#not that much of mine have been super major tbh
backslashdelta · 2 years
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rbbalmung · 3 months
Pre-Timeskip Straw Hats Ranking:
1. Chopper - My baby. He’s like a little Ghibli character! I loved his design and he has such a good heart 🥹
2. Zoro - He’s so cool! I love how loyal he is and he always has the best fight scenes.
3. Luffy - Didn’t expect to like him this much, but here we are! God, he’s just such an interesting character. I really like characters with a strong moral compass/sense of their own justice, and Luffy fits that so well. Out of all the captains, I’d want him to be mine.
4. Sanji - He’s a little cringe (I am a woman), but he’s got really good scenes mixed in there! (Like that scene with Enel? Legendary).
5. Franky - TBH, he didn’t grow on me until Enies Lobby. But Franky is a homie! He’s SUPER!
6. Robin - Another character that took a bit to grow on me. I love how she just takes things in stride, it’s really funny. Her and Franky are my fave duo, so I love when they get scenes together!
7. Brook - I LOVE SKELETONS! I love his puns and his backstory made me cry. Minus points for the underwear thing, though
8. Nami - I like Nami! I wish she got a bit more control of the situations she gets thrown into (especially Thriller Bark, I felt so bad for her).
9. Usopp - I don’t hate Usopp, don’t get me wrong! He’s just kind of annoying. He’s the sniper of the crew, so it’s irritating that he rarely does any sniping. He also complains/is cowardly A LOT. I get that’s his character, but…
Time skip Ranking (I’m in Zou right now. Light spoilers for up until then?):
1. Luffy - My Number 3 pick overall! I love him so much, I can’t even. He’s really stepped it up! Something I really like about him is the slight changes in his personality after MarineFord. You can tell it effected him more than he lets on and I love that Oda is subtle about it. 10/10 protagonist!
2. Franky - SUPER!!! I just love him, he’s so fun! I may be a bit influenced because he’s my brother’s fave (we’re watching it together). Like Luffy, I love how positive and kind Franky is. I also love his power ups!! He’s so cool!!
3. Zoro - Still cool, haha. My opinion of him hasn’t changed much since before timeskip - he’s a really consistent, interesting character! I also love how he’s eager to fight, in a weird way. Nothing scares this man, it’s cool to see!
4. Usopp - Biggest jump on this list! But damn, I love Usopp now. He’s mellowed out a bit and takes a bit more of an active role on the crew! (Spoiler) He has Haki!!! I didn’t see that coming, but it’s by far the coolest Usopp moment yet!
5. Robin - As the sole introvert on a crew of extroverts, I love the dynamic she brings! Like I mentioned before, her “go with the flow” attitude is really unique and fun to see! I do wish they’d let her fight more, even though she has more of a supporting role.
6. Nami - Ever since Punk Hazard, I’ve come to realize the Nami is the heart of the crew. You can see how much she cares for everyone and wants the best for the people around her!
(I may start to sound mean from here on out, but I promise I like all the Straw Hats)
7. Sanji - SANJI STOP BEING CRINGE I SWEAR TO GOD. I know the Whole Cake is coming up soon, so I’m holding out for some major character development there. I just don’t like that women have taken over most of his screen time and that he holds resentment against Okamas. Like, not cool bro.
8. Chopper - He’s kind of been reduced to a mascot character. They never give him anything to do anymore (granted, he wasn’t in Dressrosa much so maybe I’ll be proved wrong). I don’t hate his new design, I just liked the other one better. And apparently he’s supposed to be 17??
9. Brook - Brook, for me, has filled the role Usopp had before timeskip. He’s always loud and being cowardly, it gets to be a little grating. He still has good moments, don’t get me wrong, but I wish he was a bit more like he was in Thriller Bark.
Bonus! Jinbe - Dad energy 👍 He was a real homie for Luffy on MarineFord, and I’m excited to see the dynamic he brings when he joins the crew!
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musicalmoritz · 27 days
What do you think of Natsuhiko as a character? I personally don't like him all that way, granted it's pretty surface level. While I wouldn't say I hate or despise him, I do find him a tad irritating in the beginning of the series. However later chapters have piqued my interest regarding his character as a whole, and I would also like to ask about his relationship with Sakura. At first glance it seemingly falls into a dynamic like AoiAoi, where the girl shows disinterest while the guy does not stop with his pursuits. Of course now we have more insight on AoiAoi, but this isn't yet the case for Sakuhiko. So by extension, what do you take from their dynamic?
Thank you for this question, Sakura and Natsuhiko are two of my favorites but I haven’t gotten the chance to talk abt them much yet!! (I say “favorites” but they’re 9 and 10th on my character ranking respectively so do with that info what you will lol)
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Starting off with Natsuhiko, I didn’t like him much at first either. In fact, when I first watched the anime, I fucking hated this dude on sight. Like I couldn’t even stand to look at him, he gave me frat boy vibes and I didn’t trust him. When I realized he was going to be a prominent character I dreaded it. I’m not sure when my opinion started to change, maybe around the door arc?? As a Natsunene enjoyer that one’s a favorite of mine lol. Tbh he still annoys me sometimes, he’s just so shady mixed with a personality that’s made to be irritating and it makes me roll my eyes so hard. I feel bad saying that bcuz a lot of my moots LOVE him but fear not, he’s in my top 10 for a reason
As much as I love Sakura and Natsuhiko, it’s hard to say much about either of them with what little info we’ve been giving. I have to laugh at ppl who think the current arc of the manga is going to be the last one because that would likely mean the series would end without either of them ever getting their time to shine (despite all the recent lore that’s been dropped, we still don’t know much about Natsuhiko). However, what we’ve seen of them so far has been super compelling
For Natsuhiko, I like him most when he’s with the Broadcasting Crew. I know he’s almost always with them but I mean specifically when we see the side of his character that acts like a true upperclassman. I like when he’s visibly annoyed with Tsukasa, it shows a different side to his laidback personality. Despite how chill he appears, he seems to have a short temper, it’s just something he keeps inside. I also think him being an ASMRist in the Monster Nursery au is so hilariously on brand. And tbh I could yap forever about what the anime did with the Monster Nursery au!! I can’t remember if Natsuhiko was the undercover researcher in the original au or not but regardless I love the route they took. If I have time I will absolutely write a Sakuhiko fic set in that universe someday bcuz they give me major Spy X Family vibes
I need more details on why he can’t die and how his blood kills people. Is he from an exorcist clan??? Is he part supernatural??? What is his deal??? I’m very interested to learn more about him. He’s always been a suspicious character so I like that we’re starting to get more insight on him
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Now onto Sakuhiko…*dreamy sigh*. I love Sakuhiko so much. They’re one of my top ships for TBHK, at one point they were even my favorite. I do headcanon them as sapphics, with Sakura being a nonbinary lesbian and Natsuhiko being a genderfluid bisexual. I have written a few fics for them on ao3 so if you’re looking for some good sapphic Sakuhiko stuff…🤭
