#not sure when I decided that but that's the jist of it
venomgender · 8 months
semantic error ended in the most insane way possible IMO nothing was resolved
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bpdere666 · 2 years
Are you bad for fighting back and trying to escape whe someone assaults you? If you don't just sit there and take it are you equally to blame as the person who attacked you purely because they felt they had the right too? Do you have to behave a certain way to be a victim?
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gothwineaunts · 6 months
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I tried my best to replicate the post that Tumblr ate earlier.
It’s not as good but you'll get the jist I think. :’)  
Hi again! I wanted to follow up on my post from yesterday. I’ve been mostly offline since then, and I feel much better now, especially after seeing the thoughtful responses y’all left. Where did you all even come from!? I don’t think I’ve ever posted this account anywhere, haha. But thank you so much. I’m horrendous at taking a damn compliment but I read all the replies and reblogs and I’m just incredibly humbled. You all brought up my mood a lot and highkey made me feel sane again. I’ve been so confused at why everyone in the WEBTOON comments seems to be so mad all the time, it kind of does my head in if I’m being honest.
But please don’t worry about me or Flynn. Or about Nevermore! We’d never change the story to fit what we think the commenters want us to do, for a lot of reasons. The most important of which is. If we had to do that, I think we’d rather just stop making it. What they seem to want is a story we’re not really interested in telling.
Wholesome wlw is a wildly important thing to be able to find if you’re looking for it. That really cannot be overstated. Until very recently, queer characters have been subjected by popular media to a disproportionate amount of anguish and violence. So the concept of seeing two women just, living a safe and fulfilling life together? I get why people want to see that so badly. And there’s so much beautifully written aspirational content for queer audiences out there now, and I’m pleased to death over it. But the thing is, it’s just not what we’re making.
Nevermore was always intended to be a dark gothicky romance with horror elements. Like Wuthering Heights, or Phantom of the Opera. Because those were the stories that always inspired us when we were young. Bloodsoaked stories of melodrama, intrigue, grief, and passion. Those stories would captivate me and get me asking all kinds of questions. Why can’t the Phantom be a beautiful woman? Why does Christine have the agency of a desk lamp? Why can’t sapphics have something cool like this?
So we decided to make it. Nevermore is not a wholesome romance. It doesn’t try to be. The point was never to explore sapphics having a healthy and (heavy air quotes here) “normal” relationship, like heterosexual couples get to have in real life. We already have that, together, Flynn and I. We live it, everyday.  In Nevermore, what we wanted most was to explore a sweeping sapphic romance full of danger, like heterosexual couples get to have in fiction. That’s why we love those kinds of stories so much, because of how divorced they are from the mundanity of real life. They’re fantasies.
I know that I'm preaching to the choir, aha.
But my point is: if you go to a hardware store to order a cake, you’re probably going to be disappointed. If what you crave is aspirational wlw content, there are so many bakeries you can go to that will give you exactly what you’re hoping for, and more. I especially recommend Muted by Miranda Mundt. It’s also on Webtoon, it’s completed, and it’s free to read.
And please know that I’m not saying to stop reading Nevermore, just maybe to adjust your expectations a little bit. We don’t sell cakes here, but I am pretty sure I've got a few 12ft tall skeleton lawn ornaments in the back if you're interested.
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devoutekuna · 4 months
When he's sick/injured
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
A/N- Geto has twin daughters in this
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Sukuna wasn't going to let a measly cold stop him, he was a king after all. Yet he still stays confined to his room not to get his daughter or wife sick. His daughter was rebellious refusing to take orders from anyone, even her father, that's why she went into his bedroom despite being told not to, carrying a big bowl full of her father's favourite soup with some meat inside it. "Hi dad!" Placing the bowl next to him as he sat outside on the porch getting some fresh air. "Hi baby" ruffling her hair as she sat down, maybe he was feeling nice since he was sick?
"I brought you some food" pushing it towards him. "Uraume said that it helps" kicking her little legs as she saw how he ate it, she had made it herself so it would be a blessing if he actually enjoyed it. "I made it myself, with the help from Uraume. She cooked the meat and I made the soup" pointing to it.
"You got more?" Handing her the empty bowl. "Oh, Oh yes!" She was even surprised he liked it, getting up as she ran towards the kitchen. Smiling to himself as he saw how his daughter acted.
During a mission he broke his wrist, fortunately it was already healing due to shoko, yet he had to come home with the white cast visible due to his shirt. "What happened to your arm daddy?" Pointing to the cast. "I fell" lying as he didn't want her to know the truth of how he got it. "Oh."
Pulling out the chair for whenever he came down to eat. "I will get you food!" Smiling up at him as he sat down "Thank you sweetheart" patting her head. Bringing back a bowl full of cereal, it was overflowing a bit due to the milk but it was fine. This was now a regular occurrence during the time he broke his wrist, having his daughter take over his responsibilities despite not asking to.
About to get up to go change the clothes from the washing machine into the dryer but his daughter beat him to it, running towards the dryer as she opened the door, "I will put it in the dryer!". "You don't have to." He knew she'd get upset if he didn't allow her to, but he really wanted her to go spend her time with her friends or atleast something else.
Suguru was sick, well it was actually the common cold since it was winter, not a big deal, but his daughter's made it the biggest deal ever. Forcing you to take them to the costume store to buy nurses outfits, making sure that they had all the right equipment before checking on their father. "Daddy, we've come to do a checkup on you!" Her little smiles as she waddled in, pushing a toy trolley full of toy medical supplies. A glass of water, a stethoscope, plasters, temperature monitor, you get the jist. "Yes yes" nodding in response as they tried to close the door behind him. Picking up his daughter as he out them on the bed along with the trolley. "First, we need the temperature thingy" grabbing it from the bag as she stuck it in his mouth, making him almost gag because it was full force. "Mummy is making you soup so you need to rest." Her twin sister was waiting for the soup to be ready so that she could bring it to him.
"Here you go baby" handing her a bowl of soup, watching over as she worked slowly not to spill it.
Putting the bowl on the nightstand. "Now the stethoscope!" Putting it in her ears as she placed it all around his upper body. "It goes here sweetheart" moving her hand so that the plastic touched his bare chest instead of his head. "36! You have a fever daddy" trying to diagnose him, yet she was wrong. Atleast she tried her best.
He was a bit overdramatic when it came to you spending more time with him, one example of this is the fact that he sometimes refuses to use his reverse cursed technique so that you can patch him up.
"Ow!" See normally you'd be the one to wrap him up with bandages but since you were already asleep, his son decided to help out. Using his arm as a handle so that he didn't fall off the sofa as he tightened the bandage. "Your pulling too hard" trying to loosen the material. "It's like a tourniquet!" He was taught to make sure the wrapping was tight or else it wouldn't work. "It's a small scrape" defending himself. "It could get infected! So you need to be safe" he clearly learnt that off you since Satoru was so careless.
His daughter has a dream of becoming a nurse, it was always short lived though since she kept changing professions, last week she wanted to be a princess and the month before she wanted to be a president. "Okay dad, I will be your doctor for today!" Sat on the sofa as he watched her try and climb up, he'd never allow someone else to do this to him other than his daughter. The scar on his shoulder was practically healed by now, yet she still wanted to check it out. "Okay, does this hurt?" Pressing down on mark. "No" fingers digging further into his skin. "Now?" Looking back up at him as she sat on his arm.
"Nope" he was already tired of this as she was just messing around but he'd entertain his daughter if it meant seeing her happy. "How about now?" Shaking his head as she pouted. "I can give you paracetamol for now" climbing off the man as she buttoned up her doctor's jacket. "But I said it didn't hurt" writing down some words on a piece of paper. "Well I am the doctor here" smirking at the man.
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dyslexic-mess · 2 years
Tiniest DCXDP au nibblet before I go to bed:
The bat boys speak several languages. Which they fly into on a regular basis. Dick will go off into Romanian when he's being effectinate, Tim is angry in French, Jason rambles in Spanish and Damien mutters in latin.
(Cass also slips in and out of sign regularly and steph knows German but mostly just the swear words)
It happens enough there not phased by eachother doing it and are used to getting the general jist or rasing an eyebrow when whoever speaking is done and adding. "Okay. Now in English, please?"
Enter Danny who, since his death, has this bad habit of slipping into ghost speak when he's not concentrating for some resosen. Zoned out, angry, disinterested, excited, it's like when he died his first language became ghost speak and sometimes he forgets to translate before he talks.
After your usual 'getting adopted into the batfamily' hyjinx, Danny accidentally slips up in a passionate ramble about a picture NASA released or something. He catches himself and panics, only for whichever sibling he was talking at to roll there eyes and smile.
"English, Danny?"
He decides to do as they did and gloss over it but this is pre phantom reveal so he panics internally. Thing is, everyone else dose it to. Even Bruce. To the point that he stops thinking about it to.
It dosn't come up till Duke comes from a visit, Danny gose on an impassioned rant about the anti ecto laws in ghost speak and Duke turns 'round and asks what language he's actually speaking?? Because it dosnt sound like any languages he's heard????
Everyone turns because, hold on. That's a valid point! What language dose danny keep slipping in and out of??
This is a catalyst towards the reveal.
Also! Before that, everyone thought Danny was an impressive level of bilingual. He always seemed to know what everyone was saying, even when they weren't speaking English.
He isn't bilingual really, its more of a cheat code. It turns out getting crowned ghost king also grants you some kind of internal universal translator because Danny, simmilerly, didn't actually notice his new siblings spoke any other languages before Tim got annoyed and started ranting in French about how unreasonable Bruce was and how jason was trying his best and Danny was following his point completly before he looked over and saw Jason watching with just. A confused. Blank stare.
And then he shrugged to Danny and said "I'm sure whatever he's saying is a good point and I'd back him up, if he's say it in English, PLEASE-"
Which solidly clued Danny into the fact that Tim had, infact, not been speaking English
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kpopsexstories · 1 month
jist recently found out about your acc and WOAH I NEED IT especially the jisung gay one my bottom ass was LIVID now i need a dream version where they treat me like their pocketpussy cause of the dating ban and cause they cant for the life of them have a girl 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 i am ready for all 7
Wow, this made even me blush 🤭 Are we doing this? Yes, we are doing this 😄 Let's move on from Jisung, to Heachan...
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GAY #3: NCT Haechan 'Dating Ban'
NCT Haechan can’t date. As his gay friend you help him out with his sexual needs (*Requested*)
Content Warning! This is a 100% gay story. Check out this post for my straight smut or this post for more gay smut.
Pairing: Top NCT Haechan x Bottom male reader
Content: Blowjob, Haechan fucks you from behind against a couch
Type of Sex: MEDIUM
Word Count: 3.6k
Click here to read the previous 'Dating Ban' story with NCT's Jisung.
You're on the couch of the NCT Dream communal living room. Haechan is lounging beside you, with bare legs and his feet brushing against your thigh. He's in a dark hoodie and really short shorts.
He's focused on the TV too, but you can swear that he's glanced at you several times since you started the movie. You can sense it in the corner of your eye. His feet have gradually moved closer to you.
They poke your thigh as Haechan stretches out. No biggie. You may be Jisung's best friend, but you're on good terms with all of the boys and feel like you know them pretty well. It actually feels good that they can be so comfortable in your presence.
Haechan suddenly lifts his bare feet and puts them in your lap. You instinctively turn to look at him.
“Is this okay?” he asks.
“Sure,” you say and smile at him. You rest your hand on his ankle.
You sit like this for a while, and you can swear Haechan is looking at you again. You become fully aware of it as he appears to keep staring for quite some time.
You begin to stroke his leg. The skin is nice and smooth. Gradually, your strokes get longer. You go to his toes and all the way up to his knee.
Until you reach his thigh. It feels thrilling to touch the man like this, and you're getting closer and closer to sensitive parts. Though he was first to test your boundaries, you wonder at what point he will find your touching weird.
When Haechan doesn't move or stop you, and you keep feeling his gaze upon you, you finally turn to face him.
“Is it true that you and Jisung had sex?” he asks when you look him in the eye.
The question surprises you. You had thought that was something Jisung would want to keep a secret.
“Did he tell you that?” you ask and laugh.
“Yeah. Is it true?”
You hesitate for a moment. “Yes,” you finally admit.
Haechan smiles faintly at you, then adds: “You know, he's not the only one with a dating ban…”
There's no point in dancing around the subject. You've been around, sexually that is, and you can sense where this is going. Haechan's feet near your crotch, your hand on his bare thigh, his curiosity and questions. They must mean something. And yes, if asked, you wouldn't say no to Haechan.
You giggle. “Are you horny?” you ask and let your hand wander higher still. Your fingers are almost touching the bottom of his shorts.
Haechan decides not to dance either. “Yes,” he says.
“Do you want to have sex?” you ask.
“Yes,” Haechan replies.
You smile at the man crookedly. “Haechan… Are you gay?”
“No. But neither is Jisung.”
Fair point, you think. I love this dating ban.
“I'm not some sex toy for you to play with,” you point out.
“Is that a no then?”
Uh-oh, I'm losing him. “I didn't say that.”
“What's it like anyway?” Haechan asks.
“What's what like?”
“Sex with another man.”
You smile wide, turn your body and fold a leg under you as you scoot up on the couch. “Oh, it's wonderful,” you say and lean on your elbow on the backrest of the couch. “An asshole is so much tighter than a pussy.”
Haechan's eyes widen. “Isn't it disgusting?”
“I mean, it is a hole meant for… something else. But no, not if you clean yourself properly before doing it.”
“Doesn't it hurt?”
“It can. But it's individual. It usually doesn't hurt me.”
Haechan gives you a teasing smirk. “Because you're so used to it?”
What he's implying is rude, but it isn't wrong. You've always been promiscuous. You decide to laugh at the joke. “That might be part of it. But I've always been able to take a dick, no problem.”
A moment's pause follows. Then Haechan finally does ask what you've been hoping he'll ask: “Will you take mine?”
Yes! you think. “Hmm, I don't know,” you say, but really only just to tease him back.
Haechan's smile fades and you realize that you might lose him again. To keep the sexual conversation going, you add: “You wouldn't find it disgusting?”
“Are you clean?”
“Then no. Look, last night I fucked a peach. That's how sexually frustrated I am.”
“Gee, such a romantic,” you say and laugh. “I feel so flattered.”
Haechan reaches out and slaps you playfully on the arm. You laugh and jolt, and when you lean back down your hand slides even higher up Haechan's thigh. This time, your fingers reach all the way inside the shorts.
“Alright,” you say. “I'll have sex with you. If that's what you want.”
Haechan's eyes widen again, and his smile is bigger than ever. “Yes!” he says eagerly.
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Blowjob starts here…
Without saying anything else you scoot closer to him. You reach all the way in with the hand. You feel the bottom of Haechan's underwear and stick your fingers inside them.
