#now i have to get jumpscared every time i just want to listen to my own playlists
pink-vulpix · 2 years
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l3monlem0n · 6 months
Some Murder Drones Episode 7 screenshots I thought were interesting and my thoughts on them :>
SPOILER WARNING!!!! is spoilering
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Nori, despite being a middle aged woman with a child, appears to be an Otaku or otherwise likes "edgy" and "scene" stuff, as well as listening to nightcore, very much like her daughter. Good for her tbh you're never too old to have fun
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She also has a photo of Khan and what I can only assume is baby Uzi, though it appears to have blue eyes, but maybe it's just the lighting. Still very cute she has a pic of her husband
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As well as all the previously mentioned Otaku stuff, she also drew herself as an anime character. She has a skinsona. Phenomenal (pos)
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Nothing much here, just Uzi coughing up blood. Girl got the goop (gore) inside of her already
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Lab Space. Apparently the Church was just down there and not even the humans know why. The canonicity of this is questionable; it could just be a joke
OT, as per google, stands for "Occupational Therapy". Makes sense for the context, and makes the bottom text funnier
"Fun Time To Universe Big Crunch: 87". The Big Crunch is a hypothetical way the Universe could end, where the universe folds on itself and shrinks into a single point. 87 "what" I don't know. If it's months, that 7 years and 3 months
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Honestly the Murder Drones lore is super confusing. I think what this is trying to say is that every other Zombie Drone is doing poorly, (Except for Yeva), they are trying to reactivate 002 (Nori) via the USB. I'm not sure what this means. Maybe they only got the results they wanted from the two of them, and are trying again with Nori since she was the only other one that worked (also why they got Yeva when she failed; this may all be referring to how the episode opened up) Also, the date says SER. As revealed in the episode Cabin Fever, Copper-9 has months that Earth does not. SER most likely stands for Seramorris, the month revealed in that episode
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Looks like the "bad event" wasn't the first one. Certainly was the last one though lol
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Just a good pic of ghost/hologram V with the scary stuff. Might use this as a wallpaper
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You can literally see the hole in his neck where N bit him in...
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...And it's to the point his HEAD FALLS OFF. (including because I didn't notice the first time around)
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Yup, the idea that Uzi became the Admin for N and V is completely true. I wonder what would've happened if she didn't, since Cyn didn't react whatsoever
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friggin bug (very pos)
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You would not believe how difficult it was to get a good pic of this (I'm using snipping tool lmao). Always a pleasure to see Uzi's doodles. Things her gun can do (upper right):
NOT judge her
Forced prom date (?)
Allows her to say she had friends before she frickin murdered them with sci-fi machinery
The cut off text at the bottom: Plan B: Normal gun + Shoot really fast
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This is while Tessa is looking for something in the lockers. Claws, chains, magnets, Wings, and scribbled "HELP". Looks like the lockers were all specifically to hold the infected worker drones. Oof
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We are in the future now baby. We have rererererereCAPTCHA. Funnily enough, it still couldn't stop a robot
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There is a message board where someone who doesn't like robots is talking. They also are scared. Also no one else is using this system, which is unsurprising. "Ur aight ;)" Wait is the winky face intentional foreshadowing? Or unintentional?
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We get the names of a bunch of other Worker Drones. Unfortunately for all 029 fans, her name was not visible. (also can someone tell me what "JWEB" could be short for?) And Yeva is said to have a patch. That may be the crucible thing idk
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Cyn (which I will be calling this version Skyn [Skin + Cyn]) apparently took of the space suit just to give Doll the Withered Foxy jumpscare. Honestly really terrifying. If this photo was teased before release I think the fandom would've exploded
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Just N being a good boy :3
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The MDs, Cyn's pets. Nori refers to them as "Nerfed" so the "Entity" can ensure control, and says they were made to destroy other hosts. I don't know why Cyn would want them dead, but I'm not the loremaster here. YouTube line is there because I couldn't be bothered after the Railgun image
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Probably already confirmed, but doubly confirmed that a symptom of the Solver is giving Drones organic insides. A Worker Drone body with a rib cage and guts. I wonder what would happen if the infection continued uninterrupted (also R.I.P. Doll I loved you :frown:)
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I'm sure everyone noticed, but when Uzi tried to manipulate Tessa, the ERROR noticed appeared. Already hinting Tessa is not all she says she is
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Apparently the Solver can create Black Hole Saws. Interesting development (Blackhole Blitz)
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I know most people (I think) see this as a joke and N just being a bit of goofball. But honestly, I think he did it intentionally to shock Cynuzi and give Nori a chance. In the Pilot, he licked V's sword to surprise her too, which means he isn't unfamiliar with doing something weird and surprising for the advantage
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Skyn eating Doll's core. R.I.P. Doll again. Seriously, was that Doll in Core Form like Nori was? Or was Nori a fringe case because she was "Exorcised" and this is just a regular core? Questions, questions. Also yeah the Solver also gives you a Core. Fun
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This tag makes me think that this body is Cyn's actual body. Not longer a hologram, but her actual body from the mansion. The reason Tessa gave N, J, and V their names was because that was the first letter of their Serial Designation (she's very uncreative). However, Cyn's tag was slightly faded, which meant her SD couldn't be seen, so Tessa gave her the name "Cyn" after her P/N, even though the other 3 already have the same P/N as Cyn (Tessa, again, is very uncreative)...
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...and for some reason, Cyn or the Solver, which ever theory you subscribe to, decided to wear Tessa as a skin suit for some twisted reason. It did help her with the Captcha. Also scary because this doesn't have the right proportions for an adult (unless Cyn really forced that skin on), which leads me to believe that this is a Younger Tessa, and she faked having an older voice. Maybe I shouldn't call her my wife... I'm sure Eldritch J is still available :^)
(Seriously, the eyes are burnt out, leaving two eye holes over the visor, so she gives herself two X eyes so it looks better. Also yeah we found out what that thing on the "It Came From Copper-9" poster came from. It really was Cyn or Skyn)
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Just a frame of the final...frame... for coolness. I'm probably also going to use this for a background. Also, this is definitely Copper-9. You can see the ring and ringless moon together on the right. Uzi somehow got sent to orbit after falling in the meat hole
Well that was all for now. This series has consumed me entirely, body and soul, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Goodbye and goodnight
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alastor-simp · 1 year
Watching A Horror Movie With Riddle, Leona and Azul
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It's finally October everybody, and there is nothing I love more then watching horror movies during this spooky season. I will do the other dorm leaders soon. Enjoy everyone.
And also question of the day: What are the scariest horror movies you all have watched? Comment Below (For me its the Conjuring, The Ring and The Grudge)
Riddle Rosehearts🍓 + Lights Out💡
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🍓It was gonna take a lot of convincing to have this cutie watch a horror movie with you, especially with how busy he was with homework and his house warden duties.
🍓"My schedule is quite filled at the moment and I don't have the time to waste it away on some trivial matters." Riddle said, as he continued on with his work. Putting on your best puppy dog eyes, you told Riddle that you just wanted to spend some time with him and maybe doing something together and getting into the spooky vibes of October, might be fun and new for him as well since you knew how stern he was with certain things and that he probably never had a chance to experience them due to his childhood.
🍓Having listened to what you said, Riddle's heart melted, feeling upset with himself for being a little mean to you. After a bit of an internal debate, Riddle, flustered, agreed to the horror movie night with you, but only when he was done with his duties. Ecstatic, you glomped Riddle in a bear hug, saying thank you repeatedly, while Riddle remained frozen like a statue, not expecting the sudden hug, but he didn't dislike it (cough cough tsundere).
🍓After a week had gone by, Riddle was finished with all of his duties and you had invited him to Ramshackle, setting up the living room with blankets and pillows, as well as preparing a bowl of kettle popcorn and warm apple cider to enjoy when watching the movie.
🍓Riddle had never watch a horror movie before so he was quick to jump at every little jumpscare that was in this movie. Not even a few minutes into the movie, Riddle had screamed, clutching one of the pillows close to his chest when the evil creature made an appearance.
🍓It was very hard to focus on the movie and not concentrate on the cute redhead, covering half of his face with the pillow, whispering to himself "please turn the lights on" whenever the movie protagonists were in the dark.
🍓Once the credits rolled, Riddle heaved a sigh of relief that the movie was over, but now he was gonna be paranoid whenever he is in a dark room by himself. Sensing Riddle's discomfort, you leaned over and hugged Riddle, telling him not to be afraid.
🍓Yelp, Riddle was definitely not going back to his dorm tonight as he had gotten very comfortable in your embrace that he didn't want to depart from it. The both of you continued to hug each other until you both fell asleep on the couch.
Leona Kingscholar🦁 + Blair Witch Project🧙🏻
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🦁"Not interested" was what you read on Leona's face when you ask him for a movie night together. Leona enjoys spending his evenings, taking naps and not dealing with his annoying duties. Last thing he needed was having to deal with your screams.
🦁Leona knows horror movies are just idiotic, and half of the stuff is so made up that no one could believe in it. Refusing to give up, you challenged Leona saying that he must be a pussy-cat and is just afraid of watching a scary movie with you.
🦁Oh boy, nice job Herbivore, you just challenged the Leona Kingscholar. He leaned closer towards you, giving you his famous smirk and telling you to prepare yourself for challenging him. Honestly you didn't care, you just wanted to watch a movie with him so you were prepared for the consequences.
🦁After getting everything set up at Ramshackle, you made sure to set the mood for the movie. Leona had arrived and made a beeline for the couch, laying his head on one of the pillows, with his arms behind his head. He wasn't really interested in whatever movie you decided to play, so you went with blair witch, as it might be something different for Leona instead of the classic slasher horror movie.
🦁Couple minutes into the movie, Leona had actually managed to stay awake and focus on the movie, wanting to prove to you that he wasn't a scaredy cat, but he was starting to become interested in how the movie was playing out. The characters in the woods were almost like prey, and whatever the witch was in the movie was hunting them.
