#nothing too cool or fancy bc it’s a work fit but i like this dress!! i got it at goodwill for $10
splorpo · 5 months
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weird species of office siren that’s yet to be classified
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erina-leah · 2 years
Mardi Gras just passed, and my Louisiana ass couldn’t help but make Straw Hat headcanons for the holiday. Please enjoy <3
How the Straw Hats Celebrate Mardi Gras!
First of all, they ofc have their own Krewe. Krewe de Sunny! And their float in the parade is modeled after their loyal ship.
Luffy LOVES the food, dude don’t let this guy get ahold of your crawfish bc he will eat it all. When it comes to the parade, he loves sitting at the front of the float (much like he does his ship) and throwing beads. He will be the one to throw too much and have none left at the end of the parade route, and he will cry about it. But it’s okay! Because he loves seeing the smile on ppl’s face when they manage to catch one that he threw. 10/10 loves this holiday. Also a menace at chase the chicken
Zoro will get fucking plastered. Perhaps will be drink enough to dance around. Won’t do much throwing at the parade, instead he likes to chill on the float with a drink in hand, and if he’s drunk enough he’ll dance around. Will challenge random ppl to drinking contests and they will ALL get lit as fuck because Cajuns can hold their damn liquor. 8/10 hella good beer.
Nami managed to convince the crew to throw a Mardi Gras ball, and she was ofc crowned Queen of the Krewe. She loves being decked out in beads and dressing to the nines. The whole week is a party! She’s absolutely having a blast and loves sitting atop the float in her fancy costume. 10/10 she’s the Queen af
Usopp loves the dancing!!! He can absolutely get down to Zydeco music and would dance until his feet fall off. While on the float, he loves throwing to people and spewing his tall tales of his adventures to anyone who would listen. And yeah, he’s gonna get shitfaced too. The parade is his favorite part, it’s so bright and fun! 10/10 will chase a chicken
Sanji is obviously in change of food for the ball and the whole week leading up to Fat Tuesday. I know this white boy can cook a MEAN gumbo. He loves seeing the ladies in all of their fancy costumes, so the parade is definitely one of his favorite parts. (He heard the rumor that this was a holiday where women would flash ppl and was very disappointed when he realized that it was a great exaggeration. Sorry Buddy, you gotta go to New Orleans for that.) He takes the week to learn how to cook home style Cajun and really enjoys it, especially when Nami and Robin pull up in their Ball fits. 9/10 AWOOGA
Chopper is absolutely that little kid who sits on his dad- I mean Zoro’s shoulders throughout the parade. He loves sitting high up and seeing the parade from above; the other floats, the people lining the streets, the colors and lights, it’s like nothing he’s ever seen. He’s literally in awe of everything, and when he tried King Cake he ascended to heaven. 10/10 so much fun
Robin helped Franky decorate the float, so you know it’s fabulous. She really enjoys the parade and has THE best throws. I’m talking the biggest beads as well as all the cool shit for the kids. Rubber footballs, bracelets, bubbles, plushies, all of it. She mostly throws to the kids and uses her fruit to ensure they catch it. God they’re so cute she can’t help herself. She also really enjoys the music. 10/10 a good time to let loose
Franky, as I mentioned, built the float by hand. It’s definitely the coolest one in the whole parade. It’s got like three decks and the Sunny on the front. It’s fucking sick. Loves the parade so much and can’t help but dance the whole time. I mean, look at this dude. Of course he’s gonna groove. Treats the parade like a big party (I mean, it is) and totally loves showing off his work on the float. 10/10 let’s boogie
Brook. Don’t even get me STARTED. He would LOVE Mardi Gras more than anything. Of course, our man is in charge of the music, and he can throw down some SICK NASTY Zydeco shit. It’s amazing. Also, the dude has an entire Krewe dedicated to him: Krewe de Soul King. He’s got his own float where he blasts music down the whole parade route. People fall ALL OVER this dude. And, of course, my man is King of the Krewe for both the Straw Hats and his own Krewe. He takes this shit to the next level, no one can stop him. 100/10 The King of Mardi Gras
Jinbe is definitely the chill dad. Yeah, maybe he’ll have a drink or two, but he’s here to see the kids have fun. He does enjoy the parade and the ball, he likes the bright colors and noisy fun everyone has. His favorite part is seeing the way the traditions are carried on from generations, but he prefers to kick back and watch as opposed to participating. He won’t really show it at first, but he’s really enjoying himself. 8/10 best dad
I loved doing this, it was really fun! If you wanna, plz drop some other characters so I can slap a Mardi Gras headcanon on them!!!
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
college model!juyeon
SO the people have spoken (aka 3 people but it’s more than 0 so I DON’T CARE) and without further ado HERE WE GO IT’S A COLLEGE MODEL JUYEON BLURB. please reblog if you enjoyed and check out my other dumb overly long blurbs in the stream of idiocy tag on my blog <3
pairing: juyeon x gender neutral!reader
wc: 2.4k
genre: fluff, a bit of angst when mc is stressed, university!au
triggers: cursing, like the tiniest bit of suggestive stuff but absolutely nothing explicit (it’s really just saying juyeon is hot which wbk)
fashion major!kevin
TBZ Scenarios Masterlist | TBZ Drabbles Masterlist
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so juyeon isn’t actual a professional model-model like he just happens to be v tall and v handsome and therefore catches the eye of every single fucking fashion major (and other people too) on campus but i’m focusing on the fashion majors because he is LITERALLY model material. have you seen those fucking arms and that fucking face ANYWAY MOVING ON juyeon is an absolute sweetheart behind those stupid muscles and anyone who works with him swears it is impossible like legitimately impossible not to fall in love with his dumb little smile but the thing is juyeon only really agrees to model for fashion major kevin usually like sometimes kevin will pull in a favor and ask him to model for someone else who can’t find anyone (bc let’s be real kevin’s got a lot of friends he could definitely rope someone into modeling for him /cough the other 2/3 of bermuda line cough/ but more often than not kevin takes juyeon not bc juyeon is like the best model or whatever (he’s good obv but some people probably have more experience) but bc juyeon is the only one who will willingly wear some of kevin’s more questionable choices
and the fucking thing is. he still looks good in them. he walks down the runway in this weird ass shirt and pants or whatever the hell kevin’s cooked up for this assignment and people are like.... IT’S SO WEIRD BUT WHY IS JUYEON PULLING IT OFF
so YEAH juyeon is happily modeling his way through college while doing a dance major (one time kevin did his makeup to purposely make him look slightly sweaty and the crowd went fucking insane) and he’s got a lot of things going for him, looks, talent, hard work, etc. and he’s v good at dancing, one of the top in his year so in exchange for his modeling work kevin goes to his dance recitals/competitions to cheer him on and that’s actually how juyeon meets you
you’re feeling shitty bc you just broke up with your partner for whatever reason, let’s just say it was not an amicable breakup and you were about to hole yourself up in 1. the dorm or 2. the lab and just drown yourself in work to forget everything but kevin is one of your good friends and he rolls up and is like. nah. fuck no i’m taking you out we are going to get lunch and then we are going to go see my model friend at one of his dance recitals i promise you it will be FUN and??? you can’t exactly refuse because it’s kevin and he’s not wrong you actually do need to go outside and get some fresh air bc the only time you have left a building over the past week or so is to 1. go to class/the lab from your dorm or 2. to go to your dorm from class/the lab (you are a science major here bc i am a science major and i am heavily projecting ok don’t come at me. though i will say you do theoretical physics which i DO NOT DO but i think it’s cool if mind-blowing so again. projection. despite the fact that i will not touch quantum mechanics after today with a ten foot pole)
so kevin forces you outside and the day is going ok like it’s nice out and he pays for the food and the dance recital is amazing and juyeon has this mf solo that’s absolutely gorgeous and you’re like hitting kevin in the shoulder like omg dude how did you score a friend this talented and he’s like??? what the fuck do you mean by that are you saying i’m not talented and you’re like. well. and then he threatens to deck you but it’s all in good fun anyway MOVING ON when the recital is over kevin drags you over to meet juyeon bc he’s like! it is unacceptable that two of my good friends do not know each other and juyeon if you’re not doing anything you should come with us to dinner! and juyeon is like well i was going to go out with the dance team but you two could come with us and he’s all smiley and soft and you half want to praise the heavens and half want to go to hell bc he looks so sweet and happy and lovely and it’s an honor to be in his presence but at the same time you haven’t left a building for like a week and you’re pretty sure you still have eyebags that haven’t disappeared (jokes on you they’ll never disappear this is university) but kevin says yes for both of you and so you end up with dinner plans too
and it’s fun! everyone is really nice and even though you know nothing about dance you and juyeon end up having v cool conversation about each other’s interests and all that and you’re so immersed in talking with him that you don’t see kevin giving you side-eyes next to you every five fucking minutes (he’s like well. i didn’t see this coming but i’m not going to complain) and by the end of the night you have juyeon’s number in your phone and you’ve made plans to get coffee before class the next day (you don’t have the same class but they’re in adjacent buildings and at the same time so why not) and you go back to your dorm feeling happier than you’ve felt all week
it continues like this?? like it’s actually v weird bc even when you two don’t have plans to meet up juyeon just magically appears around where you’re supposed to be and when you remark on this at one point juyeon just kinda blushes and diverts the topic which makes you suspicious a little but he’s really sweet and has no stalker-ish vibes and you also double-check with kevin who just fucking starts laughing over the phone until you hang up bc he clearly doesn’t have the brain cells to talk to you anywho this is model juyeon and i haven’t talked about that much but HERE WE GO 
kevin has a fashion show assignment coming up and juyeon doesn’t have much time to hang out anymore between fittings with kevin + his own major so you end up carting your ass to the fitting sessions after kevin invites you once to see what’s going on and juyeon actually gets scared by all the numbers n shit on your papers bc like what the fuck y/n are you a computer and you just whap him over the head with your stack of homework and say no shut the fuck up and model pretty boy (you don’t see but juyeon blushes bc you called him pretty. kevin saw though and he’s not impressed) but you end up not focusing on your homework bc kevin has juyeon put on and take off clothes at multiple points during the session and ofc if it’s pants or whatever juyeon goes into a different room but if it’s just a shirt.... let’s just say you get a free show and at some point you’re just like yeah i have to go and kevin’s like?? there’s still an hour left and you say something like i can’t focus here the vibes are off and KEVIN KNOWS WHAT’S UP but juyeon is adorably oblivious so he’s just like! ok! see you later y/n i hope you get your homework done :) and he’s so smiley and cute and you just want to melt and cry bc he’s shirtless which is hot asf but he’s also smiling like that which is cute asf and you’re getting whiplash
(you still end up joining the sessions every so often. you bring homework to try and get it done but your time is either spent critiquing kevin’s fashion choices or staring subtly (not) at juyeon)
then a not good week rolls around and it’s just been absolutely shitty between crap professors and too much homework and your lab is working on submitting a paper soon and you’re stressed to the max and to top things off you saw your ex earlier and they tried to talk to you and you really didn’t want to have it so you’re in the lab crying over your computer while you try to proofread the stupid paper and your phone is off bc you don’t want to talk to anyone but then the door bursts open and you nearly have a heart attack and there juyeon stands in clothes that definitely aren’t his own (they’re too sleek and fancy to be normal clothes at least) and his eyes are kinda wild before they locate you in the corner of the room, shell-shocked and confused and also still crying a little bit out of stress 
and oh god juyeon’s eyes just soften totally and he walks over and before you know it you’re being pulled into a juyeon hug which is quite possibly one of the best hugs you have felt in a very long time and you’re doing your best not to break down right then and there bc his clothes feel hella expensive and he’s asking you what’s wrong and you can’t speak bc if you do you’ll cry on his model clothing and you finally manage to say that and there’s a beat of silence and then juyeon just goes well would it help if i took the shirt off 
AND THAT JUST SETS YOU OFF AND NOW YOU’RE CRYING AND LAUGHING AT THE SAME TIME AND JUYEON IS HALF SMILING HALF UPSET THAT YOU’RE STILL SAD BUT LIKE IT’S FINE IT’S TOTALLY FINE AND somehow you manage not to ruin kevin’s latest fashion creation (which makes juyeon look unfairly handsome even through your puffy eyes) and juyeon closes your laptop and takes you out to the convenience store (still dressed in his modeling outfit jfc) and over shitty ramen and alcohol (or water/juice/whatever if you don’t drink) you tell him about your crap week and juyeon commiserates and listens
at some point you ask him why he’s still wearing kevin’s clothes like?? surely you weren’t running around in them all day and juyeon just looks down and mumbles something and you’re like speak louder dude i can’t hear you and apparently he was in the middle of a session w kevin and kevin looked super stressed and worried and juyeon asked what was up and he told him about how you weren’t responding to anything and juyeon just. booked it the fuck out of there to find you and well now here you both are
and that. that just touches the FUCK out of you and wow you’re crying again bc of that and out of guilt for not talking to kevin or anyone and juyeon’s freaking out like oh my god please stop crying did i say something wrong and you’re just wiping your tears away with a napkin like no you doofus i’m sorry i made you worried it was just that shitty week and??? why did you sprint out of there IN KEVIN’S MODEL CLOTHES you gotta give those back??? and it looks like silk you know that’s going to be a bitch to clean
juyeon just pouts then and mumbles something under his breath and is like. it’s not more important than you.
