#not proofreadd
simplyreveries · 5 months
Hi hi I just seen your new post and I came running.
Feel free to deny or anything like that. This is a platonic Diasomnia with a gn reader who sees Lilia as a father figure and is around Silver's age and sees Silver, Malleus, and Sebek as brothers.
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they're already a pretty tightknit group and family with one another, it's no different with you around. in fact, I'd say they have more of a protective nature, that's usually with someone like malleus or silver even if it isn't always obvious-- they're always looking out for you in each of their own ways. whether or not you reside in ramshackle, diasomnia is basically your home now since you're there most of the time.
lilia is his typical playful self with you, but since you're so close you him, yes you are succumbed to eating his "meals" that he so graciously goes out of his way to make for you. I guess it's the thought that counts. but the number of times he has made you treats like a birthday cake on special occasions and it being awful is too many times to count. also, its canon i think that lilia cuts his own hair and does silvers... he will 100% try to do the same to you be warned. he will want to dye it too.
he also gets genuinely proud and praises for things you've done well in... he is so supportive. but he has this attitude of already knowing that you could do it anyway. with all of his energy around you he also can be completely comforting and consoling for any of your troubles. you literally cannot hide anything from him, he knows you too well enough to have you act like something isn't bothering you and making you upset. truthfully, he is so keen and observant he probably will already know what the issue even is- but he'll gently remind you to let it out and be open with him.
malleus is more of the quieter type around you, that looks quite intimidating whenever he is lurking beside you. but he is as doting as he can be to someone like you, he holds dearly. you're one of the few people, along with the others in your little circle of family in diasomnia. he considers it to be precious and very special to him. it's funny how he doesn't seem to react any indifferently if you wanted to something as uncharacteristic for him like you make flower crowns from the courtyard and putting them on him.
as i have mentioned, yes, he does have slight tendency to be protective of you- he certainly has told you some of his... distaste for anyone in the school when it comes to anything romantic for you. and for the love of all things, it better not be someone like leona. I'd genuinely love to thing about how that would play out.
I think silver shows his care for you in ways such as teaching you how to use a sword and defense. he looks out for you like that, he does enjoy having someone to train and practice with anyway. he is slightly awkward when it comes to doing things like giving advice, but he wants to look more respectable and someone you can look up to in your eyes. It's just... he is a sheltered guy who has spent his life living with faes he has no clue how to navigate most social things too. he IS someone who will listen to you always though even if he doesn't have the words.
he trusts you a lot and always asks you to make sure you help him stay awake during the day-- if you catch him dozing off you have permission to shake or nudge him awake. if its you thats dozing off he'll mumble something about you "not getting enough sleep" but he lets you have your peace around him.
you're like the only person who can somewhat get away with teasing or messing around with him. like he'll always react upset btu you still can do it. he slightly changes his negative views and annoyances with humans, you're like this exception he's felt along with silver. he'll still grudging call you human but its not with the amount aggression he may have with others haha. like silver, he enjoys practicing the sword with you, but its more of a challenge that he enjoys having.
he also forces you to study with him if he feels that you're struggling, he tries to make it not seem like he's looking out for you. he always chastises you for always getting caught up into trouble with the other first years like ace, deuce, and grim. may or may not think they're a bad influence sometimes when it comes to what they get themselves in.
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pshwrldd · 4 days
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Warning: kissing,skinship, fighting (lmk if i missed anything!!) Genre: angst, fluff sypnosis: you have been married to your husband for 5 years, and today is your anniversary. You and minghao was supposed to have a date night but he canceled it?….
‼️not proofreadd‼️
today was you and minghaos 5th year wedding annivesary. Minghao was supposed to bring you out for dinner today to celebrate, or so you thought.
you were getting ready for your dinner date with your husband, who was supposedly on the way to pick you up from home until suddenly you got a notification from minghao,:
HUBBY<3: sorry sweetheart, but i dont think i can make it today… theres an emergency at work, i promise i’ll make it up to u alright?
You sighed reading that message, Minghao had always been a very caring and loving man but you knew minghao was often very busy, and you have always been patient about it. But today was the last straw.
