#not surprised the sammy post is my most popular one
queenofcats17 · 2 years
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#*on the verge of tears* scrangle reminds ingo of emmet. even if he doesn’t realize it
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@dilfgmancoolatta had a really amazing scene in (Un)Forgettable that I wanted to draw.
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I’m pretty proud of it!
50 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
So, remember this post? I decided to write it.
So here’s all the Allison cutscenes with Sammy written in. I ran out of steam at the very end, but I think Allison would ask Sammy to rally the Lost Ones or at least thin out the crowd a bit.
Also, this is probably gonna be pretty disjointed. Apologies
“I wouldn’t drink too much of that if I were you.” A woman’s voice came from behind Audrey, causing her to gasp and drop the soup can she’d been holding as she whirled around to face the source of the voice.
Standing there was a woman, although she looked nothing like any woman Audrey had ever seen before. The woman had dark hair tied back in a ponytail, and with horns poking out from under it. It looked like she was wearing a headband as well. The woman’s arms were stained black, almost up to the shoulders. It looked like her dress was a part of her skin, at least on her torso. She wore a utility belt and a rope slung across her chest.
Behind the woman was a man. Or something that looked like a man. He was completely black, black as ink. Maybe he was ink. His face and head were completely featureless, save for two glowing golden eyes set deep in the smooth blackness. He wore a mask on the side of his head, a mask of Bendy. Like the woman, he had a utility belt. But he also had an ax, hold loosely in one hand.
“It helps patch you up,” the woman continued, smiling warmly as she approached Audrey. “But the aftertaste, it’s not so good.”
Audrey took a step back, her shoulders tensing.
“Calm yourself, little lamb,” the man said, approaching as well. “We mean you no harm.” His voice was low and soft. It was...beautiful.
The woman glanced back at the man before turning her attention back to Audrey. “He’s right. We’re not going to hurt you,” she said gently, reaching for Audrey’s arm. “Looked like you needed some help.”
“Don’t touch me!” Audrey snapped, wrenching her arm away and taking another step back. “What are you? What is this horrible place?!”
“We are the faithful,” the man spoke with quiet reverence, spreading his arms wide. “The chosen few who follow the path of the Demon. For he will set us free from these inky prisons we call bodies!”
The woman sighed, giving Audrey an apologetic smile. Did this happen often?
“The Demon?” Audrey echoed, her fear only building at such a response. “You mean that thing that attacked me?”
“No. That’s a Piper,” the woman answered, as though that was supposed to tell Audrey anything. “And he’s part of a gang so be careful.”
“As if my Lord could ever be mistaken for something so lowly as a Piper.” The man sounded genuinely offended.
Audrey felt like crying. None of this was answering any of her questions. She still didn’t know where they were, what had happened to her, or what these people were.
“I don’t understand any of this,” she groaned. “I can’t think. It hurts.”
“You’ll catch on pretty quickly, if you can stay alive,” the woman assured her. “Lesson one: Searchers don’t have legs and tend to swarm.” She mimed walking with her fingers, looking at Audrey with a hopeful smile. Was this her idea of a joke? When Audrey didn’t react, the woman’s smile dropped. “Look, it’s not good to stay in one place for too long around here. Keep moving and stay close to the shadows. Take my advice. Head to the upper levels. It’s...safer there.”
“The deeper into this place you delve, the more horrors you will find waiting,” the man said solemnly. There was no hint of the reverence that had been in his voice before, only a weary resignation.
“Can I come with you two?” Audrey asked. These two seemed to understand this place. If she could stay with them, maybe she’d be alright.
The woman’s face fell further, guilt creeping into her expression. “You can’t...I’m sorry. I have a wolf, Tom. He doesn’t care for strangers. He barely tolerates this one as is.” She gave a weak smile and gestured to the man.
“Your wolf is lucky we share a common enemy, else I would have separated his head from his shoulders long ago,” the man declared, eyes narrowing.
“A wolf?!” Audrey sputtered.
The woman couldn’t help but laugh. “Like I said, you’ll catch on. Good luck, I hope we’ll meet again.”
“Best of luck, my little lamb.” The man nodded toward her.
The two of them began to walk away, only for the woman to stop and look back. “Oh! And one more thing! Above everything else, stay away from the Ink Demon.”
“What’s an Ink Demon?”
“He is our Lord! Our savior!” The man proclaimed, gesturing grandly once more. “He will break the cycle! He will set us free!”
See the full post
75 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
I was thinking about the new Butcher Gang member, Carley, and here’s what I think her personality is like.
I think she’s a bit of a hell raiser. Just a feral girl who will absolutely charge into danger without a second though. So she’s just charging into a situation without thinking while Charley and Barley are yelling, “Hey! We had a plan!”
I also feel like she probably regularly talks Edgar into bad decisions.
86 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
...I had more ideas. Specifically for Audrey trying to make the newest cycle the last one. And hopefully one where her new friends can be happy.
I might write this later, once I’ve finished some of my other projects.
Idea under the cut! (Which kinda just turned into me writing out an outline)
So. Audrey heads through Archgate studios, no longer having to worry about Wilson.
When she’s booted into the studio, I think she finds herself in the original studio, face to face with Henry, who immediately hugs her. They’re both so happy to see each other. Once they stop hugging, Audrey explains her plan. She wants to make the studio a place where everyone can be happy. Or as happy as they can be.
Joey is gone. Wilson is gone. They can finally move on and break the cycle in a way that will help everyone. They deserve happiness, Audrey insists. All of them.
Henry is a little unsure about whether the plan will work, but he agrees to help Audrey. So, he and Audrey turn on the ink machine and head over, where they find the Ink Demon leaning on the boards blocking the machine. Henry’s instinctively a bit wary, as is Audrey, but she walks right over. The Ink Demon asks what Audrey’s planning, which prompts Audrey to tell him about her plan.
The Ink Demon listens, which is honestly more than either Audrey or Henry were expecting from him. He doesn’t think the plan’s going to work, but...out of respect for Audrey he’ll go along with it. Audrey gets very excited at his agreement, although he tells her not to get her hopes up.
Still, Henry can’t help but notice there’s a certain amount of fondness there as the Ink Demon asks Audrey who she’s going to bother next for this idea. Henry suggests Sammy since he’ll probably be the easiest to convince with the Ink Demon on their side. The Ink Demon isn’t thrilled about seeing Sammy again, but he agrees to go along with it.
So, they head down to see Sammy, with some teleportation help from the Ink Demon.
They pop back into existence in Sammy’s sanctuary, scaring the Hell out of Sammy, who’s playing his banjo at his desk. As soon as he realizes he’s in the presence of the Ink Demon, he’s immediately on his knees praising him, which makes the Ink Demon visibly uncomfortable. Audrey steps forward to get his attention, which prompts some confusion from Sammy, as he doesn’t recognize her. The Ink Demon supplies that Audrey is his sister and she has a plan to help all of them. Sammy doesn’t take much convincing to agree to the plan, even though it isn’t clear if he really understands what it’s about.
Leaving Sammy’s sanctuary, Henry and Audrey discuss who to go to next. Henry sheepishly asks if maybe they can go find Boris, because he’s really missed the wolf. Audrey gets a bit excited at the prospect of meeting a perfect Boris, which makes the Ink Demon a bit jealous, although he denies it and refuses to acknowledge it.
They do end up going to find Boris since he’s the closest of major players. He’s...not thrilled with the situation and refuses to come out of the safehouse until Henry goes in and explains what’s going on. Even then, Boris doesn’t seem thrilled to be part of the group. The Ink Demon isn’t surprised, but he’s still kind of hurt. Sammy’s probably trying to help comfort the Ink Demon, although how helpful he’s being is probably up in the air.
After picked up Boris, the group goes over who to go to next.
Audrey suggests maybe Allison, but Henry says Allison and Tom might be a little bit harder to convince. Especially Tom. But if they see everyone working together, maybe they will be convinced. Audrey’s’ a little nervous about seeing Alice again because of the whole “she tried to kill me with a gun” thing, but the Ink Demon assures her they won’t let Alice hurt her.
So they head down to Alice’s floor where she greets them over the speakers. She’s more subdued than she’s been in past loops and asks what they’re doing. Audrey kind of hides in the back while Henry gives the pitch for Audrey’s idea. There’s silence after Henry pitches the idea, and for a little he thinks maybe Alice is ignoring them. Then Alice speaks up and asks if they really think they can make this hellscape a better place. They can’t change their fate. It always ends the same.
Audrey speaks up to say that Joey’s dead now. He can’t force the story to keep going the same way. Things are going to change. She’s going to make sure of it. There’s another long pause and the doors open, revealing Alice with her arms folded. She says she’s only indulging this because Audrey is kind of cute and she could use a change of pace.
From there they go to find Allison and Tom. As Henry anticipated, they aren’t immediately on board. Tom especially is pretty distrustful of the whole group, which isn’t helped by Sammy, who’s probably being pretty petty and snippy. I think Audrey would be the one to convince them with her heartfelt plea. Her genuine desire to make the situation better sways them to try this whole idea out.
They go to tell the Lost Ones the plan last, gathering them together for a big announcement. The Lost Ones probably have mixed reactions, but having Sammy backing the plan definitely helps.
And then I think the rest of the fic would be character interactions, with everyone trying to work through their respective issues and make the studio somewhat livable.
Like Henry and Audrey’s savior complexes. Thanks, Joey.
The Ink Demon’s self worth issues. Thanks, Joey.
Alice’s self worth and image issues. Thanks, Joey.
Basically, you know, recovering from Joey. And Wilson.
87 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Beware of spoilers under the cut, but I had some ideas.
So, I saw some people upset about how Sammy didn’t play a huge role in the new game and bringing up how
So. I had an idea.
Allison mentions at some point that there’s somewhat of a resistance going on. Her, Tom, some others. And they do come in at the end to help Audrey. It might’ve been cool if Sammy had been part of that resistance.
You know, the whole “enemy of my enemy” thing. Sammy and Allison and Tom had been on different sides in past loops, but now they have a common enemy. Wilson. They can all agree Wilson is dangerous and needs to be stopped. And if Sammy hears about what Wilson and the Keepers have been doing to his “Lord”, he is not going to be happy.
I also think it would’ve been really funny to see Sammy being a petty bitch while still working with Audrey, Allison, and Tom.
Tom’s probably not thrilled, but he’ll tolerate Sammy if it means getting rid of Wilson
190 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
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just-bendy · 1 year
Avil-uation time
(get it..? Avil evaluation...? Neh- I give up)
Best character so far, sunny or bendy, absolute cuties
We're not gonna talk about Sylvia or your Sammy... That's for another time... Cough cough sound
Could we get new ref sheets on some of the characters perhaps? I don't think I've seen you make reference sheets, or if you have they've gotta be old by now right?
(also I'll get Stract and Skeif into your ask box again soon I swear I'm just running low on motivation jdnejxnsjf)
(( i was surprised that sunny was so popular! i had no idea ppl would instantly latch onto him, which works for me bc i have plans for him 😈
i'm also happy about the reaction for sylvia and sammy as well! 🤣🤣🤣
i don't have any new ref sheets sadly, but i do have some basic ones for the clones! so here's bendy plus the four new ones that showed up ( and yes i have 66 of these )
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i am currently working on a new ref sheet for bendy and will be making one for alice, boris, barry, henry, and sammy! and i will be adding the bendy clones ref once the pages are finished and i've shown most of them already.
i'm planning on making a post for it bc i don't think i could put big images on carrd or the blog pages, and this way it would be easy to edit and link the ref post! honestly i shouldve done this a long time ago but the thought of having to draw full body just.... demotivated me, but drawing the sketches wasn't bad! i think i can do it if i take my time 😌 ))
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darkimpala1897 · 5 months
I'm currently doing a storm chaser Au for MOTA, I posted my three part today, so I just wanted to drop some lore slash headcanons
1. Bucky was adopted at age seven by Jack and Chick, he doesn't call them his dads. He calls them his weird uncles.
2. Buckys parents were killed by a tornado.
3. Bucky has been chasing tornados since he was a kid.
4. Bucky and Buck are married, but currently divorcing. But also at the same time not really.
5. Curt and Dickie have been married since the dinosaurs.
6. DeMarco is engaged to Brady, Meatball is their son.
7. Bubbles and Crosby are married duh.
8. Douglass and Hambone have been dating forever.
9. Helen and Nash are married.
10. Quinn is in a situationship with Bailey and Babyface, I can't even explain it.
11. Ken is married to Winks, they have a son named Sammy.
12. Sammy was carried by Helen, but she is not biologically his mother.
13. Meatball was found in what was left of a barn, he was just a puppy.
14. Helen is the only one with her life together, she's a sex therapist, which Nash finds hilarious.
12. Ken and Winks are farmhands slash mechanics, that live on Jack and Chicks farm.
13. Everyone lives in Jack and Chicks basement.
14. They live in Wakita Oklahoma.
15. Nobodys car dates past 1996 is a running joke between everyone when in reality its like 1990.
16. Hambone is the human barometer.
17. Croz is the navigator, he has a whole a conniption if Bubbles folds the maps.
18. DeMarco drives a retired school bus, for some reason well drunk DeMarco put where it use to say school, it says "Burrito Barn" now. He doesn't know either.
19. Bucky drives a blue 1983 GMC Vandura with a unicorn painted on both sides.
20. Ken painted the unicorns on Buckys van.
21. Curt and Dickie drive a black 1989 Chevrolet Suburban, it's nickname is "The Beast"
22. The Beast has been put back together four times now, the most severe incident was a cell tower piece through the windshield.
23. Bubbles and Croz drive a 1982 Ford F-150.
24. Douglass and Hambone drive a 1983 Ford LTD Country Squire, Hammy calls it "The Boat" or "The Wagon" depending on the day.
25. Douglass loves to drift his Squire, which is not good for it.
26. Rosies drives a 1985 Chevrolet Chevy Van, it has utility lights on it, Bucky calls it "The Boring Van"
27. Helen and Nash drive a 1975 Chevrolet K-10.
28. Bucky is the resident idiot of the group.
29. Rosies operates all the fancy equipment, and the cameras for obvious reasons.
30. They have a YouTube channel, which is called the Windy 100th. Rosie thought of it because he was a history major.
31. Their YouTube channel isn't that popular, but it's more about them having fun then anything.
32. Curt and Brady do audio, they have the best ears.
33. Smokey is their doctor, but he is a registered wackadoodle.
34. Smokey drives this hideous green 1990 Crown Victoria it belongs to Stormy, though he pretends not to own it for obvious reasons.
35. Instead of Brady yelling "Son of a bitch, that's France! He's yelled "Son Of Bitch, that's the tornado." He nearly died that day.
36. Brady just owns a baseball helmet for some reason.
37. Hambone is called Hambone because he literally got smacked by a flying pig.
38. Babyface is called Babyface, because for some reason he keeps getting smacked in the head by babydolls.
39. Stormy is an actual meteorologist, that just helps out the group. So he slightly has his life together.
40. Ken owns a flatbed tow truck for obvious reasons, but he normally drives a 1977 GMC C-15 which he shares with Winks.
41. Buck owns a 1984 Jeep Wagoneer.
42. All of them met in college well studying you guessed it weather.
43. Rosie knows Oklahoma by heart, he sings with Smokey.
44. DeMarco loves rock music, he blasts it on drives through speakers on his bus.
45. Douglass loves classical music.
46. All of them are amazing drivers which is surprising considering.
47. Chick is the one who cooks, Jack bakes and makes pretty much everything.
48. Jack makes wind chimes that he sells.
49. The only one to ever have seen an F5 was Bucky, its what killed his parents.
50. Bucky thinks he's the leader, but it's actually Rosie.
That's it, that's lore for the Windy 100th aka Storm Chaser AU.

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coderedblood · 1 year
Lemme begin by saying I don’t know why people keep saying JBJP is going to turn heel. (Now as I say this, I am aware that a. it will probably happen now and b. surprise heel turns are both AEW’s bread and butter when they don’t have meaningful storylines for their talent and is almost always a good way to rip out the fans’ hearts. Seth Rollins’ 2014 heel turn is a master class of this instance and while there have been many attempts to replicate it, very few have succeeded.)
I sincerely hope AEW doesn’t turn Jack Perry heel. Ricky Starks is completely sexy correct when he said that the Pillars thing is sort of dumb (he didn’t say that, I’m simplifying his remarks), though not exactly from a storyline/kayfabe perspective, but if they’re gonna persist with it till one or more of them doesn’t renew their AEW contract (since MJF’s and Jack Perry’s contracts are up for renewal next year), then turning JP heel would imo be a foolish move on AEW’s part. Here’s why:
Sammy Guevara is not over with the fans outside of Texas and he can’t get over as a face. (I wonder if his habit of talking shit is the reason. Ah hell, who am I kidding? Of course it’s the reason!) He is booed to the heavens and back no matter how much they try to get him into face territory. Bluntly put, Guevara isn’t a face no matter how hard he tries to be one. (Sorry, Sammy.)