His dick is already growing and he feels a tingle between his legs. You find the dick and touch it, then wrap your fingers around the shaft. It grows to full size in your hand.
Haechan keeps looking at you, and you at him. You stare at each other until you stroke the cock and Haechan closes his eyes, as lust and pleasure takes hold of his body.
He opens his mouth and inhales deeply, then breathes out slowly.
“Does it feel good?” you ask.
“Oh yeah,” Haechan moans. He pulls himself a little higher on the couch.
You follow, half way laying down beside him to reach the cock. You take your arm off the backrest and go for the top of Haechan's shorts.
Slowly, you begin to slide them down. He lets you, and even lifts his ass slightly to aid you.
“How long do we have before the others are back?” he suddenly asks and opens his eyes.
“At least another hour. Don't worry, I have a feeling you'll be done long before then.”
Haechan stares at you as the shorts slide down his hips. You lift his underwear to free his dick, and look on with anticipation as it appears. He pulls his hoodie up to give your hands more space.
You can hardly believe that Haechan is letting you do this, that the straight man wants this, and that, if this is going where it appears to be going, you'll have sexually pleasured two of the Dream team members in two days.
You let go of the dick to pull the shorts all the way down. Haechan lifts his hoodie even higher, revealing his soft tummy. Soon enough, he's laying half naked in front of you while you jerk him off faster.
You wonder where his limits lie. A hand job is one thing, but what would he feel about a blowjob? You decide to find out. You know that you're an excellent sucker, and once Haechan has gotten a taste of that he simply won't be able to say no. You've got him exactly where you want him.
You lean all the way down while looking at him for a reaction. He's got his eyes closed again though and can't see your approach. You decide to act swiftly.
You open your mouth wide and put the full length of the shaft inside it. You build up a significant amount of saliva, then slowly drag your lips upwards, tightly sealed around the cock.
“Holy fuck,” Haechan exclaims when you wet his dick.
You stick out your tongue and play around with it. “You like it?” you ask when the head falls out of your mouth again.
“Oh my God,” Haechan moans. He puts a hand on your shoulder and squeezes it hard. “Yes, don't stop.”
What ensues is a most wonderful blowjob, something Haechan has never experienced before in his life. You have, and you take great pleasure in making the man squirm and moan in front of you.
The blowjob is short though. You lick, kiss and suck for almost a minute, until Haechan is so overcome with the pleasure you spawn in him that he pulls your hair.
“Stop,” he suddenly exclaims. Then he repeats the word, a little calmer when your head becomes frozen in place. “Stop. You're gonna make me come.”
You release the cock and look at him with a smirk. “Isn't that the point?” you ask.
“Yeah, but didn't Jisung get to fuck you?”
“He did. You want that too?”
Haechan looks at you with puppy eyes. “Yes,” he almost whispers.
You work hard to contain your excitement. This is insane! Calmly, you sit up straight and hold out your hand.
Haechan takes it and you both stand up. He follows you, but then pulls your arm when you attempt to lead him into Jisung's bedroom, where you're sleeping during your week-long visit.
“Wait,” he says. “I want to do it here.”
“On the couch?” you ask and raise your eyebrow.
“In the living room. It's not often we have the place to ourselves like this. I want to take full advantage of that.”
“Alright,” you say with a smirk. You let go of the hand and playfully grab Haechan's hard dick. “I'll be right back.”
You turn around and leave the man standing there, half naked and a little confused. You go to Jisung's room to grab a tube of lube from your bag, then disappear into the bathroom.
You smile to yourself when you wonder what Haechan is doing right now. You've left him hanging, and he must wonder what's taking so long.
Let him wait, you think. This is fun.
When you return to the living room, Haechan has taken his shirt off. He's sitting naked on the couch with a pillow covering his crotch. Maybe a part of him is worried that the boys will come home earlier than expected, and he wants to hurry up.
You have the same worry. “Are you sure we shouldn't go to the bedroom?” you ask.
“Yes,” he says. “Just relax.”
You scoff, then giggle. You should be the one who's helping him relax.
With the tube of lube in one hand you hold out the other. Haechan takes it, removes the pillow from his dick and stands up.
“So how…” he begins, but you interrupt him. You pull him closer and kiss him on the lips.
Shit, I shouldn't have done that, you think. But Haechan doesn't seem to mind.
Your eyes meet and you smile softly at each other. Your hand falls down his side and grabs the still hard cock. Then you take his arm and guide it, to the front of your pants.
“Take them off me,” you whisper.
To your delight Haechan is quick to comply. He undoes the button and pulls down the zipper.
With your pants half open, you walk to the side of the couch. You gently pull Haechan's arm to encourage him to go with you. You stand facing the couch and lean on the armrest with one hand, guiding Haechan to go behind you with the other.
You put his hand on your hip, then yours on the couch. You spread your legs slightly and straighten your spine, bending your body in an almost ninety degree angle.
“Take them off,” you say and turn your head, to see the man in the corner of your eye. This is a test. You don't want to push him, but want to see if he's willing to work for what he's asked for.
Haechan looks down, grabs the top of your pants and underwear, and slowly starts to pull. The seams round your cheeks and your ass is revealed. He strokes it softly while taking in the sight.
“Here,” you say and hand him the tube. “Put some in your hand and rub it on your dick.”
Haechan seems to take forever. You reaffirm your stance and spread your legs a little more, and move your elbows closer together on the armrest.
Eventually, Haechan returns the tube by holding his hand out beside you. “Done,” he says in a cheerful tone.
You bend your spine and hunch over, to reach in between your legs. You find your asshole and stick a finger in it. Haechan has a hand on your hip, just below your shirt.
“Get closer,” you say. Haechan takes a small step forward, and you feel the dick brush against your cheeks. You reach in even further. “Right here.”
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Sex starts here…
Haechan understands the instruction. He takes his cock and puts it near the hole. You stretch yourself with your fingers, until you feel the head press against them. You pout your ass to help Haechan get into position.
When the head is pushing harder against your asshole, you remove your hand and instead reach around your body. You find Haechan's naked ass and pull him closer still. His hand becomes firmer around your hip, and he holds his breath when the slippery cock eventually slides inside.
“Ahh,” you moan, partly to encourage the man. “Oh yeah, fuck me Haechan.”
It does the trick. The hard part is over. If Haechan ever had any reservations – which his initial questions suggest that he did but which his actions seem to prove that he does not – he's already overcome them. Now, all that remains is to make him come, and you secretly hope that he'll go all the way and do so in your ass.
When the shaft is half way in, Haechan begins to rock his hips slowly back and forth. He's still quiet and you wonder what is going through his head. But as he grows comfortable with the sensation, and the reality of what you're doing, he gradually picks up the pace.
“Oh, yes, fuck me,” you moan again, hoping that it will help him feel more relaxed. “Yes, Haechan, fuck me.”
You feel a second hand on your hips, as he grabs you tighter and thrusts a little harder into you.
“Faster,” you encourage. He heeds your words and starts to pull your whole body onto his shaft.
“Yes, that's it,” you say. “Yes, yes, yes!”
Haechan is deep inside you, fucking you fast and hard from behind, grimacing and grunting occasionally while pulling your hair with an arm stretched long above your back. Your legs are spread wide and your head is tilted so far back you face the ceiling. Your eyes are closed and your mouth wide open, and you clench the front of your shirt to hold it up and keep it from falling down onto your ass and Haechan's hands and cock.
“Oh, yes, ahh, fuck me, fuck me!” you almost scream repeatedly. “Yes, yes, ahh, your cock feels so good, yes, Haechan, you're amazing.”
The way you submit yourself to him and allow him to fuck your ass so passionately proves to be an immense turn-on for Haechan. Maybe it's the deeply rooted sexual frustration, caused by the now infamous dating ban, but you'd like to think that the man is not as straight as he might claim to be. Maybe he's hiding it, from the world and maybe even from himself, another possible consequence of strict SM policies and cultural taboos.
Whatever the case, the sex is great. You love Haechan's dick inside you, and judging from his eager thrusts and lustful grunts, he's loving it too. You're surprised by how much he's evolved since you sat on the couch and stroke his legs.
The couch is shaking violently on the floor and you let out another scream. You can hear Haechan pant behind you, as he lets loose and puts and end to God knows how many months of sexual frustration.
He does not get to come, however, before the sex is unexpectedly interrupted.
“What the fuck?” a voice suddenly exclaims.
You immediately stand up straight and grab a pillow to cover your crotch. Haechan pulls you closer, slipping his cock in deeper, as he's trying to hide behind your half naked body.
Chenle is standing in the door. He stares at you with his mouth wide open, then bursts out in an instant fit of laughter.
“Go away Chenle!” Haechan shouts. But rather than pulling out he only holds you tighter and pulls you closer.
Chenle looks away, but doesn't stop laughing.
“Are you alone?” you ask calmly.
“Yeah,” Chenle says. “But I can call the others and tell them to hurry back.”
“Don't,” Haechan pleads. “Please, Chenle. Go to your room.”
Chenle calms himself and looks at the spectacle again. “I mean, I don't want to interrupt your… fun time,” he says and waves his hand as if painting a picture of whatever it is he's witnessing.
“Thank you,” Haechan says, and to your surprise he's not ending the sex right then and there the way you expect him to do. “We're nearly done, just let me finish.”
“Take your time,” Chenle says and walks away. You hear his door closing behind him.
You turn your head and giggle. “What the fuck?” you ask, having just gone through a bit of an emotional rollercoaster.
Haechan begins to laugh too. Then you feel his body relax behind you, as he gently pulls up your shirt while slowly thrusting forward, pressing his pelvis against your ass cheeks.
“Wait, you don't want to stop?” you ask, genuinely confused by the situation. “Shouldn't we?”
“Why?” Haechan asks. “It's only Chenle. He's already seen us anyway, so what's the point? You don't want to help me?”
You scoff at the remark. What does the man think you're doing? But hey, if he wants to continue, you don't want to back out now either.
So you reach behind your head and push on Haechan's neck. His cheek brushes against yours as he rests his chin on your shoulder. He wraps his arms around your chest and stomach, gliding them all over your body and inside your shirt.
Gradually, his gentle thrusts begin to pick up the pace again, and you suddenly feel the need to be completely quiet. There's no more screaming or violent thrusting, only shallow breaths and gentle moans, as you pull your shirt higher and Haechan holds you tighter.
His thrusts remain slow but hard. He takes his time when he pulls back, but jolts each time he thrusts hard and fast back in. He repeats the sequence, a little faster and harder each time.
You open your mouth again and tilt your head back. Still with your hand on his neck you moan softly each time he hits you, and his cock is jammed inside you.
You feel his breath on your skin and hear him panting by your ear. You don't want this to end, but know that any of the others could return at any moment. Or Chenle might grow weary of staying in his room.
“Oh yeah, come for me baby,” you say, partly to encourage Haechan to finish.
He stops moving his hands and buries his face in your neck. He holds you tight around the chest while thrusting hard. He keeps going at a steady pace, until he's finally brought over the edge.
“Ah, yes, come for me,” you whisper when he holds his breath and plants his lips on your skin. ”Come inside me.”
Haechan eventually jolts a final time, and you can tell that it's the finish line from the way he grunts and suddenly digs his fingers into your skin.
He erupts inside you, releasing his load in a powerful explosion. He hasn't been this horny and felt such a strong orgasm since before the last time he had sex. Or maybe ever, at least you'd like to believe that. Regardless, the long period of sexless existence is over for him, or at least reset at zero.
“Ahhh,” he sighs deeply when he's finished, and his body comes down from his orgasm.
“Mm,” you moan. “Holy shit, you're so good Haechan.”
You can feel his smile against your skin. “No, you are,” he says softly. “Thank you.”
You turn your head to kiss his cheek. “You're welcome babe.”
Now that it's over, however, you're quick to push him away, encouraging him to pull out. You don't want anyone else to see you, and you wonder how you can explain all this to Chenle.
But then you realize that maybe Chenle is more Haechan's problem than yours. You should probably worry more about Jisung, and what he might think of what you and Haechan have done. You have no idea if your best friend will laugh or get mad, if he ever finds out.
You wonder if you should tell him or not, and whether Haechan will. The boys all seem to be very tight.
For now, you decide to let it go. What's done is done. You release your shirt and pull your pants back up, and help Haechan gather his clothes. He too gets dressed, and when your eyes meet he smiles wide at you.
You smile back. You're happy to be of service, because maybe you wanted this even more than Haechan did. It really was good sex.
“You can come out now,” Haechan suddenly shouts.
“Okay, thanks,” Chenle yells back, but he doesn't open the door.
You sit back down on the couch, and Haechan lays down beside you. You un-pause the movie and Haechan immediately puts his feet in your lap again. You watch in silence while you gently stroke his legs, get fully into the movie, and wait for the boys to return.
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Click here to read the previous 'Dating Ban' story with NCT's Jisung.
Click here to buy me a coffee.
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melkluver · 2 years
Ellie Williams x f!reader
word count: 3k
warnings: SMUT- like a lot. marijuana consumption, established relationship,  minors DN!!!!
a/n: I need to express all of my feelings and this is the only way that seems right (I also tried to proof read to the best of my ability)
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The clock reads midnight. You can’t sleep, and you haven’t been able to for the past couple of weeks. 
All you think about is her. Ellie. She’s always on your mind and you can’t seem to get her out, not that you want to anyway. 
You guys have been dating for the past several months and the relationship has been so much better than anything you could’ve ever asked for. 
She knows you, she cares about you. She remembers every single detail about you. 
She loves every part of you, even the scars that scatter across your body that you’ve collected over the years from the countless run-ins with the infected. 
Her love is genuine and kind.
Of course you feel the same way about her. You would do anything for Ellie. 
You need Ellie. 
You decided to get up out of the bed to make your way over to her house, making sure to grab boots and a jacket seeing as it was freezing outside. You also made sure to grab your backpack that had something in it that you knew would definitely help you two fall asleep.
You wrapped the jacket around your figure tightly when you stepped outside, hoping to block out as much cold air as possible. Like expected, the Wyoming cold was too much and made your journey towards Ellie’s little shed even more difficult than you had planned for. 
When you arrived at the green house in the backyard, you wasted no time in knocking. You were eager to see her.
“Hi El” You said smiling to the auburn haired girl.
“Hey babe” she says back. She wastes no time pulling you inside, closing the door behind you. 
It wasn’t unexpected for you to show up in the middle of the night. It was something that Ellie had grown quite fond of, secretly hoping every night you would find yourself making your way back towards her. 
You engulf each other into a hug, her hands rubbing up and down your back feeling every inch of your covered skin. Ellie’s figure stood taller than yours, but it wasn’t too drastic of a height difference. 
Your eyes meet each other. Wasting no time, you both move forward harmoniously with your lips eventually meeting. 