You thought to yourself, maybe minghao finally made time to spend time with you on this special day, but a part of you also knew you shouldn’t get your hopes too high. You leaned back in ur chair amd looked at that messgae again feeling disappointed and … angry.
you sat on the couch waiting for your husband pissed off.
it was about midnight till he finally arrived home from work. You heard the keypad from outside and the door opening.
The atmosphere was thick with tension. Minghao walked uo to you, saying,
“sorry honey, it was really bust today at work an-“
But before he can continue u snapped, tired and frustrated at his excuses.
“So what if you were busy? Can’t you make some time for your wife on OUR ANNIVERSARY DAY? I have been patient knowing that you will always be busy due to your job but-“
Minghao answered back before you could say anything else,
“I know okay? I know, im sorry?! Like i said i was busy and today was a tiring day. I said i would make uo to you right?? I have-“
“no. Stop, stop saying you will make up for it!! I’ve heard all of it, you keep repeating the same things over and over again, but u never keep your promise!” You shout angrily.
minghao flinched hearing you snap, throughout the whole marriage, never have he seen you this angry.
“baby, im sorry but i have been super busy and u know it! So please understand and-“
He stopped seeing you breaking down into tears. Guilt and concern etched minghaos face when he saw you cry. He rushed to ur side and hugged you tight in his arm. “shhhhhh, im sorry im sorry. i know, i know… im sorry, shhhh…”
he scooped you up and places u on the couch beside him, still hugging you, whispering comforting words to you as u sunggle against his side. Oh how much you missed his hug,
the atmosphere felt like a warm bubble that protected the both you. After awhile your sobs eventually stopped and you fell asleep.
Minghao chuckled feeling ur body relax againts his. You looked so peaceful in your sleep. Minghao kissed the top of your head,adding with a gentle tone,
“good night sweetheart, sleep tight”
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nanas love note🫶🏻: FINALLY BACK WITH A NEW ONEE?? my first angst!😖 angst is one of my weaknesses buti wanted try<33 And i definitely wouldn’t be posting this if my biggest Supporter wasnt helping me. @icyy-hoon <33 [ilh so much i swer] anywayss wanted to write minghao to dedicate to my themee<3 anyways not to waste anymore time and i hope you enjoyy<333
Taglist (send ask or comment to in!!): @jakesangel @jaysng @icyy-hoon @amorek1m
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mooooonnnzz · 2 years
i saw that ur requests are open and I JUST NEED SOME KIRI FICS OR I WILL DIE so i was wondering if u could write something about her x f!na'vi!reader, where they're childhood best friends but the reader confesses that she likes her but kiri is in denial with her own feelings and then some other na'vi start to show interest in the reader and kiri gets all jealous and realize that, in fact, she's in love with her? idk if this make sense english is not my first language sorry </3
I won't say (I'm in love) // Kiri x Fem!Navi!Reader
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❀ You confess to Kiri how you feel and she freaks out
♡ Content: angst/comfort fic <3 kiri is in DENIALLLL!! lo’ak and neteyam are her therapist (run kiri) THIS IS PROOFREADD YAYY
♡ Word Count: it’s 1k BUT ROUNDED UP it’s 2k LMFAO
♡ Quick Note: FIRST KIRI REQUEST AHHHHHH i literally saw your request and immediately started writing AND NEVER STOPPED ALTHOUGH, i changed up it up a little bit instead of kiri getting jealous. neteyam and lo'ak somewhat help her out to realize her feelings for reader I HOPE THAT'S OKAY i was struggling on the jealousy part and i got the idea of neteyam and lo'ak helping her so I RAN WITH IT BUT HERES UR LONG AWAITED KIRI FIC had fun writing it ALSO REQUEST R STILL OPEN (still would love to see sum lo'ak and kiri fics CUZ THERES NOT ENOUGH OF THEM, but don't be shy to send a request for neteyam also) ANYWAYS ON W THE FIC
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You smiled, looking down on the large faint path that you and Kiri engraved in the dirt when you and her were little. It was done so neither of you would get lost on your way to your hideout. The place where you and her could forget about all your worries and enjoy each other’s company without any disturbances. You’ve followed the trail so many times that getting lost is the least of your worries. You could close your eyes right here and follow the path with no issue. While walking, you came across a tall familiar tree. You smiled upon seeing the old tree, countless memories were made on it. For instance, when you and Kiri were younger, you and her would always climb up the tree and just hang upside down, talking about whatever came into your childish minds. You still do it with Kiri from time to time, but not as much as you two did when you were little. This also was where you uncovered the brewing feelings for Kiri that have been sitting dormant inside you. She was resting her back on the tree, the wind fluttered through her hair.
