#not pictured is phantom shaking the shit out of him and getting so mad over it
lunaremy · 11 months
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smh get ur own cool cape
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16 Days Chapter 4
here it is on ao3 or read it below
Daniel is carefully shaving himself while Armand fixes his hair.  He’s very particular about his hair.  Daniel doesn’t know why–he looks good whether he does anything special or not.  People went out of their way to be around Armand.  As much as he could be genuinely weird, he could also be incredibly charming.
Daniel had once asked him how long it took to learn to wrap people around his finger.  Armand had said he learned how to do that as a mortal.  He hadn’t explained what he meant.  He rarely did explain these little hints at his past.
Disposable razors aren’t good enough for Armand–no, he prefers Daniel use a straight razor.  He says it leaves a smoother cut.  Daniel thinks he just likes watching him play with sharp objects.  But what Armand wants, Armand gets.  So Daniel is using an old-fashioned straight razor to get rid of his five o'clock shadow.  
Personally, he wouldn’t mind leaving it, but Armand had instructed him to shave.  Daniel doesn’t mind listening to Armand most of the time.  It’s nice, even, to have someone take care of all the hard work and decisions.  To just let himself be taken care of.  
Daniel nicks himself just under the jaw and swears.  He grabs the hand towel hanging by the sink and presses it to the wound.  Usually, when this sort of thing happens, Armand is right there to lick his wounds and heal him up.  
He’s not even looking at him now.
Daniel decides to test things.  “Hey babe, pass me a band-aid?”
Armand opens the drawer and pulls out a band-aid.  He closes the distance between them and presses the bandage over Daniel’s cut.  Daniel realizes he isn’t breathing.  Armand steps back.  “There you are, Daniel.  Come along, I want to find good seats.”
“Yeah, sure, boss.”
They’re seeing the Phantom of the Opera.  They’d seen it a few times before, so it isn’t like Armand couldn’t have chosen it just because he likes it.  Or he could have chosen it to torment Daniel.
After the first time they had seen it, Daniel had developed fantasies of him and Armand in the roles of the story.  He could just picture Armand in that mask.  Naturally, Armand heard his thoughts.  So he decided to surprise Daniel by getting a full costume and fucking him senseless while wearing it.  Daniel had liked it a lot.  Like a lot, a lot.  An embarrassing amount of a lot.
It’s all he can think about during the show.  Armand is completely engrossed in that way he can sometimes be when he watches something.  There are times he completely shuts out the rest of the world and focuses on one thing.  Of course, Armand says it isn’t that simple, that he always has an ear open to keep them safe.  
Armand once told him that he killed fledglings.  Daniel had thought that sounded like a good way to make enemies with the people who had made them vampires.  Armand hadn’t expected him to understand, but he was far from the only one.  Didn’t he understand he was safer as a mortal?  Then the fight would start up again, and it’d end with the embrace, with blood being exchanged, with sex.  
Daniel is starting to miss the blood.  It’s been nearly three weeks since he had any and he’s starting to feel the itch.  But he won’t go asking Armand for it now.  He’d only be angry, even if he did say yes.  Besides, there isn’t any pain yet.  Once there’s pain, then he’ll reconsider.
During intermission, he goes to the bathroom and tries to get his shit together.  Armand is driving him crazy.  And how long is he going to stay mad?  Daniel works himself into a state thinking about it.  All he wants is for things to go back to normal.
He feels physically nauseous.
Of course Armand came looking for him.  He would, wouldn’t he?  Daniel swipes at his eyes where tears were beginning to well and shakes his head.  “In here,” he calls from the stall.  
“Are you alright?”
No, he’s just so worried about things he feels physically ill.  What’s wrong with him?  “Yeah, just feel a little dizzy.”
Armand immediately comes over to him and presses a hand to his forehead.  His hand feels cool to the touch in that comfortingly familiar way.  “Are you sick?  Would you like to go home?”
He does feel sick and dizzy and his head hurts.  There’s a tightness in his chest that hurts when he breathes.  But Armand wanted to see the show.  “Nah, I’ll be fine.”
“Nonsense, I’m taking you home.  The acting is subpar here in any case.”
Armand sounds like such a fucking snob that Daniel has to laugh.  “Yeah, yeah, okay.  Let’s go home.”
Armand lets Daniel rest his head on his shoulder during the car ride home.  It’s nice.  Daniel almost wishes he was sick, just so he can keep up this treatment from Armand.
His wish comes true in the form of a debilitating headache, every sound slicing into his brain, the light causing severe pain to his eyes and head.  He gets these sometimes.  Usually the best thing is to sleep it off.  
Armand undresses him like a mother undressing her child and helps him into bed.  Daniel crawls in wearing only his boxers and hides under the covers.  Armand leaves him with a glass of water and a kiss on the forehead.  That kiss is almost worth the pain.  
Daniel tries to sleep, but can’t.  He tosses and turns in agony, feeling like the world is lurching beneath him.  After an hour, Armand comes in.  Wordlessly, he crawls beneath the sheets and tucks Daniel against his chest.  
Daniel breathes in his scent and the tears that have been threatening to fall finally do.  “Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.  I want things to go back to normal.  I miss you.”
Armand rakes soothing fingers through his hair and gently massages his scalp.  Sometimes it helps, though sometimes he’s so sensitive even touching his head hurts.  “I’m right here, Daniel.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Sh, you aren’t well,” Armand says.  “We’ll talk about this when you’re better.”
The blood would make him feel better, but he won’t dare ask for that.
Armand catches the thought anyway, because he pulls Daniel tight against him–at least he’s still wearing his clothes–and pressed his own wrist to his mouth.  He bites down then brings it to Daniel’s mouth.  “Just enough to ease your pain.”
Daniel clutches on and sucks in mouthfuls of blood desperately.  The pain eases to a dull throb, then disappears completely.  Everything feels amazing and beautiful.  
He’s hard in his pants.  Daniel wriggles his ass against Armand.  “Come on, bite me.  I drank your blood, now you drink mine.”
Armand presses a kiss to his throbbing pulse point.  “No, Daniel.”
Daniel sighs in frustration.  “I guess you’re going to say no if I ask for sex, huh?”
Armand almost smiles.  “Yes.”
Daniel puts his head on the pillow.  Armand’s arm is still around him.  He winds his own arm over it to keep it there.  “Will you hold me until I fall asleep?”
Armand looks at him for a moment before responding “Alright, just until you fall asleep.”
Daniel wakes the next day wrapped around Armand.
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dp-marvel94 · 4 years
Face to Face- Chapter 31
Summary: When Danny went through the ghost catcher, he expected to be cured of the ghostliness that had haunted him since the accident, not to wake up on the lab floor with his parents saying he’d been overshadowed but everything’s back to normal now. But why does Danny Fenton cry himself to sleep to then dream of flying? Why does Phantom, the ghost who was supposedly possessing Danny remember a life that wasn’t his? Most of all, why do both the human and the ghost feel that something vital is missing, in their very soul? Or: Trying to cure himself of his powers one month after the accident, Danny accidentally splits himself but neither his ghost nor his human half know that that is what they did
First -> Last -> Next
Word Count: 3,730
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Fenton and Phantom couldn’t see through their tears, the water streaming down their faces obscuring their vision of the world around them. All shades of green, splashes of purple and drab brown rushed past as they flew. Their thoughts screamed with a haunting echo, coming back twice. 
Mom….she wasn’t...she’s not sorry. She can’t...can’t accept Phantom. She doesn’t love me. But…. A sniffle  broke through two throats, separated by dimensions yet somehow closer that ever. I can’t just pretend to be human for her. I can’t just be Fenton! Like the portal didn't... Like nothing happened...I can’t...I’m not the same!
Their bodies moved without conscious effort, the need to escape so large. Why did he do this? Why did he always run away?
Two voices that were one muttered. “This was….this was supposed to fix things. But...I messed it up!”
He kept running, kept flying. They didn’t know where they were going, just away. Away from all the things that kept hurting him. 
Somewhere, far away voices were calling his name. “Danny!”
 “Everything’s messed up! Why can’t anything ever go right for me?!” Hands gripped hair that was black. Or was is white? No, it was both but-
“Danny! What’s happening?” Someone called.
“Talking to Mom was supposed to fix things!” He cried. 
“Danny! You’ve gotta look at us, man!”
A whine exited two throats. “But she’s never gonna accept me.”
“Danny! Fenton! Listen to us.” Fenton? Who was-
Hands appeared on their shoulders. No, on just one set of their shoulders but which-
“Fenton, you need to come back to us.”
Come back to… “Sam? Tucker?” He recognized the voices.
“Yeah. It’s us, dude.” “Come back to us.”
Come back? He needed to come back to- He blinked. And something snapped. Like a rubber band stretched too far, two components snapped back into place.
“Sam. Tucker.” Fenton frowned, clarity entering his vision. Or more like….his vision shifted away from what he’d been seeing before, from the swirling green clouds, floating purple doors, and hunks of rock in the Ghost Zone. His eyes widened. The Ghost Zone?! He was-
“Yeah man.” Tucker squeezed his shoulder. “Are you with us now?”
Numbly, Fenton nodded. “Yeah. I’m here.” His mouth felt dry.
“What happened?” Sam asked softly.
The boy swallowed. “I-” 
Fenton! Something in him cried. Fear lashed out, threatening to pull him back inside himself. Where...where are you? Where am I? What’s happening?
“Phantom!” The human called, vision again starting to blur.
Hands gripped him more tightly. “Don’t you dare leave us again.”
“Sam. Tucker. No I’m…” He sucked in a breath. “Phantom. I’m still here. It’s-” Fenton felt pulled in two directions. He needed to be here, with his friends. He needed to tell them what was happening. But.... No, he needed to be with Phantom. He-
Cold crashed into him, stealing his breath. “Sam? Tucker?” Why did he sound surprised, like he was just now recognizing? Again, his...their lines blurred but in the wrong way.
“Focus!” Sam shook him. “Fenton! We need you to-”
“Why are you calling me Fenton?” Phantom asked through him...No Fenton asked...No…
Gasping, the human body pulling out of Sam’s grip. He leaned over, suddenly nauseous. “Why can’t I just be one person?!”
“Danny!” His friend grabbed his jumpsuit free arms again. “Whichever Danny you are, you need to tell us what’s happening.”
Another deep breath. Human eyes closed and the ghostly vision of the Zone opened up. Both heads shook. They needed to focus on Sam and Tucker but...being exposed in the Zone with their eyes closed would be bad. No, push the vision away, like it’s just an imagined day dream.
“My human body’s here in the real world with you and Tucker.”
Tucker and Sam frowned, but neither commented on the oddity at the beginning of the statement. Instead, the technogeek asked. “And the other you?”
“I’m….He’s….We’re….we’re in the ghost zone.” 
“The ghost zone!” Sam exclaimed.
A nod. “Phantom tried to talk to Mom. It...uhh...it didn’t go well. So we ran off.”
Tucker blinked. “You ran off...to another dimension?”
“We panicked, okay! The portal...it was right there. And there was yelling and...I wasn’t thinking! Talking to Mom was supposed to help but... but now we’re lost somewhere in the freaking land of the dead!” The panic that their friends had managed to briefly calm flared, their breathing increasing into a pant.  “I mean….we’d wanted to see the Ghost Zone, but not like this! And now Mom’s probably mad at us and I don’t know where I am!” Again, hands gripped black and white hair.
“Hey, it’s okay. Calm down.” Sam pleaded.
“Okay! Okay! I’m lost. I’m-”
“Danny.” Tucker interrupted. “Just take a breath, okay? See if you can figure out which direction you came from.”
“Yeah.” Sam agreed. “Try to go back the way you came. You couldn’t have flown that far.”
Another breath. “Yeah. Okay.” Both heads turned side to side, looking around. The human body stepped away from their friends, turning in a circle like someone looking for a recognizable landmark. “There? No…” He growled in annoyance. “Everything’s moving too fast.”  They turned back towards Sam and Tucker, in the real world. Their breath puffed in front of them. Then blue and green eyes suddenly widened in panic as they flinched back. “Shit!”
Several things happened in quick succession. Their human vision blacked out as a rock the size of a minivan hurdled towards their ghost form. The ghost dodged, rapidly ascending. The human tried to copy the action, but being unable to fly, jumped up and then fell to the ground.
“Danny!” Sam and Tucker’s voices again came from far away, the sound traveling through their perception, along with the shock from hitting the ground.
But the feeling passed in a moment as more rocks flew towards them. They dodged and weaved, yelping as a small boulder clipped the edge of their tail. Where were these rocks coming from?!
Below, something growled. They looked down, eyes falling on a large, muscular figure with one eye in the center of its face. Another ghost! That must have been what set off their ghost sense. It roared, yelling something about staying away from its island. They didn’t need to be told twice.
Their ghostly form darted away in a blur, just thinking of escaping the attack. After no more than a minute, they slowed, eyes searching for a place to stop. There! A small, bare island, no more than a quarter of a football field. Near the center was a large boulder, leaning towards the side and forming a small sheltered space. They landed, praying it was empty. Whole body shaking with fear, they sunk to the ground, curling up inside the cave and pulling their lower half, which was still in the serpentine form of a ghostly tail to their chest. Their chest heaved with shaking breath as the tears renewed. 
It wasn’t fair. They were lost and scared and tired. Some ghost just attacked them again and they were stranded on some random rock in the Ghost Zone. They shivered; everything around them was so cold but they were somehow too hot. Everything ached and they were starving because they were missing lunch and their knees hurt from when they fell. And...Wait-
A white haired head whipped up, nose wrinkling in confusion as the slight of their tail. They didn’t have knees right now, did they? But…..
Their stomach flopped with sudden nausea. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t right. Newly recognized sensations spark in their perception: the distant sound of Sam and Tucker’s voices, grass under a head, the throb of sore knees.
In the Zone, the ghost leaned forward, feeling sick. Something was wrong. It hurt. Everything hurt so much. Their skin was too tight; the core pulsed too slow and the heart beat too fast. 
“Fenton? Phantom? Danny?” They asked, out into the now silent alien environment. Which one...which ones were they? Who were….who was he? He was...they were both or…. all three? Or something in the middle? Ghost or human? One person or two fragments? To his supreme distress, they couldn’t tell, mind overcome with confusion. 
Danny, or someone who was almost Danny, pinched his eyes closed. This was...this wasn’t right. He wasn’t supposed to be like this. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He felt...he felt like a half reassembled puzzle, one that had been rapidly put together by randomly pushing the pieces together. Instead of the pieces interlocking and forming a complete picture, they were mismatched, the picture fuzzy, off, and disjointed. He...they hadn’t put themselves...himself back together correctly.
He sucked in a breath. He...they couldn’t do this, couldn’t be this right now. They...he needed Fenton and Phantom, needed to be Phantom and Fenton, but not at the same time. Not yet. They would...he would be back to himself soon but first….before the complete picture could be reformed, they needed to pull apart the mismatched puzzle pieces.
His humanity, the part of himself, themselves, that called himself Fenton pulled away. Tangled threads unraveled, the pain easing. Ghost and human separated, divided but still tethered together, even across dimensions. 
Fenton slowly came back to awareness, his consciousness returning to his body. Voices buzzed above him.
“Should we get Jazz? Or call his parents?”
“We can’t do that, Tucker! Didn’t you hear? He had a fight with his Mom.”
“Well, we can’t just take him to the nurse, Sam!”
Sam? Tucker? They were fighting, but what about?
“I know that but-”
“You saw what happened! His eyes started glowing and he started muttering to himself and running away from us. We almost got him calm! Then he freaked out and passed out!”
Oh yeah, that. His eyes blinked open, squinting in the sunlight. He groaned.
That got Sam and Tucker’s attention. “Danny!” Both cried as they knelt down beside him.
“Are you back with us?” Sam asked, brow furrowed with concern.
Fenton nodded, sluggishly. “Yeah, I’m back.” His hands clenched and unclenched, grabbing fists full of grass. So he was on the ground. He glanced towards his feet, eyeing the grass stains on his jeans and his aching knees.
Tucker offered his hand. “Here, let me help you up.” The other boy accepted, half pulling, half pushing himself back into a sitting position. “So...which one are you?”
Blinking in confusion, Fenton turned his head to find his friends looking at him warily. After a moment, his mind caught up with the question. “I’m Fenton….just Fenton.” He frowned, rubbing his eyes. He pulled his hands away, eyeing the moisture on his fingers. Huh...so he had been crying.
“What was that?” Sam’s quiet question drew him out of his thoughts.
The human frowned, biting his lip. “I’m not… I’m not really sure.” He looked down at his hands. “It kinda felt like...we almost fused. But...it wasn’t right. We were confused and…” His voice quieted. “It hurt.” 
The boy then glanced up, taking in his friends’ stricken looks. “Dude...are you okay?” Tucker asked, with wide, compassionate eyes.
Fenton shrugged. “Yeah...I think it was the whole two body thing but we’re sorted now.”
His friends traded concerned, skeptical looks and Sam’s eyebrow rose. The human Danny had no doubt; she wanted to press him right now for more explanation, to make sure he actually was okay. And the boy was grateful for her concern. In all honesty, he wasn’t okay. Between the horrible conversation with Mom, being lost in another dimension, and the confusing partial fusion, he was stressed and tired, to say the least. But they had bigger things to solve than his current emotional state.
Sam clearly recognized the same. “Okay.” She sighed, continuing with the conversation. “What was with you eating the dirt?”
The human boy looked down, cheeks reddening in embarrassment. “I..uh...forgot that I can’t fly as a human.” His friends both blinked bewilderedly. Then Tucker laughed and Sam snorted. Fenton’s blush intensified. “We were trying to dodge. Some ghost threw this huge rock at us so ghost me flew up to miss it. This me tried to copy but...” He motioned down his body. “This body can’t fly.”
With that, his friends’ more jovial expressions turned more serious. “I guess that makes sense.” Tucker finally said.
Then Sam nodded. “And Phantom, your ghost half? Where is he?”
Fenton’s frown deepened, his shoulders hanching as he pulled his knees to his chest. “Still in the Zone. We found an island to hang tight on. He should be safe... for now.”
There was a long pause as his friends looked at each other, a silent, worried conversation passing between them. Then Sam’s eyes focused back on Fenton’s face. “Can we talk to Phantom?”
The human blinked. “Why?”
Tucker’s lip turned down in a deepening frown. “We need to figure out how to get the other you home. So...can you let us talk to him?”
“Oh.” Fenton looked down, biting his lip. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” His voice quieted. “I don’t wanna get lost again.”
Sam’s expressions softened. “Okay.” To the human boy’s surprise and relief, she conceded, like she just might understand.
“Can he hear us, at least?” Tucker offered tentatively. “You don’t have to respond, just listen.”
“I don’t know-” Fenton started, equally tentatively, before his reply was interrupted by words in his head.
Fenton? Phantom asked softly.
The human furrowed his brow, eyes losing focus. Yeah? I’m here.
I can hear Sam and Tucker. He said, slightly nervously. I’ve been watching this whole time.
Fenton blinked in confusion. “You have?”
“Danny!” “Not again!” Again, Sam and Tucker’s hands were on his shoulders, eyes wide with concern. 
The human boy shook his head. “Sorry. I’m fine. I was just talking to Phantom. Apparently he can hear you. So just...talk to me.”
His friends traded somewhat confused, somewhat exacerbated looks before pressing on. “Okay.” Tucker took a breath. “You need to try and find the portal.”
Fenton started shaking his head but Sam continued. “Just to retrace your steps, okay? Go back the way you came.” She squeezed his arms. “You can do this. You can. I believe in you, Danny Phantom.”
In the back of his mind, Fenton could feel his ghost self’s appreciation of the statement. The corner of his lips turned up in a slight smile. Then his mouth moved of its own volition, his voice echoing. “It’s really nice to hear that Sam but-”
“Dude, your eyes are glowing again.” Tucker cut in, brow furrowing with worry.
They were? His brow furrowed in thought, focusing on the cool burning feeling in his eyes. “Ah that makes sense.” Again, the words came out without his input or rather… “It’s me, Phantom.” With a slight push from his ghost, Fenton held up his hands. “It’s okay, guys. Fenton’s just letting me use his mouth.”
Sam raised a brow. “Because apparently you can do that?”
“Yeah.” He shrugged. “But anyway...I’m really happy you believe in me guys but...I have no idea where I am. We weren’t really paying attention after we...uh….ran off. And then that ghost was chucking rocks at us and we got turned around flying away.”
“There’s gotta be landmarks or something. Can you just figure out the direction you came from at least?” Tucker asked.
Under Phantom’s direction, Fenton shook his head. “Maybe?” He pursed his lips. “I really don’t want to just go flying off in one direction and just end up farther from the portal.”
The technogeek sighed. “Maybe we should get your parents? They might have some way to help you.”
In the Ghost Zone, Phantom sat, considering the idea. Fenton could distantly feel the ghost thinking, his own thoughts likely following the same pattern. As much as he didn’t want to get his parents’ help, that might be the best option. They could have Phantom sit tight where he was and get Mom and Dad’s assistance to find him. The human Danny then flinched, feeling his ghost self’s anxiety at the thought. Wait….feeling?
The idea hit him like a brick wall. “You don’t have to find the portal. You can find me.” The human Danny said, feeling the glow of his eyes dim. Across their connection, Fenton felt Phantom’s confusion. “Phantom, we’re still connected. There’s like...a line. A tether between us.” He motioned vaguely with his hands.
Understanding dawned as blue eyes again flashed green. “I can follow it back to you!” In the human world, Fenton’s voice echoed, his mouth stretching up into a smile. “That just might work.”