You guys act like you haven’t seen each other in days, when in reality you had seen her only yesterday. You guys had been busy with patrolling recently, there's been more and more sightings of infected, and sometimes it’s hard to catch the other one awake before they accidentally fall asleep from exhaustion. 
Our saving grace was the weekends. Maria thought it would be nice giving you guys weekends off especially because of how hard the two of you have been working, You guess infected didn’t matter on the weekends. Not that you were complaining anyway. 
“I have something.” You giggled, pulling away from the kiss, making your way towards her couch while also making sure to tug your boots and jacket off behind you. 
“What is it?” Ellie said, following right behind you. 
You placed down the backpack on her little table in front of the couch, pushing the zipper to the side and pulling out the medium sized glassware Eugene had lent you. 
“Holy shit,” Ellie exclaimed “how’d you get that!” she grabbed the bong out of your hands, taking a closer look. 
“Eugene, who do you think? He only needs a little bit of sweet-talking.” You said playfully to the green eyed girl. 
She playfully pushed your shoulder, laughing in the process. “Do you even know how to use this? I don’t.” she says sheepishly.
“Eugene gave me the rundown on how to use it, I think I got the jist of it.” You say back to your girlfriend. “We need water,” You say, turning to Ellie. 
She nods and walks away into her bathroom, grabbing a cup in the process. The faucet squeaked as she filled the cup up with water. 
She handed you the clear cup when she finished filling the cup all the way to the top. “Thank you baby,” you mumbled to her while pouring some water into the side of the bong. “I think this should be enough. Eugene said not to cover this hole with water.” 
She mumbled an ‘okay’ before sitting back down next to you, intertwining her legs with yours. 
She was a very touchy person and you loved it. Every touch she left on your body, you were sure enough to soak up. 
You pulled the small little baggy of the loose green flower out of the bag. Eugene had somehow managed to keep and maintain a weed farm during an apocalypse, something you weren't sure how he did. It made so much sense now on why Eugene always liked to patrol in that area. 
It was a complete accident when you stumbled across it too. You were supposed to be trading shifts with Eugene for patrolling that day but when you arrived at the lookout and he wasn’t there you made a decision to search the surrounding area. You found the library and made your way towards the basement where the atrocious smell of what you thought then was skunk, was seeping out.  
You found Eugene passed out, sprawled across the couch. When you eventually woke him up, he made you promise you wouldn’t tell anyone about him and the stinky flower he called weed. 
That was months ago. Eugene had given you weed in the form he called ‘joints’ only twice before this, obviously you shared it with Ellie. This was something new though. 
You opened the little baggy, and grabbed a small amount of the sticky green stuff to place in the part Eugene had told you to. 
“Okay,” You paused, trying to remember his exact instructions. “He said we have to breathe in while lighting this part, and then he said we take this little piece out from the side when we’re done inhaling the smoke.”
“Sounds simple enough to me.” Ellie said. 
You love how Ellie is always eager to do things with you, no matter how dumb or stupid it may seem to everyone else. She is something worth living for, she makes you feel so free.
You turn your head towards Ellie, pressing your lips to hers feeling an overcome of emotions towards the girl. 
You brought the glass up to your mouth and followed the steps, eventually being able to finally see smoke fill up the cylinder. You took out the little glass piece like he said, and inhaled all the smoke that still lingered. 
It’s only a few seconds before you start to cough, you were honestly so thankful that Ellie had gotten more than enough water for trying to fill the bong. 
You cough for a few more seconds, before your lungs finally start to calm down from the sensation of water. You extend the glassware over to Ellie while also handing her the lighter you had brought from home. 
Ellie had taken a hit out of the bong and to your own surprise, she didn’t cough. 
“Okay big girl” You say, playfully rolling your eyes towards your girlfriend. 
“Come on babe. You know how horny you just made me, saying that?” 
It’s not uncommon for Ellie to use dirty talk, and you knew how much it did to her when you used dirty talk back, especially when you talked to her like she was in charge. She was dominant and you didn’t mind it. 
“Yeah?” You say while taking the bong from Ellie, bringing the cylinder back up to your mouth to take another hit. “Show me” You say while exhaling out the smoke. 
She wastes no time in taking the bong out of your hands to place it on the table in front of you.
She turns back to you and grabs the back of your neck pulling you forward, bringing you to sit on top of her, your lips immediately crashing together. Your mouths move together, her tongue making its way into your mouth as your tongues fight for dominance, which Ellie obviously wins. You moan into the kiss as Ellie’s hands explore your body, especially paying attention to your ass. 
You struggle to breathe and pull away, to which Ellie responds by crashing her lips onto your neck leaving love marks that you know she’s secretly proud to show off. 
She gently tugs your face back down to her, before viciously attacking your lips with hers. Both of your highs made the intensity of it all become much deeper, both of you getting lost in each other. 
You moved your hands to the hem of her sweatshirt, letting your hands travel under her top and your fingertips softly grazing her stomach. Ellie pulled away from the kiss, licking her lips.
Fuck she looks so fucking hot. You felt a rush of heat stretch down to your core and you squeeze your thighs closer together around her, your pussy aching for her. 
You stand up from the couch, Ellie shuddering from the cold air that’s met when you leave her lap. “Come on” you said motioning to her bed, grabbing her hand. 
Every time you and Ellie had sex, there was something so magical about it. Ellie is the first girl you’ve ever been with. You cringe thinking about how nervous you were with your first time with Ellie, but all those nerves were quick to fade away in an instant. She's the type that makes you feel very comfortable in bed, always making sure to praise you and tell you how good you are doing, she’d also do anything to meet your needs.
Ellie really liked to please you, like really please you. It took weeks for her to understand that you wanted to please her too, finally letting you eat her out. The moans she let escape her mouth that night let you know you must’ve been doing something right. 
Your knees immediately buckled underneath you with the first contact of the soft bed hitting your skin, Ellie quickly finding herself on top of you.
You quickly take your sweatshirt off, leaving you bare to Ellie. Her lips immediately showered your chest with kisses and hickeys. She takes her time sucking and biting softly on your nipple, while her hand toys with your other nipple. She leaned back for a moment, admiring her work on your neck and chest. 
You take this time to slide her grey sweatshirt up until her stomach is exposed, encouraging her to take her hoodie off, in which she complies. 
“You’re incredible” you say breathlessly to the auburn haired girl, your eyes scanning across every single inch of her skin. You’ve seen her naked so many times before but you’d never get over how she looked. 
She slides her fingers under the layers that consist of your sweatpants and panties, encouraging you to take them off. She leans down to kiss you while she removes the garments you let her take off your body. 
Her right hand finds its way in-between your legs, running her fingers through your wet folds. 
“Fuck. You’re already this wet for me” Ellie breathed out on your lips, her fingers finding their way to your pulsating clit. She made circle motions with her thumb on your nub, making you cry out loud with joy. 
She took her thumb off your clit, making you whimper from the loss of contact. But before you could complain, her middle finger found its way dipping into your soaking cunt. You moaned from the feeling. 
“So tight” she breathed out, her head finding its way further to your cunt leaving kisses down your stomach. Your head rolled back when Ellie added a second finger. You let out gasps and little whines while Ellie fingered you. 
The sounds of Ellie fingering you bouncing around her room, made you both want more. 
She pulled her fingers out of you folds and pulled your legs closer to her face, wrapping her arms under your legs and around your hips in the process. 
Without warning Ellie licked a stripe up your cunt, stopping her tongue on your clit. You let out soft moans and reached out to grab a handful of Ellie’s hair, making her suck on your clit. 
She inserted both fingers back into you, stretching you out. She ate you out like she was starving, her expert fingers adding even more pleasure to it all. She added another finger deep into your cunt, as her mouth still sucked away at your pussy. 
You moaned, that familiar feeling coiling inside your core, your orgasm approaching soon. Your legs tightened, threatening to close but Ellie had managed to keep them apart with her arms. 
“Shit” you groaned, your head dropped back while you still had a handful of Ellie’s hair, your grip getting tighter with each passing second. 
Your legs shook as your orgasm hit, Ellie moaned into your cunt while the vibrations added more stimulation to your clit as you came. When your body feels limp, you let go of Ellie’s hair. 
“Good girl” Ellie said, placing one more kiss on your pussy before making her way back up to you, kissing you, letting you taste your juices on her lips. 
Before Ellie could protest you managed to flip you two over, leaving you on top. You wasted no time leaving kisses all over the top half of her body, while also leaving a few hickeys on her chest. 
Your hands came to rest at her hips, quickly tugging away the material that covered her bottom half. You pulled her legs open, your eyes quickly landing on her soaking wet cunt. Fuck she’s so wet. Your clit throbbed with the feeling of making Ellie feel good. 
You settled yourself close to her and your mouth met her sopping cunt, your tongue swirling around her clit. She let out soft moans and her hand found its way yanking a handful of your hair. 
Your lapping between her thighs are loud, the most pornographic, obscene slurps can be heard from where your mouth sits on her pussy. Your eyes looked up to see hers already starting down at you, one hand behind her head. 
“You’re doing so good,” she breathed out words of encouragement “that's it, baby.” 
Your tongue moving in circles against her wet clit, trying to give her as much pleasure as you could. Her moans became more desperate as you sucked on her cunt.  
You ate her out more aggressively, trying to help bring her closer to the edge. You added your middle finger deep into her folds, causing Ellie to groan deeper. Her eyes closed tightly and her thighs began to shake. You picked up the pace. 
Her hips buckled as she let out a moan, coming undone on your mouth. “Fuck” she moaned as her body shook. 
Ellie immediately cups your face, bringing her closer to hers as she smashes her lips onto yours tasting herself. Your lips move together more desperately, you straddling her thighs, your legs on either side of hers. Her hands roaming your naked body, one landing on your hip and the other landing on your breast.
She smiles into the kiss as her hand fondles with your breasts. She gently pushes you back, wasting no time crawling over to you. You didn’t ask questions; you trusted Ellie. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Ellie managed to speak, while positioning the two of you so that your cores could face each other, with you laying down. 
She was sitting up, leaning back holding herself up with one arm, while the other arm grabbed ahold of your leg. She began to grind her pussy onto yours.
“Oh my god” you immediately groan. Ellie’s head rolled back as her movement quickened. You didn’t know if it was the result of being high, but this shared time with Ellie had felt so passionate than previous times. 
You managed to sit up enough to be closer to her, you wanted to see her face when she fucked you. You intertwined your fingers as you both rolled your hips together. 
You both were letting out soft moans, internally cursing at yourself for not trying this position sooner. You groaned, the feeling of her slick clit rubbing against yours was overwhelming, and you could feel your second orgasm approaching.
“Fuck” Ellie whimpered, as she tightened her grip around your waist. You looked up to Ellie, admiring how her hair was stuck to her forehead with little beads of sweat, and how her lips were parted just enough to let out delicate moans.
“You like that baby?” Ellie grunted out, and the feeling coiling inside you finally snapped and for the second time that night you came undone underneath Ellie, letting out a string of curse words following. 
Ellie finished shortly after you, still grinding her hips over your clit while also letting a string of curse words fall from her lips. She sat for one more minute, the both of you trying to catch your breath before untangling your legs from hers. 
She pressed an innocent kiss to your lips. You both move back to the top of the bed, laying down next to each other with her blankets pulled over the both of you. 
Ellie looked at you with a small smile on her face, her hand resting on your cheek.
Your eyes locked with each hers, the high giving her a little more confidence to finally say what she’s been thinking for the past few months. “I love you” was all she said. 
Your heart skipped a beat, your breath almost cut short. “I love you too, Ellie”. 
Silence followed as the both of you drift off to sleep, intertwined with each other. 
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simpingforstardew · 5 months
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pairing: sdv elliot x reader
synopsis: elliot is struggling with severe writers block; if only he had a muse...
note: a while ago i talked about having a derivative idea for an elliot x reader fic; here is that fic !! the premise is completely unoriginal, but i'll leave the references at the end of the fic to avoid spoilers hehe
warnings: i don't even know for this one gang, wholesome w/ an ending that could be read as spooky? let's call it a doomed romance !! tw/ relationships that are doomed by the narrative !!
word count: 1.5k
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A heart so damaged; tender; sore—
You ever-blooming sycamore,
Through hunger pangs; my deliriousness,
I mourn my mortal catoptric tristesse.
With starving dreams, your warmth I crave—
I worship you, I must embrave,
Indulge me, lay your fear ahind.
Our sanctuary; your piece of mind.
My amorous famine demands more […more what?],
So I feast on your smile […] petrichor.
i am just writing this right niw so it
looks lije i am being pro ductive oh Yoba
andnow leahs comin g over this
is alll shit im jist going to star t overrr
“How’s the writing going, El’?” Leah peers down at Elliot with a smile, wiping the sweat from her brow. “We’ve been at it for a while without a break, you know?”
“Oh, Leah! It’s going splendidly, and yes, it seems we have…” Elliot coughs, avoiding eye contact while tearing the paper from his typewriter. “Why don’t we call it for today then?”
“Without showing me what you’ve done? C’mon,” she whines, “What do you have?”
Elliot and Leah had decided, sometime early last Spring, to meet in Cindersnap forest every Wednesday to work on their current projects. ‘Parallel play for artists,’ Penny once called it when walking Jas back to Marnie’s ranch. For Leah, this weekly rendezvous has (so far) allowed her to complete 2 clay sculptures, 3 wood sculptures, 23 drawings, and 8 paintings; for Elliot, the last few months has allowed him to create…
“Nothing,” Elliot sighs, packing his typewriter’s case with a frown. “I have, somehow, written nothing! I mean, I wanted to craft a Petrarchan sonnet, inspired by Poe’s romantic, yet macabre sensibilities. I ended up with trash I couldn’t even make hendecasyllabic. It’s embarrassingly Shakespearian and—”
“Whoa, whoa, buddy, that’s okay. That’s fine. I’m not sure what any of that means, but…” Leah scrunches her freckled nose, hoping to find the right words to calm Elliot down, “It seems like you’re expecting perfection from a first draft. Maybe we should call it for today, and you could revisit your poem tomorrow?”
“Yes, you are right,” the authors scowl softens; after a moment of meditation—feeling the summer breeze tangle in his hair—he looks towards Leah with a smile. “I will see you next week, Miss Faraday.”
Elliot didn’t return to his typewriter until later that week, deciding instead to bask in the sun’s warmth on the beach. The author sits on the pier with a contented sigh, the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore providing a soothing backdrop to his afternoon reverie.
Even still, despite the Elysium that he has found himself in, Elliot cannot shake his frustrations; his linguistic discouragement plagued his every thought.
“Ahoy there, my boy! Perfect weather for fishing don’t ya reckon?” Willy smiles, closing the front door to the Fish Shop behind him. Elliot
“Ah, hello Mr. Tucker,” Elliot waves as the fisherman sits beside him, attaching a small blue tackle onto an impressively shiny rod, “I suppose it is, although I fear I don’t have my fishing gear with me today.”
