#now i feel drained and want to cry in your arms just bc
wickjump · 2 months
i think people really sweep dream’s trauma under the rug wayyy too much to focus on nightmare’s. NOT to say his trauma is invalid but Dream definitely had it worse did you know that he wasn’t asleep when he was in stone. for like those 500 years he wasn’t asleep.
like he could sense stuff. think a coma patient who can hear and feel the outside world despite not being able to move or function. sure he probably slept the time away but imagine how traumatizing.
AND THEN he had to fight a war in which his BROTHER NOW KILLS PEOPLE and he is desperately trying to save his brother because he knows nightmare isn’t like this, his big brother is sweet and kind and he’d never do something like this, and he just doesn’t understand and he wants his family back, but all his hope repeatedly gets stomped on because his brother tries to kill him and the team he conjured up like on the daily, and dream’s awakening LITERALLY turned nightmare’s one goal into killing him because of his soul that he wants to take to destroy all positivity in the world (sorry chat the balance isn’t real and if anything nigjtmare is the one fucking it up).
NOT TO MENTION that dream is CONSISTENTLY DRAINED because there are BARELY ANY POSITIVE UNIVERSES in the WHOLE MULTIVERSE. think of more than 2 total positive aus out there. classic/swap aus don’t count because undertale is inherently a depressing game and thousands of genocide timelines exist for each and every au of those. if you had any difficulty my point is proven. NOT TO MENTION that dream is IN A LITERAL WAR. MOTHERFUCKER HAS PTSD !!!!! nightmare is the AGGRESSOR!!!!!!!!!!!
and as much as i ADORE fanon in order for me to like truce aus something i need is Dream bawling and shaking and having panic attacks and nightmares and barely being able to look his brother in the eye because he’s terrified of him and he hates it because he just wants to hug his brother but he can’t shake the intense terror that comes with staring at the same tentacles that were sharp and pointed at his chest time and time again, or closing around his neck with the intent of suffocation. and nightmare def has some apologizing to do
orrrr you know. we could,, haha idk,,, mmmm,,,,,, make the,, the ‘nightmare is freed from his corrupted and isn’t 6 purely bc i need him to heal with his brother with no angst about lost childhoods and having to raise your own twin pls and thank you’ more of a,,, a popular trope,,,, idk,,,,,,,,,,,, all im saying is that Dream deserves to cry in his brother’s arms—his brother, the way he remembers him, and they should both get to cry and latch onto each other like they’re terrified the other will disappear the moment they let go, and they just sob over what happened to them both.
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roosterforme · 7 days
Okay, but how about the first time Jake and Darling have a fight? How would that go?
I really like your stories bc while it is fiction, I feel like you show every aspect of a relationship, not only the good parts.
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OMG, nonny. I'm swooning. I try to make my stories realistic (as much as they can be for fanfic). Nobody is happy and confident all the time. Everyone is stressed about something. Relationships are hard work, and dealing with someone else is sometimes weird and annoying. So thank you, I appreciate that so much.
Jake and Darlin' argue all the time about all the small things in life. They have different opinions on a lot of things, but it's never usually anything they remember by the next day. I think their first big fight would happen shortly after she moves in with him, just after she graduates from school and starts her new job. (angsty below).
"I had the longest day at work," you muttered, shoveling the last bite of the dinner Jake made into your mouth. You set your fork down and stretched as you stood. This whole week was dragging. You realized you were probably complaining more than usual, but you were just over it. "Let's go take a bath and just go to bed. I'll clean up tomorrow morning."
Jake looked at you, his lips pressed into a firm line. "Go ahead. I'll clean it up."
You reached for his hand, but he was already stacking the plates. "You cooked. I don't want you to clean up. I'll do it later," you reiterated.
"Just go get in the bath," he snapped, carrying everything back to the kitchen.
"I don't want to take a bath without you!"
Jake dumped everything into the sink and spun around. "You're not the only one who's working full-time, but you're certainly acting like it."
With narrowed eyes, you asked, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Jake took a deep, practiced breath and let it out slowly. "I know you're tired, but it would be nice for you to acknowledge that I work longer hours than you do. So just go relax in the bath by yourself while I clean up."
"Well, now I don't want to!" You were suddenly so angry, you couldn't see straight, and you also wanted to cry. "You're treating me like a child!"
"You're acting like one."
His words hurt you more than a slap across your cheek would have, and your jaw dropped open. But then his next sentence made it even worse.
"In my house no less."
"Wow," you gasped, turning and running toward the bedroom as you started crying. It wasn't like you weren't paying to be here. You knew it wasn't much, but you had been insistant about giving Jake five hundred dollars per month. And for what? So he could act like you were an unwanted guest?
You ran into the bathroom and slammed the door behind you before you curled up on the tub mat on the floor and sobbed. Work wasn't like school. Trying to figure out how you fit in with your coworkers was exhausting, and you were still learning all the ropes. You drove back here every day mentally drained, and up until tonight, Jake was always the one who seemed willing to listen. You should have just cleaned up the kitchen, because now you felt like you didn't belong anywhere.
"Darlin'." Jake's voice was as sharp as his knock on the door. You tried to dry your tears, but it wasn't working, and maybe you really were a child compared to your boyfriend. "Darlin'!"
"It's not even locked!" you shouted, but it came out as weak as you felt. Jake opened the door, and in an instant, he was curled up on the floor with you, pulling you into his arms.
"Fuck. I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry I acted like an asshole." You tried to wriggle away from him, but he wouldn't let you. "I think I'm more exhausted this week than I'd like to admit, and I shouldn't have taken it out on you."
In spite of the fact that you were on the floor crying, you mustered up the courage to whisper, "I'm not a child."
"You're an adult," he said firmly. "An adult who just started a very impressive job. You're holding it together better than I did when I was in flight school." He kissed your forehead. "And you're absolutely right. We should have just climbed in our bathtub and then gone right to our bed. The fucking dishes do not matter right now. They can sit in our kitchen sink until whenever the fuck we feel like cleaning up."
Jake rubbed slow, soothing circles against your lower back until you were all cried out. If you thought you were tired before, it was nothing compared to how wrung out you felt now. You wanted to put forth a peace offering and just get up and clean the kitchen, but his lips were on your damp cheek and his voice was in your ear. "I love you, Darlin'. It has been a long week for both of us. I would like nothing more than to climb in a hot bath with you, relax until the water gets cold, and then get in our bed and go to sleep."
You nodded and started the water while he got two towels ready, and then both of you undressed. Jake kissed your bare shoulder and held you while the tub filled. "You belong here," he whispered. "I don't want you anywhere other than our house."
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emmyrosee · 4 months
Only write this if u want to and with whoever u want.
But y/n has been depresso expresso these past few weeks she can’t get out of bed, she’s not been answering calls or texts and whenever she does she’s declining requests to hang out or come over….and her boyfriend had been missing her. So he just shows up spontaneously and rings the doorbell and she opens the door and she stares at him and then BURSTS into tears. BC GUESS WHAT ur grieving ur broke ur periods here u have assignments due next week that u haven’t even started and ur just so overwhelmed…. But Ofc u didn’t want ur boyfriend to see u like this u look messy right now. BUTTT Ofc ur boyfriend couldn’t care less and takes care of u anyway and brings u outside for fresh air and takes u for some ice cream at the 24 hr convince store nearby even though he doesn’t even like Ice cream that much but u have been craving something sweet and cold so why wouldn’t he 🥹
The gentle knocking against your door has your brow raising and your show pausing. You’re not used to having guests at this hour, much less guests at all, and you wrap yourself in a blanket to get up and greet the person at the door.
You check the peephole. Osamu stands outside, playing on his phone.
Your heart sinks at the idea of him seeing you like this, seeing you so drained and so tired, but you can’t ignore him or send him away, either. You shrug the blanket higher on your shoulders and you open the door, trying to ignore the way his face lights up as you open it. “Hey,” you murmur.
“Hey,” he whispers, hands digging around the plastic bag in his hand, pulling out a bag of gummy bears. “I brought gummy bears.”
You don’t know why- Honest!- but your eyes water and your lip wobbles and you absolutely throw yourself into his chest, his arms expertly catching you and cradling you while you absolutely wail. You fist his shirt as your sobs wrack your soul. He doesn’t say anything, merely pressing kisses to your head and rocking you both gently. “I’m sorry,” you heave.
He shushes you softly, “don’t worry about it. It’s okay.”
“I missed you so much,” you sob, and he hums in agreement. “Osamu, I’m so tired, I can’t bring myself to do anything, what’s wrong?”
“You’re in your head,” he says quietly, pulling back to wipe a tear that falls from your eye. “And that’s okay. You’ve been working so hard, it’s totally normal to be a bit burnt out, baby. You’ve got a lot going on.” He smiles softly at you, “but this is your sign to be pampered for a little bit, okay? You trust me?”
You sniffle a few more times before nodding, curling back into his chest to feel the tightness of his embrace circle you once again. He says nothing, he does nothing, merely letting you cry it out in his arms, with the occasional kiss to the crown of your head. Once you’ve tuckered yourself out, you pull back to look at him once again, only to laugh at the imprint of your crying face on his shirt. “Sorry,” you manage between sniffly laughter.
“It’s fine,” he snorts. “It’ll dry. Now-“ he nudges his head towards the door, “go lock up, and we can run to 7/11 for some ice cream.”
The mere idea makes your heart sing, but you pout up at him, “you don’t like ice cream though?”
“I’ll get chips. I know you’re going to steal some anyways, so I don’t mind,” he chuckles. For the first time in weeks, you feel yourself perk up, the idea of something sweet and cold tingling your tastebuds in ways you haven’t felt since losing your appetite. You move quicker than you have in days, turning off the tv and locking your door, only for osamu to catch you and wrap you in his big arms. You giggle as he catches under your knees and spins you into a bridal carry, and you wrap your arms around him instinctively.
He places you gingerly in the passenger seat, careful of your head and legs before closing the door and making his way to the drivers side. You smirk and lean over to honk the horn to scare him, cackling as he leaps a foot in the air, his face curling into one of mischief as he shakes his head. He gets in the car, “I’m getting you back for that.”
