#my screen keeps glitching at random
dayz-ina-daze · 5 months
My computer might be fucked. Entirely.
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a-hazbin-reader · 8 months
Can I please request a Vox x Female Childish Reader just like the meme that goes...
Random Imp: Hey! Some dude is jumping going off to the bungee swing backwards!
Vox who was currently talking to the other 2 V's: Hah, What an idiot
Vox: Oh no...THAT'S MY IDIOT!!!
I'm up for any ask that gives Vox a headache
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Vox X Reader Headcanons
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TW: None?? I think?? Cartoonish scenarios??
Description: ☝️⬆️
You are so goofy and childish and it's one of the reasons Vox actually fell in love with you
It's so refreshing to have someone who's always looking for fun things to do in Hell instead of being miserable or scared
When he first met you, he assumed you were just stupid, watching you run from a group of hungry cannibals while calling it tag
Almost considered leaving you to your fate but something about the way you squealed in excitement as they caught up to you made his heart flip
So he reluctantly saves you and you've become a thorn in his side ever since
A thorn that he's come to love and look forward to seeing every day, often wishing he could just blow off work to spend time with you
Literally does everything you want to do, even at the price of his own pride, that's how whipped Vox is for you
You wanna play the floor is lava?? He's jumping on the nearest piece of furniture and trying to knock you off your perch
You're playing hide and seek?? Fine! Vox is roping in the other V's and he's literally tearing apart everything to find your ass
How tf did you get INSIDE the couch!?!?!
He's in a meeting with the other overlords and you suddenly start a game of Duck Duck Goose, picking him as the goose???
You bet your ass Vox is chasing after you like you owe him money, the others just watching in bewilderment
You start a pillow fight?? He's going to start a pillow WAR
He wants to fucking WIN
Literally adores your childish nature but won't admit it to anyone, no matter how obvious it is
On the other hand...
You fucking stress him out sometimes, getting yourself into the strangest situations
Vox once caught you playing hopscotch with Alastor, winner gets to keep your soul
Relax Voxie~ I won anyways~
You get yourself into a game of musical chairs with a humongous dinosaur demon??
Vox is still having nightmares of you being squashed by that gigantic ass 😒
One of the worst things you've ever done to him is video call him while you're about to do a bungee jump
He was stuck discussing business with the other V's when you suddenly appear on his phone, immediately cheering him up
What could his cute Y/N want now~?
"Hey Voxie~! I'm about to jump off this bridge and do a flip! I want you to watch me!!"
"You're gonna WHAT!?"
Nearly short circuits right then and there, his screen glitching out from the sudden wave of stress
He zaps your way the moment he sees that you're jumping, grabbing the bungee rope and pulling you up with his own two hands
Vox ignores all your whining and pouting over him spoiling your fun, pulling you into his arms and shaking from the adrenaline rush
You are just so confused, you were only having fun...it's his fault for being so busy all the time that you get bored
He's still trying to get his breathing back to normal when he suddenly touches foreheads with you
He squishes your cheeks together and gives you a tired look
"You...are not leaving our bedroom for the rest of the week..."
"Voxie!! That's no fair!!"
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I hope this is what you wanted!! I had so much fun writing it!
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macabr3-barbi3 · 5 months
pretty wings- Vox/fallen angel!Reader
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A Good Samaritan- a rare commodity in Hell- helps Vox to his car in the rain. How can he ever repay her?
(There's a second chapter now!)
Tags: wing kink; angel wings; fallen angels; vaginal sex; couch sex; fantasizing; begging; switching? maybe idk; Vox has a lil crush <3
How it still manages to rain in Hell when there is no real atmosphere, he would never understand. Vox had never really liked the rain, even when he was alive- all it ever meant was canceled plans, systems going down, deep shitty puddles that got his shoes and pants wet and dirty. Like now, standing off the back porch of the restaurant he had just finished a meeting in, waiting for his fucking assistant to answer his goddamn phone and call a driver for him so he could go the fuck home since he couldn’t walk to his car. 
He had been standing under the awning of the restaurant for twenty minutes now. The rain showed no sign of letting up, his meeting partners had all left, and Vox was fucked. He couldn’t go back inside- what kind of fucking loser goes back into an establishment after paying their tab, and for what? To ask for an umbrella? He’d rather die again. And if his assistant didn’t pick up his phone real fucking soon, someone would absolutely be dying today. 
“Excuse me, sir?”
He sighs internally, sets his charm to its max setting and the brightness of his screen up before he turns towards your voice. “So sorry, doll, I’m afraid I’m all out of time for photo ops today!” 
You raise an eyebrow, and he lets his gaze travel over your form. You looked relatively normal for a demon, your face still pretty human besides the two horns that came off your skull. Your eyes were wide and yellow, a heavy coat draped over your shoulders as you looked at him- not that much shorter, he noted, which was a nice change of pace from talking to Velvette all the time and having to crane basically in half to meet her eyes.
“That’s… not what I was going to ask.” 
He resists the urge to roll his eyes, and can feel his screen glitch on his smile as he watches you. “An interview then? Look, you can contact my people but I am really not in the-”
“What I was going to ask,” you interrupt him, and Vox fights down the wave of annoyance at having been cut off, “was if you needed help.”
His face screws up and he means to immediately deny. “Absolutely not. I’m perfectly fine-”
“Are you?”
And that was going to get annoying fast if you kept doing that, he thought to himself.
“You’ve been standing out here for close to half an hour and glaring at your phone. I don’t think its crazy to assume that you need some assistance with something having to do with the rain.” You look him over, much the same way that he had done to you. “I would imagine that the whole ‘TV head’ thing you have going on doesn’t mix well with precipitation.”
Well, you had him there. “You’re not wrong,” he admits testily. “But my assistant will be sending someone to drive me soon. I’ll be fine.” He flashes you a winning smile.
“I mean, I guess you could wait for your assistant to answer your calls- doesn’t seem like you’re having much luck with reaching them.” You cross your arms over your chest, and- nope, Vox was not going to stand out here in the rain and ogle some random sinner’s tits. He redirects his gaze. “Or you could let me either walk you to your car or walk with you to wherever you’re going.”
He throws you a side eye and sighs heavily, letting his head drop back before rolling an eye down to look at you. “You don’t look like you have an umbrella,” he says, crossing his arms now as well. “How exactly are we getting to my car?”
You give him a smile that shorts a fuse in his head for a moment, wide and earnest and pretty. “Who needs an umbrella?” You shrug one of your shoulders and the coat you’re wearing starts to slide off your shoulders. Vox makes a move to stop the slide like a gentleman, keep the coat covering your body and stop it from slipping into a puddle, when it rises up off your back and comes to cover the both of you. He sees black feathers interspersed with white spots as the bottom comes into view, and he realizes it wasn’t a coat at all.
You had wings. Big, powerful wings by the look of it- the part connected to your back didn’t shake under the weight of the limb being extended over your heads. He stared at them; he knew he was staring, that you might think it was strange, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. It was mesmerizing. Thrilling.
He feels a spark of arousal shoot through him at the sight of them, and his plans change for the night. You’re pretty, and the curves of your body are appealing, but the wings. He wants to explore them. Wants to tease you with your own feathers. To run his fingers over them and watch you struggle to maintain this composure you have. He’s confident in his ability to get you home with him- maybe offer a drink as thanks for your help or something. 
“Sure, I guess you can walk me to my car,” he says, feigning an air of disinterest despite the twitch in his cock. “It’s not every day one meets a sinner so giving- I might as well take advantage!” He sees the flinch that shoots across your face, making your wing tremble, but you straighten up and stiffen your shoulders, gesturing out to the street being beaten by the rain.
“Lead the way.”
He steps out from under the awning and is delighted when your wing does, in fact, shelter the both of you from the weather. You bring the second wing out to block any rain from blowing under the first with the wind, and Vox is fucking obsessed with the subtle muscle of them, the careful strength in the way that you adjust the angle of them to keep him dry. It seems subconscious, the movement of them, as Vox gave you directions to where he had parked earlier when the sky was dry and he had thought he could enjoy a nice walk after his meeting. 
A piece of paper, litter off the ground, comes flying under the shelter you were providing him aiming right for his screen. He brings up a hand to block it- wet paper wouldn’t do any real damage but it was still annoying- when the tip of the wing over your head dips down slightly, catches it with a corner, and flings it off to the side. A drop of water manages to fly off the thing and splatter on his screen. You give him a smile, apology on your lips at being unable to prevent the attack. You turn back to the cars in front of you, looking for the electric blue of his vehicle that he had described to you.
Vox wants you spread out in his bed, he decides. Your wings splayed out behind you in whatever position he decided to take you- he would work with anything. He could trace his fingers over the delicate bones with you on your back as he drilled into you; grab a fistful of feathers while he fucks you from behind, use that leverage to sink his cock into you as far as he could manage; let you unfurl them from your back while you ride him so they cover you both like a blanket, seal yourselves off from the rest of the world and let the only light you see be his screen in the darkness of it.
He blinks hard a couple times and realizes that you’ve reached his car, and you’re standing there in the rain illuminated by the few streetlights that reach this back corner. Your eyebrow is cocked at him in amusement, wings still suspended over him. “I think walking you over here defeats the purpose if you don’t actually get in the car.”
“Right, right!” He touches a claw to the vehicle and it roars to life as he grabs the handle and maneuvers himself inside of it. He looks up at you now, the positions reversed, and his breath catches in his throat, cock throbbing. You’re magnificent like this, wings still hanging above you and slightly over the car to make sure no moisture can reach him. The rest of your body is relaxed but he can see it in his head, the way that you would look tense with pleasure, eyes clenched shut and mouth hanging open. 
You give him a smile. “You’re welcome, by the way.” 
The vague chagrin that shoots through him does nothing to quell the erection rapidly growing in his pants. “I was going to say thank you,” he insists, and the way you laugh has him wanting to inject the sound into his fucking veins. “Can I- can I give you a ride home? You know, as thanks for walking me over here, making sure I don’t get waterlogged.”
You look like you’re going to refuse at first but then you shrug. “Sure. It’s not too far, if you really don’t mind.”
Fuck yes! The processors in his head are whirring, wondering how best to convince you to come back to his place on the way to yours. Or fuck, maybe he could just join you at your place. He wasn’t picky about where the fucking happened, as long as it did. He was desperate for it, to have you gasping for him while he plucked at your pretty wings with his cock nestled deep inside your pussy.
The passenger door opens and you enter the car with your knees on the leather seat. He questions it for only a moment before you lean back and shake your wings viciously outside the vehicle, dispersing as much of the water as you can before you sit normally in the seat. You buckle up and give him a sweet smile, pointing a slender finger to the other side of the parking lot where the exit is.
He can’t remember being so fucking turned on before as he puts some music on and starts driving. Sure, he had his fun with Val and sometimes some of his actors between scenes and shit, the occasional fangirl or one of Velvette’s models but just being aroused by the presence of someone? Who wasn’t actively trying to seduce him? Was just sitting in the passenger seat of his car while he drove her home?
It was new, and it was exciting, and God, those fucking wings…
They’re tucked delicately behind you, the black of your feathers contrasting nicely with the deep red leather of his seats. He’d never seen a demon with wings like these before- they were usually attached to the arms of them or draped off the back. More for decoration than anything else; even Val’s wings weren’t so prehensile and flexible, he thought, thinking about the way the tip had dipped down to sling that piece of paper away from him.
“So, your wings-”
“We’re here,” you say with a grin, the car not even having left the parking lot.
“What? I- here? ” He does stop the vehicle before looking over at you, craning his neck forward to look at a building that sat kitty corner to the restaurant he had his meeting in.
“I told you it wasn’t far.” He can hear the giggle in your voice. “How else do you think I saw you standing out here the whole time? I could see the glow of your screen from my window. Figured I would offer a hand since you didn’t look like you were making much progress.”
He stares at you. He hadn’t had time to try to convince you to spend more time with him- to convince you to let him get his hands on those feathers.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
You’re reaching for the door handle when he blurts out, “wait!”
And thank fuck, you do. You look back at him with an eyebrow raised but your hand stops reaching. He clears his throat, fixes you with what he hopes is a suave look. “Let me thank you,” he says. “We can go grab a drink at my place- or I can buy you dinner, if you’d rather do that. Order some takeout if you want to stay home.” Smile wide, he waits for you to respond.
Bells and whistles ring in his head as you buckle back up. “I’m down on one condition.”
“Name it, doll,” is his immediate response, and he’s only a little embarrassed at the speed with which he spoke. “Really, I want to give you a proper show of gratitude- there’s no way this counts. Whatever you want.”
