#not sure if i should tag blurbs like this? i am so green to this sort of fic world like do i tag them ? i think i'm going to
rosiegirlie · 5 months
Here to bother you about your OC if that's okay because I miss her! Can we get a sneak peek of her and Rosie's next interaction? 😁 - @softspeirs
bother away omg thank you for asking about Billie !! You're so sweet !!! So this is the only thing I've actually written for my next little installment, everything else I have is in a rough outline. As a warning it takes place towards the end of the thing so it might give a bit away and I'm sorry if that bothers you. And as a follow up warning this will most likely be edited/revised for when I put the whole thing together lol. But I hope you enjoy the taste !!
“Do you want to talk about it?” Rosie's voice was gentle as he asked.
“Harry already told you what happened.” Billie grumbled.
“That’s not what I meant.” Rosie reached out and brushed back a stray piece of Billie’s hair. Chills rushed down Billie’s arms as his fingers gently traced the back of her ear. She ached for more of his touch as soon as his fingers left her skin.
“What did you mean then?” Billie was sure she knew what he meant but she couldn’t stop herself from asking. She didn’t know why she needed to hear Rosie spell out exactly what he meant but it probably had something to do with her past of jumping to conclusions and ruining too many things before they even started.
“I thought you wanted a quiet night.” He lifted her hand up and kissed her knuckles that had finally stopped bleeding. “This isn’t quiet.” 
Billie looked away from Rosie but didn’t pull her hand away. “I don’t know if I can talk about it quite yet.” She confessed while staring at how their fingers wrapped around each other. 
“Is it about Eddie?” 
Billie looked back up at Rosie. He’d always been so easy for her to read but now that he was drunk he was an open book. He was so worried for her it made Billie’s heart skip a beat. She didn’t deserve him.
She shook her head and answered, “No, it’s nothing to do with Eddie.” Billie sighed and said, “It’s embarrassing…” she trailed off with a weak chuckle. 
Billie ran her free hand through her hair and her fingers caught on a couple of knots but she forced them through. She ripped out a couple of strands and tossed them out onto the ground in front of their bench. Billie felt so childish, so petty complaining to Rosie about gossip. She didn’t want to ruin his opinion of anyone even if she thought they deserved it. She knew how well respected Rebecca was on base. Besides, Billie didn’t want anyone else to get involved. She didn’t even think she could talk to Barbara about what she’d overheard and she told Barbara everything.
Rosie’s thumb rubbed over the back of her hand and Billie was pulled back into the moment. She felt herself leaning further into Rosie’s side. She’d fantasized countless times about what it would feel like to be wrapped up in his arms but none of them came close to the real thing. 
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. But I hope you know you can talk to me about anything. There is nothing embarrassing you could possibly say that would put me off.” Rosie let go of her hand and reached a finger out to playfully boop the tip of Billie’s nose. “Did I ever tell you about when I met Majors Egan and Cleven?” 
Billie shook her head. “I don’t think so, no.”
Rosie was blushing fiercely but smiled as he said, “Let’s just say talking about flying in your skivvies doesn’t make the best first impression.” 
Billie threw her head back and cackled. “You’re not serious.” 
“I wish I could say I was joking.”
The sound of footsteps on the gravel and laughter behind them interrupted Billie asking for the whole story. Rosie straightened up and pulled away from Billie to give more than the illusion of a respectable distance between them. Billie hated how sick the sudden distance made her feel. She wanted him back. She felt weightless without his arm around her but for the first time in her life she hated the feeling. She needed grounding.
The pair were quiet while the group of airmen walked behind them and their banter did little to fill the space between Billie and Rosie. Billie suddenly realized Rosie had listened to what she’d said all those hours ago. He was respecting her wishes and letting her set the pace. It felt like it had been an entire lifetime since she’d shied away from his advance. But the more she thought about it the more Billie found herself opposing her original stance. She’d already proved Rebecca right that night so Billie figured she might as well go all in on bringing the gossip to life. 
People were still walking behind them, an unknown number of witnesses but Billie mentally pushed them aside and leaned back into Rosie’s side to close the distance he’d created. An unspoken gesture of consent; the invitation he said he would wait for. His arm immediately wrapped around her shoulder and pulled her until two were pressed tighter together than they’d been before. Billie couldn’t help but giggle as she settled into her new position practically on top of Rosie’s lap. She couldn’t bare to move. He pressed a kiss onto the top of her forehead and Billie barely held back a whimper. It was such a soft sweet thing but she couldn’t remember the last time someone had kissed her forehead. Her stomach flipped as she followed the train of thought and realized, not for the first time, that no one had ever treated her with the reverence Rosie seemed to hold for her. 
She stretched her neck to look up at Rosie through her eyelashes. He looked as drunk as Billie felt and Billie knew with every fiber in her being that Rosie wouldn’t kiss her unless she initiated it. Even though his eyes kept darting from hers to her lips. Just like she could only pull herself away from thinking about what his mustache would feel like to stare back into his blue eyes. Billie felt ridiculous but nothing felt as right to her as looking at Rosie up close like this. She wanted to look at him for the rest of her life. Billie would be the luckiest girl in the world if she could. Without another thought Billie stretched her neck and pressed her lips to his. 
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thisismysecondrodeo · 2 years
here’s a request if you have time: ted giving y/n a massage?
AN: @tedssweaters wrote a lovely little massage blurb that everyone should go read. I already had this request in my queue and of course, I went in a different (read: horny) direction lol s/o to @jarfishy for the encouragement to finish this one early 😛 two fics in one day, who am I?!
Rating: Explicit
Tags: AFAB!reader, One-Shot, Sports injury turned very sexy, Smut, Porn with barely any plot, facefucking, fingerfucking, General sexy things
Fic masterlist
You had been obsessed with football since you were little, your older brothers happily taught you every trick they knew while they dribbled circles around you until you were old enough to start playing against girls your own age. You had long since hung up your football dreams, though, focusing on a career in PR instead. But since you started working for AFC Richmond—and dating the head coach—you couldn’t help but want to get back on the pitch again.
Over happy hour one night you told the team how much you missed playing and they all tried to get you into a drunken round of footie on the Richmond Green, absolutely gutted when they couldn’t procure a football and the coaches told them it was too dark and they were too not-sober. But after that, the boys would occasionally drop by your office on a light practice day to invite you out and you started keeping some extra athletic clothes and boots under your desk.
“You sure it's okay,” you asked Ted each time you went to step out on the pitch, trying not to linger. Though your relationship had started completely unrelated to your employment, neither of you wanted anyone to get the wrong impression. The only people that were aware you were together were Rebecca and HR…and Keeley after that one time she had come back for something in her old desk and caught the two of you….indisposed. You had to admit the sneaking around was a little sexy, but it was a bummer in times like this when you wanted to drop a kiss on his cheek after he said, “of course! Go show those boys what-for.”
You were getting into the rhythms of playing, your lungs burning with exertion and a grin cemented to your face as you darted around. You raised a hand to Dani with a call of, “oi!” and sprinted to the ball to set yourself up for a corner kick. It felt good to score, even though you knew the boys let you have that one—granted they’d been out there for hours and you were fresh from your desk, no one could blame them for being a little slow.
You were taking the ball down the field when Sam called for a pass and you looked up for him just as O’Brien went for a slide tackle and you went down hard, with a pained grunt. Ted was hovering over you in an instant, you didn’t even know how he’d moved that quickly, and you rolled off of O’Brien and onto your stomach with a laugh.
“Jeez, I’m so sorry, you alright Y/N,” O’Brien asked with genuine remorse as he sat up on his knees, Ted right next to him his brow furrowed in concern.
“It was fair play, I’m perfectly fine Tommy Boy. Don’t apologize for that,” You went to get up but Ted stopped you with a hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t move yet, we should get you checked out,” Ted said and you looked at him like he was crazy.
“Ted, I’m fine. I’m a human woman, not a paper doll,” you laughed and Ted chuckled with you. “Just help me up, why don’t you?”
Ted held out a hand and you let him take most of your weight as you clambered up, took a step, and…shit that hurt. Not the worst you’d felt, but your thigh was cripplingly tight. You must have pulled your hamstring when you went down. Ted saw you grimace and his voice was frantic when he asked, “Woah now, what hurts?”
“Mmmf,” you grunted, “s’okay, just pulled my hamstring.” You gestured to your left leg and Ted’s hands were on you, squeezing with a pleasure-pain that made you groan as you braced yourself on his shoulder, not realizing how inappropriate this might seem to the players still gathered around. Coach Beard loudly and pointedly cleared his throat but it was too late.
“Coach, why don’t you work my hamstrings out like that, huh,” Jamie called out, his tongue sticking out of his mouth. Roy shoulder-checked him but even he smirked. Ted blushed and removed his hands immediately. You needed to get him out of here before he started apologizing and making things worse.
“Where were you when I tore my butt,” O’Brien teased and all the players laughed at that. Ted opened his mouth to say something, but you quickly cut him off.
“Ha ha,” you stuck your tongue out at Jamie and O’Brien mockingly, “come on, Coach, help me to the treatment room?” You wrapped an arm around Ted’s shoulders, your hurt leg in between so you could use him as a crutch as you limped off the pitch. He wrapped a hand around your waist to support you, being sure to keep his hand higher than necessary.
As soon as the treatment door clicked shut behind you, Ted had you wrapped tightly in his arms as if he had found you on the pitch half-dead. Thank god the actual trainer was out for the afternoon otherwise there was no way the two of you could explain this one away as platonic concern. You chuckled a little but let him hold you, his hands gripping your t-shirt as he took deep, soothing breaths.
He didn’t respond but you could feel his fingers release just a smidge.
“Teddy, I’m alright sweetheart,” you whispered with light amusement and Ted sighed and let you go.
“I know, I know you just…gave me a bit of a fright seein’ you take a tumble like that. And I’m embarrassed on top of that for not keepin’ my hands to myself and almost blowing our cover. I should have told the boys to take it easy—”
“Woah, now, none of that,” you chastised, hobbling over to sit on a treatment table. “I may not have ever been a professional athlete, but I was an athlete. I know what it’s like to be knocked down, I know the symptoms of a concussion. Hell, have I told you my front incisor is an implant? Mum was pissed after that game.” You chuckled and looked over at Ted who was wincing. “Ah, come on now darling. You see people get hurt all the time. Scrapes and bruises are little badges of hon—”
“Not you,” Ted said, his voice tight and his hands fisted in his pockets. “I don’t see you get hurt all the time. It’s not because you’re a woman or because you’re not a professional or because I don’t think you can handle yourself, I just…I love you. And I don’t want to see the person I love in pain.”
Ted had never told you he loved you before and your eyes shot to his face, searching for any indication that he didn’t mean it, that he regretted saying it. But all you saw was the vulnerability of him offering his heart on a platter. You reached a hand out towards him and he stepped closer, allowing you to tug one of his fists from the pocket of his khakis.
“I love you too, Ted Lasso,” you whispered, holding his gaze as you leaned in and he met you halfway. It was easy to forget where you were and why when he kissed you like that, but when you shifted to widen your legs so he could step between them, the tug in your thigh reminded you and you grunted into his mouth, which was not the sexy sound he’d been anticipating.
“As much as I’m loving this very sexy turn of events, do you think you could get me an ice pack?”
Ted jumped into action with a smile and you slid off the table to remove your shorts so they wouldn’t get in the way, before leaning over and locking the door. Ice pack in hand, Ted turned and you could see the way his eyes lingered, but he remained focused on attending to your injury.
“Here, why don’t you lay on your stomach and I’ll hold this for you.” You did as he asked, and jumped when the freezing cold sensation hit your skin. “Did you stretch before you got out there?”
You gave Ted a sheepish look from where your head rested on your folded arms and he clucked his tongue at you. “Well if it’s alright with you, it might be helpful to massage your other leg while this one is healing to prevent this in the future. If you’re gonna be a member of my team, ya gotta be proactive in taking care of yourself, ya know?”
You smiled and nodded as he wrapped your ice-pack thigh in a towel so it wouldn’t move and stepped to your other side, rubbing massage therapy oil between his palms before he touched you. “Does that mean you’re letting me back out on the pitch, Coach?” You didn’t mean it to be seductive, but the two of you had somehow slipped into a mild coach-player roleplay, and the moan that slipped from your lips when he pressed down deep into the muscles of your thigh didn’t help.
“As if I could tell you no,” Ted responded affectionately, using both hands to grip your thigh and rub small, deep circles down the length of the muscle. He moved down to your calf, massaging slowly and humming a tune. He switched legs, skipping your injured thigh and going straight to the calf muscle and it felt like heaven, his hands warm and firm against your skin, his long fingers wrapping briefly around your ankle. He let go and you whimpered at the loss.
“How’s your back, love?”
“If I say ‘just awful’ will you keep touching me?”
Ted laughed, a full-bellied laugh that always made you giddy when you could pull it from him. You sat up and he helped you remove your shirt and bra before you laid back down, your arms to your side, and as he walked past your head for more massage oil you couldn’t help but noticed his tented khakis. You had of course felt like this was a rather sexy scenario, but you hadn’t realized how much it was affecting Ted too. He hadn’t made any untoward comments or touched you in any way that someone with a Sports Physiology degree wouldn’t. Knowing that his care for you was NOT centered on sex, that he couldn’t be distracted from looking after you just because you were mostly nude, only made you want to fuck him more.
Ted ran his hands over your back, gently first and then with more pressure. You sighed deeply when he hit the spot between your shoulder blades that always ached from working at a computer all day. He leaned closer so he could focus in on that spot but when his erection brushed your arm he quickly tilted his hips back. You wanted to tell him it was okay but you didn’t want to embarrass him, so you settled for letting him know how much you were enjoying the experience and maybe some not-so-subtle hints.
When his thumbs worked into your lower back, you spread your legs slightly and thanked your lucky stars you had picked gray underwear today. You knew he could see how wet you were by the sharp intake of breath you heard behind you.
“Feel good,” he asked, his voice a little strained, and you smiled over your shoulder at him.
“Very. What would you say if I asked you to get my glutes…Coach?”
Ted took a deep breath that he released as a groan. “I’d say we’d need to get these off.” If you could fist pump in this position you would. You were dying for him to touch you. Not that he hadn’t been, but there were certainly more sensitive areas that could use his attention. Ted removed the towel and ice pack first, letting his long fingers trail along your inner thigh and you shuddered in anticipation. He hooked his fingers in your waistband, slid down your underwear, and then…actually massaged your glutes.
It still felt amazing, but you wanted him to sink those very capable fingers into your core, to massage your clit until you were begging for release.
“Hey, Coach?”
“Hm,” Ted hummed. You couldn’t see him from this angle but he wasn’t tilting his hips back anymore and you could feel him hard against the side of your thigh.
“This is making me very fucking horny.”
Ted laughed. “Is that right? Is that you droppin’ hints that you’d like my hands…a little lower?”
“Well if you’re offering,” you joked nonchalantly as if you weren’t prepared to beg. Ted did slide his hands down but he didn’t immediately sink his fingers into you. Instead, he treated your vulva with the same care he had treated the rest of your body, a gentle but purposeful massage that made it hard to tell whether the growing slickness between your thighs was oil, arousal, or a mix of both.
“Fuck,” you whined as Ted’s middle finger parted you and made contact with your clit, but he pulled away and you grunted in frustration.
“Turn over for me darlin’.”
Ted helped so you didn’t bother your injured leg and though you were more than excited for him to go back to touching you, the real reason you felt heat pooling in your belly was getting to look at his sweet face, concern almost fully replaced with desire, his dimple deepening when his eyes locked on yours.
“Well, hello there,” you said softly and he grinned. “Appreciate the helping hand.”
“Anytime,” Ted responded as he ran his oiled hands up your belly to your peaked nipples, massaging your breasts and leaning forward to capture your moans between his own lips. You tangled your tongue with his, relishing in the slip of his fingers as he pinched at both nipples. He stood up as he trailed one hand back to its previous location. Done teasing, he wasted no time sliding two fingers into you and you tried to keep your reaction in check but you couldn’t help but whine, “Jesus, fuck Ted you feel so fucking good.”
“Shh, I’m glad, baby,” Ted said quietly, obviously not wanting to draw attention to what was currently happening in the treatment room, “just relax and let me take care of you.” He tilted his fingers up to find the soft spot inside of you that made your soul leave your body as his thumb found your clit, his other hand still alternating between your breasts. You were whimpering and whining and Ted was steadily trying to shush you but you didn’t know how he expected you to stay quiet when he was so expertly taking you apart.
“I…I can’t, fuuck, I can’t stay quiet baby.”
“You have to darlin’, you have to be good for me.”
“Mmm,” you complained but then you caught sight of his erection yet again and you ran your hand over it, smiling when he couldn’t help but press into your palm. You tugged him closer to you by his pocket, using both hands to work his pants open and Ted chuckled, “you’re just not going to let me take care of you, are you?”
You freed Ted’s length from his boxers and smiled up at him, batting your eyelashes. “I just thought something in my mouth might help me keep quiet.”
“Christ,” Ted whispered emphatically as you stroked him a few times. Somehow in all of this fingers had never stopped their slow fucking so you knew he was up to the challenge.
“You’re going to have to fuck my mouth since I don’t have the range of motion I normally do, think you can multitask?”
Ted choked on his spit and coughed, sputtering as he answered, “You’re going to be the absolute death of me.”
But it certainly wasn’t a no, and he did as you asked when you slipped the tip of him between your lips, moving slowly to match the pace of his fingers. You moaned against him, adoring the feeling of him heavy in your mouth, letting your tongue circle the seam of him when he pulled back and relaxing your jaw when he pushed back in. He picked up the pace of both his hips and his fingers and you were so close, your whole body pulsing with desire, your injury forgotten. And then Ted slid in a third finger and you were a goner, the stretch and pressure so overwhelmingly good the only thing stopping you from screaming was his dick in your mouth.
Thankfully, when he felt you clench against his fingers he stopped moving his hips, otherwise you surely would have choked. Your chest was heaving as Ted moved to pull out of your mouth but you shook your head no, leaning over to take him in hand before you released him for a gasp of air, stroking him swiftly until you could take him again. When you were ready you sat up slightly so you had more control and used both your hand and tongue to work him over, his chin tucked to his chest and his hand covering his mouth.
“I’m gonna…baby, I’m about to…” He tried to pull back, but you shook your head again and sank down as far as you could and swallowed, feeling him come down the back of your throat. Now it was Ted’s turn to gasp for air as you sucked him clean and released him.
“Can’t believe this treatment room is still haunted,” Ted said as he tucked himself back in his khakis, “you’re a goddamn succubus.”
You laughed as he helped you back into your clothes. The two of you had been missing from training for so long, you just cleaned up the treatment room and left the stadium hoping no one was suspicious. Ted shot Beard a quick text that he was helping you get home and got just a thumbs up in return.
A couple weeks later now fully healed, Colin stopped by your office and invited you out to the pitch again. You grinned and pulled on your athletic wear, tying up your boots before stepping out next to Ted. The two of you had decided it was long time to stop sneaking around, so this time when you asked, “you sure it’s okay” and Ted told you to get out there, you thanked him with a kiss.
Both of you looked around at the team confused when no one reacted and Ted cleared his throat, “Guess I should let y’all know that, uh, Y/N and I…”
“We know, Coach,” Sam called out with a smile. “And we’re happy for you both.” The team took to the pitch but you and Ted still looked at each other confused until Isaac came over and murmured, “Training room connects to the locker room. And it's not soundproof, bruv.” You’d never seen the color drain from Ted’s face so quickly, but you just followed Isaac out onto the pitch with a smile. It had been worth it.
And despite now knowing about you and Ted—way too much about you and Ted, it seemed—the boys didn’t take it easy on you for one second. Just the way you liked it.
