#now hes a wee bit more flexible
oifaaa · 2 years
Random tangent: I don’t think Jason would internationally hurt people around Bruce to get at Bruce. I feel like at most they’d be collateral damage. Idk I’m relying heavily on my flawed memory of utrh for this tho. His interactions with Dick there was too minimal for me to get a proper read on him.
I feel like this is one of those up to interpretation type deals where I firmly believe he would considering how he reacted to seeing Bludhaven get destroyed - he was way more concerned with using it as an opportunity to hurt Bruce then showing one ounce of care if Dick was alive or not - as well as the interaction he had earlier with oynx - I'm gonna go on my own wee tangent opps so heres the thing I think people misunderstand about Jason he a ends justify the means type guy and people get confused bc of that line he says to Bruce later when he's says smth like "I'm not talking about two face or riddler just joker" but the thing is he was talking about Bruce only having to kill the Joker not himself - Jason has already shown multiple times by that point that he is willing to kill a lot of people if he thinks that they will justify his ends - that includes killing henchmen and lower criminals and its not like he's finding out everything about everyone who gets in his way to see if they deserve to die no Jason is more violent then a lot of people seem to be willing to admit and he's willing to own up to that violence bc to him it's justified and to try and get back to the actual point (sorry anon about that) Jason's means justify the ends thing also means he doesn't mind hurting dick or oynx unnecessarily to antagonise Bruce
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vampirevatican · 7 months
nsfw levi headcanons, bc the thoughts won't stop...
long forked tongue.
he has a snake and water motif, yeah?
he's a water type, yeah??
he's a serpent. so for important reasons, he has a forked tongue and a dual dong
it's like a snake's wee wee anatomy, so yes phallic but very tentacle and wiggly
he can sheath and unsheath his hemipeen
so... does he look a bit like a ken doll with it sheathed?? yes, and ofc there's a slight lump there and if you rub it you'll awaken the peni
now if you're wondering my thoughts on size?? he's pretty average, i wanna say 5 inches
and listen if that's not enough im sorry but, dude is blessed with TWO and if anyone has something bigger than average??? it's gotta be diavolo and/or beel
anyway, can he unhinge his jaw you ask!? why yes, yes ofc he can.
how else is he supposed to fit that long, flexible, forked tongue in his mouth
can move his tongue pretty fast if you catch my drift
speaking about his mouth... yes he has shark teeth and ofc he's careful with them and warns you before things get too heated
his tail, you ask?! ofc, thiccest where it connects at the base of his spine and tapers to a point.
so when it slides in... he makes sure to do it nice and slow.... unless y'all are doing more than one round or you're already loose
yes he is a sub and simp boy but also he can be very rough if desperately horny and possessive, so be careful
masochist. there's no other way to say it. dude gets off on having his peni stepped on and being degraded
though ofc he only takes the degrading from you, and mainly in steamy situations
perv too. i said it before and i'll say it again, mfer would sniff your undies and shudder in delight.
fantasies about you being his little cam whore, but just for him. he is the avatar of envy after all.
cosplay sex?? oh it happens. yes i am saying this because of brief and panty, don't look at me like that.
sexting?? that's when he can be his most confident and dominant, because he doesn't have to physically see you and overthink his actions
even better do rp chats with him, with y'all's fave pairings?? oooh wee, after a certain point if you show up at his door be prepared to be pulled in so fast and to stay in his room til midnight or the next morning
very much a pushover, so when ur the dom anything you say goes.
when he's dom he enjoys every second of your submissive compliance, it really boosts his ego
okay... to finish this off. no he is not buff or built. yes he has demon strength and because of his body type being on the lean, kinda scrawny side he's got that secret build going for him.
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Thank you for writing my Tarantulas request!!! It was amazing and I loved how it turned out. If I can do another request I'd love to see more Earthspark Megatron x human Reader, the last one you did of them in the supply closet was so good! I'd love to see more of their relationship and how they avoid getting caught when they get intimate in public/semi-pubic areas. Thank you! Cant wait to see more of your writings!
No problem, I had an absolute blast writing it!! The spider needs some serious love!
Also I can do that! Fair warning I went a WEE bit overboard but I think you'll enjoy Medic!Reader and Megs getting it on in the medical bay at GHOST! I cannot express how much I love it when bots and their humans sneak off for some fun, especially when the size of the bot in question forces the two to get creative.
For those who don't know: if you like my writing style, you can always commission me, and please reblog to help spread my work! Thank you!
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From behind the cover of your welding mask, you allowed your face to pinch tightly in concentration, eyes focused entirely on your work as you carefully closed up what had once been a sizable metal gash. Thankful that the wound had been a clean one you'd been able to treat independently, you moved as quickly as you could without sacrificing control, wanting to minimize the lingering discomfort for your patient. Megatron had the highest pain tolerance you'd ever encountered, but even after applying a localized anesthetic you could feel his uncomfortable tension beneath you, just as you didn't fail to notice the small sigh that passed his lips when you finished and disengaged the flame.
Careful not to lose your balance, you crawled back along the big bots sizable torso before removing the mask for a clear look as well as a breath of fresh air. The injury looked a great deal better than when he'd first limped into the medical bay about twenty minutes prior, and you were confident it would improve further after your patch had some time to settle, but the mech had made you work for that sense of assurance. You could still clearly recall how your heart had absolutely flipped at the sight of him cradling his bleeding middle, even if he'd still had the capacity to crack a joke before laying back on the medical slab while you gathered your tools in a rush…
"That should do it." you said with a sigh, a little spent from the ordeal but pleased with the outcome. Megatron, with his upper half supported by the inclined berth, looked down the length of his frame to meet your gaze.
"Excellent work as always, Doctor." he said in a mix of praise and a tease, emphasizing your title to mock the formality the two of you had to fake when others were present. Granted, you were currently alone and the doors had been locked for privacy, but that had never stopped him before. A small shift of his middle and a noticeable lack of pain did, however, bring more genuine appreciation to his voice. "That does feel a great deal better, thank you, my spark."
You smiled at the term of endearment before giving his wound a final once over, ensuring it was as good as it could get before his self-repair protocols took care of the rest. "I'll need you to stay here for about another hour while it sets, just to be safe." you instructed when satisfied, confident that this would be nothing more than a faded scar in a few weeks time, so long as it was given the chance to heal. Areas of considerable "flexibility" were tricky on bots, compelling you to give another reminder as you packed your tools and prepared to climb down. "The last thing I want is for it to tear, and that'll be a lot less likely if you relax for now."
Megatron scoffed at the suggestion, a reaction that neither surprised or phased you. "An entire hour? Am I really so delicate?"
"You will be if you don't listen to me." you replied with a roll of your eyes. It was predictable that Megatron would object to you "fussing" over him, even if all you required was for him to take it easy. He complained about such things every time they were prescribed, but with you the big bot tended to comply… more often than not. You were hopeful this would be one of your successes as you slid off his side and walked to the lift that ferried you up and down the bot sized berths. Your departure quickly got his full attention.
"Where are you going?"
"I have to file the supplies I used for the repair." you explained with clear distaste for the fact, leaning back on the lift railing so you could face him as you shrugged your shoulders. The displeasure and sarcasm were overt even without the added roll of your eyes. "GHOST protocol."
The towering warrior put on what you dared to call a pout. "Am I simply supposed to sit here in the meantime?"
"We've got data pads and there's a bot sized tablet on the charger. I could set you up with whichever you prefer, but I do need to submit that report sooner rather than later." you said as you prepared to hit the button to descend, hesitating because you really would have preferred doing anything over the drudgery of typing reports. Getting some time to chill with your partner would have been a welcome change of pace, but GHOST didn't allow much leeway when it came to its tyrannical bureaucracy. 
"Fine." Megatron huffed dramatically, giving you reason to pause as you fixed him with a raised brow. Though he wasn't in any position to actually contest, and he thankfully remained quite still on the berth as you'd ordered, the big bot was almost making a show of how unhappy he was. As he seemed to be marginally more theatrical than usual, you found yourself willing to take the time to try and figure out what he was playing at as he continued to whine. "If you are truly comfortable leaving me to languish in utter boredom…"
"As your doctor, I'm confident you'll survive." you replied, playfulness tinged by a hint of curiosity. Tilting your head and narrowing his eyes, you made it clear you knew there was some kind of game being played, and wanted to be let in on it. "What are you getting at, Megs?"
His pout shifted to include a hint of a smile, confirming for you that he was indeed playing at something.
"If only there was someone to keep me company while I recovered…" he mused with obviously mock melancholy, reaching out to cup your tiny body and gently pulling you towards him and away from the lift. "Perhaps those reports could wait a little longer, yes?"
You rolled your eyes, now confident this was all just a plot to make you stick around for his sake and nothing more. For all of his gruffness with others, the big bot hung on you like a needy cat, making it quite unsurprising he'd be gunning for some personal time even after getting stitched up. Ordinarily you were happy to indulge his desire for your presence, but keeping your job unfortunately took precedence over keeping him company. "If I don't get it in before the next half hour, the system will send out an alert when it does its automatic supply check. Is entertaining you for twice that amount of time more important than stopping a false alarm?"
Something small shifted in his entire demeanor, but being over thirty feet tall made the change abundantly clear to you even if you hadn't a clue what it meant. Thankfully, he didn't keep you waiting, his faint smile shifting into a full smirk as he spoke.
"I can get all the entertainment I need in… five minutes. Ten, if I'm thorough." he purred, scarlet optics intensifying their gaze as he went from merely watching to drinking you in, servo at your back pulling you closer. A reflexive flush rose up in your cheeks. You knew that look well, it had preceded countless rushed dives into closets or warehouses and on one especially spontaneous occasion the cargo hold of an unmanned carrier plane… but you never would have expected to see it now. Suddenly it was all too clear what he had been playing at.
The disbelief and total exasperation was as apparent in your voice as it was the hand you threw up into the air. "Seriously? You're horny now?"
"Can you really blame me?" he replied with a laugh, amused by your reaction but hardly disheartened. He lowered his voice and allowed it to rumble through your tiny body, and in spite of everything it was just as effective on you as it always was. Having his careful digits at your back only helped his case. "I did have a very attractive human practically seated on my lap."
"A human with a welder!" you replied with a wild gesture to your pack, where the tools capable of slicing a bot were arranged with care. Considering he still had the fresh wound on his stomach, you couldn't imagine how he had it in him to be frisky, but judging by the intensifying lust in his optics the pain was doing little to dissuade him. 
"What would you say if I told you that made it all the more appealing?" he said after a moment of silence.
He was just fucking with you now. He had to be. There was no way he seriously wanted to bang after having his organs sewn back in, you refused to believe it, it was too much even for him.
"You… you're utterly ridiculous." you said in a bit of a daze, tempted to pinch yourself to test if this was all some crazy dream. You halfway wondered if he was recording this for some kind of inevitable gotcha that would come at any moment, and felt so silly you couldn't keep the laughter from tinging your voice as you continued."I'm saying you're utterly ridiculous."
Megatron somewhat carefully clapped a spare hand to his chassis as if he'd just been dealt a devastating blow. "Oh no, you wound me further…" he teased, making you wonder if you were dating a warrior or the planet's biggest dork. Trying not to give him the satisfaction of a smile, you had to admit to yourself that it was much harder than it should have been to remember why you'd needed to leave in the first place. Fixing you with a smirk, he once more tugged you closer, and this time your body failed to resist in the slightest. "I fear I may need medical attention all over again."
"I'm going to repeat myself; you're utterly ridiculous." you said simply, medical training swooping in where your professionalism failed. "Plus, if you push it and that patch breaks, I'll have to redo all my welding, and I don't think either one of us wants that."
"No…" he conceded in a not at all serious tone. Allowing the silence to hang until you raised a brow in anticipation, the mech went from smirking to grinning with devilish delight, his sharp canid dentae peeking out as he purred low enough for you to feel the rumble of his voice through your tiny organic body.
"But that merely means I need to be careful, or more accurately, creative."
The servo at your back scooped up your tiny frame without effort, compelling you to grab on for stability as he hefted you clear off the berth, raising you to his helm so quickly your ears popped from the change in altitude.
"Whoa!" you cried out in surprise, clinging to him as you suddenly found yourself a good twenty or more feet from the nearest surface below. You had ample practice being handled by bots, but this one had caught you off guard, as Megatron was always the type to practice caution when maneuvering you in his massive servos. Less than gracefully wiggling yourself into a more dignified position, you met his gaze with a pout, preparing to give him a piece of your mind before demanding to be put back down. No matter how little you wanted to complete your task, it had to be done, and no amount of his antics could change your mind…
Except when your optics met his up close, you found that to be patently untrue. The desire in their depths was like fire, burning so bright it seemed to see straight through your token resistance and to the molten need burning just below your skin.
"Come now, love…" he purred, lifting you to his helm and setting you down to straddle his chin. The touch between your parted legs was like an electric prod, melting away all the stress of your position and speaking to the frustration even you hadn't been able to see. Biting your lip to keep yourself quiet, you recalled the discipline that would follow late reports but found the threat hadn't the slightest hold over you anymore. All that seemed real was the warmth of his frame against your tense body, and the hum of his voice as he continued, making quite a point to let you feel every syllable. "Let me show my doctor some much deserved appreciation. The reports can wait."
Just able to keep from moaning, you sighed and waged one final war in your head between lust and responsibility, finding it obvious who the victor would be but giving it a go regardless. When your body made the decision you knew it would, you picked your words carefully to avoid giving him too much satisfaction.
