#now everyone knows about hetalia
royaltea000 · 3 months
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I love doing lineart with this pen so of course I draw boobs with it ☺️
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ifindus · 1 year
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1660 - Cavalryman - Several wars under Denmark against Sweden.
1697 - Gunner - pre-Great Nordic War under Denmark against Sweden.
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1774 - Skiing Soldier - pre-Theater War under Denmark against Sweden.
1785 - Infantryman - pre-Great Northern War under Denmark against Sweden.
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1808 - Coast Guard Officer - Napoleonic Wars under Denmark.
1845 - Infantryman - pre-First Schleswig War under Sweden against Germany.
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1855 - Infantryman - during the Crimean War (Sweden-Norway debated joining the UK and France against Russia).
1905 - Hunter - preparing for wars of independence against Sweden.
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1914 - Engineer Officer - First World War.
1940 - Infantry Officer - Second World War.
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rwby-confess · 3 months
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Confession #118
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Chapters: 21/49 - Chapter 21 published January 25 2023
Francis catches up on gossip and witnesses a brotherly quarrel.
Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Belarus/Spain, Canada/Liechtenstein, Hungary/Switzerland Characters: Spain, Belarus, South Italy, Canada, North Italy, England, Germany, Liechtenstein, Russia, America, Hungary, Switzerland, Austria, France, China, Japan, Prussia, Sealand, Lithuania, Ukraine Additional Tags: Cardverse (Hetalia), Royalty, Magic, Mystery, Drama, missing memories, Aromantic Characters
Fanfiction.Net Version Here
The Aces of the Deck have noticed that something is wrong.
First they realized that they are missing memories from earlier in their time as Royals. Then they started dreaming of working with another set of Royals during a war between Clubs and Spades. Those two strange “Joker” fellows showing up in mirror reflections are only making things more confusing, same for the soul of that mysterious sorcerer from centuries ago.
Which set of Royals are they each supposed to work with? Why are the Aces the only ones to remain in the same Suits? How can they set things straight again, and what is the cost to pay if they do so?
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#gonna ramble in the tags because my brain sucks and if i put this in my own personal discord server im gonna see it all the time#so id rather throw it here and forget about it and have it drowned out by various fandom posts and other posts i simply find neat#existential anxiety is an absolute fucking bitch and i hate that it randomly haunts me often for no reason#i have however figured out that its exacerbated by stress and feeling a lack of control over my life#cause one day im gonna be old and close my eyes for the last time and thats it#i wont wake up in a new life and forget this one i wont be in a number of fictional universes i enjoy#i wont even wake up in an afterlife#hell even if there is on (i believe there is) i wont see it cause i have aphantasia#i see absolute sweet fuck all in my head! even my dreams tend to be kinda fuzzy and tunnel visioned!#im nearly 30 and as a kid i oculd never conceive of life beyond my teens and as a teen i couldnt imagine my 20s#and now im turning 29 this year ive temporarily moved halfway across the world to be with my fiance of 8 years in an attempt to make this#move permanent and... ive done nothing truly significant#i wanted to work in languages as a teen primarily because i loved hetalia at the time and it sparked my desire to truly understand history#and culture and communication and finally connect with people#it really should have been obvious to the career coach lady that i was autistic seriosuly how the fuck did it go unnoticed by everyone#except my mother and she didnt even support me properly!#youd think that this anxiety would propel me into doing the things i want to do which rn is photography#but nope! all it does is make me scared to sleep because what if thats the last time i close my eyes and i dont know it?!#so now im here occasionally publishing my silly tiktok videos#doing my best to not backhand mil or shake my fiance because they talk like a baby sometimes and that sets off various buttons with me#for reasons i havent fully figured out yet#i have so many friends and interests and the family i still speak to is lovely and supportive#though lets not get into nanny getting old and knowing that itll be time to say goodbye to her though hopefully not for another decade#but yeah. my brain sucks i cant afford to go back to therapy rn because im unemplyed#the job hunt sucks cause canadas job market is somehow worse than englands and i cant even get financial support here cause temp resident#and every so often my brain just throws this existential bullshit at me for no reason#im gonna go do the souless job search now#and set this to not be reblogged because frankly no one needs to be inflicted with this in their head
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sybaritick · 1 year
Absolutely thrilled to have stumbled across your 1972 security council rp tag. Legitimately exciting to know someone is into such a thing! If it's not too strange / personal to ask, would you be able to elaborate on what that entails and what's appealing about that specific rp for you? I'm curious but I can't quite get my head around it
I love talking about this stuff, so thanks for asking! I'm aware it's very weird but I think the reasoning behind it is surprisingly normal (in terms of how kinks develop).
I've explained this to a few friends on Discord so I will use those screenshots to assist me in this presentation.
so the backdrop to all of this is that I love to play the bad guy. As a small child in play-pretend games I would want to be the villain. I liked to be "it" during tag. As long as it's within the confines of a game/everyone knows we're just playing, I just like to be scary :)
But with this particular kink, I'm pretty sure it comes from some particular affecting experiences I had as a young teenager. I wrote my first Hetalia fanfic when I was 12 and then was very involved in model UN starting at age ~14. (I was really competitive about it and ended up even getting to a national competition once in high school, lol).
as a pretty weird teenage girl (now trans man) lot of my first experiences having crushes, or having someone else have a crush on me, were at model UN events. It let me feel powerful (because I was good at it) and I realized that having others act like I was powerful and threatening (in this ultimately harmless LARP type situation) was really hot to me.
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(many such stories...)
I loved playing the US diplomat when I got to because obviously you get to play evil puppetmaster world power so I would lean into that and have fun with it.
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The period of history I connected to most in terms of US interventionism was the Nixon era, just because there were so many examples during that period of the US trying to control the rest of the world. I ended up reading some Kissinger biographies (Kissinger by Walter Isaacson and Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power by Robert Dallek) when I was 18-19 and it really just cemented my obsession with the incredible harm he was able to cause and just how much of an affect he had on US foreign policy.
I'm particularly interested in economic coercion/the IMF and World Bank as instruments of US hegemony. Actually...
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but ofc it's not just the 1970s, I like fantastical modern scenarios too:
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(removed my boyfriend's name, sure it's just a first name but do they really wanna be in this post)
so yeah! tl;dr: it's a power thing, I like it in a D/s way. I got some wires crossed in my brain and "I like when people act scared of me [sexual]" became associated with "I like when people act scared of me because they're aware of the rotten machine of US global hegemony that lurks behind my words [sexual apparently]"
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merbear25 · 3 months
Hi, can you make Russia, Germany and Prussia with a reader who's also a total simp for them? (Like in previous ask✨️)
Hello, hello! So much love for the Hetalia men, I love it! Thank you for sending in your request. I hope you like what I've written for you 💜💜
pt 1, pt 2
CW: gn!reader, fluff, headcanons
Meeting a simp reader (Russia, Germany, Prussia)
At first, he was a bit shocked, then that shifted into doubt before he eventually realized you were genuinely head over heels for him.
The more time you spent around each other, the more comfortable he became, eventually looking around for you when you weren’t by his side.
He’d adore cuddling with you, especially on cold nights when the winter wind was howling loudly. Whenever you drifted off to sleep in his arms, he melted and allowed himself to fall asleep soon after. Waking up to you still wrapped up in his embrace gave him the confirmation that you were there because you wanted to be.