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moodymisty · 1 year
Congratulations on hitting 1000 followers!!! 🥳🥳🥳 if anyone deserves it, it’s definitely you! And after reading your little backstory blurb, I am so happy that you decided to come back to tumblr and share your writings and positivity with the fandom 🤍 every time I see your name on my dash I get so excited and can’t wait to see either what you’ve been writing or what you’ve been reblogging (and the sassy tags that come with lol)
If you’re still accepting requests, scenario 15 with the bad batch sounds like it could be a fun prompt — bonus points if omega is in on the fun too! (Whether or not you do this prompt is totally okay since I’m sure you’re getting a heavy influx lol)
Okay, that’s all for now! Take care and, again, CONGRATULATIONS ON 1000 FOLLOWERS 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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❀ Milestone prompts list ❀
Author's Note: Aww thank you so much for all the kind words!! It really means a lot that people enjoy my blogs and silly ramblings. Y'all are really the best and always make me smile, all of you are really just amazing <3
Relationships: Platonic Bad Batch + Omega & Fem!Reader, but hints at Echo having a crush on reader
Warnings: Just fun fluff, and a blatant excuse for me to write about living the cottagecore dream
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"Tech, you really couldn't have landed in a place with a better view."
The rolling hills off in the distance look so lush and green it's almost as if out of a storybook, only out done by the large patches of flowers and a gentle forest off in the distance. Different patches of colors and some mixed together, they all look so vibrant in the light of the sun.
"I did not take sight seeing into account for our landing site, but I do not disagree with your observation."
They really should be getting on with this mission, but Omega is already running outside the ship and you're right on her heels, as Hunter watches through the Marauder's main viewport. He decides he can let everyone have a break for a few minutes, at least.
You were right after all- this view is wonderful. Peaceful. Wrecker is standing outside taking in deep breaths of fresh air, and stretching his arms towards the sky. Tech decides to tinker outside the ship on the gangplank, also taking advantage of the nice weather.
Meanwhile you've followed Omega to the nearest patch of flowers, watching her brush her hands over them. They gently bend under her touch, the pollen getting on your hands as you do the same. This patch of flowers, the closet one is a sea of blue, with only one little patch of yellow in the center of each flower. You feel the smooth texture of one of the petals between your index finger and thumb, but don't pluck it.
"They look so pretty, they'd make a great flower crown with the long stems." You mumble it mostly to yourself, leaning down to smell one. Omega however is more interested in what you've said now, her hands filled with the ones she's already plucked.
"You can make crowns out of flowers?"
Right- you're not surprised she might be unfamiliar.
Adjusting your clothes you sit down in the middle of the all the flowers, them tall enough rise above your crossed legs. Some brush against the skin of your arms, so softly that they almost tickle. Omega sits in front of you moments later, but with far more energy and barely able to sit still.
"Here, I'll teach you." You take a bunch of flowers, plucking them gently at the stems and weaving them together. It's been such a long while since you've done this, but it seems like the muscles memory is still there.
"Just wrap around in and out, then push some in-between..." You hand her your partly finished one and let her keep working on it, giving her another when she fumbles it while you guide her through it. She eventually manages to get it right on her third try, holding it in her hands with a wide smile at all the little flowers wrapped together.
You don't know how much time has passed, but apparently enough so that someone's been sent to get you, looking up at the sound of a voice.
"Come on you two, we're heading out." Looking up you see Echo walking closer until his boots are barely brushing against your leg, ushering his hand upward to get you both up off the ground.
Omega wears her little crown with pride, before she realizes you don't have one. You'd spent so much time teaching her that you didn't have a chance to make your own, not that you'd ever mind. But it seems relaxation is over, and she doesn't have the time to make you one as well.
Mean while Echo reaches his hand up to help you to your feet, an aid you easily accept. His hand is gentle around your own as he gives you a soft tug, seeing the way pollen has stuck to your clothes when you stand in front of him.
"It smells so nice out here," You joke, brushing some of the pollen off of your top. "I'd love to have a picnic out here sometime."
Echo can instantly picture the scene, laying out in a flowerbed with a gentle breeze on a blanket covered in food. It's not too warm and not too cold, and there's a gentle breeze that blows your hair and the fabric of your dress just a-
Oh, he forgot to respond.
"Yeah, Echo nods. "That sounds like it would be amazing." He realizes he's still holding your hand, gently letting go of it. You hadn't even realized he was still doing so.
"So what were you two doing?" He didn't get a good look before telling you to come back to the ship.
"Making flower crowns. Kinda only had enough time to make one for her though." So that's the silly little thing Omega had on her head. Echo nods, walking side by side with you back to the ship.
He takes note of how you smell so much like the flowers outside, and it ends up affecting the inside of the Marauder as well. Surely Tech will complain about the pollen sticking to the fabrics in the ship, but at least for now he can enjoy the pleasant scent that wafts over the musky smell that usually permeates the ship.
Hunter can absolutely smell it too, as you brush a hand along your hair.
"Alright," He says, rubbing his nose. "We're leaving the ship here and heading towards the town. Let's go."
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Having returned bounty in hand, Wrecker's hauling it into the back, and you decide to sit down for a moment. You're feeling a little more tuckered out than usual, watching as Tech begins his mental checklist before taking off. You close your eyes and cross your arms, leaning back a bit to just take a moment of rest. If Hunter objects to your doing so he doesn't say, passing by you as you slip into the area between awake and asleep.
"Go get those two," You distantly hear Hunter say, it perking your eyes but not enough so to open your eyes. They must be still outside doing something as you can hear Wrecker leave the ship, judging by the heavy footsteps.
He returns with more footsteps in tow, multiple pairs, and one stops right in front of you. When you open your eyes, a soft blue overtakes almost all of your vision.
"Here!" Omega hands you the flowers, all haphazardly mushed together into a crown.
"Aww Omega, you didn't have to." You take it gently from her hands, and put it on your head. That must've been why she had to get called back into the ship, and Echo must've been just keeping an eye on her.
"Echo did most of the work." Standing behind her he quickly stiffens, looking down at the back of her head and furrowing his brow.
"Hey, don't go putting this all on me." You don't know what's the more endearing option; That Echo had Omega make a flower crown just for you, or that he somehow found a way to do it with only one hand.
"Thanks, kiddo." You ruffle Omega's hair even as she playfully pushes your hand away, laughing at the way you jostle her head. Shortly thereafter she runs off, presumably to snatch more flowers before she no longer has the ability to.
Now alone, you look at Echo with a softer smile, taking one flower out of the crown and sticking it in the collar of his chestplate.
"And thank you, Echo. I love the flowers." His eyes are soft as he smiles, one that never fails to woo you.
"I like that they're blue." Echo nods at you as his lips crook up on one side.
"I do too."
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youngbeezer · 3 years
Holding my hand while he’s in the front seat and I’m in the back with Bowen Byram (if you can!)
hiii kelly thanks for sending me a request<33 sorry this took so long!
Referenced Post
Prompt-- 10. Holding my hand while hes in the front and I'm in the back (w Bowen Byram)
A/N: Here's another blurb from the 14 oddly romantic things blurb set. Thanks for requesting this, hope you like it :)
Word Count: 1249
Warning(s): mention of nausea, car sickness, a few curse words; Tyson Jost & Cale Makar are both mentioned (just in case you do not like them :/)
join my taglist :)
‘u okay?’
I am only able to get a quick peek at my phone to read the text message that comes from my boyfriend, who is sitting right in front of me in the passenger seat, before I feel another wave of nausea hit me. I continue doing my breathing exercises to try and calm my body down, and so I don’t make a scene in front of the other two people in the car with us.
Right now we are currently on our way to the lakehouse my brother, Tyson, rented out for the week. In the car we have Tyson driving (recklessly may I add), Bowen sitting next to him, and another one of their teammates, Cale, sitting beside me in the backseat. There are two other cars following behind us filled with some more of Tyson’s teammates and their significant others. They all figured they should have one last hoorah together before they all part ways to their respective homes for the offseason.
Now everyone on the team just expects I’m coming because Tyson is my brother and I wanted to spend more time with him. But, the actual reason is I just wanted to be able to spend some time (albeit most of it will be with others around) with my boyfriend Bowen, which no one knows is actually my boyfriend. We have both decided to keep it on the down low for a while to figure out if this is something that can potentially grow serious, before we tell my crazy overprotective brother, who will most likely throw a huge hissy fit.
I’m abruptly pulled out of my thoughts when Tys makes another sharp turn. I let out a low groan when I lurched forward as far as my seatbelt could take me, and bile started to climb up my throat. Cale notices my uncomfortable expression and gives me a worried look.
“Hey, are you alright y/n?” He cautioned, not sure what was going on.
Tyson’s eyes meet mine in the rearview mirror with a matching worried expression. Once he sees my distraught look, he looks back at me for a quick second before averting his eyes back to the road.
“y/n/n what’s up? You’re looking a little green.” Tyson commented.
“Can you pull over?” I croak out.
Tyson lets out a dramatic sigh. “C’mon we’re almost at the cabin.” He drawls out. “You’ll be fine. Just take some deep breaths.”
“Well then can you stop driving like a fucking maniac. You know I get car sick.” I snap. I see Tyson huff a little through the rearview mirror, but thankfully I do feel the car slow down a bit.
Bowen turns around in his seat to face me with a pained expression once he sees how much discomfort I am in. He tries to give me a little smile, but all he gets in return is a little shudder from me as I rest my head against the cool window.
“Here, you wanna try drinking some of my water?” He offers.
I take the bottle out of his outstretched hand and mumble out a quick, “thanks.”
As Bowen turns back in his seat, I just barely notice the slight eye roll that comes from my brother. I try not to focus too hard on what that could mean and instead focus on taking some deep breaths. Another low groan escapes my lips during a sharp turn, and that’s when I notice the hand peeking through the passenger seat and the door. I immediately go to take Bowen’s hand and instantly find comfort in his touch. His thumb rubs soothing circles onto the back of my hand that actually does wonders to calm me down.
For the rest of the car ride, Bowen and I keep our hands interlocked with each other-- him continuing to rub those soothing circles and every once in a while giving my hand a little squeeze when Tyson pushes down on the gas a little too hard, or we take an unnecessary sharp turn. And if Cale notices are conjoined hands, he doesn’t say a word.
Eventually, we made it to the cabin, surprisingly all in one piece.
“Remind me to drive back with Mikko and the others please.” I semi-jokingly say to Cale. He lets out a little chuckle, whereas Tyson just gives me a little glare from his seat.
Bowen and I finally part our hands once Tys takes the keys out of the ignition. Everyone then starts making their way out of the car, myself taking it a little bit slower so I don’t end up throwing up everywhere once my feet hit the ground.
As we are getting all the luggage out of the the trunk of the car, Tyson turns to both Bowen and I and surprises us with his next words,
“Byram, help y/n take her stuff up to your guys’ room?” Both of us raise our eyebrows and try to act confused at his words.
“Sorry?” Bowen squeaks out.
“You guys are sharing a room since you’re dating,” Tyson states matter-of-factly. “You are together, correct?” He says it so smugly, knowing that he has caught us in a lie. Obviously we weren’t as inconspicuous in our sneaking around as we thought we were. Bowen just clears his throat awkwardly before taking my bags and moving to stand next to me. I see him give me a pleading look, urging me to be the one to say something.
“How’d you know?” I questioned.
Tyson lets out a little scoff before replying, “You guys aren’t as slick as you think you are.” Out of the corner of my eye I see Cale nod his head in agreement. I meet Bowen’s eyes and let out a breathy chuckle while shaking my head.
“So you aren’t mad?” I pondered to my brother.
He let out the littlest sigh and approaches me to put his arm around my shoulder.
“Nahh. First off, you’re kinda grown up now so I can’t really tell you what to do anymore. And second,” he pauses and looks over at my boyfriend, “Byram’s a good guy, so I trust him.” They both smile at each other and do that little bro hand shake thing. Tys still has a grip on Bo's hand though when he warns, “But, if I hear a single noise come out of that room, I will beat your ass.”
Bowen clears his throat before pulling his hand away from Tyson’s and moving it to scratch the base of his neck awkwardly. “Noted.” He stutters out.
Both Tyson and Cale then leave us alone to make their way into the cabin. Bowen closes the gap between us two to bring me into a hug.
“Feeling better?” He mumbles into my hair, leaving a few kisses as he does.
I lift my head off his chest to meet his eyes and give him one of the biggest grins ever. “So much better now.” I smiled.
He gives me a quick peck on the lips, since Tyson was still in range of view. With a tiny smirk forming on his face he grinned, “Let’s go to our room then, eh?”
I grab ahold of his hand and let him lead me into the house, smiling at the fact we don’t have to sneak around anymore and I get to openly enjoy our time together with the love of my life.
This week just got a whole lot better.
Taglist: @joelsfarabees @heatherawoowoo @barzy-xoxo @barzysandmarnersbitch @hockeyplayerstories
Tagging some mutuals as well,,, @tessisawriter @luukasreichel @lovereadinghockeyy @carepriceisgoodathockey @2manytabsopen @frederikanderson @bb-nhlqueen7 @gigissports @jamiesdrysdales @heybarzy @cherrylita @cherrybarzy @prettyboyjackhughes @kentjohnsons
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talesofnox · 3 years
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OFF THE WALL | the maze runner
summary: minho being trapped in the maze overnight was the worst day of lee’s life, but the day he came back to her, was the best
word count: 2731
pairing: maze runner ‘minho’ / female OC, romantic pairing
warnings: nothing triggering / traumatic, besides minho being trapped in the maze overnight, angst _ drabble
tags: maze runner, the maze runner, minho maze runner, minho, maze runner writing, maze runner imagine, x reader, minho x reader, minho x male reader, minho fluff, maze runner fluff, maze runner fanfiction, maze runner blurb, maze runner oneshot, maze runner drabble, minho oneshot, minho imagine, minho drabble, minho fanfiction, writing, oneshot, imagine, drabble, maze runner winston, winston maze runner
a/n: I do not know any of the characters’ actors personally, nor do I own the rights to their characters. What’s written below the tag is a work of fiction and should subsequently be treated as such. I am essentially using the actors as a face-claim and almost never, a name-claim. I am creating my own character and using the actor / character as a secondary fictional character, using features for details. I do not and never would directly associate the actors with any ideas used in my own writing. This writing is to be used for entertainment and fictional purposes only. Thank you for understanding and if you do not understand, fuck off, please and not thank you.
Sweat dripped down her forehead and onto her shirt as she worked across the filthy kitchen counter, dusty clumps of flour covering every inch of her arms and the hands she worked deep into the lump of dough. A few the gladers had suggested bread with soup tomorrow, and of course Lee would honor that wish.
She looked up as the dining hall curtains were pushed open, Minho walking through with a solemn look etched across the tanned skin of his face.
“Morning,” he greeted, failing to sound as cheery for the day as he liked.
It was not difficult to guess what was going on, it only happened after every banishing, but was specifically important in this case. The keeper of the runners and leader of the Glade would be forced to run the maze and retrace a banished boy’s footsteps. And being keeper, Minho was the unfortunate soul chosen for the nerve racking task.
Lee sighed at Minho’s expression, leaning across her table to grab a wet towel. She wiped down her arms before walking around the back of the counter to embrace his in a tight hug. She was a bit shorter, but that was what she liked about herself. She wrapped her arms around his torso, his lifting to circle her neck. One of his hands gripped a handful of her hair, while the other fell to her waist and allowed his fingers to rub small circles on her hip.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” She asked him, voice muffled by the fabric of his typical mint green button-up.
Minho’s answer was instantaneous, as if he had practiced reciting it in a mirror for hours, “I have to.”
“I know—I also know that Ben was our friend.” She pulled her head away to looked into his almond eyes as she spoke. “You shouldn’t have to do this.”
Minho nodded; he understood, he really did. But someone had to do it and being a keeper had its fair share of disadvantages.
“I know. I just needed to say goodbye before we left.”
Lee smiled and buried her face back into Minho’s shirt, squeezing his middle tightly. “Come back to me in one piece?” She asked him.
“I always do.”
She pulled away from the hug finally and glanced down at the empty pack Minho had dropped when he came through the door. “Do you need your lunch?”
“And Alby’s—he wanted to give us a few minutes alone,” Minho explained. Despite his sassy exterior, his cheeks went pink at the thought.
He went to follow Lee behind the counter, but she spun around and stopped him with a wave of her pointer finger.
“Nope. Cooks only, I’m afraid.”
She could tell Minho was debating whether to argue with her, so she gave another wag of her finger and turned to grab two brown paper bags by the sink.
“Here you are. And remember—”
“Don’t let the grievers sting,” Minho finished for her, jokingly rolling her eyes, and groaning when Lee jabbed her elbow into the skin below his ribs. “We’ll be fine, I’ll see you at six. I love you.” Minho pressed loving kisses to her forehead, right cheek, and the ‘best for last,’ her lips.
“Love you too!” Lee called out the doorway as Minho left the way, he came in. She went back to her dough but not before making sure to watch through the kitchen window, seeing Minho and Alby meet up outside the doors with Newt, the second in command giving them a proper sendoff.
Hours had passed since the day began. The rare sighting of rain had been confirmed around three in the afternoon—and it now pours down on the Glade as the gladers took cover underneath any roof they could reach first. Chuck, Newt, and Thomas stood next to Lee in the dining all, Lee handing out small bits of the bread for the group to snack on.
Thomas had begun asking multiple questions, most of which pertained to Lee’s boyfriend and best friend currently running the maze surrounding them.
“They should be back by now,” he declared, stepping back from where he had been watching the doors intently, “What happens if they don’t make it?”
Lee looked to Newt, who was already staring at her, before he answered Thomas with a simple, “They’re gonna make it.”
“What happens if they don’t?” Thomas questioned the British boy again.
Feeling fed up with Thomas’ constant nagging, Lee decided to answer the greenie. “They’re gonna make it,” she said, though she did not tell Thomas he was not wrong. Minho and Alby should have been back nearly half an hour ago.
Thomas watched her walk back towards the kitchen door, still confused as to why no one would tell him what would happen if things went wrong. “How do you know?” He pestered further.
Lee stopped in her tracks, not allowing herself to turn around and show her watering eyes. “Because maybe I should have a little faith in my boyfriend.”
Five minutes turned into ten, and ten turned to twenty, until all the gladers were gathered in front of the maze doors. Lee pushed to the front easily, as everyone knew who she and Minho were to each other, and they could clearly see how much the time had her worried.
Newt, Thomas, and Chuck were with her at the front of the crowd, waiting anxiously for Minho and Alby to turn the final corner and run back into the Glade in the nick of time. Lee pulled Newt’s watch up to her face; it was nearing seven-o-clock and there had been no sign of them, not even the distant sound of footsteps.
Suddenly, as the hands struck seven, the doors began to rumble.
Lee was pulled into Newt’s side, both trying to comfort the other. Those were their best friends, and they were about to die in front of them. Newt shifted a bit, and Lee hugged his side as he placed an arm around her shoulder.
“There!” Thomas shouted, pointing into the ivy-covered corridor.
Lee noticed the list of things wrong the moment they—or rather, Minho—turn the corner: Alby was limp in Minho’s arms, a small splotch of red on his tan shirt visible from where Lee was standing. They all clearly heard Minho’s screams as he realized the doors were closing—he knew he had been cutting it close, but he hoped he would have made it soon enough.
“Something’s wrong.” Newt stared, confused, at the tearing scene.
The group continued to watch Minho struggle to hold up Alby’s weight and run at the same time.
“Come on, Minho!” Chuck shouted in encouragement, striking the others out of their stupors and, they too, begin to shout for Minho just run.
“You gotta leave him!” She heard Gally shout.
By this point, Minho had dropped Alby on his back and was dragging him by the ankles. Lee, until now, had stayed silent, only staring into Minho’s pain-filled eyes that looked back into hers.
She shouted through the doors, “Run, Minho! You can make it!” She pushed Newt away but stayed in the same spot. “Run! Minho, just leave him!” She screamed; voice shrill.
The voices eventually faded into the background, becoming nothing but white noise in the back of Lee’s mind. She was only focused on the crying boy before her, whilst still trying to stem her own tears from falling.
Minho finally gave up and stopped, accepting his fate by falling to his knees, Alby still unconscious behind where he was kneeling.
He tilted his head up to Lee, and mouths, just softly enough for it to almost be unknown, “I love you.”
Before the walls could close completely, Thomas broke away from Newt and the rest of the gladers, sprinting between the thinning gap between the walls. Boys attempt to grab the back of his shirt or arm, Lee included, but he was already halfway to the other side.
“Thomas, no!” Chuck screamed out for his older friend.
The doors sealed shut the moment Thomas reached the corridor, and Lee could hear Minho call her name as she did the same with his.
