#now i just want sora to laugh with ventus and terra and axel to have an awkward conversation
nyctoheart · 8 months
sometimes I think my love for KH is fading, because idk I don’t super care about scala ad caelum in missing link. And I get so lost in KHUX that I forget I only try to understand it because the series expects you to. But idk if I would have gotten into KH if it started off as X.
but then…
I remember everyone we saved in KH3… and the new dynamics we’ll see, like aqua and axel, or returning/grown dynamics, like terra and riku. But re:mind feels like forever ago, and KHMoM didnt give us that much. I just want more of the KH characters that got me into this series because I’m just tireeeed of always trying to understand “Okay, unchained this, unreality that, true darkness was whole but it wasnt but it was, (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2” like I didnt sign up to KH for the fucking astrophysics, I signed up because I liked the characters and I miss them!!!!!
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
For some reasons i liked the idea "kr boys reacting", so can i request kh boys reacting another trailer with dlc(or new game) about their boyfriend!s/o backstory? And trailer shows the wolrd(s/o's home world) where even kids have to kill in order to survive and its really dark world? And s/o in the of trailer said: "In this world, there's only one rule: kill or be killed'
Why did I get Danganronpa vibes?!
KH Boys Reacting To Your Backstory
Warnings: Angst/fluff
Rating: SFW
Trailer description: flashes of your destroyed hometown. Buildings were on fire and torn down, kids of different ages being forced to kill other people to survive. Being one of the oldest of the kids, you wore a mask that looked like a fox on the side of your head, weapons decorated your waist. You turned your head to the side, smirking. And then, everything goes black, only seeing the words decorated on the screen saying with your voice in the background: "In this world, there's only one rule: kill or be killed."
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Instant protection mode!
He's gonna get you whatever you want! Cake, you got it! Cuddles, he's ready!
If you have nightmares, he's gonna be right there to comfort you.
"You're safe now. They can't hurt you now."
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Thinks that you're really cool for having all of those weapons but he feels really bad about your childhood.
He'll be there for everything that you need help with. Whether it's nightmares or panic attacks, he'll be there.
"I know that you had a really bad childhood, but I'll be here to help you forget about it."
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After watching the trailer of your backstory, he now thinks that you are the baddest bitch!
But he wants to protect you now! He doesn't want you to remember the horror show that you were forced to endure. He wants you to focus on the good, and also him. Also, he knows what it felt like. Feeling like a monster
"I know how scary it must've felt. But just remember you're in my arms and we'll get through this together."
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He will not leave your side.
He will hug you no matter what. Doesn't matter if you want one or not, he just wants to show you that he still loves you
"I don't care about your past. What matters is that you're safe and that you're in my arms."
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(I shouldn’t be laughing at this!)
Legit started crying!
He would try to distract you from your past the best he could. He just wants you to be his happy butterfly.
"I bet it was really scary not knowing when you might be killed but I want you to know that you're safe now and I'll always be there for you."
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*Aggressively buys you your favorite treat*
But in all seriousness, he would cuddle you and remind you that you're safe.
"You're safe. Got it memorized? But also, you're really badass."
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Was a little scared of you at first, but immediately started protecting your from things that he thought were dangerous.
Like Axel, he would buy you all of your favorite treats. And he will cuddle you no matter how many times you push him away.
"No matter what, I will protect you. I hate seeing you so sad."
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minijenn · 3 years
Keys Comm #6
Finally! The last baby of the bunch! This is another one for @rosie-drawss, who wanted a third part to the sort of ongoing series I've been writing for her in which Sora is brought back to the lights early in Keys. So if you wanna catch up to what the heck is going on here, I suggest you read:
Part 1
Part 2
Before reading this one! And with that, enjoy some family feels!
Sora sleeps far longer than Riku and Kairi do--understandably so for someone who’s gone without sleep for as long as he has. They lay in bed alongside him for a long time after they awaken, soaking in the peaceful silence as they both watch Sora peacefully sleep in between them. In many ways, it's almost too good to be true, like a dream they’ve both been having for such a long time now, finally coming true before their eyes. But this isn’t a dream; this is real. Sora is really here, really back in the space between them, back in their reach after so many months away. And even if it isn’t perfect, even if there’s still so much that needs to be done to truly save him, they still savor this moment for all its worth. They still savor being with him, even more now than they did before.
The quiet calm of their morning is soon interrupted by a soft knock on the door. It’s enough to finally wake Sora up at least to some degree as he lets out a tired groan, rolling over as he shoves his head under his pillow, muttering “five more minutes’, much to Riku and Kairi’s shared amusement. In the end, however, Riku is the one to encourage whoever’s at the door to enter, eliciting another loud moan of protest from Sora.
“Sorry,” Aqua whispers with a small smile as she pokes her head in. “We wanted to wait as long as we could to let you three get all the rest you need. But…” she smiles as she fully enters, toting a tray laden with pancakes, eggs, fruit, and hot drinks. “I did bring breakfast, if that makes up for it.”
Before either Riku or Kairi can thank her, Sora suddenly sits up, still clearly half asleep as he takes in a whiff of the appetizing meal Aqua brought in. “Did somebody say breakfast…?” he asks with a drowsy, hungry smile.
The others all get a good laugh out of this as Aqua sets the tray up for the trio, allowing them to eat it in bed as she prepares to leave to let them enjoy it in private. “Take your time, but as soon as you’re done, head on up to Master Yen Sid’s study,” she instructs. “He’s called a special meeting so we can talk about… e-everything.”
The trio’s mood quickly shifts at this, all three of them tensing up as they exchange apprehensive glances. Sora’s is by far the most anxious as he looks between Riku and Kairi, his fear palpable enough that they can both practically feel it themselves. Which is why they both rush to quell that fear as quickly as they can. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” Riku assures.
“Yeah, we can always tell them you wanted to get more sleep,” Kairi adds just as supportively.
“...Well, that’s not really a lie,” Sora manages a smile, though it's soon broken as he lets out a long, loud yawn. “I… kind of have a lot of that I need to catch up on…”
“I’ll let the others know then,” Aqua says with an understanding smile. “Also, Sora, your mother wanted to know if you were up to a visit later on. She said she could be up right after she finishes cleaning the kitchen from making breakfast.”
“I figured these pancakes were hers,” Sora notes with a small smile. “Yeah, you can send her up. But I can’t promise I won’t be asleep by the time she gets here.”
“You can sleep after you eat,” Kairi grabs him by the arm before he can ease himself back under the covers. “And we’re not leaving until you’ve finished every last bite.”
“Alright, ‘Mom’,” Sora jokes as he takes the plate she’s offering him.
“Better curb that sass,” Riku says just as playfully. “Or we’ll tell your real mom.”
“Aw, come on, you guys,” Sora grins between bites of breakfast. “We’re not little kids anymore.”
“Then stop acting like one and eat your breakfast already!” Kairi shoots back as Sora sticks his tongue out at her.
Aqua leaves the room as their “argument” continues, laughing quietly to herself as she closes the door behind her. “I have a feeling that no matter what happens next,” she says to herself, hope filling her heart where there was little the night before. “Those three will be just fine now that they’re together again…”
Most of the meeting is largely a blur for Riku and Kairi. They stand toward the back of the study, solemnly listening to the guidance Yen Sid has to offer for their most pertinent plight. Occasionally, one of them will pitch in, largely for the sake of updating the others on Sora’s status based on what they’d seen this morning and last night. But other than that, they say nothing, allowing the others to debate on what they need to do and where they need to go next. Eventually though, they have no choice but to weigh in on the conversation, especially when the inevitable question finally arises.
“So… is there any way we can stop what’s happening to Sora?” Naminé is the one to ask it when she senses that Riku and Kairi are both far too anxious to.
Yen Sid is silent for a long time and the others all largely hold their breath as they wait to hear his verdict. In the end, however, it isn’t exactly one any of them were hoping for. “I’m sorry to say that there is no method to setting Sora’s heart free that I have been able to find in my extensive studies,” he informs them, his eyes shut and his tone pensive. “But that does not mean there is no hope in saving him. It simply means that we must resort to cutting down the darkness invading his heart at its very source.”
“Then it looks like our mission hasn’t changed,” Riku speaks up gravely. He pauses for a moment when he senses another nightmare about to befall Sora, one that he swiftly chases away so that he can continue sleeping in peace. But the mere audacity of that nightmare’s attempt at getting to him at all is enough to sharpen what Riku has to say next even more. “We have to defeat Xehanort, no matter what it takes. Even if there’s even just a chance that taking him out will set Sora’s heart free, it's a chance we need to take.”
“But… what about the rest of the Keys?” Mickey asks. “There’s still several more we need to find before the Organization does, and now that we have Sora back, they’re bound to try and take him away from us too.”
“If they’re dumb enough to to try that, then they better be ready to deal with every last one of us,” Roxas hisses, more than resolved to keep his other safe.
“That’s right,” Aqua readily agrees. “We’ll protect Sora and we’ll find those last few Keys. Even if we have to go our separate ways to do it.”
“No,” Riku counters, shaking his head. “Splitting up has never worked well for us before. That’s how we lost Sora in the first place. We need to stay together from here on out. We need to be a team.”
“So… what? Are we all just gonna cram together onto that tiny ship every time we need to go somewhere?” Axel asks, raising a skeptical eyebrow. “I like all of you guys well enough, but I don’t know about getting that close into everyone else’s personal space.”
“We don’t have to use the Gummi Ship,” Kairi suggests. “I can summon light gates we can travel through. They might be an even faster way of getting around, which is a good thing if we want to find those Keys as soon as we can.”
“The sooner we get them, the sooner we can confront Xehanort and hopefully put a stop to all of this,” Terra points out.
“But is it really safe for us to take Sora with all of us?” Ventus asks, worried.
“Even if we’re all together, then the Organization could just as easily come together to attack all of us to try and take him away,” Xion adds just as fretfully. “And if we can’t protect him from them, then-”
“Aw, phooey!” Donald suddenly snaps. “If they wanna get their hands on Sora, then they’ve gotta go through us first!”
“Yup!” Goofy boldly chimes in. “We’re not about to let anyone else, not Maleficent, not the Organization, not even Xehanort himself, take him away from us ever again!”
“No, we won’t,” Riku nods, resolute. “And not only are we going to keep Sora safe, we’re going to make him feel safe too. When I found him last night, he was so… terrified. I’ve never seen him like that before, and to be honest, I don’t want to see him like that again. He’s not just scared of what’s happening to him. He’s scared of the possibility that he might accidentally hurt any one of us too. That’s why we have to make sure he knows that won’t happen. He’s safe here, with us, and it's up to each and every one of us to help him really believe that.”
The others all immediately agree to do exactly that, to help Sora ease his way back into the fold of family and friends he’s spent such a long time running from. To help him feel like he’s finally back to where he truly belongs. As the others begin brainstorming ways to help provide him with that comfort, Riku and Kairi exchange a small smile, glad that they have such reliable friends who are all every bit as dedicated to Sora as they are. Glad that they aren’t alone in wanting to not only set his heart free, but helping it heal as well, no matter how long that healing might take.
“Do you want to fill Sora in on the game plan or should I?” Kairi whispers, aside.
Riku shakes his head, his steady smile widening as he takes in the air of warm earnesty spread by his fellow lights. “We’ll all tell him,” he says simply. “Together, just like how we’re going to be from here on out.”
Himari is nothing if not an incredibly patient woman. She’s waited for her son to return to her before, waited to hear any sort of word on where he is or how he’s doing, waited for Riku to bring him back as soon as she arrived at the tower last night. And now, she waits for her son to awaken from his slumber, a soft, if not somewhat sad smile resting on her face as she hums the lullaby his father used to sing to him, stroking a gentle hand through his mostly white hair.
“Oh Sora…” she whispers, more to herself than to him. “I know you said I have nothing to be sorry about, but… I can’t stop thinking about how different things would be if I had just kept you home… If I never let you leave then… m-maybe… maybe you wouldn’t be…” She cuts herself off as she fringes on a sob that she only narrowly suppresses. “What kind of mother am I?” she shakes her head, forlorn. “I can’t even do a single thing to help my son when he needs it most… If only you were here, Ki…” Tears finally slip down her cheeks as her fingertips ever so softly skim the crown charm resting around Sora’s neck, a necklace that used to belong to her husband before him. “You’d know what to do about this. And even if you didn’t… at least you’d know what to say to make me feel better about it…”
Himari starts, a surprised gasp slipping out of her when Sora suddenly lets out a small laugh. “C’mon, Mom, Dad was never the one who knew what to say,” he remarks as he opens his eyes, smiling as he sits up in bed. “He always used to say you had ‘a way with words’ or something like that. I never got what he meant back then but I-” He stops himself, his casual manner falling to pieces when he meets his mother’s tearful gaze. She forces back those tears as best she can, a hand held over her mouth as she struggles to be strong for him… and fails miserably at it all the same. “P-please, Mom,” Sora implores her as steadily as he can. “Don’t cry. I don’t want to… I-I’ve already cried so much by now a-and if you cry then I know I will--even if I try to stop myself, I can never stop myself anymore--and I just-”
Himari cuts him off abruptly when she throws her arms around him, pulling him into yet another tight, yet comforting hug. “I’m not crying about that,” she tells him in a whisper. “I… it’s just… it’s been such a long time since I last saw you. You’ve grown so much in just a year… I’ve missed out on so much…”
Sora sighs, his guilt growing to the point that he soon finds he can contain it no longer. It pours out of him the same way his tears do, rapid and remorseful as he struggles to say everything he knows he needs to, everything he knows he owes her after how long he’s been gone. “Mom, I… I’m so sorry… When all of this started to become… t-too much for me, I wanted to come home, just like you told me to, but I was so scared that you wouldn’t want me if you saw me like… like this, so I ran and I-”
“Oh, Sora, sweetie, no,” Himari cuts him off, her voice soft and kind. “Even if you do look different, even if you have changed… you’re still you… You’re still my son, a-and I still love you so, so much, Sora… Please,” she pulls away, still holding his face in her hands as she offers him a tearful smile that’s as bright and warm as the sun itself. “Don’t ever forget that…”
“I-I… I won’t…” Sora says, despite his amazement, despite his awe that she could still love him after he’s strayed so far from home, so far away from her. But she loves him all the same, every bit as much as he loves her, and for as safe and secure as that love makes him feel here and now, that’s something he has no intentions of letting go of again anytime soon.
It isn’t long after this that a knock sounds at the door. Sora and Himari compose themselves quickly before Riku and Kairi enter first, though the other lights soon file in after them. The bedroom is a rather small one, but they all cram in to make space, each of them wearing hopeful smiles as they prepare to share their newfound plan with Sora. A plan that they have the utmost faith in, despite how uncertain everything else surrounding it might seem.
“So we’ve decided that we’re all going to look for the last few Keys together,” Kairi begins brightly. “And that you’re coming with us, Sora.”
“If you want to, that is,” Riku quickly cuts in, knowing the last thing he wants is to force Sora to do something he’s not comfortable with. Not now when he’s still clearly struggling to trust them all again. “If you don’t, that’s fine. We can always take you and Himari back to the islands, and a few of us can stay behind to make sure the Organization doesn’t-”
“No,” Sora interrupts. He stops briefly, offering his mother an apologetic glance. “I’m sorry, Mom…” he whispers to her. “But… I have to go again. They won’t be able to find those Keys without me, they need my help, I-”
“I know,” Himari says with a sad, tired sigh, far more used to this than she knows she should be. “Just… come home to me quickly this time, ok?”
He smiles when she skims the side of his face again, her gentle, loving touch a comfort he can’t help but cherish after having gone without it for so long. “I will. As soon as we have that last Key, I’ll be home on the islands with you again. I promise.”
Himari nods, accepting that promise as she offers a hand to help him stand. “I’m going with you,” he tells the other lights, his tone as determined as it can be. “I-I want to go with you,” he corrects himself, not wanting to sound like he’s doing it out of obligation. Even if he is. “I’m sorry I ran away before, but… I want to be a part of the team again, i-if you’ll have me, after… everything.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Axel speaks up with a small, incredulous laugh. “We weren’t much of a team at all without you around.”