“It will.” The human reassured, mentally poking at the link. He could almost see it in his mind’s eyes, a metaphysical cord connecting the two parts of his mind. A cord he’d felt drawing him and his ghost self together, somehow pulling taut as the two moved closer, more in sync.
“Yeah. I’ll see you really soon.” Phantom replied.
Fenton grinned, his arms wrapping themselves around his chest. He looked down at himself. “Phantom? Are you trying to hug me?”
A blush rose on his face. “Yes.” His arms fell to his sides. “It’s weird talking to you like this.”
“You’re telling me.” The human said, slightly teasingly. “But seriously...you’ve got this.” 
“Tucker and I agree.” Sam cut in. Her gaze, level with Fenton’s eyes, drew the boys’ attention. “You’ve got this.” She playfully punched Fenton’s arm. “Hurry up and get back to the land of the living.”
“Yeah man. I wanna see your ghostly self, in person.” The technogeek leaned forward to hug the boy in front of him. “Be careful, Danny.”
Fenton and Phantom both agreed to return the hug. “I will.” The ghost replied. “Thanks for calming me down guys...and just being here. I don’t know where we’d be if you guys hadn’t been with Fenton.”
“Of course.” Sam reassured. “We’re your friends, no matter what weird stuff you’re doing.”
For once, Fenton, nor his ghost half, shied away from word. They were weird. This situation was weird but they had friends who could roll with the punches. 
“I’ll see you guys soon.” Phantom finally said, as Fenton pulled out of the hug. “I’ll let you guys go back to your lunch; I know Fenton’s hungry.”
As soon as he said that, the human’s stomach growled. An echoing laugh exited Fenton’s mouth, followed by chuckles from Sam and Tucker. The human shook his head, at his friends’ and his other self’s reactions.
His laughter stopped after a moment as Phantom’s directed his arm to wave. “Bye guys.”
With that, the ghostly light blinked out of his eyes, signaling Phantom’s retreat. Fenton also felt it, the ghost gently closing a mental door and leaving the human solidly alone in his body.
“Fenton?” Sam asked.
“Yeah. Phantom went off to try and find his way back.”
“Man.” Tucker shook his head. “So that’s what your internal dialogue sounds like.”
“Kinda.” The human boy shrugged. “Sorry, that was….it’s never been that...involved, me and Phantom interacting when we’re physically apart…. Being split’s done weird things to my mind.”
His friends of course looked at him with concern at the statement, but there was understanding and acceptance too. “I guess that would make sense.” Sam said.
“Like Sam and I said before, we’re here if you ever want to talk about any of that.” Tucker offered.
Fenton’s lip turned slightly up at the statement, bolstered by the promise of his friends’ support. “Maybe later. Right now I want some food.”
The technogeek laughed. “All right man.” He standed from his kneeling position before offering Fenton a hand up. “Let’s eat.”
The human boy accepted the help, wincing slightly at his bruised knees; he’d need to look at them later but it didn’t feel like they were hurt badly. Sam also stood and the three walked back to the secluded picnic table where they’d been eating lunch before Phantom’s argument with their mother drew him away. So it had turned out that eating outside, away from their classmates and teachers had been beneficial. And speaking of his mom….
His heart did clinch painfully at the memory of her words. He passively wondered; what was she doing right now? What was her reaction to what he said, to him running off? Everything had happened so fast and...briefly, a look of shock had flashed on her face, something that might even have been guilt. He hoped it was but...he could’t worry about that right now. His most important concern was getting his other half back from the ghost zone. After, they could deal with the situation together, like they should have from the beginning. 
“Danny.” Sam said his name, capturing the boys’ attention. “Aren’t you going to eat? We’ve only got five minutes left.”
Fenton frowned. “Yeah. Right.” He stuffed a bit of his sandwich in his mouth. He’d worry about that later. For now, he’d eat his lunch, go to study hall, and hope- no trust- he’d trust that Phantom would get back safely.
Note: So this chapter was a little shorter what's typical for me. I ended up splitting it off from the next scene because that was over 6000 words alone and I thought the whole thing would be too long. But the good news is, that means the next chapter is done. I just have to find time to edit it with my beta. And I'm working on what will be chapter 33 now.
This also means this story won't be on hiatus as long. I'm planning on writing at least one story for the Phic Phight and a longer story Inviobang. I may do something for DannyMay was well? I really want to write another part for "It was an Accident, I swear" and the last story in my "Life and Death is all Perspective" series. But IDK. That depends on how fast I finish the other stuff and/or how much self control I have. Well al have to see what happens. Anyway, feel free to leave a comment as always and thank you so much for reading!
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bitchin-beskar · 4 years
Rating: M (Warning: cursing and mentions of drug use)
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: The final story in the trilogy! I’ve kind of explained what happened in august in mad woman but now we get to see Frankie’s perspective! There are only two more songs after this guys I can’t believe we’re almost done!!
Tags: @mxndoscyarika, @perropascal, @theocatkov, @cosmicbug379, @cryptkeepersoul, @marydjarin
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters or any of my other works!
Please consider liking or rebloging, I love feedback!!!
Frankie sits in his truck, his face buried in his hands. He’s supposed to be going over to Pope’s place for drinks with the guys, but he can’t bring himself to actually leave. He’d been a mess ever since you’d broken up with him. When you’d told him things were through, he’d been so confused. You’d called him, and he could hear the tears in your voice when you told him you were done. He’d tried to get you to explain, but you’d been so upset, you’d refused to give him anything more, and he had no idea what he’d done wrong.
He wanted to fix things, try to understand where he’d gone wrong, but you were refusing to talk to him. Even Andrea was pissed at him, and all she’d say was “You know what you did,” or “Go fuck your other girlfriend,” despite Frankie’s repeated insistence that he didn’t have any other girlfriend. The only thing he could think of was the couple of times that one girl from school had thrown herself at him–fuck, what was her name? Chelsea? Francis? He couldn’t remember–and kissed him. He’d tried letting her down gently, but damn was she persistent. Especially now that he was single–how did she fucking know that?–she had doubled her efforts to get him interested, but Frankie didn’t have eyes for anyone other than you, even if you weren’t currently speaking to him.
He’d been upset for a long time, and nothing seemed to help. Alcohol and hanging with the guys didn’t fix things, and neither did talks with his Ma. He was ashamed to admit it, but one night, while out with the guys, someone had offered him some coke, and he’d accepted. He’d always sworn to never do drugs, but the guy had said something about feeling the happiest you’d ever felt, and damn did he need that, so before he could think things through, he’d bought a couple grams. 
He’d felt like shit the next morning, but the high? It had helped, a lot. He wasn’t proud of it, but before he knew it, he was regularly buying coke, snorting it just to feel some phantom of the happiness he’d felt with you. 
He was hoping that eventually, when tempers cooled, he’d be able to talk to you, at least so that he could understand what had happened, even if you didn’t want to get back together. He’d be upset, sure, but he’d try to understand. Pope didn’t really get it, just offering to help Frankie get drunk and move on, but he really didn’t want to do that. He didn’t want to just… move on from you. You’d been a part of his life for so long, he didn’t think he could carve you out of his heart so easily. That’s why the coke helped so much, he thought. It didn’t make him forget, just reminded him of how he felt when he was still happy.
Frankie was startled by a tapping on the driver’s side window. Looking up, his eyes widened when he saw you. You looked extremely upset, and you’d clearly been crying. He opened the door and scrambled out of his truck, only for you to fall into his arms, sobbing into his chest.
He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he began to rock you back and forth, trying to calm you down. He wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on top of yours, whispering reassurances. He didn’t know what had happened, but whatever it was clearly upset you. 
The two of you stood there, leaning against his truck, for what felt like forever. Even though you were crying, Frankie couldn’t help but be happy to have you in his arms again. You fit perfectly, just like you always did, and he hoped to God he could fix whatever had gone wrong between the two of you because he really didn’t want to lose this. 
Finally, your sobs subsided enough so that he could understand the words leaving your lips. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry Frankie, I fucked up, I’m sorry I believed her, I’m so stupid, I’m sorry–” Your words were muffled against his chest, but Frankie got the gist of it. He thought. 
“Sweetheart, princesa, hey, look at me,” Frankie lifted your chin, trying to get you to look at him. It took a moment, but your eyes finally landed on his. “What are you sorry for, sweetheart? What happened? Please, just tell me what I did?”
The pleading tone of his voice seemed to break you, and you dissolved into sobs again. He kissed your forehead, feeling like an idiot, unable to help you. It took another few minutes before you calmed down enough to speak again.
“Frankie, it’s not your fault, none of it, I’m so sorry, I just jumped to conclusions, I should have just trusted you. I should have known.” Frankie looked confused, but you continued, trying to explain. “Francesca, she had these pictures of the two of you kissing and then she showed Andrea and I this sonogram, and it looked so real, and I thought it was real, and that’s why I broke up with you, but then I found texts on my mother’s phone, she set everything up because she doesn’t like that I’m dating you and I–” 
Your words came faster and faster and finally Frankie put his hand over your mouth to get you to stop. “Princesa, breathe, mi amor. I think I know who you’re talking about, she kept trying to throw herself at me, but I turned her down every time sweetheart, I swear.”
You’re looking at him strangely, and he’s worried for a moment. “Wait, Frankie, you don’t remember Francesca?” When he shakes his head you continue. “She kept trying to get with you all of high school, you really don’t remember her?” 
Frankie grins sheepishly. “I only had eyes for you, amor. I didn’t really notice anyone else.”
Your mouth falls open, and you’re looking at him like you’ve never seen him before. He’s sure you’ve never looked more perfect than in that moment, when you’re realizing just how much he loves you, and he can’t help but kiss you. 
You sink into the kiss, clutching at his shirt, and Frankie groans. He wasn’t sure he’d ever get the chance to do this again, and that made it all the sweeter. He only pulls away when you’re gasping for breath, cheeks flushed and lips swollen. 
“Forgive me?” 
You finally–finally–smile. “Only if you can forgive me for jumping to conclusions.” 
Frankie grins for the first time in weeks, and answers you with another kiss. 
“Standing in your cardigan
Kissin’ in my car again
Stopped at a streetlight
You know I miss you.”
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marueonmain · 4 years
part three ~ without the dolphin ~
(part one) (part two) (part three)
A/N: Thank you all so so much for reading! I never thought people would care about my writing and I am so appreciative. I’ve got messages/asks open for comments or questions.
Summary: Y/N warms up to Alex. George advises him to not be an idiot. 
Pairing: imallexx x reader
Warning: Secondhand Embarrassment. Mild Language.
Word Count: 2.3k
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There was no music in the lift. There was no music to interrupt Alex's music blaring into his ears. If there were someone around, they would have heard his questionable song choice for the four-minute trip from his apartment to meet the deliveryman and back again. Not that that trip required music.
However, consider that the brain could think thousands of thoughts in four minutes, and the chances of those all being pleasant thoughts are minuscule. Why take that chance? Why not drown them all out?
DING the sliding doors opened. Alex stepped out with a bounce in his step set in-time with the backbeat of the chorus playing in his ears.
Coming from around the corner where the mailroom was, Y/N brushed past him in a flash of blue clothing. She did not seem to see him.
But he saw her, like a Where's Wally game he was not aware he was playing. He took out one of his earbuds, slipping it in his pocket. Alex was determined to be normal: to make up for the initial awkwardness of their first meeting.
Y/N walked past the lift and started for the stairs. She was on the fifth or sixth step.
"Red!" called Alex.
"Hmm? Oh, hello," she said, smiling.
"How are you doing?" It was uncomfortable for him to be on a lower plane than to whom he was speaking, but Y/N was not moving, so neither was he.
"For tired, you don't look too bad. No I didn’t—you don't look bad. You look good!" Amidst recovering from his slip, Alex noticed how different Y/N was then last time. Different in appearance, with her softer expression and relaxed shoulders, and in her aurora. It was calmer, more open.
"You look good too. That shade of yellow—" she pointed to his sweatshirt, "—compliments your hair."
"Really? You think?" He thought he might just melt or spill open in front of her.
"I'm not a liar. What are you up to?" Y/N looked around, keeping her head on a slight swivel. She returned to meet Alex's gaze with something like concern shining, hiding behind her animated expression.
"I'm meeting a deliveryman. If you want, you could come and eat pizza with George and me." After a short beat, he added, "Invite Sammy too."
"Is George your flatmate or..." Y/N intentionally trailed off.
"Flatmate." Alex thought he might have seen Y/N's smile widen more so for a second at his answer. But he could not be sure what he saw was real or just a manifestation of what he wished to see.
"He sounds nice."
"George? Yeah, he's lovely. Not as lovely as me, of course."
Nodding in mock seriousness, Y/N confirmed, "Of course."
It was a simple conversation, but it felt so alive: so real: so this is happening right now and Alex felt so present. Like looking at himself in the mirror late at night and being hit with the conscious recognition of I am a person. Here I am this corporeal being. Not made of words or thoughts, what I find funny or opinions I like, my mental state or view count.
Alex was real talking to Y/N. Words were free-flowing out of him as he processed and reacted simultaneously. Such an understanding – if harnessable – could lead to solutions for world hunger or maybe even get him to three million subscribers within the year.
"So, you'll come along?"
"I can't." Y/N frowned a slight frown. Her nervous nature returned as she cleared her throat and began to fiddle with her fingers.
"Come on, Red," his voice whined with the plea before stabilizing, "It'll be fun. It's not just pizza. I was planning on throwing together a salad as well to go with it."
"How healthy."
"Oh? Do you not know?" Alex paused so Y/N could shake her head. "I'm only buying a pizza to support local businesses; I'm really an expert in the kitchen."
"Is that right?" She raised an eyebrow.
"You know what? I see it now. Better than Ramsey, aren't you?"
"Leagues better. I'd challenge any chef to rival my bagged salad mix. It's spectacular – delicious."
Y/N giggled, and Alex joined.
Music had continued to blare from the earbud he left in, but he had been able to ignore it during the conversation. Until a particular song came on – one he downloaded as a joke – and he heard the line: got our song...up and ready
Did Alex wish Y/N and he had a song? No, that was dumb. An unrealistic expectation the romance genre shoved upon its (generally) female audience. But did he? Kind of. It would be cute. Men can want to be cute, too, right?
"So, you'll come?" he asked...again.
Y/N fiddled with the collar of her chin-hugging top. "I would, but I can't. Sam would—don't you think you've made your deliveryman wait long enough?"
"Probably. You have some time to change your mind; just ring me if you do."
"I don't have your number."
"Alright," he made a give it here gesture, "I'll plug it in."
Y/N's bright expression faltered a smidge as she relinquished her phone to him. It was an older model but still a smartphone: no passcode: no apps other than those built-in. Her wallpaper was a picture of Sammy and her on a nature walk. 
Alex’s prominent adam's apple jumped. A pain like indigestion or like guilt stabbed him in the stomach. After plugging in his number, he took an extra second to double-check it and add some personal flair.
Y/N took her phone back. "Why the emoji? I think I'll know who you are without the..." Y/N squinted at the screen. "...without the dolphin."
"Never know. It could be a good reminder."
"I suppose, it does match your eyes," she muttered, still focused on the phone. Y/N froze for a second, clearly not having meant to say that out loud.
"There you go, it's perfect. Don't be afraid to call or text me; I'm on that thing 24/7, and I promise to reply in at least one-to-two business days. Guaranteed."
She scoffed, "You should go get your pizza."
It would not be the first or fifth time Alex had forgotten about a deliveryman, and – while he would let his extra-large go stone-cold before willingly break off a conversation with her – it was apparent Y/N was itching to get somewhere.
"True." Alex gave a short wave, maintaining his distance. "I'll see you later."
"Bye.” Y/N disappeared up the stairs.
Alex balanced the extra-large pizza box in one hand. Never having worked in food service, his confidence in doing so was even lower than his regular self-confidence. With his other hand, he patted himself down, looking for the key to his apartment. He cursed at himself for having locked it out of habit when he left.
There was muffled shouting coming from inside – sounding both playful and angry. It took a single step through the door for Alex to recognize the source of the shouting.
George was in his bedroom watching a video back without his headphones on. 
A great grief. A true unseen struggle for all youtubers – headphones were uncomfortable. Constant low-pressure squeezing developed into the biggest hazard of the job: chronic headaches. Both flatmates had expressed how they sometimes woke up to the feeling like they needed to relieve a phantom pressure and take off their headphones despite not wearing them to bed.
"Take high ground," a familiar voice commanded. "You have to down this guy."
Pre-recorded George asked, "Where is he?"
"Left. LEFT! Your left! Goddammit George, you dyslexic bitch."
It was with bitch that Alex recognized the other voice in the recording– it was Joshy, and it was a fortnite video from the sound of it.
"This gun is so weak it's hitting nine damage," pre-recorded George complained.
Joshy screamed, "Let's go; we got to go!"
"You do your thing. I'll be over there in a bit."
Their bickering continued sounding identical in tone to that of a couple outside divorce court. Viewers loved how shit George was at fortnite and how increasingly frustrated that made Joshy: the shouting, the swearing, the idle threats and name-calling. Pairing up together for these types of gameplay videos would often have them banging out a quarter to half a million views per video.
Meanwhile. Alex placed the pizza box on the coffee table and fell onto the sofa with an exhausted sigh. Sitting up, he grabbed at the box lid and started claiming the best-looking slices in his head.
Eyes flickered to the closed-door: George had not heard him come in – surely not. And he would not be mad if Alex started in on devouring the pizza without him – surely not. Right?
Stacking two slices on top of one another, Alex crammed them into his mouth quick, as if scared they would be taken away from him, and burned his tongue.
"Help me," pleaded the pre-recorded George, "Help me. Help me."
"Nah. Don't think I will."
"Josh, if you don't revive me right now. I swear to god, I will piss in your mouth while you sleep."
Alex snorted, choking on the third slice of pizza he had fit in his big mouth; he had been on the receiving end of that piss threat before, several times. Most recently because he left a plate in the sink and George swore if Alex did not clean it that second, he would...well...piss in his mouth.
"That's not very nice." Joshy mimicked genuine sadness. "I got you."
1/3 of the pizza was gone, and Alex decided it fair to call George in before he scranned it all himself. "George! Pizza's here!"
"Alright!" George (the real not the pre-recorded) shouted back. There was the sound of his door closing and the padding of his socked feet down the short hall before he appeared around the corner. Met with Alex and the 2/3 of a room temperature pizza, he asked the appropriate, "What the fuck?"
"I was starved."
"And here I was thinking the one excuse I would accept for taking twenty years to get the pizza was that you'd run into the street and got hit.”
Alex spoke around his mouth being full, "Sorry."
"Whatever." He snuck in a quick smack against the side of Alex's head as he joined him on the sofa.
Both men sat in silence, shoving slices of pizza into their mouth like it was a competition. Like there was no other food in their apartment. Like they could not order another pizza. Like it proved something.
Breaking the silence, Alex swiped the sleeve of his sweatshirt across his mouth and asked, "Are we still filming that opening pokemon cards video tomorrow?"
"Yes. Just need someone to film the over-the-shoulder angle. Lewis is sick."
"Sick with what?"
"Not the bug." George rolled his eyes mockingly. His eating had slowed down after hitting the wall, half-way through his fifth slice. "It's like a cold or something. Could you ask your new mate Sammy to do it?"
"Why not ask Will to come down?"
"Don't trust him," he said, shrugging.
"Fair enough. I'll ask him when we hit the pub later." Alex stood and walked to the kitchen. At the sink, he washed his hands with dish detergent and, cupping his hands into a bowl, washed around his mouth with the soapy water. Satisfied, he took a towel to his hands and face before returning to see George shutting the lid on the pizza box. "What do you think of Sammy?"
"How do you mean?"
"Just in general."
George shrugged. "He's cool."
"Yeah," Alex agreed – because he did agree with the statement; he liked Sammy.
There was a pause, and, in the interlude, George stood and grabbed the pizza box. He brought it to the kitchen bin; balancing it on top the overflowing rubbish. Curious and perhaps thinking he heard a tonal shift in their dialogue, George settled himself to be pressing his shoulder against the wall nearest where Alex stood. Leaning like he was in a how do you do fellow kids meme.
Alex felt very much 'squared up' to. He turned to be met with a quick tilt of the head and a scrutinizing near-glare from his flatmate. It was not unlike George to stick his nose in where it does not belong; could this be considered that type of situation? Alex did ask for his opinion.
Clearing his throat, George asked, "Is this about Y/N?"
"I was talking to her earlier and—"
"Why were you talking to her?"
"—and I got the sense that Sammy might be like a tad controlling. I don't know."
"Are you serious?" George asked harshly before continuing in a softer voice – with a hint of hesitation, of caution, "You know what happens when you jump to conclusions like that. You shouldn't be chatting up Y/N behind Sammy's back."
"It wasn't like I cornered her. We ran into each other." Alex tugged on his sleeves, pulling them past his shaking fingers – seconds away from crawling into himself.
It was not playful bullying between friends anymore; it was a telling off. And neither was comfortable. George's eyes pleaded for Alex to look up and meet them, and for Alex to understand. Alex held no negative feelings toward George. But Alex hated himself for reacting as he was; he hated being human and having sensitive moments. Though he could not stop it.
"You have got to back off. Ok?" George confirmed, "If it means we can't have Sammy in the friend group, then that's what it means. We'll find someone else to film for us tomorrow."
"No, it's fine. I'll ask him," Alex said as he pulled up and straightened his posture. He smiled at George's concerned expression and added, "I'm not interested in Y/N."
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spookyboogie3 · 4 years
Also keep in mind some of these moments i picked Bitch Face r*an may have been present for but this aint about his stupid ass. 