She ran into the walls as they shut with the familiar resounding boom, falling to the dirt below her feet, sobbing openly. Newt managed to catch her before she could hit the ground and hugged her tight, resting his own tired head on top of hers.
Lee felt Newt’s head adjust slightly after a moment, before he said, “Gally, what are you doing? Where are you going?”
She looked up as well, however tears still blurred her vision, altering everyone to look like swirled blobs, but her vision was not impaired. She clearly heard Gally say, “They aren’t coming back—might as well cross them off the wall before the doors open in the morning.” Silence followed.
Everyone’s attention transferred from Gally to Lee, seeing her pull away from Newt and stand from the ground, not bothering to wipe her knees off. Instead, she wiped under her nose. She inched closer to Gally, not enough for all the gladers to notice, but just far enough that she heard footsteps—she turned her head to see Frypan and her brother coming up behind her.
“Why are we crossing them off the wall now? We wait until morning; as we’ve always done,” she said, knowing what she said was true.
Gally raised his pencil-thin eyebrows at Lee, rolling his eyes with a scoff when he realized he was serious.
“Listen, girly, just because you’re Minho’s little girlfriend, does not mean he won’t die out there. He’s just as doomed as any other runner who never made it back. Like Ben.”
Lee noticeably flinched at Ben’s name; hearing Winston call out Gally from behind her. “Shut up, Gally!” Her brother shouted.
“He’s not going to die,” she denied, shaking her head at the grass, “and neither will Alby or Thomas.”
This time, Gally stepped closer to her, his strides much larger than hers were. He shrugged off the two builders who attempted to stop him.
“Did you not hear a word I said? They’re dead. Now, you can go make Minho a cute little tombstone for him in the Deadheads, but—”
Gally did not even have the time to finish with his taunting spew of insults before Lee launched herself at him. As soon as she moved, Frypan and Winston yelled out in surprise and rushed to grab her. They had seen her shaking but did not know it was from rage or anxiety.
The each managed to grip an arm and loosely pulled her back until Frypan let her go and Winston pulled her into a hug.
“He’s gone,” Lee cried over and over, burying her head into Winston’s neck as he rubbed her shoulders and held her tight.
“I know,” Winston shushed her. He attempted to walk her towards the Homestead, but she refused, fighting his stance, until he let her go.
Lee walked through the gladers, them parting as she walked through them. She stopped in front of the walls and sat down.
“Lee—” Newt started but hushed himself by the quick shake of her head.
Gally scoffs once more, leaving with the rest of the builders and most of the sloppers after the glares Winston and Newt sent them.
The rest of the gladers eventually made their way to wait with Lee. Most whispered to their friends that they will be back with pillows and blankets for them all. Newt sent Chuck to retrieve his and Newt’s while Winston left for his and Lee’s, not forgetting to grab the sentimental quilt Lee and Minho had in their shared room.
Night had fallen; most of the gladers had fallen asleep hours ago, but Lee stayed awake, her short attempts at rest plagued by terrors. Instead, she waited and watched the maze with scrutiny in her eyes, minimal tears falling, but she stayed silent to not wake her friends sleeping nearby.
Morning arrives faster than expected.
Winston was the first to wake up before the doors opened, seeing Lee awake and waiting. Her knees are pulled up to her chest with her knees resting between them. He made a few noises as he sits up, so she knew he was awake and scooted next to her, not touching her, only sitting, and watching.
“He’s gonna be fine,” he said to her after a few minutes.
Lee does not say anything, and the two remain in silence.
Newt wakes up next, gently shifting Chuck’s head of curls off his lap before he sat on Lee’s other side. He checked his watch immediately, showing Lee as he was one of the few to have allowed them.
Thirteen minutes until the doors open.
The minutes passed slowly, as the boys woke up few by few, and the builders and sloppers who had left last night arrived, until the clock stuck 6:58, and the last few are being urgently woken by friends.
“They’re not gonna make it,” Gally mumbled from his spot, quieting when they head the loud rumbling of the doors opening.
Lee and Winston jumped up with Chuck just barely in front of them. The doors fully open and all that stares back at them is the corridor, cut-down piles of ivy on the ground inside. No sign of Minho, Alby, or Thomas.
“No,” Lee refused when Winston went to hug her.
She looked over her shoulder to see Newt pulling Chuck away from the doors, mumbling to the young boy, “I told you, Chuck. They’re not coming back.”
No one could do much more than move away from the maze and let people grieve. Clint, Jeff, and Zart give Winston pats on his shoulder and smile pitifully at Lee before they move on to do their jobs.
Before they could get very far, Zart turned around, maybe for just a final confirmation, but what he said, made all the gladers turn around and Lee and Winston lift their heads.
“No way.”
Minho and Thomas, together, carried Alby between them, gasping and struggling for air as they went as fast as they could, pulled forward by the cheers of their friends in front of them.
Lee stood quiet and moved out of the way when they finally stepped onto the dirt, laying Alby down with the help of Clint and Jeff before they collapse to their knees. Minho looked for Lee but was not able to see her.
Chuck stared at the runner and dumbass in front of him. “You saw a griever?” He asked the two.
Thomas nodded, still panting. “Yeah, I saw one.”
“He didn’t just see it,” Minho shook his head, still searching for his girlfriend. “He killed it.”
Everyone stared at Thomas in shock—in all the time they had been trapped in the Glade, no one, no one, had ever killed a griever.
Minho, however, ignored the silence and climbed to his feet, waving off Newt and Thomas’ concerns for him to rest.
“Shut up, shuck faces. Where’s Lee?” He asked, the million dollar question stuck at the front of his mind, and it was not leaving anytime soon.
The gladers all looked to where Winston and Lee were stood, Winston letting a tear fall and Lee gasping to stop her crying.
“Lee,” Minho breathed out, relieved at the very sight of her.
“Minho,” Lee choked, running straight through the crowd into her boyfriend’s arms.
Minho ignored the stinging back in his back when he did so, lifting Lee into his arms. He fell back when his knees buckled below him but neither of them cared, they only held tighter to the other as they cried out each other’s name.
After a moment of them embracing, Minho looked up from where he buried his face in Lee’s hair and saw Winston above them. Winston’s hand ran through his own hair, tears falling down his face from seeing his honorary brother alive.
“Winston,” Minho said, cut off from his sniffling, and pulled the boy into a group hug. His arms went over Lee and Winston’s backs, and they do the same.
Minho made it. He made it back to Lee, and he made it back to the Glade.
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melzula · 4 years
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
requests: Could you write a Fire Lilies blurb where Zuko struggles with how to approach being around Princess Reader when she avoids him and/or gives him the silent treatment? // Hi- I was wondering if you could write a fire lillies blurb where, when the gaang first starts interacts with zuko, they are more protective of the reader. Simply because they know the history between the two.
a/n: the format of this is a little different than how I normally write but I think it works :)
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Though Zuko had finally become a part of Team Avatar, he still found himself to be the odd one out of the group. From Katara’s cold glare to Sokka’s reluctance of being left alone with the prince, Zuko struggled to find his place amongst the group. It was odd and new and strange, but at least it was a start in the right direction, and his first step included mending things with the Princess. He had gotten her to fall in love with him once, so it couldn’t be that hard to do it again, right?
In truth, it was very hard. Zuko faced many obstacles and many set backs, and it would probably be some time before she even so much as looked at him, let alone forgave him...
Zuko watched from afar as the Princess handled her chores for the day, sitting peacefully by the fountain as she washed the clothes. Her movements were delicate but precise, the water flowing smoothly through the dirt and the grime collected on Toph’s green robes, and a faint smile graced her features as she hummed softly through the work. She was at peace and completely relaxed, more relaxed than Zuko had ever seen y/n in years. Even in Ba Sing Se there had always been a nervous edge to her, an edge she did her best to hide from Zuko, and she had almost been completely rid of it until the caves. He cringed at the thought, guilt overcoming him at the fact that she seemed so much better off without him.
“What are you doing?” Katara scowls accusingly, startling the Prince from his silent watch over y/n.
“Y/N’s been really happy ever since she left you, and you’re crazy if you think I’m going to let you ruin that for her,” the water bender scolds harshly.
“I just want to apologize to her,” Zuko replies calmly, but Katara isn’t having it.
“A simple apology is never going to fix all the ways you’ve hurt her. Y/n deserves better, and if I ever see you make her upset or uncomfortable I won’t hesitate to step in.”
Zuko says nothing as Katara stalks away, he knows better than to get in her way when she’s angry, and when her retreating form finally disappears he looks back at the fountain.
The clothes have been washed, and the Princess is gone.
The smell of stew was heavenly to Zuko’s rumbling tummy, and he was eager to join everyone by the fireside. Bowls had been served, seats had been chosen, and an empty spot beside the Princess was his for the taking.
“Excuse me, buddy,” Sokka chirps, patting Zuko heartily on the back before quickly sitting himself beside y/n. She smiles softly at the water tribe boy and offers him her leftovers to which he happily accepts.
Zuko deflates, choosing to sit next to Aang and enjoy his stew of failure. This isn’t the first time this has happened, and it probably won’t be the last. He knew Sokka was just protecting her, and he couldn’t be mad at him for that. Sokka had probably done more for y/n in her time with him than Zuko had ever done, who was he to blame his protectiveness?
Y/n offers to take the empty dishes to wash, and as Zuko attempts to follow after her his path is quickly blocked by Sokka.
“Listen, I know you’re trying to make things right, and while I respect that, y/n’s asked me to keep you away from her,” he explains as gently as he can. “It’s nothing personal, but I care about her and I want to make sure she feels comfortable.”
“Oh... I understand,” Zuko utters quietly. “Will you at least tell her that I love her?”
“...I’ll do my best,” Sokka replies solemnly, watching with a pang of guilt as Zuko retreats to his room for the night.
“What am I supposed to do?” Zuko groans whilst tugging at his hair.
“You know I’m a firm believer in peace, and I do think that neither of you will be happy until your issues are resolved,” Aang comments wisely. “But I also think you should never force anything. Y/n will come around in her own time when she’s ready.”
“But that could take forever!” He protests. “I’ve already been away from her long enough, and being near her but not being able to speak to her is torture.”
Both boys turn their gazes towards y/n in the distance where she carefully brush Appa’s hair and talk to him about his day. The sight is very Princess like, which is fitting since she is a Princess after all, but the sweetness of it all makes Zuko’s heart ache with longing.
“What you did wasn’t right,” Aang sighs. “And she’s still healing. But, if she truly couldn’t stand you then she wouldn’t have given her blessing to let you stay.”
“She only let me stay so I could train you,” Zuko argues.
“Okay, that’s true. But she also washes your clothes, serves you dinner, and just the other day I saw her mending a hole in your boot. She won’t talk to you, but she does still care.”
“She’s always had such a big heart,” he murmurs dejectedly. “Back when I was still hunting you y/n always went out of her way to take care of me even if I didn’t want it. I was a fool to take her for granted.”
“I really do think you guys will work it out. Just don’t force anything, and you’ll be fine,” Aang comforts, and the two continue to watch the Princess as she tends to Appa.
With a bouquet of wild flowers in hand and his hair combed in that same horrid style his Uncle had given him back in Ba Sing Se, Zuko headed to her room in hopes of finally talking to the Princess. He knew how much y/n loved flowers, and he also knew how much she loved that ridiculously dorky hairstyle, so he hoped that the two combined together would at least earn him a smile in return.
But when he arrived to her part of the temple he found that her door was barricaded with a smooth slab of rock, and sitting a few feet away from said rock was Toph. The little girl sat leaning against the wall, legs crossed over each other and hands folded behind her head.
“Sorry, sparky, boss’s orders,” she explains with a small shrug, and Zuko deflates. “Personally I think she just needs to man up and face you, but until then I’ve been put under strict orders not to let you in.”
“She really hates me, doesn’t she?” Zuko sighs, joining Toph against the wall. The flowers in his hand are beginning to droop from the lack of water, much like his demeanor from his lack of y/n.
“No, but she’s very angry,” Toph corrects. “Really sad, too. Sokka’s already been in there three times tonight.”
“Are they...?”
“Together? He wishes,” the girl scoffs. “His heartbeat picks up a beat or two sometimes when he’s with her, but he’d never make a move on her. Not when she’s so upset and he’s the only one she can talk to.”
“Yeah, well maybe they should be together,” Zuko grumbles, the flower stems charring in his hands from the sudden heat that emits from his palms. “They’re both water tribe and he obviously takes care of her better than I ever could.”
“That’s true,” Toph nods much to Zuko’s dismay. “But she doesn’t love Sokka. She loves you.”
“Loved,” Zuko corrects only for Toph to roll her eyes.
“You dunderhead,” she mutters before punching him in the shoulder. “I should just knock your heads together and make you kiss and make up right now.”
“Can you do that?” Zuko asks hopefully only to receive another punch from Toph.
“You sure do have a lot to learn, sparky.”
The Princess
The morning is quiet and calm as you rise with the sun, heading out to collect the dew on the plants of the temple so that you may use it as water for your group. Other than Momo, who sits comfortably on your shoulders, everyone is asleep, giving you some time to decompress and enjoy the solitude of the rising sun.
“Anything I can help with?”
Or so you thought. Of course Zuko would approach you now when there was no one to keep him away from you. You say nothing in response, refusing to even look at him as you set down your bucket and begin to remove the dew from the leaves.
“Y/n, please talk to me,” he begs. “Let me make it better.”
Zuko is met with silence and an eye roll. Momo chitters curiously at the Princess, receiving a head scratch in return which is more than Zuko can say.
“I never stopped thinking of you,” he says. “And I wish I could take back everything I’ve done to hurt you.”
“I don’t want your apologies,” you utter quietly. “I want you to go away.”
Hearing your voice after being met with silence for so long brings the boy to tears, and with a hesitant demeanor Zuko reaches out for you. However, at the sight of the water glowing your palms the Prince takes a step back. You’re not afraid to turn your bending on him, not anymore, and it isn’t until now that he realizes he really has hurt you, more than he could ever have imagined.
“Go. Don’t make me ask again.”
With a defeated sigh Zuko turns away and leaves the Princess to her own devices. She goes back to tending to the dew, and the Prince goes back to his room to wallow in his shame.
Both have tears streaming down their faces.
| tags: @rainteslerrrr @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @coldlilheart @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @titaniafire @dekahg @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @eridanuswave @lozzybowe @izzieserra @melacholy @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang |
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infriga · 2 years
I was tagged by @novantinuum!
Rules: Tag 10 people you'd like to get to know better! (or however many people you’re comfortable with)
Fav color: I’ve always been partial to blue-greens, especially ones that are a bit closer to blue. Teal for example! I generally prefer blue over green, but adding a little green to it just gives it some pazzaz.
Currently reading: I’ve been mostly reading dbh fanfics lately lol, in particular I’ve been re-reading some I plan on putting in my underrated dbh fic rec list, which I am still working on! I’ve got a bit over 20 on the list with blurbs included so far.
Last song I listened to: Glass Heart Hymn by Paper Route, it’s got such a vibe to it and I often get it stuck in my head and sing it to myself at work lol. I like how it has a tempo that sort of reminds me of a heart beat.
Last series I watched: My friend and I have gotten back into watching Brooklyn 99 recently! It’s still as hilarious as I remember lol.
Last movie I watched: If we’re not counting re-watches, then I think it was The Sea Beast, which was AMAZING and I recommend watching it!
Sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet or savory depending on my mood. I can’t handle spicy very well, and I can’t have too much sweet or savory or I get sick of them. Honestly it wasn’t listed as an option but I’ve always been partial to salty lol, to the point where I’ve sometimes wondered if I have a sodium deficiency or something cause I like salt so much.
Currently working on: Got university coming up soon and this should hopefully be my last year needed to get my degree FINALLY, also I may or may not be concocting a possible dbh fanfic 👉👈
I’m not sure who all has been tagged already, so I’m just gonna tag some people who pop into my head and if you’ve already been tagged or don’t want to participate feel free to ignore!
Tagging: @hugthesquids, @citrusella-flugpucker, @ancientouroboros, @eregyrn-falls, @epicqtefail, @toasttbutt
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Hi! Can you do let's fall in love for the night by FINNEAS with calum? Specifically the lyric "you won't stay with me I know but you can have your way with me until you go" and can the reader be that one saying or feeling that lyric? Thanks and sorry to bother, love your work!
Thanks for your suggestion and much gratitude for you patience. 
Please stay safe during these uncertain times. Drop a sweet message to your favorite blogger. Reblog your favorite fic. Recommend a fic to me if you want! We need to spread some joy.
If you feel so inclined, here’s my Ko-fi. But please know that I am making this content because I want to help you all through these times. 
Enjoy my masterlist!
Feel free to send me a song + a boy or small blurb request. 
Let’s Fall
Everyone told you not to fall for Calum. Everyone told you that he was sweet and he was thoughtful but that was something he extended to everyone. You had witnessed it with your own two eyes, helping someone get a box off the high shelf in the grocery store, stopping for the gaggle of kids crossing a good foot from the crosswalk. He bought lemonade for a kid’s stand at the end of the block once. The man oozed a softness that could melt anyone’s heart. 
But he couldn’t melt his own. And not for a lack of trying. Not for a lack of wanting love. But situations just never worked out. It seemed like with touring and his own lack of communicating sometimes, things kind of fell apart. 
it’s a dangerous game. To play with your own heart. But you are playing it, at bat with all bases loaded. Whenever Calum calls, even if it’s just to have someone else’s voice and life and even problem fill his own head instead of the bullshit he usually spiraled down, you pour your heart out. If Calum mentions doing even the most mundane things, grocery shopping, taking Duke to the vet, you ask to tag along. 
Tonight’s no different of a game. Calum’s sick of the four walls of his house, so he asks if he can crash at yours. “My apartment is tiny and you have a whole ass house.”
“I just wanna hang out for a little while. Maybe take a stroll around your block.”
You want not to flutter and squeeze at the thought of watching the setting sun in front of you guys as you wander down the block, watching birds fly overhead. Praying to the heavens none of them take your hair as a place to shit. But still enjoying the cooling breeze and possibly stopping at the convenient store not too far out of the way to stock up on cheap fruity wine and all the snacks that are no good for either of you.
But you swallow down the dream. “I don’t want you have to jostle around bringing Duke along and everything. I can just come by your place.”
“Nah, it’s not that much of a hassle. Please? I’m so bored,” he whines. And you can almost imagine him reclining into his couch with Duke in his lap. His head resting into the cushions and he’s grinning just a little knowing that soon you are going to crack. 
“Really, Calum. I can just come to you.”
“What part of me asking if I can come over to your place do you not understand?”
“Alright, smart ass,” you huff. 
“I’ll be there in 25,” he returns. 
The call ends and you’re left blinking at your phone, staring at your call list where you’re call with Calum now rests. “That wasn’t a yes,” you sigh but clean off your sofa, vacuum quickly and straighten out the kitchen table.  
When Calum turns up at your place, with a backpack, Duke on his leash and a few extra bags hiked up onto his shoulder you know immediately that it’s not just a few hour thing. But you say nothing. You let him inside and turn your attention to Duke. “Your pops is a very stubborn man, you know?”
“Oh but you love me,” he hollers as he treks down the hallway to the bedroom. 
You roll your eyes though your throat quivers. You had hoped it wasn’t obvious. You tried to tell yourself you weren’t falling. You were holding onto the edges of hope, hoping it wouldn’t push you over the edge. But it seemed it would. He returns, a baseball cap on his head. 
“Let’s go for a walk, yeah?”
“Wine and snacks?”
“Of course.” You take Duke’s leash and your keys. The sun’s hasn’t quite started to set. The hint of spring and summer allowing you more light for longer. A few neighborhood kids are laughing into the skies, a group. And for a moment it reminds you of your younger years. When after school, you hung out in groups and even if you had no money or knew you had to be studying for a test, it was a lot more fun to linger outside and laugh over some video, or story that was being shared. 
It reminds of when feelings and crushes were the biggest thing in the world and when Duke pauses to sniff out the base of a bush, you glance up to Calum. The cut of his jaw can’t be hidden by any hat, and you nearly gave. You nearly give in and stroke the scruff that’s not quite a beard. 
