#now he's going to be a senior in hs & an adult! :(
pixelateddragonet · 2 years
My baby brother turns 18 in 5 months ☹️☹️☹️🥺😔
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avonne-writes · 2 months
Hello! Love the list :) so many good ones. But how about either 6 for the angst, or 13 for the (potential) fluff? Whatever you prefer!
Thank you for the prompt! 💖 This will be a HS AU drabble, set on the night of their prom. Just some simple fluff.
13. Drunken/drugged/sleepy confessions
Gale drifts on the gentle currents of sleep, giving in to the heavy weight dragging his eyelids closed. Long arms hold him warm and safe, and Bucky's chest rises and falls under his head like waves of the sea. It’s easy to imagine that Gale’s floating, rocked asleep by water - he certainly feels light enough for it.
Bucky brushes the back of his knuckles over Gale’s cheek. "What a night, huh?"
Gale hums. He knows he doesn’t have to add anything more to the conversation - Bucky can tell from the tone of his hums what they’re meant to say. They had their senior prom tonight, their last school dance. It’s hard to believe. Four years have gone by in the blink of an eye. But at the same time, Gale feels so... old. So sober, looking at the layers of naivety growing up scrubbed off him. He feels like an adult, but also not at the same time, and he doesn’t know what to do with that thought.
For now, he’ll just let himself bask in the afterwaves of the evening. In the new memories - the fun they had at the dance, then all the celebration that followed in Bucky's bed. Warmth pools in his chest and stomach when he thinks about it.
"I had the most gorgeous arm candy in the whole room." Bucky teases, running his fingers over the parts of Gale's arm that Gale's pj shirt doesn’t cover. "I wonder how our photos are gonna come out."
Here, the sound Gale makes is more of a groan, and it pulls a rumbling laugh out of Bucky. "Mom's gonna frame one for sure."
When Gale just continues dozing peacefully, he adds, "Maybe I will too." He thumbs at the inside of Gale's elbow, his voice as whimsical as it usually is when he's happy.
"You’re sleeping on the couch then." Gale mutters.
"Why?" Bucky laughs, then clicks his tongue. "We don’t even have a couch yet, and you're kicking me out of our bed."
Gale shifts to lie on his back, his head pillowed on Bucky’s arm. Under the blanket, he tangles his feet with Bucky’s. "We don’t have a bed either."
Predictably, Bucky rolls after him, draping himself over Gale with his elbows propped up on either side of Gale's head. Although Gale doesn’t open his eyes, he can’t help but smile in anticipation of the kisses that Bucky peppers all over his face a second later.
"We gotta look for a mattress together." Bucky mumbles against his cheek as Gale's hands slip under his shirt to stroke his back. "Something nice and bouncy."
Gale cracks his eyes open and raises a playful eyebrow. The shit-eating grin he expects appears on Bucky’s face without delay. Bouncy. Right.
Truth is, the idea that they're going to buy things specifically for the two of them makes his stomach flutter. They're going to have their own space, their own bedroom. Privacy. Anything they want to do, anytime they want. No one to judge them, no one they'd bother. The promise of that kind of freedom feels intoxicating already.
Bucky tucks his face into the crook of Gale's neck and sighs in contentment. "Tell me a secret."
Gale's fingertips settle in the valley of Bucky's spine. "You know all my secrets."
"Come on, everyone has secrets."
"Yeah? Tell me one then."
Silence reigns while Bucky thinks it over. "Curt and Kenny are back together again. I saw them making out in the bathroom tonight."
Gale snorts. "That’s gossip, not a secret."
Bucky shifts on top of him, fidgety. It’s obvious to Gale that his thoughts are running wild again, but Gale doesn’t acknowledge it. He's too sleepy. He could drift off like this, with his boyfriend's weight on top of him. Wouldn’t it be nice? He sighs and leans his head against Bucky's.
He waits patiently, and it pays off as usual. A moment later, Bucky opens his mouth again. "I'm so sleepy."
That's not a secret either, Gale wants to poke at Bucky, but he just yawns and hums again.
"But I keep thinking of you in that tux."
Gale bites his lip. Considers it. He almost tells Bucky that he’s on board if he doesn’t have to move too much, but Bucky continues before he could say it.
"While we were dancing tonight, I kind of imagined it was our wedding." Bucky kisses his neck. "Didn't wanna tell you, but you got it out of me."
Gale grins at the ceiling. Secrets don’t remain secrets too long when Bucky has to keep them from him. "Didn't take much, did it?"
Bucky laughs and kisses him on the lips. When he pulls back, Gale cups his face. "Guess I owe you a confession now."
Even in the dim light, he can see the corners of Bucky’s eyes crinkle. "Guess you do."
Gale combs his fingers through Bucky's curls. "What if I told you I imagined the same?"
Bucky's exhale rushes out of him in surprise, but he recovers quickly with a smirk. "Well, I imagined our wedding night too."
Gale snorts a laugh.
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le-92vi · 7 months
It's You and Me (Part 1)
Geto Suguru x Reader
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Genres/Warnings: nothing really, reader is Suguru's junior. fem!reader, academic weapon!reader (bc i'm not^^) hs!geto. Mostly fluff and banter. Not proofread.
Word Count: 1.5k
Notes: hello again! I'm still unsure if i should make a whole series out of this or just drabbles, or maybe... nothing more, even though i kinda have a story line in mind. Please let me know if you liked this one and would like more parts to this fic. im also sorry for not making regular updates. (Reviews, critics anything<3) I hope you like and enjoy this one!!<33
"Yeah, Mom, I'm getting off from school. Just text me whatever you need." You end the call with your mother.
Maki, who stood a couple of lockers away from you and happened to be listening to the conversation, cocked her eyebrow at you. "More housewarming parties?"
You chuckled at how well she knew your mom as you gathered your belongings from your locker and shoved them in your backpack. "I guess. She loves being a good host. Would you mind a little detour to the market?"
"Not at all." She closes your locker for you. "We can get the décor stuff for the presentation too."
"Mom," you called out as you and Maki hauled all the groceries to the kitchen counters. 
"In here," she called out from the living room. 
"Maybe the guests are over already," Maki shrugged.
"But we just got here with the food? Aren't they supposed to be here for dinner?" You asked sheepishly. 
Maki gave you a sarcastic upturned smile. "How am I supposed to know that?"
"You're back! And Maki's here too!" Your mom appeared from the hallways, greeting Maki with a hug the first thing.
It didn't even faze you at this point just how smitten your mom had become with her. And it was endearing too, not that you'd ever admit it out loud. 
You clear your throat to get your mom's attention, "Excuse me, you two..." only to earn laughs from both of them. 
"You're such a silly girl." She took the other bag from your hand, plopping it on the counter. "Anyways, you should go greet our new neighbors. You too, Maki. They have a son around you guys' age. Take him upstairs with you. Poor kid's bored out of his mind sitting there." 
Immediately, Maki's eyes met with yours as you shrugged.
"Go on, now."  Your mom motioned towards the door as the two of you made a beeline outside. 
"New neighbor, huh? Finally, some action in your life, Miss Prude." Maki nudged you, fake-wiping a tear from her eye. "Guess you won't need me around anymore."
"God, Maki! You're so overdramatic," was all you could manage to say, as all your words died in your mouth.
Suguru Geto. The smartest and most popular guy in your senior school. The Suguru Geto was hunched over the love seat in your living room, visibly bored out of his mind.
You decided that it was for the best for you to ignore his presence in the room for the time being and greet his parents first. You bowed in greeting as you wished them, and so did Maki. That seemed to have grabbed Suguru's attention: "Hey, I've seen you guys in school. I think..." His voice trailed out as he tried to remember where he'd seen you from.
His eyes fixed on both you and Maki, hoping that your presence would gratify his curiosity.
Maki did, as you mentally facepalmed yourself for going blank. Briefly introducing the both of you, she elbowed you in the side to join in on the conversation. But you didn't know what to say, especially to him.
"I have a lot of books. Do you want to check them out?" you blurted. He liked to read, right? You've seen him practically living in the school library. You were supposed to hang out with him after all, right?
"Sure," he says, seeing it as his only chance to escape from the room of boring adult talks, as he follows you and Maki to your room. It was almost as if your body had gone into auto-pilot mode; you were moving without having to think—or rather, your brain was clouded with Suguru's presence, and you couldn't think.
All of it felt wrong. He wasn't supposed to be in your home, let alone your room. And, even though Maki was there too, it didn't help the blaring alarms going off in your brain.
"This is it," your hand gestured at the book shelf filled with books, top to bottom. 
Suguru let out a small chuckle. "I think we have very different ideas of 'a lot of books'." He plopped down on your study chair, while Maki snickered and made herself comfortable on your bed. 
"What do you mean?" You sat beside Maki, turning your head from her to Suguru, trying to find out the object of their amusement. "What is it?" You looked at her sheepishly. 
Maki turns your head towards her, squishing your face in her palms with a look of jest and something motherly. "He likes reading novels, not text books, honey."
"Oh!" you exclaimed, feeling very stupid. How were you supposed to know that he liked fiction? It's not like you ever crept up on him to get a peek at his paperback. "I'm sure I can find some novels for you too! You could've just said so." You sprung up from your place and walked towards your book shelf to find one. You were determined to find a book for him now.
"What genre do you like?" You said, knowing full well you might not even have something close to it.
"Nevermind. I don't feel like reading in the first place; I just wanted to get away from the parents. No  offense." He swung around in your chair. "What else have you got?" 
And something in your brain shifted. He looked so comfortable in your house. It was astonishing. Truly. While you racked your brain trying to adjust to his presence, he looked like he had always belonged there, swinging so freely in your chair. As if you had known each other for a very long time.