I see where the AoiAoi parallels come from on a surface level but beyond that I feel as though the two ships are quite different! First off, Aoi never shuts Akane down the way Sakura does with Natsuhiko. Sakura hits him every time he tries to make a move on them, a clear sign of rejection coupled with berating him verbally. They make their disinterest abundantly clear, although it’s highly implied that the ship isn’t as one-sided as it appears. There are moments where Sakura looks at Natsuhiko with fondness, and times where they even seem to flirt with him! Natsuhiko himself says that Sakura just has a different way of showing their love for him, very similar to the Minamoto Typical Sadism I write so often lol. It’s not a TBHK couple without a little sadomasochism (not the weird kinky kind just the bullying kind, the majority of them are babies. Normally I wouldn’t feel the need to specify that but this is Tumblr)
Anyways this is very different from how Aoi “rejects” Akane. Every time she turns him away, she does so in a way that will encourage him to keep trying. With a cute smile and a hand to her face, rating his pursuits so he’ll be motivated to try and do better next time. She never gives him less than 2 points (as far as I remember), and she’s not even mean to him until she’s under the potion in chapter 69. I’m pretty sure Aoi would cry at the thought of treating Akane the way Sakura treats Natsuhiko, she’s pretty down bad and dependent on him in certain ways. She shuts down at the thought of Akane ever moving on, so she would never reject him so bluntly and risk losing his approval. Sakura doesn’t seem to care what Natsuhiko thinks of them, they’re a very independent as opposed to Aoi who is more on the dependent side of things. If Sakura were revealed to have been super clingy and emotionally attached to Natsuhiko this whole time, that would be weird writing. But Aoi’s attachment to Akane has been implied since the Confession Tree arc
The differences between Natsuhiko and Akane are so interesting to me because they get compared so often. The biggest thing I notice is the level of respect they have for their partners. Akane is overly obsessive and a yandere at times but he never actually attempts to touch Aoi the way Natsuhiko frequently does with Sakura (not in a perverted way like Hanako but he still makes attempts to take their hand or hold them in a way we never see Akane do with Aoi). The first time we really see Akane being physically aggressive with Aoi was in ch.69, when he was initially trying to forcefully stop her from a suicide attempt. Not saying he handled it right but I try to cut him some slack bcuz it was an insanely tense situation, I myself wouldn’t have handled it perfectly.
After that, he kisses her hand to apologize for saying he hates her (many fans mistake this scene for him ignoring her consent but if we focus on the setup, that wasn’t the situation at all- the kiss was an apology and Aoi’s “don’t touch me” didn’t even get a full speech bubble). At that point she’s blushing and leaning into him, no longer trying to run away. She looks conflicted bcuz it’s a very emotional scene, but she’s clearly calmed down from how she was feeling before. By the time they kiss, she’s fully clinging onto him. After that he’s more causally touchy with her, like holding her hand or helping her get around No.6’s boundary. Aside from official arts we never really see Sakura leaning into or reciprocating Natsuhiko’s touch. They appear to enjoy his company, letting him tag along everywhere they go; but they’re not easily moved by affection the way Aoi is. That doesn’t stop Natsuhiko from being pushy, but I will give him that he knocks it off after Sakura rejects him. I swear I’m not trying to cancel this dude, I’m just saying he has less regard for boundaries the way Akane does
Another thing is reciprocation. During the Clock Keepers arc, Akane tells Nene that he plans to love and support Aoi even if she never loves him back. This means he expects nothing in return for all the love he gives her, all he wants is to make her feel loved. And if she enjoys receiving daily confessions, he’ll gladly make a fool out of himself each time. In the same scene he talks about Aoi’s past with having to put up with creepy guys, which explains why he’s so overprotective and hostile to men who want to pursue her. We see later in the manga he’s not as bothered when he realizes Teru’s feelings for her are genuine. Once he realizes Teru respects Aoi the same way he does, and that he won’t hurt her like he does with Akane, he begins to view Teru as healthy competition. This is much different from the way he treats Yokoo and Satou in ASHK when he catches them spying on Aoi
Also in ASHK, we see Natsuhiko attempt to give Sakura a love potion. I know this was literally in a comedy spin off but it stands out to me because Akane would never do this to Aoi. He respects her too much for that, he would never force her to reciprocate his feelings. Natsuhiko is a far more manipulative character, so it’s not all that surprising to me that he’d be okay with Sakura’s love being fake. He just wants a date with them, he doesn’t seem to care how he gets it. Again, I’m not trying to accuse him of being something he’s not, I want to make that very clear (think of Hanako, he’s known for being a perv but he would never intentionally make Nene upset or uncomfortable. Imo Natsuhiko is similar but in a different way, I wouldn’t call him a perv like Hanako but he’s a bit more possessive than the other characters). I see Sakuhiko as being on the more toxic end of TBHK ships as opposed to AoiAoi which has become more healthy recently. That’s not necessarily a problem with the pairing, just something I don’t see pointed out as often. And keep in mind that the toxicity is mutual, since Sakura knows Natsuhiko can’t die they regularly make attempts on his life and send him out to do dangerous missions. They’ve both got their quirks
One of my favorite things abt the ship is how Natsuhiko seems to know Sakura better than most people. More than Sakura is aware of, probably. I’m thinking specifically of that scene where Mitsuba asked if he could stay with the Broadcasting Crew and Sakura didn’t know how to respond so Natsuhiko answered for them. Sakura cares more deeply for people than they let on, and the only person who seems to recognize that is Natsuhiko. That’s so!! Fucking sweet to me!! They’re a toxic mess but they were made for each other and at the end of the day they’ll stay by each other’s sides. Natsuhiko would watch the world burn if it meant Sakura would look in his direction. Despite the themes of betrayal in his character, he is loyal to a fault when it comes to Sakura. I love that so much
Sometimes I wonder how serious the relationship is tho bcuz like…every time I see it written platonically absolutely nothing changes. Maybe Natsuhiko is there for ulterior motives and he’s just joking abt the flirting. I highly doubt that since TBHK is partially a romance but it’s a cool concept. I also love their ship trope, they remind me of Beast Boy and Raven. Grumpy X Sunshine except they’re both kinda shitty people. Peak
I hope you enjoyed this deep dive, and that I didn’t turn you away from the ship yapping abt their problems lol. To me toxic elements of ships are more things I love about them (within reason) because I love exploring character flaws and how people can overcome those in relationships. Or sometimes I just want to see them be terrible together. The duality of woman.
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bisexualbuckleyy · 7 months
thank you so much for the ask!!
🐚: do you like or dislike surprises?
in general, yes! tbh it's been my dream for a long time to have someone throw me a surprise birthday party cause i feel like it would be so awesome. i think surprises can be such a fun way to show that you love and understand someone, but i also think it's super important to make sure that you're respecting people's boundaries when planning surprises. in reading fic, i always love a good plot twist, as long as it's not an untagged major character death or something massively triggering.