Her eyes were closed and there was a wispy smile on her face. She looked so at peace, so calm that you just stood there–admiring your best friend. She held so much beauty and grace, you were confused on how you didn’t notice it before. She was just gorgeous and you knew you were falling for her when she grabbed your hand out of the blue one time, her thumb unknowingly caressing your hand. You were internally freaking out over the small action, heart practically beating out of your chest and your stomach was filled with butterflies. You couldn’t even focus on what Kiri was saying to you because your attention was stuck on how you and Kiri’s hands slotted perfectly together. Almost like your hand was made to hold hers. Your crush on her had grown stronger from there on. Now, you couldn’t even look at Kiri without having your heart run a whole marathon. You tried not being too obvious with your feelings but even Lo’ak had noticed your not so subtle crush on her. Giving one last look at the tree, you parted ways and continued following the now faint path. You were drawing close to the flower field where Kiri would rest. Your stomach began to twist into knots from the growing anxiety. You were going to confess to her and tell her how you feel. You could only hope she felt the same way about you. 
Kiri was laying in the middle of the grassy field, the woodspirits floating above her. Some floated down and laid on her limbs, swaying softly with the wind. Kiri looked so peaceful, which was a rare sight to see. She had told you many times before on how she feels like she doesn’t belong, how she feels out of place but whenever she connects to the world around her, when she connects to Ewya she feels like she’s one with herself, one with nature and every living being on Pandora. You never really understood what she meant, but what you did understand is that whenever she let herself loose and feel everything that was around her, from the air everyone breathes to the ground everyone steps in, she connects with it and shuts off. You never minded when she became lost in her own world because it was a free pass to stare at her and take in her beauty. You sat right next to Kiri, burning the smile that was displayed on her face to memory. How could someone look so perfect? You failed to realize her eyes fluttering open.
She shuffled around, blinking a few times before letting out a sigh. Stretching out her tired limbs, she sat up from the floor. The woodspirits that surrounded rose up from her, bidding their goodbyes by kissing Kiri on the face with their tendrils. She felt your lingering gaze on your face, looking over to you she smiled. “When did you get here?” She asked, voice thick with sleep. Your ears fluttered, face warming up. You loved hearing Kiri’s sleepy voice. “Just now, I didn’t want to disturb you so I–” 
“--You stared at me?” She had just woken up not too long ago and she’s already teasing you. “Yeah, I was staring.” You looked down in embarrassment. Kiri quietly giggled, hiding her smile behind her hand. “I wasn’t expecting you to give in so easily.” She said, sharing a few laughs to herself before placing her hand back down. Her fingers lightly brush against yours and your heart skips a beat. You suddenly remember the reason why you came all the way over here. Taking in a deep breath, you looked at Kiri. You didn’t even prepare yourself, you had no idea how you were going to do this. 
“Kiri,” Your heart pounded against your ribcage and your gut was filled with unease. Her ears twitch. Curiosity glinting in her eyes over the sudden shift in your mood. “I have something to tell you.” You say. 
She doesn't respond, but the look in her eyes is urging you on to continue. You closed your eyes and built up the remaining confidence you have left because what could go wrong? You and Kiri have been through everything together, confessing your crush on her won’t ruin what you and her have. If anything, if she doesn’t feel the same way, you and her can forget that his whole ordeal happened and move on. 
You took a deep breath and clenched your hands together. It’s now or never. 
“I like you.” 
Kiri blinked in surprise. 
“You like me?” She repeats, utterly dumbfounded with what you had just confessed to her. 