For a moment, you forgot about Maki's presence, drowning in his beauty. His eyes, lips. his hair, falling perfectly into place. His voice. It was like he was hand-sculpted with so much care. Until you were brought back to your reality by an elbow to your side. "You should give that a rest unless you want to puncture a hole in me," you pouted at her, rubbing your side to ease the pain.
She, in turn, snickered at you, "What are you so lost in thought about?"
Suguru Geto!
Wasn't it obvious? But, you were kinda thankful that neither of them noticed. "Dinner should be ready by now, right? I'm starving!" You exclaimed, trying to change the topic as fast as you could, dragging Maki by her hand and cocking your head at Suguru, "Let's go."
"You can't just ignore my question like that, you-" her words were cut short by your hand on her ringing phone, "Someone's calling," You swung it near her face in haste.
"Just you and your luck." She whispered to you and gave you her signature scowl before answering her phone.
"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" You tried making small talk while Maki was busy on the phone, trying your best to not have Suguru notice your tiny, little crush on him. That had to be why you had been acting so strange since you got home, completely zoned out and clueless.
"Bad news, I gotta go" She stuffed her phone back in her jeans.
"No! Why?" You frowned. "Dinner's just ready."
"I know, but I think it's urgent." She rushed back upstairs to grab her bag. "I'll have to call a rain check on the project today, sorry."
"Don't worry about the project. Is everything okay?" You call after her, but she'd already disappeared out of your sight, "I'll ask Mom to pack her some food."
You rush to your mom to explain everything to her, while she packs Maki's portion of the dinner for her. "It's going to get cold by the time she'll eat it" She sighed.
"Go safely!" You hand Maki her dinner, seeing her off like a military wife. "I wish you could stay longer."
"Who's being dramatic now, huh?" She shook her head with laughter at your antics.
You were just glad you could make her laugh. "I'll call you later!" You called after her as you watched her leave, to which she turned around to wave at you.
Soon enough dinner was over too and the guests were beginning to leave.
You were now much more comfortable in Suguru's presence. More than you'd like to admit. And, you didn't completely hate the thought of it. He could be a good guy, after all.
You wondered how the rest of your school year would be, now that you'd practically befriended the School's ace, the most sought after guy, as you and your family walked the Geto's to the driveway.
While the parents bid good nights to each other, Suguru quietly popped up beside you, "I'm looking forward to seeing you more often, neighbor." Before running ahead to catch up with his parents, turning back slightly to get a final glimpse of you.
It's going to be a long year.
Tags: @mandysfanfics
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seancamerons · 11 months
What are some of your favorite headcanons about Sean?
dude you have no idea, so if you don't know, when i love a character I make up entire elaborate backstories and the rest under the cut/read more.😊
first we got -
sean is 1 of 3 brothers. when his veparents were hs seniors they had 9 months later a baby boy, his name was carson. they shortly married at their local church strong armed by family. so that's the oldest. they were estranged for a long time. he'd been incarcerated since he was 18, for drugs and petty theft but he went away bc his friend hit a guy drunk driving and was charged with 3rd degree vehicular manslaughter or something like bad, like a 6 year thing, the person died etc so he was in jail most of sean's forminative years. he screwed up and he paid for it and sean was without being bullied by his older brother and such. tracker was also but they don't like talk at all. at least sean and carson had good times even when he was terrorizing him and tracker. tracker never let it happen he'd protect sean from carson's moods, unpredictable and violence. im not sure how this story came about but it only deepened when i started getting into shows in the teen drama variety and remembering things from the show contextual clues and whatever. so three bros, jail, hardworker and all drop outs - but sean was supposed to be the boy to finally graduate and make everyone proud and get out of wasaga. that were his goals. he had all that but the graduation and instead enlisted but idk how that all went. i assume good. i can see it going a few was. i think sean is alive and doing well. he works, till works out still handsome maybe has facial hair.
so more specificly - sean is the baby of his family. the bonus child, sad. totally a whoops, but still loved and maybe even coddled more the parents know they've been neglectful but he's loved and considered and has friends doing good, but maybe not as than perhaps the oldest carson who was when they were teens themselves and didn't know what they were doing, tracker who came later who at first were fine but their addictions to alcohol at home started later and sean bore the brunt and saw their parents at their absolute worse. totally a shitshow. by then carson was fucked up and incarcerated, his parents still doted as he was their oldest son and they kind of were young and should've never been that out of control but he got a rough hand and i kind of base that like how ryan atwood from the oc had this brother who was in jail the reason he even was in newport in so many ways but by then ryan had changed and trey i assume - similar to carson. this makes tracker the older, a bit wiser, less in trouble, family duty kind of good guy who tries his best but maybe is also cursed with the cameron destructo genes but also made it a good life for himself, helps his young brother after his brush with violence and such and put him out of harms way, at his mom's request to him. i don't think this was selfish NOW WE CHILDFREE WE CAN DRINK ALL THE TIME. no i don't think they wanted to drink, i think their body craved it so bad they NEEDED to drink but they ost the 'fun' of being buzzed or blitzed and rather needed it to stop feeling pain and numb, self medicate even if it's bad for them and the reason for 90 percent of their misfortunates like it or not. realistic, bleak and fucking dark. i also set some of my stories up to where they're adults dealing with this stuff because like it or not this fandom has a lot of adults and im sure they don't want a fluff fest where people are all honky dorey. i hate perfect people, so all my girls and guys are flawed but some people are super good people but live and exist in bad times or bad situations like 90 percent of people out here like it or not.
so for example in the story (backtrack) carson plays more of a active role in from his start, he wants to do better and change like trey atwood did after everything with getting released but then he started bad habits and hanging out with that girl and coming onto Marissa who just wanted to be nice and help him out, but he actually commits to it and finds happiness and becomes close with sean over a time. as kids he was tormenting him and calling him what he assumed a mistake and it explains how sean is because he's very mean to himself. he bullies himself or makes himself feel bad when good things are happening. anway carson based on sean. tracker is named after the father but like leave it to beaver - baby sean couldn't say scott but loved calling him tracker because of his tractor pajamas or his love of vechiles and his name kind of stuck. even now it's tracker, scott is their dad. tracker is tracker, sean's middle name in his backstory had been hope. so sean hope, i assume his mother watched soaps and watched ryan's hope or something (it used to be on soapnet i swear its related!) it's older than old but it's an older show about a young Irish family who settled in the Americas but in the present so they've got these thick Irish accent and they own a pub or at least someone does when they immigrated and all congretate and drama ensued.
i just wanted to sidebar this and say i did watch a lot of soaps as a kid, perhaps that's why i love making up stories. i used to do with my barbies too. when my mom would watch court tv for like OJ Simpson i'd be playing with my dolls and creating plots for them like it was days of our lives or all my children in my barbie dream house. i was kind of made to do that stuff. even with the grusome details and gory things i heard or didn't 'get', it was weird juxtaposition of adult shit and adult shit i assume is romantic adult shit. this is no different.
i watched days and all my children (my mom preferred amc)
i also used to watch springer and maury in the summer or when i was ill! so like the drama is still seared there, i mean with mary from paterinity or bad kids BootCamp kind of episodes, there was the maury drama stuff. also the weird competition reality shows like rock of love and flavor of love or the reformed ladies of both of these shows would be on the charm school and such and then Megan wanted a billionaire and got a murderer and the whole shebang fell apart. now vh1 plays trash. I'm obsessed with the 1980s thanks to that channel i love times like that you know, when i wasn't alive but would've loved to live at that time/place.
okay end rant.
so that's just one big large explanation. in short i can go on forever. is shared a lot of headcanons but that's one. ask if you want to hear some more. this is a bit weird bc i shouldn't think this deeply about the fictional but hey.
okay fine, you caught me in a good mood, and i think you're awesome - one more headcanon for sean:
the tattoo is real. jay's too.
i love platonic as well as romantic friendships or love between close friends, but in a strictly platonic way and of course romance in every sense but the point is, you can be soulmates in a friend kind of way. i believe that's true for jalex. they were best friends i think. the show establishes them as young kids, in love or affectionate, but also had history for a long time and maybe there's a lot we do not know about their lives pre show or after. do they talk? 100 percent.
so jay and sean got tatted. sean has a lot of friends in wasaga (in degrassi he has none) so when he first came back to degrassi and had all these friends, one big bad bully tyler (the guy who got him back over to) and of course you knew what comes next.
one of sean's friends is like a tat apprentiece. she's new and she wanted to ink a friend. sean trusts her judgment and he agreed, jay and him had a "if you do it, I'll do it" when asked what they wanted they were told, "Make sure you love it and have no regrets because it's perminant." by this time in his life this is between season 4 and season 6 a lot had happened but over that time sean had realized he cares about emma way more than a friend and she had like it or not moved on but at this time he had no idea about that. jay was instrumental but didn't tell at that time. he'd visit him and give him the low down. so the friend who is an artist apprentice who needs to practice took it, and she's still got to get used to skin as opposed to lettering and details so it looks mighty rough. but they both said out loud from their room one guy was on one side, and the other guy was in the other chair.
