#nott speaks
foolish one // draco malfoy x fem slytherin reader
playlist: foolish one - taylor swift
summary : youve never had a boyfriend before , guys dont ask you out or really talk to you. just when you start to feel hopeless , draco cant hold back anymore.
y/n used , soft slytherin reader , fluff , short
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"pansy, am i hideous?" you asked seriously as you sat down at the slytherin table, all of your friends turning to you in shock.
"what?!-" pansy who sat on the right side of you replied in pure confusion.
"its the 5th hogsmeade trip since the start of the year and still nothing! i thought maybe harry was going to ask me this week , but turns out he was getting closer to me to soften up cho!" you exclaimed in pure terror , reliving the moment you saw your close friend ,cho, walking arm in arm with the boy you thought would ask you out this weekend.
draco , unbeknownst to you, clenched his fist tightly at your words , burning holes into his plate as if it were harry potter himself. he completely stayed still as he refused to look your way , eventhough you were sat right next to him.
"y/n! how could you even think such a thing!" pansy said with sympathy.
"yeah , who would ever dream of going on a date with potter?" mattheo added , recieving a smack on the arm from lorenzo.
"i wasnt dreaming! i just....every girl in our year has gone out with a boy by now , ive not even had my.......my first kiss yet.." you muttered in shame as mattheo held back his laugh leading you to shoot him a glare.
"and thats no fault of yours y/n!" pansy rubbed your back softly , "id actually say it was these idiots , always scaring boys off!"
the boys just stared back at her plainly , knowing they had all at some point threatened a boy they felt didnt deserve you.
"yeah well youre just so innocent y/n , not just any boy will do." lorenzo said trying to defend the protectiveness.
"any boy WILL DO!" you said with frustration , making them all move back in suprise , you never usually got angry, "and im not innocent , im only 'innocent' because you guys are blocking me from blossoming!"
mattheo fully burst out laughing now , gaining a disapproving look from pansy who quickly looked away from him to rest a hand on your shoulder, "im sure youll find someone y/n."
"yeah and maybe theyre a bit closer than you think," blaise said with a smirk , shoving dracos shoulder which earns him a scowl from the blonde haired boy.
but you simply wouldnt listen to reason , you just sat with a low hung head and a loss of hope , "i feel so foolish. a few weeks ago i thought cedric , then dean , then harry and none of them ever actually liked me. im delusional!"
"y/n ill take you-" theodore started before being cut off by draco jumping up from his seat , staring straight forward in a stiff position.
"ill take you on a date to hogsmeade!" draco announced , frozen in his spot and refusing to meet your eye.
"really? do you really mean it?!..... but draco you dont like me it isnt the same.." you said as the happiness you felt dwindled making your overthinking increase.
"i like you! a lot, i really like you!" he said still completely frozen and blushing a deep shade of maroon.
you gaped up at him in suprise, pure shock on your face and all of your friends. except they werent suprised draco likes you , they were suprised he confessed.
"i-...i like you too.." you confessed quietly as draco slowly looked at you , his face riddled with euphoria and shock.
"really?" he asked with hope.
"yes really , id know since i have to hear her rant about it every night-" mattheo complained before lorenzos hand covered his mouth hastily.
"yes, yeah i really like you," you said as a smile grew on your face , looking up at him.
and slowly , he let his guard down and smiled back , lighting up the room with his happiness. you admired him for a second before getting up from the bench and grabbing his hand.
"lets go , we can still spend a few hours in hogsmeade if we go now, im so excited!" you squealed , planting a loving kiss on his cheek before dragging him out of the hall.
all of your friends watched in amusement as draco went stiff and turned the all too familiar shade of red.
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saltwaterburns · 4 months
𖥻 THEODORE NOTT is a wizard with italian roots, dead eyes, scars, bruises, dark brown (almost black) curls, the sweetest smile, warm hands, long fingers, cheek dimples, greek nose, grey eyes, sleeper build, loud laugh, dead mum, arsehole father, trauma, nicotine addiction, very obvious dislike for quidditch, passion for muggle studies, admirable potions skills, fascination with runes, pet snake, bisexual tendencies, fluency in at least 3 languages, O's in (almost) all his exams, a secret dream of becoming a healer, quiet personality, secretly romantic daydreams, few but absolutely mind and soul consuming crushes, his father as his boggart, the ability to see thestrals, a dream of kissing someone at yule under a mistletoe, secret worn out copies of all the books of "lord of the rings" series hidden under his bed.
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wordsarelife · 3 days
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: your’s and theo's relationship throughout the years
warnings: canon typical violence near the end, mentions of the war, blood and death
note: feel free to request stuff for the christmas calender!!
theo was startled by a sudden voice who called out his name, he turned around, the book he was about to push into the empty space still in his hand. 
"nott" you had muttered, arms crossed and the surprised expression on his face when he turned around had almost made you lose it. you quirked a brow at the missing reaction. "i guess you don't even know my name?" 
"sorry" theo winced and you could see how umcomfortable he was simply because he knew nothing about the person standing in front of him. 
"don't feel too bad" you shrugged. "didn't know yours until you borrowed my favorite book for four weeks and i had to beg madam pince to tell me the name of the person who had it" 
"well, sorry again" theo held the book in your direction. "you can have it now, if you still want it" 
you completely ignored the book, until theo sighed and put it back in the empty space on the shelf where it belonged. "guess not" he muttered to himself. 
"so, tell me, theodore nott" you followed him back to the table with his things. "what tempts a guy like you to borrow a book like that?" 
"well, without meaning to insult you, i'd say it is more male literature than female isn't it?"
"you're a moron if you really think something like female or male literature exists" you sat down in the chair across from him. "i wouldn't declare sherlock holmes as male literature, more preciously i would say that most boys are too daft to even understand half the things arthur conan doyle mentions and to your information i'm taking great insult to whatever the hell you just said"
"geez" theo's eyes had widened, he found you a bit odd, annoying even, but he couldn't help but feel all the same intrigued. "like what you just said isn't an insult. most boys are too daft, huh?" 
"maybe daft is a bit too harsh, i admit that" you rolled your eyes, a smile on your lips, "but i'd say most are too impatient to read those books, yes"
"well, you're not wrong about that" theo nodded "i can't remember the last time one of my friends touched a book that wasn't part of a class" 
"that's quiet sad, i'd say"
"i agree" theo smiled. "so, now that we're on the same page, do you mind telling me your name? i feel like i deserve to know it"
"no" you grinned just as the smile vanished from his face. "i decide when you deserve to know, theodore nott" you left him sitting there, speechless about the sudden rejection. 
you never actually told theo your name. he only found out when you managed to borrow the memoirs of sherlock holmes for two months straight. 
the next time that the two of you talked was a few months later, at the beginning of december. snow had fallen and the hogwarts grounds had turned into a beautiful white landscape. 
the snow was poudry, but you managed not to slip as you made your way through it. your body tightly wrapped in layers of clothing, the thick ravenclaw scarf almost reaching up to your eyes as the falling snow hit your face. 
"not the right weather for a stroll, is it?" theodore nott had caught up to you, not exactly spotting the right outfit for the wuthering cold. 
"well, i know there's a reason you're a slytherin and not a ravenclaw, but i would've expected you to be just a little smarter, nott" 
theo looked down on his clothes just as you did. "i was actually just going for a smoke"
"in the middle of a mild snowstorm?" you quirked a brow. "i'd say it's not the right weather to be doing that either"
"you're a real know-it-all" 
"tell me something new, nott" you rolled your eyes "it's exhausting to always be right, you know?"
"i bet it is" theo shrugged sarcastically. "there had to have been a reason you got sorted into ravenclaw"
"well, as said before, i can see why you weren't" you shrugged with a grin. 
theo sighed. "another dig at the outfit, really?" 
"well, considering you're standing here discussing with me and getting yourself wet, i'd say i'm allowed to keep judging your outfit" 
"fair point" theo nodded and you were surprised he gave up so easily. "are you coming or what?" he asked, ready to walk back inside.
"no" you shook your head "you go ahead though, wouldn't want you catching a cold, who would faint during potions then and entertain the rest of the class?"
"hey, that was one time" he called, as you walked away "how did you even hear about that, we're not in the same potions class?"
you just shrugged and send him a smile over your shoulder. he was standing in front of the doors to the castle, soaked from head to toe and you had to admit, theodore nott was a (beautiful) sight for sore eyes. 
it wasn't like you minded theo's company, but you noticed how he started hanging around the places you frequently visited during the weeks to come. 
theo had it especially easy when he realized that you stuck to your routines during the week, making it impossible for him to miss you once he had figured it out. 
monday and wednesdays after class were spent in the library, doing homework or reading a book from your list. tuesdays you helped madam pomfrey in the infirmary, healing minor injuries or filling up medicine cabinets. thursdays were reserved for your friends, playing card games or just spending time together in the common room, you always found something to do. 
fridays were flexible and you often decided what to do spontaneously. sometimes you did a little tutoring, on other fridays you helped madam pince sort through books and put them back where they belonged or you continued reading the book you had begun reading that week. saturdays and sundays were for remaining homework, hogsmeade visits and drafting letters to send back to your family on the start of the next week. 
"you're not being slick, you know that?"
it was a friday and you were putting away books, when theo kept lingering around you, like he had done that past week. 
