#not to mention that she didn't tell her that her favorite son fucking died
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silviakundera · 6 months
Now that the final SoKP episodes have passed thru my eyes... Things I miss from the novel:
* Sorry but Jiang Xuening should have killed You Fangyin's murderer with her own hands.
* Jiang Xuening becoming obsessed with Xie Wei's cooking, such that she loves to quietly hang out in the kitchen with him whenever there's a break in the scheming. It's their safe space.
* Jiang Xuening going from being in the palace and part of the target/victims of the rebellion in Life 1 to being one of the financial backers of it in Life 2 and accompanying their fighting forces as they move up through the country as Xie Wei outsmarts the emperor & Xue family & Lord Pingnan's forces at the same time. Spending her 2 years away building the capital needed to help spearhead the rescue of the princess and then go to fuck up the emperor who sent his sister a letter to end her life for the benefit of the country.... (chef's kiss)
* The glorious revolution and making the royal family kill each other to save themselves in order to demonstrate the type of people they are
* Jiang Xuening moving into Kunning Palace at the end, as basically the unofficial minister of finance. She ended up in the same place at the end, but hearts & minds are changed and so the result is different
* Jiang Xuening putting the pieces together that the princess died in the 1st life due to her pregnancy & the emperor cutting ties (intrigue!) Team Fuck The System helping her safely give birth to her son, who she loves despite his origin. Our fav lesbian never has to get married to another dude and can just chill with her son, the cabinet of ministers, and her Ning Ning (with psycho husband in tow, but hey nobody's perfect 😂). Using her power to spread schools for women's literacy with Xie Wei terrifying the detractors into submission.
* When they try to use the Jiang family in the capital to threaten XW and he's like, so what? I was gonna pay back those bastards next for Ning'er so you're saving me time lmaaaaaaoooo
* Speaking of which tbh I prefer the lack of a last ditch bandaid on the Jiang family relationship. She's let all of the pain of the past go and isn't personally seeking to take anything away from them in this life... but she is just done with it. Dad is nicer but he's let his wife behave like this and has been mostly hands off. Feels sorta like Story of Minglan to me - letting the favoritism & emotional abuse happen while playing nice guy. In both novel & drama, he spends years not protesting how Jiang Xuening is cast as the troublesome, uncouth, inferior model. But then the drama decides to rehabilitate them. (Though to be fair, even the drama was half-hearted on this 'wash', cause at the end she's mentioning they're not close and in the last scenes the parents are with the sister and Ning'er is with her found family.)
Improvements in the drama:
* I liked that we got to see Jiang Xuening tell multiple people that she loves XW before she gives him her answer. The angst of it being uncertain what conversations she's having with the princess & ZZ, the risk that she's going to abandon XW for being a hot mess... it made for good dramatic tension in the novel. But for the ROMANCE and creating a sense that the feelings he has are truly returned... It makes the ship better.
* The relationship that FL and ML had with the fake Xue Dingfei was richer. He was a standout for me.
* Yan Lin had a happier ending. He really stole my heart in this 2nd life and like Jiang Xuening I felt no need to see him haunted by his vile actions in another universe. It was emotionally satisfying in the drama to see him at peace. You got us all rooting for him.
* Consolidated the Lord Pingnan plot! We really didn't need to get into their factions and introduce more antagonists.
* Consolidated the You Fangyin romantic interests - no need for a marriage of convenience with 1 dude and then Xie Wei's buddy also carrying a torch.
* I felt like the drama gave Zhang Zhe more personality and I did find it delightful when he was "fighting" side by side with Xie Wei.
* Xue Shu (the Xue daughter) felt like a more developed, fully realized antagonist.
* As much as it "sings" in the narrative to have her end up in Kunning Palace with power in the government at the end of the novel (that was brilliant)... maybe emotionally it spoke to me more to see her initial wish from the start of her rebirth fulfilled. Her original reborn goal was to avoid reentering the palace & exit-out of everything to have a quiet life of peace. None of that power ever made her happy.
* Marriage scenes of the otp thank uuuuuuuuu
* No and actually.. After her royal marriage in the 1st life she definitely doesn't need another big celebration. And with her messed up family relationships and his dead parents... Them doing the marriage ceremony all on their own, cause it's another pact between them, makes a lot of sense and I dig it.
* The reverse callback of whispering while she's waiting for a kiss to say "I'm yours" instead of "get out" 👌👌👌
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asknarashikari · 28 days
So I finished Shinkenger. Amazing show
Kinda despised Kaoru at first. Mostly because of the fact that she practically came out of nowhere and just took Takeru's place along with all his gear. Idk. I just hate it when characters get all their hard work taken from them all of a sudden with no justified reason. Like I get the whole Takeru was a decoy and all, but I was right there with Genta on disliking Kaoru. And it's only because of the fact that she took Takeru's spot. Aside from that, she is a fantastic fighter and leader. If she was shinken red from the start of the series, I would die for her
And then she suddenly becomes one of my favorite characters after stating that she knew the samurai were more loyal to Takeru then their duty. And she didn't give them shit for it because she knew the reason why. It's because while she was hidden away to train, the samurai were fighting on the frontlines with Takeru, the decoy who would put his whole body and soul at risk to keep them safe. God I love Shinkenger.
Also doesn't help that the one scene with Genta showing up to help out Kaoru made my brain want to ship them
Yeah, Shinkenger is like that 😂
Honestly, I could never bring myself to hate Kaoru tbh. I always felt like she knew she was as stuck as Takeru was. The whole kagemusha thing was enacted before she was born... how much of a choice or a say could she even have? Not to mention the sheer loneliness she must've felt growing up in isolation (unlike Takeru, who had Genta as a childhood friend), training day and night for 17 years knowing her father died in the hope she would one day succeed.. and then all her efforts were for naught.
And even then, she found her own way to contribute to the Shinkengers succeeding... and putting Tanba in his place. She's a badass wielding a sword, and she's a badass wielding a paper fan of doom.
Every time she appeared thereafter I clapped like a fucking seal lol. I love Kaoru so much
Also, Runa Natsui, Kaoru's actress, was FOURTEEN YEARS OLD when she played her. She was FOURTEEN when she made history as Sentai's first female red ranger. And you can't even tell she's way younger than the whole cast including her on-screen adopted son because that's just how well she acted as Kaoru. God. Damn.
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 4 months
Iron 4 and Lead 1 for babygirl Aldreda 💕
Babygirl, but in a war criminal way, lmao Thank you for the ask 💕. These ones are sooooo good for her. Also, doing a read more for the second question because it's long
Does your OC struggle to contain their baser emotions, such as lust, aggression, or greed? What helps keep these feelings in check (if anything)?
Aldreda has formally met impulse control, but they didn't get on, lol. A lot of the deeper aspects of her personality & motives are kept super, super deep, but everything more base is very "what you see is what you get." If she wants something she takes it, if she wants someone she let's them know & goes about trying to seduce them, if she wants to commit a wanton act of violence then God help you. She's not struggling to control shit, she's straight up indulging. Drinking so fully from the cup of life that she can't even tell she's overflowing already. It's a little bit "this is encouraged by the lifestyle of regularly pillaging to float your standard of living" & little bit "pure copium."
That's not all to say she can't contain herself, but it's kind of (to those on the outside of House Farwynd, or--even more insularly--her crew) arbitrary & unpredictable when she'll decide to rein herself in. If it benefits Aldreda more to control the baser aspects of herself, or if it goes against everything that ever got drilled into her head about how certain things simply work, then she holds back & controls herself quite well. Like, she has the willpower & the ability, she just actively chooses to not engage those things because she has way more fun & immediate benefit being a horny little violence goblin.
Which experience of loss or bereavement has most affected your OC?
So this is a two way tie, I would say. Losing one of her older brothers (who was also her favorite) set her on the path to become the Aldreda we know & love today, & losing her youngest/final brother has forced her to confront that a lot of what happened to her after the favorite brother died was traumatic. I touched on the stuff with her favorite brother (Orwen) here, but I'll go over it a bit because I love info dumping about my seal woman & 2k is a lot to read/re-read to pick up on The Orwen Lore & the implications.
Orwen was 10 years older than Aldreda, & was sort of the only one who really took an interest in her/cared that she looked up to him & thought he was cool. So he spent time with her, he taught her to fight, he took her sailing, he told her all kinds of stories & would hold back little bits of plunder from raids when they presented tribute to Lord Alfric because he yoinked it specifically for his little sister. Their dad had been steadily losing his sons before Orwen died, but when he & 2 of the others got caught in a storm & died it was the most at one time, & was also when Lord Alfric just started hemorrhaging sons. This was what turned Aldreda towards "I have to live up to what Orwen was in my mind because I am 13 & think he was perfect, & no one else here is going to live up to what I believe my big brother was like as a raider," which ultimately morphed into "I have to replace all the sons my dad is losing because he can keep making my baby brothers his heirs but they aren't gonna be ready to go do real raiding, & even when they are they're gonna be garbage because they won't be as good a person as I am." [The bar for being a good person is on the fucking ground, btw]
I mention her youngest brother here & here, but I am once again going to elaborate. So Rhys, sweet little baby boy Rhys, he was a full 20 years younger than Aldreda. Rhys was also the last possible attempt at a male heir because Lord Alfric Farwynd’s youngest salt wife is in her 40s now & he's fucking old, his dick isn't working consistently anymore.
Rhys is the son who was explicitly murdered, & there's a pretty limited pool of people who could have poisoned him with an even smaller pool of people with a motive. It got floated around a bit that Aldreda might have done it, but she knows it was her cousin Westley. Like, he admitted it to her. He admitted his whole "get rid of your remaining brothers so I can marry you & become Lord of Lonely Light to right the wrongs done to my dad, & also I'll get so many salt wives for us to share bc I spied on you fucking a woman one time & I'm into that shit (& also not threatened when it's another woman)" plan to her because he's delusional & thought she'd be okay with all that. So Rhys dying has just kind of made her process & acknowledge that "my cousin didn't actually have my best interests at heart & he was grooming me actually & maybe he never really cared about me at all" (she's not processing it in the most sophisticated or modern sense, like, she's more upset he was trying to prime her to get taken political advantage of than the fact he was preying on her from the age of 13). And her actually being aware of that shit has her as fucked up as losing her favorite brother had her.
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pairing: tara carpenter x gn!bailey!reader
summary: you have to choose between avenging your older brother and the love of your life, so your father decides tara is your target.
warnings: gore, blood, wayne being a shitty dad,, mentions of murder, richie being mentioned, favoritism, trauma(?), angst, etc…
Anika was dead. You were beside your father as her bashed head is covered up. You, being the middle Bailey child. Oldest being your fucking brother, Richie.
God, you hated him. Favoritism really got in his head at some points. Your Mother truly loved all of you equally but for some reason, Your father favored Richie, his first son, a “special bond” as he put it.
You only agreed to his plan to avenge Richie to please him. Ethan on the other hand? He enjoyed killing and wasn’t coerced or forced into it.
Placing his arms your shoulders, Ethan said, smiling,"Y/N. This will be some family bonding. " "May I remind you you killed Mom? You mumbled.
You could never forgive your father and brother. Unlike your sister, who didn't mind. "Y/n, come on, Your Father insisted. You sigh. "fine, some family bonding."
You were kind of glad Richie died. But of course, everything went downhill, your father focusing on revenge. You pulled down your mask, knife in hnd.
You wouldn't consider yourself psycho, quite decent. You didn't enjoy killing, you were forced to. Only decent Kirsch in your family besides your mom.
You did kill some dumb, big breasted blondes, cliché horror movie characters, but still, you did feel sorry. "See? You look good in blood, Quinn complimented.
You fake smile. "You three did good, Your Father said.”Now, in order to get the Carpenters, specifically Sam, you have targets. Quinn, You’ll get Mindy. Ethan, Anika, And Y/N, I can tell you like her, Tara. The second important part of this.”
You didn’t want to hurt Tara. you loved her so much.
And she loved you. “Why? You whine. “Like I said, You like her, Bailey said.”Tara won’t suspect a thing.” You sigh, giving in. Pleasing your father is all you had wanted.
Validation seemed rare in your family. That only Richie seemed to be able to achieve. Of course he had a good life. While you were a middle child, and not a Stab Fanatic like he had been.
It was a few days later that you strike. Tara was all alone in her apartment, since Sam and the others were doing something.
While you didn’t want to do this, It felt good to know she’d go to you for comfort. That was the part you were looking forward to.
“Hello? She said. Using the voice changer you say,”Hello Tara. ready to be gutted like a fish?”
“Fuck no, Tara replied, hanging up and you chase her, eventually catching up and pinning her down. You raise the knife, unsure if you could when do this.
Though, the stab you made to Tara made you realize that you shouldn’t have tried to please your father because you fucked up, really bad.
“Tara.. I’m sorry…. you say. “What? Tara said, groaning when you stab her again. But not deep enough to kill her.
She cries as she holds her arms over her bleeding wound. “I don’t want to kill you! you insist. Weakly, Tara takes off your mask with her free arm.
“Y/N? Tara said, weakly. “I’m sorry… You say. “How could you? Tara sobbed. “I’m so sorry, I don’t want to do this, My father is making me, you whisper.”This will be over soon, I promise.”
The fact that your trauma was probably the reason why you even felt like getting validation, you didn’t have to say yes.
But still, he was your father. You hoped your mind you’d be better than Richie at something. And in a way you were.
“Still, why did you do this? Tara asked, close to passing out. “It’s complicated, Tara, You say, kissing her lips, just as her eyes closed.
You didn’t murder her, luckily. Your father knew you couldn’t decide between the love of your life and avenging Richie. So he had to do this painful choice for you.
You’d never forget her. And hopefully she wouldn’t hate you when she wakes up.
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someoneimsure · 2 years
What are some of your all time favorite charcters?
Oh, that's simple! I've never ranked them together before so this is gonna be fun.
BATMAN, Bruce Wayne from DCAU BTAS & JLU. Batman's core character was a man who cared so much about his city that he willingly dressed up as a bat to scare criminals off the streets because he would never want anyone to experience the horror he suffered as a child. This is the Batman who would sit next to Ace and hold her hand as she died. This is the Batman who would threaten the United States government if he thought it would save lives. This man is a freaking legend. (Not to be confused with the Batman of TNBA. Fuck that guy. He's a hollowed out shell of his former self and it makes no sense to me at all how BTAS Batman became JLU Batman and then TNBA Batman. The timelines don't add up at all.)
RED HOOD, Jason Todd from the DCAMU Under the Red Hood. I watched the movie before I read the comics, and I honestly prefer the movie ending over the comic book ending. It's what got me into reading the comics. He just fascinates me so much. Like, I love his ugliness and the way his story made me open my mind and think about the possibilities. Even now, I honestly want to sit down for a minute one of theses days and write a version of UTRH for BTAS. (It also honestly still confuses the hell out of me why Nightwing was there in the beginning and never came back for the end in the movie version. Like there wasn't a storyline going on in Bludhaven in the movies that would require him disappearing for the second half of the plot--just think of the possibilities!)
RED ROBIN, Tim Drake-Wayne from the Red Robin run. This man has an identity crisis every other issue, I swear, when he isn't falling to his death and thinking about how he only wishes he could see Conner again. The homoerotic subtext and subtle un-reciprocated romance has sold me on the Timkon. That's not to mention his most basic and fundamental trait: He exists as Batman's anchor. That's what his entire reason for becoming a hero is all about: keeping the Batman grounded and preventing him from becoming a violent maniac that needs to be put down. Because, deep down, Tim is intelligent. Yes, I do think he is a genius. Is he the smartest Robin? Dependson how you define intelligence. He's certainly not the most skilled and fundamentally he is kind of a loser, but he understands The Mission without being told, understands the "necessity" of Batman, doesn't need a tragic backstory to do what it takes to save a hero, and that makes him a hero in my book.
