bye.” And immediately hanging up on her.
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-some other aspects of the s3 breakup may be taken from  “pineapple express .Which had comedic breakups via phone  . When broken-up he says  “I love you “ and she says it back to him (like mileven). He IMMEDIATELY  says he takes it back and  “I made a mistake” (when he sees she took him seriously). And then he specifies that’s it’s because she’s must be too “  naive and immature” to willing to take him back after how horrible of a bf he was to her in the past. Which yeah -fits mileven: they said the ‘L word’ when broken up, Mike did immediately try to take it back , and he may have realized at the s3 finalie how naive el was -to still want him back despite him not being a good bf to her. In ‘p.i’ the girl’s mom even says  maybe it’s best she find someone new who actually appreciated her or ‘better yet just be single’ and hang out with her gal pals (lol if joyce gave this advice to El-that’d be great)!  El doesn’t need romance to be her own-happy person! Also in ‘p.i’ Dale + his male bff are always assumed to be gay for eachother as a running gag .So ... I’ll technically throw that as another byler hint- lol.
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-In sw*ngers Michael (yes that’s his name) who is made fun of for being perceived as gay gets a call from his ex gf of 6 months). And he hangs up on her to talk to his other love interest who asks if he wants to see her. Michael (specifically hangs up on his ex as she says “I lo-” to talk to this new love interest. He later brags to his friend (at a dinner) about not calling her back (despite her wanting to get back together) and he says proudly she was “always his ex”- when his friend incorrectly calls her his “gf” . 
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  -While in ‘what women want’- an ex gf goes to him cause he didn’t answer her calls. In ‘tootsie’ the gf does the same and is pissed that her bf Michael (yes, yet another michael) didn’t answer her calls for a week. And he LIES saying his answering machine was broken. Would not be surprised if mike made up such an excuse.
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Similar to ‘tootise’  & in ‘what women want’-both gals who’s phone calls were ignored ask if their bf (in mileven’s case -ex bf ) is gay. And in ‘swingers’ someone makes fun of mike for being gay. too  Lol-i’m sorry 2 movies where a guy named Mike is called out for being gay /and 2 movies where a gf who’s phone calls are ignored asks is they’re bf is gay is suspish XD
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In ‘tootsie’.  We also have movie-mike give her a present before she asks if he’s gay /they breakup -it echos what previously happened in s3. 
- Michael (from the film) despite not want to be with her anymore (and loving someone else) tries giving her a gift to patch things up - despite his lying/ignoring her. The gift /empty gesture annoys her. Which is similar to st- mike not apologizing for lying- but trying to give El a gift to make up with her (but he doesn’t even do as much as film-Mike).
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Right after this is when she asks if he’s gay (aka so for mileven we have the gift scene for s3  & El asking if he’s gay in s4-which were both borrowed from ‘tootsie’).
In ‘tootsie’, she finds romantic letters Michael has from another guy and this causes her to ask him if he’s gay .(20+ movies have romantic letters). In ‘littlewomen’ the artist gal and her future husband (who used to have a crush on the painter’s sis) exchange letters.And in ‘wet hot american summer’- a guy ditched his friends to write a letter (and his friends make a gay joke about him because of his letter writing-not knowing he’s actually gay.  
In ‘what women want’ when confronted- he admits he’s gay to his ex gf. In ‘tootsie’ she asks if he’s gay and he avoids the question but after she demands that he be “truthful for once in your life”. And, we all know how Mike constantly “lied” to EL .michael finally says he’ll stop lying to her and admits he’s in love with someone else. 
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And she says in turn she’s not angry he doesn’t love her but that he lied (and similar to s2 where Mike calls Hopper a “liar”. The ex gf calls movie-mike a “liar” over and over). In fact they use the identical phrase of “you liar. you liar.”
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Not to mention- she does sound like El.  She says she’s more upset about the lying than the fact movie-mike doesn’t love her. 
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But I do think they eventually get closure and El realizes she doesn’t love Mike (romantically either) before her real character/story arc begins. 
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movies: twister & you got mail
I’m so ready for the El & Kali teamup in s4. It’s like s2 (we get El & Kali pursuing Brenner + byler moments).
But what happens before Mike says this?I assume before this -mike & Will may confide in others about their feelings. And Mike/Will may be bullied for being perceived as gay .
 -In “welcome to the dollhouse” a boy is bullied for being seen as gay in school & at an arcade- and a character who is made fun for being a lesbian defends him at school/the arcade (so maybe robin?)Since Robin works next to the arcade/is gay.  Similarly, Fin’s character (at an arcade) is bullied and called a “fairy” and f*g” in ‘It 2′. And movie-Mike is made fun of for being perceived as gay in ‘sw*ngers’. Along with the guy (who was gay) being called homophobic names for writing letters (in wet hot american summer).We also know hawkins will most likely have a ‘satanic panic’ over d&d, rock music, and other things- which was historically rooted in christian fundamentalism.In ‘Kingsmen’ the churchgoers pretty much go on a rant being hom*phobic, r*cist, anti-science, anti-athe*st, anti-other religions, and anti-democrat and equate all of these groups of people to the endtimes/the anti christ. So one guy just snaps and says he’s gay, loves science , etc and says after “so... hail satan .And have a lovely day.”And storms out.  lol not sure about all that -but it’d be hilarious XD. Trigger warning for hom*phobic sl*rs.
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-Proof For Will was : In ‘heathers’ the jocks make fun of the new guy in the cafeteria- by asking him if he misses his boyfriend  and call him the f-sl*r .in ‘superbad’ the guy who draws is called hom*phobic sl*rs and in ‘wedding crashers’ someone calls the male-painter character a “homo”. In “hackers” the (computer-nerd) who just moved to town is asked by his single mom if he “likes girls”.etc
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 Also, in “The guest” a computer-nerd in highschool is bullied for being perceived as gay (and he’s given really bad advice about how to deal with it by a lonnie-esque character who is visiting his house/family for a while).  The advice is also similar to the advice given in the st comic (from Troy’s dad).
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Honestly just the fire ref makes me nervous. The computer-boy eventually snaps (after never standing up for himself) and beats up his homophobic bullies.
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*whenever Lonnie comes back - I assume we’ll see he’s a bad influence on Will pretty quickly
In ‘the guest’ they also made a joke that the clearly older guest must be the gay highschoolers’ boyfriend (which is not the case).
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While In ‘stoker’ ,the highschool painter eventually loses it after dealing with constant harrassment- and stabs the bully’s hand (to block a punch coming their way) after the bully made an inc*st joke about the painter & the family guest.  So a joke like that could certainly cause Will to finally snap (as opposed to the other gay jokes they used earlier). In ‘dukes of hazzard’ a guy also snapped and got into a fight over a inc*st joke (and in ‘girl interrupted” they make a similar messed up inc*st joke).
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 Given my theory on Will’s trauma with his dad (which he doesn’t remember)-I would not be surprised even on a subconscious level such a comment finally gets him to snap -maybe accidentally unleash his powers for the first time?Lonnie could say something about how Will should light his bullies on fire, they make a triggering joke about Lonnie &himself... and Will the wise does have fire powers after all. In the film ‘firestarter’ the kid who couldn’t control their fire abilities also lights a bully on fire accidentally so... maybe? In ‘skyhigh’ Will’s superpowers aren’t revealed until he accidentally unleashes them on a bully in the lunchroom. And 1 character in that scene says “don’t talk about my dad” before using his fire powers. Also... it’s not on the inspo list technically but the Duffers are known avengers/xmen fans.So Will could be based on scarlet witch’s son William (code name Wiccan) - he’s gay ,has lightning&fire powers and can alter reality. He’s been possessed In the past by the ‘demiurge’ - even spit up a slug too. He opens a portal to his world allowing the inter dimensional monster “mama” out (cough demogorgans are called “deep father”.)  And he’s constantly bullied for being gay- and the 1 time he finally decides to stand up to his h*mophobic bullies- is the day his powers activate for the first time and almost k*ll the bully. Not super confident in this theory but thought I’d mention it just in case.  Ok- this post is supposed to not be too plot heavy. So back to byler-
*Before Mike visits they may both confide in people about their feelings for the other . in skyhigh (at a dinner similar to the convo in sw*ngers where Mike talks about his ex gf) the bff of Will (yes his name) goes on and on about Will and how she’s known him since the first grade. And someone asks “so you’ve been in love with Will since the 1st grade?” Which she tries denying but quickly admits is true. And her friend says she should confess to Will.
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In fisher king - a women who works at a videostore tries setting up 2 people- a gal-writer and a guy with an alternate personality/ who hallucinates a fearsome mythical creature (obviously Will). When people doubt the idea the girl can love this mentally ill guy  she says “stranger things have been known to happen.” And in “altered states” the guy who would hallucinate flashing to another hell dimension (like Will)- has a wife. And people say “she’s crazy about him and he’s crazy.” When they weren’t together she says to her friend she had to pretend anyone she dated was him and she says “it’s crazy” in response the friend says “i think that’s how it’s supposed to be.” Plus in fisherking one character wrote a book dedicated to his wife (which had the same title as the movie they’re in) . And someone says about this author “ he was crazy about her” as he holds the novel in his hands.
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* The ‘pretending the person you’re dating is someone you’re actually in love with’ was also mentioned in ‘children of paradise’ (reffed by Robin in s3).
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*I’ve also talked about Mike projecting his feelings for Will to El-here.
Will confiding in someone is harder to say. in ‘reality bites’ when asking about why she doesn’t want to be involved in romance a friend asks “because of Michael?” Which she first denies but later admits is part of the reason. 
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 And in ‘hellboy’, (while taking pics) John Myers tells the fire wielding character (with mental health issues) that her bff is in love with her and asks how she feels . The 2 bffs are endgame but at first she tells John that she’s unsure because she’s known him practically her whole life (but she thinks of him everyday). 
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Lol not sure if Jonathan would ever be so straight forward but it’d be nice callback to s1/2 convos they had (Jon saying in s1 to not like things cause you’re supposed to / saying being a “freak” like queer david bowie is cool) .In “twister” & “it’s a wonderful life” a family member also tells a character that their childhood friend that they’re in love with (isn’t into the person they’re currently with). In ‘ wonderful life’ she says they’re “not crazy” about the other person-but them.  And they say they know this cause they “have eyes.” And In “twister” the family member says them visiting them  is proof they love them. 
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*plus Sam who is supposedly crazy about her (also isn’t crazy about marry). Aka El isn’t crazy about Mike- but Will assumes she (along with mike). Cough El saying “what makes you crazy?” in s3.