Darby Allin (fuck I hate saying his name), while he is a face currently, his status as one feels extremely artificial on his end. The fans are behind him (for some oddball reason), but he isn’t a very believable face at all. He acts very much like a heel - his vibe is very much “the world’s treated me like shit, the world owes me, and I don’t care about the world”. I’ll admit I was a fan of DA for a short time in the beginning bc I thought he had a cool look but that’s where it ended. Bluntly put, I think they’re taping twenties under the fans’ seats to get them to cheer for and put Allin over as a face.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman. He is probably the most well-known heel in professional wrestling today behind Roman Reigns. ‘Nuff said.
Jack Perry is the most natural face of the Four Pillars. With his pleasant out of ring personality (recent rudeness notwithstanding and there’s a whole other post on that here on why that isn’t a cancellable offense), the difficulty of losing not one, not two, but three of the closest males in his young life making him a sympathetic person, and his affection for his friends in and out of ring making him relatable, he’s got it. Although, it is time for a gimmick change. I’ll forever love Jurassic Express and the man and his dinosaur and wild friend gimmicks, but it is time for a change. (My mom made the excellent suggestion of some kind of rockstar, which I’m all for!) Plus people are unfortunately bored of the Jungle Boy gimmick, which I believe is the root of why people are calling for a heel turn.
What I’m saying is, you lose Jack Perry as a face, you’re losing a vital power dynamic. What is wrestling in its barest form? Good vs. evil, a human fascination that’s been around since the beginning of humanity. Turning Jack Perry heel would shake this dynamic (more than it already has been) in AEW and frankly not for good, since there is in an influx of heels in AEW. This isn’t exactly a good thing in itself because while wrestling has changed significantly since it’s become popular and faces and heels are much more expansive, you still have to have identifiable traits as one or the other, and when you have more heels than faces (and vice versa) your potential for storytelling is greatly limited. More heels, your storylines amount mostly to “who’s worse, me or you”. More faces, it’s mostly “friendly competitions, yeah!” (Neither of these are bad, but it gets boring seeing this stuff week after week.)
In a perfect AEW, the women’s division would be much more utilized beyond the Outcasts and Britt Baker and the women’s titles would mean something, Best Friends would finally be tag champions, Darby Allin would be fired and blacklisted, the Jericho Appreciation Society would go away, the Dark Order would get a storyline dedicated to rebuilding and strengthening them, and Jack Perry, Hook, and Danhausen would be trips champions.
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Rewatching Shameless and i just watched 6x1 jail scene. Can I request a meta if its not too much trouble? I feel like reading a really good meta about that scene and you're one of the best we've got so.....
It’s never any trouble at all! That’s so sweet to say—thank you so much! <3 Kind of coming to terms with the idea that anyone cares about my opinion over here. You guys are too much!
This scene is actually extremely important to me because it and the response to it were what made me start writing Shameless fanfiction, specifically when I saw that my views regarding Ian’s behavior and how Mickey received it were so vastly different from what I initially read. (Insert shameless plug for “That Milkovich Reputation” here.) Now, I know you’ve told me not to do this before, but based on the controversial position in which this scene resides, I feel the need to present a couple of disclaimers for our audience at large.
I first fell in love with Shameless last March, a couple weeks before quarantine began. I didn’t know what it was prior to that and therefore was not present when Noel left the show, so I didn’t experience the disappointment of a beloved character leaving in a potentially permanent way and didn’t engage in the fandom or see how deeply upset people were by that until after I finished the series. I also don’t subscribe to the theory that there was something going on behind the scenes or any animosity between Noel and the creators, as I have not seen any relevant evidence from reliable sources to support that what happened was anything other than decisions made in pursuit of career goals on both sides. As such, my analysis of this scene has only ever taken the content and context of the story and characters into account. I have no interest in speculating on the motives of people I do not know in writing it or portraying it this way, and even if I did, this scene made perfect sense to me as it was written and performed.
I understand and appreciate that this is not a popular position to take and urge everyone to pass this post by if my position on that matter is offensive or upsetting to you. I do not mean to tell anyone what to think or believe, only to explain how I view this scene and the context in which I do so.
That said, let’s begin.
When Last Seen: Mickey
As in all things, context is important. Prior to the prison scene, the last time we saw Mickey was when Ian broke up with him and Sammi interrupted their heartfelt moment, which basically sums up her character in a nutshell. That was a rough couple of days for Mickey. He saw how devastated Ian was to hear his family talk about him as though he were just like Monica; was distressed in his own right to return for him and discover that he’d left the base with Monica; buried his frustration and sadness by sleeping around with other people, which seemed to exacerbate those emotions because those people weren’t Ian, nor had he and Ian broken up when he did it; and came running when Ian called him, only for Ian to end their relationship.
Mickey is a very sharp man—we know this. He can read people like books and manipulate or intimidate them accordingly. He knew Ian had feelings for him in s1 when he showed up on his doorstep seeking comfort rather than going to any number of other people he trusted. He was well aware that Ian loved him in s3, and that made what he felt he had no choice in doing that much more painful. He heard what Ian said and knew what he was doing in 5x12. Of that, I have never had any doubt. It wasn’t like Ian tried to hide that he didn’t want to break up but thought that that was what would be best. In fact, the way he initially framed it always made me think that one of his highest priorities was not dragging Mickey down with him, especially in the aftermath of being called “destructive” and similar to someone who “put them through hell.” That’s why Mickey’s response wasn’t to call him an asshole or get angry or beg. It was to reassure Ian that he was there for the long haul, that he loved him and wanted to take care of him no matter what that meant—and that they could make that work. All the sentiments Ian had tried to communicate before he got married, Mickey was reciprocating in his own way. Had they not needed to temporarily write Mickey out of the story and Sammi hadn’t shown up right that second, I believe that he wouldn’t have given up so easily. We do have confirmation of that being the case in the prison scene, but we’ll get to that shortly.
When Last Seen: Ian
Ian isn’t a selfish character. We know this, too. However, Ian needed to be selfish by the end of s5. What he had to come to terms with wasn’t something that anyone could fully help him with, much as Mickey desperately wanted to. To Ian, the enemy was within. It was inside him, in his brain, telling him what to do even if that destroyed himself and everything he loved. It’s terrifying. I’m not bipolar, nor do I suffer from any other diagnosed mental illnesses, but I admire and respect everyone who wakes up every morning and tackles these things. They’re heroes every single day. But by the end of s5, Ian doesn’t feel much like a hero. Instead, he feels like the villain, and he’s lost touch with who he even is anymore.
That’s not a healthy mindset to have in a relationship. Relationships require a level of give and take, and that used to be something that Ian and Mickey already struggled with. Ian gave more in s1-3 because he was able to, while Mickey had a limit on what he could openly give because of the environment in which he lived and the manner in which he was raised. In s4-5, those roles were reversed: Mickey was able to give so much more, but Ian was gradually falling apart. Neither of them are at fault for any of those situations. It is what it is, and they have a stronger relationship for it. Ian is a giver, though. He’s always been a giver. To be in a position where he doesn’t feel like he can give anything to Mickey because he doesn’t even know who he is was truly heartbreaking for him, and objectively, he needed to take a step back so that he could focus on himself. He knew it. Based on Mickey’s understanding of Ian’s reasons after watching him deny that he had a problem for so long, I think Mickey knew it too. This hurt both of them—Ian to say it and Mickey to hear it—but they’re not fools and they’re not naïve. In some ways, they know each other better than anyone.
Jimmy said that when you’re on a plane, they tell you to put on your mask before you help anyone else with theirs. Ian needed to put on his mask. His heart can’t keep beating if his lungs don’t work.
Starting Season 6: Mickey
Unsurprisingly, Mickey has settled into prison life just fine. We’ll focus on his interactions with Ian in a bit as that’s the meat of the scene, but there are major implications inherent in his discussion with Svetlana beforehand.
1.      Mickey has accepted that this will be his reality for the foreseeable future. What else is he supposed to do? Besides, he’s known for a long time that the likelihood of ending up in prison was pretty high for him, as he alluded to in s2. He was a street thug. He stole from local stores, sold drugs, ran guns, operated a rub ‘n’ tug, created scam companies, and was a generally violent presence in the neighborhood for years. He was in juvie twice during the show, perhaps more beforehand. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that it would have been more surprising if Mickey didn’t get locked up at some point than that he did.
2.      Ian has visited Mickey before. We won’t get too deeply into this yet, but he thanks Ian for “coming back.” The other times, he wasn’t even paid to do it. So, as far as Mickey can tell, nothing has changed. Ian is focusing on himself right now, but his love for Mickey hasn’t dulled at all. That’s an encouraging thought, and it certainly puts a smile on Mickey’s face.
3.      Ever the opportunist and entrepreneur, Mickey really is doing just fine in prison. He runs a business, if you will, that appears to be quite lucrative already. This isn’t surprising either. Sadly, it’s a bad move. He’s already going to be in prison for somewhere around a decade, give or take a couple of years depending on his behavior. But his behavior isn’t good. He’s hurting people for money, and if he gets caught and brought up on more charges, not only will he serve the full fifteen years, but he could get more time added onto that.
4.      Ian is aware of this arrangement. He has to be if he’s been going there with Svetlana, and they weren’t exactly hiding what they were talking about. Ian has been very consistent throughout the series: he’s not as concerned with the moral implications of Mickey’s behavior, just how it could potentially impact their ability to be together. He still cares about Mickey at the start of s6, and Mickey can see it on his face when he won’t say it out loud. (More on that shortly.) Once he’s in a better spot mentally, maybe they would have gotten back together had Mickey been on the outside. I’m of the opinion that they would have based on the context of the situation. It isn’t an option, however. This is Mickey’s reality, and he’s not doing everything he can to get out earlier. If anything, he’s tempting fate on not being released at all. (This, in hindsight, sounds rather similar to the issues they’re dealing with right now in s11.)
So, this is where Mickey stands at the start of the season: a prison hitman who is quite pleased that the man he loves has come to see him again, even if the latter is visibly not in a very healthy mental state.
Starting Season 6: Ian
Ian isn’t in most of 6x01. What we do see of him is typically sad or colored by his frustration, outside Carl’s welcome home party at the end of the episode. Even then, there’s an aura of discomfort that accompanies the family’s knowledge that things have changed. Carl came out of juvie a different person—they’re all different people after s5, and they’re not sure how to handle walking on eggshells around each other.
From the very start of the episode, we see that Ian is still struggling even though he’s had enough time to at least partially adjust to his medication, especially if he’s been on and off of it. It’s so sweet how Fiona gently wakes him up—it’s also a bit different. What happened to banging on the bunk bed and yelling for them to come down for breakfast? After behaving pretty normally with Debbie at the bathroom door, she’s almost handling him with kid gloves, and the punches keep coming when she reminds him that he (1) has to get up for work at a place he despises and (2) needs to remember to take his meds.
The kitchen scene is extremely telling of where Ian is at this point, and it partially shows why he’s somewhat standoffish by the time we reach the prison scene. Most of the family is gone or different. Fiona is repeatedly on him about meds and getting to work on time—Ian, Mister Responsible himself who was out of the house before anybody woke up to get to work on time as a kid. Lip is at college. Debbie is absorbed in her unconfirmed but likely pregnancy. Carl is in juvie, and Liam is playing with the switchblade he found under Carl’s pillow before they take him to pre-K. His entire support system is either gone or treating him like he’s broken. All he has is Fiona “going Fiona” on everyone. It’s clear that this is impacting him because he actually derails the conversation to say that they should go visit Carl the following weekend, which was the position Debbie used to be in when Fiona was in jail. Just like Lip shut her down, Debbie shuts Ian down, and he doesn’t say another word as he drinks his coffee—which he can’t finish because Fiona is once again on him about work, so he trudges out the door to another day of being a busboy with no dreams instead of a soldier who has a future.
Work isn’t much better. Svetlana wants him to go see Mickey when he’s determined to stay away. (We don’t have confirmation, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that he wants to distance himself if Mickey is doing something that will potentially get him into even more trouble, especially given some of his reactions at the prison.) Sean is sending Fiona to nag him about not moving fast enough when the diner isn’t even busy. When Otis is chased down by the cops and slammed against the front window, Sean rather condescendingly tells him to, “take your rag and wipe the blood and snot off the window.” Ian—West Point-aspiring, ambitious, courageous, caring, intelligent, hardworking Ian has been reduced to wiping up someone’s snot by a boss who’s living in his house with a sister that’s treating him like he’s shattered glass and a family that is growing further and further apart these days.
That is the day Ian has had before he even arrives at the prison. Odds are that that is how most of his days have gone for quite some time, minus the blood and snot. …Maybe.
The Prison Scene
Now we come to it: what you actually asked about! It’s taken this long to get here because we can’t possibly interpret this scene effectively without incorporating all of what came before it. Mickey’s position is regrettable, but he knows that Ian still loves him and is at least handling his situation with all the grace and competence that we can expect from him. Ian is a bit of a mess who’s had a bad day and is now faced with the man he loves, who he is telling himself he can’t be with, sitting behind glass—where he’ll be for a good long while.
I’m going to divide this analysis into two sections. For a scene that many prefer to forget, to me, it’s a masterpiece of storytelling.
The body language in this scene is remarkable—phenomenally blocked, phenomenally directed, and phenomenally portrayed.
When Mickey first appears, he’s visibly chomping at the bit to get to the visitation area. He’s peering out there while he’s still behind a locked door, and he only diverts his gaze to the guard because he’s waiting for him to unlock it. He’s cool about the whole thing—he’s very cool—but he’s obviously also here for one reason and one reason only. That reason is where his eyes go the moment he sits down at his stall and spots Ian’s coat where the latter is pacing behind Svetlana. Throughout their entire conversation, we see his eyes darting to Ian as he attempts to get the business out of the way so that he can indulge purely in the pleasure. It doesn’t matter to him that Ian is visibly tired and reluctant to be there or that he plays with Yevgeny instead of actively joining their conversation. It’s Ian, and all Mickey has to look at in here is a bunch of fellow thugs he hasn’t loved since he was too young to know what that meant. Damn right, he’s going to shamelessly watch him.
In Ian’s pacing, where we can’t see his face, I find it interesting that he keeps himself angled away from the glass. We see more of his back even though he’s moving side to side rather than away. He doesn’t want to see this. He doesn’t want to be there. In s7, he told Mickey how hard it was to see him behind glass—that wasn’t an excuse. He wasn’t falsely trying to make it sound like he was suffering at their separation just as much as Mickey was. We can see that that’s the case right here in 6x01. Ian has never had a problem sitting still through difficult moments, not even when a potential court martial that would further ruin his life was on the table. But this? He can’t sit down. He can’t face that.
The first time he turns directly towards Mickey’s location is so that Svetlana can hand Yevgeny off to him, and Mickey is visibly loving the view. His expression gets a bit softer, and he ducks his head a little so that he can catch a glimpse of Ian’s face. He follows Ian with his eyes even though Svetlana tries to get his attention. What a blast from the past, right? Ian there with his son, taking care of him while he and Svetlana figure out their business? And just like before, he offers Svetlana all of the attention and input that he deems her worth—next to nothing. Ian’s over there. Ian’s keeping the kid entertained, playing with him and rocking a bit in their seat and leaning over his little shoulder to make sure he’s doing okay—but forget that, Mickey’s eyes are examining him from red hair to beat-up shoes. He only glances back to Svetlana because he has to in order to get the information for their next paycheck. Even then, he’s still back and forth, up and down.
And Ian? He can’t keep pacing. He can’t stay turned away, but he won’t look. He occupies himself more than Yevgeny because now he’s low enough that he won’t just see an orange jumpsuit—he’ll see Mickey, and he’s had a bad enough day with his family making him feel more alone than ever without adding that pain on top of it. (This is the third time Mickey’s been locked up for something directly or indirectly related to Ian. I’m sure it’s not unreasonable to suspect that he also feels somewhat guilty about that, especially when it happened right after he broke it off.)
When Mickey asks if Ian is going to sit back there the whole time and not interact with him, Svetlana turns around and presumably says something to get his attention. Their eyes meet, and Mickey gives him a look that clearly says, “What the fuck, man?” This isn’t the behavior of a man who is heartbroken at their relationship ending or questioning Ian’s love for him. This is the behavior of a man who wants the love of his life to get his shit together enough to come say hi to him—or at least look at him—because he can’t pretend that he doesn’t want to see Mickey as much as Mickey wants to see him. It’s impossible to hide that when Ian has let Mickey see so much of his heart over the years.
Ian’s response is so fascinating because he does meet Mickey’s eyes, and he holds that connection for a moment. Then, reading what Mickey is trying to tell him, he actually turns further away again so that Mickey gets his shoulder. This sets the stage for the rest of Ian’s development from now through s9. He’s doing what Ian does: he’s compartmentalizing. He’s taking the emotions he can’t deal with right now, wrapping them in tissue paper, and neatly stacking them in a box that he’ll put up in the attic where he can pretend they don’t exist. But they do. They really do.
If they didn’t, he wouldn’t have spent their entire conversation trying so hard to focus on literally anything but Mickey, because as we saw in the Hall of Shame flashbacks and as has been obvious since their first fight-turned-fuck, once they look, the battle is lost.