“You were our missing piece, Sora,” Ventus adds, smiling kindly. “You’re the one who helped bring us all together to begin with. We wouldn’t have stopped until we brought you back too.”
“So quit feeling sorry for yourself already,” Roxas teases, crossing his arms. “And just accept the fact that we all missed you way more than you thought, ok?”
“And that we’re all so glad you’re finally back safe and sound,” Naminé chimes in warmly.
“And that we’re gonna stick right by your side,” Goofy concurs.
“No matter what the Organization might do to stop us!” Donald pipes up resiliently.
Sora can’t help but let out a small, practically elated chuckle at their shared enthusiasm. As he realizes just how wrong everything his master had told him had been. As he realizes just how much his friends really do care after all if they’re willing to go to such great lengths solely for him. “So,” he says, looking to Riku and Kairi as he takes the hands they’re both extending out toward him. “I guess we’re doing this together then?”
“Yeah,” Kairi smiles as Sora slips his hand into hers, more than ready to embark on whatever journey awaits them next.
Riku does the same when he takes Sora’s other hand, determined to do everything in his power, to give anything he has to just to make sure he’ll never have to let him go ever again. “Together.”
Commissions are Closed!
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And I would love to tell you. @spiiderbiites​
Fun fact: It does have a name, Deep Seas and High Stakes, but I am pretty sure it’s going to be tagged on both blogs as Mermaid AU That Needs a Name forever, because there were a lot of posts made with that tag, and even though tag replacer is a thing, so is laziness. Also, SOMEONE keeps forgetting the name. It’s me. I am someone, even though I came up with the name. I blame the fact that the title does not reference anything and isn’t a joke. It’s just “what sounds like a swashbuckling adventure romance mermaid and pirate au title?” title. The AU’s real name is Bless the Woodpecker anyway. Don’t ask.
Once Upon a Time, Eraqus and Xehanort ruled the Kingdom Below, comprised of the seas surrounding the Destiny Islands, together, the wisdom and magic of both rulers renown even in far off seas . Then there was a big, gay, magical, underwater divorce  a falling out. The stories say it was over King Xehanort's dabbling in dark arts, though other legends place the blame on King Eraqus's xenophobia and King Xehanort's belief that the denizens of the surface world could be easily manipulated negotiated with. This argument took a darker turn when the trident that they shared (a single conduit of unmatched strength that represented the harmony of their rule and their bond) was shattered, and with it, a large portion of both Mer-kings' power was lost. 
Eraqus retained rule and loyalty of their subjects and Xehanort was banished to deep trenches to nurse his grudges and seek still more twisted ways to rebuild his power. Good King Eraqus himself, suffering from broken heart and diminished strength, survived not long after (in mer terms) but it was not his wasting that killed him, but human menaces, cementing the lesson that the most dangerous creature of all in the mind of the young princess now queen, Aqua. 
Hatchmates Sora, Vanitas, Roxas, and Xion were eggs when the big, gay, magical, underwater divorce falling out happened and small fry when Eraqus passed, but they have heard far too many versions of the story. We don't talk about how the royal siblings came to be. We just don't. Don't ask. Magic was involved. IDK. "I Will Do Anything for Love but I Won't Do That" will start playing in the background if you start talking about seahorses and try to lock down details.
Anyway. Fast forward to the hatchmates grown. 
Vanitas has always been an outsider among his siblings, or at least he's always felt it. He's drawn to different currents, and his siblings don't understand, citing their own restlessness and desire to explore and to lead less sheltered lives when he tries to explain how his purpose lies elsewhere. He seeks out the only other family that he might have a connection with, Xehanort, and ends up staying with him to become his apprentice. Queen Aqua and his other siblings do try and go after him at different times but they are thoroughly discouraged by Vanitas himself.
Kairi, princess of a different sea kingdom, comes to live with our royal family. She's a gift--a description Kairi herself highly resents--a future wife for one of the princes, part of an arrangement made long ago. The marriage isn't to happen for a long time; she is allowed to get to know the princes and they her, and see what personality suits, but that is far as the freedom goes as Kairi's kingdom needs the alliance and the young Queen Aqua is regrettably convinced she cannot dissolve or alter the contract without incident. Kairi and Sora do hit it off immediately, so the choice would seem easy, but they are both still far from enthusiastic about the forced aspect of it all.
Life under the sea is really shaken up though when rebellious Prince Roxas, long time sneaky boat chaser, meets a sailor named Axel and is struck dumb in love. He starts disappearing more and more often and it doesn't escape notice. Even worse, this "human madness" spreads, Prince Sora and Princess Kairi both independently becoming obsessed with Axel's crewmate aboard the Dawnfire, Riku. Xion does not feel the same kind of bolt but she is convinced of Axel and Riku's good intentions and to keep this "hatchmate secret" from Aqua.
Ventus, a dreamer who was first to start weaving tales of mermaids even though he's not met any, and, the solid, reliable Terra, who Axel and Riku don't dare tell about their liaisons with the deep for fear of being laughed at in the best case and put in an asylum at the next port at worst,  round out the crew of the Dawnfire. 
Xion finds what she thinks is a match of her own when she follows the music of a "land siren" one day and meets Demyx. Unfortunately, Demyx and Xion are not as sneaky or as lucky as some others, and Demyx runs with a rougher crew than Axel and Riku. Xion's Land Siren proves as dangerous as his nickname implies when Xion finds herself caught in a trap of the infamous Thirteen ( a pirate crew  that is admittedly down a few numbers from what their name implies, which we blame on frequent mutinies) and then used in turn as bait for a bigger catch after Demyx is caught meeting with Xion by Xigbar and bullied into betraying her trust.
Why do they want the mermaids? Sell off mermaid scales as having magical and medicinal use when used as potion ingredients. Harvest mermaid tears. Sell the mermaids themselves to a sideshow. All valid reasons even if you discount that some larger plot may be at play.
What happens next? That's spoilers for one day when writing cute, funny scenes about Sora and Riku breaking down the language barrier or drawing Axel and Roxas snuggling isn't more pressing.
The mermaids aren't the only prisoners aboard the Thirteen's vessel though. There is also the fair Namine, a nobleman's daughter kidnapped for the ransom, though she is treated with far more accommodation.
Just put tagged/mermaid au that needs a name in my or Shaky’s blog for more, or ask more questions if you want.
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soranort-headcanons · 4 years
About the new Dark Road characters
Before we get into each individual character, here is some random thoughts
Disappointed that Yen Sid didn’t make it, but part of me admits that that had a low chance of happening due to him being a Disney character and all.
Part of me is also sad that they added more characters into the mix, because we lose the whole Eraqus and Xehanort growing as the only apprentices (with maybe Yen Sid added in) dynamic. At the same time, the idea that these two spent so much time with each other that no one wanted to be in their general vicinity while they were in a chess match and generally only cared about each other to the point that Xehanort only talks about Eraqus in his reports, is a hilarious idea that really adds fuel to the shipping fire for fans. Fun. 
There is six apprentices in total, just like in UX (Unions plus Luxu). If we add whatever master they have in, its seven. Just like the guardians. Since Eraqus (And maybe the new characters) are part of the “blueblood” line of Keyblade Wielders, this makes a lot of sense, since Keyblade Wielders are defenders of the light and all.
This also adds credibility of why Xehanort was allowed to go on a world tour but Eraqus wasn’t- It’s hard to keep track of so many children, plus while Eraqus wasn’t allowed to go at the moment, their master could simply tell Eraqus to go with someone else in a later date
I swear, if MoM is their master (extremely doubtful, please don’t do this)
Or maybe even Luxu, since we saw No Name hanging in the wall in kh3
I severely expect everyone to give up their keyblade and go into hiding or die. 
If everyone else minus Xehanort is part of a Keyblade lineage minus him, it would add a lot of depth to how he acted the way he did. Just like I brought up in some previous posts, it makes sense that an outsider would break so many rules or use questionable methods/use said methods to try to stand out. If he is the only one out, this makes it worse than if it was just Eraqus, Yen Sid and him. 
To add to my previous bullet point, he is standing on a throne, just like Sora in promotional material. He is the only one sitting and the center of the shot. Just like Sora, Xehanort obtained his Keyblade (If my memory is correct, its been a year since I touched kh after all) due to outside influence, just like Sora did. This would be an excellent time for Sora parallels, Nomura
Ok, now I’ll get to the actual new characters
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My first reaction (Posted in my discord) was “Urd reminds me of Aqua. Please do not make her a love interest”
She looks like she is making an OwO face
She does remind of Aqua, but a little bit more mischievous.
I’ve seen people say Bragi could be Luxu but honestly I also have suspicions Urd is up to something. Merely because she has silver hair and yellow eyes.
I always think silver haired people are more important that they turn out to be due to Riku having silver hair. We also don’t know Riku’s parents, unlike Sora and Kairi. We know Sora has a mom and a dad with a boat, and we know who adopted Kairi. But Riku? nothing. I’m curious exactly who introduced the silver hair gene in destiny islands. Is it a common trait? Xehanort has it. Riku has it. I need to see the family trees, please Nomura. How tf do they get their hair color im dying please-
She stands between Eraqus and Xehanort but behind them. Im sure this will be important later on. Until then though, i cannot say much.
She does have the Recusant’s sigil though, which once again reminds me of the fact that Keyblade Wielders have inbuilt trackers in their clothes. Im sure thats very useful for when they get lost in a random world.
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My first reaction to Vor: She looks innocent but she would totally stab me in the back in an alleyway if given the opportunity.
Look at her. She looks like a tiny evil gremlin.
As a short people I can attest that short people will not hesitate to set your house on fire in Minecraft if given the chance. The world is too tall for us so we shall burn it until it is at eye level
Look im approximately 5ft tall, im short
I like her color scheme, very eye pleasing
People have pointed out her name is one letter away from Vore. Thanks guys, I so did not need that
People theorize this is Kairi’s grandma. I can see why, but I shall remain neutral on the subject
Probably the youngest
kinda reminds me of Ava
She is in the front, along with our main duo, maybe this will mean something
Will probably be a mix between Aqua and Ventus in term of gameplay. Speedy or magic main.
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My first reaction to Bragi was: he looks so smug. He gives me a bastard vibe but that has to be seen. Or he is a troll.
People theorize he is Luxu because his name can be rearranged to Braig. Considering Nomura’s love for anagrams, it makes sense. 
I wanna punch him in the face, he looks like he knows more than me
Reminds me of Axel. Hahahaha the idea of Axel and him having a connexion of some kind would be. Hilarious. Honestly the idea of anyone in this group having a relation to anyone in the present era would be hilarious because Xehanort grew up with these people so it would be like “Oh shit my coworkers had kids?!?!”
Could they be old enough to have kids? I mean, bbs Xehanort was like, 80 years old so it could be a possibility. 
Fire user. I take no criticism.
Or he is a status user. He would spam like, 50 status spells and just kick your ass without having to move. Look, someone in these series has to see the potential of status spells, I can’t be the only one
Imagine that instead of him being luxu, its the master. I would laugh so much at y’all’s reactions.
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My first reaction to Hermod: he looks like the oldest and older brother vibes but that might be because he’s tall.
He gives me vibes of trying to be responsible like Aqua but rolls his eyes fondly at everyone else’s shenanigans.
Has a sense of humor
In terms of placement, he stands more or less on the center, which might reflect on his personality. Peacekeeper? Probably tries to be neutral.
Tries to keep Bragi in line.
Tries not to pick favorites.
The idea of him trying to talk to Vor is hilarious. What is he gonna do, stand in his knees? He is just too tall.
Maybe Xehanort is taller than him, and thats the only thing I shall accept
Senior apprentice
In terms of gameplay, he might be like Terra, a heavy hitter.
Gives good hugs
TLDR; at some point I went from analysis to simply listing off random thought, just as all my posts turn out at some point. We do not know enough about them. The fact that the last kh themed new character we had was Strelizia is insane. New blood! I’m excited for yet another mobile game I can lord over my siblings because I know the timeline and they don’t. Posible candidate for the Disney Plus series? doubtful but still a strong possibility. It is 9:08 PM and I have not beta read this. 
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strelightzia · 4 years
Like We Promised [Oneshot]
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Rating: G
Word Count: 1528
Pairings: Roxas/Namine
Summary: Roxas and Namine meet again on the beaches of Destiny Island.
Read on AO3
The ocean was beautiful.
Namine had never known something so beautiful could exist. The waters of the Destiny Islands washed up on the shore both blue and crystal clear, the color deepening as the ocean stretched out, endlessly it seemed, to meet the horizon. She had to shield her eyes from the sunlight that danced on the water in flashing steps, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the infinite beauty of it all.
Sitting on the rocks facing the surf, she could feel the spray of the water as it washed up against the shore, and smell the brine that lay heavy on the air. She took a deep breath to feel it again. There had been nothing like this in Castle Oblivion. She couldn’t even imagine it. This was something she knew she couldn’t capture in a sketchbook, even if she tried a hundred times.
When she had arrived at the Destiny Islands, Namine had hung back quietly, not knowing where she fit in. Everybody else was getting along so well. She watched Donald and Goofy bicker good-naturedly, Riku and Isa talking, Ventus playing with Hayner, Pence, and Olette. As her eyes moved across the beach, they fell on Roxas, sitting and laughing with Axel and Xion, all three of them smiling and talking animatedly. She watched Axel ruffle Roxas’ hair and wag his finger at something Xion had said while Roxas tried to push Axel away. There was a total self-assuredness in their actions, an unshakeable faith in the bond the three of them shared, that was obvious to anybody who looked at them.
So Namine went to sit on the beach by herself.
The ocean was beautiful, she reminded herself, as the sun began to dip slowly towards the horizon. Unlike anything she had ever known before. A wind rustling through the trees lifted her hair off her neck momentarily, and she felt the ocean spray on her face once again. She couldn’t help shivering. The ocean was beautiful, but cold.
“Hey.” A familiar voice, one she had thought she might never hear again, interrupted her reverie.
Namine looked up. It was Roxas.
“Can I sit?”
Wordlessly, Namine nodded and moved over to make room for him. As he settled himself, she didn’t know where to look or what to say. It had been so long. Where were Axel and Xion? She didn’t dare turn her head to look for them. Instead she turned back to see Roxas looking steadily at her, sitting so close to her.
“Are you ok?”
“Yes–yes of course.” Her voice felt fragile and thin, unconvincing. “Won’t Axel and Xion be looking for you?”
“They went to get ice cream. I wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh. What about?” Every sentence felt dragged out of her, so awkward and stilted. She didn’t know why.
The question seemed to take him aback. “Well…nothing, I guess.” He hesitated for the first time. “I just wanted to see you.”
“I guess it has been a long time.” Memories of the digital Twilight Town flashed through her mind. Did those seven fake days even count? She could feel his eyes watching her, measuring her. She wondered if he felt the tension that hung between them like a shadow, or if that was only her.
“They told me they were going to bring you back, the same as me. I’m glad it worked.”
“So am I.” She hadn’t meant to sound sarcastic, it just came out that way. Roxas chuckled sheepishly as if realizing his mistake.
“I just meant I’m happy to see you again. Both of us with our own bodies, being our own people, finally.”
Embarrassed at sounding petulant, Namine averted her eyes. “I know. I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just–everything’s so–” she faltered, her words stumbling over themselves. She wanted to tell him everything: how she could feel the warmth of his smile through Sora the day he returned to the Destiny Islands, how their promise to be together through Sora and Kairi had made her so happy, how Sora’s declaration that Roxas missed her had given her hope, even when she had been alone in The Final World. She wanted to say it all, but stopped short, not knowing if he would even care.
“Everything’s pretty different now.” Roxas finished the sentence for her.
She turned to meet his gaze for the first time. His eyes were the same clear blue as the ocean, reflecting the late afternoon sunlight. There was no expectation or judgement in his eyes, only patience and understanding. He at least, knew what it was to lead such a confusing existence. She had to laugh a little, which made him raise his eyebrows.
“What’s so funny?”
“It’s nothing.” Namine exhaled and let her worries and her wishes dissolve into the sea foam; there would be time for them later. Instead she smiled at him, a pure, brilliant smile from the heart. “I’m happy to see you too, Roxas.”