"what?" he asked, looking up from the book in front of him, a confused tone to his voice, clearly trying to mask that he knew exactly what you were talking about.
"well, i was sure you knew stalking was considered a legal offence" you noted.
"stalking?" he repeated. "i'm not stalking you"
"now, you're not not stalking me, are you?" you send a tight-lipped smile in his direction. "i do admit that it might be a question of definition, though" 
"aren't you a bit full of yourself if you think i would be stalking you"
"that was offensive" you rolled your eyes "and i'm pretty sure i'm not imaging you turning up everywhere i went this past week. and considering i didn't know you until a few months ago, i'd say that you only started doing that recently"
"well, i didn't"
"okay, you didn't" your shrugged and turned back to the shelf, reaching for another row of books from the trolley beside you, before you pushed them in a row one after the other. 
theo furrowed his brows, surprised by you just letting him get away like that. he knew he wasn't being slick, hell, he even knew that he was behaving like a stalker. you weren't wrong in the slightest and theo felt a bit called out by your words. but on the other hand, you hadn't said anything about being opposed to the idea that he really did go everywhere you did.
you waved at him, before you pushed the trolley into the next row of shelves. it didn't take long for him to follow, already making a decision in his mind. 
"go out with me" 
if he had startled you, you didn't show it. you didn't even blink at his suggestion, rather ignoring him like he was a fly on the wall, as you continued reaching for books on the trolley.
theo pushed the trolley to the side and stepped into the empty space. the next time you tried to reach for a stack of books, you touched his chest instead. 
"you're still here, nott" you noted the obvious. 
theo had to admit that he was a tad bit unsettled by your ignorance. he wasn't sure if you really hadn't heard him or if you just ignored the question, because he had made you uncomfortable. 
"you know, normally stalkers don't look so scared" you smiled mischievously. 
"i'm not stalking you, but i can understand if my company made you uncomfortable and i apologize if i have gone too far"
"you're a bit weird, you know that?"
"this is a serious topic, y/n" 
you smiled at the honesty in his voice and sighed. "do you really think if you were making me uncomfortable or i was scared of you i would continue to speak to you?" 
"well, no—"
"i'm not a child, theodore nott, i can voice when i'm annoyed, but i respect your manners" you smiled "and if anyone follows me around like a lost puppy, i'm glad it's someone with at least a little intellect"
"little intellect?" theo repeated offended. 
"you might be smarter than i thought, but you're really bad at this" 
"i know" 
"well, would you now let me sort in the rest of these books? you're kind of in the way"
theo, nodded, the disappointment flashing over his features just like a wave of water. "i guess that's a no" 
you waited until he had stepped aside and pushed the trolley back in it's original position. your hands reached for the row of sherlock holmes books and you held them up at him like a trophy. "that means yes, obviously" 
theo spent exactly three days brainstroming what to do for your date. his friends tried their best at helping him, more than interested to finally hear something about the mysterious girl theo had been infuriated with these past weeks. 
"is she that hideous?" blaise asked on the third day of theo's hard thinking.
"what?" theo raised his brows, he had been too deep in thought to even hear his friend.
"blaise just asked if your girlfriend was hideous, i'd hit him if i were you" mattheo shrugged, stiring the pot. it had been a particular slow morning and he had to admit that it would be quiet entertaining to see blaise and theo fight each other. 
"five galleons on blaise" enzo added, before theo was able to say something. 
"have a little faith in him" pansy said next to theo. "he might not look like it, but the boy has a wicked right hook"
"this is just embarrassing" draco threw the newspaper down in front of him. 
"what?" pansy giggled "the newspaper or that theo and blaise are going to slap each other even more stupid"
"take a guess"
"guys" theo sighed, annoyance already taking over the worry that was bubbling inside him. "i'm not going to fight blaise and y/n is not my girlfriend"
"no yet" enzo wiggled his brows.
"y/n, huh?" mattheo said with a mischievous smile.
"oh god" all colour drained from theo's face. "please tell me the two of you didn't hook up with each other"
"close to it" mattheo shrugged. "she tended to my wounds in the infirmary once and i could tell she had the hots for me"
"wasn't she the one who said you had the charm of a troll and the brains to match?" blaise offered with a smirk.
enzo's mouth almost hit the table infront of him by how fast it flew open. "that was y/n?" he giggled.
theo had to smile. "that does sound like something she'd say"
"she sounds lovely" draco nodded sarcastically "but at least she never saw mattheo naked. that does make her at least a little likable"
"i already love her" pansy quickly said, before draco could continue his judging. "seems like she knows how to handle little annoyances" 
"i'm not a little annoyance"
"yeah" theo nodded "you're a quite big one, actually" 
theo couldn't tell what had led him to the idea for your date, but he had known in that moment what the both of you should do. 
"so hot chocolate was your huge idea?" you smiled as you sat down in the booth across from him, the server already putting down two mugs with steaming hot drinks in front of you. 
"i saw how your friends gave you their hot chocolate packages after dinner and figured this might be something you liked" he shrugged "and before you call me a stalker again, i'm just very attentive to those around me"
you giggled as the grandma at the table next to you send you a worried glance at theo's words.
"he's harmless" you laughed in a way to assure her. 
theo managed an awkward wave and the woman turned away quickly.
"well, it seems those around you are very attentive too" you giggled. 
"i'm sorry" theo tried to hide behind his mug, feeling a tad bit ashamed at the awkward encounter, but having to laugh at the same time. 
"don't be" you smiled honestly "rather tell me something i didn't already find out by snooping around"
"you snooped around?" theo exclaimed surprised. 
"i had to get even, after you found out everything about me" you shrugged "i met this lovely boy, i think he goes by the name enzo, who told me a whole lot about you"
"oh god, no" 
"quite interesting to hear about all those things from someone who has no interest in sleeping with me"
"what? i don't—“
"so you don't intend to sleep with me?" you smiled. "don't be ridiculous, theodore nott"
"i'm just not used to being this straightforward, admittedly"
you completely ignored the surprise swinging in his voice and went on with your story. "enzo did give me some exciting information and i wanted to talk about one thing in particular"
theo was ready to close his eyes and open them back up after you had screamed and left him sitting alone at the table. he had to admit that he wasn't particularly proud of his dating history (or lack of) before he met you and he was sure you weren't happy about that either. 
"before you say something" he interrupted you, before you were able to let the words slip past your lips. "i'm not like that anymore, i was young and not interested in a relationship and just wanted a bit of fun—"
"what are you talking about exactly?" you asked, a susprised smile on your face. 
"that wasn't what you wanted to talk about, was it?" theo asked and you shook your head giggling. 
"i mean, don't let me tell you what to talk about" you managed to say between your laughter. "we can talk about your previous hookups if that's something you'd like to discuss"
"i'd rather not" theo shook his head and his cheeks turned rosy. 
"fine" you smiled "now back to my question: how did you manage to play out that prank on professor binns in our third year?"
theo's features relaxed at the simple question and he smiled, recalling the memory. "so it all started with a ridiculous idea from mattheo and me getting roped into something stupid again"
you spent the rest of the night talking and ordering one hot chocolate after the other. there was not one second of awkward silence, even as theo brought you back to your common room. 
"i had a lot of fun tonight" theo smiled, hands sinking into the pockets of his trousers. 
you had admired how well dressed he was when he had come to get you in the afternoon. 
"me too" you said honestly. "i can't wait for the next one"
"so there will be a next one?" 
"don't be ridiculous, theodore nott" you smiled, before telling the password to the eagle ontop of the door. "of course there will a next one" you slipped into the common room and away from the smiling boy in front of it. 
"are they weirder than you?" 
the voice startled theo, as he was standing in front of the shelf in the library. he turned around, not surprised that it was you who had asked that question. you mostly started your conversations in the middle, without so much as a hello or some kind of warning. 
"what?" theo wasn't sure what else to ask.
"you friends of course" you shrugged, like that had been obvious "we've been together for a month and i've never even met them" 
"well, you have met them" theo corrected. "like in the hallways or during dinner" 
"you know what i mean, theodore" you rolled your eyes. "i don't think a grunting sound could be classified as me meeting someone"
"that's just blaise, honestly" theo muttered "but pansy waved to you during dinner more than three times now"
"theo" you pushed "either something is completely wrong with them or me and i'd like to know what it is, now" you sighed, before you added "just say if you're ashamed of me or something, i know i can be a bit rude to people i don't know"
"tesoro" theo sighed "i'm sorry that i let you think that. they're just annoying, that's all"
"and you thought they would scare me away?" you smiled, touching his cheeks with your hands. "you stalked me for weeks and i'm still dating you, aren't i?"
"that's never gonna be funny" he called after you, as you walked out of the library. "fine, breakfast at the slytherin table for you tomorrow" 
"aye, aye" 
"she's not hideous" was the first thing you heard when you sat down at the table the next morning. 
"well, you aren't either, zabini" you smiled, not even fazed by his assumption. "even though theo warned me about you" 
"burn!" enzo called, exchanging a high five with pansy. 