“What’d I tell you about calling me that? No need to be so formal, son,” Willy chuckles, casting a line into the vast depths of the saltwater, “Say, aren’t ya usually off in town around this time? Feel like I never see you this early on a Wednesday.”
Elliot still had to adjust to the predictive routine of a small town, and the horrifying consequences of straying from said routine: becoming the topic of mid-afternoon gossip.
“Yes, well, I um—,” Elliot sighs, looking into the deep blue below as if the ocean concealed the antidote to writers block, “I have been, writing with Leah every Wednesday and… actually can I ask for some advice?”
“O’ Course ya can, my boy.” Willy nods.
“I have been… struggling lately,” The taller man slumps as he runs a hand through his auburn hair, his voice heavy with uncertainty, “I feel as if I have lost my spark, my… capacité artistique. I cannot, for the life of me, write anything of quality! I just… I feel broken, Mr. William.”
Willy takes a moment to think, slowly breathing in the salty air, “Hmm, I see your problem, lad— but it’s important to know yer not broken. Aye, nothin’ about ya is broken.”
A fish tugs at Willy’s fishing line: desperately; hopelessly.
“It’s like if yer pal Willy couldn’t fish anymore… I’d sooner swallow a sea urchin than lose my ability to do what I love,” Willy pulls the rod towards him, putting up a fight with whatever poor creature is on the other end of the line, “but sometimes it’s tricky doing what ya love 24/7, son! You got to remind yerself to take breaks, and…”
The creature is hurled out of the ocean, flapping helplessly as the fisherman releases it from his tackle. Willy holds the freshly-caught octopus up to Elliot.
“Remind yerself why ya love it!” Willy chuckles, before mumbling to himself about throwing his newest catch in a tank lest he ‘gets inked’.
As Elliot sits in contemplative silence, the ocean offering solace: the rushing winds, the distant cry of seagulls, even the smell of salty air. Over the last year and a half, he has grown to love it all.
As he rises to his feet, Elliot considers his friends’ advice. He certainly didn’t want to remain in this slump forever; so he needs to find a reminder of why he loves writing; a source of reinvigorating inspiration.
He needs to find a muse.
A muse in a village with a population of 27.
‘Well,’ Elliot thinks, slamming his cabin’s door shut behind him as he slides onto his desk chair. He sets up his Olympia SM 9 for the second time today. ‘If I can’t find my muse in life, I will simply create my muse in art.’
For a moment, the black page loaded into the typewriter stares back at Elliot, mockingly. Then, as suddenly as the crash of thunder that bellows from above, the author began to write.
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Elliot bursts into the Fish Shop, his manuscript clutched tightly in hand, a triumphant gleam in his eye. “Willy, my friend, you’re incredible!” he cheered, his excitement palpable. “I truly could not have done this without your support.”
Willy grins, offering a sincere thumbs-up. “Glad to hear it, lad! So what was your reminder, eh? What got you back on track?”
Elliot coughs, a flush creeping up his freckled cheeks. “Well, you see… I made it up.”
Willy arches an eyebrow, bemused,“Ya made up yer reminder for why you love writing? Now, son…”
“No, no,” Elliot hastens to explain, “My love for writing is genuine. But my muse, my darling muse, is not.”
“I’m not following, my boy.”
“I have spent all night crafting the narrative of a completely fabricated person, it’s all here,” Elliot elaborates, “They’re genuinely kind, talented and hard-working, despite never being appreciated. They have the most charming mole on their neck, and they’re delightfully witty! After their grandfather passed away, they—”
“Son,” Willy interrupted gently, his tone tinged with amusement, “Yer a peculiar one, ya know that? How is this going to help with yer writing?”
“It does sound ridiculous, but dedicating my sonnets to this idealised character… thinking of them as I work on my novel… It has been phenomenally motivating!” Elliot laughs, re-reading through the pages before stopping in his tracks, “Oh, I do apologise old friend, I barged into your shop like a man possessed.”
It had been months since Elliot had felt such a fervent desire to write; his unbridled excitement was contagious; a smirk spreads across Willy’s face, crinkling the corners of his dark green eyes.
“If it were anyone else instead of you, I’d be furious, lad,” Willy chuckles, reaching into his mini fridge, “‘Ere, I whipped up too many crab cakes last night, and I know they’re yer favourite— consider it a gift.”
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As Elliot arrives back at his cabin, writing snacks in tow, the muffled playing of his piano greets him. He chuckles softly, before preparing to shoo Harvey out of his home so he could resume his day of writing.
“Sincerest apologies, I—,”
“Oh! Honey, you’re back so soon.” Turning away from the piano, your eyes catch Elliot’s with a familiar warmth. You admire the way your boyfriend’s hair always forms delicate waves when exposed to the sea spray.
The author was struck speechless, his heart pounding as he stared at you with more focus than you have ever been subject to.
It couldn’t be real. And yet there you are. You. The muse Elliot had crafted— who's entire life was written mere hours prior on the pages that were now strewn about the floor— was standing before him in flesh and blood.
Every flawless detail exactly as he had imagined.
“Elliot, darling, are you okay?” Your smile becomes wry; nervous as to why your lover was acting so peculiar, his pale skin was now a ghastly white. “Would you like me to pour some wine? We can—”
Before your suggestion was made, Elliot was gone; the door slamming shut behind him.
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note #2: okay if you didn't catch it, my inspiration was the 1960 episode of the Twilight Zone: 'A World of His Own', and (more relevantly) the 2012 psychological horror romcom Ruby Sparks !! if you check out either that episode or movie, pleasepleaseplease lmk what you think <33
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elysiumarchieve · 2 years
What would fluster Scaramouche to the point of blushing? Like what would make him blush just a little bit where you can barely see it compared to being red like a tomato and hiding under his hat. (Imagine the blush meter meme for artists)
FINALLY GETTING TO THIS i actually thought about this for some time already oml
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blush meter for scaramouche
warnings: mentions of his past, it's fluffy, scaramouche is a warning for himself, slightly suggestive?? you touch his skin idk, no proofread we go down like katsuragi
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✧ so first off, i believe scaramouche doesn't get bashful nor flustered at all - my guy abandoned any sort of emotions a really long time ago and for him to even get a speck of color onto his face you must either be absolutely bold or downright embarrass him
✧ back when he had just woken in shakkei pavilion, it was enough to take his hand to cause his face to become bright red and reduce him into a stuttering mess, that's how cute he used to be
✧ in a way, back in his time where he used to live with katsuragi and the other blacksmiths, anything could cause him to get flustered - he was like a child at that point, his mind taking in all the new experiences and feelings and reacting to it with innocent and childlike glee
✧ gathering lavender melons with him and praising him for helping you so diligently would cause him to smile to himself and make his cheeks flush (he was so glad he could help you)
✧ but with his fate taking a tragic turn and his life slowly spiralling out of control, that childlike glee became lost the same day that he decided to burn his past in karmic flames, abandoning everything he once felt and leaving behind his kind smile
✧ nowadays, getting him to blush or embarrassed is hard. genuinely hard
✧ if you're his s/o you already managed to do one thing - break down the foundation of a giant wall he build around his 'heart' that keep him away from those 'disgusting human emotions'
✧ in fact, instead of getting flustered over compliments he receives, it's rather boasting his ego or he simply dismissed it (what do you mean, good job? wasn't it clear from the beginning that he'd do a good job? idiot)
✧ the only way to get him to blush at your compliments would be if you really, really exaggerated your compliments, but in a way he could still tell you were genuine (you think he's comparable to an actual archon? sure, if you say so he won't stop you)
✧ however, you'd never see him flush over this, but rather he'd just turn around and cross his arms with a shrug. he's always trying to play off how much the things you say actually affect him
✧ taking his hand in public only causes him to flinch and glare daggers into you - absolutely do not touch him in public, he hates it
✧ however, in private, although he still claims to hate any sort of affection, you can still feel the way he relaxes under your touch and how much he enjoys having his hair played with and it actually gets him flustered a lot when you whisper sweet nothings to him in the dead of the night, though he's happy that it's too dark for you to see his face heat up jist a little
✧ what i'm telling you might sound a little crazy, but hear me out on this one
✧ fix his clothing (you heard me)
✧ although scaramouche can't tell why exactly it gets him all flustered and why his stomach churns, but there is something about you suddenly telling him to keep still and gently fix the golden emblem on his chest or readjusting the bag on his back as gently as possible, with all your attention directed at him in that moment
✧ his finishing blow might as well just be the way you smile up at him afterwards and tell him that he's ready to go (as if he needed your permission) - it usually ends up with him thanking you in a curt reply before he turns on his heels and pulls his hat slightly into his face
✧ if anyone caught the slight red hue on hie cheeks and had the audacity to ask him about it (i'm looking at you childe), he'd simply lie and say it's cold. usually people buy that excuse since nobody knows that the cold doesn't even bother him
✧ now, for the worst (possible best way) to get him to actually blush in your presence is to touch him. anywhere. it doesn't matter what you do, but the more intimate and closer you are the more embarrassed he might become
✧ the look of shock in his eyes and his face just getting a red hue is almost too adorable to miss and you almost tell him that he looks 'super cute' (but you decide for your own well-being to not do it)
✧ scaramouche usually doesn't fuss over empty compliments and since he hates any sort of pda in public, you'd never get him to blush outside your 4 walls. the only things that actually get him flustered is when you focus your attention on him, when you remain genuine with him or when you touch him at the most unexpected situation (though it's somewhat embarrassing him more the way you look at him afterwards)
✧ he denies it but he likes it when you focus yourself on him. being betrayed and cast aside for being 'worthless', once he knows that someone appreciates his value does cause his stomach to flutter in a way he wants to hate but simply can't
✧ and although he hates that he reacts like this, he doesn't stop you
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729 notes · View notes
-The Fading Star-
-Part 5-
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Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
A/N: Longer chapter Folks! I just kept going, and it seemed off to split it into two so here it is! Again, if you prefer AO3 it's on there now too.
Lucifer Morningstar X Female! Insert
Content Warnings: Swearing, Illness descriptions, Car Crash descriptions, more angst
Quick Synopsis: Tsuki was made to keep Lilith company during her marriage with Adam, but finds herself, unwillingly, falling in love with a certain archangel. Then after many millennia she reunites with Lucifer.
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It had been a week and a half since Tsuki had arrived at the hotel, and if the tension in the air was thick before it was practically palpable now. She had continued avoiding me in every way, with our closest interaction being in the kitchen on her first day.
I pinched the bridge of my nose as I paced beside my bed. I don’t understand why she was so insistent on not speaking with me; it was starting to have a negative effect on my Charlie’s friends at this point. Even they’ve tried to tell me to talk to her. Ha! Like I haven’t tried! Every single opportunity that presents for us to speak, even if it would be short, she shuts down immediately. Charlie has even attempted to help me with her. During her daily redemption lessons, she’s tried setting up partner activities, but of course Tsuki made an excuse to leave early. This is ridiculous, she can’t think that she’s just going to never speak with me again, does she? Just stay a whisper away from me for the rest of time?
My duck alarm finally starts to squeak beside me as it waddles around on the bedside table, and I close its beak. I summon my staff and grip it tightly as I get ready to head down for the day. Time to try again, I guess. 
I’ve grown into a routine since I’ve arrived at the hotel: Wake up early, make breakfast, Charlie’s redemption lesson, grab list, help souls, come home, work on paperwork, sleep as much as I can, repeat. It was slowly getting more and more draining, but I could handle it. I’ve handled way worse; I just have to get used to the routine. It definitely doesn’t help that Lucifer has gotten pushier, talking about me and Eden in front of me with the other residents. He doesn’t get to decide when I speak with him. That’s for me to choose, and at this point he’s not giving me any reason to want to. It is strange though to not see Lilith, when I saw them last, they were practically attached by the hip. No one around has even mentioned her either. Maybe her absence is a sore subject for Charlie. She’s probably out doing something important for Hell, I’m sure; she is the queen. Luckily, other than Lucifer’s attempts, everything else at the hotel is going fairly well. Angel and I seem to always leave the hotel at the same time, so I talk to him every day. He’s really sweet to me, in his own way.  I enjoy Charlie’s lessons quite a bit; she’s so much like her father. Alastor has been quite helpful in the mornings, and our conversations are nice. Hopefully I can get closer with the others though. I’ve gotten a quick jist of what they are like through the small lessons I attend, but by the time I get back everyone’s usually in bed. Except for a few rare cases. 
Charlie rounds everyone to the lobby as normal, and everyone resides in their seat. Once I finally get comfortable in my spot, with a small twirl of glitters, I summon a crochet hook and small violet blanket that I’ve started. My hands rigorously work in a smooth rhythm, loop after loop continuing the row that I was on. This little project of mine has helped center my focus onto Charlie as she spoke for the past week.
“So... we still don’t have any new residents, and we believe that it’s because they’re still scared after the last extermination, so we need to show them that it’s worth it to stay at the new hotel! Vaggie, Dad, Alastor, and I have been talking, and we believe a good way to start is a banquet. That way we could show off the new hotel, and properly explain the hotel’s concept again before other fun things.”
A banquet? I haven’t been to one, but if I remember correctly Michael has told me about the events, he’s held for some of the higher-ranking angels in heaven. 
“Is this going to be a formal event?” 
Charlie turned to Tsuki after she heard her question. 
“Yeah kinda, we want everyone to be comfortable, but we’ll have a dress code, so we don’t have anyone coming with well….  erotic ideas.” 
“Ooooh so you’re tellin me I get to see whiskers here in a suit?” 
Angel turned to the cat demon and teased while adjusting his legs over him. His smirk grew further as Husk rolled his eyes at the one draped over him, but no one was lost to the smile that stayed clear on his face. Charlie smiled and giggled lightly under her hand before she continued. 
“Anyway… so to make this happen, I need everyone on deck. Dad already said that he would handle the food, and Alastor the music, but that leaves decorating and getting the word out. Angel Dust can probably help out Vaggie and I with invitations, so I need Husk and Tsuki to help out with getting this place ready for a banquet. Although if you two aren’t able to find something for it, I’m sure my dad can help with that too.” 
Lucifer puffed out his chest a little proud that his daughter was relying on him for his help again, and Tsuki let out a small sigh, and looked back down to her blanket as the conversation continued over what the banquet needed. It would be fun to help arrange an event like this, but she would have to find time to be able to do everything required. Excitement grew over the rest of the group as they spoke about what they could do for the banquet. Even Husker chuckled along with Angel Dust when he suggested dragging him out on the dance floor after the courses were over. Tsuki smiled down at her project while listening to the cheery dialogues ahead of her. Angel Dust nudged her side before she could get too lost in thought. 
“You know I’m gonna drag you shoppin too sugar!” 