They sat in silence for a few moments just watching the waves together before Namine spoke up. “You seem happy with your friends again.”
“Yeah. I still can’t believe it’s real sometimes. It’s what we always dreamed about–just the three of us, together.”
His words rang with the same confidence that had been evident in his face as he joked and laughed with Axel and Xion. Roxas knew that no matter what happened or where they were, he, Axel, and Xion, would always be with each other. It made Namine’s heart ache to hear it. She turned back towards the water to hide it. Although still not quite sunset, the first streaks of red were appearing and clouds were gathering low on the horizon, stained pink and orange and violet. The colors shimmered on the edge of the horizon, flowing against each other like the surface of an oil slick.
“It’s beautiful.” The words slipped out without meaning to. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”
“Me neither. The sunsets at Twilight Town were always the same view. Beautiful, but the same. I guess the sunsets on every world are different.” Roxas turned to smile at her. “Funny how that seems so obvious, but I just realized it now.”
“I never knew how much beauty there was in the world,” said Namine quietly. She held a hand up to the sky, watching the light pass through the translucent edges of her fingers. “Just think of all the other sunsets out there that we’ll never see.”
“We could go see them together.”
The sound of the waves echoed in her head as Roxas’ words sank in. Namine hadn’t known what would happen to her once she had a real body again. Existing for so long as nothing but a heart, she had accepted that it was her fate to remain in her in-between existence forever, fading back into the darkness when the time came. If she ever had a home it was Castle Oblivion, and Castle Oblivion was gone now. There simply wasn’t a place for her in this world, the Nobody that nobody ever knew what to do with.
But now…
“You’d want to do that with me?”
“Yeah.” Roxas touched her hand softly with his own.
“I missed you, Namine.”
“Ahem!” The sound of someone clearing their throat sounded loudly behind them, and both Roxas and Namine jumped. Turning, they saw Axel’s tall figure leaning down towards them with a grin on his face, Xion right behind him. Both of them held an ice cream bar in each hand. “Not to interrupt, but we’ve got a very important delivery. “ He handed Roxas a bar of blue sea salt ice cream. “And one for the lady, of course.” Xion handed Namine another ice cream with a smile.
“Mind if we join you?” she asked.
Axel sat down heavily on Roxas’ other side while Xion settled herself next to Namine. As Namine took her first bite of ice cream and the salty but sweet flavor spread through her body, she suddenly realized that this was what happiness tasted like.
“Hey Roxas! Come and race with us.” Riku’s voice rang across the beach from where he stood with Terra, waving for Roxas to come over. Donald, Goofy, and the kids from Twilight Town had started building sand sculptures. Roxas hurriedly took the last bite of his ice cream and stood up, brushing sand off his pants.
“Guess I have to go put those two guys in their place. Be back in a minute!” A second later, Axel got up as well, mock grumbling as Ventus dragged him over to play frisbee.
Xion put her hand on Namine’s shoulder. “Do you want to see some of the shells I found on the beach here? They’re really pretty. I’ve never seen them anywhere else.”
Namine smiled. “I’d love to.” As she stood up in the glow of the slowly setting sun, Namine looked out at the glittering ocean again. The taste of the sea salt ice cream still lingered on her tongue. Maybe somewhere on that infinite plane of possibility, there was a place for her after all.
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Kairi Prompt
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This happens during Kairi’s exam, where Aqua was trying to prepare her but suddenly, a new enemy began to threaten some uncharted worlds.
Worried this could mean something bad is happening with darkness again, Aqua, Terra, and Ventus go to investigate through the door to darkness, while Roxas, Axel, and Xion state they’ll try looking around in the world of light.
Kairi wants to journey too, but wonders if she should go alone...
Thinking this may be from the data world, Mickey can’t abandon his research, and Goofy and Donald are sent there.
Kairi... is once again alone.
She hadn’t really snuck onto the gummi ship, she just wandered into it and no one seemed to notice.
She wondered if she should talk to Master Yen Sid... but something told her she already knew what to do.
She continued to walk over to the main chair of the ship... in the middle and in front of the other two.
She placed a loosely-bundled fist up to her chest, looking down a moment. “Why... am I here?”
She could feel something... calling... and closed her eyes.
“Sora... you’re with me, right? Hehe, I should have known.” She smiled and lowered her hand down, looking more determinedly towards the windows of the gummi ship. “If you heard what was going on, you wouldn’t just sit back and wait... for someone else to direct your course... would you?”
She tilted her head, under the impression that maybe if his voice couldn’t reach her where he was... that her voice still could.
“Right, let’s do this! Together!” She summoned her keyblade, pointing it out as it began to glow at it’s tip, and the gummi ship began to activate.
“Ohh!” Startled by the sudden wind, Queen Minnie and Daisy turned to see it floating up and a lighted beam shoot out from it. “Could it be..?” Minnie had to wonder a moment, “No, it’s Kairi! Kairi..!” She waved, joyfully wishing her off.
“Your majesty!” Daisy reached up and dropped her hand, “Should you really be so relaxed right now? She’s going off on her own!”
“I know,” Minnie smiled to her, then gently placed her hand on Daisy’s which had lowered her arm from sending Kairi off on her way. “Isn’t it exciting?”
Daisy looked amazed, her beak opening to say something, before shaking her head and smiling politely to her. She let her arms drop and remain poised in the front of her, down and over one another, “You’re right... It is...” She looked up with hope in her eyes and faith that Kairi was ready, and that she may find something the others couldn’t.
“Besides,” Minnie began, still watching the gummi ship take off in a large burst that rippled the wind back and made the two girls brace themselves. “Hmhm, she’s never alone.” Minnie placed her hands together, as though saying a silent prayer, and then with a touch of magic, her fingertips started glowing and gathering light around them.
“Ah! Your highness!” Daisy seemed to recognize this power. “A-are you sure!?”
“I’m very certain... Kairi may not need it, but I’d feel awfully worried if I didn’t at least give her a... oh, a pick-me-up! That’s a fun thing to call it!” she giggled once more in her glee and raised one hand away from the other, shooting a star up into the sky that trailed after Kairi.
“A royal blessing...” Daisy commented, and lowered her head in respects. “Ohh... without that blessing though, who’s going to guard you?”
She seemed to be hinting at the magic being somewhat a shield of somekind, but it wasn’t certain.
Minnie turned around and winked to her, and stated, “I’ll be alright! I’ve got Mickey home at last. Though he’s hard at work, I don’t want to seem like I’m slacking either.” and again, her eyes turned back to where the gummi ship was far out of sight now... the shooting-star’s trial of stardust was all that twinkled to show which way it had headed. “It’s up to Kairi and the lingering spirit of Sora’s presence in her heart to carry out the rest.” She nodded with certainty. “And if anyone can teach Kairi what she needs before taking the mark of mastery, it’s definitely going to be from a journey with Sora.” She amused over the idea, “What a lovely date they’ll have!” She covered her mouth and closed her eyes, realizing she was being a bit nosy, and turned around to think her mischievously charming thoughts to herself. “Come along now, Daisy. Let’s tell Mickey what we’ve done...”
“Y-yes, your majesty.” Daisy sighed, walking after her, “Oh bother... Do we have to take the stairs?”
Kairi went to many Disney worlds that Sora and the gang haven’t ventured to before, previously. However, many of the characters seemed to know Sora, or at least, friends of Sora by some degree.
Kairi also came back to other worlds he had visited, finding that their stories were far from over, and there was--in fact--something influencing darkness and evil in the worlds... it strengthened their foes or new ones...
For example, Kairi learned from Merida that one decides their own fate, whether it’s by their hand or some magic, you always can choose your fate... if you’re brave enough to seize it.
“This time...” She watched the ghostly wisps beckoning her to where the bears were fighting. She summoned her keyblade, gripping it strongly as though with an iron fist, “I’ll decide where my fate starts.” she took off, ready to help Merida and her mother.
In Dumbo, Kairi realized that it wasn’t her keyblade, her own personal strength, or even her friends that necessarily gave her all the power she ever needed. It was also faith in herself, what she already had, that would bring her the greatest powers yet to come.
“And you gave him that faith to fly, didn’t you?” She looked at the little mouse as it took off it’s ring-master hat and bowed to her. “And Dumbo...” She giggled, “It was never the feather that you wielded. It’s power was always your own... I think I understand now.” She looked over at her keyblade, “All my strength... or at least, the strength that I’ve always had... I’ve just yet to realize it.” She smiled, finding some confidence in herself. “I bet that’s how Sora and Riku once felt... I thought, if I could be a Keyblade Master, maybe... I don’t know,” She lowered the keyblade, looking back to the little elephant and it’s mouse friend. “I still gain so much strength from their faith in me... but I see now that I need faith in myself, my own abilities, to really succeed at being my own kind of keyblade wielder... Thank you for that, both of you.” Dumbo wiggled his ears, elated to have helped as she had also helped them so much. “Now, let’s make sure your mother’s okay.” Dumbo jumped around in a cycle, full of glee at that idea, and took off as the little mouse gripped it’s hat, ran in the air a moment, before darting after him.
“Heheh... Well, I be done seen about everything.” She laughed to herself, and for a second, her heart took her to a moment long ago lived... where Sora and Riku were laughing beside her on the dock back in Destiny Island. Riku swung a hand into Sora’s face and he tried to fight back, causing the two to tumble into the sea...
“Sora... Riku...” She gripped her heart again, “...I will join you, once I’m ready. You don’t have to worry about this world anymore... I’ve got it covered.” She nodded with a sincere wish that they could trust her with this task, and continued her journey to find the mysterious force causing so much problems.
In Lady and the Tramp, she followed a puppy with a dog muzzle on it’s mouth. Later, she helped a stray into the zoo to help follow the other dog, and watched as the two seemed to have gotten separated by the dark-influencer. They seemed to be asking her to help them escape the dog-catcher, and did so.
“These... interesting dogs... are mine, sir!” she stood between him and the two, what appeared to be in love, dogs as the dog-catcher waddled his way up to her in a goofy manner. She stood her ground though, as he commented back, “Their be laws in this fine city, Miss! Put a collar and leash’em! Or they’re heading straight to the pound!” He wiggled his finger up above her, but Kairi just sweetly nodded.
“Yes, sir.”
“Hmph!” He stomped away, and Kairi narrowed her eyes and turned to whisper back at the dogs.
“I’ve faced scarier things than him!” She joked, as the dogs yipped in thanks. “Now, you two should get out of here... I don’t know if you belong to anyone... but I can see now that you belong with each other.”
They both snuggled up in their iconic hug, and looked back to Kairi. “What a fine lady you have there.” Kairi smiled, remembering how she had offered Kairi her paw in greeting.
Lady barked with approval. “Oh? Is that... That’s your name, right?” She nodded, “I could feel it... in my heart.” She looked to the other dog. “Keep her out of trouble... ya here?”
Tramp also barked in agreement.
“...Take care of each other...” As they took off, Kairi couldn’t help but think of Sora. “...I’ll keep you safe... Sora.” She decided this world still had a mystery to solve, and continued on.
Later, She found that a Lion knew Sora, and that his daughter had gone missing. Stopping some feuding prides, she learned a valuable lesson about not judging by one’s past... She may had been sent to Destiny Island against her will, used for a terrible fate in summoning the true Kingdom Hearts, “But love find’s a way!” She knew that to be true, “And I’ll find my way!” She prepared to fight the Lioness of the Shadow lands, and finally met the misty dark presence...
“Who are you? Why are you causing so much chaos in these worlds?” She demanded to know, but it took off, and she hurriedly followed it in the gummi ship.
Pocahontas had the last key she needed to fully unlock her true potential. The dark influencer was giving strength to the fear in both people’s hearts, and while Pocahontas raced to save the man she loved, Kairi returned to grandmother willow, asking sincerely how to help.
“Listen... with your heart... you will understand~” Grandmother Willow sang, but Kairi couldn’t just sit and mediate.
“There’s a war, Grandmother Willow! And I don’t have a compass to point my way like Pocahontas does! Please, I’m begging you, why can’t I summon my keyblade here? I must help them!”
“Let it break... upon you like... the waves upon the sand~” She kept singing, as Kairi was panting from her long journey through the woods filled with the dark-influencers presence and creations, having their contentions manifest as new dark creatures she had never seen before.
“My... heart... waves... sand?” She spoke through her heavy breathing, and taking a deep breath to try and calm herself, she looked within...
Her heart seemed to open up, and she was standing before Sora... upon the stainglass of her story.
“I don’t understand,” She admitted, gesturing to him while his face looked sorrowful at her plight. “I know you can’t answer me... but you can hear me, right?” she was holding back tears, and then... withdrew her hand to crunch her torso in and shake her angered fist. “I don’t know how I lost the power to summon my keyblade... I don’t understand why! In such a critical moment where I’m needed... it’s never been this bad in the other worlds, I’ve always found some sort of solution, but the settlers won’t listen to me! I don’t have Kiara to help me reason with them, and faith in myself isn’t going to help John Smith escape execution! They’re all too afraid of each other for me to get through to them over bravery alone! I don’t know... I don’t know what to do!” She gripped her head, still struggling to not cry.
“Sora... how have you been able to go through so many worlds... face so many challenges that a keyblade can’t always solve? I don’t understand... I’ve tried everything within my power, but a man’s going to die and I can’t just sit by and watch it play out!” she fell to her knees, “Sora! Sora, just take over! I don’t know what to do anymore! They need you! Not me... I’m still too weak! I... I can’t pass my training...”
As she shook her head, she revealed the true fear that had lingered in her heart.
“I... Don’t know if I can live up to the expectations you and Riku gave to these people... to their worlds... I... I’m just me.”
Feeling a bit hopeless, she finally saw Sora’s form move.
It advanced towards her before he dropped to a knee and placed his hand on her shoulder.
“So... you’ll help me?” She looked up into his eyes.
He squinted his eyes slightly, looking into each one of hers.
“...Listen... with your heart...” she scrunched her face up to avoid crying, and placed her hand by her heart again. “And you will understand...”
The setting suddenly changed to Destiny Island, and Sora was a child...
She had gotten Riku and Sora out of the water, and began actively teasing them about not fighting so much, “If you’re real friends, you should treat each other with a lot less rough-housing! Though, it was pretty funny.”
“Give us a break, Kairi...” Sora scratched his head, looking apologetic.
“It’s a boy thing.” Riku hooked his arm around Sora’s head, and pulled him over to him as Sora struggled.
“R-right... hey, Riku!”
Kairi giggled, “I guess... if you really fought, I’d have to pull you out before you drowned yourself.” She knew they had a rivalry, but put her hands behind her back. “Alright, that does it!”
The two boys looked to her new declaration, seeing as her voice had pepped up quite a bit.
“From now on, I’ll make sure you two don’t fight..! Or bicker behind my back...” She grinned then, “Cause you’re not gonna leave my sights!”
“H-hey!” The two didn’t really complain, but they refused to rough-house since she would intersect herself, saying that if they were gonna fight, they’d have to contend with her too.
“...I’m...” Kairi opened her eyes, looking up at Grandmother Willow. “I’ve always been a mediator... I’m not meant to just be a fighter!”
“Go, my child! Your course is set, and the compass of your heart spins and guides you!” The wind rustled by fiercely and Kairi felt a surge of power come upon her.
She turned as the large sails of the mistaken clouds of the sky lightly glided behind her.
“You know your path, now, Kairi! Take it!” Leaves of differing color spun around Kairi as her hair beat against the wind, the light sparkles suddenly trailed down her arm with the leaves and Kairi summoned a different keyblade...
She raced through the forest, and as Pocahontas cried out, “Stop!” She threw her keyblade up to the chief’s staff.
He was a powerful man, and for a moment, Kairi saw in her mind’s eye the glitching reality of Xenanort, then back to the chief.
She continued to strain, letting Pocahontas speak, and hearing for the first time... the words that no one uttered, but that were meant by their hearts.
She spoke them after her, and from what she learned at Pride Rock, taught the same lessons. “We are one... all of us!”
She knew what Simba had meant when he sang to Kiara now... and what Kiara learned after her journey. “Can I also... trust in my own heart?” She felt Sora’s light, and knew that she could.