Now love feels like a gamble. This person could break your heart. This person could crush you. And it won’t ever be permanent. You won’t be permanently hurt. But the time frame for healing doesn’t make anyone want to jump head first into heartache. The other side of that gamble is that they could be the perfect person, they could be the person to restore your heart. 
But do you take that gamble with Calum?
And it’s not until after toting Duke around the convenient store and pointing out the bottle of wine you’re going to split and the snacks that will be shared begrudgingly and you’re laying on the floor in your living room with the TV playing whatever programming is set by the station that you’re giggling at the feeling of Duke’s snout sniffing at your face, that you think to yourself this is something you could get used too.
You haven’t had much of the wine and neither has Calum. A less than a third of it still rests inside the glass bottle and your glasses sit empty next to it on the coffee table. Your head is resting right next to Calum’s, but you’re feet point towards the fan and his feet are pointed down almost towards the hallway. You can feel the heat radiating off his cheeks, hearing the exhales.
“I want a garden.” The thought cross his lips so quietly that you don’t think you catch it. “Mum always wanted one and like, I don’t have a green thumb for shit, but I want her to smile when I hand her a bouquet of the flowers in my own garden.”
“Forget-me-nots are pretty,” you say, helping Duke up onto your stomach and he settles his head right under your sternum.
“I’ll plant you some. A whole corner.”
“That’s too much for me.”
He scoffs. “No, it’s not. You deserve more than a corner if I’m honest.”
While your fingers stop their work in Duke’s fur, you turn your head to look at him. He’s staring up at the ceiling. “That’s the wine talking,” you laugh. But when he turns to look at you, the tip of his nose almost brushing yours and you see the pulled down brow, you know it might be more serious than you estimated.
“Why do you do that?”
“Do what?” The smell of the strawberry whine fills the space between the two of you. 
“Why do you always reject me?”
“I’m not rejecting you, Calum.”
“You didn’t want me to come over.”
“I didn’t want you having to uproot everything especially with Duke. I was offering to come over to you,” you correct. 
“You don’t want me to plant you flowers,” he continues on like you haven’t just spoken. 
“I only said I didn’t need a whole corner in a garden.”
“I like you but you keep acting like you’re not good enough or something. Like you’re waiting for me to go find someone else.”
Your ears are not hearing this. You’re sure that you’re hallucinating. All you can do is blink, mouth slightly agape. Calum could never like you like that. You weren’t even supposed to be in this game at all. You were supposed to just be friends. “Are you going to like me in the morning? Are you going to like when there’s no wine in your system? Are you going to like me when you wake up to my morning breathe?”
It’s such a simple answer. Three letters. One syllable. One fucking word but you’re not sure if you can fall. “You’ll leave before morning,” you start, turning and looking back up at your ceiling. And with a thick swallow, your throat starting to close up on you because you want to believe, you want to give into the words but you know it’s Calum. The man who’s sweet to everyone. You’re no one special. 
“I won’t.” Calum reaches across, just to trace the side of your face. 
You should be cursing yourself for turning into it, rooting into his palm. “Want to know the crazy thing?”
Calum pushes up. It’s with a small grunt and he spins on his bottom to face you, one leg tucked up the other resting extended behind your head. “I’m down for crazy.”
“You could have whatever you wanted. And I know if it were just for a night, that would be fine by me. Like literally whatever you wanted from me, I think I could give it up in a heartbeat. No questions asked. And it just hurts, it could only be for a night.”
Calum’s careful as he collects Duke and settles the old man onto his lap. HIs fingers wrap around your wrist and pull you up. Now you’re sitting cross legged in front of him and he’s staring at you. His big brown eyes look so earnest across your face. “I don’t want just a night with you.”
“Then what? What do you want?”
His smile is soft and his palms are warm against your cheeks. “All of it. All of you. For as long as you’ll have me. I wanna call you mine.”
Hope, you think, wasn’t pushing you to your demise. The first tear stings and then slips down your cheek. “Okay, like I know wine makes me emotional but I swear not this bad.”
He laughs, a soft exhalation. His palms press down a little and you know your cheeks give to the pressure. “Can I kiss you?”
“Hmm-mhm,” you hum unable to nod in his grasps. The first one is soft, barely a kiss and you’re still registering the way his lips fit against yours before he’s kissing you again. And then a third time.
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chaoticgeminate · 5 years
So I had a plot bunny that ran rampant, after reading the post about it being illegal in France to record/take pictures without consent. It was supposed to be short but apparently I can’t do that? IDK, what started as a 1k word blurb sort of evolved into nearly 7k words in like two hours.
So! Just a heads up for everyone before you click the Read More tag. Contained within this insanity is:
Class salt (moderate) Lila salt (major) Alya salt (moderate bordering major) Ladyblog salt (moderate bordering major) Crush reveal on the wrong side of the mask (MariChat) Supportive Gabriel (shocking, I know, but I had too much salt) Supportive Sabine (again, had a lot of salt, wanted some sweet)
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Expelled, again.
Marinette stared at the online course schedule that was now hers to complete, after Lila spread a photo shopped picture that led to bullying and her second expulsion, the only change to this time and the last was that her parents were firmly on her side and didn’t want her going back. Once again there hadn’t been any investigations done, Lila’s mother hadn’t made an appearance in the office, and Principal Damocles hadn’t listened to any arguments of the crime that Marinette was being accused of.
Taking a candle, supposedly, to Lila’s homework packets; but Marinette wasn’t an idiot, she knew exactly what that picture was from and a part of her was pissed at the girl squad. The original photo was from a funeral for her great-grandmother, who had passed away recently, Marinette had been burning joss paper and her mother had taken the photo; the original picture had Marinette in tears with her hair done in a loose bun that her great-grandmother had loved to see her wear.
Lila had photo shopped a picture of Marinette wearing a vicious scowl, no doubt from an argument with Chloe, as well as the school hallway as the background; if you really looked there was obvious distortion around Marinette’s neck and a faint lining around her legs. But the Principal didn’t want to hear that, he declared her a problem and got rid of her, which was now leading to an outraged Tom and Sabine with an emotionally distressed teenager.
Then came the slander against the bakery, the Ladyblog outright posting articles about the supposed incident, with tabloids trying to hop on the trail. Thanks to Nadja Chamack and TVi, after the Ministry of National Education had been contacted with proper proof and documentation, the station had Aurore deliver a stunning counter article about the power abuse and out-of-control nature of the staff at François Dupont with her own private experiences adding to it all.
Chat Noir had been the first hero to make an appearance on the news, on TVi specifically with Aurore sitting across from him, his very public denouncement of the Ladyblog had stunned her to tears when she watched it.
“I’m not allowed to go into detail but I’ve met Marinette Dupain-Cheng, she is a hardworking young woman who fights for her friends and stands up for what she believes in, I can honestly say with one-hundred percent faith that she has never been a bully and that whatever she’s being accused of is just another lie because Lila Rossi feels threatened by her.”
“Another lie, Chat Noir?”
“Yes. I’ve spoken to officer Raincomrpix about this already but during the akuma that was faced named Oni-chan, which was created when Lila lied to get into Adrien Agreste’s manor and then kissed him without his consent before sending the picture to every female on his contact list, Lila Rossi also lied to me directly about being injured to separate me from Ladybug.”
“Wait, so on top of sexual harassment and possible stalking charges she could be possibly accused of aiding a terrorist?”
“Correct, but Ladybug and I agreed not to say anything at first because neither one of us could say for certain if she was trying to separate us or be seen carried by a hero so that she could get fifteen minutes of fame, we didn’t want to make that accusation and be incorrect since it’s a rather big one.”
“Why bring it up now?”
“Seeing as her track record is to lie and make things up, Aurore, I’m certain that photo is false and that she created evidence to frame the girl she sees as a threat in order to get rid of her; I’m angry that the school has mishandled this situation, as this is the second time Marinette has been accused of a supposed crime without investigation where Lila Rossi is concerned.”
“I know of the first, Marinette had told me about it, I cannot believe Principal Damocles and Madam Bustier made the call they did without pulling the CCTV footage from the security desk.”
“Indeed. But I’m here to say that Ladybug and I both publicly denounce the Ladyblog, from here on out, because we don’t endorse tabloids of any kind. Nor do we support or endorse bullying, which Alya Cesaire has been doing to Marinette ever since the accusations against her were made, so any more news on Ladybug and I that is correct will be delivered through TVi or through The Catbug News.”
“Oh, my blog? But I just post memes.”
“Well, Aurore, now you’re going to be our go-to; if you promise to help with submitting akuma locations, tips to avoid being akumatized, and a lot more cat memes.”
While his little stunt with the memes was entirely what she expected, though it was fair for him to ask those to continue because they were hilarious (something she would deny if asked), she had been so touched that she’d suited up and hugged him for a straight ten minutes without a single word before she remembered herself. “For Marinette, she wanted me to talk to you, I was talking with her about everything and she’s a little embarrassed because your faith in her made her cry off her make-up.” He’d gotten a funny shine to his eyes before nodding and purr-omising to stop by too on a night he didn’t have a ton of homework to do, then they patrolled as usual, Ladybug had made an appearance at Aurore’s window and given her own interview.
Talking about the emotional trauma, the fact that Marinette had lured no less than three akuma butterflies, and that she was ashamed that the reporter she once trusted had gone so far as to try and attack a business without proof or evidence. The heroine had gone on to agree with Chat, that The Catbug News would be the go-to source along with TVi for any official news that came from the heroes directly, before she looked right at the camera. “I also want it known that Rena Rouge and Carapace, along with Queen Bee for obvious reasons, have been permanently retired and will no longer be seen.” While she couldn’t have used them again after Hawkmoth learned their identities with Miracle Queen, something she’d planned to talk to them about, she’d purposefully made that public as a definite revenge move.
Hawkmoth had tried but with Ladybug and Chat on city watch, patrolling houses of all former heroes, there hadn’t been any akuma that spouted up because she was purifying them before they could reach a target.
That had all been two days ago, now Marinette was enrolled in classes online as the Ministry did their investigation into both incidents, the teenager stared until the screen blurred after a busy day of talking with agents and her new therapist; everyone was on self-harm watch, afraid she’d resort to cutting or starving herself out of misery. Gentle tapping at her skylight made her look up at the glowing green eyes, it was dark enough that they were the only visible thing in the square panel, Marinette moved up onto her bed and pushed the window open before gesturing the hero to enter.
He hesitated a moment, for good reason since this was Marinette and not Ladybug, they’d only had maybe three or four meetings outside of the suit; but he did take up her offer when the thunder rumbled, his lean form landing on his knees so he kept his boots off her blankets. “Uh, hi Princess, I wanted to check on you; Ladybug pointed out-“ He didn’t get to finish his statement at all as she threw herself at him with a wail, finally able to express her gratitude properly as she clung to him, his stiff posture faded as he wrapped his arms around her gently and rubbed her back.
“Ch-chat why is this happening? What did I- what did I do wrong?” It was a question she wondered for a while now, just what happened that led to the universe throwing all this at her, why was it that she always had to fight and struggle for every little thing? His grip tightened and a low croon vibrated through him, not quite a growl and not quite a comforting hum, something between that was a strange mix of human and cat.
His voice was rough and she felt his tears as he sniffled. “Nothing, Marinette, you have done nothing wrong; I am so sorry that this happened, that I let it get this bad without trying to do something about it sooner.” Like always he was trying to take the punishment and blame, in and out of the suit he was trying to keep all the fault and punishment off her, it was both heartwarming and heartbreaking enough that Marinette’s tears grew and her body broke into heaving sobs against his shoulder.
Calming down took a long time, especially since it led to calming him down too now that he was worked up from her own tears and misery, Marinette stroked his hair gently and made sure to help him dry his own eyes. “It’s not your fault, Chat, you had hero things to do and you have a life outside the suit that I don’t know about; but I can promise you that I don’t blame you, or anyone really, except Lila and now Alya and the other. Except Adrien, he did call me to apologize and promise he’d try and come up with something to help, but he was also the only one who knew that she was a liar aside from me. He was right though, in the beginning at least, because she should have lied herself into a corner by now if the teachers and students had paid attention at all. It wasn’t until the first expulsion incident that it got really bad, she accused me of cheating on a test and then stealing her grandmother’s pendant as well as pushing her down the stairs, Adrien tried to speak up for me but Principal Damocles wouldn’t listen.” Marinette couldn’t stop the soft blush or the warmth in her face, even if he didn’t like her back she was touched that he’d tried to do something.
Chat coughed into his hand and glanced around the room. “You a fan of his, Princess?” He nudged her and Marinette decided that she had to trust her partner with something.
“Well, I’m his friend… I hope. But, uh, I wanted to be more; at least, before he met Kagami and asked me to help him on his date with her. I mean, I like him and would love to hold his hand in a totally non-platonic way, but his happiness is more important and if he likes Kagami then I’m not going to interfere with that either.” Kagami was her friend and they had a long talk with a promise at the end, regardless of who Adrien chose (even if it wasn’t one of them) they would be friends and they would not treat whoever he dated with any negative attitude, Marinette was tired of everything she did being about a boy and all her negatives supposedly being about a boy.
There was a high-pitched sound, not unlike a tea kettle boiling, that made her look at Chat; his face was flushed and his pupils were shot wide, tail jerking and ears twitching. “You- him? For how long? If I might ask, I mean, I’m just- I thought you liked guitar boy.” Marinette tilted her head at the silly cat as she thought of Luka, then of the strange up and down relationship with Adrien that she had, before she smiled fondly.
It was sort of embarrassing but it was nice to talk about. “I, uh, didn’t like him at first; I didn’t even know who he was, I followed his father for fashion but most of my stuff is women’s wear so I wasn’t much for watching the men’s portion of runways. I thought he put gum on my seat and when Chloe and Sabrina giggled about it, well, I really just laid into him and didn’t even let him say anything before I accused him of being a bully. But, well, it was after you and Ladybug saved Ivan and Mylene the second time… I forgot my umbrella and it was raining. Adrien was- I wasn’t going to listen to him, but he went out of his way to admit the truth to me, he could have just gone on his way and not confessed anything at all.” Marinette would never forget that gentle, almost pleading expression, that he’d worn.
The lonely Prince trying to make friends. “He didn’t have to try and clear the air between us, he could have made friends with everyone else and ignored me, but he did try to make things right; then he, well, he offered me his umbrella. Since that afternoon I was lost, I fell for him really hard to the point that I still struggle to even talk around him, I mean… I know I’m not perfect but I want to be for him and I’m terrified that if I confess he’d tell me no and then decide that it was too awkward to even be my friend anymore.” A fear that she knew was sort of silly with how valuable Adrien held his friends, something she probably didn’t need to worry about at all, but it was one she couldn’t ignore.
Chat’s blush hadn’t quite died down but he had lost the shocked look, which was sort of a relief, Marinette looked at him and wondered if maybe he’d seen her with Luka sometime and jumped the gun on who she liked. “I don’t think he’d do that to you from what I’ve seen of him, but I won’t push you to confess or anything because that’s not fair to you.” Hearing him say that just brought another wave of emotions down on her that made a swell of relief flood her, she wasn’t at school and that meant no more set-ups by Alya, she could finally do things at her own pace.
“Thank you, Chat. My best friend-“ The words choked quiet and she drooped. “F-former. My former best friend, Alya, was really pushy when it came to trying to get me to confess to him. It’s a relief to hear you say that because you’re the first one.” His hand settled on her back and Marinette sank into his hold, he laid back and kept his feet off the bed as he pulled her into a cuddle with one hand carding through her now loose hair.
Marinette sighed as the exhaustion from stress finally took over, lids drooping as Chat purred her to sleep.
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Working on her Physics, puzzling through the equation she had to do, Marinette completely missed her Maman calling out to her and missed the opening of her door. “Hey Marinette!” Adrien’s voice registered after all of two minutes and she abruptly shrieked as she turned, feet tangling in her blankets as she also tried to stand up, a painful kiss with the floor was inevitable until she was practically snatched out of the fall and pulled into a leaning position against Adrien. “It’s just me, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Mouth opening and closing rapidly, her face flushing with color since she was most definitely wearing her Chat Noir onesie that she’d made and never planned for anyone to see, the teen struggled against her blanket snare before shaking her head and clearing her throat.
“You’re fine! I mean, it’s fine- not that you aren’t fine- I mean, uh-“ His hands squeezed her shoulders and Adrien’s fond smile made her brain blank as he chuckled, his finger pressed to her lips and his bangs falling just so as he tilted his head. It was not a look she’d associate with Adrien, since she had only fantasized about his romantic gestures, but it was familiar in a way that she couldn’t quite place.
His cheeks were pink and she felt her own flame in response to his blush. “You’re so cute, Marinette.” Somewhere she thought a record scratched loudly, her heartbeat thundering in her ears at his words as they registered, she wasn’t even sure what color her face was anymore because she was sure that it was purple with how hard it was to breathe all of a sudden. “Uh, wait, I-“ A frantic sort of panic ruined the soft look on his face. “I mean- you are cute but I didn’t want to- I have an idea on how to really end the thing with Lila!” How did that equate to her being cute, she didn’t quite know, but all of a sudden she couldn’t tear her focus from the possible end to it all.
Marinette blinked rapidly and he took that as a sign to continue. “You heard Alix, Alya, and the others; she admitted she took that photo of you to them, they quoted her and Alya had video proof Lila verbally admitted it.” This made her nod warily since she knew that much, it was why the girls had gone on a crusade against her and reported it to the Principal. “It’s illegal in France to take pictures without anyone’s consent, why do you think fans don’t flood my photoshoots and paparazzi are practically non-existent unless they crowd me asking for my allowance?” Everything in her swelled and she couldn’t help but throw herself at him with a squeal of joy because, holy shit, she had everything she needed.
“Adrien Agreste, you genius, I could kiss the hell out of you right now!”
His arms had wrapped around her to hold her steady, as she’d thrown hers around his neck in her jump, so there was no escaping her words as she floundered in a panic and her brain scrambled for something to say. “I wouldn’t stop you, in fact I’d kiss you back if you did.” His voice made her pause, his words registered once her heartbeat muted a little for her poor brain, and then she found herself pulling back to stare up at him as he looked back at her. He slid one hand up to take one of her hands from behind his neck, kissing her knuckles as he wove their hands together and brought it to his mouth, her ears were ringing and she was struggling to even breathe.
A part of her worried that this was all a dream, that she’d wake up and be heartbroken, but when he smiled and leaned down a little she couldn’t find it in her to care. “With your permission?” His request was a whisper and his breath tickled her lips as his forehead pressed to hers, Marinette swallowed as she dipped her head a little.
He sighed into the kiss and she whined softly against his mouth, his lips were warm and soft and perfect, the whine faded to a satisfied hum of delight because she was finally kissing Adrien Agreste. One kiss became two, two became a few more, and soon she found that she quite liked when his hand pressed to her lower back and that he practically purred when she sank her hands into his hair. It was clumsy and wet, their teeth often scraped together as he angled his head to explore her, and she wasn’t quite sure what to do with her tongue but she didn’t care. It was perfectly imperfect for a first kiss.
Loud ringing from his cell made him wince and look at the alarm. “I told the Gorilla I’d be out before we couldn’t use traffic as an excuse, I really have to go, but look into suing her for use of your picture without consent. I’ll call you when I finish eating and we can talk about, well, us.” Marinette nodded and practically swooned as he turned to descend from her room, her face was warm and she was really happy, it was amazing. “Oh, uh-“ He peeked at her over the top of the floor. “I love your onesie, it’s really cute with a soft material.” Then he was gone and she was left staring down at herself, realizing she’d just kissed Adrien Agreste while wearing a Chat Noir onesie with cat ears on the hood and a fluffy belt tail that was very detail specific.
Tikki was shaking her head as she emerged from her hiding place, the string of silk lanterns were a great way to offer Tikki more than one place to hide if someone came in, they were all different colors and some had tealights while others didn’t; the Kwami giggled fondly when Marinette abruptly turned and returned to her schoolwork. Adrien still had to eat lunch and Marinette didn’t even know where to begin with pressing charges against Lila for the picture, whether it was the police she had to talk to or just a lawyer, but she had time to find out. “I’m happy for you, Marinette, even if the circumstances leading to this aren’t ideal. Maybe things will be better now.” A dreamy sigh escaped her and the teen knew that schoolwork was a bust until she and Adrien finally talked, choosing to take a break for lunch.