Tsuki sarcastically huffed out a breath and laughed lightly in response. She wouldn’t mind spending more time with him if she got the time. Standing from her spot, her small project whooshes away with the sparkles of her magic before she offers her hand down to Angel Dust. 
“I’ll keep that in mind. Now I’ve gotta head off are you coming?” 
“Nah toots, I got the day off. But… you should consider talkin to your “old friend” over there he looks like he’s going to pounce on you as soon as you take a step.” 
She pinches the bridge of her nose as she allows a low groan past her lips. Of course she could feel the lingering stares. There was no way she was going to deal with this right now, so she pushed it off once again as she walked out of the lobby. Angel was right, Lucifer was quick on his feet to chase her outside the lobby. Just before he could reach her, she whipped out her wings and dropped through a portal. He groaned and stepped up to the portal, glancing into it for a moment before it swirls to a close. 
“Fuck.. Why is she so stubborn??”
His hands grazed through his hair to soothe his bubbling frustration as he walks back into the lobby. To which almost all of the rest of crew was staring back at him. 
“I’m assuming that his majesty wasn’t able to speak with her once again?” 
Lucifer grinds his teeth as he glares back at the radio demon. Horns threatened to grow from his forehead as bright crimson surrounds the sclera of his eye. Alastor’s has been clearly enjoying all the misery the king has been going through this whole time and didn’t skip any chances to rub it in his face. 
“You fucking filthy prick”
Lucifer was on his wits end with the radio demon, with the only thing keep him from ripping him into tiny scorching pieces being his daughter. Who was currently standing next to the radio demon. 
“I do wonder what you could have possibly done for her to shut you out your highness!” 
Lucifer only growls and looks away from him, attempted to fizzle down the rising anger that he had ignited. 
Vaggie attempted to interject into the conversation, but was interrupted by Alastor’s continued interrogation. 
“I believe that everyone here can agree that she seems like a sweet girl, so I imagine that it must’ve been something quite horrible for her to avoid you like this.” 
“I didn’t... it- it wasn’t like that”
Lucifer’s words caught in his throat as he attempted to defend himself mostly for his own sanity as he looked away from the others. Alastor’s eyes narrowed down at the King as he tightens his grip on the apple staff he summoned. Alastor cackles at the fallen angel, and slips away into his shadows, content with the response he got. Silence fell heavy across the room once Alastor faded away, and everyone’s eyes turned back to Lucifer. He lifted his head to look to the others after taking a deep breath. His gaze stops on Charlie. 
“I’ll talk to her.. I promise.” 
Tsuki was now in Micheal’s office as usual, scanning through each paper of the binder he set out for her. She let out a heavy yawn as she rubbed the exhaustion out her eyes. Across from her the prince’s eyes narrowed looking over her face. He dropped his pen, and quickly grasped her chin turning her head to look up at him. Her eyes widened in surprise from the sudden touch as she looked over the blonde’s face. She felt her heart pounding against her chest and palms getting sweaty as she watched the man scan over her features. I didn’t do anything different! Does he know? Michael raised his other hand to rub the darkening circles under her eyes. 
“Angel.. You’re overworking again aren’t you. Why?”
She swallowed, and she started to tremble from the sudden attention she was being given. He knew her tendencies after working with her for so long, and she appreciated his concern. However she could feel her long overdue breakdown surfacing, so she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and bit her tongue. Placing a gentle hand onto his, she responds. 
“I’ve just had some stuff on my mind, nothing to worry over.” 
The prince let her out of his grasp and let out a heavy sigh. Tsuki relieved to be able to separate from the archangel, took a step back from the desk and curtsied. Looking up to the prince, she could feel him still examining her every move.
“I- I’ll do better Michael.”
 After he had looked to her and given her an approving nod she abruptly offered him a thank you and goodbye before walking through the portal he summoned with a simple flick of the wrist. Tsuki had left to go into the human realm and settled her rapid beating heart. Taking in a quick breath she readied herself as she approached the first on her list. 
The deep blue sparks flicker around her as she passes through her first portal and assesses her surroundings. Her eyes settle and adjust to the bright LED lights that were held above her. Her lily-white wings beat and push her forward in the sickly white room toward the teal curtain that stood across the room. Gently she pushed open the curtain to approach the bed that was held behind it. Under the cotton covers held a small child, connected to machine that let out a soft beep every few seconds.
The young brunette turned her head to face the angel and held up her heavy eyelids as best as she could. Her breath was shaky, and she trembled from the aching that she held within. Tsuki allowed her wings to fall and proceeded to her place next to the bed. The sickly girl reached out her hand to hold her own. Keeping a hold on little one, Tsuki leaned forward and held the child’s hand in a soft embrace before placing the other onto her chest.
"It'll be okay."
She spoke softly to ensure that even if she didn't understand what she said, the little girl could still feel calm beside her. Violet glitters erupt from underneath her hand and spread throughout her figure, fading away as they slip into the child’s chest. The small brunette’s eyelids flutter close as she feels the soft fuzzy and warm feeling grow and flow within her. Tsuki smiles as she allows her magic to quickly finish and looks to the girl that was now sound asleep. The angel summoned a small towel and wiped away the sweat on her brow before placing the girl’s hand back to her side.
The clicks of sparks sound behind her, so she pulls the cotton cover back over her and turned back the other end of the room. Her sets of wings flap, and briskly drove her toward the portal that formed outside the curtain. 
Through the portal she landed onto cold concrete. She squinted as she turned to look past the streetlamp that illuminated the dark road that Tsuki stood on. Repeated pangs of pain strain against her torso and shoulder pulls her towards the edge of the road. As she darts toward where her instincts were leading her, garbled staticky guitar plays from below her. Her eyes narrow as she spots a bright flashing light down the hill. She races towards the flashes and sound and finds a deep green vehicle flipped onto its side.
The green hood leaned against an oak tree and the glass was scattered across the ground from the impact the vehicle took. Tsuki calmly advanced and hovered over the doors ripping it open to find a young unconscious couple. She repeated the same process of unlocking the seatbelt’s retractor and shoved her arms under the hook of their knees and behind their backs to pull them out of the compact space before setting them both in the soft grass. After she does so, Tsuki works her magic and focuses on healing all of the clear injuries that she felt. The blood that was pushing past the gashes across their shoulders, chest, and head speedily comes to a halt as purple stitches and fills the injuries that they held. Tsuki lets out a deep breath as she finishes looking over to her chest, watching as the small piece of her that had gone transparent fills with her natural color once more. The familiar sound of sparks erupts to her side. 
“No.. I need to get them some help.”
Tsuki flew past the oak, and towards the bright headlights that were running past the area below. Once she arrived at the edge of the highway, she focused her gaze onto a car that appeared past the curve.
Assuming a position in the middle of the street, Tsuki shut her eyes tight and pushed her hands together. Heat grew between her palms, and light pushed past her fingers as she held her grip together tightly. Suddenly she allows the pressure to push her hands apart and in front of her, causing a burst of light and start dust to fall from her palms. The vehicle that was approaching came to a hurling stop, and a door flew open. The guardian angel looked toward the accident and rushed towards it allowing more of the glitters to flow past her to form a path as she approached, once she finally arrived, she checked over the young couple. After she was sure they would be okay, she flew through another deep blue portal. She healed, and helped all the souls she could in the time she had. 
It was always like this rush after rush of healing and helping certain people that she was summoned to. The guardian angel was used to this routine after doing it for many millennia. She was quick on her feet as she helped all of the souls that the divine had assigned for her. Flying through portal after portal, finding soul after soul. Throughout her lifetime she had gotten quick enough to be able to get through her “list” before Tsuki felt the need to stop, so she would keep going against Michael’s best wishes. It wasn’t any different this time, so by the time the angel realized she got too caught up in her work it was nearing morning in Hell.
Tsuki rubbed her temples and summoned her paperwork and a portal to the Hazbin hotel in a few snaps. The angel groaned holding the stack close to her chest as she entered the lobby. Silence reigned over the space that she stepped into. As she let out a sigh, Tsuki blinked a few times allowing her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting and kept her footsteps light as she walked past the lobby and to the elevator.
Once she had stepped into the elevator, Tsuki leaned her back against the wall of the elevator feeling herself rise to the top floor. Allowing her wings to finally rest into and fold back into her back, a small groan of relief leaves her lips, and she rolls her shoulders back at the feeling. Once she arrived at her floor, the guardian angel strolls towards her room and searches her pockets. Her eyebrows raise and panic abruptly washes over her as she continues searching after feeling that it wasn’t in its’ usual place. In her panicked state, the paperwork she held tightly fell from her grasp, and scattered across the floor.
“Fuck.. Just what I needed.” 
A frustrated grumble leaves her as she realizes it must’ve still been in her room. Tsuki bent down feeling the soft carpet against her knees, and started arranging her papers back into their appropriate order. After checking through them, she sets a paperclip over the side of them. 
 Tsuki pauses and turns to position herself against the door, allowing a calm to flow over her soul. She leans her head back settling the back of her head against the wood and allows her eyes to close. 
I’ve already used so much magic today. Should I get Alastor? Mmm It’s so late, I don’t want to bother him.  
Tsuki stared down to inspect her legs, rubbing the outside of them gently. A small area on her lower calf was transparent. After finding this, she takes a gentle hold of her halo, and holds it above the area. Gentle stardust fell onto the area, and her color starts to emerge faster back into the area. It was a slow process sometimes. As she kept a watchful eye on her calf, a soft voice interrupts her focus. 
Lucifer watched the clock as hours and hours passed by, sitting at the bar, and waiting for Tsuki to come back to Hazbin hotel. He knew that the way things were going between them couldn’t last much longer, so he was determined to change it. The first few hours, the others kept him company, but they slowly dwindled away. It was nearly midnight before Charlie decided to pull her dad away, and to bed. 
“Dad, maybe you should wait till tomorrow, it’s late.” 
He looked back to her while he fidgeted with the tea bag that sat in his cup. He gave her a comforting smile after seeing her concerned expression. Lucifer pulled her into a tight embrace. 
“Okay sweetie, I’m sorry about all of this.” 
She reassured him that he didn’t need to apologize, and wrapped her arms around him too. After a few more moments, they allowed their arms loosen and pull away. Vaggie had lead her tired girlfriend back to bed, and Lucifer left to go to his own suite. Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to sleep, he ended up in his workshop sat with his head in his hands. Brick by brick thoughts built on top of each other in his mind. He worried over his daughter. Charlie didn’t need any more of this stress; she had enough to worry about with the hotel.
He stayed in that position for a little while, fidgeting with a few of the ducks that he had brought to his new room. Lifting his hand, a sigh releases from his lungs, and he watches as golden glitters fall from his palm and pile up on his desk. 
Lucifer’s ears perk up as the silent ambiance of his room was broken by a thud, and mutters from outside his door. The fallen angel shakes off the dust from his hand and throws on his overcoat before heading out his doors to investigate. Once he had got past his workshop, and outside his suite, he turned his head towards the figure that sat in the hall, and approached it quietly. As he realized who it was, he fidgeted with the lapels of his coat and stood across from her. 
Tsuki looked up from her leg and to Lucifer. Her heart stutters for a moment, and rapidly beats against her chest trying to break free. Shakily, she allows her halo to return to its’ normal spot and returns his gaze with her own. 
“Hello Lucifer” 
His name left her lips bitterly as she looked up to the man, and he notably shifted from her tone. Despite this Lucifer bent down a little, and offered his hand for her to take. Reluctantly she took his hand, and stood from her spot leaving the stack to her side. 
“I left my key inside.” 
Tsuki stated the obvious, and looked away from his eyes. Her chest ached being so close to him. She wanted to run from him again. Do anything to avoid continuing this conversation. 
“So you decided to work out here?” 
Lucifer glanced down at her arranged paperwork, then returned his gaze back to her. It was obvious from the outside how exhausted she was. He felt an urgent pull within him to help smooth out her hair and pull her eyes back onto his but continued to fend it off. The guardian angel shrugged and looked past him towards the dim light that hung on the wall behind him. Deciding to bite the bullet, she asks. 
“I didn’t want to wake anyone up, but could you help me?” 
She really didn’t want to accept any help from the man in front of her, but the exhaustion that waved over her overruled the tension her heart felt. 
“Yes, but we need to talk first.” 
Is he kidding? She  returned her gaze back to the man quickly with a small glare.
“What is there to talk about?” 
Lucifer scoffs, and returns her annoyance with his own.
“Alright fine, but no.” 
She understood where he was coming from, but she didn’t want to allow him to force her into a conversation like this. The King looked back to her and shook his head to rid the bubbling frustration that grew within him.
Lucifer looked towards her with disbelief, but Tsuki felt the string of tension that had tightened day by day finally snap as she stood her ground. Her fists clench at her sides as she keep her gaze fixed on him. 
“No, you don’t to keep me hostage like this. You don’t get to decide when we discuss this! You’re the one who left remember!?” 
She snapped back at him. She felt the overwhelming feelings that have been stirring within since the moment she saw him again fumed out of her like a flight train. Decidedly her refusal to discuss became hypocritical as words came fumbling out of her, but it was too late to turn back now. 
“You two decided to throw me to the side while you did your big plan with Eve! Was I not good enough? Did you think that I would, what? hold you back?” 
Her words chipped away his own simmering anger as Lucifer watched her expression shift. He had never seen her like this, so resentful. The wings that had folded into the back her neck flung out. Her tone brimmed over with desperation and anger as she questioned the man. 
“No! Tsuki you have to understand. We didn’t want you to try to do it yourself. It was dangerous we all knew that.” 
She laughed in disbelief. Lucifer stood in shock as he watched her shifting anger. Her eyes were frigid, and stern. She couldn’t believe that he was trying to frame himself as in the right. To her, in the moment, it really didn’t matter why they did what they did. 
“Really? Because it seemed pretty fucking easy for you to ditch me. Isn’t that what you guys always wanted to do?
She paused as she ran a hand through her hair. They had never even told her what they were planning. No one ever made her aware of what they did. 
I wandered for years, searching everywhere throughout Eden for any trace of them. I was ill with worry for the two until insecurity took over. Whispers grew louder in the back of my mind of why they could’ve left. Was I too much? Were they hurt? Was I not enough? Not worth even saying goodbye to? I couldn’t stop searching if there was any chance that thoughts that laid engraved in the back of my mind were wrong. I cared too much for them to stop.
“I couldn’t leave Eden. Do you understand how isolated I was?  Do you know how it feels to be abandoned like that?” 
Lucifer’s heart quivered from her words, and he held his wrist tight with his other hand as he waited for her to finish. She had quickly pushed herself forward till she was directly in front of the King, pointing a finger directly to his chest she looked up into his hurt eyes. 
“I felt like nothing. You made me feel worthless.” 
A long pause of silence fell between the two as she spat out her last sentence. Catching her breath as she looked away from Lucifer. Her quick beating heart suddenly felt more evident as she tried to calm herself, and the wounded expression she last saw, hurt her more than she would like to admit. 