🦁Leona had taken his eyes off the movie for a second, and turned to look at you, You were covering your eyes with your hands, peeking just a bit so you wouldn't miss anything that happened in the movie, body jumping whenever you heard the scary sounds when the characters were awake at night.
🦁Heh, Leona chuckled to himself, as he was enjoying your reactions to the movie. The movie continued to play, as the characters had arrived at the witches house, hearing the sounds of their friends screaming before ending up in the basement and the camera suddenly crashing to the ground, leaving you wondering what had happened to the two main characters.
🦁Relaxing your body, you heaved a sigh when the credits started to roll. However, you felt something tap the back of your shoulder, causing you to scream and fall off the couch. Leona roared with laughter, clutching his stomach while you sat on the ground in fright wondering what the heck that was. You realized that Leona had used his tail to scare you.
🦁"YOU JERK! YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!" You yelled at Leona, as you still remained sat on the floor, while Leona was still having his laughing fit. Leona had finally stopped laughing, then he reached towards you and pulled you up from the ground, laying his back on the couch and placing you on top of him, face squished against his chest.
🦁Leona said that since he watched the movie with you, he deserved a reward and what better reward then taking a nap together on the couch. He leaned closer to your head, giving your forehead a kiss, then nuzzling it with his chin.
🦁"He's always so rough sometimes, but he's being very sweet right now. Maybe this is his way of apologizing for scaring me?" Thinking that to yourself, you relaxed against him, laying your head closer to his chest, listening to his heartbeat while breathing in his relaxing scent.
Azul Ashengrotto🐙 + Saw🪚
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🐙Asking out to watch a movie with Azul is very difficult without him bringing up the whole "lets make a deal." Honestly, this man needs a reality check and not bring up the whole contract thing left and right.
🐙"Oh ho, you want to go over the contract in private?" Azul smirked, as he was leaning against his desk in the office, ready to discuss parts of the deal with you.
🐙"AZUL! I'm not here to sign a deal with you. I'm hear to ask you if you wanted to have a movie night together at my dorm" Azul, straighten his posture in shock, not expecting that at all. "M-movie night? Me and the prefect? ALONE!?" Internal panic was what filled Azul, but he wasn't going to make it obvious to you and slowly calmed down.
🐙Azul was reluctant to accept your offer, as he wasn't use to this type of stuff, but he would feel very bad if he rejected your invitation, so he said yes
🐙Having arrived at your dorm, Azul was surprised by how much you had prepared for the movie night you had planned. The couch was littered with comfortable pillows and blankets, and a bowl of trail mix instead of popcorn since you knew Azul was on a strict diet.
🐙He was curious what the movie "Saw" was about, but you didn't want to spoil too much, so you decided to tell him it was focused on solving scary puzzles/games. Azul perked with interest once you said game, as he was part of the board game club with Idia, so he was very interested in what this movie had to offer.
🐙A few seconds into the movie, Azul immediately regret showing interest in the movie. He couldn't believe the diabolical games the characters were put through by the killer "Jigsaw". Azul was feeling sick to his stomach, as scenes from the movie continued to play, and the games continued to get worse and worse.
🐙Azul's business facade was falling apart in front of you, as you saw how quickly Azul went from a businessman to a crybaby in a matter of minutes. Feeling bad, you grabbed Azul's hand with yours, interlocking your fingers, as a way to show comfort. That had relaxed Azul a little bit, and he was very thankful that you had done that.
🐙The movie continued to progress and it had arrived at the famous "foot saw" scene. Knowing how gruesome this scene was, you had grabbed Azul's face and hugged it to your chest, preventing him from watching that horrid scene. He was not expecting that hug from you, face bursting a bright shade of red as his head was still against your chest, but he continued to stay where he was, one of his eyes going back to gaze at the screen once you told him the scene was over.
🐙The plot twist at the end of the movie had Azul feeling furious and scared at the same time, he had so wanted the protagonist to survive, only for the hopes of survival to shatter at the end. Azul was going to be having nightmares because of this movie and he was going to hear the phrase "Game Over" repeating in his head.
🐙Azul was trembling in your embrace, feeling traumatized from what he had just witnessed. "Are you okay?" You had asked Azul, who was still leaning against your chest, shaking his head no. Feeling apologetic, you told Azul that he can sleep over at your dorm, and the both of you can stay like this for as long as he wanted.
🐙Leaning your back against the couch, you removed Azul's glasses and set them on the table, then placing your hand on his head, petting his hair. Melting into your embrace, Azul began to relax, eyes slowly closing as he fell asleep on top of you.
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kalifornia1025 · 18 days
The Red Circle Pt. 3 (SPOILERS)
*Cutely drops my notes* 
John’s REALLY struggling with the tech. I almost feel bad for the guy (almost).
Aww the episode starts off with John asking the gang (Mariana & Sherlock) if they’re okay after finding a dead body. Always nice he checks in with them!
Imani’s back, yay!
Oh no, poor Imani…
This exchange:
Imani: “Sorry about this” (sending another red circle pic)
Mariana: “No no no-don’t be sorry”
Sherlock: “Yes you musn’t it’s fantastic”
John: “Sherlock”
Gregson and Mariana are formerly meeting!
John, you’re playing Italian Mob style music to “capture the mood”?? What happened to “not wanting to stereotype?!”
“Ahh do I have a PTSD friend?” John’s new method to making friends apparently 
Mariana’s right this is stupid just GET A NEW MIC!! You can still keep the old one, John!
I now have a mental image of Sherlock staring wide-eyed at a big tv like he’s in a trance and I LOVE it
Aww possible future movie nights with a new tv!!
Wives of Cheshire comeback HA!!
“Oh you out of your trance are you?” Seriously how mesmerized was Sherlock to the tv for John to make this joke TWICE?!
Mariana discovers the next clue, awesome!
Sherlock: “I don’t seem to have (seat)belt”, Gregson: “What a shame” Gregson you’re such a salty bitch and I love you for it
Poor John trying to get around copyright stuff
“That’s a good start, you did knock and you did say please-“ another sweet moment of Sherlock getting better with social norm stuff
Wow John is REALLY stressed, and Sherlock is NOT helping
Hehe Sherlock is an iPad kid confirmed
I’m starting to love John calling Sherlock ‘Sherls’
“What’s the Site manager like? Is he…she…they?” John says nonbinary rights
John: Ah I’ve stepped in piss”, Sherlock: “Show me the urine”…um what???
You really can’t catch a break your shoes, huh John?
I’m listening to Sherlock and John talk about possibly reaching down into toilets in order to solve the case…man I love this podcast
John: “You’re doing the next one”, Sherlock: *sharp inhale* “fine” tbf Sherlock this was YOUR idea
“The Patreon numbers are gonna collapse” no such thing sir I’ve checked and we’re all here and loving this
Sherlock: “Imani would you perhaps like to have a go?”, Imani: “No”, Sherlock: “Bugger” I love how quickly he says it
Neuralizer mention! I love the Men in Black movies so much
OOOH, John and Sherlock making the realization at the same time!
Sherlock why do you always have a gun??
“English pigs, wot?” John sounded so genuinely confused by that
Okay as painful as that cliffhanger is, this case is getting GOOD! I’m loving it. It’s definitely jumping up to my top five fave cases from the podcast. I was not expecting the case to be as silly as it is, and I’m absolutely relishing in it. I love the irony of John insisting this case is gonna be a bad one when I’m loving every minute of it! Alright everybody, now we just have to not die from waiting on the last part…see y’all next week!
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livdem1human · 2 years
My Headcanos on how Death would interact with you❤️‍🩹
///Platonic and Romantic///
!Gender neutral
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- First of: He would probably be a little confused why you're not Afraid of him but find it amusing at the same time.
- Would be friendly but try to keep his distance
- Sharing a drink with You and maybe have some small talk won't hurt right? HAH wrong.
- Him Being Death includes not really having someone to talk to so he would probably Talk. A. LOT. (Like have u seen him interact with puss? This puppy wants to be heard)
- He would also enjoy it when you share some of your life Stories, doesn't even matter if they're happy Stories or not.
- Does actually enjoy the time with you.
- If you ask him to meet up again, he would totally be cocky about it.
- Like "Oh you will see me again either way" and then just disappear.
- Will never admit it but totally wants to see you again aswell
- After your first encounter he Would totally just appear next to you some day and start talking to you like it's the most normal thing in the world.
- You somehow managed to get this oversized Puppy attached to you? Congratulations, you now have to get used to constant jumpscares.
- Fr tho He will just appear out of nowhere.
- Tbh i think he would at first still be a little distant emotionally
- You give him a comfort he never knew he needed
- Can and WILL protect you. Someone tries to hurt? He will absolutely terrorize them.
- Is the biggest softie for you. But look at him with doe eyes and he will melt right then and there.
- definition of "They fell first, he fell harder"
- He LOVES giving you pet names.
- Some he would use on a Daily basis are: Sunshine, Love/ my love, Darling, Dear or Flower
- And then he has specific pet names he uses to tease you: Bunny, Lamb, Dove
- You want him to shut up for once? Boop the snoot.
- Would absolutely nuzzle his cold nose into your neck out of nowhere.
- is pretty cold for someone with fur in general
- You notice hes Tense? Pls Scratch his ears, or rub his sides/Back.
- Is so touch starved, he will lean into any and every physical contact with you.
- he's also extremely cuddly.
-(edit) Love bites >>> fr tho, he would lightly bite into your cheek or shoulder to get your attention
- King of respecting boundaries.
- Will make you wear his Poncho. He loves seeing you in it.
- "It looks better on you anyways my love"
- You feel insecure about something? Oh boy.. the moment he finds out he will snatch you, sit you down on his lap and give you a shit tone of reassurance.