"i'm so glad we finally get to meet" pansy smiled. "i've just been waiting to have another girl around, it sometimes gets to much with all the testosterone"
"i don't know how you manage, honestly" you smiled.
to say theo's friends and you hit it off immediately would be an understatement. it took approximately ten minutes for you to become part of the group. enzo and you had been friends before, unlikely study partners, after you had helped him on a potions assignment once. pansy was ready to keep you by her side for the rest of the year and even blaise took a quick liking to you.
mattheo and draco were harder to break. mattheo, still having a pretty hurt ego about you turning him down the year before, was sure that you were just dating theo to get back at him for whatever reason and draco was just not interested to have any relationship past a simple hello and goodbye. 
you didn't mind their antics, even if theo repeatedly apologized for it. 
yours and theo’s relationship lasted for exactly two years. theo broke up with you one day after your anniversary.
the break up was painful, the fight that followed even more and still, you held him that evening, both of you understanding the severity of your situation and the war that was waiting to happen.
“theo” you cried, rushing through the ruins of the courtyard just months later. 
you had been on different sides after all. you had followed harry potter into the war and theo had been bound to his father and to the promise the man had given to the dark lord. just like draco, mattheo, pansy, blaise and enzo. 
your friends had gotten lost in the fight and despite not being supposed to, you were desperately screaming for them. 
you ran back into the castle, not having found theo outside. you send curses at the death eaters that tried approaching you, having more luck than an actual plan. you were simply determined to find him. 
you were thrown down to the ground as the doors of the room of requirement suddenly appeared and flew open. just as quickly as they had opened, they closed again, spitting out people in the procress, before the fire was tamed behind the doors. 
harry potter, hermione granger and ron weasley were standing up from the ground slowly, black powder darkening their cheeks and clothes. 
it took a moment for you to realize who the other two people were, as you quickly got up from the ground. 
draco was breathing just as heavily as blaise was, both trying to fill their lungs with air. 
“oh god” you mumbled, before you finally started moving, your legs guiding you into the direction of your friends, falling into their arms and pressing them close to you. “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry” you cried. 
blaise and draco held onto you just as tight, not being able to let you go as they cried into your hair.
“be honest, draco” you said when you broke the hug, completely ignoring the trio next to you. 
“theo” draco muttered, knowing what you were talking about immediately. blaise and him exchanged a look. 
“is he dead?” you asked, heartbreak already burning in your limbs and throat. you were ready to mourn, ready to lose your life just like him. he had died for the wrong cause, but you hoped, heart heavy in your chest, that death was more forgiving than his life had been. 
“we don’t know” blaise finally said. “we got seperated in the halls, theo—he was looking for you i think”
“i have to find him” you muttered, touching each hand of the boys in front of you. “stay safe” you kissed both of their cheeks, before you turned on your heel, running down the corridor opposite of where you had come from. 
“theo!” you called once more, running up the stairs and through various hallways, hopeless to ever receive an answer.
“y/n” a voice called and you almost crumbled from the surprise it reached you with. hope was hard to keep and you had thought, really thought, that he was dead. 
theo wasn’t dead, but close to it. he was laying on the ground, his back against the wall, while the rest of his body was bathing in his own blood. his cheeks were empty of any colour, lips dry and almost blue as he looked up at you with tired eyes. 
“oh god” you muttered in shock, slipping onto the ground beside him, your uniform soaking up the blood like it was water in the lake. your hands touched his chest and the big glass shard that was stuck inside of it. theo hissed in pain. “sorry, sorry” you whispered. 
“they surprised me as i came down the corridor” he explained. “i was looking for you”
“you found me now” you whispered once more. 
“i don’t think they meant to do this” sweat dripped from his forehead. “they were kids, not older than fourteen, but they left and they took my wand”
“oh god” you repeated as you shook your head, holding his face in your blood soaked hands and kissing his lips softly.
“i thought you were dead” tears slipped over his cheeks and you shook your head crying. 
“i’m gonna help you” you said quickly, before reaching for your wand and using it’s magic to extract the glass from theo’s body. he was winding on the ground, the pain probably unbearable. but you had to do this in order to help him. he would heal, he would survive and that was all that mattered to you in this moment. 
“i don’t want to fight” theo cried “not for them, not against you” 
“i know, my love, i know”
the healing had begun, slowly but surely his wound closed up, only leaving behind the blood around you and the worry on your face.
“come on” you said, as soon as he looked less pale. you took his hand and he followed you through the corridors of the castle, standing next to you when you had to fight death eaters, even beginning to send curses himself. 
“you don’t have to fight, theo” you called over the loudness of the fight. “confringo! i don’t want you to fight against him” 
“i’m not leaving you” theo called back, his voice nearly drowned out by the deatheater across from him, who was screaming curses and uttering threats about theo’s betrayal at the same time. “he doesn’t mean anything to me”
“what?” you send the deatheater flying against the wall, effectively knocking him out. your wand was now facing theo's death eater too.
“i don’t care for my father” theo said, before he too send the man flying. “i only care for you and your well being”
you made sure it was safe, before you pulled him in and kissed him so passionately that you almost forgot you had ever been apart. “don’t ever let me go again, theodore nott” 
“i wouldn’t dare, y/n l/n” 
you took his hand, walking back into the entrance hall, looking if you were needed anywhere. that’s when you saw them coming over the bridge. 
“he’s here” you said, pushing theo behind you if there was really anything you could do to save him. “he’s—“ you paused, as the both of you walked closer up behind the rows of people already standing in the courtyard.
“harry…?” your voice was quiet, as you adressed the boy you had put all your hope in. someone you hadn’t known well, not well enough to be on first name basis, but what did it matter now that he was. what was he?
“harry potter is dead!” voldemort announced loudly, while the deatheaters broke into laughter. 
ginny weasley dashed forward with a heartbreaking scream. “no! no!”
“stupid girl! harry potter is dead, from this day forth you put your faith in me” you looked down onto the ground in front of you and then back at theo, who looked like he was being painfully tortured by voldemorts words. he too had set his hope into harry.
“it’s done” you said softly. “the war is over”
“we lost”
“harry potter is dead!” voldemort repeated once more “and now is the time to declare youself. come forward and join us.. or die”
your ears were drenched out by the wailing sound in your head. it was loud that you missed everything neville said. you pressed your eyes close, wishing to be anywhere else. to be free from this destiny, but you knew you could never just leave. you wouldn’t be able to leave all these people behind. 
it was theo‘s voice that woke you from your half sleeping state. the word he muttered was foreign on his tongue, but ignited a flame inside of you immediately. 
your eyes snapped open like a gun shot had rung through the air. but it wasn’t the sound of a gun. it was harry potter, who was running and firing spells at voldemort. you just had seconds to react, before the fight broke out again, no end in sight. 
you had never thought to be happy that a war continued.
but continuation meant that you hadn’t lost yet. there was a chance to win as long as harry potter was alive. 
when voldemort finally dies, it’s nothing like you ever imagined. he bursts into the air, pieces by pieces disappearing until only his wand is left. 
the deatheater in front of you let’s his wand fall to the ground and you don’t have any interest to finish the job as you sank into theo‘s arms. content is flashing through your body and immediate tiredness is dragging you down. theo holds you as all your weight crashes against him. 
you‘re tired of fighting and of war and death and fear. there is nothing in your head, apart from the thought that you will never have to endure all of that again.
theo and you went away after the war.
you travelled europe for a year, before you came back to hogwarts to finish the school year you were still missing. 
theo got a job at the ministry, you started working at hogwarts. he proposed to you the day that you signed the contract. 
your wedding was beautiful. pansy and luna were your bridesmaids. draco and mattheo were theo‘s groomsmen. all of your friends were there. you had even invited the golden trio, it was only thanks to them that the both of you were still alive and able to celebrate your connection.
“you lost your bow again, robin!” theo picked up the little pink bow and clipped it to his suit, knowing that your daughter was way too busy to even hear him call for her. 
“maybe you should just give up” you suggested, picking up luke who was softly hitting your leg, seemingly tired of walking. 
“but she looks so cute with it!” theo protested, the disappointment sipping from his voice as he pushed the trolley through the wall. 
“it‘s no use if she always loses them” you shrugged. “what is it? like the tenth one you’ve gotten her in the past month alone? just wait until she’s older, love”
theo sighed, but nodded at your suggestion. 
“grace, robin” you called, looking around the people in front of you to spot your girls. 
“well, lucky you’ve got me” mattheo popped up next to you, robin in his arms, as he threw a wink in your direction. 
“why are you even here, mate?” theo asked annoyed “you didn’t have any children the last time i checked”
“well, theres still a few women we’re not a hundred percent sure about yet” pansy joked as she appeared in front of you. “hey sweetheart” she kissed your cheek, before she took luke out of your arms. 
“haha” mattheo rolled his eyes. “i was just accompanying my nieces and nephew’s like a good godfather and uncle should do”
“nope” theo shook his head. “you’re still not grace’s godfather, one daughter of mine has to be enough, riddle” 
“yeah, yeah” mattheo shook his head, clearly not caring about anything theo said “we’ll get there eventually”
“no, we won’t, that’s the point—“ 
“hello nott” blaise greeted, draco following, scorpius and grace behind him. you sighed in relief, glad you daughter had not gotten lost.
“blaise” theo nodded, while you went around the trolley, hugging both men. 