ROBIN V, Damian Wayne from the comics. It's hard to pin down exactly what storyline I like about Damian because I haven't read any good ones yet but my all time favorite panels are those with him and Jon Kent. Specifically, Damian telling Jon not to doubt himself because he was made for the purpose of becoming Superman--a sentiment Damian also shares. I didn't understand the character all that much before that, but I was sold. I literally look at every panel with him in it differently because of it. Damian is an "I am destined to be Batman. Everyone else needs to get over it" son of a gun, and I can totally get behind that attitude of "This is me, deal with it." He is my spirit animal, and him loving animals and being a piece of shit is just a bonus.
THE FLASH, Wally West from DCAU JLU. My all time favorite episode of the entire JL&JLU run was his. He set the bar for superheros for me and everyone else simply fails if they cannot reach that bar. I still remember the episode of Flash and Substance where The Flash asks Batman and Orion to make an appearance at the opening of the Flash Museum. My favorite all time scene was him sitting next to The Trickster and just talking to him to convince him to give up his enemies. They have such a good rep that The Trickster willingly agrees to turn himself into the police just for The Flash. That's such good writing. Now, in my mind, a superhero should help everyone, even their enemies.
SUPERBOY, Conner Kent from the Young Justice comics. I haven't read his solo run yet and it's in the queue but I'll get there eventually, but the tone of the Young Justice comics and his growth as a character throughout has rapidly made him my all time favorite YJ character. My absolute favorite part about him is the black and white morality he has and the conflict between him and Tim. Like, I understand in real life that black and white morality is a child's dream, but I like heroes who have lines they will absolutely not cross. (He's better than the YJTV version which feels like a blank slate and an over all bland character who should have run off and rebelled against his 'destiny' long ago.)
I was going to include my favorite characters from other franchises but my memory is shit if I'm not looking directly at the thing I want to talk about so I hope just the DC stuff is okay.
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xexiar · 8 months
Keep Watching. 33
Ch32 Ao3
Chapter 33
After showing shitty hair how to balance on the board, I looked around and realized that Deku was nowhere to be seen. I approached dunce face and asked him where he was. He turned around to face me, then shrugged his shoulders and mouthed that he didn't know. I was confused and frustrated by his response.
“I believe Midoriya might have left.” I looked over to four eyes.
“Did you see him leave or not?” Four eyes kept doing that hand thing as he went about speaking. It all blended together and made no sense. But at least I was able to understand that Deku looked troubled before he took off running. What is wrong with you, nerd? Why would he run? What should I do? Looking back at shitty hair, he seems to be still struggling with standing on the skateboard. “Fuck it.” I texted the hag that I would be home late. And I went back to helping shitty hair.
As I was on my way home, I found it difficult to silence my thoughts. I couldn't believe that I had left so late, especially on a school night. Even though the old hag responded to my text saying that I wouldn't get into trouble, I was still shaking with worry while I was traveling back home on the subway. I just hope I can make it back in time to eat, finish my homework, and get ready for bed. My entire schedule is thrown off, and it's making me feel uneasy.
When I got home, I took a deep breath before opening the door. After removing my shoes, I saw that the hag was standing nearby. “What?” She had her arms folded as she worked over to me.
“Did you have fun?” As I nodded my head, I noticed her shoulders loosening up and her smile widening. This made me relax as well. Mom approached me and embraced me, her arms encircling my shoulders, and her fingers running through my hair. It was a comforting moment that I cherished. I let go of my bag and hugged her back warmly. “Did you make new friends?”
Mom then backed up a bit and stared down at me. “Are they nicer than the last two boys you spent so much time with?” I just nodded before looking away from her. “That’s good.” She went back to running her fingers through my hair. “Your old man made some spicy honey pork, along with your favorite miso soup.” I looked up at mom. That’s when she squished my face between her hands. “Let’s go eat.”
When we sat at the table, I saw that the old man was about done setting everything on the table. “I will treasure these moments every chance I get.”
That’s when I looked at the old man as he sat down. “What do you?”
He had a frown on his face as he looked over at the hag. Then he gave a smile when his attention was on me. “Our only son wants to be a hero. We can’t stop you. But all we can hope is that you come back home to us.”
“What are you talking about, old man?”
Dad's hands were shaking as he took a bite of his rice. Then he took off his glasses before looking back at me. “Being a hero is just like being a soldier. Constantly putting your life on the line. I have lost friends both due to villain attacks and those who joined the army.” He put back on his glasses before looking at the hag. It was then that I saw that even she looked troubled as she ate her food. “All we can hope is that you are safe.”
“So, you better win every time like your life depends on it.” I looked at mom and saw the seriousness in her eyes. “Because it does.”
That night, I couldn’t sleep. Why would they tell me that? How would they know anything? It's not like they went the hero route. I then thought about how the old man mentioned he knew friends who died as a hero. Which is ridiculous. Heroes don’t die. … Then again… That fight at the USJ.
As I struggled to fall asleep, I decided to hit the gym. Just before I reached the door, I could hear some noise coming from the other side. After taking a deep breath, I opened the door and saw that my dad was lifting weights. It seemed that he was also having trouble sleeping. “You should be in bed.”
“Shouldn’t you.” He stopped lifting and sat up. I walked over to him. That’s when I saw the scar that ran his stomach. My folks always said it was due to some type of surgery. I took a deep breath. “Can we go over my drills?” He nodded and stood up.
“Remember what I said about keeping a strong stand. Feet fully planted to the ground. Core sucked in and tight. Lock your arms when shooting forward. You don’t want to give any way for the blast to shoot you back.” Taking a deep breath, I went into my first stance. The one where I brace for a simple attack with my right hand. My left leg back, my body facing the wall with the trophies, while my head and hand pointing towards the target. I let out a small explosion, just enough that I felt the aftershock shake through my arms to my shoulders. “Good. Now, let's see you move while shooting.”
Even when I’ve done this growing up, it still felt so weird. The times that dad helped me with my quirk he became a whole different person. He stopped being the quiet man I know. That’s when I thought of something. “I have been working on something. Let me show you.” He just nodded.
So, I went about how I had been using my quirk to move through the air. “You’re not locking your shoulders.”
As I headed out to school, my shoulders were killing me. But I had to keep it together. It was Wednesday, after all. Which meant dealing with sensei more than the other days. I even packed my tablet since I hated carrying around those huge textbooks.
When I got to class, I saw that Deku was once again the first to be there. He even had the tell-tell signs that he had another night of crying. It was then I noticed he had a different notebook than usual. It didn’t look anything like his hero notes. I wonder what he was doing.
“Give that back, Kacchan.” I kept Deku back with one hand and held the book above my head. Looking at this book I saw that some of the writing wasn’t done by the nerd. Who’s handwriting was that? What I also took note of was how this page had a diagram of the human body. “Kacchan!”
“What the hell is this, nerd?”
“Just give it back, Kacchan.” The way Deku stepped back was not surprising. But what confused me and had my face burning was the way he was standing. He had his arms crossed and back straightened. Was he trying to seem intimidating? It was cute. “Kacchan.” Until he used that voice. The same deep voice that made him go from cute to something else. And it was then I noticed the way his eyes were staring at me. It was similar to how he looked the other day. SHIT!
“Make me.” That’s when I may have regretted my decision. But I don’t care. Deku went and punched my shoulder before trying to get the notebook back. But I quickly moved the book out of the way in time.
Just as I jumped to the other side of my desk is when four eyes had to butt in. He went on and on about how we had to stop. Maybe a few words about the school’s property and the rules. So damn lame and boring. But the moment the doors started to open, we all quieted down and sat at our desks. I still kept whatever this notebook Deku was using. I might take a look at it during lunch. Or try to get the nerd to tell me why he had it.
I can hardly believe that Kacchan still had the journal, especially since it was a gift from my aunt that she gave to me just yesterday. After we had a conversation, she agreed to drive me home, and it was then that she handed me the journal. She told me that it had belonged to my father and that since I shared his interest in learning about quirks, she was happy to give it to me. She said that she was glad to meet someone who would appreciate her brother's work just as much as he did.
I was just reading about how quirks change a person's biology over time. However, the writing was in different languages, and I only recognized English and German. This made me wonder why someone would write in multiple languages. Could they be hiding something? Auntie mentioned that my dad had to keep everything he did a secret, so maybe that's why the writing seemed so scattered.
As Aizawa-sensei went about Hero History, I couldn’t help but wonder if the textbooks were wrong. Especially since there were no accounts of wars against All For One, AFO. Based on what All Might had told me, many people were affected by AFO’s mayhem. The textbooks only speak about how the hero society only came about to regulate people with quirks. All it has is a timeline of the first hero to a few years before All Might came into the scene.
The textbook would break down each hero over the course of history. And when I tried asking if there was anything more, sensei just turned me down. “Whatever is in the textbooks is all you need to know?” It was so annoying, but I dropped the topic. Yet now, all I could think about was Auntie’s last words to me. Something about how nobody questions the government. That one must follow all the rules.
When it came to Hero social studies, it just blended in with the other classes. That was when we suddenly had to do a pop quiz. As I answered the questions, my mind wondered about my dad’s journal. Will I ever be able to translate everything? It wasn’t just that one journal. Auntie mentioned how there were boxes upon boxes of journals. I need to get the journal back from Kacchan.
Once the lunch bell rang, Kacchan turned to me. He then did something surprising and returned the journal. “What the fuck is this?”
“A gift.” Kacchan just shook his head as he got up.
“Whatever.” I then watched as he walked out with Kirishima and Kaminari. Ashido followed shortly behind. So, you really did make friends, Kacchan? I could feel a frown forming on my face, but I quickly smiled. If Kacchan is happy, it doesn’t matter with whom.
As I walked out of the class, I spotted All Might around the corner. He seemed to be trying to get my attention. We ended up in the teacher’s lounge that was on the same floor. “What’s the matter, young Midoriya?”
I quickly shook my head. “Nothing, All Might.” With that, I finally started to drink the tea before me. How would I even explain to my mentor that a lot has happened recently? But the rest of the week went like a blur. And tomorrow is the sports festival. I think I’m ready.
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aroace-poly-show · 1 year
on that note go listen to glass beach. now. as courtesy i will share my favorite lyrics from each song from the first glass beach album
classic j dies and goes to hell part 1
Til I finally got a decent job And I got a place I'll never own We'll knock some holes into the walls To make it feel more like a home
bedroom community (tw for transphobia and lightly implied sui)
He said you'll never be OK, K, if you don't come to your senses With you everything's the end of the world Melancholia can spread like a virus I'm sure you got it from that stupid girl
No we'll never leave our bedrooms We're a bedroom community
Here it is again, a heart of excitement In the form of a girl who hates her life As she sits alone on the floor of her bedroom Waiting for answers, wasting time
(can you tell this is one of my favorites)
(forever??????? is an instrumental so skipping that one)
bone skull
I'm always making a list of all the people I'd help If I wasn't helpless myself
neon glow (tw for the end of the world i think?? or just bombs)
When the bombs fall, take me with you I'll keep breathing You look so cool in the starlight You look so cool
cold weather (tw for mention of sui)
I loved it way too goddamn much when you told me you don't mind When I keep you up sending Mamegoma Lines You know it's shit like that that makes me wanna be alive
'Cause it took six sad months to realize I didn't miss the cold weather, I just missed you, and I didn't miss the sweater weather, I just missed you
So I'll call in sick again just to spend the day with you
literally the whole song cause it's short but especially the last lines of "you're not gonna leave him alone"
glass beach (tw for like implied abuse and light mentions of sui kinda)
this is probably my favorite of all of them second only to planeterium cause that one is funky but yeah i have a lot of lyrics for this one
Another sleepless night To laugh about the times we tried to die With heavy eyes I'll stay awake with you And we'll keep us alive When the morning comes
In here You'll be OK And when your heart breaks I'll be beside you
No one who loves you should make you feel so unsafe No, no one who loves you should make you feel alone
I'll sleep on a million couches If we have to, to keep us both safe
Tonight When they close their eyes Look up to the sky And climb up the moonlight It's ours The moon and the stars They'll forget who we were And we'll be together again
(blood rivers is also an instrumental)
You were the part of the picture I can't recall You were part of the skyline I felt so small You were the part of the picture I can't recall
( (rat castle) is mostly another instrumental and only says "these days i don't know what to do, these days i don't know what to do with you" so that would be my default fave jdfhskjd)
I would like to explain everything The words won't come out right I would like to ignore the lock on the door The words won't come out right
soft!!!!!! (tw for dysphoria i think)
Time goes by And nothing's changing But I stay here And I stay waiting All the time I'm out of my mind
yoshi's island (tw for transphobia and dysphoria but it ends nicely i swear)
this is literally just a fucking trans song. i'm not interpreting this as some song that maybe could be representing a trans girl the girl is literally taking estrogen there is literally a lyric "i won't say 'she' even though i know you want me to" it's a trans song and i love it so much
I can't take the pressure Yeah, everybody thinks that you just need to grow up I know it's hard, it's fucking impossible Tryna make sense of the things that you feel now
I won't say "she" even though I know you want me to I know that it's hard but I swear I still love you
Write the things you think when you're out of your body Run yourself out of words to say you're hopelessly lonely
Does it hurt to say you love her like a son? The world could kill her just cause she can't fit in right
You take spiro and estro from Vanuatu You say you won't think about nothing but loving you We're sleeping harbor seals on the seaside of Malibu OK I won't think about nothing but loving you
orchids (tw again for bombs/end of the world)
From up above the moon She's bathed in burning neon lights As the starlight just fades out There's no tears no celebration
they have other songs but this is my favorite album :)
go listen to glass beach. now.
0 notes
angellesword · 3 years
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Description: You and Jungkook were best friends who were in love with each other. What would happen when Soojin, your half sister who you’re trying to impress, told you she’s in love with Jungkook too?
“Would you believe me if I said that I was scared of everything too?”
Genre: childhood best friends to lovers, family drama, angst, fluff, slow burn, pining, slice of life au.
Pairing: Architect!Jungkook x Architect!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings/Note: child abuse (physical and psychological/emotional violence) , psychological manipulation, infidelity.
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Your relationship with your father used to be a secret.
You were an illegitimate child and your mother was a mistress. Taemin obviously didn’t want the world to know about his dirty secret.
So he hid you.
He hid you from his wife and your siblings.
"Mom, is dad coming?" Seven year-old you asked. This was the question you uttered once a year.
Your father was never late with any of his appointments with you. He would always show up on time, sometimes earlier. But there's always that one day of the year wherein he was either hours late or he wouldn't come at all.
That day was your birthday.
You were four years old when your mother made you understand that Taemin couldn't stay at your house since he was busy with work. You didn't question this even though you wanted to know why.
Why couldn't he stay for more than an hour a day? Why didn't he kiss your mother or tell her he loved her just like what you saw husbands did in children's books and movies?
"He's not coming because he doesn't love us. He doesn't love you." Your mother was glaring at you as if it was your fault your father couldn't come to your own birthday party.
Everything was prepared according to his liking, even the food she cooked were his favorites. It was your natal day but it looked like your mother wanted to please somebody else.
It was never about you.
"That's not true! Dad said he loves me the most! I'm his princess—"
"Enough!" She slapped you right across the face, your cheek instantly turning red.
Your eyes brimmed with tears. You also didn't understand why your mother always acted so hostile. What did you do to make her hate you this much?
You followed everything she said. You didn't like sketching but your mother forced you to do it. She kept saying that you needed to be good at it so you could beat Sin-ae's daughter.
You didn't know it that time but your mom was actually referring to Soojin. The latter was a prodigy when it came to drawing. Your mother wanted you to surpass Soojin's talent since it was the only way to become the best architect.
She was wrong though. Being able to draw beautifully wasn't the key to succeeding in the mention field. It was only a bonus.
"You have to be the best if you want your father to stay with us. Do you understand, huh? Be a good girl so your father wouldn't have to look at Sin-ae's daughter." She caressed your cheek after slapping you.
"You can do it, baby girl. You are my leverage."
