#now I’m really anxious to go see Paul at least once
tenitchyfingers · 8 months
There’s something so beautiful and special and melancholic about Beautiful Night too. Like… Linda being in it just shortly before she passed 💔 but also Ringo being in it, the melody and the switch from one section to the other, Paul’s voice… I can’t. What a song. What an album.
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Wildest dreams, pt. 27
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Summary: While Y/N takes a walk with Bella, Paul discovers the truth about his worst fear.
Warnings: angst, fluff, sexual innuendos, swearing, talking about death
Wildest Dreams Masterlist
At first, it felt weird eating while the Cullens carried most of the conversation. Y/N listened to their banter and memories of their latest trip to Antarctica because Emmett decided to pick up photography as his newest college course. For such a big, confident man, Emmett shyly offered Y/N a peak into his work which she gladly accepted. 
Unlike Emmett’s photography interest, Rosalie was much more interested in talking about writing, another one of Y/N’s hobbies. She’s barely had time to write or read in years, but it’s still a dream she once hoped would come true. If she didn’t become a doctor, she’d have been an author.
Inhaling deeply, she knew the Cullen’s did their homework on her. Whether it was Jacob spilling the beans, or if Paul tried to give them solid ideas for conversation, it was painfully obvious they’ve done their best to make her comfortable in their home and she’s grateful. She didn’t know what to expect when they agreed to this get-together, but she’s put at ease now. Vampires aren’t quite as bad as movies and lore would have her think, at least vegetarians aren’t.
Placing a hand on Paul’s thigh, she takes a sip of water as she glances at him. Realizing his gaze is on her, she gives him an earnest smile of reassurance, igniting hope in his heart. He’s been more anxious than Y/N, especially whenever he felt the fear swirling in her body that kept him on edge for days now. That fear is subdued now, whether it’s real or due to Jasper’s meddling, Paul couldn’t quite tell. Either way, Paul’s relieved. Perhaps Y/N won’t be so quick to say no now.
“The food is spectacular”, Y/N dabs her lips with the napkin, “honestly.”
“Esme trained in France for a while”, Carlisle gushes. “Every winter, for ten years to be exact.”
Smiling, Esme places her hand into Carlisle’s. “And so did Carlisle. It was our favorite winter pastime.”
“And the salad was really good too”; Y/N adds quickly, glancing at Rosalie’s emerging smirk.
“I see Paul presented me in the best light.”
Chuckling, Y/N nods as Paul rolls his eyes. “Had to warn her. If she can survive hurricane Rosalie, she’ll do well with everyone else”, Paul states.
“I’m not that bad”, Rosalie argues.
Giving her a pointed look, Bella speaks up. “You terrified me!”
Grimacing, Rosalie stands. Picking up her plate, she shrugs. “I didn’t like you then”; Rosalie defends. “Her”, she points at Y/N with a smug smirk upon her face, “I like.”
“Shots fired”, Emmett exclaims, cackling.
Sharing a quick look with Paul, Y/N smiles lightly as he takes her hand under the table. “Thank you”, he mouths and she nods, wanting to tell him she loves him enough to do this for him a thousand times over but instead, she remains quiet.
“Let’s help clean up”, Renesmee says as she and Jacob stand.
“We’ll help too”, Y/N volunteers.
“I have a better idea”, Bella suggests. “Would you like to take a walk with me?”
“Alone?” Paul frowns as Bella nods in confirmation.
“Sure”, Y/N manages a smile. Leaning in, she pecks Paul’s lips gently. “I’ll be fine.”
Swallowing thickly, Paul sighs. “If you need me”, he begins.
“I’ll call”, she smiles. “Don’t worry.”
“Impossible”, he reminds her. He always worries, awake or asleep, near or far, Paul worries.
Letting go of Paul’s warm hand, Y/N and Bella leave the kitchen.
“Would you like Jasper to follow us?” Bella asks.
Shaking her head, Y/N glances at Paul over her shoulder. He’s still looking at her with uncertainty. Despite every argument they’ve had recently, Paul barely left her side. Each and every minute only brings him more anxiety over her uncertain fate and no amount of reassuring words on her behalf will ever quell his thundering heart.
“It’s okay”, Y/N states. “Jasper doesn’t need to accompany us.”
Content with her answer, Bella leads the way. She wonders if she should have told Y/N that even though they’re going off alone, any of the Cullens wanting to listen in would be able to do just that. Their hearing is unmatched and it’s impossible for Y/N’s human legs to ever walk far enough in a simple walk to escape their abilities. It used to scare Bella as a human, having little to no privacy gets tiresome after a while, but it’s the most mundane part of her life for a long time now. In the end, Bella decides not to warn Y/N, hoping for an honest conversation. After all, didn’t Paul ask her and her family to convince Y/N to make the same choice she once made? Even if she fails, discovering reasons behind Y/N’s reluctance can only help Paul do the job himself.
Walking out onto the back deck, Bella walks down a path leading into the woods. Letting out a shuddered breath, Y/N clenches her jaw and follows after. She’s never been in the woods without Paul. Since she came back to town, Paul made certain she didn’t trek around the woods alone, even when they were still in their frenemy phase. Despite her spewing hate every chance she was given, Paul protected her.
“I’m sure you have questions”, Bella starts, “and I’m more than willing to answer anything you ask.”
Nodding, Y/N sighs. “You seem to be the only one.”
“It wouldn’t be fair otherwise”, Bella notes. “I knew what I was getting into when I asked join the family. I chose this life so I could be with Edward. I don’t regret it.”
Clearing her throat, Y/N looks at her feet. “You always knew you wanted to be one of them?”
“Since the moment I knew what they were, yes. Edward was the one who didn’t like the idea.”
Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N licks her lips. “How come?”
Smiling, Bella pauses. “He seemed to believe his kind…our kind, have lost our souls. I had a different opinion on the subject.”
“Do you still have the same opinion?”
“Becoming a vampire doesn’t change who you are”, Bella continues to walk. “Your senses are stronger, your thirst for blood is…difficult but manageable. You get a lot more time since you lose the ability to sleep, which allows you to do all you’ve ever wanted to do. Any hobby, any activity”, Bella smirks, “for however long you want.”
Pulling down her sleeves over her hands, Y/N nods. “Jacob said you didn’t have a lot of issues with controlling your thirst for blood.”
“It’s not easy, not even for me, but I had a good support system. Besides, my daughter is part human, I have no choice but to control myself.”
“And your feelings for Edward didn’t change?” Y/N looks at Bella, her eyes glossy.
“They did”, Bella smiles. “I loved him even more. Every emotion you have ever felt feels like it has no bounds once you become one of us.”
“I worry it would be different for me and Paul”, Y/N admits. “We’re bound by an imprint bond. What if feelings and memories of our past are affected by the bond? What if I say yes and become a vampire only for that bond to be severed and”, Y/N closes her eyes, covering her mouth. “I would never give up on what we have now. Death would be kinder than to find out it was all a lie.”
“Is that truly the only reason you’re hesitant?” Bella asks, her golden eyes seem almost empathic. It’s hard to tell what emotions lie underneath the surface, but she seems to care.
“I want kids”, Y/N says quietly, as if her desires are a sin. “To be there for my dad as he enters the last stages of his life and care for him”, Y/N pauses as her lips quiver. “I want to get married and to travel the world and watch as Paul grows older too. He had such a good grip on his anger and now he’s shifting again and I feel like every time he does it I lose a part of him I can never get back.” Sniffling, Y/N looks up at the sky with a lump at the back of her throat. “If I turn, he’d shift every day to keep himself from aging too and I know he hates it. So he’d spend an eternity doing what he hates? How will that not be a reason for him to resent me down the line? And not to mention me hunting animals and drinking their blood? He’d be disgusted with me! And what happens if I kill someone? If I can’t control myself and someone gets hurt, he’d hate me! I’d hate me! I spent so much time learning how to save lives, I don’t want to be a killer!”
Placing her hands on Y/N’s shoulders, Bella gives her a light shake to stop her rambling. “You really gave it some thought.”
“Of course I did”, Y/N admits. “I thought of his solution before he did. But if becoming a vampire means risking what he and I have now and losing everything we both wanted our future to be…is it truly worth it?”
“You know we can ask Alice”, Bella reminds her. “She can try to see the future if you get past your fears and make a firm decision now.”
Scoffing, Y/N feels the familiar sting of tears forming in her eyes. “I can’t.”
“But you’d be okay if Paul dies when you do?” Bella gives Y/N’s shoulders a tighter squeeze before releasing her, choosing to fold her arms over her chest.
“No one knows if that’s real. It doesn’t have to be death, it could mean a million different things.”
“Sometimes, death is kinder.” Bella signs before continuing the walk.
“Was your brush with death kind?” Y/N asks. “Paul told me how it happened, but”, she pauses, “how did it feel for you?”
“Painful”, Bella answers. “I was scared and in so much pain that I’d black out several times before my heart stopped. All I remember is the smell of blood and a cry before my heart gave out.”
Swallowing thickly, Y/N nods. “And the process? When the venom was in your system?”
“Far worse than anything I’ve experienced before.” Looking at Y/N, Bella smiles. “And I’d still go through with it.”
Chewing on the inside of her bottom lip, Y/N blinks fast as she twirls her engagement ring over and over again. “I’m scared.”
“The pain is temporary”, Bella comforts her.
“I’m scared of what Paul’s seen”, Y/N interjects. “He has this look”, she rubs her temple before huffing. “It’s like he’s haunted by this image of my body and he barely told me what happens, only that it’s violent and”, Y/N shakes her head as a panicked giggle passes her lips. “No matter what I choose, apparently violence and pain is guaranteed.”
Frowning, Bella allows herself the freedom of wrapping an arm around Y/N, pulling her closer in an awkward side hug. “That’s true. But only one of those two options ensure you’ll live to tell the tale.”
“Bella seems to be making progress”, Edward notes.
Pacing up and down the living room, Paul nods in acknowledgment. “If she gets her to agree, tell Bella I’ll let her punch me. Without wolfing out on her this time.”
Smiling, Edward shakes his head. “She can hear you just fine.”
“Eleazar is back”, Carlisle warns Paul, showing him to the couch. “I’m sure he’d prefer the less known wolf to be seated and calm before he comes inside.”
Paul doesn’t argue, taking a seat next to Edward immediately. As soon as he sat down, the door opened. The vampire doesn’t speed up as he walks into the room like Paul’s used to. Instead, his eyes darken and focused on Carlisle.
Glancing at Edward, Paul frowns when he sees even he has lost the playfulness from earlier and his lips are pressed in a thin line.
“What am I missing here?” Paul dares to ask, his heart roaring as a new wave of anxiety rushes through his veins.
“Y/N can’t be turned”, Edward states, his eyes still glued to Eleazar.
“Speak, friend.” Carlisle sits on the couch across from Paul, watching his friend do the same.
“She’s a healer”, Eleazar spits out, as if in agony.
Almost fearful, Carlisle asks, “Like Cassandra?”
“Yes”, Eleazar confirms.
“Who the fuck is Cassandra and what does she have to do with my Y/N?” Paul raises his voice ever so slightly, his hands beginning to tremble as Carlisle turns to him.
“She was a friend with a very rare ability.”
Scoffing, Eleazar continues. “So rare that she’s the only one that’s ever had it…until now.”
“What’s so wrong with healing?” Paul furrows his eyebrows, clasping his hands in order to calm their shaking.
“Healing abilities mean being a cure all for everything in this world”, Carlisle states. “Even vampires.”
Blinking fast, Rosalie’s lips part. “She could cure vampirism?”
Swallowing thickly, Carlisle nods. “Which is what happened with Cassandra. She cured a Volturi guard by accident. She didn’t even know she could do it and when Aro found out”, Carlisle pauses, closing his eyes as Edward continues for him.
“They killed her”, Edward says. “Ripped her to shreds while she begged for mercy.”
“Then burned her so she couldn’t heal herself”, Eleazar explains bitterly. “As if she could. Truth be told, she was a cure all for humans and vampires, but she was unable to do it for herself. Cassandra never wanted to be a vampire.”
“Hold up”, Paul stands, unable to keep himself calm. “Why would they kill for curing a vampire?”
“Because she’s a threat”, Jacob sighs. “And they’ll see Y/N as a threat too.”
“A threat to what?” Paul growls. “Y/N wouldn’t go around curing vampires!”
“It’s Y/N”, Jacob reminds him. He still remembers how insistent Y/N was in helping every single animal she encountered, despite the danger to herself and she certainly never shied away from helping strangers no matter how often Jacob got mad at her for it. She’s always done the illogical, dangerous thing as long as she believed it would help someone. Sighing, Jacob continues, “She’d be unable to walk away from humans she could help and if someone”; he glances at Rosalie, “anyone asked her to cure them from vampirism, Y/N would do it.”
“Then we make sure the Volturi never find out about her”, Paul exclaims. “We would be the only ones aware of this healing ability she might have in case she chooses to turn.”
“Arlo would know”, Edward remarks. “Even if you tried to hide it and all of us managed to escape him reading our minds, eventually someone Y/N decides to help would tell another living soul and you’d have a wildfire of rumors spreading across the world and Arlo would be at your door within a day.”
Slamming his fist on the table, Paul shouts, “WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!”
“Live whatever time you have left to the fullest”, Eleazar says, earning himself a glare from Jacob.
"No," Paul mutters to himself, his voice a low growl, as if the very act of denying it could change the truth. How can he accept this?
He glances around the lavish room, his gaze landing on the grand piano by the corner, the ornate furniture, and the exquisite artwork on the walls. None of it means anything to him, it can’t anchor him as his thoughts are running rampant. All he can think about is her, his imprint, the woman he would do anything for.
His heart pounds in his chest, a mixture of fear and desperation twisting his insides. He can hear the faint sound of his own breath, rapid and uneven, as his thoughts race. He wishes he can just phase into his wolf form, let the transformation release some of this overwhelming emotion. But he can't do that here, not in this place.
The realization hits him like a wave crashing against the shore—he’s helpless. There is nothing he can do, no way to save her. He’s always prided himself on being strong, on being the protector. But now, faced with this situation, he feels powerless.
He closes his eyes, his hands trembling. Images of her flash in his mind—her smile, the sound of her voice when she talks about him, the way she looks at him with eyes full of love, even when he makes her angry. He feels a lump form in his throat as the weight of his emotions threaten to overwhelm him. He had imprinted on her, their souls forever bound, and yet he can't save her.
A growl of frustration rumbles in his chest, the sound barely contained. He wants to throw this table he’s gripping straight out of a window, to unleash his anger in a physical way. He wants to let his wolf instincts take over, to tear through the room, to howl his pain to the heavens. But he can't. Not here.
With a deep breath, he tries to steady himself. He knows that losing control won't help her, none of it will change the situation.
“If you want to and Y/N is willing to join our family, I don’t see a reason why we wouldn’t try”, Rosalie states, shocking Paul to his core. She’s likely doing this in order to have a promise of a cure for herself, but he still appreciates it.
“It would be like a putting a target on our backs for an eternity”, Emmett argues with her.
“Renesmee, Edward, Bella and Alice all have exceptional abilities that already put targets on our family. What’s one more?”
Emmett shakes his head, giving Rosalie a pointed look. “There’s a real chance it could be one too many.”
“Leaving her to this fate would be cruel”, Esme argues.
Desperate, Rosalie looks at her sister. “Alice?”
With a blank look, Alice shrugs. “I can’t see anything. As long as Y/N is undecided, we”, Alice pauses, her eyes widening as she gasps loudly. “NO”, she shouts at Rosalie who takes a step back.
Edward grabs her forearm firmly, stopping her from running off. “You can’t.”
“What is it Alice”, Jasper asks, rubbing her arm up and down.
“Rosalie made the decision instead”, Alice frowns. “If she were to turn Y/N, it would start a war with the Volturi. I don’t know how, but they’d know of her abilities. Soon.” With a shiver running down her spine, Alice looks to Paul with sorrow in her eyes. “Even if Y/N doesn’t turn, the mere promise of what she could become will be enough for the Volturi to act with lethal force.”
Covering his face, Jacob shakes his head. “Are you telling me that she’d have been fine if we didn’t try to convince Y/N to become a vampire?”
Paul remains quiet as he can't shake off the gnawing realization that his actions, his reckless words, have set in motion a chain of events that will ultimately lead to the very thing he's been desperately trying to prevent. He’s the reason she dies.
His fingers grip his hair in frustration, his dark eyes burning with a mix of anger and fear. Every step she takes now feels like a countdown, each heartbeat echoing a haunting reminder of the impending danger. He never meant for any of this to happen, never intended to put her life at risk.
Out there, in the woods, Y/N walks alongside Bella Swan, unaware of the storm that rages within Paul's heart. He can almost hear her laughter, a sound that's both beautiful and agonizing. He pictures her smile, her eyes lighting up with joy, and he can't help but let out a guttural growl. How can he bear the weight of knowing what's to come?
It’s my fault.
“It’s not your fault”, Edward tries, but it’s of no use.
His hands ball into fists at his sides, his nails digging into his palms as if the pain might help him focus, might offer some sort of release from the torment of his thoughts. He wants to reach out to her, to grab her and pull her away from the path that leads to danger. His instinct is to be her shield, her guardian, to keep her safe at any cost.
I killed her.
Paul's breath comes in short, ragged gasps as he struggles to hold back the tears that threaten to spill. He's barely holding it together, his emotions a tumultuous whirlwind that threatens to consume him. He wants to break something, to let out the howl of agony that's building up inside him. But he can't. He can't let anyone see the depth of his pain. Edward and Jasper feel it, they share his agony unwillingly, but the rest will not see him fall apart.
I did this.
He closes his eyes, and for a moment, he imagines holding Y/N in his arms, comforting her, protecting her from the darkness that looms ahead. His heart aches at the thought, a deep ache that resonates through every fiber of his being. He wishes he could be there with her, to whisper in her ear that he's here, that he'll always be here.
I’m so sorry.
As the minutes tick by, he fights the overwhelming urge to phase, to run into the woods and find her, to be with her and shield her from the world ending, because that’s what it feels like. But Paul knows that he can't, he’s not safe to be around now as his body trembles violently. He’s a coward, allowing himself to succumb to the need of shifting, abandoning Y/N in this mess of his making.
Forgive me.
Without a word, Paul rushes to the door. Slamming it behind him, he runs toward the woods as his human bounds are ripped apart and the wolf takes over once again.
Tags: @b-tchymoon​ @squiddaloo​ @abbiesxox​ @kellyashcroft​  @the-chaotic-cow​​ @xxxjaexxx​​ @captainrogers-19​​ @bexloxl​​ @llovergirlll​​ @adaydreamaway08​​ @sunsetevergreen​​ @volturiwolf​​ @twihard08​​ @galacticstxrdust​​ @sorrow-and-bliss​​ @ireadthensuetheauthors​​ @missxmarvelous​​ @locokoca​​ @unstablekay​​ @makhaia​​ @venusdelaroix​​ @avadakadabra93​​ @tearsforhan​​ @a-marie-a​​ @lendeluxe​​ @seagulls-corner​​ @jdbxws​​ @konigslilslut​​ @rottenstyx​​ @itsmytimetoodream​​ @dreamerwasfound​​ @convolutings​​  @thingfromlove​​ @jennyamanda8​​ @havecourage-darling​​ @luvr-exe​​ @alittlejudgemental​​ @turningtoclown​​ @emptydoorsandpaintedwindows​​ @marvelmenarebeautiful​​ @bringmethe-world​​ @alitaar​​ @sugasthreedollarkookie​​ @chloe-skywalker​​ @heyheyheyggg​​ @feral-ratatattat-king​​ @queereddie​​ @fandomrulesall-blog​​ @queenotaku27​​ @dcgoddess​​ @lilac-crowns-blog​​ @small-town-wayward-daughter​​ @yourqueentp​​ @boreddemigodd​​ @chaosgoblinreblogsthings​​ @felinegrate​​ @lunajay33​​ @gtfoana​​ @hpboysslut2707​​ @tpwk-harry-styles​​ @amberpanda99​​ @let-love-bleeds-red​​ @mo-s-blog​​​ @nj01​​ @myheadsinanotherworld​​ @problematicpastry​​ 
A/N: I promised angst, didn’t I? Let me know what you think about this one, and as always if anyone wants to be tagged (or have their tag removed) just send an ask or leave a comment, just make sure your blog visibility settings are on and that your blog hasn’t been flagged (blurry pfp is usually your clue that you have been flagged) as those are most common reasons why tumblr won’t let you be tagged. Also keep in mind changing your @ might mean you lose your tag since I can’t track everyone down when that happens. 
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iliumheightnights · 3 years
One With Nature | Paul Lahote x Male Reader
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Fandom: Twilight Pairing: Paul Lahote x Male Reader Prompt: How would Paul react if his boyfriend/mate/crush was an Ecopath? Meaning he telepathically hears and connects to Nature. Like the rocks, the ocean, the sky, the stars, the trees, animals, etc. all have a soul or voice that he can hear.
AN: Hey guys! Sorry for being quiet recently. I've hit a really bad/big down slump and have just not been having a good time. Hopefully this will slowly get me back into things! This is a prompt/ask that @echoesystem asked for! Hope you enjoy!
M/n saw on the beach of La Push, his hands pushed into the mix of sand and rocks. With his eyes closed, he took in the smell of the ocean air and felt the squashed sand between his fingers. As he took in the vibrations, he could hear the whales swimming deep below the waves. It was all just...so relaxing and calming to him.
They’re coming.
The voices said to him. Opening his eyes he heard the shouting and excited calls of the familiar voices. Soon M/n felt strong arms wrap around him. “Hey, sorry for keeping you waiting. You’re not cold are you?”