“Can you trust yours?” Kairi lowered her keyblade... and the chief looked settled. “We don’t need to fight.”
However, she did finally confront the Dark-Influencer, realizing he was the lingering will of the dark-side of Kingdom Hearts...
“You... You just aren’t completed. But your hatred... all the loathing of the heart, it’s insecurities that we all felt during that battle at the keyblade graveyard...” she took a deep breath, “Now, I will set free those awful feelings... and the last of the lingering feelings we’ve had then... will finally come to an end!”
She fought with everything she had, as it morphed and changed into many of the silhouettes of her friends, their fear that she thought Sora had defeated... but it was exactly Sora’s lingering heart within her that had guided her to the Dark-Influencer.
As she fought it, it would shift at intervals between her friends and allies, even the foes and their lingering spites or sorrows... but then...
After defeating the dark silhouette of Master Aqua, the dark silhouette transformed into a figure looking like Sora...
It staggered, before regaining slowly itself into a powerful stance.
It swiped out the kingdom blade and began powering up.
“Sora... this is it, isn’t it?” She saw a light begin to shine from her heart. “You trust me and only me to defeat the last of your fear from this world... the last thing holding everyone back from living at peace again, right?”
She also threw her new keyblade up to the sky, then slowly lowered it to have a crown appear below her.
“Sora... if I can... please... lend me your strength!” she felt a surge of power, light shining from the crown as the shooting star spiraled down to the crown and filled it with magnificent power, granting a keyhole to appear.
“Ah..!” not sure what it was, but knowing it was going to temporarily grant her some help, she trusted that if she unlocked this... Sora might be given a second chance to aid her. She stepped back, flying slightly in an arch before unlocking it, having the shooting-star’s dust fly out and glitter against a new form...
A light-figure of Sora slowly arose from a kneeling position... the same that he had when she was in her heart... he reached up and grabbed her hand to help her glide back down safely...
“Sora..?” She held his hand a moment... and it squeezed it.
She nodded to it, not knowing quite how this magic worked, but knowing she could fight with him against this powerful foe just like beforehand... when he had gathered the petals of her crystal lotus heart and they fought the greatest evil together.
This... was truly like before, but the foe was now their own emotions... having gathered under Kingdom Hearts... and having the last of it’s power leak life into them...
She looked to the dark figure, “You’re no longer a part of us!” she swiped her hand out, as the Lighted Sora silhouette got into battle position, letting go of her hand as a one-sided wing appeared on both their shoulders, matching the other.
“I will act as the light from my friends! This is where Kingdom Hearts ends, for good!”
With their hearts as one... they beated the lighted wings once behind them to propel them forward, holding their keyblades back to attack the last of the darkness that still plagued this world...
Like the fight between the nobodies, darkness, and her friends, the light... she would not let this end... with savage emotions.
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nadziejastar · 5 years
Would you say that Saix is also maladjusted?
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Saïx was definitely maladjusted. Way worse than Axel, lol. And Axel knew he was maladjusted. Because Isa didn’t get a lot of development, a lot of people got the impression that he was always cold and arrogant, even as a human. As if that was just his natural personality.
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But from what I could see, that wasn’t true at all. It was the exact opposite. I hate how people don’t differentiate between Isa and Saïx and even in KH3, they were made out to have the same personality. When I first played BBS, I thought Isa was probably similar to Riku in personality. But now, I have a much different view of him.
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Riku and Terra have “Earth” personalities. They’re the disciplined, hard-working, serious types. Aqua and Kairi have “Water” personalities. Ventus and Sora have “Air” personalities. Lea obviously has a “Fire” personality.
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Isa must have had a “Moon” personality, which is Water-based. From the little bit of personality we can get of Isa from the official sources, he was a typical Cancer. Extremely sensitive, emotional, empathetic, and insecure. He would have been a lot more emotional than Riku. Because of how he was as a human, Axel was VERY forgiving of Saïx’s flaws. He seemed to view Saïx’s personality as being a result of trauma. It was not just his natural personality. Since Isa was naturally oversensitive, Axel was very lenient with him. 
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“Yeah. As long as we remember one another, we’ll never be apart. Got it memorized?”
Roxas grinned.
“Who are you, and what have you done with Axel?”
“Hey! I tried, okay?” All that effort to cheer them up, and they just turned it into a punch line. Chagrined, he looked away.
Cancers are the perfect adults. Roxas and Xion laughed at Axel when he said this because it didn’t sound like him. When Hayner said this, it was about growing up. Isa was probably the one who said it to Lea originally. Isa was emotionally mature for his age, but as a Cancer, his flaws were insecurity, moodiness, and dependence. Axel had Peter Pan syndrome. Saïx had, well…the opposite. And Saïx’s syndrome was a LOT worse than Axel’s.
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“So, Saïx, what am I doing to—? Oh, boy. Awfully early for such a bad mood, don’t you think?” 
Saïx had whirled to face him with a rather pronounced scowl. “…Nobodies do not have ‘moods’ to be ruined,” he said at length. 
“Well, sure, technically…” Of course, with no hearts, they couldn’t have moods or fits of temper. If something went frustratingly awry, their faces might reveal shadows of remembered emotion, no more. Still, for a remembered shadow, that was a mean glower on Saïx’s face. “Did I miss something?” Axel wondered. 
“Xion has collapsed again.” 
Now Axel frowned. He sure had missed something. “Did she get hurt or what?” 
“No,” Saïx replied, any hint of expression vanishing from his face. “It’s just that the failure was functioning better than expected until recently.”
Cancers are known for being moody and retreating into their shells.
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They need time to themselves if they’re in a bad mood.
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Axel seemed like he was very much used to dealing with mood swings. “The Wrong Button” was about Xion’s moodiness, but it sounds a lot like Axel was giving Roxas advice based off of his experience with Isa. Axel thought of Saïx as moody, damaged, and overly sensitive.
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“In any case, I don’t intend to speak about the failure.”
“Failure, failure… You don’t have to say it like that, do you?”
“I thought I told you not to get too involved.” Saïx swung his chair, turning his back on Axel. Axel could feel nothing but a will of rejection from that back.
“I’m simply caught up in it. If there’s something, please don’t hide it from me, tell me.” Axel got up off the shelf and put his hand on Saïx’s shoulder from behind, peering into that face.
It’s actually very interesting how Axel always treated him with kid gloves and walked on egg shells not to offend him. Saïx would berate Xion in the nastiest way possible and Axel would chide him ever-so-gently to watch his tone. Axel felt nothing but rejection from him, but he STILL put his hand on his shoulder to ask him what was bothering him. It really spoke volumes about the way he viewed Saïx. He treated him like a kid.
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Cancers are calm and serene.
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But they are overly sensitive and hold grudges.
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Saïx is a pretty sad character when you realize he is not really some huge force of evil—he was just a maladjusted guy with the emotional maturity of an abused child. He was very needy and terrified of abandonment and rejection.
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It wouldn’t surprise me if the crab in the above panel was even a reference to Saïx being a Cancer. That’s just my hunch.
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“Are you getting enough rest?”
“Rest?” Roxas echoed.
“I mean, are you sleeping properly? Keeping clean, taking care of yourself? Those things are all part of being fully prepared for missions.”
“Um, probably,” said Roxas.
Saïx looked vaguely unsatisfied with this response.
“Being prepared is important and so is knowing your own capabilities.”
Cancers are also very maternal. I’ve said it before, but, Isa was meant to be a very feminine character. A nurturing caretaker type.
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“And on top of that, you’re late,” Saïx scolded.
“I haven’t…been sleeping well…”
“You’d better. It’s part of your work,” said Saïx. “You know you need proper rest to carry out missions.”
Axel was very depressed on the vacation when he slept in all day. I think he remembered how Isa used to try and mother him and tell him to get enough rest. Saïx now has a complex where he feels like he has to be hyper competent and independent to distance himself from his past. He doesn’t mother Axel anymore. Axel misses the old Isa. IMO, that’s what we were supposed to learn and realize about Axel/Saïx after seeing their entire backstory.
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This is exactly why Axel was so maladjusted. He remembered having a wonderful best friend. That’s what Isa was like when he was well-adjusted. Then, his perfect best friend turned into…Saïx. Axel was extremely traumatized over losing Isa.
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I’m sure Isa was very protective of Lea, despite not being a natural fighter. That’s what I think triggered his berserk state in the first place. But the flip side is that Saïx was Super Duper Jealous.
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And he became psychotically upset when he thought Axel betrayed him. He was…not very well-adjusted at all. He pushed Axel away because he could not tolerate his emotional neediness towards him. Yet, he became psycho when Axel left him. Axel saw him as a broken person and felt sorry for him. I think this is why he wanted to find Isa as soon as he was recompleted. He was willing to put it all behind him because he genuinely did not think Isa was mentally stable.
And he really wasn’t. If they really wanted to redeem Saïx in KH3 without resorting to the possession angle, they really went about it in the wrong way. None of the crap where Saïx acts totally calm and normal and reveals he was doing it all for some random girl was necessary. They really should have used the insanity plea. Saïx should be forgiven for his actions because he was a miserable person who was not in his right mind.
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Saïx really did act like a heartbroken ex when Axel left the organization. I think that’s what he was supposed to be. He acted that way because he REALLY loved Lea when he was human. Isa seemed like he was pretty different from the cool, cocky, competitive, self-assured Riku type. He sounded really sweet and cute, actually. But he was too gay for Square and Disney, I guess…
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EDIT: Read to the end or go to the end for explanation and the inspiration for this!
It was just another day in the Realm of Darkness. Another lonely day. Well, he didn’t know if it was another day or not. Time didn’t really exist here.
He was just alone. It was the only fact he knew since he got here. It’s the thing that was sitting in the back of his mind.
He fought everyday. However, after multiple fights, the cura’s started to wear off. He’d be healed, but scars would last. They would be there for who knows how long. He doesn’t even know how long he’s been missing. However, even after the scars, and all the battles.
The thing that was the most painful was everytime he saw one of his friends.
He’d be walking and suddenly hear a laugh. Gold flakes would appear in front of him and get arranged into a person, silhouetted in gold. He’d always let out a gasp and his hope would always be high. The person would eventually turn out to be one of his friends. It was almost always Riku, but sometimes there was Kairi, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Axel, Aqua, Ventus, or Terra. They’d be there and he’d run towards them, only for his hand to disappear right through them, and for them to break into gold flakes again and fly into the wind. It hurts so bad, but he knew all the pain would be worth it. He knew he’d be found one day.
So one time when he was walking again, trying to be quiet to not be caught by the heartless, he heard a laugh. A voice that he loves to hear, the one that used to tease him constantly, the voice that’d comfort him when he was scared, and the voice of his beloved, who he never got to tell that he loved him.
He heard his voice, so he looked around him, quick with excitement. Then gold flakes all appeared in front of him and rearranged into a silhouette of gold. Once the light faded, it revealed his best friend, Riku. He ran towards him but stopped before he touched him. He stood there and smiled so bright as Riku smiled back at him.
“Hi, Riku.” Sora whispered out to him, his throat tight with emotion. Riku just smiled and didn’t make any words. Soras heart was shattering a little bit. Riku not speaking to him hurt him. He remembered when they were like this. Their journey started and they seemed to be on rocky terms, and Riku didn’t want to see him. It hurt Sora a lot, but they got better and to now see Riku not speak to him...hurt deep. However, he brushed it off and continued to talk to Riku. “I hope y’all are okay. Not worrying too much about little old me,” he told him with a laugh as he rested his forearms against the back of his head, the signature pose for Sora. He may have wanted them to worry a little bit, he was still scared. He wanted Riku and everyone to take care of themselves first.
To his surprise, Riku replied, “We’re looking for you everyday, Sora.” Instead of having a blank stare and a smile as he spoke, his face suddenly had a sad look and emotion in his voice. It was as if he was really there. It was weird to him. It was the first time they replied with emotion. It confused him, but Riku continued. “We’re not giving up. I won’t give up on you, Sora. That’s a promise.” He put on a smile as if he was trying to ease Sora. “Just like the real Riku,” Sora thought.
Soras heart may have been hurting and shattered, but to hear Riku tell him he misses him and tells him they’re not giving up, it picked up some of the pieces and put them back together, but pieces were still everywhere. Sora just smiled at him with happiness. “It’s okay. I know you won’t give up on me, Riku. You’re not like that!”
Sora remembered how he gave his life for him in the keyblade graveyard. Well, in the alternate timeline. Riku stood in front of Sora when he was vulnerable and with no hesitation...gave his life for him. It hurt him when he thought of it, but also proved how Riku wasn’t the one to sit down and give up on Sora, or anyone. He would never do that.
As Sora was spacing out, he was brought back to the world when he saw Riku step closer to him. He felt a little anxious, he didn’t want to see Riku go through him once again. But he stood still, too scared and nervous to move at all, and watched as Riku walked up to him and placed his hand on his cheek. Because of this contact, Riku started to disappear into gold flakes and fly into the wind again, but before he was gone completely, Sora heard Riku whisper,
“I love you. I’ll find you soon, Sora.”
That little confession made Sora reach back out to Riku, to only grab onto air and gold flakes that flew away from him. Before he knew it, tears were sliding down his cheeks and sobs came from his throat, still a little silent out of fear. However, his heart was shattered once again and he fell to the ground onto his knees.
This time seeing Riku hurt more than normal because this time he replied. He talked and tried to comfort him only the way he could. He heard his voice and heard him say the words he wanted to hear so bad. However, he doesn’t know if what he said was real, or the shadows of his heart taking form and telling him what he wanted to hear. He didn’t know...but he didn’t care.
As he was on his knees on the hard ground, he whispered the words he wished he could’ve replied and couldn’t wait to tell the real Riku.
“I love you, too.”
Okay!! I hope y’all liked this! I kinda liked this and hope this was a good fic!! I got this idea from the Fragmentary Passage of BBS 0.2. It was the one with Aqua and her being in the realm of darkness. She mentioned the shadows of her heart would show Terra and Ventus and it’d hurt her so much and make her feel a little bit of hope. So...I took that and twisted it towards Sora since he’s missing as well! Hope y’all liked it and criticism is appreciate (but you don’t have to!).