The straw bit on Off Topic
Fiona and Trevor’s “Look at us” “Look at us” “Look at us” in TTT
Drunk Jeremy inhaling helium, followed by Jack and Trevor on Off Topic
“Krusty KrAYAYAB!!!” TTT
Jeremy trying to slam his face through a table, followed by Michael doing the same thing
“my god…… the munchdew” “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!” Minecraft: Skyfactory
Actually all of Simple Farmer Geoff from Skyfactory
Whatever those sounds were that Jack was making in the beginning of GTA video
Alfredo screaming as he continues to fall down a steep tube in a GTA race
“How did he drown though?” “UNDERWATER, MATT!”
Anytime Fiona starts to RAGE in TTT (bonus if others join in)
The time Gav was the phantom in TTT and he kept dying and being brought back and Jack spitting water and then trying to catch it
Alfredo’s Magoo moments in Minecraft
Geoff laughing in the background of a video hes not in
Lindsay fucking around with Chef Mike on Harecore Minigolf
Lindsay fucking around in general
Gavin and Fiona playing Animal Crossing and laughing at the stupidest shit
The Fish Tempura incident on Wheel of Fortune
Lindsay’s reasoning for why her and Michael should have 4 kids
Geoff’s fucking ad reads (my favorite is 23&Me)
The whole thing during Push the Button where everyone especially Michael gets mad at Fiona because she said the best candy to get while trick or treating was lollipops
Matt’s fucking desk in the corner of the room
Anytime Millie is in a video
Everyone falling off the pink ladder during TTT and dying repeatedly because of it
Alfredo “the two-time champ” Diaz dying very early in YDYD 3
Gavin and Michael fucking up almost every game they play on Play Pals
RAY OR NO and then RAY OR NAY on Off Topic
Reddit Roasts Geoff
Gavin asking if someone could kill 20 cows with their bare hands and the proceeding so say he could rip out a cow’s veins by reaching into its neck
Ify’s narration during Let’s Roll Ave Caesar
The internet losing its shit when Jeremy shaved his head years ago
“We need a knife” Gavin comes back with a hammer
Griffin chain sawing the Off Topic table up
“How do I put the boat in the water??” “Right click you animal”
As of 2020, 8 years of playing Minecraft, certain people still do not know how to play the basics of this fucking game.
Honestly it took over 200 episodes for some of them to figure out how the compass worked. You know after they decided that the sun was setting in the wrong direction. (this was in 2016??)
Flynt coal still is a joke they make
So is Day 2
Whatever happened in that GTA lets play where someone called a mugger or a hit on someone and the game glitched and 50 guys showed up and lined up on the street below from where they were playing
Anytime Gavin gets mugged, it’s an old running gag but it’s a classic
The time a mugger fucking started driving the fire truck away after mugging Gavin with Michael and Jeremy still in the truck thinking the other is driving and it takes them like 2 minutes to realize what happened while Gavin’s yelling “come back”
They got a water jug and immediately started water boarding each other
“It pinged and went dingle”
“Hey Trey-Boi” “Hey Gay-Boi” Immediately realizes what he has said
Jeremy’s website puns
(OLD) Ray jerking off in the corner during a let’s play
(OLD) the world in Minecraft never loading and everyone screaming about as Geoff says its fine for him
Jack taking AH to Disney……in Minecraft
On Twitter, Gavin asked about recommendations for a computer mouse and Fiona starts sending him pictures of actual mice.
“Its not ghey, if its on the moon”
Literally anything Fiona does as Po
Jeremy saying the heterosexual flag is boring
Geoff fucking cackling the whole time.
“here’s looking at you kid”
the video was almost 3 hours long
“you know what my favorite color is? blue” “oh really? You know what my favorite hand is? Yours
They all want it to end but no one wants to lose and so they fuck each other and that prolongs the game. Also they put on more rules, so they just keep getting more cards if they don’t have a card to match the previous
Alfredo saying he won’t participate in ghost hunter because he knows what happens to people of color in horror movies
Fiona walking in on Off Topic with a protein shake and Gavin asks if shes drinking milk and she says without missing a beat “ah no that’s cum” and everyone laughed not expecting the answer
(OLD) Ray and Gav running in a panel dressed as X-Ray and Vav and Ray running the whole way around the room before he got to the stage
Duck taping Jeremy to the wall
(OLD) All of Minecraft Episode 3 Plan G (This was the very first AH video I watch and why I know who they are)
Geoff and Gav creating Achievement City and giving everyone houses just to prank Jack into burning house down with lava.
Ray’s house is a dirt block with no furniture and single torch
Geoff’s giant ass house next to Ray’s tiny house
Jack tries to destroy everything with lava throughout the episode
“lets be honest, I realistically didn’t lose anything”
Michael stealing art from Gav’s house “NOO! I want nice things”
The sign to Michael’s says “Awaiting Approval, Awaiting Approval, Awaiting Approval” he runs into house and say “I’m home”
Ray also steals this sign at some point
Plan G – The failsafe.
“Oh whats this? Is this a button? Whats this? (pushes button) Yeah it was a button”
“Did you push the button?”
“wh-what does it do?”
Cue Achievement City beginning to explode as Michael starts screaming
Not something funny but something VERY IMPORTANT. AH admitting that they all fucked up and how shitty their behavior was when dealing with harassment in the fanbase. People were racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic, and just downright horrible to a lot of the employees at RT and AH. This came up after Mica Burton left the company and talked about it publicly and how nothing was done about it. Fiona who also experiences these same things, along with Lindsay and other employees, but Fiona took the charge on the Off Topic talking about people can’t continue to get away with that behavior. She got to sound off her feelings to a group of white men who all respected her and LISTENED to what was saying and how she felt. She cried; Geoff cried. They all want to do more, so this doesn’t happen in the future and they’re not tolerating the racist and horrible comments. AH taking a mature moment to talk about how they failed to stop these comments and Geoff was right when he said the company has a long way to go.
 Outside of AH each member has more to them than just all of the comedy and laughs and dumb shit they do
Geoff helped found Roosterteeth and Achievement Hunter. He has a beautiful daughter in Millie who is awesome in her own right. He’s a recovering alcoholic. Currently doing F**k Face podcasts. Was in the fucking army. Takes accountability for every mistake he makes.  
Jack also helped start Achievement Hunter. He does so much work for charity. His twitter is full of things to help people go vote. He’s like the dad to AH, especially Fiona. He’s happily married to his wife Caiti.
Michael was an electrician and has a lot of handy man experience. He made a few videos online about him raging at games and that got the attention of RT. He’s currently married to Lindsay who he met because of RT. They have two kids together.
Gavin is an expert at high speed filmmaking and know how use and edit footage from a slow-motion camera. He has worked on actual films. One of the creators of the Slow Mo Guys. Worked his ass off to get to work for RT. Currently dating model and cosplayer Meg Turney
Lindsay flips between being the mom of the group and a complete chaos queen and we all love her for it. She started as an editor for the RT podcast and then AH stuff. She is an incredible voice actor, most known for Ruby Rose (RWBY), Space Kid (Camp Camp), Hilda (Xray & Vav) just to name a few. She also has a degree in finance
Jeremy started as a fan who made videos on the community page. He took over Ray’s place after Ray left to do Twitch full time. He is a self-published author and a skilled rapper and singer. He’s currently married to his wife, Kat.
Matt also started as a fan making videos on the community page. He actually interacted and made stuff for the guys in really early Minecraft episodes. Seriously this guy is like king of Minecraft. He has a degree in electrical engineering. He also has pretty decent singing voice.
Trevor is THE BOSS. Has a degree in aero-space engineering and is getting paid to babysit AH. Currently dating Barbara Dunkelman, RTs queen of puns.
Alfredo worked at IGN before RT and is a well-known streamer. He is the best when it comes to first person shooter games. He and Trevor look so similar.
Fiona. Po. Her majesty. Host of This Just Internet. A Twitch streamer. Baby of the bunch. Grew up in Europe. Her and Gav act like a pair of siblings. She has stated and showed time and time again she will fight for people to have safe spaces for anyone who needs them.
Ify, our new guy. He is wonderful and I want to stay forever. He’s a comedian, a writer, and an actor. Co hosts F-ing Around with Fiona. Has his own film podcast, Who Shot Ya? I look forward to more content with him in it, cause everything he’s been in so far has been great.
 Were all hurting but well make it through this
We have all these wonderful moments and a lot more that I didn’t list and this incredible team of personalities with their own accomplishments and achievements. Not to mention old team members who were also great additions and the entire crew behind the scenes editing and making videos look the best that they can.
 Here’s to Achievement Hunter and to this community. We need to be here for each other in times like these.
@theonyxranger gave me the idea for this based on their own post they made about the fans giving their favorite moments without bitch face and there were just too many. Oop. 
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iamvegorott · 4 years
Hidden Romance Ch. 11
Wanna help me and give me some support?  |Donate To My PayPal|
“I’m going to warn all of you that this might get a little strange,” Dark said, standing in the middle of the living room with a vial of Alice’s blood. The others were gathered around him;
Anti was sleeping on the couch with Chase and Marvin, still recovering from earlier. Robbie sat between JJ and Henrik on the other couch. Edward was sitting on the armrest next to Henrik while Wilford was on the other next to JJ. Bing was sitting in a chair with Google behind him while Yandere and Bim were the same in the second chair. Host sat in the third chair with one hand towards his lip in thought. Phantom was sitting on the ground with Blank while Mad stood between Mare and Jackie behind them.    
“I don’t think anything could weird us out.” Marvin chuckled. 
“You’ll be surprised.” Dark held the vial towards RJ and CJ. “Tell me what you know.” 
“Okay!” RJ and CJ both perked up and took the vial. RJ popped it open and they both took a deep sniff. 
“Smelling blood? I’ve seen worse.” Henrik shrugged. 
“Wait for it.” Wilford placed a hand over JJ’s eyes. 
“Wha-” Henrik stopped himself when RJ put some of the blood on his finger and stuck it in his mouth, CJ doing the same. “I mean, it’s not the weirdest, but it’s up there.” 
“Alice Angel,” RJ and CJ spoke in unison, lifting their heads up and showing everyone that their eyes had glossed over and became a cloudy, light blue. 
“Now it’s weird,” Chase said. 
“Alice Angel.” The twins said again. 
“Age; twenty-seven,” RJ said.
“Sex; female,” CJ said. 
“Gender; female,” 
“Sexuality; heterosexual,”
“Romantic; heteroromantic,”
“Race; ink.”  
“Species, magic.”
“Scared of being forgotten.” The twins were speaking together once more. “Scared of being alone, scared of not being heard. Hatred for being an outsider, hatred for Blank, hatred of being second to Blank. Soft spot, brain.” The last word became a cough from the two and the vial was dropped. Yandere went to CJ while Bim went to RJ. 
“How we feeling?” Yandere asked CJ, getting no words, and CJ just wrapped his arms around Yandere, closing his eyes. 
“Tired.” Was all RJ could get out before resting against Bim. 
“Get them to bed,” Dark said, picking up the vial. 
“Up we go.” Yandere lifted CJ up and she and Bim carried the two out of the room. 
“I gotta piss.” Phantom bluntly said and followed them.
“Host, did you get anything from them?” Edward asked. 
“RJ and CJ weren’t able to complete their processing before exhaustion took over.” Host stated. “Host will have to wait until they’ve rested and finished the job before trying to get his own information.” 
“There’s only a touch of blood left, but it should be enough if they need more,” Dark said. 
“I have several questions,” Henrik said. 
“Are they like Host?” Chase asked. 
“Not really,” Edward said. “Host is able to look into the future and can get a general read on people but he’s usually stopped from being able to say it to anyone. It’s rare when he can give a prophecy to us or a full reading. The twins, on the other hand, can gather information from a person with a look, it’s usually one big thing of information and then the top layer of it. Like how they knew Anti was a Virus, or Marvin having magic or Chase being bulletproof.”
“Then what’s with eating the blood?” Jackie asked. 
“To get more on the person they’re studying, they need a close, personal contact to the person. Usually through something physical.” Edward scratched at his jaw. “And what’s more personal than someone’s blood?” 
“What else are they going to be able to tell us?” Chase asked, running a hand through Anti’s hair when he started to stir. 
“It a game of chance.” Dark went over to the couch and crouch down in front of Anti, placing a hand on his cheek. “Anti, are you awake?” Anti just opened one eye and stuck his tongue out when he saw Dark. 
“Someone take a picture, this is the softest I have ever seen Dark,” Wilford said, a laugh following.
“Can you come with me?” Jackie whispered to Mad. Mad stiffened a little but nodded, tapping on Mare’s arm and gesturing with his head that he was going. Mare only nodded as well, looking away when he saw that Mad was leaving with Jackie.
“What’s up?” Mad asked when they got out of the room. 
“I could tell you were getting uncomfortable,” Jackie said. 
“I wasn’t really…” Mad chewed on his lip. “I’m getting used to their stuff.” 
“Their stuff?” Jackie asked with a raised brow. 
“It’s hard to explain how all of this works in one go,” Mad said.
“It’s not like I’m going anywhere.” Jackie gave Mad that smile, that same damned smile that still warmed Mad’s chest, twisted his stomach with butterflies, and made him want to act up.
“Maybe after dinner, we could-” Mad slapped a hand over his mouth when a sudden strong wave of emotion hit him. He bent over and started coughing. 
“Hey, you okay there?” Jackie placed a hand on Mad’s back, which somehow cued another wave. 
“I-I…” Mad tried to speak but his throat started to close and he started to wheeze. “M-Mare.” Mad managed to choke out before his body started to heave as it tried to get air. 
“Oh shit!” Jackie scooped up Mad and rushed back into the living room. “Mare! Mare, help!” Jackie cried out, placing Mad down. 
“What happened?” Chase asked as Mare knelt down next to Mad. 
“We were just talking and then he just stopped breathing.” Jackie was hugging himself, trying to prevent himself from shaking. Did he do that? Was he to blame? 
“Try to lift your head.” Mare was the only one calm in the room as he reached into his pocket and pulled out an inhaler. “Here.” Mare pressed the inhaler to Mad’s mouth and that got Mad to lift his hands and take over, pressing the top of it several times as he took deep breathes. “I’m going to step outside with him.” Mare helped MAd to his feet. “Blank, come get us in five minutes, okay?” 
“Okay.” Blank had curled up where he was sitting. 
“I got you.” Mare walked with Mad out of the building, closing the door behind them. “We’re going to sit here.” He said as he guided Mad to sit down a few steps away from the door, leaning him against the building’s wall. Mare plopped down next to him. The two sat in a calm silence for a long while. “You good?” Mare asked softly.
“Yeah,” Mad said, clearing his throat when his voice came out clogged. 
“I thought you were getting used to them,” Mare said. 
“I am.” Mad sniffed and took one more take of his inhaler. “We’re going to need to get me a refill soon.” 
“I’ll ask if they know a good place around here,” Mare said. “And if you’re getting used to them, what caused this attack?” “Something new hit me.” 
“Something new?” 
“There was a new and strong feeling of affection.” 
“Affection?” Mare pressed his head back against the wall. “Where could that come from? Most of them are paired off already and if there were hidden feelings, you’d feel them a while ago.” 
“The weird thing was, it was new but familiar. It wasn’t one of the others, it felt like one of us.” 
“One of…” Mare swallowed thickly, thankful when he hear d a soft knock. 
“All okay?” Blank asked, peeking around the now open door. 
“Do you mind sitting out here with him for a little longer? I need to check something.” Mare got up and went back into the building, not waiting for an answer. Mare saw that Phantom still wasn’t back and he powered straight through. Marvin caught the anger and urgency in Mare’s steps and he slipped away from the group, who were all now talking to Anti and working out what to do with the twin’s information. 
Marvin was practically gliding across the floor as he followed Mare, stopping when Mare went into Phantom’s room and slammed the door shut. He slid to the door and pressed his ear against it. 
“Give me your phone,” Mare said.
“What? No.” Phantom scoffed, his voice giving off as if he thought MAre was joking. 
“Give me it, now.” Mare was not joking. 
“Dude, the fuck you on? Hey!” There were sounds of a struggle and more curses from Phantom. “Don’t read those!” 
“Who the hell is Illinois!? Mare shouted. 
“Why do you care!?” Phantom shouted back. 
“Because you haven’t told me about this! What happened to telling each other everything!?”
“Don’t pull that shit on me when you know damn well you have never told me about your-” 
“Marvin?” Chase’s voice pulled Marvin away and he didn’t hear the rest of the sentence. 
“Give me a moment,” Marvin whispered and went back to listening. 
“That is not true!” Mare sounded shocked by what Phantom had said. 
“Don’t give me that bullshit and give me my phone instead.” 
“Not until you tell me about him.” 
“There’s nothing to tell you!”
“You’re blushing.”
“Give me my phone!” 
“Mad said he felt a new strong wave of affection coming from a familiar source, it wasn’t me and it wasn’t Blank. So, again, who is this Illinois?” 
“Fuck off!” 
“Who is he!?”
“You’re just pissed that-”
“We really shouldn’t be eavesdropping,” Chase said. 
“It’s too late.” Marvin tried to catch the rest of that sentence but only got the ending.
“-instead of you!” There was suddenly a harsh silence. A painfully long pause before there was a crunch. “My phone! Mare! What the fuck!?” Chase and Marvin stumbled away when the door opened and Mare stepped out.
“Were you listening to us?” Mare’s voice was harsh and sharp, his eyes starting to go red as if he was holding back tears. 
“We-uh-were just-walking-passing-”
“What did you hear?” Mare stopped Chase from rambling.
“What did you hear!?” 
“Phantom has a possible thing with a man named after a state,” Marvin stated. 
“That’s it?” Mare swallowed thickly and Marvin could tell he was about to lose his internal fight. 
“That’s it.” 
“Okay…” Mare sniffed and he lifted his hand, a crushed phone in it. “Could you ask Anti or Bing and Google to see if they can fix this? Or at least make sure nothing gets lost if I need to get him a new phone?” 
“We’ll take care of it.” Marvin took the broken phone. 
“Thanks. I’m...I’m going to go to the bathroom.” Mare walked away with slumped shoulders. 
“What do you think Phantom said?” Chase asked Marvin. 
“It’s none of your damn business.” Phantom hissed and slammed his door shut. 
Tag List: @thesinginggal @ninazappy @takethepainawaybae @classy-birb @madallice329 @m0th-goo @always-in-a-fandom @such-a-dumbass @mirrored-calamity @thelonelycreature @grnpurplgrmln @shamelesscollectorpiratesstuff @antibeaneverybody @constantgaycrisis
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comeoncomeout41 · 5 years
Kara is Supergirl. Supergirl is Kara Danvers.
It plays over and over in her head on an infinite loop. The framed picture on her desk, the picture of her traitorous best friend and her traitorous best friend’s sister. She thought they had been friends too, and she can’t help Lex’s words playing back to her 
At least I didn’t die a fool
She slams her glass of bourbon on the framed picture. And she drinks. And drinks. And she goes home alone. And she drinks, will herself to not cry. And drinks some more but the tears come anyway.
Lena has been ignoring her. She knows despite how terrible Lex was, he was still Lena’s brother. And she killed him. She tells herself she tried to save him. She tried to spare his life for Lena’s sake. But it doesn’t ease the truth that she killed her best friend’s brother.
The part of her that shares Red Daughter’s memories of Lex give her a clearer picture of Lena. She has always thought Lena was better, the Luthor name couldn’t stain her goodness, her kind beautiful soul. They make her even more grateful to know Lena, to be her best friend. They make her hurt more realizing what she has to lose.
She calls her again and again. Eats another box of pizza on her couch alone and calls again. Still no answer.
When she goes to CatCo the next day to find that Lena has sold the company to some posh and arrogant billionaire, a woman who is the complete opposite of Lena in every single way, she calls again. Still no answer.
She goes straight to LCorp to tell Lena that she’s not mad that Lena sold CatCo to this horrible ghastly woman. To tell her the truth finally even if Lena hates her. Lena deserves to know the truth. But Lena isn’t there. A last minute business trip to Metropolis.
But Kara hears her heartbeat, knows it as well as Alex’s at this point, just on the other side of her office door. She leaves flowers and fakes a cheery demeanor to Lena’s secretary.
“You’ll keep them watered until Lena comes back? Plumerias are her favorite, and I just wanted to get her something to make her smile. She’s been having a rough time lately. You’ll tell her I came by?”
The secretary nods and agrees, but Kara knows that expression. She had used it several times herself as Cat Grant’s assistant. Lena doesn’t want to see her. And Kara knows she needs some time, knows Lena shuts down and needs time to box away her emotions.
Her phone buzzes with a text as she’s leaving LCorp, with a picture of the Plumerias on her desk.
My secretary just sent me a picture of these. Thank you. They’re beautiful. I’ll be home soon.
Kara smiles to herself and texts back
Brunch on Saturday? I miss you
The little bubbles pop up and disappear several times and then
I’ll pick you up at 10 ❤️
Lena eyes the flowers on her desk, plays with the petals, and imagines how she would feel if Kara dropped off flowers before she knew, before when she didn’t feel like her heart had been ran over and deep fried in grease, and served at a Luthor family dinner.
A world without Supergirl, where it was just Kara Danvers, the sweet and caring reporter who didn’t see her for her family’s crimes. A world where she hadn’t gone after Lex and shot him, where his dying breath wasn’t used to tell her how weak and foolish she was for believing that someone actually cared for her. She watches the flower petals in her fingertips wither away.
They remind me of my mother.
She pours herself a drink and looks out her balcony to see Supergirl flash across the afternoon horizon. She closes her blinds and cries, wondering why she ever thought Kara could love her back.
I’m Supergirl
The words are out there now, and Kara can’t take them back. She expects Lena to flinch or cry.
She doesn’t expect Lena to steel herself, square her shoulders and say,
I know.
