#not really but i figure someone's gonna get mad if i don't tag it as such
yeah-yeah-beebiss-1 · 2 years
pushing the switch hardware to its limits
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unforth · 17 days
Alright not to like liveblog my breakdown on main but yesterday was a really bad day after a really bad, like, 4 months, and I've hit a bit of a breaking point and one of the only things in my life that can give is running @mdzsartreblogs , @tgcfartreblogs , @svsssartreblogs , @erhaartreblogs , @tykartreblogs , and @cnovelartreblogs , so that is what has to give. It's been a 99-out-of-100 days thankless job. A small number of people do say thank you and yall I appreciate you so much (HUGE shout-out to the artist I met at Flamecon who gifted me a zine when I said I ran these blogs, @bonesblubs you rock) but I have never done an act of fandom labor simultaneously this labor intensive yet this invisible before and, uh. It sucks. I spend an hour or more a day on this every day, if it's under 2k hours since I started the first of these in September 2020 I'd be shocked. And I do it because I love it but doing it means I don't have time or energy to do other things I love. And I really don't want to just quit, but I can't keep this up.
In a last-ditch effort to try not to just give up, I'm making the following changes:
1. Only watching one tag per fandom for the MXTX fandoms. I am going to check *only* #tgcf, #svsss, and #mdzs. Artwork posted to any other tag, I will not see unless a mutual reblogs it.
2. Reduced tagging (even more). I'm only going to tag characters and maybe overarching au type (eg, "modern au," "fantasy au"). I'll no longer tag creatures. I will continue to tag the same common trigger warnings I already tag.
3. If a work's appearance doesn't make it obvious what it is AND the tags aren't clear, I'm not going to reblog. I can't keep spending 5 minutes or more trying to figure out what I'm even looking at, scared that if I guess wrong the artist will get mad at me for mistagging their work. If I do reblog, I'll tag only the artist name and/or whatever else I can identify for sure.
4. I am no longer going to follow #link click. The fandom is just too big. I've started dreading checking it. If I was more into it and less busy I would make another spin off just for it but neither of those is true. (The art is so good, I hate to do this, but. If you love link click, highly recommend the main tag, lots of great stuff there.)
5. I will no longer tag any non-cnovel content in the art/post. Like, if someone draws, idek, Xie Lian and Marinette from Ladybug, I'm not gonna put any tags for Marinette, just for Xie Lian.
6. Basically if I run into something hard to tag or confusing or unclear, my new policy is I'm not gonna fricken bother.
I think those are everything but idefk, I cried for 3 hours last night and got 4 hours of sleep so I'm mostly fueled by exhaustion and desperation right now and my memory is even more fried than usual.
How artists can help. This is obviously all optional. You do you. But since some people might want to know what would make my life easier, I'm sharing. I'm not claiming I feel entitled to dictate how people fandom or anything like that.
1. Put the tags for the character(s) and ship(s) early in the tag list.
2. If you make art for a fandom that isn't one of the big ones (right now the only big danmei fandoms on tumblr as far as I can tell are the MXTX fandoms and maybe 2ha) I am begging you to use my tracked tag #cnovelartreblogs
3. Do mdzs art? Tag #mdzs. Do tgcf art? Tag #tgcf. Do svsss art? Tag #svsss.
4. Not only artists, but everyone, *please* stop tagging fandoms not discussed and/or depicted in your post. It's gotten to be stupid common for people to blanket the danmei fandom tags with posts only about one fandon (like, svsss-only works also being tagged mdzs and tgcf and 2ha for some damn reason). This isn't about just my sideblogs tbh this is just fandom etiquette that seems to have been forgotten or never learned by many. Tagging unrelated fandoms isn't "reach," it's annoying. People go into the #mdzs tag to see mdzs, not whatever not-mdzs stuff people have decided to tag for ~reach~, and seeing the same post in 8 tags, none of which it's related to, is so damn irritating, and makes scrolling the tags looking for content that IS relevant take that much longer. Knock it off.
Okay. I think that's as much as I'm prepared to meltdown where everyone can see. Thanks in advance everyone for your understanding, and apologies to everyone about to see this 8 times as I reblog it to each sideblog.
At least I'm not tagging it to everywhere. 🤣🤣🤣
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the-last-f2p · 6 months
Yandere promts day 16
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16. “Don’t lie, angel. you know what happens”
Featuring: Jing Yuan
Note: Dr ratio will be tagged here probs :>
TW: Implied kidnapping, this kind of written in a different confusing-ish pov.
"Y/N, look at this one!" Yanqing smiles brightly, brazenly holding up what has to be the twentieth sword today "It's half-price."
"So how much is it now?" You ask, trying not to feel bored and enjoy this moment.
"100 000 shield." Yanqing manages to murmur awkwardly.
"Next one." You say in a deadpan way.
This idea of a shopping trip had been pitched by Yanqing after seeing you cry as soon as Jing Yuan walked out of earshot. It took a while like a while while and a lot of begging but you two managed to get it on the rules that:
You're only allowed in the artisanship commission
You and Yanqing are to stay together
Yanqing thought it was great because you gotta get out. You thought it was great because you got a chance to run. It's a win win.
"Okay this one is just 10 000 shield."
"Eh-Y/N? Wh-fuuuccckkk!"
You had 'joked' about running away a couple of times today but he didn't think you were being serious!! Oh my Aeons, the general's gonna be so mad at me.. Yanqing mentally cries.
Just find them before the general does.
Easier said than done.
It must have been ten minutes. At the most. And you crashed straight into something someone. They were tall and fluffy? (probably from the amount of hair). And they were very familiar...
To re-quote Yanqing "fuuuuuccckkk!". It's Jing Yuan.
"Y/N? Aren't you supposed to be with Yanqing? Don't tell me you-... And to think I trusted you."
something about you figuring it out, JUST LIE. "No we got separated, it was really my fault though I thought-"
And then Jing Yuan laughs. It's very breathy and quite unsettling since he was trying to be seirious two seconds ago, "Don't lie, Y/N. You know what happens." He smiles at you, but there's an unertone of something. Anything.
There's only actually a couple of things he could do, incessant physiological and physical torture OR nothing. Hopefully it's the latter.
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enstarriedownbad · 1 year
Izumi Sena x F!reader
! Minors DNI
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Genre: smut
Tags: dom!Izumi, reverse yandere (?), unrequited love (?), beach, rough, semi-public
Note: This is part 2 of my first Izumi smut fic link here
Plot: Trickstar and Knights invite you to the beach after you cleared the misunderstanding between you and Izumi. However, both of you don't know how to interact anymore. Maybe "having fun" at the beach together will fix your relationship?
Words: 4,084
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By clicking on "show more," you acknowledge that you are 18+ and consent to read this fiction.
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Your friends are playing board games in the shades of the beach umbrellas. And some others are playing beach volleyball, and then there's Ritsu. Sleeping. Makoto is playing the team sport, too. Apparently, his team just won the game. Izumi is witnessing a few of Makoto's teammates hugging him after winning. Yet somehow, Izumi doesn't feel jealous. Sure, he'd like to be part of the moment, but it feels platonic. He'd rather support him from the sides while wearing Trickstar merch or so. As for Leo, he's still true to himself, laughing out loud, teasing Tsukasa while they're playing Uno. But Izumi isn't looking at Leo right now. His eyes are drawn to someone else: you.
You seem busy playing with the other boys. Your smile looks radiant, even from afar. 'Who is it you are talking to?', he wonders. You only greeted him after you arrived, and now it seems you won't even look at him. What is it that he is feeling? Is it anger? Frustration, maybe? He needs to figure it out.
"What do you think you're doing?" Izumi asks you out of the blue. "Why are you..." he sighs. "You know what, just come and follow me."
You oblige. He brings you further apart from the rest of the group. Makoto and Leo exchange a silly "we did it" eye contact when seeing the two of you walk away on the sand, unaware of what happened last time.
It seems Izumi wants to talk to you on a one-to-one, even willing to walk a bit far away from the others to get some privacy. Thank goodness he finally takes action to have a chat with you. It has gotten really awkward between you two after last time. And a few weeks already passed without contacting each other.
You two get behind a rock on the beach. Izumi doesn't fail to make you feel intimidated as he corners you behind it, making your back's skin get in contact with the harsh material. Izumi even asserts himself even more by placing his arm right on top of you. It looks like there is no way out of this conversation...
"So you're just gonna pretend... Whatever. You are not fooling anyone, and you're definitely not fooling me," he says aggressively.
"What do you mean?" you ask timidly.
"You haven't even looked at me the entire day yet you said you like me?" he responds. "You kept smiling for the others, though. That's not what I call love."
"That's because..." you mutter.
"Because what? I can't hear you," he asks while getting his face closer to yours.
"Because I know you don't even like me back..." you reply. "So I don't know how to react around you."
"Hmm... Sounds like a lie to me," he doesn't back down. "I know how it feels to go through an unrequited love, yet you don't---"
"Do you really, though?" you cut him.
"What?" he replies while strongly staring at you.
"Do you really love someone romantically? For Makoto, or for Leo, it looks more like friendship, if anything."
Izumi looks down on you with a cold gaze.
"Really? Then, Miss I-know-better-than-you, go ahead and enlighten me," he sarcastically says, mad about the fact that you doubt his feelings.
You take a few seconds to think about your answer. Some waves hit the rock. Its sound is relaxing. The sun is not too bright, and the sky seems bluer than earlier. And the others can't see you thanks to the location. The setting looks perfect for this moment. You take your chance.
"When you love someone, you want to be with them all the time," you say.
"I know. That's why I even kidnapped Makoto once, even though I'm not really proud of it..."
"You want to make them smile," you say.
"Been there, done that. Why do you think I've been helping Leo after a certain event?"
"You want them to be only yours..."
"I agree. Is that why you're pissed off right now? Because the person I'm into is not you?"
"You feel flustered when they're too close to you..." you say while avoiding looking into his eyes.
"I kno-" Izumi stops himself. After hearing what you said, he takes a good look at you. He finally realizes that you are blushing right now and can't keep eye contact with him. And it is all his fault, as he put himself this close to you in order to intimidate you. It is no wonder you are all red. After all, you love him. And he knows that. Nonetheless, with your feelings being so obvious now, the man is wondering why he put himself in a situation like this. He's so close to the woman that likes him, plus it had to be in this position. How can he not be flustered? Of course, he is. He is a man, after all. He's no exception. He seems to be slightly blushing. He thinks you look stupid to be all awkward around him. But, he also thinks you look somewhat cute, and your swimsuit is definitely something that man likes to see. He takes a longer look at your outfit and body from up close.
Even before your last interaction in the hotel, Izumi realizes you weren't distant with him like he thought, but rather shy. And even more shy when it was just the two of you. Yet you were always so sweet to him.
Well. It looks like he is curious, -or just simply put- interested in you. But Izumi, being Izumi, he won't admit it to himself. He would rather lie to himself and to others about his true feelings because of his ego. Now, he is afraid the next thing you'll say will make him realize something. You better not say one more word.
You don't even notice the switch in the nature of Izumi's gaze as you stopped directly looking into his eyes. So, you continue to prove yourself to him.
"When you love them, you--" Izumi stops you from continuing your sentence as he suddenly kisses you.
He goes all the way in, with his tongue intertwining with yours. You let out a small noise from the surprise. Izumi continues passionately kissing you. He grabs you by the waist while keeping his pace as steady as possible. His grip on your body gets stronger, and his lips don't seem to want to leave yours. His knee finds its way between your thighs, grinding into your sensitive area. That's it. He has desires.
Izumi backs up, panting, looking at you with redness all over his cheeks. You are the same, sweating and looking at him with doe eyes. He just wanted to make you shut up. Surely, there could have been another way. But now, he... No. He doesn't want to review his opinion. The man assumes changing his mind would make him look dumb and indecisive, even though it would be the opposite. He would rather continue with his lie.
"That's only a fraction of the love you'll never get," he lies while unable to look at you in the eyes anymore. "That's how I would kiss a person I love. Is that enough proof for you now?"
You feel discouraged by his words right after he just did this to you out of the blue. 'That was how much he loves someone', you think, wishing that were you.
On the other hand, Izumi looks at you in disbelief, unaware of the nature of what he is feeling right now. Surely, he felt the same with whom he "loves", right? He just didn't notice it, right? Izumi starts doubting his feelings. But that's when his own body gives him a hint. Outside of the blushing, another compelling piece of evidence can be found: he's rock-hard at this very moment. And the object of his desires is right here, in front of him, expecting to be told to go to hell or so.
"Turn around," he says.
"Why?" you ask.
"Just do it."
You do as he says.
"Now put your hands in front of you."
You place your hands against the rock.
"You're really doing anything I ask you to, huh?" he says while pressing himself onto you from behind.
Now, you can definitely feel something poking against your back. You slightly turn your head around to face him.
"Hm... Don't get any wrong ideas," he whispers in your right ear. "But I'm like 'this' because of you. I can't go back to everyone in this state. You should take care of it since it's all your fault."
Everything is telling you that he got hard thinking of someone else while kissing you, but you don't even care right now, you just want Izumi.
"...Sure," you reply, knowing what will happen next.
Izumi doesn't wait for a second and lowers down the bottom part of your swimsuit, gets his cock out of his own, and places his tip at your entrance.
"I'm going to ravage your insides from behind. I'm guessing that's okay with you since you really are a..." he stops mid-way. "Since I already did it last time, right?"
"Yes...," you answer, somehow surprised that he only subtly insulted you compared to last time.
With his hands placed on both of your hips, Izumi slides himself inside you. It definitely hurts since just a minute ago, you weren't expecting him to take you from behind. But it feels good. It's so nice to be connected again. Your two bodies were longing for each other. Simply having him in you gets you aroused.
"Hm? Did you just get wet only from me penetrating you?" Izumi rhetorically asks. "I can't say I'm not flattered, though, but now I..." He doesn't finish his sentence but his dick speaks on his behalf, hardening inside you. "Then, I hope you're ready for what's coming."
Izumi begins ramming into your folds from behind while holding onto your hips. Every thrust is as hard as last time. You get fully wet in no time. His length presses against your sensitive spots every time he moves. You can't help but moan.
"Shhh, you don't want someone to hear us," Izumi tells you while fastening the pace.
Although you need to keep your voice down, feeling Izumi's hands on your skin, as well as his cock sketching your walls with his every thrust makes you let out some more high-pitched sounds.
"Izumi...!" you quietly moan.
To your surprise, Izumi doesn't tell you to stop and he even whimpers from pleasure as well. Small "ahhn"s or "mmnh"s keep leaving his mouth more and more frequently. You never knew faint sounds like these could sound so hot and provocative. His voice sounds so deep yet relaxing. His timbre, his pitch, everything about his voice makes you fall more deeply in love with him. His moans became your new favorite melody for sure.
Now, the sea is not the only wet noise you can hear: Izumi is making a mess out of you right now. What first started quite dry quickly became a mix of bodily fluids thanks to your shared lust. Both of you really seem into it. Every time he thrusts in and out of you, you feel yourself losing it. You want to leave everything to him. You want him to go even rougher.
"Ahh... mmh," Izumi moans. "I'm close... mnh... Y/N," he says as you can feel his precum coming out, making your cunt even more slippery. "Yea just like that..." he groans.
The fact that he finally pronounced your name while moaning with pleasure was such a welcomed sound to your ears that it made your body tighten around his cock. Izumi keeps fucking you from behind, with his thighs aggressively bumping against your cheeks. The man keeps hitting your cervix with his dick as if he were trying to claim more of you. You feel your mind losing it, approaching your climax as well.
"Izumi... ah Izumi... Izumi..." you moan gradually louder. "You can... do it inside... Today is a safe day."
"hahh... Really? Then, I won't pass on this offer," he tells you while groaning and thrusting quicker.
You arch your back from the pleasure, making him bend over you as a result. From this angle, you can definitely see his hips thrusting in and out of you rapidly.
"mhhn. I'm going to... cum..." Izumi says while giving his last thrusts.
"ha hahn~ Izumi!" you moan out loud while cumming.
With his dick pressed against your end, Izumi strengthens his grip on your hips, moves your body even closer to his, and has an orgasm inside your walls. His semen feels you up from the inside. The sensation is so exquisite that your mind goes numb for a minute, only able to concentrate on his cum.