“No Paul I’m alright. It’s rather relaxing sitting out here. Calming.”
Paul chuckled and nuzzled his head into his boyfriend’s shoulder. M/n could feel that there was something bothering him. He could feel his boyfriend’s emotions, angry, nervous, questioning. Something was going on.
“You okay?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”
“I just...you feel tense. Is something wrong?”
“It’s nothing...we just have a meeting with the leaches later today.”
“What? Why?” That was the big question. The vampires and Pack have been enemies for ages, sure they had a treaty but why have a meeting unless something was going on? “Paul, what aren’t you telling me?”
Paul looked at him with a frown. “I’m sorry M/n. It’s pack business, I can’t say anything.” M/n could see Paul hated keeping the information from him but that didn’t help put his mind at ease. “Just know...the pack...I will protect you.” M/n hugged Paul a bit tighter, if not to comfort him, then to comfort himself.
M/n sat on the porch of the Pack House. The boys had left not too long ago to meet with the Cullens. None of the boys told him anything about what was going on and when he asked Emily, she hadn’t even known they were meeting with them. What was being kept secret?
With a sigh, M/n stood up and walked over to a tree near the house. “Well...let’s see what we can find out.” Placing his hand on the tree’s trunk he whispered to it. “Please. Help me find out what’s being kept from me.” Like the tree was taking pity on him, M/n’s mind began travelling through the roots.
The trees rushed past him as his mind travelled. A few animals fly past as well. Soon everything was slowing down and he took in the sight in front of him. The pack in their wolf forms were with the Cullens. M/n sat on a branch and took watched what they were doing. Luckily none of them would notice him since only his mind travelled, his body was back at the Pack House.
The one vampire, Carlisle, was talking about something...newborns. They were talking about how an army of these newborns was on their way. That’s why the Pack was here, to fight this army. Now that M/n knew about what their secret was he’d have to talk to Paul about it. He could help with them.
He continued to watch them as they trained. Taking in all the tips that the Cullens were giving the pack, they’d be useful to him too. Soon the meeting broke up and the pack and Cullens went their separate ways for now. M/n let his mind get reeled back to his body back at the Pack House. Opening his eyes he gave the tree a pat. “Thanks for your help. I appreciate it a lot.”
Going back to the porch, he awaited the return of the Pack. It didn’t take too long for them to come home. M/n watched as the boys walked out of the woods Sam looked serious while the rest joked around with each other.
Once Paul caught sight of him his smile grew even larger and the boy came rushing to him, pulling him into a hug. “Sorry for taking so long. Hope you weren’t too bored.” M/n smiled and hugged him back. “No not at all...um...let’s have a talk.”
M/n could feel that Paul had stiffened up a bit. “Is it about anything bad?” M/n chuckled and shook his head. “Maybe for you, but no. Not terrible. Come on.” He pulled Paul along with him into the forest just a bit more so they were away from the house and the others but still in the safety of being near them.
Paul froze hearing that. “W-what? What do you mean? Were you following us?”
M/n sighed and pressed a hand near a tree. “No..but yes. It’s complicated.”
Paul’s face turned to a questionable one. “How did you hear about it? We would have known you were there.” With that M/n told Paul about everything. All about him being an Ecopath and what his powers can do. Paul was shocked, to say the least.
“I-w-why didn’t you tell me! This is so cool! You can talk with plants and animals!”
“I know, I can even hear you guys in wolf form.”
“That’s so freaking cool. We should tell the guys!” Paul excitedly started heading back to the house.
“Yeah! But first...let me help you guys.”
Paul stopped in his tracks. He knew exactly what M/n was trying to ask. “What? No. I can’t let you get hurt. Just stay here while we handle it.”
“Paul, I can help. Let me help.”
“No.” Paul didn’t say anything else as he walked back to the house, leaving his boyfriend behind. M/n knew Paul would say that, he just figured he’d give him the benefit of asking first. Now he’d take things into his own hands.
The day of the fight arrived. M/n could tell the entire pack was anxious. Their joking expressions were gone, replaced with stone-faced looks. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Finally, Sam stood up.
“Let’s go.”
Like that the pack began filing out of the house. Paul stayed back and gave M/n a look before walking over to him and pulling him into an embrace. “Please stay here. It’ll be okay. Stay safe.” Paul gave M/n a kiss before rushing out of the house and shifting into his wolf.
M/n smiled and whispered, “Stay safe.” Once he thought the pack was far enough, M/n left the house and sat on the lawn of the house. “Alright...here we go.” Pushing his hands into the soil, he began speaking. “Spirits of nature, of the earth, air and sea. Hear me now. I need your help. Please.”
Finally, the pack had arrived at the fight. They were quick to jump into action and tore into the newborns, just in time to help the Cullens. Paul would normally enjoy ripping into leaches and a part of him still is...but he was also worried about M/n. He needed to finish this to get back to him.
“Paul look out!” He heard Embry call out but it was too late.
Paul felt a strong grip on him. One of the newborns had taken advantage of his distraction and got hold of him. Paul wasn’t sure if he was going to get out or not and he thought of M/n again, how they had fought before. How he never apologized. Then he thought about what would happen to M/n if he did die there.
Just as soon as Paul had felt that tight grip on him, he felt the release. Taking a breath, Paul turned to see the newborn get lifted into the air by a large vine. There was a small rumble and another vine burst out of the ground grabbing the other end of the vampire before both Vine’s tore them in half.
Paul looked around and noticed more vines shooting out of the ground along with animals coming out of the forest. If today couldn’t get any stranger it just did. It didn’t take long for Paul to realize what was causing this. “M/n.”
If anyone of the wolves were back at the house, they would have seen M/n in a deep state of meditation. Leaves, twigs and lights swirling around him as he communed with the nature spirits and watched over the battle. He might not be there, but he didn’t need to be to help.
Who knows, maybe he’d need to do some more explaining when they got back and Paul would probably have some choice words but he’ll deal with that later. Now he’s just going to make sure his family survives this.
For Paul, when he got back to M/n he was going to apologize for the fight and show his boyfriend just how much he loved him. But first, he needed to finish this fight.
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tonesplash · 4 years
In The Drawer (18+)
Could I request something? If you want to write my request, that is! I would love some more Jacob content because smeyer did him so dirty. My request: Jacob reacting to his shy lady love telling him that she wants him to restrain her during sex, with her being kind of embarrassed about it. Aaa, if this makes you uncomfy or you don’t want to write it, pls yeet this ask into the sun. I love you either way!
pairing: Jacob Black x Reader
warnings: swearing, and mild smut
(a/n): have fun yall
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You'd met while out on a summer La Push trip with some of your school friends, Jacob spotting you from a few hundred yards down the beach and managing to score your phone number between your nervous rants and stutters.
Somehow, that first approach, with you sweaty from the sun and fully exposed in your swimsuit, seemed way less daunting than now. Even now, fully aware of the whole werewolf situation and his endless devotion and unwavering compulsion to do anything you needed him to, didn't make asking this any easier.
He absolutely knows something is up; you can feel his gaze burning into the side of your cheek while you fail to avoid it subtly, your entire face glowing since the thought first entered your mind the night before when he'd briefly held both of your wrists in one beefy hand in between fits of passion.
Lucky for you, today was a busy one on the res'. There was some big powwow coming up, so all hands were on deck, filling every room of Emily's house and spilling out into the front yard.
Jacob still manages to catch your eye in the hustle and bustle for a brief moment with a clear unspoken promise that whatever was on your mind was going to be out in the open by the end of the night.
You stay after to help clean up for as long as possible before even Emily nearly chases you out the door for some alone time with Sam. You guess you can't blame her.
When you get in the house, Jacob is waiting for you in the living room, having almost paced the rug to threads. You trade a bit of your trepidation for remorse. You hadn't meant to make him anxious too.
"Hey, Jake." You awkwardly try to break the tension as you leave your shoes by the door.
"(Y/n) where the hell have you been? Do you know how worried I was, especially with how squirrely you've been all day?" Jacob's temper strains his voice a bit, but you can see the concern smoldering in his dark eyes. He steps closer to bring you in for a hug, and you move to reciprocate, but he only holds you for a moment before pulling back, his hands coming up to cradle your arms.
"I didn't... hurt you or anything, did I?" His eyes soften as he holds you steadily. You are quick to shake your head to quell his worries.
"No, no, of course not."
"Well then, what is it?" Jacob draws his hands to cup your cheeks and forces you to look at him. "You haven't acted this weird since the time Seth caught us-"
"I know what Seth caught us doing! Don't remind me!" Your hands come up to frame his, and you close your eyes as if bracing for impact.
"Can we just... talk about this in the bedroom?" You open your eyes to test his reaction, only to find him grinning down at you.
"Oooh, okay, so you wanna get saucy? You could've just said so hon-" You clap one of your hands over his mouth before he can mortify you any more.
"Please start walking before I have to kill you."
You follow Jacob into your shared bedroom. He plops his full weight on the edge of the bed while you remain standing, shifting your weight anxiously.
"What could you possibly be thinking about that's got you this riled up?"
"Just... before I say anything. You have to promise me you won't laugh."
"This has got to be good." Jacob leans back on his palms and observes you.
"I'm serious, Jake!" You pout for a moment before steeling yourself and crossing your arms. "Werewolf swear me."
This time he can't hold in his laugh. "You can't say werewolf swear and expect me not to at least chuckle."
"Did Paul lie to me again?" This night could not be any more embarrassing for you.
"Yup. That's not even a real thing. And if it were, which it isn't, it wouldn't even apply to you."
"Please, Jakey." Saying it out loud physically hurts, but the nickname immediately schools his face, and he sits up to take this seriously.
"What's going on with you? You know you can tell me." He gently takes your hands and brings them close to his chest, and the warmth of him grounds you enough to get the words out. You fiddle with this collar for a second while you carefully consider what you're going to say.
"I want you to....tiemeup." You rush the last part out, hoping that he'll catch your drift.
"What? I didn't catch that like, at all."
"I want you, to...y'know." You make vaguely suggestive gestures with your hands.
"I already do that. Like, a lot." He's still not getting it. And he isn't going to unless you nut up and say it out loud. You cover your face for a moment before he pulls them away, and you can't tell if he's messing with you again.
The immediate silence is somehow deafening. He releases your wrists, and you may live with your hands seared to your face forever with how hot your face is right now, you just know it. Your palms and your cheeks have become one, and your face will never see the sun again.
Archaeologists may finally get a glimpse of who you once were years and years from now, when your flesh rots into nothing and the delicate bones of your phalanges blow off in the wind. But until then, your mortification will remain.
"Y/n, babe, it's okay." You turn your back to face him as if that will make him forget what you just said.
"No, it's not. I want to crawl into a hole and die."
"Hey, hey, hey! We don't want any of that." Jacob makes you face him and pries your hands away from your face with a ridiculous ease.
"There's my girl." He releases of your arms to pull you in by your waist, and he's smiling at you. Why is he smiling at you like you hung the stars when you just confessed to being a sex fiend.
"I thought you were gonna say something actually crazy, like that you were gonna stab me but like, sensually."
Your giggle is muffled into his shoulder.
"Not that I'd be totally opposed to it but, it's still a pretty big jump-"
You're full-on cackling now, and he laughs with you, pulling you to his chest and rolling back onto the bed until you're breathless and beneath him.
"Would you really let me do that?" Jacob isn't looking directly at you, but the stretch of your jaw as he caresses it. "Tie you up and have my way with you?" he chuckles a bit as he says it, but you can tell by the hardness pressing into your front that he isn't joking.
You couldn't say how or when you found yourself like this, wrists tied and held together behind you while your werewolf boyfriend railed you from behind.
You can do nothing but moan brokenly into the drool-soaked pillow below you, and Jacob isn't faring much better. You can hear his shaky pants and grunts with the effort and dizzying pleasure of your tight cunt.
His skin is dripping with exertion, making him almost glow in the low light of your bedside lamp, and you can't seem to look away. He's breathtaking in every way.
When he catches your dreamy one-eyed stare, he bows further over your back, still thrusting, still holding your bound wrists steady, his voice is a honeyed growl as he continues poinding into you, "This what you wanted, huh?"
It feels like you're being split apart; like with him inside like this, there is no room for your lungs to expand and words to come out. You must have let out some pathetic noise because he barks a short laugh against your temple before kissing it and burying his face in your hair.
Maybe the afterglow would be a better time to bring up the cuffs in the drawer.
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howtosingit · 3 years
Fic: On An Ordinary Sunday
TK and Carlos spend a Sunday morning at the park.
Written for @911lonestarweek - Day 1: “You’re the only one for me.” + Romance/Fluff
2K | Also on AO3
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The summer sun shines brightly in the blue Austin sky over Butler Park, the heat from the blazing inferno having little effect on TK after years spent rushing into flaming structures with little ventilation. He may have made the switch to the paramedic team a while ago, but some things will never leave him, and he’s always thankful for his experience as a firefighter when the relentless Texas sun threatens to roast him alive during the hottest months of the year.
Besides, he finds that he has little reason to complain as he scans the cityscape before him, the constant murmur of the Texas capital all around him. The fresh, gentle breeze feels like a salve against his skin after a long week of wild calls and less-than-adequate sleep, and he sinks down onto the large, soft blanket beneath him, letting the sound of children in the nearby playground lull him into a state of serenity as he rests his eyes beneath his sunglasses, his breathing deep and body relaxed as his anxious mind stills for the first time in what feels like forever.
That is, at least, until a groan from his right pulls him out of his newly acquired Zen-like state. The corner of TK’s mouth slides upwards until he’s wearing a slight smirk, trying to press down the laugh that he can feel crawling up his throat.
“You alright there, babe?” he asks, turning to glance at the man lying next to him on the blanket.
Carlos merely groans again, the sound barely audible from where he has his face hidden inside his balled-up t-shirt that he’s been using as a pillow ever since they sat down on the lawn.
TK bites down on his bottom lip, reigning in his smile as best he can, even though Carlos can’t actually see it. He reaches out, dragging his fingers gently along his fiancé’s bare back, slick with sweat. He feels Carlos shutter beneath him, another groan pulled from deep inside him.
“You know, if you feel so terrible, we could’ve just stayed in bed this morning,” TK reminds him, scooting a little closer to press his lips against his partner’s shoulder, resting his chin there as he stares at his favorite head of wild curls.
“Nuh-uh,” Carlos whines, turning his head slowly towards TK and squinting against the harsh sunlight. TK takes pity on him and brings his left hand up to shield his eyes from the sun, watching as Carlos blinks sadly up at him. “I promised.”
TK rolls his eyes, his heart nearly bursting with all of the fondness he feels for the man laying next to him. When Carlos had realized just how much the week was wearing on both of them, he had vowed to take TK on a relaxing date during their joint day off. Now, here they are, having made plans a few days ago to spend the morning at the park together, just the two of them enjoying the sunshine and, when they get to it, a picnic lunch.
“I know you did, and I appreciate your commitment to never breaking your promises to me,” TK tells him, leaning in to press his lips against Carlos’s loose curls, his fiancé letting out a small sigh at his touch. “But, Carlos, you made that promise before you did multiple tequila shots with Paul last night. I would’ve understood if you needed a morning in bed.”
TK watches as Carlos closes his eyes again, and it’s only because he knows him as well as he does that TK can practically feel the guilt radiating off of the other man. He leans in, pressing the tips of their noses together. “Don’t you dare feel guilty about it either.”
Carlos scrunches his face, letting out a soft whine when the action no doubt causes his head to throb painfully. 
“I just don’t like it when I lose control like that.”
TK pulls back, watching as Carlos opens his eyes to stare at him. He gives him a calculated look. “You don’t like it when you get drunk, or you don’t like it when you get drunk around me?” he asks. His fiancé doesn’t answer, which is all the answer that he needs.
“Carlos, babe, I love that you love me so much that you’re willing to sacrifice a fun night out with our friends for my sake, but you know that I would never ask you to do that. In the three years that we’ve known each other, I can count your wild nights on one hand.”
“I just don’t want you to feel left out or like I’m rubbing it in your face,” Carlos explains, his voice small.
“I mean, you know I’m not the only one in our friend group who doesn’t drink, right?” TK reminds him, running his fingers through Carlos’s curls to soothe him. “Besides, I cannot tell you how much fun I have watching you let loose with Paul and Mateo. They’re some of my favorite memories of you, and I wouldn’t trade for the world.”
“You’re really not mad?”
TK’s heart thumps in his chest at the question, Carlos’s uncertainty nearly splitting it in two. He leans in again, pressing their lips together this time, hoping the act will be enough to reassure the other man. “Of course not.”
When he pulls away, he can tell that Carlos is more relaxed as he lets TK continue to play with his curls. A shadow falls over them as the sun darts behind a small cloud for a moment, and a memory from the night before suddenly flashes through TK’s mind. 
It’s not every day that he gets a chance to tease his well-controlled husband-to-be, and TK refuses to miss an opportunity when it presents itself. 
“However,” he begins, dragging the word out as he runs his fingers down Carlos’s face, tracing his beautiful features, “I would prefer it if you didn’t flirt with the bartender the next time you decide to let loose.”
“What?!” Carlos cries, shooting up into a sitting position so fast that TK swears time jumped ahead a few seconds. “Fuck!” his fiancé yells, pressing his palms against his face. TK is sure his brain is swimming in his skull, and it can’t be a comfortable feeling.
“I’m joking, I’m joking,” he assures him, moving to sit in front of Carlos, running his hands along his arms to soothe him. “Breathe, Carlos, in and out.” He bites his bottom lip, the guilt rising in his chest at his failed joke.
It takes a few moments of deep inhales and exhales, but Carlos finally lowers his hands, his face pale and pinched. 
“I’m so sorry, babe,” TK laughs, the sound thin as he scoots closer, sliding his hands down to grip Carlos’s wrists. “I promise you didn’t flirt with the bartender, I was just kidding. It was a bad joke, and I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d freak out like that.”
“I would never flirt with someone else,” Carlos says, his tone serious and his eyes wide as he stares at TK. “I would never hurt you like that, you know that right? Even if I was so drunk that I could barely stand, I wouldn’t. You’re the only one for me, Ty. The only one.”
“I know, baby, I know,” TK says, shaking his head as he takes Carlos’s face in his hands. “C’mere.”
Carlos sinks into him as TK wraps his arms around him, his fingers once more finding their way into his curls. 
“You know, that’s actually exactly what you told me last night, too,” TK finally says, his tone bright as he fills in the gap in Carlos’s memory.
“I did?”
“You did. When you didn’t come back to the table after a few minutes, I went looking for you. Found you talking the bartender’s ear off. He seemed pretty relieved when I finally pulled you away, actually.”
“Oh god,” Carlos groans into his neck. TK clutches him even tighter. “I don’t even remember any of that, or what I might’ve said to him.”
TK flushes, his smile growing as he presses it into Carlos’s dark curls. “I, um, I think it was mostly about me?” he explains, shaking his head a bit at the memory. “He definitely seemed to know who I was when I came up, and you may have said something like, ‘See, Tony, I told you his eyes were like green stars,’ though it was very slurred so I can’t be totally sure that was it.”
“Oh god.”
“I know,” TK says, rubbing his hands up and down his lover’s back. “And then on the way back to the table, you told me I was the love of your life. Many times, actually, and with so much conviction you spilled half your beer all over yourself because you weren’t watching where you were going.” He chuckles when Carlos shakes his head against him. “Tony’s going to be so mad you’ve forgotten him already, you two really seemed to be hitting it off.”
Carlos pulls back to glare at him, and TK admires his willingness to commit to that action while thoroughly hungover. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“Just a bit,” TK teases, darting forward to press a quick kiss to his lips. “Sue me for loving how disgustingly cheesy you get when you’re drunk. I don’t get to see it that often.”
“I just like people to know how special you are,” Carlos mumbles, his lips pulled into a pout as his eyes look everywhere but right at him. “And I like to tell you how special you are to me.”
TK practically melts at his fiancé’s confession, his heart pooling into a liquid puddle at the bottom of his stomach. No one has ever loved him the way that Carlos loves him - so open and honest and completely without shame - and even after all this time, the knowing still doesn’t stop the awe and affection that he feels when he gets to experience that level of unyielding devotion. 
“You’re the only one for me, too,” he says, just because he wants to make sure Carlos never has any doubts about how committed he is to what they have, and how much their love means to him, too. “Nothing could ever change that.”
“What if I tell you that I need to go throw up in that trash can over there?” Carlos asks, pointing to a bin along the path to their left. “Would you still want to marry me then?”
TK doesn’t even hesitate. “Not only would I still want to marry you, but I’d even stand next to you and rub your back while you do it. 'In sickness and in health,' right?”
Carlos smiles, reaching up to rub his forehead as he inhales deeply, his nostrils flaring. “Okay, that’s good to know. I mean, I’m not going to do it because I have too much self-respect in the daylight, but it’s still good to know that you wouldn’t call off our engagement.”
TK chuckles, sliding back over to his original spot on the blanket. “Here, lie down again. My offer of back rubs is not conditional to you emptying your stomach in a public trash can.” 
Carlos slowly crawls back down onto the blanket, burying his face into his t-shirt again with a barely audible sigh. TK removes his own shirt this time, bunching it under his own head as he scoots closer to his fiancé, lining up their bodies, skin touching skin. It's a little too hot for it, but he wants to be as close to Carlos as possible, and he's willing to suffer the heat. Without a word, Carlos takes his right hand in his own, linking their fingers together where they rest against the blanket.
TK presses his lips to the solid shoulder in front of him, bringing his free hand up to drag it along Carlos’s spine, providing him as much comfort and security as he can as his fiancé sleeps off his unexpectedly wild evening.
And under the midday Austin sun, on an ordinary Sunday, they’re both finally able to relax.
