#now I might have to choose between my wheelchair and a new computer
dayz-ina-daze · 5 months
My computer might be fucked. Entirely.
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goblinkingdomsblog · 3 years
Bts as mafia series ask
What will they do after kidnapping agent yn who is not willing to give info
What will they do after kidnapping agent y/n who is not willing to give information
Members: all BTS.
Genre: mafia!AU, reaction.
Premise: you are a police agent who was captured by one of the most influential members of the criminal organization you have been investigating for weeks. He's trying to get information out of you through interrogation, but you're not going to give in, no matter what. So he needs to think of a new plan.
TW: a little bit of (V) = Violence, but more of (S) = Safe for reading and (Sg) = Suggestive.
Mafia Series Masterlist
Mafia Series Plot
I don't know if this is exactly how you imagined your request, but I hope you enjoy it. ;)
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"Precious information is always worth it."
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You were tied to the chair for a long time, until he came and released you. You immediately thought about the easiest escape route, but the abandoned, damp pavilion in which you were, behind huge boilers, seemed to have no end.
He smiled calmly, standing a few feet in front of you with his arms crossed.
- Agent Y/N. What an honor. - his voice was sympathetic, lulled by a hoarse and low tone - I've been looking for you for a long time. I heard you're trying to get me in trouble.
You laughed bitterly, spitting on the floor to get rid of the taste of the gag that had been in your mouth just minutes before.
- I feel really sorry that I didn't cause more problems, then.
Surprisingly, he laughed back, as if he were in the presence of a rebellious child who he needed to educate.
- You didn't answer the questions my subordinates asked you, did you?
- I will never reveal anything. You can send those dumbasses back and make them punch me more. - you touched your aching jaw with your free hands, without looking away from the one who you knew were the leader of the Organization - I can deal with them easily.
With his arms crossed, he rubbed his expensive shiny shoe on the floor, lifting his index finger.
- Oh, no, no. That was my mistake, caused by a wrong choice of members. Let's say they are not exactly the smartest members of our... company. I'm sorry about that. - he laughed quietly, adjusting his glasses over his nose with the casualness of someone who was shopping at the supermarket.
- So what are you going to do, you bastard? - you grunted, trying to distract him just to have time to think of a good way to get out of there.
He laughed again, a short, somewhat dangerous laugh.
- Courageous. - he murmured, with a sharp gleam in his dark eyes. He stared at you for a long moment before proceeding - Well, violence is almost never the best option. It is always better to treat the guests with whom you want to have a conversation with calm and courtesy. And, of course, without haste.
Feeling a cold shiver down your spine, you stayed still.
- I have all the time in the world, my dear. I can wait until you're ready to start. - with a singing smile that exposed two deep dimples, which now seemed sharply malignant, he turned to the darkness - Ah, and don't even think about running away. If this place already seems big to you, know that it is bigger than you think. And there are some rather interesting obstacles around here.
With one last look over his shoulder, the faint moonlight that came in through the windows reflecting off the lenses of his glasses and preventing you from seeing his eyes, he clicked his tongue.
- But, if you insist on trying to escape... - he pronounced, as if he considered the whole situation a great pleasure, and not a threat - I wish you good luck.
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You were in a small house, surrounded by at least 4 tables full of electronic equipment, computer parts, baubles and dust.
The man seated in front of you, with his chin in one hand, kept his eyebrows raised. By moving your hands tied behind your back, you tried to free yourself from the wheelchair in which you were trapped.
- Stay still. - he murmured, harshly. His expression was divided between apprehension and irritation.
- I am still. It is kind of difficult to make any movement while you are tied to a chair.
Without paying any attention to you, he rolled his eyes.
- I don't know why they thought of me as the right person to fulfill this mission. As if I had nothing more important to do. - his face, beautiful as a carved brilliant, was extremely expressive - And now, to make things worse, you still don't want to collaborate with the interrogation!
You smirked, shaking your head in the middle of the room with brown walls and orange lamps.
- I'm sorry for being a stone in your path. I bet if you let me go, you would be relieved. - your tone was acidic.
Bitting his lower lip, he snapped his fingers. With an impulse from the floor, he slid the wheelchair in which he was sitting to one of the tables, turning on one of the computers.
- Actually, I have a better idea. - he said, his plump lips curving into a smile as his fingers typed quickly, as if he were thinking of a joke that only he understood.
After a few quiet seconds, in which the only noises in the house came from the computer, he turned towards you and rotated the computer screen to your direction, so that you could view it entirely.
- I think you will be the one relieved when you collaborate with my questions. - he murmured, pointing the image on the monitor: the security cameras on the street in front of your family's house, recording everything in real time. It was even possible to spot your mother through the window - It's not that hard to find out certain things on social media, you know? I would recommend you to be more careful from now on.
Your smile died on your face, replaced by an expression of fear.
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The stone basement under the busy bar was a much darker place than it had seemed at first. The endless noise of parties was able to hide the most diverse noises.
The man standing at the door, talking to two others who remained in the shade, seemed completely calm. Which was the total opposite of how you felt.
Trying to shake your body to get rid of the rope wrapped around your entire torso, you groaned. You knew that dozens of bruises would form on your arms because of the effort, but you couldn't stop trying.
Dismissing the two henchmen, the man near the door turned in your direction. Approaching with his hands in his pockets, he stopped a few inches away, bending to reach the height where you were trapped.
- As you didn't want to answer when I asked patiently, I decided to change my approach. - with a slow, almost lazy, gummy smile, he took his hands out of his pockets, revealing a pile of pills.
Knowing what "industry" he was in, you were sure those pills were drugs. Although you were afraid of what might happen, you would never let it show.
- What are you going to do? Forcing me to swallow and kill myself from an overdose? - you almost spat, bending forward in an attempt to hit him with your head.
