#not sorry about it
christine-ye · 7 months
You know what? Fuck you *makes your favorite character ace/asexual*
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owl-tale · 8 months
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sincericida · 1 year
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My Ken doll
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applepiyaa · 1 year
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eda…how i miss you
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wormswurld · 3 months
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jelzorz · 5 months
Opeli has been High Cleric since she was twenty-one.
She is forty-two now and still High Cleric, which means she's been performing the ceremonies at Temple Hill for half her lifetime, and that is a long time to be doing anything, so she supposes it's fair that being up before dawn has become part of her routine. She rises with the shift change of the guards on duty and then heads down to the kitchens for a cup of tea and some breakfast, alone, usually, because no one else is awake unless they have to be, and even Barius doesn't fire up the ovens until the sky begins to light. Then she makes her way to the temples by torchlight, again, alone, in time to witness the sunrise and the city rousing the way Lady Justice waits for the Sun.
It's part of the story: the Sun greets the world too brightly, too early, except for Justice who is blind anyway and welcomes the warmth on her face. Opeli has always liked the thought, the sentiment of the journey through the dark, the symbolism of catching the sun's first rays at the temple at the peak of the hill. It's lonely, but it's beautiful, and it has been her ritual for long enough now that she hardly notices the solitude. The other clerics join her soon enough, and then she heads back to the castle for her other duties and it's all clutter and chaos anyway, so the peace is something she has grown to cherish.
Then there is Soren.
She doesn't mind. He's twenty-seven now and he's grown a lot over the years—and it's nice to have company every once in a while. The first time, it was because he'd woken from a nightmare and had cut his hand open on a broken vase in his panic. He'd stayed for tea after she'd cleaned and dressed it for him and she'd found the conversation so enjoyable that she was almost late to the temple that morning. The time after that, he'd just come off the night shift—someone was sick, he said, and he'd covered for them even if, as Captain, there were others he could have called upon to do it. These days, he joins her for tea more often than he doesn't—and she's starting to notice when he doesn't.
It's a strange feeling. She has not had a reason to miss anyone for years, and yet, on the mornings she has tea alone, she finds that she makes too much. Soren's presence in the kitchens these early mornings has become something of a comfort, and there's something in the conversation, in the way that he smiles that feels just as warm as the first light of the sun.
Opeli does not tell anyone about this. She knows how it sounds. How inappropriate it is. How foolish she is for allowing it to happen. She knows where it's going and what will happen if she doesn't put an end to it, and she knows how much she's relying on him to tire of her because she is not strong enough to end it herself.
Still, she lets herself miss him, lets him linger as she packs the away the tea, lets him walk her to the door before she sets off for the temple.
Then, one morning, he beats her to it. She arrives in the kitchens to find the tea already brewed and Soren already in his usual stool, bleary-eyed but cheerful, eyes warm over the rim of his mug. "High Cleric," he greets her. "You're late."
"Captain," she says, lips twitching. "You're early. What's your excuse for being here before sunrise this time?"
He smirks at her, cocky, charming, but his eyes dart away like he's afraid of the answer. "We're heading off soon," he says. For Duren, Opeli remembers. Ezran has a meeting with Queen Aanya, and they'll need to go before dawn if they're to be there before dinner. "Wanted some tea for the road."
I wanted to see you, he doesn't say, but Opeli hears it anyway, in the silence around them and in the tone of his voice.
She glances at her hands, the warmth in her cheeks hidden cleverly by the way the hood falls around her face. "How long will you be gone?" she asks.
Soren shrugs. "About a week. Hopefully less."
"Not so long, then."
"Too long without a decent cup of this stuff." He raises his mug and slurps it noisily to fill the pause. "How am I supposed to manage without it?"
Opeli chuckles. "It will be here when you get back."
"It won't be over there."
"I suppose that's true." Opeli presses her lips together. The metaphor hangs heavily in the air. In the end, he slides her already-steaming mug over the bench to her and she smiles her thanks as she climbs into the stool. "You know what the stories say, though," she says after a moment. "Lady Justice waits for the Sun."
He laughs a little at that. "So she does."
Opeli offers him a smile from behind her mug. "So she always will."
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khihi · 8 months
I don't think any of the Joker Out boys have ever seen/read/listened to Les Mis but they wrote Padam about the Barricade Boys and Eponine, actually
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The boys were surely warned, again and again (Marius by his grandfather in particular), that the revolution was a bad idea; the city is full of police in hiding, guards waiting to torch you; that spark of revolution will end up burning you.
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But they don't listen. They drink their youth away, some Grantaire more than others, (also: friendly reminder of how young they were when they died!) as they plan their revolution.
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I... don't need to tell you how these lines are About Them.
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These lines are about Eponine dying but she's okay with it!! she's smiling about it!! because at least she's dying in Marius' arms!!!
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These lines are SO "will the world remember you when you fall? could if be your death means nothing at all?" coded!!!
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These lines are about Marius' grief ("Empty Chairs At Empty Tables")
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"Will anyone catch me, will anyone catch me, will anyone catch me?" -- Enjolras, about to die, before Grantaire takes his hand and says "I will, if you'll permit it." goot by e !
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slayingandserving · 1 year
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I look cute here and that’s all.
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love that feels quiet and safe
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dystopianbisexual · 5 months
Just finished reading House of Leaves.
Excellent book, Mark Z. Danielewski is a genius. I will definitely be reading it again at some point, because I read this in a couple of stints so I kind of forgot what was happening. Not sure yet if it will get better or worse with a reread; I imagine the story will get better, but the actual experience of reading it will get worse.
Love how the final page is just a big "Mark Z. Danielewski lives in Los Angeles" so if you want to go get revenge or smth you know where he lives.
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christine-ye · 7 months
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My favorite genre of Hibiki pics is her being goofy and silly
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mooncheese3 · 1 year
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foolishlovers · 4 months
“ur so quiet” i’m drafting my next wip on my mind shut up
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museeeuuuum · 7 months
Had Thanksgiving dinner with my family a few days ago and my mom brought up a Piece of Media that I have loved for most of my life and how she really liked its new adaption and I went off the rails. My thin veneer of being cool and aloof snapped. She liked it! I reminded everyone that I have a tattoo on my body reflecting this Media. I started talking about my new current hard-core Media that I am into. People were casting glances at one another as I rambled excitedly. That shit used to make me clam up as a kid but guess what fuckers! I'm not stuck here with you, you're stuck here with me! And I'm talking about pirates!!!!
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rosapirog · 7 months
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After defeating the Elder brain/ the tadpole, Cazador, and papa-Bhaal; these two deserve some rest
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05.03.2023 - What a shit weekend. I've been house bound with a really gross cough and fever from the kids at school, DNFed two books, finished a third, potentially decided to stop reading one of my "favourite" authors, and broke up with my boyfriend because he was being a dick about me being ill... Honestly, what the fuck? At least my dog was being cute...
(Potentially) currently reading: Mauprat by George Sand; The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay
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