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andie-cake · 3 years
perhabs,, early relationship, Paul wanting affection but being anxious and not knowing how to go about it?
Ceej, you understand me and my Paul hcs on a spiritual level, thank you for my rights and an excuse to write soft nonsense. It's uh... It's a little long.
Being in an honest-to-god romantic relationship was taking a bit of re-getting used to for Paul. He hadn't dated anyone since college, and suddenly wham, he's head over heels for a cute, snarky barista who seems to return his affections. It was odd, but no less wonderful, feeling his heart flutter in his chest whenever Emma so much as smiled at him. He hadn't felt this way about someone in damn near a decade, and then this beautiful 5'0 biology student walked into his life, and god, his brain just didn't know how to handle it.
Paul and Emma had started seeing each other around late October, hooking up in the Beanies break room during a Halloween party her boss Nora had thrown. It was mid-December now, a week and a half before Christmas, and things were still going strong between them. Though there had been... something strange on Paul's mind for a few weeks now, something that had never bothered him before in his past relationships.
Paul was a tactile guy with people he liked, something his friends all knew well. He was never sure exactly how he'd rank the five love languages as applied to himself, but touch was definitely his number one. Casual shoulder squeezes and light nudges were common gestures of his among friends, as Bill could easily attest. With romantic partners, this was cranked up a bit. Lots of light kisses to their temple or resting his hand on their back, stuff like that. It was always the easiest way for him to show that he cared. His partners... were never as tactile as him. It was very all give and no take on Paul's end when it came to physical affection, and he hadn't really minded it. At least, he was pretty sure he hadn't...
But now? With Emma? Her touch was something he actively craved. And it's not as if Emma never touched him outside of sex, far from it, she was probably the most physically affectionate partner Paul had ever had. She held his hand, kissed his cheek, cuddled up against him during movie nights, and gave him playful little jabs in the side when he was being a smartass. But she wasn't quite as casually affectionate as Paul was with her, and he couldn't help but wish she was.
And sweet jesus christ, did Paul find it embarrassing. It made him feel like some dopey lovesick teenager whenever he thought about it. Like, what was he supposed to do? Ask her to touch him more often? He'd sound like a total fucking weirdo if he tried to explain it to her. But still, he couldn't help but think about it a lot.
It had been a lazy Sunday evening, the one day of the week when neither half of the couple had work. And of course, they were... taking advantage of their day off, as it were. On Paul's living room couch, no less. They'd just finished up, and Emma had gone off to use his shower and whatnot. After washing up a bit, Paul had promptly put some comfy sleepwear on (because it was December in Michigan and Paul was not one to lounge around in the nude with temperatures like that outside), and was now absentmindedly channel surfing whilst laying on the couch.
Nearly half an hour later, Emma had emerged from the bathroom, hair tied into a braid and clad in a bright red hoodie that Paul recognized as his own. He couldn't help but smile, it was so big on her, and she looked adorable in it.
"Find anything to watch while I was in there?" she asked.
"Hallmark movies, a bunch of stock Christmas faire, and like three separate Harry Potter marathons," Paul replied. "None of which I'm particularly interested in watching, so we might have to retreat to the DVD shelf again."
Emma shrugged. "Hey, fine by me, TV edits are usually garbage fires anyway," she said. She strode over to the other side of the living room, where Paul kept his DVDs, and eyed the shelf. After a minute or two, she plucked a case off the shelf, snickering. "Monty Python: Life of Brian, that's a Christmas movie, right?"
"Absolutely," Paul quipped. "Anything can be a Christmas movie if you stretch the definition enough."
"Good, because I wanna watch Monty Python."
After popping the disk in, she turned back to the couch, and Paul sat up to give her some room. As she sat back down, Paul took in the sight of her. God, she was lovely. And she looked so cozy in his hoodie, it was hard not to find the sight of her absolutely heart-melting. His heart fluttered a bit, he was getting that feeling again. Unfortunately, Paul found himself staring at her instead of the screen for a bit too long, and she took notice.
"Paul?" she piped up, snapping him out of his trance with a befuddled smile. "You good, babe?"
Paul felt his cheeks flush. Had she ever called him "babe" before? "It's, uh... it's nothing," he stammered unconvincingly. "I just zoned out for a bit."
Emma, being the observant person she was, eyed him with skepticism. "You look like you have something on your mind," she noted. "What's up?"
Well, shit. Feeling his face burn hotter, Paul attempted to weasel himself out of this inevitable awkward conversation.
"N-nothing's up, I'm fine!" he tried to assure her, perhaps too defensively to sound convincing.
"That's the voice of a man who definitely has something up," Emma observed. She grabbed the remote, and paused the film before continuing. "Something's bothering you, Paul, I can tell."
"It-it's just..." Paul tried to begin, feeling momentarily reassured by Emma's soft gaze. But when the right words wouldn't come to him, he groaned and buried his flushing face in his hands. God, why was he like this? "Nevermind, it's really stupid, can we just watch the movie, please?"
"Paul, I know stupid, I work at Beanies," Emma retorted playfully, earning a brief chuckle from Paul. "Whatever's bothering you, it can't be any worse than the shit my co-workers complain about on the daily. I promise you I won't laugh."
Paul removed his hands from his face, meeting her gentle gaze once more. "You mean it?"
She nodded. "I'm all ears."
Exhaling a deep breath, Paul took a moment to think of how to word his self-imposed predicament in the least stupid way possible. Probably best to start small.
"Um, y'know how... when we watch movies or whatever together," he began, trying to force himself to talk above a whisper. "You'll like, lean against my chest, and I'll wrap my arms around you and play with your hair and all that?"
Emma nodded, looking somewhat confused. "Yeah...?"
"Do you think we could... do that the other way around this time?"
There was a brief moment of silence, and Paul was pretty sure his face had turned a shade of red that had only ever been seen by shrimp before. Jesus, that must've sounded so stupid.
"That's all?" Emma asked.
Yep, there it was. Paul looked down at his lap again, embarrassed beyond belief. "Basically, yeah..." he chuckled despite himself. "I know, I know, it's really dumb, and I probably got you all worried for nothing-"
"Whoa, whoa, Paul, slow down!" Emma cut him off, reaching out to put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. She smiled at him softly. "I mean, sure! If that's what you want, we can do it!"
Paul took another deep breath. "Really?"
"Yeah!" Emma replied. She leaned back on the arm of the couch, and opened her arms. "Come on, bring it in."
Still nervous and flustered, Paul slowly eased himself against Emma, resting his head against her chest. He could feel her heartbeat, even through the thick fabric of the hoodie. Emma rested one hand on his back, and began to thread her fingers through his hair, just like he would do with her. Paul felt a chill go down his spine. God, he forgot how much he loved having his hair stroked. He wrapped his arms around her torso, face still flushing like nobody's business.
"How's that?" Emma asked, undoubtedly noticing the ridiculous smile that had forced itself onto his face.
"Wonderful..." he sighed, finally beginning to calm down a bit. "Thanks, Emma."
"No prob," Emma snickered, still stroking his hair. "But before we un-pause the movie, can I ask why it was such an ordeal for you to ask me about this?"
"It's kinda hard to articulate," Paul explained, adjusting himself so that he wasn't muffled by the hoodie. "My, um... my past partners weren't really the, uh... the affectionate kinda types, y'know? So it just kinda felt weird to ask you to... do this... I guess..."
"...Well," Emma began after a moment's pause. "I'm not your past partners, so I'd be more than happy to do this more often."
"You would?" Paul inquired hopefully.
"If it makes you feel as loved as it makes me feel," Emma said, rubbing a calming circle between his shoulder blades with her thumb. "Then I'll do it anytime."
Paul could've melted right then and there. He was loved... In a somewhat indirect way, Emma said she loved him. Perhaps now was the time...
"Thanks again, Em," he said, slightly choked up. He craned his neck a bit to press a kiss to her neck. "I, um... I love you."
Emma briefly paused in her stroking of his hair, only to resume moments later, and press a kiss to his forehead.
"I... I love you too, Paul."
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georgeharrisonsimp · 3 years
time p.2 - cw for sad thoughts, drinking, eating habits
posting this even though i had work to do but i dont have wifi for my school isssued chromebook🥰
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robert and jimmy never came to my house. yes, i did pass out multiple times per week and drank too much, but even at that
they still never showed up.
my body was now so weak.
and my mind wasn’t even bothered to do anything about it.
i barely woke up each morning, it was a surprise i still did. i stopped drinking more or less, my stomach couldn’t even down that.
i heard the calls, but i was scared i couldn’t pick up the phone.
slowly, i walked to my dresser. all the random shirts that robert gave me were still there. they still smelt like his cologne. the star jacket jimmy gave me off a bet, that was there too. the sweaters bonzo gave me for my birthday were there. the cool platform shoes jonesy gave me were there.
all the photographs we had together were taped on the wall still.
they were getting yellow, but they were still there.
everywhere i went in my house, i couldn’t escape it.
my music room that i hadn’t been in for 3 years was probably crying.
all the instruments untuning over time and all of them collecting dust.
it even made me sad.
but even there, on the door, was a poster. one that had us five onto a square. it looked cool back then so i bought it, stuck it on the door and it still remains.
above the poster was a bunch of
writing in sharpie.
all of their four names written on the wall by them, still there. all their silly messages were there.
my favorite was jimmy’s, “my les paul better not in there!” it was so silly, but it was an inside joke at the time.
then there laid bonzo’s “still jealous of this music room, best room to exist.” i wonder if he would still be jealous wherever he is.
then robert’s dumb “the golden god has blessed this room...!” with a winking face at the end.
then jonesy’s “my favorite creator of music.” it was so vague, but so sweet.
i never opened the door, too many memories would’ve came out of it.
god, i wanted to call someone. i needed too.
or else i’d drop dead and no one would know.
i grabbed the much too heavy phone and dialed robert’s number.
he picked up.
“hello?” i heard. his voice hasn’t changed, but his accent was fading.
“robert? it’s y/n.” i said, my voice almost gave out.
“y/n?! oh my god, how have you been? it’s been years!” robert exclaimed, at least he was happy.
“honestly percy, i need help. badly.”
his tone dropped, “what do you mean? is something wrong?”
“listen, just come to my house, then the rest, i don’t know. but please, quickly, or else my sanity is gonna call quits.”
it was true, if i hadn’t done this now, while my sanity was in check, i wouldn’t of done it. i was desperate.
“ok, yeah, i’ll be there quickly. same address, right?” robert asked.
“yeah, see ya.”
i heard robert hum in agreement.
it wasn’t even 20 minutes later when i heard someone knocking on the door.
i groaned, then croaked out, “the doors open!”
instantly, i heard the door open.
“y/n?” i heard robert’s voice.
it still had that youthful tone, with his sweet midland accent.
“living room.” i said back to him.
he ran, almost slipped, which caused me to giggle.
i saw tears prick in his eyes, mine did the same.
he walked over to me quickly and hugged me.
it was odd, i was sitting on the couch, he was sitting on the armrest.
but i still loved his embrace either way.
“christ, y/n i didn’t even think you were still around.” robert said, as he wiped the tears from his eyes.
“i’m surprised i am, feels like any day now.” i muttered as i laid my head on his shoulder.
“don’t say that y/n... you’re still here and i-i’m gonna help you, yeah?” robert said, stroking my hair.
he’d always done that even back in the 60s. whenever i was stressed he knew it helped me somehow. i’d be damned if i remembered.
“i’d like that. thank you for coming, robert.” i smiled at him
which he returned, “i’m glad you finally called back, y/n.”
first thing we did was go back in his car.
we had some small talk, nothing major about me though.
“how’s maureen?” i asked.
“oh- that. we’re getting a divorce currently.” robert said, but he didn’t sound sad.
“really? did something happen?”
“no, we just didn’t love each other like we used to. sure, i still care for her and all that but i couldn’t pretend anymore. for the sake of the kids too. she said she felt the same. we’re still friends, we just couldn’t live together anymore.” robert explained.
i knew i didn’t need to tell him i’m sorry, because they still had a good connection.
“i’m glad things ended well then.” i told him.
“so am i.”
suddenly, i was being brought to one of our old favorite diners.
a family owned one, with green hues, with the best food around.
“gosh, we used to go here all the time, huh?” i said, reminiscing at our old memories here with bonzo.
“yeah, i heard the pancakes are the same.”
with that, we both ran in.
sadly, they had some new staff working but either way they made the food the same.
we both ordered the double decked out pancakes.
i had explained to robert how i might not be able to finish due to my stomach. he said it was perfectly fine, we could just get a to-go box for it.
“they really do taste the same.” i smiled.
robert nodded, he couldn’t really respond, his mouth was full.
he looked like a teenager all over again.
“how’s jimmy? i heard you guys were planning something on some magazine.” i asked.
“oh, he’s doing fine. he’s more real now, y’know? he doesn’t seem like a mysterious guy anymore, he’s more personal.” robert explained.
“that’s good. last time i saw him he did look much healthier.”
“you saw him-“
“on the television.” i said.
we laughed for some odd reason.
“what about jonesy? he’s doing well, yeah?”
“from what i heard, yeah. he’s doing great; loves the time with his family he’s got now.”
“always was a family guy.” i laughed.
to our dismay, we finished our pancakes. well, robert finished his. i was surprisingly able to eat half of them.
my stomach finally seemed at ease.
we both got into robert’s car again.
“where do you wanna go now? we could visit jimmy, he’s missed you.” robert suggested.
“really? the, jimmy page, missed me?” i asked, i was honestly surprised. i always had a close relationship to him but i didn’t know if he cared that much.
i guess my doubt grew over the years, i wouldn’t of doubted him missing me 5 years ago.
“oh, don’t say that, of course he missed you! you were like the best friend he always wanted or whatever he said. don’t you remember?” robert looked at me with concern in his eyes.
“sorry, it’s just me. the last few years left me confused with stuff, i didn’t really think i meant much to people. after being alone for so long.”
robert rubbed my shoulder in comfort, “well, now you can rest assured once more.” he flashed a smile at me.
then, off to jimmy’s house we headed.
it was a cool place.
it was made of this dark wood surrounding it with black patterns. definitely suited jimmy.
it had an extravagant backyard too from what robert told me.
i was anxious to say the least.
jimmy always wanted me to take care of myself before he took care of himself.
if he saw me like this, lord knows what he would say.
robert noticed how tense i was.
“hey, y/n, jimmy isn’t all wound tight anymore. he won’t be mad, just concerned, ok?” robert reassured me.
i nodded before we walked to his doorstep.
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starshine583 · 4 years
For the soulmate thing, can you do k or b for felinette?
(Okay I have Too Many Thoughts for b- like, a whole fic long thoughts -so I’m just gonna do k for now lol hope you like it!)
Everyone has a soulmate. Everyone. No exceptions. It may be a romantic soulmate or it may be a platonic soulmate or it may be some other type of soulmate entirely, but everyone has at least one type of soulmate. However, finding a single soulmate in a world full of billions of people can be tricky. That’s why the gods bestowed mankind with a most thoughtful gift: the lock and key.
When a person is born, they are provided with a lock or a key that’s wrapped around a chain. Sometimes it is on the wrist, sometimes the neck, sometimes it wraps around one’s entire torso, and it is said that, once on, the chain cannot and will not be released until that person finds their other half. When they do find their other half, though, the person with the key will open the other’s lock with a satisfying *click* that will release their chains, and they will be newly free together.
At first, the idea sounds ludicrous. People with keys would be frantically running to try every lock, while people with locks would be trying to frantically find other keys to get the chains off. There would ultimately be more chaos than before when the world was trying to find soulmates without help.
Except there’s a catch.
When two soulmates start to get near each other, their lock and key will begin to act as magnets. The closer they get, the stronger the pull, and eventually, they’ll be running towards each other until one’s key slides perfectly into the other’s lock. Some rumors even talked about a few people getting dragged down the street by the force of the magnets.
Unfortunately, a certain Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng couldn’t attest to whether those rumors were true, because she hadn’t found her soulmate yet.
Oh, she’s tried everything. She’s worked overtime at the bakery to meet new customers, she’s idly walked around Paris for hours to see if the key would pull in a certain direction, and she’s tried forming deep bonds with everyone she knows in case that was a factor she didn’t know about. And yet, despite her desperate attempts, nothing’s worked. Her key continued to lay across her chest, unmoving and mocking. Was there something she was missing? Something she was doing wrong? Why couldn’t these things come with proper instructions?
Her parents told her to wait, that she would find her soulmate eventually, and perhaps that advice would be easier to follow.. had most of her classmates not found their soulmates already. Mylene found Ivan in kindergarten, Juleka and Rose found each other in first grade, Max found his soulmate at a tech lab, Alix and Kim found both of their soulmates around the same time during dares, Chloe found hers at a gala, and even Sabrina found hers a few years back. That left herself, Nathaniel, and Nino still waiting on soulmates, which she took a bit of comfort in. If she must wait endlessly for her other half, at least she wasn’t waiting alone.
But then Alya came along.
And Marc.
And Marinette suddenly felt much more isolated than before.
Everyone around her was happy and in love, and yet her key still refused to move. Her only solace at that point was the fact that Adrien hadn’t found his soulmate either.
Unfortunately, that also gave her another form of torture: hope. Hope that they would be soulmates somehow, that her key and his lock were simply lagging in action, and that someday Marinette would be able to be linked to that beautiful, sweet, sunshine boy for the rest of her life. 
Sadly, a hope like that only crushed her more when nothing ever happened between them. He sat in front of her everyday in class and talked with her all of the time, but her key continued to dangle around her neck. No tugging. No dragging. Just dangling.
One day she tried to throw it away, so frustrated and bitter towards the whole thing, but the chain didn’t break no matter what she did, which was honestly expected. The locks and keys wouldn’t be considered nearly as mystical if their chains could break off at the slightest bit of force. 
Annoyed and confused and worried, Marinette resigned herself to the fate she’d been given and went on with life, telling herself that her soulmate would come even though she didn’t quite believe it. She continued to speak with Adrien on the whim that her key would decide to work and busied herself with friends and work and Ladybug duties to avoid feeling the weight of the chain around her neck, and after a while, she started to feel okay. She didn’t think of her soulmate as much, or where or who they could possibly be. She simply lived her life and consciously ignored Chloe’s teasing towards her being “soulmate-less” or anything else related to soulmates. If life wouldn’t give her her other half, then that clearly wasn’t what she needed.. or at least that’s what she told herself. 
It was a few weeks into this mindset that her heart truly shattered from the pressure, but it wasn’t because of anything Chloe had said.
Adrien Agreste, the boy she’d been uselessly pining after for over a year, her supposed last string of hope, had found his soulmate, and it wasn’t her. It was another girl that Marinette didn’t even know, someone by the name of Kagami.
Marinette broke down that day. She’d managed to slip out of the classroom during the cheers and cries of congratulations and hide in the bathroom, and even now her chest ached from how hard she’d cried. A part of her felt guilty over it, since this was supposed to be a happy day for Adrien, but all Marinette could see was a cruel sentence suddenly pushed further onto her than before. A life without a soulmate, alone. She’d figured that if Adrien, the embodiment of perfection, could still be searching for his soulmate, then she had nothing to worry about. Now that he’s found his, though, she’s not sure what to do or where to go. Should she try to meet more people again? Or get used to a life of solitude? Why couldn’t her soulmate be close to her like everyone else? Why couldn’t her key just work!
It’s been about a week and a half since Adrien found his soulmate, and Marinette, still “soulmate-less”, found herself sitting in their usual classroom once again. The weight in her chest had gotten noticeably heavier, along with the chain around her neck, but she made an effort to ignore it, idly rubbing the key that was the source of her troubles as she waited for her other classmates to arrive.
“Did you see Adrien’s posts about London?” Alya asked excitedly next to her. She’d done her best to comfort Marinette in the last few days- as any good friend should -but in the end, they both realized that a conscious ignorance towards the matter would probably be best.
“No.” Marinette muttered. She hasn’t touched her phone in a while, specifically since Adrien mentioned taking Kagami to London to meet the rest of his family. “Why, did something happen?”
“Only him showing us how great the country is!” 
Alya slid her phone over to Marinette to show her a few pictures. Most of them were landscapes such as the Big Ben, the House of Parliament, and what she assumed was St. Paul’s Cathedral, but one had people in them, people that Marinette didn’t recognize. There was a girl on the left of Adrien with raven hair and brown eyes, clearly Kagami- and wasn’t it cruel irony that they both had the exact same hair color? So close, yet so far! -and then there was a boy on the right of Adrien. He had pale, blond hair that was combed to the side and pale eyes that almost appeared to be silver. His neutral expression highly contrasted the bright smiles on the faces of the couple next to him.
A sense of curiosity pricked in the back of Marinette’s mind, and she straightened to get a better look at the picture. “Who’s-”
The question caught in her throat no sooner than she started it as something lightly tugged on her neck. Her body tensed up, her mind reeling with the possibilities as she glanced down at her key. Did it really just move on its own? Or did the key simply shift on her chain as it had done a million times before? 
“Marinette?” Alya asked, concerned.
Marinette shook herself from her thoughts, mentally scolding herself for being silly. The key couldn’t have moved, because everyone in this class had their soulmates already and she was certain none of the other students at Dupont were her soulmate. The key probably shifted on the chain again, like usual.
“Sorry, I’m fine-”
Another tug, and Marinette gasped as she saw the key actually lift into the air. What was happening? Why was it moving now? She didn’t see anyone new around.
“Yo, Adrien!”