"I'm giving you five minutes." you said in a blatant lie, setting the stage so you could claim to have simply lost track of time once you were finished. The answer pleased him greatly, and he pulled you a little ways up his helm, resting your crotch just above his lips so you could feel each and every word humming up through the fabric and into your waiting pussy. 
"Not a problem. I work swiftly…" he purred. The vibrations were enough to pull a tiny gasp past your parted lips as he hummed in delight, fully aware of what the stimulation did to you from past experience. Not wanting to give him absolute satisfaction, you kept yourself quiet save for your own smirk and a sarcastic retort. 
"Is that why I have to patch you up so often?"
The open taunt drove him wild. You'd always been one of the few humans, the few beings, to not only speak to him openly but fearlessly, and he expressed his appreciation with a request so rushed it came out as a pleading demand. "Take off your pants."
"Give me a second, kind of hard to undress without a proper spot to sit…" you replied as you slipped out of your protective lab coat to reveal your scrubs. Though kicking off your shoes was easy, straddling his chin left you without much of a foothold or a way to wiggle free of your pants, forcing you to awkwardly grab them and your underwear as you tried to shimmy out of both. Megatron was hypnotized by the sight for a moment, his optics locked on your increasing exposure before he decided it wasn't happening swiftly enough. You let out a single sound when you were unceremoniously lifted up to hover over his lips. "Oop!"
Dexterous digits took hold of the fabric you'd already pulled down and gave a swift, decisive tug to yank them down your legs, leaving you bare from the waist down. Yipping in surprise, you regained your wits quickly enough to balance yourself when he set you back down, your exposed pussy coming just inches shy of his lips before you found footing on your hands and knees.
"Is this proper enough?" he asked, fully aware of how his heated breath teased you. 
"Yes!" you gasped, unable and unwilling to keep yourself from reacting to his encouragement. The fact he was right there had to be as torturous for him as it was for you, and looking into his optics confirmed as much, their fiery depths drinking in your nakedness in the same way a starving bot would drink in a cup of cool energon. Not wanting to be entirely at his mercy, you hovered above his lips, palms splayed against his cheeks as you took a deep breath and met his gaze without flinching. "So get to work, you're on a tight schedule."
His glossa was out the instant you finished the last syllable, allowing a cry to slip out of your open mouth as he swirled the tip over your lips to ease them open, delighting your folds with the hot, wet, hungry touch. Sharp dentae were bared beneath you as he spread you just the way you liked. Moaning and setting your hips heavily on his face, you were thankful for the locked door as you allowed yourself to get loud, letting him know just how good he was with your voice. The wetness that made you all the easier to open up was another clue he read and tasted quite eagerly.
You moaned his name as he used his massive size to his full advantage, pumping the length of his glossa up and down your soft folds to please you from clit to entrance, compelling you to ride him with your full weight to get more of the stimulation. More than strong enough to support you, he happily welcomed your efforts, looking more lost in his own ecstasy by the second. An approving purr rumbled all the way up your legs to make your world spin around you.
He shifted, and you caught his servo moving downwards in the corner of your eye. Following the movement, you watched in a fog of ecstasy as he opened his modesty plating to allow his spike to swing forth, smirking at how quickly it rose to its full size and throbbed with need. You'd clearly gotten him just as riled up as he'd gotten you…
A hot glossa sliding inside of you knocked the smugness off your face and replaced it with a helpless open mouthed cry of euphoria, your hips thrusting against him to help his reach go as deep as he pumped in and out of you at the perfect pace. Using his free servo to cup your back and press you down against him, his other pumped his spike rapidly enough to make you briefly concerned before a heavenly prodding of your sweet spot evaporated everything beyond obtaining release.
Weeks of being underappreciated and overworked had left you with plenty of tension for him to clear away, and you could almost feel it melting out of you as your orgasm began to build, hot ecstasy filling your body and compelling you to grab at his digits to keep yourself upright. Megatron tightened his grip around you in response, letting out a moan of his own at your lack of inhibitions. Sharing the pleasure only made it that much better for the both of you.
An aggressive swirling and sucking of your clit gave you everything you needed for an explosive orgasm, one you announced by throwing back your head with an admittedly theatrical cry. The response from the mech beneath you was as immediate as it was satisfying.
Watching you writhe in the euphoria he'd caused proved too much for the warrior, and he overloaded seconds after you, deep moans of satisfaction rumbling through you in perfect time to the throbs of your pussy. Between the vibrations and his glossa you saw stars and had to let him fully support your weight, shaking hands clinging to his digits as the both of you rode out your shared pleasure loudly enough to shake the berth below.
Thankfully Megatron had just enough sense and strength to adjust you when he finished painting his own chassis with his release, inching you back to his chin so he could get the greedy gulps of air necessary to cool his internals. Dizzy but satisfied, you had just enough clarity to giggle at the situation, pushing back some of the hair that had stuck to your sweat soaked forehead as you looked down to see if he was faring any better. Judging by his expression of nearly unconscious bliss, you considered the two of you to be doing equally well.
"Megs?" you pressed, leaning forward to pat his cheek. "You okay?"
"More than okay." he responded with a tiny chuckle, cracking open his optics to grin at your half naked form. Using his digits to haul yourself up on shaking legs, you settled for sitting back on your heels when they proved too weak to hold you upright, a very common occurrence after such sessions. Helping you sit more comfortably, he smiled with more softness than satisfaction. "I believe we both needed that."
"I still need to file my report, but I won't pretend I don't feel a lot better about it." you acknowledged with a stretch, far more limber than you'd been just a few minutes prior. Though you still needed to get your work done, this had proven an excellent use of your time, and you were about to say as much when a glance about turned up empty of a few critical items.
"Where are my pants?"
His exhaustion halved in an instant, devious sparkle returning to his optics as he used the most obviously mock voice of concern you'd ever heard. "I haven't the slightest idea." he purred with delight, making you pout at what an impossible pain in the ass he chose to be. He'd give them up eventually, you knew that from experience, but in the meantime you were going to have to deal with even more of him being impossible. You made your mild annoyance known with a raised brow and two hands on your hips, a reaction that only delighted him further. "I suppose you'll have to remain here with me after all." 
"I still have my welder, you know." you said as you leaned forward on his face, trying not to crack a smile at his antics. You failed when he grinned and pulled you in, the adoration in his optics equal only to the amusement. 
"That still makes it all the more appealing."
Rolling your eyes, you sighed, knowing but no longer caring that the reports would indeed be late. It wasn't like GHOST could screw you half as hard as he could.
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peachdues · 4 months
Hi Peach!
the latest episode of KNY and your recent posts have just made me go and reread TGW - don’t ask me how many times I’ve read it now cause I lost count 🤷🏼‍♀️
I love your take on my emo King so much. Giyuu is quite a deadpan character but you are able to write him having silly/funny moments so well. They don’t feel forced at all. Adding comedy to the endless of list of your amazing writing skills 🩵
And I’m so looking forward to the part II Tanjiro visit scene (poor poor boy) and the Miko chastising Giyuu for having an empty house (she will be chewing him out I can’t wait)
I went back and reread the first TGW teaser you ever posted and I hope you don’t mind me asking but was reader always going to be a Shrine Maiden or did that idea come later as the fic came together?
Now I need to be so honest with you - Peach ‘IT TAKES TWO’ killed me in the best horny way possible, I am quite partial to a wee bit of SaneGiyu so seeing them in a threesome fic the scream I scrumpt 😭 mean corruption kink Giyuu forever
I hope you’re getting lots of smooches and fresh air
much love
(PS no stop no don't write for Shinjiro, he’s totally not everyone’s anime dad crush at all 😉😚)
So tickled that you reread TGW again. Honestly, I’ve fallen right back into the brain rot it, and spent a good portion of today writing for it 😭 seeing Giyuu smile in last night’s episode made me MELT.
and ALSMSKAKOAKS as always your compliments reduce me to an absolute puddle and I will never be solid again.
I’ll answer your asks about TGW below!
I won’t give away Reader’s backstory quite yet (that comes in Part 3!) but I will say — she was raised in a shrine and doesn’t have a lot of personal items either. She’s actually so overwhelmed by the fact she finally has a home — something that she can call hers, that she almost cries 😭 but you’ll see Giyuu feel sort of insecure about it for the first time (he just wants to impress his girl lmao).
As for your question about when I decided to make Reader a shrine maiden in TGW..
TGW came about because of the “I’m not your enemy” scene that was teased in the OG teaser — hence, why it was the first look. The entirety of TGW bloomed around this one mental image I had of Giyuu strangling his lover. I decided pretty quickly it would be his BOJ.
I knew she was going to be a civilian when I published the OG teaser, but I hadn’t settled on anything more concrete than that. HOWEVER, the second scene I wrote was the first time scene that ends Part I — I wrote that entire thing in like an hour while procrastinating. I first teased the virginity loss scene like, maybe two days after the OG teaser? So in the span of those two days I decided she would be a Shrine Maiden. It was a pretty easy decision — I needed her to have some flexibility RE her background but also give her a stable place Giyuu could come back to and see her. So that’s how I decided! But to answer your question, she was pretty much a Miko from the start, minus like two days lmao.
As for the Tanjiro scene — honestly, I’m enjoying the thought of it sm. Especially because he, like everyone else left alive after Muzan, had NO IDEA Reader even existed.
Giyuu actually takes off from the Butterfly Mansion to get her as soon as he regains consciousness and doesn’t tell anyone where he’s going — so when they show up concerned to his estate, you can imagine how SHOOK they are to se that not only is there a woman there (the implication of what they did the previous night being very clear lmao), but also that she’s introduced as his fiance. Like, “here she is, this is mine. I love her.”
I’m so glad you loved It Takes Two 🫡🫡 I am happy to provide spit roasting always!!
Sending you much love!! Please stop encouraging me to write Shinjuro I have too much to do!! I’ve already started HELP
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himbeaux-on-ice · 1 year
what's reilly smith like? (now a penguin)
alright i'm a bit busy so you're mainly getting screenshots from where i just had this same conversation on discord:
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to add on a little:
you are getting 1/3 (the most underrated third) of a trio that has been as central to the VGK's identity and success in their franchise history as the Pens trio has been during their era. and you are getting him for a 3rd round pick (which belonged to Vegas originally, it's the one they gave the Pens in the Blueger trade). the ONLY reason i can imagine Vegas is making this move is because they are bulldozing cap space for their annual batshit crazy big game hunting move, they would never move on from this guy otherwise.
Smith is exactly the kind of player the Penguins need more of - a hardworking complementary piece who has a flexible and underratedly robust skillset, a great easygoing personality that coaches rave about, and a loveable smile.
as a VGK fan: I am a wee bit heartbroken to see him leaving the city and his two boyfriends longtime lineys, but i'm glad he won a Cup first and he'll be a beloved legend in Las Vegas forever who helped make that team what it is. bittersweet, and a little baffling they didnt get more for him, but then again we've seen how this management operates so, welp. that said he does only have a partial NMC so presumably he's not *completely* dead set against Pittsburgh and is willing to go, so there's that.
as a Pens fan: god I'm SO fucking glad for the Pens sake that Brendan Shanahan is an idiot. this move is a fantastic weaponization of one of the Pens' few assets (cap space) to take advantage of a team that's shedding salary for god knows why. let's go Kyle, let's fuckin go.
Pens fans, honestly? I think you're gonna love this guy
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anewp0tat0 · 1 year
AAAAHHHHH!! CONSIDER MY SHIT FLIPPED!! THE BLACK BUTLER LIVES! What are your thoughts on the new art style?
BRO I'm with you, flipped like that pancake I managed to throw half out the pan😩 I still can't believe. best Monday every fr.
and ooo thanks for the question, I wanna hear your thoughts after this👀 I've already said a little bit about this in the tags of some other posts, as well as touched on it in my master post of the crew, but I suppose I may give a big final answer(for now, from this teaser).
judging the art alone, not the fact that we get a new anime or anything exciting like that, just the art alone... it's very pretty!
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yea this is very pretty. the kid looks great, small and good, and his hair looks feathery and neat, so I approve. I think they nailed his general proportions, I think they'll do a great job at keeping them consistent during episodes! the image to the right does looks a tiny bit like a 3d asset, which is a bit jarring compared to the previous anime style, but I'm flexible towards this change. even if he looks like a video game cutscene character, I usually love cutscenes!!
but here's the drama I'm sure you're here for. yes, unfortunately, there are some wee things that I don't love as much🤏
the first thing, it really doesn't matter and I should shut up about it now... but YOU asked so ajdjfksksk why did they have to shrink sebs jaw cmon my favorite art of him ever was during the Greenwitch arc so don't tell me I'll NEVER be able to see that style of him animated😫 I just like prominent features man. I know he's meant to be pretty but but but....
ah okay. heres the main thing that I think most people may agree with.
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these are two screenies of sebster from the teaser. honestly, as ☆luxurious☆ as his lashes are, I'm not a fan of the left image. the airbrush on his hair feels a tad overdone. I love the attention to detail, especially in the one on the right, it shows a lot of love! but there's just something about it that's a bit off for me.
and I think after 24 hours I've finally figured it out: it's the colors.
the realization started to hit me when I saw my favorite edit so far here by @ashxketchum. the colors have been edited to be much more saturated and warm. and I think this is exactly what is missing here.
I even tried my own hand at it, and yea personally, I think slapping a saturation, tint, and just a BIT of contrast on the whole thing can do numbers on it.
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already I like it(no I'm not just praising my own work, it's not the best edit out there I did it in 30 secs). I think the reason for this is because the background is very rich in contrast and warm tones, so the characters(particularly sebastian who is all black) stand out when they are muddy and low contrast. I love stylistically when contrast is high, but that's just a personal thing, and I shouldn't hold a studio to those standards.