You nod your head slowly, unsure with where this is going to go. The anxiety in your gut began to rage and the growing silence isn’t helping. Kiri bites down on the inside of her cheek, shamefully looking away. “I’m sorry.” She says, her voice small and weak. “I don’t feel the same way.” 
You feel everything around you freeze. The sounds of the leaves rustling in the background became a loud static and the trees started to blur together. Tears started to form in your eyes. Even if you tried anticipating the rejection, even if you tried softening the blow by thinking of the positives. Being rejected by the person you love hurts. You don’t get the time to say anything more after that because Kiri excuses herself, and with nothing else to do. You watch as her figure becomes more than a mere blob from the tears that clouded your vision. 
“And you left her there?” Lo’ak said with an over exaggerated gasp, his hand coming to cover his agape mouth. “You’re annoying.” Kiri sighed out, pushing Lo’ak away from her. “How could I not gasp? What you did was so messed up.” Lo’ak shook his head, dropping his hand back down to his lap. “I know! I panicked.” Kiri frowned, dragging her hands down her face. She had been feeling guilty all day for leaving you alone like that. Your crestfallen face would forever be imprinted in her head. Neteyam slid right next to Kiri, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her in a side hug. Usually, Kiri would push Neteyam away, whining about how she wanted to be left alone. But right now, she doesn’t want to be left alone. Her emotions were too much for her right now that if she were to be alone, she would spiral. “Did you run away because you knew you didn’t feel the same? Or because you did feel the same, you were just afraid to admit them?” Neteyam asked. Lo’ak rose a brow at Neteyam.
“Bro, when did you become so smart?” Neteyam rolled his eyes. “I don’t know.” She truthfully said, ignoring the small dispute that happened between her brothers. She had been battling with herself with her own feelings for you. Late nights she laid in her hammock, thinking about you and how she wished you were right next to her. She began to admire your face and everything about you. She started to think about her favorite moments with you and think about how she would just stare at you and imagine how your lips would feel on hers. She would catch herself imagining a future with you and her heart would skip a beat whenever she’d notice what she was thinking about. You consumed her thoughts and that scared her. She didn’t know what to do so she built up this wall to protect herself from her feelings, but you broke down those walls when you confessed to her.
She realized that her efforts to block her love for you was futile. You felt the same way she did, she didn’t have to hide anymore. She had dreamed of this moment endlessly, where you would confess and she would finally open up about her feelings for you. She swooned over the thoughts about you two sharing a kiss, the kiss exchanging the words you and her never got to say. But there she was, sitting right in front of you. Your heart in your hands as you told her what you had been feeling for a long time. And instead reacting the way she planned to, she panicked. She was too overwhelmed by the sudden emotions she felt that she didn’t know what to do, so she fled. 
“I feel so stupid.” Kiri mumbled. Neteyam rubbed his hand up and down Kiri’s arm, a soothing action he did to her when she was younger. “You are not stupid.” Neteyam said. Kiri didn’t say anything else and wallowed in her self pity. “Why don’t you go tell her how you truly feel?” Kiri’s ears perked up. She had forgotten that she could make amends with you. Sprouting up with newfound vigor, she hugged both of her brothers. “I have not thought about that, thank you Neteyam!” And with that, Kiri took off. Her feet padded against the floor, her heart hammering in her chest. She’s going to tell you how she really feels. She went to the place she knew she’d find you. The tree that held most of you and Kiri’s precious memories. Looking up, she saw your leg dangling off one of the thick branches that sprouted from the tree. She took a deep breath and started making her way up. Hanging her hand over the branch, she pulled herself up and plopped herself right in front of you with ease. She flashed you a smile while you stared in confusion. “I want to apologize,” She says, her hands finding yours and intertwining them together. You blushed at the sudden affection.
 “I’m so sorry for leaving you alone with no explanation on why.” 
You shake your head. “It’s okay, I knew—“ 
“Wait! You didn’t let me finish.” She squeezes your hands before letting go. Her hands cupped your face, her eyes quickly shifting from your lips to your eyes. “I have been wanting to tell you this ever since I heard my Dad say it to my Mom.” You knew what she was going to say. You have heard the loving phrase slip out of Jake’s mouth one too many times, but you would have never thought you would be hearing it come out of Kiri’s mouth. 