He’d want to strengthen your bond by exploring your common interests. I’d even go as far to say he’d get out of his comfort zone: giving things a try that he may not have prior to meeting you. A deep and meaningful connection was all that he’d really want at the end of the day and if you were willing to give that to him, he’d never complain.
He’d be fairly hesitant to accept your praise and affection. He was far from the romantic or touchy-feely type and you always wanting to be around him was making him…flustered. 
Despite that, you appeared to be hard-working, dedicated to your ambitions, and an overall respectable person, eventually earning his good graces.
With you seeming more than one dimensional to him now, someone he felt like he might enjoy having around, he’d invite you to training sessions and maybe small outings with the others if he thought you’d like it. Affection would undoubtedly start out small, mostly through acts of service and sometimes words of affirmation.
The progression in your relationship would be slow yet gradual, leaving room for you to both explore who the other truly was. Quality time would increase the more comfortable he became around you, wanting to share peaceful moments with you or enjoying a nice walk in the park. Looking at you, he’d have a subtle smile pertaining to his gratitude for you.
Everyone knew just how highly he thought of himself, so when you came into his life fawning over him, he couldn’t help but agree with you. He was the amazing Prussia afterall.
When your praise and adoration didn’t wear off the more time you spent with him and you expressed genuine interest in him, he started to wonder what your deal was—what you were all about.
You piqued his interest and now he wanted to know more about you. Inviting you out for drinks would be the easiest option for him. Getting more one-on-one time with you made everything easier for the two of you to bond properly. He came to really like you and suddenly your praise made him feel a bit differently—more affectionate.
Once you two got past the first hump with getting to know each other, he’d match your eagerness to see each other. He'd want to be around you all the time. Despite the chaotic energy he brought, he enjoyed the softer moments too. Whenever he got you smiling and laughing were times that he cherished, never wanting that feeling to fade.
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hetaliahyperfix · 17 days
Hetalia Headcanons: Why Human Names Exist
Now, a popular theory of why nations have human names is that the nations use them when interacting with humans. My personal headcanon is the opposite: it is for each other.
One of the things I found while researching history is that nations often go through many different name changes. Just look at China. He went from Xia to Shang to Zhou to Qin to Han... ect. Imagine how hard that would be to keep track of?
India: "Hello, Qin. It is good to see you again!"
China: "Oh, I'm not Qin anymore, I'm Han."
India: "Wait, you've changed your name again?! How many civil wars are you going to have?"
This isn't even getting into the fact that different languages call countries different things. For example, the citizens of China do not call their nation "China," they call it "Zhōngguó." The name "China" is the English version of the native name Zhōngguó. As you can see, even if a nation's name remains the same, it can be totally different depending on the languages
So, I personally headcanon that human names are something nations can call each other that will always remain consistent, even through language barriers and even if the name of their nation changes.
China will always be Wang Yao (or Wong Yue), even when his nation is called Song or Zhou or Qin. If nations are talking to each other, and one doesn't know who "Zhōngguó" is, the other can just say, "I'm talking about Wang Yao. Zhōngguó is the new name he is going by now."
These human names are universal and, for the most part, don't go through nearly as dramatic of changes as their nation names when it comes to language variation. For example, for English speakers, the People's Republic is "China." To Chinese speakers, it is "Zhōngguó." Meanwhile, "Wang Yao" remains "Wang Yao" across the languages, it just varies in pronunciation between English, Mandarin, and Cantonese.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that nations having human names is both a simplicity thing and a matter of convenience. A singular name that will never, or barely, change no matter how much time passes is very useful for immortals whose other names are constantly changing.
Of course, besides simplicities sake, I think there could be other reasons too.
For example, I think it could also be an exercise in autonomy. They can't control what their nation is called, but they sure can pick their human name.
They do this to pick human names that they think reflect who they believe they are, or perhaps because they simply think a name sounds cool and they want to be called it. Regardless, they get a choice in this name while they get no say in their nation one. This isn't to say they hate their nation names, most love them! But there is just something different about a name you chose for yourself.
You can see with China, for example, that his human name is actually very reflective of him. The first character in his name "王/Wang" meaning "king," and the three lines in it represent heaven, earth, and people, which represents the king's rule over China. The last character "耀/Yao" means "shining" or "glory," which feels like the type of name China would call himself. He wants to let everyone know he is heaven's gift to the world, lol.
Another reason they might have human names is that it makes them feel more... human.
They have a sort of twisted existence. They exist because of humans and their continued existence is entirely tied to humans, but they also can never really be connected to humans. It is canon that, if a nation spends too long with a human, their immortality will rub off on the human and drive them insane as the human mind can't comprehend immortality. This isn't even mentioning how short human lives are compared to them. See: Davie.
So, nations live in this limbo of existing because of their connection to humans but also never being able to truly connect with the very humans that make up their existence. Because of this, their use of a human name makes them feel artificially closer to humans, even when they know they aren't.
Now, do I think they would use human names all the time? Do I think it would be rare? How much would they use their human names compared to their nation ones?
This sounds like a cop-out, but I think it totally depends.
I believe it would totally depend on the culture and also the relationship between the two nations. In general though, I think that the closer nations are together, the more likely they are to use human names. Or, if the nation doesn't stress over the use of names as a sign of respect and are quite laid back, they might also be fine with anyone using their human name.
Also, culture plays a part. Americans, for example, are much more laid back about names than compared to East Asia. Ergo, I think America would be totally cool with people using his human name. Heck, he might even insist as proof he and that person are "buddies."
On the other hand, some nations might absolutely expect to be referred to as their nation name only. Yeah, they have a human name, but that is reserved only for the people most precious to them. If they are a conqueror, then they expect the conquered to refer to them with a nation name. They are a nation, dammit! Not some measly human, so don't use the measly human name. Use their great nation name, instead! They didn't become the greatest empire in history to not be referred to with the name of this great nation!
I know I have been using China as an example of why it is good to have human names, but I personally headcanon he was actually a pretty big stickler of making others refer to him as his nation name only, especially his vassal states. Yeah, knowing what to call him got confusing, so what? He is worth the effort.
(Though, I do think he relaxed on it as he got older, especially after the communist revolution.)
On the other hand, nations he saw as equals and/or was close to, he would allow them to use his human name. Like Ancient Rome, Russia, and India, for example.
One last thing I want to add is that I think the biggest reason nations all have human names is just plain, ol' peer pressure.
It sounds a bit silly but, I think when a bunch of nations started using human names, other nations saw this and thought, "Crap, everyone is getting a human name! Do I need one too? Will I fall behind if I don't adapt to this new trend?!"
Eventually, it got to the point where all nations had human names and all the nations that came after them just saw the universal usage of human names and assumed that they had to pick one, that it was just part of being a nation. Now, by modern times, very few nations even know there was a point where human names weren't universal. Having human names even got to the point where nations were bestowing these names on younger nations the way a human parent would name their child (like my headcanon of England giving America his name "Alfred" after Alfred the Great).
Honestly, this is a really long headcanon for something that probably isn't anything more than an easter egg in canon. But, tldr: human names make it easier for nations to speak with each other when their nation names are always changing.
Anyways, here's a fabulous China gif since I talked about him so much. Thanks for reading!