I tried it for the poster too though, which again I felt was a bit off. official art has never been the most top tear, and the poster is GOOD, the background is awesome and the two peeps looks amazing. but my problem with it was clear once I did another color edit.
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(edit on the right)
again, I feel like everything was very muted in the left original, not to mention a tad monochromatic. I really think a kick of contrast and hue could do wonders.
BUT. I know that at the end of the day, it's not a big deal. I don't really care. would it make my day or whole year if they slapped a color filter on it, or continued to work on the color grading of the scenes? probably yea! but my opinion isn't obsolete, and most of all, I look forward to and respect the artists decisions.
so no I'm not "fixing" the art😅😒.
and finally, I think this is awesome:
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(I had forgotten but this gif is edited by @kilruas from this post)
GORGEOUS. could it turn some people off cause it's mostly cg? maybe. idc though. gorgeous. gimme some of that beverage.
sorry for the rant, hope it's what you wanted! I think that's everything... I like it 85%!
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commanderthalys · 1 year
New blorbo has a name now! Soren my beautiful little babygirl. They use they/he/she any of those are cool 👍
- as a sapling they saw someone with tattoos and thought that was cool as fuck, but didn’t like committing to something permanent, so that’s where the body mod idea came in since he’s sylvari and can change shape!
- off of that idea, they’re afraid to commit to long term romantic relationships. They want to and do try, but it still scares them a little. Permanency in general scares him a wee bit.
- they’re the kind of friend that loves to shower you with gifts. If you’re having a bad day she’s taking you shopping and you ARE going to pick out something you like
- he thinks he’s the most beautiful but isn’t necessarily arrogant about it? To them it’s just fact if that makes sense? Like they don’t brag about it to put others down.
- probably has some Mesmer abilities, which is another reason he’s often hired. It adds a little something extra to any situation!
- some of her more extreme body accessories include various horns, claws, and even wings! They’re all purely art and otherwise mostly useless
- weirdly flexible. He can do some freaky ass contortionist shit
- can easily change their marking color and glow color!
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fullmetalscullyy · 1 year
I read some of your fics and let me just say that I LOVED them!!!! Riza and Roy's relationship was just beautifully written!!! Can I ask if you have any specific headcanons or aus you want to ramble about?
i will preface this with saying it's been about 5 years since i actually watched fma lmao so my concept of royai in general and canon may be (definitely is) skewed purely by my own self indulgence, delusions, and poor memory (for real, i read a fanfic once where they said grumman's first name was walter and i took that on board and for about 8 years thought that was his canon name 💀 i'm easily influenced hahaha) but who cares i'm thriving anyway so i'm happy 😌
ok so. headcanons
most of these change with my mood or what fic i'm writing to fit in with the story i'm writing. i love having flexibility and things to play around with lol
roy calls riza "my love"
tenderness ✅ affection ✅ adoration ✅
this man dragged himself back from the brink of death/unconsciousness under central just so he could go to riza (and alphonse but shhh just riza)
roy fell first
riza fell slowly
he fell HARD and when riza realised she was like "oh shit 😳"
feelings developed tentatively when they were young (roy was both scared of but impressed by quiet, feral little riza). he was patient tho and eventually, riza fell too
idk when they each realised. i like to play about with that idea like toys in the sandbox lol so it chops and changes depending on my mood
they're both v professional obvs and hide their feelings well but sometimes roy gets a wee bit too into the role he ""plays"" while speaking to elizabeth and hears about it later. but he just shrugs and doesn't care bc how can he be sorry when he gets to pretend he's in love, or close to it at least, w elizabeth - not that there's any actual pretending hehehehehe
they end up becoming a dog family. all the pups. because it's what riza wants
realistically, would they have kids together?? hmmm ask again later but in my mind where there's 0 consequence and things are hand wavey yes 😌 need girl dad roy and mama hawk in my life
there is definitely a way they could play marriage between them and having a family strategically and politically and i've read some fab fics and thoughts where they do but i'm not clever enough to think anything up hahaha but i feel like they absolutely would in the canon world. it would suit them and their goals well if they did
obvs the kid would be loved and doted on don't get me wrong it would just be convenient that it worked out politically for them too
i'm sure i have more rattling about in my brain somewhere but i was up at half 4 this morning for a road trip and this is all i got for now hahaha
in terms of aus, i don't have anything cooking atm. i would love to delve into another one but i've done so many at this point i feel i've exhausted my wee list but!! also accomplished and written everything i've wanted to write for royai 🥰
however. i will say. for years i've been dreaming of a royai/x files au. royai as mulder and scully??? roy the believer and riza the skeptic??? stunning. i would LOVE to write that but i just. do not have it in me anymore unfortunately. that being said, i will never say never!! it might eventually come back around to me. but we'll see :)
thank you for the ask!!!!! and the kindness 🥰🩷
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jiahn · 6 months
growing pains.
"help me stretch," yujin reaches forward, hands open and extended out toward his groupmate and friend as he tries to lean a little deeper into a seated hamstring stretch. he feels the tug in his muscles already but he knows he can go just a little bit deeper if he just exhales and lets himself be pulled further in. every day he can go a little further... or at least continue to maintain the flexibility he already has. few things are more important for a dancer, after all.
yujin still often thinks back to his trainee days. what had he imagined being an idol would be like back then? he knew there would still be long days that started in the wee hours in the morning and kept him from his bed until late at night. he just didn't know so many of them would still be spent in a practice room, for some reason. their promotions are always over in the blink of an eye; a sprint through a few odd weeks of singing the same song and dance on the same handful of music show stages and watching the same popular idols win first place over newave's comparatively pathetic place on the charts. all yujin can do is practice. he can hope that their next song is better, that the public will finally notice them, that all their hard work will finally pay off. he hasn't yet been able to breathe that sigh of relief, to be able to say we did it; we made it.
he could worry himself into an early grave (and maybe someday he will) if he lets himself dwell on those thoughts for too long. all he can do now is throw himself into the preparations for their next comeback and hope that this time is different, that they'll finally reap the rewards of all their hard work. yujin knows no one else worries as much as he does but he does sometimes wonder if robby ever thinks of such things. his friend is so unbothered by the public and their perception. yujin envies that confidence sometimes.
"do you ever get nervous?" he wonders aloud, asking robby a question that's long been on his mind. robby knows what yujin is like; they've trained together for ages and share a room now. it goes without saying that he still gets butterflies in his stomach every time they go on stage, that he's swallowing anti-anxiety herbal supplements backstage before every fanmeeting or whenever they have to be themselves in front of a camera. jiahn is supposed to be the visual, the face of the group; yujin is still camera-shy and often falls quiet as soon as the beady eye-like lens turns to him. "i don't think i've ever seen you scared of anything."
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darkestrellar · 2 years
Time to write a post about Svern and his DITTO
So Lilly (Ditto) came into his possession somewhere in/before his preteens, maybe around age 8-9. Right now the explanation I'm leaning toward is, like Andromeda, "she" (testing pronouns) was given to him by his grandfather. If I decide it would work better for him to have met her some other way this may change but otherwise I'll be following this pattern.
Lilly is as far as Ditto go very talented (not unlike Svern); she's got fantastic transformation abilities, beyond just copying what's in front of her. She's got a very good "memory" for transformations into both Pokémon and objects and she's very flexible about using them, as well as slipping into the mind or habits of those she's copying. As I've mentioned before, she can also copy Svern himself, and has done so... many, many times. She used to impersonate him pretty often when he wanted to skive off somewhere or dodge doing something (like school). (They would have catch-up sessions afterwards to make sure everything ran smoothly, but there are some skills that she has that Svern just... doesn't because he didn't want to learn them in the first place. E.g. she likes to play the violin. He doesn't.)
Their personalities are not the same (Svern's is definitely more forceful and outgoing), but she understands him very well, as you would expect. Lilly herself is also very smart and on par or honestly above most humans' intelligence level. Again, she's gifted in her own right, and she's been impersonating him, Mr Stupid Smart, for a long time.
How would I describe their relationship? It's for sure not standard Trainer-Pokemon. Lilly is one of those that he feels attached to for more than just appreciation of her quirks. I'd like to say she came into his life before he had fully learned his masking/acting, at a stage when he was still a wee bit more vulnerable. She may even have helped with that and it may be why his gramps chose to bestow her upon him at that time.
I don't think I would say they would have had a siblinglike relationship even if it may make sense. Friends? Yeah, broadly. Partners in crime? Yes. Lilly's his confidant. She's either pulling off duping people in tandem with him or she's watching his back. They hang out. He relies on her a lot.
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benefits1986 · 1 year
Greene Eats Brown
Seduction is a dance that takes two to tango minus the tanga. 
The first time I came across Robert Greene’s The Art of Seduction was when I’m buried in paperworks for Kotler & Friends to keep my grant going. Since I can’t focus at home, my “workspace” back in Taft were the library, the study hall and the arguably haunted cubicle in the restroom that has no mirrors. During wee hours, I really put aside Starbucks Torre Lorenzo funds because it was a space where I can down deadly deadlines. Back then, this place is super steady and ready for action. LOL.  The book has a good body of valid arguments, however, it has the male gaze all over it. I got bored and skimmed through some chapters and eventually got tired of it. The male gaze and a female wanting to shatter the glass ceiling and crash the mythical male floor is shaking her head as she laughed wickedly.  I didn’t bother looking him up because he’s obviously sharing opinions that are jagged. Again, his line of thoughts are commendable BUT it lacks diversity. I’m not forcing as I fully accept that it is undeniably a good book. It’s been a bestseller for ages and has been popping up again in snack-sized content formats along with its derivatives.  When I saw him on this video, I was floored. Wala talaga sa looks ang seduction. That’s the liquid gold lesson. LOL. But, apart from that, let me put Greene and Brown as in Brene Brown together. Why so? In this video, I can’t help but see that Greene is turning into a Brown as he tackles his vulnerabilities in a more gender-neutral light. Search: TED TALK Power of Vulnerability Brene Brown. I guess this is what made me a TED watcher ages ago. Also, she has a podcast but seems contrived a bit because she is pouncing on marking her territory to keep the fuckers outta her spotlight. I like her books better kasi mas dalisay. You can also do handwritten notes or if you’re on Kindle or whatever, plug in your own insights so you can BYOB lessons sa life and work.  I am liking how he has been dealing with his most vulnerable chapter to date. EAT BROWN. SUCK IT, GREENE. C’MON. Hands down-ish naman ako sa kanya here and now. Brene Brown is my OG paradigm shifter. Since 200X until now, I’m salivating over the thought of working for her even when I know she is a walking red flag, too. Finally, a woman whose force is felt and lived in a world where the male gaze persists. Eto namang si Steven Bartlett mas malala pa kay Boy Abunda mag-pry and probe. But, I like it. Bigwasan ng insights. Much needed and wanted.  Like Bossing Mo Gawdat, Greene is on his way to bow down and bend over even when obviously, both lack flexibility. LOL. Seriously, though, my “the future is female; the future is now” mindset along with other feminists is starting to come through. My feminism is not bound by shattering men and pulverising them. Heck, no. A good number of my realest, strongest bonds are with men. What I’m after is a space where women no longer need to hold their horses and/or hike up their skirts a little way more than more, just because a man in the room might get floored. Ganun lang. Wala sa gender ‘yan. It’s about co-existence.   What’s my best case in as far as The Art of Seduction application IRL is concerned?  Been doing stakeholder management for some time and so far, it’s been paying the bills and the life after bills. Still have a lot to fine-tune but, I’d give myself a DECENT or SAKS LANG rating.  The most interesting and worthwhile seduction case I’ve had to date are centered on managing two taboo realities: DEATH AND CHEATING DEATH. A few months ago, I saw my dad really pissed about how there’s so much chaos in matters about my ina’s condition. My dad rarely talks but when he does, chances are he’d really smash egos, hearts and brains, all at once. Since mom is not around to manage him, I agreed to be his spokesperson. I abhorred this at first, but, I chose to be the bigger person even when in theory, I should have stayed out of this because technically, I’m out of line. Like always. LOL.  The Challenge: Put six seniors together on one page given that ina is in a really, really bad shape. There’s a #TeamLetGo and #TeamHangOn doused with the whole male-dominated negotiation table.  Using the pillars of Greene and mixing it with Brown, I gathered all PAKE that I have and designed talking points with one too many scenarios. I summed up my plea: WE ALL WANT THE BEST FOR INA. ALL FEELINGS ARE VALID. INA DESERVES TO BE GIVEN THE BEST CARE THAT’S ALIGNED WITH HER WISH WHEN SHE IS STILL CONSCIOUS AND VERY MUCH AWARE.  This may already be arguably biased but I didn’t say this in one go. It was broken down to tiny frameworks that give all six boomers a chance to show their cards. Syempre, Tagalog pong tumatagos and very neutral ang ating takada. Even when dad lambasted me so many times because he finds me too neutral, I told him to shut the fuck up and let me do my thing. While I know so well that we’re running out of time, I know that this case is leading to one and only destination. Hence, time is not a consideration. What matters more is what happens now and after my ina expires.  