-While in “hackers’ the kid (with a single mom) who is into computers, and upset they were forced to moved to a new city -is asked by the mom “Do you like girls?” . And he angrily denies and says he’s ‘not gay’ (which could followthrough with what happened in s3- Will not opening up to her about romance, like him telling Joyce he’d never fall in love. so he may lie to her if asked that question? Unlike Jon?
 So it’s possible Will confides in Jonathan (and or Joyce) & maybe Mike to his mom/nancy?/a friend (maybe Robin or Max) (hard to say). My top guesses are Will &Jon. And Mike with Robin (and maybe his mom or sister a bit after Robin?)
Mike visiting the Byers
In ‘Tootsie’, michael (disguised as a woman named dorothy...long story XD) meets up with the person he really loves and gives them a present. The 2 low-key have like a psuedo-gay courting for most of the movie (before they get together). In ‘paddington 2′, the main character even gets multiple jobs to save up for a birthday present for a loved one (another contrast to mileven- who Mike,despite being rich couldn’t even spend $3.50 on.  They did that alot -show contrasts with both ships .So s4 would be no different.And It’s Will’s b-day in s4 after all so Mike getting Will a present makes the most sense. 
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*last pics from ‘scarface’- I have no idea what he’d get Will for his b-day but if it’s engraved with “crazy together” I will lose my mind. Also the parent glaring during this scene-makes me suspect Lonnie . I do suspect Lonnie will sabotage byler-but it may end up being a s5 plotpoint instead of s4? (I guess in s4 it could be El-since el has been known to get very jealous in the past (like with max).
 - In ‘waynes’ world’ the ex gf refused to accept the breakup initially (despite it being months ago).  And she didn’t understand how breakups worked . Which given El’s lack of socialization -  I get her confusion on the concept. Like how in s3 Max had to correct El that Mike was her “ex boyfriend”. In the film, she even tried giving him a present for their ‘anniversary’ (hopefully El doesn’t try to do something like that out of jealousy of the prior gift giving -cause Wayne just says the gift shows how little she knows him). 
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*You have to admit this scenario of Mike having to explain breakups isn’t that far-fetched.
(even when broken up with wayne- she wore a necklace with his name on it. ) Which reminds me of How El had a bunch of Mike related stuff in her room-including things that said “mike” on them.
in waynes’ world: The ex gf would follow her ex and still refer to him as her bf and be a 3rd wheel and interrupt every attempt for wayne to romantically confess to his new love interest (like in ‘dumb and dumber’/’high fidelity ‘).A similar scenario also happens in ‘tootsie’- Michael (as dorothy) almost confesses (on a swing set) but is interrupted by another person interested in him (Mike). Personally, I assume El would just do this unintentionally- assuming Mike wants to be with her and being a bit pushy but probably being oblivious of byler.
Not to mention the Duffers are petty AF and probably got annoyed with all the jokes that Will was a 3rd wheel to mileven- when literally Will wasn’t even around the 2 interacting alone . A 3rd wheel- has a group of 3 consisting of a couple and a third superfluous person. Which never really happened? Plus,we saw the ‘burns’ they did of mileven over the past 3 seasons- it’ll probably get worse.
And again we already know El had no qualms spying on her ex (mileven even dances to ‘every breath you take’  a song about a stalking ex gf).And El also watched the  ‘all my children’ ep with Erica & mike roy. Which in the show after their breakup - had 1 of them refuse to accept the other didn’t love them and want to get back together- and stalk them/ sabotage their exe’s romantic pursuits. Only to eventually accept reality and move on. Although, I think this is mostly un-intentional on El’s part.
In ‘clueless’ she flirted with a gay guy who she thought was straight/in love with her and kept trying to make a move-much to his discomfort . And in ‘birdcage’ the ex gf would hit on her gay ex bf- and his male partner catches the 2 and misinterprets it as not one sided ). That scenario happens in quite a few movies. I could see Will (before byler happens/mike tells el the truth ) misinterpreting and assuming mike and El are still romantically connected or will get back together .
New Swings scene (almost confession)/possible swing-flashback 
Ok back to (tootsie) .In the film,Michael’s love interest was raised by an older sibling- and he even tries to confess to her when they’re on a bench swing together . Not even the only movie with a gay gal character + gal bestfriend swinging on a bench together (’silkwood’ ). In ‘enter the void’ there was also a flashback of a little kid asking the other “do you love me?”/ and him saying “a lot” .  
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* it’s like a subversion of what happened in s3 at the hospital. Also like the Wayne’s world scene of the ex gf interrupting...
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But i don’t think El will be the only one trying to get mileven back together. But Will as well.In ‘Emma’ & ‘clueless ‘ :character A assumes her guy friend is into their mutual friend and tries to get them together (despite him being into character A only). I could see Will misinterpreting mileven and trying to be a good friend and get them back together (despite his own feelings). In ‘emma’ and ‘clueless’ (before they fight) there’s is a party/dance (it’s in a lot of movies).It’s possible mike, Will, and El go somewhere to dance - a lot of films have the 2 people in love-dance with others -but stare at eachother the entire time.In ‘clueless’ 2 gay guys and cher (who is flirting with one of the gay guys) all dance together. In karate kid, referenced by Max to El. Has a guy kiss his ex without her permission (on the dance floor)- and the karate kid sees the girl he likes being kissed by her ex and misinterprets the scenario (assuming they’re back together). I suppose the fact they changed the s2 script where Will was watching Mike dance with El may come back up in a later season? Could also be a callback to when Mike looked mopey at Will dancing with a girl (after encouraging him to dance with her).  Will could do the same (as mike in s2). Or they both stare at eachother while dancing with other people. or it’s just a concept they scrapped- it’s hard to say.
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*movie list (truman show,16 candles,step up 2,karate kid, backdraft 2 & stormship troopers)
Confession & fall out
In ‘emma’ & ‘clueless’: character A (after the dance party) goes with the guy home and he tries kissing her . She dodges it confused saying he’s mistaking her for her friend! And he explains he was never romantically interested in her friend. In ‘emma’ he even bought her a super expensive gift before hand and she still assumed he was into her friend not her. And he even specifies in Emma- the reason he came to visit her house was for her (not her friend). A similar scenario happens in ‘weird science’ and he says she just thought of the gal he used to be infatuated with  as a “sister” (and we all know the sibling parallels in mileven). And in ‘little women’- the artist gal dodges a kiss and says to her love interest “I won’t be courted with someone in love with my sister.” And he explains exasperated he doesn’t love her sister- despite constantly trying to be with her sister previously.
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 In ‘tootsie’, what caused Mike (dressed as Dorothy) to try and kiss her was-  the other gal saying she feel like she wants something she can’t have and because of that -their friendship makes her feel lonely (it’s very queer coded dialogue). She dodged mike/dorothy’s kiss but then says she has the same (gay) “impulses” as Dorothy but that she’s not mentally sound enough to be in a relationship.  A thought that may cross Will’s mind.
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But, before they can talk about the almost kiss-her dad calls via phone and interrupts. (They eventually do get together though). But she tells Mike/Dorothy she ‘can’t love’ her,before this. 
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*may not come across in photos-but she’s crying when sayin this.
Also, a fight about “what they are-friends/or romantic” before a phone call interrupts ( happens in ‘it’s a wonderful life’ and ‘the fisher king’ too.) Those pairings were also both endgame. In wonderful life the artist gal yells why he even came to visit her . And he implies she knows why (aka his romantic feelings) .There’s a similar convo in ‘fisher king’  (asking why they’re there) + 1 of them saying it’s “bullshit” and “stupid” to pretend they’re ‘just friends’. (We all know the context of the phrases “bullshit’ and “stupid” by now). Even Han implies Leia wants him to stay cause he has feelings for him-which she denies . Thus, irritating him.
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*(I’ve already mentioned before how in s1 byler was paralleled to a gay Han/leia while mileven was directly paralleled to luke/leia-mentioned this in the ‘mileven burn’ hyperlink).
All 3 movies have eventual couples arguing cause 1 character (mike) is saying he’s done pretending to be just friends and he came to visit (Will) for that reason. And he knows Will returns those romantic feelings- but Will refuses to stop the charade and admit his true feelings.
In ‘good Will hunting” a similar event happens. Will (yes that’s his name) is poor and has severe trust /psych issues caused by his ab*sive dad.  And he has “abandonment issues” so sabotages his romantic relationships before they can even begin. When the brunette admits her feelings for him he dismisses it as a phase/confusion on her part. She in response says she knows he finds the idea she doesn’t love him ‘scary’ (and she’s scared too but at least she’s trying and being honest about her feelings). She also says she wants to “help him” with his issues -but this just angers him more. Cause he doesn’t liked being pitied/treated like he’s broken . She says she wants to help because she loves him- not pity. But he doesn’t believe her romantic confession. And every time she says she loves him he yells “Don’t BULLSHIT ME”! So when she yells “say you don’t love me?” He says he doesn’t love her- which the audience knows is a lie. But she’s left a sobbing mess alone on the floor.
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Which yikes- I feel like even if you don’t understand the obvious reasons  Mike used El as a beard + lied saying he loved her. You’ll feel bad at the possibility of how badly it blows up in his face. Will not believing his confession/thinking Mike loves El or scared he’ll change his mind -so Will (for that + a myriad of other reasons)just rejects Mike COLD. Similar to clueless & Emma & empire strikes back.
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I’m not that surprised since Will claimed he’d never fall in love (so when he does - he may just deny it). Like the therapist said in ‘good will hunting’ he’s afraid it’ll go wrong so never even tries to begin a romance.  I hypothesize a lot of stuff happens after this, that makes getting closure on their relationship in s4 difficult. 
So essentially to summarize a rough idea of what may happen: mileven stayed broken up. Mike and Will probably exchange letters between seasons. And El and Mike call eachother- but the excess of calls becomes too much. Mike and Will  are probably bullied for being perceived as gay- and before meeting up they may or may not confide in someone (about their mutual feelings). Mike visits for Will’s b-day/spring break and gives Will a present. El (because she sees Mike as a source of comfort) tries getting back together with him and becomes pushy and a 3rd wheel. While Will even helps El- thinking he’s being a good friend to Mike (by trying to get them back together). Mike eventually comes clean and come to an understanding and El goes on her plot/character driven arc of trying to find Brenner with Kali.  Mike eventually confesses to Will but Will for a myriad of reasons lies about loving Mike- and rejects him. And that’s all the (non supernatural) plot stuff I wan’t to talk about now...