He laughed, and his laugh was a little choked. He smelled of cigarettes, both in his baggy clothes and on his breath.
- Don't be so hasty. I already said that I am very patient, so I would never force you to take one of them. - he shook the pills in his closed fist, letting them make a noise - I'll let you choose one of them.
Grunting, you turned your head.
- The choice is entirely yours. You may take a sweetie pill, which just makes you more relaxed to answer my questions... - his expression went from amusement to a somber seriousness, while he averted his eyes downwards - or you may take a poisoned one that will kill you. Sadly you don't have the option of not taking any pill.
Smiling again, exposing his gums in a way that made his expression frighteningly youthful, he shrugged.
- I hope you have a good eye for analyzing pills. Or at least a good tolerance.
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He was smiling in your direction for good 3 minutes now. Sitting upright, his knees 5 centimeters away from yours (that were tied to each other), he looked like an experienced dealer wanting to convince you to buy something.
You were already so tired that you felt almost ready to "buy it".
- If you tell me some very simple details of the investigation, I promise you will be released without any injuries. - his face was soft and friendly, and he spoke with such conviction that it was easy to accept.
You were sweaty due to the fact that you had been struggling in that chair for hours on end, trying to break free. That damn apartment seemed to be in the end of the world, because no one on the floors above or below made a sound.
It was time to try something different, to put pride aside. You had full faith in your ability to act.
- Do you... really promise? - you asked, in a weak voice and with an innocent expression, which made apparent the tiredness you were feeling (on purpose, of course).
He broke into a big smile, crowned by his shiny, aligned teeth. He looked cheerful as a child who had just won a candy.
- Of course, my dear. - he replied, lightly touching your hand tied on the arm of the chair. His fingers were warm and soft.
You smiled back "timidly". You would lie masterfully, until you convinced that man to let you go. You knew you were able to do that, because it was a necessity.
- Then... I will collaborate.
Caressing your hand briefly, just before letting go and looking you in the eye, his smile lessened a little.
- Just know that liars are not treated so politely. - he murmured, in a practically humming way - And I always know when someone is trying to deceive me, my sweet. Always.
Suddenly, the touch of his fingers no longer seemed as gentle as before.
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The man's eyes seemed to burn in his face, just as the hate burned inside you. He was lying beside a round table, stripped, staring at you through half-closed lids.
- This is kind of kinky, don't you agree? - he asked, breaking the silence, his legs spread in a careless pose as he watched you.
You wanted to scream. You pulled your arms out, listening to the clink of the metal rings and then feeling the physical immobility. Being chained to a cement wall by your wrists and ankles, standing for hours, was far from any pleasurable idea. That was a fucking torment.
- Fuck you, you crazy bastard! - you grunted, your voice hoarse in your scratched throat - If I ever have the opportunity, I swear I'll kill you!
He didn't smile, but something in the curve of his eyes exposed the fact that he was enjoying the scene. In a leap, he rose from his chair, an evil idea igniting in his mind.
- What if that opportunity reveals itself now? Could you kill me? - he purred, approaching cautiously. You didn't know if he was teasing or threatening you, as his body movements were unreadable.
- Chained here? How fair is this clash? It is obvious that you will win. - you spoke through, your head hanging forward. You were an accomplished fighter in the police, but no one with their arms and legs trapped would be able to win a hand-to-hand fight.
- Of course I'm going unchain you. I'll even give you some time to warm up. I like fairness in this type of game. - the way he spoke, with pleasure, showed an insatiable desire for combat. You wanted to punch him.
- How can I be sure that you will not cheat? You are a fucking mafious.
This time, he laughed sharply, putting his hands on his stomach.
- I promise you that our fight will be fair, based only on the skills of each one. Especially because, if I win, my only prize will be to chain you back on this wall right here. - he got close enough to hold the sides of your waist with his hands, more firmly than expected. You forced yourself not to shudder - And while I really appreciate the sight, it is nothing that I haven't already seen.
You thought about attacking him right there, but it was better to wait a little more. Using his hands on your waist as a support, he started to unchain you.
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The boy was standing, his back against one of the only walls of the ruined building. The empty terrain you were on was extensive and the wind was blowing strong, turning all that vastness into a damn desert of grassy ice.
You were standing a few feet away, with nothing to hinder your movements. Still, you couldn't move, as you knew he had confiscated your loaded gun and was now keeping it in his pants pocket, ready in case any attempt was made to escape. You didn't want the same thing that happened to your two coworkers, now two bodies lying on the ground in the woods, to happen to you.
- Will you tell or not? - the man asked, boredom evident on his face. His voice was low, peaceful as a lullaby.
- I won't. - you said, shivering from the wind and nervousness. Nothing mattered now, not even your life: you had vowed to keep the investigation a secret, and that's what you would do. You would die with honor, just like the others.
Arching one of his thick eyebrows, he remained still. His mouth went up in one corner, in a angled smile.
- Ah, too bad.
- Shoot fast, can you? - you shouted back, extremely tired of it. You wanted it to end fast.
- I will not shoot you. You are useful, unlike your unintelligent colleagues who tried to attack me.
You clenched your teeth, the sound of the wind almost deafening your ears.
- What are you going to do then?
Wiping the hair off his forehead, which insisted on sliding in all directions, he waved a hand, turning the loaded revolver in one finger.
- Ah, I decided to let your teammates answer the call that the... deceased agents sent on the radio. They will get here behind this wall, as it is the easiest way to access the terrain. - observing the barrel of the gun and then opening the magazine to see how much ammunition was inside, he continued: - It is always good to practice my shooting from a long distance, just to not lose the practice.
Wide-eyed, the scenario in which your colleagues were killed one by one by shots from a hidden sniper crossed your mind. It was terrible.
- But, if you like your colleagues very much and decide that your willingness to offer information is greater than my intention to play target shooting, it may be that things happen in a much easier way. - he stated.