“Try me,” you tease.
The ride to 7/11 is just as fun, with his hand on your thigh and the windows down while music plays through the speakers. The sun is setting, casting a hue of pink over the horizon and objects on it, and it’s almost amusing how the 7/11 looks ethereal carved in pink.
Four bags of chips, a bag of m’n’m’s and three ice creams later, you check out of the store and make your way back to the car, each of you indulging in your ice creams before they melt into goo.
You sigh and look up at him, “are we going home?”
“Do you want to?”
He looks over at you warmly, laying his tongue flat to slurp up a lap of ice cream. You snicker and shrug, “not… not really. I mean… I haven’t been outside in weeks, and it feels so good.”
“Then we don’t go home,” he says simply, taking a bite of his cone. “I think the moon is full tonight, so we can go watch the sunset finish, look for the moon?”
You beam up at him, “I’d love that.”
He nods, “I thought you might.”
It takes only 5 minutes to find a park suitable to situate at, your fingers now dug into a bag of Doritos as he parks the car and nudges his head, “come on. We can set up in the trunk.”
“Yeah,” he encourages, and you merely shrug and follow his example of getting out of the car. He pops the trunk and plops himself down, patting the seat next to him. “I don’t have a blanket we can lay down on, so this will have to do.”
“Why don’t you lay on the dirt and I’ll lay on you?” You ask, and he rolls his eyes while you laugh. “I thought you were chivalrous, Osamu.”
“I’m not getting a tick because you’re too fancy to sit in a trunk,” he teases, and you shake your head playfully before sitting in the trunk next to him. You rest your head on his shoulders, and he reaches in the bag for a dorito, his head laying down to rest on yours.
And it’s quiet. Comfortably quiet, with a warm hand resting on your knee with his thumb rolling over the bone lovingly, a bag of crumpled Doritos tossed somewhere behind you. The sun has set half an hour ago, but you’re both too entranced by the bright moon hanging low in the sky to move. Bugs come to life as they chirp, and streetlights pop on around the park.
It’s bliss.
It’s amazing how much the fresh air has brought you back, how much Osamu brought you back, and you don’t know what you’d do without him.
“Yeah baby?”
“I love you.”
He kisses your head, “I love you too, baby.” Then he sighs, and you feel the arm wrapped lowly around you trail up your side, and your lip twitches. “Now, about the whole honking at me thing-“
“No!” You squeal as five fingers dig into your side, holding you close as you squirm at the tickling, your laughter ringing in the air of night that envelops you both like a hug.
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imasoftieforbarb · 11 months
hey there! you kinda have seen me already by freaking out about Floyd he’s actually is what I wanted to request!
if it’s possible, could you write a little fic on how reader could be when they (pronouns are your opinion) found out about floyd being captured? OR HEAR ME OUT PLS—
reader is Floyd‘s partner (girlfriend/boyfriend, again your opinion) BUT was captured WITH him, bc all the time I was watching the movie I imagined them being with Floyd since young and bc of cliché drama I love *cries*
again it’s your option on doing it or not !!
I LOVE THIS IDEA! Okokokokok
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You were childhood best friends- and when he joined the band? You became their manager!
You wanted to support him and you didn’t want to interrupt the whole boys only band so you went with next best thing!
After the failed show you try to keep everyone from leaving
JD tells you to move, and shoves you out the way when you try to block the door
Clay just shakes his head and leaves
Spruce lays a hand on your shoulder and whispers “look after them for me”
At first Floyd tries to leave without you- after giving Branch his vest, he asks you to look after him
You nodded- but the minute he was out of sight you started crying
“What are you waiting for girl? Go get him!”
Grandma tells you she’ll be fine looking after branch on her own so you run off after Floyd
“FLOYD! FLOYD WAIT!” You shouted, seeing his figure turn around, his eyes widening when he saw you running towards him.
“Y/n? What are you doing? I thought you were gonna look after Branch”- he started to say before he saw your tears
“Im not gonna watch the boy I have loves since who knows when walk out the door without him knowing how I feel” you panted taking his hand in yours and meeting his eyes shyly “we could be so good together, we can make this last forever!”
Floyd blinked a few times before laughing slightly “wow! I never thought that you’d like me- I mean I’m not the heart throb or the fun one”
You interrupted “I don’t like them! I like you! A lot”
“I like you a lot too-you sure you wanna come with me?”
You nodded and he grinned, intertwining your fingers and starting to walk away from the pod together, hand in hand as you talked about the future
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Ok now- I’m gonna mix ideas here
Let’s say when he got captured you were still with him but not present at the time
So when you got back to the pod you and your long term boyfriend had made to see it wrecked with big foot prints leading away from it
You immediately assumed he’d been eaten by a Burgan
Absolutely heartbroken you fixed the pod back up on your own and fell into a grieving depression
Everywhere you looked you saw memories of him
And then far into the future one day- you get a letter
Supposedly from your dead boyfriend!
You- despite thinking that he was dead- were desperate to see him again, and if that lead to your death then so be it!
You got in your catterbug van called Chloe and head straight for the ‘mount rageous’ that the letter had specified
Once you got to the place this “Velvet and Veneer” we’re singing at you snuck in and noticed the dressing room door open a smidge
You peaked in slightly and felt your eyes water
There he was- Floyd was alive! You couldn’t believe it- you took a few steps back to grasp what you were seeing before a bumping into something.
You looked up and Veneer looked down at you before snatching you up and laughing slightly
“Wow! Another troll? I wonder which one you are? Either way- more talent for us I suppose!” Veneer muttered before entering the dressing room
Floyd looked up from his crossed legs as one of his captors Veneer walked into the room with something in his hand
He had been thinking of you- he always thought about you- between the torture of having his talent drained he dreamed of being back in your shared pod- in your arms
He startled from his thoughts as another diamond perfume bottle was slammed down onto the counter next to him, and felt his heart drop and eyes water when he noticed who was in it
Floyd waited for veneer to leave the room- probably to go get velvet to tell her the good news of having another troll to drain before standing up and pressing his hands to the wall of his prison
“Y-Y/n? Is- is that you?”
You nodded, already crying your eyes out just from looking at him
“What are you doing here? You shouldn’t have come- they’re gonna drain you-“
He stopped when he noticed your tears streaming down your face and had a déjà-vu moment of when you first told him you liked him
“I thought you were dead”
You whispered, dropping to your knees-
“There’s no way I would pass up a way to see you- I love you!” You pressed your hands against the diamond as well and he felt his eyes well with tears
“I love you too-“
Velvet came storming into the room and cackled when she saw your face fill with fear
“Oh- you are gonna be mine!” She said grasping the bottle and starting to walk back out
“NO!” Floyd shouted “not her, drain me first-“
Velvet sneered slightly
“Seeing as you’ve said that- no, I’m gonna drain her, veneer can have you. I want a newer talent”
She left the dressing room and the door slammed shut on Floyd- his tears finally falling
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AAAAAA- should I do a part 2 taking place during the family harmony at the end of the movie? Let me know what you think!
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sminiac · 5 months
Piwon after an argument 👉🏾👈🏾 -Kyokopi
💌 — I’m sure it’s just bc I started my period but I’ve been so fucking sad lmao, thought now would be a good time to write a lil angst HEHE
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⋆ Y. Keeho
Gen overview — He moves around your space very cautiously, slow in a way, like he’s scared of his presence being fully perceived. I feel it’s one of the very few times he isn’t tackling the problem when both of your wounds are so fresh in fear of further irritating them due to his eagerness that could come off as pushy or bitter. Forces himself to endure the silence, the lack of acknowledging each other’s presence even in close proximity, it hurts but he knows everyone processes things differently, including the timeframe of how long that’ll take.
Reconnecting — Truthfully, normally it doesn’t take very long before either of you come back with a “I’m sorry” at the ready, it’s never a you or him situation, in fact a lot of the time it doesn’t matter, the most essential part is communicating, which also consists of a lot of tears- but there’s something so sweet about being able to let go like that with someone else, sharing another one of your most vulnerable moments with each other, gaining an understanding of how his brain works in a way no one else can.
Remainder of members under the cut!
⋆ C. Taeyang
Gen overview — Forces himself to apologize first because he knows if he doesn’t, it’ll just never come. Puts his struggles to the side for you but that doesn’t mean it’s easy, he goes through with it though, and although the process is sore and sometimes difficult the outcome is always worth it. He’s good with noting his own faults and the crowding of his ego that he has to overcome, it’s just the daunting task of reconciling, what if it isn’t so easy? What if you won’t accept his explanation? Would another disagreement arise? Learns that a simple ‘I’m sorry’ with a genuine sense of humility is worth a lot more than he thought it would have.
Reconnecting — This is where Theo’s feelings really show, fighting can be exhausting, and you can tell by the look on his face- even his body language, that he’s really drained and sad now that there’s no other emotions left to cloud over. The most he asks is just allow him to be by your side. Showers or baths together are usually taken after. You don’t need to shower him in gifts or written letters conveying your regret, but you can wash his hair for him, massage his arms and back the way he likes while he hugs you under the comforting stream of hot water.
⋆ C. Jiung
Gen overview — The quickest to feeling irritated if he deems your behaviour as ‘excessive’, but don’t let that intimidate you, he gradually comes to his senses, just give it a minute or two for the bad feelings to settle down. Opposed to Keeho, Jiung isn’t so quick to feel the need to apologize or talk it out, he puts himself at quite the distance, buries his head in work to keep him distracted from the guilt, or the fear of having over done it this time. Coming back to each other is always the most fragile part, the culmination of all the hurtful moments make for quite the emotional reconnection. Apologies are always mutual, you dissect things with each other.
Reconnecting — Jiung’s typically more on the serious side, but after seeing you so upset it’s like a need to allow his silly side to slip. Puts away any distractions and focuses all of his attention on you! Do you wanna go get a drink? He doesn’t want you dehydrated after all those tears. Crying makes you tired, do you want to take a nap? Crying makes you hungry, do you want to go grab some food? He’ll pay, anything you want. Crying makes your nose stuffy, what about a walk outside?