Sorry, if this post was just hard to understand. I wouldn’t call this a ‘theory’ per say ( I usually feel more confident in those). This is more like a rough idea given what we have available to analyze so far.
Personally - I hated the mileven/couple breakup drama in s3. So as long as it doesn’t last long and most breakups like say-lumax and jancy happen early in the season... and don’t drag the actual supernatural plot/character developement . I’ll be fine.
 Contrary to popular belief- I’m a byler shipper who’s most excited for the actual plot. I’m a bit more confident in my plot theories than the exact details in this post . But I thought I’d share XD. I’ll eventually do a whole s4/5 theory- post which will focus on other characters/supernatural plot points.(but i may rewatch some movies first) . I’ll probably also do a byler post too with s5 predictions (which connects more heavily to important plot points spanning across s4-5). 
Happy belated new year :)
I expect so much hate from this XD
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captainwholecake · 4 years
Could we please get some relationship headcanons for Nami, Robin and Vivi?
A/n: so, this similar to my first request ever on this blog ever which was for nami and robin which is linked here, but since you said just relationship hcs I’ll still do them and vivi
warning: none, gender netural as I didn’t even mention gender once, and vivi might be ooc idk
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She gives will spoil you or wants you to spoiler her vibes
Doesn’t give you those pay off debts of smth like “2,000 berries” like the others
I feel like she would love it in you took an interest in the how navigating the sea thing
You not together yet but she hears that you have an interest in navigating? Bam, she’s into you in some way
Listen this might sound weird but Nami gives me vibes that she always wants to make sure you eaten bc you know
She’ll care about you a lot okay
I can see her being into forehead kisses or kissing the tip of each other noses because the soft and heart warming intimacy behind it for you two
Nami is peak gf material tell me otherwise
10/10 would recommend
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Nico Robin
Okay, Robin is peak wifey material
Why shes robin and she would also care about you lot
Let her geek out over archeological please
Book dates where you two just sit around and read books
Robin would be so soft for you probably like how she see at chopper
Most likely can’t say no to you when you want to get something from an island you guys docked at
Yall would be a really soft couple tbh
She would be a good cuddling and idk why
1000/10 would recommend I say as a horny fan-
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Nefertari Vivi
In all honesty, all of them would care a lot of you
Especially Vivi
Anyone treats you badly girl will fight for you
Yall know what remember what she did for shirahoshi at the reveire or whatever
Oh she would be such a selfless lover goddamn it
She would put you above herself-
Give her some love please
And Karoo too
50/10 would recommend
Sorry if vivi’s is ooc or bad
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thatblondeperson · 4 years
So I learnt from that Tim Drake Guy's tumblr that Steph is a bully and abusive with Tim is that true. I ask since I know you seem to agree with a lot of the thoughts expressed on that blog. Can you help me find some examples of Tim/Steph comics. I was going to get YJ but the same tumblr blog says it's bad
So I want to preface with some very solid advice I've learned from being in fandom. It's really hard to learn anything from any blog because so much of it is opinion based, that the line between headcanon and canon gets far too muddied too often, and there's also always going to be biases that come from very personal spaces. It's important to take everything that every blog says ESPECIALLY in the DC fandom, with a very large grain of salt because half the fandom really doesn't actually seem to source their information with anything other than out of context panels, shitposts, or their own perfect ideals of what they want to gleam from the pages of each comic. It's all interpretive, and I'm sure that sounds a little bit petty, but I'm adding myself in here too because I have my own opinions separate from others, despite my firm ideology in staying as close to canon as I possibly can.
As far as that blog, I actually strayed away from them because I no longer agreed with a lot of what was being said. It got to the point where it was getting very unnecessarily negative all the time, and I want no part in this ship war that drives practically every bit of drama in the Tim fandom. I think that there is a lot of merit to some of the opinions on that blog, and they're clearly an expert on Tim in many ways. I knew them personally, so I can attest to that. But I think they also read only what they WANT to read on every page, and I think that makes for a lot of gaps where misinformation can leak in. That got filled with a lot of straight up wrong assessments of Stephanie Brown, and unfortunately that blog was already prime traffic for antis to spew unnecessary hate, so once the blog itself got on board, I tapped out.
No, Stephanie is not an abuser or a bully. I think tumblr throws around the word abuse far too casually. At most, Steph teases Tim, but never to a malicious or purposefully hurtful extent. She pokes at him, just like you would with a best friend. He barely even protests. A simple "Steph..." every now and again, but he even teases her back often and jokes with her. She's not an abuser, in fact, she herself is a victim of severe abuse in her childhood. Her flirting at the beginning of her and Tim's relationship is a bit intense, but she's 15, and doesn't know how to catch his attention. Her boyfriend was clearly way older than her and did not treat her well, her father abused her mother, and she was sexually harassed by her father's friends. She's never seen a healthy relationship to know how to act. Once they get together, she mellows out and is actually very compassionate and kind with Tim, and especially supportive.
A lot of haters throw around all this terrible stuff she did.
They say she stole Robin from Tim. He stepped away from the mantle, and she thought she caught him cheating, and Bruce opened up the opportunity for her.
They highlight a time when she almost blew Tim up. Bruce told her to do something drastic to force Tim to be a better Robin. Should she have thought it through? Yes. But she was young, and still desperate to prove herself.
Steph is a loose canon throughout a lot of her appearances. She doesn't always think before she acts, and that is one of her major flaws. She gets into trouble often, and that causes a lot of tension between her and Tim, often from him becoming overprotective of her.
Steph starts out fairly cynical in the beginning and softens up over time. After the explosion stunt with Tim, she does get her act together and she goes through a fantastic character arc where she really improves upon herself. She becomes a beacon of hope, but she really already was one. She's always been a source of light for Tim. She's a constant tether for him throughout their relationship, and she constantly bringing him back to reality. I think their dynamic is really great, and it does hurt me a lot how often she gets dragged through the mud now. It's tumblr, what can you do?
It's also interesting to me how often Steph is called out for being the unhealthy one, and they never talk about how Tim was the shitty boyfriend way more often:
Kept his identity from her but didn't respect keeping hers private
Kissed her when he was dating someone else at the time (he's actually kinda known for subtle two-timing, but this is hardly brought up by fans)
Essentially stalked her for a while
Often told her she needed to stop being Spoiler (overprotective nature yes...but still)
Interesting how the relationship is only toxic because of Steph. Hell she even gets shit for getting upset that Greta straight up tried to kill her in Young Justice, because they think it was selfish of her that she was desperate to learn Robin's identity. Yeah sorry...murder vs wanting to know your crushes name? Which is worse?
I'm also not going to sit here and demand that everyone love Steph. It's ok that people don't like her, I could give 2 shits, but if they're gonna spew hate, I'd prefer it be rooted in truth. Some of what I see written about her is just so so wrong...there's a trend in anti culture to even write her as Tim's rapist which YIKES. That's so beyond a healthy amount of dislike for a character.
Anyway, comic recs!!!
Detective Comics 647-648. (First appearance of Steph/Spoiler with classic "love at first brick" moment.)
Robin 57-65 (First date issue which is the cutest thing ever. Robin does a little flip at the end because he's so happy. And the chronology of Steph being pregnant which Tim was supportive of the whole time. Super sweet)
Robin 100-104 (Steph gets sick and Tim brings her soup. Lots of cute domestic moments, and you get more into Steph's past)
Robin 111 (more about Steph's past with Tim being super supportive, also the infamous piano issue which is a personal favorite of mine)
Robin 116 (very cute moments after Tim forgets his bday and everyone, Steph included, surprises him)
Robin 119 (supportive bf Tim, strikes again)
Robin 120 (Steph being an amazing supportive gf)
Batgirl 8 (Steph's run, where she and Tim collide again for the first time in a long time. Awkwardness and tension ensues, Tim tries to make a move)
Red Robin 10 (more crossover, very fun. More awkwardness and tension)
Convergence Batgirl (Not the best run, but a nice bit of closure for the pre flashpoint universe. Very sweet and wholesome.)
There's way more that I could list but I'm awful with issue numbers tbh. I know the stories, but I don't have the catalogue memorized. Better people than me have probably made a masterlist of TimSteph comics lol
I don't think you should let any blog turn you away from any particular series. I think if you wanna try out the new YJ, go for it!! I'm very cynical to anything published post 2011, but YJ is the only thing I've consistently read that's NEW, in years. I find it fun. Is it the best? No, not by miles, and it gets stuck with a lot of nonsensical filler often. But it's still a very cute and fun run.
I hope this ask gave you a lot of good info! I also recommend the very long post that should be just below this that goes into a lot of fandom misconceptions about Stephanie brown with more picture examples to highlight everything. Thanks for the ask, anon! I hope you have a lovely time reading these comics and hopefully many more!!
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jemelle · 4 years
reflections {ncis}
rating: g
pairing: n/a, ziva david & abby sciuto
summary: 'Family. That’s what they are, aren’t they?' (or: Ziva & Abby celebrate Hanukkah)
a/n: set season 3 aka 2005. written for day 10 of the holiday special organized by @blakes-dictionxry, though i did stretch the prompt (when do i not?) i’m not Jewish, so if i’ve misrepresented something, please let me know! thank you for reading and chag chanukah sameach!
my masterlist
you can also read this story on ao3 here!
“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." – Edith Wharton
Ziva is supposed to be on vacation. Right now, she should be at a nice hotel outside of Annapolis, taking a bubble bath and reading the kind of magazines that Tony would never let her live down. It’s the day after Christmas, after all. Judging from the way some people in this country act, if anyone should be able to convince people to hold off on committing crimes for a few days, it’s the Christian God. Yet somehow, she’s still at work.
The phone call had come at eight in the morning, jolting Ziva out of a rare lie-in. She had reached for the receiver in the darkness, cursing loudly in Hebrew as her hand banged into the lamp on the side table.
“What is it?” she had groused without bothering to check the caller ID, voice still heavy from sleep. There was only one person who would dare disturb her this early, and she already had a good idea of what Gibbs was going to say.
“We got a case,” was the response, much as she had expected. Ziva had sighed, hanging up and running a hand through her unkempt hair. She really did not get paid enough for this.
In the end, it had turned out to be a simple case. One hard look at the brother and he had confessed, a jealous rage taken too far. No red herrings, no international crime syndicates. A waste of their investigative skills, if she’s being honest. 
The case itself had finished around four in the afternoon, but then there was the paperwork, and it was entirely possible Ziva had been putting off last week’s work as well. By the time she’s finished all of that, it’s too late to drive to her (non-refundable, she feels the need to add) reservation if she wants to arrive at a reasonable hour.