which makes you reel bc that sounded a lot more like a confession than you’re really ready to process and juyeon seems to realize that at the same time and now you two are both just wide-eyed staring at each other and juyeon’s ears are going red and you’re still in shock and at some point you’re like... juyeon you stupid bastard say that again and he DOES and okay maybe you’re not dating by the end of the night but you sure are two weeks later when you ask him whether or not this is now a date and if he’s your boyfriend and juyeon spills coffee all over himself
(he mumbles yes as you’re wiping the coffee off his front though so it’s fine)
(it does not help that the coffee has now made the outline of his stomach visible)
anyway in general it’s a v cute and v sweet relationship :D juyeon is head over heels for you and you’re head over heels for him too and you’re not like the over the top sweet and gross couple you two like to keep it a little low-key but ofc that doesn’t stop kevin from banning you from fitting sessions w juyeon out of fear that you’ll like make out while juyeon’s wearing the modeling clothes but that’s just kevin being a little shit so it’s fine
juyeon manages to bring that silk shirt back to kevin in one clean piece
you manage not to die every time you go to one of juyeon’s dance recitals (even when he puts in a fake eyebrow piercing and you almost have a heart attack)
juyeon often likes to come into the lab for nothing other than to watch you work bc according to him its fascinating to watch you manipulate numbers and actually the lab is a v nice and quiet place to get things done when it’s mostly empty so you have a few study dates there
you go to juyeon’s dance practices sometimes when you have nothing better to do and get excited over showing him the physics of some of the dance moves and juyeon understands almost none of it but he’s beaming bc you’re so excited and animated while talking about it and the first time this happens is when you two have your first kiss. you ask juyeon if he was kissing you to shut you up and he says no i just thought you looked so happy that i had to kiss you
juyeon is a gentleman and you are like the sarcastic best friend turned lover but it really works out and yea there are a lot of people jealous that you managed to wrap juyeon around your finger but you’re also wrapped around his it’s v much a partnership where both of you rely on each other and yeah. it’s sweet. it’s lovely. juyeon hot but more important juyeon best boyfriend ever <3
and that’s how it goes.
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If you enjoyed, please don’t forget to reblog and leave a comment to tell me what you thought! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day <3
(1 reblog = 1 prayer for kevin’s clothes let’s all pray that no tears stain his silk)
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Part 8/finale in Getaway Series
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Warnings: nonconsensual sex (vaginal ntercourse, violence), angst, general assholery.
This is dark!(nomad)Steve and explicit. 18+ only. PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS. I mean it, I’m not gonna tell you again.
Summary: The reader makes her move.
Note: Alright, so this is the final part of this series and I’m shocked that I’ve finished it bc I was struggling boo. But here ya go. I hope you all are ready and I dunno if you’ll like it, but this is the end.
Anyways, let me know what you think as always with a reblog and/or some feedback. Love ya <3
You watched your mother as she set the casserole dish in the middle of the table. She hadn’t said much to you since your arrival. She avoided it as she distracted herself with the family dinner. Your sister sat across from you, she meant to say something but had yet to find the gull. 
Your father was the only who was unfazed by your presence. Never the talkative type, he at least looked away from his book for more than two seconds to acknowledge you. He greeted you with a hug and asked after your day. 
The tension of thoughts unspoken kept you silent too. You waited at the table and resisted the habitual urge to take your phone out. That would only be a reminder. Of how terribly everything could go. Your last hope were the texts you quickly erased upon reading. The emails deleted within minutes of receiving them.
Tony Stark had a plan and it all hinged on you. And Steve. Agents were in place to descend on your apartment the moment you sent the code word but their target had been absent for almost five days. Just like his presence, it made you anxious. He had been away for longer before. You should be relieved to be free of him, but you knew it was only temporary.
Your mother served everyone before she sat. You twirled your fork but even the savoury aroma of her family recipe couldn’t rile your appetite. You may not know when Steve would show up next, but you knew the end was imminent. All you had to do was send the word. One word and he was done.
“So, honey,” Your mother’s voice was hesitant. “How have you been?”
“Working,” You replied. “You know, the same old.”
The sound of cutlery against the plates filled the silence that followed. 
“And how’s Nick?” Gia asked suddenly. You looked up to her grin and narrowed your eyes.
“I wouldn’t know,” You said. 
“Gia,” Your mom warned.
“Oh come on, the last time we saw her, her ex was tryna fight her new boytoy.” Gia trilled. “Our family can be dramatic but that was--”
“He’s not--Nick is just...Nick.” You interjected. “Jesus, I came here to be with all of you and you’re treating me like some...pariah. Should I have worn a scarlet letter for our dinner?”
“We’re worried,” Your mother intoned. “We don’t know this Nick very well and after what happened with Ethan--”
“Ethan hates me. He has every right to.” You snarled. “What do you want me to say? He was right, I’m a slut.”
“Language,” Your mother reproached.
“I’m an adult! I’ll use whatever language suited to the situation.” You dropped your fork and crossed your arms. “Why aren’t you saying anything to Gia as she dates a man nearly two decades older than her, hmm?”
“We love you, we just want to make sure you’re okay,” Your mother protested.
“Then leave her alone,” Your father spoke up as he swallowed a mouthful of casserole. “Pete’s sake, she’s told you a dozen times. Let her make her own mistakes. Judgin’ her’s not gonna do her any favours.”
You blinked and looked to your dad as he leaned back in his chair. 
“This Nick boy causes any trouble, I’ll deal with him myself.” He shook his head. “Just like I dealt with Ethan.”
“What?” You lifted a brow. “What does that mean?”
“I had a talk with him after the barbecue. Told him to leave you alone. He’s angry. Hurt. But I told him it’s no sense hounding you and making you both more miserable than you already are.” He sighed. “It will pass. All of it.” He looked to your mother pointedly. “So let it pass and be nice.”
You mother sniffed and stared at the table. Gia glared at you over her plate and you tapped your fingers along the wood. You nodded and slowly stood.
“I’m not hungry.” You said. “Besides, I didn’t come here to eat. I came here to spend time with you. I thought, stupidly, that we could be friendly.” You stepped out from between the chair and table. “I love you. All of you. I just think I need some time.”
“Honey,” Your mother stood, “Please--”
“I’ve got work tomorrow,” You neared her and forced your arms around her. “I’ll see you.” 
You let go of her and patted your sister’s arm as she sulked in her chair. Your father stood and hugged you in turn. He clung to you a moment before he held you at arm’s length. His wrinkles deepened as he considered you.
“Take care of yourself, kiddo,” He said.
“I’ll try, dad,” You slowly parted from him and his hand fell from your shoulder. “Bye.”
You grabbed your coat and jacket at the door and looked back into the dining room. Your dad watched as you opened the door and disappeared out onto the street. Well, there wasn’t as much at stake as you thought.
‘Dear Mom, Dad, Gia, or whoever finds this letter,
If I'm missing or dead, I want this to be a record of why. If this man gets the best of me, I want there to be a chance that someone might get him.’
Your hand hovered over the paper as you thought. The small book light lit your words as you sat in the dark. The mattress was lumpy, its time on the floor had worsened its springs. You flicked your pen against your lip and bit the cap. Slowly, you pressed the ballpoint to the paper again.
‘It happened up north, on vacation with my friends, Kaya, Camile, Milani, and Corette, as well as my sister, Gia. They do not know what happened but they can confirm that they left me alone for several hours to visit the beach. During which I was accosted and assaulted by the fugitive known as Steve Rogers. He was bleeding and left me bleeding in turn.
I returned at the end of the week to the apartment I shared with my boyfriend, Ethan. For a few weeks, my life was the same as it was. But then he appeared again, broke into my apartment, and assaulted both me and Ethan. He made Ethan watch as he raped me and this led to the end of that relationship.
Thereafter, living on my own and without witness, I was visited almost weekly by Steve Rogers. He introduced himself to those I knew as Nick and coerced me into hiding his identity. If you capture him, you will find footage of at least one of his assaults on his phone. You will also find that he once more assaulted Ethan at one of my family’s events.
You will also note my correspondence with Stark Industries. They can provide you with a full transcript as I have erased all evidence on my end to keep myself safe. If they have failed to aid me in capturing the fugitive, then this letter will be of use to you. I only hope that he is caught before he can do this to someone else.
In the event that this letter is read, I want my family to know that I love them. I am sorry I didn’t tell them the truth but it was for their own safety.’
You leaned back against the pillow and re-read the letter. You shivered and folded it up carefully. Your last testament. All that would remain of you should this all go to shit. You got up and tucked folded the paper up so that it fit behind the upholstery of your jewelry box. When Steve arrived, you’d text your mother your hiding spot. You only prayed Steve didn’t discover it first.
It was your day off. You didn’t sleep and so you showered and dressed early. Unsure of when the bell would toll, you determined to make what could be your last day to yourself entirely self-indulgent.
You spent an hour in the bookstore. It was ages since you visited the familiar aisles, browsed old titles and new. You still hadn’t read the last haul of books you’d taken home with you. You weren’t sure you ever would but the smell of paperback comforted you. It reminded you of a time before; the alphabetized spines were the only order in your chaotic life.
You paid for a collection of Poe’s stories and made your way to the cafe next door. Many of the bookstore’s patrons ended up here. It was bustling that day but many took their coffee to go. You ordered a tea and sat in the corner, a round-backed armchair with another beside it. Empty.
It was easy to feel lonely these days. With a secret you couldn’t share with anyone; a torment you faced on your own. You left your tea to cool on the small table between the chairs and opened the book. Many of these tales you’d read before but each time you read them, they felt new again, though the sense of horror was nothing compared to that you faced outside the pages.