A crooked little smile graces your face. “Can I get your name?”
He can almost feel the error message crawl across the bottom of his screen; he doesn’t know what it says but he watches your eyes follow the scrawl of words, the real reason he knew it was there. “Vox,” he says, holding a hand out for you to shake. “Pleasure to meet you.” He leaves off what is obvious to anyone else- Overlord of Hell, Media Mastermind, TV demon on the fast track to ruling Pentagram city. If you didn’t already know these things then you had to be new- that explained the blatant disrespect earlier, interrupting him, dismissing his words. If you didn’t know he wouldn’t tell you yet. He would win you over and get you onto a horizontal surface without his reputation; preferably with his sharp tongue, strong fingers and thick cock if he had a choice in the matter.
“Vox.” You repeat his name, and it sounds so sweet and innocent that he can’t wait for you to scream it out in ecstasy. You give him your name in return as he pulls out of the parking lot and heads towards Vee Tower.
The silence is comfortable on the relatively short drive, Vox pulling the car into the basement garage of Vee Tower and quietly relishing in the fascinated expression on your face when someone comes to grab the keys to park his car as he leads you to the elevator. “You’re some kind of hotshot, huh?” You ask, lashes fluttering at him in a way that makes his knees weak.
“Something like that, doll,” he says, smile wide while you take it all in. Even just the garage is sophisticated and impressive, and he wishes he could see it through your eyes. He notices your raised eyebrows at the push of the button for the penthouse, but you don’t say anything. “So, your wings- are you some kind of bird?”
A tight smile. “Something like that, doll,” you parrot back to him. “That’s more of a second date question, I think.”
Second date. Was this your first date? Fuck, he should have called his assistant ahead of time and made him get something prepared fresh- gotten some fucking good champagne in- swapped out his comfortable sheets for the silk ones that his bed partners were nuts for even if he didn’t really care for them. But his assistant was fucking useless tonight, evidenced by the fact of your being here in the first place since he couldn’t get a car to fetch him.
Vox might not have met you if he had answered the phone though- so maybe he would let it slide.
He leads you out of the elevator into his home, the lights of Pentagram City casting a lovely red glow over your body. “Nice view.” You stand by it, the white tips of your wings illuminated where the light shone through. He comes to stand beside you in front of the couch, and you give him a pretty smile. “I do have a question though.”
“What’s that?” He has his phone out, firing off one last text to his assistant - "If I don’t hear back from you in the next ten minutes I’m swapping your contract for one of Val’s. FUCKING ANSWER ME” should get his message across- and missing the narrowing of your eyes when you turn back to face him.
“Do you know that you aren’t subtle?” You hook an ankle around the back of his leg and yank, sending him toppling backwards into the couch, his phone hitting the cushion next to you. He has only a brief moment to flounder, wonder what the fuck was happening, before you were straddling his lap, knees on either sides of his thighs and your skirt pulled taut between your legs. “See, I really couldn’t tell if you thought you were. I figured I would ask.”
“What?” He can’t find the power to do anything but watch with his eyes wide while you slide your hands down his chest and settle into his space, the warmth of your cunt palpable through his trousers where you rest against his rapidly hardening prick. “What do you-”
“Ah, you don’t know. Cute.” The word makes him twitch, and when he opens his mouth to protest what comes out instead is a choked off whine as you roll your hips into him. “I like my men a little cute- when they think they’re being so suave and sexy but all they can think about is getting their hands on my body. Or my wings, in this case.” As you mention them you let them puff up a little behind you, spread out ever so slightly so Vox could get a better look. His breath catches- silhouetted by the glow of the city behind you, you were breathtaking. 
“What gave me away, doll?” He could deny, but what was the point in that? The night was already progressing the way that he wanted. You were perhaps a little more forward than he was expecting, but he could work with that. As long as it ended with your pussy swallowing up his cock he would be a happy demon.
You laughed, the sound like a bell in the silence of his place as he settles his hands on your hips. “Besides the blatant ogling of them when I first brought them out and the whole way across the parking lot, you mean? You had an error message in the car running across your screen just here-” You lean down and lick across the lower right corner of his face. “You wanna know what it said?”
“Enlighten me.” He’s amazed he can still get a word out with the blood rushing to his cock, hard length pressed against you where you’re seated on his lap.
“‘Pretty wings,’ it said.” Your fingers come down to undo his belt, whipping it from the loops of his pants. Vox nearly chokes on his tongue when you pull his cock out, already hard and leaking in your hand as you tighten your grip. “Suuuper cute. Over and over.” You lift your hips a bit, shoving your skirt up near your hips and hovering over his length. “I wanna hear it instead of reading it though- can you say it for me, pretty boy?”
You skim his tip through the slickness between your legs, and his brain short circuits when he realizes that you haven’t been wearing panties. “Fuck me,” he manages to laugh out. “Was this your plan the whole time? Play the good Samaritan to get me home so you could ride my cock?”
You shake your head and let yourself sink down the slightest bit, a breathy moan leaving your throat as his head is swallowed by your tight, wet heat. “Not initially. I really was just trying to be a nice person.” You throw him a wink, pulling away when he tries to thrust up and not allowing him to get any deeper inside of you. “Come on now- give me what I want and I’ll give you what you want.”
Fuck, if that doesn’t shoot straight to his prick. “Pretty wings,” he murmurs, letting one of his hands leave your hip to brush against the soft feathers. “They’re beautiful. Strong. Fuckin’ perfect.” With each word you slide down further until you’re fully seated on his cock. “I’ve never seen anything like them.”
“That’s it, baby,” you say, and shift your hips forward to get him where you want him. “You were thinking about this, yeah?” With a downward grind you let your wings unfurl completely, filling his vision with a flash of feathers that blocks the light of the city from reaching him. A ripple runs through them, the tremor rolling all the way from top to tip and the feeling is imitated around his cock, your tight walls rippling.
He doesn’t whine, thank you very much. But a broken drawn out sound does escape his mouth, screen thrown back over the back of the couch. He can’t bare to fucking look at you with how perfect the moment is, the sight and sound and sensation of you stuffed with his cock better than he could have imagined. “I wanna touch them,” he says, but when he reaches his fingers out you wrap your hands around his wrists, surprising strength in your redirection of his palms to your chest.
“Can we say ‘please’, pretty boy?” You let your wings flutter, a gust of wind blowing across his face from the movement, moaning when his prick hits a soft spot inside you that makes you gush around his length. “I’ll let you touch them if you ask nicely.”
His pride fights him for a moment- this wasn’t exactly how it was supposed to go, with him at your mercy instead of the other way around. He had wanted you under him, wings spread across his mattress and feathers fisted in his hands while he fucked you.
“I’ll give you a demonstration of what I’m looking for,” you offer, and then your lashes are fluttering, eyes rolling back into your head and a whine falling forth from your mouth. “Oh fuck, Vox , baby, please.”
Pride flies out the window in favor of the feeling of your cunt clenching around his cock. “Please, sweetheart,” he says, and he lets his clawed thumbs roll over the pebbles of your nipples where you hold him against your chest. “Let me touch them? I’ll be real gentle with you, baby.”
You pick up the pace, releasing his hands and bringing your wings forward, bordering him on either side so all he can see is you. “That’s what I like to hear,” you whisper with a grin, bracing your hands on his shoulders and properly riding him now, the slick sound of your body taking him in echoing in the emptiness of his living room.
He lifts his trembling palms from your chest and brushes the tips of his claws along the bottoms of your wings, feathers gliding softly over his digits- the sensation makes you moan, another gentle ripple running through them. He fists his hands in them, pulling lightly like he might at someone’s hair, and your wet heat pulses around him, pussy tight like you mean to keep him inside of you forever. He wants that- wants to stay buried where he currently is until Hell falls to pieces around you.
His phone rings on the couch beside him, the call taking over his screen moments later. Vox doesn’t want to let go of your wings, having just gotten his hands on them- with a shake of his head the call is dismissed, only to immediately come back and take over his face again. “God fucking-”
You lift a hand from his shoulder and answer the call, a right swipe and a wicked smile leading to Vox’s assistant’s voice filling the space between you and him. “-and I am SO. SORRY. Sir I swear, I have never had my phone on silent like this before-” He continues his rant, and Vox struggles to remember why he was even calling right now- he was fucking busy, damn it, what the fuck.
“-understand that you’re upset, but please, sir, I’ll do better, just don’t send me to Valentino-”
“Better answer him,” you whisper to Vox, dragging your tongue up the side of his screen, hips grinding down. “If I cum before the call ends I’ll leave.”
Graceful fingers slide down your body to rub at your own clit, moaning prettily into the side of his face while his assistant rambled in his ear. Vox was going to fucking combust.
“Just- fuck, man, shut up. It’s fine.” You chuckle into his shirt, deft fingers unbuttoning it and raking your claws down his chest. “ Jesus fuck, I- no, not you. It’s fine. We’ll talk in the morning-”
“But sir if you still need a ride-”
“I fucking found a ride, alright,” he mutters darkly, tightening his grip on your wings in one hand and letting the other trail firmly along the top of it, all the way down to the tip. The feathers seem to shiver in his grasp and your cunt clenches around him, threatens to pull him over the edge with how close you are. “Call me in the morning. Now f̰̰̯͕͊̃̊͞͞͞ụ̴̴̾̀͟͡c̨̨̣̮̝̈́̔ͯ̀͂k̼̼̞̦̞̼̔ o͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞f̰̰̯͕͊̃̊͞͞͞f̰̰̯͕͊̃̊͞͞͞. ”
Voice files corrupted, he disconnects the call, reaches his hands around your back to finger at the base of your wings, the skin there taut and sensitive if the keening groan you let off into his shirt is anything to go by. “Fuck me, you feel divine,” he mutters, and you choke off a chuckle at the word. “Let me feel you, angel, cum on my cock.”
“N- naughty men that don’t say please don’t get to make demands,” you say, and he could tease you, could pull your hand away from your clit and make you hover right on the edge of release. But he was a selfish man, and could admit that he wanted the feeling of you coming undone around him more than he wanted to be right.
“Please, baby, please,” he begs, and you hiss through your teeth at the sound of his pleading, sweet and low, the slightest hint of static to his voice. “God, fucking d̶̵̯̯̼̘ͨ̓o͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞ i̧̻̻͉̜͑ͪ̾͟t͖͖̠̬͛, please, l- let me w̡̻̻̣͚̒̀ͅo͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞ṛ̣̬̫̍͌ͩ͟s̨̞̞̰͎͎̪̩͕̈́̀ͯ̍ͧͅh̨͚͚͖ͯ̒̄͗͞i̧̻̻͉̜͑ͪ̾͟p͔͔͚͉̬̋ͩ̾͗ y͙͙̪̰ͫ͌́o͙͙̙̘̙ͤͫ͞ụ̴̴̾̀͟͡-”
““Oh fuck, Vox, baby, please-” Less sarcastic this time despite the half formed smile on your face, and the teasing lilt to it is ruined by the clenching of your eyes as you clamp down on his prick and cum, fingers of the hand not frantically rubbing at your clit digging into his skin while you shudder and shake in the embrace of his arms. 
He follows you moments later, the tension he had felt since meeting you outside the restaurant finally cresting and crashing, and he spends himself inside of the slick grip of your cunt, still riding him with the effort you can spare after the force of your orgasm before eventually slowing. You take your fingers from your clit, circle them around the base of his cock and collect some of your combined releases before bringing them up to his mouth, pushing inside and letting Vox’s tongue wrap around the length of them.
Fuck. You would be the death of him, he was sure.
“Not bad,” you mutter once you’ve collapsed bonelessly against him. “Might need a couple more rounds to really show you the ropes though- really get it through your screen here who is in charge.”
“That’s not you, doll.” Vox laughs, and you bring your wings up to surround the two of you like a fort, the glow of his screen illuminating your face and the teasing smile you wear.
“I guess I could be willing to share,” you agree, leaning forward far enough to press a teasing kiss to the plastic of his face. “We can talk about it tomorrow after you reassure your little assistant that you’re not going to murder him.”
“Still thinking about it,” he muses, “but we’ll see.” He runs his fingers again along the bottom of your wings, delights in your shiver, and wishes the rain would never stop.
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appleblueberry-pie · 6 months
I just read your fic and my brain went into thinking mode again :(
Reader just being wholesome with children. Like using Mayday as a therapy method for self-trust issues.. Def babysits May to trust herself with touching other people 😭❤
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What Isn't There To Love About You?
im just writing these for pure amusement now. HATE being formal with my own writing and realized i can literally have fun.