She’s getting ready to leave, promising herself that she can still salvage what’s left of this day, when McGee tells her that she’s needed urgently in Abby’s lab. As far as Ziva can remember, she hasn’t asked Abby for anything recently, so she approaches the lab carefully, half-expecting to find a sobbing Abby on the floor. Why Tony and Tim expect her to be able to deal with emotions, she’ll never understand. She may be a woman, but Ziva thinks she’s proven time and time again that emotional connection is not her forte.
The lights are dimmed when Ziva rounds the corner into Abby’s lab, but Abby herself is nowhere to be seen. Instead, Ziva sees a neatly set table with two place settings and, strangely, a hanukkiah. 
Tonight is the second night of Hanukkah. Ziva knows that– she had packed her own hanukkiah in her suitcase, intending to light it and pray when she reached her hotel room. But, to the best of Ziva’s knowledge, Abby isn’t Jewish.
Ziva raps lightly on the door to the lab, watching as Abby emerges from a shadowed back corner of the room. She sure can hide, Ziva will give her that. 
“What is this?” Ziva asks, gesturing at the spread in front of her.
“Happy Hanukkah!” Abby says, as if that answers the question. She steps further out of the shadows and Ziva can see that she’s holding a frying pan. 
“Thank you.” Ziva is confused, to put it mildly. While she appreciates the sentiment, she's still no closer to understanding the rationale behind Abby’s actions.
“Well, I thought… you don’t really have any family in D.C, so I researched what to do!” Abby approaches the table, depositing what Ziva can now see are latkes on the plates. Leaving the pan on the nearest lab surface, she flicks on the lights, displaying blue and white garlands hung around the room. “I even got you a present!”
“Oh, Abby.” She really is touched, especially given the rocky start their relationship had gotten off to. This is a gesture she might expect from Jenny (well, at least the dinner portion. She doesn’t think Jenny has ever been one for tinsel), but Abby doing this is a true testament to her giant heart.
“But?” Abby prompts, and Ziva forgot that while Abby is kind, she is first and foremost always willing to speak her mind. 
Ziva feigns innocence, the best she knows how to. “But what?”
Abby pouts. “There’s a but, I can tell.”
No one is immune to the Abby pout. Ziva relents, sitting down in one of the chairs and motioning for Abby to join her.
“It is just that Hanukkah is not very big in Israel.” 
If Ziva were home right now, she would probably be helping to light Rivka’s family menorah, saying her blessings, and (Ziva’s personal favorite) having latkes and sufganiyot. When she was eight, Ziva had eaten so many sufganiyot that she’d sworn off them forever. Naturally, her family had never let her live that down. They had been a family once, before Eli had left and Tali had died and Ari had become someone she no longer recognized.
“It’s not?” Abby’s voice pulls Ziva out of her memories.
“No. It is a big deal in America because Christmas is such a big deal. Children see all their friends getting presents and they want them too. In Israel, Hanukkah is about family.” Sure, there are parties and festivals, but none of this extravagant gift-giving she has seen in America. Ziva has nothing against adapting traditions, but the American celebrations hold nothing of value to her.
Abby’s face falls, and Ziva mentally kicks herself. “It is lovely, though,” she says, reaching past Abby to dim the lights again. There. Without the garlands in sight, it reminds her much more of the Hanukkahs she remembers.
“I know I wasn’t always… the nicest to you,” Abby says, and Ziva laughs, because that is the understatement of the century. “But… I really like you, Ziva David, and even if I didn’t, you’re part of our family now.”
Family. That’s what they are, aren’t they? Though they are her team by definition, the word team can’t possibly encompass all they meant to her. 
Gibbs is the only one who knows her secret and the only one she would have trusted with it. Tony and McGee are always by her side, ready to insult or defend her at a moment’s notice. Ducky is an ever-friendly ear and Jimmy a kind presence. Ziva includes Jenny in her count as well, though she isn’t sure Jenny would have included herself; she is always watching out for them, playing the games none of the rest of them want. And here is Abby, so different from Ziva in almost every regard, trying to make her feel at home.
If she were more sentimental, Ziva would call it a miracle. She had lost her first family a long time ago, even if Eli and Rivka are still alive. That a group of people are willing to accept her, to give her a second chance, makes her heart swell and her eyes water in an utterly un-Ziva fashion.
A tear must escape her eye, because before she knows it Abby is handing her a tissue. Ziva takes it, only slightly mortified, dabbing at her eyes until they’re dry. 
“I am okay,” she says in response to Abby’s unasked question. 
Wordlessly, Abby pulls a square box out of her pocket and slides it across the table. It’s wrapped in patterned paper, sparkling white stars against a midnight blue sky. Ziva slides a careful finger under the seam of the paper, trying not to rip it. 
Inside is a plain white mug. Ziva picks it up with two hands, spinning it around to reveal a simple Z printed on it.
“Thank you, Abby,” she says sincerely, before chuckling. “Now Tony will not be able to pretend he accidentally forgot which coffee mug is his.”
Abby’s smile drops, and she looks as though she might cry. She opens and closes her mouth a few times, but no sound escapes. Ziva waits patiently, because getting information out of Abby when she’s not ready to speak is like trying to get an internationally wanted criminal to talk.
When she finally speaks, Ziva has to strain to hear her. “I’m sorry… it’s just that the way you said that reminded me of Kate. I miss her.”
“Kate sounds like a wonderful person,” Ziva says. When she had first joined, that might have been a lie. She had quickly gotten sick of hearing how amazing Kate had been, of trying to measure up to a ghost. Now, Ziva knows that she can’t try to be anyone but who she is, and she only wishes she could have met the woman who apparently was more than a match for Tony.
“She was,” Abby responds, and now she’s the one who’s crying.
Ziva leans across the table, letting Abby hold her hands while she sobs. After a little while, Abby lets go, wiping her eyes with another tissue pulled from the depths of her lab coat. Absent-mindedly, Ziva picks up the matchbox lying by the hanukkiah, turning it over in her hands.
“Do you know the story of Hanukkah?” she asks. Abby shakes her head, eyes still watery. Ziva smiles, letting her head fill with memories of Hanukkahs past, she and Tali and Ari all clamoring to be the one to tell the story.
“Well,” Ziva says, striking a match against the box and using the match to light the shammash, the tallest candle in the hanukkiah. She removes the candle from its holder, using it to light the first and second candles, before returning it to its place, Abby watching her raptly the entire time. “Although I could begin in many, many places, our story really starts with a temple in the city of Jerusalem...”
tags: @robins-gf, @chmpgneprblms
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zashamalkin · 4 years
Translation of Anna Kasterova’s live interview on 5/29/20.
Thanks to my amazing Gino Anon, the entire interview is translated below the cut. Final word count, btw, is 2405 so like, send big thanks their way. Holy shit! 
Anna got sick few days before the interview. Not covid, just a cold, that later turned into otitis. It was very painful, but now she’s feeling way better, though she still has some trouble hearing with her left ear. They talk a bit about the weather in Miami (it’s been raining there for a few days, but it’s still pretty hot). Igor asks if they’re allowed to swim during the quarantine. Anna says that the 1/ 
beaches were recently open, but there are obviously rules about keeping the safe distance. “Is Zhenya a good swimmer?” “Yeah, he’s great. He’s spending a lot of time with Nikita, teaching him how to swim. More in the pool though, than in the ocean.” “How do you and Zhenya feel about the latest news in NHL?” “I think, the idea is pretty good. Everyone has been waiting on some news about this season. I asked Zhenya if he preferred for the season to be cancelled. He said, he wanted to finish it 2/ 
properly. This season has been great for him, he’s in a great shape. And even though he hasn’t been skating for 2 months, he’s still been training pretty hard, running, roller skating and he didn’t lose his shape.” She thinks everything is turning pretty good so far and it’s great that the teams will have a time for training camps and a chance to go to playoffs.“In your opinion, were the players mentally prepared to continue the season?” “I think, those, who genuinely want to go to playoffs, 3/ 
have been working very hard to be ready, when the time comes. But, for sure, there are some players, who spent more time relaxing, rather than training. A lot of teams are asking their players to come back and start training on the ice and not all of the players follow their instructions.” “What are the rules about practice right now? Are they allowed to train in groups or…?” “There are no details about it yet. It haven’t even been decided yet, what cities will be chosen as Hub cities. So far 4/ 
the coaches are asking players to stay in shape. They have video calls together, where they go through different footage every time. But, as far as I understand, the organization and the coaching staff are ready for the players to come back.” “How do the players feel about the new rules for playoffs this season?” “No negative feelings. They’ve been under a lot of mental pressure, not knowing anything about the season and the playoffs. Everything seems pretty logical and they’re very happy to 5/ 
get back on ice and to have a chance to fight for SC.” “Is there any inside information about what cities will be chosen as Hubs?” “No one knows anything for sure. But I know that they’re very carefully considering epidemiological situation in the cities and will choose the safest options. ” *I SUCK at translating hockey terminology from Russian to English, so I’m sorry if anything is incorrect.* “Do you think it would’ve been fairer to include the numbers of “play-in” (I have no idea what he 6/ 
means by “play-in”) as well as the Robin Rounds into the statistics of regular season? Because it would give the players, like Ovechkin and Panarin, and Malkin to gain more points.” “It’s a very difficult question. But I’m sure NHL and NHLPA have gone over all the possible scenarios and have chosen the best one.” “How has Geno been handling the quarantine?” “He’s been very calm and collected. He’s been doing great mentally, smiling and cracking jokes, and keeping us safe and happy.” “Why did 7/
your family (meaning Geno, Anna and Nikita) decide to do a covid testing in early April?” “I had a pneumonia in November and wanted to find out for myself, if it was covid-induced, if I had any antibodies for the virus. But all the testing came back negative. None of us had it.” “What books did you and Zhenya read during the quarantine?” “Zhenya likes to read fantasy books. He’s been reading “Quantum Warrior: The Future of the Mind” by John Kehoe.” “Does he read in English?” “No, in English 8/
he’s mostly watching TV shows.” “I was very impressed by the story, that after his 1st season in NHL, Zhenya hired Russian language and literature teacher.” “He’s had a lot of free time these past 2 months and he’s hired 2 tutors: English language tutor to work on his grammar and Russian language tutor. (*Sorry, I don’t know if I need to explain this, but Geno obviously knows how to speak Russian. What I think Anna means here, is that the pronunciation of the words in Russian changes depending9/
on where the person is from. Every region has its own accent. I think, what Geno is trying to do, is lose his Magnitogorsk accent and start to speak clearer Russian, like ppl in Moscow of St. Petersburg do.*) He has classes with his tutors Monday to Friday. I’m very happy for him.” One of Geno’s friends in Russia has been robbed recently. Igor is asking Anna, if they ever considered buying a gun, since it’s allowed in US. Anna says no, they feel safe and they live a good neighborhood. She 10/