“You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded –with what caution –with what foresight –with what dissimulation I went to work!”
You began to slump in your chair as you read the descent into madness, the almost inhuman insanity did not seem so fantastical anymore. Perhaps, Poe’s horror wasn’t fictional, but a reflection of the depths of humanity. Of how low one could sink when their soul is corrupted.
A shadow moved beside you and a cup was placed next to yours. The book fell closed around your finger as you let it rest in your lap. You stared over at your villain. Steve sat down heavily and smirked over at you.
“Is this what you do with your free time?” He asked as he ran his hands along his thighs, smoothing the wrinkles from the worn denim. 
You pulled your finger from the pages without marking your place and set the small volume behind your cup. You took your tea and sipped as you looked around the cafe. “It’s what I’m doing today.”
“It’s been a while,” He remarked as he picked up his own cup and cradled it just above his lap. “Do you think this will save you?”
You turned and squinted at him. You drank again. The tea was lukewarm and acidic. “Save me?” 
“All these people,” He glanced around. “Do you think that will stop me?”
“I know it won’t,” You replied and took another gulp before setting aside the dregs to cool entirely. “So what are you waiting for?”
He laughed and raised his mug to his lips. He drank the dark coffee and placed his mug next to yours. “You don’t give up, do you?”
“And neither do you,” You countered. 
“I don’t,” He said as he leaned over the arm of his chair. “And let me assure you, I’ve dealt with people far more formidable than you, girl.”
You nodded. This was what he did. He enjoyed it; taunting you. “I’m sure you have.” You examined the lines of your palm. You itched to grab your phone but could not make it so obvious. “Where have you been, anyway?”
“Doing my valiant duty. Saving the people who need saving.” He said smugly. “You know, the ones I was outlawed from helping. This world seems to have forgotten that without me, they’d be in ruins.”
“Is that how you make it okay in your head?” You looked at him. “Hmm? This?”
“This is what I’m owed. You. A single life for the millions I’ve saved.” He reached over and touched your arm, his fingers danced along your shoulder. “I’m fucking hard already.” He pulled away and pushed himself to his feet. “Meet me in the mens’.”
He turned and strutted away as you watched him. His broad shoulders disappeared down the narrow hallway that led to the facilities. You sighed and grabbed the book of horror stories from the table. 
You stared at the cover, the silhouette of a raven. A bad omen; a harbinger of warfare, of death. You grabbed your purse and replaced the book on the table. You didn’t need horror stories; you were living one of your own.
The walk along the hallway seemed longer than six steps. The clinking and steaming of the cafe kitchen disguised your footsteps. You passed the ladies’ and stopped in front of the mens’. You didn’t knock but stepped inside with resignation. 
Was this the climax of your story? How then should the denouement bring you lower?
Steve reached over your head and pushed the door closed as you entered. His hand slipped down and turned the lock with a loud click. He grabbed your arm and yanked you away from the door as he turned you to face the small sink.  You dropped your purse as you gripped the porcelain.
You looked in the mirror at yourself as he let go and hastily undid his fly. “Come on,” He tugged your shirt up and grabbed the waist of your jeans. 
You flicked open your fly as he shoved your pants past your ass. The heat of his body surrounded you. You looked up. Your eyes weren’t yours. They were dark and haunted. Your features were marred by shadows. You felt hollow as his hand brushed against you and he pushed your shoulders forward.
You closed your eyes as he entered you. It hurt. You were dry and he was impatient. It took him a few thrusts to reach his limit. His hand went to the back of your neck as you shuddered and grasped the sides of the sink. He crushed your hips against the porcelain as his hushed grunts floated above you.
“Fuck,” He swore as he slipped his hand around your front. He felt between your folds and rubbed your clit. “I should’ve come yesterday.”
You bit your lip as you hung your head forward. You kept your eyes shut as each thrust came harder than the last. The cold porcelain grew slick beneath your palms. You slid forward, your face closer to the mirror. His hand crept around your neck and your back arched as his fingers tightened at your throat.
Your breath whisked from you as the sounds of the cafe crept in beneath the door. You felt yourself slicken around his cock. Your body worked against you. His flesh slapped loudly against your ass. You couldn’t stifle the heat as it flowed through you.
You gasped as he sped up. Your hands slipped as his left your neck. He caught your arms and held them back as he fucked you. 
“Open your eyes.” He growled. You shook your head and he jolted into you painfully and stopped. “I said open your eyes, girl.”
Your jaw set and you slowly opened your eyes. His blue eyes were cavernous as they stared back at you in the mirror. He began to move again. Your body rebelled and continued its ascent. You breathed through your nose, trying to muffle your pleasure as he ripped it from your flesh. You squeaked and trembled as you came. He watched, pleased at your surrender.
He pulled you away from the sink. He dropped your arms and wrapped his around your middle as he rutted into you. You reached back to touch his thighs, pleading wordlessly for him to slow down as each thrust sent a ripple through you. 
He jerked against you and spasmed as he threw his head back. He hissed as he came and rocked his hips slowly as he spilled inside you. You were weak as he released you and you stumbled forward as he pulled out. 
He chuckled as you caught yourself on the sink and his cum dripped down onto your panties and jeans. He edged you out of his way as he grabbed a paper towel and turned the faucet. You took some toilet paper and turned away from him as he cleaned himself up. You tried to do the same but still felt dirty when you were done.
“I’ll be out there,” He said as he zipped his fly up. “There’s an alarm on the fire escape so let’s not play games.”
“Alright,” You grumbled if only to get him to leave.
The locked clicked and the door opened and closed. You wiped off your panties and jeans as best as you could and pulled them up. You locked the door and grabbed your purse off the tile. You dug around and found your phone buried in the mess. 
You leaned against the wall as you typed in the single word. You stared at it as your thumb hovered over ‘send’. Once it went through, you had less than an hour before agents descended on your apartment. You sent the second, the one for your mother and shoved your phone away. 
However this ended, Steve would no longer be your personal scourge.
The car ride was silent. It always was with him. It was better that way. The only words he had for you were cruel. You kept your eyes forward and watched the road through the windshield. Play it cool. This was the hardest part. The anxiety. The impatience. For your doom or his.
Your building was a spectre against the grey sky. A storm was moving in. You got out and he followed. The usual smack on your ass. You pulled out your keys as he pushed himself against you. He was hard again.
“We’ll have some fun on your day off,” He teased as you unlocked the door. “Better than your books.”
You stayed quiet. He didn’t expect an answer. He knew you wouldn’t. This routine had become too familiar. Too rehearsed. Too easy.
You led him up the stairs. With each, your heart beat just a little quicker. The keys jingled in your hand and you realized your were shaking. You stopped in front of your door to gather yourself and find the right key on the ring. He leaned against the wall and ran a finger down your side.
“You’re...excited,” He mused. “I can hear your heart racing.”
You looked over at him, the key poised just before the lock. “You can?”
“Yeah. I hear a lot, you know? Your heart, the blood flowing through your veins, your breath before it rises,” He smirked and you slid the key into the bolt and turned. “Serum gave me a lot more than muscles, didn’t it?”
He flicked your chin playfully and drew away. You held back your retort and stepped inside. Your apartment was as you left it, not a single speck of dust missing. You blinked as you entered the small living room. A furtive glance to the windows. 
Did they get your message? Were they really coming?
Steve walked around the room as he stretched his arms above him. You watched him as he strolled around the small space. He neared the window and looked out, his figure a wraith against the grim sky. He twisted the plastic rod and the blinds closed.
He turned back to you and his hands went to his hips. That classic stance you’d seen on posters. Captain America. The saviour of the world. He laughed.
“You’re heart is still going,” He slowly inched across the room. “Faster now. Fuck, you’re gonna have a fit, girl.”
You swallowed, your mouth dry as you gripped your purse. You looked down and saw your phone through the open zipper. You couldn’t just pull it out and check. You hadn’t felt a vibration. 
He neared, his shoes decisive against the hardwood. He was like a hawk circling. You looked up and backed away as he came closer.
“You really think Tony Stark would believe some small town girl?” Steve grinned and your chest clenched. “Hmm? You think you’re some spy with your code words and your covert messages? Your plan to have them storm your pathetic apartment?”
Your lips parted in shock as if you’d been slapped. No… Your flesh turned to stone as you met the wall and pressed yourself to it. 
“I’ve faced real spies. Let me tell you, Hydra was a lot more intimidating but I tossed them on their asses. But you, you think you can bring me down?” He chuckled as his hand came up to grip your chin. “What do you think I could do to you?”
Tears rose along your lower lids and your lip trembled. You should’ve known. It was too easy. Another trick. A bug on your phone; your computer, too. He knew it all and you were too desperate to think. Stupid.
“Think of what I’ve already done,” He leaned in so that his nose was almost touching yours. “Of what I’m going to do now.” He pressed his forehead to yours. “It’s over, girl. Just like you wanted it.”
He pulled away, his hands balled as he glared down at you. His chest rose and fell as his jaw ticked. You wiped away the tears before they could fall and sniffed. You stood straight as you looked back at him defiantly.
“Fine,” You declared. “Then end it.”
You were stunned as his fist met your jaw. Your stumbled back and your head hit the wall. You slid down slowly as your legs turned to jelly and the room faded slowly before your eyes. You gripped your pounding skull as the strength drained from you. You looked up at Steve as he loomed over you and your vision swam with stars.
“You really thought you could get away from me?” He knelt as your eyes began to roll back, his voice floated in your ears and into the void. 
When you awoke, the world was moving. When you awoke, you were shocked. Were you really alive or was this the purgatory you’d always denied? Your head lolled and you stared at the driver of the car. No, you were still painfully alive.
Steve’s features were limned in sunlight. It was either a new day or a new place. His blue eyes bore into the winding highway ahead. Your jaw ached terribly and your head felt like it was full of cement. You babbled weakly.
Your hands were tied together. Your ankles too. The seat belt was buckled around you and kept you from sliding down the seat.
“I really thought I might’ve killed you,” He said. “I hit you a bit harder than I meant to.”
You grumbled. No words would come.
“That’d be too easy. I’ve been too easy on you and you didn’t appreciate it at all. I let you stay in your shit hole apartment, let you see your family, let you live your life when it’s not your life. It’s mine.” The steering wheel groaned as he gripped it tighter. “You’re mine.”
You mumbled and felt the sting of tears as the world closed in on you.
“It’s all over now, girl,” Your eyes closed again. “You don’t even know how good you had it.”
His words were scribbled across your dreams as you sank back into unconsciousness. You dozed and woke at intervals. He allowed you a drink of water from a bottle and a piss on the side of the road. You barely recalled the stops as your world was clouded in shock and pain.
You were shaken awake for the last time. Your door was open and Steve felt along your jaw roughly. 
“It’s not broken.” He stated and unbuckled the seat belt. “See, another thing to be thankful for.”
“Steve,” You rasped. “Please…”
“Please, shut up,” He spat and pulled you out of the car. “Come on, hop, bunny.”
He tugged you forward and you were forced to hop on your bound feet. There was a farmhouse just ahead; long-abandoned and slanted. The fields were overgrown with weeds. This was where he’d leave you. 
“Just get it over with,” Your words were clumsy through your swollen jaw.
He didn’t reply and continued to drag you towards the barn. He slid the door open enough to angle you through. He led you to the corner where a pile of rotted boards rested. He let go of you and you wobbled on your feet as he began to move the rubble.
Beneath was a small hatch. This was tornado country. These vaults were built decades ago to keep families safe when the sirens sounded. Except the hatch was more than the usual wooden door; it was metal, shiny and new, a bolt on its face.