Relief, instant relief pulls a smile onto her face and she fidgets with her glasses about to ask Lena for how long?
Lex told me.
And Kara feels the air leaving her lungs in one quick breath as Lena grabs her purse and jacket and heads for the door of Kara’s apartment, right where Lena had left it on the hook as she always did not twenty minutes ago when they came back to Kara’s after brunch.
It had been a normal day, almost as if it were in a world where Lex was still behind bars and Red Daughter had never been manipulated by him, where Lena couldn’t be the subject of his manipulation either.
Lena grabs for the doorknob but doesn’t turn around and her voice breaks.
I think it’s better if we don’t see each other. Again. I’m moving back to Metropolis tomorrow. Don’t come after me. Don’t pretend to care now when you’ve been deceiving me, playing me for the fool this entire time.
Lena it wasn’t
Lena faces her and Kara stops talking, sees the tears glistening in Lena’s eyes and the hard set of her jaw.
You’re done lying to me.
And then she leaves and Kara feels the emptiness worse than the Phantom Zone encasing her from the inside out.
She doesn’t go after her.
**6 months later**
Another voicemail. Alex has been leaving them weekly since Lena left National City. In the beginning she talked a lot about Kara, but now she’s taken to saving it for the end. Sometimes she just tells Lena what she had for breakfast. Sometimes she tells her about the cool new tech her agents are working on at the DEO.
Nothing compared to your work. I’m sure you could make it look like a child’s toy compared to some of your modifications.
Alex is sure Lena has blocked her number, but she hopes that when Lena needs to hear it, they’re there.
We all miss you. We all love you. I hope you’re doing well and that Sam and Ruby are looking out for you there. You can come home, your family here wants you home. I’m sorry and I know you don’t believe me, but I know my sister and Kara loves you most of all. I’m here if you want to talk.
Alex walks back into Kara’s apartment. She’s looking out her window like she does every night, watching the planes entering the National City skyspace and listening, hoping.
But tonight there are tears in her eyes, tears she’s boxed up the last six months and tucked away, pouring out of her at once. Alex rushes to her.
I’m in love with her, Alex. And the hardest part is knowing I should have loved her better, I should have told her sooner. I said I would always protect her, but she didn’t need saving from Lex or her mother. She needed saving from me.
Alex holds her while she sobs until there’s nothing left. It takes several hours but finally Alex makes her bed on the couch while her sister sleeps. In the morning she’ll make pancakes, and she’ll try to help Kara move on.
Lena tries to be understanding. She really does. Sam needs to put Ruby first of course, and it’s not Sam’s fault that she couldn’t make this trip to National City after Ruby broke her arm playing soccer.
It’s the memories, the loneliness, the dread in her stomach that she might see Supergirl flying across the sky outside her balcony and be reminded of a life she left behind, the love she left behind. But that was only an illusion, once upon a time, the end of one chapter.
However, Supergirl crash landing on her balcony was not something she had accounted for whatsoever, and Lena’s basic instinct kicks in despite herself. She watches the green kryptonite reflecting in her veins and screams.
Oh my god Kara are you okay?
Kara grabs her hand and stands, the rubble of Lena’s balcony shaking off of her cape and suit. And Kara smiles sadly as the kryptonite leaves her system. She presses her hand to the House of El symbol on her chest and her suit changes into the anti-Kryptonite one Lena had made for her.
I’m safe with you.
And then she’s gone in a blur of red and blue and Lena watches Supergirl save the day like she never left at all.
Kara paces her apartment, steps through a floorboard. She fixes it and waits. And waits.
Lena told her not to come after her, so she didn’t. She respected Lena’s boundaries and thus listening for her heartbeat now that she knows Lena is in the city would be yet another invasion of the Ground Rules, so Kara doesn’t.
But she wants to.
She wants to run to Lena, tell her she loves her. Tell her she knows it doesn’t change anything, but she’s been missing her. She’s been wishing she could go back in time and tell Lena sooner. On that plane back from Kaznia before Lex had the chance to do what Kara was too chicken shit to do.
She could do that. But then she wonders if she would have ever realized just how much she loves Lena, and knows she would, just the same. Maybe stronger. Never less. She knows she could never not love Lena Luthor.
And then there’s a knock on her apartment door. Probably her neighbors telling her to quieted down.
When she opens the door Lena looks at her with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face.
You didn’t come after me.
Kara hugs her, so tight she’s afraid she might break her and has to hold back her strength as she starts crying. Lena holds her just as tightly like she doesn’t want to let go.
I wanted to. Every single day. I am so sorry Lena. I’m so sorry.
Lena stops her and let’s go abruptly, clears her throat.
You still wear the suit I made you. I’m glad it’s keeping you safe. I have worried about you. I’ve missed you.
Kara wipes the tears from Lena’s eyes and cups her cheeks.
I’ve worried about you too. I should have told you. I should have protected you better, and I hurt you, and I understood you leaving. I didn’t deserve you, you’re so good and so smart and I swear to you it wasn’t because I think you’re anything like your mother and brother. I’ve missed you too.
The I love you sits on her tongue.
Lena leans in.
Kara, I didn’t want to listen. I wouldn’t have listened, and if I had never left then I would have ruined our friendship myself. You’re not the only one who kept secrets.
Kara clears her throat.
It doesn’t matter.
Lena leans closer, grabs a hold of Kara’s skinny collar around her neck and braces for the impact. The final nail in the coffin. The last blow.
I’m in love with you, Kara Zor-El.
And Kara closes the gap so suddenly Lena doesn’t anticipate her teeth knocking with Kara’s or the next words out of her mouth when Kara’s lips leave hers.
I’m in love with you. I’ve always been in love with you, and I swear to Rao if you ever leave again, you’re not going to be able to keep me away because I am never letting you go again.
There’s still a lot to talk about, a lot to say but for the first time in her life Lena doesn’t wait for the other shoe to drop. She just pulls Kara back into her orbit and grins.
You promise?
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Wes Plays Match Maker - Phic Phight
Prompt Creator: @deredereart Prompt: After meeting Dani and finding out Vlad is a ghost, Wes’ theories about Phantom seem less absurd to Valerie than before. Summary: Valerie steals Wes's binder and has some questions
Warning: mentions of the violence Dan did
Danny Fenton is minding his own business when someone slams an overfilled stripped black and white binder with notes, pictures and papers sticking out of it at odd ends; onto the table. Danny blinks at it a bit before putting down his milkshake and lifting his head up. “Uh, hey Val? What’s with the binder? That’s a little disorganised for you”, Danny can’t help but smile at her. Valerie gives him a soft but silly smile as she sits down. She jabs a finger on the cover of the binder and says, “Phantom, you damn moron”.
Danny coughs a little bit before composing himself, “um what? Either somehow Phantom turned himself into a kind of sad looking binder or I’m really confused”. Valerie laughs while shaking her head, putting a hand over her face “you are scary good at making up shit in the spot, you know that?”. Then after lowering her hand as Danny chuckles a little, “so I was sitting in class today and that Wes kid is going off with his conspiracy again. But you know what, Danny?”. Danny can’t help but groan and shuffle his feet nervously, “that kid is quite the loony handful isn’t he? And what?”. Valerie smirks, “yeah his theories were pretty crazy and him screaming like a madman doesn’t help. He had a giant bell today to draw attention to himself”. By the time Valerie’s done speaking Danny’s head is on the table and he’s laughing his ass off. Functionally killing his nerves. “I could live with that if he stopped trying to dump white paint and flour on me, he’s wrecked almost half my shirts at this point”, Danny is muffled by the table top.
Valerie nods, “yeah that’s pretty extreme, plus it’s kind of a dick move to be trying to out you like that anyways”. Danny chuckles, “yeah tell me about- wait, what?”. Danny lifts his head up off the table and gives her a puzzled look, just barely concealing his worry. Valerie taps on the binder, “I lifted this off Wes, with all this shit I think the only reason no ones realised is because no one thinks it’s possible”.
“Uh”, is all Danny can think of saying at the moment, he really has no clue what in all Wes has on him. Valerie chuckles lightly and leans her face down to Danny’s, which is only a little bit off the table, facing her. “After meeting Dani I saw Vlad do his whole transformation bit. And you know what?”
“Uh, what?”, Danny makes a point to sound completely confused. Valerie rolls her eyes at his fake confusion, “well half ghosts are real, Dani looks like and is the cousin of Phantom. So...”. Danny tried to look even more confused and is completely panicked at this point, “pretty sure Phantom doesn’t have a cousin”. Is all he gives as a response hoping that by not lying he’ll seem more believable. Valerie leans back and shakes her head at him while smiling, “pretty sure you both said you’re cousins and you know you could have just told me you moron. You were right, there’s no way I could fight or kill something that’s even part human. You included”.
Danny sits up right and rubs his neck, “well alright then...”. Valerie laughs loudly, “seriously? How was I supposed to not put it together. Danny, the minute I found out half ghost were a thing it was pretty hard not to wonder about Phantom. And then with Vlad? Who doesn’t bother changing his first name? Come on Danny?”. Danny throws his hands up dramatically but whispers, “I was 14, never claimed to be creative”. Valerie rolls her eyes, “so...”.
Danny smack his head as he clues in that she’s trying to get him to admit to it, “I’m not much of one for secret telling, Val. But yeah, ok, I’m Phantom”. Valerie smiles softly as Danny rubs his neck looking away from her, “finally, and Danny? Fenton, Phantom? Those sound so similar, at least Masters and Plasmius sound wildly different”. Danny shrugs, “I’m a punny man, I couldn’t resist. But you’re not mad?”.
Valerie rolls her eyes, “I’m not happy but no I’m not mad. I wish you had told me on your own, in the beginning I get you lying cause we weren’t friends in any way. But then we dated and the whole truce with Phantom happened, so why?”. Danny shrugs, sipping his drink a bit before responding, “like I said I’m not much of a secret teller, hell I’ve never actually told anyone. All the people who know either knew from the start or stumbled on it on their own”. Valerie looks a little shocked at this but she understands it, “well I would have trusted you once I knew but I do need to know why you attacked my suit. Did you know I wasn’t in there?”. Danny nods at her, “yeah, Technus was.  I knew it wasn’t you Val. I would never fight you full force like that”. Valerie smirks, “good and honestly, I could tell you were never fully trying. I used to take that as an insult”. Danny blinks a couple times before looking sheepish.
Valerie thinks for a second and furrows her brows, “you said from the beginning, earlier, there’s no way you’ve always been half ghost so, like, what the hell Danny?”. Danny raises an eyebrow and laughs, “you’re asking for my superhero origin story?”. Valerie sighs and facepalms, “you can be so awful but yes, yes I am. And I guess you really are, aren’t you?”. Danny shrugs, “well powers, I fight crime, save the city, even the world once or twice. So yeah I’d say superhero fits. Jazz even likes to say I have a hero complex”. Danny shakes his head and chuckles before continuing, “but to put it really simply my parents built a ghost portal, it didn’t work. I went inside it, accidentally turned it on, got half killed. Sam and Tuck where there, lots of screaming”. Valerie looks shocked and a bit disturbed, “that, that was incredibly dumb of you. Also, that sounds horribly painful”. Danny nods frowning, “well the entirety of the ghost zone basically electrocuted me, so yeah. It hurt. I was Phantom when I fell out of the portal, we all thought I was flat out dead till I changed back. And at least I thought the thing didn’t and couldn’t work. Vlad thought the college mini portal would work and yet he still shoved his head in it just as it was turned on”. Valerie facepalms again while grimacing, “ok yeah that’s even more stupid. But that must have been terrifying Danny”.
Danny nods, “once we figured out I wasn’t actually dead, it was sorta ok. More worried about my parents at that point. Now them trying to kill me or dissect me all the time has just become the butt of a joke!” Danny laughs pretty loudly while Valerie looks horrified.
“Danny what! That is so very stupid. I’d say you should tell them but unlike me, I don’t think they’ve ever cooperated with any ghost or half ghost”, Valerie shakes her head as Danny laughs a bit more. Danny sighing, “they’ve cooperated with Phantom once or twice. But even though I know they’ll accept me, I’d rather not deal with them going all scientist on me or trying to “fix me” either”. Valerie nods, totally getting it, “yeah I wouldn’t want my dad trying to change me so I guess I get it. That’s why I was so mad when you revealed me that time, not cool by the way”.
Danny rubs his neck, “yeah, I didn’t really have time to waste and I couldn’t let you take the battle suit. I’m pretty much the only person who could use that thing without dying. Well fully dying”. Valerie responds with an eyebrow raised, “was it really that bad?”.
“Yes, it nearly fully killed me as it was. Any normal human would have died and failed to seal Pairah away again”. Valerie slugs him in the shoulder, “so you almost killed yourself? Christ Danny you dumbass. But I guess there really wasn’t any other way”. Shaking her head, “you’re not all powerful, so maybe ask for help next time?”. Valerie is kind of surprised when Danny starts laughing so hard that he tears up a little, “Val, um you’re kind of wrong on that. If I had wanted to 14 year old me could have destroyed the entire world in the span of 10 years. Hell, that actually happened until I fucked around with the time stream. And that timelines me is actually weaker than I am now, he didn’t even have ice powers”. Valerie is gapping like a fish, “what? You were supposed to destroy the world? What the fuck?”. Danny rubs his neck, “yeah if you want the rundown, because I’m pretty much over the trauma of it at this point. All my family and friends died in an explosion, Vlad adopted me, ripped out my humanity and the ghost me ripped out Vlad’s humanity, the ghost me fused with Vlad’s ghost, murdered human me and then spent the next 10 years mass killing every human and ghost. As well as destroying all the buildings, he threw tanks at people while laughing”. Valerie looks completely freaked out, “what the fuck Danny, that-that is completely awful”. Danny nods looking a little uncomfortable, “yeah and it was a pretty big mind fuck going to that future just as he was trying to destroy Amity. You were there and called young me or me from the past, cute after I saved you from being killed by the evil me. Who’s called Dan by the way”. Valerie shakes her head, “well you are still cute Danny but how the hell did you even stop this future from happening?”. Danny laughs a little, “well Dan came to my, at the time, present and pretended to be me so he could basically murder my friends and family to make sure I became him. But I went and fist fought him, I totally lost but this time ghost saved them and reversed time. He basically pushed restart and thus made it so that I could avoid everyone dying. Dan still exists though, just outside of time having a time out in a thermos”. Valerie shakes her head, “that is ridiculous, well don’t ever go evil”. Danny laughs, “I don’t intend to”.
Valerie shakes herself off, “on a lighter note, you really should look”. Valerie shoves the binder at Danny. While Danny flips through the pages he can’t help but shake his head, “I think Sam and Tuck need costumes or something. At least he’s never caught me mid-transformation”. Valerie chuckles as Danny closes the book, “I know most of it is easy to dismiss but you really should be more careful, you dumbass. Also yeah, costumes is a good idea”. While Valerie’s been talking Danny has gotten an idea, “hey Val? Does he know you have this?”. As Valerie shakes her head Danny grins, sticking his hand in the binder he ectoblasts the contents to smithereens. Valerie jumps a little and glares at him before laughing, “I’m not sure whether that’s smart or just petty Danny”.
After Danny finishes his shake the two go for a walk, “so Danny, now that I know my lifestyle isn’t a danger to you and that you’re being honest. Want to try the whole us thing again?”. Danny grins widely, “absolutely”. Then smirking to himself, “Paulina would totally be jealous”. Valerie shakes her head, “I’m not telling her I’m dating Phantom you moron”. Danny smacks her playfully, “Val think. Valerie and Danny date, Red and Phantom date”. Valerie starts laughing and Danny joins in, Valerie says through her laughter, “Wes is going to have a heart attack”.
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petitprincess1 · 5 years
How To Torture Your Heroes
Summary: Demencia and Clem teach the gross cockroaches of the world how to properly obtain and torture your enemy better than some nerdboy could!
Words: 2,454
Characters: Demencia, Flug, Clemencia, and Black Hat (briefly)
Warnings: A bit of torture, but nothing too bad.
I had too much fun with this
Demencia sat at the metallic table with her arms crossed and glaring at the shaking Cam-Bot and Flug, who was clearly smirking underneath his bag. She just narrowed her eyes at him, while, at the same time, erratic noises and lights that were going on beside her. She then slowly glanced over to her side at seeing Clemencia strapped up in a chair, wrapped in a straitjacket, and her mouth covered by a mask. The unicorn witch was currently vibrating in the chair, hearts in her eyes changing various of colors, and her powers were sparking from her horn. She was also making many high-pitched squeaking sounds and they only became louder the moment Dem’s eyes were on her.
Demencia’s stare went back to Flug, who was setting up Cam-Bot and ordering, “Alright, remember that Black Hat wants you to do this. Honestly, I wouldn’t care and the only commercials I would have you do is one for rabies vaccinations or one where we send you off to space.”
Flug was expecting Demencia to make a “witty” comeback like her becoming queen of the moon-people or something that idiotically implausible, but she just kept glaring at him. He just rolled his eyes and then looked as Cam-Bot’s recording light come on, saying, while holding up cards for her to speak off of, “Okay, Cam-Bot is recording. Go, Demencia.”
Demencia narrowed her eyes further at him before speaking in an even, annoyed tone, “Welcome, you bottom feeders, are you sick and tired of using the same old methods to capture and torture heroes? Do they always get away from your clutches? Always stealing your shit-” “Demencia, stick to the cards.” “Ugh! Always stealing your equipment,” she mocked in an obnoxiously nerdy voice by plugging her nose and then continued, “and leaving a mess everywhere? Then, fear not, for- this is so fucking stupid! Couldn’t you at least have tried to make the script sound like me, instead of your disgusting, lameass nerd language!?”
Flug pinched at where the bridge of his nose would be and then spoke in a professional manner, “You know, I really did try to, Demencia. However, you must understand that it is quite difficult to translate caveman speak to our natural, everyday colloquialism.”
Dem slammed her hands down on the table and shouted at him, “Say that to my face, punching bag!”
“You’re literally a few feet in front of me! How is this not saying it to your fa-” “Because it isn’t, chicken shit! If you were brave enough, you would say it right here, instead of-” The two began bickering over one another. Flug giving out the most intellectual disses the world has ever known, while Demencia resorted to “colorful” language, gory descriptions of Flug’s demise, and the occasional, never defeated “bleh bleh bleh” method. 
Meanwhile, Clem watched the two fight amongst one another like a child watching their parents argue. She casually shimmied out of her straitjacket, unbuckled the straps, and took off the mask. Skipping over to Flug, she looked down at the cards in his hands and asked, “Can I see those?”
“Yeah, sure,” Flug said absentmindedly, as he just went back to quarreling with Demencia like the goof that he is. Clemencia just went back to her seat and sat down, reading over the cue cards. Cam-Bot turned off its recording for a few seconds to look in-between the two villains and shook its ‘head’, wondering how it hasn’t short-circuited from all this madness. The only thing that was able to break them out of their squabble was Clemencia shouting, “Whaaaaaat!? Dangle them over hydrochloric acid? Painful injections? Lead them to you with what they love? What is this absolute crap? I thought you were supposed to be the best in the business, Flug!”
Flug immediately put a hand to his chest, feeling absolutely offended, while Demencia snatched at the cards and started reading them over. The scientist shouted, “Okay, listen here you randomly generated Tumblr OC, I don’t need someone like you telling me that-”
“I'm gonna stop you right there because you clearly do! None of this would truly work! It's, dare I say, old hat! I mean, who dangles people over acid anymore?” Clemencia asked, while Demencia finished reading and winced, “As much as I hate to agree with sparkles over here, I think she's got a point.”
Flug crossed his arms, scoffing and sputtering, before taking a deep breath and giving in, “You know what? Fine! I'll let you both take over, see how well you do, but I'm not gonna be responsible for how Black Hat reacts!”
The two multicolored women weren't even listening to him, as the two were writing down suggestions and even making some pictures on their garbage writ- er…“script”. Clemencia then pulled down a large, long projection screen out of nowhere and the two hid behind the screen. Clem whispered, “Aaaaaaaannnndddd...action!”
Cam-Bot just shook its head and then rewound the footage before starting it back up again. Suddenly, an image of a half lizard and half unicorn skull crying out rainbows in front of heart that had nails all over it appeared on the screen. The two magically poofed in front of the screen. Demencia was holding a bloodied baseball bat that had nails all over it and Clemencia held a pink and gold axe that had hearts within the blade and pink bows along the handle. Flug groaned, as he sat down with a mug in his hand that...possibly held coffee, “Oh boy.”
Demencia greeted, “Welcome, you gross boils of the underworld, it's your ruthless, badass Demencia to teach you scrubs about how to truly capture and torture your victims, whether they be a hero or a disgusting, useless, sidekick, nerdboy!”
Flug gave loud sigh, but didn't say anything. The lizard woman pointed to Clemencia and introduced, “And who better to check over such methods than with- Gah!”
Clemencia suddenly brought her into a spine-crushing hug and lifted her off of the ground, exclaiming, “Than with her no-as-equally-but-pretty-dang-close-at-least-hope-so-or-I’ll-cry-in-the-tub-again-tonight gorgeous girlfriend, Clemencia!”
Dem growled, as she hit her over head with the bat, “I'm not your girlfriend, dumb broad!”
Each hit that she made just made a squeaky toy noise. Flug blinked at the both of them and then cleared his throat. The two stared at him before going back to their normal poses and Dem went on like nothing happened, “Than with this horrible excuse of a hero over here!”