Boomer mindset juxtaposed with millennial mindset is both crazy and good. Boomers secretly envy millennials who move beyond their daily grind and chart the roads less taken. Millennials, on the other hand, salute how boomers manage to stick with their routine and keep at it. What are the common grounds? Struggles, wins, validation, taxes, and death.  And so, during the really pivotal negotiation which is this 2023′s hard-to-beat deliverable, I have to put my seduction fascinator on and keep it in place. LOL. Arte yarnnn kahit hapit at sagad na talaga ang mga sunogs? I say, yes. Why not, right? Why not?  My tita reached out and told me how I was in between the whole dramarama na pang-primetime bida. I actually laughed and messaged her that I’m treating all family members as my stakeholders. She was confused but she thanked me. Deep inside though, I was and still am shattered. Damn, girl. Na-connect talaga sa project gaming ang nego sa lola niya, ano po? I had to because I can’t let my emotions override my actions. My ina deserves to be given what she wants and how she wants it. Tapos. End of story. So, I have to align and get 50+1 votes for this. Had ina been a meh or shitty lola, I might have been shaken as I go about this negotiation, but hell, no.  And so, The Talk With The Boom 6 happened. I gave myself a 1 to 2-hour deadline to get the YES votes. We have to move fast because I can no longer take the bad vibes whenever I am near anyone of the Boom 6. LOL. Empath’s curse. UGH. Emotions boiled over. Harsh words flew. Cries and short breaths abound. What I learned is that everyone needs and wants to be heard, even when you know your case and your thesis. This is the anchor of seduction. All feelings are valid no matter how shitty, fucked up and laughable they are.  After the emotional deluge and the emotional damage, I laid out two scenarios and painted a vivid picture of logistics, cost estimates, hidden cost estimates and most importantly, what each scenarios would cost the people around ina. I tried to keep my tears down low so I won’t appear affected. Thank u, universe for really, really tough negotiations that involve taxes. LOL. Udabest po!  The Boom 6 listened, thankfully. Seduction is a series of pushes and pulls, too. Pauses, stops, and a the whole shebang of the multiverse on non-verbal cues need to be in place, too. There’s no cookie-cutter template, only a baseline template that would evolve like a Pokemon as you dance with fire and ice. Seduction is like Potions Class. You really have to think and feel and act based on how the nego is going BUT with your bias.  Seduction is meant for an audience of one. Truth be told, all throughout this experience, I was thinking about mother dragon and very rare badge of approval. LELS. PATAY. I’ve been looking at a designated imaginary space where she’d likely be should she be here as I go about my wild ride with the Boom 6. In negotiations, there may be one too many stakeholders, but, in reality, there is one and only one primary mover and shaker. Keep your focus on that one audience and work around it, with it, and for it. In this case, my audience of one is a combo: Mother Dragon and Ina. See? It’s not about the Boom 6. Defining your audience is a pillar of the art of seduction. Failing to define your audience of one will surely put you down the drain even if you’re backed with irrefutable numbers. LUH.  Defining the audience of one enables you to shut down all forms of intimidation as in each one big fight, too. :) Easier said than done, baby; but can be done and could be done. Also, pair this with my kind of fight... search for a blue ocean strategy. Google mo na lang JICYMI. It’s been buried by TikTok trends and filters na e. Cuties over pursuit of things in life and work that matters most era na talaga tayo ihh. For me though, it’s gotta be cyan because maarte ako like that plus blue ocean is more alive when doused with green. Don’t fight me because it’s true as verified by mother nature and human nature.  Seduction is also about allowing a specific BUT undetectable perimeter where people can go all out, but knowing how to shrink or expand it given your end goal. It’s also a mix of asking tough questions and providing a safe space where people can be vulnerable even when they have their own agenda and their own schools of thoughts. Seduction is proximity gaming, too. Get too close and you’d burn. Stay too distant and you’d lose it instantly. Seduce sparingly and you’d likely be shut down. Seduce all the way, OK, but, shit, you’d most likely be UMAY to whomever you’re dancing with.  Lastly, seduction that has no physical contact is cutting as it runs deeply. Getting physical is the result of seduction --either a punch in the face or... alam na this. LOL. LUH. Not safe for Tumblr bilang ang aga-aga. Skip na natin ‘yan for now because it’s irrelevant.  Bakit parang love life ang slant ng nego mode ko? Bakiiittt? Kung ganito lang ako sa totoong buhay, may jowa na me. LOL. CHZ. That can wait. And who knows, it may be on its way. KALOKA. Ready na ba me, mhie? Bakit parang nasasakal na agad ako? Bakit parang gusto kong CTRL ALT DEL ‘tong part na ‘to pati ‘tong buong thought fart na ‘to. LOL. Seriously, though (while I Swear played bigla sa Spotify reco. Tangina ka. Na-anxiety ako sa’yo.), seduction is an art worth deep diving into. Lifeskill siya and life hack, too.  And so, after an hour or so, we’ve arrived at our destination in the name of ina’s final destination. It wasn’t easy but, we winged it. Team Panganay on steroids talaga brought home the big, fat bacon. Team Panganay means all mga panganay na anak ng Boom 6 na ‘di bumitaw and binigyan ako ng space ko to do my thing so we can have a solid frontline, backline and sideline. Tagapag-bagsak lang ako ng case. No one walked out. No over-the-top BP. No one collapsed. No one raised a voice. No one went overboard, thankfully. Boomers are usually not able to voice out their concerns let alone their hidden hearts, minds and spirits. Siguro, gagawa na talaga ako ng Center For Wellness: Boomers And Aging Millennials Version --ang kanlungan ng mga misunderstood at feeling taken for granted. Very scalable, may puso, may kagat, and will most likely reap a cash flow that will enable me to be financially free. CHAR. May team na rin ako in mind and probable source of funding for the agile team here and abroad. CHAR ULIT. LOL.  Thankfully, ina’s last days and her funeral has been a decent and worthwhile one. Everyone huddled and did their best. And I was there on the sidelines to align people. Siguro, one of the most cutting tiny stotylines I got is from my cousin. She came to me in silent tears as she thanked me for taking one for the whole team of 70-80+ people and counting. She also said na the effort from her and team was nothing compared to dad and I’s efforts. Sabi ko naman, wala ‘yun. Maliit na bagay. And that, wala ‘yun sa liit o laki ng effort, sa funds shared and even sa time spent. Nagkataon lang single ako and ready to rachada plus dad is also very supportive kahit mega away kami sa behind the scenes. I held back tears kasi I can really see the pressure on her as the legit rep of the pangangay na apo sa pangangay na anak ni ina, but that does not matter. I also thanked her family for all the super scheduled prayer time since my ina is a fan of prayers din talaga. Sabi ko rin na ang kaya ko lang unting funds, tulong, negos but formulaic prayers are never my thing talaga. She cried a bit more and I kept a safe distance. Baka magpakawala ako ng 4D tears e. LOL.  Side Kwento: Since my vice is TRUST ISSUE. Even when a good number of family members thanked me and affirmed me, mhie, down the shit hole ako. I felt that I could have done better. Andaming tiny details I could have zoomed in on. Daming areas for improvement. In my head and heart, lagi kong kinakausap mom ko and iniisip ko ano bang sasabihin niya if andito siya. Lagot. So olats na ako agad. Gets? :D Dami kong what if’s pero, in line with being kindest to myself, I’m forcing myself to accept these validations. Hirap, mhie. Nakakasagad ng pake. Kasi for me, lahat ng bagay nadadaan talaga sa matino at dalisay na usapan. Ganun lang. Saka, I am never enough pa rin kahit anong mangyari, after all. LUH. But, again, we are inching toward candy-colored skies. Unti-unti. Abangan. I am getting there. 
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The Pros and Cons of Owning a Circus
After getting plucked off the streets, our beloved gutter rats started ruling a circus. They’d never thought this would be so much work. Going from choosing stage names and acts to shopping for clothes and training everyone.
How is our humble family doing when working up to their first performance and will they eventually have an audience to perform for... and of course the skills and guts to actually do anything while on stage for the very first time.
This is a pre-Black Butler – Book of Circus fanfiction, I suggest to first watch this season before reading this fanfiction. Not because of spoilers, but because you’ll probably want to know Joker, Beast, Dagger, Doll, Snake, Peter, Wendy and Jumbo before reading something completely about our beloved circus crew :)
Also, I do not own the characters in this fanfiction... They are from the anime/manga Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) and so they belong to Yana Toboso (writer manga).
Hope you'll enjoy this small fanfiction, keep me updated on what you think :)
A writer needs her feedback, you know ;)
Also! This story has already been finished.
Love, Noa
Chapter 1: Quite the Unusual Bunch
Chapter Text
Not long after us gutter rats had been plucked off the streets, the real work had begun. At first I didn’t think trying to get a circus going would be that big of a task, but running one proofed itself to be pretty hard.
Like anyone would, we started out by picking stage names. I became Joker, and then there’s my fellow gutter rats and humble family: Jumbo, Beast, Dagger, Doll, Peter and Wendy.
A seemingly small group to run a complete circus. Also, too few and untalented people for decent performance which would draw an audience. So the search for talented folks that wanted to join us began.
We searched everywhere, finding quite a bunch wanting to join us. Unfortunately these weren’t folks with real talents, but more rather unusual persons like the batch we started off with.
Now, this meant we had to start training both ourselves and the herd we had gathered. Making it even more of a tough task.
This began with me going around, asking what everyone would want to do. Of course, I started by asking Beast, Dagger, Doll and the other first-string members. With choosing our acts we had to also keep in mind that our bodies still were quite broken; even though we got fixed up with new limbs, there were some errors from time to time. We couldn’t risk anything like letting beast walk the tightrope or making me do the trapeze. We had to think everything through rationally.
Dagger was still holding on to the thought of throwing knifes. Not only because he’d love to learn it, but also because it suited his new name.
“It’d be strange if I’d start making cartwheels all over the place,” he said, chuckling and glancing at Beast for approval. “Wouldn’t it?”
So, just like that, we decided that Dagger would be our knife thrower. One down, but a lot left to decide.
Peter and Wendy asked for an act together, because that’d be most enjoyable to them. Since none of their bodies had ever been broken and both Wendy and Peter were rather flexible, I didn’t mutter when they asked for the trapeze act.
Jumbo didn’t ask for a lot, only a tad bit of time on stage would be enough to please him. He’d rather have one of the small opening acts, than having to be the climax of the show.
I immediately saw to that. Meaning I was going to think about it, trying to come up with a wee act that’d still give him the chance to steal the show.
Beast and Doll, on the other hand had a lot more trouble coming with a fitting act. Beast suggested doing trampoline acts, or doing something with acrobatics. She even mentioned something with a curtain way of dancing.
I must admit, she’s always had the right curves and looks to be doing a dance or something acrobatic. Unfortunately, I had to turn down those suggestions.
“Why, Joker?” she asked me, explaining how strong she’d become with her new leg.
I shook my head and I would’ve walked away if it hadn’t been her I was talking with. So, I took a deep breath and told her it’d be too much of a risk. I pointed out all of the problems she’d been experiencing with her prosthesis lately. If something like that would occur on stage, or while practicing something difficult, it could easily hurt her or break the prosthesis. It would possibly get her to be unable to perform for days, weeks or even months.
After a long argue about this, Beast had finally agreed on it being rather foolish to let her do something acrobatic. She had to come up with something new, and fast.
That left Doll and me still having to pick one of the ruling acts... and of course all the performers of every side-act had to be decided as well.
Before picking one ruling act myself, I went to the youngest of the bunch; my young darlin’ sister from another mister, Doll. She’d been thinking about what she wanted to do for a while now.
“Nothin’ too girly!” she demanded right away. I immediately thought she’d bring me a large list of requirements, but after all that was her only wish. Other than that, she couldn’t care less about what act she’d get. She just wouldn’t be wearing dresses or girly make up. Neither would she put her hair in a ponytail, knot or anything that’d make her mutilated eye show.
We went through almost all of her options for the ruling acts. She rejected everything from doing fire performances to doing a clown act. But after almost an hour of searching for the right act, she chose – the in my opinion most girly act of all – walking the tightrope.
“No, that isn’t girly at all, Joker,” she yelled at me when I pointed out how girly that act would be in my opinion. “Even the toughest fellas, like you, wouldn’t have the balls to cross a tightrope.”
I chuckled, leaning against the wall. I tousled her brown hair as she stuck out her tongue before pushing me onto the floor to show me how strong and manly she could be.
I laughed even harder when she teasingly said, “See? You don’t even have the guts to push me back, pussy!”
I glanced at her with a serious look on my face while whispering, “Are ya sure, little missy?” before getting on my feet and lifting her up. While I held her in the air I tickled her, she was swinging her legs and laughing and shrieking.
“Not so tough now, are we?” I joked before putting her down.
She stared at me, not laughing anymore, and asked, “So, what act are you going to do?”
I shrugged. That was the biggest question of all: What performance was I going to do?
That same evening, I sat down and glanced at the piece of paper in my hand. Everything had been written down from Beast still thinking about her choice to Dagger who knew exactly what he wanted to do.
As I looked at my scribbled handwriting in between the blue lines, I spotted my name. The space behind it, still empty.
What was I going to do?
I wouldn’t want to dance or jump on a trampoline, that would look strange. Riding a unicycle wouldn’t suit me either.
But what would?
There’s not even one act that would suit me in the slightest. It would all look weird or it’d be dangerous to do while I’m still adjusting to my new right hand.
I sighed before leaning with my head against the wall. I was exhausted, running all over the places trying to get everything ready to communicate it to father.
All the paperwork is depended on me. Without me doing everything right on paper, father wouldn’t give us the money to buy enough uniforms.
I yawn, my eyes were nearly closing even though the clock only just ringed to tell me it had just gotten nine P.M.. Not late at all.
My hand fell from my lap to the ground as my eyes slowly closed.
Today had been too exhausting.