🥤: recommend an author or fanfic you love
i literally have over 1200 fics bookmarked so it's so hard for me to pick even a couple fics to recommend so i'm just gonna recommend some of my favorite authors. for thiam, my absolute favorite is @eneiryu, who writes the most beautiful incredible post canon fics i've ever read in my life and has written genuinely some of my favorite fics of all time. also for thiam, but with some really good merlin fics too, is @istalria. if you haven't read their thiam brainrot series, do it right now. @attempted--eloquence writes the most beautiful and poetic shit i've ever read in my life, i have in fact literally cried reading more than one of their fics. also thiam: @theoceanismyinkwell, @raekensarcher, @inabottlelikelightning, @chasing-chimeras, @honeyscapes, and @fallingforboys are all absolutely incredible. also to round out the rest of my most-read ships, for firstprince i 100% recommend @clottedcreamfudge, @kiwiana-writes, @hypnostheory, and @railmedaddy (who also writes amazing schitt's creek and 911LS stuff!) a recent fave of mine has also been @sighonaraa who writes the literal best ted lasso fics EVER
🍄: share a headcanon for one of your favorite ships
okay one of my main headcanons for thiam (obviously, since i literally wrote an entire fic about it) is that in the elevator scene, theo heard liam's heart skip when he said he wouldn't die for him, so he fully knew he was lying but didn't say anything because he knew it wasn't the right time. totally different ship, but i also headcanon that alex and henry get tattoos in each other's handwriting post canon, probably of their favorite lines from one of the emails or a line of poetry they both love as a way of reclaiming something that was stolen from them
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leondxs · 7 months
life/activity update! <3
I'll try to keep this semi short but tldr, I haven't been super active for a while for a multitude of reasons.
Despite breaking up with my ex last year, I unfortunately still live with him due to having no where else to go. We're civil but obviously it's super uncomfortable and enraging at times. (Not going to get into that tho I'd be ranting all night lmao) As weird as it is, I am grateful that he's let me stay for so long and didn't just kick me out.
BUT I am overjoyed to say that I will be able to move out potentially by the end of this month! I've been building a house for several years now and it is almost done. It's a cute little cabin in the woods not even five minutes from where both of my jobs are. It will be a literal dream come true for not only me but my pets as well.
I'm saying all this to let ya'll know that I am planning to become more consistently active once I move. I'm not on here much now mostly bc of working so much but also bc I am just so??? Mentally strained and foggy living with my ex. He drains me mentally and I've lost interest in 99% of my hobbies it feels like. I spend the majority of my time at home cleaning a house that is not mine and will never truly be clean or functional because he won't do anything. It is literally falling apart and he does not care. But I genuinely feel that once I'm out of here, I will have the mental clarity/desire to write and pursue my hobbies more often and consistently. This house is everything I've ever wanted and I feel that living in such an environment will do wonders for my mental health.
If you've read this far, thank you!! I tried to keep it short but ended up rambling and tbh that's not even all of it. This is really summarized lmao. I just wanted to update ya'll bc I feel like I've been so very distant the past few years. Not to get into it, but I have learned the hard way that being with the wrong person can ruin you without you even realizing. I am lucky that things have gone the way they did and that I didn't end up staying in the position I was in. I am already in so much better of a mental state that I ever have been.
This truly feels like the first step into the best part of my life and I am so eager to come back here and write with you all again!
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Wilhelm bullying Karkaroff?? You're torturing everyone lol
Um um um if you wouldn't mind,,, since I know ur tired of the wilkes yapping and glazing LMAO would you mind telling me about seabunny and starry Night? I've never heard of either of them :3 tbh I would totally listen to like anything u wanna yap abt tbh your posts are just so !!!! Ykkk?? like I dont think Ive seen anyone give Karkaroff that much attention before lol or Aurora honestlyyy
Sorry for the long anon LOL Ive been lurking for like a month and haven't anoned before aghhhh sorry for the spamm
Please don’t apologise for the length, I’ve been loving all the asks I’ve been getting recently, any excuse to yap is one I greatly appreciate!! Feel free to spam me as much as you’d like lovely 🍃 anon (I will say my brain keep thinking these are weed leaves so I’m sorry but you’ve become weed leaves anon in my brain now lmao). Super flattered to hear you’ve been enjoying my posts btw jcnfjcbfjc
Yes!!! Wilhelm bullying Karkarov!!! With the help of especially Dolohov lmao. I don’t think Karkarov was particularly popular when he went to school in general but that’s a different topic for another time cjfncjfn
I would love to tell you about seabunny and starrynight!! I am obsessed with both. I’ve been lowkey obsessed with Igor and Charity for a while but Aurora and Severus is a new one for me. A friend of mine came up with the shipnames so major shout out for that lol
Seabunny is 100% something that happens because of Charity. She’s an it girl, she’s an icon, she’s pink, she’s got her daddy’s credit card, she’s got a heart ready to love anyone and she loves men that look like a rat after it’s walked through the underground sewage system (or in Igor’s case a goat lol). You’d think she does it to piss off her parents but that’s not even close. Her mum’s a little sus at first but she’s sus about everything so that’s not really anything to pay attention to. She sees Igor being his awkward self and she’s like “yes that’s the one I want”. Aurora and Wilhelm have to listen to her talk about him on and on as she praises him for doing the bare minimum like “and then he like, responded to me!! He even like, totally looked at me when I was talking this time”.
They’re so silly. For Igor he’s already decided she’s out of his league but the more persistent she is the more he actually starts to think he’s got a chance. And let’s be fr, Igor’s not the best person. He’s a bit more violent than what’s normal (he plays quidditch and oh dear you can catch Evan Rosier scraping the ground for stray teeth and bone bits by the time a game featuring Igor is over) and he’s a huge coward. Their first time alone Charity asked him over to her dorm to look at her cat and he was so confused when she pulled out an actual cat because there’s a slight language barrier at first (the cat also strangely really likes him and of course Charity sees that as a good sign (also the cat’s name is Pudding))
As for them after Hogwarts I’m so interested in seeing how being with Charity (Muggle Studies teacher and while a pureblood herself genuine lover of all things muggle) mixes with Igor (known death eater and technically convicted criminal until he was pardoned). How does knowing Charity affect how Igor basically abandons his death eater ways after the first war? And his reaction to his dark mark calling on him again and his decision to flee and go into hiding and in the end die for that freedom. How much of that is because he was influenced by Charity?? They die a year within each other and I just,, urgh there’s so many things about these two cjfncjnf have a mini moodboard lmao
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Now starrynight!! That’s an entirely different vibe. It’s autism², it’s a lot of learning together, it’s a lot of enjoying each other as they genuinely are. Even if they’re not dating I love love love Aurora and Severus as friends. They just work really well together in a way where they actually get to chill for a bit, at least usually.
Bruce (Mulciber Jr) introduces them, not that they didn’t know each other beforehand, they’ve known each other for years, but the idea of them dating each other came about because Aurora really wanted to just “be normal”. Choosing Severus as her boyfriend might not be the best way to do that but she definitely feels more normal when she’s just hanging around with him cause she’s not constantly performing her normal-sona lol.