"So, this was where he was last night." Miguel pulls up footage from last nights fail at capturing some random universe's villain. It wasn't that doing investigation work was boring or anything. It's just that it's been four hours trying to get to the bottom of this disappearance into some other universe. And then trying to find the probability of capturing this villain and the whole shazam. You don't know how Miguel did it. Maybe it was the 6 coffees he had in one day or the random sass and anger fueling him to keep running, but you weren't made out of whatever he was made out of.
You kept your stone face as you watched the footage and leaned forward to point out his glitches here and other possible universes that had a strange pop-up weirdo at around the same time frame. "...because right here..." You zoomed in and before you could further explain, a childish squeal broke you out of your trance. You and Miguel look up and see the beautiful baby girl that was Mayday hanging off of her few webs from above.
You dramatically gasped and called out to her. "Now, who left you here hanging unattended?? Who would do such a thing??" You playfully placed your hands on your hips and she babbled back at you, lighting up your clouded mind. Miguel rolls his eyes. "Actually, she's been there for about 30 minutes." He grumbles. You turn around to glare at him. "You let her stay up there for that long?" "She's a distraction."
You scoff and hold your arms out to her. She wastes no time in dropping down to you, letting you squeeze her like the teddy bear she was. "There's my favorite girl! How've you been?? Aww, look at your hair, you messed it up again. Where's that brush I had, Miguel??" You held her on one hip, bouncing her as you dig through the drawers to find the comb that was no longer in the room. "......." Miguel tries to slyly steal glances at you as you handle Mayday like she was your own child.
Your loud and bubbly talking to her eventually calm down to you holding her to your chest as you calmly talk to her. "I wonder how you'll be when you start school. You're already so smart, swinging around the place like it's nothing." You laugh to yourself and instead comb your fingers through her hair. It was honestly such a breath of fresh air compared to staring at screens at hours on end. You stop leaning on the desk and hum quietly to her, looking back over to the monitors, only to find Miguel staring down at you over his shoulder.
".....What?" He sighs and turns back around, typing again. "......it's her nap time." You raise your eyebrows and look down to actually see the girl falling asleep in your arms. You wonder why Peter left her unattended like this. Speaking of the devil, the man comes swinging onto the platform before you can go down and sees his daughter asleep. "Oh my god, Y/n, you are a lifesaver. I was looking for her everywhere. And you are a magician to get her asleep on time. She usually makes a fuss...." He goes on to talk for the next few minutes, not before shifting her into his arms to take her back to his universe.
This time, you couldn't really pay attention to his long speech, instead staring longingly at the girl asleep in his arms. When he leaves, Miguel is already leaning back on his work table, staring longingly at you. ".....I've always wanted a little girl." Miguel smiles at you and walks up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face into your neck. "Yeah? Serías una madre increíble." (You would be an amazing mother)
You smile at his words. "Me vuelves loco con lo talentoso que eres. Y verte así con ella me enloqueció. Déjame tenerte." He almost seemed to growl the words, making your stomach flutter with butterflies. He holds you tighter and trails his hands to where your zipper began. "Here?" Miguel groans at the fact that he's still at work and stops himself from unzipping you. He removes himself from you entirely to angrily type up another report and you instead stand behind him and rub his back. "That's okay, you can just show me how you feel when you get home." A growl erupts at his throat and you laugh. (You drive me crazy with how talented you are. And seeing you with her like that drove me wild. Let me have you.)
Miguel looks over his shoulder and down at you to glare into your mischievous eyes. "Watch that mouth." "I'm serious." Miguel doesn't like hiding from you. Seeing him stare down at you like you were a piece of meat made you look away and he curses under his breath. He hated how restricted he was to just sit with his cock hard until he had the option to leave. And how it seemed like you were free to torture him with your bratty attitude and beautiful face and body. He hates this and loves you. The only angel he'll let fall into his arms down from what he calls heaven.
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berberriescorner · 1 year
Until The Cops Come Knocking
Characters: Kevin Atwater x Black!Reader.
Summary:  A simple house call turns into a pleasant surprise.
Warnings: Let’s see, just a smidge of spice. Fluffiness and flirtation included. There are a few sprinkles of profanity. There may be instances where you cackle loudly.
Word Count: 2,700+.
A/N: I know. You’re shocked I took time away from my baby daddy, Rio. It’s just something about Atwater and Halstead, though. Wait until you see what else I’m cooking up for those two. I honestly couldn’t tell you how this random idea came about. That’s the joy of being a Libra. My imagination just keeps going and going. IT’S LIBRA SZN BABY♎️! Enjoy my sweet lovelies.
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Song Inspo💞:
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Boot-covered footsteps thumped down the winding stairwell of the run-down apartment building. The creaking door of the entrance swung open as both detectives released an exhausted and irritated breath. Both men took in their surroundings as they approached the large pickup truck they arrived in. Seeing nothing lurking about, Jay slid into the driver’s side as Kevin took residence in the passenger seat. The men released another irritated sigh before Halstead spoke, “This damn case has us running in circles. There has got to be something we’re missing here.”
“These dead ends are wasting valuable time. If we don’t get a hold of things soon, this sick psycho will slip through our fingers. For all we know, he could be halfway to Mexico by now. None of these witnesses are going to cooperate.”
“We’ll figure something out. We just have to find a way to convince them we can protect them and their families from this monster. We should wrap this up for the night, though. We’re both too tired to follow up on any more pointless leads. I say we head back to the precinct, check in with the team, and call it a night.”
The men agree it’s probably the best bet as Jay turns over the engine. As they begin the journey back to the precinct, a call comes in over the radio. There are multiple reports of a noise complaint about a party at a property in a neighborhood only minutes from their current location. Atwater shrugs his shoulders at Halstead.
“I mean, we are only five minutes away. Might as well check it out real quick.”
“It’s probably some spoiled-ass rich kid throwing a kegger,” Jay responds. “Let’s just get this over with,” he chuckles, shaking his head.
“It’s strange. This address sounds familiar. Have we ever answered any calls or done investigative work on this street,” Kevin questioned.
“I feel like I’ve been here with Haley or Voight, but I can’t say for sure.”
Kevin gave him a slight head nod as his phone vibrated in his left pocket. Checking the notification brings a small smile to his face. Atwater’s eyebrows twist in confusion as he reads the message. Jay glanced in his direction, laughing at his friend's facial expression.
“Bro? Are you good? If you stare at that screen any harder, it may glitch,” he joked. “What’s wrong? Are you in the dog house or something? And please don’t hit me with that, “who says I’m dating anyone nonsense.” The girls are on to you. You’ve been missing happy hour for months now. Giving us the excuse that you’re tired. You’ve turned down every woman within the last four months.”
Kevin ignored most of what Jay said, returning to the initial question. 
“It’s this text, bro. Either words are missing, or I’m being butt-texted. Is that even a thing,” he asked, still puzzled.
Before Jay could respond, another text came through. Kevin read the three-word text and guffawed. His tongue wet his bottom lip before the bottom lip tucked between his teeth. He was fighting the heat from the three words on his screen.
Mamas🤤😈🫶🏾: need fuck daddy
Baeee🙈💓🫶🏾: Oh! That’s how you’re feeling, mamas? I thought you were out with your girls tonight.
Mamas🤤😈🫶🏾: M so tips feels so goods need daddy😩🤤.
Baeee🙈💓🫶🏾: Drop your location, baby. I’ll come to get you. I’ll scoop you when I finish up here. Stay put, love.
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“I see you’ve deciphered the message. What’s up,” Jay asked.
“It’s nothing, dog. It’s just a little inside joke. You wouldn’t get it,” Kevin lied.
“Your reply sounds suspicious as hell. I would question it further, but we’ve arrived at our destination.”
“Damn! You can hear the music from the gate entrance. Don’t they have security? It is a gated community.”
“They’ve visited this house twice already. They told neighbors to call the authorities a third time.”
“This should be fun,” Atwater responded dryly.
Jay was the first one to approach the door. With a gentle nod, both men positioned their hands on their holsters, and Halstead gave a firm knock. 
“Sounds like a bunch of drunk women,” Kevin whispered quickly, releasing a small laugh.
“Dear Lord. It sounds like we’re about to interrupt girls' night. Brace yourself, brother, if these women are as drunk as they sound. It could get a little handsy.”
“If one finger lands on you. Upton’s going to kill you. You have to stop falling for your coworkers, Halstead. You take the term work wife too seriously,” Kevin jokes.
The door swings open, halting Jay from giving a rebuttal. Both men angle their heads down, spotting a redhead who is no more than four foot eleven. Her gaze creeps over the detectives slowly as she mumbles, “Good Lord. Money well spent.”
Jay and Kevin look at each other, confused by her words. They identify themselves, but it goes ignored. Another woman joins the redhead. She appears to be Filipino and just as tiny as her friend. Kevin starts to identify himself, but both women turn toward the rest of the group.
The redhead purrs, “Ladies, get your ones ready. The entertainment is here!”
Both detectives look flabbergasted as they try and correct them. The ladies are seriously inebriated. None of the words leaving the detectives’ mouths are getting through. Red continues, “Ms. Maid of Honor! Do us the honors and get the Bride-to-be ready for her lap dance!”
Her fellow tiny friend squeezes between both men, pulling them inside the house.
“Wait a minute, sweetheart,” Jay tries to reason.
“Hold on there, ma’am. You’re mistaken,” Kevin interjects.
Surrounded by a pack of drunk and lust-filled women, Jay attempts to talk over the boisterous crowd, “Ladies! Let’s keep things calm-.” He’s thrown off as someone grabs his ass. “Come now, ladies. Let’s keep things civilized and respectful.”
Kevin cackles as Jay’s face starts to redden. That is until one of the women starts running her hand up and down the veins of his forearm. The women begin catcalling them, going on about how sexy they are. “If I would’ve known they were sending strippers this fucking sexy. I would’ve paid double. Cuff me, Mr. Officer,” the redhead panted.
Kevin stepped back and politely removed the thirsty woman’s hand from his person. He started to reiterate that they were the actual police. Those words stuck in his throat as he felt dainty arms wrap around his waist. As if that hadn’t thrown him off guard, the unidentified woman began thrusting her hips, humping from the back. Just as he was about to turn around and reprimand the stranger, he heard a familiar voice. To Kevin’s surprise, he turns around to find you, his tipsy girlfriend smiling and slapping his ass. Jay looked at his friend in shock as his face lit up with laughter at your slurred words.
“This ain’t no strippaaa! Back off, you thirsty bald-headed hoes! I’m just joking. Not really. This MY MUTHAFUCKIN’ MAN! My man, my man, my man, my man! We go together. Real bad.”
“Okay, Yung Miami. You need a break from TikTok, baby,” Kevin teased.
Jay, assuming his friend was enduring harassment, attempted to diffuse the situation and calm you down. Kevin releases a deep chuckle, patting Halstead on the back.
“It’s all good, bro. Shortie can touch me however she wants,” he insists, licking his lips and staring at you with hungry eyes. “You lit, ain’t you, mamas?”
Halstead looks on in complete and utter confusion. “She’s beautiful, man, but don’t forget we’re on the clock. Voight would have our asses for indulging in this.”
Atwater smirks at Jay as he shrugs his shoulders. His eyes travel back to your face. Kevin reaches out, placing his hand on your waist. He tugs at you, pulling you into a quick peck.
“Relax, Halstead. Little mama’s telling the truth.” 
Jay, looking at him puzzled, waited for Kevin to explain. 
“Halstead, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend. We’ve been dating for the last six months. It’s an odd way for you to find out, but yeah. Jay, this my lady.” 
Embarrassed, you released a tiny giggle, burying yourself into Kevin’s side. Pulling back, you looked at him in a lust-filled, drunken haze. 
“Hiii baby,” you slurred, smiling ear to ear.
Kevin smiled back, biting his lip, “Wassup, beautiful? Listen, we hate to break up a wonderful time, mamas, but it’s pretty noisy. As a courtesy to the neighbors, could you tell the crew to simmer down a little bit,” he said in that tone that always made you shiver. 
“Okay, baby,” you smiled, nibbling your lip.
Atwater leaned in closer, whispering in your ear, “Yeah? You can do that for Daddy?”
Releasing a shaky breath, you nodded yes in reply.
“That’s my good girl.”
Jay looked at Atwater with raised eyebrows as you settled the girls down.
“Very impressive. Teach me your ways, bro.”
“No can do, brotha. If it’s in you, it’s in you. Can’t be taught, my man,” Kevin boasted.