“amazing style choice” blaise pointed against his chest and theo's eyes fell down on his own chest, having completely forgotten about the bow he had pinned there. “looks great on you, mate”
“it’s robin’s”
“sure, keep telling yourself that” blaise said with a sarcastic smile “i heard denial is a river in egypt, y/n”
you giggled, but promptly stopped when theo elbowed you. “you’re my wife. mine” he muttered between clenched teeth, but clearly joking. 
draco took a look on his watch. “there are places we have to be, aren’t there?” he set a hand on both scorpius’ and grace’s shoulder, who were talking to each other excitedly.
“of course” you nodded, following your friends to the platform and hugging your daughter so close, as if that might make her leaving a little less hard. “stay with scorpius, sweetheart. stick together, the both of you” you advised. 
“i think isaac was trying to safe a department for the three of you” blaise told you daughter, who smiled gratefully. 
“yes, mum” grace nodded, before you swapped places with theo, who was already crying. 
“write to me every week, honey!” he declared. “stay far away from professor trewlaney and close to your mother as soon as she’s back at work”
“theo” you shook your head “she should have space to develop” you watched grace and scorpius board the train, waving as it slowly left the station.
“i’ve seen people develop at hogwarts!” he shook his head “it lead to a pregnancy in your case, tesoro”
blaise and draco choked on their spit simultaneously.
“that was after i became a teacher and you know it, dear husband”
mattheo held robin away from him, to take her in fully. “were you made there too?” he muttered, more to himself than anyone in particular.
“mattheo!” draco, pansy and you scolded loudly. 
“hey guys!” enzo appeared behind you suddenly, startling all of you. “oh no, they’re already off, aren’t they?” 
you nodded sadly, feeling sorry for the poor bloke who couldn’t arrive on time if his life depended on it.
“half an hour too late” draco exclaimed with a look at his watch. “as always”
“well you know the traffic is being a bitch” enzo slapped a hand to his mouth, before he took a quick look at evie next to him. “sorry, love. well everything’s been a b-word since jacky started forcing me to use muggle transportation.”
“i do not envy you one bit” mattheo shrugged.
“well, evie” enzo shrugged “the train is gone, but i hear that the weasleys have this super cool car, that—“
“no!” you shook your head, taking the little girls hand in yours. “i’ll take her!” 
“so get-together at yours or what, nott?” mattheo asked “gonna have to know which of your kids were conceived in hogwarts” 
“mattheo!” all of you scolded at the same time.
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theostrophywife · 4 months
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if you think these two haven’t kissed before then you’re delusional and you need to grow up
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deadghosy · 1 month
Who do you think, among the Slytherin boys can handle spicy food the best?
“​who do you think scenarios” Who can handle spicy food the best:
A/N: I actually liked doing this. I don’t mind if people/anons send me more of this
Can handle it and will continue to eat spicy food:
Mattheo, Tom, Theodore
Reason why: cmon…I mean hot boys eat hot shit ☺️ but also because I can see them enjoy eating hot foods. Especially mattheo, I feel like this bastard just pours hot sauce over his food to spice it up a little
Can handle a little bit and immediately drink water to take the spice down:
Blaise and Lorenzo
Reason why: now these two can handle it. Only for a matter of time before drowning themselves in water like a dying fish. 🤷🏾‍♂️I just see it that way
Never had anything spicy in his life and never wants to ever.:
Reason why: idk I see him being the kind to just not fw with spicy foods. He probably had some when he was younger and felt like he was going to die 😭
Gulps down any spicy food near him:
Reason why: I feel like he would be dared to drink a whole bottle of muggle hot sauce. He’s either throwing up or not admitting pain and liking it.
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kermit-coded · 1 year
thinking about how veth was constantly belittled and ridiculed as a child and told that she wasn't good/smart/pretty enough and then thinking about how quick she is to jump and defend caleb whenever someone made a joke at his expense and hype up his intelligence and looks
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crrrybaby-ao3 · 2 months
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Slytherin heirs✨
They’re the main characters in my story, basically, and their friendship is a delight to write. I enjoy their conversations and banter a lot.
My favorite is Theo, of course.🖤
Which one you liked the most?
68 notes · View notes
avalynlestrange · 1 year
Foolish One
Theodore Nott x reader, Draco Malfoy x reader (Draco Malfoy x Pansy Parkinson in the background)
Reader: she/her pronouns, half-blood or muggleborn, no house mentioned, really loves sweets, desserts and kittens
Warnings: Toxic situationship, cheating, mentions of death, mentions of drinking
Category: Angst, unrequited love, best friends to lovers?, no use of y/n, short story, one-shot, songfic
Summary: In which you know you’re being foolish in liking Draco but will you finally learn your lesson? Theodore certainly hopes you do.
“Listen.” Theodore puts the book he was reading down to look at you and say, “Your cards are on the table, his are in his hands. Maybe you need to distance yourself. You’re just going to get hurt.” You ignore Theo and continue to think aloud, “Chances are, tonight, he’s already got plans.”
Author’s Note: This is my first ever fiction for a long time. Please be kind. English is not my first language and I’ve tried to proofread as best as I can.
Word Count: 6k
To The Library (Main Masterlist) To The Kitchen (WIPs) To Speak Now TV Anthology To more Theodore Nott fics To more Draco Malfoy fics
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It was nearly the weekend. You had left Draco a note earlier this week in your usual secret spot to send each other messages but alas you had received no reply. Here you are on a Friday night, on the floor of an empty corridor, staring at a blank stone wall.
“Maybe he just hasn’t checked it yet.”
“Or he’s ignored it.” Your best friend, Theodore, replies.
“Maybe he hasn’t had time to read it alone.”
Theodore sighs, “This isn’t the first time he hasn’t responded to one of your little love notes.”
You toss a pebble your finger found across the hallway, and say, “It’s not his fault that his parents wouldn’t approve of me. He has to keep us a secret even to his circle.”
“Listen.” Theodore puts the book he was reading down to look at you and say, “Your cards are on the table, his are in his hands. Maybe you need to distance yourself. You’re just going to get hurt.”
You ignore Theo and continue to think aloud, “Chances are, tonight, he’s already got plans.”
You shuffle and lie down on his lap while he carries on trying to read his book. You turn your head to look along the corridor. No sign of Draco coming to find you.
“He’s probably at a party. Wasn’t there a friendly game of quidditch with Ravenclaw earlier Teddy?”
“I don’t know.”
“He must be at an after-party or some sort. Do you know if the Slytherins are throwing a party this evening?” You ask, gently moving Theo’s book away from his face.
“I don’t know.”
“You must do. You’re friends, aren’t you?”
“I don’t know.” His tone now has a hint of annoyance, lifting his book up once more.
“Okay then.” You huff. You decide to pick up your book. It wasn’t a rare activity, you and Theo reading together. Not always in the corridor. Often times in your dorm rooms. Often times in the common room. You were fond of each other’s company. It was something you’ve always done since you were children. Mr. Nott used to leave Theo at yours ever since Theo’s mother passed away. Your mother was a governess, and your family had a history of serving the Nott family.
It continued during your acceptance to Hogwarts. You both liked being one of the earliest students for breakfast to have a chance to read and eat and finding a spot in the library devoid of the sound of scribbling quills. The two of you sometimes even stay during the winter holidays as it was a lot more peaceful and merry than being at home.
You read in silence for a chapter and began talking again where you left off.
“Chances are he is at a party, and you know he hates it when I show up. Says it distracts him.”
Theodore groans.
And chances are you will talk yourself to sleep again.
It was the next morning and there you were in the great hall. Preparing tea for Theo and yourself. Theo instinctively passes you the sugar bowl. 
“What are your plans for today then?” He asks as he pours a splash of milk into your cup.
“I’m not sure yet. We do have that essay due for History of Magic on Tuesday.” You say as you hear a group of people joining your table.
“Morning Nott.” Draco says as he sits down opposite you. He greets you a good morning by nodding your way.
“Good morning, Draco.” Your eyes quickly flicker up and down from him to your breakfast trying not to look Draco in the eyes. You could never look at the silver pair for too long and not blush, so you best kept your glancing to a minimum when you’re in a group setting. You find it difficult as you are sat directly opposite him.
Draco gestures to the sugar bowl next to your teacup and asks you, “Pass me the sugar.”
You feel your cheeks getting hot as his hands brushes against yours as you hand him his requested item. It’s little moments like this that make you forget when he fails to seek you out that week. You are reminded of his little nickname of ‘sweet thing’ for you during secret rendezvous in vacant classrooms.
Throughout breakfast, Draco chats normally to his crowd. Occasionally you see him with his eyes on you and you lock gazes for no longer than two seconds before looking away. His leg touches yours now and then.
He gives you just enough attention like this in public to keep your hopes too high. What’s more, is that you get these wishful thoughts that these moments could be longer and known by everyone. But wishful thoughts forget to mention when something's really not right and you will block out these voices of reason in your head.
And the voices say, ‘You are not the exception. You will never learn your lesson.’
You shake your head, physically shaking these voices out of your head.
“You okay?” Theodore asks.
You assure him and yourself that you are, with a weak smile.
Later that day you briskly walk towards the loose stone that is your ‘Draco mailbox’ and pry it off, but like the day before: still nothing.
You hear a voice in your head telling you, ‘Foolish one. Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love that ain't never gonna come. This will not end well. You will take the long way down.’