⋆ H. Intak
Gen overview — Feels his emotions very deeply, they almost overtake his entire being, when he’s frustrated there’s not really a filter there to keep his mouth from running away which splits the two of you off, if you’re reactive he’s like gasoline to your fire. It doesn’t happen often, arguing or the spitefulness, he’s normally good with managing his emotions in a healthy way, so he’s extremely regretful when it gets out of hand and the both of you are upset with the other. Exudes penitence to the fullest extent when he’s coming to you with a tearful apology, holds you, just wants to hold you. The feeling of someone crying while being close to them always makes me emotional, it’s just such a deep, inexplicable connection, and that’s exactly how it is with him.
Reconnecting — Very physical and vocal after you’ve both settled. Intak will remain as close to you as possible without actually touching you, scared that his clinginess will be too much until you’re the one initiating it, and every few minutes he’ll try talk to you about anything that interests you, because if you’re talking then surely you’re okay. He’s so puppy, asking: “That new bubble tea place you’ve been talking about is opened, do you want to go soon?” “What happened to that shirt you’ve been looking for? Did you find it? Should we go get you a new one instead?” “We should go to an aquarium, you can dress all pretty so I can take pictures.”
⋆ H. Shota
Gen overview — Learning how to be supportive and respectful of each other’s functions is definitely a process, but it makes you all the more closer with Soul. Not being familiar with these intricacies prior to your arrival in his life means that he does struggle with admitting his own feelings. Soul tends to catch the wavelength of your discontent quickly and immediately molds himself to fulfill whatever your needs are, in doing so he unintentionally disregards his own. He’s at your every word, but he also needs someone who will be there for him just as willingly. Apologizing is easy, he’s quick to admit his mistakes and really takes the time to understand you even if he didn’t to begin with, but he is a little hesitant when asking something of you, all he needs is a little encouragement and reassurance that he deserves just the same treatment.
Reconnecting — Things transition back to normal very smoothly, the both of you silently agree to do your best to end the day off on a good note, which doesn’t take a lot, and by the time you’re in each others arms on the verge of falling asleep it’s like nothing ever happened. Soul’s just very.. you can never outright tell what he’s thinking or what he’s about to do, so even as you’re talking it out in the end, your argument is settled once he says or does something silly because once the both of you are laughing there’s no way the seriousness of the situation could be dragged on for any longer. He’ll kiss you with a big pretty smile, adding on a final “I’m sorry stinky”.
⋆ K. Jongseob
Gen overview — He hates nothing more than the tense atmosphere that post arguments have, and the thing that gets to him the most is not being able to approach you like nothing happened. He knows your feelings are hurt. His are too, but god does he ever miss feeling you curled into him, giggling with each other about stupid things no one else would understand. The silence and ignoring each other only ever lingers for so long, usually he breaks it by pulling you into him when you least expect it, quickly subjecting you to his kisses and a near constant reiteration of how sorry he is for being mean. He snaps out of things quite fast, because he can’t bear the thought of your day going sour because of him, so he does his best to make up for it.
Reconnecting — Immediately tells you how silly he thinks it is to be so upset like this in an attempt to wipe away any negative feelings that were left behind, because he wants to be with you until not even the existence of your souls can live on, why dwell on something so trivial? Why feed into it any more than you have to? Seob likes keeping you busy after, is it odd that he suddenly wants to build things together in your Minecraft world? Maybe a little, but it’s hard to say no when he’s suggesting you make a day out of it with snacks and cuddling included.
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ᰔ sminiac’s P1Harmony M.list
Update, after listening to my Laufey playlist and writing Seob’s ‘reconnecting’ bit I’m not as sad, just hungry.
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damiansgoodgirll · 6 months
Hiii I love Ur judgment day x readers they are so adorable
Could you please write a JD (Platonic) x Reader where Y/n gets in a bad fight with their partner and they comfort them
the judgment day x reader (platonic)
‼️cheating and gaslighting, your bf name in this is alexander bc my ex name is alexander and now i hate alexanders
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(i love this pic btw)
i don’t wanna love
“you’re overacting!” your boyfriend alexander kept screaming at you.
“so you’re telling me there’s nothing between the two of you? that i’ve been hallucinating for the past month?” you screamed back, tired of trying talking with him.
“there’s nothing between me and her” he said, lying. because of course you had the proofs that he was cheating, that he was seeing someone else while you were out touring.
“how can i fucking believe you when i have proofs!”
“what proofs?” he asked, not caring about the whole cheating part.
“the pictures of you two together? the messages? the-…”
“you went over my phone without even asking me?” he was angrier that before.
“i did! because you wouldn’t tell me the truth! you can’t deny what i just found!”
“okay, fine! i cheated, is that what you wanted me to say? i did it, and i wasn’t proud of it but you were always gone and i was here alone waiting for you every week to come home, i got tired and i wanted to have some fun and one night i went to this club where i met her, and she was always there for me, it wasn’t just sex, there was a connection…she understood me, she was there when you were out wrestling with your friends!” he said, not feeling guilty at all.
you couldn’t believe he was blaming him cheating on you on the fact that you were away from home because of your job.
“i can’t believe it that you are blaming your fucking childish behaviour on me being away because of my job!”
“i needed you and you weren’t there!” he kept screaming.
“so the best solution was fucking some bitch you met at the bar uh?” you were done with it “you have ten minutes to pack your things and get out of my house!”
“what are you talking about? where am i supposed to go?” he asked you.
“i don’t know, ask my replacement if you can stay at her’s, i don’t care, now, move before i call the police. this is my house, do you remember?” you said locking yourself in the guest bedroom and waiting for him to be over with packing.
you were sure you heard him closing the door once he was done packing and leaving your house. you were too tired to even go back into the master bedroom that you cried yourself to sleep right where you were.
the morning after you were supposed to go at rhea’s as you guys needed to prepare your upcoming match but you were drained and had no energy. you felt like shit and all you wanted to do was staying in bed and cry.
the team immediately knew something was up when you didn’t show up at her place. so instead of calling your or texting, you found them in front of your door.
“what are you doing here?” you asked them.
“we were worried. you didn’t show up, you didn’t call or text, we thought you were sick or that something happened…wait, were you crying?” rhea stopped when she saw your red eyes.
“no” you lied.
“whats going on love?” finn soft voice almost made you want to cry again. he always had a soft spot for you, treating you like a daughter.
“i just…i wanna be alone today…now, can you please go?” you almost begged them but they got it as an invitation to come inside so now you found yourself with your friends sitting on your couch, waiting for an explanation from you.
“what is going on uh?” damian asked you again.
“alexander and i broke up…” you whispered and waited for them to talk but they let you continue “he was cheating on me and i found out…instead of apologising he blamed it on me, saying that it was my fault because i was away touring and he needed me here…i just…what did i do wrong?” you cried again and now rhea was sitting next to you, holding you in her arms.
“you didn’t do anything wrong y/n…” she whispered.
“he was saying how much he wanted to marry me, to have a family with me just to find out that he was fucking someone else behind my back…it fucking hurts because i was ready to be with him for the rest of my life…i really loved him” you cried harder and rhea swore that alexander was a dead man.
“hey…” finn, the parental figure inside the whole group sweet talked to you “it’s not worth it…crying for him? it’s not worth it, he’s not worth it…i know you’re hurting right now and it will hurt for a while but eventually it’ll pass…it’ll get better, trust me…”
“thank you…” you whispered.
still crying in rhea’s arms as she let you. you never experienced such heartbreak and the pain you were feeling was too much.
“i just don’t understand how it went so downhill…everything was going perfectly…i would have noticed if something was wrong but i swear, everything looked normal” you cried.
“it’s not your fault love” finn said.
“finn’s right, you couldn’t have noticed…if he was acting normal, you couldn’t have noticed the sudden changes in his persona…i’m so sorry it happened to you, you don’t deserve it…” dominik said while sitting on the carpet, in front of you.
“i swear… i don’t wanna fall in love anymore” hearing such words coming from you hurt the group. you’ve always been the sweet and romantic one, you’ve always dreamed of a fairytale life and now you believed everything was a lie.
rhea looked sad “don’t say that love, it’s just a phase but you will feel better, i promise you”
of course. you were complaining about your disastrous love life with dom, who just got married, rhea, who’s gonna get married soon, finn, who’s been married for years and damian, someone that wasn’t looking for love and couldn’t understand anything about love.
“it’s easy coming from you…you’re all happy and in a healthy relationship, you all trust each other and i’m pretty sure you’ve never been cheated on” you regretted immediately saying that but you were hurting.
“we had our painful break ups too honey…” rhea said. she knew you were hurting so she didn’t mind it.
“did they cheat on you?” you asked them.
“no but…”
“exactly” you said, drowning your head in your pillows.
“what rhea was trying to say is that break ups are always hurtful, whether you get cheat on or not…and this pain you’re feeling, will get better, in a month or two you’ll be feeling better…” damian spoke softly to you. knowing that you were already in pain and that he didn’t want to upset you more.
“we will leave you alone if you want to…” rhea said, not wanting to leave you alone but she knew you probably needed time for yourself.
“no please…” you said shocking everyone.
“okay…then we’ll stay here…we can watch a movie if you want to” finn suggested and you all agreed.
“no rom com please” you said making them laugh.
rhea’s idea was to watch a horror movie but while they were all watching the movie you ended up falling asleep, too tired for all the tears you’ve been crying.
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qsphyxias · 7 months
Nightwing x Male! Reader (hurt/comfort)
if you fetishize mlm/nblm relationships, get the fuck out of here!
synopsis ; you just broke up with ur bf bc he cheated on u and Nightwing comes to make u feel better.
warnings ; swearing, break ups, venting (not traumatic or too deep) about relationship, manhandle joke, angst? its topic is sad but I think I made it too nice and fluffy
note ; i wanna add more, esp. with pillow talk or whatever but I'm too tired and maybe ill just make another part or smth or edit it
words ; 1.3k+
Your face burned, and your lips trembled against the hand you held up against your moth. You sighed shakily, dropping your head atop your arm leaned up against the railing of your balcony. That was the end of another relationship.