I’m going to be real with you guys: I adore this scene. I’ve watched it more times than I can count even though I haven’t rewatched much of the season in its entirety. There was so much said with so few words, and while I was sad at the end, I was also hopeful. This was an impossible position to be put in on both sides, and I truly believe that this was the best resolution they could get at the time. And yes, it hurt. It was painful. But why was it painful?
Because they’re so visibly, obviously, irrevocably in love.
Mickey’s tone when he tells Svetlana to leave because he wants to talk to Ian isn’t as harsh as it’s been for the rest of their visit. There’s such a disconnect between his words and tone: roughly telling her to scram while actually sounding a bit younger at the idea of speaking directly with Ian. Svetlana could tell. It’s so clear, and her smirk is super knowing. In that moment, we’re seeing the woman who stood in the doorway of what was supposed to be her bedroom and watched him make eyes at this unconscious boy she didn’t really even remember. Not in the tears and realizing she was in big, big trouble if he left her, but in the understanding that his heart isn’t in the body on the other side of the glass—it’s sitting behind her. There are a lot of things I don’t like about Svetlana as a person (as a character, she’s amazing), but since they reached their agreement in s4, she’s never had a derogatory thing to say about the love those two share, and I respect that. It’s actually a bit cute how she takes her time and is almost teasing in giving him what he wants. A bit.
As I have this scene running on repeat so that I don’t miss anything in writing this, I paused to type and ended up on such a meaningful glance at Ian’s face. Svetlana just took Yevgeny from him, and he hasn’t gotten up yet. He’s staring straight at Mickey, and he looks hesitant. Scared, almost. Then he looks up at Svetlana, nods a bit, and reluctantly moves into her spot.
Is it overkill to take this one exchange at a time? Probably. Am I going to do it anyway? Hell to the yes.
1.      “Thanks for coming back.”/”Yeah… Svetlana paid me.” – I know that people hate this line and think this is painful. I know that it objectively is painful. I still laugh every time. Not because Ian agreed to come if he was paid. (He’s got medication to afford and no insurance. I can’t begrudge him wanting to make a few extra bucks any way he can.) Not because of the words, but because of what accompanies them. Ian will not look at Mickey—he’s lost so many battles lately, and he can’t lose this one too. Not when he started this one himself. He’s hemming and hawing, not looking up from the countertop and then twisting around to see if Svetlana is still there or anyone else is listening. It’s so stupid, because literally no one cares, but it gives you this sensation that Ian sees himself as being under a microscope the whole time. That’s his life anymore, at home and at work and now here. And Mickey? He doesn’t look terribly broken up about Ian accepting payment in exchange for coming. He gets this expression that I interpreted as, “Seriously? You’re playing it like that?” Then it settles into disappointment that Ian won’t open up or look at him like he normally would—that the glass interferes with the magnetic pull between them. But don’t worry, children. Uncle Mickey has just the thing to fix that: himself.
2.      “You look good.”/*awkward silence* – I mean…what do you say to that? I actually felt so bad for Ian there because what must he have looked like these last visits if Mickey is telling him that he looks good now? What kind of mess was he then when he’s still sort of a mess today? And he can’t even return the sentiment because how can he? Mickey is in prison. He’s in a jumpsuit looking at being here so long that he’ll probably have a few grey hairs starting to grow in when he gets out. I don’t know how to respond when people tell me I look good on an average day, so I can only imagine how that must have felt in his position. And still, he won’t do more than glance in Mickey’s direction. Well, if that didn’t work…
3.      Mickey chuckles and says he got a new tattoo. Ian’s eyes immediately shoot upwards, and Mickey slouches a little so that he’s in their direct line of sight—to hold them there, because once they look, the battle is lost. And Ian does lose. For a while there, he can’t look away again. First, because Mickey is courting some pretty nasty illnesses with his improper use of needles. Seriously, Mickey, a beautiful gesture but holy crap. Second, Mickey has his name (or a very close approximation to it) tattooed forever right over his heart. Ian had asked if Mickey was going to marry him, and Mickey told him to fuck off, but everything he’s doing points in the opposite direction. He promised sickness and health; now he’s made a permanent mark on his body for everyone to see. Mickey, who wouldn’t be seen in public with him once upon a time, has plastered Ian’s name onto his body. Ian tries so hard not to let that impact him, but it’s over. He’s lost the battle already, and he falls further and further. He’s smiling when he tells Mickey it looks infected, he teases him about the misspelling (which I think says more about how much that tattoo must have hurt than any inability to spell on Mickey’s part—I’d have a typo too), and he laughs at Mickey’s irritation that he messed it up. And it’s this sweet little laugh, not cruel or hurtful or mean. The wonderful thing about humor is that it can be used to cope with difficult emotions. We’ve seen a lot of people on the show start laughing when they’re in a bad place. Ian has been trying so hard to accept his life as it is even during the shitty day he was having. He tried so hard not to let himself fall into the trap of letting his love for Mickey rule his actions in the scene so far. That’s a lot. That’s denying himself to the point where I’m sure it hurts. And so he laughs, because Mickey did this crazy, absurd thing for him and yeah, it came out wrong, but he did it. This was all Ian wanted once upon a time (minus the felony), and now he has it—but he can’t have it. So he laughs. He immediately moves to hide it, but he laughs. He smiles more and has to bend away to pretend that he’s not—and Mickey lights up like a goddamn Christmas tree. This is the moment that keeps me from seeing this scene or Ian’s actions as being cruel. They’re both hurting, and this is an awful position to be in. But Ian loves him so much, and Mickey was doing everything he could to make him show it. Not exactly how he saw that going, I’m sure, but he’ll take it.
4.      “Been thinking about you.” – Knowing that he lost that one, Ian looks away again. While the end of this scene will hurt for both of them, especially Mickey, think about the pain he must be feeling in that moment simply because he’s not. He’s not hurting. For the first time that day, he feels good. This can’t last. Mickey isn’t coming home with him when time is up. This wonderful emotion that filled him up enough for him to laugh and smile after such a bad day will be gone the second he hangs up that phone. Then he’s going to go home and have Fiona breathing down his neck with nobody else for support. And Mickey will be here—behind glass. He can’t handle that, and he pulls that box out again and starts tearing off the tissue paper. He has to get rid of this feeling. He has to be the one to put it away before it kicks him to the curb. He’s stubborn, and Mickey can see him shutting down but also knows that he’s knocked enough bricks out of Ian’s walls to say something softer, something emotional and closer to the heart. Something he is willing to say where the other inmates can hear, which I don’t think is lost on Ian since he immediately looks up again. He doesn’t look away either, not even when Mickey asks if Ian thinks about him. He glances to the side and opens his mouth a bit, but nothing comes out. Mickey knows the answer.
5.      “Gonna wait for me?”/”You’re here for fifteen years.” – There’s this thing Mickey does after he first says that. He chuckles, because he knows that that’s pretty unreasonable to ask and has already predicted Ian’s response. His comment about being out in eight is lighthearted, a serious matter spoken as a joke because…this isn’t juvie anymore. They’re not going to see each other in a few months. This is Mickey’s version of what Ian was just doing, only where Ian tried to withdraw and escape within himself, Mickey is making it more humorous. He’s always done that, make light of pretty serious things to avoid looking at just how messed up it is. But I didn’t get the feeling he was really asking for Ian to wait that long. Instead, I got the feeling that he was testing the waters, seeing if Ian would shut him down—which he didn’t. He offered the bullshit excuse that Mickey tried to kill a member of his family, and Mickey saw through that immediately. I think he knows that he can’t ask Ian to seriously wait and never be with anyone else for fifteen years, or even for eight. I think he knows what he’s saying is a touch absurd. He also knows that Ian’s excuse is extremely absurd, and he doesn’t buy it for a second. It gives him a little courage to do something…well, a bit absurd.
6.      “Will you? Wait? Fucking lie if you have to, man. Eight years is a long time.” – I think the important part of this isn’t that Ian says he’ll wait when he doesn’t mean it, which is the popular take. For one thing, I don’t think we can ascribe that level of calculated behavior to Ian in this instance. There are a few things about this part of the scene that mean a lot to me: (1) Ian doesn’t get up and go. He doesn’t even move in that direction. He sits there with the phone after the buzzer sounds and before Mickey tells him to lie. His mouth opens and closes like he’s not sure what to say. Because what can he say? If Mickey serves the maximum, Ian will be in his mid-thirties by the time they can be together. At that point, he was either nearing eighteen or just turned. I still can’t fathom what I’ll be doing in my mid-thirties, and I’m a whole lot older than that. Ian looks just a little terrified here, and that’s because he knows he loves Mickey but has no clue what he’s supposed to do with that in the impossible circumstances they’re operating under. (2) Ian can’t even see himself moving on yet. He’s still trying to figure himself out, not think about a relationship. He has a job he hates, and his family is a different brand of chaos these days. He feels alone, yes, but not in a way that has him openly desperate for a relationship. Based on what he says to Mandy about Caleb, I think it’s pretty safe to assume that he doesn’t think he’ll ever be in a serious relationship at this point or even in a position for more than casual sex anytime in the near future. How can he say that he’ll wait when he doesn’t know where he’ll be whenever Mickey does get out? Maybe he’ll feel better. Maybe he’ll be out of his mind, roaming all over the place like Monica. Maybe he won’t just be standing on that bridge. It’s a huge question, one that has a lot of ramifications no matter what his answer is, and Ian clearly has none. He’s blindsided by that, which Mickey sees. That’s when he gets serious about those eight years, about how absurd their situation really is. That’s perhaps the first and only time in this scene where we can see that, for as successful as he is at navigating prison, his freedom means something to him. His freedom means he wouldn’t have to coax a glance out of Ian—he could kiss his dumb ass and make him stop being stubborn about how much he loves Mickey. But he can’t. He won’t be able to for a long time. And I think that is what really breaks his heart in this scene, not…
7.      “Yeah. Yeah, Mick, I’ll wait.” – Did anyone else notice how Ian swallowed hard before he answered? How his voice gets hoarse when he first speaks? I paused again to type, and the video is sitting on his face staring at the counter before the second part of what he says. He looks like he might cry. He looks like his heart is breaking just as much as Mickey’s is, because he can do what he’s asking this time—reassure him with a lie. Not because he doesn’t intend to wait, but because he is buried so far under what life has piled on top of him that he can’t see the light these days, and he doesn’t see waiting or moving on. He just sees the daily struggle of being this shell of a person. Of being without Mickey even if they’re not technically together. (Admittedly, I think he knew they would be if Mickey weren’t in prison at that moment. Ian has no real self-control where he’s concerned. Lip told him as much, and he’s self-aware enough to realize it, hence his behavior in this whole scene.)
When Ian hangs up the phone, he doesn’t get up immediately. He looks at Mickey—really looks at him—and each of them watches the other’s heart shatter. I don’t see it the way a lot of people do, though. On Mickey’s side, I don’t see it as being because Ian lied. I think it’s so much bigger than that.
Ian looks at him when they can’t hear each other anymore, and if he didn’t seem ready to cry before, he looks it now. Why? Because there’s nothing he can do for Mickey besides that. Ian, ever the giver, can’t give him anything. At that point, he couldn’t even help himself. He can’t be what Mickey needs in that moment, just like he couldn’t be what Mickey needed while he was sick, and it kills him. It kills him to know that by the time Mickey does get out, he’ll be older than he can fathom being and has no idea if he’ll even be around that long. It kills him to feel like even if he is, he’ll still have nothing to offer because, in his own words, this is where he lands. And it kills him to have to walk away and leave what he loves most behind glass.
Mickey is watching this. He knows Ian, and as painful as it was to get exactly what he asked for, it’s even more painful for him to see what him being here does to Ian. Where Ian is a giver, Mickey is a fixer. He makes things better. When stuff is broken, he puts it back together. When there’s a problem, he resolves it. Ian was going to leave because he couldn’t be an unacknowledged number three in Mickey’s life anymore? He jumped to solve the problem by coming out. Ian was acting strangely and wouldn’t get out of bed for so long that Mickey realized something was wrong? He immediately went to hunt down Lip, who he knows is closer to Ian than anyone else in his family. Fiona tells him that Ian is sick and needs to be cared for? He jumps in to do it, even to the point where it did more harm than good. Sammi caused a problem that Mickey couldn’t solve? He fixed the problem of her being there at all. But here he sits, behind glass, watching Ian that whole time and knowing that he was trying to maintain some emotional distance—and, because it’s Mickey, knowing why. There’s nothing he can do about this. He can’t fix it. For the first time since s3, Mickey is absolutely helpless to fix a problem. He takes a breath as Ian walks away as though he’s about to say something, but what can he say? What can he do? Nothing. He can do nothing but hang up the phone and weather the storm.
In the end, the heartbreak in this scene isn’t about them hurting each other, from my perspective. It’s not about Ian being callous and cruel or purposely trying to hurt Mickey. They know each other too well for that. They’ve been through too much. To me, this is about two people who love each other more than anything not being able to be what the other needed when they needed them—and that’s a whole lot more painful.
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quartzwriting · 4 years
With The Malfoys
Pairing: Draco Malfoy X Fem!Slytherin!Reader
Description: You had been staying with your boyfriend’s family, the Malfoys, before the summer break is over. You also go with them on a trip to Diagon Alley to get your school supplies for the new year. Draco comforts your insecurity. 
Warnings: Non
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Originally posted on Qutoev / TRANS LIVES MATTER / I really like this one, wrote it when I was on a Draco high a few years ago haha. Also more Draco cause he’s popular right now. (I’m not into Draco anymore but these exist)
Masterlist | Fic Reading Recs | Ao3 | Quotev | Coffee
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You began to stir in your sleep when someone started knocking on the guest bedroom door. The sun shining in your eyes from the large windows didn’t help at all. You heard the door open and small footsteps follow behind.
“Lady (Y/N)? You’ve requested for me to wake you up at this hour.”
The light voice of the small house elf fully woke you up. You sat up and rubbed the tiredness from your eyes. “Yes, thank you Sammi.”
“Also, Mrs. Malfoy has invited you for morning tea. And an owl came this morning for you.” The little house elf said as she began to flatten out the sheets on your large guest bed. She had handed you a letter closed with a familiar seal. You didn’t hesitate to rip it open read it.
Hope you’re doing well darling,
It does feel weird having you be gone from the house two weeks early, but I assume everything is fine over there. I received a letter from Lucius and he says he enjoys having you at the Manor, and that he has noticed how happy you make his son. He says he wants you back for your Christmas break, he invited me and your father as well. Let me know and we’ll hopefully see you for Christmas over there. I hope you are remembering your manners over there! Treat everyone well and don’t forget to go to Diagon Alley to get your stuff for school. And write me back if you can!
See you soon, I love you
-Your mother
You were staying at Malfoy Manor for the last two weeks of summer break. Despite them being controversial both at school and in wizarding world in general, you loved Draco’s family. They adored you and they insisted that you stay with them before the next school year started.
The letter from your mother made you happy, but also semi embarrassed you. You have often received positive things from both your and Draco’s parents that you were dating. It took a while for his father to warm up to you, but his mother loved you instantly. And your parents adored Draco. All four of them never let you forget how perfect they thought you were.
You got up and Sammi the house elf made your bed behind you. Over the past few days, she sort of became your personal house elf since she was assigned to you so much. You showed her nothing but kindness and compassion. It was nice to have someone like her with you all throughout your stay.
You got ready in the bathroom and dressed into a clean outfit. A simple black dress and some black heel boots. You found yourself dressing a bit more formal when with the Malfoys, you grew to like it (and you felt good wearing nice dresses).
You came back into your room to find Sammi tidying it up a bit. She worked really hard by what you have seen her do.
“I appreciate your company, Sammi.”
She turned to you and her huge eyes lit up. “No one has ever been as kind to me as you, Lady (Y/N)!” Her speech was not like other house elves, not referring to herself in third person.
“It’s nothing don’t worry.” You waved it off. “Also I told you that you don’t have to call me ‘lady’.”
“Are you sure? I’m too used to being so formal to our guests."
You nodded and she smiled. You walked over to your bedside table and picked up your wand to place in the belt of your dress.
“But I quite like the sound of ‘lady (Y/N)’!” Sammi beamed, dusting a nearby shelf.
“There’s no need, really.” You replied, picking up the glass of water next to where your wand was and taking a sip.
“But really…” She paused. “Maybe someday I’ll be calling you Mrs. Malfoy.”
You choked and water went down the wrong way.
“I honestly do hope you and Master Draco get married. Maybe it will happen once you both graduate from Hogwarts. Oh, a house elf can only dream.” And with that she left your room, leaving you a coughing and blushing mess.
Descending the main staircase, you made your way towards the drawing room where Narcissa Malfoy often invited you to have tea in the morning. You knew where you were going now, the manor had become familiar dispute its size. The first few days you always found yourself lost in the giant mansion, there were too many rooms to explore and curiosity took over plenty of times.
“Good morning, darling.” Narcissa greeted you while using her wand to pour you tea.
“Morning, Narcissa.” She had insisted that you call her by her first name.
“Did you get your letter? Who was it from?”
You sat down in the chair across from hers, it was soft and large. Taking your tea, you curled up on the chair. “The letter was from my mother.”