The girls’ attention turned to Nino- who was waving towards the door of the classroom -then to the doorway, where Adrien Agreste himself had just entered. Marinette had forgotten that he was returning today, but that was the farthest thing from her mind right now. She was much more engrossed in the fact that her key was tugging on her neck again, this time harder, more insistent. Whoever her soulmate was must be getting closer, but who could it be? Was someone new to the school? She didn’t hear about anyone transferring.
“How was your trip, man?” Nino asked as he met the blond at the door.
Adrien flashed him a bright smile. “It was great! Aunt Bridgette really like Kagami, and I actually brought someone back for you guys to mee-”
Marinette let out a yelp, accidentally interrupting Adrien’s story as the key abruptly jerked on her neck. It pulled her to her feet and almost dragged her over the desks as well, but she managed to gain enough control and follow the magnetic pull down the stairs.
Alya, along with a few other classmates, gasped and got to their feet as well. “Woah, Marinette! You’re about to find your soulmate, girl!”
Marinette let out an anxious squeak as she stumbled towards the door. She was about to find her soulmate? But how? Who would it be? It almost looked like the key was pulling her towards Adrien, but that wasn’t possible! Adrien already had a soulmate. Unless something really strange was happening-
The key practically flew forward now, taking Marinette with it, and poor Adrien didn’t look like he was going to have time to move. She squeezed her eyes shut and covered her face, already blurting out apologies for the collateral damage she was about to cause.
Her hands landed on someone’s chest, both parties grunting from the hit, and a distinct sound reached her ears, one she’d memorized from listening to too many youtube videos at night.
Marinette’s eyes snapped open, her jaw dropping with shock. Was that what she thought it was?
She didn’t see the signature black shirt and white jacket of Adrien Agreste- the person she’d originally assumed running into -in front of her, but instead found her fists curled into the dark grey material of a vest.  It took a second more to realize that Adrien was actually standing next to her now, his eyes just as wide as hers. 
At the center of the mystery person’s chest was a lock, clear as day, and inside that lock was her key, fitting comfortably in the socket that it had forced itself into. This was… this was it. This was the miracle that people had told her about for fifteen years. Her soulmate was here. 
The chains slipped off of her neck, bringing a strange sense of weightlessness to that area, and tentatively, Marinette’s gaze trailed up to the face of the partner that fate had given her. 
Immediately, she was struck with recognition. The pale, blond hair sweeping across his features, the grey-ish eyes that she could now pinpoint as an icy, steely blue, the sharp eyebrows and facial features- this was the exact same person from Adrien’s pictures of London that she’d seen only a moment prior.
But who was he?
Alya grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her with an enormous squeal. “Girl!! You’ve done it! You’ve found your soulmate!!”
“I..” Marinette trailed off, at a loss for words. She had. She had done it. She’d found her soulmate at last. It’d been so long since she gave up on having one that the experience felt surreal, like a dream that was too good to be true. Please don’t be too good to be true.
“Adrien, are you going to introduce them or what! You said you brought this guy here to meet us, right?”
At Alya’s insistence, Adrien snapped out of his trance, and so did the boy in front of her, apparently, because he extended a hand to Marinette.
“Apologies, I.. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mademoiselle.” He said sincerely, his voice soft yet steady.
A blush exploded across Marinette’s cheeks, and she couldn’t help flailing slightly before she took his hand. “O-Oh, uhm, yes. Nice to.. to meet you too.”
“Everyone,” Adrien spoke up, an ear-splitting grin now on his face, “This is my cousin, Felix Culpa. Felix, this is my wonderful friend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
“Marinette..” Felix muttered, as if he were testing the name on his tongue. Then he smiled. It was a small, quiet thing, not nearly as bright as Adrien’s, but it melted her heart faster than Adrien’s smile ever could. “That’s a beautiful name.”
“T-Thanks!” She squeaked out. “Y-You’re really beautiful too- er, I mean- wait, no-”
A chuckle tumbled from his lips, and she caught the faintest blush tinting his cheeks as he lifted her knuckles to his mouth, pressing a light kiss to them. “Thank you, but I’m surely nothing compared to you.”
Marinette’s blush deepened, but before she could decide whether to argue his pure radiance as a human being or thank him for his second compliment, the bell cut into their conversation.
“Oh!” Alya said. “You guys are totally sitting together. I’ll sit in the back if I have to.”
“Oh, Alya, you don’t have to-”
“Nope!” Alya insisted, already jumping up the stairs. “This is the greatest moment of your lives! You’re taking time to enjoy each other.”
Marinette supposed she could fix the seats herself by sitting with Alya in the back, but.. she really didn’t want to, especially when Felix slid his hand fully into hers as he stood next to her. Besides, if everyone was fine with it, why should she fight it?
“Mind if I join you for class?” Felix asked, a light note to his voice.
Marinette offered him a warm smile and squeezed his hand. “Nothing would make me happier.”
Fifteen years just to get a look at Felix Culpa..
It was definitely worth the wait.
(Send me a letter ask and I’ll do a thing!)
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imaginarypeteel · 4 years
Back In The Firehouse
Mateo Chavez x reader
Fandom: 911: Lone Star
Summary: You're a former member of the old 126. You survived the explosion but weren't as lucky as Judd. You're half deaf now and can't go on the field again but still want to see what the new station looks like.
Word count: 5k
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You pushed your hair back as you stood in front of the new 126. You and Judd had kept some contact but you both had been too depressed and had grown distant.
You had grown used to your new life as someone with a hearing disability. Getting a new job was hard since you didn't like deskjob much and were more hands on type of person. So you became a social worker. Helping people with hearing disabilities.
You felt a tug on your left hand and looked down. Your aid dog, Prince - a massive mongrel who people often mistook as a Kangal shepherd - was looking at you. "Alright, let's go," you said as you started to walk towards the firehouse.
As you stepped in you realized how different this place was now. It was shiny and posh and everything that old 126 wasn't.
You thought you heard a call and got confirmed when Prince set his forepaw onto your knee. The woman looked around before doing a 180°.
There was a black guy in a firefighter uniform, "Hi! I'm Y/n L/n. I worked here before?" you smiled and introduced yourself.
"Oh! Hi, I'm Paul Strickland and I work here currently," he laughed lightly. "Care to introduce me to the new squad?" you asked with a grin. "Yeah sure, they're in the kitchen."
You followed Paul to the very modern looking kitchen.
The moment you stepped in, you saw a familiar face and before Paul could say anything, the person had seen you too. "Why look what the dog brought in," he grinned and walked up to you. The two of you did a bro hug. The fact that you're a girl didn't matter, you had always been more of a tomboy.
"Judson you corn-fed man are still in the line?" you laughed. "Well someone's gotta look over them."
"You gonna introduce your friend to us, Judd?" a beautiful woman with a hijab asked.
"Right, 126 Y/n L/n, Y/n 126," Judd said. "Well that's accurate," a man with nice blue eyes said with sarcasm and pushed forward, he stretched a hand out to you to shake it, "Captain Owen Strand."
The others in the room had all introduced themselves, you were ready to ask some questions but then their eyes switched to your left. The side you were deaf at. After the accident, you had greatly relied on reading people, so there was probably someone else beside you. You turned to your left and were met with a handsome young guy. His hand was stretched out and he looked shy and was a bit flushed. Probably because you hadn't acknowledged him before. "Sorry sorry, I didn't hear you," you apologized and shook his hand. "Uhm, it's okay, I'm Mateo...Chavez..." You give him a smile and turned back to the others.
Prince had met Buttercup and you could tell that he wanted to play with the fire dog, so you let him go but made sure to keep him in sight. You really needed him, were a little helpless without him.
"So how do you know Judd?" Marjan asked.
"I was a firefighter here before the accident," you explained with a sad smile. "Oh..." You took a deep breath. "Yeah, unlike this guy, I got away with yes life but I also lost ability to hear from my left ear - which is why I couldn't hear you," you looked at Mateo with apologetic eyes and he smiled shyly in return, "and my sight isn't as good in my left eye aswell, I mean I can still see from it but it's a bit blurry, that's all."
"That's why you have Prince?" TK asked with interest, you nodded as a reply.
You were teaching Buttercup some tricks with the help of Prince when the crew retreated from a call. By what the dispatcher said, it was a housefire and the smell of burning and sweat that drifted off them proved it.
"How'd it go?" you asked. "Phew," Marjan plopped into a seat near you, "Pretty good, saved a mother and two girls from a housefire," she said as she tried to call Buttercup over but the bernese mountain dog just jogged over to TK. "Oh come on! Does TK ever give you as many treats I do?"
Buttercup didn't react to it but Prince strolled over and sniffed her at the mention of treats. He was a smart dog.
"So guys, I'm going to a bar with Carlos tonight, wanna come with?" TK asked as he rubbed the big dog's chest. "Hmm... Sure, by the way, who's Carlos?" you asked as you yawned slightly. "My boyfriend," TK said proudly, making you nod with a smile. You for some reason had always become so happy at the mention of gay couples. You couldn't explain it. "I'll come too!" Mateo chirped. The others agreed to come too, Judd saying he'll take Grace along.
You looked at yourself in the mirror. Black leather pants tightly around your legs, white v-neck and a black leather jacket to cover it all. Fashion hadn't ever been really your thing. You were more of a 'throw on whatever's the cleanest' type but right now, you weren't against the idea of putting in at least some effort. Your hair was loose, that you were not going to change.
You couldn't drive because of your disabilities and couldn't take Prince to the bar, so all of this was making you anxious.
You noticed your phone vibrating on the counter and picked it up. Your Uber driver had arrived. You gave a confused Prince a concerned look. The dog had become a big part of your life and you relied on him a lot. Yes, you had a cat from your early twenties who was a big emotional support but outside, Prince was your rock.
You bent down and the big dog trotted over to you. "Take care of Disney, okay?" you said and kissed his forehead. Of course he didn't understand your words but he knew that you were leaving and not taking him with you, so he too was anxious.
You grabbed your keys and phone and went out the door, locking it.
"So Y/n," Mateo said as he sat on the stool beside you, nervously tapping on the bottle of beer. "Hm?" you hummed while taking a sip of whiskey.
"What do you do? Now that... you know," he trailed off awkwardly. "Yeah, I do," you smiled, "I help people with hearing disabilities. Whether kids who are born with it or people who have lost it during life. Help them get back on track and learn to live with it, maybe even give them the list of jobs they could still apply to. Sometimes I even recommend then and get them an interview," you explained.
"Oh wow, that's nice of you," he said while bobbing his head. "Says the guy who gets in all sorts of dangerous situations to save people," you laughed. Mateo smiled but not wide, "Well, actually the others do most of the work, I just lag behind mostly." You rose your brows at that, "Really? Pretty sure I saw you on TV once." The dark-haired man smiled wider at that. "I was just passing out water bottles. Our Captain was getting the real action though."
"Mhm, okay. My best friend was squealing when she saw you to be honest," you laughed at the memory.
"Y/n you're telling me you worked with guys like him back in the day?" Evely gasped as she was watching the news. You were just looking over some papers of one of your current patients'. "Hm?" you raised your head at the big screen before looking down again. "Not all of them are like that. Pretty sure he is just a probie," you murmured as a frown stretched on your face. "Oh wow, if a probie looks like that, I imagine what a fireman looks like," Evely moaned which had you cringing. "Caaalm down you little hoe."
The brunette shot you a look before returning to the man on the screen who was handing out water bottles. "Just look at those arms," she squealed.
"Really? What did you think of it?" he asked with excitement. "I wasn't really paying attention but while I was in the taxi and driving here, I remembered seeing you there," you grinned. Mateo's smile faltered at that before returning to the wide one. "So you were thinking about me while driving here?" he grinned slyly and moved his upper body closer to yours on the wooden bar. A small blush covered your cheeks and a grin stretched onto your face. Calm down, the kid is still young. Not like you were really old. No, you were just about to hit 30 but still.
"I think about lots of things while I have nothing to do so don't think you're so special," you chuckled and flicked his forehead. He flinched and rubbed his forehead while fake pouting at you.
Mateo's gaze flicked behind you and just as you decided to turn around, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You spun on the stool and came face to face with a familiar woman. "Grace!" you chirped and hugged the dispatcher. "Haven't seen you in a while, how you doing?" the dark-skinned woman asked as she set herself down on the stool beside you. "Well, I have a nice paying job that pays well. No one sick at the moment so medical bills are fine. Have been practicing some new tricks with Prince and well, I'm currently here."
The bartender asked Grace for her order before she could reply, "Porn Star, thank you. Judd?" the man didn't even waste a second before ordering a big glass of beer. You laughed at that and kept sipping your whiskey without any ice or water in it.
"So probie," Judd said as he waited for his beer, dragging Mateo's attention away from you, "Why you trying to swoon Miss Former Probie?" Grace and you giggled at that while Mateo's face changed color. "I-I um, I," the dark haired man stuttered. "I uh..."
"Oh leave him alone, Judd," Grace told her husband playfully.
"Here ya go," the bartender said as he pushed the couple's drinks in front of them. "Thank you," Grace smiled as she dragged the glass so it sat in front of her chest. Judd didn't waste a second to gulp some of his black beer down.
"Rough day? Then that might not be the best drink for that," you laughed while watching the man. He grinned and nodded, "I'm only starting right now, okay? By the end of the night, I'll be having a Bloody Mary with extra vodka and you know it."
The others soon started to arrive too. You talked with them yes but mostly spoke with Judd and Grace, Mateo came after them. You didn't realize how much you missed spending time with a fire squad until now and how much you missed your old crew. Luckily you easily rekindled with Judd. He had mostly been the person who taught you everything on the field which was also the reason why you were with him and not near the fire when the accident happened.
A few tears trailed downwards as you thought of your old crew. But then you felt someone touching your left shoulder. Spooked, you snapped your attention to the person, hair whipping at their face in the process. It was Mateo. "Sorry that I startled you!" he immediately apologized with sad puppy eyes. You smiled but rose your left brow when he frowned. "Oh God! Did I startle you that much that you had to cry? I am so so so sorry Y/n!" he apologized over and over again. You laughed lightly as you heard him.
While wiping away the tears with your left hand, you placed your right hand on his cheek, "No no, it isn't your fault. Just remembered....them." After wiping away the tears, your tipsy self looked at him with your head slightly tilted. You rubbed gentle circles on his cheek with your thumb while smiling fondly. He was staring at you with dark eyes full of surprise but hesitantly snuggled his cheek into your hand. "Hey Mateo," you said as you leaned closer to him. He mirrored your movements and started to lean closer, probably thinking he is going to get a kiss. "Wanna go dance?" you grinned at the slight disappointment in his face. He still nodded and got up on his two feet.
The rookie firefighter was surprised by how he swayed a bit and had to grab onto his stool to keep himself from falling over. "Overthought your alcohol tolerance?" you laughed while taking a small sip of the paloma you had ordered before leaping to stand by the younger man. You too had been too confident in yourself and stumbled lightly before regaining balance. "Whoopsies," you giggled and dragged your hair back behind your head with your hand. Mateo gave you a flirty grin while extending his hand, "M'lady? May I have this dance?" he asked while playfully bowing. You squealed at his act and grabbed his hand, "Why yes, kind sir," you replied, playing along. Mateo gripped your hand a bit tighter before going over to the place where Judd and Grace were dancing with only two other couples.
Judd shot a look at the rookie that went unnoticed by you. He on the other hand decided that dancing with you was much more important so he just grabbed a gentle hold of your hips and the two of you simply swayed to the jazz.
You leaned more into him and felt yourself wanting to fall asleep like  this.
By the end of it, Mateo had escorted you home. Judd had indeed gotten that Bloody Mary he was talking about and had somehow made you get one too. 1. Your bank account didn't agree with this much. 2. Your mouth was on fucking fire. 3. You wanted milk and you wanted it now. 4. You felt sorta horny but sorta sleepy.
All that had resulted in you moaning at Mateo that you wanted to drink his milk while the two of you drove the taxi. Poor boy was very turned on but resisted it and decided to play innocent.
"I don't have any milk, Y/n. Yes, drop us here... I think. Is this your home?" the man asked you. You lazily turned your gaze outside of the window. Your left eye's sight was currently a complete foggy mess but the other one's was a semi blur. You just hummed even though you didn't really think it through and didn't even try to see the building.
Mateo helped you out of the uber and the two of you stood in front of a white building. You snuggled into the younger man who's arm was wrapped around your shoulder.
When you reached the front door, you resistantly left his cozy side and stepped closer to the door, pulling your keys out of the pocket.
"Okay, so, which apartment is yours?" the rookie asked as you let the front door of the apartment building close, fumbling with the keys, trying to understand which is which. When you didn't answer, he looked at you and was confused. Why weren't you answering?
He then realized that you were leaning on a wall, good ear facing it. He quickly walked over to you, "Y/n, you okay?" he asked with concern. "Yeah, yeah, the wall is just nicely cold." You let out a yawn, finally pushing yourself off the pure white wall. "Second floor," you said, starting to walk up the stairs. Mateo rushed after you and secured his left arm around your waist. He had slowed down on drinks and had even ordered a glass of water, so he was in much better condition than you.
When the two of you reached the second floor, you quickly dragged him to your apartment door. The moment you started jingling with the keys, Mateo heard a clatter of nails against stone floor.
When you opened it, a familiar golden colored giant barged into you and gave you floppy kisses while you laughed. "Ok boy, down," you ordered and the dog immediately followed. His innocent gaze trailed over to Mateo and he stalked to the man, sniffing him like a police K-9 searching for drugs.
"Come in, Matty," you giggled while watching him stand like he had just met gazes with Medusa. The man hesitantly stepped into your apartment and was about to proceed into the living room when you noticed that he was still wearing shoes. "Aaaah! No way! No way are you going anywhere past where I'm standing with your shoes on!" you yelled, startling the younger adult who flinched.
He froze before coming back to stand beside you while you glared at him with your e/c eyes, making him a bit nervous. Prince felt the change in the air and tensed. The big golden dog stepped in front of his owner and he too glowered at the rookie firefighter.
You cracked a small smile as you watched how the dark eyed man took his boots off.
The moment they were placed beside your other shoes, you loosened up, making your dog calmer too. In a matter of three seconds, you were in the kitchen with your pale grey socks letting you slide across the wooden floors.
Mateo placed himself on the couch where a calico cat came to inspect him. "Her name is Disney, while I was working as a firefighter, we found her in housefire. None of the people in the house claimed her as theirs. Probably because she was full of burns and in critical condition. Animal care ain't that cheap ya know. But my heart was hurting for her, so I decided to get her. I was like twenty or twenty-one I think. Don't regret it, she has always been a big emotional support for me," you told him while landing beside him with two glasses of water.
"Sounds lovely," Mateo nodded and took one of the glasses. "Indeed."
Disney climbed over to you and curled up on your chest. As she got comfortable, she started to purr loudly.
You smiled and kissed her forehead. She might be deaf and a little blind because of her injuries from the fire but she knew you loved her with your whole body. She was just like you.
When Mateo came to work next time, he was attacked with questions.
"So Probie,  you left with Y/n, what happened after?" Marjan grinned. "Yeah, I wanna know too," Judd said suspiciously.
"N-Nothing happened, she told me about her cat, gave me water and I was going home," the young man stuttered nervously. The crew looked at him, suspicious if he was really telling the truth. "Fine, we'll believe you for now," Marjan said upsetly.
Mateo looked up with wonder as he was walking home. The northern lights were really beautiful. Since he had departed with Paul and Marjan, he felt lonely. He wanted to be with someone right now and-
"Mateo!" he looked in front of himself again and saw your familiar form. A smile stretched onto his face, "Y/n!" You had Prince on the leash who was wagging his tail happily at the sight of the man. Over the matter of few months, he had come to completely love the guy.
You surpringly also had Disney on a leash.
The man walked over to you and gave you a tight hug out of nowhere. Yes, you were surprised but still hugged him back.
"It's okay Matty. Anyway, I brought them out to calm them down a bit. Things in my apartment went crazy because of the solar storm. TV put on some crazy metal channel which freaked out Prince and lights started flicking and all sorts of other things that made them both stressed. The floor is probably full of their pee," you sighed and rubbed the part between your eyes tiredly. "Yeah, today was crazy but at least it has had a beautiful ending," the man said as he pointed towards the sky with his nose, still petting your animals.
"Why hello to you too," you said as you pulled back. Mateo smiled shyly, "Yeah yeah, hi." He bent down to greet the animals, Prince giving him kisses and Disney rubbing herself against him. Mateo felt his nose get a little sniffy and let out a sneeze.
"Sorry, I'm actually a bit allergic to cats," he apologized.
When you had made sure the boy got to his parents safely, you tried to call 911 but no luck, your phone decided that despite being 86% few seconds ago, it was at 0% now. So tightly gripping Prince's leash, you had approached the door to your apartment slowly. The door wasn't unlocked, nor had any signs that anyone had touched it in general.
You looked up and nodded slowly, still not smiling. You had been at work with your newest patient - a lovely 9 year old boy named Samuel who lost some of his hearing because he flew with an airplane - when the lights in your office started flicking crazily, scaring both you and your patient. The water machine in the corridor started going off too. Your patient had started crying and you had to calm him down while also trying to make sense of the situation. Then you had gotten a call from one of your neighbors, telling you that there were several crashes in your apartment and that maybe someone had broken in. Prince was with you as your aid dog, he had also calmed down Samuel a bit while being anxious himself but worry for Disney and your valuables peaked in you.
When you finally opened the door, you first saw many shards of glass and other pieces of your dishes on the floor. The lights were flicking here too. Prince started whining. You jumped when you heard a loud crash in the living room. Quickly, you ran in and saw your TV on the floor and a scared Disney running away, pee trailing after her. She was absolutely freaking out. You tried to switch off the lights but they kept on flicking. Prince yelped which made you turn your attention to him, he was holding one of his paws up. Probably had stepped on one of the shards. You bit your lip and tried to pick him up to put him on the couch. You noticed that it too had wet spots. The microwave started dinging, your golden mongrel tried to hide his head under a pillow.