You looked at the wet cement down below, over the thin, black iron railing, your eyes couldn't focus on anything because of the fat tears that obstructed most of your vision. Gravity pulled your tears to the ground, almost pulling you entirely over the rails — you just felt so tired.
The day you've had was just about enough for you to bear. You found out your boyfriend of three years was cheating on you for two of those three years. But the worst part was that you hadn't even found out yourself; he had told you, and he had been the one to break up with you. As if, you were the problem.
You were in the way.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" You murmured under your breath, rage began to well up, and you could feel it in your throat — strangling you, taking your breath and turning it into steam. "I wasted three years on him. Three fucking years of my life!" You backed away from the ledge, looking up at the sky as if it represented the entire world before you. "And for what?"
Despite it all, a part of you wanted him back. Not because you loved him, but because, where else will you find someone? You knew everything about him, and you... well, you hoped he knew just about everything to know about you. But now, all that information is useless. You were scared and alone; how much time did you really have? It's not like some handsome, piece of ass is going to come around and save you.
You slid down on the cold surface of the balcony, sitting down and tucking your knees in as you watched your fingers fidget in front of you. You stopped crying, but now it felt worse than before. Your heart had no means to release all that raw emotion because your body couldn't take the exhaustion.
"Hey, are... you alright?" A gentle hand grabs your shoulder, and your head shoots up to see dark blue eyes, staring at you with nothing but hopeful concern. His hope to somehow make you feel better, and his concern that you are currently sitting on the ground, eyes, nose, and mouth red and swollen.
You don't push away, not at all — in fact, that's the last thing on your mind. Even when it hits you that Nightwing is leaning over you, a knee on the ground and his arm on your shoulder. You're too drained to react properly, you just stare at him.
You pressed your hand on your cheek, murmuring your speech. "Give me a fucking break." Had he arrived at a time — literally any other time — less inconvenient, you probably would have asked him for an autograph and fawned over his arms. He chuckled at your reply, not at all offended by your display of disdain at his appearance. He took a seat next to you on the cold hard ground.
For a couple of minutes, you both just sat there, and you stared off into space as you silently fought with your inner demons to not lash out at him. With an apologetic sigh, withdrawing your attitude from before. "I'm sorry, it's been a rough night- I just found out my boyfriend was cheating on me for two years." Nightwing glanced over as you mentioned a boyfriend, so you weren't straight, huh? That totally won't affect how he sees you.
The man beside you sucked in a sharp breath as you mentioned your situation, immediately feeling terrible as he put himself in your shoes. "Don't worry about it; you deserve a little lashing out." You scoffed affectionately as you wiped your remaining tears away with your sleeve, he was friendly, wasn't he?
"That's nice of you to say." Suddenly, the floor looked much more interesting than looking at the attractive man beside you. He noticed the averted gaze and brought you back to reality by placing his hand on yours. "I'm serious, lash out at me! Whatever you wanna say to him, say to me." He was serious, grinning at his great idea.
"I mean I heard you wailing from miles away; I'm sure you don't have a shortage of things to say." He looked proud of himself. "Dear god — you heard that?" You stood up and backed away from him, with him following you closely. "I think half of Gotham heard that." He teased, watching your ashamed expression with a smile.
"You're kind of an asshole, aren't you?" You said, standing your ground as you taunted him right back. His smile only grew, "I have mixed reviews."
"Alright, Nightwing. I'll take you up on your offer." You crossed your arms and stepped closer to him, "I'll vent."
He rubbed his hands together in response, beckoning you towards him. "Give it to me."
Your face turned beet-red at the sudden conspicuous innuendo, and you paused. Hoping he hadn't noticed, you got back in the zone and tried to imagine your ex's face in place of Nightwing's. "Okay, alright. Well. You're... You're a dick."
Dick laughed, for more reasons than one. "That's it? Have at me! Don't be shy." You frowned, "Fine then, you're not just a dick. You're also cruel." You looked into his eyes, seeing your ex's face before you instead of Nightwing's.
To fuel the fire, you channeled all those feelings into your speech. "You broke my heart for no reason when you could have left me when you met him. And- Instead, you wasted my time, thinking I was in this... This loving relationship with a man I was going to marry — " Before you could keep rambling on, you felt strong arms around you, grounding you. You hadn't noticed you were trembling from the emotion until you felt the calm, still body against yours.
You also hadn't noticed how much you absolutely needed that hug.
Hesitating, your arms hovered over his back before you tenderly hugged him back, sinking into his body knowing he could still hold you from his already tight grip. You wondered if you'd ever be hugged like this again now that you didn't have a boyfriend. Whenever your ex did decide to hold you like this, it wasn't often.
Sleep took over your body as his warmth may have reminded you too much of your sheets, and the comfort of your bed. Maybe he reminded you of home.
"... Was that too much?" You murmured against the chestpiece of his suit. He shook his head, not wanting to see your expression just yet. Your frown and your trembling lips broke his heart.
"I think I'm tired." Dick took that to heart and picked you up with ease, walking over to your balcony door and stepping in. "Oh- so you're just gonna manhandle me then?" You declared eyes half-lidded from exhaustion. For a second, he was worried he had crossed a boundary. "Well, I'm okay with that." Now he wasn't so worried.
Dick chuckled as he placed you down on your bed, turning off the light beside you and moving to exit your apartment. He stopped in his tracks as he heard you groan. "Wait, come back..! Stay with me. Please?" He turned around to see you pouting on your bed, knowing you were trying your absolute best to extract pity out of him to make him stay.
"It'll be my first night in three years without a warm body sleeping next to me; you're really gonna leave a guy hanging?" He rolled his eyes as you played the break-up card, waltzing over with a defeated look on his face. You on the other hand, had adorned an expression of joy.
"You regret stopping by my balcony, don't you?"
"... Far from it, actually."
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ihave-atummyache · 9 months
Idk if u write poly fics but if u do,
2min × reader fluff pls 😔
i dont really write or read poly stuff bc im literally the most jealous person i know (see why i write jealous skz sm) and the thought of sharing anyone with somebody else makes me… angry
especially bc the thought of 2min is just so yes that i cant breathe sometimes!
idk the word count on this but its just a cute lil fluffy blurb(?)
coffee stains
You let out a deep sigh as you walk toward your bedroom. Neither of your boyfriends are supposed to be home, both are busy with their schedules, and you want nothing more than to be held and babied after the day you just had.
You know those days that just feel like it’s one thing after another after another? Today was like that for you. It started when you spilled your coffee on your white blouse before you even left the house. Then you had to rush and change, which caused you to miss your bus, which made you late for work. Everything else just went downhill from there.
You push the door to your bedroom open and you can’t stop the small smile that creeps onto your face when you lay your eyes on Seungmin in your bed.
“Baby? What are you doing here?” You speak up and he looks up from his phone when he notices you in the doorway.
“Didn’t want to see me? I’m hurt,” he teases and sits up when you walk around the bed and approach him.
“I always want to see you, Minnie. I just thought you had late schedules,” you speak out, your voice is obviously drained and he quickly picks up on it.
Seungmin’s arms wrap around you, pulling you down on top of him in the bed. You let out a squeak and a little chuckle. He is the type that hates when people have on outside clothes in the bed so the fact he doesn’t care right now really proves how well he knows you and knows exactly what you need.
“Mm. The weather turned bad so we had to reschedule,” he mumbles into the top of your head before placing a kiss in your hair. You let out a sigh and wrap your arms around his torso tighter.
You look over and on your side table, seeing your blouse from this morning. It’s folded up neatly and there’s no signs of coffee on it at all. You gasp and sit up quickly, grabbing the top and facing your boyfriend.
“You didn’t,” Your mouth falls agape and a shy smile covers Seungmin’s face, his thumbs rubbing soothing circles on your hips.
“I did. I saw it on the floor when I came home and figured you spilled on yourself before you went to work,” he replies and your smile on your face quickly fades, replaced by a quivering lip. Seungmin’s smile drops and he sits up, abruptly, your legs still on either side of his thighs.
“Baby?” The soft tone in his voice is enough to make the tears fall down your face and you drop your head into your hands, soft sobs leaving your mouth.
“Making her cry, again?” You hear Minho’s voice from the ensuite bathroom and turn to look at him. He’s towel drying his damp hair and has a pair of sweatpants with a tank top.
“I didn’t do anything! And don’t say again. If anyone makes her cry, it’s you,” Seungmin sticks his tongue out at Minho and you can’t stop the soft, pitiful chuckle that leaves your mouth, although the tears are still streaming.
Minho crosses the room and settles on the bed next to Seungmin. He rests his hand on your thigh, drawing shapes into the skin.
“What’s wrong, sweet girl?” He speaks up and you shake your head, wiping at your face. The more you wipe the tears, the more that fall from your eyes and its just hopeless.
“I just had such a bad day today,” your voice cracks as another sob racks through your chest and creeps out of your mouth. You lean over, wrapping your arms around Minho’s neck and burying your face in his shoulder.
He scoots closer to you since you’re still sitting on Seungmin’s lap, to try to make the angle more comfortable but you couldn’t care less. You already felt better by being able to get some tears out and being in the presence of your two amazing boyfriends.
You scoot off of Seungmin’s lap and squeeze your body between the two boys. You turn your back on Seungmin, grabbing his hand to wrap around your torso before wrapping your own arms around Minho’s waist.
“I just want to lay here for the rest of the night,” you mumble into Minho’s shirt. Minho places a hand in your hair, gently stroking it and Seungmin’s hand is rubbing your stomach gently before you feel Seungmin’s presence leave from behind you.
“Where are you going?” you peak up from Minho’s shirt and Seungmin’s back is to you, digging through your drawers. He pulls out one of his old t-shirts (that you stole) and a pair of your sleep shorts before making his way back over to you.
“If we’re going to lay here for the rest of the night, might as well get comfortable,” he offers you a soft smile and you unwrap yourself from Minho to sit up.
Before you can stand, Minho’s hands are under your sweater and pulling it over your head. He unclasps your bra and reaches his hand out to Seungmin. The younger hands him the t-shirt and Minho turns his attention back to you.