She pulls your face closer to hers. Your breath hitches in your throat when you feel her nose brush yours. Her lips are practically touching yours and all you can hear is your loud heartbeat ringing in your ears.
 “I love you.” 
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if you wanna be in my taglist comment or dm me! <3 + my requests are open!
Taglist: @writingsbybirdie @tzurue @lokisblueskin @slaypussypop-21 @niawritesbs @yoluvrz​
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ancientmaguss · 7 years
The house was quiet save for the thumping of Ruth's tail on the floor. Chise was just finishing wrapping her present in some tissue paper from the market. She'd been working on it for weeks, after much debate on what to get Elias for Christmas. He was richer than she could fathom, and knew far more about just about everything than her, so thinking of a gift for him had proven to be quite the task. She finally decided on something meaningful rather than useful, which would hopefully also help him reconnect with his emotions. She looked at her wrapping job, searching for any imperfections.
'It looks great, he'll love it. Don't worry.' Ruth said in her mind quietly. He was sprawled out in front of the fireplace, enjoying the warmth while snow fell outside. It was going to be a white Christmas after all, though it was Christmas Eve and Elias had yet to return from his errand. He said he expected to be back early Christmas Eve to celebrate with them, but it was almost midnight already with no word from the mage. He said he hadn't celebrated Christmas in a long time, but upon seeing Chise’s disappointment, said they could celebrate together.
Silky had brought home a Christmas tree and set it up near the fireplace. There were a few presents under the tree, though Chise wanted to give hers to Elias herself. She curled up in his chair and yawned, a blanket being draped over her by her familiar. Though she wanted to wait up for him, being surrounded by warmth and Elias’s earthy scent, Chise fell into a peaceful sleep while clutching the present to her chest.
Elias returned home a few hours later, quietly entering the house and shaking the snow from his cloak. He removed his shoes and walked by the living room where an interesting sight caught his eye. Chise was asleep in his chair, a blanket covering her and her familiar at her feet.he regretted not being back when he said he would, but the errand required more attention than anticipated. He watched her sleeping form for a few moments before walking over and carefully picking her up, cradling her to his chest. Despite his care, she stirred awake and blinked sleepily, looking up at him.
‘Elias…?’ Chise asked sleepily, one hand grabbing on to his suit while the other still clutched the present.
‘I'm sorry I'm late, go back to sleep Chise.’ He said softly, moving to carry her to her room.
‘Wait, I want to give you your present.’ She stopped him, pressing the gift in to his chest. He seemed to debate quickly before sitting down in his chair with Chise and taking the present. Chise shifted nervously in his lap as he carefully peeled back the tape and wrapping. Elias took the piece of cloth from the wrapping and stretched it out, studying it.
‘I couldn't think of anything you needed or couldn't buy, so I made you a scarf. I don't know if you even get cold, but it's something that you can wear that shows I'm yours.” She finished quietly, avoiding his eyes that scanned the scarf. It was expertly knitted, red and gold with green accents to match his bolo tie. Elias wasn't sure how or when she had learned to knit, but it was obvious she had spent a great deal of time on this. He wrapped it around his neck under under his red cloth and strings. Once he was satisfied with how it sat, he grasped one of Chise’s hands in his and pulled her close, nuzzling her head.
‘Thank you, I love it.’ He said, holding her close. Chise blushed and hid her face in his chest, yawning again. ‘Sleep, Chise. I will be here when you wake and give you my gift.’ He offered quietly, rewrapping the blanket around her and making himself comfortable in the chair. Chise curled closer to him, wrapping herself in the blanket and his scent, easily falling back into a peaceful sleep.
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tobi-momo · 4 years
Did I Say That Out Loud? [Hinata x Reader]
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a/n: heyheyheyyy nobody answered my post so i just looked up fluff prompts on google💀 so ill prolly delete that post im sorry😭 but i think this is a good one for this story :) feel free to leave comments bc i honestly dont know how im doing w my writing the interactions w my blog have went down so much😢 but anyways i hope you enjoy :p (the prompt is the title btw)
Pairing: Hinata Shoyo x Reader
Genre: Romance, Fluff :)
Warnings: not proofreadd ooopps
Word Count: 628
Did I Say That Out Loud?