With a rush, you followed the path you had seen Disney go - the bedroom.
The room was torn apart. Completely. Disney almost crashed into you but when she did see you, she immediately jumped on your legs and started climbing up while letting out pathetic kitten cries. You felt tears brimming at your eyes at the feeling of her claws. The little calico tried to hide into your shoulder while her fur was bristling with fear. You held your cat and started heading towards the living room and sat on the couch slowly. Prince placed his head in your lap while whining.
Then that fucking TV, despite being on the floor, basically destroyed, had turned on and started playing metal music max sound on. So with a heavy heart, you had beat it with your foot until it became silent again.
When it had finally calmed down, you decided to head out. The traffic was calm and normal again, maybe a bit scarce but traffic lights were working normally. Your apartment was pretty much destroyed and you were going to be in debt trying to make it all up. You weren't mad at Disney, no. She was scared and you understood that.
You were so tired of this day and even those northern lights weren't going to make your mood much better.
Mateo saw your sour look and came back to a standing position. "You okay?" he asked with worry. He liked you a lot and seeing you like this wasn't nice.
"No, not at all. I don't want to go back to my apartment. It's completely destroyed. Completely," you sighed. The man tongued his cheek as he tried to come up with an idea that would lighten your mood. "You can stay at my place if you want?" he suggested. You glanced at him and shook your head, "You're sweet Mateo but I can't. There's no food for them in your place and I don't want to risk ruining your living quarters." The rookie firefighter draped one of his arms around your shoulders. "Then we will go and buy food for them right now and will stay up with them for the night until we are sure that this is all over, okay?" You looked at him and gave a flat smile. "Okay fine."
"It's not the biggest but it'll do...I hope," Mateo said as he walked in, carrying the bags of dog-and cat food. You looked around with a small smile, "It's perfect."
You hesitantly bent down and unlatched the leash from Disney's straps. The queen immediately went to inspect the place, Prince following right after once he was let loose.
Mateo walked past you and you got triggered inside as you saw him wearing shoes in the process. No way were you going to make your feet into squashed lemons or anything. So you leaned against the wall and took your shoes off. Mateo looked back at you, "Oh you don't have to take your shoes-" he rushed but halted when you faced your palm with him. "I want to, I am not going to let my feet be squeezed lemons, thank you very much."
He nodded quietly.
"Soooo..." the man awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, "Want anything to eat?" He frowned when you didn't reply.
"Sorry, did you say something?" you asked as you put your jacket away. "Wanna eat anything?" he repeated. "Eat? Oh yes! But nothing too much- Wait hold up. You just came from work. Oh man, I remember when I was a firefighter, I was starving when work finally ended. Would it be okay with you if I made you something?" Mateo smiled at you and nodded, "Y-yeah, sure. But I don't have much to make something of..." You grinned, the memories of being a rookie and having to make meals for the crew clouding your mind. "Shh... Let Chef (l/n) handle it!"
Mateo followed you after sometime and placed the pet foods on the counter. Immediately a clatter of nails dashing towards the kitchen was heard. You giggled as you saw Prince storm in by the sound of the food bags. "What the..." the younger adult mumbled. You just shook your head with a smile and returned to your search for food in his kitchen. Like he said, there wasn't much of it. Some takeout boxes were in the bin, so he probably lived off of that most of the time.
"Alright, one day, we're going grocery shopping, Teo," you told him. Finally you found a package of spaghetti in a drawer. You remembered seeing cheese in the fridge.
It was decided. You were gonna make mac and cheese.
You called for Mateo who was in the living room cuddling with Disney, an EpiPen in one hand and the other on the cat's back. "Sorry, can't come. I'm the chosen one- ACHOO!" he rejected your call. You - not knowing what's going on - frowned and went to see what the heck he was talking about. As you saw the cat curled up on the male, you grinned. "Okay, guess you have to starve then. By the way, any bowls or something I could place their food on?" Mateo was slowly letting his palm run over the calico's soft fur while sniffling, he didn't even look at you. "Mhmgh, if you're okay with paper plates then those are...uh... I think in the drawer under forks and knives. Oh and for water err.... Just take a random bowl that doesn't look too fancy."
Mateo was carefully touching your kitty when all of a sudden, she woke up and stormed into the kitchen. "Huh?" Confused, he got up and followed the deaf cat.
When he entered the kitchen, both animals were chewing on the food. It wasn't nearly as high quality as what you usually bought them but they were hungry. You were putting cheese on your spaghetti. "Well look who came," you said amused as you pulled out a fork from the drawer.
He smiled and grabbed the other plate you had set aside for him. "Thanks for this, I normally don't have the energy to cook after work." His demeanor was a bit shy and you loved that. Some guys had approached you after the incident but had ran for the hills after finding out about your disabilty.
"Ya know Mateo, you are very cute," you complimented him out of nowhere. Startled, said man almost dropped his plate at your words, "W-What? I mean, thanks, uh, you're very too. I mean you're very cute too," he stuttered, tongue tied and blushing a little. He was avoiding your gaze, knowing he will say something stupid if he'll look at you.
You giggled at that and kept watching him, making him nervous.
It took months of cutting out your own desires, working overhours, missing out on nights of fun and doing DIY to get your apartment back to what looked like a normal home from a place that looked like a hurricane hit it. Mateo helped you out a lot through that. Helping you choose things from IKEA, assemble the things you brought from IKEA, helping you clean out the place and treating Prince's injured paw while you couldn't. Getting a new TV was a big pain in the arse. Since it was so freaking expensive when you wanted a good one.
It would've taken you months until you could get one. But one day, you came home one day to find a brand new flatscreen attached to a wall in your living room. Bigger than your previous one for sure. Mateo had been at your place, having a day off and wanting to help you with the new coffee table since the previous one had been destroyed with claw marks and pet urine.
Immediately you bombed him with questions when you saw the thing on the wall, also feeling very mad that he got you something so expensive.
Mateo denied buying the TV and said it was.... Judd. You calmed down after a while
You put your information in and logged into your Netflix account. Mateo was about to leave when you offered that he could stay. He agreed immediately and happily plopped down on the sofa. You told him to find a good horror movie while you made something to eat.
You cut some fruits and also managed to find some chips. Not as traditional as popcorn but it'll do the job.
"What did you choose?" you asked happily while making yourself comfortable beside him and placing the snacks on the coffee table he had put together throughout the day. He had talent in it, for real.
"I mean, I don't really watch horror movies, so are you okay with Escape Room?" he asked hesitantly. You tongued your cheek and smiled, "Yeah sure."
Unlike most people, you liked the scary stuff. Enjoying the adrenaline that came when something terrifying happened. Doesn't mean you didn't hold onto Mateo sometimes but he was the more scared one. "Oh my God Teo, you're like a baby when watching this stuff," you giggled. "I'm sorry I made you watch this," you apologized while leaning your head against his shoulder. "What? No, I err... Really liked it. Yeah, it was... Awesome," he lied pathetically. You snorted and rubbed circles on Prince's stomach while the big dog lay on his back beside you.
After some silence, the firefighter opened his mouth. "So Y/n," he started. You shifted your head to look at him curiously. "What would be the perfect... date in your opinion?" he asked nervously. You rose your brow with surprise, the question unexpected. "Perfect date huh?" you thought for a bit and came up with an answer. "Well I'm not a huge fan of romantic dinners and stuff like that. Maybe camping? I really enjoy hiking and hiking with someone I care about would be lit. Those two love hikes too," you gestured at your furry friends, "Plus it isn't an expensive fun thing to do. Well unless you going all out. Which I don't normally."
"In that case, wanna go camping on the weekend?" he asked happily yet nervousness was as clear as a crystal in his voice. You smiled at him, "Of course," and laid your head on his chest.
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wtfevenismypage · 4 years
Observer, Not Profiler PT4
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
Summary: You’re similar to a profiler, but you can tell almost anything about a person just from a single glance. What they had for dinner, if they took a bath or shower, their name, favorite color, if they lie, even if they’re good in bed. You’ve been running from the government ever since you got caught hacking into their systems and since then you have been diagnosed with Extreme anxiety, anxious tics, and paranoia. But now the BAU need you’re help in Identifying killers.
Warnings: maybe a curse word or two, mentions of death, anxious/nervous ticking, tic attacks, mentions of rape, mentions of child rape, sassy Garcia
A/N: this is kinda just a filler chapter, the next one will be better!
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Drums pound in your ears as you step into Hotch’s office. He used his serious voice to get you in there, which gave you unwanted anxiety. 
Thump thump. Your wrists bruise together as you step into Hotch’s office. His eyes dart up to yours, motioning for you to sit, which you do, sighing as your left palms claps against the arm of the chair.
“Yes sir?”
“You are going to be staying here with Garcia during our next case.”
Confusion poked your ribs, that wasn’t bad at all? Why was he so upset? It didn’t make any sense.
“Alright, is that all? You look upset...”
“An agent from the CIA is coming to observe your performance for this case only. Higher ups are still concerned that you will use the equipment here to get into the government, so they sent an agent to keep you supervised. He’ll try and give you a hard time so that you end up lashing out, but just keep your head down.”
Your eyebrows furrow. A CIA agent? They were sending an agent to keep you in check? You were shocked that they even cared at this point, that was a long time ago, and now you were just an anxiety riddled girl trying to start a new life.
“Oh... Um, I don’t know what to say... Why... They’re sending... Ugh...”
You groan as your neck twitches to the side aggressively. You could already tell that your tics were going to be a bitch until the case was done. 
“This isn’t ideal for any of us, I tried to convince them that this wasn’t necessary, but they refused to listen. I understand that this is going to add immense pressure to both you and Garcia, but I ask that you try your hardest to ignore him and his petty comments that he’ll most likely make.”
“Yes sir...”
He sighs, standing up and patting your shoulder.
“Let’s get to the round table.”
Less than two hours later, your sat next to Garcia in the bat cave, a tall and intimidating CIA agent standing at the doorway to watch your every move. It was distracting ad terrifying to say the least. 
He was originally standing directly behind you, but Garcia saw how purely uncomfortable you were and yelled at him to move back. She really was a savior.
“Alright my dearies, Mr. Paul Ways was married four times, has seven children that were taken from his custody, and has gone through ten dogs that all died within a year of being owned by him.”
Garcia spoke on the video-chat, everyone else on a jet. 
“His laptop is disgusting by the way, purely covered in filmed rape tapes being sold on the black market. Some of it is of children by the way, and the others are of girls that were barely over 18.”
The agent spoke up.
“Is that not illegal what you’re doing? Hacking into his laptop without his consent?”
You grimace, struggling to keep yourself from ticking. Garcia speaks up.
“The laptop actually wasn’t owned by him, it was owned by his husband who gladly gave us consent when he heard that we were trying to catch his husbands killer. Now please stop speaking, it’s taking away time that we don’t have.”
You smile at Garcia, who simply pats your shoulder once and turns back to her computer.
“What about the second victim?”
“That would be a resident arsonist Mr. Rickardson. He set four massive fires to buildings and got the security footage to watch it back. Ten people have died in total because of his fires. The footage of each person’s death was labeled and saved to his computer.”
“I hate to have to ask this, but watch the videos, all of them. Mark anything you can find.”
You groan as they hang up, clicking on the first video of the fire and watching every angle, trying not to turn your head in disgust as the screams of a burning woman fill your ears.
“Oh god... This is horrible...”
You say as you take in the victims information.
“She’s eighteen. Lisa. I can’t... She was... Oh god I’m gonna have a tic attack...”
You stand up and run out of the room immediately, ignoring Garcia’s concerned yells as you plop down on the floor, letting your tics take over. Your wrist slam against each other, your palms smack any wall they can find, and your head just keeps jerking to the side.
The door opens next to you, the condescending agent walking out.
“What are you doing?”
You whimper, knowing this is going to dampen your chances of staying with the team.
“I-I’m having a tic-tic attack... Just... Just le-leave me alone. Ple-please.”
He doesn’t budge, rather than shoo him off though, you opt for the smarter option, letting him witness your break down. And as soon as it’s over, you stands up, looking him in the eye with a furious glare.
“I hope that was as fun for you as it was for me.”
You whisper out before marching back into the computer filled room and plopping back down next to Garcia.
“I’m alright.”
You said it more to yourself than to Garcia, but you clicked on the video again, whimpering, but taking in everything you can.
This week is going to suck.
You click away at the keyboard of your computer, searching for a Mr. Paul Nees and any information you can find on him. 
“C’mon my sweet computer you, don’t start slowing down on me now.”
The CIA agent is still stalking over you, making sure you don’t ‘hack into the government’ A.K.A jabbing insults into your brain any chance he gets.
“I mean, a little girl like you? You won’t make it.”
You sigh out at his comments continue.
“Why are you so concerned with it? I mean it isn’t your life so, you shouldn’t be so concerned. I’ll survive.”
“You really think you’re gonna be able to survive with those freaky tics of yours?”
You try to make it seem like his words don’t affect you, but they hurt so bad, they seeped into your brain and stuck with you, making you groan as they swim in your mind.
You were right, it only got worse as the Agent’s constant condescending comments kept sneaking their way into your brain.
“A little girl like you? You won’t make it.” “You really think you’re gonna be able to survive with those freaky tics of yours?”
You had broken down into sobs many times over the week, desperate to avoid the man, but he was everywhere that you went. It was one of the worst two weeks of your life. 
“Just give me a few minutes to myself! Just a few minutes!”
You shout at the smirking agent, tears trailing down your face.
“Why would you need time alone? To hack into the government?”
That really set you off. You didn’t understand how someone so dumb was a CIA agent. It made no sense to you. 
“Are you fucking joking? I spend six years running and you think I’m just gonna up and do it again!? I’m human! I just want to spend a bit of time alone! How is this an issue!?”
“Because you hacked into the government. Of course we need eyes on you. I don’t understand it however. You seem harmless.”
That’s it. You finally crack.
“Oh I’ll fucking show you harmless.”
You lunge at him, trying to tackle him to the floor, but a body slamming into you stops you. You writhe on the floor under the heavy body, trying to get away.
“Y/N. Calm yourself down. Take a breath Y/N!”
It was Spencer, hearing his voice ring out in your ears made you less squirmy, but you were still breathing pure adrenaline. 
“He- I just! He kept!”
You could barely form coherent sentences as the smug smirk of the evil agent poisoned your brain.
“I know Y/N, I know, but you have to calm yourself down okay? I know it’s been rough with him all this time, but just calm down alright?”
You couldn’t stop the onslaught of tears and broken sobs that erupted, but goddammit you were going to try. You struggled to keep yourself from screaming out right then and there, but your brain gave you a second option.
Knock the fuck out dude.
So you did. You passed out right then and there, like no ones business.
You woke up with a panicky start. Not quite sure where you are at first, but as you look around you realize it’s an empty office. You’re laid out on a couch, a small blanket thrown on top of you.
“Hey, good morning.”
You look up at the voice, seeing Derek, Emily, and Spencer sitting on the table. Concerned expressions on their faces.
“What happened? Is that evil agent still here?”
Derek chuckles, but shakes his head.
“Nah, he’s gone. You managed to get off with a warning by the way. You can’t just attack agents like that Y/L/N.” 
You hang your head low, guilt climbing up your throat, or acid reflux actually. 
“I’m sorry. I was just... Just tired of his constant teasing and all of the comments he made... I know it was wrong, but I just couldn’t handle it anymore...”
There was a small silence, but it ended quickly when a second body sat next to you on the couch. It was Spencer. Spencer who, no matter what managed to stay calm around you and calm you down, Spencer who never raised his voice around you, Spencer who was always so patient with you, Spencer who was currently hugging you.
You tensed up when his arms wrapped around you initially, which made Spencer panic and almost pulls away, but when you sink into his warm chest, he relaxes, letting you cry into the crook of his neck. 
He knew this week was difficult for you, Garcia kept them all updated on how horrible it was, providing camera footage of the agent taunting you, and Spencer hated seeing you so distraught. 
Truth be told, when he saw you again in the interrogation room, his heart stopped at the sight of you. Yes, you looked like you hadn’t slept in years, and yes, you looked absolutely terrified to be there, but he was so entranced by your skill of knowing a person just by looking, he couldn’t notice how much of a mess you looked like.
You were beautiful in his eyes and that was that.
“It’s alright Y/N. You’re alright.”
And for the first time in six years, you believe it.
A/N: I realize that ending makes it seem like the actual end, but oh baby we’ve just begun!
@imsuperawkward @ithinkilovetruecrimetoomuch​ @l0ve-0f-my-life​ @hopebaker​ @thatsonezesty13​ @nightlygiggless​ @aberrant-annie​ @holybatflapexpert​ @spencerreidisbootiful​ @april-14-blog​ @jackryan-plz @kalebtheo​ @ajwantsapancake @lightswriting @emilouu @yourmisosoup @lizziebritish @101donuts @rainsong01 @pretty-boy-genius @squirrellover1967 @gublerstyles @delievia @boxofsparklingmuses @annestine @baby-i-am-fireproof @allthedumbassfandoms @irjuejjsaa @zhangyixingxing1 @madcrazy50 @maryhuffxoxo @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @officialbogbody @m3lly-x @dark-night-sky-99 @eu-solidao @thupidalethea @bad-idea-personified @random-thoughts-003 @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal
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Alright, chapter 2 for the Summoning Family sequel ‘Surprisingly Familiar’. As you could see, I added a character that some of you may not know about, but was the first MCYTer I ever watched as he started uploading in mid 2010.
And now I finally decided to add him in since he knows a number of the hermits from other things he’s done. If you’re looking for stuff to watch, you could watch his old series to get some lore or just for fun.
anyway, onto the story.
“Alright Paul, what was that back there?!” Jrum heard through the door. “You’re the older one, where’s that older sibling wisdom of yours?”
“It’s trying to get rid of the spy and knowing to be careful around Xelqua. He was involved in the Tokyo High School Murders a number of years ago. That’s how I even knew about him to tell you about it.”
“You sent me a letter! That was important enough for you to call or something!”
“I couldn’t at the time. Besides, when he went missing, I thought it was because you found him and took him away, but it turns out he was off on his own doing who knows what.” Paul sighed. “Look, I know some of the hermits from Minecrack, and usually they help with things, but this is different. At the very least from what I’ve heard, the one guy named Iskall has been on the up and up, but Xelqua’s started a war!”
“Apparently actually two.”
“Phil, you know that’s worse. Some of the things the papers said… he should be in prison, not here.”
“Right, and how many times did you go to prison again?” Phil asked, raising an eyebrow.
“That’s different. I was framed once, it was minor another time, and the rest was just from breaking out of prison so they put me back into a better one. They finally gave up when they didn’t have anything left I couldn’t escape.”
“Well I should show you Pandora’s Vault then.” Phil said, before shaking his head to clear his thoughts. “Back on topic. You can’t treat Grian that way. You got all your information from newspapers but I’ve got some myself. It’s not like he’s the only one on my side of the family to cause wars. And whatever happened in Tokyo wasn’t something he wanted to do, I’ve seen the signs of it. So you’re going to go back in there, apologize, and leave unless they actually somehow want you to stay.”
“Wait, there’s one more thing you need to hear.”
“Oh really?” Phil asked sarcastically. “What the fuck could possibly be so important compared to everything else you did back there and needing to apologize for it?”
“Give me a second. Someone’s at the door. Might be the chicken.”
“I don’t think that spy is-” And then it was completely silent. Jrum was taken aback by that, testing the door, but it was locked. He tried enhancing his hearing, but that didn’t work either. Then, he tried to remember if there was anything he could get into the redstone of and hack, and he was pretty sure there was. So the bot made his way to the side of the room and found a line in, doing what he could to listen in.
“-because it makes sense. Punch is dangerous enough without his spies.” Jrum smiled as he heard Paul’s voice again. “If those guys keep showing up he might as well. I tried visiting you, but the place was abandoned and chickens were swarming the place.”
“Then you should have called!” Phil shouted, obviously sounding frustrated.
“Letters are the only guarantee I have. If you would just write back-”
“I’m not using magic paper unless I know who enchanted it.”
“Hoodie always enchants it!” Jrum mentally took note of the name, hoping someone else would know more about whoever that was
“How can I be sure?”
“How could I be sure you weren’t all dead when the caste was abandoned?”
“You could have fucking called!” And there was a slam which made Jrum jump, losing his connection to the room. He scrambled to reconnect, surprised to find he was having more trouble this time, but eventually, he did connect again.
“-ause Grian was taking care of it. I know you want to hate him, but maybe don’t freak out at just seeing him.”
“I’ll think about it Phil, but as long as Koka’s around, I’m going to be careful.”
“Wait, how do you know it’s name?” Phil asked, confused.
“You heard it hissing, didn’t you?” Paul asked. “That’s the only one he’s got that does that. That’s why I’m trying to be cautious.”
“Okay, I can sort of see why now. But can you please still try with Grian? He’s had a rough enough life as it is and you don’t need to make it worse.”
There was a sigh from Paul. “Alright, but you’ve also got to promise me something yourself.”
“And what’s that?”
“Maybe the person listening in can tell us, but if not, I’m going to see if-”
Jrum pulled away, cutting off what he was hearing. He scrambled to fix everything then run back to the party, trying to calm his breathing when he was finally back with everyone else.
Mumbo stood by as Grian kept setting up a comfort nest in Barge HQ. He was doing his best to keep the bots’ pet chicken from getting in Grian’s way, but that ended up with plenty of pecking targeting his arms and legs. If he hadn’t recognized the red on the bird’s beak as redstone dust left on his suit, he would have panicked thinking it was blood. Or maybe it was, so he quickly checked.