The painful moment feels like it could last forever, but Tsuki goes to take a step back and let her hand fall from him. However, before she could go too far, he took a gentle grasp of her hand. She snapped her head back to look back at him and examined his remorseful eyes. Logic told her to rip her hand away and step back, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so.  
“I’m sorry.. We- I never wanted you to feel that way Tsuki.”
She paused. They had hurt her so badly. How could she feel so badly for him? It wasn’t fair for her. It wasn’t right. Why was her anger waning? Lucifer kept his hand around her own, and stared down at the hold. 
“It’s not the same, but I do know what it’s like to be left behind… I’m sorry that I put you through that pain.” 
What? What does he mean? Heaven maybe?
A strain pulled between the two. Lilith? No.. what? Confusion wrapped around Tsuki’s mind. That’s why she hasn’t seen her since she’s arrived. That’s why Charlie doesn’t talk about her. She knew Lilith. She wouldn’t do that. They were enraptured in love the last time she saw them; that couldn’t fade. Why would she do that? What happened? Before Tsuki could stop it the question that last built in her mind slipped through her. 
“What did you do?”
As soon as the question slipped past her lips, guilt weaved its’ way through her and she gripped his hand with her free one. If he truly felt the way that he described then she knew that he had probably asked himself that already too many times. 
“Wait I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.”
Lucifer tried to brush off her comment as he looked away from her, and let her hand fall from his own.
“It’s okay.. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but maybe I could ask for us to be cordial? For the hotel, for Charlie?
Tsuki gave Lucifer a silent nod. Once he saw her accept his favor, his crimson eyes looked to the door past her, and with a small flick of the wrist, Tsuki’s door was open, and her paperwork was placed back onto her desk. 
“Good night then Tsuki.”
Lucifer gave her one last glance, and turned away. She remained in her place as his golden magic surrounded his figure and left nothing in his place. Her jaw clenched as she clutched the hand he touched with the other. Agony rooted it’s way to the back of her throat and her vision became blurry. 
It hurts, everything hurts. It’s not supposed to be like this. Is this pathetic? Am I pathetic? I’m supposed to hate him right? Why do I- 
Her knees felt like they could crumble underneath her as she stared off in the hallway. Deciding it wasn’t worth it to stay outside, she turned back towards the open door and took a few heavy steps through. Tsuki felt her mind going a mile a minute as she pressed forward until her eyes turned down to the crimson comforter in front of her. She placed a shaky hand onto it and pushed herself onto the bed slipping underneath cool sheets. Her eyes were on the ceiling as she tried to calm the burning that wouldn’t leave her throat.
If everything he said was true, where was Lilith? How long has she been gone? 
Tsuki gripped and pulled the hair on the back of her neck as an attempt to soothe herself. 
Eventually, after a few hours, she was able to fizzle down the fire in her throat, and rubbed away the tears that flooded her eyes. She fell underneath her weighted eyelids, and the cozy comforter that wrapped around her lulled her further slowly, drifting away until she had to face Lucifer once again the next morning.
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Alright, I know a lot of ppl weren't the biggest of the last Beast Yeast update, and to that I say it's understandable, they could've done a lot more with what they had in my opinion. . . But from just the first trailer alone, this looks really redeemable!!
For now, let's hope it's better than what we got last time!
You already know the jist, time for predictions!~✨ (Of course, spoilers ahead for the trailer!)
Given we now have Cacao heading off to Beast Yeast with his gang, I suspect that this'll be a common thing throughout the future Beast Yeast updates, with Hollyberry and Golden Cheese probably coming to Beast Yeast and meeting the owners of their respective soul jams
This'll probably end in them reuniting and creating some touching moments, before the final battle with Dark Enchantress (and or the Beasts)
But that doesn't mean we should leave everything in the last Beast Yeast update as after thoughts. From the 3rd Anniversary interview devs did, they confirm that Shadow Milk Cookie will be a looming threat within the Beast Yeast saga, though it is mostly unknown to us how. We do have a decent idea of what is to come
Back to the update, I think it'd be kinda cool, and very fitting, to have each of the characters represent the 5 stages of grief, with Mystic Flour representing death itself. I took a liking to this idea because firstly, death is a very present theme within the update so far, and secondly it's due to one scene; you know it, you love it, the Thanos snap scene! Within those short seconds of our favorites turning into dust(or well flour) we have Crunchy Chip yelling out to his majesty, practically begging for his life how "he doesn't want to be sick!" as everyone else accepts their fates
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More on the subject, that'd be another interesting thing to see in this update, seeing Chip placed in such a vulnerable position like this could introduce a side to his character we've only briefly seen. As yes, this isn't the first time we see Chip get jumpy around the idea of death; if we turn back time, back to the Odessey, when the gang meets Seaweed Cookie, he's horrified by the fact they were walking over corpses (aka cookie crumbs) And this doesn't go unnoticed either, as he gets called out by Wildberry, which causes him to backtrack. I wouldn't even be surprised if his implicated fear of death may be part of the reason he's the Crunchy Chip we know & love today, maybe he uses his relationship with wolves as a means of protecting himself? Wolves are an apex predator after all! Will this add anything to the story? Possibly not, but would it flesh out Crunchy Chip as a character? Absolutely! (Sorry for the tangent, I thought this was all worth talking about cause it's such a cool idea!)
Now, we can't go anywhere without discussing the massive elephant in the room. . . Dark Choco Cookie's sudden return. Unlike most things, we do have a good idea of why he decided to follow his dad & come back. Firstly, it's a update focusing on Dark Cacao Cookie and his kingdom, it's a no brainer Choco would show up. Secondly from the Warm Together update, we know that he's been healing alone for a long time, so logically speaking, he wants to reconcile with his father, once & for all. And this is just my idea, but it'd really be cool to see Cacao & Choco work together in defeating Mystic Flour!
And that's all I got for now!✨ Surely, I'm only scratching the surface of what update has to bring, but I would say these are some solid ideas!~ Regardless, I'm super excited for this future update and the second trailer!!~
Please let me know what you think! Be on the lookout for my other projects And as always, stay tuned^^
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blackquillchillin · 5 months
Okay, it's been a minute since I played aa6, but I was watching my sibs play turnabout storyteller last night and it got me thinking....
(spoiler warning, pretty big ones actually)
Athena's opinion of Nahyuta would be SO low. She'd think them a sexist, ageist asshole who would stop at nothing to stoke their own ego. I mean, he even gets the gallery involved, which isn't something prosecutors normally do in japanafiona. She can hear the gallery, sure, and I think the phantom called attention to the gallery in aa5, but that's... it?
And the player gets to see exactly why Nahyuta is the way he is, we never see him tear any other women down unless their the accused, meaning his animosity is almost definitely due to her being a lawyer, not a woman, and we know his animosity towards lawyers is in no small part due to the mask carefully crafted to survive and protect his mother, as discovered at the end of aa6.
I desperately wish I still had that one post about how courtrooms behaved very differently in kurian then japanafiona, but the jist is that in kurian the trial is a formality, put on for the people, and the outcome is already decided, so the gallery's opinion matters a lot more, because that's the entire reason they're bothering to do it. The gallery cries out often during the other cases in aa6, it's a show.
But Athena doesn't have ANY of that context. All she sees is this condescending bastard who repeatedly addresses SIMON when discussing the case, and he's not supposed to be the one handling it! He's a prosecutor and witnesses, not the defense! When called out about it, he cited Simon's experience, but combined with everything else it's yet another slight against Athena, for seemingly no reason.
She would hate them.
To be clear, Simon also talks bad about her, but he's just an asshole. We already knew that. He routinely talks badly about everyone.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
Lovely, that's what I hoped to hear🩷 absolutely love the stuff of yours that I have read so far, and I'll definitely read the test when I have time, but in the meantime i'm gonna leave this request: a george x reader, somewhat inspired by the "Flower" oneshot you wrote for Lockwood. I'm thinking they go to the Fittes Ball, and the reader goes shopping with lucy for dresses. And I'd love some flustered George who is just wholly overwhelmed by reader who is all dolled up in a pretty dress. And here you can maybe include some locklyle? Like Lockwood showering Lucy in compliments and being charming and confident as usual and reader hoped for a similar reaction from George but he just kinda says nothing bc he doesn't know how to handle himself. And they go to the ball and while lucy and lockwood go off to retrieve the book, reader and george just are kinda awkward until some guy (or someone we know, kipps or someone) comes up to reader and asks her to dance. And she jist goes with him bc while she is disappointed with georges reaction she is still determined to enjoy the evening. And maybe when they are about to leave George wants to get her and she dismisses it and says she's having a good time and she's coming home later. And when she comes home george is still awake and waiting for her in the kitchen and they have a little fight and some confessions 👀
Let me know if you like that idea! And thank you in advance if you decide to write it🩷
a/n: i love this idea so much!!! it’s going to go a little differently due to the fact that after the fittes ball, they have to go get the mirror, but i hope this has turned out ok as i've cut out a big chunk of the actual story to keep this moving lol. strap in because this is a long one <3 also can i just appreciate your username i love it
warnings: angst, mild language gn reader
"Best friends have correlating dresses. It's law, basically."
Lucy laughs at you, flicking through the dresses on the rack. "Is that so? I have to admit, I'm not great when it comes to clothes. You just pick for me."
Grinning, you show her the dress you've already picked out for her. It's simple, made of royal blue satin with flowy sleeves that bunch at the wrists, and it falls to what would be about mid-thigh. Lucy doesn't look entirely convinced, but when you show her the pair of sparkly tights, she smiles.
"It's part of the Lucy flair," you explain. "I have a pair of boots you can borrow to go with. I have the image in my mind."
"Alright, then," she says, taking the dress and tights from you. "What are you going to wear, Fashion Expert?"
"Hmm." You tap your finger on your lip before selecting a dress from the rack. Red, also satin, with fluttery capped sleeves and thin gold stitching in the shape of flowers at the hem. "What do you think? Red and blue - pretty iconic"
As you expected, Lucy shrugs. "You'll look pretty in it. You look pretty in everything."
"Thanks," you laugh. "Do you think he'll like it?"
"Who, George? I'm sure he will. Whether he tells you that is another story entirely."
The sad truth, really. As you both go up to the counter and purchase the dresses, you can only hope - dream, more like - that George will come out of his shell a little. He's not overly keen on the fact that he's coming to the Fittes Ball, but he agreed a little more easily when you said you could stick with him on the outskirts while Lockwood charms people until his socks blow off. You can't blame him for not wanting to come. He doesn't like people, really, and his thing is staying at home and sticking his nose in a book. If you guys weren't going to infiltrate the Black Library at Fittes for this book by Mary Dulac, he wouldn't be going at all, even with your promise.
On the walk back to Portland Row, you keep yourself talking, if only to keep the nerves away. If you're being honest, the whole prospect of breaking into Penelope Fittes' private library and stealing a book isn't what's making you sweat. It's the thought of George seeing you in a dress.
Most days are spent in pyjamas or your work clothes. There's nothing overly special about your faded jeans or ectoplasm-spotted jacket, not even your sturdy boots that you spent time making little embroidered patterns on. George has seen you at your worst - hair frizzed from sleep, crumbs left on your T-shirt, wearing socks with far too many holes in them, so the thought of dressing up for a special occasion makes you a little nervous. Will he think you look nice?
Lucy would scoff if you asked her that question. She'd say that you don't need a boy to find you pretty to be worth anything.
But George isn't just a boy. Not to you, anyways. He's much more than that.
The better part of the afternoon is spent getting ready. You fix Lucy up with a pair of your nicer boots and sit her down to put some makeup on her, for which she doesn't stay very still. Yeah, immediately after you're all going to go on a heist and steal back a very important mirror, but who's to say you both can't look good doing it?
George and Lockwood come in shortly after you've finished your own makeup, as well as styling yours and Lucy's hair, and you stop short, watching for George's reaction.
He's dressed in a nice black suit, with a white shirt and orange tie, and his hair is slightly neater than usual, but it suits him. Your heart flutters a little looking at him.
Lockwood, for his part, looks completely wonderstruck by Lucy, who watches him carefully. The tips of her ears are tinged pink.
"Luce, you look -" He clears his throat, and you hold back a smile. "You look great. Amazing, actually."
She presses her lips together, but you can see the smile tugging at the corners. "Thanks."
"Uh, I have something for you, if you'll accept it." From his pocket, he pulls out a thin silver chain on which a small gem glitters. "It belonged to someone close to me. I'd like for you to wear it."
Lucy takes it with gentle hands. "What if I lose it?"
"You have a pretty good track record with precious necklaces."
She laughs at that, looking over at you. You smile as you fasten the necklace around her neck. "Thank you, Lockwood."
His grin is confident, clearly bolstered by the fact that she accepted his gift. He keeps looking between her face and the glittering necklace.
Silence ensues, and your gaze travels over to George. He's standing there, staring at you with those gorgeous dark eyes of his, and for a moment, your heart feels like it's going to explode. You wonder what he'll say, if he likes the dress or not.
"I'll go check on the cab," he says before darting out of the room.
And, just like that, every piece of confidence you had dissipates and it feels as if you're a balloon with a hole poked in the side, slowly deflating. You should've expected it, really. George isn't the complimenting type, but you liked to hope that for once he might say something.
Swallowing your embarrassment at your failed hopes down, you plaster on a smile and turn to Lucy and Lockwood. "You're right, Lockwood. She does look amazing, doesn't she? Blue's her colour." You give a pointed look at the blue tie he wears, and notice he's even wearing blue socks.
The little detail makes you happy for Lucy, truly, but it doesn't make the hurt any less painful.
Lockwood smiles, but Lucy's quick to notice the expression hidden under your smile.
"Come on," she says. "We better get going."
The Fittes compound is bustling with people - wealthy socialites, young agents, supervisors, everyone dressed up in fancy clothes, sparkling in the twinkling lights. Music plays from every corner of the massive room in which the Ball is located, packed to the brim with people. Waiters breeze by with trays holding drinks and food. Lockwood plucks a flute of some sort of drink from a passing plate.
"Shall we make the rounds?"
Lucy groans. "Posh people and small talk. The worst form of torture."
George makes a sound of agreement but doesn't speak. Beside him, you shuffle awkwardly, clasping your hands behind your back.
"Plan still the same as earlier?" you ask Lockwood. "You and Lucy find the book while me and George stay to - what was it you said?"
"Mingle," Lucy says in a mocking tone. You've half a mind to believe she's done it to make you laugh.
"Just keep the attention off of our absence," Lockwood says. "Kipps probably expects the worst of us tonight."
"He asked you to this, didn't he?" Lucy asks you. "Won't be much of a problem to keep him distracted. Just dance with him or something."
Tension snaps in the air. Beside you, George doesn't say anything but his hands twitch a little bit.