- Honestly i think you don't have to be worried about arguments/ fights with him. This man has been around since the begging of time, he's seen basically everything so making him mad enough for him to actually argue with you would be hard.
- has a constant inner conflict with himself about the whole situation tbh. He knows he shouldn't like you in such ways or even have a relationship with you. But he just can't help himself.
- it's such a chliché, but you're the light in his life (or not life? idk) He won't let anything happen to you.
Holly shit this turned out longer than expected. I would say it turned out pretty good tho
If you notice any typos or Grammer mistakes pls let me know! English is not my first language ^^°
Little extra note: I've always loved this song but lately i have to think of him when i listen to it❤️‍🩹
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radioisntdead · 5 months
Can I make a request for headcanons on Vox and the reader is his clingy teen daughter? She's always following him around, randomly hugging him, always rambling to him or gossiping with him, whenever they sit together she just leans on him or puts her head on his lap and asks him to check her hair for bugs (she just wants him to run his hands through)
Good evening my dear! I hope you enjoy these headcanons they're a little shorter then intended my apologies! I imagine reader following Vox around like a duckling
I'm using a older header I made ages ago for vox here, might keep this one because I really like how it looks
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You know when someone thinks of father - daughter bonding activities FALLING TO HELL ISN'T ONE OF THEM.
I imagine you'll look alot like Vox, minus the TV head [and lack of hair] maybe like a cyborg?? Robot?? Or maybe YOU DO HAVE A TV HEAD and wires that act like hair?? I don't know that's up to you,
Father daughter hats, matching hats you have matching hats.
As Vox is the tech guy of hell you get ALL THE NEW ELECTRONICS, newest phone even if you don't want it, top of the line laptops, you like those little electronic toys? He'll give em' to you,
Furbys are banned though they remind him of Alastor, you used to call him Uncle Alastor. When they used to be buddies
Valentino needs to be supervised by either Vox himself or Velvette if he's near you.
Honestly Valentino acts like a creepy step parent, you should totally rip out his other antenna.
Velvette on the other hand IS YOUR OLDER SISTER PR COUSIN FIGURE, she uses you as a model sometimes, you're always dressed in whatever is trending or whatever is trending in the aesthetic you like.
I imagine when Vox has his meetings you're just chillin' in the back playing on your hell-tendo switch and adding in your two cents every once in a while.
Vox could be yelling at someone for being incompetent or something and you just prance on in like "PAPA I REQUIRE AFFECTION" and just hug him, he stops for like two seconds to give you attention and then goes back to yelling at the poor sinner who mucked up.
I can see you kinda being apart of the Vee's but not officially yet since you're not an overlord, but once you become one you'll get assigned a V name or something probably I don't know. Maybe they start calling you violin or violence
Honestly I can see vox's daughter as someone very into fandom spaces and Internet culture [like on the CUSP of chronically online but not exactly crossing that boundary yet, YET.]
I imagine you wait outside of his door at like 6:30 am when he wakes up just so when he goes to make himself coffee he's just JUMPSCARED by you,
"ACK WHO THE FU- Oh good morning sweetie why are you awake- did did you sleep at all??"
"nope, I binged watched a show, that being said, SO THE PLOT IS -"
And you just ramble while he's groggily making coffee.
I don't think he'd be one to care about gossip all that much unless it involves someone he's interested in COUGH, COUGH ALASTOR COUGH COUGH ACK
But he'll listen to you go on about how someone in one of the fandom communities you're in got into a scandal because they apparently pissed off 'Arson Carson ' on sincord but Arson Carson got exposed for being a creep or whatever, or even just petty gossip like how someone in a group chat you're in on sinstagram is being a creep but NO ONE ELSE BUT YOU AND YOUR FRIEND CAN TELL.
Now I do this with my best friend sometimes they'll be on their phone or something and I'll just plop my head on their knee and scroll on my phone, I imagine that's what you and Vox do but he'll probably pat your head,
I imagine he'll probably do your hair sometimes, like puts it up In a ponytail, that's the only hairstyle he knows [My dad fr fr]
I imagine Vox gives you piggy back rides, or tries to, you just hang on his back like a koala, you cannot grow up in his eyes you'll always be that small child, missing a couple of teeth, who'd brag about her dad working in the TV on the playground, you can do no wrong!
You probably killed a guy, or maybe set something on fire.
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Good evening folks I hope you enjoyed! This would've been a little longer but they GOT DELETED the first time I was writing them so that was fun, anyways as always thank you for tuning in and I hope you all have a wonderful night!
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literallygwenstacy · 2 months
Your Gwen and Hobie dynamic hcs???Canon compliant,self-indulgent,etc!!I see them as either a t4t couple or siblings :] Also polyship them with Miles and Margo ofc
Hmmmm BET
-Hobie wakes up SUPER early to make Gwen pancakes almost every day (they’re her favorite), and he puts a buncha bananas and chocolate chips in them 😋
-MOVIE NIGHTS!!! Every weekend! I can picture Gwen and Hobie staying up till like 1am watching something on Hobie’s TV, Hobie makes popcorn and Gwen usually gets to choose the movie, but when Hobie picks a movie it’s either the goofiest shit you’ve ever seen or some crazy horror shit he picks just to scare Gwen (she secretly loves it though)
-Hobie’s a morning person, but Gwen DEFINITELY isn’t. Hobie would hover over Gwen at like 6am while she’s sleeping and blast an airhorn in her ear while yelling “RISE N SHINE!”
-I feel like Hobie would randomly ruffle Gwen’s hair, not because it’s soft or anything, but because he just wants to mess it up cause he thinks it’s funny 😹
-Ohhh Hobie would TOTALLY let Gwen paint his nails. Probably for a dare or something but I think he’d actually like how it turns out. He’d choose all the craziest color combos and Gwen would be all like “HOLD STILL” as she mischievously giggles and Hobie regrets all of life choices. This whole entire thing could also work the other way around actually (New headcanon: Hobie knows how to paint nails)
-They definitely play Roblox together at like 2am, mostly horror games. I can see both of them screaming at the top of their lungs when they get jumpscared but Hobie would scream at everything even if it’s not a jumpscare and Gwen would just laugh hysterically (Just like my last headcanon, this could also work the other way around)
-Hobie offered to teach Gwen how to play guitar one time and she said yes, so now she takes guitar lessons with him almost every day, and in return Gwen teaches Hobie how to play the drums 😸
-Hobie occasionally plays in the Mary Janes and almost all of them are DOWN BAD for him. Like when Gwen first introduced them to Hobie they all fell in love the second they saw him. Oh and when Hobie can’t play, he comes to their shows and has the proudest smile on his face when he watches Gwen play the drums. <3
-When they’re on missions together, each of them has one AirPod in so they can listen to some music. They have pretty similar music tastes but Hobie mostly listens to punk rock and metal, and Gwen also listens to punk and classic rock. They show each other their favorite bands while they’re swingin’ around.
-Since Hobie’s dimension is set in like the 70’s, he takes Gwen to all sorts of places that don’t exist in Earth-65 anymore. He also takes her to a ton of concerts, cool restaurants, aaand clubs, pubs, and bars. How did they get in you may ask? Hobie has a couple of fake ID’s 😼 (they’ve definitely been kicked out of at least 5 places)
-Gwen steals all of Hobie’s stuff, mostly clothes but it can be anything. Oh, he has a cool pair of shoes? She’s taking them (canon). He has a nice jacket? Snatched. A poster of a band she really likes? BOOM! It’s hers now. She’ll usually leave sticky notes next to the thing she stole so Hobie knows who took it, but he’ll figure out who stole it anyways.
-Gwen stays up late and gushes on about Miles for HOURS to Hobie without even realizing how long she’s yapping for, and Hobie just listens with a smirk on his face.
-They got matching piercings!!! Hobie’s amazing at piercing stuff and has a shit ton of jewelry, so sometimes he lets Gwen borrow some or if it’s REALLY special he’ll give some to her as a gift. And Hobie lets Gwen do wacky shit to his hair, like giving him braids or dying the ends pink so he can match hers. Speaking of which, Hobie helped Gwen dye her hair pink when she first decided she wanted to :3
-They both have a soft spot for animals, specifically cats. If there’s a cat on the street, both of them are stopping whatever the hell they’re doing to go pet that cat. Hobie takes Gwen to cat cafes all the time, or just cat infested areas. Gwen ALWAYS asks if they can keep them, so sometimes Hobie takes a couple stray cats and dogs back to his place so they can get food and shelter. (He’s so sweet guys)
-(WARNING!! very angsty) Sometimes Hobie walks in on Gwen while she’s crying, he immediately gets concerned and always rushes to her to ask what’s going on while he speaks in the gentlest way possible to try and calm her down. Hobie is one of the only people Gwen feels comfortable opening up to, so she tells him things she normally keeps bottled up. Gwen starts rambling on and on about how she really feels while more tears form in her eyes and her voice becomes shaky as she starts to breakdown completely. Hobie then pulls Gwen into a hug, and she clings onto him tightly as she cries into his shoulder, Hobie rubs her back in a soothing way to try and comfort her in any way he can.
-PILLOW FIGHTS!!!!! 90% of the time, Hobie’s the one who starts them. While Gwen is just chilling on the couch or about to go to bed, he’ll just *WHACK* and Gwen fights back and it ends up lasting for like 30 minutes. Oh and I can also imagine them having water gun fights at Hobie’s place.
-Amusement parks. They LOVE amusement parks and arcades, especially Gwen. She’s obsessed with rollercoasters and always asks to go twice, and Hobie is a god at all the arcade games, and he always wins stuff for Gwen. Bonus: One time Hobie won Gwen a baby deer plushie and she named it Miles.