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midwestgp · 3 months
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Hello! After a good few weeks of combing through lots of data, I have coherent numbers for your viewing pleasure. This whole thing birthed from the hypothesis that past BTS fans now liked Charles and quickly grew from there. I am happy to say that many of my suspicions were confirmed and some surprises arose along the way. Thank you to everyone who participated and took the time to relive some great or not-so-great memories. Enjoy!
Some Notes Before Hand:
Combing through this data was a bit challenging. I tried to find data points that most fans would find interesting. To help give myself some sort of a guide I chose one of the top subjects in each category and analyzed the data attached to them. I will probably look back into this stuff more in the future, but trying to find points for everyone is a wild goose chase. That being said, if you notice something I do not, please let me know! I want to hear what you all think that's why I made this :)
Favorite Drivers (current grid):
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So this was a bit surprising, but I think it was caused mainly by my wording. According to this graph, out of 346 users, Oscar Piastri is currently the most popular driver by a long shot. While I do think Oscar is very well loved, I do not think this is true at all. Because I allowed participants to choose more than one driver it became less of a true ranking and more "these are the drivers people think most positively of currently". I think if I asked everyone to pick one person Oscar would not be at the top and more likely around the 3rd-5th range. Other than Oscar it is also important to note my audience certainly had an effect on the results. Things are probably skewed slightly towards other drivers than they are realistically, but I still think this is pretty close.
For the future keep the numbers up here in mind and our top three, Oscar, Charles and Max, will be important. All pipelines are based off and cross referenced with this data set.
Drivers on Past Grids:
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No surprises here! I did not do any pipelines attached to any of the data on this graph so this question was just for fun.
Anime and Manga:
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Sports anime! Competition! Yippee! This is about exactly what I thought would happen. It makes perfect sense that the sports anime is popular in the sport community. Also, it was really fun reading some of your less than enthusiastic previous fandom experiences and memories.
31/69 Haikyuu!! fans said that Max was one of their favorite drivers.
Also chances are that if you watched Haikyuu!! you also watched My Hero Academia because 29/69 Haikyuu!! fans also clicked My Hero Academia.
Max was the most popular person in this category as a whole and that does not shock me even slightly.
Favorite Characters:
Izuku Midoriya and Bakugou Katsuki from My Hero Academia
Tobio Kageyama from Haikyuu!!
Russia from Hetalia
L from Death Note
Levi Ackerman from Attack On Titan
Saiki K. from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
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I probably have the least commentary on this section. A lot of the books I love don't have dedicated fan bases attached to them (I wish they did) so I needed help when making this question. I have no clue what a lot of these are but I'm glad that you all enjoyed them.
My Hypothesis for this was "are past Harry Potter fans more likely to like drivers with British accents?"
100/152 Harry Potter fans said that either Lando, Lewis, George or Alex was one of their favorite drivers. Considering that none of these drivers are in our top three I'd say I was correct.
Favorite Characters:
Draco from Harry Potter
Newt from The Maze Runner
Kili from The Hobbit
Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice
Percy Jackson from Percy Jackson
Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games
Alice Cullen from Twilight
Comics, Cartoons, Graphic Novels:
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I was not previously aware of the amount of comic and graphic novel fans in Flblur! I thought at first that these numbers were coming from MCU and DCU fans (some them surely but that's besides the point), but after consulting my council (princess george cord) I quickly learned that there are a lot of comic fans.
When looking at the Marvel Comics numbers, this was one of the most diverse sections when comparing it to favorite drivers. This group leaned more towards the middle of the pack rather than our top three.
That being said Max and Lewis were our most popular contenders here. 36/93 Marvel Comics fans liked Max and 33/93 Marvel Comics fans liked Lewis.
I personally feel like this makes a ton of sense.
Favorite Characters:
Lance, Keith, Shiro and Pidge from Voltron: Legendary Defender
Zuko and Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender
Dipper and Mable Pines from Gravity Falls
Garnet from Steven Universe
Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes and Deadpool from Marvel Comics
Fluttershy from My Little Pony
Fandom RPF (no music):
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Looking at this section now, my labels could be a bit confusing. Chances are if you are a fan of a person in the Minecraft RPF category they also probably fit into both the YouTuber RPF and Streamer RPF categories. I made these separate from each other based on if I felt they had enough history and content to overpower other names who would fall in there. Phandom has so much history at this point that if I bunched it in with Youtuber RPF it would kind of feel disrespectful (and I wasn't even involved in it). Anyways, I decided to focus on Minecraft RPF for the pipeline in this section just because I felt like I could analyze it more closely even though it isn't the top spot.
So my hypothesis for this section was that the fans of Minecraft RPF would generally be more attracted to the younger people on the grid, like 2019 rookies and onward.
Something stood out very quickly and it was the amount of Logan and Oscar fans. The numbers aren't staggering or anything, but there's certainly a pipeline here.
23/62 Logan fans like Minecraft RPF and 49/197 Oscar fans liked Minecraft RPF. As a pairing, 16 Minecraft RPF fans liked both. Now this probably doesn't seem like a lot, but if you compare it with Lando's numbers (because Lando and Oscar is Oscar's most popular pairing) its kinda clear there's something different here. Only 18/88 Lando fans were previously Minecraft RPF fans.
Favorite People:
Dan and Phil
Movie and Film:
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It is not shock the amount of Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Wars and DC Universe fans there are in F1blur. I was a bit surprised by the lack of spread overall though, though who am I too judge I would really only attach myself to like two of these. Originally I did not want to look at the MCU in for this sections pipeline because I looked at the comics earlier, but the results were surprisingly different.
Ok, so previously in the Marvel Comics section the two most popular people were Max and Lewis. Here things are a bit different though Max and Lewis and still popular.
The standouts here this time are Alex and Yuki! 41/88 Alex fans liked the MCU and 46/73 Yuki fans liked the MCU.
It is also worth mentioning that 93/167 Oscar fans liked the MCU too.
Favorite Characters:
Loki, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Black Widow and Peter Parker from the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Poe, Finn, Luke Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi and the Clones from Star Wars.
Merlin from Kingsman
Q from the James Bond Franchise
Music and Band RPF (no kpop):
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I mean, it's what is says on the tin. One Direction being the most popular band in F1blur makes perfect sense, no comment. It also makes sense that Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance, Twenty One Pilots and Fall Out Boy are so similar in numbers. I am kind of curious on how people interact with fandom spaces with some of these artists, but those are questions for another time.
Although I did not poll anything to do with shipping, I am going to talk about it here. It did not shock me that Charles and Max were popular here.
53/143 Charles fans were One Direction fans and 51/130 Max fans were One Direction fans too.
28/108 One Direction Fans chose both Max and Charles. I am sort of pointing at possible Larry and Lestappen connections. Yeah.
Also lots of George and Lewis fans here.
Favorite People:
Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles from One Direction
Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance
George Harrison from The Beatles
Luke Hemmings from Five Seconds of Summer
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This is our smallest yes category...I will admit, I was shocked by the lack of Kpop fans from the poll. I assumed that because a lot of my F1 friends and moots were previous Kpop people that this would be similar for everyone else. I now see I am wrong. I am a little sad about it to be honest. Anyways, BTS was the most popular and no one bats an eye. Though I predicted EXO and Blackpink would have placed higher.