Chapter 2: Hooping, Acrobatics and Unicycling
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Another day began with Joker running around and trying to get everything going.
While he was trying to get the paperwork together, Dagger, Doll, Jumbo, Peter, Wendy and I were trying to get everyone training on some common circus acts.
We split the whole twenty headed group into four small groups.
Dagger would train a group of five on the unicycles.
Peter and Wendy would train five people on hooping and acrobatics.
Jumbo helped five people with chair balancing.
That left Doll and me to train a five headed group of people to do assistant jobs on and off stage. After all we needed people backstage to call people when needed on stage, we found our assistant for Dagger’s knife throwing act and we needed people who could put the needed props on stage and removed them afterwards.
It was quite boring to train people to do such things. I’d rather taught them how to ride a unicycle than how to clean up after everyone’s done.
Fortunately we finished training by noon. We were forced to stop when Joker came in, a worried look on his face.
As soon as everyone had left, he looked at all of us one by one. He opened his mouth, shyly glanced away and asked, “What act would suit me?”
I shrugged, even though I’d always found him a quite social person. Joker’s awkward, but he still managed to say the right things. I’d imagine him being the main speaker of the circus, but I wouldn’t know if he’d like that himself.
“What would you think of acrobatics in those curtain things?” Doll suggested.
Joker shook his head and answered, “Too dangerous, what if my hand aches while doing such performance?” he answered, he really wanted no one to be in danger. “It could be fatal.”
Doll sadly looked down at her feet, but she didn’t give up as she kept suggesting different acts. Joker refused to do any of them out of safety.
“Uhm, Joker?” I asked, he turned to me immediately with curiosity in his eyes. “What if you’d become our main speaker? You know the announcer of all acts and the opener of the show?”
Joker’s cheeks turned red as everyone agreed that he should be the one doing that. He’d been leading this enormous group for the last few days, it’d been mean not to give him at chance at taking the main act of the show.
“Yeah, I dunno,” he mumbled.
“No, Joker,” I said, making him look up at me. “You can do this. There are enough reasons, this act is meant to be. You’re talkative, cheerful...”
“Good with kids,” Doll added.
Dagger chuckled before saying, “And you’re loud. Everyone would be able to hear you.”
“Yeah, even the last row,” Peter joked.
We all stared at Joker, waiting for his answer. But Joker didn’t answer, he looked down at his lap, his cheeks still as red as roses.
“Well?” I asked.
He looked up, he hesitated one more time before grinning. “Alright then,” he replied, his blush slowly took away. “I’ll be your main announcer... your Ringleader”
Chapter 3: Dresses... Many dresses
I'm so sorry, I have gone to the movies with a friend yesterday evening and totally forgot to post the new chapter... My fault... Here it is after all, sorry again for the longer wait, I'll try to keep up with posting but I'm also going into my exams really soon... I'll try, but I can't promise I get to posting every sunday and Thursday... Sorry...
Love, Noa <3
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“Okay, everyone get ready!” Joker said as he held an envelope in the air.
Beast, Dagger, Wendy, Peter, Jumbo and I all sat on the damp grass in the courtyard of the workhouse. Everyone was eager to know what Joker had hidden in the envelope.
“We’re going to buy some outfits!” he cheerfully announced while he pulled a pile of money from the envelope. “Father gave us money to buy circus uniforms and greasepaint for everyone.”
I jumped up, shrieking, “Yes!”. I’d never gone out to buy clothing, it’s not like we had the money before father had found us.
Joker chuckled, he tousled my hair before telling all of us to get up and come with him. We’d finally go to shops to buy clothes for the first time.
It didn’t take long to get to the closest shopping street. It almost felt filthy to walk through the rich streets, as every one of the rich folks would look at our old and worn out clothing. Because even though we hadn’t been living on the streets for quite some time, and our clothes had been washed, people still managed to see that group of poor children.
While trying to ignore what people thought of us, we walked into a clothes store. A little bell rang as we came in through the door and within no time a man stood in front of us.
“Can a help you, young folk?” the man asked with a polite though confused smile.
I took at step back, almost falling backwards while bumping into Beast, while Joker stepped forward.
“Yes, sir,” he said, as fancy as he was able to. “We are searching for some nice, though colourful clothing. May we have a look around?”
The shop owner stepped aside and let us into his rather large shop. There were fancy shirts, white dresses and entire suits hanging from the wall.
I mouth opened stared at all the clothes as the man told us to fit whatever we fancied.
Peter and Wendy immediately left to see the smallest clothing in the shop, while Jumbo asked where he could find the largest.
That left Beast, Dagger, Joker and me back at the door. I had no idea where to look first. Even though I’d never liked dresses, those white ones with frayed edges and large bows all looked really beautiful and fancy to me.
Dagger immediately turned to Beast, telling her he could tell her exactly in which dress she’d look the prettiest. Right after that he took off with her, pulling her to the section with leather dresses.
I looked up to Joker, who stared at the clothes with wide eyes. I had never seen him that amazed in my whole life.
He glanced at me when he noticed me looking at him. He grinned before saying, “That leaves us, huh?”
I nodded.
“Let’s get looking for an outfit to your taste then.” He laid his hand on my back while escorting me to the “young ladies” department of the shop.
Joker let go of my shoulder and looked me in the eye. “Stay here until I get back, okay?”
I nodded and answered, “I’m not a child anymore, you can go and look for your own outfit.”
He nodded and smiled at me before walking away.
I looked up, searching for a suiting dress. Everything there were hanging, were dresses. Small or large, short or long, with or without bow. Every fabric, just another shade of a different colour.
A long, tight, black dress caught my eye first. Maybe because the bottom part of it looked rather like pants than an actual dress. But I eventually realised it’d be too tight for the act I was going to perform.
A loose and quite baggy dress grabbed my attention next, but the bright pink was way too girly for my taste.
I searched, digging for the right dress. But I couldn’t find one.
It took me so long, that by the time I had given up, Joker had returned with his outfit all ready picked out and fitted completely.
“Have you found one already?” he asked.
I shook my head, sadly looking down at the floor. “They have nothing good.”
Joker made some thinking-sounds while searching in between the dresses. I watched as he picked out a white dress with silver flowers on the dress-coat. He matched it with a pair of flat, white shoes and leggings, one black and one white.
He looked at me, handing me the outfit.
“Why don’t you fit this?” he asked while pointing at the fitting room. “I bet it’ll look adorable.”
I looked down at the pile he had just pushed into my hands and hesitatingly walked into the fitting room.
I fit on the clothes and when I looked in the mirror I almost liked it. It’s too big, meaning that the dress was a little baggy and the leggings weren’t quite tight enough. But Joker was right, it looked good.
By the time I changed back into my own clothes and left the fitting room, everyone had already gathered there. They all had chosen their outfits. Joker even went crazy and chose an outfit for every one of the other performers.
“Is that one going to do?” Joker asked.
I nodded, happy I had finally found the right outfit.
We paid for clothing, and we even had money to spare. Of course this was great, some of us would be needing make-up, wigs or hair dye, so we could use the extra money.
Everything went in bags, going from Joker’s extensive outfit – existing of a white shirt, a black and golden suit coat, striped pants a golden bow and black heels – to Peter and Wendy’s simple outfits – a pink dress and a green suit.
I believe everyone was really glad we all got our outfits together. Amazed at how many choice of clothing the rich people have.
With our acts decided, our training started and outfits together, the real work could begin.
Chapter 4: Noah's Ark Circus
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We all knew, now everything had been decided and we were training hard for days already, it was time to spread posters for our first time performance. The only problem, we didn’t yet have our posters made... or decided on a name for the circus.
Joker got all of us first-string members together to talk about this important subject. We had to decide a name. One we all liked, would sound attracting for the audience and would suit our acts.
“East End Circus,” Doll suggested. She explained it would tell people we’re living on the streets before starting this circus, it would tell our story.
“Yeah, but so would The Gutter Circus, wouldn’t you agree?” Joker answered. “That wouldn’t really attract people.”
Beast thought deeply before she suggested, “Tower Bridge Show, maybe?”
Joker wrote it down, and if he hadn’t I would’ve told him to write it down, because Beast’s amazing ideas cannot be ignored.
“Anyone else?” Joker asked, it was clear he had some ideas himself as well.
I opened my mouth, still thinking of a good name.
London’s Spectacle? No... too blunt.
Marvellous Aerial Circus? Too... strange.
“The Enchanting Circus,” I mumbled, not even noticing that I said that out loud until Peter and Wendy started laughing.
“Wait, you’re kidding right?” Peter laughed.
“You must be,” Wendy said.
Beast turned to the two and sighed. “Well, we’re here to consider names. He’s at least trying.”
She smiled at me when Peter and Wendy stopped laughing at me. I smiled back and as my eyes met her I suddenly felt really warm.
She glanced away again, but I watched her as she opens her mouth and asked, “So, Joker? Have you got any ideas?”
Joker shrugged and thought.
“I was thinking something like Mayor Make-Believe Show...” He hesitated, shaking his head as he said it out loud. “No... no.” He tapped with his fingers on this ground besides him when a large grin appeared on his face.
“What?” Beast asked in curiosity.
“I got it,” Joker cheerfully replied. “The Noah’s Ark Circus.”
Chapter 5: Snake
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Again a few days had passed by. They went fast as everyone was busy training to get their act good enough. Doll was doing balance practice, Dagger was training his throwing skills and Peter and Wendy have been practicing their trapeze act. Then there’s Jumbo, who eventually got the fire breathing act and Beast who chose to be our animal tamer.
And me... Our Ringleader.
I wrote my text, every word I have to say when on stage. Only thing left to do is practicing some quick tricks like juggling and such. And of course I had to learn everything I need to say by heart within a month.
Today we had to go out to spread the posters we’d made a few days ago. Otherwise no one will come to see our first show.
Jumbo, Wendy and Peter had to stay at the training field with the rest of the performers to get some more practice going, while Beast, Dagger, Doll and I went outside to spread around some posters.
We didn’t have too many big posters to hang on walls, so we had to hand some to people to even spread the news of our circus. At first it was quite scary to approach people like that and explaining that we were a new circus with large acts.
Some people didn’t even bother to stop when we wanted to explain them what it was all about and just threw their poster on the ground right in front of us.
“Look over here!” Doll yelled and she gestured at a large group of people. “This is our chance to spread the news to a bigger audience.”
“Yes, good idea,” I answered and I called over Beast and Dagger, who were spreading out flyers a little further.
We walked up to the group, but they didn’t seem interested in us. Not even slightly. Their attention was taken by something they were gathered around. A large cage, probably holding something. I couldn’t see what was in it, because of the crowd gathered around it.
“So, what do we do now?” Dagger asked, but I hadn’t got the slightest idea of what to do about this uninterested crowd of people. We couldn’t just leave, it was such a missed chance if we did that.
So I took a deep breath and told my group, “I’ll be the announcer then.” After I said that I squeezed myself past the people, excusing myself while I pushed people aside.
When I’d finally reached the centre of the crowd, I saw what was hiding in the cage. A young boy had been put in the cage. He looked very scrawny and his white-grey hair was rather greasy. The boy stared at the ground with an unpleasant look on his face as snakes crawled onto him.
My breath jolted when I heard the loud noise of whipping. I glanced aside, at an older man who whipped the young boy.
“Come on, show them what you got!” the man yelled at the poor kid. “Stupid snake boy!”
The kid opened his mouth to speak, but something in me said he didn’t want to. So I stepped forward and took the moment of silence for granted.
“Good afternoon, ladies and gents,” I said in my loudest possible voice, like I’d practiced to. “My name is Joker and I have a big announcement to make!”
I heard the man yelling at me while I spoke, but I ignored him completely. I had the attention, which was all I needed. Now I’d only have to sell our circus.
“Over a month a new circus will visit your town,” I announced. “There’ll be fire breathers, animal tamers, knife throwers, trapezes, a dance across a tightrope and much more! If you’re interested to see the Noah’s Ark Circus performing, feel free to come by!”
I felt how my voice took off when a man in the audience yelled, “Yeah, can we see the Snakeman now!”
I swallowed, stepped back and fell against the cage. I shrieked as a fell to the ground and dropped all the flyers when my broken body collapsed against the cage of the snake boy.
“Filthy kid,” the man added angrily.
I looked down at the ground, at my left hand, it was bleeding and scraped from breaking my fall. Now, I realised that even though I had new, clean, fancy clothes and a job to do, people still saw me as the gutter rat I used to be. A filthy nameless kid, without a future.
“What are you saying?” a young, familiar female voice yells. “You can’t talk like that to him! He’s my family, ya know!”
I looked up, seeing how Doll was screaming at the man and Dagger stood behind her to intimidate the man. Beast immediately rushed up to me though. She kneeled down next to me and asked, “Are you okay, Joker?”
I nodded, and I quickly hid my hurt hand with ripped glove behind my back.
Beast smiled at me, stood on her feet and helped me up as well.
The audience was shocked when the next thing happened. I walked up to the old man, the one who owned the snake kid, or stole him away from his parents for as far as I know.
“Say, mister,” I said, loud enough that everyone could hear me. “I don’t think this young man wants to do this.” I gestured at the snake kid, his large yellow eyes stared at me full disbelieve.
The man chuckled angrily as he tried to push me away.
“That’s not his choice, is it?” the man rudely told me before demanding the snake boy to say he liked doing this.
I turned to the kid, kneeled until I was at his height and asked, “Tell me kid, without listening to that old bastard. Do you like doing this, stuck in a cage?”
The kid’s yellow eyes stared at me and his mouth opened.
“Of course he liked it!” the old man yells. “He would be on the streets if it wasn’t for me!”