He took a key out and unlocked the hatch. He turned and bent to pick you up. He slung you over his shoulder and your head spun. He slowly carried you down the steps. He put you back on your feet and you wavered. 
The light from above lit the shadows. There were shelves along the far wall, illegible packets and cans lined the middle shelf. A bed sat a foot from the shelves against the wall; a metal frame with a thin mattress. A toilet was attached to the wall along with a small sink. A single lightbulb hung from the ceiling.
Steve untied your hands and your feet. He stood and shoved you towards the middle of the room. You caught yourself on the bed frame and turned back.
“Welcome home,” His smile was sinister in the dim. 
“No,” You gasped and neared him. He pushed you back easily and you fell on your ass. “Please, don’t do this. Just kill me, please.”
“Kill you? I never wanted that,” He scoffed and turned to set his foot on the bottom step. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back to check on you. Now and then.”
He started to climb the steps and you got up unsteadily. As he reached the top, you grabbed onto the stairs and tried to come up after him.
“I’ll throw you back down,” He warned as he pulled on the steps and slowly raised them. You clung to them as he tried to wriggle them away from you. “You’ll be worse off if I break something.”
“Steve, you can’t--” Slivers embedded in your skin as he yanked the steps free from you and raised them up after him.
“Now, now, girl,” He knelt and looked through the hatch at you. “Is there anything I can’t do?” He slowly lifted the door as he spoke. “Don’t you worry, I’ll keep an eye on the family for you.” He taunted as he slowly closed the door, the light draining away inch by inch. “Be good and I’ll let you know.”
He dropped the door entirely and it clanged shut. The lock turned and you were left in darkness. Tears rolled down your eyes and light sparked in your blurred vision. The light bulb crackled to life above you, a small beacon in the pit. You could hear him moving the boards back onto the hatch.
You turned blindly and fell onto the bed. You were poked by the corner of a familiar shape. You sat up and grabbed the book from atop the thin blanket. The silhouette of the raven shone beneath the wire. The book fell open as your sight came clearer through the tears. The world clearer through the dark. The scraping and steps above faded away.
“Then silence, and stillness, and night were the universe.”
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wordsablaze · 4 years
help, i lost myself again
It's over and they've won but is it really winning if Kai somehow feels more lost than ever?
A/N: aka angst™ bc i love hurting my faves... title from six feet under by bilie eilish :) oh and this has major s2 spoilers !!
When Kai wakes up, he doesn't react as calmly as the others.
He doesn't go and ask his parents if they're real or question the existence of his house.
But that's because his parents aren't there, they're never there, and his house feels just as empty as it always did.
The doughnuts taste great though.
And then he runs into another Hollow gamer who seems not to recognise him but he doesn't really question it because why would someone so talented and famous want to talk to him anyway?
But then Mira and Adam share their thoughts and he has to admit that what they think makes sense in a really nonsensical kind of way.
So he takes them to his house and tries not to pay attention to their judgemental staring, gazing, as Davis brings them something to drink, as they notice the giant statue of himself, as they see his neighbour Kevin.
The giant chicken from his nightmares helpfully distracts him from thinking about their reactions.
But Mabel is eventually defeated because as if he's going to allow his nightmares to hurt his best friends.
And then it turns out his best friends don't in fact like each other when he'd spent most of the first hollow game thinking that they do, that they choose each other over him.
He's not sure if it's worse that they liked each other or if it's worse that they didn't , because the latter means they just didn't like him.
Maybe they aren't his best friends after all.
He certainly isn't theirs anyway.
He pointedly ignores those thoughts once he realises he really isn't dreaming and they get caught up in figuring out how to find Weirdy.
But those thoughts come right back when he asks Adam why they'd chosen him over Reeve and apparently it's just because he was available.
Not because he was good at what he did or because they liked him or because they thought he could help, but just because he was there.
It stings to hear but he doesn't argue because they have more pressing matters, like making sure the other, more valuable member of their team is okay.
And anyway, Adam jokes around with him afterwards and it's not really that bad.
(But he does stop trying to convince Adam he's cool because clearly that's a futile quest.)
It's bittersweet to see Skeet because last time, he and Reeve had all but bullied him, but it's better this time because he's far nicer - he does try and leave the second they rescue him but that's only to be expected, really.
Fighting fire with fire is ridiculous but it works out in the end, mostly thanks to Adam and his clever ideas.
Speaking of clever ideas, Skeet's idea to try and reboot is not clever and it's endlessly frustrating to try and rescue someone who doesn't want to be rescued.
(It's kind of like how his parents keep trying to rescue a marriage that's better off not rescued)
But they do it anyway, and then they find Mira, and it turns out she and Skeet have something between them, which makes his old crush on Mira kind of embarrassing.
And he convinces himself that the others let him control the wheels that turn the puzzle floors because they know he can fly, not just because he'd be the lesser loss if something went wrong.
Sliding on mucus is surprisingly fun, and there's something he never thought he'd think.
But losing a friend is significantly less fun.
Although he's not entirely sure he can call Skeet a friend but they'd shared laughs and Skeet hadn't minded his presence all that much and that's what friends are like, right?
So it definitely hurts to lose him, and he imagines Mira is devastated. He just wishes he could help.
But he can't, as usual.
It's definitely unusual, though, that the weird evil scientist decides to dress Adam and Mira up to look fancy and formal and he gets given a sailor outfit, of all things.
(Come on, he has fire powers, why would he ever be a sailor?)
But the guy has good cutlery, Kai can give him that. Although said cutlery is not so good when Reeve is trying to kill him with it.
Saving the others from their weird possessed state ruins his hair but really, it doesn't matter when he's wearing what he is.
And then they finally, finally find Weirdy.
Though not before they meet another team in which one of them has fire power, his power.
And Nisha is really good at using it.
But it's meant to be his thing.
If another player can master his power better than he can, what does he have left?
It's unfair .
What's also unfair is Adam and Reeve yelling at each other like an old married couple, exactly like another married couple he knows.
It throws him back to Easter and how arguing had ruined his chance of finding any chocolate the Easter Bunny had left for him, and he abruptly forgets where he is and what they're doing.
(Thank heavens for Davis, who had always given him chocolate before bed to try and make up for things.)
He manages to push his memories aside as they focus on trying to get Weirdy's attention but all they get for their trouble is being thrown into yet another life or death situation.
It's disheartening to know that even Weirdy, who'd been specifically programmed to help them, has given up on them.
Not to mention that Vanessa won't stop acting strange and although he'd figured out that she was only pretending to like him before, which is a whole other world of hurt he doesn't even want to address, it's unnerving to see her so quiet.
But she mostly ignores him and they end up separated from Adam and Reeve.
They end up eaten, actually.
It's a bizarre experience and not one he'd like to experience ever again. Although he'd take it over Christmas dinners any day.
And then he manages to get Vanessa to tell him why she's been so sad, and they have what he feels like is a nice conversation.
(It's rare that he can discuss video games with someone who understands what he's talking about and poor Davis had tried but hadn't quite gotten the hang of it all.)
Of course he wants to blame her but he'd already done that and it hadn't helped in the slightest so he just assures her he isn't annoyed.
And then the others get back because apparently Mira is the only one who can help things along when they're underwater.
And he wants to tell Adam how happy he is to see him but he remembers that Adam had chosen him out of necessity and he holds back.
Plus, Adam and Reeve suddenly being friendly with each other again means he's probably no longer needed anyway.
Well, it was fun while it lasted.
The pixies or sprites or whatever they are make a nice break from people trying to kill them and figuring out how to make a goat is actually pretty enjoyable .
Until Weirdy ruins it by telling them they're not even real.
But they're not dead either, so he'd been slightly wrong about that.
And it turns out the other team have figured out their doomsday weapon, which is exactly what they don't need to make things better.
Stopping the other team is just as easy as his parents getting along, which is to say it's one of the most difficult things in the world.
Vanessa ends up disappearing, and that's just great because he'd thought they were getting close, becoming friends, and he'd just convinced the others to side with her.
(But it's fine because it's nothing new, it's not like he's used to retaining friends.)
And then because of course life can't be easy, they have to stall the other team, who seem to always be a step ahead of them.
He tries to be a good friend and joins Adam in attempting to force the weird pyramid open but it seems his efforts go unappreciated, surprise surprise.
Stupid motion sickness.
He can practically feel Mira's disapproval when he throws up but he can't help it, he really can't, and he'd take a dragon over a car chase anytime.
The boss battle feels wrong and they all just get thrown around for trying to confusingly help by not helping.
And he feels awful because he knows he wouldn't have been fast enough to save Iris, he'd almost cost everyone their lives.
But he's happy Vanessa is alive.
Although it seems he's too happy because by telling Vanessa what he'd figured out about the mechanical boss, the other team learns how to win.
All is almost lost, again .
Well, before Weirdy finally gets round to being amazing, helping them properly, and conjuring a portal that leads back to whatever their new life is.
It works.
It really works .
And they're still not dead.
And everything is as okay as it can be.
Except it's not, because the others have families to go back to but the game hadn't even thought to program his parents into this world so all he has is a mostly empty house.
(That's not to say he's not grateful for Davis, who is by far the best butler and friend in the world.)
But while the others are making a toast to old friends and new adventures, he can't help but feel a little lost .
Actually, make that very lost.
Because where does he fit into this new world?
Turns out you can take Kai out of the hollow but you can't take the hollow feeling out of Kai.
sorry for the big sad but the poor kid is traumatised enough to warrant this tbh... more of my thoughts at @kaidamplease if you’re interested :p
thanks for reading! masterlist
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living-dead-parker · 6 years
Met Gala - P.P
Summary: Request - Omg what if stark!reader got invited to a really important event like the met gala or something and brings Peter (her crush) as her date? 
Ngl, I forgot about the crush think while writing this so, they’re dating in this lmaoo sorry
Warnings: cussing maybe, sexual undertones (I might need to do a smut blurb night type of thing if people start sending me requests bc I have some pent up stuff ngl), probably some mistakes
Word Count: 2k
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The Met Gala. Such a fancy event. One that your father refuses to go to because the celebrities there only want to be friends so that they'll have security. He refuses to be friends with any of them just to be used for safety purposes. So, he's always putting their offers down. Since they can't seem to get the older Stark, they've resorted to inviting the younger of the two Starks. His very own daughter, and actress, Y/N Stark.
"No, you're not going. They only want you to go because I keep saying no. I've made my donation, their exchange with the Stark name is done," Tony rants as he sees the very formal looking envelope from one of the many sponsors. You roll your eyes and set the envelope down on one of the workbenches.
"Come on, dad. I have nothing to offer them in terms of security! Plus, I'm an actress, so maybe they want to invite me for my work?"
Tony sighs and shakes his head. As much as he doesn't want to agree, he can't exactly deny either. You don't have powers or some kickass suit. You just have basic training from Nat, a phone full of contacts, and money. So, realistically, you don't have much to offer besides great conversation, acting skills, and enough arrogance to prove you're a Stark. Plus, he trusts nothing will happen. Nothing usually happens.
"Fine, you can go to the stupid event. Just make sure to not whore the Avengers out to Rihanna or something," Tony says loudly as you walk out the lab. However, you take the moment to respond before leaving.
"The only person getting whored out to Rihanna is me."