"emma" sean quietly answers. "spelled e m m a"
"alex" jay announced. "self explanitory."
sean's friend her name is sabrina, often called brina or bree asks them as she's working on the lettering and they're sitting tight in the office. jay actually doesn't tease sean about emma or getting inked. by this time ellie hadn't been a blip on the radar, but emma had been on his mind. she was the first face he saw as she drove away, and the first face he wanted to see if and when he comes back to town.
they talk abiout the girls in their lives. by this point jay had alex had been split up and he more than anything wanted to be like before, before when they were everything to each other. he didn't want to forget her. he didn't want to not be her friend, and he fucked up their relationship and this was his way of memorializing their relationship.
for emma she was close to his heart, hence the chest as the location of this tattoo and he truthfully feels like connected even if they're apart.
long story short, the tats were a secret. emma unless they bumped uglies probably never found out about the tat, unless they had the kind of secs where he wasn't shirtless but it's sean cameron of fucking course she's gonna have no shirt in that (sorry just a headcanon) i mean there was a reason he was often at home dressed like in wifebeaters or shirtless playing sports with the guys) im sure at home he dresses in as little as he can so shorts/tank top no hodies unless its cold and he works out frequently in his non heated/non ac or hot apt. im sure air is expensive fans are expensive and water is expensive so he's living in the now for sure but once he returned back to 'get the diploma;, he justified setting his eyes and heart onto emma. i do believe he had goals, but he truly more than anything missed emma.
say what you will but his heart is often found in the right place. he might have flaws, but he is deep down a wonderful guy with a sad life. six was a disservice to him and his legacy for being a little bit mushy in the inside heart of gold, hero complex but also a great guy to have in your corner. that's him.
so when he said (paraphrasing this) he didn't want to come back for all the things he'd said, what he really wanted was love from her. he loved her and he also hurt her. sometimes he hurt the people he loved, or who loved him, and felt bad later because in the heart of the moment with his words he burned all those bridges. such as when he stole from Simpson. i don't know if emma was ever proven right to her face, she sounds like assuming without knowing but assuming that something was said. he says to her, he pretty much came back to be around her again.
i do believe the scene in the basement in the 2nd part of "here comes your man" clearly he wanted to confess a little bit about that but she kind of set the boundary she can't care about it because
1. she's got peter/he needs her even if they'd had a lot of build up and yet she can't be her real self.
2. manny clearly has something against sean over peter (what even was that?) i wouldn't be nice to him either tbh.
3. i don't think she doesn't care, it's that it's hard for her to imagine that because she'd been burned in the past not just by him, but his departure, or indirectly through hurled insults and other things throughout her life experience/lived experience attending degrassi!
4. a secret option idk combination of 2/5
5. all the above!
either way this kind of breaks sean's heart (teeny bit) and she begs him to turn himself in, or suggests this is the only way but that was a sad thing. he got hauled off and shit and peter got what? slap on the wrist - why did the writers love him? he sucks. peter got away with too much.
the worst thing sean did wouldn't equate peter's worse - like what he did to manny? inexcusable. what a bad guy. why was manny defending him, and i don't wanna hear the obvious, "oh he stood by your side during your eating disorder!"
no, i aint buying they're doing the sexy shit either. so seeing sean, who i believe she was attracted to him beyond looks but they sure didn't make it a issue because he had the package - handsome and such, but also messing up a bit bc the street races were illegal and what they were doing was no question illegal and morally grey.
also why tf jay sabotogue sean like that and tell him to run? when is any vechiular thing warrant them to idk. but he did and stuff and we all know it was nothing. either he didn't know that running from the scene as his friend told him to do bc that there is a hit and run OR jay wanted to cause sean grief for some weird reason or things just went down and he panicked and didn't want sean to go to jail, and thought it'd be better if he ran but still. so i gave you a bunch of things to sort through.
💐💌ty for the message!
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vizthedatum · 2 years
This was my outfit yesterday! I feel very self-conscious about this aspect of myself. Going to Cornell was not easy, and it makes people both under- and overestimate me. I absolutely hate it. But also, it has really helped me so much and I acknowledge the privilege.
In 9th grade, I told my plaver (<7 always) that I wanted to go to Cornell… my parents wanted me to go college, preferably a top tier one. We were lower middle-class at best because of poor money management, unstable mental health, and the challenge of cultural assimilation into a new country (something ny parents still have trouble with (not judging)). Money was always tight and especially after my brother was born and especially when my dad had a stroke in high school.
So I was trained by my mother to push myself to excel in every subject, even if I didn’t like it.
I did ok. I did enough to get me into Cornell but I had a hard time internalizing much of the knowledge I accrued or forced in my brain. Often, I felt like I couldn’t understand why I knew something - I just knew it because I had to know it.
I had constant anxiety and SI. In addition to several undiagnosed and unmanaged chronic pain issues. And crippling depression (my parents asserted that if anyone found out I was depressed or sought mental health care then I would not get into college… or even have friends).
I got into Cornell in my senior year (lol I guess this is the timeline) and I was incredibly sick. My trauma was catching up to me. My hs ex was incredibly abusive. My parents, even more so. There was *something* going on with my brother but no one listened to me, and I’m still mad about that. I wish he had gotten into treatment sooner.
I missed more than half the days of my senior year in high school. I had migraines, extreme pelvic pain, and… near crippling fear/anxiety/depression. And most doctors didn’t really believe me. My school? Wayzata High School?? Well on behalf of the now-politician, Ginny Klevorn, white suburban mom™️ extraordinaire INSISTED that I needed consequences (despite me basically making up all my homework and exams) … so they gave me straight Fs for one of the quarters in high school. But they did make my parents take me to therapy until I graduated - too bad that my first therapist was also abusive and was later fired.
I was furious.
I worked my ass off to my detriment to attempt to do as well as my other over-achieving peers. I definitely wasn’t learning - I swear that I didn’t know what I was doing half of the time. I didn’t have a lot of money or resources either - we just got creative most of the time. I just had to get good grades and do a million extracurriculars and volunteer and learn how to drive and come up with excuses about my behavior and play the violin and deal with abuse and pain. I was definitely not the best student but it was good enough. Four Fs would ruin all that though.
I got in anyway because I incorporated it (and my immigrant upbringing - I think that was the trend back then, oof) into my essays… I got a sizable financial aid package. And I visited and accepted.
And then I went and was so severely depressed and in bladder pain the whole time that I ended up with a 2.99 GPA, more trauma, maladaptive behaviors, no idea what I wanted to do in my life but applied to UMich’s MPH program on a whim and someone took a chance on me. And the Cornell degree.
I did work hard but… Cornell was traumatic. It’s really not ok that we are known for suicides and general bleakness. The “easiest Ivy to get into, hardest one to get out of” or whatever? Fuck that - I saw grown adults crying or majorly stressed out because they might be put on probation or cast out of the engineering degrees. Or the level of absolute corporal punishment of students using the answer manual to finish homework and then they all had to go to a hearing?? And you could have some permanent mark on your record? Wtf? Do you remember that? It was a witch hunt and also extremely unreasonable. I felt like I and so many other people I knew were constantly on edge.
My urologist in Ithaca also FUCKING SUCKED. He did this weird procedure trying to literally stretch out my urethra with rods… and I got so much worse. He slut-shamed me constantly. He was the only specialist in the area - and not specialist in my conditions. I think I was his only regular AFAB patient!
And I got my first back hernia at Cornell.
And a devastating friendship breakup that I will never truly understand. I was so lonely for a while.
But the wines class was good.
I met amazing people there, and I’ve had unforgettable experiences. My best friends were from there. I did learn how much I couldn’t learn, and I taught myself how and did really well in grad school.
And now it helps in job interviews and stuff. And makes people (read: me) think I’m elitist. Yay.
And yeah - I think college and then ending up with 5 degrees is one hell of a trauma response.
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xxxmasterkali · 1 year
Current Project I'm working on! 🤫💅📲🅰
Description: Following the disappearance of their Aqua; four friends are being threatened to have their secrets exposed by an anonymous enemy. Kairi, Xion, Strelitzia & Namine are trying to uncover who this person could be while investigating the disappearance of Aqua.
Cast Alison DiLaurentis - Aqua Aria Montgomery - Xion Hanna Marin - Kairi Spencer Hastings - Namine Emily Fields - Strelitzia Caleb Rivers - Sora Ezra Fitz - Riku Toby Cavanaugh - Roxas Mona Vanderwaal - Skuld Mike Montgomery - Axel Lorenzo Calderon - Terra Lucas Gottesman - Ventus
I am making a few changes to this version. Here are the changes
Ezria - When I was younger, I absolutely shipped Ezria & without the obvious factors that play into their relationship, I still kind of enjoy them & feel Ezra is still a genuine person who really loves Aria, HOWEVER, I don't condone their relationship & the fact that Ezra knew who she was prior to meeting is kinda like wtf to me. I feel like the time jump makes me feel slightly better about it because at that point Aria is an adult & they went their separate ways & found their way back to each other. Having said that, I'm going to make it so Riku is in his first year of college & is like a teacher's aid or something so there's still like that element of a forbidden romance but I just don't want the massive age gap there, but I also still kinda want to do that Ezra reveal, but maybe I'll change it up so Riku doesn't know who Xion is prior. Either way, I'm trying to play with different ideas so it's not nearly as bad or unappealing as Ezria on the show. I know how people feel about it & it is completely understandable because it is pretty ick. I really don't want to recreate that dynamic because I am not okay with it & my boy Riku ain't gonna be like that.
Older Characters - So the other older characters on the show (Melissa, Ian, Jason, Garrett, etc.) I'm not entirely sure what their ages are on the show but they're only going to be 2 graduating classes ahead of the Liars because again the age thing for me is ick. Like I can't believe how many age gap relationships are on this show. Wtf. Also the Liars will be in their senior year of HS instead of junior so Aqua will have disappeared at the start of their junior year. Might be a few blips in the road by changing this, but I'll make it work.