Okayyy I hope you enjoyed these silly headcanons and I’m sorry there’s so many I got a little carried away aauahsjskks but tysm for the ask this was really fun to make!! ^_^
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delusionalwings · 1 year
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― synopsis -> your boyfriend sully (satan) takes you to his house to introduce you to his family
― characters -> demon brothers. satan in lead
― gender neutral reader
― scenario
― warnings -> yandere content, using magic on you that makes you unable to move, a character tries to choke you, scaring you, mentions of satan being a toxic boyfriend
― a/n -> hi i am alive. was busy with semester end exams. after sleeping for a few days and relaxing in general, i have regained my motivation to write again :")
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You truly didn’t know what to expect when your boyfriend Sully told you that he wanted you to meet his family. You would be lying if you said that you weren’t partly excited about it. Was it not a way of saying that he was serious about you and about what you two had?
When the door to the House of Lamentation creaked open, you shuddered. The place seemed so cold and ruthless, so devoid of humanity that you hesitated before taking the first step inside. It was probably just your imagination. After all, seven grown up working adults could hardly maintain such a large house without help and give it homely feel at the same time too. You reasoned that it was asking for a lot.
When Sully extended his hand with a soft smile, you relaxed and decided to cut his family some slack. You wanted these people to like you so you might as well start by liking them first. Give what you expect back, right?
You smiled and decided to be pleasant as he guided you to the living room.
“Make yourself at home there, [Name],” said Sully, pointing at a comfortable chair. “I will go and find my brothers. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in an instant.”
He kissed you and turned to leave.
You fidgeted uneasily, “Okay... Just... please be quick.”
When he was gone, you looked around nervously. Goosebumps erupted on your skin as the feeling of being watched and assessed washed over you. What was this cold fear that made you immobile?
“You smell nice. I wonder what you taste like,” a voice said from the shadows.
A scream escaped your lips and you were on your feet in an instant.
“Wh-Who? Who’s there?”
“Beel hon, shhh. You are scaring the cute little thing,” another voice chirped. It was a melodious voice but you didn’t notice that under the given circumstances.
You were looking at every direction, trying to discern the source of danger.
“Oiii would ya shuddup?! I am tryna see if the human has anything valuable and with them moving around cause of your chit chat, it’s difficult to notice.”
You realised that you were fixed to the spot. Your throat felt constricted with panic.
Another voice sighed.
“It’s just like Mammon to do what he tells others not to. Now you are the one scaring them, you idiot.”
“Levi, would ya shuddup?!”
Bickering ensued. What was taking Sully so long?
Were they perhaps playing a prank on you? Dear Sully would make an appearance at any time now and tell you that he was just pulling your leg. Right? Somehow you highly doubted that. There was something off about the guy. He was mostly distant but every time you showed signs of questioning the relationship, he would become extremely doting. The timing could not be a coincidence since it happened too frequently for that. He was a grave sort of man and usually used his wit to make you feel like an idiot. When you tried to communicate, he listened and replied as if you were a child who understood nothing. You could see him humiliating you but not in that manner – not when he could make you feel worthless rather than get a mere jumpscare out of you.
You wanted to be anywhere but there. Maybe you should have broken up with that guy long ago. Maybe this wasn’t the sign you so desperately needed to eb together with this guy who made you feel terrible about yourself. Maybe...
“Can you stop thinking so loudly? I am trying to sleep here zzzz”
If you could move, you would have fallen on your butt right then. That voice... It sounded so near you, almost within reach yet your eyes registered no human form.
“Hehe worried that you can’t see me? Lucifer said that it might be more amusing to do it this way. By hiding ourselves, you know? I didn’t do this because he suggested it though. I was always planning to toy with you to see your expression. Hehe can’t say I am not enjoying myself. Satan was right. You really are clueless.”
All at once, you found your voice again. It was like a dam had broken inside and you needed to get it all out.
“Sully? SULLY?! ARE YOU THERE? Are you...” you choked on the words, “Plea... Please SULLY! Please come back-”
On feeling cold hands wrap around your throat, you started gasping for air.
“Shut up, human. Didn’t I tell you that I was trying to sleep?”
“Belphie leave them,” an authoritative voice snarled.
“I don’t take orders from you, Lucifer,” the voice retorted but you felt the presence receding in the darkness again.
Fatigue made you stumble but warm hands caught you before an unfortunate fall on the floor.
“[Name],” a familiar voice murmured. “What happened?”
“Sully!” you felt the corners of your eyes prick. You were saved!
“I am so glad you are finally here,” you wrapped your arms around his neck and cried to your heart’s content. You were finally safe! No, there was no time to be lost. You must get away from that haunted place as soon as possible.
“Sully let us leave this place at once. It’s not... It’s possessed!”
He pulled you away from him gently to stare at you with concern, “What do you mean, [Name]? This is my house. It’s safe.”
“But there’s...” you turned around to point at the origin of the voice that had answered you with infinite hate. However, the darkness was gone and you saw a cold room in its wake. This was not the same room he had left you in.
It just didn’t make sense.
The words got caught in your throat and you scanned the room, dumbfounded.
He sighed and squeezed your arms, “I understand. You are nervous. Don’t worry. It will be fine. My brothers will love you. Okay?”
He did not understand. You needed to make him see.
The sound of footsteps cut you short. A smile appeared on his lips as he tugged at your hand.
“Come. I will introduce you.”
Six figures appeared before you and suddenly the chilling fear from a few moments ago was back.
On hearing the brothers greet you, your heart started pounding quickly.
Those voices... There was no mistaking it. You had heard their voices in the dark.
The one who made you especially anxious was the youngest brother Belphegor who you found sleeping on the couch.
How long had he been there?
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itsascreambaby96 · 11 months
Hi can youwrite somethingwith an ghostface!Robin Buckley x reader sorry if it's too unspecific
if it is please let my know
Thanks :)
A/N:Honestly I love the idea of Ghostface!Robin! Thank you so much for the request!
Warnings: suggestive, but no full on smut. Fluff.
Pairing: Robin Buckley x reader
I bleed for you
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Halloween was your favourite holiday. All of your friends knew that. Your girlfriend, Robin, on the other hand hated it. She hates getting jumpscared, the screams and just everything about it. The only positive thing about it is getting candy for free. But you also got candy on Christmas and Valentine's Day so it didn't really count in her opinion.
Nevertheless she loved you and she loves seeing you all excited. Ever since October started there was a constant smile on your lips. The vibe of the month just got to you. Though Robin knew for you Halloween started way earlier. It always made her giggle when you tried to explain it to her, as it made zero sense to her.
But Robin listened to your every rambled speech. Her eyes shining with love as she looked at you, your hands gesturing wildly around, your excitement almost getting her in the Halloween spirit too. She was so helplessly in love with you. Robin would do anything for you.
That's why she dragged Steve along last minute, really it was one day before Halloween, and Robin now decided to surprise you and show up at your Halloween party tomorrow in costume. You told her multiple times that she didn't had to dress up, that you totally understood that it wasn't her scene at all. Robin's heart clenched at the memory, how considerate you were in regards of her feelings. But it also just confirmed her in making this decision.
But as it was only a day before Halloween most of the good costumes were gone. Robin groaned as Steve showed her yet another stupid Angel costume. This really wasn't her. She knew what you liked. And those were definitely not it.
"Steve I told you those look stupid!"
"Well who knows maybe they suit you. You haven't tried them on yet." He gave Robin a big grin and started to laugh as Robin threw him a look. She was about to give him a snarky retort, when she saw the perfect costume. She knew your love for horror movies. Especially slasher films. Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream. All those. She knew you absolutely adored them! Why? She had no idea.
"I dunno Robs there is just something about a killer being absolutely obsessed with you that just gets me. You know?" But Robin didn't know. What she did know was that you would absolutely love her if you saw her in that costume.
She pushed Steve aside and took the black robe and the white mask. A fake knife was also part of the costume.
Steve gave her a look, raising an eyebrow.
"Don't ask." Robin bought the costume with a satisfied smile. She couldn't wait to see your face oncw you realise Robin would make one of your fantasies come true.
The next day came and Robin got ready late afternoon. She hadn't yet told you that she was to show up at your party. Fully intending on surprising you. The robe luckily fit her well enough and the mask wasn't unbearable. What she wouldn't do for you. Luckily she had some black boots to go with the outfit. She took the fake knife and went out as she heard Steve's car.
Steve complimented her costume.
"Though I still think the Angel costume would have fit better." He chuckled.
He had his doubts if she could pull it off. But as she looked at him with those big black empty eyes like she actually wanted to kill him, he was convinced.
"What even are you supposed to be?"
"Really? Robin I am Han Solo come on!" he groaned. He had put actual effort into his costume.
Robin snorted. "What you are hoping to find your princess Leia?"
He gave her a wink. The both of them laughing. The drive was fun as always and as they parked they could already see people having a good time.
Your house was decorated on theme. Spider webs, skeletons, spiders, blood, ghosts, anything you could think of that screamed Halloween, was here. But it wasn't cheesy. You actually knew what you were doing. You took this serious.
Steve left Robin as soon as they entered. She was looking around for you as soon as she was inside. She spotted you, greeting Steve, who hugged you and went to the kitchen to get something to drink.
Robin took in your costume.
You wore a pink dress, it was pretty and you looked ever the prom queen, if it weren't for the blood covering you head to toe, even the tiara you wore. She remembered how you told her that you had found the perfect dress months ago. Complementing your curves perfectly. You had refused to show her beforehand and Robin had pouted at it. But it was worth seeing you now.
Covered in blood and you still were the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. Robin licked her lips under the mask. She was about to go over to you but then she got an idea and refrained from greeting you.
She grinned. This night was about to be fun.
You were talking with some of your friends, but you could feel eyes on you. Looking around, you saw who they belonged to. Well not exactly who, as you had no idea who was under that mask, but your breath hitched never the less. Now you were a faithful girlfriend and would never ever cheat on Robin. But seeing a Ghostface here made you giddy in a way that you couldn't explain.