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kcystotheheart · 4 years
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{🍎} I don’t feel like i got all of them but MASSIVE TAG DROP/DUMP
♡ Home is where the Heart is... {IC}
✧ I foresee the end of all I know... {Ava}
#☪︎I'm howling with the wolves {Fida}
#✦ Breaking Traditions {Sub Alt V.} ⚔︎
#☮︎You are the future; the hope of this world... {Hope}
#♟Hidden from the rest of the World… Until now {Wandering V.} ✧
#🍎of someone's eye {Mun}
#✎ We may feel out of place; but we fit together so perfectly... {X Ventus} #♔♡ Eventually we all return to it... Kingdom Hearts {S A V E D} #⚖︎ I will keep a just and fair eye... {Invi} #♘ They look to me for Guidance... {Ira} #Heartless; Dusks; Unversed? All the same {Anon} #❥ ANSWERED
#✎ He's a work in progress and that's what matters! {Vanitas/tenebrxsus}
#✎ The Light to my Darkness; he makes up what I lack... {X Vanitas}
#✧ He may be all brawn; but he has the biggest heart {Aced/ursaced}
#✧ You wouldn't hurt me; I know... {X Aced} #✦ The Beginning of it all… {Past V.} ♙ #➳ All right; No more playing around! {Hayner} #♡ It's time to strike {Open Starter} #♔ Beyond the realms... {OOC} #♥︎ I'll find my way... {Riku} #✎ Let's make a promise; To hold each other through it all {X Riku} #♤ I won't fade away so easily! {Lingering Remnant!Vanitas} #♠︎ Different from the rest... {Springy/Hareraiser} #♥︎ Once a Somebody... now a Nobody {Nobody V.} ♤ #✦ A little Generosity never hurt nobody~ {Cari} #✦ He thinks he's sooo good; but I know he's bad~ {Indus/ursaced} #✦ Momma I'm in love with a criminal; I'm the bad guy duh~ {X Indus} #♡ We'll never let the darkness consume us... {Queue}
🎲 May Lady Luck be on your side~ {Fortune} 💘 No matter what happens i’ll always be by your side {Faith} ⚔️ That was undeniable proof that we totally owned you lamers! {Seifer} ��️ Cracking the {Code} 🌱Rough around the edges by soft on the inside [Jagged} 🌿 My Strength will help support them… {Aced} 🌟 I will always help the weak {Starlight} 🍃I’ll sweep you up and leave your head spinnin’! {Wind} 🛡 I will always defend them {Keeper} 🃏 Care to take a Gamble? {Luxord/Ordul} 🎵I can drop a beat {Demyx/Dyme}  🎼 Let me play a song for you~ {Arpeggio}
⚠︎ You make me feel things I thought were lost {X Lauriam} ♟ More alike than you know {Rei/solaimaginem} ✎ Even after all this time… we’re connected. {Terra/willfulwayfarer} ✎ We’ll find new secrets to discover… together! {Pence/dxgstreet} ✎ I want to capture this moment {X Pence} ➸✮ Blessed or Cursed with magic that runs within him {Magia} #🎐My Lazy Companion {Sir Snugglesopholis the Flood} #♝ I will prove my worth... {Xionort} #𝒳 No one will know... {Subject X V.} ⭑ #No longer Lost {Naminé; Vanitas & Repliku } #✎ We've had tough pasts but we can move forward {Aiden/lethargic-hunter} #♟We've cut our own strings and now we're free {Xion & Repliku} #Made a sacrifice {Repliku} #Always busy saving everyone else... {Aqua} #☯︎ Disciplinary Committee {Fuu; Seifer & Rai} #yOU leFT mE... {Nightmare Chirithy}
#Why does everything involve running? {Pence}
#Not your Typical Princess... {Kairi}
#Fun and Playful; Strong and Powerful {Ventus}
#♠︎ A little noisy... {Skitters/Flood}
#☓ Always watching; always seeing~ {Master of Masters}
#⭑ How bright is the future? {Skuld}
#♚ Stuck in Between Worlds... {Lingering V.} ♤
#✨I'll learn to use my magic for good {Apprentice V.} ✎
#✎ He understands me like no one else does {Max/pageofgoof}
#🍀I've got a present too; for all of us! {Olette}
#He once wandered the darkness seeking light; only to find he was the light {Riku}
#His smile brings about other people's happiness {Sora}
#👁‍🗨If only I could stand in her light... {Ava/verumheart}
#👁‍🗨If I could begin to be; half of what you think of me I'd do about anything {X Ava}
#🍀She sits by the Seashore {Kairi/thalassicradiance}
#✎ I'll never forget you; promise? {X Sora}
#♜ We all have our Roles to Play... {Foreteller V.} ♠︎
#♗ I have made mistakes & have more regrets than you could imagine {Master Eraqus}
#One of the strongest wielders there is {Terra}
#🎐My lovely little Pearl... {Kairi/thalassicradiance}
#♡ Something that simply resonates with me... {Aesthetic}
#➦ Portal Time {Shooter}
#➥ Eagle Eyes {Sharp}
#🌪Whispers on the Wind {Gale}
#♤ The Nobody that never was... {Kuxir}
#🎐When things are tough; I'll always welcome you home... {Ansem/afoolelopedindarkness}
#✦ I have to complete my role... {Sacrificed V.} ✧
#♡♔ Kingdom FARTS {Crack}
#♟No longer just a vessel... {Xion}
#♣︎ No one would miss me... And yet... {Roxas}
#☀︎ I always keep my promises... {Axel}
#⌁ I have to uncover the truth... {Gula}
#⚠︎ I will find a way to rewrite my Fate {Brain}
#☆⭒ A lost little Star {Strelitzia}
#♚ The Darkness has consumed us… {Alt V.} ♥︎
#☁︎ Where there's rain; there's a storm {Rain}
#🌸As Pretty as a Flower but twice as Dangerous {Song}
#✴︎ May the Tears of Heaven hear my call... {Sterling}
#❅ Her Colours are a reflection of who she is {Aurora}
#✵ Hear my prayer O'Morning Star {Ivory}
#♾You'll never hear their name on the wind... {No Name}
#⚡️The Eye of the Storm {Tempest}
#✑ You write down your feelings on paper {Memoire}
#☆⭒ A Light in the Dark... {Roxas/aftrliight}
#👁‍🗨 It's a heavy burden to carry... {Luxu}
#♥︎ He has every right to be mad at me; but i had to do it {Roxas/caelumobscura}
#♥︎ Twilight and Dawn... What an interesting combination {X Roxas}
#☘︎Oh Look- Nope it's just them... {Dani}
#♣︎ There's just something about him that i hate... and i love {X Riku}
#✎ You remember me; the way I remember you {X Roxas}
#☆⭒ He gives me the courage I need; she is always so kind... {X Roxas}
#☆⭒ Let's go to the garden... {Lauriam/lordofoblivion}
#✘ There is always something worth fighting for... {Kohaku}
#♡ No longer just a Copy... {Repliku/Kouki}
#⚙︎Just because I'm not a 'True' Keyblade doesn't mean I can't kill you {Void}
#♥︎ You and I; were intertwined from the start... {X Kairi}
#♡ These will make anyone laugh! {Memes}
#✬ Here to help! {Chirithy}
#🌼You'll never learn from your mistakes if you don't make them {Ayaka/Roxas' mom}
#♔♡ The Mark of a Master~ {P R O M O}
#✿ Thinking of you wherever you are... {Hana/Sora's Mom}
#♤☆ When the Light embraced the Dark... {Mending Hearts V.} ★♠
#✎ He wants to break the mold {Roxas/serendimpetus}
#🗝🖤The Kingdom's Protector and the Original Blade {Chi}
#♔ Mirrored Reflections; Two in the Same {Twin V.} ♡
#★ I'll be there to hide your light when you need it {Dusk}
#♻︎ I'm not even the real thing...And yet in my soul it says otherwise {Soul}
#✩*~ I'll unlock the mysteries of the world {Ephemer}
#♠︎ Made completely out of Darkness {Vanitas}
#✩*~ We'll meet where the darkness meets the light {X Vanitas}
#➳ Skateboard tricks and Sea Salt Icecream... {X Roxas}
#♡ Let's line up the pieces... Together {Main V.} ♔
#❁ He'll always be my little Sprout... {Kasumi/Riku's mother}
#❁ To trust or not to trust is the question... {Xemnas/potestasaeterna}
#♘ He trusts me to look after everyone; but who's going to look after him? {X Master}
#♘ Always one step ahead... or two- or three {Master/masterxmasters}
#☾ The path between Night and Day... {Dawn}
#♡ A Watchful eye... {Dash Commentary}
#☯︎ Total Annihilation {Fuu}
#✎ Don't forget me... {Naminé}
#☄️ I will always rise up from the Ashes {Libra}
#🔥Better watch out because I always bounce back {Ember}
#💥I will burn Eternally {Flame}
#♕ Together we'll protect the world! {Kiki}
#♛ We'll free their hearts and consume the world in darkness... {Heart!Kiki}
#🍨Not just a sweet treat~ {Sweetie}
#♜ I'll protect you from the Shadows {Oblivion}
#♖ Just follow my Light {Oathkeeper}
#♥︎ No matter the Nightmare; I'll be there {X Ventus}
#♠︎ A little noisy... {Skitters/Flood}
#🎐When you feel it in your heart; you know that your home {Mitsuki/Kairi's Grandma}
#❁ He's my stubborn Rock. {Roxas/aftrliight}
#💥She rises with the moon {Luna/verumheart}
#♧ Even in your dreams... {Dream Eater V.} ♥︎
#🍡 Cheeky Cheel {Leche}
#❦ There's more to Light than meets the eye {Young Eraqus}
#❦ And that's checkmate I win; Hold on it's still my turn {X Young Xehanort}
#The Copycat Trio {Repliku; Vanitas and Xion}
#Created with a purpose {Vanitas}
#🐶Watch out for the Mad Dog~ {Mady}
#➸✮ Reliable and Sturdy as the Shield he carries {Aegis/verumrook}
#➸✮ I shouldn't feel this way but I do... And I don't want to stop {X Aegis}
#✘ ...I will protect his light with my life... {Artemis/keyfamilia}
#✘ I don't know what he sees in me... but i'm grateful {X Artemis}
#🗝🖤A shroud of Mystery and Darkness {Master of Masters/eyesofparoxysm}
#🗝🖤The one who compliments me; who truly understands {X Master of Masters}
#✧ He's a good listener and a good friend {Luxu/gravitasfatum}
#✎ What did I do to deserve you...? {Riku/darkheartedprince}
#♔♡ It rests now within us all... {Drabble}
#💚As playful as a breeze; but as strong as a gale wind {Ventus}
#💫Not even the Night Sky could contain her Light... {Astraea}
#🍏A Bad Apple spoils the bunch {Negative Thoughts}
#☀︎ Set me ablaze; start a fire in me {X Terra}
#☀︎ He's my pillar when I'm not strong {Terra/willfulfwayfarer}
#🎐Just like the Stars; He will burn long after... {Yen Sid/omnipotentmxster}
#☀︎ Never expected to fall for a flower {X Marluxia}
#☀︎ Every Flower has it's thorns and he's full of them {Marluxia/lordofoblivion}
#✿ My Little Sparrow {Sora/lightheartedwarrior}
#❁ My Little Sprout {Riku/darkheartedprince}
#🎐If we keep each other in our hearts; we'll always be strong {Young Mitsuki}
#🎐The Stars align when he smiles... {Young Yen Sid/omnipotentmxster}
#⚚ I'm sending a message to you and I hope that it makes it through {Hermod}
#⭑ He could light the sky with his colours {Sora/valorxdrive}
#⭑ He's my knight and I'm his princess {X Sora}
#⭑ We both just wanted a friend... {Blaine/virusplanted}
#⭑ The future may be uncertain; but I'm certain of us {X Blaine}
#🧶Tying the knot {Married V.}
#♔ In another World; another Time or another Place {AU V.} ♡
#⚖︎She moves with the beauty and grace of her namesake {Aqua/theheartstreasure}
#⚖︎I certainly don't know what I did to deserve you; but i'm grateful {X Aqua}
#⌁ The only one I'll always trust {Ava/starshold}
#❀ Careful the Flowers have ears {Foxglove}
#☆⭒ He's my bookworm... {Blaine/virusplanted}
#☆⭒ One day I saw him there and couldn't help but gravitate towards him {X Blaine}
#♔ A World without Magic... {Modern V.} ♡
#🎐An old friend and fellow Master {Eraqus/eraqus-the-defender}
#❦ I wish I was enough to keep you from the Darkness... {Young Xehanort/iuvienis}
#🌕A place where all hearts are one... {Kingdom Hearts}
#🔮The Mistress of Darkness {Maleficent}
#🐚Overcame the Impossible {Maryllis/Kairi's Mother}
#🌊I will do my duty to protect the people {Nalani/Destiny Islands Mayor}
#🥀Poison runs through their veins {Vera}
#✩*~ He's the smartest guy I know {Brain/virusplanted}
#✩*~ We'll always be connected; no matter where we fly too {X Brain}
#🐚His Majesty and My King {Ansem/afoolelopedindarkness}
#🐚Two halves of a whole {X Ansem The Wise}
#✩*~ Flowers can be strong so long as you let them {Lauriam/lordofoblivion}
#🐚My Precious Treasure {Kairi/thalassicradiance}
#🐚Like Mother like daughter {Maryllis and Kairi}
#🎶Listen to my Melody {Maestro}
#Before Summer Vacation is over; we should go to the beach! {Twilight Town Gang}
#♘ More important than he realizes {Kage/thechessboard}
#✩*~ I use to think Dandelions were just weeds; I think they're beautiful {X Lauriam}
#📓Don't always believe what you see... {Lexicon}
#🌹Strong and Elegant {Rose}
#⚠︎ Infuriating and yet... He's Mi Rosa {Lauriam/rxsoideae}
#✧ She's as strong as she is beautiful {Aqua/theheartstreasure}
#✧ She makes me feel like a princess; she gives me hope {X Aqua}
#✎ We will always have each other's backs {Naminé and Aiden}
#☆⭒ Wallflower friends {Luxu and Strelitzia}
#The Darkness gave us purpose... {Dark Repliku; Vanitas & Xionort}
#Let's go to the beach {Axel; Xion & Roxas}
#⚔︎Childhood rivals to lovers {X Hayner}
#⭑★ Fallen Hearts turn to Dark Stars… {Darkling V.} ❤︎♥︎
#⭑ ...Unknowingly My Protector... {Braig/freeshooterxig}
#🍀We're stronger than we look {X Kairi}
#♟He isn't all darkness... {Vanitas/unversedshadow}
#✧ My precious Snowflake Dandelion... {Theo/keytosolidarity}
#✎ She was my light; He was my knight {X Repliku}
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Doctor - A RokuNami Story for RokuNami Day 2020
Summary:  Even though I ended up "finishing this up" and polishing it up for RokuNami Day this year... Tbh, this was the first thing I started writing after KHIII came out (right after I'd only watched the ending once, so I even got some things wrong about it. It's the same ending, but kind of told differently? And especially now with what we know from Re:Mind), when I was a bit sad that there was really no RokuNami in the game and wanted a fic where Sora was found and rescued. So I went "Why not combine the ideas?!" and this fic was born, but I won't be continuing it because I decided to write another RokuNami instead and I have too much on my plate now. But I hope you all still enjoy! "Yozora is Sora" theory at the end of this fic. Dedicated to BlueRosesBurnBlue, because this is the RokuNami story I told her I was writing her AGES ago. Look! I finally finished it! ...Kind of.
Doctor Roxas’ PoV Roxas—through Sora—had looked at the white curtains that flew in the breeze of Twilight Town—at the beginning of this journey—and he’d thought of Naminé and the words they'd shared there. …It had been a trying time for Roxas, when he'd first met the white witch: a time that was made even moreso that, when she had told him that he wasn't meant to exist… and Roxas had resented her for it. How could he not have? But now Roxas appreciated the blonde’s brutal honesty there, and her giving him a truth he had needed to hear. That he had wanted to hear, really, as no one else had been being honest with him. Roxas even respected how Naminé had been his guiding light, when he'd been lost in the fog of Hayner, Pence, and Olette. And now... now in this “Final World”, he, from within Sora, wished he could do more for Naminé, like she had him. And Roxas would carry that thought with him, even when he came back to save Xion and Axel. He would focus on the battle—because there would never be any other choice for him. His best friends were in danger! Axel in particular, since his Keyblade was broken and he was being tormented by his former best friend… and even Kairi had been kidnapped, and Sora was falling because of that now—but in the back of his mind, he'd think on how Naminé had been so certain that no one missed her… That thought of hers reminded him a lot of what he’d thought when he left the Organization, but it wasn’t true. Had never been true, and it wasn’t true for her either! And when Sora was saying he needed to go to save Kairi after Master Xehanort had killed her? Roxas decided then and there that he needed to go with Sora to save both girls! Because he cared about Kairi, he did—and his heart ached for how his Other felt in the loss of her—and because a world without Naminé in it wasn’t a world that Roxas even wanted to fathom. But when Sora said he had to go it alone, Roxas had to accept his decision—like Sora had once accepted his returning to him—even though it was killing him inside. But it was when two days turned to three, and Sora still wasn’t back with Kairi yet, that Roxas knew he had to risk calling Sora on the gummiphone... wherever he was. "Sora, I know this is a really bad time... but have you found Kairi yet? Naminé's body is ready, and-" "Uhh..." Sora breathed then as he ran away from some Invisibles with Kairi, who seemed exhausted—Roxas could see all of  this from the screen on the gummiphone—“I don’t think we’re close enough yet for us to try and send Naminé’s heart to Radiant Garden. I don’t want to risk injuring Kairi, because she’s still not doing too well. “But… if data can grow hearts, due to the imprints it’s based on… I almost wonder if Kairi could make a new heart for Naminé, by talking about her heart to the empty Replica. Roxas, press the gummiphone to the Replica’s ear.” And he did just that… and he leaned in, too, and heard everything that Kairi was whispering about Naminé: how she, unlike Kairi, loved mushrooms… that surprisingly, Naminé wanted to try wearing red, if she could ever get around adults who would be okay with her wearing color…  and how she apparently loved him—Roxas—because to her, he represented the brightest part of the day before it went dark. “Kairi… thank you,” Roxas found himself whispering now. “I adore you because Sora does… But I won’t lie… for some reason, I imagined you as selfish. And I thought that if you had to talk about anyone here, you’d talk about yourself. But thank you for doing this and talking about Naminé instead.” And then Roxas saw blonde hair starting to spout from the doll, and he realized all their hard work was paying off. And he held Naminé in his arms even before she woke up. But he had to admit that it was muchbetter, when he saw pale blue eyes and felt arms squeezing him back. And once Naminé was free and created again—and outside stretching her wings, so to speak—Riku helped her get into a much bigger gummi ship than the one Roxas had, with all of the millions of belonging that Ansem the Wise had just given her. And so, Roxas ended up hating Riku a bit less. But just a little. But though he despised Riku less, he would later berate himself for being the one selfish here… and caring so little about Sora and Kairi’s fates—as they tried to help him, from even beyond death—when it would end up so badly for them.