Emison - Emily & Alison really isn't one of my most favorited couples on the show. I really loved Emily with Maya, but of course we know what happens to Maya if you have watched the show. So I either will try & do something different with Maya, change her fate, or create a whole new character for Strelitzia to end up with. & honestly I kinda liked Lorenzo with Alison. I really liked Lorenzo, he seemed like a really good guy & wish we got more of him & him with Alison. So Terra will play the part of Lorenzo.
Time Jump - I'm not entirely sure if I will do the time jump or not, if I even get that far. There were a lot of things in the time jump I hated (ex. Spaleb). I actually kinda like where season 6A left off. But if I do the time jump, Spaleb or in this version Sora & Namine will NOT be a thing.
So those are just some of the major changes that I've been thinking about, I'm sure there will be more along the way but that's what I've got for now. Listen, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, especially regarding how I can change Ezria because I've been struggling with ideas, I'm all ears!
Pilot Episode Two
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threephantomrey · 25 days
girl i’m forced to hang out with: blue
girl’s friends i’m forced to hang out with: purple
girl’s mom: green
*big sigh* tomorrow i have to hang out at the mall with those people i don’t like very much again tomorrow after class. (btw it’s really just this one girl i don’t like that much but now have hang out with because we’re in the same program, the program i hate, and our mom’s are friends now, and also i gotta hang out with that girl’s friend that i also don’t really like but also have to hang out with cause he’s friends with her) (and i also don’t like the girl’s mom but i keep having to see her every time i hang out with that girl) when i was over at that girl’s house last week, i also met her other friend who is literally the most unfunny person on Earth but thinks he’s funny like i’m sorry i don’t want to be an asshole but he annoyed me. it’s nothing personal and i don’t hate that girl or her friends but i just do not like them i just don’t vibe with them. but i have no choice but to be around them cause if i say i don’t want to and i don’t like these people then my mom is gonna be like “WHYYYY WHATS WRONG!!!??? WHY DON’T YOU LIKE THEM THEY’RE SO NICE YOU’RE BEING RUDE I WANT YOU TO HAVE FRIENDS!!!!” and also the girl said that when i was at her house she asked me if i wanted to go to the mall with her and i said no which is literally false because 1) i literally cannot say no to hanging out with her or else i will be called rude 2) she didn’t even fucking ask me that that day so i don’t even know what she’s talking about. she told her mom so her mom told my mom about it and my mom asked me about it and my sister said that i can’t refuse to hang out with her every time cause then it’s rude WHEN I LITERALLY DIDN’T EVEN SAY NO PLUS THAT WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN EVERY TIME THAT WOULD’VE JUST BEEN ONE FUCKING TIME. so yeah i’m literally never allowed to say no to hanging out with that girl and her friends or else i’m called rude and everyone is gonna make a big deal out of it so every time she asks i have no choice but to say yes. can’t wait to be fucking miserable for however long this “friendship” lasts.
why can’t we all just be adults here and be okay with me expressing that i don’t like these people and i don’t want to hang out with them like why is it such a big deal if i don’t want to hang out with someone what are you 5? (for context, i’m an adult, so is my sister, and so is that girl and all her friends) like literally that girl is 23 and is running crying to her mom that someone might have said they do not want to hang out with her (when i didn’t even tell her that!!!) like i get being a little upset but oh my god get over it it’s not a big deal and also stop lying!!! (and if she DID ask me that day i do not remember that and i probably said yes cause again i’m not allowed to say no and she probably misheard me cause i’m naturally quiet) also that girl and her mom need to stop oversharing i have only seen them 2-3 times in my life why the fuck did they already tell me somethings i should not know right off the bat. literally they told me some shit i should not know only a few minutes after i got into the car with them the first time i was going to hang out with that girl. like no!!! i do not know you like that!!! i just met you!!! what happened to hello, how are you, my name is
and also my fucking mom told that girl’s mom about my bartholin cyst that i had in sophomore year of hs and senior year of hs which made me SO UNCOMFORTABLE. WHY WOULD YOU TELL THIS WOMAN I ONLY HAVE MET TWICE IN MY LIFE ABOUT THAT. but i told my mom that made me uncomfortable and luckily she understood so she’s not doing that anymore at least. okay rant over.
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p-t-f-s · 10 months
forgot it was possible to see sideblog notifs and im. surprised they have followers but then again so does this blog lmaooooooo. i should make vents again. i miss that. no time like the present.
fuck i need to work on my project thats past due and due tonight and if not turned in would drop me to a C but god. i hate this class and dont wanna but im already on my second retake and this time it was genuinely so much fuckin easier. even if the exact same professor bc shes the only one teaching this class did even worse with scheduling and assignment access this semester. and i genuinely have not been this suicidal since fuckin high and middle school. two different points in each. most bc of my middle school insomnia and All That That happened but my high school wasnt much worse considering i was working part time to full time my senior year of high school while also getting my associate's as my mom was kicking me out/to live with my dad in the near the end of the school year bc of me turning 18 and her being "free" of her legal duties to me [she was not bc by our law that SHE AS A FUCKING FEDERAL JUDGE KNEW was till the child of dicerce is 18 and GRADUATED HS DIPLOMA] she was finally free to move to the opposite side of the country/the political problems and backlash of challenging the baked in theosociological power structure of our city. my birthday was march and graduation was june. literal months and she couldnt wait that fuckin long. and so for the months leading up to my birthday and after i had been living out of my car which both my dad bought for me as an agreement between him and my mom as the end of his child support payments to her and so i wouldnt take the public bus after my mom forgot we had to lie to him that i was being driven to school so he would let me get my college degree bc i had to be at community college at 16 in a Large Dangerous City on the Worst Side Of Town. that shit sucked. i was Stressed and goddamn does it suck being an adult living under your own power and money, no matter how feeble, to know that even when situations are technically objectively better you can still be hella fuckin depressed. and fucking obsessive intrusive thoughts do NOT help but fuck do i wish i had the time to call for help to be able to see a fucking doctor for the first time in my life. like an actual full general doctor and getting an actual checkup and not just a walgreens sick note/athletic packet check. only having ever gone after socially pressuring ur dad by asking his gf for advice while hes halfway done in the bathroom so the conversations still going as he exits so SHE can hound on him instead of being brushed off as an anxious teenage girl bc "whats a doctor going to do?" when asked to go to the er. whos insurance ur on bc you asked him months ago while working on moving in and you couldnt go alone without ur guardian but youd been unable to hear from one ear for months after multiple home/self remedy attempts to clear wax blockage assumption. or my mother coming to visit curious as to why i still have acne after turning 18 bc you shouldnt have acne past 18 and making a dermatologist appointment she paid for to help but having previously told me that she didnt believe in getting sick bc she hadnt gotten sick for years.
and now i have about an hour left to work on a partial coding project bc now IT management is apparently the job of accounting now. i get rationally why theyre doing it and why its important but its fucking stupid and i hate it and again its fucking stupid. anyways. heres to hoping that it goes alright ig but fucking kill me and i hate everything but i swear to fuck if i dont get my bachelors next year im going to lose my shit
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 6x15 smells like teen spirit
the telekinesis episode liveblog
Wow sometimes I hate teenaged girls. Telling a cab driver how to drive? Wow language. Of course she plays lacrosse. Actually I was thinking ringette not lacrosse.
Going to be murder on-screen? Holy crap! Dun dun dun she dead
so obviously... fake but yk
*lenny face* Weddings <3 KB: I want Old Blue Eyes himself. New songs for the playlist: witchcraft by frank sinatra & dancing in the dark by bruce springsteen.
RC & KB (simultaneously): Do we not have a song? (love their samebrain) RC: We must have a song. KB’S phone rings. KB: And it looks like they’re playing it now. XD, btw do you remember when castle's ringtone for her was that death sound? (she answers) Beckett. (pause, then whispered to RC) Murder at Sutton Place. They both get out of bed. Because sadly they are on call this late at night. Well she’s on call he’s just there.
What does senior mean for non-americans? (At least we're not french school tho.) Lol Castle uwu lanie tucking her hair behind her ear with the pen (wow ryan looks v early seasons rn. I like it. Oh it must be the short hair & dark clothes
BLOOD ON THE RAFTER? {how did it get there for real?}
Lol made the hulk angry. As if that's a viable Castle theory. Tho I miss the Castle theories where he was right & smart.
I was wondering where Esposito was. aw, coffee. Nice tie on esposito. But what's with his hair. I like the hair but I don't like it
She's a teen. Stuff like this happens.
My man doesn't look like a teen. U kidding me Castle? rich teens like that?
KB: So this is where you graduated, huh? RC: Well, I would have if it wasn’t for the fact that one night my buddies and I sneaked in and pushed a cow up twelve flights of stairs and onto the roof. (Ah yes. Grad pranks. My dad & his friends put underwear on a giant statue in their hometown. They were velcro too so it was a harmless prank, unlike permanent grafiti. But 12 flights is a lot. My high school was one of the tallest in our town bc it had 4 floors I think...) KB: A cow? Really? RC: Yep. KB: So what happened? Did you guys get expelled? RC: No. Just me. I wasn’t connected like my buddies were. I was the scholarship kid, so I got the boot. KB: (smirks) Well I think you turned out all right. RC: Me too. Me too I love him
How did u know she was going out all hours of the night? u weren't sleeping together (& I mean actually literally sleeping too, where u would notice if your partner left the bed)
They just ran from the cab? very teen girl of them. I LOVE esposito's jacket.