You were certain that Robin was home. You would never pressure her in coming to this sort of thing. You weren't mad at her for it, never could. You respect her too much. You could picture her watching some cheesy movie instead of a horror movie, snuggled up on the couch, occasionally handing candy out to kids. A soft smile graced your lips at the thought. Unbeknownst to you Robin saw. She watched you like a hawk.
You gave the starring Ghostface a polite wave and turned back to your conversation. Still you could feel those dead eyes still watching you. Throwing a glance over your shoulder you saw them still looking at you, twirling a knife in their hand, fidgeting almost. It reminded you a bit of Robin. You smiled again at them and turned around to go meet your other friends.
For the whole night you could feel these eyes on you. Whenever you looked the Ghostface was somewhere near, staring at you. It kinda gave you chills. And you tried to stick close to your friends.
Now nearing the end you haven't seen the white mask in over half an hour. Conviced that they must have left.
As you said goodbye to the last of your friends you closed the door. It was somewhere around 3 in the morning. You were tired as hell but you also knew you had to clean up. With a sigh you started in the kitchen. Deep in thoughts about how strange this one person was being all night, you heard a noise. Jumping slightly you looked into the dark living room. But you saw nothing.
With a sigh you returned to your task at hand. But then another noise made you jump.
"Hello? Is someone there?" You called out. A second later you realised how stupid and cliché that sounded. Is someone there, how stupid could you be? You always groaned when someone in a horror movie said that.
Deciding that it must be a guest who didn't get the call that the party was over now, you went into the living room. Turning on the lights you saw none. Confused you looked around. You went onto the patio and turned on the light there too. Nothing.
From the corner of your eye you saw a reflection in the glass door. Whipping around you saw none there. Blinking you rubbed your eyes.
"I must be fucking tired." You mumbled. Dragging yourself back into the kitchen you froze. There in the middle of the kitchen stood the Ghostface from earlier. He twirled his knife on the counter, waving teasingly at you. You really hoped that this knife was fake.
"The party is over. Please leave."
The figure remained as if not hearing you.
"You need to go!" You said with more urgency. The figure tilted it's head at you before lunging at you. With a panicked scream you darted to the living room. The Ghostface hot on your heals. You threw a pillow at them as some form of self defense. You heard the Ghostface chuckle and you could have sworn you knew that chuckle. But you couldn't think clearly right now, scared for your life.
You made a run for the stairs, hoping to get to your room and lock you in. Safe. That was all you could think about.
You almost made it but the Ghostface caught up to you, you could hear them panting. With a cry of yourself you were pinned against the wall beside your door. A whimper left your throat.
"Please... Please don't kill me." You were actually frighten.
"As if I could ever hurt you." The voice spoke. And that voice! You knew it immediately. Your eyes snapped open and a relieved sigh paired with a cry left your lips. Robin lifted her mask smiling brightly at you.
"Surprise?" She was a bit unsure of your reaction now. She could see how scared you were. But a laugh escaped you. A beautiful laugh and Robin was relieved you weren't mad.
"That truly was something else Robs!"You gave her a kiss, still giggling.
"I didn't think you had it in you! I was actually scared!" You smiled at her.
"Honestly I am surprised myself."
"So what do you think of costume?" Robin asked, doing a little twirl. You eyed her up and down.
"Honestly? You look damn sexy as a killer?"
She gave you a wide grin. "Really?"
You nodded, giving her a wicked grin. "Why don't you show me what's underneath this robe?" Opening the door to your room, you walked in backwards. Still watching Robin and how her cheeks tinted back. The confidence she had seconds before already gone. She followed you into the room like a lost puppy. The two of you screaming for a whole nother reason the rest of the night.
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tiredbonbon · 2 years
Pairing: William Afton x reader
Summary: (sort of a pt. 2 to my first post) After your initial encounter with Mr. Afton fate just has to leave you alone once again, and things only escalate from there.
Warnings!: age gap (reader is an adult), innappropriate relationships, making out, afab reader with gn! Prns, light mr. Kink (??)
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Picture creds: Noisx
Your first ‚real’ encounter with the aftons was... an interesting one at the least, events of it plaguing you for days over days. And worst was from it now even your harmless crush on their father, William, that was more something you'd giggle at occasionally than actually have on your mind, just had to blossom into something much worse on your psych...
God, the way he had called you 'luv' had replayed in your mind at least 1000 times, always making you touch your face in embarrassment, remembering how your name rolled off his tongue just a tad too smoothly made your chest ache every time it crossed your mind and worst was you couldn't even stop yourself from thinking about it, it had some kind of spell on your mind.
But who were you truly kidding here? Not only was the man divorced, but he was as old as your father, you really, really doubted he'd ever feel any kind of attraction towards you. No matter how honey smooth his british accent made your name sound. Still it could’nt forbid you from dreaming, right?
You made your best effort focusing on things that were not dilfy friends of your parents, which kinda resulted in a lot of productivity because well, you needed a lot of distraction to take your mind off of shit.
Most days you sat in the corner of your soldering hot room that the AC never reached, uncomfortably crooked over your desk as you scribbled down words in your notebook or listened to whatever angsty music you found in the best seller section of your local mega store. You found yourself avoiding going outside as well, maybe it was the horrible heat, laziness or the hidden anxiety you might accidentally run into your guilty pleasure firsthand.
*Drrrng, Drrrrrrng*
Your head perked up as you heard the muffled sound of your doorbell that was always just barely loud enough to hear when you didn’t have music on, you got up from your desk, sighing, you didn’t know who it was but it may just be some mail, and with how many teenagers were around the block you knew your dad would be pissed if any packages were stolen by some filthy porch pirates.
You went and walked downstairs, lazily making your way over to the door, only to nearly have your soul leave your body when you opened it.
Towering well over you a good 6‘1, you were jumpscared by the exact figure circulating your mind for the past week. „Ah, nice seeing you luv. Excuse me for the disturbance is your fatha‘ home?“
Fuck, there it was again, that god damn pet name. He leaned himself against the doorframe as you quickly remembered that you did in fact have to talk.
„O-OH- Mr. Afton- im so sorry, my dad isn’t at home right now, is there anything I can help you with.?“ you fixed your stance, crossing your hands in front of your lap.
„Ah, I actually just needed some tools I didn’t have at my place, didn’t want to fuss Henry about it.” He replied, “Oh well I can take you to the garage if you wanna take a look for it, why don’t you come inside?” You laughed awkwardly, gesturing behind you.
“That’d be very sweet of you hon, thank you.” He stepped past you inside as you felt your stomach twist, trying to hide your awkwardly curled face and quickly closing the door behind him. “Uh I quickly got to get the keys to the garage, make yourself comfortable.” You gestured to the kitchen table. He obliged, pulling out one of the chairs, “Can I get you anything?” You offered, fidgeting your fingers.
He chuckled, “Your too good to me luv, theres no need.” You laughed along with him, nervously, you felt so awkward and embarrassed at once, you sure as hell still couldn’t handle being alone with him in a room.
You turned back to the cabinets and fished out the key that opened the garage, turning back around to William, he was very obviously eyeing the original chica plushy placed at the side of the stovetop. He probably thought of it as unusual, chica plushies never really seemed popular, with the animatronic herself always standing in the shadow of the others, it always felt a bit sexist to you for some reason but at the same time chica probably also looked the creepiest out of the bunch.
“Hm, you got one of the plushes?” He met your eyes, “Uh yeah, Henry gave me one of those for my birthday.”
“Heh, you like em? I always thought they looked kinda dodgy.” He smirked, picking it up from the counter, “ts, the eyes are way too far apart, is this the kinda stuff kids are into these days?”
He snickered, still looking at the simple toy, “god these are hideous.”
You felt a bit shocked at his nonchalant attitude towards talking down to his own brand, sure he didn’t seem like the guy to actually be interested in the children’s entertainment genre, but that was unexpected.
He looked up to meet your eyes again, “Forgive me, I’m not insulting your taste luv.” He handed you back the plush, “no, no of course not-“ you laughed putting it back onto the counter, “they do look a bit derpy I suppose…”
You pulled the garage keys out, fondling them between your hands, “well I got the keys, right this way.” You gestured towards the hallway where the door to the garage was, you weren’t exactly sure why your dad kept it locked, but it was probably so you couldn’t get in when you were younger and now it was just force of habit.
You unlocked the door, letting him step down the small staircase to the inside before following behind, “what tools do you need either way?” You asked, trying to avoid any awkward silence. He leaned over the workbench, “just a kind of oil, I ran out at home.”
“Oil? I thought the animatronics fur covers could be worn as costumes, wouldn’t that soak in?” You asked, feeling a bit of genuine intrigue. “Costumes? No, that was a long time ago, back at Fredbears Family Diner. Its only a myth nowadays, the animatronics are there to be robots and robots only.”
“Well, if they were functional as both robots and costumes why not do that again nowadays? Seems useful if they ever go defect.” You followed up.
He snickered to himself, “Well, first off, me and Henry are too busy nowadays to entertain guests ourselves, its better to rely on technology to fill that job.”
He suddenly stood back up straight, walking over to you …uncomfortably close, so close you even had to stumble back a bit yourself to keep a little personal space, “Secondly,” You almost choked on the air in your lungs as he popped open a few buttons at the top of his shirt, making you think in all kinds of wrong directions for a moment, before pulling the fabric to the side, revealing an assortment or strangely shaped, noticeable scars. “Springlocks aren’t the safest thing out there.”
Internally, you slapped yourself, but also wondered if …that kind of demonstration was really necessary, “I can tell you, springlock failures ain’t pretty, I’d know it.” He pulled his shirt back into place, you meet his eyes for a moment, then looked away feeling how he loomed over you.
It took you a moment of complete silence to realize that you were indeed blushing, and that William was observing all of that.