I shrugged, turning to Beast. “Can you keep the man quiet for a while, Beast?”
She immediately saw to it, wrapping her hand over the man’s mouth. It was followed by the whispers of people; I heard some of them saying we were doing a good job helping the poor boy, while others found us a disgrace to humanity saving a deformed species like him.
“So, kid,” I said and I put my left hand into the cage. “Do you like this cage? This Job?”
The boy looked down at the ground, the look on his face didn’t chance when he said, in a squeaky voice, “I never really liked this cage... says Emily.” He looked at one of the other snakes and in a deeper voice he added, “No, me neither... says Oscar.”
Right after he looked to me, a ghost of a smile appeared on his face. “And I don’t like it at all.”
His hand carefully wrapped around mine, and one of the snakes crawled onto me.
“Will you help us, sir? ... Asks Webster.”
I swallowed. He can control snakes? I wondered with my mouth opened from disbelieve.
“Yes,” I said, while nodding. “I... we.” I gestured at Beast, Doll and Dagger gathered behind me. “We’ll find you a more fun and suiting home, outside of a cage.”
The snake carefully crawled back onto its owner before I took my hand out of the cage. I walked up to the man, took the key from his belt.
I put it in the keyhole and carefully opened the cage. After helping the boy on his feet, I wrapped my hand around his bony shoulders. I looked at him as I told the snake boy, “From now on, you may belong to our humble family, if you want.” He nodded. “What’s your name, kid?’
The boy looked at me, his face full on confusion.
“I-I have no name,” he mumbled before turning his eyes to the ground.
I smile, tousling the young boy’s hair.
“Do you want to choose one?”
He shrugged. “What about kid? ... asks Wordsworth.”
“Do you like the name kid?”
He shrugged again.
One of the snakes hissed and the boy said, “You should go with Snake! ... Says Goethe.” The boy looked at me and said, “I agree.”
I nodded, turning to the crowd and picking the scrawny boy – now named Snake – up. I held him in the air, where everyone could see him and his snaky friends.
“From now on,” I started. “This kid will be a free man! Snake will be a boy with choices!”
Chapter 6: Snake Dance
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The nice sir took me and the snakes with him, to a place where they had build up a few tents. Small ones, just to keep them from the rain at night.
He showed us around and gave us a place to sleep in one of the tents. He explained they were an upcoming, travelling circus. We would be able to stay there, he said he even had a small job for us here, but only if we all agreed on doing it.
“If you’d want to,” he said, crouched down besides us while handing me over a blanket. “I could give you an act, you could go on stage with us and your snakes.”
I shrugged, glanced over at Emily for approval.
I’d like that... She hissed
Oscar joined the conversation: So would I!
I nodded, looking back at the orange haired man.
“We’d like to.”
The man nodded, a nice smile on his face. “You may decide what you want to do; you can do anything going from a dance to having a conversation with the snakes. I don’t mind, as long as you like it.”
I nodded again.
The man walked away, telling us he’d be back later, but we could always go outside if we needed anything. There should be enough people to help us when we’re in need of help.
Nice place, don’t you think? Webster asked, while crawling over the floor.
“Quite,” I whisper.
Don’t lie, you love it! Hissed Emily, who clearly liked a tent better than a cage.
I looked down at her and shrugged.
Wordsworth interrupted my thoughts by suggesting: We should think of an act.
I nodded and said, “Okay.”
I think we should do a dance! Donne suggested, but Oscar disagrees. No, not a dance... we should do something fun, like playing music!
I shook my head. “I’m not singing... Let’s do Donne’s idea.”
Oscar angrily hissed and hid away into a corner.
I lay down on the bed the nice man gave us, immediately getting surrounded by Wilde, Bronte, Donne, Wordsworth, Emily and Keats.
With their warmth surrounding me, I felt save. Safer than ever, so after years of insomnia, I finally fell asleep.
Chapter 7: Three days left...
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The heavy lifting started three days before the actual live performance. We had to actually build our tent, today... in one day.
It wasn’t such a big tent, but still it had to be put up, together with a second tent for backstage. And chairs, enough for three rows all around, had to be carried inside. Together with all the props for our acts.
It was a lot of heavy lifting all together. Everyone had to help, because there was so much to do. So while Doll, Dagger, Snake and I made sure every chair got inside and was placed in the right spot, Peter, Wendy and a few of the other performers made sure the props which already had to be placed on stage – like the tightrope and such – were put down. Joker and the rest of the performers had been building up all tents this morning, really early, and were now dragging the props backstage.
“Do you need any help, Beast?” Dagger asked me with a large grin on his face. I was carrying four chairs inside at the same time, but it wasn’t really as heavy as it looked. Dagger, who only was carrying one chair, apparently thought a lady could use some help.
I shook my head. “No, thank you.”
We both put down our chairs in the place where they should be placed. I stared at the rows of chairs that had already been placed. Many, many chairs.
“What?” Dagger asked, I felt his hand on my shoulder. “Is something wrong?”
I shrugged and glanced at him.
Everything was leading up to this grant performance. Everyone looked like they were ready for it; Dagger dyed most of his hair blonde, Doll had been fitting different wigs, Snake had been walking around with his snakes all the time, Joker had been practicing how to walk on heels and I... I’d been spending most of my time with the animals, finding a way to “tame” them.
“It’s just all...” I stammered, looking back at the chairs. “It’d be creepy if so many people would actually come to our show... wouldn’t you think?”
Everyone had been practicing their acts; everyone knew their acts by heart. But what if so many people would come to see us... what if we messed up?
“Of course,” Dagger replied. “It’d be terrifying, but we can all do this. Especially you, you’ll be amazing even if the animals don’t listen to you on stage.”
I chuckled, glancing at Dagger. His face was as red as a rose and there was a large grin on his face.
“Thank you,” I said and I smiled at him, making him turn even redder.
Dagger thanked me, but quickly said we had a few more chairs waiting to be brought inside. I nodded, he was right; we shouldn’t be sauntering. Not so soon before the big show.
As Dagger walked away, I turned around and said, “Hey! Dagger!”
He turned around. “Huh?”
“I bet you’ll be amazing too,” I told him. “But please don’t mess up, we don’t want to lose any performers on stage.” I winked and an awkward smile appeared on Dagger’s face.
“I’ll be great,” he said and as he eyes met mine, he added, “But only if you promise you’ll be watching.”
I nodded.
“I Promise.”
Chapter 8: Perform!
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Calm down!
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
I stared at myself in the mirror. It was the big day, the grand show.
A big amount make-up was hiding the black circles under my eyes, I hadn’t slept in days. I never thought I would be this nervous.
But here I was, telling myself to be calm... to keep breathing. This, five minutes before going on stage. I could already hear the talking of people in the distance.
“It’s your time to shine,” Beast’s voice said.
I turned around to see the group, my family, standing there.
Doll walked up to me and gave me a quick hug, within a few seconds everyone had joined in. Beast, Dagger, Jumbo, Wendy, Peter, Doll, they were all hugging me. Even Snake and his snakes had stepped closer to give me a hug.
“It’s show time,” I mumbled, while I walked closer to the stage.
I could see the people, not many, but still more than I’d ever seen. They’d all gathered here to see us perform.
All I had to do, was make a great start.
I look behind me, at my small and broken and scraped together family. They were sure I could this, and if they believed I could do this. I would.
I made my entrance, running to the middle of the stage. Spotlights now shining on me. I spread my arms wide and yelled, “Ladies and gentleman!”
People whispered.
Was I loud enough? Or too loud?
“Boys and girls of all ages?”
Could they even understand me? Or was I talking in such an accent no one heard what I said.
“Welcome to the Noah’s Ark Circus!”
Oh, no! I was turning red, and my voice was already getting hoarse from the yelling. I knew I was nervous... But not this nervous.
What was my text again? What did I do at this part of my act?
“I’m Joker,” I said, while throwing the balls in the air. “this evening’s ringleader.”
Just breathe in... Juggle your balls... and shit!
All at once, I dropped my balls. Unintended.
People laughed, I’d fucked up. There wouldn’t be any use in continuing, the people would only be laughing at how bad everything was.
They still saw us as the weak kids who had been living on the street. I still was weak at this moment, even with two arms I couldn’t even juggle a few balls for long enough.
But as I turned around to walk off stage, I saw them standing there. My fellow performers, my family... telling me to continue. Doll stuck her thumbs up and Beast mouthed “you’re doing great”.
So I turned around. Complete silence.
I closed my eyes, bowed forward. I breathed in, and out and continued. For the sake of my fellow performers, for my friends, my family... for the circus!
“A pleasure to meet you, it is!”
All I had to do was continue, talk my way out of this mess.
“Tonight you’re sure to see performances that’ll stun and amaze you! It’ll leave you breathless!”
I got upright, looked at the audience. To my surprise, they seemed to be loving it!
A smile appeared on my face as I said, “And now with the great blow from our very own fire-breathing Jumbo, the greatest show of the century begins!”
As Jumbo blew his fire across the room, amazing the audience, I ran off stage. And the only thing I could think when I heard the people applauding and cheering was: I actually did it!
Our show had began.
And I knew, our circus would be known in all of England. Noah’s Ark Circus would be the greatest circus of the century!
The end.
0 notes
iamwhelmed · 3 years
So I read a fic recently on Wattpad (unusual for me but I digress) where Gon was dating Retz, got into a fight with her, and kissed Killua spontaneously to take his mind off of it (okay, yeah, can see Gon doing that as long as the temptation is Killua), it’s magical, and Killua gets lost in daydreams, on Cloud 9 because he expects Gon to break up with Retz and be with him now (he’s so in love). Unfortunately, he gets to school and Gon and Retz are as happy as ever (yikes), and Gon stops Killua in the hall just to ask him to forget that it ever happened (ouch, Gon), retains that they are “just friends” and that “it meant nothing” (I can hear Killua’s heart snapping). Killua decides well fuck it, if there was ever a chance for me, it’s now so he confesses, begs Gon to tell him he’s harboring something for him too, and Gon rejects him, tells him he’s just his friend, he’s straight, and leaves Killua to cry alone in the school bathroom for a full period while Illumi’s voice in his head tells him that he should have seen this coming, he should have just listened to him because people will always betray him, and Killua actually admits that Illumi was right (OOF).
Now, as good as my heart hurt reading this fic, and seriously no hate it did its job hurting me-- I don’t have time to unpack how all of that may be a wee bit OOC (Gon would never be so cruel, and Killua would probably be spitting mad in the moment so he could be world-endingly sad later), but you know what would be in-character for them?
Killua running away from the situation, and Gon chasing after him.
I have an idea to write something where Killua, fresh off the mental breakdown he has in the bathroom, decides actually, Illumi’s voice in my head is right, I should keep to myself so nobody can hurt me. But that doesn’t mean he shuts off all of his emotions and goes back to living life without Gon, doing exactly as his family tells him, no, instead Killua shuts off all of his emotions, packs his bags, packs Alluka’s bags, and literally skips town with her. Because really he’s not going to give up the freedom that being with Gon gave to him, but also he’s shattered and just seeing Gon’s face makes him want to fall into a hole and get buried alive.
So yes, Killua takes Alluka, skips town, his family is livid, but they can’t find him.
Details under the cut. Buckle up, it’s a lot.
They pop up in a town an hour or two away, and Killua knows they need
1. Housing
2. Food
And to get all of that, they need 3. Money supply
He won’t rely on anyone else. It’s only ever gotten him hurt. He was an idiot for allowing himself attachment to anyone but Alluka in the past, and he won’t ever allow himself to be so blindsided again by becoming a victim to love and sentiment (maybe Illumi really did know what he was talking about). So he goes and looks for work, finds this little Maid Cafe where the girls and guys make bank, and there are plenty of health benefits, flexibility for school, and the food is pretty great. So he figures, eh, putting on a butler costume, saying some cheesy things to make girls fall all over themselves, that stuff wouldn’t be too hard, so he puts in an application. He gets an interview. They hire him.
Unfortunately for Killua, he comes to realize how much more popular the maids are than the butlers. They make thousands more every week just because most of their clients are men. He needs that extra money to keep Alluka safe, happy, comfortable, and in school. So, reluctantly, Killua puts on the maid uniform and starts crossdressing for the Maid Cafe.
Do we see where this is going?
Gon starts noticing that Killua... isn’t in school. He’s not picking up his phone no matter who calls him, nobody is answering the door at the Zoldyck Mansion, and he’s starting to get really, really worried. Because the last time he saw Killua... 
He starts losing himself with worry, with guilt, and Retz is trying to talk him down but surprise, surprise, the only person who can really do that effectively is Killua. So Gon can’t stop thinking about Killua, his relationship with Retz deteriorates, they break up.
Class takes a field trip over break to a few towns over, by the sea, small little town. Some of the guys in class spot a maid cafe (ohhh myyy~), and Gon is too aimless to say no, and he’s hungry anyway.
Killua is on his third eight-hour shift this week (summer break, yay~) when IN COMES GON FREECS. Shit. Shit. Shit. Why here? Why now? He hesitates to approach them, so some other maid does. Despite his various gesturing and motions to NOT sit them in his block, she goes and sits them in his block. So now he has to serve them.
He walks over, prepared to give them the spiel and deny all accusations of being Killua Zoldyck, heir to Zoldyck fortune and run-away, but instead... the other guys start immediately hitting on him. Killua remembers he looks like a girl, he’s in a maid’s costume with a wig, duh! So he proceeds much more naturally, despite how his heart is killing him because he can feel Gon’s eyes on him. He keeps up his key Tsundere Maid act, and the other guys eat it up, but he turns to ask Gon what he wants to order and finds that Gon is beat red, hiding his face beyond the menu. He orders meekly, eyes darting everywhere but him. Weird, not very much like Gon, but okay.