Aurora is, to me, incredibly reserved yet curious at the same time. She doesn’t want anyone too close yet she wants to experience everything everyone else does. She spends most of her time (if not hijacked by Charity or thinking she’s best friends with Wilhelm) in the Astronomy tower with the large golden telescope that Hogwarts provides and because homegirl loves this telescope so much she brought Severus to see it no doubt and being the mindful and demure girl she is she even checked if he was dying when he was dry heaving and trying to catch his breath while leaning on the walls as he climbed the stairs. Their dates consist of them sharing their interests with each other, whether it be knowledge about stars, telescopes, potions, chemistry etc. their compliments to each other consists of “I really appreciate that you know how to be quiet” and “I admire your knowledge on insert topic no ones ever heard of ever”. They sit together and read and call it a date where at most they share a few glances. They’re such an awkward looking couple, Aurora towers over Severus, but you’ve never seen communication skills like the ones these two have.
Charity is over the moon when Aurora announces that she’s got a boyfriend because they can finally talk about boys and everything that comes along with it. Aurora is over the moon, not necessarily because of the boyfriend thing (though she’s also fairly happy with that) but because she feels normal and god is she excited to feel normal cjnfjfnf
There’s a bit of Aurora and Charity friendship for you too and here’s another moodboard lol
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I was gonna yap about Edmund Avery Jr but this post has already gotten like sooo long so I'll save that for another timenvjfnbjgbg
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readyfreddy · 6 months
Ok a question: is the bad grade because you're missing so many assignments that the 0s are stacking up, or is it because of a series of poor grades?
Because for the first one, ask for an incomplete and give them a TIMELINE on which you will complete the work over eg summer (like 1 assignment a week or sth, nothing super intense just to prove that you're actually going to do it) and maybe also offer to meet with them regularly/send them email updates regularly while you're working on their work (again to prove you won't ghost them and will actually finish the class).
The second one, you could try to ask them to bend the syllabus for you. Definitely tell them how much they mean to you as a prof and how much you like their class, but also just express the difficulty you've been having honestly (tbh just like the first two lines in quotes in your post) and maybe see if they will let you maybe do something to your grade advantage, like take a final essay grade or final exam grade in place of your average if it's higher.
I don't know what your relationship with them is or your other needs, but you could also ask to retake the class with lower demand (like attending lectures you feel you need to and not the ones you don't need over again) or ask for maybe an independent study class to help with their research or something to help raise your overall GPA if the course grade doesn't matter as much in the grand scheme.
Sorry for the rambling in your inbox 😅 I live surrounded by academics so it's kind of the stuff I hear about all the time and this seemed less wierd then DMing idk? Uh I hope this helps and isn't like intensely overstepping 😅
All good and I genuinely appreciate your imput <3 Inbox or DM work equally as well for me :)
I've handed everything in on time but have a series of 50's and below :( , and I don't really have a relationship with him beyond discussion my academic accommodations. I'm aiming for pharmacy school, but at that becomes less of a reality every single day (or at least what it feels like). I have other options that I'd be happy with, but as of right now, pharmacy school is a big goal of mine.
I ended up sending him an email, that he'll likely see Monday morning, my email (w/o identifying features) is below the cut:
I have enjoyed your class thoroughly and have learnt a lot. Despite what it looks like on paper, I am trying my best and working hard to succeed in this course. 
This term has been incredibly difficult for me as I have been balancing two jobs,  handful of extracurriculars, as well as dealing with an out of province parent who is becoming increasingly disabled as time progresses and doing extensive research regarding their condition. It is hard to ignore that there is a lot going on in my life and I am trying to keep a lot of different areas of my life in control, even if those matters are completely beyond my control. 
As a result, this has taken a major toll on my mental health. What I was once able to successfully manage has now become near debilitating. I have used some of the on-campus resources, and they have made a noticeable difference. One of my lab instructors has already expressed concern regarding my mental health and have taken some small actions to help me.
I’ve been able to go to all your classes; however, I have found it hard to focus and retain information, even if I am taking notes and engaging in classroom discussion. 
I know that it is very late in the term, and there is very little that can be done while still maintaining fairness to all students. If there is anything that can be done, please let me know at your earliest convenience. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend your office hours this upcoming Monday,  I am aiming to be there around 9:30 on Wednesday. If these times do not work for you, please let me know and we can discuss a time that works best for both of us.
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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Questions for muns of canon muses
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@novinare 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; Do you have any controversial headcanons that go against what is generally accepted by the fandom? Do you incorporate this into writing your muse or keep it to yourself? What is an aspect of your muse’s canon material or canon existence that you never had the opportunity to explore but really want to?
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Ohh, yes !! I think I have something that fits for both questions for Al right off the bat kinda. If I could make art of the stuff in my brain it'd be over but since I can't, yeah, I'll have to just talk about it. I really imagine Alastor's true demon form to be something grotesque and horrifying, more so than what we see in the show since I don't imagine that as his complete true form. My Alastor's true form would be a nightmarish amalgamation of the creature in Antlers, the Xenomorph Queen and a hint of the gaping dragon in Dark Souls.
He has monstrous features of a huge, "rotting" stag and something more crocodilian because another, I guess, "unique" feature of my take on Alastor is that his deer aesthetic is very off putting, this is very much in the realms of the "not deer" rather than an actual deer and I personally also relate him to a crocodile more than a deer internally so thats kind of a dual/hidden motif for him. This is kinda the supernatural representation of Alastor appearing to be a kind, charming gentleman but actually being a savage, unnatural killer underneath that.
Tbh, I've gone back and forth on it because I think the fanon of Al having a little deer tail is super cute but I don't think mine has one. His true form has a tail, but its long and reptilian and not deer-like. So I guess if I give my Al a little hidden tail it would more reflect this and instead of being a cute deer tail it'd be more like a velvety nub, so not cute and fluffy like the way the fandom depicts it.
It also kinda ties to Al's swamp aesthetic and I personally have an idea that Al's "serial killer name" or at least one of the nicknames that the public gave the supposed perpetrator of his killings was "the bayou beast." So yeah, that all kinda ties and links together for me but since this is my first time getting to actively write Alastor I haven't been able to really explore any of that too much until hopefully now ! Something I'd like to also go into is the esoteric / occult aspects of him but I'm sort of waiting to see what the canons gonna do with this first.
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Also, as far as Dabi's concerned I tend to go against fanon with him pretty hard in general, and yeah, no, I'm def someone who likes to make this clear and obvious as possible. I understand a lot of it got popular before the major background reveals but to be honest as someone who watched and read the series with no spoilers my headcanons and thoughts about him developed pretty early on so I'm still kinda left baffled as to where and why fanon developed certain ways for him, like, outside of people just being wildy horny, kinda stereotyping alternative people in a grossly negative way and just sort of lacking narrative awareness in general, I guess ? So actually I guess I'm not baffled, more just irritated by it, actually. While Dabi IS alt, and I portray him as majorly a crust punk personally, the fandoms take of Dabi's altness is very shallow/inauthentic and focuses on shit that has nothing to do with punk/alt subculture or no more to do with it than mainstream culture ( Like being a junkie/drug addict and a sex fiend fuck boy ). So yeah, I pretty much headcanon Dabi as the complete opposite of what is popular and expected of him in fanon.