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He almost never looked up from the ground, and when he did, his eyes kept hidden under the brim of his hat. Not that it was easy to spot anything inside a dark and metallic bunker, in which you could barely move because you were handcuffed to the table fixed on the floor.
After hesitating for a long time, the man with tattoos on his fingers sitting in front of you finally spoke:
- You have to answer. I am here just following orders, and you are delaying my other appointments. - if there was something behind which he could hide, he would probably do it. But not out of fear... it was for another reason.
- I already said I won't tell you anything. You can kill me already, dumb child. - you almost roared, the rage accumulated in hours of silence revolting inside you.
Yes, even though he was partially hidden by the shadows, the fact that he was young was evident. More a shy boy than a silent man.
His eyes widening in shock, he stepped back a few inches. With an increasingly wheezing breath, he got up and walked to a door in the corner of the bunker.
- You're making things more difficult for both of us. - he said, with a dangerous tone.
Opening the hidden door with a single movement of his drawing-covered hand, he revealed a gagged figure, struggling and muttering in a useless way: your partner in the police and best friend, Denyel.
You gasped with fright when his figure became visible, his body covered in sweat. With a sudden tug, the tattooed man dragged your friend over to the chair where he himself had been sitting before, forcing him to settle down.
- With each denied answer, a little bit of his life is gone. - the boy's voice was now expressionless, and his hands moved quickly as he took dozens of knives from the belt under his coat and placed them on the table, with a clang - I can make it drag on for hours, believe me. I know exactly how much "life" to remove until there is no more of it left.
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That's it for now! Did you like it? Tell me your opinion and your suggestions, my dear reader.
If you want to request anything, send me your ideas!
The images used on this post are not mine. Credits to the owners.
Kisses from the Goblin Kingdom! :)
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queenchaos · 4 years
So...I did a thing....
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Ahhhh I’ve been so bored during these times that I went back through old art n my many DED DeviantArt accounts. I found this old beauty from 2013-14.... and I decided to redraw my girl in the middle
It’s me and two old friends during our TMNT phase in middle school. Kelsi (Sophie), Ella (Me Emma), and Tara (Sara). We’d actually call each other by these names and have over text Role plays....
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Wrote fanfics bout us n everythin! Here’s the only one that I help with:
Kelsi gave a tiny wave to Donatello as he left with his brothers for patrol. He turned around and looked at her with pleading eyes. He had tried to convince them he needed to hang back, but now that Tara was here they decided to let her take over on watch patrol there. He glanced between the Shellraiser and his friend.
"You sure you don't want me to-"
"Nope! I'm fine, Tara will be here, and if I run into problems I can call. Just go, I can handle myself!" Tara gave a sharp nod and motioned with her hands for him to move along.
"Go on Don, I've got her." He hesitated before slipping inside and driving off. There was a moment of silence between the two cousins, smiles beginning to form on their faces.
"Is he gone?" Kelsi stretched her neck in an attempt to get a closer look. Tara ran over and peeked out.
"Gone, the taillights just disappeared." She looked back with a grin. "Ready?"
"Ready!" She snatched her laptop from underneath her wheelchair and opened the lid, browsing through the list they had made an hour earlier, complete with links and information underneath each case.
It wasn't that they were hiding this from the turtles they just…they wanted to do this on their own. If any of them figured out what it was they were up to, they were toast. No doubt that they would immediately be banned from continuing their new pastime, and life would go back to its former dull throbbing. There were nine pages worth of things to look at, and they couldn't choose for the longest time.
"We might want to start with something easy." Tara sighed, leaning back and scanning her eyes over the list. "I don't know, like maybe a missing cat."
"That's way too easy."
"Not for you." She teased. "But yeah, I know. What are you thinking?"
"Maybe bump it up a notch and try missing person?" Kelsi scrolled the cursor over the link to the site.
"You do realize you're on that list right?" Tara smirked. "Lucky me, I found Kelsi, how much money do I get?"
"Shut up." Kelsi threw her head back and laughed. "Just shut up, that's not funny."
She turned back to the screen while her cousin gave a fake pout. "Seriously, they'll be back in a few hours we need to pick something." She opened a link up to a case involving a missing car. It was merely out of curiosity, she had a feeling their first job would end up being a cat after all. She skimmed over the article and blinked in confusion, mumbling to herself.
"What is it?"
"Just reading, according to this article the car disappeared last Sunday when some hijacker stole it, but according to the owner, the car never left his garage."
"Pshh, well it's gone now, it had to end up leaving at one point or another." Tara leaned in closer to read the tiny print. "Footage? The guy kept six cameras in his garage? Must be quite the car."
"Yeah, it is actually." Kelsi opened up the picture attached. A cherry red Corvette that shone like the sun came up on the screen, and Tara could only cringe and suck in air through her teeth.
"Ouch, talk about money down the toilet."
"If there's a reward of over 1,000 dollars then he's not too hurt over it."
"One thousand?! For a Corvette?! This guy's trying to pull off some bargain, nobody's going to look for a Corvette with only one thousand dollars to gain."
"Nobody…except us."
"Tara! Come on!" Kelsi whipped her head around and pleaded, whining and shaking the monitor. "One thousand dollars, we can get it if we try!"
"Absolutely not. Not for that much money."
"We could weasel more out of him when we're done." Kelsi gave a grin. She wanted this really bad, Tara could tell. Though she didn't blame her, she spent a lot of time down there after all. The smell was beginning to become the norm for Tara. That was new.
"You are evil." Tara laughed.
"Come on, are you in or are you out?"
Tara hesitated. She wanted the money out of it, she wanted the adventure out of it, and she wanted to completely defy all rules she had been given in the past week. And finding that Corvette with her cousin could give her all of it. Kelsi held out her hand and raised an eyebrow, giving another annoying whiny plea. Tara sighed and shook her hand, letting another smile spread across her face.