You were. Your father couldn't leave his obsessive mistress because of you. Your father loved you and didn't want to abandon you, but most importantly, he didn't want Sin-ae to know that you existed.
Your mother threatened Taemin that she would expose his infidelity if he tried to abscond from his responsibilities to you.
Taemin was a powerful person, unfortunately he couldn't control your mother. She was richer and stronger than him.
Your mother's only weakness was the love she claimed she felt for your father.
At this point, you didn't know if it was love. Did she really love your father or was she just lonely?
Was your mother scared to be alone? Just like you?
"I'm not going to leave you." You remembered seven year-old Jungkook's promise to you.
You were six when you first met little Jeon. He was the son of Jong-in, another influential architect.
Taemin and Jong-in were best friends. The latter was the only person who knew about your father's secret.
Jong-in knew you. He knew your mother as well. You lived in a small world after all. Jong-in and Taemin built Castle Architectural firm. Your mother was one of their investors.
She saw the potential of Architect Kim and Jeon, but it didn't end with that.
Your mother didn't just see Kim Taemin's potential. She also saw a future with him. She acted based on desire, ignoring the fact that Taemin was already a married man with three children.
Taemin didn't seem to mind the advances of your mother. In fact, he seemed to like it. Because if he didn't, then why were you existing?
Why did he fuck a baby into her?
He wanted this to happen as much as your mother did.
And now, they weren't the only one paying for the price.
You were paying too.
You were suffering because of them. You suffered abuse from your mother and at a very young age, you came to realize that people, no matter how many times they assured you they loved you, would still end up hurting you and breaking the promise they made.
"You are!" This was your response to Jungkook when he said that he wasn't going to leave you.
You two were seven years olds. What did you know about promises and keeping them? You drilled it in your head that Jungkook was just like your father. He would end up breaking his promise.
He was going to leave you too.
"You're a liar, just like my dad!" Tears cascaded down your cheeks.
You were very upset. Your father promised to take you to an amusement park, a simple way to make it up to you for not being able to attend your birthday party. Again.
The promise was made yesterday. Taemin told you to wear your favorite onesie because you were going to Lotte World with him and Jungkook.
Taemin was true to his words. You were at Lotte World with Jungkook, wearing your favorite onesie. However, the adult accompanying you was not your father.
Taemin said he had to work so he sent a nanny to look after you and your best friend.
You found it stupid and annoying. You wanted to spend time with your father. You missed him so much. He hadn't been home for weeks now.
"He keeps saying things he doesn't mean!" You sobbed, continuing your rant.
Jungkook was only staring at you using those innocent eyes. He felt bad. His little heart was shattering.
"I hate him! He doesn't love me!" You were slowly believing what your mother told you.
Were you hard to love because you weren't good enough?
"He doesn't love me." You said again and again. "I'm not a good girl. He doesn't love me—"
Jungkook pulled you into an embrace, cutting your absurd thought.
"That's not true. I love you.." His voice sounded genuine.
You sobbed once more, breaking the hug.
"Really?" The thing about kids was that they were easy to reassure. Buy them an ice cream and voila! They’re okay again.
Jungkook didn't give you an ice cream but you believed him. You guessed you love him too, and also because the stars in his eyes were enough to make you believe that he would never ever leave you.
Nineteen years later, Jungkook was still keeping his promise.
He stayed with you through thick and thin.
"We are baking cake today, Tiger." Jungkook announced.
He sometimes called you Tiger, when you asked him why, he simply said 'because I can.'
You stopped questioning his reasons a long time ago; however, you couldn't stop yourself today.
"Bake a cake? Why?" You creased your forehead.
"Because I want to." Was his answer once again, causing you to roll your eyes.
Why did you even ask?
"Do you know how to bake a cake?"
"Nope," he grinned. "But it won't hurt to try. I've read before that baking is a good way to relieve stress..."
Jungkook brought out an apron from the kitchen cabinet and then he went near you, carefully helping you to put on the garment.
He was standing in front you, buckling the D-ring neck that was on the apron. After that, he pulled you closer, your head hitting his chest.
Jungkook encircled his arms around your waist, reaching for the strap behind you as he expertly tied it.
"I can do it, Kook," you slightly pushed him away, chuckling.
He grinned at you.
"I know...but I want to help you."
Of course he did. Jungkook had always been thoughtful and kind. This was why he invited you to his apartment.
You had been staying with him since yesterday. Today was Saturday. You slept here last night. Jungkook didn't mind. He had a spare room and even if he didn't, he wouldn't mind you staying over.
He could always sleep on the floor.
Jungkook was used to sleeping in the same room as you anyway. You used to live in the same house together.
When Jungkook's father died, he officially became an orphan at the age of fifteen. His mother died giving birth to him so no one would look after him now.
All of his relatives were living abroad, this was why Taemin decided to adopt him. Jungkook didn't change his last name. He was still a Jeon. Taemin was simply his legal guardian.
Sin-ae didn't mind that there was an additional member of the family. She could never deny Jungkook since she also treated Jong-in as a dear friend. Besides, the Kims didn't have to worry about the increase of their expenses.
Jungkook was the only heir of Jong-in. The former would inherit his father's share at Castle. Taemin was Jungkook’s fiduciary guardian. He gave Jungkook his share as soon as he reached eighteen.
Jungkook tried to compensate Taemin but the latter didn't accept the money. Instead, he urged Jeonguk to work at Castle as soon as he graduated college.
Your best friend agreed. He could never say no to Taemin. He even stayed at the Kims' mansion despite having the ability to live on his own.
Taemin asked him to stay as per Soojin's request, but two months ago, Jungkook finally moved out of the house because Kim Taehyung, the third born son of Taemin, went back to Seoul after studying and working in New York for years.
"You wanna try baking banana chocolate chip cake? I have all the ingredients here," Jungkook was waiting for you to answer.
You shrugged nonchalantly, helping him prepare.
"Fine by me."
Jungkook asked you to prepare the wet ingredients while he took care of the dry ones.
"You think this is enough?" He was sifting flour.
You coughed.
"Kook! What the hell?" You covered your nose because he was tapping the strainer grimly.
"Oopss..." His lips curled up. "Sorry!"
He wasn't sorry. Not at all. You could tell he was doing this on purpose because instead of stopping, he only used more force while tapping the strainer.
"You ass!" Gritting your teeth, you grabbed a handful of flour from the bowl and started throwing it at Jungkook.
He stopped sifting the flour, eyes widening because of what you did.
"I-It's your fault! You're pissing me off!" You stammered.
You were supposed to be mad at him, but it was you who felt shiver running down your spine when he just stared at you.
Was he mad? Was throwing a handful of flour on his face uncalled for?
"I'm sorry—what the fuck." You hissed when Jungkook also threw flour on your face.
You ended up squinting and coughing because the powder went to your eyes and mouth. It tasted like shit.
"Jeon Jungkook!" You were so annoyed you threw flour at him again.
Jungkook bursted into laughter, clearly having fun.
You two ended up having flour fight—if this was even a thing.
You had to admit that though annoyed, you couldn't help the smile gracing your lips. You liked playing with Jungkook to the point that you didn't want to stop.
You were only forced to end the fight when someone banged on his door.
"Jungkook! Open up!"
You were certain she was on the other side of the door.
"Is that Soojin?" Jungkook furrowed his brow, the smile on his lips was slowly disappearing.
"Yeah. I think so..."
"Huh." He furrowed his brow more. "Did you invite her?"
You shook your head.
Jungkook shrugged. "Okay. I'll ask what she wants. Stay here..."
You nodded, frantically running towards the sink so you could wash your face.
You didn't know why your heart was beating fast or why you felt as if you had done something you shouldn't have.
Maybe you had.
It was the only reasonable explanation why Soojin was glaring at you, her jaw tensed because of annoyance.
"What the hell were you two doing? I've been banging the door for so long! Didn't you hear me!?" This was the first thing Soojin said the moment she took a step in Jungkook's kitchen.
She didn't like that you and Jungkook were staying under the same roof.
"I'm sorry." You bit your lower lip, trailing off.
You didn't know what else to say. You knew your sister. Her question was rhetorical. She would only get madder if you tried to reason out.
When she was pissed, all you had to do was shut up and take the shit she would give you.
"The door is literally a few steps away! I don't understand why you can't hear me!"
Soojin continued to rant as you watched Jungkook enter the kitchen. He instantly stopped your sister's mean remarks because he could feel that it was making you uncomfortable.
"Let it go, Soojin. We apologized, didn't we?"
But Soojin just scoffed. She was about to speak again; however, Jungkook cut her off.
"There's an apron in the cabinet. Wear it if you want to join us..."
You were surprised when Soojin didn't protest. Rolling her eyes, she stomped towards the hanging cabinet to get an apron.
"What are we making?" Soojin crossed her arms.
"Banana chocolate chip cake." You simply said.
Soojin nodded, refusing to look at you.
"I'll mash the bananas." When she said this, you were expecting her to peel the bananas and use a fork to mash them.
Soojin didn't do any of this. Instead, she threw the bananas in the trash bin.
"What? The bananas are overripe." She reasoned out when you and Jungkook groaned.
"It doesn't matter. We can still use—"
"I said I don't want overripe bananas!” It was her turn to cut what Jungkook was saying.
"There's a grocery store across the street. Go buy some bananas, Jungkook."
It was hard to fight Soojin. She would just continue insisting what she wanted until you relented.
Jungkook didn't have a choice but to follow your sister, leaving you in the kitchen with Soojin.
You were thinking how to break the ice when your sister suddenly spoke.
"You didn't go home last night..."
You stopped weighing the butter, your heart skipping a beat.
"Yeah. I stayed the night here..."
Soojin clenched her jaw and you wondered if you should have lied instead. It looked like she didn't like your answer.
"You know, dad asked where you are and I told him you were in your room, working..."
"I told him not to disturb you. You're obviously still moping because of what happened yesterday..."
You didn't know what to say. You knew you should be thanking her. Your father was strict. Jungkook was a friend, yes, but Taemin would go feral knowing that you were out here, doing God knows what with a boy when you should be in your own room, working and fixing your mistakes.
"I covered for you because I care about your feelings." She scoffed once again. "But it turns out you don't care about what I feel, huh?"
"Soojin..." You called. "What are you talking about?"
Why was she getting mad at you? You covered for her countless times! Meanwhile she only did the same for you once.
"I'm saying I like Jungkook, sister." She confessed, emphasizing the word 'sister.'
Your heart sank, face growing pale.
"Y-You like...Jungkook?" Saying this felt like a stab in your chest.
"I've been in love with him since we were sixteen. I tried telling him how I feel but I can't do it because of you." The way she said this made you feel like it was your fault.
"Me?" You blinked, shocked.
"Yes. You..." She inhaled deeply, like she was trying hard to stop herself from lashing out on you.
"You were always with him. I can't find the perfect opportunity to tell him the truth because I feel like you're preventing me!"
"Soojin..." You tried to reach for her hand but she swatted it away.
She was upset.
"I'm sorry..." You apologized. You honestly had no idea why you're saying sorry.
You guessed you felt bad.
She was right. You were always with Jungkook, always monopolizing his time that you didn't realize that you were hurting Soojin—preventing her happiness.
"I don't need your sorry. I need you to stay away from Jungkook for a while. Can you do that, huh? Will you let your sister confess first?" Just a few breaths ago, she was swatting your hand away, but now, she was taking it, gently stroking the back of your hand.
"Please? I'm not saying that you should stop being friends with him. I get it. You met him first. You were friends before I came into his life....but please, please give us time and space. I really, really like Jungkook..."
Soojin was looking at you as though she would die if you didn't say yes.
So yes.
You said "Yes. I won’t stop you from telling him how you feel..." just to make her happy.
Soojin's happiness mattered to you.
You could live without Jungkook for a while.
She couldn't. She had waited long enough.
It was her time to be with him.
You were allowing this.
You were allowing her to be happy with your best friend.
"Yay!" Soojin embraced you. "Thank you, sister!"
You smiled and hugged her back, reminding yourself that you made the right choice.
After all, it should always be family first, right?
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impaladolan · 3 years
Capture - Grayson Dolan [10/-]
summary: memories.
warnings: fluff, angst, & a little bit of swearing
a/n: i really liked writing this part, no matter how long it took me.. haha..
tag(s): @dearestbailey !
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note: for purposes of respect, his father’s name is Brutus Dolan.
"Please be careful, your friends are pretty reckless. Especially at night, Grayson." Y/N warned with a worried glint in her eyes, a sore, unwanted feeling settling in the lowest part of her stomach.
Wrapping his muscled arms around her, he reassured her with a soft hum that vibrated against her neck. "I'll make sure they're careful, sweetheart." He tightened the embrace, like he was holding on for the very last time— in which he would..
And she returned it just as taut, as though she could foresee the unforgivable future..
"Y/N?" His mellowed voice shook the air around him as he questioned her name, withholding the tears that would soon fall the moment he left her arms.
"Yes, Grayson?" She held onto his name, letting her tongue slide over it for the millionth time. It'd never get old, the way his name made her heart flutter and her head spin.
"You know that I love you.." He took a large breath in, exhaling slowly through his nose, "And I want you in my future, for the rest of my life, however long forever lasts." His cheeks warmed as his eyes filled to the brim with the pain and acknowledgement of the near future.
"Just stay with me tonight, I'm sure your friends won't mind." Y/N could feel the doubt and sadness that washed over his tanned skin, and it made her heart sink. She wasn't sure what it all was, but this goodbye felt different.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." He withdrew his firm grasp of her, settling his eyes on her own saddened ones. She suspected something, he could tell, but she would have no idea of what is to come in the later hours of this very night.
He slipped his calloused hands around her cheeks, faintly drawing patterns with his thumb as he took in her face for what could be the final glimpse. And before he could control himself, he rested his lips against hers in a rhythmic beat, holding onto the lasting feeling of her lips on his.
So surreal.
"I love you too." Her words boomed in his ears and made his heart pump ten times faster, after breaking away from each other's warmth.
Grayson let her words sink in through his ears and blend into his blood, caging her voice in his head for the rest of eternity.
He took a couple steps back, sparing one more glance before brushing his fingertips against the door handle, leaving with a quick huff and slam of the door.
If he wouldn't of left then, he would've never been able to leave ever.
Tears began to trickle down his face, staining his cheeks red as the wind whipped against his face and his choked-up sobs closed his throat.
Y/N didn't shed a tear, she had an eerie feeling, but she couldn't bare the thought of a life without him— so she didn't think of it at all.
"That's impossible.." Your voice gloomed as your brows furrowed into a dark mix of confusion and surprise, bringing that inordinate sense of tears filling your eyes.
You wouldn't cry, not in front of him.
You aimlessly searched the room with your wandering pupils, anything to stray away from meeting his mournful gaze. "He died ten years ago, in a crash.." Those very words made your stomach churn and uproar with anger and hurt. An unexpected sob rushed its way through your mouth and broke the barricade of tears that filled your eyes, short hiccups following in suit.
"There's a lot of explaining to do, I know, but please trust me—"
"You expect me to trust you?" Anger now rushed through your burning veins, your stained cheeks becoming a fiery red. The overflowing amount of tears that seeped from your eyes had rolled all the way down your chin and neck, the fabric of your shirt absorbing the warm liquid.
"No Y/N, I don't." He began with his jaw clenched, frustration beaming from his countenance, "But please let me explain myself, I beg you." His hand slid its way around yours, but you declined his warmth and drew your hand away.
You didn't respond right away, although the desperation had clouded your head and you took a seat. "What's his favorite color?"
"Brothers name."
"Sister's na—"
"Favorite food."
"Pancakes." He smiled.
"December 16, 1999."
"How old are you?"
"Fuck you." You oh-so-softly smiled, your stomach fluttering. You were convinced, surprisingly easy, but you couldn't help the familiarity of his face and body, though there were a lot of differences as well...