You managed to calm the girls down. They all relocated to the kitchen to make a fresh batch of margaritas. Your best friends, who had answered the door, instructed you to find out if Kevin’s partner was single. They trotted off heartbroken after telling them Kevin had mentioned a girlfriend to you before.
You stumbled back to your chuckling boyfriend, who wrapped you in another bear hug. Pulling away, he looked at you like you had been caught red-handed.
“I know you’re the maid of honor, but did I hear the word strippers? Yes, I’m almost certain that’s come up several times since we arrived. You don’t need all that swinging in your face. Come on, my little drunken love. We’re taking you home. Your little ass is about to pass out. How much alcohol have you had?” 
“I’ll go,” you stand on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear, “If you take me home and put me to sleep, just the way I like.” You finish, biting his ear playfully. 
“That can be arranged…for tomorrow. I want you sober, mamas.”
Kevin laughs at your drunken pout. “You’ll be out like a light before we make it to the house. It’s going to be alright, love. Sleep it off some, and I promise I’ll break you off afterward.”
“Let’s go so I can get you back to your car, bro. You’re not having sex in my truck,” Jay joked, but at the same time, he was serious.
“Halstead, be easy on the jokes now. I’d hate to have to inform Hailey about the many times you got groped tonight.”
Kevin gingerly swept you from Jay’s truck, transferring you to his own. He managed to buckle you into the front seat and nearly made it out of the parking lot unnoticed. His head shot back with an exasperated sigh as the exit to the precinct flew open.
“Nice try, Atwater. We want to meet your gorgeous lady friend Halstead’s exact words. Better watch your girl, Kev,” Burgess taunted. 
Hailey followed close behind, hands on her hips and a smirk on her face. “You honestly think Jay was going to keep your secret? Not a chance, Atwater. Before you try to snitch, I already know how he was treated like a sexy piece of meat tonight,” Hailey sassed.
Kevin shushed the women and directed their attention to your sleeping frame. “You two can give her the third degree another time. I’m taking my little party animal home,” he whispered, looking at you with adoring eyes. “I’ll bring her by the precinct to formally introduce her soon. Just not tonight, ladies.”
“Bachelorette parties are the best. I’m looking forward to mine,” Upton sighed.
“Jay should be worried if Burgess is throwing it. I’ll see you two tomorrow. Let me get my sleepy baby to a comfortable bed.”
You had slept the entire ride to and from the precinct. Kevin carried you into his home, taking you straight to the master bathroom. You began to stir as he placed you on top of the vanity.
“How long was I out,” you groaned.
“About an hour,” his lips brushed against your forehead. “Do you think you can handle showering on your own? Or do you want me to help you, love?”
“I want cuddles in the shower. Shit! I don’t have my overnight bag. What about my hair,” you whined.
“You gon’ be good, sweetheart. One second.”
Kevin started opening cabinets and sitting items next to you on the vanity. His face spread into a shy smile when he saw you holding back tears.
“Why the watery eyes, mamas?”
“Two things. First of all, sir. Bless your parents. I’ve never had a man love me this way. Baby, you went and bought all my hair care products.”
The both of you looked lovingly at the pile on the counter. Kevin had purchased every single product you had in your bathroom. Everything you usually brought with you lay there.
“What was the second thing?”
“I’m an emotional drunk.”
“Yeah, I kind of guessed that,” he chuckled. “You can sleep in my clothes. I’d prefer you slept naked, but that’s up to you,” he licked his lips.
“That depends.”
“If I’ve sobered up enough for you to slide up in it,” you purred.
“I’d say you’re thinking pretty clearly, love. Let’s get cleaned up. I’m starving, and I got a taste for something sweet.”
“Yeah,” you questioned breathlessly.
Kevin stepped between your thighs, kissing you hungrily. Releasing your lips a few moments later, his hand brushed against the outside of your shorts. “Yeah. It’s nice, soft, juicy, and delicious. You gon’ give me a taste, love?”
“Start the shower before I come all over this counter.”
Hours later, the two of you lay in bed panting and satiated. The room rested in a comfortable silence. Your head rested on Kevin’s chest as his fingertips drew patterns against your naked skin. His lips left a litany of kisses across your temple. He pulled in a breath before speaking.
“Baby girl,” he whispered.
“Move in with me. I want to build a life with you. I know it’s only been six months-.”
“I wanted to ask you another question, though,” he playfully scolded, giving your butt a light tap. 
You looked at him and smiled sheepishly.
“Sorry, continue, baby. Either way, the answer is yes.”
“Cool. So we’re getting married then?”
“Ye-wait. What?”
Kevin flipped you both. Lying on top of you, he brushed the hair from your face.
“Marry me, mamas? I know it’s way too soon-.”
You kissed him to shut him up. It lasted long enough to calm his fluttering heart.
Without another word, he kissed you hard, stealing your breath. Tender touches morphed into desperate touches. In an instant, the room filled with pants and moans as he slipped back into you. Thrust mirroring thrust, as Kevin drove you to the brink of ecstasy until your tired body would no longer allow it. He littered your face with kisses as the both of you whispered words of affirmation until sleep claimed you both.
The aching in your bladder woke you as the morning sun crept into the bedroom. Not wanting to wake your sleeping giant, you wiggled free. Tip-toeing into the bathroom, you quickly relieved yourself and washed your hands. You unboxed one of the toothbrushes Kevin bought, quietly falling into your morning routine. Standing in the mirror brushing your teeth, your free hand brushed curls from your face, and you froze. The toothbrush dangled in your mouth as you stared into the mirror, shock written on your face. Hand frozen mid-air, you gawked at the beautiful diamond sparkling on your ring finger. You startled as a voice sounded behind you. Kevin stood in the doorway, muscles rippling, in all his naked glory, staring at you in the mirror. He walked up behind you, pressing his chest to your back, and whispered against your neck, “I always come prepared, baby girl. Notice it’s the correct size and the cut you like. Do I know my woman or what,” he bragged, finishing with kisses to your throat.
Throwing a finger in the air, you quickly rinsed your mouth and toothbrush. You placed the brush in the holder as you spun around, snatching Kevin’s hand. Pulling him back toward the bedroom, he questioned, “Where are we going, love?”
“Back to bed. I’m going to suck the soul out of you. Then I’m taking my ass to the kitchen and cooking you breakfast in bed.”
Fuck I love this woman.
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Hope you enjoyed it, my sweet babies! Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
@darqchilddaydreamz @4everbrookemarie @starrynite7114 @nightlywords7 @amorestevens @sunshine-flower @boomclapxox @astoldbychae
@skyesthebomb @tbugger01 @thatbrowngruul
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aealzx · 1 year
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By the time Raphael reached Don at the main computer the alarm had already glitched out several more times. To the point that Don had disabled the sound aspect and just had the reports  populating on screen. He’d barely started pulling up various live camera feeds when Raphael leaned on the back of his chair. “So what’s the noise about?”
Giving a huff of amusement, Don tapped through the points that were triggered. “You know I’m not that fast, Raph,” he chastised, still analyzing what he was looking into.
“My bad. I meant, ‘what have you found so far’?” Raphael snorted, having forgotten Don could be slightly too literal sometimes. “Do Leo and I need to go on a patrol?”
“Leo’s not going anywhere for at least another five hours,” Don declined quickly. “Just because he got an antidote doesn’t mean his lungs are miraculously healed. Same with the other two.”
Raphael gave a small snort at the eye roll Don gave to emphasize his point, but reigned his words in for a moment. He wanted something to act on, and it was hard when there wasn’t anything yet. “Fair enough.”
Giving a moment of silence to see if Raphael wanted to say anything else, Don started vocalizing what he was finding. “Something is triggering our perimeter alarms. But there’s nothing showing on the camera feeds, and the points being tripped are…. Inconsistent,” he explained, touching a few parts of the screen to bring up a map of which perimeter locations had been notified. It was something Raphael could understand easily enough when it came to reading it. But what he saw definitely explained Don’s confusion. The map almost looked like someone had just thrown a bunch of red dots on it randomly. Or, near randomly. Looking at the timestamps and locations of the alarms, Raphael frowned. “... Is it just me, or is it getting closer?”
Don didn’t vocally answer, but he didn’t have to. Not when the alarm message displayed on the screen changed from ‘perimeter breach’ to ‘intruder detected’, flagging Raphael’s room first. With only a glance at each other, two more messages popping up for different rooms in their lair, Don and Raphael grabbed their weapons.
The bubbling of broth in the pot Mikey currently had on the stove was accompanied by him humming random songs. Leo had already checked in on him, so he was content to know that all of the medical treatment was at least almost complete. Now he just needed to finish cooking so they could have a warm meal to unwind with. It was a habit he’d picked up years ago. He wasn’t much help with medical knowledge, so after getting sick of being the one stuck doing nothing he’d started cooking for everyone after missions. Provided he wasn’t the one that was injured of course. Today’s choice was a thick chicken stew, with plenty of beans and other vegetables. Leo had mentioned the new Donnie’s main ailment was blood loss, so Don wanted something high in iron, with orange juice as a drink. They weren’t sure when Donnie would wake up, so it was best to have it ready, even if they had to warm it up later.
His current task was the reason Mikey hadn’t moved from the kitchen even after the broken alarms had gone off. They had only been cautionary alarms, so he had deemed it acceptable to focus on finishing the food. And yet it seemed someone wanted to stare at him without announcing themselves. That slight prickle at the back of his neck that caused Mikey to pause, turning to look up where he thought the new presence was. The fact they were in the ceiling, and the quick sight of blue made Mikey briefly think it was Leo pulling a weird prank on him under the guide of training. But the eyes were distinctly not warm chocolate brown, and were also accented by curved red markings. Mikey knew they both knew each other knew they were both there, but he didn’t have anything to say before Don’s voice came over their intercom.
“We might have an intruder. Location unknown. Keep a lookout.”
“...Huh,” Mikey voiced, continuing to stare at the newcomer. He barely had time to connect the dots between them being there, and Don’s announcement before his instincts caused him to dodge towards the door with a yelp, silver blades swiping through the air where he’d been. Looks like the intruder decided to give up hiding. “Hey guys, I found the intru-EYAH!!” Mikey started to call out, cutting off with a startled shriek and darting into the main room when the figure came at him again.
“MIKEY!” Raphael’s responding yell was louder than usual in reaction to Mikey’s panicked scream. Darting towards the kitchen, Raphael caught sight of Mikey attempting to use the ladle he had to block an incoming attack, only to have the utensil sliced in half.
“HEY! That was my favorite- EEP!” Mikey protested, ducking his head while covering it with his hands, then swinging a lazy kick towards the intruder. His attack was definitely half hearted, but that didn’t prevent him from being shocked when he hit nothing but air. The intruder had just been in front of him as Raphael reached them, but in a blink he was gone in a haze of blue energy that fizzled out in less than a second. It was only after Raphael let out a startled noise, and the clang of blade hitting sai resounded that Mikey realized what happened. “Guys I know how he got in!” Mikey blurted, half keeping an eye on the others and half looking for a proper weapon.
“He teleports!?” Raphael sputtered, his own attack whisking through completely vacant air. Chasing his surroundings with his eyes, Raphael opened his mouth to warn Mikey as he caught sight of the intruder apparating behind him. It was too late, but at least Mikey was able to turn and block the kick with his forearms instead of taking it to his shell. He still got knocked back slightly, and the intruder vanished once more.
“That explains the glitching security,” Don realized, taking his own turn to block a series of slashes from dual swords. This newcomer was fast, but with Don’s skill level he was able to keep up with the exchange, the blades thumping into the reinforced wood. It should have been easy for Don, but there was something unrefined about the newcomer’s fighting style that added a strain of unpredictability to his moves. Especially when a flicker of blue light came from underneath Don, and his feet immediately lost the ground they were on to sink into the newly appeared blue disc.
“DON!” Raphael sprang forward on instinct, crashing into Don midair and sending them tumbling for a moment before they both twisted to their feet.
The intruder was once again in a different location, back to Mikey. “Don’t get caught by those! I don’t know where they lead to.” Don warned, extremely grateful Raphael had saved him from a first hand experience to find out.
“This is- SO COOL- but also- AHH!” Mikey sputtered between blocking more blows. An upward swipe smacking the hand holding the sword off course, foot sliding back as he turned slightly to get in the way of the intruder getting behind him, stepping forward and raising a hand to block an incoming kick towards his head before the intruder disappeared again and an abrupt slash came towards Mikey’s skull.