He knows how to keep you waiting. He did mention something about a group hang earlier during breakfast. Nevertheless, you know better than to show up when you weren’t directly invited. That happened one time during Summer last year when his group decided to celebrate finishing their O.W.L.s, and later that day Draco raised his voice at you in a broom closet for showing up uninvited claiming that the group might see it as suspicious. He, of course, apologised for shouting when he saw tears in your eyes, but you never got a single letter from him during the two-month break.
Yes, it’s best if you just waited for him to answer with a time and date. You sigh and walk to the library. You politely ask Madam Pince for a quill, ink, and parchment. She clicked her tongue at your lack of equipment but let you off this time since you are a prefect, and this was the first time you came to the library unprepared. With your head down you walk over to find the textbook you needed and sit at the nearest empty table.
You hear the stool next to you move and see a smiling Theodore.
“This seat taken?”
You shake your head, and he sits down. You continue to flip the book to a relevant page but don’t see that Theo was scanning your demeanour. His eyebrows furrowed. ‘This could only mean one thing’, he thought to himself. 
As if you could sense Theodore’s next question, you turn to him with a smile pasted on your face, “I am fine Teddy! Stop looking at me like that!”
You feign a giggle. You know how to act like you’re fine. You change the conversation and the afternoon felt lighter. Whispered jokes and snickers were exchanged for hours between you and the boy with the chestnut hair. It was always like that with Theo. He always knew how to brighten up your day. 
“Well thank you, Teddy. Now it’s nearly curfew and I’ve only written less than half a parchment.”
“Hey! You’re the one distracting yourself. I’ve written at least one piece.” You roll your eyes, grinning at Theodore tickling your nose with his quill. That’s when you see the scene. Draco walked past hand in hand with a red-faced Pansy Parkinson. Your eyes meet with Draco, and he quickens his pace out of your vision.
“That worthless pile of erumpent dung!” Theo curses. He knew this whole thing between you and Draco was wrong in the first place, but he never voiced his opinion so as to not come across as jealous. Merlin knows how Theo was, and is, very green and is slowly rotting on the inside.
But he loves seeing you beam when you talk about your dates, that he tunes out the details of your escapades and absorbs the beautiful shade of pink flush on your cheeks and glimmer in your eyes. At this moment in time, however, his heart aches at the sight of the scarlet pout of your lips and your eyes welling up. “I thought you two were on the same page of exclusively dating!”
“We… never actually agreed on anything like that. I… I don’t know what to call this situation.” You quickly roll your homework and inhale deeply to keep the tears at bay. There must be an explanation for the sight you had just witnessed.
‘But I know I can’t call you mine. So, I will grit my teeth and I will do my best to seem bulletproof.’ At the thought, another inhale, you suggest, “How about a butterbeer break?”
And Theodore can’t say no to that.
That evening you couldn’t help but walk along the hallway you know like the back of your hand.  By instinct, you stop at the stone and spot that it was a little ajar.
‘Meet me at the boathouse at Midnight. - D’
There it was. You feel an emotion somewhere between merry and misery. You settle for nauseous and blame it on the six butterbeers you consumed earlier at the Three Broomsticks with Theo. You decide to start walking there now. A few hours of fresh air could be good. Yes. A breath of crisp autumn air is what you need to expel this uneasiness in your chest.
“You’re early.” You hear when you reached the doorway of the boathouse. Draco sat at the edge of the ledge, his bare feet in the water.
“I could say the same thing to you.” A little bitterness in your pitch.
He pats the space adjacent to him and you sit cross-legged. The air is cold and the rippling waters in front of you hypnotise your heartbeat to calm down.
You both start to say something, then cut each other off to ask the other to continue.
“It’s not what you think.” Draco pauses. “What you saw earlier in the library. Pansy threatened to tell my father about the secret girl I was seeing and that I was to take her to Hogsmeade and buy her all the sweets she wants from Zonko’s.”
He reaches for his robes.
“Here. I got this for you.” He passes you a bag wrapped with a ribbon. “Sweet things for my sweet thing.”
You thank him as you accept his gift. You start munching on the sweets and offer him some.
“Does she know it’s me?” Your voice is a little too wishful than you hoped it would come out.
“No! Thank Merlin! My father will have my head if he hears I’m not seeing a pureblood.”
It hurts a little when you hear him explain time and again why you have to be a secret. But it doesn't bother you as much 'cause when your head is on his shoulder, it starts thinkin' he'll come around. And maybe, someday, when you’re older, this is something you'll laugh about, over coffee every mornin' while he’s reading the news.
You and Draco stay in the boathouse, telling each other what you were up to during the holidays, aiming candy at each other’s mouths, holding hands, and giving the other soft kisses in the light of the moon until it’s a little too cold and too late to continue.
“When can I see you next?” You ask.
He lets go of your hand as you reach the entryway.
“I’ll let you know.”
You nod and walk to your dorm. You were sure that you were going to see Draco again in hushed hours like this one.
But then the voices say, ‘You are not the exception. You will never learn your lesson'
Throughout the week, you were too preoccupied with checking for a note from Draco and stealing glances here and there that you fail to notice that your duo had become a trio. Daphne Greengrass had been hanging around you and Theo recently and you only are aware of her presence at this moment when your usual quiet bookworm is talking during breakfast, but not to you.
“It’s the first match of the season later. Would you like to watch the Quidditch in the afternoon with me?” Daphne suggests, her hand reaching for Theo’s arm.
“Sure.” The boy replies.
“Who are you and what have you done to my Teddy?” You laugh, “We have never watched a single game!”
It was true. Even if Draco was on the Slytherin team and invited you to watch once, since most of the school attends it anyways, you refused given that you and Theo had a tradition of having a picnic and playing Scrabble by the Black Lake. You two were never interested in sports.
“You’re more than welcome to join us.” Daphne proposed. You realise her hand was still on Theo’s arm and this somewhat makes you frown.
“Theo and I already have plans.” You stated, now reaching for his other arm, “Don’t we Teddy?”
“We can do that tomorrow instead. I am quite curious as to what all the fuss is about, aren’t you?”
“But we have never cancelled our… plans before. Even that one time you had a cold, you insisted we hang out. It’s our tradition.”
“I don’t mean to impose. If you’re busy Theo, we can hang out at Hogsmeade in the evening instead.” She says, her hand still lingering on Theo’s arm, so you have an urge not to move yours either.
“We can do both.” He accepts and his head turns to you, “Are you coming with us?”
You don’t know what to say. A swirl of emotions runs through your veins.
“No.” And with that, you stomp off to your dorm.
You saw Theo less and less that week and you start to spend more time with your dorm mates. You start to miss him. He wasn’t as early to breakfast every day and when he was, Daphne and other Slytherins came in with him. Your study meetings turned into group hangs but you didn’t mind it as much you said to yourself since Draco was part of that group.
However, your eyes were not gazing upon the blond boy but at the chestnut hair boy with his newfound friend.
Why didn’t you like Daphne with Theodore?
You made an effort to look away when you see him smiling at her. You felt your teeth clench whenever Daphne playfully slapped Theo’s arm when she was laughing at something he said. Your hands were in fists when she linked her arm with his when you all walked from class to class.
You don’t understand what you are feeling. You can’t be jealous about your best friend being interested in other girls. You decide you were just feeling a little replaced. That was it, and nothing more. Right?
But what really blew your top was what you were hearing now.
“Yeah, we can go watch the quidditch game tomorrow.”
“Again?” You exclaim but then remembered you were in the library and carry on with a whisper, “You’ve cancelled on me the last game!”
“Oh yeah” Theo replies as if he didn’t remember. When in all honesty, he never did forget. He was trying to distance himself away from you to lessen the aching of his heart.
“Teddy you can’t do this to me.”
“How about I make it up to you by taking you to the last Hogsmeade trip and buying you all the sweets you want so you can stock up for the winter break.” He smiles and when you smile back, he forgets about his vow to himself to spend less time with you.
You hesitate to say yes. You really want to be with him by the lake.
“And I’ll even let you drag me around to window shop to all the places you want me to.”
And you can’t say no to that.
Amidst all the happenings, you had forgotten to check your mailbox. You see a scrap of paper telling you to meet at the boathouse once again at midnight and this time you choose to be punctual. You dress up a little to make up for the fact that you might have already missed the actual date the note was meant for.
You are already on the steps going down to your meeting place when the clock chimes 12 o’clock. A chill runs through your body as you were not wearing your winter jacket but a cute, albeit thin, jumper. You were walking with a skip in your step when you hear her.
“Draco, what about your secret girl?”
“She means nothing to me. It’s not like we were going to get serious.”
You halt just before the entryway.
“But weren’t you dating her since last year?”
“Dating is a strong word. Now shut up so I can kiss those lips.”
So you run. As fast as your feet can take you and go into the nearest empty room.
Now you’re slidin' down the wall with your head in your hands sayin', "How could I not see the signs?"
He hadn't written you or called all summer and the voices in your head are tellin' you why,
‘He’s got her on his arm and you in the wings. You’ll get his longing glances, but she'll get his ring. And he will say he had the best of intentions.’
And maybe now you will finally learn your lesson.
The air feels thick that you can’t breathe and your vision blurs with the waterworks flowing out of your tear ducts.
Draco was right. You were never going to get serious. You knew this deep down and felt it in your heart every time you were with him, but the truth hurts when the reality of it all is said aloud.
When you finally get to your room at 3am. You don’t bother to change and sleep your troubles away.