doesn’t think it necessary or appropriate. They talk a bit about Ovi’s second child being born recently and if Geno and Anna are planning on having a second child any time soon. “Of course, we wouldn’t mind having another child. If it happens, we’ll be very happy. I would like to have a girl, though.” “What’s the best way to describe Zhenya’s and Ovechkin’s relationships today? Are they friends or rivals” “Both. And healthy rivalry is very important in order to reach their personal goals.” 11/
“When Caps and Pens play each other, is it possible for them to go have dinner after.” “No.” “What can you say about the relationships between Zhenya and Sidney Crosby? When we talked with Zhenya last year, he said very nice and kind things about him. Even though Zhenya is in Sid’s shadow a lot of the time.” “I can talk about it for hours. They push each other and make each other stronger. But they also can step in and do more than anyone, when the other is hurt and not playing. Off the ice, 12/
they are very good friends and they support each other. Have I ever thought about what his life would be like, if he was the only star player in a team? I think, he’d be the best player in the whole NHL. He’s very intelligent in terms of building a game, always plans 2-3 steps ahead. He’s very fearless in his game, very talented and vey multilateral player. He’s very unique. They won together THREE STANLEY CUPS! No one's saying Crosby is less talented. He’s an incredible player, he works very13/
hard every day. They are 2 number 1 players in this team. If Zhenya ever asked me if I’d like him to play in New York, f/e, I’d say, no. Pittsburgh is his city, his home. And management and coaching staff are also a very important part of team success. The relationship inside the team is very important. And Pens are the best in that, imo.” “You two watched Super Bowl at Sid’s place. What’s it like there?” “It’s a tradition. Every year Sid invites the team with their wifes/gfs/kids to watch 14/
Super Bowl. His gf Kathy does all the cooking. She’s a very geart person, very hospitable. *omg, this is the first time I hear any1 talking about Sid’s gf 😀, aww* Everyone on the team is very open, very kind, they are great guys. It’s the best thing about Pens. So we’re always happy to accept Sid’s invitation and we always have a great time.” “Do you want Nikita to become a hockey player?” “We’re not gonna push him to it. If it’s something he wants, sure. But I have big plans for his 15/
education. I’d like him to know 2 languages, (English) and Russian, especially grammar, not just being able to speak it freely. I’m studying with him and for an almost 4 yo he already knows quite a lot. And it’s always very hard for a child of a parent, who has achieved so much, to surpass that kind of success. And I don’t want my son to have this kind of pressure on him. I don’t want him to be known solely as “Malkin’s son”. For me it’s very important for him to get a good education and to 16/
choose his path in life.” “Talking about the tv series about Michael Jordan, would you like a bio series to be shot about Zhenya?” “I know he wants to act, in a tv series or in a movie. He talked about it many times. As for a biopic, of course I would like that. He has a huge success story. A man from a simple, working class family. It’s very expensive to play hockey. And he was so talented even in a young age, that his coaches would sometimes bring him a puck, or a stick, or a uniform, for 17/
free. Add to that a story about him finally getting to NHL.” “Zhenya said once in an interview, that you fight sometimes about him not being open enough w/ you, not sharing his problems etc. Has it changed during the quarantine?” “Everything’s been great during quarantine. During the season, he’s under a lot of pressure and always takes it hard if the team loses or if he doesn’t score. Right now he’s very calm and happy, and everything is great.” A question about a conflict around Geno having18/
a USA passport (a lot of people in Russia, his celebrity friends especially, weren’t happy with that, and judged him for that). What does Anna think about it? “He’s a patriot. He loves his country and his city. We were in a hopeless situation, when I needed to get all the documents ready ASAP, and we needed to get married, and him having a US passport would speed that up. You could say, he did it for me. On the other hand, America is his 2nd home. He spends here more time than in Russia. He’s19/
been working here for years. Why is that such a big problem? It’s not like he turned his back on Russia or anything.” Then she talked about Geno’s donation to families in Magnitogorsk, who suffered bc of explosion that happened there in December 2018, and how much he gives to his community in Russia, that ppl don’t know about, bc he prefers not to advertise it. Then Igor keeps asking political questions and Anna is getting more and more irritated by them. Geno publicly supported Putin’s 20/
reelection whenever that was, and interviewer is asking whether him having an American passport is appropriate, considering that he’s a part of Putin team? “Why is it inappropriate? America and Russia are not enemies. Yes, there are some unresolved political issues. They are 2 huge countries, of course they will always feel threatened by each other. But I don’t see any serious political confrontation. Maybe bc we’re in US right now. But Zhenya has a great respect for his president. *bleh, I 21/
don’t like Putin. I know, she has to say nice things about him, bc as long as Geno is a part of Team Russia and wants to have a life in Russia, they can’t be openly against him. But both Geno and Anna don’t strike me as ppl, who will support Putin’s ideals. Sorry for me butting in w/ my opinion*” Question about Geno’s new diet after 18-19 season. “He never drinks alcohol during season. He doesn’t eat potatoes anymore. It’s very hard to cook him a soup w/o any potatoes in it. No sweet things,22/
no gluten. Now before games, he eats gluten-free pasta.” “Is he very superstitious? Do you try to wean him off some of them?” “No, if it makes him feel comfortable, why would I do that?” She declined to name any of them, bc it’s a personal thing for Geno. “Do you put in any work in Zhenya’s image and style?” “I think so, a bit. His sense of style has become better, his taste in literature.” “Zhenya’s favorite music?” “Russian pop-music mostly.” Question about Geno’s gaming habits. Anna 23/
doesn’t try to control him or tell him not to play, bc for him these computer games are a way to relax. She doesn’t mind. It’s his personal time. He doesn’t have his computer in Miami, so he found another way to spend time – studying with his tutors. Question about Olympics. “Yes, he’d like to win a gold medal with Team Russia, when the time comes.” He doesn’t feel jealous about Datsyuk or Kovalchuk, who have an Olympic gold. “Do you think, Zhenya’s last hockey season before retirement will 24/
be in Magnitogorsk?” “Sure, I don’t see why not. He’s very grateful for everything Metallurg gave him and it would seem logical for him to come back there before retiring.” “What is Zhenya’s biggest motivation right now?” “He’s very self-critical (she means Geno’s words about his skills in 18-19 season). He always has a high bar for himself and je always tries to reach it.” Question about Geno reaching 1000 pts. “It was a very big moment for us and a big win for him. He was very inspired 25/
by it and it gave him a lot of self-confidence.” ‘Was Zhenya mad about not making NHL’s 100 players list?” “I was. I was very angry. But he knows his value and what he’s achieved as a player. But it was very strange for me.” “Who do you think Zhenya wil be after his career ends? And how will your life together change? Will you spend more time in Russia or in US?” “It’s a tough question. I imagine a house by the lake, in Russia, with kids and, later, grandkids. With a big fireplace. I think, 26/
after finishing his career, we’d like to travel a bit. But I don’t know. It’s something you should ask him.”
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nightcoremoon · 3 years
so for the first time I saw batman: the killing joke.
it was okay I guess. but massively overrated. I expected some fucking masterpiece of cinema but instead it was just two unrelated short films that were more style and flash than substance.
so first off, barbara's storyline was mediocre. franz wasn't a compelling villain; just a creep, and a trust fund brat. oh wow he's a mafia kid who stole his family's fortune by hacking. if it was the falcone family I'd have cared more but it wasn't so it's just some faceless deathfodder rando. who gives a shit. the whole situation was just a vehicle to shove batman's dick into babs. which kinda fucks over bruce's character here and judging by the timeline kinda makes him a bit of a groomer, yikes. bruce and gordon have known each other since bruce was a young boy and we know that bruce is way older than babs so yeah bruce totally knew her from birth until present day, he literally utilized an active power dynamic to police her crimefighting activities, and he should have fucking known better and stopped her when she kissed him because it would (and did) compromise their professional dynamic, but hey, batdick. and at least barbara recognized that she was behaving emotionally rather than logically when it came to bruce and paris and took the high road out. that would be a serviceable standalone episode to write her on a bus in a serialization but THIS IS A MOVIE. so for a waste of an already short runtime it's like having an appetizer before your meal but instead of something like a crab cake before stuffed flounder, you get greasy onion petals that are more fried batter than onion before getting a well done cheeseburger that's just a glorified hockey puck on a sponge with a kraft single on top. the animation and vocal delivery were excellent of course, not gonna disparage that aspect, so it was well made, but the writing was just not very good. a polished turd. quantic dream must have developed it then because it feels like I watched a david cage production.
so in a 78 minute movie, five of which were the credits, we had a half hour Disney/Pixar short except those bring joy and this brought boring. also there were a lot of shots of her ass tits and underwear that were obnoxiously male-gazey and there was a token gay for the sole purpose of dangling a carrot on a stick for the queers. look kids, warner brothers and dc comics cares about the lgbts! give us money! a waste of time before the real reason why anyone came to see the movie that literally only exists to pad out the runtime to make it a feature length (even though paying a full ticket would've been a total ripoff because, again, IT WAS ONLY 78. even 9 was 81 minutes long and that had an amazing storyline so I forgave it, but 78 minutes? ugh.
alright now for the joker segment.
what the fuck? that sucked! *throws tomato*
mark hamill and the joker's lines and the art and the cinematography and the choreography was all good and the plot was cohesive. I get it.
but holy shit was the writing weak as fuck.
okay so some rando breaks the J-ster out of Arkham (already unlikely but ugh whatever), he didn't turn a trick or recruit or anything, he just went to purchase a carnival. or, steal one. but wait, he DID recruit, but he went to get all of the stereotypical Circus Freak™ stereotypes. little people, fat lady, bearded lady, wolf man, strongman, diaper man (wait, what?), and the two headed woman. I guess if you don't really think about why all of them were super readily available in the outskirts between arkham and gotham [i just realized they both end with -am] then it makes enough sense. and then literally right after that HE RECRUITS SOME GUYS TO HELP HIM KIDNAP GORDON. and then strips and photographs barbara. um. ew. you can tell the writer and director were men. Alan Moore is constantly molesting women in his comics and this one trick pony should be put down already. but whatever. the plot is weak and it only gets saved by the flashback sequences.