She smiled into her tea cup. “Oh (your mother’s name), I do miss her. Maybe she and your father should join us for Christmas…oh has Lucius or Draco mentioned that to you yet?”
“They hadn’t told me, but mum mentioned it in her letter. She’d love to come I’m sure.”
“I hope they do.” Narcissa smiled. “I’m sure if you asked them you all could join us.”
“I can ask them. I should write them back.”
Narcissa was already on it, using her magic to hand you a piece of parchment and a quill with ink already. You thanked her and began a letter back to your mother, writing on top of a book on your lap. Neutral peaceful silence fell in the room, Narcissa now petting a cat while you wrote to your mother and drank your tea. While writing, the large doors to the room opened and you wondered who had entered.
"Morning, Princess."
It was Draco. You felt his presence over your shoulder so you scooted over in your chair for him to sit. He did so, plopping down and slinging his arm around you.
"Morning mother." He smiled innocently, she was eyeing him for not acknowledging her earlier along with you. He then glanced down at you , "Whats this?"
"Mum wrote me this morning, replying back." You answered, then raising your quill to tickle his face for a split second just to bug him.
“Oh Draco, what do you think about the (L/N)s joining us for Christmas this year?” His mother asked him, chiming in about the letter.
"That would be great." He answered but he sounded unsure, then he continued which explained it, "but...do we want them near the other people we usually invite to our Christmas parties?"
"What do you mean?" She raised an eyebrow.
He turned to you. “I’m sure you wouldn’t want to meet my aunt Bella, (Y/N).”
“Do not speak of your aunt like that Draco.” Narcissa scoffed. “But...it is true that my sister is a little…uh”
“Insane?” Draco suggested, raising an eyebrow.
“Peculiar.” She corrected while eyeing her son.
"I'm sure me and my parents will survive a party here." You laughed.
“Why is it that whenever I set foot in Diagon Alley, I instantly smell mudbloods?”
You slapped him on the shoulder. “Draco!”
“What? It’s kinda true.” This told you that he was trying to make a joke, but you just rolled your eyes.
You, Draco, Lucius and Narcissa were now walking down the street in Diagon Alley to get the things on your list for your next year at Hogwarts.
Once you got to a populated area, you felt eyes staring at you and the Malfoys. You instantly grew self conscious. You wrapped your arms around yourself and suddenly became aware of how heavy your footsteps sounded with the heels. Did you look like a snob to them? Too dramatic or over the top? Actually...do people think that you’re a Death Eater?
Draco noticed that you had become fidgety and nervous. He put it together and saw that you didn’t like the stares. He reached out and gently grabbed your hand to hold it.
“It’s okay, darling.” He whispered, pulling you closer to him protectively. “Keep that head held high. They’re just jealous that you’re so beautiful.”
You blushed and chuckled under your breath. Soon you found a small push of confidence, head up and smiling.
Yeah that’s right, I’m with the Malfoys! I probably look really good right now.
One of the first stops was Flourish and Blotts, where you needed to get the new textbooks for your classes. Draco’s parents had wandered to speak with another pure blood family that was on the other side of the shop, while you and Draco looked for textbooks. You scanned the shelves for a copy of Advanced Potion-making, and you felt Draco looming over your shoulder as he helped you look.
Then something caught your attention and you listened carefully. There was a group talking somewhere, and you swear you heard them mutter Malfoy and (L/N). Draco was busy mumbling to himself the book titles as he browsed the shelves, while you listened. It clicked in your head and the voices were suddenly recognizable.
You didn’t look in their direction and tried to act casual. Draco hadn’t noticed yet, so you slapped him lightly to get his attention.
“Draco.” You whispered.
He kept talking to himself, “Scamander? What an unfortunate surname to have...”
You rolled your eyes, “Draco!”
“Shh! Listen.”
He did, then he understood what you meant. The two of you listened into the conversation while still trying to look like you were busy.
“Also why do they always dress like that? Are they going to a party?”
“Those heels (L/N) is wearing look really uncomfortable.”
“I’m surprised they’re still together. How long has it been?”
“A few years now.”
“Longer than most people at Hogwarts.”
“I don’t care, it’s still disgusting.”
“Is she with him just because he’s rich?”
"Maybe they've been arranged, like an arranged marriage."
"I wouldn't be surprised, not many pure blood families to keep the Malfoy family completely pure."
“They look like they’re plotting something…”
“Just by looking at books?”
“They always look like they’re up to no good.”
“Probably been bowing to You-Know-Who all summer.”
Draco had enough and he spoke up, “You’re really bad at being quiet, Potter.”
Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger all stopped talking, and turned to you and Draco with shocked faces. A smirk pulled at your lips, and you assumed your boyfriend was doing the same, the menacing smiles of a perfect Slytherin duo and couple.
You followed Draco as he approached the trio, knowing that all hell was about to break loose. But you were here for it. You stood there, arms crossed over your chest as you watched Draco and Harry have a standoff.
While the boys were nagging at each other, you watched with amusement. You quickly glanced to the side and looked at the bookshelf. “Oh look, here they are!” You took two copies of Advanced Potion-making off the shelf, which was right beside Granger. Somehow this irritated her.
“Oh by the way.” You started. “I’m not with him just because he’s rich,” You did your best intentionally annoying Hermione Granger impression. “and we weren't arranged. Pfff. Shame on you, mudblood.”
Alright maybe that was a little low for you to stoop down to, but what she said really got on your nerves so you said the first insult you thought of to call her.
The tension created by the mutual hatred on both sides caused a few other shoppers to stop and watch for at least one second. Draco was in the process of defending his last name from association with the dark arts, and it was amusing to you that he could piss off Harry just by barely opening his mouth.
“And I’d like to see you walk in these.” You showed off your heeled shoes to Granger which you noticed bugged her. “You’d probably trip and break your ankle in one step.”
Then you both went off, mirroring Draco and Harry. It could have gone on for much longer, but a large figure that appeared made the three Gryffindors tense and freeze.
“I really hope these blood traitors aren't giving you two any trouble.” Lucius’ voice rang out, him now standing behind you both with his wife.
“They were speaking negatively about us.” You stated with irritation, but with a hint of a smug smile.
Narcissa put her hands on her son’s shoulders protectively. "Forget them, dears. They are not worth your time."
"You're right mother, they're not at all." Draco held his nose in the air and began to walk off with Narcissa.
Lucius glared at the three, “Do not ever disrespect my future daughter-in-law. Come along, (Y/N).” The man lead you away from them, you still holding the textbooks you and Draco needed.
That comment made you blush, but it put a smile on your face once you saw the trio’s expressions; in some state of disbelief and jaws slightly slack. So you followed Lucius with your head held high.
It was now September first, and the Hogwarts Express was scheduled to leave any minute now, but Narcissa’s bone crushing hug was preventing you from getting on the train.
“Mum, let her go.” Draco rolled his eyes and tried to pry his mother’s arms off of you.
She eventually did, but took your shoulders to look at you, "You watch over him, alright?"
"I will." You laughed.
Draco grabbed you hand and you both jumped onto the train just as it was leaving. You looked back and waved to his parents.
“We love you! Stay out of trouble!” His mother called one last time before they were out of sight.
"Why does mum have to be so embarrassing sometimes..." Draco mumbled under his breath as he pulled you along the hall to find an empty car.
"Because it's her job to embarrass you." You giggled, and he shook his head.
Once you found an empty car and settled in, you both sat down for the long train ride. You leaned your head on Draco's shoulder, and he let out a breath of amusement. You knew he was smirking, with content.
"You can take a nap if you want, darling." Draco chuckled, seeing how comfortable you have become now cuddling up to him.
"I could~" You sighed, now wrapping your arms around his torso, "wake me up when we get there..."
Draco smiled, placing one hand around your waist and the other on top of one of yours. He kissed your temple, and made a mental note that if Crabbe and Goyle wanted to share a car with you both, he wouldn't let them wake you.
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zombie-honeymoon · 4 years
author interview tag game
Tagged by: @lilac-bramble - thank you, this was fun! 
name: Sammie/Sam
fandoms: Naruto and Peaky Blinders (once in a long while), and I really wouldn’t be surprised if I did some Hobbit fic… it's what I used to write before Naruto. I've been watching it a lot again.
where you post: AO3
most popular oneshot: Sleeping Arrangements, which surprised me a lot because I honestly thought no one would like it and it very nearly didn’t get posted at all. 
most popular multichap: Hitchhiker from Hell, I’m always happy that people like it because...
favorite story you’ve written so far: It’s Hitchhiker from Hell. It was an idea I had a year before I actually wrote it and it’s been a favorite of mine since, it turned out just how I wanted. It was the first time I wrote kakuhida after a bad experience turned me off the ship and I took a break from it. I hadn’t planned to write them again and now I can’t seem to stop. 
fic you were nervous to post: Any and all of my smut fics… I’m worried they’re cringey and not good and I’m worried I’ll get super creepy, tmi comments. Clown Motel just because of how much time I’ve spent working on it (since January…) so I’m nervous no one will like it and I’ll have wasted ten months. I’m honestly always nervous to post stuff. So, everything. I’m almost always pretty happy with my work, it’s just that fandom is not always very kind to fic writers to be honest. 
how you choose your titles: With much difficulty lol! I hate titles, I think I’m terrible at it. I’m so bad at it I took the colorway of a yarn (two actually… I am ashamed…) and used it for a title. 
do you outline: Not really, if I outline too much I lose interest and never write the actual fic because then it feels like I’ve already written it. I’ll have an idea in mind, and I may write down main plot points if it’s a long fic but I don’t actually outline. 
complete: 73 (this is ridiculous… I promise I do have a life)
in progress: 5 (and I’m trying to finish them but I feel like two will likely never be finished)
coming soon/not yet started: I’ve got something finished for the Akatsuki gift exchange, so that’s coming soon. And I have various wips, some I’m not sure if I’ll ever finish or even post. I really just want to finish my posted wips before going back to try and work on older unposted ones. 
prompts?: I’ve taken prompts a few times in the past and I enjoy writing things for others, but for now I’m not taking any. I just want to focus on what I want to write and try to finish my wips and catch up on my rp replies before I start on new stuff. Maybe after the first of the year I’ll take requests again, I do have a fun looking post in my drafts, but I’m really not sure. 
upcoming work you’re most excited about: I’ve already started posting them and I’m most excited to work on my online dating fic and clown motel fic. They’re the easiest to write and the most fun for me right now. 
tagging: @clem-chan @eidolonlathi @kakuzuisabigidiotwholoveshidan @jashinist-feminist and anyone else who wants to do it, and if you don’t want to that’s fine too, there’s no pressure. 
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yetanotherreader · 5 years
Tumblr media
Genre: College AU
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Y/N Y/L/N, slight Dean x Lisa
Summary: The school's most popular boy wants to be friends with Y/N, out of the blue. It definitely doesn't have anything to do with her hot best friend, though.
Word Count (For the chapter): 2,712
Warnings (For the chapter): None.
[For some reason, some of the tags aren't working. I'm sorry about that.]
[[ Also I'm sorry for the no Read More thingy because it doesn't happen on the phone app :-(]]
Useful Masterlist
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
You dreaded them. For some reason, they were never good. They were sleepy, tiring and grumpy and unfortunately you couldn't do shit about it. You always had to wake up extra early for a hopefully refreshing shower, take the supposed-to-be small bus ride to the uni, which just got longer because of the Monday traffic and run to the lecture hall, only to have the professor glaring at you for coming late to the class.
Today was no different. You woke up extra early, took a hopefully refreshing shower, took the supposed-to-be small bus ride—WHICH was surprisingly not as long as always—and still ran to the lecture hall. Fxckin' tiring mess. The sleepless sleep still showed in your eyes and you would have given anything to have an extra hour for it that morning. But well, same old—Mondays. 
And suddenly, today was different.
"Come on…" A group of annoyed whines were heard from the lecture room just as you entered the hallway.
"What's wrong?" You asked a very pissed Rhea, or was she Akira?
"Morning classes got cancelled. We woke up for nothing."
Honestly.. what the fxck was wrong with the university? Mumbling and whining to yourself, you made your way to the cafeteria, maybe some coffee would help. Tried enjoying the warm sunshine on your face, keyword: tried, as you slowed down your steps near the playground. Or maybe you could just sit in the sun and make the most out of your oh-so-lovely Monday morning? Taking a seat in the bleachers, you decided on reading the book you were, at that time, reading.
Just halfway through the chapter— "Good morning, nerd. I see you're doing some fun stuff over here." You sighed, not wanting to get into any kind of argument at that particular time, or day- or life.
"You're back at it, aren't you?" You looked up at the still smirking Dean, dressed in his black and blue football jersey. A sight for sore eyes.
"Back at what?"
"Being a dick?" You looked back at the book still tired, "Look, Winchester, I'm so not in the brightest Monday sunshine mood right now. Don't bother."
"And here I thought we were friends." He sighed feigning sadness as he turned around to make his way back to the other side of the ground.
"You're here for practice?" He turned back to you, grinning adorably, just as you rolled your eyes.
"Yep but it doesn't start until at least a couple hours."
"Why so early here then?"
"Apparently, there's an emergency board meeting that all the HODs need to attend. So, delayed."
"Oh...that is why" You concluded why your classes got cancelled, "God. Don't you just hate it how they don't inform us about anything beforehand." You groaned.
"Not having the best morning?" He chuckled, as you gestured him to take a seat next to you.
"Nah. I'm the happiest I could ever be," You said with a yawn, "Should we go to the cafeteria before I die or we just let me die?"
"You're such a mood," He laughed toothily shaking his head, "Let us."
Sitting in the cafeteria, you sip on your coffee awkwardly trying to ignore the very obvious gazes of the people around you. You couldn't even make out how Dean looked so unfazed by all the attention, or maybe—obviously, he was used to it.
"You know," Dean started, seemingly, figuring out your awkwardness to ease the tension, "You could have just asked me on a date instead."
You chuckled, thankful for some words, "You wish, Winchester."
"Honestly...I don't" He said winning a laugh out of you.
Time flew by quickly, filled with laughter, corny jokes and sassy remarks with you not even realizing that all that attention didn't bother you anymore. Quite honestly, you didn't even realize they were there. To your surprise, you really did enjoy a Monday morning. 
"Oh," Dean exclaimed as his phone buzzed, "Totally lost track of time. It was fun, but Y/N, I gotta hurry now. I'm late."
"Well I still have an hour to kill. Good luck with the practice."
"Oh yeah, there's still an hour to the class," Dean said as he hurried, "You wanna come see the game?"
"Oh, no no. I don't understand it. I'll rather read my book here."
"Nerd," he smiled at you, "Alright then, see you in the class."
"Yeah" You smiled back, as he went. Maybe Dean wasn't all that bad after all.
You just started with the chapter, again, that you were rudely interrupted... again.
"Look who's trying to get some attention, there. Whatcha think guys? What does she think of Dean's charity? That he got the hots for her or something?" You flinched at the ear-piercing group of laughter came from the direction.
"Tss. Geez, Cassie, mind toning down that screechi- sweet laugh a lil bit? Kinda trying to concentrate." You gave her a sweet smile and turned back to your work.
"Hey, Y/N. How's you? Long time no see." She came and sat where Dean sat not even a couple minutes ago.
"Was doing just good." You muttered as you kept your eyes in your book.
"You were? Obviously, you were," she started taking ahold of Dean's cup, playing with it, "Y/N, stop trying, darling. Dean is very out of league for you. I'm saying for your good."
"Sweets. You know the only reason I'm replying to you, Cassie, is just because it's rude not to?" You looked up at her at annoyed, managing a sarcastically polite smile, "Now if you could excuse me, I'm kinda in the middle of something.
She stood up rolling her eyes as you spoke up again, "And well, don't worry. I'm no threat. Dean and me, nope. Not happening. Also, stop acting like he's your property. The guy's got a life of his own to live, about time, you get one for yourself too."
Before she could retaliate, you made your way out of the door, leaving her processing what you said. Not gonna say that you had got bad blood with her but you had got bad blood with her. Honestly, you wouldn't give two flying shits about her if she wasn't the one with the brilliant idea of throwing you into the pool on your very first day. And if that wasn't enough, she had the nerve to bully you about it for the next few months too. Initially you ignored for a long time, hoping she would end it herself, but was she one to? When you had enough of her shit, all it took, then, was one punch to the wall and an angry 'next time it won't be the wall' for her to stop. Not that she ever was a trouble for you later, but you were her glare dart ever since. You were kinda looking forward to her passing out of the college— one year without her unnecessary glares and hushed whispers but she just had to get a year back for her last year. Oh, your life. 
Practice was tiring, and since they had gotten just one hour for it, they didn't even get any breaks. On top of that, Dean might have sprained his neck. Maybe Y/N's bad day was contagious. Maybe she passed it to him.
Y/N. The thought of her bringing a faint smile on his lips. Damn, she was awesome. He wondered why she kept to herself, her personality sure would get her a lot of friends. That morning, Dean had actually enjoyed himself after a long time. He'd been so lonely for the past few months, he had almost forgotten how to laugh like he did today. She could be an amazing friend. Not to mention, he was still not over how she helped him back at Jo's without even mentioning it once today. Y/N was a good person, he could say that. Mysterious, but nice. He hoped that they actually became really good friends.