Something shenanigan-y happens. Maybe a robbery or something. Gon and Killua are the only ones smart enough and brave enough to get everyone evacuated and take these men down. They’re a great team, not that Killua didn’t already know that, and Gon starts really looking at him.
They find their way out after the cops come, they’re both laughing, panting, making jokes about the whole scenario, and then Killua realizes, again, that this is Gon, Gon who broke his heart and didn’t even try to pick up the pieces, Gon. So he waves, tells him it was nice meeting him, but then there’s a hand on his wrist and no, no, this feels exactly like it did when he asked me to talk that day. He reluctantly turns around at Gon’s plea to and finds Gon’s cheeks are red again. He tells “her” that he had such a good time with her, the best he’s had in forever, and he’s been really down lately, but somehow, being with her made it all feel better, and he’d really like to see her again. Killua, shocked, doesn’t respond, and Gon starts barging forward nervously the way only Gon can do: “It’s just that I like you! I really, really like you! I want to see you again!”
And this can’t be happening. Gon didn’t just say that. Not to him. Not when he looks like a... “You like me, huh? What do you like about me?”
And Gon doesn’t even think the question is weird! He says quite certainly, “Your eyes are so big and blue, and you’re so pretty. You’re also really funny, and really easy to talk to! It feels a little like I’ve known you my whole life, haha!”
And he’s blushing, rubbing the back of his neck, but there isn’t a trace of shame in his voice. But then he notices that this girl isn’t responding. He can’t see her pretty blue eyes that he could get lost staring into (just like Killua’s, but he can’t afford to think about that right now), her bangs are in the way, and she’s hanging her head. So he jumps to reassure her it’s okay if she doesn’t feel the same way--!
“That’s not it.” Gon is puzzled by this, and he still can’t see anything but the pink of her cheeks as she mumbles “I like you. The problem is, you don’t like me.”
And he’s surprised by that, a little insulted, because he’s pretty sure he knows how he’s feeling about her-- he’s never felt anything this strong for a stranger before. No, he likes her, he really, really likes her! And he opens his mouth to say it, but something hits hit face, and his vision is clouded, and he blinks and grabs at the thing covering his face and looks down at it: “A wig?” He tilts his head, “What does--?” And his heart stops cold in his chest.
Because that’s definitely Killua standing there, hand still poised from throwing the wig at him, teeth grinding, bared at him, eyes dead and cold and devoid of any of the star-like beauty he’s always associated them with. There’s a moment of silence. Killua is fuming. Gon doesn’t know what to say.
But it’s all starting to make sense. Why he felt so immediately attached to this girl, why every moment she was in danger today made him scream, act foolishly, break into a cold sweat, why he trusted her so openly and easily, why he actually kissed Killua that day--!
“If that’s all, I’ll be going, now,” and Killua turns to leave, is nearly down the alleyway before his mind kicks back into gear and he’s chasing after him.
“Killua, wait! Please!”
But he turns the corner and Killua is gone already. He is left to slouch there on the sidewalk, clutching the wig, reevaluating where he goes next.
It’s a week later that Killua’s boss jovially welcomes the new Host, and Maid Killua finds himself staring down Gon Freecs done up in a butler suit, smiling at him.
A la~ The Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama AU Not A Single Goddamn Person Asked For
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eepytheartist · 4 years
TTTE: Magic Beyond the Engine
Greetings guys, gals, nonbinary pals and everyone in between. Welcome to the Information Page of TTTE: Magic Beyond the Engine, where you can get context to whatever the hell I post on here. There’s a lot and much is subject to change, so buckle up butter cups because we’re going for a ride.
Table o’ Contents
1. Basic Story
2. Characters
3. Personal Headcanons
4. Canonical Relationships within TTTE: MBtE
5. Other Notes
6. Link
I) Basic Story
   Several years ago in the year 20XX, a facility located in [REDACTED] was doing experiments involving a mysterious golden substance and what it could do for the human race. Its goal was to eliminate the need for high-maintenance engines to save money. However, much of what was done ended up being a total flop, except for one. A little girl, Madison [REDACTED] was the only successful trial the facility was able to produce. This girl didn’t know why or how she even got here, but knew that her family didn’t want her, and instead gave her up to this [probably very illegal] facility. For years the scientists running the experiment pushed her to her limits, training her to pull lines of cars weighing several tons. They were delighted by what she could do. They had finally compacted the strength and speed of an engine into a human. However, bad luck struck as the facility went belly up, when Madison was 21. News of the facility spread, and so did news about her. Humanity didn’t take her well, and she was labeled an outcast. Though, in the light of things with her negative fame, Sir Topham Hatt found out about her and thought she’d be a wonderful addition to the railway along with the new tank engine he just bought! So she was picked up by this cheeky little shit, and her story working alongside sentient engines unfolded.
II) Characters
   A) Thomas
      The one who picked up Maddy. He was awfully confused by her, but respected her nonetheless. Still his cheeky self that everyone seems to just adore, Thomas quickly became best friends with her, protecting her whenever she needed it. Thomas sometimes gets a little too cheeky, and pushes her off the edge. Pranks ensue and Thomas is usually left bumbling for apologies. Who knew something so small could be so dangerous. He also commonly gets called ‘Tommy’ by the wee lass, something he absolutely despises. It only fuels her need to use it.
         1) When human, Thomas stands at about 5′ 7″ or 170 centimeters. He’s clad in a simple hoodie that matches his paintwork with a big 1 on the back, and plain khakis. He wishes he could have something else, but he doesn’t get paid and his driver and fireman refuse to lend him money. His hair is fluffy and rather short and is a few shades darker than his paintwork. Maddy likes to braid it when she’s bored and he hates it. Her favorite part though, besides honking his bulbous nose like he was a clown like she does with James, is his eyes. They were a beautiful shade of ocean blue. If he wasn’t such a shit, she’d get lost. He can’t brag though, she basks in all the colors her friends have. 
“Why does she get to swear and I don’t? It’s not fair!” ~T
“Maddy’s an adult, Thomas.” ~E
“Well so am I you old fart!” ~T
   B) Maddy
      Little Maddy. Don’t call her Madison, she hates it with a passion and refuses to explain why. She currently stands at the age of 21, but looks much younger. She had overheard at the facility that a side effect of the mystery stuff was that she aged like an engine, so she could be around for hundreds of years if she wasn’t stupid. At just 5′ 3′’ or 160 centimeters, Maddy is the shortest out of all the engines on the railway, even Bill and Ben. Her hair is a medium shade of brown, kind of long, and it mostly covers one of her eyes, which are, as Thomas describes, “As if the sky could make steel.”. Shy when you first meet her, Maddy is quick to come out of her shell and be just as much of a shithead as Thomas and as angry as James, if not worse than the two combined. Her outfit was rather simple, a dark scarlet hoodie with her number on it, and dark grey or black leggings. She liked it that way, she looked good and it was flexible and comfy. When she first arrived with Thomas, she felt something click with James, despite him being an utter jackass to her. After begrudgingly showing her around and having to shunt trucks, the duo became good acquaintances. It wasn’t until after James’ accident that the two became best friends, being asshats together and generally being a happy sight. He’s the one Maddy is generally seen with if she’s not working on her own. Soon enough, though, something started brewing within her heart.
“Ah crumbs, he’s in a mood.” ~T
“James is always in a mood.” ~M
“Fuck both of you.” ~J
   C) Edward
      Ah, Old Iron. He was there when Thomas and Maddy first arrived to the island. Like most that laid eyes on her, his main worry is that she was itty bitty. Usually calm and collected unless something goes majorly wrong, Edward was quick to unknowingly swoop her under his wings. When Thomas started poking fun at him for being fatherly, Edward nearly keeled over. An engine can’t father a human, can they? He guessed they could as soon after Maddy just gave a shrug and accepted the Number 2 as her father, after being given away by her own. It didn’t take long for Edward to actually father her, asking how her day was, sometimes folding her laundry, comforting her, scolding Maddy James, y’know, dad stuff. He earned the name ‘Dadward’ from her, and his heart melts every time she says it.
         1) As a human, Edward looks like a kindly old man and a youngin’ at the same time. He stands just a bit shorter than James at 6′ or 183 centimeters. With short, almost midnight-blue hair, Edward is the perfect gentleman. He even has a small pair of gold glasses that set snuggly on his nose. His eyes are a lovely shade of steel blue, something he gets flustered about when Maddy compliments him. His outfit consists of a white dress shirt with a dark blue tie, a blazer matching his paintwork with his number on his right arm and dark grey dress pants. He’s not usually in his human form, but when he is, Maddy unusually asks for a lot of hugs..
“Will you two leave her be?” -E
“But look how red her face is!” P&T
   D) James
      Ah, James. One half of what his friends call “The Red Disasters”. He’s still his normal, vain ass self. He has a soft side, everyone knows it but virtually no one can get to it. Except Maddy, who can get to it quite easily. Though, when they first met, all he did was make fun of her. Well, they made fun of each other, but still. They had the complete opposite of favorite jobs, they still do and always will. James loves pulling coaches, she hates it. She loves trucks, he despises it and always tries to weasel his way out. It usually doesn’t work. He’s earned many nicknames from her: Jamsey, Jimbo, Buzzy, Buzzy Butt, the list grows. Two of them came from the mistake about telling her the story about the bees, the other.he’s not too sure. What he is sure of, though, is that Jimbo has spread than to more than just her and he hates it. It fuels her though, so he’s gotta be careful. Originally, though, James didn’t know what to think of her. After the accident, his boiler felt all fluttery and he pushed it down to just being ill. He had to learn the hard way about what romantic love was. He knew how to flirt, it got people to love him more! But what that flirting did, though, he was completely foreign to.
         1) At 6′2′’ or 188 centimeters, James stands as the third tallest among the main eight. When he still had his black livery, James’ human form basically had him looking like what I can simply describe as a butler, though he had a vest and a red tie instead of all black. After, though, he had quite the change. His long, black hair now had dyed red tips and his right ear had a cute little heart piercing. Hair covers most of his left eye, which is what Maddy lovingly described as, “You managed to make the color of red rust beautiful.”. He thinks his hair looks cool only according to Maddy. He usually wears a long-sleeve, dark red button-up shirt with three dark grey stripes on both arms and grey pads on his shoulders. His number was sewn onto his left breast. Maddy pokes fun at him for looking like a band geek, but she nonetheless likes it. His outfit is simply finished off with grey pants. Sometimes, though, he’s seen wearing a solid red hoodie that Maddy got him. He won’t admit that it’s his favorite piece of clothing.
“Honey Bee, you’re acting irrational-” ~J
   E) Gordon
      There isn’t much to say about Gordon. He’s his usual, grumpy self. We all know deep down he’s a good engine, though. Gordon’s...rather indifferent about Maddy. He doesn’t dislike her, but he doesn’t see her appeal either. Nonetheless, she’s an awesome part of the team. She does the most important job: listening to James bitch so they don’t have to. Of course, though, like the rest of the team, he’ll defend her if need be. Gordon has a heart, he just doesn’t like to show it.
         1) Gordon’s the tallest, at 6′8′’ or 203 centimeters. Everything about his human form is perfect. His hair is just a tad darker than Edward’s and a teeny bit shorter. He keeps it slicked back most of the time, but it’s hilarious when he has bed head. Maddy got a picture once and sent it to James just in case he forced her to delete it. Just like most of her friends, Gordon’s eyes were her favorite, they were a blue similar to his hair, but a few shades lighter. Maddy remembers a time she complimented them and Gordon puffed away all red in the face. His outfit consists of a three piece suit, in his paintwork color of course, a white shirt and a red tie. His number is on his right breast.
“The Express isn’t that important.” ~M
“Why I’ll tell you-” ~G
“Is her intent just to piss him off?” ~E
“Yes. It’s both of ours.” ~J
   E) Henry
      Maddy’s favorite engine besides James. Thomas is insulted that he isn’t even considered one of her favorites. Henry gushed over her the first time she came. He must protect the small. Love the small. If James suddenly didn’t exist, Henry would be her go-to. She adored puffing through the forest with him, looking at all the trees and wildlife. Maddy would take pictures of flowers she’d find while strolling through and Henry would just ooze over them. Once she showed him a photo of a squirrel holding a wild flower under an oak tree whose leaves were just started to turn different colors, and the big engine cried with joy. He requested she print the picture out so his driver could carry it for him, and she did. It was his absolute favorite.
         1) 6′6″ or 198 centimeters, what a height to be. At second tallest, Henry is the definition of a gentle giant. His resting face looks nervous, but he’s usually not nervous at all. His hair is a forest green, not too short, not too long. Actually, Maddy’s favorite part of him is his chicken-wing bangs. Of course she loves his eyes, which are a lovely jade green, but the bangs take the cake, Whenever they hang out, she likes to play with them when he talks about plants. He finds it comforting. His outfit is literally just a more modest and fancier workman’s outfit, but matching his livery, with his number on his right breast. It made sense, since he was usually one to do heavy work.