oh no.
they're not that great.
he's a failed unfunny comedian who just wants some money to move his wife to a better house so he turns to thievery with the mob. OR YOU COULD JUST STOP GOING TO THE BAR AND BLOWING IT ALL ON BOOZE. I mean the cops knew where to find him after all so clearly he's a repeat customer (or moore is a bad plot writer who relies on convenience and shut the fuck up and don't critically analyze it). alright so he gets wrapped up in the mob to perform a heist on a playing card factory. GET IT, BECAUSE HE'S THE JOKER??? and he uses the moniker of the red hood to retain his anonymity. I expected the mobsters to be working for francisco but no the paris storyline was only cooked up screenplay for passing the runtime so why would they do something clever and interesting and make the film cohesive? that'd be really stupid to make the movie feel more like one movie and not two short films. at least when grindhouse & planet terror did it they advertised themselves as an anthology film. whatever. he falls in the vat of acid which melts the red hood to his face and I gotta say that's actually a pretty good idea to get his face white and his hair green and his lips red. I like that part. oh wait I forgot about the most important part! his wife gets shoved in the refrigerator. OH WOW THAT'S JUST SO COMPELLING AND ORIGINAL, TOTALLY NOT SOMETHING THAT ALREADY HAPPENED TO GREEN LANTERN. TWICE. although she wasn't literally shoved into a literal refrigerator like alex was. rip in frozen pieces you absolute legend of a trope namer. alright, so... so the joker is sad because his wife died. you know, the wife we saw for two minutes and knew the moment we saw her drenched in sepia she was gonna die. and she died offscreen. kyle's gf died and he was fine. gordon's wife died and he was fine. batman's parents both died and he was fine. oh boo hoo someone I love died! fuck off. I am so goddamn sick of people trying to justify their evil with "I was sad once". it's a stupid trope and it's not compelling. the only valid version is doctor doofenshmirtz' evil(er) version in the PF movie because it's hilarious that it's because of a toy train because that's the emotional depth that fridgewomen is treated with in all of these storylines. but at least batman said so. oh yeah, I almost totally forgot, batman's in this movie.
batman punches people and nonlethally takes them out. by suffocating them and letting them get stabbed and throwing them into pits of spikes and HEY WAIT A GODDAMN SECOND! okay let's just ignore that bit and hope that the little people squeezed between the gaps in the spikes and the strongman could breathe in the face mask and the two headed women had KO gas and the fat lady was fat enough that the knives only stabbed her cellulite. it wouldn't be the biggest reach one would have to make in watching this fucking disaster of a plot mess.
now I did like that it was actually batman, and by that I mean he gave a shit about the insane because he recognizes that mental illness is not a cause of dangerous or criminal behavior, just a potential exacerbating factor if it wasn't treated. yeah he brutalized mobsters and crime lords but they were mostly in self defense while gathering intel. he politely asked sal maroni and the sex workers for information and they gave it to him without violence- he manhandled maroni but only after he reached into his pocket for a cigar which could've been a gun. also batman says sex work should be decriminalized if only by not ratting them out to the cops. he was a genuinely good person in the second half of the movie. too bad it was ruined by the shitty first half that made him a borderline groomer.
joker's song was... bad. mark hamill performed his ass off but the song wasn't that good. it just tried to be willy wonka if he was a voyeuristic monster. oh yeah have the only girl character be paralyzed stripped and photographed only to give her father ManPain™. again... the fuck? joker and batman were both gross but, again. male writers. if it was a one-off I could drop a thermian argument because, alright one and done makes sense, especially 1988 standards. but it saturated and soured the entire goddamn movie because of abhorrent pacing decisions. so you're goddamn right I'm gonna bring it up twice! joker was a creep, his plan was dumb, nolan and burton and lord/miller and even ayer had better motivations. YES I AM SAYING THAT JARED LETO'S JOKER HAD BETTER WRITING THAN MARK HAMILL'S JOKER. not nearly to the level of ledger nicholson or galifanakis but hamill didn't have a lot to work with here and I maintain that his performance was amazing; honestly I like his the best out of all of them but just... not here. but I think I can cut some slack to firelord ozai and luke skywalker even if he just phoned it in here which he didn't. writing was just weak. and that's all there is to it. don't anon me and threaten to remove my bones ok?
alright so batman and joker fought and joker got the upper hand and was gonna kill him but it was a prop gun. haha. they had a heart to heart and batman tells joker that he wants to help him get better, even after joker killed robin and molested barbara and traumatized gordon and did countless other travesties, he still said he would help. but joker said no, and told a joke that was good enough to make batman laugh. and then the credits rolled.
what a completely pointless and empty ending. oh it's deep and meaningful and poignant? ok sure, I guess, movie, but you didn't earn that. shyamalan did the same thing a dozen times. that doesn't make him any less of a shit writer.
I can understand the concept of batman laughing at joker's joke, humanizing him.
I get it. I see what they tried to do. I respect it.
but this movie was massively overhyped and overrated and I expected it to be so much better than it was. but overall to me it was just another batman cartoon to throw on top of the pile. maybe it was influential to graphic novels. maybe it shaped batman into what he is today. it published right as tim burton's movie and I can respect its place in the pantheon of comic history. but sometimes things that are classic...
aren't that great.
citizen kane, casablanca, the maltese falcon, the treasure of the sierra madre, gone with the wind, singing in the rain, all of them are classic and legendary pieces of art. but they're just not that good, interesting, appealing, watchable, or FUN. they were good at the time- I mean come on we all know them today- but on going back you'd have to really appreciate the finer details to still love the movies today. and this belongs there, in the vault, to be appreciated from afar. influential if dated.
but god am I still disappointed nonetheless.
it was just okay. had some good ideas, had some really bad ideas, had some ugly stuff. overall mediocre. first half 5/10, second half 7/10, overall 6/10.
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solarwriting · 5 years
Abroad *r.b*
Pairing: Romantic!Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader
Word Count: +1.3k
Warnings: kissing?
Requests: please do some robin x gf!! maybe the reader can be like steve’s best friend or sister and doesn’t know she’s lesbian! thank you 🥳🥳 from @ronnie-loves-bees
Hii okay so I saw your requests are open and I n e e d some Robin x Reader where Steve and reader where friends since they were little but she went to high school abroad, but she comes back home in the summer and when she's going to say hi to Steve she meets Robin and it's like :o please please please thank you 💖  from anon
Can you make a robin imagine because I love her and I can’t find any ♥️ from @lovelygirl5678
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“I want it to be a surprise, Mom.” Y/N spoke over the phone, “Yes, I want  to surprise him at that place he works when I get there so don’t tell him. And make sure Dad doesn’t either.” 
Her mom replied quickly on the other line before bidding her daughter goodbye. “Bye, Mom. Love you, too.”
The girl hung up the phone a resumed packing, stuffing the warm weather clothes into her large bag before zipping it up and grabbing her already packed suitcase that held more clothes and necessities as well as gifts for her parents and her brother, Steve. 
She said her goodbyes to her temporary family before leaving their London flat and making her way to the train. As soon as she got of the train she rushed to the airport, going through baggage check and showing the attendant her passport and ticket before she boarded the plane. 
About ten hours later, the plane finally landed and Y/N was directed off the plane with the other passengers. After collecting her suitcase at baggage claim (thankfully it didn’t get lost) she walked out of the airport to the long-term parking lot to find her car. 
The airport was in a larger town a few miles away from Hawkins so she had to drive herself there and back because of how busy her parents were. She knew her first stop was to see her brother and she found out from phone calls with him that their father made him get a job at the new mall and her mother told her that he’d be working by the time she got home. 
After almost getting lost trying to find the new mall, Y/N parked her car in the parking lot before entering the mall. She searched for a map in hopes of finding the place Steve worked. “Scoops Ahoy. Oh there it is.”
She walked into the ice cream shop where there was thankfully no line. “Hey, Robin. Is Steve here?” She asked.
“Steve! Someone’s here to see you!” She shouted, the door leading to the back room swung open as Steve walked out of it with confusion plastered on his face. 
“Who?” He scanned for a moment before looking at you, “Y/N? Oh my god! What are you doing here? I thought you didn’t fly in for another two weeks.” 
“I may or may not have lied about that to surprise you.” She answered as he moved closer to her wrapping her up in a hug. 
“Well I am surprised.God, I missed you. Why’d you have to go away to London?” He asked, pulling away from the hug. Before you could answer Robin cleared her throat.
“Oh, yeah. Y/N, this is Robin. Robin, Y/N.” Steve introduced. 
Y/N smirked at Robin and nodded, “Yeah, we’ve met.” 
Little did Steve know they did meet and they were much closer than he could have ever imagined. Before Y/N left to go to finish school in London her and Robin started hanging out in and out of school, their chemistry was undeniable and they eventually confessed to each other and began dating (secretly, of course).
“Yeah we saw each other around school.” Robin replied. 
“Oh, I didn’t know that.” Steve said. “So, what else are you gonna do now that you’re back?” 
Y/N smiled, “Probably gonna go find my kids. Do you know where they all are?” 
“The movies, it’ll be over soon and they usually come here after.” 
“Well I guess, I’ll stick around. And maybe get a free ice cream from my favorite brother?” Y/N answered, “Before you say no, I have a gift for you from London in my car.” 
Steve grumbled to himself before moving behind the counter to scoop Y/N a cone of her favorite ice cream handing it to her before mumbling something about continuing his break. Y/N leaned against the counter near Robin, eating her ice cream.
“Do you have a gift for me, too?” Robin whispered to the girl, so Steve wouldn’t hear. Y/N nodded, “Of course, I’ll give it to you tonight. Are you gonna come over?” 
“Yep after work.” She answered, leaning on the counter her forearms holding her up. Y/N grinned at the girl who licked her lips before going back to work. 
Robin arrived after the Harrington family finished and Y/N gave everyone their gifts. She got her father a hand carved pipe and her mother a  small trinket of the Tower of London. She got Steve a comb with the skyline of London painted on it. 
“Mom, Robin’s staying the night!” Y/N called as she drug the aforementioned girl up the stairs to her bedroom. The two girls giggled as Y/N shut the door to her room, Robin immediately taking charge by shoving Y/N against the wall next to her door and pressing her lips to hers firmly. 
Robin’s hands were holding onto Y/N’s shoulders as Y/N’s hands shot to the back of her neck, playing with her hair. Y/N hummed into Robin’s mouth before reluctantly pulling away from her, “Wait, my gift.” 