The two of you stood in silence for what could possibly be forever. You wiped the drying tears from your cheeks, sniffling the remnants of your emotional state away.
"Would you like to talk in the garden?" He questions, breaking the pause and raising his arm just enough for your own to hook around it, a pleading smile curving his lips.
Oh, how you wanted to giggle and wear a cheesy grin like you would've done all those years ago, but everything has changed. You've grown up, matured from teenager to adult, dealt with the side effects of losing a loved one at such a young age.
It wasn't easy after he left.
"I guess.." You answered, crossing your arms over your chest. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of your skin on his, something he's taken for granted.
Saddened, he lets his arm fall back to his side. "I forgot how stubborn you were." He chuckled, motioning you to follow as he began a walk in an uncertain direction.
"You've forgotten a lot of things.." You murmured, sighing as you begrudgingly trail after him.
It wasn't too long of a trail to get to what you assumed to be the backyard of such an estate, which of course had an utterly beautiful and blooming garden. The both of you were stood on the cement patio, halfway dry and wet from all the rain, you had noticed.
"Here." He handed you a pair of bright red rain boots, eerily the correct size. He had his own, purple rubber covering almost up to his knees as a plasticy yellow coat hung on his shoulders. It was a humorous sight, such an intimidating man looking like an eight year-old excited to play in the mud.
Child at heart, huh.
He helped you into a smaller coat like his, making it difficult to hold back an awful grin. You didn't share any words as the two of you began the path that led to the garden of sorts. There seemed to be two sides; one for vegetables and one for all the colorful flowers.
"It wasn't my choice, y'know.." He spoke aloud, walking side-by-side with you down an aisle of vibrant purple and blue tulips. You hummed in question, traveling your fingers softly over the delicate petals of a certain petunia, a rosy pink one that faded into white.
"To leave you that night, unknowingly saying goodbye for the last time. I didn't want to do it."
"Then why did you." It was more of a demand from your lips than a question.
"My father needed me." He seethed, an anger arising in his tone at the remembrance.
"I needed you." You stated under your breath, sucking in a large breath. "Who were all those men in that room the other day?" You questioned, changing the subject to ease his frustration.
"My men, and I'm sorry abo—"
"No you're not, you enjoyed that." You knew he would try to apologize for embarrassing you in front of a crowd, but does he really think you're that innocent to believe him? Not anymore, now.
He kept silent, although a small smirk crept on his lips. "Explain who your "Men" are." You had had enough of all the questions in your head, and now seems like the perfect time to discuss them, finally get some answers for once.
"They work for me and my business. It was my father's before mine and Ethan's." His low voice echoed outside, bouncing against all the trees and wildlife.
"How's Ethan?" You pondered, slightly wondering if she's seen him at all.
"He's doing fine, a ladies man from what the boys say." He chuckles, sticking his hands in his pockets. "We haven't been talking much lately, just business inquiries and such. He misses you, a lot."
"I miss him too, and Cam." You reminisce on all those old memories, smiling to yourself. "How's your mother? The last time I talked to her was graduation." You furrow your brows, sorrowful that you hadn't kept in touch with such a kind women.
"She's as good as ever, still compares everyone to you." He smiles too, showing those pearly whites that you were so used to.
"Grayson?" The mention of his name on your tongue gave him shuttering goosebumps, something he didn't think he'd ever hear again.
"Yes, Y/N." The two of you completely stopped to face each other, his brows crossed and your eyes full of question.
"Tell me what happened.. that night, when you left me.."
Grayson slammed his fists against the steering wheel, on the brink of screaming and cursing the world for its cruelness as tears fell rapidly. Eternal hatred filled his lungs, and the air around him poisoned all the happiness he had ever had a grasp of.
And it was his fault.
Brutus, his father, whose heart was made of stone and his mind of brick, took away the only thing that kept him sane in such a sickening world.
“You have no say in this, son. You knew this day would arrive, and now it has.” Brutus’s cold stare burned into Grayson’s eyes, unaffected by his own child’s mourning.
Grayson didn’t fight back, he hardly moved from his seat that was set in front of his father’s large, stained desk. His entire body hurt; first beginning from his heart, down his legs, up his neck, and finally pooling within his eyes.
“You have one final goodbye with her. Follow my instructions, Grayson, and you’ll thank yourself later on.” Brutus stood, barely acknowledging the sorrowful man hung low in his chair.
“I’ll never forgive myself.” He hoarsely whispered to himself, straining the sobs away— lost within himself.
His heart shattered as he followed through with his father’s word; a faked death alongside his brother.
to be continued...
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jawritter · 4 years
His Heaven
Request: Heyy I love your ABO fics and I have a request for you. You can always say no to this if you’re uncomfortable. I’ll completely understand and I’m very sorry. Can you do one with Alpha!Dean x Omega!reader. Where the reader is on a supply run and she gets assaulted and tortured by a monster and when she gets back to the bunker somehow, she only allows her Alpha anywhere near her and refuses help from anyone else. Dean takes care of her and helps her heal.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Word Count: 2683
Warning: Kidnapping, injured!reader, ABO dynamics, smut, unprotected sex, talk tourchour, hints of a pinic attack, language, scenting, reclaiming, marking, mentions of assult, trauma induced by tourchur. I think that’s it. Sorry If I missed anything.
Beta’d by the amazing @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid! Also a big shout out to @deanwanddamons  who is currently working on our 1k binge read! You both are awesome! 
A/N: As always please do not copy my work! Feedback is golden! Hope you all enjoy this one!! 
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Pulling at the restraints that were holding your arms above your head you curse yourself for not having seen this coming. 
You knew that demon that escaped Dean and yourself in Kansas City would come back to bite you in the ass one day, you just didn’t think it would be this soon. Alas here you are, in a dark wet basement, tied to a pole in the center of the room with a variety of tortuous instruments that the damn thing had been using on you for the past two days strown randomly throughout the room on tables.
You knew that you were just bait, that you were nothing but a lure for Dean. The demon knew that your Alpha would stop at nothing to save you from this bastard, and you also knew that’s when the demon would try and kill him. 
You couldn’t let that happen, you refused to let it happen. You’d die trying to get out of here before you let that happen. 
Sure, Dean was your Alpha, and yes Dean was the one by nature and biology that protected you, but your biggest fear was Dean would get hurt protecting you.
Pulling on the restraints one more time you prayed with everything in you that by some miracle they would break. 
Your arms, legs, and back were littered with little cuts, and gashes; courtesy of the demon that was holding you captive, and every movement seemed to sting in new places. 
Letting your weight sag you notice that the rope holding you to your pole gave with your weight some, whereas it wasn’t earlier. So you pulled further and again, until soon more of the rope loosened, allowing you to pull your arms lower. A nail along the wall snagged the thick rope causing it frayed. 
With two more heavy pulls the rope that had you bound finally broke free, and you fell to the floor with a thud. 
Thanking Chuck that your capture seemed to have not heard you, you pulled yourself up from the floor using the table in front of you. 
The room was dimly lit by the sun coming through a window that at one point had been painted, but was now started to fade, and allow little rays of light to filter through. 
As quietly as you could, you climbed on top of the covered furnishings and lawn equipment that lay askew across the walls, and pulled at the window. To your great surprise, and relief it was open. 
Hoisting yourself up on your injured forearms you pulled your battered body through the window, and onto the grass outside. Taking only a moment to see your surroundings in order to tell your Alpha where this bastard was hiding, you break for the tree line, and away from your personal hell that you’d been in for three days.
Dean wouldn’t have even known you were missing, he had been on a hunt in Ohio, Wendigo from the looks of it, and wasn’t due to be home until today. You had gone on a supply run so that you could make him his favorite pie when he got home. You knew your heat was coming, and it was somewhat of a tradition between the two of you for you to pamper him the full week before your heat hit, since he was going to spend the following days taking such good care of you.
Dean always insisted that it was unnecessary, and he enjoyed helping you through your heats, that he was there for you, but you still felt the need to pamper him, and he didn't fight you on it much.
You never would have guessed that the demon would have jumped you as soon as you got out of the car, before you were even able to get to the grocery store. 
You also didn’t expect him to be so stupid as to not take your car keys from your pocket, and hide your car. Then again he probably wanted Dean to find it. 
You thought you were okay, you made it back to your car, and into the Bunker garage without so much as batting an eye. You had been a hunter your whole life after all, and being kidnapped and torture just came with the territory, but as you put the car in park, and set back against your seat, a whole new feeling hit you all together. 
Shaking, you opened the door to your car, and almost fell out of it onto the concrete floor of the garage. Your breath was coming in short, sparaitic spurts, and your chest felt like it had a thousand pound weight on it, that was pressing harder and harder with each passing breath that pushed through your burning lungs.
You began to try and crawl your way into the bunker when you heard the door burst open, and Sam’s heavy footsteps coming towards you.
“Y/n?” he yelled upon seeing you laying on the floor, running towards you, yelling for Dean. 
You knew that Sam would have died before he ever laid a hand on you to hurt you, but the demon that had trapped you had been an Alpha, and something in the strong Alpha scent that wasn’t your Alpha sent you reeling over the edge. 
A deep growl rumbled in your chest, and you backed yourself against the back tire of Baby, baring your teeth at him like some wild animal, with every intent of it signaling to him if he tried to get to close or touch you, that you were prepared to go as far as ripping his arms off to protect yourself. 
Cas and Dean came to a running stop right at the side of Sam, who was now backing up with his hands in the air. 
Cas held his position, but Dean didn’t hesitate in dropping to his knees, and pulling you into his lap, his scent surrounding you and comforting you for the first time in days. 
“What the fuck happed? Who did this to you?” Dean asks you, his teeth gritted and low growls falling from his chest. 
You couldn’t answer him, your focus on Cas as he made his way over to you, before he could even kneel down to check your injuries a growl ripped through your body that even made your Alpha jump in surprise. 
“Y/n, I can heal you if you let me.” Cas said calmly, but you were feeling anything but calm at the moment and wanted no one but you Alpha to touch you. 
“No,” you growled through gritted teeth, and Dean pulled you closer to his chest, allowing you to bury your face in his neck, breathing in his scent deeply. 
“Baby girl, you have to tell us what happened.” Dean said, running his hands through your matted hair in an attempt to calm you as the tears you had been holding back all this time made their way to the surface. 
“That demon from Kansas city jumped me as I got out of the car. He kept me trapped in the basement for days, a house just at the end of 11th street with a busted up white fence, Dean...I’m sorry I shouldn’t have left the bunker without you, I just wanted to..” 
Dean shushed your rambling apology by pressing his lips to yours. A peace seeped through you in a rush of relief at the close contact. 
Breaking the kiss,Dean turned to silently communicate to Sam what needed to be done. Sam in turn nodded and then got into your car with Cas, both of them going to rid the world of that asshole once and for all, and leaving you under the care of the only man you would let touch you. 
Dean lefted the two of you with ease, making his way into the bunker and into the showers with you as if you weighed nothing at all. You kept your face buried in his neck the whole way, your body trembling with exhaustion, and pain as he made slow calculated movements so as to not jostle you around too much.
Dean sat you on the ground next to the bathtub, leaving you just long enough to start the water filling in the tub before coming to strip your filthy clothing from you, or what was left of it anyway. 
You numbly let him do with you whatever he wanted. You had no fight, and you had no strength left in your body. All your fight had been used up to get back to your Alpha, and now that you were here, you had to trust him so he would protect you. You wanted nothing more than to sink into your bed, with your Alpha’s arms around you, where you knew you were safe. 
Lifting you carefully off the floor, Dean laid you down in the bathtub that he’d filled with Epsom Salt to sterilize the wounds that covered your body, thankfully none of them were too deep, but you still hissed at the burn before letting the hot water relax your aching muscles.  
Once Dean had you settled in the bath, he moved to strip himself of his own clothing, before setting in behind you, wrapping you in his arms, and cupping water over your hair as he washed away all the evidence of what was done to you aside from the cuts that littered your skin.
He took his time in silence, washing your hair, and making his way over your whole body with you in his hold. 
Once he was done he got you both dried off and carried you to your shared bedroom, putting you down in your bed before retrieving one of his flannels to slip over you body, wrapping you up completely in his scent before he climbed in and pulled you into his embrace. His lips tracing over yours in a comforting, calming way that only he could. 
“I failed you, Omega. This is my fault that this happened to you, if I would have killed that son of a bitch in Kansas City he would have never hurt you.”
Shaking your head furiously you place your lips to his as the first barely there cramp of your heat rolled through your body. Letting you know of the impending need that would surely be there by morning. 
Dean scensed the change in your scent, and pulled you closer to him, nuzzling himself into your neck and breathing you in deeply. 
“Dean, this was just as much my fault as it is yours. I know you don’t like me going on supply runs while you're not here, and I did it anyway against better judgement.”
Dean huffed, clearly kicking himself for not being here to protect you when you were captured. 
“Either way, that bastard will be dead as soon as Cas and Sam get ahold of him, and then we will never have to worry about that again.” 
The thought of the way you acted in the garage hit you, and you buried yourself impossibly deeper into Dean’s hold. Dean, sensing the change in you, lifted your chin a little with his finger, eyes searching yours. 
“I will never let anything like that happen to you again, Omega, I swear it.” 
You nibbled on your lip and nodded your head, allowing Dean to comfort and reassure you. Knowing that’s what you needed more than you wanted to admit. 
“I’m sorry that I acted like that with Sam and Cas, I know they were just trying to help,” you mumbled against his throat as his hands instinctively wandered your body, pressing deeply into your back, and pulling you closer to his warm body as another mild cramp rolled through your abdomen. 
“It’s okay baby, they understand.” 
Dean’s fingers press into your hips, and pull you closer to him, his erection pressing into your thigh as he hoists your leg over his hips, pressing himself against your bare center. 
“Right now I don’t want you to worry about none of that, that son of a bitch is as good as dead. He can’t hurt you again. You're safe here with me. Now let me make my baby girl feel better, I can sense your heat is close, and I want to make love to my girl one more time before it hits.”
You needed him, you knew you needed him. There was something special about an Alpha and his Omega. It was more than needed, it was deeper than heats and ruts, it surprised biology, it was that unexplainable bond. A bond that went beyond all reasoning and understanding, a bond that when connected could heal all wounds, mental and physical, it didn’t matter it was greater than that. It put together broken pieces, and made things that were once severed whole. 
That’s what you needed more than anything right now, to feel whole. 
Dean rutted his leaking cock through your rapidly soaking folds, your body reacting in a way only he seemed to be able to make it. The spongy tip created the most delicious friction against your aching bundle of nerves as he drove you higher and higher, grinding himself against you, layering you with his scent as his teeth grazed your mating gland, and over his mark, a shiver running down your spin, and landing deep in your core. Your velvet walls contracting around nothing as your hips start to roll with his on their own. 
“Alpha, please, I need you.” you begged him, nails digging into his shoulders as he continued to tease you with his cock. Not giving you what you need, but giving you just enough to drive you crazy.
“I got you, Omega, I know what you need.” he purs as he breaches your entrance and with one full thrust seats himself deep inside of you. The stretch of him catching you by surprise, and stealing your breath form you as sheer pleasure rips through your body. Your mouth falling open in a soundless scream. 
Dean’s hands slipped around your back and under his flannel as his lips make their way down your throat, giving you a moment to adjust to him before he started to rock his hips into you. Keeping himself buried deep in your wet heat. His knot forming quickly as the coil in your belly wound tighter and tighter with each roll of your hips with his, your bodies working together as his pelvis provided just the right amount of pressure against your aching clit. 
Before you had time to even warn him you were coming undone in his lap. Your walls clamping down around him as your orgasm ripped through your body, a scream of his name falling from your lips as your release triggered his, his teeth sinking deep into your mating gland, reclaiming you as his own, and sealing your bond deeper than you ever thought possible, your walls milking his knot as his body locks with yours, and warm ropes of cum spill deep inside your womb. 