As for things to explore ? I'd love more Todoroki fam stuff !! And more stuff with the LoV, like just general stuff honestly but this can kinda tricky because both the LoV and the Todoroki family outside of Shoto can be hard to find as muses. The threads I have with the Todo fam rn are so special to me, I love them so much but I do hope the fandom livens up in May maybe.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
How do you manage to do so little in a chapter yet pack so much stuff into it? Like, the recent Glass chapter was just a conversation between Wilbur and Tommy, and yet it was still thousands of words long. There were a couple Stars chapters like that too.
How do you do it?
For the past couple years, I've been trying to make my writings/chapters/oneshots longer without making it seem like they were dragging on, and I seriously have yet to understand how authors can do something in 100k words that I could only do in 30k.
I know you should always write at whatever pace seems natural for you and not feel pressured to make chapters longer, but it's been a goal of mine since I started writing fanfic to make my fics longer while telling the same story, and I'm always looking for advice to build on it :)
oh this is a good question!!
tbh writing more isn't always better. I try to make sure I'm not dragging my feet with the pacing, but I also don't want to rush anything y'know?
when it comes to chapters like chapter 10 of glass though where it's just a conversation but I have to fill an entire chapter, it kind of just depends on how it all flows together? like with strings of fate, the past few chapters I've struggled to even hit 6k words despite feeling like I had a lot planned, while I was fully expecting to barely make 5k words with chapter 10 of glass but ended up overshooting by so much.
for chapter 10 of glass I had several major conversation points I wrote down that I wanted to hit. but I didn't plot out the conversation super specifically, because I wanted it to feel natural as I wrote it out and just steered it in certain directions. so I knew where I wanted the conversation to go, but as I wrote it, I also worked to include lots of thought process in between the dialogue bits. I think it's important to balance thought process and dialogue when writing chapters without a lot of action, but also you can include other things as well to extend the length of a chapter. like the interaction with techno only took up a single bullet point on my outline for the chapter, but it wasn't a quick blip. it was a whole mini scene in itself.
I don't know if what I'm saying is making sense, but basically I just try to let scenes without much action in them flow the way they want to while steering it in the directions I need. let characters take pauses between lines of dialogue to think things over and give more analysis to their relationships with one another. let things sit in silence for a bit.
there's no easy way to learn how to do this though. it's just something you'll get better at with practice so don't worry about it too much and just focus on letting things develop at their own pace!!
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happiestplacehq · 6 months
March Feedback Survey Results
First of all, big thank you to those who took part in the wee survey posted in the March interest check. Your feedback has been super valuable! I love hearing from you, as this RP is as much mine as it is yours; there wouldn't be an RP without all you lovely people.
If you missed the end of the month and would still like to give me some feedback, you can do so at this link [here]. Any and all feedback is much appreciated.
Here is a summary of the results of the poll, which I will use to inform what we do going forward in the RP. These are mostly the choice questions, as the typed answers I will be keeping for personal feedback about what can be improved, what you guys are looking for and so on:
Would you prefer to keep the relaxed interest checks or would you prefer an activity check with more enforced activity rules?
100% voted to keep interest checks over activity checks.
Whether you chose interest checks or activity checks, would you prefer these to remain monthly or to switch to a quarterly check?
66.7% voted to keep interest checks to a monthly occurrence over a quarterly one.
Do you like group wide events?
100% of you voted yes!
Would you like more events in the future?
100% voted yes!
How many events do you think we should have a year?
This is where Gemma's brain short-circuited trying to figure out the best course of action: 33.3% voted for 2 bi-annual events, 33.3% voted for 3 or more events, 16.7% said "I think maybe 2 or 3 major events is fun ... and event that's done in chapters/part rather than one big thing all at once" and 16.7% said "idk tbh"
Which months do you find best suited for events?
This was multiple choice. 100% voted October (Halloween Time), 83.3% voted April (Hootenanny Time) rip my poor planning, 66.7% voted July (Summertime), and 33.3% voted December (Christmas/ New Year).
Would you like to have mini events through the year, or stick to bigger events?
100% voted yes to mini events!
Would you like the Big Plot to move forward more quickly, or stay at the pace it's at?
100% voted More Quickly! (Which means keep your eyes peeled for more plot related things going forward!)
How would you feel about another town-wide plot drop? A la the blue flashing snow storm from our 1st year (but not that. Mr. B has work to do!).
100% voted they would love another event like this!
Finally, I am leaving this post here with some of the really nice positive messages that I received in this poll that I think you should all have a wee look at! I absolutely appreciate all of you here, and I'm sure you can see how much we all appreciate each other as well. Thank you again, friends! (Some players have been sent their positive messages privately also, there was so much love in this survey!)
"Honestly I love it here and I love being a part of this group. I'm going to continue to try my best to be more active myself and I appreciate everyone's help with that!"
"I love everyone!!! I love everyone's enthusiasm. I think everyone's characters are great and they play them really well."
"And then I love Claire's writing style as well, she has a way with words that paints a detailed picture about a persons emotions that I envy so much."
"i like paige's diverse range of characters & her enthusiasm. she's fun to write with."
"i really love samantha's flowing writing style, and how alive her characters seem. i also really like naomi's variety in muses and how she makes them really distinct from one another while keeping a consistent writing style throughout"
"It's so hard to pick a favorite. I love how nuanced and complex Logan/Lock is. I love Dezi ( I know I have just given away my identity with this one lol), I love the kitten triplets, I love Sofia, Hans, Lorelai, Tina--I really can't pick a single character I love most because I really am always excited to see everyone's characters."
"I think Lottie. I like the way she's portrayed here, it's different from most RPs I've been in with other disney characters like this."
"charlotte la bouff, i have a soft spot for her. but for comedy vibes it's iridessa and tina"
"oz, tina, and ella. oz because of his easygoing nature, tina because of her determination to cause mayhem, and ella because of her sweetness and kindness towards everyone."
"I like that we became a big family that just loves to write with one another"
"I love how comfortable everyone is with each other. I also love that everyone is so respectful. As for the rp itself, I love that characters can develop at their own pace"
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lietpolski · 1 year
i'd love to hear more about your yugotalia ocs, especially the ones you haven't talked about before! ps: i looove your characterisations of serbia and slovenia, i haven't seen anyone in the fandom capture our ✨Vibe ✨ so well :) sending love from slovenia!!