You skipped lessons that day. You hadn’t meant to, but you woke up past noon and there were only two lessons left that you resolved to miss those too and went back to sleep. You weren’t ready to face people yet.
A pounding in your head awakens you and makes you sit up and reach for your water bottle by your bedside table but see a plate of pastries covered in cling film and a note stuck on top.
‘I didn’t see you at breakfast. I asked your dorm mate to send this to you. – Teddy’
That was sweet of him. Theo never fails to be there when it counted. You notice more items on your bedside table. You see a thermos flask, a book, a wrapped-up sandwich, a couple of more notes, and a red concoction in a small vial that was labelled ‘pepperup potion’.
‘I didn’t see you in class, so I asked Alison to drop this off to you. She said you didn’t look too well. I’ll see you at lunch? – Teddy’
‘I didn’t see you at lunch. Alison said your eyes looked puffy. Do you have a cold? If so I asked her to bring you some supplies. Make sure to take it. I’ll see you after class? – Teddy’
‘I don’t know why I thought I’d see you in any of the afternoon lessons today. How silly of me. I need to sort out a few things and I’ll see you before dinner. – Teddy’
You giggle at how much effort your best friend had gone towards to ensure you are okay. The clock above the doorway says 5 o’clock. Only an hour after classes and Teddy will probably expect you around 5:45pm so you can lounge about the courtyard before dinner time.
However, you felt famished, so you open the selection of breakfast pastries. Theo had picked out all your favourites. He’s always thoughtful like that. One time, you had mentioned your favourite book series with him and within the week he read all of them and bought you both the newly released novel by the same author so you can read it together.
Another time when you used to have recurring nightmares when you were little, you’d go to Theo and he’d read you passages from fairytales until you fell asleep. When you broke your foot during the second year, he insisted that he carried all your books to and from classes even though a simple levitation charm would do, and walk in front of you so no one barges you causing you to trip.
You really don’t know what you’d do without Theodore in your life.
You hear a knock on the door.
“Alison you can come in. You don’t need to knock.”
The door creaks open.
“I’m not Alison.” Theodore peeps in, his eyes on the ceiling. “Can I come in?”
“Of course. Thank you for your care package.” You move to make room for him on your bed.
“Of course. Couldn’t have you starve yourself.” He looks to your bedside table and states, “You didn’t drink the potion I made for you. It’s supposed to clear up your cold.”
He stood there by the end of your bed, his hands behind his frame. He looks cautiously at you.
“I’m not ill.” You assure him.
“Good, because…”  He raises a basket and a tote bag. “I’ve brought us Scrabble and a picnic.”
“But aren’t you going to see the match with Daphne?”
“Not when my favourite girl isn’t feeling well.”
You smile up at him. “But I told you I’m not unwell.”
“Physically maybe but I think you need some fresh air. Now go get ready. I’ll wait outside the door.”
“I really am okay.”
You assure him and yourself that you are, and you truly do feel it.
Your normal routine before Draco came into your life fell back into place, although Theodore was hanging out with Daphne more and more, which still annoyed you. Theo did make some time for you but not as much as you’re used to. You sigh. Breakfasts no longer consisted of silently reading, occasionally speaking to discuss plot points and characters, but with Daphne and the rest of the Slytherin crowd rowdily talking.
You hadn’t spoken to Draco at all ever since that night at the boathouse. He never even addressed it. Not that you checked the mailbox. If he really cared he would have said something by this point, but judging by his actions and the words you heard that night, you had accepted weeks ago that whatever was between you was over.
“So, what are we all doing for the last trip to Hogsmeade today then?” Draco asks, but his eyes lock with yours.
“I’m having tea and shopping with the girlies.” Daphne wriggles her shoulders excitedly. She looks to you and extends an invitation.
To which you thank her but decline politely, “Teddy promised me a full weekend of sweets and shopping. Isn’t that right Teddy?”
You aren’t sure if it is your imagination, but you see a twinkle in Theo’s eyes as he beams at you confirming your plans. You put your arm through his and squeeze it in excitement.
Theo chuckled. “I already regret adding the window-shopping part.”
You head to your dorm to pick up your cardigan as Theo insisted you needed more layers for the winter weather. A figure stops you in your tracks.
“Didn’t know you had a thing for Nott.” Draco sneered.
“Not really your business to know who or who I don’t have a thing for Malfoy.”
He grabs your hand and pulls you to the side.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You try to shrug off his hand, but he wasn’t letting go.
“What happened to us? I thought we were dating, and you left me hanging for weeks.”
“Dating is a strong word.” You spit his words back to him like venom.
That’s when he releases your hand.
Your day with Theo went by so fast. You started off at Zonko’s so you can graze snacks while you peruse through each shop. Theo swears you haven’t skipped any stores but doesn’t complain at all. The conversations flowed easily. You stayed the longest time at the pets and familiars shop to pet all the kittens. He literally had to drag you away with a bribe of pumpkin pie for lunch.
Many days have gone by where you spent time away from each other. Reasons varied as Theo tells you he was busy with whatever excuse he had that day. You noticed that he’d been avoiding you recently. You’re glad that you get to make up for all those hours now.
You share a slice of pumpkin pie and beg Theo to take you back to the pets and familiars shop. He rolls his eyes, but you know he can’t refuse the thought of the adorable kittens. Little do you know that it’s your cuteness he can’t resist.
The two of you start to walk onward to your mission when you see a glimpse of Draco hand in hand with a red-faced Pansy. You knew it. But strangely, you find yourself not upset by it.
“Theo! They still have our favourite!” You jump up and down like a child outside a toy store.
He watches you smiling as you all but ran into the store. You remain surrounded by kittens until a shop assistant ushered you out at the behest of their manager. Reluctantly you say goodbye to the animals and staff and are shocked to see that the sky was magenta-coloured, signalling that the evening is arriving.
 “I’m hungry, are you?” You inspect all the choices of venue you had for dinner.
“Starving. Let’s go in there.” He gestures toward Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop. “I heard they have a great selection of drinks and desserts.”
You follow Theo even though you seem to recall that other students have previously mentioned that they take their dates there. Having never visited since Draco was the first boy you have “gone out with”, and your meetings never involved crowded places and three would have been a crowd, you were excited to finally step into the dainty looking café.
He opens the door for you and a bell rings. You were seated straight away, and it didn’t take long for a staff member to take your order. Examining the people around, you notice a trend of couples holding hands and gazing into one another’s eyes. Did Theo really mean to take you in here?
Detecting your initial discomfort, Theo apologises, “I didn’t know it would be like this here. We can leave if you want?”
“Nonsense! It’s a nice place. Plus, I’m excited for my drink to arrive.” Grinning at him, you take in the view of bows and lace everywhere.
Even though the atmosphere was romantic, you felt at ease being there with Theo. You push back questions you had whenever you sense that his eyes were trying to read your thoughts or when his hand stayed on yours longer than friends should.
He orders a funfetti cake for dessert and you both split each other’s sweet course. Before you know it, it was nearly time to head back to the castle. Another ring of the bell and you were standing in front of the entrance.
You shiver slightly and Theo quickly unwraps his scarf.
“Teddy I’m fine!”
“No, you’re cold. Don’t argue.” He wraps his green scarf around your neck. You inhale the scent of smoke and sandalwood. You bury your cheeks into the scarf to hide the pink colour threatening to expose how much you like the fact you are enveloped by a piece of his clothing.
“I guess it’s time to head back.” You say but see Theo looking distracted.
You look up to see a mistletoe wrapped with a ribbon on the pole of the tea shop’s sign.
He looks at you and tilts his head. Was that him asking for permission?
You shrug then nod at him. “It’s a known tradition after all.”
“Of course.”
Theo leans in close enough so that the clouds you exhale from your lungs mingle in the air. He moves a strand of loose hair and tucks them behind your ear. His hand stays on your face and his eyes flicker down to your lips. You close the gap between you.
You are kissing Theo under the mistletoe.
At first, the kiss is gentle as if he is being wary of the line you were crossing, but when you reach to run his hair with your hands, he pulls you in deeper. You gasp for air, and he takes it as an opportunity to explore you with his tongue.
Thoughts pull you back to reality.
You are kissing Theo under the mistletoe.
Stepping back, you stare at him wide-eyed.
“I have to go.” You say breaking the silence.
And you didn’t see how Theodore’s eyes follow you.
You didn’t actually have to go anywhere; you just needed some space to cool down. Your cheeks were burning red, and you didn’t want Theo to see you like that. Especially since he only kissed you because of the mistletoe. Especially since you enjoyed kissing him. Especially when the voices in your head are back saying, ‘Foolish one you will take the long way down.’
This time you don’t want to learn the hard way. You can’t be falling for him like this. You didn’t want to lose him if it goes sour.
“You’ve been walking in circles.” Theo calls out to you, “Where are you trying to go?”
You stop your feet but don’t turn back to face him.
“I was just heading to…” Your voice fades out to a mumble, and you begin to walk once more.
Theo lightly grasps your arm, and you jump at how fast he caught up to you. You face him.
“You never said anything.” He states.
“It was just a kiss. We were just under a mistletoe.” You look down, kicking the pebbles near your feet.
“You never said anything.” You echo.
“Yeah, we were just under a mistletoe.”
The last week of term dragged on. Theo and you never mention that night to anybody. And if it was even possible, you saw him less than the week before. You are determined to fix your situation. The past two days were unbearable. So, you corner him on his way to the library.