I wanted to focus on Charles for this one because him and BTS is why I did this whole thing.
Would it surprise you if 1/5 Charles fans were also BTS fans? Because it's real and I think that's amazing.
I crave to know what this fraction of the Charles fandom thinks about Jungkook because I know it's not normal :).
Favorite People:
Kim Namjoon (RM), Min Yoongi (Suga) and Jeon Jungkook from BTS
Bangchan and Lee Know from Stray Kidz
Jennie from Blackpink
TV Shows:
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This was our biggest yes category! The TV section has such a nice spread and it was one of the most fun sections to study in my opinion. I am not super into any TV Show fandoms so I also learned a lot here. These series are topics I will see in the trending tab, but know literal zero about. I am glad that you all seem to love these shows because that makes total sense since F1 is also TV.
Ok so I don't know much about Sherlock. When trying to find a pipeline here I just took a lot of numbers from each driver and waited for something to stick.
Imagine my shock when the standout was Fernando! 23/71 Fernando fans also chose Sherlock. Thats about 32%. Middle aged men for the win.
Favorite Characters:
Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf
Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley from Stranger Things
Sam and Dean Winchester and Castiel from Supernatural
Hannibal Lector from Hannibal
The 10th, 11th and 12th Doctors from Doctor Who
Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens
Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock
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Ah yes... theater. If I could go back and redo this I would LOVE to know what extracurriculars everyone did in school because I think that would pair with all this so well. Again, it is not surprising that Hamilton is the fan favorite. Romance, competition, war, betrayal, it has it all and so does F1 (and Heathers too now that I think about it).
I was practically flabbergasted by this section because it was immediately apparent that Hamilton fans go crazy for Oscar.
Out of the 91 people that said they were Hamilton fans... 74 of them also said they liked Oscar.
I do not know why this is. I thought George and Lewis were gonna be the stand outs here and they weren't. I'm a little bit confused, but at least you all sorta agree on something.
Favorite Characters:
Lafayette, John Laurens and Angelica Schuyler from Hamilton
JD and Veronica from Heathers
Enjolras and Grantaire from Les Misérables
Video Games:
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Last Category, woo! Ok since I already focused on Minecraft and yapped on that a lot we are going to instead look at Detroit: Become Human. This section had the best spread overall which was nice to see. I knew the most about this section so I thought is was funny seeing how high Five Nights at Freddy's was. Though I forgot to add some of my own favorite games sadly. There's also probably a lot more pipelines here than I realize and I am sorry that I can't look into more of them.
I knew coming in that Detroit: Become Human was going to be popular though I was surprised it beat out Five Night's At Freddy's.
I was not surprised though it find that George and Lewis were very popular amongst these fans.
16/43 Detroit: Become Human fans were fans of George and/or Lewis, the vast majority being both.
Favorite Characters:
Zelda and Link from The Legend of Zelda
Ghost and Soap from Call of Duty
Zagreus from Hades
Connor from Detroit: Become Human
Ganyu from Genshin Impact
Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil
Change In Pace: About You
So after asking all these fandom based questions I wanted to ask two about each individual: age and time spent watching. I think it's important to also study how time effects people in fandom and the fandom space as well.
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For this section I looked at the average number of drivers picked during the first question. I predicted that the older you were, the less drivers you would say were your favorite and I was correct.
Below 18: 4.07 range: 1-10
18-22: 3.44 range: 1-9
23-25: 3.38 range: 1-13
26-29: 3.42 range: 1-10
30-35: 3.26 range: 1-6
36+: 2.53 range: 1-5
Time Watching F1:
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I did the same analysis here as I did with the age question, so the longer you've been watching the less drivers you would say were your favorite. I was surprised by the amount of people who have been watching for less than a year (not that there's anything wrong with that). Also "My Whole Life" is a separate category because I figure it is at least 15+ and it has the added idea that F1 might be more than just a hobby to you. Finally, the orange and red are 10+(10 votes) and 15+ years (9 votes).
Less Than A Year: 3.58 , range: 1-10
1 Year: 3.62 , range: 1-11
2 Years: 3.34 , range: 1-13
3 Years: 3 , range: 1-7
4 Years: 4.19 , range: 1-9
5+ Years: 3.52 , range: 1-7
10+ Years: 3.7 , range: 2-7
15+ Years: 2.77 , range: 1-6
My Whole Life: 2.92 , range: 1-8
The End and Final Thoughts:
I am tired. This took probably 50-60 hours to do. I don't want to type anything or count Oscar's name ever again. Besides that, this was a lot of fun. Thank you to everyone who took part in this survey. Many of you left very nice and funny messages for me. Thank you to everyone who caught errors and let me know. Thank you to the wonderful people of princess George cord for their support and help. And thank you to anyone who actually reads this. I am very hungry.
If anyone notices any errors or inconsistencies please tell me and I will try my best to fix them. I am no scholar, but I really did try my best to make this as true as possible.
P.S - Thank you to Game Theory for being my background noise for the majority of this.
Midwestgp (koyya) <3
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bloodyselfshipping · 2 years
(Hetalia Main 8 x Reader) How they talk about you!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~
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Most people around Alfred would probably not realize you two are romantically involved. The way he talks about you is less like a partner and more like a best friend.
But that said, everyone would know who you are. It’s immediately obvious how close your relationship is. He seems to know everything about you.
He won’t bring you up constantly, but your presence is around him in some way.
“Who are you texting during the meeting?!” “Oh, Y/N! Right now they’re-”
“Who are you inviting?” “Y/N! I really think they’d have fun coming along-”
“Are you free tonight?” “Mm, sorry dude. I’m with Y/N tonight, just like last night, and the night before we-”
But if anyone asks, he loves talking about you. You make everything more fun, so even thinking about you makes him feel so much better!
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He doesn’t bring you up much, but when he does it’s so obvious how much he loves you. Always looking in the distance longingly…
Doesn’t share a lot of personal details, probably doesn’t even mention your name. He always calls you nicknames or just “my lover.”
Arthur prefers to keep you his little secret.
“Ah, I have to go. I have an engagement with… someone special.”
So it's usually very stilted and formal, but not because of a lack of affection. He thinks that PDA and gushing about romance in public is tactless, so he refrains.
You’re like royalty to him so he always makes sure to make his respect more apparent than anything. No one is more special to him than you <3
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The second most normal out of any of them. Although he always refers to you very romantically, that isn’t very out of line for how he normally is.
It seems as if he sees you as perfect, above others in every way. He always praises you and everything you do, to an absolutely absurd degree.
Always has very specific things he calls you in front of others.
“Ah, this reminds me of my S/O. They are like poetry in motion…”
“Every day I am inspired by Y/N, even the most impressive works of art are nothing compared to them.”
“My eternal love, they are calling to me… I must go!”  “Just say you wanna get outta here!”
He can’t help but gush about how perfect you are. He would say you are nothing less than soulmates.
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Yao is a very traditional man. From the start of your relationship, he’s always referred to you as if you were married.
Sometimes he’ll refer to you like those old men who hate their wives, but only because he doesn’t realize the full implications.
“”Aiyaa! Have to go tend to the ball and chain, see you later!”
Except when he says that, he means it affectionately. By “tending to the old ball and chain” he means laying his head in your lap for two hours and telling you about how stupid his friends are.