The unicorn witch smiled and giggled, while her horn made random sparks of pink magic. The screen then changed while Dem continued, “Now, some idiots would give you stupid little ideas that you can lead your victim by using things that they love,” a drawing of Clemencia had her being led to a trap by a Demencia doll on a string, “or being hung over acid,” another image of Clem being hung over acid that she just changed into jello with a confused, smelly Flug, “or, even lamer, with injections,” and then the final was another Flug with the words “gross nerd” over his head poking a confused hero in the eye with a syringe.
Clemencia then quickly added in, “Well, I never thought they were lame or anything, just that I know you can do it a bit better with that big boy brain of yours, Fluggy~!”
Flug corrected, “That’s Dr. Flug Slys to you.”
“Ya got it, Flug-bug!” Clemencia smiled with a cute little wink afterwards, making Flug just take bigger gulps of his “coffee”. Demencia put a finger to her mouth, fake gagging, and asked in an annoyed tone, “Are you two done being weird?”
Clem mumbled, looking slightly concerned, “...I-I was being…” and then a fully forced smile came across her face and she said cheerfully, “Yes, I am, my wonderful savior! ...Um,” she then levitated Flug’s mug to herself, grabbed it, and then tossed it right into his face with a blank expression. The mug spilt all over Flug upon impact and he fell back with a loud thud, shouting, “WHYYYYY!?”
Demencia blinked at the whole and then went back to the commercial, “Anyway, a little help from Dem and Clem will get your ass back in line with these three easy options! Number one: Don’t go for all that complicated garbage! Your own body should be plenty to attract those dumb heroes.”
The image on the screen changed to a drawing of a hero cornering Demencia in an alleyway, while she was wearing chainmail armor lingerie that had a the Black Hat logo on her panties. Clemencia’s eyes turned into hearts, despite one of them twitching at the “dumb heroes” comment, and added in, “Which should be plenty easy, if you’re as sexy as Demencia! However, if you’re not- which a good majority of you aren’t -then this second option is for you! Number two: As much as we heroes love kicking your butts from here to Atreno City,” a Clem drawing had her kicking villains, while they’re curled up on the ground, like Flamme, Mother Poltergeist, Mawrasite, and, of course, Flug, “there’s nothing we love more than peaceful agreements.”
Next was a copy-and-pasted picture of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but they had a bunch of villains’ and heroes’ faces drawn poorly over all the political figures’ faces with Clem and Dem sharing Thomas Jefferson’s face. The actual document was scribbled with Demencia’s crayon and Clemencia’s sparkly marker writing that read: “Blah blah blah,” “Dem for president,” “Clem was here <3,” and a signature “Flug the virgin.” Clemencia went on, “However, we also have a high sense of smell to know when there's bullshit afoot, so try to at least seem a bit more genuine than what you’re actually doing,” a picture of an annoyed Vanity appeared at a dinner table with Dark Phantom in a suit, who was looking extremely nervous and holding a ray gun behind his back.
Demencia then said, “And, finally, the torture! The fun part! Now that you’ve clearly used the first method to capture your foe because the second one is for complete morons-”
Clemencia shifted on her and chuckled nervously, “Heehee...right…”
The lizard hybrid then went on, “The best way that you can torture your hero is by causing them the slowest amount of pain possible and that their screams are filling your entire lair!”
The image on the screen showed a hero tied up to a chair, looking absolutely terrified, while Demencia was doing various tactics on them like using thumb-screws to drill through their fingers, using a red hot iron rod to brand their skin, or reading bad fanfiction. All the while the hero seemed to be in extreme anguish. Demencia then added, “However, if the hero is somehow resilient, you can also do the same to the sidekick or family,” the drawings changed to her doing the same to those people, instead of the hero.
“Whichever one you do, the hero should be able to do whatever you wish after a whole 24 hours of torture, but if you’re as good as me, you’ll have it done in less than 30 minutes. Heroes are absolutely traumatized afterwards though, so make sure to throw them out afterwards,” drawing Dem was throwing the hero into the incinerator, “Although, that may be hard because most heroes are stupid and useless already to begin with. Right, Clemencia? ….Right!?”
Dem growled as she sharply turned to her, only to stop at seeing Clem holding onto herself and also shivering. Clemencia started tearing up and she stuttered, “I-I’m...I’m n-not useless….o-or….stupid...r-right?”
The lizard hybrid just bit her lip and looked away, causing Clem to whimper and then teleport out of there. Right as soon as she did, Flug came back into the lab, holding a cloth covered ice pack on his bagged face, and asked, looking around, “Hey, where did the poster child for insulin shots go to?”
He then noticed Demencia looking somewhat saddened and guilty, as if she made a mistake. Flug was about to reach out to her and ask if she was alright, but then suddenly the projector caught alight by red flames, as Black Hat rose from the flames. His eye completely black with a red, slitted pupil and his form shifting and changing as eyes, mouths, and tentacles appeared. The tentacles squeezed around the two, strangling them, and Cam-Bot quickly ran out out of there before it got taken. Black snarled at the two, “What is going on here!?”
Demencia made a stupid comment about Black Hat always taking her breath away, while Flug made his famous dying seal squeaks.
At White Hat’s manor, as the moon was rising, Clemencia hung half her torso off of the balcony connected to her room, sighing at all that Demencia said and wondering where exactly she went wrong. She messed with the bow on her ponytail, while her unicorn hoodie’s eyes started tearing up. She mumbled to herself, “Maybe I’m just too bubbly at times...and I doubt myself too much...and...I eat too much cake! Ugh! I need to change my ways! I need to get tough and more wild like Demmie!”
She then lifted up her body back up to the top and the moment that she did, she felt lips press against her cheek, as well as catching the scent of roses, spray paint, and raw meat. Clem summoned a large mallet and shouted, “How dare you steal Demencia’s scent!?”
She then looked around and saw nobody there, but did see a note placed onto the railing of the balcony. She tilted her head as she placed the mallet back into her hair and grabbed onto the note to see what it said: “I wasn’t talking about you being useless or anything like that, dum-dum! You’re pretty...alright. I just gotta keep up an image, ya know? Now stop being so emotional or else I’ll have to cuddle you! >:3c”
Clemencia blinked at the letter before her eyes turned into hearts and a dopey smile grew across her face, while hugging the paper close to her chest. Yeah, it wasn’t anything all that poetic, but it was absolutely beautiful in her eyes. She then looked down at at her balcony and noticed some red and green paint that was on the railing of where the note was. She turned the note around and saw red and green painted words that read: “By the way, got ya a surprise! Turn around!”
The unicorn witch spun around with a bright smile and saw a bomb with “Dem waz here” spray-painted onto it, making Clem coo, “Awwww, Demmie!!!”
I’ll probably make some fanfic about the other two...uh...*looks at hand* Shite Bat and Plug
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orchidbreezefc · 6 years
96+15 +samben
Criminal AU, Scars  
gourmet trope choices *chef kiss* you have a discerning eye
By the time Sammy gets home, Ben has practically chewed through the pencil he’s been using to draft schematics and inevitably scribble them out and tear them apart too. He is the picture of hair-pulling anxiety until he hears the door, and then he perks up like a dog whose owner has come home, if a dog could understand its owner being in terrible danger that he might not come back from.
But Sammy does come back, and Ben throws himself into his arms. “It worked? You got into the Science Institute?” Ben asks, hands searching Sammy’s face and body to confirm he’s in one piece.
“I’m here, aren’t I? Not calling you from jail?” Sammy laughs and spins Ben in a circle, heady on adrenaline. “It went off without a hitch, thanks to my little mastermind.”
Ben doesn’t get mad at being lifted, doesn’t even bristle at the ‘little’ comment. He’s glowing with joy. “Oh, thank god.” He runs his hand through his hair, shaking his head in smiling disbelief. “I know you’ve got a plus ten to charisma, but you getting in and out of there scot-free like some kind of phantom thief… you’re incredible, man.”
“We make a good team,” Sammy agrees. “Couldn’t have done it without your plan.”
Ben grabs Sammy’s hands and leans up earnestly. “Proof of concept, dude! Now we know we can get into anywhere! Anywhere’s easier than the fucking SI.”
Sammy leans back against the door and fondly regards him. “Wherever you want, Ben.”
Ben couldn’t hide his grin if he wanted to, which he doesn’t. He squeezes Sammy’s hands, holding them up between them. “The world is our goddamn oyster, Sammy. We can–” He stops, his eyes on Sammy’s arm.
Ben drops one of Sammy’s hands and shifts his hold on the other one. He holds his arm palm-up so he can see. Sammy twitches back when Ben runs his fingers over a scar, but Ben holds firm. “How did I never notice this before?” he mutters. “Sammy, I… you didn’t…”
“No,” Sammy says immediately. “Nothing like that. I, uh…” He rubs his free hand over his neck. “It’s from when I fucked up a burglary once. Real early in the game, when I wasn’t any good at it. Long time ago. It’s not important.”
“Fuck,” Ben mutters. “Jack-in-the-Box Jesus. You got this breaking into somewhere.”
“Ben,” Sammy says, and Ben can hear the warning in his voice. He rips himself away from Sammy.
“No! Shit. Sammy. Fuck.” Ben digs his hands into his hair. “God, you could really get hurt doing this shit. You have gotten hurt. What the fuck was I thinking?”
“You were thinking that this was important,” says Sammy, putting a hand on Ben’s shoulder and doing his best to look him in the eye. “You were thinking I was the best guy for the job, which I was.” He takes Ben’s wrist, slowly, like he’s a frightened animal, and brings his hand up to touch Sammy’s chest. “See? I’m here. I’m safe.”
“You…” Ben bites his lip. “If anything happened to you, Sammy, goddamn… I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”
“Hey,” Sammy says. He leans his forehead down against Ben’s. “I’m a lot fucking better than I used to be. And I already did the worst, remember? Anywhere’s easier than the fucking SI.”
Ben opens his eyes, which he had shut against Sammy’s gaze. He blinks at Sammy’s perfectly earnest face, then wraps his arms around him. “If you die or something, I’ll fucking kill you,” he mutters.
Sammy smiles and hugs Ben back. “You promise?”
“I promise,” Ben says, even though he knows Sammy should be promising him safety. Sammy has never promised anything anyway, so this is as close as it gets, he supposes.
“Come on, then,” Sammy says, releasing Ben and reaching back for the door. “Rose has some victory pancake puppies with our names on them.”
Close is enough. It has to be.
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horror movie ask with some DC mystics? Raven, Constantine, Zatanna, Swamp Thing, Traci 13, & Black Alice? (kinda mix of older & younger gens) love to hear ur thoughts on it!
(Oh, frick. your ask made me realize i have to imagine my favorites dying now. adkgja;lfh )
...then again, this is comic books, after all. Nobody has to die forever? ;P But here are my thoughts on the matter, anyways.
Disclaimer: I know Basically Nothing about Traci 13 and Black Alice, besides what I read on Wiki for the former, and what I was told about the latter by a big fan of Secret 6. (But I believe, Tracy 13 is going to be in Marv’s new Night Force, so she HAS to have SOME honestly Big Serious Power.)
And as much as you KNOW I’m enamored with your AU, I’m going to write this like it’s Canon Inclusive as Fuck, because that’s the only way I know how to wriggle a story out of such a wild crossover! ;;
It’s going to go down like a magical murder-mystery game of Guess Who. Nobody can trust anybody. They’ve heard of each other, for the most part, but the Fricking Phantom Stranger brought them together over something ~dreadfully~ wrong with the cosmic balances that keep Heaven, Hell, and Earth separate and functional, and the gods are getting annoyed. 
John tries to be all, “Dealing with gods, I’m out.” But Zatanna won’t let him leave.
Traci 13 was our first victim. We’re going to pretend the canon in Flashpoint regarding All Of Her Magic Being Used Up is canon here, and the story goes, it left both her and her father defenseless against.... whoever, or whatever, came to kill her. (But there’s no body, because this is comics.)
So the Phantom’s team of investigators do what they’re apparently there to do: They investigate.
She’d tried leaving a mystical message in her death, but all they can make out is “--RA--”
(Making Raven the villain is too easy, too obvious. And too ephemeral for a whole movie not to mention, Complicated As Fuck because Trigon would get involved, and that’s all WAY overdone by canon.)
But Zatanna doesn’t know I’m petty @canon like that, so despite Raven’s adamant denial, and offer to empathicly share what she knows to be true with Zatanna (who’s like “hell NO, keep those powers away from me, nobody messes with my head”), Zee harbors an extra dose of distrust towards her from the start.
When they’re approached by a black-cloaked figure with a booming voice, Raven’s going to pull her Trademark(tm) heart-wrenchingly compassion move, and effectively sacrifice herself to save her.
Swamp Thing has basically Maximum Evasion. Horror movies always take place somewhere that’s Right On Turf. So regardless of what The Actual Justice League Dark Movie will have us believe, I’m still classically entrenched in the understanding that He’s a Force of Nature, and Cannot Die a Bodily Death like that.
Probably fakes it out, though. Once the battle transcends Earth, he’s out. He’s done. He protected what he’s meant to protect, and that’s all he needs to know. ~gone~
Enter: “Where the hell are we”, i.e. Purgatory.
They’re attacked again. John’s habit of sacrificing people who admire him to get his way bites him in the ass, when there’s a blast of magic that scatters everyone, and while Zee is able to block it and TRIES to get to him (because DAMNIT, she hates him, but she CARES about him), he’s too close to the blast, and he had already called in a couple of High Tier Favors to make it this far. He is eventually severely maimed by Cosmic Level power.
So we’ve got Zee and Black Alice left to solve the case.
Zatanna asks something... and Black Alice reveals: She doesn’t remember where she was when that happened. She doesn’t think she killed anybody, though! 
Now: I hear Black Alice can get seriously messed up when she deals with messed up powers. So because she’d make a great Boss Fight, trading powers and tactics like Pokemon cards, we’re gonna pin the “killer” role on her. (She’s from Ohio, after all; there’s a LOT of deceptively-powerful weird shit going on here.)
The tricky part comes where they have to work together, to bring her down.
PLOT TWIST: Black Alice was being mind-controlled! But not by an outside force; more like, by the way she absorbed The Spectre’s abilities and got awfully black-out mindfucked. Because ~”God’s WRATH”~ cohabitates with its host, it didn’t completely take her over forever, not in its partial form, but because of its all-consuming power, she doesn’t have memories of what she’s done.
She completely loses herself on camera when it takes over this time.
And the Slice of Spectre is PISSED. Because none of the heroes you’ve presented me with are utterly innocent. The Spirit of The Spectre wouldn’t leave its host to take her, but it didn’t respond well to her trying to borrow a slice of its power pie, either.
This is when John Constantine saunters back into the picture, with his special brand of smooth-talking and total lack of Fearing God’s Wrath, because he’s faced the devil down and won, this shadow of an angel’s might doesn’t shake him at all.  Oh yeah: He survived because ~”God’s Wrath”~ left him for dead, but he wasn’t there yet, and is too damn stubborn to give up.
He never thought he’d be telling God’s angel of vengeance this, but you can’t leave something like that to fate.
Oh yeah: He brought friends. Raven and Traci 13 aren’t actually dead (because this is comics!), brought back from the parts of purgatory where the Mini-Spectre tried to banish them. But powerful souls don’t get banished that easily, especially not when they’re NOT ready to go; they’re still intact, and now he’s made them MAD.
And I don’t have the spoons to write up a Full Outline Battle Scene, but Raven probably teleports in the Actual Host of the Spectre, everybody forces Alice to relinquish the power, and that’s how I imagine a horror story with this crew to go down. lD
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spideyxchelle · 7 years
I know you've been taking a break from headcanons so please feel free to ignore this. Michelle and Peter decide to be mature adults and break up before college only they're doing it wrong. They should probably stop texting all the time, maybe notice when someone is trying to flirt with you, and they should definitely stop sleeping together. This is not what breaking up looks like.
hey friends, i have been taking a break from headcanons but this one spoke to my angsty ass. i did go a little off the rails with the prompt here. it just went in  a different direction. sorry! here, have some angsty angst with some feelings. 
there is something haunting about seeing Harvard and MIT acceptance letters in bold next to each other. its in ink that peter and mj won’t be in the same place for school. sure, its they’re both in Cambridge and TECHNICALLY they could make it work, their relationship, but their paths are diverging. they can’t deny that. they will have two different peer groups, new friends, a new place that is devoid of the other.
peter is the one that suggests they let each other go. its the mature thing to do, he reasons. and the ice pick driving through michelle’s heart numbs her enough to agree. 
they spend the last summer before they go off to college making the most of a summer romance. every moment and every kiss burned into the wasteful memories of teenagers. 
and then, as swiftly as they embraced, they are tearing themselves apart, packing up for Cambridge and acting as good as strangers. 
the first month of school is a lot of stimuli. noises, smells, foods, one-night-stands. its the heady rush of college that everyone had warned them about. and for this first month they don’t talk or text or even think about each other. 
and then, facebook pops up a memory on peter’s feed. its a picture from September of his senior year of high school. michelle is burying a kiss in his neck and he’s smiling so broadly his lips look on the verge of splitting. 
he picks up his phone and texts her: u up? he watches his phone for thirty minutes before he tosses to the end of his bed. because this is dumb. he’s a mature adult now. and they made a deal. they promised each other. and he’s not gonna be the asshole making shit compli-
yea, she replies. he scribbles back a response, how’s school? and he feels so lame for making small talk. this is mj. and they are better friends than small talk. but its been a month without her. and he realizes he misses hearing about her day. 
so they start to talk that night. about school. catching each other up on all of the nonsense happening at their respective schools. they text and text and text until sunshine peaks his data acquisition class yawning like mad. he barely manages to be productive for the rest of the day.
which, of course, he has to text her that he blames her for. she sends him a picture of her own tired expression and the middle finger. he immediately saves the picture. 
that is how they get in the rhythm of texting. and even though they are only a train ride away from each other at best they keep their new text-friendship restricted to over the phone. 
peter goes to parties, he assumes she does as well. and he meets people. beautiful people. who think he’s smart and charming and take him home. after, he always texts mj and asks about her day. texting mj is always way more satisfying than the weird blips in random people’s beds. 
when they go back down to new york for thanksgiving break that is the first time he sees mj. and, fuck, she’s beautiful. it smacks him in the face. all of their high school friends gather together at Ned’s house for a catch-up party. and peter falls into his normal seat next to her. and the normal rhythm of his hand on her knee. if she’s bothered by it she doesn’t say. in fact, he even catches the quirk of a smile teasing at the corners of her mouth. 
after, he offers walking her home. cuz he’s a superhero and new york is a dangerous city. she rolls her eyes but lets him walk her home. and only when they are alone does it start to feel awkward. its been months, since august, since they’ve seen each other. and texting every day is not the same as in-person talking. 
mj speaks first. “i missed you.” he’s so startled he nearly trips down the sidewalk. “you do?” he asks. she nods and ducks her face to the left to avoid his eyes. “i, uh,” he tries, “missed you, too. miss you. present tense.” “present tense?” she drawls. he nods, “i don’t want you to think that i missed you for like a minute and then got over it once school started. like, no. i miss you, uh, every minute i’m not with you.” she licks her lips and her pupils are so dilated her eyes look almost black. his pants feel tight at the heat of her gaze. she grabs his hand and the flesh-to-flesh contact shocks him, but not as much as her next question, “you wanna get out of here?” he nods. because, fuck, he really, really does. 
they stumble into her parent’s apartment with laughter pressed between their kisses. he reaches for every inch of skin denied to him for months and she loses her mind. 
peter pulls out of their kiss enough to rest his forehead against hers. he pants, “what does this mean?” she smashes an impatient kiss against his lips, “less talking, parker.” he hoists her up around his waist and drops a nippy kiss on her neck, “i thought you liked when i talked to you during this.” “that’s different,” she runs her shaky hands through his hair. and that’s the last words exchanged between them. well, except the filthy words he growls in her ear. 
after, she silently dresses in his shirt and her jeans. an old tradition of theirs. a cute way to collect his clothes. and one he never fought much. her in his MIT shirt now though made his chest quake with worry. “Em,” he tries. but she shakes her head, “you decided you didn’t want to try, peter. and, honestly, it was a good call.” “a good call,” he repeats, hollow. 
like that, its over. back to the status quo. 
texting back at school. not seeing each other. and, for peter, missing her like a phantom pain. some nights after michelle goes to sleep, he rolls over in his wildly uncomfortable twin bed and curses his stupid self for thinking that he could cut her out of his life as easily as he had presumed. 
he sits up halfway through February and calls tony. his mentor grumbles into the line, “what is it, parker? the suit acting up?” peter tugs his knees into his chest, “no.” there is a long stretch of silence between them on the phone before tony asks, “are you okay?” “i’m sorry,” peter blurts out, “i don’t have anyone else to talk to or, well, you know, ben and my dad aren’t exactly around to talk to, i mean.” it costs peter something to admit to tony that he doesn’t have any other strong male figures in his life to talk to beyond him. its ridiculous. his father figure is a freakin’ superhero. and his problems are so minuscule next to saving the world. tony clears his throat, “what is it, kid?” and just like that peter tells him everything. about missing mj, feeling like he made a terrible mistake and being unsure of how to fix it. tony patiently listens and then gives him one line of advice, “some complaining to me and go and get your girl, parker.” 
he trips out of his bed at the speed he tries to get out the door. he is still pulling up his jeans as he hops down the hall. he runs to the train. its a ten minute train ride and the fact that she’s so close is not lost on him. he’s been so stupid. 
he knocks on her door and she opens it to great confusion. there is a beat, a gaze and then, a profound surge of feeling between them. peter steps forward and kisses her. she makes the softest, most profound noise at the back of her throat. 
he trails her back into her room. “peter,” she sighs, “peter, wait.” he shakes his head and clings to her forearms to steady his pounding heart. michelle guides his hands off of her arms and turns her back to him. he fights the urge to reach for her. “mj,” he shatters. “no,” she shakes her head, “you wanted this. you did this. i had no say. i had no-,” her voice breaks, “you don’t get to just decide you want me again. because what if you decide you don’t want me again? i-i don’t want to play this game. it’s painful.” 