Once he is done with his orgasm, your heat keeps his member warm, still feeling very aroused. After he finally pulls out, your legs get so weak from the intercourse that you fall on all fours on the floor without Izumi's support.
"Don't tell me that you thought I would be done with you in only one round," he says while grinning and going on his knees behind you. "You want to be taken doggy style, huh? Typical of you, if I may. But that side of you is also making me..."
You assume he wanted to say "mad" or "disgusted," but he meant something else, something that has to do with how much he wants you right now, already rutting against you.
Izumi quickly sinks into your heat again, not able to wait.
"I'm gonna put my hands over your mouth if you can't be quiet. I don't want you to moan my name out loud again like you did earlier," he says. "Not that I mind, but..." he whispers as he puts his hand over your mouth. "I don't want other people to hear us."
"Mhh," you can only reply as your ability to speak just got restricted.
While the lower part of his body is busy messing up with your folds and making a mess out of you, Izumi uses his hands to play with your body. With his other hand that is not over your mouth, your loved one uses his fingers to brush over your back all the way down, making you feel all tingly. His hand caressing your skin makes you feel so good. You two were already 'one' after Izumi put his length inside of you, but somehow, having his skin against your own makes this moment feel even more intimate.
Then, Izumi pauses and gets his mouth close to your ear.
"Prepare yourself," he whispers in a deep timbre.
The man bends his back over you, trapping you below him as he resumes his thrusts, way more aggressively, with a hand on your hips. Now, the loudest sound is neither the sea, nor the radio music from the beach or your voice, but the wet noises coming out of you both.
"Mhhn," you mumble under his hand as he's pounding you from behind.
"Don't come now," he tells you as he moves his hand over your thighs, reaching for your clit.
Once he gets there, the male begins rubbing it along with his rapid thrusts, making you unable to resist long. You can't help but moan even though Izumi's hand remains firmly against your mouth.
"Just a bit longer..." he says while enjoying your faint noises.
While you struggle not to come immediately even though your body longs for it, Izumi doesn't go soft on you and continues going harder and harder against your sensitive spots.
"oh yea..." Izumi moans against his breaths. "Just like that..."
All your brain can focus on is Izumi, you want him to let it all out right now. His close embrace is also making your body temperature reach high grounds. Tears are forming in your eyes from the pleasure.
"Nhg. I'm... gonna... cum," Izumi says as his shaft is hitting against your cervix as if it were a punching ball.
Your moans are vibrating against the palm of his hand.
"Hahh, Y/N...!"
Following his moans, Izumi cums deep inside you, releasing all of his semen in your womb. More than just filling you up again, the feeling is even better. And you are not the only one moaning, Izumi definitely is, too. 'ah's and its variations keep leaving his mouth.
"Good..." he whispers.
You can feel his cock twitching, letting even more sperm enter you. You thought you couldn't get any hotter after Izumi shared his body heat with yours in a late summer afternoon, but his liquid is definitely on the hotter side, warming you even more. Maybe you feel a bit too hot now.
As soon as Izumi pulls out, the two of you lay on the sand, panting. That was quite the experience for sure. He was not kidding when he said he'd ravage your insides.
Izumi unconsciously looks at you with a devoted gaze, to which you return the same love stare. But Izumi only realizes now that you two have been silently staring at each other for a solid minute.
"I-" he doesn't know where to start, "Let's go back to the others. We've been out for a while now. They may be wondering where we are."
"Yea, but give me a second to..." you say while panting, "rest a bit..."
Izumi recognizes that you are tired. Specifically, because of him. He finally lets a bit of his pride go, 'just for now,' he tells himself. But you know how Izumi is with those he loves, right? His affection shows no limit. And it's the same for you now.
Izumi stands up and holds out his hand to you. He sighs.
"Come on, let's cool off in the water. I'll help you," he tells you nonchalantly.
He's taken aback by the fact that he wants to take care of you, as if it was a natural thing. But by now, he thinks he has an idea of what he feels for you.
You take his hand, and the two of you walk toward the sea. Izumi helps you get in the water, slowly. Your body and your legs specifically are so tired that you trip over.
Luckily for you, Izumi was looking out for you and caught you before you fell head-first into the water. Looks like you are now in his embrace, with his arms clasping you, pressing your head against his chest.
The sea is so refreshing. His tight hug feels safe. This moment is so soothing. But you know it will not last long. After all, he told you he doesn't like you and did all this to prove a point. If anything, it hurts to love him. You want to enjoy each and every moment you share with him, even if it is bittersweet at the end.
"Izumi..." you initiate the dialogue.
"Hm?" he replies gently for once.
"Can we stay like this just a bit longer?" you ask as you cling to him, not wanting to overthink about how he doesn't reciprocate your feelings.
It doesn't take him long to decide. Of course he wants to be close to you right now. Because on his side, he realized the true nature of his inquisitiveness toward you.
"I can do that for you, Y/N," he replies gently while obviously sounding enthusiastic about the idea, holding you tighter.
The two of you stay like this for a moment, enjoying each other's presence and feeling your fling growing stronger.
The sun is about to set now. Maybe a quarter of an hour passed?
"... ...Y/N", you vaguely hear.
"Mh?" you reply a bit groggy after resting against Izumi for a while.
"Maybe we should go back now. The others must be wondering where we went."
"Okay..." you reply while you two get out of the water. "Ah, it's so cold!" you say as you leave the warm water only to be met with a cold wind.
You shiver from the temperature difference and put your arms around you. One look was enough for Izumi.
"You wait in the water, I'll quickly get you a towel back there," he kindly orders as he goes back to where Trickstar and the rest of Knights are.
While waiting in the water flow, you see a few men approaching you. They look a bit too enthusiastic, probably drunk.
"Guys, this girl over there, she's pretty cute right? She's mine," you can hear in the distance.
"Not if I seduce her before you" another one replies. "I can do that without even trying. And you got no rizz anyway."
"Then, let's see which one of us pulls her first."
"Hi there," one of them reaches out to you as they get closer, "are you alone? Wanna join us?"
"... Sorry but--"
"That's not how you approach a lady, dumbass. Let me show you how to do it," one says to his friends while cutting you off. "So, miss, do you have a boyfriend?"
"I... I don't," you reply, after remembering that although you seem closer to Izumi after your discussion, he definitely made sure to let you know that you don't own his heart.
"Then, how about I keep you company? You and I, let's have a nice time together at the beach," he asks.
"I don't know about that, I came with my friends," you reply while getting anxious as you are a bit away from the group.
"Hmm. I don't see anyone around here right now... So come with us. We want to have fun with you," another one suggests.
He even goes as far as grabbing your arm to get you out of the water.
"Come on, quit being so tense and follow us," he says as he gets you on the sand.
"... What are you doing to my girlfriend? Do you want to die?" Izumi says as he pulls the guy away from you and places himself between you and the other men. "She's already with me. Back. Off. Now," he shoos them away with a death stare.
After they leave, he turns around to face you.
"Geez, I leave you alone for two minutes, and you already need my help?" he complains while wrapping you in a towel. "I don't want you to get a cold," he says affectionately.
You look at him in awe. There is no way you would accept someone taking him from you when he acts so considerate towards you right now.
"Izumi?" you initiate.
"I love you," you confess again. "I will try to win your heart, even if it is taken right now. "
"Y/N, I think I--"
"So this is where you were!" a voice says in the distance.
"We went looking for you two after you left for so long," Makoto appears before you.
"Yuu-kun!" Izumi calls out to him.
"Wait. Izumi-san and Y/N-chan," he smirks. "Seeing you two like this, do you happen to... To be a thing?" your friend asks, hopeful, as he tries to help you get closer to Izumi.
"Me and Y/N...?" Izumi replies. "We..."
Before he gets to reply, some of the other guys join you.
"N-never mind, I was just joking," he brushes it off, not wanting to put you or Izumi on a spot in front of everyone.
"Then~ Now that we've found them, let's go back to our hotel! ☆" Leo suggests.
"Who is gonna carry Ritsu-senpai to the HOTEL, though?" Tsukasa asks.
"Don't tell me that guy is still sleeping?" Izumi replies, annoyed.
"Yea... Even though the sun is about to set, Ritsu still feels a bit tired after being exposed to the sun for so long. I guess I'll have to carry him on my back," Mao sighs.
"Waa, Sari, you're such a good friend! ☆" Subaru adds.
"Then, let's go back to Sakuma and the others," Hokuto concludes.
Your little group begins leaving the area. The others walk in front of you. You and Izumi are behind them.
"What about you, Y/N? Don't you feel tired?" Izumi asks, sweetly. "Here, take my hand," the one you love says as he hands out his hand to you again.
You gladly accept his offer. You two walk hand in hand as the sunset colors the sea in orange hues.
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Next chapter preview: "Eh..? What are you doing here Y/N? This isn't your room."
"I know."
"And why are you still dressed like this?"
(Could change)
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I missed yall!!!! Sorry, I was so busy irl omg wtf! 👤
So that was the long awaited part 2! Guess what? I'm gonna write a part 3 too 👤💖 The plot is so fun to write for honestly (or more like, we can fix Izumi.) 👤🖤
Next is gonna be Leo, or Kuro, or part 3, idk!!! 👤⁉️ Tell me which one you've been waiting for, and I'll write it soon enough 👤‼️
Love yall 👤💯❤️
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countrymusiclover · 5 months
8 - The Jealousy Plan
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Part 9
It’s About Time
Tags just ask - @lover-of-books-and-tea @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley @skeletonontheroad
Ashley, Hannah and I were walking out of class and I saw someone walking by with some candy. I had heard rumors that Georgie had started selling candy a month after Veronica and her boyfriend broke up. Georgie saw the girl come out of the bathroom. “Veronica.”
She smiled at him. “Oh, hey.”
“Come here. I got something for you.” Georgie opened his bag of candy.
She came over looking in his bag. “Ooh, is it candy?”
“No, but it is pretty sweet.” He handed her a black box.
I rolled my eyes wanting to leave. “This is unbelievable.”
“Georgie, what did you do?” The blonde asked him curiously.
He looked at the black box. “Just open it.”
“This looks expensive. $100?” She opened the box gasping at how much he had spent on a tiny silver necklace.
Georgie smiled at her. “And that's without tax.”
“I can't accept this.”
He shakes his head at her response. “B-But I bought it for you.”
Veronica snapped at my best friend. “Well, you shouldn't have.”
Ashley sent me a half smile when he tried to figure her out. “I don't get you. I went out of my way to buy you something nice and you don't even want it.”
“Georgie, it's too much. I mean, you're not gonna impress me by throwing money around.” Veronica shut the box, giving it back and walking away.
“You sure? In "Material Girl," Madonna loves it.” Georgie calls out as the blonde walked away glancing over at me. “What did I do wrong Y/n?”
“Maybe she just doesn’t like you and you're throwing all your efforts out when there’s someone else who likes you!” I spun around on my feet leaving my two friends standing with him not wanting to talk with him right then.
For the rest of the day I didn’t have class with him and I managed to basically avoid him until school let out. My moms car pulled up in the parking lot and I opened the door about to get in hearing Georgie’s voice. “ I saw you smile.”
Veronica was holding the gift box standing by her car and he was standing near her. “Go away, Georgie.”
“You can eat it or wear it, it's up to you.” Georgie smiled back at her, shifting his gaze over to me. He walked over seeing me toss my backpack in the car. “Y/n, can we talk?”
“Not really. I have to get home soon.” I bared my teeth not wanting to see him winning over Veronica.
He slides his backpack on his shoulder. “Are you mad at me or something?”
“I avoided you most of the day, what do you think?”
“What did I do?” He asked confused.
I shut the door in his face turning in my seat to look at my mom. “Missy could figure it out before you. Why don’t you ask her!”
“What was that about?”
“He likes another girl.” I grumble. “Could I hang out at Connie’s house for a little while?”
“Sure.” My mom tuned on the car and we drove to his Memaw’s house.
I pushed her front door open hearing a ruckus coming from the backyard. Sitting my backpack down I went to the back door finding the noise. Going outside I went around the corner seeing Connie sitting at the picnic table with a beer watching Missy throw a ball at an empty trash can. “What are you guys doing out here?”
“I'm practicing the baseball tricks my dad taught me. Why aren't you with my brother?” Missy asked, holding a baseball in her hands.
I sat down in the empty chair with her grandmother. “I ditched him at school. He's on my nerves right now.”
“Has my idiot grandson not noticed you have a crush on him yet?” Connie turned her head in my direction.
I leaned forward in the seat, baffled. “You know. How?”
“It's kind of obvious.” Missy replied.
Covering my face with my hands I throw my head back sinking in the chair. “If I'm lucky everyone in Medford will know before he ever does.”
“Connie, are you home!” I heard a guy's voice calling from the backdoor I had left open.
Connie shifted in her chair. “Out here John!”
“Hello Connie and your Sheldon's sister Missy.” An older man that was bald and looked to be the same age as the woman waved coming outside. He moved his gaze to me. “Have we met before?”
She waved him over grabbing a third chair for the table so he could sit. “John this is Georgie’s best friend.”
“Y/n, nice to meet you.” I got up from my chair holding out my hand.
The elderly man shakes my hand, holding a bag of fruit in his other hand. “John Sturgis. I brought a bag of grapes if you all would like some.”
“So why are you mad with Georgie?” Whipping my head around Missy asked me throwing a ball at the trash can and it fell over.
John and I made our way over to the table sitting back with Connie. “He's trying so hard to be with Veronica and it frustrates me.”
“May I ask a question?” John entered the conversation.
I nodded yes. “Sure.”
“Is Georgie your mate?”
I blushed at the use of the word mate with Missy chiming in. “No but she wants him to be.”
“We've been friends since forever. Now he likes this other girl at school and I can't stand it. I'm just too afraid to tell him how I feel while he's pursuing her.” I tapped the armrests of the chair I was in.
Connie sipped from her beer bottle. “Teenage boys are the worst.”
“I could throw a baseball at him. Knock some sense into him if you want.” Missy offers me.
Shaking my head no I wasn't sure that was necessary. Dr. Sturgis finished the grapes he was eating adding to the conversation. “Lions in the wild typically fight over the lioness that they want to be with me. You could incorporate that.”
“I don't think me fighting with him will get me anywhere.”
Connie sat her drink down. “He might be onto something. You could date someone else or show interest in another guy he's close with to make him jealous..”
“And realize he has feelings for me.” I finished her sentence.
Missy throws a fist into the air. “Yeah!”
“It could work but with who?”
Connie questioned me. “Are any of your other guy friends signal?”
“Ryker and Ashley are together.”
Missy added in knowing about my friend group. “Marlowe. You could date Marlowe.”
“I'll talk with him at school tomorrow. This just might work.” I responded to the other three people.
Connie held out her hand, Missy put hers on hers, Dr. Sturgis and I put our hands over there. “Then it's a deal, kiddo. Cooper Jealousy Plan on three.”
“One…Two…Three.” Dr. Sturgis counted off.
The four of us hollered raising our hands in the air in victory. “Cooper Jealousy Plan!” If Marlowe agrees to our plan then maybe Georgie would feel the same.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
Hair Trigger
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Superfam, YJ98
Summary: A junior at Gotham University, Jason finds it difficult to conceal his worsening mental health from his family and his friend, Jon Lane Kent. Family secrets are revealed and boundaries are pushed as Jason and Laney struggle to navigate through school, their romantic feelings, and their trauma. Could the reintroduction of Laney Kent be more trouble than it's worth, or is it just what Jason needed to confront the demons of his past?
I will also do trigger warnings for chapters and if there is smut I have the chapter(s) tagged so you don't have to worry about nsfw in the fic if you're just here for the story itself.
Chapters: 13/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Jonathan Lane Kent, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Conner Kent, Natalia Knight, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Chris Kent, Bart Allen, Original Character(s)
Relationships: JayLaney, Clois, TimKon
Additional Tags: University AU, No Powers AU, Sharing A Bed, Romance, Angst
Chapter Thirteen: Self-Soothe
Lois and Laney sat in the waiting room together, and Laney knocked the back of his head against the wall. "Stop that," Lois whispered as she fixed his hair. Laney messed his hair back up. "Lane, let me fix it—."