He’d love nothing more than to just talk to you and you alone, he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks of you two.
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Ivan CANNOT stop talking about you! Seriously, everyone is very annoyed by it. But he just can’t hold himself back, he needs everyone to know about how much he loves you.
Anytime anyone brings up something that reminds him of you, he has to go on a whole tangent. God forbid someone brings up an interest of yours, then it goes on forever.
They probably won’t even know your name because he just always uses some adorable pet name for you (:
When he misses you, it’s even worse. Anything just immediately results in,
“My darling used to call me that…” “Because it’s your name!”
If he could, he would bring you everywhere with him. So, he’ll do so in his own way (: (telling everyone who breathes in his direction about you)
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Everyone is immediately aware of your existence. He LOVES bringing you up at every opportunity. All his friends need to know about his lovely S/O right now!!!
Definitely tries to show you off.
“You know whose really attractive? My S/O! Look, see!!!”
“I just thought of something funny, one time Y/N did that! But like, they were super hot!”
“Cuore mio, everyone should see how wonderful you are. Don’t be embarrassed!”
When he gets drunk, he can’t help but talk anyone’s ear off about you. About how much you mean to him, about how proud he is of you, a lot of other stuff that seems way too sentimental for an easy-going guy like him.
Often ends up bursting into rooms just to bring news of you. He gets so emotional it can become unbearable for those around him.
He can’t imagine his life without you, and everything is just a reminder of that fact. Feliciano loves you more than anything!
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Ludwig wouldn’t not talk about you… but he wouldn’t go out of his way to do so. Not because he’s embarrassed of you, but because he’s embarrassed of how much he’s in love with you!
You make him so soft… and the thoughts of you are constantly distracting him! His darling (you) lives in his head rent-free, damn you!
“Oi Germany, is that a person on your lock-screen?” “N-No! Well… it’s my S/O… don’t make it into a situation!”
He thinks very highly of you, and trusts your judgment completely. Talking to you helps him think out his problems. That fact is so obvious that a lot of times, his friends will call you up for him when he’s panicking.
Not a fan of pet names, and can seem cold about your relationship in public. But don’t let that fool you, he doesn’t want to go a day without you!
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Very casual about you. You’re his partner, you matter a lot to him, and he’s not embarrassed about it. 
But he does use his experiences with you to help him relate to others, so you get brought up quite a lot with his friends. When he’s having trouble socially, he tries to remember everything you’ve ever told him and repeat it.
“My S/O had something similar happen to them. May I consult them on this?”
“This reminds me of something that Y/N said to me last week. Shouldn’t we just put the past behind us? They said it’s no good to dwell on these things.”
“Hm… maybe we should just go home and rest before making a decision. Besides, I want to talk to Y/N about this.” “Are you sure you don’t just miss them?” “That is a possibility.”
He acts as if you two are married, but just because you have become so important to him so quickly. You make his life so much better and easier, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
People have said this in the reblogs, but people who are concerned about what Project 2025 might do to AO3 should try to prevent that by voting for Democrats, including Joe Biden (or whomever replaces him if that happens), and supporting campaigns by canvassing, phonebanking, donating, sending postcards. If you're not a U.S. citizen, you can't vote or donate but you can probably find other ways to support, including by reblogging pro-voting posts on here. It's not a done deal. One person in the reblogs brought this up too but I wanted to elaborate: There's a huge problem on Tumblr with anti-voting propaganda, especially spread by tankies and other kinds of horrible people. I think that more people need to consider that if they're going to decide "hey, the occasional funnee meme isn't worth following a terf or Nazi or other anti-LGBTQ+/racist bigot" that should expand to tankies. Supporting dictators like Putin and Xi is supporting anti-LGBTQ+ politics, supporting racism (these people all violently suppress racial and religious minorities) and is supporting censorship. They are kind of famous for that. Supporting Putin, especially if you are also downplaying or making excuses for the invasion of Ukraine, is also supporting genocide because that is what he is doing to Ukraine right now. That should be a firm line for you, I think, if your convictions aren't like completely worthless lol. Some things should be more important to you than fucking memes! And at least have the bare minimum critical thinking skills to wonder if people who spend so much time doing apologetics for right-wing homophobic transphobic dictatorships, might be discouraging voting because they're ok with the U.S. also becoming a right-wing homophobic transphobic dictatorship.
One of my eternal vent pet peeve things is how many people make excuse for the blogger heritagep/osts (username is without the slash, but they and their friends are name-searchers). This is a person who regularly reblogs pro-dictatorship propaganda including for fucking North Korea, discourages and shames voting, and also is a vicious anti-semite who tries to hide that under supposedly being pro-Palestine. The way you can tell this is they're constantly making "Zionist blocklists" but if you look at the names that are actually on those blocklists, they're nearly all people who are outspokenly ANTi Zionist but who happen to be Jewish and post about that.
The excuse people constantly use for following them is that their blog is about documenting old Tumblr posts. Which just seems so flimsy because there are so many blogs that do that these days? Nearly all the rest of which are not antisemitic transphobic-dictator-apologists. H/eritageposts' commentary isn't even that funny. A lot of it is "anti" adjacent shit acting like everyone who ever liked Hetalia or Shingeki no Kyojin is antisemitic and responsible for rising Nazi sentiment online, which is kind of rich given the antisemitism and pro-right-wing-dictator stuff they've been radicalized into. Like lol call fujoshis "cringe" all you want but hardly any of the people I know who were into Hetalia in 2010 are antisemites in 2024, but you, on the other hand... Like maybe fandom is not in fact the danger and you can be a sucker for Internet extremism even without it!
Anyway, people, please just have bare minimum standards and compassion for who you follow and promote. No one's saying that you ahve to research everyone you reblog from, but there are blogs who regularly post this shit, you'd notice if you followed them or even glanced at them, that people make excuses for following because "funnie posts." Like come on. Have more self-respect and more actual courage of your convictions than that. All you're showing is that when the actual dictators are here you'll fall right in line the second they make a joke you laugh at.
Even if that weasel wins, plenty of people have fought horrendous governments before.
Queer people didn't have any fucking rights in the US when I was a kid, so we fought. We'll just have to fight again if it comes down to it.
Always vote.
Even if all the candidates suck, they're never all the same.
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milaisreading · 10 months
🌱🩷: So, I had this one sitting in my drafts for a few weeks now. Tbh, this is my first time attempting to write Hetalia x reader content. Hope you enjoy it. And yes, I made Yn a Nordic state, bcs why not. We all love some chaos.
(C/n)- Country name
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. No warnings, really. Requests for Hetalia stories are open
🌍Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya🌍
"Why me?! You know I hate almost everyone." The girl asked her long time friend and ally, Finland, over the phone. The blonde laughed over the phone, which caused the other country to growl a little.
"Sorry, but you know how these meetings go. Every year one of us Nordics have to join these things. This year it's your turn, (C/n)." The said country cringed as Finland used her country name. He only used it on her when the argument was over or she made him mad.
"I know... Let's hope this ends well." She sighed, a little terrified of the meeting.
'8 of the strongest World powers will be with me in that meeting room... let's hope I won't be forced to sit between Russia and America again.' She gulped, finishing her call with Finland.
"It doesn't help that all of them hate me, too."