Laying there locked together with your Alpha you let the peace that surrounded you lull you to a peaceful sleep. Dean watches over you, garding you, protecting you, like he would do until the day he died. 
He made a promise to himself to never let anything hurt you again. 
“Mine.” he mumbled into your hair, as you nuzzled into him in your peaceful slumber. 
The life that you both lived almost guaranteed that one day one would be taken from the other, but right now, with you lying here in his arms, he was in heaven, and if his battered, torn soul never made it over there, he’d cherish these moments even in hell. This was all that he'd ever need, and he’d protect you with is life. He knew it would take a while to get you over this attack that you didn’t deserve, but he’d be there with you every step of the way until you were whole again.
Tag List: @screechingartisancashbailiff @thecreatiivecorner  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624 @busy-bee-angel-misska @justanotherwinchester @deanwanddamons​ @imabitch4jensen​ @rvgrsbrns​ @bi-danvers0​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @i-love-superhero​ @akshi8278 @lyss-dw79 @magssteenkamp @lemondropirwin @squirrelnotsam @hobby27 @spnbaby-67 @mrsjenniferwinchester @defenderrosetyler 
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itspdameronthings · 3 years
Going Home chapter 3
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Summary: Apple meets the brothers for the first time. The brothers would learn something new about Santi,and so will Apple.
Note: this is has been a labor of love. thanks again to @autumnleaves1991-blog,and @aellynera for helping me spitball ideas for this series,and the courage to write. There are some Oscar Isaac easter eggs in this. See if yall noticed them.
Warning: fluff. having fun on Karaoke night. Major smut(18+) happening towards the end. under 18 readers should not be reading that part
Apple was kind of nervous. She is gonna meet his friends.As much he talks about them.feels like she already knows them. Both of them got home at the same time. Which was a good thing. Both of them change into something comfortable. Jeans and tees. Santi kisses her cheek," relax mi armour. There is nothing to get nervous about. Benny and Will are fun to be around.you will fit right in." She picks up her bag as they get ready to go to have a fun filled evening.
The rest of the boys arrived at St. JAMES INFIRMARY. A local hangout. Where three of them used to come to have fun. Even though they could not drink back then, they would do the annual open Mike night,and play pool. Frankie brought them their drink,and sits down. Will is the first one to speak,"so what is Santiago's like? You said you grew up with her?" Fish giggles," she is something. Tomboy. Fun to be around with. Always there to help. She went into the Army as well.She was a medic. It tore Santiago apart when we all went our separate ways. He always depended on her. For advice." Benny looks up from his glass to see Santi and Apple walking in. He sees his friends. Smiling as they went to the table. He introduces Benny and will to Apple. First thing out of his mouth," so how did you come up with the nickname,Applejacks?" Apple leans against the other booth," that is simple really. Santi gave it to me since I always ate Apple jacks for breakfast. It was fitting. I'm the one who gave him the nickname, Sharpshooter." the look on the brothers was priceless. Seems like they never heard that nickname. Santi sips his drink," she gave me that nickname for never missing my target when we used to go shooting as kids." Benny chuckles," nice to know you had another nickname. I like it. Explain your shooting skills,but I'll still call you Pope though."
Santiago knew the day would come to tell her how he got his nickname. Knowing it was not his proudest moment. Heck! He was young and did stupid shit. Not to mention he was exploring his sexuality,and could not help it if he was handsome! Time for him to confess to his friend. Before he goes back to the others. Ordered himself a couple of shots of Tequila to take the edge off. So good to have his friends to back him up. Santi is afraid of what his Apple would do. Will she understand or would she blow her stack? No time like the present to tell her. He sits next to Apple and takes a deep breath, “ I wanna tell you sweetheart. I was young and didn't know what I was doing. Heck bet you did some stuff when you were young that you regretted. This is how I got the nickname Pope. First of all . you want to hear the clean version, the raunchy one or both?” Apple sighed,and took his hands into her soft ones,” Just tell me. Hold nothing back. I’m ready for you to spill your guts.” Santi takes a deep breath,” Reason i got the name Pope is because when I was making out with a lady. She would scream “pope” which the others in the barracks heard. Another reason is when I did something wrong I would go to church every Sunday to repent my sins. Lastly, if my mom were to find out I did not attend church? I would get the worst beating from her when I went home on leave.” After he mentioned his mom. Santi takes another shot,and a weird face when he mentions his mom. How he missed her. Tried so hard to be the son she wanted him to be. Knowing she is proud of him when he went to Columbia to make a difference over there. He got up from the table and went outside so he could get some air. Poor Santi. Her passing is taking a toll on his heart. There were times he would be walking around his old home soaking up all the memories of her. Apple went out to look for him,and saw him sitting on a bench. Head in his hands,and felt Apple’s hand touching his shoulder which caused him to flinch. Looks to his right,and sees his angel.one person he needs right now. Pulls her close to him. Runs his hand on her arm while he tries to calm down. All she could do is comfort him,” it's alright honey, let it all out. I’m here for you. Not going anywhere. For the reason you got your nickname? Well.. you were young. Exploring the other side of yourself. Don't worry about me getting mad about it. Like the old saying,” what is in the past stays in the past.”. Santi wipes his eyes. Thinking how lucky he can be to have Apple by his side? They sat outside for a few moments so he could calm down enough so they could go back inside to enjoy his friends. No! His family.
Both of them went back inside to see what was going on. Oh right! Karaoke night At St. James. This is gonna be fun. As both of them go back to their booth, they see Will sipping on his beer. Watching the acts and Frankie and Benny arguing on what song to do. Apple asked Will,” Are you gonna go up there? “ Will takes another sip of his beer,” Not my thing. Benny is the talented one of the family. Are you gonna go and make an ass out of yourself with them?” Apple took a sip of her drink,” Yep, I’m pretty good,but not as good as Santi though.He is so amazing. That voice would make anyone feel better. Wait! Ya’ll never heard him sing or play a guitar?” Will shakes his head. Wonder why Shooter never told his friends about his beautiful talent. Only her and Frankie knew about it. No time like the present for Sharp shooter “Pope'' Garcia to go up on that stage to show his friends what he can do. Apple went over to the bartender she knew to see if he still had an old guitar so Santi could play. Score! He did,and went to get it. Santi sees what is going on, so he leans on the counter whispering to Apple,” What are you up to? Wait! No no! Not gonna happen. Nope sorry! Not happening!” Apple kisses him,” Come on! It would be okay!! You have an amazing voice!! What? Will and Benny tease you about it? I don't think they would! Time to have some fun!! Or i can go up there and sing with you?” Santi smiled.” If I were to do it. We are going to sing From the edge of the deep green sea.” She smiled,” you got it!!”
Both got on stage to get ready to sing. Apple whispers.” Have fun. I got your six. “ Santi smiled and started to play the guitar. The audience got quiet as they started to sing. It was like magic in the air.Santi got so into the song as he was singing. So did she. They always sing it when they hear it on the radio. Benny and Frankie went back to their booth. Benny whispers,” never have guessed it.Pope can sing and play a guitar. He has been holding out on us.`` Frankie said,” I knew. When he is in a good place. He would be singing and playing guitar. His dad taught him. When he died. Pope stopped playing. Now seeing him play right now? It is a miracle.” After the song ended. The audience went crazy. They wanted more!! Santi told them he would play again soon. Apple hugs him tight,” Tell me! Was that fun? Your dad would be proud of you!” He rubs his neck and sighs,” yeah, it was fun. Think i felt both of my parents while I was up there.” When he said that broke her heart.Thought she did a good thing for him to get up there. Both of them went to join the others. Benny and Will gave them a huge hug. Benny pats Santi on the back.” Yall are so Fucking good up there! How can Frankie and I top that!!” Frankie laughed. Time for them to go up there. Apple, Will,and Santi sat down to watch them sing a party song. Will knows what the song was. Every song that was drilled into everyone's head Friends in low places by Garth Brooks is his go to song. How did he ever persuade Frankie to do this with him is a mystery!! When they started to sing. It was so much fun watching them dance as well!! Apple went to the karaoke player to pick out her song.
Santi wondered what she would pick. It could be anything. After they finished their performance. Time for Apple to do her thang. Her song choice was I’ll be your shelter by one of her favorites, Taylor dayne. When the song started to play. Santi knew it!! Love how she moves when she sings that!! Every now and then she would wink at Santi. Then he blew a kiss to her. When the song ended. He took the guitar and went on stage and sat on a stool,and took the mike,” i want to dedicate this song i wrote years ago. It’s about a person I thought about nonstop for the last few years. My best friend. Whom I never would never see again. It is called Never had. “ Apple was in awe!! How sweet is that!! He would look at her while he was singing. Took her breath away!! When he played the last chord. Everyone got up from their seats and applauded and lots of cheers. Santi went right over to Apple to hug her,and the boys went over to hug him. She is so proud of him!! It was getting late so everyone said their goodbyes. Apple lays her head on Santi's shoulder while he drives.
What a night!! Full of laughs and tears. Now that is over. All they want to do is go home and be alone with one anotherAs they pulled the car under the carport. All she could think about was what had happened that evening. Learned about Santi’s other nickname and him singing a song he wrote just for her. Made her heart flutter! He is so sweet and oh so talented! She is so worn out! Yawns and goes inside so she could shower and go to bed. As soon Apple sits on her bed. Pulled off her jacket, shoes and her jeans. That is when she lays on her bed and falls asleep.
Santi goes around the house. To make sure everything is locked. Turns off the lights,and goes upstairs. Sees his love fast asleep. Sits on the bed.Moved some hair out of her face. Kisses her forehead, that caused Apple to open her eyes. Gave Santi a sweet smile,and he kissed her again,” Can see someone is tired. Want me to help you put your pjs on or you want to sleep in your tee?” Apple smiles and sits up while rubbing her shoulder,” was gonna take a shower.but guess i didn’t make huh” Santi chuckled,” nope you didn't honey. How about we both take that shower together,and we can snuggle?’
Apple nods and he pulls her up so she can undress. Santi has other plans, pulls her tee over her head,and places a kiss on her neck and shoulder. Causes her to moan,and leans close to him as he undoes her bra. She was so lost when he touched her! Her head rests on his shoulder as he continues his kiss fest.While her hands wrapped around his waist. Pulls up his tee so she could feel his warm skin. Santi looks down at her with a smirk,” thought you were tired hermosa? Or you were fibbing . “ Apple giggled,” I’m still tired. Could not help it! You are so close to me. Could resist the freaking urge!!” he throws the bra on the floor. Staring at the beauty that sits before him. That is when she covers her breast. Not because she was shy or anything. It was getting rather cold. Santi picks her up,and carries her to the bathroom. While the water is heating up. Apple sits on the counter while Santi slowly undresses in front of her. What a sight to see. Tanned from head to toe. Well toned body. Even Though it was not the first time Apple has seen him naked since he has been home,it still takes her breath away. Santi still in his boxers ,and her still in her thong. Started to share a lustful kiss. Tongues searching eachothers mouths. Santi pulls her off the counter,and takes her thong off with a swift hand, then he takes his boxers off as they enter the shower. Leans Apple under the water as he kisses every part of her body he wanted to kiss the first night he came home. Which sends her over the edge! Now it is her turn to touch santi. She kissed him slowly at first. Then let her hands roam. Rubbed his pecks, kissed his nipples that caused him to moan her name loudly. Saves his fine ass for last.
Santi could not take it any longer, he kissed her again. Caused apple to gasp for air. His kisses always took her breath away. Santi finds her body wash,and rubs some on his hands so he can rub it on her. She closes her eyes as he rubs it on her. Moans his name as he reaches her thighs! She is putty in his hands. All she could do is hold on to him. God she is gonna explode when he rubs her clit! Wraps her arms round Santi’s waist so she could steady herself. Santi whispers,” i know you like what I'm doing to you, mi amor. Let me take care of you. Want to make you come like crazy.”
Apple kisses his neck as he continues his quest. Which causes her body to quiver. Something she had never experienced before! Does not want this to end!! She wants to touch santi so badly! Felt his fingers going inside her. Let out a scream,” Santi! Don't stop! Please take me now!! “ Santi smiles as he continues to mark her neck,” Hold on baby! Want to get inside you,but you have to wait! Can you do that for me?” Apple nods when he turns off the water,and dries her off ,and carries her to her bed. Lays her down gently so he towers over her. Looks into those beautiful eyes he loves so much. This is what he needs now. After his emotional breakdown about his mom. He needs to focus on one thing that makes him happy. Is soulmate. Kisses her again slowly touching her. She could feel his bulge between her legs. Wished he would just stop teasing her and just get inside of her already!! Closes her eyes as Santi goes to work again. When he gets to her inner thighs again. Then licks her clit again . loves how sweet she tastes,and he looks into her eyes,” you ready for me i see hermosa.? Hang on for just one more moment. Need to get you wet for me. Then you will receive the gift you want so much.”
When he is sucking her pussy , Apple lets out a scream of desire that causes her to grab hold of the headrest. It is the signal he is ready for,” ready for me to rock you like a fucking hurricane baby?” Apple giggles.” Can't resist you with a line like that shooter. So fuck me already!!” Santi is so ready to enter her. His cock enters her slowly and does not want to hurt her. Lays on top of her as he grinds her slowly. She whimpers.” I'm about to come baby!! Feel so fucking good!!” Santi whispers .” not yet my love. Hold on till i say. “ Apple moans ,” Can't hold it in much longer please baby!!” That when she finally comes. This was his plan. For her to explode. Santi finally calms down so he could kiss the come from her pussy. Then goes into the bathroom to get a cloth to wash off the rest he could not reach. Apple’s eyes were about to close when he finished cleaning her up. Santi lays beside her, rubs her cheek . she leans to his touch,and lays on her side facing him. Looking at him with love in her eyes. Rubs his cheek,” You know , i still can't get the song out of my head. That was the sweetest thing you have ever done for me. I love you santi!!”
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vanveronicango · 4 years
if you don't mind me asking, what aspects of s2 did you dislike? bc for me, although i liked it a lot better than s1 (mainly for the increased focus on sibling dynamic scenes). i also kind of realized that it had kind of a Lot going on, that although i appreciated, didn't get enough equal attention? idk
i agree that the dynamic scenes this season were pretty great. we got some great interactions between characters that didn’t have much last season (personal fave being klaus/allison/vanya and every individual combo in that trio). 
i personally love reading other peoples’ opinions on shows/movies, even if they don’t match my own, because a lot of the time they open my eyes to some stuff i haven’t seen, and i love to see work affecting others the same way it does me, even if it has a different outcome. 
so, i know  i said i wouldn’t, but since you asked, under the cut i’m going list out some of the stuff i wasn’t a huge fan of, and some of the stuff i really liked. 