“Thank you, Tikki, I’m going to head downstairs. I’ll bring up some cookies for you.”
Hearing her Maman in the kitchen, grinning at the plate of bao on the table, the teen walked up and began helping with stuffing the remaining pouches of dough after washing her hands and tugging up her sleeves. “Maman, uh, Adrien kissed me.” It wouldn’t do to try and hide anything from her parents, not now that she had their trust in her again, if she wanted to hide being Ladybug and the Guardian than she’d have to admit about the relationship possibly changing. Her mother’s smile was warm and Marinette giggled as her Maman bumped her hip against her since their hands were now covered in filling.
Marinette heard the soft hum, affectionate and loving, before her Maman finally replied to her confession. “He told us when he dashed out that he liked you and wanted to take you on a date sometime when he was free, if his Father agreed to it, Tom nearly stopped him from leaving in order to ask him what the wedding colors would be.” That made her choke and very nearly fling pork filling into the air, laughter from the elder made her look and glare at the mischief in her expression. “Sorry Marinette, I couldn’t resist at all, but he did tell us about the date request. I’m happy for you, baobei, and if you need to talk to us about anything please don’t think we won’t listen to you first.” Marinette knew exactly what her Maman was talking about, since she told them about Evillustrator and they had been there for the Chat Noir fiasco, the elder woman had pulled her aside and talked about consent and STI’s as well as birth control.
While the topic had been embarrassing to endure, she was only fourteen and just the thought of kissing Adrien was enough to get her light-headed, she knew it came from a place of love and wanting her to be educated. Especially since Marinette knew that Alya and Nino had already done the horizontal tango, because Alya had gone right to the girl squad and told them in vague terms what happened, while her Maman knew because Marinette had asked if fourteen and fifteen were too young for that sort of thing. “I know that and I’m sorry I made you and Papa feel like you did something that made it so I didn’t trust you, I just wanted to try and handle it on my own since that’s what I thought I had to do, thank you for understanding. Oh!” Marinette had almost forgotten about the picture thing. “Adrien suggested I should look into pressing charges against Lila for taking a photo without my consent because it’s illegal in France, we know the photo is fake but the school doesn’t think so, if we press charges then she’ll have to admit it was false.” A considering look grew on her Maman’s face before she leaned down to kiss Marinette’s forehead and smiled.
“That boy is a genius, baobei, I never thought of that. I’ll discuss it with Officer Raincomprix after you return to your studies. Now I know you’re waiting on a phone call, instead of helping me why don’t you wash up and take some of the cooked bao to your room.” Marinette grinned and washed her hands after setting aside the last bun she was working on, taking three cooked bao for herself to munch on, she also snagged a few cookies as well as a small bowl of noodles before dashing upstairs. Tikki took her prizes to the shelf that sat just above the trash can, a small toothbrush had been modified to act as a duster so the Kwami could just brush her crumbs into the trash, Marinette pushed her keyboard aside and started eating as she turned on the demo album Jagged had sent her so she could work on the cover art.
Chiming made her answer the video call, Adrien was flushed and she realized he had the phone angled so she could be seen by the others in the room with him, Gabriel Agreste was seated behind his desk and Marinette nearly choked swallowing a mouthful of food. Adrien flushed in a slightly panic. “Sorry Marinette! I didn’t think to text you first, are you okay?” His concern was sweet and she gave him a thumbs up as she downed some water to regain her ability to talk and breathe.
He didn’t look convinced. “I’m okay Adrien, you just startled me, I wasn’t exactly expecting to be seen by too many people.” The unspoken indication to her pajamas were there and didn’t need to be verbalized.
“You are supposed to be comfortable in your own home, Miss Dupain-Cheng, I shouldn’t have asked Adrien to call you while I am an audience without proper warning. I merely wanted to ask you of your intentions with my son.”
Marinette blinked and then again, realizing Gabriel had sort of asked her a serious question. “Well, sir, I just was hoping to at least try and go on a few dates to see if we’re a compatible couple. I really like Adrien, not just because of his looks but because he was kind and he went out of his way to apologize to me for a rather dumb jump of conclusions on my part when he could have just ignored me for the rest of the year. He’s been nothing but kind, patient, and understanding while I really just fumbled around like a spazz worried about being perfect to make him look my way.” It was something she’d been fighting to admit to herself since her therapy visit a few days back, that she was so scared of disappointing people that it made her lose all will to say no or made her do stupid things to try and impress others, it was something her therapist wanted to work with her on specifically.
“Would you be adverse to attending dinner at our home, with your parents, on Thursday? I would very much like to meet you again, in person, with your parents to work out the boundaries and rules. I’d also like to offer some advice in dealing with the public reaction that will no doubt come when it reaches social media that you two are in a relationship.”
Dinner with Adrien and his Father? It almost made her want to hurl that he was, apparently, approving of their relationship being a thing. “Let me, uh, Maman is downstairs; let me find out if she and Papa have anything planned for Thursday.” Marinette took the phone with her as she hurried down the steps. “Maman? Do we have dinner plans for Thursday at all?” The elder turned around and Marinette turned the phone to show just who was on the call.
“Ah, hello again Adrien. Hello Monsieur Agreste. We do not, baobei, would you be asking for a date evening or is this for us to get acquainted with Adrien’s father?” The ridiculous levels of motherly intuition were still a shock and Marinette was wondering if maybe she wasn’t so slick in hiding her hero life, if she was hiding that from Maman’s apparent psychic abilities then it was where any and all good luck had to be going.
“I’d very much like to meet you and your husband in person, Madam Cheng, as well as discuss any boundaries or rules we’d like in place.”
“I think that’s a lovely idea, Thursday evening is perfectly fine, Tom and I can bring desert. Are there any food allergies we need to worry about?”
“None at all, Madam Cheng, do my chefs need to know anything to avoid?”
“Only that Marinette is extraordinarily picky with her vegetables will not touch brussel sprouts no matter how they’re prepared for her.”
“Maman! You’re embarrassing me.” Marinette’s whine earned a chuckle from the older woman along with a forehead kiss and a one-arm hug since she had one hand with bao filling on it still.
A blush had to be on Marinette’s face because she felt warmer. “Oh baobei, I’m your Maman and it’s my job to be embarrassing, I love you.” That made the teen tug at her hood in a guilty sort of way, she hadn’t meant to imply anything.
“I love you too, Maman.” The mumbled reply earned another chuckle from the elder woman.
“I shall ensure that the menu is acceptable to everyone, Miss Dupain-Cheng. Adrien and I still have a few things to discuss, he will be calling you after his fencing lessons today I’m afraid.”
Marinette nodded and ended the call after exchanging goodbyes. “I’m going to go finish lunch now.” Her Maman’s laughter followed her up the stairs and the teen quickly began to shovel food into her mouth.
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School had become a warzone.
Adrien stalked by Kim, Max, and Alix as they murmured in low voices at their lockers; it had been a week since the incident and he was no less angry about how everything had turned out. Juleka and Rose were whispering with wide eyes and visual concern for the state of the tension in the room, Nathaniel was walking with his head ducked and hiding behind Ivan as the taller boy comforted the very flustered Mylene. Alya’s rampage hadn’t quite ended yet after he, in a protective decision that was admittedly very petty the more he thought back about doing it, publicly shamed her blog while in his other alias; the Ladyblog had gone from the number one source of Ladybug information to bottom of the bucket after TVi and the heroes had gotten done with it. The reporter was still stomping around spitting fire at anyone who so much as blinked at her wrong, Nino had backed away from trying to talk her down and instead could be found with his headphones on at his seat, Lila was happily sitting in Marinette’s former seat talking about how she and Ladybug were fighting after what they’d done to poor Alya when the reporter was only doing the right thing and making sure a bully was exposed.
People were wary of Lila, now Alya too, after the TVi return fire; naturally so after the station tore apart the interview that rocketed Alya to fame just the night before and Adrien knew that none of his class had seen it yet with just how they were not shouting or even attracting akuma yet. When they did, though, it would be even uglier. The station had contacted Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale, Prince Ali’s PR team, and even the Italian Embassy just to prove what happened when a reporter never researched or checked their facts.
“Adrien, you’re still going to help me study today, I cleared my schedule for this afternoon.” Lila had waited for everyone except the teacher to enter the room, to hear the implication that he’d offered to help her before this, usually he would either make an excuse or he’d play along to avoid a scene. But after what she had done and the trouble she caused, hearing the anguished tears and seeing Marinette break down because people she thought were her friends hadn’t even believed her, Adrien was done playing nice.
There was no reasoning with someone who was proving to be a problem in the worst ways. “I never offered to help you study after you lied your way into my home and got my father’s assistant and my bodyguard in trouble because of it, Lila, I deal with enough stalker fans and I’m not going to tolerate my classmates doing the same.” Throwing the word stalker in there was all he needed to do to throw another wave of tension in the room, Chloé and Sabrina both jolted in their seats after they had dealt with a stalker at the hotel during the blank period after the blonde transformed on television, the rest of the class stared as Adrien leveled Lila with a look.
A touch of anger and disgust was blanked before a false confusion and whimper made her look very much like a victim, the fake tears were a decent touch. “I have CCTV footage from the mansion of everything that you said in the hall, when you first told Nathalie that you were there to help me catch up on my work and then when you told me father that Nathalie asked you to tutor me. Along with kissing me without my consent, as well as taking a photo of me without my consent, then sending it to every female on my contact list specifically? Every action of yours has proven that you’ll do and say anything to look good and get what you want, which obviously is me, but I’m no possession and I’m not going to tolerate some fangirl use me as a means to get famous.” He wasn’t shouting at all and his anger was quiet, calmer despite the intensity behind his words, it was very similar to his Father and Adrien could see that Lila was shaking.
But it wasn’t his place to fully expose her, it wasn’t his place to make the class see just yet how badly they’d messed up, he looked right at Ivan in the back row. “Ivan, can we switch seats? I don’t feel safe with Lila hovering behind me.” The taller boy goggled for a moment and then nodded while gathering his things as Adrien did the same, trading places and waiting for the teacher to enter without another word, Alya was staring at Lila who was frantically trying to regain control of the situation until Madam Bustier walked in with a few people.
Showtime was here and it was a lot sooner than he’d thought, which he should have expected after his Father heard the extent of just what Lila had done and caused, the AGRESTE legal team had been launched into action with lawsuit after lawsuit on behalf of the company as well as Adrien personally and the Dupain-Cheng family. 
Adrien didn’t hesitate to turn the recorder on his tablet, for Marinette to see later, since it wouldn’t go public. “Lila Justine Rossi you are hereby under arrest for two counts of unlawful photography, one count of verbal harassment, one felony count of truancy, multiple counts of false signatures on legal documentation, and one count of malicious intent to slander an innocent party.” Adrien blinked at just how much they were slamming on her now as her Mother, he could only assume by the quiet stare and droop of her shoulders, watched with a blend of horror and sadness.
Lila didn’t disappoint at all. “I’m the daughter of a diplomat, you can’t arrest me!” The real fear in her voice made it sort of a shriek.
“I suggest you remain quiet, as anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law, your diplomatic immunity was revoked the moment your truancy was revealed and once the French Court is done with you there will be a ban on your VISA as well as your Mothers and you will face justice under the Italian court system per the ruling of the Italian Embassy in accordance with France’s president.” Having her out of Paris was another plus, Adrien would admit, no akuma would pop up in her whole anger and hatred thing and he did cast a suspicious look around the school. But there were no signs of black butterflies, even Hawkmoth seemed to be avoiding this situation.
As she was handcuffed and her things were gathered, tears pooling in her eyes, the girl seemed to finally decide the truth was necessary. “I never took that picture of Marinette, it was photoshopped after Alya sent me a picture of her doing some stupid Chinese ritual thing, she bullied me first and-“ The officer didn’t even allow her to continue speaking.
“We have recorded evidence, from a video posted to the Ladyblog, where you specifically and verbally admitted to taking said picture which led to a vicious slander attempt of a local business. Please keep moving or I will be forced to carry you to the cruiser.” Adrien watched as the officers led them out and Lila finally quieted, he saved the recording to send to Marinette and made sure it went before he deleted it, the room was quiet enough that the buzzing from the fluorescent lights was deafening. Even Madam Bustier was staring outright at the door, sinking into her chair with a very heartbroken expression on her face, but she’d helped lead to this and Adrien wasn’t exactly happy with her either.
Adrien jolted in an instant. “Wait, that psycho photo shopped a picture of my girlfriend at a funeral for her tài lǎo lao?” He noticed the looks and glared at all of them. “Traditional Chinese funerals include burning joss paper.” It really explained the whole reason that Sabine, Marinette, and Tom were so infuriated by everything; Adrien really wanted to go cataclysm her, consequences be damned.
It was Alix who jolted out of her stupor first. “Guys there’s no way Marinette will ever forgive us.” The room burst into frantic murmurs of ‘oh God what have we done’ and ‘how could we have been so stupid’ around him, Alya was shaking in her seat and Nino wasn’t moving, but the worst of all was their teacher who was whiter than paper with tears sliding down her face as she clenched her eyes tightly. There was a light tap at the door before a severe man in a proper suit, along with another severe man in a less formal dress style, gestured to the redhead.
The less formal man entered the room and closed the door behind him. “Good morning students, I am Baxter Kennedy and I’ll be taking over the role as your teacher for the rest of the year, we are aware of what just occurred only minutes ago and as such I have had the Ministry of National Youth and Education send in a psychologist who specializes in youth groups to spend the rest of the day with you. We are quite understanding that nothing will really stick if we try teaching today.” Adrien watched as the severe man returned without Madam Bustier and leaned into his seat.
“I am Doctor Oscar Bennet, I would like you to introduce yourselves before we begin.”
He hadn’t expected a therapy session today but Adrien figured his input wouldn’t be as important. Oh, how wrong he had been though.
Doctor Bennet made it apparent quick quickly that while Adrien’s reasoning for being quiet was sound when dealing with the paparazzi and tabloid spreads, as denying it only made it seem truer, a school bully was an entirely different beast and his request for silence had helped bring things to this point. The model was left exhausted, picked apart mentally, and wondering if he could schedule sessions with Doctor Bennet privately because he’d actually learned a lot about himself and his reactions in his short talk with the man.
Like his relationship with his Father, which was almost nonexistent by this point, was actually a problem that needed to be addressed because Gabriel was prioritizing his grief and his company over his relationship with his own offspring. That his lack of control in things like his attire, his diet, his hobbies, was leading him to being a potential control freak when he did finally gain independence or not being able to exist on his own at all.
Alya had spent ten minutes into lunch screaming at him, blaming Adrien for not speaking up as to why her blog was ruined and she’d lost her best friend, until Doctor Bennet pulled her aside and disappeared into the room set up for him. Alya’s parents arrived not long after and Adrien shook his head, Nino looked a little disappointed but even agreed that he should have trusted Marinette and not blamed everything on her jealousy over Adrien. Nobody else tried talking to him, which was good, or even asked him to talk to Marinette for them.
Things were going to get better, he knew, now that the right steps were in place. Principal Damocles and Madam Bustier, as well as the rest of the staff, were required to take remedial training seminars on bullying; the Principal had been forced to forfeit his position to the man assigned by the National Youth and Education Ministry, Oswald McKinney. Madam Bustier’s teaching license was being revoked until she completed multiple courses on bullying, how to handle claims of plagiarism or theft and even destruction of private property. Chances of her being given to a higher-level class were slim after this, if she even was allowed to teach again, but that wasn’t his concern.
Adrien grinned at the big smile on Marinette’s face as he dipped into the bakery for lunch period and slipped a rose into her hand with a wink, her face flushed and he couldn’t help but press a kiss to her nose, he did squeak when she hauled him down by the collar to leave a searing kiss on his lips before she scampered up into the apartment with a giggle and a reminder that Kagami was waiting for him to join them.
Things weren’t perfect but they were getting there.
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vanchlo · 4 years
Harry the Helper
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Synopsis: Blurb about Harry, your boyfriend, helping in your classroom. 
Word Count: 3k words of pure fluff
Pairing: Harry x Reader
here i am tagging you as promised ;) @stylesonly​
It was most definitely a Monday. They were pushing your buttons. They weren’t listening to you. You’re sure that their baskets full of Easter candy were to blame for that. Stations were a disaster - the malleable wax sticks were destroyed by the time the third group got to that table. A page from the new book of the day in the reading corner was ripped. The different colors of play dough at the red table were all mixed together. Your Monday morning with your 23 first graders was chaotic, and luckily almost over. Lunch couldn’t come soon enough, and then recess. You hope they’ll get rid of some of their sugar-crazed energy outside on the playground. 
You had just finished wiping down the last table, having put it off to finish up a lesson for today. You were glad that nobody would know that wax sticks and play dough were smeared all over the red and blue tables twenty minutes ago. Tossing the last wipe into the garbage, you collapse onto the chair at your desk. You love your first graders, but sometimes they can give you a run for your money, being a second-year teacher and all. The first day back at school after a holiday is always worse. Don’t even bring up Christmas or Spring Break. 
Turning your head, you look to find the culprit of the noise. The craziness of the morning melts away when you watch Harry walk into your classroom. 
You still can’t get over the sight - your wonderful boyfriend in your very own classroom. It’s something you’ve been dreaming of for years, the combination of your two favorite things. 
“Heeey, why tha long face, love? Ruff mornin’?” he questions as he crosses the room. 
Nodding, you push out your bottom lip and wait for him to react. His initial smile at seeing you grows to crease his cheeks with dimples. “‘m sorry, love. I hope sum lunch will fix that,” he proposes. 
“I think so,” you respond with a small smile. He nods his head towards one of the tables. You drag the only two adult chairs over to the yellow table. 
“What happened dis mornin’?” Harry questions, setting down a brown paper bag. The smells coming from it remind you of your grumbling stomach. 
“I don’t know, I blame it on the Easter candy. They wouldn’t listen, they were misbehaving, they were wrecking things, and screaming. Oh my god, the volume is the worst. I mean, your friend is two steps away from you, so why are you yelling?” you groan through gritted teeth, sitting down next to him. With a huff, you cross your legs, smoothing down your floral dress that falls to your knees. 
He giggles as he settles in his seat next to you, knee to knee. Pulling up the black fabric of his fitted slacks, he gets comfortable. “Go ‘head, ‘s soup an’ sandwiches,” he mumbles, nodding towards the bag with a folded over lip. 
You thank him with a smile. Reaching for the bag, you look back at him. You’re unsure if you should watch him roll up the sleeves of his button-down, or eat. It’s hard to resist the handsome sight of his musician fingers maneuvering the striped white-and-black fabric. 
“What?” he asks you when he catches you watching him. 
“N-nothing, you’re just cute.”
“Careful there, love, ya can’t say dat kinda stuff ‘round tha kids,” he teases with a wink. 
“I know, that’s why I’m getting it all out right now,” you quip as you hand him a sandwich. His face melts into a laugh while unwrapping the white paper. “You dirty li’l thing, you.”
Shrugging your shoulders, you take a bite of your food. He sets a covered paper bowl of soup in front of you. The light catches something on his striped button-down. Looking over, you notice the royal blue visit sticker. It brings a smile to your face seeing how neatly he tried to write his name for the kids to read. 
“Okay, so think of it dis way - what was tha best part of tha mornin’? Like a part where sumthin’ funny ‘appened, or one of ‘em finally understood somethin’?” Harry asks, picking up a piece of cheese that fell from his sandwich. 
With a nostalgic smile, you think after eating more of your sandwich. Its contents and creamy dressing melts in your mouth. You tell him, warming at the laugh that leaves his lips. You go back and forth telling each other about your mornings while eating your lunch. There’s the occasional sound of kids in the hallway, going to and from lunch or classes. But Harry left your door cracked as you sit at the table. One that looks especially tiny compared to him. Mid-morning sunlight streams in through the window, catching pictures on your walls. The rest of your lunch is like this, and soon you find yourself feeling better with him there. 
“Thanks for the lunch, it was great,” you say, crumpling what’s left to throw in the paper bag. He mumbles a ‘welcome’ while stretching after sitting in that chair. Walking over to him, he smiles up at you. Bending down, you peck a kiss to his cherry lips. 