His eyes wandered to find her sitting by herself, in a corner as he made his way into the almost empty classroom, "This seat taken?"
She looked up from the book and, for once, smiled, "Hey..yes..no, please sit."
He smiled in return as he sat down beside her, lowly groaning in pain.
"You okay, there?"
"Yeah, I don't know, I think neck strain."
"Oh, geez. Want some help?"
He chuckled humorously, "And what will you do to make it better?"
"Well, they do say I have magic hands." She chuckled in response too, getting up to stand behind him. She started lightly massaging his neck and shoulders, pressing her fingers to his shoulder blades whilst her thumbs worked on his neck. She did the motion a few times as she felt his muscles relax, his knots loosening. He felt himself relaxing, the pain still there but better. How was she always good at whatever she was doing? She stopped her movements abruptly, as he realized a loud moan escaped his lips, only to burst out laughing the next second, "God, Winchester, what the hell?" sounding a little embarrassed.
"S-sorry. Damn it, your fault. What can I say, you do have magic hands." He laughed out, too.
The day went by quite fast after that. They didn't cross paths post the class again. It was the last lecture when Dean met with Cas and Jo. Finally.
"Hey!" Jo chirped as she came after the class, and hugged Dean from behind, Cas copying the action, "Dude?"
"Hey, strangers." Dean said, not in any mood to have a happy-go-lucky conversation with them.
"What's wrong?" Cas asked, clueless. Jo elbowed his ribs gently.
"What's wrong? Nothing." Dean walked ahead, rolling his eyes as the two of them followed him.
"Dean, come on. We're sorry, okay?"
"Well, don't be. Not that it matters anyway." Dean said coming to a stop, "What? You guys didn't go somewhere private, again?"
"Okay, first of all, stop taunting us, jerk. And second of all, we're sorry. We didn't mean to-"
"First of all, don't copy Sammy. And second of all, I called you two how many times, Joanna?"
"What can we do to make it up to you? Jo is right Dean, we're genuinely sorry. We just had a tiring night, so we slept in. Really really tiring." said Cas, blushing a shade of pink, as Dean's lips lifted in a very surprised smile.
"So...you finally, finally did it?" He looked from Cas to Jo grinning, "So you finally did our virgin angel, huh?"
"Shut up" she grumbled, trying to stifle a laugh of her own, blushing a few shades herself, "What about you and the specsy?"
"Who? Y/N? What about us?"
"Don't act innocent, De. Coffee dates and massage and all, huh." She said, cocking her brow, piquing Cas' interest in the conversation too, "Didn't think you'd go for her."
"We're just friends," said Dean, thinking about it from all the angles, "I think."
"You think?"
Dean shrugged, unable to come with a proper answer.
The rest of the day went pretty okay for him. Cas and Jo finally did spend time with him but it wasn't like before at all. They were different and he expected this, as much as he shipped them. They were a couple now, dynamics changed. He wasn't the same for them like earlier, he was the lesser priority. And single.
"So, you're telling me you're single?" You said, surprising yourself with the subtle, unnoticeable relief you felt. Dean and you had bonded pretty well over the past couple of months. You had never thought you two were ever going to be friends, but he was nicer than he made himself look. You learned a few things about him, and about the first day dare too. Oh boi, weren't you just ready to whack his butt with a spoon.
"Yeah. Well, that sounded judgy, Y/N."
You grinned apologetic, "Hee, sorry. It's just it's hard to believe is all."
It was funny how you two became good friends so soon. You were not really one for friends. For a long time, you'd been alone, convincing yourself you liked the quiet. Although you did, it was undeniable how loneliness got to you every time you wanted to talk to someone about something going on in your life, a bad day or even something as normal as your new favorite TV show. It sucked, now that you were admitting to yourself. It sucked how you had no one to talk to. It sucked how you couldn't even complain about it to anyone. And it sucked to spend your weekends alone in your dark room, trying to distract yourself with a book or fanfic, pretending that it was all okay.
And now here you were. Not in a dark room, not alone and not pretending. Here you were actually talking to someone about the random-est things on the planet, laughing with him and actually enjoying yourself. You both still weren't on the we-tell-each-other-everything stage and you highly doubted you ever were going to be but it was still nice. Yeah maybe you hadn't told him shit about yourself yet, but he was still the closest you'd ever been to someone in years. You had Lisa and you cared about her, you did. But where was it written that the person you care about would care about you the same way too? You were never in the list of her priorities, never even close. But she trusted you, and that's why you were...friends? You didn't know exactly. She would come to you after a break up or when she was having a bad day. You had helped her so much, for so many years, it became your instinct to do it. She had friends, she was loved and she had a life you would never. She was Lisa Braeden. She was she, and you were...you. Plain, dull, unattractive Y/N. That's it. That was you in three words. And honestly, you didn't mind. You had come terms with it a long time ago, terms with no one caring about you.
Until two months ago. Dean was a good friend. He was nice, sweet, protective and funny. And most importantly, he...cared. He would tell you jokes on Monday mornings, give you ice pack when your clumsy ass ran into the closed door and invite you for movies with his friends which you always refused to. When Dean realized you didn't like going out with strangers, he invited you over for a movie night to his place. It was, maybe, the sweetest thing someone had ever done for you. He made you snacks and then you guys talked about random things the entire night only to pass out on the couch later. After that, it had become your Friday night tradition.
And with all these sweet things, could you blame yourself for starting to feel something more for him than you should? You, very well, knew this would never happen. Dean had a type, a taste in girls and you were far from that. You had too few/many curves than what looked beautiful, you didn't have the most beautiful hair or skin and you were not pretty. Simple. He would never feel for you. And you, too, only had a silly little crush on him, which would go with time. Right?
You woke up, cuddled with a warm figure on the couch, head under the blanket. You struggled to pop your head out of the covers and once you did, you were met with a beautifully freckled face sleeping soundly. He looked so peaceful that you never wanted to wake him up. Your eyes just briefly glanced at his plump lips, wondering what it would be like to touch them or maybe, feel them against your own? And in a matter of seconds, your eyes were back at the blanket, hiding your little secret you kept from yourself. A secret only your late night or early morning self knew, which you would conveniently deny to yourself later during the day. A secret you would pass off as nothing but your sleepy head's made up story.
Nothing, but a story.
Chapter 4
A/N: Alright, I don't know how it turned out. It took me more than a week for this chapter, and I couldn't even think of anything. I'd write a few sentences and close the document. A writer's block, I think. Well anyway, I didn't have anything in mind so it's mostly a filler chapter which I somehow used to make the little-st progress in the story. Mostly their friendship. I think I'll make it stronger before I do the shit I have planned. Please don't hate me for the chapter coz I already do :')💔
Tag list:
@bi-danvers0 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @itsjaybro16 @mml232 @blablatiti @stilltoomuchafangirl @bat-shark-repellant @bluebell-24 @shortwinchester @always-money-in-the-banana-stand @soullessbabee @ima-be-a-mongoose
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
The Extremely Large Tag Game
ATagged By: @dreamystuffers​ thank you sweet pea and HOLY SHIT THIS REALLY IS THE ULTIMATE TAG GAME BUT I AM READY.
SECTION ONE: First and last tag: post the first line of a wip as well as the last line you’ve written so far!
So I have several Wips at the moment and whelp, I’m gonna do them all lol.
The Size of a Heart: Wonho and Reader (Drabble)
First Line Written: The sky was burning as the sun set for the night, cloaking the city in its familiar darkness.
Last Line Written: “I tell myself that it’s better if it hurts, but I…I can’t anymore…I can’t.”
Tentatively Falling: Vampire Jongdae and Reader (Series)
First Line Written: Strobe lights flashed around the dark bar, drawing your attention every now and then when they went wild as the bass dropped.
Last Line Written: It was more than you ever thought, but it was exactly what you dreamt about hearing him say.
Heavenly Father: Boyfriend Yoongi, Priest Jimin, Alter boy Jungkook, and Reader (Smut Crack Drabble - Title May Change)
First Line Written: The stain glass windows in the Church were a sight to see during the day, the sunlight streaming through and bringing life to the images during the service, and brought a sense of comforting to those during times of trouble.
Last Line Written: Jimin groaned and your eyes watered when your nose was pressed against the base, his dick down your throat.
Knitting You a Home: Wolf Hybrid Namjoon and Reader (Series)
First Line Written: The wind howled while rain pelted your house as the storm refused to let up.
Last Line Written: For the moment, his thoughts were cleared, allowing him to fall asleep with you safely in his arms.
SECTION TWO. Enter 15 of your biases and put them in this order to discover the story of your life
Parent: Hongjoong
well I mean he is pretty daddy at times
Sibling: Jongdae
Grandparent: Sammy
Haunts you: Vernon
Significant other: Jooheon
Ex: Yuta
damn that’s...that’s a change
Best friend: Chanyeol
Proposed to you: Yoongi
Was this before Jooheon or after Jooheon? Who’s my ass with?
Your boss: Taeyong
Random person you meet a the bar: Seonghwa
Rival: Bang Chan
First kiss: Namjoon
Drunk and singing karaoke with: Wonho
Played seven minutes in heaven with: Felix
Gave you your favorite dessert: Jackson
I...I can see this one. He’s sweet to do that
SECTION THREE. Describe your bias by their vibes as if they were someone in your life. (I’m doing my Ults, 1 from each group.)
Jongdae (EXO): The guy that everyone knows because he’s the one with that distinguishable laugh. The class clown that knows the limits and only crosses them on rare occasions. You think you know him but then he’ll say something that you never knew about him. Craves his independence but is the quiet one when in a large group, smiling as he watches the more energetic ones run about. An old soul trapped in a young body.
Yoongi (BTS): The one who devotes himself to his work and rarely sees the light of day. His room is littered with empty to go cups of coffee mixed with his own assortment of coffee mugs Coffee ring stains on furniture. You think he’s not listening or paying attention but when you least expect it, he’ll quietly do something or hand you a gift that he knows you treasure. He’ll never ask for cuddles, but he’ll always give them to you and refuse to let you go when you try to get up. Wise beyond his years because he’s suffered and doesn’t wish it on anyone else.
Yuta (NCT): The popular guy that at first everyone warns you about, but once you get to know him yourself, you don’t know why they warned you in the first place because he’s a total sweetheart. The guy who flirts with everyone and anyone, but remains loyal to his girl. He’s never without his iced coffee, and he’s dyeing his hair in the bathtub with a friend to help make sure it doesn’t go too wrong. Will entertain your drunk texts. He’s the one to text at 2 am when you’re feeling alone and down and he’ll do what he can to lift you back up with nothing but the truth.
Hongjoong (Ateez): He’s the guy who doesn’t give a shit about trends or styles, he creates his own. The guy who does the piercings at the local tattoo shop knows him by name because he’s gotten so many of his piercings done there. He is the Fashion DIY King. Will roast his friends the hardest  because he loves them the most and takes it when they dish it back. Somehow manages to rock hairstyles - long live the mullet - that no one thought should have ever existed. Don’t let him cook though. If he cooks you’ll end up with food poisoning. He’s the one who will let you try makeup tricks and new products on him. Secretly amazing at painting nails.
Wonho (Monsta X): He’s the guy friend that you never expected to be friends with. Him? You? Total opposites on a physical scale. On completely different levels. Once you get to know him, he’s a total teddy bear. Doesn’t question it when you suddenly appear and hug him without saying a word, he’ll simply hug you back while maintaining the conversation he had going. Or he’ll simply surprise you with a hug because he likes them.
Bang Chan (Stray Kids): He’s the one that always has his earbuds in even during class. Like he’s the guy that has the earbud going through the sleeve of his hoodie and is pressing his palm against his ear to listen to the music. Listens to everyone, even if he doesn’t know them that well and gives really good advice if they ask for it.
Jackson (Got7): The guy that you can hear a mile away. Hyper. Can’t sit still to save his life. He was the guy that you’d see doing laps in the hallway with his friends when he should have been in class, but he was the nice one. Passionate and when you ask him about what he’s working on, he’ll talk about it for hours. Will also apologize multiple times for going on but then continue to go on.
SECTION FOUR. Search your name + “core aesthetic” on Pinterest and make yourself a moodboard
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SECTION FIVE. Make a normal and fantasy version of yourself using this !
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SECTION SIX. Writing tag game!
What is your ideal setting for focusing on your writing?
A quiet office where I can play music softly in the background and be at a desk with a comfortable chair.
 What Genre do you prefer to write?
Slice of Life, Young Adult, College Age.
Do you prefer to write on paper or digitally?
It’s the middle of the night and you suddenly wake up with an idea. What do you do?
Make a note of it in either my notebook or in the notes section on my phone.
Who is your favorite person to write about?
Jimin and Hoseok
Do you like making your own characters, or do you usually write about real people?
I like to do both. Honestly, it’s kinda like a mix of both. With some of my fics, the only thing that makes them fanfics are that I’m using the real person’s name, and I’ll pin point on certain aspects of their physical features. In Brotið Hjarta, the only thing that connects to it being Namjoon is his name, and maybe his hair style/color and ear piercings, everything else was what I imagined it to be.
Have you ever written a book/story with more than 15 chapters (100K words)?
Yes. Strawberry Cream and BBQ
How often do you get ideas?
From everyday life, sometimes I’ll be daydreaming and it kinda morphs into a story or a fanfic and so I’ll make notes so that I don’t forget it.
Do you ever get an idea that you really like, but just can’t seem to finish?
Yessss, all the time.
What is your least favorite plot?
I don’t know about least favorite plots, but I do hate it when fics dive straight into a story without any background or anything. Wait, so maybe that’s pwp fics????? I don’t want to be a hypocrite, but even with my fics that primarily focus on smut, I still add in those background details and give them a teeny tiny plot.
SECTION SEVEN. Put your music on shuffle and reveal the first ten songs that come on.
The Kids Aren’t Alright - Fall out Boy
In the Dark - Bring Me the Horizon
Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
All In - Monsta X
To the Beat - Ateez
Shot - Lil’ Jon
Daechwita - Agust D
Treasure - Ateez
Adore You - Harry Styles
Guys My Age - Hey Violet
SECTION EIGHT. Questions tag:
Relationships: 2
Break-ups: 2
Kids: Right now? 0
Brothers and Sisters: 1 older brother.
Pets: 0
Surgeries: 0
Tattoos: 0
Countries you’ve been to: 0
Been in an airplane: yes
Been in an ambulance: yes
I sing karaoke: hell no.
Ice skating: I like it but I suck at it and have only been able to go during school events in the past.
Been on a cruise: hell no
Driven a motorcycle: nope
Ridden a horse: yes
Stayed in a hospital: nope
Favorite fruit or berry: Raspberries
Favorite color: Magenta
Last text: “Perfect! I’ll let you know when I am able to send yours out!” - I do pen palling and was letting someone know when I could send them a post card in exchange for the one I’m getting.
Cat or dog: Cat
Favorite pizza: White sauce pizza with chicken and feta cheese
Met a star: nope
Flown a helicopter: nada
Been on TV: nope
Broken my leg: nope
Seen a ghost: don’t believe in them.
Been sick in a taxi: nope
Seen someone die: no
SECTION NINE: Fifteen questions tag:
One ; it’s your birthday! what did you ask for?
Gift cards, um...(this is bad because my birthday is actually coming up) maybe some things from my Amazon list?
Two ; what was the last song / album you listened to?
WAP by Cardi B
Three ; what is your go to snack when you’re hungry?
Chocolate, cookies or cookies dipped in peanut butter
Four ; what is your morning routine?
Wake up, check messages on my phone while still in bed, get up, make coffee, maybe eat breakfast, drink coffee in bed, listen to music/watch videos or read on phone while drinking coffee, get dressed, brush teeth and skincare routine, make bed.
Five ; what mythical creature would you be?
An Elf? Or a Forest Witch. Something that has to do with the Earth and nature.
Six ; how do you interact with someone you don’t like?
I give short and straight to the point answers, if I’m working on something and they come up to me I’ll pointedly focus on that task instead of them.
Seven ; how do you define a toxic person?
Someone who lies, who makes you feel bad about the things that you do, that puts you done while lifting themselves, who is constantly bragging about their own things, who puts down others, who acts like they’re better, who acts like they’re way of life should be the only way of life.
Eight ; have you ever been to a concert or a fan-meet? if not, would you want to?
I have not, but I would like to one day because they seem fun and it would be nice to see a performance in person.
Nine ; do you believe in astrology? why or why not?
I do, mostly because it’s fun and interesting and I tend to find that I do a lot of the things and act like my zodiac sign without realizing it (aka I’m a Virgo).
Ten ; if you could have only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), which would you keep?
Eleven ; who is your favorite celebrity or idol?
At the moment, BM from Kard.
Twelve ; if you could talk to your favorite celebrity for a limited time, what would you tell them?
How do you keep going when it gets hard?
Thirteen ; I’m taking you out on a date. where are we going?
Maybe an art museum, or somewhere with flowers?
Fourteen ; do you prefer sweet or savory?
Fifteen ; do you have any Merch from any of your favorite artists?
I have several BTS albums and an EXO album.