“i’m a shit,” he steps toward her, “and so, so stupid. i thought i was making college easier for us. giving a chance to, i don’t know, try something new. but damn it, Em. i wake up every morning and think about you. i spend every night dreading when you inevitably fall asleep because then i can’t talk to anymore. what do you want me to do about that?” “live with it,” she snarls, “i had to.” “how can you even say that?” he exhales. “i’m not playing this game with you.” “this isn’t a game!” he roughs out. she shouts back, “then why do you get to make all the rules??” 
he stumbles backward two steps, “i shouldn’t have come.” “no,” she agrees, “you shouldn’t have.” her words cut him down. his heart bleeds for her and for them and for every moment he screwed them over. “Em-” he swallows.
she blinks back tears, “don’t call me that.” she brushes past him and throws open the door, waiting for him to walk out of it. he gives her once last lingering look, hoping, until he chokes on his pride and leaves. 
they don’t talk again until april. and every week that rushes past without her in it, for peter, is like a flash of unimportant moments. he gets uninspired and lazy during patrol. which is why he gets in a horrible, horrible accident. 
when he wakes up in the upstate facility, mj is there clinging to his hand. he blinks the pain away and tries to focus on his surroundings. he wonders, briefly, if he is dreaming her there. his voice is scratchy from the lack of use, “Em-?”
her head snaps up and he sees her cheeks wet with tears. “god damn you, peter parker,” is the first thing she says to him after three months of radio silence. it feels apt. “next time,” she plows on, “you decide to take on aliens without back-up….don’t.” “did i stop them?” he sniffs. she rolls her eyes, “you spectacular idiot.” she leans forward and presses the sweetest kiss to his dry mouth. 
his eyes widen in shock, “i-” she shushes him, “don’t speak. you need to drink some fluids and rest. we can talk about it later. we have time.” he shakes his head, “now.” she sucks in an impatient breath, “no. i’m making the rules this time. got it?” maybe its the concussion that is making him so confused and light-headed, but he grins, “this time? we get a this time?” she shrugs, “who else is gonna keep you from making stupid, rash decisions, superhero? you’re a full time job, peter parker.” 
he wants to tell her he loves her. he wants to grab her face and kiss her senseless. he wants so much to have a dazzling moment of getting back together. but the reality is so much less epic: him in a hospital bed, nursing a concussion and mj calling him an idiot. 
and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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winedwords · 7 years
Adam| Gasoline 2/2 |Cole
 Title: Gasoline 2/2
Words; 10,104
Warnings; smut
A/N: repost from the old blog
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"I hope you know what you're doing."
 God fucking damnit, this was a redeye and I hadn't slept yet. If I heard someone say that to me one more time I swear to god, I will break some faces. It was a fourteen hour flight from Seattle to Tokyo and I was not gonna sit here and be lectured for those fourteen hours by some asshat who wanted to Monday morning quarterback my decisions. I whipped my head around with a snarl, ready to verbally disassemble the dude who'd dared to comment on the events of a couple weeks ago.
 The words died on the tip of my tongue once I made eye contact with the man who spoke.
 Kyle O'Reilly.
 The current Ring of Honor World Champion, former best friend of Adam Cole, and by all reports, one of the most genuine people I hadn't met in the locker room.
 I guess I was going to get to know him really well on this flight based off of the stoniness of his face and the last available seat on this end of the plane being the aisle seat next to me. The window seat had been taken by an older gentleman in his 60s, who had promptly fallen asleep in his seat well before take off.
 "I've been asked that a lot lately and it's enough to give a girl a complex."
 The corner of Kyle's mouth tilted upwards.
 "I don't doubt that. I'm Kyle," he said as he extended a large, calloused hand to me. I looked to his face, to his hand, and back again before I reached out to shake his hand.
 The world champion nodded his head in acknowledgement before releasing my hand and swinging his carry ons into the overhead compartments. Karma really was a bitch, wasn't it. I did what I felt I needed to do to help the Motor City Machine Guns win, and the universe just wanted to keep throwing shit at me.
 "I get why you did it, y'know."
 I almost jumped out of my skin. Somehow, for such a large man, Kyle was able to settle into the seat next to me and buckle up without me noticing. I really needed to get out of my own head before we touched down in Tokyo. The boys needed me sharp for this tour with New Japan, we were going to be in Bullet Club's backyard.
 Kyle shook his head. "The thing with Cole. I get it. Anything to get an edge and the upper hand right?"
 I turned to him and gave a weak smile. "Yeah, that's what I keep telling myself too."
 The silence was thick as the jet engines kicked into gear and we slowly started heading down the runway. My head bowed as my thoughts travelled back two weeks, my lower lip caught between my teeth.
 The start to the show was not going well.
 Bullet Club was in the ring, holding it and the show hostage. The Young Bucks, the Guerillas of Destiny, and Adam Cole cut an imposing set of figures, with the former world champion pacing the ring like a caged animal and a microphone in his hand. I hadn't chewed on my nails in years, but since the show the week prior, my nerves had been taken out on my cuticles and tonight was no different as I stared at the monitor in the private dressing room.
 The Machine Guns hadn't let me out of their sight, accompanying me pretty much everywhere. I love those two more than my own family, but I had to draw the line when they were trying to follow me into the women's locker room. They'd taken my protests as a challenge and asked Nigel to arrange for our own locker room. Nigel, having a soft spot for me, didn't question the request and happily ordered for a Machine Guns dressing room.
 "Last week was a fluke. The Motor City Machine Guns aren't good enough to be the tag champions. They aren't good enough to carry Bullet Club's bags, hell they're not even good enough to carry my jock strap." Cole pauses, for a couple beats, to soak in the crowd's reaction.
 "And then, what really kills me, is they send in (Y/N)  to interfere in Bullet Club business," he scoffed. "They send in a woman to attempt to neutralize the greatest stable of all time, a woman who has to resort to underhanded and shady means to help her team screw The Young Bucks out of their titles. Titles, that without interference, would still belong to them and to Bullet Club!"
 Adam stopped his pacing, turned to face the ramps, and leaned over the ropes, a menacing sneer on his face and practically spat his next words. "(Y/N), you're gonna come out from the back, you're gonna come into this ring, and you're gonna apologize to Matt and Nick for costing them the match. You're going to apologize to the Club for costing us gold  and you're going to apologize to me, (Y/N). You're going to apologize for this bruise on my face, you're going to apologize for your actions, everything!"
 In our dressing room, both Alex and Chris were on their feet, fuming mad. I stood as still as stone, the cuticle of my left thumb caught between my teeth and my right arm hugging my body. I figured it would be best for me to chew on it instead of admitting to myself that my hands were shaking.
 "How fucking dare he?! He interfered in the match first!" Chris ground the words out through clenched teeth. Alex nodded tensely in agreement, "You wouldn't have had to go as far as you did if he just didn't come to ringside."
 I said nothing. For as much as we talked about the events of last week, they didn't have any idea that I wanted that kiss as much as I did. They knew of my infatuation with Adam Cole, hell, they knew of that weeks before this whole mess had occurred. They just didn't know how deep this ran. How every night since that fateful show, I had woken up, wet and aching, with Adam's name at the back of my lungs and the phantom sensation of his lips on mine. No, they didn't know and they couldn't know.
 "We're waiting, (Y/N). We're not leaving this ring until you come out."
 Fuck fuck fuck this is not good. Adam was a stubborn man and he was used to getting his way by throwing his proverbial and literal weight around. The fans had paid good money to come see a wrestling show, to see their favorites compete in matches, and to have a good time. They didn't come here to listen to Bullet Club whine and lick their wounds in the ring.
 It was as I was thinking, that the camera panned to the announce table, where Kevin Kelly, Steve Corino, and Nigel McGuinness sat. Nigel, that lovely Englishman, looked dead into the camera and spoke, "(Y/N), sweetheart, I know you're in the back, watching this. You don't have to come out here, we'll get secur-"
 Shit, Adam had overheard and rounded on the announce team. "Don't you say it Nigel! You've been soft on (Y/N) since she got here. You've been helping her duck justice from the Bullet Club!"
 Out of nowhere, there was this surge of fire in my belly, and I was so angry. I'd had enough of this. Quicker than the Machine Guns could react, I was out of the dressing room and down the corridor like a shot. I could hear their faint shouts behind me, but I knew I'd be at the gorilla position long before they could catch me. Those who were in the ring were the only Club members stateside, thank god. Cody and Hangman were in Japan up to no good with Omega.
 As soon as I was at the guerilla position, I attempted a smile at Mike, the sound guy. It came off as more of a baring of teeth based on the paling of his face. "Mike, lovey, I need you to cue my music so I can stop that shit in the ring."
 Mike nodded quickly and hit the lights and music for my entrance.
 I could see in the monitors that Adam's, and indeed all of the Club's, attention had snapped back to the ramp at the first couple deep baselines of my entrance music. A quick cursory fluff of my hair, snatched the proffered microphone from a particularly eager gopher, and I stepped through the curtain.
 Damn that pop was loud. I grinned at the crowd, if just to mask the surprise on my face at the intensity of the cheers.
 "You really didn't have to do all this or bring all your friends if you wanted my attention, handsome. You know I will always make time for you, you just had to ask nicely."
 Well that was sassier than I was hoping. Certainly sassier than what the Bucks were expecting. Matt's jaw dropped in a comical fashion and Nick's eyes widened to almost bugging out levels. Adam's expression was thunderous, a tic developing along his clenched jaw. I couldn't see a reaction from the two Guerilla brothers, but I wanted to blame that on their face paint. "Oh c'mon now, Cole. You had so much to say earlier. I just can't imagine what's got you so quiet, especially since I'm not down there to keep your mouth occupied."
 And there it was, my mouth spewing shit before my brain had a chance to catch it. The audience roared in approval. Adam's face split into a shark like grin, all teeth and bad intentions. "Well, sweetness, why don't you get your fine ass into this ring so we can talk about this like adults, instead of you hiding on the ramp."
 His strut screamed of confidence as he sat on the second rope and pushed the top rope up with little effort, an invitation into the ring with Bullet Club. The head of the American chapter waved his arm enticingly towards the ring. To the outside observer, he was the picture of charm and charisma.
 I shook my head with a husky giggle.
 "See handsome, that's not how I do things. I want you to have my total and undivided attention," I crooned lasciviously. "It'd be hard to do that while trying to avoid the super kick party that I know I've been invited to. I rather like where everything is on my face."
 Adam let go of the of the ropes, snarling, "Don't get cute. You have to be held accountable for your actions, (Y/N), everything has a consequence."
 "See Adam, I think you're looking at this the wrong way. 60% of the things that happened last week were business decisions. The other 40%? That was all personal, bay bay, and I wouldn't mind a repeat performance." I dropped my microphone onto the ramp with a wink, and hightailed it through the curtain as I saw Adam's eyes darken.
 My mouth was going to keep getting me into trouble, in more ways than one.
 I was jostled out of my thoughts by O'Reilly's elbow into my arm.
 I hissed and rubbed the sore spot, but my retort was cut off by a stewardess with a kind face asking, "Did you want anything to drink honey?" I stumbled over my words, my face flushing bright red, before I was able to stutter out, "W-water would be great, ma'am."
 Kyle's stare was indecipherable. Even after the stewardess handed me my water, he was still studying me.
 "Do I have something on my face?"
 He shook his head. "I'm sure you're exhausted of people questioning you. I just want you to know that Cole's been mooning after you for fuckin' years." The words struck me like an actual blow to my stomach and I almost choked on the water I was sipping, but Kyle continued.
 "I think since the ladder match with Gail Kim down in TNA. I remember watchin' it with him and he practically had hearts in his eyes. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't made a move on you sooner. He's not gonna take all that's happened lightly. I want you to be ready for the shitstorm that's waiting for you when we touch down."
 "What?!" God, I was so eloquent.
 Kyle responded with a small, wry smile. "You forget, I practically lived in the dude's pocket for years. I know him better than anyone. He's been a little obsessed with you for as long as I can remember."
 I blinked at him, the words being slow to process. Kyle, who must've seen the gears turning in my head, was patient and waited for the words he could sense coming.
 "That match with Gail was almost six years ago. There's no way he's been carrying a torch for me that long."
 The champion gave a rather uncharacteristic snort. "You've interacted with him enough to know that he's like a dog with a bone when he wants something. He's not going to stop chasing you, (Y/N), he's got this idea of you in his head. He was already hard up for you before you knocked him out, which was fucking awesome by the way, the highlight of my week, but he's not going to let you go now."
 Given my interactions with Adam and the rest of Bullet Club over the past two weeks, the implications of Kyle's words sunk like a stone in my chest. I must have telegraphed everything on my face, Kyle appeared a bit panicked and was quick to rush out his next words.  
 "Look. I'm not trying to scare you. I just don't want you going in blind, because you seem like a good girl. I don't think Adam has it in him to intentionally physically hurt you. Hell, the way he's been acting these past two weeks, I think he'd do just about anything for your attention."
 I had prided myself on being one of the most cerebral people in this business, watching nothing but tape of potential opponents and allies, getting a read on who to trust and who wasn't worth the tape on their hands. This business was one based off of politics and manipulations of the human condition. It only took me getting burned once, when I first started in this business when I was 18, to learn that there was a game afoot and you either played that game or the game played you..
 I'd known before the title match the risks, or I thought I did. I'd known the potential repercussions of toying with a flirtatious Adam Cole, a man who could be considered vindictive on his best day and downright vengeful on his worst. I had no clue what to expect from a seriously infatuated Adam Cole.
 "So what would you recommend I do, champ?"
 Kyle appeared pensive and he ran a hand over his face. He wasn't the only one who felt that this entire situation was surreal. "I guess it depends on you. "
 That was a curveball and I blinked. "What do you mean it depends on me?"
 "What do you want with Adam Cole?"
 Goddamnit, he just stated that as if it was such an easy question to answer.
 "You ask that as if it's so simple," I scoffed.  
 "Because it is for him, (Y/N). Simple I mean. When he wants something, he does everything he can to take it. And once he has it, he's like a kid with a new toy. It's his and no one else can play with that toy, even if the toy is just sitting on the shelf collecting dust. "
 Its during this speech that I can feel my face heating with indignation and my fists were clenched in my lap. Kyle holds up a hand and stops me before I can even open my mouth.
 "Let me finish before you tear me a new asshole. I'm not sayin' its right, cause it's not. What I'm tryin' to say is he's a possessive fucker and a lot of people don't know it because he covers it up by being as charming and charismatic as possible. Once he knows he's got his hooks into you, it's over. I know Cole like the back of my damn hand and he wants everything from you. He's gonna take and take and take, until there's nothing left. So what. do. you. want."
   O'Reilly's gaze was too intense for me to make eye contact. I turned my head back to my hands, which were tightly folded in my lap to stop them from shaking. His words were like an angry swarm of bees and I had to choke down the rising fight or flight response. This was not me. I was not a reactive, emotional person. I made lists, I plotted for things that might not happen, and I had contingencies plans for my contingency plans. I didn't panic, I didn't get blindsided, things like this don't happen to people like me.
 My moniker, the Most Dangerous Woman in the World, wasn't because I could outwrestle or outmuscle the competition. It was because I was prepared for everyone, in one way or another. Except this.
 What did I want?
  I sure as shit wanted orgasms, that was a given. A girl could only get by so long with the help of her battery operated boyfriend, when she's waking up at all hours of the night completely out of her mind and in need of a change of panties. Sex with Adam had the potential to be mind blowing, if the assorted ring rat tales were to be believed.
 But did I want him? He was a bit of a hothead, overly flirtatious, egotistical, and prone to double-crosses. He was arrogant, acerbic, and had a severe dislike of any authority other than his own.
 On the other hand, on the rare moment where he thought no one was looking, he'd seemed years younger, less guarded, and downright playful, especially around the Bucks. Where he was carefree and quick with a joke. Where his shoulders relaxed and his eyes crinkled at the edges when he laughed. That was the Cole I wanted, but I don't think I could get one without the other.
 "I don't know what I want."
 Kyle nodded, sensing that the conversation about Adam Cole was over. He reached into the seat pocket in front of him and produced an iPad.  "Wanna watch some Netflix? I haven't started Stranger Things."
 I practically beamed and nodded my head enthusiastically.
 The remaining thirteen hours of the flight went by quicker than I'd like to admit, interspersed with episodes, naps, and happy chatter about what we'd be doing in our downtime during the two week Japanese tour.
  Landing in Japan, saying goodbye to Kyle, and getting to my hotel had been a blur. When I had left Seattle, the sun had just set, nearing almost twilight. As soon as we had landed, it was late evening. Jetlag was a bitch, and all I wanted was a soft place to sleep. I must have looked a sight, all rumpled clothes and bleary eyes, because the matronly woman at the front desk told me as she was giving me my room key that she would be having a complimentary cup of tea and soup delivered to my room. She smiled and returned my hasty bow of thanks.
 Now it was just an elevator ride to my bed for the night. It felt like the doors took a century to close and I almost cried with relief when the doors began to close. The elevator doors were close, so close to sealing and taking me to my ninth floor room when a hand stopped their progress and a too familiar male voice chuckled, "Almost missed it!"
 My grandmother had a turn of phrase she would always tell me when I was small, something that never rang truer than it did now: speak of the devil often enough, and he shall appear. And there he was, looking like effortless sin in black sweatpants and a Bullet Club shirt, his hair swept up and away from his face in a messy bun.
 The grin on Adam Cole's face spread to almost Cheshire proportions as he sauntered alone through the doors when he saw that it was just me in the elevator. "Well, well, well, it's my lucky day. Who knew it would take me a flight around the world to get you alone, sweetness."
 Electricity shot up my spine as the doors closed and the temperature felt like it had spiked. "Look, not that you don't normally get my motor running, handsome, but I just got off a 14 hour flight and all I want is the bed waiting for me in my room."
 He kept silent giving a casual glance at  the directory of floors as he was moving towards me, my words clearly brushed off. For every step he took towards me, I took a step back, and it wasn't long until my back met the wall of the elevator.
 Adam was quick to crowd himself around me, his left arm caging me in, palm against the wall near my head, and his right wrapping around my hips to pull me in closer. His arm around my waist put every nerve ending on edge. It was the skin on skin contact of his wandering right hand finding just the barest sliver of skin exposed by my shirt that made me give a small whimper. The look in his eyes quickly shifted to something dark and heated at the sound and the fact that I made no move to extricate myself from his grip.
 "You wanna know what I think (Y/N)?" He leaned down to murmur into the skin at the base of my jaw. His mouth trailed along my jawline, the sensation of his breath and his facial hair caused my breath to quicken. "I think you want this as much as me. I think you can't get what happened two weeks ago out of your head. I think you want to know what it's like for me to make you scream my name."
 He was so, so, so close and so warm. Body heat was practically radiating off of him as I began to feel sweat bead at my hairline. His lips were just an arched back away and the combination of his proximity and cologne were making the pink fog I had come to associate with his nearness come over my brain.
 "I think you like to hear yourself talk, Cole."
 His chuckle was dark and the sound was like a bolt of electricity directly to my core, causing me to clench my thighs together to quell some of the growing pressure.
 "That might be true, but I'm right, aren't I?"
 I didn't get a chance to respond because he roughly pressed his mouth against mine. The intensity behind his kiss startled me and my mouth opened with a gasp. Ever the opportunist, Adam took the chance to sweep his tongue across mine and I had to anchor myself by grabbing his broad shoulders because I had lost confidence in my knees ability to keep my upright. Any misgivings I had had following my conversation with O'Reilly went out the window as I pressed back with my tongue enthusiastically. I'd be damned if I didn't give as good as I got.
 I had never been so happy for the front desk taking my bags to my room.
 His left hand went from braced against the wall of the elevator to grabbing my thigh and hooking my leg around his slim waist, all the while his mouth never stopped moving against mine. Once he was satisfied with the knowledge that I wasn't going to immediately remove my leg from his waist, his left had returned to my ass, and with a firm squeeze and lift, he pressed himself up against my hips. I was glad for this wall and for him to be supporting some of my weight because I would have collapsed at the feel of his cock through our clothing.
 Hard. Long. And given the amount of confidence Adam had, likely thick.
 He was going to wreck me if this ever... no, when the inevitable finally happened.
 I bit his lower lip a little harder than I intended to at the first press of his hips against mine. The answering groan was almost pornographic, his hips pressed even harder into mine, and he began to grind. It felt like fireworks were going off when the hard ridge of his cock rubbed just the right way through my leggings, catching the little bundle of nerves between my thighs. I was practically mewling as he pulled his mouth away from mine, his hips never stopping their grinding motion, and began to press his mouth against my neck and collarbone.
 "God, the fuckin' sounds you make," Adam growled into the skin of my neck, making me shiver. "I've thought about this for a long time, sweetness, and you feel and taste so much better than I could have ever imagined."
 I wasn't confident in my ability to form words, and they went completely out the window when Adam began to alternate between nibbling and sucking at the junction of where my neck met my shoulder. My hands went to his head and I pushed him away just far enough to issue a muttered warning, "No hater marks."
 His only response was a devious smile and he went back to nibbling and placing open mouthed kisses along my neck.
 His right hand had become adventurous and had snuck entirely underneath my hooded sweatshirt and shirt. The touch of his hand along my spine caused me to arch into him with a whine and my nails dug into his scalp. Adam's hip bucked in response and he pressed his lips back against me, with what sounded almost like a purr.