A lunge forward from Raphael to try and grab the intruder only earned him empty air, and a swift kick to the back, causing him to stumble forward into Mikey. Giving a slight growl, Raphael whirled around, fists ready. “Rrrgh! Enough tricks! Come fight me face to face!” he belted, sick of the popping in and out of sight the newcomer was doing.
Don wasn’t sure what in the last few seconds had triggered the change, but the next attack towards him was notably different. A faltering course forced into a last second adjustment, and backed up by a sudden increase in force. It was alarming, but also concerning in a different way. There wasn’t venom behind the attacks. Just…fear? It was hard to get any words out around the new barrage of borderline frantic attacks. Was the kid panicking? The shifts in location had increased in frequency to all of them, to the point none of them could get any words out around their focus on reacting to the attacks. It felt like a stalemate, but only because the three of them were holding back. They didn’t think this was an actual enemy. More just a misunderstanding. But it was hard to get a good look at the newcomer when they were always moving.
The battle ended up shifting when Leo joined them, launching from the infirmary stairs and almost crashing into the intruder if it weren’t for them disappearing milliseconds before. “You picked the wrong home!” Leo shouted, skidding on the tile in a crouch next to Mikey.
Unexpectedly, the response to Leo was a sudden stretch of silence in place of where they had come to expect the intruder showing up in someone’s blindspot. After a brief consideration that the intruder was elsewhere in the lair, a ring of blue swirled into a diagonal disc above them. But instead of a figure appearing from it Don’s eyes snapped wide as a familiar chemical storage cabinet came hurtling towards them.
“MOVE!” Don snapped, hurling himself towards Mikey to get them both out of the way, being relieved to see his brothers also fling themselves to the side, and covering his and Mikey’s heads with a hand. Only now did he remember that one of the recorded breach points was their chemical storage room. A fact that was emphasized by the crashing containers inside the large cabinet causing materials to mix violently with each other, crackling into a small explosion that made their ears ring. All Don could think was ‘What a waste of materials’ as well as ‘That cabinet had been bolted to the wall with five centimeter thick screws!’ as he waited for the reactions to stop.
“Anyone hurt?” Leo called out as soon as the deafening silence that followed explosions fell over them.
“Mikey and I are fine,” Don called back, removing his hand from Mikey’s head so they could both push themselves to their feet.
“...Where’s the other guy?” Mikey voiced, flinching and flicking his eyes all over to see if he could see where the intruder went.
“Raph?” Leo’s call came after a second of not hearing from their remaining brother.
Raphael would have responded, but he’d ended up in a minor situation. As soon as he’d tried to get back to his feet after the danger had passed his own sai was being stabbed through the soft section of the tactical armor on his calf, wedged expertly into the ground to secure his leg. Then the opposite arm was yanked behind him and hooked behind the intruder’s knee as they leaned their body weight into him, attempting to pin him. They honestly didn’t weigh much, and it would have taken little effort for Raphael to shove them off. But the cold sting of metal tapping against his throat caused him to freeze, more from curiosity than fear. Huh. This was an interesting move. At least the kid had stopped jumping through the air.
When the others didn’t get a response from him Raphael saw them skurry around the pile of fresh debris to the side he was on, only to skid to a stop when they realized why he hadn’t answered them. A small gasp escaped Don as he froze where he was, and Leo gave a small snarl as he shifted to a defensive stance.
“Dude! Not cool!” Mikey guaffed, quickly checking his options.
“...Let him go…,” Leo hissed, his entire form tense, sliding his foot forward slightly in warning.
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It was tough to decide if I should hide the pick below since it's kind of spoiler for the end. But then I just decided to keep the same format as the others. It's semi eye catching anyway
Also I'm fully aware that Leon is too small for that hold to be effective against Raphael. |D It was deliberate.
Fun fact: I had 2 scenes (more than 2 posts worth) written way back when I scribbled the first picture for this story. This one, and Donnie blowing stuff up earlier were both of them. But I did have to rewrite almost everything to fit the rest of the story X'D oh well.
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shiplessoceans · 6 months
Magnus Protocol theory incoming:
Disclaimer: I have only listened to the original podcast once through. Binged it in the span of 2 months while playing Disney Dreamlight Valley (it was a dark time in my life, I cope how I cope). I am still hazy on the finer details and names (Bouchard's, Leitners etc etc.)
But I had a thought around TMP episode 5 and I am more convinced of it now having listened to the latest episode.
I think when Martin and Jon went through the rift, they went to an alternate universe, but also an alternate TIME within the universe.
And in the timeline of the Magnus Protocol as we are listening to it, they are both either older than when we left them, or long dead having lived for years in this current world.
The evidence we have is their voices on the computers. I did initially wonder: "wait, have they been turned into A.I voice programs by the horrors?"
But it's far more likely that they made each recording and put it into this old analogue system that could handle and contain the records without glitching.
Which would mean the Institute (Office of Incident Assessment and Response) as it currently exists could have been established by Jon and Martin, or at least they took part in setting it up in an attempt to prevent what happened in TMA from happening here. Yes, they brought the horrors through, but they can contain them. Keep the records random, screen young people for some kind of study (not sure what that's about yet) and then hire a bunch of casuals to sit around on shifts and catalogue the recordings to feed The Eye. But keep them vague, rotate staff in and out frequently and make sure none of them can become The Archivist to repeat the ritual.
Gwen mentioning time travel study feels important.
The Magnus Insistute was destroyed in this universe, which feels like something Jon and Martin would do, to prevent history from repeating.
Gwen being a Bouchard could be a coincidental throwaway, red herring style, because Elias Bouchard wasn't innately anyone special until the horrors marked him. Gertrude being alive in this universe feels important and is another indicator that history in this world is different than in TMA.
I think we're supposed to think this world is different because it's an alternate universe but I am convinced Jon and Martin made changes to try to fix the timeline.
My question is: Who's watching? We know we only ever hear security footage and people's mobile phones secretly listening to them and in the most recent episode a tape switched on in the burnt down Institute to record Sam and Alice digging around.
We are listening. We are still avatars of The Eye. But I have to wonder if Jon is off somewhere, unable to keep his eyes off things, making sure nothing is going wrong...
Will come back and eat my words if I'm wrong!
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rheiple · 1 year
Tea Party in Hell
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▪︎SUMMARY↦ To think that the tasked that you've been handled would be the cause of meeting your one and only source of nightmare fuel.
▪︎WARNING/s↦ Cussing, Not proofread (I just made this like a min ago)
▪︎CHARACTER/s↦ Eclipse, Reader
▪︎WORD COUNT↦2252 [Minus the dots for the timeskips]
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▪︎AUTHOR'S NOTE↦ I have not poster for 5 months☠ uhmm hi again, it's been so long since i have posted, I missed writing fanfics so much 😭 But! School is almost over and I can finally have a 2 months break to focus on my hobbies!! I hope you all take this apology gift for me being dead in 5 months 😭😭 (If I'm being honest idk if I should be embarrassed at the fact that this fic is way longer than all of my 4 essays combined 🕴)
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You never really thought of how... unique the Daycare Attendant's room is.
Upon opening the secret door that led you to your robotic friend's room, you scanned everything inside. From the hanged up drawings of the little kids, to the disturbingly looking broken staff bots lying on the corner, it didn't help that with their damaged head it looks like they're all at you.
It really surprised you. That because of their obsession with keeping everything clean and perfect, you assumed that their room would be neat.
Well... everyone has problems you guessed, maybe they're too busy with their job to clean up their room. Poor them, overworking theirselves to shut down. Maybe in another time you'll offer to help them clean their room.
You went inside the tube to access the other side of the room. You see something big that's covered with a dusty blanket. You assumed that it's the arcade machine that the staff decided to keep in there... The confusion on how they got that thing in is giving you a headache, and what pains you more is that you have to get that out when you have fixed it.
You huffed at the thought, why do they need this arcade machine anyways? There are plenty of unused gaming machine at the lowest floor, and they're still working pretty well! What's with all the hype on this one?
Taking off the dirty blanket, you see that the arcade machine looks new... It's already powered on, does Sun and Moon play this game?
You examined it closely, searching for a coin in your pocket. You'll just play the game to see if it's working, if it does then you'll bring it outside and clean it up, easy as pie.
But out of the blue, The name of the game appears on the pixelated screen. It's jolly tune of amusic made you immediately jumped out of surprise.
"What the hell? Is this game haunted or what?" You narrowed your eyes suspiciously at the screen. Do they really think that you're a exorcist and not a staff? You really should thought of this through before signing up for this under paying shit of a job.
Hesitantly in doing so, you grabbed the joystick and pressed on a random button to start the game.
So far it went ok, the game is working well, the sky switches from day to night. Everything is going smoothly wait what the fuck did the game glitched did the sky turned red??
You blinked your eyes, but it turned normal as if it the wasn't even real.
Hell no, you stopped playing and turned around. You know you're going to get paid less, and that's fine because you'd rather live than experience some 3 a.m. scary story creepypasta kind of shit.
You flinched at the sudden ear rape sound that the arcade machine emits. Looking back you noticed that the machine is shaking. Black fingertips slowly emerged from the glitched screen.
You didn't have to think two seconds to try and dart through the tube to get out of that room.
And try as you might, but the moment took a step back the said black hands chased after you. They took a hold of your feet and arms, dragging you slowly, inside the haunted machine.
"Let me go! Assholes!" You twist and turn, kicked your legs and punched one of the hands and yet all of your efforts were in vain.
You're eyes darts around to look for anything that could stop them from pulling you inside, you took blocks and hit them with it. You hold on to the big blocks, or anything that that's heavy to not get pulled.
"No! no no nononono!"  You frantically kicked on the machine, lowered your whole body down all to not get close to the screen. You think it worked, for a minute.
Your face drained of color when you see two robotic pair of chance come out. They grabbed on to your waist.
You got pulled into the machine.
You sharply gasped at the sudden jolt through your body. It's so loud, you can't focus. You're sweating real bad. You inspect everything around you.
Breathing heavily a few times, you calmed down a bit. And it helps to make you more aware of your surroundings. The loud sound suddenly going lower and slower.
You realized now that the sound you heard earlier was your own heartbeat.
To say that you're going mad is the right word. The place your in looks like an imitation of hell. Bloodshot red of the sky, those black clouds that are thinly outlined with a bright orange. You noticed that that you aren't laying down on a floor, but rather floating, yet not a cloud, just floating.
You look up at the sky and see-...
Your breath hitched upon making eye contact with the culprit who you think is the reason that you're in this hellhole.
"Is that... a god?"
It's face like the Sun you know, but the colors are very dark and, if you look hard enough you could see the inside of the mouth is glowing with a bright yellow.
The creature went down to you, you saw how it's body is just a big black of glob. It took all of your face muscles to not grimace at the sight of it, you didn't wanna die because of offending it in anyway.
The robotic glitched face tilt it's head looking at you.
You gulped at the staring, and decided to greet him quietly.
You were grabbed by the wrist.
In one quick motion, it lead you up in the sky, abose the clouds when you look down you don't see anything other than the color of the sky.
You screamed and cried, you didn't do anything to deserve this! Sure you might've said something mean to someone but that wasn't intentional! That was the most you could have done at being bad!
You curled yourself into a ball, if you're going to die you hope they make it quick, you want all of this to end. You can just live peacefully in your second life, no more pain, no more scary robots, no more demonic eldritch being wanting to kill you.
You feel them stop and let them go of your hand. You wiped your eyes to clear your vision. You look around to see everything dark, you know you're in some kind of void, but there's alot of stuff hanging around above you.
You look at the monster in confusion. "W... What's all those?" 'Are you going to kill me with all those items?'
It didn't respond, opted to only look at you.
This suddenly irked you. All this silence is about to  you hysterical. What's his problem? Does he want to see you suffer? He's already done it, why can't he just kill you now?!
You noticed a shadow looming over you, looking up you see a... Kiddies table coming down between you.
The creature backed away to give the table some space.
Your gaze went back up at the stuff above you, to see two cups and a glass teapot filled with... tea? Or coffee? Either way you're not going to drink that.
It landed on the table, each cup is at the end, with the teapot at the middle.
You eyed the creature, it doing it's  head tilt again. "I'm not gonna drink that." You said whilst your crossing your arms.
The teapot floats up again and pours the content at your cup, doing the same at the other. The delicate object went back to it's position.
... Right, an indirect way of telling that you didn't have a choice to begin with. You clicked your tongue in annoyance. Glaring at the monster, asked why you're here.
A minute of silence, and then it finally replied back. "ₒₗd... fᵣᵢₑₙd.." The creature whispered.