“Arms up,” he commands with a soft smile and you obey, lifting your arms in the air. Minho pulls the shirt over your head and down your torso before he’s unbuttoning your skirt as well.
“Lift your hips for me, baby,” his tone is so soft that you feel like you could start crying again. You lay back on the bed and lift your hips. He pulls your skirt down and your underwear before Seungmin is at your ankles and pulling the shorts up your legs. Once they’re settled on your hips, Seungmin scoots back down your body and places a gentle kiss to the inside of either one of your knees.
His hands pull your socks off of your feet and he places a kiss on the inside of either of your ankles as well before he stand again and heads to the bathroom. You hear him dig through a drawer before he’s back at your side and has a makeup wipe in his hand.
“May I?” His tone is just as soft as Minho’s. Instead of replying, you close your eyes and let your head loll towards him. He gently starts to wipe away your makeup from the day.
Your hand absentmindedly makes its way into Minho’s lap, resting against his inner thigh. His fingers trace gentle patterns up and down your arm, giving you chills but also relaxing you at the same time.
“You’re so beautiful and talented. We’re so proud of you and you’re doing so well,” Seungmin’s voice speaks up and your eyes slowly open. He leans down, his thumb stroking your cheek gently, and presses a kiss to the tip of your nose.
You sniffle and let out a sigh.
“Do you think i’m pretty even when I’m all puffy from crying?” You ask and he immediately nods.
“Beautiful. I don’t think you can ever not be beautiful,” He confesses and you feel a blush creep up your neck.
“I agree. And you are doing so well, baby,” Minho’s voice sounds and you turn your head to face him.
“But I haven’t done anything,” your voice is quiet and a smile creeps onto Minho’s face.
“Even if you just breathed today, you’re doing well,” he smiles and you can’t help the soft laugh that leaves your mouth.
“Quoting yourself now?” you tease and Seungmin sits on the bed beside you, flipping the T.V on.
“He thinks he’s being philosophical,” Seungmin whispers to you, clearly loud enough for Minho to hear.
“You’re just jealous that I’m smarter than you,” Minho defends and Seungmin laughs.
“Yeah. Older and wiser. Much older,” he teases Minho. He reaches over and tussles Seungmin’s hair, obviously annoying him.
“Hey!” Seungmin complains but before they can continue their banter anymore, you catch them off guard. You let out a loud laugh. The first genuine laugh since you’ve been home.
“You two can turn around even the worst days,” you smile up at them and you notice the blush creeping up both of their ears, “Now put on a corny movie and lay with me,” you conclude and they both nod.
Minho scoots down and lets you lay your head on his chest while Seungmin picks some random movie. He also scoots down the bed and wraps an arm around you, spooning you. His fingers play with the hem of Minho’s shirt and Minho’s other hand is drawing shapes into Seungmin’s arm.
“I love you,” you breathe out, breaking the comfortable silence after a few minutes.
“I love you more,” they both reply in unison and you chuckle to yourself before letting your eyes fall closed, relaxing completely in your boyfriends’ arms.
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brotherwtf · 18 days
Hi hi! just gotta say love your work so so soo much! sorry if I'm being overly obsessive haha
Anyways, I was thinking about age gap!au, where John had a really bad day at work, and Gale is the only one to calm him.
Jonh would like barge through the front door and storm into the family room where Gale is curled up on the couch, watching mindless television.
Gale's face lights up at the sight of John, but before he can say anything, John sits down next to Gale and pulls him into his lap, stroking his hair and squeezing Gale like he's a real life teddy bear bc he's so frustrated and drained :(((
and gale is all 'uhm whats wrong bby???'
AH tysm! no rush to answer this btw, take your time <3
omg bestie don't be sorry!! the support keeps me going I love it :))
omg they're both each other's emotional support people, but somehow Gale provides more comfort to John than vice versa, all things considered
and so John has a really rough day, some kids got hurt or maybe even killed on a practice mission and he's close to drinking his problems away, that's what he did before he met Gale, but now he just wants to be around him, wants to hold him
can barely keep it together when he's driving home, feels bile creeping up his throat as he tries to choke down the emotions, he just wants to be home, just wants to be with Gale
when John gets home, his legs barely make it to the couch before he's slumping on top of Gale, finally feels at home and safe
Gale of course doesn't quite understand the gravity of the situation, makes fun of John a little bit, asks him if he worked too hard, can't be doing that at his old age, but then maybe John starts crying
John hasn't cried since he was a boy, had it beaten out of him during his training a long time ago, but he knows he can be vulnerable with Gale and Gale won't judge him, so he cries into Gales chest
Gale immediately comforts John, worrying and fussing and asking what's wrong, tells John it's going to all be okay, he's here now, he's going to be okay, and John just wraps his arms tighter around Gale's body and weeps
John will eventually move until he's laying on the couch, Gale on his chest, their cheeks pressed together while he comes down from his emotions, Gale will kiss him all over and tuck a stray piece of John's hair off of his face, tells him it's going to be okay
maybe Gale starts talking about his day of classes, tells John about the antics of one of his professors and how gross the dining hall food was, all mundane things compared to what John had went through that day, but it's making John feel better and he can't ask for anything else
John will tell Gale what happened eventually, but right now he's content to hold Gale and listen to him talk, likes being comforted by him all the same.
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kyurizeu · 1 year
#14 - kisses and hugs (Im)possibly fate (TEXT)
Previous - masterlist - next
Warnings: fluff. Fluffy fluff. Angst and stress. Also not proofread bc yk me;)
Word count: 1,4k
“I have to go now guys… byeeee annyeong!!” Just as you shut the live off you felt how every drop of energy drained out of your body. Your lips faded into a line trying to hold still to not fall into a frown. Your eyes became teary and you felt your breath getting shaky. Deep breaths yn. It’s okay.
“Kiranaaaaaa are you here?” You peeked into the kitchen and soon the whole house until you had to go check her room. “Knock knock? R u here kira?”
“Yep! U ready?”
She came out of her room and soon plopped into the drivers seat of her new shiny car. “Damn this is cleaner than I expected” you slid your finger over the surface of the steering wheel as if you were looking for dust. “I just got it so… haven’t got time to trash it yet” “makes sense”
“Where do i drop u off?”
“Oh yk where the nearest seven eleven is, right? Drop me off there”
“At the seven eleven..?”
“Their dorm is most likely surrounded by people and i do not want to get caught near his dorm.”
“Okay smart”
“Ty kira bye!”
“Bye! Also call me when u need a ride back! Dont be too late and call me if u need help!”
“I’ll be fine dw”
You sneaked into their backyard and knocked onto their glass door which you saw a very startled Niki through. You mouthed “i’m sorry” to him and he rolled his eyes before sliding the door open. “Where is-“ “Jungwonnn!! Your girlfriend is here” he yelled reaaallly loudly facing the direction of jungwons room. Jungwon soon sprinted out of the room to hug you tightly. “Ugh get a room.” Niki muttered as he went back to the kitchen table to eat his cereal. Jungwon placed a million soft kisses all over your head also letting out little “mwah” sounds on purpose as he hugged you softly and moved both of you back and forth slowly. “Jungwon- i cant breathe..” he chuckled and placed his hands onto your cheeks to plant the final kiss on your soft lips. For a second he just adored your face and smiled at you lovingly. “Let’s go into my room so i can kiss you in peace” he glanced at niki annoyingly and grabbed you by your wrist.
His room was cozy but messy…ish… i mean there werent clothes all over but the room was a bit unwell decorated. That didn’t matter though because he was laying on his bed with open arms and a warm smile. You took the opportunity to jump onto the bed and hug him tightly. He started kissing your cheeks and caressing your hair. “Honey look at me” you looked up at him into his soft and gentle eyes. “Youre so beautiful”
The words that usually made you smile, blush or feel butterflies now made your eyes teary and throat dryer. Your slight smile turned into a downward one and your lips started shaking. Jungwons eyes widened a little and his hands came back onto their favourite place on your cheeks. “Yn… did i do something wrong?” The poor boy looked confused and concerned. You bursted into tears and hid your face in your hands. “I-i’m sorry honey are you okay?” He pulled you into his chest to hug you as he rubbed your back and head softly. “N-no you didn’t do anything wrong…” you mumbled against his soft hoodie. He just hugged you more tightly and placed you onto his lap.
After a while your eyes started drying a bit and you sniffled once before backing away from him to smile softly. Your nose was a little red and eyes were swollen. “Im sorry won.. i ruined the night” he tilted his head with furrowed brows and still wide eyes like a deer in headlights. “No no no you didn’t it’s good that you’re here. You’re safe and you can cry. I’m here” his hands were resting on your waist and they connected together behind your back. “Do you want to talk about it or just cuddles?” He pouted at you and watched as you wiped some tears into your sleeves. “I-It’s just that… I can’t stand my job right now. My manager is a pain in the ass and i’m just ruining everything. I was so bad during our last comeback and i dragged you into this solo album dating rumour mess and- and i ruined your life too and i’m such an idiot and on top of that-“ you felt yourself being pulled into a hug again. “Yn… you are the sweetest most precious soul and I hate to think that you’ve been feeling like this because you deserve nothing but happiness and love. You haven’t ruined anything and you’re one of the most professional idols i know. You have nothing to worry about baby. Tell me, what would ease your mind right now?” He pulled away from the hug and kissed your forehead tilting his head after. “I.. i think some kisses and hugs.. and my fav movie.” You smiled through the teary eyes, red and puffed up eyes. “Anything my princess wants” he kissed your lips softly and scooted onto the back of his bed with you in his lap, letting his back hit the wall. “Make urself comfy and i’ll find the movie on my laptop” you cozied yourself on his chest and he placed a pillow on your thighs and the laptop on top of the pillow.
He was the sweetest man. His cologne wafting through the air was making you even more comfortable. When the theme song of the movie started playing your boyfriend started playing with your hair and running his hands through it.