(Y/n) mumbled to herself and went to get ready.
"France, what's with those flowers?" China questioned, his eyes narrowing at the blonde. This caused Russia and America, who for once weren't arguing, to look at the blonde as well.
"Nothing, old friend~ you know I love roses the most." France smiles nonchalantly.
"Really? Then what's with that paper in the bouquet?" Germany questioned.
"What paper? Oh this?! It's just the bill!" France laughed awkwardly. He tried to take the pink paper, but America beat him to it and took it instead. France frowned nervously as Japan made a observation too.
"And you smell odd today... Did you use some cologne?" The Japanese asked.
"And why did you insist for our Nordic guest to sit so close to you? I thought you found Sweden scary, frog." England added in.
"What are you talking about, old friend? Sweden is a nice guy, I want to get close to him."
Russia and Germany sent him looks of disbelief, but before either could say anything, America let out a yell.
"France, dude?! You really are so uncool! How could you do this to me?"
"What?" England blinked, looking between the duo.
"What are you talking about?" France asked innocently, but America shoved the paper into his face.
"To my beloved (Y/n)?! Really?! And you are so casual to use my girl's human name, too!"
America glared at the French nation. France, angered by his last sentence got up and glared right back at America.
"Your girl? My beloved (Y/n) would never go for a loud mouth like you."
"(Y/n)? Do you guys mean (C/n)-san?" Japan suddenly interrupted them, causing the rest to realize what is going on.
"Wait, why did you buy flowers for her? And don't claim her so casually, pigs." China frowned, getting a little jealous. Russia, who was smiling the whole time looked at the duo, too.
"China is right. The little sunflower is too cute and delicate to be claimed by dirty men like you. So stay away."
France and America shuddered for a moment and the ominous aura surrounding Russia. And before another fight could start, Germany, England, and Japan spoke up. The trio was jealous and pissed as well by their comments, but they couldn't cause a fight now.
"Calm it down, all of you." Germany commanded.
"You all are acting like immature kids." England frowned.
"Let's all just take a deep breath for a moment." Japan suggested. The group slowly nodded their heads and one by one sat down. After a few minutes China spoke up, looking menacingly at France.
"But seriously, what's with those flowers? You are not planning to give it to Sweden so that he can hand them to (C/n)?" The oldest nation raised his eyebrow as France gulped and laughed nervously.
"Why not? Her and Sweden are close friends."
"Cut the crap. What's this all about?"
"Yeah, you have been acting off ever since you sent that invitation to Sweden." Now it was England and Japan's turn to look at him in confusion.
"I might... might not have invited Sweden this year... hahaha."
Now, France was usually a smug and calm person, but he knew this revelation would make room for a hellfire not even he wanted.
"What do you mean by that?" Germany narrowed his eyes.
"Acho!" (Y/n) let out a small sneeze as she walked down the streets of Paris, utterly confused as to where she was.
"I got lost...didn't I?" (Y/n) muttered to herself, getting her phone out to check her location.
'This is bad! If I am late, Germany will be pissed at me! And if he is pissed, he might berate me! Oh, I am so dead.' The nation gulped as she looked at her watch.
"Bella! I didn't expect to see you here!"
The girl jumped in surprise as she heard a familiar voice and quickly turned around.
"Italy?! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the meeting by now? You are always there early with Germany and Japan." The Nordic nation commented, sighing in relief that she wasn't the only one late.
"Oh~ I wanted to get some food before going. Here, take some~" The Italian said happily, handing her a few pastries he bought.
"Ah? You shouldn't give me these." The girl blushed, surprised by his kind gesture.
'But... Italy has always been like this to everyone.' She argued herself as Italy shook his head.
"I want you to have it. I tried some of the sweets in the bakeries already, so I am full. Besides..." Italy grew shy a little, but still kept his usual closed-eyes smile.
"I bought them for you. I remember you told me and China once how you don't eat prior to our meetings."
"Y-you remembered that? That conversation was years ago." (Y/n) blushed a little in embarrassment, but was touched by his gesture.
"It was important enough to remember!" Italy argued.
'He is such a flirt... well, he is a country of passion and romance, if I recall correctly.' The girl smiled gently and nodded her head.
"Thank you, Italy. It's really kind of you. But you came all the way here to buy me food?"
"France said the best bakeries are here. But why are you here? Yesterday I saw that you would be in our meeting too, this place is pretty far away from there."
"I... I kinda got lost." The girl said, genuinely sounding embarrassed. Italy blushed at her cute behavior and nodded his head. Without any warning, the European country took her free hand and started dragging her to a nearby parking spot.
"I-Italy, don't grab people like that!" The other country scolded him, but knew it was futile against him.
"Bella, don't worry. I will drive us there. I did come with a car, after all."
The words caused (Y/n) to sigh in relief for a moment as she thanked Italy for his help. But, that relief soon turned into panic as the words finally sunk in.
'Italy... will drive me?' She gulped as the approached the sports car.
'I should have prepared a will.'
Italy, oblivious to her panic, held himself back from skiping and humming in happiness. He finally gets to spend time with his beloved (Y/n) without anyone interrupting him.
"We will be there in no time!" The Italian said enthusiastically.
'Is this my karma because I ate Iceland's pudding last week?'
"So... you invited (C/n) and not Sweden and decided not to tell us, right? Did I get that right?" Although Germany looked and sounded calm, France could tell the blonde was far from it.
"Surprise." The French nation laughed, pissing the rest off even more.
"You backstabbing frog! Why wouldn't you tell us this sooner?!" England yelled as America held him back from jumping the country.
"Yeah, what even was your plan here? Did you want to impress her or something?" The youngest country asked.
"My dear friend, I don't need to try that hard. (C/n) can tell I am a better pick without me even trying much."
"What do you mean by that?" Japan asked the French country.
"Women love a man who is honest with his emotions, romantic, and most importantly, can cook." The final being more a jab on England than anything.
"Hold up! That would include me, too! I am always honest with her!" America yelled in protest, earning disapproving looks from Russia and China.
"You yell, America. That doesn't mean you are honest. Besides, she always said she likes my cooking more." China laughed as he got a nasty look from Japan.
"Well, in that case she must like me more. She always compliments my cuisine and likes listening to my interests-"
"Same with me! What now?!" The two Asian countries glared daggers at each other while Russia was smiling menacingly at them.
"I think I would be a better fit for the sunflower. After all, we both grew up in the cold and I can also protect her better-"
"Russia, you scare her. You are not a better fit." Germany sent a side-glare at the platinum blonde.
"Same for you, old friend."
The once calm room turned into a screaming match between the nations. Neither noticing Italy and (C/n) walk in, looking at them in astonishment.
"Ve~ let's skip out on the meeting and go get food instead."
"I-" She looked at the Italian man and then at the rest, a feeling of defeat taking over her body.
'Why did I agree to this? I knew I should have stayed in self-isolation! Denmark will pay for it!'
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vanessalocke · 24 days
UkFr or FrUk gives me the icks because it looks like a relationship that begun when they were kids and France tried something on England because it felt good but England felt abused and discarded so he just did worse to France and they never stopped hurting each other and basically want to destroy the other while hating everything ... Awful dynamic here. How could it break? They don't even have anything in favour
I'm asking you if you see Dover based on official Hetalia, or your headcanon?