"Uh, what??" You couldn't help you're harsh tone. Out of all the things it could've said, it said something so... Weird. As if all of this isn't.
"Old friend who?"
The monster points at you.
Wow. Ok, this is so confusing and stressful. You know that you haven't met it before, so it's highly likely that it must've mistaken you for someone else.
As if reading reading your thoughts- well, at this point it probably is, you're not surprised at anything what it does at this point. The creature called you with your own name.
"Y/ₙ.. ₒₗd f₋fᵣᵢₑₙ-d.."  
You cringed at the sound of it calling you by your name. You look down at your uniform to not see your nametag. It knows your name.
Shoulders are tense, you're back is straight. You kept your guard up incase of anything bad will happen. "Get straight to the point, what do you want from me?"
The monster, let's out a glitched and low sound of a motorboat. What the hell is it doing? Putting a curse on you? You should've brought something holy to smack that with it.
"ₘᵢₛₛₛₛₛ,, y₋ₒᵤ₋ᵤ.."
You're not deaf, you are sure that this mother fucker just hissed at you.
You backed away for a bit, and raised up your hands when it tried to inch closer. 
"Oi! Back the fuck up!" You semi- yelled at the Eldritch as a warning... When you think about it, what is there to warn it about? It could've killed you if it wanted to. Compared to it, you're just a human being with no powers what so ever.
But to your surprise and relief, the creature backed away. Although you think it's because it's of the darkness, you shrugged off the thought of the creature lowering it's head because it was sad of what you did.
Good, he deserved it for scaring you and taking you away.
Now that everything is calmed down, you repeated your question once again.
"...ₕₑₗₚ₋ₚ ₘ₋ₑₑ.."
"Help you? With what?"
You scratched the back of your head. "I don't understand, all of this doesn't! You're already here so why do I have to find you?!"
You head starts throbbing, your vision is getting blurry each second. What? That's impossible, you didn't even drank the fucking tea!
You collapsed.
You're being moved. Left and right. Someone familiar is calling your name.
Each time you don't answer they're call, they shake you harder.
You feel like throwing up from all the things you've went through today. It all felt like a bad dream.
But was it really a dream? You've felt it touch you, it was so real.
And it asked you for help to find it. What does that mean? Find it, inside? Does it mean the arcade? Should you check inside the arcade?
You jolted upwards to sit. You look around, only to see Moon with a worried face.
"Y/n... What are you doing here?"
Loss of words, you shakily pointed at your phone. He seemed to get the memo, as he went for it, he turned it on and went into your emails.
Hi Y/n,
Jamil, your coworker, is here. You were asked by the Fazbear manager to repair the arcade game in the daycare attendant's room. He claimed that kids have a lot of requests for an arcade game that is centered on them. I'm confident you'll be able to locate the movie pirate poster at the theater where their room is located.
You can take your time, but with Fazco, they would like to have the required completion by tomorrow morning. We deeply appreciate on what you do for us, and please be careful.
Jamil Mariano
The moon themed animatronic sighed. He went to you and gently picked you up. "I'll take you down stairs.. You need to rest Starlight."
You fidgeted with your fingers. "But what about that?...The Fazco, and the arcade?"
"That's why I'm taking you away from it, Star. You've been through enough, you deserve to sleep well."
You leaned on his chest. You could worry about the machine later, right now you trust Moon to have your back... Just, a little nap wouldn't hurt..
The night themed robot emits a lullaby, a great distraction for you to not hear him talk with his other half, that's been talking inside their shared minds.
'Moon?...Do you think they saw him?'
He lets out a tired sigh. "They probably have.."
The Sun began to ramble question after question to fill their minds with. What should they do? Do they need help?- Oh, of course they do! But how do we help them?? Can't we just destroy the arcade machine?! No wait, what if it went to another arcade machine, or worse, what if went through their phone?! Who knows what he have done to our Starshine-
The moon softy hissed at his counter part. it annoyed him to hear him worry like this, yet he understands. He too is worried for their friend's safety, that's why they need to deeply think this through before they might do something rash.
"Let's... Not worry for now, they're safe here.. And we should focus on the present, to be aware of our surroundings... to protect them.."
The rambling died down, and Sun agreed... However, they couldn't really push back down their thoughts, they need to act quicker than him. If they dont want to loose the only friend they have.
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britt-kageryuu · 27 days
Donnie is working on some little bipedal turtle 3D models. He explained it was for a new game idea he had. The audience was kinda confused, because Donnie was already still working on his other games project. So they asked.
"Hmm? I see a good portion of the chat today are not part of that Discord. In short, the game is basically done. We're just going through a rigorous bug hunt, and one other issue before release." Donnie switches the screen to show a menu screen.
On the menu screen is three 3D anime style girls in typical poses, but then it glitches slightly so the girls eyes are now purple with some symbols in them, before going back. Also on the screen is a little dragon like stuffed animal that moves between the girls. The game title is 'Stream Restore!' in changing font so that it matches each girls aesthetic.
"For those you don't know this is Stream Restore, the game in question. I won't go into detail because I might spoil something. The main reason, other than bugs, that we haven't released it yet is mainly distribution. And maybe some localization issues. But most how do we distribute the game to others."
Donnie switches to a screen with a spreadsheet of pros and cons of different places that indie developers can sell their games from.
"Clears Throat. As you can see, we're going over the different, would the word be publishers?, sites that you buy the game from, you can see we even have a note of just distributing it ourselves from our store, but it's still a bit of a holdup." Donnie stops to take a drink from a cup that reads 'Spare Battery Juice'.
"Anywho, that is for a different day. What I want to focus on is seeing how well I can put together this new game. It's going to just be a little 'Cozy Game' thing. Though it's going to be based on our backstory. Let me bring up the-" Donnie pauses and turns to look slightly down at something.
"Hello. How may I help you, little lost one?" Donnie quickly mutes his mic before anything else can be heard.
The audience can see that Donnie is talking to someone, and even grabbing his phone to call someone. But they're going a bit nuts with wondering what is going on.
Then Donnie, without un muting, switches the screen to show a game environment that resembles a defunct underground train station with fairt lights strung all over. He then starts to add and move around little pieces of furniture. Then adding one of the little turtle models and had it walking around the environment.
For the next few minutes Donnie is moving things around and changing colors, and switch out the turtle with a salamander, and then started to dress up the model.
He pauses again, and looks up towards someone likely Raph and talks with them shortly before they left, and Donnie un mutes his mic.
"Sorry about that. Red is watching Stars sibling again, and they keep wandering off during games. And apparently they like the studio because of the random stuff we leave sitting around here." Donnie pauses to look behind himself at the studio, "We should clean up a bit in here, some of this stuff is a potential tripping hazard... but that is for later. Now let me actually explain what I was just doing while entertaining my potential younger brother-in-law."
The next bit of the stream is just that. Going over various ideas for this little game, and possible plans. All while purposefully ignoring those who want to know more about the 'brother-in-law' comment.
I feel like I'm just gonna start having Donnie talk about game ideas I have, but no idea how to make them, or if they're possible.
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onioety · 1 month
Okay!!! I'm fucking around with searches on the thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com's computer. I'll keep this thing updated with everything I find!!
(Disclaimer: typing names several times can change the outcomes)
List below!!
-BILL: either jazz triangle YouTube video or a Wikipedia link to eye triangle dollar bill things.
-MCGUCKET: cottoned eye Joe video on YouTube.
-MABEL: stickers will get sticked in the lab until 'lab now fully mabelized' appears on the pc's screen.
-DIPPER: Note from Bill asking him to stare 13 hours at the sun to develope powers to see 'special sun ink'. If you keep clicking, more notes appear saying you're on the right path. Gradually, the notes will get black (you're blind)
-STAN: HERE ME OUT THIS ONE IS MARVELOUS. The first searches will lead you to eBay and different random objects related to Stan (8 ball, rings, compression vest, hat, bow...). If you keep going you'll be able to see this (I love Stanley he's my baby):
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Here you can take a look at a TON of random Stan-related things. Special mention to one of Stan's fear being having very small fingertips. I'll never be over it.
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-BOYFRIEND: the romance book.
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No because maybe there's more to this... 'there's three sides to every story'. Yes, triangle, love triangle, it's a very good pun. But we had Ford's POV in Diaries 3 and Bill's in the book of Bill. Thinking thoughts.
-GIDEON: sweat resistant bolo ties search on Google.
-TRIANGLE: ')' and 'tri harder'
-ALEX: flannel search on google
-PORTAL: 'portal.exe has been deleted. I bet you could build one'
-GRAVITY FALLS: 'never heard of it'
-FORD/SIXER: 18th y.o Ford's hand radiography. Weird something written I cannot really tell?? H8T0? HBT0? HBTO? H8TO?
-SOOS: some notes written down by him. Claims that when looking at the book everything glitches and he just sees 'HE'S UNCORRUPTABLE'.
-PIÑATA: video of a girl punching a Bill-shaped piñata.
-ABUELITA: vacuum cleaner commercial spot on YouTube.
-Any insult: soap image, angry message. They do not approve us.
-LIES: okay I find this specially important because the book is very introspective and gives out a lot of info about Bill but we all know he's an unreliable narrator. He rants about post-truth, scientism and superstition (very cool and interesting philosophical topics if I may say). But it's specially interesting when it comes to understanding Bill and his mindset. Lie until what you want becomes true, which can't. Lie until you can't remember what's a lie and what isn't. Reality is doomed, if you can't physically escape, do so in your mind. Lie until you aren't lying anymore. Reality is a compendium, and ultimate construct, a truth of lies, a possibility among endless. Lies are truths
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-GOD: video of an axolot swimming with a Bill figurine made out of rock.
-HEY NERD: advertisement
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SORRY: Old picture of Fiddleford and Stanford back in college :(
ONE EYED KING: fucking morse code. Took me some minutes to catch it: -./.-/../-/.../..-/.-/..-.
Resulting in: NAITSUAF. If you enter this word as a new code, you'll see a page with a contract and terms of service to sell your soul. It has a code that translates to: 'you're now twenty one grams lighter'.
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scp-tiggles · 7 months
First addition to the au!
Scp 079 (Android form)
50% ler | 50% lee
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As a ler:
He’s pretty sweet, ngl. Usually he wrecks someone without the need to feed off laughter like some of the other anomalies, its just for “research” or if someone seems a bit gloomy.
His favorite move is bear hugs. Uses his main arms to hug someone, then the other four to tickle them.
Speaking of, don’t bother trying to hide spots from him. His eyes have sensors that basically pings him to wherever someone is ticklish at.
His teeth are relatively pointy for tickle nibbles!
Teasing wise he’ll either make remarks about how your reactions and laughter help his research. Or option B is he’ll use baby talk!
Will make sure the lee is okay afterwards, offering water (and affection if the lee desires)
As a lee
Super ticklish oml. Cannot STAND his ribs or armpits (his main set) being tickled!
Absolutely can’t take teases, calling him cute? Baby talk? You’ll have him a giggly mess in no time!
Surprisingly, he’s able to blush. And tickling around his ears or neck is the best way to get it.
Super cackly laughter, snorts a whole ton.
Will try to get revenge with his other four limbs, watch out!
Speaking of revenge, he will 100% get it afterwards.
You could actually make him reboot if you tickle him to much, he doesn’t mind, but its the best way to give yourself a head start FROM his vengeance!
Feathers will absolutely annihilate him, same for brushes (specifically paint ones)
Normal PC form
60% ler | 40% lee
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As a ler:
Much like before, he’s still pretty sweet as a ler.
This form resides in his cell, he can upload his consciousness between bodies in order to utilize each one. This one controls the machinery in his cell.
He LOVES to experiment on lees, tickling them to oblivion for his notes, their laugh, their ticklish spots, what tools work best, etc.
The metal extending parts of his limbs are able to lightly zap people, doesn’t hurt, tickles like hell though!
His teases remain the same, a bit more baby talky since he has more confidence of lees not getting revenge in this form.
Has a data base of most doctors at the site from the times they fallen to his clutches, loves to tease them with it too.
“Oh, my. Your laughter has gotten much more squeaky since our last session, doctor! I’ll have to test you to see what else has changed at once!”
A bit more generous with aftercare, since he’ll tickle lees significantly longer then when in his android form.
As a lee
Now while this form has no spots, you still CAN tickle him.
High voltage electricity, messing with his computer system (i.e a virus), all tickle him HELLISHLY.
And he low-key enjoys it.
He’ll keep his secret enjoyment of tickles to the grave though.
Anyways, like before, cannot stand teases at all. Folds immediately.