Now, it's the day of the Gala. You're in your room, sitting at your vanity in just a towel and looking over at all your makeup. Peter texts you that he's coming over in a few minutes, and while the idea of him walking in on you is pretty bad, you could not be bothered to actually get up and put on some clothes. You just wanna chill for a few minutes. So, you sit back and continue picking out all the makeup necessities you'll need for your look while singing to some Ariana Grande song. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door.
"Can I come in?" the person -so obviously Peter- asks from the other side of the door. You shrug and respond with a 'sure, come in'. When he does come in, he jumps and stutters as he notices you're in only a towel. A giggle pushes past your lips as you turn to look at him.
"Don't be startled, Parker. This isn't your first time seeing me naked," you flirt. Peter rolls his eyes as he throws himself onto your bed, right next to the large bag he'd laid out on the mattress. You turn back around and put away the items you knew you would not need. All the while, Peter scrolls through his phone.
After a few minutes of just listening to music, Peter sits up, looking over at you. "So, the Met Gala? Are you sure you want me to go?"
Another giggle escapes your lips as you stand up. He watches as you walk over to him. He slowly becomes nervous as you rest your hands on his shoulders. You stand between his legs and press a kiss to his cheek.
"Of course I want you to go with me. I'd rather you go with me than anyone else. I trust you to make things fun," you tell him as you grab his chin, making him look up at you. His slight frown turns into a full-on grin and you can't help but wanna kiss him over and over again. He leans up and presses his lips to yours. You move closer to him and when his hands feel the thin cloth covering you, his eyes go wide and he stops.
"We should probably stop before I get even more excited. Because then I really won't wanna go," Peter jokes as he stands up. You giggle at his sudden nervousness. He smiles as he moves to the en suite restroom, mentioning something about a shower.
When Peter comes back out, he sees you're in some panties and in a strapless bra. You have your hair done and you're finishing up your makeup, adding on some nudish-pink lipstick. You stand up and walk over to your closet and grab the hanger with a bag over it. Peter walked out with his hair already slicked back, smelling like his cologne which you loved so much. He has on some boxers and some socks on. You also have a pair of black heels in your arm. You set the heels on your bed and open up the hanger with the dress in it.
The dress is a long, rose-gold gown. It has a long train, extending for a good five feet. The bust is covered in diamond sequins and the dress is pretty form fitting. After a good few minutes of getting the dress on -who needs stylists?- you turn to Peter to ask for help. However, when you look at him, you see him putting on the jacket to his suit. It's an all-black suit and it fits perfectly tight on him. You're almost breathless as you look at him.
"Holy fuck," you say breathlessly. Yeah, Peter's a real cutie, and you've seen him in some sexy outfits, but this. This is next level. This is the type of Peter that could boss you around -because quite frankly, you don't like being bossed around- and you'd have no problem getting on your knees for. When Peter looks up at you, he begins to blush. He takes notice of your stunned expression and then his breath is taken away when he looks at you in the dress. Neither of you are completely dressed and you're already wanting to undress each other. You both have too much power at once. "C-can you zip me up?"
After a half hour of helping each other get ready and making out, you take note of the time, seeing it's already 6:30. The red carpet starts at 7:00, so leaving five minutes ago would've been a good idea. You call for Happy and once in the car, he speeds off towards the event venue.
Upon arrival, you see so many artists. So many musicians, actors, business owners, fashion designers. Peter is left stunned by all the big names in the room, leading to the red carpet. At some point, you have to remind Peter that half of those people don't even care to be there, so just chill. So instead of him freaking out over everyone, he stayed close by and held on to you. Maybe it was so he could make himself look cooler, but he's literally Spider-Man and he's already cool as is, it's just too bad nobody knows.
"I'm gonna say it this one time, but I'd suck Shawn Mendes' dick," Peter tells you as you both see him up ahead the red carpet. You nod eagerly in agreement. Peter laughs at your eagerness.
"Vanessa Hudgens, couple feet up. If she had a dick, I'm sure it would be colossal," you tell him. Vanessa Hudgens is a beautiful person and you have a huge crush on her. Peter agrees, commenting that she looks cute. Suddenly, a woman is calling you over, so you drag Peter over to where the woman stands in front of a man holding a camera.
"Now we're here with Y/N Stark, actress, and daughter of Tony Stark," the woman says. You smile and shake the woman's hand as she looks over at Peter. "Who do you have with you here?"
"This is my boyfriend, Peter," you say as the camera pans over to Peter, who shyly waves at the camera.
"How adorable. Now may I say, you both look absolutely amazing. How are you feeling tonight?" the woman asks.
"Totally nervous," Peter accidentally too loud. His eyes go wide and cheeks go red when he realizes the microphone picked that up and that the question was meant for Y/N and not him. There he goes, making it about him.
You giggle as you gently squeeze Peter's hand. "Yeah, like he said, totally nervous. This is my first big event like this. The only red carpets I go to are movie premiers or my father's expo, so I'm not totally surrounded by such big names often. It's wild."
"Now, how did Peter know you before getting together?" the woman asks. Your relationship with Peter was public for sure, but nobody really knew who Peter was. They just know you have a boyfriend and that's about it.
"We'd gone to school together and then he became an intern for my dad, so we spent a lot of time around each other."
After a final question, you and Peter go back to the carpet where you both get tons of pictures taken of you. After a few boring pictures, you and Peter decided to have fun with it. So, for each photographer, you'd take one normal picture and the rest would be the two of you making dumb poses. It started with it looking like you and Peter we arguing, followed by one where it looked like you were punching Peter, even one where you hold bunny ears up to Peter's head. Some of the photographers had fun with it, others seemed annoyed by it, but neither of you cared. You mostly did it to calm Peter's nerves and it really got him out of his shell.
"So I wanna play a game with you guys," some guy interviewing you asks.
"Sure thing, we love games!" you say.
"Alright. Fuck, Marry, kill. And the three names are Shawn Mendes, Ed Sheeran, and Drake."
Peter sighs and you do too.
"Okay, fuck Ed, but the room would have to be pitch black," you say, causing Peter to giggle. However, he nods and ultimately agrees with you. "I speak for the both of us on this one, but Marry Shawn Mendes, that man is beautiful and we're both crushing on him,"  you say. Peter lets out a groan in agreement as he says yes. "And then kill Drake."
"Had that one prepared, huh? How about Ariana Grande, Vanessa Hudgens, and Selena Gomez?"
"Fuck Ari because she's hot and awesome, marry Vanessa Hudgens and kill Selena Gomez," you say.
"I'd have to switch and say fuck Vanessa, marry Ariana, but I'd still kill Selena," Peter says. You nod, giggling at the end.
"Final round, Avengers edition. Thor, Black Widow, and Captain America."
"Fuck Thor, marry Thor, and kill none of them," Peter says loudly, proudly, and excitedly. The fact that he was so quick to answer, so sure of it made you cackle.
"I couldn't pick any of them, they're like my family. As a kid when they started coming around, though, I probably would've said marry Thor, fuck Nat, and kill Steve."  
After that, you continue through the red carpet, ruining more pictures. People started to walk with you and Peter as well. You'd walked with Rihanna for a few minutes, joined Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid for a few minutes and any other model, actor, or musician who would randomly walk up to you. Most of them seemed to be genuine in their intents, but there was always that one person to ask about your father, so you had to quickly shut them down. In the end, you and Peter finally reach the Metropolitan Museum and in there, the two of you walk around and laugh at the art.
Soon, the night comes to an end, and you call Happy to pick you up, asking him to make a stop at the nearest McDonald's. He obliges, despite not wanting to. Once you reach the tower, you head up to your bedroom, Peter in tow with the food in hand. It wasn't too long after eating the two of you fell asleep, any plans to tear each other's clothes off each other long forgotten.
Please send feedback or requests! Send in asks or just come talk to me about anything!!
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noscorpsaladerive · 6 years
@mordredoforkney asked me to talk about how i would rewrite lra but tumblr’s being stupid so i gotta repost it and not under a cut bc i can’t get the page to open on my blog :P
anyways i’ve waited y e a r s for this question i’ve had this typed up since 2015 and s/o to @europeansdomusicalsbetter for her thoughts and input
long story short i take out the rape scene and make it so all of the recorded songs fit into the show but this is super long so it’s going under the cut
Introduction to Merlin and his deal with the Dragon.  Scene with knights attempting to pull out Excalibur.  Méléagant tries and fails.  After misplacing his brother’s sword, Arthur is successful in removing the sword from the stone.  Méléagant gets angry and accuses Merlin of seeking power for himself. Advienne que pourra Gawain trains Arthur in sword fighting while they’re on their way to Camelot.  Julien/Homme du peuple shows up and is like “Dude Méléagant’s super pissed that you stole the throne from him so now he’s holding my liege hostage.  Come help please?”  Arthur agrees. Arthur and Méléagant face each other in battle.  Arthur wins but is badly injured in the process.  He asks Méléagant to knight him, and Méléagant reluctantly agrees.  The daughter of the lord arrives, and Méléagant reminds her that although he will no longer be king, he will still marry her.  He also hints at getting revenge before leaving with his henchmen.  Guinevere’s like yeah whatever this guy’s hot let’s get him healed.  Her handmaidens (who aren’t pregnant in my version because wtf was that dove) help the king’s knights bring him inside. Rêver l’impossible Arthur and Guinevere introduce themselves to each other.  Maybe also mention how much time has passed just because it’ll make more sense than being magically healed by pregnant handmaidens.  Merlin shows up and is like “Arthur I know you just got injured and that you think you’re in love, but we gotta go defeat the Saxons.”  Guinevere’s like “Mais le roi est fatigué ; il a besoin de repos” and Flo does that sassy wave that he did one time because he should do that forever and always. Quelque chose de magique Merlin returns and says, “Stop the party I’ve got to reintroduce Julien/Homme du peuple.”  Flo Arthur stops noodling long enough to listen to Julien rock out. Délivre-nous Arthur says something inspiring about how he must help his people before he can get laid or some shit.  He tells Guinevere that he must depart but that he will send for her once he has defeated the Saxons. Je me relève The Saxons have been defeated in what will probably result in another dramatic dance number.  Merlin and Gawain bring Arthur back to Camelot and the court.  Or maybe instead of starting this scene with them, it could start with Kay at Camelot, and he receives word that the new king will be arriving soon.  Then Urien could talk to Morgane (thus establishing contact way before “Il est temps”), and her dead parents are mentioned so she can sing.  Maybe something is mentioned about the round table too? Ce que la vie a fait de moi Merlin and Gawain arrive in court with Arthur in tow.  They have some fancy arrival scene where Arthur is introduced as the son of Uther Pendragon. Morgane has a startled yet confused reaction at first.  Arthur makes an announcement that he is to be married and that they must send for Guinevere at once.  If not mentioned earlier, the round table should be mentioned here.  As Arthur and company leave the stage, the setting changes to Morgane’s chambers that evening where she dreams of her mother. Dors Morgane dors (the version on the CD not the stage version) Morgane wakes from her trance in a rage.  She swears vengeance on not only Arthur but Merlin as well for the role that he played in her mother’s rape. Tu vas le payer Kay once again announces the arrival of the future queen of Camelot, and nothing is changed about this scene because it is Emily’s aesthetic and it is perfect. Au diable After Guinevere is settled in court (aka after she sits down on the throne), a mysterious group of players arrive to entertain the king.  Knowing that Arthur would never take her seriously if he knew who told the story, Morgane arrives in disguise. A l’enfant After Morgane reveals herself, Arthur is furious.  Upset at how he reacted and because she accidentally played a role in confronting her future husband, Guinevere rushes off stage (so she can get changed into her next costume).  Merlin and Arthur share a moment where Merlin does some dramatic foreshadowing about how that probably wasn’t a good idea and Arthur’s like “I don’t give a fuck.”   Transition into Guinevere’s garden.  Kay tries to cheer up the future queen with his silly antics, and her handmaidens quickly catch on and join in.  However, nothing really cheers her up until an unknown man shows up in her garden with his sassy squad of backup dancers.  The young man demands to see the king so he can become a knight.  After learning that he must be introduced, he asks Guinevere to do so.  They have several moments of cuteness yet also sadness since you know she’s kind of engaged to another, and she eventually agrees to introduce him.  She bids him farewell and sweeps offstage in her fabulous dress.  Lancelot is so excited that he’s going to be a knight and that he met the most beautiful lady in the world that he has to sing about it because it’s a freaking musical.  Tamara/Leia is probably hanging around so she can report to Morgane. Le monde est parfait Literally the exact same scene that’s currently in the show.  Even down to the “Donnez-moi une mission; je préfère mourir.”  “Restez en vie, c’est un ordre!”   Si je te promets