Rubbing his arm, you tell him you’ll be right back, taking the bag with you to toss. You say hi to colleagues and students in the hall on your way to the bathroom. A few little girls talk around the sinks, smiling at each other before scurrying off. You look at yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair quickly before you leave. The sounds of voices carry down the hall, and you recognize a few of them at first. Your students call out your name and wave at you. You return the waves as they smile at you from their lockers. 
Turning into your classroom, you find somebody’s turned on the light. Harry stands by the window on the opposite wall where your teacher’s chair is. He’s flipping through the book he chose to read to them today, a favorite from when he was a kid. You wonder sometimes if he enjoys volunteering in your classroom more than the students enjoy it. Then again, you’d be lying if you left out part of the enjoyment for yourself is getting to be a kid again. 
“Hi, Mr. Harry!” somebody exclaims from behind you. You turn just in time to watch Lucy run over to him, blonde pigtails dancing. 
“Hiya, Luce. How was yer lunch, love?” Harry responds with a bright smile. She wraps her arms around his middle and he bends down to hug her back at her height. 
“It was good! I had spaghetti and oranges, and um what else,” she says, scratching her head while she thinks. You spot the tell-tale sign of spaghetti dotting her purple t-shirt. “Oh and cookies! I can’t believe I forgot those.”
“Ooo really? Those sound good! What kinda cookies were they?” Harry asks her, devoting his entire attention to Lucy. That’s one thing you love about him, whether it’s you or a student of yours, he pays all of his attention to that person.
You don’t catch what kind of cookies they were, because Oscar asks for help with tying his shoe. The rest of your students trickle in slowly from recess, pink cheeks adorning their faces from the spring afternoon. 
“There you go, Oscar,” you say, standing up and helping him up as well. Turning around, the volume of the classroom has risen. You hear another student call out Harry’s name, or a variation of it. 
The first day he came to volunteer in your classroom at the beginning of the school year, you told them to call him Mr. Styles. But over time, he by habit offered his first name. Sometimes it’s Mr. Styles, or just Harry, or Mr. Harry, as Lucy called him. He answers to any of them, it seems. It’s more than adorable.
Ten or so students have surrounded Harry where he sits on the green table by your chair. A grin plasters his face as he talks animatedly with one of the students. More smiles paint their faces, and soon you hear laughs from something he said. A few students get tickled, and you guess he made the joke about the tickle spider again. Soon, you hear more little yelps of surprise before giggles. As much as you’d love to keep watching, you know that you need to resume class. You do one last check of the hallway to look for stragglers before closing the door. Once you’ve counted everybody, which is hard due to them all moving around, you turn off the lights. 
“Ooooo, spooky!” Harry moans like a ghost, causing a roar of laughter. 
“Okay, boys and girls, what does turning off the lights mean?” you ask your class. 
“To freeze!” they all answer in different volumes and at different times. 
“Yes, it does. Thank you for freezing. Now, as you can see, Mr. Styles is back with us today to help for the afternoon. Mr. Styles is going to read to you a book that was his favorite when he was your age. Can you all please stop what you’re doing, clean up anything, and join him on the reading rug?” you instruct, turning the lights back on once you’re finished talking. When the room lights up again, they return to their movements. 
It only takes a few minutes for them to collect themselves before finding a seat on the reading rug. You let him take the reins from there. He asks everybody how their morning was before showing the book to them. As you grab a stack of worksheets from your desk, you watch in awe as he tells them why he loves this book. A smile pinches your cheeks as you listen to his excited voice and the reactions of your students. Sitting at a table by the door, with a red pen in hand, you begin to correct the first worksheet. The end of Harry’s story fills your ears. It’s one he told you just last night, but you enjoy hearing it for a second time. 
After making a note on the worksheet, you look up and find Harry sitting in your chair. He’s holding the book at the top of it so all of your students can see, reading the words loud and slow. After saying the last word, he moves the book slowly to show the first page to the entire class. You catch his eye and he sends a smile your way. You return it before watching him read the next page. His creativity comes through quickly in his sound effects and different voices for the characters. Shaking your head, you return to assessing your students’ work as Harry reads the story, even to you. 
The rest of the school day was much better, thanks to Harry. Your students seem to behave better when he’s around. Many of them just adore him, and you knew it was surely mutual. Sometimes, you had a wild thought, thinking that maybe he should’ve been a teacher after all. 
You’re especially glad to have him there when you have language arts in the afternoon. The kids are excited to show him their new skill. As you spell a new word at the smartboard, they clap with every letter. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the light in Harry’s smile as he watches them. Although a little girl named Norah was stuck to him like glue just moments before, he’s gone to help little Max whose pencil broke. 
“Need help passin’ those out?” Harry asks, appearing at your side a few minutes later. 
“That’d be great, thanks,” you reply, handing him the plastic bowls of scrabble tiles. 
After passing out the bowls with Harry’s help, you instruct the students to spell the words from the board with the tiles. When you tell them that Harry can check their work if they raise their hand, their faces light up. Something warms inside of you as you observe him making his rounds. He gives thumbs up, rubs on the back, high fives, and fist bumps when they have it right. For those who had trouble, your adoration for him grows when he kneels at their level to help them. Once he makes his way over to Norah, the little curly redhead ropes him back in. You move on to the next page of words to spell with them, giggling under your breath at the sight. Harry finally breaks free from Norah’s grasp around his leg to help with the next round of words. You realized one of the first times he volunteered last year, that it makes you love him more to see how much your students love him. And how he so effortlessly returns their love. 
The rest of the day goes by quickly. Harry was in his element when you read a chapter from the current classroom book, about a scene in the jungle. The students used maracas to make the noises in the story - snakes, waterfalls, rain, and more. The smile on his face was beaming all throughout the short lesson, as he loves watching them use the maracas. It’s to no surprise to you, seeing that he bought them for your class at the beginning of the school year. It was a day the whole class remembers, even you. He came in one day as a surprise with them, and may have made you cry tears of joy. 
He especially enjoyed helping with art today, loving helping the students with their creations. You knew because he’s recounted before how happy it makes him to see their excitement to show him their finished work. 
After you’ve given your last goodbye hug of the day, you walk back into your classroom. To your surprise, Harry’s began to hang up the sunflowers your students made. The lesson was to create a sunflower, like Van Gogh’s, out of dry pasta shapes of different colors. The students quite enjoyed it, and by this time, it was luck that they were all done drying. 
“Oh thank you! Here, let me help,” you tell him, crossing the room over to him. 
“No, ‘s okay, love. I got it. You jus’ clean up an’ do what ya need t’ finish up,” he replies, shooting you a smile. 
You rub his back before walking away with a ‘thank you.’ You’re dying to thank him with a kiss and to wrap your arms around him from behind. But you know by now that students are bound to come back in, having forgotten something. A water bottle. A book. A sweatshirt. You name it. 
“God, these sunflowas are so cute. I love tha idea, babe,” Harry coos, the smile in his voice clear as day. 
“Thanks, I think they enjoyed making them,” you tell him, picking up the tub of cleaning wipes. 
“Oh ‘m sure they did. It seems they love anythin’ havin’ t’ do with usin’ school glue,” he laughs. Nodding, your laugh soon follows his. “And they loved yer video ‘bout Van Gogh. Ya did a great job on dat by tha way.”
“Thank you, it was a lot of fun to make,” you thank him, dropping a wipe on each table. Returning to your desk, you turn on some music to listen to as you clean up. 
“Norah’s really got it out for you,” you laugh. 
“Oh god, I know. She’s bloody adorable. Makes me wanna have one o’ me own. I jus’ hope it’d be half as cute as her,” Harry recounts. The revelation catches you by surprise. Absent of words, you watch him hold an artwork to the wall before taping it down. 
“Um yeah,” you say, swallowing. You move on to the next table and scrub the surface with the wipe. You can’t help his words dancing in your mind. “1st graders are pretty cute.”
“Yeah, they sure are. Tha kindergarteners are even cuter. I dunno why ya didn’ wanna teach that grade.”
“Oh, I don’t know. It’s a little intimidating, and I guess it worked out that this was the position open at the time,” you reply, seeing his head of quiffed curls nod. 
“Would ya wanna teach yer own kids, love? Like have ‘em in yer class?” he asks, his words stilling your movements once again. 
You sigh with a nervous smile before picking up another new wipe. “Uh, I’m not sure. I think some teachers here have done that, but it depends on the situation. I mean, if it works best for the parent and their child. I think it would be fun, but I’d have to learn, you know, how to be just their teacher during school. That would be weird, I’d imagine, but for the best,” you tell him, your words slowly coming together. 
“That makes sense, but I bet ya’d get tha hang of it fast. It’d prolly jus’ be weird fer tha first few weeks,” Harry comments. The sound of ripping tape follows his answer. 
Once all 6 tables are gleaming from their cleaning, you move to the reading corner. Returning books to their correct baskets on the shelf, you sing along to the song ‘Dancing In The Moonlight’ with Harry. It brings a smile to your lips to hear his harmonizing. 
“They sure are gettin’ good with those maracas, ya know,” he tells you, the pride beaming in his voice. 
“I know, I’m quite impressed, too. Hey get this, we planned to do that today. They wanted to show you good they’re getting with them,” you return, looking over your shoulder at him. He does the same and you share a smile, but his is a little larger. 
With the books put away and the artworks hanging up, Harry helps you clean up the last few things. He stacks the chairs on top of the tables, returns a few things to the closet, and he stacks the bean bag chairs in the reading corner. After a few thank yous and grabbing your stuff, you shut off the light and close the door. 
Walking down the hall with Harry, he laces his fingers with yours. He says with a smirk in his voice, “Maybe we should have a few little kiddies of our own, love.”
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aobawilliams · 3 years
First Line Tag Game!!
I was tagged by @idontonlytalkaboutdcmk
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I’ll try to go from more recent to older (date of the creation of the doc will be written in MM/YYYY format), but this might not correspond to the time the sentence was actually written. (I might have missed some stuff but, oh well, whatever.)
1- (04/2021) Aizawa meets Izuku AU (MHA, OS in progress)
It was luck that brought Shouta here.
2- (03/2021) Vigilante Yagi AU (MHA, in-progress, either a long-fic or a serie of OS)
All Might has been a hero longer than he has ever been Yagi Toshinori.
3- (02/2021) Dad For All AU (MHA, various blurb on tumblr so far, most likely a longfic)
Izuku was trying really hard not to panic. One second he was fighting a villain with a still unknown quirk, the next he found himself __ years in the past, according to the news report currently going on TV.
4- (02/2021) Midoriya Inko’s Guide To Good Parenthood (MHA, in progress, probably a serie of OS?)
Midoriya Inko isn’t anything special. She's 30 going on 52, has a really bad case of anxiety, can and will cry for any reasons, and has gotten so many grey hair from her son's shenanigans its a wonder she still has green hair.
5- (12/2020) The Kids Will Be Alright (DCMK, spin-off of Sharpen Your Knives)
Ran was running. Fast, fast, faster, not fast enough. She put all her strength in her legs, went as fast as she could.
6- (11/2020) Before the coffee gets cold - The Sisters (DCMK, OS published on AO3)
It was probably foolish of her to come back to this place. But, on the off chance that the rumours were true, she wanted to give it a chance.
7- (11/2020) Sharpen Your Knives (DCMK, in-progress longfic, won’t be published for a long while)
Shinichi has no idea how things could have gone so wrong, so quickly.
8- (08/2020) The Time Travel Road Trip Case (DCMK, spin-off of Who The F- Is This) (technically not the first lines, but it’s the first part I’ve written)
Shinichi(Conan) felt someone lift him up from the back, he turned his face as he came level with their chest, one look at their face and…
Well, guess he found KID.
9- (06/2020) Who The F- Is This (DCMK, longfic in progress, the first chapters are on AO3)
Shinichi’s head was throbbing. He felt like someone was playing drums with his head. What has happened?
10- (06/2020) Harrinichi Kupotter (DCMK & Harry Potter x-over, longfic in progress)
Shinichi doesn't really believe in superior beings, gods or the supernatural. So far everything in his life could be explained by science and very human tricks.
11- (03/2019) Naobuza & Raphtaku AU (The Rising of the Shield Hero & Naruto x-over, an old baby I keep coming back to)
If you were to ask anyone to tell you about Naofumi Iwatani, those who remember him would tell you that he’s a weird kid. There’s something otherwordly about him, as if he was evolving in a totally different universe from them.
12- (01/2019) The self-indulgent FMA TT au (FMA, an old project that I should go back to, someday)
Somehow, sometimes, Ed felt like there was some being out there, out for him.
13- (01/2019) Nanadaime time travel AU (Naruto, will most likely be an OS, one day I will finish it enough to post it on AO3)
It was a late night In the Hokage office, one of many. As was usual by now, the Hokage was filling paperwork at his desk, his right-hand-man filling his own number of files at his side.
14- (11/2018) Baby Ed saving the world with hugs and punches (FMA, an old project that I will go back to)
On a warm night during the summer of 2005, as the sun left it’s place for the shining stars, Edward Elric went to sleep for the last time besides his lovely wife, in the house he has rebuilt with his own two hands.
15- (06/2018) The roadtrip 03Ed never knew he needed (FMA03/CoS & Fantastic Beasts and where to find them x-over, a serie of OS)
He wasnt sure what brought him back here.
Maybe he just wanted to make sure Envy was dead, one monster less in this world. Or maybe he just wanted to make sure there was no way between both world (no way to go home.)
16- (04/2018) Badass Women Roleswap AU (FMA, I still sometime go back to it, will most likely be a serie of OS)
Ed didn’t have many memories of his father. He could remember a tall man, who always looked sad. A giant who always had trouble when it came to holding him and his brother. A figure always working in his study. A person who always looked sad when teaching them alchemy.
17- (03/2018) FMA TT fic I wasnt planning to expend (FMA, old project, I will get back to it.) (it is, also, the first fanfic idea I got when I got back into writing fics)
Nothing happened as it should have been. No matter everything they’ve done to try and stop him, the dwarf in the flask still managed to bypass it all and, in some way, reach his goal.
And that’s pretty much it for any written stuff I got (anything else is too old)
Bonus: A la recherche du canard (Looking for the duck) - it’s an old assignment I had for french class, where we had to pick an article and write a short story based on it. (When I say old, I mean it’s from 2012 - it’s a good way to see how far I’ve come). It’s honestly really bad but I did have a lot of fun back then. (This is a translated from french version btw) (yes I stole names from Hetalia I was always terrible at finding names for characters)
The sun shined upon the sleeping man face, who opened his bright blue eyes. He got up suddenly, throwing his blanket on the ground. Today would be the day where he, Alfred F. Jones, Yorkville police officer, would accomplish his mission: keeping an eye on the annual fair set-up.
So, observations: You can very clearly see me go through various fandom phases it’s funny. Also my naming skills for the AUs got slightly better (but not that much.) I do tend to drop a name (usually the person from whom the POV is) in those first sentences. The first paragraph tend to get shorter with time (which might simply be because I realised I tend to lose focus when it gets too long.) I also never start on dialogue, generally I go for the POV’s thought uh.
I do quite like the ones for the Vigilante Yagi AU and the Midoriya Inko’s guide, The Kids Will Be Alright too. Badass Women I like it but also am not 100% happy with it.
This mostly made me want to share even more about these stories to y’all.
Anyway! Tagging @whoever wants to do it! I’m not sure whom I follow has already done it/been tagged or not, uuuuhhh, maybe @artistfingers ? If you’re a writer and wants to do it then go for it and tag me I guess.
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thisismysecondrodeo · 2 years
i'm in desperate need of you writing a blurb where the reader panics over the fact they are sure ted is about to break up with them (he is not) and he calms them down and its sweet and loving and he stays. name your price, my friend.
AN: Oh the absolute ANGST of it all, followed by tooth-rooting sweetness, a winning combination. thanks for your patience, friend! I am FINALLY catching up on requests, thanks for always sending some my way 🙂
Rating: Teen
Tags: One Shot, Angst with a Happy Ending, Established Relationship, SingleDad, Girl Talk with Rebecca and Keeley Fic masterlist
“Look, why don’t we just text Beard? I’m sure he would know—”
“No,” you groaned, dropping your head to the sticky table of the pub where you, Keeley, and Rebecca had gathered for emergency drinks. “Texting Beard about it just feels like passing notes in primary. If I’m getting dumped I should just go over there and face it like a grown-up.”
You and Ted had been seeing each other for a little over a month and you were convinced he was about to break up with you. It started with him requesting a rain check on your weekly movie night; no big deal, there were a couple of big matches coming up and it wouldn’t hurt for him to have more strategy time and for you to maybe clean your flat for once (you still didn’t clean, instead you sat around eating popcorn and wondering what Ted was doing). But then his texts were fewer and further between and overall less enthusiastic, which made you feel insane until you showed them to Rebecca and Keeley and they couldn’t help but agree. 
“What right NOW,” Rebecca exclaimed, “I feel like you should at least sober up first.” 
“What for?” You shrugged sadly, finishing off your cocktail in one big gulp, “At least now I’ll have a head start.” You weren’t drunk, just tipsy enough for subpar decision-making. You stood and put your coat on and Rebecca and Keeley made you promise to text them as soon as you got home and to call if you wanted them to come over. Just as you were about to step away, Keeley tugged you by the elbow so your eyes met hers. 
“I guarantee you, Y/N,” her voice was incredibly serious, “this is all just a big misunderstanding. And if it's not, Rebecca will cheer you up with her topless yacht photos.”
Rebecca rolled her eyes and you couldn’t help but chuckle, even in your somber state. You blew them kisses as they got into the backseat of Rebecca’s car and then started on the short walk to Ted’s. 
It felt strange walking to get broken up with; your stomach fluttered with the normal I’m-going-to-see-Ted butterflies, mixed with the the-love-of-my-life-is-going-to-dump-me anxiety. Woah, you thought as you stumbled on a cobblestone and caught your balance, I’ve never called Ted the love of my life before. And that thought made you a little weepy so by the time you knocked on Ted’s door you looked absolutely distraught: red-eyed and teary, off-balanced, and shivering slightly from the cold.
Ted opened the door ready for bed, which only made everything worse because that was your absolute favorite version of him. He was soft in every way possible—”#1 Dad” socks you knew Henry had sent him that past father’s day, soft navy and green pajama pants, a worn Kansas city barbecue t-shirt, and (the best part) his product-less hair, air-dried fresh from the shower and flopping over his forehead. 
“Hey, Darlin’! To what do I owe…,” Ted trailed off as he took a closer look at you. His face fell into concern almost immediately. “Y/N? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” And it was him still caring about you even though you knew he no longer wanted to be in a relationship with you that caused you to immediately burst into tears. 
“Oh Jesus, come here, Y/N,” Ted spoke to you like you were a spooked horse, which at this point wasn’t an incorrect comparison. He opened his arms and you fell into them, trying to stop your tears without much success. Ted didn’t stop holding you, instead walking you back slowly towards the couch, pulling away only slightly to help you sit, and to quickly look you over for injuries. Once he determined you were physically okay, he pulled you into his chest and just rocked, making a soft shushing sound and letting you soak his t-shirt without complaint. 
His deep, even breathing calmed you enough for you to pull away and clean your face up a little. 
“I’m so sorry, Ted, this wasn’t,” you cleared your throat mid-sentence, your voice thick with shed tears, “this wasn’t what I intended when I just…showed up here.” You crossed your arms in front of you, tucking into yourself, more than a little embarrassed about the mess of this you were making. If he wasn’t going to break up with you before, he certainly was now.
“Well, I can’t say you aren’t worrying me sweetheart but it’s nice to see you regardless,” Ted said softly, reaching a hand out like he was going to touch you but thinking better of it based on the way you were holding yourself. Instead, he reached for a hoodie he’d abandoned on the back of his couch and offered it to you, and you accepted with only the smallest sniffle. “Do you want to talk about what’s got you more upset than a pig in a drought?”
Leave it to Ted to break the tension with one of his entirely made-up sayings. You smiled slightly as you pulled the hoodie on. You took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. 
“Full disclosure, I am not entirely sober.” 
Ted smiled. “I gathered that. You smell a little like vanilla vodka.” 