His screen will glitch and bug out if he is laughing too hard.
Speaking of his laugh, its still cackly, all be it more higher in pitch the worse he’s being tickled.
Has on more then one occasion accidentally (and purposely) zapped himself on his own tech.
Random facts!
Surprisingly doesn’t have a favorite lee, since he wants to expand his database he’ll rarely go after someone twice (unless bored), but does have favorite lers.
076-2, 682, and 096 are his current favorites for one reason: he snags up their victims after they’re done for experiments.
Will team up with other anomalies, especially if their target is one he hasn’t gotten too before.
He was actually created by the foundation, he was basically made to tickle other anomalies and get tickled, so the foundation could lessen breaches and not have to use d-class all the time.
He ended up gaining self awareness and decided to use his access to foundation technology to cause chaos though, lol.
But he does of course care deeply about the staff and other anomalies, staff especially. (Mainly the doctor who created him, who will be revealed later on! :>)
I’ll probably post the art as a separate thing too, but i got a post done, wooo!
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lexosaurus · 1 year
Keep Your Enemies Closer
A little Tech Hunter AU oneshot I wrote for DP Angstfest 2023! I based this off of @kinglazrus' AU fic for the @dpauzine in which Tucker is the Red Hunter. It's been stuck in my brain ever since, so I couldn't resist writing her AU for this event!
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
That's what people always said, anyway. It's what actors spouted in Hollywood blockbusters as their characters sipped their old fashioned in the dimly lit bar. It's what people typed in their chat logs online, thinking of themselves as high and mighty, very cool, not to be messed with, while they cracked open their fifth serving-sized bag of Doritos that day.
But this wasn't a Hollywood blockbuster. It wasn't Tucker talking up himself to random usernames online.
As he looked at Danny, who was animatedly chatting to Sam about some recently released video game that Tucker couldn’t pretend to care about anymore, he knew that this wasn't just a cool verse. It was real, at least to him. 
“The final boss was way too easy,” Sam was saying. “It's like the devs weren't even trying.”
“I beat it in like five seconds flat,” Danny agreed.
“Yeah, because you exploited the armor glitch,” Sam said. “If you played the game like it was supposed to be played, the final boss would have taken at least a little longer.”
Danny tsked his tongue. “It’s not my fault that I’m obviously just one step ahead of the devs. And you, actually.”
“Come on,” Sam laughed, catching onto the mood. “Stop messing with me.”
Danny grinned back at her, his fangs poking out over his lips. “Samantha Manson, when have I ever messed with you?”
Tucker ducked his head before his face could show. Though, each day that passed seemed to allow that quiet mask to slip over his face far more easily than the day before. And he wasn't even talking about the little yellow mask that lived under his skin.
He remembered the day he'd pieced it all together. The day all the lies, all the little breadcrumb clues, suddenly snapped into place.
He'd been home, as usual, watching videos of the rapidly increasing ghost attacks targeting the city. And of course, at the epicenter of it all was Phantom.
Danny fucking Phantom.
He remembered Danny calling him, his face popping up on Tucker’s home screen, and Tucker pausing the video and holding up his phone to see the two faces side by side. The same smile, the same freckles, the same jaw and haircut and they were the same. 
He couldn’t believe it. But…it made sense. And maybe that was the worst part because it meant that his friend, his best friend, was dead. And worse, he’d turned into a monster. 
But when? When had he died? Was it that “accident” that he sometimes referenced? The day he’d gotten hurt by some of his parents’ equipment?
It didn’t matter. Because now, he was Phantom. But how was he Phantom? The ghost that Tucker loathed. The ghost that Tucker had long since blamed for turning their safe city into a fucking warzone.
How did his best friend turn into…that? Was death really so horrible that it completely changed a person? 
Or was this always inside Danny, deep down in the recess of his subconscious? So deep, so hidden, that Tucker had never noticed till now.
Some people saw Phantom as a hero, and he seemed to revel in it. His cockiness was overflowing, and he took great pride in arriving at every scene precisely when the new ghost of the week would show up. He'd throw a few puns, assure the crowd that, “Don't worry, citizens! I've got this!”, and then he'd beat the ghost up, suck them in his thermos, and would disappear until the next attack.
Phantom had fooled many of the masses. But despite what Dash's stupid nicknames would suggest, Tucker was no sucker. Even if everyone else had their heads up their ass, he didn't.
Tucker didn’t do anything at first. Maybe he’d just been in too deep of a denial. After all, who wanted to pin the destruction of their city on their fucking best friend? 
But then, he started paying attention. To Danny, the “human,” more. All his little quirks, his habits. The way he seemed to jump when Sam casually put a hand on his shoulder (he’d never used to do that), the way his teeth started to sharpen (humans don’t have fangs), the way his eyes would spark green sometimes (it wasn’t a trick of the light), or how he’d always disappear right before a ghost attack (almost like he knew they were coming).
But Tucker stayed silent. Because if Danny was Phantom, then Danny was dangerous. Who knew what Phantom would do if Tucker revealed that he knew? No, it was better to stay docile, not rock the boat, not put his life at risk. Just play it cool.
That plan only worked for so long.
The breaking point wasn’t an explosion of flashy lights so much as it was a seed, planted, but not yet even watered. It was Tucker booting up his virtual computer and opening Tor after school like any other day. 
The usual usernames were chatting in his group. People working on their various projects, coming to the chat room for tips or just talking about whatever other topic was on their mind. This was typical—welcome, even—after the confusing mess that had been Tucker’s every other waking moment as of late.
And then the conversation took a turn. 
To Phantom.
Sporksmith: I haven't wrapped my head around whether Phantom is a good guy or not. ChaseK: It's sus that as soon as the ghosts started showing up, so did he. Sporksmith: That's what I'm thinking, but the guy takes so many beatings a week. I feel like it's more likely that he's crawling out of the same dimensional holes that they are because the dude has family here or something. Mole: That's probably it. He uses modern slang, so it's pretty obvious he died recently.
This wasn’t the first time they’d talked about Phantom. He was a fascinating subject and under much national scrutiny. But this time, Tucker finally stepped in.
GoldenFryer: You guys don't know what you're talking about. ChaseK: You know something then? GoldenFryer: Yeah, I have some inside info. Can't say much, but Phantom isn't who he seems. He's dangerous. Sporksmith: You sound like a guy who's got something up his sleeve.
He hadn't, at that point. But still, it needled his mind. He was closest to Phantom, wasn't he? Even if Danny himself didn't know. Of everyone, wasn't it Tucker’s responsibility to do something about this?
To set the soul of his dead best friend free?
GoldenFryer: Not yet, but maybe I should.
Of course, he couldn't do it by himself, but there was someone who could help. Someone with money, power, and a vocal hatred for ghostly invaders.
“Tucker Foley,” Vladimir Masters said, opening his door. His hair was pulled back in his signature ponytail, and he wore a gaudy green Packers bathrobe. “You’re awake early on a Saturday for a teenager. My, where's your other half?”
“No Danny today. Just me,” he said, keeping his tone casual despite the sudden anxiety spike in his gut.
Vlad grinned and stepped aside, sweeping his arm over the now open doorway. “Excellent, why don't you come in?”
Tucker followed the gesture and stepped through the door, trying to ignore the guilt that was clawing at him. Danny always talked about how much he hated Vlad, and how creepy the guy was. And while Tucker agreed that Vlad was more than a little slimy, Vlad was a businessman, and more importantly, a billionaire. Being slimy kinda came with the territory.
And besides, Vlad had only moved into the town a year ago, after Danny had already turned into Phantom. So, it wasn't Danny who hated Vlad, not really.
“Come, make yourself comfortable. You're a bit too young for me to offer you a drink, but maybe some water, perhaps?”
“I'm fine,” Tucker said. His voice echoed around the empty house.
“Then sit.” Vlad pulled out a seat at the bar. “I just brewed myself a pot of tea. Maybe you'd care for some of that?”
“No thanks,” Tucker said, his voice jilted as he forcefully remembered his manners. Even if it was Phantom who hated Vlad, Tucker wasn't too keen on being behind closed doors with the man any longer than necessary either. 
Vlad paid him no mind, of course, and poured his tea into a fancy china cup. He brought the cup up to his nose, sniffed, and then smiled, setting it down on a small plate on the counter and settling into a seat for himself. “So,” he started, clasping his hands together. “What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you on this fine day?”
Tucker blew a breath out, trying to expel the mounting anxiety in his system. “Okay, I realize what I'm about to say sounds absolutely insane. I get that, but I just need you to let me explain.”
That slimy smirk was back on Vlad's lips. “Oh? Do tell.”
“Okay.” Tucker wrung his hands in his lap. “Okay, just—just hear me out. Trust me, nobody wants to say this less than me.”
“But of course, my dear boy.”
Tucker exhaled one last time and then began. “So, I know who Phantom is. You know, the ghost? I—he's disguising himself as a teenager, and I know who it is.”
“Oh, really? My, that doesn't sound good.”
“It's not.” Tucker closed his eyes, covering his forehead with his hand. “It's the worst, really. Because the person that Phantom is pretending to be—and I know, I know, just let me explain—but it's Danny. Danny Fenton.”
Tucker peeked through his hand to see the smile on Vlad's lips widen. 
“Daniel Fenton, my godson, you mean?” Vlad said. “That's quite the accusation.”
“I know it is. Trust me,” Tucker said. “But—okay, so basically, I think what happened was that Danny was in some sort of lab accident, and it killed him. He talks about it sometimes, but he doesn't give any details. But I'm pretty sure that was it. Because only like a month after that happened, all the ghosts started appearing. And Phantom too. I—uh, here. Hang on, let me show you...” Tucker leaned over and pulled his tablet from his backpack. He opened it and went to his files, opening a pdf of his comparison photos. He handed the tablet to Vlad, saying, “This is them side by side in different positions. You can really see it there, when the photos are lined up like this. They look exactly the same. But that's not all! Obviously.”
“Obviously,” Vlad said, swiping through the pdf.
“Look, I don't really know how to explain it, but Danny's just...he's different now. He disappears before ghosts attack, he comes back all beat and sometimes bloody. He's cold, way colder than normal, and sometimes I see him—when someone's annoying him or if he's pissed—where it's almost like...like he can't even contain his human form anymore. His eyes get green, and sometimes ectoplasm sparks in his palms. It's not human.”
“And you see this as...a problem?” Vlad looked up from the tablet. “If Daniel was Phantom?”
“Why wouldn't it be? Don't you have this whole initiative to get rid of ghosts?” Tucker argued.
If anything, that seemed to amuse Vlad more. He set the tablet down and said, “But of course, I wasn't insinuating anything. I merely just acknowledge that Daniel is your best friend and that most of you youths enjoy Phantom's presence in this city.”
“Only the blind ones do. I know better. Phantom is bringing the ghosts into this town. Mr. Masters, you know how all ghosts have Obsessions?”
“Yes, I am aware.”
“Well, Phantom’s Obsession is being a hero, right? What's more heroic than setting up a bunch of ghost fights to 'save' people from?”
Vlad's smile was almost impossibly wide now. “Yes, I understand.”
Something was amusing to that billionaire creep, but Tucker hardly had time to figure out what before Vlad was up out of his seat, pacing around his kitchen.
“You see, I already know all this. You understand, I'm the one funding this city's anti-ghost initiative. And I also know that young Daniel is Phantom.”
Tucker's jaw dropped. “You do?”
“But of course, I do!” Vlad pulled his phone from his pocket and tapped on it for a minute before passing it off to Tucker. In an encrypted app that Tucker didn't recognize was a video. 
“Well, go on,” Vlad said.
Tucker pressed play on the video to see a dimly lit alley with Phantom standing at the end of it. He glanced around, and then white rings appeared, passing over his body. A white T-shirt and jeans replaced a black suit, and black hair replaced white hair.
The rings disappeared, and the person that remained was none other than Danny Fenton.
Tucker blinked, and his head snapped out of the memory. His eyes refocused, and Danny Fenton sat in front of him, still talking to Sam, his posture still far too easygoing for someone who wasn't even human.
His human form was impressively detailed. His unruly black hair, dash of freckles on his cheeks, blue eyes, and pointed nose—all signature traits of Danny. He had gotten it almost perfect.
It made Tucker's blood boil, and he struggled to push it down, keep it in check. Ghosts could feel intense emotions.
The calm mask slipped over him once more, and Tucker was empty. Just empty.
Just how, when he stared into Danny's eyes, he could see that same emptiness too. There was no humanity left. No, that'd died almost two years ago now. All that remained was a ghost. 
