#not sure who to tag am tired
lilypixels · 1 year
Random WIP Line
Rules: Share a random line of text from your current WIP or a line or two of dialogue from one of your characters. Do not give any explanation or context, and see what your followers think. Then, tag a few friends to keep the randomness going!
I was tagged by @simmingonthelow and @autumnserenade and totally did not almost forget thank you <3
uhhh I have lots of text so lets spin the wheel and see where we land:
Why did he think listening to a demon was a good idea? Demons and good things don’t go together.
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wren-of-the-woods · 6 months
I've been seeing a lot of posts lately talking about how no one comments/reblogs/replies/etc anymore, and, as someone who comments regularly on a lot of fanworks, it sometimes makes me wonder if my efforts are worth anything. Then I remember how much happiness I get from comments on my own work/posts and how much the community of fandom can matter, and I remember the power that can be found in spreading joy instead of disappointment.
So -- to everyone who comments on fanfiction: thank you. You make the writing process worthwhile and so very rewarding. You make people happy every day.
To all the people who reblog art and gifsets and meta and anything else with enthusiastic tags: thank you. You make people smile and promote interesting conversations and make being on Tumblr so much more fun.
To anyone who sends people asks about their works, whether it's unprompted or part of an ask game: thank you. You give people reasons to talk about things they love and feel like a part of a community.
To the people who makes reclists: thank you. You give us more to read while showing the author how much their work is loved and appreciated, benefitting so many people.
To everyone who organizes events and groups and blogs and dedicated to fandom: thank you. You build community and love and excitement so effectively and it's wonderful.
To all the authors and artists who respond to comments and build community: thank you. You make people smile with your work and then again with your response.
To everyone who contributes to fandom and community in all the other beautiful, varied ways that I can't even begin to list: thank you. You are why we're here.
And, finally, to every writer, visual artist, gifmaker, cosplayer, maker of edits, writer of meta, or creator of art in any other form: thank you. Your work is wonderful and you make fandom what it is, regardless of who sees your art or how much response you recieve.
Keep going, everyone. You are a part of something beautiful.
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james-p-sullivan · 11 months
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you know what sometimes self-care is just straight up blocking someone who erases a character's canon pansexual identity
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mabaris · 23 days
no youre completely right - im a gay (trans)man and i legit wanna see so much more about the women bc There Is So Little. I wanna make a lesbian oc who gets bent in half by taash. im very normal.
i’m just tired man!!!! it feels so obvious how disproportionate it is when you’ve got. a cast of characters that we know almost equally little about. and a few of them explode in popularity and it’s like spongebob sticking his hand out the curtain. literally all a character needs to do numbers is to be a light-skinned man
#like you bring up taash!! we know equally little abt taash and emmrich. why is one FUCKING EVERYWHERE and i’m like. scrounging for scraps#sometimes i feel like there has to be a secret other main dragon age tag that has the real stuff in it#but maybe it’s just the tumblr userbase idfk#i feel like i’ve seen a little bit more of neve since the trailer but still not anything on the level as everyone’s fave boys#and before you hit me with ‘lucanis was in a couple short stories’ harding was in the literal entire last game. and she and neve had comics#there’s obviously something to be said about character types too. a lot of people love dark and broody#vs harding keeps getting described as Girl Next Door and that’s much less popular. fine i’m not going to argue abt individual tastes#but like. neve isn’t popping off??? on the columbo fansite????#everyone’s talking about emmrich’s experiments and research but no one talks about bellara’s??#like personally. ok. lesbian opinion so take that for what it’s worth. but i don’t understand all the lucanis thirst#davrin i could understand. davrin can get it. he gets way fewer thirstposts than the other men (hmmm interesting im sure it’s nothing 🙃)#i’m just like. tired. i don’t want to say people can’t enjoy what they’re excited about#but it adds up!#i feel guilty complaining when i am also not doing a lot of Female Character Poasting but like#there’s only so much i can do as someone who can’t draw and has been too busy to keep on top of all the breaking news