“Y/n-san!” Shoyo yells as he tramples over his feet while running towards you at the end of the hallway. It was the end of the day, only being a couple minutes after the last bell rang to leave school. He repeated your name over again, waving his hand in the air frantically as you turned around. “Y/n!” He’s out of breath, panting while putting his hands on his knees as his chest rises and falls dramatically.
“Shoyo-kun?” You stare at him, waiting for him to gather himself before seeing him stand up with a toothy smile plastered on his face.
“Let’s go out!”
Your eyes shoot wide as you look at him, all giddy and happy, practically bouncing on his toes, while you are just frozen in place. You stare at him, your pupils scanning his face and catching the sparkle in his eyes. There had always been a sparkle when he was near you, ever since you were kids. You were never stuck at the hip, but you spent a lot of quality time together, times that you will remember for the rest of your life. This was one of them.
“Um, Y/n-san?”
“Oh- hm?” You shake your head in an effort to take your mind out of space, looking at him taking a step toward you.
“Are you alright?” He asks curiously. He was always genuine with his words, always affirming with the way he spoke. He never faltered to make you feel loved, special, even confident in yourself.
“Yeah! I am, sorry,” you chuckle, smiling at him before bringing your thoughts back up from the abyss, trying to find something to say before you blow it.
He finally asked you out- so casually, too. You expected this from him but still, you never thought it would actually happen. You open your mouth, met with complete silence as you try and let the words out. Shoyo tilted his head while he watched you, waiting for a response. You closed your mouth and inhaled sharply, looking at the ground, then at the walls beside you, hoping you don’t mess this up. You needed reassurance right about now. His eyes widen in understanding before he takes a breath, stepping closer to you.
“Here, look at me,” he grabs your attention, putting his arms on your shoulders, “if you wanna go out with me, just nod, but if not, then just shake your head.”
His smile was intoxicating, his happiness bleeding through his touch, seeping into you and reassuring you right then and there. Things will be alright.
You nod rapidly, making him freeze in shock. Did you- did you actually say yes? He could practically jump out orbit right now, he was so happy. You giggle, the giggle he always looked forward to hearing everyday since he was a child.
The pink on his cheeks grew, not being able to handle your answer. It was your turn to keep him grounded, pushing yourself on him into a tight embrace, feeling how his stiff body quickly loosens in your hold. His arms wrapping around you, pulling you closer, letting his head fall on your shoulder. You smile into his frame, not wanting to let go of your new boyfriend. He’s laughing into your shoulder, like he can’t believe this is real.
He pulls away before putting a couple fingers in your hair involuntarily, eyeing them in awe while he twirls a couple strands between his fingers. “I’m glad you’re mine now,” he mumbles, loud enough for you to go absolutely stiff, staring at him like a deer in headlights while he finally picks up on what he said, freezing as well, quickly turning sound from embarrassment.
“Oh my God, did I just say that out loud?”
kasdjhasd pls leave feedback i wanna know what yall think :)))
tag list: @combat-wombatus @hitosushi @toosharkinternet @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @alpha3113 @solar3lunar @zerohawks @awmahleebkg (send an ask if you wanna be added :p)
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ialpiriel · 11 years
SO I;ve already complained about this essay 'cause no matter which option I choose I look kinda liek a douchebag - I'm either talking about my heroic qualities and ignoring my negative qualities,or highlighting my negatve qualities and pretending I don't have good ones.
but like
im so tempted to be a sarcastic little shit n the whole thing and pepper it with cursing and insults and shit becasue im writingthis about me in my voice, right? not abot someone else in a voce that should be readable and easy to understand - im going to be readign it to the class and i dont actually speak formally most of the time
this is how i talk
read any personal post i have ever written and then go read "you never quite forgot james novak" that i wrote on ao3 and compare the writing styles
theyre different even if its not dramatic
but also
catholic school
gonna have ot censor myself so i dont rock the boat too much
as is itll still be a sarcastic paper becasue thats what i do
i make smartass remarks and make people laugh
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