 My traitorous brain began to whirr. He liked his hair pulled, he responded to my nails digging into his scalp, he seemed to like me biting a little harder into his lip... Did he like a little pain with his pleasure?
 Only one way to find out.  I let my hands down towards his neck and then I dragged nails across his shoulders, hard enough that I knew I was going to leave behind little red lines.
 My hips at this point were rocking against Adam's of their own accord, causing sparks of pleasure to fire along my nervous system. He thrust hard enough with his hips in response to my nails on his shoulders that my right foot left the ground for a moment.
 "Don't do that again unless you want me to fuck you in this elevator."
 The intense promise was muttered against my lips and I felt a bolt of exhilaration through the pink haze. That sounded so damn promising...
 The elevator doors slid open while we were embraced and a young, lanky bellhop, having not looked into the elevator yet, began to push his cart into the small space. The noise of the cart cause the two of us to look up at the same time towards the source. He looked up, made eye contact with the two of us, and grew red faced. I'm sure the position we were in was practically scandalous, hair mussed, his hands in compromising places, and my leg hooked tightly around his waist. The unfortunate bellhop was stuttering out an apology when I disentangled myself from around Adam, sidestepped the embarrassed young man, and dove out of the elevator to what I hoped was the hallway to my room.
 I'd lost my cool. The pep talk I had given myself on the plane went down in flames as soon as I had met those too-blue eyes. Any resolve I had had to resist and be strong in the wake of Adam Cole's advances turned to dust. This was entirely unacceptable and quite frankly, made me doubt myself if I just turned into a puddle of goo whenever the former champion got into my personal space.
 I could hear Adam calling my name as I hurried my way through the corridors, thankfully having found my room purely by mistake. I fumbled with getting the room key into the slot, the sounds of Adam calling my name in the hallways serving to further agitate me. The door finally opened and I swung myself inside, closing the door rapidly behind me.
 The door had been shut for less than a couple seconds and I was crumpled on the ground of my hotel room, hand down the front of leggings and rubbing furiously against the slick little bundle of nerves between my legs. Given the state Adam had worked me into in the matter of a couple minutes, it only took a couple rotations of my wrist and I was coming apart with a broken sob of his name.
 Morning came entirely too soon, and I woke in a foul mood as the sun hadn't even risen yet. I was jetlagged and exhausted and holy shit I looked like something out of a horror movie. I had deep purple smudges underneath my eyes, swollen red lips, and my neck looked like I had been attacked based off of the multicolored bruising I had on the right side of my neck and collarbone. I stomped out of the hotel bathroom and threw my suitcase open with a screech. Thank god this business had taught me how to cover bruises and jetlag with artful layers of cosmetics.
Bzz. Bzz.
 Alex S.: You up? We're gonna grab breakfast and coffee before heading to the arena. Meet in the lobby in 20?
 Me: Yeah. Meet ya'll down there.
 I grabbed my go bag with my valet gear and paused in the hotel mirror to painstakingly apply a coat of matte red liquid lipstick.
 My boozy aunty Eleanor, may god bless her southern heart, always did tell me that the best way to handle a problem was to put on some expensive lipstick and attack it. Once satisfied with my lipstick, I smirked in the mirror, and sashayed out the door.
 Today, despite the rough start, was going to be alright.
 Breakfast went off without  a hitch, Chris and Alex were honestly rays of sunshine. It didn't matter what happened the night before, what kind of mistakes I may have made, they were always cracking jokes and constantly trying to out-clown the other. They'd said nothing about the amount of artfully applied concealer to my undereyes or the extra large quad shot espresso drink I had ordered in broken Japanese, even if it was clear that this wasn't all jetlag related.
 I didn't pay too much attention during the van ride to the arena, or even the settling into the dressing room at the arena, I was content to just sip on my ridiculously large and sweet coffee. It wasn't until a production assistant came around with the night's card. It was when the assistant handed me the copy of the card that my mood soured again.
 The universe just really, really liked fucking with me.
 First match of ours on the Japanese tour?
 Motor City Machine Guns, Kushida, and Yoshitatsu vs. Kenny Omega, Adam Cole, and the Young Bucks.
 Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out.
 "Erm, you okay, (Y/N)?"
 Chris looked legitimately worried about the way my face had tightened up with irritation.
 "Don't worry about me Chris. Just wondering when karma is gonna stop fucking with me," I muttered as I handed over the card to the man. It took him a second of reading down the card and then his face went stony.
 "Wanna bet money that Cody is gonna be ringside? Hangman has a match against Evil."
 I grimaced. "I fuckin' hope not. I haven't watched much tape on him since he left the 'E. I don't know what I might be working against."
 "You'll be fine. You're one of the best damn women in the business today and we've got the utmost confidence in you." Alex called from the shower stall. "Where are we on the card?"
 "We're match three, 20 minute time limit. We're on in two hours. So make yourselves pretty guys."
 There was no time to think about why Adam kept getting thrown into my path. Getting match ready, even if I was only valeting tonight, was a painstaking process and we all had our own little rituals that needed to be adhered to. The makeup and taping of wrists and ankles were the easy part. It was the strapping on whatever scandalous valet outfit I deemed necessary. If I were actually in a match tonight, my gear would never by this revealing or risqué, due to the risks of malfunctions, but part of being a valet was to support your people by any means necessary.
 So that meant we were honeypotting it up tonight. Thank god I had packed a wide variety of options. There was this strappy hot pants and bustier number that would be perfect with my over-the-knee boots for occasions such as this. I normally didn't need the red lipstick and the suggestive clothing to feel confident in high intensity situations, but given that I'd already lost my proverbial shit in the past twenty four hours, I wasn't going to be taking any chances.
 The two hours passed entirely too quickly and we quickly found ourselves in the ring, with Alex's old Time Splitter tag partner, Kushida, and the Bullet Club Hunter himself, Yoshitatsu. We'd had just a couple of seconds to attempt to strategize over the noise of the crowd when the Bullet Club theme hit the speakers.
 "Bullet Club f-f-f-f-for life..."
 The crowd popped when five figures appeared at the ramp. Omega, Cole, the Young Bucks, of fucking course being accompanied by the American Nightmare, Cody.
 Of all the tours to have left my brass knuckles at home, I thought, as the five men made their way towards the ring. Eight man tag action was going to be chaotic and awareness of my surroundings and the ring would be key, especially with Cody lurking at ringside with me. The five men were sizing us up in the ring, with varying degrees of interest. Nick and Matt were yelling and jeering, complete with crass hand motions. Cody seemed dispassionate and sized us up, his handsome face sent in a deep scowl. Adam had let his eyes wander over the four men in the ring before stopping on me. I could feel the hot caress of his eyes as they cased my body from head to toe pausing long enough to make me flush on my red painted lips. He'd stopped at the bottom of the ramp, chewing intently on the gum in his mouth. Once he'd seemed satisfied, he rounded his way to Bullet Club's corner.
 It was Omega who had caught me off guard.
 I'd known that he was an intense character, but catching his stare was like catching the stare of a mad scientist who had found a particularly interesting subject to dissect. I maintained the eye contact without flinching, when I was really trying to suppress a shiver at the clinical look, and he'd cocked his head with a smirk. He'd seemed satisfied with the fact that I hadn't backed down. He was the first to break eye contact, like he hadn't just been sizing me up.
 It was as the members of Bullet Club were climbing into the ring that Alex began to nudge me towards the ropes. He'd seemed to notice that Adam had had his eyes trained on me. "Stay safe out there. If you have to get involved, make sure the ref ain't lookin'."
 I nodded, walking with a little added swing to my hips towards the ropes. The heat of Cole's eyes on my back ratcheted up in intensity, I didn't need to look behind me to know that.
 It was as soon as I was off the apron that the bell sounded to start the match. It was going to be Kushida starting off against Nick. They locked up and I was quick to start tracking the motions of the other Club members. Yoshitatsu, as the Bullet Club Hunter, had given us advice that really was invaluable: it's not necessarily what's in the ring that you need to worry about, its who's outside the ring.
 Cody seemed to be conferencing with Kenny and Adam at ringside. The discussion itself was intense, with Adam reacting negatively to whatever Cody was saying. His entire body seemed to clench up and I could see the tic in his jaw from my end of the ring. Kenny seemed thoughtful and impartial, appearing to take into account both of the men's words. I didn't have to think long about what they were discussing when Cody pointed. At me.
 Adam snarled and took a threatening step towards Cody. Matt put a hand to Adam's chest to stop him and Kenny stood and studied the second generation wrestler for a beat, before shaking his head and dismissing whatever it was that Cody had suggested. Cody scowled, clearly unhappy that neither of the two Club leaders were interested in his plan. Cole had seen me studying the episode in their corner and shot me a wink.
 Through the course of the match, Cody didn't stop stalking in the Bullet Corner. He couldn't sit still and was full of nervous energy that it put me on edge. He was working himself up and it wasn't going to turn out well for someone.
 It came to a head when all eight men began a brawl in the middle of the ring. Cody and I had made eye contact and a slow, cold smile spread across his face as he began to stalk towards me. He was taking advantage of the distraction of the mayhem in the ring to directly disregard what he'd been told to not do. My boys were going to be of no help, as they were busy trading punches with the Bucks. So I did the best I could do in this situation: run.
 It didn't matter how low the heel on these boots were. It didn't matter how fast my mile was or high my endurance was. Cody had nearly a foot of height on me, so every two steps of mine, was one step for him. He was gaining fast and my lungs were burning from the effort. I had maybe twenty seconds before the second generation wrestler was in striking distance.
 I didn't see that just around the bend, Kushida and Adam Cole had come out to the floor. I didn't see Adam gearing up for a superkick on a prone Kushida, because I had turned my head to check for Cody. What happened next seemed to happen in slow motion.
 I had rounded the corner at full speed, as Adam was starting his super kick. Kushida, whom was in front of me, had some sort of freakish sixth sense of what was coming, and ducked out of the way.
 Which left me running, full tilt, into a super kick.
 The pain in on the left side of my jaw and face was blinding and I dropped like a ton of bricks to the floor, the right side of my head clipping just along the barrier on my way down. My ears were ringing and my vision was out of focus so I couldn't tell you who cupped my face so tenderly and was saying something to me.
  I'm not sure if I leaned into their hands and pressed a messy kiss to skin and slurred, "S'okay. S'okay. Happens."
 The hands were ripped away and everything went dark.
 I woke up two minutes later, bound to a stretcher, a C-collar firmly around my neck, and surrounded by medical staff. Alex and Chris' faces swam in my vision and I had to summon the effort to mutter, "Get the fuck back into the ring ya dipshits. 'M fine."
 Their faces broke into grins, were they grins?, and then their faces disappeared as I was rolled to the back to be checked out by the trainers.
 I couldn't tell you who won the match. Hell, I couldn't tell you how long I was in the trainer's room, being poked and prodded. I was cleared of a concussion, but it certainly didn't feel that way. The migraine I had was pounding in rhythm with my heart beat, my jaw was swollen and tight, and my hand was soon to be frostbitten from holding the ice.
 I'd never been happier to see Chris and Alex burst through the door, sweaty and concerned. I could see the two of them grappling with their desire to wrap me up in a hug and their concern with injuring me further.
 "Y'only get to hug me all sweaty like this once guys. Y'fuckin' reek."
 They shook their heads in tandem and soon enough, I was wrapped up in a sweaty group hug on the trainer's table. We stayed like that for a couple moments, Alex mumbling, "You scared us taking that kick, (Y/N)."
 Chris murmured his agreement, "You just went limp. We thought Cole had killed you. Though I don't think I've ever seen him so freaked out before."
 "Wait what? Walk me through what happened, because I don't remember much of anything between taking the kick and then finding myself on a stretcher to the back."
 Chris and Alex moved away just enough so that they weren't crowding me, but kept their arms over my shoulders and waist prospectively.
 "I saw you take the kick, while you were running from Cody. You went down and down hard, I think you caught your head on the barrier?" Alex said, looking a little pale.
 Chris nodded, adding, "Cole looked terrified, (Y/N), when he saw that he'd caught you with the super kick. He almost took off one of the medic's heads when they were trying to get to you." Chris' eyebrows arched, implying that he'd caught on to what was going on.
 I shook my head, and then groaned at the motion. "Can we just go back to the hotel, guys? Ya'll need a shower and I need my bed."
 45 minutes, a van ride, and two helicopters imitating men later, I was safely ensconced in my room. A hot shower left my skin pink and feeling a little more human. I had pulled in my normal sleeping clothes of an oversized Machine Gun's shirt and a pair of plain boyshorts and had curled up in bed with my phone.  
 Three new messages.
 Alex: Let me know if you need anything.
 Chris: If you need anything, text me before you text Alex. He took a mean powerbomb from the top rope.
 My heart felt like it grew three sizes too big. I don't know what I did to deserve these two, but damn it I wasn't going to complain.
 The third message was more concerning to me. I didn't recognize the area code, though a quick search of Google told me it was Japanese.
 Unknown: Its Omega. Please, if not for anything but my sanity, talk to Cole. He's moping. I don't want to deal with his moping anymore. 850-555-1234.
 My eyebrows disappeared into my hairline. How did Kenny Omega get my number?
 Me: How did you get this number?
 The three little dots on my phone mocked me as the man took his sweet time responding.
 Unknown: Does it matter? Your boy is upset. Fix it.
 Me: He's not my anything and he's surely not mine to fix.
 Unknown: You so sure about that kitten? I'm handling Cody, you need to handle Cole.
 I caught my lower lip between teeth and pondered my response. I didn't even get the chance, as Kenny had texted back before I had the chance.
 Unknown: Fix it with Cole. The Club will owe you a favor. Within reason, of course.
 Goddamnit, Omega had made an offer that the political animal in me couldn't resist. The thought of the head of the home chapter of Bullet Club owing me a favor? That was too tantalizing to resist, even if it meant potentially putting my soul on the line with Adam.
 Me: You've got a deal Omega. Pleasure doing business.
 I had pulled up a new message and punched in what I was told was Adam's number already by the time my phone had buzzed to tell me Omega had messaged back.
 Me: Adam? It's (Y/N). Are you okay?
 I quickly thumbed over to Omega's message before I psyched myself out by staring at the screen waiting for Adam's response.
 Unknown: I knew I would like you. Don't be a stranger, kitten.
 My face flushed red at what was surely a compliment from the notoriously enigmatic man. I was about to type in my reply to Kenny when my phone lit up and buzzed with text message after text message. Adam had replied and with a vengeance.
 A. Cole: Where are you? I need to see you.
 A. Cole: I'd never intentionally super kick you. You have to know that.
 A. Cole: Please, where are you
 A. Cole: I'm gonna kill Cody
 Adam had never seemed like the type of man to blow up a woman's phone. The text notification at the top of my screen told me everything I needed to know.
 Unknown: He's also drunk. Have fun kitten.
 Goddamnit. I swiped back to Adam's message.
 Me: Handsome, hurting Cody isn't going to change anything. Where are you at?
 It wasn't more than 30 seconds before I got a reply back.
 A. Cole: Bar downstairs. Can I see you?
 I paused. I had a proven track history of not having any willpower when a sober Adam was around. Who knew what kind of havoc an inebriated one would cause. The cons almost outweighed the pros of inviting him up to my room, but that favor from Omega...
 Cole didn't give me any more chances to think about the game plan.
 A. Cole: Please sweetness
 A. Cole: I feel horrible bout what happnd, I just want to know yore ok
 Oh boy, he was really drunk. My traitorous fingers typed my room number before I got a chance to deliberate.
 Me: 948
 A. Cole: Thank you, I just need to kno your ok
 I groaned and thumped my hands against the mattress. Why do I do this to myself? I looked like I a hobo in this oversized tshirt and with my wet hair tied into a messy bun. hopefully he'd be too drunk to comment on how tired I looked. Adam Cole was hell on a girl's quality of sleep.
 It felt like it had only been seconds when I heard the rough knocks at my door. I gingerly got out of bed, when I realized how bare my legs were. Too late to go back now. It wasn't long before I had crossed the small hotel room to open the door.
 I couldn't even get the two syllables of his name out my mouth before the tall brunette man had crossed the threshold of my room and wrapped himself around me, his head in the crook of my neck, arms tight around my waist. The smell of his cologne was almost overpowered by the scent of bourbon.
 "I'm so sorry, I'd never hurt you like that, thought I killed you for a couple minutes when you didn't get up," he slurred the words into my skin. "I was so scared."
 I guess drunken words are indeed sober thoughts. I wrapped my arms around him as well, letting my hands rub his back as I hushed him.
 "Its fine. Accidents happen all the time. If I wasn't able to take a super kick, I shouldn't be in this business."
 He shook his head and pulled away just enough to look down at me. "No, it shouldn't have happened. I'm going to end Cody next time I see him." As he spoke his words, his grip on my waist grew tighter and tighter. The grip on my waist was tight, but Cole kept leaning his weight into me and I didn't know how much longer I could hold him.
 "Come sit, and I'll grab you a glass of water."
 His head had returned to my shoulder and he shook his head stubbornly, his facial hair rubbing against the bruises he had caused the night before. "No I like this."
 Apparently alcohol made him more obstinate.
 "Please handsome? You're kinda heavy."
 He'd stumbled backwards, almost losing his footing, in surprise. I made sure to try to keep my hands on his arms to attempt to steady him. "Sorry..."
 Fuck, he thought I was mad. His lips had curled downward into a frown and his brow was furrowed into a frown. Omega's texted words bounced around my brain to fix it.
 "I'm not upset. I just don't think I can support your weight for a long period of time. If you come sit on the bed, I'll grab you some water, and we can talk."
 He perked up, some light returning to his eyes. "Can I touch you? I promise I'll be good."
 "Keep it clean, handsome, and there shouldn't be a problem." I guided him to the edge of the bed. "Just sit here for a second and I'll be right back."
 I walked to the bathroom to grab a cup of water and when I had come back, Adam Cole was passed out in my bed, underneath the covers.
 Of fucking course, because my life could never be simple. I wasn't cold hearted enough to push him out of my bed, he'd just had a match earlier and he was likely sore from bumps. That at least was my not selfish reason that I was telling myself. My id was practically crowing at the thought of Adam Cole laying next to me in bed, even if he was passed out.
 I shook my head in resignation as I set the glass of water on the night stand nearest to Adam. Well, if you can't beat them, join them. I shut the lights off, and crawled into the queen sized bed with Adam. I didn't realize how tired I was until I had gotten underneath the sheets. I was asleep by the time I had ensured that there was a little space between our two bodies.
 I'd woken up, four hours later, from a dreamless sleep overheated and feeling constricted by something. I'd tried to move away, but the something that had wrapped me up tightened its grip.
 That something was apparently an octopus disguised as Adam Cole. Somewhere in the course of what was a nap, not actual sleep, we had begun spooning. Cole was behind me, his left arm wrapped underneath me and hand cupping a breast, the other banded over my hips entirely too close to my panty line. He'd thrown his right leg over both of mine and hooked me in tight. Which explained the hard cock pressing into the flesh of my ass and I felt the sudden, uncomfortable slick between my legs and my nipples tightened to pebbles at our positions.
 I froze in my motions and my mind whirred against the incoming Adam Cole induced pink haze. I had to get myself out of this and I just didn't know how, as his body was wrapped rather tight around my own.
 "I can practically hear you thinking, sweetness. Stop it and go back to sleep," the brunette man murmured into my neck, beard rubbing against the exposed skin of my neck and his right hand absentmindedly drawing figure eights on the skin above my panty line. The motions made me shudder and I gasped, "I can't when you're doing that."
 The right hand froze in its motions.
 "I'm not going to lie, I like the sound of that."
 His right hand began the figure eight motions again, lazily tracing from my bellybutton towards my panty line. His left hand, not to be outdone, began alternating between caressing and  squeezing my left breast. I whimpered and pressed my thighs together to get some sort of friction for the ache growing at the junction of my thighs.
 "God you are so responsive," he mouthed into my neck, placing openmouthed kisses into the skin there. "Makes me wonder what kind of noises you'll make when I make you cum."
 The hand on my breast pinched  my nipple just hard enough to make me cry out and push my hips back into Adam's. He groaned at the sudden thrust of my hips back at him and I was quick to roll over and feverishly press my lips against his. I started to pull at his shirt and he moved away just enough to pull his shirt off and fling it off to an unknown part of the hotel room, before his lips returned enthusiastically to mine.
 One of my hands secured themselves in his hair, which had broken loose from the bun that he'd tied it into and the other had settled onto a well defined pectoral. His hands had dipped into my panties to cup my ass. It was a particularly tight squeeze of my cheeks that made me hiss into our kiss and dig my nails into his scalp and chest.
 Adam pressed my hips into his with his hands as he bucked, then stilled.
 "This is your chance to back out if you don't want this to go any further," he choked out against gritted teeth. "Say the word and I'll leave, otherwise I'm going to fuck you into this mattress until the only word you're capable of is my name."
 I shook my head, and leaned into to whisper against his lips, "I want yo-"
 I didn't even get the words out before I had been pushed onto my back, his lips working aggressively against mine, his hands sliding my panties down my legs. I assisted by kicking  the boy shorts to the floor his left hand hooked my left leg up and his right hand went to the pink slick between my thighs. The first touch made the two of us groan.
 "Fuck you're so wet..."
 Two fingers dipped inside of me, making hooking motions until he found the spot. I mewled at the first press of his fingers, and he grinned wolfishly, before setting to work with his hand, his mouth back on mine.
 I could barely participate in the kiss, because his fingers were fucking magic. His thumb provided just enough pressure as it swiped over the bundle of nerves just above the slick opening of my pussy and the two thick fingers inside of me weren't thrusting, but pressing consistently in some rhythm only known to him against that one spot that made me shudder. The tension in my lower abdomen was growing at an exponential rate.