In the middle of the movie jungwon thought he was hallucinating because of the small sound he heard. He looked over your shoulder as much as he could and then he heard the sound again— soft snores coming out of your mouth. Aw she’s so cute.. he adored you so much.. he took a 0.5 picture of you and laughed a little at it before thinking his possibilities through. A) wake you up and get you mad, B) let you sleep but you’d get mad because you’re late, C) let you sleep here the night but get you fired.
“Sweetie..?” He shook you softly and as you started opening your eyes softly he lifted you up onto his lap by your armpits. “Did u sleep well?” He smiled as he kissed your neck softly and pressed his face against the side of yours. You slightly blushed and felt embarrassed and annoyed that you had fallen asleep but you’d rarely gotten any sleep these days. “I’m sorry wonie… i-” a yawn interrupted your sentence and Jungwon chuckled at you. “I was so comfortable there… what time is it?” You turned to your boyfriend now. “It’s uhh… 22:28pm” he checked his phone before focusing all his attention back to you. “22:28pm?! Oh no i have to go home” you pouted and leaned in to hug him tightly.
“It’s okay sweetie we see each other almost daily” he laughed at the way you started clinging onto him suddenly. “You feel a little cold.. wait there..” he left the bed leaving you to lay on your stomach hugging the pillow in disappointment. “Here you go” you got up to sit on his bed until your eyes focused onto your favourite hoodie of his. Suddenly jungwon was dressing the hoodie on you. “I want you to stay warm” he smirked like always when he has something in his mind. “Jungwon… you just like seeing me in your clothes, right?” You laughed with a disappointed expression. “So what you’re cute with my oversized clothes” he shrugged and lifted you to stand up and hug him. “You like wearing my clothes too hm?” He rested his chin on top of your head and swung you two back and forth again. He loves giving these kind of hugs oml. “Yeah they’re comfy and smell like you” your hands rested on his lower back and you tried pulling away and pouted “jungwon i really need to go..”
“Okay.. just text me that you get home safely, mmkay?” He patted your head as you stopped hugging. “Yes okay… bye wonie.. i love you” he smiled as you left his room while rubbing your eyes with your hands in fists. “Love you too ynnie”
Taglist: (open)
@harperwasstaken @strwberrydinosaur @letapostropheesgo @yngwife @chogolei @ddeonmixx @j-wyoung @xiaoderrrr @vivibelov3d @ablackbtsstan @chaechae-23 @vizstars @tlnyjoong @ahnneyong @deobitifull @jungwonnieee @yumilovesloona @ikeu4life @nyxtwixx @s02zjy @choclate32 @soobiverse @maimoirs @gigi-honeyjaes @aeriti @kimiplx @jakeify @sullkyoons2
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hwashotcheeto · 8 months
Have you ever thought of villain Hwa? Maybe he's like also a tiny bit in the Mommy Hwa role but he's super angry at the world for not returning the huge amount of love he has for them and his tiny fists get angry n stuff- and then he decides to have revenge on "selfish" people who aren't really what he thought they would be with the amt of love he gave them... (it's pretty dark and scary) and then and then- someone helps him realize that despite the darkness in the world and how he has a right to feel that way there still is light and they bring his cute heart back to a safe and more secure place- while both y/n or oc or however become justice seekers or some kind of superheroes or smth and Hwa and y/n are satisfied at the end of the day
And when they get home y/n turns around bc she thinks she heard someone crying quietly (it's Hwa) and then he just hugs her and thanks her "for taking care of Mommy bc he really needed it"
I decided to drop this at the front desk of the library bc I love all of ur sweet and beautiful Hwa things...
First off, thank you for sending this in, darling. 💜 Thank you for the sweet words as well.
Secondly, I am a villain Hwa enthusiast (Tbh, I've put this man into so many roles, he could be Barbie). And if anything, I know this feeling all too well, so I'll gladly make something with this.
And just so we're all on the same page, when we say Villain Hwa, this is who I imagine
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WC: 2k (wow she's long)
CW: Angst, mostly, but fluffy towards the end, vague descriptions of gore and throwing up, and one "Mommy" at the very end (lmk if I missed anything)
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It's no surprise to anyone that the world is cruel and dark. In general, the world isn't a fun place to be. You'll get a very different answer depending on who you ask.
But for as much as people like you and I will argue that the world has some good in it, it's hard for some people to see it.
Seonghwa, unfortunately, had reached a breaking point.
He gave so much love to the world, to everyone in it, and got nothing in return.
The first few hundred times he was brushed off, he didn't let it get to him. Helping people made him feel happy, and giving love to people made him happy.
To see smiles light up people's faces, to see their eyes light up, was the greatest sight he could imagine. His heart felt full.
But even the most selfless person needs a moment to be selfish.
Seonghwa, alone and abandoned by those who he gave love, snapped. The selfless little voice in his head couldn't take it anymore. Didn't want to take it anymore. To be used and thrown aside, and not even recieve a "thank you" for anything he did.
"Just one!" He cried, tears in his eyes, his hands shaking from anger. "Just one person to say thank you, just one!"
But it was more than just "thank you" that he needed.
Seonghwa's skin craved the feeling of someone else's. If he closed his eyes and concentrated hard enough, he could feel it. Fingertips against his cheek, palms against his chest, arms around his waist.
But not just anyone's. Yours.
You and Seonghwa were lovers. For years, you'd been by each other's side, being each others support, your other half, the piece that completed you.
But why is it all in past tense? Why weren't you here right now, holding him in your arms, telling you how much he loved and appreciated you?
Because you'd left. Not because you didn't love Seonghwa, you loved him more than you'd ever loved anything.
You'd left to train, to be better, to protect him. Honestly, he wasn't hardly listening when you'd told him. All he remembered was that you were leaving, and he wouldn't see you for months.
And it had been months. And you weren't here.
With no way to contact you, or hug you, or even see you, Seonghwa had been spiraling. And he found himself on his knees in his home, completely and utterly drained.
And as he did, he had a revelation. An epiphany. An idea that might make himself feel better.
He'd hurt those who'd hurt him.
Revenge is a fruitless, endless road that will bring you nothing but emptiness, he'd heard before. But he just wanted someone to feel what he felt. To feel what it felt like to be weak, drained, used up, spent.
To make everyone who was so selfish to abuse his kindness suffer.
And never hurt anyone ever again.
Was your departure the catalyst for Seonghwa's shift? No. But it definitely didn't help.
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You were standing beside your chief as you looked at the mutilated body of a young man. You were silent and pale as you tried to keep your food in your stomach.
But a breeze pushed the smell of rot into your nose, and it all came up before you could stop it.
"Go sit down, rookie," your chief gruffly said to you, to which you agreed with a nod, trying to wipe your mouth and prevent a second wave from rising up.
You stumbled away from the scene and spit up the rest of the disgusting mixture of bile and breakfast. Months of training don't prepare you for how to not lose your stomach at the sight of gore and the smell of decomposition.
"You'll get used to it," one of the detectives said as you spit into the street. The taste made your stomach churn all over again. You looked at him, and he offered a sympathetic half smile. "If it makes you feel any better, I threw up my first time too."
You nodded and leaned against the building, then slid down onto the ground, hugging your legs.
You'd insisted you could handle this, and it turns out, you can't. You'd left your life, your home, your boyfriend, for this. Because you believed you could do this, and wanted to be useful.
You were starting to see it less and less as the days went on, especially with this.
Your chief came over and made you stand back up, despite still feeling sensitive and nauseous. You tried to focus on what he was telling you, and putting the pieces to the scene and making sense of the details, but it was all foggy.
Until he mentioned something that made you perk up.
"A witness said they heard the name 'Seonghwa,' but it's not the victim's name. There's a high possibility that's our suspect."
Your sweet, loving, charitable, selfless, goofy boyfriend? The boyfriend who cleaned so intensely, you could see your reflection in any surface? The boyfriend who'd cuddle you every night and make sure you fell asleep comfortably?
Seonghwa couldn't have been the one to murder and mutilate a man.
Much less someone you thought he considered a friend.
It couldn't be him.
It couldn't be...
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Five unsolved murders later, you were losing your mind.
Five, FIVE, in one MONTH. And they were all tied to Seonghwa. They were all killed the same way, torn apart the same way, left in a mess the same way.
How could this be the same man you loved?! How could he have done this?! What had happened, why was he going after all of his friends?!
Your numerous calls to him hadn't worked, your desperate attempts to catch him hadn't worked either.
Honestly, you weren't sure if you wanted to find him in this state. If he was tearing apart his friends, would you be a victim too?
There was no discernable motive anyone could find, so it was a possibility that plagued your mind for the weeks he was out there.
You slept with your gun in your bedside table. It pained you to even think about hurting the man you loved.
But you had to protect yourself. You wouldn't turn into a number. A victim.
It turns out that keeping the gun beside you was a good move. But not because you were the target.
It was raining. No, storming. Thunder claps and lightening had kept you awake, alongside the paranoia and fear.
Amidst all that, you heard screaming outside your bedroom window. Living in the city, it wasn't anything new, but this was different. Running, then footsteps, then more screaming. A sound of someone being tackled. A struggle.
You shot up out of bed and grabbed your gun, hastily pulling on a mismatched outfit of clothes before you threw open your apartment window and looked into the alleyway below.
Just as you'd feared, it was him. Seonghwa, your love, your world, had someone pinned to the ground underneath him. You recognized him, he was another one of Seonghwa's friends. He already had blood on his face from an injury you couldn't see.
Your heart was pounding so hard, it could've exploded. You climbed out of your window and onto the fire escape before you screamed:
To your surprise, he did. He stopped and whipped his head around, looking up at you. And despite the position he was in, he smiled so big when he saw you.
"Love! I mis-"
"PARK SEONGHWA, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" You screamed again, starting to run as carefully as you could down the slippery fire escape. His face and heart dropped, but he couldn't be surprised.
As you made your way down to the ground, his would be victim had escaped. And as he ran off, you saw the Seonghwa that had been doing all this.
Dead, dark eyes stared him down as he left. He had a blade in his hand, his shaking hands. His was face twisted into an anger you'd never seen. Not anger, rage. It scared you, it terrified you.
How could this be the man you'd left behind all those months ago?