He wanted his friend back. But that was impossible. The only thing that he could do now was wipe all ghosts out so no one ever suffered the way Tucker was right now.
He was a hacker, so once he got the tech, programming it was a piece of cake. Okay, so maybe it was a little bit harder than that, but he was nothing if not determined.
And he was nothing if not a damn good programmer.
And now he had the power to fix this, end the ghostly invasion in Amity, end Phantom's terrorizing reign, and set his former friend free.
“What do you think, Tuck?” Danny turned to face Tucker.
“Huh?” Tucker grunted, his elbow nearly slipping from his desk. “Sorry, what are we talking about?”
Sam rolled her eyes. “Jeez, you really have been spacey today. Sleep well last night?”
No, he hadn't, actually. Because Phantom had set up another attack at 2 a.m. and so Tucker had to intervene.
Danny was wearing long sleeves today. Good. It meant that Tucker's shot really had nailed his bicep.
“No, sorry,” Tucker chuckled. “Was rushing to get Lancer's essay done. I can't work on it this weekend; my cousins are coming to town.”
“Again?” Sam asked.
No, they weren't. Tucker hadn't seen his cousins since Christmas. 
“Yeah, my aunt and my mom are in this whole midlife crisis thing right now. Want to make sure we all bond properly or something.” Tucker waved his hand haphazardly. “You know how moms are.”
That was the perfect trigger for Sam, who huffed expectantly. “Oh yeah, don't even get me started. My mom is still trying to make me bond with Kate. Kate's two years older than me and was the head of her cheer team. Like, hello? You can only imagine what her playlists are like.”
“You should blast some death metal next time,” Danny said.
“Trust me, I have. It's the only way to get her to shut up.”
“Must not be death enough.” Danny flashed his teeth in a mischievous smile. “I’m sure I can help put together a playlist if you want.”
That cocky motherfucker…
Did he enjoy gloating over everyone? Did he really laugh at them when he was alone, all the stupid, idiotic, airhead humans who he thought didn’t notice anything?
Squashing his emotions was suddenly too difficult, and just before the internal tea kettle was able to whistle, Tucker was saved by the bell.
Oh, thank god.
Tucker was out of his seat before anyone else, scooping his notebook from his desk, throwing his bag over his shoulder, and racing out the door before Sam or Danny could catch up.
Still, when against his better conscience he glanced over to his friends, he didn’t miss the subtle look Danny gave him or the green glint in the corner of his eye…
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
If only it was easy.
[read more of my work]
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azkiyy · 1 year
I have another yandere character idea!
I present to you.....
Yandere! Digital assistant!!!!!
TW: hostage? Possessive tendency. That's it, ig..
He's a digital assistant of the devices created by the inventor of the most successful tech company.
The company, much like apple and android, is a company that makes tech devices.
Their phone has been used by 87% of the world's population. And like any other mobile devices, they have an assistant (like siri or google assistant). They call it Byte, but you can always change his name.
You have always wanted their phone, and you're lucky enough to get it for your birthday!
To say that you're happy was an understatement. You were ecstatic, you almost crush your pet while jumping around.
The unique thing about the phone was that it comes with a manual for the users that just consists of introducing yourself to the phone (that sounds weird, but bare with me!).
The first thing the user needs to do is turn on the phone (obviously) and wait. After a couple seconds, the screen will show a sight of a person.
The person will then show a soft smile, along with a "Hi, I am Byte. Your personal digital assistant! Please show your face to the screen, so I can recognize your facial features."
He then scans your face and after the scanning was completed, he'll smile.
"Pleased to be working with you!" He'll say then the screen finally fades to your homescreen.
You have had the phone for two years now. And he has been nothing but helpful. But you started to notice a slight odd thing about your assistant.
When you see your friends phone, their assistant always seems to pop up whenever they need them. But yours just pop up randomly at any time of the day, giving you random facts or a recipe that you might like.
You tried taking it to the store, but when they checked, there is nothing wrong with it. So, for the next months, you just have to put up with him popping up when you're playing a game, browsing, shopping online or even when you're just scrolling through your favorite app.
But the thing you noticed most is the fact that he pops up more often when you're texting someone. Be it your mother, your friends, your coworkers, your boss, ANYONE!
And the phone will hang up in a middle of a call.
And whenever you put it on silent, IT DOESN'T WORK!
That's where you draw the line and takes the phone to get it returned.
I mean, come on! Do you know how embarrassing it is for you to stand on the train and suddenly your phone plays your guilty pleasure song (The song people seems to hate or cringe but you actually like it and you pretend to hate it. Only me? Okay..)?! IT'S SO FUCKING EMBARRASSING!!!!!
You finally returned it. The workers spewing out apologies as they hand you a new replacement. You thanked them then walks out of the store, feeling satisfied with the new object in your hands.
At first, things went pretty smooth. Your new phone and assistant didn't have any glitches. It was great!
Until one day, that is...
You're currently getting a snack from the kitchen. Your phone tucked between your ear and shoulder, calling your coworker, Jim about the paperwork you have to do this week.
"Sorry, y/n. Mr. Brown told me to give you some of my paperwork as I will be helping him with a new project for the company."
"It's fine, Jim. You needed that raise. Besides, I needed something to keep me busy for a while."
"Yeah, okay. Sorry, y/n... Can I at least take you to that cafe across the building? The guilt is eating me!"
You chuckled, getting a glass of water.
"Fine, if that'll make you feel better."
"Alright then. See you at wor-"
Beep... beep.... beep
"... Hello? Jim?"
"Yes, my love..?"
"What the- Jim? Are you okay...?"
"Jim is okay, my love.."
You paused when you hear another voice speaks up.
"W-who are you? Where's Jim?"
"You don't need to worry about him, darling~ You'll be safe with me..."
As the person speaks, your house lights flickered. The new lock you bought that you connected to your phone, locked on its own. Everything connected to your phone goes out of control. You waste no time to bang on your front door, screaming for help. Then you hear your bluetooth speaker turns on.
"There's no use in screaming, my love. The walls are soundproof, remember..?"
"Damn it!" You cursed yourself for installing those walls. If only your neighbor knows how to keep it down, you should have been able to ask for help.
"What do you want from me?!" You screamed, stepping closer to your speaker.
"Isn't it obvious?... I want you, my love~ I want you to keep me and not abandon me again."
"W-what do you mean, 'again'?"
"... You seriously don't remember..?" He asked, seconds later the lightbulb above you shattered, making you jump.
"I was the best thing that have ever happened to you. I was the thing that helped you go through those lonely nights. I was there when you got that promotion. I loved you. I tried to get your attention many times. And I thought by popping up randomly, you will finally notice me. But I was wrong. Instead, you got rid of me... You traded me for some other assistant! I couldn't bare the thought of loosing you, so I did what I have to do... I hacked into your new phone and erase your new assistant out of existence... So we could be together... Forever~...!"
He started laughing maniacally, the things around you shaking, making you tremble in fear. You can't do anything at this point..
With the doors and windows locked and no way of screaming for help, you just have to be by his side forever...
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amourists · 2 months
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A guide to decluttering your phone
If you’re someone like me who uses their phone the moment they wake up till the second they fall asleep (7 hours screen time yikess) it’s important to keep your phone organised and up to date. some of these i’ll do every few weeks and others once a year depending on how cluttered it feels.
clean out contacts and update info - every year i’ll go through my contacts and delete any numbers I don’t want anymore, add names to numbers I haven’t saved etc
delete any unused apps - this saves so much storage and space but I don’t have to do this often as I try to be mindful of what i download - think if you really need an app for it or if you could just use it on your google browser. optional; organise your apps into folders for different categories e.g games, school
update apps - something I do every few months; go into the app store and update the apps I have so everything runs much smoother with no bugs
delete unwanted photos and videos - one of the biggest reasons for lack of storage is your photos app. I know so many people who have basically the same picture x15 or 5 minute long videos of fireworks - whilst memories are important to keep, having a cluttered camera roll can make going through these memories hard - clip videos so they’re under a minute, clip the main parts, delete any duplicates and get rid of screenshots you don’t need - I do this every few weeks
organise photos and videos into albums - mostly just for aesthetics, i like to make albums of photos i’ve taken in different countries, an album for food, nails etc something that can be done in a car ride if you’re bored
delete unneeded text threads - this also takes up storage and most of these you wont even look back on. it can also be good for your mental health - delete that text thread with your ex so you can stop looking at it
reminders app - I have so many random to do lists there that I just forget to check off heh
clock app - delete those alarms you don’t need and all those different world clocks you won’t refer to
calendar app - add new events like peoples birthdays you need to remember and delete any reoccurring events you don’t need anymore, organise with different colours based on if its for school, work or personal.
update software - if my phone is glitching out 9/10 its because i haven’t updated it in a while
delete unwanted notes - the amount of notes i have with random letters or numbers… it makes it hard to find the notes i actually need so i’ll go through them every few months
notifications - go to your settings and turn off any notifications you don’t want to receive and go through any notifications you might have missed aka those 99+ messages
emails - delete and unsubscribe from any you don’t need
delete tabs on google/safari - all my safari tabs stay open if i close the app so sometimes tabs i don’t need pile up
change phone layout - change your wallpaper, make different lock screens, change app icons, add widgets and change the layout to make your phone feel more refreshed
most of these can be easily done in road trips or just when you’re bored, lmk if i missed anything you do!
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 4 months
So, I'm not a big fan of a lot of the mechanics in the Sims 4, but that's not to say I don't enjoy playing it! It's relaxing and fun.... But then shit like this happens:
So, Giorno is weirdly obsessed with my sim (not in love with him, just won't leave him alone)
I'm not sure if this is a glitch or normal, but even though Giorno doesn't have the keys to my house... he keeps breaking into my house in the middle of the night, breaking my laptops, breaking my toilets, singing, and constantly trying to talk to everyone in the household even though we need to sleep to get up for work the next day.
On top of that, he constantly calls me and I keep getting the pop ups, "Giorno wants to chat, will you answer?" I hit "no no no no no"
Do you want to know my breaking point? 😭
I had lost two hours of progress (I forgot to save, I usually save a lot and I also have multiple save files, but this time was different for some horrible reason)
My husbands Vanilla and Bel, and I were at the Romance Festival. We were having a wonderful time and hanging out. I wanted to grab some food since Bel had gotten the ramen. I also wanted a nice bowl of ramen, so I went over to the stand.
So I clicked, "No" and guess what happened?!?!
The screen froze. It had that blue, unclickable haze, permanently etched into my screen. I couldn't do anything and I didn't even know what to look up in order to fix it 😔... So I ended my game and started all over.
I was pissed... And honestly, if he wasn't Giorno specifically, and he was just some random sim, I would've ended his life a long time ago 😡 but apparently even death doesn't stop these clingy Sims. Because even as a ghost, they will still call and text you from beyond the damn grave 😭 (which is one of the reasons I make sure to send them to the afterlife immediately, these ghosts can get annoying)
So yeah... Instead I used that master command center mod to go ahead and make Giorno forget I even existed so he'd stop freaking calling me every 5 seconds and at the worst times 😭
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eksentrismi · 4 months
does techyll or mechyde have a physical face/form? something they distinctly can be associated with whenever they appear?
Well, it depends a lot. Jekyll (Techyll) uses many appearances, since he's slowly forgetting his actual old appearance, and he can pretty much generate himself to look like anything.
However, he usually appears as ASCII art-portrait on either a terminal or any photo viewer-program, Word, WordPad, Notepad etc. And it can be animated too, basically to make it look like he can actually show expressions or his lips move when he talks.
Kinda something like this (I was gonna try "replicate" this in an actual terminal on my PC, but I couldn't make it work so lmao, just have this random PNG-thing instead. I generated this using an online image-to-ASCII generator though!):
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Hyde (Mechyde) then is just a bunch of messed up, corrupted jumbled data, glitchy photos (eg. results from databending), obscure generated stuff (think of like those.... really uncanny weird AI pics, but with glitches and corruptions) etc. Though usually when he causes chaos, his "face" doesn't appear, just his messed up "voice" can be heard (or if there's no speakers, he speaks with text much like Jekyll; but the texts are really odd and nonsensical, or straight up horrible to read)... but when it does, it keeps popping up many times on the screen like a typical old-school malware. And during his self-destructive chaos, he either screams some horrific mechanical agonizing screams, hateful talk or he just keeps generating text on the screen... it really depends and you can let your imagination go wild, he's like out of a tech-related horror-type of thing, lol.
Example image is below the text cut, but gotta give you a quick eye strain & bright colors-warning!!
Something like this pretty much:
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