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aaaa first of all thank you soso much!!! it makes me so happy to see someone from slovenia liking how i portray him!! :DD he's my favourite
and i super agree with u on serbia!!! i think he can be grumpy but even then he's the kinda guy to joke about it :,) i see him more as the opposite, struggling to be serious or genuine with his thoughts & emotions!! we have p much the same view of serbs here in greece, the loud & fun little brothers up north and all that, so i wanted to give him that sort of feel :)
i should add that!! ok so i came up with serbia, slovenia & montenegro before having seen any yugotalia content (which is wild because serbia + slovenia are quite similar to the popular fanon!!) but the rest i made after becoming more familiar with yugotalia, so my other ocs are mostly revised versions of those!! a few thoughts on the lot of them:
macedonia - i see her as a sweet person who's also a bit stubborn and clumsy. like, a plain sort of girl (in a good, cozy way if that makes sense!) who likes to just chill in nature! i also see her as the sort of mediator, "can't we all just get along?" pacifist type. she'd rather bake bread for church or go on a walk by the lake than sit there and argue (a rare trait among the rest of these guys haha) she's closest to serbia and has a kinda complicated relationship with bulgaria who i see as a brother to her (in the weird hetalia way which doesn't really reflect healthy human family dynamics)
croatia - a new fave of mine, although i find him THE hardest to portray :,) i think the heavy austrohungarian influence for the grand majority of his life is so interesting!! it might have made him a biiiit... not stuck-up, in the way slovenia can seem at first, but if he doesn't know you well he might default to being polite and impersonal. but once he's comfortable with you i think he's a really fun guy! sporty, loves swimming and good food, he's hard-working but not serious! i think his relationship with slovenia would be really interesting too, because there have been a lot of recent arguments between the two, but slovenians online always seem to call croatians their best friends. he's a bit hard to get close to unless you've known him for a long time too
bosnia & herzegovina - to be honest i still don't know what to do with bosnia :,) not even sure if i think of them as having two representatives for each half (third?) haha, i think it's a cool idea but tbh i don't know as much about bosnia! i think them being the one dude in the balkans who doesn't think sadık is that bad, actually, is fun! and i think of them as a bit less outgoing than serbia & croatia but other than that i just default to the yugotalia versions for now! although for some reason smth about bosnia is giving woman swag to me i could see them as a girl
kosovo - not too many hcs here that arent obvious, but i think it's fun if kosovo is physically the same age as irl kosovo, so 15. does it make sense with the hetalia canon.... no. is it fun to have this irritable balkan teen boy character? yes and i love him :)
thanks for letting me ramble for so long, my hair is almost done bleaching by now :ρ
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sphylor · 1 year
Ramble about a special interest, now, go I wanna hear
okay okay okay so!! my favourote book series of all time ever literally ever is called the chronicles of st marys by Jodi Taylor. i literally love it so much UGH andni havent read any of the books in a while so my memory is a little rusty but it is definitely a special interest of mine fhshhfj. basically its about this group of historians who "investigate major historical events in contemporary time" (time travel). its actually incredibly respectful in the way it handles it too.(spoilers under the cut)
it mostly focuses on british history for the most part (its a british bookseries) but they do visit troy, the battle of agincourt in france, constantinople (during the sack might i add which. yeah. that was a stressful moment for sure....) etc etc. its so fucking funny like it has me in tears laughing whenever i read it but its literally do devastating at the same time (my favourite book in the series, "and the rest is history", made me cry 8 times in one read through because of how tragic it is...). but its really well written and researched and youd think with like 14 books in the series, multiple short stories and a spin off sister series it would get a bit stale but honestly it doesnt. the characters are so full of life and, well, character.
speaking of the characters. theres Maxwell who is the main character and who we see everything unfold through the eyes of. shes so funny and witty and doesnt know when to stop which can be her downfall sometimes. she acts a lot through anger and does things very impulsively especially in the beginning. it can lead to some very funny moments (like the time she drove her boyfriend's car into the lake when he gave her the cold shoulder and was rude to her (neither of their faults tbh its complicated fhdhhf)) i see a lot of myself in Max. theres a lot of hurt masked by anger inside of her. shes the reason why i chose the name Max fjdhhf
she faces a lot of struggles as well... but its okay because her best friend Tim is there to save the day (and piss on her a couple of times accidentally). He is my favourite character 100% hes funny in a smooth and charming way. literally such a puppy dog i just want to ruffle his hair and give him treats. also have i mentioned that all of these characters that work at st marys are 1000000000000% audhd like these goobers are so neurodivergent i love em all. but yeah Tim is a proper gentleman super sweet and caring and always there for you but also he ends up going through so much shit and it breaks him it fucking destroys him and its so sad to see...
Markham is my next favourite little guy hes such a little guy a little skrunkly wunkly woo a grimey little goober. his characterisation is pretty weak in the first couple of books but he soon becomes really important and fleshed out. hes the court jester the class clown the village idiot. super funny but he also has a tragic past and when he gets serious he gets serious. while Max and Tim were historians, the ones going out of jumps to different time periods to collect data, Markham is security. he makes sure the st marys building is safe and secure and also goes out on jumps with the disaster magnets also known as historians to make sure they dont get into trouble (its actually more like to get them out of trouble at the very last minute when they inevitably do get themselves into trouble tbh djbfhdj) hes indestructible. hes been shot, blown up, fell off of a 3 story tall burning building, frequently has some sort of illness like mange or worms, and the only bit of permenant damage hes recieved is that a chunk of his ear is missing.
then theres Leon... i have a love hate relationship with him. hes Max's love interest. original Leon from the first 3 books is fine i guess...... he does a lot of shitty things but so does Max honestly.... and their relationship gets ruined over one event where really Max was in the wrong but what she did was understandable... still incredibly morally wrong but yeah.... and neither of them stopped loving each other even when they were apart. and then. and then book 3 throws a massive curveball and kills him off. they never made up with each other. and then Max is rescued from being kidnapped by a younger version of Leon from before they met each other and its rough because this Leon is in a very bad spot and not doing well At All. hes almost a completely different person from who Max knew. and she has to convince him that life is worth living. she knows how the rest of his life will go already. she knows he'll meet her and be happy for a while. and she knows that this is the last time she'll ever see him again. and that she cant even say sorry to him now. and that he will never know what this meeting truly meant to her. its fucking heartbreaking and i ugly sobbed every time i read it. and then she dies gets plonked into a different universe (long story) and in this universe shes the one who died and Leon lived. now this Leon i absolutely love to bits hes so sweet and kind and caring. they both know how lucky they are to be given another chance and theyre not going to screw it up and they really do make it work between them.
theres do much more i could ramble about. like Dr Bairstow and Clive Ronan... or Dr Dowson and Professor Rapson and how those two are totally in love... or how Guthrie or the time Max got stuck in the past... but 14 books is a lot to cover fhshhf I'll leave you with the fact that i actually have a signed copy of one of the books which i am super super happy about !!
thank you for giving me the space to ramble <3<3<3
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the--highlanders · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
super late but tagged by @penny-anna, thank you!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
203 apparently! which is like, a lot but also doesn't feel like that many for how long I've been posting now
what’s your total ao3 word count?