… "Yeah, everything’s great, guys. I promise. Naminé’s as good as new. And, yes: so are Xion and myself, still. No worries. Anyway, we'll talk to you guys later. Okay? Get home safely.” And he disconnected his call from Sora… and—little did Roxas know it at the time—but it would be the last time he ever got to talk to Sora on the phone. But no one was thinking about dire things now: they were believing Sora’s words that he’d return home with Kairi faster than they could blink. And instead, everyone was caring about Naminé on the beach, as they had missed her and it warmed Roxas’ heart to see. He knew that his girl had worried about not having a single friend group to call her home. But really, because of that, she was everyone’s friend, and he almost wanted to joke with her that that was the better deal. “Roxas told me about you two’s story on the way home from the Graveyard, you know,” Xion was saying now—as she tried to help Naminé down the zipline and he was right behind them; he was already rolling his eyes, in trying to anticipate how she’d make him sound like a fool to his new girlfriend here—“and I think it’s beautiful. But he really didn’t tell you ‘See? We meet again, like we promised’ when he woke you up?! That was a missed opportunity, Roxas. You hear me? A missed opportunity!” Everyone laughed at this—because, yes: Xion was talking so loudly, that all those gathered (Hayner, Pence, Olette, Riku, Lea, Isa, Terra, Ventus, Aqua, and King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy) could hear her. But while Roxas wanted to be somewhat mad at Xion for this—and play punch her in the arm—he thought that maybe it was okay that everyone was laughing at his expense. They had all just come out of a grueling war, after all. And they still didn’t know where Kairi and Sora were- And right when the last name entered Roxas’ head, he had a splitting headache and knew that something was wrong… wrong… so horribly wrong. And out of the corner of his eye, he could tell that Naminé, Xion, and even Ven were feeling the same way. As Roxas fell on the floor of the zipline area, alongside Xion and Naminé, he tasted blood in his mouth… and tried to say his former Other’s name and reach out his hand to him… but no dice. And then Roxas promptly passed out. … "Wha- what happened?” Roxas asked days later—he assumed it was days later, based on how hungry he was, anyway—as he woke up in a hospital: he knew from Sora’s memories that it was exactly that. “Roxas… I don’t know how to tell you this,” a kind lady doctor, with brown eyes and the same colored hair to her shoulders said. “Especially since I’m only starting to learn about Nobodies—former Nobodies, in your case—and their connection to their Others… but- but your Other died. And you and some of the others felt that, and that’s why you’re here… I’m Doctor Aki Ross, by the way.” “He- he what?! No. No! It wasn’t supposed to be like this! It wasn’t!” and Roxas buried his face in his hands and cried. And he could tell the doctor wanted to reach out to comfort him, but also held off on doing so… probably because she didn’t want any lawsuits against her. But it was okay. Roxas had hands that he’d no anywhere wrapped around his shoulders now. “Shh, shh. It’s okay, Roxas. I know,” Naminé tried to soothe him, as the doctor quietly and gracefully left the room. “It’s horrible. Oh, so horrible! I know you all apparently knew there was a risk with Sora going after Kairi… but hearing about it, and dealing with the reality of it, are two completely different things. So…” And here Naminé trailed off. And Roxas wondered if she was regretting that she was back now, and that Sora had ever gone to fetch Kairi… And to say that Roxas felt like he was going to throw up at the notion, would've been an understatement. He was upset about Sora—he always would be; and he was going to try and find some way to bring his brother back—but it wasn’t these golden girls’ faults. It just wasn’t. But grief also made no sense. Because even while Roxas was thinking those thoughts that would free Naminé and Kairi from guilt, he was blaming himself… for not insisting that he go with Sora… for caring only about Naminé while he and Kairi had clearly been in danger, and for hanging up on him… And for existing now at all. Was Sora’s death the price of him being here? Was it really true that the two of them couldn’t co-exist? And if- if he had stayed assimilated with Sora, would he have been strong enough to survive whatever had done this to him? Roxas was just about to ask if Naminé if she could help him return to Sora again—because maybe it would save him!—when Kairi entered the room. And if Roxas thought that he and all of Sora’s “Others” probably looked dead without him, that was nothing on how Kairi appeared now. It was clear that she’d been crying. And Roxas would wager that she hadn’t eaten or slept in many, many days. She also looked like she’d been hurting herself some… but Roxas knew he wanted to get some actual information about if that was true, before he judged. “Kairi, I-“ Roxas said, as he got to his feet and resisted the urge to bow to her—something he didn’t think she would like much—since it just felt like Kairi needed some sort of assurance that she was worth it, after what had happened. But then she was the one who reassured Roxas and Naminé instead, acting much like the monarch she might have been in another life. “Roxas, I’m so glad to see that you’re okay! I thought that after Sora, you might- Anyway, Naminé I came to tell you both that you’re more than welcome to stay at my house. My parents already see you as my sister, Naminé, from what I’ve told them... “Roxas… I know you probably want- want to be Sora’s sibling. But since you might find it hard to speak to his- speak to his parents a-a-after… you’re welcome to stay with me too, if you want.” Kairi had always glowed with such confidence and light—even when she’d been more concerned with Sora’s name than his own, and had actually been somewhat rude about it, she’d handled their encounter so well, that Roxas hadn’t been offended at all. So, seeing her like this… where she was stuttering and surely hating herself, was too much for Roxas to bear. And he could understand perfectly why Sora would sacrifice his life to spare this poor soul from even more pain. He probably would have even done the same. “We’re- we’re going to find him, Kairi,” Roxas promised the redhead then, as he stood up from his bed and took his hand in his own and put an arm around Naminé. “Naminé and I together, I mean. We probably have the deepest connection to Sora—aside from you and Riku—so I’m sure we could locate him if we really tried, and you’re welcome to come with us.” “Yes, Kairi,” Naminé backed Roxas up—and how he loved her for it—as she ran a hand through her sister’s hair and then brought her in for a hug as she cried. “Don’t let this eat you up. Do something about it.” And Kairi spoke so quietly, that Roxas could barely even hear her words. But still… hear them he did, and that was more than enough for now. “Let’s do it,” she’d said. … Roxas let the Three Good Fairies size him, Naminé, and Kairi up for new outfits, and to tell them exactly what they should do to activate their new powers in the clothes. And while a lot of this was helpful—getting even stronger was always good in Roxas’ book—he couldn't believe that Sora had so easily put up with these women fighting over colors… and Master Yen Sid’s lack of know-how and respect. As usual, it seemed like the wizard had no idea how they’d find their friend. And instead of admiring Sora for his sacrifices that had quite literally saved the worlds, the Master was instead blaming Sora’s current disappearance on his recklessness. And it took all that Roxas had, to not beat the former Keyblade Master within an inch of his life and he could tell Kairi—and heck, even Naminé!—was almost there herself. "All we can say for sure,” the Fairy Godmother was telling them now, “is that though your and Sora’s journeys may be separated now, you’ll find each other in the end.” “Can we skip to the end, then?” Roxas asked helplessly. And Naminé and Kairi giggled for the first time that Roxas could remember. Any time before Sora’s death felt like a lifetime ago to everyone. “No, Roxas, it’s pretty clear we can’t. Don’t you see how Master Yen Sid has a book on his desk, detailing the Beginning, Middle, and End?” Naminé asked. But Roxas could tell she wasn’t being serious… and was as done with the old man as he was, as that book was about Sora’s first journey, his time in Castle Oblivion, and his first battle with the Organization. None of it seemed relevant now. But Roxas figured that that was just Yen Sid for you. But still… the three gathered were good at acting and pretended that they weren’t the three angry teenagers that they really were. So, they thanked the four women and one man, bid them adieu, and hopped onto the gummi ship. And it was only there that it suddenly struck Roxas that he had no idea what Naminé was going to fight with on this quest, since she didn’t have a Keyblade. He knew she had her memory powers… but would she be able to use that on the offensive at all? Roxas reallyworried about that when he landed the gummi ship on a dark highway—where he could feel the faintest connection to Sora—where no soul was in sight… it was as if everyone in this world had already been killed. And if so… what had killed them, and would Naminé stand a chance against the threat at all? But before Roxas could freak out too much, Naminé was already answering Roxas’ question by summoning golden chains that lit up, and suddenly made this new world seem less foreboding. “Kairi’s asleep in the back, Roxas. And though I know we should wake her soon—because this world seems dangerous to me, too—let’s let my sister finally catch a few Zs before we return her to this nightmare.” Roxas nodded, not having to be told twice because he felt the same about Kairi’s situation right now. The poor kid… But perhaps she wasn’t the only one he was thinking about protecting in some way. Putting a hand over Naminé’s where it rested on the dashboard, Roxas motioned for her to angle her body so she could look at him. And she did. “You know, Naminé… this isn’t exactly what I wanted at all—how could it ever be?—but I did imagine taking you to other worlds with me, even before this. Because I thought it wasn’t fair how little of this beautiful world you’ve gotten to see… Even less than Kairi. And wherever you were, it was always with a gun pointed to your head. So even though this situation isn’t ideal… I’m glad we at least have this moment.” “Me- me too, Roxas,” Naminé admitted as she rested her head atop his. “And, I mean, I want to see worlds, too. And even when I thought I couldn’t… I knew I’d be content in having my world in you—and seeing the worlds through your eyes, when your face lit up in talking about one of them—and that hasn’t changed. You’re- you’re an amazing being, Roxas, who was meant to be here. And if anyone can find Sora, you can. I love you.” And as the two kissed, in the background was a blue and red-eyed man who had become their Sora, that they would soon learn.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 4 years
Can I request KH boys x reader? When the reader gets confused or sad because they don’t know about love. That’s when they confess.
KH Boys Confessing
Warnings: fluff
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You were a member of Organization XIII. Sora saved you from them when he found out that you had special powers of light. Sora welcomed you to the light with open arms. It felt weird at first, but you got used to it. Sora and you became best friends after a few months. Sora became so close to you that he developed a crush. You had no idea what love was, but you heard a lot about it. You decided to ask Sora what he thought love was. 
“Well, love is when you like someone so much that you would do anything to make them happy and protect them.” he said. 
“Oh. Well, do you love anybody?” you asked. 
“Yeah. You.” You were shocked. You felt your lips on his and you two kissed for a few minutes. You felt happy, finally knowing what love meant. 
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Riku and you were close friends. You two met when you were kids and have stuck by each other since then. Riku knew that he was in love with you, but you had no idea what love was. You were so confused, so you went to Riku. 
“Love is when you like someone so much that you would do anything to make them happy and protect them. And you are the person that I like the most.” he said. You blushed at his words. Riku placed a kiss on your cheek and you blushed even more. He chuckled and took you on a date. 
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Vanitas had no idea what love was and neither did you. But he had a little bit more knowledge than you. You felt a little sad that you didn’t know what love was and he noticed. When you started dating, the first rule was for you to always stay happy. He sat you down and demanded asked why you were sad. When you told him what was wrong, he almost laughed. 
“Are you serious? Fine, I’ll tell you. Love is when you like someone so much that you would do anything to make them happy and protect them.” he said.  
“Do you love me?” you asked. 
“What do you think?” 
“It’s exactly as I said, idiot. Love is when you like someone so much that you would do anything to make them happy. So of course I’m love with you.” You two cuddled for the rest of the night. 
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Terra knew you weren’t used to things such as dating and was willing to take things slow. When he heard you didn’t know what love was, he wanted to not only tell you but show you. He took you to go watch the stars and confess to you. 
“So, I heard that you don’t know what love is.” he said. 
“Yeah...can you teach me?” you asked. 
“Sure. Love is when you like someone so much that you would do anything to make them happy and protect them. And I took you here to show you just how much I love you.” 
“How much do you love me?” 
“You see those stars. Each one represents how much I love you.” You felt tears come to your eyes and hugged Terra. He hugged you back and kissed your head. You two continued to look at the stars. 
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Ven was also new to love but with help from Aqua and Terra, he had a better understanding of it. Unfortunately, you had zero idea what love was and it made you a bit sad. And Ven didn’t like seeing you sad. When you told him what was wrong, he was more than willing to teach you. 
“You see, you like someone so much that you would do anything to make them happy and want to protect them.” he said. 
“Oh. And how do you know if you’re in love?” 
“You’re heart would beat faster and you get all flustered around them.” You saw that he had the symptoms. 
“Ven, do you love me?” 
“I love you too. Now can I have a hug?” Ven wrapped his arms around you in a tight cuddle. 
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Axel was considered an expert on love. He knew all the parts of love, the first kiss, the first anniversary, everything. When he met you, he immediately fell in love with you. But you didn’t know love was and he was happy to teach you. 
“So you see, love is when you like someone so much that you would do anything to make them happy and you want to protect them at all costs.” he said. 
“Really? And who do you love?” 
“The person standing right in front of me.” You blushed. Axel gave you a small kiss on the lips. 
“I love you. Got it memorized?” You giggled at his iconic line. 
“I love you too.” 
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Roxas had no idea what love was an neither did you. Thankfully, he had Axel to teach him. He noticed how sad and confused you were. He sat you down on the couch and asked what was wrong. You told him what was going on and he taught you what Axel taught him. 
“So in conclusion, love is when you like someone so much that you would do anything to make them happy and want to protect them.” he said. 
“I see. So who do you love?” 
“I think I love you.” 
“Yes, you.” 
“I think I love you too.” 
“Ready to explore this crazy thing called love?” 
“Hell yeah.” 
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Ch. 13* ☆*~~~*☆
Location: Unknown
The group landed in what could only be described as a floating castle in a sea of stars, yet very few were within the sky, it seemed that all of them were in the ‘water’ below at their feet. The large female gently lowered everyone carefully to the ground, a bright smile to greet them. Everyone watched cautiously as it sat down before Xion and Roxas. Axel moved before the two only for the other to smile brighter as it reached forward seeming to be uncaring of the red head before them, if anything it seemed more excited. Everyone moved to draw their weapons only to halt as they heard Lio laughing from Terra’s arms.
The Luminary seeming rather excited to see the large woman currently looming over them, as she gave a laugh, “They don’t recognize you in that form, Olix.” 
“Olix?” The trio from her days past called as she smiled brightly, wrapping gentle hands around them in a hug, seeing that she was too large now to properly embrace them.
“Where are we?” Ventus asked, looking to the large woman sitting before them who was fondly looking around to the group below her.
“Stella Umbra.” Lio replied, her gaze moving back to Olix as she released the three.
“Have you never been here?” Donald asked.
“Typically Luminary are the only ones allowed here, but Olix invited everyone. I believe you all are the first guests, ever.” Lio replied, as she motioned for Terra to place her down. The man seemed hesitant only to be reassured as she held tightly to his arm, as she stood beside him.  “One of the safest places from Kingdom Hearts and the battle.”
Axel chuckled looking up to the giant star filled woman sitting before them, “You really do like your make-overs.” 
“This is actually her true form,”Lio explained for the other, in this form Olix had no reason to ever speak, only gaining that when she created her other form. “When I was put to sleep, I only had a short time to do anything, I never expected for her to actually become such a huge part in all this.”