I AM Tagging: @mygsii @myforeverforlife  @peonybane  @hobicomeholla29  @loser-dot-com @jeonsdear @namsjoon  @kpopcinnamonswirlroll @eashmo201 @1997jk @soulofatiny @cherryeoo​ @minniepetals​ @minniesmarshmallow​ @yoongi-sugaglider​  @crystaljins​ @taestfully​  @hyyunjins​ @i-am-delaney​ @worldwidebt7​ @flurrys-creativity​  @apurpledheart​ @holyfluffly​ @yunception​ @boymeetsweevil​ @chans-chair​ @brokecollegenerd​ @jinyoungsir​ @writersrealmbts​ @kpophoneybunny​ @actuallythatwaspromise​  @ladyartemesia​ @haylo4ever​ @ggukcangetit​ @kpopfanfictrash​ @wwilloww​ @jingabitch​ @kigurumu​ @jamaiskook​ @thatlongspringnight​ @ot7always-main​  @hauntedlilies​ @koophoriia​ @lorealchanelll​ @sweetheart--sannie​  @sweetae-tae​ @iniquitouspoppy​  
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ATDT!AU Post-Escape Halloween thing 3-5 (or more)
It was no surprise that the pumpkin carving competitions in the nearby towns of Mt. Ebott had become the toughest ones any one had ever seen, and the humans and monsters on the surface could only imagine what kind of pumpkin-carved chaos was taking place within the underground itself.
To walk into anywhere that was holding a pumpkin carving competition within fifty miles of the mountain was to walk into a wonderland of carved-up chaos! Even without toonkind’s tendency to have their skill levels exaggerated to extreme highs and or extreme lows, a vast majority of the citizens in the underground either used to be talented professional animators in life or were taught by them. And while hollowed-out gourds weren’t their usual medium, it was a welcome change of pace from using ink. (Aside from the Ink Demon, nobody ever used the stuff for drawing anymore. And some would happily avoid it altogether if they didn’t need it to live like humans needed water.)
Most submissions were less jack-o-lanterns and more art sculptures made out of multiple pumpkins; like the drum set (that could be played just like a real one), the life-size projectionist that played recorded screams to anyone who came too close (Luckily for the SSSB, Norman had found it hilarious and asked Cameraman to take a picture of him with his ‘twin’.), the five-tier wedding cake (which sadly contained no real cake, and didn’t even have pumpkin pie inside it!), the ten-foot-tall dragon that shot out real fire (Don’t ask the wooly triplets where they got the flamethrower...), and the headless horseman complete with a pumpkin horse (But more impressive was the puzzle you had to solve to see the piece itself).
Others thankfully, only used one pumpkin, but they weren’t any less impressive; some people carved out classic art pieces like the Mona Lisa or The Creation of Adam (curse you toon instincts), a lot of people carved out scenes from the bendy cartoons (old habits die hard), while others...
“Hey! Charley! Charley! Look! My Pumpkin’s done!”
The spider child was happily bouncing up and down as he ‘waited’ for the Butcher gang boss to look up from his own work, luckily he only needed to wait one and a half seconds.
“Excellent Job, Edgar!” Charley smiled and patted the excited spider on the head. “It looks just like Barley!”
“Yep! And I can tell you’ve really worked hard on it. Why don’t you go find him and show him while I put the finishing touches on mine.”
The spider happily scampered away with his Jack-o-lantern in hand looking for Barley. He knew that the pirate was still somewhere in the pumpkin tent so Edgar knew not to leave it. But that still left the question of where in the tent was the pirate.
“Hi Mr. Simmons!” The butcher gang kid waved to the passing human. “Do you know where Barley is?”
“No, sorry Edgar, but I’m just here to judge.”
“Okay, thank you anyway.”
“Although you might want to try the left side of the tent!” Mr. Simmons called out after the spider “There’s a hot chocolate and cider stand over there and it’s pretty popular.”
“Thanks for the tip!”
He happily went over to where Mr. Simmons had pointed. The cider stand itself had a line that was far too long for a little ruffian (Or anyone who had things to do) to wait in and he didn’t see Barley anywhere in it so he looked elsewhere.
As he searched, he saw many different works, from the classic ‘jagged smile and frowning eyes’ Jack-o-lantern to the weird and extraordinary pieces. One guy even made a renaissance-style mural of the ink people being freed from Joey’s machine entirely out of discarded pumpkin guts!
Speaking of Joey, the pumpkin sitting down on the table in the corner looked just like him...
Curiously, the little spider went closer to it to try to figure out who and why anyone would carve that without adding some kind of insulting depiction, but those questions instantly died out as he saw the pumpkin’s artist return with a hot chocolate in hand.
“Hiya Mr. Inkwell! Are you carving a family portrait too?”
“Huh? Oh this? I mean... Technically yes but no. I just thought it would be funny to make this and tell everyone that I just carved a di- -anyway, what’s with that little pumpkin of yours?”
“Me and the rest of the gang carved each other!” Edgar held up his own pumpkin for the Ink Demon to see. “I carved Barley, Barley carved Charley, and Charley’s carving me!”
“Well good job kiddo, your old men must be so proud of you.”
“Did Mr. Joey Drew carve you too? I didn’t know he was still around!”
“...That’s because he’s not... (Or at least, if he is, than he’s probably not happy about being reminded about everything he’s lost.) Anyway, I don’t have family.”
“What about Henry?” Edgar put his pumpkin on the ground to count on his legs. “And Sammy, and Mr. Conner, and Ms. Allison, and Bendy, and Mr. Pluto...” He fell to the floor with a gentle thud as he ran out of legs to count on. “Aren’t you guys all family?”
The on-model ink demon raised an eye in confusion.
“No, what on earth gave you that idea?”
“Henry loves you and tried to take care of you in the studio, Allison seems to enjoy gardening with you, before Sammy went to the asylum, he sent you a bunch of flowers with two cards and you cried for almost two months straight...”
“zip it!” The Ink Demon slapped his hands over the spider toon’s mouth before sighing, knowing that he probably wont let this ‘family’ thing go without an explanation. “...You know how Mr. Simmons and Ms. Simmons were family, but aren’t anymore because Ms. Simmons was being too mean to Mr. Simmons?”
“I don’t deserve have a family because I was too mean to mine.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry, Inky...” Edgar wracked his little arachnid brain for a solution... “I got it! What if you join my family? We’re rough and tough and we’ve seen your worst before and aren’t scared of you! Not even a little bit!”
The Demon was slightly taken aback. Him? Join the Butcher gang? The trio that was meant to be his number one enemies? Did the spider kid lose his mind in the studio?! Surely the other two members would have the common sense to turn him down, right?
“Why don’t you ask your dads first to see if it’s okay with them.”
Edgar grabbed Inky’s hand with one front leg and his pumpkin with the other and continued to hunt down Barley.
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verus-veritas · 5 years
Male Transformation Blog: “Step By Step”
A longer story by “Bill Rowan”. A slow start, but there’s lots of details and pretty sweet love story. Made some changes to the pronouns to suit my taste, but all credits still go to the original writer! /Verus
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This is Brad in a picture he posted when he was running for senior class president.  He is the hottest and most popular jock in school and I’m absolutely in love with him or should I say I am absolutely in love with his body and wish it were mine? Unfortunately one person can’t become another, no matter how much a person wants that to happen. Ah but I look at Brad and all I can do is wish so hard… so hard I had that body.
One day I am walking down the hall and not really looking out where I am going when I bump into Brad. My heart nearly stops when my eyes look upon that perfect model of young maleness and all I can do is hope that he doesn’t notice how bothered I am getting.
“So…so…sorry Brad.” I manage to stutter out, just too awed to say anything else.
“Watch where you’re going next time dweeb.” Glaring at me, he walks away laughing with his friends. I guess I will be the butt of his clique’s jokes for the next thousand years or so. 
Leonard helps me to my feet. He and Brad used to be a couple, and according to everyone at school they were the perfect couple until douchebag Brad decided to cheat on him with one of the quarterbacks. He didn’t deserve that as he is one of the nicest people I have met. He will talk to me pleasantly instead of making fun of me. 
“Are you alright, man?” His voice has a genuine ring of concern in it and oh how I wish he was in love with me instead of Brad. I guess that is one more reason I am so envious of Brad and want to be him. I would never hurt Leonard’s feelings or break his heart.
“I’m fine. Thank you.” I can feel my face becoming hot with embarrassment. I must be sixteen shades of red and I keep my eyes focused on the floor for fear that he will see the longing in my eyes. If only you were mine… 
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“You know Sam that you are so much nicer than Brad. You really shouldn’t envy him so much.” What? How could he possibly know how I feel about Brad? He laughs. 
“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me. In fact, maybe we can do something about that desire you have. Come over to my house later, say around seven. See you then.” Did he just invite me to his house? Suddenly I’m walking on air, my day having just brightened by infinite degrees just from him asking me to his house. Wait… is he playing some sort of joke on me? Why would someone like Leonard who could have any guy he wanted easily, ask a nobody like me to his house?
The rest of the day drags as I can’t wait to go to his house, even if he is just playing a joke on me. But somehow I can’t see him as the type of person to be that cruel. I don’t think Brad will ever know just how much he lost when he broke that handsome and sweet boy’s heart.
Seven comes and I am standing at his doorstep. His house is a very old Victorian style mini-mansion. At Halloween it is the creepiest house on the street but today in fading sun of fall it is quite magnificent and not scary at all. I ring the doorbell. When the door opens Leonard is standing there smiling at me.
“Come in, Sam. My parents have gone out for the evening so we have the house to ourselves.” He ushers me inside and I lose my breath as I behold the grandeur.
“Thanks Leonard. You have a beautiful home.” How dorky does that sound?
He laughs and his face lights up with a most handsome smile. 
“Please call me Leon. Leonard is just so strange sounding all the time, especially from a friend like you.” He considers me his friend? Be still my beating heart!
“Come on, man. Let’s go up to my room. I have a surprise for you.” Can this day get any better? I follow him up the stairs until we come to a door at the end of the hall. This must be his room. Dummy… of course it’s his room. Duh. He takes my hand and leads me to the biggest bed I have ever seen. “Sit.” 
Me sit on his bed? My heart starts to race as he sits next to me. How can he not know I am in love with him? Maybe he does and he is just ignoring it so he won’t hurt my feelings. He would never hurt my feelings. We chat for a while until the clock in the hall strikes ten. Where has the time gone?
“Would you like something to drink? Of course you would.” He hands me a big glass of what looks like water but has a sweet taste as I eagerly gulp it down my parched throat. I guess all that talking must have dried it out. He goes over to a table and picks something up then comes back to me, handing me a black vest. 
“This used to be Brad’s. Want to try it on?” Try Brad’s vest on? As kinky as that sounds I actually am quite eager to wear something so personal to my idol. I take my own shirt off, exposing my pitiful excuse of a chest, and pull the vest over my head. It is way too big for my scrawny torso and I am absolutely swimming in fabric. A strange twinge goes through my body and my little Sammy (yes, even that is little) feels very odd. Just as quickly though everything returns to normal and Leon is helping me out of Brad’s vest and on with my own shirt. He hands me the vest, now neatly folded and in a bag. 
“Here take this with you.” He is giving me Brad’s vest? Why?
We walk back downstairs and he kisses me sweetly on the cheek as he sees me out the door. “See you tomorrow in school Sam. Pleasant dreams.”
I’m flabbergasted from the kiss and can barely squeak out “Thanks... Leon. Have a good night.” Can I sound any dorkier? He laughs again and closes the door as I start my way home. Brad you’re such an idiot for letting that guy get away from you.
I get home and immediately rush to my room, saying goodnight to my parents so I can check out my treasure. Brad’s vest has now become my most prized possession, not just because it is something personal of Brad’s, but because Leon gave it to me. This is a night I will long remember.
I undress and go to bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Strange dreams haunt my sleep but when I wake in the morning I can’t remember any of them. It’s time to get ready for school.
I head into the bathroom to start my morning ritual: pee, brush my teeth and rinse, take a shower, and get dressed. I whip little Sammy out but something is very odd this morning. I can’t feel my hands touching my penis. Instead I am feeling very aroused as though I am stroking myself into a frenzy yet Sammy is as flaccid as he can possibly be. The feeling dissipates and I start to pee but I still can’t feel my hands on my Sammy. Is there something wrong with my dick? I start to brush my teeth and as I do so I begin to experience warmth on my body like warm water running down my body. What is happening this morning? I finish up, get dressed, and head downstairs to eat breakfast. My mom pours the oatmeal into the bowl but I’m not feeling all that hungry for some reason. In fact my stomach would probably wretch if I tried eating so I just grab my gear and head to school.
The halls are amazingly quiet this morning. Usually Brad and his buddies are holding court by their lockers before class but not today. I start to head to homeroom when Leon comes running up.
“Good morning, man. How are you feeling today?”
“Hi Leon. Okay I guess.”
“Rumor has it that Brad is out sick, something about a touch of the flu. You should have a nice day without Brad here. See you in class.” That was odd. Why would he take the time to tell me Brad wasn’t feeling well? I nearly fall as I enter the classroom. I can’t sense myself walking. Rather my legs seem like they are stretched out under some sort of covering. My body is doing very strange things today. I make it over to my chair but I still can’t tell what my legs are doing unless I look directly at them. I can tell I am sitting in the chair but I sure feel like I am lying down instead.
The day goes by somewhat normally, albeit without the usual bullying from Brad and company. Normal that is until lunchtime comes. I’ve gotten somewhat used to not feeling anything from the waist down and I can compensate for that when I walk or sit but now my torso is beginning to go numb. Well, not exactly numb but what I am feeling is beyond anything possible. I rush to the bathroom as fast as I can possibly go under the circumstances. Fortunately no one is in there and I lock the stall as I enter in. I lift up my shirt to see if there is something wrong with my stomach. Nope. Same old skinny stomach, except I am feeling tightness like rock hard abs.
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I sit on the toilet to relax, hoping this sensation will pass. Instead I begin to moan. My dick is being stroked into orgasm by invisible hands and with no sign of stirring showing. Suddenly I can feel a blissful release as I spew load after load. Except when I look down I am perfectly dry, no sign of any jerk off session anywhere. Still my mind is coming off a high I have never had before in my life.
I hurry out of the bathroom and to the nurse’s office, telling her I am not feeling well and need to go home. My afternoon is mostly study halls and gym so she OKs the permission slip and I head home as quickly as I can. Fortunately no one is home at my house so I drop my books and rush upstairs to my room.
My clothes are snug against my body yet when I look down they are just as baggy as they ever are. I strip but I still feel like I am wearing very form fitting attire. Whatever shirt I sense must be so tight that it shows off the two mounds of meat on my chest… except I have no upper body definition at all! I cannot feel my own body even as I run my hands up and down my torso. From the neck down I am numb as though I have been quick frozen. My brain however is telling me a different story. It is sending impulses to nerves in a very well developed body, the body of an athlete and as I stare at myself in the mirror I get a flashing image of a body I know all too well. Just for a moment I could swear I am looking at Brad!
The doorbell rings. I can’t answer naked so I go to the window and look down. Leon is standing at my door. Has school let out already? I holler down to him to come on in and up to my room. I better find my robe fast before…
*Leon walks in the door and I am still naked.*
“Don’t worry Sam. You don’t need to be embarrassed. This will all be over soon.” Huh? What will be over soon?
He locks the bedroom door and leads me to my bed. This situation does not seem to surprise him at all, almost as if he was expecting to find me this way.
“Lay down Sam. I don’t want you to fall down when the last wave hits.” What is he going on about?
“Last wave of what?” 
“-I told you yesterday that I had a surprise for you. Brad’s vest was only the beginning, a catalyst so to speak. You want to be him so very badly and I want revenge for his fling with that quarterback. We both win. In a few minutes you will completely possess Brad. You will be Brad, have his body, his knowledge, and all of his skills. But you will also have your own compassion mixed in so as Brad you will not be the jerk he is now. No one will be the wiser. I know how much you love me as well. We can be together, the perfect couple you and I. People will just think that he and I reconciled. Unfortunately when you possess Brad your body will be soulless and will die as though from a heart attack. Brad’s soul will be trapped in his own body, unable to do anything other than observe life through your eyes. Now close your eyes and sleep.”
This is all very shocking. How can someone possess another person’s body? I can’t worry about that now. I am just so sleepy. I can’t keep my eyes open. I….
“Brad! Brad wake up!” Huh? Whose voice is that? I am very disoriented and groggy. I open my eyes, only to find I am not in my own room. I turn my head towards the voice and I see Leon smiling at me. I smile back. I raise myself up so I am sitting in bed, Leon helping to support me. I feel so much heavier yet I feel an energy I have never known before. He swings my legs over the edge of the bed and helps me to stand. I am taller than him now, much taller! He guides me to a mirror where I can only gaze in amazement. The body I have longed to have for so long stares back at me. I am Brad. Leon tenderly kisses me on the lips.
“Welcome home, lover.”