KB: Where are they now? KR: Same place you are. Ok so new characters: Kris Howard, Hillary Cooper. Madison is the one who died. She has HEELS
That's a cello not a bass, the neck is like the violin family & the bass is not of the violin family
wait the PRINCUIPAL said youe not supposed to talk about it!!É oh french keyboard whoops
RC: I’d offer a theory but I’m too busy having detention flashbacks. KB: You must have spent a lot of time in this hallway. RC: More than I did in class. (What a mood. Castle adhd headcanon points. Actually for me it was a lot of speech therapy.) KB: I bet that principal hated you. RC: I’m wondering if hate is a strong enough word. Principal Dunan had to hire a crane to get that cow off the roof. But I’m sure that old battleax is long since retired. (he laughs) Put out to pasture, so to speak. PD: Was that a bovine reference, Mr. Rodgers? RC: startles and stands up. RC: Principal Dunan, you’re … uh … still here. (he is SOOO under the authority of this man even tho he's a rich adult now & taller than him. tho in HS he was also probs taller.) PD: And sadly, you have returned. RC: is chastised. PD: gestures for them to enter his office. KB: walks around RC: , trying to hold back her amusement. RC: follows behind like he’s going to his funeral. INT – PRINCIPAL DUNAN’S OFFICE PD: I see you have managed to extricate yourself from a life of delinquency, Mr. Rodgers, and become a writer. RC: shuts the door behind them. He tries to respond, but he’s cut off when PD: continues. PD: - of sorts. RC: Well, actually, it’s Mr. Castle now. (castle trans moments) PD: You’ll always be Rodgers to me.
lmao faircroft family?
RC: (whispered) I’m surprised he can use a computer. PD: I’m old, not deaf, Mr. Rodgers. And undaunted by technology. kb walks around the desk to look at the computer. rc waits, silently asking permission before pd gestures for him to come look.
Hot or not? smash or pass? markiplier plays smash or pass with every dingle pokemon? Best character: Jordan Gibbs. (she's DEF hot bro! Look at her!) I recognized her as played by Hannah Marks, who plays Amanda Brotzman in dirk gently's holistic detective agency. Both of em are supposed to be normal. r/ why were they filming Edit: because the one filming was PLAYING hot or not on video, they were PART of the game & recording it, focusing the cam on each girl they played hot ot not with. & the boys don't continue with their game or like,, laugh when she drops her tray? I knew a guy like that in 3rd grade. Broke our smartboard.
RC: The outcast. The mean girls. (love it love it love it.) The rage that erupts in a telekinetic attack. This is a real life Carrie. My mother got carrie from the library. She is also reading christine bc of an ad for car insurance in our town.
KB: Now, has anything like this happened before? PD: No RC: Um … yes. At the crime scene. Me: technically that was after
Ah yes Castle plays poker with him.
Oh! I was wondering where his nice tie went but it's the next day that's why he has the nice jacket Auntie Payban: Detective? (he turns back) I know what this looks like, but Jordan is a really good kid. She got a scholarship herself to that fancy school. Castle parallel Payban: I mean, she just – she wouldn’t throw that away, you know? She just wouldn’t do this. Cut to:
HC: Yeah, it was totally Jordan. KH: No doubt. KB: You never actually saw her. KH: Well, we didn’t see anyone. It was if some invisible force threw Madison around the room like a ragdoll. (Who has the bag that good?) HC: The same way Jordan attacked us in the cafeteria. KH: Yeah. RC: After you knocked into her as she carried a tray of food. KH: Look, we know it was wrong of us to mess with her, but – HC: I mean, she’s odd, you know? She’s into weird stuff. Like that autistic jewish lesbian witch in the webcomic I'm reading
Ryan Castle Jr Moments Holy moley pic with no eyes...
You're poor & give your kid an allowance? My mom had a job & my dad did carpentry work & we didn't get an allowance until my brothers & I were like idk 15 13 & 11 maybe (just a guess) & even then, it was paid chores not a plain allowance. Actually I remember it was 7th grade at the earliest, possibly later, so I would have likely been 12 to 13. Or later bc that's when I was like "I don't get an allowance" & all my classmates were saying "I don''t get an allowance but my parents pay for my phone plan" or "I get an allowance but I need to pay for my phone plan myself"
Lucas Troy my beloved RC: Ah… Starry Knight, the winter ball. Did I tell you Principal dunan expelled me just before prom? (oh bc they're the knights, like the crusaders or marauders whose mascot was a dunk scottish guy,, for high schoolers.) Why is he holding it in front of his face instead of wearing the mask? KB: Castle, no! You didn’t get to go to your own prom? RC: And my date would have been Audra Dobson. So unbelievably hot. KB: Well, if it’s any consolation I missed my prom as well. RC: Really? Why? My first thought was: her mom’s murder.
Lucas: It’s amazing. Even after she’s dead everything’s still all about her. Tbh you can be a little bitter abt that even though she's dead
Love his voice, really sells that he's a teen.
Lucas: Yeah, but there’s no way Jordan would retaliate. The girl wouldn’t raise her hand at anyone. RC: She wouldn’t have to. Not with flying chairs in her arsenal.
You just left school for a bit & came back after you lost her?
Tori <3 the data ARE gone technically
Did they get a warrant for her phone?
RC: Just because no one knows who Jordan’s friends are doesn’t mean she doesn’t have any.
Transcript calls him Nerdy Guy. The crowd breaks and reveals that the man isn’t standing on a table. He’s levitating, floating in midair. (love the punk nonbinary girl) BWA BWA BWAAAAAAA
Becket a sec ago: wowie Becket now: Ya I saw that trick in vegas
Rampinel: I teach biophysics at MIT. I rent this space from Henderson to conduct my research in telekinesis. My friend/tattoo artist is a teacher at my school, which my little bro wants to attend but f/ta/i said he could probably go to MIT. Dad said, "Manitoba institute of tehcnology? That's pretty good, much better than the colleges we have in our part of canada." f/ta/i said, "No I meant michigan institute of tech. Your son is smart enough to get in." My baby bro is going to become a physicist! I'm over here just learning a crappy trade job.
How did she find out that henderson diagnostics was a telekinesis place when esposito couldn't?
Hats off to rampinel for harbouring Jordan. (her clothing makes her look short too but she isn't a tall person so she's great for a high schooler. I saw hannah marks in dghda where she was often beside elijah wood who is also not tall so she looked normal to me but in castle she looks so tiny, one of the reasons I didn't recognize her. That & she was maybe like 5-10 years younger
KR: She even kind of looks like Carrie. JE: No, she does not. Besides, how would that little skinny girl throw Madison up against the ceiling? KB rolls her eyes. RC: With powers we have yet to comprehend. (to KB) Be careful in there. Don’t anger her. We don’t know what she’s capable of. KB nods. KB: You’re right. You should probably go in there with me. For protection. She leaves.
Nemesis is such a word Russian lit my beloved. just like heavy tf2 Maybe she doesn't want anyone to know she actually studies! I love how this teen talks & presents herself, acting v good to make this a teen. Adult enough, but still less experience & not fully mature.
I believe it's a nervous habit & not an attempt to frighten them. She legit thinks she killed someone I LVOVE HER SM
JE, who grew up poor: What kind of high school kid has financials? Me: Well if you're 16 then you gan get your driver's & often that's when you start driving yourself to work & getting a job... I also grew up poor but for the collective bday of my bros & me we all got bank accounts. Which was odd bc there is a 4y gap between the oldest & youngest. Now, we didn't really use them except for relatives writing us cheques on xmas, but technically we had financials. However, nothing nearly as great as madison's. Ryan comes in with three STACKS of paper.
Bars/clubs? she's a minor. Wait fake IDs exist.
When does she sleep?
She speaks russian! Holy crap! A bank account does not have actual cash in it, silly billy.
$2.3m holy crap Sus. Did he rob die hard & then maddie stole his stuff or like??? He won't have killed his own daughter. probably.
Hm they are eating at the breakfast bar not the dining table
KB: (reading) The Billboard’s Top 100 Most Romantic Songs of All Time. RC: I figure our song has to be on that list somewhere. KB: No, Castle. I’m not choosing our song off of a list that includes – (she scans) Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar On Me”. She tosses the list aside.
KB: Yeah, except rebel Becks was a little too cool to go to a silly dance, so we went to a poetry slam in the East Village instead. It’s one of those seminal moments that I kinda wish I hadn’t skipped out on. She rebelled by going to a poetry slam? Nerdy goth. Probably took her motorbike.
love esposiro's red on red outfit So she... robs her rich friends? "to f/n l/n, who has a kid in faircroft"
Also like how they call it tolstoy instead of war & peace or the russian title. My question tho, how did she hollow out the book? I've tried, it ain't easy.
Love his Hey Hey KR: No. But she might have robbed the guy who robbed the bank.
Teenaged girl stealing things? Who would have thought.
Mum knew a guy who went by shawn bc his name was xian
I love this real estate fellow she's great. KR: A ghost. ??? Hey bro chinese ghosts are fricking scary.
Ryan Castle jr moments Love how we get to just focus on ryan's face while caskett are arguing. Also he is SHORT next to tall castle & tall beckett in heels.
JE: They also examined the patio where Chen’s furniture earned its frequent flyer miles. CERULEAN BLUE LIKE THE KID'S LUNGS? NOOOO NOT LUCAS
wait lucas said he wasn't there. Why'd he lie?
she's bringing a gun? & cocking it? going to see a kid? reminds me of that scene with violin girl (boy) in the umbrella academy. viktor hargreeves but when they were still vanya. making stuff fly around & then boom james peen or whatever his name was.
LUCAS: You wouldn’t understand. Most people don’t. That’s why I’ve learned to hide what I am. RC: Telekinetic. LUCAS: (scoffs) What? No. Smart. You know, people don’t like it when you’re smart and you do things people don’t understand. I mean, all that stuff that you saw? I rigged. RC: Rigged? But you – chairs moved. The tables – LUCAS: Right. Special effects are kind of my hobby. (Love special effects) It’s pretty amazing what you can do with some fishing wire and magnets. And people are pretty gullible. RC’S face falls. KB tries to not show her amusement, but she gives RC a knowing look. So did he fake a telekinetic event for his friend w/o telling her, making her think she had powers? & he told her NOW tho?