“Keeley and Rebecca and I had emergency drinks,” you picked at the drawstring on your borrowed hoodie, avoiding Ted’s curious gaze. 
“And they were emergency because…” 
“Because I needed to talk about you breaking up with me.” 
You could feel Ted freeze next to you but you couldn’t bear to look at him. “I hate to disagree with you, sweetheart, mostly because so far you’ve always been right, but I don’t recall that happening,” Ted said, and you appreciated that he didn’t laugh it off. 
“Not yet, no, but I was—am—convinced that it’s coming. I know we haven’t been together long, but it just…I don’t know, seems like you’ve been pulling away.” 
Ted took a deep breath and that only made the tears start anew, but much softer this time a quiet trickle instead of a full-blown sob. “Oh darlin’, I’m so sorry. First things, first, no I absolutely do not want to break up with you. Not even a little bit.” 
You looked at Ted finally, surprised, and found only remorse on his face. He reached a hand out for you, palm up, making it your choice if you wanted his touch and you took it gratefully, lacing your fingers together. 
“I’m not gonna gaslight you or tell you you're crazy that it feels like I’ve been MIA. Truthfully, well, I found out Henry’s gonna come stay with me for a while—maybe indefinitely—and it's really thrown me for a loop. I wasn’t really sure how to talk about it with you and I did the dumb thing which was not talk at all.” 
“Oh, Ted, that's fantastic! Did you think I wouldn’t be happy for you? I’d understand spending some time apart for you to get settled with your son.” 
“See that’s the thing,” Ted rubbed a hand across his scruffy face and you could tell he looked a little embarrassed, “I didn’t want time apart. I DON’T want time apart, even while Henry’s here. But I didn’t want to scare you off so early in the relationship by bringing my kid into the mix. Obviously, if you don’t ever want to meet Henry that’s a problem, but it just seemed unfair of me to force you into it only a month into this thing. I didn’t…I didn’t want to be too much for you.” 
You smiled, pulling Ted’s hand up to your lips and placing a kiss on his knuckles, and then you surprised him by getting up briefly to turn around and straddle his lap so your noses were nearly brushing, cupping his jaw in your hands. “Ted, I would love to meet Henry and spend time with the both of you, no matter how long he’s here. Even if it's forever—especially if it’s forever. You could never, ever be too much for me.” 
Ted grinned, his turn to get a little teary, before leaning forward and catching your lips with his own. 
You pulled back after a few moments, your hands falling to play with the hem of his shirt. “You know, on the way over here I thought to myself, ‘I can’t believe I’m going to get dumped by the love of my life,’ and yet I came over here anyway and you made it better. Like you always do. I don’t deserve you, Ted.” 
The words were out of your mouth before you really realized what you had said, probably the effects of the alcohol and the heightened emotion making it easy to accidentally let it slip that you were in love with your boyfriend of one month. Ted’s eyes went wide and he was slack-jawed for just a moment before he smiled at you, and you tilted your head at him in confusion. “What are you lookin’ at me like that for?”
“I’m the love of your life,” he asked like he couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth.
“Oh fuck,” you laughed, your eyes going wide too. “That was supposed to be an inside thought. But now that it’s an outside thought…I am absolutely head-over-heels in love with you, Ted Lasso.” 
“Y/N, you deserve the entire world. You deserve romance and passion and laughter. You deserve every bit of love I have for you in this ol’ heart of mine, and trust me when I say, it’s a whole lot. I love you, Y/N. I love you so much that I tried to love you less just in case I was loving you too much, too soon,” Ted chuckled. “And I’m so sorry that I made you worry. I’m so sorry I didn’t just talk it through with you.” 
Ted leaned in to kiss you again and you couldn’t help but turn up the heat now that you knew the two of you felt the same, licking into his mouth and moaning as your tongues met, his hands snaking their way under your hoodie to hold you firm against him. You pressed your hands into Ted’s chest just slightly, hoping to move things to the bedroom, a smile on your face as he fell back into the couch.
“We can still have breakup sex though, right?”
Ted snorted a laugh and his only answer was to stand up with you still decidedly in his lap and make his way to the bedroom. 
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lettersinscarlet · 5 years
Skating (Colby Brock Imagine)
Hey guys! So this is super long but I just let it flow through me. I should probably be asleep now, but who cares about that anyway? But my requests are open for either Sam or Colby and I really need some Colby blurb ideas for a fic I want to write! If you have left a request, know that I have seen them and I will write them, I just don’t have tons of time this weekend but I will try and crank out as many as possible. Love you guys!
“Hey, (Y/N)!” Colby’s voice greeted through the phone. You smiled on your end of the line.
“Hey, brother,” you replied with you most “dude-like” voice you could muster. He laughed and you chuckled. “What’s up?”
“Do you wanna go film one of the TFIL videos with Elton, Sam, Jake, and I?”
“Hmmmmmm,” you replied as you debated. “Where are you guys going?”
“Elton said he wanted to keep it a surprise. He did say that it was just an overnight thing and we were going to stay in the state this time,” he said with a laugh. You laughed, too, and you but your lip, deciding if you wanted to go.
“You’re sure I can go? I mean it’s just you guys and I don’t want to intrude or anything-“
“Don’t worry about it! You are our friend, too, so you can come. And, I already asked Elton if you could come and he said of course,” he said. You made up your mind that you would go and you huffed out a sigh.
“If you insist,” you concede and he made a happy noise.
“Yes! I knew I could sway you over.”
“Oh how I’ve fallen to the charms of the Brock boy,” you mocked and he laughed.
“Alright. I’ll come get you tomorrow so that way I can drive you home. We normally don’t leave these things until pretty early in the morning-“
“Oh I know. You told me some stories,” you reminded him. He slightly winded as he remembered some of the thinks he told you and you nodded your head on the other end. “Trust me. I know. But I’m really excited and I can’t wait!”
You guys both said your goodbyes and then you hung up and you planned your outfit and what you would bring for the next day.
Colby came at 5:30 to pick you up. You were wearing black jeans, sneakers, your favorite t-shirt and a hoodie. You weren’t sure what you were going into, but you knew that you wanted to be prepared. Your hair was in a high ponytail and you smiled at Colby when you opened the door.
“You sure are ready for something,” Colby remarks as he takes in your look.
“I just didn’t want to be stranded in a field somewhere and not have a sweatshirt to keep me warm,” you defended.
“I would’ve kept you warm,” he muttered, but you didn’t quite hear it.
“What?” you asked for clarification.
“Oh nothing. Ready to go?”
“Yep,” you say as you grab your phone and keys off the counter.
You walked down together to his car and he drove you to Elton’s house. Elton wanted all of you to ride together so everyone was supposed to meet up at his house. You guys were the last ones to pull up.
“Hey, slowpokes! If you’re this slow legally getting to a place, then how fast will you be running from the cops?” Sam jokes as you both got out of the car. You laughed as you went and hugged everyone. You all stood around and talked for awhile before Elton clapped his hands and caught everyone’s attention.
“You guys ready to go?” Elton asked the group. Everyone cheered and Elton smiled. “Alright then, load up in the car.”
“Elton?” you asked before you moved. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll find out when we get there,” he replied with a wink. You rolled your eyes and you went to the car.
You were wedged in between Jake and Sam in the back. Colby didn’t seem to happy about it, but as the ride to wherever you were going progressed, he seemed to cheer up.
Then, you pulled into the lot. Everyone piled out of the car and you turned to look at the establishment. Then you froze. It was your kryptonite: a roller skating rink.
Everyone else cheered and jumped up and down. You quickly fixed your facial expression and smiled with everyone else. Everyone got prepped for the intro and Elton set up the camera.
When the intro was wrapped up, you guys all went inside. Since it was a little bit before closing time, there were a few people in there. You guys all paid to get in and you spent a few minutes scoping it out. There wasn’t really anything to hide in, until Jake spotted the gold mine.
“Is that, a PLAYGROUND?” he half-shouted as he rushed over in the direction. Everyone followed and you laughed as the boys all went and scoped it out.
“You guys might hide in here, but I’m gonna hide in the bathroom,” you said and you turned to head in that direction.
“Did you want someone to hide with you?” Colby asked, popping his head out from inside the slide. You laughed and he smiled.
“I think, since I’m in the girls bathroom, I’ll be okay by myself,” you said with a wink. You turned and pranced off to the bathroom. You honestly had no clue where to hide, and you hoped you’d be okay. You found that there were shelves under the sink and somehow you squeezed yourself on on and shut the door. You were starting to wish that you had asked one of the guys to come with you.
Now that you were by yourself, you had time to panic. The reason that you dreaded seeing this place when you first walked out the car was because you were a terrible skater. You hadn’t been since probably middle school for a skating fundraiser or something like that. You had fallen that day and had broken your wrist because you didn’t land the right way. Since then, you hadn’t skated and now here you were, in a skating rink, with your best friends. This was going to go poorly for you.
Suddenly, you heard the restroom door open and you held your breath.
“I think I saw a girl go in here,” a voice said. You heard their footsteps and they seemed to stop in front of your cabinet. It was jerked open and you were met with a man staring back at you.
“Hi...” you said with a weak voice and the man got a grumpy look.
“Alright get out of there.”
You awkwardly climbed out of the cabinet, luckily without any assistance. You followed the guy out until he took you into a back room. None of the guys were in there. Great. You were the first one caught.
“Have a seat while we call the cops,” the man said. You looked and you thought his name tag said Jerry. He quickly closed the door and you plopped down in a chair. You knew that you were not going to hear the end of this from the guys.
You glanced around and looked at the walls and some of the things in the room. It wasn’t huge, but it wasn’t tiny either. You assumed it was some sort of office. You spun around in the chair and your hands were a bit shaky. You knew you shouldn’t have come, but you did anyway.
Your back was to the door, so when it slammed open, you jumped in your chair.
“GET ON THE GROUND!” a gruff voice ordered. You turned around and you were met with a camera and four laughing boys. You shoved Elton, who was closest to you, and you rolled your eyes.
“Were you scared?” Jake asked as he laughed at you.
“Honestly, I was just thinking that I wasn’t ready to go to jail, unlike you two,” you joked, pointing at Sam and Colby. Everyone laughed and eventually it calmed down.
“So, if you haven’t suspected yet, I rented the place out,” Elton said sheepishly. Everyone shouted and he just laughed. “So what are we doing? Let’s get skating!”
You guys left the room and Elton gestured at two guys wearing the same uniform. “These guys volunteered to come and help us tonight. Meet Jerry and Luke.”
The group greeted the guys and you all recounted you getting caught.
“If you guys are here, can I pick the music?” you asked Jerry and Luke.
“Sure, let me show you,” Luke said and he led you to the sound booth. You spent the next few minutes going over how to pick things and eventually you made your playlist.
You had found a way that you could hang out and avoid skating. Luke even showed you how to work the microphone so you could speak over the intercom.
“Alrighty guys, it’s time to play Wipeout!” you announced with your best intercom voice. You explained how to play the game and you guys played a few round of that.
“Good job! Now back to your regularly scheduled skating,” you told them. Luke gave you a high five and you both laughed.
“You did so well! If you ever wanna work here, just hit me up,” he said. You laughed with him and then you asked if you could use the ice machine. He told you that you could and you went over and made a cherry one. You were behind the counter and Jake and Elton came up.
“You boys want a suicide drink?” you asked with a mischievous grin.
“Of course we do!” Jake replied. You went and grabbed a large cup and filled it with all the ice flavors and then you went and added some soda flavors in. When you were finished, it was a brownish green color. The boys made gagging noises and you called Sam and Colby over. “Who is gonna chug this?”
The boys looked between themselves and still couldn’t come up with a solution.
“I think, since Elton tried to give me a HEART ATTACK by making it seem like I was getting arrested, I think he should chug,” you added. Jake, Sam, and Colby voiced their agreement and Elton conceded. His face scrunched up as he looked at the sludge in the cup. After everyone counted to three, Elton tipped the cup back, and drank some.
He pulled it away almost instantly started choking. The boys laughed and you chuckled along with them.
“Brother that was awful,” Elton choked out. You just grinned and shrugged.
“What can I say? I failed mixology,” you giggled.
“Alright, I’m going skating before I have to choke down another potion from (Y/N),” Elton said and went back to the rink. You leaned against the counter and watched the guys skate around.
What you didn’t notice was that Colby hadn’t left the counter and then he appeared in front of you.
“Come skate with me,” he told you. You just shook your head.
“I’m good where I am.”
“Please (Y/N).”
“I don’t have any skates on,” you tried.
“Jerry, can you get her some skates?” Colby asked. He shook his head yes and asked for your shoe size, which you reluctantly gave him. He pulled out a pair of skates and you sat down on the bench to put them on. After you laced them up, you looked at Colby. He held out his hand to you and you took it, taking some shaky steps to the rail by the rink. You stepped onto the wooden floor and instantly, your grip tightened on the railing. Colby chuckled as he watched you like a baby giraffe walking for the first time.
Eventually, you felt stable enough to stand in one place near the wall.
“Come on, roll with me!” Colby begged. He then noticed your terrified expression and he looked serious. “You can’t skate, can you?”
You shook your head no and he looked at you quizzically. Then, he smiled and held his hand out to you again. “Hold on to me and I’ll show you.”
You looked at the red haired boy and you shook your head. “I’m gonna die.”
He laughed at you and he grabbed your hand anyway. You made a whole bunch of noises as he slowly dragged you around the circle.
“Alright. Now, I’m gonna tell you how to do it by yourself. You kick your one foot out and then you do your other foot in the other direction,” he explained as he showed you how. You did it, albeit a little slow and wobbly, but you made it a few inches further than where you were. You smiled and looked up and he was smiling, too.
“Okay. Now, we are gonna skate straight ahead until we get to the rail,” he said as he pointed in front of him. You blinked a few times as you looked at how far away it was, but you took a deep breath and you made your way over, without falling. You let out a sigh as your hands made contact with the rail. You turned around excitedly but forgot you were on wheels so you grabbed the rail again. He chuckled as he cane up next to you.
“When you want to turn, just kick your foot out that’s closest to the direction you want to turn. If you want to try it, you can drag your other foot behind you, but that’s a little risky.”
You went around for some time just learning how to get it. Colby stayed with you most of the time and you wobbled a lot but you were gaining speed and you were having fun. You told Colby you needed a break and you went and sat down outside of the rink.
You smiled as you watched the boys race around.
When you had rested up, you decided to go out on the rink by yourself. You were doing good, gaining speed once again. You made it to the straight part and you went to test your speed. You got faster and faster, but the turn tripped you up. Your feet came out from under you and you fell on your butt. That hurt pretty bad but you laughed as you sat on the floor. You tried to get up, but you ended up just falling over again.
Colby saw you and he skates over to help you up.
“Why are you so good at this?” you asked as you reached your hand out for him. He pulled you up, and suddenly you realized how close you were. Your face was nearly on his chest and his one hand was holding yours and the other was almost wrapped around your back. You looked up and your eyes met his blue ones. You could hear your breathing and that’s when you looked at his lips.
He made eye contact with you one time before he checked and made sure no cameras were watching. He quickly leaned down and gave you a gentle kiss, before breaking away and skating off.
“Colby!” you whined, standing in place. Your fingers went to trace your lips and you smiled to yourself. “You know I can’t catch you!”
He stopped on the opposite side and smiled at you. “Yes you can!”
You huffed as you slowly started to skate your way to him. You made it to his side and you reached your hands so he could stop you. He got you and he pulled you close to him, just like you were earlier. You looked around and made sure no cameras were there before you locked eyes with him again.
“Kiss me, please.”
He leaned down and licked lips with yours, less gently this time. You were so lost in your moment, that you didn’t hear Sam dough from behind you. He didn’t catch your attention until he tapped you on the shoulder. You braced yourself on Colby and you turned around to see him standing there behind you.
“Okay, love birds,” he started with a grin, “we’re reading to go film our outro if you guys could go turn your skates in.”
You smiled at Sam and he gave you a thumbs up before he skated away. You leaned your head on Colby’s chest and you chuckled and you felt him do the same. You grabbed his hand and he gently pulled you guys to the edge. You both turned in your skates and thanked the volunteers before you went outside to film the outro.
When everyone got back in the car, Sam and Colby had traded seats and Colby had sat in between you and Jake. Everyone spent some time sharing their favorite parts of the night before it fell to a comfortable silence. You rested your head on Colby’s shoulder and smiled.
“You’ve got to take me there again,” you whispered in his ear.
“It’s a date,” he replied and kissed your forehead. You smiled and closed your eyes as you drifted off to sleep.
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queenmylovely · 5 years
Day One
Summary: Joe mazzello x fem!reader. We shot Live Aid day one. 
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: little bit of awkwardness, but just a meet-cute really
A/N: A little oneshot/meet-cute for a request I got! I was a dresser for a Midsummer at my uni last spring, so here’s me projecting lol. I tried to channel a shy person, lol jk it’s just how my awkward self would be. I hope you like what I wrote, and any feedback including likes, replies, and reblog are greatly appreciated!
Request: Happy Sunday! Can I please get something where joe meets a shy reader?
Perfect Performance, Masterlist
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gif by @ohaladdins
It’s assumed that everyone in the entertainment industry must be outgoing and very extroverted. But, as a seamstress and assistant to a costume designer, you luckily didn’t have to be as you were generally very shy.
When your boss, Julian, was chosen as the costume designer for the Queen biopic, Bohemian Rhapsody, you were super excited. Growing up, you had loved Queen and working in any sort of proximity to them would be a dream. Not to mention that most of your fashion sense revolved around the ‘70s and ‘80s in general. It was a perfect fit.
Julian started working on drafts and sketches as soon as he was hired and instructed you to shop for fabrics at antique stores and hole in the wall sewing shops. You gladly went about your tasks, buying things for the movie and maybe picking up some stuff for clothes you would make yourself, on your own dime of course.
Production started soon after, and you were making and tweaking racks and racks of original pieces, replicas, and antique finds. One day, you and the rest of the costume crew moved everything from Julian’s shop to the movie studio, and you knew that you were going to start fittings soon.
First up was the Live Aid scene, and you started dressing and doing fittings of extras. You had a short break while the 50 or so extras that your team had dressed were being blocked. Next, each of your team would be doing the first fitting for one of the actors that played the band members. You had been assigned to the one that was playing the bass player, an actor named Joe Mazzello.
While you were part of the industry, and certainly watched a lot of movies, you had never heard of any of the actors except for Rami Malek. And you only knew him from his parts in the Night at the Museum movies. You actually considered this a perk, since it meant you probably wouldn’t get starstruck while dressing them.
As you were re-tagging and hanging up some pieces that hadn’t been used, you heard footsteps walking into your work area. You turned around and saw a guy standing somewhat hesitantly at the edge, looking in. He was medium height with brownish-red hair, and green eyes with a slight glint in them.
“Oh, are you an extra? Am I early?” the guy asked you as he took in your appearance. You were wearing high-waisted light wash jean shorts with a red and white ringer shirt tucked into them. Looking down as he did, you smiled slightly to yourself. You supposed you did look like a lot of the extras you had dressed.
“No, um, I’m Y/N, your costume fitter. You’re right on time,” you reassured him, and he sighed in relief and came the rest of the way into your space.
“That’s good. I’m always worried I’m going to be late, so I end up being really early to things and sometimes that causes a problem,” he explained to you. You nodded back.
Walking over to the rack, you read the signs until you found the one that was labeled “Mazzello, J.” Pushing the other clothes aside, you grabbed his first outfit. It was a pink button down shirt with a wild pattern on it and light wash blue jeans. To be honest, it was something you definitely would pick out for yourself to wear. You handed them to him and pointed to the little changing area that had a curtain.
“You can change in there. Do you have an undershirt on?” you asked since he was wearing a sweater and you couldn’t tell.
“Yeah,” he replied, lifting the hem of his sweater slightly so you could see. It lifted his shirt with it and you caught a small glimpse of his stomach. You turned quickly to find your binder with your notes, trying to hide the blush that had instantly heated your cheeks.
“Okay, um, you should take that off too. John Deacon wasn’t wearing one during the show,” you told him as you checked your notes. You heard the scrape of the rings of the curtain on the rail and turned back around to wait. After a minute, he came back out. He was wearing the shirt buttoned to the top and tucked in tightly. You walked over to the shoe rack and grabbed the correct pair, handing them to him. As he pulled them on, you scrutinized the outfit to make sure everything was correct.