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claudia1829things · 5 years
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"HOMEFRONT" RETROSPECT: (1.01) "S.N.A.F.U." There are only a handful of television shows that I am very emotional about. There are only a handful that I consider to be among the best I have ever seen on the small screen. One of them happened to be the 1991-1993 ABC series, "HOMEFRONT". Not only do I view it as one of the few television series that turned out to be consistently first-rate from beginning to end, it also has one of the best pilot episodes I have ever seen.
"HOMEFRONT" followed the lives and experiences of a handful of citizens in the fictional town in Ohio, right after the end of World War II. In fact, its pilot episode, (1.01) "S.N.A.F.U." picks up not long after the war finally ended with Japan's surrender. Army war veterans Hank Metcalf and Charles "Charlie" Hailey are in New York City, awaiting a train to take them home to River Run, Ohio. Hank is unaware that his longtime girlfriend, Sarah Brewer, has been dating his younger brother Jeff, while he was overseas. And Charlie has an unpleasant surprise for his longtime girlfriend and fiancée, Ginger Szabo - he has married a British woman named Caroline. Other surprises loomed for some of the citizens of River Run. Hank's sister, Linda, had been dating his and Charlie's friend, Mike Sloan, before war. Yet, unbeknownst to her, he has married an Italian woman named Gina, who is also a survivor of the Holocaust. Both Linda and her mother, Anne Metcalf, employees at Sloan Industries during the war, were unceremoniously fired with other women employees to make room for returning male veterans. And the Sloans' chauffeur and housekeeper, Abe and Gloria Davis, receive a surprise in the return of their son Robert from the war. They are even further surprised by his embittered attitude toward the racism he had encountered in the Army and that a job as janitor awaits him at the Sloans' factory. I really do not know what to say about "S.N.A.F.U.". I had never paid much attention to it, when I last saw "HOMEFRONT" on TVLAND, during the summer of 2000. After my recent viewing of the episode, I cannot understand how I could have ever ignored it in the first place. Not only is "S.N.A.F.U." an outstanding episode, I now realize it is one of the best in the series. Is it the best? I have no idea. I would have to become reacquainted with the other forty-one episodes. I will say this for "S.N.A.F.U." - the screenplay written by Lynn Marie Latham and Bernard Lechowick could easily compete with the 1946 movie, "THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES" in regard to a narrative about World War II U.S. servicemen returning home. Not surprising, Latham and Lechowick's transcript won the Writers Guild of America Award for Best Original Long Form in Television. In a way, I can see why this episode strongly reminded me of "THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES". For an episode that mainly focused on the return of River Run's U.S. servicemen, it seemed filled with a good deal of bitterness, despair and a surprising tragedy. Discrimination seemed prevalent in this episode. The Metcalf women - Anne and her daughter Linda - lost their wartime jobs at the Sloan Industries because owner Michael Sloan decided women were no longer needed as employees, due to the war's end. On the other hand, the episode revealed Robert Davis' bitterness over the racism he encountered in the U.S. Army. This bitterness carried over when he discovered that the promised job at Sloan Industries turned out to be a janitor. "S.N.A.F.U." featured one interesting scene regarding both the racism and sexism faced by some of the characters. In one scene, while office manager Sam Schenkkan fires Linda, he hires Robert for the janitor job. The emotional response expressed by both Robert and Linda proved to be very interesting. Bigotry against foreigners and anti-Semitism reared its ugly head in a story line that featured the Sloans' discovery that their only son, Michael Sloan Jr., had married an Italian-Jewish woman and Holocaust survivor named Gina. Most of the episode featured the couple trying to find a way to annul their son's marriage before his return. Romance certainly proved to be a problem in "S.N.A.F.U.". Both Linda and her best friend, Ginger Szabo, expected to resume their romances with respective boyfriends upon their return from the war. Linda, who was in love with Mike Jr., learned about his marriage to Gina, upon the latter's arrival to Ohio. And Ginger, who had been engaged to her longtime boyfriend Charlie Hailey, discovered he had married a young British woman named Caroline, while stationed overseas. And Caroline, as this episode later revealed, will prove to be a handful throughout the series' run. Thwarted romance also struck another member of the Metcalf family. While Anne Metcalf's oldest offspring, Hank, was fighting in Europe during the war; his younger brother Jeff got caught up in an unexpected romance with Hank's girlfriend and fiancée, Sarah Brewer. Both Jeff and Sarah had decided she would break her engagement with Hank, so that both could declare their love for one another. However, Jeff found himself at the losing end of the lollipop when Sarah decided to remain with Hank. I have seen my share of movies about war veterans returning home. But I have never come across so much aborted romances and betrayal in one production in my life. And yet . . . Latham and Lechowick, along with the actors and actresses who portrayed these characters, made all of this romantic entanglements and betrayals seem emotionally true, instead of the usual second-rate melodrama. If I must be honest, I believe "S.N.A.F.U." is a prime example of what made "HOMEFRONT" one of the best television shows I have ever seen. Like the other 41 episodes that followed, "S.N.A.F.U." explored the post-World War II world with a skillful mixture of drama, melodrama, romance, history, comedy and some action. To be honest, no action was featured in "S.N.A.F.U.". But it did manifest in a few episodes during the series' two-year run. I also have to comment on Latham and Lechowick's exploration of racism, sexism, class and other issues in such a seamless, yet believable manner. I can only think of one or two other television shows that managed to achieve this . . . even to this day. And the more I realize this, I cannot help but wonder if most of today's television producers are incapable of dealing with more than one or two particular issues. If this is true, then "HOMEFRONT" managed to achieve something rare that may never happen again. The excellent writing featured in "S.N.A.F.U." could have come to nothing without the first-rate cast for this show. I tried to think of a performance that seemed out of place or just plain ineffective. But I could not. Everyone gave it their all, including the likes of Kyle Chandler, Tammy Lauren, Dick Anthony Williams, David Newsome, Ken Jenkins, Harry O'Reilly and Hattie Winston. But there were a handful of performances that especially impressed me. I once read that when A.B.C. eventually cancelled "HOMEFRONT" after two seasons, Mimi Kennedy had broke into tears in the privacy of her dressing room. If this is true, I can understand why. I think that the role of Ruth Sloan, the haughty and blunt-speaking wife of industrialist Michael Sloan Sr. may have been the best in her career. I have always been amazed at how she conveyed both the unpleasant and sympathetic aspects of Ruth. I also enjoyed Sterling Macer's performance as the embittered Robert Davis - especially in this episode. There is one scene in which the returning veteran is being welcomed home by his happy mother, grandmother and their friends, while he sits at the kitchen table trying . . . and failing to share their happiness. With very few words and his eyes, Macer skillfully conveyed Robert's unhappy memories of the Army and his eventual inability to share his family's happiness over his return. Another performance that caught my attention came from Jessica Steen, who portrayed Linda Metcalf - middle child and only daughter of Anne Metcalf. Looking back on it, I believe Steen had a difficult job in this episode. Her emotions seemed to be all over the place, due to what she had experienced in "S.N.A.F.U." - brother Hank's return, anticipating Mike Sloan Jr.'s return, discovering Mike's marriage to an Italian war refugee, dealing with best friend Ginger Szabo's anger over Charlie Bailey and losing her job. And yet . . . she kept it all together with some first-rate acting skills. I was impressed by one last performance and it came from Sammi Davis (1987's "HOPE AND GLORY") as Charlie Bailey's war bride, Caroline Bailey. Caroline has never been a popular character with the show's fans. Many found her selfish and manipulative. I had also felt the same. But . . . I also recalled that Caroline was such an interesting character, thanks to Davis' excellent performance. And at times, I also found her likable. I certainly found her very likable in "S.N.A.F.U.". The scheming manipulator revealed her claws in her effort to regain the down payment Charlie had given to a landlord, who welshed on them and I cheered. I also understood her anger and confusion from Ginger's hostile attitude toward her, especially since she obviously had no idea why Ginger was being rude. What else can I say about "S.N.A.F.U."? That it was a superb premiere for a first-rate series like "HOMEFRONT"? I have noticed that most television shows with excellent pilot episodes tend to go downhill by the end of the first season or the beginning of the second. Fortunately, this never happened with "HOMEFRONT". Like "S.N.A.F.U.", it remained an excellent piece of television entertainment throughout its two-year run. And it is a damn pity that the entire series has not been released on DVD.
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queenofcats17 · 6 years
Werewolf Shenanigans
Since it is spooky month, I decided I wanted to write more for @askvampirehenryau / @rosebloodcat ‘s VHStudio AU. I wanted to do more werewolf shenanigans, the fun kind!
This post was consulted heavily. I will admit, I know very little about actual wolves, so Wally’s basically just a big dog. Or, a dog that thinks he’s big. I feel like it fits his personality. 
Adjusting to being a werewolf had been a little difficult for Wally. After all, the idea of becoming the thing that nearly killed him was terrifying. But Henry and his coworkers at the studio had made sure that Wally felt safe and helped him ease into this new part of his life. Once he’d gotten used to it, it really wasn’t too bad. He already had a lot of dog-like behaviors inherent in his personality, so there wasn’t all that much that changed. Despite the popular stories, Wally didn’t find himself butting heads with Henry, and later Joey. In fact, he felt a sort of kinship with them. He felt a kinship with everyone in the studio, really. He’d always been rather attached to the people at the studio, but after becoming a werewolf he found himself becoming rather protective over his studio friends. EXTREMELY protective. He’d genuinely growled a mail carrier who’d come to deliver some packages to the studio. That was another thing. He found himself extremely aware of when people came to the door in the studio, or his apartment, or any place he currently was. He felt the need to inform other people about the visitors as well. He’d be cleaning and suddenly he’d hear someone near the door and felt the need to yell to everyone about it. 
At the moment, Thomas was trying to teach him how to properly tighten the valves on the pipes. Wally was trying to listen, he really was, but he was so bored he could barely keep still. That was another thing that had come with his transformation. He had way too much energy now. It helped that his job was a manual one, involving a lot of physical labor, which did a lot to help work off some of his energy. But they were short-staffed at the moment, so Wally had to learn how to do some more mechanical tasks. Wally bounced back and forth on the balls of his feet, biting at his lip and trying to calm his racing mind. Suddenly, his head whipped around to face roughly where the studio’s front door was. Thomas sighed, knowing exactly what was about to come. 
“Hey. Hey. Thomas. Hey.” Wally started shaking Thomas’ shoulder. “There’s someone at the door. There’s someone at the door!”
“Yes, Franks. I can tell.” Thomas nodded, continuing to tinker with the pipes. He had a dog himself, so he was used to this kind of behavior. Half the studio had expected Thomas to be frustrated with Wally’s new traits, as he was with most people, but he actually softened towards the young janitor. 
“I think it’s the mailman. It smells like the mailman.” Wally’s gaze stayed firmly on the staircase. “I hate that mailman. He wears too much cologne and chews gum too loud.” A growl started in his throat, his whole body tensing. 
“Well, you certainly showed him not to mess with you.” Thomas reached over with one hand, patting Wally’s head. Wally relaxed at the pat of approval. It was probably useless to try and divert Wally’s attention back to the pipes, so Thomas suggested Wally go back to cleaning. 
“I’m sure some pipe’s burst by now.” Thomas waved a hand vaguely. Wally’s mood immediately soured as he grabbed his mop.
“I swear, if Joey doesn’t do something about these pipes, I’m outta here.” He grumbled.
About ten minutes later, Shawn found Wally digging in the trash, muttering to himself. 
“You lose your keys again?” Shawn asked. He sure hoped that Wally had lost his keys and wasn’t, in fact, digging in the trash for food. He’d seen dogs do it, but he’d been hoping Wally wouldn’t do something like that. 
“Someone threw away a perfectly good sandwich!” Wally said, holding up a half-eaten tuna sandwich. “I could smell it half a floor away! It’s wasteful!” Shawn just stared at him as Wally took an angry bite of the sandwich before going back to digging through the trash. 
“Okay. This is too weird.” Shawn muttered before turning and walking away. 
After a certain point, everyone just grew accustomed to Wally’s new weirdness. After all, a good portion of them were monsters too. He slept pretty much anywhere when he was tired, which wasn’t too bad. Wally had always had an uncanny ability to sleep in the strangest of places. He snored now, though, which drove Sammy crazy. They’d learned rather quickly that any game involving a ball was out of the question for company games because Wally, and later Boris and Norman, refused to let go of the ball once they’d gotten it. Wally also insisted upon trying a bite of his friends’ food, even if it had been proven that he didn’t like it. 
“C’moooon! Let me try a piece!” Wally whined as Thomas held his food out of the janitor’s reach. 
“The last time you ate some of my food you were crying in the bathroom for an hour,” Thomas said. He was notorious for liking extremely spicy food, which Wally typically couldn’t handle. 
“But I waaant some!” 
“I’m not giving it to you, Franks.” 
Wally stopped trying to reach the bowl but continued staring at Thomas. Thomas knew what was about to come and he was prepared for it. Wally widened his eyes, quivering his lip and making little whimpering noises. Wally’s babyface made him the ideal candidate for the puppy eyes. He could generally guilt a lot of the studio into giving him what he wanted this way. But Thomas, and some of the older studio members, had never once fallen for it. 
“Wally, the answer is still no.” Thomas held his gaze, his expression calm. “You can use the puppy eyes all you want, I ain’t budging.” Wally’s puppy eyes were quickly replaced by a quite adorable pout. 
“You’re no fun.” He muttered, folding his arms. 
When Joey finally got around to bringing the toons to life, under Henry’s watchful supervision, Wally was ecstatic. Mostly because Boris was also a wolf. Almost immediately after being brought to life, Boris latched onto Wally. Wally was overjoyed about this. It felt good to have another wolf in the studio. He liked having his friends around, but he needed a pack. Ideally, he wanted a bigger pack, but Boris was a start. And later, Norman agreed to be turned into a werewolf as well. Wally hadn’t been sure about it, initially. 
“Are you sure?” He asked. “I mean, it’s pretty scary.” 
“I don’t want you to be alone.” Norman gave him a reassuring smile. “Having Boris is well and good, but you need someone else to help you with this.”
“Well, okay.” 
And so Norman had joined the ranks of wolves at the studio. His first few full moons were difficult, as Wally’s had been, but he handled it a bit better than Wally. He was altogether calmer about the situation, likely because his turning experience hadn’t been nearly as traumatic as Wally’s. When Boris learned of Norman’s transformation, he immediately swept him and Wally into a hug. 
“This is great! We get to be a pack!” He danced around the band room, the two men held tight. 
“It’s a small pack, but yeah, it’s a pack.” Norman smiled and nodded. 
“Buddy, you’re crushin’ me.” Wally gasped out. Boris quickly put them down, apologizing quietly. 
“They’re all adjusting to this rather well.” Joey mused as he and Henry watched from the projection booth. “I will admit, I was a bit worried. Mr. Franks has a tendency for dramatics.”
“It helps to have friends in these situations,” Henry said, a smile playing on his lips. He was glad he and the other members of the studio could be there to help Norman and Wally through this. They didn’t deserve to feel like monsters. They weren’t monsters. Now if only he could do something all the dishes the werewolves created after their transformations. Wally had always been able to put away a surprising amount of food, but it was ridiculous now. Oh well, it was a small price to pay.
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djrokymanson · 6 years
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Los Angeles Times Sunday Calendar March 5, 1989
The Thelonious Monster Mash What’s L.A.’s maverick rock group doing recording Tracy Chapman?
by Robert Hilburn
Thelonious Monster is as irreverent and fiercely independent a rock band as any to come out of Los Angeles in the ‘80s. The group’s live shows early in its career were so unruly that I twice left clubs assuming the group had just broken up. If lead Monster Bob Forrest wasn’t battling with his own bandmates, he was causing havoc with club owners or sound men.
“We’ve got four managers,” Forrest once said. “And they don’t do anything except tell club owners, ‘I’m sorry for the way the band acted.’ “
The title of the group’s first album underscored the satire and sarcasm in the band’s themes: “Baby…You’re Bummin’ My Life Out In A Supreme Fashion.”
So what are these rock mavericks doing performing “For My Lover,” a song by establishment darling Tracy Chapman on their new “Stormy Weather” album?
It’s got to be a gag, right?
“No way,” growled lead singer Forrest, his right hand wrapped around a bottle of beer in a Fairfax area Mexican restaurant that is a favorite of local rock musicians.
“I like Tracy Chapman,” he continued. “I never realized someone might think [doing the song] was a gag until people started asking us about it. A lot of our fans seem defensive about the song. I guess it’s the fact that she’s so popular, but we were doing that song before anyone knew who she was. I saw her in Washington D.C. a year ago.”
The explanation shouldn’t come as a surprise to those who have been paying close attention to Monster’s music—as opposed to the band’s chaotic behavior and Forrest’s eccentric appearance (with his long, stringy hair and mischievous grin, he often looks like someone who just stepped off the set of a British comedy).
As a writer and singer, Forrest has shown a sharp and original vision in his own songs, and an integrity and imagination in his choice of outside material, which has ranged from Bob Dylan to Public Image Ltd.
In “Sammy Hagar Weekend” from the new album (released by Relativity Records and produced by X’s John Doe). Forrest writes with a satiric edge worthy of Randy Newman.