(edit warning: this shit is LONG. but please don’t take this as me absolutely hating the season - I didn’t. there was some genuinely enjoyable stuff. but, in my opinion, it didn’t have the spark and intent that s1 did. it wasn’t the caliber of the season i fell in love with. i think it’s still rewatchable though, unlike a certain godawful season of a certain hit netflix show...... coughstrangerthings3cough)
1. not enough characterization/development in most of the characters (this will be the longest point, so I’ll get it out of the way first) - for one, the siblings - save maybe vanya & allison - really... did not develop much this season, and weren’t explored as heavily as in the first season. hell, even in vanya and allison’s cases, i still think s1 did a better job at delving into their characters and psyche, even though they still had a bit of it in s2. but especially in the other siblings cases, i feel like SO MUCH of this season leaned into trivial things the fans liked, that it either (at least) took time away from or (at worst) was an active detriment to the characters’ development and plots. they said oh you like banter? we’ll give you unnecessary arguing and jokes that go on for 20 minutes too long when we could be delving deeper into these interesting situations we saw on the surface. here’s some fart jokes and forgettable music when we could be seeing more of how these characters are coping with the literal end of the world/being sent back in time/facing the prospect of never seeing their families again. 
in s1, we got luther’s immense internal struggles in living up to his “name” and only existing to please his father... diego finding his relationships through his jaded nature towards his siblings and himself, and grappling with feelings of inferiority... allison’s coping with the effects her powers have had on her life, and trying to become someone without rumoring everything into existence, which is a new feeling altogether that she isn’t quite sure how to cope with... klaus going through intense development as a simultaneously self-obsessed and self-destructive drug addict that gets thrown into a gruesome war for a year, only to watch the person he loves most die, grappling with his ptsd from war & his abusive childhood, and discovering new powers... five coming back home after decades of solitude and then being used as a weapon, trying to reestablish himself within the group while dealing with an eating feeling that he doesn’t belong in his body or in this group.... vanya, oh vanya, with her depression, anxiety, feelings of loneliness and betrayal, feeling invisible and utterly ordinary, gripping to whoever makes her feel special (and dealing with that fallout) before suddenly being slammed with unbelievably powerful abilities that she can’t control.
in s2... yes, we get lesbian!vanya who becomes truer to herself, and - through intense struggle - finds a way to harness her abilities so she isn’t so out of control and can finally feel extraordinary herself. but much of the latter was given up for a vast majority of the season bc she literally didn’t know who she was (there was a positive in that though, which i’ll list in my positives list), and so we lost a LOT of potential coping and learning time, which easily could have mingled with her sissy storyline! allison’s storyline i actually dug, i don’t have too much gripe with it except that i wish her throat injury didn’t just kind of magically heal, and they could’ve addressed it more. the end of ben’s story was interesting, but still lacked depth imo. as for the other siblings.... it all just felt like a TON of jokes that were funny at first, but quickly became stale and had me wishing they would take the story a bit deeper. that said, a lot of the gags, jokes, and quips were great, but they could’ve been incorporated WAY more intelligently, and allowed for characterization at the same time. loads and loads of banter, not being balanced with poignancy like s1 did very well.
we could have seen luther’s descent into the criminal underworld, and why he felt the draw and obligation to go that route. a more detailed look at klaus’ beginnings and relationship with the cult, his motivations (which s2 kept super shallow), more of diego’s life inside the asylum and even beforehand. but no, we got five and old five farting.
2. the music - man, the s1 soundtrack was iconic, was it not? effortlessly cool scene/music combos, countless iconic music moments, brilliantly and thoughtfully done. this season felt like they said “music? oh ok throw music EVERYWHERE” and it was just. not. good. instead of music that intertwined with each scene like it was a character itself, amplifying the tone and adding a new layer (like in s1), the music this season was mostly just distracting, forgettable, and felt like they were this close to just making a bunch of music videos. i even found myself hating a couple of their choices (the rest i just kinda... forgot). i did like the vanya/allison/klaus dance scene, but other than that.... eugh.
3. the handler - I HATE. HATE HATE HATE. when shows/movie franchises do shit like make a big deal of killing off a villain or lead and then just being like “hehe jk uwu” and bringing them back with some totally bs reason that they lived. a metal plate? really? and she magically awoke... how long after? not to mention how unbelievably lazy and lame it is. they could’ve done so much more with carmichael and the swedes, but they had to bring back... the villain we already had? don’t get me wrong, i LOVEEE kate walsh, but come on. it’s season 2. give us something fresh.
4. the swedes - in s1, cha cha and hazel had personalities, wants, desires that were all explored. we knew their motivations, their doubts, their fears. we liked to watch them. then the writers threw in the swedes... who were completely devoid of any and all characterization (they could’ve gone in my #1 point too heyo), personality, backstory, anything. it was so painful that when each one died, it was clear that we were supposed to feel something for the others, but did any of you really feel anything? no. because we didn’t know these characters at all. they were walking guns, pretty much. nothing substantial.
5. ben & klaus - being someone who loves these two characters so, so much (hellloooo, my old url?), this one breaks my heart. i was so unbelievably disappointed with them this season. all either of them were was horrible to the other. in klaus’ case, he just decided to keep ben’s presence a secret, not even telling the group ben loved them, or that he was there. he called him his ghost bitch, he used him as a personal pet, he lacked sympathy or compassion. we saw a glimmer of hope when he allowed ben to possess him, but that’s where ben’s issues start. seriously, possessing your brother past his breaking point, fighting him out of his own bodily autonomy, until he is in a state of complete exhaution? then saying he “regrets nothing”? and then the show playing it off as ~comedy~ bc that’s almost all they cared about this season... no... there was nothing in their relationship this season that compared to last’s. no moments of tough brotherly love, where ben tries to help klaus through his drug/alcohol desires or ptsd flashbacks, no moments of teamwork (besides the brief moments of consenting possession before that was ruined), no tender moments between brothers in general. all just REALLY FUCKING LOUD “comedy”, anger, resentment, bickering, and cruelty, all played for laughs. not about it son
6. “we’re not blood related!” - and, once again, getting played for laughs... for a show that became uncomfortably self-aware with trivial fan desires (but not the deeper stuff...), they sure do lack a lot of common sense of realizing what we don’t want
7. hazel (& agnes) - they went through the trouble of saving hazel and agnes just to have agnes die off-screen before the season started, and for hazel to die five minutes into his only appearance? lame. lame lame lame.
8. plot pace - i don’t really recall any moments in s1 that i thought “this scene doesn’t need to be here”, “this is moving so slowly”, or “this is being really rushed”. there was plenty of all three of those in s2. s1 was constant, everything was either towards the main goal or was filled with private and fascinating character moments. i love just watching characters live and do their thing if it’s done properly... but those scenes this season really weren’t very entertaining (save one or two), didn’t really seem to serve a purpose or hold weight, and didn’t give us any character insight.
9. klaus - the reason he’s listed specifically even after i mentioned him in the first point, was because of how personally saddened i was by his “arc”, if you could call it that. i know, him being my favorite (along with vanya) in s1 isn’t an original thought. but the writers, directors, and robert created a character so entertaining, charming, layered, and multi-faceted that it was hard not to fall in love with him. for all his goofiness, he then got a shit ton of characterization and development in the war, in dave, in his ptsd and discovering his power. his poignant moments were so powerful because of how different it was from his typical outward appearance. and fuck if he didn’t develop! this season, klaus felt... shallow. the cult stuff had no depth, no real reason to be there at all (the show really wouldn’t be much different without it, besides it being how five and allison found klaus), and it was kind of a throwaway point anyway, just another tool to get - shocker - more laughs. those touching, serious klaus scenes were completely absent in s2... he was just the ~quirky~ and/or ~high/drunk~ guy. there was literally no depth to his character at all this season. yeah, he crawled from behind the desk in e9.... and what else? nothing. robert did all he could this season, but something tells me even he was probably disappointed by just how one-dimensional klaus was. he was really no different at the end than he was at the beginning of the season, which is a no-no. 
10. klave - this is kind of an expansion of #9, but i was so disappointed by it that it needed its own spot. the only stuff that was supposed to be serious in klaus’ story - the klaus/dave stuff - was really not good. the moment the shopkeeper said “david?” in the store, i literally gasped bc i was so excited... but that was the last of any excitement i felt for the two, which, if you know me, is BONKERS considering how much i adore s1 klave. but this new young actor had ZERO chemistry with robert (fuck if rob wasn’t trying, though. it looked painful for him, but this guy really was just not well casted) (cody and rob were phenomenal together and had a fraction of the screentime this new actor had), and klaus being 30 and this actor/character being a kid was just... weird to watch. plus... so many white actors look the same, they really couldn’t find someone who looked like cody ray thompson? c’mon now ...... also, was there any point to it? at all? dave just wound up going anyway and there was literally no differences made in that situation. i think the writers thought they were catering to the audience by adding dave, but you need actors with chemistry (cody! cody!!!) and a good plot to do so.
11. s1 fallout - there really was none. that’s it. you’d think there’d be more after the explosions in the relationships of these siblings, but everything was just kind of glossed over.
12. sparrow academy - mostly here because... does this mean 7 more characters? meaning MORE time taken away from our og siblings, who already (mostly) didn’t develop well this season? i’m not gonna lie, i’m worried/
1. the chestnuts - i absolutely loved ray, loved allison, and loved their and their group’s work this season. the issue of race is so important all the time, but in the 60′s the tensions were so high and it would’ve been a joke if the show hadn’t addressed it or just kind of went with little racist remarks. these two had some of the most touching scenes of the season, and the sit-in scenes/every police scene had me incredibly anxious. that was well done, imo. which is proof that they still know how to do a good storyline, which makes me even more upset that the show was overall lacking that this season. i’m also so glad they didn’t go the “oh sry ray i still love luther’ route bc i literally don’t know if i would’ve kept watching. ANYWAYS im gonna miss ray sm :(
2. vanya & sissy - lesbian!vanya is all i want and more. vanya/sissy was all i want and more. these two, much like the chestnuts, breathed so much life into an often-dull season. so in love!!! vanya connecting with harlan even in just the most human ways!!! sissy finally standing up to carl (and carl d*ing god bless).... little found family oh my GOD!!! super devastated that sissy didn’t come back to the future with vanya, but because of harlan’s ending, something tells me we haven’t seen the last of them. oh and i am so conflicted about vanya’s amnesia, bc while i think so much more development could’ve happened without it, i also don’t think a lot of what happened with her and sissy could have happened, at least as quickly, if vanya was bogged down by guilt, anger, and lingering feelings of self-hatred and anxiety.
3. sibling dynamics - okay, this one is a contradiction, kinda sorta. i know i said the ben/klaus relationship was horrid. and i didn’t dig absolutely everything with all the siblings.... but they had some REALLY strong stuff this season. i know i’ve already mentioned it multiple times, but vanya/allison/klaus was everything to me this season. i knew i wanted klaus/vanya stuff happening, but adding allison to the mix gave it a whole new layer and they all just worked SO. DAMN. WELL. i just kind of wish it was vanya with her memories getting that bonding time, because i feel like the trio really could’ve gone in with how they all related to each other, their struggles, etc. but still, just some Happy Time was much appreciated. in addition to them, i really did dig a lot of almost every sibling dynamic this season. not every relationship got the attention it deserved, but it wasn’t too bad, it would be really hard to get all of that into 10 eps. plus, the fact that almost all of them grew so much closer was everyyyything. it’s odd, because good dynamics usually come with good development but uh..... nvm im keepin this section positive
4. the humor - another kind of contradiction, maybe. for some of the humor, i thought it went too long, was extremely heavy-handed, often took away from the plot, and some of it even degraded certain characters and situations (see examples throughout my points above). however, the stuff that didn’t fall into these categories was so, so good. some favorites: olga foroga, “think of batman, then aim lower”, “you look like antonio banderas with that hair” “thanks man”, i’m t h e  d a d d y  h e r e, “not everyone here likes you” “sounds ridiculous but go on”, klaus’ little pop culture quips to his cult, “being smart doesn’t make you interesting” “neither does that beard”, klaus calling ben to manifest and ben being like ”...nah”... there are plenty more, but these were the first i could think of in 60 seconds off the top of my head. some of it really was laugh out loud funny, which can be hard to do, especially consistently. if only they didn’t lean into it so damn hard, and put in WAY too much heavy-handed humor that it dampened the experience
5. old five - although i don’t love all of the stuff in the five/old five scenes, old five’s actor was fantastic! he got aidan’s mannerisms down really, really well. it’s always cool to see actors do that kind of thing when they play a character at a different age, or a character’s sibling, etc.
6. time period bigotry - i’m really, really glad they didn’t gloss over the intense racism and homophobia of the era. it was mostly brought up with allison, vanya, and klaus, and all three actors did a great job in their respective roles when expressing their reactions to the hatred. the scenes were really hard to watch, but well done.
7. pogo/grace/reggie - don’t get me wrong, i still hate reggie with a burning passion. but i actually found his scenes with these two really interesting, and it gave us great insight as to why pogo was always so loyal to reggie, and how grace was more than just a face on a robot to hargreeves. (which actually makes lack of development in our mains even more infuriating... they clearly knew to put some in there, where is it for the rest of the sibs who got nothing this season!!!)
alright, i’m gonna stop here. i’m sure i can think of more for each section, but i’ve been thinking this out and typing for an hour (holy shit) and it’s 2am and i need sleep xoxo
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blueeyedheizer · 4 years
All Over Again - Matt (part 1)
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WARNINGS: mention of a car accident, memory loss
A/N: Here it is ! The first part to my 3 or 4 parts fic. :) I know this trope is far from being original but I wanted to give it a go. Also this was originally supposed to be a one shot but the more I was writing, the more I got ideas so I decided to split it into a multiple part fics. let me know what you think xx
Matt was supposed to have been home from practice 2 hours ago. It was almost midnight and you were worried sick, pacing around the house and looking out the window every two minutes. You didn't think much of it at first and figured he had stayed in the studio a little longer to work on more songs, but after an hour you began to worry. You had tried calling his bandmates, but according to them he had left practice on time with everyone else.
“Did he seem upset during practice?” You questioned through the phone, biting your nails anxiously.
"It was a hard day, yeah. He kept on messing up his parts and was a bit more irritable than usual." James explains. You let out a deep, shaky sigh, one hand coming up to rest on your forehead and closing your eyes as you tried to keep your composure.
"Look James I, um- i'm sorry to bother you with this but Alex won't answer the phone either, do you think they might have gone to a pub together or something?"
"Alex went straight to his girlfriend's after practice. I'm sorry love, I really don't know about Matt. But don't worry about it too much, yeah? I'm sure he's fine. You know how he can be sometimes." you nod your head repeatedly, allowing a tear to slide down your cheek.
"Okay, yeah. Yeah, you're probably right. Thanks anyway James." you croak out before saying goodbye and ending the call. You had thought of calling Javed, but you knew it was already late and there was no way his dad would've let Matt in at such an hour. Your heart was beating insanely fast inside your chest and you were feeling like you could break down at any moment, the worst thoughts occupying your mind.
You eventually decided to lay down on the couch and play your favorite movie to try and get rid of the nagging voice in your head. Maybe he just went on a walk to clear his mind and stopped by a pub nearby. He might have met up with some friends there, which would explain why he was so late.
After a little while you heard the sound of the front door open. You immediately shot up, running over the door as Matt walked in. He didn't seem hurt at all, which was relieving. But you were still upset.
"Where the hell have you been?! Do you have any idea what time it is?!" he doesn't say anything and walks straight past you. "Matt, what's going on?!" you call after him as he makes his way to your shared bedroom.
"Why aren't you in bed?" he says coldly, completely ignoring your previous questions
"Because it's fucking midnight and my boyfriend who was supposed to be home two hours ago didn't show any sign of life until now!" you say and he scoffs. "I was worried sick, Matt!"
"I don't have a curfew to be home, Y/N. I've already had a shit day so if you could just fuck off and stop giving me unnecessary lectures I would appreciate it." you open your mouth to speak but close it again. You genuinely didn't know what to say anymore.
"Fine. Maybe I should leave and go have fun on my own somewhere then, since we don't have a curfew."
"Yeah, good. Leave. Maybe I'll finally get some peace and quiet." he spat.
With that, you turn around and walk out, grabbing your coat and car keys on your way. You storm out the front door, slamming it back close behind you and run straight to your car, silent tears leaving your eyes as you do.
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You weren't sure how it happened.
Tears were blurring your vision as you drove to your best friend’s. You knew that she would gladly let you in, no matter what time of night you showed up, plus she wasn't the type to go to sleep early. You hated driving at night, but you needed to get some fresh air, you needed to get away from Matt. 
You eventually began to regret your decision of leaving as the fog covered your vision more than it already was with your tears. But it was too late to come back, and you still weren't ready to face him after what had just happened. He wanted to be alone, then he was going to get his alone time. Your hand gripped the wheel tightly as you wiped your cheeks and eyes furiously, but no matter how hard you tried to calm down and focus on the road, the tears would come back and blur your vision.
And before you had the chance to react to what was coming in front of you, you felt a violent collision, and your world went black.
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Matt knew something was wrong the moment his dad burst into his room in a panic the next morning.