Seonghwa looked at you, and the monster of rage disappeared. His eyes were bright, his face was soft. He put the blade away as he properly turned to you.
But neither of you said anything. You had too many words to say to him. He had no way to explain himself.
More than anything, you wanted to hug him. You wanted to tell him you still loved him, you missed him, you wanted to go home with him. But now you knew their was this angry, evil dark side of him.
You didn't know if you felt safe with him.
So you asked the one question that'd been in your mind since this started:
And Seonghwa opened his mouth to answer you, but nothing came out. He started thinking, then closed his mouth.
A few seconds later, he burst into sobs and dropped to his knees, covering his face with his hands.
What had he done? What had he become? He wasn't anything like he wanted to be. A murderer. Vengeful.
His selflessness wasn't appreciated by this world, by the people in it. He'd hated it, hated those who took him and used him, who made the world seem so much darker and crueler than he'd ever seen.
And what did he do? He made it worse. He took lives. Hurt people. Hurt himself.
It was true. Revenge is a fruitless, endless road that will bring you nothing but emptiness.
You knelt in front of him and pulled Seonghwa's hands away from his face. He stared at the ground, still sobbing.
"I was tired," he finally rasped out.
"Tired?" You said, exasperated. You felt anger start to bubble up inside you. "All this because you were tired? All this murder and-"
"I was tired of being used!" Seonghwa sobbed, gripping onto his own jacket.
The rain was coming down harder now. Buckets of water were pouring over the both of you, your clothes completely soaked through.
"I did so much SO MUCH, and I never got anything! No one told me if they appreciated me, if they loved me, if they even liked me!"
Seonghwa was shaking now, his words coming out as broken gasps and sobs.
"I gave so much love! So much love to selfish people who wasted it! Just once, I wanted someone to tell me I was good, that I was okay, to prove the world wasn't such an awful, cruel, disgusting-"
You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him tighter than you'd ever hugged him. Seonghwa didn't skip a beat, he hugged you back and cried into your neck.
The love he'd been begging for was here. The touch he'd been craving. And oh, it felt better than he could've ever imagined.
"You are good, Seonghwa," you whispered. "You are good, you are kind, you are loving." You choked back your own tears as you spoke.
You hated the world for what it had turned your boyfriend into. Your sweet and selfless boyfriend had become a monster.
And it could've all been prevented from a hug. A simple recognition that he was loved. Wanted. Needed.
"I love you, Seonghwa," you whispered.
He hugged you tighter and bawled like a baby.
The world cried with you both. Buckets of rain, drenching you both, thunder shaking the buildings and lightening showing flashes of the sun in the night.
It could've been hours that you were in each other's arms, on the ground in the alley. It could've been days. Time wasn't important.
But you both knew you had to run. You abandoned your training for him. You saw what he'd become without you.
As you stepped back into Seonghwa's house, he hugged you tight again, from the back, nuzzling into your rain soaked skin.
"Thank you," he whimpered. "Thank you...for taking care of me."
You turned around in his arms and held his face with both your hands. Seonghwa's eyes were as you remembered them. Big, round, soft, gentle. They held the moon and stars in them.
You wiped the tears and rain off his cheeks. "Anything for you, Mommy."
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Oof, that was a lot. I felt a lot of myself in that, I've been feeling underappreciated lately too.
I hope this wasn't too far off from what you wanted, @peppermintlattelover, I tried to stay in-line with the prompt as best I could. The more I wrote, the more I liked where it was going, but I hope you like it too.
With that being said, thank you for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed! 💜
This is a work of fiction written by me. This does not represent the idol in any way. Any re-upload is not allowed and will be reported.
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
You don't have to respond to these at all, but I just wanted to give you some so maybe you'll feel a bit better and maybe it could take your mind off of things for a small while. I hope you're taking care of yourself, Katy<3. Daily Hobie HC! Before you moved in with him, the sleepovers you and Hobie would have, especially at his houseboat, where nothing less of interesting. Hobie always finds himself surprisingly tired out as soon as he flops onto the bed, and can tell you feel as equally drained as him after the day of baking random things you both find, tainting spare clothes with bleach, nerf gun fights. He drags your limp, yet somehow still conscious body under the covers with him, the blankets light since it was summer now. He could remember the first time you slept over around autumn, with the blankets slowly thickening as it went into winter, then thinning as spring rolled around. Hobie's arm snaked around your midsection, hearing you tiredly hum in appreciation as he pulls you closer. Hobie plants his face into your hair, taking in the smell of your shampoo as his chest presses gently against your back. He notices as you tiredly hand earbuds to him, playing some music to help lull him to sleep. Hobie takes them gratefully, pecking at your temple as you both eventually fall asleep. You've woken up in his bed, but Hobie isn't there. With a yawn, you flip to your other side, with Hobie sitting cross-legged on the floor. The floor, covered in multiple scattered studs and spikes, looks like a minefield, with the only clear part being where Hobie's flat ass is. He's in the middle of gluing the studs onto his leather jacket, making you wonder how much sleep he really got. Hobie turns around to look at your sleepy, confused face, chuckling. He reached out to you, teasing you and asking if you wanted to help him. Playing along, you huff out an indignant 'no' and retreat back under the covers. Hobie stands up, stretching out his back as his spine cracks loudly in response, before tiptoeing his way to you to avoid the studs. Maybe they were a bit like a minefield. As he tamps down a chuckle at the lump, which is your curled up body, his fingers wrap around the edge of the blanket, throwing it away and revealing you, turned away from him. Hobie climbs onto the bed, settling next to you as he begins to pepper kisses to your shoulder, his voice sickly sweet as your faux frown deepens and you scrunch up your nose. As he seems to relax into you, you quickly flip around, attempting (and failing) to playfully land a sparring hit. However, your 'war-cry' had unintentionally changed from a playful "HAH" to something that sounded like if Simba from the Lion King had a sore throat. Hobie blinks at you, stunned, before bursting out into laughter, quickly infecting you and causing you to begin laughing as well. He watches as you dramatically sigh in defeat, opening your arms for him to slide himself right in between the free slot, which he definitely didn't pass the up opportunity on doing so. Hobie rested his forehead against yours, just soaking in the close proximity and perfect temperature before you two could barely touch each other without getting too hot. -🐦‍⬛
Thank you, my love ❤️ this helped a lot! And dw I'm taking care of myself 🫶
Daily Hobie HC ❤️
Oh this got me yearning HARD (I need him so bad)
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"where Hobie's flat ass is" this made me choke fr 🤣🤣🤣
Are u in my walls lovely? Bc I have a fic coming up in a few minutes where it has the same vibe as this one!
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dipperdc · 1 year
Pretty When I Cry
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Jade Leech x FEM reader
⚠️ warnings: self harm / breakdowns / toxic relationships / ANGST⚠️
Summary: Jade likes to get reactions, and he just so happens to love yours. Your just so cute and pretty. He wants to know how far he can go before you break.
Note: this was not made to encourage this type of behavior. If someone is treating you like this please find help. If you think like this please get help as well. I'm not trying to insult anyone bc I do personally think like this so I know how hard and draining, and overall painful it is. I promise one day you'll feel loved even if you don't right now.
Jade Leech. One of the infamous brothers from the Leech family. He and his brother known to be cunning, dangerous, and overall scary. Yet he had only ever been sweet to you. His partner. At least that's what the public believed.
Your not dumb enough to believe his sadistic side is a facade. But you are dumb enough to believe he wouldn't use it against you. Maybe dumb is too harsh. Maybe you were just hopeful. Hope didn't get you far though.
Here you sat on the floor of your bedroom, tears streaming down your face. Your knees up to your chest and pictures scattered on the floor. Pictures of jade and you. All the memories you liked to keep, this certainly wasn't one of them. But he keeps doing this. Just a week ago he was cuddling up to you, whispering declarations of his love to you. He was lightly grazing his fingertips on the skin on your waist. Moving the hair out of your face and kissing you deeply, mumbling 'i love yous' into your lips. He was calling you his. His girl.
And now? Now you don't exist. He hasn't talked to you all week. He acts like your not there, like suddenly he doesn't have a partner. Why? Maybe he just got bored of you. Maybe you drove him away. Maybe he was just testing you. Or maybe, he just wanted to see your reactions. He always loved your reactions. Everytime you blushed, squealed, smiled, he loved it all. But he also loved everytime you winced, flinched, and cried. He always said you were a pretty crier.
You sob more at the memory. This isn't the first time this has happened. You started to take note on how he would spend weeks building you up, making you feel loved. Just to tear you down and watch you break. You noticed but you still stayed. You loved him after all. He loved you too, just had a weird way of showing it, you tried to convince yourself. He seemed to enjoy watching you sink and break until he came right before you hit rock bottom. He would comfort you, say just how cute you are. Can't go on without him being there, now can you? It's so cute how you love him so much. He promises he loves you too.
And you believe him. Well at least that part of your brain that so desperately want to be loved does. Everything feels to much at this moment. Your mind is just too clouded with him and all your emotions, you grip your own skin for leverage. Your nails pierce your skin and you continue to cry harder. It's hard to breath, your lungs are fighting for air. You can't stop shaking. It feels like so much but so little is happening. Your so distracted you don't even hear the foot steps approaching. You only notice when they stop at the door and you immediately know who it is. The person you were waiting so desperately for.
Jade steps through the door frame and quickly locks the door. A smile decorates his face so beautifully you feel your heart ache despite all the pain.
"Aw, prefect, honey~". He drags you into his arms and you let him. Feeling calmer now that he's here. "Did I leave you alone to long again?".
Though your calmer now you still can't properly respond. Instead you cling to him, begging to know why he left this time.
"I got bored, and I was just dying to see that pretty face of your cry~". He sounds so calm it sends chills down your spine. You know it's wrong, a healthy relationship would make you feel like this. Wouldn't leave you like this. But I mean hey, he likes your reactions right? That's still apart of you right? He grabs your face and gently wipes away your tears cooing at you softly. You lean into his hands, into him. Your body is still shaking but the tears have calmed. "Your so sweet y'know? This just shows how much you love me when you don't leave." He looks you in the eyes and all you can do is nod. You know he's manipulating you, but you can't help it. You just love him to much. As long as he stays it's ok, right? He knows you love him it's ok.