"I don't want you to fix it," Laney mumbled.
Lois breathed and reached to fix his collar. "Just let me—."
"Ma, cut it out," Laney whispered, "I'm gonna get a soda. Do you want something?"
"Lane, sit down. She'll be out in just a minute," Lois replied, "I'm anxious too. Just sit, okay?"
Laney kissed Lois's temple. "I'll go see if they have strawberry—."
"Lois and Jonathan?" a small mouse-like voice called. Lois stood up, and Laney followed her into the therapist's office. Laney sat on the couch next to Lois and said good morning to his therapist. "How has everyone been since the last time we spoke?"
"Mom, do you wanna go first?" Laney asked. Lois shrugged.
"Sure, I can go first... Conner called Wednesday night and surprised us with a visit. That was really nice. He's still there, and I think he's trying to warm up to tell us something," Lois whispered, "And um... Sammy is giving me the silent treatment because he thinks that I'm treating him like a baby."
"Does that bother you, Lois?" their therapist asked.
"Theresa... I'm not gonna lie. I was angry at first. Then, I had to remember what it was like when the boys were his age, and I get it," Lois replied, "But it doesn't make it any less frustrating."
"Everyone wants to be a grownup until they're a grownup," Laney chuckled. Lois smiled.
"Exactly! But I bet you figured that out when you became an adult—."
"Nuh-uh. When I came home from boarding school that last time," Laney whispered. Lois pushed her hair back and pulled it up into a ponytail.
"Laney, I feel like there's a lot of things that happened to you that you haven't talked about... I sort of wanted to talk about boarding school, if that's okay," Lois fixed his hair once more.
"What do you want to know?" Laney asked.
"Why didn't you sleep in your bed that first night back home?" Lois asked.
Laney took a deep breath, and he pushed his hair back with both hands. "My anxiety was so bad I felt like I was gonna be sick the whole night, and I guess I just wanted someone to hear me if I had to get up... I didn't want to be alone," Laney whispered, "It wasn't because of what my counselor did. All he did was try to kidnap me. That was it. I was just-. I felt crazy because I did something as stupid as that. I didn't want to tell you or Dad because I thought you'd be mad at me."
"We wouldn't have been angry. We thought you ran away, and we weren't upset with you. You were so shaken up. All we wanted to do was take you home," Lois confessed, "And you really haven't been yourself since then... We didn't want you to feel different, so we didn't say anything. All we wanted was to give you your space."
Laney didn't say anything. He just bounced his leg and hid his face in his hands. "Jonathan, do you need a break?" Theresa asked. Laney shook his head.
"Cricket, come here," Lois whispered as she took his hands and made eye contact with him. "It wasn't your fault. I love you so much." Lois embraced him.
Theresa allowed them to collect themselves before asking Laney if he felt like his experience in his boarding school still affects him. Laney nodded, and he tried to put together an answer, but he found himself struggling to make sense. He stumbled over his words until he finally managed to say, "It's hard to feel close to people... It's hard to tell people when I'm struggling, or when I need to talk to someone, or even now with Jason.
We're dating, and I don't know how to-. I don't know how to tell Jason that I want to wait a while before we-. I mean, I have to wait six weeks anyway, but I think I don't want to do it right away because I want it to mean something. I've hooked up with people before, so I'm not new to that part of things, but I just want to wait."
Lois kicked off her shoes, and she sat with her feet up on the couch. "Do you mind if I weigh in on that?" Lois asked. Laney shook his head. "I think you're doing what's right for you, and that's smart. I think Jason will understand that."
They all spoke for a while, and Laney and Lois went back to the car once their appointment ended. "You owe me a strawberry soda," Lois smiled, "And you never told me about how your date went."
"Oh, we went bowling because he'd never been. He had fun... Then he took me to this restaurant, and we ate at Robinson Park... It wasn't anything spectacular. It was just okay," Laney whispered.
"Do you not want to go out on a second date?" Lois asked.
"I like dating him, I just... I don't know. It all felt like a formality. It didn't feel the way that it does when we sleepover at each other's places," Laney shrugged.
"Did you tell him that?" Lois asked. Laney shook his head. "Want to split a large pizza?"
"Only if it's at one of those fancy Italian places that serve ravioli," Laney replied. Lois punched his shoulder.
"I love the way you think," she smiled as she got in the passenger's seat. "Your dad was looking at old videos of you boys when you were little, and he found this one of you when you were three."
"Yeah?" Laney asked as he put on his seatbelt and backed out of the parking space. "What'd I do?"
"Do you remember the pizza video?" Lois asked.
"Mom, please tell me you're not gonna make me listen to that while I drive," Laney replied.
"Fine...But do you remember waking me up at two in the morning to heat up your leftovers?" Lois chuckled.
"Please tell me you didn't show that video to my roommate," Laney groaned.
"I didn't, I swear," Lois snickered. "I loved how dramatic you were as a little boy," she smiled.
"Remember when you asked me if it would kill me to wait until you were done working, and I pretended to drop dead in your office," Laney chuckled.
"Trust me, I remember. You still do that to me," Lois laughed.
"I do not!" Laney giggled.
"You just did! Remember three months ago when I said I couldn't go to IKEA with you and you accused me of being mad at you?" Lois asked.
"Because you sounded like you were—. Wait, are you mad at Conner?" Laney asked.
"Am I mad about the tattoo that he got on his shoulder? No, and I'm not mad at you for letting him borrow your ID—."
"I can explain—."
"You don't have to. Are you getting one to match Conner?" Lois asked.
Laney made a face. "Absolutely not. I can't believe he sat through that. It did make me smile to see it, though. I thought he was too little to remember," Laney grinned before slamming on his brakes. "What the hell is wrong with you? Pay attention!" He laid on his horn.
Lois chuckled. "You lay on your horn first, sweetheart," she corrected him gently.
"Oh, thanks for the priceless motherly wisdom," Laney laughed as he pulled into a restaurant parking lot.
Once they were inside, they spoke to the cashier and made their order to go. While they waited for their food, Lois gave Laney one of her earbuds. "I wanna see how Conner and Clark are getting along while the boys are at school," Lois whispered. Lois did a facetime call, and Clark answered almost immediately. "Good morning, babe."
"Good morning, Lois. Good morning, Laney... Conner, come and say good morning," Clark beckoned him on the camera.
Conner sat down next to Clark, his hair standing up all over his head, and he looked as if he was wearing one of Sammy's shirts. Laney started to laugh. "You look great... No, really, that's a look—."
"I get it... Sam kept me up all night. He said he was sick, but I think he just had a bad dream or something," Conner yawned.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" Clark asked.
"Because he wasn't actually sick, Dad. I took his temperature with the forehead thing—."
"Still a thermometer, genius—."
"Lane," Lois nudged him.
"Thanks, Mom. Anyways, we watched something on tv until he fell asleep, and I carried him back to bed," Conner finished his story and asked Clark if he was going to finish his coffee. "Thanks, Dad."
"Conner, did you take the ferry by yourself?" Laney asked.
"No, I drove... Dad let me drop the boys off at their schools this morning. That was fun," Conner yawned.
"You dropped them off dressed like that?" Laney laughed. Lois got up and picked up their order.
"I didn't have to get out of the car. Are you and Mom having pizza?" Conner asked. Laney stood up and put the earbud in Lois's ear for her.
"Uh-huh. Hey, we'll call you guys later, okay?" Laney replied, and they hung up. He let Lois drive to the park, where they sat down and opened their box of pizza.
"Lane, remind me before I leave tomorrow night to get three big pizzas to take home," Lois replied, covering her mouth as she chewed.
"Mm! Mom, is Chris still asking if he can spend the weekend with me?" Laney asked as he opened his little container of ravioli.
"Yeah, I wasn't sure if you really meant he could stay over or not, but I know he has a half-day in three weeks if you want to keep him then," Lois replied. Laney looked on his phone calendar.
"What is that like the first weekend in October?" Laney asked. Lois nodded. "How do you do that? You didn't even look at a calendar."
"Mom powers. So, is that a good time for you?" Lois asked.
"Mhm, and if Sammy wants to come, he can too, but I can't promise you that I won't keep one of them," Laney joked.
"Be careful what you wish for. I could always send the boys to stay with you for the summer," Lois smiled as she went in for another slice of pizza.
"Maybe I'll keep them for a week or two in the summer. It'd be nice. Sylvia's probably gonna be out of town. They could have her room while she's gone," Laney replied.
"Jon Lane?" a man's voice exclaimed. Laney started choking on his food, and Lois knocked the heel of her palm against his back.
"Are you okay?" Lois asked. Laney looked on in shock as the man approached him.
"Hi, Lane. How've you been?" he asked as he reached out to shake Lois's hand.
"Laney, who's your friend?" Lois asked. Laney swallowed hard before running off to the park bathroom, leaving Lois sitting alone. He shut himself in a stall and paced back and forth as he tried to stop his heart from racing. He closed his eyes and tried to remember what Clark taught him to do.
Laney mumbled his brothers' middle names from youngest to oldest and then his parents' middle names. "Samuel, Lawerence, Elliot, Lane, Joanne, Joseph. Joseph, Joanne, Lane, Elliot, Lawerence, Samuel. Sam—."
"Jonathan? Are you in here?" Lois asked. Laney took in a sharp breath and stopped pacing.
"This is the men's room, lady—."
"So are all the bathrooms in my house, buddy... Jonathan Lane Kent, I know you're in here—."
"Mom, you can't be in here," Laney raised his voice through the stall.
"Well, can we go back outside?" Lois asked. Laney opened the stall, and she gestured with her head for him to follow her out. He sighed, and she led him around the back of the bathroom building. "What happened? Who was that?"
"He—. Mr. Forrester, he's Mr. Forrester..." Lois turned to walk back toward where they were sitting, and Laney grabbed her arm. "Mom, please."
"I'm not going to say anything to him. I'm just going to hurt him—." Laney tugged at her arm, and she turned to see the tears in his eyes. "I don't know what to do. I can't—. I can't fix—." Laney burst into tears, and she embraced him.
"I really messed up," Laney cried. Lois let go and held his face in her hands, and she shook her head.
"No, nuh-uh... That wasn't your fault. You didn't know... And Clark would be so mad that I touched your face with pizza hands," Lois whispered. Laney let out a weak laugh. "I bet you if you let me go now, I still have enough time to get one good punch in."
"Mom," Laney chuckled, "Stop."
"Clark will tell you himself. I have a mean right hook. I knocked G. Gordon Godfrey's tooth out at a party once," Lois replied.
"No, you didn't," Laney laughed.
"I did, and he deserved it," Lois replied. She kissed Laney on the cheek and gestured once more for them to go.
Once they got back home, Laney washed up, and he curled up on the couch and lay his head in her lap. Lois pulled his hair back from his face and into a top knot. "I need a haircut," Laney mumbled.
"I can do it. I've given Sammy his last few haircuts," she whispered.
"Are you trying to trick me into taking a nap?" Laney asked as he turned to look Lois in the eyes.
"Oh, no, I would never... But, if I was, would you say it was working?" Lois asked. Laney nodded. She drew small circles with her fingers on his head. "Clark's a master at this. You never asked for me unless you'd just had a nightmare. Remember?" Laney made an affirmative noise as he closed his eyes. "You used to say Clark wasn't scary enough to check the closet."
"Monsters couldn't eat you. You were too tough," Laney mumbled. Lois smiled and nodded.
"That's right. Monsters can't eat Mama," Lois whispered before getting up to plug in his CPAP in the living room. "Hey, remember?" Laney sat up and put the mask over his nose, and he turned the machine on before laying his head back down on her lap. Lois went back to making small circles on his forehead.
"I feel like you tricked me," Laney murmured.
Lois leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Don't feel bad... I'm kind of an expert," Lois smiled.
"Mom, are you gonna tell Dad about what happened at the park?" Laney asked.
Lois sighed. "Laney, don't you think your dad should know you saw the counselor that tried to kidnap you in the city that you live in?" Lois asked. Laney covered his face.
"He dropped me off at that diner six years ago," Laney replied, "Mom, it's over—."
"It doesn't feel over. You looked like you were gonna throw up when you saw Forrester. What happened?" Lois asked. "Lane, please..."
Laney sat up and took the mask off. "He convinced me that he was the only person that cared about me... That he could be my new family. I spent all my free time in his office. We'd play board games, read books, sometimes he would call me son, and let me sleep in his office...
It wasn't until that day that things started to feel weird. When we were in the car, and he started telling me about my new name, I felt like I was gonna throw up. I did throw up, and I couldn't stop crying... And when you guys came to pick me up from the diner, all I could think about was how much trouble I'd be in if I told the truth," Laney explained.
"You wouldn't have gotten in any trouble... Laney, I knew something was wrong. I did. I just thought you would tell us eventually. Remember that night you couldn't go to sleep, so you woke me up and told me you felt like you were gonna throw up?" Lois asked.
Laney shrugged. "I didn't really feel sick... I was just scared," Laney confessed.
"I know. I knew then. We all sort of knew something was wrong... But then you started school with Conner, and you seemed okay again," Lois whispered.
"Mom?" Laney asked. "Are you gonna tell Dad?"
"I think we should tell him," Lois replied before handing Laney her phone. Laney nodded and called Clark.
"Hi, Lois. I was just about to call you," Clark answered.
"Um, Clark... Something happened a little earlier," Lois whispered. Laney took the hair tie out of his hair and pushed it back.
"My counselor spoke to us at the park today," Laney added.
"That must've been nice—."
"No, babe, listen. He's not talking about his college counselor. He's talking about his counselor from boarding school. Mr. Forrester?" Lois replied.
"Beg your pardon?" Clark asked, a hint of rage coloring his usually cheerful voice. Laney let out a few breaths. "What is he doing in Gotham?"
"I don't know... I just wanted you to know that we saw him," Lois replied, "Where's Conner?"
"He wanted to pick Sammy and Chris up from school," Clark replied, "Lane, I think it's best if you press charges."
"I'll think about it—."
"Think about it? Laney, he kidnapped you—."
"But he never hurt me. I just want to un-say all of this. I just want to pretend it never happened and enjoy the rest of my weekend with Mom," Laney replied, "I saw him... I freaked out, and he probably knows better than to approach me again. It's okay. I'm fine."
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itsyagurlchip · 5 months
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aha. i see... the post you tagged me in.... AND I SHALL DELIVER!!! kitty-delivery is at your service!!!!!!!!!!!! MYUHUHUUUUUU AWAWAWAWAAAAA (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦)
OKAYOKAYOKAY— so!! hmmmm.... what's up with gasty boy? what's gonna happen now that he's actually present and existing instead of scattered across everything everywhere all at once?? he's giving mad scientist but how far does the mad scientist go????? i'm interested in him 'cause i don't think i've ever read a sans au fic like this where the OG gaster was there too and i love the way you write them all!!!!!! or if you wanna do something else,, take this as an opportunity to infodump about anything you want!!!!! WAVE EMOJI WAVE EMOJI LOVE YOU CHICHIIII!!!! (≧▽≦)/ (≧▽≦)/
alright, you already know that he's a mad scientist, but as i've said before, he's morally gray, which means a lot of things don't deter him of completing/doing experiments.
which is why the lil 'oopsie daysie' happened with machine, and that's why there are alternates at the manor.
sans and papyrus, at the least, are pissed about it. but this discovery makes gaster's nerdy big boy brain hyperfixate on anything relating to the topic of alternative universes (humans in this universe dont have much research about it other than the occasional movie that makes you think, and the theories.)
and if i go further into this id spoil some of the plot (which i already did enough of) sooo, lets think of some hypothetical scenarios and headcannons!
id say that reader (you) would get into the lab a lot. and while you can be a great lab assistant, lets be honest, you touch too much shi 💀💀
gaster would have this thing where he'd put you in he corner for 5 minutes before letting you interact with the work again.
when i think of gaster's experiments, not only do i think of vials of dangerous liquids, but i also think of a SHIT ton of notes just neatly organized into notebooks on a metal shelf
a lot of the pages are more about ramblings and tiny details rather than general info
so if you try to read it, please get some context dear.
i know most ppl have the headcannon that sans gets his sleepy eepies from his dad, but he completely developed that on his own
gaster has a schedule set to where he sleeps for 8 hours, and only has 3 hours of free time.
which means if you see the other 13 hours blocked on his schedule he will not acknowledge you unless you are helping him progress
Going back to his interests, i think his favorite part about science are the details that most people miss that just really bring the whole theory together into a fact.
bro prolly has some national scientist awards and threw that shi straight into the trash.
its not that he isnt proud of his achievements actually, not at all.
he just doesn't need someone else, better yet a human to tell him so
so he tries to ignore the public despite their incessant please for his presence ✨
Since gaster actually exists, he is still labeled as the royal scientist, despite not being apart of a monarchy anymore, and does favors for the king when the curiosity allows it.