“You don’t like the rain either?” ~H
“The last time I went out in the rain I derailed Percy.” ~M
“Why were you even out in the rain!? You’d catch a cold!” ~E
“Fat Man said I was the only one available and told me to suck it up. I did catch a cold. James tried making me soup, remember?” ~M
“What do you mean tried..?” ~H
“He forgot to cook the chicken beforehand. I got salmonella.” ~M
“So that’s why you were bedridden and wouldn’t talk to him for a week after..” ~H
   G) Percy
      Ah, little shit number two. Thomas’ partner in crime. When he first met Maddy when he arrived, he teased her relentlessly for being short-tempered and short in general. After giving him the silent treatment though, Percy was a bit nicer. He and Thomas still tease her plenty enough, but they tease about things she usually won’t kick their asses for. He likes Maddy now. Plain and simple.
         1) Second shortest, 5′5″ or 165 centimeters. He holds those two inches with pride. Percy uses them against Maddy very frequently. Maddy won’t hurt him though. She physically can’t. His little baby face, those big ol’ light green eyes, that short light green hair, his cute little outfit [which consists of a shamrock colored shirt, black suspenders held up by gold buttons, and dark green shorts]. If he was any smaller Maddy would die. James sometimes gets jealous by how much she gushes over Percy, but doesn’t exactly blame her. Percy’s adorable and he damn well knows it.
“Ha, you’re short.” ~P
“You’re short too.” ~M
“I’m taller than you.” ~P
“Won’t be for long when I take your kneecaps.” ~M
   H) Emily
   Ah, Emily. The first girl engine she met. They made damn good friends, too. They gossiped whenever they had a chance. Maddy usually talked about shit James has said, and Emily just gossips about anything and everything. They were will to throw hands for each other, with Emily more willing to for Maddy. Maddy would throw hands just as an excuse to do it. Emily still loves her, though.
         1) Emily currently stands at 5′8″ or 173 centimeters. She isn’t as girly as she looks, either. Her hair is short, with half of it buzzed off. Maddy would describe her as someone punk-ish. Of course Emily’s personality doesn’t reflect that at all, she just chose to look like it. She’s the only other engine besides James to have piercings, usually with two black on on the top of her ears and hoop earrings to pay honor to her engine build. Emily was a little more casual than her friends, usually seen wearing a simple green dress matching her livery. Her eyes were a very dark grey, almost black, with flecks of brass scattered in there. Maddy told her once that she was the prettiest girl she’s every seen and Emily nearly crashed.
“James being a bitch again?” ~Em
“What do you mean again?” ~M
“I can hear you.” ~J
“I know.” ~M
   I) Others
      Other characters consist of secondary characters within the story who do not play as big a role. There are a few who teeter on the edge between primary and secondary characters, such as Duck, Donald, Douglas, Diesel, Diesel 10, and Lady. They play an important role, but not enough so to have their own descriptions. Diesel’s..y’know, Diesel, the twins think of Maddy as their long-lost sister, Duck..well, they like to poke fun at James together when he’s not droning about the Great Western Railway, Diesel 10′s goal is to get her to say something about Lady, and Lady...no one’s really sure yet. Then, as of right now for true secondary characters there is Oliver, Toad, BoCo, Bill, Ben, Mavis, and Salty. There’s more to come, but that’s what I got right now.
III) Personal Headcanons
-The engines can eat and taste in both forms. They don’t know where it goes when they’re engines and don’t feel like finding out.
-James learned to cook for Maddy when she couldn’t for herself.
-For the longest time, James was the only engine with his own phone.
   -He learned hip language and Maddy started regretting every choice in her life.
-Maddy comes to Salty for him to tell her stories when she’s bored.
-Rain is Maddy’s one weakness since she has no way of covering herself.
-She, along with her friends as humans, run with skates that reflect their wheel configuration. The wheels retract when not in use. [I’m thinking about switching to roller blades, we’ll see.]
-Maddy intentionally starts beef with the Scottish Twins because she thinks the fighting is hilarious.
-Thomas will occasionally beg Maddy for a cotton candy sucker. Specifically cotton candy. She doesn’t know why either.
-Thomas initiated a prank war with her once. He lost.
-Gordon once bet her that she couldn’t pull his heavy goods. His driver was out 30 bucks because of him.
-Maddy tortures Duck with duck puns.
-Maddy still trick-or-treats for free candy.
-Emily once convinced Maddy to derail James for the fun of it. She was subsequently chased around the island.
-James is the ultimate flirt and he uses that against Maddy, who flusters very easily. 
-Percy loves Teddy Grahams.
-Edward likes loves to tell others about his daughter. Maddy does not. He is becoming too dad-like.
-The Scottish Twins know damn well that Maddy simps for their accents and they intentionally use it against her if they can.
-Maddy knows about Diesel’s ducklings. It’s the only reason she decides to befriend him.
-James utterly hates Diesel for many many reasons.
-Like many others headcanon, Thomas can’t cook. He fucked up a cup of ramen once and Maddy still refuses to let him live it down.
-Edward refuses to let Thomas and Percy swear. They hate it. James and Maddy know this. They swear more because they can’t.
-James and Maddy are at a tie for worst potty mouths. The twins don’t count. That’s not fair.
-Oliver thought Maddy was an engine for like a month before he met her.
-Maddy dislikes the Mainland. Not the engines there. They’re cool. 
-If Maddy isn’t around, James sleeps in her bed with her hoodie.
-Henry worries for Maddy all the time. More and Edward and James combined. He just doesn’t show it.
-Gordon says he has no opinion on Maddy, but he really does like her.
-No one knows where Maddy’s really from. She won’t tell them either. Not even James or the Fat Man really know.
-Want more? Just ask!
IV) Canon Couples within TTTE: MBtE
~D10/Lady (In the past)
~~We’ll see about others as the story progresses~~
V) Notes
- Lady is the reason the engines have sentience. She is not the reason for their human forms. That will be explained later.
-Maddy is much more resilient than an average human, which is why most accidents don’t just straight up kill her.
-As stated before, Maddy can now live for hundreds of years if she’s careful enough. She won’t age as fast as a normal human, so who knows how long she’ll be baby-faced. Not that she cares, more opportunity to trick-or-treat.
-The engines can get frisky, but no babies. Don’t even think about it.
-Maddy will eventually give in and buy beds for all her friends to give them an opportunity to sleep like she does.
VI) Link
Silly me, I forgot to give a link to my story! Shame on me for making you search, that won’t happen again, here you go!
Sodor’s New Worker
And that’s really it. If you have any questions, please please please please please ask!
UPDATED: August 3, 2021
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little-de-vil · 3 years
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Dress up games are a great way to help me make my characters since I can’t draw for the life of me! So, after much deliberation with both myself & @bogbodyalien, I’ve decided to show you all my OC’s! Honorable mention & the biggest hug to @lunasdestiny for getting me back on the GR train! Thank you both!! Oh, & @bogbodyalien​ you’ll enjoy a pic below of El complimenting VK’s cooking! Below is my list for each of my OCs (pets not included, but some more pics are!) L-R Anissa (Annie) Kleiss: Youngest (20) & just a baby!!! She was the first OC I created around GR & so she’s been my baby for 11 years! She has wee wings (not so wee, actually. Think like this guy but with just a human body that can also shoot out projectiles as feathers) Lives in London & even though she doesn’t have an accent, she uses the same vocab. She grew up wanting to be a gymnast (her skills & flexibility still intact, but it’s a lot harder to do clean & elegant flips with 20 ton wings on your back) Now she’s a sort of EVO MMA fighter, & Rex is A FAN! He just doesn’t know that his favorite fighter is the daughter of his mortal nemesis (a recurring theme) Out of the three of them, she’s easily one of the sweetest & most caring, even if her job description makes you think otherwise. Very short temper! OH & AN ADHD BABY! Dr. Clara (Ra, or Ra-Ra) Jones Eldest (31) & the mother of the group (& life) Has two kids, one from a previous relationship, Rafael [5] (after her sons grandfather hehe. His name was originally Sam, but I changed it b/c I wanted to add a bit more ~drama~ lol), & Marcus [3] (from her current husband) She works for Providence as a like a nanite historian. This wasn’t her first option, or passion in the science/Super Science Nanite Family world, but after The Event, she decided to work for them in an effort to regain some bit of her past with what she did before. The reason she chose that nanite historian part of the job was because she’s one of the few people in the world who still has access to those files and handful of tech and samples. (Granted she gets most of the older files from Dear Old Dad, but AT LEAST SHE’S GOT ‘EM!) Rex hasn’t met her & she likes it that way. She prefers to distance herself from the few people from her past, especially if the one person in close proximity to her has amnesia. She knows if ever she does end up properly seeing Rex again, she’ll no doubt have a wee breakdown after. Rex has always wondered how Clara gets to Providence since she doesn’t live in HQ, and comes to find that she doesn’t just live in the desert in the middle of no-where, but just gets there through Breach. (just like how everyone goes to whichever house is hosting dinner that week) She’s an EVO (of course)! She’s telekinetic, with some orange-yellow energy glowing about. She doesn’t use it that much (and has a form of inhibitor bracelet that VK made for her so she can be able to use her power in wee spurts. If ever she takes it off [very rare, but it does happen] everything around her starts to float with that same orange-yellow glow) OH! And you best believe that VK babysits the boys when the girls go out for weekly dinner dates! There’s also Wednesday family dinners where every Wednesday, each member of the family hosts dinner at their respective home, and everyone gathers for a good catch-up, wine and hugs! It goes: Clara, Anissa, Danielle, VK & so on. Danielle (El) Mere (they goes by their mothers maiden name) Middle child (25) & they are just pure fun! Uses she/they (prefers they) She’s a chef & a helluva perfectionist & overachiever. She does prefer baking. They use their cooking skills to make meals & distribute them to homeless EVO’s & those who were displaced or disenfranchised from Providence. There’s a lot of animosity between Ra & El because of their work. El thinks Ra should do more with her job at Providence to make the lives of incurable (mostly humanoid) EVO’s that live poor lives because of the way Providence has shifted the world to have treated EVO’s the way that they are. It was their idea for the weekly family dinner night. Mostly because everyone depended on her for food (it’s top tier the work she makes, but it can be exhausting!). She always says she won’t cook unless it’s her night, but almost every time it’s Annie’s week, she gets to London early enough to go to market & get a bunch of fresh produce and protein & dumps in all in Annie’s flat & they cook together as everyone else walks in. VK loves the work that El does in helping EVO’s. They do wish that they could send EVO’s to Abysus & make it the real save haven for EVO’s like he keeps saying it is, but it never happens. El is still really pissy at VK for not hiring her do the catering at the party at the Abysus Consulate when VK was a diplomat for that one day. She walked up to him, looked him dead in the eyes & said “Your catering sucks,” left & got take-out. El is (of course, like all of them) an EVO! She has the abilities like Kitty Pryde’s Shadowcat where they can walk through solid objects. She uses it when she’s rushing anywhere & when she’s up against Providence agents. She isolates a spot on the ground & sort of “quicksands” them in & runs off. El gets arrested by Providence more times than she could count, mostly for, y’know, helping EVO’s. Ra is always the one to bail them out. El doesn’t use their powers to escape from Providence because they’d rather pay the consequences than get it even worse than others around her. Their current big Chefy project is making a however long course meal of foods that are indigenous to Abysus. Granted, that list is a bit weird since VK can just sprout whatever whenever, but they do try to reel him into not doing that if they run out of whatever. The reason they’re doing this is not only so VK stops apologizing about the Abysus Consulate catering incident, but also just for fun father-daughter bonding. Picrews are a godsend !!!!!         
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regnantlight · 4 years
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|| send a 🚢 and I’ll fill out this template for our muses’ relationship || 
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@wyrdify​ said: 🚢 [ for Roy ]
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Notes below~ 
Ship name: Zeloy! :D 
In her FMA-verse, Zelda has human ears, but still with a pointed tip, said to be left over from long pointy ears of her Hylian ancestors! 
Zelda met Roy when she was 25 and he was 29, but they remained platonic friends/work partners until their arranged marriage when they were 29/33, after he became Fuhrer.  
Zelda’s sex drive is fairly average ranging from once to three times a week, though she’s a virgin when her and Roy wed and stress can fluctuate her sex drive lower or higher, depending. I imagine Roy’s sex drive is pretty average too since he’s flexible, though still a smidge higher than Zelda’s.
These two are awkward potatoes which is what happens when you get arranged to marry your friend, whoops~ They are actually very comfortable with each other outside of this so I imagine they’ll definitely get passed the awkward stage and that will go way down to wee ankle socks. 
Roy doesn’t seem like the jealous type to me, both because he places his trust carefully and he’s pretty confident in his choice! Zelda is prone to jealousy due to her own insecurities though this is slowly improving now that she finally has Hylia’s Blessing. 
Zelda will (and does) Big Spoon despite being the tinier of the two, but I don’t doubt that she defaults to little spoon on average. 
Roy would not fit in Zelda’s clothes, though she’s sure to lend him little items such as a cloak or scarf when needed. Zelda, meanwhile, would only be able to wear Roy’s shirts (usually for bed) and does so regularly after they’re comfortable in their marriage. 
Zelda might use “my love” or something along those lines very rarely, but for the most part, she prefers to just use her partners name. => Roy is a bit more romantic in that regard so I can picture him using pet names more often. 
Technically, Zelda can drive, but she was really only taught as a safety precaution because she’s always had a professional driver. 
Princess of Hyrule never learned to cook, but neither of them have to worry about cooking dinner since Zelda also has professionals chefs. 
After spending her entire life learning to keep a particular public image, PDA is pretty difficult for Zelda. She’s not above sneaking it if she feels like no one can see, but she typically plays it safe. 
Before her marriage, Zelda’s only “relationship experience” was a (to her knowledge) one-sided love with Link, a crush on Mipha that never progressed, and a couple short courting attempts by noblemen that didn’t appeal to her. 
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