"I'm in, let's go get that car."
Tara had her head phones plugged into her phone, simultaneously FaceTiming Kelsi as she walked down the streets of New York. It smelled like gasoline and crap, but she had started the mission and she was fine with it. The boys were on the other side of town, nothing could bother her as of right now.
“Okay, the garage should be coming up on your left,” Kelsi said. She was peering at the directions on her laptop and looking up to check on her cousin every two minutes. “There’s an alarm planted on every angle of it though, watch it.”
“How am I going to get in then?” Tara replied, making eye contact with her cousin through the screen. The resolution was fuzzy still, but she could manage. “I can’t take down all of the alarms, there are probably hidden ones.”
“Yeah, there are.” Kelsi began squinting at the screen again. “But you might be able to take them all out if you could disable the mainframe on the top floor.”
“I don’t know how to disable the mainframe Kels’, I’m not that smart.” Tara approached the building and crossed the street, leaning up against the side of it and pretending to smoke with a fake cigarette she had made a few minutes earlier. “I wish you could take it out for me.”
“I can’t, I would have to be there in person, besides, I’m not even sure I could accomplish that, I’m not terribly good with computers outside of error code fixes.”
“Then what do I do? I’m lost as to what you want from me here.” Tara peeked down the sides of the alleys, hoping nobody was listening in on their conversation. The feed went static, then came back in.
“You need to climb up the fire escape on the tattoo parlor next door and hop across to the roof of the garage.”
“Hop across? As in, jump-in-mid-air-and-land-on-the-other-rooftop across?”
“Yes, that kind of across? Cool?”
Tara swallowed a lump in her throat and shrugged, stuffing her fake cigarette back into her pocket. She found the fire escape and swung up trying to make as little noise as possible. It was really dark outside, but a few people roamed the streets checking out street vendors. Her main fear was either falling from the building or getting caught. She couldn’t choose which one was worse.
“I’m at the top.” Tara’s hair blew off to the side and she looked back down at her phone. Kelsi had her eyes fixed on her cousin with a weak smile and twitchy hands. “I’m going to jump now.”
“Just pray you don’t end up like me.”
“Thanks for the encouragement.” Her heart pounded as she approached the edge of the building and scuffed her foot on the concrete ledge. It definitely wasn’t comfy below, but she had to jump now or the entire mission would end. Was this even worth it? Self-doubt was incredible.
Tara gripped her phone tight, took in a deep breath, and pushed off. The first few seconds were slow motion, she couldn’t even tell she was falling or flying through the air. She didn’t dare open her eyes, she shut them tight enough for them to split. Her legs flailed around uselessly. She landed on the other rooftop with a solid thumping, and all the air in her lungs whooshed out with a grunt. Concrete again, she had made the jump.
“Yes! Tara you made it!” Kelsi clapped and gave a cheer.
“I…I need a moment.” Tara’s body shook with fear and her limbs ached, but she was more than proud that she had made it. She was okay now, she could complete the mission. After thirty seconds she managed to stop shaking and stand up again.
“Okay Tara, see the entrance?”
“No, there’s an air vent and weeds up here.” Tara said. “And a few dead cockroaches, ew.”
“About that air vent…hehe…”
“NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT, NOT IN A MILLION YEARS KELSI!” Tara glared at her phone, her cousin rubbing the back of her neck and whistling awkwardly.
“That’s the only way into the mainframe com-“
“NO! I AM NOT SQUEEZING THROUGH SOME DUMB AIR VENT, THINK AGAIN CHAPMAN!” Tara shook her head furiously. No way in no universe was anyone, especially Kelsi, going to force her down a stuffy air vent where she couldn’t breathe, and where she would get her arms stuck a moment later.
“Tara, there is literally no other way to get in, I’m sorry.”
“Then the deal’s off, I am not climbing through an air vent.” Tara shook her head and pursed her lips. “Not today, not ever.”
“Tara!” The whiny voice had come back, Tara hated that voice. “Please, don’t you want that money?”
“Yeah, but it isn’t worth a trip down that death hole air vent.”
“Tara, I didn’t want it to come to this but…climb down that air vent or I will tell Raph.” Kelsi had a slightly amused face now.
“I don’t really care if you tell him.” Tara shrugged.
“We aren’t talking about the same thing Tara. I’m talking about this mission, here and now. He will kill you.”
There was a moment of silence where they just stared at each other making strange faces and giving glares. “Don will kill you too to be honest.”
“No he won’t. I didn’t leave the lair. He would kill you though for leaving me down here alone. Options Tara, tick, tock.” Kelsi seemed really amused now, she had the worst poker face known to mankind. Tara stared at her with a hard glare.
“What if I told Donnie that you did something illegal?”
“I didn’t do anything illegal. That argument is invalid.”
“You’re assisting my break-in into some rich guy’s car garage.” Tara gave a smirk and crossed her arms. “So much for ‘invalid’ sister.”
“Why are we even talking about this, get into the air vent and get those tapes!”
Tara really hated this. She really hated this. There was nothing else for her to do, she didn’t fancy the idea of jumping across the buildings and climbing back down the fire escape again. She didn’t fancy sitting there waiting for the cops or Raph to find her either. She could always try climbing down the side of the brick building though. “I’m climbing down the side of the building and coming back, let’s get a new mission.” Tara headed over to the side and stuck one leg over when-
“Tara you’re a coward! Get in that air vent or I’ll tell them all you were a wimp when I reveal our mission!” Kelsi shouted.
“THE THINGS I DO FOR YOU KELS’!” Tara swung her leg back over and punched the lid off the vent, sliding her body inside. Hot and stuffy. Delightful. She crawled further down and it got cooler though, before she knew it she was directly above the entrance to the mainframe security, and she dropped in as quiet as a mouse. “What now?”