I want him to be a grandfather figure, who rambles on about success in life, who is also emotionally repressed, who also takes many risks that a man his age shouldn't.
his ideas and experiments are very "out of the box" per say. Like, if you told him you cant see souls at all (which is most likely gonna happen) dudes gonna strap you down and ignore your cries of pain as he extracts the your soul from your chest. poking and prodding at it to compare it to a monster soul.
i mean, he has the real thing now! no need to rely in outdated textbooks and theories right? why not test it for himself? and if you resent him for the rest of your life for it, he would tell you how lucky you are to still be alive and that he got what he wanted without losing a "potential specimen".
which makes you wonder what other lives has gaster been liable for??...oh well!
And noowwww back to the reader!
since reader is now gonna be a big part of his life- he'll allow certain things to slide. as you live more and more with him and the gang, he'll call you assistant or human and not by your real name.
i dont think gaster would spend much time around you during his scheduled hours (he kicks you out half the time)
but during his free time, and since you're human, he is very curious.
he asks about you, what it's like being a human female, what makes your skin darker than other humans, and why'd you conjoin your hair-
just lots of general questions about your appearance and how humans literally dont use INTENT at all.
and yes, INTENT, DETERMINATION, ATK, LOVE, and much more terms from undertale will be used in this fic. so i suggest getting into the fandom vocab a bit when you can-
but to put it simply, INTENT is like another way of language for monsters. it's pretty much what it says, but to break it down: intent is something that you do with purpose.
personally, i headcannon intent to be more intune with emotions and how the user feels and/or wants to feel in the moment. for example "aggressive and murderous intent" or "caring, sweet, and loving intent." and INTENT carries magic within it, hence why monsters are so in tune with internal emotions while humans aren't. and that's why monsters re more in danger with humans than any other creature, because humans used unknowing intent that could kill a monster in one hit.
Surprisingly enough he doesn't like to spend his breaks at home in his bed.
instead, he goes out to muffet's for a very specific coffee order, and a spider muffin.
half of the time he'll make you pay with your own money, crippling your pockets.
other times he'll roll his eyes when you "forget" to bring your wallet and get you only a drink off the menu.
if you catch him as he's leaving out for a break, gaster may sometimes not go to muffet's at all and find a park to watch kids trip at.
or maybe a grass field during golden hour.
im not gonna say that gaster hates kids, but it's moreso that fact that they...are underdeveloped, and therefore harder to understand in his eyes.
as ive said before, this guys ignores his feelings, so he gets uncomfortable when people show theirs.
so when you cry, or get angry in situations that dont seem as big to him as it does to you, he lowkey cringes a bit.
but since.. *sigh* you're now his pupil, as well as someone who takes his work more seriously than others (DESPITE YOUR TENDENCY TO TOUCH SHIT)
he has to take of you now! and *gags* comfort you
bro cant comfort for shit (which is one of the reasons why they dont have plants at their house)
so when you hug him with your snotty face... and your...wet tears, he shivers aggressively but tries to keep still
yea he doesn't hug back at all, its bad enough he has to watch you!
(or maybe it's bc he doesn't know how to hug back 👀)
In this au, the reader is canon to the universe. not isekaid, not transported, no. she lives there and the code is accurate. so any and all timelines will include her.
and timelines are gonna be a "what if", or maybe a chapter for angst. idk yet. And in this fic, imma make the choice for flowey not to remember resets. but only due to his will (cool right?).
frisk isn't really gonna be included much into the plot, only when it calls for it.
oh shit- back to gaster
not sure if i said this before, but warming up to gaster even the littlest bit is like reading a 100 chapter slowburn.
it's gonna take a long time, hell, maybe a year or so, for him and reader to start actually building a granddaughter/grandpa relationship. so while youre still getting to know him, it's like he's avoiding you, (but you clearly don't read his schedule enough sooooo)
and when you guys finally get to that point, you guys are like buddies. he'll ramble to you about certain topics, while you sit and listen.
you'd watch movies with him as he overanalyzes characters and plots, only to fuck it up and end up with something different, claiming "he could write a better one".
gaster loves helping you study
even if it's for a 5 question quiz, he'll help you out as much as he can!
plus, id be a shame if the ✨Smartest Man On the Surface ™✨ let his little human fail!
nuh uh, not happening!!!
he's very proud of you everytime you get an assignment back with an A with lots of praise from the teachers.
he'll even try to get you in a routine (which rarely works often, as easy as it seems)
gaster chuckles every time you make him a homemade snack, or lunch meal, it warms his little heart ❤️
Other times he can't stand your attitude
Why cant you control yourself in situations that aren't bigger than you make it seem?
it racks his big brain so much, that he bans you from the lab for 3 days when stuff like that happens.
he really hates it when someone has a tone with him, it grinds against some part of his brain the makes his more "violent" and intrusive thoughts.
its not noticable at first, at least not to him, but after the 1st hour he begins thinking
"humans have skeletons right?"
"what would skin all in a pile look like?"
"what would happen if he gripped, squeezed and strangled a soul made of pure determination?"
of course, he already knows that answer to those. and if you dont, just ask frisk.
im sure they remember very well.
but after the intrusive thoughts go away, he's just left seething in anger.
i feel like gaster (,similar to donnie from rise) has a hard time understanding other people, because he's been alone for most of his life.
and that makes him jealous of you.
but in the end, you'll always be gaster's little assistant ❤️
(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @spongejuice @amorisbackandbetterthanever @cyb3r-st4r if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
10 notes · View notes
bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Daechwita/ 1
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Word count- 9.5k
Includes- fluff, Daechwita practice Yoongi, oral, blow job, deepthroating, throat fucking, pussy eating, cum eating, riding, multiple orgasms
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine
@yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana
@tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa @borntowalkaway @kjqueen05
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist
📝Yoongi Masterlist
Part 2
🌟gifs are from Google
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Yoongi POV
The phone rings in my ear while I wait for her to pick up
It's early, 9 am
She loves sleep and she's a late sleeper
I hope she won't get mad at me for calling her so early
I'm looking at the sword I bought and I'm excited to use it
I just want her there with me
"Naekkeo!", she picks up, sounding happy, "Hi"
I can't help but smile
She's so adorable
"Hi jagi"
"What's up baby?"
I don't know why but I'm nervous about asking her to come with me to practice
I think it's because this time it's just going to be me
"Are you working today jagi?"
"Nope. Not today"
"Oh ok"
"Why naekkeo?"
"I uh, I have to go to practice and I wanted to know if you uh wanted to come? With me?"
I like when she comes to practice
I feel like I can do the choreography better with her there
And I love looking at her when we're dancing
It's so easier to act sexy when I'm looking at her
"Yeah baby! Of course I'll come. I love watching you dance"
"Ok jagi. Thanks"
"Yeah naekkeo. You want me to come get you?"
I think for a second
I wanna surprise her with the sword but I can hide it in a bag
"Yeah jagiya, if you want"
"Of course I want to Yoongi. I'm gonna get ready and I'll text you when I'm leaving ok?"
"Yeah jagi. Thanks"
"Sure Yoongi. See you soon"
"Ok bye jagi"
"Bye baby"
I hang up the phone and sit on my bed to wait for her
I'm so lucky I found her
She's my first serious girlfriend
I've dated other idols, a few makeup artists, all secretly of course, but it never last more than a month or two
Everyone wants to be with an idol until the realize what it entails and how limited our time really is
I basically gave up
The other guys were able to find girls who genuinely love them and want to be with them
And yeah, I was jealous but I got over it
I figured I'd find someone eventually
And I found the perfect girl
We met eight months ago when we did a fan meet
She was a staff member at the venue guiding us where to go and calling the ARMYS row by row
The second I saw her my mouth dropped
She is fucking gorgeous
Big deep dark brown eyes, beautiful smile, bright orange hair at the time
She's short and small, perfect for holding tightly and cuddling
And I had no clue that I liked tattoos and piercings on girls
She has a lot of small tattoos on her body except for one big one on her inner arm and the one on her back
She has what she said are dermal piercings, which I'm still not too sure what they are
But she has one by her right eye, two in each side of her collarbones, two in each side of her hips and three on the back of her neck
And they're fucking hot
My favorite tattoo on her is one she got a few months ago
I was on tour and she was missing me, so she got some lyrics from my song "So far away"
I was so surprised and I felt so honored that she got my lyrics tattooed on her
Everything about it is beautiful from the font to the decorations in the back ground
When I first saw her, I wanted to talk to her but I was scared and I was working myself up to approach her the entire fan meet
When the fan meet was done, she led us back to the dressing rooms, smiled at us, then turned to leave
I didn't want to let her get away so I stopped her and spoke to her for a few minutes
I don't know how I did it but we exchanged numbers
We talked for a month and hung out as friends a few times when I actually had free time
That last time we had hung out, I told her that I liked her a lot and asked her on a date
I remember I felt like I was going to piss my pants, that's how nervous I was
She agreed, I was able to secretly go out with her and from then we've been together
She is the perfect girl for me, it's like she was made just for me
She deals with my time consuming schedule and she never complains
If I have to cancel on her she just tells me it's ok and she'll see me when I can
She never gets mad
Even some of the guys girlfriend's still get mad occasionally, but not her
And she's understanding about keeping our relationship a secret from the public
She's always supportive, understanding and willing to help me with music and lyrics if I ask
She'll come with me to my studio and just stay with me while I work on music
She always excited to go to things like shoots, performances, practices, recordings
She's sweet and kind and so funny
She always makes me comfortable around her and she gives me just the right amount affection that would of been fine for me before her
But not any more
I find myself always wanting to touch her, always wanting to be more affectionate
But I stop myself because I don't know how much she's comfortable with
And honestly I've been more and more nervous around her
The reason is because I love her and I haven't told her yet
I'm terrified too
We've been together for seven months and I'm not sure if it's too soon to say it
But fuck, I fell in love so fast
By the second month together I knew
She's everything I could want and so much more
I'm just scared that I'm not good enough for her
I try to be there as much as I can but it's no where near as much as she's there for me
I know she's the one, the girl I want to spend my whole life with but I'm terrified I'm not that for her
I'm scared to lose her and I'm worried that if I tell her I love her that will happen
And she's younger than me
She's 23, what if she's not ready for everything to be serious?
I don't know what to do
My phone buzzes and I look at the text
"I'm here naekkeo!"
I smile as I text her, "Ok I'll be right there"
She sends me a thumbs up sign
Getting up, I grab a gym bag put the sword in with other clothes to hide it
Then I head for the door
Scrolling through Instagram, I sit in my car waiting for Yoongi to come out of the dorm
I hear a door close and I look up, seeing him walk to my car
Fuck me, he's fucking perfect
I still can't believe that Min, Yoongi is my boyfriend
I was just happy to see him in person when BTS came to my venue for their fan meet
I'm a huge ARMY but I managed to be calm around them
As staff we're not supposed to really interact with the idols
We're supposed to answer questions, direct them to bathroom or other rooms and guide them to where the fan meets are
So when he stopped me to talk to me I was over the moon
And when he asked for my number I almost died
I was so nervous hanging out with him but after the first few minutes I relaxed
He made me feel comfortable and he's just a genuinely amazing person
When he asked me out, I almost shit my pants
I was caught totally off guard but I immediately said yes
And we've had an amazing seven months together
At first I was really confused about why he'd pick me out of all the girls in the world but really soon into our relationship I stopped worrying about it
It's just the way he is, how he shows me his feelings for me are genuine
He talks to me everyday as much as he can and he tries to spend as much time with me as he can
Always asking me to go to practice with him, photo shoots, music video shoots, his studio
He comes to my apartment as much as he can
Yeah he cancels sometimes and other times he's really busy but I knew this when I agreed to be with him
And honestly it doesn't bother me
I know he's busy but he always makes up for it which I told him he doesn't have to do
If he can't see me because of his job then I'm not going to make him feel bad about it
It's not something he can control
I just love being with him so anytime we have together is special
"Hi naekkeo!", I smile when he opens the door and gets in the passenger seat
"Hi jagi", he smiles back
That's another thing that surprised me about him
How he automatically started calling me jagi
He's famous for saying he'd never call his girlfriend any couple names
He said he'd call them "hey you" but not with me
And he's a lot more affectionate than he said he'd be in other interviews
He has no problem holding my hand, hugging me, touching me, kissing me around the people who know we're together
Which are good surprises and I love it
He moves closer to me and I lean to him, our lips meeting in a soft kiss
Shiver run up my spine from his kiss
His kisses are amazing and I can never get enough
He smiles at me when we pull away and runs his fingers in my hair
It feels so good and I love when he does it when we nap because it puts me to sleep right away
I can't help but stare at him
His smile is so fucking beautiful and intoxicating
Its so hard to tear my eyes away from it
"You ok jagi?"
I snap out of it and smile
"Yeah baby. Here I got you coffee and food"
I hand him the coffee and bag
I stopped at Starbucks on the way and got his favorites
"Thank jagi. You're the best"
"Sure naekkeo. No problem. Ready?"
He nods, taking a bite of food
My god he's adorable
Turning my attention back to my car, I step on the clutch, put the e-break down and the car in first gear
I start driving, switching gears, heading for BigHit
Yoongi is quiet next to me and I glance over at him
He's watching me drive and biting his lip
Fuck me, his habit of biting his lip is my favorite
It's so fucking hot and turns me on so much
It's funny because I bite my lip a lot too and he says it's his favorite habit of mine
I've never noticed I did it until one day when we were at his studio and he told me to cut it out or he's going to have to fuck me right there
Needless to say I didn't stop and we ended up having sex for a long time
But I'm driving now and I can't fuck him
Maybe later though
"Uh you ok baby?", I ask
"Yeah. Uh...it's just...."
"Just what? What's wrong?"
"You're just fucking sexy when you drive stick shift"
I laugh, "Really baby?"
"Fuck yeah. Not a lot of girls can drive stick shift and I'm glad my girl can"
He always knows what to say to make me feel good
"Thanks baby but I'm not as hot as you are when you drive my car"
"Yeah right jagi"
"I am right. I'm glad you agree"
He laughs hard and the sound is music to my ears
He's so cute when he laughs like that
It's great to see him that happy
"Maybe you can drive my car back?", I ask
"Uh if you want me too. I'm still not that good at it"
I know
I'm teaching him to drive my car, a Subaru WRX, but he's been so busy so he hasn't had time to practice
"Of course I want you to baby. You need to start practicing again"
He nods, "Ok jagi"
A few minutes later, I pull into the parking lot, park the car and we get out
He immediately comes over to me and takes my hand, leading me to the building door
I'm a surprised he's holding my hand
He usually waits until we're in the building to show any affection
That way it looks like I'm a staff member driving one of the BTS members around
You never know when the media is around
He holds the door open for me so I can walk inside
I stand to the side, waiting for him to come in
He puts his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him as we walk
I love the small touches he gives me, the little affection that I'm not sure he even knows he's doing
I love everything he does
I just love him
So much
I've never been in love before but Yoongi was so easy to fall for
And he's so easy to love
He's just the best person I've ever met
But I'm too scared to tell him
I don't know if he loves me and I don't want to hear if he doesn't
I don't know if he considers this relationship serious or not
So I decided to push the feelings away and just enjoy every second I can spend with him
We go inside the practice room and I notice that we're the only ones here
I follow him to the table where he puts his bag and the rest of his coffee down
"Uh where are the guys?"
"Oh they're not here."
I'm confused
"You said we're going to practice?"
He nods, "Yeah jagi. It's practice just for me."