The redstoner didn’t seem to have wounds that drew blood, which was good, but he did take his eyes off of Kokatori, who was nearly at Grian’s nest of blankets. Mumbo quickly ran over and picked the bird up, looking around to see if he could get some sort of cage for it. There wasn’t really, but there were glass windows. So he simply used a few blocks to keep the chicken in place, glad it wasn’t left completely in the dark.
Sighing about taking care of the problem, Mumbo looked back over to Grian, who was still fiddling with blankets even though the nest looked complete. “Grian?” Mumbo tried to ask softly, but the avian still jumped at the speech. “Sorry for startling you. How are you feeling?”
“Honestly? Like crap. There’s not a lot of good stuff from growing up after I went missing. Sure, there’s stuff here and there, but a lot of it after everything that’s happened is just tainted. And now it’s getting worse, like finding out d- Phil started acting worse to Tommy, and now apparently one tv show that is partially responsible for me being alive was made by my uncle who knew about me and hates my guts.”
Mumbo put a hand on Grian’s back, the currently puffed up wings ruffling a bit before calming back down a little bit. “Well, he seems to know a good number of the other hermits. I’m sure they can change his mind about you.” Then Mumbo stepped over the wall of blankets to sit next to Grian. “And they may know him and be his friends, but last I checked, he hasn’t been around for a bit any you definitely have. Even Xisuma has called you the missing puzzle piece of the hermits. Without you, it just doesn’t feel right.”
Grian smiled a little and leaned on Mumbo’s shoulder. “Thanks, I needed to hear that.”
Mumbo nodded, then paused for a moment to ask a question. “You said he’s part of the reason you’re alive?”
Grian nodded. “He had a survival show. He used stuff from knives to swords to guns. The one I had to use wasn’t really legally obtained and so there wasn’t an instruction manual.”
“Grian, are you telling me you watched a tv show to learn how to use a… a firearm?”
Grian smiled. “Yep! And some other stuff as well. You’ll never know how many ways I know how to dispose of a body.”
Mumbo stared wide eyed at the builder, who was giving a mischievous little smile. “Grian. Grian you’re joking, right?” He didn’t stop smiling or even answer. “Grian, please tell me that’s a joke! Grian!”
As they continued to talk, Kokatori finished pecking at the glass, having cut a rough circle into it. The bird held a foot up and pushed the area, the cut portion breaking away cleanly and falling to the ground far below.
The chicken waited, trying to see if anyone had heard the sound and would react, but that didn’t seem to be the case. With that taken care of, it jumped out of the window, gliding down to the ground. It landed right near the entrance to Jrum’s party building, landing on the ledge of a window. Kokatori looked inside and saw the various party members. The first robot seemed to be fine, the second one more nervous. Odd, what did it have to be nervous about? But then the chicken saw Paul and that ‘brother’ of his were back in the room. Well, maybe the second robot was more of an asset.
The chicken carefully walked over to Jrum, carefully pecking his leg to get his attention. It didn’t want to scare him since it had seen that Jrum wasn’t the most fond of it, but it was surprised to see Jrum gladly pick it up. “Oh, you’re not supposed to be in here! That new person doesn’t like chickens like you, so let’s go outside.”
Kokatori held in a hiss. Great, it was just going to be put back outside. But at the very least the robot was picking it up without looking sick or something. When they were back outside, Kokatori expected to be set down or even dropped, but instead it was spun around so it was looking right at Jrum.
“Alright then. You’re not a normal chicken. So what are you?” Jrum asked, interrogating the chicken. “I mean, it’s obvious they’re right about you being some sort of spy, but there’s something else, isn’t there?”
Kokatori didn’t know if chickens could sweat, but it sure felt like it was right then. But it tried not to show how anxious it was and just clucked.
“I’m taking that as a yes because it doesn’t sound as bad as a no. The new guy knows your name. Nobody told him your name but he knew it. And said you were ‘his’ chicken.” Jrum said, remembering what he had listened to. “He said that was because of your hissing and that you’re the only one that does that. And as far as I know, he’s right and chickens don’t hiss.”
If Kokatori wasn’t sweating before, it was now. Normally that would be filtered out by the mind. Of course that king and his brother knew enough to resist it, but no one else seemed to notice until now this thing. So, it used the foolproof plan of clucking again.
“Right, they don’t, so why are you?” Jrum asked. Alright, clucking had not worked. It hadn’t worked at all. This was bad. But it could be fixed, right? The robot didn’t like chickens because of… because of… right! Because of eggs! So Kokatori quickly had an egg pop out, which was enough to spook the robot and make them run off. Which was good. He didn’t need to take a closer look.
With no one around, Kokatori stomped on the egg, breaking the dark green and cream spotted shell. No one needed to see that. There were already two people around here that knew what was going on, and that was already too many.
It looked back up at the building it had fallen from. It would be easy enough to get back to the top. It just hoped its short escape wouldn’t be noticed. It grabbed the piece of glass it had let fall to the ground, thankfully unbroken, and started climbing up the outside of the building.
Kokatori reached its pitiful excuse for a prison and put the piece of glass back. It clucked a little to remind the two people it was still there, but they mostly ignored it. That was fine. It had work to do anyway.
Tommy watched Paul as he walked over to Xisuma. Sure, he had heard of his uncle from Phil here and there. Mostly complaining about lack of contact and too many letters, which were complete opposites, but it was back when Tommy wasn’t really the loud teen he was today, still affected by how his family looked down on him for unknowingly being too much like his missing brother.
If Grian had been there and told him to suck it up, Tommy’s sure he would. It would be very reluctant, but it was Grian, who was like the one family member he still had a good standing with. Well, obviously also the bots. And Mumbo sort of counted. And all the hermits were honorary family. But he meant in the official sense.
But Grian wasn’t here, specifically because of Paul. And since Tommy was only really okay with Grian, it made him more wary of this being another family member that was going to put him down. If that was going to be the case, he at least had support this time, so Tommy walked over to Paul, trying to look tough.
The teen heard the tail end of Paul’s conversation with Xisuma, trying to get any information he could. “-believe I can think of one or two things he could help with. I’ve tried with Scar and Cub, but they’re more free spirits.”
Paul nodded, then looked over as he noticed Tommy coming over. “Oh hey Tommy. Just talking with the admin here.”
“Yeah, just fucking call him Xisuma. None of that formal title shit.” Tommy said with venom in his voice.
Paul was a bit taken aback, but Xisuma had some clue on what was going on. “Tommy spent some time in a world with a… not so great admin. It affected his first meeting with me, and while we’ve helped out, recent events have brought up old wounds.”
Paul nodded like he understood completely and didn’t even try to argue. “Yeah, not every world has great people in charge. I’m not sure how long I spent making sure the worlds my kids were going to were safe. A few bad ones slipped through the cracks and have left me feeling horrible, so I can’t imagine how Phil must feel about missing one.”
Tommy scoffed. “He probably didn’t care about me getting in trouble. And Techno was fine on his own. Wilbur’s probably the only one he cared about.”
Paul frowned at that. “I’m sure that’s not true.”
Before he could say more, Tommy stopped him. “Oh really? He doesn’t really even care about you. Wil wrote him letters all the time and he read those. That’s why he even showed up to our world finally. But he didn’t read any of your fucking letters obviously.”
“I see. Well, I’m sure it was just-”
“It wasn’t just anything. Phil’s just a crap parent and looks like you’re pretty bad too.”
Xisuma slowly stepped away. He knew it wasn’t the best idea to get in Tommy’s way when he was yelling. Because normally that’s all it was, just yelling. If either person drew a weapon, then it was time to step in, but they had learned that Tommy was loud in general and yelled to get his frustration out.
“What would make you think that?”
“I mean, the way you acted to Grian. Did you have to be such a bitch about it?”
Paul sighed. “I’m not sure how much he’s told you about that world. It was-”
“Hardcore world, no respawns, ghosts existed, Grian got kept hostage by a friend and was abused a lot. If my admin was bad to me, this guy was somehow worse to Grian. Plus, I’m so fucking glad you wrote a letter to Phil and assumed Grian was fine when he disappeared. You could have fucking gone over and checked on him yourself bitch!”
“I was sort of on the other side of the world. And I also didn’t really have the time.”
“Then you could have made some fucking time! It was a family emergency and there was a murder involved. Anyone would let you off for that! I bet you just had a cushy life and couldn’t bother to lift a finger.”
Paul didn’t respond. He didn’t have a good answer. And even if he did, Tommy didn’t want to hear it. The teen stomped away, saying goodbye to everyone, though he specifically left Phil and Paul out of his goodbyes. Then he flew back to his ‘still just borrowing this’ base that was Grian’s old starter base and curled up in bed, pulling Tubbee into his arms.
He pressed his face into their fluff, muttering a few curses, the bee not having a care in the world about what was going on. It was just there to help give Tommy some comfort. Sure, he could always call Tubbo over and have him visit, but he didn’t have the energy and this was good enough.
Soon enough, Tommy was asleep, having worn himself out from both the party and shouting at Paul. He slept so much, he didn’t even wake up when he was poked a few times. Or when his face was drawn on. Or even when some TNT went off. It definitely had Tubbee awake, but it was still in his arms and couldn’t fly off.
“Aww, don’t worry. I’m not gonna kill him. That would tell people I’m here silly! My little pumpkin roll already made sure no one knows I came in, but he can’t do much with me actually here.” Tubbee buzzed a bit, earning a giggle from the visitor. “You know, maybe I can get my boys a pet. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I took Rusty, now would he?”
The bee wasn’t able to respond, and despite Tommy being asleep, he rolled onto his other side, pulling Tubbee with him. “Oh, maybe I’ll see you later. But I’ve got to go find something now. Bye!”
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tocrackerboxpalace · 3 years
March, 1964
Summary: John and Paul (but mostly John) find studying their lines for A Hard Day's Night a drag. John finds other (PG?) ways to pass the time.
The air was still inside the cozy dressing room. A faint scent of cigarette smoke clung to the thick atmosphere, but not enough to ring unpleasant. John gazed at the cigarette as it dangled loosely from his fingers, and deciding against taking another drag, put it out in the ashtray beside him. He tugged at the neck of his black sweater—despite the chill of the winter air persisting outside the window, the room was quite warm. Without much thought, John lazily traced a finger along the window sill, feeling chills spread up his arm at the temperature shock.
It really looked more like an upscale office than a dressing room. Sure, there were four distinct mirrors and hairdresser chairs, as well as a rod near the doorway with an array of suits, sweaters, and trousers for the boys to rotate in and out of. But the room itself was decorated quite elegantly. A soft glow from the floor lamp mingled with the diminishing brightness of outside to coat the room in a honey-like aura. Deep red curtains framed the enormous window, grazing the velvety paisley-patterned rug that covered most area of the room. The rest of the floor was a deep hardwood, without the slightest trace of dust—an unfamiliar concept, John mused. This was much nicer than what they were used to. Immediately upon entering, he had thrown himself onto a long, floral-patterned couch by the window. Paul knew he fancied observing nature while they studied.
Paul was seated a few feet away from him, his long legs draped over the armrest as he slouched sideways over the enormous armchair. His body was facing John’s, and he could see his eyebrows knitting together in concentration as he studied his script. His lips moved wordlessly, repeating his lines to himself without speaking at all. He reached up mindlessly and tousled his hair, and John watched as the dark locks fell directly back into place. They had been sitting like this for over an hour now, and John was beginning to feel restless. He had turned his gaze to his friend once he figured he could not possibly watch the nothing going on outside the window for a second longer. Going over his script one more time was always an option, but the thought simply did not interest him. Despite being constantly begged not to do so, John figured he could improvise some lines if they fell blank on his mind. He had a quick wit, and knew that some of his lines would come off better (read: more authentic) than the portrait that the writers had painted of him. He didn’t know how Paul could concentrate for so long, especially seeing as the man had relatively few lines in the upcoming scene.
Almost as if hearing his name appear in John’s thoughts, Paul’s eyes jumped up to meet John’s. He swung his legs over the arm of the chair until he was sitting in an upright (albeit, poorly postured) position and set his script down on the quaint table between them. John pulled the ashtray a bit closer to himself, fearing the disaster that would ensue if he and Paul accidentally burned down the dressing room. They had had their fair share of slightly arsonist run-ins in their youth, and John was too tired to deal with the legal ramifications of an incident like that again.
Paul sighed loudly, bringing John back to present. He hoped this was a sign of his friend’s boredom and restlessness, so he could stop pretending like he was studying his own script. The younger man leaned forward and put his head in his hands, letting out a strained groan as he rubbed his eyes.
“I don’t think I can take any more of this studying, mate,” Paul muttered. “I close my eyes and all I see is ‘No, actually, we’re just good friends’. Why do I have to say that, like, a dozen times? It’s only hardly clever.”
“Quite the realistic portrait, then,” John replied lazily, a smile twitching at the corner of his lips when Paul shot him an irritated glance. “I’m bored. Let’s do something.”
Paul checked his wristwatch. “When do you think they’ll be back? I thought Ringo was just going to wander about the town. How long could that filming possibly take? It’s not even scripted. Plus, he’s got that massive hangover. I figured they’d be back around by now.”
John shrugged. George had gone along with Ringo to provide some moral support for the dreaded scene (every scene was dreaded for Ringo today, as Paul was right—he was sporting a massive hangover), leaving Paul and John behind to study for their next appearance. For Paul, it was out of necessity; the poor lad struggled with keeping up with his lines, a fact that made him irritated and anxious. Paul typically wasn’t poor at things. For John, the desertion was more punishment for disappearing on set the day before to explore the city a bit. He didn’t mind, though. It could be worse; Paul could have left him as well. At least he had some company.
“We could go to the pub we passed yesterday,” John observed. “I could use a quick drink. Or two.”
Paul frowned, but John could see him shake his head in slight amusement at his friend’s remarks. “No, we won’t be doing that. Could you imagine how much trouble you’d be in with Brian if you disappeared again? To drink, no less? Sometimes I don’t know what goes on in your daft mind.”
John chuckled at that. He quite enjoyed teasing his friend, pushing forth this Teddy-boy persona that he sported when they first met seven years prior. Though he had no intention of actually going to get drunk in the middle of a work day, he knew that the boy wouldn’t tell the difference. He was aware that his behavior gave Paul a bit of a superiority complex, the feeling of being “the good one”, and the thought of that amused him. The public had yet to see how mischievous Paul McCartney actually was, his puppy dog eyes betraying him at every turn.
Of course, John was one of the few people that saw past Paul’s angelic front. The times they’d shared together had proved that even Brian and George Martin were fooled, as John often fell victim to blame for things that Paul had done. He didn’t quite mind the dynamic, though. He was hardly in real trouble, and it felt nice to have a part of Paul that the others didn’t. He was so hard to read at first, so hard to get close to. The intimacy was welcome to John, in a comforting, familial way.
“What shall we do then?” John mused. He huffed as he struggled to pull himself into an upright position, his joints popping at the sudden movement after being a puddle of nothing for so long. “Go for a smoke? Go for a stroll? Go fetch a bird?” He winked at the last suggestion as heat rose into Paul’s cheeks. Last night, John had also unintentionally taken the blame for a girl that Paul had snuck into the dressing room. Paul had been mortified and profusely thanked him, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t have a little fun with the knowledge.
“Actually,” Paul replied, rubbing his temples, “I’m quite exhausted. Might have a go at a nap.”
“Paul,” John whined, feigned desperation in his voice, “You can’t. I’m so bored. If you leave, I’ll have nothing.”
“Oh, all right,” the boy sighed. “Then you think of something to do. My mind is strained. And,” he jumped, as John opened his mouth to say something, “we’re not going out. I feel like I’m responsible for you right now. Don’t make me put you in time out.” Paul slouched back as the chair engulfed his figure and closed his eyes, humming softly to himself as he let fatigue overtake him.
John’s stomach flipped Paul’s words, though he almost cocked an eyebrow at the absurdity of the feeling. He quickly shook it off, feeling sure it was nothing more than the delight of knowing he could pester Paul endlessly, now that he was aware how Paul felt of the situation. If he was John’s babysitter, then John would act… well, like a child.
John stretched his legs just far enough as to where he could kick the other man’s foot. Paul half-lidded eyes looked up at him with a slightly annoyed expression, but he was met only with the amusement that twinkled in John’s. This seemed to irritate him further, not feeling at all in the mood for physical banter. So John kicked him again.
Paul’s eyes flew open. “Christ, lad, would you knock it off? I’m not in the mood. If you won’t let me leave, at least let me rest here.”
“But I’m bored,” John whined again. “I want to do something.”
“Look over your script,” Paul muttered as he turned his back on him, shifting to curl up into the armchair. “I don’t want to have to deal with you going on about fish and finger pies again next take. I have enough to worry about with my own lines.”
“You don’t own me, Paul,” John shot back. “You’re not in charge.”
“I bloody might as well be,” came the muffled voice that now felt far away.
John fell back on the couch himself, defeated. He gazed out the window again, eyes following an adorable little bird that hopped from tree limb to tree limb. He felt for that bird, or rather, he felt the need to be that bird, happily hopping on without a care in the world. It was so simple and innocent. He wanted to reach his hand through the glass and stroke the little bird, with its enchantingly dark feathers. To John, it looked like midnight, when the sky was still and the world was quiet and there was nothing but yourself and the atmosphere, high above you. Was it a blackbird? A crow, maybe? Its tiny black eyes were empty, devoid of emotion, but not threatening or eerie. Just… there. Being. Existing. It lived only to live, not to please, or love, or conquer. Oh, to be the little bird.
John continued to marvel at it for a few more moments before it fluttered out of sight. He was left with nothing again, his mind grasping at something else to attend to. The script fell out of his hands onto the floor with a thick thud, making Paul twitch in his barely-there state of consciousness.
Paul! A wonderful thing to capture his attention. John nudged his foot against the chair, hoping to shift it just slightly. When that didn’t work, he pushed a bit harder, sending a croaking sound through the room as the chair leg slipped off the rug and onto the hardwood.
“Piss off, Lennon,” Paul growled, his voice thick with the beginnings of sleep. But John couldn’t let him drift asleep. He would be so dreadfully bored.
John got to his knees on the couch, facing Paul’s chair. He gently pushed the stand with the ashtray and Paul’s script out of the way, and leaned forward, interlacing his fingers on the arm of the couch and resting his chin atop them. He could see Paul’s side rising and falling rhythmically, the stiff fabric of his dress shirt crinkling with every inhale. He hadn’t changed out from earlier, and was still wearing the pressed white button down, black tie, and black trousers. The only thing he had removed was his suit jacket, which lay draped across the back of the chair. John assumed Paul had noticed the warm thickness of the air in the room as well.
Paul’s side stared back at him, open and inviting. He knew exactly what to do, to piss Paul off to the perfect degree while also keeping up the good spirits. He removed a hand from under his chin and stretched ever so slightly before jamming two fingers—hard—into Paul’s soft side.
Paul yelped in surprise and jerked awake and alert, trying to comprehend what had just happened. John watched him smugly as his brow furrowed in confusion, then annoyance. “For fuck’s sake, John, is it so hard to keep your hands to yourself? You’re a child.”
John said nothing, just watched in anticipation as Paul turned away again, muttering something under his breath. He was cranky now, and John wanted to push his limits. He had nothing better to do, anyway. He tentatively reached back over and, in one swift movement, pinched Paul’s side again and retreated into the far side of the couch.
Paul swung blindly, nearly missing contact with John’s extended forearm as he jumped back. John suppressed a giddy grin, knowing that he had succeeded in his mission. Paul was now wide awake and visibly frustrated, taking a moment to rub his tender side while muttering a string of unflattering curses.
“You wanker,” he shot at John, his eyes burning as he massaged his sore spot. Paul knew that John knew that’s where his weak spot was, his ticklish spot. He was only lucky that John had poked and pinched instead of lightly grazing and prodding. They shared a look, both of them well aware of that fact. John couldn’t help but cock a knowing eyebrow at him, as if to say, I could if I wanted to.
Suddenly, Paul’s eyes darkened. John’s breath caught in his throat as he watched a mischievous glint overtake Paul’s gaze. He watched Paul’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, running his tongue between his lips in anticipation. John wasn’t sure what the transformation was, but it couldn’t be good. He felt in a moment that he had lost control of the situation. He opened his mouth to speak, willing himself to come up with something spectacularly witty, until—
Paul had lurched on top of him in a matter of seconds, digging his fingers into John’s sides. John initially gasped as ticklish tremors ran through his body, the sounds of pure, unfiltered laughter soon filling the air. John twisted under Paul’s iron grip as tears began to spring to his eyes from the hysteria, gasping for breath and unable to keep himself from breaking into a fit of giggles every few seconds. He weakly attempted to reach up and grasp at Paul’s weak spots, trying to give himself the edge again, but Paul caught his wrist with one hand, pinning the other down with his knee. “Uh uh uh,” he chastised, pushing John’s wrist into the couch and underneath his other knee. He was straddling him on the couch, his knees trapping John’s hands at his sides while Paul’s hands were free to mercilessly attack John’s sides, stomach, and neck.
“P-please,” he wheezed, as Paul chuckled lightheartedly above him. “Please stop, I- I can’t breathe—”
“You asked for this,” Paul retorted, not ceasing the torturous movements. His tone was light and amused, sounding as though he found himself greatly enamored with the visual of John writhing helplessly beneath him. “Next time, keep your bloody hands to yourself.”
“I will, I will,” John gasped, a tear rolling down his cheek. Slowly, Paul ceased his assault, and rocked back on his heels, letting John’s hands free. He watched as the man caught his breath beneath him, reaching up to wipe away a tear that had fallen in the hysteria. “That was not funny,” John asserted in a mock-serious tone, secretly hoping that Paul would go at it again.