“There should be a power switch on the wall, flip that down.”
Surely enough, there it was, a big red switch she took pleasure in killing. The lights flickered out, leaving Kelsi’s FaceTime as the only source of light. “Now turn it back on, the computer should have corrupted.” And corrupted it was, error messages flashing on the screens, security cameras twitching, and not a single alarm going off.
“Genius. You’re a genius Kels-“
There was a soft thump behind her and she whipped around to face another girl about her age with medium length dark hair. She wore a jean jacket and black leggings, and she brushed off her legs with a huff. Tara’s heart leaped and she took a staggering step back. The girl looked up with a crooked smile and shoved her out of the way, opening the door to the garage and slamming it behind her.
“Get back here you punk!” Tara stuffed her phone in her pocket and ran after her, trailing the ear buds on the ground and nearly tackling the stranger on the concrete if it weren’t for her quick dodge and arm lock. “Let go of me you idiot, I will kill you right now!”
“Yeah, sure.” Her voice was soft and delicate. “I’m guessing you’re looking for the tapes on that Corvette too? Well they’re mine, thanks for taking security out for me.” She dropped Tara and ran to the back wall, stumbled up and freed one of the cameras from its plastic holders. Tara was red in the face and ready to kill.
“What right do you have?!”
“Every right, the same rights you have.” She landed softly back on the ground and gave another grin. “But your nerd forgot to tell you that there was only one camera working that night. And that’s this one.” She pointed at the device and sighed. “Such a shame you missed out on that money. Well, I’ll catch you later!”
“NERD?! EXCUSE ME!” There was a muffled shout from Tara’s pocket that she ignored. She reached in and hung up the call. Kelsi couldn’t bother her right now.
She made a dash for the exit but Tara grabbed her by the arm and slammed her into the ground. “No thanks, I think I’ll catch you later!” She snatched the camera and sprinted out the door and down the stairs to the exit. Her feet practically flew across the cement, but the same girl flipped over her and landed in front of her, hand outstretched.
“It was mine first.”
“I don’t care.”
“Who do you think you are?” She crossed her arms and glared.
“Tara. Nice to meet you. Now if you’ll excuse me…” She ducked in-between her legs and kept running. “I have business to take care of!”
Tara hated this girl, she wanted to put a good nineteen feet between them and get back to the lair before any of the turtles came back. Patrol time was almost up. She could hear the footsteps behind her though, that idiot was going to follow her. She needed to lead her in the wrong direction.
She reached the bottom and skidded across the ground to the fire exit, but the girl yanked her hair, stole the camera, and pushed ahead again. Tara shouted and cursed, waving her fist and chasing after her, but the dark haired girl disappeared into the dark alleys across the street before Tara could catch her. A small piece of paper fluttered in the breeze, Tara figured it were just a shred of a magazine or newspaper. But instead it had handwritten words on it in silver sparkling pen ink. She snatched it from the wind’s grasp and fumbled picking her phone back up to redial Kels’. The note made her even angrier.
Have a wonderful day!
Tara crumpled up the scrap and stomped on it, her breathing heavy again. She slipped back into the sewers and trudged through the raw sewage all the way back.
Ella was going to regret messing up her chance for the money.
She was going to regret it.
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m00nslippers · 5 years
In a dream world where we are getting a Red Hood live action trilogy, how would you want the three movies to be? Like what plotlines, characters, villians, what arc to develop, how to present his character to appeal to the general audience and such :D
Oh man, this is an interesting question.
Well first of all, this might sound strange, but I absolutely do not think that Under the Red Hood should be adapted to Live Action. I believe this because it already exists in animated form and is perfect. No live-action remake is going to compare unless they recreate it scene by scene and they never will. The dialogue is too good, it cannot be made better, only worse. So, that being said, RH1 should not be a retelling of UtRH, rather that movie/storyline should exist as backstory for the first Red Hood movie. They should communicate the events of that story without retelling it wholesale as the plot in the movie. They should also go ahead and go with the Lazarus Pit explanation of Jason’s resurrection because the superboy-smashing-the-universe thing is too vague and requires more context than a standalone movie can really provide. I would amend it though so that it’s actually more like Arkham Knight games, in that Joker had Jason for over six months torturing him before he finally killed Jason and sent the tape to Bruce. At that point, Ra’s and Talia got a hold of Jason’s body and resurrected him.
I have a really solid idea for the first movie, a more vague idea for the second one and a really vague idea for the last one. I’ll write you guys the synopsis of the first one up here.
Red Hood Movie 1
So, the movie opens on some brief scenes of a seemingly ordinary guy as he goes through his day. He wears blue collar clothes with a leather jacket thrown over the top, rides his motorcycle to work and stops to give money to a homeless guy on the street. He works construction or something, shows himself to be really smart and maybe a little over-competent for his job, he can jump down from high beams like he’s an acrobat, he does complex math in his head, but when colleagues ask how he knows so much he just plays it off. He seems friendly but he’s secretive, keeps to himself. He goes home from work, he’s the only one there, he works out, punches a punching bag, he checks a secret compartment in his house to make sure no one has tampered with it, but we don’t see what’s inside. He eats alone and when it gets dark he walks a ways to a local dive and sits in the corner until a red-headed friend comes in.
He and the friend bullshit together, clearly they’re close. His friend asks if he’ll babysit his daughter so he can work on a case, he says sure. They’re in the middle of talking about the daughter when something on one of the televisions playing in the bar catches his eye. It’s a breaking news feed of an Arkham breakout in Gotham City, with the building on fire, lead by the Joker. He flinches and you see this snarl of twisted fear and rage and his friend reaches out to grab his arm. “Jason, don’t. He doesn’t have to be your problem. You don’t owe Gotham anything.” And Jason looks Roy in the face and says, “Gotham owes me everything. And I’m going to get my payback.”