She grabbed Robin’s hand and lead her to her bed where they both sat down. Y/N grabbed a small box that rested on her bedside table. “I saw this and I instantly thought of you.” She handed the box to Robin.
“It’s beautiful, Y/N.” In the box was a simple silver necklace, on it was the word amour written in a swirly cursive. 
“I got it in Paris when I visited there with my abroad family, it translates to love.”  Y/N explained. 
“I love it Y/N, I love you.” Robin said, leaning in to capture Y/N’s lips once more. She placed the box back on the bedside table before placing one hand on Y/N’s hip, the other one trailing under her shirt. Y/N’s hands went back up to her hair, tugging lightly as the kiss started to become more and more needy. 
Robin pressed herself flush up against Y/N as she started kiss with more fervor. Now hovering over Y/N, Robin pulled away to comment, “God, you don’t know how much I missed you.” 
Face flushed Y/N let out an airy laugh, “I think I can figure it out,” She sat up, moving to straddle Robin, “I also missed you too.” She smiled, catching her bottom lip between her teeth.
“Good.” Robin replied before recapturing the attention of Y/N’s lips. Y/N felt dizzy as Robin’s hands moved to her head, carding her fingers through her hair. She removed one hand from Robin’s side to grab her hand, intertwining her fingers with her own. 
The door swung open, “Hey, Mom wanted to know if- Oh my god!” At the sound of Steve’s voice, both girls jumped apart, Y/N almost falling as she got off of Robin. “I-I’m, uh, sorry. I didn’t, I didn’t know, um, carry on.” Steve stuttered before promptly leaving. 
Y/N groaned getting up, “Steve! Wait come here.” He reluctantly turned around and slowly walked back towards her. “Are you okay?”
He sighed, “Yeah, I just wasn’t expecting to see my sister and co-worker going at it.” 
“We weren’t going at it. We were just kissing.” Y/N defended, causing Steve to snort. “But seriously, are you okay with me, a girl, and Robin, also a girl?” 
“Yeah, just please don’t ever make me witness that again.”
Y/N let out a sigh of relief before wrapping her arms around her brother, “I love you, dude.”
“I love you too, little sis.” He said hugging her back.
“Hey, I’m only younger by a few minutes!” She laughed. 
“Yeah, Yeah.” He pulled away from the hug, “Go back to your girl.”
“Night, Steve.” 
Y/N went back to her room after her brother bid her goodnight. “Is everything okay?” Robin asked nervously.
“Everything is great.” Y/N smiled sitting on the bed next to Robin who grinned in relief.
“Now where were we?”
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the-boy-tm · 5 years
Okay y’all so my gf is asleep next to me in bed and all I can think about is KE so time for a rant!!!
I think the people who are calling the show queer baiting 1) dont understand that term (obviously) and 2) didn’t read the article in the gay times. I don’t know exactly what Sandra was thinking when she made those comments, but I have some other thoughts.
1) Sandra didn’t say that any chance of romance was off the table, a reporter did. To say that any chance of romance is off the table ignores the explicit romance that has already happened. I’m sorry, but expensive gifts, phone sex, countless worried phone calls, and agreeing to escape together to Alaska doesn’t constitute “no romance”, and that shit has all already been aired.
2) Sandra did say in the interview that she knows that there is a questioning of sexuality within Eve. I interpret that statement as Sandra saying Eve is bicurious. As a lesbian person, I deeply believe that questioning of sexuality most often doesn’t happen without a romantic prompt, whether or not it is reciprocated. When I was 11 and madly in love with Emily Van Camp, that was romantic and a romance to me, even though Van Camp had never even heard of my existence. Eve’s newfound questioning is prompted by romantic inclination towards Villainelle, and, lucky for Eve, the romance is reciprocated in this instance. Sandra admitting that Eve is bicurious contradicts the notion that there is no romantic path between Eve and Villainelle, because AGAIN! We’ve already seen it happen.
3) the interview with Sandra was conducted over the phone between her in NYC and the Gay Times in the UK. Not only was the interviewer unable to see Sandra, there was a difference in dialect that could potentially cause misunderstandings on the part of the journalist about Sandra’s full intent with her words, or misunderstanding on Sandra’s part about what questions the journalist was asking. Miscommunications can happen. Things can be misquoted. Weird questions can be asked, and those questions are very rarely printed in the resulting article after the interview. The point of view presented by Sandra about Villaineve in this interview is a complete departure from canon, the books, and the most recent advertising campaign. As others have mentioned, Sandra said it, not the show creators, and we don’t know the circumstances under which she made that comment other than what I have listed above. I’m choosing to have compassion for this circumstance because of the sheer amount of information I don’t have about the interview.
4) the “trying to make this into something it just isn’t” comment is remarkably vague. We don’t know what “this” is supposed to be (though everyone has assumed it’s the relationship between Eve and Villainelle), and we don’t know what she thinks we’re making it into. Personally, I think Sandra Oh was likely referring to the idea of Villainelle and Eve being some domestic partnership that is all love and all rainbows all the time. Or potentially, Villainelle being some lovesick puppy that only thinks about Eve and never her own selfish desires and they will happily settle down once Eve accepts her love (a viewpoint I’ve seen repeatedly around the fandom by people who probably don’t understand a thing about socio/psychopaths). It’s even possible that Sandra meant that we’re making this into something it just isn’t right now (such as healthy committed girlfriends?), but will be in the future. The audience is not making “this” into a romance. The show is doing that. The books kinda did that. The fucking ad campaigns are doing that. If “you guys” are us, “this” is Villaineve, and “something it’s just not” is a romantic relationship, then Sandra’s never read her own scripts. She didn’t hear Villainelle confess her love at the end of the S2. She missed the masturbation comment in S1, and blacked out when they filmed the phone sex scene. That’s the only explanation I can fathom as to Sandra meaning what many have interpreted her comments to say. It just does not make sense to me for that to have been her intentions with her words.
5) I recently watched an interview with Jodie (I believe it was the one where she rewatched the S1 finale) and she mentioned in the interview that she knew a lot of people wanted Villaineve to smooch. She said they were trying to figure out “how close they would get” but that they knew it wouldn’t happen in the episode. I deduce a couple things from those comments. First, the show creators and actresses are highly aware of how the audience wants these two characters to interact (romantically) and are trying to tease us by giving little gifts of interaction at a time. Second, Villaineve will smooch eventually. Especially after watching this interview, I took a second to compare Villaineve to the other well written slow burn romances I’ve seen on TV. Jim and Pam didn’t get together until season 4. Neither did Damon and Elena. Do you remember Ted and Robin? I’m not even totally sure when they got together but I do remember that it took FOREVER. All the foundation stones of a romantic relationship were laid long ago, and the ending of season 2 was a step forward in their relationship towards being girlfriends or whatever the hell the audience wants them to be. Everything that happened was in character, and they took a huge step forward just as we’d expect in a season finale (Eve agreeing to go to Alaska and Villainelle admitting she loves Eve), but they also didn’t go all the way in head first because the storyline isn’t ready for that.
I think the S2 finale was excellent. I don’t think the show is queer baiting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a wlw relationship written with the amount of careful consideration and thought as Villaineve is, and I’ve watched/read a lot of wlw love stories. I don’t know what Sandra meant, but I’m not allowing it to alter my love for this show.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 😜
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sn0wblinded · 5 years
questions 1-98 ( go big or go home ;) )
ya killin me hollis );
1. Unfortunately, I am 5′1, pros to anybody who wants a nugget for a gf or friend
2.  Body type? uh I suppose slim and slender with an hourglass shape
3. Favorite part of my body would have to be...erh...uh...my eyes? I love the shape of them just wish I had blue or green eyes :(
4. HAH my hair color now is NOT my natural hair color loll I have naturally crazy dark brown hair where it’s almost black but I love blonde in the summer so catch me in the fall for my dark roots ;D
5. Um I’d say it depends where I am and who I’m with as to whether I’ll be shy or outgoing, typically I’m shy until I feel comfortable enough to be myself, or unless someone gets enough drinks in me hahah
6. Uh I’d say I’m probs more on the femme side, like I luvvv getting dressed up and looking super pretty if I’m not sitting on my ass being lazy af. 
7. Super duper smol bean
8. Hands down I’d be a wine mom
9. Hmmph weird habit? Uh I’ll mouth whatever someone is saying as they are talking, even sometimes before they say the next word and I don’t even know I’m doing it. I catch myself doing this watching shows or movies and I hateeee it. “How do you know what I’m saying??” is the usual response *rolls eyes* 
10. OOOHHH my fav meme would have to be the one with the baby orangutang and her crazy hair bc she’s a hot mess and I’m a hot mess ._.
11. who doesn’t sing in the shower???? the acoustics man, i’ll give my SO a full-blown concert w/ an encore. will it sound good tho?? who knows
12. um I’d love to go full Merida and learn how to use a bow and arrow tbh
13. I was never a theatre kid :( I wanted to be in HS 
14. I’ve never seen a broadway musical but def something on my bucketlist
15. Musicals are kinda cheesy but that’s what I love about them
16. I’ve never been a part of a protest or march, but will def be in the future when given the chance
17. My fav Cards Against Humanity Card would probs be “What is Batman’s guilty pleasure?” love having a good giggle at the responses
18. The last movie I watched...that I can think of was Final Destination 2 and was reminded why I can be paranoid af about some stuff LOL
19. Uhh preferably not behind or infront of the camera, not photogenic and my hands aren’t steady enough to take decent photos BUT I’d love to do photography if I had any skill in it
20. If you know me, like come on, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. 
21. just listen to Snowblinded by Kill Hannah nuff said
22. Uhh I joined tumblr back in 2011 my freshman year of HS bc I wanted to release my teenage angst, and then I left after a few years and came back this year:) Luckily my OG url was still available
23. Um you know 
24. Most people love chocolate and I hate it loll Fight me pls ;P
25. Narcotics? Nope sowwe
26. HAH expose me much?? hahah Def not a virgin lemme say that ^-^
27. Um my neighbors little brother caught her and I kissing underneath her sheets when I was a super duper smol bean, technically wasn’t bad but we couldn’t do it anymore:/
28. Oof idk what the funniest lie is that I told... omg 
29. Hmm... expression through words...take a guess what that passion is 
30. My best friend is one the most supportive and loving people I’ve ever met and I love her to death
31. Um lemme keep my secrets ;)
32. I’m super tired but also feeling really motivated so it’s kinda conflicting but oh well das my life
33. My biggest fear is probably ending up alone (amongst a few others)
34. I Like Me Better by Lauv
35. The best decision I’ve made in life thus far was deciding that I’m going to start love being myself regardless of societal expectations and internalizing everything because of the fear of others judgements etc. This is my life and I plan on living it up the best way possible.