If it's your headcanon, I have nothing to say. Everyone has their own perspective and I don't want to change anyone's mind.
If you're referring to official Hetalia, then I'll give you evidence to refute your argument. Please note that I don't like official Hetalia, when I make my headcanon, I keep the details I like from official and leave out the details I don't like. But since you messaged me, I'll go over their childhood a little. There are 3 pieces of evidence that show the abuse you're talking about is wrong, at least in official:
England fell asleep while France cut England's hair.
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Would you let someone you don't trust touch your hair? Would you sleep in front of someone you don't trust? Would a person do all of those things to someone who abused her/him/them?
England agreed to stay with France when he thought the end of the world was coming.
France thought of England first when he knew he was going to die. England had no intention of escaping France's embrace when he knew he was going to die.
England was very mean-mouthed when standing with France and France always smiled, or had a very calm attitude.
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I'll say it straight out that England was spoiled by France. No abused child would be comfortable enough to speak freely like this.
Although the early APH period was a really horrible mess and I hated it, as far as I can remember, even then Himaruya didn't portray the bad things in their childhood.
Let's put the abuse aside for now and talk about your "basically want to destroy the other while hating everything" line. Did you know that Dover isn't just a normal "enemies to lovers" couple?
Their relationship is more complicated than "enemies to lovers". They are a combination of "childhood friends", "closest friends", "rivals", "soulmate", "old married couple". I agree that there are times when their relationship is terrible. However, while they are against each other, they also have a soft side for each other. They are very soft on each other when they see each other sad. They show concern for each other many times when they see each other hurt, if you actually watch the anime.
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They were just two stupid kids playing stupidly together throughout their childhood. And they maintained that stupidity with each other throughout their lives. One thing was clear, they were comfortable and happy in each other's presence.
You really think this is the atmosphere of a perpetrator and an abuse victim?
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atom-writings · 1 year
Summer time! May I ask what the axis (Prussia and Romano) have planned for the beach with their s/o versus the reality of the trip? 😂
Oh, to make this more fun I want this to be a group trip.
Happy Summer! ☀️
hetalia axis on a group beach trip with their s/o
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1.1k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: they think ur hot. lol. thats it.
a/n: since this is my last weekend of summer its a perfect time to do this :sobsobsob: sorry anon
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There'll be plenty of pretty girls for him to flirt with! And more importantly, one VERY pretty person that he's gonna flirt with the most.
Hopefully, this time, he won't put one foot in the water and immediately shriek about how freezing it is.
He'll spend as much time with you as he does with his friends! Plus, now you can be closer to them! Hooray!
Maybe he'll get a little bit of a workout. He's not a big swimmer, but he'll try his hardest, just to impress you.
He'll spend a little too much time trying to get Kiku to get out of his shell. If you suggest that maybe he just doesn't want to... Feliciano is taking it as a personal challenge.
He doesn't get a lot of swimming done. Just enough to balance out the ice cream he got for the two of you.
He ends up teasing Ludwig a lot about how girls are staring at him-
He usually only gets hit by Romano twice! (To be fair, he was totally asking for it.)
He'll drool over you for an... uncomfortable amount of time. Luckily, he knows how to be subtle. His words are absolutely NOT subtle though!
If no one knew you were dating him before, they will now.
He cannot stop kissing you.
He can't help it, ok? You're just too cute in that swimsuit!
 Everyone will enjoy his homecooked snacks and NOT spend money unnecessarily on some overpriced trash-
 He'll only have to remind you and everyone else to put on sunscreen once, and will actually do so when he tells them to.
Feliciano will not hit his head on the bottom of the pool diving again, and if he does, Ludwig will not be the one who has to drive him to the doctor. Again.
Nothing will go wrong. Okay, something will go wrong, but it'll be something minor... please...
All of his friends constantly interrupt the two of you and drag you off to do something stupid
He was so careful! But... he still got sunburned on his back.
Halfway through the trip, he's done swimming because he's tired of Romano splashing him in the face when he's trying to get some ACTUAL EXCERCISE-
One of the lifeguards is a stupid teenager and of course, Ludwig is the one who ends up saving some poor kid. (He did not have to volunteer! But you know, “If I didn't, who would?”)
Everyone stares because god lord that man is shredded to hell and back.
( Someone tries hitting on him and he's so uncomfortable he pretends he doesn't speak English and runs away)
He still has a lovely time, because you're around, and that's all he needs to be happy.
No one will talk to him. No one will look at him. It will not be too hot and he won't have to swim. Please. Please do not make him swim.
Actually, you can talk to and look at him. Maybe Ludwig can. But only that.
Hopefully, he won't be forced to eat terrible beach food. He packed a sandwich. That's enough, right?
All he wants is to sit in the shade with you and read quietly, away from all the noise and heat of the beachfront.
Feliciano is gonna drag him in the water, and he'll trip. And fall. Into the water. And he'll be all wet for the rest of the day. And he'll hate it. So much.
Barely gets to read his book for multiple reasons.
Halfway through the trip, he's completely wiped out from the heat. You'll probably have to help with sunscreen, too.
Anytime any of you bring him down to the water, he tries to bring up a bunch of random facts to get you to stop.
(”Don't you know there's jellyfish in this country? I do not want to get stung!“ ”THIS IS A LAKE!“)
Kiku is much more suited for an arcade than a beach. He's too much of an old man for it. He's glad you're having fun, though.
You'll pass out from how hot he is
He WON'T give in and eat any of the disgusting, insulting beach food.
He'll be able to completely ignore everyone but you, including the stupid, loud Germans!
The heat won't bother him. He's a Mediterranean country for god's sake, he's used to it being hot!
Hopefully, and he really prayed for this, he'll get a nice tan and not more sunburnt.
Feliciano won't interrupt his peace and relaxation. And if he does, he won't run away as Romano tries to smack him with a rolled-up magazine.
He ends up getting super insecure about his body in comparison to everyone else (Cough, cough, Ludwig and Gilbert,) and you'll have to coax him to not constantly wear his towel.
Any time not spent bothering others is spent with you while relaxing in a pool floatie.
He's so unused to exercise that he gets hungry and tired almost immediately.
He tries his best to ignore the other beachgoers in favour of you, but he can't stop getting annoyed by everyone else OR subtly flirting with others.
(He's just in a bad mood, he doesn't mean any of it.)
As soon as he sees you, he can't help staring. He just thinks you're so stunning when you're wearing so little...
He's gonna get so sunburnt that he's in pain for weeks.
You and him are gonna race in the water, and he's gonna WIN!
He'll finally get to show off his rockin' bod without being seen as a douchebag.
Plus, he'll get to see your body too. Even better.
(I'm telling you now, if your stomach spills out of your swimsuit, he's gonna get so attracted to you, he'll get dizzy and have to sit down.)
When (If) girls stare at him for being so hot, he'll get to show off that he's dating YOU, which in his opinion, you're even hotter than him. Then they'll get jealous and stop looking at him! (Not how that works, but whatever.)
He's gonna get so sunburnt that he's in pain for weeks. This is inevitable.
Gilbert will quickly become pretty bored just swimming, so you and him will build a nice big sand castle (He insists on making one replicating a castle he used to live in.)
