#not to ramble in the tags
inkoherentwriting · 5 months
Oh my goodness, this December has turned out to be a butt-kicker for me! (And unfortunately, I'm the one being kicked!)
But disregarding all of that-- I'm excited to present my secret santa gift to @oblivionposting, 2.8k words of anna/martin for viewing pleasure!
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ahc-au · 3 months
The newspaper got Cody and his brother's images have revealed , wouldn't that be leaving them in a disadvantage since they are completely exposed to Dunn's "business partners"
Interesting thought! That drawing is mostly meant to show off all the characters involved, so take its canonicity with a grain of salt. But! The kids would have been put into the public eye no matter what. Their staying with Bishop was primarily to afford them his top-of-the-line security, specifically because their involvement being made public was an inevitability. So it's not necessarily that avoiding getting photographed puts their safety at risk any more than it already would be, more that it makes them uncomfortable. Hope that makes sense haha!
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theygender · 3 months
Having a vagina honestly sucks bc it's like you have to do fucking alchemy just to prevent yourself from getting sick. You've got an intricate ecosystem of microorganisms down there that you're dependent on for your own well-being and they can be set off by the tiniest fucking thing
Keeping your pubes too short can cause yeast infections, but letting them get too long can also cause yeast infections. Washing the area with specialized soap can help prevent yeast infections, but it can also cause them. Your periods can cause yeast infections, and so can the medicine you take to stop your periods. Having sex can cause yeast infections, especially if the person you're having sex with is diabetic (???). Being diabetic can cause yeast infections. Wearing the wrong clothes or eating the wrong things can cause yeast infections. Not getting enough fucking sleep can cause yeast infections. The list is neverending
Luckily, yeast infections are fairly easy to treat with OTC medicine that you can find at any Walmart. BUT! Even if all of your symptoms indicate that you have a yeast infection, you have to take a test first to confirm that it's a yeast infection (they do not sell the tests at Walmart) bc you might actually have the opposite of a yeast infection (bacterial vaginosis) which has the exact same symptoms as a yeast infection but is caused by an imbalance of different microorganisms. And if you use yeast infection medicine to treat a bacterial infection it will light your pussy on fire. So if you have a bacterial infection, you must instead visit your local witch doctor (gynecologist) and get prescribed special potions (antibiotics) to treat it
Antibiotics can also cause yeast infections
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secondbeatsongs · 11 months
somehow instead of saying "as a treat", I've started using the phrase "for morale", as if my body is a ship and its crew, and I (the captain) have to keep us in high spirits, lest we suffer a mutiny in the coming days.
and so I will eat this small block of fancy cheese, for morale. I will take a break and drink some tea, for morale. I will pick up that weird bug, for morale.
I'm not sure if it helps, but it does entertain me
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flame-shadow · 9 months
hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???
i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)
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midnight-coffee94 · 10 months
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No single line has ever wrecked me as hard as this one from the Good Place and I think about it constantly
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goldensunset · 8 months
a real blorbo is someone you can both write a lengthy and serious/sad analysis on yet also constantly and i mean constantly make stupid jokes about
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lonely-night · 11 months
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eXCUSE ME???????????????????????
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lazaruspiss · 9 months
People know that the whole "don't portray [harmful action] because viewers might recreate it" thing is a rule for children's shows right? It's supposed to be shit like "don't show peppa pig playing with fire so we don't get sued if a kid watches it and burns their house down." Not like, fanfiction for adults.
Edit: this was me venting about fandom cops. not me making some nuanced hot take. don't be weird in my comments.
Edit 2: turning off notifications. PSA: do not use pet names for strangers, especially not without asking. it's creepy.
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adjit · 6 months
I think we need to get more comfortable with the idea that sometimes shitty, racist, homophobic, bigoted people are still incredibly talented.
I feel like every time I see a post addressing someone’s shitty behavior the post also takes the time to mention that they’re not even good at [x] anyway. And that’s just not always true? Equating being good at a skill as being morally good is just not necessary. Someone can be a fantastic writer, can have a beautiful singing voice, can create breathtaking artwork, and still be a horrible person.
I know part of this is probably just the instinct to dislike everything about a person when you dislike them, but I also think this mindset leads to people defending creatives way past where they should, because if bad people create bad art, then if this person creates art that I like and resonates with me, then they can’t be a bad person!
And you know. That’s just not true. Those two things are simply completely unconnected and I think it’d be healthier if we all started disconnecting them in our heads.
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oobbbear · 2 months
do you love the color of the sky
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might-be-a-potato · 8 months
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nico-di-angelato · 5 months
live reaction of hermes dropping off the package
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12u3ie · 11 months
me, whenever my friend experiences the most minor inconvenience or slight: kill? I kill them? I kill for you? kill? yes? murder? kill? bite? kill?
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ramblesamongstardust · 11 months
I understand the "I will die for you" ship dynamic, but what about the "I will not let you die, I will not let myself die- we will, at any cost, survive" kind of couple?
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petrichorvoices · 4 months
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