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
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what if they were an ultimate frisbee team
#em draws stuff#em is posting about sharpe#sharpe#rifleman harris#daniel hagman#richard sharpe#patrick harper#francis cooper#ben perkins#south essex quirky#<- organizational tag for frisbee au things#see it is Funny because jason salkey was an ultimate frisbee player before he was an actor. also I just think the men should frisb.#<- not a real verb#'look if the terror fandom has terrebus fc then we can have this' says local man who knows very little at all about ultimate frisbee#but also I have noticed that Multiple acquaintances have acquired concussions playing this sport In The Last Week Alone#and thus I deem it Sharpe-Appropriate in its capacity for Causing Grievous Harm and Encouraging the Wearing of Cool Shades In October#so you see. this took me TEN DAYS and ouch ouch ow this is why I don't do group portraits that often#the height differences are Wrong here I am pretty sure but I have almost no conception of how tall any of them are. and I'm tired.#also the designing of their silly little outfits y'know#I do recommend opening up this image Large because tumblr crunches all my little details something awful#sailorpants saw this while I was still drawing it and said they looked like an 'assorted pack of lesbians' and really they're not wrong#other things to note about this au that we've decided: cooper still does crimes and harris has a podcast#stay tuned whilst I figure out how to make custom frisbees so that I can a) design them a cooler one and b) make them into real items#manufacturers I have looked at thus far have either been Suspicious or have required Large minimum orders#but hey if there are 47 people out there wanting a strange frisbee...
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musashi · 1 month
i JUST realized this might be related to one of my other friends in the mvk fandom suddenly hardblocking me so uh
hey y'all! if you frequent the mvk tag, there is a regular blogger there who i will not name, but who has some sort of pathological attachment/obsession with me. they and i were tumblr mutuals but we were not close. we DM'd twice and had scattered interactions here and there.
they are accusing me of:
being abusive toward them
being otherwise cruel to them
being ableist against disabled folks who are high-support???
sending suibait/having my friends send suibait
probably other things.
EDIT: someone's informed me they're accusing me of posting private stuff from their vent account? the only account i know of theirs is the one we were mutuals on
i can't stress enough that none of this is true. there is no proof of it and if you press this person they will have none. all that happened was some time about a year ago when we were mutuals, i feared they might be vagueblogging about me when i was having depressive episodes and i sent them this message about it:
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i was being honest here, but they then turned around and said i was spot on--they were vagueblogging about how badly they wanted me to shut the fuck up, stop whining, etc (paraphrasing, but that was the vibe exactly) every time i needed social support. they have since deleted their message admitting to this. i am so sorry i cannot prove it.
since then multiple mutual friends of ours have unfollowed them because they squat on ym blog and, again, pathologically blog about me. they revel and make posts about "justice" and "karma" whenever i am upset on here. they scream and yell and cry whenever i am happy. they have admitted to wanting to convince their mutuals to abandon me:
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again, i can't prove this is about me but i have a lot of testimonials from people who noticed this being in both our circles and can vouch for it. initially i was just going to roll my eyes and move on but i think they might be telling other people i'm some horrible fucking abuser who mistreated them when i wasn't even close enough to them to do so.
anyways, sorry to everyone who tracks the tag! i don't know how to prove that i didn't hurt this person. but... like... if they approach you, please do your best to use best judgement and consider the facts in front of you.
again, i will not be naming them. this is not a callout post. this is a preventative measure, because i am a traumatized wreck and i really cannot deal with things of this nature.
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loptrcoptr · 5 months
It’s come to my attention that a lot of people in the BES fandom are new to fandom-culture in general (or lack there of; we denizens of tumblr are residents of a cesspool) and don’t know a lot of general old school online manners, laid down in Days of Yore by earlier generations. So let me bring up a crucial one that is generally being ignored on tumblr in the BES-sphere: ship tagging!