The thought pulled a frown to his face as he contemplated what had just popped into his head. He was “secretly hoping Paul would do that again”? Why? Why did he feel the need to keep it a secret? Why had Paul’s devilish fingers made John’s skin feel so… electric, and tingly? And most importantly, why was he now acutely aware that the man was sitting on John’s lap?
Paul let out an airy laugh and raised himself up off the sofa. John breathed a sigh of relief, concerned over the thoughts that spilled into his head. What the fuck was going on? This was Paul. He enjoyed spending time with him, teasing him, messing with him, pissing him off and making him laugh. Paul, his bandmate. His best friend. His suddenly strangely entrancing best—
Shut up, John begged his mind. He didn’t want to follow himself down a rabbit hole of that sort.
Paul was making his way back to the armchair. He plopped into it, looking as though he was the one who had just been tickled to death. He looked at John with a grin of satisfaction and power, and John knew that the man was about to go for a nap again knowing that John wouldn’t mess with him in that way again.
He liked to prove Paul wrong.
As soon as Paul’s eyes fluttered closed once more, and his breathing became steadier and deeper, John formulated another plan. One that, this time, he would surely be in control of. He watched Paul’s chest rise and fall for a few minutes, waiting for his eyelashes to stop twitching, willing the man to fall just enough asleep to where he would be slightly delirious upon a quick awakening. That way, he couldn’t catch John with surprise force as he executed the first step of his plan.
John waited the tiniest bit longer, until he was sure that his friend wasn’t just pretending, and went for it. In a quick movement, John jumped up and pulled at Paul’s wrists, thrusting him onto the floor forcefully but not painfully. The man blinked wildly as John held both his wrists over his head with one hand and began to aggressively tickle Paul’s exposed armpits. He jerked away from John’s touch, still in a faint haze about what was happening, before he began to come to his senses and bite back a cry of laughter. John knew that Paul was far more ticklish than he, and that the quick prodding and nudging wouldn’t drive him nearly as crazy as light, barely-there touches.
He began to cry out on the floor beside John, who was lying on his side, holding Paul’s hands with one arm and attacking him with the other. “Jesus, John, you bastard,” he wheezed, trying to force himself up but unable to do so. His wrists strained against John’s grip.
This struggle continued for a few more minutes, before John’s own stomach hurt from laughing so much. He released his friend and collapsed on the rug beside him, both of their laughter dying out softly as they caught their breath. A silence of about five minutes ensued, neither speaking but both acknowledging the comforting warmth of their shoulders pressed against one other.
After a long recovery, Paul tentatively lifted a leg and crossed it over, placing it in between John’s. Shooting his friend an inquisitive glance—not that this intertwining or personal touch was a strange posture for them, as they had had countless sleepovers in John’s far-too-tiny bed in his Mimi’s home growing up—John nudged Paul’s foot with his own to encourage him to speak what was on his mind.
“Thank you,” Paul said, the tint of laughter still coloring his voice.
“For what?” John replied noncommittedly. He kept his eyes on the ceiling, which was a rather putrid tile, almost like the ceilings in grade school—something that was jarring against the rather royal layout of the rest of the room. He trained his gaze on a particular patch of water damage shaped a bit like the bird he had watched earlier, through the window.
“I know you could have done worse in that little fight,” Paul mused. “I think I would have peed me self. Or died. Whichever came first.”
John hummed in response, now aware that the little leg movement was almost a thank you in and of itself. That simple search for physical contact, a gesture of appreciation, made John’s heart swell. He liked feeling appreciated. It was almost as if John was a girl, and Paul had reached down to interlace their fingers together and offer a quick squeeze, but John wasn’t a girl and instead Paul had thoughtlessly interlaced their legs. It was a nice feeling, one that spread warmth across John’s chest. As much as he wore Paul down, he was so thankful for him. It was a genuine admiration and appreciation (that he hoped was mutual), an experience that was rather foreign to him throughout life so far. He supposed much of that was brought on by himself—if he hadn’t been such a naughty child in school, if he’d been a bit better behaved for his parents, if he hadn’t been such a dick to the girlfriends he’d had. But with Paul, things were different. There were no expectations of being a son, a pupil, a lover. They could just be. Just like the bird.
John smiled to himself at the thought.
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
This is a bit personal but how about beatle x reader headcannons/imagines of how the boys would react to their reader feeling self conscious about their body
No problem at all! So, I've seen this trope done quite a bit on other headcannon type pages for other fandoms, and since body insecurity is something very serious to me that I myself use to (and still do) deal with, I wanted to try and take this a little deeper then "you're sad, they tell you you're beautiful, the end", so I'm sorry if these get a touch angsty, but I promise everything works out ❤️
Also, I'm so sorry this took so long dear! These are somewhere between headcannons and my usual imagines, so I hope they're alright enough to make up for the wait! And remember, you're amazing and wonderful, just the way you are ❤️❤️❤️
Personally, I feel like George is sort of ?? forgotten ??? Of all the boys
By that I mean, like even non Beatle fans know Paul and John, and they might know Ringo just bc that name stands out, but George???
I mean, ik back before I was a fan I could never remember who "the fourth one" was
So anyway, even tho he's kind of in the background compared to the other three, that doesn't mean he's not sensitive to how the others are treated/feeling
At the end of the day I think he'd be his usual self and a good, sympathetic ear to insecurity issues
When he finds out, it's kind of an overtime process
He's use to bringing you snacks and take a little break like that with you, especially after a long day of recording or practice
But lately, you've been... Strange about it
Either straight up turning him down, or picking at the food and not really touching anything
He asks what's wrong, as gently as he can, seeing as he honestly already suspects the answer
You and George have been together for a while now, and he's always been easy to talk to, and understanding if you don't feel like sharing, so you feel that you can be honest
"I'm just... Trying to watch my figure, you know?"
He just kind of looks at you, confused at first
His face is hard to read, and yet still manages to turn to a completely different, very serious, emotion
"Has someone said something to you?"
You now have his full attention as he puts aside his guitar
You assure him that no, it's just a personal thing
"Oh", he nods
"Yeah", you nod
You're not sure how this makes you feel. Perhaps you're glad it's over, but you can't help but feel... Shunned?
But before you can ruminate too much, George brushes off his lap as though he's about to stand
Instead he sits back and looks at you
"Come here"
His voice is serious, but not quite stern
Invitingly, he becons you over and nods towards his lap
You look from his face to his long, thin legs
At first you decline, brushing it off almost as a joke
You look to your own legs
He can't be serious?
He asks you again, "Come on, I want to show you something"
At this point your curiosity is peaked
You get up and approach cautiously, as though he might run away
When the moment of truth arrives, you slowly, s l o w l y, begin to sit
Tired of waiting, George hooks his hands under your knees and pulls you forward
You fall onto his lap with a little thud and you figure this is it, expecting him to shove you off
Instead, when nothing happens, you dare to peak your scrunched up eyes open and see his smile waiting for you
He leans in for a gentle kiss, all the while his hands are resting on your thighs
His legs are like iron, not uncomfortable to sit on, quite the opposite actually, but strong in a way you hadn't expected
When the kiss is broken, he slides his palms up and out until they're resting on your hips
His callused fingers tickle a little, even through the fabric of your clothes
"So um, what were you going t-?"
He shushes and you, and picks up your hand in his
George brings the heel of your palm a mere inch away from his lips
He pauses just for a moment, making direct eye contact with you, before turning back to his work
He presses a trail of kisses along the inside of your arm, to the crook of your elbow, and up your bicep
You shiver, tensing as he goes up
But he doesn't recoil, or hesitate, or do anything of the sort
He gives equal love and attention to every inch of your flesh as he goes, only stopping at your shoulder to make sure you're still alright
As though giving permission, you bite your lip and give a subtle nod, curious to see what happens next
George releases your arm, now dedicating both hands to massaging your hips with all the thumb dexterity of a skilled guitarist
Next he moves along your shoulders, dropping down just a moment to give some attention to the bump of your collar bone
When he's done there, he lingers on your neck, gently kissing and sucking up and down before settling in one spot
After a moment, he starts humming a familiar tune against your skin
"Do you this song?", His voice is just a whisper
"It's one of the first songs we wrote together"
George pulls back again to look at your face...
"As much as I love you for what's out here"
...Then presses one more kiss to your lips
"I love you even more for what's in here"
He kisses your forehead
Finally he pulls back one more time, and the way he looks at you is as though all the love in the world is inside those eyes
"Never forget that. Promise me"
You seal your promise with a kiss
Ok so I think we all know John struggled with an eating disorder(s)
So he knows the whole nine yards of what it's like being "overweight", "underweight", somewhere in between, and still never being good enough for everyone else
I mean John is basically infamous for having been body shamed and criticized out of all the boys, particularly in the early years
So all this to say, he knows how awful it feels
To wake up in the morning, try to get dressed, and take forever to choose an outfit because you hate how everything looks on you
To look in the mirror and be unable to stand your own reflection
To think once, twice, and yes, even thrice before enjoying your favorite little snack, or even just a regular meal
He wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy
And when he finds out that you, the most lovely person in the world, feel that way...
Oh, his heart breaks
All the boys would take this quite seriously of course, but John simply has a certain... understanding that the others don't
He finds out one night on a dinner date with you
You've picked at everything all night, hardly a bite
This is starting to form a pattern, and rest assured, he has been noticing
At the end of the meal, he asks if everything was alright in a way that references much more then the food
"Oh yes, fine", you force that same smile you always give when he asks that question
He waits until you're both in the comfort of your flat to breach the topic
You see, John is a man of many faces
The first layer is prickly and aggressive, the second is a mischievous joker, the third a sweet, but anxious individual
And under all those masks, the real John, is the most compassionate and loving man you've ever met
So when he does ask you what's really going on, he's very serious and very gentle
He wants you to know that you're safe to tell him anything and that he wants to help with whatever is so very clearly bothering you
It's tough to get it out, but John is patient and encouraging all the while and you manage it
You're surprised to hear that he suspected as much
John tries to go a little deeper, asking of there's anything particular that makes you feel this way or if it's just a constant thing
Regardless of your answer, he offers you what advice he can, from both personal experience and what he learned from his therapy sessions
John's not too great at comforting speeches, but he'll be damned if he doesn't do everything he can to make sure you know just how much he loves you
He loves you for your heart, and how patient and kind you are with not just him, but everyone
He loves you for your mind, and how you too can have deep conversations about topics that are important to you both
And perhaps most of all, he loves you for your personality and how you can poke a bit of fun, just like he does, and you aren't afraid to put him in his place when he's being an arse
"Is there anything I can do for you love?"
You smile, feeling just a bit better after his speech
"How's about a cuddle?"
John grins cheekily, "Now you're talking!"
He half tackles you from his seat beside you, turning your seated position into a reclining one
You can't help but laugh playfully as he easily picks you up in a bear hug and slips under you so you can rest on top of him
He presses a kiss to your cheek
"How's that?"
You smirk back
"It's a start"
John gasps in mock disbelief at your remark
You just wrap your arms around his shoulders, snuggling against him
"Well then, I guess I'll just have to keep it up"
At that, he nuzzles the side of your face, glad to see you finally feeling relaxed
John give you one more squeeze in his strong arms, holding you close
You two spend the rest of the evening cuddled up and cozy until you fall asleep in each other's arms
Now it's no secret Paul has always been the "pretty one" of the Beatles
I mean heck, even in the freaking cartoon he has the least goofy and caricature esque face of all the boys
But personally I would imagine that he's felt a certain pressure from time to time to keep up his looks!
It would be quite draining for everyone to have this flawless image of you and then expect you to live up to it 24/7, so in that regard he understands struggling with feeling less then perfect
And certainly with feeling subpar when others just expect far too much!
The night it comes out, the two of you have plans to attend a soiree of sorts
Music, lights, dancing, champaign, the hosts are pulling all the stops and it'll be absolutely a black tie affair
You've got a very fancy dress for the occasion that you got as a gift from Paul some time ago, it's all sparkly, exquisite, and your favorite color to boot
And it... "fits"
As in, you can zip it up and move and breathe comfortably in it, but it just....
Paul finds you standing in front of the full length mirror, mascara beginning to run quietly down your face as you tug and smooth and pull the dress in varying places
He's honestly a bit panicked and confused at first. After all, he does hate to see you upset, let alone cry
"is something wrong love? Do you not like that one? There's plenty of time to change!"
"it's nothing! Just an eyelash"
You try to laugh it off and hope that he'll just leave you alone
You see, Paul has been talking about this shindig for weeks in advance
It's hosted by a good friend, many more of which will be in attendance tonight
Not to mention he hardly ever gets to do something nice away from the press, so you're trying very hard not to ruin things for him
Paul walks over to you, concern written all over his face
"No really, what's wrong?"
You try to wave him off, but he takes you gently by the shoulders and looks you square in the eye
He looks around your beautiful eyes, searching, and it almost feels as though he can read your mind
At last he says "You don't want to go?"
With that, you just can't manage to hold a brave face any longer and the tears come rolling down
Without another word, Paul guides you to a seat on the bed and returns swiftly with some tissues
He dries your eyes as best he can and thumbs a soothing circle on your hand, giving you space to tell him what's on your mind
When you've had the chance to situate yourself, you tell him that you don't mind the party it's just that the way you feel in that dress, in fact, in all your dresses is just...
Paul nods understandingly as you trail off, and the two of you sit in silence for a moment
You're concerned you've upset him and ask as much
"What? No, of course not love!"
"But I know how much you want to g-"
Paul shushes you and brings a hand up to stroke your cheek
"I don't care about some stupid party, nothing matters more to me then you. I mean that"
He tilts his head and smiles at you
"Tell you what? We'll just skip it and have some fun right here!"
For a moment you're afraid he's doesn't mean it, but there's a childlike gleam in his eyes and grin on his face that tells you he not only means it, but is excited at the prospect
You're still a little doubtful that you haven't made him upset, but Paul reassures you until you're able to take him at his word
Absolutely relieved, you agree and wipe away your last few tears
"Good. Now let's get this off you, eh?"
Paul helps you take out your jewelry as well as undoing the far too complicated latches, ribbon, and zipper on the back of the dress
His delicate fingers slide up and down the length of your neck and back reverently as he works, planting gentle kisses to the nape of your neck every so often
With the hardest part over, and ever the gentleman, he gives you space to slip it off and put on something more comfortable
When next you see him, he's putting on a sweet and slow record, something like what you would've probably heard tonight
He's removed his suit jacket, tie, and shoes and when he turns to see you in your adorable PJs he smiles at you like you're the belle of the ball
"Ahem, may I have this dance?"
He bows low and offers you his hand, peaking up at you for just a moment to shoot you a playful grin
You laugh at his silly antics and give in happily to the charade
Paul leads you in a steady waltz around and around the room, the two of you stealing kisses and suppressing laughter all the while
When the record comes to an end, you both collapse on the couch and catch your breath
By now, you're fully confident you've had more fun just now then you would've all night had you gone
After a minutes rest, Paul hops up from his seat
"Just a minute, I forgot something... Wait right here!"
He darts off around the bend and when next you see him, he's carrying two flutes of champagne
Paul takes a seat beside you again and hands you yours
"I was saving this for when we got back, thought we could leave early and enjoy the rest of the evening alone"
You smile, touched by the thoughtfulness and still riding the high of the previous activities
Finally, you propose a toast
"To my amazing, lovely boyfriend"
Paul smiles at you with adoration. You mean so much more to him then a mere toast could describe
"To my love, the most gorgeous dance partner in the world"
Idk if this is/was a thing, or if it's just something I've noticed, but Ringo seems to be the butt of the joke, particularly in regards to his appearance, a lot
Like he's the "short" one and he's got that nose
I only ever see him take it like a champ and all in good fun, and laid back as he is, it doesn't seem to hold him back but I'm sure he'd understand feeling insecure about ones body/looks
But for you to be insecure???
He just??????
When Ringo finds out, he's honestly the most bewildered of all
He finds you sat against the wall, hunched up and crying, half clothed, and a mess of clothing strewn around you
Usually whenever something's bothering you, you know you can bring it to him.
He's always there for you, after all
So to see you like this, he's absolutely terrified that something truly awful has happened
In that moment, thanks to his roaring adrenaline, he goes from rock star to olympic sprinter and dashes to your side so quickly it's as though he teleported
"What's wrong love, what's wrong?"
He holds your face up to look at him and quickly checks over you to make sure you're not injured or sick in some way
When he sees the pain in your eyes, he's nearly crying too
He wants so desperately to help you, and take all your troubles and worries away this very moment.
Even if it meant he had to shoulder the suffering for you, he'd do it in a heartbeat, no doubt
You feel rather embarrassed to be caught like this, and even worse still to see your boyfriend so upset on your behalf
This takes you back to square one, crying and nonverbal for a bit longer
Luckily, Ringo catches on that him getting upset is only going to make you more upset, so he settles himself and holds you until you're ready
When you are ready, you manage to choke out your insecurity, trusting him as you always do
And when he hears you're insecure about your body, or even your looks in general, he is just....
Ringo.exe has stopped working
Mind, it not that he doesn't understand your feelings!!
It's just that you are so completely and absolutely beautiful and kind and so much more to him, that he simply cannot fathom the idea of holding the opinion of you as any less
"is it the clothes? Because forget the damn clothes" He takes a handful and throws them up and away, like confetti
"I'll buy you a whole new closet if you like! W-would you like that?"
He smiles hopefully at you, as though you truly would like that, and it'll solve all your problems
You simply shake your head
And, after moment, Ringo starts to understand
He sits with you silently for a moment, the gravity of your feelings is so important to him that he's not sure plain old him has something good enough to say
But he knows he wants to say something
So, he meditates on it for a moment, and decides he can only tell you the truth
"Well... you know that I love you, yeah? Sometimes I wonder how a guy like me got so lucky to be with a right angel like you.... And so do the lads"
He laughs that deep, silly laugh you love so much
"Why, I think you're the loveliest girl in all of England er uh, no, all the world!"
That earns a little smile from you
You're about to respond when you catch a shiver
You're only down to your undergarments after all, and it's a bit drafty
Ringo notices and before any mention can be made, he sets to work at removing his sweater, eager to make sure you're cared for
It seems to be putting up a bit of a fight, but he manages to come out on top
"Er uh, will this be ok? I know you're fed up with clothes right now, but I don't want you to freeze neither"
He's genuinely concerned about your feelings in the subject, even as he holds the garment out to you
Buuuut... It's cozy and oversized on you, plus it smells comfortingly of him, so you take it
"Hey, that looks better on you then it does me!"
He laughs again, the state of him made a bit more comical by his now frizzed up mop top
You point the issue out to him, grinning yourself, and he shakes it out like a dog
Which, of course, only makes it ten times worse
For the first time that day, you laugh, and it's the most beautiful sound Ringo's ever heard
Feeling a bit better now, Ringo helps you stand and offers you some tea downstairs
You take a few steps, and then stop feeling the draft give rise to some goose bumps all up your legs
"Maybe I should get some pants..."
At the mere suggestion, Ringo looks at you like he has a bright idea and immediately goes to undo his belt
You burst out laughing, and stop him
He's confused at first, but when he realizes his own absurdity in his effort to be helpful, he can't help but laugh a little too
In the end, you come to the conclusion that a blanket and a cuddle on the couch will do nicely instead... Which is exactly what you do
Ringo spends the rest of the day keeping you entertained, warm, and covered in kisses
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one-boring-person · 4 years
I saw requests were open. So I have an angst idea. The boys (tog/sep, up to you) have been seeing fem!reader. They like her, she doesn’t know what they are, but she’s fun, & someone they can be real with, but it’s not far enough to be a “relationship”. Then, they don’t see her for a week or so. They get worried, then she approaches them & says she wants to talk, privately. When alone, she tells them she’s pregnant, she doesn’t know what to do. (Pt.1)
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(Sorry, I haven't quite figured out whether or not I can add multiple asks to a post or not yet, so I've just screenshotted them and put them here😅) I hope you enjoy this!❤💛💛
I Should've Known.
The Lost Boys x reader
Warnings: implied sexual themes, one use of bad language, pregnancy
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"Would you stop fidgeting? You're driving me insane!" David snaps at the lanky blonde to his right, sending an icy glare at him as he does so. In response, Paul snaps his teeth and clenches his fists together, trying his hardest not to bounce on the balls of his feet, head cast downwards in a sulking manner.
"I'm sorry, I'm just on edge!" The blonde vampire whines back, pulling a joint from his pocket, followed by his lighter, which he then uses to ignite the tip.
"We all are, but do you see us running mini-marathons on the spot all night?" The platinum blonde leader growls back, tossing the butt of his own cigarette on the floor and crushing it out, adjusting his gloves as he does so, Dwayne and Marko agreeing as they watch the crowd move past.
"Yeah, at this rate I reckon you'd be able to outrun the world's best." Marko remarks, yelping as Paul gives him a clip round the ear.
"She's been gone a week, don't you think I have a reason for being like this?" The vampire complains miserably, taking a drag from the joint in his hand, slowly exhaling the smoke into the air and watching it disperse, lips pulled into a tight line. The others remain quiet, equally as worried and concerned as each other, all four pairs of eyes looking out over the hordes of people, searching for one peron: (Y/n).
They'd met her a few months back, having been enraptured by her good looks and fun personality, instantly making the decision to befriend her, enjoying her company more than they do each other's. She met with them every night, never questioning why they couldn't meet up with her during the day, accepting that they live in a cave, where she started spending a lot of her nights, drinking and partying with them until the sun comes up, her personality only exaggerated by the alcohol in her system. It was during one of these parties that their relationship became slightly more intimate, the drunkenness and buzz from Paul's cannabis having loosened inhibitions, resulting in something that none of them ever thought might occur: a one night stand.