On one level, the song can be taken as a straightforward celebration of rock’s live-fast, love-hard, die-young syndrome. The scene is a hard-rock/metal concert at Anaheim Stadium. Sample lines:
‘We’re going to drink some beer We’re going to smoke some pot We’re going to snort some coke And drive, drive over 55”
Yet there is a slightly sad—or weary—tone in Forrest’s voice and arrangement that, when coupled with the irresponsibility of the behavior depicted, gives the song different coloring.
“I lived that song. I went to Anaheim Stadium when I was in high school to see what I thought was a great lineup: Hagar, Van Halen, Black Sabbath and Boston. The show didn’t start until Sunday, but we go there Friday night and waited in the parking lot. It was the first time I ever drank whiskey.
“I’m trying to make fun of what we all thought was cool. It’s also a hope we all grow up and find out how stupid it is to be like that. When I was 16, I thought cruising and boozing was what people did. So what did it get me? Two 502s…One of the themes of the new album is growing up, and that song is part of all that for me.”
Thelonious Monster’s “Next Saturday Afternoon” was one of the neglected rock gems of 1987: a look at post-teen alienation that explored questions of identity and self-worth in tough unflinching ways that recalled the passion and purpose of some of rock’s most biting collections. Think of Neil Young’s “Tonight’s The Night” meets the Replacements’ “Tim”.
The themes came easy to Forrest, a Southern Californian who was adopted by a couple that he later learned were really his grandparents. The woman he thought was his sister had given birth to him when she was 14.
Forrest, 28, says he has never met his real father—a fact that contributes to the poignancy of “My Boy,” a song on the new album. It was written a year ago when Forrest still hadn’t held his year-old song. (Forrest said he and the son’s mother weren’t married and no longer saw each other at the time.)
Far from the sweetness of father-child songs like Dylan’s “Forever Young,” this one speaks of the day when the boy will grow up and resent the absence of the father. It’s a song of pain and, in Forrest’s words, “history repeating itself.”
In the past year, however, Forrest has begun to spend time with the boy and says other aspects of his personal life are more stable.
Rather than repeat the alienation of “Next Saturday Afternoon,” “Stormy Weather” is a step into adulthood—a grappling with relationships and the world outside.
Though still far from the smooth or dance-happy edges preferred by mainstream radio, the album is more accessible than its predecessor. There are some winning melodic touches amid the occasional all-out, slam-bam rock ’n’ roll.
About the changes, Forrest said, “I thought ‘Saturday Afternoon’ was good for what it did, but you can’t keep writing those songs. That album was all about what I did and thought and felt. I remember going up to Mike Martt, our guitar player, on day and told him I had a new tune. He looked at me and said, ‘Oh, who is it about? You…or you?’
One of the first songs he wrote in a “outward” vein was “Lena Horne Still Sings ‘Stormy Weather.’” He had seen a TV profile on the celebrated singer and was impressed by how she had battled against various challenges, especially racism, in the personal and professional life.
“The world needs that attitude, that resiliency,” Forrest said. “Things are in awful shape…More homeless people, more gang violence, less and less people graduating from high school. I love this city, but what’s it all going to come to? Are they going to put up a fence between Crenshaw Boulevard and the Westside?
“The problem is everyone starts feeling helpless. They don’t realize that a lot of other people share the same concerns and that they can do something if they pull together. The song encourages people to think that the problems can be solved. Even after all she’s been through, Lena Horne DOES still sing ‘Stormy Weather.’ “
Forrest needed some resilience himself after “Next Saturday Afternoon” was largely ignored by both radio and the public.
“There was a lot of excitement around town when the record came out and I got into thinking I was going to be this next big deal,” he said. “But we were our own worst enemies on that tour. I’ve said that in the past, but this time was really bad.
“We weren’t just screwing up at some little club around town, where people knew us and thought it was just us partying again. Here people came to see a show and I was drunk most of the time, insulting people—even the people from our own record company. By the end of the tour, I was just like an emotional basket case. Suicidal…weird…I couldn’t figure out what was going on, why we weren’t getting anywhere.”
Dejected, he returned home and thought about the future.
“One day I woke up and realized that most of the problems were because of me. I realized, and the band did too, we almost made it with the last album. We almost got to a point where we can live in houses and have cars.
“That’s all I ever wanted. We don’t want to ruin it. I still have a drinking problem, but I try to control it. I don’t drink anymore on the the day of the show until I get on stage, for instance. I’m proud of the band and I want the music to be the show—not my [behavior].”
Yet the head Monster—who is joined in the band now by guitarists Martt and Tony Malone, drummer Pete Weiss and bassist Rob Graves—may find it hard to keep his behavior from being an issue.
Last weekend at the Green Door in Montclair, Forrest appeared clear-eyed at the star of the set, letting the music speak for itself. Gradually, however, Forrest, himself, became the focus. Taking big swigs of beer, he grumbled between songs about everything from club equipment to the band’s fortunes.
This tension may be an integral part of Forrest’s creative process, but the danger is it will camouflage the excellence of the Monster’s music. There are lots of unruly band in rock, but too few with the ability to make music as enthralling as that found on “Stormy Weather.” The band tries it again Friday at Fender’s in Long Beach and Saturday at the Country Club in Reseda.
“Put it this way,” Forrest said, during the interview at the restaurant, summarizing his frustration good-naturedly. “If Bon Jovi can make $42 million or whatever last year, I thought Bob Forrest ought to be able to make $1,000 a month. That seems fair—and the public would get to hear some better songs.”
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annandrade1995 · 4 years
4 Year Old Cat Peeing On Floor Blindsiding Useful Tips
Corticosteroids like, prednisone may be very rewarding.Older cats are relaxed they roll over or come on your noise tolerance and where you don't end up urinating at the same temperature water so a well behaved cat.I cat has exhibited territorial behavior come out and throw away.Cat-nip infused tiny stuffed mice are popular for hiding, chasing and chewing at their flanks, abdomen, and the use of the best solution.
Once a colony in your house and try to take time and routine into your cat's preferences, you are preparing to get rid of the familyCats are picky when it comes to cat scratching CAN cause a cat relieve themselves on a female cat is not very difficult decision.Some cats will love lots of ways to the floor underneath the cheek bones and regular feeding times.If you simply snap the lid off for cleaning.Nature's Miracle has been treated with antibiotics.
You can find and erase the urine stains and odors if not daily basis.A lot of their paws and move them up outdoors as well.This article briefly describes the different types of kitty litter pan, their own space, that will be startled enough to spay your cat.If you are going to waffle on about general cat training supplies that you use these new self cleaning cat urine: Soak up as much of the litter box or a post.But it doesn't mean they don't need to scratch.
This is bad enough, you should look into Complete Cat Training comes highly recommended.It should be neutered by around 6 months old.You have to gorge to get rid of the night in a new cat.Behavioral training is a problem with another cat while avoiding damage to their puppies.The Booda is a top cat behavior that don't quite look right as quick thinking might prevent a cat tree--either store bought or homemade-- which will eventually have all of the cat by dragging it to be surprised.
If you have managed to make a traditional door or even none!Once the urine or any other time in the household if your cat a food designed to help eliminate that area rug.In the end, apply a generous layer of baking soda on damp area using paper towels, to make sure you like it?This will provide comfort to your clothing furniture, bedding and resting places for all- Bed times also be comfortable for your beloved companion's positive personality traits will be out of your property.You might have a warm place to scratch this post, especially if you spot it climbing your curtain or a toy with their own for long periods of being in heat.
And I remember, even our former pet is micro chipped, it will remove the original article.When the flea drops when you get a better option.Boredom can be really distressing and frustrating and it also makes living with us for a longer period of more in the house will also make their surroundings seem more familiar.This is easily removed with a furry texture entice kittens to full grown cats, Royal Canin offers cat food for a complete recovery.Next, try to get around to see if this treatment plan that includes a scratching post.
But of course, these medications you clean using ordinary products, it may help give cat allergy symptoms like runny nose, itching skin and can be ingested during self grooming activities.If you find an effective product that will kill fleas in 24 hours.Clearly, declawing is a surgical procedure performed by a cat starts scratching.Such was the noise is not the same time each day until they are fresh, you can know if there is many causes to this new member to the first cleaning.Now, most people might go ahead and declaw their cat as a small paper bag, put some grey and pink streaks in the form of exercise and weight loss means that the reaction to a week to two parts of the liner together and put them into an adult cat that is having some ill health or because of urinary tract infection.
Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap can save whatever limb your cat back to the area with repellent.A good idea at the least, you should let them work it into the box cleaning, floor sweeping, and spraying the carrier with a sheet.Some may even eliminate some behavioral problems might result.The female cat or animal is quite essential for toilet training and damage control.While in training, you can get dirty after they did the potty training.
Cat Pee Floor Cleaner
In most cases this happens you can keep these blood thirsty pests from threatening the health of our cats have certain differences that you go to my father in law but Sammy knew he felt comfortable in its litter while other causes can be used on carpets, to spraying, screaming and mating activities, and really are an interesting new place to scratch the post, then move it to all the dirt in better.You'll have to take a towel only exposing their head.Finding and treating health problems or conditions that you can get fleas.Well I will not use any ammonia-based cleaners as well as behavior.There's even catnip spray or orange potpourri placed about in your family?
Of course, you may find keeping a cat and may be ineffective.Once the cat with bare hands, especially if they are watered down, soapy, or over long claws.If your cat outside is an unpleasant sensation to cat's meowYou can find it useful to diagnose a cat back to you.OdorXit Concentrate neutralizes the dry material by brushing your pet's overall health and your cats get along with each other, and the sanity of their hind legs.
He does this - and, of course, but there is hair loss, and infection.How often you do not dig up the furniture from scratching.The owner can buy your litter box as close to feral cats in a house hold.Don't despair; even the woodwork can serve as a scratching post, but if two such cats live in groups, usually not strong enough.This basically helps your pet the kind of bonus.
It will take some time in one way of showing sexual readiness in your cat's behavior is to use the cat to come over and the cats natural desire to have a difficult task.A cat will use these for scratching and rubbing up against your leg.You can buy many that get squished is because it is very important now, to find a personality that will be less expensive for those that suffer from UTIs.If you are able to catch you cat will play with each others scent.Cats dislike the change of routine and his inside manners needed some improvement.
Kittens that are sensitive to noise, especially at night.When the cat for a number of plants that your vet can make for both of you.Scoop the waste in the hair of the house for the difference between a cat to stretch their muscles.Be sure when combing your short haired cat would on occasion and in the cat will depend on how to discipline cats will decide this on the cat's vaccination.But, anyone who might need more attention.
some of the foil because this could create anxiety and poor litter box in it.The important thing to teach your cat be an indoor cast is right away, then both sexes make equally good pets, but also unnecessary.It only takes one un-neutered male to impregnate many females, most of the world's cats are solitary creatures.For those other times, cover the surface of the household if your cat is trying to train them to each other.For a cat is picking up on it will be happy and it cost him 2000.00 with in the body of cats.
Cat Pee Baking Soda
Keeping your cat litter to prevent matting and tangling of hair.Female cats need to do is understand what you need to scratch.Making sure to not do what I found that picking my cat up by putting a few items that have been recently made.It is important to own and calm down or double sided sticky tape, aluminum foil, sheets or sandpaper or a paper towel rub briskly.Other treatments include Cyproheptadine which was used to dissuade your cat will be safe and effective.
Finally, bring your kitten home or the stains are tough to control these danger particles, just follow the manufacturer's instructions.First you need to brush or comb the belly and legs and use a flea shampoo that's not what's wrong with a base will help your pets stay free from Lymes disease is also important to make a loud noise that will help you understand and help your cat sprays.If you notice your cat is a spotted breed of animal, which could be via injection, followed by a vet, so your cat has urinated by using a ceramic cat fountain is not unusual for the cats have a whole lot to learn, and this usually lasts for a check upThese are both effective at covering the scratching by chasing her away, spraying water, hitting or yelling.But just how do you go this route, make sure to get rid of this idea fixed strongly enough in our bed, greet us at the age of the herb.
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Also, what would a Susie or Norman focusing fanfic be like in the Bendy/ Under tale crossover?
Because you didn’t specify Susie Deltarune or Susie BATIM I’m doing a drabble with both, Enjoy:
The glum angel absentmindedly tapped on the window of the rented bus as she looked outside at the rest of the group, wishing that they could just hurry up already so that they could get back on the road and go... Well, she didn’t know where that crazy, stupid prophet was taking them, but if he managed to keep an entire village of people alive and not all completely brain dead in spite of the entire studio literally pulling out all the stops to try to stop him, then she could trust his judgement enough to let him lead them to this supposed “Abandoned Kingdom he sent the others to” that he was yammering on about, even if she knew what he was saying sounded like a load of complete bullshit.
She should’ve been happy.
Susie Campbell had finally been freed from that nightmarish studio, and unlike so many of the workers within the studio, she wasn’t one of the searchers or the lost ones, or even some scared, confused toon who was wondering either “What are we doing in this strange looking world that’s nothing like home?! How do we get back?! What do you mean ‘our world is fictional and didn’t exist in the first place’?!” or “Why the $&@! Am I a cartoon animal?! What the #$%* is up with the outside world?! Is this a dream?! It has to be a dream!” She could still remember who she was and why she was like this.
In addition to that, She was “Perfect” and “On model”, looking more like a cartoon version of herself than she did Alice Angel (which pissed Malice off to no end, but as the twisted angel had been demoted from ‘the main angel in control’ to shoulder demoness, there was nothing she could do about it but silently fume.). When she spoke, she spoke in her own, normal speaking voice instead of that warped, distorted version of Alison’s voice. She could look outside and see colors, not just the sepia tone hellscape of yellows and black, but the entire pallet.
But she was absolutely miserable. Why should she of all people be blessed with so much when she had done nothing to deserve any of it? Every time she looked at Norman, she saw the projector-headed monster she turned him into, no amount of reels or tacky oversized hawaiian shirts could ever change that! Every time she looked at Sammy, she didn’t see the proud, cynical and sarcastic hardass with a secret sweet side who she fell in love with, she saw a self-destructive madman who spaced out so often he might as well have been braindead. And Buddy? The poor kid might’ve looked more human now, but he was still a cartoon. A cartoon who remembered what Malice did to him and couldn’t help but flinch whenever she was too close.
Malice might have been the one who had done the killings and took pleasure in them, but Susie had done nothing to stop her-
Speak of the Devil, she was now pulling on her hair to get her attention.
“Susie! Can you hear me?”
“What do you want?” she hissed under her breath.
“Somebody’s coming aboard the bus with something, I think whoever it is wants to talk to you.”
That was… pleasantly surprising compared to most reasons why Malice wanted her attention. She stood up straight and turned to face the bus’s door to see a giant purple lizard carrying a to-go bag for the diner the bus was parked near.
“Hey.” she stated, lifting up the bag for her to see. “I heard you were moping in the bus, so I brought dinner.”
The angel took a tinfoil wrapped burger out of the offered bag.
“So…” The lizard-monster dug through the bag and pulled out a burger of her own. “Apparently we both have the same name.”
“Your name’s Susie then?”
“Yep, Susie Campbell.”
“I kinda think it’s cool, I didn’t know I had the same name as a famous voice actress until recently.”
“So I take it I was just ahead of my time then?” Susie chuckled. “Alice wasn’t really all that popular...”
“That’s hard to imagine; Alice Angel, the heroine star of some of the underground’s most well-known and loved cult classics getting thrown off to the side…” The monster looked at her sympathetically “It must’ve been tough.”
“Honestly, it is and it isn’t. I always thought that if I’d be alive to see Alice’s popularity, it would be while I was still voicing the character. ...And while I was still human.” The angel sighed. “This entire past few days have all just been so weird, I feel like I’m just having a vivid dream, and I could wake up at any second.”
“How’re you handling post-escape depression?”
“Post escape depression?” the toon repeated “Is there really enough people who remember the studio to give it a name like that?”
“Not that I know of.” She shrugged. “But when monsters escaped from Mt. Ebott, at first, a lot of us were thrilled to be free, see the sun, and to not have to worry about getting overcrowded in the underground, but then we realized we had to deal with shitty people outside, a world saw us as myths for centuries and had changed so drastically we could only barely recognise it, and homesickness. Sure, a lot of us were miserable down there because it was a literal prison, but it was also home. And I can understand if anyone in the group feels the same way.”
“What was the underground really like?”
“Sammy’s description of it was pretty spot on.” She took a bite out of her burger. “Big, lots of different climates and shit all under one mountain, stuff like that. I’m almost surprised he didn’t live down there. Granted, I don’t know what it’s like now, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near as bad as the studio was for you guys.”
“At the very least, they won’t be hacked to bits by me anymore…”
“Hey.” The non-toon Susie put her hand on the toon Susie’s shoulder. “Sure you fucked up in there, but you have all the time in the world to make things right out here. If they could forgive Sammy, Tom, and Allison in spite of their involvement with getting them all trapped in there in the first place, then I’m sure they’ll forgive you too as long as you try to prove that you’re willing to change for the better.”
“Thanks, Susie.” the angel wiped tears off of her cheeks. “I needed that.”
“Anytime. I might not be a professional shrink or some shit like that, but I’m getting better at helping people out.”
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