“Why are you ignoring me, Teddy?” You simply question.
“I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. You keep avoiding me in the halls and speaking monosyllabically to me in class. Why?”
“I’m not.”
“You are. We’re friends, aren’t we? Can’t you tell me what’s wrong?” You ask, gently moving his arm and motioning him to face you.
“Maybe I want more.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re so blind, you can’t even see that I’ve been right here! In love with you since I could remember.”
“Your father would never approve of me.”
“I don’t care. I don’t care what he thinks. I don’t care about your blood status! I accept you for who you are! But waiting all these years for you to see me like I see you have been crushing my heart slowly.”
You stare at him wide-eyed.
“I have to go.” He says.
And it’s your turn to follow Theo with your eyes.
You couldn’t sleep at all that night replaying Theo’s confession. You think about all the ways you could have responded and use that moment as a chance for you to voice out your growing feelings. Now he probably despises you.
You recite how you were going to confront Theo for the next day, word for word since you want to accurately tell him that you reciprocate his sentiment. But toss and turn again at the thought of what-ifs.
You get up early and ready yourself for the day mentally. You don’t grab any breakfast because you already felt so queasy. The voices in your head say to you, ‘Foolish one The day is gonna come for your confessions of love.’
This time you were in harmony. You were going to tell Theo everything. How foolish you had been. How you can’t imagine life without him. You head to his dorm room as you know it’s typically empty at this time of the morning and Theo habitually returns to his dorm just after breakfast to put down his books.
You had 2 free periods back-to-back on a Thursday morning, so you have ample time to gush about your feelings. You spot that his door was slightly ajar and knock anyways. The force swings the door slowly open. The room was empty. You sit on Theo’s bed and look around. You notice a few crumpled-up pieces of paper in the bin next to his nightstand.
Curiosity got the better of you as you unwrinkle one piece and gasp when you notice it was addressed to you. You pick up more pieces and all of them are confessions to you, describing how he felt during the day he wrote them. All this time you were waiting for confessions of love and thought they were never going to come, and there they were sitting in a pile of rubbish.
All signed off as:
Could he be? Yours?
You run to the Slytherin common room and don’t see Theo anywhere. You spot Blaise playing chess with Tracey.
“Have you seen Theo?” You interrupt them.
“He’s gone on a date with Daphne.” Tracey replies, focused on her match as Blaise’s bishop takes her knight.
He can’t. Be yours.
It was the last day of the first term, and you sit at your usual far corner of the great hall for breakfast. No Theodore in sight. You set up extra early since you left him a note by his bedside table the day before to meet him at 6:30 when the meal starts.
There he was. Your note is in his hands and you watch him as he walks to you and knits his brows.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, a little worried.
He sits opposite you instead of his usual spot next to you. You bring your hands above the table and show his letters in your hand.
“This. This is what’s wrong.”
“Look I…”
You cut him off. “Why didn’t you send them?”
He stares at you blankly and scratches his head. “What do you mean send them?”
“You fool. I would’ve walked out sooner and run to you.”
“I didn’t think you felt the same way. That’s why I threw them out. You didn’t come to me to talk after what happened in the hallway and you never brought up the kiss again.”
You blush at the memory.
“How did you get those anyways?” His eyes narrow.
“Never mind about that. Didn’t you hear me?”
“Hear what?”
“You’re really going to make me say it?”
“Say what?”
After hours of rehearsal, you could only utter 5 words. “I feel the same way.”
He beams for a second and then frowns to ask,
“What about Draco?”
“When all is said and done, he just wasn’t the one.”
His smile returns and you swear it’s brighter than the morning sun. He reaches over and holds your hand and tells you, “I don’t know how long I’ve waited for you to say those words.”
He pulls you over the table knocking over the goblet and food that had appeared and pecks you on the lips.
“What about Daphne? Aren’t you with her?”
“No, she just wasn’t the one.”
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You've reached this far! Here's a bonus:
It was Christmas day and you were in the great hall ready for the feast, dressed in a sweater Theo bought you so that you can match on this occasion. In one hand you have Theo and in the other a carefully wrapped present and you sat next in your self-assigned corner of the room.
"Let's pull a cracker!" You say eagerly.
And soon both of you adorn paper crowns on your head.
"Dinner doesn't start for another 15 minutes" He informs you.
You pout replying, "So why did you rush me out of my dorm so quickly?"
"So I can give you this." He places a fairly large box in front of you.
"Thank you, Teddy!" You tilt your head when you notice holes all around the box. "What's up with the holes?"
"Just open it." He excitedly insists.
"Okay okay. Thank you." You undo the ribbon and take off the lid. You squeal as you spot the kitten you had been eyeing at the store that evening of what you both have agreed to be your first date.
"I can't thank you enough! I love her so much." You carefully lift the kitten out of the box to cuddle her.
"Anything for you darling. What are you going to name her?"
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it <3 I didn't plan to write it this long. I hope you didn't mind.
I welcome any feedback or criticism.
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midiosaamor · 4 months
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i could literally take them both (not in a fight)
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stuffedsand · 7 months
hii so uh. this post (@purgemarchlockdown hi) where i said i would Think About it Visually? yeah i meant it. old men got es quest amane'd
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uhh design notes ish + the Thoughts that i wrote down and am now going to Type under cut
ok so. Twas kind of hard trying to put these two specifically into the "damsel" role cuz not only are they both grown men but also they both wouldn't accept the role i think. for one itd be hard to act that way for two. well they both have sperate second reasons ill put it seperated for each character
Shidous was the easy one out of the two to design. Honestly its mostly his prison uniform + a bit of my ocs prison uniform - the straps. His collar gets to be a stethoscope cuz haha. doctor man. Reason A for why itd be hard to slap him into a damsel esque role is that he absolutely Wouldn't Accept needing to be saved. He needs to save, not the other way around. Maybe hes still in the timeloop cuz jackalope thinks its Entertaining watching him try to save the one whos trying to save him. idk. Just to be safe i made it a point to make him as sickly looking as possible (not a tall order i mean look at triage)
Kazui was a fucking bitch to design. My instinct for him was. Yk. Suit. then it was the theatre outfit but....they were both tooo.....detailed, lets say. It didnt fit the vibe. i went with vaugely poet shirt looking following the pattern of his vest in Half and Cat. and before you say the lapel is the wrong way i know . pretend its intentional or mirrored pleas. I also ran into the problem of This Man Does Not Look Like He Needs Saving (as is a very fun aspect of his original MILGRAM characterisation) so i had to. Think. Real hard. all i got was to make the collar more obvious? I was thinking like. those heavy duty collars used for violent dogs mostly. ironic cuz hes a cat. was gonna add spikes but they look tacky in my style oops\
general notes wise. uh. i cant draw animalistic features very sorry. kazuis design gave me an anurysem and uhh. I actually forgot about the cat thing for shidou so all the features are on a different layer. Hope this turned out well i need to go back to studying now o7
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rafeslittleangel · 7 months
Request rules!
Requests are always open, send one in!!!
What I write: I write drabbles, oneshots, if I have a really good idea I'll continue it (4 or more parts) as a small fic. I am open to writing SMAUs if you want.
You CAN always request to a next part to a drabble or one-shot I've posted, I'll be honoured honestly!
Characters I write:
Rafe Cameron from Outer Banks.
JJ Maybank from Outer Banks
John B from Outer Banks
Sarah Cameron from Outer Banks.
Luke Castellan from Pjo books/show (I will use show!Luke as faceclaim.)
Bucky Barnes from MCU
Natasha Romanoff from MCU
Steve Rogers from MCU (Not as often as Natasha or Bucky)
Conrad Fisher from The summer I turned pretty
Mattheo Riddle from Harry Potter
Theo Nott from Harry Potter
Enzo Berkshire from Harry Potter
James Potter from Harry Potter (Marauders)
Sirius Black from Harry Potter (Marauders)
Poly!marauders from Harry Potter
Pansy Parkinson from Harry Potter
Ideas/kinks I'll write: Degredation kink, praise kink, overstimulation, edging, cockwarming, dom sub roles, toxic characters, dumbification, loser character, virgin character, knife play, gun play, dark content, wax play, bdsm, dacryphila, somnophila.
Ideas/kinks I won't write: Incest, SA of any kind, mental disorders, sensitive content like very very violent assault against s/o.
I only right for female!reader.
There are no race exclusive features that will be used.
Find a kink, idea or character not mentioned here? Ask me and find out if I write it!
Please be respectful in my inbox.
Favorites are in bold.
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dramaticals · 2 months
one of my favourite theo characterizations is in hogwarts: a home by coralcollective (bonus points because it's dramione hehe). theo being the hogwarts slut / flirt, feeling disconnected and unsatisfied, and meeting his match when he encounters astoria greengrass. he's intrigued, she's not. she pushes him aside and he's stubborn and doesn't allow it. he manages to break down her walls and she just makes him so soft and he finds his purpose, even if it's for a little while. literally the only other theo characterization that would rival this one (for ME) is in the commoner's guide to bedding a royal by olivieblake (also a dramione fic). i know i'm dramatic but when i tell you i cried for theo x daphne like the angst was TOO good. theo pining for daphne for YEARS, daphne constantly shutting him down, theo moving on as soon as daphne realizes she's an idiot. FUCK.