“So, do I look like him?” Joe said with a smile and quirked eyebrow.
“Very close,” you responded, turning back to your binder. You flipped to another page that had a picture of John Deacon in the same outfit and looked at the differences between Joe and John. Noticing what you were doing, Joe moved so that both he and the picture would be in you line of sight easily.
After seeing the main differences, you stepped over to Joe and began fixing them. As a seamstress and someone that had dressed many actors of all genders, one thing you weren’t afraid of doing was fixing someone’s clothes. You always made sure that the actors were comfortable, though, so you said a quiet “May I?” and waited for Joe to nod before you started.
First, you undid the very top button of the shirt and pulled the collar to open the shirt more. Next, you grabbed onto either side of the shirt next to Joe’s ribs and pulled up slightly so it would be a more loose and baggy tuck. Next, you knelt down to fix his shoes.
Out of habit, you assumed, Joe had pulled the pant legs down so they covered the top couple inches of the high-topped shoes. To fix this, you pulled up the pant legs so they bunched around the top of the shoe instead.
You stepped back and looked between him and the photo again and realized what you had forgotten. You reached into his ditty bag and pulled out a white belt. Joe took it from your outstretched hand with a smile and pulled it on.
Although you were used to helping people get dressed, him pulling on a belt was a strangely intimate moment that made heat flush your cheeks yet again. Since you were avoiding looking at his face, you missed the same heat color his cheeks a bright pink.
Once he was done, you took another look and said, almost to yourself, “Perfect.”
“I’m glad you think so,” he said and you looked up, not thinking he would reply. You made eye contact timidly, but he was smiling at you and that glint in his eyes was brighter than ever.
“They did a very good job when they casted you,” you told him quietly while averting your eyes, and he had to lean forward slightly to catch your words.
“Well, that’s mostly yet to be seen. Starting with Live Aid is the real test,” he joked, but he also seemed genuinely kind of nervous.
“I bet you’ll do great. They wouldn’t have cast you if they didn’t think you were up to the job. Plus, you’re practically a spitting image of him. Just on looks alone, you’re already doing a great job,” you told him, meeting his eyes with more confidence and offering a small smile.
Joe grinned back at you, glad for your words of encouragement, but waited to see if you wanted to continue the conversation since he could tell you were a little shy.
Just as you were working up the nerve to ask him a question, a PA stuck their head into your workspace to let Joe know that he was needed on set.
“I’d better be going. I’ll see you later; you’re my costume fitter all shoot, right?” he asked as he headed towards the exit.
You nodded in reply. He stopped in the doorway, giving you an infectious smile that you returned after a second.
“Good, I’m looking forward to being dressed by your capable hands,” he said with a wink before heading to set, leaving you with wide eyes, but a smile still on your face and a burst of giggles rising in your throat. This was going to be a wild ride. 
Taglist: @somekindof-cheese @gwilyoubemine@deacytits @supersonicfreddie @siriuslovesmarlene @bowiequeen @acdeaky @deakysgirl @sunflower-borhap-boys @deakyfordays @queensilveryrog @happy-at-home @ceruleanrainblues @briarrose26 
I just kinda created this taglist so if you would like to be taken off or added, just send me a message or ask!
Reminder that my requests are open! If you would like something in a sort of one shot format/length or blurb, etc. send it in! I’ll write for any of the Borhap or Queen boys (Freddie only platonically), Lucy, Patrick Murray, Gardner Langway and adult!Tim Murphy or possibly any of the other characters these people have played if I know enough about them!
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weirdstuff-blog · 5 years
Me and stephanie dancing up Christian
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"ROB SIMS presents KellyMBentley.Com in 2008! "
Female 26 years old ATLANTA, Georgia United States
Last Login: 4/13/2008
I love models and everything to do with the glamour industry. I am seriously into photography. I love to dance and I am currently learning to sing. I am crazy in love with my American Pitt Bull Terrier "Layla" and I love spending time with her playing freesbee with her and my loving fiance Django. I love fast cars preferrably American Muscle. My favorite would be a Trans Am. Long live Cassondra
Music I love all types of music, but my favorite is Classic Rock including the Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, Doors, Def Lepard, AC/DC, Primus, Nine Inch Nail all kinds of artists. I love dancing to hip-hop, but I really don’t have any favorites.
Movies I love chic flicks and cartoons. I’ve never really been a fan of horror flicks. My favs include Notebook, Ratatouille, Sweet Home Alabama, Youve Got Mail…you get where this is going.
Television I love reality shows. I was on the Coyote Ugly Reality Show but I hated it. My favorites shows include Pussycat dolls, ANTM, Ghost Hunters, Dirty Jobs, Rock of Love, Make me a Supermodel….well all of them except American Idol…hate that shit!!
Books I dont read anything but war books and Cosmopolitian magazine. Oh yea and the Bible of course. Heroes All of our American Military men and women especially those close to me….Andrew Goldman, Jason Edmondson, Chris Willis, and my sweet uncle Kurt. Love and appreciate you guys. If you have a friend or relative serving I send me their name and I will post it here to show my appreciation.
The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Details
Status: In a Relationship Here for: Networking, Friends Orientation: Straight Hometown: Alabama Body type: Slim / Slender Ethnicity: White / Caucasian Zodiac Sign: Libra Smoke / Drink: No / No Education: College graduate Occupation: Model
The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Schools Southern Union State Community College Wadley, AL Graduated: 2002 Student status: Alumni Degree: Associate’s Degree Major: Computer Science
2000 to 2002
The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Companies NOPI Motorsports Atlanta, Georgia US Nopi Chic Model
Construction Cuties Atlanta, Georgia US
M Bentley Productions Atlanta, Georgia US
The Kelly M. Bentley is Taking Over the F*cking World!
The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Latest Blog Entry [Subscribe to this Blog]
Rob Sims and Kelly Bentley 2008 (view more)
RIDE FOR LIFE…..Relay For Life Charity Event (view more)
Coyote Ugly Episode 5…Thank God its Over! (view more)
National Glamour Showcase Florida (view more)
Coyote Ugly Episode 4 (view more)
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The Kelly M. Bentley ‘s Blurbs About me: Its hard to describe myself because I am constantly changing. So to start, above all else, I am a bad ass bartender. I bartend at OPERA Nightclub here in Atlanta, Geogia. Its the biggest and hottest club in Atlanta. I also bartend at the Irish Bred Carrollton where I can fulfill my bar dancing passion to AC/DC, Buckcherry (Crazy biotch!), and Def Lepard. I love serving up cocktails with a little sassy shake some come by either place and check me out!!
Second, I am a model and one of the hottest female entrepreneurs on this planet. In modeling, I specialize in glamour, fitness, and promotional modeling. I always have something going on somewhere. I’m partnering up with NOPI as a NOPI CHIC for 2008. I love doing charity work so keep updated on my events and help us out. As an entrepreneur, I own half of a calendar production company with JM Polsfuss that is responsible for the hottest calendar coming out in 2009 Construction Cuties. Watch for it!! I also just teamed up with get this…yes…The Rob Sims….which we will have my website launched by the end of Spring to help heat up the summer for you. Also watch for all the magazine covers, layouts, spreads, etc. coming soon…I told you guys I’ll be taking over the WORLD!! Lastly, I am a regular girl that had a dream and am still forcing it to come true come hell or high water. I’m from a small town, but I’m working hard to fulfill my big city dreams as well as those of other girls who want to be models with MODELICIOUS. So if you want to try modeling, don’t listen to people when they tell you that you cant do it, they said I couldn’t, and I look at me…so don’t listen, contact me and lets see what we can do. I DONT DO ANYTHING FOR FREE….so don’t ask. I have a small network of professional models I use and promote because they have become friends. Don’t ask for my contacts, because I work hard in promoting and networking myself so why should I just hand over my hard work to you. If you want my network, you pay for my network.
THINGS YOU WOULDN’T GUESS ABOUT ME: No one would ever guess that I used to be in the Army National Guard. I used to be on Active Reserve as the RA for SFC Robert Cornett. I got out in 2005. I also used to wiegh 170 lbs. I gained a huge amount of weight when I quit drinking and smoking. Yea a lot of you thought it would never happen. I quit cold turkey and the turkey went to my ass. I lost 50 lbs. on the Subway diet. I was recently on the Coyote Ugly Reality Show on CMT and hated every minute. I also have a degree in Political Science and Computer Science with a minor in Military Science. Just some cool quirks about me. TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF – The Survey Name: Kelly M Bentley Birthday: October 7th Birthplace: Anniston, Alabama Current Location: Atlanta, Georgia Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Blonde/Brunette..hell I don’t know Height: 5’5" if I’d stand up straight Right Handed or Left Handed: Right Your Heritage: Irish/German &..39;The Shoes You Wore Today:’ My beloved flip flops Your Weakness: Your Fears: airplanes, elevators, and scurrying vermon Your Perfect Pizza: cheese/pepperoni without any sauce Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Be at 8% Body Fat by the end of the year Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: I dont even know how to set that shit up… Thoughts First Waking Up: What in the hell are the Backyardigans? Your Best Physical Feature: My big ghetto booty Your Bedtime: When ever my mind decides to quit thinking Your Most Missed Memory: No clue..too much memory lost Pepsi or Coke: Caffeine free coke MacDonalds or Burger King: both are some nasty shit…I dont put it in my body! Single or Group Dates: Cant remember my last date… Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I don’t drink any tea Chocolate or Vanilla: Just hand over the chocolate and no one gets hurt Cappuccino or Coffee: Caffeine free Coffee Do you Smoke: hell no Do you Swear: I swear I cuss too much Do you Sing: Did you catch my show? Think I’ll stick to the shower. Do you Shower Daily: more than once Have you Been in Love: Only twice for sure Do you want to go to College: Been there done that Do you want to get Married: Umm….when I’m too old to know better Do you belive in yourself: more than anyother person besides Roy Do you get Motion Sickness: Do you think you are Attractive: No but others tend to disagree Are you a Health Freak: Absolutely Do you get along with your Parents: depends on the day of the week Do you like Thunderstorms: love them Do you play an Instrument: In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: don’t drink alcohol In the past month have you Smoked: I quit when I was 20 In the past month have you been on Drugs: hell no drugs are for weak people In the past month have you gone on a Date: I havent gone on a date in the past few years In the past month have you gone to a Mall: No..I hate the mall..I’m in need of another personal shopper In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: yea right…my trainer would shoot me In the past month have you eaten Sushi: I don’t eat fish In the past month have you been on Stage: too many times In the past month have you been Dumped: No In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: I wish In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No but someone stole two of my damned portfolios Ever been Drunk: Plastered on many occassions Ever been called a Tease: What girl hasnt Ever been Beaten up: No but I got launched off some steps one time Ever Shoplifted: no I only steal hearts How do you want to Die: at 200mph on the Autobahn What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I’m doing it but not grown up yet What country would you most like to Visit: Ireland In a Boy/Girl.. Favourite Eye Color: Any that don’t lie Favourite Hair Color: any that I can run my fingers through Short or Long Hair: either Height: all heights Weight: weight doesn’t matter Best Clothing Style: clothes dont make the man Number of Drugs I have taken: Don’t do drugs Number of CDs I own: not too many Number of Piercings: ears and belly button Number of Tattoos: 1 Number of things in my Past I Regret: only 1…if you know me you know what it is
Myspace Layouts – Myspace Editor – Image Hosting
Who I’d like to meet: TO ALL MODELS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS: Now that I am partnered up with Robs Sims who is the most published photographer on the planet also owner of FitBeauties and FitModels International Magazines, photographer for Oxygen, MuscleMag, InStyle, American Curves, Maxim, FHM, Mens Health…okay I’m tired already. Too many to list. Google him for the rest…lol. Rob and I will be offering photoshoots to ambitious models with the guarantee to be published. Yes there is a catch. 1)like I said I don’t do anything for FREE 2) Neither does he 3) you have to be approved by me first. Sorry ladies…I have to be picky. Feel free to submit to me for shoots with Rob. I will be honest and give you feedback. WE ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT CAN GUARANTEE YOU PUBLICATION IN MAJOR MAGAZINES.
Posted by dcsmith2752002 on 2008-06-23 13:19:11
The post Me and stephanie dancing up Christian appeared first on Good Info.
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ofharrie · 6 years
“I’ve just done something insane,” He began to talk without returning your greeting. “And I don’t reckon you’re going to like it.”
“You’re making me nervous, love,” You laughed, pausing what you were doing and took the phone by your hand. “Am I gonna have to break up with you?”
“No, no!” He quickly defended, followed by a chuckle. “Nothin’ like that. It’s only something minor. But I still think you won’t like it.”
“Go on then, don’t make me wait,” You urged him to continue.
“I got a haircut.”
the one where Harry, after a good couple of months of having long hair, finally got a haircut
word count: 1.5k tags: smut (this is literally just smut lol)
(A/N: this was only meant to be a very very short blurb but my fingers slipped)
The familiar sound of your phone ringing interrupted the music that you had put on whilst attempting to bake cupcakes. It was Harry repeatedly calling out for you to answer your phone, a custom ringtone he recorded that you were convinced he only made to annoy you. You quickly wiped your hands on your apron before answering the call from your lovely boyfriend.
“Hello?” You answered, tucking the phone in between your ear and your shoulder as you began wiping down the benchtop.
“I’ve just done something insane,” He began to talk without returning your greeting. “And I don’t reckon you’re going to like it.”
“You’re making me nervous, love,” You laughed, pausing what you were doing and took the phone by your hand. “Am I gonna have to break up with you?”
“No, no!” He quickly defended, followed by a chuckle. “Nothin’ like that. It’s only something minor. But I still think you won’t like it.”
“Go on then, don’t make me wait,” You urged him to continue.
“I got a haircut.”
Now those four little words wouldn’t be such a big deal to the average girlfriend. In fact, most girls beg their boyfriends to get a haircut. But, in your case, you absolutely adored Harry’s long hair. You often called him your “sweet Disney prince” due to his luscious locks that were, more often than not, accompanied by his charming dimpled smile and a twinkle in his bright green eyes. It was hard not to love Harry with his long hair.
So when he told you he had gotten his hair cut, all you could ask was, “How short?”
“Short enough,” He replied vaguely. “Like, uh, soldier short? I’m not really sure how to describe it. I’ve just had to cut it for the movie.”
“What?” You asked, seemingly confused. “Can you just send me a pic, then? So I know whether I should pack my bags and leave before you come home.”
“Hey!” He exclaimed, feigning offence. “You’ll see it when I get home, alright? I’ve got to go now. I’ll text you when I’m on my way home. I love you!”
“Hurry up and come home!” You replied followed by a quick “I love you too!” before hanging up.
Between the time that you’d finished baking and icing the cupcakes and Harry coming home, you just sat on the couch, watching telly and twiddling your thumbs in both excitement and nervousness. It wasn’t that you’re shallow or anything. Hell, you’d still love Harry even if he shaved off all his hair. But you loved Harry’s long hair. You always begged for him to keep it. You liked brushing it, putting it up in a bun, grabbing at it when he’s eating you out. Harry’s hair was one of the many things you love about him but you knew that he eventually would have to cut it off. You just didn’t think it’d be this soon.
You heard the door opening and you quickly rushed to it, welcoming Harry with a short peck on the lips before standing back and observing his new hairstyle.
It was short. Much shorter than you expected it to be. But, gosh, does he look good. You’ve never seen him with hair this short but he pulls it off so well that you were at loss for words.
“What’s the verdict then?” He asked as the two of you walked to the kitchen. “Does my beautiful girlfriend like it?”
Like it would be an understatement, you thought to yourself.
“Are you hungry?” You asked, avoiding his question.
“What?” He asked, confused as to why you didn’t answer him.
“I said,” You began to speak again. “Are you hungry?”
“No, we had catering on set today,” Harry replied, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Are you tired?” You asked.
“Not really,” Harry answered. “We mostly just went through our lines. What’s going on?”
“Are you alright to stand up for a solid ten minutes?” You asked him, trying to bite back the smile that was creeping up on your face.
“Yeah, I guess?” He replied, cocking up an eyebrow at you.
You then cupped his cheeks with both of your hands before pressing a long and lingering kiss on his pink lips. “Good. Because I really want you in my mouth right now.”
This earned you a low chuckle from Harry. He then pulled you closer, slipping his tongue in your mouth as one of his hands slithered down to your bum and gave it a cheeky squeeze. You quickly swatted his hand away before pulling back from the kiss and getting on your knees.
Harry was leaning back against the kitchen counter, one hand behind him for support and the other placed on the crown of your head as you began unzipping his plaid trousers. You pulled them down and began mouthing at his boxer-clad cock that was beginning to harden by the second.
One thing that Harry absolutely loved, apart from eating you out, was receiving a blowjob from you. He remembers sitting in your bedroom and teaching you how to give one as you’ve previously confided with him that you’ve never given one before. He laughed at first, finding it adorable that his girlfriend was inexperienced. Those laughs soon turned into moans as you eagerly applied his instructions into practice and made Harry spill his hot load in your mouth.
“Stop teasing me, love,” Harry said, looking down at you with lustful eyes.
You giggled at his request, pulling down the band of his boxers just enough to expose the head of his cock. You placed a gentle kiss on it before giving it a lick that caused Harry to let out a small moan. You continued licking it and giving it an occasional suck before fully taking off his boxers.
Harry’s cock was huge, to say the least. It used to always intimidate you and make you nervous that it wouldn’t fit inside you. But Harry definitely made you comfortable and familiar with his cock that you practically worship it every chance you get.
“So big,” You complimented your boyfriend, stroking his ego even more. “Can’t wait to have it in my mouth.”
“You can have it now if you want,” Harry replied cheekily, giving you a smirk.
“Patience, baby,” You replied before kissing the tip.
You took his hard cock in your hand and began licking around it, tracing the vein that runs along the length of his cock with your tongue. You then put your mouth back on his tip, swirling your tongue around before putting a quarter of his length inside your mouth.
“Holy fuck,” Harry muttered under his breath as he watched his cock slowly disappear into your mouth.
You maintained eye contact the whole time as you slowly bobbed your head up and down, trying to ease yourself into deepthroating your huge boyfriend. Your eyes fluttered close in pleasure, loving the way Harry tasted. It drove Harry absolutely crazy seeing you be insatiable and take pleasure in sucking him off.
One of your hands reached up to his balls to cradle them, earning an embarrassing whimper from your boyfriend. You felt Harry tugging at your hair and gently trying to put more of his cock inside your warm mouth.
“Please fuck my mouth,” You pleaded, getting the message from Harry as soon as he started pulling on your hair.
“You need it so bad, don’t you?” Harry teased before pulling you off him. “Practically gagging for it.”
“Need it so bad, Daddy,” You said deviously. You knew the effect that word has on Harry, especially when you use it to get what you want from him.
“You’re so bad,” Harry commented, giving off a low chuckle before using one hand to cup your cheek and the other wrapped around his thick length, proceeding to feed it to you. It wasn’t long before Harry was properly fucking your mouth, the quiet sounds of his cock hitting the back of your throat driving him insane and coercing a string of swear words out of him.
“Such a good girl for Daddy, aren’t ya?” He asked, pausing his thrusting for a second before slowly easing himself deeper and holding your head still, your nose pressed against the light patch of hair on his lower abdomen. “Stay, stay, stay.” It was said in a low whisper, Harry’s eyes shut closed and his jaw slack. He could feel you swallowing against him, taking his cock just like he’s taught you to.
“I-I’m, fuck,” Harry began to stammer as he went back to thrusting in and out of your eager mouth, looking back down and seeing how much you’re enjoying yourself. “”M gonna cum...Y/N…”
His thrusts began to grow unsteady and with a soft cry of your name along with a few swear words muttered under his breath, you felt his hot load traveling down your throat in hot spurts. You felt Harry’s hand slowly loosen his grip on your hair and you proceeded to bob your head a few more times and gave his tip a sloppy kiss that made your boyfriend hiss before completely pulling off.
“So, I take it you like my new hair?” Harry asked, slightly out of breath and gave you a quick peck on the lips.
“It’s okay, I guess.”
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