Jason leaves the bar, goes home, opens the secret compartment–it’s full of guns and all of his Red Hood gear. He packs it up and leaves on his motorcycle bound for Gotham.
Switch over to Bruce being Brucie at a WE function for a charity. He’s called up to give a speech and he talks about how his second son was a boy from Gotham’s streets who’d been exceptional but just didn’t have the opportunities because of his poor background. Unfortunately he was dead in a tragic accident, but Bruce had dedicated this charity in his name for underprivileged youth to fund scholarships and community support, etc. He steps down and has to glad-hand some people until his phone vibrates and he looks at the screen. It’s Oracle telling him there’s a Gotham break out.
Bruce slips away and he’s in the Batcave putting on his Batman gear as Alfred and Barbara–over the computer–fills him in on what’s going on and talks about how most everyone is out of Gotham at the moment, it’s just Bruce and Oracle, and asks Bruce if he wants Alfred to call in Nightwing or someone else for help. Bruce says no he wants them to stay out of it as he’s looking at the Memorial case of Jason’s Robin costume that’s still damaged. Alfred reminds him that since it’s the Joker, Jason is bound to appear, Bruce just grunts and says he’ll deal with that problem as it comes and has Oracle on the look out for any activity from either of them.
Bruce shows up at Arkham and talks to Gordon briefly, who tells him there’s a riot going on inside and they’ve already confirmed the warden had been murdered. Bruce busts in and starts kicking butt and capturing everyone, getting various people to safety that he finds as he makes his way through the building. All the while Oracle is giving him tech support. Bruce finds Joker’s cell but it’s been broken open. Suddenly he thinks he sees joker and and chases him down, capturing him but it turns out it’s just another inmate dressed like him–there’s a whole bunch of fake Jokers running around the building. Oracle tells him they’ll never be able to confirm if it’s really him from cameras alone like this and Bruce has to admit that’s true. But also says the Joker is probably already long gone, and they need to stop worrying about containment and start searching the city for him.
Cut to Jason riding into Gotham. He opens up a derelict safehouse with yet more guns and suits up and hits the streets. Everywhere he goes, he sees flashes of memories–of him as a kid on the streets, of Bruce catching him stealing the tires from the batmobile, him as Robin, him fighting Bruce as Red Hood. He questions homeless people and hookers and roughs up some dealers. They all know him, they’re all afraid, he’s the King of Crime Alley and remember when he ran out Black Mask. After some investigating, someone tells him a certain crime family’s men were hired to riot outside of Arkham and sow even more chaos.
Jason attacks the guy in his big mansion, mowing down hoards of mobsters with guns, all to get to the head guy and question him. He says Joker put out the word he wanted some grunts to help with the breakout and Black Mask had done a deal with him to provide men. The head mobster is Black mask’s man outside of Blackgate prison. The meeting was held in Gotham’s abandoned Amusement Mile between Joker and Roman’s proxies. Jason kills the mobster and leaves for the place he mentioned.
As Jason is on his way, someone hacks into the comms on his helmet–it’s Barbara, she found him after the attack on the mobsters–and she’s trying to get Jason to stop and leave Gotham. He and Bruce had a truce, that Jason would say out of Gotham and stop being Red Hood. Jason says that truce ended when he let Joker escape and now he’s going to kill him. Barbara says he’s not the only person Joker hurt, we see her in the Clocktower in her wheel chair with a picture of her and Gordon. Jason says he’ll kill Joker for both of them. Barbara says she’d rather the Joker be alive than Jason dead at his hands, and Jason says, well that’s where they differ.
Jason investigates the place, an empty funhouse or something. Down a hallway he thinks he sees the Joker and he runs after him but there’s no one there. He keeps seeing images of when he got captured by the Joker in the mirror, sees his younger self bloodied and dead. He’s getting increasingly unhinged. Then Bruce appears as Batman, tells Jason he broke their truce, he came back to Gotham and he killed people, but Bruce is willing to overlook it if he just leaves. Jason goes into his issues with Bruce, about how that’s his problem, he’s unwilling to go as far as necessary to really protect people. About how if Bruce had killed Joker from the beginning, Jason wouldn’t have died or become what he is, and Barbara wouldn’t be in a wheelchair, and all the people who died in the Arkham break out would still be alive.
Jason attacks Bruce, they have a huge badass fight. They are mostly fighting to a draw but they are both getting heavily injured. In the middle of their fight they think they see joker and Jason cuts off Bruce’s path and goes after him alone–only to get clocked with a crowbar from behind and dragged off.
Bruce finally makes it around to where Jason ran off only to a smear of blood on the ground that he runs through the computer and is told belongs to Jason by Alfred. Spray painted next to it is a Joker smile and the location where Jason first tried to get Bruce to murder the Joker.
Bruce goes to the location and finds the Joker there with Jason completely beat up and tied down. “Remember this Batsy? It was a fun little game, wasn’t it? It really had potential.” He’s missed his broken bird in Arkham and getting out has made him feel nostalgic, but alas he has better things to do, so it’s time to tie up this loose end for once and for all. He doesn’t need Red Hood getting between batman and his games, so he’s going to play one final round, winner takes all. “I think we should play again, but this time with a twist,” he says. Joker has set up Bruce to kill him or he’s going to kill Jason again–he’s like you can’t do it can you? Not even for your little robin. So he’s going to die–again.
The confrontation ends exactly like it did in Under the Red hood. Bruce throws a batarang that slits Joker’s throat but doesn’t outright kill him. Joker runs away laughing as Bruce goes to Jason, with Jason weeping and telling him to go after the Joker. Bruce refuses and says Jason’s injuries are more important. He tries to take him to the manor and Jason says no, he refuses to go there, to take him to a hospital. Bruce says if he goes there Red Hood will be arrested for killing the gangster. Jason doesn’t care, he refuses to have anything to do with a father who chooses the joker over his own son twice, he doesn’t get to treat his wounds and act like not going after the Joker was him saving Jason. it was just him betraying Jason yet again.