“It’s good to see you’re okay.” Sora smiled, as Olix placed a large finger on his head.
“Xemnas did mention she was fine.“ Mickey replied.
Olix shook her head at this, small  flakes of glitter and light coming off of her from the movement.
“What do you mean, he didn’t mean you?” Lio called, as everyone watched in confusion.
“But, but we saw,” Xion whispered as Olix wrapped a hand around her, caressing Xion’s cheek with the tip of her thumb.
Olix turned waving her hand, whisking an orb out the air pushing it towards the lake as she showed a large illusion of the battle scene, her movement as she placed an orb within Kairi’s hood.
“What happened?” Riku asked looking up to the woman.
Olix continued her illusion, showing Xehanort leaving Kairi with Xemnas. The man turned to the red head, as his voice echoed softly around them.
“Will you continue this charade, Illusionist Aria?”
Kairi glared towards the man with violet eyes.
“I’ve known that gaze, you’ve had it since we’ve first met.” 
The illusion of Kairi disappeared as Olix stood before the man, “You don’t have to go through with this, Xemnas.”
Xemnas glanced up, before turning back towards the woman, “The others have already fallen, we have come to a climax it is only right.” 
Olix shook her head, “They others have returned to the correct self, and you, you left the others alive, if you didn’t have a heart you wouldn’t have done even that. You wouldn’t have let them go.”
Xemnas chuckled, glancing up toward the endless sky around them, “Is that so?”
“You knew that Inzeo and Vex, Evan would find a way to bring back the others, so you let them go, is that right?”
Xemnas turned towards her, “Saix, no Isa should have returned as well.”
“Why would you go through all this?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” He stated, only to watch her finally understand the message he was trying to give. “You are much like the Luminary, would you be satisfied with this end?”
“My time was always borrowed, ” Olix replied. “Why, Xemnas?”
Xemnas turned to the woman, “I would assume the same reason that you are before me. We both wanted a different end.”
Olix gave a nod of understanding.
“The girl, Kairi, is safe?” He inquired.
“Yes,” Olix confirmed with a hand to her heart.
“And yourself?”
Olix shook her head, “Please let them know.”
Xemnas looked as if he wanted to say more, only to stop himself, “As you wish.”
The group stared in shock as the illusion disappeared.
Axel grunted in disbelief as he shrugged his shoulders, “Guess he did care.” 
“How did you do this, Xemnas went after you too.” Roxas called to the woman towering over everyone.
Olix showed the moment right before Xemnas had grabbed Kairi, of the way Olix had seen it. The moment she placed the orb in Kairi’s hood the girl had vanished and was replaced with Olix herself in the form of the youth. Showing, the Olix that Xemnas had stabbed was a false created by a second orb, destroying the illusion set in the shape of the woman when the source was shattered. The parting message was actually cut short due to orbs shattering.
“Don’t give up...Sora…I’ll watch over her.”
“But how did this work, why did you go through everything when you could have escaped too?” Riku asked to the larger woman.
“Olix‘s illusions.” Lio translated for the other. “They are just that figments of light, the don’t have a solid form, she needed a body to replace the missing one.”
“But you could have teleported later.”
Lio explained for the other, “I could have, but then Xehonart would have went after one of you. I have always been on borrowed time.” 
Sora turned toward Olix with large tear filled eyes, “But where’s Kairi?”
Olix laid a clench hand down, as she released her fingers as Kairi stood there. Leaping from Olix’s hand as she embraced Sora.
“You hid her here?” Lio gasped.
“How, this place is so far away.”
“Stella Umbra is everywhere and nowhere at once.” Lio explained motioning towards the ocean of stars at their feet, “Should a world be created a star takes its place in the body of water, there is always a connection. Luminary’s use it in order to check in on worlds and travel to and from those worlds via portals.”
“Like corridors of darkness?” Roxas inquired.
“Similar but only a Luminary can move through or gain access to them.”
“But how did Xehonart summon Kingdom Hearts if Olix hid Kairi away?” Riku inquired, looking to Lio than back to Olix still kneeling before them.
“Right this is super confusing.” Axel huffed.
Lio’s pink eyes widened as she listened to whatever silent conversation she and Olix were having, “Because of me.”
“What?” Terra asked, turning to the woman still holding to his arm to keep herself steady. “What do you mean, Lio?”
Lio looked down trying to process the information before turning back to the others, “Olix was created by some of my light, a Luminary’s light and hope. Eris said it herself a Luminary can be a key to Kingdom Hearts opening, if that Luminary wasn’t in control of themselves.” She glanced down to her hand not holding onto Terra noticing the slight glow, something surging through her. “I was so angry and scared when Olix was formed, everything was automatically done, she was only a spark when I was asleep, a small flicker of light.”
Kairi looked toward Olix who was waiting patiently a smile on the large star filled woman’s lips, “Olix told us that if a Luminary wasn’t strong enough, someone could use them to create Kingdom Hearts, but that you were more than strong enough to stop that.”
“Yet with Xehonart shattering Olix, he unleashed that magic that Lio, a Luminary, had present, the light used to create Olix being just enough to open Kingdom Hearts.” Aqua followed up, getting a confirmation from Lio in a nod.
“But you said you only felt a tether snap, right?” Ventus asked as Lio nodded looking to Olix for an answer.
“When she hid Kairi she severed the connection and then hid herself.”
“Wouldn’t you be able to see it no matter what?”
“I don’t see tethers all the time, it’s more of a safety line, I have to physically active their appearance. Yet with going from 3 to 10 plus adding the splints of Xehonart it was difficult. I am still not use to everyone’s to be able to pin who is who, there’s so many overlapping and chasing each other.”
“This is confusing.” Sora groaned scratching his head, “Olix is right here so it’s all right now, right?”
“No.” Lio replied, “The Olix we know now is a figment, a very small light, not only did she take some of the rebound of the Spell of Awakening and the Rewind Spell, her light was shattered again and again. She very weak right now.”
Olix reached out setting her hand palm faced up towards the Luminary, who immediately reached out placing a hand to Olix’s. A soft smile on the Luminary’s face as they noticed tears streaming from underneath Olix’s mask, as she removed her hand from Lio, before reaching out picking up Kairi and Sora, 
“Now wait!” Lio suddenly barked, frightening everyone. “Where are you going now? I’m sure we can figure something out.”
“What’s wrong?” Aqua asked, as Lio released Terra’s arm, unsteady heels trying to hold the woman upright as her feet left the ground floating up to Olix’s face with great difficulty.
“I’m sure that Inzeo and the other can help,” Lio argued before Olix’s face. “We can do something, please...”
“Lio, what's wrong?”Kairi asked from Olix's hand to the woman floating well above them.
“It’s taking everything you have right now to keep it together isn’t it?” Lio looked ready to cry in frustration as she turned to the others, “Olix was created to help me watch over everything until I could come back, but now that I’m back she’s…” Lio left it open, afraid to speak it into existence, as she heard the shock from the others. She had never expected for Olix to get a name, much less touch so many people’s hearts. 
Olix was created simply as a vessel, much like The Gaurdian Terra had inhabited, yet made from a piece of a Luminary’s light and hope. Olix may not have been related to her in blood but they shared a connection that made them sisters in a sense.
“You can’t leave!” Lio called, a soft flicker of white light moving off the Luminary.  “You, you promised Namine, what do I tell her now! I just got back and I haven’t even got to know you.” Lio cried, she knew it was selfish but none of this was fair, why did Olix have to pay for her original selfish choice to create her. “That’s not fair!” 
Olix shook her head, giving the silent conversation to the Luminary via the bond they had shared, only for Lio to gasp a hand to her mouth as she stared at the other in the mask.  
 The Luminary’s glow stopped as she rested a hand to Olix’s large cheek as leaned forward, resting her cheek against the large one before her, “This doesn’t have to be the end, Olix please.”
Olix placed a gentle hand to Lio’s back, giving a soft moment as she gave a silent sob, before wrapping her hand around Lio as she lowered the other to the ground beside Terra.
Lio knew that Olix was right, the Keyblade Wielders here needed their Luminary, they had all gone so long without one. Olix wanted to do this and if there was one thing Lio knew was she could relay on was her sister if she wasn’t there.
“Olix,” Xion called as the giant woman turned towards her, “Are you really leaving?”
Olix waved a hand in a circle as she created a small orb, handing it to the girl. Finding a small shell within it from their days back in the organization.
“She says she’s been holding onto it for when you came back.”
A soft finger stroking the Xion’s cheek as Olix moved to stand back up.
“You’ll take care of them right?” Lio called only to let out a soft laugh drying her tears as she felt Terra wrap an arm around her shoulders, “What am I talking about, that’s what you’ve been doing this entire time. Just be safe please, I won’t stop until all of you are back.”
Olix smiled as she cupped a hand to further protect Sora and Kairi within her hand, as she flashed a bright light disappearing in a fall of stars.
“Wait, where did they go?” Axel asked.
“She wouldn’t say.”
Riku chuckled, “As long as Kairi and Sora are together, it’ll be all right.”
Ventus turned to Lio, “What about their tethers, can you still see them?”
Lio gave a weak laugh, for whatever reason Olix was hiding them, “They’ll be fine as long as they’re together.”
“Are you okay?” Aqua asked as Lio managed to get her tears uncontrol, watching as the Luminary gave a nod, uncertain if she was trying to convenience them or the others.
Everyone staring at the place where Olix had disappeared with the others/
“So any idea on how we get back?” Axel asked, flinching at the glare from Aqua, “You've got enough energy to teleport us back, Ms. Luminary?”
Lio laughed her face still stained with tears, “You wouldn’t want me to  teleport us anywhere, even if I was at full strength.”
“So what we just hang out around here since we can’t use those Luminary portals.” Axel inquired.
“There’s another portal instead that we can take.” Lio replied allowing Terra to wipe her face dry from the few tears that managed to stay behind. “Hopefully it still works.” She replied as Terra took her hand following her along with everyone else into the large ivory building, leaning more on Terra now for emotional support rather than physical.
“It’s been awhile since anyone's used it.” Lio explained moving them through the open aired hallways.
“What are we talking about, a few years?” Axel inquired.
Lio thought for a moment, “About 200.”
Lio laughed, walking through the sliver halls, flashes of Olix’s memories compared them to Castle Oblivion, that had been the others' adventure. Some of her own days within training flashed between. Everything seemed so untouched by time.
“It seems this place is empty.” Terra replied as Lio opened a large door, the man rushing over to help her push.
“Thanks.” Lio smiled to the man who refused to leave her side, “It was only Master Eris and myself here. I’m surprised that it's still in good condition without our upkeep.”
“Isn’t this where Olix hid you?” Aqua inquired, as another door was pushed open, the other woman moving them through another hall, it honestly was very confusing the fact Lio knew where she was going was amazing everything seemed very much the same to herself.
“I was hidden in my room, and when I woke up I immediately followed yours and Ven’s tethers to Yen Sid’s place.” Lio replied, lifting a hand as she placed it against the next door, the solid form seeming to almost peel back like a curtain at her touch. “Welcome to the Mare Stella.”
Revealed to them was a large ballroom with a huge domed glass ceiling sparking in a rainbow of colors, reflecting and bouncing off one another, small sparkles of glitter scattered throughout. Casting of white, platinum and silvers holding it up, beneath an arch of a clear crystal standing on an elevated platform that slowly spun. Much more colorful than the halls they had just been through.
“It’s beautiful.” Xion gasped, looking around, her eyes falling to a large statue on the other side of the room of a woman.
Lio stepped forward, moving to the top of the platform as she stood before the archway. Raising her hands as she summoned her staff, realizing it was shattered from before and honestly had no idea how it was still holding itself together. “I almost forgot.”
“Right in the fight, will it be all right?” Goofy asked.
“It seems to just be the seal Master Eris placed on it, the base is still intake.” Lio replied.
“Seal?” Aqua inquired.
“Yeah, in training it was easier for me to have a large conductor. So I asked Master Eris to help me create a base similar to your keyblades so as not to overload myself. Kinda of like training wheels.” Lio explained, as she held the staff in both hands horizontally to the floor.
“Will you be able to fix it?” Xion asked.
Lio instead rose the staff above her head, before cracking it over her knee in half, what appeared to be a small pink, gold and silver version of a keyblade appeared, no bigger than a normal casting wand. “It might be better to actually remove the training wheels. Please stand back everyone.”
Everyone moved away from the platform as she swelled with magic from across the room. The platform at her feet erupted in an aura of pastel colors as the archway began to reflect almost in a bubble type of film.
“It’s set, just think of where you want to go and you’ll arrive.” Lio smiled, moving over to the edge of the platform, prepared to jump down, only for Terra to appear, immediately offering his arms to her to assist her down.
“You sure it’s safe?” Axel inquired.
“Safer than me at the moment.” Lio replied as Terra set her down. “Or anytime actually.”
“What about you?” Xion asked.
“Are you going to stay here?” Roxas followed up, as Lio blinked in confusion.
Terra removed his hands from her waist, only to wrap his arm around her, “She’ll be coming with us.”
“Right, you never got to move in.” Ventus gasped.
“And this place?” Riku inquired.
Lio looked around, her eyes turning to the large dome, “Stella Umbra is a trove of magic, spells, history of so many worlds. I’m sure there’s something here that I can find to help Olix and the others.”
“We can help!” Xion offered stepping forward.
Lio gave a giggle as she placed a hand to Xion’s head, “Thank you, but for now, why don’t we all take a much needed rest. Afterwards, I’ll work with the others in getting quick portals set up so that you all have easy access to come and go.”
“Will that be all right, isn’t this place reserved for Luminary only?” Aqua asked.
“As current Luminary I think Stella Umbra has been quiet for too long, it could use more visitors.” Lio smiled toward the Keyblade Master.
Seeing the others through to their homes, Lio turned back to the three that this entire journey started with. “You all are next.”
“That included you too.” Aqua smiled as Terra took the Luminary’s hand.
Lio smiled as she moved through the portal arriving in the more familiar and welcoming Land of Departure. The young woman followed the trio through the castle, her hand firm on Terra’s. She had wanted for so long to be a permanent part of this, instead of just glances from the outside every so often. It was almost too surreal, what was ten years of blood, sweet tears and laughter was over.
They could relax, to take a moment to breathe.
So focused on her thoughts Lio didn’t realize that they had entered a room she hadn’t recalled seeing before. Waiting at the door with Terra as Aqua and Venus moved around collecting pillows and blankets, tossing them in the middle of the room.
“What are they doing?”
“You said we should rest. Sounds like a good idea, and we should listen to our Luminary.” Terra explained, only to laugh at the look of confusion on her face.
“Nap Party!” Ventus cheered, tossing a larger pillow down before collapsing down, only to burst out laughing as Aqua tossed another pillow on him before collapsing on the nest of pillows.
“Long overdue.” Aqua yawned giving a stretch, as Terra led Lio over. 
The tall young man, turned falling backwards, which sent Aqua and Ventus scrambling out the way. A more than likely recurring theme considering how quickly the other two managed to get out the way.
“You coming?” Aqua giggled to the Luminary staring in confusion at the situation before her.
Lio seemed to finally accept her fate, as she waved a hand, “I believe that it’s a great idea, but maybe without the armor.” She smiled, as she vanished everyone’s armor, straps, and looser articles that would make getting comfortable harder. “That’s better.”
“One more thing to do.” Aqua replied as she glanced towards Terra who had sat up his hand held out to Lio.
The Luminary in question took his hand, letting out a rather shrill squeak as Terra yanked her off her feet, causing her to stumble forward. Managing to catch herself on his lap and chest, hearing the others laugh as Terra wrapped his arms around her before laying back.
Everyone manages to position themselves correctly to get more comfortable. Terra on his back, an arm behind his head, allowing Lio to rest against his bicep. The Luminary also on her back, head tucked into Terra’s neck. Smiling as she felt Aqua move to rest against her shoulder on her side. Ventus on the other side of Terra against the man’s rib cage.
A place to finally rest and relax, one extremely overdue.
Lio had always enjoyed the night sky in the Land of Departure. It was one of the places she had witnessed a Star Shower in her youth, she recalled waking up in the spare room the following morning. It was years later that she realized it was Eraqus who had put her to bed that night when she had fallen asleep on the lawn refusing to go in until she wished on every star.