Tant de haine During the song, Morgane and Tamara arrive.  Distrusting her at first, Méléagant decides to trust her after learning of the wrongs that Merlin and Arthur have committed against her.  They decide to form an alliance.  Morgane mentions that she can put a spell on Méléagant that will make him powerful enough to defeat Arthur and take his rightful place on the throne.  She also announces her plan to destroy Arthur by using Guinevere and Lancelot’s love, and Morgane goes on to explain that by destroying Arthur, they will destroy Merlin as well. Transition to Camelot where Kay announces that the royal couple is about to be married.  Arthur and Guinevere are married while Lancelot sings. L’amour quel idiot Arthur pulls Merlin aside to have a father/son moment.  Arthur is still angsty over Morgane’s accusations, and he wonders what he should do now that the Saxons are defeated. Qui suis-je ? Merlin reiterates that Arthur should go after the Grail and maybe mentions something about how Arthur is not responsible for the mistakes of his father (this is some J’accuse mon père stuff right here).  Arthur agrees to seek out the Grail in a reprise that currently (unfortunately) does not exist. Je me relève (reprise) Transition to Méléagant’s castle.  Méléagant wants to know why Morgane’s plan is taking so long.  She tells him that the spell is ready, then they go into the “Je le jure” bit before breaking into song.  During the instrumental break in the middle, there’s some cool witchcraft happening.  This is when Morgane takes Méléagant’s soul. A nos vœux sacrés These next few songs will literally happen exactly like they currently do in the show.  Except Méléagant just falls asleep in his shadows’ arms instead of dying.  He lives, he sleeps, he lives again. (sorry samuel this is something we’d joke and say about méléagant since the skull makeup makes him look like a warboy from mad max fury road XD) Faire comme si Wake Up Nos corps à la dérive Il est temps Mon combat -- this now serves more as foreshadowing of a future confrontation instead of the confrontation itself (hopefully anyways) Le Chant du dragon Auprès d’un autre After Guinevere and Lancelot have left, Arthur’s gaze falls upon Morgane, and he orders his knights to arrest her.  He tells her that he figured out her plan, but that it won’t work.  He’s hurt, but he has forgiven Guinevere and Lancelot and will continue to rule.  Arthur orders his knights to step away from Morgane, and he tells her that he forgives her too and that she is free to leave if she chooses.  Morgane is in disbelief; how can he forgive her after all the pain she just put him through?  She tells Arthur no.  She will stay in Camelot and help him become the greatest king of all time. Un Nouveau Départ - sung by Morgane, change the line about vengeance.  Maybe other cast members join in during the later verses/refrains? Promis c’est juré - curtain call song plus one more jam for the road (maybe mon combat instead of quelque chose de magique)
obvs there are still a couple of kinks to work out but @ dove pls hire me to rewrite your musical
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spideywars · 7 years
prompt- narry!models they know each other by name but never met, bc they have different friends until they merge in a gala, after their both best friends nag about each other and how they'll make a great couple.
This was so cute and I loved every second of writing this. Enjoy!
He just got off his fourth Gucci photoshoot in Rome, settling himself in his fancy hotel room and watching as some people from his management rushed around him, collecting clothes and makeup to put away for tomorrows next shooting day.
“You haven’t talked about the Met Gala yet, it’s a big day for you.” His hair stylist Lou pointed out as she grabbed the last of her hairspray and brushes to pack in her travel bag. She was giving him a questioning look, interested in what he would answer with.
“I’ve been on and off photoshoots for the past month, I don’t have time to think or talk about that.” Harry sighed out, moving his hands over his face to rub at his eyes. They stung, begging for sleep that has been deprived for a few days now.
“Well before you pass out on me why don’t we talk about what you want to wear? Tina wants to know so she can start gathering a team, its your call.” Lou sat on the bed, travel bag in her hands all closed up and ready for her to take back to her own room. People were filing out by now, saying soft goodbyes to them with their arms full of clothes, beauty products, and papers. Harry was glad Lou was staying though, he’d rather chat with her alone.
“I want gold and flowers, bell-bottom pants of course, maybe a see-through black or white dress shirt underneath.” Harry went straight to business, staring off towards the ceiling above him as his imagination wandered to what he’d wear. He’s worn every colour and shade that’s ever existed, but gold was one of those that he’s rarely gotten to wear. What better place to wear it than the iconic Met Gala?
“Ohh, going right in for the kill aren’t you love?” Lou was typing away on her phone, probably sending texts to Tina as he spoke.
“It’s my first Met Gala, I want people to remember me as soon as I step onto the carpet.” He wagged his finger up towards the ceiling, almost like he was making an oath to the world and himself that he wasn’t going to slack on this. He’s been to many award shows ever since his fame sky-rocketed, but those weren’t anywhere near close to as important as the Met Gala where it was swarmed with music, fashion, and movie icons.
“Alright well Tina is already making orders and assembling everyone together, get some sleep now salt.” She got up and walked towards him to give him a short pat on the chest, her bag tucked under her armpit as she exited the hotel room.
The silence was almost too much when she closed the door behind her, it was nice to hear nothing but the sound of his own breath. This was the part that he remembered he was human, no hectic lifestyle, just himself with a beating heart.
Coffee was an essential in the morning, and with only a weak till the Met Gala as well as photoshoots that still went on, he had a completely packed schedule. He went to constant fittings, going in and out of changing rooms and leaving with a good cup of caffeine to keep him awake for the next flight or next drive.
He was in a car right now, getting a drive to his shoot for Tommy Hilfiger in New York. Lou was sat beside him, reading some magazine and silently flipping through it. Harry didn’t pay attention though, just kept his eyes on the window and watched the yellow taxi’s drive past and pedestrians rush around to their destinations on foot.
“Look at this cover, what a face.” Lou mumbled, she grabbed another magazine from the pile beside her that she usually brought to occupy herself while Harry did his shoots that sometimes lasted a full day. She turned it towards Harry, and he nodded in acknowledgement.
It was Niall Horan who was printed on the cover of the magazine, looking handsome and bold standing on a beach with a see-through white dress shirt on, that being it except for the briefs he wore. His brown hair was all wet, it dripping and falling into a fringe across his forehead.
He was stunning, actually, but Harry knows photoshop and the stupid enhancements that the magazine companies make. He’s never met Niall in person, only knows him by name when he sees him on billboards and shop windows, he could be ugly or completely mediocre looking for all he knew.
“Do you think he’s handsome?” She asked with a cheeky look, biting at her bottom lip and wiggling her brows. He wanted to roll his eyes but kept that expression in, instead moving to focus his eyes back on staring out the window. Lou slowly dropped the magazine onto her lap, now flipping to Niall’s exclusive photoshoot at the back.
“Of course he’s handsome, don’t really know him though so I can’t really be sexually attracted to him…can I?” Harry heard Lou snort and he whipped his head towards her, seeing that she was trying to hold in her giggle.
“What?” He asked, poking her in the side playfully and making her squeal and slap him harshly. She hated being tickled.
“You sure as hell can! I’ve seen this man in person many times, I’ve even done his hair when you went on winter break for one of his shoots for Vogue! Harry he’s a gay man that would be perfect for you.” She always was trying to hook him up with other men. It wasn’t in an annoying way, she never pushed Harry to date if he didn’t want to, she just loved playing matchmaker.
“I’ve got shit to do, don’t have time for a relationship.” Harry groaned, retracting his hands and letting her relax and settle down after a long giggle fit.
“Excuses, excuses. Niall is going to be at the Met Gala too, and you will meet him Mister Styles!” She sounded determined, pointing a stiff finger into his bicep to make him squirm.
The next time Harry was reminded about Niall, it was the day of the Met Gala, him standing in his hotel room staring at the door and watching as people raced around him, frantically trying to get him looking the best he’s ever looked.
He had on exactly what he asked, a white suit with gold flowers all over it, snaking around the sleeves of his jacket sleeves and legs of his pants like vines, blooming along his chest and back, all along his bell-bottoms. He had on a white see-through shirt underneath the suit, it had a ruffled collar that was different from what he asked for, but he was happy with the result in the end when his pink and lush skin was seen through the shirt, making him look even better. Everything was coming together perfectly, but then Lou is walking in with her hair supplies, smiling so big he couldn’t help but get suspicious.
“What?” He asked immediately, watching her with careful eyes as she unpacked her stuff and grabbed for the hair gel, making him sit down on the bed to get his hair in a messy quiff.
“Guess who I just had a chat with?” She sang, happily fluffing his curls up.
“Who?” He asked, wincing when she tugged a little too hard.
“Niall’s stylist Laura, she had come along and told me that Niall was going to be on the red carpet around the same time that you were going to be. She said that you two would be cute walking into the Gala together.” Harry was already shaking his head, rolling his eyes and letting out a huff. He was hoping Lou would’ve let it all slide by and forget about this Niall guy and him getting together, but she was a determined woman and when she wanted something she usually got it.
“We aren’t even matching, we wouldn’t look good together walking in with two completely different outfits. You know the Met Gala more than anyone Lou, couples match.” Harry was making every excuse in the book and Lou was catching on to his desperation to let everything go, and she stared down at him after she stepped back from her work.
“I love you and want you to be in a cute and happy relationship, can you at least try and talk to him? For me?” She gave him a small smile, looking all cute and pouty and rocking herself back and forth onto her feet.
Harry couldn’t help but cave in, because he knew if he didn’t agree now, Lou would be back to trying to get him with someone else soon enough. She’s tried to get Harry with many, many guys before Niall, but this Niall guy has really gotten her whipped. She hasn’t been this determined to get Harry to be with a certain man before.
“Alright fine, I’ll have a chat with him but don’t expect me to come back all love drunk.” Lou was squealing right after he said ‘alright’ and her skinny frame came colliding with his as she gave him a large hug. Tina was yelling at her seconds later though, a ‘don’t ruin the couture!’ Screaming across the room.
He had never been more mad with Lou in his life, and that was a fact as soon as he laid eyes on Niall Horan as soon as he came onto the red carpet. Because Niall was matching with him, with a white suit that had gold lining along the cuff and ends and all along the collar. He had on a white turtleneck shirt underneath and a gold bowtie wrapped around the neckline. He looked absolutely fucking stunning, better than the magazines actually.
That’s why Lou didn’t talk back to him when he had said that they weren’t going to match, because they actually were, and his whole body went into overdrive as he walked right towards Niall as he smiled for the cameras.