The last scene is Roy visiting Jason in Blackgate prison. He shows him home videos of Lian and brings him crayon pictures from her. He tells Jason if he ever wants out, just to say, but Jay says no, he’s got some unfinished business to handle. We see Black Mask, also there in the prison…
The End.
So pretty much the first movie has the Joker as the main villain in a re-working of the UtRH story, pretty typical Jason stuff.
The second one is where things are a lot less typical and almost brand new and not from the comics because let’s face it–Jason doesn’t have a lot of good stories that don’t involve the Joker. In the second movie Jason is in prison for most of the plot. And the villain? Astrid Arkham, who is the Arkham Knight. How does that work, you may wonder. Oh I have ideas and it’s twisty~ If you guys want to know how I think that one would go, I’ll write it up later.
The third one I’m thinking a League of Assassins thing. Basically Talia comes to Jason to try to get him to lead the league and we find out a lot about the circumstances of Jason’s death and resurrection and training. I’m much less sure about the exact plot for this one, but I think by the end of it Jason should finally forgive Bruce enough to go home and stop killing.
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Maintenance and inspection schedules on diesel engines are not the same as gas engines, therefore diesel engines must be treated differently, particularly with the ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel (ULSD) and diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) now mandated. Fuel and air filters need to be replaced regularly to make sure your truck runs smoothly and complies with our stringent diesel-powered emission standards.
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 How much does diesel truck repair cost?
Diesel Truck Repair Services and Cost in Las Vegas Henderson NV: Just the sound of a diesel engine might put a smile on the face of its driver and make his or her heart rate increase with excitement because of the magnificent power it exudes. Besides that, diesel trucks are also chosen and known for their durability, reliability, towing capability and long life. No matter your make of choice Power Stroke, Dur-amax or Cummins, to name a few, diesel engines are built to withstand extremes. But because of how well they are built, these big beauties also come with a hefty price tag that might make your jaw drop. That being said, the upfront purchase cost might be choked down a little easier knowing that you’ll have the power to do the heavy work and you will get many more miles/years out of your diesel than those who choose gas-powered trucks potentially saving you money in the long run.
Besides the upfront cost to purchase a diesel truck, do you know the depth and breadth of other costs involved? Wouldn’t it be great if buying a more expensive truck also meant a low cost of ownership? Unfortunately, the opposite is true. · A more expensive vehicle always means a higher insurance premium so you need to make sure you factor this into your monthly budget. Diesel fuel is typically more expensive, although, since it is much more efficient it requires less fuel than its gassy counterpart. · Maintenance and repairs are always higher with diesel trucks which also means that your truck will cost you more time having it serviced.
With the superior performance of the diesel engine also comes the need for superior maintenance. Diesel owners must understand that maintenance is absolutely critical to keeping your engine healthy in the younger years, performing well in the middle years, and still running in the geriatric years. It is not uncommon for a diesel engine to triple or quadruple the life expectancy of a gas engine but it is likely impossible if maintenance is minimal or forgotten.
There are several foreseeable problems with a diesel engine that can be limited with scheduled routine maintenance and a few extra powerful services that can reverse the damage naturally occurring in diesel engines. The cost of services to combat the following problems varies widely depending on many factors including make/model, brands of products chosen and capacity of different systems. Therefore I am only able to list a ballpark range you will need to drill this down based on your particular diesel truck and preferences.
#1: A diesel engine is chock full of power and therefore the engine runs extremely hot. Consequently, the coolant is one of the most important needs of the diesel engine. It should be continually monitored because it has a tendency to become more acidic as it ages. If the acid level becomes too high it can cause other parts of the cooling system to rot which will ultimately lead to expensive repairs. It is imperative that you take time to not only check it but to have it flushed as a preventative measure between 50K-100K miles and no more than every 5 years for most makes but it truly depends on the coolant chemistry and severity of use. Coolant flushes for a diesel truck start at around $180.
#2: Dirt is an enemy of your diesel engine components. When dirt and grime are present and enter the system, performance will be compromised and the life of the engine will be significantly shorter. The best way to combat the enemy is to keep it clean oil, clean air, clean fuel. Failing to do these services regularly will lead to significant engine problems and expensive repairs?
Diesel Truck Repair Services and Cost in Las Vegas Henderson NV: If you drive a commercial truck or other heavy duty vehicle, chances are that your vehicle relies on a diesel engine. Diesel engines are powerful, capable, and highly efficient machines. In the event that your diesel engine starts to experience maintenance problems, you will want to bring your car to a qualified auto repair facility serving Santa Clara. An auto mechanic can provide you with all of the auto repair services that are needed to restore your diesel engine to peak operating condition. Here are answers to some of the commonly asked questions about diesel engine repair.
 What Are the Differences Between Diesel and Standard Engines?
 When you bring your diesel vehicle in for repairs, you may have questions about the differences between diesel engines and conventionally fueled engines. In fact, diesel and standard engines are very different in their operation and design. Unlike a standard engine, which creates combustion through the use of a spark plug, a diesel engine creates compression through the force of a compression stroke.
 Why Is My Diesel Engine Producing Smoke?
 If you have started to notice that your diesel engine is creating significant amounts of smoke, you will want to visit your mechanic right away. Due to their unique compression process, diesel engines are more susceptible to smoking and overheating. The smoke that is created by a diesel engine can be very harmful to breathe. With proper diesel engine repair, you can stop your diesel engine from smoking and get your vehicle back on the road.
 How Do I Maintain My Diesel Engine?