“Heh.” His lips twitched up before he turned back to the workbench, looking around the tools messily scattered around.
‘Heh?’ FUCKING ‘HEH’??
"Since those costumes served as both costumes and animatronics with minimal prep' time, even if a human was in it there would still be a lot of metal round' the body." He explained carefreely, scanning across the objects around, "Its supposed to be held back by the springlocks but, if those things came loose at any point the metal springs right back into place and it'd be lights out."
You felt yourself heat up all around your body, staying frozen not knowing what to do, you weren't truly listening in to his explanation anymore, your mind too fixed on previous events. “Shame, seems like you don’t have it here…” he sighed standing back up, “hm? Y/n?”
You pulled yourself back to reality, “oh apologies I uh..." you fingernails scratched the side of your neck, trying to find some way to either end your sentence. “Hm, are you okay luv?” He raised an eyebrow at you, resting his hands on his sides, “you have been looking a little dazed for a while now…” he inched closer.
You stepped back, not stopping him from approaching you further , like a wild animal inching at its prey. Now it was getting strange, seriously strange. Yet you still didn’t know what to say or do in the slightest.
You pressed air into your lungs, trying to build confidence to speak, though right as your lips parted, you felt the stone wall slam into your back, knocking all air from your chest.
He cornered you.
You flickered your eyes up, his face now dangerously close to you. The entire feeling of his aura washed down on your body, making you shrink together. His breath barely brushed your skin as his eyes wandered up and down your face.
What was he doing, what the fuck was even happening right now.
“Your too adorable…” he breathed, the chairs on your neck standing up at his tone of voice, “M- Mr. Afton you-“
He cut you off, “whats the low voice for hon? You don’t think I’d hurt you, right?” You shivered, feeling his fingers brush up your neck, as if they were imitating a blade, “Would I?”
You felt dizzy, he was touching you, even if it was so slight, it was like you fell into euphoria. “Please…” your voice whined quietly, even if you didn’t fully see it, you knew he was grinning, it was unspoken, but he saw right trough you, he, a man twice your age, and an entire head taller than you, had you cornered and pressed up against a wall, and you were loving it.
“Your too sweet for me…” he sighed, his lips barely speaking above yours as a high squirms escaped you , his hand making its way around your waist, “Knew it, you dirty dog…” his eyes narrowed, before he closed the near to desperate gap between you, his lips pressing down against yours.
Your eyes widened, as it took a moment for you to realize what was happening wasn't just your fantasy.
Your hand clung to the side of his shirt, trying to keep up with the sudden, extreme friction he forced on your lips without warning. God fuck, he was close, he was fucking kissing you, it felt unreal. He ripped your hand from his side, pinning it above your head before subtly pulling his lips from yours, only to slam them right back into each other, this time forcing your mouth open along with it.
“Mh-“ you moaned, his hand gripping yours as you let him fully push you back against the wall. You struggled back against his hand keeping you pinned for a moment, just to test it, but were quickly humbled feeling how firm his grip on you was.
He finally parted from you, leaving only a small string of your own saliva hanging from your lips. You let your head hang, knowing he was staring right ahead at you.
"Look at me luv." He commanded low toned, his hand moving from your waist and grabbing your face.
He pulled you up to face him, leaning in so close you could feel the bridge of your nose lean against his. "Yes, thats it." He smirked, "look at me with those eyes."
He rucked you against the wall again, this time pushing his body right into yours.
'holy shit...' you thought you imagined it for a second, but there was no mistaken, you were actually getting him hard.
You inhaled sharply feeling kisses pressed to your neck, okay so, this was now gradually evolving into full on making out… „ah…“ you moaned under your breath, feeling his lips run along your skin.
„You should get something to remember me by luv, here let me help…“ he cooed in an obvious teasing fashion, his hands suddenly let go of your arm and face before tightly grabbing your waist, pulling you in.
„Mr. Aft- AH-„ you moaned probably a decibel too highly as his teeth pressed down into the soft flesh of your neck. Your latched onto his back as your head slowly let your head fall into his neck, it felt like a bit of an overstep in terms of body contact but damn, he had kissed you so what else could there be?
You felt an obvious, sore hickey forming on your neck, just low enough so it could be covered with a loose fitting shirt, but still placed in a way you knew it was there if you looked in the mirror, in a way that would probably make him stick in your mind for a lot longer.
„Mr. Afton..~“ his name rolled of your tongue as you basically whispered right against his ear, his grip on you tightened for a moment before he slammed you back into the wall behind you, almost a little too roughly.
His hand wrapped around your thigh, nearly pushing it up far enough to almost reach his shoulder, „keep calling me by that and I might just have to fuck you right here and now…“ he huffed, looking straight into your eyes. You face reddened dramatically, and you couldn’t help but fall into instant lust thinking about him pounding you raw, not leaving room for breath…
His lips twitched up, „would you want that?“
You felt like your breath got caught in your throat, no you couldn’t just say that, but you did… you bit your lip.
God how you wished to feel him, at this point, you had forgotten your morals, you wanted him to loom over you and to rip every slither of innocence from your body, no matter how harsh. He chuckled as you felt his body grind against yours, breathing heavily from the feeling.
„Fuck… please-„
„Y/n?! Are you around?“
You froze. That was undoubtedly your dearest mother‘s voice. Your eyes hesitantly met William‘s, who seemed equally confused, having stopped all movement as well.
„Oh, shit“
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halfetirosie · 5 months
Quincy is Unintentionally Comedy Gold; Edmond Is Fuckin COOL and I LOVE HIM ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
(Prison Cell 08-010 React-os!)
Guys, am I tripping, or are the Part 2 chapters significantly longer than the ones in Part 1 of this event?
1. PFFFFFT (≧∇≦)
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Quincy... you sleep all the time, everywhere... Just how stressed were you that YOU couldn't sleep, and turned grumpy about it????
BRUH 🤦‍♀️
2. T....Topper-nese.....Quinglish......
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3. Topper is the ULTIMATE HOMIE!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
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No, but, for real!!! I think sometimes we forget--since we, too, or not well-versed in Topper-nese--but every time we seen Topper looking out for Eiden and being genuinely concerned for him, it just warms my heart right up!!! What a dude!!!!
4. PFFFFFT (≧∇≦)
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Quincy was literally only trying to talk to that guy, but the poor dude got so scared he immediately shifted into Fight or Flight mode!!!!
Yes, I realize that Quincy is just a Giant Man to people that don't know him, and I realize that they were in prison. BUT. Given the context we have, someone getting SO SPOOKY by just a Casual Quincy is hilarious to me.
I do feel kinda bad for Quincy, tho.... 😅
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YO. I was NOT expecting to see him here! Like, I started reading the bit with Eiden praying with everyone, and I just thought, "Oh my god, are they--?" And then, POOF! There's our boi, in all his glory! XD
In my defense, since they already pulled the 'ol Surprise Visitors in Part 1 (with the Yakumo Jumpscare), I didn't think they would do it again, okay??
6. I honestly love it when events tackle big societal issues; it happened in the last event, and it's happening again now!
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Eiden's got me like:
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(I keep finding myself in situations where I just HAVE to use this dumbass meme I made XD)
Nah, but this really is a conversation-starter, ain't it? Eiden does have a point--whether you give lawful justice of vigilante justice, at the end of the day, do either of those do anything to change the corrupt system?
Personally, I think there's a time and a place for either of those, but idk if I want to get into all of that right now... I'M not the one majoring in Philosophy...
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Listen. First in the Character-Ask Meme, then in the Giant Ed-Post for Fanfic Writers, what do I keep saying???? Time and time again?????
Hell, even Quincy (in his infinite wisdom) knows what's up.
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Lord help me, I just can't stop simping for this man.....
♡ End of report ♡
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Okay so I just finished episode 5 of Young Royals (s3). That was one hell of an Arcade jumpscare, I heard that piano come in and it was quite jarring bc I've listened to that song so fucking often.
Now onto the spoilers:
Simon's reasoning may be off but he's fucking right. This entire season Simon has been there for Wilhelm as much as he possibly can. He was there when Wilhelm needed him, did everything that was asked of him, even going as far as deleting his social media accounts. And for the entire season Wilhelm wasn't there for him. During the strike Wilhelm chose to participate even though the strike itself clearly upset Simon, and in the end it was Simon who came back and joined Wilhelm. When Simon posted the song, Wilhelm called him to tell him not to post such things, and telling Simon that the song was beautiful seemed like an afterthought. Wilhelm keeps being so stressed about appearances (which I know he also doesn't want to be, but he is), and keeps making Simon conform to the expected appearances. Of course Simon is going to be done with that eventually! Simon is going through his own trouble with being harassed, having his home attacked, and his fight with Sara, and it feels like he's dealing with it without Wilhelm. Sure Wilhelm sends Farima and security to help when the brick is thrown in, but he isn't there himself for Simon. Throughout all of that, Simon still makes sure to be there for Wilhelm, and to be sweet to him, and listen to him. Meanwhile Wilhelm gets a revelation about Erik and doesn't even bother to talk to Simon about it until it boils over into a shouting match that he's essentially having with himself. Sure he apologizes after, but that exactly is the pattern:
Wilhelm does Simon wrong, then apologizes, and Simon is just happy things are back to no longer fighting. Meanwhile Simon does his very best to adhere to rules he didn't sign up for and doesn't even know, and Wilhelm keeps telling him that he's doing things wrong.
I completely understand not wanting to give up on the relationship bc Simon already lost so much for it, and is generally enjoying it, but this relationship is so fucking unbalanced, and they have such different views of the future (Simon wanting to be in a relationship with Wilhelm where he doesn't have to hide that from the world and can still be his own person, Wilhelm wanting Simon in his corner to be there for him behind closed doors), that I fully believe that breaking up is the right move, and has been the right move for a long time.