Between all of them.
A month later, and she hasn't shown up to the Boardwalk in a week, having made no contact with them whatsoever, her house appearing empty when they'd gone to visit it, hoping to catch her. Nerves had run rampant when they'd seen this, the four of them quickly becoming stressed and panicked about what might've happened to her, until they realised she probably went to stay with a family member, though it is odd that she didn't say anything to them.
"Hey, that's her over there, isn't it?" Dwayne suddenly speaks up, nodding his head towards the entrance to the Boardwalk, where a familiar figure is pushing through the crowd in their direction.
"It is." David confirms, pushing off his position against the motorcycle to stand upright, hands in his pocket, jaw set as he watches (Y/n) approach them.
Rather than the usual cheery smile and joking greeting, she strides up to them with a tense stance, her lip clamped between her teeth, face slightly paler than normal. As Paul catches sight of her, he rushes forwards, swooping her up into his arms, crushing her tightly against his chest, only to pull away slightly when she only lightly pats him on the back, allowing her to pull away again. Slowly, she turns to look back at them, eyes filled with worry, muscles rigid.
"You alright, (Y/n)? You don't look too well." Dwayne observes, frowning as he looks her over.
"I'm fine. Can I talk to you guys? Somewhere more private?" She responds quietly, looking uneasy as she shifts from foot to foot, doing a very good impression of exactly what Paul was doing a few minutes before.
"Of course." David agrees, brow furrowed slightly as he leads the way onto the beach, walking a little way out where there are no other people, stopping a few metres from the water. Following on, the rest of them form a small circle around (Y/n), anxious to figure out why she's been avoiding them, the four of them watching her carefully.
It takes her a couple of seconds to say anything, but when she does, a ripple of disbelief and shock washes over the boys.
"I don't really know the best way to tell you guys this, and I've been trying to figure that out all week, but I think you should know that I'm pregnant." She rushes the end of the sentence, the others almost not catching it as she hastily looks down again, wringing her hands together.
They remain silent, minds trying to process what they've heard.
"...pardon?" Dwayne finally manages out, dark eyes wide.
"I'm pregnant." (Y/n) repeats, more clearly, concern racing through her as she considers their reactions, lip almost bleeding from how hard she's biting it.
Another round of silence ensues, during which David becomes increasingly more tense, his anger almost radiating off of him in waves, Paul and Marko exchanging glances as they notice, though the two blondes are just as shocked as their counterparts.
"Whose is it, (Y/n)? Who have you been sleeping around with?" The platinum blonde eventually spits out, voice laced with venom and scorn as his blue eyes seem to bore into her, disguising the hurt running rampant in his head; he'd thought they were closer than that. After all, he didn't just sleep with anyone.
"Who have I...? I've not "been sleeping around" with anyone! It's your child! Or one of yours, anyway!" She has the decency to look offended, though the blonde vampire is still not convinced, scoffing disdainfully at her, knowing this to be impossible, a fact she can't know.
"Yeah, sure. Tell the truth, (Y/n). Who was it?" He presses, muscles tightening as if trying to restrain himself, expression turning icy.
"It was one of you!" She exclaims, earnestly, "I've not slept with anyone but you guys in the last year and I reckon I would've shown by now if it was the last guy!"
She sighs to herself before continuing, seemingly gathering her thoughts together, unaware of the confusion and uncertainty brewing in her friends.
"Look, I'm not expecting you all to drop everything and leave your lives behind for this, but I thought you at least deserved to know about it. I'm sorry that it's happened, but it has. I'll see you around."
With that, she walks off, tears streaming down her cheeks, not expecting the hostility she was met with, hands pulling at her sleeves, teeth still digging into her lip. Behind her, the boys remain silent, shock still rendering two of them speechless, the other two swiftly exchanging glowers, dark eyes keeping hard contact with icy ones.
"What the hell was that for?!" Dwayne snaps at David once (Y/n) is completely out of earshot, rounding on his leader with a snarl, eyes flashing dangerously in the darkness.
"You know full well that we can't reproduce, so she's obviously been sleeping around with someone!" David growls back, standing up to the taller vampire authoritatively.
"And how the hell is she supposed to know that? You could be a little less aggressive when talking to her! Why are you getting annoyed anyway? I thought she was only a friend!" Dwayne spits out, referring to their conversation earlier in the month, where they'd all decided not to make a move on her.
"Things change, Dwayne." The leader bites back, hating to admit his newfound weakness: (Y/n), "I'm gonna go talk to Max. He should have some answers."
The three others agree to accompany him, Paul and Marko seemingly still in shock as they trail behind, neither if them saying anything the entire trek to Max's video store, not even sparing Maria a second glance when they traipse into the shop itself. Instantly, Max notices their arrival and scowls at them, going to say his usual line, only to stop when he notices the new attitude of the usually rowdy coven.
"What do you want?" He inquires as they approach him, eyeing them reproachfully.
"A word in private, if you wouldn't mind." Davis does nothing to sugarcoat his voice, the tone still as frosty as before.
Max nods after a minute, leading them to a backroom, where he kicks out the staff lingering there and locks the door behind them, turning to face the boys as he finishes, taking in their appearances with a curious eye.
"What do you need?" He finally asks, waiting for them to respond.
"Is there any chance that we can reproduce?" The platinum blonde puts it bluntly, face completely expressionless as he watches Max for a reaction.
"Reproduce? Why?" The head vampire sounds confused, before realisation sets in, "You think you got someone pregnant."
None of them reply to that, not willing to go into any detail with him, despite coming to him for help, Paul starting to shift on his feet again, having finally recovered enough to do so.
"It's very rare, but there have been cases of vampires getting humans pregnant. In the past, if a woman ever conceived a vampire's child, it was because of some unnatural occurrence, and the child always came out as a hybrid - half vampire, half human. I'm not entirely sure how it happens, but it seems that it's not as unlikely as I originally thought. I guess I should probably have given you guys The Talk." Max jokes towards the end, though he is very much aware of the effect his words have had on the boys, the prospect of having gotten someone pregnant never something that occurred to them at all.
"How...how can you tell?" Dwayne inquires, quietly.
"Tell what? That she's pregnant? Most women usually got the same symptoms as with a regular pregnancy, but with the addition of cravings for raw meat, and pretty violent mood swings. At this time, the woman needs someone to look after her properly and thoroughly."
They don't learn much else from Max, parting ways with him pretty soon after with the simple words "stick around for the child, you'll enjoy it", quickly deciding that (Y/n) had to be told about her new predicament. Finding their motorcycles, they kick them into gear and speed off onto the roads, hoping that she'll be back at her own home, making it easier to find her. The ride there is silent for once, each of them considering the same thing: whether or not to stick around, and what the pros of both options are. With these in mind, they pull up to (Y/n)'s house, noting that the lights are on inside, meaning that it is occupied.
"How are we gonna do this?" Marko speaks up for the first time since (Y/n) found them on the Boardwalk, voice uncertain as he climbs off the motorcycle, thumb between his teeth as soon as he's on solid ground again.
"No clue." David admits aloud, leading the way to the door, where he raps three times, the sound ringing out clearly in the house.
It takes a moment, but soon the wood is pulled back from the frame and a surprised face peers through, eyes red and blotchy, clearly having dried a long while, the sight striking a chord inside all four of them, Paul instantly getting the urge to wrap her in a tight hug. He remains still, choosing not to invade her personal space as they ask to be invited inside, going to the lounge where they can sit on the sofa, facing (Y/n), who takes a seat on an armchair opposite them. Once in place, they explain everything, watching as her face creases in disbelief, then anger, then resignation. As they finish, all she does is roll her eyes, chuckling dryly into her hand as it drags down her face.
"I should've known." Is all she says, cupping her face in her hands.
Confused, the four vampires look at each other, not quite understanding her gist.
"What do you mean?" Paul questions, leg bouncing nervously.
"I mean that I should've known you boys would make some stupid excuse." She snaps, standing and walking to the adjoining kitchen, where she pours herself a glass of water, "I should've seen it coming. But then, I didn't think you'd be so blatantly rude about it, either."
The boys are speechless for the second time that night, trying to figure out what to do as she continues.
"If you didn't want to be around, you should just have said. You didn't have to lie about the whole situation to me."
"We're not making an excuse, everything we've told you is true." David informs her, standing and going over to her, as if approaching a wild animal.
"Sure it is."
With one last sigh, David carefully morphs his face into the terrifying features of his natural state, eyes blazing yellow, fangs pushing out from under his upper lip, brow more defined than before, the appearance giving (Y/n) a chill of unease and fear as she sees it.
"Believe me now?" The platinum blonde inquires, cocking his head to the side.
"Well, shit." Is all she says, eyes wide, muscles rigid as she watches the vampire return to his usual countenance, swallowing nervously.
"I know this is a lot for you to take in, but we thought we'd come here to tell you that, if you want us to, we're more than happy to help out with the child." Dwayne reassures her from the sofa, dark eyes warm and kind as he watches her.
"Please, we'd like to help." David admits, the four of them having made the collective decision on the ride up, especially when they realised that they had hated being apart from her.
"If you can help me understand what the hell is going on, then sure, I'll take any help i can get."
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blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
Dry Humor-W.L
“can you write some fluff for Will where the reader (his gf), helps Will with some eboys content, and has very dry humour, so ends up completely roasting the others (and maybe some other friends like sidemen and the Cals), and like the fans find it really funny?“
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Pairing: WillNE x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k+
"Hey, love can you come help me with something?" It was normal for Will to call Y/n in to help him film something, usually it'd be just another Reddit video, sometimes it'd be for his main channel. It had surprised Y/n when she found out she was needed for an Eboys video. "You're not gonna make fun of me, are you?" Y/n glanced at the camera that was flashing a red dot. He was filming. "Not at all, I actually need your help picking out some of the boys' YouTube videos to review in an Eboys video," Will explained, pulling YouTube up on his monitor. "Then why are you filming?" Y/n kept her eyes on the camera. "Oh, in case there're any golden moments that we can put into the video," Will smiled to the camera. Y/n gave him a look, only causing Will to let out a small laugh. "Anyways, let's look at some of Alex's videos." Will had scrolled down through Alex's videos, finally spotting a good video from around 2 years ago. "Alex's old thumbnails make me anxious to look at," the h/c girl had a look on her face Will couldn't really read. "Why's that?" "I don't know, they look like something a teenage tik toker would make when trying to start a YouTube channel," Y/n had begun to bite on her nails. A smile spread across Will's face, he looked into the camera with a small nod. "What?" "Nothing," Will gave a shrug as he looked back to his computer. There were a few moments of silence before Y/n spoke up again. "It's crazy," Y/n had spoken up as Alex's video began to play. "What?" "Alex has gone through more hairstyle changes than I've changed my clothes," Y/n replied, keeping her eyes on the monitor, watching Alex talk as his purple hair was clearly visible. Will let out another laugh. "Oh, this is great," Will smiled, grasping onto his girlfriend's hand. Alex's video had finished up, leaving Will to start scrolling through his next friend's videos. He had chosen James Marriott to react to next. He had soon enough clicked on a video from James's series 'Can't Actually Sing.' Y/n hadn't said much throughout the video, but it only had taken so long before she finally spoke up. "I'm sorry, but if James keeps talking about Wonderwall, I'm going to lose my mind," Y/n let out a sigh, shaking her head. James had just started to talk about the song again on the video he filmed. "Wonderwall is really that annoying to you, isn't it?" Will looked over to his girlfriend. "I use to not care about the song. it's cool that James likes the song, but he talks about it so often. It's gotten so annoying," Y/n gave a shrug. Will only gave a nod as the couple continued to watch through James's video. "Okay, since you judged Alex's thumbnails, what do you think about James's?" Will had asked as soon as James's video had ended. "He literally makes the same face in every thumbnail he puts his face in. The only difference is that he moves it around. Wannabe Sniperwolf, 3/10," Y/n glanced over to the camera for a moment. There wasn't much emotion to her voice, Will couldn't tell if she was being serious or not. "Wannabe Sniperwolf, that's what I'm calling James now," Will grinned. Finally, it was George's turn to be judged by Y/n. Will had chosen a video that didn't involve George playing a gameplay. Halfway through the video, George had gotten up and began to walk around. "Listen, I know I'm short but at least I'm not George," Y/n shook her head. "Isn't George taller than you?" Will looked over to his girlfriend. "Yeah, but George is also a 22-year-old and is 5'7," Y/n smiled. "George and Alex are like the same height," Will chuckled. "Yeah, well I wouldn't want to be Alex either," Y/n gave another shrug. "Okay, what do you think about George's thumbnails?" Will had closed out of the video, going back to George's posted videos. "Some of them remind me of Alex's thumbnails," Y/n cringed. "I just don't like them." "Do you like any of the boys?" Will let out a laugh. "Oh, of course. They're amazing. They're like family, I just don't watch their YouTube videos," Y/n quickly explained herself, glancing from her boyfriend to the camera. "Okay, but what do you think of the sidemen?" Will had cocked his head to the side. "Why Sidemen? That's literally the weirdest name for a group," Y/n did a playful eye roll. "I've never thought to myself, 'you know, if I had to name a group channel name, I'd name it Sidemen.' Like, are they the side hoes or something?" "You're amazing," Will laughed. "What are your thoughts on Inabber?" "I literally love Fraser, but his YouTube videos are just too long. I really don't want to watch a 20-minute video on Onision or Jake Paul," Y/n shook her head. Will let out another laugh. "This is why I love you." "Only because of my humor? Wow, you have low standards," Y/n rolled her eyes once more. "No, I didn't mean it like that," Will shook his head. "I know, babe. I'm messing with you," Y/n let out a laugh. "Are we done yet?" "Yeah, I'll text the boys and ask if they're ready to film,"  Will smiled, leaning in to give Y/n a kiss.
"Alright lads, I brought Y/n in for a bit," Will had grinned at his camera. He and the boys had just started filming a new video for the Eboys channel. "I had her react to a few of you lads." "Oh god..." James sighed. "I already know I'm gonna get it worst," Alex shook his head. "I think I'm gonna have to agree with that," Will grinned, followed by him letting out another laugh. "Anyways, let's start the video, don't we?" Will had shared his screen with his friends, hitting the play button. 'I don't know, they look like something a teenage tik toker would make when trying to start a YouTube channel,' Y/n finally spoke up on the video. Alex threw his hands up, "They're old videos!" Laughter could be heard coming from the boys. The video continued on, having Y/n to continue talking about Alex. 'Alex has gone through more hairstyle changes than I've changed my clothes.' "Now this is a low blow!" Alex shouted. "I think she's right," Will wiped a tear from his face. He had been laughing so hard tears had been brought to his eyes. "Of course you think she's right, Will. She's your girlfriend," Alex shook his head. "Is my turn done yet? Is she done roasting me?" "Yeah, yeah. I think so," Will nodded, unpausing the video on his monitor. 'I'm sorry, but if James keeps talking about Wonderwall, I'm going to lose my mind.' "Wonderwall's a good song!" James spoke in a defensive tone. "It's an easy song to play on the guitar!" 'I use to not care about the song. it's cool that James likes the song, but he talks about it so often. It's gotten so annoying.' "Oh, I'm sorry! I'll shut up about it when you come around, Y/n," James shook his head. "She's right, mate," George laughed. "You constantly talk about that song." "She's gonna roast you next, yet you're defending her?" James raised a brow. "Alright, I see how things are, George." "Oh wow, James got defensive quickly," Will grinned. 'He literally makes the same face in every thumbnail he puts his face in. The only difference is that he moves it around. Wannabe Sniperwolf, 3/10.' "Oh, c'mon! 3/10? At least I don't put the stupid red square behind me," James let out a laugh. "He gets defensive over a song, but his thumbnails he can laugh about," Alex laughed, throwing his head back. "Let's keep going, I think it'll be my turn next," George ushered Will to unpause the video once again. Will, obliged, and it hadn't taken long for George to pop up next. 'Listen, I know I'm short but at least I'm not George.' "Low blow, Y/n!" George practically shouted, shaking his head. The boys exploded into laughter like dynamite. 'George and Alex are like the same height,' Will had spoken over the video. 'Yeah, well I wouldn't want to be Alex either.' "Hey! It's not my turn anymore!" Alex threw his hands into the air for another time. 'Okay, what do you think about George's thumbnails?' Will continued to speak in the video. 'Some of them remind me of Alex's thumbnails,' Y/n cringed on the screen. 'I just don't like them.' "What do you like, Y/n?!" George snapped at his camera. "It doesn't seem to be any of us!" "Hold on, lads," Will grinned, standing up from his desk. "Where's Will going now?" Alex sighed. Will disappeared out of the room for a moment, only to come back in with his dear girlfriend, Y/n. "Hi boys!" Y/n laughed, coming closer to the video call. "Y/n, how could you say those things about us!" George shouted. "I'm sorry, I was trying to be funny for Will's video," Y/n sighed. "I love you guys, I really do!" "She just has dry as fuck humor," Alex sighed, rubbing his face. Y/n let out a laugh, "I'm sorry, guys. Yeah, I'm pretty dry I guess." "I genuinely think this was one of my favorite Eboys moments to film," Will kept a stupid grin on his face. "Of course it is for you, Will. Your girlfriend didn't roast your videos," James smiled. "I live with her, she roasts me on every little thing I do," Will chuckled, pulling Y/n into his lap. "I can confirm this is true," Y/n smiled with a nod. "You two are something else," Alex shook his head. "We know," Y/n continued to nod. "Anyways, Y/n you mind leaving us be so we can continue the video, love?" Will gave a peck to Y/n's cheek. Y/n gave a nod as she waved to the boys, beginning her exit. The boys had yelled obnoxious goodbyes behind her, only receiving another wave. Dry humor or not, Will adored his girlfriend.
The Eboys's new video had finally been posted, Will sat in his living room, scrolling through the comments of the video, looking for feedback. 'Y/n is iconic.' 'We want more Y/n! Her humor is awesome!' 'Y/n cult>Louis cult' "Hey love," Will called out, continuing to scroll through comments. "What's up?" Y/n replied, walking over to the couch Will sat on. "The fans love you," Will smiled. "Well, of course they do. I don't know how someone couldn't. They really love your humor though." "That's great," Y/n smiled, sitting down next to her boyfriend. Y/n read the comments as Will scrolled. "I can't believe how many people think I'm funny," Y/n giggled. "Oh, they don't think you're funny, they think how the boys are reacting is funny," Will smirked. "Oh, shut up," Y/n slapped a hand against Will's chest. "I'm sorry," Will laughed. "They think you're funny, I promise." "That's good," Y/n smiled, leaning her head against Will's shoulder. "You're truly funny, Y/n," Will looked down at his girlfriend. "I love your humor." "I know," Y/n looked up at her boyfriend. "I love your humor too."' "We're just two funny peas in a pod, aren't we?" "We really are," Y/n nodded. "Love you, Will." "Love you, Y/n."
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Personal ramble time!
It's not nice going to bed knowing that you're going to have to watch your favourite character die (at least once) in the morning. Yes, I'm taking about Vision.
There's a whole bunch of reasons why Vision's one of my favourite characters in the MCU, and the closest to my heart after Edwin Jarvis. Is it because I was raised on the British butler trope? Yes. Probably. I can name at least 4 examples of the trope from my childhood alone. One happened to also be a robot, but other notable examples involve a ghost, an alien crystal, and a few actual humans. So the trope itself means a lot to me. But for some weird reason Vision's also the most relatable character to me and I can project a lot of myself onto him. British, socially-awkward/anxious, high expectations to live up to, very few friends, struggling to fit in and "be normal"... the list goes on.
Don't get me wrong, I adore Wanda too, but I don't have the same sort of emotional connection with her.
These past 8 weeks have felt a bit like the day before seeing Infinity War. Because if any character was going to die in Infinity War, it would be Vision. But since it was probably inevitable (haha) and because Vision hadn't really been characterised that well at that point, I was able to sort of distance myself enough to mentally prepare myself that he was going to die. What I wasn't prepared for was him dying twice within five minutes. It was the only death I cried at in the entire movie.
The weeks following Infinity War were strange. Everyone (irl) was talking about it, mourning various characters, but not one person mentioned Vision. When people asked me which death I found the saddest, the first few times I answered honestly and said Vision. The general response was "oh yeah that was sad. Anyway-" so then I just lied and answered Spiderman. Because that one was also pretty sad. Same for who my favourite Avenger was. I was sort of like a closeted Vision fan.
The lack of Vision-centric fan content was also pretty sad, and people still couldn't care less about the character. I started to convince myself I was just weird for liking him. Because hey, what else is new?
Then WandaVision was announced. The concept art was released. Then the trailer. Then the show itself started (on my birthday, no less! what a sign!) and all of a sudden the amount of Vision appreciation blew up. I saw him on billboards and buses. The show itself finally did his character justice and brought out all the traits that I knew he had but hadn't been shown, and Paul Bettany did an amazing job as always. Again, this is weird, but I felt a little overwhelmed with all the sudden Vision-love. I was actually in denial about it at first and just thought that people only cared because he was the male lead and they had no other choice, but soon it felt like they did genuinely care about him. There's now so much amazing new fan content to do with him. And these past 8 weeks have been absolutely amazing.
And because of that explosion of appreciation, it's making it all the more harder for me to come to terms with whatever will happen in episode 9. I've always used media as an escape and latch onto certain characters, Vision being one of many. And I am not ready to watch the character I most relate to die yet again.
I just really hope that Vision survives, or at least that Paul Bettany can stay in the MCU in some form.
But hey, it's Marvel. To quote Wanda... we just don't know what to expect.
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