 As the owner or operator of a vehicle that is powered by diesel fuel, you may have questions about how to properly maintain your engine. In fact, diesel engine maintenance is very similar to maintaining a standard engine. In order to protect and lubricate the moving parts in your diesel engine, you will want to schedule regular oil changes with your mechanic.
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jet39moores · 8 years
94 Year Old Woman With Perfect GPA Earns her College Degree
For so many of us, going back to school to earn a college degree can feel like an unattainable goal. Between full-time jobs, kids, and all of the other things that take priority in daily life, how can you make time to pursue your long-forgotten dream of finishing your college education?
For one Honolulu resident, the challenges of returning to school as an adult weren’t enough to stop her from reaching for the stars. At 94 years old, Amy Craton made the decision to jump headfirst back into college to finish her degree. Although she had attended school decades before, she had never finished the program after going through a divorce and needing to get a full-time job to support her four children.
At her age, Amy was obviously not the “typical” college student, so what made her want to step back into the world of college education?
As she told NBC News, “Sitting here one day in front of the computer, I thought, boy, I’m just wasting my time here. I think I’ll go back to college and finish my degree.”
And as simple as that, she made her dream a reality.
While there were definite obstacles to achieving her dream, Amy was able to think outside of the box to overcome the odds. Her location and physical challenges made traditional college courses impossible to complete, but at the suggestion of her son, she decided to look into online classes at Southern New Hampshire University.
The technological aspect of online degree programs didn’t faze her either. In fact, she says, “I’m on Facebook and I email. I’m all over. The minute I get up in the morning, I go over and I check the news here and in the world. I’m comfortable being online.”
Amy didn’t just attend her classes online either—she excelled at them. As of July 2016, she had only two terms left to complete to earn her Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing and English and was maintaining a perfect 4.0 GPA.
What Can We Learn From Amy Craton’s Story?
The circumstances surrounding Amy Craton’s story may be unusual, but the dream of an adult student returning to college to finish a degree is not uncommon. Over the last several years, more and more working adults have decided to take the first step towards pursuing a degree, and for many students, online classes give them the flexibility they need to succeed.
So, how can you take the inspiring message of Amy’s success and turn that into positive action for meeting your own long-term goals?
As they say, a journey begins with a single step, and finding the courage to think outside the box for your education is the first stepping stone towards meeting your long-term goals. There are many messages that we can take away from stories like Amy’s, and below we’ve put together a few tips on making her hopeful message work for you.
Secrets to Reaching Your Goals – Despite the Obstacles
1) Identify Your Long-Term Goals
Amy’s driving force behind enrolling in college, despite her age, was the passion she had for completing her life-long goals. Ever since leaving school when her children were young, Amy dreamed of finishing what she started with her degree program, and she believed that it was never too late to make that happen. She also has a passion for sharing her love of language with the world, and she plans on using her degree to write and publish poetry after graduation.
Committing to a degree program as a working adult can be overwhelming, but keeping your long-term goals in focus can help ease you through the process.
Do you want a degree to move up in your current job position? Do you dream of starting in an entirely new career? Are you tired of wondering “what if” about that degree you started years before?
By identifying the goals you have, both personally and professionally, you give yourself a clear starting point for taking the first step towards obtaining them.
2) Do Your Research Before You Commit to a School
When asked why she chose to enroll in Southern New Hampshire University, Amy said that it brought back happy childhood memories of vacations she took to that part of the U.S. While this might be an unusual way to choose a college, there was more to her choice than just nostalgia. Southern New Hampshire University is one of many universities throughout the United States that offer competitive, accredited degree programs in a virtual setting.
When choosing a school that is right for you, you need to consider several factors, including:
Reputation and accreditation of the university
Flexibility of class schedules
Type and format of degree programs offered
Student support and resources
Tuition and financial aid
By doing your research before you commit to a college or university, you can ensure that the effort you are putting into your degree program has a positive outcome for you once you’re ready for the professional workforce.
3) Consider Flexible Degree Options
One of the most inspiring aspects of Amy’s story is her willingness to step outside of her comfort zone and pursue her degree program through online classes. While she made this choice due to her own health and physical limitations, there are many other benefits to researching online courses as well, including:
Flexible classes that you can log-on to at a time that fits your schedule
Options for accelerating your degree to finish faster
Ability to attend a university outside of your geographical region
Potential for reduced tuition costs
If you need the opportunity to work your education around your existing family and job commitments, online classes give you an excellent chance to earn your degree in a way that fits into your busy life.
4) Work Around the Challenges
There are always going to be obstacles on the journey of life, and challenges that come up through your college education are no exception—the important part is how you decide to handle them!
Beyond Amy’s age, she was also hard of hearing, in a wheelchair, and jumping back into an educational environment that looked much different than it had decades before when she first took college classes. However, she met each challenge head-on—even when it wasn’t easy.
For example, the time-zone difference between her location and the school made getting assignments in on-time difficult, and she often stayed up all night in order to submit the work. She says, “At nighttime, it’s a good time for me to do my studying and my writing. It will be sometimes 5 o’clock in the morning before I go to bed.”
Whatever it is that is preventing you from getting through your degree program, know that there is a solution to every problem—you just might have to think outside the box in order to find it.
If you are one of the millions of adults every year that decide to take the plunge back into college classes, know that you aren’t alone! Sure, there are challenges that are bound to pop up when balancing school with daily adult life, but now more than ever, there are ways to work around the problems and reach your goals.
By carefully researching your options, identifying your passions, and considering flexible online courses, you too can be like Amy and accomplish anything you set out to do. After all, age is just a number, and as Amy says, “It’s never dull. I’ve always got something to do. And I’m always learning something.”
The post 94 Year Old Woman With Perfect GPA Earns her College Degree appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/02/94-year-old-finishes-college-online/
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