"Dad?! What the hell are you doing here? How did you get in?!" he yelled.
It was barely 7am when he got a call from the hospital letting him know that you had been taken there after a car accident. He was in shock, barely able to let any words out. You were like a daughter to him, so the news were hard to swallow. All he did since he burst into the room was to blurt out your name along with barely coherent words between breathless pants.
"Dad? What is it? What's wrong with Y/N?!" Matt said, immediately jumping out of bed. He grabbed his clothes and put them on quickly, waiting for an answer.
"She got– she in an accident last night. It's bad." he managed to get out.
Matt's heart stopped beating for a moment as he tried to comprehend what he was being told. Everything around him seemed to have stopped as the events from yesterday flashed through his mind. He stared at his dad, speechless, his face suddenly draining of all color as his eyes filled with tears. He was suddenly hit by a wave of guilt and he felt the whole air being knocked out of him. His heartbeat picked up and the room soon felt too suffocating. He couldn't breathe, the room was spinning, his ears ringing.
His dad grabbed his face with both hands to keep him grounded him then pat his cheek slightly.
"Come on now, we have to go. She needs you, son." He said, keeping a steady gaze on him. Matt snapped out of his daze and stormed out of the room, his dad following closely. He grabbed the car keys on his way and they both headed to the hospital in a hurry. Of course Matt’s dad insisted on driving, knowing that his son was in no way able to focus on the road in this state.
By the time they got there, Matt's eyes and face were bright red from how much he had been crying. He was out the door before the car even came to a complete stop, rushing into the emergency section of the building.
He burst through the front doors and begun looking around, trying to find a nurse, a doctor or anyone that could tell him about your condition. A nurse came out of one of the many rooms and he rushed towards her, tears still streaming down his cheeks as he asked where you were.
"Could you tell me her name again?" she asked, gently placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He nodded and repeated, trying to keep it together. The nurse lead him to the reception, searched through her papers then looked up after a few seconds.
"She's in surgery right now so I can’t let you go see her just yet. We're doing the best we can to keep her alive, but from what I know she got into a pretty bad accident, and this kind of surgery requires hours and hours of work." she continues and he nods, trying not to completely break down in front of her. She gives him more details about the surgery before leading him to the waiting room where your family and some friends of yours were waiting.
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three days later.
''It's been over half an an hour...'' Matt finally spoke up, breaking the silence as he paced anxiously around the waiting room. "Someone should be able to tell us something by now.''
''I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, Matt." Javed answered softly in an attempt to comfort both himself and Matt. Matt sighed and nodded before he finally sat down in the space between James and Javed. No one was speaking. Everyone avoided eye contact, too busy being lost in their own thoughts, moving their legs anxiously. Matt however couldn't stay still, but no one could blame him. He had been staying with you every day since you got there, even though you weren't awake, and now that they finally had some news they wouldn't let him see you. Family first.
He fidgeted and bit his lips nervously, the worst thoughts constantly occupying his mind. He buried his face in his hands, more tears falling down his face. Needless to say, no one had ever seen him like this before. He looked extremely tired and sleep-deprived, and the guilt was eating him alive. Javed placed a comforting hand on his back.
"You need to stop blaming yourself, Matt. This is not your fault." he says. "She’s going to be okay."
“It is my fault, J. If I hadn’t come home so late and told her to leave...—” he chokes, opening his mouth before closing it again. "She went out because of me. She's here because of me. If she had died—" he starts, but James interrupts him.
"But she's alive, mate. That's all that matters right now. You can't take back what you said or did, but you still have time with her to make it up."
As he was about to stand up and start pacing around again, Matt's head shot up at the sound of footsteps coming towards the waiting room. In a matter of seconds he was on his feet and your mom was at the door with a small forced smile and wet cheeks, a nurse standing beside her.
''Miss Y/L/N is awake.'' the nurse said. "You can see her, but you all should know that she's showing signs of amnesia." everyone's face dropped as they took in the information. "We do not know whether it is permanent or temporary. She remembers her mother and her name but couldn't tell us today's date, whether it is day, month or year. I just want you all to be prepared in case she has a hard time remembering any of you, which could be a possibility." Everyone in the room nodded then started hugging each other to express a deep relief along with sorrow. After three days of constant fear and sleepless nights, you were awake. But then, there was the possibility of you not remembering them. Matt hugged your mom tightly before they all followed the nurse into your room. His heart started racing as he thought about all the things he wanted to say to you. He didn't think apologies would be enough.
He finally snapped out of his thoughts when he reached the door to your room, his heart aching at the sight of his girlfriend laying on a hospital bed.
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You were slightly startled when the door to your room opened again, your nurse walking in along with a bunch of people you couldn't quite recognise as you struggled to keep your eyes open. Your entire body felt numb. You tried to sit further up, but your were immediately stopped by a striking pain coming from your ribs. You lifted your hand in an attempt to scratch your head but you were surprised to feel a bandage under your fingertips and see one wrapped around your wrist. Confused, you realized the upper part of your body was bandaged, but you couldn’t quite figure out why.
"Hello again, Y/N." your nurse smiled "Some people are here to see you. Could you tell me if you recognise any of them?"
Vision still blurry, you frowned and attempted to turn your head to the right. You let out a small groan, the movement triggering an ache.
"Take your time, there is no rush." the nurse says.
Then someone took a seat next to you and grabbed a hold of your hand that wasn't bandaged. You eventually managed to take a proper look at your surroundings, looking around yourself. Your mom was there, along with Javed.
"Um...well, there's mom again. And Javed." you spoke weakly. A small smile curved your lips when you saw him. You two had been friends since 6th grade. You then looked at the two boys behind him. "I don't think I know you." you spoke with a frown." James and Alex's faces dropped a little, but they were kind of expecting it. You weren't as close with them as you were with Javed, so you had fewer memories of them and more forgettable ones.
Then you met the other boy's eyes, the one sitting beside you.
You said nothing while staring at him before realising that he was holding onto your hand which you slowly pried away from him. Your brows furrowed as you looked at him. His nose, his hair, his lips. Then his eyes. You looked into them, trying to find any form of familiarity, but there was none. Why was he holding your hand?
"Y/N?" he says, his voice weak. You could tell he was fighting back tears. You frowned again, lips parting in confusion. You gave your mom a worried glance before looking back at him.
"I...I'm sorry but, am I supposed to know you?"
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I thought I'd make some comments about the first episode of "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier," kind of in the same way I made a post about my thoughts on the "WandaVision" season finale. I don't plan on doing a post with my thoughts, opinions, and theories for EVERY episode of TFatWS because a) I don't have that kind of time or patience, b) Things are probably going to change left and right as the series progresses, just like in "WandaVision" so I don't see a need to document all of this, c) I ramble enough as it is lol
Of course, there are spoilers under the cut, so if you haven't seen the first episode, then I suggest you...don't look under the cut! If you have seen the episode and just want to see what another MCU/Marvel fan thinks, or if you don't care about spoilers, then have at it.
I will say that the first episode of "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" (I'm going to refer to it as TFatWS from now on because that title is long af) was good and brought forth lots of mystery and intrigue, but it didn't grab my attention quite as much as the first episode of "WandaVision." But this may be due to the fact that WV was just so bizarre right from the start, and there were tons of questions right out the door. So, the mystery (and confusion) was more intense than for TFatWS.
I still plan on finishing TFatWS, but I hope it picks up a little more in the next episodes.
Another thing I will mention that's really not much of a spoiler: Poor Bucky! Just like Wanda, he needs a damn break already 😭
And lastly, I haven't read any Marvel comics because I just don't have the time, energy, patience, sanity right now to devote to them. That, and I have always preferred manga (Berserk is still my favorite manga/graphic novel of all time. Hell, it's my favorite fictional story of all time! And the 90s anime is one of my favorite series ever). My Marvel knowledge is heavily based on what the MCU has provided, but I do know things that happen in the comics because I do read up on various comparisons between the comics and the MCU entries and people's theories based on the comics. So, I'm not completely clueless.
Ok, spoiler time!
I don't really have a list of things I liked and disliked for this first episode of TFatWS because it's just way too early for that kind of stuff, and who knows where the series is going to go from here. I'll just make a list of thoughts and opinions:
James "Bucky" Barnes/The Winter Soldier
POOR BUCKY! I mean, goddamn, this man can't get a break. We see just how much his time as a Hydra agent affected him, causing him to have nightmares about those he killed while brainwashed. He's closed himself off from others because he's depressed, burdened with immense guilt, and probably feels like he's not worth helping at this point.
I also like how we got to see just how negatively he was affected by being at war for so long. He'd be put into hibernation by Hydra, and awoke every time to go kill some people. Rinse and repeat. That was his life, which isn't much of a life if you ask me. The same happened when he was freed from their control and while it's understandable why he had to fight in "Infinity War" and "Endgame," it was clearly a lot for him to handle. He didn't get a lot of peace, and even now that things have settled, he still has no peace.
At first, I was wondering why Bucky was going out of his way to befriend his elderly neighbor, Mr. Nakashima since he wasn't associating with anyone else, not even Sam. Then we find out that Bucky was the one who murdered the old man's son why under Hydra control. He can't bring himself to tell Mr. Nakashima because it's too painful and he's too ashamed. He's trying to prepare for it, I suppose, by befriending the man, but at the same time, I don't think it's going to be less unpleasant to deliver the news.
I literally felt heartbroken for Bucky when I realized that he had killed Mr. Nakashima's son. Like, omfg, Bucky, this poor guy...he has to live with these painful memories of things he was forced to do and it's depressing to witness.
I know it seems weird that no one recognizes who Bucky is, but I have a theory on that: Those that do are people who actually know him or those who have seen his face at the Smithsonian. Those who don't recognize him may never have been to the museum or simply didn't remember his face. I mean, Captain America was the main focus of the exhibit, and he was in the public eye all the time, so Bucky could easily be forgotten. Also, after the Blip, people clearly have had a lot to deal with after being missing for several years while the rest of the world put itself back together. Bucky is the least of their concerns.
Sam Wilson/Falcon
Sam, our good boy Sam. I was expecting him to keep Captain America's shield, even if he didn't use it right away. I mean, I know in "Endgame" he said it feels like it belongs to someone else, but I thought he'd change his mind and keep it. But he ends up donating it to the Captain America exhibit, which was unfortunate. I mean, I understand why, and I thought, "Well, he can just go grab it later" but then...well, that's going to be discussed later.
I was glad Sam kept trying to reach out to Bucky despite how things seemed very tense between them before. I can understand why he didn't just visit in person because that would have overwhelmed Bucky. I am suffering from severe depression and I know how difficult it can be to have a surprise guest attempt to make chit chat. Not fun.
We find out how Sam's sister has been trying to make ends meet during the Blip. Things aren't going well financially for her, and she is considering selling their father's boat to bring in some much-needed funds. Sam tries to help by convincing her to go to a bank and take out a loan. He hopes that his status could help influence the bank's decision as well.
But that isn't in the cards. The bank can't approve the loan because now there are regulations post-Blip regarding such matters. Not even Sam's status as Falcon -- an AVENGER -- amounts to much. Then the accountant awkwardly behaved like a fanboy during the whole meeting, even going so far as to ask for a selfie from Sam during the most inconvenient moment. This scene shows, to me, that being an Avenger doesn't change everything, yet, they're still famous and loved (for the most part). It's a strange feeling: "We love you guys for all you've done, but yeah, we can't really help you out."
I'm glad Marvel is choosing to show the negative effects of the Blip. It's great everyone returned but...everyone literally popped back into existence. We saw some of this chaos in "WandaVision," and we're seeing more in TFatWS. It's a realistic approach because, like, yeah, people being gone for several years, presumed forever missing then suddenly reappearing out of thin air is pretty extreme. Not to mention, those who returned didn't always find their loved ones and friends waiting for them (i.e. Monica's mother died during the Blip)
Flag Smasher
Not much to say here other than we have a new villain to watch out for who clearly has superhuman abilities. The cause that his group stands for threatens to make things even worse post-Blip than they already are, and geez, give people a break already! But you always have fanatics that will terrorize others for a cause.
Captain America 2.0
Who is this random white boy and why is he the new Captain America? I know who he is from the comics but that doesn't make it any better. It just makes it worse! This guy's going to be a disaster, clearly.
Sam realized at that moment he fucked up by giving the shield away, but this can only mean he'll find a way to retrieve and -- hopefully -- take up the Captain America mantle. Captain Falcon? Captain America Falcon? Captain Falcon America? I suppose you can have fun with that.
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thy-lover · 4 years
Jason Voorhees - I still love you...
Jason meets his childhood best friend again, who he also still has a crush on....
Warnings: Smut, slightly angsty, fluff, depiction of alcohol and murder and mentions of self harm.
"We are going to camp crystal lake, dude, There's no discussion on that!" Jake yelled at his friend group who were currently fighting over where to take their summer vacation.
You walked in the living room with the beer they ordered for you to get. You passed one to Rachel who pathetically snatched it and told you to get the fuck out of her sight, just before you were going to pass on to Chad you froze upon hearing the words 'Camp Crystal Lake'.
"Hello? Earth to y/n, you were about to pass me that beer." He pointed at the beer held in your hands, that were trembling. You handed it to him but turned to Jake.
"um.... Jake I don't know if that's a good idea...." You said as your heart pumped fast.
"why? afraid of a little legend?" He smirked and helped himself to a bottle of beer.
you sat down on the side of the couch farthest away from them "No it's just, pretty much all the teens who decided to camp there gone missing, I just don't want us to see the same fate." The small girl looked down at her lap, they can't know, is all that ran threw her mind. The teens that sat on the same couch she was on went silent, what you said was true, they only shivered at the thought.
Jake laughed "oh c'mon y/n, that's all apart of the stupid legend of Jason Voorhees!" He laughed and the others shoulder Began to relax again. You shook gently, that name, the name that made your heart clench. The name that made you hurt inside.
"There is a legend around camp crystal lake, there was a kid who was drowned in the lake because the counselors killed him. When his mom came back, she was so mad she killed the counselors but got murdered herself. Due to this the vengeful spirit of the kid came back to life and kills anyone who comes on the camp!" He definitely scared his friends, but you just shook rocking back an forth. Y/n knew the real story.
the next day they forced you to go on the trip with them, but you didn't want to, camp crystal lake was supposed to be forgotten about in your mind.
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You glanced down at your clothing "baby blue, his favorite color.." you smiled gently.
"huh?" Jake said not hearing you he turned to look at you "damn y/n, you look fuckin hot cant wait to get there." Jake gave you a disgusting smirk.
The moment you arrived at the camp you weren't sure what to do, the sign that said 'Camp Crystal Lake' was just how you remembered it, if you look past the paint that is slowing chipping away. All the sudden a suppressed flash back hit you.
- The young girls head was out of the car, waiting for that yellow 'Camp Crystal Lake' sign to appear, she grinned widely and hoped out of the car and running to her best friend "Jason! Jason!" Screamed an overly excited little girl who was around the age of six. "Y/n!!" The young boy who was around seven yelled back. They met in the middle and embraced each other in a tight hug, jumping up and down.
"Jason I missed you so–" she was cut of.
"y/n you forgot your bag!" The young girls mother screamed from the window if the car.
"hold on mommy, I'm talking to Jason!" The girl screamed back, a older woman came walking towards the two of you, her shoes picking a little bit if the forest floor up.
"y/n!? You've gotten taller since the last time we talked." The woman smiled as she embraced her son's bestfriend in her arms.
"it's only been 4 months Pammy." The young girl smiled up at her.
"Y/N! HERE! NOW! I HAVE TO GET TO WORK!" The screams of her mother calling from the car.
- flashback ends
You hoped out of the car walking past the old crystal lake sign and into the area where her friends are, Chad's in the middle of talking his jeans off, revealing his bare ass because he had no underwear. The moment this happened you turned away quickly.