I am not doing this to condescend, I genuinely want to be helpful and to help us all enjoy our enclosure and our enrichment in said enclosure together. I think a lot of grief going around the blue eye samurai world on social media could be solved if everyone remembered one good old cardinal rule of fandom bullshit:
you do not put ship wank in a ship’s general tag.
let me say that one more time in different terms:
If you want to rant about how much you hate a ship, general practice has always been, on tumblr anyway, not to do so in the safe space created for said ship.
once again, lemme be very clear; I don’t give one rat’s ass or 800 collective asses of rats what you ship, why you ship it, whether you ship anything at all, why you hate x y z, etc. That’s great, that’s what fandom is for! Enjoy yourself! The issue is that there’s all this infighting fuckery going on that is exhausting to even watch from the sidelines, and I think there’s a lot of confusion as to why anyone is fighting over any of this shit at all as it is 2024 and ship wars are 2011 superwholock garbage that we all collectively agreed to jettison into space by 2015, ya feel me?
(and if you like to start shit and throw hands then obv this post isn’t for you as you know what you’re doing, this is for the folks who don’t know and are confused as to why they can’t rant without blowback)
So if you’ve gotten on tumblr recently and noticed your anti-ship post blowing up for some reason or other and asked yourself “Jesus why are these assholes from that ship always coming for me?? They’re such dicks!!” ask yourself:
did I tag them in my post?
Because when you tag a ship in a post about how much you hate it, it’s not a beacon that says “Hear Ye Hear Ye, Interacteth Not Ye Fuckos From Ship I Hate, This Is About How Much I Hate Your Ship”. For that to be the case, you would need old-school anti-ship tag nomenclature, like this: #anti-[shipname] or #[shipname] wank. Those tags would communicate your intent to rant, which is your sacred fandom right to enjoy doing! It is not, however, your sacred fandom right to enjoy doing it in the wrong space, that’s what’s happening here. A post that tags a ship with its normal tag, but whose content is anti/wank content about said ship, sends the signal: “ayyooo, who would like to debate this with me?”
So, does all that make sense? If you tag your post analyzing all the reasons why you think a ship sucks with #ship, you are encouraging everyone who ships that ship to interact with your post. It’s like rocking up to somebody’s house, ringing the doorbell, and saying “I hate your fugly ass piece of shit house, asshole” and then getting irritated when the homeowner responds with “who the fuck are you, get off my lawn?!”
#anti-[shipname], #[shipname] hate (forgot about that one, also useful), and #[shipname] wank do two very useful things:
1) They let other people who want to gleefully rant with you know that you’re on the level and they give like minded individuals a chance to follow those tags so you can have more rant sessions together, and
2) they minimize likelihood of involvement by the shippers you’re ranting about, who can block the tag, while keeping the ship’s normal tag open for the people who enjoy it
tldr; *swordfather voice* it would be bitchin if people could stop bitchin in the wrong places so that we can all coexist like adults here, touch some grass, and chill. Tag ship hate #anti-[shipname], #[shipname] wank, or #[shipname]-hate and keep it out of the general pro-ship tags :)
if your response to this is “don’t tell me what to do, cuntwaffle” or “I have an unhealthy relationship with the idea of shipping and think no one should have a safe environment to enjoy media except me and people I agree with so I will continue to poison the waters” then ok, cool beans, keep on chooglin’; but know that everytime you walk into a tea party you weren’t invited to and yell I HATE YOUR FUCKING TEA YOUR TEA SUCKS ASS blowback is a bit inevitable
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qcomicsy · 4 months
Lately I've only been wishing to grab a comic about my favorite character and just have a genuinely good time reading it.