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saltwaterburns · 3 months
I am seriously torn between theodore nott having norwegian or italian roots
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wordsarelife · 2 months
—last kiss
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pairing: theo nott x fem!reader
summary: theo and you spend time at the most beautiful place on earth and it belongs just to the both of you
note: this is my entry for the jinxed july challenge of @finalgirllx and @thatdammchickennugget
warnings: mentions of death
"last one there owes the other a secret"
blades of grass whip against your legs. wind floods your hair and the sun kisses your skin. you're probably hardly as fast as him, but you still don't stop sprinting.
"come on!" he calls loudly, his voice flying over the field and even though you know you're already running as fast as possible, you feel yourself speeding up. 
"i'm not as fast" you scream, while laughing.
"excuses" theo replies. 
your breath is heavy and you're sure your lungs will combust any second now, but before that can happen, he stops, turning his body to look at you. 
theo's face is so beautiful that you might just start crying. his eyes are blue, resembling the darkest spot in the ocean and his lips are curved upwards as he smiles at you. his hair looks soft and warm, enlightened by the sun. 
you stop in front of him, catching your breath. 
he bends down to pick a flower, pushing it behind your ear. "you look so pretty" he says. 
you say nothing. you just smile, wondering how he can say something like that when he himself looks like a greek god. 
"come on" theo says once again, outstretching his hand and taking yours. he walks you through the flower field, further and further than from where you came. 
"where are we going?" you ask, your voice just above a whisper. it's so quiet, you don't even have to speak louder for him to understand.
"a special place" theo answers and you roll your eyes behind his back. "a surprise i set up"
"you're so secretive" you laugh, slapping his arm. 
"and you're impatient."
you shake your head, what he can't see of course, but still. 
there's a bit of space in the middle of the big field, a tree hanging over the field and making space from the flowers around it. there's a blanket waiting and a basket. 
the place is absolutely beautiful just in itself, but theo made a point to decorate the tree and the blanket.
"it's gorgeous" you gush, taking his face in your hands and littering it with kisses. 
he laughs.
the wind pushes hair into your face, as you kneel down to sit on the blanket. you can't even see over the flowers around you. hiding the both of you away from the world, as you sit underneath a tree in the middle of a field of beautiful flowers. 
"how come this is still so..?"
"beautiful and untouched?" theo suggests, looking around. "it belongs to my family, otherwise i'm sure there would be a supermarket or something"
you smile. "why did you never bring me here before?"
he shrugs. "i brought you here now" 
you nod and laugh. "yeah, alright"
theo opens the basket, pushing a display of various different fruits in your direction. you smile at his dedication and take a few strawberries. 
"so?" he raises his brows and smiles at you. "i'm waiting"
the strawberries color your tongue red and leave a hint of sweetness on your lips. you smile conspiratorial. "i'm not telling you"
"well, you have to, those are the rules" 
"it's unfair" you argue playfully. "you're much faster than me and i didn't even know where we were going, so you would've won anyway"
he doesn't give in. "rules are rules, baby" he shrugs and you roll your eyes. he throws a blueberry at you, which bounces from your forehead and falls onto the blanket between you. you pick it up and plop it into your mouth, coloring your tongue purple.
"go on, love" he encourages when you're still not saying anything. 
"fine" you sigh. "i want it to be you"
"want me to be what?" he wonders, there's no hint of a joke in his voice, it's just a question. 
"i want you to be everything. my yesterday, my tomorrow. i want you to be forever, i want us to be forever" 
"we will" theo assures, kissing your temple softly, not able to hide the big goofy smile on his face. 
"you're so annoying" you giggle when he starts littering your face with kisses. 
"you don't think i'm annoying" he argues, while he starts tickling you. "you think i'm everything"
"damn right i do" you smile, as he holds in his movement "what about you?"
"me?" he repeats. "i don't have to tell you one, remember? last one there owes the other a secret. i was very clearly not last."
you roll your eyes, but accept his explanation. 
theo opens his mouth and you flick blueberries inside, coloring his tongue purple. there's a hint of sweetness on both of your mouths when you finish the strawberries and kiss his lips, tasting it. everything tastes better on his lips. even sadness. 
he holds you close to him, softly deepening the kiss and pushing his tongue into your mouth. your hands are moving in his hair and he draws patterns on the skin of your hips. 
you walk the way back. hand in hand, while you finish the rest of the blueberries. 
"they are my favourites" theo informs you.
"now you did tell me a secret" you say matter of factly. 
"that's not a secret" he insists. "but i think that depends how you define one. you seem to have a pretty low requirement"
"well, any new information you tell me is practically a secret, considering i know so much about you already" you shrug "and you had all these years to tell me" 
"you know me best" he smiles and you feel proudness bubble in your chest. "i would share secrets with you any day"
the field is just as beautiful in the winter, when you come visit it in thick clothes and blue lips. the wind has settled down and you get warm while running through the snow. 
this time you're ahead of him by a lot, which has to be on purpose. 
you reach the tree first, slapping a gloved hand against it. "ha!" you laugh, when he finally falls against the tree, next to your hand. 
"now, let's hear it, lover-boy" you raise a brow, waiting for him to catch his breath. you're almost a bit worried when it takes him longer than expected, but he speaks before you can question him about it.  
"i'm crazy about you" theo says, finally and you giggle. "and you make me feel special, no one can do that apart from you" 
you smile at him and hope that he can feel all the love and adoration you put into it. "i'm even crazier about you" you plaster a warm kiss onto his cold cheek. "and you are special, you don't need someone to make you feel like you are" 
"i'm gonna beat you the next time" he laughs, breathing in cold air and coughing it out again. 
whispered words and sunny days make the snow disappear. you sit in the tree, with theo underneath. both of you are quietly reading, only connected through the same words on either paper. 
"it's your turn" theo says as he turns his head upwards. 
you're not convinced. you didn't run here, so there's not really a winner. "unfair" you say in a sing-song and you can practically feel him roll his eyes.
"go on, love" theo says. "it was my turn the last time, remember?"
"okay, sure, mister always right" you give in, eager to return to your book as soon as possible. "you look hot today" you giggle as soon as the words have left your lips. theo looks up at you with big eyes of surprise and you laugh even louder. 
"that doesn't count" he protests. 
"not secret enough for you?" 
"it's not a secret, if anything it's just a fact" he jokes, but can't help and starts laughing at the pretended seriousness in his voice. 
"well, that's the only secret you're getting today, my love"
the heat pools over both of your bodies, so you're again deciding not to run, when you come back in the summer.
still, you make a point of throwing your hand against the tree first, catching the short second of annoyance flashing over his face, as he did not think of doing that. 
"i'm ready, baby" you dance around him, as he puts down the picnic blanket, easily ignoring you. 
theo pats for you to join him and you sit down just as he throws his head into your lap. 
"today was a good day" he says and you nod, both of you deciding that it's secret enough.
"yes" you smile, as he closes his eyes tiredly. you kiss his forehead and push back his shortened hair, running your fingers through it as he easily slips into a soft sleep, both you and the sun caressing him. 
you don't come back in autumn or winter, not even in spring of the next year. it takes a whole year for you to return, when it is summer again and the heat almost burns off your skin. 
blades of grass whip against your legs. wind floods your hair and the sun kisses your skin. you're probably hardly as fast as him, but you still don't stop sprinting.
the wind moves the tree in front of you and also the flowers. it is soothing, considering the heat.
you reach the tree, slapping your hand against it, but not waiting for him to do the same, before you sink down in the grass. 
you keep silent, both of you just sitting, without anyone saying anything. 
you sigh, pushing a hand over the stone, trying to get rid of the dirt and leaves that fell from the tree. 
"fine" you finally say, laying down beside him and staring into the sky, that is almost invisible, because the tree is in the way. 
"but there's nothing new for me to tell you" you explain. "you can't be picky, you know? after all the time that passed before i came back" 
the silence is loud and harsh and you try to fill it, but end up helplessly sighing, before you find the words to continue. "i wish i could tell you something new" you mutter, a lump in your throat and a stone on your heart. a tear slips from your eye. your voice falls to a whisper. 
you don't have to speak louder than that for him to hear you. the field is quiet and so is the world around you now. 
"i still want it to be you" you can't help but cry "there's nothing i can do about it, my love" you shake your head "and i know that it's probably a shit secret, but i just want you to know the truth, my hurtful, heartbreaking, but honest truth" 
you push your hand against the stone once more, before standing up from your position next to him. 
you walk away from the tree, surrounded by a flower field. away from the most beautiful place on earth and away from theo. 
theo's tombstone rests under the tree for the rest of what you thought would be forever. the pages of the calender turning without him moving. you know it's the right place for him, because it is beautiful, no matter the season, just like theo was.
you'll come back for every season for the rest of your life, a hand on the locket with his photo and another filled with secrets. you'll have to tell a secret every time now, because theo stays under the tree and you will always be the last one there, no matter how fast you run. 
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theostrophywife · 10 months
pov: you’re watching me spiral into madness over theo’s slutty little waist
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deadghosy · 4 days
Monstobter….monster and October? Get it guys…lol when October starts up I’m doing monster +Slytherin boys work. I already have some ready and it’s gonna be cool. Just send me requests with your favorite Slytherin boys and monster and boom it’s done.
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