 It took just a couple more moments of his efforts before I was shuddering and gasping my release, the walls of my pussy grasping at his fingers greedily.
 Adam continued his ministrations with his fingers until I was keening and thrashing, but had pulled back to stare at me in wonder.
 "Holy shit sweetness, already?"
 My hands shot to his wrist to try to push him away, "T-too sensitive."
 He nodded and pushed back to discard of his sweats. "I'll take my time with you later, but right now I need to be inside of you."
 The revealing of his cock was almost enough to make my eyes bug out of my head. It curved to almost touch his belly button and holy fucking shit he was thick. It was enough to make me gulp and wonder if it was too late to call this off.
  "Are you on the pill? I'm clean, tested two weeks ago and haven't been with anyone since the test."
 I shook my head, still weary of his size, "Implant. The pill sucks on the road."
 He didn't see my trepidation, and moved himself between my spread thighs. He rubbed the head of his cock over my pussy, stopping to pay extra attention to my clit and then he thrust into me, hips meeting hips.
 I yelped and hit his chest with my hands. The intrusion was too large and sudden to be pleasurable, with the tip of his cock touching my cervix and my walls burning with pain at the stretch. He stilled and was shaking from the effort to not move.
 "Holy fuck I'm sorry. I thought you would have loosened up after you came... Shit shit shit," He mumbled his apologies into my breasts, his breath torture against the stiffened peaks. The shock and pain caused by his cock decreased after a couple moments, which left the uncomfortable sensation of being skewered by a flag pole and of being too full.
 I pushed my hips up against his, breath catching in my throat at the sparks of pleasure the simple movement had caused, my walls fluttering around his cock. Adam whined at the sensation and began shallowly thrusting. Stilled, it was almost painful to have him inside of me, but moving? The heavy drag of his cock caught every little sensitive hidden area inside of me and I was panting at the sensations.
 It wasn't long before I was rocking against those shallow thrusts, but it just wasn't enough. Adam's arms were braced on either side of his body, his head resting against my breast looking downwards at where we were joined. It wasn't enough, it wasn't what I knew it could be.  I took the initiative and grabbed a fistful of hair and tugged at his head to look at me. He groaned at the sensation of his hair being pulled, but lifted his gaze to meet mine.
 The pupils of his too blue eyes were blown out completely, barely a sliver of iris left visible and the look of him trying to restrain myself was enough to make me bite my lip and bear down on his cock.
 "You're gonna fuck me into this mattress Adam. I'm not gonna break."
 His mouth dropped in relief.
 " Oh thank fucking god."
 He pulled almost all the way out and snapped his hips back to meet mine. I keened and he did the motion over and over again, leaving me to just grasp onto his shoulders and wrap my legs around his hips for grounding. The slight change in angle had left me breathless and allowed Adam to slide even deeper than he had already been.
 It was when the headboard of the bed began to thump against the walls that he began to talk, and fuck was he filthy.
 "Fuckin' thought bout this for years. How you would feel..."
 I was mewling and writhing at every snap and roll of his hips.
 "So fuckin' tight and good and hot, like you were made for me."
 The tension was building again and I was helpless, the ability to speak anything more than a broken sob of his name and asking for more having left me long ago.
 "Y'look so beautiful under me and I'm never gonna get enough of this," he growled, his pace picking up even more, the slap of his hips against mine setting a brutal tempo.
 I was so close, so so so close.
 "You're mine now, (Y/N). Tell me you're mine."
 My head was thrashing, the words unable to leave my mouth.
 Adam bared his teeth, balanced his weight on one arm, and let a hand reach down to rub the bundle of nerves just above where we were joined, never breaking tempo.
 "Fuckin' say that you're mine, (Y/N)."
 The tension broke, and I keened to  the universe, "Yours!"
 Little black spots littered my vision as my body shuddered uncontrollably in pleasure. The spasms of my walls around his cock brought him roaring to his own climax.
 His body fell against mine, his cock softening inside of me, and he murmured victoriously,
  "You're all mine now, and I'm not letting you go."
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bi-antagonist · 7 years
Day 3 : Reunion 
Alternative Universe where pokémon don’t exist and Red disappeared while going after a criminal organization. All because I don’t want to write about Mount Silver. 
Warnings for strong language, because a mad Green trash talks everything and everyone. 
"You idiot!”
 Booted feet collided on the ground with each stomp, snow melting and splashing everywhere.
"You huge son a bitch! Ya think? Do ya think?! That you can just do this to everyone? To me?!"
 The day was barely up, pale orange slowly fading into dark blue, when he made his way towards the ambulance, its siren light the center of attention as street lamps began to switch off. All voice stopped, two cops turning their heads towards him as a nurse stepped back, shoes sliding on the road.
"Fucking hell, I told you, didn't I?! Don't go into the fucking forest at night, don't taunt the mafia, don't go and get yourself in unnecessary trouble. And what did you do, uh? What did you do, Red?!"
 The last word came out as a strangled cry, his legs stopping and hands trembling. In front of him was Red, sitting on the ambulance with a bloody bandage around his head and his left arm pressed against his chest. His eyes were wide and staring at Green, lip caught between his teeth as his shoulders shook slightly.
 Green definitely wasn't on the brink of crying.
"What did you do?” his voice was barely above a whisper, almost inaudible over the vehicle’s engine and gusting wind.
 Red lowered his head, his free hand gripping his trousers. Green sighed, running one hand through his hair and taking two steps back. 
 Eight months. It had been eight months since the man disappeared, leaving nothing but his phone behind as he adventured into some farfetched hero dream. He had said nothing. No goodbye, no I'm leaving, no anything. He had left, just like that, making Green think he had somehow fucked up their relationship.
And then, two months afterwards, the news arrived. Team Rocket’s hideout had been found, but their leader and half of the building had escaped, taking a kid and a hostage with them off to god knows where. Green had let the remote fall flat on the floor, body shaking as Red’s picture came on the TV. His grandfather’s loud complains about him breaking his devices had stopped when Green sunk to his knees, face pale as his mind broke into a chant of this isn’t happening, no way.
It was as if his entire world had turned dull and lifeless, all yellow and orange vanishing from his life.
 Green kicked at the melting snow, making Red jump.
"No word. You seriously won’t say even one word."
 Red shook his head. Green felt like chuckling from all the accumulated nerves, his heart pumping far too fast for his mind to keep up.
A hand tapped his shoulder and he jumped back, almost falling on his ass thanks to the melted snow below his boots.
"We still need to interrogate him, sir, so if you could give us a-"
"Oh, shut your trap!" Green cut in before he could even process that hey, this was a policeman, maybe he should pay a little more respect towards him.
"Don't call me sir-"
"Leave 'em be, we still got the son to interrogate. It's not like that one is in condition to speak, anyway."
 The policeman sighed, turning on his heels without much of a farewell. Green's eyes followed him till the man stopped in front of another boy, his red hair sticking out in the mist of white clothed medics and snow covered trees.
 Green's eyes widened.
"Is that-“
 Red was nodding before he could finish, gaze stuck back on the ground. Blue clutched his hair, almost yanking as the pieces fell together. Red, tracking down a criminal organization, meeting up with Silver by accident. Red, remembering Ethan’s words about how Silver and Giovanni’s relationship was far from perfect. Red, trying to bring the boy with him after sending the hideout location to the police. Giovanni himself, appearing and taking both of them with him, for some twisted reason like revenge. Or sheer panic.
It made him want to rip something. Instead, he forced his wobbly legs forward and sat heavily by Red’s side, watching as the man looked up with a face paler than usual.
 Red shrugged.
"You could have told me. What? You thought I'd let ya go? That I'd move forward? Not worry? This ain't a fairy tale, Red. You knew what you were getting yourself in, didn’t you? You knew the risks. You knew you could never come back. Yet here we are, right? You, bleeding on some old dusty ambulance as I ask you why you didn’t tell your own mother you were leaving.”
Red shrunk on himself even more, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. His hair was longer, almost reaching past his chin and sticking out wilder than usual, the bandage doing nothing to prevent this fact. His own body seemed smaller, a contrast to how bulky he had been nearly a year ago, his pants baggier as his shirt danced around his body. Despite all, he still looked like his Red, with big eyes and rosy lips, calloused fingers and warm skin.
However, Green felt like screaming. He wasn’t mad at Red, hell, if anything he was relieved to have him back, to finally be able to touch him instead of phantom where the hell he had been. But… It was too much. All of the pent up frustration was popping like a balloon, making it impossible for him to just shut up and hug the hell out of his boyfriend.
He clenched his fists, feeling his body shake. He couldn’t keep his tongue going for much longer unless he wanted to ball his eyes out.
"You’re- fuck, c'mere."
 And soon he had one arm wrapped around Red, pulling him against his side and gripping his good arm as if it were the most important thing in the world. Red startled, trying to turn his head towards him but breaking the act with a hiss. Green apologized and readjusted his hold, burrowing his face on the man's dark brown hair and taking a deep breath, trying to stabilize his rapid heart.
"I was so worried, Red. So worried. Do you know how- how scary it was? To get home and not find you anywhere? To wait for weeks at end without hearing a word from the police? Hell, what happened to you even? You- fuck, you’re okay, right? You-“
 Red grabbed his wrist, leaning further against him.
 Red shook his head.
"Red, c'mon, say something. "
 Red sat still for what seemed like hours, Green holding his breath the entire time. Then, just as the sun rose over the horizon, he signed something, tapping a 'c' two times against his cheek. Green nodded, more to himself than anything, and handed him his phone.
 More hours dragged themselves by, stars sinking into the fading dark sky as Red finished typing. Green felt himself relax each passing second, Red’s warmness slowly waving through his jacket and pressing against his body, confirming that yes, this was real, he was holding him.
A bright screen was pushed under his nose.
I had to do something. I couldn't let them keep experimenting on any animal they came across. I couldn't let them just keep stealing away fur and then leave the poor things defenceless on the woods. I couldn't let Silver there, either.
 Green chuckled, looking up at the sky, fingers gripping Red’s sleeve.
"That sounds just like you, always fitting your nose where you ain't called."
 Red only leaned further against him.
"I know you were trying to do the right thing, but… Just- don't ever disappear like that again, you hear? You could have died Red, died. And then what?"
Don't cry.
"I'm not-"
 But he was, the words dancing around the screen as water pooled on his cheeks. Green wiped it away with the back of his hand, sniffling.
"It's just- snow got into my eye, ya know how it is-"
 He pinched his nose, leaning his body forward as his arms fell from Red's sleeve to grip the man's leg.
"I'm not crying."
 Red ran his fingers through his hair, hands jerky as he showed him his phone, lip caught between his teeth.
I'm sorry.
 Green nodded, taking in a breath as his lungs felt like they were about to explode. He wiped his cheeks again, ignoring how hot and wet they were.
"Yeah, it's- it's fine. I'm being a dick, aren't I? You got a broken arm, a bleeding head, probably an infection followed by trauma, and here I am, talking shit."
I'm fine, this'll heal. I'm used to you being an emotional rollercoaster anyway.
 Green gripped his leg tighter, shooting him a glare. Which probably wasn’t very effective given his state.
"Don’t say that. You're not even signing, and your hands are shaking. Quit playing the though role, silly. I’ve known you since forever, that act ain’t fooling me.”
 Red lowered his gaze, looking more like a dejected puppy than anything. At least he wasn’t either trying to deny his words or crying over them. That was a start.
 Sighing, Green wrapped one arm around Red’s waist and rubbed his side, cupping his cheek with his free hand and tilting it till the man was looking at him. He pressed their foreheads together, lips quivering because it had been so long, it had been so fucking long. He felt like bursting, especially when Red's eyes – those beautiful, russet colored eyes - widened just a fraction before he leaned in, resting his hand on top of Green's.
"Does it hurt?"
 Red shook his head.
"Can you walk?" 
A nod.
"How's your arm?"
 Red's eyes fell on the floor, but he didn't move away. Green’s breath caught on his throat as he nudged his forehead against Red’s.
 Red only leaned heavier against him. Green felt like pushing him away and prying the answer out of his brain, but his heart was holding him back. They had time. They had time. He had waited for months, he could leave a broken limb for later if that meant not pushing his boyfriend too hard.
 "Okay, okay, but don't push me off the ambulance, please."
 They both straightened up, pulling away, Green's hand falling to Red's shoulder.
"Just... don't do something as reckless ever again, okay? At least not alone.”
 Red only smiled, the act a sight for sore eyes. Green felt his own lips quivering into a grin as he shook his head, lightly pushing the man away and beginning to catch him up on everything that had been happening since he left.
 They stood there for another half an hour, talking and watching as the sun melted the rest of the snow away and made the less aware person slip. The siren' lights reflected on the wet asphalt, sometimes fading out as clouds parted for the sun. Voices grew louder each passing second, more people coming in: some going for Silver, other for the cuffed grunts, none having the courage to approach Red. Cops ran back and front in drenched sweat, looking like pigs who had gone for their first morning exercise after a long winter. Red chuckled at the comparison.
 In the middle of it, Green just held Red tighter, mind still taking it all in. 
 He would never let him go like that. Not until the day he stopped loving him, anyway.
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avidfanficwriter · 7 years
Barbie (Chapter 3)
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Chris Pine X Reader.
Summary:   The things you want are not always easy to get. Obstacles arise, Silly fights. Old flames and unfortunately even your own thoughts at times.  Even with all the happiness it still leaves the question: ‘How can two people who are perfect for each other be so fucked when it comes to being together?’
Warnings: Cursing.
You turn on the stairwell to face Chris who's standing just a few steps below you, his chest rising and following with each breath he takes. 
“I’m pretty sure there’s a cop that lives in this building.” You say loudly. 
Chris takes a step forward. “We need to stop fighting.” 
“You need to start talking but we both aren’t going to get the things we want.” You say matching his tone of annoyance as you turn back around, continuing up the stairs. 
“What do you want to know?” he asks as you reach the door. 
“Nothing now. We’re not together.” You say in a playful tone. 
“Stop that.” Chris argues. 
“Stop treating me like shit.” You repeat slamming the door in his face. It takes him less than a second to get into the hallway where the conversation continues. 
“I’m not treating you like shit.” 
“Of course not.” You say, annoyed. 
Chris grabs your hand as you continue walking getting closer to your apartment, he’s persistent you’ll give him that but . “We were talking--”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You say, shocking Chris who stares at you wide eyed. “My goddamn alarm.”
You pull your arm out of Chris’ hand and start walking to your apartment. “I thought you said it goes periodically.” he says, following after you.
“I lied. You should know that, you do it so often.” 
Chris grabs your arm, pulling you back towards him. “It doesn’t do that all the time?” He asks, confused. 
“No, I’m smarter than that, I wouldn’t leave a broken alarm in my house.” 
You scoff at him. Chris pulls your hand tighter to him. “Give me your key and stay here.” He says. 
Chris looks at you annoyed, “You want to be mad at me be mad at me but if someone made your alarm go off, you're not going in there.”
“At least the burglar would tell me what exactly it is he’s doing in there.” You scoff at him. 
“Y/N, just stay here.” You sigh, handing him your key with annoyance. 
“Whatever.” You say as Chris walks to the apartment. You stand in the middle of the hallway clearly angered. “he planned this...’ you think to yourself. ‘oh, she’ll come home and i’ll rescue her from some phantom murderer. then she’ll forget all about how I’m a lying seething son of a bitch... who has pretty eyes.” 
A loud thud makes suddenly echos through the hallway making you jump, “Chris?” You say, skittishly as you slowly walk to the open apartment. 
No answer. 
Your heart races and you moved faster, his name spilling from your lips with anxiety. “Chris!” You enter the apartment,your  book stand is knocked over, a mess of your furniture and Chris is looking out the window of your building. His back towards you. “Chris?” 
He turns to face you, blood dripping from his forehead and your heart breaks. “Oh my god.” You say, rushing towards him. Your hands wrapping around his waist, holding him tightly against you. 
“I’m alright.” he says, rubbing your back. 
“Your head.” You say, looking up at his forehead, he has a fresh gash near his hairline and blood was beginning to drip down his face. “Oh my god.” 
“It’s fine. Call the police while I clean this up.” 
The call with the police is quick, they are on their way, when you walk in on Chris in the bathroom, his arms resting on the sink counter looking down at he bloody water in the porcelain sink. 
“Are you okay?” You ask in a low voice. 
“God, Chris, I’m sorr--” 
“It’s fine.” he says, cupping his hand to catch the water and wipe the blood from his face.. “Least it wasn’t you.” He gives you a small smile. The looks on his face is vulnerable, like inside he’s truly in pain but doesn’t want to show it. 
You sigh, walking up the him and starring up at his face. “I’m sorry.” You say interrupted this time. He shrugs and you grab a small towel from the counter, dipping it in and gently rubbing it against his temple. 
His blue eyes stare down at you, watching as you tend to his injury. He smiles and immediately you regret your actions, putting the rag onto the counter and walking away. He sighs in response, upset that you’re once again distancing yourself from him. 
The police arrive shortly after, knocking on the door, interrupting the silence between you and Chris. They looked around for a while, snapped a few pictures and interviewed both you and Chris separately. There was a sense of fresh air when Chris was taken to the other room, like you no longer had to hold your emotions together. 
“Alright,” The officer says, bringing Chris back out of the room. “You let me know when that new star trek movie comes out, yeah?” 
Chris smiles in response, walking back towards you where he stands just inches away from you. It’s uncomfortable but also protective at the same time. 
“And you? You’re the boyfriend?” Another police officer says walking towards you and Chris as he points the tip of his pen at Chris. 
“No!” You say loudly, louder than you expected. “He’s not my boy--” You glance over at Chris who is now looking at the ground with his arms over his chest. “he’s a---” You drag out the ‘a’ sound searching for an answer to the question. 
“Friend. Best friend.” Chris chimes in, standing up and stepping towards you. His arm gently wrapping around your shoulders pulling you into him. “Yeah, we decided to grab some dinner after work.” 
The officer raises an eyebrow and shakes his head, “Alright. Ma’am, is there somewhere you can stay with for the night just in case?” 
“Yeah,” You nod, “Yeah, I can stay with a friend.” 
“Alright. We’re about done here. If we have any more information in regards to your case, we will call you.” The officer says, nodding and beginning to leave.
You watch the two officers leave, deep in conversation as you mentally beg that Chris was following. As you door closes, you look down at the mess on the floor. 
“Do you need help getting a bag?” He asks. 
“Alright...” he says, looking around the room. “Do you need a ride?” 
“No. Can you leave please?” You asks, annoyed. 
“When you do.” 
“You’re not my babysitter, Chris.”
“No but I’m not leaving you in this house until I know you’re safe.” He argues. 
“Well, I’m not leaving.” You say, crossing your arms over your chest stomping your foot on the floor. 
“Then neither am I.” 
You sigh, storming off to your bedroom and grabbing a bag stuffing clothes from the laundry basket into it. The house fumes with your anger as you come out and face Chris. “There are you happy!?”
Chris nods. 
Together, you walk out of the apartment and Chris hails a cab while you walk further down the sidewalk, the moonlight guiding your journey. Chris watches you walk away, your blue gym bag dangling from your shoulder as you eventually sit on the curb, your shoes resting in the small puddle of water. 
“Hey, are you getting in?” The cab driver shouts at Chris. 
“Ah, no it’s not for me. Goddamn it.” He says, tapping the hood of the car. 
The car speeds off and Chris jogs towards you, much to your dismay. “What the hell are you doing?” Chris shouts. 
“Because people tend to do that when their feet get tired.” you say in an annoyed tone.
“You’re suppose to be leaving to a friends house.” 
Chris sighs annoyed and lazily sits down next to you, the puddle beneath your feet splashing onto you with his movements. 
“What are you doing?” You ask annoyed.
“If you’re not going, neither am I.” 
“Are you serious? You ruin my night out with you, my day at work and my house probably got robbed because of you and now you’re harassing me?” 
“I may have ruined your night but i didn’t intend to ruin your day or get your house robbed.” Chris says, smiling. “I don’t want you staying here.” His voice is low, almost a whisper. 
“We’re both not getting what we want.” 
“That’s why I’m gonna stay right here with you.” 
“Can’t you leave.”
“When you do.” Chris faces the road, watching the reflections of the surrounding building cast in the puddles. You sit in silence plotting your next move but fearing that whatever it is you decide Chris will counter. It’s a battle you will never win. 
“Fine. I’ll actually go to a friends house.” You sigh, annoyed. 
“Whose friend?” 
“A friend.” 
“I don’t know yet.” You say, rising to your feet. 
“I’ll take you to my place.” Chris says, looking up at you.
“Why?” He asks, stand up, his eyes locked onto yours. 
“Because--” you whine. 
Chris raises an eyebrow at you, “I’m not leaving until i know your safe.” he says, placing his hand on your shoulder. “Besides I busted my scalp open for you, it’s the least you could do is watch over me in my sleep.” 
“You got a teeny-tiny little cut.” You say, pushing his hand away from your shoulder. 
“Are you going to come?” He asks, putting his hands into his pocket. 
“Are you going to leave me alone?” 
Chris looks away, sighing. “Yeah.” His voice is soft and full of pain. Like the words are physically hurting him as he says them. 
“Then for one night I will stay and after we leave one another alone unless our job makes us interact.” 
Chris nods, piercing his lips together but saying nothing else. Chris remains quiet while you walks alongside him towards his car. The air is quiet and stale, weighing heavily on you and Chris. 
“I’m sor---” Chris starts to say when you enter the car but the sentence is cut short. He bites his lip and stares at the floor in defeat. It’s the last noise your hear from Chris during the car ride, he doesn’t say anything or even look in your direction, his eyes remain focused on the road. 
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