#I can't remember the last time I took a Deadpool comic and genuinely had a good time about it#I hate the direction they took with his character and it's so disrespectful that I don't even talk about I don't even think *any* Deadpool#fan genuinely talk about it because were so tired of his kids characterization we all just collectively decided to ignore whatever hell#marvel through at him#but rant aside#it's just–#I am not sure if comic books are fun anymore I don't even know who I am making content for half of the people on my notes haven't touched#comic book and aren't pretending to do so#people who read the comics tend to be so mean or bitter about it that even if you follow most will be angry about something#comic or fan related and I don't know if I can blame them but following that is draining#and as much as I was trying to be a good sport about it you make a post about comic book characters and#and the overwhelming response is 'I don't read the comics but'– following up by a take about them that doesn't even recognize any core#aspect of their personality that you can't even grasp you can't even recognize them#you can't recognize them on tue cannon you can't recognize them on the fannon#and no matter how engaging you try to make content about the fandom people just–*refuse* to read it. And then– they *refuse* to tag fannon#content as fannon#and *refuse* to leave either#Yes we are all having fun but how can a character tag be so so filled with people who have no idea of who they are#how can a character can be properly loved and take care of and have content that respect them if no one makes any attempt to *know them*#and it's disheartening because *comics* are supposed to be fun *fannon are supposed to be fun*#but for aome reason it's really *really* hard to have fun here anymore#I created this page to share my love for the characters I care about and see more content of people who care about them too#but I can't even *find* people who care about them any more and when I do they're all so angry and upset– And I *cant even blame them*#I just... I don't know why I am doing this anymore or for who I am doing this anymore#sorry to vent but it's been a while since I haven't been had a genuinely good time™ enjoying comics#I don't think even people who write those comics enjoy those comics or care about those characters#Sometimes feels like everyone is projecting on those characters rather than *writing about them*. And I can't find them anymore#fanfics used to be about love petters to characters who you love#nowadays seems like a competition to see who makes more funny words with tropes pre-written since 2007#vent
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trans-cuchulainn · 9 months
watching black sails while having a popular post about knights sure is making me think about pirates and knights as very specific romantic ideals of violent men bound to each other by oaths, one ostensibly within the law and one emphatically outside of it
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illegiblehandwriting1 · 9 months
went to the best store on the planet aka barnes & noble yesterday with my heart set on shakespeare and had a crisis over whether i should get Fantasy Space Lesbian Necromancers or Man in Coma Loses Memory and Saves Human Race but with Real Physics (both of which i have yet to read but desperately want to) so of course i walked out with hamlet and the four swords manga *sighs in nerd*
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tastycitrus · 10 months
looking for cass fics via cass’s tag on ao3 be like
here's a story about tim where cass is a minor character
here's a story about jason where cass is a minor character
here's a story about dick where cass is a minor character
here's a story about damian where cass is a minor character
here's a story about literally anyone but cass, who is still just a minor character
rinse and repeat ad nauseam in whatever order, that's it that's like 90% of cass's character tag. also she's either barely present in her minor role, written out of character, or both at once
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
WAIT i just had another idea. jamie STARTS as a hitting apprentice to roy, but slowly comes to realize - and roy comes to realize - it's more upsetting to him than it is satisfying to do that job, and then they SWITCH him to hacking. which maybe they did or didn't have a dedicated hacker before and they were just making do, or maybe it was nate and he (temporarily) switched sides, or whatever. but maybe like jamie's injured for a minute and has to sit out hitting, and roy's doing that for a job, and then some kind of hackery shit needs to happen that whoever's doing that at the moment - beard? ted even trying it would be an unprecedented disaster, we know - doesn't know how to do or isn't doing the Best Way, and jamie just steps in (vaguely loopy on pain killers) and just. Does it. Perfectly. mumbling some jargony bullshit in fucking mancunian that no one can understand only half because of the mumbling and the accent. and they're all like okay jamie. congratulations on your new position. and he resists it at first because he doesn't think he fits the Archetype or whatever for a hacker, but like. he likes it and he's good at it, and it brings the team together so well to have him as The Guy In The Chair TM. and that's their "go through me" total football moment.
Homie I am sitting across from you and leaning in very closely and taking your face gently in my hands-
Because this implies, somewhere along the lines, that Jamie’s two-bit crime fixer dad pushed his kid into becoming a hitter.
He probably knew a guy who needed extra muscle in a pinch and offered up his son. His son who was athletic, who was on the football team and doing well at it, so he had a bit of muscle on him. It was just supposed to be to fill a gap, look intimidating a for a few hours and earn your dad a couple hundred pounds, what’s the problem, not like you can’t take a hit, can’t you?