You shrug. "Probably won't dance with anyone tonight. But I'll make conversation. I'm good at that."
Soon, Lucy and Lockwood split off from you and George. The two of you slowly drift towards the edge of the party, out of the tightly packed crowd of old people with expensive-smelling perfume and cologne. Once or twice, you almost choke on the strong scent.
George keeps close to the wall, watching the crowd carefully, while you stand a foot or two away, arms crossed over your stomach.
Truthfully, you'd love to be dancing. It's not so much about the party or even the music, but who you'd like to be dancing with and how it'd probably be the only time you ever get to do anything remotely like it with him. But here you stand, staring out at the few couples with the bustle that are shuffling together, grinning.
"Thanks for coming tonight," you say to George, trying to make conversation. Usually, it comes easily, and you can find anything to speak to him about, but it's strained now. "I'm not sure I'd be a great distraction on my own."
George shifts slightly. "I'm not sure about that. You've got a fan coming over now."
You try to ignore the hint of irritation in his voice. He's allowed to be irritated - about coming to the party, at least. This really isn't his scene. But if he's mad that someone else asked you to go with them, he's got no right. He's made no effort.
But, he's right about one thing. Quill Kipps is making a bee-line right for you.
"(name)," he says upon reaching you. "Karim. Where are the other two?"
Plastering on a sweet smile, you say, "It's Lucy and Lockwood. They've been making mooney eyes at each other a lot recently. I wouldn't be surprised if they're off dancing somewhere."
"And what about you? I can't imagine that you like just standing on the outskirts of the party."
"You don't know me as well as you think you do, Kipps," you say. "In fact, I have company that is far more preferable than you."
Kipps glances back at George. "Yes, you look like you're both having the times of your lives. Well, I only came over to ask you if you'd perhaps come dance with me. If not, Bobby Vernon has asked me to suggest he be your partner."
"Bobby? Isn't he, like, twelve? And aren't you twenty, or something? Both options sound positively strange."
"It's just a dance."
You look over at George, who's watching the encounter carefully with narrowed eyes. He rubs the lenses of his glasses on his orange tie.
You've made a promise to stick with him at this party, and you don't intend to break it. No matter how disappointed you feel that he didn't even say something like You look pretty when he saw you in your dress, it doesn't entitle you to leave him.
"Sorry, Kipps, to both of those generous offers. Like I said, my company is much more enjoyable."
He takes the rejection better than you thought he would, but soon it's just you and George again.
"You should've gone and danced with him," George says after a while, pushing his glasses up his nose. "Otherwise you've bought that dress for no reason."
You're not sure why that comment makes your skin flush hot with anger, but it does. You bought the dress to feel pretty in, not just for George but for yourself. It wasn't for no reason. Crossing your arms over your chest, you turn away from him. If you look at him any longer, you're worried angry tears will start prickling your eyes.
"Well, then maybe I will go dance with Kipps. You don't seem overly interested in conversation with me, anyways."
Maybe you expected him to put up a little more of a fight. Maybe that's why, once more, you feel your body deflate a little. You don't spare him another look as you trudge through the crowd until you find Kipps.
"Oh, (name), hello again."
"I've rethought your offer," you say. "I'll have that dance if you're not busy."
He's not your preferred partner, but it was starting to get stifling standing with George when you had so much you wanted to say. Kipps at least tells you what's on his mind.
For example, "Karim seems pretty unhappy with your decision to dance with me."
"He doesn't tell me what I can or can't do."
How ironic. He has in fact told you to dance with Kipps, and here you are, obeying like a dog on a lead. You scowl at the thought.
"You look nice," Kipps says. "Red suits you. And your hair looks nice."
"Thank you." It's sad that the only compliment you've gotten beyond Lucy's is from Kipps. Even then, you're not sure how to feel about it. He's old in a teenager's terms.
"If looks could kill, I think I'd be dead."
You turn your gaze, eyes catching George's distant figure, but he's looking at a little book he'd stashed in his suit pocket just before leaving.
Looking away, you try to keep the sadness out of your voice. "Stop messing with me. I'm trying to enjoy this party. I'm standing in the same building as Penelope Fittes. This is a big moment for me."
Even then, it's clear to even Kipps that the enthusiasm just isn't there.
A flash of blue catches the corner of your eye, and you see Lucy waving as discreetly as she can.
"Thanks for the dance," you say, offering him the best smile you can muster.
Kipss grabs your wrist as you make to walk away. "Be careful with Karim, okay? I know our teams don't get on, but that doesn't mean I want to see you get hurt because you want something he can't offer you."
For a moment, you just look at him. Finally, you say, "I'm not sure what you're talking about."
The bone glass is gone. Pamela Joplin is no longer a threat. The ghost of Edmund Bickerstaff is no more. Lockwood's bullet wound has been treated. George and Lucy are safe.
And yet...
Sitting at the kitchen table the following morning, you scribble away at the thinking cloth. After the events of last night - the Fittes Ball, the 'Battle of Kensal Greene' as it's now known - you couldn't sleep, so you've sat here all night, scratching away at all the swirly shapes on the cloth. Really, you should throw it out and replace it, but there are a few funny drawings you've recently drawn that you'd like to preserve a while longer.
The stairs leading down to the kitchen creak, but you don't move. There's only one person it could be.
Lockwood is sleeping off his bullet wound, and Lucy is up in the attic having a nap.
George steps through the door, shutting it softly behind him, but you don't look up at him. Instead, you take an angry bite out of your toast.
"Is that my egg cup you're using?"
Usually, he would've made a little scene out of this because, typically, it's Lockwood that uses his egg cup and the two of them love causing a scene. But he doesn't say anything; he only makes himself a cup of tea and some toast before sitting across from you.
It's silent for a while. You're not sure what to say, so you opt to keep scribbling on the thinking cloth. The most recent doodle you've made is of you and Lucy as stick figures, which is nothing compared to the sketches she's got pinned up in your shared room in the attic.
"So, last night."
You don't bother to look up. "What about it?"
"You dancing with Kipps?" His tone is cautious.
"Me and Kipps?" You scowl at the hidden implication. "He's, what, twenty-something? I'm a teenager. That's gross."
"No, I know, I didn't mean that. I just meant you two dancing together."
"No one else was going to dance with me. Well, other than Bobby Vernon, and he's about half my height."
George is quiet for a moment. "I just..."
The sigh that leaves your lips is exasperated, to say the least. "You just what, George? You're usually very straight to the point, so I'd like to know what said point is."
You know you're being harsh, but all of your emotions feel frayed from not sleeping and the boil-over from yesterday. You're still frustrated about it.
"I didn't like seeing him dance with you."
"Well, you don't really get a say in it, seeing as you didn't speak to me most of the night, and when you did you were telling me to go and dance with him. Seems a little confusing, right?"
"I didn't know how to say what I wanted to," he says, frowning. "Seeing you in your dress... I don't know. I don't know how to say it now."
"Oh, I have an idea: (name), you look pretty. Four words. Four words, George! I get it - you struggle to say things when you get overwhelmed, but I would've appreciated something as simple as that. I didn't need you to dance with me, or to give me a necklace that belonged to someone dear to you, or even wear a tie that matches my dress. I just needed four words. Three if you take out my name!"
"It isn't that easy! My throat closes up around you, and I forget how to speak."
"You're speaking fine right now."
"Yeah, because we're arguing. You're not standing in front of me looking like you've been blessed by some god."
You blink, stunned. "Well, I suppose that's one way to put it."
"I could put it a million different ways in my head, but I just can't say them." He won't look at you. In fact, he's taken his glasses off. "(name), I've never felt like this before, and it's hard to vocalise any of it. Last night I was - well, a lot of it was spent trying to figure out how to word it all without embarrassing myself. Like - like, I enjoy mornings with you before Lucy and Lockwood get up - well, most mornings - and we just talk about anything. You listen to me about things you probably don't care about."
"I do so care about Jonathan Fro-yo's books -"
"Jonathon Arroyo, you mean." There's a little smile on his face. He's fiddling with his fingers. "But that's beside the point. There are a lot of things I like about you or enjoy doing with you, I just don't know how to say it all."
Watching him for a moment, you decide to take a leap. "Would it make it easier if I told you I am hopelessly head over heels for you? Those mooney eyes Lockwood and Lucy are always doing? I'm also a culprit of it, but you're the source."
The glasses are back on, and you have to admire the way his hair flops over his forehead in messy curls when he turns to look at you abruptly. Those entrancing dark eyes of his widen in shock.
"You're telling me you couldn't guess? George Karim, perhaps your research skills aren't quite on par with what you think they are."
He smiles, a little less subdued this time, and your heart soars at the sight. "I'll try my best to talk from now on," he promises. "But it gets hard. All I ask is that you understand that."
"So, am I correct in assuming you like me back? Because if I've just admitted that I'm crazy about you and you don't even feel the same, I'll be mortified."
"I do," he says. "And you did look pretty last night. Beyond pretty."
It's not much, but it's a start, and you're willing to work on it.
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
Hi! Could u make a Hunter x nb! Human! Reader who’s Luz’s adopted sibling and gets possessed instead of Hunter in TTT?
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A/n: I see Luz and Hunter as siblings so this going to be more platonic, I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted
Tw: Slight trigger warning for implied suicidal thoughts and panic attacks it not too graphic but just wanted to warn y'all before
You had known Hunter for a few months now but with how close you two were it might as well of been a lifetime. You shared basically everything with each other. And for Hunter, the main thing shared with you was his past with Belos. You had no clue who Belos was. But you could tell he was a bad person with how nervous Hunter was telling you he used to work for him.
While you didn't understand most of the words he was saying you got the jist of who Belos was, the absolute fucking worst. You hugged him and let him know you didn't care about his past as the golden guard.
Snap back to the present Yoy and him were making lunch for the rest of the family. You mostly give Hunter insercations. Because you've seen the 'food' Hunter made before and... It was certainly ingredients put together. You were cutting peppers."Okay so next- Ow- fuck!" You suddenly yelped. You dropped the knife and drew your chest. "Are you okay!?" Hunter was by your side in a matter of seconds. "I'm fine, I'm fine, I just cut my finger." You said. "Wait here I''' get some disinfectant wipes," Hunter said and you nodded in reply.
You wrapped the cut in your shirt in the meantime. Hunter came back and you held your hand out. He cleaned out the cut and you winced at the contact of the wipe. "I'm sorry," Hunter said softly. "Nah, it's fine just kinda hurts. We should probably continue making dinner." "Oh right!" You both continued on.
After dinner, you and Hunter decided to go to a shed located a bit far from the house. Hunter said he was going to go in the shed but first, he was going to wash some dishes. So you went to the shed and waited. Soon a weird green goop.
You stared at it for a few minutes when it seemed to start moving. On one hand, you didn't want to be the movie character that starts touching the obvious bad thing. But on the other hand, it was so tempting. You sighed and crouched next to it, still relatively far away, and poked at it. You brought your hand back at the contact. You accidentally touched it with your wounded finger. "I just t touched some mysterious goo with an open wound." You sighed, "Not one of my brightest moments... Let's hope the infection isn't too bad."
Suddenly you heard the door knob move. You turned your head around to see Hunter. "Oh hey, bro!" Hunter seemed slightly startled. He's still not used to you calling him bro, but he's not complaining about you. "Hi, why are you crouched down?" "There was some weird sludge..." When you turned around it was nowhere to be seen. "That's weird... It was right here!" "Are you sure you've been getting enough sleep?" Hunter asked. You looked back and forth nervously. "So no, Y/N I'm not saying you seeing things or anything. But that might be part of this." He gestured vaguely, "Sleep is important." "You're one to talk." "Being a hypocrite doesn't make me wrong."
You sighed and rubbed your eyes. "Yeah, I haven't been getting enough sleep. But I  saw it! I felt it. I know it was there." Hunter looked around nervously. "Just tell me if you see it again. Then we can check it out together and you'll know it was real, two birds with one stone." Flapjack glared at him. "Not literally though, sorry buddy." He scratched under the bird's chin and he did whatever the bird equivalent of purring is. You stood up and stretched a few cracks coming from your back. "Okay did you bring the tablet?" you asked. Hunter had a small bag around his waist and he pulled the tablet out of it. "Of course." He smiled
You and he sat on the chairs the rest of the group brought up a few weeks ago. You cringed at the floor creaking when you sat down. You and Hunter opened the language-learning app, but neither of you bothered to remember its name and opted for remembering the icon. Once you entered you clicked on Spanish. There were a few other languages that had a sliver of progress in them. Luz (or Luz and Gus) were responsible for that. She always declared that she was going to learn a new language and then a week later she would ask why one word had so many variations and say that two languages were enough. And, based on how much you and Hunter were struggling, you agreed.
After an hour of studying and struggling you closed the app. "God damn all the ways a and e can be spelled." You said. "There aren't that many ways, you just gotta remember how to say them!" "Okay, Mr. Spend all my time reading and studying for I school I don't go to." "Studying and reading is fun!" Hunter said with a very defensive tone in his voice. Ah, right, back when he was in the Coven, and jabbing at him was a personal attack. "Sorry, I was joking around." Hunter nodded slightly. There is tension left in the air. "Okay well, I'm tired I'm going to go to bed." You said almost robotically. "But it's 6 PM." "Not getting enough sleep will make you tired okay byeee!" You waved and entered your room. Ever since you were adopted you took up a section in the attic. Not that there weren't any other rooms, you just preferred a small quiet area.
You, in fact, were not tired. You just had no clever way to end that conversation. You suddenly felt a slight headache and your vision got blurry. "Argh!" You subconsciously cried out. The only thing you could make out was a greenish figure with glowing blue eyes. You blinked and rubbed your eyes. The figure disappeared. Okay, maybe Hunter had a point. You went to your bed and decided to take a nap.
After what was a full sleep cycle, you woke up at 4 AM. Your throat hurt so you decided to get a glass of water. As you were pouring yourself a cup you glanced out a window. From what you saw of the window you saw a familiar glow and turned your whole body around so fast that water spilled on you.  Yet there was nothing there when you saw the full window. 
You swallowed some water that you had in your cup. It soothed your throat. You bite the skin of your lip. You went back to your room got your phone, and siped your water. No matter how much you mindlessly scrolled the visions wouldn't leave your mind. You keep just scrolling through random websites barely comprehending the words on the screen. Even if you tried the hallucinations had you completely out of it. Suddenly you heard the sound of multiple doors opening and closing. You went downstairs. You saw Hunter fumbling around with multiple cleaning supplies. "Oh, hi! I'm just going to clean around the house." "Haven't you already cleaned every room like 6 times this week?" "Yeah, but there are 8 people living in this house, plus Palismen." "Fair, can I help? I need to distract myself from... Stuff" Hunter tilted his head but nodded.