1,060,055, and I'm still SUPER proud of hitting a million words. don't think I'm ever gonna write as much again as I did in 2022 (how did I write almost 400k in a year????) but apparently I'm over 100k for this year so. happy with that even though I haven't written nearly as much as I'd like due to like, general life stuff
What fandoms do you write for?
just second doctor era dr who! I definitely get like, story ideas for other fandoms I enjoy, and occasionally I'll idly imagine writing some of them, but never really seriously. I've kinda made an active choice for this to be my niche and I don't seem to have run out of ideas yet so
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
ok I'm gonna cut out like, 'fics' that are actually compilations of prompt fics etc bc I feel like that's cheating but. let's see
in the night i lie and look up at you (when the morning comes i watch you rise)
tell me how you'll kiss me when i touch down
weird list tbh! big fan of the first and last one being there but like... sacrificial in particular I was NOT happy with ahgjklfdjgf. I do like vigil tho
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes absolutely!!! they fill me with so much joy & serotonin so I like to reply, & also I love love love discussing stuff w/ people in the comments (hi @galacticlamps ahjkgfd). I'm very very behind on it right now but I will get around to them all I promise!!!
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
oughfkdjg this is tough. I do think if only we could have been brave on time was pretty angsty, I don't usually write fics that toy so much with major character death.
there's a few others but the first one that jumped out at me while scrolling through my fics was i'm trying to reach you (before all the ghosts do). minor character/oc death this time but like. the whole fic was very much born out of the image of its angsty ending, so.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hm I mean I do write a lot of angstless fluff!! so like, any of those. but I'm gonna go with litany for a reunion, because so much of it is angsty that I think the ending seems happier because of it.
Do you get hate on fics?
not yet! but this fandom is pretty chill so.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I am very very sex-repulsed ace it would not be a good time for anybody <3
Do you write crossovers?
not in the sense of like, bringing characters from one fandom into another. if I had the stamina/confidence to do proper longfics I'd absolutely do more aus, some of which are inspired by other media (if you guys could see the fairytale aus that live in my head.), and I /do/ have a daemon au.
the only crossover I've really done is Lifeboat, which is like. still a concept I enjoy. ark/its lore is something so close to my heart, so it was a lot of fun to fuse it with dr who. plus I just like imagining that victoria's dad was surrounded by so so so many unhinged mad scientists. & I also find it very very very funny that the ark character in question is now voiced by david tennant
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I'm aware of! again like. small and chill fandom. who's going to be doing that.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, and I don't think I'd want to - I'm a little bit too precious/sensitive about my writing to even have like, a beta reader or anything. I don't think I'd do well trying to co-write with someone. the closest I've come is kind of co-plotting out fics with other people (the plot of the selkie au is as much @ettelwenailinon's brainchild as mine <333)
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I have been so deeply invested in two/jamie for so long that I can no longer untangle it from myself.
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
the fic I want to write most is a super comprehensive multichapter spanning about two years between jamie getting dropped off at culloden after the war games and two coming to pick him up again for 6b. I have a general sweep of the arc, some summary notes, and pages and pages of historical notes for it. unfortunately I don't think I'm ever going to feel like I've done enough historical research to justify writing it, even if I do somehow magically get myself to buck up into writing proper longfic.
What are your writing strengths?
hm idk! I'm quite pleased with some of my prose/descriptions sometimes. & I've had a few comments over the years saying I'm good at characterisation, which is always nice to hear.
I never really know what's good about my writing tho. not out of any sense of inferiority or false modesty or anything, I just. don't think that deeply about writing in general. the words come out & if I like them I like them
What are your writing weaknesses?
^^^ as I am always saying I wish I could break down the mental block that's stopping me from writing longfic
kinda related but like. I'm definitely a perfectionist and that can paralyse me sometimes when I'm trying to write a first draft.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I need to do it more often!!
my absolute dream would be to be able to translate all my fics into gàidhlig tbh. but I love love love giving jamie gàidhlig dialogue, or even just dropping little turns of phrase into his english dialogue, stuff like that. I definitely feel like there's some space between how I write/characterise jamie and how he is on screen, but to some degree that's a conscious decision. I'm always trying to strike a balance between like, writing him in character and writing him in a way that feels authentic to his time and cultural background. but dropping in bits of gàidhlig is a fun way of doing that (and also of getting myself to write in the language which is definitely good practice)
First fandom you wrote for?
hm I mean technically ig it was the saddle club. I was like 3 years old and I wrote a 'book' about the horses.
in terms of like, actively writing fic with the conscious knowledge of what fic was, probably fic about warrior cats ocs when I was about 11/12.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
old ghost's waltz, always. I loved how it came together, it was my first real dip into doing super historical jamie fic & a sort of replacement for the post-war games longfic I may never write, and it was a response to the phantom piper, which drives me absolutely insane in both good and bad ways. like it gave me so many ideas but god I could fix her.
unsorted is a very solid second though. it had all the historical fic joy of old ghost's waltz (even more so in some parts - the scene with jamie and connie might be my favourite scene I've ever written), and it was just. so cathartic to write as an expression of a headcanon I'd kind of hidden for so many years bc I was worried it wouldn't be well-received. it's my favourite fic to get comments on just because it always feels like a relief to see people enjoying it.
tagging @galacticlamps, @p0stscripter, @ettelwenailinon and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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missmayhemvr · 1 year
Do we stay or do we go
i have a serious question to my brother and sisters, all those stolen of africa and those that immigrated from their of their own volition and the generations that came after.
ive been doing a lot of listening to the goings on in the world, and ive been learning of our past and our history and philosophy and i have a question that we of the diaspora(not counting the islands in many regards and you'll see why) have not seemed to really be able to qive a definitive response to in the over 200 years since i've first seen this question be raised, and yes the context is different today from when it was first asked, and you may have guess what the question really is.
Do we stay and fight this oncoming wave of fascism and antiblackness that is sweeping through Europe and its settler states that it spawned? or do we turn towards Africa and the carribean nations?
I dont feel i need to say this, its very clearly not a "well if you dont like america, go back to africa" situation. but what im saying is, the western experiment, is falling apart at the seams, im sure we all see it at this point, most the other black folks i speak to are feeling pretty jumpy about it rn, my mother and my great aunt who hate each other and agree on nothing, are getting real strong get out vibes and pushing everyone to have passports. it feels like no matter where we look the white world is trying to position itself as being oppositional to and a defense against POC, the far right is gaining major traction enough in germany they are considering banning a political party(which they should) and that not to speak on much the rest of europe, which is trying to convince us not to be worried about the dudes waving nazi flags and making claims about russians being asian and thus being less human, american police violence just keeps going up to the point we aren't even safe in our own four walls, and much like the past they kill you and then take everything you owned so your family doesn't even get anything. france is proving how much distain it has for the people of africa living in its borders and the cops there are mad that they can't do even more extrajudicial violence against brown people. you got in nearly every EU nation at this point 1 or more parties who's whole thing is "we hate poc and immigrants and lgbt people" and they seem to be gaining support more than losing it.
so i guess im saying, is it worth staying in these places that just hate us? even when there is another place we can potentially go to that doesn't require us to do colonizer shit?
like don't get me wrong i get the idea, we been in x place 200, 300, 400 years why should i leave, my great grandpa had people like that in his life, they didnt make it long. but like you or i most likely aren't anywhere near where our families started in america or britian or france etc,(tho for us in settler states that shit gets even more complicated tbh) chances are your family much like mine has been pushed and pulled across the place to the point that we are damn near nomadic, we are the most if not the second most poverty stricken group in these places, we are more likely to be charged more for half par services goods and the state just refuses to support use to the extent where vast swaths of us are in food desert, areas with low access to internet services and more issues. i dont feel like we really leaving much behind except of course the friends and extended families we have made(which tbh is huge).