"Join us y/n!" Jake yelled towards you but you shook your head an walked away. "I'll set up the fire, you guys can continue, well, doing whatever it is you're doing..." You said waving your hands in the air.
Jason's P.O.V
'y/n' Jason thought as he watched the woman in a blue dress, he knew you, and even as he watched the woman's frame go back into the suv he madly hoped you were her, you were 'y/n' , his savior, his protector, his crush.... Just then a flashback came back to his head.
"Hey assholes leave him alone now!" The girl yelled to Jason's bullies.
The boy who kicked Jason now stood facing you he smirked "yea and what the hell are you going to do about it monster lover!" He taunted the girl. 'monster lover, that's what they called her for being Jason's friend.'
Her smooth hands curled into a fist, "Your the monster here John!" The young girl yelled.
"oh shut up and go play with your dolls!" The bully yelled back at her and all the other kids around him laughed at her.
A flash of rage came over the girl who Jason had the biggest crush on, the girl picked up a small rock and hurdled it at the older boy who was bullying Jason, the stone hit right on the center of his forhead. He fell over and started crying like a baby. She took the chance and ran to Jason grabbing his arm and running away from the other kids.
She ran until she was far enough to be out of sight. And she hid behind a big tall tree, the tree they made a 'blood oath' at.
Jason panted sitting on the forest floor letting his back lean on the tree.
"thank you y/n, you saved me again." Jason beamed up at her. She smiled down at the sitting boy, Jason took a moment to admire her smile. Everything about her to him was perfect. Her pretty smile her big e/c eyes, he just loved her even though he was way to young to understand what love was he knew he felt something for her that was strong.
"anytime Jason, those guys a cowards. " She said grabbing his hands and holding him tightly. He blushed at her and she smiled at his cuteness.
"you are to cute jae." he blushed even harder but his gaze left her when he heard the counselors. they peaked there heads out from either side of the tree and seeing the counselors crouching down at the boy who was clutching his head.
"we sure got him didn't we Jason?" He nodded and chuckled.
-flash back ends
How could she have thought I was cute.
3rd person p.o.v
Y/n walked towards the suv and pulled out a bouquet of Lily's and sunflower. She looked down at the flowers and smiled sadly.
She closed the door and walked away from the group further in the woods. After walking for a little while she stumbled on the big oak tree, each day her and Jason would wrap there arms to the tree to see if they're arms grew. She chuckled at the memory.
She kneeled down to the roots of the tree and laid the flowers down, if you looked very closely at the bottom of the tree you can see two small smudges of blood overlapping each other and above it there are letters that are carved into it sloppily "Jason and y/n bff forever" she smiled again at it, this was apparently what her younger self considered a blood oath.
"Pamela Voorhees, it's been a while since I said that name aloud hasn't it?" Y/n chuckled. "I brought you Lily's Ms. Voorhees, I know they're your favorite." She said looking up at the sky which sh hopes is where Pamela is.
A loud cry broke out from her mouth "a-and I brought s-sunflowers J-ja-jason's favorite..." Jason the name of her crush, Jason the name of the boy she loved, Jason the name of the boy who drowned.
"I'm so so s-sorry I wasn't there f-for you jae, I could've tried to save you....if my mom hadn't taken me on that business trip then maybe I could've been here to protect y-you!" The cries from the woman became louder. "I'm sorry jae, it was all my fault that I left, maybe I could've save you.... I thought that maybe if I came just one more time I could finally forgive myself for leaving you... I could finally live with the fact that you're gone....I could finally love myself but I was wrong!" Y/n sniffled.
"goodbye Jason, I'll love you forever..." She leant her lips down and kisses the harsh etching that had Jason's name on it.
Y/n cried there a little longer before she heard scream. She picked her head up a little and sniffled, the girl got on her feet and ran towards the screams.
The moment y/n got back to the camp she saw nothing but blood everywhere and her 'friends' all dead, she stumbled on her feet backing away from the scene, she was about to scream but a large hand wrapped around her mouth and she was pressed against a strong chest.
Y/n fought the hold of the stranger not wanting to have the same fate as her acquaintances. That was until she saw a bloody knife raised to her, she immediately blacked out.
The next time y/n woke up she was in an old bed in one of the cabins. Her eyesight was dizzy but it finally focused and she looked around the room, the moment she realized where she was she put a hand over her mouth.
"Jason's bedroom..." The moment the words fell from her lips she screamed out a loud cry, maybe if she dies know she can finally be with Jason. The moment ended at that thought the door was swung open and a large man in a hockey mask looked around the room quickly, when his eyes landed on you he calmed and took a step closer.
You couldn't believe how tall he was, his head was basically touching the cabins roof, his large frame was covered in jeans and a jacket, his feet were in boots that looked like it didn't fit him.
He tried to take another step toward you but you backed up in fear "w-who are you?" You said weekly.
He only took another step closer "please don't kill me!" You cried out to the man who was already right at the bed side because of his long strides.
As you cried all he did was pick his hand up to your face and palm your tear stained cheek.
"please tell me who you are?" You asked trying to move his hand but failing. He took his hand off from your cheek and pointed towards the headboard that had the word "Jason V." Into the hard oak.
"Jason V?" You sniffled, he nodded eagerly ready for you to realize who he was.
"I'm sorry but I dont know who you are mr...please just let me go I won't tell anyone." He huffed then pulled out his machete, you shrieked and closed your eyes ready to die, but instead of the machete impaling your stomach, you heard carving near your ear.
You opened your eyes and realised he was scratching something in the headboard.
Once he finished he urged you to look at it, "V-Voor-hees? ... Jason Voorhees?" Your eyes widened in shock and he nodded eagerly.
"no...no Jason drowned to death, that's impossible!" You said unable to believe what he was saying, all he did was stiffen and shake his head signaling a no.
"Fine prove it!?" You yell, it was cruel for someone to mess with others mind.
He pulled his sleeve up revealing the name "y/n" carved on his wrists. A gasp slipped from your lips, you pulled your own sleeve up and on your wrist there was a scar that wrote "Jason".
You looked into his eyes seeing desperation and hurt, "is it.. is it really you?" You whispered.
Jason nodded grabbing a hold of your hand, you reluctantly held back feeling his rough large hands, the moment you held his had you felt a shock run from each other's finger tips. It was the same feeling you felt when you first held Jason's hand when you two were younger.
"it's really you!" Catching Jason by surprise you jumped up and hugged him tightly, it took him a while to get used to your touch but he returned the hug by picking you up and swinging you around in the air.
You laughed with a mixture of happy tears, this was the reunion that Jason only thought about in his dreams, but this was real and he knew it.
He set you down on the cabin floor gently.
"look at you Jason.." you smiled at him just then Jason felt his insecurities come back, 'did you not like him anymore.'
"all grown up into a big strong man, so handsome just as I remember you." He blushed at you, this what he remembers about you, you always knew what to say and you always boosted his confidence.
He looked down at you and his un beating heart stopped, this whole time he forgot to admire you. Your hair was a beautiful flowing h/c it was a little bit darker than he remembered it to be. Your body filled out into a very beautiful women. He subconsciously let his eyes fall to your breasts which definitely got larger, his eyes followed to the curves of your hips, your ass being hugged by the blue dress. he looked at your face to admire it. Beautiful e/c eyes, beautiful plump pink lips, your entire facial structure was amazing. Sometimes he wonders what you saw in him, your beauty couldn't compare to the entire world, and that was a fact. He felt something inside him warm up, as he looked at your body.
"we have a lot of talking to do." You dragged him to the kitchen and started up the questioning.
As you cleaned your childhood home starting from the kitchen, to its floors to the bathroom, to the bedrooms to the porch, he followed you everywhere writing answers down on the notebook you gave him. He wrote how hes still alive, he wrote why he kills, he wrote what really happened to him an he wrote everything you didn't know down.
When the questioning was all done you sat him down in the kitchen and cleaned him up, he was super dirty and then you urged him to the shower to get off all the dirt in crevasses you knew were to embarressing to clean yourself. You took his laundry and put it in the hamper for tomorrows laundry.
When you came back he had a fluffy towel wrapped around his waist, the towel was way to small for someone of his size.
"hey jae so I was wondering-" you looked up and your breath was caught in your throat.
There Jason was, your childhood crush standing in front of you with just a towel around his waist, his muscular arms were big, his thick and strong thighs were dripping with water and his muscular core was ripped.
You blushed hard and slowly walked backwards only to bump into the bathroom door closing it.
You immediately turned around and tried to open the door, your hands were shaking and sweating it didn't help that there was steam from the hot shower Jason took on the knob.
"well i- uh I was j-just go-going to uh-" Jason took a step forward and held you by the waist bring him close to you, his large hand wrapped around the door handle, once the door was opened you freed from his grip.
You internally screamed at yourself as you practically ran to your old spare bedroom.
As you walked in you slammed the door, but instead of hearing the door slam you just heard it creek. You turned around slowly and realized Jason was walking towards you.
Jason looked at your red face with worry 'is y/n sick? Is y/n hurt? Is y/n scared' he didn't understand why you were acting like this.
"j-jason hi um..." As he took a step forward you took a step back.
"s-sorry if yo-your looking f-for your c-clothes I um I put t-them in the h-hamper so I could w-wash them." Your face literally couldn't get redder like It was physically impossible.
You took a step back as he took another step closer. Not realizing you were at your bed it bent your knees and made you fall over, because of how low the bed was it made you think you were falling to the floor.
Out of instinct you reached out and grabbed the first thing you felt, you hit the bed with a shriek but proped yourself up you looked into your hand 'a towel?' you thought to yourself but looked up to see where you got it from.
There in front of you was Jason Voorhees, your childhood crush completely naked with his cock erect Infront of your face. Even Jason looked down at his own cock thinking 'oh was that the strange feeling I felt?' he seemed to not fully understand why this was inappropriate.
'oh my gosh he's big, oh my gosh he's big, oh my gosh he's big!' your mouth watered a bit, before you knew it you were on your heels running out your bedroom door "DINNERS READY!!" You yelled making your way to the kitchen.
You fixed the table with the homecook meals and Jason joined and helped you, you ate in silence but it was akward on your part.
You started to gather the dishes and wash them, Jason stood by you and dried the wet plates and bowls, the incident almost completely slipping your mind.
Just then you accidentally knocked a thick mug over with your elbow. You bent down to grab it but it rolled under the counter having you bend even more.
He turned around and looked down at you, because of what you were wearing which was just and oversized teacher. The shirt hiked up a bit, revealing the curvature of your ass and in the middle of your soft cheeks there was your pussy peaking out from Inbetween. Jason eyed the lips of your pussy talking in the way it glistened or how it naturally clenched whenever you made a move, out of pure curiosity Jason touched it......yep.
The moment his cold calloused finger touch the small opening of your vagina you let out a loud moan, that sounded like a pornstar moan.
The moment that noise hit Jason's ears something in him snapped, it fueled a feeling that made his already erect cock twitch. But the thing was he had no idea why he was feeling stuff in his groin, he's never had a use for it because he's dead. But all the sudden you came back and his cock has been aching ever since.
But the moment the sound hit his ears he compared It to the adrenaline he felt when his victims scream, only this time it was a moan, and he didn't have to kill to hear it.
You jolted up in embarresment, you thought he was just curious but that didn't stop your pussy from remembering the feeling. You ran to your old room abandoning the dishes in the soapy water, you bit your lip hoping this didn't ruin your little reunion with him.
Unbeknownst to you Jason was right behind your small frame with hunger in his eyes.
He threw you onto the bed and you shrieked.
"Jason im-im really so...Jason what are you doing?" You asked watching him take his long thick cock out of the confines of his pants. He took his shirt off along with his pants and stared down at you intensly.
You squeezed your legs closed tightly as he crawled to the bottom of your bed. He brought his two hands up and roughly pulled your legs apart, he looked down at your pussy and realized it was wetter than before. You moaned as the cold air hit your glistening lips.
A finger slid up and down your pussy not exactly entering just sliding, it was just what you needed to jolt up and grab a hold of his shoulder.
"Jason, what, what are you doing!?" You asked a little louder than needed so he got up with a whine thinking you were mad at him.
"no, no Jason its okay..but do you understand what your doing?" You ask gently.
He shook his head revealing a no.
"Jason I'm..I'm going to be really strait forward with this....when- well when you touch that female....part it's insinuating...that..well that you want to have sex..." You knew how Jason's mom always told Jason sex was bad and only good when there is commitment, when there's love or when there's marriage.
Jason grew stiff he remembered his mom telling him that, but he also remembered his mom telling him 'jason as long as you love, then everything is alright.'
Jason loved you, he's always loved you, he still loves you, he always will. You came back to him so you must love him to right?
He stepped forward he held his hand towards his heart and then held his hand to you.
"heart me?" You questioned.
He nodded eagerly "you heart me? ...........you love me?" Your eyes widened as he nodded once again being shy, the moment of silence filled his heart with rejection, making him back up.
Until you jumped on him "I love you too jae." You gently lifted his mask just enough to reveal his lips, slowly you brought yours to his. He wasn't sure why he was breathing so hard even though he didn't need to breath.
Finally he kissed back not sure what to do he just started doing what you were doing. So he moved his lips, a shock went down his spine something told him he needed more.
He grabbed your waist and picked you up so your height matched his, you wrapped your legs around his waist, your unclothed pussy rubbing against his jeans.
You moaned into the kiss before pulling away. You looked in his eyes and cupped his cheek, slowly but surely you took off his mask, smiling at the face of slight deformities.
He tried to shy away only for you to make him look at you "your still as handsome as I remember jae" he cracks a shy smile before kissing you again. You hop off of him and lead him towards the bed pushing him down on it. You crawled on top of him and slowly undid his belt and pulled off his jeans leaving his cock sprung out. He bit his lips as your mouth hovered over the tip, you lowered your mouth and gently sucked on his tip.
"Poor baby, had to suffer with this aching cock, I'll fix it baby just be a goo d boy and lay down." He did as told his cock twitching at the praise.
You sucked on the tip bringing your hand to message his balls. A loud moan came out of his mouth and he threw his head back, you smirked and took his fat cock deeper and deeper in your mouth, his mouns growing louder and his hip snapping into your mouth uncontrollably. You moaned at the sight of his strong heaving chest growing, this sent rumbles to come out of Jason's mouth. Soon he had a bright white stream flowing out of his tip. He looked down in pure ecstasy, and found you swallowing each drop of cum like you were starving. His erection grew once again as you stood up and took off the only thing you had on.
Jason looked at you with his cock upright again. Your tits bounced gently and your ass jiggled with your movements, you crawled on top of Jason hands planted on his chest.
"you were such a good boy Jason, your So good for me aren't you? My sweet boy." He let out a groan as he looked into your eyes "you tasted to good.." he thrust up at that only to be met with nothing he whimpered. "You deserve a reward for being so good don't you?" He nodded quickly.
You smiled "okay jae, just go along with this okay jason? I'll tell you when to move." You picked up his hard cock and lined it up with your entrance, as you slowly sat down on him you could feel him getting ready to move but he restrained himself due to your order.
Once you sat fully on him and adjusted to his size, you moaned "move jae." He did just that snapping his hips into your cunt harshly. Your moans were constant and your head collapsed to his shoulder. "Oh gosh Jason your so good, just like that please just like that." Each thrust was hitting further than just your g spot.
He groaned more and more knowing he was going to release himself.
"jae your fucking me so good I'm going to cum!!!" Just then your walls tightened around his cock and he made this animal like roar when you got tighter, he shot his load deep within you and he slowed his thrust down.
You collapsed atop him and he flung his strong arms around you holding you close to his heaving chest.
"want to know something jae?" He nodded "when me and you were kids I had the BIGGEST crush on you." His eyes widened and he looked at your sleepy face. You chuckled at him "but I didnt tell you cause I didnt think you liked me.... Guess I was wrong huh?" You smiled up at him, he only nodded, happy that your feelings were reciprocated.
"I'll see you tomorrow Jason....I still love you....."
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