For predictions for the finale: I do expect them to get back together. They are so fucking cute together, that I really want to see a world where they could be in a happy relationship, and open to the world about it. I would like for the season to end in a place where that is possible. However, this is also Young Royals, a series that wants to hurt us at every turn, so I also fully expect the season to end at a somewhat happy impasse, or even with them just fully broken up and both picking up the pieces. I'd love to see them get back together and fix their relationship, but bc all the aforementioned things, I'm also happy if they both just break up and find a way to move on with their life.
Also I'm glad I'm only just watching this now, bc that was one hell of a cliffhanger to have to wait a week on. (Though tbh I don't binge Young Royals that much since usually I have to sit for a few minutes and gather my thoughts before being ready for the next episode anyway.)
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sapphirerogers · 2 years
And She Was a Goddess (Steve Rogers x f!reader)
[Warning: body image issues; mentions of abuse and if you squint, manipulation; insecure reader; nudity; light innuendo at the end. Lemme know if I missed a warning]
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Summary: Some conversation between you and Steve led to him setting up his canvas to draw you naked, but somehow you can't seem to find the perfect pose. Turns out, that's not where the problem lies.
"You know what's messing with us?" Steve peeked at you from above the straight line of the canvas. You had been shifting around for fifteen minutes trying to get comfortable, you both knew it wasn't exactly working.
"You're tense. Nervous."
You nodded slowly.
"Okay," his frame appeared beside yours swiftly as he took one of your hands, your bodies touching nowhere else. "It's okay to be tense. Can you tell me exactly what's making you tense?" he asked gently, soothing your nerves with every caress of his voice in the quiet night.
You thought hard for a while, trying to zone into specific parts of your worry. "It's my first time being naked in front of anyone."
"Alright, that's understandable. We can take all the time for you to feel easy right now. We have all night. You have to trust me. And trust yourself."
"I'm worried that…" You hesitated, then changed your words before they came out, "that the painting won't come out right." Your eyes widened as you realised what you were implying. "Not that I'm saying that you can't-"
"Calm down," he chuckled, the melodic sound taking you to heaven, "I know what you mean. Listen, if it doesn't go the way we thought, there's always more paint and paper. And the rest of the weekend. We'll figure it out."
"I'm thinking…I don't make a beautiful muse." You whispered so quietly he would have missed it if not for his super soldier hearing.
He looked into your eyes and then looked around the room, gaze settling on the full length mirror. "Come here," he tugged you to your feet effortlessly, "You see that thing?"
"Yes, why?"
"I want you to go stand in front of it. Facing the glass."
The soft but dominant tone of his voice had you nearly buckling at the knees. He had a way of bringing out the submission in you that you didn't even know existed. The submission you were delighted to have found. You had finally brought yourself to trust him with your life and heart. As a child, you always had to look out for yourself, running from your abusive family, running from a malicious neighbourhood; as a teen, from people who only wanted to use you for everything you could offer.
Being able to give everything up to this man, to completely surrender to him and let him control the decisions for even a brief period of time was freeing for you, ironically. Not having to decide meant not having to worry. That you were safe with him. Sheltered.
So when he responded to your confused glance with a gentle push in the direction of the mirror, you obeyed him without asking any questions, terrified as you were of the reflection surely awaiting your insecure gaze.
Looking at the woman who stared back at you, you couldn't help but point out to yourself just how badly made she was. How was that beautiful?? How could anybody want that basic looking creature? Want to hold that anything but shapely body? How could someone look at her-
"Now," Steve all but jumpscared you as his face appeared right next to yours, nuzzled close to your ear. A perfect face, you thought. Blessed with hair like fields of corn. Crystal eyes like an ocean in bright summer. Lips like rose petals blown apart. Sharp lines of facial structure that, along with umpteen other gifts of his, had cut through your walls as easily as a knife through water. Dimples whenever he graced you with a flash of shining pearls.
Handsome. Beautiful.
"Now," You were jerked out of your thoughts by the deep timbre, "I want you to look at yourself very carefully, pinpoint exactly which things you think make you anything less than beautiful."
You stared for a while. This was hard for you to do. You had never really focused on a certain part of yourself; you just kept telling yourself that you were unattractive in general.
"I have thick thighs."
"Not really you don't. They look perfect. Here," he raised your arms a little and placed his hands under them, "see this beautiful curve that starts here and runs all the way down…" he ran his hands down your sides, over your hips and further below until they rested on the sides of your thighs, "…to here? Your thighs complete that curve. It's absolutely mesmerising how well shaped you are." Looking at yourself, you found the curve he was talking about. You thought it wasn't so bad. You didn't really get his enthusiasm but whatever, you'd play along.
"Okay," You whispered, moving to get back to the couch.
"We're not done," he held your arms and kept you facing the glass, "You're gonna show me every single thing that's been eating at you. We're ending this tonight itself."
"My nose-"
"Is adorable. You're funny, sweet and kind and your face looks just like that. Your nose too. It's-"
"Blunt." You raised an eyebrow.
"Cute." He stressed. "It's perfect."
Sighing, you turned back to finish your assessment; knowing Steve, he most certainly wasn't gonna let this go unless he was sure you were done. And you wanted to see the painting that hadn't even started yet.
"I'm fat." You breathed out nonchalantly, feeling ready to cry inside.
"Look at me Steve, look at all that fucking belly fat," You snapped. You had had enough of this and truth be told, you didn't even want him to paint you anymore, naked or otherwise. Not tonight. You were contemplating sleeping on the couch but Steve would probably just carry you back to bed with him. And while you really wanted to be left alone, you also didn't want him out of the house.
Your anger, which had started to simmer, sizzled again at the sound of a laugh. A lighthearted, breathy laugh that cut through the silence just like his shield did. You looked up incredulously and glared at him, your back now to the mirror.
"You've seen Greek sculptures, right?"
"The fuck - yeah, I have of course, why?"
"Have you ever seen Aphrodite?"
"I…don't think so."
"She has belly rolls too. Did you know that?"
"You're bluffing."
He walked over to the coffee table to pick up his phone. Normally Steve Rogers absolutely wouldn't rely on that stupid rectangular thing for a picture, but his Greek and Roman art scrapbook was at his apartment, so he had to.
Pulling out a photo of the sculpture he wanted to show you, he returned to you, turning his screen so you could see for yourself that he was not, in fact, bluffing. There were multiple sculptures of her, showing exactly what he was trying to tell you.
"She was a goddess, darling. And to me, so are you. You're my goddess," he held your hands and kissed your knuckles, devotion and admiration bleeding out through every single one of his actions and words.
Your lips split apart and curved upwards after what felt like forever.
"Do you get how beautiful you are now?" He huskily asked you.
"I'm getting there," you answered in all honesty.
"Good," he kissed your lips lightly before asking, "ready to be my muse again?"
"Let's do this," you grinned.
You didn't get to put your clothes on again until next morning - Steve had more ways of admiring you than you thought, more physical ways. The painting? Well, it took way longer than that to finish. And when it was, you knew exactly how he viewed you. He had depicted you exactly as he saw you, and if that was the image of you in his mind, you didn't really care what anyone else thought, even yourself.
[Self-indulgent much, Sapphire?
Yes, pretty much so.]
@royalwriteroftheuniverse @peace-love-fanfiction @nana1000night @sarahrogersevans @wolphfeather @hawkeyes-queen @simpforsupersoldiers @jesevans @almosttoopizza @mainly-marvel @icantthinkofanyoneelseimsosorry
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silverteacups · 10 months
do you want to hear my leo/need headcanons because im going to tell you either way (some of these might be canon. who knows)
honami is obviously the strongest, followed by ichika, shiho and saki
this is pretty much canon afaik (the height difference, at least) but saki is only like. 1 or 2cm taller than shiho and she will never shut up about it ever
none of them like coffee much, i feel like ichika would really love milk though
saki is lactose intolerant
ichika blinks in every photo ever (flash, no flash, doesn't matter, she does it EVERY fucking time)
honami used to always make fruit pancakes for saki (i love fruit pancakes they're amazing)
they've all sworn against swearing (that. sounds like it doesnt make sense but it DOES). i make the rules
ichika cannot handle jumpscares at all, saki and shiho don't mind them (but still get jumpscared 100%), honami is literally immune and it's probably because of her brother
shiho absolutely goes to see VBS, but she also watches some MMJ livestreams (and she's been to a few concerts) but she would NEVER tell anyone
saki's seen shiho at MMJ concerts but she finds it funnier if she doesn't say anything (and she goes to see WxS obviously)
ichika goes to WxS performances with saki
honami listens to n25 and always tells kanade what she thought of it
shiho ALWAYS jumps at thunder
saki is really good at jigsaw puzzles and crosswords n stuff and it's scary
when they study together they STUDY. everyone is encouraging everyone and they are so incredibly serious about it
if they could have pets (besides honami, who has a dog already), ichika would have a cat, shiho would have a rabbit and saki would have 3 goldfish named after the others, just like shiho with her phenny plushies
SPEAKING OF PHENNY. shiho has every last bit of phenny-related merch to exist ever, and now (thanks to tsukasa) it's even easier to get
saki loves sleepovers but falls asleep way too quickly, honami brings way too many snacks, ichika has carefully planned everything out (she could be swapped with honami tbh), shiho just goes with it
saki loves doing their hair, especially honami's
ichika. nut allergy. im right
ichika is aro-ace
they're in a qpr
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py6oto · 1 year
more hlvrai x yume nikki au stuff!!!
this post is gonna have a lot more text than my usual posts. so sorry if you don't want that.
so people seemed to really like my idea (which is really unexpected !! i didn't expect it to gain any attention at all!!! but its also super awesome and im so glad they do!!) so ive been brainstorming a little bit.
heads up i know yume nikki is a very ambiguous game but im pretty new to it so if i happen to get any established information wrong please let me know !? ty !!
anyways. before we do the effects. please take some sprites.