Niall looked right at him when he was a few feet away, and Harry’s heart felt like it had grew lifeless in his body when they met eyes, both staring each other down from head to toe. It looks like Niall had some realization across his face as well, with the way his brows shot up into his forehead and his mouth almost hit the red carpet.
“Harry Styles? Right?” Niall asked, making the first move as he stepped a bit closer. They were almost toe to toe, their shoulders brushing as they tried to play it cool for the cameras, acting as if they were just taking some photos together.
“Yep, and Niall Horan?” Harry answered and asked through his charming smile.
“Did Laura and Lou do this?” Niall asked, now moving a hand to grab at Harry’s suit sleeve to pull them along to another set of cameras. Apparently they were going along with the ride now, letting the stylists win by being a couple.
This was probably breaking the internet right now, Harry’s notifications were going to be blowing up his phone more than usual. But he hasn’t decided if he minded yet.
“Yep, never saw it coming…but yeah.” Harry mumbled, now staring at the doors that lead into the building where the Gala was taking place. They were close to going inside now, and he wasn’t sure if they should part ways and do their own solo shots for the cameras yet.
“Well, I would love to have you in my company today Harry Styles, I’ll be saving a seat for you inside.” Niall had said that quietly into his ear, skillfully turning his head only the slightest bit so the cameras didn’t catch their secret conversation. Harry couldn’t even answer before the small brunet was pushing himself away and walking off to smile for the cameras somewhere else.
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bwicblog · 7 years
RS: | I Emerge From the Kitchen | Victorious | ! | RS: | I had to Resort to a Recipe | I am Afraid |
RS: | But | I still Experimented | and I am Pleased with What I Created | So | RS: | That is What Counts | ? | Haha |
RS: | Anyway | I should Clean | RS: | But | ! | I am Leaving This Here | RS: http://68.media.tumblr.com/92ed838ec2f15c55b589a2a0aca03215/tumblr_mwmmoelMPM1solp3co1_1280.jpg
RS: | Forgive the Hay | That is the Only Spot in This Entire Hive | that has Adequate Lighting |
SA: i was going to send hadean the hotel address.
SA: but instead this is here
SA: something in me has died.
RS: | Hahahaha |
RS: | What | Are You not a Fan of Seafood | ? | =:) |
SA: pheres you put shrimp in gelatin.
SA: why in god's name did you put shrimp in gelatin.
RS: | I was Curious to See How It would Taste | ! |
RS: | Also | It is Not Just Shrimp | Obviously |
RS: | I Emulsified a Fish | for Flavour |
SA: 😖
RS: | =:) |
ID: have you... tried... it...?
RS: | You Know | If You are Coming Up to Retrieve the Gremlin | I can Make You a Plate for the Road |
RS: | Oh | No | Of Course Not |
SA: no please no
RS: | I'm not Eating It |
SA: i will have my bourbon salmon at my five star restaurant, thank you.
RS: | =:( |
RS: | Perhaps I have Poured Bourbon into This | Prisma |
RS: | You do not Know With Any Certainty |
RS: | Unless You Try It | ! |
SA: i said bourbon salmon not that I am an alcoholic.
RS: | Well | If This has a Fish | RS: | And It Has Bourbon |
ID: ...who did you. make this for...?
RS: | Is There Really a Difference Between the Bourbon Salmon |
RS: | And My Bourbon | Uh |
RS: | | |
SA: pheres... that's. not how cooking works.
RS: | Gelatin | Shrimp | Fish | Creation | ? |
RS: | Yes | Well | People Keep Telling Me That | But I have Yet to be Convinced |
RS: | =:P |
SA: i sent the reservation information, hadean.
SA: I have to go lie down before pheres stresses me out any further.
RS: | Oh | I'm only Teasing | RS: | I wouldn't Feed It to You | It was Made for Emerel's Viewing Pleasure | Don't Worry | =:) |
ID: hahah. i think you already spooked him off...
RS: | Oh | ! |
RS: | | I didn't Genuinely Upset Him | Did I | ? |
RS: | He is rather Difficult to Read | But I was only Teasing |
ID: i think your. creation just. upset his... refined palate.
ID: and he's had, uh. a long night to boot...
ID: so i wouldn't worry about it.
RS: | Oh | ! |
RS: | Ah | That's Unfortunate | RS: | Do Tell Him I was Joking | ? | If You Would | ? | I Hope He Feels Better Later |
ID: i'll pass the message along, he'll probably just request that you never cook him anything ever. dnw.
RS: | Hahaha | RS: | I can Cook | ! | I just | Choose to Experiment | It is More Fun that Way |
RS: | Are You Aware that You can Cook a Roast in the Microwave | ? | RS: | Or | Ah | The Revolving Radiation Machine | =:B |
ID: ahahah you might want to. post a picture next time you make something that looks nicer... so he can see.
ID: no. but i don't have much interaction with revolving radiation machines!
RS: | Ah | But What does He Consider Nice | ? |
RS: | That is the Question | ! |
RS: | Because He was Parading His Five Star Restaurant like A Badge of Merit | RS: | And I Have Eaten at Enough of Those | that I am Aware of the Sort of Things They Sell | RS: | I do not Make a Habit of Cooking Songbirds | Tragically | Sipara would Object | =:B |
ID: hahah he seems to like seafood i guess. i know he likes sushi.
ID: and sweet stuff. like desserts.
ID: and citrus.
RS: | Oh | Everyone loves Citrus | That hardly Counts |
RS: | But | I suppose I will Have to Strive to Impress Him with Something Nicer | Next Time | RS: | Some Sweet | Citrus | Desert | =:P |
RS: | Do You Cook | ? |
ID: i catch things and usually fry them on a fire. but i don't know if that... counts...
RS: | I don't See Why It Wouldn't |
ID: i dunno. i always think of cooking as... using an appliance. and spices.
RS: | Nonsense | RS: | I Mean | Yes | Spices are Lovely | But It is Still Cooking | RS: | They are Hardly Necessary to the Creation of a Meal |
RS: | Salads Don't Require Either of Those Things | And They still Constitute Cooking | RS: | | I Think | Haha |
ID: fair point. i. also think.
ID: =:P
RS: | =:B |
RS: | Are You Feeling Alright | ? |
RS: | Oh | That was Abrupt |
RS: | | Mm | The Question Remains |
ID: i mean. a little. but i don't have room to judge do i? =:P
ID: i'm. fine!
RS: | =:? |
RS: | Are You Certain | ? |
ID: i mean. mostly fine. wounded ego and all that stuff.
RS: | Yes | I Noticed That | RS: | You're being Meeker than Usual |
RS: | It doesn't especially Suit You | RS: | | =:/ | Is There Anything I Can Do to Help | ? |
ID: haah, no. it's fine! me and sips are gonna fix it. things'll be fine in. a few nights probably!
ID: and pris. pris is helping too.
RS: | Are They | ? | That's Good |
RS: | A Touch Alarming | Given Her Preference of Solutions | But | Well | RS: | I suppose That is the Three of You's Business | Haha |
ID: ...hahah, yeah. though in her defense she did not come up with the solution, merely... encouraged it?
ID: what are you up to now that your. masterpiece is complete...?
RS: | Oh | Should I Ask What Your Solution Is | ? | Haha |
ID: ....uh.
RS: | Mm | Don't Fret | I won't Ask Further |
RS: | If You Don't Want Me To |
RS has attached BONES.JPEG! It's a picture of a kitchen table that's been meticulously cleaned off and is covered in large white bracelets large enough to slip over a horn. Several have designs carved into them, and one is in the process of being carved, going by the dremel drill nearby.
ID: ahahah, just a little fight. nothing impressive.
ID: huh. that's neat. seems like a lot of work!
RS: | Oh | Haha | You are Like Sipara | Aren't You | ? | RS: | Mm | Be Careful | ! |
ID: dw, dw. nothing like a new fight to make you forget about the old one, right?
RS: | Yes | Well | That |- IS -| Her Philosophy | RS: | Haha |
RS: | It Is a Lot of Work | But It is Relaxing | And | It's Worth It | RS: | Considering How Specialised Most Horn Accessories have to Be |
ID: it's a good philosophy! =:P
ID: yeah that makes sense. is this a hobby for you?
RS: | It Is | ! | I Make My Jewelry | Haha | RS: | It Isn't As If I Have Any Other Use for All Of These Bones |
ID: are these for you then? or do you make them for other people?
RS: | I Make Them for Myself | Sipara Prefers Gold Jewelry |
RS: | And Emerel Only Wears Black | Haha | RS: | Would You Like One | ? | =:) | I Expect They could Fit You Well Enough |
ID: i think my rack has a lot going on already. but thanks for the offer! they do look nice.
RS: | Mm | Yes | RS: | I suppose There might Be Objections to My Attempting to Dress You Again | Given the Faire | as Well | =:P |
ID: hey, i was mostly alright with the outfit! =:P the vents did keep me cooler.
RS: | Mostly Alright | RS: | =:P |
RS: | Well | As Long as They Kept You Cool | Their Purpose was Well-Served | Haha | RS: | Are You Getting Along Well with Sipara | Then | ? |
ID: hey, it was a drastic step away from my usual t-shirt and jeans okay. mostly alright is as good as it gets.
ID: oh. uh, yeah! we're having fun.
IA: Hell-o every-one!
RS: | Is This Travelling Arrangement Permanent | ? | I am Just Curious | RS: | And | Hello | IA | ! | How are You | This Fine Night | ? | =:) |
ID: uh. i don't know about that. we didn't talk about it or anything...
ID: hi ia.
IA: I'm quite well, thank y-ou f-or asking! And y-ourself, RS?
IA: Hi ID! Did y-ou fight y-our friend yet?
ID: i wouldn't say he's a friend. =:P and not yet.
IA: I see.
RS: | Oh | My Apologies | ! | I am Not Trying to be Invasive | RS: | Merely Curious | But | Ah | I think I am Asking Too Many Questions Tonight | RS: | And It is Unkind | Given Your Nerves | So | Sorry | =:( |
RS: | I am Lovely | IA | Thank You for Asking | ! | RS: | Attempting a Night Without Work |
RS: | It is Not Going Entirely Well | I am Unsure How People Manage It | ! |
RS: | Although | I have Captured Two Infantile Meowbeasts | RS: | One Squirrel | and a Large Snake that were All Roaming Near My Matesprit's Hive | RS: | So That was a Touch of Excitement |
ID: ehh. it's fine...?
IA: D-o y-ou w-ork f-or a shelter? --Or animal c-ontr-ol, RS?
RS: | Ah | Your Text says One Thing | Hadean | RS: | But Your Love of Periods | Your Use of Uhs | and Your General Hesitance | RS: | Implies Otherwise | =:P | Haha |
RS: | And | No | I Don't | RS: | His Hive is Simply out in a Rural Area | So There are a Number of Small Animals | RS: | that Enjoy Attempting to Breach the Interior | and I'd Rather Kabiir Not Eat Them |
IA: --Oh n-o! That s-ounds very unpleasant f-or the kittens and squirrels and snakes. G-o-od j-ob keeping them safe!
RS: | | RS: | Thank You | ! | =:B |
RS: | You should Both Tell Me About Your Hobbies |
RS: | If I have Not Scared Hadean Off Entirely | Haha |
IA: I d-on't have many -outside -of w-ork I'm afraid. I'm a little b-oring :(
IA: I'm t-o-o much -of a w-orkah-olic, th-ough I d-o enj-oy watching tv s-ometimes, d-oes that c-ount?
ID: sorry to report not scared off! am checking in to a hotel tho.