"I need you, I love you so much, yeah? You mean the world to me, darling. I'll never leave you, I promise."
You know it's a lie, you know you probably won't be able to handle it if he left again. But you just nod and kiss him. Kiss him to forget the pain he caused. Kiss him to forget the thoughts that make you want to leave. Maybe you are a little dumb, but if it's for him it's fine. He does it best anyway.
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ladylooch · 1 year
Soft Thoughts Sunday - Timo & Emma
Fourth and Final Soft thought that I am just now finishing: Timo/Emma- very beginning of when they finally are official! Emma feeling a little insecure about whether she’s doing this whole relationship thing right (she’s not the best chef, she can’t come to a lot of games like other wags bc work, etc) and timo reassures her that she is perfect and all that stuff doesn’t matter to him 🥰
“I have a surprise for you.” I clap my hands excitedly when Timo comes home from practice. 
Today is a good day for me physically. I had some queasiness early this morning that went away after I ate toast for breakfast. With my newfound health, I have been working on a perfect day date for my baby daddy and I next week. Timo is going on a mini road trip right before, but will be back Wednesday for a full off day- no practice, no team commitments- a full day to do whatever we want. I’ve got appointments booked, reservations confirmed and a whole outline of a day down to the minute in my planner. 
“Yeah?” Timo chuckles, dropping his bag by the couch before joining me at the kitchen counter. “Missed you.” He curls down to capture my lips. His hand comes to my neck, stroking my cheek as his tongue laps against mine. “How are you feeling?” He wonders as he sits on the stool next to me.
“Great!” I exclaim brightly. 
“Okay, I can tell you really want to share this with me.” His hand falls down to my upper thigh. It barely rests there before his fingers are reaching for my bump.
“Next week.. on Wednesday… we have the perfect day planned. We have brunch. We have massages. We have facials. We have private shopping experiences. We have a quaint, French dinner for two on a roof top overlooking the Hudson River. Then we can come back here and recreate how we made this.” I press his fingers deeper into where our baby grows. “Might even try to squeeze into that dress again.” We both chuckle, knowing there is no way that little green thing is zipping with how much I have grown.
“That all sounds so great, babe….” Timo cringes slightly, threading our fingers together against my stomach. “If I was in town.” All the color drains from my face. 
“Wait, what? No I checked… the calendar.” I sputter, grabbing my phone from the counter. I pull the calendar app up, tucking my hair behind my ear anxiously. I click over to calendars, realizing I didn’t have Timo’s calendar checked, so none of his trips or games came through. I stare down at the words @ Buffalo Sabres. Tears swirl the text together as a small whimper comes from my lips.
“Oh. Okay.” I say, standing and pushing back from him and the counter. “Wow, I’m sorry. I really suck at this.” Timo pouts immediately at me, trying to stop me from walking around him. He misses. 
“Hon… no, no, no no.” Timo follows me into the living room. He grabs my arm, gathering me securely into his body. “You’re great at this. You tried. You planned literally my perfect day.” I cover my face in my hands and begin sobbing into his chest. “Baby. It’s okay.” I shudder from my sobs. It was a simple mistake, but it feels like the end of the world. 
“You deserve so much better. Why do you even love me? I can’t cook. I can’t go to all your games. I can’t plan a fucking date. I can’t.. *hiccup* do anythiiiiiiiing.” I’m hysterically crying by the end. Timo squeezes me tighter until I can’t move. It helps calm me. 
“Em, none of those things are true.” Timo murmurs into my ear. “There is nothing you can’t do.” His strong hands rub up and down my back. “I don’t need you to be at every game, or make my dinner or… plan detailed dates.” He speaks against my hair. “All I need is you… right here.. against my chest every night.” I groan out another sob.
“I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve any of this.”
“Baby.” He tilts my face up with his hands. His fingers completely enclose my face as he stares into my eyes. His thumbs collect my tears while he waits patiently for me to come to a calmer state. “You are okay.” He whispers then leans down to kiss across my cheek bones and nose. Carefully, he brushes away the strands of my hair that are getting stuck in my wet, clumpy mascara. I swallow then sigh heavily. “Em, I love you. You’re enough… you’re more than that. I don’t need any of that other shit. Just you, exactly as you are right now.” I nod, then step back from his chest.
“I think I need a recovery nap before I cancel all that stuff.” 
“Leave your phone. I’ll take care of it.” I nod, then walk off into the direction of our bedroom to sleep off my disappointment.
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https-furina · 1 year
happy 100 followers!
i know its been asked already but can i ask for 4. “it was just a nightmare, it’s okay.” with big brother kazuha?
feel free to delete this if you dont feel like it!
✎ the comfort only brothers give.
ft. kazuha + gn!reader
prompt: "it was just a nightmare, it's okay."
w.c. 705 words
content: fluff but i swear it may as well be angst i'm so sorry !! big brother! kazuha, entirely platonic, there's only a few years difference between them - it's not too drastic, a little (scoffs at my own words) angsty bc it occurs after tomo's death
notes: god i wish i was still this close w my brothers hshshsh (perse lore: i'm the youngest sibling)
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for years - in fact since birth, you had always had the room closest to your brother. kazuha was barely grasping the idea of where babies come from when your mother had told him she was pregnant with another child, that he was going to be a big brother. did this mean he had to share his sunsettia snacks? your mother gave him a playful grin when he asked, claiming that she knew you'd prefer amakumo fruits instead. kazuha was elated that not only would he have to not have to share his snacks but he'd have a new friend to play with. he was attached to you the moment you was born, never leaving your side and crying whenever you would cry.
he was justifiably hurt when your parents told him the pair of you couldn't share a room but instead you were placed in the room beside his. growing up, the pair of you created the childish habit of knocking on the wall to communicate with each other. whenever you wanted your big brother, you'd simply knock on the wall and he'd be at your door in moments - his hands usually stained with ink from writing poetry. these habits made you joined at the hip and inseparable, learning each other's likes and dislikes as if your lives depended on it.
it's late in the night when kazuha is head deep in a leather bound tome full of poetry - dating back decades upon decades. the pale moonlight is filtering through his window, which is open as he basks in the cool evening air of the inazuman summer. despite being so at peace, kazuha is perturbed. something feels off and he keeps sending skeptical glances around his room as he tries to find out what's making him so uncomfortable. he's been restless for over a week now, in cohorts with a captain as he plans his escape from inazuma - but that means leaving you behind. you're hellbent on staying with your parents, who are on the brink of their life as they swear their souls to the raiden shogun's tyranny.
kazuha also knows that you're restless too and when you finally get that glimpse of peaceful slumber, it's unrequited. it throws you into a dark sea, making you thrash to keep above water as you struggle to breathe in the deep end. it plagues your mind, playing scenes that happened a week ago. you see his pained eyes, the colour draining from his face and suddenly you're shaking, laying awake in your bed. the sheets are damp from your cold sweat, skin sticky too. a choked sob leaves your lips before you're doing that tuneful knock that's oh so familiar to kazuha. he's heard it so many times over the years - from break ups to ending friendships and sometimes just being mad at your parents.
he's at your door in seconds, hands prying it open quietly as to not make it creak when he sees your shaking form curled up on your bed. kazuha's heart breaks, shattering at the sight of you so vulnerable when you whisper out your brother's name and he's climbing onto your bed beside you. his arms wrap around you as you violently sob into his chest, soaking his shirt.
"hey, hey - breathe," he coos, a hand on the back of your head as he rests his chin on your head, "it was just a nightmare, it's okay."
but it isn't okay. it won't be for a while. you're babbling incoherent sentences about tomo into the fabric of his clothing and kazuha chews his lip, blinking back the stinging in his eyes. his spare hand rubs in motions up and down your back, not minding that you're almost completely soaked in the aftermath of your nightmare. you still see tomo's face when you close your eyes and it draws you to whimper in distress.
perhaps this is the turning point, the moment you realise that you do not wish to stay in inazuma any longer despite longing to fix the relationship with your parents before it's too late. you decide that you wish to go with your brother when you clutch kazuha's shirt in your fists, pressing your forehead to his shoulder.
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© https-heizou 2023.
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Idk why I had this thought of Legacy just.. being rlly sad?? Nothing in particular happened, he's just really melancholic and his energy is drained. Maybe he isn't even sure what he's feeling and why?? Usually he'll go to you, but today he seemed a bit distant until later when you approached him.
I'm not sure how he'd be able to lay on your lap (it's hard for me to visualise it bc of the height but I rlly wanna >A<) but its okay because you're on his lap !! He's holding you super close as you tried to talk to him gently. Honestly it might remind you of Childe when he is depressed, which was a rare sight.
Even if he wasn't energetic, when its time to sleep he doesn't want you to leave his sight. He keeps you in his arms, or is just close in general, hoping that tomorrow will be nice. ^-^
ahhh, i know those days :(( give Foul Legacy lots of love!!
you know something's wrong when he doesn't greet you with a chirp when you return home- instead, your house is silent and cold, the only sound being your footsteps on the floor. you creep upstairs with a sneaking suspicion as to where Childe is, a small smile tugging at your lips when you see the mound of blankets piled on your bed. when you gently nudge the mound, Childe whines and blearily pokes his head out, sitting up with the covers draped over his shoulders. slowly you reach for his face, almost stumbling when his head leans heavily into your palm, and Childe reaches and tugs you onto his lap, burying his face into your neck
you spend the rest of the day there, running your fingers through his fluffy hair and cooing to him softly, your voice soothing his tangled nerves. it reminds you of the nights Childe would return home from Harbinger duties, eyes even duller than usual and shoulders slumped, and you would hold him for the rest of the night, except now Childe has his head pressed into your lap as you scritch behind his twin horns. he's so distraught if you ever have to leave, grasping your wrist and crying out until you sit back down- at times like this, he doesn't want to be alone, feeling like he's back in the darkness of the Abyss. you're his little light, the way you care and love him, even on days where he doesn't want to get out of bed- so please don't leave
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