I still don't understand
He's good at dancing and he picks up the choreography quick
Why would he need an extra or private lesson?
"I don't get it", I say
"Jo remember last week when you listened to D2?"
I nod
I remember
I was so excited when he told me he finished his mixtape and he wanted me to be the first one to listen to it
And it's amazing
All the songs are incredible, the lyrics, the music, just everything is top notch, perfect
But that's how Yoongi works
Everything he does is incredible
"So I uh picked the title song"
"Ok which one?"
"I love that song. Well I love all of them. But I love that song!", I exclaim
He laughs, looking at me, "You're so cute jagi"
I shrug, "I try"
"You don't have to try Jo, you just are"
I just smile at him
"So I'm going to shoot the music video and the director thought it'd be cool if I do a sword dance"
"A sword dance? Like you waving a sword around"
He nods, "Yeah kinda. I'm not too sure what it entails but this practice is to teach me the dance and let me practice"
"Huh. That's so cool baby"
That's amazing
I'm so glad he asked me to come
I know it's going to be so hot to see him with a sword and I can oogle him the whole time
"You think?"
"Of course Yoongi. And I know you're going to be so good at it."
"I hope so"
I snort, "Of course you're going to be amazing. Everything you do is amazing"
He looks shocked at my words
I don't know why
I'm telling the truth
"You....you really believe that?"
I tilt my head, wondering why he's asking that
I tell him all the time he's amazing and I'm proud of him
"Yeah baby. Of course I believe that"
He pulls me close to him in a tight hug
Laying my head against his chest, I hold on to him tightly too
"Thanks Jo"
"There's nothing to thank Yoongi. You're the best"
We stand, hugging each other for a few minutes before we pull away
I love being in his arms but he has to practice so I reluctantly let him go
"What sword are you going to use baby?"
He opens the bag he brought with him and pulls out a sword in a scabbard
My eyes widen
He had that in there?
He pulls the sword out and I gape
It's a hwando
"Holy shit Yoongi"
He smiles, "Yeah I bought it. A master craftsman made it"
"That is so fucking cool!"
Goddamn my boyfriend is such a bad ass
He laughs, "You wanna hold it?"
"Can I?", I gasp
"Of course jagi"
He hands me the hwando and I just gape at it
This is so dope
My boyfriend is so cool
I can't wait to see him swing this around
It's gonna be so hot and I'm so ready for it
Yoongi POV
I can't help but laugh at her holding the hwando
Her mouth is open wide and she holds it up, looking at the blade
She's so supportive
I'm really floored that she thinks I'm amazing at everything
She really believes that and it makes me feel more confident
The way she looks at me sometimes, like I'm everything, blows my mind
With her by my side I can do anything
"When are you shooting the video?", she asks
"Thursday and Friday. I have today and tomorrow to practice"
"Wow so soon?"
I nod
I'm going to have to spend all day today practicing
I'm not delusional to expect her to stay all day but having her here for a little while is better than her not being here at all
"Jagi, I uh wanted to ask if you'd want to come with me for the rest of the week?"
"To practice and the shoot?"
I nod
She bites her lip, thinking
That habit drives me insane and I'm trying so hard not to get hard
I can't dance with a hard on
"I'm supposed to work the rest of the week baby"
"Oh", I say, a little disappointed
"I wish you would of told me sooner baby. Then I could of taken personal days and still get paid"
I should of asked sooner
I found out about the shoot over the weekend
I should of said something before
Now she can't come because if she doesn't she won't get paid
That's another thing about her
She won't take any money from me
She won't let me help pay for her bills or her rent or her phone
She doesn't let me buy her stuff and if I do she's appreciative but she scolds me
She doesn't want me spending my money on her
That's how I know she really cares about me
Not the money I have, not the fame, she wants me
That's always a fear when idols date
I knew the guys were afraid of that and I was a little bit but she showed me quickly that she doesn't want my money
I remember that day
We were in my studio
I was working on music and she was on her tablet
I took a break and sat with her, looking over at what she was doing
She was on amazon, adding things to her cart and telling me what she was buying
It came out to a lot and I told her I was going to pay for it
"Uh no you're not baby"
"Yeah jagi. I want to"
She shook her head, "No naekkeo. I have my own money. I don't need yours"
Needless to say I was speechless
She put her tablet down and faced me
"Naekkeo, I want you to know that I don't care about your money ok? I work and I have my own. I don't expect or want you to pay for things for me ok? Your money doesn't mean anything to me. It's you I want"
That blew my mind and she's been proving that to me all the time, without knowing it
Like today when she bought me Starbucks
She buys me stuff and spends her money on me instead of the other way around
When I tell her to stop, she just smiles, says ok and does it again
So we kinda have a thing where we buy each other things, scold each other and do it all over again
I don't care how expensive things are but I know she doesn't like it, so the things I buy her are things she can afford too
I save the big expensive things for special occasions
I want to tell her I'll give her money for what she would have made but I know she'll never agree to it
I guess I have to do the shoot without her
It's my own fault
I should of said something sooner
"But I'll just call in sick for the next three days", she says, taking out her cell phone
"Do uh, do you have anymore days left?"
She may not have any sick days left because she's called out for me to come to shows or events
The concept of sick days, personal days and vacations are so foreign to me
There's none of that for me
So she had to explain all that the first day she took a personal day for me
Ever since then I'd try my best to tell her in advance if I'd want her to come to something
"No but it's ok baby. Don't worry about it", she answers, putting her phone to her ear
"Shhhh", she smiles, then turns away from me while she talks on the phone
I finish my coffee and throw away the cup, waiting for her
"Thanks", she says, then she comes over to me, "All good Yoongi."
I hug her, "You're the best Jo"
I mean that one hundred percent
She does everything for me, always does everything she can to make me happy
I lucked out with her and I fucking know this
"Thank you jagi"
"Of course Yoongi. I'd do anything for you"
I kiss her forehead, looking down at her
"You know I'd do anything for you too right Jo?"
"Yeah Yoongi. I know baby", she says softly
I'm glad she knows
I'd move the world for her, she is my everything
A few more people come inside the room and Yoongi and I step away from each other
A man comes over to Yoongi and starts talking to him
I start to move away, planning to go sit on one of the chairs but Yoongi's hand shoots out and grabs mine
He keeps talking to the man but he laces his fingers with mine and pulls me to his side
I squeeze his hand to let him know I'm there
"So it won't be a long dance?", Yoongi is asking
"No but it's a lot of movement and swinging the sword"
That might hurt his shoulder
I'll just give him a massage later to help him feel better
"Who is this?", the guy asks, smiling
"My girlfriend. Joanne", Yoongi answers proudly
"Hi", he says
"Here to support your boyfriend?"
I nod, "Of course"
"That's really nice. Support is always good"
Yes it is
I'll always support Yoongi in anything he does
The door to the practice room opens and a camera crew comes in
I look at Yoongi confused
"They're filming this for a Bangtan Bomb", he tells me
I didn't know that
It's fine, I'm going to be out of the way anyway so I won't be filmed
"Ready Yoongi?", the instructor calls
Turning to me Yoongi says, "Where are you going to sit jagi?"
Looking around the room, I point to a spot across the room
"There. I can see you and be out of the way"
"Ok baby, I'll get you a chair"
I stop him, "It's ok baby, I'll just sit on the floor"
"Shh, it's ok", I smile reassuringly
"Uh ok"
He leans down, giving me a soft kiss, then I go to my spot and sit
The instructor tells Yoongi to swing the sword around to get a feel of it
I get comfortable, watching my baby
He's so fucking beautiful, I can't handle it sometimes
I just can't believe that someone like him wants me
It's crazy but I'm not going to question it
I'm just always ridiculously happy all the time since we got together
He makes everything better
The instructor starts showing Yoongi some moves and Yoongi copies
"Pose like this and swing the sword up", the instructor instructs
"Like this?", Yoongi asks
"Yes bring it up and turn. Like this"
Yoongi follows what the instructor does
"Yeah, swing the back of the sword while pulling it back"
I watch Yoongi practice each part with the instructor telling him what to do
"Like this"
Yoongi does a turn and jump, swiping the sword in front of him and my mouth drops open
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He learned that so fast
And he's so fucking hot doing it
He practices that move a few times and I can't take my eyes off him
Yoongi starts another move
He swipes the sword in front of him, then thrust the sword out, going on one leg and putting his other hand out
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"Right. Stretch it out", the instructor says and Yoongi stretched his arm
"Then move it in front of you and back up"
He swings the sword in front of him, turns and swings it again
Then he faces away with his back to the instructor, bringing the sword against his neck and shoulders, running his hand down the blade as he does
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Jesus christ, that's fucking sexy
I'm getting so turned on watching this
I need to stop
I can't be horny now
But he's just everything
The instructor talks to him more, while he leans the sword against his shoulder
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Yoongi nods and speaks to the instructor
"Try again. Let me see"
Yoongi gets back to position and swings the sword up and around
"Not like that", the instructor says
He demonstrates and says, "Like this"
Yoongi nods, then does the move again
And again and again
Over and over until he does it perfectly
He's such a hard worker and it's amazing to watch him
"Put your right foot forward"
Yoongi follows the instructions and the instructor says, "Good then swipe"
He swipes the sword
"Good, let's back it up a little"
Yoongi is holding the sword out and he smiles as he scoots back
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It's fucking adorable
Yoongi keeps practicing, swinging, swiping, trying to make it look like he was slicing the sword
I can see him get frustrated, looking over at me when he gets that way
I smile at him and nod encouragingly, giving him thumbs up and blowing him kisses
He smiles when he sees me doing these things and I think it focuses him and he keeps practicing
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"You'll get used to it", the instructor says
They keep working over and over
It's amazing how he's not ready to stop
His endurance is crazy
"Bring it up diagonally, turn and bring it back"
Yoongi does what he says
"Good, take a break for a second. I want to show you something"
Yoongi, jogs over to the video camera and the instructor shows him something, talking to him
Yoongi nods, then puts the sword down
He pushes his hair back and fuck me, it's so sexy
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When he showed up at my apartment with black hair and an undercut, I almost passed out
He's every girl's dream and I get him
I know so many girls are going to have a heart attack when they watch this Bangtan bomb
I'm having a heart attack sitting here and watching him
Yoongi asks the instructor something and he nods
Yoongi nods too then starts coming over to me
Yoongi POV
I walk over to her, wondering what she's going to say about the practice so far
She stands up when I get closer and comes straight into my arms
"Naekkeo you did so good!", she squeals
"You think jagi? I messed up a lot"
She pulls away looking at me in disbelief
"Are you crazy? Of course you did good baby. Yeah you messed up but you kept practicing the move over and over until you got it perfectly."
I feel relieved that she thinks I did good
I tried to do good for her and I kinda wanted to show off
Maybe I can later
"And....", she trails off
I knew I messed up something
"And what jagi?"
"And...uh...fuck Yoongi you were so hot."
I raise my eyebrow at her, smirking
"Oh yeah baby?"
She nods, "Yeah Yoongi. You were fucking turning me on."
Oh shit yes!
This is what I wanted
I kept glancing over at her while I was practicing and almost every time she was biting her fucking lip, her eyes on me
"Yeah jagi?'
She nods
"Well jagi, everytime I looked at you you were biting that fucking lip", I growl, running my thumb on her bottom lip, "And you know what that fucking does to me"
Now she smirks at me, "No baby, I don't know"
She wants to play that game?
I can play it too
"You know baby, it's so hard to swing a sword when your fucking hard as a rock because you're girlfriend is so fucking hot and doing the one thing that drives you crazy"
She snorts, "Right baby because it's so easy to sit in soaked panties because your boyfriend is fucking swinging a sword around and is so sexy while he does it."
Fuck me, her panties are soaked?
God I want her so much
She looks right at me and bites her lip again
That's fucking it
I take her hand and drag her out of the room
We walk down the hall to an empty dressing room
"Get inside now", I demand
She smirks, biting her lip as she walks in
I follow her in, close and lock the door, then grab her and shove her against the wall
“Bite your lip once more, I fucking dare you”, I growl
She lifts her eyes to me, raising one eyebrow
Then she pulls her lip to her mouth and bites
I immediately crash my lips to hers
Her tongue goes right into my mouth, her hands already pulling down my pants and boxers
"Excited baby girl?", I whisper in her ear, unzipping her jacket, shoving it off her
"Aren't you?", she asks, pulling my shirt up and off
"Excited for you? Always jagi", I answer
She smiles, then looks in my eyes as she slowly kneels down
She moves her hands up my legs, her lips on my lower stomach
I shiver from her kisses
They always feel good
She moves lower and lower, then I feel her tongue lick along my cock
"Fuck", I moan
She gets to my head, taking it in her mouth and sucking gently on me
Pleasure slaps my body hard and I can't stop them moans that comes out
"Good boy", she whispers, then takes more of me in, going half way
She moves her head back and forth, sucking and licking all over
I can't fucking think from the pleasure
"More baby, more", I beg
I want to be all in
She can do it and it doesn't bother her
But she likes to tease me, make me beg for it
And fuck it, I'll do it, no problem
"More what baby?", she asks then sucks on me again
"Fuck...pppp....please baby, I wanna go all inside your mouth. Please jagi"
She doesn't say anything, just moves forward more, getting me all in
I feel my cock hit the back of her throat and slide down more
"Oh God", I whimper
She starts sucking and moving back and forth again, the pleasure so intense
My cock keeps hitting the back of her throat, going in more every time she moves forward
Her throat is so fucking tight, I love it
"Swallow baby"
She listens and swallows on my cock
Her throat squeezes my cock so tightly, I gasp from how good it feels
She keeps her hands on my hips, holding me all in her throat swallowing over and over and over
She's driving me fucking insane
The next swallow, I thrust inside as much as I can
Which isn't much since she's holding me in
"Please baby, cccc...can I-"
She nods and moves back halfway
She keeps her mouth open and looks up at me
Goddamn she looks so fucking good on her knees, my cock in her mouth
She wants to please me and I can't wrap my head around that
She doesn't care about herself, she just wants me to feel good
I slide my fingers in her hair and she nods at me
I thrust in her mouth, going down her throat hard
And she just moans
Fucking hell, it always blows my mind that she likes this
I move faster, fucking her mouth while she swallows on me at the same time
It feels too fucking good and I'm done
"Fuck Joanne baby", I yell, holding her against me, all in as I cum down her throat
She swallows more and more, making my orgasm last longer
When I finish, she moves back but I feel her tongue on my head
I know what she's doing because she does this every time
She's licking the cum that's leaking
She loves my cum, telling me that all the time
It's fine because I love hers too
I can eat her out for hours
I kinda got her used to it and multiple orgasms from both oral and sex
So she can go a long time without being overstimulated
She can wear me out sometimes and I can last awhile
But I think it's more that were both so into each other
My sex drive hasn't been as high as it's been the entire time I've been with her
I just want her all the time
And since I'm so busy and can't spend all the time I want to with her, when we do see each other all we do is have sex
It sex, then nap, then sex, then eat or sometimes sex while we eat, then shower sex, then watching TV or a movie and having sex.
Multiple times a day
And the fact that her sex drive matches mine?