36. Um who hasn’t? Failure always leads you one step closer to success
37. I fantasize about finding someone whose soul fits perfectly w/ mine
38. I cried the other night but happy tears bc I no longer have to hide who I am
39. A meme I was sent in a group chat
40. Mm...maybe..my lips are sealed 
41. A few of my closest friends
42. Uh every single day at the end of my last relationship
43. I’ve started to realize who my true friends are, and people’s true intentions
44. Submissive AF, but a lil control here and there isn’t bad
45. I’ll only date you if you’re okay w/ eating lots of pasta and long jam sesh’s
46. Preferably someone my age or a little bit older, but if I click with someone a year or two younger than me then whatevs :)
47. um I’d describe my crush but it’d be a dead giveaway LOL
48. any kinks? oh sweetie.. I’m not as innocent as this halo may make me appear ;P
49. First thing I notice in someone, physically would be their eyes, personality-wise would be their sense of humor.
50. Best way to win my heart is to bond over music
51. Uhh wow like allll the time LOL
52. Once again, like alllll the fucking time *rolls eyes*
53. Oh I plead the fifth on this one 
54. Trust is a big thing for me, but I usually know right off the bat now if I can trust somebody or not
55. Um no bc anybody I like lives miles and miles away >_>
56. Confidence is hot, not cute, hot. Make me swoon. 
57. My heart would probs ache 
58. If you can’t make me laugh we won’t even be close to dating loll
59. Uh no and I’m sure they will never have a clue bc I’m shy af about my feelings 
60. ...too many storytimes there
61. Hopefully one day I marry the love of my life
62. Pleading the fifth bc I’m stuck between a couple 
63. Turn ons: Whisper in my ear, light touches, and cute messages (keeping things on the cleaner side (; )
64. Hate is a strong word, so Trump 
65. Babygirl melts my heart but so does sweetheart and princess
66. Charlies Angels hands down...
67. Oof... intimidating in a sexy and intriguing way? Hell yes, but I love a kind soul
68. Somebody who truly loves me for me and is always up for adventure, and has an impeccable taste in music.
69. I tend to like whoever I like :P
70. HAH good one
71. The first person I came out to was my sister, a few years ago, and it went alright I guess until we had a heated argument and yeah...but I came out to her again recently and it’s helped us grow closer together.
72. I have a quite a few friend who are and luvvv them all
73. um....ya
74. Oof...I honestly can’t remember
75. Maybe later, this is already wayyyy too long.
76. I used to but I’d say it takes a lot more for me to fall IN love
77. Yeah so let’s not talk about it :3
78. Good at hiding my feelings? Uhhhhhh
79. Forgiving? I’ll forgive but I never forget who has hurt me.
80. Uh...I have quite a few, want the whole list? LOL
81. Whichever one would comfort both of us in the moment
82. I like a girl that’s taller, even if it’s just by a little bit. Honestly it doesn’t take much with how smol I am :[
83. Um can I have both? Hugs and kisses pls k thx
84. Be twirled :3
85. Um both mmmff
86. I love forehead kisses, but if you wanna make me melt into a puddle neck kisses are the way to go.
87. I’d do either or, kinda hard for me to choose which one more.
88. Depends on my mood, love me some soft kisses but bet your ass I’m always down to makeout
89. If I’m feeling the need to be cute hug around the neck, if I’m being a lil more touchy then hugs around the waist
90. I used to contemplate my sexuality constantly because of growing up in a religious family and internalizing everything, but without a doubt I’m 100% confident in my sexuality. This is me, take it or leave it baby ;)
91. Uh I blush and get a massive load of butterflies, feeling like I’m on cloud nine etc. I’ve liked people and just felt comfortable and never had butterflies and such but FUCK do I love feeling giddy and happy all over from just the mere thought of them. 
92. Yes, typically that’s how it starts out with me and it ends in either of two ways, mutual or I embarass tf outta myself 
93. I had my first kiss with a girl when I was 7, and man did I never want to stop. But, I knew for certain that I really liked girls when I was in sixth grade and wanted to watch any and everything that contained wlw content, hoping and wishing to have that one day.
94. Be myself? LOL
95. Ohmygosh... favorite lesbian ship... Laura/Carmilla, Alice/Robin (OUAT), Yorkie/Kelly (San Junipero)...these are only a few of a long list
96. The most aggravating thing that’s personally been said to me about my sexuality would be between being told this is all temptation and comparing it to acts of disgusting scum of human beings(pedos and adulterers), and also being told it’s only a phase... I can’t roll my eyes hard enough
97. Um like probably a few minutes ago :3
98. Love is being completely comfortable in being who you are around someone, and loving the good and bad parts of each other. 
If anyone actually reads up until this point I just gotta say...I’m sorry LOL 
and you’re a trooper
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purplesurveys · 5 years
This is about to get crazy, are you ready? I’ve taken almost a couple thousand surveys in the last seven years. There isn’t one question I wouldn’t be able to handle, I’m sure. Let’s go. Have you ever done cocaine? Never. Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing right now? My mom got it from an ukay-ukay. I’m not exactly sure how that translates to English but it’s sort of like a flea market in the Philippines. What song would best describe your love life? I keep using the same song but it’s Still Into You by Paramore. What are you going to do after this? I’m not sure. I keep answering this question but I never end up doing what I write down. I’ll probably eat the Popeye’s burger I’ve been saving for midnight :))
Are you wearing jeans? Ooooh, you caught me. I never wear jeans but I just got home from a date with Gab, and I just happen to have not changed out of my jeans yet. Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? Many times. Has anyone ever called you a whore? No. I’ve been called a bitch to my face though, which is a liiiiiiittle close. Who were you last in a car with? Gabie. I picked her up and brought her home today. Are you in a good mood right now? A little bit, yeah! I had an amazing day with the gf today if it hasn’t been obvious enough already. I fiiiinally satisfied my Popeye’s craving too. I’m a little stacked with work at the moment but I’m trying not to focus on that. Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes? No. My eyes aren’t really my face’s strong suit. Have you lost interest in someone recently? I haven’t. Is there anyone who you think you deserve an apology from? Filipino parents never apologize to their kids, so I’ve been waiting for tons of apologies from them over the years. Have you ever played the guitar? I have. I’m not any good at it. Has anything "cute" happened in the past week? My dog. Could you handle living with the last person you talked to on the phone? I would love to live with her. Best roommate ever. Do you ever take your anger out on others? When I get really really really really pissed off, it tends to happen. I always feel like shit after I do, though. What grade is the last person you texted in? She’s also an incoming senior in university/college. Do you still talk to the person you had feelings for 6 months ago? Well, I’m definitely still dating her. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? I don’t know what I want to be, but I know where I want to be working in. Has anyone seen you in your underwear lately? Sure. Where's your phone right now? It’s right beside me. Have you ever liked someone older than you? I’ve had silly childhood crushes on people older than me but I’ve only ever seriously liked two people who turned out to be the same age.   Are you the oldest child? The youngest? In the middle? Only child? I’m the eldest. Would you rather be called 'honey' or 'baby'? Baby. Honey has a sarcastic ring to it, not a huge fan. Was the first person to text you today a boy or a girl? Girl. Is there anyone who doesn't like you because of something you did? Probably. :) Not that it bothers me though. When did you last say "I love you"? Did you mean it? A little while ago. Of course. Are you talking to anyone right now? Nope, not anymore. Gab fell asleep a few minutes ago. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times? A lot of people pop up in my head at random times. My mind’s always running. What or who is on your mind right now? Right now I’m thinking of Camila Cabello because I’m listening to her song Señorita lmfao. Right handed or left handed? Righty. Have you ever had chicken pox? I’ve never had it. People always warn me that everyone’s bound to get it throughout their lives, and they always make it such a big deal that my chicken pox is just a silent ticking time bomb waiting to go off lol. It’s gotten me scared honestly, and I’m just waiting for it to happen so that I can get immune to it already. Did you buy anything today? Yeah, lots of stuff. I had a huge 2-piece chicken meal with Cajun rice and a biscuit AND a Chicken French Quarter burger from Popeye’s because A BITCH WAS STARVING; a mocha chip ice blended drink from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf; and a copy of The First Phone Call From Heaven by Mitch Albom as my mom has been looking for it for ages and I happened to find it at a bookstore. Last person to lay in your bed, besides you? Gab is really the only other person I’ve let in my bed in the last few years. When's the last time you took a shower? This morning. Would you ever camp out on a beach under the stars? Of course I would jump at the chance. That sounds like such a freeing thing to do. Are you listening to music right now? If so, what? Nope. I was listening to Señorita earlier like I said, but I generally find music while taking surveys distracting so I had to pause it. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? COLD What were you doing at 7 AM this morning? I was sleeping. I wouldn’t wake up till 8. Were you happy when you woke up this morning? No, I was pretty annoyed because I woke up sweating all over the bed because it was so abnormally hot this morning. Has anyone gotten on your nerves today? Yes. What are you excited for, if anything? Not doing anything tomorrow again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is my last summer as an undergraduate student and as an unemployed human being so I’m enjoying the fuck out of completely not doing anything for a whole month. Do you have any piercings? If so, what? Yep. Earlobes. Do you think anyone is thinking of you right now? No. Everyone I know is probably asleep right now as it’s a little after midnight. When was the last time you cried really hard? This morning. When did you last hug someone? Who was it? A couple of hours ago when I dropped Gab off at her place. Are you afraid of roller coasters, or have you never been on one? I’m afraid of them. I took one once and since then I’ve gotten more scared by like 895798578493578957%. How's life going for you? It’ssssss...the calm before the storm. I’m gonna be starting work on my thesis and doing executive work for my org in the next few months and it’s going to get super super hectic by then. I’m taking my sweet time chilling rn because I know I’ll never ever get this again. Have you ever done something outrageously dumb? Just about all the time.  Are you keeping a secret right now? Yeah. This blog is a huge one lmao. Can you go an hour without talking? Easily. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past week? Yes. Is your hair longer than your shoulders? Yup. It’s a little past it now! Are your nails painted? If so, what colour? Oh MY GOD this question y’all, lmfao. Do you know anyone else with your name? I know two other people named Robyn and one other person named Robin. Do you think you'll ever get married? Do you want to? Yes. I wish I would. Which do you prefer: summer or fall? Can’t relate to fall, and I hate summer. Who do you care about the most? It’s such an obvious answer, but Gabie.
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