This shit sounds super doom and gloom and im aware of that, this isnt really for me to present a sunshine are roses situation, in fact i am really putting that on who ever sees this. if you can read what i laid out here and feel you have something constructive to say one way or the other, i wanna hear it. like i really want to hear both sides, this topic been around a long time, i feel its really about to become super relevent again and i'd like for as many of us to have discussed and thought about this as physically possible(talk to your families and friends about this too, they dont have to come reply)
so black folks, reblog, message in the replys, talk in the tags whatever, just think about this stuff critically and talk about it. poke holes as best you can, bring up whatever figure you can think of that ever even had a thought about this topic. learn about this topic as best as you can, its older than garvey by a lot. theres bad sides to it and not so bad sides to it.
non black folks, please just leave this alone, its truly not the type of topic you should involve yourself with.
anyway i go more i wanna say about it. and im not myself sold that i should move to say ghana(more likely to move with my gfs in Australia rn) and ill likely add more in reply to other people. be safe Everyone of the world.
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thank you bestie @cajolions for the tag!!
Tag someone you want to get to know better! Or just check in with. Fall's a busy time of year.
Favorite color: red!! this is because i was obsessed with cirque du freak as a kid and mr. crepsley's favorite color is red so i said mine was too but genuinely i do like it a lot lol
Last song: umm i really only listen to music when i'm driving (i just got a "new" car and bluetooth is a game changer tbh. yes i am ten years late to any technology advancement)...i wanna say it was poor child from the wild party
Last movie: i almost never watch movies so i have been wracking my memory to try to figure this out. i'm pretty sure it was titanic a few months ago when my roommates were trying to find it online. so i lent them my dvd and stuck around to watch with them
Currently watching: star trek lower decks, call the midwife s11 (and apparently s12 just hit netflix so i'm really behind now oops), and i'm about to start the new taskmaster season while i have lunch! (or not, apparently it's not on youtube until 4pm and my usual alternate site isn't working. tragic.) oh, and my covid-induced saddle club rewatch that i need to go back to LOL
Other stuff I watched this year: i have not been super on the ball with media this year to be honest- i just haven't had much motivation for it. i'm always watching star trek so i guess strange new worlds and picard were both airing this year? i don't remember when the last taskmaster season was out? i've definitely watched assorted stuff on disney+ too (strange world and howard are the major ones i remember)
Shows I dropped this year: i don't think i've dropped any because i haven't really...started any...although dr who is making a return soon i guess and i'm genuinely not sure if i'll bother to watch it or not (though rtd2 has me so intrigued...what kind of trainwreck will we get and will it be funny)
Currently reading: i've actually been reading more than watching stuff this year! feels good. currently i'm on a gathering of shadows which is from some new adult series a coworker recommended- definitely not high art (and i'm annoyed that book 2 is starting to push the het romance that i was so relieved never went anywhere in book 1) but it's a fun magical world to read about without having to put too much thought into. i've also been reading the heart of our cities insanely slowly for the last year and i'm partway through a chronicles of narnia (re)read because i never read all of them in order as a kid. and technically i was reading game of thrones book 2 but it's just so fucking long i could not summon the willpower to continue, but i might go back to it eventually
i'm tagging @hot-cocoa-daydream and if anyone else reads all this and wants to pretend i tagged you feel free lmao
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I wanna read one of your president fics but I have like .5% knowledge about the US presidents so could you give me a rundown on the presidents in one of the fics I should read-? Also why do you know so much. Are you planning on becoming a history major-
okay so like ngjfgkbh its below but read tags for all issues mentioned:
the chatfic is basically all of them so i cant run down ALL of them, but basically fuck LBJ, fuck reagan, fuck jefferson, fuck FDR, fuck like... a hella ton of those mfs. stan bobby kennedy and jack kennedy. for the linken fic, JFK was obviously the the 35th president. He was involved in the Space Race between the USA and the Soviet Union for like, basically who can get in space faster. His Presidency carried most of the Cold War and he actually started to draw back soldiers from Vietnam and TRIED to repair this stupid ass government, but LBJ said 'fuck that' and put the soldiers back. His soldiers were... uh... well... cant explain but illegally horrible.
Lincoln, 16th President, Civil War. Was Republican which I know sounds hella unusual but back then, parties were basically switched. Hell, Jackson, one of the worst who did the Trail of Tears which took Native Americans' land and forced them off of it, created the Democratic Party. His Presidency was mostly on the Civil War but of course the Emancipation Proclamation came through. The War was originally states rights but became slavery real quick. States--mostly the South, which made up the Confederacy--receded from the start and boom it started. Once it was over they began to come back. Bro got shot ofc as you know. Was hella sad and depressed and had mommy issues + abandonment issues + was probably bisexual.
JFK probably was too, and there's a BUNCH of weird coincidences between them, so that's why LinKen exists. One of the best nicknames i've seen for them is Headshot Homos. He had chronic illness + his back was always in pain and he had to take a shit ton of pills for it. He may've been SA'd as a kid too, which leads into the hypersexual activity, and that leads to the cheating.
SO TL;DR: you dont need to know just about anything to read the fics. I barely go for historical accuracy. For the notes, it's usually at the end where I add in any fun history facts, most of which are on TR because... well. They are. The chatfic and some references may not make sense if you don't know some stuff, but the comments--the 100+ there are, or 200+ i dont remember--have a bunch of facts in them by some super cool ass readers/friends. There's two other chatfics made inspired by mine, and the one by JFKMyBeloved has a bunch of facts in I believe both chapters notes. The other is hella accurate probably too.
Overall you can go in and see them as original characters and you're good. I'll explore the trauma as I have in chapter 11 throughout. And as I said any TR shit WILL be explained because I can't stop including that mf in EVERYTHING 💀💀
and tbh it just started as a hamilton phase, became more, and soon i was reading a fuck ton of books. i guess my brain decided TR would be my ONE president that I care the most about. 2000+ pages have been put into learning about this mf and HOURS of documentaries and reading his letters to his kids (it's in a book, A Bully Father, 10/10 with some spelling mistakes though). So I can barely tell you about the others but I WILL tell you abt TR ahsjdkfghnm
so yeah kind of i guess. if political science doesnt work, it's history, and then english. that's my Plan A, B, and C in order.
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