JG: I've never had anyone do that for me before. [KR puts his hand on JE'S shoulder.]
Lucas: And you – you know what they would do to a scholarship kid who terrorized a room full of students? Castle:
Well you edited the last part out AND the first part out. You usually need to trim both ends of a clip like that.
That kid is NOT a high school student. Then again I have seen kids somewhat like that...
I had a dream about having a weird locker i could go inside. but setting up a false bottom would be kind of... impossible
lmao stealing from the fiarcroft community is barely stealing babe
two out of three girls had lawyer dads. Smart of her not to say a word.
Reading the transcript I thought Kris was innocent & Hillary knew. Seeing the show, I see body language
Hillary: She is captain of the cheer squad. She knows her way to the top of the pyramid. Yeah that kind of work requires a lot of muscle. But srs? already betraying your friend like this? At least she's getting arrested in her prom queen stuff.
PD: Mmm. Just one thing I need to know, Mr. – Castle. It’s haunted me for years. Where did you get the cow? RC: (hesitates) Put it this way, sir, if you ever need one, I know a guy. EVEN BACK THEN CASTLE KNEW A GUY
his hands are... very thick, making his fingers look stubby. smallest toes I've seen on a guy that tall.
Andrew Belle’s “In My Veins” & I love how these adults are just crashing a prom. My parents wanted to crash weddings & pretend to be hired dancers.
(lowkey goth, love the way she looks.) These kids aren't dancing so well, no kid is. Well ig it's a different style of dancing. I do fiddle dancing-- heck we had a 40 minute virginia reel the other day. We also do schottisches, circle dances, polkas, etc, but our two-steps & waltzes are not like foxtrots & ballroom waltzes. I took some ballroom classes in school & some hip-hop & "just dance" which I never really liked, but we also took salsa. I really want to learn salsa again. & ofc my parents were big into swing. I miss swing dancing, I need to take a class. My olf TA could to salsa & tango. She was great. croatian-canadian living in argentina for summer lol.
KB: Oh, that reminds me. I had unis sweeps Lucas’s house. You know what they didn’t find? Wires, magnets, anything that would explain that stuff that we saw flying around. Jordan & Lucas are kissing <3 <3 <3 I always love it when these episodes, time travellers, psychics, telekinetics... I love it when these episodes end with some sort of "ooh scary, what if it's real" moment
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Networking 101 (Essence of Camp)
Ok everyone, today's adulting lesson is... how to network. Now, I am pulling this from an engineering background, and it might vary a little by industry, but here's my tried and true method of networking.
Make a LinkedIn. Do this before you really start networking. It's ok if it's sparse, especially if you're young, but add you basics from a resume (jobs, education, volunteer work). There's some other stuff you can add too, like if you've taken a cool course, have a certification, or you can even specify vague interests. Note: LinkedIn is primarily 18+. Not to say HS students can't use it, but it's primarily career-oriented and better for adults. Might be helpful for like a HS Senior.
Ask people you know to become your LinkedIn connections. Could be teachers (only recommend this if you're out of HS), could be colleagues, could be classmates, could be family friends. Sometimes it asks you how you know them or to add a note. That can be helpful if you're not in regular contact with someone.
From here, you have both in person and virtual opportunities.
Online: look at your new connections in the industry you want to network in. Now look at their connections. If you feel comfortable, reach out to your connection and ask for an intro. I think there's even a button somewhere for this, or a prompt. You can also look at their connections for people you may have forgotten.
In person: when you are at professional events, ask people to connect with you on LinkedIn once you've met them. Other places you can network include conferences (ACA and regional ACAs are great ones), classes or certifications that you take, or in clubs or professional organizations. I'm friends with a lot of people through SWE, because I was heavily involved for years.
As you go through the years, try to stay up to date on LinkedIn (I know I've struggled with this) and connect with people by commenting and liking what they share, their work anniversaries, new jobs, etc. I've only recently started doing this, mainly because I'm on a new kick of trying to make a effort with people I know.
It's not weird to connect with someone on LinkedIn that you met once (in most industries) or someone that you kind of tangentially know (I connected with staff out of my old council even though I was camp staff not FT staff there). I have a retired Scouts BSA director on mine because he requested me and I was like, hmmm, could be useful at some point. Some others also fall under this category, like the dude who owns the sock business we use as a cookie reward.
If you're uninterested or opposed to LinkedIn, I'd suggest a couple of things:
Make DIY printed business cards if you don't have them through your organization. Avery (the paper company) sells printer templates that you can use in Word I think.
Keep all the business cards you find in a special place.
Make notes on the back of business cards of what you connected about (talked to X about waterfront, talked to Y about trainings).
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pixel-bloom · 3 years
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Just a challenge to brush off the dust of that old yearbook and show the world how your oc or ocs looked when they were teenagers! were they edgy? were they more on the nerdy side? you can share as many pics as you’d like but please if you do join I’d love to see your entries, so tag your posts using the tag #yearbookchallenge and have fun!
I was tagged by @natolesims 💖 Ty~ I won’t tag anyone cause idk who’s done it yet but please do it if you see this post! I’d love to see what y’all come up with~
Obviously my legacy sims didn’t all go to HS together but I had to do all my current households. To catch up on who is who, you can go here.
+ Ant (Gen 4): Ant was a bully in HS, taking pranks way too far. He spent most of his time skipping class and going to upperclassmen parties. Sadly, he didn’t have any friends growing up...just his siblings. He’s in a much better place now, as an adult, but he regrets a lot of the enemies he made in HS. Curse that evil trait!
+Lucia (Gen 4): Lucia was that cute, preppy girl who spoke up every once in a while in class. She was mildly popular but spent most of her free time working at her father’s art gallery. Her favorite class was art and she was the one to always stay after class to help the instructor clean up as well as get the latest teacher gossip. She was really good at weaponizing that gossip too! >:) 
+Gnat (Gen 5): We all know Gnat’s high school life; it was a huge part of this legacy! She was extremely popular and even had a small clique at one point. Her cousins jokingly called her Queen Bee (Queen Gnat just doesn’t have the same ring), but she quickly disbanded her group when she realized how far away she was getting from her true, legacy goals. 
+Max (Gen 5): Max was the quiet, studious kid in HS. He took advanced placement exams and honor courses. He was also involved in theater and band! He’s one of those students who seemed like he had a lot of friends, but was really alone most of the time. When the news broke that he got into Britechester with honors and planned to be a lawyer, no one was surprised. Private school definitely moduled him into a seemingly successful adult! 
+Jake (Gen 5 Spare): Everyone knew Jake Insecta, for better or worse. He was the class clown (not on purpose) and was constantly in sitcom-like situations. He was a bit of a rebel, going to parties with upperclassmen and even trying to shoot his shot with a senior, Darling. In the end though, he was a true loner. He spent a lot of his times at the ruins, sometimes inviting his cousin Ladybug.
+Darling (Gen 5 Spare): Darling’s senior year wasn’t the greatest. They moved out of their parents’ house, struggled to graduate, and focused more on sports than class. A true basketball star, they even had the chance to get a scholarship to Foxbury! Darling really took pity on Jake in HS and was basically his only friend besides Ladybug. They all became friends in the end <3
+Ladybug (Gen 5 Co-heir): Ladybug hated HS. She had trouble making friends. Her standoffish personality and sarcasm was not appreciated one bit. She resorted to drinking to seem cool, but was generally known as the “legacy spare”, which she HATED. Maybe this was the source of her attitude, who really knows. She definitely was a misfit, like her father, and spent a lot of time trying to be someone other than herself. Thankfully, she’s accepted herself as an adult (including her unruly, and ever changing hair!).
+Theo (Gen 5): Theo moved around every few months as a teenager, so he never had a normal HS experience. He got into A LOT of fights and always seemed like his was in a bad mood. You could find him outside of class smoking or at the principal’s office sulking in a chair with a new black eye. People tended to avoid/ignore him and his cigarettes, bruises, and ripped clothes. His senior year was more stable, living with another family, and thankfully he was able to catch up on all the credits he had missed.
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jerzwriter · 3 years
MC Monday - HS Yearbooks - Tobias & Casey Edition
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Yearbook Photos:
Casey & Tobias's high school experiences were similar insofar as they were both very studious and driven, but also knew how to have some fun. (Some for Casey, a lot for Tobias.)
Casey's parents sacrificed to move to a more affluent suburb when she entered HS (something she did not like at all), but it was still a public school; Tobias went to Sidwell Friends, one of the most prestigious private schools in the DC area. It's typically the school of the President's children and he was in class with dignitaries, so it was a bit different.
As adults, they were both impressed with each other's selection of quotes. Both having picked quotes from individuals that the other admired very much as well.
Senior Poll:
Tobias chuckled when he saw that Casey and Ryan had been voted Cutest Couple. He told her he did not disagree, but that he and Casey would have killed that category if they had been in school together.
He was impressed that Casey was voted Most Likely to Succeed even though it was still a bit of a sore spot for him that he lost out (came in second) in that category. Of course, the person who beat him went on to become the youngest president of a small European nation, but Tobias said that's irrelevant.
Casey rolled her eyes and said "No shit!" when she was Tobias was Class Flirt. She pointed out that he continued to be until he met her. He kissed her and said, "That's just how magical you are, baby."