(body horror ((multiple eyes, messed up limbs, gunshot sounds)) under the cut!!! pls stay safe !!! ) (also a huge lore dump. sorry!)
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id think this au takes place in a universe where the resonance cascade was real (aka not a game or simulation) and it'd be like, maybe a few months after it. gordon is traumatized as hell and it haunts his subconscious to the point he feels the need to isolate himself completely. he relives his trauma through eerily consistent dream worlds and then dies on a random tuesday. credits roll. audience cheers. wonderful story.
the vision for the sprites is that tommy functions as a "friendly" npc (like monoko and the other girl i forget the name of please forgive me) and benrey functions as poniko, uboa being "xenrey" or essentially messed up alien benrey (the weird...white...blood....world...room...uboa takes you to when you interact with it is simply replaced by xen. that's it. benreys house is a direct gateway to that time gordon fought god and won and isn't that amazing.)
i might remake the "uboa" sprite in the future because i don't really like it right now. im very new to pixel art and imitating YMNK's style is a little hard.
i like to think this imaginary game would have the teensiest tiny bit of dialogue, only when interacting with benrey. when you interact with his "regular" form, he says "you're not supposed to be here." and repeats it every time you interact, not saying anything else.
i know one of the biggest things that makes yume nikki stand out is its lack of dialogue, but listen, i think it would work well!!! seeing as this is the only time a character actually talks to gordon through understandable dialogue (unless i come up with something else!! haha) i think it would be confusing and throw players off because it breaks the pattern of being either ignored or silently acknowledged. someone talking directly to you after hours of isolation is confusing and unpredictable. which is what benrey is. confusing as hell!
im not sure what function tommy would offer, if any, i kinda want him to maybe give gordon an effect (soda effect could work?)
i dont think he'd bring any jumpscares or intentionally unsettling things to the table. seeing as he was the only one by gordon's side when the rest of the team proved itself to be a threat, i think it's logical he'd remember tommy in a warmer light than the others- which is reflected in how instead of unsettling or ignoring gordom, dream tommy simply smiles and gives him the ability to drink a soda any time. soda effect.
does this soda effect make you see faster like tommy said?
as much as i'd love to, no. probably not. because i have no idea what the hell seeing faster means.
maybe you can get a caffeine overdose. if you spam 1 enough times you will get very fast for as long as the soda effect is on. like the bycicle effect, but better, because you can taste it!
but no, it won't help you see faster. i don't know how to translate that sentence into understandable english.
now, coomer and bubby!!!! i apologize very deeply for i have not made sprites for them yet. i promise i will!!! it's just very late today and if i draw anything else i will actually just pass out.
im not very sure what i want for them yet. i think theyd be similar to tommy, but they'd have different functions. maybe they all give gordon different effects. or maybe they scare him! i dunno, i feel like there'd be a certain level of distrust from gordon to the old guys, like, of course he doesn't hate them but itd be hard to remember them super kindly and harmlessly when one of them ruthlessly tried to murder you with 300 clones of himself and the other tricked you into an ambush that cost you your arm, as much as you love them.
also!!! i completely forgot gordon lost an arm when i made his sprite. oops. it's okay its just a very realistic prosthetic
anyways. this post is getting too long so i think I'll save the boomer talk for when i actually post their sprites. its time for EFFECTS !!
i haven't been able to come up with many words yet. but i have some effects and a slight idea of how gordon would earn them.
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concept art is beautiful
from left to right (because my handwriting is absolutely hideous!)
SODA - earned by interacting with TOMMY. wherever tommy is??? i dunno! pressing 1 will make gordon drink the soda and earn a temporary speed boost.
CAR??? - part of me really wants to rename this one but it's so funny to me i want to keep it. it's just a car. he literally just whips out a car and starts driving. what a legend. this effect lets him get across water areas faster (even faster than the soda!)
LONG HAIR - literally just gives him long hair. there is no practical use for this. nothing will happen. it just gives him long hair. isnt he beautiful.
ARM - earned by interacting with a dismembered arm found... somewhere.... probably some dark room. you know that effect where madotsuki literally just becomes a head? yeah. this is that but it's an arm because of course it is. this is an opportunity and i will not give it up. there is no use for this either. it just makes him a slow sad lonely arm.
MINIGUN - found by interacting with a certain object in POTION !! WORLD !! YEAHHH!! DARNOLD REFERENCE !!! pressing 1 will let you shoot the hell out of your enemies and make them pay for their sins
SWEET VOICE - found by interacting with any of the orbs in COLOR WORLD. 1 will allow gordon to song a beautiful, colorful song that will soothe any npcs he might have angered and make them stop trying to murder him.
POWERLEGS - MAYBE given by coomer npc? idk! this is all brainstorming and a work in progress! 1 makes gordon jump real high, allowing him to reach otherwise unaccessible areas
GHOST - ghost. he's a ghost. he's transparent. he flies. 1 makes him do a little ooooo noise and all the npcs run away from him because the place is haunted. ghost.
GLASSES - literally just pick up some glasses from the floor. putting them on will uncover a few hidden details across the map that may be necessary for progress ... like a very small and specific set of stairs
SMALL - makes gordon very small. i thought the original effect was super fun so i just kept it unchanged. small gordon. he can clone himself and make a gordon army. small. im thinking he finds it thru a coomer clone that is abnormally small. he interacts. small effect. small!
SHORT HAIR - literally just short hair. gordon can't seem to pick a haircut!
UMBRELLA - ...umbrella. makes it rain. shelters gordon from the rain at the same time. can be used for the same purpose it has in yume nikki which is putting out fires or stopping pre-existing rain.
there's supposed to be more effects and i still need to plan all the worlds and hidden rooms but ........ maybe when the sun is out and i have slept and i can think better !!! let me know whatever suggestions or ideas you guys have. i love hearing them a lot ^_^ thank you if you read all of this!! i promise hlvrai animations are not over this is just an au that has temporarily taken over its okay my content is not changing to yume nikki hlvrai only
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gordon no
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armandjolras · 5 months
This will be rambly and overly personal, but ive been wanting to talk about Fosca as chronic illness representation, and why the musical version of her is especially relatable in this sense.
(I also haven’t read the book, so maybe some changes im attributing to the musical are from the book)
In the movie, Fosca’s illness almost seems an extension of her ugliness, meant to horrify the viewer. Ugliness takes focus as her main burden; we’re told that she was shunned for her looks as a child and are shown many jumpscare shots of her face. Sickness is merely a consequence of ugliness. When not acutely ill, she seems quite healthy, even energetic. (Obviously having seizures is a very serious illness in real life, i just mean the way it’s presented in the movie).
Most interesting to me, she doesn’t seem depressed at all; she’s quite upbeat and witty. Her manipulative toxicity in the movie doesn’t come from depression, but rather because she’s never been treated as a woman due to being an outcast, so she doesn’t feel she has to adhere to the decorum of one.
In the musical, I see Fosca’s illness as being much more than just an extension of being ugly. It appears to affect her continuously between acute episodes, and she moves wearily as if fighting pain and discomfort at every moment. While suffering over ugliness still caused her illness in this version, that ugliness is not as emphasised. We’re told that her parents loved her rather than shunning her, so she wasn’t an outcast, and she’s depicted as more pathetic spinster than scary Nosferatu.
She is also clearly depressed. In my opinion, her toxic behaviour comes not from flouting social norms, but from the desperation of depression. Maybe others also relate to being depressed and behaving badly as a cry for help, unable to stop despite knowing you’re being toxic, because you need acknowledgment from people. I see Fosca’s behaviour this way. Georgio is the first person who is nice to her, so she physically can’t stop trying to extract love from him by any means, even when she admits she’s in the wrong.
I relate to Fosca strongly in this. Since 2020 I’ve struggled with multiple chronic illnesses which have limited my physical abilities; today I cant even sit upright for more than 15 minutes, some days less. Since I dont have any family or friends in the country where I’m living, and went through diagnosis and surgery alone mid Covid, at times I’ve felt very isolated. In 2022 i could tell I was behaving a lot like Fosca — I didnt do anything super toxic, but I was putting too much emotional burden on my long-distance parents even as I knew I was stressing them out and upsetting them. It felt like such a compulsion, because I was scared and isolated and wanted someone else to know how much I was suffering so I wouldn’t be alone it it. I’m much healthier mentally now, but that took therapy and medication which Fosca doesn’t have. Its a terrible feeling to see your world getting smaller and your dreams becoming less possible, and going through that alone.
I’ve had a lot of frustration towards how my illnesses have limited what I can do, and i have to make an effort not to be resentful towards healthier people. The line “I read about the joys the world / Dispenses to the fortunate / And listen for the echoes” really captures this. “I know how soon a dream becomes an expectation / How can I have expectations?” When your world gets smaller, you have to give up your hopes bit by bit so you dont get hurt. “Look at me / No, captain, look at me / Look at me!” In her desperation she demands his attention, even when she knows she’s being rude and repelling him, she just feels compelled to connect with someone.
I know “I Read” can be interpreted as being about her ugliness rather than of physical illness, and maybe that actually is the correct interpretation. But I’m very convinced that musical Fosca is depressed in a way that movie Fosca is not, and most of her words and actions stem from that. I also believe that by placing less emphasis on her shocking ugliness, it only makes since that a lot of her suffering is due to her physical illness. 
(And I also relate to Fosca’s final letter, where she says that appreciating the beauty in the world around you makes you want to go on living. Being ill has taught me to be much more grateful for small things in life.)
Other disclaimers: I dont mean Fosca’s suffering in the movie is NOT about her illness, in both versions its a combo of ugliness + illness. I just think they’re in different ratios. Also im not trying to be a Fosca apologist, I know shes super toxic and a stalker and essentially an incel, and also super annoying, I just understand her perspective. And finally I do like movie Fosca! Shes iconic I just relate to musical Fosca more.
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