You both went to the kitchen and pulled out towels and bottles of cleaning supplies. You paused. "I'm going to go clean a window." "Can you just tell me what's wrong?" "Nothing! Just the window seems dirty." You walked over to the window and squirted Windex on it. Once you started wiping it a layer of fog and grime was wiped off and became way clearer. Your body filled with relief at the new clearness. While it didn't explain the blueness and glowy-ness of what you saw earlier it was enough to calm you.  But you couldn't shake the feeling. So you kept trying to come up with an explanation. Once one explanation crossed your mind your blood felt like it turned to ice. It was barely plausible but the other explanations weren't likely either.
"Hey, Hunter, buddy, bro, dude, what did Belos look like in his freakouts? Like when he a weird slime monster?" Hunter tensed up. "Um he had his hair, his skin was dark green, and his eyes glowed... He had more than two eyes at some points..." His breath became shakey. "Hey- Hey, it's fine you don't have to talk about it if it stresses you out. Breathe with me." You did a few cycles of breathing exercises. Hunter smiled. "Why did you ask?" "No- reason- well there was a reason but I don't want to stress you out! Don't stress about what I just said!" You began rambling, "Let's just get back to cleaning!"
Throughout you guys cleaning he kept looking at you with concern. Suddenly you felt like your muscles were twitching. What was happening to you? Everything was fine two days ago what the fuck happened? 
The goop.
Fucking hell this one hell of an infection. But you did touch random slime with an open wound and no knowledge of what it was. You looked at your wound. The same slime was leaking from the wound. Okay, maybe it was more of a parasite. But the thought of the slime coming from Belos crept back into your mind. "Hey Hunter I'm going to do something with a thing." You spurted out without thinking. You left and started running. You had no destination in mind you just kept going. You arrived at an empty frame. You stopped. You scratched at your neck and it felt dry. 
What were you even doing? Why did you run? It made sense in the moment but now the reason escaped you. You probably would've had an answer if when you first started running. Your vision started to get more blurry the more you stood still, no matter how much you wiped them. You also felt like you weren't in control you were moving but you weren't trying to, in fact, you were trying to stop yourself. Everything was so overwhelming that despite the quietness you felt like you couldn't hear anything.  The thing that you could hear was thumping you couldn't tell if it was your heart or footsteps.
"Y/n? Where are you!?" You heard a voice call out, Was it Hunter? Maybe. It's hard to tell what's happening in general. You looked back at the noise. You saw the outline of a few people. Your friends. Your family. Your voice started talking without your permission. "There you are, Hunter!" It sounds so twisted. Hunter's voice sounded like it was slipping in and out of focus. What was clear was why, run, and already. After a minute or two of- that. You regained more consciousness when you felt a pair of arms around you. "Y/n, I know you're in there! Fight him off!" Luz called out. "Please." You heard Hunter say not far away. 'Fight him off.' Who is 'him'? I mean you must of been doing a good job if you have this much control. You put the rest of your energy into staying in control.
Despite your focus on staying in control what was happening was just a blur of noises and colors.  You felt dirt around your fingers. You wanted to see what the hell you were doing but it was a lot harder to stay in focus than you thought it would be. "Leave her alone." You heard Hunter say in a very flat voice. Suddenly vines were wrapped around your body. Hunter knelt down by you. "What's going on?" You, actually you, managed to get out. "We're trying to help you- if you're not Belos." Everything clicked in your head. You're, what you thought was insane, theroey was right.
"Willow tighten the vines. Don't stop." You said with any energy you had left. "What!?" Almost every yelled in unison. "Just do it!" You said. Willow reluctantly started tightening the vines. It hurt and you were positive your bones were going to crack. But before that happened Belos left your body. You were exhausted and couldn't comprehend what he was saying, but you could tell he had a blue vial and smashed it against the frame. "Y/n are you okay!?" Hunter shouted. "Huh? Uh- yeah, I'm fine. " "But you covered in scars..." You looked at your arms, and sure enough, there were huge scars. "Whatever I feel fine." You said standing up a bit too fast and almost lost your balance.
"How'd you know that would work?" Luz asked. "Oh, I didn't! I was expected for I way different ending to that if you know what I mean." "Were you planning to die, to possibly save us?" Hunter asked. "The answer you want and the truth are different. But I the portals open now." Luz narrowed her eyes. "Yeah, it's great that the portals open. That being said we need to have a talk about this later." "I'm not getting out of this am I?" Hunter chimed in, "Nope."
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2cmtall · 2 years
oikawa x y/n scenario
Context: a scenario where oikawa and you help each other with your insecurities and struggles of self-loath.
A/n: a few years back I was really interested in Haikyuu, my favourite character being Oikawa (I almost always like the flirty, egotistical guys idk why 🤷‍♀️) and recently I decided to check out my pinterest board dedicated to this man. And that turned into me reading fanfics on tumblr an looking through pinterest. I'm honestly surprised that there are still people who like this show and there are some that still post about it. Even if you dont like/care for haikyuu or Oikawa, maybe this scenario in general could be interesting to you? 🙃
CW: I suppose themes involving self-loathing and feeling as though you're not pretty. Please excuse any misspellings or grammatical issues.
For him to have a relationship with somebody who is not conventionally pretty.
You're not ugly by any means but because you have never recieved any confessions or experiences of love by guys in school, this has caused you to question your beauty. You dont necessarily try to be beautiful, opting to get extra sleep and pick out quick outfits rather than take the extra effort, but that doesnt mean you don't care. You just don't know where to start and not much motivation to go beyond your comfort zone.
That is until you met oikawa. Now the romance wasn't sudden, as most love at first sight portrays conventionally beautiful people.
Oikawa is the type to usually receive affection/attention from cute girls so he assumed that look was normal. When both of you meet, you both didnt really care for each other. He was just a popular guy, and you were just a girl.
You became their teams manager because it was recommended by a fellow student, but while you got accepted and was working, you were sometimes reminded of the fact that some if not most guys wanted pretty managers, something that you apparently arent (not true).
Oikawa, despite his previous lack of feelings for you, noticed. He noticed because as the weeks when by, he grew to appreciate your work and had a bare jist of who your were. So when you adorned a deep sadness in big volleyball games or any other event involving other teams and their managers, he took note of it. He was able to find the source of the problem when after the games or as the teams were mingling, he heard comments about how you were the "ugly duckling" among the other managers, saying that they feel bad for the team that has to see you every practice.
This for some reason irked him. He usually ignored comments regarding the managers because he knew what most guys wanted, it wasnt his business to get into he thought. And if he had to be honest, back then and still a bit now (though only to go along with convo with other guys), he makes comments about pretty managers.
But his view has changed ever since he caught glimpses of your true self. What areas you were passionate about, your strengths, even some of your weaknesses he knew. He knew from your actions how you were caring and empathetic, wanting to make sure he didn't overwork himself. There were times where everyone was groaning at his antics (to be expected. no one can blame them), but you were off to the side silently laughing. There were times where hes made comments about Tobio's unending talent, and you reprimanded him lightly, reminding him of his own talents, even if he couldnt quite see it himself. There were moments where he swore you could see through to his true self by the way you look at him in deep thought. You have even joined him in his antics, copying his silly moves and laughing alongside him. And last but not least, hes seen your competence and skill as a manager. You still had a lot to learn as it was your first year, but you had the drive to reflect and be better, which is important in a manager.
So when he heard those rude comments, it irked him because they were discrediting your work and even indirectly insulted his own team! As if! You are one of the reasons why their team does so well. Hes had enough. Done with the blatant insults, he walks towards the nobodies with false politeness, a smile not reaching his eyes. He looks down at them and says "hello! Sorry to disturb your thrilling conversation, but I couldnt help but concern myself over the talk of my dear manager." Their quick shock at seeing the king himself quickly sobered with laughter as they realized his words. One of the guys spoke. "Oh man! Shes Aoba jousai's manager?! What were guys thinking in letting her join? Doesnt your school have tons of cute girls?" Oikawa isn't fazed. "Why of course we do! But unfortunately, not all of them have what it takes to be a competent manager like y/n."
He then leans in closer, his smile wiped from his face, and speaks in low tone causing the two boys to look petrified and angry at the same time, offending by whatever oikawa said and angry by his audacity. It was the type of look that you have seen players make when an opponent is stronger than them and is looking down upon them. It was a sight to see to watch them angrily walk away from a smug oikawa. Even more amusing to see oikawa then get hit by a flying ball, its owner none other than iwaizumi.
You had no idea why he would jump to make such an action, ruling out the possibility that he might have done it for your sake as to not make embarrassing and hasty assumptions (you arent exactly oblivious to signs, more so doubtful the romantic type of motivations apply to you). Your conclusive theory is that he did it to defend aoba jousai, as they did indirectly insult the team (and you saw the way his face twitched at the sneering boys at the mention of the team). But even so, you cant help but feel a little better, especially when oikawa gave you a big smile and a peace sign afterwards.
Eventually one thing leads to another and oikawa decides to help you out by offering to give you makeovers, go over skin routines and do your hair for you in the mornings whenever he gets the chance, reassuring you many times that hes willing to wake up extra early for this. You were still very wary about the idea, not wanting to be a nuisance or a chore for him but after a lot of persuasion and pleading, you hesitantly agreed.
He ended up being very serious about the whole process, going over different products and processes, giving you tips and advice for achieving the confidence and the look that accentuates the beauty that's already there. Of course he is still teasing you and performing his usual antics, but when he gets to the nitty gritty processes and whenever you start to feel down about your self, hes serious, a layer of concern in his features.
For your first treatment, he let you stay put and allow him to do all the work, wanting you get a feel for the products and to also treat you since he could see the worry and self loath in your eyes as his fingers go over the black heads on your nose and the blemishes and scars on your face. But he can also see the genuine interest in your eyes and he smiles to himself whenever you close your eyes and unforrow your brows, completely relaxed when hes lathering products on your face or applying make up. Hes patient with the parts you might be scared of, like curling your eyelashes (hes quick to point out the beauty in them. You might laugh in denial but he saw how you gave yourself another look in the mirror, seeing if what he said was true). The way he goes over hairstyles are amusing, but also therapeutic. He teases at first, messing up your hair and holding your hair in a weird way intentionally to lighten the mood, but when you give him full/semi-full creative freedom (depending on if you have looks you'd prefer or didnt want), he worked to give you one he thought fit your looks and needs well. It would be therapeutic because his fingers would sometimes graze your scalp/skin and he would hum to himself, his fingers working rhythmically. Hes grown to like whenever you close your eyes when hes giving you makeovers cause it means you trust him and found the experience relaxing.
Overall the experiences are calming and hes done, although there are still some doubts, after some reassurment, you look much happier. Hes caught you once or twice looking at yourself in the mirror and he cant help but smile seeing you obsess over his work. Over some weeks, you've grown to experiment and be more confident about your looks, looking much happier at school than previously before, and in those morning sessions, the two of you have talked and bonded over different topics, ranging in all levels of seriousness or lack thereof. Hes grown to like to you for who you are, every side that you show him, and you've grown to understand him at a deeper level as well. You've both helped each other, you with your confidence and him with his tendency to overwork himself, but noth of you have helped each other with the others tendency to self loath.
Your romance was slow, and it took a while before one of you confessed and for you to accept that oikawa loves you, but since you both had a sense of understanding your relationship was healthy.
Bonus: I think it would be cute if oikawa helped you in subjects/areas you have trouble understanding. Through your study/HW hangouts and oikawas dramatic antics and way of teaching, it helped strength your bond and to give yourself confidence that your capable of understanding any material as long as you have the motivation and the right learning strategies that work for you. You have both also took this time to watch previous volleyball matches where oikawa enthusiastically teaches you all there is to know about volleyball and the specific matches and players. It was very educational and you enjoyed seeing him passionately talking about it. It would also be cute if you two subconsciously watched close together, as if you were a couple.
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sirens-sanctuary · 2 months
Deception (part 2)
Miguel Ohara x fem!reader
. FWC:
. TW:
. (this is part two click here for part 1, more parts to come :3)
. authors note, masterlist, rules, and taglist below <3
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The slow and groggy sounds of machines beeping and whirring you lull you from your daze. You toss and stir letting out a small whine when you feel a pinch in your arm.
"What~?", you reach over and pull an IV needle out of your forearm. You roll over onto your back and breathe out, staring at the ceiling in confusion. You were fighting a villain you've never seen before, to falling in the air, to landing in a place littered with other spider-women and men.
The sound of a door opening causes you to sit up, making you clutch your ribs in pain.
"Oh yeah- you're gonna be in pain for a few hours." A middle-aged looking man in a pink robe and baby strapped to his chest chuckles.
"Hi, I'm Peter B Parker, but you can call me Peter B for short," he gives you a wide smile, "And this here is Mayday, isn't she the cutest?"
"Where am I?" You couldn't care much for the small introduction Peter was trying to give you.
"Uh- well you're in the medical ward inside the Spider Society."
"The what?" You squinted your eyes at him, more confused than you have ever been.
"The Spider Society..." Peter shuffles around awkwardly as you just...stare at him.
You nod your head slowly and get up from the hospital bed and placed your feet on the ground. At least they gave you those fun grippy socks hospitals usually have.
A lot of things were raving through your head. Spider Society? Psht- yeah ok, weird ass dream you're having right now. The more you looked around the room you tried to convince yourself more and more it was a dream...the walls weren't squiggly though. Nothing was morphing or random things like a chicken popped up like they normally did in your dreams.
"You're not dreaming by the way." Peter spoke up again. You looked at him and gave him an expression that reeked of 'What the hell?', to which he laughed at-
"I've been there, trust me." Trust you? Random guy with cute baby? Sure why not. "Follow me and I'll take you to boss-man Miguel. He'll explain everything to you and all that boring stuff he does."
"Boss-man?" You followed close behind Peter, looking around past the various other spider-people.
"Yeah boss-man! He kinda runs the place, sends out orders ,puts everything together- y'know boss-man things." Peter says with a goofy grin on his face, mayday babbling along with him. As much as you wanted to ignore the two and just hurry to where you needed to be, you couldn't. Their bubbly energy was enough to make you smile.
You followed Peter through countless hallways, listened to him ramble and talk about missions he went on. He even showed you a few photos of Mayday and his wife MJ. It was a nice little moment. Many of the other spider-people knew who Peter and he stopped many times to talk to them and they often stopped him to say hi to Mayday. It was annoying as hell. You wanted to leave and go home- get this bullshit over with. It was like walking with you parent at the store and they see an old friend in the fish-stick aisle.
After another excruciating 10 minutes of walking and stopping to talk to other people you finally make it to a big opening.
———— [DISCONTINUED] ————
posting this bc it was still in my drafts for ages, this isn't a finished or complete part of the series, I jist wanted to share it bc I'm deciding whether I continue to write or just leave it as this as a "What could've been kind of post. I also don't have anything to post so lol, take with it what you will.
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