It's fucking heaven
Her licking is getting me hard again
"Jagi", I call, making her look up at me
I help her stand up and move her hair back, kissing her neck
"Yoongi", she sighs
I move my hand to her shirt, unbuttoning it slowly
When I get it open, I move down her neck, kissing her anywhere I can
She has on this tiny, hot see through lace bralette I think it's called
Whatever it is it looks so good on her
My lips land on one of her collarbone piercing
Fuck I love this
Running my tongue over it, I lick it, then suck on it
"Yoongi fuck"
I smile against her skin
Pushing the shirt off her, she lets it fall to the floor
Now I get on my knees, kissing her stomach, licking and sucking on her hip piercings leaving more hickies, while I undo her jeans
Pulling her jeans down, I take off her shoes and get her jeans off
Moving my hand I touch her through her panties
And fuck, she was right
She's drenched
And I'm fucking proud
Her panties are cute but they're in my way
I keep kissing her lower, "You're panties are pretty baby but they need to come off. Now"
"Fuck", she whimpers, while I pull them down and off
I pull her leg up, over my shoulder and fucking hell, she's so fucking wet, it's all over her thigh and running down her legs
Running my tongue on her inner thighs, I lick everything off her
God she tastes so fucking good
When I'm done, I slowly lick up her pussy
I feel her tremble against me, a soft moan coming from her
I fucking love her little sounds she makes
They turn me on so much
And I love when she screams, when she loses it, when she gives me control of her body
It's fucking everything
Every lick, I move my tongue a little faster, press a little harder on her
She gets so fucking drenched, it running on my face
I love it so much
Her hand slides right into my hair, grabbing hard and holding on
I know she loves my hair like this
An undercut is her favorite haircut on me
And blonde, mint and black are her favorite colors on me
When I came to her apartment the first time I changed it to this, I saw the way she looked at me
And man, she fucked me good the whole night
I swirl my tongue faster, sliding it in and out of her pussy
"Yes Yoongi", she moans
She's close
I know her body so well
The next slide inside makes her shake and pull my hair hard as she cums on my tongue
Her pussy clenches my tongue inside her and it sends shivers down my spine
I fucking love it so much
Swallowing her cum, I moan from how good she tastes
I almost couldn't believe it when I ate her out for the first time
I couldn't believe she was that good
But she is and she's my favorite thing to eat
Her leg is shaking and she's sliding down the wall
"No baby", I say, straightening her leg she's standing on, "I'm not done with you yet"
"Fuck Yoongi"
"You know you want more baby girl"
"Yes fuck yes"
"Good girl"
Immediately I suck her clit into my mouth, playing with it
"Fuck!", she yells
I know her favorite spots and sucking on her clit makes her cum fast
Right before she orgasms, I stop
I snicker, licking her clit slowly, listening to her moans
It's one of the best sounds in the world
Her laugh is the other
"Yoongi", she whimpers, her fingers tightening in my hair
I pull away again right before she explodes
"Yoongi no", she whines
"Aww you know I like playing with you"
"Yeah baby but I want it", she protests
"Yeah baby?"
"Yes Yoongi, please baby"
I can never say no to her
For anything
I'm so whipped for her
Licking her clit slowly, I feel it throb against my tongue
Fucking hell that gets me so fucking hard
Closing my mouth on her, I suck her clit fast and hard
Her hand instantly fists my hair, her hips snapping into my mouth
The next suck makes her shout, releasing in my mouth and I swallow it all
"Again baby, again. Please baby lick me again"
I comply, licking up and down her pussy quickly
"Fuck my face", I demand, moving my tongue faster
Her hips move faster into me while she breathes hard
God I fucking love this
"Yoongi, Yoongi!", she cries, coming again
Her whole body shakes, her leg starting to give out
Holding her up, I lick up all her cum, then put her leg down
Standing up slowly, I drag kisses all up her body
When I'm standing, I press my body into hers, licking and kissing her neck
I know she feels my hard on against her pussy and she knows what I want
Slowly I pull the string that's tying her bralette, undoing it
Peeling it from her body, I drop it on the floor, cupping her breasts in my hands
I feel her hands squeeze my upper arms hard, groaning loudly
I pull away and move to the couch in the room, laying on it
"Come and ride me. I wanna see all of my beautiful baby", I ask
She smiles softly and nods, coming over to me and climbing on my lap
She leans over kissing my lips and I fall into the kiss
I love getting lost in her
It's the best feeling to just feel her, feel how much she wants me too
It's addicting
Her hand slides between us, holding my cock up
She pulls away, smiles at me and kisses my cheek, then sits up
She moves me under her, sinking down on my cock
"Oh fuck jagi", I moan, feeling her tight pussy open just enough for me to get in
"Yoongi", she cries, her body shaking, hands gripping my arms so hard as she gets me all in, "You feel so good"
"Not as good as you baby girl"
My god she feels incredible
So tight, hugging my cock perfectly and pulsing around me
So fucking wet and so fucking nice and warm
I honestly could stay in her all day
We stay like that for a minute just feeling each other
It's like this every time
It's like we have to feel each other before we start moving
I love this part because I feel close to her and we both get pleasure from it
"Rrr ready baby?", she whispers
I nod
I'm so ready
She slides up, then comes down hard
"Fuck baby girl", I moan, feeling pleasure hit me hard
She moves up and down, every time going faster and harder
I can't
The pleasure is fucking astounding
I've never had sex this fucking amazing before
I can't tear my eyes off her
The way she moves is mesmerizing
He head tilted back, her eyes closed, biting her fucking lip again, her hip moving as she bounces, her hands tightly on my arms
I don't fucking need porn
I can just watch her and she's so much more hotter than any porn I could watch
And she mine
That's the best part
There's no fucking way I can look away
While she moves, I can't help but touch her
I run my hands slowly down her body, just feeling her skin, feeling her muscles move as she does, looking at her body littered with all the hickies I give her
God she looks so fucking good with all my marks on her
"My jagi's so pretty", I murmur
"Mmm", she moans
I run my hands up her back
I love how her small body feels against my hands
"So pretty, so fucking sexy"
I'm so fucking in love, it's crazy
I never thought I could love anyone this much
Sitting up, I run kisses all over her body, loving how soft she feels against my lips
She keeps moving while I latch onto her nipple, sucking
"Fuck Yoongi. I can't baby. You feel too good"
"Then cum for me baby. Let me feel you"
I switch to her other nipple, running my fingers up her back softly
She gets so tight on me and I'm waiting in excitement
I love feeling her orgasm
It's the most pleasurable thing I've ever felt
It's one of the reasons why I love sex with her so much
I get to feel her tight, wet pussy, while we fuck and then I get her orgasm
She gets to feel me and cum a lot
A win win
"Yoongi, baby", she cries, pressing her body close to me as she orgasms
She squeezes my cock so hard, clenching over and over again
"Good girl. Feels good baby?"
"Yyyy...yes Yoongi. You always feel so good for me", she praises
I try to be as good as I can for her, staying hard for her as long as I can, making sure I hit all the right spots for her
She's my baby, I want to please her
All the time, every time
When she finishes, I sit back and hold her hips
I bring her up my cock and slide her down, thrusting up into where I know her spot is when I bring her down
"Yoongi oh god!", she yells
"There baby?", I smirk
"Yes Yoongi. Again. Please baby again"
"Of course baby. I'll give you anything you want"
Moving her faster, I keep slamming up
And she screams with every slam, her hands squeezing my wrists so tightly
Her pussy is throbbing so fucking hard, making pleasure crash over me again and again
I love watching her breasts bounce hard, love watching how deep my cock goes that it pushes her stomach up with every thrust
She always takes me so deep and she actually loves it
It doesn't hurt her and I'm so glad
I never want to hurt her
I feel her getting ready and I move faster, pounding her spot
"Oh fuck Yoongi!", she cries, exploding again, releasing all over me, her body shaking in my hands
My eyes go down to us and I moan seeing her cream all over my cock
Her pretty pussy lips are sucking me back inside and more of her cum coats my cock when she moves back up
That alone can make me cum
But I push it back
She didn't cum as much as I want her to and I want more
When she finishes I ask, "Please fuck me jagi. Please"
She nods, immediately bouncing up and down my cock again
She slams down hard taking all of me in on her own
Goddamn she's so fucking sexy
She's breathing so hard, pleasure all over her face
Her body is glistening in sweat, her hair soaked with it
I sit up, running my tongue on her stomach, licking her sweat
"Tastes good baby", I smirk
"Oh my God Yoongi"
I lick her again, then lay back watching her
I move my hand to her clit and rub it in circles
He pussy instantly tightens on me
"Good girl. Throb harder baby. I know you can"
I keep playing with her clit and sure enough she pulsates harder, moaning loudly
"C'mon baby, I know you can be louder than that. I want to hear you scream when you cum"
I'm so fucked out right now, I don't care who hears us
She panting hard, her cunt holding my cock in a vice grip
"C'mon baby. Cmon", I urge her
I watch her thighs tremble and I increase the speed of my fingers
"Yoongi... Yoongi"
"Scream", I demand
"YOONGI! YOONGI!", she screams as loud as she can, coming
God seeing her whole body shake so hard because of the pleasure I'm giving her is amazing
Pleasure hits me hard as her pussy clamps down on my cock
I keep moving my fingers, giving her more pleasure
"Oh my God YOONGI!", she cries, orgasming again
"That's it baby girl. Keep coming baby girl. You're so pretty jagi. So beautiful", I praise her, pleasuring her
She cums for a third time in a row
I fucking love giving her multiple orgasms in a row
She doesn't get a break and she's in constant pleasure
"C'mon baby, you can do it again. I know you can"
She just screams loudly no words, her hands in her hair, exploding again
"There we go. Good girl, I knew you could do it. One more baby"
"Yoongi I...I can't..."
"Yes you can jagi. You've done it before. You can and you want it"
"I do Yoongi. I do"
"So gimme baby"
She slams down, my cock hitting her spot at the same time I rub her clit and she loses it screaming
Her back arches so much so that she starts falling back
She's in so much pleasure that she can't stop herself
I grab her immediately, fucking up into her
"I'm gonna cum baby"
"Yes. Yes. Yes", she cries
I move harder and faster in her, pleasure taking over
"Joanne, baby!", I scream, finally coming hard, filling her pussy with cum
She throbs hard on me, milking all the cum from my cock and it feels so fucking good
When I finish I relax on the couch, taking her with me
I don't want her to fall because of how exhausted she is
She lays on my chest and I push her sweaty hair from her face, kissing her forehead
She's breathing so hard and I'm a little nervous that she hasn't gotten her breath under control
"You ok jagi?"
She nods, "Tired"
I chuckle, "Did I actually tire you out this time?"
She lifts her head, looking at me, rolling her eyes
"That's only because we had to do everything in a short break baby. You know that if we had more time I'd tire you out and I'd still be ready to go more"
I laugh because it's true
"Yeah jagi, I know", I answer
"Good that you know", she smirks then lays her head back down
I run my fingers in her hair and take her hand, kissing her palm
I don't know what it is about her but I have to be touching her or I feel like I can't breathe
I never thought I'd be like this with anyone, but I like being this way with her
"You're so sweaty baby", she giggles
"Yeah baby. I'm always sweaty after we're together. You make me more sweaty than the hardest BTS choreography"
"I'll take that as a compliment", she says
"It is one", I reply
"Can we just stay like this for a little longer?"
I need a few minutes before I get up and go back to sword practicing
And I want to stay with her like this more
"Yeah jagi. We can"
She snuggles more into me and I just hold her
I'm kneeling down with the sword, listening to the instructor as he tells me that I should do some cool poses for pictures during the dance
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I nod
Joanne is back in her spot watching me and smiling
You'd think it'd be weird to have my girlfriend here watching
Like I'd be nervous or something but I'm not
It's better when she's here
I'm able to do all the moves right and then watch her smile at me and give me a thumbs up
I'm told that now we're gonna practice with music
Getting up, I go next to the instructor and the music for Daechwita starts playing
I'm whispering the words to myself, walking next to the instructor, sword against my shoulder
We do a few moves then he tells me something about moving my foot the right way
I'm so hot and sweating already
He has me practice the slice down with the sword a few times
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The shutter of the camera is constantly going off as the camera man takes pictures
I keep going through the routine a few times, listening to the instructions that are called out to me
After awhile, we run through the whole choreography again with the music
After that, we stop
Putting the sword on the table, I move my fingers through my hair, getting it off my face
It's full of sweat and it's gross
I look over at her and she's already watching me, biting her lip
I smirk at her and her cheeks turn pink
I know she thinks I'm hot
I don't see it but as long as she thinks I am I'm good
I sit down and drink some water, then wave her over to me
She stands up and comes over
Grabbing her wrist, I pull her down next to me
"Watch the video with me?"
She nods, holding my hand tightly
I press the button on the tablet and the video starts playing of me practicing
"You're so good baby. You learned everything like right away", she praises as we watches
I smile loving the praise she gives me
"That is so hot", she says, pointing to the move where the sword is on my neck
"Yeah baby?"
"Oh yeah. So many ARMYS are going to be swooning"
"As long as you are, I'm good"
She snorts, "What do you think I was doing this whole time?"
"Yeah?", I ask, tucking her hair behind her ear
"Of course baby. You're very swoon worthy"
I laugh at how cute she is
When the video finishes, I sit back
It's good enough
Hopefully ARMYS will like it
"I'm gonna have to go do the outro, then I wanna practice more. Do you want to stay?"
"Yeah baby. I'll stay", she smiles
I pull her to me, kissing her softly
When I pull away, I notice the camera is still on us
"Don't put that in the Bangtan bomb", I joke
"Never. Not until you announced your relationship", the cameraman assures us
We both stand up and she kisses me on my cheek then goes back to where she was sitting
I quickly do the outro, thank the instructor and pick up my sword
I finally decide to stop practicing after a few hours
I glance over to where she is
She's asleep
She using my bag as a pillow
I check my watch
10 pm
Shit it's late
I shouldn't have practiced so late
I have tomorrow to practice too
I should of paid attention to her too, noticed that she was getting tired
I go over to her and sit in front of her
I can't get over how beautiful she is
Seven months together and her beauty still astounds me everyday
Every time I look at her I can't believe she's real
And that she's mine
I got her
I'm the one she wanted
I thank whoever every single day that I have her
"Jagi", I call softly, rubbing her arm, "Jagi. Wake up baby. We're gonna go"
She opens her eyes slowly, lifting her head and looking at me
"You feel asleep jagi."
She yawns, trying to sit up and I help her
"What uh what time is it?"
"Ten jagi"
"Oh. Aren't you tired baby?"
I smile
She's always worried about me
"A little jagi. I'm sorry I practiced for so long"
She shakes her head slowly, "No baby. It's ok. I know you have to practice baby. Don't worry about it"
"Thanks jagi"
"Am I driving you back to the dorm now?"
I was thinking about that
I don't want to be away from her
"Jo uh do you want to come stay over at the dorm for the rest of the week? I have to get up early to film the music video and if we're together it'll be easier"
Because I'm always busy or she has work, we don't spend the night together a lot
We've done it a few times and I want to do much more, but there's not that many opportunities
If I stay at her apartment, she has to wake up to let me out
If she stays at the dorm, she has to leave when I leave
"Oh. So you want me to say because it'll be easier to get where we're going?", she asks tiredly
Well that's one thing but it's not the main reason
"No jagi. I want you to come because I want to be with you. I love spending the night with you and this time it's perfect because we're getting up at the same time and going to the same place.", I explain
"So three days of sleeping with my boyfriend?", she smiles, "That will be a hell yes"
A huge smile burst on my face, "Ok jagi"
"I don't have anything though. No clothes or anything"
"I thought we could go to your apartment so you can get some stuff then go to the dorm"
"You just thought of everything", she teases
I smile shyly and nod
"Ok baby. Let's go"
I help her stand up, then grab my bag, putting the sword back in to it
I notice her yawning and leaning against the wall
She's still sleepy
"C'mon jagi", I say, going over to her
Bending down, I pick her up
"Yoongi!", she giggles, "What are you doing"
"My jagi's tired. I want to carry my baby girl"
"You don't have to baby"
"I want to so shush"
She giggles again
"Ok baby"
She puts her arms and legs around me, laying her head on my shoulder
As I walk to her car, I feel her giving me little kisses on my neck
God I love her
"I'll drive jagi", I say getting to the car
"Ok baby"
She hands me the keys as I put her down
We get in the car and I drive in the direction of her apartment
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our-destiny · 2 years
Headcanons about what Bucky would be like as a father (or at least a father figure)
There is honestly not enough content about platonic Bucky so I made my own <3 Could be read as you being his biological child or adoptive, readers gender is not mentioned, not sure when this is taking place, and as always this is not well written but whateva we ballin
Bucky as a father would be protective, playful, and very loving.
Bucky is so soft for you, he's very aware that he's dangerous and might scare you or hurt you, his time as the Winter Soldier plays heavy on his mind as we know, so he tries very hard to gentle and approachable.
His love languages with you would be physical touch, quality time and acts of service.
Bucky loves to cuddle with you, and because he can't sleep at night he's become fond of napping with you during the day. Just feeling you near him and hearing your breathing really calms him down, especially because he worries so much about you.