Master Eraqus, they had all erected a small monument for him in the Garden, where Lio liked to believe that he had sent little Chritiy back to watch over them. The others had offered to return to Stella Umbra to assist with an honor for Master Eris as well, yet Lio had asked for a little more time. 
Master Eraqus was a rather straightforward man,  based as a man in kindness, never one to give up on anyone, allowing everyone to pick their own course of action. Treasuring his friends, and students to the very end. Even with everything that had happened there was so much respect to honor, to allow to live on and pass along.
Yet Master Eris was so different, the woman had trained her, had raised her. With such a firm hand that she hardly had any friends, but to learn that it was from a fear, a mistake she couldn’t control. Lio was confused on what to do, the woman had been her guardian for years, but unlike Eraqus there was no type of familial feeling to it. 
With such confusing emotions to Eris, she didn’t want to even start thinking about Xehanort.
It was only right for a Luminary to honor all Keyblade Wielders no matter what type of life they ended up leading, but at the same time…
Not to mention she would need to find Sora and Kairi, the young girl’s body was safely with Inzeo and Evan, after having found it on Stella Umbra, where she could only assume Olix hid it for safe keeping. Namine would hopefully be able to return soon, and they were still a few of the Organization Members uncalled for. Not to mention the cryptic message Olix told her prior to leaving.
Was it a place, item, person?
All the worlds that she and her Keyblade Wielders looked after always seemed to have some type of perfect ending wrapped up nicely within a bow, yet she realized for the ones that protected that world it could be a little more complicated. 
Lio sighed, normally star gazing especially on the lawns of the Land of Departure cleared her mind if just for a moment. Now it seems that they only provide more questions.
The woman jumped,so in thought she wasn’t prepared to suddenly be called out.
“Room for one more?”
Lio turned as she smiled to the person, “For you, always?”
Terra moved to stand beside her, watching as her gaze turned back to the sky. “How are you holding up?” He had realized that she might have taken the largest change, while the others could more than likely pick up from where they left off when this all started, Lio had lost just a bit more, and was not getting use to new powers, a new home, new charges. In what would only be less than a week to them was years to everyone else.
Lio inhaled deeply closing her eyes, before letting out a sigh as she opened them their focus on the starry sky above, “I’m, I’m good, just in shock that it feels like it’s over but at the same time just starting.”
Terra nodded, his gaze never strayed far from the woman, who seemed so focused on the sky. He realized he preferred to see them reflected in her eyes and the ones that always greeted him on her cheeks.
He gave a chuckle as it all suddenly became so clear, “I did a lot of foolish things, but there’s one thing I learned throughout this, and I was the most foolish not to realize it sooner.”
Lio didn’t turn to him, but that familiar lipstick outlined a smile as she gave soft hum, show she had indeed been listening to him. She had changed so much, but it was more like she had changed into a more comfortable version of herself.
“What would that be?”
“Just how much,” Terra wanted to make sure that there was no misunderstanding, “I love you.”
This caused those pink eyes to widen in shock, as Lio turned from the sky to him with a soft, “Terra?” fell from those lips. Never breaking contact with those those deep blue eyes before her, she could only watch as a strong hand cupped her face.
“More than all the stars in the sky.”
Lio realized at that moment, any questions she need to solve would be done so, because of the people she had met through all this, the ones she had known and because of the person before her.
She hadn’t realized she had been quiet for so long and she couldn’t find the right words, but at this time it seemed that actions spoke so much louder than words. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she pulled him close, her lips against his. She didn’t even have to think about it, just every movement was automatic. That when the words “I love you too” fell from her lips she knew that it was the one thing she never would question.
A muffled giggle against lips as she felt herself being lifted off the ground in a spin.
She often heard of others on different stars having a happy ending, she found she could be happy with this beginning.
* ☆*~~~*☆ End
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talinexa · 5 years
Re-Meetings - Drabbles (2)
Because SOME characters didn’t get the reunions they deserved!
Part 2
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Terra & Riku
Riku landed the Gummiship at the Land of Departure. Aqua, Ventus, and Terra were waiting for him. He hopped out with a smile. “All aboard! Course set for Destiny Islands!” He swept one arm back toward the ship. Ventus and Aqua led the way. Riku stepped into Terra’s path. “Listen, you probably don’t remember me—”
But Terra smiled. “You’re the boy I bequeathed the power of the keyblade to,” he said. “Riku.”
Riku nodded. “I—uh—yeah.”
“Aqua told me you’re a full-fledged Master now.” Terra set his hand on Riku’s shoulder and gave him a sincere look. “I’m proud of you.”
Riku looked down at the intersection of the straps over Terra’s chest. “I don’t know if I deserve your pride. I… initially failed. Succumbed to darkness. I didn’t… become the man I could have.”
Terra raised a brow. “Yes you did. The fact that you returned to the light is what matters. You redeemed yourself, Riku. You made the same mistake I did, but when you fought back against the darkness inside, you made it. You did what I wasn’t strong enough to. You became a stronger man for it. And that’s why I’m so proud of you. Because in redeeming yourself, you redeemed me. I made a lot of mistakes and without me choosing you, I never would have been freed from Xehanort’s control. I’m proud of you and know that I chose my successor well. I knew it then and I know it now. You fought for the strength to protect what matters and you got it.”
“Hey! Are we going to Destiny Islands or what?” Ven called from inside the ship.
Terra nodded toward his friend’s voice. “C’mon. Don’t want to keep them waiting. We have other passengers to pick up as well, don’t we?”
“I—yeah,” Riku said.
“You can tell me the whole story another time. But know that I am proud of you. You’ve become a good man—and a hero. Thank you.”
Riku met Terra’s gaze. “No. Thank you. Without you I never would have made it this far.”
Terra ruffled Riku’s hair the same way he would Ven’s. “Let’s get going before Ven starts whining.”
“Yeah. Yeah okay.” Riku boarded the ship with Terra right behind. He’d grown out of his arrogance and into his confidence, but Terra’s pride stoked his old insecurities about not being good enough or strong enough. What if one of Terra’s mistakes was choosing Riku as his successor? Riku, in his hour of weakness, had fallen into darkness and been possessed by Ansem.
Aqua and Ven stayed in the body of the ship while Terra went up to the bridge and sat in a co-pilot seat. “How far to Radiant Garden?”
“Hour maybe?” Riku replied.
“Tell me everything you can about what happened to you,” Terra requested.
So Riku did. He gave a very brief summary of what happened before, during, and after his redemption. Ripping open the Door to Darkness on the islands. Being manipulated by Maleficent. Getting possessed by Ansem. Winding up in the realm of darkness. Castle Oblivion and fighting toward the road to dawn. Fighting Roxas to get Sora back. Giving in to the darkness again and guiding Sora from the shadows until The World That Never Was and regaining his true form. The Mark Of Mastery exam.
He glossed over some unimportant pieces and finished right before landing in Radiant Garden.
Terra stood up at the same time as him as he moved to leave. “You’ve grown into a great man, Riku. Never forget that. You did it. Strength to protect what matters.” Terra clapped Riku on the shoulder. “You deserve the title of Master and I’m proud of you.”
Riku met Terra’s gaze again, this time with confidence. “Thank you.”
Terra nodded, then glanced out the dome. “Now. Go get Naminé.”
Riku smiled. “Yes sir.” He jogged off.
Terra folded his arms and smirked to himself. Of all the mistakes he’d made, passing the keyblade on to Riku wasn’t one of them.
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Ven & Lea
“On the morrow, you journey to the fated place,” Master Yen Sid said. Everyone bowed and left the study, ready to depart to homes to say goodbye. Lea filed out last, closing the door behind him, caught just behind Kairi and Ventus.
Who paused out in the hall as everyone else left. Kairi edged past the blond. Ventus turned and looked up. “You grew a lot, Lea,” he offered.
Lea nodded and scratched the back of his head. “Yeah… guess so,” he replied.
Ventus smiled. “I’m sorry I didn’t grow with you.”
Lea waved a hand dismissively. “Naw. You had your own problems to worry about.”
“It’s awesome that you became a keyblade wielder like me,” Ventus continued.
“Well… it wasn’t all sunlight and good times.”
"What do you mean?”
Lea sighed and leaned against the wall, folding his arms. “You heard Sora call me ‘Axel.’ But I don’t think anyone brushed you up on the Organization. The original Organization. The one I was part of.”
“You were... on their side?”
“Yeah but they didn’t tell us the whole truth. They said we were collecting hearts to make a new Kingdom Hearts to become whole again. Because... we’d become Nobodies. Our hearts were torn from our bodies, leaving empty, emotionless husks behind. While I was with them I went by the name Axel. I met Sora and the others when I was Axel so that’s how they know me.”
Ventus listened with curious interest. “That’s a lot to get memorized,” he agreed. He reached out and clapped Lea’s arm. “But we’re still friends.”
Lea smiled and nodded. “Yeah.”
“Hey. Maybe this time you might win a fight between you and me!”
Lea laughed. “Ha! Not likely. You’re an old hand with a keyblade. I’m a newbie.”
“And I’m over ten years out of practice,” Ven reasoned.
There was a moment of silence before Lea smiled. “When this is all over, assuming we both survive, we’ll just have to see then, won’t we?” he asked. Ventus nodded with a smile.
“Definitely.” Ventus moved to head downstairs after Aqua.
“Hey Ven?” Lea said.
“Yeah?” Ven turned with raised eyebrows.
“I’m glad you’re back.”
“And I’m glad to see you again.” Ventus nodded.
Lea reached out, faltered, and let his hand fall to his side. “Me too.”
But Ven knew what Lea was too hesitant to do. He stepped forward and gave Lea a hug around the middle. Lea hugged him back, grateful that out of all the things he’d lost, the weird kid with the toy sword who’d become a fast friend for only a few moments in childhood was one that came back.
Ventus let him go after a moment. “See you tomorrow,” he said before jogging to catch up with Aqua.
“See you tomorrow,” Lea said quietly, more to himself than Ventus—who was out of earshot.
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cruelfeline · 6 years
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You see these precious children? These are my favorite, most beloved children. Let me tell you why.
It's because their desires, their goals, were so bleedingly simple. They didn't strive for the horizon, looking for adventure, trying to leave the familiar behind. Neither did they knowingly try to fight evil, dedicating their lives to maintaining the balance between Light and Dark.
That's not to say that the Destiny Trio and the Wayfinder Trio didn't have their share of hardships. Obviously, they did; the Wayfinders especially. BbS was utterly tragic; no one would say otherwise…
...but Aqua, Terra, and Ventus were at least training for some sort of conflict. They had some level of… I dunno… “consent” in how much danger they were willing to face. And Sora, Kairi, and Riku were ready to take off on a makeshift raft, looking for something new. They obviously didn't want to lose their home to Darkness, but they were ready for something big to happen.
Roxas, Xion, and Axel were just… trying to live. They were just trying to live as best as their shitty circumstances would allow. They weren't looking for adventure, or to become heroes, or to fight back against any sort of world-eating darkness. They weren't aiming for anything incredible.
For pity's sake, their loftiest goal was going to the beach together.
These poor kids were just trying to have normal lives. To be together and feel something good amidst all the horrors surrounding their existence.
There's just something so despondent about them, trying to keep themselves safe in the Organization, trying to meet up and have their ice cream and laugh together, all while their world falls apart into lies and mistrust and regret and agonizing loss.
They didn't want anything special; they just wanted to live and be happy together. And they couldn't even have that.
and now I'm crying over them again
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kayura-sanada · 5 years
Wait a minute there everyone! I want Naminé interact with Disney characters too! I really want her to meet Cinderella! They have so many similirities! DOES ANYONE THOGHT ABOUT THAT? TELL ME I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE, PLS ;-;
You are in fact not the only one, nonny, I promise! Part of my ideas for rewriting Kingdom Hearts has included altering re:Coded to be, not about Data-Sora and Data-Riku (who were cute but served little new purpose), but about Namine.
I wanted the story to center around Namine searching through Sora’s memories. Instead of having her give us an info dump at the end of a boring story, I wanted us to watch her travel through the worlds of these peoples’ minds. I wanted her to start traveling through Sora’s mind, to go through specifically the Coliseum (to meet Meg and see a woman who had joined with the baddie, only to choose a better path when she met Herc and saw how good he was) and Agrabah (to meet Iago and begin the thought process in him that would spiral into Aladdin 2).
I wanted Namine to find parts of Sora’s heart in Monstro, where she found how hurt and upset he was with Riku for taking Pinocchio; she could see Sora say that the puppet boy was real and didn’t deserve what Riku was doing, and it could have helped her feel that, to Sora, she was real, too. I wanted her to go to Neverland and see Sora chase Riku again, wanted her to come face to face with Kairi as she slept, and have her wonder if being real could mean that she could exist without Kairi somehow… then tell herself it didn’t matter, that she had to return to Kairi, anyway.
I wanted her to dive into Hollow Bastion and feel the call of another heart. I wanted her to follow that thread, thinking she might find herself or, perhaps, the Nobody that might lead her to finding Sora’s lost memories - only to find herself looking at the memories of a young man named Ventus. I wanted her to follow that thread through the Castle of Dreams, listening to Cinderella say that dreams can come true if you believe. I wanted her to see what happened in Enchanted Dominion, to see what Terra had gone through, and for Namine to reveal what we already knew - that Xehanort had in fact been the one to take Aurora’s heart.
I wanted her to go to Radiant Garden and see what happened to all three of the Wayfinder Trio. I wanted her to reach through the ‘hurt’ that Ven and Terra and Aqua went through, to let it lead her to the Keyblade Graveyard, where she would see what Xehanort’s plans had been and what had happened to the trio because of him. I wanted her to feel fear, and horror, and worry. I wanted her decision to save Sora become a Paramount Importance not just because Sora was her friend and she wanted to help him, but because she believed that Sora was both good enough and strong enough to help these other people and gather everyone together to stop Xehanort.
I wanted her to search along Sora’s path and return to Hollow Bastion, where she would feel the moment Sora lost his heart and would follow that to Roxas. I wanted her to see Roxas meet Axel - Axel, the guy she’d seen in Radiant Garden in Ven’s memories. I wanted her to watch as Roxas went to those worlds she knew from walking Sora’s path, until she felt as at home in Twilight Town as Roxas had. I want her to meet Xion in Roxas’ memories. I absolutely want her to watch Xion from the girl’s perspective as she struggled to become real. I want Namine to moon over her, to watch Xion laugh with her friends. I want Namine to reach out and try to touch Xion, only for her hand to pass through, because she was merely an observer of the past here and could not touch.
I wanted Namine to watch Xion meet her all over again. I wanted her to realize that the reason she’d felt all right in Twilight Town had been because a part of her had already walked here, as she did now. Or was she looking into the future now? I wanted her to get confused and muddled over the timey-wimeyness of it all, only to stop caring because she was able to see Xion’s journey, and her pain, and she was forced to watch Xion’s death. I want Namine to cry over it. I want her to fall to her knees and weep over Xion’s body as she fades away. I want her to shout out that she’s there, that she’s with her, only for Xion to not hear her. I want Namine to promise to do everything she could to bring Xion back. To make her real, because puppets were people, too. Sora had said so.
I wanted her to gather up all those memories, all those people, with tear tracks still on her cheeks. I wanted her to create a safe place in Sora’s heart for them all. Sora would take care of them. Sora would make them real. Sora would help them. She just needed to leave a message, and Sora would come. She knew he would.
I wanted her to leave that message in Jiminy’s Journal. Their hurting will be mended when you return to end it. I wanted her to lock a memory of herself away, standing as a guardian to those memories inside of Sora’s mind. I wanted her to look at that memory of hers, to stare into her own eyes, and make a quiet wish - a wish, or a dream, that could, if Cinderella had been right, maybe even come true. I want to be real, too. Then she leaves, ready to find Kairi and return to her - for now. Hoping - no, knowing - that Sora would find her message and save them all. Save everyone. Maybe even save her.
Jiminy’s Journal closes. Sora sleeps on in his stasis chamber. For now.
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