(Former yearbook editor geek - me - note here): Yep, a bit of a change in hairstyle for Tobias. Senior polls (at least in my school) were done mid-year and photos were taken after they were completed. Yearbook photos were taken the summer before senior year, so the man changed up his look. He was still caught after for flirting (and more) either way.
Yearbook Ads:
I picture Casey's mother Rose to be a scrapbooker, and therefore Casey's ad was homemade with a lot of love. I HC Rose and David quarreling over this, with him insisting they do something more traditional and "not embarrass the girl" and Rose tells him to shush because he doesn't know what he is talking about.
The note from her parents is a lyric from Tim McGraw's "My Little Girl". A song both of her parents love and they would dance around the living room to the song with her when she was younger. Tobias's school had 3 templates that parents could select from. Being that it was such a selective school, there were too many parents who were all but (and some actually) hiring PR firms to make the ads. Vivian was outraged because that was her exact plan.
Tobias's family note summed up his childhood, yes, a lot of love, but also the constant reminder that he needed to live up to the family name. He wasn't thrilled with the inscription, especially because he was going through some coming-of-age conflicts with his parents at the time. In retrospect, he feels bad about being difficult in regard to it, especially since his father is now gone. He did tell Vivian how much he appreciates it in later years.
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @annoyingmillenialnewbie @anonymousrookie @binny1985 @bluerosesbloom @charisworld @crazy-loca-blog @custaroonie @genevievemd @icecoffee90 @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kachrisberry @lady-calypso @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @mm2305 @phoenixrising308 @pixelberrygirl @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @secretaryunpaid @shewillreadyou @socalwriterbee @thegreentwin @toadfrog26 @txemrn @wanderingamongthewildflowers @mainstreetreader
OH Tags: @aishwarya26 @coffeeheartaddict2 @dorisz @panda9584 @dorisz @queencarb @youlookappropriate @sillydg
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
Kamen Chef AU details (updated):
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The prompt:
This is totally an AU verse now thanks to Kizuna and its drama CD’s info re: Daisuke.
The story starts when one day Daisuke and V-mon come to talk with Chef Digitamamon from Chinatown area and Daisuke asks Digitamamon to teach him some tips and such. Digitamamon then says he wants what Daisuke can do already and runs a little test. Surprised with Daisuke’s skill being not bad but also having room to be improved, the egg-like digimon accepts him as intern. V-mon also gets “employed” to help with Daisuke’s training.
Since it’s too dangerous for both, also the fact villains the Chosen Children still have to fight come to Digitamamon’s restaurant... Daisuke gets an ALIAS to keep himself safe from trouble (?!) -- So now while he’s working there he’s an Lighdramon-like armored digimon called Lightnimon and gets more than a double life as HS student and Chosen Child: Now he’s a masked chef.
As you can think, Daisuke himself still got no time to explain to his friends and his seniors (Taichi-Yamato-Koushiro-Sora-Mimi-Jou) or even his family about this part-time job. But hey, one day he will get there.
Now does this disguise work?
Since digimon can spot who’s a digimon and who’s not pretty well, the food scent messes with said senses and it also hides Daisuke’s scent.
Daisuke also tries his best to not talk much and only when needed. Anyone who knows him pretty well is able to identify him. There’s no in between.
To prevent being caught, Daisuke and V-mon have their own “safety route” to go back to human world and to come to the Digital World.
They also avoid using public spaces for that. So, basically he does it from his own room once everyone at home is asleep.
Thanks to 02 ep 33 we learn the 02 group’s digivices can give them the appearance and outfit they deeply want, so this is how Daisuke got this “Lighdramon-esque armor” and how he can switch quickly back to his original appearance. This is referred by “change” when mentioned.
Now, details about the muses involved there:
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Digitamamon (he/him): The owner of this restaurant, pretty strict but has a soft heart. Will fight whoever tries to hurt his employees and customers, but will also smack you in the head if you break his building. It’s like a father figure for his employees, and can speak ancient digimon language.
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Daisuke AKA Lightnimon (17yo, he/him): Just an ordinary Chosen from Odaiba... Who once saved the world from BelialVamdemon. So yeah, Daisuke’s pretty famous and of course there’s bad and mean digimon seeking to beat him and become famous for it. He works disguised as a digimon named “Lightnimon” (or Lightni, called by almost everyone there) as Digitamamon’s student. Somehow, his ideas and suggestions starts improving the restaurant to the point it gets pretty busy later.
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V-mon (he/him): Daisuke’s partner, best digi-bud and partner-in-crime when it comes to Daisuke’s food experiments. He supports Daisuke so much, but sometimes gets worried about Daisuke and Daisuke’s clumsiness... Though V-mon can also be a walking mess and stupid. Can evolve to multiple forms by using Digimentals, but his main adult evolution is XV-mon. He works as waiter and as kitchen assistant.
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Bakumon (they/them): One of the oldest employees from this restaurant. They can talk, but it’s more easier pretend to not, and just repeat the menu when someone asks them about something. They do everything though, but mostly to greet the customers and serve them.
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Gekomon(s) (they/them): A tiny amount of the employees lately are Gekomon from the local area. Some probably had met Mimi, Palmon, Taichi, Agumon, Jou and Gomamon before. They have small jobs such as helping serving the customers or keeping the place clean.
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thegeminisage · 3 years
Dear Ms Liz: you're a certified adult so I was hoping you might have some advice for a hs senior such as myself who's in full blown paaaanic mode over college admissions. how do i *not* anxiety??
ok disclaimer that i did have to drop out of college so i feel like i may be unqualified to address most of the SPECIFICS re: higher ed, but i AM a certified adult and pretzels are the same, etc - meaning anxiety is anxiety is anxiety & i've had like 20+ years of practice managing it so maybe i am qualified for that much. this is a very sweet ask actually im honored anybody has this much faith in me
anyway first of all address the root of the fear. what EXACTLY are you scared of? not getting them done in time? of doing badly on them? of picking the wrong schools? i've had..."a lot"...of "therapy"... & the most helpful part so far was learning the skill of figuring out WHY you feel a particular way, bc that helps w/ addressing it. if you're worried about not getting them done in time, try to work on them a little bit at a time instead of letting dread paralyze you and then getting into a cycle of fear-based procrastination. if it's doing badly on them, maybe you can get a teacher or guidance counselor* or older relative or friend to look them over for you and give you validation. it's about figuring out what you need to feel less overwhelmed and scared, and then securing that for yourself. it's a good skill to have!!!
(*i might be talking out of my ass here but i feel like unless you go to a completely garbage public school you should be able to find SOMEBODY in that building willing to be a pair of second eyes for you. if not, try online. i just checked and r*ddit has a sub called r/applyingtocollege. bad website yes but as long as you don't venture into the wrong parts you can get advice from all kinds of people bc normies use it. source: i have gotten good advice there before! it's never a bad thing to ask for help or ask questions - at the very least it shows other people that you're taking shit seriously and being proactive, yk?)
secondly i CAN tell you this will NOT be your only opportunity at higher ed. my brother had to drop out at the same time as me (money, sigh) and eventually he saved up and went back. and it was no big deal, and now he has a job in his chosen field! so in the absolute worst case scenario that your cat eats every one of the applications & none of them get turned in, it is still not the end of the world. idk, sometimes i like to hash out worst case scenarios and make contingency plans - this can turn into catastrophizing if you aren't careful, but sometimes i find that doing that makes me realize, logically, how unlikely a worst case scenario is and how recoverable it can be. like, i doubt my house will ever catch fire, but having a plan to get me & the pets to safety and knowing that even if my house is gone me & the pets would still be ok still makes me feel BETTER? if you're playing disaster scenarios in your head anyway you may as well give them happy endings.
AND finally. wow sorry this got long. please remember that emotions are temporary. actually everything is temporary but especially feelings. people are sort of like computers in that if you turn it off and turn it back on again they work better. make sure you are getting enough food, actual water, sleep, deep breathing, enrichment in your enclosure, etc. you'd be amazed at how much seeing to your physical needs will make the mental stress seem less dire and all-consuming. a lot of the time if the FEELING seems too big and too much and you can't handle it like you can just...wait it out. bc it's temporary. like literally sometimes you can just take a nap and suddenly it seems a lot more manageable, yk?
ok this has gotten long enough but GOOD LUCK!! i think youre gonna ace those admissions, but i also think even if you dont youre gonna have a great time doing other stuff and that you'll be ok <3
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riverdale-retread · 3 years
Riverdale S5 E8 Lock & Key
5 Things I loved/ 3 Things to Consider
I loved this:
1. THE KEY PARTY was excellent and ultra high stratospheric camp, that you can only appreciate if you really know the show.  Achieving this tone- ‘this isn’t how things are but wouldn’t it be so amusing if it was?’ -  is very difficult,  and I felt rewarded for the close attention I’ve paid to the show.   Further, at this sex party they have a heavily pregnant lady, and the only person who is in any way apprehensive that he might get paired with her is Reggie - everyone else is like, It’s fine.  And also? The majority of the invitees have ALREADY had sex with each other, and almost all of them are also currently cohabitants and/or coworkers and/or doing joint projects, in various states of married, long-term relationship, casual hookup and courting.  Just, absolute catnip I tell you!  
Sidebar: Again CHADWICK FUCKING GECKO being SANE, and objecting to Veronica drawing Archie’s key with - NOT WITH YOUR EX.   I mean, why does this always happen to me??? Why am I *Chad*?
2.  I loved Betty in this episode. Just fell in love with her like I am flippin’ Jughead.  
 #1:  Betty  is so very sexy.  Wow I was so not ready.  Her in the FBI T shirt & him in fire fighter gear! Yeah it’s good looking people in actual Halloween costumes, but what makes it work is Betty's reaction -  electrified, then amused and looking forward to a good time.  Love this for grown Betty.