He would be hesitant about touching you, definitely having to build up to full on hugging and cuddling. At first he would refuse to touch you with his metal arm, hiding it behind his back because he was scared he was going to hurt you, or scare you with it.
But after you telling him countless times that you think his metal arm is cool, he eventually lets you have a look at it and starts touching you with it. Though he would more so just let you initiate it and touch it if you wanted to, not really going out of his way to show you affection with it. Though eventually Bucky becomes comfortable with putting his arm around you, especially if you needed comforting.
Bucky likes to spend time with you, too. He loves seeing you happy and hearing you laugh so he does everything in his power to make sure you have a good time. This is also where his playful aspect comes in. You've got him wrapped around your little finger and he will do anything you ask of him, including making a fool of himself. I feel like he would like to do quite active stuff with you, like playing tag or going exploring in a woods or something, but it's honestly up to you. Though he will be hesitant to do tickle fights or play wrestling, but you can definitely convince him.
Acts of service and his protective trait also go hand in hand, he feels like the one thing he's good at is hurting people and fighting, and if he can use that to do some good, he will. He remembers what he learned during his time with Hydra and uses that to protect you. Bucky gets a bit paranoid that Hydra will come for you so he takes your safety very seriously, always checking the locks on the windows and scanning the room when he's out in public with you. He also teaches you some self defense and how to use certain weapons so you can defend yourself if you have to.
It isn't only physically that he protects you, he also tries to keep you protected from all the dark and evil things of the world, especially surrounding Hydra and what they did to him. The most he'll tell you about his past is that he lost his arm in the war, but if you want anymore details you're gonna have to ask someone else. Chances are even if you do ask someone else they won't tell you either, probably because they don't want to make Bucky mad, or they don't want to scare you, or Bucky threatened told them not to tell you.
Bucky wants you to know that he will always take care of you, emotionally and physically. He tries to remember what it was like taking care of Steve back in the 40s, and how he comforted him after his mom died, so he can take care of you too. Of course comfort isn't really his strong suit but he tries, he promises that whenever you need him he will drop everything to make sure you're okay and that he'll never turn his back on you.
Going back to how he teaches you self defense, I feel like Bucky would really like to have someone that he could pass his knowledge onto. Like he would love to teach them different card games that he played back in the 40s or I always imagine him teaching his kid how to do his signature death glare. Just having someone that he can be a sort of mentor to, especially considering how old he is, I think he'd really like that. Or him having a kid that looks up to him and wants to be like him. At first he would be like, "trust me, you don't want to be like me, I'm terrible," but I think eventually, once the kid starts following him around and trying to be like him, he would warm up to the idea and take them under his wing.
I saw someone say that Bucky keeps 2 pairs of his dogs tags on him, one round his neck and one in his boot and I love the thought that Bucky gives you his extra pair of dog tags. He'd especially do this if you look up to him, or if you miss him a lot when he's on missions.
Talking about missions, what happens really depends on when in the timeline we're talking. Usually when he is going on missions he will get someone else to look after you, usually Steve or Sam if Steve's not available. But if this is happening during or after tfatws then I think Bucky might stop going on missions altogether and instead move somewhere out in the country and just live peacefully with you. I think that he would jump at the chance of getting some peace with you and dedicating his time to raising you instead of fighting.
I feel like Bucky and his kid are going to be very similar, so much so that even if he adopted you people with think that you're his biological child. Tony will definitely call you either 'Little Bucky' or 'Bucky Jr' just to tease the both of you.
The rest of the avengers have also become very protective of you as well, though Steve and Sam are definitely the ones that you're closest to and are around the most. It might even be that you see them as father figures, too, so now you have three dads.
Over all Bucky's very sweet and he will do anything for you, even if he is a bit hesitant at first.
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 7 months
I suppose I should talk about possible/confirmed plan changes to my WIPs?
(Fair warning: I've mostly calmed down, but I don't want to work myself up again, so I'm gonna be writing in a normal tone. I promise I'm not ignoring or trying to make light of the whole thing! I just don't wanna talk too deeply about it. All the love and support to Shelby Shubble & all victims of abuse!!!💖)
First off, I believe characters are separate from their creators- anyone who continues to create content about c!Wilbur has my support and respect!
(I will most probably continue to consume content related to c!Wilbur as well, though I will tag him as "c!Wilbur" now, rather than "Wilbur Soot"- I've been tagging all dsmp characters only as their corresponding CC's names, mostly out of laziness. For instance, c!Tommy wasn't tagged as "c!Tommy", he was tagged as "TommyInnit". I don't want to change my whole tagging system, but c!Wilbur at least will be tagged as "c!Wilbur" from now on!)
None of my writing was RPF in the first place, it was all about the characters- but I'm not sure if I myself am ready to freely write c!Wilbur or fanfiction!Wilbur stuff yet. Maybe I never will be; idk.
So here are the changes I'll be making!
DSMP Superpower AU: c!Wilbur will stay. I was planning to include all the DSMP characters(The 'mains', at least, I'm not sure about secondary characters yet), and the notion of leaving c!Wilbur out doesn't really appeal to me. So c!Wilbur will still appear here!
Temporal Transcendence: Honestly, at first I thought TT!Wilbur would be irreplaceable, but after some thought, I was surprised to find it might just work! Karl and Niki would play bigger roles than I expected, but it could definitely work. Heck, it might even be better than the original plan! So I think Wilbur will likely be cut from TT.
Oshi No Ko but Happier AU: I'm on the fence about this one. Wilbur's character isn't CRUCIAL crucial, but he's still pretty important. The outline of the plot will look much different if he does indeed end up getting cut out. So I'm gonna mark this WIP as a solid "idk" and just work it out as I go.
Rarepair Royalty AU: I've never talked about this AU. This one is a bit funny, cuz cutting Wilbur's character out actually solves some of the problems I had with the outline! The plot will actually work out better if Secondborn Prince Wilbur didn't exist- so he's definitely cut from this one! I just need to find someone new to pair with Karl. (Probably Seapeekay; I have the currently ongoing MCYT crackship brackets to thank for the ship!)
Lucky Star: Another fic that's never been talked about- this one is my newest WIP! :D I wasn't even sure where I was going to fit Wilbur in- a character called Wilbur never even existed here. Well, he did, but I'd deleted him for plot reasons a while ago and was in the middle of trying to find another slot. (Cyberknife is Techno's dead twin in this WIP btw- he's not a replacement character for Wilbur, the twin was always going to be Cyberknife.)
Tome AU: SBI literally only serves as Tommy's rich and powerful family here- at least, up to where I've fleshed out. Wilbur's only moment in the spotlight is when he argues with Tommy over dinner, bc he doesn't like how Tommy "got stuck" raising baby Shroud with Purpled(who found Shroud in a trash can), & is caught glaring at Purpled. I'll edit him out maybe. Or leave him, he's not a major character after all. idk.
Others(Mostly Bedrock Bros-centric): Honestly, I never could figure out how to write Wilbur's character that well. So 'Wilbur' isn't too big a character in most of these. Will likely cut.
Tom and Bunnypig(Bee and Puppycat AU): You know what, I think I'm going to make this half-baked idea into a proper WIP. Wilbur never existed here either, so yeah.
CONCLUSION: The whole thing is a mess, and I'm sad and mad, as we all are, but I'm gonna stop thinking about how horrible Wilbur Soot is & focus on how brave Shelby Shubble is!
I'm intrigued at what removing a single character did to my plot outlines, and hopefully, this will open a lot of new opportunities in my writing. I'm certainly looking forward to how my writing skills will develop after this.
To everyone who's actually read through this; thank you for reading this whole thing, I know it's kinda long.😅 Have a cookie and a hug, we all need it🍪🫂 Remember to drink water & eat something! All my love💖💖
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katimanki · 1 year
you sound bitter bc the “art stealer” is getting more notes on posts than you. I know them irl. they also don’t claim the art as theirs, they’re just sharing it on this platform. the artwork they are posting is all over the internet, mainly Pinterest, without any indication who the artist is. they give credit when they know who the artist is. they literally changed the post to include credit as soon as you gave them the original artist’s instagram handle, despite you claiming that they did nothing.
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I am aware that I sound very bitter. I am allowed to. You're saying that I am not allowed to feel bad or bitter when I see someone steal, and get interactions on their stolen posts? And yes, in this case they have reached higher notes than most of mine. But when I called this out the first time, they didn't, the elmax art had just around 100 and this el one had 14 notes.
I have seen stolen art on the Byler tag before that got zero notes. ZERO. And that also made me want to call that person out. I didn't, but I still think about digging up that post and doing it. So I don't know what to tell you, art theft makes me mad every time, but yes, in this instance the amount of notes has a part in my actions. Because now it's not just about the op deleting the post, because that doesn't delete it from this platform completely. It will stay here as long as there are reblogs of it.
You're really trying to justify art theft? Art theft is never justified. Just because the art has been stolen several times already and is all over pinterest as you say, DOES NOT make it okay for more people to be spreading it around. I highly doubt any artist posts their art on pinterest, (my art has been posted there and it was terrible) so it is safe to assume that if you find art on pinterest it is already stolen.
And just like op you're trying to justify art theft by saying, they don't claim it as their own. They only wanted to share it to this platform, you say? And that isn't stealing? When it's still posted without the artist knowing or conseting? Interesting. Well, that's not cool. It's not right. It is not justified, and it's still stealing, no matter what you say.
And you also say there's no indication to who the artist is. (You're also using the exact wording as the op did in DMs. I'm not gonna say it but I'm thinking it) The elmax art had the artist handle right in the middle of it. You call that "no indication"?
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Also it took me about two minutes to figure out the original artists and to find the original posts. So it really is not that hard to find them. And if you can't, then don't post it. And even if you do, still don't repost other people's art because they aren't consenting to it. This is what the elmax art had in the description. Doesn't seem like your friend even checked out the artist after I told them who it is.
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And fine, I admit saying they did nothing is not completely true. I was going to bed and trying not to ramble in the tags of that post. I'm sorry that I spread misinformation like that. They did do something, they added the artist credit to the description. But as we already established, that artist doesn't allow reposts. And also, if you don't know how tumblr works editing the original post after there are reblogs, only edits the original post, not the reblogs. So now there are reblogs of that art with no credit floating around tumblr.
Honestly I know that reasoning with people who have stolen art never works. My art has been stolen on Instagram and for two years I have asked for it to be taken down(yes the repost has more likes then mine, I am allowed to feel bad about that). I just really wish it never happened in the first place but the world can't be that perfect now can it?
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yeah-yeah-beebiss-1 · 2 years
early impressions from the first 2 hours or so of pokemon scarlet: an ambitious, would-be phenomenal game held back by being released way too early
graphics are dogshit as expected, still looks like a late PS2 game
performance is rough - a lot of random frame drops and choppy animations, pop-in is somehow worse than PLA; there were several early cutscenes in the school classroom where all your schoolmates were moving at like 6fps that were extremely distracting
-koraidon’s jumping physics are super fucked up; in general the game has strong Bethesda energy with weird clipping and frame drops and general jank (for example, the only buildings you can enter are stores, and by “enter” i mean “the camera zooms in on the door until the whole screen is taken up by the door texture which is then used as a background for the shop UI”)
speedrunners are going to have a blast breaking this game wide open, which is to say the general quality control is very poor
pokemon variety is enormous, i nearly had a full PC box by the 2 hour mark just grabbing one of everything i saw
i can already tell that difficulty/level balancing is going to be a concern - exp share is always on and there are a lot of opportunities for experience, the only way you’ll be able to get through the game without being grotesquely overleveled for two of the three story paths is to box your whole team after completing one and starting over with low-level critters
overworld/catching mechanics don’t feel as polished as PLA’s; overworld catching is gone, there’s no reticule for aiming pokeballs to ambush wild pokemon, camera controls aren’t as flexible
you can set destination markers on the map, but they only show up on the minimap - playing this after finishing xenoblade 3 (which lets you see the markers in the world and even toggle guide paths) just makes me feel like it’s going to be a substantial learning curve for people not used to/fond of open-world games
terastallizing doesn’t feel like as much of a game breaker as dynamax or mega evolution
the gym leader implementation of terastallizing is boring as hell - rather than changing their ace to something that’ll counter whatever you brought to counter the gym type, they use it to change a pokemon that isn’t their gym type to match their gym type (the bug-type gym leader, for example, has a teddiursa that she terastallizes into bug type)
the soundtrack varies from respectable to absolutely amazing from what i’ve heard so far, the wild pokemon battle theme is dynamic based on area and the team star and tera raid battle themes go way harder than they have any right to - it’ll be interesting to see exactly how much influence toby fox had over the soundtrack, because some of these tracks definitely have his vibes all over them
in all fairness, i’m playing a leaked dump of a retail cartridge so there’s the possibility of a day-one patch fixing some of these issues, but the lack of polish runs so deep that i don’t think a single patch could address it
overall, i’m still having a decent time with the game because the pokemon formula is inherently pretty watertight and the exploration is pretty fun, but the game just feels blatantly unfinished so i couldn’t in good conscience recommend people drop $60 on it
i have a feeling there’s going to be more than a few instances of people getting buyer’s remorse and unloading their copies for cheap by early december, so i’d strongly recommend just waiting for that to happen so you can get it secondhand for $40-45
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koco-coko · 9 months
Well. It's 2024 for me, so I thought I'd post some thoughts here.
I'd been a part of the ikevamp fandom since Isaac's route released. I never really interacted with anyone (I didn't even have an account) but I would pop in occasionally. Well, I dropped ikevamp for a year (school) and when I came back to it, I told myself I was gonna be an active fandom member. I had gotten more confident in sharing my ideas online by then, so although scary, I kinda knew what I was getting into.
Didn't subtract the fact that it was scary. I mean, there's sooo many talented creators here and I'm just an anxiety ridden autistic girl who ships the most rarest of pairs! But I still felt welcome almost the very moment I made some posts. So, thanks for that, everybody. I don't think I've ever seen a fandom so encouraging about the very act of creation and self-indulgance and sheer enjoyment. It's kinda insane.
Now here's the part where I tag people:
@azulashengrottospiano I already left a comment, but thank you for being so welcoming. You were one of the very first people I interacted with and it really made me feel welcome here. And genuinely what you said in that reply earlier made me tear up a bit I'd never heard something that nice over the internet before :"")
@natimiles I did not expect to become friends (friends? Mutuals? Still trying to figure out how terms work) but you've always interacted with my posts and it's a joy to see your comments. And thanks for listening to my mad ramblings in messages... I tend to talk a lot when I like someone :)
@weirdwriter69 I don't know you too well but we've interacted a lot and I thought I'd say I enjoy when we do. You're comments and reblogs are always nice :) and so are your playlists! Don't worry, I'll tag you when the jean x vincent one comes along. Or if I make any others. Only if you want of course
@ikemendrew I just thought I'd tag you and say thanks for the encouragment on that one post and for liking a lot of my stuff. It means a lot :))
There's probably more I could say but I'm already nervous posting this, so just imagine I said all the other sappy things your thinking of.
So yeah I've been here less than a month but I already feel pretty welcomed in. Of course I'm still a nervous trainwreck whenever I comment on anybody's post (including the people Ive tagged lmao) but it's starting to get better :)
So uh, from Koco, happy new year!