And it didn’t matter that Jamie didn’t want to do it, cause his dad never listened to him anyways. Not when he was warning him ‘you know those messages ain’t just your phones anymore, the companies back em up so the police can search em’. Not when he tried to explain ‘no you ain’t got stick somebody up in an alley anymore, see I’ve got the skimmer you can just hit the ATM’. And definitely not when he said ‘they got CCTV everywhere now, you gotta be more careful’
And then James got arrested. And he took the fall for a crime boss that promised to do right by him but didn’t. And then, well, wasn’t anyone looking out for Jamie, and he had a book full of contacts his dad left behind, and a fucking reputation for all the goon work he’d done, and he’d only ever been good for one thing anyways, and that was the only thing he’d ever gotten paid to do so-
He became a hitter. And a fucking good one too. Simple as that.
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NSFW Warning: This contains people mentioning having sex. They do not have sex in this, but it is mentioned that they did. Honestly not sure how required this warning is in this case but I’m not taking any chances.
Bastion: *brooding after having sex with Ida for the first time*
Ida: *tired but staying awake to address whatever angsty nonsense this is* “Hey you, that’s a very thinky frown”
Bastion: “Ida, what are we?”
Ida: *hums* “Good question, well I’m squatting in your freaky death house and you’re trying to eat me sooo Tom and Jerry?”
Bastion: “I only meant that we just had sex”
Ida: *drily* “So did Tom and Jerry.”
Bastion: *fretting* “I really like you.” Ida: “Yep, that’s been made very clear.”
Bastion: “But I want to eat you”
Ida: “Also, been made pretty clear.”
Bastion: “And I would like to do this with you again”
Ida: “Me too actually.”
Bastion: *crescendo of fretting* “But Ida, if I caught you, I would still devour you, in fact I feel hungrier for you now than I did before.”
Ida: “Mn, creepy, but I’ll allow it”
Bastion: *finally notices that Ida is being smart with him* “Ida I get the distinct impression that you aren’t taking this conversation particularly seriously”
Ida: “Bastion, we just fucked.”
Bastion: “Language.”
Ida: *sticks tongue out* “I am tired and the post coitus fuzzies aren’t going to make my input on this any sounder but: I’ve never actually felt safe, at any point in my life, not really, so if you’re worried I’ve misread the danger you pose, then you’re wrong, I don’t trust you to not be a predator Bastion, but…*intertwines her hand with his* I am trusting you with this.”
Bastion: “This” *spoken reverently* “I want this so badly Ida, but what if tomorrow is the day I catch you?”
Ida: *reaches out with other hand and boops his nose* “I think you’re getting ahead of yourself spider boy, but, on the off chance you get very very lucky, I’m not going to hold your true nature against you.”
Bastion: “Could you perhaps promise that? I know humans are not as bound by these things as Fae, but it would comfort me to hear you promise.”
Ida: *rolls eyes* “Bastion, I promise not to hold you trying to eat me or succeeding at eating me against you just because we’ve had sex”
Bastion: “It’s silly I know, I want to devour you, but I do not want to betray you or hurt you. I thought to keep how I felt a secret from you. When I realised I loved you, I was ashamed of myself, I have always been greedy, hunger has ever been my nature, but to want your heart and affection, even though I could never resist devouring you, it seemed a degree of selfishness outrageous even to me”
Ida: “Well, I won’t say it’s not greedy, but I will say I don’t really mind” *yawns*
Bastion: “Ida?”
Ida: *sleepily* “Yes Bastion?”
Bastion: “If I catch you can I still kiss you? Can I hold you gently before I eat you? Can I address you warmly even when you are digesting inside me?
Ida: “Sure Bastion” *yawns* “I don’t see mnn why not…” *falls asleep*
Bastion: “…” *holds her tightly*
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wolverinedoctorwho · 6 days
How many things am I gonna try thinking "oh this will finally reveal to me whether I'm trans" before one of them actually *works*. I'm tired of this grandpa.
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BEST movie of all TIME
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