 #2:  Betty is so very wounded and vulnerable, and by her estimation lovers / boyfriends will never stand by her, but friends will. I love me a character in romantic anguish.  
And related, #3, and yes, this may be wishful thinking, but there are hints that Betty actually feels the impact of what she did to Jughead and Veronica in her Senior year.  Why else would Betty think that engaging in an actual adult romantic relationship with Archie for real will cause the light to go out and the haven bubble to collapse?   Oh Betty.   She’s so accepting about Archie abandoning her immediately after she told him she wasn’t mentally/emotionally well because she feels both ruined and like a ruinous force.
Finally #4, the kindness and care Betty shows to her mother, who does not deserve it, made me respect her a lot.
Sidebar to give Archie Andrews a Demerit:  Betty has a single emotion in front of Archie (waking up from a trauma nightmare) and Archie (who woke up from a trauma nightmare first thing after the time jump) is just unwilling or unable to provide the necessary commitment. He in fact decides RIGHT THEN that Betty needing extra support (of the kind he needs, in fact) means Veronica is the answer. (Archie, please redeem yourself. Tell me what’s happening with you soon).
3. The only reason the high camp works though is because there’s a grounding in reality, with believable human emotions providing a solid foundation, and boy this episode really delivered!  
The  shaky breath Jughead lets out after he says Billy (character in the novel he’s teaching) might be crazy right after he sees MOTHMAN.  Love this detail.  The shame and pain Jughead goes through, writhing with his whole little face, while confessing that he’d been a reckless drug user and drinker to Tabitha, who sweetly feels some of that pain with him, was heartrending.  
The ‘you are a jackass’ face that Archie makes at Chad while also SMILING (because that is how he looks handsomest)  in reaction to Chad dude-bro-ing him with ‘females’ and ‘podunk town,’ without even bothering to reply to his dickhead question, is wonderful. 
And most heartbreaking -  Fangs’ laughter that presages a dawning realization that Kevin really intends to implode (his words) their whole life and his gentle tone in trying to figure out what the hell his boyfriend is doing was very upsetting and wonderful.  Apparently, over the past 8 years,  Fangs has been trying to give Kevin everything he wanted - monogamy, non monogamy, the baby, the marriage - only to have it go up in smoke.
4.  Now that the characters are older, they can meet a wider array of adults and I really appreciate this - the expansion of the world of the show.  Who knows if she appears again, but I very much liked this anthropology professor who has segued into creating a support group for the disturbed people she meets while she pursues her very esoteric interest in alien encounters.  Minerva the campy lesbian art collector who wants an Original Cheryl Blossom and Rick the gay trucker who is like, the most sexually easy going man in the history of humanity are really fun additions too.
5.  And this last one is going to sound mean spirited but I love what is happening to Alice Cooper.  She was so horrendous and monstrous to both her daughters -  I mean between Betty and Polly it’s really hard to tell who had it harder from Alice - and she is having to atone for the damage she did to her smart, resilient girls by the peril that Polly is now in.  Polly, despite being born in Riverdale, could’ve been another Betty in terms of accomplishment -  academic and career - but Alice just bashed her head in, basically, and now look where we are.  So, suffer for your sins, Alice Cooper.
3 Things to Think About
a) Toni has “a medical condition that makes it harder for her to get pregnant the older she gets.”  This is called BEING A HOMO SAPIEN.  I was so amused by this that I actually looked up the production notes and this episode was written by a woman (!) and directed by another woman (!!) and the scene is acted out by two women (!!!) one of whom was actually pregnant at the time in real life (!!!!) so now I’m like, Wait, is Cheryl…an immortal?  Is Cheryl somehow not 100% homo-sapien and that’s why Toni says this?
b) I gathered yet more evidence that Archie is a Riverdale-HS-Sexual.  Archie is in the teacher lounge at Riverdale High  talking remodelling plans with Veronica, who says she needs big changes, and he immediately switches into Let’s Fuck mode.   When Jughead innocently asks what the blueprints are for, Archie TOTALLY acts  like he got cockblocked.
c) The long pointy-nailed manicures on the lesbian couple’s fingers REALLY bother me.  More than 20-something almost-perfect-SAT scorers Cheryl and Toni not understanding that human fertility wanes with age.  I will just say that.
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charlieconwayy · 3 years
map out chadam endgame pls!
OKAY GAYS HERE WE GOOOO basically adam has been in love w charlie since charlie pulled him aside at the north stars game and asked if they could be friends. adam is shy af so he was like “uh...ig” but it literally is so important to him that charlie noticed he was struggling and he’s just like obsessed w that moment forever. and they stayed besties until d3 when adam was put on varsity and charlie’s chaotic ass was angry. adam considers that the worst time in his life bc no matter what he always had charlie except for then and it haunts him and he constantly wondered what he was doing wrong. he was also hella struggling at that time bc maybe his feelings for charlie weren’t just platonic? and when he sees charlie with linda he realizes he’s in love. no one knows except julie bc they get drunk at a party one night and he cries and tells her and she just holds him and tells him it’s okay.
finally, senior year, adam decides to come out to the team. it’s 1999 so most people are homophobic, including some of the team, but charlie publicly stands up for him and adam’s heart just swells. then charlie starts to think ab gay people bc he’s had feelings for guys before and “weird” dreams but he’s never thought about it until now. he doesn’t know what he is but he thinks he likes adam. one night they get drunk and hook up. charlie is kind of ~promiscuous~ in hs so he’s kind of just like “it’s cool, we’ll hook up but we don’t need to label :)” and adam is just like. heartbroken. but he loves charlie sm that he sucks it up. until charlie gets a steady gf (drivers license by olivia rodrigo plays) and then adam calls him a coward and they have a big fight on the ice at practice. charlie realizes he actually cares ab adam and asks him to prom, but adam is sad bc charlie is going to take his gf and just like what? make out w him in the bathroom? he’s so heartbroken and done.
adam makes it to the nhl. charlie tries college for a minute but hates it. he becomes a peewee coach like bombay. he never misses one of adam’s games and hounds julie and connie (adam’s besties) for info on what he’s up to. if he’s found someone. eventually he does. obv it’s a lowkey thing bc adam doesn’t want to be the first openly gay nhl player but charlie knows and is sad.
jan dies. everyone comes home for the funeral. adam brings his bf. charlie publicly starts fights w the bf at literally any opportunity bc he just lost jan and he just wants adam to be his bf so bad. julie has basically had enough and locks charlie and adam in a room so they can talk ab their feelings. lISTEN THIS PART IS STRICTLY HC BUT THE JOSHUA JACKSON EXTENDED UNIVERSE IS CANON IMO!!!!! basically charlie tells adam all of these little memories he has of them. sharing a bunk bed during the goodwill games. the first time charlie got high and ate too much and threw up on adam’s shoes. and lastly, when he asked if they could be friends at the north stars game. it was so important to adam for so long and he can’t believe charlie remembers and he’s just like “you remember that?” and the ICONIC jjax “i remember everything” is said
they kiss
adam doesn’t want to break up w his bf bc he’s good to him. charlie finally breaks down and tells adam he loves him. adam just laughs and says “i’ve always loved you. i’ve always fucking loved you. but we’re adults now. we have to make grown up decisions.” they hug and cry into each other’s shoulders.
it turns out adam’s man is cheating on him. adam breaks up w him. the man outs him to the tabloids. adam goes into hiding. all of the ducks, even the previously homophobic ones, stay in hiding w him until he says it’s okay to make statements. they make a joint one: “adam is one of the most honest, kind, incredible people we’ve ever known and having him on our team was the best decision that coach bombay ever made. any team would be lucky to have him. we stand solely with adam and condemn any hateful remarks.” it’s like 2005 so it’s rly a big deal, but adam’s team decides not to fire him bc bombay threatens them w law suit.
charlie stays w adam throughout the whole thing. they cry together some more. they’re not officially together, but they’re not not together.  adam says “hockey was always the only thing that mattered. until you.” charlie tells adam he’s his favorite person in the whole world. they become official.
only julie knows at first. then connie (then, obviously guy.) then charlie works up the courage to tell fulton, who is the most outspokenly supportive of them. charlie tells his mom. she cries and tells him she’s proud of him. he tells bombay. he says he already knew. the bankses, who have disowned adam, threaten charlie. charlie and adam laugh, bc they were never good to adam. he’s always hated them, and now they can hate them together.
charlie and adam live together for about three years, happier than they’ve ever been. adam’s hardly ever home, but malewife charlie usually flies w him on his teams’ offseason. there’s a kid on charlie’s team, a ryan atwood type. an orphan who gets into a lot of trouble. charlie lets him sleep at his one night and the kid flips out when he realizes his coach is friends w THE adam banks likw wtf??? why did no one know. charlie and adam fall in love w this kid. he stays w them. they adopt him. he was previously homophobic, but charlie talked sense into him. he’s now proud to have a gay and bi dad!!!!!!!
gay marriage is legalized in 2015. charlie and adam get married in a quiet ceremony w only the ducks, casey and orion present (they lost contact w bombay at this point). their vows are super cheesy but connie and julie (and portman) all cry and their son is obsessed w the wedding being perfect and is a bridezilla ab it. except like obv not the bride, like the groom’s kid. 
adam retires and becomes a public defender. charlie takes a job coaching at the local public high school.
the reason charlie wasn’t at the ducks reunion was bc he was so angry at bombay. he told adam to go for him and relay everything back to him. adam comes home from the trip and tells charlie ab how the ducks are cake eaters now and he’s horrifed. charlie makes plans to do something ab that....
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