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pinkrimmmed · 4 months
@metalgf @bentsahra @yassmine
so i am doing this on my side like profile because we have been friends for so long and I want to give you the benefit of the doubt but like I am tagging yassmines because you reply to her text messages and I actually have a broken phone and I don't have like your number saved anywhere other than icloud and I can't access that so unfortunately I have to involve her and that's also why I reached out to her to let you know I was going to be dropping off gifts that I've been meaning to send you for like years off at the address you gave me like back a few years ago okay so likeee anyway
i will be like outing you for antiblack racism and like I won't include yassmines like she's just a bully I really don't know if she's dangerous to black people so.. leaving her as the messenger here
so sarah like you have paranoia ... i do too. i literally had a huge time of suffering with paranoia because josh had convinced me that all of my friends on tumblr were fake and not real friends but it looks like he was right and my paranoia has become a sad reality..
i'm not trying to be dramatic by outing you as anti-black I want to protect any black people who think you're their friend online like I did.. i thought we were friends lol and if you're so paranoid about people coming to your house or whatever the fuck you were victimizing yourself about in that text with @yassmines maybe don't fucking give your address out to people who you think are so dangerous that you would need to involve state violence to like protect yourself from them because you're so scared of them
sarah i am so disappointed to see you weaponizing fear against me a black woman who literally thought we were friends and would never think that you would be in fear of me but I guess black people are just scary to non-blacks I really don't get it like what you did reminds me of the black man who was like innocently watching birds and got the cops called on him because he was like bird watching around a white woman and she found it menacing lol like I'm literally going to someone that i know has issues with me @yassmines because I know you're in contact with her and i don't have a working phone to text you on the number you gave me and you're like hopefully feigning fear (i hope it is fake because if not then you have a lot of soul searching to do about why you find a friend you have known for years - you literally gave me your address - so intimidating as to call the police - like that's either racism or a huge overreaction and then in that case you need to discuss with your therapist why you're giving out your fucking address to people you don't trust)
anyway i guess you deleted your blog that's at @bentsahra because of this and that is so fucking cowardly like if you're going to be a bitch who threatens state violence you should stand on that hoe
anyway idc if you deleted i am still outing you by your known usernames so people that look like me can avoid you
and @yassmines for all that shit you talk about not knowing me you sure seem to like block me everytime I remake and constantly harass me when I used to comment on sarah's posts and since you two showed me you have a running nick name for me "the freak" I would stop pretending like I don't live in your mind rent free for some fucking reason bitch also I had a mutual friend of both me and you tell me that you talk mad shit about me with sarah anyway so give up your "I don't know u" shtick and be a real bitch if you're gonna be one
so how about you run with this little message to your friend sarah
because soon everyone is going to be aware that she's anti black and black lives do not matter to her especially if they're someone she's been a fake ass fair day friend with for over a fucking decade
and you go ahead and figure out why you're okay with being friends with someone that would call the police on a black woman for no fucking reason.
sarah when you see this post just know I don't give a shit about any reasoning you would have for behaving that way I simply do not care because I am tired of non-black people weaponizing fear when it is convenient for them. we are no longer friends if we ever were.
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Uh, hello.
I'm very new to tumblr, and i'm not exactly sure how it works.
i was wondering if you could give me some basic tumblr rules and etiquette?
like how reblogs and stuff work.
I'm just really worried i'm doing something wrong, and i don't want people to get mad at me for it.
I feel like the number one way I can suggest figuring out the social etiquette of tumblr is just to follow blogs you like and observe how they use the site and just like work from there, that's how I figured out the site when I joined at least. Back when I joined there weren't actually a lot of people joining so there wasn't a lot of guidance but the site's been seeing a lot of user migration the last year or two so there are plenty of posts circling around with like tips on how to use the site and the general culture and such if that's the kind of stuff you're looking for though.
Generally, reblogs are appreciated, especially by artists since it's the best way for their work to reach new people. People will try to claim likes do nothing and so you should always reblog, this is generally a lie. Reblogs do more for artists but its not like it's the end of the world if you don't reblog every post you like that's just some weird moral panic bullshit people get on every once in awhile. Usually if someone doesn't want a post reblogged they'll say it explicitly in the post or tags so that's not something you need to be paranoid about. People talk in the tags on reblogs and original posts. If you're reblogging a text post or art op is probably always gonna be chill with you talking about the post in the tag, in fact that's the more common way here to leave praise for art rather than leaving actual comments.
I keep my reblogs and most of my personal posts on a separate blog but that's like a personal organizational thing I like having my art all easily accessible in the same place. If you're a content creator of some kind it's totally chill to have all of your personal work and all of your reblogs on the same blog. Really how much you organize or split up stuff is up to you. Some people have different blogs for every fandom they're in, some people put everything in one place. Some people tag everything thoroughly some people don't tag anything. It's really just up to you what kind of organization you want to have and what stuff you want to keep track of on your blog.
Block people you don't want to interact with. Block tags you don't want to see. Unfollow people whenever where ever for whatever reason and don't feel bad about it. Curate your experience on this site as much as possible. It's one of the best social media sites in terms of personalizing your experience by far and that's something you should absolutely take advantage of. Don't force yourself to engage in discourse you don't care about, don't harass people for anything, don't get pressured into reblogging serious political posts if you don't want to, turn your gaze away from anything you don't want to see. It's the funny fandom site, don't make yourself miserable, curate your space so that it sparks joy.
This is more site function than etiquette but. Tumblr live is a really recent addition to the site, it's stupid, might be a data harvesting scheme, and everyone hates it. No one uses it. There's a place in settings you can turn it off for a week at a time. Everyone does that every week it's a collective in joke basically.
Anyways mostly my point is have fun, curate and organize your space as you see fit, and watch other people to pick up on site etiquette. If anyone else wants to leave tips on this post it's totally welcome. Good luck out there dude o7
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Marilyn O' Mairest Wouldn't Hurt A Fly
"Fine! How about THIS?!" Her phone lit up as she showed me the content.
"A... Christmas show?" Weird offer...
"Yes! Now, normally, I would never show these things to someone like *you*. I would, however, make a promise with you... In exchange for KEEPING TIGHT LIPS ON THIS, you're allowed to see this. Do I make myself clear?!" She put the phone down. I got up, finally.
"Fine by me, honestly. But I could easily watch this without the condition. Now how about this... I don't speak of this, and you don't pull anything funny if Benji showed up. Got it?" I proposed instead.
"Alright, alright! It's a deal then!"
"Yes. See you next week, Calliope~" I didn't think she'd be so... bedlam-ish. But, conditions are conditions. I'll go tell Gracie about this in private the next time I see her...
>Mod B.A.B, can you go investigate my friend? He's been acting weird since our uh... spat-out, so to speak. I hope I didn't tick him off to bad, but I want to confirm something. Just what goes on with him? He's never been this shy before...
God... How am I supposed to answer this? *sigh* I promised Marilyn (or Calliope) that I wouldn't speak of this to anyone, and anyone exactly. My code dictates that I have to keep this between us, so I'll just have to tell the poster, someone by the name of Grace Fairest, that I'll have to decline this. But I can't go more then that. And the price tag was so high too... I do hate to leave a client high and dry, but a code is a code.
If either party adds a condition separate to the original commission, then it must be followed exactly. Failure to do so will result in the betraying party be punished by however the opposing party see fit.
This is taken word for word at the Rumor Mille Terms of Service, word for word.
And here I am, standing in a shopping mall, trying to locate the aforementioned show. Actually, it must be it over there...
I headed over there, only to be met by... Wild? Stalking me so I don't act out wasn't enough, apparently?
"You... How?" I questioned as we met up.
"Me? I was just... curious." She claimed. I know she's lying. See? Her ears go red when she's lying, and she's now covering her ears.
"About what? A fanfiction scene? My question is, how did you get here? I'm the one with the portals, not you." Heh. Busted.
"Let's go figure that out later-" She hurriedly shooshed me. I'd ask what for, but I quickly saw why. Two of her "idols" appeared. The nun and the thief. What were their names again? S... Savant? Satanael? Salvation? Uh...
"Are you two hear to watch the show, too? I haven't seen you two before." The nun spoke to us quickly, ignoring the flustered octo in front.
"I can say the same to you, any-" "Uhhhhh... Hehehehe... Th-that's just Silver, and m' Wild, please don't get mad..." She interrupted me! She spoke the last part really quickly, too.
"Uh... Anyways... You can call me Sarv, and this is Ruv!" Ah. Ruv and Sarv. That's their names. Phew.
"Ah. I know you. Wild's been gushin' about you since ya-"
"SILVER." She quickly pushes me to the other side of the mall. Well, the other side of the rim overlooking the stage show, at any rate.
Oh, stop looking at me like that. The show is gonna start soon. 
"NEVER DO THAT AGAIN." She complained.
"Oh do what? I didn't do anything wrong~" I took a sip of my slushie. While she was bemoaning her new problems with the ice cream duo, I took out the flash drive. *sigh* This flash drive is what I had taped/saved my interview with Calliope with. I would've presented it to Gracie and hoped for a long overdue epiphany, but then she swore to me to not tell anyone about this. I had only added that I'd do this on the grounds of not acting up if what's-his-face showed up. I only have a vague recollection of how this world ends, based on whatever Wild told me, I don't remember, but I doremember the little guy showing up. I do hate to see a happy ending changed, but I'll keep quiet about this.  
"Hello?" A ladies' voice called from over there. Out stepped a tiny, red ponytailed human sporting a cat's mouth. She looked as if she was expecting someone, eyes a little unsure, but never lost that :3.
Speak of the devil...! It's Gracie! Dammit.
"I recognize the voice... You're Mod Back-Alley Blitz, right?" Gracie said.
Wild stopped from her bemoaning to look to me. In a very concerned fashion. I assured her I got this, so I took to her on our own.
"Yeah... Listen, about your commission you posted." I began. Only reason I know her despite having went on anon is because she signed off on her own name for some reason. Maybe she didn't know she could've just left it blank? Oh, and I had to meet her in person anyways, so there's that. I was dressed like normal, my hair was my usual red armpit length, compared to this world, where I'm instead sporting long blonde. I'm still rocking this look, of course, but she probably doesn't recognize me because of that.
"Oh, do you have any updates on it?" She gave an expectant look.
"...Listen, I found- Uh... Let's get back to this later..." Fuck this shit, abort! Abort! Abort! I can't lie to my clients!
I headed back to Wild, now I was the one bemoaning my problems with this world.
"Is... she okay?" Asked a mildly concerned Sarv.
"Probably not..." Wild responded.
*tsnk* *tsnk tsnk tsnk ttttd* Huh? Shit-
The flash drive is dropped. Where is it?!
"What happened?" she questioned.
"Just a lil' search out-Can you help me find the flash drive?"
"I don't know, the show's starting!" NOW?! *sigh* Fine. Wonder what this'll be?
Oh look it's Benji. He looks super nervous. I don't blame him at all, honestly. He was face to face, and caroling with, his tyrannous and draconian parents. There seems to be no sort of malice between them now, though. And by between them, I mean from the Fairests to him, not the other way around. Behind the three singing it out, sat that green and orange rat-looking guy. Yeah, that's Pico alright. Calliope had a picture of him to use as a dart target. Said he was a "pest" or something. I just know him from that Red Riot Massacre rumor that I haven't found out. Wild won't let me go there. But oh well. The song now is fast, and quite catchy. The only beat was the snowflake sounds, and was punctuated by the Fairests surprisingly nice synchronization in singing, and their son's slightly raspy voice. I can tell that Pico is glaring a hole in someone's head, but who's? How will this play out, I wonder? It's very catchy though, I'll tell you that much again. Makes me wanna sing, too. ♫Cut you in a thousand slices, bake you 'til golden brown♫
"Oi. You missin' this?" An incredibly bitcrushed voice called to me when the song stopped.
"That's... Yes, that's mine, thank you." I looked up to reveal the stranger. Woah! How bestial! How alien! This guy's head is all black, and his limbs are all orange! He was over there, playing with the flash drive like you'd do with a knife. I plainly took it from him, think he was laughing a little at that. What ARE THOSE teeth?! I want that.
"YOU LITTLE SHIT!!" Screamed a very flustered and furious Marilyn. What did he even do?! Forget what I said about no malice from the Fairests to their son, there is very much some malice in the air. Oh wait, just some?
"Woah." I said, quietly. I glanced at Wild, who was looking like she was expecting something big to happen, and was already ticked off. She was making that angry face with the puffy cheeks thing.
The father, Frank I believe, then spoke up about how he (Benji) just needed to do what he was told. He was still smiling, yeah, but he got that shadow under his eyes, and now his eyes were glowing red instead of the families' usual yellow. His tone was just flooding with poorly hidden contempt and malice, malice at his runaway slave prince of a son, malice at the boy who took him away from him, malice at the world, perhaps, for having his cover blown. Now, I don't see movies, but I expect more screaming after this. And he caps this speech off with the "If you were a real man..." shutdown... I should be surprised at this, but I'm not. Ultimately, I have every piece of information I need right here. I glanced over to Sarv, the beastly one, and Gracie. The former were pissed off (Ruv was as well, I guess, but that's just his normal expression, and the beasty one is embering a bit), while the latter was more... shocked? But... what for?
"Now be a good son, and listen to your parents this instant!" Calliope demanded. Benji, as suspected, was having NONE of that any longer.
"DON'T CALL ME YOUR SON!!!" He screamed out in a fit of deep-seated (assumed) rage.
"Huh...?" I could vaguely make this out from Gracie. She's definitely stunned, but about what? Didn't she see this coming, and was kowtowed into keeping silence? No? Hmm...
The little one began to rant off loudly about how they stole everything from him, and now did he realize that that's not love. He added that he realizes now that abuse is not love, so something about it sounds like he's been a doormat to more then just his parents. Even as they objected, he stood firm. Now here's something you don't here anyday, he denounces his parents, and not the other way around like how it always plays out. Where did such backbone come from? I took a good look in the crowd. Yeah, now everyone was 5 minutes away from being able to tear those two apart. Gracie has gotten blue in the face. The next song was on, contempt filled the air, and Gracie then headed to me.
"Is that it...?!" She said, highly concerned. "Is that why BF was acting so weird?!"
It's 'cause he's gay and abused. "..." I didn't listen. I'm not angered that Benji had such shitty parents, I'm angered because Marilyn lied to me. Okay, yes, the great and gracious Silver has a type of person she hates. What about it?! She will aptly try as she may to justify lying to me, and Gracie and I will have to come up with a suitable punishment for this. No one was, at this rate, enjoying the song. Not with what truth has been leaked out. I'll go wait and see what happens with Calliope before delivering judgement. How high? Put your hands up to the sky and watch me.
"Is THAT why you didn't want me dealing with the Fairests?" I whispered to Wild. 
"Apart from the fact that you may fuck up this timeline? Yeah..." She said back.
I checked our acquaintances. Sarv was ticked, how could I tell? She's doing that smile only a serial killer makes, and her eyes got shadowing. The bestial one though, he was another story. See, there's a railing on our part of the mall. This guy was lunging and jumping around it like, let's see... You guys ever went to a zoo, and there's these animal displays of sorts through glass, and whenever you tried to get a good look at it, it would dash to the glass and act all crazy? Picture that, if you will. And Ruv... I, honestly don't know what's up with him. I don't really care either. I can tell no one even cares on the song playing. But still... Something about this makes me... smile? I guess? Pretending to have another personality in this world is hard, but getting off on the turn of events is easy. Oh... the song is over now? Time to make my move now!
"Excuse me, Gracie! I believe this is yours." I spoke up quickly. Walk over to her, give her the flash drive.
"Is this the..."
"Yes. This is the item I compiled the information in of our interview. I told you this commission will be done." I responded.
"What the-?! SILVER YOU TRAITOR!!" Marilyn saw me give it out... Hehe, now it's my turn to say what is needed. She quickly ran up to me, ignoring her currently (why though?) unconscious son, as expected of her...
"Listen, Norma Bates, we're done here. Leave, please." I had no time for this. I didn't even face her.
"We're done?! We're done with business YOU promised to keep under wraps! As far as I care, YOU'RE the problem here!"
"Hmph. My condition is final. I told you not to pull any funny shit with Benji if he showed up. You betrayed my orders even knowing this, and you still expect to have a shred of satisfaction?"
"Why you-"
"You ought to be glad I am not choosing a more... harsh punishment. But for now, our stories have wrapped up, and now?" I looked around to the crowd. They looked as if they were encouraging me to do something. Hah! Glad no one's under her spell! Then, we'd soak up just HOW she fell!
I finally looked at Calliope. I could finally smile for this turnabout. I held up the accursed flash drive.
"SUCK ON THIS MARILYN O' FAIREST!" I yelled. Finally, I threw the flash to the ground. Haha... Good riddance to bad trash! Gracie scrambled to pick it up.
With Wild by my side, I walked to the exit. Our business is donzo. Ohohohohohohohoho!
>Thank you so much for helping me out, Mod B.A.B! I'll go check out the video when I'm ready... For now, though, I'll count this as done! That's okay with you right? Again, thanks so much!!
And with this... another commission is done. Easy as... SHII-SAH-YACKEE!
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