RS: | Oh | Nonsense | ! | I am Sure You are Perfectly Fascinating | RS: | We all Think Ourselves Boring | After All | But That is Merely Over-Exposure at Work | =:B | RS: | Television Certainly Counts |
RS: | And | Oh | ! | What Sort of Hotel | ? |
RS: | Or | Well | Never Mind | RS: | Are You Two Already at The City | ? | ? |
ID: yeah. uh. it's a...
ID: ...it's a. really fucking nice hotel.
IA: That's g-o-od!
AA: he is lying. AA: it is the best fucking hotel i have evern seen, holy shit. they have G O L D D O O R K N O B S.
RS: | ? | Oh My | AA: G O L D D O O RN K N O B S.
ID: ...where's the room service stuff.
ID: i can't. imagine what the room service is like.
AA: (oh my god, i bet the rnoom sernvice ppl arne, like, fucking tela.)
AA: (tela.)
AA: ( T E A L S. )
IA: Check the bathr-o-om, d-o they have bubble p-orts built int-o the garden tubs?
IA: Th-ose are always my fav-orite and y-ou kn-ow y-ou have a g-o-od h-otel if they have th-ose.
ID: why are there two traps. man this is fancy.
AA: bc prnisma is considernate and wants to have a bathtub parnty, duh.
AA: you two can soak like fish and hollern acrnoss the hall. >:}
AA: it is B O N D I N G.
AA: .. shit, he needs to grnow out his headfluff so i can brnaid it.
AA: and y! therne arne bubble pornts. i think. wtf is a garnden tub.
ID: so are you saying you aren't gonna soak like a fish. =:P
IA: Ah, a garden tub is a very big, r-o-omy tub. Excellent t-o share and usually deep en-ough t-o, s-o t-o speak, s-oak like a fish.
ID: ....oh there's an outside.
SA: do you see the building with the amber dome?
ID: pris! uhhhh. yes.
SA: i am on the third floor from the top of that building, right set of four windows.
SA: hello.
AA: y, y. me and prni will rnotate tubs like schools of fish. orn w/e. obvs. >:P
AA: omg omg. AA: prniiiiiiiiiii. can you see the waving? >:}
ID: we are now both waving. =:P
SA: sort of.
SA: not really.
SA: I could get a scope out and then I could see you, however.
ID: oh well. we can see each other tomorow. for food.
SA: i will pick somewhere less awe-striking than the hotel. I don't wish to spoil you both 😂
ID: too late. the moment our fronds touched the golden doorknobs we were forever ruined.
AA: ^^^
IA: They're sp-oiled n-ow, Pris. They -only deserve the best n-ow.
SA: I didn't think they were solid gold...
SA: i did better than I thought. 😊
AA: it's trnue. >:P and you should totes pull out the scope, prni, and get a gandern of my totes sweet outfit. AA: like, N O RN M A L L Y, i'm like, all against folks pointing guns, but it's wornth it. since yrn not overn herne.
AA: it has a headband!!
ID: i do like the headband.
ID: soon i too will have a sweet outfit. we can all look sweet together.
SA: Maybe I will then.
SA: Hang on.
SA: yes I see you now.
SA: look at you.
SA: adorable
SA: I'm happy you're here in the city finally
IA: This is such a sweet c-onversati-on.
IA: I'm s-o glad f-or all -of y-ou t-o meet!
SA: yes.
SA: ❤
AA: 💚
IA: Are y-ou guys dating? :)
ID: sorry it took us a while pris. =:P 💚
AA: uh. uhhhhhhhh.
ID: are you both cheating on me with each other? =:'(
ID: i'm crushed.
AA: n, soz, as much as i love, like, havin' _two_ dudes hanging off my arnm.. AA: they'rne not prnetty enough.
AA: hads has only got hairn down to his ass. like, n, ankle orn bust, gtfo.
SA: i'm plenty pretty.
IA: --Oh, I'm s-orry, I was aiming that for SA and ID. I ap-ol-ogize!
SA: oh.
ID: man i knew all those trims i did weren't worth it-
IA: Y-ou b-oth seem very cl-ose and y-ou send each -other a l-ot -of hearts.
ID: oh man sorry sips you aren't in this ship anymore. time to drown.
AA: y, prni, yrn the prnettiest yellow at the ball. it is trnue. but -- AA: whaaat? gdi.
AA: stfu, hads, i'm gonna drnown both of you in the tubs in a jealous rnage now.
IA: N-ot t-o menti-on y-ou guys seem t-o talk with a sense -of tenderness ab-out and t-o each -other.
AA: that's totes how they do it, rnight?
SA: drowning is not the way I wanted to die.
IA: I didn't want t-o assume s-o I th-ought it'd be safe to ask.
ID: at least choke me out with a belt sips jeesh.
AA: n. if i cull you the way you want to, it's not a jealous rnage, duh.
AA: then it's just fucked up pitch.
AA: and who wants _that_. >:P
SA: do you want to consider Hadean's past reactions to things or are you happy assuming he wouldnt
SA: and no.
ID: wow rude.
SA: it's what i am here for.
SA: how are you tonight, IA.
AA: lmfao.
ID: if there's no green heart coming i'm gonna punch you- i'm punching you. =:'(
SA: --
SA: 💚
SA: do not punch me with your one arm.
AA: iiiiiiiii'm gonna go get some food. bbl, loserns.
SA: oh, see you later sipara.
ID: pick me up something. =:P
AA: n. >:}
IA: G-o-odbye! :)
ID: =>:'(
SA: ... is Sipara okay
ID: i hope so. =>:( since you said this is the city of violence and crime and nasty shit....
SA: ah.
SA: that too
SA: I have picked out a creperie for tomorrow
SA: also
ID: oh cool. uh is it close? or are you gonna come here and bring us... there.
SA: I only have one motorcycle and it is unsafe to move more than one other person on it
SA: we can walk, or I can call a car
SA: it is up to you two
ID: i'm sure we can walk.
ID: though hey you and sip both have bikes. neat.
SA: oh does she have one too? I thought she just had the truck?
ID: the bike can only fit so many trolls.
SA,: well yes 😛
ID: i'll wait up for her to get back here. hopefully it just took her a while to find a place that was affordable to eat...
SA: okay. Let me know when she comes back 😦
SA: I'd offer to talk until then but I don't really have anything to say.
SA: I can't believe i am getting a gremlin baby
ID: i will.
ID: that counts as something to say. what are you gonna... name it?
SA: ...I don't know.
SA: I could just. remain calling it gremlin.
SA: i could call it cupcake.
ID: well. time to think up a name before you get it.
SA: i want it to be cute.... that's all i know.
SA: it's so hideous it's name has to balance out it's ugliness.
SA: like sweetiepie gumdrop
ID: pffff. sweetie for short?
SA: Yes. Or gummy.
SA: i suppose gummy better fits you now though how many times you've been through the grinder in the last few days.
SA: how is your lip.
SA: is it no longer gummy
ID: =:P thanks pris.
ID: my lip healed up first. that was just... surface damage.
SA: it looked horrid though 😦 but mouth injuries usually do.
SA: i'm glad it's better.
ID: that's the fun of mouths! they bleed on everything.
AA: mouth injurnies arne the wooooornst. AA: 2bad you don't scarn, hads, orn you could've had a wicked sweet one.
SA: noses too.
SA: and if you're extremely talented.
SA: eyes.
SA: oh--
SA: sipara, hello.
SA: i was worried.
ID: man don't remind me of what could have been sips. =:'( also yes. we were worried.
AA: ?????
AA: dnw, dudes, i did not get mugged by any mean grneenies. >:}
ID: =:P or snatched up for who knows what. good!
SA: or blue bloods. mafias here like blue hires.
AA: lmfao. i don't sparnk enough forn that. >:P totes no good forn kidnapping, soz. AA: i did, howevern, mug a grneenie forn baked goods. AA: i come bearning D O N U T S.
AA: ... why do you have mafias??
AA: >:?
SA: what sort of domuts?
SA: because Provenance is riddled with criminal courts and mobs. they run the city.
AA: oh, shit. dornuts* AA: ty, ty.
ID: awww, and here i thought you said no to bringing me food. 💚
ID: man make sure you guys chain me up at day or else i might get stolen.
SA: only if they know where you are. Also they will take you and the chain with them.
SA: fun!
SA: you had mercy on him, sipara.
SA: a saint.
AA: n, hads, dn get me wrnong. AA: i brnought donuts, i didn't say you got to fucking eat 'em. >:P they arne for prni. duuuh. AA: 💚
SA: 😂
SA: eat one for me, sipara.
ID: =>:'(
AA: and wtf, wherne arne yrn legislacernatorns??
ID: maybe the mean mafia trolls will bribe me in to their cart with donuts.
SA: i'll give you all the "low down" when we are in my loft.
SA: if you wish.
SA: let us just say the police here are seldom better than the courts.
SA: there is a reason vigilant business like mine is so successful.
AA: laaaaaame. AA: temasek's a hole, but at least, like, the imps keep it fucking clean. >:{
SA: the only good police are in West Haven -- where almost no lowbloods actually stay.
SA: so it is moot.
ID: ...that's where we are right.
SA: 🤷
SA: yes.
SA: Unless you go to Port Solais and stir up trouble you should be fine. I was mostly exaggerating.
SA: but we do have "wake up in tubs of ice" stories.
ID: i thought we stuck out. =:P i thought it was our stunning personalities.
AA: lmfao. y, ditto. AA: thought the looks werne forn ourn grn8 looks. >:}
SA: yes they're fond of that.
SA: they will do it in restaurants too, at certain times or a tcertain ones.
SA: it isn't that West Haven is exclusively high blooded, but rather low bloods are only in it to work usually.
ID: ahh, highbloods. they never change.
SA: they do not.
SA: i still am trying to recover from the one who was
SA: very worried about my face
SA: while simulanteously handing me a bounty countract.
SA: yes, I need your sympathy and pity while you also throw me to the dogs to catch you ex quad.
SA; tell me more about what a poor baby i am.
ID: you're just too cute pris. but also useful. it's a hard balance for a poor charmed troll!
AA: shit, you two arne just rnegularn old pitybait.
SA: maybe if i get cracked in the face again i'll look "rugged" enough to deter their cooing.
SA: aren't we?
ID: only sips' mangled body can protect us now.
ID: awesomely mangled, btw.
AA: .. shit, you can't do what i do, neithern, can you? AA: b/c you'd get squicked if you went and hit on anyone pitch.
AA: starnt wearning a moirnail rning and tell 'em yrn taken. >:}
ID: oh, yeah. the rings thing.
SA: i don't think it would help.
SA: these are usually the sort of people who look at you and say
SA: well no one has to know, right.
SA: don't you want to have fun.
SA: 😐
SA: and then they reach for my thigh and it gets very awkward when i break their nose into their skull
SA: am I joking.
SA: am i serious.
SA: we will never know.
AA: make it fuchsia. come up with a hot heirness gillhead who's 2jelly not to call you on the hourn. AA: orn -- whoa wait what.
AA: ... idc if yrn joking orn srns.
AA: we should totes cull someone anyway. >:P
SA: 👀
SA: i would rather have a real quadrant than make one up.
SA: also let's avoid a group murder activity.
SA; I would like to show you all how nice Provenance is. When. people aren't dying.
AA: aww. i thought that was how we'rne gonna bond. >:"{
ID: damn, gotta put away my knives now. =:(
SA: ...
SA: 😮
SA: i must rest.
SA: goodlight. ❤
AA: light, dude. 💚
ID: oh, okay. light. =:) 💚
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