He'll sneak up behind Ludwig and grab his ankles, swimming away before he can see him. Just for fun.
He's gonna ask you if you're drowning.  Regardless of what you say, he's picking you up bridal style and carrying you out of the water. Just because he thinks it'd be hot. (”I'm saving you, Liebling! I take kisses in payment-“)
Romano will hate it, but Gilbert definitely will try to force him down a slide if there are any.
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aballadforbarbatos · 2 years
inspired by a hetalia piece of mine i found yesterday. this is actually lowkey kinda long i didn’t mean to do that
mc eating solomon’s cooking
you are hungry.
you KNEW you shouldn’t have turned down satan’s offer of lunch at hell’s kitchen but you were so exhausted and you mistakenly thought there would be food in the kitchen
you should’ve known better. smh.
someone needs to go shopping because there is only a stick of butter and an identified plastic container with something purple inside
not you tho you’re dirt poor. flat broke, even. pockets empty, wallet lined with dust
your stomach growls. your eyes dart between the unidentifiable substance and the stick of butter. the idea of eating butter makes you physically gag, so you turn to the container
the container has a note with “solomon’s” attached to it, and then a bigger note in belphie’s handwriting next to it
why are you clarifying it’s yours. everyone knows. nobody is taking it. WHY IS IT IN OUR FRIDGE
you’ve never actually had solomon’s cooking before
yeah there was that dinner where the pair of you cooked different dishes from the human world, but everyone was voicing their disapproval before you could try it, so you just didn’t.
it IS solomon’s though, so you decide to have a little. just a little. he won’t even notice that someone’s been into it.
pulling the container out of the fridge, you scoop a little bit into a bowl. it’s not quite as watery as you expected- in fact, it reminds you a little of mud. a deep purple mud with stuff inside.
hey, this is capsicum (bell pepper)! where’d he get this from? okay, now you have to try it- finding such difficult ingredients must mean it’s worth eating, right? right???
do you heat it up or just eat it cold… you decide you’re in the mood for a hot meal and open the microwave, shoving the substance inside
(“uh actually the house of lamentation doesn’t have a microwave” if u don’t think they’d get one because mc mentioned it once in a conversation you’re severely wrong)
pulling it out and now it’s bubbling. but like the bubbles are so slow in popping the surface because of how thick the purple stuff is
you lift your spoon. are you having second thoughts? coward behaviour. truly a wimp. you can jump in front of lucifer on a rampage but you behave like this in front of food? cowering before what could vaguely be described as soup?
apprehensively, you put the spoon in your mouth and swallow. if you spit it out you might stain the carpet
a pause.
“oh, what the fuck?!”
this is GOOD.
you slurp down the rest, now rather mad. everyone else was going on about how it was the worst thing they’d ever had, and you’d just believed them?! you are NEVER making that mistake again,
you moan embarrassingly loud. thank god nobody else is left in the house because how would you explain to them that solomon’s cooking is so amazing that you are involuntarily making noises
if it was just one person, you’d think they were just lying so they could have more for themselves. but it was everyone, which is probably why you were so convinced in the first place
lesson learnt; demons and angels have weak tastebuds, because you’re going back to the kitchen for seconds.
as the microwave heats up the bowl, your D.D.D. buzzes. it’s lucifer asking about your activities- you tell him you’re having a snack before studying
he says he didn’t know there was any food left in the house
you decide to ignore this last message because the microwave beeps and you go back to scarfing it down, sating your stomach and silencing its growls
“he won’t even notice it’s been eaten,” - you, about half an hour ago
well you ate it all, so the least you can do is clean it, you suppose…
later that night, when everyone is back, and someone has gone shopping, solomon comes sauntering through the door and opens the fridge
“wh- who ate my soup? did you guys feed my cooking to the rats again?”
satan doesn’t look up from his book. “yeah, like anyone would eat YOUR cooking.”
you sink a little into your chair, suddenly becoming very interested in devilgram
“mc might tolerate your petty little comments, satan, but none of that changes the fact that there is no soup in this container that i specifically put in here. look, belphie even wrote a note!”
mc might- you stifle a laugh as your favourite cat fan scowls. asmo and mammon are not quite as successful as you. belphie stirs from his sleep, and mumbles something like “get it out of our fridge…”
solomon sighs. “i’m not mad, i just wanna know. mc?”
you don’t answer. maybe he’ll move on? yes? yes?
“hellooo? mc?”
no. okay, out with the truth then
“i ate it! i’m sorry, solomon! i got really hungry and there was seriously like no food left in the house, so it was between a stick of butter and your cooking, and i thought i’d take a risk, and i only wanted a little bit but it was so good and i accidentally ate the whole thing-”
you can feel your eyes welling up with tears at the thought of solomon getting mad- or even worse, being disappointed- at you. you cross your fingers and hope that he forgives you,
you totally miss the horrified and disgusted looks from the brothers. even belphie has properly woken up at this point to stare at you in disbelief
“well, mc, if that isn’t one of the most romantic things i’ve ever been told,”
container forgotten, he comes around to your spot on the couch. puts a hand on your cheek and just pretends the others are not there
staring into his eyes helps you to drown out mammon, who knows how he’s doing it
uses his thumb to brush away your tears, there’s a small smirk on his face but would he really be solomon without it
he kisses you quickly and gently
when i tell you. the room goes into absolute UPROAR
mammon rips him away from you, that boy is dragging him away to who knows where in the house. belphie and satan are following, you suspect solomon is going to be taught a lesson he won’t forget
“if i cook more for you, i can have more kisses, right?” he calls out- mammon’s frown grows deeper
“okay!” you call back, your cheeks warm and a giddy smile on your face that simply just won’t go away
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arthurianlegend144 · 4 months
I've been wanting to talk about my interpretation of America's and England's relationship for some months now, but I was afraid to do it, because it could sound like I am saying "If you see them in another light, YOU'RE WRONG". However, that's not my intention, I hope y'all can understand ://)
I don't enjoy the interpretation of Alfred and Arthur being a family (parent and child or siblings), because for me, the title of "little brother/big brother" in the context of colonization seems to be just a forced way to make the personifications of the European nations (the colonizers) feel better aka "My people are not exploring their lands and killing people! They are just... Helping me to take care of my little sibling".
This isn't a valid familial relationship to me, so much that after the independence you don't see the colonized nations calling the colonizers "big bro" or something anymore. With the exception of France, he calls himself that, but he wants EVERYONE to call him that not just the nations he colonized.
In the case of America and England, England didn't even want to be called a big brother and he wasn't even there most of the time to enforce this relationship with America, even if it was clear that they both enjoyed each other's company, despite everything that was happening.
And I will say, in real life, a person just sees someone non related as family when they spend a long time together, this is especially crucial in the early childhood. Actually, if a person is related to you, but you haven't seen them for ages, you instinctively won't care for them as family, even if you know they are related to you. So why would America see England as his family? They aren't related - not more than every character in Hetalia must be, but that's a rambling for another time - and America kind of raised himself.
I do ship UsUk, because I think they probably got to know each other better after America became independent, because now they could become closer on their own terms and without the colonization aspect, which is way more healthy to me.
In conclusion, I personally feel uncomfortable with the idea of America and England being family, because of the whole context I just talked about. But that's just how I feel, if you don't agree, I don't mind, be happy :)
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